TI a ; oe ee gisse ee) pat Saat i , /EREMPYORY ART SALE, | -* : | BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS, AND OTHERS. | ) P aintings, Water Colors, - Bs SSS SSS SSO OS CO SOO COD OOD OD OOOO SS THOS. E. KIRBY & CO, Auctionee = : LIBRARY eB M. KNOEDLER & CO. 3) 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ACC. NEW YORK 8m CATALOGUE OF NEARLY TWO HUNDRED Foreign and American PAINTINGS, IN UIL AND WATER COLORS, MRAVVINGS, “Bie: TOeBE. SOLD, WITHOUT RESERV By ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND OTHERS, On MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 24TH AND 25TH, aT 7.45 O'CLOCK, NI AT OUR ART GALLERIES, Nos. 845 & 847 BROADWAY, Between 13th and r4th Streets.) 3 4 ) WOW ON FPRAH AXATIBITION, THOS. E. KIRBY & CO., : : ‘ : AUCTIONEERS, ~ 1882. et CONDITIONS OF -SALE: 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2, The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit or the whole of the Purchase-money 7 required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satis- faction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser, 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Ex- hibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-so'd by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. TOS Ts IRBYaige CO; CATALOGUE. The names of the Artists to whom the following old paintings are attributed, represent the belief of their late owner. It is but just to note the distinction between such belief and positive knowledge, of which in this case there can be none. PERS bo Bn VENING’S .SAdere 1 Moonlight. THE ELDER TENIERS. i) Swiss Scenery. School of Vernet, 3 Holy Family. 4 Ancient Ruins. The Shipwreck. 6 Mary Magdalene. 3 G1 Old Mill. & Portrait: CUYP (G.) g Marriage of St. Catherine. rm Holy Family. COMALLI. t1 Marine. 12 Flower Piece. ARELLANO. (Spanish School.) 13 Italian Seaport. 14 Italian Portrait. Neapolitan School. 15 Diana and Nymphs. 16 Holy Family. CARACCI (Ludovico). 4 17 Portrait of the 17th Century. HALZ (Manner of Franz). 18 Peter Denying Christ. VALENTINO. (Pupil of Caravaggio.) ro 1 he Partme-Cup, VAN DER MEULEN (Ff. A.) 20 Florentine Lady. GHIRLANDAGO. 21 Coronation of the Virgin. 22 Saint Sebastian. School of Van Dyke. Landscape and Sheep. i) (OS) BASSANO, 23a Mary, Queen of Scots. 5 Head of an Old Woman. MURILLO. eo. Birds. BENIER (Franco). 26- Old Portrait. 27 Landscape. COSTELLO (G,) ZAMACOIS. 28 Spanish Girl. VAINI. 29 Sleeping Model. RAUCH (H,) 20° On the Whine. Spanish F'amily. 6 Or ie) 36 CALYO (J. A.) ‘The Parrot MARCELLUS. Flower Girl. DUPRE (Vincent). Landscape. Innocence. Water colors, LANDMAN (L) Le Val d’ Andovre. Companion--- Winter. RANGER (H. W.) Fiishermen’s Hut. by / DAVIS. 39 On the Esk. 40 Companion---Near Sussex. After Sybilla. 41 Feeding the Pets. FRIC (J) 42° lar the Library. 43 Companion--The First Meet- ing. BRICHER (A. T.) 44 ‘Low Tide. 45 The Game of Mora. VITALI (E,) 46 Returning from the Harvest. Inthe Hay Field--Companion. 8 FORT (T.) 48 The Retreat. GEOTZ (J.) 49 Baden-Baden. BIRD (T.) Landscape and Sheep. 51 Companion;--View in Sussex. LANDMAN (L.) 52 Swiss Village. LANDMAN (L.) 53 In the Vosges. FRANCHESI. 54 Among the Flowers. 9 LACY (i) 55 Old Fisherman. After Annabel Carraci, 56 Dead Christ. FRANCIA. 57 By the Riverside. LAIT (E.). 58 English Lake. 59 Companion. DAVIS (W.). 60 View in Sussex. AFTER BIRKET FOSTER. 61 Birds’ Nest. ie) 62 Companion, Gathering Holly. 63 Waiting. VESTER (W.). 64. Morning on the Scheldt. 65 Companion. BRICHER (A. T.). 66 Trenton Falls. FRANCHESI. 67 The Countess. On co r| = ie O fo) on Ss 5 VQ MILLER (W. R). 69 Easby Abbey. LANDMAN (L.). 70 The Jura, Bernois. LANDMAN (L.). ii unset, DAVIS, Jr. 72 Summer Day in Sussex. JACKSON (W. C.). 73 Lhe Bummer. KANOWISKI (L)). 7s At the Fountain. SIMONI. 76 In the Garden. TOMBA. 77 ‘The Letter. FRIC (J.). 78 After School. 7g Companion — Gathering Flowers. GEOTZ (J.). 86 Girl's Head. 13 MILLER (W.R.). 81 On the Canal. Wawarsing. 82 Study of a Head. LANDMAN (L,). Near Baden Baden. ie) (SN) FRIC (J.). 84 Return from the Field. 85 Photograph of the Academy of Music, Parts. BILLAIT. Co Or Landscape. LANDMAN (L.). 87 St. Dennis, 14 =BCOND EBVENING’S SALE, ROZ (L). 88 Evening. 89 Sleeping Cupid. SUYDAM (J. A.). 90 In the White Mountains. NORMAN (L. M). on ieilacs. LIMAIRE (J.). 92 Cattle at Rest. 15 LANG (Louis.). 93 Temptation. 94 Landscape. 95 Landscape. oe the Parting. BRISCAL. 97 Marine View. HALL (Geo.). 98 At the Spring MARCELLUS. 99 Parental Anxiety. 100 Flattery. 101 Study of an Old Man. 16 102 103 104 105 106 VAN BEEST. The Wreck. PURICELLI. In the Stable. CALYO (N.). Moonlight. LEMOINE (H. F.). View near Cairo. WILLIAMSON (J.). Sugarloaf Mountain. REYNAUD (F.). Return from the Vineyard. BACH (G.). The Wedding. 7, ROSELAND (H.).. 109 Fruit, 110 Gypsy Encampment. DECKER ([J.). t11 In the Forest. SANI (A,). 112 Health to the Wine Seller. WILLIAMS (J. L.). 113 View on Lake Como. RUDELL (P. E.). 114 A bit of Sunlight. SAUZAY (A). 115 Landscape. 18 COMON (C. B.). 116 Landscape, Normandy, STEELL (Gourlay). 117 Noonday Rest. JULLTARD (2): 118 Landscape, Chickens. FAULKNER (John). 119 On the Susquehannah. SEGONI. 120 [wo Different Admirers. MANLY (.). 121 Twilight. 19 MILLER (Chas.). 122 Testing the Wine. MAGNUS (C.). 123 In the Forest of Fountain- bleu, €. G. 124 On the Coast. BEMINDT. m5 Necklace. MEYER (E.). 126 Stolen Letter, FENETTI (F.). ie; Feacnes. 20 i) \O Ov i) Oo Or BRISCAL. Oyster Fleet, Cresfeld. NAVIER (E). Reading the Dispatch. HAHN (Wm.). Feeding Chickens. PALMER (W. L.). Twilight Hour. WILLIAMSON (John). Afternoon. WILMS. Fruit. VANDER-SYP. 134 Girl in Blue. SEGONI. 135 [he Card Players. HOFER. 136 Lime Kill. KING (G. W.). 137 View near Auburn. DEKKER (J.). a46- Combat. HERBERT (P.). 139 Landscape near Granville. 22 140 141 144 MELROSE. In the Pines, Autumn. VANGUAT (F)). Cattle. PACETTI (M.). Tassos Oak Montalana Landscape. ARMAND (C.). Coming Storm. MARCELLUS. The Sneezing Butler. Landscape. 23 MELBY (E.G. S.) 147 Tropical Scenery. MATTISON (J. D.) 148 The Old Homestead. RUDELL (P. E.). 149 A Break in the Storm. KAISER (T.). 150 Moonlight. SHULTZ (G.) P51. Print. FERGUSON (H. A.) P52 Street im Cairo: 24 CRANE (Bruce). , 153 ivandscape. REAM (\.) 154 Dessert. HAHN (\Vm.) 155 Little Riding-Hood. BOLMER (De Forrest). 156 Spring Morning. ALY (S.) bo uterine Ball, WILLIAMSON (John). 158 On the Esopus. 25 FENET EP!) 159 Flowers, Mc CORD (G. H.) 160 Autumn. COROT. 161 Landscape. RANNEY (W.) 162 Setting Out for the Hunt. After Robbe. 163 landscape and. Sheep, KAISER (T.) 164 On the Coast. 26 ROCCA (Della). 165 The Poet. HART (M. E.) 166 Flowers. NAST (T.) 167 Born Tired. MILLER (W. R.) 168 Encglish Cottage. CARBONNEAU (H.) 169 On the Marne. 170 Autumn. FENETTI (J.) 171) AGtapee: 27 MILLER (Chas.) 172° Touch of Family Pride. FAURE BEAULIEU (E.) 173 Near Rozcat. GITTARD (A. C. J.) 174 Ivening on the Sarthe. BENJAMIN (S. G.V.) 175 Shipwreck. MELROSE. 176 Hudson River near Cornwall. GRIFFIN (J. C.) 177 Late Autumn, 28 PHELAN (C.T.) 178 Brook, West Shokam. OGILVIE (C.) 179 Landscape. GRIFFIN (J. G.) 180 Willets Point Ave., N.C. PHELAN (C. T.) 181 Opposite Astoria. ATELO So eR Naar Ole AUCTIONEERS,