zi } EER om PAINTINGS. i ws '* Charcoal Burners”? Brings ana: Boe aan’ Corot’s ‘‘La Danse des Amours” $86,000—The Dana Collection Realized an. spi dee of More than $11,000— ue vee Boni downstairs at Goickerne Hall last night were filled, as were most of those in the gallery, and there were people standing round back of the seats on the main floor to see _ and to take part in the sale of the pictures of | William H. Fuller and Charles A. Dana. There | were thirty-seven of the Fuller pictures all | together, but only thirty-six of them were sold. | Mr. Fuller had reserved the right to hold out “The Blue Boy,” the Gainsborough which had attracted a good deal of attention, unless an up- get price for it was met. The upset price was not announced until the picture was put up, the last number in the Fuller coilection, and then it was stated at $50,000. There was no response to the auctioneer’s call and the picture was taken down. The thirty-six pictures belonging to Mr. | Fuller that were sold brought altogether $166,- 200. The highest price, as was expected, leav- ‘ing out the Gainsborough, was brought by the Rousseau, ‘The Charcoal Burners’ Hut.’ |. Some one tried to start the bidding on that at _ $10,000. It was immediately raised to $15,000; then to $20,000, and went up by thousand-dol- lar bids most of the way to the final price, $36,- | 600, the highest figure of the evening. _ Mr. Dana’s Corot ‘‘La Danse des Amours”’ brought $36,000. The bidding on it started at $20,000, went up to $21,000, $25,000, $26,000, and so on by thousand-dollar bids to $32,000, and | then jumped to $35,000 and was carried to $36,- | - 000. The seven pictures of the Dana collection ‘brought $79,700, an average of more than »$11;300 each. The average of the larger Fuller Collection is about $4,600 each. The total of _ the evening’s sales was $245,900. At the American Art Galleries yesterday after- noon 194 objects of Mr. Dana’s collection of Eastern ceramics were sold for $35,433.50. This makes a total sum for art objects sold yesterday at public auction in this city of $281,333.50, “and, adding to this the $19,811.50 of Thursday “afternoon’s sale of the Dana collection at the | _ American Galleries, théte is made the total eum ‘of $301,145 paid for art goods at public sale in ' New York within two days. All the sales were ‘conducted for the American Art Association by ‘ Thomas E. Kirby as.auctioneer. Of course, a large number of the paintings ast night, as of the porcelains in the afternoon, “were bought by dealers, some of the purchases ‘being made, doubtless, for the dealers them- * pelves and others on order, and the names of “the real purchasers of some of the finest pieces were not made known te the public. The ‘bidding for Constable’s ‘A Suffolk Water Mill,” | of the Fuller collection, was spirited. from the | start at $1,000, tothe sale at $3,000. At least |‘one of the Fuller pictures, an **Old Crome”’ entitled “Yarmouth Beach,’’ went out of town, Re ing to Mr. Mansfield of New Haven at $600, he Dupré ‘‘Le Cours d’Eau” went quickly from $1,500 to $3,850, and the Daubigny “«Hvening on the Marne,” which Samuel Unter- mver got for $5.000, went rapidly to that es. * : t-} .- borough “ Halcyon Daysin England” wer James W, Elisworth of Chicago at $3,7 _.pame artist's portrait of Lady Innes of No. ‘e _§. B. Avery, Jr., bought for $5,500. 9 5 “Phe beautiful Troyon, “ Vachesau Paturage,” | “warmed the whole audience when it was ex- -posed as’ No. 35 of.the Fuller collection, and there was some applause.. The bidding on i a or Sopa ilies rane, to. $22,000, at ‘which figure tne picture was knocked doy “Mre-Dlsworth. The bidding on the! San at started at $10,000, but it took a very littl while to get the figures to $36,500, at which il ‘was bought in the name of G. W. Bs: _who-was said to be acting for someone jo AR - The first of the Dana picture" put up, Cour-) Dbet’s “Seashore,” started at $500, and. was sold toG. W. Elkins for $3,300. F. A. Bell took Jacque’s “Sheep in the Forest’? at $5,400; Isi- dor Wormser, the Daubigny’s “On the River | Oise,” at $6,500, and Herman Schaus bought Millet’s ‘The Turkey Herder’’ for $20,500, The bidding on the Millet started at $15,000 and advanced by thousands to $18,000, and then on to. the knockdown figure. Twenty ‘thousand dollars was the first ofter for the Coros ‘Ta sDanse des Amours,” and the bidding ad- vanced by $1,000 and $2,000 jumps to $35,000. At $36,000 it was sold to Berckmans, the buyer of the ‘‘Charcoal Burners’ Hut.” | ; Among those present at Chickering Hall were George G. Havens, Justice C. H. Truax, W. Hearst, W. H. Ketcham, George A. Hearn, and L. Crist Delmonico. There was a large attend- ance at the American Art Galleries yesterday _afternoon when the second installment of 194 pieces of the Dana collection of porcelains was -gold. The bidding a part of the time was more brisk than on the day before, and the average of | rices was almost double that of Thursday, or, o be exact, above $182, as against something above $100 on Thursday. . mtroaien There was a good deal of interest aroused by ‘the bidding on lot 232 of the catalogue, two statuettes of the dog Foo in clair de lume. The bidding at first was only moderate, although at liberal figures, but it was carried on by $10. advances to between $300 and , the figures being for each of the statuettes, not for the pair, before people noticed that there were apparently two bidders down | toward the front of the room, One of them -geemed to be in the room and the other just be- gene the doorway leading tothe adjacent gal- -Jery. These two advanced bids almost as regu- larly as the clock ticks until $520 was offered for each of the dogs, at which price they went ‘to Randolph as agent. _ The bidding on 267 of the catalogue, the vase with blue and white decoration of aninteriorin which is depicted an imperial audience, was strong from $100 to $600, to which figure it went without any pauses. .The bidding on 278, a large ovoid vase, with elaborate landscape decorations, went right up trom $100 to $470, ra sik price the vase went to Thomas B. arke. i The two hawthorn jars, 279 and 280, excited gome interest. The bidding started at $500 on 279, the jar that has its own cover, and went by $100 advances practically all the way to the price at which it seld, $3,000. It was bought by B. Altman. Mr. Kirby announced that the last jar of that kind sold in that room had brought $3,200.. The bidding on 280 started as low as $50, but was soon pushed toa figure beyond that at which the other jars had gone, and when $4,000 was called, there were murmurs of applause around the room. The vase was sold at $4,100 to F, A. Bell. It was _gaid by some of the dealers and collectors later that while this jar was catalogued as having an -{mitation cover made in Paris, yet some ad- mirers prized the deeper shade of blue in the body of the vase above the brilliant blue of the first one sold. : ire en , similarl pate period, at * ell vase, 310, ‘i ee ENO... € went to § ., at $575, Mr. Altman got t er of black hawthorn pattern, No. 3: aro at $1,000, the bids being ad: by $100 to the knockdown price figure, 0. A quadrilateral vase, also decorated in Diack hawthorn pattern, No. 324, went to me buyer at $600. land, Detroit, New Haven, Hartford, ago Were represented in yesterday's $ doubtless were other cities. regate of the first two days’ sale of ceramics was $55,245, which, with the he’ sale of the paintings last evening, . 34.945 as the sum brought by the part of the ¢ollection already sald. ‘The gale of the: te he $ will be concluded at the American “Art Gail yi ee afternoon, ; , + SOWlng are the prices brought by the ceram- ics es aintings sold Vestordag. with the ames of the buyers, so far as announeed by the ‘Managers of the sales: DANA PAINTINGS, B86. “Seashoro,” Courbet; G. W. Elkins... | 587, err ee in the Forest,’ Jacque; F. A. oe i | i a / eS na 2) 5 et 5 & & rs © nD 2 o 2 r=) i PZ ec oo ol mR 2 a S 5 Sheng ae te 2 Sets ee ee IE ie Cae aera nr one 5, 688. “Une Kéte & Venise,”” Ziem; Leroy..... 3800 GS OUT ee eee a eRe ASRS 6,500 690: “The Harvest Field,” Rousseau; S, ! Bettlen. os. .2 ie Sisip Mt slate eidiets ne Sis 255 amv 4,200 691. “The Turkey Herder,” Millet; Herman ’ ORGIES ye. eke) To SACRE eae, SEMEN Te 20,500 692. “La Danse des Amours,” Corot; Berck- ere EMERD he 7 4 Ry slaved aie MeMiva Melani Us etalels oak 36,000 ° Pee Tr Daa oEREMIES. > las (199. Small saucer, yellow crackle; T. H. | ) Webster of Cleveland.................. $5 00 ‘200. Shallow bowl, aubergine’ and violet blue, Taoist mythological female figure sailing on trunk of tree; O. H. Tweed.. 17 00 291. Small vase, fluted, greep celadon glaze; Mrs. E. N. Herzog........... tases acne eae 6 00 202. Japanese cup; Kelekian................. 13 00 ¢03. Japanese jar; J. H. Webster.......-.... 15 00 » Bowl, creamy gray and yellow glaze, old Corean; ©. L. Freer...... 26 00 206. Bowl, Corean pottery; ©. L, Freer....... 50 00 207. Bottle-shaped vase, metallic lustre; F. Py BUTGON lei. i, sake vole iidiee sss BT BO 208, Fluted bowl, seal-mark of Chia-ching; | cH, Pareles... re Spee Dea dhrs vexicepaes |, $000 209. Vase, brown crackle on casvé au latt;T. : ; BEBO ROR oe eis MAO a ice one aha 25 00 210. Bowl, eggshell, aubergine glaze; L. G. DU OGUROURG Ey oR a Nix ie - 85 00 211. Vase, shibuichi rim, old Imari; J. ¥. | {ES EE POC ely Sed Beate | SRE Mee --- .' 65 00 212. Vase, old crackle, later Ming; E. 0. ROPIGM ME Sree gaan wah tie aes eu ceeets 82 50 218. Vase, brown metallic lustre; F. V. Bur- WOR oo began So Nivie ie s\4 opine Basie obs pale deere 60 00 214. Quadrilateral vase, gray clair de lune; on foot.in 68 characters, poem com- of the vase; vase ascribable to dynasty of the Sung; W. M. Laffan.............. - #10 00 215. Vase, celadon glaze; Mrs. A.J. Richard- BOD sree wi csnscicabeasneterisseieetcssssvers #760 216. Flattened bottle, rich yellow and pale ' clair de lune, permeated by double crackle in violet and brown; Sung; C. Be EROL ecu eit oie sec ide dicece,, 260,00 | 217. Bottle-shaped vase, gray, flecked with copper red;:J.'H: Taft. :....2600005 ele 40 00 218. Vase, with elephant-head handles and ‘glaze of aubergine purple; Henry B. sone - Reed.. | 219, Bottle-shaped vase, symbols incised, 220. Clair de lune vase, with faint purple neath of Kien-lung; R. E. Moore...:.. 4 95 00 | 226. Pilgrim bottle, with Buddhistic sym- | 8; L, G. Woodnouse........... gti sai 70 00 Has: 4 SAS pendent s Vceea a eanees 90 00 | purple metallic lustre; Dr. ] Hayes. 170 00 | 4 ee ~ i 3) 2 sg ge | "229. Vase, pIUG ~Clatr we crackle BEE, 280. Bowl, red ple outside, clair : Ps + i rente: W. Het p 281. Vase, doub! : chee in brown. black; J. H. V 284. Cup in pat cele i Kelekian. .) jess. 285. Saar 9)! vase, ey glaze; seal chincloss..... Srateae's Shes awa te 240. Eggshell cup: mark, | “Stine Ohite ching-nien-chi; R. H. Moore........ 241. Quadrilateral vase in Sounipo blue; mark, Ta- Ming-chia- - ching - nien-chi; ee Be Bich i 242, Small pottle-shaped vase: mark, ‘a leaf; K’ang-hsi; Bell.. ao led stale 248. Cylindrical vase vase, ‘biue ‘and ‘white, of” ‘ang-hsi; —— cea ateane 244, Alms bowl in dark “blue; "Kien-lung; Bs Be Chureh. ...0e sek aie cnenceuns eines 245. Bottle-shaped vase, blue Ba ‘white, of K’ang-hshs; ——— «0-2 eee nce cone ee ween 246. Beaker, Kien- lung; “mark, ""'Ta-Ming- Chéng-bwa-nien-chi; W. M. Laffan...... 247. Globular vase; mark, Ta-Ming-Wan-lt- nien-chi; Buckley..........6: eeeeeeceess 248. Tall jar, hall mark ‘beneath; W. M. Piatt ss oo. eis Solve waleloipse aha thala aapuar mete 249. Oblong box, depictions of scenes from domestic Chinese life in Sounipo blue of later Ming; mark, Ta-Ming-Wan-li- nien-chi; W.M. Laffan...... .....+¢-9+- 250. Tall vase, with Hipbea. neck; Mrs. 6. B. Afetander sje: 3. scces8 caves ames Seis debe 251. Fluted bowl; W. M. Laffan............02 252. Bottle-ahaped vase, bulbous, Pha oe mouth, Yung-chéng; W. M. Laffan....... 75 00 253. Blue and white vase; W. M. Laffan..... 70 00 254. Blue and white vase, Ta-Ming-Hstian- te-nien-chi; B. Altman...... ....6. s+. 180 00 255. Cylindrical vase, translucent blue of | : K’ang-hsi; ** Stuart” Ye Ome o 0 256. Eggshell vase; E. B. Church.......--:- 186 00 257. Long-necked bottle; mark, Ta-Ming- Chéng-hwa-nien-chi; T. B. Clarke....... 150 00 258. Pair of bottle- -shaped vases, open erackle, about neck a decoration of Hand-of-Buddha citron; R. E. Moore, $150 for one and $160 for the other... _ $10 00 259. Jar, with figures; Buckley.........-... 65 00 260. Large bottle, Nedeention of chrysan- themum; H. D. Auchincloss.............. 115 00 261. Blue and white vase; Leroy............., 60 00 262. Tall, bottle-shaped vase, blue of K’ang- : hsi; Thomas B. Clarke.............-...- * 290 00 268. Plate, with Buddhistic symbols, K’ang- fia hei; R. E. Moore.....:.......es0e0% céaaee, Oe OO 264. Plate, wave forms; C. H. Tweed....... 80 00 | 265. Vase; Thomas B. Clarke ........... 80 00 266, Covered bowl; Mrs. A. J. ‘Richardson... 40 00 267. Vase, depicting an imperial audience, blue of K’ang-hsi; W. M. Laffan........ 600 00 268. Tall vase, medallions with mythologi- - eal personages; W. M. Laffan........... 210 00 269. Ovoid vase, with cover; mark, a leaf — and scroll, K’ang-hsi; R. EB. Moore...... 155 00 270. Vase, Mandarin floating in barge; mark, aleaf; R. E. Moore......... 170 00 271. Bowl, four-character mark of saluta- tion, “Ten thousand happinesses;” William Oastler..... 0.05. eke eee ee 62 60 272. Oylinarical bottle, purple blue; Emory. 40 00 278. Hawthorn vase, Mei blossoms; K’ang- hal. Van is haceasreasee ee eae coves 2315; 00 274. Pair beakers; E. Sutton......... 160 00 2"5. Bowl; Francis Goodwin of Hartford... 42 60 276. Plate, willow pattern; J. H. Taft...... 45 00 R77. Ovoid vase, depicting an august cere- monial function im various tones of cobalt; R. EB. Moore................- 210 00 278. Large ovoid vase, clear crackle; “?. B. Carkend. oy cise weuuecaae ai en ceeeeee 470 00 279. Hawthorn jar. Mei blossoms, has its own cover; B. Altman............. 2s -- 3,000 00 280, Similar hawthorn jar, cover an imita- tion from Paris; Bell............, ssceese ty 100 00 281. Ovoid vase, with wide mouth; Thomas BiClarkac: cage eae vu lesen emia 410 00 282. Globular jar of old gray crackle; W. M. DO Nad’ bs CRM GR TCE NN Fripp ppm LAR RL.) 65 00 288. Large jar of old gray crackle, late | fifteenth or early sixteenth century; Mrs.S. GC: Thompson.2. 0a eee ces . 155 00 284. Tall vase, K’ang-hsi; W. M. Laffan..... 