CATALOGUE No. 1180, Parr I. 7 , Nes cial Ke Te The Valuable Library E. M. BOYLE, Esq. OF PHILADELPHIA EMBRACING Shakespeariana, including the Second Folio of 1632; First and Early Editions of the English Dramatists and Poets; Early Black Letter Books. First Editions of English Authors of the Elizabethan Era and of the Eighteenth Century And many other books of an unusual character TO BE SOLD Tuesday Afternoon and Evening, cane rath, 1916 AT 2.30 AND 8 O’CLOCK P. M. STAN. V. HENKELS : AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT » 1304 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. CATALOGUE No. 1180. PART I. The Valuable Library E. M. BOYLE, Esq. OF PHILADELPHIA EMBRACING The Second Folio Shakespeare, 1632; the First American Edition of Shakespeare, 1795-6; Set of the Quarto Fac- similes; The Various Editions of Shakespeare by the Great Commentators, and many works relating to the Life, History and Authorship of Shakespeare. English Black Letter Books and other Early Publications, First Editions of the Early English Dramatists and Poets, including many items of uncommon occurrence; First Editions of Authors of the Elizabethan Era, and of the Eighteenth Century. Many items of unusual interest in General Literature which are sought after by the collector. A Fine Copy of the First Folio Audubon’s Birds of America and Audubon & Bachman’s Quadrupeds TO BK SOLD Tuesday Afternoon and Evening, Dec. 12, 1916 AT 2.30 AND 8 O’CLOCK P. M. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT 1304 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. The only Auction House in the country where the Books are catalogued by the person who cries the sale—an ad- vantage not to be lightly overlooked. TERMS OF SALE Bills must be paid before 12 e’clock on the day after sale. No credit given under any circumstance. On mail orders, payment must be made on receipt of bill. Deposits must be made when requested. All Books are sold so much peyx volume, and bids must be made accordingly unless otherwise stated. Bids faithfully executed by the auctioneers without extra charge for those who cannot attend sale. For purchasers or their agents present at the sale, books are sold as they are, without recourse. When we execute orders books are guaranteed as catalogued, but such books, when not up to description, must be returned within fifteen days from date of sale. No Books returnable after fifteen days from date of sale. In all cases of disputed bids, the Auctioneer reserves the right of re-selling the lot in question. STAN. V. HENKELS, AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. MAURICE H. POWER, PRINTER 1110-16 Sansom Street Philadetphia REMARKS. WE have in this Catalogue, the pleasure of presenting the first portion of the library of Mr. E. M. Boyle, of Philadelphia, who is one of the few of old time collectors left. He has been known to collectors and booksellers, both in this country and abread, for nearly fifty years, and having a deep interest in Eng- lish Literature in all its branches has accumulated a very large library. Asa natural consequence he has secured many items of the greatest literary as well as bibliographical importance. Like all book-lovers, his hobby ran in some channels, more than others, consequently he has made a collection of works by, or relating to Lord Byron, probably for its extent, not equalled by any other private collection. His Library includes many great rarities and presentation copies; but of this we will speak later, as also of his collection of Incunabula, Early Bibles, Illuminated Manu- scripts, Curiosa and General Literature, History, Biography, &c., catalogues of which will appear later. The present Catalogue embraces that portion of the library which relates to the early English Drama and Poetry, Early English Authors, Annalists and Historians, as well as rare trans- lations of the Greek and Latin Classics. The first part of the Sale embraces the Shakespeariana, in which will be found a very good copy of the Second Folio of 1632, and the First American Edition of Shakespeare; a Set of the 4to Facsimiles; many of the most important editions of Shakespeare, edited by the various commentators; and works relating to the life and history of the Poet; Controversial Essays; the Shakespeare-Bacon Contro- versy, &c. In the General Literature will be found Codrington’s Aesop’s Fables of 1666; Barclay’s Argenis, 1636; First and Second | Editions of Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy; First Edition of Chapman’s Homer, 1616; Lidgate’s Chaucer of 1561; Speight’s Chaucer of 1602, and Urry’s Chaucer of 1721; Cooper’s Chroni- cle, 1565 (which Shakespeare consulted); First Folio Davenant of 1673; Drayton’s Poly-Olbion, 1613-22; First Edition of Fair- fax’s Tasso, 1600; First Edition of Ben Jonson, 1616; First English Edition of Montaigne’s Essays, 1603; First Edition of Milton’s Paradise Lost; First Edition of Pope’s Windsor Forest, 1713; Rare Dunciad, 1728; Iliad and Odyssey of Homer,1715-26, and His Collected Works, 1717; Sleidan’s Chronicle, 1560; Spenser’s Faerie Queen, 1611; First Folio Beaumont and Fletcher, 1647; First Edition of The Tatler, 1709-10; a large number of Early Dramas and The Works of Early Dramatists, and many books of a minor character, but which are sought after by the collector. Included in the Sale is a Magnificent Copy of the First - Folio Audubon’s Birds of America, 1831-39, and Audubon and Bachman’s Quadrupeds, 1845-48. This is one of the finest sets ever offered for sale, and is enclosed in a handsome ebonized cabinet. | 3 Stan. V. HENKELS. I oS) CATALOGUE SHAKESPEARIANA. THE SECOND FOLIO SHAKESPEARE, 1632. Shakespeare. Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, His- tories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. The Second Impression. (Portrait of Shakespeare by Droeshout on title). Folio, full dark red morocco. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at the signe of the Black Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1632. Ihe Second Folio Shakespeare. Perfect and in generally jine condition. The portrait has the margins trimmed and is lad down, and the leaf containing the verse by Ben Jonson opposite the title has the margin cut off and is laid down. The balance of the book is perfect excepting the last page which has a very small piece torn from the corner. The usual errors in pagination occur, with at least one uncorrected, which has been corrected in most copies. Next to the first folio this as the most important text, and is also remarkable for contain- ing the fine epitaph on Shakespeare, which was the first appearance in print of any lines by John Milton. Shakespeare, William. The First Collected Edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. A Repro- duction in exact fac-simile of The Famous First Folio, 1623, by the newly-discovered process of photo-lithography, exe- cuted by express permission of Lord Ellesmere and the Trustees of the British Museum from the Matchless Copies in Bridgewater House and in the National Library, at the suggestion and under the superintendence of H. Staunton. Portrait. Folio, boards, uncut (cover loose). London: Day & Son, 1866 Scarce. The best fac-simile of the First Folio. Shakespeare. A Reprint of Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Original Copies. Folio, full morrocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1864 iO tl 2 Booth’s verbatim reprint of the famous first folio of 1623, edited by Thomas Wright. Large paper copy. Shakespeare. The Works of William Shakespeare in Reduced Facsimile from the Famous First Folio Edition of 1623. With an introduction by J. O. Hallowell-Phillips. 8vo, half roan, top edges gilt. London, 1876 Shakespeare. A Reprint of his Collected Works as put forth in 1623. Part II containing The Histories. 4to, limp cloth, gilt. London, 1863 Booth’s verbatim reprint. Shakespere’s Hamlet; the First Quarto, 1603. A fac- simile in photo-lithography by William Griggs, with fore- words by Frederick J. Furnivall. 8vo, half roan. London, n. d. Shakespere Quarto Fac-Similes. A series of reprints, facsimiles in photo-lithography of the original 4to editions of the Histories, Tragedies and Comedies. Produced by W. Griggs and C. Praetorius, Nos. I to 43. ; 43 vols small, 4to half roan. London, 1880-89 Very scarce. Consecutive set. The Same. viz. Sonnets, 1609. Q.I1. Lucrecé, 1594. Venus & Adonis 1593, and The Passionate Pilgerime, 1599. 4 vols. Small 4to half roan. London, n. d. Shakespeare. The Works of. Collated with the Oldet Copies, and Corrected; with Notes, Explanatory and Criti- cal. By Mr. Theobald. Portrait. 7 vols. 8vo, old tree calf, poor. London, 1733 Fine clean set of the First Edttion of Theobald. Shakespeare. The Works of. Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected ; with Notes, Explanatory, and Crit- ical; by Mr. Theobald. With portratt and copperplates after Gravelot, engraved by G. Vander Gucht. 8 vols. 12mo, original boards. London, 1773 Fine clean set. Shakespeare, Mr. William. Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, set out by himself in quarto, or by the Players his Fellows in folio, and now faithfully republished from those Editions; with an Introduction. 10 vols. 12m0, old calf, gilt. J. & R. Tonson: London, (1767) Capell’s Edition. From the library of John Payne Colter, the Shakespeartan scholar, with an inscription by him on the Syy-leaf. 12 k3 14 15 16 17 3 Shakespeare, William. The Plays of. With the cor- rections and illustrations of various commentators, to which are added notes, by Samuel Johnson and George Stevens. Revised and augmented by Isaac Reed. Portraits and other plates inserted. 21 vols. 8vo, full morrocco, gilt, gilt edge. London, 1813 Shakespeare. Twenty of the Plays of. Being the whole number printed in quarto during his life-time, or before the Restoration, collated where there were different copies, and published from the orginals, by George Steevens. 4 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1756 FIRST AMERICAN SHAKESPEARE. Shakspeare, William. The Plays and Poems of. Cor- rected from the latest and best London edition, with notes by Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. To which are added, a Glossary and a Life of the Author. Embellished with a striking likeness from the collection of His Grace, the Duke of Chandos. First American Edition. Portrait by R. Field. 8 vols. 12mo, original, calf. Printed and sold by Bioren and Madan: Philadelphia, 1795-96 The excessively scarce First American Ladttion. A beautt- ful clean set except for a few pages slightly spotted and name on title. The work was published a volume each month until completed, the result being that full sets are almost unobtainable, it has been stated that there are more First Folios in existence than there are of this First American Edition. The editor of this edition was Joseph Hopkinson, the anthor of “ Hatl Columbia.” Shakespeare. The Poems of. To which is added an Account of his Life. First American Edition. 12mo, half sheep. Boston: Published by Oliver and Munroe, and Belcher and Armstrong, 1807 The rare First American Edition. Shakspeare, William. The Plays of. Portrait. Name on title. 12 vols. 12mo, old calf. London, 1800 Shakespeare. The Plays of. 9 vols. 48mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. _ . Pickering: London, 1825 Scarce. Pickering’s beautiful diamond type edition, printed from the smallest type cast to this date. This ts one of the copies issued without the plates. 4 18 Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. As it is now Acted by Her Majesties Ser- vants. 4to, needs rebinding. London, 1703 THE TENTH QUARTO EDITION. 19 Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; a Tragedy, as it is now Acted by his Majesty’s Servants. Frontispiece, by Du Guernier. I2mo. J. Tonson: London, 1734 20 Shakespear, William. Hamlet. Prince of Denmark. A Tragedy. 12mo. London, 1710 ai Shakespear, Mr. W. Othello, the Moor of Venice. A Tragedy. I2mo. London, 1710 22 Shakespeare. Vickers’s Acting Shakespeare. No. 4, Macbeth, and ,Vickers’s Penny Shakespeare. Including: No. 16, Richard II. No. 18, Henry IV. No. 21, Timon of Athens. No. 24, Henry V. No. 2s, Henry VI, and No. 26, Cymbeline. Together 7 pieces. I2mo. London, n. d. 23 Shakspeare, William. The Dramatic Works of. Illus- trated with woodcut vignettes. 7 vols. 16mo, full calf, gilt. Chiswick, 1818 Whittingham’s scarce edition. 24 Shakespeare. Hamlet Travestie; in Three Acts. I2mo, New York, 1820 25 Shakespear, Mr. William. King Lear, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra and Cymbeline. With frontispieces by Du Guernier. Bound together. 12mo, old calf. Tonson ; London, 1734 26 Shakespeare. The Life & Death of Thomas, Lord Crom- well. TZzwo plates by Guernier. I2mo, uncut. Tonson ; London, 1734 Spurious play. 27 + Another Copy. I2mo, Tonson ; London, 1734 28 Shakespeare. The Puritan; or the Widow of Watling- Street. : 12mo, half roan. Tonson; London, 1734 Spurious play. "18z JOT JOU “QOZ jo'y pea: prnoys sarpa WO) S,J9Y49}2[4 puke Juouneag jo aed 2]313 ay} Jo O]IWISDe "BI JOT JA0Qge 9q pjnoys wwe s,r1eadsayeys jo uonIpy o1enG yJo1 ay) 1oy Surpeapy "VLVUUA 29 30 31 32 33 34 a5 36 37 38 39 5 Shakespeare, William. Some Well-Known “ Sugar’d Sonnets” by. With ornamental borders designed by E. J. Ellis and etched by T. J. Ellis. 4to, half cloth. London, n. d, Shakespeare, The Dramatic Works of. With 38 en- gravings after Stothard and others. 12mo, half roan, top edges gilt, uncut. Pickering; London, 1826 Diamond type. Shakespeare, William. Coriolanus. Edited by F. A. Leo. With a quarto facsimile of Coriolanus from the folio of 1623... Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1864 Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Numerous colored and plain illustrations by H. Copping. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. London, n. d. Shakespeare. Routledge’s Shakespeare. Edited by H. Staunton. Illustrated by John Gilbert, engraved by the brothers Dalziel. Parts 1 to 5. 7 5 parts. Royal 8vo. London, (1856) Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Decorated by R. A. Bell. 8vo, pictorial cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1891 Shakespeare Society. Series II, Nos. 1 and 4, and Series III, No. 1, containing Romeo and Juliet. Parellel Text of the First Two Quartos. (Q.1.) 1597—Q.2, I599. Romeo and Juliet. Revised Edition of the Second, or 1599, Quarto. Romeus and [uliet. Arthur Brooke. Rhomeo and Julietta. William Painter. All edited by P. A. Daniel. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, uncut. New Shakspere Society: London, 1874-5 Shakespeare’s Songs and Sonnets. And The Merchant of Venice. Both nicely wlustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, boards and morocco, broken. Philadelphia and New York, n. d. Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. The text revised and anno- tated by C. M. Ingleby. 4to, half roan. London, 1886 Shakespeare’s Seven Ages of Man. With designs on wood, 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 Shakespeare. The New Hamlet Intermixed and Inter- woven with a Revised Version of Romeo and Juliet. Small oblong, 4to, natnral wood. Chicago, (1902) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 6 “This play was composed by Shakespeare and the Smith Family, bound in boards (No. 2 fencing), by hand at the barn, on the farm, by farmers.” Shakespeare’s Sonnets, and a Lover’s Complaint. Re- printed in the Orthography and Punctuation of the Original Edition of 1609. | 8vo, cloth. London, 1870 Shakepeare Select Plays. Edited by W. A. Wright. Tempest, Richard II, Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Coriolanus. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. Oxford, 1880 Shakespeare. The Tragedy of Hamlet. Illustrated by Howard Chandler Christy. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1897 Shakespeare. The Poems of. Edited by George Wynd- ham. 12mo, cloth. New York, n. d. Shakspere. William. The Sonnets. Edited by Edward Dowden. | 12mo, cloth. London, 1881 Shakespeare. Illustrated by an Assemblage of Portraits and Views; with Biographical Anecdotes of the different persons, and descriptions of places mentioned; adapted to the whole series of the Author’s Dramas. To which are. added Portraits of Actors, Editors, etc. A series of one hundred and fifty-eight fine plates on tinted paper. 2 vols. 8vo, full straight grained morocco, gilt edges. London, n.d. Shakespeare. The Dramatic Works of. Frontispiece. 12m0, original cloth, uncut, unopened, loose. Pickering, London, 1826 Diamond type edttion. Shakespeare, William. The Works of. vontispieces, 40 vols. 64mo, full leather, gilt, top edges gilt. Glasgow, n. d. The case ts a model of “ Shakespeare's Courtship Settle” from the originalin Ann Hathaway's Cottage, and 1s made from wood taken from an old Pew in Trinity Church, Strat- ford. Shakespeare, William. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems. Editedby Richard Grant White. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1883 The Riverside Shakespeare. Shakespeare, William The Dramatic Works of. Phila- §2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ji delphia, 1854. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. New York, n. d. ; 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Shakespeare, William. The Plays of. Eugraved title. I2mo, morocco. Tegg: London, 1832 Shakespeare, William. The Dramatic Works of. I2mo, roan. Hartford, 1842: Shakespeare, William. A supplement to the Plays. Comprising the Seven Dramas, which have been ascribed to his pen, but not included in his writings in Modern Edi- tions. Edited introductions to each play by William Gil- more Simms. Royal 8vo, cloth New York, 1848 Shakespeare, William. The Works of. T2mo, cloth. London, 1868 Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of. ///us- trated. 4vols. t12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of. ///us~ trated. 8 vols. Roan, gilt, gilt edges. New York, n. d. Acheson, Arthur. Shakespeare and the Rival Poet. Displaying Shakespeare as a Satirist and Proving the Iden- tity of the Patron and the Rival of the Sonnets. 12mo, half buckram. London, 1903 Arber, Edward. The Shakespeare Anthology, 1592- 1616. 12mo, cloth. London, 1899. (Bacon, Delia). William Shakespeare and his Plays; an Inquiry Concerning them. Excerpt from Putnam’s Monthly, January, 1856. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1856 Article preliminary to Delia Bacon’s Philosophy of Shakes~ peare’s Plays unfolded. Bacon, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shaks- pere Unfolded. Preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 Bandman, Daniel E. An Actor’s Tour; or, Seventy Thousand Miles with Shakespeare. 12mo, paper. Boston, 1885 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 8 Bellew, J. C. M. Shakespeare’s Home at New Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon. J/lustrated. 12mo, cloth. London, 1863 Bracebridge, C. H. Shakespeare no Deerstealer. 8vo, printed wrappers. London, 1862 Brooke, C. F. T. The Shakespeare Apocrypha, Or- ford, 1908. And Theobald’s Dethroning Shakspere, Lon- don, 1888. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine, July to December, 1839. Article on Shakespeare. 8vo, muslin. Philadelphia, 1839 Chambers’ Journal of Popular Literature. For 1864. Containing Articles on Shakespeare’s Tercentenary, Jubilees, Festivals, Works, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 Clark, Edward Gordon. The Tale of the Shakspere Epitaph. By Francis Baeon. Translated from the Anglo- Phonetic. I2m0, paper. 2 copies. Chicago, (1888) Collier, J. Payne. Notes and Emendations to the text of Shakespere’s Plays, from Early Manuscript Corrections in a Copy of the Folio, 1632. Forming a Supplemental Vol- ume to the Works of Shakespeare by the same author. 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 Collier, J. Payne. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare’s Plays, from Early Manuscript Corrections in a Copy of the Folio, 1632. I2mo, half calf. New York, 1853 70 Collier’s Emendations. Pamphlets relating to, viz.: Dyce's Few Notes on Shakespeare, London, 1853. Mit- ford’s Cursory Notes on Beaumont and Fletcher, as edited by Dyce, London, 1856. Strictures on Hamilton’s Inquiry » into Collier’s Annotated Folio, 1632, London, 1860. Manu- script Corrections from a Copy of the Fourth Folio, Boston, 1854, and Arrowsmith’s Shakespeare’s Editors and Com- mentators, London, 1865. 5 pamphlets. 8vo. Collier, J. Payne. Shakespeare’s Library. A collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories, used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas. | 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 72 rie 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 9 Donnelly, Ignatius. The Great Cryptogram. Francis Bacon’s Cipher in the so-called Shakespeare Plays. Por- trait. Royal 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1888 Drake, Nathan. Memorials of Shakespeare; or, Sketches of his Character and Genius, by Various Writers. Now first collected, with notes. 8vo, half calf. London, 1828 Drake, Nathan. Shakespeare and his Times. J//ustra- ted. Also has inserted about one hundred extra portraits and other tllustrations. Thick 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1843 Dyce, Rev. Alexander. Remarks on Mr. J. P. Collier’s and Mrs. C. Knight’s Editions of Shakespeare. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 Dyer, Rev. T. F. T. Folk—Lore of Shakespeare. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1884 Edwards, Thomas. The Canons of Criticism and Glos- sary, being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton’s Edition of Shakespeare. 8vo, old calf, broken. London, 1748 Foster, John. A Shakespeare Word-Book. Being a glossary of Archaic Forms and Varied Usages of Words Employed by Shakespeare. 8vo, cloth. . London, n. d. Green, Henry. Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers; an exposition of their similarities of thought and expression. Preceded by a view of Emblem Literature down to A. D. 1616. lustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1870 Guizot, M. Shakespeare and his Times. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1852 Hall, H. T. Shakepearean Fly-Leaves and Jottings. 12mo, cloth. London, 1871 Hall, H. T. Shakespere’s Plays. And Shakesperean Statistics. 2vols. 8vo, paper Cambridge, 1873-74 Hallowell, James Orchard. Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare’s Plays. 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 Halliwell, James O. The Life of William Shakespeare. Lllustrated. 8vo, half calf. London, 1848 85 86 87 88 89 go Q2 93 IO Halliwell, J.O. The Remains of M. Carl Simrock, on the Plots of Shakespeare’s Plays. With notes and addi- tions by. 8vo, cloth. Shakespeare Society; London, 1850 Halliwell, Phillipps, J. O. A Brief Hand-List of the Selected Parcels in the Shakespearian and Dramatic Collec- tions of. 8vo, cloth. Privately Printed, London, 1876 Halliwell, Phillipps, J.O. Which Shall it Be? New Lamps or Old? Shaxpere or Shakespeare? and New Lamps or Old? A few additional words on the momentous question Respecting the E and the A in the name of Our National Dramatist. | 2 vols. 8vo, printed covers. Brighton, 1880 Halliwell-Phillipps, J.O. List of Law Terms, etc., dur- ing the Shakesperian Period. 12mo, cloth. Brighton, 1883 Halliwell-Phillipps, J.O. The Visits of Shakespeare’s Company of Actors to the Provincial Cities and Towns of England. : 8vo cloth. Privately Printed, Brighton, 1887 Hamilton, N. E. S.A. A Review of ‘‘An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Mss. Corrections in J. Payne Collier’s Annotated Shakspere, Folio 1632,” etc. Also, the Reply of J. Payne Collier to the Inquiry. 8vo, boards. New York, 1860 Printed for private circulation by C. W. Frederickson, with his autograph presentation inscription. Hamilton, N. E.S. A. An Inquiry into the Genuine- ness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakespeare, Folio, 1632. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1860 Hamley, Sir Edward. Shakespeare’s Funeral. 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1889 Harrison’s Description of England in Shakespeare’s Youth. Being the Second and Third Books of his Descrip- tion of Britaine and England. Edited from the first two editions of Holinshed’s Chronicle, A. D. 1577, 1587, by Frederick J. Furnivall. //ustrated. Royal 8vo, half morrocco, uncut. London, 1877-81 New Shakspere Soctety. “ Harrison's Description of Eng- land” issued by the Society from 1877 to 1881, as Series VI. 94 95 96 97 98 pipe 100 IOI 102 103 104 II This volume includes the complete 8 parts, issued during those years. EARLY QUESTIONING OF SHAKESPEARE’S AUTHORSHIP. Hart, Joseph C. The Romance of Yachting: Voyage the First. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1848 ‘The first known publication questioning the right of Shakespeare to the authorship of the Shakespeartan dramas.” Wyman’s Bibliography. Scarce,and not generally known to Shakespeare Collectors. (Hawthorne, Nathaniel.) Recollections of a_ Gifted Woman. (Delia Bacon.) Atlantic Monthly, January, 1863. 8vo, half roan. Boston, 1863 Holmes, Nathaniel. The Authorship of Shakespeare. 12mo, cloth, 2 copies. New York, 1866-7 Hundred Merry Tales. Or Shakespeare’s Jest Book. I2mo, boards. London, 1831 Hugo, Victor. William Shakespeare. Translated by A. Baillot. 8vo, full calf. London, 1864 Illustrations to Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners. With dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakspeare; on the collection of popular tales entitled Gesta Romano- rum, and on the English Morris Dance. By Francis Douce. The engravings on wood by J. Berrymann. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, broken. London, 1807 Another Copy. 8vo, half russia, broken. Illustrations to Shakspeare. Comprised in Two Hun- dred and Thirty Vignette Engravings, by Thompson, from Designs by Thurston. ; 8vo, half bound, rubbed. London, 1826 Another Copy. Original printed wrappers. Ingleby, C. M. Shakspere Allusion-Books. Part I. Edited by. 8vo. New Shakspere Society: London, 1874 Ingleby, C. M. Shakespeare Hermeneutics, or the SS Lion, being an Essay towards the Restoration of Shake- speare’s Text. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1875 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 112 113 114 115 116 12 Ingleby, C.M. Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse; being Materials for a History of Opinion on Shakespeare and his Works, A. D. 1591-1693. Second Edition, revised, with many additions, by Lucy T. Smith. Royal, 8vo, half morocco London, 1879 New Shakspere Soctety. Series IV., No. 2. Ingleby, C. M. Shakespeare’s Bones. The proposal to disinter them considered in relation to their possible bearing on his portraiture. Frontispiece. Small 4to, boards. London, 1883 Ireland, Samuel. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal In- struments under the hand and seal of William Shapspeare: including the tragedy of King Lear, and a small fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. in the possession of. Some pages stained. 8vo, half calf. London, 1796 The celebrated Ireland forgeries. RARE. Jacox, Francis. Shakspeare Diversions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 Jusserand, J. J. The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Translated from the French by Elizabeth Lee. J/llustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1890 Kenny, Thomas. The Life and Genius of Shakespeare. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1864 King, Thomas D. Baeon versus Shakspere; a plea for the defendant. 12mo, cloth. Montreal, 1875 Kinnear, Benjamin, G. Cruces Shakespeariane. Diffi- cult Passages in the Works of Shakespeare. 12mo, cloth. London, 1883 Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakspere. I2mo, cloth. 2 copies. New York, n. d., and Boston, 1878 Lee, Sidney. Stratford-on-Avon. From the Earliest Times. to the Death of Shakespeare. J//ustrated. 12mo, full red morrocco, gilt edges. London, 1890 Another Copy. 12mo, cloth. Lee, Sidney. A Life of William Shakespeare. //lus- trated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1898 117 118 119 120 I2I 122 123 124 125 126 127 129 130 13 Lee, Sidney. A Life of William Shakespeare. With col- ored frontispiece and numerous other illustrations, facsimiles of old prints, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1899 Illustrated Library Edition. Leighton, William. A Sketch of Shakespeare. 8vo, cloth. Wheeling, 1879 Magazines. Containing Articles about Shakespeare, In- cluding. Monthly Review, 1793. American Quarterly Re- view, 1829, 2 vols. Atlantic Monthly, 1859. 4 vols. 8vo, various bindings. v. pi ved. Maginn, William. The Shakespeare Papers of. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1856 Mason, John M. Comments on the last edition (Ma- lone’s) of Shakespeare’s Plays. 8vo, old calf. Dublin, 1785 Memorial Theatre,S tratford-on-Avon. Programmes of the Dramatic Performances, etc. From 1902 to 1908. 15 pieces, Montagu, Mrs. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare, compared with the Greek and French Dra- matic Poets. With some remarks upon the misrepresenta- tions of Mons. de Voltaire. 8vo, calf. London, 1810 Another copy. Morgan, Rev. Aaron A. The Mind of Shakspeare, as Exhibited in his Works. I2mo, half calf. London, 1860 Mrs. Shakespeare’s Life. The True Story of. (A Parody). 12mo, half roan. Boston, n. d. Neil, Samuel. The Home of Shakespeare. ///ustrated. 12mo, half roan. Warwick, n. d. Phipson, Emma. The Animal-Lore of Shakspeare’s Times. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. London, 1883 Pott, Mrs. Henry. The Promus of Formularies and Elegancies (being Private Notes, circ. 1594, hitherto un- published), by Francis Bacon, illustrated and elucidated by passages from Shakespeare. 8vo, cloth. London, 1883 131 132 I 33 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 i4I 142 14 Pott, Mrs. Henry. Francis Bacon and his Secret Society. 12mo, cloth. London, 1891 Raymond, Robert R. Typical Tales of Fancy, Romance and History from Shakespeare’s Plays. Mumerous [/lustra- tions. 8vo, decorated cloth, gilt edges. New York, n. d, Religious and Moral Sentences. Culled from the Works of Shakespeare; being a selection of religious sentiments, and moral precepts, blended in the Dramatic Works and etc., of our Immortal Bard. Portrait. os 8vo, cloth. 2 copies. London, 3Ris Richardson, Wm. The Philosophical Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakespeare’s Remarkable Charac- fete, 12mo, old calf. London, 1775 Riddle, J. E. Illustrations of Aristotle on Men and Manners, from the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. 12mo, halfcalf. Needs rebacking. Oxford, 1832 Rolfe, W.J. Shakespeare the Boy. With Sketches of the Home and School Life, Games, Sports, etc., of the time. J/lustrated. 12m0, cloth. London, 1900 Ruggles, Henry J. The Play of Shakespeare founded on Literary Form. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1895 Seymour, Robert. New Readings of Old Authors. Shakspeare. Designed and drawn on stone, by. A sevzes of fifty-seven plates. 12mo, half morocco. London, n. d. Shakespear, William. Hamlet. London, 1734. Macbeth. London, n.d. and King Lear, London, 1723. 3 vols. 12mo, unbound. Shakespeare. An Ode upon dedicating a Building and Erecting a Statue, to Shakespeare at Stratford Upon Avon, by D. G. 4to, half morocco. London, 1769 Shakspere, Will. Prolegomenato the Dramatick Writ- ings of. With six plates inserted. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf, broken. London, 1788-93 Shakspeare’s Macbeth. London, 1807. Milton’s Comus, London, 1808. The Provok’d Husband, by Van- 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 15 brugh and Cibber, London, 1808. And _ Isabella, by Thomas Southern, altered by Garrick, London, 1808. Bound together. 8vo, half roan. Shakespeare. Othello-Travestie: In Three Acts. With Burlesque Notes, in the manner of the Most Celebrated Commentators; and other Curious Appendices. 12mo, boards (covers loose). } London, 1813 Shakespeare Society Publications. Pierce Penniless’s Supplication to the Devil, by Thomas Nash. Honour Tri- umphant, and a Line of Life, by John Forde. The Shakes- peare Society’s Papers, Vol. 3. And The Remarks of M. Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shakespeare’s Plays. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. London, 1842-50 Shakspere Almanack for 1849. Frontispiece. I2mo, printed wrappers. ' London, 1848 Shakespeare Not an Impostor. By an English Critic. I2mo, morocco. London, 1857 Shakespeare. The Sonnets of Shakspere, London,1859. Footsteps of Shakspere; or, a Ramble with the Early Dra- matists, London, 1862. 2 pamphlets. r2mo. . Shakspere. The Footsteps of. 8vo, paper. London, 1862 Shakspere’s England. Tell-Trothes New-Yeares Gift, 1593. John Lane’s Tom Tell Troths Message, 1600. Thomas Powell’s Tom of All Trades, 1631. The Glasse of Godly-Loue (by John Rogers?), 1569. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1876 New Shakspere Society, Series VI, No. 2. Shakspere’s Youth. The Rogues and Vagabonds of. Described by Jn. Awdeley in his Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1561-73. Thos. Harman in his Caveat for Common Cur- setors, 1567-73. And in The Groundeworke of Conny- catching, 1592. Edited by Edward Viles and F. J. Furni- vall. Ldlustrated. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1880 New Shakspere Society, Series VI, No. 7. Shakspere. Some Three Hundred Fresh Allusions to Shakspere from 1594 to 1694 A. D. Gathered by Mem- bers of the New Shakespeare Society as a Supplement to 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 16 ‘Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse’ed 2, 1879, and Edited by Fred. J. Furnivall. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1885 New Shakspere Soctety. Serts IV., No. 3. Shakespeare Society of Philadelphia. Anuual Dinner Menues, from 1889 to 1905. Not consecutive. II pieces, 4to. Philadelpnia, 1889-1905 Shakespeare, William. British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books. Folio paper, uncut. London, 1897 Shakespeare Society of New York. A Further Study of Othello, by W. Given. And In Re Shakespeare’s ‘‘ Legal Requirements,” 2 vols. 12mo, half cloth. New York, 1899 Shakspeare. Pearls of. A Collection of the most bril- liant passages. Jl/ustrated. 12mo, cloth. } London, n. d. Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Stratford-upon-Avon. Programmes, &c. 27 pieces Shakespeariana. Craft’s First Sitting of the Committee on the proposed Monument to Shakespear, Cheltenham, 1823. Henry Jones’ Glyptic Museum, London, 1875. Shakespeare’s Legal Acquirements Considered, by Lord Campbell, New York, 1859. Three Essays on Shake- speare’s King Lear, London, 1851. History of the Shak- spere Society of Philadelphia, 1860-1879. Philadelphia, 1898. Togther 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. Shakespeariana. Poetical Works, New York, 1856. Colbert’s Eulogy on Shakespeare, Chicago, 1883. New Thoughts on Shakespeare, etc., Philadelphia, n.d. O’Con- nor’s Hamlet’s Note Book, Boston, 1886. Cooke’s Human Mystery in Hamlet, New York, 1888. Ward’s Shake- speare and Strafford-on-Avon, New York, n. d. Landor’s Citatation and Examination of Shakespeare, New York, n. d. And Shakspeare, by Thomas De Quincey, Edin- burgh, 1864. Together 8 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. Shakespeariana. Badham’s Criticism applied to Shakes- pere, London, 1846. Ireland’s Vortigern, London, 1832. Remarks on Hamlet, 1736, London, 1864. Cartwright’s Papers on Shakspere, London, 1877. Craig’s Shakespeare’s 160 16 — 162 163 164 165 166 17 Portraits, Philadelphia, 1875. Norris’ Works on the Por- traits of Shakespeare, Philadelphia, 1879. Shakespeare’s Handwriting, London, 1899, and other pamphlets on Shakes- peare. II pieces. Shakespeariana. Arrowsmith’s Shakespeare’s Editors and Commentators, London, 1865. Cartwright’s Papers. on Shakspere, London, 1877. Carney’s Sonnets of Shaks- pere, London, n.d. Mitford’s Cursory Notes on Beaumont and Fletcher and Shakespeare, as edited by Dyce, London, 1856. Herr’s Scattered Notes on the Text of Shakespeare, Philadelphia, 1879. And Cartwright’s New Readings in Shakspere, London, 1866. Together 7 pamphlets. 8vo. Shakespeariana. Macbeth Travestie. A Burlesque. Ox- ford, 1850, and New York, n. d., 2 pieces. Shakspere and Jonson. Dramatic vs. Wit-Combats, London, 1864. A Few Words in Reply to Mr. Dyce, London, 1853. Mac- beth, New York, 1847. The Poetical Works of Shakes- peare, Joseph Hall and Sir John Davies, Edinburgh, 1793, 3 pieces. A Celebrated Case, Bacon vs. Shakespeare. A Cranky Cryptogram, London, 1888, by F. M. White and Badham’s Criticism, London, 1846. Together I1 pamphlets. 12mo. and 8vo. Shys at Shakspeare. A series of 20 etchings. De- Gienea by J. PJand T.-C. P. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869: Simpson, Richard. The School of Shakspere. Includ-- ing the ‘‘ Life and Death of Thomas Stukeley,” “ Nobody and Somebody,” “ Histrio-Mastix,” “The Prodigal Son,’” etc. Edited with Notes by 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco. London, 1878: Singer, Samuel W. The Text of Shakespeare Vindicated: frow the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by John Payne Collier. 8vo, cloth. Pickering, London, 1853. Smith, W. H, Bacon and Shakespeare. An Inquiry Touching Players, Playhouses, and Play-Writérs in the days. of Elizabeth. 12mo, cloth. London, 1857 An early book by a Baconian. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. A Study of Shakes— peare. 12mo, cloth. New York, 188 & ON ae | a68 a69 470 471 4172 473 174 £75 476 477 a78 18 Thimm, Franz. Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864. An Account of the Shaksperian Literature of England, Ger- many, France aad other European Countries during Three Centuries. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872 Thoms, William J. Shakespeare in Germany. The Folk-Lore of Shakespeare. Was Shakespeare ever a Soldier ? r12mo, cloth. London, 1865 Tolman, A. H. What has become of Shakespeare’s Play ‘“‘ Love’s Labour’s Won” ? 4to. Chicago, 1902 Turnbull, William R. Othello. A critical study. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1892 Tweddell, George. Shakspere; his Times and Contem- poraries. 12m0, cloth. London, 1852 Whalley, Peter. An Enquiry into the Learning of Shakespeare. | 12mo, half morocco. London, 1748 W. £. Burton’s copy, with initials stamped on binding. White, Richard Grant. Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1865 Wigston, W. F.C. Francis Bacon, Poet, Prophet, Phi- losopher ; versus Phantom Captain Shakespeare, the Rosi- crucian Mask. Fortrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 Wilkes, George. Shakespeare, from an American Point of View; including an Inquiry as to his Religious Faith and his knowledge of Law, with the Baconian Theory Considered. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882 Williams, Robert F. ‘‘ Shakespeare Novels.” The Youth of Shakespeare. And The Secret Passion. 2 vols. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut. Philadelphia, n. d. Wise, George. The Autograph of William Shakespeare, with facsimiles of his signature as appended to various legal documents ; together with 4000 ways of spelling the name according to English Orthography. 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1869 Wiseman, Cardinal. William Shakespeare. 16mo, cloth. _ | Boston, 1865 , spd Y Me Hosufes Gagl eae din ith Barker or oe: Sfp : OA nd, WNL e Sold at his SiC VER TRUER By one hundred and fen NS) >) S NS Ww < = ON (ee Ven - Si T 6et. E neé title bears date of 1666 ted n The pri Lot 187 b Title eraved c 41 tle of E . 2771 Facs 179 180 81 182 183 184 385 186 187 188 19 Wyman, W. H. Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakes- peare Controversy, with Notes and Extracts. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1884 Youth of Shakespeare. The 8vo, cloth. New York, 1851 Magazines. Containing Articles about Shakespeare. 18 pieces. Magazine Excerpts. Newspaper clippings, etc., relating to Shakespeare. Several hundred. Asa lot. GENERAL LITERATURE. aBeckett, Gilbert Abbott. The Comic History of Eng- land. With twenty coloured etchings and two hundred wood- cuts, by John Leech. 8yo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, (London), 1864 aBeckett, Gilbert Abbott. The Comic History of Rome. With full-page colored wWlustrations and text woodcuts, by John Leech. FHoxed throughout. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. (London), n. d. (Addison, Joseph). To Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, with the Tragedy of Cato, Nov. 17,1714 To Sir Godfrey Kneller on his Picture of the King. Second Ldition, Folio. Tonson: London, 1716 Addison, Joseph. Cato, a Tragedy. 16mo, paper, uncut. New York, 1806 AESOP’S FABLES, 1666. Aesop’s Fables, with his Life; in English, French and Latin. The English by Tho. Philipott, Esq; The French and Latin by Rob. Codrington M. A. Illustrated with One hundred and Twelve Sculptures by Francis Barlow. Folio, half morocco. William Godbid: London, 1666 Very rare. The copperplate engravings are fine tmpressions, the work is in generally fair condition, frontispiece has been laid down and one page has small piece torn from corner. The majority of the copies of this work was destroyed in the fire of London. See facsimile title. Aesop. Fables, of Aesop and other Eminent Mytholo- gists; with Morals and Reflexions. By Sir Roger L’Es- trange. Portrait of L’Estrange and frontsptece. Folio, half roan, broken. London, 1694 189 190 IgI 192 193 194 20 Aesop’s Fables, in English and Latin, Interlineary, For the Benefit of those who not having a Master, would learn either of these Tongues. By John Locke. The Second Eat- tion, with Sculptures. Crown 8vo, contemporary calf, gilt. London, 1723 Rare. Not printed tn any edition of Locke’s works. With several names on titles. (Akenside, Mark). The Pleasures of Imagination. A Poem. In Three Books. With curious copperplate on title, by Boward, and half-title. 4to, old calf (rubbed). London: R. Dodsley, 1744 Rare First Edition. Beautiful clean copy. Akenside, Mark. The Poems of. 8vo, calf, gilt (rebacked), canary edges. London, 1772 First Edition. Fine copy. Scarce. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. The Poems of. J//ustratcd by the Paint and Clay Cluo. | 8vo, limp cloth. Boston, 1882 Aristotle’s Art of Poetry. Translated from the Original Greek, according to Mr. Theodore Goulston’s Edition. To- gether with Mr. D’Acier’s Notes. Translated from the French. 12mo, old calf, rebacked. | London, 1705 Armata; a Fragment. 8vo, diamond calf, needs rebacking. London, 1817 ORIGINAL ELEPHANT FOLIO EDITION OF AUDUBON’S 195 BIRDS AND QUADRUPEDS. Audubon, John James. The Birds of America. From original drawings. J/éustrated with four hundred and thirty- five superb plates, drawn from nature and beautifully colored by hand, 4 vols. double Elephant folio, full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London. Published by the Author, 1827-1838. AN ORNITHOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY, or an account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America, accompanied by descriptions of the object represented in the work, enti- tled the Birds of America, and interspersed with delinea- tions of American Scenery and Manners. By John James Audubon. J/lustrated with woodcuts. Edinburgh, 1831-39. 5 vols. Imperial 8vo, full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. AND AUDUBON AND BACHMAN’S QUADRUPEDS. Audubon, John James, and Bachman, Rev. Jno. The 21 Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. With one hun- dred and fifty superb plates, drawn from nature and beauti- fully colored by hand. 3 vols. Elephant folio, half red morocco, top edges gilt, New York, 1845-1848, and Text, 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, New York, 1849. The Birds were originally published in 87 parts, supposed to be of five plates each, during 1827-38 ; subsequently bound in four volumes, each furnished with a title leaf as in the copy, but with no tert. The plates were furnished without text to avoid the necessity of furnishing copies gratis to the public libraries of England, agreeable to the English Laws of copyright. Owing to the destruction by fire of the stock and copper plates, and ruinous effects of the war in the Southern States where most copies were sold, the work has become extremely rare. Tt is by far the most elaborate ornithological work ever pub- lished. This copy is fine and elean. All the plates are mounted on linen. Plates Nos. 235,297 and 435 have been trimmed and inlaid. It is doubtful, however, whether a finer copy could be had. The Quadrupeds is also a magnificent, fine, crisp and clean copy. Plates Nos. 77 and 78 were torn and have been repaired. The two works together making the most sumptuous publi- cation ever gotten up on the Birds and Quadrupeds of any country. . Both works will be sold as whole, or one lot. They are encased in a handsome ebonized cabinet, with siding apart- ments for the larger volumes, and shelf for the descriptive volumes. 195A Bacon, Sr. Francis. Letters of. Written during the 196 197 Reign of King James the First. Now Collected and Aug- mented with Several Letters and Memoires, Address’d by him to the King and Duke of Buckingham, which were never before Published. Portratt by Vertue inserted. Small 4to, roan. London, 1702 Collected by George Stephens. First Edition. Bacon. Francis, Lord Bacon; or, the Case of Private and National Corruption and Bribery, Impartially Con- sider’d. By an Englishman. 8vo, old calf, broken. London, 1771 Bacon, Francis. Essays Moral, Economical, and Politi- cal. First American Edition. Title repatred. 12mo, half morocco. Boston, 1807 198 199 200 20 — 202 203 204 205 22 Bacon, Francis. A Conference of Pleasure, composed for some Festive Occasion about the year 1592. Edited, from a manuscript belonging to the Duke of Northumber- land. By James Spedding. With photo-facsimile. 4to, cloth, uncut, London, 1870 (Bacon, Theodore). Delia Bacon. A Biographical Sketch. Portrazt. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 Balzac, Mounsieur de. The Letters of. Translated inte English. By W. T. (William Tirwhyt). Small 4to, vellum. London, 163% Banks, John. Vertue Betray’d; or, Anna Bullen. A Tragedy acted at His Royal Highness The Duke’s Theatre. 8vo, paper. London, 1692 Barclay, John. His Argenis or, The Loves of Polyar- chus & Argenis. Faithfully Translated out of Latin into English. By Kingsmill Long. With engraved title and curious copper-plates by Gaultier, and a portrait by Grotius. Small 4to, old calf gilt, (covers loose) London : Henry Seile, 1636 Second Edition, and the first in which the illustrations ap- pear. Although the title and portrait and several illustrations are foxed, it 1s fairly clean tall copy. Rare. (Barham, Rev. Richard Harris). The Ingoldsby Le- gends or Mirth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby. With wlustvations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1870 Basse, William. The Poetical Works of. (1602-165 3.) Now for the first time collected and edited with introduction and notes, by R. Warwick Bond. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1893 Limited to 500 copies. ; Beach, L. Jonathan. Postfree, or the Honest Yankee. A Musical Farce. 16mo, paper uncut. Philadelphia, 1827 FIRST EDITION OF BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER’S 206 COMEDIES AND TRAGEDIES Beaumont Francis, and Fletcher, John. Comedies and Tragedies, Written by. Never printed before. And now : published by the Authors Originall Copies. Portratt. Folio full maroon levant, gilt tooling on back and sides, dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by H. Wood. London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1647 ‘COMEDIES — AND TRAGEDIES FRANCIS BEAVMONT Written "3 AND Great | IOHN FLETCHER ) And now publifhed by the Authours | Originall Copies. no a a A A TE A Never printed before, | —_——. EO Sn cr ee ee res Si quid babent veri Vatum prefagia, vivam. | Printed for Humphrey Robinfon, at the three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Mofeley at the Princes eArmes in S' Pauls LONDON, | Church-yard. 1647. | | Facsimile Title, Lot 28¥: ")_ Ob 4 207 208 209 210 211 212 23 A very good copy of this rare folio of Beaumont and Fletcher which ts the companion volume to the first folios of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, and ts dedicated to the Earl of Pembroke, to whom was also dedicated the First Folio Edition of Shakespeare. The portrait, engraved by William Marshall, of Fletcher, ts invisibly inlaid by an expert hand and 1s 1%: spotless condition and a brilliant impression. Beaumont (Francis) and Fletcher John. Philaster, a Tragedy. Written by. With alterations. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Second Edition. Rare. 12m0, paper. London; J. and R. Tonson, 1764 Bell, Thomas. The Dolefull Knell, of. That is a full sounde answer, to his Pamphlet, Intituled. The Pope’s Funeral, etc. By B.C. I2mo, vellum. Printed at Roane, 1607" Bennet, John. Poems on Several Occasions, by. A. Journeyman Shoemaker. 8vo, lacking covers. London, 1774; First Edition. Berners, Dame Juliana. A Treatyse of Fysshyuge Wyth an Angle. Being a facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject. of fishing printed in England by Wyn- kyn De Worde. At Westminster in 1496. With an In- troduction by Rev. M. G. Watkins. With half title. 4to, stamped vellum boards, uncut. London, 1880» Scarce. Fine clean copy. Berners, Dame Juliana. The Boke of St. Albans. By Containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Cote Armour. Printed at St. Albans by the Schoolmaster- Printer in 1486. Reproduced in Facsimile. With an In-- troduction by William Blades. Ato, stamped vellum boards, uncut. London, 1888 Scarce. (Betterton, Thomas.) The Prophetess; or the History of Dioclesian. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. With Alterations and Additions, After the Man- ner of an Opera. Small 4to, half morocco. London, 1690: Original edition. Shakespeare is mentioned in the Epi- logue. ‘ Wits that the Godlike Shakespear shall exceed.” 213 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 24 Blackmore, Sir Richard Alfred. An Epick Poem. Small piece torn from title. 8vo, old stamped calf. London, 1723 (Borlace, Edmund.) The History of the Execrable Ir- ish Rebellion Trac’d from many preceding Acts, to the Grand Eruption The 23 of October, 1641. And thence pursued to the Act of Settlement MDCLXII. folio, contemporary calf (broken). London, 1680 furst Edition and fine tall copy with the armortal book- plate of John Conduitt. Signature of Henry W. Fhysick on title. Boswell, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson, compre- hending an account of His Studies and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order, etc., etc. Portrait by Heath. 2 vols. 4to, full tree calf, gilt, (cracked). London, 1791 Rare First Edition. Fine clean copy. Brome, Alexander. Song and other Poems. Third Edi- tion. : 8vo, old calf, needs rebacking. . London, 1668 Bound with the above. The Poems of Horace, Consisting of Odes, Satyres, and Epistles, Rendered in English and Para- phrased by Several Persons. London, 1671. Brown, Charles Brockden. The Novels of. viz.: We- land, Arthur Mervyn, 2 vols., Edgar Huntley, Ormond and Clara Howard, and Jane Talbot. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, half vellom paper, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1887 No. 16 of 500 copies. (Brydges, Thomas.) A Burlesque Translation of Homer Frontispiece. 4to, boards, linen back, uncut. London, 1772 Scarce Edition. Buckingham, Duke of. The Works of. 2 vols. 8vo, old panelled calf, rebacked. London, 1729 Buckstone, John Baldwin. The Rough Diamond. A Farce. , I2mo, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1891 Bunyan, John. The Pilgrims Progress, from This World to That Which is to Come. With notes By the Rev. Robert Maguire. With wood-cuts and border deco- rations by H. C. Selous and M. Paolo Priolo. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 222 223 224 B25 226 237 228 25 Burke, Rigit Honourable Edmund. The Works of. 16 vois. 8vo, full light ealf, gilt. London, 1826-7. Rivington’s fine edition, good clean set. Burke, Rt. Hon. Edmund. Memoirs of the Life and Character of. By James Prior. 2 vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt. London, 1826 Uniform in binding with the preceding Lot. Burnet, Gilbert. The Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, &c. In which an Account is given of the Rise and Prog- ress’ of the Civil Wars of Scotland. * * * * Together with many Letters, Instructions, and other Papers, written by King Charles the I. With the portraits engraved of James and William Dukes of Hamilton by White, and of King Charles I by Faithorne. Folio, old calf, red edges. London, 1677 First Edition, large paper, anda fine clean copy. Kare. (Burnet, Thomas.) The Theory of the Earth: Contain- ing an Account of the Original of the Earth, and of all the General Changes Which it hath already undergone, or is to. Undergo Till the Consummation of all Things. With fold- ing charts and wood cuts, and a portrait of R. White. folio, calf (cracked). London, 1697 Probably the first edition in English. This work has always been esteemed for its imagery, though in point of philosophy wt has been exploded. Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 8vo, boards, uncut. Kilmarnock, 1870 Facsimile reprint of the original Kilmarnock edition, signed by the printer. Burns, Robert. Rare Print Collection. ///ustrated with facsimile portraits, manuscripts, etc. 8 parts, Royal 8vo, in colored port folio. Published for Private Circulation, 1900 FIRST EDITION OF BURTON’S ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. (Burton, Robert.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, what itis. With All The Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognos- tickes, and Severall Cures of it, by Democritus Junior. Thick small 4to, old speckled calf, gilt, red edges, Oxford: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short for Henry Cripps, 1621. 229 230 231 232 233 234 26 The excessively rave first edition. Fairly good copy. The title has been repaired at top and bears the signature of former owner, and the work is somewhat water stained throughout. Burton (R.) Anatomy of Melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symtomes, prognostickes, and severall cures of it. Folio, calf (rubbed). Oxford, Printed by John Lichfield, 1628 This is probably the second edition as the first was printed in quarto. Sowewhat stained and thumb-worn, and title laid down. This copy lacks the four pages of the author's ab- stract which should appear before ‘To the Reader.” Another copy. Folio, old calf, broken. Oxford, 1628 This copy contains the four pages of the “Author's Ab- stract”’ butlacks the printer’s colophon at end. Busschof, Herman. Two Treatises, The one Medical, Of the Gout, and its nature more narrowly search’d into than hitherto. The Other Partly chirurgical, partly medi- cal; Containing some Observations and Practices relating both to some extraordinary cases of Women in Travel; and to some other uncommon cases of Diseases in both Sexes. By Henry Van Loonhuyse. Englished out of Dutch. Ea- graved title. 12mo, old calf. London, 1676 Very rare. (Butler, Samuel.) Hudibras. Written in the time of the Late Wars. 12me, old calf, broken. London, 1684 Bysshe, Edw. The Art of English Poetry. Contain- ing: I, Rules for making Verses. II, A Collection of the Most Natural, Agreeable and Sublime Thoughts, etc. III A Dictionary of Rhymes. 8vo, old calf, (broken). London, 1710 An early collection of English poetry, with a good deal of Shakespeare matter. Cesar. C. Julii Cesaris. Quae Extant. Accuratissime Cum Libris Editis et Mss optimis Collata,Recognita & Cor- recta. Accesserunt Annotationes Samuelis Clarke. With portrait, folding views and maps, and engravings at head of each chapter. 8vo, calf, (broken). Londini, 1720 235 236 237 238 239 27 Camden Society. Kemps Nine Daies Wonder; Per- formed in a Daunce from London to Norwich. With an introduction and notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1840 Cantemir, Demetrius. The History of the Growth and Decay of the Othman Empire. Translated into English by N. Tindal. J/ustrated with a mezzotinto portrait of the author, numerous other copper-plate portraits and a folding plan of Constantinople. Folio, half calf, broken. London, 1756 Cave, William. Apostolici; or, The History of the Lives, Acts, Death, and Martyrdoms of Those Who were Contem- porary with, or immediately Succeeded the Apostles. As also the most Eminent of the Primitive Fathers for the First Three Hundred Years. To which is added, A Chronology of the Three First Ages of the Church. Fourth Edition. With the curious copper-plate engravings by Burghers. Folio, old calf, gilt back. London, 1716 (Cervantes, Miguel de.) The History of the Valorous and Witty—Knight—Errant, Don Quixote, of the Mancha, Trans- lated out of the Spanish; now newly Corrected and Amen- ded. (Translated by Thomas Shelton.) Folio, old calf, rebacked. Richard Hodgkinsonne : London, 1652 Scarce. The Second Edition of the Furst English Trans- lation of this Work. The title repatred and pages 209 to 274 have ink stains on upper margin, last page slightly damaged. Cervantes. The Life and Adventures of Don Quixote. With engravings from designs, by Richard Westall. 4 vols. 12m0, full crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges. | London, 1820 CHAPMAN’S HOMER. FIRST EDITION. 239A Chapman, George. The Iliads and Odyssey of Homer Prince of Poets. Neuer before in any languag truely trans- lated. With a coment upon some of his chiefe places; Donne according to the Greek. By George Chapman. Engraved title, by Hole. Folio, old calf, broken. At London: Printed for Nathaniell Butter, n. d. (1616) First Edition, very rare. This copy has the ttle to the Iliad only, the second title to the Odyssey lacking. Title trimmed into print on the outer margin and cut close at top, the last leaf repaired and a few at the end spotted. 240 28 Charles the II. The History of. King of England, &c. Begun from the Murder of his Royal Father of Happy Memory, and continued to this present year, 1660. Por- trail. 16mo, old calf, broken. London, 1660 FINE BLACK LETTER EDITION OF CHAUCER OF 1561. 241 242 Chaucer, Geffrey. The Woorkes of, newly printed, with divers addicions, whiche were never in printe before: With the siege and destruccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate, Monke of Berie. As in the table more plainly dooeth appere. Folio, full panelled brown levant, gilt back and sides, edges gilt in the rough, by Bedford. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston, for Jhon Wight, dwellyng in Poules Churchyarde. Anno. 1561 This edition has upon the title-page a wood cut of the ar- morial bearings of Chaucer, and the title to the Canterbury Tales, as also The Romaunt of the Rose, 1s inclosed within a large woodcut representing the family trees of John, Duke of Lancaster and Edmund, Duke of York; there ts also a wood- cut at the head of Knight's Tale. The title ts a facsimile on old paper and the first three pages are inlaid, yet so delicately executed that they present the book in almost its original con- dition. Jt is not only a rare and early edition of Chaucer, but a magnificent specimen of Black Letter Printing. SPEIGHT’S BLACK LETTER CHAUCER, 1602. Chaucer, Jeffrey. The Works of Our Ancient and learned English Poet, newly Printed. To that which was done inthe former Impression. Thus much is now added. 1. Inthe life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2. The whole worke by old Copies reformed. 3. Sentences and Proverbs noted. 4. The Signification of the old and obscure words prooved: also Characters shewing from what Tongue or Dialect they be derived. 5. The Latine and French not Englished by Chaucer, translated. 6. The Treatise called Jacke Upland, against Friers: and Chaucers A.B. C called La Priere de nostre Dame, at this Impression added. Engraved border on title. Old ink drawing of Francis Beaumont, inserted, folio, old calf. London, Adam Islip, 1602 The first comprehensive edition of Chaucer, published and in beautiful black letter by the noted printer Adam Islip. The 243 244 245 246 247 248 29 title and first few lines are neatly repaired as is the case with the last leat, aside from these defects the work is very clean and nice, avery few spots here and there throughout. URRY’S CHAUCER OF 1721. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works of. Compared with the Former Editions, and many valuable Mss. Out of which Three Tales are added which were never before Printed ; By John Urry. With portraits of Chaucer and Urry by Vertue, and with engraved head and tail pieces. Folio, calf (rebacked), red edges. London, 1721 Churchill, Charles. The Poetical Works of. Fortratt. 3 vols. 12mo, full calf, gilt. Boston, 1854 Cleveland. J. Cleaveland Revived; Poems, Orations, Epistles and other of his Genuine Incomparable Pieces. 16mo, old calf, broken. London, 1668 Very rare. Cleveland, John. The Works of. Containing his Poems, Orations, Epistles, Collected into One Volume, With the Life of the Author. Fortrait. 12mo, contemporary stamped calf (rubbed). London, 1687 A very rare and early edition. Collier, J. Payne. A Biographical and Critical Ac- count of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Al- phabetically Arranged, which during the last fifty years have come under the observation of. 4 vols. 12mo, boards. New York, 1866 Cooper’s Chronicle. Conteyning the whole discourse of the histories as well of this Realme. as al other countreis, with the succession of theyr Kynges, the tyme of theyr raygne, & what notableactes were done by them. Newly enlarged and agmented, as well in the first part with divers profitable Histories, as in the latter end, with the whole sume of those thinges that Paulus Jovius and Sleidane have wrytten of late yeres, that is from the beginning of Kynge Henrie the eightes Raigne. Now latelye oversene, and with great diligence, corrected & agmented, unto the seventh yere of the raigne of our moste gracyous Quene Elizabeth yt nowe is. Small ato, calf, gilt, broken. (London.) Anno, 1565 PRINTED IN Brack Letrer. The title has been trimmed and repaired, otherwise a good clean copy. It 1s said Shakes- 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 30 peare consulted and followed Cooper's Chronicle in writing his historical dramas. Very rare. Cowley, Abraham. The Works of. Portrait by Fatth- orne. Lacks title page. Folio, old calf. London, 1674 Cowley, Abraham. The Works of. Consisting of those which were formerly Printed; and those which He design’d for the Press; Publish’d out of the Author’s Original Copies. With the Cutter of Coleman-Street. With many portratis ana folding wlustrations. 3 vols, 8vo, old calf, (rebacked. ) London, J. Tonson, 1710 Cowper, William. The Life and Posthumous Writings of. With an Introductory Letter to the Right Honorable Earl Cowper. By William Hayley. With beautifully en- graved tail prece vignette. 3 vols. 4to, calf, (broken. ) Chichester, 1803 Craig, Gordon. Henry Irving. Ellen Terry. A Book of Portraits. A series of char-coal sketches. Folio, boards, uncut. (Chicago, 1899) Crown, Mr. (John.) City Politiques. A Comedy. As it is Acted by His Majesties Servants. 8vo, paper. London, 1688 Crowne, Mr. (John) Caligula. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesty’s Servants. 8vo, paper. London, 1698 Crown, Mr.(John.) The Country Wit. A Comedy. Acted at the Dukes Theatre. 8vo, paper. London, 1675 Cruso, Mr. Timothy. A Poem tothe Memory of. By S. S. Folio. London, 1697 Dante con L’ Espositioni di Christoforo Landino, et D, Alessandro Vellutello. Sopra la sua Comedia dell’ Inferno, del Purigatorio, & reformato, riueduto, & ridotto alla sua vera Lettura, per Francesco Sansovino. Portrait of Dante with decorative border on title and numerons wood engrav- ings throughout the text, some of which are very curious. Folio, full vellum gilt, edges rough gilt, with antique silver clasps, one of which bears the date of 1775. In Venetia, appresso Gio. Battista, & Gio. Bernardo Sessa, fratelli, 1596. A rare and early edition, noted for tts curious wood engrav- ings and fine printing. The title and first few pages very slightly stained, otherwise fine and clean. 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 31 FIRST FOLIO DAVENANT, 1678. Davenant, Sir William. The Works of. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and those which he design’d for the Press; Now Published Out of the Authors Originall Copies. With the fine engraved portrait of Dave- nant by W. Faithorne. Folio, original panelled calf, (rubbed), red edges. London, 1673 fine clean copy of this rare edition, with name of former owner on title page. Denham, Sir John. Poems and Translations, with the Sophy, a Tragedy. Written by. I2mo, old tree calf, canary edges. London, 1769 Dennis, Mr. John. The Select Works of 2vols. 8vo, old calf, broken. London, 1718 First collected edition of these plays and poems. Bound in the second volume is the original adaptation cf Shakespeare's Coriolanus, by Mr. Dennis. Second Edition. London, 1721. Devil. The History ofthe. Both Ancient and Modern. With a Description of the Devil’s Dwelling. Portrait of the Devil. 12mo, old calf, (cracked), Philadelphia, 1809 Very Scarce. Dibdin, Thomas. Guilty or Not Guilty: A Comedy, In Five Acts. First acted at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, May 26th, 1804. Third Edition. 12m0o, paper. London, 1804 Dickens, Charles. The Christmas Carol. A facsimile Reproduction of the Author’s Original MS. With an In- troduction by F. G. Kitton. 4to, half vellum, uncut. London, 1890 Dodington, George Bubb. Baron of Melcombe Regis. The Diary of. From March 8, 1749, to February 6, 1761. By Henry P. Wyndham. 8vo, old calf. Salisbury, 1784 (Dodsley, Robert). A Collection of Poems. By Several Hands. Vignettes on titles. 6 vols. 12mo, Spanish calf, gilt (rubbed). London, 1755 Dodsley’s Select Collection of Old Plays. 12mo, old calf. London, 1746 (Donne, John). Poems, by J.D. With Elegies on the Author’s Death. Small 4to, full red crushed levant, gilt, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Douglas & Foulis. London: John Marriot, 1633 268 269 32 First Edition. Rare. The title and several pages through- out are damaged on margins, but have been filled out and neatly repaired, and pages 309 t0 374, inclusive, are misplaced by binder. Clean copy. Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis; the Antediluvian World. Illustrated. | 12mo, cloth. New York, 1882: DRAYTON’S POLY-OLBION, 16!3-1622. Drayton, Michael. Poly-Olbion, or a Chorographical De- scription of Tracts, Rivers, Mountaines, Forests, and other parts of this Renowned Isle of Great Britaine, with Inter- mixture of the most Remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures, and Commodities of the same, Digested in a Poem by Michael Drayton, with a Table added, for direction to those occurrences of Story and An- tiquitie, whereunto the course of the volume easily leades not. London, printed by H. L. for Matthew Lownes, J. Browne, J. Helme, and J. Busbie, 1613.—The Second Part, or A Continuance of Poly-Olbion from the Eighteenth Song, containing all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountaines, and Forrests, intermixt with the most Remarkable Stories, An- tiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures, and Commodities of the East and Northerne Parts of this Isle, lying betwixt the two Famous Rivers of Thames and Tweed. London, printed by Augustine Mathews for John Marriott, John Grismand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622. With the beautiful frontispiece, the fine portrait of Prince Henry and all the curt- ous maps engraved by William Hole. Folio, full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. First Editions of both parts. “NUERY RARE. The author of this grand old work was contemporary with Shakespeare, being one year his senior. Coleridge says of him— “ Drayton is a sweet poet, and Selden’s notes to the earlier part of the Poly-Olbion are well worth perusal, * * * yet there are instances of sublimity in Drayton.’ Ellis says—“ His Poly-Olbion is certainly a wonderful work, exhibiting at once the learning of an Historian, an Antiquary, a Naturalist, and a Geographer, and embellished with the imagination of a poet.” Other writers set a high value on the work. This copy lacks the both titles. The frontispiece, leaf of explanation, portrait of Prince Henry and the dedication (1 leaf) are all delicately repatred on the margins. The second 270 271 33 part was published ro years after the first, and when the two were bound together and issued, the second was frequently without the title page; otherwise a perfect and spotless copy, with all the preliminary leaves usually wanting. Drayton, Michael. Poems; by. Viz. The Barons Warres, Englands Heroicall Epistles, Idea, Odes. The Le- gends of Robert, Duke of Normandie, Matilda, Pierce Gaueston, And, Great Cromwell, The Owle, Pastorals, Con tayning Eglogues, With the Man in the Moon. With engraved title and portrait by Hole. Folio, calf. William Stansby ; London, 1620 Scarce Edition. Contains the ode“ To the Virginian Voy- age,” in which he calls “ Virginia, Earth’s oneiy paradise,” The titles and first three leaves mutilated and waterstained, and the pages up to 77 are also more or less waterstained. Dryades; or, the Nymphs Prophecy. A Poem. By Mr. Diaper. } ' Folio. Bernard Lintot : London,1713 Dryden, John. Early editions of his poems. Viz. Ab- 272 273 274 275 276 salom and Achitophel, 1682, Religio Laici, 1683, Annus Mirabilis, 1688., Astrea Redux, 1688, Threnodia Augusta- lis. etc. 1685. Bound together. 4to, half roan. Tonson ; London, 1682-88 Dryden, John. The Miscellaneous Works of. 4 vols. 12mo, calf, rubbed. Tonson, London ; 1767 Dryden, John. The Indian Emperor. London, 1721, And Aurenge-Zebe. London, 1821. 2 vols. I2mo. DUNCAN’S CAESAR. Duncan, William. The Commentaries of Caesar, Translated into English. To which is prefixed a discourse concerning the Roman Art of War. With portrait and numerous full-page and folding-views, maps, battle scenes, wlustrations of costumes, ete. Royal folio, half morocco. London; J. and R. Tonson, 1753 Rare. First Edition. Fine tall copy with the rare Buffalo and Elephant plates. D’Urfe, Messire Honoré. Astrea. A Romance, written in French. Translated by a Person of Quality. Fine portratt by Van Schuppen. 3 vols. Folio, old mottled calf. London, 1657 277 278 279 280 281 34 Very rare. First English translation of this noted novel. Good copy. ‘This pastoral romance, once the delight of our grandmothers, bears a remote or allegorical illusion to the gallantries of the court of Henry IV.” Name of former owner on titles. Edmundes, Clement. Observations upon Cesars Com- entaries. Engraved title and numerous folding plates. Title cut close and repaired. Folio, old calf, rebacked. Print-for-Math-Lownes: London, 1609 Ellis, George. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, chiefly written during the early part of the Four- teenth Century; to which is prefixed an Historical Introduc- tion, intended to illustrate the Rise and Progress of Roman- tic Composition in France and England. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf. London, 1811 Encyclopaedie Britannica, The. A Dictionary of Arts, Science, Literature and General Information. //ustrated. 29 vols. 4to, full, limp bock, gilt, top edges gilt. Cambridge, I910-II The Eleventh and Best Edition and the latest issue, on thin paper. With mahogany stand. Evelyn, John. Diary and Correspondence of. Edited by William Bray. Numerous portraits and other wlustra- tions. Avols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1878 FAIRFAX’S TASSO. FIRST EDITION. Fairfax, Edward. Godfrey of Bulloigne; or The Re- coverie of Ierusalem. Done into English Heroicall verse, by Edward Fairefax, Gent. Engraved border around title. Folio old calf, rebacked. Imprinted at London by Ar. Hatfield, for I. Iaggard and M. Lownes, 1600. The extremely rare first edition of this translation. Fine copy ; except the last page, whichis sightly damaged on mar- gin; name on title. See facsimile tlle. 281a Fairfax, Edward. Godfrey of Boulogne; or The Re- 282 coverie of Ierusalem. (By Tasso.) Done into English He- roicall verse, by Edward Fairefax Gent. With engraved ttle; lacks the portratt. Folio, old calf. London, 1624 Rare Edition. Title trimmed close on outer margin and somewhat stained throughout. . Felltham, Owen. Resolves: Divine, Moral, Political. Saome ras RS ars PIC e. of Bulloigne, T he Recouerte Da Terufalem. _ Done into Englifh Herofcall | verfe, by Epwarp FaIREFAX Crenit.. cee Imprinted at London by Ar. Hat fieldforl laggard and AA.Lownes. € 4 wk ae Wi & 2 NOV 2! tS <7 YTS a 2 5 ives . esas : if ? ma zd) i Wack?> Se . ‘ Ye ‘ SS DP ae Doe ON aeti hy a4 “kK os je qa $ RETIREE L ae Oh ~ A a ee { Ae = A * Oe eS c ie a ENere ce Pee ey : SZ © Facsimile Title, Lot 281. ~ a -, or ime Tie (ae ai s” Ii Pe Se ~ Pros’ q 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 35 The Ninth Impression. With New and _ several other Additions both in Prose and Verse. Not Extant in the former Impressions. (Lusoria: or, Occasional Pieces. With a Taste of Some Letters). With engraved half tile. Folio, contemporary calf, marbled edges. London, 1670 Ninth Edition. Scarce. Field of Bloud, The. Or, Rebellion Blazoned in all its Colours. Ina Lively Representation of the Fatal Con- sequences of Inhability in a Prince. Small 4to. London, 1681 (Fielding, Henry.) The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great. As it is acted at the Theatre in the Hay-market. With annotations of H. Scriblerus Secundus. Frontisprece. 12mo. J. Roberts ; London, 1731 The very rare first edition. Fitzgibbon, H. M. Famous Elizabethan Plays. 12mo, cloth. London, 1890 Fox, Rev. John. The New and Complete Book of Martyrs; or, An Universal History of Martyrdom: Being Fox’s Book of Martyrs. With frontispiece by Tanner, and other illustrations. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco. . New York, 1794 The title and frontispiece to Vol. 1 are missing and the volumes are foxed throughout. French’s Standard Drama. David Copperfield, adapted by John Brougham. No. CXXXIII. and Shakespeare's Coriolanus. No. CCCXVI. 2 pieces. 12mo, original wrappers. New York, n. d, Gay, Mr. The Beggar’s Opera. London, 1728. And Polly, an Opera. London, 1729. 2 vols, I2mo. Gifford, John. A History of the Political Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt; including some Account of the Times in which he Lived. Portrait. Name on titles. 6 vols. 8vo, half roan. Cadell; London, 1809 Goldsmith, Dr. The Deserted Village,a Poem. Vig- nette on title. 4to, half bound. London, 1772 Bound with it are the following poems: The Traveller, by Oliver Goldsmith, London, 1774. Infancy, by Hugh Down- man, VM. D. Book the First, London, 1774. 291 2092 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 36 Goldsmith, Doctor (Oliver.) She Stoops to Conquer: or The Mistakes of a Night. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Covent-Garden. Fifth Edttion. 8vo, half calf. London, 1773 (Goldsmith, Oliver.) An History of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf, gilt. London, 1787 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Miscellaneous Works of. Frontispteces. 4 vols. 12mo, full calf. New York, 1854 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1885 Facsimile reproduction of the Farst Edition, 17606. Grammont, Count. Memoirs of. By Count A. Ham- ilton. A New Translation, with Notes, and ///ustrations. Embellished with seventy-six portraits, of the principal char- acters mentioned in the work. Ato, old calf. rebacked. S. and E. Harding ; London, (1793) A very scarce ond destrable edition of these noted memotrs, with good impressions of the series of the beautiful Stipple por- traits, Pages 1 to 60 and the portraits in that section of the book are slightly worm-eaten on the margins. Graves, Richard. The Spiritual Quixote; or, the Sum- mer’s Ramble of Mr. Geoffrey Wildgoose; A Comic Ro- mance. Frontizpteces. 3 vols. 12mo, old tree calf. London, 1773 First Edition ; fine copy. Hall, S. C. The Book of British Ballads. Edited by S.C. Hall. With numerous illustrated borders. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1853 Hayley, William. The Triumphs of Temper; a Poem. The Second Edttion. 4to, half roan. London, 1781 Hazlitt, W. Carew. Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England, Collected and edited, with introductions and notes, by, 4 vols. Lovelace’s Poetical Works. And Carew’s Poetical Works, Revised and Edited by. Portraits. Together 6 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 Hearne, Thomas. The Works of. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Bagster: London, 1810 Contains the best Anglo-Saxon glossaries. 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 37 Hedelin, Monsieur. The Whole Art of the Stage. Con- taining not only the Rules of the Drammatick Art, but many curious Observations about it. Which may be of great use to the Authors, Actors and Spectators of Plays. Written in French by the command of Cardinal Richelieu. Small 4to, old calf, broken. London, 1684 A very early work on the stage. Herbert, Edward, Lord. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. Folio, old calf (broken). London, 1683 Herbert, Edward, Lord, of Cherbury. A Dialogue between a Tutor and his Pupil. With half-title. 4to, boards, vellum back, uncut. London, 1768 first Edition. Fine copy. Herbert, Edward, Lord, of Cherbury. The Life of. Written by himself. Folding portrait. 4to, old calf. London, 1778 Herr, J. G. Scattered Notes on the Text of Shakespeare. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1879 Hogarth’s Works; with Life and Anecdotal Descrip- tions of his Pictures. By John Ireland and John Nichols. The whole of the plates reduced in exact facsimile of the originals. | 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. Home, Charles. A New Chronological Abridgement of the History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Accession of the House of Hanover. To each Reign is added a List of the Contemporary Princes of Europe. Written upon the plan of the President Henault’s History of France. 8vo, inlaid to folio. London, 1791 Inlaid to folio size and extra-illustrated by the tnsertion of 275 rare portraits and plates of coins and medals, containing 130 portraits, 90 views and 55 plates of engraved reproduc- tions of coins and medals of the period. Includes a fine sertes of portraits of Royalty and Noblemen engraved by Vertue, Houbraken and others. Homer Travestie. Beinga New Translation of the Four First Books of the Iliad, by Cotton, junior. 12mo, half morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1762 Homer. The Iliad of. From the text of Wolf, with 310 311 312 313 314 315 38 English Notes and Flaxman’s Designs. Edited by C. C. Felton. Name cut from ttle. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1837 Hooker, Richard. Ofthe Laws of Ecclesiastical Politie. Engraved title. Folio, old calf. Stansbye: London, n. d. This edition was issued with only 5 of the 8 ““Bookes;” at the end are other titles by the same author, dated from 1636 to 1639. Hoole, John. Jerusalem Delivered; an Heroic Poem. Translated from the Italian of Torquato Tasso by. Portrait inserted. Name cut from title. 2vols. 8vo, half bound. London, 1763 First Edition of this translation. Hopkins, Mr. Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. A Tragedy, Acted at the New Theatre, in Little Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty’s Servants. 8vo, paper. London, 1695 Horace. Q. Horatii Flacci, Carmina, Atque Epodos, Ber- nardini, Parthenii Spilimbergii Commentarii, Quibus Poetae artificium, & via ad imitationem, atque ad Poetice scribendum aperitur. Ad Stephanum Bathorum Potentiss. 4to, vellum. Aldus: Venetiis, 1585 Bound with the above Q. Horatit Flacu Sermonum. Ve- nitus, Apud Nicolinum, 1584. Horace. The Odes and Epodon of Horace, in Five Books. Translated into English by J. H., Esq. Fvontisprece. 12mo, old calf, rubbed. London, 1684 Bookplate of the Rt. Hon. Charles Lord Halifax, 1702, in- serted. Horn-Book. History of The Horn-Book by Andrew W. Tuer. Justrated with numerous engravings of nearly all specimens known, and containing seven Horn-Books, in exact facsimile of the originals, fitted into pockets in the front of each volume. Colored vignette on title, 2 vols. Royal 8vo, full vellum, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1896 Scarce. Only a few people know what a Horn-Book ts. It is a leaf or page, usually containing the alphabet, the nine digits, and the Lord’s Prayer, covered with transparent horn, and fixed in a frame with a handle, and was formerly used in teaching children to read. : 39 316 Hoyle, Edmond. A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist: Containing the Laws of the Game; and also some Rules, whereby a Beginner may, with due Attention to them, attain to the Playing it well. I2mo, contemporary calf. London, 1746: The Sixth Edition. Contains also other Treatises on games, of the same date, including Quadrille, Back-Gammon ana Piguet. On aecount of the numerous piracies of “Hoyle” the author has signed an explanation to the reader on the reversé of each of the 4 titles. VERY SCARCE. 317. Howitt, William. Homes and Haunts of the Most Emi- nent British Poets. With vignette illustrations as head ané tail pieces, by W. and G. Measom. 2 vols. 8vo, full dark blue calf, gold tooling, marbled edges (rubbed). London, 1847 318 Huck,J.G. Acta Historica Reginorum Angliae. Twelve Original Drawings, Formed on the History of the Queens of England. Executed by. And Engraved by Valentine Green, with an Historical Account, illustrating each sub- ject, in French and English. 4to, calf. London: V. and R. Green, 1792 319 Hume, David. The History of England from the In- vasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. Por- trait. : 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1880 320 (Hughes, John.) An Ode to the Creator of the World. Occasion’d by the Fragments of Orpheus. Folio. Tonson : London, 1713, First Edition. Printed at the recommendation of Addtson. VERY RARE. 321 Hundred Merry Tales, A. The Earliest English Jest- Book. Now first reproduced in photo-lithography from the unique copy of 1526. In the Royal Library at Gottin- gen. With an Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index. By W. Carew Hazlitt. Folio, buckram, uncut. 3 London, 1887 No. 109 of 137 copies. 322 Indiana. The Life and Adventures of. The Virtuous Orphan. J/lustrated with a portrait and curious copperplates. 12mo, half calf (unbroken). London, 1746 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 40 James,G. P.R. A History of the Life of Richard Coeur-De- Lion. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1842 First Edition. SCARCE. Johnson, Samuel. The Rambler. From the com- mencement on Tuesday, March 20, 1749 to the end on Saturday, March 17, 1752. 2 vols. Folio, half calf (new), red edges. London, 1749-52 Scarce. Complete set. -Dr. Johnson wrote the whole of the 208 numbers with the exeeption of Nos. 10, 30,97 and 100 which were written by Samuel Richardson. Fine clean set. This copy has the title page to the set dated London, 1751. (Johnson, Samuel.) A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 8vo, half calf (broken). London, 1775 First Edition. Scarce. Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; with Critical Observations on their Works. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, old calf, gilt, broken. London, 1781 Johnson, Samuel. The Works of. Portrait. Ir vols. 8vo, full diamond ealf, gilt. Talboys and Pickering: Oxford and London, 1825 Fine clean copy of this desirable edition. FIRST EDITION OF BEN JONSON’S WORKS. Jonson, Beniamin. The Workes of. With the en- graved title by W. Hole. Folio. embossed calf (rubbed), red edges. London : Printed by William Stansby, 1616 The excesstvely rare First Edition. This volume was pub- “ished by Jonson himself. Among the names of the actors to “Every Man tn his Humour,’ that of “ Will. Shakespeare” occurs, together with those of Condel, Kempe, Burbadge, and others. The title is damaged on the margins and laid down. The margins on last page has been repaired, and several other pages have been repaired on corners. Jonson, Benjamin. The Workes of. With the bcauti- fully engraved title by W. Hole. Portrait by Vaughan inserted. Folio, calf (rubbed), red edges. London: Richard Bishop, 1640 Rare. Good clean copy in perfect condition. The whole work 1s printed by Bishop except ‘The Poetaster,’ which is printed by Robert Young. (330 331 332 333 334 335 336 gs bv 338 4I Jonson, Ben. His Volpone; or, The Foxe. A New Edition, with a Critical Essay on the Author by Vincent O'Sullivan. Frontispiece, initial letters and cover design by Aubrey Beardsley. 4to, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1898 Junius. The Genuine Letters of. To which are prefixed Anecdotes of the Author. 8vo, half bound, poor. London, 1771 Very scarce early edition. Junius. A New Edition. With fine stipple portraits and engraved titles. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. T. Bensley: London, 1805 Fine copy. Juvenal. D.Ivnii Ivvenalis Satyrae. With engraved ar- mortal plate on title. 4to, sheep (rubbed), marbled edges. Parisiis, 1644 fine tall copy, printed in the beautiful large type of the Regia Persie) SCARCE. Kemble, Frances Anne. Notes upon some of Shakes- peare’s Plays. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1882 Kempes Nine Daies Wonder. Edited by Edmund Gold- smid. 12mo, vellum paper. Privately Printed: Edinburgh, 1884 Kemps nine daies wonder. Small 4to, boards. London, n. d. A facsimile of the original edition, dated 1600. No. 2 of 100 copies for private circulation, signed by E. W. Ashbece, who superintended the reproduction. Kempe was the comedian of the Shakespeare players. King, W. The Art of Love; in Imitation of Ovid de Arte Amandi. Frontispiece. 8vo, old calf, gilt. London, n. d. Fine large copy. Knox, Robert. An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon, in the East-Indies: together with an Account of the Detaining in Captivity the Author and divers other English- men now Living there; and of the Author’s Miraculous Escape. With numerous full-page curious plates and a map. Folio, half morocco (new). London, 1681 first Edition. This work contains the fullest and most interesting account of the inhabitants of Ceylon. Title and 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 42 first page stained and the work somewhat time worn on the margin. Lee, Nathaniel. The Works of. In One Volume, con- taining these Following Tragedies: Sophonisba, Nero, Glo- riana, Alexander the Great, Mythridates, Theodotius, Caesar Borgia, Lucius Junius Brutus, Constantine, Oepidus, Duke of Guise, Massacre of Paris and Princess of Cleve. Bound in 2 vols. 2 vols. Small 4to, old calf, rebacked. London, 1694-99 Excessively rare. Le Sage, Alain, René. The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated from the French by Tobias Smol- lett. Preceded by a Biographical and Critical Notice of Le Sage. By George Saintsbury. With twelve original etch- ings, by R. de Los Rios. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uucut. London, 1881 (L’Estrange, Hamon). The Reign of King Charles. An History, Disposed into Annalls. The Second Edition. Lacks portrait. | Folio, old calf. . London, 1656 Lilly, John. The Dramatic Works of. (The Euphuist). With notes and some account of his life and writings. By F.W. Fairholt. 2 vols. 12mo, half Roxburghe, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1892 Lindsley, A. B. Love and Friendship; or, Yankee No- tions; A Comedy. 16mo, paper, uncut. New York, 1809 Little, Janet. The Poetical Works of. The Scottish Milk- maid. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, red edges. Air, 1792 First Collected Edition. The original title lacking, but a new one is supplied in ink by a neat hand. (Lockhart, John G.). Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Portratts. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Blackwood: Edinburgh, 1819 Furst Edition. Luciani Samosatensis Opera, quae quidem Extant, Omnia, A Greco Sermone in Latinum conuersa nunc pos- tremim multo diligentius & melius quam anté ad Grecum exemplar correcta and emendata. Folio, limp vellum. Parisiis: Michaelis Vascosani, 1546 Water stained and damaged on the margins. 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 43 Markham, Gervase. Cavalarice, Or the English Horse- man. With decerations surrounding the various titles and other cuts. Small 4to, old calf, rebacked. London, 1617 The Second Edition, with additions. Each of the eight books in this work has a separate and distinct title, the second and third being dated 1616. The title to the whole work in this copy is cut rather close, lacks those to the third and sixth books and pages 47 to 50 of the fourth book. Massinger, Philip. The Duke of Milan: A Tragedy, in Five Acts. I2mo, paper. _ London, 1816 Maundeville, Sir John. The Voyage and Travaile of. Which treateth of the way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, with other Ilands and Countryes. Reprinted from the Edition of 1725. Edited by J.O. Halliwell. Wath the original wlustrations. 8vo, half roan, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1866 Merydew, J. T. Love Letters of Famous Men and Women of the Past and Present Century. Edited by. Por- traits. 2vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Second Edition, Revised and Augmented by the same Author. Portrait engraved by Dolle. 12mo, full straight grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. S. Simmons: London, 1674 The Rare Second Edition. A good, clean copy, though the margins are trimmed rather close at top, in some cases into the heading at top of the page. MILTON’S PARADISE LOST. FIRST EDITION. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Small 4to, half russia, needs rebinding. London, Printed by S. Simons, and are to be sold by 7. Helder at the Angel in Little Brit- tain. 1669. The rare first edition with the eighth ttle page. Margins trimmed somewhat close and a small piece torn from the lower corner of one page. FIRST FOLIO OF MILTON’S PARADISE LOST. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. A Poem In Twelve Books. 44 The Fourth Edition, Adorn’d with Sculptures. Portrait (laid down) engraved by R. White. Tall folio, contemporary calf (rebacked). London: Printed by Miles Flesher, for Jacob Tonson, 1688 The extremely rare first folio, sometimes called “Lord Somers,” and a beautiful clean tall copy, with very wide mar- gins. The plates are engraved by M. Burgesse and Bouche 355 356 337, 358 359 360 | 361 in an unique and exceedingly clear style. On account of the very wide margins this present copy is probably large paper. Milton, John. Paradise Regain’d; a Poem in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes; and Poems upon several Occasions. 8vo, old calf, broken. Tonson: London, 1742 Milton, John. The Poetical Works of. With the beautt- fully engraved portraits by G. Vertue and vignettes on titles. 2 vols. 4to, panelled calf (rubbed). London: Jacob Tonson, 1720 fine clean copy of Tonson’s rare edition in the beautiful large type. The Earl of Aylesford’s Copy with his book- plates, and also the engraved receipt of the publisher, signed J. Tonson, mounted tn the front. | Milton’s Paradise Lost. Book 1. T72t/e mounted. Small gto, half calf. R. & A. Fonlis: Glasgow, 1750 Rare edition. For some unknown reason no more than Book 1 was published. BASKERVILLE’S FINE EDITION OF MILTON. Milton, John. The Poetical Works of. Portrait (laid down). 2 vols. Royal 8vo, calf, gilt (rebacked), marbled edges. Birmingham: John Baskerville, 1759 Fine copy of Baskerville's beautiful edition, although it is slightly foxed throughout. Scarce. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. With Notes of Various Authors, by John Rice. 8vo, vellum, red edges. London, 1766 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. 2volsini. 16mo, old calf. Glasgow: 1776 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. frontispiece and engraved half-title. 16mo, cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1835 Printed in the beautiful Pickering diamond type. 45 362 (Milton, John). Paradise Lost. In Ten Books. The Text exactly reproduced from the first edition of 1667. With an Appendix containing the Additions made in Later Issues and a Monograph on the Original Publication of the Poem. 4to, half Roxburghe, uncut. London: Pickering, 1873 Large paper, unopened. 363 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Illustrations by William Blake. Plates tinted. 4to, buckram back, uncut. Liverpool, 1906 364 Minor Drama, The. No. XX, The Bottle. No. LXX XVI, ‘To Oblige Benson, by Tom Taylor. And No. LIV, The Toodles. 3 pieces. 12mo, original wrappers. New York, v. d. 365 Mitford, Mary Russell. Our Village. With an Intro- duction bv Anne Thackeray Ritchie. Beautifully illustra- ted with one hundred drawings by Hugh Thomson. Royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1893 Ouly 470 copies printed on Large Paper. FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF MONTAIGNE’S “ESSAYES.” 366 Montaigne. The Essayes on Morall, Politike and Milli- tarie Discourses of Lo: Michaell de Montaigne. Now done into English by John Florio. Small folio, new full crimson polished morocco, gilt back and sides, top edges gilt, in pull-off case, by Stikeman. Printed at London by Val. Sims for Edmund Blount, 1603 The very vare First Edition of the first English translation of Montaigne’s Essays, has the poem‘ To my deere friend M. John Florio, concerning his translation of Montaigne by Sam Daniel,” and the leaf of “ Errors and Omission of notes escaped in this Book.” These (extras) are found in only a few coptes. 3664 Moore, Thomas. Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Portratt. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, marbled edges. New York, 1866 367. More, Hannah. The Works of. 9 vols. 12mo, old calf, gilt. London, 1801 368 (Morgan, Lady). The Wild Irish Girl; a National Tale, by Miss Owenson. 3 vols. 12mo, old calf, poor. London, 1807 369 Morton, Thomas. Seeing Wright. A Farce. 12mo, London n. d. 370 371 372 46 A copy used in the production of the play by John Sefton, with certain passages underscored and notes on margins. Murphy, Arthur. The Rival Sisters, a Tragedy. Izmo, paper. London, 1793 Neele, Henry. The Literary Remains of the Late. Con- sisting of Lectures on English Poetry, etc. Portrait. 12mo, half calf, London, 1829 Nichols, John. Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century with biographical anecdotes of Eminent Writers, Artists, etc., 9 vols. and Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th Century. 8 vols. (both series complete). Numerous fine portraits and facsimiles and further extra illustrated with early and scarce engraved portraits including Maj.-Genl. Monckton, Governor of New York, from the Briush Maga- zine, Washington from the Ladies Magazine, Kra nklin (early print), Mrs. Siddons in the Grecian Danghter, ete. 17 vols. 8vo, uniform, full yellow calf, full gilt backs, green and red labels, yellow edges. London, 1812-58 A fine set of this valuable work, The mass of bibliograhpt- ical and literary matter, anecdotes, highly valuable memotrs, and sketches, makes this work one of the most permanently interesting sets of books ever published. 372A Nightingale, J. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life 373 374 of Her Most Gracious Majesty Caroline, Queen of Great Britain, and Consort of King George the Fourth. Contain- ing ample details of the unhappy differences between their Majesties, and of the proceedings connected with the Queen’s return to this country. Portraits. Somewhat foxed throughout. 2 vols. 8vo, half russia, broken. London, 1820 Oates, Titus. Eikon Bazilike: or, the Picture of the Late King James Drawn to the Life. In which is made manifest, That the whole Course of his Life hath to this day been a continued Conspiracy against the Protestant Religion, Laws and Liberties of the Three Kingdoms. In a Letter to Himself. Second Edition. Small. 4to, calf, gilt (broken). London; Richard Baldwin, 1696 Second Edition. Rare. Fine clean copy. Olde ffrendes, wyth newe Faces. Adorn’d with sutable Sculptures. L//ustrated with curious woodcuts in colors. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1883 Containing the Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman, the Long 375 376 aT 378 379 380 381 382 383 47 Pack, John Cunningham, the Pastoral Poet, a Northumbrian Tale, etc. Omar Khayyam. The Rubaiyat of. A Facsimile of the MS. in the Bodleian Library. Translated and Edited by Edward Heron Allen. AFrontisptece. Royal 8vo, decorated boards, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1898 1000 copies printed. Ossian. Fingal, an Ancient Epic Poem, in Six Books: Together with several other Poems, composed by Ossian, the Son of Fingal. Translated from the Gaelic Language, by James Macpherson. Vignette on tittle. Ato, old speckled calf (broken), marbled edges. London, 1762 First Edition. Beautiful clean copy. Rare. | Ossian. The Poems of. Translated by James Macpher- son. With beautiful dlustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, light calf, gilt (broken). London, 1806 Lurge paper copy. Plates foxed. Peele, George. Merrie Conceited Jests of. Small 4to, boards. London, 1809 Percy, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs and other Pieces of the Earlier Poets, with some of later date, not included in any other edition. Collected by. Royal 8vo, half roan (rubbed). Philadelphia, 1856 Percy, Bishop (Thomas.) Folio Manuscript Ballads and Romances. Edited by John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall. With folding facsimile. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1867-8 Contains the suppressed Loose and Humorous Songs. Philadelphia Theatres. Interior Views. 12mo, paper. Philadelphia, 1880 Issued by the Philadelphia & Reading R. R. Philips, John. Poems attempted In the Style of Milton. With a new Account of his Life and Writings. Portratt and curious copperplates. 12mo, old calf (cracked ) London, 1762 Plays. Early English. Alzira, London, 1736. Trapp’s Abra-Mule, London, n. d. Frowd’s Philotas, London, 1735. Ximena, by Mr. Cibber, London, 1735. Rowe’s Jane Shore, London, 1736. Southern’s Fatal Marriage, London, 1735. Southern’s Oroonoko, no title. Farquhar’s Twin-Rivals, 384 385 386 387 388 389 48 London, 1718. Farquhar’s Stage Coach, London, 1728. Cibber’s School-Boy, Dublin, 1724. Bullock’s Woman’s Revenge, London, 1715. Flora, London, 1729. Bank’s. Unhappy Favourite, London, 1728. The Fair Circassian, London, 1723, and Silvia, London, 1731. I5 pieces. 12mo, unbound. Plays. Ina, a Tragedy, by Mrs. Wilmot, London, 1815; and Ravenna; or, Italian Love, a Tragedy, Lon- don, 1824. 2 vols. I2mo, paper. London, v. d. Plutarch. The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans. compared together by Plutarke, done into English by Thomas North. W1th wood-cut portraits. Thick folio, half calf, red edges. (London, 1612): Title missing, but otherwise a good copy. Scarce. Plutarch. Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch contain- ing the lives of Caius Marcius Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Antonius and Marcus Brutus as sources to Shakes-. peare’s Tragedies, Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra and partly to Hamlet and Timon of Athens. Photo-lithographed in the size of the Original Edition of 1595. Edited by F. A. Leo. Folio. cloth, uncut. London, 1878. Pollock, Robert. The Course of Time. A Poem. Mig- nette tllustrations by Birket Foster. Square 8vo, green morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges. | Edinburgh, 1857 First Edition. Scarce. Poole, Joshua. The English Parnassus; or a Help to English Poesie. Containing a Collection of all the Rhyth- ming Monosyllables, the choicest Epithets and Phrases. With some General Forms and Themes upon all Occasions, Subjects, alphabetically digested. Frontispiece. 12mo, old calf, broken. London, 1677 POPE’S WINDSOR-FOREST. FIRST EDITION. Pope, Alexander. Windsor-Forest. To the Right Hon- ourable George Lord Lansdown. By Mr..Pope. (Quota- tion from Virgil). Folio, unbound. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott at the Cross-- Keys in Fleet-street. 1713. The excessively rare first edition. A fine tall copy, a little time Stained on the margins. See facsimile title page. IWIN DSOR-FOREST. To the Right Honourable GEORGE Lord LANSDOWN By Mr POP EL Non injuffa cano: Le-nofire, Vare, Myrice Te Nemus omne canet; nec Phaebo gratior ulla eft Quam fibi que Nani preferipfit Pagina nomen. : Virg. LONDON: Printed for Bernard Lintott at the Crofs-Keys in Fleet-fireet. 1713. Facsimile Title, Lot 389. 49 POPE’S DUNCIAD. 1728. 390 (Pope, Alexander). The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. In Three Books. (Woodcut scroll on title). Owl frontispiece. 12mo, unbound Dublin, Printed, London Reprinted for A. Dodd. 1728 Unknown to Thoms, but may come between ‘c” anda” of his list. This issue has two of the typographical errors noted in the early editions of this work, viz.: Page 5, note “« Interludes” for ‘‘ Enterludes”; page 6, line 94,‘ D n” for ““D s”, with an advertisement of “The Progress of Dullness” on verso of page 51, followed by a“ Key to the Dunciad” of 4 pages. There were three other issues of the work dated 1728, one bearing second edition, the other two third editicn on the titles. After careful research this appears to have peculiarities not noted in any other issues of the farst Edition noticed by Thoms. FIRST EDITION OF POPE’S COLLECTED WORKS. 391 + +Pope, Mr. Alexander. The Works of. With half-title. Folio, contemporary calf (cracked). London: Printed by W. Bowyer, for Bernard Lintot, 1717 The first collected edition; there having been also a quarto edition of the same date. The Epistle of Eloisa to Abelard first appeared in this collection. Printed in beautiful large bold type. Excessively rare. See facsinule utle. POPE’S HOMER. FIRST EDITION. 392 + Pope, Alexander. The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Mr. Pope. Portrait by Vertue, map and_vigneties. 6 vols. Ato, old calf, printed by W. Bowyer, London, 1715-20. The Odessey of Homer. (Translated by Alexander (Pope.) Portrait by Vertue and vignettes. 5 vols. in 3, printed for Bernard Lintot; London, 1725-6. Together g vols. 4to, old calf, gilt, rebacked. London, 1715-26 The original subscription edition. Good clean set. 393 Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man. Enlarged and Improved by the Author. With the Notes of William, Lord Bishop of Gloucester. Frontespiece. 12mo, calf, rebacked. London, 1763 Has bound with it: The Pleasures of Imagination, by Dr. Akenside. London, 1769. 394 Pope, Alexander. The Life of. Compiled from origi- 5O nal manuscripts ; with a critical essay ou his writings and genius, by Owen Rufthead. /rontispiece. 8vo, old calf. London, 1769 395 (Prior, Matthew.) Poems on Several Occasions. /ron- tispiece and vignettes. Folio, old calf, broken. Tonson; London, 1718 396 Prior, Matthew. The Poetical Works of. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf. London, 1779 First collected edition. Clean copy. 397 Prynne, William. The Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists to their Soveraignes, in Doctrine and Practise. The Second Edition. Ato, old calf, needs rebacking. London, 1643 398 Ramsay, Allan. Poems by. Portrait. Ato, full speckled calf, gilt, polished gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1721 The scarce first collected edition and a fat copy. Name on portrait and slightly foxed throughout the text. 399 Randolph, Thomas. Poetical and Dramatic Works of. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1875 400 Roberte the Deuyil. A Metrical Romance, from an An- cient Illuminated Manuscript. (Edited by J. Herbert). ///us- trated with thirteen copperplates. Ato, half morocco. London, 1798 Large paper. Only avery limited edition printed for members. AOI Rogers, Samuel. Italy, Poems, and Campbell’s Poetical Works. The three works illustrated with one hundred and jifty exquisite plates, by Turner, Prout, and Stothard, beau- tifully engraved on steel by Goodall, Finden, Le Keux and others. 3 vols. 8vo, finely bound in full dark green morocco, elaborately gilt tooled, gilt edges. London, 1842-52 Choice copies of this fine work, admitted to be the high-water mark of English line engraving, now alostart. Ruskin says: « Possess yourself first of the wlustrated edition of either Rogers ‘Ttaly’ or Rogers ‘Poems, on account of the extreme beauty of the designs and the perfect finish of the engraving.” 401A Roxburghe Library. Containing: Inedited Tracts. The Whole Works of William Browne, 2 vols. The Complete Poems of George Gascoigne, 2 vols. The Poems of Thomas Carew. And The English Drama and Stage Under the Tudor and Stuart Princes. 1543-1664. Portraits. 7 vols. 4to, half Roxburghe, uncut. Printed for The Roxburghe Library, 1868-1870 Very scarce. 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 51 Sackville, Lord George. Vindication of Himself, In @ Letter toColonel Fitzroy, One of the Aids de Camp, to Prince Ferdinand: With Colonel Fitzroy’s Answer; And the Decla- tion of Captain Smith, One of the Aids de Camp to Lord George. Containing a Full and Particular Account of every Thing that passed, relative to Lord George Sackville’s Con- duct and Behaviour at the Battle of Thornhausen, on the First of August, 1759. Ato, half calf. London, 1759 Bound with it 1s: The Emigrants, a Poem, by Charlotte Smith, London, 1793. The Battle of the Bards, an Herow Poem, London, 1800. And several other pieces. Sa’di. The Gulistan; or, Rose Garden of. Faithfully translated into English. 12mo, boards. Benares, 1888 Printed by the Kama Shastra Society for Private Sub- scribers only. Very rare. Sancho, Ignatius. Letters of the late. An African, to. which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life. Wzth portratt and a medallion by Bartolozzt. 2volsin1. 1I2mo, half calf. London, 1782 Sanderson, William. A Compleat History of the Lives and Reigns of Mary Queen of Scotland, and Her Son James the Sixth, King of Scotland. Lacks the two portraits. Folio, old calf, poor. London, 1656 Sandys, George. A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems. by. Folio, old calf, broken. At the Bell in St. Pauls Churchyard, London, 163& A fine tall copy, with the colophon on the last page, “John Legatt, 1637.” Saville, Lord George. The Lady’s New-Year’s Gift; or, Advice to a Daughter. Narrow, 16mo, old calf. Dublin, 1724 Scarronnides; or, Virgile Travestie. A Mock-Poem on the First and Fourth Books of Virgil’s Ainzis In Eng- lish ; Burlesque. 12mo, contemporary calf (rebacked), gilt, marbled edges. London, 1672 Scarce. Shenstone, William. The Works in Verse and Prose of. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf. London, 1765 410 = 41 412 413 414 415 52 Sheridaniana; or, Anecdotes of the Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan; His Table-Talk and Bon Mots. . Por- trait. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1826 Sidney, Sir Philip. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arca- dia. The Thirteenth Edition. With his Life and Death ; a brief Table of the principal Heads, and some other néw Additions. Portratt of Sidney. Folio, half calf (cracked). London, 1674 Scarce. Once the property of Judith Tichborne, inscribed in her own hand as being presented to her by the “ most re- nowned and Beloved Knight Stephen de La Stanly, 1713.” Sidney, Sir Philip. Certain Sonnets From The Coun- tess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. With an Accompaniment of (tinted) Drawings by George Wharton Edwards. Mounted on linen guards. 4to, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Cleveland, 1890 Siliar, David. Poems by. | 8vo, half calf. Kilmarnock: Printed by John Wilson, 1789 Original edition. Scarce. Printed at the same press as the famous “ Kilmarnock Burns.” Tt contains the first issue of a three-page poem by Burns, “To the Author,” signed “RB.” Also, an“ Epistle to R. Burns,” by Sillar. This copy ts slightly foxed and margins cut close. Sleidan, John. The General History of the Reformation of the Church From the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome: Begun in Germany By Martin Luther. With the Progress thereof in all Parts of Christendom, From the Year 1517, to the Year 1556. To which is added, A Continuation To the End of the Council of Trent, in the Year 1562. By Edmund Bohun. Folio, old panelled calf (rubbed), red edges. London, 1689 First Edition. Lacks portrait. Sleidan, John. A Famouse Cronicle of oure time, called Sleidanes Commentaries, concerning the state of Religion and common wealth, during the raigne of the Emperour Charles the first. * * * Translated out of Latin into Englishe, by Jhon Daus. With woodcut coat of arms of Duke of Bed- ford on title, and numerous tnttial letters. Thick folio, old stamped calf on wooden boards (lacking clasps), rebacked. Imprinted at London by Jhon Daye, 1560 The excessively rare First Edition. With marginal notes ieehay DUNCIAD. AN Heroic Poem. TNs THREE BOOKS. ee ee Dustin, Printed, Lonpon Re- printed for A. Dopp. 1728. Facsimtle Title, Lot 390. ee 416 417 419 420 53 in Latin in probably a contemporary hand. The corners of several pages are missing and some few pages are stained, and somewhat worm eaten throughout. A good specimen of black letter printing. Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 2vols. 4to, old calf, broken. London, 1776 Furst Edition. Rare. Southey, Robert. Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem. 4to, old calf. Bristol, 1796 First Edition. Spectator, The. 8 vols. 8vo, old calf, gilt, poor. London, 1712-15 The Furst published issue in the same year the Spectator was printed in numbers. Finely printed and very scarce. Speed, John. The History of Great Britaine Under the Conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. Their Originals, Manners, Warres, Coines & Seales; with ye Successions, Lives, Acts & Issues of the English Monarchs from Julius Caesar, to our most gracious Soveraigne King James. Illustrated with numerous armorial bearings, fac- similes of coins, crests, head and tail pieces, portraits and an engraved title, ‘Thick royal folio, stamped contemporary calf (rebacked), red edges. London, 1611 The rave First Edition and a large paper copy. The ttle and several of the illustrations have been neatly colored by probably a contemporary hand. The whole work 1s in beau- tiful condition. The title page ts a masterpiece. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION OF SPENSER’S FAERIE QUEEN. Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queen; the Shepheards Calendar; Together with the other Work of England’s Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser. Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. With woodcut border to title, head and tatl-pieces and tnttial letters. Folio, morocco, gilt edges. Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1611 The rare first collected edition. The miscellaneous works which follow the Faery Queen have all the separate title- 421 422 423 424 425 54 pages; the Shepherds Calendar is illustrated with a series of woodcuts for each month. Title somewhat stained and laid down, otherwise a good copy. Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene. With an exact Collation of the Two Original Editions, Published by Him- self at London in Quarto, * * * To which is now added, a New Life of the Author, and also A Glossary. Adorn’d with thirty-two copper-plates, from the original drawings of the late W. Kent. 3 vols. 4to, calf, gilt (broken), red edges. London, 175! Clean copy. Scarce. Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene. A New Edi- tion, with Notes critical and explanatory, by Ralph Church. 4 vols. in 2. 8vo, old tree calf, vol. 1 broken. London, 1758 Spenser, Edmund. The Shepheardes Calendar. The original edition of 1579 in photographic facsimile with an introduction, by H. Oskar Sommer. 4to, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1890 No. 372 of 520 copies. | STEELE’S TATLER. ORIGINAL EDITION. (Steele, Sir Richard.) The Tatler, by Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. From April 12, 1709, to January 2, 1710, 270 num- bers. Lacking one number for Oct. 28 to 31, 1710, being No. 244. Folio, old calf, rebacked. (London, 1709-10} The very rare original sheets. Steinmetz, Andrew. History of the Jesuits, from the Foundation of their Society to its Suppression by Pope Clement XIV. Their missions throughout the world; their Educational System and Literature; their Revival and Present State. Fine steel portraits and woodcuts. First fidttion. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth. London: Richard Bentley, 1848 The best edition of a valuable work, now scarce, Includes the early missions in America. 425A Sterline, William (Alexander). Earle of. Recreations with the Muses. Axgraved border around title. Folio, mottled calf, gilt (slightly worn), canary edges. London : Tho. Harper, 1637 The rare first edition. Itlacks the portrait, but is supplied by one of a later date. This volume ts of great value in 426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 435 55 Shakespearian Interest. In“ Darius” ave some lines similar to others in the cclebrated “ Cloud Cap’t. Tow’rs” of Shakes- peare. Street Literature. Curiosities of. Comprising ‘‘ Cocks,” or ‘“‘Catchpennies,” a large and curious assortment of Street Drolleries. Squibs, Histories, Comic Tales in Prose and Verse, Broadsides on the Royal Family, etc. Frontispiece. 4to, half Roxburghe, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1871 Suckling, Sir John, The Poems, Plays and other Re- mains of. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1874 Swift. Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. With Maps. 12mo, old calf. The Scarce Fourth Edition. London, 1742 Swinburne’s Study of Ben Jonson, New York, 1889. And Lovejoy’s Francis Bacon, Boston, 1883. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Sydney, Sir Philip. Defence of Poetry, and Obser- vations on Poetry and Eloquence from the Discoveries of Ben Jonson. I12mo, boards, | London, 1787 Talfourd, T. Noon. Critical and Miscellaneous Writ- ings of. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854 Talleyrand, Prince, and King Louis XVIII. The Correspondence of. During the Congress of Vienna. Edited by M. G. Pallain. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881 Thoms, William J: Early English Prose Romances, with Bibliographical and Historical Introductions. Edited by. 3 vols. 12mo, half roxburghe. London, 1858 Thomson, James. Edward and Eleonora. A Tragedy. As it was to have been Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. 12m0, paper. London, 1758 Written by the author of “Thomson's Seasons,’ and prob- ably Second Edition. Thomson, James. The Seasons. With a Life of the 56 ~ Author, by Patrick Murdoch. Jllustrated with beautiful steel vignettes by Schmolze. 8vo, stamped calf, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1857 436 Thucydides. Eight Bookes Of the Peloponnesian War Written by Thucydides. The sonne of Olorus. Inter- preted with Faith and Diligence Immediately out of the Greeke By Thomas Hobbes. J/ustrated with several fold- ing plates of battles, and an engraved title by Cecill. Folio. fine old calf (cracked). London, 1629. Second Edition. Scarce. A few of the pages, ncluding title, are damaged on margins. | 437 (Tickell, Thomas). An Imitation of the Prophecy of Nereus. From Horace Book I. Ode XV. Folio. London, 1716. 438 Ticknor, George. Life of William Hickling Prescott. Portratt. Ato, cloth, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston, 1864 439 Tooke,John Horne. The Diversions of Purley. With a beautifully engraved frontispiece by W. Sharp. 2 vols. 4to, half russia (broken), red edges. London, 1798 440 Virgil. The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Trans- lated by John Ogilby. With engraved title and many curt- ous copper-plates. 12mo, old calf. Oxford, 1684 441 Virgilii Opera. With full page beautifully engraved proof plates by Bartolozzt, Sharp, Fitler, ete. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, old Spanish calf. | London: (T. Bensley), 1800. Bensley’s Edition. Beautifully printed in large type. Large paper copy. 441A Walpole, Mr. Horace. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. Fortraits. Second Editon. Ato, half bound. London, 1768. 442 Wells, Charlotte E. Croesus and Ione. - 4to, paper. New York, 1902 443 Whistler, J. McNeill. The Gentle Art of Making Ene- mies. Square 8vo, buckram, gilt, top edges gilt. John W. Lovell Co.: New York, 1890. 444 White, Henry Kirke. The Remains of. With an Ac- en Re CRs ne ae ne A Ln ce Ren RE EE A NT REE REA nae ee CN OS : Ste meme mete tee Mr. ALEXANDER POPE. CICERO pro ARCH. Hec fiudia adolefcentiam alunt, fenettutem oblettant; fecun- : Me fi . das res ornant, adver/zs perfugium & folatium prevent ; deleflant dorm, non impediunt foris; pernottant nobifcum, peregrinantur, ruftucantur. TON DON: Printed by W. Bowyer, for BERNARD LINTOT between the Zemple-Gates. 1717. Pca SRC ee eS een Facsimile .Title, Lot 391. , f i e . * he ~ ‘ . i fi ‘ ~ — ‘ » m ’ > * \ \ ‘ > * . ‘ ’ $i \ . , 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 57 count of his Life, by Roberty Southey. Fortrazt and en- graved title. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt, rubbed. London, 1819 White, Richard Grant. England Without and Within. 12mo, cloth. London, 1881 White, Thomas W. Our English Homer; or, Shakes- peare Historically Considered. 12mo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1892 (Wilkes, John). The Origin and Progress of Despotism in the Oriental and other Empires, of Africa, Europe, and America. 12mo, half roan. Amsterdam, 1764 Printed at the author's private press. Wilson, John. Andronicus Comnenius: A Tragedy. Square 8vo, paper. London, 1664 Rare. Winter, William. Old Friends, being Literary Recol- lections of Other Days. And Other Days, being Chronicles and Memories of the Stage. Both tlustrated. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1908-09 Winter’s English Rambles, Boston, 1884. Jameson’s Celebrated Female Sovereigns, Philadelphia, 1870, and John Lyly’s Euphues. The Anatomy of Wit, etc. West- minster, 1895. Together 3 vols, 12mo0, cloth. Wright, Thomas. A History of Caricature and Gro- tesquein Literature and Art. With dlustrations from various sources, drawn aud engraved by F. W. Fairholt. 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 Young, E. Busiris, King of Egypt. I2mo. London, 1719 Young, Edward. The Poetical Works of. 2 vols., London, 1741. The Complaint; or, Night Thoughts. London, 1749, 2 vols. Other Works by E. Young, Lon- don, 1773. 5 vols. (4 vols. 8vo, 1 vol. 12mo), old calf. Shakespeare. Photographs of oil and engraved por- traits of Shakespeare, places of interest in Stratford-on- Avon, documents relating to him, etc. 1g pieces 58 455 Photogravures of Masterpieces of Painting, Burns’ Cot- tage, Anne Hatheway’s Cottage, etc. Mounted on card- boards, , 8 pieces 456 Melanchthon, Philip. Observations upon the Hand- writing of. Illustrated with facsimiles. Also, a few speci- mens of the Autograph of Martin Luther, by S. Leigh Sotheby. Folio, unbound. London, 1839 = a - * > a Ee = a ote)