i _ itt ae op istereh =f 23t cask rcxsh beats BN Wats eS. SRS rbert —Wulliam Dobson ; on Horseback”—Gainsborough after yes Catt Glucksmann <>. tae 003 allery in Louvre’’—John S. Davis; 250 800 Lo ee eee ee 1,97 0' Porcelains. The porcelains and other art objects, the } property of the late Wm. M. Laffan, were ¥ sold on Jan. 20 and 21. Edson Bradley paid } | $700 for a Beaker in brilliant enamel colors; | Floyd Warren paid $200 for a Quadrilateral }iron rust vase; James W. Barney secured a ») tall oviform vase for $200; Mrs. George Blu- f{menthal paid $2,500 for an antfyue marble head; E. L. Knoedler paid $80 for a wood engraving by Timothy Cole; a pair of rare | fishbowls of the Chia Ching period was sold ‘}to Edson Bradley for $2,300; he also paid 431,050 for a blue and white palace jar and Ny s00 for another pair of blue and white ke jars. CC i cr ny ly Gathered Objects: ‘the American | 1 m M. ‘Laffan coliec- and.other art objects be- ith two sessions, that of American Art Gal- evoted to Oriental porcelains, | ne evening session in Mendels- the fifty-six paintings were dis- he financial result of the night as only $21,970, while the total of noon sale was $25,530.50. i ture sale brought out several new who bought liberally with the ‘ef conviction. J. W. Finn of these men, and he purchased large interiors of the Louvre and ter’s at Rome, by John Scarlett Ss, for $250 and $800; the ‘Portrait of a by a North Italian master, for $200; Virgin with St. Sebastian and St, for $425; ‘Diana and Her Nymphs,” | Ree pl TS We eae . ‘by Jan Breughel, for $550; the Lucan) Vat Leyden triptych for $950; p Prrtteaoite ot ago when it was in an unrecognizable condition. Li, Prendergast gave 310) for Gainsborough’s “Portrait of Orpm,’’. $200 'for Dobson's ‘‘Philip Herbert,’”’ $160 for. 'Cano’s “Portrait” and 7% for Greuze’s’ “Portrait of a Young Prince.”” Mrs. Payne paid $150 for “The Battle on the Bridge,” | $450 for Beham’s ‘\Portrait of Queen Anne. of Bavaria’ and $425 for Mor’s ‘Portrait. of Philip of Spain.’’ Among the other buyers were Cottier & Co., C. A. Platt, Thomas F, Ryan, F, L. Hine, Robert 8. Minturn and B. G. Goodhue, he uae hy At the afternoon session a pair ot, Rhodian tiles went for $300, a pair of porce- lain lions of the K’ang hsi period were bought by L, Henry tor $1,040, @ palr of oviform temple jars went to Phillips tor. $1,080 and a quadri‘ateral vase to Henry for $825, Edson Bradley bought a pair of fish bowls of the Chia Ching period for $2,300, a pair of seated lions in porcelain | tor $540, a beaker-shaped vase of the K’ang | 'hsi period for $700, a pair of blue-and-white ‘palace jars for $1,600 and a single one of. the same porcelain and colors for $1,060, The sale comes to an end this afternoon, WILLIAM M. LAFFAN SALE. | picture expert, and that “his judgment b |on art matters was final,’ was an un-| | favorable one. | E. Kirby sold the pictures at auction on _ | the evening of Jan. 20, has rarely, if ever, _ |been as sparsely filled at an auction sale of the American Art Association. There! were few dealers of prominence present, and almost an entire absence of the criti-. cal connoisseurs, which it might have been thought, the glowing eulogies of Mr. | Laffan as a picture expert, published in) _ f}advance of the sale would have attracted. »| The total of the sale for 56 pictures wae only $21,970, and there is reason to be-. lieve that many were bought by the few friends present or represented through agents. Carl Glucksmann, the dealer, paid $1,350 and $1,600 respectively for an “Adoration,” attributed to Fra Lippi, and a copy by Gainsborough of Van Dyck’s 4] Charles I on horseback with its ugly necked horse and a “George Richards” was reported to have parted with $1,600 ‘for the absurdly attributed Reynolds’ “Laughing Girl,” which the Herald art _ fl reporter eulogized as “the picture bought. jfor 5 ens. ($26.50), by Mr. Laffan at | Christie’s, and over whose authenticity i}he won a glorious victory over the ai ics.” This “glorious victory” must have} een in the itd of the Herald man, for Jit was never heard of before. The few pictures of real quality in the | collection went at bargain prices. The | Ehrich galleries secured a little tryptych | for So2s, which, if it could be authenti- “{cated, would be worth ten times that sum, and Cottier and Co. secured a _|screen by A. Ryder and Homer Martin, the Americans, for only $725. C. A, | Platt also picked up an early but good 3 Tarbell for $360. ~“A~ Mr. ‘Finn’ fig= | ured largely as a purchaser at the sale, jj and it was asked if he were any relation j\to “Mr. Fish.” Following are the names of the pic- j tures, artists, BSL and meee ee 3 u ne Bey x! HE ¥ Bi 9 The “Verdict of the Vicinage”’. on the) | pictures owned by the late William M.) Laffan, or rather on the claims of a few) |injudicious friends that he was-a great) | Mendelssohn Hall, where Mr. Thomas_ iu andseape’ 7], Algae Wee | ¢é “Still Life”—Simon Luttichuys; Thomas Foster — | iiureadow eae Stream”—August. Fr 4 “Arctic Landscape with Northern “Lights” . “Portrait”—Alonso Cano; L. Prendergast. . “Portrait, Man’’—North © Italian Master ; 7 W. Finn. .:.ciiet (eegee ee “Adoration of the Child” Filippo Lippi; Carl Glucksmann:'.".... .\oyete eeeleceee shots eee eeen F “Battle on Bridge’*—Jacopo. Du Ponte Il Bas- sano; Mrs. Pay TO vs sece drat eae eee an “Architectural V iow faen Ghisolfi; Ehrich Gal- leries RPI eo Sage ce “Virgin with Sts. Sebastian and Roch”—Ferra- rese Master, 15145, J.) We ims eee eee *“Portnaitor Artist”——-William Kidd; Thomas Footer siaiese « ad -bipee es bia el 5 enene Ea atom ete Renee en ean “Portrait of Orpin, Parish Clerk of Bradford” —Gainsborough; L. Prendergast 7...... 2.0. “Stormy Day’—John Constable; Charles Crosby .. «0+ wis'= gues oo 5 alu eee at en “Shepherd and Flock in Forest’’—Richard Westall; - Charles Croshy= 2.0 aes eterno Vv sas 4 hae eel re ee Henry B. Snell; W. H. Johnson......... | “Sunset Near Stream’ ’—Franzen; © Je oe Scoville | “Early Spring on the River’ ’—Franzen ; As Thorn ic. : 0. cece che create “Meadow and a Pool’’—A.: Franzen Thorn a 8 Gua 6 alain) oer eho celGarenetattel cttatetesen ame iamene “Corner in St. Mark, Venice’ 1 “Rhoda Holmes — Nicholls; E. W. Lancaster “Flowers” '—Leon Bonvin; Otto Burnet, agent ere O “Sea View’ ‘= Gennge Hy Boughton; Hey Thorn “Stormy. Sea’ eae M. Boggs; Bentley Thomas H.. A, Thorns. “Tandscape’—J. Alden Weir; Hi. A> Thorn. “Across the Room”—-Edmund — Bakshi ere rete eee “Screen with Three Panels’—Homer 'D. Mar- ws tin and A. P. Ryder; Cottier 8¢° @ov.es a Portrait, Young Prince’ ’_Greuze; L. Pren- dergast RM nr he Ut csc in goes canto “View of Seine’—A. Guillaumin; Charles Crosby. . «.:s:s:9 ale Sab ataatcie enoiey oes os Seer ntrereememenerrtS “Cliffs on Seashore’—A. Vollon; C. W. Krau- Shaar . é cie e c:0 wallet ote Steegeete ene ekeven et See eneneneeona eae “Two Tigers’”—A. Lancon; E. W. Lancadrens “Sunlight, Fontainebieau’ *_Schonheyder- Mil ler; O. Fukushima “Queen Anne of Bavaria’”—Barthel Beham; Mrs. Payne “Three Graces”—Lucas Cranach; L. Henry.. “Two Wings of a Triptych”—Antwerp School ; Fhrich Gallerys 272incie =e sis eee ee erie “Philip: Toor Spain’ ’_A. Mor; Mrs, Payne... “Elderly Woman’’—Jacob A. Backer; Burnet, agent “River Scene’’—Jan Henry W.iG0dS~.:.sgsc ieee eee “Portrait of Lady’”—P. Moreelse; H. Wrocdal “Portrait of Lady (Duteh Primitive) ”—Un- known master; Henry Woods............- “Tllness, King Antiochus”—Lucas Van Ley- den; Henry ‘W60dsvi a 4 ; ; é 7a a No. 15 HOMER DODGE MARTIN, N. A. Born, October, 1836. Pupil of William Hart. Landscape painter. Died, 1907 ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. Born in New Bedford, Mass., March 19, 1847. Pupil of N. A. D. under William E. Marshall SCREEN WITH THREE PANELS Centre panel by Martin and two side panels by Ryder BEECH TREE NEAR A POOL Centre Panel peng; 27 inches; width, 183, inche en ga ie Eso ON the left, behind a small pool, a thick beech tree with reddish foliage of which only the lower part is visible. In the foreground and to the right reddish- brown shrubbery, and behind the tree a sloping hill. Bluish sky with yellowish clouds on the horizon in the lower part. Painted on leather on a gold ground. STAG DRINKING WATER | . Left Panel Length, 27 inches; width 18°4 inches In the right foreground a little pool from which a green meadow in the distance is a hill. Gold-colored further back. A small oak tree in the left corner and a thick oak tree in the right corner. Behind the green meadow in the distance is a hill. Gold-colored sky. Painted on leather on a gold ground. STAG AND TWO DOES UNDER A TREE | Right Panel Length, 27 inches; width, 1834 inches In the centre a sturdy oak tree, under which the stag, turned to the left in profile, and two does are stand- ing close together. In the foreground a road and a green meadow behind the tree with groups of trees in the distance and a hill to the right. Gold sky. Painted on leather on a gold ground. bee oe MC fODERN “pRENCH SCHOOL i Sie No. 16 ll BON VIN _ Painter a watercolors | . FLOWERS | ae a: 4 go? _- Watercolor on Paver} 20 Tt Je are ee se diae 61 inches; width, 5%, pales A BUNCH of wild flowers with small, white blossoms _ placed in a glass against a _ brownish-gray back- Bayes = i Naa a EDA RRIF TR Meee pit AUER Her “4 Rithote S sn 7, eel Srey: | g So oe swe i a ee ‘Sar ces es No. 17 JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE Born at Tournus, near Macon, in 1725. Died at Paris in 1805. Mem- ‘ber of the Academy at Paris. Pupil of Gromdon, at Lyons PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG PRINCE om oe ae re Height, 2254 inches; Gas ee Har length, hands BAe He looks/up to the right with half open mouth, and has long fair curls falling on his shoulders. He wears a red-brown waistcoat, loose collar and green jacket open in See Gray-brownish background. gh ~S$ Ne /3 sane Zz qi 64 gq No. 18 ARMAND GUILLAUMIN Born at Paris, February 16, 1841. Studied there at the Academie Suisse, in company with Pissarro and Paul Cézanne. Participated in the Ewhibitions of the Impressionists, 1874-1877 VIEW OF THE SEINE IN PARIS, NEAR THE ISLE DE LA CITE Height, 22%, inches; oe Un inches y as! i ol Oo? . , Sipe Tuis important work by the distinguished impres- sionist, represents an afternoon sky with yellow and orange thin clouds in the sky, reflecting red and orange spots on the water. A green boathouse in- the centre surrounded by some boats moored to the stone wall on the left side of the river. Greenish-blue poplar trees on the same side partly conceal a large architecture. A stone arched bridge leads to the other side, where a series of small apartment houses flank the river with a few low trees before them. Farther back the Tour de St. Jacques. The sun re- flects on the front of the houses. On the back a vigorous sketch of an avenue with a group of figures in the foreground. Signed on the left, A. GuILLAUMIN. No. 19 ANTOINE VOLLON Born in Lyons, France, April 20, 1833. Died in 1900. Pupil of Ribot. Genre, landscape and flower painter CLIFFS ON THE SEASHORE é eS Height, 25% Way length, Beh: inches WA To the right a chalky cliff real feos against a sky covered with dark blue clouds. In the foreground white rocks and to the left dark brown rocks covered with seaweed. Behind a small strip of blue sea is visible. A few sea gulls are flying near the cliff. Blue sky, spotted with white clouds, is seen at the top. Signed in the right corner, A. Vouton. =e ae ip =< a No. 20 AUGUSTE Ey eON ate Born in SOE Claude, France, 1836. Died in 1894. Last of the Bar- aia bizon School. Painter of animals [WO TIGERS | 4 eight, 31 inches; length; 38%, inche * ONE of the tigers is turned to the left and drinks ‘ water from a pool in the foreground. ‘The other Ey ST e- Soe +S = ty eo crouches behind him from the left, the head seen in "i front, and is consuming his prey. The beasts, partly i lighted, stand against a background of dark green t trees. On either side bits of ute trees. Dark clouded ; evening sky. Signed to the right, Ave. Lancon, 1884. I ieee ae No, 21 SCHONHEY DER-MILLER MODERN FRENCH ARTIST SUNLIGHT IN THE FOREST AT FONTAINEBLEAU 22) Ce _ Height, 61144 Anches; width, 40'/y inches as in a forest wi’ group of tall beech trees to the left and smaller trees to the right, surrounded by a misty atmosphere under a gray sky. The sunlight streams to the left through the leaves and displays, with strong, brilliant reflections, all the colors of the rainbow around the centre light. The artist became blind from painting sunlight. Signed in the right foreground, Scuo6nuHEYDER-MitiER, FonTaAIne- BLEAU ’99, srtnenpnepeericarie:“merenemniceaienemne steer 4 = a J 5 ’ 7 q 4 1 if = . a ae ie as a eae) eee GERMAN SCHOOL NOG 22 BARTHEL BEHAM German painter and engraver. Younger brother of Hans Sebald Beham, distinguished engraver. Born at Nuremberg, 1502. Died in Italy about 1540 PORTRAIT OF QUEEN ANNE OF BAV ARIA Panel ‘af oun _ eight, 10 inches; Sa ie eae ye. Bust, slightly turned to the left, before/a light blue background. She wears a black jacket, open in front. and high up about the neck, over a dull red costume decorated with gold trimmings. A medal with a pearl, on the top of which is affixed an owl, hangs around her neck. Her hair is enclosed in a gold net, and over it she wears a broad, flat bonnet from which hangs a gold jewel on which three pearls are affixed. On the top the inscription: ANNA RECINA Etatis 17. 1521 (the inscription is very likely a later addition, but gives the right name and date). b Pile ou mr és. = a he oe ne oy ~ No. 23 LUCAS CRANACH Born at Kronach, October 4, 1472. Died at Weimer, October 16, 1553 THE THREE GRACES Panel, Rounded Top i Bee Height, 15 inches; tae inches THREE nude female figures in a landscape/vith a tree to the right on which a pigeon is seated. ~'The centre figure wears a large bonnet covering her hair from which a white veil falls down, which she holds with her right hand, and in her left a thistle. The figure to the right has loose hair and holds a violet veil with both hands; on the left hand a wedding ring. The third finger holds a purple veil which falls down from her right shoulder. In the left background mountains and a valley. i a i qi } q i , « * ' & ‘ | : c A. A ii , . = ¥ } é 1 : B f Da) , | 7 a 7 ’ Po ; ee) . aa < . fa i ' | : tk « : ii b — ANTWERP SCHOOL About 1530. Atiributed to Jan van Coninaloo ea” | No. 24 TWO WINGS OF A TRIPTYCH ' Panel Height, 22 inches; width, 81%, inches j = 4 O35? Left Wing, Be L- Galle Porrrarr of an elderly man seen in three-quarter length. He is kneeling before a desk, and wears a dark brown costume and a mantle trimmed with fur. Behind him the interior of a Renaissance church with Gothic paneling. Left Wing, Outside Curist holding the lamb in His left arm and pointing at it with His right hand. The figure of Christ in erisaille before a reddish-brown background, with late Gothic ornaments in the upper part. Right Wing, Inside Portrait of a woman, three-quarter length. She kneels before a desk on which an open prayer book lies. She wears a dark brown coat with red sleeves — and fur hanging over the shoulders and a white cover. Behind her a stone niche, and through an arched door a view of a room in which a tabourette with a pillow on it and a mirror on the wall is visible. Right Wing, Outside St. Marrnew, the elder, painted in gray, standing against a red-brown background. Above him are— late Gothic stone decorations. He holds the pilgrim stick in his left hand and wears a mantle over the right shoulder. On his broad brim hat is a shell. No. 25 ANTONIS MOR Born about 1512 in Utrecht. Died before 1582 at Antwerp. Pupil of Jan Scorel. Court painter in Spain and England . 7 . i. i re a a . _ PORTRAIT OF PHILIP II OF SPAIN Panel Gea y Height, 16 inches; width, ey © iG nove nile O Bust, half turned to the left. Pale face, m ache . and slight beard. Hair combed back. Black cos- tume decorated with small strips of white fur and high small white collar. The star of the Golden Fleece hangs on his chest. Dark blue-green back- : ground. { ‘ feat a em ee kre a A ye ee ea BS An inscription on the wpper corners, Puiu II, Kine or Spain. At the height of the left shoulder, Sk AN More Fact. No. 26 JACOB ADRIAENSZ BACKER Born in 1608 at Harlingen. Died in 1651 at Amsterdam. Pupil of Lam- bert Jacobs, in Leeuwarden, and of Rembrandt PORTRAIT OF AN ELDERLY WOMAN | Panel ~y s+. Height, 17 ine idth, 1314 inches is iC Bust. She is slightly turned to the left and wears a black costume trimmed with fur, a large white ruff and a white bonnet embroidered with flower branches. Gray background. : The picture has been rightly attributed to Jacob Backer by Hofstede de Groot. The artist’s pictures are often mistaken for Rembrandt and for Jacob Gerritsz Cuyp. His best pictures are in Amsterdam, Dresden, Berlin and Brunswick. No. 27 JAN BREUGHEL, THE ELDER (Jan Breughel, the elder, called Velvet Breughel) Born im 1568 at Brussels. Died at Antwerp in 1625. Son of Peter Breughel the elder. Pwpil of his father and P. Goetkind at Antwerp. 1597 member of the guild RIVER SCENE eats ea Panel pda er Height, 1234 inches; length, 1914 inches THE river extends from the right corner to the mid- _ dle distance where it flows around a little island. In the foreground wooded hills with a small pool to the left in which some ducks are swimming. Behind it an avenue, in the centre of which a horseman is ap- proaching. A group of gypsies in bright colored costumes are reposing in the centre of the fore- ground; two donkeys nearby. On the other side of the river high rocks; at the foot of which some water mills and a mine; also a church. Light blue distant and blue sky with white clouds. No. 28 PAULUS MOREELSE DUTCH SCHOOL Born in Utrecht in 1571. Died there in 1638. Pupil of Mierevelt PORTRAIT OF A LADY ey erat J Height, 21 ae inches Har length figure, the hands not visible, slightly | turned to the left. She wears a three-fold ruff with ' reticella lace and a dark dress embroidered with gold and a chain of gold and enamel work is suspended over her breast with two red buttons. A comb in- laid with pearls and jewels in the hair. Gray-brown background. | A? T6RT Signed in the upper right-hand corner, Arratis 31. } us : Ba eH te inches; width, 13 sg ob. ; A young lady, evidently of Dutch aristocratic fa ily, sits almost facing the spectator. She is attired’in | No. 29 ss DUTCH PRIMITIVE (Unknown Master) ay / _. THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY \ a black dress, wears a ruff and a chain, and in her out- stretched hand she holds a tiny flower. Her head is coiffed, the hair is delicate gold. Her expression is reserved. The coloring is fresh. rtd Rod eae No. 30 ee an ia LUCAS VAN LEYDEN (JACOBEZ) Born at Leyden, 1494, died there 1533. Famous painter and engraver, c period of Albrecht Direr, and is regarded as the patriarch of the Dutch School THE ILLNESS OF KING ANTIOCHUS Panel - Seon Height, 301, inches; Cee inches Tue king is half erect in his bed on thefeft and em- braces the Queen Stratonice who kneels before him and holds a dish of soup. She points with her left hand to the rear where her husband, Seleukus, stands in the doorway and speaks to the physician Erasis- tratus. ‘There is a red cover on the bed and a high red baldachino. The queen wears a costume of light blue-green and white atlas and a headdress of gold filigree work. On a little Gothic bench in the right foreground a candlestick and the brocade mantle of the king. In the rear a window with Gothic stone decorations; underneath a richly carved bench and a buffet with plates on it to the left of the window. On the wall a clock in the transition style from Gothic to Renaissance. The story has been taken from Plutarch’s Life of Demetrius, Chapter XXXVIITI. Stratonice was the daughter of Demetrius and married to the King Selekus. Her stepson Antiochus fell in love with her, and as he could not resist his passion, he decided to die and refused to take nourishment. The physician Erasistratus discovered the reason and told it to the father who decided, on account of love of his son, to nominate Antiochus king and to give him Stratonice as wife. No. 81 JAN BREUGHEL, THE ELDER (J an Breughel, the elder, called Velvet Breughel) f ad is} j ee a Fp lol ’ - i is 7 t/! ‘ ~ s J L 7 es & ‘ see} i of A a ? , tia ¢ oo ; a) / ms! | eo : 2 ie 4 tb a >. fi ; P in Born in 1568 at Brussels. Died at Antwerp in 1625. Son of Peter Breughel the elder. Pupil of his father and P. Goetkind at Antwerp. 1597 member of the guild DIANA AND HER NYMPHS SURPRISED BY SATYRS Ss 4g. ; Panel fe Vr. Fe Height, 23/2 inches; length, 41%, Y ches To the left lies Diana and three nymphs sleeping under a tree, while two satyrs crouching behind a tree look at them. In the foreground the winged Amor holds two large dogs in leash. A group of hunting dogs, more than twenty, in the foreground to the right. In the left corner dead birds, hares and pole-cats. In the background to the right and left thick woods. In the centre a valley with a pool from which some ducks are rising. A bit of yellow sky over it. $ ol ae Petey ye uot o ra ee aay a: ie ’ s fag a sy ge ee ee a A ea No. 32 AERNOUT DE 8 Born at Amsterdam about 1641. Died there after 1678. Pupil of Jan — Tennisz Blankhof. Painter of marines MARINE. ol ees eo Height, OS 395/, inches 7 Cam sea with a beach in the right corner and near it a galleon with a Dutch flag. ‘To the left several sailboats with brown and yellow sails, and smaller boats nearby. "Lo the right the Virgin, in a da blue costume, holds the Child on her knees. ‘The Child blesses the eldest king who is kneeling to the left and presents a golden chalice which he has opened. He wears a red cos- tume with blue sleeves and a gold brocaded over- mantle trimmed with ermine. The negro king is standing to the left behind him, and is dressed in a brown costume with a red mantle trimmed with blue silk. He and the third king, who is standing in the | background and lifts his head, are likewise present- ing golden cups. Joseph is behind the Virgin. Through the centre of the arch a landscape with a castle in the foreground and a rocky mountain in the distance. | ADORATION OF THE CHILD Left Wing THE Virgin, Joseph and two angels are kneeling — gs around a stone base on which the nude Child lies. Two shepherds are looking through a window be- hind, and an angel dressed in pink and greenish | colors hovers overhead. An ox and a donkey to the left near a pillar. — 7 THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Right Wing Tue Virgin, dressed in a dark blue mantle, is seated on the donkey and holds the Child. Joseph, with a blue mantle and a straw hat, walks beside her. The | road leads down from the left, and on the top of a hill a part of the statue of the god which fell down as the Holy Family passed is visible. No. 37 SIMON LUTTICHUYS Peaen in aoa in 1610. Died at Amsterdam about 1662. Worked at ( London and Amsterdam. Painter of still life d 3 = o> ae ee ( (ia ; ‘STILL LIFE WITH MAP AND ROMAN i BUSTS Gad eS: pen egh, 49 inches; width, ee, Pah ‘One a tic, which is covered WK a map of Europe, in the centre a glass bow] with roses in it; to the right a cast of the head of Juno and before it the Icono- graphia of Van Dyck, which is open and shows the portrait by Van Dyck himself. To the left sketches, 2 and behind the bust of Seneca. A crystal ball hangs : from the ceiling. | 4 Signed to the left, Simon Lurricuvys FE. 1645. SPANISH SCHOOL No. 38 SPANISH SCHOOL MIDDLE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY SAINT DOROTHEA Panel Height, 114%4~inchgs; width,81% inche, Bust of a girl seen in front looking slightly to the left. She wears a low neck light blue-green costume with embroidered black trimming. She holds in the right hand, of which two fingers are visible, a rose- bud. Her hair is combed flat and fastened in a loop behind the ears. Blue-green background. sa EO eas In a fine Renaissance frame of the Sixteenth Century. Pea) ooo a No. 39 FRANCISCO DE ZURBARAN Born at Fuente de Cantos in 1598. Died at Madrid in 1662. Pupil of Juan de las Roélas. Worked at Sevilla and Madrid. Since 1633 court painter we *° Height, 311, inches; width, 25% inches In a landscape, with blue mountains in the left dis- tance, the Virgin is sitting to the right seen in three- quarter length. She holds the nude Child on her knees. She bends her head to the left and looks at the spectator. Her hair is covered with a dark veil _and she wears a red-brown costume and brown man- tle. The Child blesses with the right hand the little St. John, who is visible in the left corner, and bends over the Christ Child kissing His feet. VIRGIN AND CHI ‘ Oey Ss No. 40 ALONSO CANO Born at Granada in 1601. Died there in 1667. Pupil of Montanes and a Pacheco. Sculptor and painter THE CHRIST CHILD BETWEEN MARY AND JOSEPH ae eee S 75 20 Height, 8 feet wos pe Tse nude Child stahds on the earthball, His arms outstretched. The Virgin Mary is seated to the left, clad in a salmon-red costume, with a blue mantle coy- ering her head. She holds her hands on her breast. On the right, Joseph wears a light violet coat and a lemon-yellow mantle which is spread over his knees and his right shoulder. In the left hand he holds a lily stem, and holds the left arm of the Child with his right. Above the Child is the Dove and God the Father in a yellow-brown sky. To the left and right three winged angel heads. F on A wage eas . eae ae eee ee Baye a | i ee a aa r ITALIAN SCHOOL No. 41 DOMENICO VENEZIANO ITALIAN SCHOOL Born of Venetian parents the early part of the Fifteenth Century. Died at Florence, May 15, 1461 i ty THE FLAGELLATION OF CHRIST la | Panel Height, 15% inches; width, 124, qn bps x Aner Curist in the centre bound to a ¢olumn is being 1 SO scourged by three men, two with whips and the third on the left with bunches of thorns; the latter wears a yellow costume, the man on the right a pink and \ “| the third behind the column a cuirass and blue sleeves. Pilate sits on a throne to the right and converses with several men. ‘T’o the left a Roman soldier be- fore a window which opens on a landscape with a rocky mountain and blue sky. Two angels, one in scarlet and the other in orange, hover about Christ. No. 42 ARCHAIC SCHOOL STYLE OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY | es - TRIPTYCH | = | Panel Height, 834 inches; width, 614, inches 4 F 2280" x ae In the centre Christ in the tomb with the instruments : 7 ; of the passion about him. Gold ground. Left Wing . q | St. FRANCIS receiving the stigma. St. Francis kneels to the left before a church and receives the wounds | in his hands and feet from Christ, who is seen with | red wings in the golden sky. In the right foreground the brother of St. Francis is seated and looks at him in surprise. itil cca ina re See Right Wing _ = Sr. Jerome kneels before a dark cave and beats his ; breast while looking at the Crucifix before him. A lion lies near him and on the green ground is a car- ~ dinal’s hat. Outside Left Wing St. Joun preaching in the desert. He holds in his hand-a roll of parchment on which is inscribed: _ECCE AGNUS DEI QUI TOLIT PECATA MUNDI. He wears a yellowish-green mantle over the camel hair shirt. Outside Right Wing Virein nourishing the Child. The Virgin holds the Child in her left arm and wears a green costume and a red mantle decorated with gold. The Child wears a yellow shirt and a pink, gold-embroidered mantle. From the collection of A. Imbert, Rome. . . : ? ts — if ew? ee ee ee ANY ; we ‘ 2 a i oe 2 . ae er fee oo NR ay '. i : << ~— ey ee eat ~ hao 5 sac a Ne are ia = : ee Se . Caer 2 ae ge ew - ee c = Uae a eS ee ee een ge ee Me eg ee, ee = RO af eT eT ¢ eet at ee No. 43 NORTH ITALIAN MASTER EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A MAN FF VI x pes Ca 30. Height, 231, hes; Sige 19 a Ha F length, turned in profile to the left. He has dark brown hair, a full beard and moustache and wears a black costume with light brown fur covering the shoulders and back, and a flat black cap. In the left hand he holds a small book in a leather cover. Light green background. Enlarged on the top 4 inches and on each side 11 inches. No. 44 FRA FILIPPO LIPPI Born at Prato about 1457. Died at Florence, 1504 ADORATION OF THE CHILD Panel Height, 331% inches; width, 2414 inches Tue Child is seated on the knee of an angel dressed in a violet-purple gown. The infant St. John holds the Child and the Virgin kneels to the right. She is dressed in a red costume with a dark blue-green mantle with hands folded in prayer. The Child grasps the hair of a shepherd who kneels, holding a bagpipe under his arm. A second shepherd with a sheep hanging over his arm by bound legs is kneel- ing to the right, protected by an angel in a white gown who holds a lily over his shoulder. Two other angels, one in orange costume and the other wearing light violet, are seen to the left of the Virgin in con- versation. Both have blond hair and the one on the left has an arm around the neck of the other and holds a lily over the Virgin. Bits of blue sky at the top. : The picture was formerly in the famous collection of Antokolsky, the celebrated Russian sculptor. No. 45 JACOPO DU PONTE IL BASSANO Born at Bassano, 1510. Died there 1592 THE BATTLE ON THE BRIDGE Il giuoco del Ponte J & O° ae Height, 30 ine eee a OE inches , ON a bridge which a ov Hs yes: a- number of — men, mostly in red and yellow costumes, are engaged in mimic combat. Several are falling and some are swimming in the river. Other figures approach from the left along the river. The houses on both sides of the river are decorated with rugs hanging from the balconies and shutters. Many spectators in the win- dows, balconies and on the street in the right fore- ground. In the balcony on the right a group, evi- dently the judges, are seated. Dark blue and clouded sky with sun reflection falling on the houses to the right, the figures on the bridge and on the fore- ground. The scene represents a national game of Pisa from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century, called “Il giuoco del Ponte.” No. 46 | GIOVANNI GHISOLFI Painter born 1632 at Milan, descended from a noble family. His teacher was A. Volpini, but he formed his style after Salvator Rosa. He painted architecture with splendid perspective. The antiquities of Rome afforded him material for his compositions; he drew and painted many of them, ornamenting them with massive figures from secular history and mythology. He painted frescoes. There are two architectural works in the National Gallery of Scotland. His “Marius Among the Ruins of Carthage,’ and several of his deco- rative pictures are in the Dresden Gallery. He died at Milan, 1683. ARCHITECTURAL VIEW 4 AL b Of: 4’ Height, 39 inches; ler AT pe wey L - ' eG ee In the foreground a bridge Che a palare modeled after the Coliseum and other classical buildings of Rome. A triumphal arch seems to stand on the bridge. A female statue with horn of plenty | Peemecentre Of the~ bridge. Under _ the 3 bridge to the left and right staircases are - 4 leading up and two boats with passengers are es , landing in the foreground. On the right two : pillars and a column. In the foreground a man, woman and child near some logs which rise from the water and are secured with ropes to a column on the right. Blue sky with yellow clouds is seen above the architecture. No. 47 FERRARESE MASTER OF 1514 THE VIRGIN WITH ST. SEBASTIAN AND ST. ROCH Canvas, Transferred from Panel Height, 6 feet pwid » 3 feet1144 inches me OL Rae he Tue Virgin is seated on the clouds, dressed in a cherry-red costume and a dark blue mantle, holding the nude Child on her knees. She is surrounded by a yellow glory which is outlined by a series of. angel heads. To the left St. Sebastian, nude except for a blue cloth about his loins, is tied to a tree and pierced by several arrows. He is seen in profile to the right and his head is raised to the Virgin. ‘To the right St. Roch faces the spectator, the left leg placed be- fore the right. He wears red trousers, yellow coat and dark blue-green mantle with a reddish-brown collar. In the left hand he holds a pilgrim’s staff, while with the right he shows the wound on his leg. Brown landscape with a view of a castle and Roman ruins on a hill in the centre. Blue mountains to the left in the distance and a viaduct to the right. Blue sky, light yellow and white, clouded in the lower part. Among the Ferrarese artists whose initials agree with the monogram on the picture is Bernardo Fiorini (mentioned in 1506-1509 and 1520 at Ferra), but little is known about his works. Mr. Roger Fry is of the opinion that the painting is very near to Ercole di Giulio Grandi. Signed in the lower part, B. F. MDXIIII (B. F. 1514). ENGLISH SCHOOL ~~ No. 48 WILLIAM KIDD pe : _ Born before 1800 in Edinburgh. Died in 1863. Since 1817 exhibited at the Royal Academy. 1849 honorary member of the Edinburgh R. A. — oe we SS arr ere ne: at 4 ¥ er Lae OW Sr ee |. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST a | Panel boil ate Height, 121%, inches; ek. ee THREE-QUARTER length. He is seated in a chair with red leather back, half turned to the left. In the left hand he holds a palette and brushes. He wears yel- : lowish trousers, dark brown coat, white necktie and : Rn See a collar open in front. Brown curtain behind him. Landscape view through a window on the left. : No. 49 THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH Born at Sudbury, in Suffolk, in 1727. Died in London in 1788. Studied under Hayman in London. Exhibited first at the Academy in 1761 PORTRAIT OF ORPIN, THE PARISH CLERK OF BRADFORD, WILTSHIRE Panel ve Lo on Height, 151 infhe3ss width, 10%, inches Bust, turned to the right. Head raged looking up to the left. Reddish-brown coat and white collar. Hands partly visible to the right. Brown back- ground. No. 50 JOHN CONSTABLE Born at Hast Bergholt in 1776. Died at London in 1837, 1799 pupil at the dcademy under Farington and Reinagle. Since 1820 at \ Hampstead. 1829 member of the Academy STORMY DAY soy Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches 200-8 Z 9. oh ading up A sLoPine hill to the right with a road le and large oak trees bent by the storm. A man with a red cap is ascending the hill. To the left an open country with some houses among trees, a windmill and hills in the distance. In the foreground two fallen trees. Heavy gray and white clouds moving from the right with patches of blue sky. Rays of the sun shine upon the country to the left and on some spots along the road to the right. No. 51 RICHARD WESTALL Born at Hartford in 1765. Died in London December 4, 1836. Subject ip and landscape painter. A. R. A. in 1792 and R. A. in 1794 SHEPHERD AND FLOCK IN A FOREST ved rg Height, 45 ie width, 40 inches A view in a forest of gnarled oak trees, through the foliage of which the sunlight shines in streaks on the light green ground. On the right several thick trees, under one of which the shepherd lies asleep. Nearby is a dog watching over the flock of sheep which lie and browse in the foreground. On the left and right the edge of a pool is visible. The trees have autumn foliage and the branches on the left are bent nearly to the ground. A few spots of light blue and partly clouded sky is seen at the top. No. 52 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Born at Plymton in 1723. Died in London in 1792. Since 1741 pupil of the portrait painter, R. Hudson. 1749-52 in Italy. 1768 president of the Royal Academy. 1784 court painter | THE LAUGHING GIRL Height, 30 inches; width, 2334 inche e ee Le i THE girl is sitting to the left of a fedestal and lean- ing on it with arms crossed andvher head slightly turned to the left. Three-quarter length. She holds the left thumb in her mouth and smiles. The light falls from the right on her arms and face. She wears a white chemise, reddish-brown petticoat and yellow- ish scarf. Reddish-brown hair. Brown-gray back- ground. loos are Sold at Christie’s, June 1901, No. 86. i a u vE } Aw re) A similar picture in the possession of A. Sanderson, Edinburgh (engraved by W. Bond, 1813), and another in the possession of the Earl of Rose- berry (engraved by J. F. Bause, 1784). ee ee a en Ba So A er ee ee No. 53 WILLIAM DOBSON Born at London, 1610. Died there 1646. Was once called by King Charles I “The English Tintoretto” PORTRAIT OF PHILIP HERBERT, FOURTH EARL OF PEMBROKE Height, 441, in¢ghes; width, 37 inches | ‘ % asa” Thr0- (2 a THREE-QUARTER length, seen in front, the head _ slightly turned to the left. He weats a moustache and small pointed beard; long curls falling on the shoulders. He wears a gold brocade coat with © slashed sleeves showing the shirt, a lace collar and a dark purple mantle thrown over the left shoulder .and showing a large embroidered star; a light blue ribbon around the neck with a brooch of rubies sus- pended from it. The left hand on his sword; in the right a stick and on a blue ribbon a key. Dark brown background. No. 54 THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH Born at Sudbury, in Suffolk, in 1727. Died in London in 1788. Studied under Hayman in London. Exhibited first at the Academy in 1761 CHARLES I ON HORSEBACK After Van Dyck | { ' The original picture by Van Dyck is in Windsor Castle Via gq Height, 40% inches; Soe Lyla -Cuanzzes I, in full armor, is riding a bay horse to the left, holding a marshal’s baton in the right hand and seated on a dark green saddle. A page, in pink cos- tume with long curls falling on his shoulders, is walk- ing behind him bearing the helmet. Behind him the entrance to a forest of oak trees. ‘To the left a dis- _ tant view over some hills, with a sky covered with purple and gray clouds. Described in the Burlington Magazine. : 3 “ Rae ; ioe " ‘ ; es ee oe be a te ea ile aS a C = a Re. No. 55 JOHN SCARLETT DAVIS Born at Hereford. Died soon after 1841. First eahibited at the Royal Academy in 1825. His views of the interiors of public buildings met with considerable success A FORMER GALLERY IN THE LOUVRE Height, 4 feet ele lengt feet 314 inches tan In a hall, with high (arched, richly decorated pale, a group of artists in the foreground to the left and an artist before an easel. ‘To the right another artist in conversation with a lady who has two children with her; near him an easel. On the wall a number of large paintings mostly by Rubens, Van Dyck and - their school, for instance by Rubens there is the large “Descent from the Cross at Antwerp,” the “Glorification of the Virgin” at Brussels, by Van Dyck, the “Crucifixion” at Malines, the “Virgin and — St. Antonius” at Milan, the ‘““Wonder of St. Antonius of Padua’ at Lille, “Portrait of Liberti” at Munich, and the “Lion Hunt” by Snyders. In the right fore- ground a table with green cover and on it a female Roman statue and a still life. This fanciful compo- sition is said to depict a gallery formerly in the Louvre before Napoleon Bonaparte was forced to return the works of art which he had borrowed from various countries. No. 56 JOHN SCARLETT DAVIS Born at Hereford. Died soon after 1841. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1825. His views of the interiors of public buildings met with considerable success INTERIOR OF ST. PETERS AT ROME : peel, 6 feet a inches; length/¥ feet 8 inches, _ fe see Vir eee View of the part under the dome and a part of the left side nave in the direction of the choir. To the right of the centre the tabernacle by Bernini; to the left the Transfiguration by Raphael; over the altar under a red baldachino to the right the bronze statue of St. Peter. In the foreground a great number of people standing or kneeling, mostly turned to the left, glance at two priests who are passing. The people are mostly dressed in bright colors—light green, red or brown. Among them to the right two soldiers of the Swiss Guard. ~ CATALOGUE FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 20rx, 1911 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES rie 7 See eS . Of the so-called soft paste type; clusters of peaches / and Buddha’s-hand fruit in brilliant underglaze blue. a . : ‘ is uaa la = : ; : ie Loe a me aa, ; ~ ; ; 6 ‘ we ats ee See heen eta a ae) See a ee Ue woe ike De SN tle be fe Oy Nats Sti eh *n ey ee ee et EL ORS Bs ses aed | ee oe ee RWS MON Ee LP er ee ite F Sry 4 sy ay Diameter, 24%, inches. ; 4 63—Smatu Pintone ICAO: ae / a s+ Hard paste; flowering shrubs and a floriated border | pencilled in two shades of underglaze blue. : : Height, 24 inches. 'P Cn 64—Turee Miniature PLates Thin hard paste, with figure subjects and border ses | /D-+% signs painted in two shades of cobalt blue. Character - | mark of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). — FF Diameter, 4 inches. x 65—Writer’s WATER ecw Me i, 1) ? Semi-globular shape; clear white hard paste, covered Gs — with a crackled glaze and decorated in underglaze | blue with landscapes and a Greek fret border. Under- ; neath the foot, seal mark of Chia Ch’ing (1796-1820). S| Diameter, 4 inches. 66—Sma.u Buve ann Wuite Borris Me Caliber : Pure white hard paste. Dragons, amid cloud forms / / “~ and fire emblems, pencilled in brilliant underglaze blue. Six character mark of Chia Ching (1522-1566), but | undoubtedly of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). | ae 5 inches. 4 | 67—SmMaALu Buus anp WHITE ints arravely Beautifully decorated with the plum in blossom, flower- OS VU & ing shrubs, rocks and butterflies in mazarine blue of brilliant opaque quality. K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Height, 41, inches. 68—Smauu Buve anp Wuitre Ovirorm sal. MW WA: ee Decoration of a boldly drawn figure of a warriof and a poem in brilliant underglaze blue. Six character mark of the Ch’éng-hua period. Height, 314 inches. - 69—Buve anp Wuirr Bown LS, LOE if,- (By hh Page <_ Thin white hard paste; decoration of a landscape, a river view and figures in two shades of underglaze : : oon ps aaa Buve anp Wuire Ampuora 7’ ’ VY. wa aie aes blue; rimmed with metal Seal mark in blue under- neath the foot. Diameter, 51%, inches. | y ~70—Buvur anp Wuiret Coverep Bown Ce Oviform. Dense hard paste, decorated with fabulous animals, wave designs and symbols in white reserve and underglaze blue. Underneath the lid, a six character mark pencilled in blue over a celadon glaze. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Clear white hard paste. Decoration of lions sporting with the brocaded ball amid fire emblems, pencilled in underglaze blue of brilliant quality. Six character mark reading T'a Ching K’ang-hsi nien chih (Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi, of the Ch’ing, or present, dynasty). Has carved teakwood stand. This speci- men is of the same shape and period as the vases widely known as peach-bloom, and is rarely found in blue and white. Height, 61% inches. 72—Buve anp Wuire Disu // JY Lt 7 pee 783—Buive anp WuitTt PLATE te a o Of the so-called “‘soft paste.” Coated with a rice color crackle glaze and decorated with floral sprays in co- balt blue of brilliant quality. Underneath the foot a six character mark of the Hsiian Té period (1426- 1453), but undoubtedly made during the reign of Yung-chéng or Ch’ien-lung. Diameter, 734, inches. Old Canton China. Flower basket and border designs, painted in two shades of cobalt blue. Diameter, 9 inches. ‘ %4—Two Buve ann Wuitr PLATES Deep form. Decoration of fishes and | __, In cobalt blue of opaque quality. K’ang-hsi period 3 6 = (1662-1722). Diameter, 11 inches. Wyn Y5—BLvue anp WuiITE PEAR-SHAPE VASE Ln With trumpet-shape neck. Decorated in underglaze _,« blue with lions sporting with the brocaded ball and an blokes unusual border of a Latin inscription around the shoulder. Underneath the foot, characters within a circle. | : Height, 101% inches. 76—Buve anp WuitE Ovirorm Jan P00: Mra rac Decoration of detached flowers and leaves, in low relief / “and pencilled in deep cobalt blue on a brilliant white ground. Height, 914 inches. V7—BuveE anp WuitEe CYLINDRICAL Jaw i? H Uy. / 9 Bull) With wide mouth. Sonorous hard paste of the K’ang- ot” */ hsi period (1662-1722). Decorated in brilliant un- derglaze blue, with flowering shrubs, a pheasant on a rock and the “hundred antiques.” Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7 inches. (8—Rare Buve anp Wuite Box VC (pe e¢_ With cover. Dense hard paste. Decorated in “Mus- selman blue,” with Chinese garden scenes within panels and floral sprays on a swastika fret ground. Mark in the depressed disc foot: Ta Ming Lung Ching (1567-1572). From the Charles A. Dana collection, New York. 1898. Height, 5% inches; length, 9 inches. ae eet ale Gray en een ee ee a pr on, Nee Veen PSR eas Wa MTS 5 a Pea Re te Bs : VW. Deaaraen © 79—Buve anp Waite BEAKER-SHAPED VASE : Decoration of Chinese Court scenes and floral sprays F beautifully painted in underglaze blue on a brilliant if a ; , ¢¢ white ground. Six character mark of Chia Ching 1, (1522-1566), but probably of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 1434 inches. 80—Hawrtuorn Jar Vi alae EG ree Oviform, with receding base and wide mouth; branches of prunus blossoms, in reserve, on a brilliant opaque ps /- la, blue ground. Marked with darker lines to resemble cracking ice. Border of sceptre-head scrolls around the mouth. Kang-hsi period (1662-1722). Estgh 914, inches; diameter 8 inches. ' 81—Buve anp Waitt TEemrpre Jars eel, Decoration depicting young men and children in a p> jj -e garden and occupied in playing numerous games, painted in two shades of cobalt blue. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). 3 : Height, 13 inches. 82—Larce Biur anp WHITE CLUB-SHAPED VASE e, Ve Lig Decorated in underglaze blue of brilliant opaque qual- | ity with a scene representing an emperor and other / 27 ~ dignitaries witnessing from a balcony feats of marks- manship by mounted warriors. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 18 inches. 83—Ovirorm Buve anp Wuire Vase “1 Wii if, nv ie, .< With spreading neck and base. On the neck two lion OO head and ring handles which are unglazed. Dedora- tion of a court scene, historical and legendary sub- jects, objects of art and floral sprays finely pencilled ~~ a in underglaze blue of opaque quality. K’ang-hsi rr period (1662-1722). 2 Height, 1714 inches. 84—BuivE anp Wuitrrt TEMPLE ja V1 Decoration of kylins sporting with brocaded b; i ee ribbon filets, boldly executed in opaque cobalt blue on a brilliant white ground. K’ang-hsi period (1622- 1722). Height, 121% inches. 85—Pair HawtTHorn BEAKERS he a gree Branches of prunus blossoms in reserve on a ground Mie of brilliant opaque blue. K’ang-hsi period (1662- /4L YS 1792). Height, 18 inches. 86—HawtTnHorn TEMPLE Jar Yh eS With original hat-shaped cover. Branches of prunus (onee blossoms which extend upward and downward in re- serve on a brilliant opaque blue ground, which is marked with darker lines to resemble cracking ice. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 161, inches; diameter, 8 inches. Qf 8i—Hawtuorn Temrre Jar /t 7 STP yk le ,. Oviform, with spreading base and wide mouth. oh Branches of prunus blossoms, extending upward and downward in reserve, on an opaque blue ground marked to resemble cracking ice. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 14 inches. 88—HawtTHorn TEMPLE JAR ty Ae 4 Rey ich: Decorated with branches of the mei bloss m in reserve on a ground of brilliant opaque blue, which is marked oe with a reticulation of darker lines to resemble crack- ing ice. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 144%, inches. 89—HawrTuorn BEAKER JA [? i Decorated with branches and clusters of prunus blos- t - soms executed in reserve upon an opaque blue ground | Bee iA 7 <—which is marked with darker lines in resemblance of a eracking ice. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 18 inches. 90—Buve anp Wuire Beaxer-sHapep Vase ay, ves AL _ Clear white hard paste. Decorated in underglaze blue , at7 ,-_of brilliant opaque quality. On the body of the vase is depicted an emperor and empress receiving an en- voy and his escort. Around the neck is a scene rep- resenting an empress receiving gifts from a visiting dignitary and his military escort. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 181%, inches. a) oo we Baye 91—Buve anp Waitt Temple Jar Ven oC oY Decorated in mazarine blue of a very fine brilliant os quality. The decoration consists of a garden in which a SO are Chinese ladies and numerous children at play. Around the mouth is a border of Buddhistic symbols. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 131% inches. a : 92—HawrTnorn TEMPLE JAR lh] VAC Ok eee Decorated with branches of prunus blossoms, which are in white reserve and extend upward, and down- : Wa Jo ,¢ ward on an opaque blue ground marked with darker \- lines to resemble cracking ice. A border of sceptre- head scrolls encircles the mouth. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). eight, 13 inches. i ; ‘ P ; ’ Pree chat < ee ee ee ee ee me a) , 93—Buve anp WHITE BEAKER 0. oe Sonorous hard paste. Decoration of court scenes, . mythological animals and beasts and legendary sub- — is ot ~ jects in brilliant cobalt blue. K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). | Height, 18 inches. 94—Buvr anp WuitTrt BEAKER Clear white hard paste. Decorated in underglaze blue ,. of brilliant opaque quality with a Chinese court scene TLR = and a landscape and river view. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 1714 inches. 95—BuvurE AND WHuitTE BEAKER Decorated in brilliant underflaze blue with panels of ps fantastic enamels, rock and wave designs. K’ang-hsi Ts ee period (1662-1722). Height, 17 inches. 96—BLvE anp Ward Breaxer-suare Vas fy y tae Clear white hard paste. Decorated-in brilliant under- ME glaze blue with a scene depicting an emperor receiv- ing visiting dignitaries and accepting their offerings. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). _9 Height, 18 inches. IW ee 97—Buvur anp WuitEr BEAKER-SHAPE VASE Clear white sonorous porcelain of the K’ang-hsi iod. Chinese historical subjects, equestrian and other y, Vee figures, rocks and foliage, finely painted in cobalt blue of brilliant opaque quality. K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Height, 18 inches. 2 99—Larce Buure anp Wuite Jar A/a Pee Pee By ux AND Wuitr BEAKER-SHAPE ae Sonorous hard paste. Decoration of phcenixes the Empress’s emblem), large peonies and leafy scrolls, “beautifully painted in opaque underglaze blue on a briliant white ground. K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Height, 1714 inches. Globular shape, with broad mouth. Dense hard paste ,« of the Chia Ching period (1522-1566). Decoration of the conventional pine, bamboo and prunus in blos- som in “Musselman blue.” Underneath the foot in an indented circle, six character mark of the period. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 15 inches. Globular shape, with broad mouth. Dense hard paste ~ of the Chia Ching period (1522-1566). Decorated in *‘Musselman blue” with Chinese domestic and gar- den scenes, floral sprays and borders of gadroons and floriated scrolls. Underneath the foot a six character mark of the period. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 1414 inches. Dense sonorous hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). .The obverse and reverse panels are decorated with boldly drawn scenes of agricultural pursuits and river views. Covering the ends are pe- onies, leaf scrolls and Buddhistic symbols beautifully painted in underglaze blue. On the neck are two handles representing winged dragons and the sacred fungus. Underneath the foot, seal mark of the period. Height, 231% inches; width, 171% inches. Bik “sa eee Wie bs : ne 100—Larcr Brive anp Wuire Jar [ O44 MG, ‘4 betty Pas if / aes AA 101—Very Larce Buve anp Wuitre Pincrm Borris” tu } ed — bY Rivne \ : - F ae PPA Nee Nel et kw 4 . Sim ae > rs ae ie 5 : L Mee 3) _ i Ny a =) Te. . J ns as DA dees 10h Si i a ra. 7 en in he amine a = ‘ A a 102—NosxLe BLuEe anp WHITE JAR Oviform, with wide mouth. Dense sonorous porcelain of the Wan-li period (1573-1619). Decorated in 2) _. “Musselman blue”? with two boldly drawn five-clawed 2 ge dragons, amid cloud forms and fire emblems pursuing the pearl of omnipotence; this decoration is inter- cepted by Sanscrit characters. Around the shoulder is a broad band of floriated scrolls. Underneath the foot, within an indented circle, is the character mark of the period. From the Baron Speck von Sternburg Collection. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 1714 inches. 103—Larce BLuE anp wane inti Soe Dense hard paste of the Wan-li period (1573-1619). Profusely decorated in “Musselman blue” with six — > Gy. large circular medallions of phceenixes and leafy scrolls, gVU with floral sprays intervening. Encircling the shoul- der and foot is a broad band of five-clawed dragons amid cloud forms, pursuing the pearl of omnipotence. Underneath the foot in an indented circle is the six character mark of the period. | Height, 17 inches; diameter, 1714, inches. 104—Larer Buvur anp WHITE eee AR Dense porcelain of the Ming period. Unusual decora- cae j= tion in two shades of cobalt blue, depicting an emperor departing in his flagship, and dignitaries and their — retinue on the opposite shore awaiting his arrival. Has carved teakwood stand and cover (repaired). Height, 19 Hae diameter, 13 inches. 105—Pair Granp BLvE AND Wi ee JARS | Tall oviform, with original hat-shaped covers. nae LLige sonorous porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 6370 1722). Profusely decorated in underglaze blue of brilliant opaque quality, with boating scenes, rocky _ cliffs, pavillions and ceremonial subjects. Around the shoulder and foot are borders of sceptre heads and various Buddhistic symbols. Height, 41 inches; diameter, 181% inches. 106—Granp Buvue anp WHITE ee JAR Pe To match the preceding. |/ ELA fh Height, 41 inches. CHINESE Pee PORCELAINS 107—Pair veers ae Vyinw- ee: ? Ivory white porcelain. Leaf shape with plum blossoms im — in relief. Diameter, 21% inches. Tiles gue Lo EcesHett Bowx oe VL a tila l Pure white porcelain of eggshell thinness. When/held « Aa 4, to the light there may be seen a decoration of ‘floral — scrolls and the four character marks of Yung Lo (1403-1424), delicately engraved in the paste under- neath the glaze. Diameter, 31% inches. 109—Smatt Bown Vy ¢ ee hin ge_ The Pure white porcelain of almost eggshell thinness. i ag aes decoration, which may be seen when held to the light, consists of two five-clawed dragons in pursuit of the pearl of omnipotence, engraved in the paste underneath the glaze. Six character mark pencilled in blue: Ta Ming Hung Chih (1488-1505). Diameter, 334 inches. a Mi P soy i iy: af on he gee ; ye) SO ® 1 gene oe anes 4 +h iL °<_ mentation of storks and branches of plum blossoms. 7) 111—SvuPers Se oe | Ee: | Pure white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- lig Pe 1722). Underneath the foot delicately pencilled in * underglaze blue is the character mark: Ta Ching K’ang-hsi nien chih. Height, 542 inches. 112—Trirop INCENSE Beek i Bantilenlga Fashioned after an ancient bronze. Ivory whit - porce- o / lain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 51 inches. ; With lion-head handles; dense ivory whit 25 of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). _ Height, 6 inches. 114—Wrirter’s Water RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shape; clear white porcelain Ge the 118—CyuinpricaL VAsE TVs Re © . : porcelain a ‘. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Embellished with ~ three relief discs of archaic dragon design worked in the paste. Underneath the foot, pencilled in under- — glaze blue: Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 115—Ivory Wuirr Revie Aes ( chan ‘<. Seated on a quadrangular base with a brocaded ball under his front paw. Height, 51% inches. 5 110—Two SacririciaL Cups a ee ae Fungus design. Ivory white porcelain with relief orna- ; : Height, 2% inches. | a | oe | ee | 116—Par KyY.ins LAr (Ctr Ivory white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period’ (1662- | — 1722). Height, 5 inches. 117—Two KyLins te ls _ Pure white hard paste of the erage tsi period (1662- q 3 Height, 5 inches. 118—Sem VasE | ») Ivory white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 8 0 “— 1722). Openwork decoration of peony and leaf scroll. | Height, 51/, inches. 119—Larce Bow1 KAY : WEA MVAAD ae _ Thin white hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period, the yj A ,- outer surface embellished with archaic scrolls and gad- : ~ roons, beautifully carved in relief in the paste under- neath the glaze. Diameter, 7 inches. 120—Yune Lo EccsuHett Bown VIA Vb nr, Of light fragile texture, with a wide rim which 3 | notched at regular intervals, and six indentations, the | a Yd “whole invested with a pellucid glaze of grayish ivory- | white tone. The decoration, lightly incised in the paste, so as to show in transparency when held up to the light, consists of a wheel of fortune and a floral festoon of eight flowers of paradise, from each flower arising a Buddhist symbol of long life, prosperity, happiness, or other good omen. Mark: Yung Lo- nien chih (1403-1424). From the collection of the late Charles A. Dana. Diameter, 7% inches. 121—Wurre BorrTLe-sHAPED VASE Of fine form and texture, covered with a ‘nee > , , ivory glaze. Encircling the neck is a lizard carved in ae /) ~~ relief and undercut. Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). From the Thomas E. Waggaman Collection, New York. -1905. 122—Wuitr BorrTrLe-sHAPED Vie LF S Hes Of fine form and texture, similar to the pre ding but : 4 of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). From the — Thomas E. Waggaman Collection, New York. 1905. 123—Ivory Wuire Vase. Thee (2 Tall cylindrical shape, with monster-head handles in epee relief, and engraved fret border. Yung-chéhg period (1723-1735). 7), 8 inches. Height, 814 inches. <4 ; 124—Ivory WuitTe VASE /} inn. OD ig.) Tall cylindrical shape with monster-head mask han- ay + dles and engraved fret band. Yung-chéng period ~ nh ~. (1728-1735). Height, 81, inches. 125—QuUADRILATERAL VASE Vaave. (Cubhwrk Of the so-called soft paste. Beautifully embellished ee with flowers of the sacred lotus, leafy scroll gadroons / ome and sceptre-head borders carved in relief in the paste underneath a soft ivory white glaze. Two elephant- head handles. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). 3 yy Height, 1034 inches. 126—Oxsione INCENSE oe Ae the LA y td & Pure white porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung p fod (1736- 1795). Fashioned after an ancient bronze. . has F two handles of dragon heads, and the ornamentation of archaic scrolls and ogre heads is carved in relief in the paste. Underneath the foot is an engraved seal mark of the period. Has shakudo cover surmounted ae by a lion. te . Height, 10 inches; length, 1114 inches. ; , j z Ss | | (3 \ = 127—Ficure or Hore AA | P | Finely modelled in ivory-white porcelain. Yung- 4 PW eae chéng period (1723-1735). Carved teakwood stand. Height, 64% inches. 128—FicureE OF Kuan-Yix TIA. CP ay. Seated on a sacred elephant, in modelled ivory-white St be porcelain. Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Height, 10 inches. 129—STaTvuETTE oF Kuan-YIn /} Whe Ud + ie EVE De Standing on cloud forms. Finely modelled in ivory rr 96 white ia of the Yung-chéng period (1723- g : Height, 164, inches. ~130—SratTvuEtre or Kuan-Yin Be (3 “ Uy heed ae ik Standing on a base in design of cloud forms. Finely id ¢ — modelled in ivory-white porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). a ee I aan Height, 161% inches. 131—Statvette or Pov-ral ae 7 VW fv Ln Standing figure finely modelled in pure white porcelain | of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). /d ‘i Height, 16% inches. ore “oP a DECORATED PORCELAINS 182—Fovur Wine Cups Thin porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1796-1795). a? ae Decoration of dragons, cloud forms, and fire emblems __ painted in coral-red. | 133—Sma.yi Bow. VA es UA Thin white paste of the Yung-chéng period (1723- oe 1735). Exquisitely painted decoration in five-color enamels of children at play in a garden. Character mark in underglaze blue. 134—-Smatu Bown K y White hard paste, with tree peonies painted in enamel ys ee colors. 1385—CoveEereD Bowi VN. Ki | Thin porcelain of the Ch-ien-lung period (1736-1795). Engraved white ground with a reserve decoration of Hh eee : female figures, genii and a legendary subject painted in underglaze blue; the inner surface invested with a turquoise blue glaze. Seal mark. 136—Bowu ae Geo. a The outer surface enamelled with a brilliant green | has to glaze and decorated with dragons, cloud forms and fire emblems etched in the paste and coated with a purple glaze. Character mark of Wan-li (1573- 1619), but probably of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). Diameter, 434 inches. Clear white porcelain of the Yung-chéng period vs (1723-1735). Decoration of the show symbol, bats, uf ) ~~ floral scrolls and palmettes delicately painted in coral- red and other enamel colors. Underneath the foot, character mark pencilled in underglaze blue. Height, 35% inches; diameter, 634, inches. 138—Gatuuirot VAsE . e ‘Eg Bene ee Clear white hard paste of the Yung-chéng period | (1723-1735). Decoration depicting Shaki, the de- |. oS “mon slayer, painted in coral-red, black and other enamel colors. Seal mark underneath the foot. Height, 6 inches. eof yf 139—Smatt Mine Jar | V; . ,. Globular shape. Decorated with dragons, fire emblems WM CO and the sacred pearl in foliated panels, floral sprays and a border of gadroons and palmettes, all painted in enamel colors of the famille verte. Six character mark of Wan-li (1573- 1619). The cover trimmed with silver. eee 51, inches. 140—Unusvat Bowu Vn ee. ! White hard paste. Invested with a yellow glaze and a 7 32 sz decorated with a garden scene showing numerous boys at play, painted in cobalt blue. Curious mark under- neath the foot. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 634 inches. | 141—Japanese Porcretain Bown Vir of, tt) | By Seifu. Coral-red glaze, decorated with figures” of oo ise the eight immortal genii painted in underglazé blue . 187—Pare SWEETMEAT STANDS VV. oe /) =, . i. My eC a fh N eee eh ers pe ee ¥ a ret ea om and enamel colors, with petal-shape panels, Incised 1g signature underneath the foot. Me Height, 31% inches; diameter, 71, inches. 142—Brown Cracxir bows Decoration of the “‘hundred antiques” and symbolical /7)3¥ bats, painted in brilliant enamel colors of the famille {—— verte. Diameter, 7 inches. 143—NaBESHIMA Porcetain BowL © ee Ahr /3s = Lotus blossoms and birds painted in enamel colors. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 8 inches. 144—Ostone Bown a A, Ae Phos s i os Dense hard paste. Decorated in brilliant enamel colors with flowering shrubs, bamboo and rocks. By Kaki-ye-mon, the first potter of Imari. Height, 31% inches; length, 714 inches. 145—Sax1 BorrLe Yin y _, Of pale green translucent glass. Silver cup and foot. 4 i Saas Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). . Height, 41, inches. is yO 1 Aware Figure ge, avaden, : | | : | Poet Lin Tse, with water jar. nee with avarie- od —gated glaze of turquoise blue, imperial yellow) white Z and dark purple Height, 4 inches ; length, 61 inches. § #£180—Porcetain Teapot ) pemee er : Ie - Of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). The entire :o ° DAE outer surface covered with gilding. Ga SPECIMENS OF MONOCHROME GLAZES gh? ah 181—Ovirorm VASE vt ae, ; 2 ape } | Y 3 Ase Coated with a monochrome glaze to resemble tea-dust. B O26? Has metal collar. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Height, 5 inches. | 182—Trirop Incenst Burner TY VV: 1, ! With two dragon handles, the cover srmanted bf = ia d 4~%¢ kylin. Hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- 1795). Invested with a monochrome glaze of camellia- leaf green. Height, 6 “inches. P 183—Lity Disu (eR / 4 Circular shape, on a tripod. Invested with a pale cela- don glaze and ornamented with peony scrolls and the = at a >.*% i - . eight Buddhistic emblems of happy augury engraved — : in the paste. Yung-chéng seal mark underneath the foot. Ce Diameter, 61% inches. \ aay 184—Smatu Ovirorm Vase /) KV QE Dense porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- / Loe es 1795). Coated with a pale celadon glaze of translu- cent quality and marked with a network of bold crackle. Bia Height, 44% inches. 185—GtLosuLaR JAR 7h yee a Cede Hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). / P—°2__ Invested with a crackled glaze of pale sea-green or celadon tint. ae 3, inches; Wi 4 inches. . = 186—PorcELAIN Bows’? & Flower shape, the stem a. feet. namelled with am pf Ce a running glaze of brown, red and purple. Ch’ien- lung period (1736-1795). Height, 3 inches; diameter, 41, inches. 187—Twin Vases Ge OS Mathes / 4 4¢ Bottle shape. Coated with a thick monochrome glaze ‘ of turquoise blue. Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Height, 4 inches. 188—Smatt Bow. ve (9 ae eee Dense hard paste. Enamelled with a pale celadon / 2) st_crackle glaze of translucent quality. On the outer surface is a band of gadroons incised in the paste underneath the glaze. K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Diameter, 5 inches. Bow. aden Lo ee Pbends: sonorous porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period a ~ (1786- 1795). Ornamented with floral scrolls which . iio are carved in the paste underneath a pellucid glaze —- of sea-green tint. Diameter, 6 inches. 190—Smatt Ovirorm Vase ke 4 fe radthyy / a Of the Sung type, invested with a monochrome gaze ae ee of clair de lune, which is minutely crackled through- out. | ; Height, 414, inches. SF RR ET AAA] BPE Tf at 5 es Sa era i so ~ : = 2. pi aa art 2 : f 2 5 o 191—Sune Vase | Si hes gp, : ey | Bottle shape, with one large and eight small tubular , Ss -« necks. Coated with a thick turquoise-blue glaze, : -which is marked with a single spot of purple. : Height, 5 inches. 192—BotrLeE-sHAPED VASE we SN7 oe Gl, ee Of the Sung type. Invested with a monochrome glaze 7. of pale clair de lune, which is minutely crackled throughout. Height, 434 inches. | Re ee 193—Sune Wine VESSEL [. j el, | i 2, In shape of a seated chicken. Coated with a clair de 7). Loa se lune crackle glaze. Has tall teakwood stand. | Height, 6 inches; length, 61/, inches. Fah rg vA 194—Sune Bow. / ta | ag RdLe ! | | - The inner and outer surfaces coated with a thick thono- Hoe § ~z-_ chrome glaze of clair de lune. Diameter, 7 inches. 195—PraR-sHAPED VASE a ae With two rudimentary handles, on a permanent open- work stand of the Sung type. It is enamelled with a () thick glaze of clair de lwne tone, which is crackled throughout and marked with spots of purple. Height, 734 inches. if is 196—Sune SAcRIFICIAL VESSEL : Oviform, with wide mouth, six legs and a permanent openwork stand. Around the shoulder are four ram’s heads and four bosses modelled in relief. ‘The inner and outer surface is coated with a thick clair de lune glaze, which is sHebtl marked with purple spots. Height, 514 inches. YS = 197—Larce Circuiar Disx IN I, 3 On a tripod of sceptre heads. Dense porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). The outer surface is (ome ———~ enamelled with a running glaze of dark red and clair de lune, and ornamented with two rows of bosses. The inner surface is covered with a clair de lune glaze. From the Charles A. Dana Collection. Diameter, 9 inches. Pom) a ' 198—GAaALLIPotT (Who tol Lee Of the Sung type. Coated with a thick glaze of clair AR hyo de lune and mottled blue which is crackled through- out. Height, 9 inches. los 199—Sune Vase VV: Ws y- Tall melon shape. Enamelled with a thick /mono- yes “— chrome glaze of pale turquoise blue, which is minutely crackled. Gilt metal mounts and handles. Height, 11 inches. 1 Z .... Bowi © vy ee i, Y: Tod i . Of the Sung type. The inner and outer PSE Uitca (a | ' with a monochrome glaze of claire de lune. A ea id E Diameter, 91/4 inches. : “7 ’ 201—QUADRILATERAL VASE /} 4VL- ee Dense porcelain of the Yung-chéng period (1723- ad Hes 1735). It is invested with a monochrome glaze of : robin’s egg blue, flecked with sang-de-beuf. Under- neath the foot is an engraved seal mark of the period. | Height, 12 inches. D) Yi ; | (Yr « pe Se 202—Tazza-SHAPED Bow. Yr Fi Thin hard paste of the Yung-chéng period (1723- 1735). ‘The outer surface is invested with a mono- chrome glaze of sapphire blue of dense and brilliant quality. On the inside of the tall slender foot is a six character mark of the period beautifully pencilled in underglaze blue. | feo Height, 414, inches; diameter, 6 inches. 203—Fiower Vase \ O~ K$OAMK : Fashioned on the lines of the peach-bloom vases, with | the same rings in relief around the base of the neck. vi O7) “ It is covered with a monochrome glaze of pale clair | de lune, and the decoration, which is worked in low | relief in the paste, consists of a fringe of scroll and | crested waves, from which project the tails and a pair of three-clawed feet of two dragons, the remainder of the dragons’ bodies being concealed under the sur- | face of the rough water. Although bearing the six character mark of Hsiian-té (1426-1435), the piece was undoubtedly made during the reign of *Kang-hsi. Height, 7 inches. a ear ae ae 1 Sate ce ee Na ali Ti mE oo aS TS ee ve Soe es 205—BEAvUTIFUL CELADON VASE a G Graceful bottle-shape. Modelled on the lines of the fj peach-bloom vases and invested with a monochrome glaze of the purest sea-green tint and of pellucid qual- wa re City. Around the foot is a band of chrysanthemum petals, modelled in slight relief in the paste. These vases have been called “chrysanthemum vases.” The mark written underneath in cobalt blue under a white glaze is Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih (Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722) of the great C’hing dynasty). Has silver collar and stand. Height, 81, inches. 206—Ovirorm VasE Ue ha CB pe Dense porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- bts 1795). It is covered with a mottled glaze of orange- lees yellow and has on the neck two elephant-head and ring handles which are modelled in high relief. Height, 71%, inches. dda Of graceful form and/finished technique. Clear white hard paste of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). + {) ‘~ It is invested with a powder-blue glaze of brilliant maz- arine tint, so applied as to leave a defined line of white 207—BorTTLE-SHAPED Vasi around the lip and foot. | Height, 9 inches. 208—Oup CurtnEsE PoTrery pias pe W Coated with a thick ivory-white glaze,/which is covered DT ; with a network of fine crackle. Height, 12 inches. With two raised panels of petal shape, and tubular eit! g* handles for hanging purposes. It is of dense sonor- 7 Ry » 209—QUADRILATERAL VASE iy VUlsg ane ous porcelain and is coated with a thick monochrome glaze of tea color. Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Height, 12 inches. 7 i kewl | | ; _ 210—Lorvus-sHaprep PLaTE © VW ea: ‘ Thin porcelain of the Yung-chéng period (1723- i i eee 1735). The inner and outer surface invested with a _ /) — monochrome glaze of lemon-yellow. Underneath the foot a six character mark of the period, beautifully pencilled in underglaze blue. Diameter, 1114 inches. fae 211—Borrie-suarep Vase ee &. V4 ADV R__ _ With tall cylindrical neck and wide mouth; covered / ae J ‘- with a rich mottled glaze of purple and violet of the quality known to the Chinese as Lo-fei, a term which implies intense lividity. Seal mark of Yung-chéng (1723-1735) engraved in the paste, underneath the foot. From the Charles A. Dana collection, 1898. Height, 13 inches. — A/S) 212—GracervuL Botrie-sHaPep VASE he ‘i ( bl, Oviform, with short neck and wide mouth. Inv sted _ with a minutely crackled monochrome glaze of peacock 7 2 —rlue of brilliant quality and decorated with wave de- signs pencilled in a darker shade of blue. Yung- | chéng period (1723-1735). Height, 1314 inches. | With handles on the neck and openings/in the base to insert a cord for hanging. Sonorous hard paste of ‘—the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is enamelled with a red-brown monochrome glaze, thickly speckled 4 with minute points of lustrous metallic aspect and irregularly flecked all over with clouds of a darker | 213—QUADRILATERAL Iron-RusT VASE FS, Vi BAC 90% 216—Larce Pitrertm Bottie VASE y YUU. han ( "A = 214—Larcer Ovirorm VASE Lyn Ko seg 2, brown. Ch’ien-lung period (1786-17 95). From the ; 3 Charles A. Dana collection, 1898. fet / Height, 1334 inches. With wide mouth and rudimentary el¢phant-head han- dles and rings. The body is entirely covered by an incised design of a dragon plunging through turbulent — waves; the whole invested with a rich, uneven yellow - glaze upon a dense sonorous porcelain. Ming dy- nasty. From the Charles A. Dana collection, 1898. Height, Bh inches. 215—QUADRILATERAL vad AN ie j- ‘Literally a “full-moon vase” of sonorous har With trumpet-shape neck. Clear white ard paste of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Invested with a powder-blue glaze of brilliant quality. Underneath the foot in an indented panel pencilled in blue is a seal mark of the period. Height, 18 inches. aste. The scrolled handles which connect a bulbous neck and the shoulders are fashioned in the form of scep- tres. It is enamelled with a celadon glaze of pellucid quality in a pale sea-green tint which has been applied — over an elaborate decoration of lotus flowers and leafy scrolls, engraved and worked in relief in the paste. Underneath the foot, seal mark of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). ae 201, ae aes 1514 inches. 217—Larcr Vase [ Oat me ( Nes ey Globular body with bold faving neck. Dense porce- ' . a ee ea Tain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Coated _ with a brilliant glaze of sang-de-beuf. Height, 15 inches. a ? ——- 218 —Tart Ovirorm Vase Vd / oe 7h , hia With short tubular neck and flaring mouth. Clear i. e/ _-white hard paste of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- i ve 1795). Covered with a fine powder-blue glaze. : Height, 18 inches. | a : a 219—Larce CeLapon VaAsE YN, Cay After an ancient bronze. It is of sonorous hard paste Lt of the Chien-lung period (1736-1795), and invested i D/ J ., With a pale sea-green glaze of pellucid quality. The es — decoration, which is worked in relief in the paste, con- sists of ogre heads and bands of archaic scrolls and palmettes. Underneath the foot, pencilled in cobalt blue, is a seal mark of the period. Height, 151% inches. 220—Larcer BotriE-sHaPED VAsE ZEP) ay Vy en te Oviform body, with tall slender tubular neck. It is i invested with a flambé glaze of red and purple. Un- | By G7) «. derneath the foot, an incised seal mark of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 15 inches. > of/ 221—GaLLIPoT ; YA Ss Ae Dense porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Coated with a celadon glaze and decorated with the lotus in bloom and bands of cloud forms and Greek q 37 + fret engraved in the paste. Height, 16 inches. TT! Sos i if Se ff) 222—_GaLLIPOT eo ale: (Q¢ Le- Dense porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). [460+ . bk so Bir, os ; a ve ‘a = aA 7 Invested with a celadon glaze of the pure sea-green tint and pellucid quality. Height, 151% inches. — 223—TLarce Ovirorm JAR = Ww Dense hard paste of the Yung-chéng period (1723- j ‘— 1735). Coated with a thick variegated glaze of mot- tled green and blue. Impressed four character mark underneath the foot. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 1314 inches. 224—LarcEe CELADON PLATE Vn CborHe Deep form. ‘Thick sonorous porcelain of the Ming yy / () dynasty, and invested with a pellucid celadon glaze underneath which is a decoration of peonies and leafy scrolls engraved in the paste. Underneath the foot a ferruginous ring mark. Diameter, 14 inches. =) 225—Larcr Cetapon Bowt//_Q , Ge Dense sonorous porcelain of the Ch’ing dynasty. Deep form with carved corrugated surface. Entirely cov- ered with a glaze of sea-green tint. In the centre a raised circular panel decorated with sceptre-head scrolls carved in the paste. a Diameter, 1614 inches. 9296—LarcEr CELADON Bown KM t Y ie Dense sonorous porcelain of the Ch’ing dynasty. / Deep form with carved corrugated surface and scal- loped edge, covered with a pellucid celadon glaze. In the centre is a carved disc-shape panel. Diameter, 17 inches. 22'7—Larcer CLAIR-DE-LUNE VASE 1, \ dee Noble bottle shape, with two tubular handles on the / 07 *— neck. It is of dense sonorous porcelain of the Ch’ien- ee 7 4 / = if ea = 4 _«@ f. -——s ung period (1736-1795) and covered with a mono- chrome glaze of clair-de-lune, which is boldly crackled. Underneath the foot is a seal mark of the period ee in underglaze blue. Height, 20 inches; diameter, 19 inches. f 4 ~228—Pair Mine Lions VA SU Lae On quadrilateral pedestals. One with its for .° Yao r resting on a brocaded ball, and the other wae with its cub. Invested with a brilliant green glaze. Height, 19 inches; width, 9 inches. 229—Parr Lions | * I On quadrilateral pedestals. Dense porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). One sporting with its cub, the other with brocade ball. Enamelled with a b “yt — variegated flambé glaze of translucent quality. Mounts of gilt ormolu of the Louis Quinze period. Height, 191%, inches; width, 12 inches. 230—Larce BrakeR-sHAPED VASE V Wr. PTL: Fashioned after a Han bronze. Dense sonorous porce- lain of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). It is in- vested with a thick tea-color glaze and eleborately dec- is 4 ee orated with ogre heads, archaic scrolls and palmettes worked in relief in the paste on an incised fret ground. Height, 30 inches. JAPANESE CERAMICS, LACQUERS AND MISCEL- LANEOUS OBJECTS | Ay | -> 4 () 4 — ie _ 231—Oxp Boxara TEApPotT : Me Yrrr- y j Ve With patina in imitation of irén. Decorated/and in- l $8 “— scribed to resemble gold damascene. 4 ‘oe en oy tT be ald oe ee res = a 7 232—Oup Boxara TEAPOT Vr cea Engraved inscription and border design. ; ae 3g aa 233—Tera Bow. : iy) 2 fae Old Japanese gray glazé with crests in black. — 234—Tra Bow1 | * b | Jae Old Satsuma. Coated with a thick brown glaze. Rimmed with silver. ae ee a” | 235—Satsuma InNcENsE Jar VVL- Ve eet v7 Decoration of cherry blossoms painted in red and dark blue enamel colors and gilding. Openwork silver cover to conform with the decoration. Aa 236—O.xp Satsuma TEAPoT /U- We s@ With top handle. Rice-color crackle glaze; decoration of brocaded balls and peony flowers in blue and fe enamels and gilding. 237—Tra Bown ‘6 : Y ; Utes Old Japanese. Coated with an ivory-white crackle } glaze. | ya 238—Set or Six Bow1s Ue VA (CL ae ee Fine Awata faience. Decoration of male and female ae figures and an inscription in gilding, and the Tycoon’s crests.in black and blue enamels. 239—BorTrLE-sHAPED VASE he re aa, Japanese pottery. Pink crackle leet Silver collar. ip ) — Height, 81 inches. Height, 4 inches. — | | — a : _ 240—Otxp Satsuma Vase ea Vi : oF < ; : 6A =e Globular body with tall tubular feck and flaring 2 mouth. Invested with a minutely crackled ivory-white = elaze.*~ - 3 e Height, 121% inches. 3 hag a - 241—Oxp Sarsuma Prrertm Borrie 62 Fine brown crackle glaze. Undecorated. eee 4 4 Height, 10% inches. h 4 242—OLD SatsuMA VASE a I q ? Poet slender form, with receding neck. Coated with | an ivory-white glaze of soft quality, which is minutely crackled throughout. ae Height, 17 inches. - ; an p 243—E1cHTt JAPANESE PLATES /y xe i ( QL 7 Finely painted decoration of fishes and seaweed. / nf nA TINT OLDIE ACEI cine We agi amg C SHEET + brie Sa Poe ce | \ Diameter, 2 inches. 944—Aritra PorRcELAIN PLATE Saye ee a Decoration of flowers, medallions and scrolls in bril- oO .47 © liant enamel colors, gilding and underglaze blue. Diameter, 16 inches. os aE \4 245—Turer Ivory Nersuxkes & rh | Hy Soe ‘f A. Group of fish by Masahiro. = / i> B. The tiger slayer. F) C. The tile maker, by Takamasa. | 4 i 246—Acatr Oximono Ww eye, se ia oe foe OA frog finely carved and polished. |. ) i, i 247—SnvuF¥r Box b? “ US ee ct L French, of the Louis XV period. Bloodstone mounted | a 4 vewith gold and studded with brilliants. ae EY as pal ae" ia ' rare 2 = ate a ras tl fe ‘ MAE. aie fi | with gold, and dragons pursuing the sacred pearl. : Height, 11 inches; width, 5 inches. 249—Oxp JAPANESE. BASKET vn (Ve Wh 62 Skillfully made in ivory wicker work. 250—Sak1 BotriLe “ Spb Aventurine lacquer, with decoration of flowers and ee maple leaves floating on a stream, pencilled in gold lac- quer. | Height, 914 inches. /) 251—CinnaBar LaceuEer VASE eaves v5 ee, a Melon shape, with a receding ng and base. In four upright panels are scenes fron the Taoist Paradise, Kae oe — carved in high relief. Borders of peony scrolls, scep- tre heads and palmettes also carved in relief. Ch’ien- lung period (1736-1795). | Height, 12 inches. a. TA LVVUL , 252— JAPANESE FoLpine Cancers Vermillion lacquer, with panels decorated with flowers, i fruits and archaic birds, and border designs of floral na a motives in black lacquer carved in relief. Height, 14 inches. . 253—Two Ruopian TILEs Carnations, conventional tulips and leaf scrolls painted 3 2-0 ‘in red, green and blue enamel colors on a white glazed ground. Framed. Height, 131, inches; length, 23 inches. 254—AncientT Persian Faience Piate Y ij f CLs Coated with a soft ivory-white glaze and decorated fo apes 248—Pair GREEN JADE hoe Spt we oe . Poe js For printing. Engraved Sanscrit characters filled in 4 agran coe sf eee t Ay ESR eS - Toe = mie ‘ot z y with an intricate design of conventional flowers and tendrils, painted in turquoise and cobalt blue. On the under-border, flowers and leafy scrolls in cobalt. Diameter, 13 inches. 255—ANTIQUE PERSIAN FAIENCE Prax) Ce Beene: Deep form. Ivory-white crackled glaze; decoration of the Indian lotus amid leafy scrolls painted in cobalt q 4p? — blue. On the under-border the conventional vine pat- tern also in cobalt blue. Diameter, 13 inches. [e lr 256—Two Otp Detrr PLateEs Decoration of flower baskets and a conventional bor- y es der design in cobalt blue. Diameter, 12 inches. 257—Two LarcEr Oxtp Detrr Puate te h Decoration of flower baskets and a conventional bor- os “— der design in cobalt blue. : Diameter, 12 inches. YB able} g ; Coated with a copper-lustre decoration of pine nee- — dles and other designs. Inscribed underneath the foot C. M. Golfe—Juan. 1899. ode Ce PLATE Diameter, 14 inches. 259—STONEWARE [T'EAPOT Vhe “0 * ere @ Chinese design; incised decoration of seal marks and archaic scrolls. Covered with an _ iridescent glaze. { %*£ Said to have been made in Ireland. ' Height, 7 inches. 260—Oxp DrespEN Bow. AND peal diy Geter f Painted with Watteau subjects in the Dresden manner. .— NON, ORS 20 ee ; ere mint ine b' > Knob of cover formed as a rose, gilded edges and doses < oration. Marcolini period (1796). Mark: Crossed swords in pale blue. it Diameter, 41% inches; height, 44% inches. 261—Bow1t, with HanpLes anp ae = Old Dresden of a very early period (a out 1740). Decorated with exceptionally well painted sprays of Pa asters and chrysanthemums, the treatment being evi- dently adapted from a Japanese subject. ‘The cover terminates in a seated Oriental figure decorated in colors. Gilt line and edging to cover. Mark: Crossed swords. Diameter of bowl, 6 inches; height, including cover, 81% inches. 2962—Buackx Basatt Bown 14, ne Classical and other subjects in relief in/the manner z»_. Of Wedgwood. Fluted and twisted cord decoration. Jo By Birch of Tunstall. Mark: Birch (impressed). English. Eighteenth Century. Diameter, 714 inches; height, 51%, inches. he: ’ relief A the J eee style of Wedgwood. This set was made by Birch of Tunstall, one of the ablest of Wedgwood’s contempor- ary imitators. Mark: Birch (impressed). English. Eighteenth Century. Yn Aas rn bene. 264—Oup Eneuisu Cuina Tra SERVICE Consisting of 6 teacups, 8 coffee cups, 11 saucers, 2 +5 *2— plates and a cream ewer. Ornamented with dark 963—Buacx Basatt Tra SET q| Vana Ornamented with classical subjects 1 blue border and gilt decoration of grape and vine - ee eaves, Gilt decoration in centre of plate. Probably : -Chamberlain’s Worcester. English. Early Nine- a teenth Century. | ‘ioe oi ) & ae Consists of 14 cups, 13 saucers, 5 plates, sugar bowl and small round dish. Decorated in very brilliantly 4 Bs “painted floral bouquets, gilt edges and handles. An = excellent example of the mis-named “Marie An- toinette’’ Ware. Made by André-Marie Lebceuf in the Rue Thiroux, Paris, about 1778. The factory was under the queen’s patronage. Marks: Cuisine A, in- cised; A lal p- in red underglaze. pot 65—Avaexese Frencw Tra SERVICE LA Ue Lie ee Ae ORR ahi ye ey - SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1911 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES | 4 ‘BEGINNING aT 2.30 0’cLOCK a FINE OLD ORIENTAL BRONZES AND BRASSES g ie : ogy aaa : ; 266—TureEer SPECIMENS oF OLD peer Boonen A. Frog in the attitude of prayer. / 5~2_ B. Frog in reclining posture. ‘-. C. Frog and small turtle. = pt hay ee =e) ee \ 267—Smatu Brass VAsE Cave. is ¢ C Ve Cate 4 Je : Antique Chinese. Quadrilateral shape, with two ele- 4 phant-head handles. i la) a 268—Smauu SentToku Incense BuRNER TWN LPR. i With tripod support and scroll handles. Fine golden hy a sv brown patina and gold metal inlays. Underneath fe _ the foot, six character mark: T'a Ming Hsiian Té nien ‘y chih (1426-1435). a Diameter, 4 inches. 2969—SmatuL BorriE-sHAPE VASE ES SISA PVP Os ee ee oI Old Japanese bronze. Mottled brown and red patina. | Vax Height, 7 inches. , 7 ne oo ot ill al 65), ma PY poet i if TACT ae aR ae ee “8 = a ce ee Cea ‘ ; X i, rae ‘f ee, Beir holes. Vhrili ee ; A= 7 J Q740—JAPANESE Bronze OKIMONO Fan-tail pigeon, skillfully modelled. Golden brown " 7 (| << patina. Signed by the artists, Sei-Jo. Length, 5Y/, a) 971—BorTtrLE-sHAPED VASE TAA: Old Japanese bronze, of unusual shape and fine red and. Y ste brown mottled patina. : c Height, 81 inches. 272—-BoTTLE-SHAPED VASE Thine ; tile, ee ms J oe Old J apanese bronze. Oviform, incrusted with a mot- tled red and brown patina. : : Height, 7 inches. 273—Bronze Tripop CENSsER Tn OR on ; Antique Chinese. Ornamented with panels of Sanscrit | seams 6? characters in relief casting. Fine old patina. _ Prob- ably Chéng Té period (1506-1521). Diameter, 4 inches. 274—Smatut Bronze Vase (9 Jap bet ee Antique Chinese. Oviform, with mask and loop han- dles and raised ribs. Decorated with archaic scrolls 3 soe and palmettes in inlaid gold and silver; incrusted with a mottled green and brown patina. Ming. Height, 4 inches. 275—Sentoku Bronze INCENSE nota ns 2 ”d ¢¢ With rudimentary scroll handles; golden brown patina. — Underneath the foot, six character mark: Ta Ming Hsiian Té nien chih (1426-1435). Openwork teak- wood cover. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 4 inches. a - 276—Brass pee Burner / | ae Antique Chinese. Flat circular shape on tripod. Un- Teme vg oye ie: Eee et FBR ee ee : = oe ‘ TAS LESS eae ee te eee A — 7 ‘V Cun 2 — 4 et eae Bronze Vase derneath the foot an engraved character mark of pf /@8 sean te (1426- 1435). Diameter, 4 inches. (4 Ea Antique Chinese. Quadrilateral shape with scroll ) = o qe handles and carved panels, containing Mohammedan ~~ inscriptions. Coated with a mottled red patina. Hsiian-té period (1426-1435). | Height, 6 inches. 278—Antiaue CuInesE Brass CENSER V0 Xv SH Cane. Flat circular shape, with lion-mask handles cast in re- // Li7. M3 lief. Underneath the, foot a six character mark. ~— Hsuan-té period ee) 1435). Diameter, 41% inches. oe Bronze Lisation Cup se < Lr LAL | Helmet shape. Decoration of archaic scrolls and 7 Jr ogre heads, cast in low relief. Fine mottled brown te Py and green patina. Height, 614 inches. 280—Mine Bronze Vase 4, [AW pots Oviform. Decoration of lotus and leafy scrolls and 2 so 4? borders of sceptre-heads and gadroons in gold and ~~ silver inlays. Fine brown patina. t, 414, es Qc 281—Sentoxu Bronze Incense Burner Vv Bec Le 3 Semi-globular shape with dragon-head handles. In- g° —Taid with gold spots and coated with a fine brown pa- tina. Underneath the foot Ta Ming Hsiian Té nien chih (1426-1435). , Diameter, 41/, inches. te Raa ot Aah f ' ; : ae oS mee ie rem Aad Baht dX), Po) sre i ry al 282—Bronze FLower VASE YL ly Antique Japanese. Globular body with tall slender / ot ++ trumpet-shaped neck. Covered with a very fine mot-- tled brown and green patina. Height, 11 inches. 283—UnievE Fire Bowr us ) Dawes Of brass and gold alloy. Underneath the foot an un- usual twelve character mark. Hstian Té period (1426- 1435). Height, 4 inches; diameter, 414 inches. sy bata Antique Japanese. Incrusted with a mottled/green | and brown patina. | 284—Bronzrt BotTtTLE-sHAPED VASE Height, 101% inches. 285—SentTakvu Bronze Fire Bo WT Ay) Circular shape, with lion-mask handles cast in reli Sete Inlaid with large particles of yellow gold and coated with a fine patina. Underneath the foot a six-char- acter mark of Hsuan Té (1426-1435). Openwork silver cover. Height, 31, inches; i 4 inches. 286—Muine Bronze Trrpop CENnsER Sy Vy Ben. : a On supports of elephants’ heads. Fine mottled brown AL 4°*— and green patina. 287—SEnToKu Bronze CENSER AND ey Circular shape with rudimentary handles and tr} He 5%+support. Coated with a fine yellow patina and in- laid with large particles of polished gold. Under- neath the foot a six-character mark of the Hstan Té period (1426-1435). Height, 414 inches; diameter, 414 inches. Ds f ce } . ‘ - y ) y 288—Srentoku Bronze Incense Burner a % ee 3 ee . > aa . ia / at ets) s Sy ae ee ie ee Pe ee et pe as hee pec =e ’ Lei . wha / 1 Quadrilateral shape, with rudimentary scroll handles and four tall feet. Inlaid with spots of yellow gold ef Hsiian Té period (1426-1435). Has carved teak- wood stand and cover. of and coated with a fine patina. Six-character mark Height, 51, inches. 289—InrTeRestINe Bronze Incensr Burner “0/7 3 Parcel gilt. Semi-globular shape, with rope handles / aa cre and tripod support. Coated with a rich brown patina f ) and partly covered with a heavy plating of burnished gold. Underneath the foot a six-character mark of Hsiian Té (1426-1435). Height, 3 inches; diameter, 51%, inches. 290—JapanEsE Prerrume Box a Re VIER a f, L Iron, exquisitely ornamented with gold and silver / $ *<—damascene. Gold lined. Signed by Ohashi. ) 291—Japanresrt Iron Perrume Box a ( Ay, Oval shape. Damascened ornamentation in silver and oy » gold of intricate and skillful workmanship. Gold ~~ lined. Signed by Ohashi. 292— JAPANESE SHIBUICHI Box iin ee. Hexagonal shape. Shakudo panel with flowers and ol 5 ’* butterflies in gold and silver inlays. Gilt lined. Diameter, 314 inches. Nn : hy 293—TrEBAKO — ures at a festival dance, finished with gold, silver and shakudo in high relief; engraved on the side with a | i _,, Jewelry box. Shakudo silver, with decoration of fig- ae tng by. “ye, oe 4 7 < diaper pattern in minute finish. Signed on cover by _ the artist, Higasi-Yama, with his seal-mark incised and inlaid. ; Height, 31, inches; length, 51% inches; width, 2% inches. | () 2994— JAPANESE SILVER txces Bigha With cover. Globular shape with scroll handles. Of L{2-s% openwork design with repoussé panels contaming the _ dog Foo and flowers and incrusted with various en- amels. The cover surmounted by a silver dog Foo. Height, 6 inches; diameter 51/, inches. Wy. 295—CLoisonNE ENAMEL TEAPOT | Old Chinese. Passion flowers and leafy scrolls in bril- DTT ‘‘ Jiant enamels on a turquoise blue ground. Under- neath the foot an engraved mark of the Yung-chéng period (1723-1735). Made by the order of the Em- peror. . | TV 296—SentToku Bronze Trrpop CENSER | Archaic scroll handles and openwork cover’ Coated 3 ,- With a mottled brown patina and inlaid with particles J 0 “oF bumished gold” Hstan (le pemedn ie Has teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 1) lV4n. Fb, 297—AntTiIQuE Brass INCENSE BURNER U/ Dia: Low circular shape, with loop handles and tripod sup- —port. Underneath the foot an unusual mark of the Hsiian Té period (1426-1435). Diameter, 7/ inches. - Ow 298—ANTIQUE JAPANESE Bronze Brazier be, () ‘= Quadrilateral shape on four feet in a design of the ? A y ney Seer peers _ er FNP heh ee Ie ms ? 7 = 4 _—) Pr ie sacred fungus. Ornamented with figures of deer and the symbolical bat in relief casting. Signed by — Tounsai. Height, 4 inches. : 299—Japanrse Bronze Oxm0no Soe [2 3 a. gre Lion in repose. pence by Riyo-jo. uae. Length, 10 inches. S00 Sunroxn Bronze SCEPTRE ie fb. gy ./ om rT with a yellow patina and profusely inlaid with pdy- ticles of aad gold. Sanscrit character mark. 301—BotrTLE-sHAPE ies YVin ae 5G“ Old Japanese bronze. Gold aventurine an aa Height, 9 ce Vf, Quadrilateral shape, on dragon and archaic scroll fret / uf g ‘“~ Ornamented with the phcenix, winged dragon a cloud forms in relief casting. Signed by Sei-min. Height, 6 inches. 303—Goup Bronze Dovuste VASE VVIw bovckart, Old Chinese. Ornamented in high relief with archaic AL —,, dragon scrolls and mask-head and ring handles. Un- w ~ derneath the foot a four-character mark of Ch’ien- lung (1736-1795). | ‘ 302— ANTIQUE JAPANESE Bronze CENSER ee: Yr 2G: te Height, 61% inches. ? es y 304— JAPANESE IRon OxkIMONO A Le keh y tl A crane standing on one foot. Of skillful workman- Jb ship. Signed by Ran-Po-Master Gi-sho. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 91% inches. Engraved ornamentation of prunus blossoms, covere WA 305—AntTIQqUE CHINESE Bronze Tripop CENSER Coated with a fine red and brown mottled patina. Has / /2 °< teakwood cover inlaid with silver wires and surmounted by a carved agate ornament. eight, 10 inches. Wire % he dsarhanten 306—O.xp CuHInEsE Bronze FLOWER Bek 7 Lotus-leaf design, the stem and buds forming sup- y () ‘“— ports; incrusted with a mottled brown and green pa- — tina. Has carved stand of lotus design. Height, 31% inches; length, 10 inches. 307—IncENSE BuRNER ua VL: In form of a life-size crow. Skillfully modelled in yi S! 5” "— per bronze and finished in shakudo. 7 Length, 16 inches. 308—Go.p Bronze Trirop cone, tele Semi-globular shape, with twisted loop handles. Un- // O “~derneath the foot in an indented panel a six-character mark of the Hsiian Té period (1426-1435). From the collection of Baron M. von Brandt, imperial Ger- man ambassador. Pekin, 1893. Diameter, 101, inches. 309—Tuisetan Ivor } nr ; (Cbhady The god of creation. Cast in brass and heavily plated i jie with gold. Has three heads and thirty-two arms. From the collection of Baron M. von Brandt, imperial German ambassador. Pekin, 1893. 310—Oxp Tuisetan Derry ee a vO “ The god of creation. Cast in bronze and _ heavily plated with gold and incrusted with semi-precious stones. From the collection of Baron M. von Brandt, imperial German ambassador. Pekin, 1893. rh 311—Surine Statue é VV Fir & Seated figure of Kuan-yin finely modelled in dense iz bronze and coated with a mottled patina. Carved V/ 4 “wood base in design of a lotus pod. is Height, 12 inches. Pee eee 312—Oxp Japanese Bronze INcENSE Bene Ee athe a A dog Foo, sporting with a brocaded ball and ribbon a 7 og 0 ‘— fillets. Coated with a fine brown patina. . a Height, 13 inches. 4 - $18—Parr Dense Bronze Attar Vases CPUC > Oviform, with archaic dragon and loose ring handles. vs Ht) “Around the foot is an engraved six-character mark of oe the Ch’ien-lung period (1736-1795). Height, 1114 inches. ’ 314— Antique CutnesE Bronze Incense Burner / MVE ee .. a J) ge Heavily plated with gold. With scroll and dragon- | head handles and a tripod support of elephant heads. Decorated with engraved bands of floral scroll and Greek fret. Cover of openwork design with panels of engraved show symbols. | Height, 15 inches. $15—Temrie Wine Vessex si In form of an archaic bird of bronze, decorated with A 0 g ‘— bands and borders of scroll patterns in inlaid silver wire and gilding. Coated with a fine green patina. Height, 14 inches. i a a) ds 316—Mine Bronze Incenst BurNneER Quadrilateral shape, with vertical dentilated ridges of i s—ee_and tall supports which are capped by monster-heads, bands of ogre heads and archaic scrolls worked in relief on an incised fret ground. Has carved teakwood cover. Surmounted by a jade terminal. ° 3 . Height, 121% inches. Ve 317—Oup JAPANESE Bronze INCENSE BURNER 4 i With stand to conform. It is quadrilateral in shape y) / J ». with dragon scroll handles and monster-head feet. The cover is of openwork, in a design of dragons amid cloud forms and is surmounted by a fabulous animal. The whole is coated with a rich brown and red patina. Height, 1914 inches. 318—Pair oF ORNAMENTAL Liok| 41 Cee va Q IY Of yellow bronze in a strong grotesque de “fea and © raised on elaborately chiseled bases of quadrilateral shape. ‘They are of the Ming period and are exact copies of those in the summer palace of Yuan-Ming- Yuan, near Pekin. From the collection of Baron M. von Brandt, imperial German ambassador. Pekin, 1893. Complete height, 14 inches; length, 10 inches, i : 319—Larcer SenToxu VASE 7 Vie. Ay ee Graceful oviform, with dragon scroll handles. In two Hb bre sceptre-head-shaped panels are wave designs, rocks | and Sanscrit characters modelled in relief. The entire _ surface is covered with a yellow patina and inlaid with 7 large particles of burnished gold. Underneath the foot a six-character mark of Hsiian Té (1426-1435). From the Startseff collection. a Height, 16 inches. 320—Larer Mine Bronze ek ae x a Os : Oviform, decorated with thirty-two movable/ rings, which are held by devil’s heads. The ground is of fret pattern with minute bosses and coated with a fine - ) om J Ones 4 Lu y ee ee “ 822—Mine Bronze SAcRIFICIAL COLANDER ——. patina. Four bands encircling the vase are orna- mented with a scroll design in gold and silver inlays. Height, 17 inches. 4 Oviform, with wide mouth. Two large loose ring han- dles, held by ogre heads, on the shoulder. The elab- orate decoration consists of a wide band of palmettes — modelled in relief and ornamented with Haou-teen faces, inlaid in gold and silver. A narrow band of archaic scrolls and a wide border around the shoulder of ogre heads and archaic dragon scrolls on an in- cised fret ground. It is incrusted with verdigris, and covered with a mottled red and brown patina. Height, 1714 inches. 1y x fi v Used for steaming grain and herbs. It consists of | & OG & a three-lobed base, fashioned in the form of three Li 323—Pair OLp CuHInese TEMPLE ee es Oey Ah Ai ee. tao-tieh heads, with ogre-like features, and separated by verticle ridges. It narrows at the waist and ex- pands above to form an ovoid receptacle with two upright loop and three loose ring handles, and is or- namented with a broad encircling band of archaic conventional scroll work and Haou-teen faces, mod- elled in relief and inlaid with precious metals. Height, 17 inches; diameter,-141% inches. Of gilded bronze and enamel. The standards in design of a winged dragon clutching the sacred pearl in its claw and supporting, on cloud forms issuing from its mouth, lanterns of open basket pattern. From the collection of Baron M. von Brandt, imperial German ambassador. Pekin, 1893. : Height, 30 inches. a ’ ; /) aN W/, a 321—Larcr Mine Bronze VAsE 6. i AY he lh AAAAA, - 324—THIBETAN STATUETTE j ie een ep 7a Of a diety cast in bronze. Heavily plated with gold. The figure is standing on a lotus throne. She holds in oly ‘:. her hands various symbols and wears a crown. An a elaborate halo of cloud forms serves as a background. — Has an extra stand of carved and gilt wood incrusted with coral and semi-precious stones. Complete height, 29 inches. 325—STATUETTE OF ae Old Japanese. Carved wood, coated ni ee A, ~ The deity is seated on a lotus throne and’ the whole is mounted on a carved wood and gold lacquer base. — Height, 23 inches. 326—C1iock VV ICL gd planes Table clock of ormolu in the style of Louis XIV. ys ee Stands on four cabriole legs. ‘The face is engraved. Has steel hands and strikes the hours on a bell. Made by Tiffany of Paris. In morocco leather case. . 3297—METAL PLaQuE &) (- Wirt hl Persian. Eighteenth Century. Brass, enameled in a 4-7 ‘-—red, blue and white champlevé design of a fabulous human-headed monster and birds. Diameter, 134, inches. 328—CorprreR SAMOVAR WAG a, Russian. Nineteenth Century. Conical shape with ay brass, wood and ivory handles. Stands on brass tray, with handles. From the A. W. Drake collection. Height, 16 inches. 329—SMmMaLuL BaryE Bee 4 +. -~e Bronze figure of a walking leopard, modeled in low ne 5 ~ _ —_ relief, by Antoine Louis Barye. Signed: “Barye, 61831.” aa Length, 5%, inches; width, 31 inches. : _ 880—CorrRret, or JEweL Box VY Ae French. Nineteenth Century. The mountings are of chased ormolu in the style of Louis XVI. The settings iB J / § ‘= consist of five Sévres porcelain plaques of pierced work Z surrounding shaped and painted panels of rural scenes. Signed Eugéne Toitevin. Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches. 5 j l 331—Two ANTIQUE “aves FicuREs Vi NMA oD q F Ue German. Sixteenth Century. Saints bearing scrolls \¢ with inscriptions in Gothic text. Inlaid with small 4 turquoises. Height, 5 inches. 332—BronzeE STATUETTE var. French. Seventeenth Century. Crouching Venus. | Stands on green marble and a porphyry base. : 2/ J— Height, 6 inches. { 333—BronzeE STATUETTE CL ee sae i Italian. Nineteenth Century. Reproduction in re- t duced size of the Venus of the Capitol, familiarly i. yi known as the Venus de Medici. On a circular green marble base. : Height, without base, 81 inches. ae 334—Bronze Bust J pnrne (entheg VA S | a] »- French. Early Nineteenth Century. Head of Na- i poleon. Signed: ‘Chandet.” ; . r pe Vo oe eae 7 Aerie ie te yt ey ae : ree oi 0 i ‘. _ ; ag : rie © a ae ’ _ , bem Be; s P ff ve , % ee x . ‘a oe a 335—ANTIQUE Marsie Heap Italian. Fifteenth Century. Head of an infant. This extremely interesting and beautiful example of Ren- sou Ud “aissance sculpture, which might well be taken for the work of Donatello, was attributed by its owner, with excellent reason, to Mino da Fresote (1431?-1484?), a pupil of Desideris da Seltignano (1428-1464), a lineal descendant in art of Donatello himself. Height, without base, 7% inches. — 336—Pair OF CANDLESTICKS ue J (Cyiceebee q French. Nineteenth Century. Chased and gilt bronze. vs 7 Be Copies of an original by Gouthiére in the style of the Louis XVI period, which is now in the Wallace Collection, London. Made by Alavoine of Paris. Height, 1134 inches. 337—Ser or Four Taste Lamps iG & Lee French. Nineteenth Century. Chased and gilt bronze. / ( hs, ‘— Reproductions of originals by Clodion in the style of the Louis XVI period. Made by Barbedienne of Paris and fitted for electric lights. | Height, 114, inches 338—Patir oF Taste Lamps -) f. A Chased and gilt bronze. Formed as gary yah ful satyrs holding branches of lilies. Reproductions Kh () ‘= of an original by Clodion in the style of the Louis XV period. On marble bases. Made by Barbedienne of Paris and fitted for electric hghts. Height, 151% inches. *339—Patr or CANDELABRA Vn French. Nineteenth Century. Chased and gilt bronze. Reproduction of an original by Gouthiére ‘in the style O47 ot the Louis XIV period. Three branches for lights. Height, 17%, inches. as, i) - 340—Pam or Canpezapra 7) VA (er hardy aes Formed of Oriental porcelain of very fine turquoise _ | blue, modeled in the form of hens. Mounted in ormolu : : Bley te in the style of the Louis XV period, forming three ge branched candelabra, with modeled flowers of Dresden porcelain. Height, 19 inches. $41—Rocx Crystau VAsE IN i | The body cut intaglio fashion with a design of cupids be Si ,. and griffins. Chased bronze neck and handle shaped Be as the Grecian Sphinx. Stands on a chased bronze base of dolphins. In the style of the Fifteenth ae tury Italian Renaissance. a Sa dis c ROROS Pe TERR Ny oar PENS Sy eel eae a = ¥ . 3 al — : ~ 1 A . 6 ain SS Nae at 3 Wie Ra aS Height, 1414 inches. 342—Trrra Corra Bust PY i ib Head of a saint. Florentine, of the Sixteenth Cen- a ae tury. Stands on a moulded wood base. | 4 Height, 1334 inches. 343—Pair or Bronze STATUETTES \) Vr ee a French. Eighteenth Century. Figures of river gods, | by Caffien. Probably intended for decorative pur- e Z 4 “poses in connection with a piece of furniture. , Height, AE inches. 344—Bronze Bust of et Be Loe Portrait bust of the Napoleonic ec Probably ye i sy of Jerome Bonaparte. | Height, 17%, inches. $45—BronzeE STATUETTE ~ ; % b Italian. Nineteenth Century. Reproduction in re- bs way duced size of “The Dying Gladiator,” from the orig- 4 ~ inal in the Capitoline Museum at Rome. Length, 20 inches; height, 11 inches. uh > 5 “+—deére. A cire perdue casting. Soe Ae 346—Bronze Bust f & rr raya, ey i 2 Ye a Ke ji ay se der en ht pee bic a, Head of French peasant woman. Signed: “J. Carta- Height, 22 inches. 347—ANTIQUE BRONZE Italian. Sixteenth Century. " Reproduction in bronze of the head of the central figure of the celebrated marble group of Laocoon and his Sons, now in the Vatican Museum. ‘This very interesting cire perdue casting was, in view of its provenance and its own evi- dence, attributed by its late owner to the studio of Gian Boullogne, the Flemish sculptor of the Renaissance, better known perhaps as Giovanni di Bologna (1524- 1608). Francis I of France seems to have been the first to encourage the Renaissance sculptor to repro- duce in bronze the marble masterpieces of antiquity. Primaticcio’s bronze reproduction of the Laocoon is still to be seen in the gardens of the Tuileries. It seems possible that this particular piece was modeled under Giovanni’s direction by his pupil Domenico Portigiani. Height, 251% inches. $48—Pair oF ANTIQUE ANDIRONS > Vv _ ANN" Italian. Fifteenth Centur Bronze, chased and en- ae. graved. From a base decorated with a lion’s head a and grotesque masks, rise square shafts with panels of pierced and engraved decoration. ‘These are sur- mounted by half-length modelled figures of Vertumnus and Pomona. ight, 254/, inches. (3 349—Bustr 4, rU Ww) J, Italian. Seventeenth Century. Stucco colored. Head 2 Hy “ef Christ. Height, 1914 inches. Lp ae ‘ é cae " ; 4 : 350—Srarurrre ae poe 4 . . Italian. Sixteenth Century. Sicco colored. Figure 3 : _ of the infant Christ holding an orb in the right hand, a and with the left hand raised in the act of blessing. a oy (7 ~By Desiderio da Seltignano (1428-1464), whose heads ‘] of children are often attributed to Donatello. Bought of Simonetti in Rome. Height, 271, inches. I pa aN Sea OEE ~ ea Bal () ts v 351—Woop CarvED AND PAINTED STATUETTE Fifteenth Century. Probably a portion of a “Cruci- < fixion” or “Deposition from the Cross” erected in a church for devotional purposes. | ha fi Figures of female saints. French work of the early E Height, 551, inches. fy I fy 352—Woop CARVED AND PAINTED STATUETTE tsi _ Similar to the preceding. oD — Height, 57%, inches. {1 + \y $53—CarvED Woop Pane. | Probably Spanish of the Fifteenth Century. Carved in high relief with “The Nativity of the Virgin.” St. | a i ,. Anna, the mother of the Virgin, is attended by her I ~~ handmaidens and on the extreme right. stand St. Joa- | chim. Two of the attendants minister to the new-born | babe in the foreground. | Height, 361, inches; width, 281, inches. B 354—Carvep Woop Paneu : x ae se L Similar in style to the preceding, of which it is a com- a /b ( ‘panion piece. The subject of the panel is “The Ado- ration of the Magi.” The Virgin holds the Divine Child in her arms and presents Him for the adoration | i, f { f | | | { | ‘ee aie of the three kings who press forward in attitudes of obeisance. Height, 30%, inches; width, 271, Poe FURNITURE ANTIQUE SPECIMENS AND INTERESTING REPRODUCTIONS 355—Piano StToor MAt— | Carved oak. Stands on four turned and twisted legs, with turned and twisted stretchers. Covered with stamped leather. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. —356—Ovar Work Tasru THA %G: Satinwood inlaid with mahogany and paint <§ “—. classic style and with oval miniature. Reproduction of late Eighteenth Century English original. Stands on four turned legs with turned stretchers. Top hinged as cover to work-box, with drawer beneath. Height, 30 inches; top, 19 by 15 inches. 357—Writine TaBLE Va ett be Fé J Lh nar, | ( .-ee Kingwood, with inlay in ‘diaper pattern of harewood, Y colored boxwood and satinwood. Shaped top. Ca- briole legs and drawer with fittings. A reproduction by Alavoine of Paris of a French original of the Louis XV period. Height, 274, inches; length, 221% inches; width, 15%, inches. = ae : : : — 858—Casiner (PABER. = MWnnr0 L0H, : pen ou vod. 3 es Kingwood, with inlay in diaper pattern of hardwood, q ‘ta _,, Satinwood and colored boxwood. Shaped top. Ca- ‘. Wag ~~ priole legs and four drawers. A reproduction by Ala- a - voine of Paris of a French original of the Louis XV ‘ period. | ; 7 Height, 281/, inches; length, 171, inches; width, 13 inches. : : . sues TaBLe WZ y ia , oo eee. Square shape. Mahogany inlaid. Reproduction of z fag , an Eighteenth Century Dutch original. Four taper legs and folding top lined with baize. Height, 30 inches; top, 30 inches square. 360—Carp TasLE 7 VAY oe Semi-circular shape. Satinwood inlaid with m es any. English of the Eighteenth Century. Hfpple- white style and period. Hinged top lined with green baize. Stands on four taper legs. Height, 28 inches; diameter of top, 30 inches. { a } 361—Carp TaBLE | : ; a Square shape. Oak and mahogany veneer, inlaid with , ‘ Amsterdam marquetry. Dutch in the style of the i ie ¢ ‘Eighteenth Century. Four taper inlaid legs and fold- iS : ing top lined with baize. _ Height, 29%, inches; top, 33 inches square. / 862—Henai II Oax Lisrary TasLe Teg 1A. Lae te French. Sixteenth Century. The square top is sup- 75 ‘ported on five legs, turned and boldly carved in an acanthus leaf pattern. These stand on a base the two crosspieces of which terminate in four reversed con- ea Vegi oss 7s epee 35 ye A, RN sole shaped feet carved with acanthus leaves. This a table was purchased at the sale of the celebrated Gavet collection in Paris. | 4 Height, 31 inches; top, 26 inches square. ‘i : . } , $63—Set or THREE MAnoGAany Curated poe (ener A Reproduction of Eighteenth Century English orig- | ‘A 50 inals of Chippendale style and period. Shaped and y openwork splats. Square legs and stretchers. Loose — seats upholstered in cut velvet. 364—Two Manocany CuHarrs WAG .. Reproductions of Eighteenth conan Bai q Ss ( -—inals of Sheraton style and period. Carved Straigh 4 backs. Upholstered in cut velvet. | 365—Manocany ARMCHAIR z-— Reproduction of an early Nineteenth Century English original. Upholstered in cut velvet. 366—ARMCHAIR re iy _ Carved and gilt wood frame. French, in the /style of 3 = the Louis XV period. Back and side of double cane work, gilded. Loose cushion seat covered with silk tapestry. 367—Manocany ARMCHAIR Cy : (2 - French, in the style of the Louis XVI period. Up- la ( —~ holstered in silk tapestry. 368—Carvep Manocany hnucuns VO a —,._ French, in the style of the Louis XVI period. Up- pv holstered in silk tapestry. Sood te mo at! ee a a pate A cael . 3 eae | 0 .™ 7 ; -t Ee “ips jes op ner ce ny : e ve ata Fe ‘= 4 < ip xh se '—— i= oe “oe Bs Reproduction of English original of the Tudor period. a —— ty back and wings. Turned stretchers. / 869—Canven Oax ARMCHAIR Vn: bv RE Vl it haven a 370—Oax eect k t L ( 3 a _ French. Reproduction of a Louis XIV original. ; ‘- Yu +« Carved frame cabriole legs. Upholstered in yellow cut velvet, with loose cushioned seat. 371—Two Carvep Watnut Armcnarrs " h h (y Reproductions by Morant of London of a celebrated a ba _ Louis XIV original. High square backs, elaborately carved arms and legs, and shaped and carved stretch- ers. Upholstered in yellow cut velvet specially made for the late owner. a A q% h é — ~——- 872—T wo Oax Armcuarrs a Reproductions by Morant of London of an English | Seventeenth Century (William and Mary) original g ub : _.in the possession of Edwin A. Abbey, R.A. High P. ~ backs and wings. Carved arms, shaped and carved re stretchers. Upholstered in and having loose cushion BS. ° 4 seats covered with yellow cut velvet. . 373—Dovsie ARMCHAIR 5 : : é / y y »+ Made by Morant of London to match the preceding. 8 $74—Oak SETTEE A i ; | Reproduction by Morant of London of an English o 74 ‘Sixteenth Century (Tudor) original, now at Knole _ House near Sevenoaks. Winged sides and loose seat. i Upholstered in yellow silk tapestry. Height, 37 inches; length, 66 inches. 375—ManHocany one rae Q e Yee bhitn pits Semi-circular. Reproduction of Hepplewhite aoe y a ey eon Upholstered in yellow cut velvet. Fa 376—Two SETTEEs VV FE v | Made by Comat & Co. of New Yoyk to match pre- Jxg ‘—ceding. Height, 37 inches; length, 48 inches. i 3877—HeEartTH SEAT HA ‘ 7 Fe oes. ‘ Made by Schmidt & Co. of New York to match pre- | boo ae ceding. Height, 24 inches; length, 55 inches. 378—ArM CHAIR ; | VW ‘ ow Italian. Sixteenth Cetttury. Walnut, carved and turned. The chair is constructed so as to fold, the vA ( G steel rods, which act as pivots, being capped with turned wooden knobs. The seat is formed of movable slats. The arms are square, in section, with slight re- lief carvings of acanthus leaf design on the upper sur- faces, and end in turned ball-shaped knobs, with moy- able wooden rings. The back rails, which are movable and pivoted on one side, are shaped and carved with a cardinal’s coat of arms in a centre circular medal- lion. The fronts of the double curved legs and arms are carved with a conventional oak leaf pattern in low relief. This classic “Sedilla” type of folding arm- chair was a comparatively common type of Italian (especially of Venetian) chairs of the Sixteenth Cen- tury. Length, 341, inches; width, 301% inches. rae _ Similar to preceding. E i 380—EvaporaTELy CaRvepD Oak Coven 110 rc Licht, Probably Spanish of the late Fifteenth Century. The front is divided longitudinally into three sections. The bottom section is carved with a scroll pattern; the mid- P27 —dle section of the front is divided into eight semi-cir- 2 cular arched panels, filled with a carving of a conven- a tional floral design. Both sides have three similar aa i panels of carving. The uppermost section of the 5 front is divided into nine panels, carved with scrolls and birds. The chest is supported on four lion’s-paw feet. One end is arranged as a cupboard, the door of which takes in two panels of the front. This cupboard | is fitted with three drawers, the fronts of which are of e = oak, inlaid with light-colored wood. pe pe Height, 25 inches; length, 50 inches; width, 201%, inches. es $81—AnTIQUE CABINET a Af 3 CAA} | French. Early Sixteenth Century. Chestnut. a . and moulded with four cupboards and five dr wers. 4 nA 30 ~— This exceptionally interesting example of French : Sixteenth Century craftsmanship is in two divisions, i which is somewhat unusual with cabinets of this date he. and character. The upper portion is vertically di- fc vided into three cupboards and two drawers. The side ; cupboards have swell fronts bracketed out on corbels ia of carved cherubim heads, and are carved out of the solid, with classical subjects of a nymph and satyr and nymph and shepherd. The centre cupboard has a glazed door with four panes of glass, divided by fine mouldings. This cupboard has a shelf and is lined with old silken brocade. The whole is surmounted by a frieze carved in fleur-de-lis and rosettes overtopped by a dentilated cornice, which is arched in the centre in a semi-circular form and supported by a carving of two cherubim heads. Below each of the side-cupboards — is a drawer with carved front and pendant handle of brass. The lower portion of the cabinet consists of three drawers, two side ‘cupboards, and an open recess - in the centre. The drawers, which occupy the entire width at the top, have fronts carved in a Renaissance design of floral scrolls and chimera grotesques. The doors of the cupboards on either side are carved and moulded in an architectonic classical design of arched niches, which are filled by applied carvings of Hebrew prophets, standing on brackets carved from the solid. The centre recess is plainly panelled. The cabinet stands on six feet, the four in front being turned in a flattened spherical shape, the two behind being of ' square bracket form. The cabinet was probably made by French workmen to the design and under the super- vision of one of the Italian master craftsmen brought to France by Francis I. Height, 73 inches; width, 361 inches. 382—Carvep Oax CABINET TVA i | ( Tee French, of the early Sixteenth Century. Fy, ina very elaborately carved base spring four slender "fluted Co- rinthian columns which support a frieze carved with cherubs and couchant lions. ‘The sides are carved panels of interlaced strap-work, shells and acanthus leaves. The upper portion is arranged as a cupboard, the doors to which have boldly carved nude female fig- ures, one holding the sword and scales of Justice, the other standing on a Corinthian column, supporting another in one hand and holding in the other an acan- thus leaf, probably to represent architecture. The SN eee Sot ee ee eee jie * ry “al z J a <% aes : ‘ panels at the sides are carved with marks. Two drawers below the cupboard are carved with lions’ heads, carrying ring handles, and with scroll work. The lower portion is open, the back having three panels of carved interlaced strap work, and acanthus leaves. Height, 63 inches; width, 43 inches. ee ey a2 383—CorneR CUPBOARD CC pCe_ , if Mahogany, with inlay of Amsterdam marquetry. d ‘Dutch, in the style of the Eighteenth Century. Fitted with an oak shelf and gilt metal mountings. Height, 37 inches; width, 35 inches. 384— SIDEBOARD gee ce LALEL gy Mahogany inlaid with lines of satinwood. English. We Sheraton period. Fitted with three drawers and cel- ; de fo geek laret. Bowed front and taper legs. Has been fitted to a recess. Height, 38 inches; length, 66 inches. e Ba S28 $85—Manocany Sora ag ee wr yen Reproduction of a Colonial original. Voluted ends and bear’s claw feet. Upholstered in silk tapestry. 3G + Height, 35 inches; length, 58 inches. ae: \ i) 973 ps } VY} Noes KY : ~$86—ScREEN (SMV ce YE wronre Three-fold screen. Covered With stamped and gilt leather by Yandell. Lb o# OG. Height, 76 inches; width, 72 inches. : ANTIQUE RUGS ; or 387—OLp Senna Rue Y “A > Closely woven silky” texture, of ivory-white ground, > op ee which is covered with small flowers and conventional — patterns woven in a delicate pink, drab and black. Framed by a wide border of yellow and several narrow - borders of pale blue. Length, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. — 388—ANnTIQUE SAMARCAND Roe (Chinese-Turkestan) ( ae Thick pile; golden-brown ground with archaic designs in ivory-white, turquoise-blue and dark brown; bor- dered to harmonize. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 1s ul ‘ 389—AnTIQUE Samarcanpd Rue (Chinese-Turkestan) Thick pile. The field is of golden yellow, with con- © C0 “— ventional flowers and corner ornaments outlined in dark brown. Framed by a series of borders with archaic and other designs in dark brown. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 390—ANTIQUE SAMARCAND 4S ese Tiree a Thick pile; salmon-pink centre panel, which is orna- / / —mented with three panels of sapphire blue, containing conventionalized trees of life woven in golden yellow, and corner ornaments of scrolls in brown. Surround- ing the center panel is a swastika fret in sapphire blue and a wide and narrow bands of archaic patterns in low tones on a light brown ground. Length, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches. Ve lew , 891—AnTiavE Samarcanp Rue (Chinese-Turkestan) 2 () “<— Thick pile. Golden brown ground with shadings of Sah , toe ae (a - ivory-white. Panels of star-shaped ornaments, corner scrolls and border designs woven in dark brown. Length, 8 feet 81, inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 392— ANTIQUE SamaRcAND Lone Rve (Chinese-Turkestan) Thick pile. Golden yellow ground. Covered with a «series of panels running crosswise, which contain con- ventional trees of life in brown, and are bordered in turquoise blue. Framed by a narrow border of scroll pattern. Length, 10 feet; width, 3 fget 3 inches. Vir (try 393—Larece ANTIQUE Samarcanp Rve (Chinese-Turkestan)~ = Thick pile. The centre panel is of turquoise blue andl / O 7 covered with a profuse decoration of medallions of scrolls outlined in two shades of pink. Framed by a wide border and a series of narrow borders of archaic ornament and conventional patterns woven in _har- monious colors. : Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width 4 “a 10 inches. Cee ital | it 394—Larce ANTIQUE SAMARCAND Rue (Chisese Turkey CK Thick pile. Golden brown ground, with a central cir- Hf fo v¥-cular medallion of turquoise-blue and a conventional tree of life in yellow. Over the field are archaic and conventional Chinese designs woven in dark brown and two shades of blue. Height, 13 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 5 inches. LINE ENGRAVINGS BARTOLOZZI, FRANCESCO Poms | -~ oe ‘ 395—ATALANTA AND HrprpoMANES Vd Lid ALL After B. Luti. Has been folded; slightly foxed. Black ¢2_—- frame. as Oe ee ee wa ae gh ee ees ee sea i Phe Tae ike 3 ae ae le a 7 a “7 “? 5 : CARS, LAURENT 396—TuHeE BaTHER as i L, Vater After Francois le Moyne. ‘The condition leaves some- - coe if. thing to be desired. Black frame. ; ese 3 oP ee . : 4 | 397—“‘Orco Lucina © NoRANDIN va tae | ¥ _ From “Orlando Furioso.” After Lanfranchi. Foxed: A has been repaired. Black frame. - PETER DE IODE tv ts re 398—HeEnricus Liserti ne vi Musician. After Van Dyck. From the ‘“Icono- ~ ~~ graphie.” Black frame. : = : MULLER, a . ts 399—TueE Sons or Rusens | EE iP nS 7 ge After Rubens. Margins slightly foxed. Black frame. NEEFS, JACOB 400—Martin Rycuart Oe. (3 ; Lb palate After Van Dyck. Second state. Good, original im- / i ,¢ pression. Black frame. : give PEDRO, F. 401—Cimon AND Tignemed on F 1 Canal | oO qe. After Angelica Kauffman. Black frame. -PONTIUS, we rc 402—PortTralT oF THE ENGRAVE 6 ©&— After Van Dyck. From the “Iconographie.” Black frame. er. Adm < Lae Pye > we . 408—Emanvzr Huoarex: wa 2 ey After Van ae ‘From the Iconographie.” Black frame. 2 eto ; ot — 404—TuE Same ges In poor condition. Black frame. ‘Ss | aie = 2 PARDIEU Q we i ae ge aie SATE, ha —405—La Banas pEs TRoIs oe u rhe ae ee After Eisen. Good impression, shghtly fosedi Black i : B/ Sa 60 frame. Es VERTUE, GEORGE 2 ‘ 406—JoHANNES Urrenpocarrr ook Ors Lyte ; In excellent condition. Black frame. lad Py be ee 7 AR ie | VORSTERMAN Lf Vp, 7 | a0 Paomas Howein, Doxe OF Kee eg Pre ha oe After Hans Holbein. An interesting portrait. Black — = Y5— frame. | aa a - 4 " ) Ty £. iz PP 408—Porrrait oF JAmEs I, Kino or Enerann ) ,- An early and interesting portrait. Black frame. MEZZOTINTS ANNIS, W. T. h: . a Beovey a, 409—Tuer Dump ALPHABET Vi ie ie Gy Kholer i A portrait of Lady Leicester. After J. Northcote. (© “—— Good impression, with margins, foxed. Black frame. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL W. One of the last of the great mezzotinters. The teacher of Samuel Cousins. el eee ~~ A 7 - LaEN a BA i. a 5, “het a hiss “Tus + (A y 411—Mrs. Merrick. las ,c After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Open letter proof, with ee fe ~~ full margins. Somewhat foxed. Black frame. ; ~ 412—Harriet PowE.yi fe Ff. ae ds After Sir Joshua Reyn / Coa —— India paper. Black frame. 413—‘‘PROTECTION”’ Yn 7. 4e ntl. a The Misses Hardwick. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. AL (02 Open letter proof, on India paper. Black frame. Open letter proof, on ul Vy fs ts hs 414—A CONTEMPLATIVE YOUTH After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Etching and mezzo- ae ee tint. Open letter proof, on India paper. Black frame. SCOTT, Bi: E After J. B. Smith. In fair condition. Black frame. Coat SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL “Among all the engravers the art of mezzotint has produced, J. R. Smith is perhaps the most skillful and accomplished. His scraping has all the strength and vigor of a man who is complete master of his craft.” —Alfred Whitman. it ae 416—WareERiInc THE Cart Horse SQ AL Ora WE ae: After George Morland. Open iétter proof. Good im- pression, but somewhat stained to the left. Black frame. “* ASE Beene ae 7: WW (2 rclhtay | ENGRAVINGS IN STIPPLE GANJAIN, T. ae ee ae ws 417—Tue Lass or LivinesTonE W) an . WII e 3 After George Morland. Black frame. y? —— TOMKINS, PELTRO WILLIAM 418—Musipora Vin rnr : Vth After William Hamilton. Open letter proof. Slightly foxed. Black frame. ae ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BAUDE, CHARLES og | : a f / 419—Porrrair or Vicror Hvuco FA Ci tnrdg yz Signed at the bottom, Ch. Baude, 1882. Black frame. ae: COLE, TIMOTHY Timothy Cole shares with Heny Wolf the honor of being the greatest wood engraver in the world. , FH /) 420—SPrRING Vibe Bo Se ag ore After Botticelli. A very interesting proof. In the ! a <—handwriting of the engraver, to the right, W. M. Laf- fan, Esq. T. Cole, and to the left, Botticelli, “Spring.” In the upper left margin is the following pencilled note: “This is not an etching, but a wood engraving. It was printed from the wood by Cole at Florence in August, 1885. Black frame. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 421—Tue Otp WELL ae) Bs L,, dy er Po After J. Francis Murphy. Proof on thin Japan pa- Lf te per. Slight stain down the middle. Black frame. 422——THr WATERFALL Gy. wei te y “pe "ON es © -, After R. A. Blakelock. Signed artist’s proof, on thin 5 oF v4 Ph teh _Japan paper. Signed by both painter and engraver. ms ae Oak frame. ee ’ ‘ETCHINGS DILLAYE, BLANCHE : | 423--Low Tme “i447 Vn ee : he Signed artist’s proof, on Japan paper. FLAMENG, FRANCOIS “Fle can overcome any technical difficulty that Rem-. brandt himself could overcome.” : 4 —P, G. Hamerton. 424—Portrait oF Cuartes Darwiy of & Rrra 3 oc After John Collier. Signed WG proof, on Japan ~ paper. Signed by both painter and etcher. The best portrait. Black frame. 2 ee ers pi iidonccen cts ee ps j HAMILTON, HAMILTON 425—Her First ComMUNION k ig i After Jules Breton. Trial proof of the finished hae 9 ie before publication. On Japan paper. Black frame. é ey oe LATHROP, W. ee Y f 4296—EVENING IN A Hamuet OF FINISTENE ~ After Jules Breton. Remarque proof on Japan paper. 5 i Black and gold frame. ae. 4271—“Tr CROSSED THE CHURCHYARD w WITH A SIGH Fan aay eer