THE COMBINED COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE W. H. TAILER THE MARY S. MARTIN ESTATE AND Vir. J. B. MONTELL EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 2ND, SRD 4TH AND STH, 1907 AT 68.15 O’CLOCK FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 336 FIFTH AVENUE JAMES P. SILO, AUCTIONEER LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK 8m CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or oe so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyers’ expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auc- tioneer, on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within TWO DAYS from the Sale; Tue Firrh AvENUE ART GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct de- scription, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sales, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of de- livery of Goods purchased at thetr Sales. e JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. es THE ALEXANDER PRESS 18-20 ASTOR PLACE, NEw YoRKe CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE, Wednesday, January 2nd, 1907 SAI RATE sce at 8:15 o’clock. I Shore of Loch Long 24X20 UNKNOWN The Virgin 28x22 S UNKNOWN Landscape 12x16 4 eA, Early Morning in the Trosachs 20x16 5 RICHARDS (T. Addison) . . New York Twilight on the Delaware 17x14 6 BEY EE (S;) A Cornfield 15x21 7 INSLEY (Albert) . : ~ - New York Stockbridge Meadows 14x22 8 SHEPPARD (Warren) . . New York Outskirts of Venice 14xIO 9 SCHEFFELARD ; ‘ Munich Still Life 19x25 10 IRE GEE E: : : : : . London The Morning After 12xQ II EEN 20 NC Autumn in the Adirondacks 10x8 I2 CROPSEY (J. F.) . . ~~ New York Autumn 10x8 13 BRICHER (A.T. . . New York Marine Water Color 15x21 14 RAPHAEL (after) Madonna of the Chair 30X31 T5 VON SEVERDONCK (F.) . =. Brussels Sheep and Poultry 7x10 16 CHAPMAN (GC. T.) A.N. A. . New York In the Days of Oak and Hemp 30x20 17 WIGGINS (Carlton J.) A.N. A. . New York Landscape I1OxI4 18 alee aines 4G. ee =, NEw York The Foam Line of the Harbor Bar 34x44 ee 19 UNKNOWN A Norwegian Village 20 LEEOW (A. de) Returning Home 21 FLETON Kornombio Egypt 22X37 Ze CROPSEY G.F) =. Ne rk Lake George 18x38 23 UNKNOWN Sleeping Beauty BIXi7. 24 CROOK (A. bo). New York Still Life QxI12 25 NIE ER Clo A = = = New = York Landscape 12x16 26 DE HAVEN (Frank) A.N.A. . New York Oil Fire, Tarport, Pa. 24X30 27 UNKNOWN A Young Bull 34X41 28 FUCHS (Theo.) : : : Norway Norwegian Ford 32x44 29 $ LOVERIDGE (C.) : ; New York Cattle and Landscape 6x9 30 PYN Pee : : ; New York Pro Patrig QOX15 31 HEERSCHAART (J.). . Amsterdam Landscape 8xIO a2 LAUX A) : : : New York Early Breakfast I4xII 33 McCORD (Geo. H.) A.N. A. . New York Sunset—Lake George I2X20 34 sea ~CAL ON, AS >. oe New York Chicks IOxI2 35 CROBRSEX- C.J.) : : New York Autumn Landscape I2X20 36 CARTER (B.) : ; 3 New York Near Cow Bay, L. I. I2X20 37 BLENNER (Carle J.) : : New York The Sea Shell 16xI2 38 POORE- (it. R.A, _N. A; : New York Cow and Calf 24X32 32 UNKNOWN ‘Ehe Stranger 40 WHITTREDGE (W. W.) A. N. A. New York Sunlight by the Brook 12x16 AI COLINO