NeanR : SALE NUMBER 1844 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL NINETEENTH tie ART COLLECTION OFT E Ae FRANK A. RUF ST. LOUIS, MO. OLD & MODERN PAINTINGS OF ALL SCHOOLS FINE ORIENTAL RUGS: DECORATIVE TAPESTRIES CHINESE, JAPANESE & INDIAN TEXTILES NAVAJO, HOPI & MEXICAN SERAPES MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MRS. FRANK A. RUF FRIDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING, SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH, TWENTY’SIXTH AT TWO’THIRTY & EIGHT’-FIFTEEN “INE ARTS Divi SON TOPEKA PUBLIC LIBRARY TOPEKA, KANSAS THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present ] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 Bi iy. bi TAPESTRY OF THE ROYAL MANUFACTORY OF FELLETIN, AFTER CHARLES LEBRUN ‘““ ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND THE WIVES OF DARIUS” [NUMBER 352 | SALE NUMBER 1844 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL NINETEENTH mie ART COLLECTION OF THE CATE FRANK A. RUF ST. LOUIS, MO. OLD & MODERN PAINTINGS OF ALL SCHOOLS INCLUDING A LARGE NUMBER OF THE !7TH CENTURY ITALIAN, SPANISH & DUTCH SCHOOLS A REPRESENTATIVE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL RUGS INCLUDING GHIORDES, KULAH, LADIK, SHIRAZ & CAUCASIAN, WITH TWO UNUSUAL 18TH CENTURY BERGAMA RUGS & A VERY FINE LARGE SAMARKAND SILK RUG DECORATIVE TAPESTRIES, INCLUDING A FINE SPECIMEN FROM THE ROYAL MANUFACTURE OF FELLETIN AFTER CHARLES LEBRUN CHINESE, JAPANESE & INDIAN TEXTILES NAVAJO, HOPI & MEXICAN SERAPES MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MRS. FRANK A. RUF FRIDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING, SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH, TWENTY’SIXTH AT TWO’THIRTY & EIGHT-FIFTEEN FINE ARTS DIVISION TOPEKA PUBLIC LIBRARY TOPEKA, KANSAS THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Prestpenr] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY’“NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 LW 74 © CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and ‘The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce ‘the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. . The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for Fifty Cents for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 93856 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART 1- 52 NAVAJO AND MEXICAN SERAPE BLANKETS, ETC. 53- 95 PAINTINGS 96-138 ORIENTAL RUGS 139-184 FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH PAINTINGS 185-284 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL TWENTY-SIXTH DECORATIVE JAPANESE, CHINESE AND INDIAN TEXTILES 285-307 ORIENTAL RUGS: TAPESTRIES 308-418 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-184 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 1-52 ITALIAN BRONZE STATUETTE OF A SATYR AFTER THE ANTIQUE Height, 17 inches ITALIAN CLASSICAL BRONZE STATUETTE AFTER THE ANTIQUE On marble base. Height, 9 inches TWO ITALIAN CLASSICAL BRONZE STATUETTES AFTER THE ANTIQUE Cupid and Apollo. (2) | Height, 9 inches TWO ITALIAN CLASSICAL BRONZE STATUETTES AFTER THE ANTIQUE Venus and Adonis. (2) Height, 11 inches TWO ITALIAN CLASSICAL BRONZE STATUETTES AFTER THE ANTIQUE (2) Height, 8 and 9 inches TWO ITALIAN CLASSICAL BRONZE STATUETTES AFTER THE ANTIQUE Venus and Apollo. (2) Height, 1014 inches TWO ITALIAN CLASSICAL BRONZE STATUETTES AFTER THE ANTIQUE Antinous and Satyr. (2) Height, 914 inches TWO ITALIAN BRONZE CLASSICAL STATUETTES AFTER THE ANTIQUE Venus and Adonis. (2) Height, 9 inches 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THREE PAIRS OF ANTIQUE BRONZE BUDDHISTIC SCEPTRES (6) TWO WHITE BLOWN GLASS GOBLETS AND COVERS Etched with coats of arms and flowers. (2) Height, 11 inches BOHEMIAN AMBER AND WHITE CUT GLASS TANK- ARD AND COVER Baluster shape, cut with fluting and diamond pattern. Etched with a monogram and foliage. Height, 814 inches OLD FRENCH WHITE GLASS GOBLET Beaker-shaped bowl, etched with amatory trophy. Beaded borders. Height, 8 inches OLD BOHEMIAN RUBY GLASS TUMBLER Etched with trees and deer and scroll panels of trellis pattern. Height, 414 inches POLISH WHITE GLASS GOBLET, TWO BRISTOL GLASS SMALL VASES, AMETHYST AND WHITE GLASS JACK BOOT (4) Height not over 6 inches OLD ETCHED WHITE GLASS TANKARD WITH PEWTER COVER GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Cylindrical body, etched with a deer and conventional decora- tion. Cover engraved with initials and crests. Height, 9 inches OLD BOHEMIAN WHITE GLASS GOBLET : Etched with an allegorical subject and Latin inscription. Height, 9 inches OLD BOHEMIAN ETCHED ALE GLASS Etched with amorini, etc., on gadrooned baluster stem and cir- cular base. Height, 13 inches ANTIQUE ABRUZZI WARE VASE Painted and modelled with rosettes and military figures. (Sold as is) Height, 12 inches 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TWO ANTIQUE ABRUZZI WARE PITCHERS Baluster-shaped body, painted and modelled with portraits in a cartouch and floral motifs. (2) Height, 8 inches PAIR OF ANTIQUE ABRUZZI WARE VASSES Classical shape. Modelled with animals and flowers in relief. (Repaired) (2) Height, 12 inches OLD LEEDS WARE VASE Empire decoration of lion-masks, on paw supports. Painted with flower festoons and bands of diaper pattern. (Cover missing ) Height, 10 inches BLUE AND WHITE FAIENCE VASE rratian, 18TH CENTURY The oviform body inscribed with “Ps Orange” in a scroll cartouch. Height, 11 inches BLUE AND WHITE FAIENCE WINE JAR ITALIAN, 1TH CENTURY The ovoid body encircled with bands of arabesque decoration. Entwined double handle and small spout. (Chipped) Height, 13 inches PAIR OF ITALIAN FAIENCE JARS Urbino style. Painted with portraits of Roman warriors and military trophies. (2) Height, 10 inches PAIR OF PORCELAIN URN-SHAPED VASES azour 1830 Painted and gilt decoration, with landscape and figures. (2) Height, 10 inches ANTIQUE IMARI PORCELAIN GOURD-SHAPED VASE In four sections. Painted with birds, flowers and panel of trellis pattern. (Repaired) Height, 12 inches SATSUMA POTTERY TRIPOD VASE With crackled glaze. Stand and teakwood with amber knob. (Repaired ) | Height, 9 inches NANKIN PORCELAIN BOWL With painted and enamelled decoration of figures and flowers in alternating panels. Diameter, 151% inches 29 30 bl 32 33 o4 35 36 37 FLUTED FUNNEL-SHAPED VASE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD With robin’s-egg blue glaze. Stand. (Repaired) Height, 6 inches CHINESE CLOISONNE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE With decoration of peaches on white diaper ground. Height, 8 inches CHINESE GILT BRASS VASE AND COVER The ovoid aan engraved with bands of floral decoration. Stand. Height, 12 inches ANTIQUE JEWISH BRASS BOWL The sides decorated with scenes from the Bible and inscriptions. Diameter, 8 inches RUSSIAN BRASS EGG BOWL AND SALT CUP Bowl with scalloped outline, floral engraving. (2) Diameter, 10 and 41% inches CHINESE SILVER MUG Chased with numerous figures attending a temple feast. Dragon handle. Height, 5 inches PAIR OF INDIAN SILVER BOWLS The sides with repoussé decoration of seated figures and palm trees. (2) Diameter, 5 inches RARE HEBREW DOUBLE-HANDLED SILVER TANKARD AND COVER 18TH CENTURY Very interesting piece. With decoration of two repoussé bands of flowers and scrolls divided by a band engraved with the signs of the zodiac and inscriptions. Height, 6 inches. Weight about 15 ounces TWO JAPANESE CHASED AND ENGRAVED BRONZE SWORD GUARDS (2) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 TWO JAPANESE CHASED AND ENGRAVED SWORD GUARDS (2) TWO JAPANESE CHASED BRONZE SWORD GUARDS (2) TWO MALAY KRISSES With carved boxwood handles and wood scabbards. (2) CURVED SWORD INDIA, 18TH CENTURY The handle with gold inlay. Leather scabbard. DAGGER INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Pointed and grooved blade, hilt with gold decoration. TWO MALAY KRISSES Carved handles and wood scabbards. (2) TWO MALAY KRISSES With quaintly shaped handles and wood scabbards. (2) GURKHA KNIFE In leather sheath containing two smaller knives. PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS SPANISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Finely carved and engraved with foliage scroll motifs. ‘The butts mounted with portraits in medallions. Maker’s mark on lock and barrel, Antonio Gui Sassola. INTERESTING ANTIQUE JAPANESE BRASS MATCH- LOCK PISTOL Barrel engraved with dragon and waves. INLAID DAGGER WITH IVORY HANDLE INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Fine gold inlay of flowers. 