COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY A UIST OF -REBK ERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY WILLIAM BURT GAMBLE Chief of the Science and Technology Division WITH INTRODUCTION BY E. J. WALL Associate Editor of ‘*American Photography”’ NEW YORK — 1924 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY AEST SOT ARE EER ENCES 7UN ELLE NE Wee ORK PRUBUCIGYVELBRARY COMPILED BY WILLIAM BURT GAMBLE WITH INTRODUCTION BY Ee oWALL Associate Editor of ‘‘American Photography’’ NEW YORK 1924 es. yaa 5 , Lh AL iy ( Bethe bee 2 ' a ; Tig a Pt pate we i 7 Yr - ¥ 1 ACs ede, SEN stall , aay cK ‘ f B he® ? ty v Ne \? * NOTE T* This list includes books and periodical articles available in the Reference Depart- ment of The New York Public Library on _ June 1, 1924. They may be consulted in the Central Building at Fifth Avenue and Forty- second Street. No attempt has been made to cite references to patent records. . o< 24 4 - REPRINTED OCTOBER 1924 mi FROM THE . ] BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 5 JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 1924 PRINTED AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY : form p188 [x-29-24 3c] _ eee . . ae f e rh) BAe jot : a 4 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY INTRODUCTION T is interesting to note that a print in the approximate colors of nature was obtained before photography, as we now understand it, had become an accomplished fact. J. T. Seebeck sent to the poet Goethe a note: “On the chemical action of light and colored illumination,” in which he described the reproduction of a spectrum in colors on damp silver chloride. This was pub- lished by Goethe as an appendix to his “Zur Farbenlehre” (Tiibingen, 1810, Bd. 2, p.717). Descriptions of Daguerre’s and Fox Talbot’s processes of photography were published in 1839. The Seebeck process attracted some attention in the early days, notably from Sir John Herschel, E. Becquerel, Niepce de Saint Victor and Poitevin. But excellent as are the results thus obtainable this process has become more of a pretty laboratory experiment than a working method, because no means have been found of making such pictures permanent. The process is based on the fact that the “‘subchlorides”’ of silver, that is, the dark-colored products of the action of light on white silver chloride, assume the colors of the incident light. When silvered plates or homogeneous films of silver subchloride on reflective surfaces are used, the colors are partly due to the formation of silver in laminae, separated from one another by half the wave-length of the incident light. Using paper supports involving no regular reflection, the colors become the so-called “body colors,’ which may be looked upon as light-formed pig- ments. Fixation of such pictures destroys in the former case the ordered sep- aration of the laminae, and in the latter case the surface color and chemical nature of each body pigment are altered. J. Clerk Maxwell, the famous English physicist, was the first to suggest the possibility of obtaining photographs in natural colors by splitting up the subject into its three component colors, red, green, and blue-violet, in accord- ance with the Young-Helmholtz theory of trichromatic vision. He actually attempted (Proc. Roy. Soc. 1859, v. 60, p. 404, 484) to reproduce a subject in this manner by photographing it through liquid color filters of the above named hues and projecting transparencies from the negatives through similarly colored filters by means of three lanterns. The result was, of course, but an evanescent picture and by no means perfect, for at that time there was no known means for rendering the silver salts responsive to colors other than blue and violet. Maxwell seems to have confined his attention solely to a projected screen picture. [aa 4 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY To Ducos du Hauron and Charles Cros, two Frenchmen, belongs the honor of having first outlined the possibility of producing prints in colors. Though working quite independently of one another, they practically laid the bases of modern practice, in two papers presented to the Société Frangaise de Photographie on the same day (Bull. Soc. frang. Phot. 1869, tome 15, p. 122, 152). Du Hauron had, however, sent a paper to the Académie des Sciences as early as 1862, in which he outlined his theory, but unfortunately this was re- jected because no proofs of the correctness of his arguments were adduced. The basis of these processes was again the splitting up of the subject into the three fundamental colors and printing from the negatives in the comple- mentary colors. Of recent years all that has been done is the perfection of minor details of the process; the basic facts were determined once for all by the above experimenters, who seem to have been entirely ignorant of Clerk Maxwell’s work. The sensitive surfaces of that time were very slow, initially sensitive only to blue, violet and the ultra-violet, and the means for color-sensitizing, which was mainly effected with chlorophyll, not very effective. It was not till H. W. Vogel’s discovery of the theory of optical sensitizers (Berichte, 1873, Jahrg. 6, p. 1305) that marked color-sensitivity was possible. Vogel discovered that the addition of certain anilin dyes to a photographic emulsion considerably enhanced its sensitiveness to the less refrangible spectral rays. Up to this time two collodion processes, either the wet or emulsion methods, were alone used, and their comparative insensitiveness was a serious handicap. The introduc- tion of the gelatine plate and the recent discovery of new and much more potent color sensitizers, the isocyanins, have placed all three-color processes on a prac- tical basis. The superposition of aerial colored images, as in the chromoscope, the principle of which was clearly outlined by du Hauron and Cros in their early papers, is by no means sufficient from a practical point of view. A print in colors is the great desideratum and although the many processes so far worked out are in most cases satisfactory, yet the fact that three negatives and three colored superposed pulls are required has undoubtedly militated against the more general adoption of these methods by the average worker, for obviously the chances of failure are increased sixfold. Du Hauron outlined a possible method by means of which the three ex- posures might be reduced to one. This was effected by the application of the three selective color filters in microscopic dimensions to one surface, so as to form a color mosaic of the subject, the color elements being of sufficient minute- ness as to present, when viewed at the distance of normal vision, a homogeneous grey. This is the principle of the screen-plate process, which was brought to perfection by MM. Lumiére in 1907, in their Autochrome plate. In this, potato starch grains, stained in accordance with the theoretical requirements, are dis- tributed over a glass surface, there being approximately 4,000,000 per square inch of surface. This color-mosaic is coated with an emulsion and the camera exposure made through the color grains. The primary negative image thus - COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 5 obtained, which appears in the complementary colors, is dissolved and a posi- tive is obtained in the colors of the original. Here again one meets with the great disadvantage that the results are on glass. Nor is there any really satis- factory method of making paper prints from Autochrome. If more than one result is required a separate exposure has to be made for each. It is true that it is possible to use the mosaic color filters on a separate surface and obtain an ordinary negative, broken up into minute areas of varying density according to the colors of the subject and from this to make any number of glass posi- tives and bind the latter in register with a color mosaic filter and thus obtain satisfactory reproductions; but they are still on glass. The ideal process of color photography would possibly be one which would give us a stable color image in the camera, from which any number of replicas could be made. ‘The feasibility of some such process is proved by the fact that many inorganic and organic colors fade or bleach out under the action of their complementary colored rays. This is a fact known from the very earliest days and many attempts have been made to work out a practicable process, using the brilliant anilin colors as bases. Distinct and marked advances have been made. But even at its best the camera exposures are inordinately long, extending over many hours, and the fact that no means of completely ‘fixing’ the colors (that is, destroying the fading properties), has made the bleach-out process more of an interesting laboratory experiment than a work-a-day one. Wilhelm Zenker (“Lehrbuch der Photochromie,” Berlin, 1868) outlined the possibility of obtaining photographs in natural colors by the regular reflec- tion from silver laminae, deposited in a film at a separation of half the wave- length of the incident light, whereby interference would be set up with color formation. Otto Wiener (Wiedemann’s Annal. 1890, Bd. 40, p. 203) proved experimentally that the formation of “standing waves” in a silver emulsion film, by reflection of the incident light back on its own path from a mirror surface, was possible. But to Gabriel Lippmann, of Paris, belongs the honor of having first produced in a grainless film the laminary deposit of metallic silver (Comptes rendus, 1891, tome 112, p. 274), showing the brilliant interference colors that reproduced those of the original. The essentials for this process are an emulsion of a silver salt in which the latter is in such a finely divided state that the vehicle looks quite transparent. If such an emulsion on its glass sup- port be placed in contact with a reflecting surface, metallic mercury being gen- erally employed, the incident light is reflected back on the same path and gives rise to the stationary waves, in which the ether particles vibrate to and fro with- out any progressive movement. That is, the incident and reflected rays inter- fere with one another and where their phase motions coincide there is increase of ether vibration and consequent increase of light, while when they interfere regularly with one another the vibrations are annulled, consequently there is absence of light and no chemical action on the sensitive silver salt. When these interference heliochromes are examined under suitable con- ditions of lighting, they show an accuracy and brilliancy of coloring which is very remarkable. Unfortunately this, too, remains but a laboratory experi- 6 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ment, for the extreme slowness of the emulsion (about 2,000 times less than that of the normal slow plate) as well as the necessity of making the plates for oneself, have barred the process from general practice. The diffraction process, devised by Professor R. W. Wood, of Johns Hopkins University (U. S. Patent 755, 983, 1904), involving the splitting up of white light by diffraction gratings, although beautiful from a theoretical point of view, is again only a laboratory process. ‘The results are on glass and must be viewed in a particular manner in order that the colors may be seen. These are superimposed spectral, not pigmentary, colors. To the same category belong the prismatic dispersion process of Drac (English Patent 1,008, 1904) which is actually based on a suggestion of Charles Cros (Les mondes, Feb., 1869); the micro-spectra methods of Lanchester (English Patent, 16,548, — 1895); and Rheinberg (Photographic journal, 1912, v. 52, p. 162), and others. The future of color photography, from the amateur worker’s point of view, lies on the laps of the Gods. There are, exclusive of the screen-plate process, excellent methods which will give practically correct reproductions of the colors of nature. But they are too tedious and call for more care than the average worker will expend. The extraordinary facility with which an ordinary black-and-white photograph can be obtained has completely jaundiced the outlook of the average worker as regards color methods. He must have one that will give him his color record with the same ease as in black and white. : The future of color photography lies in two directions: the one, in its more widespread use in illustration; the other in the moving picture. The recent advances in photomechanical printing processes, as in rotary-gravure and off- set, should open up a still wider field for book illustration; for with these methods the mechanical grain is so much reduced as to give a much more pleas- ing and delicate reproduction than with the ordinary half-tone block, the grain or network of which becomes, unless extreme care be used, very offensive in three-color printing. It is no exaggeration to state that the photographic end of these processes is perfected — that there is practically no improvement to be made. The ad- vance which must be made lies with the printing ink makers. Exactly how improvement and perfection are to be attained is not easy to see. If perma- nency of the colors in the pictures were not a vital point the problem could be solved; but as it is demanded, and rightly too, that the inks shall be permanent (that is, stable to light) the ink maker is heavily handicapped from the start. The theoretical requirements for the three inks, red, yellow, and blue, are well established and it is known that by the use of the brilliant coal tar colors these requirements can be met. But though the advances of recent years in over- coming the fugitiveness of the anilin lakes have been great, the problem has not yet been solved and the ink maker has perforce to use more stable pigments, which will not fulfill the fundamental requirements. Hence, unless handwork or retouching, both expensive and tedious, are resorted to, the photographic — work is unsatisfactory. . ay t es, COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 7 It is more than probable that many will not agree with the writer in his views as to motion pictures in colors. But that we shall have them in a few years is a foregone conclusion. Many attempts have been made and there are one or two methods which are theoretically perfect, but these are not commer- cially adaptable and their adoption would necessitate a revolution in the method of showing pictures in every theater. One or two processes are being tried out at the present time with more or less success; but they are two-color methods and are, therefore, so incomplete in color rendering as to seriously handicap advances in this direction. Many will be able to recall the old Kinemacolor process, a two-color process of projection in which the pictures were shown in red and green in rapid succession, the effect depending upon the fusion of the color in the brain of the observer. All the methods based on this persistence and fusion of vision are hopeless, as one soon becomes conscious of an eye- strain and retinal fatigue that is extremely trying. Those in which each pro- jected picture appears as a complete color composite are not commercial methods, because special apparatus is required for showing them. The future of the motion picture in colors lies in a process which will give each minute pic- ture complete in all the colors, and adaptable to any ordinary projector. Many have advanced as an argument against the use of color in motion pictures that it would detract from the picture — that is from the acting. This always seems to me a weak argument, or else it shows a poor standard of act- ing. Would it not be as legitimate to argue that the ordinary properties and stage settings militate against the acting and the lines of the legitimate or speak- ing drama? Yet one does not become conscious of these. If color is used, as it should be, merely as a subsidiary and not the essential in the motion picture, it should not detract from the silent drama. It is impossible to omit some few words as to the value of this compila- tion of references available in The New York Public Library. It is incalculable. It places in the hands of the student of the subject a ready means of knowing what has been done and said by others. And by its means it is possible to start out on a line of research primed with past efforts, past successes, past failures, so that months of useless and costly spade-work can be saved. — E. J. W. 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ay me 8 EIS 1761 1. Tiphaigne de la Roche, Charles Fran- cois. Giphantia; or, A view of what has passed, what is now passing, and, during the present century, what will pass, in the world. Translated from the original French fof C. F. Tiphaigne de la Roche), with ex- planatory notes. London: Robert Hors- field, 1760-61. 1. 12°. SB See [part 1], p. 95-98 for a fanciful account of a process suggesting Lippmann’s. These passages also printed, with comments, in British journal of photog- raphy, May 29, 1891, v. 38, p. 342, MFA. “Thou knowest that the rays of light, reflected from different bodies, make a picture and paint the bodies upon all polished surfaces, on the retina of the eye, for instance, on water, on glass. The elementary spirits have studied to fix these transient images; they have composed a most subtile matter, very viscous, and proper to harden and dry, by the help of which a picture is made in the twinkle of an eye.” 1792 2. Wuensch, Christian Ernst. Versuche und Beobachtungen tiber die Farben des Lichtes... Leipzig: J. G. I. Breitkopf und Comp,., 1792. xii, 114 p: illus,..8°. PES Wiinsch (born 1744, died 1828), a professor in the University of Leipzig, was probably the first to prove the theory of the three visual primary colors. An abstract of this section of the book may be found in J. C. Fischer’s Geschichte der Physik, v. 7, 1806, p. 50, of which the Library has a copy, PAB. There is an abstract in English in British journal of photog- raphy, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photogra- phy supplement, p. 34-36, MFA. 1810 3. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Zur Farbenlehre. Titibingen: J. G. Cotta, 1810. 2v.andatlas. 8° and 4°. PEX and f PEX “Goethe took great interest in the work of Seebeck and the best account of the experiments in question is preserved in Goethe’s treatise on colour.” — Bolas. 4. Seebeck, Johann Thomas. Von der chemischen Action des Lichts und der farbigen Beleuchtung. (In: J. W. von Goethe, Zur Farbenlehre. Ttibingen, 1810. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 716+720.) PEX 1820 5. Seebeck, Johann Thomas. Uber die un- gleiche Erregung der Warme im prisma- tischen Sonnenbilde. (Ko6onigliche Akade- mie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1820. Jahren 1818-19, p. 305-350.) * EE Also in Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, Halle, 1824, Bd. 40, p. 129-176, PAA. 1833 6. Brewster, Sir David. Na ala London, Nov. 16, 1906, v. 53, p. 904— 907, MFA ‘née 16, p. 87-92.) 708. Cinematography in colours. (British journal of photography, London, July 27, 1906, v.53, p. 584.) MFA 709. Colour photography. (Photographic news, London, 1906, v. 50, p. 976, 1020, 1040.) MFA Lippmann process. Filters. 710. Colour photography without filters at one exposure. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Feb. 2, 1906, v.53, p. 87- 88.) MFA Drac process. 711. Comley, Henry J. Proposed society of colour photographers. (British journal of photography, London, 1906, v. 53, p. 558— 559, 599.) MFA 712. Coustet, Ernest. L’invention du pro- cédé trichrome par éléments juxtaposés. (Photo- -gazette, Paris, March 25, 1906, an- MFA 713. —— Photographie des couleurs par décoloration. (Photo-gazette, Paris, July 25, 1906, année 16, p. 166-172.) ‘MFA Bleachout process. 714. Dark room illumination for working red sensitive collodion emulsion. (British journal of photography, London, July 27, 1906, v. 53, p. 592-593.) MFA 715. Day, T. Cuthbert. Colour and colour photography. (Photographic news, Lon- don, Feb. 16, 1906, v. 50, p. 128.) MFA Resumé of theory and practice. 716. Donath, Bruno. Farbenphotographie. Vieweg und Sohn, 1906. its s, Die Grundlagen der Braunschweig: F. viii, 166 p., 2 pl. (Die Wissenschaft. No. 14.) MFV Reviewed in British journal of photography, Lon- don, May 25, 1906, v. 53, p. 412, MFA. 717. Eder, Josef Maria. Trichromie und Tetrachromie. (Photographische Korres- pondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. 477-478.) MFA | 718. Farmer, Howard. The exhibition of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, March 9, 1906, v. 53, p. 198.) MFA A plea to keep the London exhibition intact. 719. Geisler, Louis. La photographie en couleurs. (Photo-gazette, Paris, 1906, an- née 16, p. 230-231; année 17, 1906, p. aa 26-28, 69- 720) MF Nachet-Geisler process. 720. Three-colour screens and inks. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 24, 1906, v. 53, p. 667-669.) MFA ' ia Raw +; COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY A] 1906, continued. 721. Gravier, Charles. Méthode d’impres- sion en couleurs la quadrichromie Zander. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1906, série 2, tome 22, p. 273- 274.) MFA 722. Grothuss, Theodor, Freiherr von. Ab- handlungen tiber Elektrizitat und Licht. Hrsg. von R. Luther und A. v. Oettingen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1906. 198 p., 1 1., 1 port. 12°. (Ostwald’s Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften. No. aes During the early part of the nineteenth century Grothuss made researches upon the nature of colored light. See p. 100 et seq in above volume. 723. Gruen, Edward F. Colour photogra- phy. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 2, 1906, v. 53, p. 97-98.) MFA Criticizes E. J. Wall’s account of the London exhi- bition. 724. Haberkorn, Fritz. Eine Kamera fir Dreifarbenaufnahmen nach der Natur. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. 430-432.) MFA 725. Heicke, Richard. Direct enlargements in monochrome and three-colour in gum bichromate. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 20, 1906, v. 53, p. 305- 307.) MFA 726. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. The ab- sorption and sensitising spectrum of the cyanins. illus. (Photographic journal, London, March, 1906, new series, v. 30, p. 133— 137.) MFA From Eder’s Jahrbuch, 1905. 72i. The basis of three-colour photog- raphy. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, 1906, v. 53, p. 489-491, 627- 629, 693-695.) MFA “Tt ought to be clear that the Young-Helmholtz. theory of colour vision possesses no importance, for the theory of three-colour photography, and that it is therefore not correct to identify the physiological fundamental colours with those of three-colour pho- tography.”’ 728. Ein Beitrag zur Photographie farbiger Gegenstande. illus. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. 157-167.) MFA Good article on color sensitizing, with a colored plate. . 729. Red sensitive plates. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 23, 1906, v.53, p. 147-148.) MFA 730. The “Uto” bleach-out process of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 5, 1906, v. 53, p. 787-788.) MFA Describes his experiences with paper prepared by Dr. J. H. Smith & Co., Zirich. 731. Ives, Herbert Eugene. Improvements in the diffraction process of color photog- raphy. (Franklin Institute. Journal, Phila- delphia, 1906, v. 161, p. 439-449.) VA Invention of R. W. Wood of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity in 1899. Also printed in Physical review, New York, June, 1906, v. 22, p. 339-344, PAA; Photo-era, Boston, Nov., 1906, v. 17, p. 285-295, MFA, and British jour- nal of photography, London, Aug. 3. 1906 V20535) DO: 609-612, MFA. 732. Koenig, Ernst. Further applications of pinatype. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 30, 1906, wees be 246.) MFA T3a% Natural-color photography... Translated from the German, with addi- tions, original tests and experiments, etc., by +E. J. Wall...” With: color-chart, test- results, and diagrams. London: Dawbarn & Ward, Ltd. (1906.; 94 p. illus. 8°. MFV Reviewed in British journal of photography, Lon- don, July 13, 1906, v.53, p.556, MFA. 734. Kunstlicht und Farbenphotographie. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Feb. 14, 1906, Jahrg. 13, p. 89-90.) +MFA Jupiter lamp. 735. Légier, Alphonse. Le “photochrome” de la Société du photochrome. illus. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1906, série 2, tome 22, p. 184-186.) MFA Apparatus for exposing three plates. 736. Lehmann, Johannes Moritz. Beitrage zur Theorie und Praxis der direkten Far- benphotographie mittels stehender Licht- wellen nach Lippmanns Methode... Frei- burger Bris Co Tromer,: 19067 sav, 895. tables. illus. 8°. MFF p.v.54, no.5 Reviewed in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Nov. 30, 1906, v.53, p. 946-947, MFA. 737. —— Neue Untersuchungen tiber Lipp- mann-Photographie. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1906, Halle a. S., 1906, Jahrg. 20, p. 49- 53.) MFA 738. Lippmann, Gabriel. Des divers prin- cipes sur lesquels on peut fonder la pho- tographie directe des couleurs. Photogra- phie directe des couleurs fondée sur la dispersion prismatique. (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, July 30, 1906, tome 143, p. 270-274.) * EO Translation in British ie a phot London, Aug. 17, 1906, v. 53, 644-645, ae in Nature, London, Gen 30, 1906, v. | p. 459, 739. La photographie des couleurs sur plaques sensibilisées aux sels de chrome. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1906, série 2, tome 22, p. 287- 288.) MFA 740. A Lumiére one-lens one - exposure camera. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, March 9, 1906, v. 53, plots) MFA Abstract of patent. 4? THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1906, continued. 741. Mareschal, G. La pinatypie. (Photo- gazette, Paris, March 25, 1906, année 16, p. 96-97.) MFA 742. Mees, Charles Three-colour at the Croydon Camera Club. (British journal of photography, London, May 4, 1906, v. 53, p. aE Discusses filters, spectrum tests of filters, and screens for general work. 743. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth, and S. E. SHepparp. The estimation of the Edward Kenneth. colour-sensitiveness of plates. illus. (Photographic journal, London, March, 1906, new series, v. 30, p. 110-131.) MFA 744. Monpillard, Félix. Essai d’étalonnage des écrans colorés. illus. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1906, série 2, tome 22, p. 231-240.) MFA 745. Essais du pinacyanol et de la dicyanine des Farbwerke vorm Meister Lucius et Briining de Hoechst-sur-Mein. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1906, série 2, tome 22, p. 132- 143.) MFA Abstract in Photographic journal, London, June, 1906, new series, v. 30, p. 260-261, MFA. 746. Neame, S. E. The _ possibility of portraiture in colour. (British journal of photography, London, 1906, v.53, p. 259, 278.) MFA Demonstrates Sanger Shepherd process. Abstract and comment in Photographic news, London, 1906, Teo sates, toy lero Lo. wi A 747. Neuhauss, Richard. Ausbleichver- fahren. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1906, Halle a. S., 1906, Jahrg. 20, p. 11-14.) MFA 748. A New three-colour printing process. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 30, 1906, v.53, p. 944-945.) MFA Invention of Dr. Traube of Berlin. 749. Newton, A. J. Pigments for three- colour processes. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 25, 1906, v. 53, p. 406-408.) MFA 750. Three-colour photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Nov. 16, 1906, v. 53, p. 910-911.) MFA 7451. Three-colour process work. (British journal of photography, London, March 30, 1906, v.53, p.248-249.) MFA 752. Norman, Albert. ,;The Sanger Shep- herd process.; (British journal of photog- raphy, London, May 11, 1906, v. 53, BB, Demonstration of making transparencies before the Royal Photographie Society. 753. Novak, Franz. Rapidlichtfilter fiir Drei- farbenphotographie. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. 285- 287.) MFA Also printed in British journal of Lpehoar pene, London, June 29, 1906, v. 53, p. 505, MFA 754. Ozobrome and three-colour work. (British journal of photography, London, July 27, 1906, v. 53, p. 581.) MFA 755. Pector, S. Léon Vidal. port. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1906, tome 22, p. 457-459.) MFA Obituary notice. 756. Pfaundler, Leopold. © Die Young- Helmholtzsche Farbentheorie und die Dreifarbenphotographie. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstech- nik ftir 1906, Halle a. S., 1906, Jahrg. 20, p. 53-58.) MFA 757. Pfenninger, Otto. Colour photogra- phy. (British journal of photography, London, 1906, v. 53, p. 139, 178-179.) MFA Comments on the Jumeaux process. Traces patent history of reflector cameras. For criticisms of E. T. Butler and E. J. Wall, see above publication March 9, 1906, v.53, p. 197. 758. eras, Trichromatic one-exposure cam- illus. (Photographic news, London, April 20, 1906, v.50, p. 308-309.) MFA Has list of patents. 759. Professional colour photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1906, v. 53, p. 366-368, 391, 419, 438.) MFA Reference to studios of Heath & Stoneman, the Rotary Company, and Otto Pfenninger. 760. Prokoudine-Gorsky, S. de. Observa- tions et remarques sur les travaux photo- graphiques en couleurs naturelles. (VI Congresso internazionale di chimica appli- cata, Roma, 1906. (Atti v26, p. sak a P Translation in Photographic journal, London, new ~ series, v. 30, p. 304-306, MFA. Suggests preservation of plates by rapid drying. 761. Rheinberg, Julius. Photography in natural colours. (Nature, London, Nov. 29, 1906, v.75, pita MFA Admits patent priority to F. Cheshire. 762. Sallwuerk, Edmund von. Farbenpho- tographie und Kunst. (Photographische Kunst, Mtinchen, 1905-06, Jahrg. 4, p. 243- 248.) +MFA 763. Saville-Kent, W. The photography of colour as applied to obtaining correct colour records of natural history subjects. (Royal Asiatic Society. — Ceylon Branch. Journal, Colombo, 1906, v. 18, p. 435-445.) *OAA < a * Various well-known processes described. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 43 1906, continued. 764. Schmidt, Hans. Eine Dreifarben- Momentkamera. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. 579-582.) MFA 765. Das Dreifarben - Photographie- Verfahren, System N. P. G. (VI Congresso internazionale di chimica applicata, Roma, 1906. Atti, v.6, p. 36-52.) PKR Process of the Neue photographische Gesellschaft. Partial abstract in Camera craft, San Francisco, March, 1907, v.14, p. 110-112, MFA. 766. —— Three-colour prints by the car- bon-film process. (British journal of pho- tography, London, June 15, 1906, v. 53, p. 469-470.) MFA Abstract. 767. ——— Ueber Farbenphotographie mit besonderer Berticksichtigung des Systems N. P. G. (Photographische Kunst, Mtin- chen, 1905-06, Jahrg. 4, p. 345-350.) } MFA 768. Uber Kameras fiir Dreifarben- photographie. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. $31-535.) MFA 769. Scoble, Walter A. The red sensitive- ness of dyed films. illus. (Photographic journal, London, May, 1906, new series, v. 30, p. 190-197.) MFA 770. Seddig, M. A suggested method of colour sensitometry. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 10, 1906, v. 53, p. 629-630.) MFA 771. Smith, John H. The bleach-out proc- ess of colour-photography. (British jour- nal of ee any: London, June 8, 1906, v. 53, p. 459.) MFA States that he has Riloned the Szezepanik proc- ess in favor of the Smith-Merckens process. 772. Smith, John H., and W. MERCKENS. rNatural-colour printing out paper.; (Pho- tographic journal, London, May, 1906, new series, v.30, p. 197-200.) MFA Abstract only. 773. —— Uber ein direkt in Farben kopie- rendes Papier (Uto-Papier). (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahre. 43, p. 385-388.) MFA Also printed me Photographische Kunst, Miinchen, 1906-07, Jahrg. 5, p. 109-111, MFA. 774. Smith, J. H., & Co. Direct-colour photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Oct. 12, 1906, v. 53, core Reference to improvements in “Uto” paper; also to combination of owners of Smith-Merckens and of Szezepanik patents. 775. The “Solgram” colour process. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 2, 1906, v. 53, p. 88.) MFA 776. Some notes on the bleach-out process. (British journal of photography, London, Hep. 23,1906, v.53, p. 146.) MFA Brief description of Szczepanik process. 777. Some notes on the gum _ process. (British journal of photography, London, May 18, 1906, v.53, p. 388-390.) MFA 778. Stable colours for three-colour prints. (British journal of photography, London, Jane O06 Sr So peli) MFA M. Pacini recommends the use of picric acid, car- mine, and Prussian blue. 779. The Szczepanik bleach-out process of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 12, 1906, v. 53, p. 26-27.) MFA Translation of manufacturer’s instructions. 780. The Technics and practice of the Lumiére starch grain process. (British journal of photography, London, March 9, 1906, v. 53, p. 190-191.) MFA 781. Three-colour without filters. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Jan. 12, 1906, .¥553, p221.) MFA Description of C. J. Drac’s patent. 782. Three-colour photographs of the solar eclipse. (British journal of photography, London, June 29, 1906, v. 53, p. 505.) MFA Brief paragraph referring to work of Professor Mengarini of Rome. 783. Three-colour prints on “Autotype” trichrome tissues. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 9, 1906, v. 53, p. 106.) MFA 784. Three-colour transparencies by the pinatype process. (British journal of .pho- tography, London, Jan. 5, 1906, v. 53, p. 6- 7) MFA Detailed instructions. 785. Three -colour transparencies by the Sanger-Shepherd process. (British jour- nal of photography, London, June 29, 1906, Ww. 50, Dp, 506)) MFA 786. A Two-colour printing process. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Sept. 7806, ve53: ps /05) MFA Abstract of German patent of J. K. Henberger. 787. Valenta, Eduard. Pinachrom and Pina- cyanol als Rotsensibilisatoren. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1906, Jahrg. 43, p. 132-134.) MFA 788. Vidal, Léon. Colour photography. A modern pinatype method. (British journal of photography, London, May 18, 1906, v. 53, p. 390-391.) MFA Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Nov., 1906, v. 13, p. 447-448, MFA. 789. The Lippmann and Lumiére proc- esses. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 16, 1906, v. 53, p. Cate 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1906, continued. 790. W., J. Death of M. Léon Vidal. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 24, 1906, v. 53, p. 672.) MFA 791. The late Léon Vidal. port. (Pho- tographic journal, London, 1906, new se- ries, v. 30, p. 316-317; port. opp. p. 339.) MFA 792. Wall, Edward John. Another colour process. (Photographic news, London, July 20, 1906, v.50, p. 574.) MFA Brief reference to patent of Mezaro. 793. —— Colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 9, 1906, v.53, p. 117-118.) MFA Replies to Dr. Griin regarding disputed features of the Color Photography Exhibition. 794. Colour sensations. (Photographic news, London, Sept. 21, 1906, v. 50, eae A Scientific basis of color photography upset by dis- coveries of Professor Raehlmann. 795. —— An exhibition of colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 26, 1906, v. 53, p. 64-67.) MFA 796. How to take portraits in natural colours. (Photographic news, London, 1906, v. 50, p. 388-389, 426-427, ri 797. Natural colour P. O. P. (Photo- graphic news, London, May 4, 1906, v. 50, D351 MFA Smith process. 