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Saresneeryirseser res act crestases ter or ; sesitssstsnstecsesaecepesaee = pessecpetesst Sioebabriteshchs stbeegesaescrstrie sss Societies: praabers eats pesreieceprssresttes STS rere ceees Pstinesteses Reseeceeer Stctasetesistess$s aotenhersneseeereessertetanisstresttestrcses Sere Soviteber i +abibseste os HET Tse Spntcene PecoeSeccortectnahe Dope SeSelete Satcret tet Sie letemtaeier anne eae te> Se ere bores Sele aens aiesete peer abar etary ambewagedar seat apeeatabutae ates the bat aga chet seeaeetebebereeee ore = eeeteoees rercher terete ssrebhen Se prpssoerecess. ret Sostebesees eeteerratereeseaeerre UNE St Faampweeen summoner - : : * = qe tises SS Sieenimepisreeer es ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1913 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF PUBLIC SALE, INCLUSIVE THE VALUABLE ART COLLECTION ORPLHE=LATE M. C. D. BORDEN, Esq. CM atthew Crnarles Durfee | TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS 1. 4291G AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH ON THE AFTERNOONS OF FEBRUARY 14TH, 15TH AND 17TH BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL PORCELAINS AND OTHER VALUABLE ART OBJECTS / —f- | Zo 7) ; y 3 s * Oo -<€ I ar ' -| BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE M. C. D. BORDEN, Esq. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OP HE EXECUTORS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS 6 EAST 23RD STREET, MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1913 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his gudgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyers Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless other- wise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold them: selves responsibie if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is rep- resented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7%. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots wncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the de- faulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the busi- ness of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcrTioneeEr. a\ ORDER OF SALE SESSIONS BEGINNING EAcH Day aT 2.30 O’CLock P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH On Fripay AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 14TH Antique Chinese Cloisonné Enamels, Carved Jades, Agates and Rock Crystal, and Oriental Cabinet Objects. Catalogue Nos. 1 to 193, inclusive. On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 15TH Beautiful Old Chinese Single Color Porcelains, Five Color and other Decorated Specimens, Blue and White and Ming Porcelains, and Han Pottery. Cata- logue Nos. 194 to 372, inclusive. On Monpbay AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 17TH CONCLUDING SESSION Greek and Roman Glass, Greek Terra-cottas, ‘Antique Jewelry, Greek Coins, Rare Gems from India, Miscellaneous .Cabinet Objects, European Ceramics, Tapestries, and Remarkably Fine Persian Silk Rugs. Catalogue Nos. 373 to 658, inclusive. ge ae FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2:30 O'CLOCK Note.—WITH A FEW MINOR EXCEPTIONS THE ORIENTAL PORCELAINS, ENAMELS AND JADES DESCRIBED HEREIN WERE PURCHASED BY THE LATE M. C. D. Borpen, Esa., rrom Mr. THomas B. CLarKE, THE WELL-KNOWN DEALER IN ORIENTAL ART OBJECTS.. Mr. CLARKE ALSO, THROUGH THE LATE HEnri DE MorGan, ANTIQUARIAN, FORMED THE COLLECTION OF GREEK AND Roman Gass, GREEK TERRA-COTTAS, AND COINS, AND THE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE JEWELRY. : ANTIQUE CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS 1—Ciorsonné Enamet Miniature Breaxer Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). On the body vertical dentated ridges in bronze, and ogre heads in red and white enamel on a dark-blue ground. The neck and foot of turquoise-blue with palmettes and lotus in various colors. Has teakwood stand. Height, 234 inches. 2—Ctotsonné Enamet Mintature Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Glob- ular bottle-shape, with slender tubular neck and spreading base. Conventional lotus and foliations in low tones of red, dark-blue and other colors on a turquoise-blue ground. Height, 314 inches. 1 Illustrated. 38—CLotsonng Enamet Miniature VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Globular shape with tubular neck, spreading base and monster-head and loose-ring handles. Ogre heads and archaic scrolls in red, dark-blue and yellow enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. Has teakwood stand. Height, 3 inches. Illustrated. 4—CLOISONNE Enamet Rover Box Of the Ming period. Flat round shape. Detached blossoms and foliations in red, dark-blue and white enamels on a turquoise- ~ blue ground. Diameter, 21% inches. 5—Cuotsonn&é Enamer Rover Box Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). Flattened round shape on gilt foot. Lotus and leaf scrolls in red, pink, green and yellow translucent enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. The interior gilded. Diameter, 134 inches. 6—CyuinpricaL CHaMpLevé PErR- FUME Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period 1736-1795). Leaf scrolls and 7 blossoms in dark-blue and white enamel. Height, 15% inches; diameter, 234 inches. T—C.iorisonné Enamet Lreation Cur Of the Ming period. Archaic scrolls in dark-red and blue on a turquoise-blue ground. Has gilt dragon handle and a teak- wood cover with a jade ornament. Height, 21% inches. SIUNVN GT ANNOSIOT) ASANTH) ITO 8—Cuo1sonné Enamet Miniature VASE Of the Ming period. Bottle shape, with dragon scrolls and scepter heads and blossoms in dark-blue, red and white enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. Height, 3 inches. 9—Cuot1sonnét EnAmet Incenst Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Cylindrical shape. Diaper pattern in lapis, yellow and turquoise-color enamels. On the cover is a peony flower. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 234 inches. 10—Cuotsonnté EnAmet Rover Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Flattened globular form,.on foot. Conventional lotus and leaf scrolls in brilliant tones of red, dark-blue and white, on a turquoise-blue ground. Diameter, 21 inches. 11—C.Lotsonnt Enamet Rovcer Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Quadrilateral shape on a low foot. Flowers of paradise and leafy scrolls in dark-blue, red, white and yellow enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 2 inches. 12—Cuo1rsonné Enamet Miniature GAuiror Of the Ming period. Pale turquoise-blue ground with lotus flowers in red, yellow and white and leafy scrolls in dark green. Round the shoulder, band of palmettes in harmonious colors. Has teakwood stand. Height, 31% inches. 13—CLotsonn&é Enamet Miniature VASE Of the Ming period. Cylindrical body with short neck and spreading base. Conventional lotus and foliations, bat symbol and scepter- head borders in red, dark-blue, green and yellow enamels on a pale turquoise-blue ground. Height, 41% inches. 14—Croisonnt Enamet Rover Box Of the Chr’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Flattened round shape on a low foot. Lotus flowers, symbols and leafy scrolls in brilliant tones of red, yellow, white and blue on a pale turquoise-blue ground. Gilded interior and rims. Has engraved four-character mark of the period underneath the foot. Diameter, 334 inches. 15—C.uoisonné Enamevt Miniature Botrrue-SHArPE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Lotus flowers and leafy scrolls in red, yellow, green and white enamels in two dark-blue panels. Pale turquoise-blue ground, covered with detached flowers and foliated scrolls, executed in various enamel colors. Underneath the foot is an engraved six-character mark of the Ch’ien-lung period. Height, 414 inches. 16—Cuamrteveé Perrume Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). Globular shape, on tall foot. Show, conventional lotus, foliations and scepter-head scrolls carved in relief and gilded. Pale turquoise-blue enamel ground. Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 25% inches. 17—CuLotsonnké EnamMet Incenst Box Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Globular shape on a high foot. Lotus and leafy scrolls in various colors of enamel on a pale turquoise-blue ground. On _ the cover, Shou symbol in dark-red, within a panel of sage-green. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 37% inches. 18—CiotsonnéE Enamet Rover Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Flattened globular shape on low foot. Pale turquoise-blue ground, with the sacred lotus leaves and tendrils in brilliant tones of red, green, yellow and dark-blue. Interior gilded. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3 inches. 19—Cuotsonn&é Enamet Botrriue-SHAPe VASE Of the Ming period. Oviform body with tall slender tubular neck and low spreading foot. Conventional lotus-leaf scrolls and tendrils, symbolical bat and border designs in full tones of red, dark-blue, yellow, white and green on a pale-turquoise ground. On the shoulder are two gilt monster-head and ring handles. Height, 6%, inches. Illustrated. 20—Cuotsonné Enamet Rover Box Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Globular shape on a low spreading foot. 'Turquoise-blue ground. On the cover a medal- lion containing the symbolical bat and the Show character in red and dark-blue and borders of lotus scrolls in green, yellow, pink and red enamels. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 27% inches. 21—Cuo1sonné Enamet Pear-SuHare Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Turquoise-blue ground with large lotus flowers, leaf scrolls and tendrils in brilliant tones of red, yellow, dark-blue, pink and green. Borders of scepter heads in dark blue. Underneath the foot, engraved six-character mark of Ch’ien-lung. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 22—C.oisonnE ENAMEL BoTTLE-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). 'Turquoise-blue ground, with Shou marks in dark-blue and archaic scrolls, gadroons and palmettes in tones of red, yellow, green and white. ‘ Height, 5 inches. 23—CuoisonnE Enamew Rovuce Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Globular shape on gilded foot. Show symbol, lotus and leaf scrolls in brilliant tones of red, lapis-blue, white and green on a turquoise-blue ground. Gilded interior. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3 inches. 24—CroisonnE Enamet Cyzrypricat VaAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Lapis-blue ground with various flowers and leaf scrolls in red, yellow, pink and white enamels, and the tendrils in gilded wires. Height, 6 inches. Illustrated. 25—CLoisonn&é Enamet Rovce Box Of the Ming period. Flattened globular shape. Lotus and leaf scrolls, executed in red, dark-blue, yellow and green enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. Has champlevé stand. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 3 inches. 26—Mine Enamen Lozencre-Suarr VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Truquoise-blue ground, with lotus flowers and leaf scrolls in red, yellow, pink and green enamels. On the four corners, archaic scrolls in lapis-blue. Has teakwood stand. Height, 51%, inches. Illustrated. 27—Cuotsonn&é Enamet Botrur-Suare Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Con- ventional lotus-leaf scrolls and tendrils in brilliant tones of red, lapis-blue, green, white and yellow on a turquoise-blue ground. Height, 51% inches. yey 28—Cioisonné Enamet Botrir-Suare VAsE | Of the Ming period. Conventional lotus and foliations in red, yellow, green, white and dark- blue enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. Borders of scepter-head scrolls and palmettes in low tones of blue and sage-green. Has bronze stand. Height, 53/4, inches. 29—Curotsonné Enamet Borrir-Suare Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Oviform body with tall tubular neck. Large lotus flowers in red, blue, white and yellow, and bold leafy scrolls in green, yellow, white and lapis-blue on a turquoise-blue ground. Has teakwood stand. 28 Height, 5%, inches. 30—Patr CLoisonnk ENAMEL PorTaBLe SHRINE CANDLESTICKS Of the Ming period. Blossoming vine in red and dark blue on a turquoise-blue ground. Height, 51% inches. * 31—CLo1sonn&£ ENAMEL Ink Box Early Ming period. Flat circular shape. Conventional lotus and leaf scrolls in low tones of red, blue, green and white. Height, 114 inches; diameter, 334 inches. 32—-CLo1isonNE Enamet Botrie-SHAre VASE K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Globular body with tall tubular neck. Show symbols, scepter-head scrolls and arabesques in black, lapis-blue, green and white enamels on a turquoise-blue’ ground. Has _ teakwood stand. & 33—Cuotsonn&ét Enamet Incenst Box Globular shape on low foot. ‘Turquoise- blue ground, with ogre faces, lotus scrolls and scepter-head borders in fine tones of lapis-blue, dark-red, yellow, green and white. Gilded rims and interior. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 334 inches. 34—CLotIsonnE ENAMEL Hancine VASE Of the Ming period. Bottle-shape, with globular body, tall cylindrical neck, with two tubular handles, on a lapis-blue ground of large lotus flowers, leafy scrolls and floral sprays executed in dark-red, pale-blue, yellow and white enamels. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. — 35—CLoisonn& Enamet Incense Burner K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Quad- rilateral shape, with pyramidal cover, four gilt dragon feet and winged-dragon handles. ‘Turquoise-blue enamel ground, with conventional lotus, bold leaf scrolls in harmonious tones of red, green, purple and other enamels. Has teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. $6—CLotsonné Enamet Circurtar Box Of the Ming period. The entire outer surface, including the foot underneath, is covered with a pale turquoise-blue enamel. ‘The decoration consists of a bold five-clawed dragon, fire emblems, cloud forms and lotus scrolls, executed in dark-red, yellow, white and green enam- els. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 5 inches. 37—CLoIsonngéE ENAMEL Botrue-SHAPE VASE Of the Ming period. Squat body, with tall tubular neck, which is encircled by two gilded rings. Covered with a turquoise-blue enamel and decorated with lotus scrolls executed in fine tones of dark-red, blue and green enamels. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5%, inches. 38—CLoisonnE ENAMEL CircuLaR Box Of the Ming period. On the cover are clusters of fruit and floral sprays in finely combined tones of dark-green, lapis-blue, red, yellow and white on a ground of pale turquoise-blue. On the circular sides are lotus flowers and leaf scrolls in harmonious tones. Gilded interior and rims. Underneath the foot an en- graved six-character mark of Hsiian-Te (1426-1435). Height, 1% inches; diameter, 4%, inches. 39—Cuo1sonné Enamet Incense Burner | K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Fashioned after an ancient bronze. Oblong body, buttressed with six vertical dentated rims and sup- ported by four dragon scroll feet. It is decorated with ogre faces and archaic scrolls in brilliant tones of red, lapis-blue, green, pink and white on a turquoise- blue ground. The pierced pyra- midal cover is surmounted by a gilded brass kylin. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 634 inches; width, 5 inches. 40—Cuxorsonn&é EnNamet Bottue-SHAPE VASE Of the Ming period. Inverted pear-shaped body with tall spread- ing tubular neck. Large lotus flowers and bold leafy scrolls in lapis, dark-red, white, yellow and green on a pale turquoise-blue ground. Round the neck and foot are bands of palmettes in yellow and green outlined in lapis-blue. Height, 7144, inches. Illustrated. 41—Cuotsonn& Enamet Trivop Incenst Burner Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Semi-globular shape with gilt elephant-head feet and handles. Turquoise-blue ground, with large lotus flowers, leaf scrolls and tendrils and border of scepter heads executed in red, green, pink, white and lapis-blue enamels. The gilt dome-shaped cover is of openwork design, showing two dragons pursuing the Pearl of Omnipotence, and is surmounted by the symbol of the Flaming Jewel. Height, 714, inches; diameter, 414 inches. Illustrated. STANVNOT ANNOSIOT) AGNV AADIAWVH/) ASHNIH,) CIO SV 1 / 7 > @ - \ + * s whe i ‘ ' . t y : w “i . é Le é i € “ ¥ 4 ; + 42—Croisonn&é Enament Trreop Incense BurRNER Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Globular shape on tripod of gilt elephant-heads and with two gilt monster-head and __ loose-ring handles. Decorated with lotus flowers, leaf and _ scepter-head scrolls in dark-red, lapis, green and other enamels on a turquoise- blue ground. The openwork dome-shaped cover, to harmonize, surmounted by a gilt ornament. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 434 inches. 43—CHAMPLEVE DovusBLe VASE Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). In form of two joined oviform vases. ‘The ornamentation, which is carved in relief on a gilded background, consists of large flowers of the sacred lotus amid leafy scrolls and tendrils, which are filled in with lapis- and turquoise-blue enamel. In addition to the embellishment are archaic dragons, modeled in bold relief and gilded. A cham- plevé stand conforms with the vase. Underneath the foot, relief character marks. Height, 8% inches; diameter, 534 inches. Illustrated. 44—CLoisonné Enamey InNcEnsE Burner Ming period. Quadrilateral shape on ogre-head feet, and with two scroll handles. Ogre faces in dark-red, lapis-blue, yellow, green and white enamels on a turquoise-blue ground. Round the mouth an incised Greek fret border. Height, 2%, inches. 45—Cuoisonn&é Enamet Brusu Tray Ming period. Oblong shape, with two gilt dragon handles and incised gilt rim. The ground is of pale turquoise-blue, with two conventional pheenixes and lotus and leaf scrolls executed in fine tones of dark-red, white, yellow and dark-blue. Has teakwood stand. Length, 14 inches; width, 514 inches. 46—Cu1nesr Bronze anp Enamet Tempe Vase Oviform, with broad neck and two ogre-head and ring handles on shoulders for hanging. Incrusted with a mottled verdigris-green patina, and decorated with a wide band of archaic designs in low tones of enamel, and large palmettes round the neck similarly treated. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 9 inches. AT 49 SPECIMENS OF CARVED JADE, AGATE AND CRYSTAL 4"7—CuInEsE Camero-Guass Snurr Borris White ground with dragons and fire emblems in bold relief jn dark-blue. 48—Ametuyst Snurr Botrie Pear-shaped. Ornamented with a symbolical dragon, which is carved in high relief. Has Fei-ts’ui stopper. 49—Laris Snurr Botrie Quadrilateral shape. Mottled gray and flecked gold ground, with veins of sapphire-blue. Has metal incrusted stopper. 50—Ametuyst Snurr Botte Flattened oviform. Pine, magnolia and crane carved in relief and polished. 51—Japr SnurFF BotTriLe Oviform. Gray with green markings. Highly polished surface. Has P’iao-tsi stopper. 52—Ametuyst SNuFF BOTTLE Flattened oviform. Magnolia and tree peony carved in relief on a highly polished surface. 53—Two Acatr Snurr Botriues (A) Flat shape. Amber-brown, with markings of a darker shade. (B) Brown, with markings of a darker color and white veins. White jade and metal stopper. 54—CARNELIAN SnNuFF BoTTrLe Carved in shape of a peach, the Chinese fruit of immortality. Has markings of malachite-green. 55—AmETHYsST SNu¥FF Botrie Oviform. Taoist deities, dragon and tiger carved in high relief. Sacred fungus carved in the white matrix. Fei-ts’ui stopper. 56—JADEITE SNurF BoTrLe Flattened oviform. Gray ground, with markings of emerald-green. Highly polished surface. Stopper to cor- respond with the bottle. 57—Rock Crysrau Snurr Borrie Hexagonal shape. Pink quartz stop- per. 58—Harr-CrystAL SNuFF BOTTLe Flattened oviform. Highly polished surface. 59—Ametuyst Snurr Borrie Oviform melon-shape. Highly polished surface. 60—Rock Crystau Snurr Borrie i Oviform. Outer surface carved in WaT UY ees basket pattern. Fei-ts’ui stopper. 61—Smokep Crystat Snur¥r BorTrie Flattened oviform. Highly polished surface. Fei-ts’ui stopper. 62—AcaTrE SnurFrFr Borrie Gray and white. Highly polished. Has Fei-ts’ui stopper. 63—ImPERIAL JADEITE SNUFF Borrie Soft creamy white, with beautiful emerald-green markings. Highly polished surface. Stopper to correspond. 64—Pink Quartz Snurr Botrrie Flattened oviform. Plum branches and grasses carved in low relief. Highly polished surface. Fei-ts’ui stopper. 65—Imrerrian JADEITE SNurr Borris | Oviform. Gray-white with emerald-green markings. Highly polished surface. Stopper to correspond. 66—Japr Snurr Borrie Flattened pear shape. Pale-brown, with markings of emerald- green. Highly polished surface. Stopper to correspond. 67—Brown AMBER SnuFF Botrie Carved in designs of Buddha’s-hand fruit. Coral stopper. 68—Larcr Acate Snurr Botrie Pale-yellow, with two horses and a monkey carved in high relief in the matrix. Highly polished surface. 69—Larce Rock Crystat Snurr BottTie Quadrilateral shape. Pine branches carved in relief in the matrix. Fei-ts’ul stopper. 70—Larce CuInEsE CamMEo-Guass SNuFF Botrie An assemblage of Chinese sages, pine trees, and a border design, modeled in high relief on a ground resembling camphor. Pink quartz stopper. 71—Two Snurr Borries One glass, in imitation of agate; the other composition, in imitation of agate. 72—Guass Snurr Borris In imitation of gray and white 70 agate. 73—Acatsr Snurr Borrre Brown, with markings in a darker shade. Highly polished sur- face. Fei-ts’ui stopper. 74—Ametuyst SEAL Miniature monkey and branch carved in relief. 75—Cuinesr Guass Smart Vase Oviform. White, with rose-soufflé surface, and two ogre-head handles. Height, 23, inches. Y6—AmeEtTHYsT MIntaTuRE STATUETTE Seated figure of Hotei. 77—Carvep AcaTe ORNAMENT Pink and gray. Reclining figure of a fabulous animal. 78—Rock Crrstaut Grrpie Ciasp Carved in dragon design and highly polished. 79—GiRDLE CLasP P’iao-tsii of peach design, mounted on a base of opaque-green glass. 80—Brown Jape GirpiEe Ciasp - Dragon and dragon head, carved in bold relief. Incised symbols. 81—Brown AmBer ORNAMENTS Carved in design of the peach and Buddha’s-hand fruit, Chinese symbols of immortality and happiness, executed in relief in under- cut and openwork carving. 82—Wuitr JADE ORNAMENT Carved in design of the Sacred Elephant. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches; length, 2% inches. 83—Min1aTure VASE WITH COVER Pink quartz peonies and foliated scrolls carved in relief. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 3 inches. 84—Carvep AGATE ORNAMENT Pink and gray fabulous animal in reclin- ing posture. Length, 334 inches. 85—Brown Acate ORNAMENT Carved in design of a peach, the Chinese symbol of immortality. Branch and leaves executed in high relief and undercutting. Has teakwood stand. Height, 214, inches. 86—Carvep Wuire Jape ORNAMENT Reclining figures of two deer holding in their mouths the Sacred Fungus. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 234 inches. 87—Carvep Turquoise ORNAMENT Reclining figure of the fabulous lion. Has carved teakwood stand. Length, 2 inches. S8—Carvep CARNELIAN MiIniAtTuRE VASE Oviform. Two dragons and lion-head and ring handles, ex- ecuted in high relief. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2% inches. 89—AmBeEeR WINE CuP Golden brown. Plum branches and blossoms carved in relief and undercut. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches. Q9O—IMPERIAL JADEITE Miniature TABLE SCREEN Gray, with emerald-green markings. Birds, flowers and sym- bols carved in high relief. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2%, inches. 91—Wrirer’s AMBer Water RECEPTACLE q Translucent golden-brown. Carved in design of a lotus leaf, with bud, stem, and _ reptiles and _ insects, carved in relief and undercut. Has teakwood stand. _ Length, 2%, inches. 92—Carvep AMBER ORNAMENT Dragon on leaf. Length, 41 inches. 93—Japr Mintature Tasite ScREEN Moss-green disk. Buddhistic symbols and leaf scrolls carved in openwork. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 23/4, inches. 94—Japre Miniature Tasrie Screen White disk, with bat symbols, the Shou character and peony scrolls intricately carved in openwork. Has carved teak- wood stand. Diameter, 3 inches. 95—Carvep Gray Japr VASE witH CoveER Flattened oviform. Tree peonies and birds of paradise carved in high relief. Incised Greek fret borders. Has teak- wood stand. 94 Height, 4 inches. 96—Moss-GreEen JADE Perrumet Box Scroll designs carved in relief on cover, openwork and leaf-scroll stand attached. Height, 2 inches; length, 21, inches. 97—Carvep WuitTs JADE ORNAMENT A fabulous animal in reclining posture, the tail carved in relief in the brown matrix. Has teakwood stand. Length, 3 inches. 98—Lapis-Lazuti ORNAMENT Carved to represent a large rock. Ornamented with deer, pine tree and storks, symbols of longevity, executed in relief and undercut. Has teakwood stand. Height, 21%, inches; length, 334 inches. 99—Wraiter’s Rock Crysta, Water RECEPTACLE Carved to represent cloud forms. Ivory stand to conform. Length, 4 inches. 100—Gray Jape Wing Cup Panels of archaic scrolls, carved in low relief, and incised fret border. ‘Teakwood cover of openwork design inlaid with silver wire and surmounted by a malachite ornament. Has teakwood stand. Height, 134 inches; diameter, Y% inch. 101—Carvep Lapis-LazuLt1 ORNAMENT A parrot standing on rock. Has teakwood stand. Height, 3%, inches. 102—ImPeERIAL JADEITE Mintature TABLE SCREEN White, with beautiful emerald-green markings carved in design of a butter- fly. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 24% inches; length, 4 inches. 103—Carvep JADE ORNAMENT Reclining goat and two kids executed in pale yellow jade with brown mark- ings. Has teakwood stand. Height, 3%, inches; length, 3% inches. 104—Carvep Gray JADE STATUETTE Standing figure of the “God of Lon- gevity,” with his attributes. Has 102 teakwood stand. Height, 314 inches. 105—Wrairer’s Maracuire Water RecerTacie Carved to represent a gourd and vine. Has teakwood stand. Height, 3 inches; length, 3% inches. 106—AQuUAMARINE ORNAMENT A mythological monster, boldly carved. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2%, inches; length, 4 inches. 107—Gray J hee Wine Cur Two handles in form of dragons. The cup ornamented with archaic scrolls carved in low relief, and a band of leaf scrolls incised. Cloisonné enamel cover, which is surmounted by a carved Fei-ts’ui ornament. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 2°, inches. 108—LavenpeEeR Jape ORNAMENT In form of two peaches, the Chinese fruit of immortality, and a bat, the symbol of happiness. ‘The stem and leaves, which are of Fei-ts’ul, are carved in relief and undercut. Has teakwood stand. 109—Moss-GreEen JAvE VASE Quadrilateral beaker shape. ‘The upper and lower surface carved with palmettes and the center band with ogre heads. Incised borders of Greek fret. Height, 5 inches. Illustrated. 110—Imwrrriat JADEITE VASE Flattened oviform, with cover. The ornamentation on obverse and reverse consists of ogre heads and archaic scrolls, which are carved in low relief. Encircling the neck, foot and rim of cover are incised bands of fret pattern. Has teakwood stand. Height, 414, inches. 111—Morriep-Green JADE VASE Bottle shape, with tubular projections extending from the upper rim to the base. These projections are carved with dragon scrolls executed in low re- lief, and on the neck are four pal- mettes. Carved jade stand attached to conform with vase. 110 Height, 5%, inches. Illustrated. 112—Wuire Jape SacririciaL JAR WITH COVER Oviform body, with jointed top handle and two scroll-shaped handles, fashioned out of one piece of jade. The body orna- mented with archaic scrolls and symbols carved in low relief. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 51,4 inches. 113—EmeErALD-GREEN JADEITE SACRIFICIAL JAR WITH COVER Oviform body, with jointed top-handle in design of entwined pheenixes, and two delicate scroll side-handles, fashioned out of one piece of jade. The body ornamented with a band of scroll pattern carved in relief, and the foot with a border of gadroons. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. Illustrated. 114—Carvep AmeEtuyst Vase witH Cover Flattened oviform. The obverse and reverse ornamented with sprays of tree peonies carved in high relief, and the ends with two monster-head and ring handles. Has teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. 115—Carvep AMBER ORNAMENTAL PIECE Group of kylins, the sacred fungus, and flowering plants, carved in opaque golden-yellow amber. Has carved teakwood stand. 116—Rocx Crystat VASE witH Cover Flattened oviform. Ornamented on obverse and reverse with floral sprays carved in low relief. Round the mouth and rim of cover, bands of palmettes and incised fret. Height, 6 inches. 117—Wrtrer’s GREEN JADE Water RECEPTACLE In design of two joined lotus leaves, carved from one piece. The stems, which form the base, and lotus buds and dragon-flies as embellishments, are carved in bold relief and undercut. Has carved teakwood stand in design of symbolical bats and cloud forms. Height, 314 inches; length, 5 inches. SAdV(? dHAUV) ASANIHD GIO SIL SIT 118—Wrirter’s Moss-Green Jape Water RecEPTACLE Sculptured in the form of two peaches, which are joined, and with leafy sprigs and young shoots and blossoms artistically executed in relief and undercutting. On the end is a symbolical dragon, carved in high relief and undercut, highly polished throughout. Has teakwood and colored ivory stand. Length, 6% inches. Illustrated. 119—Wuttr Jape Frowrer-SHarep VASE The ornamentation, which is carved in relief and undercut, con- sists of a symbolical dragon, floral sprays and stems. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 64, inches. 120—Watrer RECEPTACLE In design of a tree stump, with a gnarled branch and Buddha’s- hand fruit carved in openwork and undercut. Has teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches; length, 414 inches. 121—OrIENTAL Rock Crystat BALu A flawless specimen. Has carved ivory tall stand. Diameter, 3 inches. 122—Ortentat Rock Crystat Batu A flawless specimen. Has carved ivory tall stand. Diameter, 3 inches. 123—ImrEerRiaL JADEITE VASE wiTH COVER Graceful flattened oviform, with short neck and open dragon-scroll handles. It is orna- mented on the obverse and reverse with lotus flowers, foliations, ogre heads and palmettes. The small dome-shaped cover has a finial ornament and the border is of incised Greek fret. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. 123 124—Wuitr JADE CoverEeD Box Flattened round shape, and of intricate workmanship. The box and cover are ornamented throughout with blooming peonies and leafy scrolls carved in relief and openwork. Has teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Illustrated. 125—JapEITtTE VASE Gray-white, with slight markings of emerald-green. It is of tall slender ovi- form with short neck, and is ornamented with two handles in design of lizards. The outer surface highly polished. Height, 614 inches. 126—GreEenisoh Rock Crystat VASE WITH CovER The color resembling aquamarine. ‘The vase is of flattened oviform and is orna- mented with bands of archaic scrolls, gadroons and two monster-head and ring handles—all of which are carved in low relief. Height, 61% inches. Illustrated. 127—Rocxk Crystat VASE In form of a tree trunk. Ornamented with pine and plum branches, fungi and the symbolical bat, carved in relief and under- cut. Has teakwood stand. Height, 41, inches. adv (? aaHAUV,) AO SNAHWIOddS LNV.LYOd Wy] Tvl ovl 681 961 128—Imrerriat JADEITE WALL SHRINE Gray-white with emerald-green markings. Semi-cylindrical shape with sliding front, which is artistically carved in openwork and in relief. The ornamentation con- sists of the symbolical bat, Sacred Fun- gus, Show character and ribbon fillets. The entire inner and outer surface highly polished. Has teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches; width, 2%, inches. 129—Wraiter’s Rock Crystat Water Dis Ornamentation of fabulous monsters and the Sacred Fungus, carved in bold relief and undercut. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 51/ inches. 130—Wutrr Acatr ORNAMENTAL PIECE Carved in design of a gnarled pine branch. Pine needles, the symbolical bat and the Sacred Fungus executed in relief in the red matrix. Has teakwood stand. 128 Height, 3%, inches; length, 7 inches. 131—Carvep Maracuitt ORNAMENT Sculptured from a block of malachite in the form of a mountain- ous rock, with a grotto shrine for a Buddhistic idol. Ornamented in relief with a pine tree, a deer, and stork, Chinese symbols of longevity. Has teakwood stand. Height, 614%, inches; width, 5 inches. 1382—CarRneELIAN BrusH anp WATER VASE Sculptured in red and white carnelian agate. Branches of the peach, the Chinese fruit of immortality, the pomegranate and magnolia, and also the Sacred Fungus and symbolical bats, carved in high relief and undercut. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches; width, 5 inches. 133—OrIENTAL ORNAMENTAL PIECE Composed of pink quartz, stalactite and silver. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches; length, 51%, inches. 134—SPrEcIMEN oF MALACHITE In natural crude form. Has teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches; width, 5 inches. 135—Moss-GrReEnN JADE IncENsE BurNER witH COVER 136— Quadrilateral shape on four tall feet, and with tubular projec- tions on each corner, and two rudimentary scroll handles. The body is entirely covered with an ornamentation of Show charac- ters and archaic scrolls carved in low relief. The cover is orna- mented with four dragon medallions and a coiled dragon forming the handle, carved in high relief and undercut. Fitted with a moss-green jade stand, which is intricately carved in openwork. Height, 1%, inches; width, 5%, inches. Illustrated. IMPERIAL JADEITE Wart VASE Gray-white, with beautiful emerald-green markings. Semi-ovi- form. Ornamented on either side with two upright dragons, extending from the lip to the foot, and which are artistically carved in relief and undercut. ‘The entire outer surface is highly polished. Illustrated. Height, 7%, inches. 187-——Darx-GREEN JADE VASE Flattened oviform, with two scroll handles on either side of neck. Ornamented round the body with a wide band of ogre heads and archaic scroll. Encircling the mouth and foot are incised borders of Greek fret. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5%, inches. 138—GREENISH-WHITE JADE VASE Flattened quadrangular shape, with two open dragon handles on neck. Ornamented with rope pattern, bands and scrolls, which are carved in high relief. Highly polished surface. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 71 inches; width, 3%, inches. Illustrated. | 139—Gray Jape VASE Quadrilateral beaker-shape and fashioned after an ancient bronze. Sculptured from a massive single block of jade. The corners are ornamented with vertical open scrolls and the sides with vertical den- tated ridges, all of which are carved in high relief. Archaic scrolls, palmettes and Show characters are carved in low relief. Height, 834 inches. Illustrated. 140—Imrperriat FEr-ts’ur VAszt wirH COovER Lustrous white, with profuse markings of brilliant emerald-green. The vase is a flattened oviform with two scroll handles, and the cover pyramidal with finial orna- ment. It is ornamented on the obverse and 140 reverse with ogre heads, lotus flowers and foliated scrolls, which are carved in low relief. Round the neck is a band of palmettes, and encircling the mouth and foot are bands of incised Greek fret. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 714 inches; width, 314 inches. 141—GreentsH-Wuire VASE Flattened beaker shape, with open scroll and loose-ring handle. The body of the vase is ornamented with ogre heads and archaic scrolls, and the neck and foot with bands of palmettes, all of which are skilfully carved in relief. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. Illustrated. 142—Imposinc GreEentsH-WuirTeE VasE Wide cylindrical shape. Artistically carved in bold relief and undercutting from a block of greenish-white jade, of uniform translucent color. The ornamentation depicts a panoramic land- scape presenting numerous figures of royal personages, and chil- dren at play, pagodas, pine and palm trees and cloud forms. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 6 inches. Illustrated. 143—Writer’s Matacuitt Water Disu The under surface ornamented with lotus flowers carved in high relief. Has tall teakwood stand. Diameter, 61 inches. 144—Gray Jape IMPERIAL SCEPTER Of massive proportions, sculptured in design of the sacred fungus. Length, 16 inches. 145—Moss-Green JADE ORNAMENTAL PIECE Sculptured from a massive block of moss-green jade in design of a mountain and ornamented with numerous pine trees and birds, which are executed in high relief and undercutting. On the obverse a Chinese inscription incised. Has teakwood stand. 146—Twvurevoist ORNAMENTAL PIECE Fashioned to represent a mountainous retreat of the Taoist cult. Numerous figures, with temple and pine trees, sculptured in high relief and undercut. Has carved teakwood stand. _ Height, 51% inches; length, 712 inches. 147—Curnesrt Guass Guroputar VAsE Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). White, with peach-tree in bearing, bamboo, chrysanthemums, and the symbolical bat carved in relief en camaiew. Underneath rim of foot is an engraved four-character mark of the period. Height, 3144 inches; diameter, 31% inches. 148—Curnese TureQvuolisrE-cLuAss VASE Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Graceful oviform body, with tall slender tubular neck. Underneath the foot is an engraved character mark. Height, 91% inches. 149—CnuineEst ImprerraL YELLOw Guass VASE Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Graceful oviform body, with tall slinder tubular neck. Underneath the foot is an engraved four-character mark. Height, 934 inches. 150—Cuinest Ivrertat YeELLow Grass VAsE Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Pear-shaped, with gracefully spreading tubular neck. Underneath the foot is an engraved four-character mark. Height, 1014 inches. ORIENTAL CABINET OBJECTS 151—Oup Japanese Ivory NETSUKE Street performer with his trained monkey, the former annoyed by a flea. 152—Oup JAPANESE Ivory NETSUKE A boating party. Signed by Riyomin. 153—Onp JAPANESE Ivory NETSUKE Statuette of a pilgrim. 154—Oup JaPpANEsE Ivory NETSUKE Shoki subduing a demon. Signed by Yoshinaga-Mokusai. 155—Otp Japanese Ivory Minrature CArvING Shoki, the demon destroyer, being entertained. Signed by Ishii. 156—Oxp JAPANESE Ivory MIntATuRE CARVING Two demons wrestling. Signed by Harukazu. 157—Oxp JAPANESE Ivory Minrature CarvInG A Buddhist legendary subject, representing the festivities of the souls of the ‘‘underworld,” who are released from torture on the 15th of August of each year. Signed by Kagiyoku. 158— JAPANESE Ivory CaRvING A wandering monk of the Shinto cult absolving a weak-minded man possessed of an evil spirit. A Japanese episode of primitive times. 159—Oup Japanssst Ivory Group Rok Ka-Sen, the six celebrated poets of Japan. Skilfully carved. Signed Shinoh-Watanobe. Has carved wood stand. Height, 3%, inches; diameter, 4 inches. 160—Japanese Ivory STATUETTE Young lady with samisen. Signed by Masaaki. Has ivory stand. Height, 74%, inches. 161—J apranesr Ivory Carvine Figure of farmer with pet rooster perched upon his shoulder. Skilfully carved by Ugiyoku. Has ivory stand. Height, 634 inches. 162—Exaporatet Ivory Box Made from a section of an ivory tusk. The outer surface and lid covered with quail and millet skilfully carved in high relief _ and undercut. Signed by Yoshi Kazu. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 163—O.uxp CHINESE CircuLAR PANEL Two symbolical dragons, carved in relief on a ground to represent turbulent water. 164—Ivory Miniature AMPHORA Tinted in imitation of coral. Height, 414 inches. 165—Ivory Miniature GaALiror Colored in crushed strawberry tint. Height, 3°, inches. 166—Ivory Miniature Ovirorm VASE Beautifully tinted. Has carved wood stand. Height, 3% inches. 167—Ivory Mintature AMPHORA : Fashioned after a peachbloom specimen. Has tinted carved ivory stand. Height, 41% inches. 168—Ivory Miniature AMPHORA Fashioned after a peachbloom specimen. Has tinted carved ivory stand. Height, 41, inches. 169—Eaporate JAPANESE Sword Finely wrought old blade mounted in an ivory scabbard, and with ivory guard and handle, all of which are skilfully carved in high relief with dragons rising from the sea. Length, 41 inches. 170—Goup Lacever Inro Four compartments. Swallow and falcon penciled in relief in silver and other lacquers. By Kaji Kawa. Has mask netsuke and ivory ojimi. 171—Goup Lacever Inro Four compartments. Relief decoration of crayfish, basket and implement, executed in red and other lacquers. Signed by Ku- wanya. Has carved ivory netsuke, a coiled dragon, and agate ojimi. 172—Goup LaceuErR InRo Five compartments. Finely executed relief ornamentation of pine tree and waterfall. Figures incrusted in silver and other metals. Signed by Kajikawa. Carved netsuke in design of turtle and signed. Damascened metal ojimi. | 173—PownvpeEr-Goxip Laceurer Iynro Four compartments. Decoration of daimio, and street performer with educated monkey, executed in relief in various lacquers and ivory. Signed by Shozan. Has carved wood and ivory netsuke, and ivory ojimi. 174—Goup Lacever Inro Four compartments. Standing and seated figures of daimios, modeled in relief in various lacquers. Signed by Shokuwasai. Has carved ivory netsuke with metal-work crayfish inserted and tinted ivory ojimi. 175—Goup Laceurr Iyro Four compartments. Decoration of tiger and Japanese children, modeled in relief in silver and gold lacquer. Signed by Kakosai. Has ivory button netsuke, with metal-work peony medallion, and bronze ojimi. 176—AVENTURINE Laceuer Inro Five compartments. Artistically embellished with a gnarled plum tree in gold lacquer, and silver moon. Signed by Jokasai. Has lacquered button-shaped netsuke, and metal-work ojimi. 177—Goup Laceurr LozencEe-SHAPED InrRo Four compartments. The obverse and reverse of polished gold surface and exquisitely embellished with pheasant, hydrangea and blossoming vine, incrusted in mother-of-pearl and tinted ivory— the edges decorated with a foliation delicately penciled in gold. Signed by Yasuharu. Carved wood netsuke, a laborer carrying a large bale of rice. Inlaid lacquered ojimi. 178—ImreriaL CINNABAR Laceuer Caxe Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). The outer surface is entirely covered with a skilfully carved ornamentation which represents the supernatural dragons amid cloud forms and fire emblems, in pursuit of the Pearl of Omnipotence. Height, 81%, inches; diameter, 11% inches. 179—Patir Larer Laceurr Vases Cylindrical shape. Polished green ground with decoration of floral medallions and crest, incrusted in mother-of-pearl and ivory and in penciled gold. Have finely carved and lacquered stands. Height, 23 inches. 180—Satsuma Tr1pop INcENsE BuRNER The body decorated with numerous figures of Japanese children playing various games, and the cover with minute butterflies. A specimen of microscopic embellishment. Signed by Meizan Yabu. 181—Patrr Satsuma Miniature Vases Heart shape. Decorated with minute figures, winter and autumn landscapes, flowers and butterflies. Signed by Yaba Meizan. 182—REMARKABLE SATsuMA Bown Decorated by the famous Meizan Yabu: the inner surface with four thousand minute butterflies, microscopically painted in enamel colors and gilding; the outer surface with a winter landscape and band of cherry blossoms. Height, 24% inches; diameter, 4% inches. g 183—JaPanesEe Sitver Mivtature VAsE Bamboo branches and symbol of good luck carved in relief. 184— JAPANESE SILVER Sworp GuaRD Howo bird, Kiri crest and floating blossoms in translucent enamels and gold wire cloisonné. Signed by Hiratsuka. 185—Sentoxa Bronze Miniature VASE Quadrilateral shape; mask handles. Has seal mark. 186—JAPANESE Bronze Ovirorm VASE Ogre faces and palmettes inlaid in silver wires. Signed by Seso. Has teakwood stand. 187—JAPANESE SILVER CENSER Hexagonal shape. Pierced body and cover. Dolphin handles, flowers and crest of cloisonné enamel. Howo bird surmounting cover. 188—JaPANESE Pacopsa-SHAPED CABINET Of iron, and intricately damascened with gold and silver. Signed by Komai, Kioto. Has carved stand. Height, 61, inches; diameter, 43/4 inches. 189—Oup CuInEsre KNIFE AND CHOPSTICKS Mounted in a repoussé copper case, which is inlaid with enamels of various colors. 190—Oup CuinEszt KnIFE AND CHOPSTICKS The former with jade handle, mounted in a cloisonné enamel case. 191—Oup Curnest Knire anp CHOPSTICKS The former with a carved jade handle, in a sharkskin case which is mounted with silver. 192—O.xp Cutnesrt Bronze Ivor Seated figure of a Buddha, incised and gilded. Height, 7 inches. 193—AnciENT CHINESE Bronze STATUETTE Standing figure of a priest. Height, 12 inches. SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2:30 O’ CLOCK BEAUTIFUL SINGLE-COLOR PORCELAINS MOSTLY CABINET-SIZE PORCELAINS 194—Miniatoure Tra-Cortor Gariror Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a soufflé glaze of tea-color, evenly applied. Has teakwood stand. 195—Miniature Ivory-Wuire Vast Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Pear-shaped, with projecting rim round mouth. Of soft-paste type, and coated with an ivory-white glaze of brilliant quality. Has teakwood stand. 196—Miniature Tra-Cotor VASE Of the Ch’ien-iung period (1736-1795). Galipot form. Has teakwood stand. 197—Miniature Lanc-Yao Garivor Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Invested with a mottled- red glaze of the famous Lang-yao type, which is applied over a surface that is highly crackled and exhibits shadings of celadon. Has teakwood stand. 198—SapruirE-Biur Rover Box : Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Round flattened form. Coated with a mottled sapphire-blue glaze. Has teakwood stand. 199—Miniature Dark-GRreen VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Pear-shape, with spreading neck. Invested with a dark-green glaze of brilliant quality. Has teakwood stand. Height, 31% inches. 200—Miniature Rost-Cotor Vase Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Graceful oviform with spreading neck. Invested with a monochrome glaze of deep- rose color. Has teakwood stand. Height, 31% inches. 201—Smatu Iron-Rusr Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Ovoid-shape, with short neck and receding base. Enameled with a dark-brown mono- chrome glaze, which is thickly flecked with iridescent metallic - spots. Height, 3% inches. 202—Smauzt Pink Cracxur Botrie Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Coated with a white glaze, applied over a surface completely covered with pink crackle. Has teakwood stand. Height, 414, inches. 203—Smartyt T'urevoisE-Buur Botrrite-SHAaPrE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with an opaque monochrome glaze of pale-turquoise tint, applied over iridescent metallic spots. Has teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches. 204—SMALL Iron-Rustr Borris Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enameled with a copper-brown monochrome glaze, which is thickly flecked with ir- idescent metallic spots. Has teakwood stand. Height, 414 inches. 205—Pure-Wutret Botrie-SHaAaret VAsE Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Soft-paste type. Coated with a pure-white glaze of brilliant quality, which is applied over an ornamentation of dragons and conventionalized fungi, carved in relief in the paste. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 206—Sanc-pE-Borvur Botrie-SuHare Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a sang- de-beuf glaze of a deep tone, which thickens around the foot. Has teakwood stand. Height, 51%, inches. 207—CELADON OvirorM JAR Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Dense porcelain. . Coated with a glaze of pale sea-green tint, applied over a sur- face profusely marked with brown crackle. Height, 414 inches. 208—CRruUSHED-STRAWBERRY Bowt Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Thin porcelain, the outer and inner surface enam- eled with a monochrome glaze of crushed- strawberry tint, which is applied so as to leave a well-defined white rim around the edge. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 354 inches. 209—Pracock-Buve VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Graceful bottle-shape. Invested with a monochrome glaze of deep peacock-blue, applied over a fine truitée or ‘‘fish-roe” crackle. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5%, inches. 210—Gris-PERLE CRACKLE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Globular bottle-shape, with tall tubular neck. It is invested with a minutely crackled glaze of gris-perle tint, which extends underneath the foot. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 211—CamevuiA-Lear Green VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is of graceful bottle- shape and invested with a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green color, of very fine opaque quality—which is minutely crackled throughout with a network of well-defined lines. Has teakwood stand. Hetghiis anchem 212—Orance-YELLOwW Borrie-Suaper Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a mono- chrome glaze of orange-yellow of brilliant opaque quality. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 213—Tvrevotise-Biur BotrLte-SHare VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enameled with a pale turquoise-blue glaze of opaque quality, applied over a network of minute crackle. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 214—Orance-YELLOow VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Pear-shape, with tall tubular neck, covered with an opaque orange-yellow glaze which is flecked with darker spots. Has teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches. 215—Corat-Rep Borrize-Suarr VAsE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Globular body, with tall slender tubular neck. Invested with a monochrome glaze of coral-red of very fine quality and iridescent luster. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 5 inches. 216—Cameiura-Lear Green Pear-Suarr VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enam- eled with a brilliant monochrome glaze of camel- lia-leaf green, which extends over the surface in- side the mouth, covers the foot underneath and is minutely crackled throughout. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5%, inches. 217—Mustrarpv-YELLOW Botrie-SHAPE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Coated with a monochrome glaze of mustard-yellow of brilliant opaque quality, and applied over a minutely crackled surface. Has teakwood stand. 216 Height, 614 inches. 218—Mrirror-Biack Vase Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Graceful pear-shape, short tubular neck, with flange and receding base. It is invested with an intense mirror-black glaze of brilliant quality. The rims of the lip are white, and left free of the glaze. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 51% inches. 219—Uniave Rice-Cotor Vast Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Graceful pear-shape, with tall slender neck. Invested with a monochrome glaze of rice-color of very fine, even quality. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 220—Tourauvoise-Bive Borrie-Suaret Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is coated with a pale turquoisé-blue glaze of opaque quality, applied over a surface which is minutely crackled. Height, 61%, inches. 221—CrELapon Ovirorm JAR Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Enameled with a mono- chrome glaze of sea-green tint, which is marked with bold brown crackle, and extends over the rim, inside the mouth, and invests the base of the foot with the exception of the circular rim, which is glazed in brown. Height, 414 inches. 922-ImprerIAL YELLOW Ovirorm JAR Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is of thin porcelain and is enameled with an opaque Imperial yellow glaze, applied over an embellishment of lotus-flowers, leaf-scrolls and tendrils and gadroon borders, all of which are incised in the paste. Height, 4 inches. 223—Turauoise-Biur Ovirorm Botrie Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with a tur- quoise-blue glaze of brilliant opaque quality, applied over a minutely crackled surface. Height, 6 inches. 224—Brown Meraruic SourrLte Ovirorm VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is covered with a copper-color glaze of fine, brilliant quality, which is flecked with iridescent metallic particles or scales. Has teakwood stand. Height, 41%, inches. 225—Turevoise-Biur Borrie-Suare Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1786-1795). It is of thin porcelain and coated with a monochrome glaze of pale turquoise-blue of opaque quality and applied over a minutely crackled surface. Height, 6 inches. 226—Pure Waite Gracerut Borrie-SHaPre VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1736). It is of the soft-paste type and is invested with a pellucid white glaze of exceeding purity, and is decorated on the body with four medallions of butterflies and foliations, and a band of gadroons round the foot, which are delicately etched in the paste underneath the glaze. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 227—AppLE-GREEN Borrie-SHare VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is of dense porcelain and is invested with a fine monochrome glaze of opaque apple- green which has been applied over a surface covered with a net- work of brown crackle. Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. Illustrated. 228—TIron-Rusr Garipot Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Of graceful form. Invested with a dark-brown monochrome glaze, which is thickly speckled with minute points of deep, metallic, lustrous aspect. Height, 61, inches. 229—Gray-WHITE CRACKLE JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1721). Flat- tened globular shape, with spreading neck. Coated with a gray-white glaze, applied over a surface covered with a network of black and brown crackle. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 230—Cametiia-Lrear GREEN VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is of ovoid form, with tubular neck, and is enameled with a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green of opaque and brilliant quality, which has been applied over a minutely crackled surface. Height, 61, inches. 234 236 235 231—Rost-Pinx Botrie-SHare VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Tall oviform, with slender neck, enameled with a rose-pink glaze, which is covered with an etched decoration of leaf scroll designs. Has teakwood stand. Height, 7%, inches. 9382—-Sune GALIPorT Of dense texture. Coated with a pale-blue glaze, which is crackled throughout. Beneath the shoulder, slight tones of purple. Height, 64% inches. 233—Rice-Cotor GALipot Of the Sung type. Coated with a rice-color glaze of even quality and minutely crackled throughout. : Height, 614 inches. 934—StToneE-Buvur Ovirorm JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is of dense porcelain and invested with a stone-blue opaque glaze, applied over a sur- face marked with a network of brown crackle. Has teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. 235—APppPLE-GREEN Oytrorm JAR Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Covered with a brown crackle surface, over which is an apple-green glaze, of brilliant opaque quality. Height, 5% inches. 936—Corat-Rep GALiprorT Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). It is of finished technique, and is invested with a coral-red glaze, of exceedingly fine quality. Has teakwood stand. Height, 61% inches. 937—APprLE-GREEN TRIPOD CENSER Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). Globular shape on a per- manent stand of lotus design. ‘The outer and inner surface is coated with a monochrome glaze of apple- green. The censer is decorated with a band of floral and leaf scrolls, and borders of scepter heads and gadroons, penciled in a darker shade of green. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 514 inches. 938—CELADON Ovirorm VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). It is invested with a pellu- cid sea-green glaze, underneath 237 which is a decoration of archaic scrolls, palmettes and gadroons, in- cised and carved in relief in the paste. Underneath the foot, seal mark of the period. Height, 81 inches. 239—Srarcu-Bivur Botrrie-SHaPe VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). The globular body and tall tubular neck are encircled with numerous rings, which are modeled in relief in the paste. It is enameled with a starch- blue opaque glaze. Pad Height, 734, inches. 240—Turevoise-BLuE BotTLe-SHAPE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is invested with a pale turquoise-blue glaze of opaque quality, and decorated with flowers and leaf scrolls, and bands of palmettes and gadroons, which are incised and filled in with a darker shade of blue. Height, 9 inches. 241—Patr CeLapon Vase Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1736). It is of graceful ovi- form with receding neck and base. Invested with a pale cela- don glaze, of pellucid quality and granulated surface. Height, 101%, inches. 242—GourRD-SHAPED VASE After a Sung specimen. Coated with a cream-color glaze, which is minutely crackled throughout. Has teakwood stand. Height, 81% inches. 943—ORANGE-YELLOW VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is oviform, with tall tubular neck and short, spreading base, and is invested with an orange-yellow glaze of brilliant opaque quality, which is ap- plied over a surface etched with floral motives and border de- signs. Underneath the foot, engraved seal mark of the period. Height, 1014 inches. 244—T urevotsE-Biug Ovirorm Borrie Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is invested with a monochrome glaze of turquoise-blue of brilliant opaque quality, applied over a minutely crackled surface. Underneath the foot, a seal mark of the period. Height, 1014 inches. 250 254 QaT 251 246 Group OF PEACHBLOOM SPECIMENS GROUP OF SUPERB PEACHBLOOM SANG-DE-BGEUF AND CLAIR-DE-LUNE SPECIMENS 245—PracuBioom Rovcer Box Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The cover enameled with a peachbloom glaze of crushed-strawberry tint and the body flecked with verdigris-green spots. Underneath the foot, six-character mark of the period. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 2% inches. Illustrated. 246—PracHBLoom Rovucer Box Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The cover and body enameled in varied crushed-strawberry tints and the lighter shades of the ripening peach, and exhibiting interesting mark- ings of verdigris-green. Underneath the foot, six-character mark of the period. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 2% inches. Illustrated. 247—Writer’s PEacHBLoom Water DisH Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Low-circular shape. In varied ashes-of-roses tint. Underneath the foot, finely pen- ciled in cobalt-blue, is a six-character mark of the period. Has carved and tinted ivory stand and cover. Diameter, 41, inches. Illustrated. 948—WriterR’s PeacnusBstoom Warer Disu Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Low-circular shape. In- vested with a peachbloom glaze, the lighter shades of delicate pink predominating. Underneath the foot, written in cobalt- blue, is the six-character mark of the period. Has carved and tinted ivory stand and cover. Diameter, 41, inches. 949—Writrer’s Peacustoom WarTer DisH Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Low-circular shape. Invested with the rich tint of the ripening peach, commingling varied tones of pink. Under the foot, penciled in blue, is a six- character mark of the period. Has carved and tinted ivory stand and cover. Diameter, 44/ inches. 950—WritER’s PEAcHBLOoM Water DisH Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Low-circular shape. It is invested with a typical peachbloom glaze, flecked with delicate green. Underneath the foot, written in cobalt-blue, is a six- character mark of the period. Has carved and tinted ivory stand and cover. Diameter, 41% inches. Illustrated. 251—Wrirer’s Peacoptoom Water REcEPTACLE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Semi-globular shape. This specimen gives a slight suggestion of over-firing in some of its almost smoky tints, yet the tones are mellow and varied. Drawn in the paste are three disks of incised archaic-dragon forms. Round the neck are dots of verdigris green. Underneath the foot, penciled in blue, is a six-character mark of the period. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 47, inches. Illustrated. 952—Writer’s Water Disu Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Low-circular shape. The entire surface is enameled with a pellucid monochrome glaze known as “moonlight-white” or clair-de-lune. Under- neath the foot is a six-character mark of the period. Has a carvd and tinted ivory stand and cover. Diameter, 41, inches. Illustrated. Naadaxy) AIddV anv UN O'YT-Ad-aAlV'T ) NI SNAWIOGdS LANIAV() 96 996 LGG z 253—WriteR’s Ciair-pE-Lunge Water Disu Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). A companion to the pre- ceding specimen (No. 252). Diameter, 414, inches. Illustrated. 254—_-Surers PEacuBLtoom AMPHORA Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Graceful shape, ex- hibiting in typical form the beautiful play of colors character- istic of the celebrated peachbloom glaze, varying tones of pink predominating. The mark, penciled in brilliant underglaze blue, is composed of six minute characters arranged in two columns. Has slight mend at upper rim of neck, and carved and tinted ivory stand. Height, 534, inches. Illustrated. | 255—BeravutTiruL, PrEacHBLOOM AMPHORA Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Gracefully fashioned oviform body, which is surmounted by a trumpet-shaped neck that has two white rings around the base. It is invested with a rich glaze of velvety aspect, exhibiting the beautiful play of colors which distinguishes the peachbloom vases. _The neck is coated inside with a glaze of mottled peachbloom, with verdi- gris-green markings. The mark underneath, “Ta Ch’ing K’ang- hsi nien chih,” is beautifully written in underglaze blue. Has tinted ivory stand. Height, 7% inches; diameter, 3 inches. Illustrated. 256—ImreriaL YELLOw AMPHORA Fashioned on the lines of the peachbloom vases. It is coated with a monochrome glaze of Imperial yellow, of brilliant opaque quality. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark of K’ang- hsi, penciled in underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 7%, inches. Illustrated. 257—APppLE-GREEN AMPHORA Of similar form to the preceding, and fash- ioned on the lines of peachbloom vases. Enameled with an apple-green glaze of opaque quality. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark of K’ang-hsi penciled in underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 7%, inches. Illustrated. 258—Rosr-pu-Barry Ecc-SHEtL VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1736). Graceful oviform, with short neck and broad mouth. Invested with a monochrome glaze known as “‘rose-du-Barry” in varied tones. Height, 51% inches. 258 959—Rosr-pvu-Barry EccsHett VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1736). A pendant to the preceding, but the glaze is darker in tone. Height, 51%, inches. 260—InTEREsTING Ovirorm VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Graceful oviform shape. Enameled with a red glaze of the Lang-yao type, displaying various tones of red. Has teakwood stand. . Height, 67% inches. 261—Sanc-pre-Borur GALipor Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is of Lang-Yao porcelain, and is invested with a mottled: glaze of typical ox-blood color. The lip is defined by a prominent line of white, and the foot by a biscuit edge, which encircles a base invested with a celadon mottled glaze. Has teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. SurPpeERB PEACHBLOOM AMPHORA a aa 262—Lanc-Yao GaLipot Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is invested with a fine monochrome glaze, exhibiting the typical mottled play of colors characteristic of sang-de-bauf specimens. The edge of the foot is unglazed, and the base underneath is covered with a rice-color crackle glaze. Height, 7 inches. 263—PisTacHE-GREEN PEAR-SHape VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Covered with a mono- chrome glaze of pistache-green. The decoration, which is carved in low relief in the paste, underneath the glaze, consists of three large peonies amidst an elaborate foliation, and a band of palmettes and a wide border of gadroons. Height, 1134 inches. 264—Tinc-Cuov Pitertm Borris Of the Sung dynasty. Under the glaze, of eeetcuete soft, creamy tone, is a decoration of bat symbols, cloud forms and fillets, and borders of Greek fret lightly engraved in the paste. Two handles on the neck are modeled in the form of archaic dragons. Height, 12%, inches. 265—Tinc-Cuovu Garipor Of the Sung dynasty. It is coated with a minutely crackled glaze of soft creamy tone, and is decorated with three conven- tional lotus tendrils and leaf scrolls, which are carved in high relief in the paste. Height, 101 inches. 266—Rosin’s-Ece Buur Gaipor Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is enameled with a soft monochrome glaze of robin’s-egg blue, over which is a profuse marking of lapis-blue. Has teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. 267—Tvrevoise-Biur Bottrite-SHare VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Globular shape, with tall tubular neck. Coated with a monochrome glaze of pale turquoise-blue, minutely crackled throughout, over which is a running glaze of deep-purple. Height, 12 inches. 268—Orance-YELLOw BotTLe-SuHaPe VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Oviform body with tall, slender, tubular neck. It is of dense porcelain and is invested with an orange-yellow glaze of brilliant opaque quality, which is applied over a surface of pronounced crackle. Height, 12 inches. 969—MorTTrLED-Brown BotrrLe-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Of graceful shape and finished technique, and invested with a monochrome glaze of mottled brown of brilliant quality, applied over a decoration which is delicately etched in the paste and consists of a bold dragon amidst cloud forms, pursuing the Pearl of Omnipotence. Height, 12%, inches. 27%0—Roset-Pinkx PEAr-SHAPE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Coated with a thick monochrome glaze of rose-pink, which has a pear-skin surface. Height, 141% inches. 271—Peracocx-Bivur Pear-SuHarr VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Globular body with tall, slender tubular neck spreading at the mouth. Enameled with a monochrome glaze of peacock-blue of opaque quality, over which are splashes of deep blue minutely crackled through- out. Height, 121% inches. 272—OrRaANGE-YELLOW JAR-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Oviform body, with broad spreading neck. Enameled with an orange-yellow glaze of opaque quality, applied over a decoration which is etched in the paste and consists of two five-clawed dragons, amidst cloud forms and fire emblems, in pursuit of the Sacred Pearl. Height, 1114 inches. 273—Turevoise-Buurz Pear-Suarre VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is enameled with a turquoise-blue glaze of opaque quality, and is marked with splashes of deep purple, underneath which is a surface completely covered with a “‘fish-roe”’ crackle. Height, 12 inches. 97%4—CELADON GALIPOT Of the Ming period. It is of very dense porcelain, and is coated with a thick monochrome glaze of sea-green, of opaque quality, and marked with a network of brown lines. Under- neath the glaze, carved in relief in the paste, is a decoration of peony flowers, amidst an elaborate foliation. Height, 1134 inches. 275—CamevuiA-Lear Green Botrie-SHare VASE 3 Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is of graceful globular shape, with tall tubular neck. The surface is entirely covered with a network of minute crackle, over which is a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green of brilliant opaque quality and ir- idescent luster. The foot is enameled with the same glaze, and the rim of the mouth is glazed in brown. Height, 16 inches. 276—Corat-Rep AMPHORA-SHAPE VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Of graceful shape and finished technique. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of coral-red, of fine even quality, and mottled throughout in a darker tone. Height, 18%, inches. Illustrated. 277—SappuirkE-Buve Borrite-Suare VAsE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is of graceful glob- ular shape, with tall slender tubular neck, and is coated with a dense monochrome glaze of sapphire-blue of iridescent quality that thickens round the foot, which is without glaze. Height, 15 inches. 278—Turevotise-Biurz Ovirorm VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Oviform body, grace- fully spreading at the base, with short neck. The entire surface is covered with a network of minute crackle, over which is a monochrome glaze of turquoise-blue of brilliant opaque quality, which extends over the rim inside the mouth and invests the base. Height, 1714 inches. Illustrated. 2979—CrELADON BEAKER Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). ‘The whole surface is coated with a celadon glaze, of sea-green tint, which deepens as it thickens in the recesses of the decoration. This decoration, which is executed in relief in the paste, consists of large peony flowers amid elaborate leafy scrolls. Height, 181% inches. 2980—ImreriaAL Peacock-Buvur GALipor 401— Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Invested with a mono- chrome glaze of “‘shagreen,” or peacock-blue, of brilliant opaque > quality, which extends over the rim of the mouth into the neck, and deepens as it thickens in the depressions of the decora- tion. This decoration, which is carved in relief in the paste, consists of a bold five-clawed dragon, cloud-forms, fire emblems and the flaming jewel. The surface underneath the glaze is coy- ered with a network of minute lines, known as truitée, commonly called “‘fish-roe” crackle. Height, 171% inches. Illustrated. I 72 Sanc-pDE-BorEur Prar-SuHape Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The entire surface is covered with a minutely crackled brown glaze, and exhibits around the shoulder and encircling the foot the typical sang-de- beuf hue. Height, 1334 inches. 