yee Cecesenertlarzces ; oP pn his Team ; a ae . Ae-ce. gore eye _ aesgen He ake, rece € ee 2 e ete Ppeoewe ON VIEW AT THE oie AVENUE ART GALLERIES Re ok 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW FY Aol Te teak ae From Sauda F ear 23rd, 1907, until the day of sale, inclusive, ee. CUT HIE ‘COLLECTIONS OF " 1 He Chr rege | nae 20th STREET, NEW YORK. Sei AND ime. Dolivera de Carcassone etic MARI GNAIR, PARIS, FRANCE ieee THE DIRECTION OF PSO TE AM? EXPERT PARIS AND NEW YORK — CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. - , 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and -risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or detroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. — 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; THE FirrH AVENUE ArT GALLERIES not being re- sponsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. | 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public | or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. . THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are m no ways responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. ' JAS. P. SILO, Auctioneer. SrDeR OF SALE. Wednesday, February 27, 1907, at 2.30 p. m. Furniture, Bronzes, Marbles, Textiles and Rugs. Thursday, February 28, 1907, at 2.30 p. m. Furniture, Objets d’Art, Engravings, Textiles and Rugs. Friday, March t, 1907, at 2.30 p. m. Ancient Dresden Porcelain, and the Collection of Italian Faiences and Potteries, Textiles and Rugs. Friday Evening, March 1, 1907, at 8.30 p. m. THE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS Saturday, March 2, 1907, at 2.30 p. m. Objets de Virtu and the Casket of Jewels, Tex- tiles, Gothic Furniture, Wood Carvings, and Objets d’Art of the XV. XVI and XVII. Centuries. ae PRESS ‘Pilace | Astor) 2 Ate “ 5. a a miei: « oa a LEXAND e FIRST AFTERNOON'S SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, Beginning at 2.30 o’clock. 1 — EMPIRE TABLE. Veneered in mahogany. Bronze mounts. 2 — Louis XVI. GuERIDON. Carved and gilded wood. 3 — Louis XVI. Taste. Carved and gilded wood. Marble top. ; 4 — Louis XVI. carr. Carved and gilded wood. 5 -—~ ITALIAN CHAIRS. Set of six. Fine carving. In mahogany. Graceful legs. 6 — ITALIAN TABLE. Veneered in a variety of woods. Round shape. 7 — LIBRARY SUITE. In mahogany. One sofa, three chairs. Richly carved. 8 — Empire mirror. Daintily carved in mahogany. Stand supporting crystal glass mirror. 9 — OLD CHIPPENDALE COMMODE. Of the period. Bronze mounts. 10 — LADIES’ WORK TABLE. Beautifully carved in ma- hogany. Octagon shape. 11 — Louris XVI. commopeE. In oak. Graceful shape. 12 — EMPIRE TABLE. Richly carved in mahogany. Graceful legs and lyre. 13 —- OLD CHIPPENDALE TOILETTE TABLE... Highly ve- neered in mahogany. 14. — OLD CHIPPENDALE WORK TABLE. Oval shape. Ve- neered in mahogany. 15 — ITALIAN FAUTEUIL. Beautifully carved in walnut. Upholstered in green silk damask. 16 — BRONZE BENITIER. Figures in relief. XVI. Cen- tury. 17 — TEAKWOOD STAND. Richly carved. 18 — Mayjorica PANEL. I. H. S. XVII. Century. 19 — BRONZE REPOUSSE PANEL. Boucher subject. 20 — BRONZE REPOUSSE PANEL. Boucher subject. 21 — Copper FONT. Old Russian copper. 22 — Louis XVI. caBINET. Veneered in mahogany. sy Crystal se = i 23 — OLD DRESDEN CUT GLASS CUPS. Set of three.Grace- sine ful Pee Ce ans eae cho er In cut glass. In copper of the pe- Bi gtr’ ee unt oe nN MOSAIQUE 1 BOX. / Same ¢ as the above. LES Tea Pettus Core | Uesniy ee 32 — ITALIAN TABLE. Veneered in rosewood. XVII. Century. 33 — ITALIAN COMMODE. Beautifully inlaid. Graceful shape. XVII. Century. 34 —- CHIPPENDALE TOILETTE TABLE. Very rare and curious. Veneered in mahogany. 35 —- ANTIQUE MAHOGANY ARM CHAIR, Richly carved. Graceful legs. 36 — Louis XVI. GILT BRONZE LIBRARY SCONCES. Wrought in ormolu openwork. For three lights. 37 — EMPIRE CANDLESTICKS. In bronze. Set of two. 38 — Louis XV. TABLE. In marqueterie. Slender legs. 39 — LovuIS PHILLIPPE ETAGERE. Highly veneered in mahogany of the period. 40 — Louis XIV. apptigues. Beautifully carved and gilded wood. Set of two. | 41 — Louis XV. VITRINE. Carved wood and gilded frame. Garland design. 42 — ANTIQUE ITALIAN PLATE. Raffaelesco design. 43 — ABRUZZI PLAQUE. Italian. XVII. Century. 44 — Empire sconces. In gilt bronze. For two lights. Set of two. 45 SILVER PLATE CANDLESTICKS. Louis XV. period. Rare. Set of two. 46 — ITALIAN sworD. Copper pommel. Single edge blade. Length, 35 inches. 47 — FRENCH sworpd. Leather covered pommel. Length, 29 inches. 48 — IraLIAN RAPIER. Wooden grip. Shell shape. ; Length, 38 inches. 49 — CAVALRY SABRE. Wooden handle. Single blade. Richly etched. Length, 30 inches. 50 — VENETIAN casK. Richly chiseled. XVII. Cen- tury. 51 — ITALIAN sworD. Steel pommel and guard. XVII. Century. i Length, 31 inches. 53 54 oi 56 5/ 58 59 60 61 -— IRON SHIELD. Curious specimen of the XVI. Cen- tury. Richly etched. — Battie axe. Deeply etched. Single blade. XVII. Century. Length, 34 inches. — ITALIAN RAPIER. Wire wound grip. Shell shape. Richly etched. Length, 40 inches. — MariInE sworb. Richly etched, bearing the name of Roi Phillipe. Length, 35 inches. — Iron cask. Italian. XVII. Century. Richly etched. — IRoN sHIELD. Deeply chiseled, representing pas- sages of Roman history. XVII. Century. — Iron cAskK. To match the above. —— PORCELAIN DRAGON. Chinese blue enamel. — LADIES’ WORK TABLE. Old Chippendale. Ve- neered in mahogany. Slender legs. — CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS. Set of ten. Veneered in old mahogany. Beautifully carved. Graceful legs. Seats upholstered in red damask. 62 — Louis XV. cHair. Richly carved and gilded wood frame. Upholstered in silk. Beautifully em- broidered. 63 — ITALIAN TABLE. Richly inlaid and veneered in a variety of woods. XVIII. Century. 64 — Louis XV. watt mirror. Beautifully carved and gilded wood frame. Crystal glass. Richly engraved. Of the period. 65 — Louis XV. WALL MIRROR. Companion to the above. 66 — OLD CHIPPENDALE STAND AND MIRROR. Highly veneered. Of the period. 67 — CARVED WOOD TORCHIERE. Richly gilded and earved. style XVI. Century. 68 — CARVED WOOD TORCHIERE. Companion to the to the above. 69 — Bronze Ficure. In the shape of a lion seating. Dark patina. 70 — MarsLE Bust. “Johanna.” Fine sculpture. 71 — MARBLE COLUMN. For the above. 72 —- BRONZE ANDIRONS. Beautifully chiseled. Arms of “Medici.” 73 —- CHIPPENDALE TABLE. Of the period. Beautifully carved and inlaid. 74 — Louis XV. ARM CHAIR. Richly carved in walnut and partly gilded. Upholstered in red damask. Set of four. 75 — Louis XV. coNsoLe. Beautifully carved and gilded wood frame. Ornamented with cupids. 76 — OLD TERCH Cup. With coat of arms of the Rover. 77 —- CHINESE LAMP. Bronze decoration. Very rare. Height, 24 inches. 78 — CUP AND SAUCER. Egg shell, with covers. Of the period. Set of four. 79 — OLD DUTCH PORCELAIN SERVICE. Dessert service consisting of 27 plates and four larger plates. Hand painted, representing Chinese subjects. Very rare. Of the period. 80 — OLD DUTCH TEA SERVICE. White, pink and gold. Set of five pieces. 81 — OLD BRETON TABLE. Beautifully carved in oak. Supported by graceful legs. Ornamented with three hounds. Height, 31 inches. 82 — OLD BRETON CHAIRS. Richly carved spiral legs. Upholstered with antique tapestry. Set of six. 83 — Louis XVI. comMopE. In marqueterie. Of the period. Very richly inlaid and highly veneered. 84 — Louis XV. consoLe. Beautifully carved and gilded frame. Of the period. With marble top oi “Gaillo de Sienna.” 85 — OLD ENGLISH BATTERSEA CUP. Green and white enamel. Flower’ decorations. 86 — OLD ENGLISH BATTERSEA CUP. Same as the above. 87 — SNUFF pox. In tortoise shell. Inlaid with gold decorations. 88 — ENAMEL SNUFF BOx. Louis XV. period. Mar- - quis and Marchionesse on cover. 89 — SnuFF Box. In mother of pearl. Beautifully carved. Gold decorations. go — SNuFF Box. Tortoise shell. Gold decorations. oI — JEWELRY Box. In Sevres. Bearing the mark. Flower decorations. : 92 — SEVRES JEWELRY Box. Handsome design. Louis XVI. period. 93 — IvoRY UMBRELLA HANDLE. Very richly carved. Solid silver top and parts. [louis XVI. period. — 94 — SNnuFF Box. In saxe. Beautiful flower decora- tions. . 95 — SEVRES JEWELRY Box. Handsome shape. Louis XVI. period. 96 — Louis XVI. CENTRE CABINET. Richly carved and gilded wood frame. Garland design. 97 — ITALIAN FAUTEUIL. Richly carved in walnut. Up- holstered in red silk damask. 2 98 — ITALIAN FAUTEUIL. Companion to the above. 99 — Louts XVI. Taste. In marqueterie. Veneered in a variety of woods. Round shape. Drawers. 100 — EMPIRE ARM CHAIR. Beautifully carved in ma- hogany. Of the period. IOI — CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS. Richly carved in mahog- any. Slender legs. Seats upholstered in red damask. Set of six. 102 — BRoNzE FicuRE. “Satyr” holding a cup. Fine expression and patina. 103 — Marsie Ficure. “Spring.” Exquisite sculpture. 104 — MarsLeE Bust. “Richelieu.” Po AREER LION. In dark marble. XVII. Cen: tury. 106 — MarsLe LION. Companion to the above. 107 — Louis XVI. watt mirror. Hammered copper frame. Gilded bronze and tortoise shell incrustations. Of the period. Height, 5 feet 3 inches. 108 — SEVRES CLOCK ser. Rich dark blue. Ornamented with bronze wrought in ormolu. Clock, two candel- abra, and two candlesticks. Louis XVI. period. 109 — Louis XVI. PARLOR SUITE. TIO — LAPUS LAZULI JEWELRY BOX. Very rare. Louis XVI. period. 121 — Louis XVI. CENTRE CABINET. Carved and gilded wood frame. 122 — Louis XVI. sALON cLock. On enamel plaque, representing a court scene. Onyx medallion. OLD ENGRAVINGS AND PRINTS. 123 — VUE DES ENVIRONS DE BAYONNE, Joseph Vernet. ee Vv eau. 124 — VUE DES ENVIRONS DE BAYONNE, Joseph Vernet. tev all. 125 — TABERNACLE ECCE HOMO. Rare print. Carved frame. 126 — AVANT LA LETTRE. English print, B. Weft. W. Green. 127 — AVANT LA LETTRE. Companion to above. 128 — LE CHASSEUR FORTUNE, Nan Falens. Jac. Ph. Le Bas. 129 — HALTE FLAMMANDE, Isaac Ostade. De Lanqueil. 130 — LA MARCHANDE D’AMOUR, Vien Penix.:: J. Beau- varlet. 131 — LA BERGERE DES ALPEs, E. Aubrey, Peintre du Roy. J. Le Veau. 132 — THE DASH OF EPAMINONDAS. February 1, 1774. 133 — LE CABARET FLAMMAND, Isaac Ostade. De Lan- queil. 134 — LkEs AMANTS suRpRIS, F. Boucher. R. Gaillard. 135 — L’aGREABLE LECON, F. Boucher. R. Gaillard. 136 — La REveEusE, F. Boucher. R. Gaillard. EB Weg THE DEATH OF CHEVALIER BAYARD. 138 — COURONNEMENT DE SA ‘MAJESTE, J. A, Laurent. P. Andouin. 139 — BatTILLE D’ausTERLITz, Duplessy Bertraux. Beau- vinet. 140 — RENDEzvoUS DE CHASSE, C. Van Talens; J. Pik: Le Bas. 141 — MADONNA AND CHILD, by Ride. Raphael d’Urbin. 142 — La JEUNE BERGERE, F. Boucher. Voyez. 143 — LA BERGERS RUSSES, J. B. Le Prince. J. B. Til- liard. 144 — LE PANIER MYSTERIEUX, F. Boucher. R. Gail- lard. 145 — LE GOUTER DE L’AUTOMNE, F. Boucher. R. Gail- lard. 146 — GUILLAUME TELL, J. T. Sabbel. P. M. Alix. 147 — DALEMBERT, P. R. Alix. From the original paint- ing. 148 — GUILLAUME THOMAS RAYNAL, M. M. Alix Gar- nerey., 149 — FRANKLIN, P. M. Alix. Van Loo. 150 — SOLON, Garnery. P. M. Alix. I51 — CHAS. LUME, Roslin. P. M. Alix. 152 — Masty, P. M. Alix. 153 — LADY OF THE couRT. Very rare specimen. Em- broidery and print. 154 — Lapy oF THE couRT.. Pendant to the above. 155 —- CONVERSATION ESPAGNOLE, Carle Van Loo. E. Corbutt. 156 — LE REVEIL DES INFANTS, J. B. Le Prince. J. B. Tilliard. 157 — La FECONDITE, F. Boucher. R. Gaillard. 158 — LE MESSAGER DIScRET, F. Boucher. R. Gaillard. 159 — LA DECLARATION, Fragonard Pere. Bervick. 160 — PENSENT ILS A CE MOUTON, F. Boucher. R. Gail- lard. 161 — ANTIQUE RUG. Rare design and coloring. 162 —- OLD PERSIAN RUG. Light shades. Intricate de- sign. 163 — KerMAN RuG. Rich design. Conventional bor- der. 164 — RARE PERSIAN SILK RUG.. Beautiful shades of cream and green. 165 — RARE PERSIAN SILK RUG. Rare specimen. s ae ns ry 7 = s ‘ ~ ’ ; 4 ah hy . % ? ‘ 7 Y 1 a a : - - f ’ _ 4 ‘ Bud * - £o s , . ‘ \ t — * a é ¢ . ' j * Ja { f f ve vy - 4 Ns ‘ 7d c 4, . - is og , - pe . 2 ce rn ah ve i Sa a wr ae Si % +S ice 7 « ae y ’ 4h b ‘=f Be ‘ f a" # ee Cl se. 7 4 1 é - ey F Ve - J i ia £ORY x o ’ ‘ae ‘ ‘ 1 ' ‘a 2 > Fa i b a8 ‘a i f y Fe , wry “. mr se ‘ Ys Se are Aes ‘ ge _ > * Oy , ? P.0! Le pees ” P oy « -* 5 ia” 9 apes co a J Be : 7 . a } r ‘ . j a, 7 ee a om Ry a / _ Tek eee ay ~ Fag *he - * v . + . | ‘ ™~ s 4 ‘ % ; s a Ae j roa a) | » £ PY - é + a: ai, e ts , 74> aur } ‘ ' 7 r o& — a € * s er) me 9 oT? 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 — Louis XV. cLocx ser. Richly chiseled in bronze. Wrought in ormolu. Ornamented with cupids and the Gallic rooster. Candelabra of openwork. Of the period. Two candlesticks, — CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS, © Handsomely carved in mahogany. Massive. Upholstered with red damask. Louis Phillippe period. — CHIPPENDALE ARM CHAIRS. To match the above. Set of two. — CHIPPENDALE VITRINE. Exquisite shape. High- ly veneered in mahogany. = MINIATURE COMMODE. Old mahogany. Very rare. Of the period. — MINIATURE COMMODE. Same as the above. Smaller. — OLD SILVER CANDLESTICKS. Beautiful shape. Louis XV. period. — OLD MARBLE CINDER PLATE. “The Dying Lion- ess.’ Rare. XVI. Century. — ANTIQUE BRETON SoFA. Very elaborately carved in oak, representing hunting scenes and vines. Up- holstered in old tapestry. Of the period. 221 — ANTIQUE BRETON CHAIRS. Same as the above. Spiral legs. Set of eight. 222 — ANTIQUE RENAISSANCE TABLE, Beautifully carved in oak. Very graceful design. Of the period. Orig- inally the property of Cardinal de Rohan. 223 — ANTIQUE BRETON BOOKCASE. In two sections. Richly carved at the base. Three drawers. Orna- mented with a mythological head. Glass panels in upper section. 224 — CHINESE LAMP. Antique bronze decorations. Of the period. 225 — BRoNzE FIGURE. “Pecheuse.” Fine execution and patina. 226 — Bronze Group. “Les Cerfs.” Hunting dogs and their prey. 227 —- BRONZE CROSIER. Gothic period. Height, 22 inches. 228 — BronzE PLAQUE. “The Crucifixion.” Raised work of the XVI. Century. 229 — BRONZE STATUETTE. Child playing on musical in- strument. 230 — BRONZE ANDIRONS. Beautifully chiseled and sur- mounted by bronze figures. Dark patina. 231 — REGENCE CONSOLE. Very handsomely carved and gilded wood. Rare design. 232 — ANTIQUE TORCHIERE. Richly carved in walnut and polychrome on gilt. Period, XVI. Century. 233 — ANTIQUE TORCHIERE. Companion to the above. 234 — ANTIQUE DAGGER. Italian. XVI. Century. 235 — HUNTING POWDER FLASK. Handsomely decorated with hunting scene on bone. XVII. Century. 236 — CHIPPENDALE ARM CHAIR. Richly carved in ma- hogany. Upholstered with red damask. 237 — CHIPPENDALE CHAIR. Set of two. Handsomely carved. Slender legs. 238 — CHIPPENDALE TABLE. Veneered in two shades of wood. Rare. Of the period. COLLECTION OF CENTRAL AMERICAN NATU- RALLY CARVED WOOD FLOWERS 239 — LARGE CARVED WOOD FLOWER. 240 — LARGE CARVED WOOD FLOWER. 241 — LARGE CARVED WooD FLOWER. Gilded. 242 —- SIX SMALL CARVED WOOD FLOWERS. 243 —- SIX SMALL CARVED WOOD FLOWERS. 244 — SIX SMALL CARVED WOOD FLOWERS. 245 — SIX SMALL CARVED WOOD FLOWERS. COLLECTION OF OLD INDIAN POTTERY, DUG _ FROM THE GRAVES OF KASSIKUS mY INDIAN CHIEFS. 246 — ANCIENT JuG. Rare shape. 247 — ANCIENT JAR. 248 — ANCIENT JUG. 249 — LOT OF EIGHT IDOLS. 