Sie Taser Eee pens SF ee . pe ne ae Sm . i aes ora! be oft s Sieg t our ove eee 5 Sein oe Meee news s tn Renae “ 5 ies 5 Ra Son ESE — : 3 Seager SoS : as Sahn em we Sal wae ey aa Tare a s totter hemes eee Sno aI ca Se ee Stn eee, Re a = eat ae ete at ne Mianston Fiouse, Newcastle wpoen Ferze PP Lf CATALOGUE OF THE WHOLE OF THE ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TOGETHER WITH THE PLATE, LINEN, GLASS, CHINA, PAINTINGS, PRINTS, BOOKS, - AND OTHER VALUABLE EFFECTS, IN THE MAWSZON FOUS H, INCLUDING THE BEAUTIFUL AND CURIOUS ANTIQUE CARVED OAK SETTLE, In the sumptuous Style of the Time of Henry the Sth, THE THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE DAY CLOCK, SPLENDID CHIMNEY GLASS, GRAND PIANO-FORTE, BY BROADWOOD, Gc. &c. ALSO, THE BREWING COPPERS, VESSELS, AND UTENSILS, Capable of brewing Fourteen Half Barrels at a Time, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTIOW, BY fe Co EWART. ON THE PREMISES, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1837, And following Days, (Saturdays excepted, ) AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK PRECISELY, BY DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH. _ May be viewed, by CataLoevuE onLy, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday previous to the Commencement of the Sale; and Cara- Locus, price One Shilling each, will be ready on SarurDay the _ 24th December, and may be had at the. Courant Orrick, of all the Booksellers, and at the principal Inns in Newcastle, at the principal Inns in each of the neighbouring Towns, and of JOHN and GEO. EWART, Land Surveyors, Auctioneers, &c., No. 4, Butcher Bank, Newcastle. 1836. + F : -] ad ©. - vy 2 ae Brel ye ae ¥ ? 3 . 5] ; a alin « agp ce Be * me S xe! i : ; a ; - ae Sa ee Lae op = peigiore wastina ea Nae whee tisk acne Gat a: fey Pc ae an a yaad “DAs eo oe ’ wes ‘yee re = ued. tome Wo yee tnany {gia REF, AE ee ee ; T cj t aS 3 4 ~iages a Lal Pi os jd P ? j "oi . v= Oy poe 7" Toran a ; nd t ri a ¢ i és apt - A CATALOGUE, &c. &c. FIRST DAY’S SALE, TUESDAY, THIRD DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. BOOKS. OCTAVO & INFRA. LOT , VOLS. 1 Catalogue of Dr. Thomlinson’s Library, Proceedings of Church Missionary Society, 1826, 1827, and Prison — Rules for Newcastle upon Tyne 3 2 Wearmouth Bridge Act,1; Prison Rules for Newcastle upon Tyne - z 3 Taplin’s Farriery, calf . 2 4 Burn’s Justice, law calf : U 4; - 5 Brookes’s Gazetteer, 1820 : 1 6 Bewick’s Fables, roan, lettered, 1818 1 7 Sykes’s Local Records, 1833 - 2 8 Sykes’s Tracts; Wearmouth Bridge 2 4, LOT ) VOLS. 9 Administration of the Poor Laws 1 10 Wilkinson’s Modern Veterinarian, 1833 ae - - 1 11 Sopwith’s Aecount of All Saints’ Church, and Peele’s Phantom City 2 12 Newcastle Remembrancer, Peele’s Phantom City, and Newcastle Di- rectory for 1833 - - “< 13 Peele’s Phantom City, 1; Debrett’s Peerage, 2; and twe Testaments 5 14 Poor Law Act, 4 and 5 William IV., Gap. '76; Durham University Act ; and Gaol Acts, 4 George IV., Cap. 64, and 5 George IV., Cap. 85 3 15 Vagrant Act, 3 George IV., Cap. 30; Licensing Ale House Act, 3 George IV., Cap. 77 ; and Gaol Acts, 4 Geo. IV., Cap. 64, and 5 Geo. [V., Cap. So - z - re) 16 Bayley’s Common Pr side Morocco, gilt - - _ 1 17 Sykes’s Local Records, 1833 - 2 18 Lingard’s History of sbi sea gilt - - - 14 19 Oliver’s Map of Nesedsiingy in a hand- — some case —si= - te aay * 20 Blank Catalogue of Books in Mansion House; Walker and Richardson’s Armorial Bearings of the Incorpo- 4 a s L 3 * - a . - 4 n , ~ 2 > ‘ ; 4 calle VOLS. rated Companies of Neweastle, 1824; and Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society, 1825, 1826 - - 21 Report of the Committee for Manag- ing the Patriotic Fund, 2 copies ; and 22nd Report of the Bible Soci- ety of Newcastle - 22 Marriatt’s Burn’s Justice, law calf, 1830 - . : 23 Chetwynd’s Supplement to Burn’s Jus- tice, 1823 < 24, Ude’s French Cook, and Cook's Ora- cle - é x 25 Acts of Parliament, ‘26, 29, and 30 George III., and 29 to 35 ditto 26 London Gazette, 1789 to 1791, 1792 to 1795, and 1784 to 1788 Z FOLIO & QUARTO. 27 Bourne’s History of Newcastle, folio, 1736 . : 28 Raine’s St. Cuthbert, quarto, 1828 29 ist, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Parliamentary Reports (Lords) on the present State of Gaols in England and Wales, folio, stitched - - : . 30 Repoit of the Poor Law Commission, folio, stitched ‘ ros) LOT VOLS. 31 D’ Oyly and Mants Bible, quarto, Mo- rocco, gilt, 1826 : i 382 Mackenzie’s History of Newsiabie: quarto, Basle gilt, 1827 v History of Northumber- land, quarto, Basle gilt, 1825. 34 Richardson’s Castles of the English and Scottish Borers Parts 1 and Q -" - - 35 Horsiey’s Brirannia Ronen folio, calf - aS - 36 Johnson’s Dictionary, quarto, calf, gilt 37 Lewis’s Topographical Dietiowapy quarto - : 38 Halls General Atlas, and beat 39 Tue DecLaraTions AND TREATIES BE- © TWEEN CHARLES THE First AND HIS PARLIAMENT CONCERNING THEIR DirrereENcEs, folio, calf, 1662 40 Burn’s Justice, folio, calf; and Or- ridge’s Description of Bury Saint Edmund’s Gaol, quarto - - 41 Newcastle upon Tyne Cholera Register from October, 1831, to March, 1832, folio, Basle gilt ; and Minutes of the Board of Health, quarto, sheep - - 42 Gray’s Chorographia, or Survey of | Newcastle, in 1649, folio, calf, 1813 3 2 tw = 1 7 LOT VOLS. 43 Archeelogia A5liana, Vol. I, parts 1 and 2, and Vol. II., parts 1, 2, and 3, 1816 to 1832 : yr 44 Report of the Committee of the Socie- ty for Improvement of Prison Dis- cipline : . oa | 45 Addington’s Penal Statutes, folio, law calf, 1798 J e 1 46 Saint James’s Chronicle Newspaper, | 1784 to 1786 ; : 1 47 Evening Post Newspaper, 1784 to ~1'795 - - 1 48 Star Newspaper, 1789 to 1793 1 as MUSIC. 49 Select Scottish Airs collected by Thom- | son 3 - ‘ - 4 50 Printed miscellaneous Music . 7 51 Vocal Compositions by Mozart ; Poetry by Thomson - . 3 52 Moore’s Melodies, by Sir J. Stevenson 2 58 Sundry Instrumental Music - 4 PAINTINGS, PRINTS, &c. 54, Paintinc of THE MAponna and CHILp, by J. Reed, a splendid copy, after | MURILLO 55 Ditto, View of Newcastle upon Tyne Richardson LOT 56 Painting, of the Corporation Arms — 57 Ditto, of the Royal Arms 58 Print, View of St. Nicholas’ Church, glazed, and in a Gilt Frame, by Fowler 59 Ditto, Statue of James II., formerly standing on Sandhill, Newcastle, glazed, and in a Gilt Frame 60 Ditto, Arms of the Incorporated Com- panies of Newcastle, and List of the Newcastle Volunteers, glazed, and — in Gilt Frames 61 Drawing of the Castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, in an Oak Frame 62 Hutton’s Plan of Neweastle, in Oak Frame 63 Print, Portrait of the Duke of York, glazed, and in an enriched Gold Frame, by Reynolds after Jackson 64 Ditto, Portrait of William the Fourth, glazed, and in an enriched Gold Frame, after Morton 65 Ditto, Portrait of the Duke of Clarence, glazed, and in a handsome Gold Frame, by Ward after —Wiveli 66 Oxford Almanack, 1836, and Print of the Arms of the Incorporated Com- panies : 9g LOT 67 Fryer’s Map of Northumberland, mounted on Rollers 68 Greenwood’s Map of Durham, on Rollers | 69 Oliver’s Plan of Newcastle, mounted on spring Roller 70 Print, Portrait of the Duke of Welling- ton, glazed, and in a handsome Gilt Frame—Bromley after Lawrence 71 Ditto, Portrait of Matthew Bell, Esq., glazed, and in an elegant Gilt Frame—Reynolds after Parker 72 Ditto, Portrait of R. H. Williamson, Esq., glazed, and in a Gilt Frame ‘— Sharp after - Lonsdale 73 Ditto, Portrait of Sir William Scott, glazed, and in a handsome Gilt Frame— Clint after : Hopner 74 Ditto, Portrait of Lord Eldon, glazed, and in an elegant Gilt Frame— Meyer after - - Owen 75 Ditto, Portrait of George the 4th, glazed, and in a richly Gilt Frame — Woolnoth after - - Wivell 76 Ditto, Portrait of the Duke of Welling- ton, glazed, and in a handsome Gilt Frame— Bromley after Lawrence 77 Ditto, Portrait of Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., glazed, and in a Gilt Frame B 10 LOT 78 Coloured Print, framed and glazed, an elevated View of the Brunswick — Dock on the River Thames 79 Ditto, ditto, an elevated View of the _ New Dock at Wapping 80 Ditto, ditto, an elevated View of the West India Docks, London 81 Ditto, ditto, an elevated View of the Improvements in the Port of Lon- don ‘ | 82 Print—Portrait of William the Fourth, glazed, and in an enriched Gold Frame-—Hodgetts after Lawrence 83 Ditto, Portrait of Adelaide Queen Con- sort of William the Fourth, glazed, and in an elegant Gold Frame— — Reynolds after -. - Beechey 84 Ditto, Portrait of George the Fourth, glazed, and in an enriched Gilt Frame—Finden after _ Lawrence 85 Ditto, framed and glazed Portrait of Lord Nelson—Eulom after Beechey 86 Ditto ditto, by Pollard after — - Smirk 87 Ditto ditto by ditto after wt ditto 88 Ditto ditto, by Wilkinson and Pollard after - - . .. Serres 89 Ditto ditto, by ditto after - ditto 90 Ditto ditto, by ditto after - ditto 11 LOT 91 Print, framed and glazed, representing the Death of Lord Nelson, and Key to same, by Pollard after - Devis 92 Ditto, framed and glazed, Dawe after Graham 93 Ditto, ditto, ditto after : ditto 94 Ditto, ditto, Wilkinson and Pollard after Serres 95 Profile on Glass of R. H. Williamson, | Esq., framed 96 Cast, Bust of John Earl of Eldon 97 Four lithographic Views of the Action between the Shannon and Chesa- peak 98 Greenwood’s County Maps of England, complete in numbers’ Find of the First Day’s Sale. A CATALOGUE, fe. SECOND DAY’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Ciock in the Forenoon. TABLE AND BED LINEN. LOT , 99 Eighteen Damask Fish Cloth 100 Seventeen Damask Breakfast Napkins 101 Two Diaper Table Cloths 102 Two ditto 103 Two ditto 104 Three Diaper Breakfast Cloths 105 Three ditto 106 Two Diaper Table Cloths 107 Two | ditto 108 Two ditto 109 Two ditto 110 Two Damask Table Cloths 111 Four ditto 112 Four ditto LOT 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129. 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 (137 138 * 139 140 (141 13 Four Damask Table Cloths Five . ditto Three fine Damask Tray Cloths Three ditto Fine Damask Table Cloth Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Fine Damask Table Cloth, 33 yards Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Superb Damask Table Cloth, 34 yards Ditto ditto Ditto 34 yards Ditto ditto Ditto 3 yards Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto 24 yards Ditto ditto Ditto Qh yards Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto 14 LOT 142 Fine Damask Table Cloth, 22 yards — 143 Ditto 3¢ yards © 144 Ditto Seite’! 145 Ditto ditto 146 Ditto ditto. 147 Ditto 5 yards ~ 148 Ditto ditto 149 Ditto 44 yards 150 Ditto | 32 yards ° 151 Ditto ditto 152 Ditto | ditto 153 Ditto — ditte®® 154 Ditto ditto 155 Ditto | ditto — 156 Three fine Damask Breakfast Cloths — 157 Three . ditto Seidie 158 One Dozen fine Damask Table Napkins 159 One Dozen ditto ; 160 One Dozen ditto 161 One Dozen ditto 162 ‘Ten fine Damask Napkins and 2 odd ditto 163 Fourteen fine Damask Table Napkins ~ 164 Fourteen ditto 3 165 Fourteen ditto — 166 Fourteen ditto 167 One Dozen fine Damask Breakfast Nap- kins 168 Ten ditto 169 Six Napkins 15 196 Pair of capital strong Linen Sheets, 2: yards long LOT 170 One Dozen White Damask Doyleys 171 One Dozen ditto 172 One Dozen ditto 173 One Dozen ditto 174 One Dozen ditto 175 One Dozen ditto 176 One Dozen ditto 177 Two Dozen Coloured Doyleys: 178 Two Dozen ditto 179 Eighteen ditto 180 Pair of fine Linen Sheets, 33 yards long 181 Pair of ditto ditto 182 Pair of ditto ditto -183 Pair of ditto ditto 184 Pair of ditto ditto 185 Pair of ditto ditto 186 Pair of ditto ditto 187 Pair of ditto ditto 188 Pair of ditto ditto 189 Pair of ditto ditto 190 Pair of ditto 2: yards long 191 Pair of ditto. ditto 192 Three pairs of superfine Linen Pillow Cases 193 Three pairs of ditto 194 Three pairs of ditto 195 ‘Three pairs of ditto 3 ~ ds 16 LOT 197 Pair of capital oe Linen Sheets, 2% yards long 198 Pair of ditto ditto 199 Pair of ditto ditto 200 Pair of | ditto ditto 201 Pair of ditto ditto 202 Pair of ditto ditto 203 Pair of ditto ditto 204 Pair of ditto ditto 205 Pair of ditto ditto 206 Pair of ditto ditto 207 Pair of ditto ditto 208 Three pairs of fine Linen Pillow Cases 209 Three pairs of ditto 210 Three pairs of ditto 211 Three pairs of ditto 212 Three pairs of ditto 213 Three pairs of ditto 214 Three pairs of ditto 215 Three pairs of ditto 216 Three pairs of ditto 217 Three pairs of ditto 218 Three pairs of ditto 219 Two pairs of ditto 220 Two pairs of fine Linen Sheets 221 Two pairs of ditto 222 Two pairs of ditto 223 Twopairs of ditto 224 Two pairs of » ditto 17 LOT 225 One pair of fine Linen Sheets 226 Two pairs of strong Linen Sheets 227 'Two pairs of ditto 228 One pair of ditto 229 ‘Three pairs of fine Linen Pillow Cases 230 Four pairs of ditto 231 ‘Two pairs of ditto 232 Two pairs of fine Linen Sheets 233 ‘Two pairs and one ditto 234 Two pairs of ditto 235 Three pairs of Linen Pillow Cases 236 Three pairs of ditto 237 Three fine Linen Sheets - 238 Two pairs of strong Linen Sheets 239 ‘Two pairs of ditto 240 Four pairs of Cotton Sheets, and four pairs of Cotton Pillow Cases End of Second Day’s Sale. A CATALOGUE, fe. THIRD DA Y’*S, SADLER THURSDAY, FIFTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoonr. BLANKETS, QUILTS,& TOWELS. LOT 241 Eighteen Tea Cloths 242 HKighteen Glass Cloths 243 One dozen ditto 244 Fourteen Knife Cloths 245 Lot of sundry Cloths and Dusters 246 One dozen Diaper Chamber Towels 247 One dozen ditto 248 One dozen ditto 249 One dozen and seven ditto 250 One dozen Huckaback ditto 251 One dozen and ten ditto ditto 252 One dozen ditto ditto 253 One dozen ditto ditto 254 One dozen and ten ditto ditto 19 LOT 255 Two dozen and four Huckaback Chamber Towels 256 One dozen Roller Towels 257 One dozen and ten ditto 258 One dozen and a half Kitchen Towels 259 One dozen and a half ditto 260 Four Chamber Table Covers 261 Four ditto 262 White Dimity Hangings for a Camp Bed 263 Lot of Muslin Curtain Shades 264 Pair of fine large Witney Blankets 205 Pair of ditto 266 Pair of ditto 267 Pair of ditte 4 yards 268 Pair of ditto ditto 269 Pair of ditte 385 ditto 270 Pair of ditte ditto 271 Pair of ditte ‘8 ditto 272 Pair of dlitto : ditto 273 Pair of ditte 23 ditto 274 Pair of ditto ditto 275 Pair of ditto ditto 276 Pair of ditto ditto 277 Pair ef ditto ditto 278 Pair of ditto | ditte 279 Pair of Blankets 280 Pair of ditto 281 Pair of ditto 282 Three Blankets LOT 283 Three Blankets 284 Three ditto . 285 Three . ditto 286 Three ditto 287 Three ditto 288 Three ditto 289 Three ditte 290 Three ditto 291 Three ditte 292 Three ditto 293 Three ditto 294 Three ditto 295 Marseilles Quilt 296 Ditto 207 Ditto 298 Ditte 299 Ditto 300 Ditto 301 Ditto 302 White Rug 303 Ditto 304 Ditto 305 = Ditto 306 ~=—— Ditto 307 Two coloured Rugs 308 Two ditto 309 Two ditto 3810 Two ditto 311 Two Cotton Quilts . . 5 - « & ~ . f * > P, ‘ < ha P. * . « \ * \ ‘ S + ® P" 3 %, ~- x * th) ¥ é , My & fo LOT 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 21 Two Cotton Quilts Two Woollen Quilts Two Cotton Coverlids Two ditto Three ditto Two large Pack Sheets Two ditto PLATED GOODS, &c. Right Knife Rests, and a Salad Fork Cruet Stand, with six Cut Glass Cruets Plated Tea Urn Eggery, with eight Cups and seven Spoons, with Silver Edges—Cupsand Spoons gilt 323 Two Bottle Stands, with Silver Edges 324 Two ditto 325 Two ditto 3826 Two ditto 327 Two ditto 328 Two ditto 329 Two ditto 3830 Two ditto 331 Handsome Inkstand, with Bottles 332 Ditto, with Silver Edges and Cut Bottles 333 Toast Rack 334 Ditto 835 Ditto 336 Fish Slice 337 Kettle Lamp 338 Pair of Candlesticks 29 LOT 339 Pair of Candlesticks 340 Pair of ditto 341 Pair of ditto 342 Pair of ditto 343 Pair of Telescope Candlesticks 344 Pair of ditto 345 Two Candelabras, four lights each 346 Two ditto, two ditto 347 Two ditto, two .—_ ditto 348 Two ditto, two _ ditto 349 Two Chamber Candlesticks, with Silver Edges 350 Two ditto ditto 351 Two ditto ditto 352 Two ditto ditto. 353 Two ditto ditto 354 Two ditto ditto 355 Two ditto ditto 356 Two Snuffer Trays, with Silver Edges 357 Handsome Taper Stand, with ditto 358 Ditto ditto 359 Taper Stand 360 Spirit Stand, with Silver Edges—-three Cut | Bottles 361 Epergne, with Silver Edges 362 Handsome Japanned Tea Urn 363 Ditto ditto End of Third Day’s Sale. ‘ . - ‘ * x ¢ -" - t . A CATALOGUE, sc. FOURTH DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY, SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. GOLD AND SILVER PLATE. LOT 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 ~ 372 v 373 374 375 To be shown at Time of Sale. At Six Bottle Labels a Six ditto | Six ditto Six ditto Eleven ditto Six Salt Spoons Six ditto . o Six ditto and three Mus- tard Spatula Six, Dessert Forks Six ditto Six ditto . Six ditto per Ounce. LOF 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384. 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 398 399 4,00 401 402 403 4:04 405 24) rey Six Dessert Forks Six ditto Six ditto Six ditto Ten Tea-spoons Six Dessert Spoons Six ditto Six ditto Ai ee Six ditto a ie Six ditto Pi Six ditto re noe Six Table-spoons | Six ditto Six ditto Six ditto sek 47 LOT 800 Sofa, with two Chintz Covers to match the Bed Furniture 801 Six handsome Mahogany Chairs, with Hair Seats 802 Elegant Mahogany Dressing Table, beauti- Sully bordered with Rosewood, with five Drawers 803 A brilliant Dressing Glass, Plate 21 by 17, in a fashionable Mahogany Frame, with two Drawers 804 Mahogany Sofa Table 805 Handsome Mahogany Bed-steps 806 Ditto 807 Elegant Mahogany Wash Table on reeded Legs 808 Double Set of Stone China Chamber Ware and Water Jug 809 Mahogany Bidet with Hair Seat 810 Pair of Pole Screens 811 Mahogany Chamber Horse 812 White Ware Foot-bath, and large Water Jug 813 Pierced Steel Fender, with Brass Mount- ings 814 Set of handsome polished Fire Irons 815 Two Earthenware Candlesticks and Hearth Brush 816 Brussels Carpet, about 53 yards $17 Hearth Rug 48 LOT 818 Two Bell Pulls 819 Japanned Coal Box, Chamber Pail, and Tin Water Kettle DRESSING ROOM, No. 10. 820 Mahogany Camp Bedstead, with Chintz Hangings, lined with Pink, to correspond with Furniture in No. 9 821 Hair Mattress 822 Capital bordered Goose Feather Bed, Bol- ster, and two Pillows 823 Spanish Mahogany Chest of Drawers 824 Mahogany Table- 825 Handsome Dressing Glass, with two Drawers—Plate 20 in. by 15 in. £26 Mahogany Wash-stand 827 Double Set of Staffordshire Chamber Ware, and Water Jug 828 Mahogany Bidet 829 Do. Boot-rack 830 Brussels Carpet, containing about 18 yards | BATH ROOM. 831 Splendid Dressing Glass, Plate 25 in. by 20 in., ina handsome Mahogany Frame, with two Drawers 49 LOT 832 Mahogany Chest of Drawers 833 Painted Boot-rack 834 Bidet 835 Painted Wash-table 836 Double Set of Chamber Ware, and Water Jug 837 Pair of Bed-steps 838 Carpet, and Piece of Oil Cloth - 839 Sun-blind, and Boot-jack 840 Capital Warm Bath, lined with Dutch Tiles, and Shower Bath enclosed with Mahogany Doors and Cover, with the Copper Boiler, Pipes, and Apparatus com- plete End of Seventh Day’s Sale. Ot TO1 awe jo tod yaegedsM Ste Jost-iooll bataind Ste tobil b88 a Ua 1 TAT AG UE 58° Soinind ret at mec ) to 194 sldveM 088 gut EIGHTH DAXjSof AokdBa yee THURSDAY; ‘twenPtH DAY OF yeNtirRy® lost 1839 a | bes baild-ane erste dow Ateor he st Un anew tt Integr) Ob2 Wess hoelthE OK Clach: inthe Fongnoon\ eS ais AXiws r9s0) been 2nonC _yseogodoly SOD % rb Deep 2900 eShSQEL “AKO {OD BAIN dees a4 t \ rreé OH E N. = y ae 4 a ou ste VW bas o's — LoT 841 Lot of Meat-skewers 842 Ditto ditto 843 Two Tin Gravy Strainers, two Gravy Spoons; and, sundry: Spoons :* 844 Seven Kitchen Knives, a Steel, and two Oyster Knives 845 Six Bread-pans 846 Five ditto 847 Shredding Knife, two Graters, and a ice soning-box 848 Two Shredding Knives, two Trenchers, and a Salt-box- 849 Metal Skellet, Sauce- -pan, Frying: -pan, a Girdle 5 “ee Ne a A N + a z ‘ ; * t ie & * *. ' ‘ . , m ry + . % 4 i te le {A> ~ oo * > _ ea et ‘ , 7 ’ 2 * 4 , ; “ ‘ i Py - rf J : F a . a eer ia a a, * : ho ‘ # * ney 4 ‘Ae 4 : Hs x > ew * ; ee MES, 51 LOT 850 Metal Sauce- “pan, | Skellet, Gridiron, se Be Frying-pan 851 Two. Trivets, Skellet, Gridiron, and | es Dripping-pans — oy 852 Oval Metal Boiler, ‘two. Tr ivets, Grain on, and a Frying-pan | : oe le 853 Metal Skellet, and Oval Boiler ee 854 Two Frying-pans, and Metal Tea-kettle 855 Metal Tea-kettle, and three Frying-pans 856 Wire Vegetable- str gee Seine “pan, and Tin-pan 856 Steam-pan, large Tin- “can, and’ ‘to Tin Sauce-pans 857 Two Dripping- “pans, ata ie? aid Trivet | ; 858 Tin Fish-kettle and’ Drainer, two Dredy- ing-boxes, anda Funnel 859 Four Tin Butter-boats, 4 Dripping: -pans, and two Dredging-boxes = 860 Two Tin Fish-kettles and Drainers aes 861 Seven Hair-sievés = -SeaaR 862 Ditto | 863 Cheesé:toaster, +wo Cleavers, and a a gis Candlestick 864 Brass Mortat ‘and’ Pestle, Cleaver, and a Saw Ps ice : s | 865 Pish-kettle ‘and Dr ainer, and two ‘Beet. RO Ag “forks | re s66° Four Spits, and two Trivets °°" a2 LOT | 867 Five Spits 868 Pepper -mill, and three Trivets 869 Three Trivets, a Coffee-mill, Pepper-mill, and Dripping-pan Rester 870 Lot of Wooden Spoons and Ladles 871 ‘Iwo Paste-boards, and a Shovel 872 Metal Boiler with Brass Cock ENTRANCE HALL. 873 Five Hall Chairs 874 Four ditto 875 Writing-desk 870 Six ancient Halberts. 877. Ditto > ahaa 878 Ditto ditto 879 Eight ditto 880 Suit of Ancient Armour 881 Large Fender 882 Set of Fire Irons 883 Mahogany Hall Table, with Green Cloth Top 884 Capital Floor Cloth, 102 yards by 6} ‘yards 885 Two Skin and 2 Rope Mats 886 Gas Branch, with three Burners 887 ANTIQUE Oak SeTTLe IN THE STYLE OF THE Reien or Henry VIIL., richly or- namented with carved Effigies of St. Mat- 53 LOT thew and St. Mark, the Sacrifice of Abra- ham, &c., with stuffed Leather Cushions, and two carved Footstools to correspond— in the finest Preservation. BED ROOM, No. 4. 888 Beech Camp Bedstead, with Green Mo- reen Hangings 889 Palliasse 890 Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillows 891 Moreen Curtain for one Window ; pair of Curtain Pins, and a Sun Blind 892 Oak Table 893 Dressing Glass—plate 15 in. by 12. 894 Four Rush-bottom Chairs and one Elbow Chair 895 Mahogany Wash-stand 896 Lot of Chamber Ware - 897 Carpet 898 Mahogany Double Chest of Drawers 899 Chest of Drawers GLASS. 900 One dozen Finger Bowls 901 One dozen ditto 902 One dozen ditto a4 LOR 903\\One dozen Finger Bowls® 86 So 904: One dozen \ditte or .od dood 905 Nine > ok aloot ‘ditt Sows owd how 906 One dozen Gobléts¢o > Wo a0 907 One dozen ditto 908 One dozen ditto 909 One dozen® ditté OO} CAe 910. Thirteen, . , Gitte »),..<7 ecg atin ner omtnareti oa Tite YD dossd 911 ee Acnen Cut Tumbleys, ..17 “ao5% 912 Sixteen Y13 Fifteen _. ditto ‘seastiied nt De Mitte, \.9 bod : riltss'L 914. One dozen Wi ditto, . nist) asornht 915 ‘Thirteen, iq 916 Two Quart Decanters ay oitt is 2cid cist sldsT dsO & 917 Two, .; ,dlitto, slg—eeald vnizeord 919 wo 920 Two ditto, «po. les WV yusgodsht 921 Ps ao is s9dosedO Yo Jo 922 Two itto toqteO [1s 923 THQ iC HSA slduod yasgodsli a ee as ataweiCl to JeadO wo 1UtO 925 Two Mae 4 6 Za 926 Two ditto > AID 27-'Two ditto ae te di py/ok i ssvaitt mexob anO. 929 ‘Two ditto odtib nosob 9a0 918 jE WE bas 2 T i ditto, J mottod-devH wo0T ditto tiedO o}ib moxoh 910 TOJ alata! 088 008 GOS ORS — yes. ee Cee 600 I0e S00) 5) LOT 930 Two Quart Decanters, )).). 4665) 906) 931 Two ditto gitih 932 Two ditto .,.);4 933 Two ditto sof}i0 s90te WW us 934 Two ditto aitib ve G35 Four Pint Decanters “| trod SO 936 Five ditto prsidginT oootiidT 937 Two richly Cut Bowls 938 Two ditto 939 Two see ediabh AOL Yo 940 Two | ditto 941 Two ditto 942 Two ditto 943 Two ditto 944 Two ditto 945 ‘Two ditto 945* Two ditto 946 Two ditto 947 Two ditto 948 Two ditto 949 Three ditto 950 Three cut Potting Pots 951 Three ditto 952 Two Jelly Stands 953 Two ditto 954 Two ditto 955 One dozen Custard Cups 956 One dozen ditto LOT 957 One dozen se xlas 958 One dozen — ditto” ee 959 as — ditto | 961 | ar: vs cane oS 962 Four ditto 963 Thirteen Tumblers _ A CATALOGUE, §c. NINTH DAY{S SALE; FRIDAY, THIRTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. eel PA SPR. Y... LOT 964 Lot of Cake Shapes 964 Lot of — ditto 965 Lot of ditto 966 Lot of ditto 967 Lot of ditto 968 Lot of ditto 969 Lot of Patty Pans 970 Lot of ditto 971 Lot of ditto 972 Lot of Butter Prints 973° Lot of ditto 974 Lot of Sieves 975 Two Tin Cake Pans, 3 Rolling Pins, a_ Tin Flour Scoop, and Paste Board \ H 58. EOT — 976 Pair of Copper Scales and Brass Weights, from 4 oz. to 1 Ib. 977 Pair of Tin Scales and Weights, from 2 oz. to 1 Ib. 978 Large Tin Box 979 Three Tin Bottles 980 Three ditto 981 Three Stone Jars 982 Four ditto and a Stone Bottle | 983 Two Stools 984 Carpet, Oil Cloth, and Cartain and Rod 985 Looking Glass 986 Oak Table 987 Oak Chest of Drawers 988 Oak Seasoning Box 989 Dresser and Shelves 990: Walnut Chest of Drawers 99t Flour Bin 992 Ditto 993 Painted Deal Press 994 Ditto with two Drawers 995 Gas Fittings BUTLER’S PANTRY. 996 Four Japanned Waiters 997 ‘Table Lamp with ground Glass Shade 998 Ditto. 999 Ditto 59 LOT 1000 Table Lamp, with Ground Glass Shade 1001 Lamp Tray, feeding Can, and Sundries 1002 Two Inkstands 1003 Two ditto 1004 Glass Tub and Iron Coal Skuttle 1004 Copper Coal Skuttle 1005 Ditto 1006 Mahogany Supper Tray 1007 Deal Plate Press with Slides 1008 Four Iron Dust Pans and 4 Carpet Brooms 1009 Candle Box and 2 Pairs of Bellows 1010 Sundry Brushes 1011 Ditto MAIN STAIR-CASE. 1012 Three Pieces of 14 yard-wide Stair Carpet 1013 Four Pieces of 1f and 2 yards-wide ditto 1014 Thirty-five Brass Stair Rods 1015 Suspended three-light Lamp, with Cut Glass Pan 1016 Ditto 1017 Ditto 1018 Beautiful Transparent Blind—View of L’Eglise de St. Jaques a Dieppe 1019 Three Sun Blinds 1020 Hight-day Clock in Wainscot Case 1021 Brussels Stair Carpet, ¢-yard wide LOT 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 60 Forty-five 30 in. Brass Stair Rods_ Three Pieces Stair Carpet i Seventeen yards of Brussels Carpet _ Step Ladder vit Three Pieces sundry Carpet a ee BED ROOM, No. 5. Beech Camp Bedstead, with Chintz Hangings i ee Ditto Hair Mattress Ditto . £3 Goose Feather Bed, Bolster, and 2 Pil- lows Ditto Chintz Window Curtains for 2 Windows Two Sun Blinds and 2 pairs of Curtain Pins | ied | Four Cane-bottomed Chairs Mahogany Chest of Drawers Mahogany double Chest of Drawers Mahogany Dressing Table with two Drawers Dressing Glass, Plate 16 by 12 _ Pair of Bed-steps | ee 3 Fender Guard, Poker and Tongs — Venetian Carpet, aboot 80 yards vt 61 LOT 1043 Hearth Rug, piece of Carpet, and Hearth Brush 1044: Painted Washstand 1045 Painted Chamber Horse 1046 Chamber Ware 1047 Lot of Chamber and sundry Ware 1048 Tin Chamber Pail and large white Jug 1049 Bidet CHINA, EARTHENWARE, &c. 1050 Dessert Set of Stone China, Purple and Gold, consisting of four square Dishes, two square Dishes on Feet, four leaf Dishes, four oval Dishes, centre Dish, two Sugar Boxes, two Ice Pails, and three and a half dozen Plates 1051 Ditto, consisting of four square Dishes, three square Dishes on Feet, five leaf Dishes, four oval Dishés, two centre Dishes, two Sugar Boxes, and three and a half dozen Plates 1052 Dessert Set Staffordshire Ware, consisting of two Ice Pails, centre Dishes, four oval Dishes, two side Dishes, two Sugar Boxes, and four dozen Plates 1053 Ditto, consisting of two Ice Pails, two centre Dishes, two oval Dishes, two LOF 62 Sugar Boxes, two dozen sip and four small Plates 1054 Tea Set of China (Spode’s) Purple and _ Gold—seventy -seven pieces 1055 A large and handsome Breakfast Set of China, Blue and Gold, consisting of eighteen Cups and Saucers, eighteen Plates, four oval Dishes, two Muffineers, two Steak Dishes, six Bread Plates, nineteen Egg Cups, two Cream Ewers, ‘Tea Pot, and two Basins 1050 Breakfast Set of China, consisting of 158 pieces 1057 A large and handsome Dinner ale of Spode's best Ware, consisting of two Soup Tureens and Stands, eight dozen Dinner Plates, 3 dozen Soup Plates, two Cheese Stands, forty-four oval Dishes, two Gravy Dishes, two Fish Drainers, six Cover Dishes, two Salad Bowls, four Pie Dishes, three Sauce Tureens, six Pickle Shells 1058 Ditto, consisting of two Saab Tureens and Stands, six dozen Dinner Plates, three dozen Soup Plates, Cheese Stand, Salad Bowl, thirty-six oval. Dishes, two Gravy Dishes, six cover Dishes, three Pie Dishes, four Pickle Shells, and two Fish Drainers LOT 1059 A large and handsome Dinner Service of | Spode's best Ware, consisting of two Soup Tureens and Stands, six dozen Dinner Plates, three dozen Soup Plates, Cheese Stand, Salad Bowl, four Pickle Shells, two Fish Drainers, thirty-six oval Dishes, six cover Dishes, two Gravy 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 63 Dishes, and three Pie Dishes GLASS. One dozen Cut Wine Coolers One dozen ditto One dozen ditto One dozen ditto One dozen Cut Liquer Glasses One dozen ditto One dozen ditto One dozen Cut Champagne Glasses One dozen ditto One dozen Ale Glasses One dozen Cut Claret Glasses One dozen ditto One dozen ditto Thirteen ditto One dozen Wine Glasses One dozen Cut ditto One dozen _ ditto One dozen ditto 64. LOT 1077 Fourteen Cut Wine Glasses 1077 Four Ground Glass Lamp Shades 1077 Four ditto 1078 Five ditto 1079 One dozen Lamp Tubes 1080 One dozen ditto 1081 One dozen ditto 1082 Fifteen ditto 1083 One dozen Ground Glass Plates 1083 One dozen ditto 1084 One dozen ditto 1385 One dozen ditto 1086 One dozen ditto 1087 Seventeen ditto Lind of Ninth Day’s Sade. A CATALOGUE, &. ioe ba DAYS SATE, MONDAY, SIXTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. - HIGH DAIRY. LOT 1088 Lot of Jelly Shapes 1089 Ditto _— ditto 1090 Ditto _—_ ditto 1091 Ditto ditto 1092 Two yellow Mugs, and three Milk-bowls 1093 Ditto ditto ditto 1094 Two Cream Mugs, and two yellow Crocks 1095 Cheese Mug, and two ditto 1096 Lot of Mugs, and sundry Ware 1097 _— Ditto ditto 1098 Two Stone Jars, two Wooden Bowls, and a Wooden Pestle . 1099 Four large white Earthenware Bowls 1100 Ditto ditto 1101 Two Stools, and Lot of Sundries I 66 KITCHEN. LOT 1102 Large Oak Table 1103 Deal Table 1104 Plate-drainer | 1105 Large Meat-screen, lined with Tin 1106 Meat-screen, | ditto 1107 Salt-box 1108 Eight-day Clock 1109 Suspended Gas-branch, and three com- mon ditto 1t10 Four Sun-blinds F111 Chopping-block, and Shredding-board. 1112 Oak Table E113. Dresser and Shelves 7 E114 'Fwo Stools, and Steel Fender F115 Two large Pokers, and Coal-rake 1116 Large Iron Spit-rack ERY. Ditto 1118 Leaden Sink 1119 Large painted Press, with Sliding Doors $120 Lot of Fish-slices, Skimmers, and Basters | 1121 Ditto ditto 11°2 Large Marble Mortar and Pestle 1123 Ditto. ditto 07 COPPER PANS, &c. LOT 1124 Skellet and Cover 1125 Ditto 1126 Ditto 1127 Turbot-kettle 1128 Ditto 1129 Ditto 1130 Two Cutlet-pans 1131 Gravy-pan and Cutlet-pan 1132 Soup-pot and Cover 1133 “Ditto 1134 Round-of-beef Pan and Cover 1135 Two Sauce-pans 1136 Large Copper Pot 1137 Two Brass Preserving-pans 1138 Ditto ditto 1139 Two Stew-pans and Covers 1140 Three ditto ditto 1141 Three ditto ditte 1142 Three ditto ditto 1143 Three ditto ditto 1144 Three ditto ditto 1145 Three ditto ditto 1146 Two ditto ditto 1147 Two ditto ditto 1148 Two ditto ditto 1149 Three ditto ditto 1150 Three ditto ditto U8 BREAKFAST ROOM. LOT | 1151 Bagatelle-board | 1152 Eight Mahogany Chairs, with Hair Seats 1153 Excellent Mahogany Sofa, covered, with Hair Seating 1154 Steel Fender 1155 Set of Fire-irons 1156 Pier Glass, in several Compartments— principal Plates 38 in. by 22 in., “and 19 in. by 22 in. | 1157 Brussels Carpet 1158 Drab Moreen Window Curtains, for kien Windows : 1159 Two Sun-blinds, and two Pairs Curtain Pins | 1160 Hearth-rug, and two Foot-stools 1161 Backgammon-board and Men, and nine Quadrille-pools | 1162 Mahogany Dining-table, three Pieces 1163 Ditto Card-table 1164 Ditto ditto . 1165 Ditto Knee-hole Writing Table, with eleven Drawers | 7 1166 Circular 18-inch Mirror, in a gilt Frame 1167 Model of the Arms of Newcastle, in a Glass Case; two China Jars, and Sun- aries : 69 LOT 1168 Very handsome Oak Winged Library Book-case, with glazed Doors, and Cup- boards underneath; the Pannels and Shelf are of very curious and beautiful Wood—14: feet long, and 8 feet 6 inches high CUTLERY, STEEL GOODS, &c. 1169 Four pairs of Steel Snuffers 1170 Six pairs of ditto 1171 Six pairs of Nut Cracks 1172 Four pairs of Walnut Cracks 1173 Three pairs of ditto 1174 Two pairs of Lobster Cracks 1175 Two dozen Ivory-hafted Knives and Forks 1176 Thirteen” Ivory-hafted Knives and 28 Forks ; and 14 Dessert Knives and 33 Forks 1177 Two dozen Horn-hafted Knives and Forks 1178 Two dozen ditto 1179 Eleven Knives and ten Forks ; two Oyster Knives and four Oyster Forks; and a Steel 1180 Three pairs of Green-hafted Carvers 1181 Four pairs of Carvers es LOT 1182 Five Carving Knives and four Carving Forks i 1183 One dozen Ivory-hafted Knives and Forks 1184 One dozen ditto 1185 One dozen ditto 1186 Pair of very large Carvers 1187 Pair of ditto 1188 Highteen Horn-hafted Knives and twenty Forks : eee Silver-topp’d Footman’s Cane 1190 Ditto { EARTHENWARE. 1191 Dinner Set of Staffordshire Ware (Spode's ) consisting of Salad Bow], Soup Tureen, Cheese Stand, fourteen Oval Dishes, Fish Drainer, two Cover Dishes, Pickle Shell, eighteen Soup Plates, and three dozen Dinner Plates 1191a Lot of Staffordshire Dinner Ware, con- sisting of Soup Tureen, eight oval Dishes, cover Dish, Salad Bowl, Pickle Shell, Fish Drainer, thirteen Soup Plates, and two dozen and three Dinner Plates 1192 Lot of ditto, consisting of two Fish Drain- ers, Soup Tureen, eleven Dishes, and two dozen Dinner Plates | 1193 Two dozen Staffordshire Ware Dinner Plates 71 LOT 1194 Two dozen Staffordshire Ware Dinner Plates 1195 Two dozen ditto 1196 Two dozen ditto .1197 Two dozen ditto 1198 Two dozen ditto 1199 Two Soup Tureens and two cover Dishes 1200 ‘Two ditto and four ditto 1201 Two ditto and two ditto 1202 Two ditto and seventeen Tart Pots 1203 Supper Set of Staffordshire Ware, con- sisting of fifteen pieces 1204 Large white Ware Tea Pot, Flower Pot and two Stands, and a Wedgewood Sugar Box End of Tenth Day’s Sale. A CATALOGUE, gc. ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. TUESDAY, SEVENTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. HIGH LAUND Re LOT 1205 Six Tin Dish Covers 1206 Six ditto 1207 Six ditto 1208 Six ditto 1209 Eight _—_ ditto 1210 Two dozen Pewter Plates 1211 Twodozen ditto 1212 One dozen and three ditto 1213 Seven ditto oval Dishes 1214 Five ditto round ditto 1215 Five ditto 1216 Sundry Pewter 1217 Three large Pewter Gravy Dishes 1218 Lot of Pan Lids 1219 Tea Urn a Pez y 13 LOT 1220 Coffee Urn 1221 Large Tray, lined with Tin, for a Baron of Beef 1222 Brass Lamp, half-gallon Tin Can, and a Tin Oil Bottle 1223 Lamp ‘Tray, Oil Can, two Tin Oil Lamps, and a Funnel 1224 Oak Dining Table 1225 Two Windsor Chairs, Form and Stool 1226 Dresser 1227 Two Sets of Shelves 1228 Deal ‘Table 1229 Iron Fender, and Set of Fire Irons 1230 Two Brass Argand Lamps 1231 Two ditto 1232 Two ditto 1233 Two ditto 1234 ‘Two ditto 1235 ‘Two ditto 1236 Two Wainscot Knife Boxes 1237 Two ditto 1238 ‘Two ditto 1239 Two ditto -1240 Three ditto 1241 Two Mahogany Knife Boxes 1242 Painted Deal Press, 104 feet wide 1243 Ditto 8 ditto 1244 Ditto 9 ditto 1245 Ditto 3 ditto 1246 Lot of Sundries K 74 ? ti + ts ! SERVANTS HALL. LOT 29 124-7 Large Deal Table, with Drawer 4248 Deal Table, with Drawer 1249 Oak Table 1250 Form 1251 Two ditto 1252 One ditto, and two Stools 1253 Fenders and Fire Irons 1254 Long Settle ~~ | 1255 Two Corner Cupboards’ « +> 1256 A two. gallon and a one Copper Beer Can cent! owl Obed 1257 A half-gallon and a quart uel Beer Can. 77 Yt Sey 1258 Ale Waggon and eleven Alé Horns 1259 A Bread Basket, 3 Pewter Salts, a Mus- tard Pot, and Sundries 1260 Lot of Sundries © “ °* -- 1261 Cupboard, with Sliding Doors. and two Drawers 1262 Two Bibles and two Prayer Books 1263 Two ditto and two ditto _1264 ‘Two ditto and~ ~~ four ditto. SL aE LO ood tet s = we MR. MAYOR’S BED ROOM; No. 6. 1265 Capital Mahogany 6 feet Four-pole Bed- stead, with drab and crimson Moreen Furniture M 7a LOT 1266 Palliasse 1267 Hair Mattress 1268 Excellent bordered Goose Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillows 1269 Drab. Damask. Moreen Curtains for two’ Windows cea < 1270 Two Sun Blinds and 2 pairs Curtain Pins. 1271 Handsome Spanish Mahogany Chest of Drawers | 1272 “Mahogany Table, with Drawer 1273 Cheval Glass Plate, 34 by 19 1274 Capital Dressing Glass, in a handsome Mahogany Frame, Plate, 20 by 16 1275 Looking Glass, 25 by 16 = 1276 Six excellent Mahogany Chairs, with fee eae - 1277 Handsome Mahogany Bed-steps a 1278 Ditto 1279 Bidet 1280 Mahogany Wash Table 1281 Double Set of Chamber Ware 1282 Fender Guard, and Set of Fire Irons 1283 Mahogany Dressing. Table ; 1284 Copper Coal Skuttle 7 1285 , Mahogany Chamber Horse 1286 Venetian Carpet, containing about 45 yards — 1287 Hearth Rug and a Piece of Oil Cloth PVOC 3.8 Siieey a eR: ee a 76 LOT. 1288 Ware Foot Bath, Jug, and Tin Water Kettle 1289 Painted Ladies’ 8 feet Wardrobe — 1290 Large Easy Chair and Cotton Cover 1291 Enclosure of Corner Closet. DRESSING ROOM, No. 7. 1292 Mahogany Camp Bedstead with Chintz Hangings 1293 Hair Mattress 1294 Goose Feather Bed, ce and two Pillows 1295 Chintz Curtain for one Window, Sun Blind, and Bell Pulls — 1296 Painted Boot-rack 1297 Two Boot-jacks and a Jug 1248 Mahogany Lobby Chest of Drawers with elliptic Front 1299 Painted Dressing Table 1300 Dressing Glass with Drawers 1301 Mahogany Wash Table © 1302 Double Set of Chamber Ware 1303 Bidet | 1304 Mahogany Wardrobe, with Sliding Trays and Drawers - 77 GLASS. LOT 1305 One dozen Cut Wine Coolers 1306 Eight ditto 1307 Eight plain Wine Coolers 1308 One dozen Cut Liquer Glasses 1309 One dozen ditto 1310 One dozen ditto 1311 Eight plain Liquer Glasses and five Cut ditto 1312 One dozen Cut Champagne Glasses 1313 Fourteen ditto 1314 Sixteen Claret Glasses 1315 Eleven ditto 1316 Six Moulded Claret and two plain Wine Glasses 1316 Six Spirit Glasses, eight Glass Salts, and ten odd Cruets 1317 Two Quart Decanters 1318 Two ditto 1319 Two ditto 1320 Two ditto 1321 Two ditto End of Eleventh Day’s Sale. A CATALOGUE, ge. TWEL Pra DAY’S SALE, ft fy WEDNESDAY, EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, pad At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. r™ 4 er me LARDER. 1322. Two Harness Casks 1323 Two “ditto * **"* 1324 Two ditto 1825 Pickle Tub 1326 Large Pickle Box, lined with Lead 1327 Shelves rent) a aa 1328 Meat Safe 13829 Ditto 1330 Oak Table 1331 Large Table, on Tressels 1332 Salting Tray 1833 Table 1334 Three Marble Slabs 1335 Scale Beam, Chains, and Wooden Bot- toms 79 BLOT iis , 1336 Pair of Copper Scales 1337 Two 28 lbs., one 14 lbs., one 7 lbs., one 3 lbs., and four 1 lb. Iron Weights :..1838. Pair of Steps. 1339 Sponge-tub and two J elly-stands 1340 Britannia Metal Tea-pot, six Cups, three Saucers, Milk-pot, two Basins, and a Tin __Tea-tray_ __.1341, Enclosure of Cupboard 13-42 Painted nine-feet Deal Press, with Fold- : ing Doors _ 1343 Lot of Sundries 1344, Ditto BACK STAIRS. 1315 Case, containing ten beautifully-japanned Dessert Stands, on gilded feet - 1346 Case, containing four ditto 1347 Ditto | five ditto 1348 Lot of Stair-carpet 1349 Lot ef Oil-cloth 1350 Ejight-day.Clock, in a painted Case 1351 Brass Argand Passage-Lamp, and Tin Lamp, with Gas Burner 1352 Fifty-eight 30-inch lron Stair-rods 1353 Oak Table 1854 Two Rope Mats . 80 DOr 1355 Copper Warming-pan, and two Carpet- Brooms | MAIN STAIR-CASE TO BASEMENT. 1356 Five-feet wide Oil-cloth on same STEWARD’S ROOM. 1357 Mahogany Secretary, with Cabinet under- neath, containing eight Drawers 1358 Mahogany Dining-Table, four Pieces 1359 Six Mahogany Chairs, with Hair Seats, and two Elbow Chairs 1360 Fender, Poker, and Tongs 1361 Carpet 1362 Hearth-rug and Table-cover 1363 Lot of Sundries 1364 Blue Moreen Curtains for two Windows 1365 Looking-glass, in Carved Frame—cut Plate 23 in. by 18 | 1366 Two Pair Lath Blinds, two Sun-blinds, and two Pair Curtain-pins 1367 Hair-seating Sofa 1368 Lot of Sundries 1369 Ditto 81 LODGING ROOM, No. 12. LOT 1370 Mahogany Camp Bedstead, with Chintz Hangings 1371 Chintz Curtain for one Window, three Sun-blinds, Pair Curtain Pins, and a Bell-pull 1372 Hair-mattress 1373 Goose-feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pil- lows 1374 Mahogany Table, with Drawer 1375 Dressing-glass, in Mahogany Frame, with two Drawers—-Plate 20 in. by 15 in. 1376 Painted Wash-stand, with Cupboard 1377 Double Set of Chamber Ware © 1378 Mahogany Lobby Chest of Drawers 1379 Mahogany Night-table 1380 Bidet 1381 Mahogany Wardrobe 1382 White Ware Foot Bath, and japanned Chamber-pail 1383 Mahogany Chamber-horse 1384 Fender Guard, and Fire-irons 1385 Venetian Carpet, containing about 28 yards 82 SERVANTS’ ROOM, No 4. LOT 1386 Mahogany Four-pole Bedstead, with Check Hangings 1387 Hair Mattress eras; 1388 Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillows 1389 Ditto ditto 1390 Mahogany Four-pole Bedstead, with Check Hangings 1391 Hair Mattress 1392 Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillews 1393 _— Ditto ditto sia 1394 Sundry Carpets 1395 Painted Wash-stands 1396 Lot of Chamber Ware | 1397 Painted Chest of Drawers ies 1398 Wainscot Table, with Drawers 1399 Oak Chest of Drawers i400 Sundries GLASS. 1401 Two Quart Decanters 1402 Ditto (1403 _-— Ditto 1404 | Ditto 1405 Ditto 1406 Ditto 1407 Ditto ’ ‘4 . - * \ i » ’ 4 85 LOT 1408 Two Quart Decanters 1409 Ditto 1410 Ditto 1411 Four ditto 1412 Ditto 1413 Ditto 1414 Ditto 1415 - Ditto 1416 Pair of handsome Quart Decanters 1417 Ditto ditto 1418 Pair of Cut Butter-boxes 1419 Two richly-cut Bowls 1420 . Ditto ditto 1421 Massive riehly.cut Trifle-dish 1422 Richly-cut Glass Bowl 1423 = Ditto — ditto 1424 Ditto ditto 1425 Ditto. _—_ ditto 1426 Ditto ditto 1427 Two do. ditto 1428 Pair of Cut Butter-boxes 1429 Four Preserve-glasses 1430 Richly-cut Sugar-basin 1431 Four Salts 1432 Candlestick, handsomely-cut Jug, and Cut Jelly-dish 1433 Richly-cut Cream-jug End of Twelfth Day’s Sale. A CATALOGUE, fe: THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE, THURSDAY, NINETEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o Clock in the Forenoon. STILL ROOM. LOT 1434 Dutch Oven, Tin Tea-kettle, and Tin Coffee Boiler _ 1435 Large Tin Tea-kettle and a Coffee Boiler #436 Ditto ) ditto 1437 Copper Tea-kettle t438 Four Tin Muffineer Covers, Tin Toast Stand, and an Egg Cage 1439 Ditto and two Pans 1440 Lot of Earthenware Jugs 1441 Britannia Metal Tea Pot and a Coffee Pereolator t442 Ditte and , ditto 1443 Ditto and ditto 1444 Black Ware Coffee Pot and sundry Ware 1445 Two ditto and ditto * . « \ 4 . * - \ : ~ are ’ ‘ ‘ . ’ 7 be we y 4 y LOT 1445 14.46 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454. 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 14.67 85 Sundry Knives and Forks and sundry Articles Winter and Lot of Sundries Five Tin Chamber Candlesticks Five ditto Three Tea Boards Three ditto Three ditto Toast Rack and Sundries Lot of Sundries Four Tin Tea Canisters Four Tin Boxes Tea Caddy Carpet Lot of Oil Cloth Fender and Fire Irons Five Mahogany Chairs and one Elbow Chair Two Sun Blinds and Gas Burner Looking Glass Mahogany Pembroke Table Wainscot Table Painted Deal Linen Chest with twelve Drawers Painted Deal Press with Doors, 10ft. 10in. wide Painted Deal Press with sliding Doors, 74ft. wide 86 LODGING ROOM, Noe. 8. LOT 1468 Mahogany Four-pole Bedstead with Chintz Furniture 1469 Blue Moreen Curtains for two Windows 1470 Two Sun Blinds and two pairs Curtain Pins 1471 Palliasse 1472 Hair Mattress . 1473 Capital Bordered Goose Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillews 1474 Mahogany Chest of Drawers 1475 Mahogany Lobby Chest of Drawers 1476 Painted Washstand 1477 Chamber Ware 1478 White Ware Foot Bath and large white Ware Jug | 1479 Mahogany Chamber Horse | 1480 Venetian Carpet, containing about 38 yards 1481 Hearth Rug and Oil Cloth 1482 Fender Guard and Fire Irons 1483 Japanned Coal Box and Chamber Pail 1484 Japanned Tin Can, Bootjack, and Bell Pull 1485 Mahogany Table © 1486 Looking Glass in Gilt Frame, 29 by 17 1487 Dressing Glass in Mahogany Frame 87 FRUIT ROOM. LOT 1488 Four Tin Boxes 1489 Two Wooden Boxes and a Form 1490 Mahogany Corner Shelf 1491 Oak Dining Table 1492 Ditto 1493 Tables round Room 1494 Two Fruit Cases 1495 Tub, Poker, and Shovel 1496 Large Painted Deal Press 1497 Ditto STORE ROOM. 1498 Suit of Blue Damask Moreen Curtains, for three Windows 1499 Lot of Blue Damask Moreen Sofa, Couch, and Chair Covers | 1500 Lat of ditto 1501 Four Rugs and Quilts 1502 Five ditto 1503 Lot of Muslin Curtain Shades 1504 Lot of ditto 1505 Lot of ditto 1506 Green Damask Moreen Furniture, for a Camp Bed 1507 Two Chintz Easy Chair Covers 88 LOT 1508 Lot of Red Baize 1509 Pair of Bamboo Bed-steps 1510 Pair of ditto 1511 Mahogany Night Table 1012 Ditto 1513 Ditto 1514 Ditto 1515 Lot of Green Baize 1516 Sundry Carpet 1517 Large Drugget 1518 Lot of Drugget 1519 Mahogany Washstand 1520 Fire Guard, Rush Light Guard, and Can- dle Guard 1521 Japanned Coal Box, Tin Foot Bath, Fire Screen, and two Boot-jacks 1522 Two large Tin Boxes 1523 Two Tin Water Kettles 1524 Two ditto 1525 Chintz Curtains, for two Windows 1526 Two Bamboo Cane-bottomed Chairs, a ditto Elbow Chair, and a Mahogany Elbow Chair 1527 Two large Holland Covers 1528 Two ditto 1529 Two ditto 1530 Large Painted Deal Chest 1531 Large Oak Chest 1532 Lot of sundry Ware 89 LOT 1533 Lot of Sundries 1534 Lot of ditto 1535 Lot of ditto LUMBER ROOM. 1536 Coal Box, two Lamps, and a Foot Bath 1537 Four Painted Flower Pot Stands 1538 Pair of Steps and a Form 1539 Lot of Sundries 1540 Lot of ditto | 1541 Lead Cistern, 3 feet 10 in. long, 3 feet wide, and 2 feet 5 in. deep. 1542 Ditto, 2ft. '7in. long, 1ft. 6in. wide, and 1ft. 8in. deep End of Thirteenth Day’s Sale. M A CATALOGUE, fe. FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE, FRIDAY, TWENTIETH DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, | At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. LOW DAIRY. LOT 1543 Two Washing-tubs | 1544 Poss-tub and Stick, and Washing-tub 1545 Three Wooden Pails 1546 Three Pails, Washing-tub, and Handy KITCHEN PASSAGE. 1547 Three Iron Coeal-skuttles 1548 Four Salamanders 1549 Rope Mat, and Sundries 1550 Tin Lamp and Gas- burner 1551 Two Wooden Pails 1552 Wooden Pail and Sundries 1553 Lead Cistern, 5 feet 3 in. long, 2 feet 9 in. wide, and 1 foot 7 in. deep—Lead } in. thick ‘ . “ 4 > a i ~ ‘ - ~ i . oer - ~ ¢ * s * ane 4 4] ‘ " wy 2 . i + . Qt LOW LAUNDRY. LOT 1554 Large Meat-screen, lined with Tin 1555 Large Deal Ironing-table 1556. Ditto 1557 Ditto 1558 Oak Table 1559 Ditto 1560 Table 1561 Large Chest 1562 Plate-drainer 1563 Beetham’s Patent Mangle 1564 Two Clothes Horses 1565 Ditto 1566 Ditto 1567 Two Clothes Baskets 1568 Ditto 1569 Three Mangling Cloths, and an Ironing- Blanket 1570 Large Linen Hoisting-horse, with Tackle ca Ty | Ditto ditto 1572 Six Flat-irons 1573 Three ditto and two Stands 1574 Crimping Machine 1575 Two Italian-irons, and six Heaters 1576 Two Winters and Steelyard 1577 Two Stools, a Windsor-chair, and a Form 1578 Fender and Poker 92 LOT. 1579 Two Gas-burners {580 Two Flower-pot Baskets 1581 Lot of Sundries he OAK ROOM. 1582 Plate-warmer 1583 Four Windsor-chairs 1584 Five Sun-blinds 1585 Gas-branch 1586 Ditto 587 Ditto 1588 Carpet, 132 yards by 7 yards 1589 Wire Fender-guard, and Set of Fire- ivons. . 1590 Tray-stand E591 Ditto F592 Ditto 1593 Large Board and a Form 1594 Mahogany Dining-table 1595 Ditto 1596 Ditto 1597 Ditto 1598 Ditto PASSAGE LEADING TO DINING ROOM. 4599 Oil-cloth, 8 yards by 21 yards k600° Ditto “12 24 12 LOT 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 93 Gas-branch Ditto Three Holland Sun-blinds Carving of Corporation Arms WATER CLOSETS. Lot of sundry Carpet Ditto Oil-cloth Two Pot-cupboards GLASS ROOM. Suspended Gas-branch ; Oak Dining-table Beech Napkin-press, with three Drawers Drying-horse, and Bottle-drainer Fender and Fire-irons Iron Tea-kettle Two large brown-Ware Jugs Five Earthenware Jugs. Lot of sundry Jugs and Ware Four Tin-cans, and a Knife-sharpener Oak Table Punch-bowl and Ladle Two Wine-coolers Ditto Ditto 94 LOT 1623 Two Pot-cupboards 1624 Six Leather Bottle-stands 1625 Six — Ditto 1626 Seven Ditto 1627 Lot of Lamp Chains and Parts of Lamps 1628 Ten yards of 2-yard-wide Green Cloth 1629 Thirteen yards of ditto 1630 Six yards of ditto 1631 Eight and a half yards of yard-wide ditto 1632 Twelve yards of Green Drugget, 14 yard wide 1633 Plate Basket lined with Tin 1634 Ditto 1635 Ditto 1636 Ditto 1637 Two Sun Blinds 1638 Oil Cloth, 4 yards by 3 yards 1639 Lead Sink 1640 Pair of Steps 1641 Two J apanned Tin Knife Trays, and two ditto Bread Baskets 1642 Four Knife Trays 1643 ‘Two Crumb Spoons and two Table Cloth Brushes 1644 Large Painted Press, 8ft. wide 1645 Ditto with Sliding Doors, 5ft. 6in. wide 1646 Ditto, 4 ft. wide | 1647 Lot of Sundries ‘ } * \ > F 7 * . Pre - ai rs - -z ¥ ~ EB i 4 pe SERVANTS’ BED ROOM, No. 5. LOT 1648 Beech Camp Bedstead with Check Hangings 1649 Folding Bedstead 1650 Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillows 1651 Ditto 1652 Ditto 1653 Sundry Chamber Ware 1654 Washstand 1655 Oak Chest of Drawers 1656 Chamber Horse and Boot-jack 1657 Oak Table 1658 Carpet, Fender, and Fire Irons 1659 Looking Glass 1660 Lot of Sundries End of Fourteenth Day's Sale. A CATALOGUE, ge. FIFTEENTH i AND LAST DAY’S SALE. MONDAY, TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JANUARY, 1837, At Eleven o’ Clock in the Forenoon. GREEN ROOM. LOT 1661 Two long Forms, covered with Green Baize 1662 Two ditto 1663 Two ditto 1664 Two ditto 1665 Two ditto 1666 Two ditto 1667 Two ditto 1668 Two ditto 1669 Three ditto 1670 Black Ware Filterer 1671 Filtering-stone 1672 Two Washing Tubs 1673 Two Tin Slop Pails and Five Skuttles 1674 Five Iron Pans 97 LOT 1675 Joiner’s Bench 1676 Bench 1677 Two Plate Baskets 1678 Carpet 1679 Lot of Matting 1680 Two Wooden Bowls and a Plate Basket 1681 Five small Gantries 1682 Lot of Sundries 1683 Lot of ditto CELLAR. 1684 ‘Two Bottle (1 dozen) Baskets 1685 Five Brass Taps, Oil Lamp, and small Wooden Grate, and a Wooden Box 1686 ‘Two Tap Tubs 1687 Iron Screw Haunch 1688 Gantry 1689 Large Vat, (nearly new ), 6 feet diameter at bottom, 5 feet at top, 3 feet 4 in. deep, and 12 in. Oak Staves 1690 Two Hogshead Casks 1691 Two ditto 1692 Two ditto 1693 Two ditto 1694 Two — ditto 1695 Three Ale Barrels 1696 Two — ditto 1697 Lot of Sundries N 98 SUNDRIES. LOT 1698 Lot of House Bells, with Carriages, Cranks, Back-springs, and Wires 1699 Lot of ditto 1700 Lot of ditto 1701 Lot of ditto 1702 Lot of ditto 1703 Lot of ditto 1704 Lot of ditto 1705 Porter’s Bell, &c. 1706 Dinner Bell 1707 Smoke Jack 1708 Table, two Chicken Coops, and lot of sundry Articles . 1709 Large Wheelbarrow 1710 Pair of Long Steps — 1711 Rung Ladder and pair of Steps — 1712 Sundry Deals and other Wood 1713 Draining Tray | 1714 Gantry 1715 Lot of sundry Articles 1716 Lot of ditto BREWHOUSE. _ 1717 Large fourteen-half Barrel Brewing Copper ag a 1718 Ditto - e 2 se e * : ‘ “4 . . » : ’ ’ , : = s a < ~ . : ‘ , * as - 3 ’ - * . - y = ea 4 ae Rise . fos : & ee, 3 < Fad - cee ee 5d cans 99 LOT 1719 Mash Tub and false Bottom 1720 Under Back - 1721 Cooler 1722 Pump 1723 Stage and Steps 1724 Mash Stick, Hair Cloth, and two Boxes 1725 Fire Irons 1726 Lot of Spouts 1727 Lot of sundry Articles 1728 Three Casks 1729 Three ditto 1730 Three ditto — 1731 Three ditto QUAY. 1732 Lead Cistern, 4ft. 6in. long, 2ft. 11in. wide, 2ft. 5in. deep, Lead tin. thick 1733 Garden Chair 1734 Copper Horizontal Sun Dial on a Stone Pedestal 1735 Three Water Tubs 1736 Sundry Planks and Spars 1737 A 56lb. Iron Weight, and Lot of Sundries FRONT COURT. 1738 The Erection of Hood at Entrance with Doors covered with Green Baize LOT Seer the. 1739 Lot of Sundri r 1740 Lot of ditto ier om obi 1741 Lot of ditto, End of esyotl ows hae tel 4 Sir; eer) > ‘ \ ‘a * ‘ * ' . = i. 5.2 ¥ 2 MANSION HOUSE, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. STOCK OF GENUINE PORT WINE, OF THE VINTAGES OF 1822, 1825, ann 1827. A CATALOGUE OF THE WHOLE OF THE EXTENSIVE CELLAR OF FINE OLD PORT WINE, BELONGING TO THE CORPORATION, COMPRISING UPWARDS OF THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY DOZENS oF THE FAVOURITE VINTAGES OF 1822, 1825, ann 1827, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, BY JOHN & GEORGE EWART, At the MANSION HOUSE, on TvEspay and WEDNESDAY, the 30th and 31st Days of August, 1836, at 12 o'clock at Noon of each Day, by Order of the TowN COUNCIL. tS Catalogues may be had on and after Tuesday, the 23d August, at the George, North Shields ; Golden Lion, South Shields ; Waterloo, Dur- ham; Bridge Inn, Sunderland; White Hart, Hexham; Queen’s Head, Morpeth ; Black Swan, Alnwick ; and of Joun & GrorGE Ewart, Survey- ors, Auctioneers, &c., No. 4, Butcher Bank, Newcastle upon Tyne. NEWCASTLE: PRINTED BY T. & J. HODGSON, UNION STREET. 1836, A 3 , + - : $4 4 i we! i. 2s € > - oan + ~ : c ” F j at 4 3 = : * i ally, may have their Cor mn am executed by their ie A CATALOGUE, &c. FIRST DAY’S SALE, TUESDAY, August 30, 1836, at Twelve o'clock. SAMPLES WILL BE PRODUCED AT THE TIME OF SALE. BIN, No. I. Vintage, 1825— Bottled, September, 1830. Lor. 1, - Two Dozen Ditto, . Two Dozen Ditto, - Two Dozen Ditto, . Two Dozen Ditto, [) Two Dozen Port, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, - Two Dozen Ditto, - Two Dozen Ditto, - Two Dozen Ditto, . Two Dozen Ditto, . Two Dozen Ditto, . Two Dozen Ditto, | . Two Dozen Ditto, . Two Dozen Ditto, -. Two Dozen Ditto, At per Doz. Lor. 17. 18. 12. 20. 21. 22 23. 24. 25. 26. ai. Two Dozen Port, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, more or less, BIN, No. II. At per Doz. Vintage, 1827—Bottled, January, 1834. . Three Dozen Port, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, . Three Dozen Ditto, sae . . Three Dozen Ditto, more or less, BIN, No. IV. Vintage, 1825—Bottled, November, 1831. Lot. 46. Al. 48. 49, 50. ol. 52. 53. oA, 55. 06. o7. 58. 09. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 12. Two Dozen Port, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen .Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, more or less, Enp oF First Day’s SALE. At per Doz. 13. 74. 75. 76. ud 78. 49. 80. 8]. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. SECOND DAY’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, August 31, 1836, at Twelve o'clock. BIN, No. V. Vintage, 1827— Bottled, November, 1831. Lor. At per Doz. Three Dozen Port, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, 23; Nee Two Dozen Ditto, more or less, ... BIN, No. VI. Vintage, 1827— Bottled, May, 1833. Three Dozen Port, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, e Three Dozen Ditto, more or less, BIN, No. VIL. Vintage, 1822— Bottled, February, 1828. Two Dozen Port, Lor. 22. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99, 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. iil. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. Two Dozen Port, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, Two Dozen Ditto, i i. Three Dozen Ditto, more or less. BIN, No. X. Vintage, 1827— Bottled, May, 1832. Three Dozen Port, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, Three Dozen Ditto, At per Doz. whale <1 At per Doz. 123. Three Dozen Port, él : 124. Three Dozen Ditte;, = ok ae a 125. Three Dozen Ditto, _.... 103] aso owl 8 126. Three Dozen Ditto, _.... sail woes 127. Three Dozen Ditto, _.... 2.3" 128. Three Dozen Ditto, .).... © watt [ owt. Fe 129. Three Dozen Ditto, —...' aeutt aeeoct ow tee 130. Three Dozen Ditto, _. | 131. Three Dozen Ditto, more or less, BIN, No. XII. Vintage, 1827—Bottled, April, 1833, 132. Three Dozen Port, 133. Three Dozen Ditto, retiae th ee : 134. Three Dozen: Ditto, .... nui peel! on 135. Three Dozen Ditto, _... bis aif owe i 136. Three Dozen Ditto, _ ... ‘I ; 137. Three Dozen Ditto, _... se 138. Three Dozen Ditto, _ ... 4% ; 139. Three Dozen Ditto, _ ... staf 140. Three Dozen Ditto, _ ... ¢ 141. Three Dozen Ditto, 142. Three Dozen Ditto,» 143. Three Dozen Ditto, 144. Three Dozen Ditto, —... yulua,! 145. Three Dozen Ditto, | s. 4c). mexckl 146. Three Dozen Ditto, |... shee 41. 147. Three. Dozen, Ditto, ... ... 01:6! moxeGl-eeat? O81 148. Three Dozen Ditto, . ol ipamoth sondk .VES 149. Three Dozen Ditto, more or leas pro: naoKl sor il | i eosotl aod T EI 81 NEWOASTLE S “Scr od hae PRINTED BY T. AND ‘J. HODGSON, UNION STREET. ~*~ * c.1 elegant .3 NeEw Mansion House P8970 IMC 0 | E & G. 96 cS © = ™~ 9 00 = J 3 3125 01187 6395 rong ~ ae pater nhng nee ore -~-; Pat 2. ~— LET Sr e SATS ns : preteen pee hes ae : 2 Jae. el re ao . Seton, ~ tae Ke + Aly s atcha gs AN \ ey Masel aft, fone a = Cy Fog etter we co : ee Paes;