Telephone Number No. 107 ~ 3150 Madison Square Ses : s : | ; == Sou: y ath) 4 : a PSS en | viL o- 2D de / (KX? HAN Hee any fe oN 2 anes 5 Prints and Engravings, a 6576 including the final portion of the Dramatic Collection of the late HARVEY NEBE, together with a choice selection of Por- traits of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, many of them of great rarity, scarce American Views, including New York City, Portraits by early American Engravers, etc., Se 1. bol 20 | For Sale at Auction ie Tuesday Ev’g, April 29,. Lots 1-300}|% Wednesday ~ ‘‘ 30, «301-600 Thursday ‘‘ May I, « 601-922 r Seeds fen TH i al } PR. HSinTbasH TNE Sales begin at 7.30 o’ clock < ‘ Se : “din! —% Pee SE Ee RE eee tf Oe pe ee ae iy ae $ Nii 7, Yi ba a ee nae a a a ee On a oo CATALOGUE 7 (ae (JouN). Bust portrait, head to right,engraved by Houston for the American Universal Magazine. stipple, oval, 8vo. [1792.] Very scarce. 2, —— Portrait engraved on copper by H. Houston. Stained nd small hole in forehead but good impression of this rare int. 4to [1765], mounted. 3. —— Portrait. Line and stipple, engraved by B. Tanner. Foxed.) 8vo. Rare. 4. —— Colored lithograph portrait by N. Currier. 4to. 1845. | 5. —— Portrait engraved on copper. By Tanner(?). Pub- ished to T. Condie, Phil. 8vo. Scarce. Also lithograph on ndia paper of Longacre. 8vo. (2) 6. —— Portrait engraved by Millot, scarce; also litho- rraph portrait by Duval and 3 others (2 cut close). 8vo. (5) 7%, —— Portraits, copper-plate, Lond. 1783; also portraits ngraved by Longacre and Leney. 8vo. (3) 8. ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Portrait engraved by Longacre ufter Stuart. Large Paper. 4to. Fine and scarce. 9, ——- Colored lithograph portrait by N. Currier. (Stained. ) to. Scarce. 10. ArTER THE Day’s FisHinc. Etching by F. M. Gregory. Remarqué proof on Japan vellum paper, signed by the artist. Large folio. . | 11. ALLEN (Mrs. J. H.) Favorite at Wallack’s. Bust por- rait in pencil, and a half length, drawn in bistre. 8vo. (2) 12. ALLSTON (WasHINGTON). Half-length portrait, seated. Mezzotint by J. Sartain after Chester Harding. Folio. 13. Atsop (Mrs.) Daughter of Mrs. Jordan and William [V. Engraved portrait on copper by J. Hopwood after W. M. Craig. 1817. 8vo. 14. AMERICAN ENGRAVING. D. Martin Luther. Copper-plate sngraved by John Eckstein. Folio, cracked by careless folding. Circa 1790. Excessively rare. Specimens of this engraver are seldom found— in fact,not over a half dozen specimens of his engravings are known. 15. Specimens of Early American Engraving, by Mave- rick, Fairman, Kearney, Tanner, Tiebout, Boyd, etc. 8vo. (#1) 16. AMERICAN Portraits. Capt. Thos. MacDonough, bust sngraved by Gimbrede; James Lawrence, bust by Rollinson ; Com. Edward Preble, mezzotint. 8vo. (3) 17. —— David Rittenhouse, engraved by Golrecht; Wm. Penn, engraved by Longacre after a drawing by Edwin; Benj. Franklin, engraved by Golrecht ; Jonathan Edwards, engraved by Jocelyn. 8vo. (4) 18. —— Benjamin Rush, portrait engraved by Golrecht ; Fisher Ames, engraved by Boyd; Caspar Wistar, engraved by Neagle (torn); John Hancock, engraved by Longacre. 8vo. (4) engraved by Jocelyn; Barthelemi De Las Cases. 8vo. (4) 20. —— David Ramsay, by Gimbrede; Monroe, by Dick, cut down, rare; P. S. Physick, by Durand, 1825; Fisher Ames by Boyd, 1814 8vo. ; (4) 21. John Hancock, by Longacre; Samuel Adams, by ~ Goodman and Piggot; Hamilton, by Leney; Wm. Penn, by Longaere; John Tanner, by Illman; Henry Clay. Giz 22. ; John Marshall; Wm. Lewis; Alex. — Hamilton; John Paulding, Captor of André; Judge Grier; — and others. Private lithographs, some proofs on india paper. (8) — 23. —— James Monroe, 2; Benj. Rush; James Wilson, india paper; F. Andrew Michaux, botanist, india paper ; Caspar a Wistar; Duncan McIntosh; and others. (8) 8 24, Jas. Fenimore Cooper; Lydia H. Sigourney; David Ramsay; John Trumbull; Stephen Van Rensselaer; Rev. John S. Ravenscroft, Bishop of North Carolina, india paper ; Benja- _ min Rush; and others. Good lot. 8vo and Ato. (3) es 25. —— Samuel J. Tilden; F.C. Havermeyer; John Cum- mings; H. B. Bigelow; and others. Steel plates, some proofs = on india paper. (105%: 26. Alex. Hamilton; Israel Putnam; Isaac Shelly; Jac. Brown; General E. P. Gaines; Group of American Generals, — engraved by Tanner; and others. 8vo. (12) : 27. —— Timothy Dwight; Simon Kenton; Edward Everett; Robert Fulton; Elias Boudinot; Joel Barlow; and others. Steel engravings, mostly. 8vo. (15) 28. —— Naval Officers. Thos. MacDonough, engraved by — i Gimbrede; Johnston Blakely, by Gimbrede; Richard Dale; Wm. Bainbridge: Admiral Richard Howe; Commander aoe ie see Good lot. (6) == 29. —— Rebellion. Generals Bragg, Beauregard, Stuart, Stuart, Grant, Polk, Ewell, Stonewall Jackson, and others, oF Steel engravings. 8vo. (15) as 30. Another lot. Generals Sterling Price; Scott; Robert E. Lee; N. P. Banks; Sigel; and others. Steel plates. 8vo and 4to.° (12,4 31. —— Another lot. Winfield Scott; Maates Joe Hooker; Burnside; Fremont; Carl Schurz; and others. Steel plates. — 8vo and 4to. (12) 32. —— Revolutionary. Generals Moultrie; Otho, H. Will __ iams; Daniel Morgan Putnam; Steuben; Stark: St. ‘Claires ss Schuyler: and others. Engraved by Durand, éte. 8vo, (ie 33. —— Signers of the Declaration of Independence. John ~ Adams; Roger Sherman; Geo. Clymer; Francis Hopkinson; — Wm. Floyd, by Durand; Chas. Carroll, Thos. Lynch, Jr., Luther Martin, and others. Steel engravings by Durand, Longacre, and others. - 8vo. 9) Paes? 34. —— Another lot. Wm. Paca; John Hancock; Joseph — Hewes; Samuel Huntington; Philip Livingston; Robert Treat oy Paine; Edw. Rutledge; and others. All but one steel engray- — ings by Maverick and Longacre. 8vo. (10) 3 30. AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Statesmen. Joel R. Poinsett; Wm. Pinkney; Stephen A. Douglas; Wm. H. Seward; Cal- houn; Morgan Lewis; Clay; and others. Good lot. Steel en- gravings. 8vo and 4to. (13) 36. —— Another lot. Clay; Grant (various portraits); Roger B. Taney; Van Buren; Chester A. Arthur; Lincoln; Andrew Johnson; Geo. M. Dallas; and others. Steel plates. Good lot. 8vo and 4to. (15) o/, AMERICAN VIEWS. Southern and Western Churches. First Presbyterian, New Orleans; Second Presbyterian, Chicago; First Reformed, Allegheny; First Presbyterian, Pittsburgh; and others. Lithographs (some stained). 8vo. syne (8) 88. —— Nauvoo; New Harmony ; St. Joseph; Fort Snelling; and others. Steel engravings by H. J. Meyer. 4to. (10 pieces.) 39. ——— East Port; Mount Vernon; The Capitol at Wash- ington; Wheeling, Va.; and others. Steel engravings, by H. J. Meyer. 4to. (10 pieces. ) 40. —— Rapids of the Mohawk; Catskill Mountains; Lake George; Boston (4 different views); Baltimore; and others. (12) 41. —— President’s House, engraved by I. L. Frederick; State House, Boston, 1775, early lithograph; Passaic Falls and Delaware Water Gap, colored; Harper’s Ferry; and others. Mostly engravingson copper. 12mo. Good lot. (15) J y; Falls of Niagara; Sche- nectady; West Point; Tremont House, Boston; and others. Steel engravings. 4to. (18) 43. —— Destruction of Wyoming; Meredith, N. H.; State House, Boston; Lake George; Harvard University ; and others. Engravings on steel and copper. Mostly 8vo. (21) 44, Falls on Connecticut River at Gill, Mass.; Boston; Pulaski Monument, Savanah; City Hall, Phil; and others. Engravings on steel and copper. Mostly 8vo. (22) 45. —— Ruins of Jamestown; Washington Monument, Baltimore; Natural Bridge, Va.; Mauch-Hanch; Forest Scene on the Lehigh; and others. Steel engravings and woodcuts. (60) 46. AMERIGO VESPUCCI. Oval bust portrait with laurel wreath border, and nautical objects. With poem and biogra- phy beneath (in Italian). Engraved on copper by C. L. Padre, 1812, after G. M. Testi. Folio. 47. AMHERST (JEFFREY, LORD). Téte-a-téte portraits. The Cautious Commander (Amherst) and Mrs. P—tt, from the Town and Country Magazine, 1778. With the descriptive letterpress. 48. ANDERSON (D. C.) Bust portrait in oval. Drawing in bistre. 8vo. Friend of Edwin Booth. Played Polonius to Booth’s Hamlet. 49. ANDRE (Mayor). ‘‘The Unfortunate Death of Major Andre.” Old copper-plate engraving by Goldar after Hamil- ton. 4to 50. —— Bookplate of Beverley Robinson. (After the capture of Major André, Robinson interviewed Washington on his be: half, being sent by Sir Henry Clinton.) 51. ANTIQUE GEMS. Vignette engravings of Cupid, Gany- mede, Bacchus, Germanicus, Bacchante, etc., from the original gems by T. Worlidge. (23) 52. ARTISTS. Portraits of John Pine after Hogarth; Sir James Northcote, by Daniell; Fuseli, after Corbould, india paper; Sir James Thornhill, by Bretherton; and others. Mostly Svo. . (23) © 53. —— Titian, by Vosterman, original impression; Simon — Vouet, by Corner; J. M. W. Turner, by Holl, fine impression; = Paulus Pontius, after Vandyke, india paper; Nollekens, on z Holl; and others. Mostly 8vo. wee 54. AUTOGRAPHS. A. L. of Victor Hugo, concerning an article for the ‘‘ Revue des Deux Mondes,” signed Victor, H. 28 January. No year. 1 p. 8vo. 55. —— A. L.S. 2 pp. 12mo, no date, of Beranger, the famous French song writer. 56. —— A.N.S. of Alex. Dumas, pére. Sm. 12mo, no date. HY A. L. S. of Victorien Sardou, the famous French — dramatist, author of ‘‘Dora,” etc. From Marly le Roi, no — date. 1p. small 12mo. 2 Se ee 58. —— A. L.S. 1p. 8vo, of Fanny Kemble. Lond., n. oo 59. —— Certificate of payment as Member of the Senate to- Philip Schuyler, and countersigned by Isaac Roosevelt, N. Y., April 8, 1790. With woodcut portrait of the latter. (As one eo 60. —— Certificate of Loan tothe State, signed on the back — by Jonathan Dayton, Speaker of the Assembly of N. J. Valet May 5, 1791. 61. —— Bishop G. W. Doane. Two autograph letters signed, 1884. (2 62. —— A.L.S. 1p. small 8vo, of Henry Clay, dated 1841, Pe. 63. —— A. L. 8S. 2 pp. 12mo, of H. W. Longfellow, dated , Cambridge, 1879. Ae tee 64. —_ A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo, of Oliver Wendell Holmes, ‘ April 19, 1880. a 65. AZEGLIO (MAssIMo). La Sacra della Tomba, dei Monacis, ee 2 different views; Antico Sepolcro dei Monaci. vithoee oe es by Festa. Turin, 1828-9. (3) 66. Bas OF NEW ORLEANS. A rare aquatint by — P. L. Debucourt, after a Drawing on the Field of — Battle by H. Laclotte, Engineer of the Louisiana Army, 1815. The View gives the whole field of battle, with the defenses, the commanders on both sides, and the whole of the troops in active conflict. In the left foreground is shown the American entrenched camp, and a mansion. A distant view of th country in the background. Large folio. RARE. 67. BATTLE SCENES. The Battle of the Boyne; Battles. ( Crecy, Cullodén, Bannockburn, La Hogue; Scenes in th French Revolutionary Wars, by Winkeles; and others. Mostl : old engravings on copper. (3 68. Another lot. Similar. | (185 69. —— Indian Mutiny, Crimean War, etc. Steel engrav- — a ings. 8vo. ERE 35 5 70. BAZAAR IN CAIRO; Head of an Arab; and three others. Finely engraved woodcuts, proofs before letters on china paper. 