Spanish Girl 12127 42 MILLER (Chas. 7.) : ; New York A Rainy Day at Weehawken 154x124 43 GRIFFIN (Thos. B.) é : New York Never Sink River 12x18 44 FRASCANI St. George and the Dragon 42x34 45 COFFIN (Wm. A.) A. N.iA. . New York September Woods and Flowers 30x40 46 Conve a. £) Autumn Lake Scene 12X20 47 THOM —-G.. ©.) : : ; New York The Edge of the River 18x25 48 BLACKMAN (W.) : ; ; London Among the Fishing Boats, Venice 20X30 49 BLENNER (Carle J.) ; : New York A Spanish Beauty—Pastel 28x22 50 BRAUN (A.) — : : New York Sheep in Pasture 14x22 51 YETO (G.) New York The Blue Screen 16x12 52 DAREY (2 = Paris Throwing Off 18x12 53 PRUSS:(@) The Ambassador 13x9 54 DeHAAS W.F.H. : : : New York Marine 12x19 55 SONDERLAND (F.) ——: Dusseldorf A Jolly Good Fellow 12xIO 56 7 SMEDEEY (CW..7.) ; : New York The Arrival—Water Color 26x18 57. UNKNOWN Virgin and Child 58 MIQISRN (id) = NG Vote Return of the Fishing Fleet Water Color IOX22 — 59 VON SEVERDONCK (F.) . Brussels Sheep 7x10% 60 Sunset 13x16 61 UNKNOWN Deer Drinking 17124x10 62 HART (Wm.) : ; : New York Landscape—Moonlight 10x13 63 DROWN (Wei M) =. New York Lillies 21Y%4x17Y% 64 TAA NA New Wark Grouse and Young IOxI4 65 HALL (Geo. H.) : : : New York A Spanish Innkeeper 16x12 66 INNES (Geo.) New York Soldier’s Return Qx13% a BLAKELOCK CREA.) : 3 New York Autumn Landscape I2XIO 68 FISCHER (Hugo) New York A Scotch Shepherd 16x24 69 New York MOELLER (Louis), N. A. The Final Settlement 8xIoO 7O WIGGINS (Carlton J.) A. N. A. Pasture by the Sea New York 16x20 71 CLARK (fH) New York Sea Girt IOX20 72 RICHET (eon) Paris Seacoast 21X29 73 POR GNObert) <= t= Se Vienna Apple Blossoms 30x14 74 CATEEE (leon)... : Paris The Happy Family 13x16 AS) HAMILTON (5:5)... - New York | An Idyl | IOYZXI5 76 BARIEEOr—(E.) Paris The Fair 35x46 77 OITEINIERR (Carl), = = = Maite Who Is It? 46x38 78 BOUCHARD (J.) The Flower Girl 24X14 79 POTTHAS! (Eo A Young Cow 24X30 80 CORTEZ) The French Chef 25x15 SI HYNEMAN (H. N.) Repose of the Model 10x14 Paris New York Paris New York 82 HAQUETTE (G.) Patis French Fisherman 22x28 83 MAIRE (Edward) Paris Chrysanthemums 62x82 SECOND EVENING’S SALE, Thursday, January 3rd, 1907 at 8.15 o'clock. —_—————————————— ————eOOOOOoas— 84 LUFTIN (Lee) : ; ; . New York Old Recollections 23x18 85 CHAPMAN (C.1.),A. NA... New York Rounding the Buoy Toms 86 SCHEURER-G)— == Munich Corner of Barnyard 5 Yaxi4 87 SCE ERE R=Cis) =e SMinich Wild Fowl 52x14 88 GROPSEY OF 2... New York Returning Home 10x8 89 Ee (hous) Munich Playmates 972X7 go TNE ON, Poa Aw 8 New Vouk Setter and Bird 12x22 QI HART (Wm.), N. A. eae: New York Autumn Landscape OAX14 92 INSLEY (Albert) 2, New York Lake George 20X32 03 SHEPPARD (Warren) . . New York Heading for Home 24x18 94 FUCHS (Theo.) ee = Norv ay. A Norwegian Ford 184x31 95 ANGEEIS (D_D)— * = Paris The Favorite Picture 10x8 96 SHEPPARD (Warren) - - New York Canal in Venice 14x10 97 BRANCIS-(Ch. A) New York Portrait—Water Color 21Y4x13% 98 UNKNOWN A Spanish Peasant 13/2x9% 99 WHITTEMORE (Wm. J.) 2. - New York Landscape 14x12 100 RUYNTJENS (H.) Amsterdam The Letter 7x0 IOI CHAPMAN (CT), ANA. New Vork On the Nantucket Shoals 18x12 102 SONN (A. He) 4 = eek The Guitar Player—Water Color 14x11 103 VICE RR Ja8- Go) ee ee CE Moonlight, Marine 20x15 104 HAMILTON CE. 5.) ; ; New York A Nymph 18x8 105 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.) F ; London A Puritan Maiden 13x9 106 FIELD Ci-L.) : : : New York Sunset 30x25 107 MOELLER (Louis), N. A... New York A Day in the City 8xIO 108 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) : . New York Cloverdale Ravine, Cal. 42X30 109 COUPDERY (iH )-H.) : : London Old Crusty 16x22 110 BIERSTADT (A.) : New York Sunset—Ma rine 14X20 IIt BAZZANI (L.) Rome After the Bath 20x19 II2 KBNSEIT (FP). 22 = = News Sunset on the River 14x24 113 ARCA] Be Nee New York Jerseys 20x30 II4 JOHNSON (David), N. A. . New York At Noroton Point, Conn. 14x24 T16 REBOUET (A). = 3 Confidences 16x13 116 REAM (M.) : : . New York Peach and Grapes 634x9 7 MORAN (Edward) .. New York | Marine | | 12x20 118 LAZERGES (Paul) ' é . Paris A Nile Tributary 15x18 119 GRANT (CR. = Londen He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not 32x20 120 RICHARDS (Wm. LN As New York Lake Placid IOxI51%4 121 ewer CAmos George) = = = Paris An Old Mill, Normandy 20X25 I22 BEACOUESN E_G\) = ag Watching the Battle 1814x22 123 BRICHER (A.-15.), A. N. Aj, New York Sunset, Grand Manan 25x52 124 EEICISER T=. ee ictecaam Coast Guard Station 8x10 125 GAY (Edward) A NTA. ==. == New. York The Town Clock, Eastchester 16x22 126 PERBOYVRE- (Pik: === Paris Officers of the Guard 13xIO 127 WITKOWSKI (R.) . . . New York The Evening Paper 18x22 128 Pip SONS CXbbey)> -.—- .— . --. London | Ideal Head | 20X24 129 HOGER (Georse H.) .- «Ss New York Autumn Day 28x36 130 RCH Pe lecom). 3 <. 2. . =... = Paris Approaching Storm 18x24 131 DEMAERTELAERE (L.) : Dusseldorf Landscape 16x20 132 CRAIG (Thos. B.), A. N& Potato Harvest IOXI4 133 PICARD (Edmond) The Shepherd’s Story 50x47 134 LATOUCHE (Gaston) Canal, at Bruges 31430 135 EDE (Frederic) —.. On the River Loing 22x29 136 LENVIN (C. A.) Reflections 18x15 New York Paris Paris Paris Paris 140 il HERRING (J.) Sa es : London Field and Farm 16x24 I4I Piste Ol) = ee aS Venice 13x22 142 ee PCA) Ne . New York Motherly Care 22x14 143 BOULDENICK GQ)... — New York Grandmother’s Birthday 20x32 144 GROLLERON (Paul) : : Paris A Sortie 24x32 145 EL PR ZG er Cil 2) oe eres Se ne New York A Mountain Torrent 38x54 146 Cvak (J) ; : : ; : Paris In Maiden Meditation 35x28 147 LEADER (B. Eastlake) 5 . London Goring on the Thames 20X30 148 THAULOW (Fritz) : i : Paris The Chancel Windows 32x26 149 COURBET (G) 2, sees) eerie Canal Scene, Amiens 18x2714 150 GILBERT (Victor) nase : London The Flower Garden 20X25 151 WEBER (Theo.) : : : 3 Paris After the Storm 27 Y2X39V2 152 ROTIG (Fred. G.) : : t Paris Wild Boars, Barbizon 21x25% 153 WOOD (Odgen) : ; : : Paris Landscape and Cattle 24X29 154 JEOPEI (Bugeié) 9... = Paris Landscape and Cattle 22X34 155 LACGAULT (Aci): . (5 AM ears Napoleon at Wagram 2134x26 156 MEGE-(Salvad0@ =... ; Paris Wezelay en Bourgogne 21x26 157 DAUBIGNY (Karl) ; A a ais Fishing Boats at Honfleur, France 18x32 158 ZUM -CPeUx) 2 Venice 27X21 159 STPEELINK (W.) . : . Amsterdam Sheep at the Well 232x390 160 BALEAVOINE.(Ji4)— .. ; ‘ 42> aris A Summer Belle 32x22 161 GOODALE (F.) RAL... London On the Nile 15x30 162 SEIGNAG (Paul) -=2-5 5. 2. Paris The New Earrings 163 PENGE- (Albert); 4). > Paris Dreaming 20x29 164 HILDA (E.) Paris | Prowlers of Ruins in India 32x40 165 FONDAINE. (Charles >=. 3 Se aris At the Well 2514x32 166 PAIL Edouard) 2 32) 4. ee ais Morning Landscape 40X32 THIRD EVENINGS: SALE, Friday, January 4th, 1907 at 8:15 o'clock. 167 SHEPPARD (Warren) 7 New York i ‘Canal in Venice | 12x18 i 168 | PERE New York | Pointer and Grouse | 14x22 169 | BRICHUR- (A. ©), A. N. As. New York | By the Sad Sea Waves | Water Color 9x20 SONNTAG (W. L.) 170 BUTTERWORTH (J. E.) Yacht Race 9x20 171 BROWN (Wm. M.) Raspberries 20x16 172 ALI Gk. FN 2 as Deer and Grouse 30X20 173 UNKNOWN The Virgin Mary 28x24 174 Lake Champlain 20x36 New York New York New York New York 175 AO NeaGl. 3 C) Seae te Pe co eo New York: Woods and Lake 1I8xIo 176 MORAN (Ed.) 5 2 j . New York Sunset—Marine IOxI7 177 DebURP CH). 2.5. ee 2 Brussels Shepherdess and Sheep 23//2X17 178 QUARTLEY (A.),N. A. - . New York Fishing Boats, Marblehead, Mass. 15x12 179 VALE NVENE (Vo)... So lorence Head of Old Woman 17X13 180 REHN (F. K. M.), A. N. A. A Breezy Day 16x28 181 VOLTZ (F.) Cattle at Pasture TOXI5 182 KOWALSKI (A.) A Game of Cards 13x15 183 SEIGNAC (Paul) Four-in-Hand 23x301%4 184 HAQUETTE (G.) The Rescue 30%43 New York Pars Pads Paris Paris 185 BRISSO? (F.o.)) <2 4... : , 3. -, haris Sheep in Pasture 712X972 186 PARQUHARSON’ (D.). 2). |. ~ London After the Rain 2014x16 187 MORAN Percy). .2t3,- a= New York The Visitor 18x24 188 POT THAS? (Edward) 33% New York Summer Evening 24X30 189 SESclA- Giela)eS = 3 = ee lena Sympathy I8x1I2 ; 190 AWER® CRobett) ==... a oe seh, Unexpected Witness 30x40 IQI BUDE Brederte) = =... . <9 ees, ee Paris Montigny-sur-Loing 18x15 192 MUSIN (August) ~ 2° 12 9. 4, = Brussels Calm on the Scheldt 15x18 193 JACQUET. CMaurice) <2. 2 a aes Ideal Head 22x18 104 PAT TIEN (Casatje 2. a a ic A Chat By the Way 22x26 WOOD (Ogden) 195 Parié Cattle and Landscape 24X29 196 Tee PELL (eugene) <2. <2 4. ets Paris TORRES (A) DIAZ (N.) Landscape 21X34 197 Paris Girl Reading 32x26 198 Paris Virgin and Child ASTI (A.) 14x10 199 Panis Ideal Head 15Y4xi2y 200 COROT G.cBiG.) 227 a ee eis Italian Landscape 8Y4x12% 201 JOLERN ()08:) Se ie ears Dinner Hour I2Y%4x16Y% 202 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.),R. A. ; London Erin 22x11 . 203 HUGUET (V.) : : : : Paris Arabs Watering their Horses 32x26 204 PissAk RO, (C.) : ; ; : Paris Along the River Front 23X29 205 INNOCENTI ; : 2 : ; Paris Cavalier 18x25 206 RICHOMME (J.) : : : ; Paris Wash Day 18x15 207 PENOT (A.) i Mes : : Paris Playing with the Kittens I8Yx13% 208 LATOUCHE (Gaston) ; ; = Paris The Ballet Dancers Pastel 30x31 209 KRATKE (Louis) ees : : Paris Vive l’Empereur 24X20 210 INNESS (George, Jr.) ; : New York Summer Evening 16x24 211 THAULOW (Fritz) : ; ; Paris Winter Landscape 15X20 212 BEONDEAU {Pj = ; i 2 Pats On the Banks of the Loire 22x26 213 BOGERT (Geo. H.) A.N. A. . New York The Windmill 27x30 214 PERRIER (Sanchez) : pee Paris Farm House, Normandy 12x16¥% 215 HEYLE (Mars) : i. emsteraam The Old Pool, Amsterdam 1614x23% 216 BONHEUR (Aug.) : ; Paris Sheep and Lambs on the Coast LIXI5 217 CONSTABLE (John) R.A. . . London The Mill Stream 9/2x14 218 MONTICELLI (Adolphe) In the Park Oval 20x21 219 TOURNIERES (Robert) Paris Comtesse de Rieux 26x22 220 HENNER (Jean Jacques) : : Paris Ideal Head 7X5 221 BERNE BELLECOUR (Jean) i Paris The Comrade IQXI4 222 De LORT (C.) deceased iter eA edaatas The Bagpiper 1314x20i% 223 ALDRICH (Amos George) : : Paris The River Road, LaChapelle at Marne 32x40 224 VERBOBCKHOVEN (EB) Brussels Landscape and Sheep 13X16 225 GARDNER (Elizabeth) . ; : Paris The Water’s Edge 45X30 226 PERIRING -(J. &., Sr.) : i London Horses at the Pool 29X47 227 DIAZ €N:) ; : ; : ; Paris Wood Interior 1244x116 228 BROW N-Ch-G.) > es . New York Plotting Mischief 25x30 229 HUDSON (G.) : : California Indian Papoose 36x26 230 MONCHABLON (J.) : : : Paris The River Scene at Chatillon 1814x24 Za1 CAVE VJ.) : : : ; : Paris 19 %2%23/2 232 LATOUR (Maurice-Quentin) Comtesse de Bermont 24X19 233 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) R. A. . London Landscape 10x14 234 ROLE OSCE) ce. : : : Paris 7 Venice 18x28 235 RIX (Julian) ; : : i New York Near Santa Barbara 24X33 236 DONA (R.) Boy E . +. oBlorence Fete Champetre 22x18 237 PABBI Ca.-F:) Florence In the Harem 18x21 238 RICHTER (Edouard) Paris At the Window 22x15 239 HOUBEN (Henri) . . .... Antwerp Village Scene, Belgium 26x32 240 BERNE BELLECOURT (E.) : Paris Embarkation 20x30 241 DUPRE (Julien) : wees ; Paris The Gleaners 30x51 242 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) ieee New York Nocturne 23x28 243 WERTHEIMER (G.) : : : Paris Ideal Head 27X21Y2 SVE! Cilenty: Pyaa New York September, Delaware County 30x40 245 ITAQUETI EB. (G) ; ; : ; Paris Fishermen off Ostend 292X432 246 CONTI (Tito) Paris The Model 22517 247 CABALLERO (J. M.) ‘Paris Spanish Inn Scene 22x18 248 ZIEM GE) = ie ee ee Paris The Grand Canal, Venice 21X45 249 HITCHCOCK (George) . .- New York Tulip Culture 48x66 250 MAUVE (A) = ee aes Ble ite Landscape and Cattle FOURTH EVENING’S SALE, Saturday January 5th, 1907 at 8.15 o’clock 251 DILLON (jJ.) : - : i =New- York Vase of Flowers 432%24% 252 IVP Ghee CRAs). eo New Wonk Head of a Young Girl Pastel 12x8 253 Rome Head of a Brigand Water ‘Color 12i4x9 254 iB : ; : : ; : e : Rome Head of an Old Man Water Color 12V2xQ V2 255 VON SEVERDONCKc()n) 25 = brussels Chickens and Ducks 10x7 256 RICHAKDS (lo Aes dg 2. ee NeW enon Vase of Roses I2xX1O 257 BROW. NGOW mie AV) ee New York Chestnuts 8xIO 258 LAUX (A.) : i : : New York Sheep in Barn 16x20 259 cee (AGE) NA : . New York Pointer and Grouse 8xIO 260 BLENNER (Carle J.) oe New York A Debutante 10x8 261 WHITTREDGE (W. W.) A.N.A. New York Lowering Skies 12x17 262 PRN Clon GH obs) ae New York Neat —Brantord, Ct. 12x18 263 CREIEELDS (R.) : : ; New York The Last Chance 8Y4x10% 264 CRAIG (Thos. B.) A. NA] 32" New York In the Sunshine IOxI4 265 McCORD (Geo. H.) A. N. A, New York In Golden Autumn 12x16 266 SHEPPARD (Warren) . . New York Venice 14x24 267 SHEPPARD (Warren) ao = New york Outskirts of Venice 12x18 268 LANZONI (G.) ; : : Florence Preparing the Dinner IlY4xi4yy 269 BLACKMAN (Walter) Saige London English Beauty 20x16 270 SMITH (Henry P.) . . . New York Afternoon at the Mill Pond 12x16 Py DeHAVEN (Frank), A. N. A. New York The Rainbow 36x48 ge ISABEY (E,) : : : : 5 Paris The Wreck QOx14 273 CHAPNIANGCC (i. A. NA. -) New. York Wet Weather, English Channel 20X14 274 HUSTON (Wm.) Seaconnett, R. I. 12x16 275 BLAKELOCK (R.) Sunset 6x4 276 HORSTMAN (N.) The Hunt 7X13 277 HORSTMAN (N.) Away 7X13 278 KENT Gordon Setter 16x18 New York New York New York New York New York 279 RA CA. = H=) Na A. ; : New York In the Barn 30x20 280 BROWN (Wm. M.) ‘ . New York Peaches 16x20 281 GONS FABLE (RA: , : London The Old Oak 8x12 282 MOSLER (Henry) A. N. A. . New York In the Orchard 283 CRANE (Bruce) os : . New York After a Shower 14X20 284 LOW (Will H.) In a Poppy Field 12x934 285 ROUSSEAU (Hi) Landscape IOYXIA 286 KURTZ IRORERAtt Pastel 45X35 287 KURTZ : : Portrait Pastel 28x21 288 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.) R. A. A Breton Girl 10x06 New York Paris New York New York London 289 M@BIELMR «(Louis), No Ac "4 New Votk Her Birthday 18x24 290 Petia (Wola) New York Marine I2X20 291 RICH ARIS c Ae 2 > Ney. Work Grapes TOXI2 292 DETOBRE CR Al so Paris At the Stile 22x12 223 McCORD (Geo. H.),A.N. A... NG Vork Sunset on the Hudson 20X30 294 BEAUCHAMP (i). 5 = ane A Venetian Courtyard Water Color 21x16 295 PIELD (E Royal)= == NCW tk Moonrise, Arkville 12x16 296 GAY (Edward), A. Ni A. . = New Yar The Hilltop, Eastchester 23%35 297 DIAZ (ND) 2 Landscape I2Y16% 298 CRANE (Bruce) : ——- . New York In the Adirondacks OX7 299 DAINGERFIELD (E.), A. N. A. New York Chrysanthemums 24X34 300 DOLPH=G—F.), Ne A; : New York No Place Like Home 24x20 301 DESGOPME (Blaise) —-5-= => = — = Paris Still Life 24X30 302 ANE URN = eS rence The Messenger I1x9Q 303 WILSON (Jock) sas = london On the Beach at Low Tide 2137 304. OUTS EO N= (Ed) ee A Lesson in Horticulture 28x20 395 ZENE CE) ee Paris Venetian Fishermen I4x2I 306 SES Silla) Vienna Brysais Before the Bust of Achilles 18x12 307 BONHEUR (Perol) : : : = == Paris Mountain Goats 92x13 308 aN kA EC) --- Brussels Faggot Gatherers 23X20 309 EEVENEE ROVERNG (i= = Paris Le Pont Marie IQx25 310 On oer i =(Ga == : : : poo ears Flirtation 2332x106 311 RICH EE =Cbeon )= == —. : ===, Paris A Peasant’s Cottage 13x19 312 ISRABES-Ci)—. : nee eraone Old Woman Sewing Water Color 7 2X5 313 JACQUE {(Chas.) Chickens 5x8 314 RANNY : Still Life 14x20 315 SHEPPARD (Warren) Paris New York New York Venetian Fishing Boats 14X24 316 HILL (Edward) New York A Mountain Stream 20x14 317 HAMILTON (W. R.) Portrait of Archibald Somerville 30x29 318 HAMILTON (W. R.) Portrait of Mary Bingham Somerville 36x29 319 Ori AN=C. —-== New York A Favorable Sport 12x16 320 EE ( derbert Aj) =.=... s