282—Lanc-Yao Botrrie-SuHare VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Enameled with a monochrome glaze of sang-de-beuf type which displays a beau- tiful variation of colors and is applied over a finely crackled surface. The lip is defined by a prominent white line, and the antgq Wooovag aNv aay IVuo/) AO SNAWIOTAIS 086 Se {{ inside of the neck, and the base underneath is coated with a pale celadon glaze. Illustrated. Height, 13 inches. 283—BeravutiruL Sanc-pE-Borur VAsE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Of rare type, graceful in form and of finished technique. Over a finely crackled ground is a monochrome glaze typical of the rarest Lang-yao speci- mens; its briliant tones pass from the paler ruby shades into the deepest flaming crimson. Round base and mouth is a tinge of green, and the lip is defined by a prominent white line, while the foot underneath is enameled with a characteristic rice-color crackled glaze. Illustrated. Height, 17%4 inches. 284—Larcr Sanc-pE-Borur Vase K’ang-hsi Lang-yao specimen (1662-1722). It is of tall cylin- drical shape, with spreading neck and base, and is enameled with a monochrome-red glaze of fine quality. The surface of the glaze is a superficial network of crackle lines, and its depth reflects the richly mottled tints of sang-de-beuf type and the more brilliant shades of red, particularly round the shoulder and neck. ‘The lip is defined by a rounded rim of white, and the foot underneath is invested with a celadon glaze mottled with the typical ‘“‘ox-blood” color. (This specimen shows old re- pair.) Height, 17%, inches. Illustrated. FIVE-COLOR AND OTHER DECORATED PORCELAINS 285—Parr Coverep TEs-Bowts Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). Tall form and almost of egg- shell thinness. They are decorated with blooming chrysanthemums and butterflies, executed in brilliant enamel colors. Have teakwood stands. 986—InTERESTING BoTTLE-SHAPE VASE It is of the so-called soft-paste, with an overglaze of ivory-white and is decorated in the enamel colors of the famille-verte, with pine tree, deer, goats and other de- signs, and has borders of scepter-head scrolls and gadroons carved in relief in the paste. An inscription underneath the foot in Chinese characters has been trans- lated to read that the vase is an exact copy of a Feng-ting specimen of the Ch’eng- Hua period and that the decoration was added some time after the vase was pro- duced, and by order of a certain Chung- Fah-Me, probably during the reign of Emperor K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 81, inches. 287—PEar-SHAPE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decorated with a bold dragon, fire emblems, sacred pearl, and symbolical bats, painted in peachbloom tint or rouge-de-fer and cloud forms in under- glaze blue. Height, 13 inches. 288—ManpDaRIn JAR WITH COVER Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Graceful oviform, of — almost egg-shell thinness. In two upright panels, finely painted in brilliant enamel colors touched with gold, are Chinese domestic scenes, landscape and river views. ‘These panels are surrounded by borders of floral and leaf scrolls in underglaze blue, and the intervening spaces are covered with a ground delicately pen- ciled in gold, floral sprays in underglaze blue, and reserves painted in coral-red. ‘The cover is embellished to correspond, and surmounted by a gilt kylin. Height, 20 inches. Illustrated. SUSVA JNG@OG-ad-ONVG OV A-ONVWT 86 ; O86 ¥8o SUSVA NIYUVAINV]Y AO AYOLINUVS) 886 @ ‘+ 289—Manparin VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Graceful oviform, of almost egg-shell thinness. It is richly embellished in brilliant enamel colors with touches of gold, underglaze blue and sepia. The embellishment consists of Chinese domestic and garden scenes, reserves, panels of European subjects, and harmonious border designs. Illustrated. Height, 1514 inches. 290—Manparin VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Pendant to the pre- ceding (No. 289). (Shows restorations and repairs. ) Height, 151%, inches. Illustrated. 291—FamituE-VerTE VAsE | Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Am- phora-shape body, with short tubular neck, gracefully flaring at mouth. It is decorated in brilliant enamel colors of the famille-verte with touches of gold. The decoration around the body depicts a garden scene, with figures of the Emperor and his attendants, the latter bearing gifts, approaching a victorious war- rior, who is kneeling before his majesty. Round the shoulder are various symbols in reserve panels, and flowers and scrolls inter- vening. ‘The neck bears a decoration of flow- ering plants and bamboo. Height, 1714 inches. 292—F amiLLe-VERTE VASE Of the Kang-hsi period (1662-1722). Ovi- form with tubular neck, spreading at the mouth. On the body of the vase, decorated in the brilliant enamel colors of the famille-verte, with slight touches of gold, are four figures of the Immortal Genii, each bearing symbols. On the neck are bamboo branches in black, and encircling the shoulder is a band of fret, with detached blossoms and the 291 Show symbol in reserves. The foot is encircled by a border of gadroons in yellow and green. Height, 18% inches. 293—FamiLLe-VERTE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Amphora-shape body with tubular neck. The elaborate decoration, which is finely painted in enamel colors of the famille-verte and underglaze blue, depicts a garden scene with a royal assemblage receiving an ambassador. Round the neck, Sanscrit characters in underglaze blue and bands of scepter-head scrolls and Greek fret in green and yellow. Illustrated. Height, 1814 inches. 294—FamitLe-VERTE CLUB-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is artistically dec- orated in the brilliant enamel colors of the famille-verte with touches of gold, and illustrates a scene from Chinese history, de- picting an Emperor accompanied by warriors and dignitaries, assembled on a balcony watching the departure of a soldier bearing the Imperial ensign. Round the shoulder are cloud forms in green, yellow and purple, and on the neck, archaic char- acters in underglaze blue. Illustrated. Height, 181% inches. 295—FamiLLE-VERTE CLuB-SHAPE VASE Similar in decoration to the preceding vase (No. 294). Base restored. Illustrated. Height, 18 inches. 296—Larcr Manparin Jar Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). ‘Tall oviform, of dense porcelain. Elaborately decorated in brilliant enamel colors touched with gold, with Chinese domestic scenes and landscape — and river views in variously-shaped panels. The ground is of coral-red with fret design penciled in gold. Has carved teak- wood stand and cover. | Illustrated. Height, 22 inches. SaSV A ALaa A -aTIINV $66 666 166 e ASV A ONOTI-NGI, AY) TVIYAdW]T INV ave? NIUVAINVIAL © 966 re SE BEE | ” 297—Five-Cotor TEMPLE JAR 297 Of the Ming period. Elab- orately decorated in the briluant five enamel colors of the Wan-li period (1573- 1619). The decoration de- picts a garden scene in which are numerous fig- ures, some engaged in play- ing chess, others reading, playing musical instru- ments or admiring a paint- ing, illustrative of the “Four Elegant Accomplish- ments,” — Music, Chess, Writing and Painting. In the foreground are a num- ber of children playing various games. Round the rim of the mouth are Bud- dhistic symbols in green and underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 13% inches. 298—Tatt Dercoratep Porcet- LAIN SEAT Of the Ming dynasty. It is of tall octagonal shape, with four upright panels, pierced in design of the swastika; the decoration, which is finely executed in the soft colors of the famille-verte, consists of peonies, butter- flies, leaf scrolls, and reserves of floral motives, dragons and landscapes. Height, 14 inches; width, 81 inches. 299—Granp Famitue-VERTE CLuB-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The tall cylindrical body, with abruptly curved shoulder, is surmounted by a slender tubular neck which finishes with a bold projecting flange. The decoration throughout is of an artistic character and is painted in brilliant enamel colors, with touches of gold, of the best period of the reign of K’ang-hsi. The elaborate embellishment, illustrat- ing a Chinese legend, depicts an Emperor, dignitaries and their attendants, assembled on a balcony and watching the approach ~ of Si Wang Mu, “Royal Mother of the West,” and her fairy troupe, who are approaching on cloud forms for the purpose of presenting to favorite Imperial votaries the fruit of Immortality and other offerings. On the neck of the vase, painted in bril- liant enamel colors, is the Triad of the Taoist cult, Fu, Lu and Shou san Hsing, or the three Star Gods of Happiness, Rank and Longevity. Round the shoulder and foot are bands of floral motives on a speckled ground and reserves of Buddhistic symbols. Tllustrated. Height, 28% inches. 300—Larcer Imreriat VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Bold oviform with short, flaring tubular neck. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of deep-rose color and beautifully decorated with passion-flowers, leafy scrolls and various Buddhistic symbols, all of which are artistically painted in brilliant enamel colors. Round the shoulder is a band of scepter heads in green, and encircling the foot is a gadroon border in turquoise-blue, green and white. Underneath the foot is an elaborate seal mark of the period, penciled in red. Illustrated. - Height, 22 inches. 301—Larcr Buacx-HawTnHorn BEaKker-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Invested with a dense black glaze, applied so as to leave the decoration in reserve. The embellishment, which is elaborate, consists of prunus, mag- nolia and peony, chrysanthemums, rocks and birds painted in enamel colors of green, white, yellow and purple. This vase bears underneath the foot a six-character mark of Ch’éng-hua, but is undoubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period. (Restorations and repairs. ) Illustrated. Height, 27144 inches. Note—Like the following vase, this specimen was always considered to be perfect, but upon removing what proved to be paint to simulate glaze, restorations and repairs were revealed. The vase has recently received the attention of an expert Japanese repairer, and will be sold as “restored and repaired.” 299 -VerTE VASE ImporTANT FAMILLE SASVA NYOHLMV]T WOVIG tf 302—Larcr Buackx-HawtrHorn BEAKER-SHAPE VASE It is enameled with a lustrous black glaze which has been ap- plied so as to leave the decoration in reserve. The decoration, which is elaborate and finely drawn, consists of leafless white prunus trees, emerging from green and purple rocks and ex- tending upward to the mouth of the vase, and birds, bamboo and grasses, painted in green, white and purple enamel colors. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark of Hsiian-té, but the vase is undoubtedly not earlier than the K’ang-hsi period, and probably as late as Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Note.—In cataloguing this vase, it was discovered that the surface inside of the mouth and neck was coated with white paint to resemble glaze, which, when removed, exposed considerable repairs and restoration. Since it was catalogued the vase has received the attention of a Japanese expert repairer, and will be sold as being imperfect. Illustrated. Height, 27 inches. 303—CorEAN JAR Seventeenth century. Oviform, with receding base and foot, and of dense texture. It is enameled with a soft ivory-white glaze, relieved by bands of white and decorated with panels of figures, plants and rocks, and bands of foliated scrolls and gadroons, which are deeply incised in the paste and partly filled in with a creamy white glaze. Height, 13 inches. 304—CorEAN JAR Seventeenth century. Oviform, with receding base and foot, and of dense texture. It is enameled with a soft ivory-white glaze, over which is a decoration painted in black and orange-yellow of figure subjects and garden scenes in three reserve panels, and bands of floral and leafy scrolls and a gadroon border. Height, 14 inches. 305—Massive CuInese Potrrery BALusTER-SHAPE VASE Of the early Ming Dynasty. It is of graceful outline, and double- bodied. The external casing is carved and pierced with cloud forms, foliage and symbols. Round the body, boldly modeled in high relief, are equestrian figures and other figures engaged in agricultural pursuits. The shoulder is encircled by a band of scepter-head scrolls in high relief and pierced work, and the foot by a band of gadroons. It is glazed throughout in cobalt-blue, with touches of pale: turquoise-blue. Height, 1614, inches; diameter, 11 inches. Illustrated. 306—Massive Prercep PorcELAIN JAR WITH COVER Early Ming Dynasty. Oviform, with wide mouth, and an outer carved and pierced casing, and is decorated in turquoise-blue and manganese-purple, with touches of yellow and pale lavender. On the body are numerous figures of the Taoist cult, pine trees and bold cloud forms; above is a band of peonies, and below a border of conventional gadroons. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 13 inches. Illustrated. 307—Massive PIeRcEp PoRCELAIN JAR Of the early Ming Dynasty. Ovoid, with receding neck and base and broad mouth. It is decorated in pale turquoise- blue, with touches of pale-purple and yellow. On the body are numerous equestrian and other figures, and a landscape and distant palace, the intervening space being filled in with bold cloud forms. The shoulder is encircled by a band of peony scrolls, and the foot by a border of gadroons. } Height, 131% inches; diameter, 121% inches. Illustrated. $08— Massive PorceLaAIn JAR witH Cover Of the early Ming Dynasty. Globular-shape with receding base and neck, and broad mouth. It has a double body, the outer casing of carved and pierced design. The jar is decorated in a deep manganese-purple, with touches of pale turquoise-blue, yel- low and pale lavender. Round the body is a group of equestrian Earrty Mine Jar SUV NIVIGOAOg ONIJT ATUVY figures, pine tree and other designs modeled in relief on a back- ground of pierced cloud forms; above is a band of peony scrolls and pheenixes, and below a conventional gadroon border. Height, 1614, inches; diameter, 121% inches. | Illustrated. 309—Massive PorRcELAIN JAR Of the early Ming Dynasty. Oviform with receding foot, short neck and broad mouth. It has an outer carved and pierced cas- ing, and is decorated in deep manganese-purple, with touches of yellow, turquoise and pale lavender. On the body are numerous figures of the Taoist genii, on a background to represent cloud forms. A band of peony scrolls encircles the shoulder, and around the foot is a border of conventional gadroons. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 12 inches. Illustrated. 310—Massive Porcetain JAR WITH COVER Of the early Ming Dynasty. Globular shape with receding neck and base, with broad mouth. It is coated with a rich, deep cobalt- blue glaze and decorated in raised outline, filled in with tur- quoise, pale-purple and ivory-white; on the body are figures of the Taoist sect, pine trees and cloud forms. On the shoulder, scepter-head scrolls filled in with floral motives, and encircling the foot is a band of gadroons. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 13 inches. Illustrated. 311—Massive PorceLain JAR Of the early Ming Dynasty. Globular shape with receding base and broad mouth. It is covered with a deep cobalt-blue glaze and decorated in raised outline, filled in with turquoise, yellow and pale-lavender, some parts being new glazed and showing the biscuit. Round the body is an equestrian figure, mandarins playing chess, pine trees and cloud forms. ‘The shoulder is ornamented with a band of scepter-head scrolls within which are the eight Buddhistic symbols, and the foot with a border of conventional dragons. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 312—Massive PorcELAIN JAR Of the early Ming Dynasty. Globular shape, with receding base and broad mouth. It is enameled with a cobalt-blue glaze and decorated in raised outline, filled in with turquoise, pale-lavender and ivory-white. Round the body are numerous figures mounted on horses, deer ard fabulous animals, pine trees and cloud forms; above is a band of scepter-head scrolls filled with floral motives, and below, a border of conventional gadroons. Height, 121%, inches; diameter, 13 inches. 313—Mine PorRcELAIN JAR Graceful oviform, with broad mouth. It is decorated in raised outline and filled in with turquoise-blue and ivory-white on a deep- blue ground. The decoration consists of the lotus in bloom, birds, butterflies, rocks and wave pattern. Round the shoulder is a border of festoons of jewels hung with pendeloques of emblems. Height, 131% inches; diameter, 10% inches. 314—Massiv~ PorcELAIn JAR Of the early Ming Dynasty. Globular-shape with receding base and broad mouth. It is coated with a lapis-blue glaze of brilliant quality and is decorated in relief and raised outline, filled in with turquoise, ivory-white and pale-purple; on the body are blooming lotuses, with storks and detached blos- soms; round the shoulder are festoons of jewels, hung with pendeloques of emblems, and encircling the foot are rocks and wave crests. 314 Height, 161% inches; diameter, 13% inches. 315—Mine GARDEN SEAT Dense porcelain. Barrel-shaped, coated with a deep-blue glaze, with bosses of turquoises. It is decorated with a wide central band of peony scrolls, peacocks and masks executed in pierced and relief work and enameled in turquoise, purple, white and yel- low. Pierced medallion on top. Height, 1314, inches; diameter, 12 inches. 316—Ovirorm PorceLatn JAR After an early Ming specimen. It is decorated in raised outline, filled in with green, white and yellow enamels, on a mottled blue ground. The decoration consists of the blooming lotus, storks, festoons of jewels hung with pendeloques of emblems, and rocks and wave patterns. Height, 1334 inches; diameter, 10 inches. 317—Ancient CuHInEsE Potrrery VASE Han Dynasty (B.C. 206-221 A.D.). Bottle form, modeled in the shape of a bronze ritual vessel and . enameled with a variegated green, iridescent glaze. It is decorated round the shoulder with a_ wide band of — grotesque equestrian figures pur- suing fabulous beasts, interrupted on _ either side by a monster’s head supporting a ring sim- ulating a handle of the vase; the whole worked in relief in the paste. : Height, 171% inches; 317 diameter, 13 inches. 318—AncIiENT CHINESE PoTTERY VASE Han dynasty. Bottle form, modeled in the shape of a bronze ritual vessel and enameled with a cucumber-green glaze, which has an iridescent lustre. The decoration, worked in the paste, is a band round the shoulder, composed of mythological figures and animals in the style of stone sculpture of the Han Dynasty. (B.C. 206-221 A.D.). Height, 18 inches; diameter, 14 inches. 319—AncieNT CurinEse Pottery Vase Han Dynasty (B.C. 206-221 A.D.). Fashioned after a bronze ritual vessel. It is enameled with a glaze of mottled green, over which is a coating of silver iridescence; two monster-heads sup- porting rings are worked in relief on the shoulder, and a rim of bosses encircles the mouth. Height, 171% inches; diameter, 1414 inches. 321 SPECIMENS OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN 320—Buve anp Wuite Snurr-Bottie Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Miniature galipot shape; peony and leaf scrolls in underglaze blue. Has coral stopper and teakwood stand. 321—Buve anp Wuire Snurr-BottTie Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Similar to the preced- ing. oe 322—Bruur anv Wuite Miniature Botrie | Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Dragon, fire emblems, cloud forms and sacred pearl penciled in opaque underglaze blue. Underneath the foot a dragon and cloud forms. 323—Buve anp Wuire Snurr-Bortrie Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Miniature pear-shape and of “soft-paste” type. Dragons, peonies and leat scrolls finely penciled in underglaze blue. 394—Biur anp Wutre Sort-Pastre Snu¥rr-BotTrrie Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Bold five-clawed dragons, pursuing the sacred pearl, painted in cobalt-blue over a brown crackle sur- face. 325—Buve anp Wuite Miniature Botrie Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Dragon and peony scrolls, penciled in two shades_ of underglaze blue. Underneath the foot, six char- acter mark of the period. Has teakwood stand. Illustrated. 326—BuvE ano Wutre Snurr-Borrie Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Min- iature bottle shape and of “soft-paste’’ type. Dragon and peony scrolls penciled in two shades of blue. Has coral stopper and teakwood stand. Illustrated. 327—Buve anno Wuite Hexaconat SNuUFF-BOoTTLE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735), and of the “soft-paste”’ type. Coated with an ivory-white crackle glaze and decorated in underglaze blue, with the eight famous horses of the ancient Emperor Mu Wang. Mark underneath the foot: Yung-Chéng. Made by the order of the Emperor. Illustrated. 328—Pair Buur And Waite Miniature Vases The eight Buddhistic symbols and lotus scrolls, penciled in cobalt-blue. Have teakwood stands. Illustrated. SNIVTHOUO ALIA AA INV ant Ao SNANIOUdS LANIGV,) 85 85 LOS 9S 329—Buve anp Wuite Miniature Incense JAR Of the “soft-paste” type. Lotus and leaf scrolls painted in rich underglaze blue. On the rim of mouth, four-character mark of Hstian-té. (Apocryphal.) Has teakwood stand and cover. 330—Wrirer’s Buus ann Wuire Water RECEPTACLE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Semi-globular shape and “soft-paste” type. Covered with an_ ivory-white crackle glaze and decorated with numerous disk-shape medallions in deep opaque-blue. Has carved teakwood stand. 329 331—Buvur anp Wuirtsr Rovuce-Box Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with a bold dragon, fire emblems and cloud forms. Has teakwood stand. : 332—Buve anp Wuite Rovce-Box Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Flattened globular shape and of “soft-paste” type. Butterfly, melons and vine, finely penciled in two shades of blue, over a crackled surface. 333—Buve anp Wuire Miniature INCENSE Jar Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). “Soft-paste” type. Ivory-white glaze; two fabulous dragons penciled in two shades of blue. Underneath the foot, four character mark of Ch’éng-hua. (Apocryphal.) Has carved teakwood stand and cover. $34—Buive anp WHITE SNUFF-JAR Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). “Soft paste,” covered with an ivory-white crackle glaze. Storks and border designs painted in fine underglaze blue. Fitted with copper spoon. Has carved teakwood stand. — 335 335—PowpeEr-Bivur SMALL VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Of graceful bottle-shape and finished technique. It is invested with a mottled cobalt-blue glaze of brilliant texture, known as powder-blue, and decorated in two reserve panels of floral motives, delicately penciled in underglaze blue. Has teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 336—BuvuE AND WHITE SMALL OvirorRM JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated with five full- blown peonies amid leafy scrolls, finely executed in mazarine- blue of opaque quality on a brilliant white ground. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 3%, inches. 337—BLvE anp Wuitet BotriE-SHAPE VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Decorated with branches of peaches and pomegranates, symbols of Immortality and Happi- ness, and band of palmettes, scepter-heads and gadroons, in two shades of blue on an ivory-white ground. Height, 5 inches. 338—WralTrEerR’s Buurt ann Wuitrr Water RECEPTACLE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Semi-globular shape and decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with two five-clawed dragons amid cloud forms and fire emblems, pursuing the sacred jewel. Has carved teakwood stand. 339—BuveE anv Wuire Smatyt Ovirorm JAR Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795), and of “soft-paste” type. Decorated in brilliant under- glaze blue with a band of peony scrolls and border of gadroons over a brown crackle surface. Has teakwood stand. | Height, 4 inches. 340—BivE anp Wuire Borrie-SuHaper Vase Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795), and the “soft-paste” type. It is invested with an ivory- white crackle glaze and decorated in two shades of underglaze blue, with a figure of one of the Immortals, goats and landscape. 339 Illustrated. Height, 6% inches. 341—BuveE anp WuiteE GALIPOT Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Of graceful shape and finished technique. It is invested with an ivory-white glaze and decorated in underglaze blue, of brilliant opaque quality, with palms, plum in blossom, bird and insect. Height, 61% inches. 342—Buvur anp Wuire Ovirorm VAsE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Magnolia, peonies, birds and insects, painted in underglaze blue, of brilliant quality over a surface marked with brown crackle. Illustrated. Height, 6%4 inches. 343—Buvr anp Wurre Ovirorm Jar wirH Cover Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Graceful in shape and of fine texture. The embellishment, which consists of three up- right dragons amid fire emblems, pursuing the sacred pearl, is finely executed in mazarine-blue of exceedingly fine quality on a brilliant white ground. Has teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. Illustrated. 344—Buvur anp Wuirte Ovirorm VASE Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Invested with an ivory- white crackle glaze and decorated in rich cobalt-blue with tree peonies, rocks, and butterflies. Height, 7 inches. Illustrated. 345—Buve anp Wuire Borrie-Suare Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated with various ornaments known as the “Hundred Antiques,” which are beauti- fully penciled in underglaze blue of fine opaque quality. Round the neck is a band of scepter-heads and cloud forms. Underneath the foot, six-character mark of the period. Height, 8°34 inches. 346—Parr Buur anp Wuire Borrie-Suare VAsEs Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). They are of beautiful shape and perfect technique. The decoration, which is of sim- plicity, consists of four circular medallions round the body and a band of palmettes encircling the foot, finely drawn and executed in underglaze blue of fine quality. Underneath the foot, written in underglaze blue, is the six-character mark of K’ang-hsi. Have teakwood stand. Height, 9% inches. Illustrated. 347—Buve ann Wuire Prar-Suape Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The embellishment, which is artistically drawn and painted in brilliant blue under the glaze on a brilliant white ground, consists of six lotus flowers and conventional leafy scrolls, spreading over the body and part of the neck. Height, 934 inches. 348—Pair Buur anp WuitE Borrie-SHAPE VASES Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The decoration, which is finely painted in brilliant underglaze blue, consists of ornaments, ribbon and tasseled pen- dants, and various borders and bands of scepter-head scrolls, fret and floral motives. Height, 11%, inches. 348 343 346 346 Beautirut Buvur anp WHITE PORCELAINS as 349—Briuer anp Wuire HawrnHorn Gincer Jar Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). On an opaque-blue ground, marked to represent the cracking of ice, are clusters of small prunus blossoms in white. In three large reserve panels of leaf shape are various ornaments and symbols known as the “Hundred Antiques,” painted in underglaze blue on an ivory- white ground. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 7 inches. 350—Buvus anp Wuirre HawTrHorn GINGER JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Enameled with a _ lus- trous opaque-blue underglaze, which is marked with reticulations to represent fissures of ice and decorated with clusterings . of prunus blossoms. Has carved teakwood cover. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7%, inches. 351—Buur anp Wuite Ovirorm VASE Of the Yung-chéng period (1723- 1735), and of the— ‘“‘soft-paste”’ type. The decoration, which is finely executed in brilliant opaque- blue, consists of mountainous landscapes, showing pagodas and palaces and a river view. Crackled throughout with a network of brown lines. Height, 141% inches. 351 352—Buur ano Wuitre HawrnHorn GINGER JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated with deep: cobalt-blue underglaze painting, which is marked with cross- hatched lines of reticulation, suggesting the fissures of breaking ice, and reserve clusters of prunus blossoms. (Repaired.) Fitted with carved teakwood cover. Height, 8° inches; diameter, 71 inches.. 353—Buvur anp Wuire CyYLinpRIcAL VASE 355— Of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795), and ‘“‘soft-paste’” type. Coated with a soft, creamy-white glaze and profusely decorated with chrysanthemums and leafy scrolls, painted in two shades of underglaze blue. Harmonious borders encircle the shoulder, neck and foot. Height, 14 inches. 354—Biuz anp Wuite HawrHorn GINGER JAR ‘ Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Decorated in brilliant co- balt-blue of exceedingly fine quality, under the glaze, and presenting branches of the wild prunus tree, with twigs filled with blossoms which alternately spread downward from the shoulder and upward from the base, which are drawn in white re- serve against a ground of undu- lating blue that is enhanced by a reticulation of darker lines, to represent fissures in ice—intended to symbolize the breaking up of winter, the prunus buds denoting the approach of spring. Fitted with teakwood cover. Height, 814 inches; diameter, 714 inches. Illustrated. Buve anp Wuirer Botrie-SHare VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Of graceful shape and very fine texture. It is artistically decorated with flowers of the conventional lotus, symmetrically posed amid a whorl of leafy scrolls, all of which are painted in two shades of underglaze blue of fine quality upon a brilliant white ground. Underneath the foot, six-character mark of Hsiian-té. (Apochryphal.) Height, 151% inches. 358 354 Buus anp Wuite Hawrnorn JARS bs SHSVA ALIN AA INV TATA 9S Bee en 356—Buve anp WuiteE Botrie-SHare Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Similar shape and decoration to the preceding vase (No. 855). The embellish- ‘ ment, however, is executed in a \ deeper blue. Under the foot, six-character mark of Hsiian- | té. (Apocryphal.) Height, 15 inches. 357—Bivue anp Wuite Gator VASE Of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). The decora- tion, which is finely drawn and executed in two shades of un- derglaze blue, of fine opaque quality, consists of a grape- vine in bearing and figures of two foxes eating the fruit, upon a ground of pellucid ivory-white, with an orange- 357 | peel surface. Round the base of the short neck and encir- cling the foot are Greek fret bands. Height, 1434 inches. 358—Buve anp Wuirr HawtrHorn GINGER JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). It is invested with a brilliant opaque-blue glaze of exceedingly fine lustrous quality and marked with cross-hatched lines of reticulation, suggesting conventional fissures of breaking ice, and decorated with white reserve clusterings of prunus blossoms intermingled with scattered flowers or buds. Three quatrefoil panels contain varied forms of the Ch’itin, a fabulous monster, painted in like brilliant blue on a white ground. Fitted with carved teakwood cover. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 734 inches. Illustrated. 359—BuveE anp Wuite Hawruorn GIncer JAR Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Pendant to the preceding jar (No. 358). (Slight fracture.) Fitted with carved teakwood cover. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7°4 inches. 360—Buver ano Wuirr Beaxer-Suarpr VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated with figures of the Taoist cult, in numerous quatrefoil reserve panels, and a ground covered with fret pattern, all of which is painted in two shades of underglaze blue. Height, 18 inches. Illustrated. 361—Mine Buvr anp Wuire Gourp-SnHaper Vase Of the Chia-Ching period (1522-1566). It is of dense porcelain and of graceful outline. On each lobe is a decoration of medal- lions of storks amid cloud forms and conventional lotus scrolls and various symbols. A center band and borders encircling neck and base are of floral and leaf scrolls. The decoration throughout is finely executed in Mohammedan-blue, applied under the glaze on a brilliant white ground. Underneath the foot, finely written in deep blue, is the six-character mark of the period. Height, 1914 inches. Illustrated. 362—Pairr Buve ano Wuitr Breaxer-SHaAPeE VASES Of the K’ang-hsi period (1622-1722). Lux- uriantly decorated with conventional lotus flowers and foliage artistically drawn, and executed in underglaze blue of very fine quality upon a brilliant white ground. Height, 181%, inches. 9 ‘ 363—Buve anp Wuire CLus-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). In- vested with a brilliant white glaze and deco- rated in luminous cobalt-blue with seated figures of Lu Hsing, the “Star of Rank,” of Important Buve anp WHITE CrLuB-SHAPE VASE 6 . * é : . s \ ° the Eight Immortals, Chung-li Ch’uan and Lii Tung-pin, painted in reserve panels, surrounded by brocaded fillets. En- circling the shoulder and neck are narrow bands of fret and scepter-head scrolls. Illustrated. Height, 181% inches. $64—Buve anp Wuitrs Ovirorm VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Of graceful shape and thin porcelain. The decoration, which is painted in cobalt- blue of brilliant quality, consists of pine trees, rock forms, stags and does, storks and cloud forms. The neck is embellished with floral sprays. Illustrated. Height, 18 inches. 365—BuvE ano Wuirer Cius-SHare Vase Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Deco- rated with two bold four-clawed dragons pursuing the Pearl of Omnipotence, and fire emblems, executed in opaque-blue of lustrous quality upon a brilliant white ground. Nar- row bands of fret and scroll pattern encircle the shoulder and neck. Height, 18 inches. 366—Buve anp Wuire Ovirorm VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Of graceful shape, thin porcelain, and invested with a pure white glaze. The embellishment, which consists of a mountainous landscape, a river and figures, is painted in cobalt-blue of very brilliant opaque quality. Height, 18 inches. 365 367—Buve anp Wuire Cius-Suape VAsE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated in underglaze blue of exceedingly brilliant opaque quality, with a mountainous landscape, equestrian figures, river view, and boating party, painted upon a brilliant white ground. Encircling the neck are bands of Greek fret and scepter-head scroll. Illustrated. 368—Buvr anp Wuitr CLuB-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The decoration, which is painted upon a brilliont white ground in mazarine-blue of opaque quality, consists of massive rock forms and a pine tree, two deer, and storks, some symbols of longevity. Encircling the neck are bands of scepter-head scrolls of Greek fret. Illustrated. 369—Imvortant Buue anp Wuite CLuB-SHAPE VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Profusely decorated in cobalt-blue of brilliant opaque quality, with a scene represent- ing’ a mountainous landscape, with an Imperial procession of equestrian and other figures, some carrying banners, others bearing gifts; presumably an Im- perial Wedding Ceremony. Height, 30 inches. Illustrated. 370—Bivue anp Gotp TEemPLe JAR WITH COVER Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Of graceful oviform with receding base, and_ sur- mounted by a dome-shaped cover; invested with a monochrome glaze of mazarine or sapphire-blue of brilliant quality, over which is a decoration embodying the con- ventional lotus and foliage, penciled in gold. Height, 181, inches. ° SHSVA ALIHAA ONV AOTEY SONI, AONV ISH-ONV Vf LOE 371—Powpber-Buve Ovirorm Jar 372 Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Enameled with a mottled cobalt-blue glaze, of opaque qual- ity, known as powder-blue. In four upright and reserved panels are floral motives, birds and rocks, painted in enamel colors of the famille-verte, and in four trefoil reserves on the shoulder are Buddhistic symbols. Fitted with carved teakwood cover. Height, 131% inches. 372—PowpveEr-Buvur TEMPLE JAR WITH CovER : Of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Enameled with a powder- blue glaze of brilliant quality. Decorated with flowering plants, painted in enamel colors within leaf and lozenge shaped reserve panels which are outlined with gilding. The dome-shaped cover is similarly treated and is sur- mounted by a miniature statuette. Height, 19 inches. THIRD AFTERNOON’S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2:30 O’CLOCK ANTIQUE GREEK AND ROMAN GLASS 373 (Principally specimens selected for Mr. Borden by the late Henri de Morgan, antiquarian, and Mr. Thomas B. Clarke.) 373—Turer SMay SpecimENS or Greek Guass (B) Miniature pilgrim bottle, with silver iridescence. (C) Small globular bottle of opaque blue glass and slight silver iridescence. (A) Small urn of purple glass, with silver and gold iridescence. ju? lw s 374—Turee SMALL SPECIMENS OF GREEK GLAss | ( (A) Slender bottle, with brilliant silver and gold iridescence. “Vv ‘ (B) Small flattened bottle, with two scroll handles. (C) Small cylindrical bottle, of purple glass, with lustrous iri- descence. ( 375—Turee SMALL SPECIMENS OF GREEK GLaAss (A) Cylindrical bottle of purple glass, with silver iridescence and sight decoration. (B) Globular bottle of very thin glass and golden iridescence. (C) Slender bottle, with lustrous iridescence. \k2 \,, 876—Two Smati Specimens or Greek Giass 7 Small urn and bottle, with silver iridescence. a Vy \4377—Two Smatt Specimens or Greek Gass (4) Purple glass bottle, with indented sides and silver iridescence. (B) Purple glass flattened bottle, with silver iridescence. 378—Two Greek Guass SMALL Urns 379 One of opaque blue glass, the other coated with a brilliant silver iridescence. 379—Grerek Guass Smatt Borris Body ornamented with relief heads. Silver iri- descence. 380—Two SmaLt SPECIMENS GREEK GLASS (4) Slender bottle, with two handles and spreading foot, coated with a lustrous silver iridescence. (B) Slender vase, with raised ornament round neck and mouth and with silver and gold iri- descence. \s aly. 381—Two Greek Guass SMALL JARS One of green glass, with brilliant iridescence; the other of opaque blue glass with indented body. Aes 382—Greek GuAss SMALL JAR Incrusted with a golden iridescence of fine quality. Silver stand. lone 383—AnTIQUE Buure Guass Cameo Bust of Bacchus. First century A.D. Mounted in Roman gold and with miniature easel. 384—Two Smatu SPECIMENS OF GREEK GLASS (4) Beaker-shape vase with two handles of »}, brown glass; silver iridescence. Wye (B) Slender vase, with swan-like handles and peacock iridescence. g> 0--- 385—Greex Smart Guass Urn With two handles and indented body. Brilliant silver and golden iridescence. ee ly. 386—Two Smatyi SPECIMENS oF GREEK GLAss v (A) Slender vase of green glass, with brilliant peacock irides- cence. | (B) Lily-shape vase, with base and thread ornaments and green and gold iridescence. {S—[,887—Two SmatL_ Greek Grass Vases One with brilliant silver iridescence, the other of purple glass. 388—Two Smauu Specimens or GreEK GLass Wey, (A) Oviform bottle, incrusted with a silver and peacock iri- descence of lustrous quality. | (B) Cylindrical vase, with spreading body coated with a brilliant iridescence. 412 389—Two Specimens or Greek Guass (4) Small ewer, with relief thread-like ornament round mouth and indented body. Golden and silver iridescence. (B) Small jar. Silver and golden iridescence. 390—Two SPECIMENS OF GREEK GLASS perc ti as (A) Small bottle of blue glass, incrusted with an iridescence of \S ng brilliant quality. (B) Small pitcher-vase, with relief thread rings and lustrous silver iridescence. 391—SmatuL Buve Greex Guass Botrur a . : \yy> Decorated with relief panels of vases, festoons and other orna- ments. From Tripoli of Syria, Fourth century, B.C. Illustrated. Jn 392—-Two Smatt SPECIMENS oF GREEK GLass N 1": es (A) Small pitcher-vase, with thread ornament round mouth. a ie Golden and silver iridescence of lustrous quality. (B) Slender bottle, with brilliant iridescence. ne 393—Smati Greek Grass VASE The body ornamented with two relief heads. Brilliant silver iridescence. Illustrated. fc 394—SmMatu GREEK GuAss VASE With two handles and indented body. Incrusted with a silver and green iridescence of brilliant quality. Sy $895—Greex Grass Ewer Blue glass with decorated band and fine silver iridescence. Illustrated. S° $96—Grerx Guass GropuLarR VASE With broad mouth. Silver and green iridescence. ~~ 897—Smatt Darx-Biur Grass Botrrie Decorated with a band of zigzag scrolls applied in Pa and buff color. Has wire stand. 451 GREEK AND Roman Gtass « ‘ 398—Smatut GREEK AMPHORA sm ee With two handles; dark-blue glass, decorated with lines and zig- zag in yellow and green paste. Fourth century B.C., from Athens. Has wire stand. Height, 3 inches. < $99—Greek Purreite Guass Borrie Ribbed body and golden luster. Height, 31% inches. Illustrated. ree 400—GreEk Guiass GLOBULAR JAR With broad flange. Golden and silver iridescence of fine quality. Height, 21, inches; diameter, 234 inches. s° 401—Brown Guass AmMPHORA [v— With two scroll handles. Opaque, thin quality. Height, 5 inches. [rer 402—Greek Guass Smatyt VASE With fluted body and spreading neck. Silver iridescence. Height, 434 inches. ¢ ie 403—GrerEk Guass Smatt VASE Slender shape, with scroll handles and broad mouth. Lustrous green and silver iridescence. Height, 4 inches. \3 404—GrEEK GuAss GLOBULAR JAR Yellow glass, with peacock iridescence. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 234 inches. It 405—Grerek Guass UNGUENTARIUM With relief ornaments and silvery iridescence. ‘ Height, 4 inches. 406—Grerex Guass Smart URN With seven handles and relief ornaments. Lustrous iridescence. Height, 21% inches. 407—Grerex Guass Urn Golden, silver and green iridescence. Height, 2%, inches. 408—Greek GuLAss GLOBULAR JAR With two handles. Purple opalescent glass; brilliant iridescent incrustation. Height, 2%, inches. 409—GreEek Guass BotTrTiLE Globular body, with slender neck. Peacock iridescence of lustrous quality. Height, 41/4, inches. 410—GrereEk Guass VAsE Dark blue, with a zigzag band and rings in yellow and pale blue. Height, 3 inches. 411—GreeEx Giass Ewer With indented body and thread ornaments. Silver and golden iridescence. Height, 4 inches. 412—GreEex Guass BottLE-sHAPE VASE With green handles and bands. Coated with a brilliant silver iridescence. Height, 434 inches. * 418—Greex Guass UnGUENTARIUM With thread ornaments and silver iridescence. Has wire stand. Height, 5 inches. 436 456 466 A79 491 GREEK AND Roman GLuass 450° 414—Greex Guass Botrrie With two rudimentary blue-glass handles. Coated with a silvery iridescence. | Height, 334 inches; diameter, 3 inches. es 415—Greek Purrie Grass Jar | a Globular shape, with green and silver iridescence. Dy Height, 21% inches; diameter, 234 inches. }9° 416—Greex Grass Borrir Pale purple, with indented body and incrustation of brilliant quality. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 21% inches. y (L= 417—Grerek Guass Vase Opaque green, with relief ornaments round neck. Height, 41, inches. [32 418—Greex Grass UNGUENTARIUM Pale green, with thread ornaments and silver iridescence. Height, 614 inches. VE 419—Greex Grass Grosurar Jar With two ery handles and broad mouth. Golden and silver iridescence. Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 3 inches. a — 420—Greex Guass VASE Globular shape, with flaring neck of pale purple glass, with re- lief ornaments and brilliant peacock iridescence. Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 2°, inches. [}* 421—Greex Gtuass Jar Globular, with indented sides of very thin glass and brilliant iridescence. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 3 inches. hae 422—Greek Guass GLOBULAR JAR Purple, with golden and silver iridescence. Flange round neck. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2°, inches. 423—Greek Guass AMPHORA With two handles, and raised rings round neck. Iridescent in- crustation. Height, 41% inches. 424—Greerek Guass VASE Globular, with broad mouth. Golden and silver iridescence. Height, 314 inches. Aon Cuene Guass Ovirorm JAR With two rudimentary handles. Pale purple, with a coating of brilliant iridescence. | Height, 31, inches; diameter, 3 inches. 426—Grerek Guass Botriue Oviform, with slender tubular neck. Opaque green, with an in- crustation of green and golden iridescence. Height, 51, inches. 42",—ALABASTRON Rings and zigzag ornaments in white and yellow paste on deep blue ground. Greek glass from Alexandria, Fourth century 4? Qhas how Yemurn Beer eight, 52 inches. os 428—GreEek Guiass Bown. | Semi-globular shape. Of pale green glass, with a silvery in- crustation. Diameter, 2% inches. 429—GreEEK Guass BotTLE-SHAPE VASE Thin, with silvery iridescence. Height, 5 inches. 430—GREEK Guiass GLoBuLAR VASE With relief spiral decoration and brilliant iridescence. Height, 3144 inches; diameter, 3 inches. yr 481—Greex Grass Vase 7 Globular shape, with broad mouth. Indented body. Lustrous green and silver iridescence. ‘ Height, 3 inches; diameter, 234 @nches. s LY) 432—Anrapastron a . Decoration of zigzag in gray and yellow paste on a deep blue ground. Greek glass from Alexandria, Fourth century B.C. Height, 534 inches. he 433—GReEEKk Guass Botte Opaque blue, with interesting iridescent incrustation. Height, 5 inches. _— ise 434—GRrEEK Guass Urn Globular shape, with broad flange round neck. Fine green and silver iridescence. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 314 inches. 435—Two Greek Guass Botries ; Jy One, low form with tall slender neck and fine blue and silver iri- descence; the other with globular body and lustrous iridescence. Respective heights, 5 and 6 inches. \ {0 436—Grerx Grass Cup Incrusted with a brilliant silver and golden iridescence. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 3 inches. Illustrated. js 437—Greek Grass Botrie-SHapre Vase Globular body with tall tubular neck, which is ornamented with a band of thread lines. Silvery iridescence. Height, 5 inches. 3 a 438—Two Greek Grass Vases One bottle shape, with brilliant golden iridescence; the other, thin, with silver iridescence. Respective heights, 414 and 41% inches. Vf { (S * r~>S5 NP EY ofS Pies 3 ° Oh See fr 1 \ \} fF | ; 0 t 4 > Aa . a ee ER ra, “ 1 | iv. “> é ‘ ( we \N : O™ a ear = \_ Jon. ‘w sd So rhe) < vv 1 18 is 439—Greek Grass GLoBuLaR Jar Opaque purple, with a decoration of peacock feathers, and a bril- liant golden iridescence. From Egypt and of the Fourth century B.C. Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 3 inches. 440—DovuBLE UNGUENTARIUM Of purple glass, with relief ornaments and silver iridescence. Has wire stand. Height, 51%, inches. 441—GreEK Guass URN | With two side handles. Incrusted with a silver iridescence of fine quality. Height, 414 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 442--GrrEEK Guass BoTTLE Opaque blue, with spiral pattern in low relief round body and a band of thread lines round the neck. Height, 51% inches. Illustrated. 443—GrREEK AMPULLA Yellow glass, with metallic incrustation. Height, 434 inches. 444—GREEK Guass Urn Globular-shape handles and thread lines in relief in blue-silver iridescence. Height, 314, inches; diameter, 31% inches. 445—GrREEK Grass Ovirorm Borrie The body covered with bosses, incrusted with a silver iridescence. Height, 534 inches. Illustrated. 446—GreEEK Guass Urn Globular shape, with broad flange of deep purple opaque glass. - Height, 334, inches; diameter, 31%, inches. 468 489 470 GreEK AND Roman GLAss 482 447—Greex Buve Grass Bow With ribbed relief ornaments, and thread lines in white. Has wire stand. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 314 inches. 448—GRreEEK Purpie-Guass AMPHORA-SHAPE VASE “| With two opalescent rudimentary handles and silver iridescence. 4A7T Height, 6 inches. Illustrated. Hye 449—Greex Grass ALABASTRON Zigzag bands in white on a dark blue ground. -Has—wive-stand- Height, 51% inches. Vso" 450—GRreEEK YELLOW Guass Urn With blue-glass handles, foot and band. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 31%, inches. I) S7 451—Sarpuire-Bivzt Urn It is Roman of the First century A.D., and was found at Villa- franca de los Barros, Estremadura, in Spain. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 3%, inches. Illustrated. mS 452—GrerEek Guass Borrie Incrusted with a silver, green and golden iridescence of brilliant quality. Height, 51% inches. Py 453—GRrEEK Guass Ewer Pale green, with silver iridescence. Height, 434 inches. Illustrated. \—7 454—GreEk Guass Botte Globular body, with tall tubular neck, incrusted with a silver and green iridescence. Height, 5 inches. 4) yv~ 455—Greexk Buve Grass Borris Incised and incrusted with a brilliant golden, silver and green iridescence. Height, 5 inches. J ~ 456—Greex Guass Borrur ‘ Of very thin substance. Incrusted with a green and silver lustrous iridescence. Height, 5%, inches. Illustrated. VN" a/V/ 457—Greex YELLow Grass Urn Globular shape, with spreading mouth and relief thread-like ornamentation. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 31 inches. Jes \Vy 458—GreEek Guass VASE Globular body, with relief spiral ornamentation and flaring neck. Silver iridescence. : Height, 334 inches; diameter, 31% inches. IQ “ 459—Grerex Grass Urn With indented body and two rudimentary handles. Incrusted with a fine silver iridescence. a Height, 4 inches. ° Illustrated. 460—Greek Grass BotrLe » Globular body, with tall slender tubular \S- “neck. Coated with a brilliant silver and green iridescence. Height, 51% inches. >) 461—Grerk Purrite Guass Urn ) Globular body, with spiral ridges and _& broad mouth. Silver and mottled-brown incrustation. ry ; a 6% - Height, 44% inches; diameter, 31 inches. _ i a ae 462—Greek Guass Vase Dore Globular body, with trumpet-shape neck. Of very thin glass, in- crusted with a brilliant peacock iridescence. Height, 6%, inches. Illustrated. a 463—Grerek Guass Borrie-sHare VASE Coated with silver iridescence. Height, 5%, inches. LEY 464—GreEEk Guass Urn With two handles and relief ornaments. Incrusted with a fine silver iridescence. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 3', inches. 9) 465—Darx-Buve Guass ALABASTRON Ornamented with a decoration to represent peacock feathers, executed in gray, buff and white paste. Greek glass, from Smyrna, Fourth century B.C. Height, 6%, inches. va 466—Greek YELLow Guass Borrri V4 Ww ss E Globular body, with indentations and tall slender neck. Silver, green and golden iridescence. Height, 61% inches. Illustrated. any 467—Greexk Guass Botrrie With handle. Silver and green iridescence. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Illustrated. s 468—Greek Guass Urn KY Pale green, with two rudimentary handles and relief decoration to represent basket work. Height, 414, inches; diameter, 4 inches. Illustrated. as \ Vy 469—Greex Purrre Guiass Botrie Globular body, with tall slender tubular neck. Incrusted with a peacock iridescence of brilliant quality. Height, 5%, inches. Illustrated. ' Cc 470—Grerrk Guass URN lw, a Pale green, with relief ornamentation round the neck. Incrusted with a fine silver and green iridescence. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 34 inches. Illustrated. 9 Ate 471—Greexk Guass Broap Borrier Very thin and of brilliant iridescence. Height, 61 inches. Illustrated. ; 2 472—-GreEek Guass Urn Pale yellow, with two green handles. Silver iridescence. Height, 414 inches; diameter, 4 inches. \ gy? 473—QuaDRUPLE UNGUENTARIUM As With blue glass handles and thread ornamentation. Has wire stand. Height, |71 inches. Illustrated. f) 5\ 30 2’ 474 Grex Guass Borrir-SHare VasE With spiral pattern in relief. Green and silver iridescence. Height, 61%, inches. \3 a Yor is 475—Greex YELLOW Guass Urn With indented body and two rudimentary handles. Height, 414 inches; diameter, 4 inches. C 476—Greek Guass Bow. i Of very thin body. With indented surface and silver incrusta- tion of brilliant quality. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 4 inches. i ; a ie 477—Greex Guass Borrrur * With flattened circular body and tall slender neck. Incrusted with a lustrous iridescence. Height, 51% inches. 478—GReEEK Guass Borrie Flattened ovoid body, with tall tubular neck. Coated with a fine peacock iridescence. Height, 7 inches. 479—QuapRUPLE UNGUENTARIUM With high top handle and elaborate glass 478 thread ornamentation. Has wire stand. Height, 914 inches, ys Illustrated. a 480—GreEk PurPLe Guass Borrie Thin. Globular body with indentations, and tubular neck which has been capped with silver. Incrusted with a fine golden and silver incrustation. Height, 51%, inches; diameter, 31% inches. Illustrated. \ \yv~ 481—Greex Guass Borrie With tall slender neck, which is surmounted by a broad flange. Incrusted with a brilliant iridescence. Height, 914 inches. \ Sv 482—GreEk Grass Urn | With three handles. Pale green, with slight incrustation. Height, 434 inches. — oo Guass Borris Semi-globular body, with tall slender tubular neck. Coated with a silver and golden iridescence of brilliant quality. Height, 81 inches. td A 484—Larcre Laris-Biur Guass Urn a Globular shape, with relief ornaments. Found in France, and is of Roman make of the First century A.D. Height, 51%, inches; diameter, 41% inches. 485—GreEEK Giass GLosuLar BoTTie ss Very thin and of brilliant iridescence. Height, 7%, inches; diameter, 41, inches. 486—GreEk Guass AMPHORA Of graceful shape, with two blue glass handles. The body fluted and decorated ,) with a spiral design in low relief and coated v7 with slight incrustation. It is capped with silver and has a silver tripod stand. 485 Height, 81/4, inches. 40 \y7 487—GreEK Guass BorrTie | Cone-shape body, with tall slender tubular neck. Incrusted with a green, silver and golden iridescence. Height, 8 inches. WW 488—GrEEK GuAss AMPHORA Graceful shape, with two handles on neck. Incrusted with a silver, green and gold iridescence. Has silver stand. Height, 81%, inches. 0 \ns, 489—Greek Guass Cytinpricat Borris Thin, and incrusted with a brilliant iridescence. Height, 8 inches. Illustrated. \4 490—GreEK Guass BorrLe-sHAPE VASE Oviform, with trumpet-shape neck. Incrusted with a silver and green iridescence of lustrous quality. Height, 9 inches. 491—Larcrt Urn Elaborately decorated with blue glass handles and thread ornaments. It is a typical example of the best work of the - glass-making Phoenicia. Has wire stand. Height, 5%, inches; diameter, 514 inches. Illustrated. 492—GrerEk Grass VAsE _, Globular, with tall spreading neck; thin ‘\\°- body and incrusted with a brilliant silver iridescence. — 492 Height, 7 inches; diameter, 5 inches. ae 493—Very Larce Urn Globular shape, with broad mouth. Moonlight-color iridescence. Greco-Roman, Second century B.C. Has a modern solid silver stand made on Greek pattern. Height, 61% inches; diameter, 6% inches. eo 494—Grerek Guass Larce Borrie Oviform body, with tall spreading neck of very’thin substance, and is incrusted with a brilliant iridescence. Height, 9 inches. GREEK TERRA-COTTAS (Procured by Mr. Borden from the late Henri de Morgan, an- tiquarian, whose manuscript descriptions have been followed in this Catalogue.) 495 Third century B.C. At the foot of a rock, the surface of which is covered with plants, a warrior is defending himself against the attack of a female panther which has surprised him. Back of the warrior a young girl is seated on the ground. She does not seem to be very much frightened by the attack. Her left hand is raised more to restrain the warrior than to solicit his protection, or as an evidence of fright. What is the subject? Greek myth- ology offers no clue, but we know that the architecture of a certain date used to give to the people of a preceding time their own customs. In all likelihood the group is Thetis and Peleus. As Thetis the Nereid was doomed to marry a mortal, she called the wild beast to her rescue. - N « Wve HA ’ 495—Tuetis anp PEtevs i} A oy 7 ¥ “ ; * - ad = OP Ae ee ee Tht ok SVLLO|)-Vada pf Waar) ee Aon TE AND Eros Terra-cotta group found near Smyrna. (Asia Minor.) Van Lennep collection. Standing by a stone column over which hangs a piece of drapery, the goddess is slightly bent forward watching with deep attention a young Eros who is extracting a thorn from her foot. The young god is kneeling, his little wings spreading upward. The expression of his face is very tender. The goddess wears a head-dress, a band and wreath of leaves. In her right hand she holds an apple and in her left her himation. The modeling of the group is most delicate and full of life. On the bodies are traces of the original flesh color. The rock was gray, the himation pink and the hair auburn. Period, Fourth century B.C. Illustrated. VS? 497—THatia Terra-cotta figurine from Cyme, Asia Minor. Compare with Lecuyer Plate, C. 2. ‘The figure is standing. Her left arm is resting on the top of a square column from which draperies thang. Her right hand holds a tragic mask. Her head is bare and her hair is auburn. The drapery is white and pink. The style is very simple and noble. Period, Fourth century B.C. 498—Tuer Tanacrian at THE Fountain ,o Fourth century B.C. She stands in a modest IX (6 = and graceful attitude, her left hand resting on the top of a fountain from which water is run- ning. With her right hand she pulls in front of her breast the folds of her loose drapery; her auburn hair is tied by a gilt diadem. ‘This figurine, which preserves much of its original color, is a charming example of Greek art. 499—Femate Ficurine From Tanagra (Greece). The figure is stand- ing, head turned to the right, and covered by the folds of a large white himation with a broad black border. The kiton or robe is pink. The VA S, "7 whole of the body is enveloped in draperies with the exception of the neck, even the hands being covered by the himation, a com- mon occurrence to be observed in the Tanagra figurines. The hat is conical in shape. The hair is auburn. This is the every- day walking costume familiar to the Greeks. Period, Fourth century B.C. Illustrated. \> 500—Sratep Femate Ficurr anp Cupip From Greece, Fourth century B.C. On a bench a female figure is seated in a graceful attitude. Her body is finely modeled and the drapery very simple and noble. 501—SaPpruHo Asia Minor, Third century B.C. Standing on a rock and holding her lyre, the heroine is represented at the moment that she is going to end the misfortune of her life. The style is dramatic , and the disposition of the draperies suggests the school of Per- gamos. Probably inspired by a large fresco. Illustrated. 502—ANCOTYLE Fourth century B.C. This terra-cotta group represents a favor- ite game of the Greek in which the victor had to be carried by the vanquished. ‘The draperies are finely treated, and the pose is very graceful. ‘This same subject exists in various collections, as it was one very popular among the Greeks. 503—Ecyrptian Funrerary STATUETTE This small figure is remarkable for the brilliancy of its blue enamel of the turquoise tone so much in favor among the Egyp- tians. It is covered with hieroglyphic inscriptions: A dedication of the dead to Osiris. From the vicinity of Thebes. 504—BaccHANTE Silver gilt. The figure is represented seated, holding a cornu- copia. Beside her is a panther. D 505 505—MEETING AT THE TompB pe” From Greece proper. A masterpiece of Greek art. Fourth century B.C. In the center is a sepulcher monument capped by the sacred symbol, the palmetto. To the right is a warrior, his left hand on his shield, the other on the neck of his horse. At the left of the stele is a woman, her knee on the ground, her left hand on an urn, her right placed on the monument. The group is intact. There are triangular openings at the back, which are noticeable in the Greek or Tanagra, and never in the Asia Minor groups. The late Barnett Phillips in writing on this group in Janu- ary, 1891, said: “There is no question that this must have been a copy of some past masterpiece, or that some former work famous throughout Greece suggested it.” yo 506—A Soxprer In Furtt Armor Third century B.C. Standing by his horse, one hand resting on his sword and the other on the neck of the horse. His breast- plate is elaborately modeled. It is a work of dignity and specially interesting on account of the costume. m 507—Tue Baccuic Dance Terra-cotta group. Satyr, Bacchante and Eros. » 542—Lysimacuvs, Kine or THrace. 3823-281 B.C. 1 ~ Gold Stater. Head of deified Alexander with horn of Ammon covered with pellets. Reverse: BASIAEQS AYSIMAXOY, AT, Pallas Nikephoros seated; a trident below. Very fine. 543—Syracuse. B.C. 466-406 From the Montagu Collection, London, 1896. No. 140. Plate Il. Silver Tetradrachm. SYPAKOSIN, with small o beneath the N, showing the correction of the error. yr, “Female head to left, wearing ear-rings and plain necklace, the hair waved and bound with cord wound five times round the hair, which is formed into a chignon, leaving loose curls on crown of the head and at the back of neck; around, four dolphins. Reverse: Quadriga going slowly to right, driven by female charioteer who holds goad, above Nike with wreath about to crown horses, in exergue a locust, very faint. (Head Plate II, B. M. Catalogue. N. 125.)” This coin is an example of the best style, with still some evidence of archaism. Very fine and rare. RARE OBJECTS FROM INDIA (Purchased from Messrs. Marcus & Co. in 1896.) 544—Oxp Inpian PENDANT Gold and Jaipur enamel. pearls. 545—Inpian TaisMAn From Jaipur. Incrusted with flat diamond, rubies and Translucent enamel on gold. Stork and upward feet of Buddha on obverse, and conventional birds and inscrip- tion, “The Glorious Lord,” on the reverse. 546—AnTIQUE INDIAN Bett Buckie Wrought in silver and incrusted with precious stones. In the center is a large engraved emerald, and surrounding it are, the 547 diamond, ruby, topaz, sapphire, pearl, coral and cat’s-eye, the nine sacred gems of India. The ground of foliated design is in- crusted with smaller diamonds, rubies and other precious stones. 547—Sacrep Lincam (Tue Symsor) In miniature form. Carved out of a single emerald; the Indian representation of the phallic em- blem, symbol of the creative power, set on a gold octagonal table with eight feet and surrounded by a delicate railing, all enameled in Jaipur enamel and incrusted with diamonds; brought from India by Herman Marcus, Esq., in 1894. Note: Tur Lincam (Sanscrit): Tue Sympor.—An altar to the Hindu God SIVA, the third god of the Hindu Triad, which is composed of BRAHMA (the Creator), VISHNU (the Preserver) and SIVA—the last a Sanscrit word, literally meaning “Happy” or “Auspicious.” The worshipers of Siva assign to him the first place, and to them he is not only the chief deity, but the deity which comprises in himself all other deities. Thus “Siva Pura’na” he is addressed as BRAHMA, VISHNU, INDRA, VARUNA, as the SUN and the MOON, as EARTH, FIRE, WATER and WIND. Siva has a thousand names by which he is addressed, such as MAHESWARA, “The Great Lord”; SANKARA, “The Conferrer of Hap- piness”; and MAHA’DEVA, “The Great God.” 548—Rare anv Beautieut Encravep EMERALD AND ENAMEL Buckie The emerald weighing 387 carats ; bought in India in 1894 by Her- man Marcus, Esq. Set in gold, with incrustation of precious stones, by Marcus & Company, in India style, with Jaipur enamel back. (Extract from letter dated New York, April 25, 1896) — “What is definitely and authentically known is that it is one of three most interesting jewels which were brought from Delhi in 1895—a turban orna- ment, a necklace, and this emerald. They were procured from a very old Hindu merchant who had had them many, many years and who valued them on account of their association, and who never before could be pre- vailed upon to let them go out of his possession. They had come to him in the course of a business transaction with the Maharajah of Benares, who parted with these heirlooms in exchange for a wonderful string of pearls which he coveted. Beyond the mere fact that they were royal heirlooms, the merchant would disclose nothing, but that they possessed for him a special and significant charm was evident by the emotion he evinced at parting with them. : “In Birdwood’s ‘Indian Arts’ the following sentence commences a chapter on the engraving and encrusting of precious stones: ‘Gem engraving is an immemorial Eastern art, as the Cylinders of Nineveh, Babylon, and Persep- olis testify, and Delhi has always been famous for its practice.’ That Delhi may claim pre-eminence is evinced by this wonderful emerald of three hun- dred and eighty-seven carats, so richly engraved with characteristic Hindu ornament and adorned with a pear-shaped diamond inlaid in the center. Imagination could easily fancy for it a story more romantic even than that of the Kohinoor, but its history will never be told.” (Signed) Marcus & Co. 549—InpIaAn JADE BRACELET Fashioned in green jade and mounted in gold and Jaipur enamel, and incrusted with flat diamonds and_ other precious stones. It is circular-shaped, terminating in two monster heads, the latter wrought in gold. 550—Carvep Rock Crystat PERFUME BotTrLe Globular-shaped body with cylin- drical neck and curved spout. The entire surface and lid engraved with a floral decoration and in- crusted with rubies and other precious stones. Brought from India by Herman Marcus, Esq., in 1894. 551—A Miniature Inpia “Lincam”’ ALTAR Dedicated to Siva. Emblems on the four corners. 5 Brahma—tThe incarnation of the Creator. Figuré with five heads and four arms. 2. Paberti—Wife of Siva: Hindu goddess. Has four hands: one to protect; one to give; one to dispel ignorance; one “I hold life in my hands.” 3. Ganesa—A God of the Hindus, with human face and elephant’s trunk: “The Ele- phant God.” 4. The Cow— Bl Symbol of the productive power of the Earth. nig’ , ; 4 yee ae PY ee ee OLD FINGER RINGS From the collection of William M. Chase, N.A., 1896. 552—Oxp Sitver Fincer Rine Spanish, set with rose diamonds. 552a— FILIGREE Siuver Fincer Rine Old Russian. Set with a single topaz. 5583—Oxp Portrucusrse Fincer Rine Gold, with rose diamonds set in silver. 554—Oxup Dutcu Fincer Rine Gold, with brilliants set in silver; on the reverse of setting a tulip in relief. 555—NorweEcian Peasant’s Fincer Rine Silver, engraved and with filigree panel. 556—Oxp Russtan Fincer Rine Silver, set with red stones. 557—Oxtp Roman Fincer Rivne Silver, with medallion head. 558—Oxp PortucueEse Fincer Rivne With setting in floral design, incrusted with rose diamonds. 559—Oxup German Fincer Rine Gold filigree. 560—Oxp Russian Fincer Rivne Silver, carved. 561—Oup Spanisu Fincer Rivne Gold and silver, set with rose diamonds. 562—Oxp Roman Fincer Rine Silver, set with a single red stone. 563—Rare Oxp Iratian Fincer Rine Gold, with three small cameos set in filigree under glass. 564—RoyatL Goup Rine With white enameled crocodiles, and an enameled figure within a temple and incased in glass; the bezel enameled in blue, green, and red. A state occasion ring of an East Indian prince. MISCELLANEOUS CABINET OBJECTS 565—Oup DutcH Sitver Toy Miniature chalet. Repoussé pastoral figures. 566—STATUETTE OF Roman Warrior In baroque pearl and Vienna enamel. Height, 5% inches. 567—Oup Drespen Group “The Young Warriors.” Height, 5% inches. 568—Onxp DrespEN Group “The Lovers.” Marcolini period. Height, 6 inches. 569—ANTIQvUE Sitver Grrr Cur, wirn Domer-sHarpre Cover Augsburg. Seventeenth century. Given by the Mayor, Tax Receiver, Register, Bakers and Millers of the town of Heiden- heimer, Stuttgart, to Sebastian Hesler, 1729. Inscribed with the names of donors and ornamented with scroll and strapwork borders which are gilt. Augsburg mark. Height, 5%, inches. 570—Frencu Enamet VAse Silver ground, with iris, and border designs in purple, green, and blue opaque enamels. From Paris Exposition, 1900. Height, 11 inches. 571—Evrorean Carvep Ivory STaturetre “The Young Violinist.” Height, 7, inches. 572—Evrorrean Carvep Ivory STATUETTE Young lady of the Directoire. Height, 7 inches. 573—O.up Spaniso Fan Louis Philippe. Nineteenth century. Decorated on the obverse with male and female figures, in garden; on the reverse with landscape. Mother-of-pearl blades, carved in openwork and inlaid with gold and silver. 574—OrpaL NopuLe In ironstone, from Queensland, Australia. 575—Larcr SPECIMEN Opa In ironstone. With relief carving, “Toilet of Venus.” From Queensland, Australia. Diameter, 5 inches. 576—Persian DacceEr Indian jade handle, incrusted with rubies and emeralds and gold inlays. 577—EnamMEtL Heart-SHarep Cacuovu Box With spring lid, which is incrusted with an olivine. 578—Goup anp ENAMEL BONBONNIERE Mythological subjects in panels. Floral borders. 579—T or TOISE-SHELL SNUFF Box Exquisitely carved ivory panel inserted in lid: ‘“‘Love’s Offering.” 580—Oxtp TorTotIsE-sHELL Osptone Snurr Box Gilt mounts and lining. Landscape painting inserted in lid. 581—GoLtp anp Enamet Snurr Box French. Nineteenth century. Hinged lid, embellished with a landscape and river view. The sides and bottom covered with turquoise and white enamel. 582—GoLp anp Ename, WatcH French. Nineteenth century. Open face, with white dial, the back of lapis-blue enamel. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 583—Itauian Bronze Lisation Cur With leaf-scroll handle terminating in relief figure of cherub, and with two goats on the rim of mouth. Fashioned after an antique. Height, 914, inches. 586 Wepcewoop PortLanpD VASE 585—Rocx Crystat Haneine Vase wit Cover Suspended by crystal link chains, and beautifully mounted in fili- gree gold and enamel, which is in- crusted. with numerous small brilliants, rubies and emeralds; the cover surmounted by a large pearl finial. The whole suspended in a gilt ormolu frame of Six- teenth century design. Has glass shade and plush stand. 586—Tue Wepewoono ‘“PorrTLANpD VASE”’ “In 1789, after nearly four years of arduous labor, Josiah Wedgwood com- pleted what is, without any manner of doubt, the most important single piece of pottery with which his name is con- nected—the reproduction, in Jasper Ware, of the so-called ‘Portland Vase.’ “The original, an Alexandrian glass cameo of the First Century B.C., was exhumed from a tumulus near Rome in 1623 and fell into the hands of Maffeo Barberini, Pope Urban VIII, by whose family it was retained, and known as the Barberini Vase until 1784. ; t ‘ \ 4 - 1 i res N n i ve va ’ ‘ | . { > 1 r \ . ' 1 | J 1 t | & - ‘ > if ‘ t 1 ie } ‘ i 2 ’ ” U ‘ : j : \ i } 3] : ’ = ; 7 : ; J a « . % = — =" 3 : + + . j a si $. > n 7 i z ‘ § ¥ ; aij = pe Ss . oN 7 s "1913 Feb.14.NeAmB c.1 ae American [Beautiful Orientalporc = SS 94-P2451 ake a ohh < aH 3125 01 184 7941 a . 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