LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York re re Lag x [Paintings holland Section of fine Hrts 2 90 Pr yOh fee Eee | ws 2 G CATALOGUE Paintings HOLLAND SECTION OF FINE ARTS AT THE WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO, ILL: TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS MARCH 20TH AND 30TH AT EIGHT O’CLOCK Fitth Hvenue Hrt Galleries 306 FIFTH AVENUE NEAR 34TH STREET WHERE THEY ARE NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION i c \/ Aa) ROBERT SOMERVILLE ORTGIES & CO. he — AUCTIONEER MANAGER of <<» X- 1894 Av Jf Ae att ra - / fs A> as a ry Me ome ar, y, > Conditions of Sale. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down acash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money z/ required, in default of which the Lotor Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, Bek they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are ex- osed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To Pee inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- lence in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the monéy deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER. By Orteaiss & Co. AMSTERDAM, February 6, 1894. MESSRS. ORTGIES & CO., Fifth Avenue, New York. GENTLEMEN : I beg to advise you that the Oil Paint- ings and Water Colors forming the Holland Section of Fine Arts, at the Chicago Exposition, and the Additonal Collechon sent from Holland, having been exhibited with the first in Boston and New York, viz., at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and at the 57th Street Galleries of the Society of American Artists, are to be disposed of by you, and instruct you herewith to sell these works of art to the highest bidder, as not one aus them will be withdrawn or rebought by the artists. I need not draw the attention of. your buyers to names like Israels, Maris, Mesdag, Blommers, Neuhuys, Gabriel, Poggenbeek, Kever, Ter Meulen, Roelofs, or Mauve, as the popularity these artists enjoy already in England, France and the United States, and the enor- mous reputation as a school they have established for themselves at the World’s Columbian Exposition at Chicago, should guarantee them a welcome and appre- ciative reception from the American public. I remain, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, A. PREYER; General Manager of the Holland Section Fine Arts, at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, fl. ~ 8 eo — —- Off the Beach 12x81 Zo Water Color. 9 Mor DT) ye es Hn the Dorks 45 x33 LOCO IO BASTERT (N.) ; Ghe While Suil ie 23x 8 II VAN BOSSE (Mrs. Bilders) The Hague Hilversum 424-5 x Amsterdam “i bhe ‘Hague Little Wools at Oosterbeck 33 X 23 ae I2 IMPENS (J.) ; : J ahaas Brussels Ghe Artist's Studio / O a 25 x19 Oo x “ 13 | WYSMULLER (J. H.) . : . Amsterdam Village bo 13x19 Water Color. LECtCLO I4 JANSEN (H. W.) eee ; Amsterdam Iu the Docks 12144 x18 AS Water Color. — mien: 15 KOEKKOEK (W.) : : . Amsterdam Seene in Amsterdam 17 X 23 7 6 ; . ha 16 SPRINGER (C.) dec’d Povdvecht SO