THE SPLENDID ART REFERENCE LIBRARY OF CHARLES B. EDDY or PLAINFIELD, NEw JERSEY (WITH ADDITIONS) COMPRISING REPRODUCTIONS OF DRAWINGS OF THE GREAT MASTERS {| HISTORIES OF ENGRAVING, PAINTING, CERAMICS _ FURNITURE, RUGS, and other WORKS OF REFERENCE || MODERN FRENCH ILLUSTRATED BOOKS = ALSO A FINE SERIES OF BOOKS DESIGNED BY BRUCE ROGERS To Be Sotp on THE AFTERNOONS OF MonpDay - AND Turespay, Marcu 17TH AND I8TH, 1924 Z| AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. |} MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK apa ret ra Swe ber ars axe : yi ite fhe ie mea he i ty wie oe th THE SPLENDID ART REFERENCE LIBRARY !"ION\! OF CHARLES B. EDDY OF PLAINFIELD, NEw JERSEY (With Additions) COMPRISING REPRODUCTIONS OF DRAWINGS OF THE GREAT MASTERS HISTORIES OF ENGRAVING, PAINTING, CERAMICS FURNITURE, RUGS and other WORKS OF REFERENCE MODERN FRENCH ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ALSO A FINE SERIES OF BOOKS DESIGNED BY BRUCE ROGERS AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: PLAzA 1270 y \ ye On Free Public Exhibition— Commencing Thursday, March 13th, and Continuing until date of the sale Unrestricted Public Sale— Monday and Tuesday afternoons, March 17th and 18th, 1924, at 2:30 o’clock Exhibition and Sale at the— AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 560TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST §7TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: PLAZA 1270 Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judg- ment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Deposit by Buyer. Thename of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occa- sioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. Receipted Bills. Goods will be delivered only upon presentation of a receipted bill. A re- ceipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been made, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. 7. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale not- withstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so purchased to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. 8. Shipping. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 9. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘as is’? and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 10. Records. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. 11. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues. Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary informa- tion from the records of the Association. No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange condi- tions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS, DEPARTMENT OF BooKS AND OTTO BERNET anv HIRAM H. PARKE, ARTHUR SWANN, Director AUCTIONEERS First Session, Numbers 1 to 223, inclusive MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 17th, AT 2:30 O’CLOCK 1. ApAM ILLUSTRATIONS. ALHOY (MAuRICE). Le Chapitre des Accidents. Illustrated after the drawings of Victor Adam. Oblong 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, pages loose. Paris, circa 1845 Some of the drawings are titled: La Tyrans de la Voie Publique; La Liberté du Trottoir; Episodes de Diligence; Les Cheveaux Assassins; Le Plaisirs de l’Hiver; and others. 2. A‘sop. The Fables of AXsop. Selected, told Anew and their History Traced by Joseph Jacobs. Done into pictures by R. Heighmay. Jllustrated. 12mo, half red morocco. London, 1894 3. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Catalogue de l’Exposition Historique des Souvenirs Franco-Américains de la Guerre de l|’Indépendance. Jilustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1893 RARE CATALOGUE PRINTED BY THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT, describing the various works of art loaned, and giving the names of the owners, which were exhibited at the Chicago World’s Fair. 4. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ROYAUMONT (LOUIS DE). La Fayette et Rocham- beau au Pays de Washington. La Guerre de |’Indépendance Américaine. 1776-1783. Profusely illustrated. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Grenoble, 1919 AN INTERESTING PUBLICATION. Amongst the many portraits are those of Wash- ington, Lafayette, Rochambeau, General Greene, Franklin, etc.; also maps, views, naval engagements, bookplates, medals, etc. 5. ANCIENT AND MopERN ArT. La Revue de l’Art Ancient et Moderne. Direc- teur: Jules Comte. Profusely illustrated with full-page and text illustrations, including full-page etchings, IN Two or THREE STATES, and full-page heliogravures, some in two states; the etchings and heliogravures being on Japan paper. 24 vols. 4to, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1897-1908 MAGNIFICENT SET. A Most EXTENSIVE WorRK ON ANCIENT AND MODERN ART. Edition limited to 200 copies on ‘‘grand papier vélin,’’ signed in ink by the **Directeur,’’—Jules Comte. The etchings include those in First State, Remarque Proofs, and Proofs Before Letters; and the photogravures include Proofs Before Letters. 6. ANCIENT WARFARE, Etc. BuRGMAIR ILLUSTRATIONS. Le Triomph de l’Empereur Maximilien I. [Text in French and German.] In a series of 135 plates engraved on wood after Hans Burgmair. Atlas folio, half leather. Vienna, 1796 A REMARKABLE VOLUME, containing representations of arms and armor, battle standards, etc. VERY RARE. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 7. ARCHITECTURE. GRANGER (ALFRED H.). Charles Follen McKim. A Study of His Life and Work. With illustrations. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1913 First Epition. A FINE WorK ON THE ARCHITECTURAL EXECUTIONS of Charles McKim. Amongst the illustrations are several plates of the Boston Public Library, including a plan, the Harvard and Century Clubs of New York, the Morgan Library, Pennsylvania Station, etc. 8. Armor. Das Landes-Zeughaus in Graz. With 43 fine plates. Small folio, boards, half cloth. Leipzig, 1880 A FINE Work, seldom offered at public sale in this country. 9. Armor. FouLKEs (CHARLES). The Armourer and his Craft. With 32 full- page plates, each containing one or more subjects, and 69 diagrams in the text. 4to, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London [1912] © A VERY FINE PUBLICATION, treating of the Armourer and his Craft from the 11th to the 16th Century. to. Armor. Niox (GénéRAL). Armes & Armures Anciennes et Souvenirs Historiques les Plus Précieux. With 51 large plates. Vol. I. Text and plates laid in loosely in cloth portfolio with ties. Paris, 1917 EDITION LIMITED to 400 copies. FINE WORK ON ARMOR. 11, Arms. Die Waffensammlung des Grafen S. D. Scheremetew in St. Peters- burgh. Beschrieben von E. von Lenz. With 26 full-page plates, each of which contains six or more illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top. Leipzig, 1897 A fine catalogue of this well-known collection of pistols, sabres, and other weapons formed by Count Scheremetew, copies of which are seldom offered for public sale in this country. (See No. 168 for a work on Firearms.) 12. ART IN AmErRIcA. Edited by Wilhelm R. Valentiner and Frederick F. Sher- man. Vols. I to XI, inclusive. Illustrated with numerous beautiful reproduc- tions of the works of the masters. Together, 11 vols. royal 8vo, the first two vols. bound in three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt, the second two, in three-quarter green levant, the rest being in their original parts with wrap- pers; the bound volumes have gilt tops, all uncut. New York and Portland (Me.), 1913-1923 FINE SET of this extremely important publication. 13. ART PUBLICATIONS. The Portfolio. April 1897. London, 1897; Corot & Millet. With Critical Essays by Gustave Geffroy and Arséne Alexandre. Edited by Charles Holme. New York, 1903; The Shilling Burlington and Fine Art Chronicle containing The Drawings of Claude. With an Essay by Roger E. Fry. August, 1907. London, 1907. All beautifully illustrated. Together, 3 pieces, 4to and royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London and New York, 1897-1907 The first named contains articles on Crowe and Cotman. 14. ARTIST’s REposirory (THE), and Drawing Magazine, exhibiting the Princi- ples of the Polite Arts in their various Branches. Profusely «lustrated with a number of full-page stipple engravings, of the human figure, heads, character plates, architecture, and an extensive series of pretty oval emblematic plates of the Arts and Sciences, the Virtues, etc., in the style of Bartolozzt. 4 vols. 8vo, full blue French levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY TAFFIN. London, 1795 FINE AND COMPLETE SET OF THIS IMPORTANT AND RARE PUBLICATION. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th 15. AUFFRET (CHARLES). Une Famille d’Artistes Brestois au XVIIIe Siécle. Les Ozanne. With a large number of heliogravures IN THREE STATES, one set on Japan paper, one on China paper and one on “‘ papier vergi,’’ ALL PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. 4to, boards, leather label on back, uncut. Rennes, 1891 EDITION LIMITED TO 10 COPIES ON WHATMAN PAPER, numbered from 16 to 25, of which this is, No. 19. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION Copy from the author to Professor Pozzi, with the following inscription on half-title: En souvenir de notre voyage de 1892. Hommage affectueux confraternal au Professeur Pozzi. C. Auffret. On the verso of half-title the author has written: Wathman, triple suite. Japon, Chine, Hollande, C. A. 16. AyTouN (WiziiAM E.). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and Other Poems. Illustrations by Joseph N. Paton. Royal 8vo, cloth, emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt edges. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Son, 1863 ORIGINAL ISSUE of this fine edition. .7. BAGATELLE CHATEAU. Le Chateau de Bagatelle. Etude Historique et De- scriptive suivie d’une Notice sur La Roseraie. With 88 full-page helio- _ gravures. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter brown French levant morocco, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut, BY DURAND. Paris: Charles Foulard, no date VERY FINE Work on the exterior and interior decorations of the Chateau de Bagatelle. The plates include reproductions of mantels, bronzes, ceilings, panels, cornices, locks, fireplaces, gates, etc. 18. BARTscH (ApAm). Le Peintre-Graveur. 21 vols. Vienne, 1803-1821. With Atlas containing 16 full-page etchings. 2 vols. small folio. Vienne, 1803- 1805; [ALso] Suppléments au Peintre-Graveur de Adam Bartsch, récueillis et publiés par Rudolph Weigel. Vol. I (all ever published). Leipzig, 1843. 22 vols. 12mo, and 2 vols. small folio. Together, 24 vols. new boards, uncut. Vienne and Leipzig, 1803-1843 First EDITION. IMPORTANT REFERENCE BOOK, and a most complete account of Printer-Etchers and Engravers from the earliest period. The two volumes of plates have the original printed wrappers bound in. FINE Copy OF THE RARE ORIGINAL, much superior to the reprint. 19. BARYE (ANTOINE Louts). DE Kay (CHARLES). Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor. Wzth 86 woodcuts, artotypes, etc. Small 4to, vellum, with emblematic gilt tooling on sides and back, uncut. New York, 1889 EDITION LIMITED to 525 copies, printed on Holland paper, of which this is, No- 367, signed with the initials of the author. 20. Bas-Reiers. Li Bassirilievi Antichi di Roma. Incisi da Tommaso Pirolli. With illustrations by Giorgio Zoega. 2 vols. 4to, full russia, gilt, gilt edges, neatly rebacked. Rome, 1808 A VERY FINE AND RARE WoRK ON ANTIQUE BAS-RELIEFS. 21. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley with a Pre- fatory Note by H. C. Marillier; The Later Work of Aubrey Beardsley. With portraits of Beardsley and reproductions of his works. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1912 22. BELL (CLIVE). Since Cézanne. Jilustrated. 1922; Pot-Boilers. 1918. To- gether, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. London, 1918-1922 Botu First EpiTions. Among some of the articles in the above volumes may be mentioned,—William Morris, Persian Miniatures, Carlyle’s Loves and Love- Letters, Ibsen, Boswell’s Letters, Contemporary Art in England, Art and War, Art and Politics, Renoir, Duncan Grant, Negro Sculpture, Wilcoxism, Bonnard, and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue / 23. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SocIETY. Transactions of the BibGomapaiee Society. Vols. I-X, Complete. With Index. 16 nos. original wrappers. 1893-1909; Vols. XI-XV, Complete. 4 vols. boards, canvas backs. 1909-1919; The Library. 2 vols. 8 nos. original wrappers. 1920-1922. Each volume en- closed in a board portfolio, canvas back; PLomer (HENRY/R.). A Dic- tionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland, from 1668-1725. 1922; The Bibliographical Society. Rules and List of Members. 1914, 1915 (in duplicate), 1916-18, 1919-21. 5 vols.; JAMES (M. R.). Lists of Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee. With Preface and Identifications. 