Country Church Yard. LOM ON. Printed for R. Dopvsury in Pall-mall ; And fold by M. Cooper in Pater-nofler-Row. 175%. L Price Siz-pence, | GRAY’S ELEGY. (See No. 1522.) 1524. GRAY (THOMAS). Elegy written in a Country Yard. Title vignette and 32 illustrations after Constable, Stothard, Cattermole, Charles and Thomas Landseer, Call- cott, Mulready, and others. LARGE PAPER. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London: John Van Voorst, 1836 1525. GRAY (THOMAS). ODpDES|by|Mr._ Gray. | (Quotations from Pindar in Greek, 2 lines) | Vignette (view of Strawberry-Hill) | .Printed at Strawberry-Hill, | For R. and J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall. | MDCCLVII. | (1757). 4to, erimson levant morocco, gilt top, OTHER EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT. * First EDITION AND THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT STRAW- BERRY-HILL. Extremely rare in uncut state. It contains the half-title, frequently missing. 1526. GRAY (THOMAS). Poems by Mr. Gray. Small 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled on back and sides, ornate gilt back, inside borders, gilt top, uNcuT, by Joly. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, 1768 * FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, very rare uncut. 1527. GRAY (THOMAS). The Poems of Mr. Gray. With Notes by Gilbert Wakefield. With 2 portraits and 12 other plates inserted. 8vo, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. London: Printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson’s Head. No. 46 Fleet-Street, 1786. 1528. GRAY (THOMAS). Poems by Mr. Gray. 4to, full red polished morocco, gilt tooled borders and ornaments on back and sides, inside borders, gilt top, other edges uncut, by Ramage. Parma: Printed by Bodoni, 1793 *Large paper. Only 100 copies printed. With four plates inserted. 1529. GRAY (THOMAS). Illustrations to Gray’s Poems, comprising 5 ORIGINAL WATER-CoLoR DRAWINGS BY RICHARD WESTALL, accompanied by the engravings made from them by W. Radclyffe, J. H. Robinson, George Corbould, R. Rhodes and W. Finden—also a portrat of Gray, proof on india paper, by Anker Smith after Burney. Small 4to, full dark green morocco, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside borders, gilt edges, by W. Matthews. 1530. GRAY (THOMAS). Works of Thomas Gray, Con- taining his Poems and Correspondence, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings. A New Edition, containing some Addi- tions, not before printed, with Notes of the various editors. 2 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt side borders, gilt over un- eut edges, by Holloway. London: Harding, ete., 1825 LARGE PAPER. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of fifty- five plates, including all the known portraits of Gray. Some of the plates are in three states. 253 1531. GRAY (THOMAS). The Works of Thomas Gray. 5) vols. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, un- eut, by Bedford. London: William Pickering, 1836-43 A LARGE AND THICK PAPER COPY, only twenty printed. 1532. [GRAY (THOMAS).] Diéreville. Rélation du Voyage du Port Royal de 1’Acadie ou de La Nouvelle France. n- graved frontispiece, title in red and black. 12mo, ealf gilt, gilt edges, by Clarke & Bedford. Amsterdam: Pierre Humbert, 1710 * THOMAS GRAY’S COPY, with his autograph on title, also on small slip at end of volume in his autograph ‘‘cost me o.0.9d.’’ 1533. GRAZZINI (ANTONIO FRANCESCO). Contes de Grazzini. Traduits de l’Italien par G. G. .. Avec deux grav- ures a l’eau-forte de Henry Besnmer. 2 vols. 16mo, half brown levant morocco, uncut, with the original covers, by Carayon. Paris: C. Marpon & E. Flammarion, 1885 *One of 150 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in 2 states, proofs in red and black. 1534. GREELEY (HORACE). The American Conflict: a History of the Great Rebellion in the United States, 1860-’64. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, by Matthews. Hartford, 1865-67 1535. GREELEY (HORACE). Recollections of a Busy Life. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. New York, 1868 1536. GREEN’S EMBLEMS. A Manuscript check-list of books on Emblems by Henry Green, author of ‘‘ Andrea Alciati and his Books of Emblems,’’ and ‘‘Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers.’’ Containing a list of several thousand books on the subject with their authors, dates and place of publication, from the earliest period. Over 300 pages. Oblong 12mo, limp roan. binding. ! * The volume forms a valuable bibliography of the subject. 1537. GREENE (ALEXANDER). The Polititian Cheated. A New Comedy. First Epirion. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1663 * This play was never acted. 1538. GREENE (JOHN). A Briefe Vnvailing of God and - Mans Glory. In which is, 1 A Briefe rehearsall of Happinesse in generall. 2 How this Happinesse is manifested by Iesus Christ. 3 The Soules Song of Love. By John Greene. Small Ato, blue levant morocco, uncut, by Riviére. London: Sold by Thomas Faucet, 1641 *A large copy of this rare poetical volume, apparently unknown to bibliographers; the pages are numbered 1-6 and 11-26, there being no signature B, but as the text is continuous from A4 to Cl, the omission and mispagination were probably errors on the part of the printer. 254 1539. GREENE (ROBERT). Menaphon Camilla’s Alarum to Slumbering Euphues, in his Melancholie Cell. at Silexedra. Wherein are deciphered the variable effects of Fortune, the wonders of Loue, the Triumphes of inconstant Time....a worke worthy the youngest eares for pleasure, or the gravest censures for principles. First Eprrion. Black letter. Small 4to, green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. (Top of title skilfully mended and wanting the prefatory address, by Nash). London: Printed by T. O. for Sampson Clarke, 1589 * An interesting volume, intermingled with an unusual num- ber of Greene’s poetical pieces, some of them of considerable merit and length. The work is so rare that Mr. Huth referred to the Bindley copy as the only perfect one known. The 1616 issue only is described in the Grolier Club Catalogue, and Corser had the 1610 edition. This 1589 edition contains a poem pre- fixed by Thomas Brabine, not found in any other edition. 1540. GREENE (ROBERT). Greene’s Arcadia; or Mena- phon: Camillaes Alarum to slumber Evphves in his Melan- choly Cell at Silexedra. Wherein are descyphered, the variable effects of Fortvne, the wonders of Love, the Triumphs of inconstant Time. Black letter. Small 4to, green levant morocco, gilt centre ornaments on sides, wide gilt edges and dentelle borders. London: Printed by W. Stansby for I. Smethwicke, 1616 * Presumably the sixth edition. 1541. GREENE (ROBERT). The Honorable Historie of Frier Bacon, and Frier Bongay. As it was lately plaid by the Prince Palatine his Seruants. Third Edition. Woodcut on title. Small 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford (two words of text erased on last page). London: Printed by Elizabeth Allde, 1630 1542. [GREENE (ROBERT ).] The Pinder of Wakefield: Being the merry History of George a Greene the lusty Pinder of the North. Briefly shewing his manhood and his braue merriments amongst his boone Companions. A Pill fit to purge melancholy in this drooping age. Read, then judge. With the great Battel fought betwixt him and Robin Hood, Searlet and little Iohn, and after of his liuing with them in the Woods. Full of pretty Histories, Songs, Catches, Iests, and Ridles. Second Edition. Small 4to, calf gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed by G. P. for E. Blackamoore 1632 * This piece has been attributed to John Heywood and to Robert Greene. There are only three copies known: one in the British Museum, one slightly imperfect, and the present copy, which is perfect. 1543. GREENE (ROBERT). Evphves his censvre to Philavtvs, Wherein is presented a Philosophical combat. be- tweene Hector and Achilles, discovering in foure discourses, interlaced with divers delightfull Tragedies, The vertues necessary to be incident in every gentleman: had in question 250 at the siege of Troy betwixt sundrie Grecian and Trojam Lords: especially debated to discover the perfection of a Souldier. Containing mirth to purg melancholly, wholsome precepts to profit manners, neither unsavoury to youth for delight, nor offensive to age for scurrility. Second Edition. Small 4to, green morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by C. Murton. London: Printed by Eliz. All-de, 1634 1544. GREENE (ROBERT). The Pleasant Historie of Dorastus and Fawnia. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by F’. Bedford. London: Printed for Francis Faulkner, 1636 * Originally issued in 1588 as ‘‘Pandosto,’’ and the tale on which it is supposed Shakespeare founded his ‘‘ Winter’s Tale.’” The A. W. Griswold copy with arms on his sides. 1545. GREGORIUS MAGNUS. Le dialogue Monsr. Sainct gregoire: translaté de latin en francois. Lettres batardes. Woodcut on the verso of title. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt arms on the sides suspended to a tree, monogram on the panels on the back; doublure of red morocco with gilt borders, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet-Trautz, in morocco slip ease. Imprimé a Paris pour Anthoyne Verard, 1509. * PRINTED ON VELLUM, EXTREMELY RARE IN THIS STATE. 1546. GRESSET (JEAN B. L.). Céuvres. Portrait by St. Aubin (proof before artist’s name). 2 vols. 8vo, red straight-grained morocco, gilt backs and side borders, gilt over uncut edges. Paris, 1811 * Large Holland paper copy, with ‘‘Le Parrain Magnifique,’” 1810, bound at the end of volume II ExtTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a portrait of Gresset engraved by Roger after Nattier, a portrait of Sir William Temple, and seventeen other plates, after Moreau, &c., some proofs before letters on India paper. 1547. GREVIN (JACQUES). L’Olimpe ensemble les autres Euvres poétiques. Paris, Robert Estienne, 1560.—Le Théatre, ensemble la seconde partie de L’Olimpe et de la Gelodacrye. Woodcut portrait of the author, when 23 years old. Paris: V. Sertenas et G. Barbé, 1562. In one volume 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, doublure of blue morocco, with gilt tooled borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1560-62. * Presentation copy from G. Guizot, with autograph inserip- tion to Gustave de Villeneuve. 1548. GRIMM (JAKOB Et WILHELM). Contes Choisis, traduites de'l’allemand par Frédéric Baudry, allustrés 40 vignettes par Bertall. 12mo, brown straight-grain morocco, with the monogram KE. B. in the panels and side corners, gilt edges. Paris, 1855 1549. GRISONI (FEDERICO). L’Escuirie du 8. Federic Grison, Gentilhomme Napolitain. Woodcut on title-page and 58 woodcuts in the text. 4to, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt tooled back, gilt inside dentelle tooled borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Paris: Adrian Perier, 1615 256 1550. GROLIER. Bessarion (Johannes). Bessarionis eardinalis niceni, & Patriarche Constantinopolitani in ealumniatorem Platonis libri quatuor, ete. Illwminated in- itials. Folio. Venetiis: in edibus Aldi et Andrez soceri, 1516 * Contemporary Italian binding in brown levant morocco, the sides covered by a beautiful arabesque design painted black, red and light gray, outlined with gold; on the centre of the front cover the title of the work, and below it the name ‘‘To GROLIERII ET AMICORVM,” and in the centre of the back cover Grolier’s motto, ‘‘ PORTIO MEA DOMINE SIT IN TERRA VIVENTIVM,” gilt back, gilt edges. In fine condition. Preserved in a levant morocco slip case. A magnificent specimen, from the libraries of Joseph Tech- ener, Leon Techener and Baron Seilliére. Le Roux de Lincy. no. 38. See also lots 280, 328 and 371. 1551. GROLIER. Gafurius (Franchinus). De Harmonia musicorum instrumentorum opus. Woodcut on title and at the end, numerous woodcut diagrams, several of which are full page, with «ylographic inscriptions, and printer's mark. Small folio, full red crushed levant morocco, the sides richly tooled and gilt in dentelle panels and borders, gilt back, doublure of same colored morocco, gilt edges, by The ‘Club Bindery. Mediolani: per Gotardum Pontanum, 1518 * The book is dedicated to Grolier, then treasurer of the duke- dom of Milan for the King of France, and has his arms on the verso of the last preliminary leaf. W.H Crawford’s copy, since rebound and with his bookplate inserted. 1552. GROSE (FRANCIS). Principes de Caricatures, suivis d’un Essai sur la Peinture Comique. Traduits en francais, avec des augmentations. Large 8vo, blue straight- grain morocco, richly gilt-tooled back and sides; doub- lures of pink watered silk with end papers to match, gilt edges, by Bozerian, in morocco case. Paris: An X. [1802] * PRINTED ON VELLUM. THE ONLY COPY SO ISSUED. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a portrait and 28 plates, several folding, engraved by Grohman after Berggold, Grose, Newton and Woodward. 1553. GROSIUS (HENNENG). Magica de Spectris et Apparitionibus Spirituum, de Vaticiniis, Divinationibus, ete. Hngraved title. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chatelin. Lugd. Batavorum: Franciscus Hackius, 1656 1554. GROTIUS (HUGO). De Veritate Religionis Christiane. 12mo, red straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Simier, name on title and a small worm-hole. Amstelodami: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1662 * FIRST ELZEVIR EDITION. 257 1555. GROTIUS HUGO. Hugo Grotius his Sophom- paneas, or Ioseph. A tragedy. With Annotations |by Francis Goldsmith]. First EDITION. 2 portraits engraved by Cross (brilliant impressions). Small 8vo, brown levant Ae extra, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed by W. H. [1652] 1556. GRUEL (LEON). Manuel historique et bibliogra- phique de l’Amateur de Reliures. Tilustrated with one hundred and twenty-six plates, including etchings by Jacque- mart and colored reproductions, also many hundred wood- cuts. Royal 4to, brown levant morocco, blind-tooled back and side panels, wide dentelle borders, tapestry linings, gilt top, uncut, by David. Paris, 1887 *One of 50 copies on Japan paper. 1557. GRYNZUS (SIMON). Novus Orbis Regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cos- mographica et aliquot aliis consimilis argumenti libellis. WITH THE RARE FOLDED MAP OF THE WORLD SHOW- ING AMERICA and Terra Australis by Orontius Fineus. Folio, red levant morocco, gilt panels on sides, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by Petit (leaf of imprint in facsimile). Parisiis: apud Antonium Augellerum, impressis Joannis Parvi et Galeoti a Prato, Anno 1532. * This work was really compiled by Johann Huttich, while Simon Grynaeus, under whose name the book was circulated, only wrote the preface. 1558. GUALDO-PRIORATO (GELEAZZO). Histoire du Ministére du Cardinal Jules Mazarin, ete. Hngraved title by Hooghe. 3 vols. 12mo, full red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Capé. Amsterdam: Henry et Théodore Boom, 1671 * Annex to the Elzeviers., 1559. GUARINI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA). Il Pastor Fido, tragi-commedia pastorale. 2 vols. 8vo, blue straight- grained morocco, blind tooled borders on the sides, gilt and blind tooled back and inside borders, in the manner of Roger Payne, silk linings, gilt edges. Parigi: F. A. Didot, 1782 * ONE OF TWO COPIES, PRINTED ON VELLUM. Frontispiece engraved by Roger, after Prudhon, inserted. 1560. GUERIN (EUGENIE DE). Journal et Lettres, publiés avec l’assentiment de sa famille, par G. 8. Trebutien. First EDITION, ON HOLLAND PAPER. Frontispiece. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt inner borders, gilt edges, by Petit, 1862. 208 1561. GUERIN (EUGENIE DE). Lettres, publiées avec Vassentiment de sa famille par G. S. Trebutien. 8vo, dark blue straight-grained morocco, gilt back with monogram ‘“K. B.’’ on sides, gilt over uncut edges. Paris: Didier et Cie., 1865. *Two autograph letters are inserted, one from the author to her brother Maurice, and one from the editor, G. S. Trebutien, 1562. GUEVARA (ANTHONY). A Chronicle conteyn- ing the lives of tenne Emperours of Rome, wherein are dicouered, their beginnings, proceedings, and endings, worthie to be read, marked and remembred, ete. Trans- lated out of Spanish into English by Edward Hellowes. Small 4to, polished ealf gilt, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. London: Imprinted for Ralph Newberrie, 1577 * The Fountaine Walker copy. 1563. GUIDON (LE) des Capitaines utile et nécessaire a toutes personnes, et principalement a ceux qui suivent Vart militaire. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Hardy-Mennil. Rouen: ches Claude le Villain, 1617 1564 GUIGNOL. Theatre Lyonnais de Guignol, Publié pour la premiere fois, avec une Intoduction and des Notes. Fingraved title and 20 vignettes by J. M. Fugere. 2 vols. (both series complete), half levant morocco, gilt tops, by Cuzin. Lyon: N. Scheuring, 1865-1870 * A French puppet-show, the equivalent of the English Punch and Judy, developed from the Italian ‘‘ pupazzi” by Laurent Mourgnet, who in 1795 established a theatre for the Guignol in Lyons. The name is said to have been derived from Guignol or Chignol, a silk-weaver of Lyons, where, as also in Paris, the performance is one of the most popular street shows. 1565. GUILPIN (EDWARD). _ Skialetheia. Or, A shadowe of Truth, in certaine Epigrams and Satyres. At London: Printed J. R. for Nicholas Ling, and are to bee solde at the little West doore of Poules, 1598. 16mo, red levant morocco gilt, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. [The Beldornie Press, 1843] * One of only sixteen copies printed. With J. Payne Collier’s. autograph on the title, and his autograph corrections and colla- tions with the original, 1566. GUYOT (CLAUDE). Les Chansons pour danser et pour boire. Title within a woodcut border and music noted on five lines. 8vo, rose levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, central wreath, gilt edges. Paris: R. Bollard, 1654 * Autograph signature of ‘‘ ANATOLE DE MANTAIGLON (donné par jannet) ” on the inside of the front cover. 1567. GYLLIUS (P.). De Constantinopoleos topographia lib, IV. Engraved title. 24mo, old ealf, gilt. Lugduni Batavorum: ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632 259 ~ 1568. FL ABERT (FRANCOIS). Le Temple de Chasteté, avec plusieurs épigrammes. 8vo, red levant moroceo gilt, doublure of blue levant with gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet (lower margin of 4 leaves skilfully supplied). Paris: Michel Fezandot, 1549 1569. HABERT (PIERRE). Le Miroir de vertu et chemin de bien vivre, contenant plusieurs belles histoires & sentences. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. aris: pour Claude Micard, 1575 * A RARE EDITION of this work written for the use of young people. 1570. HABINGTON (WILLIAM). Castara. The first {and second] part[s complete]. First EDITION. Printer’s ornament on both titles. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt back and edges, by David. London: Printed by Anne Griffin, 1634 * A fine copy of this rare book. The poems were written in honor of Lucy Herbert, daughter of the Earl of Powis, whom Habington called ‘ Castara,” and whom he eventually married, 1571. HABINGTON (WILLIAM). The Queene of Arra- gon. A Tragi-Comedie. First EDITION. Small folio, mottled ealf, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1640 1572. HADEN (SIR F. SEYMOUR. English Hicher and Surgeon). Autograph Letter Signed, 4 pp. 12mo. March 8 [no year]. * To Robert Hoe, on the publication of an answer to articles © in the American press. 1573. HAADUS (PETRUS). De Miseria humana libri quinque. Copper engraving of Fame on title. Small 4to, brown straight-grain morocco gilt, with the arms of Sir Mark M. Sykes stamped in gold on the centre of both covers, gilt edges, by C. Lewis (blank leaf A4 missing). [ Venetiis] In Academia Veneta, 1558 1574. HAFIZ. The Poems of Shemseddin Mohammed Hafiz of Shiraz. Translated into English Verse, with a Biographical and Critical Introduction by John Payne. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London: Villon Society, 1901 * LARGE PAPER. No. 1 of the limited edited for private circulation. 1575. HAKE (EDWARD). Davids Sling against great Goliah; Conteining diuers notable Treatises, the names whereof folow next after the Epistle to the Reader: by EK. H. Title and each page printed within ornamental bor- ders. 12mo, citron levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by David. Printed by Henrie Denham. [Colophon] 1589 Printed at London for the assignes of W. Seres. * A fine copy of this rare book by the satirist Mayor of Windsor. It does not appear in the Huth library catalogue nor is it mentioned by Lowndes. 260 NINTH SESSION. 1576. HAKLVYT (RICHARD). The Principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, Traffiqves and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or ouerland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earh, at any time within the com- passe of these 1600 yeres: Diuided into three seuerall Vol- umes, according to the positions of the Regions, whereunto they were directed. 3 vels. in 2, folio; green levant morocco backs elaborately tooled fileted sides with corner ornaments, doublure of vellum, and vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, by Riviére. Imprinted at London by George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker. Anno 1599-1600. * A LARGE, CLEAN, AND EXCEEDINGLY FINE cCoPy, from the Brayton Ives collection. With the original ‘‘ Voyage to Cadiz’’ (Vol. I. pp. 607-619) which is either lacking in many copies, having been suppressed by order of Queen Elizabeth after the disgrace of the Earl of Essex, or else appears in a reprint. The original ‘‘Voyage’’ contains eight paragraphs on page 607, and ends at page 619 with a woodeut. In Vol. I. pp. 187-208 is a curious poetical treatise entitled ‘“The processe of the Libel of English policie, exhorting all England to keepe the sea,’’ which is not in the first edition. In Vol. III. (II. as here bound) is a genuine, original im- pression of the first state, in perfect condition, of the rare map or ‘*‘ Hydrographical Description,’’ the work of Edward Wright, author of ‘‘Errors in Navigation,’’ assisted by Hakluyt, and probably by John Davis, the explorer, and probably engraved by Molyneux. Molyneux engraved a map which was too late for the first edition, and appears in the second, but unsigned. Hakluyt substituted a map for the first edition until Moly- neux’s should be finished, consequently the two are not similar. Hallam says in his ‘‘Introduction to the Literature of Europe,’’ this is the best map of the xvith century. It repre- sents the utmost limit of geographical knowledge at the close ‘ of that century, and far excels the maps in the edition of Ortelius in 1588. It has also a Shakesperian interest as the ““New Map’’ is referred to in ‘‘ Twelfth Night,’’ Act. III. se. 2 as follows, ‘‘He does smile his face into more lines than is in the new map with the augmentation of the Indies.’’? (Feb. 1601-2, Hall of the Middle Temple.) 1577. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). Virginia richly valued, By the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour: Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and dis- eouerie, for aboue one thousand miles East and West, of Don Ferdinando de Soto, and sixe hundred able men in his com- panie. Wherein are truly obserued the riches and fertilitie of those parts, abounding with things necessarie, pleasant, and profitable for the life of man: with the natures and dis- positions of the Inhabitants. Written by a Portugall gentle- man of Eluas, [Ferdinand de Soto] emploied in all the action, and translated out of Portugese by Richard Haklvyt. Small Ato, red levant morocco, gilt panels, doublure of green levant 261 morocco, gilt edges, in morocco case, by F. Bedford (inner margin of title skilfully repaired). At London: Printed by Felix Kyngston for Matthew Lownes, 1609. * First Edition. Exceedingly rare. 1578. HALBERSTADT FOUNTAIN. A _ fvll Relation concerning The Wonderfull and wholsome Fountain. At first ‘Discovered in Germany, two miles from the City of Halber- stadt, by a certaine Youth upon the fifth of March 1646. as he was comming from Schoole. And now dispersed into fifteen severall Springs. With a specification of those persons, which through Gods assistance and blessing, were Cured by use of these Waters. A List of the Diseases, how long the Diseased had them, with the place of their birth and abode. Small 4to, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top and fore edge, bottom edge uncut, by Riviére. London: Printed by T. W. Joshua Kirton, 1646 1579. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Les Petites Cardinal... Douze vignettes par Henry Margrot. 12mo, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, uncut, with the original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1880 * FIRST EDITION. One of 50 copies on Holland paper. 1580. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). L’ Abbé Constantin. 12mo, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, uncut, with the original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1882 * FIRST EDITION. One of 50 copies on Holland paper. 1581. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Criquette. 12mo, three- quarter green crushed levant morocco, uncut, with the original covers bouud in, by Champs. Paris, 1883 * FIRST EDITION. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 1582. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Trois Coups de Foudre. Dia dessins de Kauffmann, gravés par T. de Mare. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt over uncut edges, with the original covers, by Joly. Paris, 1886 * One of 150 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. The half-title contains an original water-color drawing by P. Kauffmann. 1583. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Princesse; Un Grand Mar- iage; Les Trois Coups de Foudre; Mon Camarade Mussard. 12mo, three-quarter green levant morocco, uncut, with the original covers bound in, by Champs, Paris, 1887 * FIRST EDITION. One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 1584. HALEVY (LUDOVIC). Karikari. Aquarelles daprés Henriot. 16mo, half green morocco, uncut, with the original covers, dated 1887, by Champs. Paris, 1888 | * Japan paper copy of an edition not for sale. The illustra- tions are in duplicate, plain and colored, and the artist has added to this copy four original water-color drawings. It is also a presentation copy from the publisher. 262 ; ie a. 1585. HALIFAX (CHARLES MONTAGUE, EARL OF). Poems on Several Occasions and Memoirs of the Life of Halifax. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, bound in calf (cracked), gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed [for E. Curll,] 1715 1586. HALIFAX (CHARLES MONTAGUE, EARL OF). The Works and Life Of the Right Honourable Charles, late Earl of Halifax. Including the History of his Lordship’s Times. Portrait by Van der Gucht. 8vo, full calf. London: Printed for E. Curll, 1725 1587. HALL (JOHN—Translator). A most excellent and learned vvorke of Chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lan- franci, Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe... A Table as wel of the names of diseases and simples with their vertues as also of all other termes of the arte opened, ete. FIRST EDI- TION. Printed in black letter, with woodcuts, 2 on 1 sheet, amserted. Small 4to, green levant morocco, side panels, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe, 1565 * Of Shakespearian interest. Hall married Susanna, Shake- speare’s eldest daughter, and with her acted as his executor. 1588. [HALL (JOSEPH).] Virgidemiarvm Sixe Bookes. London: Iohn Harison, for Robert Dexter, 1602: (also in the same volume) Certaine Worthye Manvscript Poems of great Antiquitie Reserued long in the Studie of a Northfolke Gentleman. And now first published By J. 8. Imprinted at London for R. D., 1597. Square 16mo, orig- inal limp vellum, with vellum ties, in morocco solander case. London: For Robert Dexter, 1602 1589. HALL (JOSEPH). Characters Of Vertves And Vices: In two Bookes. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Eleazar Edgar and Samuel Macham, Anno 1608. 1590. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS (JAMES ORCHARD— Editor). The Jokes of the Cambridge Coffee-houses in the seventeenth century. 12mo, red morocco, gilt top, by Alfred Matthews. Cambridge, 1841 * J, Payne Collier’s copy, with his autograph on the title-page. 1591. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS (JAMES O.). The Life of William Shakespeare. Including many particulars never before published. First EpIT1on. Illustrated. 8Vvo, cloth, uncut. London, 1848 1592. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS anp HALPIN. Ilustra- tions of the Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare. By J. O. Halliwell. And Oberon’s Vision, illustrated by a compari- son with Lylie’s ‘‘ Endymion.” By N. J. Halpin. 8vo, cloth. London: New Shakespeare Society, 1853 263 1593. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS (JAMES ORCHARD— Editor). The Nursery Rhymes of England. Collected chiefly from oral tradition. Frontispiece and woodcuts. 12mo, half morocco. London [cu. 1860] 1594. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Isles of Loch Awe and Other Poems. TJllustrated. 12mo, cloth. London, 1859 1595. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). A Painter’s Camp, in England, Scotland, France. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 1596. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Etching and Etchers. Thirty-five etchings (some original) after Sey- mour Haden, Cope, Redgrave, Rembrandt, Daubigny, Jacquemart, ete. Imp. 8vo, brown levant morocco, the back panels, side border, and centre ornament of a Grolier pattern inlaid with red morocco, gilt over un- trimmed edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1868 * FIRST EDITION, and one of the few copies left uncut. 1597. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Contempo- rary French Painters. An Essay. FIRST EDITION. JTilus- trated. Ato, cloth (some pp. loose). London, 1868 1598. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Unknown River. First Epition. Illustrated by the author (plates on India paper). Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1871 1599. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Chapters on Animals. First EDITION. With 20 etchings by J. Vey- rassat and Karl Bodmer. 4to, original cloth, uncut. London, 1874 1600. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Etcher’s Handbook. Giving an Account of the Old Processes, and of Processes recently discovered. SECOND EpITIoNn. J/lus- trated by the Author. 12mo, cloth. London, 1875 1601. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Sylvan Year. Leaves from the note-book of Raoul Dubois. FIRST EDITION. With 20 etchings by the author and other artists. 4to, original cloth, uncut (label removed from cover). London, 1876 1602. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Round my House. Notes of Rural Life in France in Peace and War. FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1876 1603. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Modern French- men. Five Biographies. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1878 1604. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Life of J. M. W. Turner. First EDITION. TJllustrated. Post 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1879 264 1605. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Etching & Etchers. Third Edition. Numerous facsimiles. 4Ato, half green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Allo. London, 1880 1606. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Graphic Arts: a Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting, and Engraving in comparison with each other and with nature. FIRST EDITION. Large Paper copy. Numerous illustrations. Folio, vellum boards, uneut. London, 1882 1607. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Drawing and Engraving. First EpITion. Illustrated. Small 4to, buck- ram, gilt top, uncut. _ Edinburgh, 1892 1608. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Intel- lectual Life. With a portrait of Leonardo da. Vinci. 12mo, cloth. London, 1882 1609. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Human In- tercourse. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. London, 1885 1610. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Oservations on Certain Documents contained in No. V & VI. of ‘*‘ The History of the United States for the year 1796”’ in which the Charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury is fully refuted. Written by himself. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt back and top, other edges entirely uncut, by Rousselle. i Philadelphia, 1797 * Very scarce, particularly in uncut state. Most of the edition was destroyed by Hamilton's friends. 1611. HAMILTON (ANTHONY). Histoire de Fleur d’Epine. Les Quatre Facardins. Le Belier. 3 vols. 12mo, orange levant morocco, monogram surrounded by a crown in the back panels and side corners, gilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. Paris, 1730 * All First Editions. Fine copies. 1612. HAMILTON (ANTHONY). Mémoires de la Vie du Comte de Grammont; contenant particuliérement |’ His- toire Amoureuse de la Cour d’Angleterre, sous le Regne de Charles II. 12mo, orange levant morocco, monogram sur- rounded by a crown in the back panels and side corners, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Cologne, 1713 * A fine copy of the rare First Edition. 1613. HAMILTON (ANTHONY). Memoirs of Count Grammont. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. With a portrait of the author and thirty-three etchings by L. Boisson on India paper from original compositions. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, blue levant morocco, three-line border on sides, panelled backs, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London, 1889 *UNIQUE copy. ‘‘ Note.—Only one copy printed on this special handmade paper. John C. Nimmo, Publisher.”’ The plates are in six states. 265 1614. HAMILTON (ANTHONY). Nineteen ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY COC. DELORT, illustrating Hamilton’s ‘‘ Mé- moires de la vie du comte de Grammont,’’ London, 1889. Large folio, blue levant morocco, panelled sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. [1889] * An exquisite series of original drawings, each signed, mounted within sunken mats, with gold borders, 1615. HAMILTON (EMMA, LADY). Memoirs of Lady Hamilton; with Illustrative Anecdotes of Horatio, Lord Viscount Nelson, and many other of her friends and con- temporaries. Portrait of Lady Hamilton by Meyer after Romney. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Henry Colburn, 1835 1616. HAMILTON (WILLIAM). Poems on Several Oc- easions. Portrait. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Edinburgh: W. Gordon, 1760 * Large copy, with fine impression of the portrait. 1617. HAMOR (RALPH). A Trve Discovrse of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of Iune. 1614. Together with a relation of the seuerall English Townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The Christening of Powhattans daughter and her marriage with an English-man. Written by Raphe Hamor the yonger, late Secretarie in that Colony. Small 4to, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. Printed at London by Iohn Beale for William Welby dwelling at the signe of the Swanne in Pauls Church-yard. 1615: * THE FIRST EDITION. Second issue. 1618. HANCOCK (JOHN). An Oration; delivered March 5, 1774, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston: to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the fifth of March 1770. By The Honorable John Hancock, Esq. 4to, brown morocco. Boston, 1774 * Inserted are three portraits of Hancock, an engraving of the Massacre in King Street (old impression, cut close), and a manuscript document dated October 19, 1770, and signed by Joseph Jackson, John Hancock, Samuel Pemberton, and Jonathan Mason, Selectmen of Boston. 1619. HANNAY (PATRICK). The Nightingale, Shere- tine, and Mariana, A Happy Husband, Elegies on the Death of Queen Anne, Songs and Sonnets. Hngraved title in compartments, containing the author’s portrait by Crispin de Passe, including two bars of music. 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, large ornamental scroll panels on sides, doublure of figured silk, gilt edges, by Cobden Sanderson, the binding signed by him ‘18 C.S. 93.”? and with an 266 r ingle ¢ es ify i autograph note on blank leaf reading, ‘‘ The Nightingale. Bound by me at Hampstead, 1893, T. J. Cobden Sander- son.’’? In morocco case, by the same binder. London: Nathaniel Butler, 1622 * The above contains the last two blank leaves of signature R (lacking in the Huth copy), but wants the two leaves of music inserted in some copies. In describing the Lefferts copy Mr. Quaritch said: ‘‘ One of the rarest poetical volumes of the Jacobean period, of which but five are perfect. These are the Bodleian, the British Museum copy, Mr. Huth’s, Mr. Christie-Miller’s and one which I had some years ago, and which is now in America.” 1620. HANNAY’ (PATRICK). Songs and Sonnets. By Patricke Hannay, Gent. 16mo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. London: Printed by John Haviland for Nathaniel Butter, 1622. [Reprinted at the Beldornie Press, 1841. ] * One of fifteen copies printed. 1621. HANSARD (THOMAS CURSON). Typographia: an historical sketch of the origin and progress of the Art of Printing. Portraits and numerous other allustrations. Royal 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1825 1622. HANSARD (THOMAS CURSON). Treatises on Printing and Type-Founding. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1841 1623. HARLEY PAMPHLETS. (I.) A Dialogue between Louis le Petite |Erasmus Lewis] and Harlequin le Grand. [Harley] Containing, Many S——e Riddles, C t In- trigues, Welch Witticisms, pedagogue Puns, &e. [n. d.]| (II.) A Short History of the Parliament. . . . [By Robert Walpole] London: (III.) Neck or Nothing: With the True Character or Secret History of the Present Ministry. Written by [John Dunton] London, 1713. (IV.) Queen Robin; or, the Second Part of Neck or Nothing. [by John Dunton] London; [n. d.] (V.) The Pudding Plot detected ; in a Letter to Mr. J—n D—t—n. 8vo, five works in one volume, half red polished morocco, uncut. London: Printed by James Bettenhan, 1718 * «Neck or Nothing” is a violent attack on Harley and Bolingbroke by John Dunton, who got himself into trouble for writing it, and was some time in hiding. From the Grant library, with bookplate and three pages of autograph notes by him. 1624. HARLEY (WILLIAM). The Harleian Dairy Sys- tem; and an account of the various methods of Dairy Hus- bandry pursued by the Dutch, ete. Portrait and plates, 2colored. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1829 267 1625. HARMAN (THOMAS). Greevii, accedunt note ineditze J. Scaligeri et F. Guieti- Old French blue straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on the sides, with the arms of CHARLES STUART DE ROTHESAY on the centre of both covers, gilt tooled back, gilt edges, by Simier. 8vo. Amstelodami: apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1667 HESIOD. See under Chapman. 276 1680. HESTEAU (CLOVIS). Les QCéuvres poétiques. Ruled throughout with red ink. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt centre ornaments on the sides, gilt inside dentelle bor- ders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. The E. M. Bancel copy. Paris: pour Abel l’Angelier, 1578 1681. [HEWLETT (JOSEPH THOMAS JAMES).] Peter Priggins, the College Scout. Edited by Theodore Hook. First EDITION. With 12 itlustrations by ‘ Phiz.’’ 3 vols. 12mo, blue figured silk, uncut edges. London, 1841 1682. HEYRICK (THOMAS). Miscellany Poems. First EDITION. 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Cambridge, 1691 1683. HEYWOOD (JOHN). The Spider and the Flie. A parable of the Spider and the Flie, made by John Hey- wood. Printedin Black Letter, with portrait and woodcuts, which are duplicated a number of tumes throughout the text, although a close inspection will show that many, while ap- parently alike, really present some slight variations. They are numbered consecutively 1-98. 4to, olive levant mo- rocco, tooled doublure, gilt edges, in brown morocco ease, by Joly. Imprinted at London in Flete Strete by Tho. Povvell, Anno. 1556. * FIRST EDITION, An exceptionally large and fine copy, measuring 5 5/8x8 13/16 inches. A manuscript note by Mr. Hoe calls attention to the fact that the leaves are unwashed and in beautiful condition. A very small portion of the blank margin of one leaf seems defective, but this is an original de- fect in the sheet, which isuncut. This work is of an allegorical character, and was intended by the author to defend the posi- tion of the Catholic party in the reign of Queen Mary. The author states in the Conclusion that the Flies were intended to represent the Catholics, and the Spiders the Protestants. 1684. [HEYWOOD (THOMAS).] If you knovv not me, You know no bodie: Or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth. Large woodcut on title representing Queen Hlizabeth en- throned. Small 4to, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford. (Lower portion of title cut, 10 letters and date supplied in facsimile, and several corners also supplied. Not returnable.) At London: Printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1605 * FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST PART. The woodcut on the title was used in 1595 to portray ‘‘an upstart gentlewoman ” in Gosson’s tract called ‘* Pleasant Quippes.” 277 1685. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Second Part of, If you know not me, you know no bodie. VVith the building of the Royall Exchange, and the famous Victorie of Queene Elizabeth in the Yeare 1588. Ornaments on title. Small 4to, red levant morocco, doublure of same, by The Club Bindery (portions of some pp. repaired). At London: Printed for Nath. Butter, 1606 * First edition of the second part. Probably the copy (the only one) recorded in the Auction Prices of Books. 1686. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Fayre Mayde of the Exchange: with The pleasaunt Humours of the Cripple of Fanchurch. Very delectable, and full of mirth. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford. (AI-2 slightly shorter than rest of book and several pp. cut into, otherwise good copy, but not re- turnable. ) London: Printed for Henry Rockit, 1607 1687. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Golden Age. Or The liues of Jupiter and Saturne, with the defining of the Heathen Gods. As it hath beene sundry times acted at the Red Bull, by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants. FIRST EDITION. Woodcuton title. Small 4to, calf, gilt back and edges, by Pratt. (Title and several leaves repaired, and final leaf inserted from a rather shorter copy. Sold with all faults.) London: Printed for William Barrenger, 1611 1688. HEYWOOD (THOMAS).. A Funerall Elegie vpon the death of the late most hopefull and illustrious Prince Henry, Prince of Wales. Reverse of the first two leaves and the last leaf printed in black. Small 4to, dark brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for William Welbie, 1613 1689. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The First and Second Parts of King Edward the Fourth. Containing His merie pastime with the Tanner of Tamworth, as also his loue to faire Mistrisse Shore, her great promotion, fall and miserie ... the besieging of London, by the Bastard Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same. ... As it hath diuers times beene publikely played by the Right Honourable the Earle of Derbie his seruants. 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1613 * Almost beyond doubt this is the play licensed to John Oxenbridge and John Busby August 28, 1599, under the title, ‘““The History of the Life and Death of Master Shore and Jane Shore his wife, as it was lately acted by the Earle of Derbie his servants.” 278 1690. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). Tunaikeion: or, Nine Bookes of Various History. Concerninge Women; In- seribed by y names of 5, Nine Muses. Written by Thom: Heywoode. THE RARE FIRST EDITION. Engraved title in compartments, containing figures of Apollo and the Muses. Small folio, brown levant morocco, side panels, gilt edges, by David (fore-edge of title skilfully extended). . London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1624 1691. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Fair Maid of the West. Or A Girle worth gold. The first (and second) part. As it was lately acted before the King and Queen, with approved liking. By the Queens Majesties Comedians. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, polished ecalf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. (Inner margin of first title supplied, head line of one leaf cut into and lacks one leaf, A3.) . London: Printed for Richard Royston, 1631 1692. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). A Pleasant Comedy, called a Mayden-head well lost. As it hath beene pub- lickly Acted at the Cocke-pit in Drury lane, with much Applause: By her Maiesties Seruants. FIRST EDITION. Large and curious woodcut on title, which is repeated on H 3 recto. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by David. Lacks Al (blank). ‘London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1634 16938. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Hierarchie of the blessed Angells. Their Names, orders and Offices. The fall of Lucifer with his Angells. 10 engravings by Cecil, Payne, Marshall, Droeshout, etc. Folio, maroon levant morocco, back and sides blind-tooled in panels, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. London, 1635 * The only edition with engravings. It contains the celebra- ted reference to Shakespeare and his contemporaries so often quoted (Book IV. p. 206), -‘ Mellifluous Shake-speare, whose inchanting Quill Commanded Mirth or Passion, was but Will.” 1694. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). Loves Maistresse: or, The Queens Masque. Asit was three times presented be- fore their two Excellent Maiesties, within the space of eight dayes. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, red levant mo- rocco, doublures of the same, gilt dentelle borders, uncut, by Fhe Club Bindery. London: Printed by Robert Raworth, for Iohn Croweh, 1636. | * Very rare, in uncut condition. 1695. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Royall King, and The Loyall Subject. As it hath beene Acted with great Applause by the Queenes Maiesties Servants. FIRST EDI- TION. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by David. London: Printed by Nich. and John Okes for James Becket, 1637. 1696. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Rape of Lvcrece. A true Roman Tragedy. With the severall Songs in their apt places, by Valerius the merry Lord among the Roman Peeres. The copy revised, and sundry Songs before omitted, now inserted in their right places. Acted by Her Majesties Servants at the Red-Bull. The fifth Impression. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, in a blue levant morocco case, by Mercier. London: Printed by Iohn Raworth, 1638 * In this edition there are five additional songs. John Mit- ford’s copy, with his autograph on the fly-leaf. 1697. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The VVise-woman Of Hogsdon. A Comedie. As it hath been sundry times Acted with great Applause. First EpITion. Printer’s ornament on title. Small 4to, citron levant morocco, gilt edges, by David. (Inner marginof title supplied.) London: Printed by M. P. for Henry Shepard, 1638 1698. HIERONYMUS (8.). Epistole et tractatus. Gothic character in red and black, doubie columns, 408 un- numbered leaves without signatures and catchwords, 56 lines to the page; at the end the escutcheons of Schoeffer printed an red. Large folio, old German binding, oaken boards, covered with stamped pigskin with clasps. Mentz: Petrus Schoeffer, 1470 * PRINTED ON VELLUM. Only about 11 or 12 copies known in this state. Hain, 8554; Proctor, 92. The four preliminary leaves bound at end, lower margin of leaf 210 cut off (without damage of text) and a small hole in a few of the leaves, other- wise a large and sound copy. 1699. HIGGONS (BEVILL). The Generous Conquerour: or, the Timely Discovery. A Tragedy: As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesty’s Servants. First EDI- TION. 4to, half brown morocco. | London: Printed for 8. Briscoe, 1702 1700. HILL (AARON). Elfrid: or, the Fair Inconstant. A Tragedy. To which is Added the Walking Statue: or. the Devil in the Wine-Cellar. A Farce. First EDITION, 4to, dark brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, [1710] 1701. HILL (AARON). The Dramatic Works of Aaron Hill. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary English red morocco, richly tooled backs and sides, gilt edges. i London: Printed for T. Lownds, 1760 * Thick paper copy of which but a few were printed, Ar- morial bookplate of John Peter Thompson in both volumes. 1702. HILLHOUSE (MARGARET P.). The White Rose Knight and other poems. 16mo, vellum, uncut. New York: De Vinne Press, 1894 280 Ts |) hee 1703. HISTORIA DI AURELIO E ISABELLA. Seconda editione de Vhistoria di Aurelio e Isabella, figliuola del Re di Scotia, meglio che vianzi corretta. Ruled throughout with red ink. 16mo, blue levant morocco gilt, inside den- telle borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: Arnoul l’Angelier, 1547 1704. HOBBES (THOMAS). Leviathan, or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil. Hngraved title. FIRSTEDITION. Small folio, brown levant morocco, borders on sides and back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1651 1705. HOE (ROBERT). A Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art, delivered before the Grolier Club, February 26, 1885. With siaty-three illustrations. 4to, crimson levant morocco, back panels and sides inlaid with green and ivory colored levant, tooled in intricate scrolls and fleurons, doublure of vellum, gilt over uncut edges, by The Club Bindery, in case. New York: The Grolier Club, 1886 * PRINTED ON VELLUM, only a few issued in this state. UNIQUE CoPY, the plates (all of which are examples from Mr. Hoe’s collection) PRINTED ON SATIN. 1706. HOE (ROBERT). One Hundred and Seventy-Six Historie and Artistic Book-Bindings, dating from the Fif- teenth Century to the Present Time. Pictured by etchings, autotypes, and lithographs, after the orignals, selected from the library of Robert Hoe. 2 vols. royal 4to, green levant morocco, richly tooled backs and sides, gilt edges, doublure of same, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1895 * The edition consists of two hundred copies only, all printed upon imperial Japanese paper. 1707. HOE (ROBERT). CATALOGUE OF BOOKS FORMING THE LIBRARY OF ROBERT HOE, comprising: Books by English Authors who lived before the year 1700. 5 vols. New York, 1903-1905 Books in English later than 1700. 3vols. New York, 1905 Books printed in Foreign Languages before the year 1600. 2 vols. New York, 1907 Books in Foreign Languages published after the year 1600. 4 vols. New York, 1909 Books of Emblems. New York, 1908 Manouscripts. New York, 1909 Together, 16 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1903-1909 * A complete set. The work was compiled by Mr. James Osborn Wright and Miss Carolyn Shipman, and one hundred copies of each section were privately printed. The ‘‘ Books on Foreign Languages” and the ‘‘ Manuscripts” are printed on Imperial Japan paper. 281 1708. HOEK (ROBERT). The Library of Robert Hoe. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. By O. A. Bierstadt. Portrait of Mr. Hoe, and 110 allustra- tions taken from manuscripts and books in the collection, including colored facsimiles of bindings. 8vo, brown levant morocco, elaborately tooled back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery, Leon Maillard, finisher. NewYork,1895 * Printed on Japan paper. One of 350 copies. 1709. HOGARTH. Dobson (Austin). William Hogarth. Numerous facsimiles in proof state, on India and Japanese vellum paper. LARGE PAPER (one of 150 printed). Thick 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, doublure of green levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. New York [the first London printed edition], 1891 * Dedicated to Robert Hoe. The autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription, ‘‘To Robert Hoe. With the kindest regards of Austin Dobson. London, Dec. AIT, 91. ‘‘Take him.* His merits most aver His weak point is ... his Chronicler.” * HOGARTH. 1710. HOGG (THOMAS JEFFERSON). The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Portrait. 2 vols. small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1858 1711. HOLINSHED (RALPH). (1.) 1577. The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Ire- lande. Conteyning, The description and Chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the first orig- inall of the Scottes nation, till the yeare of our Lorde. 1571. The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, like- wise from the firste originall of that Nation, vntill the yeare. 1547. At London, Imprinted for George Bishop. God saue the Queene. [1577.] (II.) 1577. The Laste volume of the Chronicles of Eng- land, Scotlande, and Irelande, with their descriptions. At London, Imprinted for George Bishop. God saue the Queene. [1577.] Titles in woodcut borders, numerous large woodcuts in the text, and the rare double-page view of the siege of Edinburgh Castle. BLACK LETTER. 2 vols. thick folio, brown levant moroceo, gilt back and sides, centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Bedford. * FIRST EDITION, known as the ‘‘ Shakespeare” edition, and supposed to have been used by him in the production of his English historical plays. A 2-page note by Mr. Brise regarding the special features of this copy reads: ‘‘ Contains the follow- ing particulars not mentioned by Lowndes”’: Vol. I. Leaf of ‘‘ Faults escaped” at end of description of Britaine. A Description of Scotland, 22 pp.; and a blank leaf. Vol. II. Preface to Reader, one leaf. At p. 1593 a separate 282 leaf, also paged 1598, has been inserted to supplement the text. The two leaves of ‘‘ Faults and Oversights” at end of Vol. II have been facsimiled, and both volumes have heen wormed at the ends and repaired, étc., but the defects in both volumes are trifling. 1712. HOLMES (RICHARD R.). Queen Victoria. Col- ored frontispiece of the Queen and the Prince of Wales, after Robert Thorburn, numerous portraits and plates in duplicate after famous artists, facsimiles, etc. Printed throughout on Japan paper. Royal 4to, green levant mo- rocco, gilt tooled with the arms of England within fleur- de-lys borders on sides, gilt inside borders, white watered silk end-papers, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Boussod, Valadon & Co., 1897 1713. HOME (JOHN). Douglas: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. §Svo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled sides, back and inside borders, gilt top, UNCUT, by The Club Bindery. Edinburgh: G. Hamilton, 1757 * First Edition. Bound in are two pamphlets, one ‘‘ The Morality of Stage-Plays seriously considered,” upholds the play, the other ‘‘ An Argument to prove that the Tragedy of Douglas ought to be Publickly burnt by the hands of the Hangman,” sharply criticises all plays. 1714. HOME (JOHN). Douglas: a Tragedy. 1757. Agis: a Tragedy. 1758. The two in one volume. 8vo, old Eng- lish red morocco, broad gold borders on sides, gilt back, gilt edges. London: Printed for A. Millar, 1757-58 * First Edition of Agis, and First London Edition of Douglas. David Garrick’s copy with his book-plate. 1715. HOMER. Opera greece, cum prefatione greca Demetrii Chalcondyle et latina Bernardi Nerlii typographi ad Petrum Medices, Laurentii filium, Herodoti et Plutarchi vita Homeri, ete. Greek characters. Vol. I: 250 unnum- bered leaves (including the blank 42) with signatures, 39 lines to the page; Vol, II: 190 leaves (including the last blank) with signatures, 39 lines to the page. 3 LARGE INI- TIALS ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS, with arms of a former owner, and several initials painted in red and blue. 2 vols. folio, old red morocco, gilt backs. Florence: Bartolomeo di Libri per Bernard e Neri Nerli, 1488. * EDITIO PRINCEPS OF HomMER. The brothers Nerli were the publishers of this noble work, and Bernardo, in the dedication, praises the liberality of his brother Neri, the help of Giovanni Acciaioli and the editorial labors of Demetrius Chalcondylas. A MAGNIFICENT COPY, ONE OF THE FINEST EVER OFFERED FOR SALE, measuring 133g x 8% inches. The margins and fly-leaves contain numerous manuscript Greek and Latin notes by the Abbé Bignon (b. 1589), to whom the book was pre- sented by Vincent F. Jeune of Marseille. Hain-Copinger, 8772; Proctor, 6194; Proctor, Printing of Greek, pp. 66 & 69). 283 1716. HOMER. Ilias, Ulyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni XXXII, grece. 2 vols. 4to, old English green straight-grain morocco, blind tooled dentelle borders, with the Grenville arms stamped in gold on the sides, blind tooled back and inside borders (in the manner of Roger Payne), gilt gauffred edges, with bookplate of Thomas Grenville. Lovanii: ex officina, Rutgeri Rescij, 1535 1717. HOMER. L’Iliade d’Homére. Nouvelle traduc- tion. LHngraved title and 24 plates by Schoonebeck. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Suivant la copie imprimée a Paris, 1682 HOMER. See under Chapman. 1718. HOOKES (NATHANIEL). Amanda, a Sacrifice To an Unknown Goddesse, or, A Free-will Offering Of a loving Heart to a Sweet-Heart. By N. H. of Trinity-Col- ledge in Cambridge. First EDITION. Brilliant impression of the frontispiece by Faithorne. 8vo, light green ealf, gilt edges, by C. Smith. London: Printed by T. R.’and E. M., 1653 * A fine copy, containing the rare false title ‘‘ AMANDA,” also the original blanks Gd and H1. A COLLECTION OF PRINTED HORA. From the Presses of, or printed for, GERING, PIGOUCHET, VOSTRE, VERARD, KERVER, HARDOUYN, AND OTHERS. 1719. HORA. Hore beate Marie virginis ad usum Pari- siésem totaliter ad logtiisine reqre. Gothic letter, 136 leaves (8 preliminary ll and a-q and in erghts), a lateral border of flowers and fruit on each page, and 13 fine. woodcuts, eleven of them having three compartments, ILLUMINATED TO REPRESENT MINIATURES. Old brown morocco, the sides covered with a Grolieresque design of interlacings in black, inlaid compartments of red morocco, the spaces filled in with dots, tooled fillets and outline arabesques, &c., in mo- rocco case. Paris: M. Gering et B. Rembolt, 1498 * PRINTED ON VELLUM (167 mm x 114mm), with Almanac for 1498-1509. (Brunet, No. 341.) A fine example of an early printed Hore in contemporary binding. 1720. HORA. Ces presétes heures a lusage de Rome furét acheuees le xvii. iour de septembre. Lan Mil. cece. lili. xx. et xvi. Black letter (Lettres Bdtardes). 72 leaves, with signatures a-18, 83 lines to the page. Hach page within ornamental and historiated woodcut border, imcluding a 284 ; L le : PRINTED HORA—Continued. representation of the Dance of Death in 48 subjects. Printer’s mark on title, representation of the anatomical man, 20 large and 82 small woodcuts, initials and capitals painted in gold and colors. 4to, brown levant morocco, the sides entirely blind tooled in the style of a 15th century French binding, doublure of red morocco, gilt edges, by Masson-Debonnelle. ; Paris: Philippe Pigouchet pour Symon Vostre, Aug. 22, 498. * PRINTED ON VELLUM. Almanac for 1488-1508. A magnifi- cent copy of these ‘‘ Grand Heures’’—of which only 2 copies are known—free from coloring and measuring 234 x 152, mm. Hain-Copinger, 8855; Brunet, V. 1582. 1721. HORAX. Heures a lusage de Rome. [Colophon] Ces presentes heures a lusage de Rome ont este imprimees et acheuues A paris le ciquiesme iour dapuril. La mil. cing cés z trois. Par Jeha pychore: z Remy de laistre... lettres bdtardes. 96 leaves with signatures (A—-M8). Hach page within fine ornamental and historiated woodcut borders. The Printers’ mark on first page, 14 beautiful full-page wood- cuts and 21 small ones. Ato, old calf, gilt edges. Paris: Jehan Pychore and Remy de Laistre, 1503 * PRINTED ON VELLUM. Almanach for (1497-1520), Brunet (no, 848) observes that a part of the borders ornamenting the volume had been already used by Simon Vostre. Fine and per- fect copy of these ‘‘ Grandes Heures,” measuring 247 x 171 mm. The inside front cover bears a note in pencil stating that the book is from the library of William V, Prince of Orange, Staat- holder of the Dutch Republic, 1751-1795. 1722. HORAL. Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Paris so au long sans riés requerir: auec les miracles nostre dame & les figures de lapocalipse & de lantique & des triumphes de Cesar. lettres bdtardes (a-b in eights, C 6 ll. d-k 6 in eights, 4,6,1811:&6611l). 22 whole page woodcuts RICHLY ILLUMINATED TO REPRESENT MINIATURES, 35 small woodcuts of Evangelists and Saints, 5 of the borders and the device title also illuminated. Large 8vo, old French red morocco, gilt panels on sides, gilt edges, metal clasps. ‘Paris [1508] _ * PRINTED ON VELLUM (220 mm. x 140 mm.). Almanac for 1508-1528. The monogram on the shield of Vostre’s device has. been painted out, and the arms of a former owner (8 birds’ claws) inserted. 1223. HORA. Ces presentes heures a lusage de Chalons toutes au long sas reqrir: auec les figures et’ signes de lap- ocalipse: les miracles nostre dame/les accidés de Vhome... lettres bdtardes, 98 ll. (a-b in eights e4 ll. d-iin eights, A, 6,1 in eight ll. each 6 61l.) Vostres’s device on first leaf, the anatomical man, 20 full-page woodcuts and numerous small woodcuts of Evangelists and Saints, each leaf within 285 PRINTED HORH—Continued. a border, including the Dance of Death. Old red morocco, gilt ornaments at side corners, gilt edges (in the style of Derome). A Paris: pour Symon Vostre [1512] * PRINTED ON VELLUM (227 mm, x 152 mm.) and entirely un- colored. Almanac for 1512-30 (Brunet, no. 89).