798. A new process of three-colour printing. (Photographic news, London, Dec. 7, 1906, v.50, p. 983.) MFA Traube process. 799. The pinatype camera. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 9, 1906, v. 53, p. 105.) MFA 800. —— Pinatype and Rotary Co.’s super- imposed carbon colour tissues. (Photo- graphic journal, London, April, 1906, new series, v.30, p. 144-146.) MFA Abstract of lecture delivered before the Royal Photographic Society. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, March 9, 1906, v. 53, p. 195, MFA. 801. —— The present status of colour pho- tography. (British journal of photogra- phy. London, July 27, 1906, v.53, p. 588— 592.) MFA Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, Dec., 1906, v. 17, p. 352-364, MFA. 802. A treatise on Lippmann colour photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 30, 1906, v. 53, p. 946-947.) MFA Review of Hans Lehmann’s book on color photog- raphy. Die Pietznersche (Photographische 803. Walter, Gustav. Farbenphotographie. Kunst, Miinchen, 1905-06, Jahrg. 5, p. 321- 323.) +MFA 804. Worel, Karl. Farbenphotographie. (Photographische Kunst, Mtinchen, 1905- 06, Jahrg. 4, p. 400-404, 425-434.) +MFA Historical outline. 805. Yerbury, S. G. The “Sinop” process in colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 26, 1906, v. 53, “p. 78.) MFA Recommends “Sinop’” simplified collotype plates to obviate “blobby” appearance of prints. 806. Three-colour printing by the Si- nop process. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 9, 1906, v. 53, p. 106-107.) MFA 807. Zander, C.G. The Zander four-colour process. (British journal of photography, London, May 18, 1906, v. 53, p. 397.) MFA Claims that his process is not based on Hering’s theory. 808. The Zander four-colour process. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 7, 1906, v. 53, p. 719.) MFA 809. The Zander complementary colour reproduction process. ae journal of photography, London, Jan. 5, 1906, v. 53, p. 14.) MFA 810. Zander’s four-colour process. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, May 11, 1906, ¥°53, "pear MFA 1907 811. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie. The autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 25, 1907, v. 54, p. 804-805.) - MFA _ From the Journal of the Royal Photographic So- ciety. 812. The Achromatism of lenses for colour work. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1907, v.54, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 42-43.) MFA 813. Albert, E. Three-colour without fil- ters. (British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 55.) MFA 814. Alleged anticipations of the Warner- Powrie process. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Oct. 25, 1907, v.54, p. 812-813.) MFA 815. Another American discovery in colour photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 5, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 53.) MFA Invention of Charles Gilbert of Chicago. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY A5 1907, continued. 816. Another well-known worker in colour- photography, Dr. Gustav Selle. (British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p.55.) MFA Brief obituary notice. 817. Art and colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 18, 1907, v.54, p. 781-782.) MFA 818. Atkinson, E. H. C. Section-cut half- tone screens. raphy, London, Nov. 22, 1907, v. 54, p. 894.) MFA Brief suggestion for the Warner-Powrie process. 819. Autochrome items. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 8, 1907, v. 54, p. 839-840.) - MFA Cause of green stains. Reversing, intensification, residues. 820. Autochrome plates under modified treatment. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Oct. 11, 1907, v.54, p. 772- f73:) MFA 821. The Autochrome process in a nutshell. (Photographic news, London, Sept. 27, 1907, v. 52, p. 304.) MFA From revised book of instructions. 822. Autochromes from autochromes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Nov. 15, 1907, v. 54, p. 858.) MFA 823. Baker, Thomas Thorne. The colour sensitising of gelatine and collodion emul- sions and the relation of the colour of a dye to its sensitising action. (Photo- graphic journal, London, April, 1907, new series, v.31, p. 207.) MFA With discussion. 824. Bardorf. Uber Jougla’s Autochrom- platte “Omnicolor.” (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, 1907, Jahrg. 21, p. 147-148, 167-168.) MFA 825. Bauer, Otto. A camera for three- colour photography. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. Jl.) MFA Abstract of specification. 826. Bayley, R. Child. Color photography. (Photo-miniature, New York, Sept., 1907, v.7, p. 449-455.) MFA Manipulation of autochromes. 827. Copying autochromes in the camera. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v.54, p. 831.) MFA 828. Beck, Conrad. ,Lumiére starch grain process.; (Royal Microscopical Society. Proceedings, London, 1907, p. en; Brief reference to examination of plates under the microscope. See also Nature, London, Dec. 26, 1907, wears, p. 188, OA ; (British journal of photog-- 829. Blackburn, H. E. The pinatype proc- ess of color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Dec., 1907, v. 14, p. 515- 519.) MFA 830. A rapid three-color carbon proc- ess. (Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1907, v. 14, p. 273-276.) MFA 831. Brasseur, Charles L. A. Weather conditions and colour photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Nov. 8, 1907, p. 843.) MFA 832. Burchardt, Ernest A. Three-colour printing with bichromated size. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 25-26.) MFA 833. Cajal, S. R. The Lippmann process. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 13, 1907, v.54, p. 691-692.) MFA Abstract. 834. Die Struktur der Lippmannschen Photochromien. illus. (Zeitschrift ftir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leipzig, 1907, Bd. 5, p. 213-245.) PLC Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 59- 61, 69- 714 77-79, MFA. 835. Uber die Polychromie mikro- skopischer Metallkérnchen. (Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leip- zig, 1907, Bd. 5, p. 137-140.) PLC Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. 53-54, MFA. 836. Calmels, H., and Tobe GlERCyeiza te production photographique des couleurs. Paris. Le Procedé ,1907;. 2. p14 1329p. illus. 8°. (Bibliotheque des procédés photomécaniques.) MDS 837. Chéron, André. Improvements in the prismatic dispersion process. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Sept. 6, 1907, v. 54, p. 675-677.) MFA 838. Chevrier, Henri. Observations sur le traitement des plaques autochromes. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 477-485.) MFA 839. —— Traitement des plaques auto- chromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Dec. 25, 1907, année 18, p. 21-26.) MFA 840. Claudy, Carl Harry. Autochrome color photography. (Bulletin of photog- raphy, Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1907, v.1, p. 347-348.) +MFA Advice to professionals. 841. Clerc, Louis Philippe. Development of three-colour negatives. (British jour- nal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 29.) MFA 46 THE NEW: YORK PUBLIC CISRARY, 1907, continued. 842. Colour curves and how to control them. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v.54, Colour pho- tography supplement, v.54, p.30.) MFA 843. Colour photography. (Photographic news, London, June 21, 1907, v.51, p. Me MF Explains difference between Sanger Shepherd fe Lumiére processes. 844. Colour processes. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 8, 1907, v. 54, p,. 855.) MFA Formulas for pinatype process. 845. Comley, Henry J. The bichromated size process. (British journal.of photog- raphy, London, June 7, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 46.) MFA Gives formula for sizing. 846. Three-colour carbon and the autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, 1907, v.54, p.853- 854, 875.) MFA Abstract of paper read before the Southampton Camera Club. 847. Three-colour photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, June 21, 1907, v. 54, p. 471.) MFA Describes author’s camera and process. Abstract of paper read before South London Photographic So- ciety. Also printed in Photographic news, London, July 12,1907, v: 52; p. 31, MEA. 848. The Connection between duration of development, fog, and colour rendering. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 19-21.) MFA 849. Coustet, Ernest. Photographie des couleurs: les plaques a filtres trichromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, April 27, 1907, an- née 17, p. 101-107.) MFA Lumiére, Krayn, Ramon y Cajal, Berton & Gambs, Smith, and Ducos du Hauron processes. 850. Photographie des couleurs; le procédé trichrome par éléments juxta- posés. (Revue scientifique, Paris, 1907, série 5, v. 8, semestre 2, p. 237-241.) OA 851. Crémier, Victor. Les plaques auto- chromes et la stéréoscopie. (Photo - ga- zette, Paris, Aug. 25, 1907, année 17, p. 186- 189.) MFA 852. Didier, Léon. A simplified pinatype process. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 43-44.) MFA 853. Direct half-tone three-colour nega- tives. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 87.) MFA Formulas from Klimsch’s Jahrbuch. 854. The Donisthorpe three-colour print- ing process. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Sept. 6, 1907, v.54, Colour photography ‘supplement, Dp. 71.) MFA 855. Duchenne, Paul. Chassis-magasin a poses multiples pour la trichromie. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 121- 122.) MFA 856. ——- A multiple three-colour back. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1907, v. 54, p. 23.) MFA Abstract of French patent. 857. Ducos du Hauron, Louis, and R. DE Berceco,. The Du Hauron one-plate proc- ess. (British journal of photography, Lon- don, May 3, 1907, v.54, Colour photogra- phy supplement, p. 37-38.) MFA 858. “Ensign” chemical outfit for auto- chrome plates. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v. 54, p. 926-927.) MFA 859. The “Ensign” viewing stand for auto- chrome transparencies. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 95.) MFA 860. Exécution de contretypes par la pina- type. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 189-190.) MFA 861. The Exhibition of colour photogra- phy. (British journal of photography, Lon- don, Oct. 18, 1907, v. 54, p. 782.) MFA Reference to patent of Hans Lehmann. 862. Exposure with autochromes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v. 54, p. 918.) MFA 863. Fairchild, Thomas J. Colour prints and transparencies. (British journal of photon London, June 21, 1907, v. 54, p. 473.) MFA Directions for producing greens and yellows from ordinary negatives. 864. Flower studies in colour. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v. 54, p. 822.) MFA Comments on Lumiére process. 865. Fraprie, Frank Roy. Simple color photography achieved. (American pho- tography, Boston, Aug., 1907, v.1, p. 59- 64.) MFA Brief description of autochrome, with formulas. 866. Frederking, H. Das neue Verfahren der Naturfarbenphotographie von A. und L. Lumiére. (Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, 1907, Bd. 322, p. 713-716.) VA YY oe COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY | 47 1907, continued. 867. Gamble, William. Colour photogra- phy by the Warner - Powrie screen - plate process. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 4, 1907, v. 54, p. 748-750.) MFA Chromographe Nachet- Geisler. illus. (Société francaise de pho- tographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 271-276.) MFA 869. Gill, William. Professional colour photography: does it pay? (British jour- nal of photography, London, May 3, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34.) MFA 870. Grant, Thomas K. The autochrome process. (Photographic journal, London, Dec., 1907, new series, v. 31, p. 395-401.) MFA Demonstration at the Royal Photographic Society. With discussion. 868. Geisler, Louis. 871. Gravier, Charles. Observations nou- velles sur les plaques autochromes. (So- cieté francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 475-476.) MFA 87 1a. La photographie des couleurs sur les plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 415-417.) MFA 872. Grills, E Notes on the pinatype process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 4, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 2-3.) MFA 873. Screen-plate colour photography by the Warner-Powrie process. illus. (British journal of photography, London, meyer t), 1907, v.54, p. 763-765.) MFA 874. The three-colour tissue process. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 17-18.) MFA 875. Guébhard, Adrien. Sur le procédé de photographie des couleurs de MM. A. & L. Lumiere. (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, Nov. 11, 1907, tome ek Dp. 792-795.) EO Suggests that by the application of the principle of reversal the chemical method used in Lumiére pro- cedure might be avoided. Brief abstract in British cose of photography, Nov. 29, 1907, v. 54, p. 898, 876. Sur le rdle de l’inversion dans le procédé de photographie des couleurs, de MM. A. et L. Lumiére. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 534-537.) MFA 877. Harberisser. Autochrome filters. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 25, 1907, v. 54, p. 816.) MFA 878. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. The spectrum and three-colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, April 26, 1907, v.54, p. 315-316.) MFA 879. An Interview with M. Louis Ducos du Hauron. port. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 4, 1907, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA 880. Ives, Frederic Eugene. A color screen color meter. (Franklin Institute. Jour- nal, Philadelphia, Dec., 1907, v. 164, p. 421- 423.) VA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 19, MFA. 881. Ives, Herbert Eugene. Improvements in the diffraction process of colour pho- tography. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v. 54, p. 89.) MFA Abstract of paper read before London and Provin- cial Photographic Association. 882.-——— :Chree-,color interference pic- tures. (Physical review, New York, Jan., 1907, v.24, p. 103-107.) PAA Also piited in British journal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v.54, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 10-12, MFA. 883. J.. C. A new method of colour pho- tography. (Nature, London, Oct. 24, 1907, v. 76, p. 642.) OA Warner-Powrie process. 884. Single-plate colour-photography. (Nature, London, Aug. 1, 1907, v.76, p. 317.) OA Simple account of the Lumiére process. 885. Jougla, J. Nouvelles plaques ‘“Omni- colore” reproduisant par développement toutes les couleurs de la nature. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 221-223.) MFA 886. ——- The omnicolore plate. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 46.) MFA 887. Klein, Henry Oscar. Ueber die Be- deutung richtiger Expositionsratia in der Dreifarbenphotographie. illus. (Jahrbuch fur Photographie und Reproductionstech- nik fir 1907, Halle a. S.) 1907, Jahegagr p. 88-91.) MFA Penrose ratiometer. 888. Koenig, Ernst. The keeping proper- ties of bathed plates. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. om Experiments with pinachrome and pinacyanol in semi-alcohol bath. 889. A new method for preparing three-colour transparencies. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 13.) MFA Uses pinatype process. 4g THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1907, continued. 890. Non-screen orthochromatic and panchromatic plates by bathing. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 18, 1907, v. 54, p. 786.) MFA Prepared from ordinary plates. 891. The permanency of pinatype prints. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1907, v.54, p.23.) MFA 892. The Krayn screen-plate. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 13, 1907, v. 54, p. 944.) MFA 893. The Krayn screen - plate process of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. ee San Francisco, Also printed in Camera craft, March, 1908, v. 15, p. 109, MFA. 894. Kruegener, R. Die neue Farbenpho- tographie von Auguste und Louis Lumiére in Lyon. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1907, Jahrg. 45, p. RI aN Also printed in Photographische Welt, Leipzig, 1907, Jahrg. 21, p. 113-115, 131-133, MFA. 895. Lasareff, P. Uber das Ausbleichen von Farbstoffen im sichtbaren Spektrum. (Annalen der Physik, Leipzig, 1907, Folge 4, Bd. 24, p. 661-671.) PAA Translation in British journal of photography, London, May 1, 1908, v.55, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 38-40, MFA. 896. Latest developments in screen - plate colour photography. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Sept. 13, 1907, v. 54, p. 688-691.) MFA Warner-Powrie process. Also printed@in American photography, Boston, Oct., 1907, v. 1, p. 186-192, MFA Abstract in Camera craft, San Francisco, Nov., 1907, v. 14, p. 503-504, MFA. 897. The Latest on Warner-Powrie. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 18, 1907, v. 54, p. 783.) MFA Experiments; also comparisons with Lumiére plates. 898. Lehmann, Johannes Moritz. Uber die direkten Verfahren der Farbenphotogra- phie nach Lippmann und Lumieére. illus. (Physikalische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1907, Jahrg. 8, p. 842-849.) PAA Also printed in Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, 1907, Jahrg. 5, p. 624-638, PAA. 899. Uber eine neue kornlose Platte fiir Lippmann-Photographie. (Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leip- zig, 1907, Bd. 5, p. 279-283.) PLC 900. Leiber, Ferdinand. A _ three-colour positive transparency process. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 84-85.) MFA -Glass transparencies process. by the triple subtractive 901. Le Roy, George A. Rectification des épreuves sur plaques autochromes. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 473.) MFA Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Feb. 7, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 11, MFA. 902. Vernis pour plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 472.) MFA Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Feb. 7, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 11, A, 903. Lueppo - Cramer. dyes. (British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 50.) MFA Deals with the action of dyes in hydrosols of the silver halides. 904. Zur Photochemie der Photoha- loide und Theorie der Poitevinschen Photochromie. (Photographische Korres- pondenz, Wien, 1907, Jahrg. 44, p. 376-382, 439-444.) MFA 905. Lumiére, Auguste, and Louris LUMIERE. Notice de MM. Lumiére sur le mode d’em- ploi des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 358-368.) MFA Full directions. 906. Lumiére, Auguste, and others. Methods of control in the development of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v.54, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 90-93.) MFA Also printed in American photography, Boston, Feb., 1908, v. 2, p. 93-102, MFA. 907. —— Sur le développement des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de pho- tographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 515-528.) MFA 908. The Lumiére autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 51-53, 65-68.) MFA Directions for manipulating. 909. Lumiéres Verfahren der Photographie in nattirlichen Farben mittels Autochrom- platten. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1907, Jahrg. 44, p. Sn, 910. Mackenstein, H. Déclenchement auto- matique des obturateurs par le déclic auto- matique H. B. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 386-387.) MFA 911. Mareschal, G. Photographie des cou- leurs par les plaques autochromes Lu- miére. (Photo-gazette, Paris, May 25, 1907, année 17, p. 121-123.) MFA The behaviour of ~ COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 49 1907, continued. 912. Martin-Duncan, F. Autochromes of nature subjects. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v. 54, p. 834-835.) MFA Abstract of lecture before the Blenheim Club. 913. The microscopic appearance of the Warner-Powrie plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 83-84.) MFA 914. Some notes on the microscopic appearance of the Lumiére autochrome plate. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 6, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 68-69.) MFA 915. Martiny, Gaston. Quelques consé- quences de l’emploi des plaques auto- chromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, July 25, 1907, année 17, p. 165-167.) MFA Difficulties to be overcome. 916. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. Mo- saic and linear colour plates. (British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 49-50.) MFA 917. Preparing colour-duplicates by the Warner-Powrie process. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 20, 1907, v. 54, p. 708-710.) MFA 918. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth, and J. H. Piepcr. Printing and copying from screen-plate colour negatives and posi- tives. (British journal of photography, Lendon, Oct. 4, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 75-76.) MFA 919. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth, and S. H. Wratten. Rapid filter blue. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Aug. 2, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 62.) MFA 920. Mente, Otto. Ueber die neue Omni- colore Platte. (Photographische Chronik, feape a, o., July 3, 1907, Jahre. 14, p. 334— 387%) +MFA 921. Millochau, G. Photography of the infra-red solar spectrum. (British journal of photography, London, May 17, 1907, v. 54, p. 364-365.) MFA 922. Monpillard, Félix. Ecrans colorés pour la microphotographie. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 177-179.) MFA 923. Natural colour photographs of inter- ference effects in glass under stress. (En- gineering, London, Jan. 11, 1907, v. 83, p. 56.) | VA Abstract in Photographic news, London, Jan. 25, 1907, v.51, p. 71, MFA. 924. Neuhauss, Richard. History of the bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v. 54, p. 262.) MFA States that process was used as early as 1899 by Liesegang. 925. —— A note by Dr. Neuhauss on the bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. 14-15.) MFA Refers to new paper introduced by Dr. J. H. Smith & Co. of Zurich. 926. Newton, A. J. The Warner-Powrie screen - plate from the photo - engraver’s point of view. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 27, 1907, v. 54, say 730- 731.) MFA 927. A Note on varnishing autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 15, 1907, v. 54, p. 859.) MFA 928. Obermayer, Albert, Edler von. Die Farbenphotographie nach dem Warner- Powrie-Verfahren. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1907, Jahrg. 44, p. 533-538.) MFA 929. Neuerungen in der Dreifarben- photographie. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Pho- tographie und Reproductionstechnik fir 1907, Halle a. S., 1907, Jahrg. 21, p. 129- 141.) MFA Brief abstracts of periodical articles. 930. One-plate colour processes. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 13.) MFA A review of patents issued. 931. Le Papier Uto pour obtention d’i- mages polychromes par décoloration. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 190-192.) MFA 932. Patents in colour-photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Aug. 30, 1907, v.54, p. 666, 681-682.) MFA Discussion between Frederic E. Ives and Otto Pfenninger as to patent priority of refraction com- pensator. 933. Payne, Arthur. Stereoscopic photog- raphy with autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, 1907, v. 54, p. 784-785, 803-804.) MFA 934. Pfaundler, Leopold. Ueber ein Mo- dell zur mechanischen Versinnbildlichung der MHeringschen Farbentheorie. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Repro- ductionstechnik fir 1907, Halle a. S., roe Jahrg. 21, p. 20-21.) "MF 935. The Pinatype process. (British jour- nal of photography, London, March 1, 1907, v.54, supplement, p. 23.) MFA Description of French patent 337,054. 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1907, continued. 936. Das Pinatype-Verfahren der Hochster Farbwerke. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Aug. 4, 1907, Jahrg. 14, p. 397 398.) +MFA 937. Piper, Charles Welborne. Duplicates of autochromes by contact printing and copying. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v.54, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 81-82.) MFA 938. Plauderei tiber die Farbenphotogra- phie nach Lumiére. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Aug. 18, 1907, Jahrg. 14, p. 423-425.) +MFA 939. Pledge, John H. Photo-micrographs of starch grains in the Lumiére auto- chrome plates. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 20, 1907, v. 54, no /2l,) MFA 940. Poirée, Georges. Méthode de photo- graphie des couleurs par analyse et synthése au moyen d’objectifs non achromatiques. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 61-66.) MFA Translation in British journal of photography, Lon- don, March 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 21-22, MFA. 941. A Precaution in the autochrome proc- ess. Securing white in autochromes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 11, 1907, v. 54, p. 761-762.) MFA 942. Precautions in the use of liquid col- our-filters. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, May 3, 1907, v. 54, p. Sieg FA 943. “Pyro-Reeb,” révélateur spécial pour plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 529-531.) MFA 944. Quentin, H. Comment on obtient une photographie. en couleurs. Procédés tri- chromes, méthodes par réseaux poly- chromes, procédé par dispersion spectrale. Paris: Ch. Mendel ,1907?;. 1 pl, 69 p. 1253 MFV 945. The mercury fog in interference photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 5, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 55.) MFA 946. The R. P. S. progress medal-award for colour photography. port. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 12.) MFA Award to E. Sanger Shepherd. 947. Raymond, R. Photography in col- ours by prismatic dispersion. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Jan. 4, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 5-6, 18-19.) MFA 948. Real color photography. (Outlook, New York, 1907, v. 87, p. nue *DA Autochromes. 949. Reducing three-colour negatives. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 6, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 71.) MFA “‘Sanzol”’ process. 950. Reeb, Henri. De l’estimation du temps de pose sur plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 490- 495.) MFA 951. Riley, Phil Madison. Color-photog- raphy near. A new one-plate process for the ordinary camera. (Photo-era, Boston, Dec., 1907, v.19, p. 307-309.) MFA Joly process. 952. Rothé, E Practice of Lippmann’s process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 4, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 3.) MFA Does away with mercury mirror. Method of work- ing is described. 953. Schmidt, Hans. Ueber Dreifarben- negative. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fir 1907, Halle a. S., 1907, Jahrg. 21, p. 10-13.) MFA 954. Screen-plate photography by the War- ner-Powrie process. (British journal of photography, London, 1907, v. 54, nee 707- 708, 730.) MFA 955. Sheppard, Samuel Edward. The col- our of dye solutions. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 25, 1907, v. 54, p. 819.) MFA 956. Sims, W. A. Three-colour printing process by means of the Rotary Photo- graphic Company’s films. (Photographic journal, London, Jan., 1907, new series, v. 31, p. 4-8.) MFA With discussion. 957. Smith, John H. The copying of col- our-screen plates on bleach-out paper. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 2, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. 62-63.) MFA 958. Direct colour-photography by the Smith screen plate. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 4, 1907, v. 54, p. 6.) MFA 959. Smith, John H., and W. MERCKENs. Ausbleichverfahren und direkte Farben- photographie. (Jahrbuch fir Photogra- phie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1907, Halle a. S., 1907, Jahre. 21) petite ee Szezepanik process. MFA 960. Some points in the manipulation of Lumiére’s autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 4, 1907, v.54, p. 746-747.) MFA COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 54 1907, continued. 961. Stark, J. Latente Fluoreszenz und optische Sensibilisation. (Physikalische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1907, Jahrg. 8, p. 248- Zou.) PAA Translation with comments in British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 44-46, MFA. 962. Steadman, Frank Morris. Color pho- tography with Lumiére autochrome plate. illus. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Sept., 1907, v. 14, p. 395-400.) MF Portraits of the inventors. 963. Stenger, Erich. Aus der Praxis der Dreifarbenphotographie.' (Photographische Kunst, Miinchen, 1905-06, Jahrg. 4, p. 161- 167, 201-207, 323-329, 361-365; 1906-07, Jahrg. 5, p. 173-179.) +MFA 964. Die Autochromplatte. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Photo- graphie, Leipzig, 1907, Bd..5, p. 372-382.) PLC 965. Film thickness and colour sensi- tiveness. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 13, 1907, v.54, p. 932-933.) MFA Brief abstract. Claims increasing color sensitive- ness with increasing thickness of film. 966. Lippmann-Photographie. (Photo- graphische Chronik, Halle a. S., Aug. 21, 1907, Jahrg. 14, p. 431-432.) +MFA 967. Three-colour cameras. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 8, 1907, v. 54, p. 99-100.) MFA Apparatus of Hans Schmidt and of M. Geisler. 968. Three-colour Lippmann photography. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 18, 1907, v.54, p. 36-37.) F Brief reference to Herbert E. Ives’ duplication. 969. Tilney, F. C. Colour reproduction from the point of view of the man in the street. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1907, v. 54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 41-42.) MFA 970. The “Times” on colour processes. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 20, 1907, v.54, p. 718.) MFA Account of exhibition in which Lumiére pictures are compared with some of the older processes. 971. Traube, Artur. Colored tones by the Traube iodide process. (British journal of photography, London, March 15, 1907, v. 54, p. 196-197.) MFA 972. Three-colour prints by the Traube iodide process. (British journal of pho- tography, London, April 5, 1907, v. 54, ‘Col. our photography supplement, Dp. 26-28) method of 973. Valenta, Eduard. Sensibilisierungs- versuche mit diversen Farbstoffen der Cyaningruppe. (Photographische Korre- spondenz, Wien, 1907, Jahrg. 44, p. 449- 450.) MFA Also ae in British journal of Ree London, Oct. 4, 1907, v.54, p. 751, MFA 974. Wall, Edward John. Another colour process. (Photographic news, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v. 52, p. 547.) MFA Brief description of the Krayn process. 975. Another three-colour printing process. (Photographic news, London, Sépt..6, 1907, ve5Z, p. 231.) MFA Lieber process. . 976. —— The circulating portfolios of the Society of Colour Photographers. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v. 54, p. 31-32.) MFA Coanments on work submitted by several colour photographers. 977. ——- Latent fluorescence and optical sensitising. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, June 7, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supplement, p. 45-46.) MFA Comments on paper by J. Stark. 978. (Photographic news, L907 ots 56) Os O50) Brief description. 979. The Lumiére autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 2, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. 57-58.) MFA 980. A new three-colour camera. (Photographic news, London, Jan. gee vanced Oe pea BRR Schmidt apparatus. —-— The Lumiére autochrome plate. London, July 19, MFA 981. ——- The omnicolore plate. (Photo- graphic news, London, May 10, 1907, v. 51, p. 379.) MFA 982. —— The Powrie-Warner colour proc- ess. (Photographic news, London, Oct. 4, 1907, v. 52, p. 329.) MFA Brief ese stom: 983. A review of the exhibition. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 4, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. an 5: MFA 984. A review of recent eae in col- our sensitising. (British journal of pho- tography, London, 1907, v.54, p. 365-367, 386-388, 406-407, 464-466.) MFA Footnote citations to a number of references. 985. A simpler method of working autochrome plates. (Photographic news, London, Nov. 8, 1907, v.52, p.451.) MFA Gravier process. 986. Some notable features of the Warner-Powrie process. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 20, 1907, v. 54, p. 710-711.) MF 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1907, continued. 987. —— Some notes on colour filter making. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 4, 1907, v.54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 4-5.) MFA 988. Three-colour carbon work. (Brit- ish journal:of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1907, v.54, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 9-10.) MFA 989. Three-colour Lippmann pictures. (Photographic news, London, Feb. 8, 1907, egal Ry. ceny) BO he MFA Ives process. 990. Three-colour negative-making as an evening amusement. (British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. nal Suggestion for a panchromatic flashlight. 991. Wallace, Robert James. Studies in sensitometry. illus. (Astrophysical jour- nal, Chicago, 1907, v.25, p. 116-150; v. 26, Dp. 298-325.) OMA 1: The daylight sensitometry of photographic plates, and a suggested standard dispersion piece. 2: Ortho- chromatism by bathing. 992. Wallon, Etienne. Appareil pour la photographie des couleurs par dispersion prismatique de M. Chéron. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p.537-542.) MFA 993. Paysages autochromes. (Photo- gazette, Paris, Oct. 25, 1907, année 17, p. 221-225.) MFA 994. La photographie des couleurs et les plaques autochromes. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1907, série 2, tome 23, p. 336-358.) MFA 995. La photographie des couleurs et les plaques autochromes; conférence faite devant la Société francaise de photogra- phie le 27 juin 1907, par E. Wallon; suivie d’une Notice sur le mode d’emploi des plaques autochromes, par MM. Lumiere. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1907. 39 p. table. 4°. MFF p.v.54, no.6 996. Watkins, Alfred. Actinometers and autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Nov. 1, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. 82-83.) MFA 997. Exposure of autochromes by ac- tinometer. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Nov. 15, 1907, v. 54, p. Ze 998. Wolf-Czapek, Karl Wilhelm. Einige Beitrage zur Autochromphotographie. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1907, Jahrg. 44, p. 461-464.) MFA 999, Einige Versuche mit der neuen Autochromplatte. (Photographische Chro- nik, Halle a. S., Sept. 1, 1907, Jahrg. 14, p. 447-448.) +MFA 1000. Experiments with the bleach- out printing process. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1907, v. 54, Colour photography supplement, p. coe 1001. .Naturfarbige Kopien auf Papier. (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, April, 1907, Jahrg. 21, p. 49-51.) MFA Uto paper. 1002. Worel, Karl. Direkte Farbenpho- tographie. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fir 1907, Halle S.,.1907, Jahre. 2) eo. ee MFA Describes Uto paper. 