1923 Dec.7 MNeAnR SALE NUMBER 1782 IN PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH TN on “OLD “AMERICAN, EARLY ENGLISH IRISH & CONTINENTAL SILVER &F OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE THE LATE AUGUSTUS ROCHE, ESQ. COLONEL TOTTENHAM FORMERLY M.P. FOR CORK RATHFARNHAM CASTLE IRELAND DUBLIN THE LATE SIR THORNLEY STOKER LADY ARDIT" ELY PLACE ST. ANNE'S. “ DUBLIN on cc te fy is cal ALSO A COREE TION OF OLD IRISH WATERFORD GLASS, OLD LIMERICK & CARRICKMACROSS ~ LACE, OLD ENGLISH & FRENCH JEWELRY is - A RARE SET OF THREE ITALIAN XVITH CENTURY _ TAPESTRIES FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE LORD ARDILAUN AN EXTREMELY RARE & HISTORICAL PIECE OF GREEN JADE OF UNIQUE SHAPE AND COLORING TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS DECEMBER SEVENTH, EIGHTH AT TWO’THIRTY O'CLOCK _ THE ANDERSON GALLERIES” [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Preswenr] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 SALE NUMBER 1782 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY’SEVENTH OLD AMERICAN, EARLY ENGLISH IRISH & CONTINENTAL SILVER Sel) SHEFFIELD PLATE FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF ys 456 O THE LATE THE LATE AUGUSTUS ROCHE, ESQ. COLONEL TOTTENHAM FORMERLY M.P. FOR CORK RATHFARNHAM CASTLE IRELAND DUBLIN THE LATE SIR THORNLEY STOKER LADY ARDILAUN ELY PLACE ST. ANNE'S, CLONTARF DUBLIN COUNTY DUBLIN ALSO A COLLECTION OF OLD IRISH WATERFORD GLASS, OLD LIMERICK & CARRICKMACROSS LACE, OLD ENGLISH & FRENCH JEWELRY Peek) OF THREE ITALIAN XVITH CENTURY TAPESTRIES FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE LORD ARDILAUN AN EXTREMELY RARE & HISTORICAL PIECE OF GREEN JADE OF UNIQUE SHAPE AND COLORING TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS DECEMBER SEVENTH, EIGHTH AT TWO’THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authen- ticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wirHouT RECOURSE. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain un- cleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. ‘This condition shall be without prej- udice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SEVENTH LACE AND TEXTILES 1_— 22 SMALL SILVER, TABLEWARE, ETC. 23-— 51 JEWELRY 52— 80 SHEFFIELD PLATE 81-117 WATERFORD AND OTHER IRISH GLASS FROM THE COLLEC- TION OF THE LATE SIR THORNLEY STOKER 118-137 SHEFFIELD PLATE 138-159 JEWELRY 160-186 FINE OLD ENGLISH AND IRISH SILVER 187-243 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER EIGHTH SHEFFIELD PLATE AND JEWELRY 244315 FINE IRISH AND ENGLISH SILVER FROM VARIOUS COLLEC- TIONS 316-468 ) , 7 : 7 . . , * = ” f : 7 . + ¥ 7 j A * ='s ; ‘ " SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SEVENTH, AT 2:30 Ne eae FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-243 LACK AND TEXTILES NUMBERS 1-22 TWELVE PIECES OF OLD LIMERICK AND CARRICK- MACROSS LACE IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilawn) (12) TWELVE PIECES OF OLD LIMERICK AND CARRICKMA- CROSS LACE IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (12) OLD LIMERICK LACE COLLARETTE IRELAND, circa 1800 In perfect condition. (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Length, 38 inches; breadth, 614 inches SALMON-COLORED HAND-EMBROIDERED SILK OPERA SHAWL IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Size, 60 inches square OLD LIMERICK LACE COLLAR IRELAND, circa 1800 In perfect condition. (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Length, 40 inches CARRICKMACROSS CROCHET COLLAR IRELAND, ciIrRCcA 1820 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) TWO PIECES OF CARRICKMACROSS IRISH LACE (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (2) Length, 6 yards ; and 4 yards 10 yeas 12 13 14 15 16 Ly 18 SIXTEEN PIECES OF OLD IRISH LACE LIMERICK, cIRcA 1820 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (16) SIX PIECES OF OLD IRISH CROCHET WORK DONEGAL, IRELAND, circa 1820 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (6) THREE PIECES OF OLD IRISH LACE trrexanp, circa 1820 One piece of point lace suitable for flouncing; length, 244 yards; Old Limerick lace collar ; and one piece of crochet lace. (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (3) OLD LIMERICK LACE DOUBLE CAPE rreuanp, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) TWELVE PIECES OF OLD LIMERICK AND CARRICKMA- CROSS LACE IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (12) TWELVE PIECES OF OLD LIMERICK LACE IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (12) SIX PANELS OLD IRISH LIMERICK CROCHET WORK IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (6) RARE OLD LIMERICK LACE SHAWL irrevranp, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) RARE OLD LIMERICK LACE SHAWL 1rretanp, crrca 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) RARE OLD LIMERICK LACE WEDDING SHAWL IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Size, 24% yards square RARE OLD LIMERICK LACE WEDDING SHAWL IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Length, 2 yards 9”) ed 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RARE OLD LIMERICK LACE WEDDING SHAWL IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Size, 3 yards x 2 yards PAIR OF RARE OLD LIMERICK LACE COLLARS IRELAND, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (2) TEN YARDS OF OLD LIMERICK LACE FLOUNCING IRELAND, circA 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) SILK SHAWL SPAIN, circa 1800 (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) SMALL SILVER, TABLEWARE, ETC. NUMBERS 23-51 OLD ENGLISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER LONDON, DATED 1802 Made by George Wintle. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER FISH SLICE DUBLIN, DATED 1802 Made by Richarde Garde. Pierced and engraved. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER puvs.ty, parep 1801 Made by Michael Keating. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) TWO RARE OLD IRISH SILVER SAUCE LADLES DUBLIN, circa 1750 Made by George Cross. ‘Turned up ends; crest of lion at back. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER pvuvs.in, patep 1801 Made by Arthur O’Neill. Shaped top. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) — 3 28 29 30 31 30 34 35 36 SIX OLD GEORGIAN DINNER SPOONS LONDON, DATED 1808 Tapering handles. Made by William Fley, Fearn and Chawner. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 1014 ounces TWO RARE OLD IRISH RAT-TAIL SPOONS One, London, dated 1744; one, Dublin, circa 1740. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER pusB.in, patep 1817 Made by Samuel Neville. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) RARE PAIR OF OLD IRISH SILVER SUGAR NIPPERS DUBLIN, circA 1740 Made by David King. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER pvs.ty1y, CIkes 1740: (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER pus.y, circa 1740 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SUGAR NIPPERS LONDON, DATED 1750 Small size. Maker’s mark, H. P., with crown. (From the Col- lection of the late Colonel Tottenham) COLLECTION OF RARE OLD IRISH AND ENGLISH MEAT SKEWERS AND MARROW SCOOPS Including one rare old English meat skewer made in London, 1771, by William Quillier and Peter Castel. (From the Collec- tion of the late Lord Fermoy) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER _ pustiy, circa 1740 Shell-shaped top. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) | 4 38 39 40 AT 42 43 44 45 OLD ENGLISH SILVER MARROW SCOOP LONDON, DATED 1780 Made by George Power. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) SILVER MEAT SKEWER LONDON, DATED 1748 Made by Thomas Wynne. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER MARROW SCOOP. puwuBLiy, Daten 1772 Made by Michael Keating. With double bowl ends. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD ENGLISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER LONDON, DATED 1744 Made by Thomas Northcote. (From the Collection of the late Colonel T'ottenham) RARE OLD IRISH SILVER MARROW SCOOP DUBLIN, DATED 1740 Made by Michael Keating. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER MARROW SCOOP coRK, circa 1740 Made by John Williams. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) SIX OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED CHEESE KNIVES LONDON, circa 1800 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) OLD ENGLISH SILVER MARROW SCOOP LONDON, DATED 1752 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) RARE OLD IRISH SILVER MARROW AND CRUMB SCOOP DUBLIN, DATED 1768 Maker’s mark, L. & B. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 - 53 54 SIX OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED THREE- PRONGED FORKS LONDON, circa 1800 Maker’s mark, T. R. Embossed shell decoration. (from the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) SIX OLD ENGLISH CHEESE KNIVES tonpovy, circa 1800 Silver handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) (6) RARE SET OF SIX OLD GEORGIAN SILVER COFFEE SPOONS LONDON, DATED 1799 Made by George Baskerville. Beautifully chased and engraved. Fluted bowls. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) (6) RARE SET OF SIX OLD GEORGIAN SILVER COFFEE SPOONS LONDON, DATED 1801 Made by Peter, Anne and William Bateman. Fluted bowls; fine- ly engraved. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) (6) OLD IRISH SILVER MEAT SKEWER opvstry, pated 1803 Made by Samuel Neville. Shaped top. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) RARE SET OF SIX OLD GEORGIAN COFFEE SPOONS LONDON, DATED 1812 Made by William Fley, Fearn and Chawner. Fluted bowls; fine- ly engraved handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) JEWELRY NUMBERS 52-80 ANTIQUE SILVER MINIATURE BROOCH BLUE ENAMEL MINIATURE MANDOLINE ANTIQUE OVAL BROOCH 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ANTIQUE SILVER BUCKLE SET WITH AMETHYSTS GOLD FILIGREE AND TORTOISE-SHELL CROSS SET WITH PEARLS (Chipped ) FINE PASTE SHOE BUCKLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY GOLD FILIGREE CAMEO BROOCH OVAL CAMEO BROOCH WITH GOLD MOUNT GOLD LOCKET BROOCH MOUNTED WITH PERSIAN MINIATURE PROPELLER-SHAPE GOLD CAMEO BROOCH SILVER-GILT CHAIN BRACELET WITH GARNET AND PEARL SETTING ANTIQUE ENAMELLED PURE GOLD RING LONDON, circa 1810 Inscribed: “Chas. Walcot died 7th July, 1805, aged 50.” ANTIQUE PURE GOLD AND PEARL SMALL BROOCH LONDON, circa 1810 Surrounded by thirty-three pearls. (One pearl missing) OLD FRENCH PASTE BROOCH IN SILVER SETTING circa 1800 With three large stones in centre. FINELY ENGRAVED CAMEO BRACELET ITALY, crrcA 1800 Consisting of ten medallions in pinchbeck mounts. QUAINT OLD SQUARE SHAPE BROOCH ENGLISH, ciIrcA 1820 Surmounted with finely engraved snake in different colored gold. With box and glass in centre to hold miniature. 7 68 69 70 ge 72 73 74 79 76 78 1 80 ANTIQUE LORGNETTE AND PLAIN SQUARE EYEGLASS ENGLISH, circa 1800 The lorgnette with handsomely engraved frame. MALACHITE TIE PIN ITALIAN, circa 1800 With representation of athlete. Mounted in gold. ANTIQUE ENAMEL AND SILVER-GILT PENDANT FRENCH, circa 1800 Suspended by chain set with pearls. ANTIQUE GOLD RING WITH GENUINE PEARLS ENGLISH, circa 1750 Box and glass in centre. RARE ANTIQUE ROUND BROOCH ENGLISH, circa 1800 Surrounded with shaped crystals. With genuine painted minia- ture of lady’s head, surrounded with flowers. (Sold as is) ANTIQUE OVAL PINCHBECK BOX LONDON, circa 1880 With carnelian stone cover and base, and chased mounts. GOLD AND TURQUOISE BROOCH SET WITH PEARLS GOLD CLUSTER RING SET WITH TURQUOISE AND BRILLIANTS ANTIQUE GOLD WIRE BRACELET SET WITH TURQUOISE ANTIQUE GOLD CLUSTER RING SET WITH AMETHYST AND PEARLS With inscription. GOLD AND MOTHER-OF-PEARL CROSS SET WITH PEARLS AND AMETHYSTS PAIR OF SILVER BUCKLES (2) SILVER ENTWINED SNAKE BUCKLE SET WITH GARNETS 81 82 83 834 84 85 86 87 SHEFFIELD PLATE NUMBERS 81-117 OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE PIN TRAY AND OLD SHEF- FIELD PLATE SWEETMEAT STAND circa 1780 With chased border and chased feet and border. (From the Col- lection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE BUTTER COOLER AND SWEETMEAT DISH circa 1780 ‘The butter cooler fluted and with shell pattern; the sweetmeat dish with chased centre and border and floral decoration. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CHAMBER CANDLE- STICKS WITH EXTINGUISHERS circa 1780 (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CHAMBER CANDLE- STICKS WITH EXTINGUISHERS circa 1780 Matching the preceding. (From the Collection of Sir John Not- ting, Bart.) (2) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE KNIFE BOX circa 1800 Oval shape. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) RARE PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SALT- CELLARS circa 1800 Shell chased border ; blue glass linings; ball feet. (From the Col- lection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL FRUIT DISHES circa 1780 Grooved edge and handles. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) TWO OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTCELLARS AND FOUR EGG-CUPS circa 1780 The two saltcellars pierced, and with blue linings; the four egg- cups with fire gilding inside; gadrooned edge. (From the Collec- tion of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (6) 9 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TELESCOPIC CANDLESTICKS circa 1780 (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) Height, 9 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE PITCHER circa 1780 Helmet-shaped; gadrooned edge. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE HELMET-SHAPED SUGAR BOWL circa 1780 Oval base; swinging handle. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE VEGETABLE DISH AND COVER circa 1820 Shamrock shape. Three compartments; gadrooned edge. Scroll feet. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TELESCOPIC CANDLESTICKS circa 1780 Gadrooned edge; square bases. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTCELLARS circa 1780 Original fire gilding; gadrooned edge. Four ball feet. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) ove OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE FISH DISH circa 1800 Oval, octagonal shape; shell border. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) Size, 16 x 13 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT circa 1770 Oval shape; plain; straight spout. Pearwood handle. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) — OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT circa 1800 Body richly chased in flowers and leaves. Oblong shape. Sur- mounted with chased border ; plain handle; four ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) 10 o7 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL-SHAPED TEA- POT circa 1800 Shaped gadrooned edge. Leaf decoration on lid. Ivory top. Set on four ball feet. Bearing old Sheffield mark, Dan Holy, Parker & Co. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SQUARE SWEETMEAT DISHES circa 1780 Original fire gilding; gadrooned edge. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (4) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE BOAT-SHAPED TEAPOT circa 1780 Bright cut border. Fluted oval base. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ADAM TEA URN — circa 1770 Small size. Rare specimen. Urn-shaped; fluted handles; square base, with four ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Augus- tus Roche Esq.) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEAPOT circa 1770 Richly chased band around body; ebony handle; pineapple top; four claw feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE VENISON DISH AND HOT WATER STAND circa 1800 Gadrooned edge; two handles. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) Size, 20 x 15 inches RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE POT circa 1800 Richly chased in flowers; shaped body; lid surmounted by acorn. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE COFFEE POT circa 1780 Dome-shaped detachable cover; on round foot; gadrooned edge; pearwood handle. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) | 11 105 106 107 108 109 110 Lidia RARE PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLE- STICKS circa 1770 Square base chased in leaves; square columns with grooved tops, surmounted by wreaths with animal heads. Fine specimens of the Adam period. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) PAIR OF ADAM STYLE EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS circa 1770 Similar to the preceding. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) Height, 12 inches TWO OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TOAST RACKS circa 1780 One with gadrooned edge; claw and ball feet. (From the Collec- tion of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (2) RARE PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ENTREE DISHES AND COVERS circa 1760 Queen Anne design. Octagonal shape, round handles. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PIERCED BOTTLE STANDS circa 1800 Wooden bottoms. (Sold as is) (2) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ADAM DESIGN TEA URN circa 1780 Two handles; grooved edge; square base. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Height, 21 inches FINE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CAKE BASKET circa 1770 Shell border; swinging handle. Square base. In fine condition. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) 12 112 1138 114 [115] [244 [112] [244] Pic.st UNIQUE EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE EGG BOILER circa 1770 Loose egg frame; double hinged lids. Two handles surmounted with shell decoration; ivory knob. Gadrooned edge. Four feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | UNIQUE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA CADDY circa 1760 Oval shape with two compartments. Reeded edges. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE URN-SHAPED HOT WATER JUG circa 1770 Plain body standing on circular fluted base; urn-shaped knob. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE BUTTER COOLER AND COVER circa 1780 Body pierced and engraved in festoons. Fluted handles at side; dome-shaped cover. Red glass lining. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 13 116 PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CIRCULAR TEA CADDIES circa 1780 Chased with festoons and leaf decoration; on square bases. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 2] | [117] [144] [159] RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA URNS 117 RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SQUARE-SHAPED TEA URN circa 1770 Gadrooned edge; handles surmounted by shells; pierced lining. Square base, with four ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 14 WATERFORD AND OTHER IRISH GLASS FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE SIR THORNLEY STOKER NUMBERS 118-137 [118] [120] [ 118} 118 PAIR OF RARE OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS WATER JUGS IRELAND, circa 1790 With diamond cut panels, shaped handles. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker, Ely Place, Dublin) (2) - Height, 6 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 119 PAIR OF RARE OLD WATERFORD SWEET STANDS IRELAND, circa 1790 Boat-shaped. Diamond cut panels; on oval bases. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) 120 RARE OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS WATER JUG IRELAND, circa 1790 Fine diamond cut panelling; fluted border; cut handle; circular base. This beautiful specimen was formerly in the collection of the late Bishop of Waterford; it is the largest jug of its kind known. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Height, 9 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | : 15 121 124 125 126 127 128 RARE OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS WATER JUG Cut panels and handle. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Height, 6 inches PAIR OF RARE OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS WATER JUGS IRELAND, circa 1790 Diamond cut and fluted sides; round cut base. In perfect con- dition. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Height, 6 inches RARE OLD WATERFORD WATER JUG IRELAND, circa 1790. Diamond cut fluted sides; plain cut handle. (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) SET OF FIFTEEN EARLY WATERFORD CUT GLASS ICE OR FRUIT PLATES IRELAND, circa 1790 Star cut at bottom. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (15) Diameter, 61 mches OLD WATERFORD URN-SHAPED JAR WITH COVER IRELAND, circa 1790 Beautifully cut in festoons and stars in centre. (From the Col- lection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) SET OF SIX EARLY IRISH CUT GLASS GOBLETS cork, circa 1790 Two with star cutting at bottom. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (6) SET OF FOUR EARLY IRISH CUT GLASS RUMMERS cork, circa 1790 Lips at side; two with star cut bottoms. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (4) SET OF TWELVE OLD IRISH CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS coRK, circa 1790 Cut sides and star cut bottoms. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (12) 16 129 130 131 132 1338 134 135 136 SIX RARE OLD WATERFORD WINEGLASSES IRELAND, circa 1790 Finely cut band around body; cut stems; plain circular base. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (6) OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS HONEY JAR WITH COVER AND STAND IRELAND, circa 1790 Fine diamond cut; star cut bottoms. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) SIX EARLY IRISH CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS cork, circa 1790 Star cut bottoms. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (6) TWELVE EARLY IRISH CUT GLASS TUMBLERS cork, circa 1790 (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (12) OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS BUTTER COOLER WITH COVER AND STAND IRELAND, circa 1790 Square diamond cutting; grooved edge; fluted star cut bottom; bell-shaped cover ; fluted stand with star cut bottom. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) EARLY IRISH CUT GLASS WINEGLASSES cork, circa 1790 Shaped stem on circular base. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) SET OF FOUR RARE OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS SWEETMEAT DISHES IRELAND, circa 1790 Diamond cut panels; round bases with fan cut border. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (4) OLD IRISH GLASS WATER JUG cork, circa 1790 Shaped spout; grooved cut body and handle. (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Li? 137 138 139 140 141 142 OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS SALAD BOWL IRELAND, circa 1800 Turned down rim; round base; star cut bottom and rim. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) SHEFFIELD PLATE NUMBERS 138-159 OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SNUFFER TRAY AND SWEETMEAT DISH circa 1780 Snuffer tray oval-shaped, pierced and engraved; sweetmeat dish on oval engraved base. (From the Collection of Sir John Not- ting, Bart.) (2) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE OCTAGONAL ENTREE DISHES AND COVERS circa 1780 With hot warmers; on four shell feet; grooved edges. In mint state of preservation. Engraved coat of arms; motto “Droit au But.” (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA URN circa 1780 Chased in festoons and leaf decoration. Shaped lid; urn top; gadrooned edges. Spout ornamented with ivory. On square base with ball feet. Adam design; rare specimen. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Height, 24 inches RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE HOT WATER JUG circa 1780 Fluted body set on four chased feet; chased handles and knob. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ENTREE DISHES AND COVERS circa 1780 Gadrooned edge. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (4) 18 143 144 145 146 147 148 PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA circa 1780 Beautiful specimens. Round base, embossed scrollwork; column with shell and fluted decoration; fluted twisted branches; sur- mounted by flame snuffer. (From the Collection of Sir John Nottmg, Bart.) (2) Height, 18 inches RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA OR COFFEE URN circa 1770 Fluted body and edges; grooved handles; surmounted with lion heads. In fine condition. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 14] OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO-HANDLED SALVER circa 1800 Beautiful specimen. Centre finely engraved with leaves and with inserted solid silver shield, with finely engraved coat of arms, representing cup and wreath of laurels, with motto. Border richly chased and embossed with leaves and grapes. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Size from handle to handle, 26 x 19 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ROUND SALVER © circa 1780 Fluted and shell border. Four claw and ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Diameter, 18 inches EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE HOT WATER JUG circa 1780 Urn-shaped. Finely engraved with floral decoration. Gadrooned edge; pearwood handle; surmounted by urn on lid. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE DISHES AND WARMERS circa 1800 Octagonal shape. Scroll feet chased with leaves; two handles. (From the Collection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (4) | 19 149 150 151 153 154 155 RICHLY CHASED EARLY GEORGIAN OLD SHEFFIELD COFFEE POT circa 1800 With pearwood handle. Fine specimen. THREE OLD SHEFFIELD DISH COVERS Fluted and chased, and set with silver engraved coat of arms. Size, 14x 10 wches RARE SET OF FOUR SHEFFIELD OCTAGONAL SWEET DISHES | circa 1780 With original fire gilding; silver-grooved edges. PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE PLAIN SOUP TUREENS AND COVERS circa 1770 Oval shape, reeded handles. Adam design. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL MEAT OR FISH DISHES circa 1780 Shaped and fluted edges. Chased in shell design. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (4) Size, 18 x 14 inches SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ENTREE DISHES AND COVERS circa 1780 Fluted and chased floral mounts. In fine condition. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (4) PAIR OF RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS circa 1780 Fluted bodies, chased feet and handles. Shaped top, chased mounts. Lid surmounted by arm holding spear. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 37 | 20 156 158 Mieciee (116) [156] [116]. [158] RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO-HANDLED LOVING CUP AND COVER Grn Cage 1G Adam design. Chased in festoons and lovers’ knots. Cover with leaf decoration. Pineapple top; reeded handles. Square base with four ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) | SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | PAIR OF RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO-LIGHT CANDELABRA circa 1770 Queen Anne design. Fluted base and columns; twisted branches. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) UNIQUE PAIR OF THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA circa 1770 Round bases; gadrooned edge; twisted branches. Forms into five lights by removing one centre. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) | SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 21 159 160 161 163 164 165 166 167 168 RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA URN WITH LAMP | circa 1770 Fluted body; lion heads; swinging handles. Four supports with claw feet, standing on shaped base with four ball feet. Gadrooned edge. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 14] JEWELRY NUMBERS 160-186 ANTIQUE PURE GOLD AND ENAMEL HAIR RING ENGLISH, 1812 With following inscription engraved inside: ‘John Richardson Ysq. 28th Oct. 1812.” TWO SILVER-MOUNTED HAIR ORNAMENTS ITALY, CIRCA aa oo (2) EARLY GEORGE II SILVER SNUFFBOX LONDON, circa 1730 Chased with swan motif. Surmounted by floral decoration. Maker’s mark, R. C. ANTIQUE SPANISH RELIQUARY CAMEO PENDANT WITH GILT MOUNT GOLD BROOCH SET WITH OPALS ANTIQUE PURE GOLD PENDANT LONDON, circa 1810 Set with pear-shaped aquamarine and ruby. FINELY CARVED CAMEO BROOCH ITALY, CIBCAN he cu With representation of figures and musical emblems. SILVER-GILT TIARA SET WITH BRILLIANTS 22 169 hit 172 1738 174 175 176 Alyive 178 179 180 EARLY ENGLISH TORTOISE-SHELL SNUFFBOX LONDON, circa 1720 Made by H. Capt. Contains music box. (Sold as is) ANTIQUE OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A LADY, WITH GOLD MOUNT (Damaged) GOLD AND ENAMEL OVAL PENDANT WITH PORTRAIT OF A LADY FOUR ANTIQUE FOB SEALS (4) GOLD SNAKE RING SET WITH SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND OVAL GOLD AND MOSAIC BROOCH WITH FLORAL DECORATION MINIATURE BLUE ENAMEL SCENT BOTTLE LADY’S HIGH COMB WITH PASTE SETTING ANTIQUE GOLD AND ENAMEL BROOCH SET WITH PEARLS CAMEO IN GOLD MOUNTING ITALY, CIRCA 1820 Beautiful fine cutting. Classical figures. ANTIQUE GOLD TWISTED BROOCH ENGLISH, circa 1800 Partly engraved. Set with three amethysts, with box and glass at back. RARE SILVER-GILT MASONIC BADGE LONDON, 1821 With inscription: “Des Regi Fratribus Honor Fidelitas Benevo- lentia .. .” (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) 23 181 182 183 184 185 186 ANTIQUE SILVER CIGARETTE BOX paris, circa 1780 Inside fire gilt. Oblong shape, finely engraved. Fluted sides. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) TWO OLD ENGLISH SILVER VINAIGRETTES LONDON, circa 1760 One square shape, engraved with castle, one octagonal, engraved with representation of the Thames. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) OLD IRISH SILVER TRINKET BOX DUBLIN, circA 1750 Plain top, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Maker’s mark, P.P. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TRINKET BOX LONDON, DATED 1799 Made by Rundell Bridge. Fluted and with fire gilding inside. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD GEORGIAN SILVER BARREL-SHAPED TRINKET BOX LONDON, DATED 1794 Maker’s marks, CR and CS. With inscriptions, *“*Presented by Isaac Hyam to his son, Phineas.” (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 4+ ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SNUFFBOX BIRMINGHAM, circa 1820 Finely engraved, with richly chased border having floral and scrollwork motifs. Fire gilt inside. Made by Joseph Willmore. With inscription, “A token of sincere esteem and regard of John Clarke Esq. from his old associates on his retiring from his establishment, No. 2 Bachelor’s Walk, Dublin, June 1844.” (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 7 ownces 24 187 188 189 190 191 2 FINE OLD ENGLISH AND IRISH SILVER NUMBERS 187-243 PAIR OF SMALL OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TRAYS LONDON, DATED 1747 Made by William Peaton. Finely engraved and chased. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 1784 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER MUSTARD POT BIRMINGHAM, DATED 1798 Maker’s mark, J.G. Fluted body with gadrooned edge. Grooved handle. Blue glass lining. With old Georgian silver spoon. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 334 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TANKARD ~~ Lonpon, patEep 1765 Decorated with fishing scene and floral motifs. Shaped handle. Maker’s mark, W.C. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 1214 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK DUBLIN, DATED 1801 Made by Hamy. With reeded edge; engraved crest and motto, Deus Providebit. With extinguisher. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 1414 ownces PAIR OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER PEPPER CASTERS LONDON, circa 1790 Made by William Eley and William Fearn. Barrel-shaped. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Length, 2 inches SMALL SILVER SOUP LADLE DUBLIN, DATED 1754 Made by John Williamson. Fluted bowl; fluted scroll handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 5 ounces 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER ASPARAGUS TONGS LONDON, DATED 1791 Made by George Smyth and William Fearn. (From the Collec- tion of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD GEORGIAN SILVER ASPARAGUS TONGS LONDON, DATED 1804 Made by William Eley and William Fearn. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER ASPARAGUS TONGS DUBLIN, DATED 1813 Made by Law. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) Weight about 8 ownces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER OCTAGONAL NUTMEG GRATER LONDON, DATED 1789 Made by G. Philipson and E. Robinson. Finely engraved with oval wreath. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) EARLY GEORGIAN SILVER SUGAR CASTER ; LONDON, DATED 1763 Made by R. Peaston. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 4 ounces OLD SCOTCH SILVER TANKARD ~— EpInpureH, DATED 1806 Made by Robert Greene. Fluted strap; the body partly chased in floral decoration. Plain shaped handle. (From the Collec- tion of the late Colonel T’ottenham) Weight about 15 ounces PAIR OF OLD GEORGIAN PLAIN SILVER GOBLETS LONDON, DATED 1808 Made by P. & W. Bateman. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 26 ownces 26 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 GERMAN SILVER TANKARD WITH COVER BERLIN, circa 1800 Cover surmounted with chased eagle; shaped fluted handle partly engraved. Body embossed with coat of arms and with decoration of wreath of flowers; fire gilt inside. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 15 ounces EARLY 17TH CENTURY SILVER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Maker, R. Box. With pierced decoration; claw and ball feet. Long pierced handle; gadrooned edge. Extinguisher with chain attached. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) FRENCH URN-SHAPED SILVER SUGAR CASTER PARIS, circA 1800 (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) OLD IRISH SILVER PITCHER DUBLIN, 1810 Maker’s mark S$. G. With finely engraved decoration in panels. Decorated with shells on shoulder. Gadrooned and shaped edge; fluted handle; ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 5 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER TWO-HANDLED SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, DATED 1814 Made by James Le Bas. Engraved and fluted sides; beaded edge. Claw feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 714 ounces SET OF SIX SILVER EGG-CUPS DUTCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Maker’s mark, V. Grooved edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (6) OLD IRISH SILVER SUGAR BOWL AND PITCHER DUBLIN, DATED 1808 Made by Edwin Twycross. Plain and grooved strap round body ; on round base. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight about 2114 ounces 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 GEORGIAN PIERCED CRUET STAND AND FIVE OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS BOTTLES LONDON, 1775 The stand with gadrooned edge and claw and ball feet. ‘The bottles silver-mounted. Made by Robert Hennell. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) SMALL SILVER MUG NEWCASTLE, DATED 1800 Maker’s mark, W. L. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 314 ounces SET OF SIX RARE OLD IRISH SILVER DESSERT SPOONS DUBLIN, DATED 1763 Made by John Stoite. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 514 ounces SET OF FIVE OLD IRISH SILVER DESSERT SPOONS cork, circa 1740 Engraved with crest of famous old Irish Regiments, as follows: 10th Leitrim Mess Regt. and Leitrim Rifles. Maker’s mark, I.N and R.N. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) Weight about 5 ounces SET OF SIX OLD ENGLISH SILVER DINNER SPOONS LONDON, DATED 1813 With engraved crest. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 12 ounces OLD ENGLISH SILVER TANKARD LONDON, DATED 1790 Maker’s mark, I.D. Plain handle, ribbed borders. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 1014 ounces OLD ENGLISH SILVER TANKARD tonpon, patep 1816 Made by Wiliam Kingdon. Plain handle, ribbed border. (The Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 11 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK LONDON, DATED 1782 Made by John Schofield. With gadrooned edge. Extinguisher. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 10 ounces 28 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 SET OF SIX RARE OLD IRISH SILVER DESSERT SPOONS DUBLIN, circa 1760 Made by Michael Keating. Engraved crest of horseman. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 7 ounces RARE OLD GEORGIAN SILVER FISH SLICE LONDON, DATED 1767 Made by Richard Mills. Pierced and engraved handle. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) OLD IRISH SILVER FISH SLICE DUBLIN, DATED 1750 Made by Samuel Walker. Pierced and engraved; with shell- shaped and grooved handle. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) SET OF TWELVE OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TABLE KNIVES LONDON, circa 1800 Chased floral decoration. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) TWELVE OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TABLE KNIVES LONDON, circa 1800 Matching the preceding. Rich floral and shell decoration. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) SET OF TWELVE OLD IRISH SILVER PISTOL- HANDLED DINNER KNIVES DUBLIN, circa 1750 Maker’s mark, I.W. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) SET OF SIX SILVER PISTOL-HANDLED GEORGE II DINNER KNIVES circa 1750 Maker’s mark, P.P. Grooved handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) TWO PAIRS OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED CARVING KNIVES AND FORKS LONDON, circa 1780 Maker’s mark, J.T. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (4) 29 225 226 229 TWO PAIRS OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED MEAT AND FOWL CARVERS LONDON, circa 1800 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (4) FIVE RARE QUEEN ANNE SILVER TWO-PRONGED DINNER FORKS AND FIVE SMALL TWO-PRONGED PICKLE FORKS LONDON, circa 1710 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (10) SET OF SIX OLD IRISH SILVER PISTOL-HANDLED DESSERT KNIVES DUBLIN, circA 1750 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) SIX VERY RARE OLD IRISH SILVER PISTOL-HANDLED KNIVES cork, circa 1750 Shaped blades. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) (6) OLD IRISH SILVER ALTAR LAMP GALWAY, circa 1680 Maker’s mark, N. R. Suspended by chains. (From the Collec- tion of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 614 ounces SET OF FOUR OLD IRISH SILVER CANDLESTICKS DUBLIN, DATED 1750 Made by William Williamson. Fluted leaf decoration. On round base, chased with floral bands. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (4) Weight about 95 ounces PAIR OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA LONDON, DATED 1776 Made by John Carter. Octagonal base with gadrooned edge. Embossed decoration of urns and rams’ heads intermingled with leaves. Square column, embossed with the same motifs. Tops surmounted with festoons; fluted arms. Urn-shaped_ tops. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight of branches only, about 69 ounces | SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 31 | 30 y 230 231 232 233 [433] [229] [443] [229] [433] SET OF FOUR OLD IRISH SILVER SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS DUBLIN, DATED 1887 Made by William Ward. Oval shape, gadrooned edge; grooved handles. (Krom the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Weight about 96 ounces PAIR OF RARE OLD IRISH SILVER LOVING CUPS LIMERICK, circa 1780 Pistol handles. Strapwork round body. Made by Joseph Jones. (2) Weight about 2614 ounces RARE EARLY FRENCH BOAT-SHAPED SILVER FRUIT STAND PARIS, cIRCA 1720 Gadrooned and shaped edge, with raised chased flowers: and grapes at side. With attachable openwork stands with two round old cut glass dishes. Weight about 31 ounces 8 dwts. OLD GEORGIAN CASE OF SEVENTY-ONE PIECES OF TABLE SILVER LONDON, DATED 1789 Consisting of 12 dessert spoons, 12 table spoons, 12 table forks, 12 dessert forks, 2 gravy spoons, 1 soup ladle, 4 sauce ladles, 4 salt spoons, 12 silver-handled dinner knives. In old Chippen-: dale case with carved handles and top. Maker’s mark, T. N. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (71) Weight, not including knives, about 97 ounces 31 235 236 237 238 240 OLD GEORGIAN CANTEEN WITH SEVENTY-FOUR PIECES OF TABLE SILVER LONDON, circa 1800 Consisting of 24 old Georgian silver-handled table knives with chased shell and floral decoration; 12 dinner forks; 12 table spoons; 12 dessert spoons; 12 tea spoons; 1 pair meat carvers. In Chippendale mahogany case; brass mounted, pull-out drawer at side. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (74) Weight about 146 ownces LADY’S DRESSING: CASE WITH SILVER-GILT MOUNTED FITTINGS LONDON, circa 1820 Consisting of cut glass scent bottles, manicure set, ink bottles, goblet, stamp boxes, hairpin boxes, etc., etc., 37 pieces in all; secret drawer. In fine brass mounted ebony case. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) SET OF TWELVE OLD GEORGE II PISTOL-HANDLED KNIVES AND TWELVE TWO-PRONGED FORKS TO MATCH cork, circa 1750 Maker’s mark, I. L. The knives with shaped blades (24) TWO DOZEN OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED DINNER KNIVES LONDON, circa 1800 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (24) SIX MISCELLANEOUS SILVER-GILT SPOONS HOLLAND, circa 1680 Oval bowls; engraved stems. Maker’s mark, I. A. G. Very rare lot. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) TWENTY-FOUR OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED KNIVES LONDON, circa 1820 Grooved handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (24) SET OF TWELVE OLD IRISH SILVER PISTOL- HANDLED KNIVES DUBLIN, crrcA 1750 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) 32 241 243 SET OF TWELVE OLD IRISH SILVER PISTOL- HANDLED DESSERT KNIVES DUBLIN, circa 1750 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) SET OF EIGHTEEN OLD GEORGIAN SILVER-HANDLED KNIVES LONDON, circa 1820 Made by Gerard and Turner. Reeded handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (18) ELEVEN RARE OLD GEORGE II PISTOL-HANDLED DINNER KNIVES IRISH, circA 1750 Made by John Williams. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) 33 SALE -~SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER EIGHTH, AT 2:30 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 244-468 SHEFFIELD PLATE AND JEWELRY NUMBERS 244-815 244 PAIR OF RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO-LIGHT CANDELABRA circa 1770 Queen Anne design. Fluted base and columns; twisted branches. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 13] 245 PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ENTREE DISHES WITH COVERS circa 1780 Detachable hot warmers; chased handles; fluted edge; engraved coat of arms. Motto: ‘‘Exaltabit Honore.” Four scroll fect. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) 246 SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS circa 1780 Gadrooned edge with swinging ring handles. Engraved with crest of 19th Regt. Yeomanry, King’s Co., Ireland. (From the Collec- tion of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (4) B35 [247] FINE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE GEORGE III TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE circa 1780 In mint state, with original fire gilding in sugar bowl and creamer. Plain fluted body. Chased handles and mounts. On four chased feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | [248] 248 RARE SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CORINTHIAN-SHAPED CANDLESTICKS circa 1770 Fluted pillars; chased tops; shaped nozzles. (From the Collec- tion of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (4) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 36 249 FINE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO-HANDLED 250 SALVER circa 1780 Richly chased and engraved centre, with solid silver centre in- serted; finely engraved coat of arms in oval shield, lion engraved in centre. Motto, ‘Ad Finem Fidelis.” Shell-shaped edge. In mint state. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Size from handle to handle, 27 x 20 inches RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ROUND SALVER circa 1800 Rare specimen, Shaped and chased edges. Centre beautifully chased and engraved in flowers and leaves; coat of arms of lion Zee On and boar engraved in strapwork. Motto, “Gloria Finis.’ shaped feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Diameter, 23 inches 52 ibs] [eal [155] =: [252] OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA AND SAUCE TUREENS 37 251 252 RARE SIX-LIGHT OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA circa 1780 Twisted column chased in flowers and grapes; six branches with fluted arms, surmounted with bunches of grapes. ‘Three scroll feet. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) This lot and the following are the only specimens of old Sheffield plate of the kind known in mint state. Height, 32 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 37 | PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA circa 1780 Matching the preceding. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (2) Height, 26 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 387 | 253 [253] RARE OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE EIGHT-PIECE DINNER SET circa 1780_ Consisting of pair of soup tureens, pair of entrée dishes and covers, and set of four sauce tureens and covers. Fluted bodies, gadrooned edges, shaped, fluted handles. Square base. En- graved lion crest. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (8) | [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 38 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 263 264 RARE SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD FLOWER VASES OR ICE PAILS circa 1780 With movable linings. Standing on four claw and ball feet. Centre of body fluted, and surmounted by four heads. Top portion chased in vine leaves and grapes; chased handles with coat of arms, hand holding spear with engraved motto: ‘“Crescit sub pondere virtus.” (4) Height, 12 inches SET OF SIX GOLD FILIGREE BUTTONS WITH PEARL CENTRES AND BROOCH SIMILAR (7) GOLD CRESCENT AND ROSETTE PENDANT SET WITH GARNETS AND OTHER STONES GOLD DOUBLE LOCKET BRACELET SET WITH TURQUOISE OVAL CAMEO BROOCH WITH GOLD FILIGREE MOUNT ANTIQUE GOLD BROOCH SET WITH EMERALD AND PEARLS GOLD SNAKE NECKLET SET WITH TURQUOISE GOLD CLUSTER RING SET WITH DIAMONDS AND RUBIES ANTIQUE PURE GOLD BAND BRACELET PARIS, CIRCA 1800 Enamelled white, red and green. Set with carbuncles. FINELY CUT CAMEO BROOCH OR PENDANT LONDON, circa 1800 Mounted in pure fine gold openwork, and suspended on gold chain. ANTIQUE OVAL BROOCH IN GOLD SETTING ENGLISH, circa 1800 Surmounted with genuine ruby garnets. Centre suitable for miniature. 39 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 RARE ANTIQUE INDIAN PEAR-SHAPED PENDANT circa 1800 With views of ancient buildings, painted on ivory. Surmounted by genuine turquoise, set in gold. RARE ANTIQUE AMETHYST RING Lonpoy, circa 1820 Set with twenty beautiful quality genuine pearls. Partly black enamelled shank, finely chased. GOLD TIE PIN ENGLISH, cIRCA 1800 Quaint piece, in the shape of a rabbit with ruby eyes. EARLY GEORGIAN PURE GOLD BROOCH Chased snakes, set with ruby garnets in head and with three pendants mounted in emerald and crystal, set in pure gold. (One emerald missing) ANTIQUE GOLD-MOUNTED MOURNING BROOCH ENGLISH, circA 1800 The centre with fine cameo carving of ewer and tree. With box and glass at back. OLD GEORGIAN GOLD RING Beautifully carved and surmounted with genuine pearls. RARE BLUE ENAMEL OVAL LACE BROOCH circa 1750 Centre with finely painted representation of Greek emperor, signed “Greno.” Pure gold mounting. RARE OVAL MINIATURE PAINTING ON IVORY LONDON, circa 1740 Representing a lady. Forming a brooch, surrounded by fifty- three genuine pearls. SILVER MOUNTED NECKLACE ITALIAN, circa 1750 With turquoise, pearl and enamel three-drop pendants. UNIQUE ANTIQUE PAIR OF TURQUOISE BROOCHES LONDON, circa 1820 In the form of leaves. (2) 4.0 275 276 PW 278 279 280 281 282 OLD FRENCH CRYSTAL AND TOPAZ CLUSTER NECKLACE PARIS, circa 1800 With three pure gold chains. ANTIQUE PURE GOLD PENDANT LONDON, circa 1800 Blue enamel, set with genuine diamonds as crescent, and star with hanging drops set with diamonds. ANTIQUE GOLD TIE PIN ENGLISH, circa 1800 In shape of bull’s head, set with genuine diamonds in horn and band. ‘The eyes set with emeralds. ANTIQUE CAMEO IN GOLD SETTING ENGLISH, circA 1800 Representing dogs hunting a stag. Surrounded by fifty genuine pearls and in pure gold setting. Fine carving. BEAUTIFULLY CARVED GENUINE OPAL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Head of a lady. Wreath of flowers, carving on head. With gold pendants. Rare specimen. MOSAIC WORK SNUFFBOX ITALY, circa 1800 Lid inserted with square panel. Blue border. Fine piece. JEWELLED MALTESE CROSS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1780 Exceptionally rare piece. Mounted in agate and surmounted in pure gold with floral engraving and filigree work. Set with genuine pearls and an emerald. PURE GOLD OVAL MEDAL Richly chased edge. With the following inscription: ‘The master wardens and brethren of the Glovers and Skinners of the Gild of B. V. Mary. To John Willis, 40 years their representative in the common council of Dublin. 5th Oct. 1828”; and on the other side: “Ed Nugent Ald Master Archer Hamilton Rowan Wardens Stephen Hughes” Engraved coat of arms and motto. Interesting piece for col- lectors. A] 287 289 290 291 + 292 UNIQUE ANTIQUE PURE GOLD PENDANT FRENCH, circa 1750 Set with emerald; ruby and diamond; enamel. LADY’S SMALL ENAMELLED AND ENGRAVED GOLD WATCH SET WITH BRILLIANTS TOURMALINE AND TORTOISHELL HAIR ORNAMENT OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN WITH GOLD AND ENAMEL MOUNT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY SILVER BAR AND ROSETTE NECKLET SET WITH TURQUOISE RARE BLOODSTONE CAMEO PARIS, circA 1820 Beautiful piece, with representation of girl dancing. Set with genuine emeralds and pearls. Set in pure gold filigree work. Could be used as pendant or brooch. | RARE GREEN JADE CARVING CHINA, YUAN PERIOD In the shape of a mountain, one side carved with riders on horses going up the mountain side towards a temple, the other side showing riders coming down the mountain side. Size, 10 x 414 x 614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 43 | EKAGLE-SHAPED BROOCH Quaint piece, set with genuine diamond and ruby. ‘The bird standing on round ball. RARE AND BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE BROOCH LONDON, circa 1800 Surrounded by 17 genuine pearls and centre set with eight genuine diamonds, forming a cross. GEORGIAN PURE GOLD DOUBLE-ROW NECKLACE LONDON, circa 1800 Set with four clusters of turquoises. 42 293 294 Snes setae RARE GREEN JADE CARVING CHINA, YUAN PERIOD | 289] ANTIQUE EARLY GEORGIAN GOLD BROOCH ENGLISH, ciIrcA 1780 Set with genuine emeralds. Suspended with three oval pendants. ANTIQUE BAND BRACELETS PARIS, ABOUT 1800 Blue and white oval enamel, sides set with rose diamonds. Written on ivory centre: “Sacred to Friendship.” 43 296 298 299 300 301 3038 304 305 FINE SEED PEARL NECKLACE AND BROOCH SILVER-GILT TIARA BROOCH WITH FINE PASTE SETTING LARGE SILVER-GILT WIREWORK BROOCH WITH PASTE SETTING AND GOLD FASTENER CHIMING WATCH WITH ENGRAVED GOLD CASE GOLD RIBBON TIE BROOCH SET WITH PEARLS, GARNETS AND LARGE AMETHYST PEARL AND DIAMOND NECKLET FINE GOLD “GOOD LUCK” HORSESHOE BROOCH SET WITH PEARLS AND DIAMONDS LOUIS XIV OLD SILVER OIL AND VINEGAR HOLDER PARIS, ciIrcA 1740 With stationary handle. Two old cut glass bottles with silver tops. Weight about 23 ounces 5 dwts. CARVED IVORY TRIPTYCH ITALY, circa 1650 Centre panel of Crucifixion; attached at each side, carving of St. Paul and St. John. ANTIQUE PURE GOLD FILIGREE BRACELET LONDON, circa 1800 With snake head and tail set in genuine turquoise and rubies. OLD GEORGIAN OVAL PENDANT LOCKET LONDON, circa 1800 Set in beautiful real pearls and diamonds. Blue enamel. ‘The inside with finely painted miniature of gentleman in wig and blue coat, supposed to be the father of Major La Touche. 44 306 507 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 OVAL GOLD BOX PARIS, circa 1800 This box was given by Countess Gerepzoff to Captain Howard, R. N. He commanded a government. packet from Harwich to Helvitsberg and brought her on,a voyage. The box is enamelled with red panels and decorated with wreaths of blue and green, and inset with ivory mimiature of Countess Gerepzoff. Set with pearls. OLD FRENCH OVAL TRINKET BOX. _ paris, circa 1750 Maker’s mark, M.P.P. Beautifully chased in different colored gold with wreaths of flowers. Inset with oval medallions and with diamond push piece. ANTIQUE SEED-PEARL NECKLACE Ene.LIsH, circa 1800 Of fine color. Comprising nine clusters. Three single rows at back. Pearl clasp. Brooch to match set on mother-of-pearl. In red case. QUEEN ANNE LYRE-SHAPED BROOCH ENGLAND, circa 1710 Made of pure gold, set with genuine flat diamonds. FINE PAIR OF GOLD DROP EARRINGS SET WITH DIAMONDS PAIR OF GILT DROP EARRINGS SET WITH GARNETS AND BRILLIANTS ANTIQUE FRENCH GOLD WATCH WITH ENAMEL AND GILT METAL CHATELAIN ANTIQUE DIAMOND CROSS ENGLISH, circa 1750 Composed of eleven large single stones of fine lustre, set in gold. MINIATURE PAINTING BY PLIMER IN FRAME SURROUNDED BY DIAMONDS LONDON, circa 1740 Lady with mask. EARLY GEORGE II GOLD TRINKET BOX LONDON, circa 1740 Chased with figures, birds and flowers. Maker’s mark, F. H. 45 FINE IRISH AND ENGLISH SILVER FROM VARIOUS COLLECTIONS NUMBERS 316-468 316 TWELVE OLD IRISH TABLE FORKS pustiiy, patep 1796 Tapering handles; turned up ends. With inscription, Sackville St. Club. Maker’s mark, I. O. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 22 ownces 317 RARE SET OF TWELVE OLD IRISH SILVER DINNER SPOONS DUBLIN, DATED 1770 Bright cut and with engraved star tops on handle. Maker’s marks, W.P. and J.S. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 22 ounces 318 OLD IRISH SILVER BUTTER KNIFE AND CHEESE SCOOP DUBLIN, DATED 1822 anp 1807 Maker’s mark, F.F. and C. E. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) 319 TWO OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SAUCE LADLES LONDON, DATED 1801 Made by William Eley and William Fearn. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) yg 3820 QUAINT OLD GEORGIAN SILVER ASPARAGUS TONGS LONDON, DATED 1770 Scissors-shape. Maker’s initials, LF.C.T. : Weight about 5 ounces 321 SET OF TWELVE RARE OLD IRISH DINNER KNIVES DUBLIN, circa 18138 Grooved handles. Chased with shells. (12) 322 TWELVE RARE OLD IRISH THREE-PRONGED SILVER FORKS DUBLIN, 1757 Made by William Walsh. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 22 ounces 46 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 TWELVE OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TABLE FORKS LONDON, circa 1770 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 2614 ounces SIX OLD IRISH SILVER TABLE SPOONS DUBLIN, circa 1770 Makers’ marks, I.C. and I.L. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 14 ounces TWELVE GEORGE II SILVER TABLE SPOONS LONDON, circa 1750 Turned up ends. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 24 ounces SET OF SIX RARE OLD IRISH SILVER SPOONS DUBLIN, ciIrRCA 1760 Made by James Graham. Turned up ends. (From the Collec- tion of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 1314 ounces SET OF SIX RARE QUEEN ANNE RAT-TAIL SILVER SPOONS DUBLIN, DATED 1702 Flat-shaped ends. With crest of bird. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (6) Weight about 121% ounces SET OF FOUR OLD GEORGE II SILVER SAUCE LADLES DUBLIN, circa 1740 Made by John Laughlin. Fluted and scroll handles; shaped tops. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (4) Weight about 914 ounces TWELVE GEORGE II THREE-PRONGED SILVER DESSERT FORKS DUBLIN, circa 1750 Made by Michael Homer. Fluted turned-up ends. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 1834 ounces TWELVE RARE OLD IRISH SILVER THREE-PRONGED FORKS DUBLIN, DATED 1757 Made by William Walsh. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (12) Weight about 22 ownces 3381 RARE OLD IRISH SILVER SAUCE BOAT DUBLIN, circa 1750 Made by William ‘Townsend. Plain body. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 614 ounces 332 OLD IRISH SILVER PITCHER DUBLIN, 1796 Octagonal shape. Finely engraved. Made by Joseph Jackson. A rare specimen. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 514 ownces 388 EARLY SCOTCH TWO-HANDLED SUGAR BOWL ABERDEEN, CIRCA 1770 Made by Colin Allen. On square base with ball feet; swinging handle; finely engraved festoons. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 11 ownces [358] [464] [445] [387] [334] [369] OLD COFFEE, TEA AND CHOCOLATE POTS 3384 OLD GEORGIAN URN-SHAPED SILVER COFFEE POT LONDON, 1788 Made by Harry Bateman. Finely engraved leaf decorations ; shaped beaded spout; urn-shaped lid and knob. Beaded rim; ebony handle. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) Weight about 26 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 48 [439] [439 | [432] [361] [ 402] [421] [385] RARE WILLIAM AND MARY SILVER SALVER, AND OTHER FINE PIECES 3385 SMALL OLD IRISH SILVER PATEN pustiy, circa 1740 Made by William Townsend. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 514 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 3386 OLD IRISH SILVER HELMET-SHAPED PITCHER DUBLIN, circA 1750 Made by William Townsend. With richly chased floral decora- tion. Three lion feet, surmounted by lion heads. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 514 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55 | 337 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER CAKE BASKET LONDON, DATED 1802 Oval shape, plain body. Finely engraved band around the inside. Grooved edge, grooved swinging handle. Made by Paul Storr. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 2634 ownces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 65 | 49 3388 PAIR OF OLD IRISH SILVER SAUCE BOATS DUBLIN, DATED 1770 Chased and engraved with birds and floral decoration. Standing on three globular feet. Shaped handles; fluted edge. Maker’s mark, G. (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) (2) Weight about 26 ounces 389 OLD IRISH SILVER TEAPOT DUBLIN, DATED 1807 Made by James Scott. Gadrooned edge; four ball feet. Pear- wood handle. Unusual shape. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 22 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 56] 50 840 PAIR OF OLD FRENCH SILVER CANDLESTICKS PARIS, CIRCA 1690 Shaped and fluted base. Maker’s mark, DC GN A with crown. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Height, 614 inches. Weight about 15 ounces 341 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER PITCHER — jLonvon, parep 1792 Made by Henry Chawner. Engraved band and spout; grooved edge. Square base. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 7 ounces | SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 61 | 342 RARE GEORGE II SILVER CUP NEWCASTLE, circa 1750 Plain body on round foot; grooved edge; engraved coat of arms with initials A. J. Maker’s mark, J.P. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) 343 SET OF SIX RARE OLD IRISH SILVER SWEET DISHES DUBLIN, 1760 Made by George Hill. Shell-shaped; fluted. (From the Collec- tion of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 434 ounces 51 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 OLD IRISH SILVER SUGAR BASKET pustin, paren 1761 Made by Joseph Jackson. Pierced and engraved body; swinging handle; gadrooned edge. Round base. Blue glass lining. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 634 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 69 | UNUSUAL SET OF SIX SILVER EGG-CUPS AND STANDS PARIS, ciIrRcA 1800 Fluted and chased; on three feet. Round base. (From the Col- lection of Sir John Notting, Bart.) (6) Weight about 2414 ounces RARE OLD IRISH SILVER THREE-LEGGED BOWL DUBLIN, 1760 Embossed floral and bird decoration. On three feet. ‘The body partly fluted. Made by Matthew West. Rare specimen. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 12 ounces SET OF SIX OLD IRISH SILVER SALTS DUBLIN, 1761, 1811, 1802 Makers’ initials, W.D., J.W., and R.C. Rims grooved. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (6) Weight about 2114 ounces VERY RARE COCOANUT TEA CADDY AND COVER DATED, 1789 Beautifully carved in flowers. Siiver-mounted, on four claw feet. Inscription engraved on body. OLD GEORGIAN SILVER MUSTARD POT LONDON, circa 1786 Oval shape. Pierced and engraved in festoons. Gadrooned edge with urn-shaped top. Blue glass lining. Beautiful specimen. RARE OLD IRISH MINIATURE SILVER LOVING CUP DUBLIN, circa 1740 Plain strap on body. On round foot. Made by John Lloyd. Weight about 2 ounces 11 dwts. o2 351 353 354 355 356 EARLY GEORGE II SILVER COFFEE POT LONDON, DATED 1741 Body richly engraved with floral decoration, and scrollwork. Lid finely engraved with leaf and floral motives. Pineapple top. Fluted and engraved spout, pearwood handle. On round base. Made by Humphrey Payne. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 39 ounces EARLY GEORGE II SILVER COFFEE POT LONDON, DATED 1749 Made by Fuller White. Plain fluted body and spout. Dome- shaped cover, surmounted with corkscrew knob. Shaped handle surmounted with leaf decoration. On round base. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weeght about 321% ounces PAIR OF GEORGE II SILVER SAUCE BOATS LONDON, DATED 1736 Made by John Steward. Fluted cabriole feet; shaped handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 2214 ounces OLD GEORGE I SILVER TEAPOT DUBLIN, DATED 1717 Maker’s mark, W.M. Fluted engraved body and spout; oak leaf top; pearwood handle. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 17 ounces OLD ENGLISH PIERCED SILVER SUGAR BASKET SHEFFIELD, DATED 1778 Maker’s mark, H.J. Unusual specimen. Swinging handle with gadrooned edge. Chased strapwork round the body. Round base. Blue glass lining. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 414 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 69 | OLD GEORGIAN OVAL SILVER PITCHER LONDON, DATED 1817 Richly chased band around the body. Chased fluted handle. Ball feet; gadrooned edge. Maker’s mark, W. B. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 6 ounces 53 358 359 360 361 FINE EARLY GEORGIAN SILVER TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1798 Made by Henry Sardett. An example of very: beautiful work- manship, chased with flowers and on four scroll feet, surmounted by eagles holding branch in beak. Short chased spout. Shaped pearwood handle. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 331% ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 74] GEORGIAN SILVER VASE-SHAPED COFFEE POT LONDON, DATED 1779 Plain body, fluted shaped spout. Made by Robert Jones and John Schofield. Gadrooned edge; urn-shaped ld. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 39 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 48 | PAIR OF OLD IRISH SILVER BEAKERS DUBLIN, DATED 1814 Made by Daniel Egan. Chased with a band of flowers. Rare. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 12 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 56| , OLD ENGLISH SILVER TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1794 Queen Anne design. Made by Peter and Anne Bateman. Reeded edges, straight spout. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 14 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 6] | OLD ENGLISH SILVER CANDLESTICK LONDON, DATED 1766 Beautifully chased with wreaths and flowers. Fluted columns, © chased with baskets of flowers; chased floral mounts. Made by Wilham Day. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) Height, 15 inches. Gross weight, about 5114 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 49] 54 363 364 365 366 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER CREAM EWER — tonvon, 1767 Made by William Cafe. Richly chased and with scalloped edge. On three grooved feet; shaped handle. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 314 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 74 | RARE OLD GEORGIAN OVAL TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1792 Made by Henry Chawner. Oval shape, small size. Straight spout; pearwood handle. Engraved coat of arms with eagle crest. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 1414 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 61 | RARE SET OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SALTCELLARS LONDON, 1790 Maker’s mark, C. H. and C. F. Finely engraved round border. Grooved feet and handles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 10 ounces PAIR OF EARLY GEORGE II OCTAGONAL SILVER CANDLESTICKS DUBLIN, circA 1730 (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 28 ownces PAIR OF EARLY GEORGE II OCTAGONAL SILVER CANDLESTICKS DUBLIN, circa 1740 Maker’s mark, “B.” (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 25 ownces [386] [367] [441] [882] [455] [336] [394] OLD AND RARE PIECES OF SILVER 55 367 368 369 370 371 [339] [359] [388 ] [359] [389] OLD SILVER TEAPOTS AND BEAKERS OLD SILVER MINIATURE TEAPOT tonpon, circa 1760 Globular shape; plain body on round foot. Gadrooned edge; silver handle. Flame-shape finial on lid. Very rare specimen made by John Lloyd. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) Weight about 734 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55] OLD GEORGIAN SILVER INKSTAND tonvpon, paren 1803 Maker’s mark, W. A. Square shape, gadrooned edge. Two pen compartments, with three original cut glass bottles. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 20 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER OVAL TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1812 Maker’s mark, J. F. W. ‘The body partly fluted and with grooved edge. Oval base with ball feet. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 29 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 48 | RARE OLD IRISH SILVER SAUCE BOAT DUBLIN, circa 1760 Made by John West. Fluted sides; shaped handle. On claw feet, surmounted by lion heads. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 7 ownces OLD SCOTCH SILVER TEAPOT EDINBURGH, DATED 1801 Round shape, partly chased body; grooved handle and spout. Round foot. Melon-shaped knob on lid. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 2214 ounces 56 372 373 374 B75 376 377 378 SMALL OVAL GEORGIAN SILVER SALVER LONDON, DATED 1798 Made by William Bennett. Engraved centre; grooved border. On four grooved feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Size, 934 x 7 inches. Wetght about 14 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SALVER LONDON, 1801 Made by Crespin Fuller. Chased and engraved centre with en- graved wreath. On four plain grooved feet. (from the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Size, 1444 x 11 inches. Weight about 29 ounces RARE SET OF FOUR OLD IRISH SILVER BOAT-SHAPED SA POCRULARS DUBLIN, 1762 Made by Dan Egan. With finely engraved rim and wreath of leaves. (From the Collection of .the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (4) ° Weight about 1314 ounces PAIR OF SMALL OLD IRISH SILVER SALVERS DUBLIN, cIRcA 1740 Scalloped and shaped edges. Finely engraved and chased cen- tres, with engraved crest of cat. Made by Charles Leslie. (From the collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight about 15 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER SAUCE BOAT CORK, DATED 1757 A very rare specimen, made by M. McDermot. Grooved feet; shaped handle. Fluted edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 914 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER EGG STAND LONDON, 1818 With six egg-cups. Frame beautifully chased with floral decora- tion; claw feet. Maker’s mark, B. P. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 26 ounces PAIR OF UNIQUE EARLY FRENCH OVAL-SHAPED TEA CADDIES PARIS, cIRCA 1780 Shding lids; plain body, inset with four medallions. Lid chased with tulips. Gadrooned edge. Maker’s initials, J. I. W. I. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight about 32 ounces 379 380 381 382 383 384 OLD IRISH SILVER SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, 1'750 Made by George Hill. Fluted sides, on three feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 5 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER THREE-LEGGED SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, circa 1750 Made by H. W. Waldson. Fluted and embossed sides. Shaped edge. Claw feet surmounted by lion heads. (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 6 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER THREE-LEGGED SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, 1760 Made by Matthew West. Beaded edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 6 ounces URN-SHAPED MINIATURE SILVER HOT WATER JUG LONDON, DATED 1777 Maker’s mark, R. L. Part of the body engraved; shaped handle, on round foot. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 7144 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55] RARE OLD GEORGIAN MINIATURE SILVER TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1806 Made by Samuel Hennell. Oval shape, with engraved band decoration. Shaped spout; wooden handle. (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 814 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER CRUET FRAME WITH EIGHT OLD WATERFORD GLASS BOTTLES DUBLIN, 1801 Oval shaped base with finely engraved band. On four shaped feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 32 ounces 58 385 386 387 388 389 GEORGIAN SILVER OIL AND VINEGAR STAND FITTED WITH WATERFORD GLASS BOTTLES Lonpon, 1790 The stand boat shaped. The cight bottles silver-mounted, and consisting of two large urn-shaped bottles with handles, four small ones with reeded edge, and two mustard pots and covers on four shell feet. Made by William Fontain and Daniel Ponti- fex. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 2814 ounces GEORGIAN MINIATURE HELMET-SHAPED SUGAR BASKET LONDON, DATED 1790 Made by Henry Chawner. Swinging handle; grooved edge. Strap engraving around body. Oval base with grooved edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 514 ownces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55 | OLD IRISH SILVER COFFEE POT DUBLIN, 1770 Partly embossed body with floral decoration. Plain shield at each side. Fluted spout and pineapple top; round base. Maker’s mark, H. M. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 32 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 48 | OVAL OLD IRISH SILVER TEAPOT © pvustuiy, patep 1800 Made by Richard Sawyer. The body partly fluted. Plain shaped spout. Dome-shaped cover. Finely engraved coat of arms. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 17 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 56 | OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1808 Oblong shape with straight spout. Gadrooned edge. Pearwood handle. Made by R. and S. Hennell. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 20 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 56| 59 390 391 393 oot 395 OLD IRISH SILVER POTATO RING circa 1775 Made by Michael Homer. Pierced and richly chased in floral and bird decoration. Gadrooned edge. Originally from the Lady Ardilaun Collection. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 1514 ounces GEORGE II ROUND SILVER SALVER tLonpon, patrep 1742 Made by Robert Abercromby. Chippendale design. Finely en- graved centre; fluted shaped edges; shell decoration. On scroll feet. Noted in Jackson’s “Goldsmiths and their Marks,” page 195. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Diameter, 16 inches OLD IRISH SILVER BOWL ~ DUBLIN, DATED 1766 Made by Joseph Jackson. Plain body on round base. Engraved crest and motto: Vincit Omnia Veritas. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 8 ounces PAIR OF OLD IRISH SILVER GEORGE II CANDLESTICKS DUBLIN, DATED 17535 Made by Michael Homer. Fluted columns, scalloped base. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Weight about 19 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 69 | ; RARE WILLIAM AND MARY SMALL SILVER PORRINGER DUBLIN, circa 1700 Openwork handles; on round base. Made by Alexander Sinclair. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 5 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55 | OLD IRISH GEORGE IIT ROUND SALVER pusuiy, 1791 Made by Jos. Jackson. Gadrooned edge; shell feet ; centre richly chased with floral decoration. (rom the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Diameter, 14 inches. Weight, 38 ounces 60 396 397 398 [363] [896] [454] [411] [841] [396] [360] OLD SILVER LOVING CUPS AND TEAPOTS PAIR OF OLD IRISH SILVER TWO-HANDLED LOVING CUPS DUBLIN, 1782 Made by Daniel Egan. Richly engraved band around top; plain body engraved with wreath of laurel. (2) (From the Collec- tion of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 31 ownces | SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | PAIR OF EARLY GEORGE II SMALL SILVER BREAK- FAST DISH COVERS LoNDoN, 1759 Made by Denis Walks. Gadrooned edge; swinging handle. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (2) Size, 10 x 7 inches. Weight about 6014 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SOUP TUREEN LONDON, DATED 1814 Made by William Bell. Exceptionally fine specimen. Oblong shape. Surmounted with snake-head handles; claw feet ; shell and fluted border. Engraved crest: Fortis et Hospitalis. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 120 ownces 61 399 400 401 [399] [437] OLD AND RARE SILVER TANKARD AND FLAGON RARE EARLY AMERICAN SILVER TANKARD circa 1730 Domed cover. ‘Top finely engraved with wreath of leaves. Marked at bottom with initials, S. L. and A. S. and at side with L. S. Surmounted by thumb knob. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 34 ounces | SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | OLD GEORGIAN SILVER CHASED TEA SET LONDON, DATED 1781 Made by Crespin Fuller. On four shell feet. Gadrooned and shell border. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 4014 ounces WILLIAM AND MARY SILVER TWO-HANDLED PORRINGER LONDON, DATED 1700 With partly fluted body. Maker’s mark in shield with pellets. Weight about 8 ounces 2 dwts. 402 403 404 405 406 RARE WILLIAM AND MARY PLAIN ROUND SILVER SALVER LONDON, DATED 1691 Made by Robert Timbrell. Fluted edge. Crest engraved in centre. On three grooved feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 20 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 49 | OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TEA URN © tonpon, paren 1787 Made by Edwin Fennell. Adam design, finely engraved in fes- toons. Grooved and chased handles. On square base and with four grooved feet. Urn-shaped top. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 90 ounces PAIR OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS LONDON, DATED 1813 Beautiful specimens. Fluted sides, plain body surmounted by lion heads and claw feet. Coat of arms engraved on side. Chased shell border. Covers fluted and chased; grooved handles. Made by J. Robins. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) (2) Weight about 5614 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 74] IMPORTANT GEORGE III CANTEEN WITH SIXTY- FOUR PIECES OF TABLE SILVER LONDON, 1798-18138 Consisting of 12 silver-handled dinner knives; 12 silver table- spoons; 12 silver table forks; 12 silver dessert forks; 12 silver rat-tail dessert spoons; 2 silver sauce ladles; 1 pair of salad servers. A fine set. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (64) OLD ENGLISH SILVER KETTLE AND STAND LONDON, DATED 1763 anp 18135 The kettle with richly chased and engraved borders; leaf-deco- rated spout. Shaped handle, acorn knob; kettle dated 1763. The stand chased with festoons and with three mermaid supports on three shell feet. Made in 1813 by William Stevenson. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 62 ownces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 69] 63 407 408 409 410 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1804 Made by John Angel. Fluted, chased floral decoration. Shaped and chased handle. Lid surmounted by leaf and thistle. On four shell feet. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Totten- ham) Weight about 49 ounces RARE OLD GEORGIAN SILVER DESSERT SET LONDON, circa 1801 Four small oval stands and one large centrepiece, chased in open- work and surmounted by leaves and lily of the valley. Standing on four claw feet, with five old Irish Waterford glass dishes, circa 1800. Made by the celebrated silversmith, William Purse. Rare and unique set. (One glass chipped) Weight about 76 ounces RARE OLD GEORGIAN PRESENTATION SWORD LONDON, DATED 1825 With solid silver-gilt handle. Ivory and silver-gilt mounted. In- scription on blade: ‘‘Presented to Major David Graham, by his brother officers of the 59th regiment as a token of their esteem.” The blade is beautifully inlaid with gold and silver and enamel. Engraved crest and motto: Dieu et mon droit. Honi soit qui mal y pense. The blade is of the finest steel and old English workmanship, with inlaid figures and flags of different nations. The scabbard is made of sterling silver fire-gilt, and is finely en- graved and partly chased in vine leaves. Original belt worked in gold thread with fire-gilt bronze clasps. Handle of sword sur- mounted with sterling silver and carved ivory, chased in similar design to bottom portion. The 59th regiment is now extinct. A museum piece. Made by Fernin and Tous. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) VERY RARE EARLY GEORGE ITI SILVER CAKE BASKET LONDON, DATED 1742 Made by the celebrated silversmith, John Swift. Pierced open- work sides, bottom richly engraved and chased in floral decora- tion. Coat of arms in centre. Swinging handle, chased and en- graved to match centre. Grooved and shell border. On oval pierced base. (From the Collection of Lady Ardilaun) Weight about 5814 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 65 | 64 [410] [425] [428] [337] OLD GEORGIAN SILVER CAKE BASKETS 411 GEORGE Il TWO-HANDLED SILVER LOVING CUP DUBLIN, cIRCA 1750 Made by Thomas Powell. Grooved strap around body; shaped scroll handle. Round base. Finely engraved coat of arms. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 83 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 61] 412 EARLY GEORGE II SILVER TANKARD LONDON, DATED 1728 Made by Richard Green. Dome-shaped cover with thumb rest; strap body; engraved coat of arms. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 2514 ounces 418 OLD GEORGIAN CASE OF SILVER TABLEWARE DUBLIN, circa 1817 72 pieces. Consisting of 12 silver-handled dinner knives ; 12 silver dinner forks; 12 silver tablespoons; 12 old rat-tail dessert spoons; 12 dessert forks; 6 tea spoons; 4 salt spoons; 2 mustard spoons. In walnut wooden case, inlaid with brass. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) (72) Weight, not wncluding knives, about 87 ounces 65 414 415 RARE OLD IRISH OVAL SILVER TEAPOT DUBLIN, DATED 1802 Made by Joseph Sawyer. Plain body. Weight about 17 ounces GEORGE I SILVER CUP AND COVER Lonpon, pared 1716 Maker’s mark, M. E. Boldly chased with scroll foliage on a ground of engraved pattern, strapwork and shells. Shaped handles, chased on outside. On round base. Beautiful specimen. Weight about 71 ounces 416 BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF GEORGE II SILVER PLAQUES [416] PAIR OF GEORGE II SILVER PLAQUES LONDON, DATED 1755 A beautiful pair, richly embossed with tulips and leaves. Beaded rim around the centre. Finely engraved coat of arms with motto: Audacter et Sincere. Made by Simon le Sage. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 66 418 419 4:20 421 PAIR OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER MEAT DISH COVERS LONDON, DATED 1778 Oval shape; gadrooned edge. Engraved coat of arms. Motto: Un Dieu, Un Roy. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tot- tenham) (2) Weight about 145 ounces PAIR OF OLD IRISH GEORGE II SAUCE BOATS DUBLIN, circA 1745 Scalloped edges; shaped handle. Plain body on three claw feet surmounted by lion heads. Made by James Whitthorne. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 27 ownces OLD IRISH SILVER OVAL SHAPED MEAT DISH DUBLIN, 1813 Made by Robert Williams. Fluted edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) , Size, 23 x 17 mches. Weight about 99 ownces EARLY GEORGIAN SILVER ROUND SALVER LONDON, 1774 Made by John Carter. Richly chased and engraved with floral motifs. Coat of arms in centre, with stork. Border with fes- toons; gadrooned edge. Claw and ball feet. (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 40 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER TAZZA DUBLIN, DATED 1739 With grooved edge and finely engraved coat of arms. (From the collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Diameter, 10 inches. Weight about 2014 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 49 | OLD IRISH SILVER POTATO RING DUBLIN, circa 1780 Pierced openwork. Surmounted with festoons and _ grapes. Small oval insets with floral motifs. Made by Christopher Hynes. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 1214 ounces 67 423 424 425 426 427 GEORGIAN SILVER OIL AND VINEGAR HOLDER LONDON, DATED 1809 Made by the famous silversmith, Paul Storr. Fitted with four Waterford cut glass bottles, having chased silver mounts, two with chased handles, two with fluted tops. The holder boat-shaped with scroll border and chased leaf decoration at each end. Four lion-claw supports. (From the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) Weight about 70 ounces PAIR OF RARE GEORGE II SILVER CREAM EWERS LONDON, DATED 1772 Finely chased with leaves. Body resting on two goats, with handles forming branch of tree. Also an early Bow china ewer to match. Made by the celebrated silversmith of the period, Robert Hennell. ‘The above two silver ewers have been on loan in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the only ones of their kind known. (2) Weight about 1514 ounces PIERCED OVAL OPENWORK SILVER CAKE BASKET LONDON, DATED 1772 Surmounted with festoons of rams’ heads. Shaped swinging handle, chased in openwork. Centre engraved with floral decora- tion, and with crest of lion holding dagger. On oval pierced base. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Weight about 40 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 65] OLD ENGLISH SILVER SUGAR BOWL LONDON, DATED 1803 Beautiful piece. T'wo handles. Pierced and chased in festoons, surmounted by heads on each side. Pierced foot; gadrooned edge. Maker’s initials, P. L. Weight about 7 ounces 5 dwts. OLD GEORGIAN SILVER MUSTARD POT LONDON, DATED 1779 Shaped and pierced. Beaded edge. Shaped handle, with en- graved mustard spoon. Maker’s mark, W. A. Weight about 4 ounces 68 428 GEORGE II SILVER CAKE BASKET — ronvoy, patep 1749 Made by Ed. Aldridge. Pierced and richly chased border in floral design. Medallion on each side. Swinging handle, sur- mounted by lon heads. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 49 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 65 | [355] [429] [393] [406] [8938] [429] [344] OLD GEORGIAN KETTLE AND STAND, AND OTHER FINE PIECES 429 PAIR OF THREE-LIGHT SILVER CANDELABRA LONDON, DATED 1815 Made by John Storr. Richly chased in floral decoration. Fluted stems and nozzles. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight about 126 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | 430 RARE OLD IRISH PIERCED SILVER CAKE BASKET DUBLIN, cIRCA 1760 Maker’s initials, D. B. Swinging openwork handle, ribbon edge. Engraved centre with coat of arms, with motto. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 32 ounces 69 431 432 433 [431] RARE SET OF FOUR OLD ENGLISH SILVER SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS WITH SOUP TUREEN TO MATCH LONDON, DATED 1811 Made by Paul Storr. Fluted body, with shell border. On four feet, surmounted by shells. Handles surmounted by lion heads. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) (5) Total weight about 30714 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION | RARE OLD SHEFFIELD SILVER OVAL BUTTER DISH ENGLISH, circa 1776 Pierced and with gadrooned edge. With two grooved handles. White glass lining. Maker’s initials J. L. and L. H. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 14 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 49] PAIR OF RARE OLD IRISH SILVER CANDLESTICKS DUBLIN, DATED 1760 Square base, embossed with vine leaves; fluted edge; fluted Co- rinthian columns. Made by M. Cormack. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Net weight of silver about 48 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 31 | 70 434 435 436 437 438 RARE OLD IRISH SILVER BUTTER COOLER AND COVER DUBLIN, DATED 1703 Pierced and engraved in floral decoration; grooved handles, sur- mounted by branch. With cream-colored glass lining. A rare example of Irish workmanship. Made by Richard Williams. Weight about 1314 ounces OLD GEORGIAN SILVER TWO-HANDLED LOVING CUP LONDON, DATED 1776 Urn-shape, with two handles. Plain body, beaded edge. On square foot, centre engraved in shield-shape decoration, with in- scription: ‘A token of regard from Edward Wilmot Esq. to Capt. M. West.” Lion engraved on lid, with motto: Humani nihil alienum. Made by John Deacon. Weight about 37 ounces 3 dwts. OLD IRISH SILVER CHALICE AND ALMS DISH DUBLIN, cIRCA 1696 With finely engraved coat of arms and motto: Fortitudine et Prudentia. Made by Joseph Walker. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight about 3214 ounces OLD GERMAN SOLID SILVER FLAGON AND COVER AUGSBURG, cIRCA 1690 Maker’s mark, ER/K. With inscription: “Anna Regina Mat- tioi He. reg. raths. Dz. Mattiae Ethelbste.” (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 62| PAIR OF ELIZABETHAN SILVER APOSTLE SPOONS With figures of St. James the Greater, and St. Simon Zelotes. Moulded with the St. Esprit 1580. Maker’s mark, R. P., with crescent below, chased with eagles on top of hat. (2) vil 439 440 44] 44:2 RARE SET OF SIX OLD GEORGIAN SILVER SALT- CELLARS AND SIX EARLY VICTORIAN SILVER SPOONS The saltcellars made by Benjamin Smyth in London, 1817; shell- shaped, richly chased and with detachable silver gilt linings. The spoons with figure finials and round gilt bowls. (From the Col- lection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (12) Weight about 5014 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 49 | RARE QUEEN ANNE TWO-HANDLED SILVER LOVING CUP AND COVER DUBLIN, DATED 1713 Made by Joseph Walker. Pistol handles with strap across body; finely engraved coat of arms with motto: Virtuti nihil obstat et armis. (From the Collection of the late Augustus Roche Esq.) Weight about 8184 ounces GEORGE II MINIATURE SILVER TEAPOT LONDON, DATED 1735 Plain body, with finely engraved band around the top. Straight shaped spout. Ebony handle. Made by Richard Gurney, and Thomas Cooke. Unusual piece. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 15 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55 | SET OF THREE OLD ENGLISH ROUND SILVER SALVERS LONDON, DATED 1782. — Beaded edges, finely engraved with festoons of leaves and true lovers’ knots. With coat of arms and motto: Virtute et Fideli- tate. Made by John Crouch and Thomas Hamman. Rare and beautiful set. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (8) Weight about 5414 ounces 72 443 444 445 446 OLD ENGLISH GILT CUP AND COVER LONDON, DATED 1815 Made by R. Eames. Surmounted with band richly chased with grapes and vine leaves. Fluted leaf decoration. Chased handles ; the cover chased with leaves and thistles. With original fire gilding. Engraved coat of arms. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Height, 12 inches. Weight about 45 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 31 | PAIR OF RARE GEORGE II TWO-BRANCH SILVER SCONCES LONDON, DATED 1735 With shield-shaped backs, plain centre, embossed cupids support- ing basket of fruit. Each fitted with two lights. With vase- shaped nozzles and circular wax pans, fluted in strapwork. Made by Samuel Jeffreys. The only pair of the kind known. (2) Weight about 51 ounces WILLIAM AND MARY SILVER CHOCOLATE POT : DUBLIN, DATED 1697 Rare early specimen. With the original chasing. Straight handle at side and straight spout. Engraved coat of arms. Maker’s mark, M. C. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 2614 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 48 | OLD ENGLISH SILVER OCTAGONAL SALVER LONDON, DATED 1802 Made by Henry Sardett. Finely engraved centre; grooved bor- der and shaped handles. Engraved panel in centre. (rom the Collection of the late Colonel Tottenham) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 74 | 73 | 404 | [357 | | 404 | 447 448 449 450 [447] [ 362 | —_~; | 4A FINE SPECIMENS OF OLD GEORGIAN SILVER GEORGIAN SILVER TWO-HANDLED TRAY LONDON, 1780 Made by William Bayley. Richly engraved centre with coat of arms of eagle holding sheaf of wheat. Elaborately chased border and handles with vine, leaf and shell motifs. (From the Collec- tion of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Size, 24 x 1414 inches. Weight about 87 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | s SET OF FOUR OLD IRISH SILVER BREAKFAST DISHES AND COVERS DUBLIN, DATED 1814 Made by James Le Bas. Oval shape; gadrooned edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (4) Size, 13 x 9164 inches. Weight about 223 ounces ONE OLD IRISH SILVER BASIN DUBLIN, circa 1735 Scalloped and fluted edge. On round foot. Made by John Moore. Weight about 7 ounces 13 dwts. PAIR OF RARE SILVER SALTCELLARS LONDON, CIRCA 1745 Partly gilt and chased tops, surmounted by chased festoons. Gadrooned border, with four crystal glasses. Made by Benjamin Loverr™ ¢2) Weight about 19 ounces 13 dwts. 74 451 RARE TAPESTRY, STORY OF DIDO AND ANEAS ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Designed by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, the art director of the tapestry works established in Rome in 1683 by Cardinal Barberini and woven by M. Wouters. ‘The present tapestry, the first in the series of three, depicts Dido entertaining Atneas at a banquet. In her lap she holds Cupid in the guise of a boy, Ascanius. Border of large pillars, dolphin heads and flower garlands. ‘This tapestry and the two following are from the collection of the late Lord Ardilaun and during the disturbed times in Ireland were removed to the National Museum, Dublin, where they have been on loan. Size, 18 feet x 12 feet 4 inches 452 RARE TAPESTRY, STORY OF DIDO AND AANEAS ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Same series as the preceding. Dido shows ineas her plans for the building of Carthage. Size, 17 feet 11 inches x 11 feet 10 mches 4538 RARE TAPESTRY, STORY OF DIDO AND AANEAS ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Same series as the preceding. Dido deserted by neas is about to sacrifice herself on a pyre—Eneas sailing away in the distance. Size, 20 feet 10 inches x 12 feet 8 inches 75 454 4.55 456 457 458 459 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER CREAM PITCHER tonvon, 1785 Made by William Simons. Helmet-shaped, with grooved handle. Finely engraved band around rim. Engraved wreath and true lover’s knot. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 414 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION. PAGE 61 ] RARE OLD IRISH SILVER MINIATURE SWEETMEAT DISH ra DUBLIN, DATED 1766 Shaped body; swinging handle. Open repoussé work in floral design. Blue glass lining. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) | SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 55 | RARE OLD IRISH SILVER SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, DATED 1734 Engraved with shamrock and inscription, Sackville St. Club. Maker’s mark, SU... ... [Sutton (?)] (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 5 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER THREE-LEGGED SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, DATED 1784 Made by Thomas Jones. Beaded edge; inside gilt. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 5 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER CREAM PITCHER DUBLIN, DATED 1811 Made by George Naugle. Richly chased with flowers, birds and scroll work. Shaped handle; on three twisted and fluted feet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 6 ounces GEORGIAN SILVER EGG STAND LONDON, DATED 1784 Made by John Schofield. Fitted with seven egg-cups. Gilt in- side. Engraved crest of bird on coronet. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 201% ounces 76 460 461 462 463 464 465 OLD GEORGIAN SILVER HELMET-SHAPED CREAM PITCHER LONDON, DATED 1785 Made by George Giles. Grooved handle; beaded edge. On plain square base. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Weight about 414 ownces OLD ENGLISH SILVER SWEETMEAT DISH LONDON, DATED 1814 Made by Emes Barnard. Chased in festoons. Shaped edge. Decoration of baskets of flowers and mask heads. On oval plain foot. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 8 ounces GEORGE II PLAIN CIRCULAR SILVER BOWL DUBLIN, DATED 1750 Beaded edge. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker ) Diameter, 614 inches. Weight about 1034 ownces OLD IRISH SILVER CREAM JUG DUBLIN, circa 1760 On three feet. Fluted body; shaped handle. Made by Jacob West. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) | Weight about 31% ounces OLD IRISH SILVER COFFEE POT DUBLIN, cIRCcCA 1760 Embossed with flowers. Finely chased spout with decoration of birds’ heads. Round chased base. Shaped pearwood handle. Fluted sides; pineapple top. Made by William Townsend. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 35 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 48 | SET OF EIGHT OLD GEORGIAN SILVER EGG-CUPS LONDON, DATED 1804 Plain cups with engraved crest. Made by R. and S. Hennell. Reeded base. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (8) Weight about 1414 ounces ~ -~t 466 PAIR OF OLD IRISH SILVER GOBLETS 468 DUBLIN, DATED 1770 Made by John Lloyd. With finely engraved double eagle crest. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) (2) Weight about 1314 ounces OLD IRISH SILVER HELMET-SHAPED SUGAR BOWL DUBLIN, DATED 1804 With finely engraved band around the body. Oval base; swinging handle. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 814 ounces GEORGIAN SILVER HOT WATER JUG LONDON, DATED 1781 Finely embossed with flowers and masks. ‘lop portion embossed with festoons. Shaped handle with thumb knob. Domed cover. Maker’s initials, C. H. (From the Collection of the late Sir Thornley Stoker) Weight about 25 ounces This catalogue designed by The Anderson Galleries Composition and Press-work by Publishers Printing Company, New York