49 "'THREE FLINTLOCK PISTOLS AND EMBROIDERED LEATHER HOLSTER TURKISH, 17TH CENTURY Barrels engraved with foliage scrolls, etc. Carved butts with en- graved brass bosses and mounts. (4) 50 DAGGER INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Unusual five-pointed blade. Brass handle and scabbard en- graved with flowers and animals. 51 SIX-CHAMBER COLT REVOLVER 386 calibre. Leather holster. 52 THREE WAX PORTRAITS Lord Nelson, Colonel Cooke, and another. (3) Size about 7 x 6 inches NAVAJO AND MEXICAN SERAPE BLANKETS, ETC. NUMBERS 53-95 53 THREE STRIPS OF NAVAJO TAPESTRY WEAVE (3) Length, 21, 25, 27 inches; width not over 6 inches 54 NAVAJO BLANKET Red ground. Diamond zigzags in grayish purple, orange gray and white. Size, '76 x 47 inches 55 NAVAJO BLANKET Zigzagged and striped design in red, white, blue and tan. Size, 48 x 80 inches 56 NAVAJO BLANKET ¥ Zigzag lines in red, tan, green, white and blue. Size, 60 x 36 inches 57 ANTIQUE NAVAJO BLANKET Gray and red; stripes and zigzag lines in gray, white, and pale yellow. Size, 80 x 49 inches 58 NAVAJO RUG 7 Zigzag motifs and stripes in red, orange, white and black. Size, 66 x 48 inches 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ANTIQUE NAVAJO BLANKET Bright vermilion, with stripes in white and nile-green. Size, 68 x 50 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Stepped triangles in black, green and blue on white or red. Size, 47 x 82 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Plain brown with white and red zigzag stripes. Size, 64 x 48 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Zigzag designs in different colors on deep red background. Size, 59 x 85 inches ANTIQUE NAVAJO BLANKET Lozenge, cross and snake design in black, white, and blue on red. Size, 50 x 33 inches ANTIQUE NAVAJO BLANKET Diagonal rows of triangles in green, black, white, red and pale tan. Saze, 57 x 45 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Lozenges composed of various colors on red ground. Size, 51 x 88 inches ANTIQUE NAVAJO CHIEF’S-BLANKET Striped black, white and blue with touches of red. | Size, 72 x 54 inches THREE STRIPS OF NAVAJO WEAVE (3) Length, 24, 26, 27 inches; width not over 614 inches RARE ANTIQUE WOVEN STRIP Fine diaper pattern in red and white. Size, 22 x 414 inches NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN BLANKET Zigzag lozenges in black and white on deep red ground. Size, 79 x 56 inches 70 72 73 74 75 76 TT 19 NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN BLANKET Tan and red lozenges framed by green and purplish-blue. Size, '70 x 41 inches NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN BLANKET Lozenges and zigzag stripes in green and purplish-blue on deep red. Size, 84 x 44 inches NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN BLANKET Lozenges, zigzagged in purplish-blue, white and red on tan back- ground. Size, 62 x 48 inches NAVAJO MAT Diagonal strips of red, white and black checkers on purplish- brown background. Size, 47 x 32 inches NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN MAT Zigzags of blue, white and green squares on deep red ground. Size, 52 x 81 imches OLD NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN MAT Beautiful red background with wave lines and strips in deep green, white and black. Size, 51 x 31 inches NAVAJO TAPESTRY WEAVE A squaw’s garment. Sombre design of red stripes on deep black and blue. S2ze, 66 x 48 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Bold zigzag lozenges in various colors, vivid red prevailing. Size, 54 x 88 inches OLD NAVAJO BLANKET Geometrical design in red, white and blue. Fine quality. (Sold as 18) Size, 48 x 30 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Rows of black and red lozenges on gray ground. Size, 64 x 44 inches 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 NAVAJO TAPESTRY WOVEN BLANKET Lozenge-shaped motifs in black, green and yellow on deep red ground. Size, 54 x 40 inches NAVAJO BLANKET Row of zigzag motifs in red, white and blue on brown back- ground. Size, 52 x 38 inches SMALL NAVAJO SPREAD Red cross on gray ground. Size, 22 x 21 inches LARGE NAVAJO RUG Bold geometric zigzag designs in vivid colors on red background. Size, 8 feet 11 inches x 5 feet 5 inches STRIP OF NAVAJO TAPESTRY WEAVE Red and green stripes on white background. Size, 34 x 15 inches RARE NORTH-WESTERN CHILCAT CEREMONIAL HANGING Conventionalized animal heads and figures recalling the Chinese Tao Tieh patterns. Black, white, pale blue and yellow. Size, 66 x 33 inches OLD ZUNI SQUAW’S SHAWL Heavy tapestry weave in black and deep blue, with two broad red bands. Size, 58 x 47 inches ZUNI SQUAW’S SHAWL Deep red with geometrical patterning in deep blue and green. Diapered deep blue border. Size, 53 inches square ANTIQUE MEXICAN SERAPE Border and central lozenge with zigzagging diamonds. Pale gray background. (Sold as is) Size, 6 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 4 inches MEXICAN PRINTED SERAPE Imitating tapestry woven design with addition of a few early Victorian motifs. (Repaired) Size, 7 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 10 inches 9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ANTIQUE MEXICAN SERAPE Tapestry woven. Striped black and mulberry-red. The ends with nile-green, deep red and black water lines. (Repaired) Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 8 inches MEXICAN SERAPE PONCHO Unusual design of zigzagged central cartouch on red ground, dotted with white. Size, 6 feet 1 inch x 8 feet 3 inches VERY FINE ANTIQUE MEXICAN SERAPE PONCHO Beautiful zigzag designs in mellow colors. Central cartouch. Size, 6 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 7 inches SMALL MEXICAN SERAPE TAPESTRY WEAVE Geometrical designs in red, white and blue. Size, 26 x 20 inches HOOKED RUG Pleasing floral design on white ground. Size, 22 x 20 inches HOPI ALTAR CLOTH Geometrical designs in vivid colors, green and black on either end. PAINTINGS NUMBERS 96-188 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS G. B. Salvi, Italian, 1605-1675. Biblical subject. Size, 88 x 80 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS . M. Stanzione, Italian, 1585-1656. Meeting at the Sacrificial Stone. (2) Size, 54 x 52 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Spanish, 17th Century. The schoolmaster. Size, 40 x 49 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Domenico Garquioli, Italian, 1612-1679. Lot and his daugh- ters. (2) Size, 51 x 40 inches SIX VARIOUS OIL PAINTINGS (6) Sizes from 7 x 414 inches to 18 x 24 inches 10 99 100 101 102 103 104 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Raphael Mengs, German, 1728-1779. Madonna and Child. Size, 51 x 8814 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS , E. Riss. Contemporary Austrian. Night at the approach of dawn, symbolical figures. Signed. (2) Size, 23 x 29 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Ruins with figures. Size, 20 x 25 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Massacre of the Innocents. (2) Size, 60 x 83 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. The Deposition. Size, 43 x 31 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Madonna and Child and St. John. (2) ? Size, 51 x 3814 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS School of Ribera, Neapolitan, 17th Century. St. Jerome. Size, 61 x 71 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Moses and the plague of serpents. (2) Size, 30 x 40 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Venetian, 16th Century. Neptune and Amphitrite. Size, 6714 x 5114 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Paul Porpora, Italian, 1612-1680. Still life, fish. Signed. (2) Size, 30 x 40 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Christ before Pilate. Size, 19 x 24 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Venetian, 18th Century. View of a convent. (2) Size, 1714 x 2314 inches rE 105 106 107 108 109 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. St. Francis holding an infant. Size, 27 x 21 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS School of the Carracci, Italian, 17th Century. St. Lucia beside the body of Christ. (2) Size, 25 x 30 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS De Leone, Italian, 17th Century. Seaport. , Size, 14 x 19 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS F. C. Vostelli, Contemporary Italian. Victory column. Signed. (2) Size, 214% x 281% inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS H. Vacarro, Italian, 1598-1670. Mary Magdalen. Size, 81 x 60 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS After Teniers. Village scene. (2) Size, 15 x 19 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Christ and the woman of Samaria. Size, 914 x 121% inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Madonna and Child. Size, 38 x 80 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Peter van Laer, Dutch, 1613-1674. Worship of the golden calf. (3) Size, 1844 x 171% inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. “Ecce Homo”. Size, 15 x 18 inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL Italian, 17th Century. Adoration of the shepherds. Size, 11 x 13 inches OIL PAINTING ON COPPER Manner of 17th Century Flemish. St. Jerome. (3) Size, 12 x 1014 inches 12 110 111 112 113 114 115 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Design for a decoration. Size, 18 x 15 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Flemish, 17th Century. Battle scene. (2) Size, 23 x 32 inches OIL PAINTING ON COPPER Italian, 17th Century. Adoration of the Magi. Size, 11 x 1314 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Mercury and figures. (2) Size, 80 x 40 inches PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS ON CANVAS Spanish, 17th Century. Allegorical subjects, Water and Wine. (2) Size of each, 38 x 29 inches OIL PAINTING ON COPPER Domenico Tempesti, Italian, 1652-1718. The Virgin and Child enthroned. Size, 9 x 'V inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Biblical subject. (2) Size, 9 x 1214 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of Joseph Vernet, French 18th Century. Shipwreck. Size, 16 x 21 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of 17th Century Dutch. Peasants at a tavern. (2) Size, 13 x 1114 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Man holding a cock. Size, 1814 x 11 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Neapolitan, 17th Century. The bear hunt. (2) Size, 16 x 20 inches 13 116 Rey 118 Lig 120 121 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. The death of Constantine. Size, 32 x 46 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Rape of the Sabines. (2) Size, 1814 x 281% inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of 17th Century Dutch. Portrait of an old woman. Size, 25 x 18 inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL Flemish, 17th Century. Scene at a tavern. Size, 18 x 24 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Flemish, 17th Century. Bear and dogs. (8) Size, 25 x 81 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Flemish, 17th Century. Battle scene. Size, 17 x 2514 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Lionardo Cocorante, Italian, 1690-1767. Classical landscape. Signed. (2) Size, 20 x 41 inches PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS ON CANVAS Manner of Italian 17th Century. Pastoral scenes. (2) Size of each, 1914 x 80 inches OIL PAINTINGS ON CANVAS Hipolyte Algoni. Italian, 17th Century.* Landscape with figures. Signed. Size, 27 x 84 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Madonna and Child and St. John. (2) Size, 30 x 25 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS J. Cesari, Italian, 17th Century. Tobias and the angel. Size, 19 x 14 inches PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS ON CANVAS French, 17th Century. Battle scenes. (3) Size of each, 16 x 80 inches 14 122 123 124 125 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS ‘Italian, 17th Century. Landscape with figures. Size, 62 x 81 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Adoration of the Shepherds. (2) Size, 1914 x 151% inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Neapolitan, 17th Century. Classical landscape with figures. Size, 31 x 22 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Spanish, 17th Century. Revelry. (2) Size, 26 x 36 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Cleopatra with the asp. Oval, 25 x 20 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Size, 10 x 8 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS School of Jacques Courtois. Besieging a citadel. Size, 17 x 25 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS _ Manner of Spanish, 17th Century. Youths playing cards. (4) Size, 18 x 18 inches OIL PAINTING ON ACADEMY BOARD Manner of 18th Century French. Portrait of an Ecclesiastic. Size, 17 x 131% inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS French, 18th Century. Portrait of a gentleman. Size, 17 x 14 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Spanish, 17th Century. St. Francis. Size, 29 x 25 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Unknown. Study of a female head in monotone. (4) Size, 1414 inches square 15 126 127 128 129 130 PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. | Landscapes with figures. (Sold as is) Size of each, 40 x 62 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS | Italian, 17th Century. Mary Magdalen. Seize, 51 x 40 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. St. Roch. (4) Stze, 35 x 28 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS French, 19th Century. Bust portrait of a young man. Size, 22 x 14 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Signed Hamilton Hamilton. Head of a girl in plumed hat. Size, 18 x 24 inches OIL PAINTING ON ACADEMY BOARD LT. Riss, Contemporary Austrian. Head of a Tyrolese peasant. (3) Stze, 18 x 13 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Madonna, Child and St. John. Size, 16 x 18 inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL Unknown. The Flagellation of Christ. Size, 1714 x 82 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of Van Dyck. Madonna, Child and Saints. (3) © Stze, 138 x 1014 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS After Del Sarto. St. John. Size, 10x 8 inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL ! Att. to Rottenhamer. St. Jerome. Stze, 914 x 7 inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL Manner of 17th Century Dutch. Head of a philosopher. Size, 6 x 5 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Spanish, 19th Century. Portrait of a diplomat. (4) Size, 12 x 10 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Madonna, Child, Saint and Cherubim. Size, 19 x 1414 inches 16 131 132 133 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Bolognese, 17th Century. The Deposition. Size, 19 x 24 inches OIL PAINTING ON COPPER Italian, 17th Century. Flagellation of Christ. (3) Size, 24 x 19 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS | English, 18th Century. The Clairvoyant. Size, 26 x 20 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS German, 18th Century. Portrait group. Size, 30 x 25 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Itahan, 16th Century. St. Francis. (3) Size, 88 x 27 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Madonna and Child, enthroned with Saints. Size, 54 x 39 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Madonna and Child, St. Francis and a female Saint. Size, 51 x 40 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. The stoning of St. Stephen. (38) Size, 70 x 91 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Italian coast scene. Size, 30 x 40 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of 17th Century Dutch. Interior with figures. Size, 914 x 714 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of A. Ostade. Figure in a tavern. Size, 914 x 714 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Manner of Berchem. Landscape with castle. (4) Size, 13814 x 151% inches LZ 134 135 136 137 188 OIL PAINTING ON PANEL Manner of Italian Primitives. Madonna and Child. Size, 11 x 9 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Crowning Christ with thorns. Size, 19 x 24 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. St. John. Size, 40 x 80 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Rape of Europa. Size, 36 x 52 inches OIL PAINTING ON ACADEMY BOARD Signed Tessari. Ideal head. Signed. Size, 19 x 24 inches PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS ON ACADEMY BOARD German, 18th Century. Female heads. ; Size of each, 17 x 1314 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Early 19th Century. Inscribed Marie Christine, Queen of N aples. (4) Size, 1814 x 15 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 18th Century. Interior of an art school. Size, 2814 x 41 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Spanish, 18th Century. Portrait of aman. (2) Size, 23 x 1914 inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL Dutch, 17th Century. Goatherders. Size, 27 x 21 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Ruins of arches with figures. (2) Size, 85 x 45 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. The Magdalen. Size, 1814 x 14 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Italian, 