OLLECTION OF ENRIQUE L. HENIOT oe ROCK CRYSTAL AND ENAMELS, CHINESE __ AND EUROPEAN PORCELAINS, BRONZES ____AND 18th CENTURY BIBELOTS ; ret th 4 \ ceeeliantindiad ia lp a ) BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 4 =) ‘) ? w % . { ; } , a wv) 7 wom “ - — = Sa 5 5 i ' 7 a a. Je , “ _ . é 4 we a ‘+ Rs : 7 & P a a . at a bs ‘ ay, ’ i x 2 ~ a! aa fF ™ » > * ‘. re. 5 ea 4 pa ~ oa a an i < 7 re ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1920 FROM 9 A.M, UNTIL 6 P.M. AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE ~ ANTIQUE GLASS, TANAGRA TERRA-COTTAS, PORCELAINS, BRONZES AND OTHER RARE OBJECTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNER AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 10th BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ANHQUTTES AND ART OBJECTS BELONGING TO THE WELL-KNOWN ANTIQUARY OF SOUTH AMERICA MR. ENRIQUE L. HENIOT TO BE SOLD A? UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNER ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 10th, 1920 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1920 a5, : ' Arak hae A? iene os c= \ < mot wie irae. b et > —_ Lt Pad, as, = <7) z q Ls : 2 : , es j 7 oe eae) : em, : * at ? a ’ " oy CAN & \ nN . = a > - ’ \ 4 ty: ¥ fi = : . an. a, i 4 ‘ ; et . At . ifs z A Mua? Se ie iol ” ; % > vk. Ly why i J i ae 7 a mn e eh re ae ans: ‘ 4 2 Aire a fi & t ’ i e4 . t 4 gute q Ia : y Fs eee . - | THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS > ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION © TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY INTRODUCTORY The gathering which I now offer to the American public is chiefly composed of articles purchased by me, in recent years, from noteworthy South American collections, and comprises Porcelains, Majolicas, Bronzes, Ivories and works in gold, silver and enamels. In 1918 one of the best known South American collections, that of Sefior Ricardo Zamborain, was dispersed in Buenos Aires. Sefior Zamborain was the Jeading connoisseur of South America, where he held a position fairly comparable to that of the late Pierpont Morgan in this country, and, after his death, his collection was valued, for pro- bate, at 28,000,000 Argentine pesos. Many of the objects I now offer were purchased at the Zamborain Sale. A majority of my bronzes, including examples by Rodin, Barye and Méne, were procured in Paris by the well-known expert, Georges Berheim, and were sold at the Wit- comb Sale in Beunos Aires. Many of my eighteenth century French porcelains I acquired from Messrs. Jansen and Co., who have a New York agency. They were originally bought, chiefly at the Hotel Drouot, by an employee of that house who was considered, in Paris, as one of the best judges in France of porcelains of this description. I may point out that the sets are of peculiar interest, as being abso- lutely complete, unbroken and in generally excellent condition. Per- haps, however, the most important feature of my collection will be found in the white glazed figures of old porcelain, for nowadays it is almost impossible to find such pieces which were treasured by the old managers and their successors as models. Quite recently, however, I met with an opportunity of obtaining them. The Italian antique dealer, Mr. Felcher, closed his business before the war and disposed of his collection at a great sale from which, however, he excluded these pieces, hoping that they would remain among the possessions of his family. But my long acquaintance with him prevailed and, eventually, he disposed of them to me. They were selected for him, in Paris, by a friend of the Mansard family, direct descendants of the famous archi- tect of that name, and they are all uninjured and unique. I feel con- vinced that they will attract the attention of American collectors, who are fully aware that all works of art are continually increasing in value, and that, for instance, the Sévres directors of to-day are buying back, at fabulous sums, the most noteworthy old-time productions of their kilns. Enrique L. Hentor. THE HENIOT COLLECTION Mr. Enrique L. Heniot, whose collection is here catalogued pre- paratory to being offered at Public Sale, is a well-known antiquary of South America. His grandfather was in that business, and so was his father, who was forced to leave Poland in the sixties to settle him- self in Paris, where he soon gained a distinguished connection with South America, more especially with the countries of Chile, Brazil and Argentina. Mr. Heniot began his career when almost a boy and many years ago he established himself in Buenos Aires, where he took up the connection established by his father and largely added to it. The part of his collection which he now offers to the public in- cludes examples of Egyptian, Roman and Venetian glass, Tanagra terra-cottas, ivory and wood carvings, rock crystals and enamels, European porcelains, bronzes and eighteenth century bibelots. At his request, and in view of the unusual nature of some pieces, which are such as have seldom, if ever, been offered here at public sale, he has been permitted to place a minimum upset-price upon certain of these examples. These are distinguished in the catalogue by an aster- isk, and the upset-price at which these items may be started will be announced at the time of the sale. But whether this upset-price will be placed at all depends entirely upon the interest taken by the pub- lic in the preceding offerings. It is hoped that these pieces, including the white glazed porcelain figures, will appeal to the Directors of Museums and to private collectors. AMERICAN ArT ASSOCIATION. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his Judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. . Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. ALOGUE GN AFTERNOON SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1920 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK MODERN GLASS L177 Htert ley 1—FrEencnw GaLLE GLAss VAS Clear wine-colored and green ee Cylindrical shape with a $ straight sides and rounded foot. Made of two layers of glass and decorated, as to the body, with a deeply incised pattern of branches of seaweed so cut as to reveal the green under the wine- colored glass. Signed: ‘‘Gallé.” Height, 41% inches; diameter, 4 inches. Note: This was made by Emile Gallé, the father, founder of the weli-known ec establishment at Nancy. 2—-Frencu Guass Desk SEAL By LALIQUE — Greenish white glass. Circular flat seat, with handle formed of /- “= female figure in flowing robe, with face uplifted, carved from a vitreous paste. Signed: “Lalique.” . Height, 2%, inches. Note: Réné Lalique, as a representative of the Modern School of Decorative Art, is one of the best known men in Paris. His work, in jewelry, glass and metal, is marked by so rare an individuality, that, in design as well as in technical achievement, he may be said to have created a new art. He is now § blind and will never produce or create again. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Sale May 80, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. wy i ae ALIQUE Guass Bown Clear ground white glass. Pear-shaped body with mat-surface Sr Vand with two handles wheel-cut in the semblance of two bearded monkey masks. Signed: “Lalique.” Unique piece, not repro- duced. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 634 inches. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Sale May 80, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale vy, lV * ‘Matlrelh fe . 4—EGeyYrTian Bronzk STAtTuEtTT Ptolemaic Period Full-length figure of the god Osiris, wearing the Hetch crown of Upper Egypt and holding the symbolic Sheperd’s crook and Ye flail; spade-shaped tongue at foot. Dark green patina and much corroded. Height, 6 inches, kf 5—POMPEIAN Hore Te Secon Century B.C. sop ~ Cream-colored pottery. Pear-shaped body with pointed wick- holder and ring handle. The top is decorated, in relief, with a circular medallion occupied by a portrait of a bearded man. Length, 4 inches. wy ETRUSCAN AND ROMAN VASES At 8 ere ae Bronze Vase Imperial Period of the First Century B.C. VAX ~Pear-shaped body with incurved neck, molded spreading rim and flat foot. Invested with a green patina and corroded. Se a. ss Height, 5 inches “ Ub lbentg 7—ErrvUscan Potrery Ewer Second Century B.C. Unglazed red potter) y. Pear-shaped body, incurved cylindrical neck, spreading rim, incurved stem, flat circular foot and flat er looped handle. Body decorated, on a white ground in black, with honeysuckles, voluted scrolls, a circular medallion occupied by a serpent, a name in Greek characters and a band of Greek fret ornament. Flat shoulder with scrolled honeysuckles in black and handle in solid black. Height, 6 inches. ANCIENT GLASS 9 8- Gr: ae WK: SA ae First Century B.C. Whit te blown glass. Cylindrical body, cylindrical neck and an- /}. = ndlar rim. Silvery iridescence. Height, 3 inches. wy VPLS: age = ‘ 7 ps: Le K MAL J jee fe hale / 2 Afternoon Sale First Century B.C. Q Blown amethystine blue glass. Spherical body, cylindrical neck ed —and spreading rim. Body and neck spirally encircled with fila- rout of milk-white glass. Slight patina. £7 1 ay en LAS Fe ee Ae ’ Amphora-shaped with flat rim and rounded foot. Dark blue . glass paste, yellow rim and body decorated with dragged band peas) /? of a zigzag pattern in green and yellow. lA y 7) Y eren Height, 3%, inches. 11—Siponian Guass Botrrre Fourth Century B.C. Greettish white molded glass. Spherical body and wide cylindri- ci sy cal neck. Body decorated with raised loopings. Invested with ee gark ee and ee rich dark red iridescence. Height, 3 inches. 7 Rit ee First Century B.C. Ef White blown glass. Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck and L712 ia) spreading rim. Rich gold, green and blue iridescence. Height, 3°, inches. Height, 4 inches. 8x COE Third Century B.C. ~ Cireular shape. Straight interior sides and semicircular exterior f- sides. a ecly iridescent. Diameter, 21/, inches. a Cahlarn First Century B.C. White blown glass. Spherical body, cylindrical neck and flat Pp - rim. Invested with a silvery patina and iridescence. ; y) ” Height, 13% inches. ge 15—Graco-Puenician Guass Ewer First Century B.C. White blown glass. Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck, spread- Pn Sm ing rim, incurved stem, circular foot and applied straight looped’ handle. Neck and shoulder encircled by filaments of glass. In- vested with a dark patina and rich iridescence. Height, 51% inches. Afternoon Sale 16—Grxco- ae LO First Century B.C. White/blown glass. Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck, spread- / _. ing rim, spreading circular foot and flat straight looped handle. i: —Invested with a silvery iridescence. Height, ee 17—-GRxCo-Romax Lbiz aad First Century B.C. blown glass. Spherical body and spreading cylindrical / neck. Body decorated with applied bosses of blue glass. In- SO: — d with a silvery patina and iridescence. Height, 5 inches. 18—Gr Pole he Aes Chak ERO First Century B.C. White blown glass. Spreading and tapering cylindrical body, Jo _spreading rim, incurved stem, flat circular foot and applied looped handles. Invested with a silvery iridescence. Height, 7% inches. 19—VeNerian Grass WINE SERVER Late Seventeenth Century Opalescent white and purple glass. Spherical body with rising - looped handle, pear-shaped stem and circular foot. Bowl of tad OV dark purple glass, handle, stem and foot of opalescent white glass. Note: Opalescent white glass or, as the Venetians of the seventeenth century termed it, “Calcedonio”’, resembles the celebrated lattimo glass as weak milk and water resembles undiluted milk. The opalescence is given by the addition to the molten glass of phosphate of lime in the form of bone ash and the ash of deer’s antlers. Its manufacture was begun late in the seventeenth or early in the eighteenth century. + From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 17, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bees TE A; COTTA 20— rae AGRA TERRA-COTTA STATUETTE Nae Third Century B.C. ee _ Head of a woman with knotted hair and floral wreath. On cylin- drical Pes eee VN ahead (of head), 3 inches. a1: phaK A RRA-COTTA STATUETTE i Fourth Century B.C. Ke, Head of a woman with closely banded hair. On cylindrical pedes- tal of black wood. Height (of head), 11% inches. Afternoon Sale tlYr- To-W A 22—PortTion oF TaAnAaGRA TERRA-COTTA STATUETTE Fourth Century B.C. ~'— Head of a Putto, with long neck and closely cropped hair. On i. free of Bey wood. Height (of head), 11/, inches. 23 Pokthon O eae on STATUETTE Fourth Century B.C. //-—= Head of a woman with curling hair covered by a hood. 'Taces of color, face white and hood red. Freight (of head), 144 inches. 24— TANAGRA Tee Aa STATUETTE Fourth Century B.C. Full-length figure of an Aphrodite, in loose robe with curling hair. Her left arm is supported by a pedestal at her side and in Nhe 4 her right hand she holds an apple. Height, 64, inches. De ©), WOOD CARVINGS 25——Fruncw Cant ho Loeo-so10 Woop SNUFFBOX Eighteenth Century Oval shape with hinged lid and sharp edges. Lid carved with a Musical Trophy surrounded by a border of scrolled leaves ; back - ~earved with the half figure of a horse with voluted termination, surrounded by a border of scrolled leaves. 7? Wi, Length, 3 inches; width, 2'/, inches. 26—Two EncuisH DAGuERREOTYPE CasEs % Rectangular shape. Black composition, with hinged lids and ial with oval medallions, one surrounded by a border of scrolls, the ~~“ “other with a molded border and scrolled angles. Labels inside dated 1856 and 1857. , wal 3°4 and 3 inches; widths, 334 and 21/, inches. nw oe Seventeenth Century Rectangular body with removable cover on chamfered rec- é the body with circular medallions occupied by eight-pointed stars, the stem with lozenge-shaped medallions. Angles inlaid with ebony. ( Restored.) Height, 9 inches; width, 434 inches. “es tangular base. Inlaid, on tortoise-shell and in bone and ebony, Afternoon Sale wae 6 / 28—PotisH IVE-wWoop CRUCIFIX Sixteenth Century Rustic cross with knots and “INRI” label. Figure of the cruci- — fied Christ, with the Virgin Mary, in an attitude of grief, at the Re Oe LOOL, Height, 1034 inches. Note: This crucifix comes from the Cathedral Church of Yasna Gorra, Czenstochowa, Poland. 