or x 25 Fnxy | U4 VROLYK (Jan.) . ; The Hague Evening 171g x12 (EL 5G L0S> 18 VAN DER BERG (A.) 2 ; The Hague Stable Interior 14x 10lg “ Water Color. : 3 IQ NAKKEN (W. C.) Actin from the Hield 23x 1346 fa Z2t Sy 20 TEN KATE MZN(J.M.) . . The Hague View at Scheveningen J “ 0 30 x 2214 21 STEELINK (W.) . Scherpenzeel Alewching the Wash LAO 31x21g 22 VERVEER (E.) _. ; : The Hague Du the Dawes 644 x96 vee A a Water Color. AC a 23 DU CHATTEL (Fred. J.) ; . The Hague Che Village Chaweh 19x13 | So Water Color. MSX Io 2 24 ARTZ (C.) ; : . The Hague ir aMavine 6x12 “fh J Water Color. apes 25 VAN BORSELEN (J. W.) dec’d A Hook of the Farm I9lg x 1216 CRA ge aa Color. 4S XK 26 WYSMULLER (J. H.) : ; Amsterdam Overtoom, wear Amaterdam 39 X 25 Ao O.S'x 27 VROLYK (Jan.) . The Hague Hutch Cattle with Shephertl 27 X 37 a f Il a 28 VAN ESSEN (Jan.) Amsterdam A ioe Milking-time nian BEX 29 TEN KATE (Mari) 9% : : The Hague The Young Art Savaten 3016 x 2216 30 MESKER (Thc: Pigs The Hague A Kabhi y 13x17\4 VA Water Color. N12 x ai ARTZ\(DvA: C,) dec'du™. ‘ . The Hague Borrow Moe 19 x 261g Water Color. lus x 12 32 WYSMULLER (J. H.) : ; Amsterdam Huantscape in Holland 19x 13 fe 7 Water Color. aA SK 33 GABRIEL (P. J. C.) : Scheveningen Harvest, wear Wireclt 4 X25 ‘GF O 3 Ex x | 34 MESDAG (H. W.) ; ; The Hague Pupil of Alma-Tadema. Medals, 1870, ’78. Fishing Smacks 1516 x 20 4ALs Se x 35 WESTERBEEK (C.) . : The Hague Dutch Hasture 31x 19 z 13 Za xh» 4/10 VHX 36 WYSMULLER (J. H.) : : Amsterdam Noortlermarket, Amaterdam 12x 1616 ‘ 45 x 37 HUYBERS (J. D.) dec’d ar ai: Gwo Leasant Women 34X29 EK 38 VALKENBURG(H.) . . ~~ Amsterdam Washing Lotators 20x 24 OX 39 | DU CHAT TEL (itred.3y)\ san . Thecddaeue AM the Riverside : 19x13 Water Color. on § x 14 40 SADEE (Ph.) ‘ ‘ : The Hague Hisherwomen Ato 19hg x 1576 WSK 4I DEKKER (H. A.C.) . Amsterdam Hw the Village of Laren or. 36 x 23 a $22.S x 42 HENKES(G.) .. : , The Hague Ghe Solicitation 24x 1916 ; SE a Water Color. GF ie 43 VROLYK (Jan.) . : : The Hague Auth Gattle 1816 x251¢ wx K ZO O Water Color. 15 44 DU CHATTEL (Fred. J.) . The Hague A Bright Day 450 33 X 23 SSK 45 MARIS (William) . . . . The Hague — Pasture in Tolland 2216 x 16 42S M6 Paes | 46 WEISSENBRUCH (J.H.) . ‘The Hague Ghvough the Fields TOS. 20144 x10 | Water Color. AES 47 | WYSMULLER (J. H.) é : Amsterdam Winter Evening near Amaterdam SYS 39 X23 i i 16 B® & 48 KLINKENBERG(K.) . . The Hague Ganal at Alkmaar ake 1914 x 27 ZAX K 49 GABRIEL (P. J. C.) : : Scheveningen Aca Mocontle AOD 39 x 2514 Cx x 3 50 BAKHUYZEN (J. J. Van Der Sande) The Hague v Landscape in Drenthe 33 X 23 SE o 9 51 WYSMULLER (J. H.) : ‘ Amsterdam Che Pillage Ganal 2 aa 22x 1416 3 lt 6% 52 GABRIEL (P. J. C.) ae Scheveningen Ghe Gwo Hills ye 40 27x18 Water Color. A1rS$ ¥ 53 | TER MEULEN (F.P.) 5 The Hague AM the Riverside V7 x a) 3216 x21 LEXY. 54 POGGENBEEK (Geo.) 3 Amsterdam v Between Two Dikes ( 367g x 24)8 BLS SP xx 55 MARIS (Jacob) ; ; . The Hague Canal in Holland 18x17 LADEN ay 18 POS x nl re Ryo 56 NEUHUYS (Albert) . ot) une.blague > Ehildvew of Daren Going to School 53 x 3934 hi orem aD a D414 2 Xe eS Jango of BAKHUYZEN (J.J. Van Der Sande) The Hague She Windmills of Zrandam 53 x 40 LE SU 4 #7 Xx 58 Perens H.t.) °. ....... Brussels Born in Belgium, 1832. Pupil of Van Oos. Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Died, 1880. ; | | DSK DS Biuich Guttle 59 BLOMMERS (B. J.) . ; : Scheveningen Coo Warm “ 270 1814 x 15 LAK ; 19 BY 60 VROLYK (Jan.) . : ‘ The Hague Evening wear the Farm 44x 52 A 2 ie 61 EERELMAN (O.) ; The Hague Ghe Horse Lair at Rotterdam 62 x 31 A K/L 62 ROELOEFS (W.) : ; Brussels Knight of the Order of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, 1858. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Oak, 1860. Windmills nea Rotterdam “es Ait Xx . 63 ISRAELS (Josef) : : : . Amsterdam Pupil of Kruseman and Picot. Medals, 1867, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878. Hew the Cradle 2ZKx 3216 x 2216 20 OLD MASTERS, From the Exhibition, Chicago Fine Arts Institute, 1893. 64 MURANT (Emanuel) . : 1622-1700 Aunilscape JL 0 OX X 65 Sr iiriR (J..G-.) : : 1640-1721 > Marine Oy, 4tt xX K 66 VAN STRUK (J.) : 1664 Still Lite V 30 21 A RSL 67 NEEFFES (P.) : 1620-1675 Chuweh Interior 4S AA KK 68 VAN DER NEER (A.) Landscape, Aoonlight os 0 Xx 69 WYCK (Thos.) 1616-1677 Market Serene ff e AX x 70 | RONTBONTS (J.) >... )S3eeeee Dutch Lam Scene Ag 4 S12 KX 71 VAN ASCH (J.P). 1656 Hanlscape in Gelderiani 72 CUYP (Albert) 1620-1691 V Hantlacape, with Cattle Collection Lord Dunmore, England 44 ZO pr: ih XK 23 FRIDAY EVENING’S SALE 76 VAN ESSEN (Jan.) . : Amsterdam Flee @ : /f- AV oot ies ies 77 LION (J. M.) : The Hague Ses, Fishing Boats ‘ 14x 171g Water Color. 78 NAKKEN (W. C.) : : The Hague A Mt the Horse Show 21lg x14 Water Color. 25x 79 MARTENS (Willy) .° . : The Hague 90. At the Well 2036 x 31l6 OS KK 25 80. HENKES(G.) . : The Hague Mes Old Woman Reading 12x 15g Wy LX 81 DE LA MAR (D.) . Amsterdam veg Coming Ghro’ ‘the Ane ee 82 VAN ESSEN (Jan.) : Amsterdam oe Heath in Bolland 21x18 | (VAS K 83 | VALKENBURG (H.) . ‘ ‘ Amsterdam 30 .- In the Vegetable Garten 174g x II Water Color. _ A 26 84 TER MEULEN (F. P.) : : The Hague on Inthe Snow | . /7 ; I5x1ilg a, Water Color. 85 KOEKKOEK (W.) ‘ Amsterdam Bo, Minter in Henstlen 23x17 By she 86 SPRINGER (C.) dec’d fo. Winter Scene in Harderwyk 13x 16 @t2S x : 87 | VAN DER WEELE (H. J.) . The Hague GO Ai the Well 2544 x 1814 ALS x 27 88 DU CHATTEL (Fred. J.) . . The Hague doo. Landscape in Aolland 151g x 1916 rae PSX 89 WYSMULLER(J.H.) . . ~~ Amsterdam Ay Ne Minter Scene 19x13 Water Color. Atttr go VANDER WEELE (H. J.). . The Hague i ea Sand Cart 23x14 Water Color. AS K gI GREIVE (P. F.) dec’d Welcome inv Lisherman's Home / 3 D. 36 x 2014 38 OS K Fl ae) - ve 92 VROLYK (Jan.). . , ; The Hague A Summer Day SEO 21x14 93 TEN KATE MZN (J. M.) . The Hague Hiew at Scheveningen AS ae 194 X 136 94 LEICKERT (Ch.) . . Amsterdam Piew im Seheveningen ps o 13x9 | 2S NX 95 | TER MEULEN (F. P.) : The Hague d | “ On a Sandy Koad o 0 3s 36 x 2216 29 (ee Se 96 a APOL (Louis) ; : : The Hague Ifo A Snowy Road 21x 1314 Lh SH. Water Color. 97 | BASTERT (N.)_ . : ; Amsterdam % Winter Seene, Bolland 0 xl bite Color. AEs 98 KEVER (J. S. H.) . : ; Amsterdam bo Ghe Young Gartlener. Water Color. Aes 99 VAN ESSEN (Jan.) . |. . Amsterdam Landscape in Holland /O oo. 35 27% hat, 30 IOO GABRIEL (P. J. C.) Scheveningen A Gover in the Village, Veewendaat 2és- ie Seton Ior TEN KATE MZN(J.M.) . . The Hague M the Shrove SED 301g x 20}¢ I02 ROELOFS (W.) ; Brussels Knight of the Order of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, 1858. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Oak, 1860. Mentlow-larntls Sho 20x 1216 Yin ae 103 PvE ReENBURG(H.). . ;: | Amsterdam Huterior 1L4 20x 2516 ! 31 Ux x SO Ey 2 We 0 104 STORTENBEKER (P.) . . The Hague Dutch Gattle I9lg x 23 25x I05 HEMKEN (W. De Haas) : . The Hapue Halen 161g x21lg | 41 y Water Color. 106 VROLYK (Jan.) . : : The Hague Dutch Lasture with Gattt 30x 21 Water Color. OXX 107 DE THOREN (Otto) dec’d : 2. Fags Medals, Paris, 1865 ; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1882. Chevalier of the Order Francis Joseph. Russian Order of Vladimir. Member of the Vienna and St. Petersburg Academies. Born, 1828. Died, 1889. Sunset in Holland 29 x 17/6 ih J1S X 108 SCHELEHOUT (A.)dec’'d . . The Hague Medals, Amsterdam, Brussels, Ghent, and the Hague. Winter in Tolland LES 20 x 1534 SZC 10g APOL (Louis) ; The Hague Winter Landscape in Holland SSO Bie IIo MESDAG (H. W.) ; . The Hague Pupil of Alma-Tadema. Medals, 1870, ’78. Y Sunrise on the North Sea 23x19 42.0 PKK LE L JANSEN (H. W.) ' : Amsterdam Canal at eunistevilans | 24x 3116 Ee /, 33 el II2 MARIS (W.) ; ; : . The Hague Ghe Young Ligs SS 22x13'¢ Ox Water Color. 113 VROLYK (Jan) . 2 : . The Hague Dutch Hasture iil Ne, 30x 21 Water Color. OX x | 114 WYSMULLER (J. H.) : Amsterdam a A Windwill 12x19 LS A II5 HOYNCK VAN PAPENDRECHT (J.) : ? | Amsterdam Artillery Review 39X25 as R eee fr gen 34 CN A age at ee a, ee i, ES or _ oo et a ee! ee a ae ace? a 9 in 116 SADEE (Ph.) ; , The Hague ) Stormy Weather eer 1936x1534 IS x 117 VANDER WEELE (H. J.) : The Hague Gar with Ox on the Beath bo 1616 x11 Water Color. asx ‘118 MARIS (William) : ; : . The Hague Hastuve in Lolland 1376 X 9/8 22 aw O LP, IIg ROELOEFS (W.) : : : Brussels Knight of the Order of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, 1858. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Oak, 1860. Dutch Canal 41 x21l¢ Dee De, a | AX x I20 PORTIELJE (Gerard) . Antwerp : Sutevesting Mews dys” 1414 x18 I2I . TEN KATE (Mari) .. . .) PhetHague Su Solitude S50 30 x 2616 SIL ae 7-4 WYSMULLER GJ. H.) . Amsterdam Suburbs of Amsterdam 8 a. 0 ee CSO 123 GABRIEL (P. J. C.) aig =e Scheveningen AVindinills on. the BHloevdyk 39% X 256 220 3 36 sae 124 WEISSENBRUCH (J. H.) ; The Hague Going Honreward Ce ; ae Water Color. 111114 125 ROELOFS (W.) ; ; Brussels Knight of the Order of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, 1858. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Oak, 1860. MW at Aiconde 2772 X19 12138 Water Color. x 126 KEVER(J.S.H.) . . - Amsterdam 2614 x 20 New t o Nea the Gradle ; x xX 027 VAN ESSEN (Jan.) ; . Amsteream Going Home with His Hlock 35 X23 : APE Mens CG 0 37 230 Ve 128 SCHWARTZE (Miss Therese) Siceping Beauty 2416 x 32 129 TEN KATE (Mari) Ghe Acturn 4216 x 30 130 MARIS (Jacob) Amsterdam LX xX The Hague EXMX The Hague Aetween the Bague wud the Delit I7x 11g Th WYSMULLER (J. H.) Hiver Scene 1316 x19 38 USK Amsterdam O XK 132 MESDAG (H. W.) , : The Hague ¥ Pupil of Alma-Tadema. Medals, 1870, ’78. ea Hw Danger WIZX ye 4824 x 35 133 TER MEULEN (F.P.) . . . The Hague Cows and Shepherdess Quy 2346 ¥ 3276 ee 134 NEUHUYS (A.) . Vhe Hague v abyss Goilet 1744 x 27 tf bo Water Color. AZX x 135 GABRIEL (P. J. i} Scheveningen Hirvesting Before the Storm 39 X 25 Bho 39 ne 136 APOL (Louis) - : : The Hague Ghaw on the Hiver Masel 81g x2 ; Z0-0 : : Vie, 137 DE HAAS (J. H. L.) : , ‘ Brussels Born in Belgium, 1832. Pupil of Van Oos. Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. vA Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Jo Dutch Cattle 3s 18 x 12 138 TER MEULEN (fF. P.) ; a . The Hague Sheep ow the Dunes aye 5135 EXxx 139 NEUHUYS (Albert) : . ©The Hague Sunlight 24 X 33 ASV BAXKK 40 140 MESDAG(H.W.).° . |. The Hague Pupil of Alma-Tadema. Medals, 1870, ’78. / 30 On the Dutch Coast Sx 2816 x 19 Water Color. I4I MARIS (William) : : The Hague A Cool Hetrent ALO 49 x 3334 Att1k x 142 ROELOFS (W.) . : : . Brussels Knight of the Order of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, 1858. Officer of the Order of the Crown of Oak, 1860. Coming trom Hastuve 32 X59 (tt A KK 143 MAUVE (Anton) dec’d : ; The Hague Pupil of Van Oos. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna Medal, Paris, 1887. Born, 1838. Died, 1888. Y Cows Aeturning to the Farm ba GO 17 x 22 Oo XK XK 4! gov /J0 ae 144 MESDAG (H.W.) . The Hague Pupil of Alma-Tadema. Medals, 1870, ’78. Morning on the Shove at Scheveningen 71X54 LP KK oR ISRAELS (Josef) The Hague Pupil of Kruseman and Picot. Medals, 1867, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878. Ohe Shei-fisher = gs 2xx 55x78 OLD MASTERS, FROM THE EXHIBITION, CHICAGO FINE ARTS INSTITUTE, 1893, 146 VONK (Jan) ae 1650 Liah KK 147 MURANT (Emanuel) . . . 1622-1700 Hetore thesun 42 An XK 148 eo. UHK (J. G.) : ; 1640-1721 Vavine I49 FLINCK (Govaert) 1615-1660 Hortrait of w Dady AS ¥- Doe 150 DE RING (P.) Rey: 23 1650 Still Lite £00 | 4 Z2XK I51I TENIERS (D., the younger) ; 1610-1690 ae Gemptation of St. Anthony Attit> x X52 RUYSDAEL (Jacob) 1625-1682 Landscape YEO 43 CLS XK ph 4 ae ‘ ¥ ~ ‘ ’ e rs 5 A 4 wre” POTTER (Pauline snare oak Disembarking the Arh ow 3 punt Sant a 3 This work, one of the prominent and most important pictur S Potter ever painted, is, by its fine handling of every animal ’ f masterpiece of great merit. From an English collector it was_ bought by Baron Hoch, of Munich, whose collection was sold < 1 Ser ee ie ; public auction some years ago. 2h aia _ o io ae JOHN C. RANKIN CO., 34 CORTLANDT ST. N.Y. eT. a eae” Flat = 4 ea ar bs do Host tah Ree Le ee Ce ene yuh?