THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTRAIT WILL BE SOLD FOR ACCOUNT OF THE ESTATE OF A PROMINENT NEW YORK COLLECTOR et PAUL DELAROCHE French Historical and Portrait Painter. Born, 1797; died, Paris, 1856. The Artist’s famous “Hemicycle” is Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. NAPOLEON AT FONTAINEBLEAU 356A. NAPOLEON AT FONTAINEBLEAU. Oil Painting A masterly executed full-length seated portrait, in campaign uniform, facing left, three-quarters front, with right arm resting on the back of the arm-chair in which he is seated. Height, 78; width, 5924 inches. Gilt frame. Note: An Engraving of this portrait by Charles Remy Jules Francois will be sold under item No. 62, in the Reilly Collection of Napoleonic Books, Prints and Artis- tic Property. The above item will be sold immediately following item No. 356, in the same sale, on Wednesday evening, May 4th, 1921. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York