810 00] 285. Small eggshell bowl, in pistache-green; Rielek tart osc seme avisy «sic ciamiam aiee 286. neat faience plate: Miss E. S. Ham- 287. Bottle-shaped vase; mark, Ohéng-hwa (K’ang-hsi); E, B. Church,......,....54.. a 282. Two drainettes 0 pot pec e eos in ioe de lune ; 9 y hae $520 each... 1,04 COnoness eree May ; 18 00 18 00 | 67 50 \ a E ‘ ma = t } | * ar x i < _ & 7 : ‘ = : : | ; ic ‘ £2. = > r E —— ‘ ; a * = = : 3 : ~ ‘ mans (CAO aah We BS ait tie f His f Vem a fore 25 EASTERN CERAMICS AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART ‘CHARLES A. DANA TO BE DISPOSED OF AT ABSOLUTE PUB- CO CV ITI ARTERNOONS OF THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY agth, 25th, AND 26th, BEGIN- NING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK EACH AFTERNOON ay o# wee x AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH WHERE THE OBJECTS WILL BE ON VIEW, DAY AND EVENING, FROM FEBRUARY i7th UNTIL 24th, INCLUSIVE (SUNDAY EXCEPTED) THOMAS E. KIRBY WILL CONDUCT THE SALE AMERICAN ART. ASSOCIATION, Manhcx 6 NEW YORK > THA SOS TONG. vs nies CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money 2/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error tn the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold Just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within two days from conclusion of sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers or Managers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. Tuos. E. KIrsy, Auctioneer. “ NOTE THE American Art Association, in proceeding to sell at auction the late Charles A. Dana’s collection of Oriental porcelains, takes occasion to observe that of the many collections that have been disposed of by the Association during the last fifteen years it is at once the broadest in its scope, the most comprehensive in its character, and the most important in intrinsic value. Perhaps the As- sociation cannot better express itself in regard to the matter than by quoting some passages from a private letter received some time since. ‘‘From the historical side of all these matters it seemed to me strange that the best collection I had seen should be in the hands of an amateur in New York. Of the three standard collections, national or nearly national in character, we have here that made by my lamented friend, Sir Wollaston Franks; the Louvre has the Grandidier endowment; and Dresden has the oldest of all, the Porzellan Sammlung of the Johanneum. I do not overlook Mr. George Salting’s superb collection in the South Kensington, but it is still private property, and it has never pretended to an edu- cational purpose. The others do, and their educational value is distinctly avowed and maintained. Now, that all three of these collections should, from a historical point of view, be distinctly inferior to a private collec- tion made, as I assume, for individual ends and the gratification of good taste, impresses me as quite unusual and remarkable. Did it befall me to have imposed 6 NOTE upon me the duty of delivering a lecture on the history of Chinese porcelain, there is no collection that would furnish me the essential examples and illustrations as fully as that of Mr. Dana. They are not in the British Museum; they are not in the Louvre; and they are conspicuously absent at Dresden. Let me suppose that I have to tell my hearers about the earliest dispersion of the porcelain of China to other countries, I should be able to show them some of it; and then the nature of the object itself, coupled with the locality in which it was found, should serve for scholarly conviction and a powerful aid to memory. Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta learned a great deal from their travels, but if we only had a few of the actual objects that they tell us of, how infinitely would not our knowledge of those objects be increased? Therefore, when we trace the first devel- opments of trade and make old documents disclose that the Arabs many centuries ago invaded the remoter Eastern seas and carried back to the shores of India, to the Red Sea, and to the African coast, and to all the islands and continents that lie between, the products of China, it is mighty interesting to be able to put your hand on a piece of Chinese porcelain that somebody has dug up in Madagascar, or in Ceylon, or on the coast of Malabar, or on a spice island away down in the Malay Archipelago. That is precisely what I can do in the Dana Collection, There are specimens there of por- celain from all the places I have mentioned. Most of them were found by excavating graves and sites of former dwellings; and perhaps the most interesting thing in the study of porcelain is the identification of these pieces with those described in the various litera- ture of China which deals with the remote history and manufacture of porcelain. Since Dr. Hirth of Leipzig and Dr. Bushell of Peking have taught us to translate Chinese better than the older scholars did, a new field NOTE 7 of surer progress to knowledge has been opened before us, and the ancient porcelains of assured provenance have now an importance they did not possess before. For this reason I was, in my narrow way, quite carried away by my researches in New York; and I am per- suaded that Mr. Dana must have had a most profound instinct in relation to the whole subject. Otherwise, how could he have sought, with such method and per- sistency, to acquire objects with which the ordinary amateur of porcelain does not concern himself at all, but which, from the scholar’s point of view, are the most interesting objects there are? The whole range of the celadon that he gathered leaves no room to doubt the soundness of this belief. In all the other collections that I have seen it is notso wide. So that I hold that if one would learn Martabani, and it is the foundation of the whole history of porcelain, he must go to New York. And it is not alone in respect of celadon that this is true. Grandidier points with par- donable exultation to his clair de lunes, his gray and blue Sunmg bowls and jars. He has never seen Mr. Dana’s. I must bring him over and show them to him,” ” ity . ns a bs i *, by 4 ira nerd CHINESE DYNASTIES DYNASTY OF THE MING DATE OF Tite or Reicn, or NIEN HAO. ACCESSION, vik ria Hung-wu —. 1368 Fae 3{ Chien-wén 1399 5) \4 $0 Yung-lo 1403 yak BR Hung-hsi 1425 =I ayy Histian-té 1426 IE FE Chéng-t’ung 1436 St Ze Ching-t’ai tee RK ji Tien-shun 1457 find AX, Ch’éng-hua . 1465 Fe i Hung-chih . 1488 ns $a Chéng-té 1506 ee iF Chia-ching . 1522 a ie Lung-ch’ing . 1567 Ca B® Wan-li. 1573 ZS & T’ai-ch’ang . 1620 Te Fe T’ien-ch’i 1621 ze. ji Ch’ung-chén 1628 DYNASTY OF THE TSING DATE OF TITLE OF ReiGcN, or NIEN HAO. ACCESSION, NE 730 shun-chint YO, SAR VE ree Be BR k’ang-hsi . YE IE Yung-chéng : ; , ‘ Srey ee Ch’ien-lung . : : : : 2 a Chia-ch’ing . 00) Serene aus oe Be of HE oe Be Tao-kouang. ; : . ' . gee Hsien-féng . ° : : : - 1851 T’ung-chih . : ; , ; . 1862 Kuang-hsti . : : , . . 1875 ce al Sf CATALOGUE Pino. DAYS SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 24TH Senate enna sneer BEGINNING AT 2.30 0’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN *ART GALLERIES 5 det Oa 1 CoreEAN Bow, [Unkaku.] 9-4-7 -Agern Xe ute? Gray glaze. Ornamentation of storks and «clouds; Diameter, 34 inches. 2 JAPANESE. I Pale Gray glaze. Black crackle. Diameter, 54 inches. Lie Café au lait. Heavy glaze. Large gt crackle. K’ang-hsi. ft i) 3 Bowt.. Diameter, 32 inches. 4 Bowt.. LW. d Vi] Pec sCorean, ‘Pale, gray, with brown o o-4° crackle. Intricate ornament of archaic design. Diameter, 6 inches. Bs JAPANESE BowL. OR. ig dh. Satsuma, Fine crackle/ glaze. Seal on Qo foot, “ Satsuma Jdkwan,”’ Diameter, 44 inches. I2 EASTERN CERAMICS Coie 6 Cup. Y OU BY i 5 Wr 2? 5 4 Old Corean. Archaic decoration in faint > / gray enamels. ) Diameter, 4 inches. 4 SAKE Port, Kp. J oe. Satsuma. Signed “ Vakayama Oyakata.” HS Bees Bee: 6 inches. 8 Jar. b. Vy ae , fe Old. celadon: ott Sena aenaemnnE o/ “ Found in excavations in the Island of Celebes, Malay Archipelago. ol 6 inches. 9 Botte. VP. Kiwis J De fan eae Heavy dark glaze, with purple farkings, eg! og Height 6 inches. 10 Bow.L. KO. A 4éntrt RAW) Red metallic lustre, with dark purple ere ee markings. Diameter, 5 inches. wie i es Ase Botte. Suter ye pei Dark brown. Rich Ai: Takatori. : Height, 44 inches. in Ge VAAL 12 IMPERIAL YELLOW CRACKLE SAUCER. Bre With mark of Ching-té. Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi. A ) St, A f F 13. OLD CHINESE FIGURE. Ad: V Chetan Jo ee. Dark brown biscuit and celadon glaze. Height, 5 inches. Ai ean C4, 14. SMALL Bowt, Yee Kadge Dark red pie uae Chipped mark / Ve oe /&-— on the foot, Yung-chéng. Diameter, 3 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 13 15 SMALL BOTTLE. Uf, AeA ages Old celadon, with blue decoration, from an island in the South Pacific, Ascribable to one of the early d; 16 Vase. / : 3 A v ‘ e ci bs ae , Joe Old Persian. Blue lustre, with gold decoration. -16th century. ‘ . : Oy, Height, 44 inches. y 17. WRITER’S STAND. 6 Oy xy Vb pro kK. / soe Fine network of gray crackle. Yung- chéng. To Vig 18 SmatL GLtopuLtaR Bowt, \/Minr— Lavender crackle. K’ang-hsi. eo we. og yap eal a phuaat UM ei 19 JAPANESE VASE, id, hh Vy ph AK PALL Shark-skin glaze, Ibo-Satsuma. Mark, a) $8 Yoshi-hsi. Taye Height, 44 inches. 20 SMALL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. { //- Ai A] RAMA // 4+ Turquoise and brown glaze. Mark on A Dale the foot, Yung-chéng. Height, 6 inches. Shallow bowl. Probably goth or Ynce — tury. From excavation at Makassar, island Ate, of Celebes, Malay Archipelago. Diameter, 7 inches. /) i Up” Ley 22 JAPANESE Brown GLazeE BOTTLE. ~ ft ote 7 With slender neck flecked with yellow. ost Old Lmbe. a le 21 OLup CELADON, del vee ne Ke 9 inches. 23 BowL. 4 HW GLA oe Ascribed to the Dynasty of the Tang. / 3 Metallic rim. Diameter, 5 inches. 14 EASTERN CERAMICS 24 SMALL Bowie _ Wag ; on Pale brown glaze, tttled. Modelled / tro archaic decoration at the rim. Ascribed to an early dynas Probably 5th or 6th cen- tury. Taken from an ancient “burial place. \ Formerly in th lection of Chang-Yen- hoon, Minister to Washington. | Diameter, 5 inches. 25') VAsE: ne . V/V pe vibe cna Enamel on copper. £ Height, 7 inches. 26 Bowtu. 3 m2 — With flaring rim, Old Chinese/Géladon. Probably gth or roth century. W¥rom the coast of Malabar. 27 GLOBULAR VASE, ct Gee Bees 74 inches. ek = blue. Old Imari. Diameter, 6 inches. 28 Bow. me ” * rege Celadon glaze over archaic incised deco- LOT ration in dense ferruginous paste. Probably early Corean. © Lf Diameter, 6 inches. 29 Bow.. “o- ¢ ~ Early American. From the pueblo of pent tn eee Diameter, 7 inches. 30 OLD COREAN Rowdy “YV « mali Mishima. Pale-gray glaze, with intricate o~/ —— archaic decoration in creamy white. Diameter, 64 inches, 31 ‘TEA-BOWL, A * oo Fa pry Perry Fluted, yellow glaze. MWingié dé: end of (oP Sears century. Diameter, 54 inches. Decoration in intricate Path in dark A 4 - ’ : COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 15 an: ye al eth 3 9 ; Early Japanese. Diameter, 64 inches. 33. SAKE Por. ay i fr % H, Lani Old celadon ; elephant-shaped. _ » ae Height, 6 inches. 34 GLOBULAR VASE, Q h 4 Yellow ground ; decoration of figures and oa ,, domestic implements. Kutani. a. Height, 64 inches. 35 Bowt. ) a, ATE Japanese. Cream-y ro paste ; incised cay 4@__ decoration within ; in relief without ; red and gold lacquer. Mark, Yeiraku. This was the greatest of Japanese imitative potters. His real name was Zengoro Riozen, but on his reproducing a piece of Yung-Zo with such perfection that it could not be distinguished from the original, the Prince of Kiushu pre- sented him with a golden seal bearing the characters Yung-/o, which in Japanese reads Yeiraku, and he was thereafter known by that name. [Vide : Nos. 394, 395, 429, 458. | Diameter, 64 inches. 36 SAKE BOTTLE. op mig ie di Square ; gray crackle glaze, with land- decoration in blue. Old Kyoto. y &éu scape . a rai Height, 7 inches. / yee? 37 JAPANESE CELADON VASE. & ¢ LT. {Vh a Globular form; decoration in relief of / oo flowering vine. Diameter, 5 inches. 16 EASTERN CERAMICS 38 Earty AMERICAN, Vy. 2 1e earn Pueblo of the Zunis. ‘§ est ( Diameter, 8 inches. Be viol Fn, 39° EARLY JAPANESE Flattened globular form; archaic deco- §2 ?_ ration in brown glaze. Diameter, II inches. 40 OLD CHINESE Ca eee 6° A, tte Archaic decoration of cloud forms; four . LL j ¢¥_ scroll handles on shoulder. Height, 9 inches. : VU f 41 Bow... oe’ a Yvettinae Old Chinese pottery. Imperial yellow glaze. 3 pa ee Page 8 II inches. 42 Bowt. A): vi ee Flambé, thick, heavy glaze; purple-red aod * _ shading to turquoise-blue, Diameter, 8 inches. 43 Bow.. VI ; (O- e Old Imari porcelain; light celadon pares 4% crackle ; blue-and-white decoration, within and without. Diameter, 9 inches. ava, 8+ Abenaraler Globular body, wide neck, flaring mouth if ¢¢ with upright rim ; five colors. Early Kutani. a 12 inches. 45 CHINESE VASE. Teas V/ BP ye se , 7 4p Old gray Chinese crackle ; archaic deco- L+- ee me : ‘ : ration in red and green of early Kutani, Japan. Height, 9 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA G7 46 BEAKER-SHAPED VASE. TV l Elaborately modelled decoration of palm leaves, with fretted grounds, and four me- HFS *< dallions containing kylins surrounded by fire symbols ; the whole covered with a pale- green celadon glaze. Ming. Height, 17 inches. ! 47. VASE. Ao 1; Weel Leaner 5s Archaic decoration in blue, white, and red. $ a ane Height, 9 inches. 48 VASE. aul Vy nase With ornamental spout handle. Na- O~ D- se_beshima. Height, 11 inches. 49 DousLe Gourp. v4. n, NE say aa 3 Me Flambé, red, purple, iat yellow Verge Height, 15 inches. 50 OLD CHINESE CELADON. 4, Vi. ie Dense body ; heavy glaze decoration of kylins, fire symbols, and flowers; above, e ; 80 archaic wave patterns. Height, 12 inches. g “ } ‘ j 51 Ovorp. VASE. VV (2 Ge LpAA With kylin encircling the body in clatr de lune glaze of the Sung dynasty. es ae LAY Height, 8 inches. 52 PiLGrim BoTrTte. h h i With modelled decoration of animals and ° L/ 0 °* various symbols, Silver mountings. Height, 11 inches. 18 EASTERN es, MICS 53 OLD PERSIAN GRAY LUSTRE VASE, a With floral decoration in various sub- / Oe ak dued colors, with metal mounts at foot and rim, and Persian bronze cap. * Height, 16 inches. 54 TALL VASE. 3 OL WAhtr Affixed to hexagonal pedestal. Body hd sq decorated in rude relief, with kylins and flow- ering plants, elephant-head handles, and green glaze relieved with yellow and dark blue. Early Ming. eight, y: inches. 55 JAPANESE WARRIOR, LO. KD pe ; K ; ms, 0d yoto faiih ight, Io inches. VY} : V 56 STATUETTE OF A PRIEST. te Corean. Hei ght, Io inches. 7 STAT Unie as (oe Q.¢ In dense, heavy, sonorous porcelain, brown y. {) ** biscuit, with garment of green flambé glaze. i) ORK 114 inches, 58 HEXAGONAL VASE. AW Ab Each panel decorated with figures mod- 0 258) elled in relief, and archaic five-color decora- tion. 00 WER 11 inches, 59 BOTTLE. PG 2a) eigieg Flattened body; neck enemies with / U ~~ bosses and boldly modelled dragon ; dark- blue glaze. Height, 10 inches. 60 Vase (Cut). np Ny fa 2 Fine modelled decoration under heavy / ~ celadon glaze. Ming. . Diameter, 10 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE_CHARLES A. DAN ae) : res a WN 61 Bow. Iron-rust glaze; dog’s-head rudi- fo Q 36 mentary handles, Kien-lung. Diameter, 12 inches. 62 TALL VASE. yy: GY With wide, flaring neck and vertical rim ; o2 $@ heavy purple and blue mottled glaze ; ele- phant-head handles and border in biscuit. Kien-lung. Height, 20 inches. 63. VASE. de (>, hy bre Old Corean. Black glaze, with dpi ¢ 4 *£ incised decoration of figures and landscape, bordered with arabesques. Height, 12 inches. 64) BOWL, 4, AY, Lp th_ Old celadon, with bold incised decoration, D4 within and without, of waves and floral designs. Repaired in Persia. Early Ming. Diameter, 12 inches. ecu any Lot Mop Robin’s-egg blue glaze. © Persian. ve ; : ae Oh sas Diameter, 13 inches. 66 QUADRILATERAL VASE. VWro Ainsig nM In old splash, with rudimentary dogs’ y= Jo? * heads in bosses, set on panels. V/ Height, 74 inches. 67 OLD CHINESE VASE, : rw, Archaic form, with flaring flower-shaped | sw mouth, and archaic ornament of macaw holding nut in beak. . Height, 18 inchesy Jf / 68 QUADRILATERAL-SHAPED sss 0 ee. Height, 44 fachee 143 HEXAGONAL VASE. oh. hei SPs Clair. de lune. - eo Height, 6 inches. 144 SMALL PEAR-SHAPED VASE. 80 Clair de lune. } —_— Height, 6 inches. 145 Ovoip VWASE. Y, ‘ va Pre ut agen Old gray crackle. Sung. Height, 34 inches. 146 VASE. ,) (3 rodluy: “p Clair de lune, with purple splash. Sung/ / ‘9 Y aan i, inches, 147 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. YY Joh With tall neck and be handles. Clair / 5% de lune. Sung. : Height, 74 inches. 148 Dist. Wnre 919: eb Scar In the form of’a'leaf, with bats. Heavy oa $© gray and violet glaze. Diameter, II inches. 149 Bow. V/V. A With three feet and double row of ~.5 © invested with a rich gray and violet glaze. Diameter, 9 inches. 150 ALtms Bowl, th : 7. tf With cover. Invested with a gray crackle ov 7 ‘tunder a rich purple violet and gray glaze. Sung. Diameter, 7 inches. $2 EASTERN CERAMICS 151 DOUBLE Gourt. ty ‘f j “ob Clair de lune. 152 Aue JAR. ty 6 f Bee With gray crackle, clair-de-lune glaze, SS *- proken by crimson and purple splash. Height, 10 inches. Height, 12 inches. 153 VASE. TV: WV ITO “3 Clair de lune. Richcrimson and purple eo) te markings. Row of bosses on the broad shoulder and on out-curving rim, Base of opening lotus in relief. Height, 12 inches. 154 CELADON VASE. fe. a YY AW LE With over decoration in silver. Japanese ag () ‘t+ silver and gold mount. Ascribed to the reign of Yung-lo. 3 Height, 13 inches. 155 CoRAL-RED pret Coes Cary eT With finely drawn decoration in gold, o- g-% more or less effaced by time, of flowers, | leafage, rocks, and ornamental border. Diameter, 14 inches. 156 BOowL. | uelonen - Outlr Of dense white porcelain, completely 8 7 covered with translucent glaze of dark ( ‘blue. Intricate decoration of landscape and ornamental border of gold. Diameter, 12 inches. 157 PLATE. ea 4.yn - With coral-red ground and decoration : Od — of dragons and fire emblems within and : without, in transparent green enamel. * Mark beneath of K’ang-hsi. Diameter, 84 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 33 158 BOTTLE-SHAPED Vase. - ff Ms pee ) Dense porcelain, heavy crackle, and bold 6 0 ~ decoration of purple and violet splash. Height, 8 inches. 159 SMALL VASE, Cn Old gray crackle, with archaic decora- SQ $2 tions in blue, from excavations at. Panai- kang, S. Celebes, Malay Archipelago. Early Ming. Height, 34 inches. 160 BOTTLE-SHAPED Vise AO : a: ve y oe ** Persian. Lustre, with metallic mount. 15th century. Height, 84 inches. 161 PERSIAN BowL. ‘ hn With fine decoration in iridescent lustre. o 2 0 oo Diameter, 8 inches, 162 PERSIAN BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. A With intricate decoration of dark lustre J /0 *£ in blue with silver mount. P Height, 11 inches. 163 PLATE. VL O° re wae Hispano-moresque faience ; decoration f /O ** — in gray, blue, and gold upon various orna- ments, and Arabic characters in high relief, Diameter, 15 inches. 164 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. LD : Le es With decoration of rich brown lustre and / S$ *“— dark-blue ground. 15th century. 7 Height, 11 inches. 165 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. a +6- Q A Sngerr pe With archaic decoration in turquoise ( te and dark blue. Persian. Height, 9 inches. 34 EASTERN CERAM it 166 BOTTLE-SHAPED Ge wddhlark 1a FR Persian. Lustre on gray. Height, 11 inches. 167 Deep Bow . AO. ae ak em i ot Persian. Blue and white. Diameter, Io inches. 168 BOTTLE-SHAPED Vase.(2 | ‘ ; Bea Persian. With silver mount and cap. / 3d “— Intricate decoration in turquoise and cobalt. Height, 12 inches. 169 LANTERN VASE. GREK 4 Persian. With votive inscription of dark JA g 0 “= blue, and floral decoration in green, red, and blue. 14th century. Height, 12 inches, 170 PriLGRIM BOTTLE. YWNe 4 (3. Lepage Persian. Decoration in cobalt, and. ( jo bronze mount at neck and base. 15th ao 5 century. Height, 11 inches. 171 PERSIAN SQUARE BotrTie’ ¢ Lan Decoration in blue and white. 15th HL — century. Height, 7 inches. 172 SMALL VASE. LY . SU ae Green and purple lustre. Persian. 4G % —rsth century. 173 SMaLL Vase. YN. 2 a ky Blue and white. Persian. 15th century. Diameter, 5 inches. Blue and white. Restoration of lip in ov . . oO”? ‘silver. Persian. 15th century. Height, 5 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 175 PERSIAN WATER JAR. KO: peg Blue and white, with silver neck, handle, /0-@'* and spout. 16th century. Height, 9 inches. 176 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, i Ps Persian. Purple lustre on gray-blue a fU' ~ ground. 15th century. Height, 84 inches. 177 BOowL. hs u Archaic decoration in black and blue, 3°. with inscription in Arabic. Diameter, 8 inches. 178 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. 1) I" _ Bronze mount and cap, with coral button. Ys #«_ Decoration in turquoise, cobalt, and black. / Persian. 15th century. Height, 10 inches. 179 PLATE, Y/ : ea Vogek hi 8 7 §@_ Hispano-moresque. Decoration in lustre. Diameter, 13 inches. 180 PLATE. Decoration in green, yellow, and brown. o> & Primitive Rhodian. Diameter, 114 inches. 181 VASE. Ao With silver rim, blue and white decora- 7 3 oe val tion of flowering vine, and floral borders. Persian. Diameter, HK@) inches. Arak ae » aw . With pale-yellow glaze, sustaining deli-. ~ cate floral ornament in soft white slip, bor- é es 87 dered by a fluting in relief, disclosing a large brown crackle. Persian. 15th cen- tury. 182 PLATE. wal Liem Diameter, 15 inches. 36 EASTERN CERAMICS 183 DisH. Yn Ooi 6 230, Blue and white. Persian, Kutaia. Diameter, 14 inches. 184 PLATE. tv ft LHRAL te Hispano-moresque. With decoration in é ihe . . . . . rand ie lustre, sustaining a shield with emblematic inscription. Diameter, 17 inches. 185 PLATE, H, v a Hispano-moresque faiefice, with/ deco- & oo ec p que fae ration in lustre, turquoise, and darl¥ cobalt, and emblematic inscription. Diameter, 174 inches. 186 PLATE. Vy (me Hispano-moresque faience, with decora- oO? *< tion in lustre, 187 . PLATE. rt ws Ny Diameter, 184 inches. Hispano-moresque faience ; intricate ar- IF ( ‘<- chaic decoration of mythical monster in | copper lustre. Diameter, 184 inches. 188 | PoAgTE ¥? Be A 4 j With decoration of Chinese ve in 5 50 “= plue and white, and celadon. Kutaia. Diameter, 19 inches. 189 PLATE. . Vb ALU Hispano-moresque faience, with intri- Eo, cate decoration in lustre, Diameter, Ig inches. (£000 UPUA Tout h hn ' Hispano-moresque. Yellow-cream glaze, Vie ies with brilliant archaic decoration in lustre and deep cobalt. Diameter, 17 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 37 191 PLATE. 7. | Hispano-moresque faience, with high boss 4, ¢ ‘and decoration in lustre. Diameter, 18 inches. 192 PLATE, Vy CY WG Lprn/ Hispano-moresque faience, with decora- & op ‘tion in copper lustre and blue. Diameter, 16 inches. ES eee (re Cae Persian faience, with fluted margin and : intricate decoration of flowers and tendrils ? Me — in turquoise, cobalt, and dark smalt. Ku- taia, Spitzer Collection. Diameter, 18 inches. 7 ae } ° 194 LANTERN VASE, LG YLT ae Blue and white decoration, with votive ss /() — inscription in Arabic on three panels. Per- sian. 16th century. Height, 13 inches. 195 LARGE PERSIAN BOWL. 1 , With rich, well-drawn decoration within and without in various shadings of blue. o~ 6 OO 'f Diameter, 17 inches. 196 HANGING GLOBE. ing ey oe q From a mosque in Damagcus. Excep- tional example of finest period of Rhodian a ‘enamel. Diameter, 13 inches. 197 GLass LANTERN. Fe ii vA e bp fe hae From a mosque in Damascus. Intricate ry / ee. design in enamels of various ornament and Arabic characters. Height, 15 inches. 38 EASTERN CERAMICS 198 VASE, av Chinese. Cloisonné, with bronz€ dog’s- jae /U ‘<— head handles, and elaborate decoration of flowers, fruits, and floral borders; with dragons pursuing fire emblems amid cloud forms above the waves ; the whole design being projected upon a ground of superb turquoise enamel. Height, 21 inches, SECOND DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 25TH BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK * 199 SMALL SAUCER, WV. 1 belo S* “ Brilliant yellow c¥ackle. ats “ Diameter, 3 inches. 200 SHALLOW BOWL. 4). WW: ve, ved Rich glaze of aubergine and _ violet blue. Interior fine white porcelain, with / 7 incised design«within the glaze; Taoist mythological female figure sailing the tur- bulent waters on the trunk of a tree, bear- ing to its shrine a sacred vase. Diameter, 54 inches. 201 SMALL VASE. En rae i oe Delicate and beautiful fluted and fiéral ornament beneath green celadon glaze. Diameter, 4 inches. 202, Cup. 1) opt Heavy viscous glaze in gray and blue. Ff A oe Japanese. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Diameter, 5 inches. 203, Jan HK Wdeln ‘s Invested with rich btwn and purple J@ ‘+ glaze. Wooden cover. Japanese. Diameter, 34 inches. 40 204 Abt 206 woe ee 207 gc y $0 208 a 209 Oe ‘, . 220 3 4 +211 so EASTERN CERAMICS Bowl. ah M2 F pt Creamy gray and yellow glaze, with in- tricate and graceful diaper ornament. Old Corean. Diameter, 7 inches. VASE. RAW: Br & With bold floral ornamertt beneath a celadon glaze. Underneath mark of Chéng-hwa. Diameter, 5 inches. pow, fy. oh Freee Corean pottery, with rich heavy glaze. ” Celadon, and pale brown. Diameter, 6 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED Vase. VY, (A, a Of rich-metallic lustre glaze in copper, brown, and black. Height, 8 inches, 7: In pale pistachégreen, with relief decora- tion in soft blue-gray slip, within and with- out ; the interior unglazed. Seal mark of Chia-ching. FLUTED BOWL. Diameter, 8 inches. VASE. ty (3.05 Cylindrical ; large brown crackle on bril- liant body of café au lait. De 4, Height, 8 iy Bowt. Eggshell. Fine aubergine glaze, nee and without. + & ae 7 kee V ASE; Globular, with YH! de WJ and hibuichi rim. Old Imari. * Height, 7 inches. te COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES p DANA 212 \VAsEy\, * g) Ly tis Old crackle, with landscape in b 3 p Ay white. Later Ming. ou. 5 inches. 213. Wack ¥ * F . Bartiw 6 ys Rich brown metallic lustre. Height, 74 inches.’ 214 VASE, W.WU. z eas Quadrilateral, with scroll handles /and L y, d mr) handsome archaic and ornamental orders, invested with a rich glaze of gray clair de lune. On the foot there is etched, in .63, beautifully written characters, a poem com- posed by the Emperor Kien-lung, in honor ‘of the vase itself; which belonged to the Imperial collection. The last characters on the left read, “Inscribed by the Emperor in the cyclical year Kuei-mao (A.D. 1783) of the reign of Kien-lung.” The vase ‘itself can’ be ascribed to the dynasty of the Sung. Height, 8 inches. 205 Vase. eo Mn: Cae enol: | Intricate floral and other{/ornament in he spat Waueorelief beneath a rich celadon glaze. eight, 10 inches. 216 VASE, ee aah. Q L 7- as . , PLLA Flattened bottle, with short neck invested with a rich yellow and pale clair de lune iF 6 OQ ** glaze, permeated by a double crackle in violet and brown, Sung. ey 7 ep oi "BOTTLE: SHAPED gem With rich glaze of gr ne Va ed 2 b es with copper-red. Height, 8 inches. 42 EASTERN CERAMICS . “218 WASE. A; (9. fr. ( y With elephant-hedd handles and glaze ¢ of. S os dark aubergine purple. | se Height, 94 inches. 219 BOTTLE-SHAPED a, “VY Pre ¥ With long neck and bold design of drag- ee Be ons amid cloud forms and fire symbols’ sa incised in the paste beneath translucent MA purple glaze. Height, 12 chen 220 VASE. (72 E. mM ” B g G ae Clair de lune. With faint purple splash. Sung. £ Me Height, 7 inches. 221 VASE, : . Fray Small globular, with wide mouth. Rich if ¢'~- metallic glaze, copper-red. Height, 5 inches. 222 DOUBLE GOURD. 7Vr0- Nivh Clatr de lune. Sung. yee av Height, 8 inches. ~ oy &%, 222 » BOTTLE-SHAPED+ VASE: With globular ng@ék. Dragon in relief. Li are) Dark purple-brown glaze, with yellow rim:* 4“ 224 , FLOWER VASE. RK. €. Mrpokk Intricate flower o. Gee and other orna- oe ment. Five necks. Pale celadon_ glaze. ~~ Seal mark beneath of Kien-lung. ; Height, 10 inches. 225 PILGRIM ey “Dark-green glaze, with decorations of , L ih dragon and Buddhistic symbols in dark purple-blue. a Height, 10 inches. Height, 11 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 43 226 VASE. Pe a ilee Bowl-shaped, with deep shoulder and é7v ee ~— flaring rim. Two handles, and a row of bosses above the tripod feet. Rich glaze of ma-fet. Diameter, I0 inches. 2277). ATL, VASE. ; Dense white porcelain with dragon han- pi wiiid dles ; decoration of chrysanthemums out- J — jined in black, on ground of pale turquoise. . Later Ming. a agiicight, 15 inches. 228 VASE. q Yo Fine yellow-brown and porn metallic / ? a lustre glaze. Rudimentary hatdles, and Og intricate geometrical and floral ornament in gold. Height, 15 inches. 229 VASE. TM10 : ay roach. - Robin’s-egg blue clazr de lune crackle. Qs eee Height, 14 inches. 230 Bowl. 4-6 VP Sy a On three, feet, beneath, two rows of : bosses. Invested with a rich glaze of 50 ‘ warm red and purple on the outside, and a clair de lune crackle within and beneath. ~ Sung. Diameter, 9 inches. 231 VASE, iy, Webelos, , Brilliant dense ze, with large double JI 2 $@ crackle in brown and black. Height, 64 inches. sf 232 Two STATUETTES Gorvdrthh, (A. Of the Dog Foo, in clazr de lune. f LOL A L Height, 6 inches. 44 EASTERN CERAMICS £33 BowL. LoL ph re Sat 234 gs" * % ose 236 Dark-gray glaze, with graceful decora- tion of storks. Corean. rey Diameter, 5 inches. ho. SG In pale celadon. A ‘ 9 “ Diameter, 5 inches. Cup. a eaten o 235 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Cay Seal mark beneath of Kién- | isk 7 inches, BoTTLE-SHAPED VASES o Tea glaze. lung. Wide neck. Fine glaze of amethystine 4 4 *£ purple. Incised seal mark of Kien-lung_ 238 jah ie 239 cat 240 241 ie a beneath. G) Hej¢ht, 9 inches. SMALL QUADRILATERAL pee Heavy cream-color glaze, invested with double crackle in blue and brown. Height, 6 inches, . BLUE AND WHITE AWTHORN PLaTE. Diameter, 61 inches, psn Faeroe, SMALL BLUE AND TE VASE. ; Height, 6 inches. EGGSHELL Cup. he . a VArphry Fine paste with yellow crackle, and beautifully drawn decoration in fine cobalt. * Mark beneath, Ta-Ming-Chia-ching-nien- chi. ' Height, 44 inches. QUADRILATERAL Vasey We (32le With decoration in Sounipo blue. Mark beneath, Ta-Ming-chia-ching-nien-chi. © Height, 4 inches. ey '@ COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 45 242 SMALL.BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Blue and white, intricate floral and / 3 f “— other ornament. Mark beneath, a leaf. K’ang-hsi. 243 CYLINDRICAL VASE. larvae With eight panels, in which are depicted utensils and ornaments, with baskets of ¢ 2 Pe Awers Fine blue and white of K’ang-hsi. : : ' "Height, 64 inches. 244 AutMs Bowt. & Lg. 4 d prrth. Decoration of chrysanthemum and of vine f aS 84 tendrils, within and without, in dark blue. Kien-lung. Height, 7 inches, Height, 7 inches. 9 L With six panels, treating a variety of subjects, in fine blue and White, of K’ang- J? $¢ hsi. a Height, 10 inches. 246 BEAKER. VV. YN » J. Decoration of Chinese landscape, in blu / Say ge and white, of the period of Kien-lung. 7 Mark beneath, Ta-Ming-Chéng-hwa-nien- chi. 245 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Height, 11 inches. _ 247 GLOBULAR VASE, CN (Oth le, Bold decoration of In blue and white. a g ** dragons amid floral ornament. Mark be- f neath, Ta-Ming-Wan-li-nien-chi. : Height, 94 inches. 248 TALL Jar. 7) WM: Intricate floral ornament. Hall mark be / y ne neath. 46 249 {3s °> 250 ee 251 o 270 252 Tp a 253 joe 254 EASTERN CERAMICS OpsLtonc Box. Vy: KV: The four panels and the coye bearing depictions of scenes from domestic Chinese ™ life in the fine Sounipo blue of the later Ming period. Mark beneath, in a glazed disk within double rings, Ta-Ming-Wan- li-nien-chi. Length, 9 inches; height, 64 inches. TALL VASE. A (3. UI po) ty With ribbed neck and dragon handles. Decoration of various emblems and floral designs in dark blue upon hard te paste, Height, 17 inches. ‘+ BowL.. Fluted _ blue Gi <_ dgécorated in chrysanthemum. Diameter, 9 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. 7 @ h Long neck, bulbous lotus-bud mouth, rudimentary handles. Chrysanthemum decoration in blue and white. Mark beneath, Yung-chéng. ak, Height, 13 inches. A ht 7 BLUE AND WHITE VASE. Decoration; landscape, mountains, trees, and temples. A Height, 11 inehes. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. Red crackle ground ; intricate chrysan- y 3 0 ‘— themum decoration. Mark within double ring, Ta-Ming-Hsiian-te-nien-chi. Height, to inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 47 asc CYLINDRICAL’ VASE. TRO With eight panels, cont#ining depictions 5°$7%* of various utensils and vases of flowers in translucent blue of K’ang-hsi. ~ $9 PZ ', Height, 64 inches. 256 EGGSHELL VASE, 62 a: ed. With two large panels reserved on fish- roe ground, which is interspersed with but- ¥ 5 Aili terflies and floral sprays, delicately modelled $ = inrelief. Each panel contains a landscape _* with a river, trees, dwelling, and a pagoda perched on a rocky crag. WW, II inches. 257 LONG-NECKED BOTTLE. Y 73. b arth. Of fine hard paste, with delicate brown MY) S7* crackle ‘and beautifully drawn decoration 5 Aiea of a dragon amid clouds and fire symbols above a turbulent sea. Mark beneath,.Ta- Ming-Chéng-hwa-nien-chi. Height, 9 inches. 258» PAIR OF BOTTLE-SHAPED VASES. (?. bn Delicate open crackle, with broad band UNG 7 6 ge of beautifully modelled chrysanthemums in relief on a fish-roe ground in blue and 44 4) tt white. About the neck a decoration of the ee Hand-of-Buddha citron, and other fruit. Height, 11 inches. 259 JAR. ee. Mapew a4 rf .,e ~ Blug and white decoration of landscape, with figures. Height, 10 inches. 260 Larcr Borrte, if. LY) (hese 4 io Y Blue and white, bold decoration of J(8 ~@* chrysanthemum. Height, 15 inches, ~~ 48 EASTERN CERAMICS 261 -VASE. sy « Wy Blue and white, arbitrary ees G ~~ — floral motive. Vy 13 inches. 262 TALL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. With superb chrysanthemum decoration Ag 0 « covering entire exterior in blue of K’ang- hsi. Mark beneath, a leaf. Height, 17 inches. 263 PLATE. ir. e Superb decoration of LA thea NY Ds: +e with Buddhistic symbols on the under side. Mark, a shell. K’ang-hsi. Diameter, 16 inches. 264 PLATE, % Wel y-ag « ms Decoration of fruit and flowers and bor- a d der of wave forms in dark blue. ecoration of Diameter, 15 inches. 265 VASE. vi (g ; Dense heavy porcelain, with archaic a6 Ma d decoration in blue. ‘ CNG Ly 13 inches, % ‘ 266 COVERED RZ a Sitekan Adin? hl ees With decoration of es ( Diameter, 9 inches. x 267 VASE. Vb: TU: Blue and white decoration/of/an interior, o Lye ee in which is depicted an Imperial audience; on the reverse a landscape with trees; about the neck a border of cloud forms and sprays of flowers in fine blue of K’ang-hsi, Height, 17 inches. be COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 49 268 TALL VASE. Vi. ‘QA . cd Decoration in panels. Imperial offic egies a mission, an audience, groups of ‘orna- ments, and utensils onthe neck; medallions with mythological personages on either side. Rudimentary dog’s-head handles and rings in biscuit. ag” Height, 17 inches. we 269 Ovo Vass. [e- er on With cover. Four panels, with decoration #3 sue of various objects, landscapes, and figures ;» the ground filled with various plants and flowers. Mark, a leaf,and scroll. K’ang-hsi. Height, 13 inches. 270 VASE, 4 r 1 With decoration of landscape, mountains, J ? J s. trees, dwelling, and a river, down whose current a Mandarin is floating in his can- * opied barge. Mark, a leaf. Height, 17 inches, 3 ) 271 Bowt. Vr fe Qarlly Decoration of circular medallions of birds and beasts; within, a rabbit among herbage. $-9-4@ Four-character mark of salutation, “Ten thousand ,happinesses.” a] * .* Diameter, I1 inches. 272 CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE, @ i p ple blue. / “ky Height, 154i With bold decoration nches. ‘gating 273 HAWTHORN VASE. rn. With cover. Mei blossoms on blue | [Sr4 ground of broken ice. K’ang-hsi, Height, 17 inches. 4 50 EASTERN CERAMICS _274 Pair BEAKERS, E fn team Four bordered reserves on a ground of modelled chrysanthemums and leafage / heey ““— under the glaze; in each reserve a scene from domestic life in brilliant transparent blue. “3 Height, 18 inches. 275 LARGE now nrecs With bold decoration of flowers and Li a running vines in dark purplish-blue. Diameter, 15 inches. =~ * 4 | 276 PLATE, we J a4 Elaboratién of willow patgern with three LL Uses borders, the inner a graceful diaper pat- / ~ tern surrounding a conventional landscape. p> Diameter, 134 inches. 277 LARGE OvoID VASE. ‘ bree With wide mouth. Elaborate decora- tion, depicting an august ceremonial func- pas Yea Bi ‘" tion, treated with much attention to detail, in various tones of fine cobalt. Height, 17 inchese 278 LARGE OvoIp vac Oe (3. With wide mouth and delicate, clear al I se_-crackle. Decoration an elaborate and , extensive landscape, with a view of a tem- ple and courtyards, a lofty pagoda, a bridge across a rushing mountain torrent, the whole interspersed with little panels, bear- ing inscriptions descriptive of the scenery and locality. sea te Height, 16 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA With cover. Decoration of Mei blos- soms, reserved in white, on a ground of J CV 7 » brilliant blue, supposed in its treatment to imitate broken ice. This vase has its own cover. re ee - \ Height, ro inches. 280 HAWTHORN JAR. Wrbighl With cover. Similar to the foregoing, of CUO the blue, if anything, a shade deeper, and the cover an imitation from the house of Samson, Paris. Height, 10 inches. 28% Vase, Te 8. elarfee Ovoid, with wide mouth; fine white ah sees sa with clear crackle ; ciabeadte decoration of AL / 1¢ landscape, with various dwellings, trees, mountains, ‘travellers on a bridge, and a personage descending a river in a barge. HeaN I 54 inches, Mey? 282 GLOBULAR JAR, gh VA Kats Wh Of old gray crackle, with bold degoration ih pe in circular panels, and archaic drawing of d storks, bamboos, and the flowering plum. Height, 12 inches. 283 LARGE JAR. Yur 76 Fannites Of old gray Lae Blue and white Cw fats decoration of a gigantic dragon surrounded ye ces: by fire emblems traversing the elements between borders of ornament, the whole broadly and strongly executed in dark grayish blue. Late 15th or early 16th century. UV Height, 15 inches. 52 EASTERN CERAMICS 284: TALL Vase. WV" M- Completely covered with an intricate S "A v« decoration of chrysanthemum and _ bear- ing leafage, the whole in clear dask blues % of K’ang-hsi. 7) Stl own: Delicate decoration in pistache-green, “ with sprays of flowers; within the shou ee > character surrounded by five bats, all in coral-red. Mark on the foot of Chia- ching, 1796-1822. 285 SMALL EGGSHELL Bow Diameter, 44 inches. 286 Pirate. We . ve LEN pas , o Yass Persian faience, Primitive decoration in blue and white. Diameter, 84 inches. 287 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. f? 9. Long-necked. Decoration of dragon ® L& and various objects, including manuscripts, vise —- a sceptre, a fan, etc. Mark, Chéng-hwa. (K’ang-hsi.) Height, 8 inches. 288 Bow.u. With elaborate decoration xh the most brilliant enamels of the Tae‘kouang pal- «’ / Ad ee ette, the designs embracing the characters of longevity and happiness, the emblems of wisdom and of conjugal fidelity, the prayer-wheel, the stone of sonority, all the attributes of a chakravarti, or universal ruling prince. The mark, in Mongolian script, is Baragon Tumed, the name of a principality of southern Mongolia. A daughter [vzde Bushell] of the Emperor COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 53 ».», Tao-kowang married a prince of these Mongols, and these bowls were probably a part of her wedding outfit. Diameter, 9 inches. 289 BOTTLE-NECKED VASE. With graceful dragon decoration in coral- a / 6 red. rr 290 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. HO Bae Height, 11 inches. » ~ With’ decoration of dragon in blue and at brown purple. K’ang-hsi. Mark beneath, 3 oe Ta-Ming-Cheng-hwa-nien-chi. Height, 94 inche } / 291 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. iL, FU / lpr— : Wide neck, with elaborate and beautif yi decoration of an imperial garden, containing a 4 —¢s asummer house occupied by three beauti- ful ladies, Mark beneath, written in soft paste enamel, Kien-lung-nien-chi. Height, 9 inches. : , 9 _ 292 Same as foregoing. * as 293 VASE. . eh Brilliant white porcelain, with decoration of two dragons in peach-tint red. Mark og. §** beneath, Ta-Tsing-K’ang-hsi-nien-chi. Height, 9 inches. 294 CYLINDRICAL VASE, aps aa, With cover. Decoration of dragon trav- rf B S. ee ersing the firmament in pursuit of ‘the Fong-hoang, or sacred phoenix ; at the neck and foot, a deep border of blue and white ornament of*floral motive. The enamels are all of the most brilliant of the later Kien-lung period. Beneath, seal-mark of Kien-lung. Height, 10 inches. 54 EASTERN CERAMICS 295 SQUARE mie (3 } | ett Each panel bearing a bold design of F UY birds and foliage in delicate blue and enamel colors. Height, 13 inches. 296 Bowt. ‘ A206 The same as No. 288. 207 PLATE, | We. (Ath Elaborate decoration, in which a water ie of 4S” “*— festival is depicted ; a procession of brilliant . barges, in the shape of dragons, moving among islands crowded with gayly dressed figures bearing banners and musical instru- ments. The whole very animated and bril- liant in color ; the border and back present an elaborately wrought floral ornament on y a ground of imperial yellow. Seal mark beneath of Chia-ching. Diameter, 15 inches. 298 PLATE, Uy , 9 Fiery mab o “D 5” ‘ane aiadines Imperial yellow ground, completely cov- / uf § “ered with an elaborate floral design in the opaque enamels of the Chia-ching period. + Seal mark of that reign beneath. oe Diameter, 15 inches. / acid | Se es "299 PEAR-SHAPED vi. 7 agin ly With flaring mouth ; decoratioh Ofta.flow-'» A LO ing vine in dark blue. age Height, 134 inches. 300 TALL, SQUARE pete | LE bs eee With cylindrical neck and flaring mouth ; $ dit ‘covered with a pale-green mottled vase, against which, on the four panels, are COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 55 * boldly drawn designs of flowers, foliage, 301 SQUARE VASE, oy geiG itt igh A c 302 SQUARE VASE. (3. SS bug | 303 TALL VASE. Ke bg ils, Sel prefecture of Lang. and birds, each indicative of its season, Mark, a plum blossom underneath. Lang- Yao. Made during the prefecture of Lang. Height, 214 inches. Broadening to the shoulder; with cylin- drical neck; each panel containing a su- perb decoration of flowers, birds, insects, foliage, rocks, and herbage, in the five transparent enamels of early K’ang-hsi, seen against a ground of imperial yellow. On the neck and shoulder a similar decora- tion ona green ground. Made during the Height, 18 inches. Broadening slightly to the shoulder ; with cylindrical neck and flaring lip; the whole invested with a rich black enamel, against which, on the several panels, are seen a superb decoration of plants, flowers, trees, and herbage in the transparent enamels of early K’ang-hsi. On each shoul- der there is a Ling-chy among grasses, while isolated in the black field are butter- flies and birds. Made during the prefec- ture of Lang. He | Height, 20 inches. With bold and beautifully drawn decora- tion of bamboo leaves, plum blossoms, and * -peonies in Mapabancnt enamels of K’ang-hsi., j Height, 174 inches. (See 56 EASTERN CERAMICS 304. LARGE JAR oR FisH Bowl. Of dense, heavy paste. The intricate de- sign incised in the glaze represents various ji Uf J ** Buddhistic emblems within conventional borders of emblematic motive. On the body in the main field are birds and flower-. ing plants, and beneath a formal border of geometrical motive, the whole executed with great strength as to design and ascetic simplicity of color. A unique example of the five-color (ou-tsai) decoration of the, Ming dynasty. Diameter, 14 inches. 305 TALL JAR. 1}. We WAY, With five-color decoration, epicting nu- ,» merous personages figuring in a historical 8 ot episode wherein the goddess vouchsafes an appearance, standing with her attendants on the whirling clouds to receive the peti- tion of the devout. Gorgeous Fong- ° hoangs illuminate the sky with their plum- age. The whole design is bold, free, and unconventional, and is executed in the five transparent enamels of K’ang-hsi. Height, 204 inches. 306 GARDEN iuhe A brilliant and finely ¢xecuted/ decora- v7 q 0" — tion of the K’ang-hsi period. Height, 14 inches. 307. BEAKER. Five-color ‘Co emum decgfation. or7 es K’ang-hsi. VA 4 hs ee COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 57 308 IMPERIAL YELLOW bee Long neck and flaring mouth, with deCo- //$ -eé ration of dragons pursuing the fire emblem through the sky above a troubled sea. Height, 18 inches. 309 CYLINDRICAL VASE. — DF Se With wide neck and flaring mouth, bear- ow ms ing an elaborate decoration of historic per- Got sonages in garments that bring into play the most brilliant enamels of the Kien-lung period. Height, 17 inches. 310 Ovorip EGGSHELL VASE, pre fe ee With wide mouth, and reserves _bor- , dered by blue and white ornament of birds 3 Pb ee “and foliated shapes, each filled with the most elaborate drawings in muffle colors, * Height, Ig inches. 311 TALL V-AsE, PO Maree With dark-purple dragon handles. Cir- —,e cular reserves stand against a ground of fk tte turquoise. In each reserve is depicted a combat of green and yellow kylins. At the shoulder the white paste shows in a blue geometrical ornament. Ascribed to early sixteenth century. we 23 inches. 312 FisH Bowt, S Clarke modelled Covered with profuse ni in the paste;and enclosing a boldly executed / 6; $°* =- design of aquatic plants and birds, the whole invested with rich, five-colored enamels of early Ming. ; Diameter, 14 inches. 58 ss EASTERN CERAMICS fi yy * , ; 313. VASE, / : STM ic Elaborate decoration of an imperial func- tion or historical episode, drawn with the utmost development of detail in the trans- parent enamels of K’ang-hsi. Height, 21 inches. x * iy 214 VaARR Aen B (0. Vintec With dragons in relief on each side o Ms ¥ y) e~ oa flaring neck, the whole invested in a‘) dark purple-blue glaze of great heaviness and thickness, against which are seen chrys- anthemums modelled in low relief and surrounded by a running vine-like leafage. Ming. Height, 21 inches. 315 SLENDER a 4: 5 Bev ae S/o" With flaring neck and foot. Decoration ‘in kis é — transparent enamels. Height, 174 inches. ~ *4 316 OvorD: VASE, TW: (elt With wide mouth. Elaborate decoration in transparent and opaque enamels of ,but- * ie Mss terflies, flowers, fruit, and leafage on a » 317. TALL, SLENDER Vinee (3. tli . O54 richly diapered groundwork of gold. On the shoulder and at the rim and foot the border of rectangular fret encloses the field of decoration. Therim is gilt ; the neck is lined with pale-green enamel, which is repeated on the foot, where the seal mark of Kien-lung is inscribed in coral-red. Height, 16 inches. With brilliant decoration of landscape and figures in transparent enamels. Height, 17 inches. = COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 318 FisH Bowt. VY: bo ie, With reticulated body sustaining orna- mental designs of foliage, figures, and em- o 3 é * blematic objects, the whole invested in rich unctuous enamels of the Ming dynasty. a ae - Diameter, 14 inches. ih. rn - 319 STATUETTE OF THE GODDESS KWA-NIN. p-Or ~ % The face and part of the robes in gilt, the hood and vestment in turquoise-blue enamel, bordered in purple-black and lined with yellow. She sits upon a rock, and at +f & 7 “her feet is the sea. Ming. Height, 21 inches. 320 LARGE Jar. (oy Groundwork of dark-purple enamel, _ against which are historic figures, x] AO — men in combat, floral and other ornament, »* all modelled in low relief, and invested with transparent enamels in green, yellow, and red. Ming. Height, 15 inches. 321 VASE. ang SPIE With cover. Turquoise-blue ground, with decoration of aquatic plants, birds, flowers, ) ee and various symbolic ornaments modelled VA d in low relief and invested with transparent enamels of subdued colors. Ming. Height, 18 inches. 322 TALL VASE. Flu. Cath Archaic form and decoration ; a ground- We Iv os Work of dark-purple enamel, alana which 7 a dragons pursuing fire emblems in the firmament. Profuse ornament of floral and 60 EASTERN CERAMICS .geometrical motive, grotesque handles, and on the broad rim of the neck a border of geometrical fret. Ming. Height, 23 inches, *, % 323 TALL BEAKER. (3 (Mhware a ‘The so-called black hawthorn pattern, invested with a heavy black enamel, against ra {UU »+ which, in relief, are the flowering branches of the Mei tree, the blossoms springing from the young green shoots ; birds hover- ing amid the perfume, and below rocks.and _ grasses, with lilies thrusting forth among them. Mark, a spray of Mei blossom on _ black enamel foot. Made in the prefecture ‘of Lang. * Height, 28 inches. 1. (bias 324 QUADRILATERAL VASE. The so-called black hawthorn pattern, ( Hegde with handles of Ling-chy, festooned with gold lacquer vine. The body of the vase is invested. with rich black-green enamel,’ a ~ 4 * “ss ¢black enamel which is superposed upon a brilliant green ground, which shines through it and illuminates it. Against this are the white reserves of ther Mei blossoms, the purple gnarled stems, the’ green of the young shoots, and yellow- breasted and purple birds, the whole quite free in drawing, but of great mastery and power as color, composition, and form. The foot is pyramidal, presenting four green panels, dotted and starred with black enamel. Made in the prefecture of Lang’, » Height, 224 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 325 Vase. eae ee ee With decoration of water whorls, in which 9 ge fish are disporting. Old Hirado. es is (. ES : “8 ' * Height, 10 inches. 326 Bowt. rf Ke With silver cover, decoration of dragon, y, VA bamboo, tiger, and flowering plum. Old $3. * Hirado. : Diameter, 8 inches. oo ry 207 NAGE. 6) (- , y ee ration of chrysanthemum pattern. Old G ~ Hirado, Height, 11 inches. 328 gh Vn _ Globular body, with chimera heads, wide neck, with flaring mouth and vertical 7 O %.rim; decoratton of wave pattern, cloud orms, and flying storks. Old Hirado. be Height, 11 inches. 329 BLUE AND WHITE VASE. rts With decoration of landscape, mountains, J Sot and 1 various scenery. Height, 15 inches. Globular body, wide flaring neck, deco-’ 330 Bow. | 3 A}. ie (; le watt a4 With straight sides; old decorated Sat- J $ 7h 4 SUM. Diameter, 5 inches 331 STATUETTE. ortterr 1 Graceful figure with flowing drapery ° e carrying a basket containing a carp; deco- 400 ~ rated in faint enamels and gold. Signed Guzan. Height, 6 inches. 62 332. SMALL BowL. (A : ye. j LL we Py 4 jnches. EASTERN CERAMICS Old el er DovusLe a tes a mum and vine tracery. ‘Old Satsuma ; decoration of siete e- Height, 7 inches. 334 STATUETTE. Tun g? PAD h iW ihe. fo Satsuma, decorated in pale enamels and gold lacquer. Mark, “‘ Satsuma Matsuda Yer setsu.” Made by Yei Matsuda of Satsuma. *. Height, 8 inches. 335 SMALL Bowt. Ae YU: ? , UL_ Sets 336 GOURD-SHAPED VASE, G 337 INCENSE BURNER, Wn: Git €e 338 STATUETTE. ti Qo Old decorated Satsuma, Diameter, 4 inches. Fine brown café au lait cifackle, melon- like indentation in lower body, and silver ee neck and shoulder. Height, 10 inches, Old decorated Satsuma, with bronze cover of floral design. Diameter, 8 ek VV: Kalfrat Height, 8 inches. Kwan-in, 339 STATUETTE. eg a 7 SOR Kwan-in holding infant Buddha on her» ~~ knee, Fine white porcelain. Height, 10 inches. > 4 ote 4, 5 oe @ *% COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 63 340 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. nA yy With incised decoration of flowers and @ ¢ ** leafage, beneath a pale viscous glaze. Height, 7 inch 341 SQUARE WHITE VASE, hui Pr With cylindrical neck, finely diapered Me ag * flat relief ornament throughout ; rudimen- tary chimeera, holding rings on two sides, and bands of delicate geometrical orna- ment above and below. Height, 74 inches. 342 CYLINDRICAL SAKE JAR OR WINE CUR - ; Nyy VA *» ° With two Kylins, forming respectively titling handle and spout, the paste of exceeding Zz od ¢£ density and fineness, the whole being invested with a brilliant glaze of cream color. Height, 64 inches. 343 WHITE PLATE. 4-(3 LD nites Persian faience, with incised decoration —,, Of floral motive. A 5 ee Diameter, 64 inches. , 344 EGGSHELL BowL. VIVA. att. ; Flat conical form, with six indentations < /3 ~,~ inthe rim, In the bottom, etched in the — transparent paste in antique seal script, are. the four characters, Yung-lo-nien- chi (1403-1424). The inscription can be deciphered with ease only in strong sun- light, when it becomes perfectly legible. These bowls are known as among the most remarkable survivals of the delicate and fragile porcelain described by the Ming historians, the great esteem in which they were held by the Chinese, alone explaining their continued existence. Diameter, 72 inches. 64 EASTERN CERAMICS 345 Bow. (L- AQ Vpn. Flat conical form, dense white paste and i ‘cm “thin brilliant glaze, with elaborate incised ™ decoration ; beneath, in the bottom, the twin-fish emblem of conjugal happiness. a ‘ ; rs 4 7 346 SAUCER. 5 a Eggshell porcelain, with intricate floral : ote ornament embodied in the glaze. In the Cc bottom the emblem Yang and Ying. As- cribable to the period of Yung-lo. | Diameter, 8 inches. 347 BowL. ve Gi Brilliant white porcelain, with intricate 4 +s decoration, most delicately drawn, with the vy J point, in the body of the glaze. A dragon and a phoenix traverse the space above the open sea, amid fire emblems and cloud shapes, the whole invested with a brilliant, clear glaze, turning to a very faint gray in the linear depressions of the design. Diameter, 54 inches. 348 YUNG-LO EGGSHELL non je With profuse floral orfament embodied Oo J > inthe glaze. 4 iameter, 8 inches. 349 PERSIAN PrakMr EL (Salter With floral border and lavender glaze / vy, se back. ; iameter, 84 inches. 350 BowL. F : Translucent white porcelain, with boldly 3 Sik ~~ drawn decoration of nelumbo and leafage embodied in the glaze. Metallic rim. May be referred to the period, approxi- mately, of Yung-lo. Diameter, 8 inches. 351 6s 352 hgea 353 or 354 hy hg aad 355 o/ se 356 o/g 7 COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA Yunc-Lo EccsHELL Bowt. Vy Vz l ee bin. With delicate and profuse decoration embodied throughout the glaze, and at the bottom an antique seal script mark within a disk enclosed in geometrical ornament. Yung-lo-nien-chi (1403-1424). Diameter, 8 inches. BowL. VAY. VV. OD With cylindrical foot and metallic rimy A grayish-white glaze of great delicacy, in- vested with a pale-brown crackle and color marking of harmonious tone. *, Diameter, 74 inches. SMALL Bow... ( Ke en. Old white, dense, kaolinic porcelain of early Ming, with a verse in cursive script incised within. The glaze hard, thin, and viscous, and pervaded by a faint pink blush. Diameter, 6 inches. FLATTENED Bown, YZL- Wrage. With three feet and infolded lips. Un- decorated Satsuma. 4 Diameter, 7 inches. Y Ai soe ha ere: a Bye Hl} ony With incised decoration of palm leaves and Buddhist symbols beneath a brilliant | transparent glaze. ‘ Height, 9 eon BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. : ( ges With reticulated body disclosing a cylin- // eA der within continuous from foot to neck./ The glaze is of brilliant quality upon a body of dense, white, sonorous paste. The reticulation consists of a band of Swastika 5 66 EASTERN CERAMICS (the ten thousand precious things, the all- pervading talisman of good augury) at the shoulder ; and beneath, an open floral network ground sustaining four of the’. 4 Taoist symbols—the Fan of Chung-li- Ch’uan, the Pilgrim’s Gourd of Li-T’ieh- kuai, the basket of Flowers of Lan-Ts’ai- ho, and the Bamboo Tube and Rods of Chang-kuo. Around the neck is a dragon in relief surrounded by five symbols above archaic border of ornament in relief, way be referred to reign of K’ang-hsi. . 684 11 inches. 357. RICE-PATTERN BowL., 7. arb The rice-grain design incised through Lf Oe ““.. the paste and filled in with translucent celadon glaze. Diameter, 9 inches. 358 BOTTLE-SHAPED te tite tea With bold and graceful decofation in oS — relief on entire exterior. Brilliant white glaze. Y 359 Bow. - (3 a Dense translucent paste, with finely drawn Ab (/ — floral ornament in relief and thin celadon glaze. Indented rim with silver lip. Ming. : Diameter, 10 inghes. 360 Bowt. Lead igi “4 aa Old Persian faience. ite, with crackle Ph} S$ Shetcand stellar perforated ornament. eight, 13 inches. Diameters8 inches. | 361 SLENDER OvoIpD ee , Lol With spreading sci old Chinese — vi a7 “<—- ~white crackle on dense, heavy, kaolinic + body. Early Ming. Height, 13$ inches. Des: “preted te COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 67 362 WHITE Vase. ~ } VW Woh tanr With Kylin beiidtadgad reserves ; rough- a 7 ou ly incised design of landscape, and inscrip- tion in antique seal script. Height, 14 inches. ee ) ; cy AD 4 363 VASE. es A420. Vina "a i a Of cylindrical form, with flaring neck and foot, and broad-ringed band in middle. ¥ 6? **# Fine, close white crackle over dense, heavy aolinic body. . Height, 14 inches. | i oe Wey 364 BOTTLE-SHAPED Vase. / ~ ' , KO an Fine white crackled glaze, with silvet ., mount at neck. Cae Te Height, 15 inches. 365 WHITE OvoID VASE. re ‘ : With spreading neck. Underneath a 34 ,, brilliant transparent glaze an intricate AOE tas diapered ornament incised in the paste. Height, 16 inches. 366 VASE. ti ft t Bottle-shaped, with flaring mouth and / brown biscuit rim and ring on shoulder. / has Y ~—Very delicate incised floral motive filled with the light celadon glaze, which invests the whole exterior. Height, 9 inches. 367 Reni ataecn Vase, VU eA (2 solange pee With wide neck and incised decoration “ J 3 _=~.of dragon and phoenix among fire symbols and cloud forms, filled with pale gray-green celadon glaze. Height, 124 inches. 68 EASTERN CERAMICS . VW - Darl. *368 Tati SLENDER VASE: Old brown crackle on rich cream-colored i Wy ve glaze ; dense, heavy kaolinic body ; ascribed | to the Yuen dynasty. | Height, 18 inches. | 369 Bowt. W- VY hee i With broad flat base, and heavy rim with aE °~ band about the middle of geometrical or- “~~ nament; body of dense, kaolinic paste. Yuen. Diametes, 10 inches. el : VW 370 TALL CYLINDRICAL JAR Gly. a8 Old gray and brown crackle, the body aft dev re See cane oN J '— dense, kaolinic and sonorous. Height, 22 inches. 371 Fiat Bow... Wd awe With three feet; clair de lune glaze * within, the exterior ornamented with rows fk fi Fail a desi of bosses protruding through a superb cov- ‘ ering of thick, rich purple and amethystine glaze. Diameter ey, 372 BOTTLE-SHAPED Vast’ yw og ray sf he With wide mouth ; covered with al rich yar Snes Hinata purple and violet glaze, of the quality known to the Chinese as Lo-fei, a term which implies intense lividity. Seal mark beneath, Yung-chéng. Height, 13 inches. 373 «~Piterim Bort e, / A Optirs- J 3 gt Red soufié, metallic luster of/high qual- WY: a Byes inches. 374 DovuBLE GOURD, CELADON CRACKLE VASE. ', With faint crimson blush stains. Le me Height, 14 inches. oe. sal THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA : 375 ‘phar PERSIAN FAIENCE. aS, UA aie Black tracery decoration, on lavender- eS “blue glaze. Diameter, 11,inches. 270 “PEATE, Oly, es Five-colored ph A within, in ena- Mj cma mels of the K’ang-hsi period ; without, a ~— i , floral spray in coral-red, and four boys with toys. Mark beneath in six characters: Ta- EY oh bte a nien-chi. Diameter, I1 inches. a0 PLATE. phe a0 F arty 818) Powder blue, with beautifully drawn dec- o3 oration in gold of a basket of flowers. Diameter, 9 inches, 378 LARGE PLATE. 4, LW ae Dense, heavy kaolinic body, with pale é 2° celadon glaze over vigorously modelled de- “sign of two fishes and leaf border. Fine example of Lung-chuan of early Ming. Diameter, 14 inches. h ) 379 Another, with fluted ornament beneath the glaze. J2 oo PM 32 Hl i 380 Another, of the same design as LeK deeper, and showing a more finished and I2 su masterly line in the drawing. Wr Tt er agit inches. 381 Another, with bold ford Hohe AX hdd Nm the glaze. — 76 : . @ i) aad Diameter, 16 inches. 382 Another, with diaper pattern and rich grace- ful floral ornament, the glaze a pale green rich celadon. Wi is 0 ie Diameter, 19 inches. 7O EASTERN “WY CC. 7 383 Another, with fluted ornament and_ floral spray beneath a dense rich glaze. rd __— Diameter, 15 inches. All of these specimens of Lung-chuan- * yao came from various regions more or less remote from China, whither they had been transported by caravans traversing Asia, or by the Arab sea traders plying between the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea. All present strongly the characteris- tic ferruginous ring beneath the foot. noe fava Vi .384- BROAD VASE. (0 i Li Cate Old Ming pottery. Cover with dentated and reflected edge, surmounted by a statu-_ 6 e o *<_ette of Cheou-lao seated on his deer, and his pet tortoise in front of him. Around the sides of the cover a festooned ornament sustaining swastika, and other symbols. The body is a boldly designed reticulation 2 removed by over two inches from the inner or true vase. This reticulation is made to sustain various figures, a house with an open door from which a woman is looking at an approaching traveller, a great digni- tary mounted on a horse, followed by his » servants and a numerous retinue ; the whole interspersed with floral and other ornament, and all invested with dark-purple, pale- ‘ green, and yellow enamels. Height, 20 inches. 385 Fist Bowr. VY) /VL. lan des With silver cloisonné rim at t e feck. =, ms “and ditto dentated leaf design at foot. Spirited five-color decoration of fish swim- ming among aquatic plants. On the shoul- der a border of radial geometrical orna- Se COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 71 ment, and at the foot dentated leaf ornament of blue and white, which is sought to be reproduced in the cloisonné which encircles it. This bowl and its companion were widely known in China for many years as among the finest of the few surviving ex- amples of the five-color decoration of the Ming period. They were made at King- te-chin in the reign of Chia-ching (1522- 1566), the Nien-hao of which is written in blue on the foot of each. © Daptia epee 17 ey f of ff i, 386 Companion to the foregoing, but, nuke) it A aa not needing reinforcement at either foot/or ? DY Ort. neck. The red color, it will be noted, is missing, and all the enamels are in a quieter key. ete 17 inches. 387 TALL Vass. at. (3. se With bold floral el onatian and wide ; floral handles in relief, the design being in @ YU ~~ turquoise-blue and yellow crackle ona bril- lant purple ground. Reproduction, in K’ang-hsi period, of Ming original. Height, 32 inches, . g 388 Companion to the Me eof (3 , ee ae eee Ob WF ey -en_| With cover. The ea completely i ins v ll 3 +» vested with intricate afabesques of flowers and tendrils, Imari. Height, 25 inches. $-$7 390 Companion to the preceding. , 391 LARGE Imari VASE. y. VG a ? |) aie Height, 23 inches. 392 Companion tothe preceding. 1 4, yy )¢ - THIRD AND LAST DAY’S SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 26TH Bs. / » w* BEGINNING AT 2,30 O'CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES yan: Q. vf. Crred Doc Foo. Hirado. order MINIATURE BOWL. boiie MactsiutA , Gold on red. Diameter, 2} inches. GouRD. @ Y Ho Cra), Yeiraku. Gold on red. (] eight, 3 inches. KD. TAL teres Yeiraku, Kutani. Cup. Eggshell. Old Kutani. Diameter, 24 inches. Ho-TEI. t, Milas ty, Old Imbé. Height, 3 inches. MINIATURE ALMsS BowL. ° Gray souffié. Co & n ] inches. PENTAGONAL MINIATURE CUP. * 3a With floral ornament under thick gray- green glaze. Tokyo. Diameter, 2 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 400 EGGSHELL BOWL. le if ay 7 { “- Blue and white. Hirado. Six-character mark in panel beneath of Yung-chéng. Diameter, 34 inches. 401 DELICATE EGGSHELL Cup. ean ov" Of decorated Imari. Mark beneath, jn cae Six- pperctels; of K’ang-hsi. | Height, 3 inches. 402 MINIATURE VASE, tae ¥ pi os Chinese celadon. Brown crackle. wip 2 inches. 403 CUP. Fo 1. ebadrbP? 3 Of clair de lune, tes see splash. oe Diameter, 2} inches. ee. hha Turquoise glaze. de het & * Diameter, 24 inches. 4os Cup. a eps A Beautiful purple glaze within and with- ae a Out. Diameter, 34 inches, , 406 WATER Cup. AD nr. a. Va eee. J 42 Heavy peach-tint glaze over blue-and- | Ms — white dragon. Six-character seal-mark of Yung-chéng. ' ons isp 407 Rouce Box. A VW. BDL sored Che Fine ate Peach-tint glaze. ly varied with Xs ~ green. Mark, six characters of K’ang-hsi. Diameter, 3 inches. he i 408 Fine WuITE CrAcKLED Cup. (/@ . | Sf Or Sounipo or Somali blue and white of 16th century. Decoration of eight horses afield. Mark of Chia-ching (1522-1566). Height, 24 inches, ra 74 409 EASTERN CERAMICS MINIATURE atin oa hee | With intricate floral decoration in brilliant f (4° — dark blue. Six marks of H’suan-te (1425- 415 ob 82. 416 os H _ BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, A): A 1436). Ascribable to Kjang-hsy. Oa i BRILLIANTLY DECORATED MINIAVURE VASE. Dragon, fire symbol and foliated ground. Mark beneath, a dragon. ae. eight, 3 inches. Long neck, bulbous mouth ; transparent yellow glaze. Six-character mark of Chia- ching. Height, 4 inches. MINIATURE VASE. OF iy, Turquoise blue with decoration in black. Height, 34 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED MINIATURE VG With dragon in full relief, grasping ling- chy sceptre; gilt upon pale celadon. BOTTLE-SHAPED Mints Dark-blue fine glaze. Small Persian mount, Height, 4 inches. sue SMALL Bowt. 6 Yo° Tart Brilliant green decoration upon yellow ground, Six marks of Yung-chéng. Diameter, vo - With decoration embodied in the glaze after manner of Yung-lo. Fine workman- ship. Mark in the glaze at bottom: Yung- lo-nien-ehi, DELICATE EGGSHELL Becike Diameter, 3 inches. AL] 45% _— 418 278 419 a/ = SMALL Cup. 420 Ed 421 [pie 422 os “+ 423 bor 424 oe 425 Pees TICN OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA Sul hee ROSE-CRACKLE eale de Lounkllned, Crackle beautifully graded. Diamet 8 as TURQUOISE BLUE RETICULALED Brusit-(, HOLDER. eauirrels among foliage. Height, 33 inches. * SMALL Cup. via 4, S. Delicate cream white, Remdins of gilding. Diameter, 3 inches. Persian faience eggshell. ion _ ornament filled with translucent gla SMALL SAUCER. 2 Some With modelled lining, (soft gray glaze. V Diameter, 44 inches. . fp ‘ij A SMALL BLUE AND WHITE Cup. QQ ‘ges 6 troller CHL Finely drawn ornament in brilliant blue. Diameter, 3+ inches. ra) Ligation Cup. w% Vogt Dense sonorous white paste, brilliant white glaze. Chinese verse in antique cursive script. Diameter, 4 inches. SMALL BOWL. /) MY): a Se Rose crackle. BLUE AND WHITE MELON-SH oN Beautiful design on panels of tie sei $2 and vine. Mark, six characters of Yung- chéng. Height, 4 inches. 76 weld gs: C= 426 SMALL CYLINDRICAL WHITE VASE. / ale 3 = Fashioned as the stem of a vifé, and entwining it, a branch with leaves, grapes, and a squirrel. i gery inches. / Wu 427 SMALL EGGSHELL ITE VASE. . Decoration of dragons embodied in the ° 2° -—- glaze, six-character mark beneath read- ing: Ta-Ming-Shun-chi-nien-chi (1644- 1662). This mark is so infrequent as to be almost unknown in collections, a eA 4 jes 428 SMALL WHITE Bow <4 pe ‘ ' dg M, cr Persian faience. Diameter, 34 inches. 429 BOwL. Oy : = Blue and white porcelain, with rich coral- i 4 red glaze outside, covered with graceful Sn floral ornament in gold ; within, in blue, two boys riding a hobby-horse. The inscrip- tions on paper were written several years ago by the late Sir Wollaston Franks, of the British Museum. Since that time additional: research would indicate that the bowl is the handiwork of the famous Yeiraku, whose pseudonym is found in the date- mark on the foot, which reads: Ta-Ming Yung-lo (Yeiraku) nien-chi. The coral enamel, too, is more suggestive of later Hizen than of remote Yung-lo. [See No. 458. | i 4 ge lameter, 5 Inches 430 Bowt. fae & : 3 Sik Brilliant blue porcelain, with graceful decoration in gold ; within, a series of little disks containing various designs and orna- ment. Imari. Diameter, 44 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 431 SMALL VASE. igs Ge Tua fy if _ With decoration of various ornaments and or J — utensils in brilliant blue. Underneath, six- character mark of Chia-ching. Height, 44 inches. 432 , BOTTLE. tv a Delicate decoration of landscape and ro BK cer figure in clear cobalt, Mark of Chia- ching. Height, 3% inches. 433 SMALL BOTTLE. IEW: RO Dy Lp With beautifully drawn landscape iy y ——“», dark, blue, Height, 33 inches. 434 BoTtTLe, vA (3. Ls With arabesques and various ornament Wa in brilliant blue. ie i Height, 5 inches. 435 SMALL BowL. te . With various decoration in dark pu J ,, blue, six-character mark beneath of 0 Ming-Wan-li-nien-chi. Diameter, 4 inches. 436 SMALL EGGSHELL Bowt({. . ‘kta elilleeh With delicate and graceful design incor- { 5 porated in the glaze. / Diameter, 34 inches. 4 J 437. SMALL BowL, Bad Grayish brown glaze, with floral oma 7 ol 7 et ment in relief within and fluted whorl wi | out. Diameter, 44 inches. 78 EASTERN CERAMICS 438 ~BOowL, WO. Sibel ie Rich brown glaze, within and without. / ‘Japanese. bs i _ w#Digmeter, 3% inches. 439 ROSE-CRACKLE ae A (SLL is sy oo Diameter, 4} inches. 440 SMALL EGGSHELL Bowl YY ia With delicate and graceful design incor- / oe porated in the glaze ; mark in the glaze of Yung-lo. Diameter, 34 inches. 441 Same as the preceding. a: hf , Ly ay 442 Same as the preceding. QF (AL 443 SMaLL WuiTEe Bow... Y, X. Yoel 2 32 Decoration within of dragons and fire eee emblems in enamel ; beneath, six-character mark of Chéng-hwa. Diameter, 34 inches. 444 SMALL PERSIAN wae SPRINKLE Jot cy) Blue and white decofation. Height, 44 inches. 445 ~ cur. ae tone Fine white glaze, over! d ecoration of y j= flowers and trees. , Height, 44 inches. 446 Bowt, AG. rage Pe ta Sy: With handles and three feet. Old gray old er crackle. Diameter, 44 inches. 447 PLATE. neds Tr Are Fine diaper decoration in rose enamel with floral border sustaining disks of vari- ous ornament in the Japanese taste. With- out, dark-blue enamel diapered with the point, sustaining band of floral decoration. Mark of Kien-lung. Diameter, 64 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 79 448 Bow.. “A rt, x Delicate eggshell, with exteri@r of grace- I ea ful carved ornament of floral motive. Diameter, 4% inches. 449 Bow. ie. y, Wate . Brilliant rose enamel. Six-character / A g** mark of Yung-chéng. Diameter, 44 inches: 450 Bow. & Sa LS Pistache-green enamel. Seal mark of (est — Chia-ching. : i a Diameter, 4 inches. 451 SAUCER, PA (6. bath. Biscuit. The foot glazed over a six- af “ character mark of Chia-ching (1522-1566). 452 Cup, oN ; Graceful blue and white decoration of 3 2 56 “chimeras and other monsters. Mark within, Ta-Ming-Hsiian-te-nien-chi Ons hie 1436). > aah ile: inches. 453 » EGGSHELL BOWL. Ora), a ee Sprays of flowers in relief on delicate blue stems. Hirado. Diameter, 37 inches. nee ol Agent Diameter, 54 ‘inches. i) 454 Bowt.. lA In rose enamel. Le ass. Bow. i: ‘ AGG Lkh With elaborate and beautifully executed be Oct decoration of peacocks and fruit blossoms. Seal mark of Yung-chéng. Diameter, 5 inches. 80 EASTERN CERAMICS 456 Bowl. ONO Ip Coo : With brilliant decoration of floral motive - 3 4 ee exquisitely drawn in pale blue. Six-char- ~ acter mark of Yung-chéng. A-YV- 457 PERSIAN FAIENCE PLATE. iameter, 5 inches, . With decoration in blue. ¥ oy) 0b Diameter, 64 inches. 458 PoT AND Coven VW Coral-red glaze overlaid with decoration. i ae ef in gold. Signed with the seal of Yeiraku (Yung-lo). Height, 3 inches. 459 CYLINDRICAL ee ee LOLI 2 irs With reticulated cover. Old Hirado. Diameter, 3 inches, ry 460 EGGSHELL Plame” be Decoration in rose enamel of peonies and 19} Zg I * ~§=—>s floral ornament. 461 EGGSHELL sche (Cage With indented rim ; hecicrgrr in, floral dec- RTE: oration incorporated in the glaze; in the / bottom, mark of Yung-lo. eter, 8 inches. Diameter, 64 inches. 462 PLATE. Ce . “fo (32khh : Dark rose enamel ; seal mark of Kien-* He > er alan: A 463 BOTTLE. Vn: Blue and white; mark K’ang-hsi. He od Height, 54 inches. Diameter, 7 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 81 | Ovoid with wide mouth, decoration in bb. 4 ~vé blue. Height, 6 inches. 465. CYLINDRICAL VAsE. ® * , , Decoration in blue of fruit and floral rf Dp S$” ornament, dad Dele Height, 54 inches. 466 Bowl. [. & Ade mae ae Pale tea glaze, brilliant floral and other of —,, decoration in transparent enamel. Six —2.°~ . character mark, Chia-ching (1522-1566). Diameter, 6 inches. 467 Bow... X AAC V Brilliant blue glaze with rich floral dec- oration in gold. Mark, a circular inscrip- Lb Apc action set about the square hole of a Chinese ov "y — “cash,” and reading Ch’ang-ming-fu- kuei, “ Long life, riches and honor.” Diameter, 5 inches. 468 EGGSHELL SAUCER. AO). SW foe With graceful decoration of dragons and Pe ve: fire symbols embodied in the glaze; the decoration in pale transparent enamels be- longs to a later period than the saucer itself. A verse in Chinese characters on the foot with seal mark. Diameter, 18 inches. 469 COMPANION TO THE FOREGOING. iO). 7 With a poem inscribed underneath in ? 4 < black enamel, and seal mark in coral red. Diameter, 18 inches. 82 EASTERN CERAMICS 470 SAUCER. he rth, Fluted pattern, pale green enamel ~ ek Bas ground, with reserves containing various ornament. : Diameter, 8 inches. Vy ls ) ). 471 Companion to preceding. 472 OLD PERSIAN FAIENCE, : ee With perforated decoration filled with / inn glaze, and decorated boss in the middle. Diameter, 74 inches. 473 GOURD-SHAPED vase. & i, 3 j oe Blue and white ; with graceful decoration of vine, with hanging gourds. Height, 7 inches. 474. Bowt. Ve R-y tanrel Brilliant red coral glaze, with bamboo 3 O° leaves in reserve; mark beneath in red ~ coral of Kien-lung, Diameter, 7 inches. 475, VASE. (h Stee st Ge Pistache-green enamel ground, sustain- /? ne ing dispersed sprays of flowers in transpar- ent and opaque enamels of Kien-lung ; seal mark of Kien-lung. Height, 74 inches, h i 476 Pitcrim Bortie. : jr Loos With beautifully drawn decoration in —~ transparent enamels of the Kien-lung pe- riod. Six-character decoration about the lip, reading Ta-Ming-Chéng-hwa-nien-chi (1465-1488). . Height, 7 inches. Ho 0 Ue a F a} COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 83 Sus 477 PiuGRiImM BoTTLe, Gi é OG i) Yellow ground ; decoration of flowers and ol $= fruits in dark blue. Height, 6% inches. 478 FLATTENED VASE, Wwe. LAA With wide flaring neck, decoration of -,, landscape in peach tint; six-character Ls ~ mark: Ta-Ming-Hsiian-te-nien-chi (1426- 1430). () 479 VASE. AAA With opaque yellow glaze with incised ure diaper sustaining floral sprays in opaque aK and transparent enamel. Height, 94 inches, 480 CYLINDRICAL VASE. Wee’ | Lipa With wide mouth, and two reserves on fod aes blue fish-roe, or frog-spawn, glaze of dark blue, supporting beautifully modelled sprays, flowers, and insects ; each reserve contains a landscape in blue. Height, 11 inches. 481 PILGRIM BUTTE. | a oa CALL. ae Decoration of flowers and leafage in five- O fe *~ color enamel. t, 9 inches. Heigh . 482 CYLINDRICAL VASE, op. ie With wide mouth, two white ibe | v7 gue ee or frog-spawn, ground of dark ue, sustaining finely modelled sprays of flowers and butterflies in relief, all of which are in a European sur-decor of low fire enamels, probably Dutch ; the panels are filled with groups of figures of a domestic nature in the enamels of Kien-lung. Height, 11 inches. 84 483 Aug 484 oy Le 435 [CO 486 2/0 % 487 oe ve 488 i Gor ae EASTERN CERAMICS LAMP VASE, (3 ; QL Lara Persian faience, turquoise crackle. Height, 94 inches. VASE. Mao(s pad Ovoid, with short, wide neck, eggshell paste, with an elaborate decoration in fine transparent and opaque enamels of a land- scape with towering mountains, a temple, a sacred pagoda, an arbor by a river, groves, and flowering trees; Kien-lung. Height, 11 inches. VASE, {, VV: Ce Chinese amber colored glass. Engraved mark in the foot: Kien-lung-nien-chi., Height, 11 inches. Ovoip VASE. Ne (Sphere, Eggshell porcelain with elaborate dec- oration of figures and landscapes in re- serves separated by gold filigree ornament, Height, 9 inches. HAWTHORN Jar. 5: Fi(Bell With cover. Blue and white of K’ang- hsi. Height, 94 inches. | h * : EGGSHELL LANTERN. With elaborate design in fine transparent enamel of Yung-chéng. A landscape with various personages and what might be the Chinese conception of the Nemean lion, and also the Chinese idea of Hercules with wondrous muscles, a bald forehead, long flowing, curly locks, and breeches in the fashion of our Dutch ancestors. The COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 85 decoration is Chinese in all essentials, but is curiously pervaded with materials drawn from European originals. Height, 10 inches. 489 EGGSHELL LANTERN, Vaan bokle Companion to the preceding. Another 4+ decoration in which the original European ) 6 0 motive struggles vainly for expression through the Chinese handiwork. Height, 10 inches. - 490 EGGSHELL LANTERN. at hed ae vere Decoration of landscape, with figures in a pale transparent enamels. Height, 10 inches. 491 VASE. Ve: (Bartyur Wide neck, pale rose enamel with deco- ration of floral motive, sustaining two re- a 4 age serves, each containing landscape with figures. Height, 14 inches, 492 PatiR CANTON SEMI-EGGSHELL VASES. As . With groundwork of gold diaper sus- ‘s SF ‘taining floral decoration modelled in high relief, and two reserves, containing elabo- rate designs—buildings and spaces numer- ously peopled. Height, 16 inches. na! A WA . 493 DEEP CORAL-RED VASE. JAM “Vtnarer lee With chimzra-head handles and deco- v6 4 Y “< ration of dispersed flowers in gold. Beneath the foot, seal mark Kien-lung. Height, 194 inches, SY.” + 9 8 A Kil oD. 0.00 tare 86 EASTERN CERAMICS 494 EGGSHELL BowL. ( .f LB AMK AHO Of translucent white porcelain, with in- dented rim. A delicate and beautifully drawn decoration is embodied in the thin paste, and is visible only in the sunlight or when the bowl is filled with a colored fluid. Inthe bottom is the mark, in antique seal script, of Yung-lo-nien-chi,1408-1425. BE eens 8 inc 495 SMALL OvoID Wises ; y $7 O.= With short neck and three bosses on the shoulder ; of fine brilliant white porcelain, decorated with a beautifully drawn design of bamboos and roses, painted with the most delicate transparent enamels. ‘This little vase has long been known to amateurs of Oriental porcelain as the most beautiful example of its class. In paste, in the qual- ity of the enamels, and in the beauty of the composition it is without an equal. Mark on the foot, Kien-lung-nien-chi. Height, 64 Mehes. 496 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, Ns fe LMM cra 497 VASE. Cie , Co Oe a APY Of rose soufié of the grdatest delicacy (: ‘and purity of color, invested upon a body of fine white porcelain. Like the preced- ing vase this is unique in its class. None. other in the Rose family approaches it, and it has long been known as the unri- valled example. Beneath, in coral-red, the seal-mark of Kien-lung. Height, 94 inches. Ovoid body, with spreading foot and ex- panding mouth ; invested with a coral-red glaze of great fineness, evenness, and beauty of tone. Considered from the point UT a ar AZo mu , s y COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 87 of view of color first, shape next, and fine- ness of material third, this piece of coral has no competitor. ; 498 VASE, Cs p a Ovoid fluted body, slender neck, and flaring mouth ; invested within and without 4 in a glaze intended to imitate the tint of ot ¢¢ “the ripening peach; where the fluted, Greek-like ornament occurs, the glaze fills the interstices with a richer and deeper _ hue, This is one of the most prized shapes among the beautiful and infrequent vases of the peach family ; and in point of color and flawlessness it has, perhaps, no equal. It is known to every collector in the world *. .as the finest example in its own class. _Mark on foot, Ta-Tsing-K’ang-hsi-nien-chi, 1662-1721. Height, 8 inches. Height, 84 inches. 499 WRITER’s WATER JAR. (?. Lr sh, In beautifully varied peach tint. On the a i §—tfoot six-character mark of K’ang-hsi. a Diameter, 5 inc 500 Companion to the i had Oty ee (See disks of incised floral motive, beautifully ot Cay, oo drawn in the paste. Diameter, 5 inches. 501 VASE. & (3 Pe Ovoid body, with fluted ornament and slender neck terminating in metallic restora- Ly 2 br tion. The glaze is of a deep peach tint, evenly and beautifully distributed. On the foot a six-character mark of K’ang-hsi. Height, 8 inches. 88 502 EG med Sate 504 See 595 EASTERN E “", WRITER’S water bmn ran 7 With three disks of flofal ornament modelled in relief beneath a pale-yellow transparent glaze. On the foot a six-char- acter mark of K’ang-hsi. , rameter, 5 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED vasel an YI pg Covered with elaborately and beautifully modelled design of dragons pursuing fire emblems across the firmament amid cloud shapes, the whole beneath a brilliant, trans- parent, iridescent purple glaze. Bow. Ss f Hejght, 54, inches. Fine gray glaze, invested with a network of minute crackle. Diameter, 7Anches, BoTTLe, VAY: Wane With long, slender neck ; invested with a brilliant coral-red glaze of great depth of color and even distribution, on which are faintly discernible the lines of a graceful and elaborate decoration originally exe- cuted in he eight, 74 inches. VASE, 0. (3- Oi gt in Ovoid body, with slender flaring neck. Beautiful glaze of gray lavender. Height, 64 inches. PALE LAVENDER Bowl, #. With inturned shoulder and depressed mouth. On the foot asix-character mar of K’ang-hsi. Height, 33 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. \| SV) « With flaring mouth completely invested in fine opaque yellow glaze with minute crackle, Height, 54 inches. * . 1a OM ; COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA Od 509 SMALL Ovorp Vase. Ze With chrysanthemtim decoration in the Tee. 42. paste in low relief, beneath a brilliant white . glaze. eight inches, 510 SMALL DOUBLE Vase. We Wipter Bottle-shaped, with pale WV glaze. $3 4¢ On’ the foot four-character mark of Kien- ie lung. eight, 5 inc] s. ¢ 51r VASE, 4 Hike gy OM With chimera handles oe red crackle ‘¢ b= glaze. s ight, 6 in [oe BOrrbhe-sHAPED Vase. (9. Y Pd With transparent yellow glaze. Beneath Ak re 3 ?. a _ seal-mark of Tao-kouang. » Height, 64. inches. 513. VASE. Yj Pi With chimera handles and brilliant lav. re {iO '~ ender glaze. \ Be 4. Height, 5% inches. idea VASE Ge Whaagrek Beautiful glaze of he red rose souffle, e¢ é Wie 6 inchey. STs VASE. e Ovoid, with ‘duted vee Saar on, with Cs large gray crackle. f a ae 6 inche: 516 CORAL-RED VASE, 6H ih. ZZ. Ly Pm With wide, ne Oe // 2 eight, 6 inches, 517 DousBLe GOuRD. 4 . A pralnrer SD) -Invested with a rich yellow’ tea glaze. pe y a Height, 54 inches, 518 QUADRUPLE VASE. Y Mn Ey With four rudimentary aitihe sea head han- Ga #* dles; invested with a rich lavender glaze; on the Pas feet, one character to ae the mark, Kien-lung-nien-chi. Height, 6 inches. go EASTERN CERAMICS aa Race vA 1G: i ewe . e¢ Rich flambé glaze. ' Ho Y. Bi rae | 5 inches. OvoIpD ee Vage. Ada f bo ae Mirror-black glaze. /3. Che 521 DouBLE QUADRILATERAL VASE ce a BO forbs With rudimentary elephant-head handles; invested throughout with minutely crackled glaze of dense, brilliant green. Height, 9 inches. 522 BOTTLE-SHAPED Vasey. 7 yor In brilliant crackle. 523 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, With wide neck,{flaring fe and ex- 77 Oe ‘= panding cylindrical foot ; rich, deep-red glaze. ‘ Height, 9 inches. » 524. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. 4 of” fa Pale pistache-green. mn 4 Height, 94 inches. a ‘525. GLOBULAR VASE, 2. GO In transparent imperial yellow glaze. ., / 3 Ss att Diameter, 7} inches. _ bin 80. GSE. WS TAA. ae Fine iridescent green glaze over ae (3-3 ~ tion of x ae in gs ~ % Mk eerste ches. 527 BoTTLE-SHAPED tes Vv Mlle tk, q Oi With rich red fiambé glaze. Beneath tn We ' seal-mark of Kien-lung. ht, 9 jnghes. 528 Ovoip VASE. nn: (salbrty- With trumpet neck. Delicate gleae of H/o * / fine powder blue. Height, Io inches, Bet: COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA 529 iad an Yar ated re With broad shoulder and short neck ; { 4 y ‘transparent red glaze on fine white, dense porcelain body. Height, 10 LS 530 CORNET OR SLENDER Bene Z Z \With modelled’ ornament o as ag ~~ beneath fine turquoise-blue crackle. & Height, 11 inches. oh VASE. ‘ita Ovoid body, with wide neck and flaring a tim; incised decoration of storks flying Jo ‘among cloud forms above a turbulent sea, the whole invested with a rich transparent glaze of imperial yellow. . aR Height, 11 inches. a a ee | | | 2 NG 532 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. dil hes ae Fine green transparent enamel, super- /$7 *'. posed upon an under-glaze of red. Mark beneath, Ta-Ming-Hsiian-te-nien-chi. Yin ro Height, 9 inches. 533 MeELon Gourp. fof k 7 g- Fluted shape; black-brown ie gl Height, 10 inches. . £34 “Ovoip Vase. tion ¢ With chimera-head handles ; bold aye d > ve ys «* decoration in relief beneath heavy crackled flambé glaze. Height eee, Ss, , 535 -*QUADRILATERAL’ BOTTLE-SHAPED ee oa ‘ae With tall, square neck; dense green, ® a7 st crackle glaze throughout. . Height, 104 inches. 92 EASTERN CERAMICS 536 » BOTTLE-SHAPED V ft ASE. » Flattened body ; brilliant purple mottled e«_ glaze of the livid color known to the Chi-, / it 0 nese as Lo-fei. Seal mark beneath of Yung-chéng. Height, 10 inches. 537. GLOBULAR ving Made / o% wi ar ico Imperial yellow glaze. //Mark, K’ang- , hsi. Height, 9 inches. 538 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, Deep dapis-lazuli souffié glaze of brillianty (57a fe pct aLiny Height, 124 inches. 539 GLOBULAR VASE. V4 Wp tg Pale, transparent glaze. Seal mark of AY ». Lao-kouang. seme Height, 9 inches. 540 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASH)’ WV ° With wide neck and flaring mouth ; deep a Lf Z/ = turquoise-blue crackle of brilliant quality. Height, 124 inches, ~~ 541 GLopuLarR VASE. Nas CP opie Converging neck and flaring lip; pale, /$%¢ CU ** transparent soufié red glaze. Seal mark beneath, Tao-kouang. my Height, 12 inches. 542 VASE, WW ‘ kite a wa a0 ‘f Dark green iridescent tea glaze. Seal mark of Yung-chéng. ® 3 Height, 12 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 93 ff 543 Ovorp VASE, VV yy: Rep fon With dragon in high relief encircling the rim. The body of the vase is covered with SToe" even and delicate glaze of pale-yellow soufié; the dragon is in different shades of coral red and rich brown, with opaque co- balt markings. ‘This is a unique piece, and all hope that another like it would be found has long’since been abandoned. Peay mark of Yung-chéng. Height, 11 inches. 544 Ovorp VASE. hes Poe Converging to a/graceful neck with ex- Ul 75-8 —panding lip, invested evenly throughout with a brilliant rose soufié glaze. Height, 14 inches. 545 Ovo Jar. Ms vs Silver cover with agaté handle. ft ine F7 G0 - apple-green crackle of exceptional quality. , IO inches, ~ eigh 546 VASE. A : 4 aes Bottle shape. With wide neck and/me- 2 5 ~ tallic rim. Brilliant transparent gl¢ze of sang-de-beuf. Made during the prefect- ure of Lang. ts : Height, 12 inches. SN Pe es V ASE. Cs- OM anger Séo oe With wide mouth and scroll handles. Rich dark-green crackle glaze. ‘ Height, 9 inches 548 Bortir-suapep Vase. Yi - With wide neck. Dark lapis-lazuli gla ont: — of great depth. Beneath, four-character mark of Chéng-hwa. eight, 35 inclfes. 549 Larce Bowl. a af iN) Brilliant yellow glaze. // /3 — Diameter, Io inches. 94 EAST el CE ee ¥ ¥ 550 BOTTLE- wo VASE, Tall, ringed neck, and bulbous flower- Hs cL / ‘shaped mouth. Rudimentary chimera heads with rings, the whole invested: with fine olive tea glaze. Seal mark beneath in four characters of Yung-chéng. vhnn 551 CYLINDRICAL VASE, Height, 134 inches. / ty go With receding foot and wide mouth. A “brilliant apple-green glaze overlaid with weeping willow pattern in black enamel, changing in the foot to a geometrical de- sign, through the openings in which’ the under glaze is disclosed. Height, 14 inches. 552 TAL VASE. Lae WD. Vert With elaborate design modelled in relief * a co -v* throughout the entire surface, of dragons D4 | 3 traversing the firmament amid cloud shapes and fire symbols above a turbulent sea ; the whole invested with a pale pistache’ glaze. . Underneath, seal mark of Kien-lung. Height, 17 imches. , 553 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Vi Vn - With wide neck, deep brown-blac a é Gj *- with souféé metallic dust. 7 Wee 14 inches. mm» 4 554 LARGE VASE. Vie With abruptly receding neck; the shoulder . i IO « in clear green, changing below to a brown * crackle; beneath the glaze a graceful deco- ration of landscape and flowering plum, modelled in relief. Seal mark of Kien- lung. ; Height, 14 inches; COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 95 Mey " “ * . fo ae 555 OvolD VASE. VY. Wn) With wide mouth; rudimentary elephé oo head’ handles with rings. The body en- / tirely covered by an incised design of a dragon plunging through turbulent wave “ “forms; the whole invested with a rich, uneven yellow glaze, upon a body of dense, heavy, sonorous porcelain. Ming dynasty. Height, 13 inches. 556 “EALL BoTTLE-SHAPED Vase(S »» Invested with a rich dark-green glaze, LITT containing a delicate and uneven crackle. iohestie a inches. gem eOvorp VASE, | VV U/ With converging neck and flaring lip, eS) 3 0 s- invested with a famdbé glaze of exceptional brilliancy and depth. » To. Height, 17 inches. 558 Larce BortLe-sHAPED VASE. | Watack With wide neck, and brilliant glaze of 3 sy, geen fine apple-green crackle. Height, 164 inches. 559 CYLINDRICAL VASE. i ‘ Wide mouth, fine copper-red glaze, with tie / J souffé metallic markings. ae, Height, 16 inches. 560 LARGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. {py - Vy : With bold design of floral and geometri- én He M4, “cal ornament, beneath a rich turquoise- blue crackled glaze. Height, 19 inches. 561, SANG-DE-B@uF, VASE. Brilliant red glaze, varying S710 ¢«from the shoulder to the foot over delicate crackle. Made during the prefect- ure of Lang. K’ang-hsi, Height, 174 inches, gat < SSG A Dawe. (RB. At varrser 96 Wine yd hon 562° LARGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, With wide cylindrical neck; brilliant Io ‘-. variegated sang-de-beuf glaze of excep- 4 tional beauty of color. | Heigh®, 15 inches. 563 BOTTLE-SHAPED vheM nied With wide neck, deep purpl d crim- 7 } go son flambé glaze. ight, 134 inches. ~«,» 564 SANG-DE-B@UF Vasth, sd tga Red glaze of extraordinary brilli@ncy and Lik OG fineness, varying from a transparent blush on one side to the deepest crimson blood , color on the other. Made during the pre- fecture of Lang. K’ang hsi. Height, 18 inches, _ 565 LarGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE With gradually receding neck ; a sang-de-beuf glaze, falling into derse y / TO 8 Opaque crimson and purple foot. Made during the prefecture of Lang. K’ang-hsi:, Height, 204 inches. ‘ 566 PLATE. ()- . Ne With bold decoration of a dragon, with o OO scciyd\ white symbols amid cloud shapes beneath a’ rich covering of sang-de-beuf glaze; on the outside, boldly modelled wave orna- ment with bats and sacred peach. under- neath the same glaze. On the foot. the mark Ou [5]. Diameter, 15 i 567. PLATE. Mr: (3 : Covered with an irregular souffié glaze i if (/ — of livid red. On the foot, six-character mark of Hsiian-te. hes. Diameter, 144 inches, COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA Q7 568 LARGE WIDE-MOUTHED VASE. Va With lateral handles; boldly designed decoration in low relief of squirrels ed j 0 "i te vines on a dense white porcelain body of exceeding fineness, the whole invested within and without in unevenly distributed semi-opaque sang-de-beuf. Height, ha inches. 569 LARGE VASE. “Thousand Flowers.” Sieh laa head of one of the most interesting and et J a | #s orate decorations known in Chinese porce- lain. —The whole surface, except where it is impinged upon by two rudimentary butter- fly handles, is covered with a mass of vari- ous flowers in the richest transparent and opaque enamels. Height, 22 inches. 570 LARGE Mh (x. Gy Decoration of landscape with numerous # figures engaged in the celebration of a fes- i. fi J ~ tival ; profuse floral ornament with bor- ders, all in transparent and opaque enam- els ; seal mark of Kien-lung. Height, 27 inches. 571 PAIR OF OCTAGONAL VASES. va i era 4 With covers surmounted by Dog Foo in gilt biscuit. Each vase has sixteen large {/ panels and sixteen small ones, separated M7! ~ by raised borders of yellow enamel with brown linear ornament. The panels contain a widely varying series of decorative de- signs, richly ornamented and brilliant in transparent and opaque enamels, and dis- ‘closing drawing of exceptional precision and refinement. Height, 26 inches. 98 572 239°8 573 3g EASTERN CERAMICS PORCELAIN eee Iw White porcelain, invested with a pale- blue glaze. It represents Buddha, in flow-. ing robes, covered with pearls and jewels of all kinds. ANCIENT CHINESE vasd7 ‘ vA Dense, heavy kaolinic body, with rudi- mentary handles, and horizontal ringed body ; traces of glaze remain, and there is an inscription upon the shoulder, indicating that the piece belonged to the dynasty of the Han. (206 B.c.-25 A.D.) TANAGRA Bees Venus and Mirror. Height, 134 inches. CRATERA., Etruscan decorated pottery. LARGE PLATE. i. Barr Persian faience ; blue - and - white floral ornament, with sur-decor in Italian 16th century enamels, of two shields, bearing heraldic devices beneath a head-piece in armor. Diameter, 18 inches. ¥ LARGE PLATE. sala Old Chinese delation! with floral and tes- selated ornament in vole beneath the glaze. Diameter, 17 inches. LARGE PLATE, a4 ak a ae Old Chinese celadon; fluted ornament. Diameter, 15 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 99 - 579 LARGE PLATE. ee FS (3. cl Old Chinese celadon, with fluted and Pe yo- indented border. Diameter, 17 inches. 580 LarGE PLATE, ey) Old Chinese celadon, with floral orna- [Ss ‘ment beneath. Diameter, 16 inches. 581 PERSIAN PLAQUE. UW: : Figures and objects in relief, Bad deco- Oe ” rated in various enamels. 582 PERSIAN TILES. & ie Hh t.. tate at From a mosque in a ane s Sr A am 583. RHODIAN TILES. Mae Ue i, y : p/ , «From a mosque in Damascus. 584 Part oF FRIEZE. {. Whole D Arabic inscription. ascus pottery, ‘ Q é J 77 ‘~ with blue turquoise enamel. 585 Op ImaRI Jar. Ny A ite, oe Bronze cover. ee po sO Height, 24 inches. 585 “a” Bronze GROUP—JAGUAR DEVOURING A Hare. ee V Artr JtlZ “By J. A. L. Barye. ye Pee i NG cies PAINTINGS _ OIL PAINTINGS TOcBE SOLD: AT CHICKERING HALL ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 25TH FOLLOWING MR. WILLIAM H. FULLER’S COL- LECTION COURBET (Gustave) r819- Gas : , i 5: aay te f Sg So ok oh acest BylhiDr seuciale ee No. 586. pcssisit eg ee } Sey Seashore This marine view by the great realistic painter in- cludes but two elements, the sea and the sky, for the crashing breakers with their white crests are falling close in the foreground of the picture. The wild rain- swept sky occupies the upper half of the canvas and a vessel is dimly seen scudding along in the middle dis- tance on the right. Intensity and singleness of artistic purpose are concentrated in the representation of this stormy phase of nature, and the effect is depicted with power and simplicity. The characteristic deep greens and mineral grays of the painter appear in the color scheme, and the general aspect of the canvas is force- ful and convincing. Signed at the left. Height, 25} inches. Length, 36 inches. J 104 OIL PAINTINGS JACQUE (Charles Emile) Spase I813—I 894 ™" No. 587° Sheep in the Forest In this picture by the great French painter of sheep the grandeur of the landscape should be specially men- tioned. While the sheep, as in most of Jacque’s com- positions, form the subject of the picture, the land- scape is in itself so fine and so complete as to make the picture a notable example of the best work of the artist. On the left of a road leading from the fore- ground is such pasture, rocky and sparse, as sheep delight to feed on, and here they are seen nibbling the herbage while their shepherd stands among the mass of the flock in the roadway, and farther off, under the branches of the trees, other groups of the picturesque animals appear in silhouette against the gray expanse of a river which flows peacefully past the forest. The great trees on the right of the composition are carefully studied and broadly painted with great truth of obser- vation and full understanding of unity of effect. The tone of the entire canvas is rich, but clear and atmos- pheric. It is one of those pictures that have made for Jacque his high reputation, and such an example as is very rarely met with at the present day. Signed at the left. Height, 27 inches. Length, 39 inches. E COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA IO5 ¥ ar B} g fy O (Félix) 46 Born at Beaune, France, 1821 No. 588 Une Féte a Venise An imposing and beautiful canvas in the best style of the celebrated painter of scenes in Venice. The compo- sition presents the passing of the State barge, the mag- nificent “‘ Bucintoro,” which carried the Doge and his suite in the ceremonial celebrating the marriage of Venice and the Adriatic by throwing a ring into the sea. In the left foreground are the quays crowded with people in holiday attire. The white-and-gold vessel, with its great sails bellying out, its streamers fluttering and the great red banner flying from the masthead, in its triumphant passage preceded and followed by gon- dolas, occupies the centre of the picture. On either side in the distance appears the distant architecture of the city, with its well-known domes and towers. The white smoke of a saluting cannon envelops the stern of the barge, and over all gleams the radiant blue sky which is reflected in the surface of the shining water. The picture is remarkable for possessing a singularly har- monious and simple color scheme in the depiction of so gay and variegated an assemblage of elements, and for its fine decorative aspect. Signed at the left. Height, 33 inches. Length, 54 inches, 106 OIL PAINTINGS - DAUBIGNY (CHARLES FRANCOIS) 1817—1878 No. 589 On the River Oise The range and variety of subject in Daubigny’s land- scapes is limited only by the changes in the face of nature herself. In this picture an effect of gray weather is interpreted with all the sterling qualities of his art. The river in the foreground, with the bank rising on the right, and the opposite shore covered with trees, are the principal elements of the composition. The hour is that of sunset, and in the troubled sky of gray a bit of warm light appears at the horizon. One tall tree on the hill back of the distant river bank rises high above its companions and shows against the sky with dramatic effect. The picture is so full of atmos- phere, so sincere, so telling, and so poetic in its honest rendering of natural beauty that it evokes the sympathy of every spectator who is susceptible to the charm of nature. Its masterly execution, full, reserved color, and its beautiful harmonious tone endear it to the artist. Signed at the right. Dated 1871. Height; ts'inches. Length, 26 inches. COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A, DANA 107 YZ ov gz ROUSSEAU (Pierre Etienne Théodore) 1812—1867 ‘ e . fags wi = ‘ MT SOK As No. 590 ye a = The Harvest Field This master of landscape painting, whose analytical knowledge surpassed that possessed by any other, is here seen in a picture inclining to synthetic treatment. His profound understanding of the forms of nature, even to the smallest details, underlies all his work, and ‘‘ effect” is never sought for in his pictures without first obtaining structural completeness. In this instance, where a harvest field occupies the plain in the fore- ground, with peasants loading’ a cart—and masses of trees and windbreaks are seen in the middle distance— detail is truthfully presented throughout, while the warm afternoon light of the sun strikes downward from behind a cloud curtain of gray enveloping the landscape in a beautiful atmospheric glow. The gray and warm yellowish white of the sky, the bluish gray of the masses of foliage, and the tawny tints of the harvest field form a fine color harmony. This picture, with its original composition and reserved and puissant color scheme, is a landscape to be counted only in the cate- gory of Rousseau’s most distinguished works. Signed at the left. ae A ee ne ae Height, 164 inches. Length, 25 inches. 108 OIL PAINTINGS =o MILLET (} oD (Jean Francois) A on y, By ef ay ip The Turkey Herder A Winter Pastoral of transcendent virility and true sentiment, by the great poet-painter of peasant life. The ‘‘Gardeuse des Dindons ” stands enveloped in her cloak and hood under a magnificent sky of rich, sober tone as impressive in effect as the rumbling bass of a great pipe organ. » The ground where she stands slopes upward, and beyond there is a distant prospect illum- ined by a patch of feeble sunshine. Some of the turkeys on the higher ground appear in silhouette against the sky and others are in the foreground about the keeper. The bare limbs of a tree and a high stack of fagots are the other elements that in this powerful picture portray the aspect of the barren season and intensify the effect of poetic isolation in the country life. The personal note of Millet’s genius is preéminently shown here in composition, color, and general treat- ment, and the picture is a fitting companion to such works as the ‘“ Peasant Leaning on his Hoe,” or ene Sower.” ‘The Turkey Herder” was shown at the Barye Exhibition, and, like ‘‘La Danse des Amours,” was one of the great stars of that famous assemblage of masterpieces, Signed at the right. ; Height, 32 inches. Length, 39 inches. Er wet pgs aks eee 9 Peete asey sia te aot TO MAE eke: : eat COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES A. DANA Tog COROT Ry \ (Jean Baptiste Cami com Pf TB i oe i ee (a } wt? La Danse des Amours One of the noblest classic compositions of the greatest of landscape painters. At the foot of a hill on the right are tall trees, whose rich and luxuriant foliage spreads majestically over half of the canvas ; on the left a mound covered with rocks and herbage. In the gap between these dark masses is a beautiful vista which shows a temple perched on an eminence, with a glimpse of..the sea and distant mountains. Over all is an evening sky of wonderful depth and luminous beauty of color. A group of figures is seen amid the trunks of the trees to the right, and in the immediate foreground are cupids dancing in a round, their figures dimly seen in the advancing shades of evening. The all-pervading, lim- pid atmosphere, the splendid masses of foliage painted with the depth and envelofe that characterize such masterpieces of Corot as the “ Biblis,’’ and the supreme beauty of the intense but delicately toned evening sky, make this one of the finest works of the master. At the great Barye Memorial Exhibition in New York in 1890, when the finest works of the famous animal sculp- tor’s contemporaries were gathered from the most noted collections in the country, this picture was easily the best among eleven celebrated Corots, and was univer- PP al rg a te a a I Se ee a ee “AMERICAN | ART. ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS, Ts E, KIRBY, Auctioneer, “it it oe and. wseee estore ‘ G. Ge vase, tal red; E. B, bapee pe pa -hsi; mark, Ta- Ki Same as foregoing: -W.M. Laffan:...... prilliant white porcelain: ee fe en K’ang-hsi-nien-chi; T. ou nindrical vase with cover, seal mark of Kien-lung; E. B. Church........ 0.0... 295. unas vase; Mrs. 5. B. Alexander... ; _ 296. Bowl, same as No. 288; Leroy.. 297, Plate Persad water festival, seal mark of Chia-ching; Bell,... 298, Plate in opaque cee ‘of Chia-ching i AUPSOT ol ae diss Gc di-sicie 6 299. Pear-shaped vase; W. M. Laffan....... 800. Tall, square vase, Lang- Yao, prefec- ture or Lang? B.jAltmani. ose. cee nk 801. Square vase in the five transparent enamels of early K’ang-hsi; prefecture of Lang; B. Altman...... 802. Square vase, enamels of “early K’ang- hsi, prefecture of Lang; B. Altman..... K’ang-hsi; "Thomas B. Clarke........,.. 804. Jar or fish bowl in the five-color (ou- Lita ry jee iwi ot the Ming dynasty; $05. ot jar depicting historical episode wherein goddess vouchsafes an appear- ance; transparent enamels of K’ang- WWM LAMAN odo iol eli asces | 806. Garden seat of the K’ang-hsi period; PPAMOOLPM AS Woy. le eck ne cme Murawsine dive $07. Beaker; K’ -hsi;S. P. Avery, Jr...... | 808. 7 erial yell low ovoid vase; W. M. MUTATE. SLi os cyo'o lees v' ha sie cic Aaa 6 809. Cylindricai wage; historic personages in enamels! of the Kien-lung period; | CHSEGIE TIO oekaki ss pAueemenel eg ($10. Ovoid eggshell vase; S. P. Avery, ee century; u ME VORCS Ah ule geet vias ed an ts BS pee AVOTY, Il. cosa vedic Fie si $14. Vase, Ming; E. P. Mitchell.............-. 315. Slender vase, in transparent enamels; Reale PATO ROT 7s) Ves di cce sie sae aus somes 816. Ovoid vase, seal mark of Kien-lung in BGERE Me Be i, 20/5 dei siecdcslos seth eh kabalpe 817. Tall, slender vase, transparent enam- elas thomas: 6, Clarke: 0.2 i vcices vebeace | $18, Fish bowl, reticulated body, enamels of the Ming dynasty; William Oastler.. 819. Statuette of the goddess Kwa-nin, NEE ONG WU CURIE AMS yl oy Po ee eieldis eleyere aie $20. Large aes PeREaP rent enamels, Ming; eee (2 CUS CREE i aatla Cedi eg De Lg aes | RY i ee a ee ee we ee) Bee. Pail vase of archaic form and decora- tion, Ming; R. B. Cable of Chicago..... | 828. Tall beaker, so-called black hawthorn pattern; flowering branches of Mel tree, birds hovering amid the perfume, and below rocks and grasses, with lilies; prefecture of Lang; B, Altman.. $24, Quadrilateral vase, so-called black haw- thorn pattern, with handles of ue. chy; prefecture of Lang; B. Altman.. 825. Vase, old Hirado; Frank Babbitt....... 826. Bowl, with silver eover; old Hirado; Gs AUCHINCLOSS 00) (io. soon dese e vaee 827. ovds slobiiar body, old Hirado; E. P. Ve! Cs) | Gar Sy evi re cay ORM ak Ree eter os i 828. Vaso, with chimera heads; old Hirado; RPO ORS ees MeL ae aly cen Wiad amie tone ‘ $29. Blue and white vase; Leroy... ....-.+6 880. Bowl, with straight sides; old deco rated Satsuma; Kelekian,.............. 831. Statuette. signed Guzan; Cottier & Co.. 332. Small bowl, old Kyoto; Kelekian., $33. Seagal gourd, old Satsuma; Miss S.M. Sata slocprswe bien wabiele ony e 4 be sine ge 3 834. Statuette, Satsuma; Mrs. E. W. Bass.. $35. Small bowl, old decorated Satsuma; R. I TLOR MOD ioe yA Da ap digs eittesi’oiaie 8386. Gourds enor vase, casé aulatt crackle; ee ee ee ee a ” Bell BLAS CEG SAORI E Meg. NE Red seb Cy fy ete eh ay 888. Statuette, Kwan-in; ‘W. M. Laffan...... 839. Statuette, Kwan-in holding hteat Buddha; W. M. Laffan...... PRO Ras , 340, Bottle-shaped vase, pale viscous glaze; / OUWa GOVE > ones cbiie «3 no's GRMERE Ta sh 2 eaals 3 cea 311. ‘Tall vs vase, ascribed to- “early sixteenth .1,800 00 conta tile if in Mongolian Bear 120 00 27 50 | 57 50 165 00 | 165 00 | $08. Tali vase, transparent enamels of. 600 00 90 00 165°00 80 00 | 85 00 85 00 83 00 100 00 14 00 95 00 90 00 25 00 90 00 925 00 42 50 80 00 50 00 2 fey SC TET RO ee with cylinari¢ar nto, Persian faience: tire: 6. . ne ae EG a . Bourg in re ee script, the fish emblem of “conjugal nod ap] 35 VAIL OO ita vipitOns a teue oiais 65 00 846, shell porcelain, ascribable ey aos Bee ;Francis Goodwin... 25 00 847. E ri bia te porcelain; Thomas Pee See yo a) Liese’ 170 00 s. Fine « eggshell bowl: E.G. Getz...... 50 00 Hee ung-lo eggshell bowl, Yung-lo-nien- ae ent: Wiliam aye ee eee an 65 00 tee wl, with metallic rim; Mr. Mansfield 35 00 Small bowl, old white, early Ming, | 854, | ned bowl, undecorated Satsuma: 855. Wt ‘ite beaker, Buddhist symbols; L. G. 856. Bottle-shaped vase. with reticulated y; cylinder within from foot to neck, band of Swastika, and Taoist 8) peas eta to reign of K’ang-hsi; ersian faience bowl: Cottier & Co. 85 00 Set, aaa vase, early Ming; C. W. Gould... 150 00 862, White vase with Kylin handles and in- bs ht Gao in antique sealscript; Mason. ' 47 50 868. Vase, close white crackle; Mrs. C. H. miei ts eper eh sa-eiatsl aseite. sls, aualate faba diet 150 00 364. Bottle-shaned vase, With silver mount ab meckt W..MLaffan:.........<<.60 00.5. 200.00 865. White ovoid vase, piaceron ornament incised in paste; W. M. Laffan.......... 810 00 866. Vase, with flaring mouth one brown biscuit rim; W. M. Laffan............... 180 00 867. Bottle-shaped vase, pale gray-green celadon glaze; Mra. H.C. Bodman...... 105 00 868. Tall, slender vase, perived to Yuen dynasty; 0. W. Gould.. iavecess 1 200 00 869. Bowl, Yuen; J. W. Mason.........---.-- 27 50 ey Tall, eylindrical jar; C. W. Gould....... 240 00 8 ak veils clair de lune glaze within; MURS erecta sje cisoney signa ssieare 105 00 crimson blush’ Mtnine: A. D. Vorce.... 70 00 $75. Persian faience plate; Kelekianh..... Vaan ROC O00 876, Plate, enamels of K’ang-hsi period; mark, Ta-Ming-Hsiian-te-nien-chi; Mrs. PSG AS 56k lo sill cccauledbecs ..-- 8500 877. Plate, powder blue; H. M. Fraser........ 85 00 878. Large plate, Lung-chuan of early Ming; i MOTE chi cle ctain ais: wales cleo nae coleman 52 50 879. “Another, with fluted ornament; C0. W. PROUD cgi teehee ne a Waleed: Ra eais 82 50 880. Another, deeper; Bell.. 82 50 $81. Another, with floral ornament be- neath glaze; W. R. Hearst.............. 65 00 882, ee net with diaper pattern; Ww. R. Nite 383. Tita a ‘with fluted ornament: “WR. PEGBEGU Ry... Sida sists yay paar sass shiicdends) > 90, OO {Ali these-specimens of Lung-chuan-yao came whither they had been transported ‘by caravans traversing Asia, or by Arab sea traders.’’—Catalogue.] $84. Broad vase, old Ming pottery, statuette f of Cheou-lao seated on his deer, and his pet tortoiseinfront of him; Thomas IPOLATICO fe hay heh sie ki eal cla oee to dae $540 00 885. Fish bowl] with silver cloisonné rim at neck and ditto dentated leaf design at MODOC AVG DAUD IAN 535 huis hoe Pare a lasers «s+ 200 00 [** This bowl and its companion were widely known in China for many years as among the finest of the few surviving examples of the five-color decoration of the Ming period. They were made at King-te- chin in the reign of Chia-ching (1522-1566), the Nien- —Catalogue.] 886. Companion to foregoing, but not need- ing reinforcement; W. M. Laffan....... $200 00 387. Tall vase, reproduction in K’ang-hsi 889. Vase, with cover, Imari; J.A.McKeever 155 00 890. Companion to preceding; J.A.McKeever 155 00 891. Large Imari vase; F. T. Fleitman...... j 70 00 392, Companior to preceding; F.T.Fleitman 70 00 ung-lo-nien-chi (1403 : cea 70.00 an plate; Mrs. E. C. Bodman....... - 17 50. 1, metallic rim; Francis Goodwin.. 35 00 with verse incursive script;C. L.Freer 25 00) Uo 5 Tal Vo URparr e iper A apie ek oa 22 50 ae AG cs 27 50. PRL A AOaN Gh ocihece was RAED: 810 00 857. | DaLterh bowl; Thomas B. Clarke.. 400 00. 358. pottle-shaped vase, white glaze; A. A. Peas. 859. Bowl, ‘indented rim with silver lip, SEER BADD 455s ccc dines 40 00 ‘ase, with | I ie es * with two kyline: 820 9 jai : Pecan Sa Pes Bs. wa oe oe 4 120 oc from various regions more or less remote from China, | hao of which is written in blue on the foot of each.” 1 pb of Ming original; H. B. Gross.... 60 00 | 88%, Companion to preceding; H. B. Gross... “60 00 | ii aes ser ae 5 oy ip ee BB Se i Bie te ie: