CATALOGUE No. 1156 UNIQUE COLLECTION Historical Plates and Platters Containing Views in New York, Philadelpia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, &c. Rare Old Pewter and Early American Glass Chinese and Japanese Porcelains and Bronzes Early English China and Persian Temple Lamps Antique Watches and Jewelry, Violins and Guitars, including William Penn’s Watch The Lansdowne Portrait of Washington by Stuart The Famous Dodge Ivory Miniature of Andrew Jackson Paintings by Angelica Kauffman, Wowermans, Rubens, Thos. Sully and others Colored Sporting Prints, Naval Battles, American Views, Engraved Portaits, &c. BELONGING TO A WELL-KNOWN RESIDENT OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD Friday Afternoon and Evening, December 17, 1915 AT 2.30 AND 8.30 O’CLOCK P. M. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT 1304 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. . LIBRARY ©4300 |M.KNOEDLER & 00. oA 556-8 FIFTH AVE. Acc. NEW YORK Dodge's Andrew Jackson. Full size Reproduction of Lot No. 301 CATALOGUE No. 1156 A UNIQUE COLLECTION Historical China Plates and Platters, containing Views in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, New Jersey, &c. Antique Watches and Jewelry, including William Penn’s Watch Rare Old Pewter and Early American Glass Chinese and Japanese Porcelains and Bronzes, Turkish Temple Lamps and Old English China Antique Lacquered and Inlaid Work Tables ALSO f The Lansdowne Portrait of Washington by Stuart The Famous Ivory Miniature of Andrew Jackson by Dodge Paintings by Rubens, Wowermans, Angelica Kauffman, Thos. Sully and others Colored Sporting Prints, Naval Battles, American Views, Engraved Portaits BELONGING TO A WELL-KNOWN RESIDENT OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD Friday Afternoon and Evening, Dec. 17th, 1915 AT 2.30 AND 8.30 O’CLOCK P. M. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT 1304 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge. Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. TERMS OF SALE—CAasH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme- diately following the sale. STAN. V. HENKELS, AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa, MAURICE H. POWER, PRINTER 110-16 Sansom Street Philadelphia REMARKS, WE wish to draw the attention of our patrons to this sale, and we wish it to be understood that it is not a dealers stock, as every item in the sale is from private collections, the major por- tion belonging to a well known Philadelphian, now deceased. The historical China consisting mostly of Plates and Plat- ters, with Views in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Baltimore and elsewhere, should command the special attention of all collectors, and likewise the Old Pewters and Glass and China Cup-plates. Among the Chinese and Japanese porcelains and bronzes. are quite a number of fine cabinet specimens of unusual interest. The Relics consist of an engraved glass tumbler, one of a set presented to Gen]. Washington by Genl. Lafayette, Nelly Custis’s ivory thimble, William Penn’s Silver Bull’s-eye watch, a pair of gold cuff buttons, made from buttons worn by Genl. Washington; several fine antique gold watches, antique cameos, enamels, &c. The Paintings include a replica of Gilbert Stuart’s Lans- downe’s portrait of Washington, the noted Ivory Miniature, painted from life by Dodge, of Andrew Jackson, and considered to be the best portrait extant; a painting by Rubens, said to be the lost head of St. Peter; paintings by Angelica Kauffman, Wowermans, Thos. Sully and others. Among the Engravings will be found many colored Sporting Prints, Naval Battles, American Views, Portraits, &c.; in fact the collection is so varied that it is really worthy the attention of all Collectors. Stan. V. HENKELS. Lal oO ON Aw fF W WN CATALOGUE CHINESE BRONZE VASE, with Cover. PERSIAN BRONZE VASE, Enameled, with Cover. Benares EnGRAvED Brass PiTcHER, with Cover. Earty Persian RepoussE Brass JARDINIERE. Earty Persian ReEpousst Brass Bowt. BenarEs ENGRAVED Brass VASE, with Handle. Very OLp PErsiIAN Copper TEA Pot. 2 BENARES ENGRAVED Brass CANDLESTICKS. 2 BENARES ENGRAVED Brass CANDLESTICKS. CHINESE BRONZE VASE. CHINESE BRONZE REVERSIBLE VASE. 2 BenaresS ENGRAVED Brass PLATTERS. Benares Encravep Bronze Cup and Bronze Ash Top. 2 pieces. Bronze Matcwu Box. Brass THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA. Brass CANDLESTICK. 2 BENARES ENGRAVED Brass VASES. Very Op Persian Vasr. Heavy Enamel on Copper. Fine piece. JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELED VASE. Cocoa Woop Tosacco Box. 2 JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELED ROSE Jars. CLoIsoNNE ENAMELED ROSE JAR. 3 ASSORTED VASES AND BOTTLEs. CHINESE TALL VASE. DECORATED CHINESE LARGE ROSE JAR. 6 Orp Ripceway Dark Bue Cuina Pratter, “Hindoo Temple,” with fluted edge. ANOTHER. To match. LarceE Irawi Pracgur. Very fine. LarcE Irawi Pracgur. Very fine. LarGE Kaca Pracgure. Very fine. Dark BLvE Porcexain Pracgug, “ Girl with Plumed Hat.” Majorica PLacgue. Repaired. Op Iratian Majotica Pracguz, “King David.” Rare Otp De r Pracgue, ‘The Rendezvous.” Rare Otp DetrF Pracgug, with Imperial Arms of Austria. Fine. Otp Irarian Majorica PLacgug, “King Solomon.” CLOISONNE ENAMEL PLAcgue. DECORATED PLaAcgugE, “ Girl’s Head.” 5 DrEcoraTED CHINA PLACOUES. 3 CHINESE PORCELAIN JARDNIERES. Kaca Vass, with Lid. Damaged. Kaca PircHer. Limoces CRACKER Jar. AnTigue Frencu Cuina TEA Pot anp Sranp, lacking handle. WEpDGWooD WATER PITCHER. FRENCH CHINA Bonzson Box. CHINESE ORNAMENT, Monkies. ANTIQUE ENGLISH CHINA ManTEL ORNAMENT. ANTIQUE ENGLISH CHINA MANTEL ORNAMENT. LarGE CHINESE PoRCELAIN VASE. Tati Majorica HANDLED Vase. Gass VASE. Op EneisH Cur Grass DECANTER. ANTIQUE GLAss CANDLE SHADE. 55 56 OY 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 A’ 76 LY 78 79 80 81 7 ANTIQUE BoHEMIAN GLAss VASE. BouEmran Guass RosE HOLpeEr. Lowesrorr PuncH Bowt. Repaired. 13 ANTIQUE Rose Grass Bosacats. THERMOS—CARAFE BOTTLE. Antique Bouemian Grass Hancine Lamp. Parr Deer Horns, Ivory Paper Knife and string of Abys- sinian Beads. Larce Merriacu Beer Stein. Humorous Grecian decor- ations. Tatty ANTIQUE CARVED Oak ALE PITCHER. Larce Mettrracu Breer Stein. Decorated. Larce Merriacu ALE Pircuer. Decorated with German Imperial Crests. Larce Merriach ALE PircHer. Decorated with scene in Holland. Larce GERMAN BEER STEIN. “Trink Und dien, Leid vergiss !”’ FiemisH ALE TANKARD. FiemisH ALE TANKARD, with Lid. Merriack Stein. Heavy Bas-Relief Decoration. 4 DECORATED GERMAN BEER STEINS, with Lids. 3 FLemisH BEer Steins, with Lids. 6 DECORATED GERMAN BEER SreEIns, with Lids. 4 DecoraTED GERMAN Beer Steins, with Lids. 2 Deurr BEER STEInNS, with Lids. DEcoRATED Doiron Cuina Lovine Cur. DecoratepD Dotron CuHtIna Lovine Cup. DECORATED Doiron CuIna ALE Muse. DEcoRATED Doiron Cuina ALE Muc. ‘“‘Battle of Hast- ings.” DECORATED Dotron Cuina ALE PitcHEeR. Marine View. Breer Muc. Tatler Decorating Co. 100 IOI 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 2 Lovine Cups. Four Cuina Beer Mues. Swiss Carvep Woop Sretn, with Lid. EncuisH Beer Pitcuer. ‘Hearty Good Fellow.” CHERRY PItcHeER. JAPANESE PorceLaIn Rose Jar. Tati Porcerain Vass, with Lid. Arabesque Design. Pair CHINESE PORCELAIN VASES. Handsomely Decorated with dark blue, with heavy gold lacquer. Pair CHINESE PorCELAIN Vases. Decorated in Dark Blue. WeEpGwoop ApostiEs’ PircHEer. With Figures of the Apostles in High Relief. Wepcwoop Syrup PitcHer. WEDGWwoop BuTrER Disu, with Cover, ANTIQUE CHINESE PorCELAIN Vasr. Two Terra-Cotra Carares, with Trays and Water Pitcher. French CuHina Open Work Fruit STAND. FreNcH CHina Open Work Fruit STAND, Frenco Cuina Open Work Fruir STAND. BASKET WITH FOUR Majotica CorDIAL FLasks. AntTIQue EnciisH Curna Vase. Lustre borders. CaNTON CHINA Gravy Boar. BouEMIAN Giass REMEMBRANCE Cup. Five EncuisH Ironstone Cuina Soup Pirates. Blue Decoration. ANTIQUE ENGLISH PoRCELAIN TEA Por, Sugar Bowl, 2 Platters, 2 Small Plates, 4 Cups and 6 Saucers, with scenic decorations and lustre borders. ANTIQUE DecoratED GLass VASE. FRENCH CHINA SHELL-SHAPED CaKE PLATE, DECORATED FRENCH CHINA PLACQUE. DECORATED FRENCH Cuina PLacgur, CarvED Woop Toracco Box. OIL ‘OAT 1 xe) Lit Tare 113 il 115 116 iy 118 119 120 12 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 2 Carvep Woop Frames, with Arundel Society Print of the Holy Family. Bronze STATUE OF VOLTAIRE. Bronze Bust oF SOPHOCLES. 2 Bronze Urns. One damaged. Bronze Ficure of a Greyhound. 