17th Century. Sheep. (2) Size, 22 x 29 inches 18 139 140 14] 142 143 144 145 146 ORIENTAL RUGS NuMBERS 139-184 INDIAN MAT All-over geometrical design in ivory and pink. Size, 17 inches square KHILIM WOOLEN MAT The field with a design of zigzag and serrated panels containing conventionalized flower and fleurette motifs in bright colors. Tasselled border at either end. Size, 49 x 88 inches MELES WOOLEN MAT ANATOLIA Pleasing color harmony of magenta-red, ivory and indigo. Field designed with a rectangular panel containing semi-conventional- ized flower and geometrical motifs surrounded by a meander floral pattern. Three narrow borders of fleurettes. Size, 47 x 86 inches ANATOLIAN WOOLEN MAT Pleasing design of central serrated medallion and fleurettes in turquoise-blue and ivory on wine-red. Amber-colored border. Size, 40 x 20 inches ANATOLIAN PRAYER MAT Serrated leaf border on ivory-white. Niche with nile-green arch and red field. (Sold as is) Size, 63 x 42 inches ANATOLIAN KHILIM MAT Border and the centre field divided into two squares with all-over decoration of diverse geometrical motifs. Delicate pastel shades. (Slight defects) Size, 60 x 42 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN MAT PERSIA The field with a trellis design in shades of olive-green, blue and wine-red. Ivory and shaded blue borders sustaining fleurettes. Size, 23 inches square BOKHARA WOOLEN BAG AND CAP WESTERN TURKESTAN Bag with tasselled borders. (2) Length, 21 and x 39 inches 19 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 BELUCHISTAN WOOLEN MAT Centre field with conventionalized tree of life and shrubs on amber ground. Canvas lined. Size, 34 x 20 inches ANATOLIAN WOOLEN MAT With striking color design of geometrical ornament on light red ground. Size, 40 x 20 inches ANATOLIAN WOOLEN MAT oes Field with a striped centre panel in diverse colors surrounded by fleurettes on pale amber ground. (Repaired) Size, 29 x 21 inches — KHILIM WOOLEN MAT With an all-over design of diamond-shaped motifs intersected by fleurettes in diverse colors on dark blue. Ivory border. Size, 23 x 28 inches ANTIQUE CHINESE WOOLEN MAT Designed with a central flower motif and corner fret in tones of shaded blue on amber. (Sold as is) Size, 21 x 19 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN BAG PERSIA With hooked medallion design on deep blue surrounded by flower motifs. _ Size, 20 x 12 inches SENNA WOOLEN RUG FORMED AS A JACKET persia With all-over fleurette and leaf design on deep blue. Meander and floral borders on ivory. Size, 24 x 22 inches KHIVA WOOLEN MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Field with all-over serrated medallion design in mixed tones of ivory, blue and shaded red. Conventional border. Mounted with tassel fringe to form wall hanging. Size, 52 x 23 inches SHIRVAN WOOLEN SAMPLE CAUCASUS With a design of conventionalized shrubs in hexagons formed by leaf motifs on a field of deep blue. Size, 33 x 12 inches 20 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 TWO KHIVA BOKHARA WOOLEN SADDLE BANDS WESTERN TURKESTAN With geometrical designs on wine-red. ‘Tasselled borders. (2) Length, 69 and 22 inches BOKHARA WOOLEN MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Color harmony of green, ivory and red. Designed with a centre medallion flanked by conventionalized flower motifs. The bor- ders with star pattern. A deep fringe on one side, forming a hanging. Size, 68 x 20 inches SENNA WOOLEN SADDLE MAT PERSIA With all-over flower and plant design in the upper part on shaded red ground. Three borders with similar motifs, on turquoise and yellow. (Slight repair) Size, 42 x 38 inches CHINESE WOOLEN SADDLE MAT The field with a design of naturalistic flowers in pleasing tones of turquoise-blue, ivory and yellow on amber. Main border with a design of conventionalized flowers and meander stripes. (Sold as is) Size, 54 x 26 inches BIJAR WOOLEN MAT NORTHWESTERN PERSIA Bright color harmony of turquoise-blue, wine-red, and indigo. Field with design of semi-conventionalized flowers and leaves. Main border with a similar running design on ivory. Size, 57 x 84 inches BOKHARA WOOLEN CAMEL’S BAG Color harmony of dark blue, indigo, and ivory on mulberry-red. The field with three rows of shaped medallions intersected by flower motifs. A wide border on one side sustaining small floral and medallion motifs. Canvas lining, forming a bag. Size, 50 x 82 inches SHIRAZ MAT PERSIA The field design with a hooked diamond-shaped panel on a ground of conventionalized flower and medallion motifs in many colors. Border with meander strip on ivory. (Slight repairs) Size, 25 x 24 inches 21 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 ANATOLIAN KHILIM RUG Centre field with two rows of seven rectangular compartments each. Size, 14 feet 8 inches x 5 feet 5 inches TEKKE BOKHARA WOOLEN SADDLE BAG WESTERN TURKESTAN All-over geometrical and medallion design in indigo, ivory and red. Size, 38 x 18 inches SULTANABAD WOOLEN MAT PERSIA With naturalistic design of flowers, animals and birds on dark blue. Size, 40 x 26 inches SENNA SADDLE MAT PERSIA With dark blue centre panel and all-over fleurette design in top corners. ‘Three borders with similar motifs. Size, 89 x 38 inches SHIRAZ MAT PERSIA With hexagonal centre and octagonal corner medallions on deep blue ground. Ivory and wine-red borders. (Sold as is) Size, 29 x 22 inches BELUCHISTAN MAT Centre field designed with conventionalized tree of life on pale amber. ‘Three borders of geometrical design in wine-red. Size, 338 x 19 inches SENNA WOOLEN SADDLE MAT PERSIA The field with an all-over conventionalized leaf design on ivory ground. Main border with fleurette motifs on red. Size, 41 x 38 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN SADDLE MAT PERSIA The pointed panel with all-over fleurette design on a dark shaded ground and with four rows of small palmettes in the upper section. Two borders sustaining rosette motifs. Size, 44 x 86 inches BELUCHISTAN WOOLEN MAT The field with an all-over conventionalized bird design in ivory and red on deep blue. Border with conventionalized trees on ivory. ‘Tasselled border. (Slight repair) Size, 32 x 28 inches 22 OS Pa Oe eg ee PT Le a ee ee ea ee eg oe ee, ee i aerial 172 173 174 175 176 gop ig 178 179 SENNA WOOLEN SADDLE BAG PERSIA Designed with two medallions with hooked borders containing conventionalized flower motifs upon a field of geometrical orna- ment in pleasing colors on deep blue. Three narrow borders. Size, 48 x 23 inches TEKKE BOKHARA WOOLEN HANGING WESTERN TURKESTAN With a geometrical and conventionalized floral design in ivory, mulberry-red and indigo. Borders with deep fringe. Size, 45 x 33 inches CHINESE WOOLEN MAT The centre with a circular floral medallion in tones of blue, ivory and turquoise upon an amber field with geometrical design. Size, 30 x 28 inches ANATOLIAN MAT Diverse floral motifs. Loosely designed in the manner of a Bektash rug on magenta-red background. Size, 47 x 88 inches DOUBLE SHIRAZ SADDLE BAG PERSIA Diverse conventionalized designs on deep indigo-blue ground. Inside with tapestry weaves. Total size, 55 x 26 wches LESGHIAN WOOLEN MAT CAUCASUS Two borders, one magenta-red, the other mustard-yellow. Centre field with bold geometrical motif in red outlined in white on deep indigo-blue background. Size, 54 x 88 inches SENNA KHILIM CAMEL SADDLE COVER Rectangular shape with two attached rectangular pendants. Three floral borders. Centre with lozenge medallion. Field with Herati design. Size, 5 feet x 6 feet 5 inches CAUCASIAN KHILIM RUG Unusual design. Inverted lily border in black and white. Centre field plain mustard-yellow with Nattier-blue. Corner motifs and central cartouch. Size, 8 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 2 inches 23 180 181 182 183 184 PAIR OF SHIRAZ SADDLE BAGS PERSIA Three borders. Flower design in lozenges. (2) Total size, 28 x 56 inches KHILIM WOOLEN RUG With a narrow striped design containing geometrical and medallion motifs in bright colors. Size, 58 x 56 inches KHILIM WOOLEN RUG CAUCASIAN The centre field of mulberry-red with a design of conventionalized flowers and shrubs in bright green, indigo and yellow. Border with similar motifs on ivory. Size, 63 x 40 inches CHINESE TAPESTRY WOVEN RUG With design of butterflies, double globes, and flower motifs in pastel shades of ivory, green and blue on rose ground. Two striped borders. (Sold as is) Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 2 inches CHINESE TAPESTRY WOVEN RUG Designed with a central panel of conventional flowers surrounded by detached leaves, floral medallions, and the three-globe motif in delicate light tones upon a pale green ground. Very unusual specimen. Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 2 inches 24 SALE FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH, AT SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 185-284 PAINTINGS NUMBERS 185-284 GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 185 a. A WINDY DAY IN SEPTEMBER Canvas. Signed. Size, 18 x 28 inches. EK. M. CAMPBELL CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. EDGE OF THE WOOD Canvas. Size, 13 x 91% inches. ELMER ELLSWORTH CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN c. CATTLE IN LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed. Size, 12 x 22 inches. (8) EMMA MAGNUS AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY 186 a. THE CONVALESCENT Canvas. Signed. Size, 31 x 25 mches. CARL WIMAR AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY b. STUDY OF AN INDIAN WITH BOW AND ARROW Canvas. Size, 14 x 12 inches. PAUL HARNEY AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY c. THE OLD FIDDLER Canvas. Size, 10144 x 17 inches. (3) 25 187 188 189 190 BOLOGNESE 17TH CENTURY a. JOSEPH AND POTIPHAR’S WIFE Canvas. Size, 92 x 77 inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY b. JOHN THE BAPTIST Canvas. Size, 52 x 40 inches. (2) N. M. ROSSI ITALIAN, 1645-1700 a. CHRIST AND THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA Canvas. Size, 26 x 42 inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY b. MADONNA AND CHILD Canvas. Size, 88 x 30 inches. (2) ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY a. THE GAME OF CARDS Canvas. Size, 50 x 59 inches. SCHOOL OF JACQUES COURTOIS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY b. BATTLE WITH THE AMAZONS Canvas. Size, 85 x 46 inches. FRENCH 19TH CENTURY c. THE BATHERS Copper. Size, 19x 15 inches. (38) MANNER OF DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY a. THE PHILOSOPHER Panel. Size, 9 x 61% inches. 26 MANNER OF MICHEL b. LANDSCAPE Canvas. Size, 14 x 21 inches. MANNER OF DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY c. LANDSCAPE Canvas. Size, 12x16 inches. (38) ATTRIBUTED TO CASPAR DUGHET FRENCH, 1613-1675 191 a. CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE Ruins at the left, wooded heights at the right, with a waterfall; cloudy sky. i Canvas. Size, 80 x 41 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO JAN BOTH putTcH, 1610-1652 b. LANDSCAPE Rocky gorge with a cascade, tree groups, cloudy sky. Panel. Size, 16x 14 inches. (2) NICOLA VISO ITALIAN, 1680-1745 192 a. SAMSON AND DELILAH Battle scene in the distance, architectural setting. Canvas. Size, 43 x 57 inches. SCHOOL OF JACQUES COURTOIS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY b. BATTLE SCENE ON A BRIDGE Canvas. Size, 17 x 26 inches. (2) ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY 1938 a. THE DEPOSITION Panel. Size, 20 x 40 inches. 27 FRANCESCO DI MURA ITALIAN, 1657-1730 b. MADONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Canvas. Size, 19 x 141% inches. (2) SCHOOL OF SOLIMENE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY 194 a. BIBLICAL SUBJECT Canvas. Size, 20 x 16 inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY b. ST. JOSEPH AND THE INFANT Canvas. Size, 1614 x 12 inches. (2) G. B. CASTIGLIONE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY 195 a. STILL LIFE, BOOKS Drawing and writing materials and a globe on shelves. Canvas. Size, 54 x 381% inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY & b. SEAPORT Ruins of old arches with distant view. Canvas. Size, 30 x 41 inches. (2) J. CALIFANO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN 196 a. THE PET DONKEYS And a woman in a barnyard beside a haystack. Canvas. Signed. Size, 171% x 211% inches. b. HORSES IN A BARNYARD Canvas. Signed. Size, 14 x 21 inches. (2) 28 SCHOOL OF JACQUES COURTOIS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY 197 a. MOUNTED SOLDIERS IN ARMOR Passing at a gallop under a bridge. Canvas. Size, 17 x 251% inches. FRENCH 17TH CENTURY b. RETURN OF A NAVIGATOR Landing at the right, while a large party welcomes him; ar- chitectural setting. Canvas. Size, 21 x 28 inches. (2) A. VACCARO ITALIAN, 1598-1670 198 a. MADONNA AND CHILD Seated with gold halo against a dark background. Canvas. Size, 40 x 80 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO CARLO MARATTI ITALIAN, 1625-1713 b. MARY THE VIRGIN With a crucifix and two cherubim at the upper right. Canvas. Size, 40 x 30 inches. (2) A. LIEDTKE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 199 a. HARVEST MOON Canvas. Signed. Size, 27 x 35 inches. M. K. NASH CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. WINTER LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed. Size, 23 x 18 inches. GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN c. AUTUMN SCENE Canvas. Signed. Size, 27 x 33 inches. (Unframed) (3) 29 200 201 202 203 GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN a. RIVER FRONT, ST. LOUIS Canvas, Size, 27 x 33 inches. (Unframed) J. M. BARNSLEY CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH b. OFF THE NORMANDY COAST Canvas. Signed. Size, 21 x 81 inches. (2) R. KRAUSKOFF CONTEMPORARY AUSTRIAN a. AFTER THE STORM Canvas. Signed. Size, 26 x 37 inches. GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. SUBURBAN SCENE Canvas. Signed. Size, 26 x 20 inches. (Unframed) CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN a. SPRING LANDSCAPE Canvas. Size, 18 x 26 inches. GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. A VILLAGE STREET Canvas. Signed. Size, 26 x 30 inches. (Unframed) (2) R. KRAUSKOFF CONTEMPORARY AUSTRIAN a. KOENIGSBERG HARBOR AT SUNRISE Canvas. Signed. Size, 39 x 58 inches. ELMER ELLSWORTH CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. COWS ON A COUNTRY ROAD Canvas. Signed. Size, 2414 x 34 inches. 30 (2) GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN c. SHORE SCENE WITH SCHOONER Canvas. Signed. Size, 16 x 12 inches. (Unframed) (38) DAWSON WATSON WATSON CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 204 a. LANDSCAPE WITH STACKED GRAIN Canvas. Signed. Size, 34 x 52 inches. RALPH DAVISON MILLER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. SUNSET LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed. Size, 20 x 24 inches. GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN c. FEMALE FIGURE IN WOODS Canvas. Signed. Size, 16 x 12 inches. (3) EMIL LAMBINET CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 205 a. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Canvas. Signed. Size, 16 x 13 inches. LEO DIET CONTEMPORARY GERMAN b. KONIGSSTUHL, ISLE OF RUGEN Canvas. Signed. Size, 2114 x 12 inches. J. G. BRUNN CONTEMPORARY GERMAN c. MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed. Size, 19 x 25 inches. (8) CHARLES FREDERICK WILLIAM MIELATZ, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1860-1919 206 a. STILL LIFE, BOOKS AND A BOWL Canvas. Signed. Size, 18 x 22 inches. 31 207 208 209 F. SYLVESTER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN b. MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOAT AT NIGHT Canvas. Signed. Size, 16 x 12 wnches. GUSTAVE WOLF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN c. NEW YORK HARBOR Canvas. Signed. Size, 20 x 26 inches. (Unframed) (3) ITALIAN 19TH CENTURY a. OLD MAN PRAYING Painted on a palette. Size, 138 x 9 inches. C. CEI ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY b. A BOY PLAYING WITH HIS PET BIRDS Canvas. Signed. Size, 181% x 131% mches. A, FELIX c. A MONK’S DREAM Canvas. Size, 10 x 12 inches. (3) SPANISH 17TH CENTURY THE BLIND BEGGAR Half-length figure, facing the spectator, holding his hat for alms ; dark background. Canvas. Height, 38 inches; width, 81 inches. MANNER OF LENBACH CONTEMPORARY GERMAN PORTRAIT SKETCH OF A MAN Half length, facing the left, smoking a pipe, complementary background. Canvas. Height, 35 inches; width, 24 inches. 32 210 211 212 213 214 FRANCESCO SOLIMENA ITALIAN, 1657-1747 THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. LAWRENCE Elaborate figure composition with architectural background. Canvas. Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches. BERNARDO CAVALLINO ITALIAN, 1622-1656 ABRAHAM’S OFFERING Rebecca is at the well as an emissary from the father of Isaac approaches with a string of pearls. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 881 inches. J. R. MEEKER ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY GRAND ISLAND, LAKE CHAMPLAIN Expanse of water with a deer at the left bank which has startled some wild ducks, wooded middle distance, mountain range at the horizon; pale blue sky with slight pink cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1872 at the lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 24 inches. H. ALIZONE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH FOREST INTERIOR Densely wooded, in rich green foliage, a pond at the left. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. | SPANISH 17TH CENTURY STILL LIFE Fruit, peaches, cherries, plums and pears and a carnation in a vase arranged on a table; dark background. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 261% inches. 33 215 216 217 218 219 RALPH DAVISON MILLER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LANDSCAPE Knolls with gnarled oaks beside the sea; gray cloudy sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 30 inches. SPANISH 17TH CENTURY HOSPITALITY A group of wayfarers are resting beside an old building; one of them offers a glass of wine to an old strolling musician accom- panied by a boy; a dog at the left foreground, hilly distance, gray sky with streaks of silver near the horizon. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. PIETER VAN ASCH FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES A path at the right leading past a domain mid towering trees — at the middle distance, lake at the left, meadow in the distance; gray and creamy clouds, animated with birds. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 221% inches; width, 29 inches. 4 SPANISH 17TH CENTURY STILL LIFE A variety of fish, an eel in a large earthen vessel and a brass ware jug arranged on a table against a dark background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 40 inches. SPANISH 17TH CENTURY HEAD OF A PROPHET Bust, eyes directed toward the spectator, holding a large volume; dark background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 34 220 221 222 223 224 AFTER ITALIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN Bust, looking over his right shoulder, dark background. Canvas. Height, 1534 inches; width, 1214 inches. JAN STYKA CONTEMPORARY POLE PORTRAIT OF ABEL KADER BEN JAHYA Bust, shoulders to the front, head to the right; swarthy bearded countenance, in white Moorish garb, wearing the red button of Officier of the Legion of Honor; complementary background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1903 at the upper right. Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches. FREDERICK J. MUHLHAUPT CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN CANAL AT MORET, FRANCE The water way with barges at middle distance passes through rich country with fine poplars all along its banks, gray distance; bluish-gray clouds in a mellow lemon-tinted sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1906 at the lower right. Height, 21 inches; width, 25 inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY VENUS, CUPID AND A SATYR The little god of love looks confidingly at the spectator as he holds his mother captive despite the entreaties of him of the cloven hoof; landscape background with a glimpse of sky at the right. Canvas. Height, 381 inches; width, 301% inches. BOLOGNESE 17TH CENTURY HEAD OF A SAINT Bust, to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, in pale wine-colored and blue garments; dark background. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 iches. 35 227 228 229 EDWARD GAY, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LANDSCAPE A stream with a punt in the foreground, sloping ground toward the left where a cottage is seen beside a tree group, green and brown distance, creamy sky with touches of blue. Canoas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. DUTCH LATE 17TH CENTURY THE VEGETABLE VENDER Several figures about a table laden with vegetables and fruit, with objects of still life. Canvas. Height, 211% inches; width, 1714 inches. SCHOOL OF THE CARRACCI ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY LA PIETA The Virgin Mary beside the body of the dead Christ. Canvas. Height, 914 inches; width, 17 inches. J. PELIZZI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN PORTRAIT OF AN ELDERLY LADY Three-quarter length, seated facing the spectator, in blue gown and dark hat, holding a cup and saucer; complementary back- ground. Canvas. Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches. JAN STYKA CONTEMPORARY POLE HEAD OF CHRIST Bust wearing crown of thorns, shoulders to the left, head toward the spectator, long flowing chestnut hair and beard; landscape background, with sky effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches. 36 230 231 232 233 234 JAN STYKA CONTEMPORARY POLE A ROMAN IDYLL A young couple in flowing tunics are walking on a path beside a low wall, tree groves beyond; pale emerald sky with pink and creamy cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Size, 39 x 29 inches. AUGUSTE MUSIN CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN ON THE MOERDIJK, HOLLAND A number of fishing craft and a rowboat in the left foreground, other vessels in the distance, a mill looms up on the mainland; fleeting gray and creamy clouds in emerald sky. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 161% inches; width, 14 inches. JAN STYKA CONTEMPORARY POLE THE SYBIL In white mantle, holding a Roman lamp, against a modified scarlet background. Panel. Signed and dated 1904 at the lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 1914 inches. NEAPOLITAN 17TH CENTURY ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS Paying homage to Christ and the holy kinship with God the Father and heavenly hosts above. Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 21 inches. ANTONIE JANX VAN CROOS puTcH, 1606-1662 LANDSCAPE Overgrown ruins at the left, with two peasants on the road in the foreground, stream at the right, middle distance hazy beyond, sky of creamy banks of clouds with masses of blue. Panel. Height, 11 inches; width, 18 inches. 37 235 236 237 238 239 DUTCH 17TH CENTURY PAIR, PEASANTS MERRY MAKING AND PEASANTS FIGHTING Panel. Size of each, 5 x 61/4 inches. (2) SCHOOL OF PHILIP WOUWERMAN DuTCH, 1619-1668 AT THE TAVERN A party of mounted cavaliers are making a halt at the wayside inn for refreshment, attendants and dogs about; gray cloudy sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 1314 inches. G. W. KING ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Figures bathing in the pond at the centre, cows on a path at the left, castled crags in the middle distance, mountain chain in the far distance; blue and pink sky, sunset effect. Canvas. Signed and dated 1884 at the lower left. Height, 27 inches; width, 39 inches. EK. RISS CONTEMPORARY AUSTRIAN A TYROLESE MAIDEN Half-length standing presentment, in jaunty hat with a feather and costume of the district ; kitchen interior. Academy board with cradled back. Signed at upper right. Height, 3314 inches; width, 2514 inches. G. AMES ALDRICH CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SMILING COUNTRYSIDE A brook, its left bank lined with slender trees, passes through a village of cottages, the red roofs of some ‘sparkling in the sunlight; a figure is at the left foreground; sky of pale gray clouds with breaks of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1908 at the lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. 38 240 241 242 243 WILLIAM L. SONNTAG, N.A. AMERICAN, 1822-1900 LANDSCAPE Panoramic view with lake, high wooded bluffs, with misty distance ; blue sky with bank of silvery clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches. J. CALIFANO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Along a road beside a cliff a couple of vehicles are seen; the blue sea is at the left, mountain in the distance, blue sky with cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 36 inches. J. CALIFANO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN MOUNT TABURNO, SPAIN | Rocky formations with caves and caverns, remains of old walls, with a shepherdess and her flock at the spring in the foreground, mountain peaks in the distance; blue sky with creamy cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 47 inches; width, 62 inches. J. CALIFANO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN IN THE PYRENEES A flock of sheep are following a girl on a road at the right through an expanse of bare crags and jagged projections, moun- tain range in the distance; blue sky with pale pink cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 29 inches; width, 44 inches. 