LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK et : . * % a _ ee y en = — cm % cc s: : : ¢ Ci - r. . * * | se ‘ @ * “a * - . ' A No. 48. STUDY OF A COW Constant Troyon Modern Paintings and Water Colors By Dutch, French and American Artists The Property of MR. JULIUS OEHME Harpignies Kaemmerer Courtois Robert-Fleury Troyon Boudin Boggs Jacquet Also Decorative Portraits of the French School with some additions, consigned by Private Owners, which comprise the second session of the sale To be sold without reserve at the ANDERSON GALLERIES On Thursday and Friday Evenings February 29th and March Ist, 1912 at 8 o'clock On Exhibition from February 24th to the day of sale The Anderson Auction Company Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be-the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the pur- chaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in our Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsi- ble for the correctness of the description, authen- ticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty what- 7 ever but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Auction Company will use every effort to furnish proof to the con- trary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TERMS CaAsH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Ander- son Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be with- out prejudice to the right of The Anderson Auc- tion Company to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and | packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street Telephone Bryant 7990 NEW YoRK Artists Represented AURELI, G. . BASKE, F. BECKWITH, C. BENNER, J. BLAKELOCK, R. A. BLONDEAU, P. Bocces, F. M. Borione, B. Boston, J. H. Bounptn, E. BourGAI, G. BouteELLeE, D. C. CALAME, A. CALIFANO, J. CASELLA, T. CuaPIn, C. H. CuaseE, W. M. CHIERICI, G. CrarE, G.-. CourRTENS, F. Courtors, G. Conk. Cuvp, A. (attributed) CzACHORSKI, V. VON DAINGERFIELD, E. DE Bock, T. Dr CuvItton, R. DE LARGILLIERE (after) Dotpu, J. H. Drew, G. W. Dupre, JULES eater nh nes ome 104 34. 22 FISCHER, J. FLEURY-ROBERT, T. FORSTER Frye toa: GrBson, W. H. GILBERT, V. GUILTON, E. ‘ Guyon, Mme M. HARPIGNIES, H. HENZELL, I. Hruner, J. J. Hrcxs* 1: HOEBER, A. Howe, W. H. Iwit1, M. J. JACQUET, J. G. JARDIN, KAREL DU JETTEL, EUGENE KAEMMERER, F, H. KENSETT, J. F. KNELL, W. C. KNELLER, SIR G. LANGEVELD, F. Larp, M. LersH. Ce-. LEISTEN, J. LELY, Sir PETER LENorrR, C. A. LEtorr, M. LINNELL, J. Meparp, E. Metis, H. J. ey |; 105, 113 40 a7 102 108 41 122 85 oes . 47, 51 10 MESLE, J. P. : : : : . 29 METZMACHER, E, : , , 84 Moors, H. : : , : 46 Mount, Wm. : : ‘ : earls NattieEr, J. M. (after) . 60, 53, 56 NoweEy, M. : ; , ‘ 81 Pasing, A. : ; : : , Poeun) 18 Wa, Penot, A. . ; : 7 (25 a8 9 oe ; : : : 88 Prot, A. : : ; ? er oe PITTara, C. : : : ‘ cee! Pyaon; q . é : : 3 Ravers, J... ; ’ ; RR A 66 Ream, C.'P. ; ; ; : 77 Roeuors, WE. JR... : ; 26 Sworp, J. B. , . 86, 91 fee ioATE. ET, |. ; : : Perl | TEN Kate, J. M. 24 TENRE, H. . : ve wi bac18 ToupouzE, KE. . : : : : 14 ToupovuzE, Mme. : ; i) Troyon, C. : 4 43 UNKNOWN ARTIST : 52, 79, 99, 101 VAN BosKERCK, R. W. i : AQ VAN DriesTEN, A. J. . ’ ; : 25 VaN ESSEN, JAN . ; 15 VAN DER WEELE, H. J. ; 57 VAN MIEREVELT, M. J. (after) , 58 WaALcors,-H. M... : ; : ears 0s) WHITTEMORE, WM. J. . ; ont Ob WICKENDEN, R. J. : : 94 Woopwarp, D. . : : : d 82 &® NOTE R. OEHME has been identified with the Art life of New York for nearly half a century. For more than thirty years he acted as American manager for the house of Goupil, afterwards M. Knoedler & Co., then for fifteen years he maintained his own galleries. During these years he was brought in contact with the entire picture buying public and has always upheld the highest standards. Now that he has retired from business, this sale will dispose of his remaining pictures. They represent modern European and American artists with a group of decorative portraits after French Masters, making a pleasing assortment from which to select works suitable for the adornment of the modern home. Water Colors F te No. 1 P. Blondeau Contemporary French Artist LANDSCAPE Signed Height, 1614 inches; width, 121% inches No. 2 B. Borione Contemporary Italian Artist fo CARD PARTY Signed. Dated Paris, ’99 Height, 125 inches; width, 153 inches 15 No. 3 L. Pyron Contemporary Italian Artist HEAD OF A GIRL Signed. Dated ’97 Height, 2214 inches; width, 1034 inches No. 4 G. Aureli Contemporary Italian Artist THE RENDEZVOUS Signed Height, 17 inches; width, 11 inches No. 5 Madame Toudouze Contemporary French Artist THE MINUET Signed Height, 161% inches; width, 1234 inches 10 No. 6 iad ie Henri Tenre / Contemporary French Artist THE PET Signed Height, 1714 inches; width, 121% inches No. 7 A. Penot Contemporary French Artist po) : HEAD OF A GIRL Signed. Dated Paris, 1897 Height, 1414 inches; width, 9 inches No. 8 Henri J. Melis 7D, ‘g . Contemporary Dutch School 1846- INTERIOR IN HOLLAND Signed Height, 13 inches; width, 14 inches 17 No. 9 Victor Gilbert Contemporary French Artist IN THE FIELDS Signed Height, 1414 inches; width, 101% inches No. 10 Maurice Lard Contemporary French Artist THE BLUE BONNET Pastel, Signed Height, 17 inches; width, 1414 inches No. 11 B. Borione Contemporary Italian Artist THE CARDINAL’S PORTRAIT Signed. Dated Paris, 1899 Height, 1334 inches; width, 1034 inches 18 No. 12 Madame Maximiliene Guyon French Artist. Died 1904 GOOD NIGHT Signed. Dated 1899 Height, 18 inches; width, 11 inches No. 13 Henri Tenre Contemporary French Artist AT THE FOUNTAIN Signed | Height, 1414 inches; width, 1014 inches No. 14 E. Toudouze Contemporary French Artist 1844- MOTHER AND CHILD Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 2134 inches 19 No. 15 Jan Van Essen Contemporary Dutch Artist 1854- A POOL WITH DUCKS Signed Height, 10%4 inches; width, 1734 inches No. 16 R. De Cuvillon Contemporary French Artist DAME DE LA DIRECTOIRE Signed Height, 2124 inches; width, 18 inches No. 17 B. Borione Contemporary Italian Artist A*GAME OF CHESS Signed. Dated Paris, 1900 Height, 16 inches; width, 2034 inches 20 No. 18 V. Gilbert Contemporary French Artist PARIS FLOWER MARKET Signed Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches No. 19 Henri Tenre Contemporary French Artist CURIOSITY Signed Height, 141% inches; width, 1014 inches No. 20 R. De Cuvillon Contemporary French Artist A SOUBRETTE Signed Height, 2134 inches; width, 18 inches 21 No. 21 B. Borione Contemporary Italian Artist THE CARDINAL AMUSES HIMSELF Signed. Dated Paris, 1899 Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches No. 22 Gustave Bourgain Contemporary French Artist PAINTING A PORTRAIT Signed Height, 21 inches; width, 1414 inches No. 23 Victor Gilbert Contemporary French Artist GATHERING FLOWERS Signed Height, 14144 inches; width, 101% inches 22 No. 24 J. M. Ten Kate Contemporary Dutch Artist 1860-1897 THE DISPUTE Signed Height, 12 inches; width, 2314 inches No. 25 A. J. Van Driesten Contemporary Dutch Artist THE LONG LANE Signed Height, 2714 inches; width, 18 inches No. 26 William E. Roelofs, Jr. Contemporary Dutch Artist 1874- STILL LIFE Signed Height, 1314 inches; width, 2014 inches. 23 Oil Paintings No. 27 3 0 Henry C. Lee Contemporary American Artist LANDSCAPE Signed Height, 15 inches; width, 18 inches No. 28 ae: a soi Vladislav Von Czachorski J Contemporary Polish Artist 1850- HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN Signed Height, 1114 inches; width, 814 inches 24 No. 29 Joseph Paul Mesle 3 » Contemporary French Artist PARTING DAY Signed Height, 2914 inches; width, 2834 inches No. 30 Jacobus Leisten Contemporary German Artist 1845- Q ‘ WAITING FOR PAPA—THE WELCOME Signed Height, 241% inches; width, 241% inches A J 0 No. 31 Fe 3 Elliot Daingerfield Contemporary American Artist 1859- RETURNING HOME Signed Height, 13 inches; width, 32 inches 25 No. 32 Ap. Johannis Fischer © / Y, German Artist aad MINERVA PROTECTING THE ARTS Signed Height, 2914 inches; width, 2114 inches No. 33 C. A. Lenoir Contemporary French Artist ‘eae te “_Y A BLONDE Signed. Dated 1902 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches No. 34 Eugene Boudin 4 43 =) French Artist 1825-1898 LANDSCAPE IN HOLLAND Signed Height, 1034 inches; width, 144 inches 260 No. 35 C. A. Lenoir £ : Contemporary French Artist A BRUNETTE Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches No. 36 Theophile de Bock a a ( Dutch Artist 1851-1904 LANDSCAPE IN HOLLAND Signed Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches No. 37 Fe nt Jean Gustave Jacquet “| | French Artist 1846-1900 HEAD OF A GIRL Signed Height, 9 inches; width, 61% inches 27 ; D A No. 38 @)) Henri Harpignies \ French Artist 1819-1911 | MORNING IN THE VALLEY Signed and dated ‘‘ H: Harpignies, ’98 ”’ Height, 12 inches; width, 17 inches No. 39 LY Tony Robert-Fleury 4 a Contemporary French Artist HEAD OF A GIRL Signed Height, 2514 inches; width, 12) inches No. 40 3°] [s- M. J. Iwill Contemporary French Artist ON THE MARNE, EARLY SPRING Signed Height, 13!4 inches; width, 2334 inches 28 No. 41 Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer é 3 . Dutch Artist 1839-1902 MODISTE, WINTER-TIME Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 10°4 inches No. 42 a Henri Harpignies French Artist 1819-1911 THE RUIN ny Signed at the lower left ‘‘ H. Harpignies ”’ ib Height, 1514 inches; width, 21 inches t No. 43 Constant Troyon a French Artist 1810-1865 ny $ SLUDY, OF A.COW From the Sale of the Artist’s Effects. Signed At lower right ‘‘ Vente Troyon”’ Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches (See Frontispiece. ) : a eI 6! No. 44 as Frank M. Boggs Contemporary American Artist 1855- VIEW OF A FRENCH HARBOR Signed Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches No. 45 | 0 ; Arthur Hoeber, A. N. A. Contemporary American Artist EVENING Canvas. Signed Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches No. 46 Humphrey Moore ry ; Contemporary American Artist 1844- GIRL WITH TAMBOURINE Signed Height, 3014 inches; width, 23 inches 30 No. 47 Frans Langeveld Contemporary Dutch Artist EVENING, BRINGING THE CATTLE HOME Signed and dated ‘‘ Frans Langeveld, 1907”’ Height, 2014 inches; width, 29 inches No. 48 Sir Godfrey Kneller 1646-1723 COUNTESS OF ESSEX Height, 291% inches; width, 25 inches No. 49 Robert W. van Boskerck, N. A. Contemporary American Artist HACKENSACK MEADOWS, EARLY MORNING Signed Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches 31 f No. 50 ‘ | J. M. Nattier (after) MADAME SOPHIE, DAUGHTER OF LOUIS XV Height, 32 inches; width, 2514 inches “ No. 51 yo “es 4 ese Frans Langeveld ia | Contemporary Dutch Artist CATTLE IN PASTURE Signed Height, 2414 inches; width, 