250 251 Le 253 254 255 256 25/ 258 259 260 — Lot OF EIGHT IDOLS. — Lor OF EIGHT IDOLS. — LOT OF EIGHT IDOLS. — LOoT OF EIGHT IDOLS. — LOT OF EIGHT IDOLS. — Lor OF EIGHT IDOLS. — Louis XVI. cHairs. Carved and gilded wood frames. Slender legs. Set of two. — Louis XV. PARLOR SUITE. Richly carved and gilded wood frames. Upholstered in fine Aubusson. Flower design. — Louis XV. coMMODE. Veneered in marqueterie. Rich bronze mounts. Marble top. — OLD CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS. Set of five. Hand- somely carved. Upholstered in red damask. — RENAISSANCE COMMODE. Richly carved in wal- nut. Four drawers. Ornamented with carved fig- ures, 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 — ANTIQUE cHAIR. In the shape of an X. Hand- somely carved and gilded. Loose cushions in green velours. —— EMPIRE NAPOLEONIC CHAIRS. Set of six. Ve- neered in mahogany. Of the period. Richly orna- mented with bronze mounts. Seats upholstered in green velours. — EMprIrE TABLE. Highly veneered in mahogany. Bronze figures and ornaments. Marble top. — Louis XV. commope. In marqueterie. Of the period. Graceful shape. Bronze mounts. — ANTIQUE ESCRITOIRE. Very handsomely carved in walnut. A very rare specimen of the period. — REGENCE CLOCK sET. Exquisitely chiseled in bronze. Wrought in ormolu and ornamented with numerous figures of nymphs and cupids, in pyramidal order. Ornamented at the base with Malachite can- delabra, holding eight lights. Wrought in ormolu Set of three pieces. —— Bronze ANDIRONS. Massive bronze, richly chis- eled and ornamented with figures of bambinos. Fine dark patina. — OLD DRESDEN Lustre. In cut glass. Thirty-two branches ornamented with crystal chains, supporting a plate. 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 — Louis XIII. arm cHair. Handsomely carved in walnut. Partly gilded. Upholstered in red velvet. Ornamented with lions at the arms. — Louis XIII. arm cHarIr. Companion to the above. are CAPO DI MONTE TEA SET. Of the early period. Beautifully decorated with figures in relief. Large platter. Two sets cups and saucers. — Bronze croup. “Enfant.” Exquisitely chiseled and wrought in gilt ormolu. Representing a child with a goat. Empire period. Height, 11 1-2 inches. — Louis XV. commope. Marqueterie, with rich rich bronze mounts. Marble top. — Louis XVI. SALON TABLE. Richly carved and gilded wood frame. Marble top. ? — DrespeNn Group. Representing a child drawing a cart. Surrounded by garlands of flowers. Very rare object of art. Height, 14 inches. —. AuBUSSON PARLOR SUITE. Louis XV. period. Carved and gilded frames. Floral design on seats and backs. 277 — Louis XVI. comMoprE. Veneered in a variety of woods. Richly mounted with bronze trimmings, 278 — Louis XV. BERGERE. Carved wood and gilded frame. Upholstered in silk damask. 279 — Louis XV. commope, In marqueterie. Veneered in a variety of wood. Bronze mounts. 280 — ANTIQUE TABLE, Richly inlaid in mosaique and ivory. Veneered in mahogany. Rare specimen. LACES, FANS, OBJETS D’ART, TEXTILES, RUGS. 281 — ANTIQUE MALINE BORDER. Length, 2 yards; width, 3 inches. 282 — ANTIQUE MALINE LACE BAND, Length, 1 yard; width, 1 1-2 inches. 283 — OLD VALENCIENNES LACE BORDER. Length, 1 yard 12 1-2 inches; width, 1 1-2 inches. 284 — OLD VALENCIENNES LACE BAND. Length, 17 inches; width, 2 1-2 inches. 285 — OLD VALENCIENNES SLEEVES. Set of two. Length, 1 yard; width, 2 inches, 286 — OLD poInT LACE BORDER. Length, 26 inches ; width, 3 I-2 inches. 287 — OLD POINT LACE BORDER. Length, 26 inches; width, 3 I-2 inches. 288 — OLp VALENCIENNES LACE BAND. Length, 26 inches; width, 2 inches. 289 — OLD POINT COLLAR. 290 — OLD GUIPURE COLLAR. 291 — OLD POINT DRESS TRIMMING. Length, 5 yards; width, 5 1-2 inches. 292 — RARE OLD POINT DRESS TRIMMING. Lenth, 7 1-4 yards; width, 3 inches. 293 — OLD POINT SLEEVES. Set of two. Length, 1 yard 20 inches; width, 3 1-2 inches. 294 — RARE OLD VALENCIENNES COLLAR. 295 — ANCIENT EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF. In old Valenciennes lace. 296 — VERY FINE OLD GUIPURE LACE. Rich design. Length, 3 yards; width, 7 inches. 297 — OLD POINT POLLAN 208 — OLD POINT LACE BAND. Deis of gr: Length, 29 inches ; wig Si 299 — OLD CHANTILLY LACE UMBRELLA. In Ivory and silver handle. . vel 7 BO Ree Otp EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF, or 303 — OLD GUAYAQUIL Lace. Chair back. 304 — OLD ITALIAN LACE LAMBREQUIN. — 30552 ANTIQUE IVORY FAN. Decorated v at of incrusted steel. ue avi Bees “we S eree ce and rich ehamiel medallions. On both sides. XVII. Century. : i 307 — ANTIQUE IVORY FAN. Of Chantilly I ee ANCIENT TEXTILES AND FLOOR COVERINGS. 308 — ANTIQUE COAT OF ARMS. Richly embroidered. XVII. Century. 309 —- ANTIQUE COAT OF ARMS. Pendant to the above. 310 — OLD CHINESE FLAG. Elaborately embroidered. Design of flowers and chimeras. XVII. Century. 311 -—- OLD CHINESE FLAG. Same as the above. 312 — ANTIQUE CHINESE COVER. Richly embroidered in different colors of silk and gold. XVII. Century. 313 — ANTIQUE CHINESE COVER. Same as the above. 314 — ANTIQUE ITALIAN COVER. Floral design in em- broidery. Gold and silver border. Rare piece. 315 — EMBROIDERED PANEL. On white silk. XVII. Cen- tury. 316 — EMBROIDERED PANEL. Same as the above. 317 — ANTIQUE COAT OF ARMS. Set of two. Richly em- broidered. XVII. Century. 318 — Evegque mitre. In gold material. Ribbons bearing the coat of arms. XVII. Century. 319 — CHINESE COVER. Elaborately embroidered with floral design and chimeras. XVII. Century. 320 —- CHINESE COVER. Same as the above. 321 —- ANTIQUE SILK DAMASK COVER. Beautiful design on red and yellow ground. XVII. Century. 322 — ANTIQUE COAT OF ARMS. Set of two. Richly em- broidered with rampant lion. XVII. Century. 323 —- SPANISH BED COVER. Very elaborately embroid- ered in blue silk and gold thread. Fine specimen of the XVII. Century: 324. — SPANISH EMBROIDERED PANEL. Design of birds and flowers on green velours. XVII. Century. 325 — RoyAL PERSIAN RUG. Old rose coloring. Intricate weave. Size, 6.6x4.2 326 — ANTIQUE SENNAH RUG. Delicate colors. Size, 6x4.9 327 — RICH KERMAN RUG. Old gold and pink ground. Rare design. Size, 6.3x4.5 328 — ANTIQUE MESHED CARPET. Rich old bronze and pink colors. Palm leaf design. Size, 12.10X9.9 329 — RoyvAL KERMANSHAH CARPET. Turquoise blue border. White ground. Rare specimen. Size, 16.1x9.6. 330 — ANTIQUE KERMAN RUG. Beautiful design. Rich colorings. 331 — ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG. Soft colors of green and cream. 332 — RARE PERSIAN HALL RUG. Very rich design and close weave. From royal looms. Unusual for its character and size. 333 — RARE PERSIAN HALL RUG. Companion to the above. 334 — Roya sILK RUG. Beautiful colorings in rich red and green. Size, 5.6x4.6. 335 — ANTIQUE KERMAN RUG. Rich soft colors. Rare specimen. Size, 6.3x4.6. 336 — ANTIQUE CAMELS’ HAIR CARPET. Rich green and old rose border. ° Size, 17x10.1. 337 —— Rare SAMARCAND RUG. Rich colorings in old gold, green and old rose. Size, 8.6x4.2. 338 — OLD PUSHMINA RUG. Brown ground. Rich de- sign. . Size, 6.3x4.1. 339 — ANTIQUE LULET RUG. Rich dark blue and brown coloring. Palm leaf design. Rare specimen. Size, 6.7x4.6. 340 — RaRE HERATI RUG. Beautiful green ground. Rare design. XVII. Century. Size, 16.6x7.10) 341 — RoyaL ANTIQUE HERATI CARPET. Light ground, allover cashmere design. Old rose and light green border. Soft tones. Size;\FAso ee ee 342 — ANTIQUE KERMAN RUG. Rich soft colors of green and red. Size, 6.4x4.7. 343 — ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG. Beautiful design in rare colors. Size, 6.3x4.2. 344 — ROYAL PERSIAN SILK RUG. Very rich colorings of green. Old gold. Close weave. Rare specimen. SIZ 5 oka 345 — RARE PERSIAN PRAYER RUG. In silk. Rare speci- men of family prayer rug. In rich colorings. Size, 12.5x3.10. 346 — ANTIQUE KERMAN RUG. Ivory and sage green. Sizem oy Lieto. 347 — RARE SENNAH SILK MOSQUE RUG. Rich red and blue coloring. Rare design.. Size, 5.0x4.3. 348 — Royar sarook RuG. Dark Persian blue and sage green coloring. ize eC (x A.2 349 — IMPERIAL MESHED CARPET. Delicate old rose cen- tre. Turquoise blue border. Choice specimen. Size, -I233 27-0. 350 — RARE SAROOK RUG. Old rose and Persian blue ground. Rare design. | Size, 6.8x4.1. THIRD AFTERNOON’S SALE Fripay, Marcu Ist, 1907 Beginning at 2 30 o’clock. CHINESE PORCELAINS, ANCIENT ITALIAN FAT ENCES AND POTTERY. 351 —- CHINESE FIGURE. Representing a Korean prince. Height, 6 3-4 inches. 352 — TERRA COTTA FIGURE. In the shape of a lion. XVII. Century. Height, 4 1-2 inches. 353 — CHINESE IDOL. Beautiful glazing in a variety of colors. XVII. Century. | Height, 6 1-2 inches. 354 — CHINESE FIGURE. Representing a mandarin. Rich hues of blue and old gold. XVII. Century. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 355 — CHINESE FIGURE. A Woman. Companion to the above. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 356 — FarNza VASE. Blue and white decorations. XVII. Century. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 357 — FAENZA VASE. Companion to the above. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 358 — MoNnTELUPO VASE. Green and red decorations. XVI. Century. 7 Height, 7 inches. 359 — MonrTeLupo vase. Decoration of birds and fen Sos, are, XVII. Century. ee Height, 7 inches. 360 — CHINESE Koro. In the shape of a chimera. Beau- tiful decorations of green and red. XVI. Century. Height, 5 inches. 361 — TERcHI PLATE. Rafaelesque decorations. XVI. Century. 362 — Ersino vase. Blue and white decoration. XVI. Century. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 363 — PESARO VASE. Green, blue and red red decora- fion. XVII. Century. . Height, 7 inches. ! 364. — Farnza VASE. Rich decorations and d Century. aero), 305 — FAENZA VASE. tury. 367 — SICILIAN PLATE. Landscape deco Century. | 368 — Farnza vase. Blue and white dec Century. | wees 369 — Pesaro vase. Decorations of f tions. XVI. Century. oy ae 370 — CAFAJIOLO ; PLATE. XVI. Century. 371 — ABRUZZI PLATE. Ri tury. . 372 — FAENZA PLATE. Century. e Srey 373 —- SAVONA VASE. XVI. Century, “f 374 — TERCHI vases. Landscape decorations. XVII. Century. Rare pair. Height, 17 inches. 375 — CASTELLI vASE. Floral decoration. XVII. Cen- tury. 376 — Napo.i pxaTe. Decorated with rich design. XVI. Century. 377 — FaENzA VASE. Rich yellow and red. XVII. Cen- tury. Height, 11 inches. 378 — MonrTeELupo PLATE. Floral decoration. XVI. Century. 379 — CASTELLI vASE. Ornamented with landscapes. XVII. Century. Height, 13 inches. 380 — FAENZA VASE. Floral decoration. XVI. Century. 381 — CASTELLI VASE. Decorated with flowers. XVII. Century. Height, 14 inches. 382 — FAENZA VASE. Richly ornamented. XVI. Cen- tury. 383 — MonreELupo PLATE. Representing a man on horse- back. XVII. Century. 384 — MonTELuPo pLaTE. With soldier. XVII. Cen- tury. 385 — RAPHAELESQUE PLATE. Small portraits in medal- lion. XVI. Century. 386 — ApruzzI jar. Landscape decoration. XVII. Century. 387 — AsrRuzziI Jar. Companion to the above. 388 — DE ruTA pPLaTE. Rich decorations with reflets metalliques. XVI. Century. 389 — Farnza PLATE. Pulanella decorations. XVII. Century. 390 — MonTELUupo PLATE. Head of a Woman in medal- lion. XVI. Century. 391 — OLD CHINESE PLATE. Fammille Virte. XVI. Cen- tury. 392 — Pistoia PLATE. Decoration of coat of arms. XVI. Century. 393 — FaENzaA PLATE. Trafore decoration. XVII. Cen- tury. . WA a . . Ld ’ ’ Cd $ * e * \ — \ d ~ - ~ « ' ‘dl , 4 - * ' > Ls a a « . * e . * eo ; : * a % . se< by i % «VAM. 2 . y a “ 394 — CASTELLI PLATE. Arbus decoration. XVII. Cen- tury. 395.— URBINO PLATE. Decorated with child. XVI. Century. Rare. 396 — SAVONA PLATE. Coat of arms decoration. XVII. Century. 397 — FAENZA SALLIERE. Rich decorations of red, greens and yellow. XVI. Century. 398 — FAENZA SALLIERE. Companion to the above. 399 — CHINESE IDOL. Rare specimen of the XVI. Cen- tury. 400 — FAENZzA VASE. Blue decoration on white ground. XVI. Century. 401 — FAENzA VASE. Companion to the above. 402 — FAENzA PLATE. Beautiful decoration. XVII. Century. 403 — MonrtTELupPO PLATE. Decorated with numerous stars. XVI. Century. 404. — MontELupo PLATE. Trafore decoration. XVI. Century. 405 — URBINO PLATE. fed of warrior. men. XVI. Century. : eae 406 — CAFFAGGUIOLA PLATE. Ornamente decorations. XVI. Century. | 407 — FAENzA PLATE. Leaf decorations. | tury. Ss 408 — CHINESE PLATE. Richly ornamente tury. ae 409 — STECCO PLATE. Decoration of coat vf Century. 410 — FaENza PLaTE. Refflets metalli tury. | a, 412 — FaEnza vase. Cylinder shape. — 413 — URBINO VASE. Yellow ground, wi Century. With stand in carved rood | i nie it AIS. as MonTELUPO PLATE. Rare specin an Beautiful decoration. | Bs), 416 — PERSIAN PLATE. Blue and white. Rare design of birds. XVI. Century. Diameter, 13 1-2 inches. A417 — Deck PLATE. Dated 1864. Representing Michael Angelo. Blue turquoise ground. | Diameter, II I-2 inches. 418 — PERSIAN PLATE. Rare blue and white design of birds. Shah Ahboz period. XV. Century. Diameter, 14 inches. 419 — Pisto1A PLATE. Leaf decoration. XVEL.* Cen- tury. | Diameter, 12 inches. 420 — MOoNTELUPO PLATE. Ornamented with rich de- sign. XVII. Century. 421 — URBINO PLATE. Raphaelesque decoration. XVI. Century. at Diameter, 14 I-2 inches. 422 — PESARO PLATE. Flower decorations. XVII. Cen- tury. A423 __ FaENnza PLATE. Ornamented with child in centre. XVI. Century. , Diameter, 13 inches. 424 — Pesaro PLATE. Richly ornamented. XVII. Cen- tury. 425 — Urpino vase. Richly decorated. XVII. Century. Height, 10 inches. 426 — Srecco vase. Rare specimen of the XV. Century. Height, 12 1-2 inches. 427 — GUBBIO PLATE. Rich ornaments. XVII. Century. 428 — CHINESE PLATE. Blue and white. XVI. Cen- tury. Diameter, 14 inches. _ 429 — FAENzA PLATE. Decoration of birds. XVII. Century. : 430 — FaENza PLATE. Ornamented with a child in me- dallion. XVII. Century. Diameter, 13 inches. 431 — Pisto1a plate. Rich hues. Rare. Of the XVI. Century. 432 — MiLano pate. Decorations of fruit. XVI Century. Diameter, 12 1-2 inches. 433 — GENOVA PLATE. Richly decorated. XVII. Cen- tury. . 434 — URBINO PLATE. Decorated with coat of arms. XVI. Century. Diameter, 13 inches. 435 — URBINO PLATE. Bence ede decorations. XVI. _ Century. 436 — CAFFAGGUIOLO PLATE. Richly ornamented. XVI. Century. 437 — GuBBIO PLATE. Refflets metalliques. XVI. Cen- _ tury. Diameter, 14 inches. 438 — RARE PERSIAN PLATE. Turquoise Kobedje origin. Floral design on blue ground. XVI. Century. Diameter, 14 inches. 439 — PERSIAN PLATE. Blue and white. Derbend origin. Design of chimeras. Rare specimen of the XVI. Century. Diameter, 13 1-2 inches. 440 — GuBIO PLATE. Design of chimeras. XVII. Cen- tury. . Diameter, II I-2 inches. 441 — Farenza vase. Beautifully decorated with leaf pattern. XVI. Century. ) Height, 18 1-2 inches. 442 — Monretupo pLaTe. Decorated with bird in me- dallion. XVI. Century. 443 — Urpino vasE. Richly ornamented. XVII. Cen- tury. Height, 13 inches. 444 — Urptno vase. Rare specimen of the XVI. Cen- tury. Height, 12 1-2 inches. 445 — CASTELLI PLATE. Ornamented with figures. XVI. Century. 446 — AsBruzzI PLATE. Representing a man on horse- back. Rare specimen of the XVI. Century. Diameter, 14 inches. 447 — UrpBiNo PLATE. Raphaelesque design. XVI. Century. 448 — MONTELUPO PLATE. Decorated with the head of a woman. XVII. Century. Diameter, 13 inches. 449 — URBINO PLATE. Raphaelesque decoration. Fine specimen of the XVI. Century. 450 — PERSIAN vase. Allegorical design. XVI. Cen- tury. Height, 11 inches. 451 — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE DISH. Excavated in Fonilles. Representing mythological subjects. Rare museum specimen. Diameter, 9 inches. © 452 — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE PLATE. With anses. Same 453 454 455 as the above. Diameter, 8 1-2 inches. — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE DISH. Ornamented on both sides with mythological subject. Very interesting. specimen. Diameter, 9 inches. — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE DISH. Same as the above. Larger. © Diameter, 9 inches. — RARE BUCCHERO VASE. With inscriptions and myth- ological designs. Excavated in Fonilles. Height, 12 1-2 inches. — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE VASE. Very curious and rare specimen. Richly decorated with mythological sub- jects. With anses and cover. Diameter, 13 1-2 inches. 457 —- ANCIENT BUCCHERO VASE. Excavated in Fonilles. Bearing mythological signs and inscriptions. Muse- um specimen. Height, 16 3-4 inches. 458 — RARE ETRUSCHE VASE. Richly decorated with mythological subjects. From excavations. Height, Is inches. 459 — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE VASE. Same at the above. Smaller. Height, 13 inches. 460 — ANCIENT BUCCHERO VASE. Rare specimen with anses and cover. Excavated from Fonilles. In perfect state of preservation. Height, 31 1-2 inches. 461 — ANCIENT ETRHSCHE VASE. Very odd shape. Deco- rated with mythological subjects on either side. Rare specimen. Animals and chimeras. Height, 14 inches. 462 — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE VASE. Same as the above. Smaller. | Height, 11 1-2 inches. 463 — RARE ETRUSCHE DISH. Decorated with mytho- logical subject on either side. With anses. Diameter, 9 I-2 inches. 464. — ANCIENT ETRUSCHE BRONZE HEAD. Also excavated from Fonilles. Very curious and rare specimen. The head is in the shape of a hen. Held by achain. In good state of preservation. 465 — URBINO PLATE. Raphaelesque decoration. XVI. Century. fee | Diameter, 13 inches. 466 — PATANASSO PLATE. Decorated with figures. xvi. Century. Diameter, 12 I-2 inches. 467 — MOoNTELUPO PLATE. Decorated with head of wo- mean, XV IT. Century. 468 — FAENzA PLATE. Design of birds. XVI. Century. 469 — PEsAco PLATE. Rare specimen of the XVI. Cen- tury. Medallion represents a horse. Diameter, 13 inches. 470 — VENEZIA PLATE. Decorated with a group of fig- ‘ures. XVI. Century. Diameter, 14 inches. 471 — GuBBIO PLATE. Refflets metalliques. XVI. Cen- tury. Rare. | Diameter, 13 inches, 472 — UrRBINo PLATE. Decorated with figures. XVII. Century. 473 — HIsPANO MORESQUE PLATE. Conventional design in reflets metalliques. XVI. Century. Diameter, 15 inches. 474. —— URBINO PLATE. Design of two women. Rare spe- cimen of the XVI. Century. Diameter, 13 inches. 475 —- STECCO PLATE. Ornamented with coat of arms. XVII. Century. | 476 — ABRUzzI PLATE. Richly decorated with figures. XVI. Century. Diameter, 12 1-2 inches. 477 — CHINESE PLATE. Green and red. XVII. Century. 478 — FaENza vase. Richly decorated in relief design in a variety of colors. Rare specimen of the XVI. Cen- tury. Height, 18 inches. 479 — MonTELupo vase. Rare bold design in yellow, red and green colorings. Fine glaze. XVI. Century. Height, 17 inches. 480 — FArENzA PLATE. Decoration of ornaments. XVI. Century. er 481 — FAENZA PLATE. Same as the above. 482 — URBINO PLATE. Raphaelesque design. XVI. Cen- tury. Diameter, 12 inches. 483 — URBINO PLATE. Same as the above. 484 — FAENZA PLATE. Curious design. XVI. Century. Diameter, 13 inches. 485 — PANTANASSO PLATE. Richly decorated with fig- ures. Rare specimen of the XVI. Century. — 486 — ApBRuUzzI PLATE. Representing mythological sub- jects. Gilded wood frame. Rare specimen of the XVI. Century. Diameter, 15 inches. 487 — ApruzziI PLATE. Companion to the above. 488 — FareNnza PLATE. Decorations of birds. XVII. , Century. 489 — UrRBINO PLATE. Ornamented with coat of arms. Fine specimen. XVI. Century. Diameter, 11 inches. 490 — IvoRY FIGURE. Representing a ic 491 — OLD JASPER” BEADS. Connected by 492 493 494 495 496 - cross. XVI. Century. of Christ. XVIL Satie — ANTIQUE BRONZE ae ay . — Ivory FicurE. “Pensee.” Beauti ing, representing a woman crying, re Coat of arms. "XVI Centtiry ae — Ivory PLAQUE. Denicenee Rt Subject in relief. — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. In wood. Representing a musician. a the XVII. Century. ; — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. F lute pl above collection. oe —-_-- »* — Shc 497 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. Violin player. From the above collection. 498 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. ~ Same as the above. 499 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. Hornpipe player. Bon the above collection. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 500 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. Tambourine player. sor — Ivory PLAQUE. Representing Biblical subjects . inrelief. XVII. Century. Length, 5 inches. 502 — OLD LEATHER POCKET-BOOK. Red leather, contain- ing a wonderful portrait of Christ. Attributed to Quintin Metsys. XVI. Century. 503 — Ivory PLAQUE. In six panels. Beautifully carved. Representing passages of the Bible; “XV ELLY Cen- tury. ; ..Length, 7 inches. 504 — Louis XVI. WATCH. With miniature on cover. 505 — HUNTING FORK AND KNIFE. Ivory handles, rep- resenting a man and a woman. Scabbard of repousse leather. XVII. Century. | pee oe, Length, 12 inches. 506 — SILVER DAGGER. Lapuz lizulie handle. R men. XVI. uy: a, 507 — ITALIAN pDaccER. Bronze sshees an i ae chek Seen XVIIL Canta ate me Red & 508 — Ivory AND SILVER Rie Bark cimen xVE Sawin ee fens in Bhs | 509 — SET OF ANTIQUE PERSIAN PISTOLS, Barrel, charger and powder horn also. ly chiseled in filigree and enamel. Shah Abbaz period. aso SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE, Companio Century. ? 512 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. »- 513 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. Sa 514 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE, Same a: 515 — SAAR BAVARIAN FIGURE. Same as tlie above. 516 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 517 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 518 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 519 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 520 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE, 521 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 522 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 523 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 625 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. 524 — SAAB BAVARIAN FIGURE. All these belong to the same collection. 526 — ROYAL KERMAN RUG. Soft hues of cream and green. Size, 6.5x4.3. 827 — RARE PERSIAN RUG. Rich design and colors. Size, 6.7X4.5. 528 — ANTIQUE SAROOK RUG. Rich ivory and red color- ings. 51zZé, 5.3K a 529 — RARE KERMAN RUG. Close weave. Rich ivory and 530 531 apOS 533 534 530 and green. Odd design. rose hues. Very odd design and size. Size, 11.9x3.10. — RoyAL KERMAN CARPET. Dark red ground. Nu- merous rich borders. Size, 15.11X10.2: — ROYAL PERSIAN SILK RUG. Very fine specimen. Size, 6.8x4.6. —ANTIQUE SAROOK RUG. Old green and brown col- orings. Rare specimen. ie; 2eAow — ANTIQUE FERREGHAN RUG. Delicate hues of ivory Size, 6.3x40% — ROYAL TABRIzZ SILK RUG. Greenish blue effect. Red border. Size, 5.0x4.2: — ANTIQUE KHORASSAN RUG. Dull brown and green hue. 31ze, SKsaOE 530 — RARE ISPAHAN SILK CARPET. Green ground. Pink medallion. Cypress tree design. Size, 10.5x7.8 537 — ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG. Beautiful soft colorings. Size, 6.4x4.2. 538 — RoyAL KERMAN RUG. Rich design. Conventional border. Size, 0.5%. 539 — ANTIQUE HERATI CARPET. From the imperial looms. Brown medallion in centre. Rare specimen. Size, 14.3xI0.4. Besiniae at 2.30 ‘o'clock. OBJETS I DE VITRINE, “OLD ) DRESDE LAINS, THE CASKET OF ; JEWE Boca with cameo of porcelag rep! man Emperor. 541 — Louris XVI. MEDALLION, Same as ivory, richly carved representing “Kin Ke Century. : : 543 — Louis XIV. sNuFF ox. In silver 2 torical panel. Of the period. XVII. - ~ 544 — CAMEO BREASTPIN. “Cerere.” §; frame. XVII. Century. 545 — ENAMEL sNUFF Box. Of silver gilt and decorated with a variety of enamels. St. George and the dragon and pearl in centre. XVIII. Century. 546 — EMPIRE SNUFF Box. Rich green enmels on solid silver gilt. Ornamented with miniature on cover. Length, 4 inches. 547 — ENAMEL SNUFF Box. Silver gilt. Decorated with rich enamels. Castle scene and pearl in relief ornament the cover. XVIII. Century. Length, 4 inches. 548 — Lanpies’ NecessatRE. Louis XVI. Complete set of requisites in silver gilt. . 549 — MINIATURE ON PORCELAIN. Tenier subject. Rare specimen of the X VII. Century. 550 — GoLD SNUFF Box. Louis XVI. In blue enamel. | Richly decorated on cover with Watteau subject. Very fine specimen. Length, 4 1-2 inches. 5 51 — OLD DRESDEN GROUP. Representing a shepherd and his dog. Charming specimen, with the mark. Height, 7 inches. 552 — OLD LUIDUSBOURG GRouP. It depicts two beer drinkers resting their arms on a barrel. Scarce spe- cimen. XVII. Century. | | Height, 7 1-2 inches. 553 — OLD DRESDEN Group. “Marquis et Marchionesse,” The latter is seated in the shade of a tree, and the marquis offers her a pinch of snuff tobacco with per- fect grace. Bears the mark. | Height, g 1-2 inches. 554 — OLD LUIDUSBOURG GROUP. Euphresia feeding her father with her own maternal milk while he was pris- oner and condemned to die by starvation. Very rare specimen, Bearing the mark. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 555 — OLD DRESDEN PASTORAL GROUP. Peasant girl fill- up her basket. Woodcutters and their sheep are rest- ing under the shade of an apple tree covered with fruit. Mark. Height, 8 inches. 5560 — OLD DRESDEN GRouUP. Representing three phases of love, acted by three couples under the shade of a tree. Remarkable expressions of figures. Rare spe- cimen. Mark. Height, 18 inches. 557 — OLD LEGEND DRESDEN GROUP. Representing Rot Auguste Le Fort, king of Saxe, disguised as a tailor, and having scissors instead of a sword. He is de- picted riding on a goat. Very rare and unique speci- men of the period. Mark. | Height, 17 1-2 inches. ie, PAMITY CASKET OF JEWELS. 558 — SILVER AND GOLD cuPIpD. Sharpening his razor. Ornamented with pearls. 559 — ANTIQUE GOLD BREASTPIN. Oranmented with two rubies and several pearls. 560 — ORIENTAL PENDANT. In gold, rubies and pearls, sapphire and topaz ornaments. 561 — PEARL AND ENAMEL NECKLACE. String of 135 Oriental pearls, with fifteen old emeralds. 562 — GOLD AND PEARL NECKLACE. Wound gold chain. Ornamented with pearls. 563 — SAPPHIRE BROOCH. Ornamented with pearls. 564 — ANTIQUE GOLD EARRINGS. Ornamented with large pearls. XVII. Century. 565 — OLD TREFLE BROOCH. Exquisite shape. In dia- monds and three large pearls. 566 — ANTIQUE RING. Coat of arms of the Medici in enamel. 367 — ANTIQUE CAMEO RING. Very rare. 568 569 5/0 571 Sig 574 5795 576 ory. — ANTIQUE SAPPHIRE RING. Large sapphire with diamonds. — BLUE ENAMEL RING. Decorated with old dia- monds. — RARE ANTIQUE NECESSAIRE. For belt. In gold and silver. Beautifully chiseled with figures in relief. Ornamented with precious stones. XVII. Century. — DIAMOND AND RUBY BROOCH. Exquisite work- manship. Antique. — RARE MEDALLION. Representing Bacchus in enam- el, surrounded by grapes of pearls and small dia- monds. — ENAMELED AND DIAMOND PENDANT. Beautifully executed. | — PEARL AND ENAMEL BROOCH. rare design. — ANTIQUERING. Exquisite design. With a large pearl. — SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND cross. Unique, antique family heirloom. — RICH PEARL BROOCH. Exquisite workmanship. With enamel. tis A i 578 — SAPPHIRE PENDANT. Ornamented with diamonds. 579 — DIAMOND AND EMERALD NECKLACE. Very fine old specimen. Rare. 580 — EMERALD BROOCH. Oranmented with diamonds. Exquisite workmanship. 561 — ENAMEL PENDANT. Ornamented with diamonds. 582 — RarE PEARL BROOCH. A cupid in gold, encircled by a serpent. Very large pearl. Unique old specimen. 583 — SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND NECKLACE. Beautifully made. Of the period. 584 — PEARL AND DIAMOND BROOCH. With enamel me- 585 dallion, representing the coat of arms of the Medici. Very unique. — PEARL AND DIAMOND RING. Two pearls with dia- mond in centre. 586 — PEARL AND DIAMOND RING. Exquisite shape. Pearl surrounded by diamonds. 587 — PEARL NECKLACE. Single string of pearls. Very pretty. About 100 pearls. 588 589 590 591 593 — PEARL AND BLACK DIAMOND RING. Very rare spe- cimen. Large pearl and pear shaped black diamond. — DIAMOND PENDANT. Very pretty chain. With diamond bow holding two large African diamonds. Pure white and of flat shape. About 5 karats each. Rare old piece. | ——_ DIAMOND AND PEARL PENDANT. Single large pearl drop (20 grains) in a star of diamonds. The pearl is rare and round. — UNIQUE ENAMEL NECKPIECE. Exquisitely finished in the shape of two entwined serpents meeting at the centre of a large emerald. Three large pearl drops. A very rare old piece. — RICH PEARL NECKLACE. In dog collar shape. With twelve rows of pearls containing 1164 pearls of large size. Five brilliant bouquettes. Ornamented with pure white stones. Over 30 karats. Rare Oriental pearls. __ SINGLE STRING OF PEARLE. Containing 57 beauti- ful large pearls, nicely matched. Some over 15 grains each, forming a very beautiful and a very valuable necklace. 593a —-GOLD PURSE. Ornamented with precious stones. ’ ' e \ : . - ‘ Sone ; . ’ ite* 4 > iy L : a iy é 4 » iis . : ie ei ® . 1 i ‘ “ ‘ . iy , “4 OBJETS D’ART, IVORIES, ENAMELS, BRONZES, WOOD CARVINGS AND TAPESTRIES OF THE fo VIZ AND XVII. CENTURIES. 594 — BRONZE STATUETTE. Representing a cupid. Over his shoulder he carries a lion. Curious specimen of the XVII. Century. Height, 7 inches. 595 — BRONZE FIcuRE. Representing a warrior. XVI. Century. Height, 6 inches. 596 — BroNzE STATUETTE. “Hercules Farnessa.” XVII. Century. Fine patina. Height, 9 1-2 inches. Fo, Bronze FIGURE. Representing an Asiatic idol. Early XV. Century. Height, 7 inches. 598 — BRoNzE INKSTAND. ‘Base in the form of three heads of horses, surmounted at the cover by a cupid. XVI. Century. Height, 4 inches. 599 — BRONZE STATUETTE. Representing the autumn. XVI. Century. ‘Height, 7 1-2 inche.s 600 — BRONZE STATUETTE. ert represents — a R the XVIL Century. 603 — Ivory FicuRE. Flemish. woman, Companion to the above. fal — Ivory FicurE. Representing theAscer _tiful carving. Of the XVII. Conn 1 605 — Ivory croup. Madonna and Chil carving of the XVII. Century. | -Origi collection of Cardinal Vanutelli. The} , a silver crown. we . 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 — Ivory CASKET. Italian. XVI. Century. Beauti- fully etched in floral design. Length, 11 inches. __ Tvory BAS RELIEF. It depicts San Sabastian tied to a tree. Fine expression and exquisite carving of the XVII. Century. Height, 5 inches. — IvyoRY DYPTIQUE AND EVANGELIERE.. Guardian Angles and Madonna. Carved arches. Border or- namented with rubies. XVII. Century. Height, 5 inches. -— SoLIp SILVER FIGURE. Representing Christ Cruci- fied. Wonderful chiseling of the XVI Century. School of Jean Bologna. Height, 10 1-2 inches. __ Sirver PLAQUE. Representing Christ and the Apostles in bas relief. XVI. Century. Height, 6 1-2 inches. — ECCLESIASTICAL TRAY. In silver gilt repousse. Work representing a church. XVI. Century. Length, 9 inches. — Ivory FicurE. Representing a warrior. Pedestal . of ivory. Exquisite chiselling. With every detail. XVII. Century. : Height, 12 1-2 inches. 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 — Ivory FicuRE. Representing a woman. Pendant to the above. : — Rock CRYSTAL AND BRONZE CANDLESTICK. Gothic period. Very rare. } Height, 6 inches. - — Rock CRYSTAL AND BRONZE CANDLESTICK. Gothic period. Companion to the above. Height, 6 inches. SALON cLocK. In lapus lazuli and silver gilt. Cupids with musical instruments ornament the base. Orna- mented with lion’s heads and surmounted by a cupid at the top. Rare specimen of the XVIII. Century. Height, 9 inches. — ENAMEL CRUET. Royal cabinet specimen of the XVII. Century. Bottle shape, enamel body, in a beau- tiful variety of hues. Ornamented with pearls and rubies. Serpent shape handle. ; | Height, 9 1-2 inches. — BRoNzE STATUETTE. Gladiator. Exquisite chisel- ing of the XVI. Century. Ebony base. Height, 9 inches. — GILT BRONZE STATUETTE. Representing a Saint. Fine drapery. The stand is wonderfully etched and has an ivory medallion in centre. XVI. Century. Height, 11 inches. 621 — Bronze croup. “Motherhood.” A calf milking its mother. Very fine chiseling of the XVII. Cen- tury. Height, 8 inches. 622 — Bronze Group. Cupid on horseback. Curious and rare specimen of the XVII. Century. Marble base. Fine patina. Height, 14 inches. 623 — BRoNzE sTaTUETTE. It depicts St. Peter sitting on a stalk and holding the keys in his right hand. XVI. Century. Height, 6 3-4 inches. 624 — ROCK CRYSTAL AND AGATE VASE. In the shape of a swan. Neck of crystal. Coupe of agate. Base and tail of gold. Curious objet d’art of the XVII. Cen- tury. 7 Height, 4 inches. 625 — Rock crystaL MuG. Exquisitely etched with pas- toral design. Frame and neck of silver enameled. Rare specimen of the XVII. Century. Height, 7 inches. 626 — BronzE VASE. Cupidon subject. Wonderfully executed. Two anses. Rare piece of the XVII Cen- tury. | Height, 6 1-2 inches. 627 — BRONZE CROSIER. Bishop’s oxocdaseaae cro gilt bronze. Ornamented with the figure of t : donna. XVI. Century. . pee 628 Century. 629 — Bronze croup. Hunter and hi handsome specimen of the NOE Cer : Jaca. Pronounced by Dr. Bode of B example of the master. ae 630 — BRONZE STATUETTE. Musician, derful execution, showing vey detai : Marble base. | 631 => ENAMEL PLAQUE. Representin shape. ae Century. ere 632 — ENAMEL PLAQUE, Repreacea wood frame. Of the ponledss Li tury. 633 634 635 — ENAMEL PLAQUE. Santa Maria. Richly draped. Holds the handkerchief on which is depicted the face of Christ. Castle scene on the background. Carved wood frame. XVII. Century. | Height, 8 inches. — ENAMEL PLAQUE. Jeanne d’Arc on horseback in a medallion frame, with Latin inscription. Rich black and white enamel. Limousin. XVI. Century. Carved wood frame. Height, 9 1-2 inches. — ENAMEL PLAQUE. Limoges. XVII. Century. De- -picting a passage of the life of Christ. Rich hues of 636 637 enamel. Rare specimen. [leight, 14 1-2 inches. —. ENAMEL PANEL. Champleve. Early XV. Cen- tury. Biblical subject. Height, 6 1-2 inches. — RARE SILVER ENAMEL PANEL. Very fine repousse work of silver and enameled in a rich variety of colors. Representing the life of Christ. XVII. Century. _ Limoges. 638 Height, 28 inches. — Limousin PLAQUE. Representing the birth of Christ. Beautiful blue and white enamel. Carved wood frame. Of the period. XVI. Century. Height, 10 inches, 639 — ENAMEL TRYPTIQUE. Rare and beaut 640, 641 642 643 — LIMOGES ENAMEL CRUET. Verua men of enameling. Depicting Biblical pass: three panels. Very rich coloring of red and cream. Attributed to Limousin. ae Height : men of the period. Design of flowers a cal subjects. Rare colorings of ename shape. XVII. Century. . — CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL CHASSE. the XV. Century, showing primitt bronze. Allegorical design, with ch cover. ae: : a: — Rock CRYSTOL COUPOLA. a un reenting a coupola of rock oe : the cannes iS slok é pill mercury XVII. Canary ee Hy i — Ivory croup. In ne Naat et a * 644 — DE RUTA TABLET. Madonna and Child. Beauti- fully executed with rich yellow, green and red enamel. XVI. Century. | 7 Height, 24 inches. 645 — STUCCO PLACQUE. Saints in relief. Sanctuary lamps and guardian angels. Curious specimen of the XVI. Century. , Height, 19 inches. 646 — DERUTA PLAQUE. Madonna and child surround- ed by guardian angel. XVI. Century. Height, 12 inches. | 646a —DELLA ROBBIA TABLET. It depicts the head of Christ. On white enamel plaque. Wonderful ex- pression. Carved wood frame of the period. XVI. Century. AG ae Height, 26 inches. 647 — ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA BAS RELIEF. It represents two saints praying in the forest. Rich hues of green, yellow and brown enamels, and wonderful detail. Mu- seum specimen.. XVI Century. Height, 14 inches. 648 — DIPTIQUE PAINTING. Of the XV. Century. Rep- resenting Biblical subject. Beautiful expressions of faces. Gilded ground. Fine specimen. tee Height, 17 inches. “a eS SON Se ve. ease oe es Sse. os 3 » ire dee he « oe Fat aS v 649 — ENAMEL EVANGELIERE. In two no picting historical subjects on the four sid exquisite Limoges enamelling of theinente ‘sin, AVL Century. a : : Height GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE FURN WOOD CARVINGS 650 — CARVED WOOD PANELS. Set of thre birds and flowers. fy 651 — CARVED WooD PANELS. NO. sign. oo NOES 652 — EBony CARIATIDES. Beautifully car two. XVII. Century. “a 654 —- CARVED WOOD PANELS... Set of four. * the seasons. Renaissance period. — 655 — caves WOOD ETAGERE. -Pzagea. ane tifully | carved and gilded. Louis’ XV. 6536 — RENAISSSANCE PANEL. Representing Biblical subject. Wonderful carving. XVI. Century. Height, 15 inches. 657 — RENAISSANCE PANEL. Companion to the above. 658 — RENAISSANCE PANEL. Depicting another subject. XVI. Century. Height, 14 inches. 6s9 — RENAISSANCE PANEL. Companion to the above. 660 — CARVED woop PLAQUE. In ebony. Representing a battle scene. Figures in relief. XV L Century. 660a —-REPOUSSE PLAQUE. In bronze. Depicting histor- ical passages. Figures in relief. Height, 14 inches. 661 — CaRveD woop FicuRE. A saint preaching. XVI. Century. Height, 12 inches. 662 — Burts staTuETTE. Madonna and child. In box- wood. Fine French carving of the XVI. Century. 663 — GOTHIC STATUE. In carved wood. Representing ~ Santa Barbara holding a castle in her hands. Won- derful expression. XIV. Century. Height, 39 inches. #,, 664 — GOTHIC sTATUE. In carved wood. Santa Cata- lina. Companion to the above. Height, 39 inches. 665 — CARVED WOOD STATUE. Representing a saint, with hands outstretched. Fine drapery. XVI. Century. Height, 20 inches. 666 — CARVED Woop sTATUE “Madonna.” Wonderful piece of carving of the XVI. Century. Fine expres- sion and drapery. Height, 4 feet 4 inches. 667 — RENAISSANCE PANEL. Very curious specimen in four niches, with saints in relief, whose expressions are peculiar. Length, 5 feet 8 inches. 668 — RENAISSANCE PANEL. Beautifully carved, with animals and subjects. Rare. Leingth, 5 feet 2 inches. 669 — RENAISSANCE PANELS. Set of two. To match the above. 670 — GOTHIC COFFER. Richly carved. Of the period, with coat of arms of rampant lion in relief in centre. Lock and key of period. Rare specimen. Length, 8 feet 8 inches. et ume ise oss 671 672 673 674 675 — RENAISSANCE BAHUT. Richly carved wood of the period. Ornamented at the sides with figures of carved wood. Rare specimen of the XVI. Century. — RENAISSANCE BUFFET.. Carved in oak in two sec- tions, finished at upper section with a cupid’s head. Lower section panels beatuifully carved with figures and cariatides in relief. Fine specimen of the XVI. Century. is — BRONZE STATUETTE. Representing a prince of the Gothic period holding a scepter in his hand. Wonder- ful chiseling of the XV. Century. Very rare. Height, 29 inches. — BRONZE STATUETTE. Representing a princess of the Gothic period, with her hands crossed. Her cu- rious headgear bears a coat of arms. Fine drapery. Height, 29 inches. — BRONZE STATUETTE. Of the Gothic period. Com- panion to the above. Height, 29 inches. 676 — RENAISSANCE BAHUT. Wonderfully carved in walnut. Richly ornamented with carved wood statu- ettes and cariatides of the period. Drawers and locks. In perfect state of preservation. Curious specimen of the XV. Century. 677 678 679 680 681 _ ANTIQUE EBONY TABLE. Richly carved in alle- gorical design. Ornamented with figures of animals and fruits. Beautiful specimen of carving of the MVIT Century. Very large and rare. __ ANTIQUE ITALIAN CHAIRS. Set of six. Exquisite- ly carved in walnut. Loose cushions. Upholstered in silk yellow and red damask. Of the period. Pure XVI. Century. __ RENAISSANCE PRIEDIEU. Beautiful carving of the period. Ornamented pisa with figures. XVI. Century. __ RENAISSANCE COMMODE. Richly ornamented at the sides with statuettes and cariatides of the period. Four drawers. The top drawer 1s ornamented at the centre with a crown. Originally the property of Duchessa Stossi. Very rare specimen. __ RENAISSANCE BAHUT. In two sections. Very ex- quisitely carved in walnut and profusely ornamented with cariatides and statuettes beautifully carved and very curious. Several small drawers on upper sec- tion. Locks and key of the period. XVI. Century. - Very rare. 682 683 __ CarvED woop STATUETTE. In the shape of a horse. Beautiful carving. XVI. Century. —— CARVED WooD STATUETTE. Madonna. Very fine carving of the XVI. Century. | ‘ 7 : ’ 684 — PorPHORY OBELISQUE. Mounted in real bronze. Rare specimen. Height, 18 inches. 685 — RENAISSANCE PANELS. Set of two. Richly carved. : Height, 7 inches. 686 — RENAISSANCE coMMobDE. In black walnut. Rich- ly carved. Ornamented with figures, cariatides and statuettes at the sides. XVI. Century. pe COLLECTION OF CHURCH PANELS. 687 — CARVED WOOD PANEL No. I. It represents Christ being brought down from the Cross. Wonderful carving, showing every detail and expression. XV. Century. Height, 11 1-2 inches. Length, 29 inches. 688 — CARVED WOOD PANEL No. 2. It represents the “Resurrection.” The soldiers are depicted falling on their knees. XV. Century. Height, 46 inches. Width, 26 inches. 689 — CARVED WOOD PANEL No. 3. It represents the Vir- gin Mary at St. Elizabeth. XV. Century. Height, 47 inches. Width, 35 inches. 690 691 692 693 694 695 __ CARVED WOOD PANEL No. 4. It represents the An- nunciation of the Virgin by Angel Gabriel. Height, 55 inches. Width, 31inches. __ CARVED WOOD PANEL No. 5. It represents the As- sumption of the Virgin, surrounded by seven Apostles. On each side an angel. XV. Century. Height, 46 1-2 inches. Width, 31 inches. _ CARVED Woop PANEL No. 6. It represents the “Resurrection,” and the eleven Apostles. XV. Cen- tury. Height, 46 1-2 inches. Width, 21 inches. _~ CARVED WOOD PANEL No. 7. It represents Pere Dieu and Dieu Le Pere and the Virgin. XV. Cen- tury.. Height, 39 inches. Width, 29 inches. __ CARVED WOOD PANEL No. 8. It represents the Death of Christ, Madeline and the Virgin on either side. Height, 15 inches. Width, 27 inches. — DELLA ROBBIA TABLET. Wonderful carving of the early XVI. Century, representing the Birth of Christ. Rare museum specimen. Height, 18 inches. 696 — Bronze coFFRET. In bronze. Wonderfully chis- eled, representing Biblical subjects. Length, 9 inches. 697 — Bronze FicuRE. In the shape of a horse in fiery action. Marble base. XVIi Century. Height, 6 inches. 698 — BRONZE FIGURE. Companion to the above. 699 — CARVED Woop FIGURE. Representing Madonna ana Child XVII. Century. Gilded: _ Height, 14 inches. 700— GOTHIC CANDLEsTIcKS. In carved wood of the pe- riod. With mecha. Rare. , Height, 24 inches. 701 — CARVED WooD FIGURE. Madonna and Child, wear- ing acrown. Beautiful carving of the XV. Century. Height, 29 inches. 702 — JADE juG. Exquisite shape. Fine color. 703 — JADE DAGGER. Ornamented with rubies and dia- monds. 704 — JADE DAGGER. Ornamented with rubies and dia- monds. Silver scabbard. 705 — JADEMACE. Very rare specimen of the XVI. ( en- | tury. Marachal’s mace. Ornamented with diamonds and rubies. {ay | 705 — ENAMEL PAx. Venetian. XV. Century. | senting the Crucifiixion. wood frame. 707 — Ivory juc. Richly carved out of a 1e tusk. Roman passages of history in relie ae cimen.. 708 — Ivory GROUP. “Au Calvert. | 709 — ANCIENT BooK. Ecclesiastical cov red velvet of the period, ornamented plaques. 7 710 — THE FAMILY CASKET. In solid silver and gold. 711 piZ 713 714 715 716 717 Beautifully etched, with design of chimeras and flow- ers. Four lions’ heads ornament each side. Coat of arms. ‘The casket is in the shape of a book. Renais- sance period. Length, 15 inches. Height, 6 inches. = — Louis XV. BERGERE. Richly carved and gilded wood. Upholstered in silk damask — FOUNTAINEBLEAU SALON SUITE. Very rare suite, in carved and gilded wood. Upholstered in Aubusson tapestry. Ornamented with figures. Slender legs. One sofa, six arm chairs. , — SCREEN, to match. — BANQUETTE, to match. — SCREEN, to match. — FoUNTAINEBLEAU SALON TABLE. Very elaborate- ly carved and gilded wood frame. Garland design. Very rare specimen. Violet breche. Marble top. — MARIE ANTOINETTE COMMODE. Veneered e a va- 1 i . arble top. riety of woods. Rich bronze mounts. M Pp ANCIENT TAPESTRIES, TEXTILES, RUGS. __ 718 718a — Coat oF ARMS. Same as the above. Smaller. 719 720 721 722 123 724 — Coat or arms. Richly appliqued. Rampant lion. Set of two. XVII. Century. — ALTAR FRONTAL. Blaborately embroidered i in a ree and gold. Flower design and medallions of saints, 3 Genoese velvet ground. BENG specimen of the XVI. See Century. ccna t a) |, See — ANTIQUE FLEMISH TAPESTRY. ‘Rowena Res man subjects of history. Fine. clgaaas ANE Cen- ak tury. eka — AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL. To match the Fone a tainebleau salon suite. Tenier subject. Rich: color) ing. | Xe Cd — AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL. Same asthe above. __ — paweiie TAPESTRY PANEL. Verdure, Represent. ta ing a landscape. av EG Ge | ae _— RARE VERDURE TAPESTRY. Woven mostly an ste an It depicts a magnificent landscape and castle with the figures of chickens in light colorings. Flowers in beau- Sat tiful relief. Large size. XVII. Century. an —- 725, — ANCIENT RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY. Pure, Of the period. Without any separation. Representing a small castle scene and numerous small personages. The border depicts a variety of animals and the lower end.a stream with a variety of fishes. Very curious and rare museum specimen. of the period. 726 — FLEMISH TAPESTRY PANEL. Verdure. Repre- senting a landscape with a swan. XVII. Century. 727 — BRUSSELS TAPESTRY PANEL. Representing Roman historical subject.. Interesting specimen of the XVII. Century. 728 — ANCIENT ALTAR FRONTAL. Richly embroidered in gold thread on red damask of the period. XVII. Cen- | tury. 729 — ANTIQUE SHAH zADE RUG.’ Old rose and blue col- oring. Rare design. | Size, 6.11X4.4. 730 — RoYAL ANATOLIAN RUG. Soft ivory and red col- oring. Medallion centre. Size, 5.5X4. 731 — ANTIQUE KERMAN RUG. Rich hues of green and cream. Rare design. Size, 6.7x4.3. 732 — FINE PERSIAN RUG. Conventional design. Very soit hues. 7 | Size, 6.4x4.5. matctede kinked ate hk GR oy 733 — ANTIQUE KERMAN RUG. ich red and doe oring. Fine Weave cc sca hy oe 734. ANTIQUE MOHAIR MELEZ CARPET. Plain brov ground. Soft colorings. 735 — RARE PERSIAN HALL RHG. Of very ee ture and design. Beatuiful soft colors. i rom t perial os: Rare size. ie tele 4 ie Sa Sea eo s em, S, ace Size, 736 — RARE PERSIAN HALL RUG. Companion to above. ah _ Fine texture. | peers; ae ae 738 — ANTIQUE MOSQUE CARPET. Royal Bijar. blue and brown ground. Very curious speci four rugs woven in one. Used in mosks ion tl rpiest and worshippers. ture. : Le re et Ne ene Size, I¢ - 740 — VERY RARE ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET. From the imperial looms of Tabriz. Unusual design and col- oring. Rare size. The closest woven texture. Size, 260x106. 741 ANTIQUE PUSHMINA CARPET. Soft dull green color- ing. Palm leaf design. Rare specimen. Size, 19.2x11.6. 742 — ROYAL SERAPI CARPET. Red and blue coloring. Choice quality. Size,16.4x12. 743 — ANTIQUE MESHED CARPET. Deep red centre, with beautiful blue border. One of the rarest specimens of the Khorassan looms. Size, 23x16. 745 — RARE PERSIAN SILK CARPET. Ground of rich red, with floral design. Beautiful hues and very fine tex- ture. Ornamented with the three sacred flowers of Shah Abbaz. Size, 14.4x10.6. 746 — ANTIQUE KASHAD CARPET. Very fine old Persian design in palm leaf, green and ivory coloring. Un- usual size. sates JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. LLAP 93-DIASHY Nee wpe meres ys VRE, RE ta oe “ps ~ = hier : LF De -f