2 Bronze PLAcQuEs, Game. VENETIAN DAGGER, with Bronze Scabbard. Very OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN FIGURE OF A WOMAN. SEE PLATE. Very OLD CHINESE PorCELAIN FIGURE OF A Woman, with dress heavily enameled in colors. SEE PLATE. Very OLp CHINESE Ficure oF A Lapy with a Masque. SEE PLATE. VERY OLp CHINESE PorCELAIN GRouP OF WARRIOR AND Woman. SEE PLATE. Lowesrorr Tatr Vase. Damaged. Lowestorr SuGcar Bowt, with Lid. Oxtpb Encuisu Game Pie Disu, with Cover. 1 Dozen CHINESE PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS. One damaged. 1 Dozen GLass GOBLETS. VENETIAN GLAss Bouguer HoxtpeEr, with Table, Mirror attached. Kaca Tra Ser. Tea Pot, Sugar Bowl and Creamer. 2 DECORATED FRENCH CHINA CAKE PLATES. Cuinese Bronze Gone. Inlaid with Silver. LarGeE [wari PLACQuE. DrespeN Cuina Pracgue. Decorated with beautifully painted head of a lady. SATSUMA PLACQUE. 4 BRONZE AND CLOISONNE ENAMELED PLACQUES. ORNAMENTAL Brass MatcuH Box. METAL JEWEL Box. 136 137 138 HBO) 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Lawt 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Io LarcE Bronze CHINESE TEMPLE ORNAMENT. CHINESE Bronze Hancinec Lamp. Persian Brass TeMpLe Lamp. Open work. PERSIAN TALL Bronze CANDLESTICK. PERSIAN OPEN-work Brass TEMPLE Lamp. LarGe PEwrer ALE TANKARD. FLemMIsH ALE TANKARD. GERMAN Repossk ALE TANKARD. COLLECTION OF INDIAN STONE AND Fiint Arrow Heaps. ANTIQUE PEWTER. 10 AMERICAN PEWTER PLAtEs. Boyd, Phila. PoRRINGER. American. Diam. 2 in. PorrINGER. American. Diam. 2% in. PorRINGER. American. Diam. 3% in. PorRINGER. American. ‘Hamlin, Prov.” Diam. 4 in. PorrINGER. American. Diam. 4% in. PorRINGER., American. Diam. 43/ in. PoRRINGER. American. Diam. 5 in. PoRRINGER. American. Diam. 43¢ in. PorRINGER. American. ‘Hamlin, Prov.” Diam. 5 in. PoRRINGER. American. Diam. 5 in. PoRRINGER. American. Diam. 5 in. LapLe. American. Length 13 in. Beaker. Marked “A. G.” Length, 3 in. Dovusie Boller, hot-water, new bottom. Length, 11 in. Hor Water Prater, swing handles. Marked “S. Ellis, London.” Width, to in. Urn. Swinging, complete with lamp, on ball feet, marked “James Dixon & Sons.’”’ Height, 12 in. CREAMER. American, ball-feet. Height, 21/ in. Tra Por. American, Medallions engraved on sides, deli- cate design on rim, harder metal. Height, 10 in. 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 72 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 1k TankarD. Marked ‘Calder, Providence.’’ Height, to in. Parr Cups, early American. Height, 7 in. Can. Early American, swing handles. Height, 4% in. Sma. Tra Por, pear shaped, swing handles, bottom re- stored. Height, 5% in. ANTIQUE BRASS AND COPPER. Iron CANDLE STICK, with hook. Height, 6 in. Brass CANDLE STICK, on tray, with handle. Height, 4 in. Parr Brass CanpDLe Sticks. Height, 8% in. Fire Ser. Stand, poker, shovel and tongs. Ser Anprrons. Bell metal, oval tops, rib at centre. Height, 19% in. Fire Set. Shovel and tongs, oval tops, rib at centre. Pair BeLtows. Swell new leather. Parr Bettows. Swell new leather. Foor Warmer. Pierced initial. Foot Warmer. Pierced initial. WarminG Pan. Copper. Beautiful Pierced Design. WARMING Pan. Brass. Elaborately Pierced. Prez Box. Complete. ANTIQUE GLASS BOTTLES. AMERICAN Eacue. Scroll, shield and arrows. Reverse “Union” in large Shield, thirteen stars above. Barber, 46. AMERICAN EaGLe. Same as above, with initials “A. R. S.” below. Jenny Linp. Bust in wreath, reverse view of factory. Inscription ‘Glass Works. S. Huffsey.”” Barber 43. Cornucopia. Fruit. Reverse, vase and fruit. Barber 68. AMERICAN EAGLE AND SHIELD, with word “ Liberty.’ Re- verse, “ Willington Glass Company, West Willington, Connwaeebarbeiess, AMERICAN EaGuie, Seven Stars. Reverse, Anchor. “New London Glass Works,” in scroll. 