291% inches G c No. 52 a 2 i! Unknown Artist DECORATIVE PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN Height, 32 inches; width, 2534 inches 32 ‘No. 53 J. M. Nattier (after) DECORATIVE PORTRAIT MADAME VICTOIRE, FILLE DE LOUIS XIV Height, 32 inches; width, 2514 inches No. 54 N. De Largilliere (after) DECORATIVE PORTRAIT MADAME D’AUFFRAY, NIECE DE LARGILLIERE Height, 32 inches; width, 2534 inches No. 55 Jean Benner Contemporary French Artist 1836- AT THE FOUNTAIN Signed Height, 21 inches; width, 34 inches 33 Jo 0,0: i No. 56 J. M. Nattier (after) PRINCESS DE CONDE Height, 36 inches; width, 2834 inches No. 57 Herman J. van der Weele Contemporary Dutch Artist 1852- BOY WITH LAMB Signed — Height, 2634 inches; width, 35 inches (See Illustration.) No. 58 Michel J. van Mierevelt (after) A DUTCH LADY OF QUALITY Height, 45 inches; width, 2814 inches 34 apPeM “P ‘A ‘f ‘H aNV1IV HLIM AOd “LS ON No. 59 Gustave Courtois Contemporary French Artist 1855- WOMAN OF MOROCCO Signed and dated ‘* Gustave Courtois, Paris, 1900” Height, 3814 inches; width, 29 inches * Exhibited at the Beaux Arts, 1901, No. 159. No. 60 Richly Carved Antique Oak Cabinet On a high base having two doors with three pilasters ornamented with Terms, rests a cabinet top ‘richly ornamented with carved mouldings and figure carvings at front and sides. There are nine drawers having pulls shaped as human heads, also three doors enclosing five secret drawers. Height, 7 feet; length, 5 feet; depth, 27 inches This was in Mr. Oehme’s possession for many years, having been acquired in Germany. 36 SECOND SESSION The Paintings in this Session are, with very few exceptions, the property of Private Owners, consigned during the season to be sold without reserve. Many by well-known artists will claim the attention of Collectors. No. 61 | Large Plaque be Flowers and leaves of the Cactus on a deep blue ground. Doulton and Son, Makers Diameter, 25)4 inches No. 62 Jardiniere Brass en repoussé, resting on four clawed feet, | with solid rope handles springing from Rams’ heads, Height, 1114 inches; diameter, 15 inches 37 No. 63 Pair of Four-Fold Japanese Screens WOOD FRAME Height, 78 inches No. 64 Large Print Portfolio EBONY AND BRASS FOLDING STAND FOR SAME No. 65 Fukawa Baske Tokio, Japan EARLY MORNING Water Color. Signed Height, 1514 inches; width, 224 inches 38 No. 66 J. Ravelli THE CAVALIER’S SONG Water Color Height, 1414 inches; width, 211% inches No. 67 Fukawa Baske Tokio, Japan A SUMMER DAY Water Color. Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 27 inches No. 68 Maurice Leloir Contemporary French Painter A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY Water Color. Signed and dated 1884 Height, 714 inches; width, 614 inches 39 No. 69 Fukawa Baske Tokio, Japan A FARM HOUSE Water Color. Signed Height, 1314 inches; width, 2134 inches No. 70 Fukawa Baske Tokio, Japan ROAD TO HAKONE Water Color. Signed Height, 1734 inches; width, 1134 inches No. 71 W. Hamilton Gibson American Painter and Illustrator SUNNY OCTOBER Water Color. Signed in monogram and dated 1894 Height, 8 inches; width, 11 inches * Bought at the sale of the artist’s works in March, 898. 405 No. 72 Fukawa Baske Tokio, Japan SPRING Water Color. Signed Height, 22 inches; width, 13 inches No. 73 Fukawa Baske Tokio, Japan EARLY MORNING Water Color. Signed Height, 1414 inches; width, 2114 inches Oil Paintings Fy No. 74 ib E. Guilton DEAD SONG BIRDS Panel. Signed Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches No. 75 f. | J. Califano V Contemporary American Painter LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed Height, 2114 inches; width, 1224 inches * Shown at the National Academy Exhibition 1905 42 No. 76 J. H. Dolph American School 1835-1905 KITTENS Panel. Unsigned Height, 4144 inches; width, 814 inches No. 77 C. P. Ream American Painter APPLE SELLER Academy board. Signed Height, 10 inches; width, 6 inches No. 78 George Clare English Painter PRIMROSES Canvas. Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches 43 1. Wo No. 79 Unknown Artist THE BIRD’S NEST Canvas. Unsigned Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches No. 80 John Linnell English Artist 1792-1882 THE TIMBER WAGON Panel. Signed Height, 914 inches; width, 1414 inches Probably a study for his large painting of the same subject. No. 81 M. Nowey IN THE SHEEP FOLD Panel. Signed Height, 1014 inches; width, 8 inches 44 No. 82 Dewing Woodward Contemporary American Artist THE MODEL RESTING Canvas. Signed and dated 1909 - Height, 1514 inches; width, 231% inches No. 83 GC I. Henzell | THE FISHERMAN’S WIFE Canvas. Signed Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches No. 84 of E. Metzmacher | German Artist THE LOVERS Panel. Signed and dated 1876 Height, 2014 inches; width, 1434 inches 45 —— No. 85 W. C. Knell English Artist STORMY WEATHER OFF THE DUTCH COAST Canvas. Signed and dated 1873 Height, 12 inches; width, 24 inches No. 86 James B. Sword Contemporary American Painter 1839- GLIMPSE OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN FROM BLACK MOUNTAIN Canvas. Signed. Dated ’75 Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches No. 87 Eugene Medard Contemporary French Painter CHLOE AND DAPHNIS Canvas. Signed Height, 13 inches; width, 19 inches 46 No. 88 C. Petit ate Belgian Artist THE HAPPY MOTHER Panel. Signed. Dated 1876 Height, 26 inches; width, 1924 inches No. 89 0. C. H. Chapin vi American Artist MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed. Dated 1873-74 . Height, 2314 inches; width, 381% inches No. 90 po. Jean J. Heuner 1829-1910 HEAD OF A GIRL Canvas. Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches 47 No. 91 James B. Sword Contemporary American Painter 1839- AUTUMN AT LAKE GEORGE Canvas. Signed. Dated ’75 Height, 18 inches; width, 29 inches No. 92 Gaetano Chierici Italian Painter B. 1838- FUN AND FRIGHT Height, 29 inches; width, 38 inches Copy of the original painting in the Corcoran Gal- lery at Washington. No. 93 Dewitt C. Boutelle American Painter of Middle of 19th Century A WATERFALL Canvas. Signed. Dated 1861 Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches 48 fe No. 94 / Robert J. Wickenden Contemporary American Painter AFTER SUNSET—NEAR QUEBEC Canvas. Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 26 inches No. 95 nV Franz Courtens Contemporary Belgian Painter MILKING TIME Canvas. Signed Height, 19 inches; width, 25 inches ia No. 96 | V Thomas Hicks, N. A. 1823-1890 PORTRAIT OF LONGFELLOW Painted from life 49 No. 97 T. Casella THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON Canvas Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches No. 98 Forster PORTRAIT OF CHARLES DICKENS Canvas. Signed. Dated 1877 Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches No. 99 Unknown Painter Dutch School LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE Canvas Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches 50 No. 100 Albert Cuyp (attributed) Y 1620-1691 INTERIOR OF A STABLE Panel Height, 11%4 inches; width, 1514 inches 9) af No. 101 ) Unknown Painter } ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE AND