1921; GASELEE (S.). The Spanish Books in the Library of Samuel Pepys. 1921; The Bibliographical Society. News-Sheet. Comprises: Jan., Feb., Mar., Nov., Dec., 1915; Jan., Feb., Mar., Nov., Dec., 1916; Jan., Feb., Mar., Nov., Dec., 1917; Jan., Feb., Mar., 1918; Jan., Feb., Dec., 1919. 21 pieces. Some illustrations. Together, 58 pieces, 8vo and 12mo, boards, canvas backs, and wrappers. . London, 1893-1922 24. BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE (LA). Les Grandes Institutions de France: La Bibliothéque Nationale. Par Henry Marcel, Henri Bouchot, Ernest Babe- lon, Paul Marchal et Camille Couderc. With 138 illustrations. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1907 A fine publication, written about the various collections in the French National Library, including book collections, manuscripts, prints, coins, medals, etc. 25. BIRKET FosTER ILLUSTRATIONS. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. Wzth woodcuts, PRINTED IN CoLors. Square 8vo, half calf, gilt back, gilt top. London, 1859 First EDITION with the charming series of illustrations by Birket Foster and H. N. Humphreys, PRINTED IN COLORS. 26..BoNE (MUIRHEAD) ILLUSTRATIONS. BONE (GERTRUDE). Children’s Children. Drawings by Muirhead Bone. Royal 8vo, Japanese vellum paper boards, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1908 EpITION LIMITED to 215 copies printed throughout on Japanese vellum paper, of which this is, No. 83, signed by the artist: ‘‘ Muirhead Bone.” 27. BONE (MUIRHEAD) ILLUSTRATIONS. BoNE (Davip W.). Merchantmen-at- Arms. The British Merchants’ Service in the War. With drawings by Muirhead Bone. 4to, vellum boards, gilt top, uncut. London, 1919 EDITION LIMITED to 160 copies of which this is, No. 24. ‘ WITH AN ORIGINAL DRYPOINT ETCHING BY THIS ARTIST, signed in pencil: Muzr- head Bone. The etching is titled: ‘‘Salvage Men Approaching a Torpedoed Ship.” For another etching by this Artist, See No. 39. 28. BoNE (STEPHEN) ILLUSTRATIONS. BONE (GERTRUDE). Mr. Paul. With full- page and text woodcut illustrations by Stephen Bone. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1921 EDITION LIMITED TO 750 signed copies, of which this is, No. 228, signed by both the Author and the Illustrator. 29. Book Prices CuRRENT, AMERICAN. A Record of Books, Manuscripts and Autographs sold at Auction in New York and Elsewhere from August 1920 to August 1921. Being the season 1920-1921. Compiled from the Auctioneers’ Catalogues. 8vo, red buckram, gilt top, New York, 1921 Edition limited to 650 copies. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th 30. BOOKBINDING. MATTHEWS (BRANDER). Bookbindings, Old and New. Notes of a Book-lover, with an Account of the Grolier Club, New York. Beauti- fully and profusely illustrated. 8vo, Japanese vellum paper wrappers, uncut, loose in covers. London, 1896 The Ex-Libris Series, edited by Gleeson White. Tuts Copy, PRINTED THROUGH- OUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER—only 75 so produced. From the library of Colin Armstrong, with bookplate. 31. BOOKBINDING. PRIDEAUxX (S. T.). Bookbinders and Their Craft. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1903 First EpiTion. Limited to 500 copies, of which this is, No. 1or. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE WorRK WRITTEN BY THIS FAMOUS BINDER. 32. BooKpLaTEs. A Catalogue of an Exhibition of Angling Book Plates forming the Collection of Daniel B. Fearing, Newport, R. I. Facsimile of Mr. Fearing’s bookplate. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York: Privately Printed, 1918 Only 500 copies of this beautiful and authoritative work were issued. 33. Booxs AND Manuscripts. La Collection Dutuit. Livres et Manuscrits. {With a foreword by Edouard Rahir.] Copiously illustrated with full-page reproductions of bindings, etc., also numerous woodcuts. Folio, vellum boards, leather label, uncut. Paris, 1899 EDITION LIMITED to 350 copies of which this is, No. 333. The catalogue compiled by Edouard Rahir is of permanent value because of the excellence of the bibliographical compilation and the truthfulness of the numerous full-page reproductions, which deserve special note as they are all reproduced in the original colors from the elaborate bindings in this collection. ONE OF THE FINEST CATALOGUES WITH REPRODUCTIONS OF BINDINGS IN THEIR ORIGINAL COLORS EvER ISSUED. M. Edouard Rahir in his finely written foreword to the Catalogue says: ‘‘MM. Eugéne et Auguste Dutuit l’ont toujours parfaitement rempli. Possesseurs d’un des plus riches musées qui aient été formés dans ce siécle, ils ont toujours, a la moindre demande, tiré de leurs vitrines, livres . . . et contribué ainsi bien souvent au succés de nombreuses expositions rétrospectives. .. .’’ The collection is now the property of the French Government, having been pre- sented by the collector, and is preserved in the Petit Palais, with all the Dutuit Collections. 34.’ Books aBouT Books. LownbEs (WILLIAM THomas). The Bibliographer’s Manual of English Literature, New Edition, Revised, Corrected and En- larged; With an Appendix Relating to the Books of Literary and Scientific Societies. By Henry G. Bohn. 6 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1869 Nice LARGE PAPER Copy of the best edition. From the Wilberforce Eames collection, with autograph. 35. Booxs aBout Books. Bibliographica. Papers on Books, their History and Art. Extensively illustrated with full-page and text reproductions of rare bindings, facsimiles and illustrations from early and rare books. COMPLETE Set in the 12 original parts. 1895-1897; [ALso] A Descriptive Bibliography of the most important books in the English Language relating to the Art & History of Engraving and the Collecting of Prints. Supplement and Index. By Howard C. Levis. 1913. Together, 13 pieces, royal 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut. London, 1895-1913 Bibliographica is a magazine of bibliography in twelve quarterly parts and is an exceedingly fine and sumptuous publication. Among the numerous subjects treated are the Books of Hours of Geoffroy Tory; English Illuminated MSS.; Chro- nology of the Early Aldines; Mainz Psalter, etc. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 36. 37: 38. 39: 40. 4I. 42. 43. Books aBouT Books. HatsEy (Rosauie V.). Forgotten Books of the American Nursery. A History of the Development of the American Story-Book. Jilustrated. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, I9I1 EpItIon LIMITED to 750 copies, printed at the Merrymount Press. Booxs ABouT Books. Hor (RosBErRT). Sales Catalogue of the Library of Robert Hoe. Jilustrated. 4 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, original wrappers bound in. New York, I91I-1912 Volumes II and IV have pockets on the inner back covers which contain the price-lists of this famous sale. FINE SET. Books ABouT Books AND BooKBINDING. ELTON (CHARLES I. AND Mary A.). The Great Book-Collectors. London, 1893; Mapam (F.). Books in Manuscript. London, 1893; PripEAux (S. T.). An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. With a Chapter on Early Stamped Bindings, by E. Gordon Duff. London, 1893;-Modern Bookbindings. Their Design and Decora- tion. New York, 1906. All illustrated. Together, 4 vols. 8vo and 12mo, one vol. gilt top, all uncut. London and New York, 1893-1906 BotricELti. Binyon (LAuRENCE). The Art of Botticelli. An Essay in Pictorial Criticism. Frontispiece etching by Muirhead Bone of a Tuscan Farm near Botticelli’'s Birthplace; 23 beautiful plates In Cotor. Small folio, cloth, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1913 EDITION LIMITED to 275 copies. THE ORIGINAL ETCHING BY BONE IS MATTED AND SIGNED BY THE ETCHER: Muirhead Bone. BoucuoT (HENRI). La Femme Anglaise et ses peintres. With frontispiece in colors after Sir Thomas Lawrence, 19 full-page portraits, 6 miniatures and numerous text illustrations of female portraits by Holbein, Van Dyck, Lely, Reynolds, Opie, Hoppner, Gainsborough and other famous artists. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter ultramarine crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt back and top, uncut, original vellum wrappers bound in, BY TAFFIN. Paris, 1903 ONE OF THE Most IMpoRTANT WORKS ON THIS SUBJECT. FINE Copy. BouTeET Etcuincs. Types de Parisiennes. With about 100 beautiful dry-point etchings of Parisian women, including a number of studies in the nude by Apoux. 4to, three-quarter olive levant morocco, gilt, gilt back and top, uncut, with several original covers containing etchings, bound in. Paris, recent A UNIQUE SET oF EtcHincs. Apart from the work of Boutet and Apoux, there are etchings by Roy, Dachery, Somm, and others. BOYLESVE (RENE). Les Bains de Bade. Petite Roman d’Adventures Galantes et Morales. With 6 full-page illustrations, and numerous vignette illustra- tions by Arm. Rassenfosse. 4to, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY DURVAND. Paris: Society des Dilettantes [1911] HANDSOME Copy. One of 225 copies printed on Van Gelder paper. Buppuist PaInTInNGs. The Thousand Buddhas. Ancient Buddhist Paintings from the Cave-Temples of Tun-Huang on the Western Frontier of China. Recovered and Described by Aurel Stein. With an Introductory Essay by Laurence Binyon. With 48 full-page illustrations, many of which are IN [Continued First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th [No. 43. BuppHiIstT PAINTINGS—Continued] 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Coors, some of the plates having more than one subject. Text: 1 vol. royal 4to, printed wrappers, uncut; Plates: Atlas folio portfolio, half cloth, with flaps. Together, 2 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1921 A MONUMENTAL WoRK ON BUDDHIST PAINTINGS. In his Preface, Sir Aurel Stein states,—‘‘It has been my aim in the descriptive text referring to each Plate to supply such iconographic information as the non-specialist student may need for the comprehension of the subject and details, and as the present state of our re- searches permits to be safely offered. In the same descriptive notes I have endeav- oured to record information also as to the state of preservation, character of work- manship, colouring and similar points in each painting.”’ This work was published under the orders of H. M. Secretary of State for India and with the co-operation of the Trustees of the British Museum. Plates numbered I to 33 are Atlas folio size, and plates 34 to 48 are royal to size enclosed in a printed envelope. At the end of the volume of Text there is an Index to the work. APPARENTLY THE First Copy TO BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY, Bunot’s EtcHincs. BourcarD (GUSTAVE). Felix Buhot. Catalogue Descriptif de son CEuvre Gravé. Avec une preface d’Arséne Alexandre. With an etched portrait of Buhot by Francois Courboin. Imperial 8vo, boards, cloth back, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1899 THE Most IMPORTANT WORK ON BuHOT; LONG OvuT oF PRINT. One of 150 copies printed on Holland paper, signed in ink by the Author,—G. Bourcard. CaLico PAINTING. BAKER (GEORGE P.). Calico Painting in the East Indies in the xvuth and xvuith Centuries. With 8 full-page plates. Royal folio, boards, cloth back, uncut. 1921;[Atso] Portfolio containing 37 plates, 13 of which contain two or more subjects, PRINTED IN CoLors. Together, 2 pieces. London, 1921 A VERY FINE PUBLICATION ON THIS Most CapTIvATING ArT and of which very little is known. These plates place in the hands of students of design a set of fac- similes of the most characteristic examples of calico and are the best reproductions that modern methods of paper printing can produce. The linen cover on the portfolio of plates was produced by the dyeing process expounded by Pliny, A.D. 70. CaLLoT ILLUSTRATIONS. Combata la Barriére. With rr illustrations by J. Callot, each tipped on a sheet of extra heavy paper. Oblong imperial 8vo, half scored calf, gilt top, each sheet hinged on guards. No place, no date From the collection of the ‘‘Marquis de Betague,’’ with a small stencil stamp on verso of each illustration but the last. CASSONI. SCHUBRING (PAUL). Truhen und Truhenbilder der Italienischen Friihrenaissance. Ein Beitrag zur Profanmalerei im Quattrocento. With 15 full-page plates containing 46 illustrations; and a volume of 184 full-page plates coniaining 542 illustrations. Text, one vol. small 4to; Plates, one vol. atlas folio. Together, 2 vols. uniformly bound incloth. Leipzig, 1915 A VERY FINE GENERAL WORK ON THE PAINTINGS ON CASSONI OF THE FOuR- TEENTH CENTURY. It also contains an Essay on the decoration of the chests of this period. Copies of this important work are seldom offered at public sale in this country; this we believe is the first so offered. CAVALRY. ANDRADE (MANOEL CARLOS DE). Luz da Liberal, e Nobre Arte da Cavallaria, Offerecida ao Senhor D. Jo&o Principe do Brazil. Porirait of the Prince of Brazil engraved by Frois; 96 plates, some folded, engraved by Frois, Manuel Alegre, and others. 