187 188 189 190 IgI 192 12 “WINTER” AND “SuMMER.” Tree with bird and branches. Barber 77. Wasuincton. Bust. ‘The Father of His Country.” Reverse, Taylor, bust, and “Genl. Taylor Never Surren- ders.” ‘“Dyottville Glass Works, Phila.” Barber 9. Larayerre. Bust. Inscription in Coventry. C als Reverse, Liberty Cap on Staff, in oval of 9 stars. Not in Barber. Horse and LoapED Wacon on Raits, Jengthwise. Re- verse, an Eagle and Stars. Not in Barber. Horst anp LoapEp Wacon on Ralts, lengthwise. Re- verse, Eagle and Thirteen Stars. ‘‘ Railroad, Lowell.” Not in Barber. Horse AND LoapED Wacon on Raits, lengthwise. In- scription, “Success to the Railroad.” Reverse, Eagle and Thirteen Stars. Barber 3. ANTIQUE GLASS CUP PLATES. All references are to Barber's Book on American Glass Ware. 193 194 195 199 200 Cur PLrare. Arms of the U.S. Small Eagle. Barber, No. t. Diameter, 314 inches. Tue Same. Barber, No. 1. Large Eagle. Diameter, 3% inches. Tue Same. Large Eagle. ‘‘1831.” Not in Barber. Di- ameter, 31% inches. Cup Prare. Bunker Hill. “Battle fought June 17, 1775.” View of the Monument. Barber, No. 2. Diameter, 3% inches. Cur Prare. Bunker Hill. “ Battle fought June 17, 1775.” “From the Fair to the Brave.” ‘Corner Stone laid by Lafayette, June 17, 1825. Finished by the Ladies 1841.” View of the Monument. Barber No. 3. Diameter 3 % inches, Cup Pirate. “ Chancellor Livingston” (steamboat). Bar- ber No. 4. Diameter 3% inches. Cur Prats. ‘‘ Henry Clay.” Bust. Barber No. 5. Diameter 3% inches. Cup Prate. “ Fort Pitt.” Eagle. Barber No. 6. Diameter 3% inches. 13 201 Cup Prare. ‘Benjamin Franklin.” Steamboat. Barber No. 7. Diameter 3% inches. 202 Cup Prats. “ Maj.-Genl. W. H. Harrison. Born Feb, 9, 1773.” ‘President 1841.’ Barber No. 8. Diameter 3% inches. 203 Cup Prats. “ Log Cabin.’ “ Tippecanoe Wm. H. Harri- son. Fort Meigs.’ Barber No. 10. Diameter 3% inches. 204 Cup Pirate. “ Log Cabin.” “Flag on roof.’ Cider barrel on tree. Barber No. 11. Diameter 3% inches. 205 Cup Prats. Bee Hive. Barber No. 12. Diameter 3 inches. 206 Cup Prate. Constitution (Ship). Not in Barber. Diameter 3% inches. ANTIQUE CHINA CUP PLATES. All dark blue unless otherwise stated. 207. Cup PLatr. Quadruped. Diameter 4 inches. 208 Cup Prare. American Farmer, Horses and Harrow. Light blue. Diameter 3% inches. 209 Cup Prater. Baker’s Falls. ‘“ Jackson.” Black. Diameter 334 inches. 210 Cup Pirate. Hadley Falls. “Jackson.” Black. Diameter 334 inches. 211 Cup Prats. Birth place of Washington (so called). “Wood.” | Diameter 334 inches. | 212 Cup Pare. Battery, New York. Trefoil border. “ Wood.” | Diameter 334 inches. | 213 Cup Prate. Battery, New York. Shel! border. “ Wood.” Diameter 334 inches. 214 Cup Prare. Cadmus, full sail. Trefoil border. “ Wood.’ Diameter 334 inches. 215 Cup Prater. “Fly pleasure and it will follow you. The Diligent Spinner has a large shift. Now I have a sheep and a cow. Everybody bids me good morrow.” In blue. Border of raised leaves, bright colors, canary and pink lustre. Diameter, 434 inches. 216 Cup Prats. Franklin flying his kite. Diameter, 2% in. 217 Cup Prate. Woodlands near Philadelphia. Diameter, 3% in. 218 219 14 HISTORICAL PLATES, ETC. This is a remarkable collection in first-class order, and Should command the attention of all collectors. All references ave to Barber's Book on Anglo-American Pottery. Pirate, Landing of the Pilgrims. ‘Wood.’ Barber No. 1. Diameter, 9 inches. Pirate. Cadmus at Anchor. ‘Wood.’ Barber No. 2° Diameter, 10 inches. PLaTE. Commodore Mac Donough’s Victory. ‘ Wood.” Barber No. 6. Diameter, ro inches. Puate. Marine Hospital, Louisville, Ky. ‘ Wood.” Barber No. 8. Diameter 9 inches. Pratre. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. ‘Wood.’ Barber No. 12. Diameter, 10 inches. Pirate. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. (Inclined Plane). “Wood.” Barber, No. 13. Diameter, g inches. PLATE. Capitol at Washington. ‘Wood.’ Barber, No. 15. Diameter, 7 inches. Riveted. Pirate. Gilpins Mills on the Brandywine Creek. ‘‘ Wood.” Barber, No. 22. Diameter, g inches. Pate. Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky. “Wood.” Barber, No. 37. Diameter, g inches. Puate. View of Trenton Falls. ‘ Wood.” Barber, No. 38. Diameter, 7% inches. Bow. Washington Standing at Tomb of Franklin, with Scroll in Hand. ‘Wood.” Barber, No. 48. Diameter, 5 % inches, Cup AND Saucer. Franklin’s Tomb. “Wood.” Barber No. 47. Pratr. La Grange, the Residence of the Marquis Lafay- ette. “Wood.” Barber, No. 1F. Diameter, 10 inches. Pirate. Fairmount Water Works on the Schuylkill. “Wood.” Barber 53. Diameter 7 inches. Black. Fivrecracked at edge. Pate. States University Building, Six Wings. (Sheep on lawn.) ‘“Clews.” Barber 86. Diameter 9 inches. 15 | 233 Prare. States Three-story Flat-Roof Building. ‘“ Clews.” Barber 87. Diameter 6 inches. : 234 Prare. Landing of Lafayette at Castle Garden, N. Y., August, 1824. ‘“Clews.” Barber 97. Diameter 7 pieces. 235 Pxrate. Doctor Syntax Returned from his Tour. “Clews.”’ Barber 7L. Diameter g inches. 236 Prate. Doctor Syntax Turned Nurse. “Clews.” Barber I9L. Diameter 7 inches. Hunter Sale, $go. 237. Prare. Doctor Syntax Star Gazing. ‘‘ Clews.” Barber No. 25L. Diameter g inches. 238 Cup anp Saucer. Wilkie designs. Christmas Eve. “Clews.” Barber 281. 239 ©Pxiate. Log Cabin (Horse and plow). T. Hordley. ‘Col- umbian Star, October 28, 1840.” J. Ridgway. Barber 151. Diameter 10 inches. 240 PiaTe. Hoboken in New Jersey. (Steven’s House). “Stubbs.” Barber, No. 70. Diameter 7 inches. 241 PrattrerR. Mendenhall Ferry (Schuylkill River above Philadelphia). “Stubbs.” Barber, No. 173. Diameter 13x16¥% inches. 242 Pirate. Philadelphia Bank of the United States. (First bank built 1795). “Stubbs.” Barber 177. Diameter 10 inches. 243 Prate. Philadelphia. Fairmount. “Stubbs” Barber 178. Diameter, 10 inches. 244 Prate. Upper Ferry Bridge over the River Schuylkill. “Stubbs,” Barber 181. Diameter, 9 inches. 245 Prats. Philadelphia Water Works. (Emigrant Wagon.) “R.S.M.” Barber 210. Diameter, 10 inches. Small chip. 246 Soup Prats. Capital at Washington. ‘“R. S. W.” Barber 231. Diameter, 10 inches. 247 PiatE. State House, Boston. Cows in foreground. “Rogers.” Barber 260. Diameter, 7 inches. | 248 Pare. Battery, New York. “Jackson.” Barber 278, Pink. Diameter, 8 inches. 16 249 Bowt. City of Baltimore. | “Goodwin.” Barber 208. | 17 inches. | 204%. Diameter, 9 inches. Barber 311. Light Blue. | Venseyaus|eiteath SaiCon, | eter, g inches. | | | ameter, 5% inches. Diameter, 7 inches. | inches. q 9 inches. 10 inches. OC, iikerein” Light Blue. Diameter, 12 inches. 250 Prarrer. Capitol at Washington (Pennsylvania Avenue). Light Blue. Diameter, 13 x 251 Pxrate. Yale College, New Haven. 252 Prater. Penn’s Treaty With the Indians. (Penn standing, companions seated, Indians standing, Diameter, 7 inches. squaw reclining). 253 Prare. The Residence of the Late Richard Jordan, New Barber 314. 254 Pxrate. View of the Rear of the White House, Washing- ton. (Cows). “Miller, Venable & Co.” Barber 255 Prare. American Marine View. Border of Vessels of | | [Duties Wyte, 7S, Ib, AL. Ge Ieiro,”” 256 Prats. Hobart Town, New York. Gold Border. | unknown. Barber 344. Diameter, g inches. Gold Border. Diameter, 10 inches. 257 Prare. View Near Philadelphia. Maker unknown. Barber 347. 258 Pxuate. Wright’s Ferry on the Susquehanna. Scroll bor- | der, worn. Maker unknown. Barber 353. Diameter, 9 259 Pirate. Court House, Baltimore. Border of fruits and flowers. Maker unknown. Barber 354. Diameter g inches. 260 Prats. Baltimore Exchange. Border of fruits and flowers. | Maker unknown. Barber 355. Diameter 10 inches. 261 Pirate. Erie Canal (Dewitt Eulogy in Centre, border of canal boats, etc.). Maker unknown. Barber 393. Diameter 262 Prater. American Triumph (so-called). Eagle with olive branch. Maker unknown. Barber 414. Brown. Diameter 263 Pate. U.S. S. Constitution. known. Barber 422. Diameter 10 inches. Anti-Slavery. Maker un- 264 265 206 267 268 269 270 7a 272 273 274 275 276 17 Pirate. Mormon Tabernacle at Nauvoo, Ill, 1847. ‘J. Trigg & Co.” Barber 436. Diameter g inches. The House of the Lord, build by the Church of Jesus Christ of the latter day Saints. Commenced April 6 A. D. 1841. President Brigham Young and other names around border. Prats. Philadelphia Deaf and Dumb Asylumn. Maker unknown. Rivited. Barber 445. Pink. Diameter 9 inches. Cup AND Saucer. Mt. Vernon, the Seat of the Late Genl. Washington. Washington standing beside prancing horse and groom. Maker unknown. Barber 483. Pirate. ‘Not to oversee workmen is to leave you open.”’ Franklin’s maxim. Maker unknown. Print in blue on white ground. Barber 532. Diameter 4% inches. Pirate. “He that by the plow would thrive himself, must either hold or drive.” Franklin's proverb. Maker un- known. Barber 544. Printed in pink and colors on white, Diameter 5 inches. Pirate. ‘Making hay while the sun shines.” Franklin’s proverb. Makerunknown. Barber 545, Printed in pink on white. Diameter 5 inches. Pirate. Franklin's Moral Maxims: “Knowledge,” “In- dustry,” ‘‘Temperance.” “R. and J. Clews.” Barber 550, Pink. Diameter, 10 inches. PuatE. Same as above. Diameter, 7 inches. Soup Pirate. Infant St. John and Sheep. Maker un- known. Barber 11s. Pink. Diameter, 10 inches. Puate. Little Samuel. Speak, Lord, for Thy Servant Heareth. Maker unknown. Barber 12s. Pink. Diam- eter, 8 inches. Puatre. Turner Willow Pattern. Impressed mark, ‘‘ Clews.”’ Diameter, 5 inches. Pirate. Millenium. Maker unknown. Barber 30s. Dark Pink. Diameter, 9 inches. ANTIQUE JEWELRY. AntTIQuE Stone CaMgEo PenpantT. Virgin Mary. Set in Gold and Enamel. 277 278 279 280 281A 282 283 284 || 285 | 286 287 288 289 290 |) 291 292 || 293 294 18 GoLp AND ByzanTINE Mosaic Breast PIN. Gop Breast Pin, with three very old polished intaglio cameos. Paik oF GoLD AMmETHYsT EAR RINGS AND PENDANT. ANTIQUE GOLD ENAMELED Fos CHAI, with seal and key. ANTIQUE RUSSIAN GOLD AND ENAMELED Cross. GOLD AND SHELL CAMEO Breast Pin. GoLD AND ENAMELED MemoriaL Breast Pin. ANTIQUE GoLD PENDANT, with beautifully enameled centre. Pair Gotp Curr Buttons. Said to have been made from buttons worn by General Washington. Park OF ANTIQUE GOLD AND ENAMELED BRACELETS. ANTIQUE WatcH Key. GoLp Locket. ANTIQUE GoLp Hunrine CaszE Watcu. Made by Chovin & Martin, Paris. ANTIQUE GOLD ReEpPEATING WatcH. Made by Charles Oudin, Paris. Hunting Case. ANTIQUE GOLD .AND ENAMELED OPEN Face WatcH. Made by Lepine, Paris. Watchmaker to the King. ANTIQUE GOLD PENDANT, with beautifully painted portrait of a lady, on mother-of-pearl. THE SAME. BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED Ivory MINIATURE OF A GENTLE— MAN. Signed A. Parent. RELICS. GIFT OF GENL. LAFAYETTE TO GENL. WASHINGTON. ENGRAVED GLass TUMBLER. Ox the sides of this beautiful memento, a Hunting Scene is beautifully engraved. The cutting on the bottom is the Hobnail pattern. Presented to General Washington by General the Marquis de la Fayette. This ts one of a set, which, at the distribution of General Washington's Estate, was divided amongst the 295 19 family. This present one, belonging to a member of the family, 7s accompanied with a sworn certificate as to tts genuineness. NELLY CUSTIS’ THIMBLE. Ivory THIMBLE, used by Nelly Custis the adopted daughter of General and Martha Washington. Accompanied with a sworn certificate as to its genuineness. GRAVY BOWL BELONGING TO LADY WASHINGTON. 296 297 298 299 300 301 Lowestorr Gravy Bowt, with lid, decorated with flowers and delicate colored border. Used by Martha Washington, accompanied with sworn certificate as to its genuineness. SOLID SILVER Dessert Spoon. Belonged to Nelly Custis, Washington’s Adopted Daughter. SoLip SitverR TEA Spoon. Belonged to Nelly Custis, Washington’s Adopted Danghter. PAINTING ON Ivory. Exquisitely executed. The Madonna, WILLIAM PENN’S WATCH. Oren Fact BULL’s-EYE SILVER WatcH. Made by Abraham Oostersvyk, Middleburgh. Tells day of month, with curiously engraved silver dial. This watch belonged to William Penn, and was handed down through the Patton and Hale families to the mother of the present owner, from whom tt was inherited. The trad:- tion is that it was taken in trade from the Indians by Wil- liam Penn, and formerly belonged to the great-grandmother of tha present owner, Wealthy Hale. Accompanied with sworn statement. DODGE’S MINIATURE OF ANDREW JACKSON. Ivory MiniarurE oF ANDREW Jackson. Half length seated. Painted by J. W. Dodge, 1842. This ts what 1s called the lost portrait of Andrew Jack- son. It was painted at the “ Hermitage,” the home of Andrew Jackson, by J. W. Dodge in 1842. Mr. James Robb, banker of New Orleans, who was engaged in several business transactions with Queen Christina of Spain, re- quested the privilege of having a portrait painted of Henry Clay, then leader of the Whigs, and of Andrew Jackson, 302 20. leader of the Democrats. He engaged the artist J. W. Dodge,in 1842, to go to Ashland, Kentucky, to paint Clay’s portrait, and to the “ Hermitage,’ at Nashville, Tenn., to paint that of Andrew Jackson. Mr. Hallett, banker of Alabama, who was a friend of Mr. Robb, was presented by the latter with the portrait of Andrew Jackson, for some special favor bestowed upon the donor by the recipient. Senator J. Hampton Robb, son of James Robb, still retains tn his possession the miniature of Henry Clay. The FPor- trait of Jackson came into the possession of J. S. Dingwall through a regular business transaction with the Hallett family. It 1s considered by connoisseurs to be the finest por- trait of Jackson extent, SEE FULL-SIZE FACSIMILE. Jackson, GENL. ANDREW. President of the United States. Autograph Letter Signed, 4to. Washington, May 22, 1835. To Edward Livingston, Minister of Paris, with address. Introducing Col. W. R. Hallet. This letter will show the tntimacy of the Hallet family with Andrew Jackson. LANSDOWNE PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON 393 304 305 BY GILBERT STUART. Oi Portrait oF GENERAL WasuinecTon, full length, painted by Gilbert Stuart. With massive mahogany an- tique frame. This ts aveplicaof what ts known as the Lansdowne Portrait which was painted from life by Gilbert Stuart under order of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Stuart made several copies, of which we believe this 1s one, and another ts tn the possession of the Academy of Fine Arts. While this painting has been in the possession of the present owner for fully a half century it was in the possession of the family for over seventy years, and came to them asa gift from a very prominent New York collector who believed ut be a genuine Gilbert Stuart, which behef has always been entertained by those who subsequently owned ut, and we share in this belief. THREE Ivory Miniatures oF Marie Louisz. Madame Recamier and the Princess Borghese. Mounted in or- mulu frame. MARIA ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. Noted Swiss-English Painter and Designer. Love WEIGHED IN THE BaLance. Painted on Panel by Angelica Kauffman; not signed. Reduced Reproduction of Lot No. 305. Angelica Rauffnan’s ‘Love tn the Balance.’’ 21 An exquisite little painting by the favorite Artist. SEE REDUCED REPRODUCTION. PHILIP WOWERMANS. One of the Most Noted of Early Dutch Painters. 306 Mirirary Encampment. Painted by Philip Wowermans. PETER PUAL RUBENS. The Head of the Early Flcmish School of Painting. 307. Heap oF Sr. Prerer. Painted by Peter Paul Rubens. Unsigned. This picture has been in the possession of the family of the present owner for many years, and has always been under- stood by them to be painted by Rubens. and was known in the family as the lost portrait of St. Peter. Tt certainly has all the characteristics of the great artist. J. LEFERA. Eminent French Artist of the 18th Century. 308 CatrLe at Rest. Painted by J. Lefera, 1785. Signed. THOMAS SULLY. Eminent Anglo-American Painter. 309 Cow at Pasture. Painted by Thomas Sully, 1860. Signed. 310 Horses Heaps. Companion to the above. Signed. OLD MASTERS. 311 THE SHEPERDESS. Oil Painting. Unknown. 312 Stity-Lire. Oil Painting. Unknown. 313 Barrie Scene. Oil Painting. Unknown. 314 DEAD GAME AND Companion. Oil Painting. Unknown. 2 pieces 315 JUDGEMENT oF SoLomon. Oil Painting. Unknown. Un- mounted. W. SHINZEL. 316 Sritt-Lire. Game. Painted by W. Shinzel. Signed- E. D. LEWIS. 317 Lanpscare. Painted by E. D. Lewis. Signed. 318 Op Master. Allegorical Scene. Beautifully executed oil painting. 319 PAINTING OF AN OLD Mitt. Unknown. 320 321 329 330 ag! 332 333 334 335 22 Drivinc Home rue Cartre. Oil painting on copper. Un- known. Monrrevigr. The Residence of President Madison. Painted by A. H. Clements. Fruit AND Flowers. Oil Painting. Unknown. MartHa Wasuincron. Oil Portrait, after Gilbert Stuart. FRAMED ENGRAVINGS. FRANKLIN AT THE Court oF France. After Baron Jolly. Engraved by W. G. Geller. Colored. NapoLteon Le Granp. Equestrian. Colored aquatint. Proof before all letters, with the eagle. SPORTING Print. Four-in-Hand. After J. F. Walker. Engraved by J. Harris. Colored aquatint. Published 1871. SporTING Print. The Waggonette. After Sheldon Wil- liams. Engraved by Chas. Hunt & Sons. Colored aqua- tint. Published 1873. SporTiInG Prinr. Extraordinary Trotting Match Against Time, in which Mr. Burk Hereford undertook to drive two horses, in the same vehicle, alternately 45 miles in three successive hours. After J. F. Herring. Engraved by Chas. Hunt. Colored aquatint. SporTiInG Print. Lady Hampton. After G. F. Herring. Engraved by Chas. Hunt. Colored aquatint. Published 1842. A FremisH Farr. After Teniers. Engraved by J. P. Lebas. Tue Meetrinc oF Her Majzsty’s Stac-Hounps on Ascot Heatu. After F. Grant. Engraved by F. Bromley. Very rare. UNITED STATES SENATE IN 1850. Henry Clay delivering his celebrated address on the tariff. After P. F. Rothermel. Engraved by F. Whitechurch. RAPHAEL'S Fresco. Engraved by J. Volpato. 