4to. (5 pieces) _ (1. BEARD (FRANK). Artist during the Rebellion; A Conflict in a Prison Cell; and another. Clever original pen-and-ink drawings. Signed. 4to. (2) 72. BETHLEHEM (PA.) View of Bethlehem. A Moravian Settlement. Copper-plate, drawn by J. Wild, engraved by J. Dadley. 4to. 1798.: 73. BETTERTON (THOs.) English actor, time of Nell Gwynne. Portrait, on copper, from the Universal Magazine. 8vo. Circa 1800. 74, BEwick (THOMAS), the famous engraver. Engraved portrait by John Burnet, on india paper. 4to. 75. BIBLICAL PorTRAITS: Isaac; David; Abraham; Solomon; and others. Mainly after Guido. Copper-plates. Folio. (11) 76. BILLINGTON (Mrs). Portraits, after a Miniature by Cos- way, as Cecilia, as Rosetta (2); Mrs. Edwin, as Juliana, and as Letitia Hardy; Miss Brunton, by Cook, Hopwood, and Ridley. (9) 77. BisHop (ANNA). Famous Songstress, appeared in America 1847, fine lithograph, full length, colored; also full length, in armor; also a bust portrait, by D'Avignon. 4to. (8) 78. BOLIVAR (Simon). Bust portrait. Lithograph, by Brodt- mann. Fine impression. 79. BOOK-PLATE. Book-plate of Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness, and a 2-pp. autograph letter of the same, dated from Dublin. (The famous brewer). (As two pieces. ) _ 80. Boston. New and Accurate Chart of the Harbour of Boston, in New England. Engraved by J. Lodge, from The Political Mag. 4to. Scarce. 1782. 81. —— View of Faneuil Hall, in Boston. Engraved by S. Hill, for the Mass. Magazine. Colored by an amateur, and torn at the plate mark. 8vo. ; _ 82. BRAHAM (JOHN). Famous singer. Portrait by Wool- worth, after T. Wageman. Engraved on copper. §8vo, inlaid. Fine impression. _ 88. BRECKENRIDGE (J. C.) Vice-President of the U. S.; Francis R. Shunk, Gov. of Pennsylvania. Colored lithographs by Currier. 4to. (2) 84. BrouGH(Wm.F.) Vocalist. Cleverly-executed drawing in pencil. Head. 4to. 85. BROUGHAM (JOHN). Lithograph portrait. 4to, with mat. Bry 1865. The most striking likeness of Brougham. | 86. BUCHANAN (JAMES). Lithograph portrait by L. N. Rosen- thal. India paper. Folio. 1856. 87. —— Lithograph portrait in color. Life size, with dark background. Fine likeness, with painting effect. Folio. 88. BULL(OLE). Famous violinist. Bust portrait, asa Young Man. Lithograph, by Gambardella, drawn from Life. Rare. Folio. Fine impression. Presentation copy to Prince Poniatowsky from Ole Bull, with his autograph. 6 89. BUNKER’s HILL. View of the Attack on Bunker’s Hill, with the Burning of Charlestown, 1775. Old copper-plate, engraved by Lodge, drawn by Mr. Millar. 4to. 90. BURKE (THOs., Father of Chas. Burke), steel engraving, in character; Edward Cuddy, Early N. Y. and Phil. per- former. Engraved on steel by Gimber 8vo and 4to. (2) 91, Burton (W. E.) Comedian. Bust portrait. Engraved on steel by Jackman. India paper. 8vo. 92. Byron (LorpD). Bust portrait, after Raphael, Morghen, and Bartolozzi. 4to. 1822. 93. Cee Opening of the Pacific Railroad. Train passing over the Humboldt River Bridge. Early settlers cheering at the train and Indians on the other side of the River fleeing in terror. Very characteristic colored lithograph by Schile. Folio (margin torn). 1870. 94. CALLOT, two original etchings; early engraving of Christain tortures; original engravings after GOLTZIUS, circa 1600. (11) 95. CAMPAIGN PoRTRAITS. Lewis Cass and W. O. Butler; Buchanan and Breckenridge: Clay and Freylinghuysen. © Col- ored lithographs by N. Currier. 4to. (8) 96. CANADA. View of St. Johns, upon the River Sorell, in Canada, with the Redoubts taken in. the year 1776. Copper- plate. 4to. 1789. 97. CANOVA (ANTONIO). Portrait engraved by Worthing- ton, after Fabre India paper. 4to. Scarce, 98. CAPTURING A CoNvoy. Military scene, with numerous — figures. Fine lithograph on india paper, after Van Hugten- burg. Large folio. 99. CARLETON (SiR Guy). Téte-a-téte portrait from Walker’s Hibernian Magazine. The Careful Commander (Carleton) and Mrs. W——n. 8vo. 100. CARTHAGENA (South America), colored engraving on copper; Acapulco, Francisco de Campeche, early views on copper; and others. (7) 101. Cass (LEwiIs). Lithograph portrait in colors, by N. Currier, 1848. 4to. 102. CATTERMOLE (G.) Original water-color drawing of a Puritan Soldier feeding his charger. Unsigned, but probably by Cattermole, the famous English artist. Ato. 108. CERVANTES AND THE DUKE OF ALVA. Rare early por- traits. Fine impressions. 4to. One inlaid. (2) 104. CHINESE COLORED PRINTS. 12river views. Printed on isinglass (?). Some of the prints damaged. Oblong 4to. (12) 105. CIBBER (COLLEY). Bust portrait, engraved on copper by A. Bannerman. 4to. 106. CINCINNATI, OHIO. View of the City, showing the Mississippi, upon which are the river steamers Thos. Jeffer- son, Gen. Scott, United States. ete. Lithograph by Onker. Tinted. 4to. Circa 1848. 4 . j FS : q ¢ 4 P, a ’ 7 107. CLAY (HENRY). Lithograph portrait on india paper, by D’ Avignon, with view of the Capitol below the portrait. Folio. 1856. A fine specimen of American lithography. Margins slightly torn. 108. Half-length portrait, seated. Line engraving by P. Maverick, after C. King. Long Spanish Inscription be- neath. Folio. VERY RARE. 1882. 109. —— Full-length portrait, engraved in mezzotint by H.S Sadd, after J. W. Dodge. Vignette of Ashland on mar- gin. Folio (margin repaired). 1843. 110. —— Full-length portrait. Mezzotint by J. Sartain. Folio (margins stained). 1853. 111. —— Two colored lithograph portraits by N. Currier. One fulllength. 4to. (2) 112. CLERGY. Portraits of George Whitfield, on india | paper: John Wesley, india paper; Sydney Smith; John Wiclif ; Rev. G. Walker, by Earlom; Abp. Warham, proof on india; Samuel Parr; and others. 4to and 8vo. (84) ; 118. CLINTON (GEORGE), and Christopher Columbus. Por- traits engraved by Peter Maverick. 8vo (slightly stained). (2) 114. CopBeTT (WmM.) Half-length portrait by Bartolozzi, after J. R. Smith, on india paper. 1801. 4to. Restrike. 115. CoLE (THomAS). The Voyage of Life: Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Age. The complete set engraved on steel from the originals, by James Smillie, 1855. In neat gilt frames, 31 in. x 25 in. Proofs (very slightly foxed). (4 pieces.) 116. COLMAN (GEORGE). Bust portrait, engraved in stipple by Scriven, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 4to. 1813 117. COLORED PorTRAITS. Paul I., Emperor of Russia, en- graved by Chapman; Anne of Austria, Queen of Louis XIIL., engraved by Hargrave. Both hand-colored. 8vo. (2) 118. —— Mademoiselle de Montpensier: Duchesse de Longue- ville; Margaret of Provence; and others. Colored and touched with gold. 8vo. (7) 119. —— Marie de Medici; Petrarch’s Laura; Heloise; Com- tesse de Grignon; and others. Colored and touched with gold. 8vo. (9) 120. CoLUMBIAN MAGAZINE. Armorial Bearings of the States of Penna. and New Jersey; The Four Temperaments, copper- plates, engraved forthe Columbian Magazine. 8vo. (2) 121. CoLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Early copper-plate por- trait [1650]; Americus Vespuccius, engraved by G. Fairman. Ato. (2) 122. Photograph of a painting presented to the State in 1784 by Mrs. M. Farmer, cabinet size (from J. C. Breevort’s library); Columbus Sighting Land, an allegorical engraving by John Strada, original impression. (2) 123. Cooke (G.F.) Half-length portrait as Sir Archy Mac- Sarcasm. Lithograph, mounted. 8vo. 124. CoPPER-PLATE ENGRAVINGS, by Sturt, Burghers, W. Elder, Van Der Gucht, and others. 8vo. (29) 8 125. CorREGGIO. The Madonna, with St. Francis. Fine lithograph on‘india paper, after the original by Haufstaeng]l. Large folio. Brilliant impression. 126. CostuMES. Engravings on copper of Morning Dress, Evening Dress, Promenade Costumes, Carriage Dress, and others. Colored by hand. 8vo. Lond.; Ackermann, 1810. — (8 pieces. ) 127. CROMWELL (OLIVER). Bust portrait. in uniform. Lithograph by Tubino, after Subtermans. 4to, Fine im- pression. 128. CRUIKSHANK (G.) The Queen and the Union, No Re- peal—No O’Connell. Leaflet containing engraving by Cruik- shank. 4to (letterpress damaged). Scarce. 129. —— Mayhew’s Great Exhibition of 1851. Eleven hu- morous etchings. Folio. (Reprint.) 130. CRUIKSHANK (R.) Curious caricature by Robert Cruik- shank, containing portraits of Geo. I[V., Edward Irving, and Liston. 8vo, with mat. Rare. 131. 1D (GEO. M.). Vice-President of the United States. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. 4to. 1845. 132. DANTE. Guido’s portrait. Lithographic reproduction by Stefani, 1841. 4to, india paper. 183° Da Pontg (LORENZO). Professor of Italian, Columbia - College, N. Y. Author of the librettos of Don Giovanni, Nozze di Figaro, etc. Bust portrait in oval, drawn in pencil. 8vo. 184. DARLEY (F. O. C.) American artist. Fine etched portrait by H. B. Hall. Autograph of Darley in pencil (?). 4to. Proof on india paper. 135. —— A Visit from St. Nicholas. By Clement C. Moore. Tinted illusts. by Darley. Ato, original wrappers, pp. 8. N. Y. 1862 136. DEATH OF JOHN QuINCcY ADAMsg, Feb. 23, 1848. ‘* This is the end of earth,—I am content.” Colored lithograph by N. Currier. 4to. 1848. Rare. . 137. DEATH OF WM. H. Harrison. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. 4to (slightly rubbed). 1841. 138. DEATH OF ANDREW JACKSON, colored lithograph, by N. Currier, 1845; also full-length portrait of ‘‘Old Hickory,” col- ored lithograph, by N. Currier (slightly stained). 4to. (2) 139. DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Colored lithograph by N. Cur- rier. 4to. [1845.] (2) 140. DE Bar (BEN), portraits, as Falstaff, engraved by Hall, (2); also woodcut, in same character; and one other. 4to. (4) 141. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The text of the Dec- — laration, with facsimiles of the autographs of the original signers, and outline portraits; also containing a medallion- — engraved portrait of Washington and scenes in the Revolution. Broad floriated border, heading illuminated in gold. De- signed and executed with the pen by C. Morton, Lithograph by Ackermann, N, Y., 1851. 62 in, x 34 in, 9 142. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Containing portraits of the Presidents, from Washington to Jackson. Engraved on steel by George G. Smith. 4to. [1850.] Original impression on glazed paper, without the view of the Capitol. 148. Painted by Trumbull, engraved by Prudhomme. Folio. 144. —— Engraved by Geo. G. Smith; another one, en- graved by Kimberly; also view of the signing. All contain portraits of Washington. Steel plates. (3) 145. DECORATIONS, ETC. Engravings of Fountains, Indian Lac Works, Silver Ornaments, Bric-a-Brac, Decorative De- - signs, Painting on Enamels, etc., etc. Many colored. 4to. . (33 pieces. ) 146. DELAWARE. Perspective view of the country between Wilmington and the Delaware. Taken from the hill 8S. W. of the Academy. Oblong 8vo. Engraved for the Columbian Magazine. (Margins trimmed.) Rare. 147. DELORME (MARION). Famous French Courtesan of the 17th Century, Heroine of Victor Hugo’s Drama. Fine litho- graphic portrait by Julien, after a contemporary print; and another earlier portrait, by Le Bert. (2) 148. Dippin (THomMAS, Dramatist and Author). Engraved portrait on copper, by Freeman, 1809. 4to. Fine proof on india paper. 149. DouGLAS (STEPHEN A.) Lithographic portrait by Cur- rier & Ives, 1860. Bust, life size. Fineimpression. Folio. 150. DRAMA. Odd numbers of The Theatrical Observer, 1831; clippings relating to the Drama, etc. (Sold as one lot.) 151. DRAMATIC PoRTRAITS. W. B, Chapman as Torrent. Pencil tracing from a rare print. Mounted. 8vo. 152. —— Miss Hallam, of John St. Theatre. Pen-and-ink reproduction of the rare engraving by Tiebout & Dunlap. Full- length, as Marianne. 4to. 153. —— Paul Julien, Celebrated Violinist. Lithograph portrait. Full length, showing him as a boy of about 16 years of age. By D’Avignon. India paper. Folio. 1854. Rare. 154. —— Jenny Lind. Lithograph portrait, colored by N. Currier. (Slightly rubbed and stained.) Small folio. [1840.] Rare, 155. —— Jenny Lind. Full-length lithograph portrait by Duval. On music sheet. 4to. Scarce. 156. —— Do. Another copy. 157. —— Harry Pearson. Clever drawing in bistre. Three- quarter length, seated. 4to. 158. —— Mr. J. Proctor in Nick of the Woods. Colored lithograph (repaired). 4to. Scarce. 159. —— Wheatley (Mrs., Mother of W. H. Wheatley). Original drawing in bistre, from a photograph taken in 1868. 8vo. 160. —— In Memoriam. Folio lithograph by H. A. Thomas, 1878. Containing 28 portraits, with facsimile autographs of 10 Laura Keene, Julia Dean, Edwin Forrest, W. E. Burton, Re 8 Booth, and others. Folio. Stone destroyed. 161. Dramatic PortRaIts. In Memoriam. Another copy. Folio. 162. —— Do. Another copy. Folio. 163. —— Colored lithograph. By N. Currier. Labelled ‘‘The Three Graces.” Containing portraits of Fanny Elisler, Mme. Taglioni, and Fanny Cerito, dancing. 4to. Fare. 164, —— Giulia Grisi, lithograph, by Sarony; also portrait of Carl Sentz, Composer (photograph). 4to. (2) 165. Bust portraits of Mmlles. George, Mars, and Duchesnois; and Mmes. Talma, Michaut, and Lafon. Litho- graphs by Lecler, 1823. Colored. On 3sheets. 4to. Fare. (As 8 pieces. ) 166. —— John Brougham, fine oval lithograph portrait (margins trimmed), 1865; Wm. E. Burton; John Dyott, as Leonetes; Fanny Cerito, by Wrankmore. 8vos. (4) 167. —— Julia Dean, Mrs. Vernon, Madame Lagrange, Stephen Price, Placide. 5) 168. -—— John Harper, as Jobson; Theo. Cibber, as Ancient Pistol; Miss §. Boovh, engraved by R. Cooper, and neatly col- ored by hand, 1822 also a plain one of the same; Miss Ann Elliott, engraved by Sherlock. 4to. (5) 169. —— Penny plain and twopence colored. Campbell as Rover; Dale as Hassarac; Mme. Vestris as Apollo; and two others. 3 colored. (5) ows, and G. G. Bennett, asthe Witchesin Macbeth, lithograph, on india paper, 1838; M, Le Blond, engraved by Cooper; Mrs. Baker, by Wageman; Miss Charles, tinted lithograph, on india; Campbell as Paul Jones, proof etching; and three others. 8vo. (8) 171. —— Chas. Dillon, as Othello; F. S. Chankenn, Gia. Fisher as Falstaff; W. E. Burton. and others. Some wood- cuts. 8vo, etc. , (9) 172. tain, tinted; Miss De Camp (Miss C. Kemble), tinted; Mrs. Mattocks (Miss Hallam); Miss Mellon; and others. (10) 173. —— Mrs. Abington, three different characters, by Sher- © win, Ramberg, and Thornthwaite, 1785, etc.; Miss Brunton, by Hopwood, 1817; Mrs. Baddeley ; Mrs. Baker; Madame Achille; Mlle. Augusta; Mrs. Crouch; and others. 8vo and 12mo. (12) 174. —— Mr. John Bannister, by Ridley, Roberts, etc.; Mr. Brereton as George Barnwell; Mr. Bellamy; Barton Booth; Herr Cline; and others. Mostly 12mo. - (20) DAILY Mr. Cooper as George Barnwell; Mr. T. Cooke; John Bannister; Mr. Bensley and Miss Macklin; Edward Al- leyn, Edward Cuddy (of Phil.); and others. 8vo and 12mo. (20) 176. Miss De Camp (Mrs. C. Kemble), by Thomson, 1796; Mrs. Cibber; Mrs. Barry; Mrs. Baddeley; Mrs. Bunn; and other portraits in character. 12mo., ‘Ft (OO) _ a oy Drinkwater Mead- 11 177, DRAMATIC PortTRaITS. Mr. Dowton as Obadiah, and as Sir Anthony Absolute; Mr. De Camp, as Figaro; Mr. W. Davidge; Chas. Dibdin, by Ridley; Herr Cline; and others. 8vo and 12mo. (20) 178. Mr. Elliston as Ranger; Mrs. Edwin as Juliana, and as Letitia Hardy; Mr. Fawcett as Touchstone; Miss Far- ren; Mr. Fitzwilliam; and others. 12mo. (20) 179. Miss Graddon as Rosetta; Mrs. Gibbs; Mrs. Glover: Miss P. Glover; Miss Griniani (Mrs. Charles Mayne Young); Mr. Goodall; and others. 8vo and 12mo. (20) 180. —— Chas. E. Horn, as Beauchamp; Mr. Holman, three different; Mr. Harley; Mrs. Hartley; and others. Mostly 12mo. , (20) 181. —— Mr. H. E. Johnston as Young Norval, Hamlet, and other characters (6); Mrs. H. E. Johnston; Mr. Knight, three different; and others. 12mo. (20) 182. —— Mrs. Jordan as Nell and Pheedra; Mrs. Inchbald, three different; Mr. Liston as Tony Lumpkin; and others. Mostly 12mo. (20) 183. Mr. Moody, two different; Miss Merry, two differ- ent; Mr. Munden, two different; Cornelius Mathews; and others. 8vo and 12mo. (20) 184. —— Miss Murray (Mrs. Henry Siddons); Charles Mack- lin, five different; Thos. Morton (2); Mr. Moody (2); Mrs. Mountain (4); and others. 12mo. (20) 185. Mr. Oxberry (3); John O Keeffe; Miss Paton as Lydia; Mrs. Pope; Mr. Macklin; Cornelius Mathews; and others. Mostly 12mo. (20) 186. —— Garrick as Richard, Tancred, and Sir John Brute; Mrs. Ward; Mr. Webster; Mrs. Yates; and others. Mostly 12mo. (23) 187. —— Mr. Kemble; Mrs. C, Kemble; Mrs. S. Kemble; Frederick Reynolds; Mr. Russell; and others. Mostly 12mo. (25) 188. —— Charles Mathews; Mr. Quick, five different; Mr. Parsons; Mrs. Mountain; Mrs. Pitt; Frederick Reynolds; Madame Parepa Rosa; and others. Mostly 12mo. (25) 189. —— Miss Powell, three different; Miss Povey, three different (both played in N. Y.); John and Robert Palmer; Mrs. Pope; and others. 12mo. (25) 190. —— Daniel Terry, two different (appeared in N. Y.); Miss M. Tree, two different; Mrs. Twistleton; Benjamin Thompson; Mr. Quick; Miss Pope; and others. Mostly 12mo. 25 191. —— Mrs. Siddons, four different; Mr. Shuter; Mig Stephens; Miss Storace; and others. 12mo. (25) 192. —— Madame Ronzi Vestris; Tate Wilkinson; Peg Woffington; Mrs. Yates; and others. 12mo. (25) 198. —— J. W. Wallack; Mrs. Winstanley; Mr. Wilkinson; Mrs. Yates; Mr. Wilson; and others. Mostly 12mo. (25) 194. —— COLORED. Herr Sardet as Minnewaart; Beck- mann as Mengler; Dancourt as the Chevalier, fine; Mlle. Charton, litho. by Noel; and others. Good lot. (10) 12 195. DRAMATIC PORTRAITS. FRENCH, etc. Mlle. Duchesnois; Mlle. Bourgoin; Catalani; Mlle. Falcos; and others. (9) 196. —— Another lot. Catalina; Firmin as Sylla; Mme. Allan Dorval; Mile. Léontine Fay; Ferville; and others. (10) 197. —— Another lot. Mule. Contat; Aline Duval; Mme. Favart as Roxelane; David as Idamore; Mlle. Brocard as Alicia; and others. Good lot. 10) 198. —— Another lot. Mlle. Bourgoin, fine copper-plate by Bertonnier; Dumaine; Mme. Carmouche; Mlle. Clara as Ce- lame; and others. : (11) 199. —— Another lot. Mme. Branchu; Ch. Blondelet as Canuche; Mlle. Clara; Mlle. Clarisse; Leon Bigot; and others. (12) 200. DRAMATIC. PHOTOGRAPHS, Carte-de-Visite Size: Mrs. C. Wheatley; Mrs. J. W. Wallack; Mrs. Gilbert; Mrs. Hind; and others. . (21) 201. Wm. Warren; Patti; Mrs. F. B. Conway: Palmo; Watkins; Burroughs; and others. (22) 202. Dan Setchell; Brougham; W. H. Chippendale; Geo. Boniface; Iskerwood, Scenic Artist; Wm. Davidge; Barton Hill; Dan Rice; J. H. Hackett; and others. (22) 203. —— Dan Marble; Ch. Peters; Chas. R. Thorne; G. L. Fox: A. H. Davenport; J. Wilkes Booth; Sige 8 Rice; and others. (23) 204. Geo. L. Fox, as Hamlet; Joe Pentland; E. L. Davenport; Mr. Keeley; and others. - (24) 205. Ione Burke; Mary Blake; Mrs. Chanfrau; Mlle. La Grange; and others. (24) 206. —— Mrs. Pryor: Patti; Virginia Buchanan; Parepa Rosa; Lydia Thompson; Madeline Henriques; Ida Vernon; and others. (24) 207. —— Jerry Bryant; E. A. Sothern; W. F. Brough; Geo. Jameson; Jas. E. Murdoch; J. W. Wallack; and others, (24) 208. —— Lucille Western; Mrs. Jno. Gilbert; Mrs. D, P. Bowers; Caroline Richings; Mrs. John Drew; and others. (24) 209. —— Chas. Fisher; Parsloe; Wm. Gomersal; Brignoli; Gassier; A. J. Neafie; Susini; Lester Wallack; and others. (24) 210. —— Mark Smith; Thomas Barry; Leo. Hudson; J. H. Stoddardt; Geo. C. Boniface; Chippendale; and others. (25) 211. —— Mrs. Humphrey Bland; Mrs. Vernon; Mrs. E. L. Davenport; Helen Western; Sophie Gimber; and others. (25) 212. —— Anna Bishop; Mary Wells; Adah Isaacs Menken; Mrs. Geo. Jordan; Irene and Sopie Worrell; eee: Combs; and others. (25) 213. Mrs. Geo. H. Barrett; Pauline Markhalbs MTS: Sedley Brown; Lola Montez; and others. (25) 214. Rachel Denvil; Mary Mitchell; Boon Children; Mrs. Farren; Minnie Madden as a child; ete. (25) 215. Matilda Heron; Mrs. Geo. Jordan; Effie Germon; Agnes Booth; Kate Denin; Kate Fisher; and otbers. (26) ay 13 216. DRAMATIC PHOTOGRAPHS. CABINET SIZE. Clara Fisher: Gaspard Maeder (son of Clara Fisher); Fanny Fitz-Farren. (3) 217, Do. F. C. Bangs: Forrest as Claude Melnotte; Fechter; Emily Soldene; John Drew; and others. (14) 218. —— Do. Annie Deland; Lillian Russell; Avonia Fair- banks; Steve Massett; and others. (15) 219. DRAMATIC ScRAP Book. A Folio Scrap, neatly bound and containing about 300 Portraits of Famous Actors and Actresses in their various characters, and who performed from the middle of the 18th to the early years of the 19th Century. As many of these played on the American as well as on the English stage, the collection thus forms a nearly . complete history of acting in the two countries during that period. Amongst the portraits are those of Braham, Blanchard, Bannister, Brereton, Baddeley, Cooper, Dibdin, Dowton, Har- ley, Holman, Johnston, Keeley, O’Keefe, Palmer, Reynolds; Mrs. Crouch, C. Kemble, Edwin, Garrick, Hartley, Johnston, Mattocks, Pope; Miss Graddon, Jarman, Paton, Povey, Rud- kins (child); and many others. (As one piece.) 220 Dumas (ALEX.) Two portraits, Pére and Fils, the latter author of La Dame aux Camelias (Traviata). Fine impres- sions. 4to. . (2) 221. DURANG (CHaAS.) Popular Philadelphia Actor, and Author of History of the Philadelphia Stage. Bust pcrtrait in india ink. Cleverly executed. 8vo. 222. FAST INDIES. A series of quaint Engravings on copper, relating to the affairs of the Dutch East India Company, and including battle scenes, views of places, animals, ete &vo, mounted. Circa 1600. (83) 223. EDWARDS (JONATHAN). Bust portrait, engraved by Abner Reed. Stipple. 8vo. Rare. _. 224. —— Portrait engraved on copper by Amos Doolittle. (Slightly stained.) 8vo. Rare 225. EDWIN (D.), PORTRAITS ENGRAVED By. Judge Black- stone. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. 12mo. Scarce. 226. —— Charles Bonnet. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. Stipple. 12mo. 227. —— Edmund Burke. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. (The rare portrait with the spectacles.) 8vo. 228 —— Catharine II. Bust portrait, stipple engraved by D. Edwin. Proof. 8vo. 229. —— Charles II. Bust portrait, stipple engraved by D. Edwin. (Foxed.) 8vo. 230. —— Isaac Chauncey, of the U.S. Navy, stipple por- trait, engraved by Edwin; Commodore John Barry, stipple engraved by Edwin (writing on back). 8vo. (2) 231. —— General Charles Cornwallis. Bust portrait, en- graved by D. Edwin. Stipple. 8vo. 232. —— Stephen Decatur; Chas. Bonnet; John Andrews, D.D. Bust portraits in stipple by D. Edwin. (Poor condi- tion.) 8vo. : (3} 14 233. EDWIN (D.) Bryan Edwards. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. 8vo. Scarce. 234. —— George I. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. Stipple (foxed). 8vo. (2 copies.) 235. —— General Nathaniel Greene. Bust portrait, en- graved by D. Edwin. Stipple. 8vo. Rare. 236. Bust portraits of Isaac Hull, commander of the Constitution; and of Commodore Stephen Decatur, Engraved by D. Edwin. 8vo. (2) 237. —-— Benjamin Moore, D.D. Bust portrait, stipple en- graved by D. Edwin. 8vo. 238. Oliver Hazard Perry. Bust portrait engraved by D. Edwin. 8vo. 239. - Zebulon M. Pike. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. 8vo. (Lightly stamped. ) 240. —— Do. Another copy, slightly inked on back. 8vo. 241. —— Benjamin Rush. Portrait engraved by D, Edwin. Large Paper. 8vo. 1813. 242, —— Richard Rush. Portrait, bust. Stipple. Engraved by D. Edwin. 12mo. Scarce. 2438. Edward Shippen, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. 8vo. Stipple. Fine impression. 244. Gilbert Stuart. Portrait engraved by D. Edwin. 8vo (slightly stained). Proof. The last portrait engraved by Edwin. 245, Geo. Whitefield, M.A. Portrait, half length, en- graved by D. Edwin. (Slightly foxed). 12mo. 246. —— Edward Young, D.D. Bust portrait, engraved by D. Edwin. 12mo. Scarce. 247. Epwin (W.), ‘of Mitchell’s Olynipic Theatre, N. Y. ee Full-length portrait in nautical costume, drawn in bistre by H. Nebe. 4to. 248. ELLIS (Miss) as Evadne. Full-length portrait, drawn in bistre. 4to. 249. Empty SADDLE (THE), painted by S. E. Waller; Vene- tian Scene, by Luke Fildes (2); The Ferry; and one other. Steel engravings. Proofs on india paper. Ato. (5) 250. ENGLISH AUTHORS, Portraits of Robert Burns, by Tiebout; John Howard, by Prattent; George Cruikshank; Albert Smith; and others, 4to, etc. ( 22) 251. —— Christina Rossetti; Walter Besant; Helen Mathers; ‘Wordsworth; Mrs. Browning; etc. (30) 252. Smart; and others. (35) 253. ENGLISH Views. Lincoln Cathedral: interior and ex- terior views. Fine engravings on copper by Le Keux and others. 1819. 4to. (9) 254. —— Tombs and Effigies of William Wykeham, Henry IV., Earl of Warwick and others. Fine engravings on copper by E. Blore. 1824. On india paper. Some proofs pefore letters. Ato. (11 pieces. ) ; Kipling; F. W. Robinson; Hawley . 15 255. ENGLISH VIEWS. Miscellaneous. Engravings on steel and copper. vo, etc. (24) 256. —— Another lot. Miscellaneous. (25) 257, —— Another lot. (25) 258. —— Another lot. (25) 259. —— Do. Another lot. (25) 260. —— Do. Another lot. Miscellaneous. (25) 261. —— Do. Another lot. Miscellaneous. (25) 262. —— Aston Hall, famous Jacobean Mansion; Hawk- hurst Church, Kent; Plan of St. Martin’s Church, 1730; Mau- soleum of Shakespeare; St. Nicholas Steeple, Liverpool; and others. Good lot. (31) 263. —— Miscellaneous English Views. About 150. (As a lot) 264. —— Views of Castles, Abbeys, Famous Buildings, ete. Many woodcuts. About 200. (As a lot.) 265. ENGRAVINGS of Celebrated Paintings by Rubens, Mac- lise, Thos. Cole, Mulready, and others. Some proofs on india paper. : (24) 266. —— After paintings by F. O. C. Darley, Barry, Wilkie, Collins, Gainsborough, and others. About 50. (Sold as a lot.) 267. ENGRAVINGS, ETC.: Decorative Pottery, Ancient Weapons, Vases, etc. About 90. (Sold as one lot. ) 268. ETCHINGS. River Scenes. Three etchings by F. M. Gregory. Proofs signed by the artist. 4to. (8 pieces. ) 269. —— By Ernest George, D. Mordant, A. Tancrede, and others. Some proofs. (11) 270. EUROPEAN VIEWS: Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, etc. Good lot. (20) 271. —— Do. Another lot. (20) 272. eee PAINTINGS. Steel Engravings of Famous Pictures by Rubens, Teniers, Raphael, Terburg, Watteau, Titian, and others. 4to. (40 pieces ) 273. ——- Do. Another lot. (40) 274. FEASTING IN THE CONVENT. Fine lithograph on india paper, after the original painting of Eugen Hess. Large folio. \ 275. FECHTER (CHAS.) As Hamlet. Lithograph portrait by Frizzell. Mounted. 4to. Fine impression. 276. FATE oF THE AssEsS. Cérémonie de la Féte des Anes dans l Eglise de Rouen. Etching by Ransonnette, 1809, show- the whole of the figures—the Patriarchs, Nebuchadnezzar, Balaam, Virgil, the three children condemned to the fire, etc. Rare and curious. Ato. 277. FINDEN’S Beauties of Moore. Engravings on steel. 4to. (31) 278. FITZHERBERT (Mrs. ), Wife or reputed Mistress of George IV., oval portrait on copper; fine portrait by W. Evans of George IV. when Prince of Wales, 1795. (2) 279. FITZWILLIAM (MR.) as Looney Macwolter by Cooper, as O’Gallagher, and another; Mr. W. FarRrReEn, ten different characters; JOHN FAWCETT; and Mr. FARLEY. Dramatic portraits. 8vo and 12mo. (15) / 16 280. FLAXMAN (JOHN). Outline Illustrations to Homer’s Iliad. Small oblong 4to (89 plates.) Phil. 1871. (As one piece. ) 281. —— Do. Another copy. ; 282. FooTE (SAMUEL), Portraits in private dress and four characters; NATHANIEL FIELD, by Gardiner; EDWIN FORREST, by Pound; JOHN MILLS, by Clamp; Mr. HOLMAN; and others. 8vo and 12mo. : | (20) 283. FORREST (EDWIN) as Rolla. Portrait engraved by A. B. Durand, after J. Neagle. 8vo, inlaid, (Published when For- rest was only 21 years of age.) Phil.: Poole, 1827. 284. FORTUNATE HUNTER (THE). Brilliant engraving on copper by Le Bas, after Van Falens. Original impression. Folio. Paris, 1745. 285. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Bust portrait in oval, after the portrait by Vanloo. Engraved by P. M. Alix. Colored. 4to (cut close and mounted). 286. —— Bust portrait. in oval, head to left. Engraved on copper by J. Cook. 8vo. Scarce. . 287. —— Bust portrait, head to right. Engraved on cop- per by W. Harrison, Jr., for the American Universal Magazine. Line. 8vo. [1792] Rare. 288. —— Copper-plate portrait, engraved by W. Grainger. 8vo. 289. —— Portrait, engraved by W. D. Smith. _ 16mo (stained). Scarce. 290. FREMONT (CoOL. JOHN C.) Lithograph portrait by Rosenthal. India paper (rubbed). Folio. 1856. . 291. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Original poster, announcing that the publication of the Municipal Accounts will be post- poned to allow Citizens to make any Objections they may think necessary. Dated Monday, March 1, 1790, and signed by Bailly, Fanchet, and others (members of the First sph sige Assembly). Folio. 292. —— Original poster, announcing that the soeee of Fraternity has presented to the Directory, free of expense, a mounted soldier, ‘‘ who, when he faces the enemy, will go not at a walk, but at full gallop,” and thanking them; on the re- verse a decree relating to gunpowder and saltpetre. Dated 1793. Folio. 293. Original poster, fixing the hone of opening and closing French Ports. Signed by Santerre, and dated 1793. Folio. - 294. —— Assignat for 100 francs, and another for 25 francs. Signed by Lafitte and another. ©1893. (2 pieces. ) 295. FRENCH Views. Pretty colored aquatint vignettes of the Pic du Midi and its neighborhood. 12mo. (10 pieces. ) 296. -—— Palais Royal; Arrival of Louis XVIII. at Paris, 1791; Revolutionary Scenes—Demolition of the Boulevard St. Germain, and others. Good lot. (20) 297. —— Views of Historic Buildings, Famous Places, etc. Steel engravings and woodcuts. About 200. (Asa lot.) 17 298. Gow (MANUEL). Father of Madame Malibran. Portrait, in the character of Othello.. India-ink drawing. 4to. FINE. 299. GARFIELD (JAs. A.); Millard Fillmore, lithograph by Rosenthal; Wm. H. English; General Hancock; Humboldt; and other portraits, etc. 4to and folio. (11) 300. GARRICK (Mrs. DAvibD). Portrait, aged 97. By George and Robert Cruikshank. Reproduction of the rare original etching on china paper. 8vo, in mat. SECOND DAY’S SALE. _ 801. GASSIER (SIG.) Operatic Singer. Sang at Niblo’s, 1858. Portrait. Pen-and-ink drawing by David E. Cronin. Ato. 302. GERMAN SERENADE BanpD. With portraits of the 8 Members. Folio. Lithograph by A. Hoffmann. India paper (stained). Circa 1850. _ 303. GouGH (J. B.) Bust portrait in gilt oval. Lithograph by Schenck & McFarlane, Edinburgh, after A. Haehnisch. Folio. Fine impression. 304. GRANT (U.S.) Full-length portrait, in private dress, engraved in line and stipple by J. C. Buttre. Large folio. Brilliant impression. 1885. 305. —— Portrait, engraved on steel by Perine. 4to. 1864. 306. —— Colored lithograph portrait by Currier & Ives. Ato (slightly stained). 307. Guipo. La Fortune. Engraved on copper by Morace. 4to. Fine impression. — 808. | pees (THos. H.) Vignette portrait, en- graved on copper by Armstrong, after Wiser. 12mo, mounted. 309. HALL (JACOB). Famous Rope Dancer, contemporary with Nell Gwynne. Portrait in line and stipple. 8vo. 1792. 310. HALLAM (Mrs. Lewis). Actress at the John St. The- atre, N. Y.; formerly Miss Tuke. Full-length portrait as Marianne. Pen-and-ink reproduction of the rare original en- graving by Tiebout, after W. Dunlap. 4to. 311. HAMBLIN (THos. 8S.) Three-quarter length portrait, seated. Engraved by H. Myer, after J. W. Childe. Fine im- _ presssion on india paper. 4to. RARE. 312. Harpine (J. D.) English Painter. European Views and Landscapes, principally in Italy and Venice. Pretty vign- ettes on steel. All proofs on large paper, many india proofs. (30) 313. HARDY (SIR CHAS.) English Naval Officer. Copper- plate portrait, engraved by Harding, 1800. 8vo. Inlaid. SCARCE. 314. HarRRIS (JOSEPH). Comedian, 1662-. Portrait in stipple by Harding. 8vo. 1793. 315. HARRISON (WM. HENRY). Portrait engraved by Pelton & Kimberly. Folio. Fine impression. 1841. 316. Lithograph portrait by N. Currier; Franklin Pierce. Colored lithograph by N. Currier (slightly stained). Ato. (3) 18 317. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Bust portrait, unsigned. Proof before all letters on india paper. 8vo. 318. HEBE. Mezzotint by Levachez, after Huet. 4to. Fine impression. 319. HEIN (PiET). Dutch Admiral. Finely engraved por- trait by Houbraken; also an engraving of his capturing the Spanish Silver Fleet. Mounted. (2) 320. Hermits. Original etchings by Martin van Voss, de- picting scenes in the lives of St, Anthony, Simeon Stylites, St. John, and others, 8vo. RARE. (26 pieces.) 321. HisTorIcAL PortTRAITS. Lord Hopton, after Vandyke; Earl of Worcester, after Zucchero; Earl of Dorset, after Van- dyke; Duke of Hamilton, after Vandyke; Thomas Cranmer; Lord Capel, and others. 4to. Brilliant impressions. (14) © 322. HoGARTH Engravings after. Various. 8vo. (29) 323. HOLL (W.) Famous engraver. Portraits of Thomas Cromwell, after Holbein, india paper; First Duke of Argyll, after Lely; Duke of Richmond; Earl of Arran; Lord Facets Thomas Howard. 4to. Fine impressions. (6) 324. Hone (PHILIP). Mayor of New York, 1826. Portrait. Engraved by A. B. Durand. 4to. Scarce. 325. HOPKINS (COMMODORE). Portrait engraved On copper by a Dutch artist. 8vo. | 326. HOSMER (JEAN). Anna Thillon; Wm. Wheatley as Romeo; Wm. B. Wood; Miss C. Wemyss, and others. Por- traits, lithographs, and engraved. (7) 327. HOUBRAKEN (J.)} Famous engraver. Portraits of Anne of Cleves, 1740; and of Henry Prince of Wales, 1738. 4to. (2) 328. —— Fine portrait of John Pym (time of Cromwell). 4to. 1738. 3829. HUNTING AND FISHING SUBJECTS. A varied Lot of En- gravings and Scraps. (62) 330 Ce Osage Indians journeying in a Coach in Paris. Lithograph by Ducarme, 1827. Folio. 2 plates showing the Manners and Customs, Hunting Scenes, etc., of the American Indians. Engraved on copper. 8vo (one torn). [ 1820. ] (12) 322. —— Portraits of Red Jacket; John Brant; Interview with Indians in 1793, outline; and others §8vo. (13) 333. IRELAND. Views of Dunluce Castle; Carrickfergus, Sligo and Kildare Cathedrals, ete. (14) 334, IRISHMEN. Portraits of Daniel O'Connell; Curran; Ger- ald Griffin; Grattan; Father Prout; Robert Emmet: and. others. 8vo. (15) 335. ISLE OF WIGHT. Vectis Scenery. 36 fine steel engrav- ings of the picturesque beauties of the island, with descriptive letterpress by G. Brannon. 4to, half roan. Published by the Artist, I. of W., 1850 336. ITALY. Views of Naples, Lombardy. etc. Steel Engray- ings, Woodcuts, and Photographs. (About 150.) (Asa a) 19 337, ACKSON (ANDREW). Bust portrait, life size. Litho- graphed by Herline. Folio (slightly stained). [1850. ] Scarce. 338. —— Half-length portrait, lithograph, colored, by Kel- logg. Large 4to (stained). [1840.] Rare. 339. —— Another copy of the same, but without litho- grapher’s name. 4to. 340. At New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815. Full-length colored lithograph by N. Currier. 4to (waterstained). [1840.] 341. —— Full length, on Horseback, head to right. Colored lithograph by Currier. 4to. 342, —— Full length, on Horseback, head to left. Colored lithograph [by Currier]. Early impression. 4to. 343. —— Another, by Currier, with some minor differences. Ato. 344. —— Full-length portrait engraved on copper. Stipple. Cut to plate mark and inlaid. 4to. Scarce. 345. —— Portrait engraved by W. Harrison, scarce; also portraits engraved by Longacre & Welch. 8vo. (3) 346. —— Portrait engraved by W. D. Smith (cut close); also lithograph by Duval; Inaugural Address containing portrait; and one other. 12mo. (4) 347. JEFFERSON (THOS.) Bust portrait, oval, engraved in stipple by Tiebout (margins cut and inlaid). Fine impression. 8vo. Rare. _ 348. —— Colored lithograph portrait, half length, by N. Currier. 4to. [1845.] Rare. 349. JEFFERSON DAVIS and the Generals of the Confederacy. Autotype from a painting by Faas. Folio. [1890.] 350. JOHNSON (ANDREW). Half-length portrait engraved in mezzotint by Wm. Sartain. Folio. 1865. Fine. 301. JORDAN (Mrs.) English Actress. 615. —— Washington to Polk. Colored lithographs by N. a Currier, 1844. (2 copies, different colors.) 4to. ee G16, Washington to Polk. Colored lithographs by Currier. 1844. (2 copies.) 617. —— Washington to Polk. Colored lithograph by _ Sowle & Shaw. 4to. [1845] ee 618. Proors on India Paper, after Smirke, Westall, North- cote, and others. On large paper. (11) . 619. PROVIDENCE, R. I. South West View of the Baptist Meeting House. [From the Mass. Mag., 1790.] 8vo. Scarce. «620. PROVISION FOR THE CONVENT. Colored aquatint cari- __ cature showing a Monk carrying into a Convent a large sheaf ‘of corn, with a woman hidden in it, and a very small basket € _ of Provisions. 4to. Lond.,n.d. (Circa 1800.) ar he Weer OST PR ACHEL (MDLLE.) In Greek Costume. Lithograph Se portrait, fulllength. 4to. 622. RaPHAEL. Early engravings by Bartoli of Raphael’s ___ frescoes in the Vatican. 8vo. Original impressions. meen oe (28 623. RAPHAEL’S The Ascension. Fine autotype reproduc- tions, from the original painting and from an engraving. oak oligo: <-- (2) 624. REBELLION. An original contemporary photograph of McClellan and his Generals, taken in the field, giving 11 full- length portraits. 4to. 625. —— Sherman at Savannah. Drawn by Col. Botticher, _ lithograph by Major & Knapp. Folio. 1865. 34 626. REBELLION. The National Heroes of the American Rebellion: Grant, Sheridan, Meade, etc. Lithograph by Duval (slightly stained). Folio. 1866. 627. —— Allegorical picture: Humanity about to break the Chains of a Slave, his oppressors escaping in fear, while King Cotton is about to fall from his Throne. Above are por- traits of Washington and the Fathers of the Republic. Tinted lithograph (stained and repaired). Folio. 1861. Rare. 628. —— Terrific Combat between the Monitor and Merri- mac. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. 4to. 1862. 629, Champions of the Union. Folio lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1861. Giving portraits of Generals Winfield Scott, McClellan, Sigel, Rosecrans, Butler, and others. 25 portraits in all. 21 Badia el Ue Oe ee - 630. —— Battle Scenes, etc.: Death of Col. Baker, Fort Donelson, Bull Run, Port Royal, Monitor and Merrimac, etc. Steel engravings. 8vo. (18) 631. REED (JOSEPH). Dramatist. Portrait. Engraved in line and stipple by H. R. Cook. 4to. India paper. 632. REVOLUTION. Encampment of the Convention Army at Charlotte Ville, in Virginia, after they had surrendered to the Americans. Copper plate. Oblong 4to. 1789. Rare. 7 633. Plan of General Burgoyne’s Position before Sara- toga. Drawn by I. A, Chapman, from a sketch by an Ameri. can Officer, engraved by G. Fairman. 4to. Scarce. 634. —— Saw Mill and Block House upon Fort Anne Creek, property of Gen. Sheene, which on Burgoyne’s Advance was set fire to by the Americans. Copper-plate view. 4to. 1789. Rare. 635. —— View of the West Bank of the Hudson River © three miles above Still Water, where Burgoyne’s Army took post. (Showing General Frazer’s Funeral.) Copper-plate, en- graved by Barlow. Large 4to (slightly torn). 1789. Rare. 636. —— Siége de York-Town. Rochambeau et Washing- ton donnent les ordres pour | Attaque. Spirited engraving ne “I J. M. Fontain, after Couder. Folio. n. d. ¥ 637. Rice (T.D.) In his famous character of ‘‘ Jim Crow.” Lithograph. 8vo, mounted. 638. Rick (Mr.) As Johnny Atkins. Hand-colored etching. 12mo. Rare. : 639. RICHINGS (PETER). Popular Actor of Philadelphia and New York. Original drawing in bistre. 12mo. 640. RicHMOND, Va., View of the Monumental Church, — and showing the surrounding country, fine aquatint by Wis : Kneass and drawn by W. Strickland, partly colored, large : folio, 38 in. x 23 in., n. d., rare; also a woodcut view of the : og ae ee ches ee ee OY ee ee ae SS ee eee || same, with descriptive letterpress. _ (As one piece. ) > 641 RIDINGER (J. E.) Fables from the Animal Kingdom. Line engravings. 4to. (16) 642. RINGGOLD (MAgJor SAMUEL) at the Battle of Palo Alto. On Horseback. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. 4to. Sia? 35 643. RITTENHOUSE (DAvip). Bust portrait, engraved by Houston for the American Universal Magazine. vo (neatly repaired). Very scarce. [1792] 644, Rocco (Sia.) Operatic Singer. Appeared at Niblo’s Garden, 1858. Bust, drawn in bistre. 8vo. Rome. Ruins of Rome. The following 12 lots forma series of carefully and beautifully-colored aquatint views of the Principal Roman Remains. All uniform 4to size. Pub- lished in London, 1796-8. : 645. —— The Latin Gate; Temple of the Sun and Moon; Gate of St. Sebastian; and others. (5 piecse. ) 646. —— Cloaca Maxima; Villa Medicis; Tomb of Nero; and others. (5 pieces. ) 647. —— Arch of Titus; Arch of Dolabella; Temple of Minerva; and others. (5 pieces. ) 648. —— Temple of Fortune; Coliseum; Tomb of Metella; and others. (5 pieces. ) 648*. —— Temple of Venus; Pyramid of Cestuis; Arch of Janus; and others. (5 pieces. ) 649. —— Arch of Constantine; Temple of Hope; Arch of Severus; and others. (5 pieces. ) 650. —— Temple of Vesta; Temple of the Sibyl; Lake of Nemi; and others. . (5 pieces. ) 651. —— Bridge of Varus; Grotto of Neptune; Stables of Mecenas;. and others. (5 pieces. ) 652. —— Temple of Bacchus; Temple of Rediculus; Ponte Salaro; and others. (5 pieces. ) _ 653. —— Trophy of Marius; Temple of Peace; Temple of Hercules; and others. (5 pieces. ) 654. —— Tomb of the Horatii; Lake of Albano; Bridge of St. Angelo; and others. (5 pieces. ) in 655. —— Cascade of Tivoli; Ruined Bridge at Narni; Column of Trajan; and others. _ (7 pieces. ) ae 606. —— I Vestigi dell’ Antichita di Roma. 36 etchings by Battista de Rossi. Oblong 4to, paper. Rome, 1671. 657. -—— Lithographic views by ‘‘ Armi,” 1829, after draw- : ings by G. Fossati, of the Arch of Severus, Arch of Constan- _ tine, Interior of the Vatican, Temple of Bacchus, and other Famous Remains in Rome. 4to. (36 pieces. ) 658. —— Views, mostly in Rome and its vicinity. A com- plete series of all the Ancient Remains. Steel engravings, photographs, and woodcuts. About 200 (as a lot). 659. ABATELLI (FRANCESCO). «Original pen-and-ink Bie drawing, shaded in sepia, by this artist. Allegori- ical subject. 4to. Circa 1800. : 660. St. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, and the English Camp before it, June 20, _ 1740. Drawn by Thos. Silver. Copper-plate, with descriptive _ letterpress. 4to. 1740. 661. St. CHARLES HoTeEL, New Orleans. In ruins. Litho- graph by Radibert. Large 4to. [1845?] Rare. 36 662. SALEM, Mass. View of the Court House in Salem, Mass. Engraved by S. Hill for the Massachusetts Magazine. ones Scarce. 663. SARATOGA. Title-page to Saratoga Schottishe, sive view of the Springs, etc. Colored lithograph a Endicott & Co. 4to. 1851. 664. SAVONAROLA in his Study; Madonna and Child, after Luini; Portico of a Carthusian Monastery. Fine lithographs, two on india paper. Large folio. (3) | 665. SCHIAVCNETTI. Fidelia. Drawn by Westall, engraved F by Louis Schiavonetti. Folio... Stipple. Fine Jnpreeecs é (margin torn). 1819. on 666. ScoTtr (Str WALTER). Bust portrait. Mezzotint, by | H. A. Ogg, after the French portrait by Maurais. 4to. Lond. 1832. 667. Les Derniéres Journées de Walter Scott. Half- — length lithograph portrait by Delaunois, 1832. 4to. Rare. 668. ScoTT (WINFIELD). Portrait, engraved on steel Dy H.S.Sadd. (Slightly stained.) Small folio. 669. —— Colored lithograph portrait, by N. Currier; also. lithograph portrait (colored), by N. Carries, showing Scott re. 2 viewing troops (stained). 4to. (2). 670. at Vera Cruz, full length; also portrait, ‘three- ‘ quarter length. Colored lithographs by Currier. 4to. ~ (2) > 671. ScorTrLAND. Views of Bothwell Bridge, Dumbarton — Castle, Roslin Chapel, Stirling Castle, Edinburgh Castle, etc. Steel engravings, after Cattermole, and others. 12mo. (24 pieces. ) 672. ed by Tombleson, Watkins, and others. 4to. ber paper. 2 ays 673. -—— Do. Another lot, some on india paper. 4to and 8vo. (20) 674. SCRIPTURAL SUBJECTS after Da Vinci, Raphael, and © others. 8vo. (25) = ‘ 675. —— Engravingson steel after W. Hamilton and others. to. ~ 676. —— Steel engravings after Poussin, Stothard and others, and including 4 by Tiebout and Tanner (poor condi- — 3 oe 677. —— Engravings by Brend’amour, after Elster. 678. —— Italian etchings. 679. —— Various. 680. —— Another lot. 681. —— Another lot. 682. —— Another lot. 683. —— Another lot. 684. —— Another lot. 685. —— Another lot. )) 686. —— Photographs of famous paintings by Vandybe Raphael, etc.; and engravings after Vernet, ‘Bol, Johannot, | and others. ats | BEN Sy Bia 37 a 687. SCRIVEN (E.) Famous engraver. Portraits of Lord Lindsey, after Vandyke; David Leslie, after Sir Peter Lely; “_ Earl of Arundel, after Rubens; Sir Nicholas Carew, after Hol- _ bein; Countess of Arundel. 4to. Fine impressions. . (5) 688. SHAKESPEARE. Anne Page, Slender, and Shallow. En- graved by Burt, after C. R. Leslie. Large folio. Fine impres- sion. 689. — Another copy. 690. —— Boydell’s illustrations to, engraved by Heath, Isaac Taylor, Sharp, etc., after paintings by Stothard, Wheat- ley, Smirke, Hamilton, and others. 4to. (18) 691. SHAW (ROBERT G.) Commanding Officer of Negro Regi- _ Mmentin Civil War. ‘‘Died with his niggers.” Artotype por- trait. Limited issue. Ato. _ _ 692. SHERMAN (WM. T.) Colored lithograph portrait; bust by N. Currier. 4to. : ie 693. SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. View; with the words of the Declaration, and key to the portraits. : Engraved by D. Kimberley, 1888. 4to, on card. 694. SmirH (HYRUM AND JOSEPH). Founders of Mormon- | ism. Full-length portraits on one sheet. Curious early litho- _ graph. Proof before letters. 4to. Circa (1840). Rare. 695. SMITH (JOHN). The Father of Virginia. Lithograph portrait by Childs & Inman. 8vo. [1845.] Scarce. 696. SMITH (Miss), née Williamson, afterwards Mrs. Bart- _ ley. Appeared at Park Theatre, N. Y., 1818. Portrait en- _ graved on copper, from ‘‘La Belle Assemble,” 1818. 4to, in- laid. ; 3 697. SNYDER (SIMON). Governor of Pennsylvania. Portrait engraved on copper by Tiebout. Fine impression (margin neatly repaired). 8vo. Very scarce. 698. STaGE-CoacH. American Stage Waggon. Interesting view drawn by J. Wild, showing an American stage coach, drawn by 4 horses, departing from an inn. Engraved on cop- per by J. Storer. 4to. 1798. Rare. 699. StopDART (Mrs. J. H.) Formerly Miss Matilda Phil- lips and Mrs. Conover. Played at Mitchell’s Olympic Theatre. Original photograph, plain dress. Carte de-visite size. 700. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. Colored lithograph by _ -N. Currier. 4to. 1845. 401. SURRENDER OF GENEKAL LEE. Lithograph (slightly _ stained). Folio, 1865. 702. SwiTzERLAND. Views engraved on steel, mostly by _ W.4H. Bartlett. 8vo. (40) 703. ANNER. The Falls of St. Anthony in the River *3 Mississippi. Copper-plate engraved by Tanner. _ (Slightly stained.) 8vo. _ %04. TARLETON (COL.) Copper-plate portrait. From The _ London Magazine, 1782. 8vo, mounted. Rare. . 705. TAYLOR (ZACHARY). Portrait, lithograph by N. Cur- rier. Colored. Fulllength. 4to. 1846. Scarce. = q i 38 706. TAYLOR (ZACHARY). Portrait drawn in pencil and colored, showing Old ‘‘Rough and Ready” seated on a spirited charger, with floral design above. Folio. Circa 1850. 707. —— Colored lithograph portrait by N. Currier, 1848. Also portraits of Taylor and Fillmore on one sheet by N. Cur- rier. Colored. 4to. (2) 708. Colored lithograph portrait by James Baillie; also view of the Battle of Palo Alto. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. 4to. (2) 709. General Taylor at Matamoras. Lithograph by Kellogg; also portraits of Taylor and Fillmore by N. Currier. Colored lithographs. 4to. (2) 710. —— Portraits. Two colored lithographs, by Currier & Baillie. 4to. 1846. (2) 711. TentERS. Les Noces Villageoises. Fine lithograph, on india paper. Large folio. Brilliant impression. “1255 Teniers having his Wife’s Fortune Told. En- graved on copper after the original of Teniers by Surugue. Fine original impression. 4to. 713. TENIERS, Le Rémouleur; Le Dessin et la Couleur, by GuiIpo; Christ and St. Thomas, by Scriven, after VANDER WERFF, india paper; and others. 4to and folio. (12) 714. Tire-a-T&iTE Portraits, from the Town and Country — Magazine, 1798; The Libertine Lad and Miss B——s; The Suc- - cessful Gallant; and others. With the letterpress. 8vo. (7) _ 715. —— From Walker’s Hibernian Magazine; The Irresist- ible Captain and Lady B—nt—n; The Generous Gallant and Mrs. W—n; and others. 8vo. (9) 716. Texas. Map of Texas. Compiled by R. S. Hunt and J. F. Randal. Folio. Colored. 1889. 717. THILLON (ANNA). Operatic Singer. Lithograph por- trait in colors. 4to. Inlaid. . ‘ 718. THOMAS (ISAIAH). Copper-plate portrait engraved by J. R. Smith. Original impression. 8vo. Scarce. 719. THREE GRACES (THE), by Rubens; Reveil de Jesus by Carrache; L’Aurora by Barbiere; and others by Guido, Car- rache, Romanelli, ete. (13) 720. TreBout. J. Ankarstrom the Regicide. Bust portrait engraved on copper by Tiebout, for the New York Magazine. 8vo. Rare. 721. —— William Mavor, LL.D. Bust portrait engraved by Tiebout. 12mo. Rare. 722. TILyoU (FRANUIS R.) Recorder of New York. Original photograph from a miniature by Rogers. Carte-de-visite size. 7238. —— Vignette portrait drawn in pencil. 12mo. (Re- corder of N. Y. City). 724. TITIAN. Venus et la Bacchante. Fine lithograph by F. Piloty. Large folio. Brilliant impression on india paper. 725. ToBacco PLANT. Early colored engraving on copper by Smith & Co., N. Y.; Facsimile of the Death Warrant of Charles I.; Assembly of Drinkers by Manfredi; and others. Miscellaneous. (11) 39 oe 726. TRUE LIKENESS OF CHRIST. Fine mizzotint, from the ancient emerald gem carved by Tiberius Cesar, and later copied in antique crewel work. Proof. 4to. 727, TURNER (J. M. W.) Views in France, Paris, Rouen, __ Amboise, etc. (from the rivers and harbors of France). En- _ graved on steel. 8vo., (20 pieces.) «#28. —— Do. Another lot of the same series. (27 pieces. ) e+ 729. Steel engravings by Cookeand others. 4to. Fine 5 - impressions. " a 729%. Dartmouth; Devonport; Brighton; Cumberland Mountains; Rokeby; etc. (6) _ 730. —— Falmouth; Teignmouth; Scarborough; ete. (6) ha 731. —— Apollo Killing the Python; Parting of Hero and _ Leander; Phryne going to the Bath; etc. 4to. (6) _- _ 732. —— A Tale from Boccaccio; Bay of Baiz; Dido and Aineas; etc. | (6) 733. Twaits (W.) Appeared at Park Theatre, N. Y., 1805. Pencil drawing, full length, in the character of Sir Adam Con- test. 8vo. 784. {7 AN BUREN (Marvin). Colored lithograph por- : trait by Kellogg. Large 4to. Rare. ' 35. VENICE, and other views in Italy. Steel and copper en- _ gravings, woodcuts, etc. About 150. (As a lot.) 736. VERTUE (G.) Famous engraver. Fine portrait of W. Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle. 4to. Original impression. 737. Views from the Massachusetts Magazine: View of the Bridge over Charles River; the Bridge over the Mystic River, engraved by 8. Hill; View of the Triumphal Arch and Colon- nade in Boston, engraved by S. Hill. 8vo (poor condition). (8) Be . 738. —— Fine colored aquatint view in Switzerland, 4to; five neatly-colored etchings of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Cathedral of Florence, etc.; and large-size photographs of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Duomo at Florence, and the en- trance to the Borghese Palace. (9 pieces.) | __ %89. —— Hameau de Picardie, by Weisbrod; Vue d’un Moulin, par Le Veau; and others. . (6) +740. —— American: Washington Sq., N. Y.; Custom House, Boston, 1843; Lake George; Trenton Falls; Baltimore ; etc. 4to and 8vo. (15) _ %41. —— Natural Bridge, Va.; Scenery of New Hampshire; _ Views after Claude; etc. (21) «742. —— Viewsin Italy; etc. Some old. (24) aes 24e. Early copper-plate view of Constantinople; View of St. Germain en Laye; Bird’s-eye View of Egg Harbor, es. N. J.; Views in France, Holland, and other places. (26) _ %44, —— Europe; Greece; Turkey; etc. Mostly engraved on steel. 8vo. (33) Te 745. —— Germany;the Tyrol; etc. 4to and 8vo. (44) d _ %46. —— In Greece: Temple of Pompeii; Tomb of the Virgin ‘a Jerusalem; View in India; etc. Some india proofs. a BOL! : eer: C= * ae ee an = Fo id , be! yf elas, ’ ean ©, cin, ot eee Y 40) 747. Virws. Switzerland; Spain; Egypt; the Bast; e engravings and woodcuts. ‘About 150. (AS ) 748. Germany; the Tyrol; etc. Engravings CO} plates, woodcuts, etc. A few colored. About 150. (Asa k 749. VILLAGE FESTIVAL (THE), by Frank Goodall; The F and the Geese, by Britton Riviére; The Challenge, by W. Orchardson ; Experimental Gunnery, by H. 8. Mae others. Steel engravings. . 750. VIRGINIA. Nova Virginie Tabula. Engraved map copper. [1673.] 4to. See 7(51.7—— Map: of, Virginian” yee Kitchin. 3 sto. i Scarce. =) 752. —— View of Richmond, drawn by C. Fraser, ‘sce by Hill; another view, engraved by Maverick; also 3 view the Natural Bridge (one colored and engraved by J. Drayto 758. AR OF 1812. Battle of New Orleans, and death — of General Packenham. Colored ORE plat by J. Yeager, after West. Folio. Scarce. 754, WASHINGTON (GEORGE). G. Washington, Genet de Noord-Americaanen. Bust, engraved on copper by Bf ai 8vo, mounted. Bo as Baker, No. 29. 755. Le General Washington, Commendant « en Chef ‘A Armées Americaines. Bust in uniform, head to right. View — of the Surrender at Yorktown beneath. Grave d’ apres: ete de N. Piehle {C. W. Peale). 8vo. Original umpress! ARE Baker, No. 14. 756. Early lithograph from the Pitcher portrait 2 Rare. [Circa 1840. | i 757. —— Miniature portrait on dedt after Stuart, ity namental border, etc. Size, 234 x 1% inches. India “a 12mo. Scarce. 758, —— Lithograph from the miniature by Mrs. ‘Sharpless. : 8vo. Scarce, (2 copies. ) ; 759. —— Stipple copy of the moe Medal. | Late imp sion. 8vo. tie Baker 97. 760. Bust portrait, engraved by Tanner, tier sa vier Baker 135. (Margin slightly rubbed.) 8vo. Rare. Large Paper. ‘ 761. Engraved by Leney, after Boye S bust. “Coxe vo. ; Baker 103. : 762. Bust portrait, line and stipple, engraved byP body, after Stuart. 16mo. Very rare. 763. —— Bust, head to right. Engraved by Fh after Stuart. 12mo. Paris, n.d. Searce. — 764, —— Bust, head to Hele ne DY w. Grain 8vo, mounted. | Baker 164. Ce RES. ay 765. Bust portrait, head to right. Engra by Krethlow. 8vo. Zwickau, 1818. © Baker, No, 165. MONI ey 5.5 41 . 766. WASHINGTON. Bust portrait, head to right. Engraved in stipple by Krethlow, after Frey. Colored. 8vo. Zwickau: 2 Schumann, 1818. ‘- Baker, No. 165. Bust portrait, in uniform, head to right. Oval. Engraved by W. Rollinson. Stipple. 12mo. N. Y.: I. Reid, a 768. —— Bust in oval, head to right. Mezzotint by John Be ‘Sartain. 8vo. Proof before letters. feos Variety of Baker 34. 769. Bust, head to left. Early woodcut, signed M., on title-page to an Almanack published in Phil., 1814. 12mo. Very scarec. 770. —— Bust, head to left. Vignette on title-page of His- tory of U. S., 1823. Stipple. By A. Willard. 12mo. ‘§ 771. —— Bust, after Stuart, head to left. Engraved byD: _ Edwin. Stipple. 8vo. ; 772. —— Do. Another copy. (Foxed.) 8vo. 773. —— Bust, head to left. Stuart’s portrait. No en- 3 4 -graver’s name, but engraved by Edwin. Late impression. 8vo. 774. —— Bust, head to Jere. Engraved by Gimbrede, after o _ Baker 282. a : Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved by Gim- 2 er brede. Stipple. (Weak impressionand foxed.) 8vo. Scarce. aed Pid Bust, head to left. Engraved by W. Humphreys, > Stipple. 8vo. : Baker 259. Saye Bust portrait, head to left, in stipple. By S. S. Jocelyn. 12mo. Scarce. =e see No. 265. Bust portrait, head to left, in stipple. By Leney. Baker 274. 779. Bust, head to left. Engraved by Leney, after Stuart. 8vo. Stipple. | ‘780. —— Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved in line and stipple by B. Trott, after Stuart. 8vo. Scarce. Baker, No. 221. 781. Bust, head to left. In stipple by T. Kelly, after _ 782. —— Bust portrait, head to left.. Oval. Published by a ae & Co. 8vo. oe Baker, No. 273. 783. Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved by J. An- drew after the Boston Athenzum portrait. 8vo. Baker, No. 177. "184. Bust, head to left. Portrait, engraved by Buttre, 2 after Stuart. 8vo. . _ Not in Baker. ty 785. Bust in uniform, head to left. a FAR by A. B, Durand. Early state. 8vo. 1884. ; Baker, 144. 42 786. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Lansdowne portrait. : Engraved by H. B. Hall. 8vo. Proof before letters. Baker, 287. 787. Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved by H. B. Hall, after Stuart. 12mo. Baker, 239. 788. Bust, head to left. Engraved by H. B. Hall, after Sharpless. (Slightly stained.) 8vo. Variety of Baker, 394. ie 789. Bust, head to left. Engraved by Longacre, after miniature by Trott. 8vo. 790. Bust, head to left. Lithograph, after the Pitcher portrait. 8vo. Scarce. 191; Bust, head to left. Copper-plate portrait, after the painting by Stuart. Engraver unknown. 8vo. Mounted. Circa 1800... Rare. 792. —— Bust portrait, head to right. Colored lithograph © by Currier & Ives. 4to. [1860.] | 793. Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved in stipple by C. Gobrecht, after B. Trott. Small 4to. Baker, No. 235. 794. Bust portrait, head to left. Line engraving by Fenner, Sears & Co., from a painting by Stuart. 4to. Large Paper. Baker, No. 222. 795. Bust, head to left. Engraved by W. L. Ormsby. ~ Ato. . Baker, 296. 796. Variation of Baker 296. Lond., n. d. 197. Bust, head to left. Etched by Alice Hall, aged 18, 1866. India paper. 4to. Baker, 245. 798. Bust, head to left. Stipple. Published by M. A. Milliette. 4to. Restrike. J Baker, 211. 799. Bust, head to left. Stipple. Published by Jos. Parker, Phil. 4to. Baker, 211. 800. Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved after Stuart- Stipple. Published by Jos. Parker, Phil. 4to 801. —— Bust, head to left. Lithograph portrait by Childs & Inman, after Stuart. 4to. [1840.] Scarce. 802. Bust, head to left. Engraved by G. R. Hall, after ~ Hall. 4to. 1856. Baker, 991. 803. Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved in line and stipple by J. C. MacRae for Demorest’s Monthly Magazine. 4to. Not in Baker. 804. Bust portrait, head slightly to right. In oval. se in oil colors, after the Boston Atheneum portrait. olio 805. —— Bust portrait in oval, head to left. In the mar- gins, scenes from his life. Borders designed by W. Mom- berger. Engraved by Buttre. Folio. Fine impression. . of a a ee i ees e : ws a | ie - iy el eee ay . De ees i ee G re ee ed ‘ ee ny + 3.0 Ng a LS et & ok ee eee 43 806. WASHINGTON. Bust portrait, head to left. In oval. Mez- zotint by 8S. Walmsley. India paper. Folio. Fine and rare. Baker, No. 347. 807 Bust, large head. Colored lithograph portrait (touched up). Folio. 808. —— Bust portrait, head to right. Drawn by H. Greve don, 1826. Lithograph by C. Motte. Folio. Rare early im- pression. 809. —— Bust portrait, head to right. Lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Colored. Folio. 810. —— Head, to left. Engraved in stipple by J. B. Welch, after Stuart (slight stain in one corner). Large folio. Phil., G. W. Childs. 1852. Baker, No. 351. ten ae Bust portrait, head to right. Life size. Litho- ___ graph by Crow, Thomas & Co. Large folio. Scarce, 812. —— Bust portrait, head to right. Life size. Litho- graph. Large folio (margins trimmed and slightly damaged). 818. —— Bust portrait. Life size, head to left. Lithograph by Delarue, Paris. Large folio. 1854.° ScaRCE. 814. ——- Bust portrait, head to left. Life size. Lithograph, unsigned. Large folio. 815. —— Bust portrait. Life size, head to left. Colored lithograph by Julien, after Stuart. Large folio. 1854. (Slightly fly-specked. ) 816. —— George Washington, Commander-in Chief of ye Armies of ye United States of America. Bust in oval, head to left, surmounted with motto ‘‘ Don’t Tread on Me” and Cap of Liberty. 12mo. (Margins trimmed.) RarE. [Engraved by W. Sharp from an original picture. Published in London, 1780. | 817. —— Half length. Engraved by J. Rogers, after Rem- brandt Peale. 8vo. 2 Baker, 30. 818. Bust portrait, head to left, in engraved frame. By M: Pekenino, Phil. 1822, after G. Stuart. 8vo. Baker, No. 300. 819. Bust portrait in uniform, head to right. Oval. After Peale. Published by Whitworth and Yates, Birming- ham, 1784. RaRE. 820. —— Bust portrait, head to left. Engraved on steel by Fenner, Sears & Co., after Stuart. 4to. Fine impression. N. Y., Ackerman, 1831. 821. ——- Bust, head to right, in oval. Engraved by W. Sartain. Mezzotint. 4to. Brilliant impression. Baker, 326. 822. Half length, seated, head to left. Engraved in _ stipple after Stuart. 4to. — Variety of Baker, No. 367. oe 828. Half-length portrait, standing. Oval lithograph by Isidor Rocea, Berlin. Folio. «$24, —— Half length, seated. Portrait painted by F. Bar- __ toli, engraved by J. Galland. Stipple. Late impression. Folio. ye Baker 228. 44 825. WASHINGTON. Half length, seated. Colored lithograph portrait by N. Currier, after Stuart. Folio. [1840.] Rare. — 826. —— Full-length portrait, engraved by John Rogers. 8vo. Baker, No. 155. 827. Full length, right hand on table. Engraved by Illman and Co. 8vo. - Baker, No. 263. 828. Full length after Stuart, engraved in mezzotint by J. Sartain. (Stained.) 8vo. Scarce. Variety of Baker, 324. 829. Full length. standing by horse. In stipple by A. Daggett, after Trumbull. 8vo. Scarce state of the plate. — Baker, 148. 830. The same. Ordinary state. 8vo. 831. —— Fulllength. The Teapot portrait. Engraved by A. Daggett, after Trumbull. 8vo. 882. Full length, standing by horse. Engraved by IIl- man and Sons, after Trumbull. (Issued on the ‘‘ Great occa- sion of our Presidential Election.”) 4to. Baker, 150. 833. —— Another of the same engraving. Issued as the Ledger Carrier’s Annual, 1858. 4to. 834. Full-length colored lithograph by Ensign & Thayer, Buffalo. 4to. (Margins torn.) [Cirea 1845. ] 835. —— Full-length colored lithograph by N. Currier, after Trumbull. 4to. Mounted. (Slightly stained.) [1845.] 836. Full-length colored lithograph, after Trumbull. Published by James Baillie, N. Y. 1848. (Slightly stained.) Scarce. 837. —— Full-length colored lithograph by J. Baillie. 4to. Scarce. 838. —— Full-length colored lithograph. Published at 38 Spence St., N. Y. Whole length. 4to. (Margins soiled.) Rare. (1845. ] 839. —— Full-length portrait, engraved by Tiebout, after Stuart. Stipple. Late impression. Folio. 840. Full length, seated. Colored lithograph by Sarony & Major. Folio. 1846. :; 841. —— Full-length portrait, standing beside a table, right — hand on book, etc. Mezzotint by A H. Ritchie, after P. H. Rothermel. Large folio. Bost., L. A. Elliot, 1852. Baker, No. 312. 842. Full length. The Lansdowne portrait. Line en- graving by J. H. Nesmith. 8vo. Baker, 293. 843. Another copy, but weaker impression. 8vo. 844, —— The Lansdowne portrait, painted by Gabriel Stuart, engraved by James Heath. Folio. (Slightly stained and damaged.) Scarce. 1800. 845. —— Mezzotint portrait, engraved by J. R. Rice, after Stuart. The Lansdowne portrait. Folio. Brilliant impres- sion. Baker, No, 309. 45 _ _ 846. WASHINGTON. Mezzotint, engraved by J. R. Rice, after _ Stuart. The Landsdowne portrait. Folio. Fine impression. Baker, No. 309. 847. Portrait, engraved in mezzotint by Warmer, after the Lansdowne portrait. India proof before ail letters. Folio. ‘Fine and rare. Not in Baker. 848. Washington and his Family. Mezzotint, engraved by Wm. Sartain. Open letter proof on india paper. Folio. Fine impression. 1865. 849. —— Do. Mezzotint by John Sartain. Proof. Folio. 850. —— Do. Proof. (Water-stained.) Folio. 851. —— Washington Family. Colored lithograph by N. Currier (stained). 4to. [1845] 852. —— Washington and his Family. Lithograph by Weise. Folio. Rare. 853. —— Washington Family. Colored lithograph by Schile. Folio. 1869. 854. -—— Portrait, engraved in stipple, on Map of the U. S. Published by Willis Thrall, Hartford, 1828. 8vo. Very scarce. __ First state of this portrait, mounted on linen. 855. New Year, 1863. Contains a bust portrait of Washington, after Stuart. Engraved by Illman Brothers. 8vo. Scarce. Not in Baker. 856. Medallion portraits of Washington, Adams, Jef- ferson, and Madison. Engraved in stipple by D. Edwin and G. Murray. 8vo. Baker, No. 218. 857. Another of the same, with the additional portrait of Monroe, and slight difference in the border. Unsigned. 8vo. 858. —— The Lansdowne portrait, with portraits of the Presidents from Adams to Jackson. Engraved by J. H. Hills. Vignettes. 8vo. Variation of Baker, 253. 859. The Father of his Country. On horseback, col- ored lithograph, by N. Currier. 4to. 860. —— Washington Crossing the Delaware. Painted by Sully, etched by Humphreys, engraved by G. S. Lang. Col- ored. Folio. 1825. Fine early impression, very difficult to obtain in this state. 861. Washington Crossing the Delaware. Engraved by Gimbrede, after Sully. Folio. 1861. 862. —— On the Battlefield of Trenton. Full length, en- graved in mezzotint by W. Warner, after Trumbull. Folio. 1845. 3 Baker, 158. 863. Washington on the Battlefield of Trenton. Painted by Trumbull, engraved in mezzotint by Warner. Folio (slightly damaged). 1845. ae Late issue of Baker, (58. eas, $64, Washington in Prayer at Valley Forge. Litho- _ graphin colors by Duval. Folio. 865. —— Giorgio Washington. Engraved by Dom Marchetti from the statue by Canova. Small folio. Fine copy. fare. ener ope m wee On ae ee ee ee ee ale ’ aoe Sa, ke rote a * Mi 5 a Ce ee TES ey hes awe ate “Bakes ‘ - <= a : = K 46 866. WASHINGTON. Canova’s Celebrated States engraved on copper by A. Bertini. Folio. Fine and rare. 867. —— Canova’s statue of Washington. 8vo, mounted. 868. —— Reception of Washington by the Ladies of Tren- ton. Colored lithograph by N. Currier, 1845. 4to. 869. —— Do. Another copy of the same, but with larger margins and more brilliant coloring. Small folio. 870. —— Do. Another copy of the same, but with the dif- ference of containing a horseman on Washington's right. Colored. 4to. (Margin repaired.) 1845. 871. —— Do. Another one, but having two horsemen on Washington’s right and more coloring than the preceding. 1845, 872. equestrian portrait of Wash- ington within a stonework arch and surrounded by figurative and allegorical designs. By Wittemann Bros., N.Y. 1876. Im- provement by The Presbyterian, Phil. 1877, Large folio. 73. —— Do. Another copy of the same, but colored. 874. Declaration of Independence, containing portraits of the Presidents from Washington to Buchanan. Engraved by Illman & Sons. Folio. Baker, No. 264. 875. ‘‘Champions of Freedom.” Bust portraits of Washington and Lincoln, with figuresin corners. Lithograph by Duval. Folio. 1865, 876. —— Apotheosis of Washington: Washington borne by the Virtues, tomb and weeping figures below. Finely-colored lithograph by H. Weishaupt, after a painting by Samuel Moore. Printed by J. M. Hermann. Large folio. 877. Eulogium to the Memory of George Washington, etc., with verses and decorations executed in script by Pro- fessor B. O. Tyler, Professor of Penmanship, Noe BE Containing an oval bust of Washington in uniform. The whole facsimile engraved on copper by P. Maverick. Folio. VERY RARE. Baker, No. 404. 878. Another copy. In poor condition, but portrait in- tact. Folio. 879. —— America Guided by Wisdom: An allegorical repre- sentation of the United States, denoting their Independence and Prosperity. Containing statue of Washington on Horse- back. Copperplate, engraved by Tanner, after Barralett. Folio. Circa [18102]. Rare. 7 880. —— Commemoration of Washington. Full length, ris- ing from the tomb, etc. Drawn and engraved by J. J. Bar- ralett. Folio (margin slightly torn). . Baker, 406. 881. ‘‘Our Three Presidents.” Bust portraits of Wash- ington, Lincoln, and Grant. Lithograph by Duff & Wettach, Pittsburgh. (Stained.) 1872. 882. Washington, Greene, and Franklin. Vignette portraits engraved on steel by Willard. 8vo (foxed). . ~~ \ cela pies we tere ee ye -, aa - : x i 883. WASHINGTON. Ornamental Map of the United States, a containing portraits of Washington, Zachary Taylor, and Win- field Scott. With panoramic view from New York to Pacific _ Ocean, etc. Colored. Folio (worn). N.Y. 1848. Scarce. ‘884. —— A sheet containing engraved medallion portraits - of Washington (2); Lafayette (2); Washington Irving (2); _ Bolivar; West; Talma; Byron; and others. 4to. _ 885. —— Do. Another copy. 886. —— East View of Mt. Vernon Mansion. Colored litho- ae graph by Robertson & Co. 4to. Rare. [1845.] ‘887. —— Martha Washington. Full-length mezzotint by : 4 J.C. Buttre, after Woolaston. Large folio. a 888. Tomb of Washington. Lithographed in colors by Ss Robertson, Seibert & Co. Folio. Scarce. [1850. | g ~ 889. —— Bust portrait, head to left, engraved by Long- acre, froma miniature by Trott, stipple, 8vo; bust portrait, engraved by Leney (damaged), 8vo. (2) + 890. —— Busts, engraved in line and stipple after Stuart, Baker 378 (7); also lithograph of same. 8vo. (2) 891. —— On horseback. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. _ different. 4to. . (2) _ __-892. —— Half length, seated (margin damaged); full length, _ right arm extended. Colored lithographs by Currier. 4to (stained). — (2) e; 893. —— Bust, head to left, life size, colored lithograph on a dark background; also a colored lithograph bust in 4to. (2) «- 894. —— George and Martha Washington. Colored litho- graphs. Busts in oval. Small folio. (2) _- 895. —— At Valley Forge; portrait engraved by O. Pelton, folio (torn); also colored chromos of Geo. and Martha. (4) - 896. —— Lithograph by Hoen & Co.; Washington as a Mason, engraved by O’Neill; Washington and Harvey Birch; also mezzotint portrait of Martha Washington (cut close). (4) eo d. Portrait, engraved by E. S. Best, Baker 185; __ mezzotint by Doney, Baker 201 (cut to plate mark and dam- _ aged; also 3 group portraits. Scarce lot. (5) __-—«-898. —— On horseback, colored (no margins); also portrait by N. Currier; Reception by the Ladies of Trenton; Washing- _ ton Family; The Presidents, by Kellogg, colored lithographs. _ (In poor condition.) (5) } eR ee a es f ak s rere 899. —— Portraits engraved by Buttre, Bureau of Engrav- ing & Printing, etc. (5) - 900. —— Portraits engraved by Longacre, Buttre, Burt _ (Baker 187), and others. (6) --- 901. —— Portraits engraved by Buttre, Steel, and Bar | - 902. —— Various portraits; some woodcuts. (10) 908. —— Various Views of Mt. Vernon, Washington’s : Tomb, Washington Monument, etc. 8vo. Good lot. (12) 904. WasHineTon, D.C. Map of the City of Washington, ith view of the Capitol and President’s House. Engraved by .J. Stone. Folio. Paper. (Slightly torn.) 1820. 48 905. WateR-CoLOR DRawine. Study of Shells. In hand- | some frame. Size, 2416 x 20 e inches. Size, 1814 x 15 inches. 907. —— Chrysanthemums. Drawn by F. J. Loomis, 1890. In handsome gilt enamel frame. Size, 22 x 17 inches. 908. WAYNE (GENERAL ANTHONY). Bust portrait engraved ue by Tanner. Stipple. 12mo (margin stained). 909. WEBSTER (DANIEL). Bust portrait; life size. Litho- graph in colors by Julien. Large folio (slightly foxed and re- paired). 1855, 910. —— Lithograph portrait on india paper by D’ Avignon. Folio. 1850. Scarce. 911. —— Portraits engraved in hnessolae by John Sartain; also early lithograph portrait by Michelin; and 2 others. (4) 912. West (BENJAMIN). Mary the Wife of Cleophas; and — The Enraged Multitude. Drawn by Corbould, and engraved in stipple by Scriven. Proofs, tinted in sepia. Folio. (2pieces ) — 913. West (THos.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Curious etched full-length portrait by C. Knight, 1782. 4to, tinted. 914. WETHERILL (JOHN PRICE). Noted Philadelphian. Half- length portrait, seated. Mezzotint by Sartain after woodside. Folio. Fine impression. Phil. 1853. 915. WELLINGTON (DUKE OF). On Horseback. Colored copper-plate portrait. 4to. [1816.] 916. WHEATLEY (Mrs.) Mother of W. H. Wheatley. Half-— length portrait, seated. Clever original drawing in colors. 8vo. 917. WHEELOCK (ELEAZAR). First President of Dartmouth College. Bust portrait, engraved by Abner Reed. 8vo. Scarce. 918. WHITE (Bp. WILLIAM). Full-length portrait. Mezzo- tint by C. E. Wagstaff, after H. Inman. Folio. 919. WiILHORST (CoRA DE). Popular Old New York Actress. Full-length portrait drawn in bistre. 4to. 920. WOLFE (GEN. JAMES). Fell at Quebec. Copper-plate portrait (circa 1780). 8vo. Rare. 921. WOUVERMAN. Enlévement d’un Convoy. Engraved by ; Ravenet. Fine original impression of the same size as the painting. Folio. ! 922. OUNG (CHas. Mayne) as Brutus. Lithograph portrait cnindia paper by Lane. 4to, tinted, with mat. 1888. ® ‘ r. ; eres Pas (hee See LAPGA-DLDIETH | 4 ' ee a ek ee ee ee his Sh pas iia ea ' were?