2 vols. in 1, folio, half morocco, uncut. Lisboa: na Regia Officina Typografica, 1790 First EDITION. VERY BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. From the Theo. L. DeVinne collection, with bookplate. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 49. 50. 51. 52. 53: 54. 55: 56. CEZANNE (PAUL). GasQueT (Joacuim). Cézanne. Profusely illustrated. Royal 4to, boards, uncut. Paris, 1921 EDITION LIMITED to 150 copies on ‘‘papier d’Arches.’”’ A FINE Work. CHARLET (NicoLas Toussaint). Album Lithographique. A collection of 45 lithographs and a vignette on title-page, by Charlet. Royal 4to, cloth, roan back, worn. Paris, circa 1835 INTERESTING COLLECTION, representing some of his best military subjects; a few of the plates slightly spotted. CHARLET (NicoLas Toussaint). Les Artistes Célébres. Collection Placée par Autorisation Ministérielle du 15 Juillet 1892 sous le haut Patronage du Ministére de I’Instruction publique et des Beaux Arts. Charlet, par F. Homme. Full-page and text illustrations. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris, 1892 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 9 lithographs of Napoleon and military subjects of the French Empire. A BEAUTIFUL VOLUME. CHINESE PAINTING. Encyclopédie de la Peinture Chinoise. Traduction et Commentaires par Raphaél Petrucci. Augmentés d’une Preface, d’un Dic- tionnaire Biographique des Peintres et d’un Vocabulaire des termes Tech- niques. Illustrated with about 500 illustrations. Folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1918 EDITION LIMITED to 550 copies, of which this is, No. 22. THe Most IMpoRTANT Work OF Its KIND. Believed to be the first copy to be offered for public sale in this country. EXTREMELY SCARCE. CHINESE PoRCELAINS. Bonpy (WALTER). Kang-Hsi eine Blue-Epoche der Chinesischen Porzellankunst. With 115 full-page illustrations, 6 of which are IN CoLors, also text illustrations. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back. Miinchen, 1923 A fine publication on the work of the golden period of ceramic art. CHINESE AND JAPANESE ART. FENOLLOSA (ERNEST F.). Epochs of Chinese & Japanese Art. An Outline History of East Asiatic Design. New and Revised Edition, with Copious Notes by Professor Petrucci. With numer- ous full-page illustrations. 2 vols. small 4to, boards, cloth back. New York [1921] A VERY FINE WorK ON JAPANESE AND CHINESE ART. CHINESE AND JAPANESE ArT. A Year of Japanese Epigrams. Translated and Compiled by William N. Porter. Illustrated by Kazunori Ishibashi. London, 1911; PETRuccI (RAPHAEL). Les Peintres Chinois. Paris, no date; Chinese Painters. A Critical Study. Translated by F. Seaver. With a Biographical Note by Laurence Binyon. New York [1920]; HotmEs (C. J.). Hokusai. London, 1899. Each volume with illustrations. Together, 4 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards, wrappers and cloth. London, etc., various dates CHINESE AND TURKISTAN PAINTINGS. WACHSBERGER (ARTUR). Stilkritische Studien zur Wandmalerei Chinesisch-Turkestans. With 51 illustrations. Royal 8vo, printed wrappers. Berlin, 1916 Fine volume of critical studies on mural paintings of China and Turkestan. 57: «58. 59: 60. 6t. 62. 63. 64. 65. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th CHODOWIECKI (DANIEL). Catalogue des Estampes Gravées par Daniel Chodowiecki. 16mo, quarter calf, gilt, uncut, somewhat foxed. No place, 1796 AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE CATALOGUE listing 758 items by this artist, also almost 200 additional items in contemporary manuscript. CurysTaL (GEORGE W.). The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. A New Rendering Based on the Foulis Translation of 1472. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1902 Printed on handmade paper. CocHET ILLUSTRATIONS. FARRERE (CLAUDE). L’Homme Qui Assassina. Illustrated with 47 compositions designed and engraved on wood by Gérard Cochet. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1921 LIMITED EDITION “‘sur vélin pur fil lafuma,’’ of which this is, No. 382. CocHIN. ROCHEBLAVE (S.). Les Cochin. With 127 engravings in the text, 4 engraved plates in black-and-white, 11 engraved plates in red chalk. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1893 Comic AtBuM. The Comic Album: A Book for Every Table. Profusely illustrated by ‘‘ Alfred Crowquill”’ and others. 4to, three-quarter red morocco, gilt top. London, 1843 This humorous work, among other contributions, contains those of Gilbert A. A’Beckett and ‘‘Alfred Crowquill.’’ It is printed on paper of varying colors. CONSTABLE (JOHN). Various Subjects of Landscape, Characteristic of Eng- lish Scenery, from Pictures Painted by John Constable. A series of 23 mezzotints by David Lucas, PRooFs ON INDIA PAPER. IN THE ORIGINAL 5 Parts, oblong narrow folio, uncut, ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. London, 1830 ORIGINAL EDITION OF THIS, ONE OF THE FINEST PUBLICATIONS OF THE NINE- TEENTH CENTURY. Copies in the superb collector’s condition, as the above, ARE _ OF THE GREATEST RARITY. Coptey (Joun S.). Amory (Martua B.). The Domestic and Artistic Life of John Singleton Copley, R.A. With Notices of his Works, and Reminis- cences of his son, Lord Lyndhurst, High Chancellor of Great Britain. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1882 CooquELin (Constant). Préface d’Edmond Rostand. With a facsimile of sonnet by Rostand to Coquelin, 30 large and beautiful plates IN CoLor and 5 plates in black-and-white. Folio, all laid in loosely in a board folder, cloth back, leather lettering piece on obverse cover, inner protecting board flaps. [Paris] 1909 Epition LriteEp to 500 copies, of which this is, No. 97. Each plate is mounted on a folio sheet of heavy deckle edged drawing paper. Corot. Rospaut (ALFRED). L’CEuvre de Corot. Catalogue Raisonné et Illustré, Précédé de l’Histoire de Corot et de ses Gtuvres par Etienne Moreau-Nélaton. [Avec une Table Analytique et Générale.] IlJustrated with portrait and a great number of illustrations. Together, 5 vols. small folio, wrappers, uncut and unopened. Paris, 1905 EpItIon LIMITED TO 25 COPIES PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON ‘'Japon Shizuoka” of which this is, No. 14. COPIES ON JAPANESE PAPER ARE EXTREMELY RARE. A Very FINE PUBLICATION on this great French artist, treating both graphically and pictorially, the products which his genius gave to the world. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 66. CostuME. Lacroix (PAUL). XVIIIme Siécle. Institutions, Usages et Cos- 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. tumes. France, 1700-1789. Illustrated with 21 chromolithographs and 350 woodcuts after Watteau, Vanloo, Rigaud, Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot and others. Small folio, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut, BY RITTER. Paris, 1875 FINE Copy oF THIS INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT WORK, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON CHINA PAPER. CosTuME. PLANCHE (JAMES RoBinson). A Cyclopedia of Costume or Dic- tionary of Dress. Including Notices of Conteporaneous Fashions on the Continent; and a General Chronological History of the Costumes of the principal Countries of Europe from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Accession of George the Third. With numerous plates of which Many ARE IN GOLD AND CoLors. 2 vols. 4to, quarter morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1876-1879 AN EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE WoRK on the style of dress. ORIGINAL AND BEST EDITION. Now VERY SCARCE. CostuME. HOTTENROTH (FRIEDRICH). Le Costume. Les Armes, Les Bijoux, La Céramique, Les Utensiles, Outils, Objets Mobiliers, etc., chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes. With 120 beautiful plates IN COLOR and numerous text illustrations. Small folio, all laid in loosely in a board portfolio, cloth back. Paris, circa 1880 AN IMPORTANT AND INSTRUCTIVE WorK. The plates are virtually indispensable to the student of international costume from the ‘‘ Moyen-Age”’ to the 18th century. Some of the plates are titled: Scandinaves jusqu’en 1200; Anglo-Saxons et Anglo- Danois; Normands et Anglo-Normands (1066-1200); Francais (500-1200); Alle- mands (XIIIéme Siécle); Italians; Espagnols; Polonais; Grecs; etc. CosTUME. HOTTENROTH (FRIEDRICH). Trachten, Haus-, Feld und Kriegs- gerathschaften der Vélker Alter und Neuer Zeit. Wuth 120 plates, nearly all In CoLor, and numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. 4to, boards, leather backs, red edges. - Stuttgart, no date and 1891 FINE Work, seldom offered for public sale in this country. ; CostuME. Boutet (HENRI). Les Modes Féminines du XI Xe Siécle. 1801- 1850. Préface de Jules Claretie. Wzth 100 full-page etchings In Two STATES, one set COLORED BY HAND, the other set printed in different values of sepia ink. 2 vols. 4to, three-quarter blue morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, 1903 EDITION LIMITED to 60 copies on Imperial Japan paper, numbered and signed by the artist: Henri Boutet, this being, No. 50. A FINE AND ARTISTIC WORK. j CosTuME. TILKE (Max). Le Costume en Orient. With 128 plates and ex- planatory text. Thick 4to, canvas, gilt. Paris [1922] AN INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE WorRK. Some of the plates are IN COLORS. . CostuME. ROSENBERG (ADOLF). Geschichte des Kostiims. Text von Prof. Dr. Eduard Heyck. With 4oo large fine plates, the majority of which are In CoLor, each having a descriptive letterpress. 5 vols. small folio, half brown levant morocco. New York, recent COMPREHENSIVE PUBLICATION ON THE COSTUMES OF MANY COUNTRIES during various periods of the world’s history. Some of the plates are: Primitive Time; Egypt, Antiquity; Assyria; Greek Asiatic; Etruscan, Antiquity; Romans; Persia, Early Middle-Ages; Germany; Great Britain; Spain; Italy; etc. 73: 74. 75: 76. 77: 78. 80. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th Costume. Zur Geschichte der Costiime. With 125 pages containing 500 illustrations IN COLOR of the various centuries after designs by Louis Braun, W. Diez, Ernst Frolich, and others. Small folio, decorated cloth. Miinchen, recent CosTuME. RoGER-MILEs (L.). Les Créateurs de la Mode. Numerous full- page plates and text illustrations. Small folio, decorated wrappers, uncut. Paris, no date EDITION LIMITED to 120 copies on ‘“‘papier vélin d’Arches’’ numbered from 56 to 175, of which this is, No. 147. CosTuME PLATES IN Cotor. Paris. Colored plates of the Costumes of the Work Women of Paris. A series of 44 full-page costume plates, showing the modes of dress of the working class of women of Paris. 4to, boards, binding broken. Paris [1815] EXTREMELY RARE. ALL BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. The plates were designed by Lante and engraved by Gatine, all are FINELY COLORED. An interesting collection depicting the style of dress of milliners, embroiderers, flower girls, servants, cor- setiéres, hairdressers, and others. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. Eyrizs (J. B. B.). La Russie, ou Costumes, Mceurs et Usages des Russes. With 24 full-page aquatint plates, IN COLORS. Royal 8vo, half maroon straight-grain morocco, uncut. Paris [1818] Very Scarce. A fine collection of plates, with explanatory text to each, depict- ing the dress of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire, including Finland, Esthonia, Tchérémisse, various Tartar tribes, and others, showing both male and female attire. CostuME PLATES IN CoLor. Costumes des Divers Pays. With 80 fine plates by Gatine after Lanté, CoLoRED BY HAND. 4to, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt edges, BY MORRELL. [Paris] circa 1820 EXTREMELY RARE. A work which brings the curious costumes of faraway coun- tries to the interested eye of the costume plate collector. Some of the plates are: Cuisiniére de Hambourg; Bouquetiére de Hambourg; Cuisiniére de Berne; Bernoise; Arlesienne; Costume de Séville; Costume de Barcelone; and others. CostumME Piates. Un Ana Rome et dans ses Environs. Recueil de Dessins Lithographies. Dessiné et publié par Thomas. 72 full-page lithographs. Folio, half roan. Paris, 1823 Rare. A fine series of lithographs depicting the costumes and the civil and religious ceremonies of the Roman states in general. Some of the plates have more than one subject. CosTUuME PLATES IN CoLor. DurcH. Collection des Costumes des Provincer Septentrionales du Royaume des Pays Bas. Dessinés d’aprés Nature, pas N. Greeven et Lithographiés par Vallon de Villeneuve. A series of 20 full- page lithographs IN Coors. 4to, original half leather, binding poor. Paris-Amsterdam, 1828 Very FINE COLLECTION of original colored lithographs. Text in English, French and Dutch. EXTREMELY RARE. Costume PLATES IN CoLor. SCHEFFER ILLUSTRATIONS. [Scénes de Société.] 25 fine lithographs IN CoLoR, initialed by the artist. 