20 dower tie & Eighteenth Century Figure of St. George of Cappadocia on horseback, wearing a helmet, armor and a cloak, and transfixing, with his lance, the e/'= open mouth of the Dragon beneath him. On rocky mound. Height, 41/, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 28, 1918, Buenos Aires, 4 pene 30—F aw B Ppa Seventeenth Century He Standing figure of the Virgin with banded hair and wearing a . __ loose robe and mantle. On her right arm she supports the Child 075, — Christ, whose hand she holds. Unusually fine patina. Height, 6 inches. From le Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 27, 1918, Buenos Aires, Lae 31— Re A PAINTED OD eae ae BY La Frappa Seventeenth Century 70 _ _ Standing figure of St. Anthony, with tonsured head and sandaled feet, in black friar’s robe semé with flecks of gold and with twisted rope girdle. In his left hand he holds an open book which supports an undraped figure of the Child Christ. On heart-shaped base of black spotted with gold. Bought, in Cor- dova, from Sefior Antonio Amiaan. Height, 121, inches. Note: Fra La Frappa was an Augustine monk of Cordova and one of the leading sculptors of his time. He is the author of the large statue of St. Paul in the Chapel of St. Augustine in the Cordova Cathedral. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 28, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) No. 3I—SPANISH PAINTED WOOD STATUETTE BY LA FRAPPA Afternoo y, A Peg. dnt 32—k ree Oi Sale SP LE, Toop Carvine © Seventeenth Century Subject of the Nativity. In the center the Infant Christ is seen at full length in a cradle placed on a pedestal. On one side kneels the Virgin Mary, on the other a shepherd. In the 50? background stands St. Joseph, with a shepherd boy piping and ™ a Shepherd behind. Above is a thatched tent roof, and in the stable underneath the heads of cattle are seen. Height, 51%, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 28, 1918, Buenos Aires, gai he Mig a es No. 458. A ee L_— 33—F Ye APA E boon aneus Bracker Eighteenth Century Triangular bracket with molded brass rim and pointed brass (28 Pp pendant. Face and sides inlaid, in the Boule manner, and on tortoise-shell, in engraved brass and «silver with an arabesque ’ g | ‘s ‘ —patterning of scrolled acanthus leaves, birds, a lion, half-figures with bows and arrows and Amorini. = Height, 6%, inches; width, 12 inches; depth, 5%, inches. Le GO ee a, 34—Hinpvu Carvep oop BRACKET Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Angular bracket pierced and carved with fi) 60 the figure of a horse with rich trappings ridden by a youthful ~~ Kn 7 ~ prince, showing on both sides, and holding in one hand a leaf- shaped scepter and dressed in an embroidered tunic with Turkish shoes. ‘The front feet of the horse are supported by a voluted pedestal, carved with palm leaves and with a front of scrolled leaves, and the base is molded and carved with bands of leaves. At the back is a serpent holding in its mouth ears of wheat. Height, 161% inches; width, 6 inches. oh Marrgehe 35—SpanisH Carvep And Gitt Woop Mrrror a Seventeenth Century Escutcheon-shaped mirror with frame formed of voluted scrolls, cresting pierced and carved with rosettes and looped leaves and apron carved with voluted scrolls, oval medallion and acan- thus leaves. Height, 2714 inches; width, 131%, inches. / Afternoon Sale a 36—FRENCH CENTURY : Oval mirror. Molded frame, cresting pierced and carved with a bow of ribbons and pear-shaped pendant of: pointed leaves. Below are two voluted acanthus-leaf and cornucopia decorated “eat ending in fluted vase-shaped and leaf-decorated cylindrical ARVED AND Itt Woop GIRANDOLE OF THE 18TH “=candle-sockets with beaded saucer-shaped bobéches. Height, 24 inches; width, 10 inches. Note: This mirror came from the family of M. Luquet, who was a de- scendant of the founder of the manufactory of the Papeterie Johannot, which originated in 1634. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF THE EIGHTEENTH iy CENTURY ln ees Iranian ScHoot oF THE 18TH CENTURY Rectangular shape. Gouache on paper. Head of a man, smiling and showing his teeth, with vandyked collar of blue. Framed. Height, 4144 inches; width, 3% inches. 38—Fatwon” Ke vory MEpALTION Sixteenth Century Circular shape. Inlaid, oy/’an ebony ground and in red and e green stone and engraved ivory, with a subject of “The Flight “into Egypt.” In the center the Virgin, holding the Child Christ, is seated on a donkey which is led by St. Joseph, who leans on a staff and holds a basket. At the sides are palm leaves. In old molded pear-wood frame. Diameter, 31/, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 28, 1918, Buenos Aires, Catalogue No. Oh 39—ITALiIA ( ena Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape, carved, above, with a circular medallion: occu- pied by the figure of a Virgin Martyr holding a palm branch, and below, with a seated figure of the Virgin in embroidered robe ey ae and mantle with a halo, holding on her lap the Child Christ in a = tunic and with a bird in His hand. In frame carved with pointed leaves bound by crossed ribbons and with beads. Argentin Height, 434, inches; width, 2%, inches. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale 4 ! ws 40 Aédfoou of Lucas Crantcu (1472-1553) Pen and ink drawing on paper colored in gouache with touches of gold, cut out and applied on yellow silk ground. Full-length figure, with head in profile and turned over the left shoulder, of a sixteenth century halberdier in green cloak, blue coat, red knee-breeches, blue stockings and large green hat with red plume. He wears a sword at his side, holds a halberd with his left hand, gand his right concealed behind his back. In old black wood, —molded frame, painted in yellow with scrollings and quatrefoils. L934; US Bow : : ; ‘ Height, 51%, inches; width, 44%, inches. Purchased from Luis Fabre, June 9, 1919, Buenos Aires. “4 41—ENGLIsH Eighteenth Century Circular shape. Silver outer ‘case repoussé with a mythological subject consisting of a group of classic figures and with scrolls, C-scrolls and flowers. Inner case of silver with engraved silver dial 5? inscribed: “Miller, London.” Interior with chain movement and UA I, ~~ pierced and engraved balance bracket, inscribed: “Thomas Mil- ler, London.” Inner case with London Hall Mark and date letter for 1760. Diameter, 2 inches. Note: Thomas Miller was a London watchmaker who worked from 1764 to 1780. Britten, page 713. From the Dr. A. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 7h Dy Pedr eater Ecce” Sitver Warcu Early Seventeenth Century Oval shape. Silver case, having a circular opening set with rock crystal and sides pierced and engraved with scrolls and masks. ye Two revolving dials with stationary pointer, the inner one, of “4p _copper, apogee to set the alarm. Inscribed, in script: “Jan Jansi “Bockelts.” Interior with pierced and engraved balance bracket. Length, 214, inches. Note: An oval watch by the same maker, “Jansi Bockelts of Aachen,” dated 1640, is in the Pierpont Morgan Collection. Britten, page 143. From the Dr. A. Bullrich. Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale ‘ F la S 43—Swiss ENAMELED ATCH White enameled dial with Roman numerals. Back enameled and painted with a subject of two maidens, one holding a basket vA __and a column with octagonal base supporting a vase of flowers. ront surrounded by a border of diamonds. Inseribed: “Bordier > ey) : - a Geneve. Diameter, 2 inches. From the Dr. A. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. = G4 ee | 44—Swiss Enameren Waren 7 Early Nineteenth Century White enameled dial. Gold case, the back set with chips and vA enameled with a bouquet of flowers on a white ground surrounded as ~ by blue. Face inscribed: “Fréres Bordier, Genéve,” and interior, “L. Duchenes.” Diameter, 2 inches. el Note: Bordier Fréres succeeded to Roux, Bordier and Roman in 1820. Britten, page 738. From the Dr. A. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. e Ls 45—Municu SE TO BK Tani CrLock Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape. Top formed of a brass plate engraved with Jo7 _ acanthus scrolls and with a copper dial engraved with Roman numerals. ‘Time shown by a revolving band on a vertical globe and by a scrolled stationary pointer. Front and sides inlaid with engraved silver in a pattern of acanthus-leaf scrolls and masks. Brass feet. Interior with pierced and engraved balance bracket. Inscribed in script: “Gottfried Torboch, Miinchen.” 1760. Height, 61%, inches; length, 6 inches; width, 4 inches; diameter, 2 inches. ae Dr. A. ee Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 7 / a) LB ae 46—RUSSIAN Beir GILT AND Deas Ecc Cur Pear-shaped bowl, cylindrical knopped stem and circular foot. 7 Around the rim is an inscription, in Russian characters, in gold j= on a ground of blue enamel. Bowl stem and foot chased and enameled with pointed panels of flowers and bands of ornament in colored enamels. With inscription in old Russian language. Height, 4 inches. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale f L> i a1—Srak Aer Retake Sivteenth Century Circular shape. /Silver gilt filigree work applied on a solid ground with edge of filigree work set with rubies and emeralds. A Front and back pierced with central circular medallions sur- oO’ ~rounded by twelve circular openings glazed with mica, bordered by filigree work and revealing disks of cedar-wood carved with a figure of the Virgin and Child Christ and with the Twelve Apostles and their attributes. Domed pendant and handle, the latter with ring. Diameter, 214 inches. From the Demidoff Collection, Rome. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. /\ { Va Y Y 48—Rtsstan TriPTycu {IKON _ Stateenth Century Rectangular center and two wings of brass. The interior pierced : so as to reveal, in the center, an oil painting of a Patriarch of the 4 ogee fourteenth century, and in the wings oil paintings of the Virgin ng and Child Christ. The surface surrounding the pictures is in- laid with baroque pearls and green and blue enamels. The ex- terior is diapered with scrolls of brass wire and inlaid with baroque pearls and red and blue enamel. Height, 2%, inches; width, 65% inches. From the Demidoff Collection, Rome. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 27, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 391. SF. Ya a) FENG : t 7 a Actcey 19 Sri VORY KE For Carps™ Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Formed of plates of ivory with a masonry pattern formed by colored groovings, enclosing piqué dots of silver with dotted oval borders. Height, 44% inches; width, 3 inches. E ig Fe - fee oe 50—Limocers ENAMEL, PANEL BY JEHAN LIMOUSIN A) Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape. Painted with an oval medallion of a seated - ~figure of St. Bernard shown in full face with a rayed nimbus, white tonsure, white beard and white monk’s robe. Blue background, with scrolled flowers at the angle. Below is the inscription *“s. BERNARDI” and the initials “I.L.” with a fleur-de-lis between. Mounted on velvet with a gold frame. Height, 4%, inches; width, 31% inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. od Afternoon Sale e ee Ld - = ; 51—Frekdt “AGare a eGr Snurrpox Highteenth Century V6ctagonal shape with bowed front and hinged lid. Of plum-pud- , . F 5 < / & ding stone with molded silver rim and hinges. Dp aN * , Height, 1¥%, inches; length, 3 inches; width, 2%, inches. ha tn. : 52—Durcu Lictklaken Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape with bowed front and back and hinged lid. — Front repoussé with lozenge-shaped medallions. Sides engraved with bands of stars and hexagons and with shaped esgutcheons. 6 a i af > Height, 11% inches. 53—Prencti Siiver PaTCHBOX Eighteenth Century y soRectangular shape with hinged lid. Front decorated with ap- —plied filigree scrollings, lid with central circular dotted medallion AMAR Uae ls and bottom with applied filigree leaves. Ball feet. wer Zs Height, 1%, inches. 54—FRENCH Tr pene Cross Eighteenth Century dO Rustic cross with knots and scrolls carved in relief, and set with , ——cabochon-cut garnets and turquoises? . Height, 3 inches. ee as. 55—SPanistf PMD ON Seventeenth Century [Double armed “Patriarchal” gilt cross with floriated arms, en- raved with bands of diagonals. On one side is a figure of Christ, igo) “ “in relief, with a label inscribed “I.N.R.I.” and “I.H.S.” and with = two angels, in relief, below. On the other side two angels, in relief. Scrolled loop for suspension. Set with cabochon-cut garnets, emeralds, pearls and other precious stones. Height, 6 inches. Note: This cross formed a portion of the insignia of the Order of San Salvador. 4 h : ‘ From ‘tthe Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 56— Minti Louk: Reng ScHOOL Rectangular shape. Painted with the head of a female saint Doe with long ringlets falling over her shoulder. She wears a red f and blue mantle. In ebony frame, of eighteenth century, with pointed pediment and carved with masks and Amorini. Height, 314 inches; width, 244 inches. From the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. | Afternoon Sale ACtw o¢—ITauian Ivory Carvine: Porrrair or Count Cavour - Nineteenth Century 7 “Circular shape, with carving of middle-aged man, supposed to J be Cavour, with long hair, in black coat and white cravat. He wears spectacles. Signed: “mora.” In inlaid wooden frame. Diameter, 21% inches. From the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. s vf 58—SpanisH Miniarure Parnrine on Ivory Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Figure of the Virgin, in red robe and blue yo mantle, holding on her lap the undraped Child Christ, whose hand / * — is held by St. Elizabeth, bending forward with a book in her f other hand and wearing a blue robe. Behind is drapery. In curved and gilt wood frame, of later date, shaped as a Bénitier. Dated at back “1745.” Height, 4°34 inches; width, 334 inches. From_th a Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. w 59—ENéuisu Ritraatraeccs Ivory sy Grorcre Encieneart (1750- 1829) Early Nineteenth Century ee Oval shape. Profile portrait of a middle-aged man, partially rae ee bald, with brown hair. Dressed in a blue coat trimmed with 1s gold braid and a white waistcoat. Dark background. Height, 24%, inches; width, 134 inches. 