FIGURES Panel Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches No. 102 pe Karel du Jardin | ; Dutch 1625-1678 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND SHEEP Canvas Height, 18 inches; width, 151% inches 51 No. 103 is : H. M. Walcott Contemporary American Painter THE DILEMMA Canvas. Signed Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches * Shown at the National Academy Exhibition, 1906 No. 104 5) en Joseph H. Boston Contemporary American Artist THE BERKSHIRE HILLS Signed Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches No. 105 William H. Howe, N. A. J 0 ; Contemporary American Artist 1844- LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Panel. Signed. Dated 1905 Height, 1514 inches; width, 1914 inches Inscribed ‘‘To my friend Thomson”’ 52 No. 106 O ib William J. Whittemore Contemporary American Artist ROMANCE Water Color. Signed. Dated 1908 Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches No. 107 tr John H. Fry 3 | Contemporary American Painter AT THE SPRING Canvas. Signed Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches No. 108 yy Eugene Jettel Contemporary Austrian Painter 1845- ROADWAY IN HOLLAND, EVENING Canvas. Signed Height, 33 inches; width, 47 inches a3 No. 109 William M. Chase 1849- THE MANDOLIN PLAYER Canvas. Signed. Dated 1873 Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches (See Illustration) No. 110 Ralph Albert Blakelock 1847- AN INDIAN ENCAMPMENT Canvas. Signed Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches No. 111 Jules Dupre 1812-1889 SILVERY MOONLIGHT Canvas. Signed Height, 25 inches; width, 1914 inches From the Henry Sale 1911 54 No. 109. THE MANDOLIN PLAYER Wm. M. Chase No. 112 [? | Carroll Beckwith, N. A. Contemporary American Painter THE OLD PIER GLASS Panel. Signed and dated 1901 Height, 1414 inches; width, 11 inches (See Illustration) \ No. 113 Se William H. Howe, N. A. 1844- LANDSCAPE AT SUNSET Panel. Signed. Dated 1901 Height, 1514 inches; width, 19!4 inches Inscribed ‘‘To my friend Thomson”’ No. 114 0 A. Piot yf Contemporary French Artist A ROMAN FLOWER GIRL Canvas. Signed Height, 40 inches; width, 50 inches 56 No. 112. THE OLD PIER GLASS Carroll Beckwith c No. 115 % 0 Alberto Pasini 1826-1899 THE GATE OF A MOSQUE Canvas. Signed Height, 1034 inches; width, 14 inches (See Illustration) ce No. 116 J) Kenyon Cox, N. A. Contemporary American Painter DIANA THE HUNTRESS Canvas. Signed. Dated 1892 Height, 30 inches; width, 18 inches * Shown at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 f No. 117 5 Alexandre Calame Swiss 1810-1864 THE VALLEY OF CHAMOUNIX Canvas. Signed Height, 17 inches; width, 24 inches 58 TUIseg OOTY ANOSOW V AO ALVS AHL ‘SIT “ON No. 118 if George W. Drew 4 Contemporary American Artist SUNSET Canvas... Signed Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches No. 119 Je Sir Peter Lely (Attributed) B U 1618-1680 PORTRAIT OF A GIRL Canvas Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches No. 120 V4 C. Pittara ib \ : Contemporary Italian Painter CATTLE AT THE WATERING PLACE Canvas. Signed Height, 30 inches; width, 40 inches 60 aqyey vay uBuleyzy AOMAO ONILINGORA AHL et ON No. 121 ¢ 6: Herman Ten Kate Dutch 1822- THE RECRUITING OFFICE Panel. Signed Height, 24 inches; width, 37 inches (See Illustration) No. 122 John F. Kensett Contemporary American Artist LAKE COMO, ITALY Height, 2214 inches; width, 37 inches Fa No. 123 \v ; William S. Mount American Artist THE MISCHIEVOUS DROP Signed. Dated Height, 13 inches; width, 934 inches 62 Weeks } Pi es As 2 pa BA ake Se fom dew Utele