4to, boards, cloth back, several plates loose. [Paris] circa 1828 AN INTERESTING SERIES OF COLORED PLATES. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue SI. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. CostuME PLATES IN CoLor. SPANISH. Collection de diverses Provinces de l’Espagne. Lithographies d’aprés des Dessins originaux par Pigal. 100 full-page COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, after designs by Pigal. 4to, half roan, binding broken, uncut. Paris [1830] EXTREMELY RARE AND FINE SERIES of plates depicting the costumes worn by the inhabitants of the various provinces ‘of Spain. The title-page and about four of the plates are foxed. CostumME PLATES IN Cotor. A series of 78 CoLoRED costume plates from “(Le Petit Courrier des Dames et la Mode”’ of Paris, 1833. Bound in one vol. 4to, boards. [Vienna] 1833 Tus IMPORTANT SERIES of 78 plates was engraved in Vienna after the Parisian plates and given as premiums to the magazine ‘‘Moden and Litteratur.’’ They show the female dress in Paris. Each engraving is colored by hand and has wide margins. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. FRESQUET (GoUPIL). Voyage d’Horace Vernet en Orient. Numerous fine plates BRILLIANTLY COLORED BY HAND. Royal 8vo, rebound in cloth, gilt top, uncut. Paris, circa 1845 EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING PUBLICATION. Some of the plates are entitled: Physionomie de l’Orient; Vue de Malte; Egypte; Costumes des Environs de Naplouse et de Nazareth; Scheick et Femme de Deir-el-Kamar; etc. ; CostuME PLATES. VECELLIO (CESARE). Costumes Anciens et Modernes. Precedes d’un Essai sur la Gravure sur Bois par M. Amb. Firmin-Didot. [Text in French and Italian.] Full-page costume plates in black-and-white, and ornamental borders. 2 vols. 8vo, quarter brown levant morocco, gilt tops, a few slight stains. Paris, 1859-1860 CostuME PLATES IN CoLor. Costumes du Temps de la Révolution 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793. Tirés de la Collection de M. V. Sardou. Préface de M. Jules Claretie. With 40 CoLorED Ercuines by Guallamot fils. Folio, half red straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1876 Now Very Scarce. A fine series of plates depicting the costumes worn by the people of France during the Revolution, 1790-1793. CostuME PLATES IN CoLtor. REISET (LE COMTE DE). Modes et Usages au Temps de Marie-Antoinette. Livre-Journal de Madame Eloffe. With 200 illustrations of which 68 are full-page plates IN CoLors. 2 vols. im- perial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, 1885 Cuoice Copy. One of the most interesting publications illustrating the fashions and manners of that great period of Marie-Antoinette, copies of which seldom come up for public sale in this country. CostuME PLATES IN CoLor. Racinet (M. A.). Le Costume Historique. Types Principaux du Vétement et de la Parure. . . . Avec des Notices Explicatives, une Introduction Générale, des Tables et un Glossaire. Illustrated with over 500 full-page plates (300 IN COLORS, GOLD AND SILVER, 200 in ‘‘Camaieu” or improved tinted lithography). 6 vols. small 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1888 FINE Copy OF THE SMALLER, RARER AND HANDIER EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT Work ON THE COSTUMES OF ANCIENT AND MODERN Nations. A few light fox- marks. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th 88. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. Edition Nationale. Victor Hugo. La Esméralda. Costumes de Louis Boulanger. With 16 costume plates IN Two STATES, one set BEAUTIFULLY COLORED BY HAND, one set plain, also 23 pages of music. Folio, letterpress, music and plates all laid in loosely in a cloth portfolio, gilt. [Paris, 1888] Based on Victor Hugo’s famous novel ‘‘ Notre Dame de Paris.”’ 89. COSTUME PLATES IN CoLor. HEFNER-ALTENECK (Dr. J. H. von). Trachten, go. Lama 9 92. 93: Kunstwerke und Gerathschaften des Siebzehnten und Achtzehnten Jahr- hunderts. With 72 full-page chromolithographs. 4to, half roan. Frankfurt am Main, 1889 Depicts the fashions, works of art and articles of general use of the 17th and 18th centuries.“ The plates are finely executed in colors after the original designs, and include male and female dress, articles of personal adornment, etc. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. UZANNE (OCTAVE). Les Modes de Paris. Variations de Gout et de l’Esthetique de la Femme, 1797-1897. With 100 full-page illustrations IN CoLors, and numerous illustrations in the text, by Courboin. Square 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY DAVID. Paris, 1898 EDITION LIMITED, this being No. 800 of 1000 copies printed on ‘‘velin special.’’ BEAUTIFUL Copy, CostuME PLATES IN CoLor. Modes et Maniéres d’Aujoud’hui. With 12 full-page plates by André Marty, COLORED By HAND, and 12 vigneites by Tristan Bernard. Royal 8vo, sheets, in board portfolio. Paris, 1919 PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN VELLUM PAPER. One of 271 copies. Each plate is accompanied by a leaf of text. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. Modes et Maniéres d’Aujourd’hui, Années de J Guerre. With 12 full-page plates by Georges Lepape, COLORED BY HAND. Royal 8vo, sheets, in board portfolio. Paris [1919] PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN VELLUM PAPER. One of 271 copies. Each plate is accompanied by a poem by Henry Jacques. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. Diz Mope. Menchen und Moden. Nach bil- dern und Stichen der Zeit ausgewahlt von Dr. Oskar Fishel. Text von Max von Boehn. Profusely illustrated, many of the plates IN CoLors. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. Miinchen, 1919-1920 A VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE Work on the costumes of the German, English and French people of the 17th, 18th and roth centuries. The costumes depicted are from the time of Queen Elizabeth up to and including the year 1914. In the volume for the 17th century Max Von Boehn has done both the selecting of the illustrations and the writing of the text. The plates are after pictures and engravings of the periods. One volume is devoted to the 17th Century, one volume to the 18th Century and four volumes to the 19th Century. 94. CosTUME PLaTEs IN CoLor. Gazette du Bon Genre, Art, Modes, Frivolités. With numerous full-page plates and text illustrations, ALL COLORED BY HanD. Io parts, small 4to, printed covers. | Paris and New York, 1920 One of the best recent publications as to text, and fully illustrated. This is the new series. The publication of this magazine was suspended during the war. Each part is in sheets and is laid in the printed wrappers. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 95. CoURBET (GUSTAVE). RIAT (GzorGEs). Les Mattres de l’Art Moderne: Gustave Courbet, Peintre. Wath full-page etchings, helogravures and phototypes, IN Two STATES, and numerous text illustrations. Royal 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1906 EpITION DE Luxe. LIMITED TO 50 COPIES, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN Paper. The etchings and heliogravures are printed on Japan paper and Holland paper; the phototypes being printed on Japan paper and plate paper. 96. DALZIEL ILLUSTRATIONS. BuNYAN (JoHN). The Pilgrim’s Progress. 1861; Home Thoughts and Home Scenes. 1865. Some pages loose; Dalziels’ Illustrated Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. 2 vols. 1865; [ALso] The Brothers Dalziel. A Record of Fifty Years’ Work in Conjunction with many of the most Distinguished Artists of the Period. 1840-1890. I9OI. All illustrated. Together, 5 vols. small 4to, and royal 8vo, cloth, 3 vols. gilt tops. London, 1861-1901 UNUSUAL COLLECTION of books illustrated by the Dalziels. 97. DANCE OF DEATH. Douce (FRANCIS). The Dance of Death. Exhibited in Elegant Engravings on Wood with a Dissertation on the Several Repre- sentations of that Subject but more Particularly on those Ascribed to Macaber and Hans Holbein. 1833; Icones Veteris Testamenti; Illustra- tions of the Old Testament, engraved on Wood, from Designs by Hans Holbein. 1830. First Epition. First Issue. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts. Together, 2 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards, leather backs. London: William Pickering, 1830-1833 98. DANIELL (THOMAS AND WitttAM). Oriental Scenery. Six Parts. A series of 144 splendid COLORED AQUATINT views. 6 vols. elephant folio, new half brown pigskin. London, 1795-1808 A SUPERB AND COMPLETE Copy OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINAL ISSUE. It is almost unnecessary to say anything in commendation of this extraordinary work, which is, without exception, the most magnificent series of views ever pro- duced. The plates measure 24 by 17 inches each, are colored in the style of the drawings, and are all BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. Complete series are seldom met with, as the artists finished them only in small numbers, and owing to the exquisiteness of the plates many copies were broken up and the plates framed. : ; There was an 8vo volume of descriptive text issued some years after the issue of the plates, but this does not accompany the present copy. The text is seldom found with the plates. The work comprises:— First SERIES: Twenty-four Views in Hindoostan, drawn and engraved by T. Daniell. 1795. SECOND SERIES: Twenty-four Views in Hindoostan, from the drawings of T. Daniell, engraved by himself and W. Daniell. 1797. THIRD SERIES: Twenty-four Views in Hindoostan, drawn and engraved by T. and W. Daniell. 18o0Tf. Fourtu SERIES: Twenty-four Landscape Views in Hindoostan by T. and W. Daniell. 1807. ANTIQUITIES OF INDIA. Twenty-four Views from the drawings of T. Daniell, engraved by himself and W. Daniell. 1799-1808. Hinpoo ExcAvATIONS IN THE MOUNTAIN OF ELLORA, near Aurungabad in the Decan. Twenty-four Views, engraved from the drawings of J. Wales, by, and under the direction of T. Daniell. 1803. 99. Dante. VOLKMANN (LUDWIG). Iconografia Dantesca. The Pictorial Repre- sentations to Dante’s Divine Comedy. Revised and Augmented by the Author. With a Preface by Charles Sarolea. W2th 17 plates and 4 woodcuts. Imperial 8vo, vellum paper back, gilt top. London, 1899 Epition LiMiTED to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 71. Ioo. IoO!. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th Dante. La Divina Commedia. Illustrata nei luoghi e nelle persone a cura di Corrado Ricci. With 870 illustrations, of which 170 are full-page plates, of persons and places mentioned in the text. Thick small folio, full brown sheep, front cover with a raised design of a wreath, gilt top, uncut. Milano, recent MAGNIFICENT PUBLICATION. EDITION LIMITED TO 1000 COPIES. Dausicny (C.—F.). Dettem (Loys). Le Peintre Graveur Illustré. (XI Xe et XXe Siécles). Charles-Francois Daubigny. Copiously illustrated. 4to, wrappers, uncut, and unopened. Paris, 1921 Daumier (C.). Album Comique. With roo illustrations. 4 vols. small folio, original wrappers. Paris, circa 1835 Fine SET oF THE RARE ORIGINAL ISSUE. AN AMUSING AND ENTERTAINING SERIES OF ALBUMS FROM THE PROLIFIC PENCIL OF Tuis ARTIST. The subjects treated are: Emotions Parisiennes; Histoire Ancienne, Pastorales; and Les Beaux Jours de la Vie. Daumier (C.). Les Bohémiens de Paris. With 25 illustrations. Small folio, original wrappers, portion of backbone torn away. Paris, no date ORIGINAL IssuE. AN INTERESTING AND AMUSING SPECIMEN OF FRENCH CARIC- ATURE. DaumieR (Honoré). ALEXANDER (ARSENE). Honoré Daumier. L’Homme et l’Geuvre. With an etched portrait by Guerard, 2 heliogravures and 47 illustrations. Royal 8vo, marbled board sides, quarter purple morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1888 Epirion LimItep to 18 copies ‘‘sur Hollande.” T his important work is seldom offered at public sale in this country. DaumiER (Honoré). H. Daumier. A Series of 36 beautiful large woodcuts on Japanese vellum, each plate matted in drawing paper. Enclosed in 4 folio board portfolios, cloth backs, ties. Paris, 1920 Epition LIMITED to 75 copies on Japan vellum paper, of which this is, No. 75. - The above series, comprising 36 large woodcuts, are all impressions from the ORIGINAL Woop BLOCKS. ONE OF THE Most IMPORTANT WoRKS ON DAUMIER, and apparently the first copy to be offered at public sale in this country. Daumier (Honoré). Fonrarnas (AnpRE). Le Peinture de Daumier. With numerous photogravure reproductions of paintings by Dauner. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Paris [1923] Limitep Issur. This forms one of the ‘Ars Graphica Etudés et Documents”’ series published under the direction of J. G. Daragnés. DAUMIER AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. LA CARICATURE. Morale, Religieuse, Littéraire et Scénique. Journal fondé et dirigé par Ch. Philipon. With about 520 humorous COLORED ani plain folding and full-page caricatures by H. Monier, Granville, Devere, Traves, Charlet, Raffet, Bellange, Adam, Daumver, etc., many of which are COLORED BY HAND. 10 vols. 4to, boards, leather back, gilt, uncut. Paris, 1830-1835 ComPLETE SET OF THIS RARE AND EXCEEDINGLY DESIRABLE Work OF PARISIAN CARICATURE, especially sought after because it contains some of Daumier’s most important work. ONE OF THE Most IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS OF THIS NATURE EVER OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SALE. A FINE AND COMPLETE SET IN THE ORIGINAL NuMBERS WITH SOME OF THE ORIGINAL PICTORIAL WRAPPERS BOUND In. SucH A COMPLETE [Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [No. 107. DaumIER—Continued] SET IS VERY RARELY Met WITH BECAUSE THE PLATES ARE OFTEN EXTRACTED AND USED FOR FRAMING PURPOSES, PARTICULARLY THOSE IN COLOR WHICH ARE VERY DESIRABLE FOR DECORATION. THE PLATES ARE IN FINE CONDITION. From the Lord Farnham collection, with his bookplate. 108. DAUMIER ILLUSTRATIONS. FABRE (FRANCOIS). Némésis Médicale Illustrée, Recueil de Satires par Francois Fabre, Phocéen et Docteur. Revue et Cor- rigée avec soin par l’Auteur. Illustrated with 30 vignettes, drawn by Daumier and engraved by the best artists, and numerous tail-pieces. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, boards, leather back, slightly foxed. Paris, 1840 ORIGINAL EDITION—now very scarce. 109. DAUMIER ILLUSTRATIONS. Tout ce Qu’on Voudra. A series of 21 large illustrations by Honoré Daumier, COLORED BY HAND. 4to, cloth, uncut. [Paris] circa 1840 A VERY FINE AND COMPLETE SERIES of plates with their respective descriptive legends. The plates are excellent representations of Parisian costumes. Contains the advertisements. ; 110. DAUMIER AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. LES FRANCAIS PEINTS par Eux-Mémes. CoMPLETE SET comprising: Paris, 5 vols.; Les Provinces. 3 vols.; Le Prisme. Embellished with upwards of tooo remarkably clever and spirited engravings of the manners, habits and costumes of all classes of French society. Together, 9 vols. quarter morocco, gilt, marbled edges. Paris: L. Curmer, 1840-1842 FINE SET of one of the most entertaining sets of books ever published. Among the authors are:—Jules, Janin, Mery, Balzac, A. Delacroix, Couilhac, Soulie, E. de la Bedolliérre, Th. Gautier, and many others. The illustrations are by Dau- mier, Gagniet, Gavarni, Grandville, Malapeau, Meissonier, Pauquet, Penguilly, Raymond Pelez, Trimolet, H. Monnier, Delacroix, E. Lami, and other artists. This series is a complete cyclopedia of French life during the roth century. HAS THE RARE VOLUME “‘Le Prisme,’’ generally missing. 111.77 DAUMIER ILLUSTRATIONS. Le Charivari. Treiziéme Année. From Monday, Jan. 1, 1844 to Tuesday Dec. 31, 1844. Profusely illustrated with humorous illustrations by Daumier, Grandville, Bouchot, Vernier, and other well-known French illustrators. With 3 double-page plates COLORED BY HAND. 2 vols. small folio, boards, roan backs, marbled edges, one colored plate torn, some tears, small stamp on several pages. Paris, 1844 A RARE, AND EXCEEDINGLY AMUSING PUBLICATION. Especially desirable because of the illustrations. 112.‘; DAUMIER: ILLUSTRATIONS. Catalogue of an Exhibition Illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896. Wzth 20 photo-engravings from the originals by Daumier, Gavarni, Bonington, Cassatt, Chauvel, De- camps, Englemann, Millet, and others. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. New York: The Grolier Club, 1896 This Exhibition was held at the Grolier Club in March 1896. Edition limited to 400 copies. 113.° DECORATIVE ART. Collection of the Works of Gille-Marie Oppenord. [No Text.] 120 phototype plates, containing 2000 designs. Enclosed in a royal 4to board portfolio, cloth back, stencil stamp on title, and on verso of all the plates. New York, no date A FINE COLLECTION of plates depicting brackets, trophies, altars, candlesticks, candelabras, tombs, fountains, fire-places, sculpture in stone, marble, and wood, interior decorations, church furniture, etc., for the use of architects, decorators, hewellers, cabinet-makers, ornamental sculptors, pottery and porcelain painters, and others. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th 114. DEeGAs. Laronp (PAuL). Degas. With numerous plates, some IN COLOR, also a great number of illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, wrappers, uncut, one volume loose in covers. Paris, 1918-1919 A VERY EXCELLENT, ILLUSTRATIVE WORK ON DEGAS. 115. DEGAs, Guys AND OTHER FRENCH ARTISTS. Modern French Masters: Louis Legrand. Text by Gustave Kahn; Edgar Degas. Text by Georges Grappe; Constantin Guys. Text by Georges Grappe; Eugéne Delacroix. Text by Camille Mauclair. All profusely illustrated, some of the reproductions being In Cotors. Four parts in one volume, 4to, cloth, leather back. London, Berlin, Paris: The International Art Publishing Company, no date FINE WorkK ON THESE FOUR FRENCH PAINTERS. The work is divided into four parts, each with a separate title-page, separate index of plates, and separate pagina- tion. There is a general half-title to the work. 116. DESBOUTIN (MARCELLIN). CLEMENT-JANIN. La Curieuse Vie de Marcellin Desboutin. Peintre-Graveur-Poete. With numerous fine plates and text reproductions. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1922 A FINE Work ON THIS PAINTER, ENGRAVER, AND POET, with catalogue of his work. 117. Dippin (THOMAS FROGNALL). Reminiscences of a Literary Life. First EpI- TION. Portrait and other engraved plates. 2 vols. thick 8vo, boards, paper labels, uncut. London: John Major, 1836 118. Dove (James E.). A Chronicle of England. B.C. 55—A.D. 1485. Written and Illustrated by James E. Doyle. Numerous illustrations, engraved and printed IN Cotors by Edmund Evans. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1864 First EpItIon. ORIGINAL IssuE OF THIS FINE Work. Tipped in are extracts from the Memoir of Charles Deane, historian, with his portrait. His presentation autograph appears on fly-leaf. REPRODUCTIONS OF DRAWINGS BY OLD AND MODERN MASTERS The following 26 numbers (119 to 144) comprise what is, we believe, the most important collection of its class that has ever been offered at public sale in this country. They include many works that here make their INITIAL APPEARANCE AT AN AMERICAN SALE, and comprise some of the finest work ever carried out technically in the way of reproducing the spirit and character of the original drawings by the Great Masters both of the Renaissance and Modern times. 119. DRAWINGS BY THE OLD Masters. THE Vasari Society for the Reproduc- tion of Drawings by Old Masters. Contains about 350 reproductions in collotype. 10 parts in 11, imperial 4to, in sheets in original envelopes; Parts 6 to 15 inclusive enclosed in board portfolios with Holland backs. London, 1905-1915; INDEX to the First Series, Parts I-X. 8vo, stitched. Oxford, 1920. Together, 12 vols. London and Oxford, 1905-1920 COMPLETE SERIES OF THIS SUPERB PUBLICATION. Each plate is described in detail by well-known authorities, among whom may be mentioned,—Sir Sidney Colvin, Laurence Binyon, Charles Ricketts, Campbell Dodgson, Edward McCurdy, A. M. Hind of the British Museum, and others. Part 10 contains an Index to artists and owners of drawings reproduced in the work, compiled by C. F. Bell. Each plate is tipped on to a sheet of heavy paper. About four leaves in Part I have been punctured, slightly damaging a few letters. The reproductions are taken from drawings in the British Museum, and from collections owned by Universities and private individuals. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 120. DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MastTERs. Collection J. Pierpont Morgan: A Selection from the Collection of Drawings by the Old Masters formed by C. Fairfax Murray. With 202 full-page plates. [1910]; Two Lombard Sketch Books in the Collection of C. Fairfax Murray, with a Few Drawings Supple- menting the Previous Volume. With 78 full-page plates. 1910. Together, 2 vols. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1910 PRIVATELY PRINTED, AND A VERY SUMPTUOUS WorK. In the first volume men- tioned above there are about 150 different artists represented, and a number of the examples reproduced are of drawings of masters not often met with, An almost complete representation is accorded Rembrandt, together with a sufficient number of his contemporaries and followers. There is, also, a fine series of drawings by Adrian van Ostade. : In the second work there are two series of drawings reproduced. The first series, consisting of plates Nos. r to 26, are reproduced from a sketch-book of the 14th century, and tne drawings, executed with precision, are of North Italian origin. Plates Nos. 26 to 67, which form the second series, are reproduced from drawings by Cesare da Sesto, once attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. In each volume is an Introduction by C. Fairfax Murray, and a list of the plates, giving the name of the artist, the title of the drawing, and the collections to which they formerly belonged. 121. DRAWINGS BY THE OLD Masters. UrFrrFizi GALLEY, FLORENCE. I Disegni della R. Galleria degli Uffizi. Four Srries, FrvE Parts Eacu. With about 500 facsimiles of original drawings in the Royal Galleries in Florence. 20 parts, large folio, each in a board folder, with ties, title on front covers. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1912-1921 MAGNIFICENT PUBLICATION OF REPRODUCTIONS OF DRAWINGS by the masters of the German, Flemish, Venetian and Florentine schools. Among the masters whose work is herein reproduced may be mentioned,—Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Lorrain, Hermann van Swanevelt, Botticelli, Lodivico Cardi, Jacopo Callot, Raf- faello, Filippino Lippi, Baccio Della Porto, Tiziano Vecellio, Adamo Elsheimer, Paolo Brill, Umbro-Senesi, Tosco-Romani, Stefano Della Bella, and others; also reproductions of ornamental designs. APPARENTLY THE FIRST SET OF THIS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PUBLICATION TO BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY. 122. DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MAstTErRS. GABLENTZ (HANS VON DER). Zeichnungen alter Meister im Kupferstich-Kabinet der Grosherzoglichen Museums zu Weimar. With two folders, each containing a series of 30 reproductions of original drawings (in all 60 plates). Text, one vol. 8vo, wrappers; Plates 2 paper folders. The whole enclosed in a folio board portfolio, cloth back, with flaps. ~ Frankfurt am Main, 1913) A VERY IMPORTANT PUBLICATION. These reproductions represent the drawings of the masters of the German and Dutch schools. The volumes of text comprise a catalogue of the plates; each plate is tipped on a sheet of bristol board. 123. DRAWINGS BY THE OLD Masters. Pavit (GusTAv). Zeichnungen alter Meister in der Kunsthalle zu Bremen. Three parts, each with a folder containing a series of 30 reproductions of original drawings, (in all go plates). Text 3 vols, 8vo, stitched; Plates, 3 paper folio folders. The whole en- closed in a folio board portfolio, cloth back, with flaps. Frankfurt am Main, 1914-1916 EXTREMELY FINE PUBLICATION reproducing original drawings of old masters in the Bremen Museum. Each plate is tipped on a sheet of bristol board, 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. First Session, Monday Afternoon, March 17th DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. FLECHSIG (EDUARD). Zeichnungen alter Meister im Landesmuseum zu Braunschweig. Deutsche Nr. 1-42. With 42 full-page reproductions of drawings. Each plate neatly tipped on sheet of stiff paper. Folio, sheets, enclosed in half cloth portfolio, cloth flaps, with ties. Frankfurt am Main [1922] _ EDITION LIMITED TO 400 COPIES, OF Wuicw Tuis Is, No. 368. ne hs ODE ee ee el or Ieee eRe PSA oe ape ae oA oo i artZ ; ES i a . oe ee eee ee ee ee Pee 357: 358. 359: 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 18th PORTRAITS OF BRITISH OFFICERS IN THE WORLD WAR. Passed by the Censor. A series of 30 reproductions of portraits drawn by Raymond Wood. Enclosed in a folio cloth portfolio. [London, 1916] Each plate is accompanied by a sheet containing a verse regarding the subject. POTTERY AND PoRCELAIN. MONKHOUSE (Cosmo). A History and Descrip- tion of Chinese Porcelain. With Notes by S. W. Bushell. Wzth 78 full- page plates, 24 of which are IN Cotors. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London, 1901 EDITION LIMITED TO 1000 Copigs. Contains at end of volume, Marks on Chinese Porcelains, Glossary, Bibliography, and a Descriptive List of the Black-and-White Illustrations. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. BARBER (EDWIN ATLEE). Tulip Ware of the, Pennsylvania-German Potters. An Historical Sketch of the Art of Sli- Decoration in the United States. With nearly roo full-page and text illus- trations, some IN Cotors. Royal 8vo, decorated cloth, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1903 PRINT PRICES CURRENT. Being a Complete Alphabetical Record of all En- gravings & Etchings sold by Auction in London, each item Annotated with the date of Sale and Price realised. Compiled and Arranged by E. H. Cour- ville, F. L. and E. L. Wilder. Vols. I to III. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1919-1921 Prints. The Print Connoisseur. A Quarterly. Vols. I and II complete, and Vol. III, No. 1, January 1923. 9 numbers. New York, 1920-1922; SHORT (F.). Etchings and Engravings. What they are, and are not, with some Notes on the Care of Prints. London, 1911; Sotheby’s Catalogue of Superb Prints, Drawings, Pictures and Armour. Priced. London, 1917. All illustrated. Together, 11 pieces, 8vo and small 4to, wrappers, uncut. New York and London, 1911-1922 Prout (SAMUEL). Fac Similes of Sketches made in Flanders and Germany and drawn on stone by Samuel Prout. With 50 plates. Atlas folio, half roan, uncut, text somewhat foxed, binding poor. [London, 1833] AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE ARTIST TO His DAUGHTER with the following autograph inscription on end-leaf: R. Elizabeth Prout. The gift of her affectionate father, S. Prout. June 21, 1833. VERY FINE Proors. THE PLATES ARE IN UNSPOTTED CONDITION. Pusiic SALES oF ARTISTIC PROPERTY. MrrEuR (DoctTeEurR H.). Diction- naire des Ventes d’Art faites en France et a l’Estranger pendant les XVIII et XIX siécles. 7 vols. imperial 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, IQII SUPERB SET OF THIS MONUMENTAL Work, describing the art sales of the past two centuries, which gives the results of over 3000 public sales. The names of over 30,000 artists and the prices of over 150,000 items, including Paintings, Drawings, Engravings, Water Colors, Miniatures, Gouaches, Enamels, etc. A very useful work for the collector, museum and dealer. RAEMAEKERS (Louis). A Series of 12 cartoons by Louis Raemaekers, ALL Proors, EACH SIGNED, IN PENCIL, BY THE ARTIST. Each plate is mounted on a sheet of heavy paper of folio size. [New York, 1918] These cartoons depict World War scenes on the battlefield, in the hospitals, in occupied territory, etc. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 365. 366. 267. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. f RAEMAEKERS (Louis). The Great War. A Neutral’s Indictment. One Hun- dred Cartoons by Louis Raemaekers. [Also, Vol. II, Sixty Cartoons.] With an Appreciation (in each volume) by H. Perry Robinson and De- scriptive Notes by E. Garnett and M. B. Huish. Portrait of the artist with his autograph signature in pencil and 160 photographic reproductions of Raemaekers’ famous cartoons, 100 of which are IN Coors. 2 vols. folio, — half cloth, marbled board sides, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Fine Arts Society, 1916-1917 EDITION DE LUXE limited to 1050 copies. VoL. II HAs THE ArTiIst’S AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE IN PENCIL, ON VERSO OF HALF-TITLE. Each plate mounted on gray paper. Text printed on gray paper. RAFFET ILLUSTRATIONS. Norvins (M. DE). Histoire de Napoléon. Vignettes by Raffet. Thick royal 8vo, boards, calf back, emblematic gilt tooling. Paris, 1839 ORIGINAL ISssuE of this finely illustrated edition. REDON (OpiLon). A Soi-Méme. Journals (1867-1915). Notes sur la vie l’Art et les Artistes. Introduction de Jacques Morland. Portrait and reproduc- tion of an etching. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1922 REGNIER ILLUSTRATIONS. Habitations des Personnages les plus Célébres de France depuis 1790 jusqu’a nos Jour. [Introduction by Charles Nodier.] Drawn by August Regnier and lithographed by Champin, ALL INDIA PAPER OpEN LETTER PrRoors. Oblong folio, half green morocco, uncut. . No place, circa 1835 AN EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING Work, with brilliant impressions of the illus- trations and of the greatest rarity to find on large paper. REMBRANDT. VOSMAER (C.). Rembrandt. Sa Vie et ses Euvres. Hichings of “Rembrandt's House’ and of ‘‘l’ Atelier de Rembrandt,” on China paper by Weissenbruch, the first after Traelsdel, the second after Rembrandt. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. The Hague, 1877 FINE WorkK on the life of this great Dutch painter, which has now become very scarce. REMBRANDT. MicHEL (EMILE). Rembrandt. His Life, his Work, and his Time. From the French by Florence Simmonds. Edited by Frederick Wedmore. With 67 full-page plates and 250 text illustrations. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: William Heinemann, 1892 This important work has now become scarce. It is the first and best English edition. REMBRANDT. Groot (C. HOFSTEDE DE). Die Handzeichnungen Rembrandts. Versuch eines beschreibenden und kritischen Katalogs. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Haarlem, 1906 It is seldom that this work makes its appearance at public sale in this country. REMBRANDT. Hinp (ArtHuR M.). Rembrandt’s Etchings. An Essay and a Catalogue. With some Notes on the Drawings. With 34 plates illustrating the drawings & a complete series of reproductions (330) of the etchings. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London [1912] A COMPREHENSIVE PUBLICATION ON THIS GREAT MASTER’S ETCHINGS. Vol. I, contains the text; Vol. II, the etchings. Ne NE TR, CS. Sp Se ie tar eet on Glia a eee ee Se eT Ne Ne ei 373: 374. 375: 376. 377- 378. 379: Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 1&th REMBRANDT. LuctT (Frits). Wandelingen met Rembrandt in en om Am- sterdam. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, wrappers with etching on obverse cover, uncut. Amsterdam, I915 RENOIR (AuGusTE). Ten Water-Colours, Sanguines, and Pastels. Introduc- tion by René Jean, translated by Ronald Davis; With a portfolio containing 10 large and fine plates, each matied. Text, one volume, wrappers, uncut and unopened; Plates in a folio board portfolio. Together, 2 pieces. Geneva and Paris, 1921 A FINE AND COLORFUL SET OF PLATES. ENGLISH EDITION. Limited to 185 copies numbered from 16 to 200, of which this is, No. 32. Riccarpi Press. Horace. Quinti Horati Flacci Opera Omnia. Cura E. C. Wickham apud P. H. Lee Warner Medicez Societatis Librarivm. Royal 8vo, boards, Holland back, gilt top, uncut. London: Medici Society, 1910 EDITION LIMITED to 1000 copies, printed on paper with ‘‘ Riccardi Press”’ water- mark. RIVERSIDE Press. Hay (JOHN). The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay, Including Many Poems now first collected. With an Introduction by Clarence L. Hay. Portrait. 8vo, boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut and unopened. Boston, 1916 LARGE PAPER Copy. EDITION LIMITED to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 533: Ropert (HuBert). Gasittot (C.). Hubert Robert et son Temps. With 57 engravings in the text and 12 engravings outside of the text, drawn in red chalk. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1895 Ropin (AucusTE). MatLiarp (Lfon). Etudes sur quelques Artistes Origi- naux. Auguste Rodin. Statuaire. With numerous fine plates and tllustra- tions. Royal 8vo, uncut, shaken. Paris, 1899 Rocer-MitEs (L.). Comment Discerner les Styles du VIIIe au XI Xe Siécle. With 000 choice illustrations of arms, ceramics, jewelry, enamels, laces, clocks, etc., and 800 marks and monograms of porcelains and pottery makers, also of silversmiths. Imperial 8vo, full green French levant morocco, sides elabo- rately gilt tooled with a border of geometrical and scroll-work designs, gilt inside fillet borders, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut, BY TALLIBART. Paris: E. Rouveyre [1898] EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE AND INTERESTING WorK. This exhaustive work is indis- pensable to the Art Collector and Museums. ONE OF 50 Copies PRINTED THROUGH- OUT ON IMPERIAL JAPAN VELLUM. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue BRUCE ROGERS, TYPOGRAPHER FINE SERIES OF BOOKS DESIGNED BY THIS FAMOUS TYPE DESIGNER AND PRINTER The following 32 numbers are a collection of books designed by Bruce Rogers. Most of the volumes contain Bruce Rogers’ personal device, a thistle with his initials B. R., and in those volumes which do not contain his device credit is ac- corded him in a note. The collection comprises Riverside Press Editions, Limited Editions and pri- vately printed books from the Riverside Press, and issues of private presses. “‘T believe that no other printer, since printing began, could point to so varied an output of so high a standard of craftsmanship within so short a time. Certainly no other books I have ever seen embody more successfully the lightness of touch, gaiety and color which have their place among the ideals of fine printing no less than splendour and dignity. . . . Mr. Rogers is, to my thinking, the most vital force in modern typography . he stands apart from all other workers in the same field by the far wider range of his successful experiments, and also by the fact that (though he must still be reckoned a ‘limited edition’ man) by printing modern books which require pref- aces, footnotes, indexes and all the other apparatus of scholarship and bibliography he has confronted, and confronted successfully, many typographical problems which all our English experimenters, who have worked mainly on Fifteenth Century lines, have left untouched.’”—Mr. ALFRED W. POLLARD, Address before the Biblio- graphical Society, London. 380. RoGERS (BRucE—Typographer). FieLpDING (HENRY). The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Portrait. Tall 8vo, half holland, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1902 Edition limited to 300 copies, printed in the Brimmer type. 381. RoGErs (BRUCE—Typographer). RALEIGH (Str WALTER). A Report of the Truth Concerning the Last Sea-Fight of The Revenge. Woodcut title by Howard Pyle. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1902 Edition limited to 300 copies, printed by hand in the Montaigne type, trial font. From the library of Edmund Clarence Stedman, with bookplate. 382. RoGERS (BRrucE—Typographer). SPENSER (EDMUND). Prothalamion: Epithalamion. Medallion in bistre on India paper, laid on the title. Small thin folio, boards, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1902 Edition limited to 400 copies, printed in the Brimmer italic type. 383. ROGERS (BRUCE—Typographer). MonTaAIGNE (MICHEL DE). Essays of — Michael Lord of Montaigne. Written by him and done into English by John Florio. Frontispiece portraits and engraved titles on wood within floreate borders; large decorative woodcut initials in the manner of Geofroy Tory. 3 vols. small thick folio, original buckram, uncut. Each volume enclosed in buckram box case. _ Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1902-1904 THE MASTERPIECE OF THE RIVERSIDE PRESS. Only 265 copies printed, in the Montaigne type. The paper is handmade, and the binding handsewn. G. B. Ives has written copious notes and a bibliographical description of all known edi- tions, English and French, illustrated with facsimiles. Florio’s is one of the books known to have been used by Shakespeare, he copying the description of an ideal commonwealth into ‘‘ The Tempest,”’ and a copy is known with a contested autograph of the dramatist on the title-page. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 18th 384. RoGERs (BRUCE—Typographer). EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Compensa- tion, an Essay. Narrow 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. [Cambridge] Riverside Press, 1903 Edition limited to 300 copies, printed in the Brimmer type. 385. RocEers (BRucE—Typographer). The History of Oliver and Arthur. Con- tains upward of 50 engravings redrawn from the old woodcuts that appeared in the original; rubricated title-page. Royal 8vo, half holland, uncut. [Cambridge: Riverside Press] 1903 Edition limited to 330 copies, printed in double columns, on Arnold handmade paper, in the Priory text type. This medieval romance was written in French in 1511, translated into German by Wilhelm Liely in 1521, and now done into English by William Leighton and Eliza Barrett. 386. RoGErRs (BRUCE—Typographer). PETRARCH. Fifteen Sonnets of Petrarch. Selected and Translated by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Woodcut title, text within ruled borders. Tall 16mo, boards, vellum back. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1903 Edition limited to 400 copies, printed in the Caslon italic type. 387. RoGErs (BRUCE—Typographer). RONSARD (PIERRE DE). Songs & Sonnets. Selected & Translated into English Verse by Curtis Hidden Page. With an Introductory Essay & Notes. Woodcut title. Tall 16mo, boards, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1903 Edition limited to 400 copies, printed in the Caslon italic type. 388. RoGers (BRUcE—Typographer). Boccaccio (Giovanni). Life of Dante, now translated from the Italian by Philip Henry Wicksteed. Woodcut portrait on title. Thin folio, boards, uncut. [Cambridge:] The Riverside Press, 1904 Edition limited to 265 copies, printed by hand in the Montaigne type, final form. 389. RoGErs (BRUCE—Typographer). DoNNE (JoHN). The Love Poems of John Donne. Selected and Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Woodcut border on : title. 