1003. ——- New-comers in colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, May 3, 1907, v. 54, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 36-37.) MFA Reviews recent advances. 1004. Wratten & Wainwright. M screens. (Nature, London, April 18, 1907, v.75, p. 592.) OA Reference to their booklet on photomicrography and plates supplied by them. 1005. A Year of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v.54, p. 918-919.) MFA 1908 1006. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie. A one-exposure three-colour camera. illus. (Photographic journal, London, Oct., 1908, new series, v. 32, p. 331-333.) MFA . Also Shea in British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography sup- plement, p. re MFA. 1007. Auerbach, Herbert. Ein kurzer Ueber- blick uber die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Photographie in nattirlichen Farben. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 15, p.295-298, 323-325, 339- 341, 347-349.) +MFA 1008. The Autochromes at the new gallery. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 25, 1908, v.55, p: 734-735.) MFA Comments on London exhibition. 1009. Balagny, Georges. Application du diamidophénol en liqueur acide au dé- veloppement des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 55- 58.) MFA 1010. Bayley, R. Child. Lantern slides of autochrome plates. (Camera craft, San Francisco, May, 1908, v.15, p. 177-180.). MFA 1011. Blackburn, H. E. Filters for three- plate color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Sept., 1908, v. 15, p. 335—- 342.) MFA ee COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 53 1908, continued. 1012. Brown, Edward Lumsden. On di- rect colour-photography by the Lumiére process. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions, Edinburgh, 1908, v. 18, p. 154-157.) VA 1013. Calmels, H. Ecrans colorés de Wratten and Wainwright pour ortho- chromatisme, trichromie, photomicrogra- phie, usages scientifiques. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 340-343.) MFA 1014. The Campbell anti-frilling dish. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA 1015. Carpentier, J. La photographie des couleurs par les plaques autochromes de MM. Lumiére fréres. (Société des ingé- nieurs civils de France. Mémoires, Paris, 1908, série 6, année 61, p. 962-972.) VDA 1016. Carrara, Achille. An improved non- screen panchromatic plate by bathing. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1907, v.54, supplement, p. 89-90; Jan. 3, 1908, v. 55, supplement, p. 7-8.) MFA 1017. Carter, Charles M. Painting and color photography. (American annual of photography for 1909, New York, 1908, v. 13, p. 41-42.) MFA 1018. Chaboseau, Robert. Observations sur l’emploi des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 349- 358.) MFA Abstracted in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Oct. 2, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supple- ment, MFA. ; 1019. Chéron, André. A modified appara- tus for the prismatic dispersion process. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 3-4.) MFA 1020. Chevrier, Henri. Montage des épreuves obtenues sur plaques auto- chromes. (Société francaise de photo- graphie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 257.) MFA 1021. Claudy, Carl Harry. The autochrome plate and the microscope. (Bulletin of pho- tography, Philadelphia, 1908, v.2, p. 105- 106, 125-126, 145-146.) +MFA 1022. Clifton, William E. A_ simplified system of developing autochromes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 14, 1908, v.55, p. 130-131.) MFA 1023. Colour in autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 9, 1908, v.55, p. 765.) MFA Editorial rejoinder to criticism of autochromes at the Salon. 1024. ,Colour photographs of rock sec- tions.; (Nature, London, Jan. 2, 1908, v. 77, p. 206.) OA Brief reference to Lumiére photographs taken by J. W. Patterson. 1025. Colour photography and _ crime. (British journal of photography, London, June 12, 1908, v. 55, p. 445.) MFA Reference to blood-stained garments photographed by autochrome process. 1026. Colour transparencies by artificial light. (British journal of photography, London, June 12, 1908, v. 55, p. 445.) MFA 1027. Corke, H. Essenhigh. The “Thames” one-exposure colour plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 20, 1908, v.55, p. 884-886.) MFA 1028. Courtellemont, G. Autochromes on tour. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, v.55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 46.) MFA A record of 1,300 pictures taken in the Near East. Brief reference to exposures required; also of de- velopment. 1029. Coustet, Ernest. Conseils pratiques sur lVemploi des plaques autochromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Feb. 25, 1908, année 18, p. 72-78.) 1030. La photographie en couleurs sur plaques a filtres colorés. Paris: B. Tignol 11908). viii, 91 p. 12°.. (Bibliotheque des actualités industrielles. no. 118.) MFV 1031. Le procédé Diachrome. (Photo- gazette, Paris, Sept. 25, 1908, année 18, p. 197-200.) MFA Traube’s process. 1032. Le temps de pose des plaques autochromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, April 25, 1908, année 18, p. 111-115.) MFA 1033. Crémier, Victor. Détermination du temps de pose pour autochromes. (Photo- gazette, Paris, Nov. 25, 1908, année 19, p. 5-15.) MFA 1034. Cundall, J. Tudor. Advances in color photography. (American photography, Boston, Aug., 1908, v. 2, p. 437-445.) MFA _ Paper read before the Edinburgh Photographic So- ciety. 1035. Dawson, Oliver S., and C. L. FInray. The examination of the positive of the Thames colour plate. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 96.) MFA 1036. A Development accessory for auto- chromes, panchromatic plates, etc. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 16.) MFA Developing tank of Messrs. Beck. 1037. The Development of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 79-80.) MFA 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1908, continued. 1038. Didier, Léon. Pinatype prints from autochrome and other screen-plate trans- parencies. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, May 1, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 35-37.) MFA 1039. Dillaye, Frédéric. Autochromes of bluish tones. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 20, 1908, v.55, p. ae1.) MFA 1040. Doncaster, E. D. The latest im- provements and applications of the Sanger-Shepherd process of colour-pho- tography. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, March 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 20.) MFA Abstract. 1041. Dowier, Charles A. Acid amidol for the development of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 32.) MFA 1042. Downes, William Howe. of the autochrome process upon art. (Photo-era, Boston, Jan., 1908, v. 20, p. 41- 42.) MFA 1043. Drake-Brockman, H. G. Autochrome photography for the tourist. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 47-48.) MFA Suggestions as to developing equipment. 1044. Blueness with autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, May 8, 1908, v. 55, p. 371.) MFA 1045. Yellow light for the develop- ment of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. rer 1046. The Dufay screen-plate process. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 51- 52.) MFA 1047. Dye mordants. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, p. 110.) MFA 1048. Edgson, Hugh. Washing autochrome plates. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 3, 1908, v.55, supple- ment, p. 32.) MFA Influence 1049. Emery, C. F. Autochrome plates in landscape work. (British journal of pho- tography, London, June 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 48.) MFA: Inquires why tones are colder in early summer than in September. 1050. The “Ensign” clock for autochrome development. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 56.) MFA 1051. The Exhibition of colour photogra- phy. (British journal of photography, London, June 12, 1908, v.55, p. 449.) MFA Second exhibition of the Society of Colour Photog- raphers. 1052. Exposure with autochromes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 10-11.) MFA 1053. Fabry, Charles. La photographie des couleurs. (Société scientifique indus- trielle de Marseille. Bulletin, Marseille, 1908, année 36, fascicule unique, p. 7-21.) “ VA 1054. Ferrars, Max. Die Autochrom- Platte von Lumiére. (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, Jan., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 2.) MFA Suggestions for exposure. 1055. Weitere Erfahrungen mit der Autochromplatte. (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, Jan., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 3-4.) MFA 1056. Finlay, C. L. ;The Thames colour- screen plate.; (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 17, 1908, v. 55, eee With discussion. 1057. Gimpel, Léon. Autochromes from autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 7, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 61.) MFA 1058-1059. Reproduction sur plaques autochromes des épreuves obtenues sur ses mémes plaques. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Oct. 25, 1908, année 18, p. 222-225.) MFA Also in Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 317-320, MFA. 1060. Goerz. Chassis spécial pour plaques autochromes de Lumiére. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 308-310.) MFA 1061. Goldberg, E. Farbenphotographie und Farbendruck. Leipzig: Deutscher Buchgewerbeverein, 1908. 84p.,12pl. 16°. (Monographien des Buchgewerbes... Bd. jy MFV La photogra- 1062. Goldschmidt, Robert. phie des couleurs. (Université ;libre; de Bruxelles. Revue, Bruxelles, 1908, année 13, p. 317-336.) * EM Also printed in Société chimique de Belgique. Bulletin, Gand, 1908, v. 22, p. 20-37, PKA. 1063. Goutcher, A. Winton. The fixing bath in autochrome work. (British jour- nal of photography, London, March 20, 1908, v. 55, p. 227.) MFA 1064. Grant, Thomas K. Autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 20, 1908, v.55, p. 895-896.) MFA Lecture before the Croydon Camera Club. Discusses exposure, intensification, and avoidance of spots. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 55 1908, continued. 1065. Gravier, Charles. . Daylight develop- ment of autochromes by the Gravier method. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 10, 1908, v. 55, p. 34, Colour photography supplement, Jan. 3 1908, p. 34.) MFA 1066. Gray, Edward. An amateur’s first experience with autochrome plates. (Cam- _ era craft, San Francisco, April, 1908, v. 15, p. 132-134.) MFA 1067. Grimsehl, E. Ein eigentiimlicher stereoskopischer Effekt. illus. (Physika- lische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1908, Jahrg. 9, p. 109-110.) PAA Professor von Rohr comments upon this effect in Physikalische Zeitschrift, 1908, Jahrg. 9, p. 201-202. There is a translation of these two contributions in British journal of photography, April 24, 1908, v. 55, p. 328-329, with comments on p. 338, 350, MFA. “Interesting, not only because it suggests a pretty way of obtaining stereoscopic diagrams, but also be- cause it may explain why the coloured starch grains are sometimes so noticeable when viewing autochrome pictures in the stereoscope.”’ 1068. Guébhard, Adrien. Ueber den Lu- miéreschen photographischen Farbenpro- zess. illus. (Jahrbuch fir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 164-167.) MFA 1069. Holme, Charles, editor. Colour pho- tography, and other recent developments of the art of the camera. London, Paris and New York: Offices of “The Studio,” 1908. 4 p.1.,9(1) p., 113 pl. (18 col’d.). 4°. +MFV 1070. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. The colour properties of the autochrome plate and the processes of producing auto- chromes. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v. 55, Col- our photography supplement, p. 82-85.) MFA 1071. The colours of the autochrome pictures in regard to their production. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 93-95.) MFA 1072. Die Farbenphotographie. (Pho- tographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 446-450.) MFA Names various characteristics of the autochrome plate. 1073. On the sensitiveness of the auto- chrome plate. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 3, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 30.) MFA 1074. Temperature in development. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 88.) MFA 1075. —— The theory of the autochrome plate. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Jan. 3, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 5-7.) MFA 1076. Zur Charakteristik der modern- en Farbenphotographie. illus. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 496-502.) MFA 1077. Husnik, Jaroslav. Meine Erfahr- ungen mit Lumiéres Autochromplatten. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 49-57.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 20, MFA. 1078. Ueber die gleichmassige Far- benempfindlichkeit bei Autochromplatten. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Repro- ductionstechnik fiir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 127-128.) MFA 1079. Intensification of the autochrome. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 76.) MFA Suggests Monkhoven’s silver cyanide process. 1080. Ives, Herbert Eugene. An experi- mental study of the Lippmann color pho- tograph. (Astrophysical journal, Chicago, 1908, v.27, p. 325-352.) OMA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1908, v.55, p. 942-944, 965-967, 979-982, MFA, and in Zeitschrift fir wissenschaftliche Pho- tographie, Leipzig, 1908, v. 6, p. 373-406, PLC. 1081. Jones, Chapman. Autochrome plates. (Knowledge & scientific news, London, May, 1908, new series, v. 5, p. 104.) OA Method of intensifying apparently useless plates. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 46, MFA. 1082. Kinematography in natural col- ours. (Nature, London, May 7, 1908, v. 78, p. 21 OA Brief account of G. Albert Smith’s method. 1083. The photography of colour. (Science progress, London, 1908, v. 2, p. 349-368. ) OA An excellent historical article. 1084. Jones, T. H. Simplified development of autochromes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Feb. 28, 1908, v.55, p 17) MFA 1085. Juhl, Ernst. A Hamburg view of the work of Miller and the Hofmeisters. (British journal of photography, London, Octé. 2;- 19080 555, pi 752-753a,) MFA 1086. Koenig, Ernst. Die Autochrom- Photographie und die verwandten Dreifar- benraster-Verfahren. Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1908. 3 p.1., 60 p. 8°. (Photographische Bibliothek. Bd. 23.) MFV 1087. Laurvik, John Nilsen. The new color photography. illus. (International studio, New York, 1908, v. 34, p. xxi-xxiii.) fMAA We THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1908, continued. 1088. Law, E. F. Application photography to metallography. Steel Institute. Journal, London, v. 76, p. 151-154.) With discussion. For comments see British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 54, MFA. 1089. Lehmann, Johannes Moritz. Ad- vances in the taking, viewing, and projec- tion of the Lippmann colour photographs. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1908, v.55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 2-3.) MFA Editorial comment is appended. 1090. of colour (Iron and 1908, VHA The Purkinje phenomenon in photographic plates. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. a 1091. Ueber die Abstimmung der Lippmann - Platte. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. as 164.) MF 1092. Lenses for colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 24.) MFA Homocentric lenses from Ross, Ltd. 1093. Liesegang, Raphael Ed. Zur Ge- schichte der Farbenrasterfilms. (Jahr- buch fiir Photographie und Reproductions- technik ftir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 147-151.) MFA 1094. Limmer, Fr. Uber Farbenausbleich- papiere. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. uate A 1095. Litchfield, Charles. Exposure in autochrome work and the use of different compensation filters. (British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, pre 1096. Locquin, René. Autochromes by artificial light. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Oct. 2, 1908, v. 55, Col- our photography supplement, p. lee eg Recommends a blue viewing screen between the autochrome and the source of light. 1097. ——- Simplifying the handling of autochrome plates. (Bulletin of photog- raphy, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1908, v. 3, p. 259.) +MFA 1098. Lohmeyer, R. The gradation of plates in different colored lights. (British journal of photography, London, May 1, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 40.) MFA 1105. 1099. Lumiére, Auguste, and Louis LuMIERE. Chromodiascope. Appareil pour la vision des photographies polychromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 486-487.) MFA 1100. A new method of developing autochrome plates. (American photogra- phy, Boston, July, 1908, v. 2, p. ag A 1101. Lumiére, Auguste, and _. others. Screen-plate processes of colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, v. 55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 45-46.) MFA 1102. Ueber die Entwicklung der Autochromplatten. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 179- 188.) MFA Also printed in Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 197-207, MFA. 1103. Luther, R. Some points in stereo- scopic photography with the autochrome plate. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 85-87.) MFA 1104. McIntosh, J. Along the Thames with the autochrome plate. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Sept. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 65-66. ) MFA Interview in which the author gives some details of development. The light filter in autochrome photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 88.) MFA Takes exception to statements of Alfred Watkins in above journal, Oct. 2, 1908, v.55, supplement, p. 4, 1106. Mareschal, G. La cuvette “Marbach” pour développement en plein jour des plaques autochromes. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 289-291.) MFA 1107, Emploi de plaques autochromes en voyage. (Photo-gazette, Paris, May 25, 1908, année 18, p. 130-131.) MFA Experiences of Gervais-Courtellemont. 1108. Nouvelle méthode de développe- ment des plaques autochromes. (Photo- gazette, Paris, June 25, 1908, année 18, p. 152-1590) MFA 1109. Marriage, Ernest. Autochrome lan- tern slides. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Dec. 16, 1908, v. 55, p. AT FA ‘ ae for correcting deficiency of blue in lime- ight Also printed in Camera craft, May, 1909, v. 16, p. 187, MFA. 1110. Martin-Duncan, F. The autochrome plate applied to natural science. (Photo- graphic journal, London, April, 1908, new series, v. 32, p. 172-178.) MFA COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 57 1908, continued. 1111. The autochrome plate in natural science. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 1.) MFA Suggestions for working plates in a biological lab- oratory. 1112. Massiot, G. Matériel complet pour la projection des vues en couleurs sur plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 207-208.) MFA 1113. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. The construction of one-exposure cameras for three-colour photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 58-60.) MFA Abstract of paper read before the Royal Photo- graphic Society. 1114. rA one - exposure three - colour camera.; illus. (Photographic journal, London, July, 1908, new series, v. 32, p. 276-280.) MFA 1115. - The photography of coloured objects in principle and practice. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1908, v. 55, p. 735-737, 754-756, 770-772, MFA > 788-791.) 1116. —— Screen-plate colour photogra- phy. (Society of Arts. Journal, London, Jan. 17, 1908, v. 56, p. 195-205.) VA With discussion. Abstracted in British journal of photography, Lon- ce. 1908, v. 55, p. 41-42, supplement, p. 12-15, 1117. Some measurements of Uto paper. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 6, 1908, v. 55, Col- our photography supplement, p. re ape 1118. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth, and S. H. Wratten. Plates sensitised with di- cyanin and photography of the infra-red. illus. (Photographic journal, London, Jan., 1908, new series, v. 32, p. 25-37.) MFA 1119. A Modified’ method for the assem- bling of three-colour prints on rotary stripping film. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, May 1, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 37.) MFA Use of carbon-stripping films supplied by Rotary Photographic Co., Ltd. 1120. Monpillard, Félix. Methods of de- velopment and after-treatment. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 49-51.) MFA As applied to autochrome positive. 1121. Observations sur la technique des manipulations des plaques auto- chromes. (Société francaise de photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 231-242.) MFA 1122. Munro, L. Walker. Screen - plate processes. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Jan. 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 8.) MFA Appreciation of the Warner-Powrie process. 1123. Namias, Rodolfo. The preparation of non- filter orthochromatic plates by bathing. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 52.) MFA Experiments with Konig’s formula. 1124. Eine Neue Lumiéresche Farbraster- platte. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 372-373.) MFA 1125. The New lLumiére screen - plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1908, v.55, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 57-58.) MFA Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, Oct., 1908, v. 21, p. 196-197, MFA. 1126. A New Lumiére screen-plate process. (British journal of photography, London, July 24, 1908, v.55, p. 557-558.) MFA Abstract of French patent no. 386,147. 1127. Obermayer, Albert, Edler von. Zur Farbenphotographie. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstech- nik fir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 223-232.) MFA Principally devoted to Warner-Powrie process. 1128. Peaucellier, A. An exposure meter for autochromes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 27.) MFA 1129. Permanganate stains on _ auto- chromes. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, June 19, 1908, v. 55, p. 465.) MFA 1130. Personnaz, Antonin. A propos des autochromes. (Société francaise de pho- tographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 179-183, 368-378.) MFA Time of exposure and development for outdoor work. 1131. Poulenc Fréres. Lanterne spéciale pour plaques autochromes, construite par les Etablissements Poulenc. illus. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 487-488.) MFA 1132. Power, H. D’Arcy. Autochrome notes. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Jan., 1908, v. 15, p. 31-33.) MFA Various suggestions for working. 1133. Color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, 1908, v. 15, p. 311, 353; 1909, v. 16, p. 29, 73-74, 186-187, 321, 369.) Notes on progress. MFA 1134. The Lumiére autochrome plate. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Jan., 1908, v. 15, p. 20-23.) MFA 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1908, continued. 1135. A new color plate. (Camera crait, San Francisco, June, 1908, v. 15, p. 229-230.) MFA 1136. A new method of developing autochrome plates. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Sept., 1908, v.15, p. eta be Lumiére’s new instructions. sas We Progress in autochrome color work. (Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1908, v. 15, p. 228.) MFA 1138. Screen-plate color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, March, 1908, v. 15, p. 110-111.) MFA An epitome of opinions on development of auto- chromes. 1139. Simplified development of auto- chromes. (Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1908, v.15, p. 215-216.) MF 1140. Powrie, John H. The Warner- Powrie process of screen plate colour photography. illus. (Photographic jour- nal, London, Jan., 1908, new series, v. 32, p. 3-10.) MFA Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Dec. 6, 1907, v. 54, p. 928-929, MFA. 1141. Rawlins, G. E. H. Persulphate v. permanganate as the reversing solution for autochromes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, June 5, 1908, v.55, Col- our photography supplement, p. Ss Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, Sept., 1908, v. 21, p. 109-111, MFA. 1142. Raymond, R. Paper prints from autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v.55, p.97- 98.) MFA 1143. Removing black spots from auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 96.) MFA 1144. Rockwood, George A. Color pho- tography direct in the camera — impres- sions of a veteran professional. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, July 8, 1908, v. 3, p. 30-31.) +MFA Autochrome process. 1145._S.,_J. C. The autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 72.) MFA Deals with sulphide toning. 1146. Sacco, Giulio. Aberrazioni e rifles- sioni nocive prodotte dai filtri di luce negli apparechi fotografica. illus. (Reale ac- cademia delle scienze di Torino. Atti, To- rino, 1907-08, v.43, p. 767-782, 856-874.) Translated abstract in British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 2, 1909, v. 56, p. 53-56, MFA. (1151. Schmidt, Hans. 1147. Schaum, Karl. On the colour of un- toned photographic films. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Feb. 28, 1908, ¥.55, D.15/—158,) 1148. Scheffer, W. Mikroskopische Unter- suchungen der Autochromplatten. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Repro- ductionstechnik ftir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrgicz2s 0: 96-110.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-27, MFA, 1149, Stripping iutcehre ment (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 87-88.) MFA 1150. Schinzel, Karl. Methoden der Kata- chromie. (Chemiker Zeitung, Cothen, July 11, 1908, Jahrg. 32, p. 665-668.) tt VOA Translation in British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1908, v.55, supplement, p. 61-64, under the title: Suggested catalytic methods of screen- plate photography. Das Dreifarben- raster-Verfahren der Deutschen Raster Gesellschaft. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 95-96.) MFA 1152. Sheppard, Samuel Edward. On the optical and sensitising properties of the isocyanin dyes. (Photographic journal, London, Aug., 1908, new series, v. 32, p. 300- 318.) MFA Latter part of paper in British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 4, 1908, v.55, p. 678-681, MFA. 1153. Shivas, E. The autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA Complains that his blacks are blues. suggestions. 1154. Simmen, Charles. An amidol for- mula for development of autochromes by inspection. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p.9-10.) MFA 1155. Possibilité de développer les plaques autochromes en lumiére rouge, jaune ou verte. Variation de leur sensi- bilité. Appréciation du temps de pose. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 36— 43.) MFA 1156. Smillie, Thomas W. Recent prog- ress in color photography. illus. (Smith- sonian Institution. Annual report nah . Washington, 1908, p. 231-237.) 1157. Smith, G. Albert. Animated noe graphs in natural colours. (Royal Society of Arts. Journal, London, Dec. 11, 1908, v.57, p. 70-76.) VA With discussion. Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Dec. 18, 1908, v.55, p. 960-961, MFA, and in Nature, London, Jan. 14, 1909, v.79, p. 314, OA. Editorial MFA . COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 59 1908, continued. 1158. Smith, John H. Leuco dyes v. the bleach-out process. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. ie 1159. Sensitisers and desensitisers for bleach-out dyes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v.55, Col- our photography supplement, p. pee: 1160. The “Uto” bleach-out process. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 68-69.) MFA 1161. Spots on autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 95.) MFA aise printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Jan., 1909, v. 16, p. 29-30, MFA. 1162. Stained hands in autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 6, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 87.) MFA 1163. Steichen, Eduard J. Colour photog- raphy. illus. (Camera work, New York, 1908, no. 22, p. 13-24.) +MFA 1164. Colour photography with the autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, April 17, 1908, v. a p. 300-302.) MF Notes on development and artificial lighting. 1165. Stenger, Erich. The Krayn screen- plate process. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 6, 1908, v. 55, Col- our photography supplement, p. Beare 1166. Linienrasterplatten ftir Farben- photographie. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Feb. 16, 1908, Jahrg. 15, p. 87- 90.) +MFA 1167. Mosaic or line screen - plates from three-colour negatives. (British journal of photography, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 30-31) 1168. Die Transparenz der neuen Farb- rasterplatten. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., April 15, 1908, Jahrg. 15, p. 193- 194.) . MFA 1169. Stenger, Erich, and Frrpinanp LEI- BER. On the preparation of copies of screen-plate transparencies. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 69-72, 76-79.) MFA 1170. The preparation of paper prints from autochrome plates by means of the leuco bases. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 1, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 34-35.) ) 1171. Stieglitz, Alfred. Formalin for ob- viating the frilling of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 53-54.) MFA 1172. Stobbe, Hans. Die Photochemie organischer Verbindungen. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahre. 14, p. 473-483.) PKA 1173. Stolze, F. Belichtungsverhaltnisse fur Dreifarbenfilter. illus. (Photo- graphische Chronik, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 15, p. 379-380.) MFA 1174. ——— Farbenerscheinungen bei Gela- tineemulsionen. (Photographische Chro- nik, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 15, p. 431-432.) +MFA 1175. Szczepanik, Jan. Transformation photographs on autochrome plates. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 80.) MFA 1176. The Thames colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, 1908, v. 55, p. 765, 802; Colour photography supple- ment, p. 24, 72.) MFA 1177. The Thames one-exposure colour process. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Dec. 4, 1908, v. 55, Col- our photography supplement, p. eneriy 1178. Thieme, Paul: Alcohol as an after- bath in colour-sensitising dry plates. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 29-30.) MFA Describes a variation of procedure recommended by Valenta for rapid bath-sensitising of gelatine plates. 1179. Three-colour filters. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, p. 111-112.) MFA Several questions answered editorially and formulas for red, green, and blue given. 1180. Tilney, F. C. Exhibition of photo- graphic pictures in colours by T. and O. Hofmeister and H. W. Miller. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1908, v.55, p. 752-753.) MFA 1181. Where we stand in pictorial col- our photography. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Sept. 4, 1908, v. 55, Col- our photography supplement, p. 66-68.) MFA 1182. Torchon, Paul. A new method of developing autochrome plates. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Aug. 19, 1908, v. 3, p. 117-118.) +MFA Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, Nov., 1908, v. 21, p. 222-223, MFA. 1183. —— Sulphide toning in autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1908, v.55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 60.) MFA 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1908, continued. 1184. Traut, H. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Dreifarbenphotographie. (Photo- graphische Chronik, Halle a. S., Jan. 26, 1908, Jahrg. 15, p. 49-54.) +MFA ee the work of Joseph Alberts from 1874 to 1185. Tschoerner, Ludwig. Uber Otto Pfenningers Photographien in nattrlichen Farben. illus. (Photographische Korres- pondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 496- 502.) MFA 1186. L’Unichrome. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, Colour photography supplement, p. 47.) MFA A universal developer especially designed for auto- chrome plates. 1187. Valenta, Eduard. Experiments on the sensitising power of some new dyes. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-32.) MFA 1188. Two varnish formulae. (British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 20.) MFA 1189. —— Uber die Autochromeplatte. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1908, Jahrg. 45, p. 24-29.) MFA Description and development directions. 1190. Zur Kenntnis der Autochrom- platten. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 143-145.) MFA 1191. Van Deventer, J. G. The Warner- Powrie method. (Nature, London, Aug. 20, 1908, v. 78, p. 376.) OA Abstract. 1192. Wall, Edward John. A diagramma- tic explanation of the autochrome process. illus. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v.55, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 55-56.) MFA 1193. A green-light carbon. illus. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 28-29.) MFA 1194. The H. & D. number of the auto- chrome plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1908, v.55, Colour photography stipplement, ©. 56.) MFA 1195. The Society of Colour Photog- raphers’ exhibition. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 41.) MFA 1196. Wallace, Robert James. The auto- chrome plate. (Popular astronomy, Northfield, Minn., 1908, v. 16, p. 83-91.) OMA Partial reprint in British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1908, v.55, Colour photography supplement, p. 21-23, MFA. Gives results of precise measurements, 1197. ——- The function of a color - filter and isochromatic plate in astronomical photography. (Astrophysical journal, Chi- cago, 1908, v.27, p. 106-124.) OMA 1198. Wallon, Etienne. Autochromie et tri- chromie. (Société francaise de photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, 1908, série 2, tome 24, p. 381-402.) MFA Also printed in Photo-gazette, Paris, Dec. 25, 1908, année 19, p. 23-30, MFA. 1199. Warburg, J. C. Monsieur Meys’ autochrome pictures. (British journal of photography, London, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34, tha Description of exhibition at Cannes. 1200. Ward, John J. A remedy for flat autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Jan. 3, 1908, v. 55, p. te 1201. The Warner - Powrie screen - plate. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 72.) MFA 1202. Watkins, Alfred. The light filter in autochrome photography. (British jour- ~ nal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. 96.) MFA 1203: A simple autochrome method. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1908)over5o) se alone photography supplement, p. 7374 4.) MFA Suggestions for exposure and development. Also printed in Bulletin of photography, Philadel- phia, Nov. 4, 1908, v. 3, p. 293-296, *MFA, and Photo-era, Boston, Feb., 1909, v. 22, p. 83-89, MFA. 1204. The Watkins special Bee meter for autochrome plates, made by the Watkins Meter Co., Hereford. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1908, v. 55, Colour photography supplement, p. ee 1205. Worel, Karl. Das Verfahren mit den Autochromplatten der Gebrtider Lumiére. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1908, Halle a. S., 1908, Jahrg. 22, p. 49-53.) MFA 1206. Zeiss autochrome accessories. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Jan. 10, 1908, v. 55, p. 30-31.) MFA Reference to camera and to carrier for light filter. 1909 1207. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie. Exposures for colour negatives. (Photo- graphic journal, London, Oct., 1909, new series, v. 33, p. 341-342.) MFA Also pented in British journal of photography London, Jan. 7, 1910, v. 57, p. 2-3, Mrd : COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 61 1909, continued. 1208. Adan, R. Nouveau procédé d’obten- tion de plaques, pour la photographie des couleurs, de M. Szczepanik. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 331-333.) MFA 1209. Alcide Ducos du Hauron. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 80.) MFA Obituary notice. 1210. The Aurora colour plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 23.) MFA 1211. Autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, March 26, 1909, wD, P. 257.) MFA Brief reference to reduction in price. 1212. Bayley, R. Child. Color plates com- pared. illus. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1909, v. 4, p. 89-90.) +MFA Comparison of Thames and Omnicolore plates. 1213. ——- Comparisons of colour screen- plates. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 29, 1909, v.56, p.89.) MFA Praises the autochrome. 1214. The complete photographer. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909. aye 410 po. 1 1, 60 pl., 5 ports. 3. ed. illus. Se. MFE Clear account of autochrome principle, p. 283-291. 1215. Reproduction par contact et par réduction des chromotypes sur plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photo- graphie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 325-329.) 1216. Bennett, Colin N. The Thames plate as a fix-out process. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 57-59.) MFA Non-reversal duplication process. ee ae Thames plates and colour ad- justments. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 89-90.) MFA 1218. The Bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 88.) MFA Refers to German patent no. 209993 of Dr. H. Stobbe. 1219. Bordeaux, Jules. La photographie et les couleurs. (Revue générale, Bru- xelles, 1909, v. 90, p. 905+922.) * DM 1220. Bourke, Walter. An autochrome ex- perience. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 17, 1909, v. 56, p. 735.) MFA Asks why the color disappeared from an auto- chrome plate after having been finished in the usual way. Answers from three correspondents in above journal, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 80. 1221. Bourrée, M. H. Practical notes on the autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 22.) MFA Directions for developing, reducing, and drying. 1222. Calmels, H. Nouveaux écrans colo- rés de Wratten and Wainwright, Ltd. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 409- 410.) MFA 1223. Carr, Sydney Herbert. The intensi- fication of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, pag 1224. Chéron, André. Appareil pour la photographie et la projection en couleurs par sélection trichrome. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p.117-121.) MFA Also printed in Photo-gazetie, Paris, April 25, 1909, année 19, p. 109-112, MFA. 1225. —— A portable camera for one-ex- posure colour photography. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v.56, Colour photography supplement, p. 20-21.) MFA 1226. Collodion emulsion. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Sept. 17, 1909, v. 56, p. 730.) MFA Tells how to avoid spots. 1227. Colour photography at the Dresden Exhibition. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 41-42.) MFA 1228. Comley, Henry J. Color photogra- phy. (In: J. B. Schriever, Complete self- instructing library of practical photogra- phy. Seranton, 1909, 8°). vi8)p. hse Detailed instructions for autochromes, three-color photography, and pinatype. 1229. Corke, H. Essenhigh. Studio por- traiture with the Thames plate. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 65-66.) MFA 1230. ——- Uto prints from the Thames plates. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v. 56, p. are 1231. Coustet, Ernest. Les plaques omni- colores. illus. (Photo-gazette, Paris, April 25, 1909, année 19, p. 101-108.) MFA Details of exposure and development. 1232. Crémier, Victor. Pour les débutants “Autochromistes.” (Photo-gazette, Paris, Sept. 25, 1909, année 19, p. 190-195.) MFA Exposure and development. 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1909, continued. 1233. Some essential points in the autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. oe 1234. Sur la traduction des couleurs par la plaque “autochrome.” (Photo- ‘ gazette, Paris, Nov. 25, 1909, année 20, p. 4-12.) MFA 1235. Dalmas, R., comte de. Produit pour inversion des plaques autochromes en voyage. (Société francaise de _photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 102-103.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 40, MFA. 1236. Damry, A. On the intensification of autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 5.) MFA 1237. Daur, Guido. Mixtures of dyes. as sensitisers of gelatine plates. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, 1909, v. 56, p. 572-575, 592-595, 610-612, 630-633, 649-652.) MFA An abridged translation of thesis presented at the University of Munster. 1238. Developing panchromatic plates. (British journal of photography, London, July 16, 1909, v. 56, p. 546.) MFA Brief reference to acid developer for red sensitive plates. German patent granted to R. Krayn. 1239. Devices for the automatic demonstra- tion of facts of light, colour, and photog- raphy. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, 1909, v.56, p. 476-480, 499- 501.) MFA Devices used by Dr. Goldberg at the Dresden Exhi- bition. 1240. Dillaye, Frédéric. Le développe- ment surveillé des plaques autochromes. illus. (In his: Les nouveautés photo- graphiques 1909. Paris, 1909. 8°. p. 108—- 117.) MFA 1241. Exposé et critique d’un nouveau mode de traitement des plaques auto- chromes. (In his: Les nouveautés photo- graphiques 1909. Paris, 1909. 8°. p.117- 124.) MFA 1242. D’Osmond, H. Le portrait instan- tané sur autochromes. illus. (Photo- gazette, Paris, June 25, 1909, année 19, p. 141-146.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, p. 60-61, MFA. 1243. Drake - Brockman, H. G. Auto- chromes and extremes of contrast. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1909, ment, p. 73.) Also printed in Photo-gazette, Paris, 1910, année 20, p. 86-89, MFA. March 25, v. 56, Colour photography supple- — MFA > 1244. The Dufay dioptichrome screen- plates. (British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 39.) MFA 1245. Engelken. Ozo-pinatype in mono- chrome and colour photographs. (British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photeg are supple- ment, p. 36-37.) MFA 1246. Facsimile reproduction of coloured originals. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, April 23, 1909, v. 56, p. sae Editorial comment that Dr. Mees’s book omits a certain process. Dr. Mees answers in the issue of April 30, 1909, v. 56, p. 348. 1247. The Fading of the autochrome col- our screen. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, July 9, 1909, v. 56, p. ga | 1248. Farbige Kinematographen - Aufnah- men (Kinemacolor). (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 120- 1Zi3) MFA 1249. Farmer, Howard. The reproduction of autochromes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Col- our photography supplement, p. seeks 1250. Fenske, E. The Aurora colour filter- plate. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 32.) MFA 1251. —— A method of producing positives direct on gelatine plates. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, Rank 1252. Flashlight autochrome portraits. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA Method of Mr. B. J. Falk. 1253. Forestier, E. Photographie des cou- leurs. Trichromie. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Oct. 25, 1909, année 19, p. 208-212.) MFA Geisler process. 1254. Four-colour stereoscopic photogra- phy. illus. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Jan. 29, 1909, v. 56, p. eels, British patent no. 28764 of 1907. For comments see issue of Feb. 25, 1909, v. 56, p. 98 1255. Frank, Max. Die Farbenphotogra- phie auf der Dresdener Ausstellung. (Pho- tographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Oct. 13, 1909, Jahrg. 16, p. 513-515.) +MFA 1256. Friedburg, L. H. Ueber die Photo- graphie in Farben. illus. (Technologist, New York, 1909, v. 14, p. 137-157.) VA Historical. WE i, ne 3 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY rar) 1909, continued. 1257. Fritz, Felix. A suggested modifica- tion of the Krayn screen-plate. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 8. MFA 1257a. Gargam de Moncetz. Formule de sensibilisation chromatique pour le rouge extréme et le commencement de l’infra rouge. (Académie des sciences. Comptes “ieee Paris, Nov. 15, 1909, tome 149, rT) 851-852.) * EO 1258. Gebhard, Kurt. Eine Bemerkung zum Ausbleichverfahren. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, Feb., 1909, Bd. 46, MFA p. 63-65.) 1259. Nachtrag zur Theorie des Aus- bleichverfahrens. (Photographische Kor- poet, Wien, Dec., 1909, Bd. 46, p. 557.) MFA 1260. Notiz zum Ausbleichverfahren. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, June, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 280.) MFA 1261. Zur Theorie des Ausbleichens organischer Farbstoffe. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, April, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 185-186.) MFA 1262. Zur Theorie des Ausbleichver- fahrens. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 457-470, 508- Sly, 553-557.) MFA 1263. Gephard, Karl. A contribution to the chemistry of the bleach-out process. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-32.) MFA 1264. Gilchrist, Charles A. Color photog- raphy. illus. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, 1909, v. 4, p. 379-380; v. 5, p. 8-9, 38-41.) +MFA General article. 1265. The Goerz autochrome dark - slide. illus. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v.56, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 24.) MFA 1266. Goldsmith, Alfred Norton. Modern practice in color photography. (School of Mines quarterly, New York, 1909, v. 30, p. 130-138.) OA 1267. Gravier, Charles. des couleurs simplifiée. de photographie. Bulletin, série 2, tome 25, p. 411-412.) Simplification of autochrome procedure. 1268. A Half - guinea autochrome outfit. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 24.) MFA Plates, filter, chemicals, measures, etc., supplied by The Lumiére N. A. Co. 1269. The Henderson award. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, La photographie (Société francaise Paris, 1909, MFA 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 80.) MFA Brief reference to grant to Mr. C. L. Finlay for his work in connection with the Thames plate. 1270. Die Herstellung des Rasters der Om- nicoloreplatte. (Photographische Chronik, Haliesa.S., May.5,.1909, Jahre. 16, 9.227.) +MFA 1271. Hitchins, Alfred Bishop. An auto- chrome hint. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 64.) MFA Method of overcoming blueness. 1272. Houdaille. Recherches expérimen- tales sur la détermination du temps de pose des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 292-297.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Sept. 5, 1909, v.56, Colour photography supplement, p. 69-71, MFA. 1273. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. The compensation filter for the autochrome plate. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, 1909, v. 56, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 14-15, 17-18.) MFA 1274. The correct orthochromatic light-filter. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 56, Col- our photography supplement, p. ba A Author employs the sector-disc apparatus of Abney for measuring the luminosities of the colored papers used in making the test chart. 1275: The effect of illumination on exposure and viewing of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 26-29.) MFA 1276. rMetallic screens for auto- chromes., illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Col- our photography supplement, p.47.) MFA eae The sensitiveness of dyes to light. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 63-64.) MFA Use of glycerine, salts of arsenic, and other sub- stances to promote bleaching. 1278. Johnson, George Lindsay. Photo- graphic optics and colour photography, in- cluding the camera, kinematograph, opti- cal lantern, and the theory and practice of image formation... London: Ward & Co., 1009 cesses alluss 34 MFH 1279. Jougla, J., the younger. Sur les plaques ‘Omnicolores” de la Société Jougla. (Société francaise de photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 199-203.) MFA 1280. Klein, Henry Oscar. My experience with the autochrome plate. (American annual of photography for 1910, New York, 1909, v. 24, p. 130-133.) MFA 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1909, continued. 1281. Knowles, Hugh C. Screen plate color photography. (American annual of photography for 1910, New York, 1909, v. 24, p. 38-41.) MFA Discusses different commercial plates. 1282. The Latest color plate —the Omni- colore. illus. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1909, v. 4, p. 88-89.) +MFA 1283. Lefort, V. Les peintres et la photo- graphie des couleurs. (Photo - gazette, Paris, May 25, 1909, année 19, p. eae Relation of color photography to art. 1284. Lehmann, Johannes Moritz. Highly reflecting lantern screens for autochrome and other projections. illus. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 44-47.) MFA 1285. A three-colour projection lan- tern. illus. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 88.) MFA 1286. —— Ueber einen neuen Projektions- schirm mit metallischer Oberflache fiir farbige und lichtswache Bilder. (Photo- graphische Chronik, Halle a. S., 1909, Jahrg. 16, p. 245-248, 256-260.) +MFA 1287. Lelong, Adrien. without a dark-room. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. oe Describes developing dish and development. 1288. A suggested method of obtain- ing paper prints from_ screen - plates. (British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34.) MFA Autochrome work 1289. Lenses for colour work. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 15, 1909, v. 56, p. 804.) MFA Recommends the Zeiss Apochromatic Tessar. 1290. Leon, L. C. An unsuspected cause of failure in autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 64.) MFA Chromatic aberration due to unscrewed cell of lens. 1291. Letouzey, V. Appareil pour voir par transparence les plaques a réseau poly- chrome, construit par M. E. Lorillon. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 83- 84.) MFA 1292. Limmer, Fr. Eine Betrachtung tiber die Fixierung von Farbenanpassungsbil- dern. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, May, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 226-227.) MFA 1293. Ein Fortschritt auf dem Gebiete der indirekten Farbenphotographie. (Zeit- schrift fiir angewandte Chemie, Leipzig, 1909, Jahrg. 22, p. 14-15.) PKA Szcezepanik process. 1294. Sensibilisatoren ftir das Farben- anpassungsverfahren. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1909, Jahrg. 46, p. 4-14.) MFA Comment on Dr. Smith’s article in British journal of photography on sensitizers and desensitizers for the bleachout process. 1295. Die Szczepanik-Hollborn-Vera- colorplatte. illus. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, Aug., 1909, Bd. 46, p. 373-379.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 2, 1909, v.56, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 49-51, MFA, 1296. Eine Zusammenstellung der fiir das Farbenanpassungsverfahren wichtigen Literatur. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, March, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 104— 106.) MFA Bibliography covering years 1801-1908. 1297. Loewy, Alfred. Uber Dunkelkam- merbeleuchtung, Haltbarkeit der Auto- chromplatten und anderes aus der Praxis der Autochromphotographie. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 121-123, 159-166.) MFA Translation in British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 37-38, FA. Deals with darkroom safety light, a three-solution pyro formula, intensifying and reducing, tests for permanency, and the action of heat upon the plate. 1298. Lotus, H. Nouveau procédé de fab- rication de plaques en couleurs. (Photo- gazette, Paris, Dec. 25, 1909, année 20, p. 36-37.) MFA Szcezepanik process. 1299. Lumiére, Auguste. Traitement simplifié des plaques autochromes. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 449-451.) MFA 1300. Lumiére, Auguste, and Louis LUMIERE. A magazine apparatus for the viewing of autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 8.) MFA Communication to the Société francaise de photo- graphie. Apparatus is called the chromodiascope. 1301. Note sur un dispositif permet- tant de reproduire, par contact, des chromotypes obtenus sur plaques auto- chromes. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 457-459.) MFA 1302. Lumiére, Auguste, and others. Sur la correction de la surexposition et de la sousexposition au cours du développe- ment dans le traitement simplifié des COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 65 1909, continued. plaques autochromes. de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 210-213.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v.56, Colour photography supplement, p. 67, MFA: 1303. Ueber die Moglichkeit, den Ex- positionsgrad der Autochromplatten absu- schatzen und die Zusammensetzung des Entwicklers im Laufe der Entwicklung zu modifizieren, um die tiber- oder unterex- ponierten Bilder zu verbesseren. (Jahr- buch ftir Photographie und Reproduc- tionstechnik fir 1909, Halle a. S., 1909, Jahrg. 23, p. 27-31.) MFA 1304. Luther, R. A new colour process. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 88.) MFA Process of Russian inventor Loundin. Claims that instantaneous exposures may be given. Also printed in Bulletin of photography, Philadel- phia, Dec. 29, 1909, v. 5, p. 408, ;MFA. 1305. Makers’ instructions for the use of the “omnicolore” plates. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 13-14.) MFA Translated abstract of booklet issued by Messrs. Jougla. (Société francaise 1306. Making autochromes by enclosed arc light. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 29, 1909, v.56, p.86.) MFA Brief reference to filter. 1307. Malby, H. T., and others. The auto- chrome process in many hands. (Photo- graphic journal, London, March, 1909, new series, v. 33, p. 136-142.) MFA 1308. Mareschal, G. The effect of develop- ing solution on the sensitiveness of the autochrome plate. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Col- our photography supplement, p. 88.) MFA 1309. Emploi des plaques auto- chromes ayant subi l’action du développe- ment. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Oct. 25, 1909, année 19, p. 213.) MFA 1310. Persistance de la_ sensibilité chromatique des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 410- 411.) MFA 7311. Reproduction des plaques en couleurs. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Dec. 25, 1909, année 20, p. 37-38.) MFA Results of prize contest by the journal La Vulgari- sation scientifique. 1312. Martin-Duncan, F. Some further experiments with the autochrome plate. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, eos.) MFA Suggestions as to development. Use of special Lumiére screen made for microphotography with the electric arc. 1313. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. Characteristics of the ‘“omnicolore” screen- plate. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Feb. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 9-11.) MFA 1314. Color and photography. (Ameri- can annual of photography for 1910, New York, 1909, v. 24, p. 20-23.) MFA 131s: The photography of coloured objects. New York:,. Tennant & Ward r1909;. vi, 69° p. “illus. 8°. MFK Reviewed in British journal of photography, Lon- don, April 16, 1909, v. 56, p. 311, MFA. The Library also has 4th edition entered under Eastman Kodak Company. 1316. A report on the present condi- tion of sensitometry. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, p. 685-687.) MF FA See section on color sensitometry. 1317. Meister Lucius & Briining. Instruc- tions for the use of Hoechst filter dyes. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 79.) . MFA 1318. Merckens, W. Colour prints on paper by the bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 1-2.) MFA Suitable dyes for the purpose. Translation of part of an article in the Revue technique et industrielle. 1319. Miethe, Adolf. Photographische Aufnahmen vom Ballon aus. Nach einer Serie von Vortragen, die im Auftrag des Berliner Vereins ftir Luftschiffahrt gehal- ten worden sind. Halle a. S.: Wilhelm Knapp, 1909. 3 p.1., 70 p., 1 pl. 8°. (En- cyklopadie der Photographie. Heft coe Contains a chapter on three-color aerial photogra- phy, for a translation of which see British journal of aha edee ony: London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 86, MFA. 1320. Unter der Sonne Oberagyptens neben den Pfaden der Wissenschaft. Ber- lin: Dietrich Reimer, 1909. 4 pL, mae p. illus. 8°. LF “These [the illustrations] are not only in mono- chrome, but include some fifty examples of colour photography from nature by the three-exposure method, which Professor Miethe may be said to have used more extensively and to better effect than any- one else as a result of_his introduction of the iso- cyanine sensitisers.”” — From a review in the British journal of photography, London, July 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 56, MFA, 1321. Miller, Malcolm Dean. The auto- chrome process. (American annual of photography for 1909, New York, 1908, v. 13, p. 77-78.) ; MFA 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1909, continued. 1322. Monpillard, Félix. Ecran pour la microphotographie sur plaques auto- chromes, avec la lumiére oxyhydrique. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 245— 247.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 61-62, MFA. . 1323. Etude sur les dominantes colo- rees en photographie autochrome. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 404-409, 419-426.) MFA 1324. Indoor autochrome portraits by flashlight. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, July 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p.51-52.) MFA From the Bulletin of the Société francaise de photographie, 1325. Mueller, Gustav. On the redevelop- ment of autochromes which have practi- cally disappeared in the fixing bath. (British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 40.) MFA 1326. N., A.J. Imperfect register in three- colour work. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 9, 1909, v. 56, p. 290.) MFA 1327. Namias, Rodolfo. The conversion of silver images into those of lead and other metals and the use of the compounds as mordants for obtaining prints in dif- ferent colours. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 68- 69.) MFA 1328. Lead compounds as fixatives of dyes in three-colour projection. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 91.) MFA 1329. New Lumiére plate. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Dec. 29, 1909, v. 5, p. 408.) ; +MFA Brief reference to autostereoscopic plate. 1330. Niewenglowski, Gaston Henri. Col- oured films on metallic surfaces in relation to colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. wae Describes the experiments of Joseph Girard. 1331. Obermayer, Albert, Edler von. Drei- farbenkameras fiir einmalige Exposition u. a.— Die Dufay-Platte. illus. (Jahr- buch fiir Photographie und Reproductions- technik fiir 1909, Halle a. S., 1909, Jahrg. 23, p. 170-176.) MFA 1332. Die Omnicolor - Platte. © graphische Welt, Jahrg. 23, p. 49-51.) Formulas for working. (Photo- Leipzig, April, 1909, MFA 1333. The Omnicolore plate in practice. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photograph supplement, p. 42-43.) MF 1334. The Omnicolore plates. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 48.) MFA 1335. The Omnicolore screen-plate. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 38-39.) MFA 1336. The Omnicolore screen-plate. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 96.) MFA “It is very evident that omnicolore transparencies must be kept away from strong light if they are to be preserved.”’ 1337. Die Omnicolore-Platte fiir Farben- photographie. (Photographische Mittei- lungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p.74.) MFA 1338. Palocsay, Albin von. Neue Erfah- rungen aus der Praxis des Autochrom- prozesses. illus. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, Dec., 1909, Bd. 46, p. 569-579.) MFA Apparatus for viewing. 1339. Panchromatic collodion emulsion. (British journal of photography, London, July 16, 1909, v. 56, p. 557.) MFA Uses pinaverdol and ethyl violet. 1340. Perkins, Henry Farnham. Color photography as a paying proposition. (American annual of photography for 1910, New York, 1909, v. 24, p. satire 1341. Personnaz, Antonin. Apropos of autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 67-68.) MFA Defends autochromes as “art.” 1342. Pledge, John H. The properties of the Dufay dioptichrome screen-plate and the new Warner -Powrie screen - plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 81-83.) MFA 1343. Poulenc Fréres. Appareil pour 1’ex- amen des vues par transparence et notam- ment des vues sur plaques autochromes. illus. (Société francaise de. photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, série 2, tome 25, p. 39-40.) MFA 1344. Power, H. D’Arcy. Bromide prints in two or more colors. illus. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Oct., 1909, v. 16, p. peas COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 67 1909, continued. 1345. Simplified development of auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 5-6.) MFA Uses rodinal or amidol for the first development. 1346. Powrie, John H. La “Florence helio- chromic plate.” illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1909, sé- rie 2, tome 25, p. 386-393.) MFA 1347. Practical methods of autochrome photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 29-31.) MFA 1348. Quentin, H. Color photography. The “omnicolor” plate. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement, New York, 1909, v. 67, p. 359.) TT VA 1349, Reproduction of screen - plate transparencies in paper. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. eres Three negatives are made from autochrome plate through appropriate screens and prints made by a method such as the three-color carbon process. 1350. Renwick, F. F. Isolating the filter cuts of a screen-plate. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, bier 1351. Reproductions of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 96.) MFA Warns against entrusting autochromes to photo- engravers who are careless in regard to the heat from arc lights. 1352. Revised prices of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA Prices of different sized plates and of chemicals. 1353. Scheffer, W. Further notes on the “omnicolore” plate. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v. 56, p. 18-19.) MFA 1354. Notes on the degree of fineness of colour screen-plates. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 62-63.) MFA 1355. Die Omnicolore- Platte. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 318-322, 482-484.) MFA 1356. On a new type of Warner- Powrie screen-plate. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56,-Colour photography supplement, p. 43-44.) MFA 1357. —— The structure and properties of the “omnicolore” plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 11-13.) MFA 1358. Schloemann, Eduard. Die neueren Forschungen in der Farbenphotographie nach Gabriel Lippmann. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 355- 372, 407-414.) MFA Bibliography, p. 413-414. 1359. Seyewetz, A. Die Autochromplatte. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 295-300, 309-312.) MFA Abstract of paper read before the Congress of Applied Photography in Dresden. 1360. Sforza, Francis. Autochromes and the Sterry method. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 95-96.) MFA States that the Sterry solution is useless as re- straining the development of autochrome plates. 1361. Suggested processes of helio- chromy. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 64.) MFA Hopes for “a sensitive film formed of a perfectly combined mixture of three emulsions sensitised for the three primary be developed by the most simple treatment.”’ . 1362. Simplified treatment of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 26.) MFA Suggestions by the Lumiére N. A. Co. 1363. Smith, John H. Note on the influ- ence of the presence of photographic de- veloping agents in the bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 23.) MFA 1364. Printing frame for autochrome and other colour-screen positives. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 2-5.) MFA 1365. Spots on autochromes. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Jan. 22, 1909, ¥n00, Da / 6.) MFA 1366. Stereoscopic autochromes. (British iournal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 59.) MFA 1367. Stobbe, Hans. Bleach-out colour photographs. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 56.) MFA Abstract of German patent. 1368. Stolze, F. Belichtung fiir die Schat- ten und Belichtungsverhaltnisse ftir Drei- farbenfilter. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., March 3, 1909, Jahrg. 16, p. 117- 118.) +MFA 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1909, continued. 1369. Streissler, Alfred. Ein neues Ras- ter fiir die Farbenphotographie der Gebr. Lumie€re. (Photographische Welt, Leip- zig, ues 1909, Jahrg. 23, p. 121- 122.) MFA Dp: . No. 207750. 1370. Bean Jan. Protective varnishes for the autochrome plate. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, vee 1371. The Thames colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, July 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 56.) MFA Eetracts from instructions issued by the company. 1372. The Thames colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 66.) MFA Suggested development for new combined form of the plate. 1373. The Thames colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, 1909, v. Sieh. 150,170; 180,.205.) MFA 1374. Thames Colour Plate Company. Monochrome and colour results at one ex- posure. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1909, v. 56, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 48.) MFA 1375. The Thames Colour Plate Co. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 80.) MFA Brief account of their exhibition. 1376. The Thames Colour Plate, Ltd. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 96.) MFA Gives a list of the incorporators. 1377. Thieme, Paul. Autochrom-Aufnah- men auf Reisen. (Photographische Mit- teilungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 81-84.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 40, A, 1378. Thovert, J. Instantaneous exposures on the autochrome plate. (British journal of photography, London, July 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. a 1379. Three-colour projection. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 72.) MFA _The mirror in the Ives kromskop is replaced by a prism. 1380. Toch, Maximilian. The Lumiére color process simplified. (American pho- tography, Boston, May, 1909, v. 3, p.274— 278.) MFA Suggestions for development. Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, July, 1909, v. 23, p. 20-23, MFA. 1381. Valenta, Eduard. Einiges tiber Om- nicoloreplatte. (Photographische Korres- pondenz, Wien, May, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 234— 236.) MFA For colored illustration showing grains of auto- chrome, omnicolore, Warner-Powrie, and Thames plates, see November number, opp. p. 552. 1382. Meine Erfahrungen mit der “Omnicoloreplatte.” (Jahrbuch fiir Photo- graphie und Reproductionstechnik fir 1909, Halle a. S., 1909, Jahrg. 23, p. 150- 1553) MFA 1383. Die Thames Farbenplatte. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, Jan., 1909, Bd. 46, p. 32-35.) MFA 1384. Vereinfachte Arbeitsanweisung fiir die Entwicklung der Autochromplatten. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 121.) MFA 1385. Wall, Edward John. Photography in colours. (Photographic journal, Lon- don, Nov., 1909, new series, v. 33, p. 379- 380.) MFA Quotes from a four-page pamphlet in Spanish on the Seebeck process. 1386. Warburg, J. C.’ Autochrome prices —a protest. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, May 7, 1909, v.56, Colour photography supplement, p. 40.) MFA 1387. Ward, Henry Snowden. Orthochro- matics, light-filtering, color photography. (Photographic annual, London, 1909, 5th ed., p. 30-45.) MFA Recipes for various processes, including Lumiére, autochrome, omnicolore, Thames, and two-color helio- chromy. 1388. Waterhouse, James. The photo- graphic work of Messrs. A. Lumiére et ses fils, of Lyons. (Photographic journal, London, March, 1909, new series, v. 33, p. 143-145.) MFA 1389. ———- Wiinsch’s researches on the pri- mary components of white light. (British journal of photography, London, May 7, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 34-36.) MFA 1390. Watkins time thermometer for auto- chrome work. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography. supplement, p. 72.) MFA 1391. Wentzel, Fritz. Experiments in col- our-sensitising chloride emulsions. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1909, v. 56, p. 5-7, 22-23, 41-44, wage, 1392. Wiener, Otto Heinrich. Uber Far- benphotographie und verwandte naturwis- senschaftliche Fragen. Vortrag gehalten auf der 80. Naturforscherversammlung zu Coln a. 24. September, 1908. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1909. 88p.,3 pl. 8°. MFV Bibliography, p. 49-51. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 69 1909, continued. 1393. Young, Sidney L. A three-lens one- exposure colour camera. illus. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 32.) MFA 1394. Zavoda, Bohuslav. A daylight roll- holder for three-colour exposures. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 5, 1909, v. 56, Colour photography supplement, p. 87.) MFA 1395. Zu den neuen Farbrasterplatten. illus. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 122-124.) MFA Autochrome, Omnicolore, Thames, Warner-Powrie plates. 1396. Zur Entwicklung der Autochrom- platten. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 347-348.) MFA 1910 1397. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie. On the extinction of colour by reduction of luminosity. illus. (British journal of photography, London, April 1, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, p. ek A 1398. Autochrome_ reversing solution. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, p. 91-92.) MF Reference to suggestion by Comte Dalmas. 1399. Autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, July 22, 1910, v. 57, p. 563-564.) MFA _ Correspondence regarding dark spot in centre of picture. 1400. Beach, F. C. A new system of color photography. illus. (American photogra- phy, Boston, July, 1910, v. 4, p. 413-414.) MFA Frederic E. Ives’s process. 1401. Bennett, Colin N. Note on a pioneer screen-ruled roll-film. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 66-67.) MFA Describes a small sample which he thinks is of German origin. 1402. On compensating screen-plates. (British journal of photography, London, March 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 17-19.) MFA 1403. Bouldoyre, R. The use of ordinary plates in determining exposure for auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 86-87.) MFA 1404. Bouton, L., and J. Feytaup. La pho- tographie stéréoscopique en couleur et ses applications scientifiques. (Académie de sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, May 30, 1910, tome 150, p. 1424-1425.) * EO 1405. Braham, A. C. The Dufay diopti- chrome colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 7, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. Gus MF Paper and discussion at the Royal stefan Society. Working instructions are given. 1406. Burnham, J. Appleton. Observations on the autochrome process. (Photo-era, Boston, May, 1910, v. 24, p. 197-201.) MFA 1407. Casson, W. A. Exposure and de- velopment in colour work. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA 1408. Colour photography at the Royal Botanic Society. (British journal of pho- togtapny,sondon, = Oct. 7,.- 1910, -¥. S7; Colour photography supplement, p. 77.) MFA System attributed to Mr. E. T. Butler shown to be covered by an earlier patent. 1409. Comley, Henry J. Color photogra- phy on paper as a commercial proposition. illus. (Camera craft, San Francisco, July, 1910, v. 17, p. 261-266.) MFA 1410. Corke, H. Essenhigh. Direct color photography — newest color plate demon- strated. illus. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 1910, v. 7, p. 4 434.) +MFA Dufay process. 1411. The Dufay dioptichrome plate. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 5, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 57-58.) MFA Directions for working. 1412. Screen-plate colour work. (Pho- tographic journal, London, Jan., 1910, new series, v. 34, p. 4-9 MFA With discussion. Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Dec. 10, 1909, v. 56, p. 959-960, MFA. 1413. Coustet, Ernest. Photographie des couleurs; les plaques dioptichromes. (Re- vue scientifique, Paris, 1910, série 5, année 48, semestre 1, p. 494-497.) OA 1414. Les plaques dioptichromes. illus. (Photo-gazette, Paris, April 25, 1910, année 20, p. 101-107.) MFA Dufay process. 1415. Crémier, Victor. sur autochromes. illus. (Photo - gazette, Paris, 1910, année 21, p. 21-26.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Feb. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 9-10, M ‘A. 1416. Dalmas, R., comte de. Sujets en- cadrés sur plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 396-398.) MFA Also ppatee in Photo-gazette, Paris, Aug. 25, 1911, année 21, 187, MFA, and British journal of pho- tography, Perndon, Jan. 6, 1911, v.58, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 7-8, "MFA. Coucher de soleil 70 THE NEW YORK ‘PUBLIC LIBRARY 1910, continued. 1417. —— Utilisation des plaques auto- chromes d’une ancienneté relative de fabri- cation. (Société francaise de photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 102-103.) MFA Suggests much increased exposure. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 1, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 32, MFA. 1418. Dawson, Oliver S., and C. L. FINray. Later modifications in the Thames colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, June 3, 1910, v. 57, p. 42-43.) MFA 1419. Didier, Léon. Paper prints from omnicolore plates by the pinatype process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 7, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 8.) MFA 1420. Dillaye, Frédéric. Les dioptichromes “Dufay.” (In his: Les nouveautés photo- graphiques 1910. Paris, 1910. 8°. p.130- 145.) MFA 1421. ——- Ecrans pour plaques auto- chromes exposées a la lumiére artificielle. (In his: Les nouveautés photographiques 1910. Paris, 1910. 8°. p.112-114.) MFA 1422. Les omnicolores. (In his: Les nouveautés photographiques 1910. Paris, W104 3°. py. 125-127.) MFA 1423. Les plaques Thames a réseau polychrome. (In his: Les nouveautés photographiques 1910. Paris, 1910. 8°. p. 127-129.) MFA 1424. Reproduction par contact des chromotypes obtenus sur plaques auto- chromes. illus. (In his: Les nouveautés photographiques 1910. Paris, 1910.° 8°. p. 122-124.) MFA 1425. Traitement simplifié des auto- chromes. (In his: Les nouveautés photo- graphiques 1910. Paris, 1910. 8°. p.109- 112.) MFA 1426. D’Osmond, H. Instantaneous por- traiture on Lumiére autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 7, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 76-77.) MFA 1427. Dufay, L. Les plaques dioptichromes. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 177- 181.) MFA 1428. The Dufay colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 4, 1910, v. 57, p. 847.) MFA Correspondence regarding time of exposure. 1429. The Dufay dioptichrome colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, May 6, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 39-40.) MFA An abridgment of instructions published by the makers. 1430. Edridge - Green, Frederick William. The relation of photography to vision. (Photographic journal, London, Jan., 1910, new series, v. 34, p. 10-17.) MFA 1431. Elliott & Fry. Exposures in studio portrait photography. (British journal of photography, London, March 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. be State that long exposures are unnecessary. 1432. Emmerich, Georg Heinrich, editor. Lexikon ftir Photographie und Reproduk- tionstechnik. Wien & Leipzig: A. Hart- leben, 1910. xiv p., 1 1., 994 p., 35 pl., 1 port. TCR. be MFD _Considerable space given to color photography. Biographies. Bound in two volumes; title-pagé in v. 2. 1433. Estanave, E. Images changeantes a deux et trois aspects sur plaque auto- stéréoscopique. (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, Jan. 10, 1910, tome 150, p. 93-95.) * EO 1434. Evans, Frederick H. Colour pho- tography v. painting. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. ay Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, March, 1911, v. 26, p. 119-120, MFA. 1435. Faupel, Fritz. A German patent for a screen-plate process. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. Wake Abstract. 1436. Ford, A. D. The Dufay colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 88.) MFA Complains of poor rendering of greens. Editorial suggestions. 1437. Friese, H. Der Dreifarbendruck unter besonderer Berticksichtigung der Teilplatten mach Lumiereschen Auto- chrom - Diapositiven. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 584— 588.) MFA 1438. Gimpel, Léon. Duplicates of auto- chromes. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Oct. 7,-1910, 4. 57, College photography supplement, p. 75-76.) MFA 1439. Hanneke, Paul. Erfahrungen mit Dioptichromplatten. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 257- 262.) MFA 1440. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. Die photographischen Lichtfilter. Mit 5 Bei- lagen und 18 Abbildungen im Text. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1910. viii, 109 p., 3 charts, 4 pl. 8°. (Encyklopadie der Photographie. Heft 74.) PLC COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 71 1910, continued. 1441. The reproduction of auto- chromes and other screen-plate transpar- encies. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 5, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, p. 59-61.) MFA Applies a simple geometrical method of investiga- tion to the conditions which prevail when copying one autochrome on another. 1442. Husnik, Jaroslav. duktion von Autochromaufnahmen im Dreifarbendruck. illus. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik tur 1910, Halle a. S., 1910, Jahrg. 24, p. 34— 36.) MFA 1443. Ives, Frederic Eugene. A new sys- tem of trichromatic photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Sept. 2, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 72.) MFA Tells how his system differs from Bennetto’s. 1444. —— A new system of trichromatic photography. (Society of Chemical In- dustry. Journal, London, May 16, 1910, v. 29, p. 542-544.) VOA Uses bichromate fish-glue on amylacetate collodion film; also dilute chromic dyes capable of local intensi- fication or reduction. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 1, 1910, v.57, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 49- $1, FA, 1445. A new system of trichromatic photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, 1910, v. 57, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 80, 88.) MFA Attacks Pfenninger’s claims for Bennetto inven- tion. 1446. Ives, Herbert Eugene. Some photo- graphic phenomena bearing upon disper- sion of light in space. (Astrophysical journal, Chicago, March, 1910, v. 31, p. 157— 165.) OMA The Library also has a separate copy in PED p. v. 3, no. 15 1447. Klein, Henry Oscar. The applica- tions of collodion emulsion to three-colour photography, process work, isochromatic photography and spectrographic work... London: A. W. Penrose & Co., Ltd., 1910. 2500.2: ed. enl. illus. 8°. MFKD 1448. Koenig, Carl. Duplicates of auto- chromes. illus. (British journal of pho- Soecaphy, London, Sept. 2, 1910, v. 5/7, Colour photography supplement, p. hte Ueber die Repro- Use of magnesium light as suggested by Lumiére and Seyewetz. 1449. Koenig, Ernst. Colour sensitisers and filter dyes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan..7, 1910, v. 57, Col- our photography supplement, p. Sethi n 1450. Dyes in photography. (British journal of photography, London, July 15, 1910, v.57, p. 529-530.) MFA 1451. Kopierung von Farbenphotographien auf Autochromplatten im Kontakt. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 115-117.) MFA Review of work done in the Lumiére laboratory. 1452. Lederer, Otto. Photo-micrography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 6, 1910, v.57, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 33-34.) MFA 1453. Lehmann, Johannes Moritz. Colour photography by the interference method with a solid metal mirror. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Jan. 7, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 8.) MFA Abstract of a paper read in Germany. 1454. Le Mée, Alexandre. Trichrome prints by a ferricyanide method. (British jour- nal of photography, London, June 3, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 41.) MFA 1455. Limmer, Fr. Beitrage zum Farben- anpassungsverfahren. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1909, Bd. 46, p. 182- 185, 280-282, 430-432; 1910, Bd. 47, p. 25- 31, 70-73, 211-219, 286-291, S35 1346 532- 536.) MFA 1456. —— Verfahren zur Herstellung von Dreifarbenrasten ftir Farbenphotographie nach D. R. P. 216610, Fritz Faupel in Ber- Hie alas: (Photographische Chronik, Halle’a.'S., Aug. 10, 1910, Jahre. 17, p.399— 400, 476-477.) +MFA 1457. Liquid safe-lights for the dark-room. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 14-15.) MFA Gives particulars of recent experiments with dyes. 1458. Lumiére, Auguste, and Louis LUMIERE. Kontaktkopien von Autochromaufnahmen. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 22-24.) MFA 1459. Lumiére, Auguste, and others. Flash- powders for autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 7, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 74-75. MFA 1460. Sur l’emploi des poudres éclairs comme source de lumiére artificielle dans la photographie sur plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p.285- 288. ) MFA Also printed in Photographic journal, London, Sept., 1910, new series, v. 34, p. 315-319, MFA, and Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 324-327, MFA. 1461. Maisch, Fred D. The autochrome plate in its relation to the colour-theory of Young and Helmholtz. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 5-6, 13-14.) MFA Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, 1909, v. 23, p. 262-267; 1910, v. 24, p. 8- pt MFA. Ii THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1910, continued. 1462. The Manipulation of autochromes when travelling. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Oct. 7, 1910, v.57, Col- our photography supplement, p. ails 1463. Mayer, Emil. Notes on experience in the autochrome process. (British jour- nal of photography, London, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 43-44, 52-53.) MFA Deals with under-exposure with a view to making hand camera exposures. 1464. Mazo, E. The Tauleigne - Mazo stereo projection and three-colour proc- esses. (British journal of photography, London, March 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 22-23.) MFA 1465. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth, and J. H. Prence. On some experimental methods employed in the examination of screen-plates. illus. (Photographic jour- nal, London, May, 1910, new series, v. 34, p. 197-221.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1910, v.57, p. 45-48, 53-56, 62-64, 68-70, MFA. 1466. Monpillard, Félix. A propos des autochromes: leur emploi pour la repro- duction des tableaux dans les musées; multiplication des épreuves autochromes par contact ou a la chambre noire. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome l, p. eee ay Also printed in ee journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1911, v.58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 11-12, MFA. 1467. On the causes of prevailing tints in autochromes. (British journal of pho- tography, London, 1910, v. 57, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 10-12, 22.) MFA 1468. Sur un écran pour autochromes permettant d’obtenir aisément les nuages dans le ciel d’un paysage. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 103-104.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 1, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 32, MFA. 1469. Sur Vutilisation des plaques autochromes avec les lumiéres artificielles pour la photographie directe et la repro- duction. (Société francaise de photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 104-112.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 1, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-27, MFA. 1470. Moreels, R. Two-colour effects in prints. (British journal of photography, London, July 8, 1910, v.57, p. 514-515.) MFA 1471. Namias, Rodolfo. Panchromatic sensitising of plates. (British journal of photography, London, April 1, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. here 1472. Newton, A. J. The evolution of photo-mechanical illustration. illus. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, 1910, v.57, p. 580, 878; 1911, v. 58, p. 160.) MFA 1473. Novak, Franz. A dark-room light filter. (British journal of photography, London, March 4, 1910, v.57, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 18.) MFA Transmits green light for working red sensitive collodion emulsion. 1474. Omnicolorplatten. (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, Nov., 1910, Jahrg. 24, p. 166— 167.) MFA 1475. Palocsay, Albin von. Wichtigere Fortschritte und Erfahrungen betreffend die Photographie mit Farbenrasterplatten. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1910, Halle a. S., 1910, Jahrg. 24, p. 177-210.) MFA Progress during year 1909. 1476. Parker, G. H. Exposure of auto- chromes. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Sept. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 72.) MFA 1477. Perkins, Henry Farnham. Colour photography as a paying proposition. (British journal of photography, London, May 6, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 40.) MFA 1478. Pfaundler, Leopold. Studie tiber das Spektrum, Farbenkreise und neuere Dar- stellungsweisen der Farbenmischungsge- setze. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1910, Halle a. S., 1910, Jahrg. 24, p. 64-82.) MFA 1479. Pfenninger, Otto. Kinematograph- ische Projektion in Farben. (Jahrbuch fur Photographie und Reproductionstech- nik fur 1910, Halle a. S., 1910, Jahrg. 24, MFA p. 29-32.) 1480. A new system of trichromatic photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, 1910, v. 57, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 80, 87-88.) MFA Discussion of the Ives-Bennetto claims. 1481. Piper, Charles Welborne. Stereo- scopic colour transparencies. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 12-13.) MFA 1482. Practical application of interference colour photography. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 83-86, 92-95.) MFA Detailed description of Lippmann process with latest apparatus; also a bibliography. a ———— COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 73 1910, continued. 1483. Quentin, H. Colour effects in the spectroscope. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 4, 1910, v. 57, Col- our photography supplement, p. 20-21.) MFA 1484. A new Krayn screen - plate. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 7, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 77-78.) MFA 1485. Screen-plate colour photographs on paper. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA Reference to patent of Julius Rheinberg. 1486. A suggested new method of col- our photography direct at one exposure. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 15-16.) MFA Experiments of R. Berthon with diaphragm plate provided with red, green, and violet screens. 1487. The Tauleigne-Mazo process. (British journal of photography, London, July 1, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 51-52.) MFA 1488. Recording the colours during ex- posure. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 7, 1910, v. 57, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 79-80.) MFA Suggestions for marking slides. 1489. Regni, pseud. A new system of tri- chromatic photography. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 5, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 64.) MFA Conflicting claims of J. W. Bennetto and F. E. ves. 1490. A Reservoir viewing instrument for autochromes. illus. (British journal of photography, London, June 3, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 48.) MFA 1491. Rheinberg, Julius. The Rheinberg colour paper. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 4, 1910, v.57, Col- our photography supplement, p.24.) MFA 1492. S., G. L’amélioration des auto- chromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, July 25, 1910, année 20, p. 177-179.) MFA 1493. Saal, Alfred. Autochromplatten. (jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Repro- ductionstechnik fiir 1910, Halle a. S., 1910, Jahrg. 24, p. 212-215.) MFA Autochromes in the tropics. 1494. Scheffer,;-W. Notes on the Krayn new screen film. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 89- 90.) MFA On the resolving power of the illus. (British jour- 1495. } autochrome emulsion. nal of photography, London, Sept. 2, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, p. 70-72.) MFA 1496. La photographie des couleurs avec les plaques a réseaux colorés. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 70-86.) MFA Discussion of different plates. 1497. Uber das Auflosungsvermégen der Autochrom-Emulsion. illus. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 588-592.) MFA 1498. Schilling, Otto. Die Dioptichrom- Farbenrasterplatte (System Dufay). (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, Sept., 1910, Jahre.°24, p.129-131.) MFA 1499. Seyewetz, A. Copies of autochrome transparencies. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 7, 1910, v. 57, Col- our photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA 1500. Sforza, Francis. A suggested method of preparing coloured prints by an indirect bleach-out process. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 83.) M 1501. Simmen, Charles. Nouveau procédé permettant la prise de vues instantanées sur plaques autochromes. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1910, série 3, tome 1, p. 275-278.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Sept. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 65-66, MFA, Photographische Mit- teilungen, Berlin, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 292-295, MFA, and Photo-gazette, Paris, Sept. 25, 1910, année 20, p. 214-218, MFA. 1502. Smith, John H. The bleach-out process of colour-photography and Uto- color paper. (Photographic journal, Lon- don, April, 1910, new series, v. 34, p.141- 151.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, May 6, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 34-39, MFA. With discussion. 1503. Some effects on stale and on fresh autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 4, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, p. ser Found that old plates worked well and clearly. 1504. Stenger, Erich. Deutsche Farben- films (System Krayn) der Neuen photo- graphischen Gesellschaft. (Photograph- ische Chronik, Halle a. S., Nov. 20, 1910, Jahre 17, p. 575-577.) +MFA 1505. Stenger, Erich, and FERDINAND LEIBER. Destroyers of colour-sensitiveness as means for developing panchromatic plates in a bright dark-room light. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Jan. 28, 1910, v. 57, p. 61-63.) . MFA The authors state that the use of metabisulphite or sulphuric acid as a preliminary bath is not of much service. 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1910, continued. 1506. Stobbe, Hans. Fulgide dyes in mak- ing colour prints by the bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 91-92.) MFA 1507. Tauleigne, A. The Tauleigne proc- ess of trichromy. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Col- our photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA 1508. Toch, Maximilian. The simplified autochrome process. (American annual of photography for 1910, New York, 1910, v. 24, p. 245-246.) MFA 1509. Villain, Alfred. On the reproduction of autochrome transparencies. (British journal of photography, London, April 1, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 27-28.) MFA 1510. Wall, Edward John. Screen plate color photography. illus. (In: Photo- graphic annual, London, 1910, 6th ed., p. 9-53.) MFA Details for manipulating Autochrome, Omnicolore, Dufay, and Thames plates, with a note on the Aurora plate. 1511. Wallace, Robert James. Tri-color filters and their cut-outs. illus. (Ameri- can annual of photography for 1911, New York, 1910, v.25, p. 272-282.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Jan. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 5-7, MFA. 1512. Weissermel, W. Die Autochrom- platte in der lichtarmen Jahrezeit. (Photo- graphische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1910, Bd. 47, p. 5-8.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Feb. 4, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supplement, p. 9-10, A. 1513. Winter, G. Duplicates of auto- chromes. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, -Octa7, 1910, we57; Colour photography supplement, p. 75.) MFA 1514. Worel, Karl. Farbenphotographie durch Farbenanpassung. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fiir 1910, Halle a. S., 1910, Jahrg. 24, ea Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Dec. 2, 1910, v. 57, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 90, MFA. 1515. X. La reproduction des couleurs des photographies en couleurs. (Photo-ga- zette, Paris, Jan. 25, 1910, année 20, p. 46— 49.) MFA Messrs. Gimpel and Villain took first prizes. in picture contest by the journal La Vulgarisation scien- tifique. In this article they explain their methods. 1516. Yerbury, S. G. The making of por- traits in colors. (Camera craft, San Fran- eiecor ug., 1010 weer p. 315-318.) MFA 1911 1517. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie. Colour blindness and the _ trichromatic theory of colour-vision. illus. (Royal Society of London. Proceedings, London, 1910, series A, v.83, p. 462-473; 1911, se- ries AG v. 84, p. 449-464.) * EC Also printed in Hehe journal, London, July, 1910, new series, v. 34, p. 278-287; Aug., 1911, new series, v. 35, p. 281-296, MFA. 1518. Adrien, Charles. Essais d’hyper- sensibilisation au trempé des plaques auto- chromes. (Société francaise de photogra- phie. Bulletin, Paris, Dec., 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 400-402.) MFA Uses Thovert formula. Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, March 1, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- Menta pe lay MFA, 1519. Albert, August. Farbenlichtdruck und Farbenaufnahmen mit Autochrom- platten usw. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1911, Halle a. S., 1911, Jahrg. 25, p. 103-104.) MFA 1520. Alteneder, J. V. Paper prints from autochromes. (American annual of pho- tography for 1911, New York, 1910, v.25, p. 128) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Jan. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 7, MFA. 1521. Antoine Lumiére. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, sé- rie 3, tome 2, p. 195-196.) MFA Obituary notice. 1522. Balmitgere, C. A stereoscope for the direct observation of colour transparencies without reversal. illus. (British journal of photography, London, March 3, 1911, v.58, Colour photography supplement, p. 22-23.) MFA 1523. Bellieni, H. Utilisation, pour la photographie ordinaire, des écrans desti- nés aux plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 82-83.) MFA 1524. Bennett, Colin N. Filter absorptions for two-colour. (British journal of pho- tography, London, July 7, 1911, v.58, Col- our photography supplement, p. 45.) MFA 1525. Benoist, L. Sur les contre-écrans renforcateurs en photochromie. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 229-234.) MFA mies printed in British journal of photography, London, Dec. 1, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 65— 67, MFA, 1526. Two hints on the autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 7.) MFA Recommends white glazed paper against sensitive film; also permanganate solution after second develop- ment. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 70 1911, continued. 1527. Blackburn, H. E. The Krayn color screen film process. (Camera ‘craft, San Francisco, Aug., 1911, v. 18, p. 369-372.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Dec. 1, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 67-68, MFA. 1528. ——- The Tripak system in brief. illus. (Camera craft, San Francisco, May, 1911, v.18, p. 221-224.) MFA Also Biinted in British journal of photography, London, June 2, 1911, v.58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 42-43, MFA, and Photographische Mit- teilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 228-231, MFA. 1529. A Blue cast on autochromes. (Ama- teur photographer & photographic news, London, 1911, v. 54, p. 191, 265.) +MFA 1530. Boucher, L. Le ‘“‘Monobloc,” appa- reil stéréo-panoramique, muni d’un dis- positif spécial facilitant la photographie en couleurs. illus. photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 108-111.) MFA 1531. Butler, Edwin T. Mr. E. T. Butler’s methods of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 14-16.) MFA Paper read before the Society of Colour Photog- raphers. 1532. Carpenter, Ford Ashman. Photo- graphing “red snow” in natural colors. San Diego: San Diego Society of Natural History, 1911. 108-111 p., 1 pl. 4°. QEI p.v. 19, no. 11 Repr.: San Diego Society of Natural History. Transactions, v2, no. 3, 1911. 1533. Chataux, P. S. A note on the de- velopment of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, June 2, 111, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 43.) MFA Uses pyro for developer. 1534. Clerc, Louis Philippe. A frequent cause of failure in three-colour synthesis: excess of red. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 35°37.) 1535. Colour photographs of Saturn. (Nature, London, Nov. 2, 1911, v. 88, p. yh Belopolsky’s results with plates prepared on - Tikhoff. 1536. Colour prints on paper. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 39-40.) MFA Secret method worked out by A. Hamburger. 1537. Corke, H. Essenhigh. A new color printing process. (Bulletin of photogra- phy, Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1911, v.9, p. 341-342.) +MFA Utocolor. (Société francaise de. 1538. Coustet, Ernest. La photographie instantanée des couleurs. (Revue scien- tifique, Paris, 1911, v. 49, p.239-240.) OA 1539. Crémier, Victor. L’automne et l’auto- chrome. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Nov. 25, 1911, année 22, p. 11-15.) MFA 1540. Experiments with the diopti- chrome colour screen-plate. (British jour- nal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v.58, Colour photography supplement, p. 37-38.) MFA 1541. Ordinary negatives from auto- chrome and other screen-plate transpar- encies. (British journal of photography, London, April 7, 1911, v.58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 28-29.) MFA 1542. A Curious case of frilling with auto- chromes. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, 1911, v.58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p.52, 55-56.) MFA An inquiry by Sir W. Herschel answered by sev- eral correspondents. 1543. Dalmas, R., comte de. Du développe- ment des plaques autochromes en voyage. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 106- 108.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v.58, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 34-35, MFA, and Photographische Mit- teilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 177-179, MFA. 1544. Observations sur le nouvel em- ballage des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 271-272.) MFA 1545. Death of M. Antoine Lumiére. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v.58, p. 343.) MFA 1546. Doglibert, F. Suggestion for a new photographic colour screen plate. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 4, 24.) MFA Prismatic surfaces moulded on celluloid. 1547. Estanave, E. Photographies a cou- leurs changeantes. (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, May 1, 1911, tone 152;-p:- 1158-1159.) * EO 1548. Evans, C. Willard. Developing auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, © London, Aug. 4, 1911, v.58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 52.) MFA Formula for tank development. 1549. Farmer, Howard. Autochromes and their reproduction on paper. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 3-4.) MFA 1550. Flash-light autochrome portraits. (British journal of photography, London, ~ March 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 23-24.) MFA Brief description of process used by B. J. Falk. 76 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1911, continued. 1551. Franck, Charles E. Frilling of auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 64.) MFA 1552. Gebhard, Kurt. Theoretical notes on the bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 50-51, 54-55.) MFA 1553. Uber die Veranderung von Farb- stoffen im Licht. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. hero A 1554. Gimpel, Léon. Amélioration dans la reproduction et l’agrandissement des plaques en couleurs. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 101-103.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Sept. 1, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 53-54, MFA. 1555. —— Les anaglyphes sur autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p.211- 2125) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 51, MFA. 1556. —— La photographie en couleurs sur papier a la portée de tous. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 407-411.) MFA Utocolor process. 1557. Gravier, Charles. Plates for colour photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Jan. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 2-3.) MFA Deals principally with development of autochromes. 1558. La trichromie en 1911. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 411-412.) MFA 1559. Green spots on autochromes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Sept. 22UTIO TW 55, ore one) MFA 1560. Greene, J. Edward B. Pinachrome for color values. (American annual of photography for 1912, New York, 1911, v. 26, p. 207-208.) MFA 1561. Hanneke, Paul. Farbenausbleichver- fahren. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 337-340.) MFA 1562. Die neuen deutschen Farben- films. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Ber- lin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 8-10. MFA N. P. G. color films. 1563. Hinterberger, Hugo. Neuerungen in der Fabrikation der Dioptichromplatten und der deutschen Farbenfilms. (Photo- graphische Chronik, Halle a. S., March 12, 1911, Jahrg. 18) pRis0s) +MFA 1564. A note on making photo-micro- graphs of colour screen-plates. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- MFA ment, p. 60.) 1565. Die polychromen Streifenraster und die neueste Dioptichrom-Dufayplatte. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Jan. 29, 1911, Jahrg. 18, p. 58-59.) FMFA 1566. Die tonrichtige Aufnahme von Farbrastern. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Photo- graphie und Reproductionstechnik ftr 1911, Halle a. S., 1911, Jahrg. 25, p. 158- 161.) MFA 1567. Ives, Frederic Eugene. Colour paper prints. (British journal of photography, London, June 2, 1911, v. 58, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 44.) MFA Explains adaptation of Tripak process. 1568. Ives’ tripak plate pack. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 40.) MFA 1569. The Ives tripak process of col- our photography. (British journal of pho- tography, London, June 2, 1911, v. 58, Col- our photography supplement, p. ae 1570. Tripak color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, May, 1911, v.18, p. 219-220.) MFA 1571. Ives’ Inventions, Ltd. The Ives tri- pak system of colour photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, March 5, 1911, v.58, Colour photography supplement, p. 19-22.) MFA Copy of working directions issued by the firm. 1572. J.. M. J. Dufay colour plates. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Nov. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 64.) MFA Editorial reply to questions concerning troubles. 1573. Jones, Chapman. On the relation- ship between the size of the particle and the colour of the image. (British journal of photography, London, 1911, v. 58, p. 339-343, 381-384.) MFA Also eine in Photographic journal, London, April, 1911, new series, v. 35, p. 159-174, MFA. 1574. Klein, E. Suggested methods of di- rect colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 49- 50.) MFA Development of H. Vollenbruch’s theory that 2 silver halide precipitate along with the dye is capable — of retaining certain coloring matters throughout de- velopment, fixing, and washing. 1575. Kropf, Fritz. Possible methods of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 40.) MFA Observations on methods suggested by R. Luther. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 77 1911, continued. 1576. Kuemmell, G. Die Beschleunigung des Ausbleichens von Farbstoffen durch aromatische Verbindungen. (Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Pho- tophysik und Photochemie, Leipzig, 1910, Bd. 9, p. 54-64.) PLC Translation in British journal of photography, Nov. 4, 1910, v.57, Colour photography supplement, p. 81- 82, MFA. 1577. Kunz, William H. Color photogra- phy. (American annual of photography tor 1912, New York, 1911, v. 26, p. 28-32.) MFA Describes briefly processes in use. 1578. Lack of register in tri-colour filters. ’ (British journal of photography, London, fan. 2/, 1911, ¥. 