J a a 2 at M, a teu Dreuale s “Portrait of Madam vench-1 Sophie” Brings $8,100, Top _ “Tanuseape=Dal J ss f | ane ra eee Price of Concluding Sale. ‘Gypsies iitiarn ae Very heed bei ao eeu eeamiee * | Portrait of Manquise: de } \E eis; Ay? batrelie.s yee ee ereens “The picture by Sarah Benhatdt (her pet dog, a large black amin ‘his back to the spectator as he- \the sands looking out oyer- the hy ‘The dog so nearly fills the pic “FICE) his tail is painted out over the ‘The actress never sells her pictures, r-inareralonarsenicier aerveiancet umes os AN OLD CROME FOR $5,000. Sarah Bernhardt’s Painting, Pet Dog,’’ Fetches $110—Co- 'Dresents Be th her friencs. Thi rot’s “Villa d’Auray,”’ $3,100. Reayeett et ci \from that the price went up by a — '{ fives and tens to $110, for which | Rory eS - ‘to CC. R. Hopkins. The second and concluding sale of the} | collection of old and modern masters of Edward Brandus at the Hifth Avenue ‘| Art Galleries=et 875 | credited with the Legion of Honor, batten tec ees ee sees er eer eees ee 565 Ls a the Forest—Rosa Bonheur; 8. goo; Salon and Officier medals. “Elza ie eae % “ae Ls hating ian Baptiste San- 590 } Im the Fields of. Barbazon—Aime Perret.1,400 |, Reauclerck,”’ by Lawrence, from the col- ‘Mile. Helvetus, Comtesse de | Mum— ewe en on Pipe rede: Er Peter Lely; 6 lection of Mrs. Fritz Mundy, went ‘Portrait of ‘Mies. Peitrode-~yobin Hoppacre’”” | Portrait of Corneille ‘Lantshot—de’ Vos: \f, K. Montgomery for $80, L, b, Sennett 390 DreWe sce eecececeeeseeesse recs + +2400 | Dr, Paul Mersh......... fa tele si ; eng te || obtained, for $700, a Dupré “Landscape | of la Marquise de Bethune— etic el of Tee Mage p ays Ole 3 tales sca i | and Cattle.” He also gave the same price an cae thie Ga re emer 7 ADORED (isc larg > We AU Aa 8 0 0 cia ae Date * is of So eayie Antoine Pesne; | Countess of enroll “Sir Martin Shee—H. if | for “Portrait. of La Marquise de Beé- ec it gs ee ak pie ee O80: | oarivait: of. Prides de. Couteiyacinth ll inune,’ "by Van Loo. The sale concludes eS ttaviiess. oat hc) eles e asc ? gap | Rigaud; R. Kramer....:...-s2..+5-5-> 600 | with to-night’s sessign. & ‘Landscape—Gainsborough; Harkness.... 460, FP ke Sd a Wale Si a ae i a Sata aan VOM \ » mis as cles sie e se whee ria eee ge te bible g oe . | te beg er Sap dois Dapbisny; rte gad gO Meo D. see ktat al Wialy' eras 2, soo ~ LEEr Sgt et oe Sead at p Sank he tcp ipa Daughter of C. Troot—Cuyp; Kramer. ‘Landscape ‘and Cattle—Jules. Dup roids || Arab Di ey agers hs Bonney a sas RUSE E Athi ce ‘Stanher EM Rea TIN Ty River Laita, Quimperle, Brittany—Fritz ow of iors; Stephen “Birci ...: oS | Thaulow; Wallace Ettinger.......-.-.. 400} Bartlett _. | Ideal Head—Henner; Mrs. G. H. Fearon. 360 Elizabeth Beauclerk-—Sir ‘Thomas “‘Law- Portrait of Mme. Recamier—Baron Fran- rence: J. Kk. Montgomery............: 850 ae Gerard nates edxtaicoy Spt a cage ‘Duchess de Montpensier—Pierre Mignard 490 rs By sas po ODM ALOpPosk; aan Portrait of Mas Coxe-John Opie... 700 || Marguerite ‘de | Parme—Coello; Mrs. The returns for the evening were} ‘Aaor boo ld ibis kta e ie ertie’y ie ore blelg Cibip pe aPh 24 0) os ty | F ation of the Mazi—Hans Mem- $26,320. The sale will be concluded this ling; john J. Burehenal, Cincinnati, 873 evening. Grand. Canal. of Venice—Canaletto: 6 gia gee Rathburn, agent .+.++: pase OBS tpavielees 2,020 CP cee? ane with 4b? vey Bnglish porttaita a + os ua he notable portraits are esina. Chenevix,” Hoppner's i and Lawrence's “Lady ice is attracted by in works 28 ers of “Philip IV. of other @ representation of de Parme.” Both are from of Queen Isabella II. of sold by her in 1877 to Emile and ali. periods of art are By } the eollection, which is one } most diversified aggregations of ever assembled in this city. In jon ymay be seen Andrea enetian Scholar’ and a mod- picture, Echtler’s ‘‘Grand- in another part Annibale; h of Cupid’ and the mod-| butes of the Arts and Sciences,”’ maresq. * ers of the Barbizon are well d—Corot by his ‘‘Ville d’Avray,” hy by a ‘“‘iandscape’’. and Jules 6 by two lamdscapes, Even the early an portrait school is 4 Plaga “by | 1 Highest Price at Dispersal of Old and Modern Paintings 1s $2,400 for | tage gids Portrait. ispersal Se a ER the collection’ of paintings’ intrusted by European collectors to Mr, | eee Brandus for sale in ‘this. country gan last night at Silo’s Art Galleriés, No, 546 Fifth avenue, and the proceeds of ithe first session were $26,320. The highest! fort Was $2,400, paid by Mr. W. T. Drew or Hoppner’s “Portrait of Mrs. Penrose.’* A lange crowd of: picture lovers attended. ae among those present being Mr. rs. Hamilton Fish, Mr. and Mrs. . D. Babcock and Messrs, C. W. Hark- ness, Edson Bradley and Colonel James Elverson, wEY . Paintings that sold for $300 and. more, ‘buyer’s name and the price, lows :— ie iets Ceulen, “Young Girl;’? Dr. Leo Sete cyh AaUP aA Pogue Wert a ania ee 45 Richer Wilson, ‘Ancient Italy;7’ Mr. W. Y. gic. SSD NAIR frye Oe ae ae es 41 loarleton Wiggins, “Oattle in Pasture;*’ Mr, : PEL MPR OOK. Ge AEE R CRE Lie ete eek 550 ‘David Teniers, ‘A Guard Room: > ot, HE; MAGUDI, OSONT 24: 6 sees scree eee, 360 Nicholas Poussin, ‘The abst Mr. R, Pp. VTE ASS tl SLI I ea a aN 480° Thomas Sully. “Portrait of a. Lady;’? ‘Mr. ay Fe Montgomery... sh. ic csece co iucs 879 heed by oe Window ;?? ‘Mr. M. Ry- : ear Uae pinta t's Sa vie cD et scans bcs ein 0.6 eiklodiane 560 | Pedro de Moya, “After the Hunt;”” Mr. H. UCR sae CB AAS I ae ah ea eae a Na ee 500 |Da Imola, “A@oration::? Mr, lL. lL, Sennatt. 425 | Robert Tournleres, ‘Madame’ de -Montlu- on; Pr, Leo Speigie. 000.20 bck 425 Francis Cotes, ‘‘Harl of Egremont;’’ Mr. 1] aie MT AEMEMERL Se ye Moet eich Coca atch cts 500 Sir William Beechey, “Miss Melville;’? Mr. PT VVORIRUE remit aie es Wome ene ise 460 /William Peters, ‘‘Miss Ilizabeth Phelps:’ uM edson Bradley. ...62 lois ke wes - 1,360 Armand Dumaresgq, “Art ‘and Science;’ a Minet Nae Mite en crete s/o i Ses 450) Benjamin Constant, “Moorish Woman;’’ Mr, James Elverson.........:.+...s00-06 1,000: ;Aime Perret, ‘Harvest at Barbizon;’? Mr. gs oMe Maan a ee oe dy - 665 ‘J, B. Santerre, “Gomtesse de Dreux;’’ | | BUOUNINOUR PHOGEE! eee k each adc suede ois 590, ‘Francois Drouais, ‘Mlle. Héelyetus;’’ anony- PEO TIO sc seta le cle cle pele we paisa ore 2,275 |A. Roslin, ‘‘Princesse de Conde;’’ Mr. J. D. | Markee Scena. « PW girs Gila tar A cial Bal gace!« 875 Hyacinthe Rigaud, | “Madame Cadet de Limay;’’ anonymous bidder ............. 300 ‘Carle Van Loo, ‘‘La Marquise de Bethune;’’ fei El Be A TamMus it ibaa cis wa Lice 700 Antoine Pesne, ‘‘Princess of Schleswig;’’ 1 Ri 5 SE ia eR an 340 | J. B. Huet, ‘The Concert;’’ BH. H. Rathbun, | PURER Lita aie win Wie: dicse Ha tases, Gis .w ig Bogle miyd-b a abe 340 Sir Joshua Reynolds, ‘‘Portrait of a Lady;"’ | Mir, TES Seer keneee eiivn icles oe ket cla pecvice 340: Thomas Gainsborough, “Tandscape;’’ Mr. | Harkness ..... PA op (a peer ae ER ac a 460 ©, F, Daubigny, ““Pields of Valmondois;’’ INET AN OM AOLOR ON Sigs ciky. 4 eo 's'0 4 suey es ea ib 1,300 Jules Dupré, “Landscape. and Cattle;’? Mr. Dee hse ANI Paes iets qe Ginicts asa oie 'y aes heb § 4 bles 700 Felix Ziem, ‘‘Venice;’’ Mr, Stephen Birch... 450 William Van de Velde, *‘Port of Nimeguen;”’ Mr. Frederick Bartlett............:ev004 400 ‘Sir Thomas Lawrence, ‘‘Plizabeth Bean- | clerck;’? Mr. J.°K. Montgomery.......... 850 A, Vestier, ‘‘Portrait of the Artist’s Daugh- tert’? Maps Bh, QT ANeT 15) ici sac oh aee.s cai 325 Pierre Mignard, ‘‘Duchesse de Montpensier;”’ anonymous bidder .......-..ceee.ceevee. 490 | A. &. Coello, ‘Portrait of Marie of Aus- | tria;’’ anonymous bidder ......,........, 2,250 | John Opie, ‘‘Portrait of Mrs, Coxe;’’ anony- PETE P DIED ai vale deaaiy piney ek op) 0°) wd vied th 700 | The sale will continue this evening when} the remaining pictures, sixty-five in num- ber, will be dispersed. ‘with the name of the artist, the title, the} were as fol-} Brandus Pictures Fetch a Total of $79,935 at Auction at 4.4 Diba BOs. 4. 43 7% a + pee Dispersal of the 124 pictures intrusted Mr, Edward Brandus by European cols ;lectors for s ompleted last ni at Silo’s Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, \sixty-five paintifigs sold at the last session \bringing $53,615, .making a total je79, 936 for the collection, The pro 8 /price ‘was $8,100, paid “by Mr. R. Kramer | |for Drouais’ “Portrait of Mme, Sophie, \Daughter of Louis XV.” | Other paintings that sold for $300 and ;more, with the name of the artist, the title) the buyer’s name and the price, in that! lorder, were as follows: | 1 CO ES Francois Baucher, sie erar Buff,’? mS) | anonymous bidder die Sosibcel oth Or ata plate teen eae $560" \Sir Godfrey Kneller,. “Sie Nhomas Kany : \-ivett,?? Mr, G.0 IM. Collings to aae cane pees 2510 A. F. Desportes, *‘Still Life,” Mr. Fi w. : fo Welbon 72 ves, 0 ols a olainiece grime ee BTh |Rosa Bonheur, ‘‘Deer in the Forest; fs Mr. ; jo Faaed wit: Rel, aaa rte Pee atheist 8k a2 Si 806 Aime Perret, ‘‘In the Fields of Barbizon,” 4 } anonymous bidder. =. + /.c)erhoens a eeees 1,400 \Sir Peter Lely, ‘Countess of Shnewsbury, ” si MrovR. Braniers 2.7.2 yo meer ee: 900 Cornelius de Vos,~ “Sorneiiie: Lantshot, re Dr, Rawk Metseh sigs0.4 See eee 1,400 ‘ohn Oreme, ‘Landscape ” ‘in Nottolk, 4 anonymeus bidd@res oe. yas a oe ok 5,060 Sir William Beectey, “Lady Herbert, sot ouer : amonymous bidder. ....... Mr- 2. F 5 } KRétméedy 4. c0s. salen tala aye wo 2 2 A, 8, Coello, ‘Marguerite de Piarme,’’ Mas. Wells iia cetacean cer aang tie 4 <8 . 2,6 Hans Memiling, *‘Adovration of the Magi, " ae | Mats: Joba sy Burchenal.20 05 63 eh ees Bia0 | Canaletto, “Grand Oanal of Venice,’ Mr ge | By He dtathbuns arent ooo eee 2.6005 Pierre Mignard, ‘‘Queen Marie Therese,” a ; anonymous: bidder ssa sls ee dare a pa 950) Robert. VTornieres, “Mime, de -Chateag- “42 roux,”? anonyntous bidder: (4.2844... . ae Jobn ‘Hopper, ‘*Miss Bmily Wynyard,’ - anonymous bidder.c... 202. eu ate R10 : 1. B. Gorot, ‘Ville a Awa gs Mit) Lady Sy tons Crandall ,-2/o.:. bebe dees I 4 Cia 3, FOO: Chatles Jaeques,: ‘Sheep ta the Forest,’ = Mis. GB Weabon’ es Gerdes, * : 460 fules Dupre, *‘Landseapé and Cattle Dr j Leo Speigie .. . Snowe Pa a wee ee 660 Jean Roux, ‘Catharine de Soudethle anonymous bidder... Sipwy exes lente oe B75 \' Georges Romeny, “‘Melesina Cheneyix af z hnonymous, DIdd@r.4ace hau eos es ees Adie Sir Thomas Lawrence, “Lady Lyndbur “st: r | Mr, Bdson Bradley. 22a aie cee ee A 3,360 )}C. F. Daubigny, ““Landsecape;”’? Mr, JohnG | U-Burchenall e oes «2 caice Featas aint =) "oaeeamnes 300 | Con tant Proyon, '‘Valley de la foneques”’ ae | amomymous DIdGErs cs. etre eet eee ny de | William Ghayer, ““Gypsies;"” My. aadsou STAARLO'Y 7 cle Mi wie hie = 5 Rite Soa ety tad Ano AS Francois Dronais, “‘Portraift ef Marquise ! de Villeroy?’ Mr, A. Darelie. 20.0759. 40s “For Pet Dog,” painted by Aine? Ber hardt, was sold to Mr, C. Ii, Hopkins for (S110, ; at AER gh : : Oy © ayn cour f a! a ee “wae Var te te. abe e; ny a | ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW : AT THE : FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES E 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK S. E. CORNER 45th STREET Beginning Monday, March 9th, 1914, and continuing until the date of Public Sale inclusive RARE AND VALUABLE PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY ORDER OF MR. EDWARD BRANDUS ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS March 12th and 13th, 1914 Beginning promptly at 8.30 o'clock AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES CONDITIONS OF SALE. ) 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or ae so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyers’ expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auc- tioneer, on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within TWO DAYS from the Sale; THE FirtH AVENUE ART GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct descrip- tion, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of Goods purchased at their Sales. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 W. 27th St., N. Y. ARTISTS REPRESENTED No. IN CATALOG Bl 2 RSS eceelne ege 22 ocd OO SAO Ar GPR ORE 31 Cece ee 86 Bee ies 245-5 3a bie 124 id Ses a ee 9 7h eS ie EN var Oa 79 Ee ans Pec akc ko 72 BS, aya a a se A 1 Poach ie ape a 57 jit Chea BeoOae 102 Siege Se Aiea ot 94 Cheile, prionen ee oe ili ay Ad aS aN Re 64 Coello, Alonzo S....... Marcuerite de) Parmes...5iee.00252- ss 100 Coello, Alonzo, S....... etal OR TV LISCIIA fea ao aes any 6 60 6S oes 58 Constant, Benjamin..... PIOOTISIE WOMAN eee. isn vice os coats 35 Moreeatean aptiste..,. Ville, d’Avray........05..ccsececeeees 107 Cosway, Richard....... ay Marey) COOpers. 6.25 f.56a0 esc ee 73 ores, Prancis.........- BRAS OND CLIVDCT EOE Ys? ¢ din Glais se osx ox pri/s ors 123 Motes, Francis. :....-5.;. The arl of Eeremont......:.:.:..... 28 rome se Jolt. o..c. ss. Mecaichsea pe IL NOT 1Olk. sauces no «sien 6 &s 85 ' Cuyp, Jacob Gerritz....Daughter of C. Troost, Dutch Painter 93 Peewee LNNOCENZO.. .AGOTALION, ..62..0c.ccecevevcsstescces 24 See Da Solario, Andrea..... MMadotinaoands CHUGS tlie ckies acs 5 . . . Daubigny, Charles F.... Fields of Valmondois................. 50 ; % mummapray Ctiaties 1; .-., LANUSCAPC cens esos ue ae ee Harlow, George Henry.Daughter of the Duke € Portland... 39 dienner,’ Toy. .s eee cal Head... ..ss: 0.05 Hogarth, William......Mary Walcott.........sseeecceesecees 75 Hogarth; -William.......Cottage Fireside:s «0... c2 yee ee Hoppner, John.........Lady Gordon. ... .9@ s.s case eee ee Hoppner, John...+.....Mrs. Penrose.. i. 2 sccns omen aca ee Hoppner, John.........Miss Emily Wynyard....,<. sips eee Huet; Jean Baptiste...:.The Concerts. 2... . sess ca oe Huet, Jean Baptiste. ....Pastoral: Scenes ca... berate eee ee Isabey, Esc. .ca0s-ss At the: Window. Sin sosules oye beeen ee Jacque, Charles........Sheep in the Forest.................5 108 Kavel, Martin..........Ideal Head one dwbe Jats yaa Kneller, Godfrey.......Sir Thomas Knyvett..........2-...e08008 Lawrence, Thomas.....Elizabeth Beauclerck.......s:se+e+ss0. Of } | ARTISTS NG TAT ET PS ee ENE HS RO ee REPRESEN TED—Continued NO. IN NAMES OF ARTISTS SUBJECTS CATALOG Lawrence, Thomas..... MEME SIU INU SE a oo wo os v steele oes 9» 113 debran; “Charles... c.3.3 (heyalier d'Aguessean... 6c... c.. 05s. 45 Pebrun, jean taptiste... triumph of Bacchus.............:.... 74 Lefebvre, Jules......... Mr RITIAHE CCA US. sos diva sie tains «es 16 Le- Gont-Geratd...53': 53 Paening at -Concarheat.....0.//........ 69 ely eb cterivee. oss eck WERE S SMO YO IG vs tict ca iasetciess Giclee Bex pesos 47 UgelV Oberst eis sa ce Countess of Shrewsbury: ....i......8- 82 Korcain~ Clande........ Pratiame ea port at SUUSet . ons es ce o's 67 bint,” Berpardo........ Beaconina anda Cnild. 2 < vnc cunt oe'< os 0-3 17 Meeaiuie, “Pans... .5,..: PporationnGl ties NiAgtss..\ s00 «bee «2% 101 Peasicltreorge......... Bie ooast, im Normandy... .5...6. 5 Mignard) Pierre...:.... Marie Louise d’Orleans, Duchess de A EDEN ME? ego tis a: Js dace es ae 56 Mignard, Pierre........ Queen Marie Thérése, Wife of Louis OSE nego. Dah RIE AS Se 104 LSE AG) oo a rr PN ORG etre, ok aise oa Ghent ics so « 59 Perel AGING =... so.%. TSeuyeGt abe DALDIZOlir nck sees iee ss cade 36 Peet TOl UVC oo oie i vin bate ields of Barbizon... 0... <2 6 80 Pah MAMOIRG. 26. die as Pets GSS GEV OCHICS WIS! 54 asd cee ees 44 Pesne, Antoine......... MPUeescCOL? SCUIESWIL s. ac cdean secs en's 65 Peters, Rev. William...Miss Elizabeth Phelps................ 33 Poussin, Nicholas...... REM CASE aa re te So ks were. + <'eae 6 15 -Raoux, 4 ee Daughter of Gabriel de Soudeille..... 110 Bere (OAT. he ohicn a as « CTI UMIRCACIN Gann slop ba hei tarac acl ee sex. t 25 Reynolds, Joshua....... ampniie Onde saCyrerts ances) eco e e+ « 48 Re) Peta We OLOSU MEE eC lein ee ER no cline 62 Guiowet LOU... ck asa US Ate ANE Sys dia ds di cine dS 9 0 6 ae OS 8e S BC Se); Pee a Forest of Fontainebleau.............. 68 Rigaud, Hyacinthe...... AIGA LS SCCOTICIe ating s ele eate cas ely ks 89 Rigaud, Hyacinthe...... PICETENCer BEET em ony lak bless ei ccs So's 26 Rigaud, Hyacinthe...... Pelitieae CtCE oeIeUP TINA te oclatassetteswrt + © 42 Romano, Giulios..s....'. Mangas ae CG ii cit eee ees 91 OS SIL OSM OT Et EN ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued NO. IN NAMES OF ARTISTS SUBJECTS CATALOG 2 Sea Romney, George........ Melesina Chenévix.2...\sc0ss .. onan 111 Roslin, Alexandre...... Princesse de™-Condés ena ee ie 41 Russell, John........... Children of William Northcote........ 32 _Ryckaert, David........ The Spinner. \. . fc.o0s case eee ae AS Santerre, Jean Baptiste..Comtesse de Dreux................00. 37 Schreyer, Adolphe...... Arab. Chiefs0.4..s3-2.4. eae ee 95 Schulz, Adrien......... La Mare-au: Diablej-.c. sere 2 Schulz, Adrien......... La ‘Clairiére. .. .4%s.'de anion oe 60 Shayer, William........ GyPSieS -. .'s5c bei h0s see ee 119 Shee, . Martin ae. sen es Countess of Erroll. .. ..21.eeee eee 87 Stéence patina e teen ase Peasants’ Frolic: .. 3... s25-eeen eee 116 Sully). Phomastc scenes Portrait of a “Lady<....2..0ss0eeeaeeeee 20 Tentersa Davide c.cacan A Guard ‘Roorm,};...2 +, «lene eee 14 Thawlow,;orite aa. .en eee River Laita Quimperlé, Brittany...... 96 Tiepolo, Giovanni B.... Religious. Subject. .7.57 29. asea eee 11 Tiepolo, Giovanni B....Religious Subject \< ss sue shee eee 66 Tocqué, Louis...:.....: Maréchal de"Saxeé.c.o. s.r ee 28 Tourniéres, Robert..... Mme. de ‘Montlacon... 2c. san ee eee 29 Tourniéres, Robert..... Mme de Chateauroux........ssceeveee 105 Troyon, Constant....... The Valley de la Toucque......°5., es He : Van Ceulen, Jansens,...Young Girl..5 2025 8: (cats ieee 4 i Van den: Bossche, B....The Sculptor’s Studio;.. <2s0.eeeeeee 81. Van de Velde, Willem..Port of Nimeguen.................... 53 Van Loo, Carlé.2 2. Princesse de. Carignan... .....sa gee 90 4 Van obhoo, Garlex.cea.d Marquise de Béthume...............- 43 Van Tilborg, Giles..... The Camp. siisisa. eens sesee ope 63 Vestier, Antoine....... Malesherbes« .iissq seu enan ae oe 112 Vestier, Antoine....... Marie Nicole Vestier..............+ 55 Wiggins, Carleton...... Cattle, in: Pasture..:. EL eR TTR AER? POLE EE eas oe | 32x 25 13 ON WIGGINS (N.A.) AMERICAN Cattle in Pasture 26 x 31 1a DAVID TENIERS 1610-1690 8 oo. ~ A Guard Room : ree e (Haarlem, Holland) Collection Van Brienen van Grootelindt, 1 65. 15 NICCLAS POUSSIN FRENCH SCHOOL - 1594-1663 4350, The Seasons 2J-xooN ia La Fiammetta 1460-1532 Madonna and Child 19 x 16 Officer Legion of Honor, 1878. BERNARDO LUINI ee DAVID RYCKAERT | FLEMISH SCHOOL 1612-1661 tases Pupil of David Teniers. The Spinner 16 x 14 19 : WILLIAM HOGARTH =e y : BRITISH SCHOOL 1697-1764 Cottage Fireside “4 AO. 37 aa Purchased in Bangor, mite by Mr. Jules -Espir, of London. E. ISABEY 1804-1886 At the Window Pp Ron the Yerkes Sale, bad at the American Art | Association, New York. ; WILFRED C. BEAUQUESNE TOs ~ PARIS reas Medals at the Paris Salon. os Battleof Reischoffen 20 x 26 From Emile Gerard, Paris. 23 PEDRO DE MOYA SPANISH SCHOOL 1610-1666 fe 500, Pupil of Velasquez. After the Hunt 48 x 32 | ITALIAN SCHOOL, 1494-1550 ™ _ Adoration Bix 4 O85 FRENCH SCHOOL 1677-1734 30 x 25 INZO DA IMOLA JEAN RAOUX Girl Reading ~ eg Eee at See ee 2 ) FRANCE a: , 1659-1743 2 = Portrait of Pierre De Berulle S . ; . = 92x26 ae Purchased from the exper, Mr, Foals Ea /io,. ANDREA DEL SARTO 1487-1533 A Venetian Scholar No. 29. ROBERT TOURNIERES Madame de Montlucon he BIER RE a ake ee And nite abe pe SE FRENCH SCHOOL — 1668-1752 ~Madame de Montlucon 20, FRANCIS COTES _ “V7261770 cones The Earl of Egremont = > x! Collection Charles Sedelmeyer, ‘Pant | 4 Ke _ BRITISH SCHOOL 1753-1839 ~ Portrait of Miss Melville 38 x 30 Miss Elizabeth Phelps REV. WILLIAM PETERS No. 33. 1744-1806 ren of Sir William Northcote 14 x 24 Rye BRITISH SCHOOL ‘ 1 740-1 81 4 he Miss Elizabeth Phelps "ee J . pgs +a by tga che as 4 - : ws 4 a a ee # 7 7 | Pa a Xe 50 x 40 ne : Pm = eed se ee a ye Art and Science 38x50. This painting is described in Scribner’ s ‘Eneyelo-~ pedia of Painters. 3D BENJAMIN CONSTANT Medals, Paris Salon. Legion of Honor, 1878. / OOO, Officer 1884. Moorish Wontar 29 x 24 887, 1888, 1889. Legion Bee 8 OF | JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE ‘ FRENCH SCHOOL 1658-1717 Comtesse de Dreux 36-528. «> 39° GEORGE HENRY HARLOW //0, 1787-1821 28 o The Daughter of the Duke of Portland x No. 38. FRANCOIS DROUAIS Melle. Helvetius, Comtesse de Mun tC NHOPPNER (RA). ‘ es ee) 2ZH00, _ Portr ee * 32x 2577 ee ie _ ALEXANDRE ROSLIN eae 17181793... Sayg- - c SF fee) c 1 / OM Academician, 1753. Portrait of the Princesse de Conde Collection Henry de La Roche, Chatel, Censoir, France, 1887. 0 I OEY | GLEE yk BA LAO tae MOR I Wey Fe EI TNS IE NEI EE 42 400, HYACINTHE RIGAUD 1659-1743 Madame Cadet de Limay (Oval) Collection de Biencourt, France. 43 900. | CARLE VAN LOO 1705-1765 Portrait of La Marquise de Bethune LL SRA SS Chevalier d’Aguesseau 29 x 24 (Oval ¥ 3yo, 5: JEAN BAPTISTE. HUET ‘ oe SCHOOL : 7 1745-18 in ig 5 | The Peis “4 33 x 44 : ei SIR: PETER@GE Ie ahr Bee 1617-1680 en n= va Po ae mi b ‘ 1 ‘e uches of York 50 x 40 | No. 48. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Portrait of a Lady IAS GAINSBOROUGH Pa 1727-1788 Landscape an ate Fee a Be . eoyeten Walmer House, Kent, England Ee Es : a : 32 x 50 CHARLES F. DAUBIGNY / “1817-1878 (oo. Fields of Valmondois | 12% x PE | "he JULES DUPRE 1812- 1889 700, | "See -Landscape and Cattle — sdvuospuvy HYNIOUOAESNIVY SVHOHL ‘6F ON 'M VAN DE VELDE DUTCH SCHOOL 1633-1767 pert of Nimeguen “20, 2 ae 3 ~ Collection of C. Hoogendick, Amsterdam 25'% 22 50 ANTOINE VESTIER a Pee 1740-1824 oe BOS: SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. _ Born in Bristol in 1761; pupil ae Sir jae . es He was received at the Once inka, Elisabeth Beauclerck — — ; . "ie 28x23 ee a See i From the Collection Mrs. Fritz Mundy, Encued 55 = Portrait of His Daughter Marie Nicole Vestier (Oval No, 54, IR THOMAS LAWRENCE Elizabeth Beauclerek sue Bs cos i 4G. . ee: ra ‘ Siete ay Beatie ei Oren e CANALETTO 1697-1768 Grand Canal of Venice Vion 24 x 38 Collection of Cardinal Spada. a oe ap ee Reick Gine iis ; a ee ah ios ‘ Bi " ALONZO SANCHEZ COE! 4250, : 1515-1593 | os Portrait of Maria of Austria Collection Emule aera! a | | JOHN OPIE (R.A) yb 76r 1808 : Portrait of Mrs. Coxe (Full length) No, 58. ALONZO S, COELLO Maria of Austria E.. 60- _ ADRIEN SCHULZ FRANCE pa? La Clairiere Forest of Fontainebleau Near Marlotte 23 x 28% SIR DAVID WILKIE a or BRITISH SCHOOL 1735-1841 The Highlander’s Home — a 62 LEON RICHET Born at Solesuess) Medalgai hada am 1088, 79: ‘ The only pupil of Diaz. ‘ Forest Il x 16 O SANCHEZ COELLO 1515-1593 Portrait of Philip IV. King of Spain 44 x 34 ANTOINE PESNE _ 1683-1757 Painter to Frederic the Prince of Schleswig = a Collection Meizinski, ‘Varsaw. 66 . | GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIE: ‘ (o VENETIAN SCHOOL 1692-1769 Religious Subject 32 x 26 Forest of F pee olcan 2G eo, 36 x 26 LE GOUT-GERAR Wey es é FRANCE ae Medal Paris Salon. Z1sxsZ6 70 | JUAN BAUTISTA DEL SPANISH SCHOOL i ie 1610-1667 Infanta of Spain _ 27 x 23 Ruir ns son the B nae of a Lake < With Figures and Cattle FRANCOIS BOUCHER 1703-1770 Blind Man’s Buf <°@?- 17% x 20 Collection Comte de Ganay yA es 73 ee ~ RICHARD COSWAY | 17 Oo. BRITISH SCHOOL 1740-1821 Lady Grey Cooper 26°22, Be 74 xe JEAN BAPTISTE LEBRUN FRENCH SCHOOL (477. 1748-1813 Triumph of Bacchus 25% x 20% ae eS ae Aa YY aR pe eo prad 39 e Pr)? . ee ita 7 i= & > ren Soe: + ait of Mary Walcott ott, Shropshire, 1739 30 x 24 2 me SIR GODFREY KNELLER | ee ID mor somes Knyvett 50 x 40 ALEXANDRE. F. DESPORTES | ee "PARIS So 0 =e S 1661-1743) aes Sil Life Signed and dated. 08 FREDERIC EDE a, | 105: Born at Ottava. First prize at Montresk 1891. Gold Medal at the Columbus Exhibition, Chicago, | 1892. The River Loing, France 30 x 22 Att CARA eas SO 09 ROSA BONHEUR 400 1822-1899 Deer in the Forest 80 AIME PERRET Born at Lyon, in 1846. Medals, 1877, 1888, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1893. His Salon picture of 1876 was purchased by Princess Mathilde, and the one of 1877, “‘A Christening in Bourgogne” by the city of Lyon. The French Government has bought a number of Perret’s works, first in 1870. In the Fields of Barbizon Purchased direct from the Artist by Mr. Edward Brandus. BALTHASAR VAN DEN B The Sculptor’s Studio 20 x 24 SIR PETER LELY =a (1617-1680 99 Countess of Shrewsbury a 50 x 40 YIOJION UI sdvospuvyT aWOowd NHOLF "cS °ON Lady Herbert eal 7 i me Sci TA SIM Aarts rir endEgs 1 one Hogpeees, a6 ma ranigg 0: RES Re ee “1611-1661 oe Tropical Birds alae 84 DUTCH SCHOOL 44.9.5 1585-1621 Portrait of Corneille Lantshot Rector of the University of Louvain JOHN CROME | LO. (Old Crome) 1769-1821 2 Landscape in Norfolk : 2 2 : 36 x 44 mo From the Collection Mrs. Fitz Roy Mundy, Eng 86 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY ~ 7 yas BRITISH SCHOOL m: 1753-1839 oS Portrait of Lady Herbert 30 x 24 | No. 88. JEAN BAPTISTE HUET Pastoral Scene N BAPTISTE HUET FRENCH SCHOOL 1745-1811 A ato Pastoral Scene 44x29 Collection Comte de Ganay ae ee HYACINTHE RIGAUD _ 1650-1743 Portrait of Princes Conti Gold Meday, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1900. Officer of the Legion of Honor. Paintings in the Luxembourg Musee. River Laita at Quimperle, Brittany yee q J.J.HENNER a 1829-1905 = bo Ideal Head ae 18% x 15 98 BARON FRANCOIS GERARD he 1770-1837 (G00. Portrait of Madame Recamier 50 x 40 al > [Aewaine™ clue 8s Ag TEES ay a a ae No. 98. BARON FRANCOIS GERARD Madame Recamier % * A STS Faw 250 de Parme Marguerite COELLO s. ALONZO 100. No. Ce Serie aoe 99 JOHN HOPPNER 1758-1810 Lady Gordon Daughter of William Glendonwyn. Married to Sir James Gordon in 1801. ont, 50 x 38