16mo, boards, vellum back, uncut. } Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1905 Edition limited to 535 copies, printed in the Caslon type. | 390. RoGers (Bruce—Typographer). PLurarcH. A Consolatorie Letter, or ; Discourse, sent by Plutarch of Chaeronaea unto his own Wife as touching the Death of her and his Daughter. Tall thick 8vo, half holland, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1905 Edition limited to 375 copies, printed in the Brimmer type. 3 j 391. RocEers (BRUCE—Typographer). QuARLES (FRANCIS). Sions Sonets. Sung Y by Solomon the King and Periphras’d by Francis Quarles. 16mo, boards, ie uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1905 Edition limited to 430 copies, printed in the Brimmer type. =r. oe ee 392. RoGERs (BRUCE—Typographer). BuTLER (IsABEL—Translator). The Song of Roland. Illuminated page-heading and several medallions in the text. : ; Folio, boards, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1906 ., Edition limited to 220 copies printed in two columns on heavy handmade paper, q in the French Gothic type. pike 4 This is considered the most beautiful of the Riverside Press publications. 2 3 4 = a nm Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 393- 394. 395- 306. 397: 398. 399. 400. 401, RoGers (BRUCE—Typographer). SAINT-PIERRE (BERNARDIN DE). Paul et Virginie. Proofs on China paper after Moreau. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1906 sei limited to 280 copies, printed in the Didot type. Publisher’s announcement ald in. RoGcers (BRucE—Typographer). THEocriTus. The Idylls of Theocritus. Translated by Charles Stuart Calverley. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1906 Edition limited to 300 copies, printed in the Brimmer italic type. RoGcers (BRucE—Typographer). BROWNE (Sir THomAs). Hydriotaphia. Urne-Buriall or A Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Nor- folk. Woodcut border on title-page. Small 4to, full red leather, with a design in gilt on covers from a binding in the British Museum. [Cambridge] Riverside Press, 1907 Edition limited to 385 copies, printed in the Brimmer type. RoceErs (BRucE—Typographer). BROADSIDE. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Eman- cipation Proclamation. Royal folio, untrimmed. [Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1907] Edition limited to 200 copies, printed in Montaigne capitals. Fine example of printing. RoGers (BrucE—Typographer). LowELL (Mary). Poems. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1907 Edition limited to 330 copies, printed in the Scotch type. Rocers (BrucE—Typographer). SHELLEY (PERCY ByssHE—Translator). — The Banquet of Plato. Translated from the Greek. 12mo, boards, uncut. [Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press] 1908 Edition limited to 440 copies, printed in the Montaigne type. RoGeErs (BRUCE—Typographer). Tory (Grorrcy). Geofroy Tory, Painter and Engraver, First Royal Printer, Reformer of Orthography and Typogra- phy under Francois I. An account of his Life and Works, by Auguste Bernard. Translated by George B. Ives. Facsimiles of border, initial letters, monograms, illustrations from Books of Hours, etc. Imperial 8vo, boards, with design in gilt on covers from a binding in the British Museum, uncut. — Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1909 Edition limited to 377 copies, printed in the Riverside Caslon type. ROGERS (BrucE—Typographer). WALTON (Isaac). The Compleat Angler, or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing not Unworthy the Perusal of Most Anglers. Vzgnette on title, and decorative border on title. 16mo, boards, uncut. [Cambridge:] Printed at the Riverside Press, 1909 Riverside Press Edition, limited to 440 copies, printed in Riverside Caslon type. RoGers (BRuCcE—Typographer). ECCLESIASTES, or the Preacher. Wood- cut title-page; text within woodcut borders. 16mo, boards, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1910 Edition limited to 300 copies, printed in the Riverside Caslon type. ee Pg Oe RS I, ae a eee eae a ee a ee 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 18th RoGers (BrucE—Typographer). [FuRNEss (Horace H.—Editor).] Rec- ords of a Lifelong Friendship, 1807-1882. Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Henry Furness. Portraits and facsimiles on Japan paper. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1910 Edition limited to 750 copies, printed in the Oxford type. RoGers (BrucE—Typographer). WorpDsworTH (WILLIAM). LXXV Son- nets. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1910 LARGE PAPER. Edition limited to 440 copies, printed in the Oxford type. RocErs (BRUCE—Typographer). The Constitution of the United States of America. Royal 8vo, leather, uncut. [Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1911] Edition limited to 440 copies, printed in the Montaigne type. Rocers (BrucE—Typographer). FRANCE (ANATOLE). Amycus et Céles- tin. Wzth two woodcuts by Timothy Cole, after designs by Bryson Burroughs. 12mo, yellow wrappers, uncut. [New York] The Museum Press, 1916 One of 200 copies on Batchelor handmade paper, printed at the Museum Press in the Centaur type. RoGeErs (BRucE—Typographer). Spare Your Good. (London, T. Marshe, Pab. 1555). Reprinted from the only known copy with an Introduction by E. Gordon Duff. Two illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, and sold by Bernard Quaritch, London, W., I919 Edition limited to 250 copies, printed in the Centaur type. Rocers (BrucE—Typographer). KnicutT (SARAH KEMBLE). The Journal of Madam Knight. With an Introductory Note by George Parker Win- ship. Facsimile map. 12mo, decorative cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston: Printed by Bruce Rogers for the Publishers, Small, Maynard & Company, 1920 Edition limited to 525 copies printed at the press of William Edwin Rudge on French handmade paper from type designed by Bruce Rogers. Rocers (Bruce—Typographer). Cote (TimotuHy). Considerations on Engraving. Wath woodcut frontispiece portrait of a girl, by Timothy Cole, and signed in pencil by him. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York: William Edwin Rudge, 1921 Limited issue, printed on French handmade paper. This address was delivered by Mr. Cole at the opening view of an exhibition of Old Prints, April 6, 1921, given by the American Institute of Graphic Arts and The National Arts Club. Rocers (BRucE—Typographer). GALLATIN (A. E.). Modern Fine Print- ing in America. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York: Privately Printed, 1921 Limited issue, printed on Fabriano handmade paper, in type designed by Bruce Rogers. Rogers is mentioned frequently throughout the work. : This essay was originally published, in abridged form, in The American Magazine of Art and is now reprinted through the courtesy of that journal. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 410. RoGERs (BRUCE—Typographer). Moore (CLEMENT C.). A Visit from St. Nicholas. Woodcuts, 1s Cotor, by Florence W. Ivins. 12mo, decorative boards, uncut. Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1921 _ This work was printed from type designed by Bruce Rogers and printed by Wil- arte Edwin Rudge, Mount Vernon, N. Y. The text is that of the original (1837) edition. 411. RoGEerRs (BRucE—Typographer). Printing and the Renaissance: A Paper Read before the Fortnightly Club of Rochester by John Rothwell Slater. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York: William Edwin Rudge, 1921 One of 100 copies printed on French handmade paper, printed from Monotype Caslon type designed by Bruce Rogers. 412. Rops (FELIcIEN). Ramiro (ERAsTeNE). L’(Euvre Lithographié de Fé- licien Rops. With 7 lithographs, also tail-pieces. Royal 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1891 EpITION LIMITED to 150 copies “‘sur papier vélin,” of which this is, No. 140. 413. Rops (FELIcIEN). RAmrIRO (ERAsTENE). Etudes sur quelques Artistes Originaux: Félicien Rops. Wath an etched portrait of Rops, and numerous full-page and text illustrations of works by Rops. Small 4to, original wrap- pers, uncut. Paris, 1905 One of the rarest books on the great Belgian artist. 414. Rops (FELICIEN). Kann (Gustave). Félicien Rops. With 46 illustra- tions of works by Rops. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Berlin, recent A fine treatise on Félicien Rops and his work. 415. Rops ILLUSTRATIONS. UZANNE (OCTAVE). Son Altesse la Femme. Jilus- trations by Henri Gervex, J.-A. Gonzales, L. Kratké, Albert Lynch, Adrien Moreau and Félicien Rops. The plates are beautifully printed In Coors, the vignettes, IN Two STATES. Imperial, 8vo, three-quarter Gobelin blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back with morocco onlays, forming a fringed gentian, gilt top, uncut, original pictorial wrappers and backbone bound in, BY TAFFIN. Paris, 1885 BEAUTIFUL Copy OF THE First EpiTion. LIMITED TO 100 Copigzs ON JAPAN PAPER, Of which this is, No. 87. 416. Rops ILLUsTRATIONS. UZANNE (OcTAVE). La Nouvelle Bibliopolis. Voy- age d’un Novateur au Pays des Néo-Icono-Bibliomanes. Lithographs IN CoLor and decorative margins by H. P. Dillon. Etched frontispiece after Félicien Rops, and numerous illustrations, 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1897 EDITION LIMITED to 500 copies “‘sur papier vélin satiné, de Rives,’ of which this is, No. 275. ; , The volume not only treats on book-binding, but also book illustrations, book- plates, posters, etc. 417. SAINT-PIERRE (BERNARDIN DE). Paul et Virginie. Portrait, engraved title, plates and vignettes by Tony Johannot, Meissonier, Francais, and others. Portrait, map and plates being INDIA PAPER PRooFs BEFORE LETTERS. Royal 8vo, boards, morocco back, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris: L. Curmer, 1838 FINE Copy of the scarce original issue of this esteemed edition. 418. 419. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 18th SALES OF ENGRAVINGS. Annuaire des Ventes d’Estampes. Guide de l’Ama- teur. Publié par Léo Delteil. With numerous reproductions, some IN Cotors. 5 vols. 8vo, 3 vols. bound in quarter and three-quarter red morocco, gilt tops, original covers bound in; 2 vols. in original wrappers, all uncut. _ Paris, I91I-1921 A DESIRABLE AND USEFUL PUBLICATION, being a guide giving a complete descrip- tion and list of engravings with prices realized at public sales in Paris, during the last ten years. The early volumes are out of print and scarce. SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE. CooMARASWAMY (A. K.). The Arts & Crafts of India & Ceylon. London, 1913; Sturcis (R.). The Interde- pendence of the Arts of Design. Chicago, 1905; PORTER (A. K.). Beyond Architecture. Boston, 19198. Allillustrated. Together,3 vols. 8voand 12mo, cloth and boards, uncut. London, etc., 1905-1918 A TrRIo OF ILLUSTRATIVE AND INSTRUCTIVE ART BOOKS, . SEVRES PORCELAIN. LECHEVALLIER-CHEVIGNARD (GEORGES). La Manu- facture de Porcelaine de Sévres. W4uth 128 illustrations. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1908 _ Useful work on the manufacture of porcelain at Sévres, giving its history, organ- ization, ceramic museum; also a complete list of the artists who worked at the factory, and the marks used at Sévres. SILHOUETTES. EpouartT (AuGusT). Ancestors in Silhouette, Cut by Au- gust Edouart. Illustrative Notes and Biographical Sketches by Mrs. F. Nevill Jackson. Numerous reproductions of silhouettes. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1921 One of the best works on the subject published, with 62 plates showing por- traits of Sir Walter Scott, Charles X, Franklin Pierce, John Tyler, W. H. Harrison, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, W. H. Seward, General Scott, etc. Contains a list of English silhouettes, portraits, as transcribed by Edouart, a complete list of 3600 silhouette portraits of Americans taken between 1839-1849, during his tour in the United States. Also a list of the towns and districts visited by Edouart. Sirver. Barst (Germain). Etudes sur l’Orfévrerie francaise au XVIII Siécle. Les Germain Orfévres-Sculpteurs du Roy. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1887 EDITION LIMITED TO 25 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER, of which this is, No. 2. ONE OF THE BEST WORKS ON THE CELEBRATED SILVERSMITHS OF THE EARLY I8TH CENTURY. VERY SCARCE. SILVER. Curtis (GEORGE M.). Early Silver of Connecticut and its Makers. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. Meriden, Conn., 1913 SMITH (JOHN RAPHAEL). FRANKAU (JULIA). An Eighteenth Century Art- ist & Engraver, John Raphael Smith. His Life and Works. With 30 photogravures on Japan paper. 8vo, cream colored buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1902 The portfolio of plates which was issued with the work does not accompany the present volume. SPORTING Prints. NevitL (RALPH). Old English Sporting Prints and Their History. Numerous reproductions IN CoLor and in black-and-white. Royal 4to, buckram, gilt top. London, 1923 First Epirion. Limited to 1500 copies of which this is, No. 1398. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. SturGis (RUSSELL). A Study of the Artist’s Way of Working in the Vari- ous Handicrafts and Arts of Design. First Epirion. Profusely tllus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1905 TAINE (H. A.). Lectures on Art. Translated by John Durand. (Both Series.) 2 vols. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1883; FREY (ROGER). Archi- tectural Heresies of a Painter. A Lecture Delivered at the Royal Insti- tute of British Architects, May 20, 1921. I2mo, wrappers, uncut. Lon- don, 1921. Together, 3 vols. New York and London, 1883-1921 TAPESTRIES. HAVARD (HENRY) AND VACHON (Marius). Les Manufactures Nationales: les Gobelins, la Savonnerie, Sevres, Beauvais. Wzth numerous full-page illustrations, including tapestries, and portraits. ‘Thick imperial 8vo, half dark green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1889 ONE OF THE BEST WORKS ON THE SUBJECT OF TAPESTRIES. Besides the tap- estries there is a chapter devoted to the manufacture of porcelains at Sévres. TAPESTRIES. DUMONTHIER (ERNEST). Les Tapisseries d’Ameublement de la Manufacture Royale de Beauvais d’aprés Francois Casanova. With a series of fine plates several being IN COLOR, each with descriptive legend. 8vo, letterpress and plates laid in loosely in a board portfolio, cloth back, with ties. Paris [1921] The tapestries are representative of military scenes; country scenes; etc. TAPESTRIES. GOBEL (HEINRICH). Wandteppiche. Numerous illustrations, some IN COLOR. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1923 A COMPLETE AND EXHAUSTIVE WoRK ON THIS SUBJECT. Vol. I constitutes the text, Vol. II consists solely of illustrations, with respective legends. Apparently the first copy to appear for public sale in this country. TAPESTRIES OF CENTRAL Asta. Tapisseries de l’Asie Centrale. Faisant partie de la Collection réunie par A. Bogolubow. Wzuth 2 maps, and 43 plates, all of which, with the exception of 7, are PRINTED IN CoLors. En- closed in atlas folio cloth portfolio, with flaps. Leipzig, 1908 IMPORTANT AND RARE Work. A fine series of plates depicting the tapestries from Central Asia which formed part of the collection of A. Bogolubow. Title in Russian and French. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LorD). Poems. Portrait and «illustrations by Stan- field, Millais, Hunt, Rossetti, Mulready, Maclise, and others. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt, solid gilt edges, BY HOLLOWAY. London, 1857 First EDITION with these illustrations. The volume is cracked at joints. TEXTILES. Cox (Raymonp). L’Art de Décorer les Tissus, d’aprés les Collections du Musée Historique de la Chambre de Commerce de Lyon. Ouvrage publié sous le patronage de la Chambre de Commerce de Lyon. With 127 full-page plates, MosTLy IN COLORs, some plates containing more than one subject. Atlas folio, half red morocco, uncut. Paris, 1900 A SUMPTUOUS PUBLICATION on textiles of the various periods, copies of which are EXTREMELY RARE, as none were offered for sale—the work being strictly reserved to the members of the ‘Chambre Syndicale.”’ 434. 435. 436. 437 438. 439. 440. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 18th Touprry Etcurncs. Le Champ de Bataille de Waterloo. Avant-propos de Charles Grandmougin. Notice du Lt.-Colonel Rousset. With 18 etchings by Alexander Toupey. 4to, wrappers, uncut. In board folder and slip- case. Paris, 1915 EDITION LIMITED to 175 copies on Holland paper, numbered and signed: ‘‘A. Toupey,”’ this being copy No. 75. TRUMBULL (JOHN). Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters of John Trumbull, from 1756 to 1841. First EDITION. Engraved portrait. 8vo, cloth, top portion of backbone slightly damaged. New York, 1841 TuRNER (J. M. W.). Hotme (CHArLES—Editor). The Genius of J. M. W. Turner, R.A. With numerous full-page illustrations, and facsimile of an autograph letter. Special Winter Number of the Studio. New York, 1903; RAWLINSON (W. G.). Turner’s Liber Studiorum. A Description and a Catalogue. Second Edition, Revised Throughout. London, 1906. To- gether, 2 vols. cloth, royal 8vo and I2mo. London, 1903-1906 . TURNER (J. M. W.). Rawlinson (W. G.). The Engraved Work of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. With portraits of Turner. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1908-1913 A COMPREHENSIVE WorRK ON TURNER. Vol. I treats upon line-engravings on copper, 1794-1839; Vol. II, upon line-engravings on steel, mezzotints, aquatints, plain and colored, lithographs and chromo-lithographs. Tuscan ArT. MArmortran (Paut). Les Arts en Toscane sous Napoléon. La Princesse Elisa. With 11 illustrations. 4to, half blue straight-grain morocco back, cloth sides, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1901 FINE Work ON TuSsCAN ArT, which is not only desirable to the enthusiast of “Vart Francais,’’ but is also of Napoleonic interest, and throws interesting side- lights on the art of that period. TYPOGRAPHY. JOHNSON (J.). Typographia, or the Printer’s Instructor, in- cluding an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Cen- tury. A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Char- acters. Together, with an Elucidation of every Subject connected with the Art. Portraits. 2 vols. narrow 12mo, full green morocco, sides gilt tooled with panel in scroll design, gilt paneled backs, solid gilt edges, BY CHARLES LEWIS. London: Longman [etc.] 1824 LarcGE Paper Copy of this valuable work, which contains more information respecting early printed books than is to be found in many of the more costly works on the art. Its real compiler was Richard Thomson, librarian of the London In- stitution, who was assisted by Dibdin, Wilkin, Boler and other well-known biblio- graphers. Each page of text is within decorative borders. From the George Woods and John Bouche collections, with their armorial book- plates. TypocrapHy. Early Venetian Printing. Profusely illustrated with wood- cuts, watermarks, facsimiles, etc. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Venice and New York, 1895 A Very FINE, COMPREHENSIVE ILLUSTRATED Work, in which the history of the art of printing is lucidly told. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 441. TYPOGRAPHY. ENSCHEDE (CH.). Fonderies de Caractéres et Leur Matériel dans les Paye-Bas de XVe au XI Xe Siécle. Notice Historique principale- ment d’aprés les donées de la Collection Typographique de Joh. Enschedé en Zonen a Haarlem. Facsimiles. Folio, cloth, gilt, uncut. Haarlem: E. F. Bohn, 1908 LARGE PAPER Copy oF THIS FINE WorK. Printed on Holland handmade paper. 442. TypoGRAPHY. Harin (JAN). Kabinet der Schrijfkunst door Jan Haring, Schoonschrijver te Utrecht. A series of 44 plates of various types. Oblong folio sheets, enclosed in oblong board portfolio, holland back. Amsterdam [1908] A FINE MopERN WorkK depicting the various styles of 44 classes of type. The work is accompanied by a title-page, and a Table of the plates, with descriptions. From the Theodore L. De Vinne collection, with bookplate. 443. UZANNE (OcTAVE). Les Modes de Paris. Variations du Gofit et de l’Es- thétique de la Femme 1797-1897. Wath 100 full-page illustrations COLORED BY Hanp and numerous text illustrations, by Francois Courboin. 8vo, illus- trated paper wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1898 EDITION LIMITED to 1000 copies ‘‘sur vélin special,” of which this is, No. 773. Interesting volume describing the French styles for a period of over 100 years. 444. Van Dyck (ANTHONY). MucHrIeELs (ALFRED). Van Dyck et ses Elevés. With § heliogravures of original etchings, and other full-page illustrations. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1882 FINE Copy, Now VERY ScarcE, of a valuable work on Van Dyck. 445. VAN Dyck. Hinp (ArtHuR M.). Van Dyck. His Original Etchings and His Iconography. With a large number of illustrations. 8vo, boards, art linen back, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1915 First Epirion. Some of the illustrations are: Portrait of the artist; Titian and his Mistress; Frans Snyders; Desiderius Erasmus (after Holbein); The Reed offered to Christ; Jan de Wael; and others. Most of the originals of these are in the British Museum. 446. VINCENT vAN GocH. MEIER-FRAEFE (JULIUS). Vincent. Plates. 4to, boards, half calf, gilt top, each plate guarded at hinge. Miinchen, recent A FINE WorK ON VINCENT VAN GOGH, consisting solely of fine reproductions of his works, with text of the preliminary matter only. : 447. VERSAILLES. La Création de Versailles d’aprés les Sources Inédites par Pierre de Nolhac. Etude sur les Origines et les Premiéres Transformations du Chateau et des Jardins. With a large number of illustrations, plans, facsimiles, etc. Folio, wrappers (worn), uncut. Versailles, 1901 First EDITION. With the following autograph inscription by the author: Il faut arriver @ Versailles par un jour d’automne encore lumineux. P. de Nolhac. 448. VUILLARD ILLUSTRATIONS. GERALDy (PAUL). Toi et Moi. Nouvelle Edition. With 2 illustrations by Edouard Vuillard. 12mo, half black morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original covers and backbone of 1917 edition, bound in. Paris, 1921 EDITION LIMITED. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 18th 449. WASSERMANN (EUGENE von). Catalogue le la Bibliothtque M. Eugéne 450. von Wassermann ... dont la vente publique ... Octobre... No- vembre 1921. With Atlas containing illustrations of bookbindings. Text, I vol.; Plates, I vol. Together, 2 vols. 4to, printed wrappers. Paris, 1921 Fine Sales Catalogue of Manuscripts, Costume Plates, works on Ornamental Designs, Fine Bindings, etc. The fine copy of Girtin in Mr. Eddy’s collection (No. 224 of this catalogue) came from the Wassermann collection. WATTEAU (ANTOINE). Mantz (PAUL). Antoine Watteau. With numerous reproductions of works by Watteau. Small folio, original paper wrappers, rebacked. Paris, 1892 A HicHLY EsTtEEMED Work. No. 30 of 500 copies printed. Long out of print and scarce. 451. WATTEAU (ANTOINE). GURLITT (CORNELIUS). Handzeichnungen von Wat- 452. 453- 454. teau. Mit einer Studie und begleitenden Notizen herausgegeben von Cornelius Gurlitt. With 55 full-page reproductions of drawings in the tints of the originals. Folio, buckram, uncut. Berlin, 1909 EDITION LIMITED TO 200 COPIES. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON HOLLAND PAPER. Fine work on the drawings of this noted French artist. Each reproduction is neatly tipped on a sheet, and is preceded by a leaf containing the title. [WHISTLER (JAMES McNEILL).] Good Words for 1862. Edited by Norman MacLeod. With two fine illustrations by Whistler, and other illustrations by J. E. Millais, Holman Hunt, John Tenniel, Charles Keene, Frederick Walker, J. D. Watson, and others. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. London [1862] Whistler’s illustrations were done for the ‘‘Trial Sermon,’”’ a story in the above work. Wroucut I[Ron. FERRARI (GruLio—Compiler). Collezione Artistica Hoepli. II Ferro nell’ Arte Italiana. Seconda Edizione. With 150 full- page plates, containing 338 subjects. Small folio, cloth. New York, recent Catalogue of the Hoepli collection of wrought iron, dating from the Renaissance and Baroque periods to the New Classics period. ZoRN (ANDERS). RompaH (AXEL). Arnolds Graphische Biicher: Anders Zorn als Radierer. Wath 100 reproductions of etchings by Zorn. Royal 8vo, half green morocco. Dresden, 1922 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS, DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS ARTHUR SWANN, DIRECTOR OTTO BERNET ann HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS ‘ 4 ; 1 1 b ‘ Lok een INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direc- tion, of art and literary property, ae and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for piesrnce tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or o entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled an finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but_have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, s6ru Tro 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 571TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: PLAZA 1270 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & IVES CO., NEW YORK a} 1924 Mar. 13 NeAmE ¢ C. iE American /Splendid art reference 94-P85 is 3 3125 01186 2866 THE SPLENDID ART REFERENCE LIBRARY OF CHARLES B. EDDY or PLAINFIELD, NEw JERSEY (WITH ADDITIONS) MARCH 17TH anp 18TH, 1924 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK