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A \ ( + xi ] re be 7 sy : ( } ; . } l \ 5 y Prciie ealt ; \ * {\ Ay if | re oY Ue | VAS Calrirl sedues iaclar ny be ‘ } ~~ A xa a) , \ ‘ oe { a a rd *, ; ith a ae Oe - A dh, : Lt thee ~S reer) MAL ted ‘ : F in i] . it 4 \ 'c A 1 C { t 2 ~ 5 v4 ¥ ‘ ; L 4 \} , ; y) { v4 } ‘ : ort ! f “yr — ic J re { ea | \ bo SJ ¢ rf) Sa es \ pte Sy “ We) a bake eb, Fray — a es eee rn —- c =a =f tN MORE real ie ancl be Lie ke si ed satltentieebeeebeemnnmeemtee meinen ath rane aetna a PES a : - Ce ee ON EXHIBITION SATURDAY SUNDAY AND MONDAY October 16th, 17th and 18th, 1926 RARE AND IMPORTANT ANTIQUE FURNITURE CONSISTING OF Bisck int Kneehole Desk with Claw and Ball Feet; Three Sets of Chairs; Serpentine and Swellfront Bureaus; Desks; Tables: Heppelwhite Chairs in Pairs and Singly; Old English and Italian Cabinets; Clocks; Lowestoft Tea Set and Armorial Placques; Early Chinese Bronzes; Bronzes by St. Gaudens; Fine Oriental Rugs and Carpets; Antique and Modern Silver; Jewelry; Etc. NOTABLE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS | : AUTHENTIC EXAMPLES BY Sir tite Laurance, Anton Mauve, Jongkind, _ Mesdag, Elihu Veeder, John Lafarge, | William Morris Hunt, Frits Thaulow, Geo. DeForest Brush, Millet, and others Property of the late ROLAND C. LINCOLN To be Sold on the Premises 334 South Street, Forest Hills, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday October 19th, 20th and 21st, 1926 At 1.30 O'Clock Each Day William K. MacKay Company, Inc. AUCTIONEERS PORTRAIT OF LADY BLESSINGTON NUMBER 666 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. REJECTION OF BIDS. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. THE BUYER. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dis- pute between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for resale the lots so in dispute. 3. IDENTIFICATION AND PART PAYMENT BY BUYER. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof and, when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may, at the option of the auctioneer, be put up again and resold. 4. RISK AFTER PURCHASE. Title passes upon the fall of the auc- tioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any cause. 5. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. — Deliveries will be made at the place of sale. Deliveries at places of sale other than the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., Galleries, will be made only during the forenoon following the day of the sale unless by special arrangement or notice to the contrary. Deliveries of any pur- chases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. 6. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALL- ING FOR GOODS. Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the second day, follow- ing that of the sale, may be turned over by the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. 7. SHIPPING. Boxing and wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., for purchasers. Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., will however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. ji 8. GUARANTY. The Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., exercises great care to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., of the correctness of the descrip- tion, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot. Every lot is sold “‘as is”’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale. 9. BUYING ON ORDER._ Buying or bidding by the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Orders for execution by the Wm. K. MacKay Co., Inc., should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Optional:—-Cash deposit or references required. WILLIAM K. MacKAY COMPANY, Inc., Auctioneers Oo CONN WN BW WHO = CATALOGUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th AT 1.30 O’CLOCK Kutani Egg Set-and Six Saucers Satsuma Covered Jar Three Small Pitchers | Small Chinese Cloisonne Jar Miniature Tea Set of Three Pieces Old AS Dish Nine Odd Pieces of Bric-a-brac Six Pieces of Bric-a-brac Italian Comport Chinese Bowl (Repaired) Old Venetian Bowl 2 Two Porcelain Vases Royal Worcester Pitcher Vase ‘Fancy Glass Pitcher Vase Imari Salad Bowl East Indian Carved Toilet Box Chinese Blue and White Decorated Vase Chinese Porcelain Night Set Pair of Terra Cotta Wall Placques Large Chinese Blue and White Vase Decorated Adam Mirror Inlaid Adam Cabinet Carved Italian Walnut Wall Rack 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5] 52 53 54 55 Italian Pottery Vase Pair of Brass Serpent Candlesticks Ten Pieces of Bric-a-brac Pair of Chinese Blue and White Vases Two Odd Brass Candlesticks Crackleware Vase Satsuma Jar and Staffordshire Vase Pair of Venetian Decorated Goblets and Two Brackets Antique English Carved Oak Corner Cupboard Decorated White Enamel Cabinet Pair of Antique Brass Andirons with Spark Guard Small Early Pine Cabinet with Panel Doors Set of Bath Room Scales Pair of Ebonized Brackets Small Antique Chippendale Mirror Mahogany Shaving Stand Small Round Mahogany Table Pair of Kutani Vases with Dragon Decoration Rosewood Mantel Clock with Brass Mounts Pair of Antique Brass Andirons and Fire Screen Pair of Bronze Statuettes Pair of Porcelain Candlesticks and Three Vases Brass Mirror on Stand Antique Chippendale Side Chair Upholstered Side Chair Antique Mahogany Wardrobe Oak Wall Cabinet Sorrento Carved Chest Old Mahogany Corner Chair Antique Mahogany Light Stand Mahogany Duck Foot Drop-Leaf Table Rosewood and Cain Arm Chair 56 Decorated Bamboo Side Chair i 57 Antique Mahogany Lowboy with Claw Feet (Restored ta Top) 58 Three Mahogany Chippendale Side Chairs 58A Old Mahogany Rocker with Swan Arms - 59 French Walnut Serpentine Front Bureau 60 Curly Maple Side Table with Fluted Legs 61 Bannister Back Side Chair with Embossed Leather Seat 62 Brass Helmet Coal Hod 63 Pair of Antique Bell Metal Andirons 64 Brass Openwork Fender 65 Old Steel and Brass Fire Set 66 Spark Guard 67 Antique Mahogany Tip Table 68 Mahogany Tray-Top Light Stand 69 Antique Foot Stool with Leather Cover 70 Chinese Blue and White Vase 71 Pair of Porcelain Vases and Bowl 72 Brass Framed Easel Mirror and Pair of Candlesticks 73 Porcelain Hanging Vase and Pair of Swans 74 Wall Cabinet 75 Two Japanese Folding Screens | 76 Upholstered Couch Sofa | as 77 Antique Inlaid Mahogany Chest of Drawers - rey eee ne es enaayanlen seen sea e> oe ee pans rer ~ 77A Antique French Empire Bureau 78 Gold and White Adam Mirror 79 Mahogany and Curly Maple Hepplewhite Serving Table 80 Old Spanish Corner Cabinet with Panel Doors 81 Old Spanish Corner Cabinet with Panel Doors and Mirror Front 82 Upholstered Foot Stool 83 Square Chinese Porcelain Vase 84 Three Venetian Glass Vases erate chai takes aA OLS teary a maw Sproeenonsneapah Dee Oh gee ks 85 Pair of Porcelain Figures of Water Carriers and Vase 86 Decorated Antique Spanish Bench ! 87 Miniature Antique Rosewood Bureau 88 Oak Stand and Maple Stand 89 Antique Rosewood Foot Stool 90 Pair of Antique Bell Metal Andirons 91 Pair of Blue and White Chinese Jars 92 Pair of Wrought Iron Candelabras 93 Antique Mahogany Swivel Chair 94 Marquetry Inlaid Folding Tip Table 95 Pair of Satsuma Covered Jars 96 Imari Comport 97 ‘Three Brass Candlesticks 98 Bernaris Brass Hand Mirror 99 Miniature Tip Table 100 Four Odd Pieces of Bric-a-Brac | 100 (A to R) Lot of Shawls, Bedding and Scarfs 101 Antique Mahogany Foot Warmer 102 Rosewood Reading Stand 103 Antique Mahogany Light Stand i04 Porcelain Jar and Two Glass Vases 105 Limoges Toilet Set 106 Mahogany Night Cabinet 107 Ebonized Mahogany Table 108 Upholstered Lounge 109 Blue and White Chinese Vase (Damaged) 110 Ebonized Chair 111 Adam Triplicate Mirror 112 Pair of Antique Hepplewhite Chairs 113 Antique Mahogany Chippendale Side Chair 114 Antique Mahogany Chippendale Side Chair 115 Antique Three-Door Mahogany Bookcase 116 Pair of Antique Walnut William and Mary Chairs 117 Miniature Antique Walnut High Post Bed 118 Child’s Rush Seat Maple Chair 119 Child’s Cane Seat Chair 120 Bernaris Brass Tray 121 Brass Vase with Double Handle =) 122 Italian Pottery Vase (Damaged) 123 Antique Copper Braiser 124 Oak and Cane Stool 125 Mahogany Chippendale Side Table 125A Antique Mahogany Large High Post Bed 126 Pair of Antique Four-Light Sconces 127 Mirror with Carved Frame 128 Decorated Venetian Corner Wall Cupboard 129 Copper Hot Water Kettle aa $30 Porcelain Cracker Jar a 131 Pair of Antique Brass Andirons 132 Brass Openwork Fender 133 Steel and Brass Shovel and Tongs 134 Wrought Iron Fork 135 Four-Fold Fire Screen 136 Three-Fold Ebonized Screen 137 Pottery Hanging Vase ; x } 4 - ues 4 i ' 1 } Al toh thw i ih ie th pas hi a A ie aie ay { >) re - i Sort it =) eet See = oa 4 aes 2 ce5 Amn nme Sen es arene Sey eth = Se a ee cane aeenr sor ett SSSI Pe ae arnt 138 Native Musical Instrument 139 Native Necklace 140 Pair of Antique Silver Candelabra ee = — Se a ae Bi 141 Pair of Antique Brass Single-Light Sconces i 142 Antique English Oak Welsh Dresser | 143 Spanish Pottery Vase 144 Spanish Pottery Jar i 145 Old Decorated Chinese Placque 146 Shaker Foot Stool 147 i48 149 150 150A igo I51A 152 jars! i54 155 156 iDe 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 ie) 172 173 174 175 Large Mahogany Serving Tray Mahogany Chinese Chippendale China Cabinet Pair of Brass and Copper Jardinieres Pair of Wrought Iron Stands Antique Mahogany Inlaid Bureau with Cabinet Top Mahogany Chippendale Roll-End Sofa Antique Mahogany Inlaid Tip Table with Pedestal Base Two-Fold Chinese Fire Screen | Buhl Wall Clock with Ormolu Mounts Pair of Porcelain Jars Chinese Imari Bow! with Teak Base Large Italian Pottery Jar Lowestoft Bowl with Chinese Decoration (Repaired) Antique Mahogany Chippendale Corner Cabinet (Partly Restored ) Antique Sheffield Caster Blue and White Canton Dish Decorated Antique Spanish Bench Oak Tavern Table Bernaris Brass Hanging Lamp Pair of Antique Cut Glass Decanters Model of The Alhambra Lacquered Tray Antique English Oak Sideboard Spanish Pottery Vase Mahogany Dining Table Mahogany Inlaid Console Table Mahogany Chippendale Table with Claw and Ball Feet Metal and Glass Fire Screen Oak Davenport Desk Pair of Large Kutani Vases Pair of Bell Metal Andirons Old Pierced Brass Fender Steel and Brass Shovel and Tongs Wire Spark Guard Chinese Bronze Incense Burner with Teak Stand and Cover Pair of Chinese Vases with Teak Stands and Covers Teakwood and Marble Stand : Japanese Bronze Candlestick with Lotus Design Pair of Old Blue and White Canton Jars Chinese Bronze Vase Chinese Porcelain Vase Glass Ornament Antique Carved English Oak Fall Front Desk ~ Antique Oak Tavern Table Oak Bench Pair of Blue and White Chinese Vases Pair of Blue and White Chinese Crackleware Jars Pair of Bronze Chinese Vases Tall Bohemian Glass Vase Walnut Wall Bracket ' Low Carved Teakwood Taboret Embossed Brass Jardiniere Small Mahogany Table Antique Mahogany and Velour Foot Rest Mahogany Light Stand with Tray Top Chinese Bronze Stand Antique Brass Hanging Font with Glass Insert Bohemian Glass Flower Vase Italian Glass Bottle German Glass Goblet Carved Oak Three Legged Stool Antique Oak Miniature Block Front Desk Two Cut Glass Inkwells Chinese Porcelain Bowl Porcelain Jar and Pipe Four Small Brass Dishes Oak Pedestal Bronze Jardiniere Antique Mahogany Shield-Back Chair Lady’s Decorated Adam Desk. An unusual piece Pair of Ormolu Scales with Mosaic Plates — Tall Chinese Vase with Butterfly Decoration Ebonized Folding Screen with Painted Panels Pair of Antique Mahogany Chippendale Candlestands Mahogany and Plush Upholstered Bench Pair of Chinese Vases Decorated Peachblow Vase ~ Pair of Carved Brackets Round Oak Table with Stretcher Base Sofa Upholstered with Damask Sofa Upholstered with Damask Arm Chair Upholstered with Damask Arm Chair Upholstered with Damask Brocade Wall Hanging Ebonized Screen with Embroidered Panels Embroidered Table Cover Silk Table Scarf | Decorated Blue and White Vase with Dog Foo Cover Five Glass Vases Venetian Glass Vase Decorated Japanese Vase Japanese Vase, Cherry Blossom Decoration Electrified Roman Censor Lamp Pair of Chinese Covered Vases, Stork and Floral Design Pair of Small Cantigalli Covered Vases 240 Carved Bronze Jardiniere 241 Chinese Bronze Electric Lamp 242 Decorated Pottery Vase Z43 Bernaris Brass Tray '. 244 Mahogany Claw Foot Tip Table 245 Pair of Bernaris Brass Candlesticks 246 Pair of Antique Brass Fire Dogs with Shovel and Tongs 247 Porcelain Covered Jar 248 ~~ Pair of Sevres Loving Cups ~, 4 - Z49 Wrought Iron and Pottery Lamp and Shade 250 Mahogany Symphony Organ and Bench | 251 Pottery Placque with Rose Decoration © 252 Mahogany Tray Top Tea Table (As is) 253 Upholstered Hepplewhite Bench 254 _ Tiffany Bronze Candlestick 255 Mahogany Sheraton Candlestand 256 Unusual Decorated Adam Side Chair 257 Silver and Glass Trivet 258 Wrought Iron and Porcelain Electric Lamp 259 Antique Upholstered Bench 260 Antique Satinwood Inlaid Bench 261 Bamboo Music Stand 262 Arm Chair Upholstered with Brocade 263 Arm Chair Upholstered with Brocade 264 Three Pairs of Chenille Draperies 265 Chinese Hanging Lamp wi SS = = So * eR Raat nae are etn eR Lae A ee, , ~ an ey . -~ a te oe es ox — ~~ *' _ \ \ 266 Bernaris Brass Hanging Lamp 267 Chinese Hawthorne Covered Jar with Teak Stand en 268 Carved Chinese Brass Ink Set i 269 Invalid Chair 270 Antique Inlaid Walnut Fall Front Desk. Date about 1725 271 Antique Mahogany Queen Anne Lift Top Table Antique Oak Spanish Arm Chair © Antique Maple Rush Seat Queen Anne Side Chair Antique Duck Foot Drop Leaf Table Decorated Antique Spanish Bench © Antique Carved Oak Corner Cupboard Old Dutch Mantel Chime Clock Antique Italian Carved Oak Cabinet Doulton Vase of Flambe Glave with Teakwood Stand and Cover. A fine piece . Bottle Shaped Flambe Glaze Doulton Vase Carved Walnut Covered Bowl Turkish Taboret with Pearl Inlay Upholstered Walnut Seat Low Bamboo Chair Chinese Bronze Vase Old Chinese Covered Jar Square Teakwood Stand Dutch Pottery Covered Jar with Teak Base French Porcelain Vase Brass Sconce Mirror Pair of Brass Bowls Doulton Vase. Venetian Glass Vase Carved Ostrich Egg Carved Folding Chair Upholstered Morris Chair Brass Trivet and Fire Tongs Canton China and Electric Lamp India Brass Tray Longley Ware Placque Antique Brass Andirons and Fire Set Pierced Brass Fender Pair of Carved Stone Lions 303 Spark Guard 304 Round Oak Table 305 Cloisonne Lamp and Shade 306 Three Venetian Glass Vases 307 Chinese Bronze Vase 308 Chinese Bronze Bow! 309 Venetian Glass Night Bottle 310 Wrought Iron Hanging Lamp with Ruby Blass Insert 311 Wrought Iron Hanging Lamp with Ruby Glass Insert 312 Doulton Covered Jar 313 Decorated Pottery Vase 314 Pair of Copper Candlesticks 315 Sang de Beuf Covered Jar 316 Bernaris Brass Tray 317° Terra Cotta Figure and Bowl 318 Pair of Brass Three-Light Candelabras 319 Bronze Pitcher Vase. Brass Placque - 320 Embossed Brass Pail 321 Antique Ivory Figure of a Nun 322 Bernaris Brass Tray 323 Bernaris Brass Stand 324 Brass Trimmed Oak Wood Box 325 Pair of Wrought Iron Candlesticks 326 Chinese Bronze Stork 327 Chinese Pottery Jar and Stand 328 Pair of Bronze Hitching Post Tops 329 Four Pieces of Bric-a-brac 330 Antique Mahogany Queen Anne Table 331 Upholstered Ebonized Chair 332 Antique Bronze Figure 333 Sevres Dinner Set of 115 Pieces—Louis Phillipe 334 Sevres Dinner Set of 150 Pieces—Louis Phillipe KNEEHOLE DESK NUMBER 347 CHINESE JARS NUMBER 348 LOWESTOFT PLACQUES NUMBER 346 Cee rarer teers See Se en a Se ee En i a as ee ne ee ieee Kika a eee SAS ae Ska — =~ St re ore eet a SS a Rae ee Se Sa Pe te ae ine ye ae a 350 351 351A 352 353 B04 52> 356 Antique Carved Oak High Chair—Date 1788 Small Antique Mahogany Highboy with Duck Feet Antique Mahogany Serpentine Front Bureau with Claw and Ball Feet. Original Brasses Set of Six Antique Hepplewhite Mahogany Chairs with Carved Back—A fine set Antique Walnut Lowboy with Claw and Ball Feet and - Original Brasses. Rare Piece Antique Mahogany Drop Leaf Table with Duck Feet Antique Mahogany Inlaid Sheraton Card Table Lowestoft Tea Set, Decorated with Blue Bands and Small Flowers, Consisting of Tea Pot, Sugar Bowl, Helmet Creamer, Bowl, Three Plates, Twelve Tea Bowls, and Twelve Cups and Saucers Lowestoft Placque with Blue Border and Coat of Arms Lowestoft Placque with Blue Border and Vase and Floral _- Decoration Lowestoft Deep Plate; Rose Border and Floral Decoration Pair of Large Lowestoft Placques. 1314 inch. Armorial (See Illustration) Antique Mahogany Block Front Knee-Hole Desk, Claw and Ball Feet, Shell Carving on Center Door, and Original Brasses. (See Illustration) Pair of Early Chinese Covered Jars with Four-Toe Dragon Decoration on Teakwood Stands. « (See Illustration) Set of Eight Antique Sheratan Chairs, including 2 Arm Chairs Simon Willard and Sons Banjo Clock Simon Willard Mahogany Wall Clock Friesland Wall Clock Antique Mahogany Swell Front Bureau Antique Mahogany Hepplewhite Arm Chair with Uphol- stered Seat Set of Six Antique Carved Spanish Chairs with Rush Seats. Unusual Set Decorated Early Dutch Pine Cupboard—52 inch Antigue Satinwood Inlaid Adam Sideboard with Fluted Legs Bi, 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 3/1 BZ, 12 37 4 Si, 376 S77, 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 Set of Six Satinwood Adam Side Chairs Keshan Sarook Rug 4’3 x 6’8. Very fine Antique Bijar Kurdistan 3’2 x 13’6 Turkish Mohair Rug 3/9 x 6 Turkish Kerman 8’6 x 1274 Antique India, all over design 11 x 14’8 ' Antique Cashmere Rug 5’6 x 6 Kazak 3/3 x 6 Iran 3/11 x 6/2 Beloochistan 2’10 x 5 Antique Serrebend 4/10 x 10 Bokhara 3/4 x 4’4 Beloochistan 2’11 x 474 Hamadan 3 x 671 Beloochistan 2’4 x 4’3 Old India 9’7 x 15’1 (Worn) Serrebend 4 x 4’8 Hatchly Bokhara 4’7 x 7 Shirvan 3’2 x 4’6 Bokhara 4’5 x 5/10 Antique Bijar Kurdistan 5 x 974 Iron 2’9 x 8 (Worn) Turkish Mat Turkish Kerman 10’10 x 1573 Kazak 3/10 x 5 Karabagh 2/11 x 1375 Turkish Mohair 4 x 6’6 Beloochistan 2’6 x 4/4 Beloochistan 2’8 x 4/10 Beloochistan 3’1 x 477 Keshan Sarook 4’6 x 6/9 Kazak 5 x 973 389 Turkish Mohair 4’ x 6’9 390 Bokhara 4’8 x 8’2 391 Bokhara Mat 392 Bokhara 2’6 x 3/10 393 Beloochistan 2’9 x 5’3 394 Antique Carved Oak Grandfather’s Clock. Step. _ Miles, Kidderminster 395 Blue and White Chinese Vase 396 Carved Oak Wall Bracket 397 Decorated Adam Cabinet 398 Lowestoft Covered Jar; Armorial Decoration 399 Crown Derby Covered Jar 400 Small Lowestoft Vase (French) 401 Sevres Vase and Stand 402 Pair of Capo di Monte Figures 403 Capo di Monte Covered Jar 404 Capo di Monte Covered Box 405 Set of Three Early Miniature Chinese Vases 406 Dresden Boake on Teakwood Stand 407 Two Venetian Glass Vases 408 Chinese Cloisonne Vase 409 Small Satsuma Vase 410 Dresden Figurine 411 Pair of Austrian Glass Vases 412 Six Sevres Egg Cups 413 Minton Cup and Saucer 414 Six Pieces of Bric-a-brac 415 Venetian Glass Vase 416 Small Bronze Figure 417 Bronze Bell 418 Pair of Chinese Celedon Floor Vases 419 Antique Carved English Oak Side Chair 420 Pair of Antique Chinese Blue and White Vases 421 Italian Pottery Jardiniere 422 Pair of Chinese Hawthorne Jars 423 Sevres Covered Jar 424 Persian Placque 425 Bust of Queen Louise 426 Carved Turkish Wall Bracket 427 Sevres Covered Dish and Tray 428 Sevres Covered Dish 429 Chinese Bow! 430 Royal Worcester Bowl 431 Pair Brass Candlesticks 432 Mahogany and Copper Tray 433 Mahogany Inlaid Tray 434 Mahogany Bric-a-brac Cabinet 435 Antique Carved Oak Bench 436 Brass Sconce Mirror 437 Antique English Oak Cabinet with Carvings dated 1698 438 Bernaris Brass Placque 439 Spanish Pottery Placque 440 Moorish Pottery Placque 441 Bernaris Brass Hanging Bowl 442 Moorish Placque 443 Moorish Placque 444 Ostrich Egg 445 Carved Ostrich Egg 446 Pair of Chinese Hawthorne Covered Jars 447 Pair of Tall Twisted Oak Pedestals 448 Pair of Antique Adam Gilt Narrow Mirrors 449 Bernaris Brass Hanging Bowl 450 Bernaris Copper Covered Jar 451 Bernaris Brass Covered Jar 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 46] 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 Bernaris Brass Covered Jar Large Chinese Vase, Peach Decoration Two Pottery Steins Carved Walnut Cabinet Bronze Head on Marble Base Marble Pedestal Large Bronze Relief by Agustus St. Gaudens. An im- portant example by this noted sculptor. 1898 Old Bronze Statue, “‘Victory,’’ by Agustus St. Gaudens Chinese Crackleware Electric Lamp and Shade Three Mexican Pottery Vases Cloisonne Plate on Bronze Stand Cloisonne Plate on Teak Stand Cloisonne Plate on Teakwood Stand Turkish Seat Antique Carved English Oak Gate Leg Table Bernaris Brass Vase Carved Walnut Arm Chair Small Antique Carved Walnut Cabinet Chinese Cloisonne Vase Brass Roman Lamp Small Chinese Cloisonne Vase Covered Lacquer Bowl Covered Gold Ware Jar Porcelain Vase Chinese Crackleware Umbrella Jar Chinese Canton Vase Brass Hanging Lamp with Glass Insert Turkish Seat Miniature Antique Carved Oak Cabinet Oak Console Table Five Fold Fire Screen 483 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 aod 4972 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 DOA 505 506 507 508 509 510 om ial 512 subs Hall and Marvin Silver Safe (A) Small Jewelry Safe Mahogany Claw Foot Corner Stand Mahogany Marquetry Writing Table Antique Windsor Rocker Antique Windsor Rocker Carved Walnut Writing Cabinet Chinese Porcelain Umbrella Jar Chinese Porcelain Umbrella Jar Pair of Sang de Beeuf Vases Maple Split Seat Spindle Chair Wrought Iron and Brass Adam Fire Grate Antique Brass Fender Pair of Antique Brass Steeple Top Andirons Pair of Antique Brass Steeple Top Andirons with Ball Tops ~ Antique Brass Fire Set and Stand Antique Brass Shovel and Tongs Antique Brass Shovel and Tongs Pair of Brass Footed Fire Trays Brass Hot Water Kettle Brass Mortar and Pestle Pair of Brass Birds Miniature Grandfather’s Clock Antique Carved Dutch Bench Antique Spanish Bench Square Teakwood Stand Two Oak Stools Brass Warming Pan Antique Inlaid Mahogany Stool Brass Fire Screen Pair of Antique Brass Andirons Antique Brass Shovel and Tongs 7 514 Child’s Mahogany Corner Chair 515 Inlaid Satinwood Adam Console Table 516 Inlaid Satinwood Adam Console Table 517 Antique Maple Tip Table 518 Antique Maple Rush Seat Chair with Duck Feet 519 Small Mahogany and Marquetry Sofa 520 Inlaid Satinwood Adam Cabinet 521 Antique Pine Stool 522 Antique Mahogany Dining Table with Four Leaves 923 Antique Windsor Arm Chair 524 Early English Rush Seat Chair 525 Inlaid Mahogany Sofa ~526 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table with Gate Leg . 527 Pair of Antique Mahogany Chippendale Ladder Back wer _ 2 Chairs : 1 528 Antique Mahogany and Curly Maple Wash Stand 529 Old Inlaid Mahogany Arm Chair 530 Miniature Mahogany Chinese Chippendale Cabinet 531 Old Tin Foot Bath Se Antique Oak Cain Seat Bench 533 Square Mahogany Candle Stand 534 Tall Mahogany Plant Stand 535 Old Moorish Wall Bracket 536 Chinese Cabinet with Wrought Iron Hardware Dad Wrought Iron Candelabra 538 Old Embroidered Hanging 539 Old Walnut Biday 540 Kurdistan rug 3’7 x 6/1 541 Kurdistan rug 3’11 x 6/0 542 Prayer rug 3’7 x 4’3 543 Prayer rug 3’7 x 4’4 544 Kurdistan rug 3’6 x 471 S45 DaOm Fo 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 DD /, 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 DOs 568 569 570 Brass Electric Candlestick Bronze and Cloisonne Vase Three Piece Early English Silver Tea Set consisting of Tea Pot, Sugar Bowl, and Creamer Old English Silver Tray Footed ‘‘S. Kirk & Son Co.” Silver Round Tray, 14 inches diameter, nicely engraved Silver Tray, Engraved, with Open Work, Foster & Co. Silver Tray, Old, Footed Embossed Figures, S. Kirk 6 Son Co. Old Large Silver Bowl Hall Marked Silver Candlestick Mounted on Leaf Small Silver Tray Footed, S. Kirk & Son Co. Pair Silver Salts, Dolphins Supporting Shell, Jacobs © Jenkins Silver Vase with Embossed and Engraved Decorations Old English Footed Bowl with Beaded Rim Silver Pitcher, Satin Finish Georgian Covered Jar with Engraving Pair Georgian Covered Jars with Engraving, Beaded Rim Pair Georgian Small Covered Urns, Engraved and Fluted Rams’ Head Mountings and Swan Feet Old English Covered Jar; Embossed; Lion’s Head Handles Oid Silver Set; Creamer, Bowl, and Covered Bowl; Nicely Embossed with Floral Design and Grotesque Heads: S. Kirk & Son Co. Silver Bowl Embossed with Floral Design Crimped Rim Old Silver Bowl, Beautifully Carved and Set with Semi Precious Stones Old Silver Bowl Beautifully Carved with Bail Handle Old Silver Bowl Beautifully Carved with Bail Handle Old Silver Tea Pot with Ebony Handle; Duck Snout; Hall Marked Larger Old Silver Tea Pot with Ebony Handle; with Lion Snout; Hall Marked Old Silver Creamer with Ebony Handle 571 Old Silver Creamer on Square and Beaded Edge 572 Old Sheffield Tray and Bowl; Grape Design; Marked Po. 53Co. 573 Silver Mustard Jar and Ladle 574 Old Silver Salt Embossed with Female Figures 575 Silver Candlestick on Tray with Snuffer. Marked W. Wil- son % Son 576 Old English Oval Tray with Openwork Rim and Birds on Handle 577 Silver Tray with Owl Handle 578 Old English Creamer with Fluted Base 579 Silver and Glass Swan : 580 Old Silver Two Handled Dish with Glass Insert ; 581 Silver Asparagus Holder 582 Silver Salts and Spoons 583. Old Siiver Covered Salt and Spoon 584 Old English Silver Openwork Pie Knife 585 Pair Old Silver Two Light Candelabras, Tripod Foot 586 Silver Creamer Shaped Ladle 587 Silver Openwork Berry Spoon 588 Old English Openwork Small Ladle 589 Old Irish Silver Powdered Sugar Sifter, Very Heavy 590 Old Silver Openwork Spoon, Lacey Carving 591 Set Six Antique Serving Spoons 592 One Dozen Silver Forks 593 One Dozen Silver Knives 594 Ten Silver Forks 595 Six Silver Desert Spoons 596 One Dozen Silver Bladed Knives, Tiffany © Co. 597 Six Silver Dinner Forks 598 Six Antique Silver Dessert Spoons, H. 6 W. Wilson 599 Six Silver Table Spoons, Tiffany % Co. 600 Set of Six Fruit Knives and Six Forks 600A Twelve Silver Oyster Forks, Tiffany % Co. 600B Silver Serving Knife 600C Silver Serving Knife 600D Six Old Napoleonic Spoons, Silver 600E Pair Silver Square Salts and Spoons Inlaid with Other Metals 600F Silver Penwiper 600G Old Silver Small Footed Dish 600H Old Silver Small Openwork Vase; Very Fine 6001 Six Silver Basket Weave Design Trays, Small 600J Old Silver Square Spoon; S. Kirk % Sons 600K Two Small Silver Fancy Spoons 600L Three Small Silver Tongs 600M Pair Old Silver Tongs 600N Old Silver Small Bow! on Tripod Base 6000 Three Silver Napkin Rings 600P Two Silver Butter Knives 600Q Silver Napkin Ring and Two Grapefruit Holders 600R Six Persian Silver Spoons 6008S Silver Napkin Ring and Seeder 600T Silver Fruit Set, Pearl Handles 600U Old Silver Tongs 600V Old Silver Olive Fork, S. Kirk & Son 600W Six Pearl Handled Fruit Knives THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, AT 1.30 O'CLOCK PAINTINGS 6.601 Darrah, S. T. Water color. COAST SCENE 3.602 Unknown. Water color 1603 Unknown. Water color 34. 604-610. Darrah, S.T. Water colors yds 2-3-3-S7 3. 611 Bicknell, E. M. Water color. BOATS Jig 612 Philbrick, Otis. CHILD ASLEEP Pie Dattap, S, 1..° Water color 46S 614 Hunt, William Morris. PASTORIAL LANDSCAPE 3.615 Darrah, S. T. Water color § 616 Darrah, S. T. Water color ® 616A Darrah, S. T. Water Color. 7617 Darrah, S. T. HEAD OF DOG } ©. 618 Hunt, William Morris. Charcoal drawing 3 & 619 Du Mauria. Pair pen sketches 3.620 D. A.C. Water color. ALGERIAN GIRL S 621 After W. M. Hunt. Etching i, Ff 7 70.622 Warner, Everett. Water color G27 italian school, CASTLE if 624 Harvey, G. W. Water color. BEACH SCENE oe: 8750 9564 > ies P135. — 10179" Fo a momen 0D "Winter, Work in the Woods, Snow" 11 x 13 (1) painting by Je He Weissenbruch, “canal & House in Holland" 24~1/4 x 18 $26 2.’ (1) Water Color by A. Mauve, (CREDIT BY RETURN) "Cattle, Return from Pasture" o3092,° ~ (1) Pastel by Everett Shinn, 11347 K ~ (1) Water Color by Th. de Bock, . J “Bridge near la Vilette" “Around Hear lem" (1) painting by Geoe de Forest Brush, ‘ss “A Little Cavalier" _ (1)painting by Geo-de Forest Brush, “Mary” 9x13-1/2 (1) painting by Beeky.- “Dutch Village by the Sea" "(Cattle) Return from Pasture“ 14x9 - 1000, ( 1) painting by Fritz Thaulowe, Winter Landseape" 36+1/4x29 Cs 3250. (1) painting by H. Harpignies, ee | "Bords de Riviere de Herison" WeVaxta/20. 7506 (1) Water Color by A. Mauve, . eal “Black & White Cow" 1750. $F f s 8 § : 4 i: i 668 or i 5 : 36 ae * “ae ey rah & 625 Darrah, S. T. Landscape 8626 Unknown. HEAD OF GIRL | (U/ 627 Italian School. HEAD OF GIRL D ieee Haig’ Axel. Etching eee Rio 95. | 629 Haig, Axel. Etching CATHEDRAL STEPS | en 3), 630 Haig, Axel. Etching. INTERIOR [), Arama 631 Haig, Axel... Etching. “INTERIOR oF G/ 632 Haig, Axel.» Etching. CATHEDRAL Ca, tQ. yo 633 Haig, Axel. Etching. INTERIOR ST\ 634 aig At eng INTERIOR BR 3 gs 635-639 ead William Morris. Charcoal drawings S fori) 3. Ss $D. 640-641. E. H. B. Floral panels es \ . 642 Italian School. Sh. CECELIA 9-643 Darrab,-“S. T. LANIZEC APE -% 644 Darrah, S. T. MARSHES I 5 ~~ 645 Hunt, William Morris. Charcoal drawing | ~ 646 Darrah, S. T. WOODLAND | ©. 647 Unknown. Etching. CATHEDRAL i re Ne Pg x a é ‘ a if > i Bt 7 Sn, : ft ae ‘ JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND DuTcH: 1819-1891 SA% 648 COAST WITH BOATS Height, 17 inches; width, 24 inches A very fine specimen by this noted artist. aarGy = Signed in lower right. Pischocctmemed@rvedier & Co. [4 ~ PAUL THUMAN GERMAN ig 649. PSYCHE QF, =] ee Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches Vets his is the original painting of the world’s famous PSYCHE. Purchased from the German Gallery at the Columbian Exposition. - ~ WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT \\O 650 FIGURE OF WOMAN IN BLACK FRITS THAULOW NORWEGIAN: 1847-1906 oe 651 VIEW ON CANAL Am | Height, 25'% inches; width, 311/2 inches A canal encircling buildings with boats in foreground. oe Signed Frits THAULOW. Purchased of Knoedler & Co. 699 YHODNON oG9 YddqWNN YALIVAVO ATLLITI V FDVANO NI INOS AHL —_ ELIHU VEDDER, N.A. ae AMERICAN: 1836- 44 652 THE SOUL IN BONDAGE (Illustrated ) Height, 143% inches; width, 9 inches Allegorical: a nude female figure with wings seated with knees drawn up to chin, arms encircling the legs, holding butterfly in one hand and asp in the other; her hands are bound about her legs by streamers and her eyes closed. In the background a burst of glory. Signed on back with Title. Purchased from Doll € Richards. i ELIHU VEDDER, N.A. i | AMERICAN: 1836- : C0 653 THE QUESTION OF THE SPHINX Height, 11 inches; width, 12/2 inches Painted in brown tones; a figure of old Egyptian with ear closely pressed to the lips of the Sphinx. Signed at lower left Purchased from Frank W. Bayley. ELIHU VEDDER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836- — (Pastel) ay 654 THE MEUSE OF TRAGEDY Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches A Lunnette design of female figure heavily draped seated on a stone bench portraying despair. Signed in lower left and copyrighted by E. VEDDER, 1895 Purchased from Williams & Everett. MILLS IN WINTER NUMBER 656 ee m — ~ — : aa ee : ~" Ean : ae See ~ WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT | . AMERICAN: 1824-1879 4] O (Drawing) 3 655 THE BEND IN THE RIVER ’ Height, 10142 inches; width, 152 inches - - NORWEGIAN: 1847-1906 | 0 aV. FRITS THAULOW ree a 4 : ( } \O x 656 MILLS IN WINTER (Illustrated) ! Height, 30 inches; width, 36 inches eVA canal in winter broadening in the foreground with ice-covered | a banks and brick dwellings; a frozen dam appears in the back- ig ground with white sky. Signed in lower right, Frits THAULOow. Purchased from the artist. FRITS THAULOW NORWEGIAN: 1847-1906 0 657 THE BRIDGE AT VERONA wieh Height, 30 inches; width, 36 inches The river in the foreground with old arch bridge crossing and old | — buildings in the background; the water reflecting the various colors; white sky. Signed in lower right, Frirs THAULOw. Purchased from Boussod Valadon & Co. DAWN SCATTERING DEW NUMBER 659 apt “ae a 1A. Se So » “Aix la - es “n> ee, a _ alga ois Rye megan ES pra baie Sd FRITS THAULOW NEN tgs ae : 1847-1906 WINTER ON THE CANAL : aye wii ) eae A High, 30 inches; width, 36 nes ees ; SPSS Rr FE eng ey ee ETRE eens were | JOHN LAFARGE, N.A. ed Se AMERICAN: 1835-1910 9 DAWN SCATTERING DEW (Illustrated) Height, 91 inches; width, 9 inches Allegorical figure; a female figure with wings and flowing red - masculine arms which are bare; the rest of the body en- _ wrapped in reddish cream and white tunic. The figure floating through a cloud space and over the surface of the earth the mantel held in extended arms. _ * | Signed at lower right, LAFARGE, 1886. Perched from Doll & Richards. oe 2 x % YL q 662 FISHING SMACKS JOHN LAFARGE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1835-1910 (Water Color) 660 SAINT JOHN Height, 642 inches; width, 2/2 inches Draped male figure with halo; hand on breast, a tunic of green and red. his face turned toward the heavens. Full detaileouseaess Purchased from Doll & Richards. H. W. MESDAG a DutcH: 1831-1915 (Water Color) 661 A DUTCH FISHING PORT Height, 19'/4y inches; width, 2912 inches. A fishing port on the bend of the coast with a group of twelve boats in the background, the white caps in evidence on the water; the beach is visible, showing male and female figures neath a cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, H. W. MeEspac, 1895. Purchased from Knoedler & Co. We neee H. W. MESDAG DuTcH: 1831-1915 (Water Color) Height, 19 inches; width, 29 inches Three large boats in the foreground drying their nets after a catch; male and female figures on the beach awaiting the arrival of a fourth smack shown approaching through a hazy background. A hazy sky is dotted with sea gulls. Signed at lower right, H. W. MeEspac, 1896. Purchased from Knoedler €&* Co. = es ——— Se ee eee —s : ' ae Be + : ee d ae fF - = ) =z AMERICAN: 1824-1879 ' — \ J 563 THE FARM BY THE STREAM ; a a 5: Height, 204 inches; width, 31 inches se | ae. \ section of a a river reflecting many various hues of the foliage; in a female figure finding near. In the background is the farm house and buildings below an ashen grey sky. ie eS WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT ae ee ee : } Signed in lower left, W. M. H. 4 he JAN BOGAERTS Fig . 6 664 THE LETTER | Beri ete 24 inches; width, 20 inches Pt interior with fiure seated at desk facing away; several pieces of _ furniture and a colorful rug are shown. \ so . Signed at lower oe JAN Bocaerts, 1909. = “Purchased from Bites A. Walker. FELIX ZIEM | FRENCH: 1821-1911 665 IN THE BAY but ff Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches \ A fishing boat in the bay drying the nets. Signed lower left, ZrEM. ; chased from Boussod Valadon Co. A soit 2 ee SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE ENGLISH: 1760-1830 ; €) Pa6G LADY BLESSINGTON, PORTRAIT OF (Frontispiece) Height, 34 inches; width, 26 inches A bust portrait of this lady, the effect of which is extremely pleasing. 3 From the Angentin collection at Wating Holl Norfolk. Purchased from T. J. Blakeslee. ANTON MAUVE es co ra S , DutcH: 1838-1888 i (Water Color) } E ‘A 667 THE SHEPHERDESS AND SHEEP ad we A) : UU Ua/ Height, 13!4 inches; width, 18 inches A flock of sheep returning through the snow to their fold under the guidance of the shepherdess; trees in the background under- neath a bluish white sky. Signed at lower right, A. MAUVE. Purchased from Knoedler & Co. 3 VL ANTON MAUVE DuTcH: 1838-1888 (Water Color) IK 668 AUTUMNAL SCENE | Height, 11 inches; width, 17 inches Male figure with dog driving flock of sheep through the edge of a woodland. Signed at lower right, A. MAUVE. Purchased from Knoedler & Co. re ws MK. MacKAY 1 egies eee | @ 13, ee ~ .eiibaele ae dota he. Kimacty, Barty, dey t/iGoy - see = 3 Py a GEORGE DEFOREST BRUSH “aa eS AMERICAN: 1855- 669 ALITTLE CAVALIER (Illustrated) a > oa E Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches Portrait of a young child with long hair, green coat, terra-cotta co lored hat. ‘The flesh tints and facial expression are excellent. —— : a eee: Signed upper left, Geo, DEForEsT BRUSH. Pu chased jrom Knoedler & Co. ‘ oe = 670 TAI MAHAL FROM THE GARDEN __(IIlustrated) i a _ Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches ~ A very - fine example by this artist. VASSILI VERESTCHAGIN Russian: 1842-1904 rir chased from The American Art Association. = VASSILI VERESTCHAGIN C RUSSIAN: 1842-1904 2S 671 THE PRIVATE MOSQUE IN THE PALACE OF ; DEHLI , Height, 24 ae width, 18 inches Another of the artist’s important works. Purchased from The American Art Association. ‘vi a 4 | MARY L. MACOMBER % o~ AMERICAN: 1861-1916 *)9 672 THE MAGDALEN This is a panel of three paintings showing the Magdalen with her titian hair and scarlet gown. In the center panel is a small full ‘portrait of the Mary Magdalen. ay Each signed, M. L. Macomser, 1902. Purchased from Robert C. Vose. a = = a ea . ad nf y - _ © PY a © a) , ‘ - s ~ . , ne j - ; , x : . : \ 2 2 ' * . 5 ‘ " ’ ' : : ‘ ’ , ‘ 2 " : s ‘ . us . . ' } ; } TAJ MAHAL FROM THE GARDEN NUMBER 670 a ar a “ ~ ee * ms ere . " — Sa a . / MARY L. / MACOMBER | AMERICAN: 1861: 1916, A > a P PORTRAIT OF WOMAN oF Height, 7 iV, inches; width, 4 inches Be pond: - Bigned ‘a at lower right, M. L. MacoMBER. . MARY} “a MACOMBER AMERICAN: 1861- 1916 een. 8 inches; width, 53% inches An important work by the artist. Sam aie Signed at lower right, M. L. MAcoMBer. d from Rober ey Vase, a JOHANNES BOSBOOM DutTcH: 1817-1892 (Water Color) 675 THE INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL ([4/)%, i) ea Bn interior showing two figures in a mammoth archway. aR Signed lower right, J. BosBooM. ased ee, Charles A. Walker. EVERT PIETERS DUTCH: 185 6 676 ON THE BEACH ? a Height, 14 inches; width, 10/2 inches~ oe: ; 8 Passe and male rider plodding slowly through the sand toward a cove. Signed, L. R. PIETERS: Purchased from The » Noe Galleries. arter portrait of a woman with white gown, holding a _ AY {) : a™~ NYE Sa pop. \ ‘ “A , | i Ne a CARBO FORTUNY egy pov 1847-1874 eh 0) | (Water Color) ~ -v677 INN COURTYARD Va Height, 10/2 inches; width, 834 inches An Oriental scene. Signed at lower right, FoRTUNY. _ Purchased from The A. A. Association from the S. D. Warren collection. Ty Cys JULES DUPRE eg | ) FRENCH: 1812-1889 +> 678 LANDSCAPE 4) ~{- Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches ant * ; A pleasing summer view of creek with overhanging trees. Signed lower left, DUPRE. Purchased at the King Street Galleries, London. F. W. ROGERS (Pastel) 679 A TABBY CAT Height, 1012 inches; width, 13 inches Signed at lower left, F. W. RoGERs. Be re, WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT — 680 SKETCH ELIHU VEDDER = SS a Md VE i Alle a ae ae. Soke ee er raat SO Re tate TAT A yy ELIHU V AMERICAN: 1836- FRITS THAULOW (Colored Etchings) x] ~ 682(A) SWANS Ns 683. THE DUTCH WHARF 9§ 684 THE BEND IN THE RIVER A 685 A CANAL SCENE 2°\"686 A DUTCH STREET SCENE )\S 687 DUTCH CANAL SCENE SV 688 SWANS LS 689 THE SENTINEL )1-!) 690 HOLLAND WINTER SCENE 691 tHE BRIDGE = 692 THE DUTCH WHARF DUTCH CANAL. Fitton, Hedley. Etching. CATHEDRAL a, ets Fitton, Hedley. Etching. BRIDGE Put . ’ J 696 Fitton, Hedley. Etching. Be CHURCH OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW / ae ee 697 Gallagher, Sears. Etching. OLD:STATE HOUSE, BOS iG 698 Gallagher, Sears. Etching. CUSTOM HOUSE, BOSTON 699 Unsigned. Colored etching 7): 700 Rip, W. C. Water color 701 Matt, Z. Pair small water colors SS fs pam! iF ee . | Darrah, Pid be see ON THE MARSHES 703- 705. Darrah, S. T. Paintings S, 206° ee Fitton, Hedley. Etching . (ill - Charcoal drawing Sale ea, nak eg ’ at 708 “Darrah, 709 Darrah, Eee . “Oh s} Te LANDSCAPE | s. Tr io LANDSCAPE ; Pe. ie : Bi own, J. Appleton. Pastel. WINTER SCENE 7 After Mave {ace A. Walker). Etching , c : 712 ‘ee Morris. Water color sketch Charcoal drawing Charcoal drawing eer , ; aT 2. Miter. Drawings herewies ie GATHERING SEAWEED ea CATTLE DRINKING Also other water colors, paintings, prints, etchings and Z drawings not catalogued. SEG Ve: s, x aE y ry J a — 4 ‘ ; + , NE ) ; " f - P 3 ; ai¢ { re ve \ 7 vers | ue Di Nk Se G«! # f ‘ Pee aT: ¥ tea Xx ; nN ¥ Pe | p ; 4 eee £( ae a Nye | | OPE UAT SiGe hal Ra | ey gre oe ARC AR ge PERMA oe “ae pee cas SE a PU ae | eae yb pe eee 5 eh Me og NLS is a firey hat ae yt es, eco ped i, eae \ ‘ (AS : 4 SET ag igs OP IG i toe, ye { Fea | r \) f Ps os fy f Se ah j ‘a \ Jy Spats] aes Re FB a Pe Para PG Bley Caer ya | \ es, Oe peta Ve el . Rid Ay uf oe ae \ Ul U ~s \ ey M bat / Zook WAYS PAP ATA fhe ae ae oe 4 a Se ER WM yk f ; ‘i ; in i \ ~ | ( j if 5 y i f ( Ae a ) aN N Y. i y | \. a, A Nee ER Dien die tae aie hob, 7 \ ss \ fod ‘ j : ] ff De + er 2 Ly Pe GAN) ( hy ot zs At ae ! 4 : an na oh pete oe Ag \ es Bi yO ~ J r — pA Sy \ ‘3 if j y & M oa a Pies in ~ ; ¥S\ ‘ AX. \ Ao a a \ har ll fy ees ; 14 ir mt : a | mM \ ' | f ( 5 hen Ay ie | ea gs . Uf \ ‘ (\ " | ‘ as Al} \ .e / cca hs I \ rié ee {it f 4 pi Pie uy ed a : } + % < Ay " : ( i Sa zs Oth a ae [ai eert Ly", ie rhe of LSS ee y Fe RNS i a a ea ade . vA ] y ay ( } m y & Me 4 a st ‘ ) x ¥ } ( ) ¢ \ , \ il # { \ Y if | ag \ jd x oye ) —P a 4 ee 7, nf { ‘ = \ oe 4 { 4 eS - et eR | if ‘he of " oY ro ( aE RY gt oR ns BN RY eg j i y \ a i, — ip j Vy sp" HINSTITUTE & 4 oo - i TDS OMA Ot aa ae Pas 5 AF ’ é i / ya a a j 4 : | tt “ad Rete Ah ra ee x. ; ‘2 Py as be tage nay Te aE Nae | A ae aA Re PCAN A 90s oy see ns , Pee, It ea tas ae ; ; a LO OR ea RE UR? RN? RS AT fy . poe a. a en ¥ { a / { 7 ; fs eas i he SO I EA AL na ian ate, (ear Is } p) d ty Par ee ht On Sb) cud ; { w. i | ‘ ¢ { { ) + a . FY He "{ a ened ea > pe y “" 5. eae ~ 2 \ ; il, ¥ pas? } \ f J me t \ * Ww \ \ x / } mY, by) \ ( | ' y ?, FF; A Rt ale Pa hn hig Areh et eA 5 Ae GhirebaNnidd Foe oT , ee ere