4 Note: George Engleheart, miniature painter to King George III, was a pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds. He retired from his profession, with an ample fortune, in 1813. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. aN ON ray Early Nineteenth Century Oval shape. Three-quarter view of a woman with hazel-colored eyes and dark brown hair dressed low over her ears. She wears ao _ an Empire costume of white with a red shawl thrown over her right shoulder. Dark background. In 18-carat gold frame. Height, 2 inches; width, 134 inches. Note: This is a portrait of Napoleon’s sister, Pauline Buonaparte, who married, en secondes noces, Prince Borghese. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale Oye rctisH Miniature on Ivory sy Ricuarp Cosway (1742-1821) Eighteenth Century 61-1 Oval shape. Three-quarter view of a man with powdered hair 0” and clean-shaven face with gray eyes. He wears a black coat oe . o~ and white cravat. Signed: “R.C.” In 18-carat gold frame. ( Broken.) Height, 24%, inches; width, 134 inches. Note: Richard Cosway, the most popular of English miniature painters, had, as sitters, all the beauty and fashion of his day, for he set at defiance all attempts at rivalry. He painted up to the last. FromAhe Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. OAZL 62—NEAPOLITAN osAIc MINIATU Eighteenth Century Oval shape. Full-face view of a man dressed in a Pierrot cos- A ae tume of white with red buttons and wearing a tall conical cap fi — of white. Blue background. Gold frame with raised beadings, scrolls top and bottom and loop for suspension. Height, 134 inches; width, 1 inch. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. —) » r) 63K No? Pass Snurrsox Lip Eighteenth Century Circular shape. Painted in Vernis Martin, after Boucher, with a subject of Venus and Neptune. The Goddess, shown as a nude woman of great beauty, reclines on clouds while embracing the ae bearded Neptune, who leans above her. Overhead an Amorino / Pp flies through the air. Diameter, 3 inches. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ky {). 64—MIn HRs CORRE SAL, D. Van BuarENBERGHE Eighteenth Century ooae —Circular shape. Painted, in water colors, with a “Féte Cham- pétre” in the Watteau manner. Landscape view with groups of figures in eighteenth century costumes, ruins, a tent on the right, and a tree on the left. Blue sky with white clouds. Diameter, 2'% inches. Note: Henri Désiré Van Blarenberghe, despite his name a born Frenchman, excelled in miniatures which adorn the tops of snuffboxes and bonbonniéres and are much sought after by collectors. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale 65—FrRencH “Parcet Giut Sinver CHATELAINE PENDANT Heart-shaped box with hinged lid. Engraved with rococo scrolled panels of flowers and hung with pear-shaped pendants. On %) chain with engraved flat loop. ie alent Length, 3 inches. =) * i pee ircben Ivory Broocu sy BELLETESTE Early Nineteenth Century / Oval shape. Pierced and carved with the figures of a stag and ee Ne hind, trees and flowers. Colored rustic border. Height, 15% inches; length, 134 inches. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sea 6ARTEE BS Co-no Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape with hinged lid repoussé with voluted scrolls, set with diamonds and radiating from an oval medallion occupied by flowers set with rubies. Lid with reeded edge; body with DP, __bands of reeding, and pierced and chased scrolled feet. Augs- burg mark. Height, 2% inches; length, 31% inches; width, 8 inches. Frem the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 68—FrencH Goup AND CARNELI PatTcHBOXx Eighteenth Century Me U7 Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Engine-turned gold mounts. Cet Length, 23/4, inches; width, 1 inch. From the Dr. A. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ean ALE Early Nineteenth Century Oval’ shape with hinged lid. Top engraved with a border of scrolled acanthus leaves and chased with vertical flutings, rim engraved with pointed and acanthus leaves and circular rosettes, 7 2.5 sides with panels of engine-turning separated by engraved circular rosettes and quatrefoils and with a band of leaves. Paris mark of 1809. Length, 3 inches; width, 134 inches. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A fternooy Sale (7 70—Vauxcn Ivoy 36 TOR TOISE-SHELL BonBONNIERE ¢ Eighteenth Century Circular shape with removable lid. Ivory edged and lined with ortoise-shell. Lid with circular medallion bordered with opals oF _and brilliants and with a tinsel ground occupied by an oval miniature, painted, on ivory, with a three-quarter view of Queen Marie Antoinette, with powdered hair and ringlets. She wears a square-cut bodice of rose-color. Blue background. Diameter, 2%, inches. ft Fram the Dr. Antonio R. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ls 71—Frencu Laris-Lazvui Box Eighteenth Century Cylindrical shape with removable lid. Lapis-lazuli mounted in Le. _gold, the lid with a border of translucent green enamel leaves / and diamond flowers. Bands at rim and foot of engraved gold. Height, 1144 inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection. om the Rusquellas Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 72—~F ae NAMELED GOLD VINAIGRETTE Lighteenth Century l Péar-shaped body with hinged lid. Gold, the body ‘énameled with mottled colors, the lid to correspond. Pierced and engraved 0. _hinged inner lid. Gadrooned pendant and finial. Length, 1% inches. i Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. T38—R VSSIA me {LT LORGNETTE Circular glasses mounted in silver gilt. Scrolled silver gilt stem set with garnets, sapphires and emeralds, and scrolled pear- ast shaped handle set with an emerald. Length, 6 inches. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. eros Fx Leng Late Eighteenth Century Paper sticks, semés with gold fleurs-de-lis, leather guards gold- b tooled with borders and the inscription, “Souvenir.” Mount with gold-bordered oval medallion occupied by a colored engravy- ing of five portraits inscribed: Duc de Berri, Comte d’Artois, Duchesse d’Angouléme, Louis 18th and Duc d’Angouléme. Length, 61, inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pss he Darr nlite, ee 75—FRENCH / Afternoon Sale Eighteenth Century Ivory sticks pierced and carved, in the style of Louis XVI, with f- a heart-shaped medallion in the center occupied by a youth offer- —_ ing flowers to a maiden, both in eighteenth century costumes, with a youth behind playing the pipe. On either side are Putti with a pierced diamond diaper between and an arabesque of vases, Amorini and an oval medallion occupied by two birds. Ivory guards pierced and carved with vases, oval portrait medallions, men playing lutes, seated women with baskets of fruits, Amorini and diapers. Mount painted in water colors, with a subject of “The Music Party,” three women in blue and green dresses seated and facing a white-haired man in a yellow coat playing the bass viol and one in a blue coat singing from a sheet of music. On the left a man with a woman on his arm, and on the right a woman beating time to a monkey playing the violin. Surrounded by a scrolled and floral border. Length, 11 inches. From ae ats C. Miller Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. hed: OMPOSITION AND TOISE-SHELL Erut Eighteenth Century v7 Cylindrical shape, with rounded ends and removable lid. Dark composition, lined with tortoise-shell and decorated, in white enamel, the body with a scrolled medallion occupied by a girl with a bird, the lid with one occupied by a girl with a bird-cage. Gold mounts. Length, 434 inches. From the Dr. R. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 4 4 , 77—FRrRencu Composition AND TorTOIsE-SHELL Erut Eighteenth Century — Cylindrical shape, with removable lid and rounded ends. Green eu, —composition, lined with tortoise-shell, and decorated, in white enamel, the body with a medallion occupied by children in eighteenth century costumes, one with a pipe and a dog, the other with a bird’s nest, the lid with trees. Length, 51%, inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A ee Sale 78—FRENCH Shek Torroisr-sHeLL any Composition Erur Eighteenth Century Cylindrical shape in three sections, with removable lid and JDrounded ends. Red composition, lined with tortoise-shell and 4. “decorated and mounted in gold. Lower section.of gold with two id gold fittings. Length, 5%, inches. BIO as aaa Collection, Buenos A we Argentina. of” ‘ 79—FRENCH CoMPOSITION AND ‘PORTOISE-SHELL Ervi | Eighteenth Century Cylindrical shape, with removable lid and rounded ends. Dark AV composition, lined with tortoise-shell and decorated, in oils, / with a painting of a Teniers subject of a Flemish interior with . a seated figure of a man. Length, 6 inches. La Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos dires, Argentina. Fi Ts YE a Herth NR AND ‘lor ®OISE- “SHELL Erut P g Eighteenth Century 80 Cylindrical shape, with removable lid and rounded ends. Black 440 composition, lined with tortoise-shell and inlaid, with gold, in a — pattern of flowers, leaves and meander borders. / Length, 41%, inches. es t Neg Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. e 81— FRENCH anant Tor TOIsE-SHELL Ervr Eighteenth Century Cylindrical shape with removable lid and rounded ends. Inlaid, with gold, in a pattern of scrolled acanthus leaves, birds and SThorizontal bands. Te ae Length, 414 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Kn oes Repel Eighteenth Century Oval shape with straight sides, domed lid, flat foot, and remoy- \y able lid. Chased in a pattern of oval medallions surrounded by +s). = masks and occupied by trophies, and of flutings and horizontal | bands. Length, 414, inches. From the Dr. R. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale tL Inte, 88—Frencu Jasper Ervt Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape with bowed sides, hinged lid with domed top 7 and flat foot. Green and red jasper, mounted with horizontal fa reeded hands of gold and set with two brilliants, one forming -“* ~the button of spring fastener. Interior fitted with gold scissors, knife and tweezers. Length, 3° inches. From the Luis Fabre a Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fim, / 5 ee 2 WA g4_Ir hits OCK- Wo- 4 SinverR Gitt and Enamet Retiquary Eighteenth Century * — Oval shape, hinged as a locket. Bordered with a band of light Uw~ and dark blue and red enamels on silver and occupied by the figure, in white, dark blue and red enamels, of St. George of Cappadocia on horseback transfixing the Dragon below him with his lance. Silver loop for suspension. Length, 21%, inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 85—Frencu Rock-crystan Gop ann Enamet Box Eighteenth Century Egg-shaped with hinged lid. Body of rock crystal semé with Z: intaglio engraved stars and mounted with bands of white enamel OY -with meanders, trefoils and scrollings in gold, the upper surface of rim in red enamel patterned in gold. Loop enameled in green. Length, 3 inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 86—Frenci Goup AND debate nr ine BonBonNIERE Eighteenth Century Shuttle-shaped, with removable lid. Tortoise-shell, with en- graved gold mounts. Lid set with an octagonal miniature, with a gold border and on ivory, of a young man with clean-shaven face, hazel eyes, brown hair, brown high-collared coat and white cravat. Blue background. i Se Length, 3% inches; width, 14%, inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale “ _ L44 a7 Whenca Goes oy PoRroise SHELL Box Eighteenth Century In the cénter of lid is a rectangular panel with gold border _~ engraved with leaves and occupied by a miniature painting, on Ge i aeee of four Amorini turning by a long bar a press with con- sole brackets as base. In the distance are ruins. Height, 114% inches; length, 3, inches ; width, 23% inches. From the Luis Fabre Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. IVORIES FROM THE 15TH TO 18TH CENTURY My, 98 PA OF OnE AE exevinas Figures of a Chinese mandarin and his wife seated on teakwood , _ chairs. The mandarin wears a circular hat, pigtail, an ent ~~ ~broidered robe and a long necklace. His wife, with her hair elaborately dressed, wears an embroidered robe and ear-rings and noe fan in one hand. On oval bases. Height, 234, inches. Syl inher Keowee 7 iele,, Eighteenth Century Figure of a child, in loose tunic, seated on a flaming heart, hold- «5. img in one hand a cross and pressing the other to the breast. Height (of ivory), 3 inches. wo ite Ivory Ze (oa Fifteenth Century Figure of a youthful St. John the Baptist in a checkered tunic, // seated on a heart, resting his head on his right hand, the elbow '~ of the right arm being supported by a gourd strapped around : his eats with the ae hed he Noli lamb pat his knee. On a rocky mound of painted terra-cotta, of later date. Height, 5 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Be RDI C Catena ae 304. pee VORY weliedici: Seventeenth Century Rectangular-shaped panel. ‘Carved, in high relief, with a subject of men on horseback and a wagon laden with wine barrels. In if. ‘ofront are a boy and a dog. Height, 244 inches; width, 334 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 306. Afternoon Sale ete G0 (Lak. Seventeenth Century Circular shape. Pierced and carved with a standing figure of Christ, with hands crossed, being exhibited to the people by a |e geraatddea Centurion and a Jewish High Priest. The latter draws back the mantle. /AVOR Diameter, 3 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 280. rowed Cate LOEB 93—FRENcH Catvep Ivory LION Seventeenth Century Ovalshape. Carved, in high relief, with the figure of a Putto reclining on the banks of a stream in which swim two swans. At vy Ocither side are trees with foliage and, in the distance, in low relief, a deer hunt and a setting sun. Length, 4 inches; width, 314 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, rgentina, Catalogue No. 305. g 94—Swiss ae fos | Eighteenth Century Vase-shaped panel with molded border. Carved, in high relief, with a subject of “The Judgment of Solomon.” King Solomon ey is seated on a canopied throne which stands on a stepped dais. * ~Around him are seated the wise men and judges of Israel, before him a soldier holding aloft the child and, in the foreground, the real mother frantically appealing to the King with outstretched arms. In glazed mahogany frame. Height, 2 inches; width, 3 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 25, 1918, Buenos Aires, nee tina. Catalogue No. 37. 95— ae Toto Carvine Fifteenth Century Figure of a child St. John the Baptist in a checkered tunic, seated on a heart and resting his head on his right hand, the elbow of the arm being supported by a gourd strapped around 0 his waist; with the other hand he holds a lamb upon his knee, ‘ “while another lamb stands upon his shoulder. On a rocky mound of ivory carved with plants and a fountain, below which are lambs, while in a grotto at the foot lies a child at full length reading from an open book. Oval base. Height, 9 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 303. Afternoon Sale J oe’ & aman, mMBERG Carved Ivory EwrEr Eighteenth Century Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck, shaped spout, molded stem and foot, and looped handle. Body carved, in high relief, with i Se subject of boy Bacchantes with a goat, a donkey, a mask and bunches of grapes, with two bands of scrolled fruits and flowers and with an arabesque of birds, escutcheons and floral rinceaux, the neck with a shaped escutcheon, the spout with leaves, the handle with scrolls, the figure of a Satyr playing the Pan pipes and a bearded mask, and the foot with bands of leaf molding and flutings. Height, 11 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 28, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Catalogue No. 405. SIA —/ ‘ ay Bare ss 97—Irkthaw Carven Ivory Grovp Seventeenth Century Circular shape. Carved with a subject of the “Nativity.” In the center is seated the Virgin bending over the Christ Child, — who hes at full length. At His foot kneels a shepherd. At the /3°— back is the wall of a house, with St. Joseph standing, a woman with a basket on her head, a cow, a donkey and a sheep. Above is a seated figure of God the Father rayed and flanked by clouds. In circular glazed box. Diameter, 41/, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 393. By 98—SpAxisn Covorep Ivory Carvine Sicteenth Century Circular shape. Carved below as a scallop shell, the top with ? a flat surface carved, in high relief, with a subject of an altar, 4 ewith a monstrance, flanked by the figures of saints, in arched niches. Above is a figure of the Virgin standing on a crescent and flanked by saints in niches. Diameter, 23, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, @ntina, Catalogue No, 277. Standing figure of the Virgin with long hair, gilded, in robe /, and mantle with colored and gilded borders. Standing on a % 7.— crescent. Height, 7/, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 302. Afternoon Sale PANISH Coto ORY CARVING Sixteenth Century Circular shape. Carved below as a scallop shell, the top, with a flat surface, carved, in high relief, with a subject of the Virgin wearing a large crown and with outstretched arms supporting a label held by two angels at either side. Flanking her are the 72. v Gigures of a Pope, a King and Saints, while above are figures of em Cad the Father and Christ. Traces of color. Diameter, 254 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 278. pokey / Vou 10162 ot MEE Cc Ivory Figure Fifteenth Century Standing figure of the Virgin with long colored hair, in loose robe and mantle with gold borders. On her left arm she supports PN an undraped figure of the Child Christ holding a globe in His ~ left hand, and with the right raised in the act of benediction. She stands on a crescent and globe. Height, 8 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, bi Catalogue No. 285. 102—Spaxisir Coico VORY Sas Fifteenth Century Rw. figure of the Virgin with ivory-colored hair, in robe and mantle, supporting, on her left arm, an undraped figure of I? the Child Christ holding a globe, while her right arm is out- _“_= stretched. She stands on a crescent and globe. ; Height, 8 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argéntina. Catalogue No. 308. o 7, | ae acrsngveter Ficure Sixteenth Century Standing figure of the Virgin with banded hair, wearing a robe and a blue colored mantle. On her right arm she supports an SI undraped figure of the Child Christ. She stands on a gilded globe carved with clouds below. Height, 8 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 299. f! Afternoon Sale 1042 Veutree tivo Trirtvonan FIGURE Seventeenth Century Standing figure of St. Augustine. Clean-shaven face and long hair, wearing a bishop’s mitre carved with Tudor roses and the Holy Trinity, a cope with embroidered border and a maniple 2S over the left arm. In his right hand he holds the staff of an (> 2. —Episcopal crozier and in his left the model of a Gothic church with pointed-arch windows. The body is divided down the center and hinged at either side so as to form a triptych when opened. The center is surmounted by a crocketed arch and a circular medallion occupied by a figure of the Virgin and Child. Below 1s a panel carved, in high relief, with a scene of a Pope blessing a kneeling woman behind whom stand priests, one holding a pro- cessional cross. The wings are carved as trefoiled and crocketed pointed arch niches occupied by the figures of Saints in nun’s robes, one holding an open book, the other a chalice. Oval base. ( Base cracked. ) Height, 15°4 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No, 286. (Illustrated ) ms xO WY 3 Cee. y 105—Frencu ‘Ivory TrierycHan Ficure Sixteenth Century Figure of the Virgin in loose robe and fringed mantle, crowned and holding an open book in one hand while the other is raised in the act of benediction. The body is divided down the center “). — and hinged on either side so as to form a triptych when opened. The center is divided, horizontally, by arches into three sections. The uppermost one is carved with figures of God the Father and Christ flanked by saints and candlesticks, the center one with saints holding a Vesica Piscis-shaped medallion occupied by a figure and the lowermost with a scene of the Birth of the Virgin. The wings are divided horizontally into three sections, each carved with figures of saints and angels. (Crown of figure broken. ) Height, 61%, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Catalogue No, 279. No. 104A—VENETIAN IVORY TRIPTYCHAL FIGURE (Seventeenth Century) Afternoon Sale J, 100 AAA MeL pay a Seventeenth Century Vee seb. P= Rectangular panel shaped as a segment of a circle. Carved with a subject of a Roman battle. In the foreground is a river with men on horses and foot swimming and fighting. In the back- ground is an arm of the same river with men, on foot and horse- back, engaged in combat on the banks. This carving contains thirty-seven figures, others in the distance, and seventeen horses. Mounted on velvet with a gold scrolled frame. Height, 614 inches; lengths, 174% and 16 inches. From the Dormal Collection. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 25, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 27. Afternoon Sale y me ALIAN Ivory Carvine Seventeenth Century 101 Rectarguvlar panel shaped as a segment of a circle. Carved with a subject of a battle between the Romans and the Persians. Roman soldiers in armor, their opponents in turbans and naked. In front are a chariot, with scythes on the hubs of the wheels, [ / and an overturned chariot. In the rear is a general seated on a ie O4, _ throne and in the distance buildings with flags flying. This carving contains thirty-three figures, with others in the back- ground, and eight horses. Mounted on velvet with a gold scrolled frame. Height, 61, inches; lengths, 1714 and 16 inches. From the Dormal Collection. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 25, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentnia. Catalogue No, 28. Afternoon Sale ESS Ay DUTCH, I ALIAN,AND OTHER SILVER 108_ Fae ak: Ewer Cae Eighteenth Century Pear-shaped fluted body, curved spout, and flat looped handle. Interior gilt. JO. ~~ Height, 2%, inches. From the_Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. © ¢ co 109-2beren Siivern Tor oy Figure of a nude Putto standing between the handles of a wheel- —barrow. Basket-shaped body, with Satyr’s mask at end, scrolled —. -shafts and handles ending in the hoofs of a goat. Height, 114% inches; length, 34% inches. a From the Franéisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. “~~ G 6 110—Dvrctu StivEer Cyr Toy Shaped as an oval basket, with goat’s head at one end, supported _ by the standing figure of a stork holding a baby in swaddling ©2-=— clothes in his beak, and four scrolled legs. 2 Height, 2 inches; length, 3 inches. ee the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. -- f ; a * re OR Bow. kighteenth Century Oval bowl with ear handles, incurved stem and molded oval foot. Body repoussé with scrolled acanthus leaves, an oval escutcheon 7 ~ anda band of beads, foot repoussé with C-scrolls, scrolled acan- , thus leaves and bands of beads. Handles pierced and modeled with masks, fans, and half figures of Putti. \ Height, 3 inches; length, 914 inches. sane d from Jansen, July 29, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 112—-D 75 Ghar ARCO Eighteenth Century Oval bowl, flat and spirally twisted stem and handle modeled as _— the figure of a knight with sword and lance. Stem engraved with scrolls, and back of the bow] with the script initials, “T.W.” ‘Length, 7% inches. Purchased from Jansen, July 29, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. val Afternoon Sale 113—A IAN SILVER BEAKER Eighteenth Century Curved spreading sides. Flat-chased in an arabesque pattern of rococo scrollings, diapers, Amorini, scrolled acanthus leaves, and eagle and an escutcheon occupied by a device. Maker’s oe ae fearke Wt P.D.” paccecred ti Jansen, July 29, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 64 Ereenleal 114—Frencu Sitver Beaker Eighteenth Century Straight spreading sides, incurved stem, and molded circular foot, repoussé with band of gadroonings. Body engraved with -—~— an arabesque pattern of scrolled festoons and leaves. US, es Height, 5 inches. Height, 3 inches. Purchased from Jansen, July 29, 1918. Buenos Aires, Argentina. re y, 115—FRrexcn ILVER Braker Early Nineteenth Century Curved spreading sides, incurved stem and molded circular foot. Flat-chased, around the rim, with a band of leaves and rosettes, Any and around the body, with leaf festoons, floral sprays and clus- ee: — ters of grapes and vine leaves. Mark for year 1819. ¢ / Height, 51%, inches. ee arom Jansen, July 29, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ne 116—Patr or Frencuo Stuver Gitr Bownrs anp STanps Eighteenth Century Dodecagonal coupe-shaped bowls with molded rims and feet, MeF flat chased with scrolls and repoussés with fans. Tripod stands formed of three scrolled supports, decorated with flying Putti with floral festoons above and below and in the center a spirally twisted ring on which are seated figures of Putti. Scrolled feet. Feet of bowls engraved. “P.L. 1741.” Maker’s mark “E.T.” Height of bowls, 114 inches; diameter, 2%, inches; height of stands, A1/, inches. From the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale Hadar hy © yi bs aa oy en ee es Ewer or Inxtarp AND Carvep Ivory sy Mir- SUMASA Pear-shaped ivory body, incurved cylindrical neck, fluted rim, incurved stem, oval silver enameled foot and looped handle. The body inlaid, in relief, with mother-of-pearl, and carved and stained to simulate coral and tortoise-shell, one side with a tasseled ? basket dependent from a tree, with blossoms, leaves and clusters of US, —wistaria flowers, the other side with a pool of water, fish and.a tree branch with peonies and wistaria flowers. Neck, rim and shoulders inlaid with floral pendants in relief and in mother-of- pearl and stem and foot with scrolled flowers. Dragon handle of silver chased and engraved. Signed: Mitsumasa. Height, 11 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 399. tn tenth D Oe ae BRONZES wl Leet RON ok 7 Rectangular tablet with two bands of “ae leaves, and handle __ formed as a standing figure of A¢sculapius, with bare shoulders ”. _— and voluminous toga, leaning on a staff entwined with the sym- bolic Serpent. Height, 3 inches; length, 334 inches; width, 23 inches. — e 119_—Fhsecn Bronze Bev Ytyle of the Sixteenth Century Straight sloping sides, modeled with figures of men in combats, ar and scrolled medallion occupied by a bust portrait of a man; 7.“_= handle modeled as the head of an old woman with closely fitting coif and rim with inscription, in relief, “& HEMONY ME FECIT ANNO 1569.” Height, 4 inches; diameter, 34%, inehes. Byleen Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. = A GSO, He AE er STATUETTE BY P. J. MENE Figures of two greyhounds playing with a ball. One crouches _ down, the other is standing, and both wear collars. Oval base 2 “with molded sides. Signed: “P. J. Méne.” al Height, 6 inches; length, 81% inches. From Georges Bernheim, Paris. Witcomb Sale, Buenos Aires, April 15, 1919. Afternoon Sale wake asd 121—FRENCH Bro ZE STATUETTE BY MENE Figure of a standing stag with branching antlers. Rectangular base with grass and leaves in relief and molded sides. Signed: “L. J. Méne.” Sei gal Height, 1214 inches; length, 1114 inches. Note: P. J. Méne was a pupil of Barye. From Georges Bernheim, Paris. Witcomb, Sale, f : 4 Ley ms 122—FreNc uenos Aires, April 15, 1919. Bronze STAaTueTtTe sy P. J. M&ne Figure of a young stag with budding horns, erect with tongue showing. Behind him is a tree trunk. Rectangular base with MO. rounded angles and grass in relief. Signed: “P. J. Méne.” Height, 81/, inches; length, 914 inches. From Georges Bernheim, Paris. Cry Buenos Aires, April 15, 1919. 123—Frencu,/ Bronze STaTuEettTe sy P. J. MENE Figure /of a stag with antlers, standing and browsing from a tree at his side. Rectangular base with rounded angles and KY with grass, branches and leaves in relief. Signed: “P. J. Meéne.” ¢ Height, 8% inches; length, 914 inches. From Georges Bernheim, Paris. Witcomb Sale, Buenos Aires, April 15, 1919. 1 Me - pri vA or abt ee BY P. J. Menge Figure of a stag with antlers, standing and browsing from a 7 tree at his side. Rectangular base with rounded angles and with 0. grass, branches and leaves in relief. Signed: “P. J. Méne.” Height, 14 inches; length, 141, inches. From Georges Bernheim, Paris. Z Witcomb Sale, Buenos Aires, April 15, 1919. i, _ 125—Frencu Bronze STATUETTE BY A. L. Barve Figure of a crouching panther lying at full length with curling 4.5. tail, devouring a hare. Rocky base. Green patina. Signed: ( “BARBEDIENNE” and “A. BARYE.”’ Height, 4 inches; length, 11 inches. Witcomb Sale, Buenos Aires, July 20, 1919. Afternoon Sale OOO OOOO OOS a) i fey puctaea) 126—FreNcH Bronze STATUETTE BY A. L. BAaryE Figure of a standing stag with branching antlers and furry shoulders. Rectangular rocky base with rounded angles and molded sides. Signed: “naryer.” Rare. Val (90 ‘= From Georges Bernheim, Paris. Witcamly Sale, Buenos Aires, April 15, Sa 127 Phi Bao, Ses eg! L. Baryr Figure of a eancie panther. Rectangular rocky base with molded sides. Signed: “Barve 1840.” Rare. Ve 6 From Georges Bernheim, Paris. SL hdr m Georges Bernheim, Paris COR Sale, Buenos Aires, April 15, 1919. Height, 8 inches; length, 6 inches. ey Z 128 Pik oe Mawes E DAaMASCENED CorrEer VASES Cylindrical bodies, with cylindrical spreading necks, molded stems and spreading carved circular feet. Chased and damascened ; with silver in a pattern of pointed rectangular panels, formed “0° = py strapwork, damascened with silver and occupied by a pattern- ing of interlaced pointed-leaf scrolls and flowers also damascened in silver. Height, 23 inches. From the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. y BROCADES AND SILKS i y 7 yi, | Ons MF, WY, 129—ABbtiviah Woven Tan.e ance 7 Rectangular shape of two strips sewi together. Woven, by fn hand, on a crimson ground with horizontal bands having broad U centers of broad bands of gold thread, bordered by narrow stripes of lines and leaves woven in silver thread and im silk. “ Aye 130—Botivia Waren Abeeie _Rectangular shape. Woven, by hand, on a “crimson ground “with horizontal bands having centers of broad bands of gold thread bordered by narrow stripes woven in silver thread and silk. ‘ Height, 35 inches; length, 36 inches. Height, 2514 inches; length, 34 inches. Afternoon Sale eA... RENCH SILK Brocapr. Lovis XVI PerEriop OF THE 18TH CENTURY Rectangular shape. Woven, on a blue ground, with bands of (1S, _yellow bordered. with blue and entwined with feathers having centers of floral sprays in blue. Between these are floral bou- quets woven in colors with scrolled branches bearing berries, in white. = py, Length (of each piece), 50 inches; width, 36 inches. 182—Itratran Sitk Damask Srrip Rectangular shape. Yellow silk damask woven in a pattern of SS BOA and acanthus leaf scrolls. Length, 138 inches, width, 51 inches. ope eed C4 Degg rah a Cox CovER Rectangular shape. Crimson silk damask woven in a pattern of scrolls and flowers. Finished with silk fringe. vhs Length, 54 inches; width, 37 inches. oS . SILK RO STRIP Rectangular shape. Formed of two widths sewn together. Crim- “son silk damask, woven in a pattern of pointed oval medallions et — formed by scrolls and occupied by flowers. Ber. fo 135—YrauaX SILK Ee oe Rectangular shape. Formed of two widths sewn together. Crim- V2son silk damask, woven in a pattern of pointed oval medallions Jo’ formed by scrolls and occupied by flowers. Length, 93 inches; width, 40 inches. Length, 94 inches; width, 40 inches. yy 186—Mecuiin Lace Brertua Jv Half oval shaped. Patterned on a ground of hexagonal net with yA oe’ large scrolls in needle-point surrounded by a border of scrollings with grounds of various brides. Height, 24 inches; length, 65 inches. Afternoon Sale y A v ert g Atk Sirk MantTiILua Rectangular shape. Wine-colored silk embroidered, in wine-col- ored silk, with angle of scrolls and flowers and a border of floral Pheer d scrolls. Finished with long netted silk fringe. - / Length (without fringe), 55 inches; width (without fringe), 55 inches. fla cae ; KELME 1a - Tas Cais ANDARIN S EMBROIDERED SILK RoBE Coat-shaped. Crimson silk, embroidered in blue and white silk, in satin stitch, with floral sprays and, in gold thread, with 5 / ,—phenix birds. Border of cream-colored silk embroidered, in o~O silks of various colors, with figures, flowers, pavilions, with a band of leaf scrolls, and with a band of black satin. Lined with blue silk. Height, 36 inches; length, 93 inches. LON: , 4 ff ) 139—Srrip oF ance PLAID-PATTERNED SILK Early Nineteenth Century _., Two strips sewn together of silk woven in a plaid pattern with a V4 ei ws groundwork of broad bands of brown and white, with a checkered design formed by vertical and horizontal broad stripes of green patterned in black with Persian pear-shapes, and edged with a border of red patterned, in white, with floral sprays and by narrower vertical and horizontal stripes of black patterned, im red, with Persian pear-shapes. Lined with cotton cambric woven with an open mesh. Length, 41% yards; width, 42 inches. ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN PORCELAINS 140—PeituviXn Pottery CotcHaauit Prayinc Cup Of great antiquity. Unglazed red pottery. Beaker-shaped with 4 straight sides. Decorated, in black, with bands of hatched Po aes toothings. Rare collection piece. Height, 3 inches. From the Ambrosetti Collection, Buenos Aires. Argentina. Afternoon Sale 2 eee « (Cte is Spherical body, modeled as an animal holding its face with both hands and with hind legs modeled in relief; fur modeled with - —— dotted surface. Straight cylindrical spout. — Height, 61% inches. From SaaS Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 142s Inca Porrmry Vase Swvteenth Century Unglazed dark gray pottery partially fired to black. Rectangu- ~~ — lar body, spreading cylindrical neck and two looped handles, one shaped as a bird’s neck and head. Body decorated, in high relief, with a band of five dumbbell-shaped figures. Neck dec- orated, in black, with vertical lines. Height, 71% inches. Sor the A ie Collection, Hig Aires, Argentina. 143 Rist Loree OTe Ane AND STAND Seventeenth Century oF: es stem, supporting a spreading straight-sided bowl, "projecting spout-shaped wick-holder, looped flat handle and saucer-shaped stand. Invested with a blue glaze stopping short of the foot and decorated, in black, with bands of scrollings and interlacements. 7, Height, 734 inches. DE aenagas ‘Persian Porrery Lamp anp STanp Seventeenth Century os Pear-shaped stem, supporting a spreading straight-sided bowl. ; Above are three cylindrical spouts with three flat looped handles between, and below, five projecting spout-shaped wick-holders with five flat looped handles between. Saucer-shaped stand. In- vested with a blue glaze stopping short of the foot and decorated, in black, with leaves, scrolls and bands. Height, 9% inches. ya the Lippman Collection, Paris. Sa Mendel ie dahon Eee Seventeenth Century / gg-shaped. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in col- ors, with four ringed cherubim and floriated Greek crosses. Brass caps. Adapted from the Persian ‘‘Mosque Eggs.” Length of porcelain, 334 inches; over all, 6 inches. Purchased from Jansen, April 23, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon, Sale -—7 / vee. 146—J apa E P RCELAIN AcTor’s Mask Old Satsuma porcelain. Shaped as a grotesque mask with open u _mouth and horns. Invested with a cream-colored glaze and dec- orated injgreen, blue, red and gold. Gold eyes. Height, 71% inches. é i iA 147 — ebhent Bere Scent Botrie Eighteenth Century _— Bottle formed of a scrolled pedestal with metal top. In front is 2 - —the figure of a man in a blue coat, red vest, purple tights and green tricorne hat. Oval base. Mark: Crossed swords in blue. Height, 3 inches. Fromthe Dr. Rafael A. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ~~ / / Ps / 148—Meissen Piak FIcuRE Eighteenth Century Figure of a youth playing a pipe and dressed in a red cloak lined “with rose, and red knee-breeches ; cloak and breeches dotted with gold. White stockings, red shoes and flat red cap with -curling hair. Circular rustic base. Mark: Crossed swords in blue. Height, 414 inches. From the ie THe Fepldeteh Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 149 Ki OR Vgc A MCxthe Eighteenth Century “The Gardener.” Figure of a youth in flowered vest, rose-col- _ -ored knee-breeches, black tricorne hat and bare legs and feet. / Over his right shoulder, on a stick, he carries a basket of flow- ers, and in his left hand he carries another basket of flowers. Tree-trunk support and gold scrolled circular base, decorated, in relief, with leaves. Mark: Crossed swords in blue. Height, 51% inches. Prom the Jansen Collection, OG Aires, Argentina. 150—_Miksens PorcELAIN (Kat Eighteenth Century / “The Fruit Seller.” Figure of a youth in rose-colored coat, yel- /O ‘~~ low vest trimmed with red, rose-colored knee-breeches, bare head, legs and feet. In his right hand he holds an apple and on his back a conical-shaped wicker basket of fruits. Tree-trunk sup- port and gold scrolled circular base, decorated, in relief, with leaves. Mark: Crossed swords in blue. Height, 51% inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale ey ie aot 151—Muetssen Porkcufan Sratverre Eighteenth Century “The Fiddler.” Standing figure of a man playing the violin. He is dressed in flowered green coat, a spotted vest, a loose sash, JS . «flowered white knee-breeches, white stockings, black shoes and tri- corne hat. On brown, gold scrolled, circular base. Mark: Crossed swords in blue. Height, 8 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. i, 152—Messen Porcenarn Sucar Caster Eighteenth Century Pear-shaped body scrolled and fluted, high domed cover, pierced, with scrolls in relief and floral finial. Invested with a white glaze ee and decorated with gold scrolled medallions occupied by floral sprays in colors. Height, 6 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. MMs Feliz 153—Metssen Porcerarn PircHer Eighteenth Century Pear-shaped body with pointed spout and looped handle with leaf a> /@ terminations. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in col- ~ —— ors, with groups of flowers and floral sprays. Mounted in silver gilt with a hinged domed cover with berry finials and rim pierced and repoussé with flowers. Mark on percelain: Crossed swords and dot in blue. Mark on silver: Paris touch of the 18th Cen- tury. The porcelain mark is the Pre-Marcolini period of 1778. Height, 6°, inches. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. s 154—Metss—en Porcenatn Bowr, Cover ann SPoon Eighteenth Century SV? Oval quatrefoil-shaped bowl with curved sides, domed cover with — lemon finial, spoon with oval bowl, flat stem and spreading handle. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, as to the bowl and cover, with floral festoons, Watteau figure subjects, insects and butterflies, and as to.the spoon, with scrolls in raised gold and floral sprays in colors. (Spoon and cover repaired.) Height, 51%, inches; length, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. Afternoon Sale se) ; 2) y, ly : «, Vi L. As 155—MeEItssen Porce.ain Box anp Dome Cover Eighteenth Century Invested with a white glaze and decorated with bands of diaper- ing and hatching in red, panels of white reserve occupied by semi-rosettes and leaves, in red and blue,“ and “with bands of white scrolled in gold. Lid and body painted with Chinoiseries in red color and the body with scrolled medallions occupied by floral sprays in red and green. Marked with two swords and the letters “K.P.M.” Height, 3 inches; length, 4144 inches; width, 314%, inches. “K. P. M.” are the letters which distinguish the first period of the manu- facture of Meissen (porcelain), and used only on those pieces made for the King’s use. The piece in question was made when Johann Friedrich Bottger was apprenticed to Master Walther de Tschirnhaus and entered the private laboratory of the Elector of Saxony, Frederick August. Bdottger discovered the red earth (terra-cotta) which he used in his stoneware and in making the white porcelain (kaolin) of Aue, near Schneeberg. As the Elector was a collector “emeritus” of Chinese and Japanese porcelains, attempts were made to copy this style in the manufacture of porcelain, as is proved by this piece. The methods used in manufacturing the porcelain were kept secret in every way possible, and the factory was closed in inside of a fortress called “Albrechtsburg” at Meissen, and it was only in 1709 and 1710 that samples of this porcelain were shown to the public, at the Fair of Leipzig. Bottger died in 1719. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale a ee oe a - ee Mahe Pdrcerain Group Eighteenth Century Figure of a bearded king wearing a crown, and undraped, save for a fold of drapery decorated in blue, seated under a tree with branches of foliage and extending his arms to a woman who also es 5. —extends hers. She is dressed in a white flowered robe and pink mantle decorated with floral sprays. Below is seated a Putto. Rustic circular base scrolled with red and gold. Mark: Shield in blue. Height, 91 inches. From the Jansen ON as , Buenos Aires, Argentina. = idl JP te2t1wy ofp tt fo 157—Fianxentust, Poroeran IGURE Eighteenth Century “Hebe.” Seated figure of a young woman in rose-colored robe figured, in gold, with floral medallions and lined with green. She / has a diadem in her hair, bare feet, and holds a bowl in one hand, / © while the other rests on a fluted white and gold vase. Below her an undraped Putto is playing. Base formed as a shell-shaped tray with a green edge. Mark. Crowned monogram C.T. (Elec- tor Carl Theodore; 1762-1800) in blue. Height, 634 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Wy of fp _ 158—WaLuENvDORF PorcEeELAIn GRovuP Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Group of a partridge and two of her chickens. At the back is a bocage with om __ seven-petalled flowers in relief. Rectangular base. Manufac- turer’s model. Height, 31% inches. From the uae Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. WG Wa mnpons A claee GrRouP _,, Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Group of a par- / / -—tridge and two of her chickens. At the back is a branch of a tree trunk with pointed leaves and flowers. Quatrefoil base. Mark: Crossed staves in blue. Manufacturer’s model. Height, 3 inches. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Afternoon Sale, thw chekaela., 160—WaLLENvoRF PorcELAIN Group Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Group of a par- tridge and two of her chickens. At the back is a branch of a tree with pointed leaves and flowers. Quatrefoil base. Mark: a Crossed staves in blue. Manufacturer’s model. re Height, 3 inches. Brom the Envique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. OPEL Bg 1 61——WaLLENDORF PorcELAIN Group -f) Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Figure of a pheas- a» ’—ant standing. At the back are rushes and flowers. Rectangular Poms rocky base decorated, in relief, with flowers. Mark: Crossed wv” NE staves, in blue. Manufacturer’s model. Height, 34%, inches. From the Emrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. “7 / oy” VA 162 Wa aon ORCELAIN GROUP . Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Figure of a standing pheasant. At the back are rushes and flowers. Rec- Wcleenienie rocky base with flowers in relief. Manufacturer’s 1) * vy odel. owA Height, 3%, inches. se the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 44 f va) LUN "7 SU tLeka— 163—WaLLENDORF PorcELAIN GRoUP “ Invested with a white glaze. Figure of a hare standing on its 4 ~_- hind legs, with ears erect, nibbling a leaf. At the back is a @~ group of oak leaves. On rocky rectangular base. Manufacturer’s model. Height, 4 inches. Soy wie oh INES COU Buenos Aires, Argentina. 164—Doccia whee. Wepblon ‘E Invested with a white glaze. Figure of a young girl in square-cut _ ~bodice with banded puffed sleeves and’two skirts. She holds out- / stretched, with both hands, the upper skirt. Rectangular base. Mark: Crowned N in blue. Made by Ginori. q Height, 41, inches. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale WO oink “Lhe : 165—WatLLENDORF STATUETTE: PORTUNE” Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Symbolic of a woman wearing a Minerva helmet and a Medusa decorated eA _corselet, with flowing draperies and bare legs and feet. She ex- tends her right hand with fruits, holds with her left a cornu- copia containing fruits, and stands on a winged volute encircled, at the base, with cloud forms. Manufacturer’s model. Height, 14 inches. rom the Ensique7Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. # 166—Doccta _~ Invested with a white glaze. Figure of an undraped child, kneel- Bag ing with outstretched hands on the back of a tortoise. Rocky rectangular base. Mark: Crowned N in blue. Made by Ginori. é RCELAIN Fe os Height, 6%, inches. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale 167—Caro-b1!1 oNTE PorceLaIn Group. Mivpie 181TH CEentury Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Figure of a hunts- man. Square-cut coat, knee-breeches and long buttoned gaiters y, with a couteau-de-chasse belted around his waist. He bends for- 10° = ward, as though in chase of his quarry, with two hounds at his side, one with open mouth. Tree-trunk support. On oval rustic base (cracked). Mark: Lombardie N crowned, in blue. (Period of the patronage of Ferdinand IV, circa 1760.) Height, 13 inches; length, 14 inches. nad Francisco woe Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 168— Jae eel CLS seh EnaMEL PLATE Circular shape. The center patterned, on a red ground, with —varicolored birds and branches of foliage with blossoms, the rim an a a border OF scrolls and diapers. Plain brass edge. Diameter, 11 inches. Ma RE ree fe ‘STONEWARE Penner with incurved neck. Invested with a streaked gray glaze and with two pointed leaves, glazed in mottled green, at J: — the neck. Signed: “LacHENOL.” Height, 71% inches. From bie Moe C. Miller Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. bes St ert Cae LAMBE STONEWARE DisH Circular shape. Gray stoneware, invested with a gray glaze bor- dered by a band of mottled yellow and buff-colored glaze. Signed: “Aug. Delaherche.” Y Diameter, 111% inches. “ Note: This plate was exhibited at the “Exposition d’Art Frangais. Bar- ban celona, 1917.” From the Miguel Gthiso Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2p A122 ¢ 171—SpanisH PorceLaAiIn Ewer Eighteenth. Century Pear-shaped body, pointed spout and looped handle. ° Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in black and gold, as to the ee rims, with a border of scrolls, wings and festoons of cinquefoilsg= and as to the body, with a figure of a prince with crown and scepter seated on clouds. (Cracked.) * Height, 414, inches. From the Federico C. Miiller Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale J / a wo ¢ : 172—SPanisH TERRA-COTTA STATUETTE VP [ao — Unglazed reddish terra-cotta. Standing figure of a Spanish girl with head inclined to one side and her arms akimbo. She wears a lace mantilla,\a fringed shawl and pointed slippers. On cir- cular base. Signed: “V. Valmitjana.” Height, 16 inches. Afternoon Sale KZ? Aaa. 66K af goon BY Dante ZuLOAGA Ge portrait of an old woman. Red terra-cotta, enameled in various colors, the hair, dressed in circles over the ears, in white, YS my the wrinkled face in flesh color, the dress in green with yellow Af ‘ght buttons and the cloak in blue. Signed: “Daniel Zuloaga.” Height, 10 inches. 173 / Note: Daniel Zuloaga is the uncle of the celebrated painter Ignacio Zuloaga and is an enthusiastic amateur potter, whose works are never redupli- cated. So renowned is he as a portraitist that he has been offered large sums for modeling a portrait. These, even when proffered by his nephew, he always refuses, but for his own amusement he models such portraits as this of Sefiora Francisca, who has been in his service for thirty years. From the Federico C. Miiller Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale 1 ee K- Circular shape. Red terra-cotta, glazed in various colors and modeled, in low relief with emphasized outline, in a subject of “On the Road to Segovia.” Two Spaniards conversing at the *=<- roadside, one with a brown dress and black hat mounted on a white donkey, the other in a black dress on a brown donkey. In the distance are the buildings of the city of Segovia. Blue sky and buff foreground. Signed: “Daniel Zuloaga.” “ERRA-COTTA ENAMELED PuatTe By Danret ZuLOAGA Diameter, 61% inches. BoC boa. C. Miiller Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 175—SPANIsH Tone ne coTTaA PratTe sy DanieL ZuLoaca Circular shape. Red terra-cotta, glazed in various colors, and modeled, in low relief with emphasized outlines, in a subject of “The Market.” A man in blue jacket, brown knee-breeches and of soe black boots, offering a bunch of grapes to a woman in a black dress with a red hood. At their feet is a basket of grapes and in the distance buildings with arches and figures. Diameter, 61/, inches. From the FedericarC. Miiller Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 176—Pair or Srarrorpsuire Porrery Grovrs Eighteenth Century Figures of a sheep standing and suckling a lamb, and of a horned ee — ram with lamb lying by its side. Glazed in white and decorated with red spots. On oval bases glazed in green and modeled with grass. Height, 41, inches; length, 5 inches. a the Federico_C. Miiller ee Buenos Aires, Argentina. 7 EE Po dec renee Eighteenth Century Figure of a dappled deer lying down. Invested with a white eg glaze and decorated, in brown, with dapplings. At the back is Mie a bocage with green leaves and red flowers. On pointed oval base, decorated, in relief, with leaves and flowers. Height, 6 inches. From the Comte R. Constant @Yanville Collection, Paris. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale 178—Patr oF CHANTILLY PORCELAIN Bonson DisHeEs Eighteenth Century Figures of a Chinese man and woman reclining and holding up a “yellow wicker-work baskets which form the bowls. Dressed im robes diapered with green volutes, quatrefoils and red rosettes, and skirts rosetted in blue. The woman has black hair, the man wears a brocaded cap. Height, 21% inches; length, 31% inches. From the Llavallol Sale, May 14, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 78. ' ecsge Rego A ae SHI Ada co PorcEeLaIn FicurEe Eighteenth Century Full-length figure of a youth dressed in a shaped vest of yellow with floral horizontal stripes in color, a white flowered coat, red AO and white vertically striped knee breeches, white stockings and black shoes. He has powdered hair and holds, in his left hand, a black tricorne hat supported under the arm, a basket of flowers. Consoled pedestal as support with rustic base, decorated, in re- lef, with flowers. Glaze flaked off in places. Height, 18 inches. From Ahe Dr. Rafael A. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. fol ‘, 180—NIEDERVILLER Harp Wuitet Biscuir PorcEenain Figure Eighteenth Century ¢ g The Cobbler.” Figure of an old man, in knee breeches, vest and _\Bstocking cap with rolled-up shirt sleeves, seated on a three-legged stool in front of a cobbler’s bench, with shoes and shoemaker’s tools. In his hand, his elbow supported on his knee, he holds a shoe. Behind him is a wall with a rectangular sign and fold of drap- ery. On circular base modeled with cobblestones. pel, Height, 1914 inches Note: The porcelain groups of Niederviller under the Baron de Beyerlé (1768-1780), and especially those in biscuit, show the strength of the artistic staff of the establishment. This figure of the Cobbler is illustrated in Emile Bayard’s “L’Art de Reconnaitre la Céramique,” at page 260. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale fo ei hy, Sa NATE 181—NIeEDERVILLER Harp Wuire Biscuir PorcEenain Ficurse Eighteenth Century “The Darner.” Figure of an old woman, in close-fitting cambric cap and full skirt, seated in an armchair made out of a barrel with a screen at one side formed of a wooden hoop and hung ai with drapery. One arm is thrust through a stocking which she is darning with a needle held in the other hand. On her lap rest others. On circular base modeled with cobblestones. Height, 191% inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. we a ae ¥ / 182—De.trr Portrery Pirr Horper Eighteenth Century Modeled in the form of a sleigh with high voluted back and ig voluted front and rectangular cross seat. Invested with a white é ~ glaze and decorated, in colors, as to the sides with floral borders in the Chinese manner and scrolled medallions occupied by win- ter scenes with skaters and buildings, and as to the front, with the figure of a skater. Mark: Letters K:D: Height, 334 inches. Note: This mark (K. D.) was employed on Delft-ware manufactured in the factories of Jacob Kraane Pook and Gerrit Bruyn, at Utrecht. Albert Jacquemart: “History of the Ceramic Art.” London, 1873, Fig. 118, p. 487 (M. 280). From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. J ‘ : DA 183—VenetiAn PorerevAIn Kav Sucrier Set anp Tray Early Nineteenth Century Pear-shaped bottles with tapering fluted cylindrical necks, one with gadrooned stopper, octagonal sucrier, straight-sided goblet and polygonal tray. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, 50. _on rose-colored grounds, with bands of scrolled flowers and loops in gold, bands of rose-color scrolled in gold, broad bands of black with scrollings in raised gold and butterflies in colors, and bands of beadings in relief and in white. Set consists of two bottles, sucrier, goblet and tray. From the Count Antonio Devoto Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale , 184—Pakis “Re DE ete! or ANGOULEME) Porcenain Eee- SERVER Eighteenth Century eta ss shape with straight sides and turned wooden handle. “Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, with floral sprays and a gold edge. ) Height, 1% inches; diameter, 3 inches. Note: Owing to its patron, the Duc d’Angouléme, the porcelain made at the factory in the Rue de Bondy is often referred to as Angouléme porcelain. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. i: vip 185—YP aris SE Sir as PorceLaIn Ewer anp Basin Eighteenth Century Ewer with pear-shaped body, incurved neck, shaped spout, molded stem, circular foot and looped handle. Shuttle-shaped / basin with flat rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, 40. =m gold and colors, with upright bands .of scrolls, vases and 7 floral festoons, broad horizontal bands of flowers on a gray ground, volutes, diapers and bead festoons and with oval medal- lions occupied by paintings in sepia of trophies and views of sea- ports and ruins. The bottom of the basin with a diamond-shaped acanthus-leaf medallion. Height of ewer, 10 inches; of basin, 31% inches; length of basin, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 186—P ris E DE Bonpvy or ANGOULEME) PoRCELAIN JARDINIERE Eighteenth Century Curved spreading sides. Invested with a white glaze and dec- orated, as to the exterior, with a twisted ribbon in pink, flowers 1 5° “in colors and a gold line, and as to the interior, with a band of flowers and leaves in colors. Silver gilt fluted rim and holder pierced and repoussé in a pattern of interlaced ovals, acanthus- leaf scrolls and a fluted border. Paris touch. Height, 51, inches; diameter, 61% inches. From the Llavallol Sale, March 14, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No. 95. Afternoon Sale Cd Yr / C E 187—P&ris (RvE pe Bonpy or ANGouLEME) PorcELAIN VASE AND CovER Eighteenth Century Straight spreading sides with ring handles in relief, incurved foot, inclined rim and domed cover with ball finial. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, with floral sprays, 4, — gold bands and a leaf border. Mark: Monogram “A.G.” in red. pw GO- i 190—Frené (Dihl and Guerard, 17780-1800. ) Height, 6 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ~ ‘) ; 188—Cu1 Ls xk i Gh eAdorres Ser Highteenth Century Tapering straight-sided coffee-pot, pear-shaped cream ewer with flat looped handles and curved spouts, coupe-shaped sucrier with domed cover and ball finial, cup with handles, and tray with scalloped rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, with bands of corn-flowers (bluets) and, in gold, with leaf bands and lines. Set consists of coffee-pot, cream ewer, sucrier, cup and tray. Mark: Crowned “M,” in red. (Monsieur, Comte de Provence, afterwards Louis XVIII.) From the ed, Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 4 189-—Borveavux /PorcELtain Bowr, Cover anp STAND Eighteenth Century v2 Coupe-shaped bowl with twisted looped handles, domed cover =~ with looped finial handle having leaf terminations, stand with scalloped flat rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, as to the bowl and cover, with floral festoons and meander borders and loop and trefoil borders of gold, and as to the stand, with a floral spray in colors. ye Height, 5 inches; diameter, 9 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. OISSETTE-PRES-MreLuN PorcrLAIN CACHE-POT Ok CANDLE SHADE Eighteenth Century oe Tapering cylindrical shape with molded rim and _ projecting masked leaf handle and with shaped opening in side. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in gold, with bands of beads and borders. Mark: Script B. in blue. (Circa 1778.) Height, 6 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vé7G. Fawr Cony i. Afternoon Sale 191— ae es Croup Faience CovEerep Cups Early Eighteenth Century Straight sides, with flat and reeded looped handles and domed lo covers with ball finials. Invested with a cream-colored glaze /&** and undecorated. Height, 4 inches. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vs FS oy, A / 192-—Sr. Croup FarenceE SwEETMEAT DisH anp Cover Early Eighteenth Century Oval shape with scalloped rim and domed cover with peach finial. Interior divided into compartments. Invested with a cream-col- JS. — ored glaze and decorated, in relief, with ribbings and groups of flowers. Height, 21%, inches; length, 5 inches; width, 34% inches. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. soak a) Uc Uri id 193—Roven Fatence JARDINIERE Eaghteenth Century Straight sides, molded rim and projecting ear handles. Red faience, invested with a white glaze and decorated, in green, red, yellow and blues, with a quatrefoil diaper and rococo scrolls, oe fringed drapery festoons, trefoils, semi-rosettes, leaf borders fies and flowers. (Chipped. ) Height, 64, inches; diameter, 8 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. e ee, f- y L/ weiritco- 4 ONS aaannde 194—SeEvres Porcerain Cup anp SAUCER Nineteenth Century Cup with straight sides and bamboo looped handle, decorated A with a band of an outer envelope pierced with a hexagonal fo honeycomb pattern modeled with circular rosettes and decorated -“ in gold. Saucer with flat rim pierced with a hexagonal honey- comb pattern to match that of the cup and decorated, as to the center, with a cipher monogram “M.A.” in gold. Mark: Date of 1884 and “R.F.” in red. From the Llavallol Sale, May 18, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Catalogue No, 46. Afternoon Sale WF L£ “Y / tr : eM PLATE Sivteenth Century cirgular shape with flat rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colored enamels, as to the center, with scrolled 2 roses, hyacinths, blue-bells and leaves in red, purple, blue and 0. —green, and as to the rim, with whorls in black and panels of white reserve. Exterior patterned, in blue, with fleurettes and volutes. 195—K ad Diameter, 1214 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5/ Ga oi : Se Oe 196—IraiAn eae Masouica Praave ye Early Eighteenth Century Be “Rectangular shape. Painted with a subject of a landscape with classic ruins, trees, a fortress, a river and distant hills. Blue sky with white clouds. Height, 81%, inches; width, 12 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. a) —_Z , e pa SZ , 197—Tnree Movstiers Farence Piares Eighteenth Century Two eighteenth century and one modern. Circular shape with curved rims and scalloped edges. Invested with a cream-colored glaze and decorated, in colors, as to those of the eighteenth — century, with grotesques after Callot consisting of floral sprays and figures of men standing on leaves, and as to the reproduc- tion, with bands of blue and red and decorations similar to the others. Diameters, 91, and 9 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. } X 4 e or 198—Ir4 LIAN CASTELLI AJOLICA PLAQUE Early Eighteenth Century 5, Rectangular shape. Painted with a subject of a landscape with classic ruins, trees, a fortress, a river and distant hills. Blue sky with white clouds. Height, 814%, inches; width, 12 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon, Sale ; K Oi, 199—De.rr ohindervaguad Seventeenth Century Circular shape with curved rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, as to the center, with flowers, leaves, rocks and a diaper of roundels, in yellow, purple, green and blue, sur- rounded by a border of dots and leaves in green, blue and yellow, and as to the rim, with scrolls, alternately blue and brown having Cie between them conventional floral sprays in blue, green and \ brown. Diameter, 12 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. mtd ELFT bi Tien Early Eighteenth Century Circular shape with flat rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, on a ground of mottled dark green, with a central rectangle of light blue and white reserve enclosing a quatrefoil of leaves and trefoiled flowers, with branches of dark blue, with des: four heart-shaped medallions of white reserve occupied by flow- ers and branches in red and blue, and with pine cones of white reserve with markings in red. The exterior with roundels in blue. Mark: A symbol in blue. (Repaired.) Diameter, 13 inches. From the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. _ poets ony 201—Gu¥n10 ee Derr Disu Early Seventeenth Century Circular shape with curved rim. Dark brown majolica. In- vested, as to the front, with a crackled yellow glaze and deco- rated, as to the center, in green and red and brown with the 0). = sacred monogram “I.H.S.,” a cross and acanthus leaves, and as to the rim, with a border of blue leaves and yellow flowers. Back unglazed. (Chipped.) Diameter, 111%, inches. Note: The dish was commanded by a religious order. The monogram I. H. S. (lesus Hominum Salvator) is part of the insignia of the Society of Jesus. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 202— Afternoon Sale Lay OUEN Farence Deep Disu Early Eighteenth Century Circular shape with fluted sides and scalloped edge. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in red, green and blue, as to the center, with a Chinoiserie of two Chinese pavilions, a bridge, a diapered railing, water, fleurettes and scrolled flowers and leaves, and as to the rim, with a diamond diaper with semi- rosettes and panels of white reserve occupied by floral sprays. The exterior with scrolled branches of flowers and leaves in red and blue. Mark: “G. 3” in blue. (Jean Guilliband. Rue tous Vents. 1720.) Diameter, 1234, inches. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. D 4 203—Sranise Ancora Fatencr Dis Seventeenth Century oy . "Ris Tad } fw Rectangular shape with curved and shaped rim. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in relief and colors, as to the center, with a figure of Time with scythe, hour glass, blue wings, brown beard and hair with a brown background, as to the rim, with the sun, moon and stars, in yellow, and as to the corners, with . scrolled flowers and leaves, in green, brown and blue. (Chipped.) Length, 19%, inches; width, 151% inches. From the Giralt Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cy ee On ae 204—Frencu Fatence Disu In THE STYLE or Bernarp Pauissy Circular shape. Modeled with a snake, in brown, lizards in green and yellow, one hiding its head, the other with head erect, a winged beetle in green and brown and a background of modeled grass and moss glazed in shades of green. Exterior invested with a tortoise-shell glaze of brown and yellow. Diameter, 111% inches. Afternoon Sale fay ee AND PORTUGUESE SILVER S0b gyng LATE Eighteenth Century Circular shape. Center repoussé with a circular beaded medal- tion occupied by the head of a young woman inscribed “‘D. Bar- bara de Braganza,” with a dotted background, inner border Le repoussé with voluted scrolls and rim repoussé with flowers and leaves. Mark: Barcelona hall mark and mark of Antonio Lopez, a silversmith of Leon (1782). Diameter, 18%, inches. From f Pastor Frias, Mp ior: June 25, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 206 began welty H SILVER PLATE Eighteenth Century Circular shape. Repoussé, as to the center, with a subject of a general in a cocked hat on horseback, saluting a soldier in the uniform of a Polish Hussar, also on horseback, with the muzzle Gy UO et ; : : \. of a cannon at one side, and as to the rim, with scrolled acanthus < eaves. Gauffered edge. Mark: Barcelona hall-mark and mark of Antonio Lopez of Leon (1732). Diameter, 13 inches. From-the astor Frias Sale,.June 25, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. L fa , 207—Porisi SILVER DisuH Eighteenth Century Oval shape, with curved rim. Center repoussé with subject of the relief of Vienna from the Turks by Jan Sobieski (John III of Poland) in 1683. Overthrown figure of Turks in turbans with victorious Poles on horseback. Rim repoussé with fruits and Big. _V__scrolled leaves. Gauffered edge. Marks: Warsaw mark: Polish Eagle. Length, 161% inches; width, 131% inches. From the Patton Fria Sale, June 25, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 208—PortuctekeSiiwun Mia Eighteenth Century Oval shape with curved rim. Center repoussé with subject of the Battle of Zama between Scipio Africanus and Hannibal (202 es B.C.), with Roman soldiers on horseback, Carthaginians over- thrown and, in the foreground, a camel on its side. Rim re- poussé with scrolled acanthus leaves, cornucopie of fruit and scrolled rectangular medallions. Gauffered edge. Length, 2614 inches; width, 1534, inches. From the Pastor Frias Sale, June 25, 1919, Buenos Aires, Argentina. P) pS: Afternoon Sale [For information regarding the numbers marked with a * please see introductory article] eee fie car on Ivory. Porrrarr or Marie An- TOINETTE BY Mapamer Ler Brun (1755-1842) Eighteenth Century Oval shape. Full-face view of Queen Marie Antoinette, with hazel-colored eyes and powdered hair. She wears a white lace bertha and a light purplish gray dress with epauletted shoulders, and at her bosom is a flower. Blue background. In gold frame, with back of silver pierced and chased in a pattern of diamond trellising surrounding a basket of flowers and a looped ribbon. Signed “‘vighE LE BrUN 1781.” Length, 2 inches; width, 11% inches. Note: Madame Le Brun, née Vigée, painted her first portrait of Marie Antoinette in 1779. After that she painted the Queen, with whom she was on terms of great intimacy, no fewer than twenty-five times. After the Revolution in 1789, she visited Italy, Austria, Russia, England and Switzer- land, but finally returned to Paris. Mme. Vigée Le Brun painted only a dozen miniatures, one of which is in the collection of the Baroness E, de Rothschild, two at the Ermitage Museum (Petrograd), and the one here mentioned. The others cannot be located. From the Matias Errazuriz Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Afternoon Sale ono fOX istoricAL Goutp Marre ANTOINETTE WatcH Eighteenth Century Gold case with a border, surrounding the face, of green leaves and red dots in translucent enamels, the back enameled in Marie Antoinette’s favorite color of blue surrounded by a similar border to the front and with a central rosette of green and red and yel- low enamels. White dial, inscribed “Lepine. Invent. et fecit,” Interior engraved with three fleurs-de-lys and with directions for winding “a droite,” signed “Lepine, H’ger du Roy. a Paris.” Gold key, of later date, shaped as a fleur-de-lys. In going order and repeats the hours and quarters. Diameter, 2 inches. Note: This watch is of peculiar interest. It was made, in 1787, by Lepine, the celebrated watchmaker, to the order of Queen Marie Antoinette, who intended to present it to the Princesse de Lamballe, the superintendent of her household, who subsequently shared her imprisonment in the Temple. accompanied by three documents which fully establish its authenticity. The first, which is signed by M. R. Gouget Desfontaines, describes the watch in detail and refers to the numbers of years during which it has been in the possession of his family. The second is signed by the maker of the watch, Jean Antoine Lepine. It gives the number of the watch and states that it was made for the Queen, Marie Antoinette, in the year 1787. The third is signed by the Commissioner of the Police of the Quarter and attests to the signature of Lepine on the second document. A full account of Jean Antoine Lepine is to be found in “Old Clocks and Watches,” by F. J. Britten, 1911, on page 700. From the Miguel Ghiso Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) *No. 210—FRENCH HISTORICAL GOLD MARIE ANTOINETTE WATCH (Fighteenth Century) Afternoon Sale #911 GR AN Eighteenth Century Ivory sticks, pierced, and carved, gilded and silvered, with dia- pers, rosettes, and figures of children. Ivory guards, carved and gilded with scrolls, diapers, figures of Putti playing lutes and Amorini. Mount, with obverse of vellum and reverse of silk, painted, in the center, with a scrolled medallion occupied by a Scene Galante in the Watteau manner of two couples in eight- eenth century costumes, two standing and two seated with two doves at the back, surrounded by a spangled border and with oval medallions painted with trophies flanked by the figures of two Amorini with garlands of flowers; above are a quiver and bow, a bird cage and festoons of spangles and drapery, tied with bowed ribbons, and two oval medallions bordered by spangled scrolls and occupied, one by a painting of a woman in a blue dress holding a bird-cage, and one by a child in a blue bodice and red skirt with a bird on her finger. The faces in these paintings are on ivory applied to the mount. Length, 11 inches. From the Dr. R. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) Va) Get df. *212—Sivrrs Porcenain Ficure Invested with a white glaze. Figure of a Cupid with pointed hood and rope girdle to which is attached a quiver with arrows. Tapering cylindrical pedestal support, decorated, in relief, with dots.. Circular base. Signed: “Le Riche.” Height, 12 inches. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) Afternoon Sale ae Cae ¢d_ *213—Szkvres Sorr Paste Porcerain TEA-sEer Eighteenth Century Barrel-shaped teapot with straight spout, looped handle and domed cover with peach finial, pear-shaped cream ewer with curved spout and looped handle, coupe-shaped sucrier with domed cover and peach finials, straight-sided cup with looped handle and circular tray with scalloped rim, incurved stem and spreading circular foot. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, on a bleu-du-roit ground with bands of raised gold leaves, and bouquets of flowers and floral borders, in colors on scalloped bands of white reserve. Set consists of teapot, cream ewer, sucrier, cup and saucer and tray. Absolutely perfect and undamaged. Marks: Cyphers of Tandart, Painter of flowers, and of Chavaux Pére, Gilder, and crossed L’s, all in blue. This set probably was made before 1760 (Tandart, 1756-1760.) The most important piece from the Jansen Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) *xNo. 213—SEVRES SOFT PASTE PORCELAIN TEA-SET (Highteenth Century) Afternoon Sale Tia aaa 1A Ns Sixteenth Century Clear white blown glass. Wine jug blown in the shape of a Nef, or ship, with shaped, incurved body having fluted sides decorated, in relief, with rosettes and masks, projecting cylindrical spout and voluted, flat looped handle with pear-shaped thumbpiece, on incurved cylindrical stem with gadrooned knop and spreading circular foot. At stem two tall incurved masts of glass fila- ments, fashioned in a diamond trellis pattern, with twisted trumpet-shaped corrugated shell as finial. At bows a lower erec- tion similarly formed. Height, 121% inches. Note: That the Venetians, essentially a maritime community, as the annual ceremony of the wedding of the Adriatic by their Doge and their reliance upon ships for their commercial prosperity go to prove, should have made them an integral part of all their decorative schemes is not surprising. The Nef, generally in silver and very seldom in glass, appeared at their banquets as well as at those of other nations, as is shown in Hans von Scheweichen’s account of a banquet in Augsburg at the house of Max Frugger in 1575 (Robert Smith, p. 75). Glass Nefs were so rare that the only examples on public view in Europe are those in the British and the Berlin Museums. In the making of pieces such as this, extraordinary manual dexterity was de- manded of the glass blower. From the collection of Ricardo Zamborain, dispersed at Buenos Aires, November 28, 1918.. Setior Zamborain bought it seventy years ago in Berlin. (Illustrated) Qe #015 Ki Go ECA Roce CrystaL AnD Enament NEF Eighteenth Century Shell-shaped bowl and baluster-shaped stem of rock crystal, with rim of silver gilt, rock crystal domed oval foot and gilt and enameled handle shaped as a dragon with outstretched wings. Stem mounted with horizontal enameled band and knop set with tourmalines, foot decorated with floral panels of trans- lucent green enamel, and set with tourmalines, and handle with wings enameled with translucent green and opaque white enamel and set with rubies. Height, 81/, inches. (Illustrated) Afternoon Sale OT Ie Sar Gr. t, Rock CrystaL AND ENAMEL EWErR AND STAND Late Eighteenth Century Octagonal spreading straight-sided ewer with incurved neck, bowl-shaped rim, looped handles and octagonal foot. Body, formed of beveled panels of rock crystal intaglio-engraved with scrolled and voluted acanthus leaves and birds with horizontal bands of white enamel scrolled with gold and floral pendants in relief enameled in colors and set with precious stones, bowl of rim decorated with translucent and opaque enamels in a pattern of masks, volutes and fruits, foot with panels of rock crystal, hori- zontal bands of white enamel scrolled with gold and with quatre- foils and volutes, in colored opaque enamels. Octagonal stand with center of beveled rock crystal, intaglio-engraved with scrolled acanthus leaves, birds and baskets of fruits, floral fes- toons and ribbons, winged sphinxes with scrolled and voluted terminations, masks and C-scrolls. Rim of panels of rock crystal bordered with bands of white enamel scrolled with gold and with scalloped and toothed edge of silver gilt. Vienna hall mark. tand in blind tooled leather box. Height of ewer, 101% inches; diameter of stand, 9¥ inches. ( Illustrated) *No. 216—VIENNA SILVER GILT, ROCK CRYSTAL AND ENAMEL EWER AND STAND (Late Eighteenth Century) Afternoon Sale we 2 217 —Par or SpANIsH Sriver DisHeEs Eighteenth Century Oval shape with curved rim. Centers repoussés with oval medal- lions of classic female figures, surrounded by eight radiating curved ribbings between which are bouquets of flowers and leaves. Gauffered edges. Maker’s mark, “Munoz” (1772), (nis- takenly given by Rosenberg as a Spanish town). Length, 271% inches; width, 21%, inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) *No. 217—PAIR OF SPANISH SILVER DISHES (Highteenth Century) Afternoon Sale C2308 *218—Cotocne Carvep Fvory Disx Eighteenth Century Oval shape with curved rim. In the center is an oval medallion carved, in high relief, with a Triumph of Bacchus. The God, with Ariadne at his side, is seated in a car drawn by four pan- thers ; above is the Genius of Music with a lyre in her hands, and behind him a winged angel is leading a nude woman by the hand. This carving contains nine figures and four leopards, and from it radiate to the rim flat tapering ribs of ivory. The rim is decorated with six panels of ivory carved with Bacchanalian scenes including figures of Silenus, Centaurs, Satyrs and Nymphs. These panels contain over forty-three figures. They are sep- arated by applied scrolls of silver, repoussé and chased with musical and other trophies flanked by half-figures of Amorini with scrolled terminations. Edge of rim carved with two bands of ornament. Very rare collection piece. : Length, 2814 inches; width, 231 inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 29, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argen- tina. Catalogue No. 715. (Illustrated) 4 *No. 218—COLOGNE CARVED IVORY DISH (Highteenth Century) | a RS SR a SS SS SS PSE Afternoon Sale ap SB 12. +219 -P\tasey ane SH Siateenth Century Oval shape with curved rim and spreading oval foot pierced for suspension. Modeled, in the center, with three fish, lying over- lapped, one a pike, one a dace and one a trout; the background is of water and beside them is an open mussel. On the rim is a spotted snake in light and dark shades of brown, a tortoise, a frog in green, a lizard, a dragon-fly, moths, shells and green and autumn tinted leaves. All on an irregularly modeled ground of browns. ‘The exterior is invested with a tortoise-shell glaze of brown and yellow. In front is an escutcheon-shaped tablet in- cised with the script monogram, “AB.” Length, 27 inches; width, 1934 inches. Note: Bernard Palissy, the enthusiastic potter of the sixteenth century, seems rarely to have signed his “Rustiques Figulines,’ as he called his works of this class. The dish modeled after the pewter plaque by Francois Briot he signed with Briot’s monogram, “F. B.”; other dishes he signed with the royal fleur-de-lis and one important piece bears the initials “ V. A. B. C.” Palissy also marked his dishes with the double “BB.” Being extremely honest, he often used the initials of the person who inspired him when affixing his signature. The initials appended to the dish here catalogued may, from their prominence, refer to the person for whom it was made. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) (Aunquag yruaajmg) HSIG AUVM ASSI'IVd—6IZ ‘ON* Afternoon Sale > | Beat ote Ivory CaRviIne Seventeenth Century An Entombment. In the center is a rectangular sarcophagus, the front carved with a skull and festoons of drapery. On this, on top of a linen sheet, is laid the undraped body of Christ, with Joseph of Arimathea at the foot raising the sheet, and Nico- demus with his vase of ointment at the head. At the back stand the Virgin, St. John, Mary Magdalene and other Disciples and Holy Women. On a rectangular wooden base with chamfered edge. Very rare collection piece. Height (of ivory), 4 inches; length, 7% inches; width, 3% inches. From the Ricardo Zamborain Sale, November 26, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argen- tina. Catalogue No. 298. Afternoon Sale *291—Frencu Bronze Group spy A. L. Barye Group of a family of deer. The antlered stag stands over the doe with two young ones, who are lying down. Oval rocky base. Signed: “BARYE.” Height, 7 inches; length, 101% inches. Note: After this bronze was cast the model was destroyed, thus rendering it impossible of reduplication. From the Georges Bernheim, Paris. From the Witcomb Sale, Buenos Aires, April 15, 1919. Afternoon Sale *222—_ Frencu ane STATUETTE BY RopIn “ApAM.” Study of a nude, youthful and bearded man, standing in an attitude of sorrow with his head bowed and his arms crossed in front of him. Rocky support and base as a rocky mound, Signed: “A. Rodin.” Height, 1214 inches. Note: After the great French sculptor had finished his well-known statue of Eve, it is believed that he conceived the idea of presenting Adam in the same pose. However this may be, he certainly modeled, in wax, the study here catalogued, of which he thought so well that he cast it in bronze by the “cire-perdu” process, thus losing the original. Needless to say, it has never been reduplicated. From the Georges Bernheim, Paris. From the Witcomb Sale, Buenos Aires, September 28, 1918. (Illustrated) *No. 222—FRENCH BRONZE STATUETTE BY RODIN Afternoon Sale 5 lV" C2~2e *223—Frencu Bronze Grove sy Cxiopron Figure of a female Bacchante standing upright, with bare bosom and legs and a flowing robe. She holds her right hand out- stretched and with her left dangles at her side a Bacchic thyrsus. Behind her is a bust of Pan on a pedestal, formed of a fluted column on a rectangular base. The girl seems to be listening, with a smile upon her face, to the whispered confidence of Pan, who is shown with the head of a man with pointed beard, his lips parted and a cynical smile illumining his features. Below is a nude boy Amorino standing with outstretched legs, the right hand holding a flower, the left with a short cylindrical staff resting upon the base of the column. Circular base. Boldly signed, in Roman characters, on the rectangular base of the pedestal: **CLODION.”” Height, 3114 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Note: Though Claude Michel (1788-1814), who preferred to be known by his assumed name of Clodion, worked largely in terra-cotta, ‘he is known to have executed some important works in bronze, as well as many mountings in the same metal. Of the former, that here catalogued is a noteworthy example. “The Birth of Love” has been suggested as its title by the present owner, in reference to the intimate advice which is being whispered to the Bacchante by the bust of Pan. From the Dr. R. Bullrich Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. From the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) wy *No. 223—FRENCH BRONZE BY CLODION GROUP Afternoon Sale 2) *224——Parr oF WALLENDORFF PoRCELAIN STATUETTES Eighteenth Century Invested with a white glaze and undecorated. Full-length fig- ures of a youth and maiden. The youth, in knee breeches, square-cut waistcoat, flowing mantle and flat round cap, bends eagerly forward. In his right hand he holds a small bunch of flowers. Tree-trunk support and circular base, decorated, in relief, with flowers. The maiden, in square-cut bodice, full skirt, flat straw hat, rosetted shoes, apron with pockets, necklace and bracelets, holds in her left hand a vase of flowers and in her right a small branch of flowers. On a circular base decorated, in relief, with flowers. Manufacturer’s model. Heights, 19% and 19% inches. From the Enrique Felcher Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) *No. 224—PAIR OF WALLENDORF PORCELAIN STATUETTES (Eighteenth Century) Afternoon Sale p Crock. *295—MREISSEN PorcELAIN GARNITURE OF CLOCK AND CANDELABRA Eighteenth Century Glazed in white and decorated in relief and in colors. Clock case with circular dial, surrounded by a band of interlaced circles in gold, floral pendants and scrolls, having above a pointed scrolled and voluted cresting pierced with a diamond trellising, in green and gold, with raised flowers at the intersections, surmounted by a cluster of raised flowers and with four Putti holding flowers. Incurved stem, with scrolled sides, pierced with a panel of dia- mond trellising with raised flowers at the intersections, and scrolled and voluted foot with a Putto, seated on either side, holding floral garlands and bouquets of flowers. Rectangular base with serpentine front pierced with a diamond trellising, painted with flowers in gold and colors, and with voluted feet. Dial inscribed: “Crosnier 4 Paris.” Candelabra with scrolled cylindrical stems, entwined with vine leaves and grapes, having below the figures of Putti lying with bunches of grapes in their hands and figures of Nymphs in flowered robes, painted in colors, over them. Circular bases pierced, scrolled, painted and gilt with feet modeled as dolphins. Above are four curved and scrolled branches entwined with raised and colored flowers and leaves, and a central finial, all ending in painted vase-shaped candle-sockets with circular, curved and painted bobéches. Height of clock, 2334 inches; of candelabra, 1834 inches. Note: Crosnier, or Cronier, was a leading Parisian horologist of the Louis XVI period. A Sévres clock by him is in the Wallace Collection. Britten, page 644. From the Francisco Seco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Illustrated) (Aunjuag yquaaqy Org) VUdVIHGNVO GNV MOOI AO AUNALINUVD NIVTHOUOd NASSIAW—S2s “ON*¥ SN INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES ed OF a ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS = AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF oe EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION aa | MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY y > v. 4 home a iey “ be ,. mele A ei bie, ae ar Cae tS ee es ae ae ak a ee Ye = ie Erie “eis ents eS Sty * Sree a es Oe he Sy ee ees sa ee eK, eee esd on eee Mee? Ta ide. r ee i ee a | ~ 4, ‘1 = 7 ad us ~ : rane 2 An? +a ey 7 Pe» c : A a, RE . =e ARAL Seige a ee oa haat S aw = oa . * * s — = 2 - un COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY i — = i — canine - “a; COLLECTION OF ENRIQUE’ - is 5 a * ‘the : { - — ee TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED Pl BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNER UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF : ‘ ‘ss e THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA’ Bee. “MADISON SQUARE SOUTH Bee 7 NEW YORK