58, p. 69.) MFA 1579. Legeret, E. Using autochrome plates in . changing box. (British journal of photography, London, June 2, 1911, v.58, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) M 1580. Leiber, Ferdinand. Making the best of under-exposed autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 57.) MFA 1581. Le Mée, Alexandre. Paper colour prints from screen-plate transparencies. (British journal of photography, London, April 7, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 30.) MFA 1582. The Light of Egypt: natural colour photographs of the glorious effects of Egyptian sunsets and sunrise. illus. (Il- lustrated London news, London, Feb. 25, 1911, v. 138, supplement.) * DA Six pictures by Gervais-Courtellement. 1583. Limmer, Fr. Das Farbenanpassungs- verfahren (Ausbleichverfahren) eine Mo6- glichkeit der direkten K6rperfarben Pho- tographie. (Photographic journal, Lon- don, Jan., 1911, new series, v. 35, p. 16-18.) MFA 1584. Zur Geschichte des Ausbleich- verfahrens. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 307-311.) MFA 1585. Lueppo-Cramer. Das Silber als Farbstoff. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 184-188.) MFA 1586. —— Uber die Farben der Photoha- loide. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 33-37.) MFA 1587. Weitere Untersuchungen tiber die Polychromie des Silbers. (Photo- _graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 403-409.) MFA 1588. Zur Farbenanpassung der Pho- tohaloide. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 270-275.) MFA 1589. Luther, R. Possible methods of col- our photography. (British journal of pho- tography, London, March 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 17-19.) MFA Suggestions by himself and Herr Sforza, 1590. The Manners process of three-colour printing with carbon tissues. (British journal of photography, London, July 7, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 46.) MFA British patent no. 25646 of 1910. 1591. Mareschal, G. Le cinematographe en couleurs. illus. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Oct. 25, 1911, année 21, p. 221-224.) MFA Processes of Geisler and Friese-Greene. 1592. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. The effect of colour filters upon the definition of a lens. (Knowledge, London, April, 1911, new series, v. 8, p. 155.) OA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 28, 1911, v.58, p. 330, MFA. 1593. The relation between the colour of silver images, and the size of the par- ticles which compose them. (Knowledge, London, April, 1911, new series, v. 8, p. 154-155.) OA 1594. Miethe, Adolf, and B. Sreecert. Uber qualitative Verschiedenheiten des von den einzelnen Teilen der Mondoberflache re- flektieren Lichtes. illus. (Astronomische Nachrichten, Kiel, 1911, Bd. 188, p. 10-11, 239-246.) OMA See colored illustration opp. p. 356. 1595. Monpillard, Félix. Simultaneous opening of shutter and firing of flash- powder in autochrome photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34.) MFA 1596. Moreels, R. Two-colour and three- colour photography in two exposures of the same time. illus. (British journal of photography, London, April 7, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 25—28.) MFA Camera provided with a dark-slide allowing the plates to be rapidly exchanged. 1597. Namias, Rodolfo. Some notes on autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. Cee Suggestions for development and after treatment. 1598. Natural colour photography: remark- able results and how they are obtained. (Illustrated London news, London, 1911, v. 139, supplement to issue of Dec. uk Has colored plate showing different stages. 1599. Ein Neues Farbraster. illus. (Pho- tographische Chronik, Halle a. S., April 9, 1911, Jahrg. 18, p. 180-181.) +MFA Ruth plate. ; 78 1911, continued. 1600. A New colour paper. (British jour- nal of photography, London, June 2, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA Denver company employs a machine which passes the paper through fifteen or more baths. 1601. A New Uto paper. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 62- 64.) MFA Bleachout paper manufactured by Dr. J. H. Smith. Gives full instructions. 1602. Novak, Franz. Gelbfilter fiir Auto- chromblitzlichtaufnahmen. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik Titedolieetialle aco. NO) olahrore2 soa, MFA 190.) Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Dec. 1, 1911, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 68, A, 1603. An Open field for colour photogra- phers. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 10-11.) MFA Difficulties to be overcome and helpful suggestions. 1604. Le Palais de l’autochrome. illus. (Photo-gazette, Paris, April 25, 1911, an- née 21, p. 117-118.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1911, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 51-52, MFA. Description of the studio of Gervais Courtellement, Paris, especially of the flashlight apparatus. 1605. Palocsay, Albin von. Fremde und eigene Versuche zur Abktirzung der Ex- positionzeit bei Autochromaufnahmen. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 483-494.) MFA 1606. Shorter exposures with the auto- chrome plate. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 11, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 29-30.) MFA 1607. Wichtiger Fortschritte und Er- fahrungen betreffend die Photographie mit Farbrasterplatten. illus. (Jahrbuch fir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fur 1911, Halle a. S., 1911, Jahre. 25, p..194— 228.) MFA 1608. Perkins, Henry Farnham. Pictures from autochromes. (American annual of photography for 1912, New York, 1911, v. 26, p. 121-122.) MFA Black and whites from autochromes. 1609. Personnaz, Antonin. L’autochromie. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 58-61.) MFA Also printed in Photo-gazette, Paris, April 25, 1911, année 22, p. 107-110, MFA. 1610. Pfenninger, Otto. Historisches tiber die Farbenkamera. (Jahrbuch fiir Photo- graphie und Reproductionstechnik ftir 1911, Halle a. S., 1911, Jahre: 25, p. 11-135 MFA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1611. Prilejaeff, Alexandre. Gelbscheiben fiir Autochromplatten. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p.294— 298.) MFA 1612. Quentin, H. Le procédé Krayn. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 293- 300.) MFA 1613. Rheinberg, Julius. Suggestion for a new colour screen-plate to act by diffrac- tion. (British journal of photography, London, April 11, 1911, v. 58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 32.) MFA 1614. ——- Suggestion for a new screen- plate. (British journal of photography, London, March 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 24.) MFA Discussion of ideas of E. J. Wall, E. Doglibert and of the Frauenfelder patent. 1615. Richard, A. Sur la photographie en couleur chez M. G. Marionez. (Société d’émulation de Cambrai. Mémoires, Cam- brai, 1911, tome 65, p. 485-498.) * EN 1616. Russian colour-photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 17, 1911, v..$8,-p.82e7 MFA Brief reference to Prokudin-Gorsky who claimed to have spent his entire fortune in experiments, and who petitioned the government to buy 2,000 of his pro- ductions. 1617. Simmen, Charles. Nouveau procédé permettant la prise de vues instantanées sur plaques autochromes. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 382-383.) MFA 1618. -—- Quelques mots sur l’hypersensi- bilisation des plaques autochromes. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 403-406.) MFA Abstract in British journal of photography, Lon- don, May 3, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 17-18, MFA, 1619. Starr, William Ireland. Why not make color photographs? (American an- nual of photography for 1912, New York, 1911, v. 26, p. 228-234.) MFA i ae experience with autochrome and Dufay plates. 1620. Stenger, Erich. Das “Weiss” auf Farbrasterplatten und weisse Farbraster. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., May 17, 1911, Jahrg. 18, p. 247-248.) } MFA 1621. —— Zur Kenntnis der Autochrom- platte. (Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., 1907, Jahrg. 14, p. 499-502, 527, 543- 545, 605-607; 1908, Jahrg. 15, p. 9-11, 37-39, 137-140, 247-248, 259-261, 283-286, 360-363, 395-397, 432-435, 446-448, 569-572, 593-595, 617-619; 1909, Jahrg. 16, p. 97-99, 104-106, 132-135, 182-185, 191-193, 207-210, 317-319, 325-327, 433-437, 469-471, 481-483, 577-580; | 1910, Jahrg. 17, p. 9-13, 259-261, 283-285, COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 79 1911, continued. 331-334, 367-370, 515-518, 527-529; 1911, Jahrg. 18, p. 25-26, 35-37, 46-49, 206-208, 264-266, 307-308, 315-316, 331-332.) +MFA After the first few numbers the title reads: Zur Kenntnis der Autochromeplatte und 4hnlich gearter Erzeugnisse. An excellent review of progress. 1622. Switkowski, Josef. Three -colour prints by the oil process. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 12- 13.) MFA 1623. “Tabloid” chemicals for screen-plate work. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 6, 1911, v. 58, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 8.) MFA Produced by Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. 1624. Thovert, J. Pinachrome as an extra sensitiser of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, July 7, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 47-48.) MFA Also printed in Société francaise de photographie. oh Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 383-389, 1625. Sensibilisation de plaques auto- chromes: influence de la qualité de 1’éclaire- ment sur la reproduction photographique des couleurs. (Société francaise de pho- tographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 379-381.) MFA 1626. Tikhoff. Colour photography on Mars. (Nature. London, Oct. 19, 1911, 7..8/, p.. 529:) OA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Nov. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 64, MFA. 1627. Uto photographic paper. (Nature, London, Nov. 9, 1911, v. 88, p. 50.) OA 1628. Valenta, Eduard. Uber die “Deutschen Farbrasterfilms auf Krayn-Raster” der Neuen photographischen Gesellschaft in Berlin-Steglitz. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 41-44.) . MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 11, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. 30-31, MFA. 1629. Zur Kenntnis des “Utacolorpa- pieres.” (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 624-627.) MFA 1630. Vallot, Emile. Hypersensibilisation des plaques autochromes. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, série 3, tome 2, p. 389-391.) MFA Also printed in Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 369-371, MFA. 1631. A Vertical developing dish for auto- chrome plates. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. eS Designed by Seyewetz and sold by M. Leune, Paris. 1632. Wall, Edward John. Die Farbe photographischer Bilder. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproductionstechnik fir 1911, Halle a. S., 1911, Jahrg. 25, p. 38—- 41.) MFA 1633. Suggestion for a new colour screen-plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. aN Reply to F. Doglibert. Cites United States patent no, 747961 of Frauenfelder. 1634. Weimann, Arthur. Monochrome Vergrosserung von Autochromen usw. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. 215-219.) MFA 1635. Winter, G. Hints on working the autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 3, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supplement, p. ory 1636. Worel, Karl. Fortschritte in der Farbenphotographie im: vorigen Jahre. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Repro- ductionstechnik ftir 1911, Halle a. S., 1911, Jahrg. 25, p. 3-5.) MFA 1637. Wychgram, Engelhard. Uber neuere Farbraster. illus. (Photographische Mit- teilungen, Berlin, 1911, Bd. 48, p. Nees Dufay and Krayn plates. 1912 1638. Autochrome light filter. (British journal of photography, London, May 3, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 24.) MFA Accurate filters made by Dallmeyer. 1639. Baker, Thomas Thorne. tography by artificial light. Notes on the screening of artificial illuminants. illus. (Amateur photographer & photographic news, London, March 4, 1912, v.55, p. 221- Zoe.) +MFA Also printed in Photo-era, Nov., 1912, v. 29, p. 240-241, MFA. Colour pho- Boston, 1640. Balagny, Georges. Application du diamidophénol en liqueur acide au dé- veloppement des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 371- 378.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 6-8, MFA. 1641. Bartlett, John. Autochromes and art. (Bulletin of photography, Philadel- phia, Sept. 11, 1912, v. 11) p. 373-374.) +MFA 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1912, continued. 1642. Bennett, Charles W. Glycerol as sensitizer. (Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, Washington and New York, 1912. Original communica- tions, v. 20, section 9, Photochemistry, p. 121-122.) PKR Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 3, MFA. 1643. Bergeron. Bichromatic reversing bath. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 6, 1912, v.59, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 44.) MFA Suggested formula for autochromes. 1644. Blackburn, H. E. The Dufay diopto- chrome plate. (Camera craft, San Fran- cisco, May, 1912, v. 19, p. 215-220.) MFA 1645. The Krayn colour films. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Feb. 2, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 8.) MFA Corrects a misprint in above periodical of Decem- ber 8, 1911. 1646. Boucher, L. Renforcement des auto- chromes. (Photo-gazette, Paris, June 25, 1912, année 22, p. 157-158.) MFA 1647. Brandlmayr, Georg. Uber Dreifar- bengravure. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1912, Bd. 49, p. 553-555.) MFA 1648. Broum, Karl H. Die Autotypie und der Dreifarbendruck. Die Anwendung des Rasters zur Herstellung von Klischees ftir den ein- und- mehr-farbigen Buchdruck, nebst Anhang: Rastertiefdruck. Halle a. Se VV anapp, 1912, vi, 192 p,,.5 ol. 8". “ MDS 1649. Burchardt,-Ernest A. Three-colour printing by the bichromated size process. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 26-28.) MFA 1650. Busy, L. L’autochromie en voyage de France au Tonkin. (Photo-gazette, Paris, July 25, 1912, année 22, p. 177-178.) MFA 1651. Color photography in relation to new art movement in photography. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 19126 viel peas. } +MFA 1652. Colour prints from autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 31.) MFA Commercial apparatus of Messrs. Hitchins briefly referred to. Balfour and 1653. Colour prints on paper: a simple process in practical form. (British jour- nal of photography, Aug. 30, 1912, v. 59, p. 669-670.) MFA Paget screen-plate process explained. 1654. A Colour transparency competition. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 6, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA Conditions of the Société francaise de photographie. 1655. Corke, H. Essenhigh. The auto- chrome process. (Photographic journal, London, Dec., 1912, new series, v. 36, p. 338-345.) MFA 1656. Cousin, Ernest. The development of colour and other plates exposed through ascreen. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1912, v. 59, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 9-10.) MFA Paper read before the Société frangaise de photo- graphie. 1657. Crémier, Victor. Hypersensibilisa- tion simplifiée des autochromes. (Photo- gazette, Paris, July 25, 1912, année 22, p. 171-176.) MFA 1658. Cust, Leopold. Notes upon the work- ing of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-3, 5-7.) MFA 1659. Dalmas, R., comte de. Enlévement des points noirs sur plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 158- 159.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 36, MFA. 1660. David, Albert. cation of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 6, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA 1661. Intensification of autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-32.) MFA 1662. Dillaye, Frédéric. L’autochromo- scope Elgé. illus. (In his: Les nouveau- tés photographiques 1911-1912. Paris, 1912.. 8°) peligaiiga MFA Viewing apparatus. 1663. Développement des plaques autochromes en lumiére rouge trés vive. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. oer MF Also printed in British journal of ie London, Aug. 2, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 37-38, MFA. Also in his Les nouveautés photographiques 1911- 1912, Paris, 1912, p. 115-125, MFA. 1664. L’écran jaune des plaques auto- chromes. (In his: Les nouveautés photo- graphiques 1911-1912. Paris, 1912. 8°. p. 104-109.) MFA 1665. Les grands contrastes avec plaques autochromes. (in his: =456s nouveautés photographiques 1911-1912. Paris, 1912. 8°. p. 102-104.) MFA Chromium intensifi- — COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 81 1912, continued. 1666. Direct colour photography. (Ama- teur photographer & photographic news, London, Oct. 28, 1912, v. 56, supplement, p. 3-4.) MFA General article on lens and filter. 1667. The Dufay dioptichrome plate. (Amateur photographer & photographic news, London, Jan. 22, 1912, v. 55, p. 80.) MFA 1668. Evans, Ulick R. An attachment for simultaneous exposure in an _ ordinary camera as a means of making the three component negatives for the subtractive processes of colour photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 45-48, 51-52; 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p.4, 12.) MFA 1669. Farnau, FE. F., and J. M. Lower. Color- photography of luminescence. (Eighth International Congress of Applied Chem- istry, Washington and New York, 1912. Original communications, v. 20, section 9, Photochemistry, p. 137-138.) PKR Use of Dufay plates. 1670. Finlay, C.L. Lantern slides in nat- ural colour by the Paget duplicating method. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 1, 1912, v. 59, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 49-51.) MFA 1671. Flashlight for screen colour plates. (British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 36.) MFA Formula for screen liquid to be used with “Agfa’’ blitzlicht powder. 1672. Florence. Ueber die optische Aus- rustung fiir Autochrom und andere Farb- rasterplatten - Verfahren. (Photograph- ische Chronik, Halle a. S., March 27, 1912, Jahrg. 19, p. 165-167.) +MFA 1673. G., G. S. A method of retouching autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Dec. 6, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 55.) MFA 1674. Gaumont, Léon. Vues cinémato- graphiques en couleurs naturelles. (So- ciété francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 370-371.) MFA 1675. Gebhard, Kurt. Zusammenhang zwischen Lichtempfindlichkeit und Kon- stitution von Farbstoffen. (Jahrbuch fir Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik tar 1912, Halle a. S., 1912, Jahre. 26, p. 51- 67. ) MFA 1676. Gimpel, Léon. Le vérachromoscope. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 229- Zoe.) MFA 1677. Grant, Thomas K. Extra-sensitised autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 5, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 36.) MFA Tells how he worked the Simmen process. 1678. Hernandez - Mejia, Arturo. The colorgraph process of colour cinematogra- phy. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Oct. 8, 1912, v. 59, p. 805— 807.) MFA 1679. Colour cinematography. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 6, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 44.) MFA _ Abstract from the Morning telegraph. His inven- tion known as the cinecolorgraph. 1680. Hilliard, F. M. Color photography by flashlight. (Camera craft, San Fran- cisco, Jan., 1912, v. 19, p. 21-22.) MFA 1681. Hollyer, Frederick T. The use of grey in three-colour printing. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 4, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 48.) MFA 1682. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. The production of pure whites in autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1912, v. 59, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 13-14.) MFA 1683. Ives, Frederic Eugene. Tripak color-photography. (Photo-era, Boston, Feb., 1912, v. 28, p. 57-58.) MFA 1684. Ives, Herbert Eugene. The present condition of color photography. (Eighth International Congress of Applied Chem- istry, Washington and New York, 1912. Original communications, v. 26, appendix, sections 6a—1lb, p. 447-452.) PKR Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 21-22, 26, MFA, and in Journal of physical chem- istry, Ithaca, N. Y., 1913, v.17, p. 41-46, PAA. 1685. Johnson and Sons. Correcting col- our-rendering in autochromes. (British journal of photography, London, March l, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 12.) MFA Unexposed gelatine plate is developed and dyed in “‘photo-tints,” and used as a cover glass for the auto- chrome. 1686. Knott, L. E. Colour plates and the holiday. (Amateur photographer & photo- graphic news, London, July 8, 1912, v. 56, p. 47-48.) +MFA Equipment for tour with no special plates mentioned. 1687. Koenig, Ernst. Die Farben-Photo- graphie. Eine gemeinverstandliche Dar- stellung der verschiedenen Verfahren’ nebst Anleitung zu ihrer Ausfihrung. Berlin: Union deutsche Verlagsgesell- schaft, 1912.23) p.L, LOA eee Oa (Photographische Bibliothek. Bd. Een 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1912, continued. 1688. Leffmann, Henry. Color photogra- phy. (Photo-era, Boston, June, 1912, v. 28, p. 237-239.) MFA Experiences with photomicrographs. 1689. Leggett, George H. Three -colour negatives at one exposure. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 54-55; Feb. 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 8.) MFA 1690. Leiber, Ferdinand. Three - colour transparencies. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 5, 1912, v. 59, Col- our photography supplement, p. 3-4.) MFA 1691. Le Mée, Alexandre. The new Uto- color paper. (Photo-era, Boston, April, 1912, v. 28, p. 145-147.) MFA 1692. Lewis, Alfred Holmes. The auto- chrome in winter. (Photo-era, Boston, Jan., 1912, v. 28, p. 10-12.) MFA 1693. Lobley, Frank J. Screen-plate col- our photography. (British journal of pho- tography, London, April 5, 1912, v. 59, Col- our photography supplement, p.16.) MFA Abstract of lecture delivered to the Chichester Photographic Society. 1694. Lovelace, Marcus G. Screenless color photography. (Wilson’s photo- graphic magazine, New York, 1912, v. 49, p. 531-536.) MFA Directions for Lippmann process. Also printed in American annual of photography, 1913, New York, 1912, v. 27, p. 9-20. 1695. Lucas, E. G. Handel. The use of grey in three-colour printing. (British journal of photography, London, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 43- 44, 55-56.) MFA 1696. McIntosh, J. The autochrome proc- ess. (Photographic journal, London, Nov., 1912, new series, v. 36, p. 320-329.) MFA 1697. Mackenstein Etablissements. Chro- moscope classeur. illus. (Société fran- caise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 40.) MFA 1698. Mairot, F. Developing autochromes in green light. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 5, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA 1699. Maleve, L. To determine the ex- posure of autochrome plates. illus. (Bul- letin of photography, Philadelphia, May 1, 1912, v. 10, p. 578-580.) +MFA 1700. Mareschal, G. Le vérachromoscope. illus. (Photo-gazette, Paris, May 25, 1912, année 22, p. 136-138.) MFA 1701. Marino, Algeri. Transmission des photographies et des images a distance, systéme Marino. illus. (La Lumiére élec- trique, Paris, 1912, série 2, tome 19, tri- mestre 3, p. 261-265.) VGA Translated abstract in Scientific American, New York, March 22, 1913, v. 108, p. 273, 7A Deals with transmission of photographs in color. 1702. Messer, H. C. Showing autochrome transparencies. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Dec. 6, 1912, v. 59, Col- our photography supplement, p.54.) MFA 1703. Miethe, Adolf. Farbenphotographie des Vollmondes. illus. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1912, Bd. 49, p. 357- 359.) MFA Colored illustration opp. p. 356. 1704. Monpillard, Félix. Etude micro- graphique du réseau des plaques omni- colores. (Photo-gazette, Paris, Aug. 25, 1912, année 22, p. 190-192.) MFA 1705. L’hypersensibilisation pratique. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1912, série 3, tome 3, p. 126- 133) MFA 1706. More points in autochrome work. (Amateur photographer & photographic news, London, Nov. 11, 1912, v. 56, supple- ment, p. 3-4.) +MFA Loading and exposure. 1707. Das Neue Utocolor - Rapid - Papier. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1912, Bd. 49, p. 308-310.) MFA 1708. Neues Utocolor- Papier. (Photo- graphische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1912, Bd. 49, p. 160.) MFA Formula for fixing bath. 1709. A New colour photography. With a non-screen plate and one exposure. (Ama- teur photographer & photographic news, London, April 8, 1912, v. 55, p. 356.) #~{MFA Rheinberg process. 1710. A New method of color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1912, “v.19, p. 277-278.) MFA Process of the Brothers Rheinberg. 1711. Newton, A. J. The use of grey in three-colour printing. (British journal of photography, London, 1912, v.59, Colour photography supplement, p. 48, 56.) MFA 1712. Newton, A. J., and A. J. Butt. The testing of lenses for three-colour and process work. (Photographic journal, London, March, 1912, new series, v. 36, p. 91-98.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1912, v.59, Colour photography supplement, p. 14-15, MFA. 1713. Palocsay, Albin von. Wichtigere Fortschritte und Erfahrungen, betreffend die Photographie mit Farbrasterplatten. illus. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik fiir 1912, Halle a. S., 1912, Jahrg. 26, p. 250-276.) MFA Progress from March, 1911 to April, 1912. i eee ee a eT ea Ae OR He ear aS COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 23 1912, continued. 1714. Pope, Sir William Jackson. The color plate in geology. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Jan., 1912, v. 19, p.35.) MFA 1715. Prilejaeff, Alexandre. The choice and preparation of compensating light- filters for the autochrome plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1911, v. 58, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 58-59, 61-62; 1912, Colour pho- fee phy supplement, p. 7-8.) MFA For a correction of typographical error see above periodical, v. 58, Nov. 3, 1911, Colour photography supplement, p. 64, 1716. Le Procédé diachrome. (Photo- gazette, Paris, April 25, 1912, année 22, p. 110-113.) MFA 1717. Recapitulation of direct color process by photography. (Bulletin of photogra- phy, Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1912, v. 11, p. 686-687.) +MFA 1718. Rheinberg, Julius. The micro-spec- tra method of colour photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, May 3, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 24.) MFA Corrects a statement that Drac’s process is similar to his own. 1719, Rheinberg, Julius, and ErNEest RHEIN- BERG. The micro-spectra method of colour photography by prismatic dispersion. illus. (Photographic journal, London, April, 1912, new series, v. 36, p. 162-191.) MFA Also eae in British journal of photography, London, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. 19-24, 28-31, 33-36, 38-40, MFA, and in Zeit- schrift fiir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leipzig, 1913, Bd. 12, p. 373-408, PLC. 1720. Schmidt, Fritz. Farbenphotogra- phie; eine Sammlung von Aufnahmen in naturlichen Farben. Heft 1. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann ,1912?). illus. f°. tMFV Attractive photographs. 1721. Starr, William Ireland. Colour pho- tographs on the Dufay dioptichrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, March 1, 1912, v. 59, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 10-11.) MFA Instructions in detail. 1722. Str. Das Utocolorverfahren. (Pho- tographische Chronik, Halle a. S., July 3, 1912, Jahrg. 19, p. 333-335.) MFA 1723. Thieme, Paul. Autochromaufnahmen bei nattirlichem und ktinstlichem Licht. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1912, Bd. 49, p. 135-137.) MFA 1724. Thovert, J. Hypersensitizing auto- chrome plates. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, June 19, 1912, v.10, p.829- 833.) +MFA 1725. Valenta, Eduard. Die Photographie in natirlichen Farben, mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung des Lippmannschen Ver- fahrens sowie jener Methoden, welche bei einmaliger Belichtung ein Bild in Farben liefern. - Halle a. Si: W. Knapp, 1912. xi, 180 p., 6 pl. 2. ed. 8°. (Encyclopadie der Photographie. Heft 2.) MFV 1726. Uber das Utocolorrapidpapier. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1912, Bd. 49, p. 361-362.) MFA mies printed in Photographische Rundschau, Halle .S., 1912, Bd. 49, p. 341-342, MFA. 1727. Le Vérachromoscope. illus. (La Nature, Paris, 1912, tome 40, semestre 2, supplément, p. 19.) OA 1728. Wall, Edward: John. The micro- spectra method of colour photography by prismatic dispersion. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1912, v. 59, Colour photography supplement, p. ty M me that Charles Cros outlined the process in 1869. 1729. Weissermel, W. posures by flashlight. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1912, v.59, Colour photography supplement, p. ray Autochrome ex- Uses a pyrocatechin developer. 1730. Zur Farbenphotographie mit Autochromplatten u. a. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1912, Bd. 49, p. 58— 59.) MFA Autochrome, Dioptichrome, Omnicolore, N. P. G. plates. 1731. Wolf-Czapek, Karl Wilhelm. Far- bige Kinematographie. illus. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1912, Bd. 49, p. 436-440.) MFA Briefly describes various processes. 1732. Wood, Robert Williams. Selective absorption of light on the moon’s surface and lunar photography. (Astrophysical journal, Chicago, July, 1912, v. 36, p.74- 84.) OMA Abstracted in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Sept. 6, 1912, v.59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 44, MFA. 1733. Worel, Karl. Mein verbessertes Ver- fahren der Photographie in Korperfarben durch Farbenanpassung. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik fir 1912, Halle a. S,, 1912. Jahres Z6ep, o- 15.) MFA 1734. Das Utocolorpapier. (Photo- graphische Kunst, Munchen, 1911-12, Jahrg. 10, p. 203-204.) +MFA QA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1913 1735. Adrien, Charles. Notes sur la pho- tographie en couleurs dans les glaciers. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1913, série 3, tome 4, p. 59-60.) MFA 1736. Bawtree, A. E. A new colour trans- parency process. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1913, v. 60, Col- our photography supplement, p. Sr ne Uses sensitized fish-glue solution. Abstract in Amateur photographer & Meri Hees news, London, Nov. 10, 1913, v.58, p. 430, ,MFA 1737. Berger, Arthur. Uber die Farben- wiedergabe durch die Autochromplatte. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 357-358.) MFA 1738. Berton, Rudolf, and Maurice AuptI- BERT. Das Kineidochrom. illus. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 391-396.) MFA Authors’ process of cglor kinematography. 1739. Blaauw, A. H. De tropische natuur in schetsen en kleuren.. Amsterdam: Koloniaal Instituut, 1913. 3 pl. (i)x-—xi, 185 p., 28 col’d pl., 4 maps. illus. 8°. BFK -—— = Amsterdam: Koloniaal Insti- Prt 1 Jo, 191 pie Zed. allussci8ss BFK 1740. Brown, George Edward. All about color photography. illus. (Photo-minia- ture, New York, July, 1913, v. 11, p.373- 411. ) MFA General article describing eat known processes. 1741. Butler, Edwin T. The Butler tri- colour single exposure camera. (British journal of photography, London, June 6, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 22-23.) MFA 1742. Calmels, H. Le témoin de sélection trichrome de Wratten & Wainwright. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1913, série 3, tome 4, p. 157- 159.) MFA 1743. Cobenzl, A. Farbenraster-Photogra- phie. illus. (Photographische Korrespon- denz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 242-247.) MFA Compares various plates used for color photography. 1744. Farbige Photographien. (Pho- tographische Kunst, Miinchen, 1912-13, Jahrg. 11, p. 284-287.) +MFA Comparison of Autochrome, Omnicolore, and Thames plates. 1745. Coker, Ernest George. Colour pho- tography of internal stress in bodies of Dufay, engineering form. illus. in color. (West of Scotland Iron & Steel Institute. Journal, Glasgow, 1913, v.20, p. 81-104.) VIA 1746. Colour photography by the Paget duplicating method. (British journal of photography, London, April 4, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. Soap 1747. Cominetti, Annibale. Farbige Kino- aufnahmen und deren Projektion. illus. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 231-234.) MFA Berthon & Audibert patent. 1748. Coonoor, pseud. On working the autochrome plate in India. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 3-4.) MFA 1749. Cooper, James. Amateurs and the autochrome. (Photo-era, Boston, Aug., 1913, v. 31, p. 80-85.) MFA Has table and abacus for exposures. 1750. Cousin, Ernest. Contribution a l’ob- tention des reproductions d’autochromes sur autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1913, série 3, tome 4, p. 330-335.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Feb. 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 7, FA; and in Photographische Mit- teilungen, Berlin, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 373-374, MFA. 1751. Developing autochromes by ruby- light. (Photo-era, Boston, Oct., 1913, v. 31, p.213;) MFA From circular issued by the Gaumont Co. 1752. Drake-Brockman, H. G. A drying cupboard for hyper-sensitised screen- plates. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 7, 1913, v. 60, Col- our photography supplement, p. cae 1753. Eder, Josef Maria. Quellenschriften zu den frithesten Anfangen der Photogra- phie bis zum xvi. ftinf heliographischen Portraten, zwei Licht- drucktitelblattern und diversem Buch- schmuk. Halle a. S.: Wilhelm Knapp, 1913. 1.p.L, 1871) p., 5S’ portesaiiteeee + PKB Facsimiles of papers by Fabricius, Croll, Boyle, Balduin, Schulze, Hellot, Scheele, and Beccaria on the chemical action of light. Interesting introduction. 1754. Enlarged negatives from auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 44.) MFA 1755. Fallowfield, Jonathan. Autochrome correcting screens. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 1, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. ee For sale by the above firm. 1756. Foersterling, K. Lichtfortpflanzung in inhomogenen Medien; Theorie der Lipp- | mannschen Farbenphotographie. (Physi- kalische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1913, Jahrg. 14, p. 265-270.) PAA ———— er gee. er - ot. Sei et STS COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY Q5 1913, continued. 1757. Gebhard, Kurt. Notes on the chem- istry of the bleaching-out of dyes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Oct. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 38-40.) MFA 1758. Veranderung organischer Farb- stoffe im Licht. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 118- 130.) MFA 1759. —— Zur Theorie des Ausbleichver- fahrens (Utocolorpapier). (Photograph- ische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 76-77.) MFA 1760. Gérard, Louise. La retouche des autochromes. (Société francaise de photo- graphie. Bulletin, Paris, 1913, série 3, tome 4, p. 337-338.) MFA 1761. Grange. Black and green spots on autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 1, 1913, v.60, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-32.) MFA 1762. Grove, J. M. C. Prismatic fantasies of colour on autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 4.) MFA 1763. Heyne, W. Zur Kinematographie in naturlichen Farben. (Photographische Rupdschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 22- 26.) MFA 1764. Hind, H. Lloyd, and W. B. Ranp es. Handbook of photomicrography. New fore. Dutton & Co. ,1913.; xii, 292 p., 44 pl. 8°. OCG See chapter 9: Colour screens and colour sensitive plates; chapter 13: Colour photomicrography. Good reproductions of autochromes. 1765. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. The Christensen (Agfa) screen-plate. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 4.) MFA Suggestions as to light filter and reversing bath. 1766. The correction of prevailing tints in autochromes by coloured screens. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 5, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34.) MFA 1767. Gelbscheiben fur Autochromauf- nahmen. (Photographische Rundschau, Pietie a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 79.) MFA 1768. Steigerung der Empfindlichkeit der Autochromplatte. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, pe A 1769. Ihran, R. Sensitising methylene blue for bleach-out pictures in the camera. (British journal of photography, London, March 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 11-12.) MFA * 1775. Kuemmell, G. 1770. Intensifying autochromes. (Photo- era, Boston, Aug., 1913, v. 31, p.105.) MFA Agfa intensifier. 1771. Just, Alexander. Neuere Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete des Ausbleichverfahrens. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 168-179.) MFA Thiosinamine derivatives as sensitisers. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 4, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 26-27, MFA. 1772. Koenig, Ernst. Farben - Kinemato- graphie. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle, S.,1915..Bd-50; p..3-5.) MFA Kinemacolor and colorgraph processes. 1773. Ein neues Farbrasterverfahren. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 277-278.) MFA Paget plate. 1774. Ein vereinfachtes Kopierver- fahren mit Pinatypiefarbstoffen. (Photo- graphische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 325-326.) MFA Weitere Untersu- chungen tber die Beschleunigung des Aus- bleichens von Farbstoffen. (Zeitschrift flr wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leip- zig, 1912, Bd. 11, p. 133-136.) PLC Translation in British journal of photography, Lon- don, Sept. 6, 1912, v.59, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 41-42, MFA. 1776. Le Mée, Alexandre. Colour prints on opal. (British journal of photography, London, May 2, 1913, v. 60, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 19-20.) MFA 1777. The Leto Photo Materials Co. A new colour screen - plate — “The Leto.” illus. (British journal of photography, London, April 4, 1913, v. 60, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 13-14.) MFA 1778. Lueppo-Cramer. On reversal of the image in making screen-plate colour trans- parencies. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Oct. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 37-38.) MFA Abstract in Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1914, série 3, tome 5, p. 171-172, MFA. 1779. Lugdunensis, pseud. A one-exposure three-colour camera. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. ciel 1780. Manners, Samuel. Colour prints by the Raydex process. (British journal of photography, London, April 4, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA 1781. Martin, Karl. Ueber verbesserte Fil- ter fiir Autochromaufnahmen. (Jahrbuch fur Photographie und Reproduktionstech- nik fur 1913, Halle a.cSi919)g Jahre: 27, p. 103-104.) MFA 86 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1913, continued. 1782. Meesterwerken der kleuren - photo- graphie. Eene verzameling van opnamen in de natuurlijke kleuren door middel van Lumiéres autochroomplaten. Leiden: A. WieoSiithori 11912-lo ol 2. parts sinial Vv. col’d illus. 4°. Tt MFV 60 mounted plates and illustrated articles by Fritz Schmidt and others. 1783. Monjauze, G. Emploi des lampes électriques a incandescence pour le por- trait sur autochromes. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1913, série 3, tome 4, p. 203-204.) MFA 1784. Monochrome prints from colour negatives. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Nov. 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA Special reference to Paget plates. 1785. Monpillard, Félix. Colour rendering with extra-sensitised autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, May 2, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 18.) MFA 1786. Extra sensitising of autochromes in practice. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, .jan.-3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA 1787. Morton, Arthur E. Conversion of autochromes into Paget colour slides. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 5, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 45-47.) MFA 1788. Exposure of colour plates: some notes preparatory to a demonstration. (British journal of photography, London, May 2, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 17-18.) MFA Describes his process for exposing autochrome, Du- fay, and Paget plates. 1789. Influences modifying colour rendering. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, July 4, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 25.) MFA Importance of reflection and colour contrasts. Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Nov., 1913, v. 20, p. 535-536, MFA. 1790. Namias, Rodolfo. Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen aus der Praxis der Autochromphotographie. (Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik fur 1913,. Halle a.’ §., 1913, Jahrewee en: 162-167.) | MFA Also printed in Photo-era, Boston, June, 1914, v. 32, p. 280-282, MFA. 1791. —— Fehler bei Autochromaufnahmen und deren Abhilfe. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 47- 48.) MFA Also printed in Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Feb. 9, 1913, Jahrg. 20, p. 71-73, }-MFA. 1792. Eine Neue Farbenrasterplatte. (Pho- tographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 144.) MFA Leto plate. 1793. Photographs that have been made in natural colors. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1913, v. 13, p. 835— 836.) +MFA Brief early history. 1794. Piper, Charles Welborne. The func- tions of black and white in colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 5-6.) MFA 1795. Pledge, John H. The Christensen screen-plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 4.) MFA Photomicrographs of above plate and autochrome. 1796. The Paget screen-plate. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 1, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA 1797. Renger-Patzsch, Robert. Die Far- benplatte der Paget Co. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a: SS. 1913, 8a e50e 363-364.) MFA Also printed in Photographische Chronik, Halle a. S., Nov. 12, 1913, Jahrg. 20, p. 613-614, ¢MFA. 1798. Rypinski, M. C. Color ata tie (American annual of photography for 1914, New York, 1913, v.28, p. 116-126.) MFA Briefly describes Dufay, Paget, and Autochrome processes. 1799. Schrott, Paul, Ritter von. Abschwa- chen von Autochromplatten. (Photogra- phische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 397-400.) MFA Also printed in Société francaise de photographie. aoe Paris, 1914, série 3, tome 5, p. 170-171, 1800. Schwarzer, Ed. Grenzen des Auto- chromverfahrens. (Photographische Welt, Leipzig, Nov. 15, 1913, Jahrg. 27, p. 161- 162.) MFA 1801. Smith, John H. Recent investiga- tions in the bleachout process of colour photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 1, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 29-31.) MFA Also printed in Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 400-405, MFA, Photo- graphische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1913, Bd. 50, p. 255— 257, 267-268, MFA, and Société francaise de photo- graphie. Bulletin, Paris, 1913, série 3, tome 4, p. 267-275, MFA. 1802. Smitten, Howard M. Color plate exposures. illus. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Oct., 1913, v. 20, p. 475-476.) MFA Dial designed for use with the Wynne meter. - Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p.15, MFA. : | at - Autochromplatte. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY Q7 1913, continued. 1803. Sparkle in colour transparencies. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 7, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA Suggestion for obviating. 1804. Spoerl, Hans. Utocolor-Rapidpapier. (Photographische Kunst, Miinchen, 1912- 13, Jahrg. 11, p. 173-174.) +MFA 1805. Steigerung der Empfindlichkeit der (Photographische Chro- wee tiaile a, >., April 23, 1913, Jahre. 20, p. 214.) +MFA Von Hitibl’s method. 1806. Stenger, Erich. The history of the reversal process as used in screen-plate colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 5, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. Ry 1807. Streissler, Alfred. Das Paget-Far- benverfahren. (Photographische Welt, merece, Oct. 15, 1913,. Jahre. 27, p. 146- 148.) MFA 1808. Das Rheinbergsche Verfahren der Farbenphotographie. (Photogra- phische Welt, Leipzig, May 15, 1913, Jae 27, p. 67-68.) MFA 1809. Substituting white paper for black behind autochrome plates. (Photo-era, Boston, Feb., 1913, v. 30, p. 95.) MFA 1810. Thoerner, W. A simple viewing cabinet for autochromes. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 1, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 32.) MFA 1811. Tobler, Friedrich. Einige Erfah- rungen bei Autochromaufnahmen in den Tropen. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 297-300.) MFA 1812. Union photographique industrielle Etablissements Lumiére & Jougla réunis. Sensibilisieren von Ausbleichschichten. (Chemisch-technisches Repertorium, Co- then, May 17, 1913, Jahrg. 37, p.276.) VOA D. R. P. 258241. Abstract only. Translation in British journal of photography, London, June 6, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 24, MFA. 1813. Utocolour bleachout paper. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 5, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 36.) MFA Brief reference to improved paper. 1814. Wallace, Robert James. Plain versus color-sensitive plates... Questions answered by the director of the Research Laboratory of the G. Cramer Dry Plate Co. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Feb., 1913, v. 20, p. 66-68.) MFA 1826. Brizet, André. 1815. Watkins, Alfred. Exposure of col- our plates. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, June 6, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, p. 24.) MFA Criticises Morton’s exposure scheme. 1816. The Watkins colour plate meter. (British journal of photography, London, July 4, 1913, v. 60, Colour photography supplement, D2os,) MFA 1817. Whitfield, Geoffrey, and C. L. Fin- LAY. A demonstration of the Paget colour plate. (Photographic journal, London, April, 1913, new series, v. 37, p. 142-148.) MFA With discussion. 1818. Why are color Biaien not artistically satisfactory? (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, July 23, 1913, v. 13, p.111-— 112) +MFA 1819. Wychgram, Engelhard. Autochrome Tierphotographie an der Nordsee. (Pho- tographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1913, Bd. 50, p. 229-231.) "MFA 1914 1820. Barker, J. W. The Paget color proc- ess — making the positive. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Aug., 1914, v. 21, p. 408— 409.) MFA 1821. Barton, E. A. A note on exposure of autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. aoe 1822. Bawtree, A. E. Lead intensification. illus. (Amateur photographer, London, May 25, 1914, v. 59, p. 497-498.) +MFA Partly reprinted in Camera eres San Francisco, June, 1914, v. 21, p. 295-296, MFA 1823. Biermann, E. A. Individualised auto- chromy. (Amateur photographer & pho- NS news, London, July 20, 1914, v. 60, p. 56.) +MFA Suggestions for exposure. 1824. Brand, John. The Raydex process of colour photography on paper. (British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 9.) MFA 1825. Breton, André. Photographies en couleurs pouvant étre reproduites. Le procédé Paget. (La. Nature, Paris, 1914, année 42, semestre 2, p. 148-151.) OA Exposure and de- velopment of autochromes. (British jour- nal of photography, London, May 1, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 19-20.) MFA 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1914, continued. 1827. Broum, Karl H. E/iniges zur Drei- farben-Autotypie. (Photographische Kor- eee Wien, 1914, Bd. 51, p. ary 1828. Burton, H. M: Hints for new colour- plate workers. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Oct. 2, 1914, v. 61, Col- our photography supplement, p. 37-38.) MFA 1829. The Business aspect of colour pho- tography. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-26.) MFA 1830. Calmels, H. Procédé Paget - Color pour la photographie des couleurs a un nombre illimité d’exemplaires. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1914, série 3, tome 5, p. 186-197.) MFA 1831. Carr, Sydney Herbert. Notes on ex- posure, etc., in the autochrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 48.) MFA 1832. Carrara, Achille. A new quick-dry- ing sensitiser:for three colour and ordinary carbon tissues. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 2, 1914, v. 61, Col- our photography supplement, p. 3-4.) MFA Ammonium bichromate and ethyl alcohol. Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1914, v. 21, p. 293-294, MFA. 1833. Reproduction of autochromes on paper by three-colour carbon printing. (British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 10.) MFA Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Aug., 1914, v. 21, p. 407-408, MFA. 1834. Crémier, Victor. Chloranol as a de- veloper for autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 26-27.) MFA 1835. Dawson, Alfred. Three-colour cam- eras. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 16.) MFA Endeavors to explain lack of symmetry in images. 1836. Dearden, W. Autochrome hints. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA 1837. The Evolution of screen-plate colour photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Oct. 2, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 38-39.) MFA 1838. An Exhibition of the work of Louis Ducos du Hauron in colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 23-24.) MFA Gives a list of early negatives and prints. 1839. Fischer, R., and H. Siecrist. Uber die Bildung von Farbstoffen durch Oxyda- tion mittels belichteten Halogensilbers. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1914, Bd. 51, p. 18-22, 208-211.) MFA 1840. Foersterling, K. Zur Theorie der Lippmannschen Farbenphotographie. (Physikalische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1913- 14, Jahrg. 14, p. 265-270; Jahre. 15, p. 225— 234, 940-952.) PAA 1841. Gebhard, Kurt. Bildung und Zerst6- rung von Farbstoffen im Licht. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1914, Bd. 51, p. 384-385.) MFA 1842. H., P. Zur Paget-Farbrasterplatte. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1914, Bd. 50, p. 124.) MFA 1843. Hamburger, Aron. The polychro-. mide colour process. (Photographic jour- nal, London, Nov., 1914, new series, v. 38, p. 288-294.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1914, v. - Colour photography supplement, p. 45-47; "Jan. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, Dp. 45 MFA, Amateur pho- ile tt & photographic news, London, Nov. 2, 1914, 60, p. 419, MFA, Camera craft, San Francisco, Behe: 1915, v. 22, p. 82-83, MFA. 1844. Hamburger, W. S. Autochrome flashlight portraiture. (American photog- raphy, Boston, Aug., 1914, v. 8, p. re Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Sept. 4, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 34-35, MFA. 1845. Hargreaves, F. J. Focussing screens © for color screen plates. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Aug., 1914, v. 21, p. 409- 410.) MFA 1846. A new use for the Paget method of color photography. (Camera craft, San Francisco, March, 1914, v. 21, p. 140-141.) MFA For testing and demonstrating the orthochromatic properties of plates and the efficiency of light filters. 1847. Hess, Henry. Direct colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 44.) MFA An appreciation of the work of F. E. Ives. 1848. Hess-Ives Company. Three colour prints. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 8.) MFA 1 aaa of French patent no. 461078 of Aug. 4, 0. 1849. Heydecker, W. A. Reproduction tri- chrome d’autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1914, série 3, tome 5, p. 172.) MFA ad “ aT COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 89 1914, continued. 1850. Hitchins, Alfred Bishop. Some notes on autochrome work in professional prac- tice. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1914, v. 61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 22-23, 27.) MFA Also printed in Wilson’s photographic magazine, New York, 1914, v. 51, p. 15-17, MFA. 1851. Honoré, C. Halet. Three colour cameras. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1914, v.61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 16.) MFA Discusses lack of symmetry in images. 1852. Ihran, R. Bleachout dyes. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 24.) MFA 1853. Ives, Frederick Eugene. Three- colour cameras. (British journal of pho- tography, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Col- our photography supplement, p.27.) MFA Defends his patent against claims of Pfenninger. 1854. Three-colour prints. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 32.) MFA From negatives made at one exposure in trichro- matic cameras patented by the author. 1855. Judging the quality of natural color photography. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, July 8, 1914, v. 15, p. 48-49.) +MFA 1856. Karl Wilhelm Wolf-Czapek. port. (Photographische Kunst, Mtinchen, 1913- 14, Jahrg. 12, Tafel 78, opp. p. 249.) {MFA 1857. Kein, Wold. Retuschieren von Auto- chrombildern. (Photographische Rund- schau, Halle a. S., 1914, Bd. 51, p.17.) MFA 1858. Koenig, Ernst. A new colour sensi- tiser. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 13-14.) MFA A red which is readily miscible with other cyanine sensitisers with less prejudicial effect upon the whole mixture. Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, May, 1914, v. 21, p. 243-245, MFA. 1859. Simplified pinatype. (British journal of photography, London, May 1, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 20.) MFA 1860. Lassus Saint-Genies, Jacques de. A system of colour photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, May 1, 1914, v. 61, Colour® photography supplement, p. 18-19.) MFA The colors are filtered and selected by means of a three-color diaphragm placed in the lens and by aid of a half-tone screen placed immediately in front of the sensitive panchromatic plate. 1861. Lumiére, Auguste, and Louis LUMIERE. Color photography. (American photogra- phy, Boston, June, 1914, v. 8, p. 358-364.) MFA Cros — Ducos du Hauron and Autochrome proc- esses, 1862. Colour screen-plates. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 40.) MFA Abstract of their French patent no. March 21531913; 1863. McCord, Bennett. Why not the auto- chrome? (The Camera, Philadelphia, 1914, v. 18, p. 679-682.) MFA Advantages and drawbacks. 1864. McIntosh, J. Some special methods of dealing with screen plate transpar- encies. (Photographic journal, London, Jan., 1914, new series, v. 38, p. 5-13.) MFA With discussion. Abstract in British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 11-12, MFA. Last part of this abstract in Camera craft, San Francisco, March, 1914, v. 21, p. 139-140, MFA. 1865. Mann, A. Colour photography simply explained. A series of articles for the beginner on the theory and practice of colour photography. (Amateur pho- tographer & photographic news, London, 1914, v. 60, p. 36-37, 60-61, 84-85.) *MFA Different processes explained. 1866. Massiot, G. La lanterne “Frigida,” son but, son utilité pour la projection des autochromes. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1914, série 3, tome 5, p. 224-226.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 40, MFA. 1867. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. The triple projection process of colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 14-15.) MFA 1868. Miethe, Adolf. Zur Asthetik photo- graphischer Farbenaufnahmen. (Photo- graphische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1914, Bd. 51, p. 293-294.) MFA 1869. Monpillard, Félix. A cabinet for the drying of hypersensitised autochrome plates. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 4, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 36.) MFA 1870. Morton, Arthur E. On tour with screen-plates. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 7, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 30.) MFA 1871. Sunrise and sunset effects. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 4, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 47.) MFA 467128 of 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1914, continued. 1872. Murdoch, Helen M. ,Colour photog- raphy.; (British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 28.) MFA Exposure and development in India. 1873. Colour photography in Ceylon. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 2, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 40.) MFA Exposure and development. 1874. A New Paget process for colour prints on paper. (British journal of pho- tography, London, May 1, 1914, v. 61, Col- our photography supplement, p.20.) MFA 1875. Perkins, Henry Farnham. Telepho- tography with autochrome plates. (Photo- era, Boston, July, 1914, v. 33, p. ferry Also printed in British journal of peas London, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-32, 33-34, MFA. 1876. Pfenninger, Otto. Three - colour cameras. (British journal of photography, London, June 5, 1914, v. 61, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 24.) MFA Claims that Ducos du Hauron’s patent 2973 of 1876, and that of Cros, 9012 of 1892 are the bases for Ives patent (4606 of 1892). 1877. Piper, Charles Welborne. The ray- dex colour process. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 6, 1914, v. 61, p. 5-6.) MFA 1878. The Polychromide process of colour photography on paper. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, ey 1879. Potonniée, G. Biographie de Louis de Ducos du Hauron. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1914, sé- rie 3, tome 5, p. 149-163.) MFA Includes bibliography of works and patents. 1880. Power, H. D’Arcy. Experiences with the Paget color plate. (Camera craft, San Francisco, March, 1914, v. 21, p. 107- 109.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, May 1, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 17-18, MFA. 1881. Further notes on the Paget color plate. (Camera craft, San Francisco, April, 1914, v. 21, p. 193-194.) MFA 1882. The Reproduction of direct colour work. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 7, 1914, v. 61, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 29.) MFA Reproduction by photo-engraving process. 1883. Rigg, Gilbert. Color photography applied to the demonstration of the micro- structure of ores. (Metallurgical and chemical engineering, New York, Jan., 1914, v. 12, p. 30-31.) VOA Abstract. 1884. Rypinski, M. C. Color photography. (Illuminating Engineering Society. Trans- actions, New York, 1914, v. 9, p. nee Brief historical review and details of development. Also printed in Scientific American supplement, New York, Feb. 27, 1915, v. 79, p. 134-135, VA. 1884a. Schultess-Young, H.S. Some notes on the autochrome and Paget colour proc- esses. (British journal of photography, London, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 41-42, 48.) MFA Also printed in The Camera, Philadelphia, 1915, v. 19, p. 191-192, MFA. 1885. Sheahan, David J. The making of autochromes. (American annual of pho- tography for 1915, New York, 1914, v. 29, p. 284-286.) MFA 1886. Stands for the exhibition of colour transparencies. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 4, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. ee 1887. Szczepanik, Jan, and F. Avsucu. Bleach-out process. (British journal of photography, London, March 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 12.) MFA Abstract of German patent 264207 of Sept. 10, 1912. 1888. Thieme, Paul. Die Paget - Prize- Platte vom Standpunkte des Amateurs. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1914, Bd. 51, p. 65-67.) MFA 1889. Tobler, Friedrich. The autochrome process in the tropics. (British journal of photography, London, April 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. ek Discusses keeping qualities of plates and develop- ment. 1890. Valette, T., and R. Ferret. Colour prints on fabrics. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Feb. 6, 1914, v. 61, Col- our photography supplement, p.7.) MFA Ayres of French patent no. 457446 of May 3, 1891. Wall, Edward John. Autochrome formulae. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, Nov. 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 42-44.) MFA 1892. ——_ The present status of color pho- tography. (Photo-era, Boston, 1914, v. 33, p. 126-129, 171-176.) MFA 1893. The structure of screen-plates. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 2, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, ps 4.) MFA 1894. —— Zur Geschichte der Farbenpho- tographie. (Jahrbuch ftir Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik ftir 1914, Halle a. S., 1914, Jahrg. 28, p. 127-129.) MFA eee, —_— COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 9] 1914, continued. 1895. Watkins, Alfred. Exposure of auto- chrome plates. (British journal of pho- tography, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Col- our photography supplement, p.27.) MFA 1896. Weidmann, U. Autochrom-Teleauf- nahmen. (Photographische Mitteilungen, Berlin, 1914, Bd. 51, p. 204.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 27-28, MFA. 1897. Weissermel, W. Das neue Pinatypie- verfahren. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1914, Bd. 51, p. 72-73.) MFA 1898. Wenz, Emile. Pavillon pour exposer les plaques autochromes. illus. (Société francaise de photographie. Bulletin, Paris, 1914, série 3, tome 5, p. 127-129.) MFA 1899. Whatmough, W. A. The Raydex process at the Society of Colour Photog- raphers. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 6, 1914, v. 61, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 8.) MFA 1900. Wilkinson, W. T. Dark-room hints for panchromatic plates and autochrome development. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 3, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 28.) MFA 1901. Woodhead, A. E. Photography in colour. (Society of Dyers and Colourists. Journal, Bradford, 1914, v. 30, p. 78-84.) + VLG 1902. Worel, Karl. Das neue, verbesserte Utocolorpapier. (Jahrbuch fiir Photogra- phie und Reproduktionstechnik fiir 1914, Halle a. S., 1914, Jahrg. 28, p. 35-36.) MFA 1903-1904. Wright, H. W. Canning. The raydex colour process. (British journal of photography, Jan. 2, 1914, v. 61, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA 1915 1905. Aeonchrome colour plate. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1915, v.62, Colour photography supplement, p. 48.) MFA Brief announcement of company’s organization. 1906. Allan, Sidney. The new kodachrome process of color photography. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, May 26, 1915, v. 16, p. 654-655.) +MFA 1907. Arch, John C. Hints on making ray- dex colour prints. (British journal of pho- tography, London, July 2, 1915, v. 62, Col- our photography supplement, p. gee en 1908. Aron, Reinhold. Uber die Farben- wiedergabe mit der Lippmannschen Methode. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir wissen- schaftliche Photographie, Leipzig, 1915, Bd. 15, p. 65-78, 97-125.) PLC 1909. Biermann, E. A. Autochrome work. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1915, v.62, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 2-3.) MFA Paper read before the Birmingham Photographic Society. Shows departures from established practice. 1910. Autochromy up to date. (Ameri- can annual of photography for 1916, New York, 1915, ‘v. 30, p. 170-173.) MFA 1911. Black, Adam. Colour vision. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Dec. 3, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 48.) - MFA 1912. —— Degeneration of panchromatic plates. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 37.) MFA 1913. Objections to panchromatic plates. illus. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Dec. 3, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 45-47.) MFA 1914. Some notes on the working of autochromes. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 3, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 36.) MFA 1915. Blochmann, Richard. Zur deutschen Farbenplatte. (Photographische Rund- schau, Halle a. S., 1915, Bd. 53, p. 74-77.) MFA Amateur’s experience with Agfa plates. 1916. Brown, George Edward. The koda- chrome process of colour. portraiture. (Photographic journal, London, April, 1915, new series, v. 39, p. 141-143.) MFA 1917. Burton, H. M. Making natural col- our lantern slides by the Paget process. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 9-10.) MFA 1918. Carr, Sydney Herbert. The latitude of the autochrome plate. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. ot Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, May, 1915, v. 22, p. 204-205, MFA, and in Photo-era, Boston, May, 1915, v. 34, p. 216, MFA. 1919. Notes on exposure in the auto- chrome process. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 1, 1915, v. 62, Col- our photography supplement, p.4.) MFA 1920. Croughton, G. Hanmer. The East- man colour transparency process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p33 MFA 1921. Davidson, P. G. The pigment diffi- culty in the three-colour processes. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, May 7, 1915, v.62, Colour photography supplement, p. 20.) MFA 9? THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915, continued. 1922. Davis, Vivian P. Notes on the im- proved raydex colour-print process. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Jan. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA 1923. The raydex process. graphic journal, London, Nov., series, v. 39, p. 266-272.) MFA 1924. Dr. Kurt Gebhart. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1915, Bd. 52, p. 63- 64.) MFA (Photo- 1915, new Portrait and obituary notice. 1925. Domony, R. B. An exposure meter for colour and ordinary plates. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA Wynne Hunter instrument. 1926. Donaldson, Charles. Portraits in color. illus. (American annual of photog- raphy for 1916, New York, 1915, v. 30, p. 78-83.) MFA 1927. Eder, Josef Maria. Uber farbenemp- findliche Platten zur Spektrumphotographie im Infrarot, Rot, Gelb und Griin. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1915, Bd. 52, p. 271-277.) MFA 1928. Fingerhuth, C. Schwarzweisskopien von Autochromaufnahmen. (Photograph- ische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1915, Bd. 52, p. 81-82.) MF 1929. Gamble, E. H. The difficulty in the three-colour process. (British journal of photography, London, March 5, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. ieee Discussion between author and C. Welborne Piper. 1930. The pigment difficulty in the tri- colour process. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, July 2, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 28.) MFA 1931. Genthe, Arnold. Some remarks on colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. aay Comments on artistic and commercial possibilities. 1932. Hanneke, Paul. mit farbenempfindlichen Platten. Zur Photographie (Photo- graphische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1915, Bd. 52, p. 167-169.) MFA 1933. Hess-Ives color photography. (The Camera, Philadelphia, 1915, v. 19, p. 725- 726.) MFA 1934. Hess-Ives Corporation. The Hicro colour process. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 3, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 34-36.) MFA From booklet issued by the company. 1935. Hofrat Prof. Dr. J. M. Eder. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1915, Bd. 52, opp. p. 100.) MFA Portrait. 1936. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. Three- colour photography: with special reference to three-colour printing and similar proc- esses. Translated by Henry Oscar Klein... London: P. Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd., 1915. 138 p., 2 cold ploy 3ucoi tease illus. “8° MFV The Library also has edition of 1904 published in London by A. W. Penrose & Co. 1937. An Important development in color photography. (Scientific American, New York, 1915, v. 112, p. 341, 350.) VA Kodachrome process. 1938. Jones, Chapman. On colour sensi- tised plates. illus. (Nature, London, 1915, v.94, p. 676-677, 701-703.) OA Also printed in Scientific Pig pe Ries ica New York, April 10, 1915, v. 79, p. 1939. Jones, L. A. Colour bie of two component mixtures. illus. (British BL hate nal of photography, London, 1915, 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 6-8, 11, 13-14.) MFA 1940. Jones, L. A., and others. Relative photographic and visual efficiencies of illu- minants. illus. (Illuminating Engineering Society. Transactions, New York, Dec. 30, 1915, v. 10, p. 963-986.) VOK A study upon ordinary and color-sensitive plates of various light sources. Also prinieed in British journal of photography, London, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 42-44, 47- "48: v. 63, supplement, p. 8. FA, 1941. Kine-Chromo, pseud. The difficulties of colour cinematography. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 38-39.) MFA 1942. Kodachrome. (Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1915, v. 22, p.248.) MFA 1943. The Kodachrome process of colour portraiture. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, May 7, 1915, v. 62, Col- our photography supplement, p. 17-20.) MFA 1916, Colour photography Description and official directions. 1944. Koenig, Ernst. Farbenempfindliche Platten. illus. (Photographische Rund- schau, Halle a..S., 1915; Basg2an. beet, M 1945. Liesegang, Raphael Ed. Uber ein Badeverfahren zur Herstellung von Lipp- mann-Platten. (Photographische Rund- schau, Halle a. S;, 1915, Baeza: megs 1946. —— Uber die Polychromie des Sil- bers. (Zeitschrift fir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leipzig, 1915, Bd. 14, p. 343- 346.) PLC 1957. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 1915, continued. 1947. Lueppo-Cramer. Farbenenipfindlich- keit und Tiefenentwicklung. illus. (Photo- graphische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1915, Ba. 52, p. 225-227.) MFA 1948. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. The kodachrome process of color portraiture. (American annual of photography for 1916, New York, 1915, v. 30, ‘:p. 9-21.) MFA 1949. Ein Neues Patent fiir ein altes Kon- trollverfahren fiir die subtraktive Mehrfar- benphotographie. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1915, Bd. 52, p. 115-118.) MFA Comments on D. R. P. 276,645, Dec., 1912, to Baugé, Dumez and Seauve. 1950. Pan Chromo, pseud. Control in tri- chromy. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour pho- tography supplement, p38.) MFA 1951. The supports of colour photo- graphs. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1915, v. 62, Colour pho- tography supplement, ae 30-31.) MFA 1 Urges experiments to secure an improvement upon glass. 1952. Penrose, Frank. The use of auto- chromes in bird photography with examples of protective coloration, etc. (Photographic journal, London, June, 1915, new series, v. 39, p. 215-218.) Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 2, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 27-28, MFA. 1953. Perkins, Henry Farnham. Interiors in natural colours by reflected light. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, June 4, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 22-24.) MFA Adaptation of autochromes for the work. 1954. Pfenninger, Otto. The polychromide colour process. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Jan. 1, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 3-4.) MFA 1955. Piper, Charles Welborne. Colour in photography and in vision. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Nov. 5, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 41-42.) MFA Also printed in Camera erate, San Francisco, Jan., 1916, v. 23, p. 29-30, MFA. 1956. Colour oo PES in colour proc- esses. (British journal of photography, London, July 2, 1915, v. 62, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 26-27.) MFA Abstract in Camera craft, San Francisco, Sept., 1915, v. 22, p. 371-373, MFA. Exposure with screen plates. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-32.) MFA o3 1958. The pigment difficulty in the three-colour process. (British journal of photography, London, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 5-6, 15-16.) MFA 1959. Pope, Sir William Jackson. Colour photography. (Engineering, London, March 12, 1915, v. 99, p. 304-305.) VDA General lecture. Also printed in Scientific American supplement, New York, June 12, 1915, v. 79, p. 381, VA 1960. Power, H. D’Arcy. Color in pictorial photography. illus. (American annual of photography for 1916, New York, 1915, v. 30, p. 106-117.) MFA Relation of color photography to color vision. 1961. Process for producing colored photo- graphic prints. illus. (Scientific American, New York, Dec. 11, 1915, v. 113, p. 524.) VA Process of Frederic E. Ives. 1962. Professor Dr. Richard Neuhauss. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1915, Bd. 52, p. 45-46.) MFA Obituary notice. 1963. Schultess-Young, W. A. Color pho- tography at its best. (American photogra- phy, Boston, Dec., 1915, v. 9, p. 668-676.) MFA Brief directions for Paget and Autochrome plates. 1964. Sheahan, David J. The autochrome. Possibilities of its use as a pictorial medium. (American annual of photography for 1916, New York, 1915, v. 30, p. 188-196.) MFA Abridgment in British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 15, MFA. 1965. The Society of Colour Photographers. (British journal of photography, London, 1906, v. 53, p. 831-832, 849, 936; 1907, v. 54, p. 725, 767, 813, 828, supplement, p. 6, 30, 46, 54, 71, 73; 1908, v.55, p. 288, supplement, p. 88; 1910, v. 59, supplement, p. 24, 40; 1911, v. 58, p. 88; 1912, v. 59, supplement, p. 12, 16, 25-26; 1913, v. 60, supplement, p. 12, 14, 23-24, 27-28, 32; 1914, v. 61, supplement, p. 20-22, 28; 1915, v. 62, p. 8.) MFA 1966. Spiller, William H. Lantern slides in natural colors. (Photo-era, Boston, 1915, . v. 34, p. 60-61, 113-116.) MFA Autochrome and Paget processes. 1967. Two-colour photography in patent suit. (British journal of photography, London, April 2, 1915, v. 62, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 16.) MFA Account of setting aside of British patent 26671 of 1906. 1968. W., L. T. Colour slides in lantern lectures. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 5, 1915, v. 62, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 8.) MFA Suggestions for overcoming contrast to the bril- liancy of the monochrome. 94 1915, continued. 1969. Wall, Edward John. Kodachrome and other two-colour processes. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 6, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. 29-30.) MFA 1970. Weston, A. W. H. Autochromes in the reception room. illus. (British journal of photography, London, June 4, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. ee, 1971. Xtensis, pseud. Panchromatic plates and colour ratios. illus. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 3, 1915, v. 62, Colour photography supplement, p. ey 1916 1972. Baum, Ernst. Aus der Praxis des Autochrom - Portrats vermittels Magne- sium-Blitzlicht. (Photographische Kunst, Miinchen, 1915-16, Jahrg. 14, p. 89-91.) +MFA 1973. Biermann, E. A. The reproduction of colour-screen transparencies. (British jour- nal of photography, London, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 4, ies 1974. Black and white prints from auto- chromes. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1916, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA 1975. Brown, George Edward. Practical instructions in color-photography. illus. (Photo-miniature, New York, March, 1916, v. 13, p. 98-138.) MFA Autochrome, Paget, processes. Hicro, and Kodachrome 1976. Cabinet experiments in colour photog- raphy. illus. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, 1916, v. 63, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 42-44, 47-48.) MFA 1977. A Camera for two-colour photogra- phy. illus. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, June 2, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 21-22.) MFA Invention of Percy D. Brewster. 1978. Capstaff, J. G. The kodachrome process. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1916, v. 63, Colour pho- tography supplement, p. 30-31.) MFA Patent specifications. 1979. Two-colour subtractive cinema- tography. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Sept. 1, 1916, Colour photography supplement, p. 34-36.) MFA Patent specification. 1980. Cobenzl, A. Agfa - Farbenplatte. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 323-328.) MFA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1981. Commercial colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 6, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography. MFA supplement, p. 37-38.) Some practical suggestions. 1982. Darling, Lloyd. Photography in natural colors. illus. (Popular science monthly, New York, 1916, v. 89, p. 102- 104.) *DA 1983. The Death is announced of Herr Rob- ert Krayn. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, May 5, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 20.) MFA Traubes neues Farbeverfahren (Photographische Kunst, +MFA 1984. Dr. fiir Diapositive. Miinchen, 1916, Jahrg. 15, p. 9.) 1985. Donaldson, Charles. A bromoil trans- fer process of three-colour printing. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, July 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-26.) MFA 1986. Three-colour bromoil transfers. (British journal of photography, London, Sept. 1, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34.) MFA 1987. A Double-negative camera which re- produces images in natural colors. illus. (Scientific American, New York, May 6, 1916, v. 114, p. 471, 495.) VA Apparatus of Percy D. Brewster. 1988. Eldredge, Arthur G. Parallax in Paget plates. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Aug. 4, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 32.) MFA 1989. Farbrasterplatten mit Glaskornern von MacDonough (1892) und ein verheim- lichtes Quellenzitat. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 23- 25) MFA 1990. Festenberg, Hans. Praxis der Pinatypie. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1916, Bd. 53, p. 25- Zr) MFA 1991. Fitzsimons, R. J., firm. Color pho- tography with autochrom plates... New York ,;1916;. 40 p. illus. 19. ed. nar. 16°. MFG p.v. 4, no. 7 1992. Franck, Karl. Die Wirkungen der einzelnen Spektralfarben auf die verschie- denen lichtempfindlichen Schichten. illus. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 303-307.) MFA 1993. Fraprie, Frank Roy, editor. make prints in colors... Boston: Ameri- can Photographic Publishing Co., 1916. 66 p. 12°. (Practical photography. no. 4.) Einiges aus der How to _ MFF (Practical v.4) _ ee a COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 1916, continued. 1994. Furnald, S. M., and A. J. Newton. A ratiometer for use in colour reproduction work. illus. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, March 3, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p.9-11.) MFA Communication 35 from the Research Laboratory of the Eastman Kodak Co. 1995. Graham, James. System in experi- mental work. (British journal of photogra- phy, London, July 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 27-28.) MFA 1996. Hess-Ives color photography. (Amer- ican photography, Boston, Jan., 1916, v. 10, p. 35-36.) MFA 1997. The Hess-Ives hiblock. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 6, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 40.) MFA Brief reference to this improvement. 1998. Hewitt, C. H. Three-colour bromoil transfers. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1916, v. 63, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 29-30.) MFA 1999. Hnatek, Adolf. Versuche zur Anwen- dung strenger Selektivfilter bei spektral- photometrischen Untersuchungen. (Zeit- schrift fiir wissenschaftliche Photographie, Leipzig, 1916, Bd. 15, p. 271-288.) PLC 2000. Is this actual color in photography at last? (Popular science monthly, New York, 1916, v. 88, p. 417.) *DA 2001. Ives, Herbert Eugene. Lippmann films as means for securing monochromatic light in photometry and optical pyrometry. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 1, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 48.) MFA 2002. Ives, Herbert Eugene, and E. F. Kincspury. The theory of the flicker photo- meter. illus. (Philosophical magazine & journal of science, London, Nov., 1914, se- ries 6, v. 28, p. 708-728; April, 1916, series 6, v. 31, p. 290-321.) OA 2003. Lectures on colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 3, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 41-42.) | MFA Suggestions for giving lectures. 2004. Lewisohn, John. A phantasy about color-photography and colors. (American annual of photography for 1917, New York, 1916, v. 31, p. 182-187.) MFA Suggestions for possible improvements. 2005. Luckiesh, Matthew. A filter for spectro-photography. (British journal of photography, London, Aug. 4, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. eed 95 2006. Making trichrome negatives. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, May 5, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 17-18.) MFA Practical instructions. 2007. Marshall, Andrew. Lecturing with colour slides. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, April 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p.15-16.) MFA Practical suggestions. 2008. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. The kodachrome process of color photography. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, Jan. 26, 1916, v. 18, p. 101-105.) +MFA 2009. Morris, Wayne. Color photography. (American annual of photography for 1917, New York, 1916, v. 31, p. 55-57.) MFA Compares autochrome and Paget processes. 2010. Painter, F. W. The compensating light - filter in the autochrome and other screen plate processes. (British journal of photography, London, March 3, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. ry 2011. Perkins, Henry Farnham. Methods of exhibiting color-photographs. illus. (Photo-era, Boston, March, 1916, v. 36, p. 103-105.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, April 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 13-15, MFA. 2012. Pfenninger, Otto. Colour sensitizing. (Penrose’s annual, London, 1916, v. 21, p. 37-40.) MDSA (Penrose) 2013. Piper, Charles Welborne. Colour vision. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 4.) MFA 2014. Criticism and colour perception. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 6, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 38-39.) MFA 2015. The photography of soap bubbles. (British journal of photography, London, May 5, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 18-19.) MFA 2016. Power, H. D’Arcy. Colour in pictorial photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Feb. 4, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 5.) MFA 2017. A Review of methods of direct color photography. (Bulletin of photography, Philadelphia, 1915, v. 17, p. 644, 675-676, 707-708, 739, 772; 1916, v. 18, p. 3-4, 35-36, 67-68, 132, 163-164, 209-210, 227-228, 259- 260, 291.) +MFA 2018. Rodman, G. H. The Paget colour plate. (Photographic journal, London, Dec., 1916, new series, v. 40, p. ee 96 1916, continued. 2019. Salt, E. A.’ Rational panchromatism. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-3.) MFA 2020. Smith, John H. A resumé of the work on the bleach-out process of colour photography. illus. (Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs and proceedings, Manchester, 1917, v. 60, no. 9, p. 1-15. *EC Bibliography. Pictures not given in the reprint. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 39-40, 44, MFA. 2021. Thiem, W. Uber farbige Blitzauf- nahmen. (Photographische Rundschau, Halle a. S., 1916, Bd. 53, p. 196-201.) MFA 2022. Thieme, Paul. Gedanken und Ver- suche uber die neue Agfa- Farbenplatte. illus. (Photographische Rundschau, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 61-66.) MFA 2023. Valenta, Eduard. Die neue Farbras- terplatte der Aktiengesellschaft ftir Anilin- fabrikation in Berlin. illus. (Photograph- ische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 193-198.) MFA Describes Christensen patent (D. R. P. no. 224456 of 1908, and 278043 of 1913) for the Agfa plate. 2024. Villain, Alfred. Historique de la pho- tographie en couleurs sur tissus. (Associa- tion générale des chimistes de l’industrie textile. Bulletin, Paris, 1916, année 1914, p. 15-99.) VLA Extensive bibliography, p. 58—59. 2025. Vinzl, Hans. Wie ich meine Auto- chrome entwickle. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 288-296.) MFA 2026. Vom Daguerreotyp zur farbenemp- findlichen Platte. Zur Geschichte der Vogel - Obernetter - Eosin - Silberplatte. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1916, Bd. 53, p. 20-23.) MFA 2027. Wall, Edward John. Notes on the processes of cinematography. (British journal of photography, London, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 19-20, 22-24.) MFA 2028. Whidden, Guy C. Color photography achieved. illus. (Camera craft, San Fran- cisco, Jan., 1916, v. 23, p. 3-8.) MFA Hess-Ives process. 2029. Wieland, H., and others. Ceramic colour screen plates. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 1, 1916, v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 48.) Abstract of German patent 291575. MFA 2030. Wilkinson, W. T. Colour prints on paper. (British journal of photography, London, July 7, 1916, v. 63, Colour photog- raphy supplement, Dp. 26-27.) MFA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 2031. Williams, A. D. Developing auto- chromes. (Camera craft, San Francisco, Jan., 1916, v. 23, p. 19-22.) MFA Also printed in British journal of photography, London, March 3, 1916, 'v. 63, Colour photography supplement, p. 12, MFA. 1917 2032. Anderson, Paul L. The Hess - Ives process of color photography. (American annual of photography for 1918, New York, 1917, v. 32, p. 56-63.) MFA 2033. Belden, Charles J. Making auto- chromes by artificial light. (American an- nual of photography for 1918, New York, 1917, v. 32, p. 88-92.) MFA 2034. A Bibliography on color for photog- raphers. (Motion picture news, New York, 1917, v. 16, p. 298-300, 886.) +MFL Short list of selected books and papers, with com- ments. 2035. Briant, Travers J. Colour vision. (British journal of photography, London, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 36, 40, 44.) MFA Reply to article by C. W. Piper. meaning of ‘‘daylight.” Discusses the 2036. Colour prints on silk fabrics. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, Jan. 5, 1917, v.64, Colour photography supplement, p. 4.) MFA Method of Vallette et Péret. 2037. The Commercial side of colour pho- tography. (British journal of photography, London, May 11, 1917, v. 64, p. Meee 2038. Corbin, Thomas W. Marvels of sci- entific invention; an interesting account in non-technical language of the invention of guns...colour photography, and many other recent discoveries of science... Lon- don: Seeley, Service & Co., Ltd., ‘1917. 1 5~251(1) p., 16 pl. diagrs. 8°, V Color photography, p. 212-219. 2039. Davis, Vivian P. A modification of the raydex process. (British journal of photography, London, May 4, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 17.) MFA A reply to H. E. Rendall. 2040. Deisch, Noel. Illumination of the subject in determining the colour quality of autochromes. (Photographic journal of America, Philadelphia, Nov., 1917, v. 54, p. 467-4 69.) M FA Also printed in British Journal of photography, London, Aug, 2, 1918) vo) 65, supplement, D. 30-31, MFA. Abstract in Camera craft, 1918, v. 25, p. 244-246, MFA. das Colour photography ~ San Francisco, June, | re aA ee —. oT a 1 eS COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY Q7 1917, continued. 2041. A Device for testing photographic color-filters. (Motion picture news, New York, Aug. 4, 1917, v. 16, p. 887-888.) -_MFL Spectrum projector of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. 2042. Eder, Josef Maria. Colour sensitis- ing dyes. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 2, 1917, v. 64, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 8.) MFA Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, June, 1917, v. 24, p. 254-255, MFA. 2043. Fundamental hue scale for scientific colour designation. illus. (British journal of photography, London, July 6, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-27.) MFA Result of experiments by the Eastman Kodak Company. 2044. Grabado fotografico en colores. ciedad de fomento fabril. (So- Boletin, Santiago, Chile, 1917, afio 34, p. 444452.) VA 2045. Haines, Robert Thorne. Color pho- tography. (Photo-era, Boston, Dec., 1917, v. 39, p. 290-291.) MF A Possibility of coloring salts by cathode rays. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Aug. 2, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 29-30, MFA. 2046. Hirshberg, Leonard Keene. Color photography. (American magazine of art, Washington, 1917, v.8, p. 281-283.) MAA 2047. Hodgman, Charles D. Color and color photography. (Cleveland Engineer- ing Society. Journal, Cleveland, 1917, v. 10, p. 127-141.) VDA Also printed in Scientific American supplement, New York, Dec. 22, 1917, v. 84, p. 399-400, VA. 2048. Ilford, Ltd. Working formulae for the new sensitol colour -sensitising dyes. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 2, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 7-8.) MFA 2049. Ives, Herbert Eugene. Hue differ- ence and flicker photometer speed. illus. (Philosophical magazine and journal of sci- ence, London, Aug., 1917, series 6, v. 34, p. 99-112.) OA 2050. A polarization flicker photometer and some data of theoretical bearing ob- tained with it. illus. (Philosophical maga- zine and journal of science, London, April, 1917, series 6, v. 33, p. 360-380.) OA 2051. Visual diffusivity. illus. (Philo- sophical magazine and journal of science, London, Jan., 1917, series 6, v. 33, p. LED 2052. Kilmer, T. W. Photography in colors — the visual index. (Photo-era, Boston, Dec., 1917, v. 39, p. 294-296.) MFA Suggestions for making autochromes with soft focus lens. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, July 5, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-26, MFA. 2053. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. Notes from the research laboratory, East- man Kodak Co. (Franklin Institute. Jour- nal, Philadelphia, 1917, v. 184, p. 311-312.) VA Photomicrographs in color. 2054. Photo-micrographs in colour. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 4, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA Communication no. 50 from the Research Labora- tory of the Eastman Kodak Company. Also printed in American photography, Aug., 1917, v. 11, p. 448-453, MFA. 2055. Merillat, Lou. Color photography. (Photo-era, Boston, April, 1917, v. 38, p. 183-186.) ' MFA General principles with brief descriptions of the newer processes. 2056. Photo-micrographs in color. (Mining and scientific press, San Francisco, Oct. 27, 1917, v. 115, p. 610.) VA 2057. Piper, Charles Welborne. Colour vision and colour photography. The spec- trum and the Young- Helmholtz theory. (British journal of photography, London, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 9-10, 21-23, 29-31, 36, 40, 44. Preys Boston, 2058. ‘The development of the science of colour. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 5, 1917, v. 64, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA Historical review. 2059. Press, A. How are photographs made in natural colors? illus. (Popular science monthly, New York, 1917, v. 90, p. 254— 2555) *DA 2060. The Prizma four-colour process of colour cinematography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, April 6, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 14.) MFA 2061. Le Procédé versicolor Dufay pour la photographie des couleurs. illus. (La Nature, Paris, Nov. 10, 1917, v.45, p.292- 294.) OA Translation in pares PEN, supplement, New York, April 13, 1918, v. 85, p. Ab- stract in British journal of pe eae London, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 4, 20-22, MFA. Partial translation in Camera craft, San Francisco, Oct., 1918, v. 25, p. 415, MFA. 2062. Rendall, H. E. A modification in the raydex process. (British journal of pho- tography, London, April 6, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 7 For a reply by Vivian P. Davis see issue of May 4, 1917, Colour photography supplement, p. 17. 2063. Struss, Karl. Colour photography. (American photography, Boston, Aug., 1917, v. 11, p. 437-444.) MFA Hess-Ives process. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 33-34, S735) MFA, 98 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1917, continued, 2064. The Technicolor process of two-col- our cinematography. illus. (British jour- nal of photography, London, Nov. 2, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 41-43.) MFA 2065. Villain, Alfred. Color photography on fabrics. (Textile American, Boston, 1917, v. 28, Nov., 1917, p. 21-22.) 3-tf VLA 1918 2066. Additive and subtractive colour proc- esses. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1918, v. 65, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 45-46.) ‘MFA Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, March, 1919, v. 26, p. 119-120, MFA. ! 2067. Austin, A. C. The autochrome plate in photo-lithography. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 13-14.) MFA 2068. Bull, A. J. Some peculiarities of colour and their bearing on photographic work. (Photographic journal, London, Jan., 1918, new series, v. 42, p.9-13.) MFA With discussion. Also printed in British journal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 5-6, A, and in Scientific American supplement, New York, 1918, v. 86, p. 69, VA 2069. Colour photography of the battlefield. (British journal of photography, London, June 7, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 24.) MFA Account of the work of F. Hurley in Flanders and - Palestine. 2070. Decennia practica — colour photogra- phy. illus. (British journal of photography, London, 1917, v. 64, Colour photography supplement, p. 2-7, 11-12, 14-16, 18-20, 23- 24, 27-28, 31-32,- 35-36, 38-39, 43-44, 46-48; 1918, v.65, Colour photography supplement, p. 3-4, 6-8, 12, 14, 18-20, 23-24, 26-27, 31-32, 35-36, 39-40, 42-44, 47-48; 1919, v. 66, Col- our photography supplement, p. 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 20, 27-28.) MF Brings together extracts from the British journal almanac of the years 1906 to 1915 covering important developments during that time. 2071. The Douglass process of cinematog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1918, v. 65, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 16.) MFA 2072. Fischer, Otto. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chinocyanine (Pinacyanole, Dicya- nine). (Journal fiir praktische Chemie, Leipzig, 1918, N. BF. Bd. 98) p: ma 2073. Fox method of preparing positives for subtractive two-color cinematography. (Motion picture news, New York, April 6, 1918, v. 17, p. 2110-2112.) MFL 2074. Hess-Ives Corporation. Dichroic films for selective transmission and reflec- tive of colour rays. (British journal of pho- tography, London, March 1, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 9-11. ), MF - Sg of their patent specification 110089 of eb., 191 2075. Ives, Herbert Eugene. The resolu-- tion of mixed colours by differential visual diffusivity. illus. (Philosophical magazine and journal of science, London, May, ay series 6, v. 35, p. 413-421.) Also printed in British journal of photography, London, 1918, v. 65, ae photography supplement, p. 33- 35, 38-39, MFA 2076. Meggers, W. F. Wave-length meas- urements in spectra from 5600 to 9600 A. illus. (United States. — Standards Bureau. Bulletin, Washington, June 24, 1918, v. 14, p. 371-395.) VBDA See p. 376-377 for dyes used in photographing red and infra red. 2077. A Pioneer in colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, April 5, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 16.) MFA Refers to Henry Collen. See entry under his name. 2078. Piper, Charles Welborne. Some thoughts on coloured photographs and pho- tographs in colour. (British journal of photography, London, May 3, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. ee Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Sept., 1918, v.25, p. 370-372, MFA. 2079. Prizma two-colour cinematography. (British journal of photography, London, Feb. 1, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography sup- plement, p. 8.) MFA Comments on article by A. S. Cory in Motion pic- ture news of Jan. 12, 1918. 2080. Rounds, Will. Avoiding pitfalls in making autochromes. (British journal of — photography, London, June 7, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. sy 2081. Rundle, B. Autochrome frames and a few hints. illus. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Nov. 1, 1918, v. 65, Col- our photography supplement, p. re 2082. Seyewetz, A. Dyes in colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, Dec. 6, 1918, v. 65, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 46-47.) MFA 4 photography supplement, p. 36.) COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 99 1918, continued. 2083. Storr, B. V. Photographic materials and processes. (Society of Chemical In- dustry. Reports of the progress of applied chemistry, London. v. 1, 1916, p. 298-315; v. 2, 1917, p. 495-509; v. 3, 1918, p. 457-466.) VOA Reviews progress in color processes and cinema- tography, especially with reference to patents. The above are reprinted in British journal of pho- tography, London, 1917, v. 64, p. 353-356, 364-366; 1919, v. 66, p. 13-15, 27-28, 605- 608, MFA. 2084. Warburg, Agnes B. “War-type” (Bromoil-transfero-collotype). (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 4, 1918, v. 65, Colour photography supplement, p. 37-38.) MFA 2085. Wilkinson, W. T. New method of producing tri-color prints. (Camera craft, San Francisco, April, 1918, v. 25, p. 157— 159.) MFA 1919 2086. Belden, Charles J. Autochrome pho- tography by artificial light. (British jour- nal of photography, London, July 4, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 25-26.) MFA 2087. —— Color photography by artificial light. (The Camera, Philadelphia, 1919, v. 23, p. 246-249.) MFA 2088. Books on colour photography. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, June 6, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 24.) MFA 2089. Butler, C. P. The bleachout process. (British journal of photography, London, July 4, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 28.) MFA 2090. Butler, Edwin T. The Butler three- colour camera. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 5, 1919, v. 66, aa 2091. A Combined transparency viewing apparatus and retouching stand. illus. (British journal of photography, London, June 6, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 22-24.) MFA _ 2092. Douglass, L. F. Douglass two-colour cinematography. (British journal of pho- tography, London, Jan. 3, 1919, v. 66, Col- our photography supplement, p. 2-3.) MFA Specification of his patent 117864 of 1918 (British). 2093. Expert, pseud. Dust and the Paget colour process. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, March 7, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 12.) MFA 2094. Fanstone, Robert M. Colour screen hints. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 3, 1919, v. 66, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 40.) MFA Suggests greater care in calculating time of ex- posure. Also printed in Camera craft, Feb., 1920, v. 27, p. 68, MFA. 2095. Essential features in apparatus for colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 7, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 41-42.) MFA Hints on cameras, lenses, filters, and exposure meters. 2096. Lantern - slides by the screen- plate process. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Dec. 5, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 45-46.) MFA 2097. Notes on the Paget process. (British journal of photography, London, June 6, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 24.) F Also printed in Camera craft, Oct., 1919, v.26, p. 403-404, MFA. 2098. Registering Paget transparencies. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 7, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA San Francisco, San Francisco, 2099. Godbold, A. Vernon. Fourteen points on colour. (British journal of photography, London, 1919, v. 66, p. 261-262, 275-276.) MFA 2100. The Gorsky colour process. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 7, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 44.) MFA Brief reference. 2101. Gross, Michael. The quest of color. (Photo-era magazine, Boston, Feb., 1919, v. 42, p. 64-68.) MFA Historical. 2102-2103. H. Essenhigh Corke. (Photo- graphic journal, London, March, 1919, new series, v. 43, p. 102-103.) MFA Obituary. 2104. Havelock, Bertram E. The light- filter in autochrome photography. illus. (British journal of photography, London, June 6, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 22-23.) MFA Also printed in Camera HED Oct., 1919, v. 26, p. 402-403, MFA San Francisco, 2105. Ives, Frederic Eugene. A new pho- tographic mordant dye process. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 1-2.) MFA Has also specification of British patent no. 113617 of 1918 granted to author and the Hess-Ives Corpora- tion. 100 1919, continued. 2106. Koegel, P. R. Die Konstitution organischer Farbstoffe und ihre Lichtemp- findlichkeit unter dem Einfluss von Anethol und anderer Sensibilisatoren. (Photo- graphische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1919, Bd. 56, p. 224-231, 258-270.) MFA 2107. Die theoretischen Grundlagen eines neuen direkten farbenphotograph- ischen Verfahrens mittels Korperfarben. (Photographische Korrespondenz, Wien, 1919, Bd. 56, p. 332-337.) MFA 2108. Kropf, Fritz. §Entwicklungsbilder und Farbenempfindlichkeit verschiedener Silbersalze. illus. (Photographische Kor- respondenz, Wien, 1919, Bd. 56, p. 33-42.) MFA Abstract translation in British journal of photog- raphy, London, Sept. 3, 1920, v. 67, Colour photogra- phy supplement, p. 36, MFA. 2108a. Lucas, E. G. Handel. Three-colour photography. (British journal of photog- raphy, London, Oct. 3, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 39-40.) MFA Suggests that tri-color photography must be de- veloped and not scrapped as a “blind alley.” 2109. Lumiére, Auguste, and others. A simplified method of developing autochrome plates. (British journal of photography, London, Oct. 3, 1919, v. 66, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 37.) MFA Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Dec., 1919, v. 26, p. 478-479, MFA. 2110. und, Carl H., and LL. EE. Wise. Intermediates used in the preparation of photosensitizing dyes. 2: Quaternary ha- lides. (Journal of industrial & engineering chemistry, Easton, Penn., May, 1919, v. 11, p. 458-460.) VOA 2111. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth, and H. T. Crarke. A new yellow dye and light filters made from it. illus. (Journal of industrial & engineering chemistry, Easton, Penn., May, 1919, v. 11, p. 454-455.) VOA 211la. Meugniot. Une méthode simplifiée de développement des plaques autochromes. (Société francaise de photographie. Bul- letin, Paris, 1919, série 3, tome 6, p. 341- 343.) MFA 2112. Miethe, Adolf, and Ericu STENGER. Ultraviolettdurchlassige Filter. illus. (Zeitschrift ftir wissenschaftliche Photo- graphie, Photophysik und Photochemie, Leipzig, 1919, Bd. 19, p. 57-68.) PLC Has a list of references. 2113. Mikeska, L. A., and others. Inter- mediates used in the preparation of photo- sensitizing dyes. 1: Quinoline bases. (Jour- ‘2117. Paget colour process. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY nal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Easton, Penn., May, 1919, v. 11, p. 456-458.) VOA 2114. Namias, Rodolfo. Enciclopedia foto- grafica. Milano: Il Progresso fotografico, 1919. xxii, 1001 p. 6.ed. illus. 8°. MFD Chapter 57: La fotografia in colori col processo di tricromia fotografica, Chapter 58: La fotografia in colori col processo di autocromia Lumiere e processi analoghi. 2115. Newens, Frank R. A demonstration of “Raydex.” (Photographic journal, Lon- don, Dec., 1919, new series, v. 43, p. 238—- 241.) MFA 2116. Nicholson, John William. Energy distribution in spectra. (Nature, London, Aug. 21, 1919, v. 103, p. 495-498.) OA (British jour- nal of photography, London, April 4, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 14.) MFA Suggestions for keeping screens and filters clean. 2118. Pope, Sir William Jackson. The pho- tography of coloured objects. (Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Me- moirs, Manchester, Oct. 24, 1919, v. 64, part 2, p. XXvili-xxx.) * EC Abstract in Nature, London, Nov. 27, 1919, v. 104, p. 346, OA. Account of dyestuffs prepared under the author’s direction. 2119. Pseudo-colour processes. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 3, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 4.) MFA Brief references to ‘‘Mars-Star”? and Solgram proc- esses. 2120. Rendall, H. E. Paget colour photog- raphy. (British journal of photography, London, Nov. 7, 1919, v. 66, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 44.) MFA 2121. A review of colour photography. (British journal of photography, London, 1919, v. 66, Colour photography supplement, p. 31-34.) MFA Reviews paper printing processes. 2122. Where we stand in colour photogra- phy. (British journal of photography, London, June 6, 1919, v. 66, Colour photog- raphy supplement, p. 21-22 MFA Brief account of developments during war time. Also printed in Camera craft, San Francisco, Oct., 1919, v. 26, p. 399-401, MFA, and Photo-era magazine, Boston, Oct., 1919, v. 43, p. 186-188, MFA. 2123. Williams, S. H.