2 pieces KeEMBLE AS HaMiet. After Sir Thomas Lawrence. Mez- zotinto, by S. W. Reynolds. The large plate. Patrick Henry delivering his celebrated address. After P. F. Rothermel. Colored engraving. 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 95g 23 SPORTING Prints. Coaching Scene. After James Pollard (On Times and Good Company). Colored aquatints. 2 pieces SPoRTING Prinz. A Close Finish. After H. Alken. Colored aguatint. SportTinG Print. A Good Run. After H. Alken. Colored agquatint. Nava Scengs. The Battle of Trafalgar. Four different views. After R. Dodd. Colored aquatints. Published 1843. Very rare. 4 pieces LarGe PHoroGrapHic Vizw oF SmiruH’s IsLtanp on the Delaware. Tue Horse Freeper. After George Morland. Engraved by J. R. Smith. Colored mezzotinto. THE Corn Bin. After George Morland. Engraved by J. R. Smith. Colored mezzotinto. SporTinG Print. Free Trade Warranted Sound. Colored lithograph. Empassy oF HypErBeck to Catcurra. After Zoffany. Engraved by R. Earlom. Mezzotinto. ERMINIE ET LE BERGER. After Van Loo. Engraved by Porporati. Lene. SPORTING SCENE. Protection. After the Last Derby. After E. Landseer. Colored lithograph. THE READER AND THE WINDER. After Dow. Engraved by J. G. Wille. Line. THe Wasuincton Famity. After Edward Savage. En- graved by J. Sartain. Mezzotinto. GrorGE Wasuincron. After Gilbert Stuart. By W. E. Marshall. Line. India proof. FACSIMILE OF THE MaGna CHARTA. ANTOINE DE Marvin. After Van Loo. Engraved by C. AE ttte me ez772) THE CONFLAGRALION OF Masonic Hatt, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 1819. After S. Jones. Colored aquatint, by Je abil BatTLte oF New Orveans. After West, by J. Yeager. Colored stipple. a rs 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 3/2 24 SportinG Prinr. Captain Robert Barclay. Engraved by Williams. Colored aquatint. Sportinc Prinr. Tom Shelton and Thomas Spring. Noted English Boxers. Colored aquatints. 2 pieces SportinG Print. The Great Match Between Randal and Martin. Colored etching. Sportine Prints. Alken’s Hunting Qualifications. Drawn and engraved by H. Alken. Colored etchings. 6 pieces Sportinc Prints. Celebrated Chess Match at Parsloe’s. A Sparring Match at the Fives Court. Colored prints. 2 pieces Cueruss AT Pray. Engraved by Bartolozzi. Stpple, in brown. 2 pieces WarTeER Coror. Marine. WarTER Cotors. Landscapes. 2 pieces View oF WaTeER Works, at Centre Square, Philadelphia. CATHARINE II oF Russia. Mezzotinto. Engraved by Caro- line Watson. Tue Gipsy ForTUNE TELLER AND THE PREDICTION FUL- FILLED. After T. Stodhardt. Engraved by H. Granger. Supple. Rare. 2 pieces Tuomas Murrey, the Painter. After himself. Mezgzotinto. Engraved by J. Smith. Tuomas SACKVILLE, Earl of Dorset. Engraved by G. Vertue. Marie JEANNE Baptiste De Savoye. After Lawrent Du Sour. Engraved by R. Nanteuil. Line. Very fine. Princess Carouine. After Hysing. Engraved by J. Faber. Mezzotinto. QueEEN Ann AND James I. After Kneller. Engraved by J. Smith. Mezzouintos. 2 pieces BACK OF THE SrTaTE HousE(Philadelphia) and an Unfinished House. Engraved by Wm. Birch. Colored. 2 pieces Farrmounr Waterworks. Colored lithograph, by Leh- man, 1823. OriGInaL Drawinc. Wm. Penn’s Cottage, Letitia Court, Philadelphia. a 25 OricinaL DRawinc. Treaty Elm Tree. OricinaL Drawine. Slate Roof House. Wm. Penn’s Resi- dence in 1700. PENNSYLVANIA Hospitar. Colored lithograph, by Bowen. J. Dorsry’s Gothic Mansion, Philadelphia. By B. Tanner. Tue Late THEATRE IN Cuestnut Street, and the Bank of Pennsylvania. Engraved by T. Birch. Reprints. 2 pieces Water Cotor. Landscape, by E. C. Zabriskie. 2 Manocany Soras. Early English Style. Upholstered in figured tapestry. Veky OLp Curnese, Lapy’s Work Taste. Beautifully gold lacquered top and inside compartments, with all the ivory furnishings, ANTIQUE RosEewoop, Lapy’s WRITING AND WorK TABLE. Beautifully inlaid top in mother-of-pearl, with appurtenances. ANTIQUE TILT—Trop TABLE. Beautifully decorated with flowers and inlaid with pearl. Lapy’s TortoisE SHELL JewEL Cainer. Inlaid with silver. Very fine and old. ANTIQUE ManoGcany CHEST oF DRAWERS ANTIQUE Manocany CHEST OF DRAWERS. GUITAR. GuITaR. With case. RARE OLD VIOLIN. With case. RARE OLD Viorrn. With case. Swiss CarvED Woop Paper Rack. 2 Brass RepoussE PLAcQuEs. 20 FRAMED ENGRAVINGS, &c.