39 J. CALIFANO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN 244 THE VALLEY AT BIENVILLE, FRANCE 24:5 246 247 Foreground with quaint cottages and barns where sheep and a peasant are grouped, a river at the middle distance with a village on the opposite bank; blue sky with pink clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 50 inches. SCHOOL OF BREUGHEL EARLY 17TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Undulating countryside with fine tree groups, mounted cavaliers, wayfarers and dogs about, blue hill at the distance; emerald sky with buff cloud effect. Panel. Height, 11 inches; width, 1614 inches. DUTCH 17TH CENTURY + HERDING THE SHEEP Two shepherds are grouping a small flock while a third opens the stable door at the back; stormy sky. Panel. Height, 8 inches; width, 121% inches. ATTRIBUTED TO HONTHORST DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES The pretty heroine of Bethulia stands at the left as she places the head of Nebuchadnezzar’s General in a bag held by an old servant. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 64 inches. 40 J. N. VAN BEMMEL DuTcH, 1716-1758 248 CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE With women washing at a stream in the foreground. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 29 inches. HENDRICK VAN DER STRAETEN DuTcH, 1680-1737 249 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Thickly wooded foreground at the right, distant vista to horizon at the left; blue sky with creamy cloud effect. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 31 inches. DUTCH 17TH CENTURY 250 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Three-quarter length, seated facing the spectator, of a middle- aged matron, in black gown with white neckwear and cuffs; dark curtain background. Canvas. Height, 51 inches; width, 42 inches. SCHOOL OF ROSA DA TIVOLI ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY 251 PASTORAL SCENE A woman and a boy are driving a couple of cows; sheep and goats at the left; another group at the right distance; cliffs and a chateau at the middle distance. Canvas. Height, 15 inches; width, 30 inches. 41 252 253 254 255 256 VENETIAN 16TH CENTURY THE RETURN OF AMPHITRITE ; The goddess of the sea on the back of a dolphin with a Triton attendant blowing on a shell; dark gray and blue sky. Canvas. Height, 54 inches; width, 66 inches. SCHOOL OF SALVATOR ROSA ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE Fountain and figures at the right, slope with fine tree groups at the middle distance, vista of town and blue hill at the horizon, cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 31 inches; width, 22 inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY JOHN THE BAPTIST Half length to the right, eyes directed toward the spectator; points to the scroll on the cross he holds, inscribed “ecce agnus Dei”; the lamb is at his side; landscape background. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches. NEAPOLITAN 17TH CENTURY THE OLD NOTARY An old man is about to seal a document for which his wife holds the candle; writing material and books at the back. Canvas. Height, 231% inches; width, 381% inches. NEAPOLITAN 17TH CENTURY THE COOK Seated looking at the spectator over her right shoulder, she holds up a string of macaroni from a well-laden platter. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches. 42 257 258 259 260 NEAPOLITAN 16TH CENTURY ABRAHAM’S SACRIFICE The angel stays his hand as he is about to despatch Isaac; land- scape background. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 61 inches. ENGLISH 18TH CENTURY ILLUSTRATING THE 12TH CHAPTER, BOOK OF THE REVELATION “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. “And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” Panel. Height, 3314 inches; width, 28 inches. ITALIAN 17TH CENTURY THE DEATH OF LUCRETIA Lying in the arms of an attendant, in deathly pallor, to the dis- may of her retinue of Roman soldiers; architectural setting. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 56 inches. DOMENICO BRANDI ITALIAN, 1683-1734 PASTORAL SCENE . Two goats among thick bushes at the right, the shepherdess and her flock of domestic animals at the left; a distant view with cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 47 inches. 43 261 262 263 264 WILLIAM H. BEARD, N.A. _ AMERICAN, 1900 A COUNCIL OF ANIMALS The fox is standing behind a table pointing to some plans he is discussing with Messrs. Pig and Bulldog, while monkeys, rab- bits, etc. look on; another group is watching Bruno the bear at the left back. Canvas. Signed and dated 1890 at the lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches. SALVATOR ROSA NEAPOLITAN, 1615-1673 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES A roadway with goats and their attendants and an old habita- tion in the foreground, winding at the left distance among hilly slopes; blue sky with large masses of blue clouds. Canvas. Signed on the trunk of a tree at the left. Height, 40 inches; width, 50 inches. FRENCH 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST Half length, standing, shoulders to the left, head turned toward the spectator, in crimson cap and jacket, holding a palette and - brushes, easel and canvas at the left; dark background. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. ALESSANDRO MAGNASCO ITALIAN, 1681-1747 COUNTRYSIDE WITH ROARING TORRENT A stream at the centre fed by rushing contributions from a steep hill at the right, old towers at the middle distance, fine tree groups at the left rising over a blue sky with fleeting cloud ef- fects. Women washing their linen and scouring vessels at the banks of the rivulet. Canvas. Height, 46 inches; width, 57 inches. 44 hs db ee SCENE IN A DUTCH FISHING PORT BY E. IRVING COUSE, N.A. [NUMBER 265 | 265 266 267 268 E. IRVING COUSE, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SCENE IN A DUTCH FISHING PORT A beach with boats that have landed their catch with groups of peasants in their picturesque costume about, houses at the right; the moon just rising in a misty sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 48 inches; width, 62 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | G. A. CARETTI ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY INTERIOR OF A CHURCH High vaulted edifice with tombs and fine decorations, clergy about in the foreground, glimpse of a service in a distant nave. Canvas. Signed and dated 1858 on a column at the fig Height, 52 inches; width, 40 inches. GIOVANNI BATTISTA RUOPPOLLI ITALIAN, 1620-1685 PAIR, STILL LIFE, FLOWERS Galaxy of many varieties arranged in an urn, dark background. Canvas. One signed at the lower right. Height of each, 29 inches; width, 25 inches. (2) BOLOGNESE 17TH CENTURY PRISONERS OF WAR A beautiful female and several venerable old men with heads bowed are being led by their captors to be judged by the commander. Canvas. Height, V1 inches; width, 94 inches. 45 269 270 271 SEGHERS AND VAN BALEN FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY THE INFANCY OF CHRIST Five medallions surrounded by wreaths of flowers and angels in the four corners. Cradled panel. Height, 48 inches; width, 37 inches. RALPH DAVISON MILLER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN A POND IN THE WOODS A clearing in the foreground with a pool of water at the left, fine oaks in coppery-colored foliage rising in dense formation at the back; rich sky of orange-tinted clouds with planes of emerald- green. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. K. IRVING COUSHE, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN WILD TURKEY SHOOTING A young Indian stands under cover at the left ready to fire at a couple of turkeys in the field at the right middle distance; glimpse of blue sky at the upper right. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 27 inches. PIETER QUAST putTcH, 1602-1646 THE SMOKERS An old man is filling his pipe at the left, while three younger cronies are chatting and making merry; a jug is on the bench in the foreground and a big jar on the floor. Panel. Height, 934 inches; width, 9 inches. 46 273 274 275 276 DUTCH 17TH CENTURY! PORTRAIT OF A RABBI Seated facing the left in broad low-crowned hat and heavy mantle with jewelled clasp, book and ornament on stand at the left; dark background. Canvas on panel. Height, 231% inches; width, 1814 inches. O. E. BERINGHAUS CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE AMBUSH A couple of Indians fully armed are on an eminence at the right while an encampment of red men is on the plain at the left dis- tance; mountains at the horizon; pale emerald and buff sky. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 31 inches. EDWARD PORTIELJE CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN THE LOVE LETTER Charming presentment of a young woman, seated to the front, at a table, smilingly reading a note; writing material, a cup, saucer, spoon and a kettle on the table about her; glimpse of a vine through the window at the back. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 35 inches; width, 29 inches. AMERICAN SCHOOL ABOUT 1880 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half length, shoulders to the left, head facing the spectator ; seated, holding a bible; warm brown background. Cradled panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. 47 277 278 279 JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL puTCcH, 1630-1682 RUNNING TO PORT A schooner is navigating a choppy sea with full sails to the wind, making for a dock at the right distance; other craft in the offing; gray cloudy sky with touches of cream and pink, gulls animating the scene. Panel. Signed with monogram at the lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 25 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] J. B. YOUNG ENGLISH, 1OTH CENTURY READY FOR THE CHASE A pack of hounds emerging from an old building at the right to join the masters in red jackets already mounted and awaiting the other parties to the sport, some of whom appear at the left; Roman campagna landscape with aqueduct in the distance; pale ivory-tinted sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1871 at the lower right. Height, 29 inches; width, 48 inches. J. B. YOUNG ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY AN IRISH MEET A pack of hounds and mounted sportsmen in the foreground — with others coming along the road at the right; expanse of meadow at the middle distance, with silhouette of town and church beyond; pale creamy and blue sky. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 48 inches. 48 “RUNNING TO PORT BY JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL [NUMBER 2777 | 280 281 282 283 SPANISH EARLY 17TH CENTURY KITCHEN INTERIOR WITH FIGURE An inviting variety of victuals, meat, cheese, bread, etc. as well as flask of wine, a fowl and two live geese make up the centre and left portions of this composition, while the cook is about to cut a slice of ham at the right. Canvas. Height, 48 inches; width, 80 inches. ABRAHAM MIGNON FRENCH, 1640-1679 STILL LIFE | Fruit, watermelon, grapes, pears and vegetables with a cupid about to blow bubbles from a copper vessel at the right; dark background. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 60 inches. JOSEF DE RIBERA (IL SPAGNOLETTO) SPANISH, 1588-1656 HEAD OF A SAINT Half length, bearded, head bowed, hand at breast; dark back- ground. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. JAN BERCK HEYDE DUTCH, 1630-16938 PASTORAL SCENE A number of sheep and goats in the foreground with two -shepherdesses, stable at the left, vista toward gray mountain at the right; blue-gray sky with bank of ivory-tinted clouds. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches. 49 ABRAHAM MIGNON FRENCH, 1640-1679 284 STILL LIFE Nice arrangement of strawberries, peaches, plums, grapes, etc. ; a basket, copper vessel on a table against a dark background. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 60 inches. 50 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL TWENTY-SIXTH, AT 2:30 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 THIRD SESSION NUMBERS 285-418 DECORATIVE JAPANESE, CHINESE AND INDIAN TEXTILES NUMBERS 285-307 PAIR OF EMBROIDERED HANGINGS Golden lettering on deep red silk. Polychrome floral border. Size, 1 foot 2 inches x 4 feet 10 inches CHINESE EMBROIDERED HANGING A reception scene in satin stitch in vivid colors on deep red back- ground. Bluish-green valance. Size, 10 feet ‘7 inches x 5 feet CHINESE VELVET ROBE Lively design of peonies and butterflies in red silk velvet on yel- low background. Size, 2 feet 10 inches x 7 feet 9 inches CHINESE EMBROIDERED ALTAR HANGING Lotus flowers, etc., in polychrome and gold embroidery on deep red background. Size, 3 feet 1 inch x 8 feet 2 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING Kwan Yin and a dragon. Brocade background. Size, 4 feet 10 inches x 3 feet 3 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERED PANEL A dragon in raised satin stitch on background of gray brocade. Size, 3 feet 1 inch x 5 feet 1 inch JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING A mountainous landscape with river and sailing vessels in the centre. Size, '7 feet 8 inches x 5 feet 10 inches 51 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 JAPANESE CLOTH OF GOLD HANGING Brocading of cherry blossoms in delicate pink and white. Heavy obi silk. Size, 4 feet 5 inches x 7 feet LARGE JAPANESE NEEDLEWORK HANGING A landscape in cherry blossom time with vista over a lake. Size, 6 feet 1 inch x 6 feet 11 inches JAPANESE BROCADE HANGING Peonies, chrysanthemums, etc. in vivid polychrome with gold bro- cading on plum-colored background. Size, 3 feet 10 inches x 6 feet 8 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERY HANGING Three dragons in heavy gold embroidery on background of clouds in pearl-gray. Size, 4 feet 11 inches x 7 feet JAPANESE EMBROIDERY A Japanese landscape showing a pond with a pavilion and pine trees in the distance. Size, 4 feet 6 inches x 5 feet 2 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING A waterfall amidst the rocks, with two kylins in gold embroidery. Size, 3 feet 3 inches x 4& feet 1 inch JAPANESE BROCADE PRIEST’S ROBE Very beautiful design of white star flowers and autumn maple leaves on cloth of gold background. Size, 3 feet 8 inches x 7 feet 4 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERED PANEL Very curious piece. A Japanese “hooked rug”. Raised flower design in hooking technique. Central rosettes in gold and blue. Size, 3 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 6 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING A dragon amidst clouds in delicate pastel gray raised needlework on damask background. Size, 2 feet 11 inches x 5 feet 5 inches JAPANESE GOLD BROCADE HANGING Large golden peonies on red and gold background. Fine specimen. Size, 4 feet 3 inches x 5 feet 11 inches 52 Xx) ve JAPANESE GOLD BROCADE HANGING [NUMBER 302 | 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 JAPANESE BROCADE HANGING Beautiful design of conventionalized magnolia flower on gold and deep bluish-green background. Size, 3 feet 11 winches x 4 feet 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING Diverse armorial emblems in heavy gold embroidery on mulberry- red velvet background. Size, 4 feet 7 inches x 6 feet 3 inches JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING A tiger in raised needlework on background of tan silk damask. Size, 6 feet 4 inches x 8 feet INDIAN EMBROIDERED HANGING Mulberry-red and deep yellow silk, forming a bold geometrical design on black cotton background. Size, 4 feet 11 inches x 7 feet 11 inches INDIAN SILK EMBROIDERY Purple silk with embroidery of strips with deep red convention- alized flowers. Size, '7 feet 2 inches x 4& feet '7 inches PERSIAN SILVER AND SILK EMBROIDERY 17TH CENTURY Border of peonies and undulated vine in heavy silver embroidery. The centre field with a medallion rug design with diverse flowers, bird and central cartouch with inscription. 17th century silk vel- vet background. Fine specimen. Size, 2 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 7 inches ORIENTAL RUGS: TAPESTRIES NUMBERS 308-418 CHINESE TAPESTRY WOVEN RUG With all-over design of double chrysanthemum and fan motifs in delicate pastel shades upon a ground of old rose. Size, 5 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 53 309 310 311 312 313 314 GHIORDES WOOLEN HEARTH RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1800 Very bright color harmony of bright red, ivory, and turquoise- blue. The panelled centre field designed with a floral medallion, shrubs and other objects. ‘Two wide borders filled with octagonal medallions and conventionalized flower motifs. Size, 8 fect 11 inches x 4& feet 4 inches KARABAGH RUG CAUCASUS The field designed with hooked diamond-shaped medallions and conventionalized shrubs upon an indigo ground. Two borders, one with floral meander design on ivory. (Worn) Size, 4 feet 11 inches x 3 feet 2 inches BERGAMA WOOLEN RUG ANATOLIA Bright color design of turquoise-blue, and ivory on terra cotta. The field with double stepped medallion containing smaller cross medallions surrounded by fleurettes. The main border with linked octagons of rosette ornament. Size, 6 feet 8 inches x 5 feet TWO KARABAGH WOOLEN RUNNERS CAUCASUS The centre fields with semi-conventionalized designs of flower and plant motifs in pleasing tones of green, ivory and indigo-blue on magenta-red. The main borders with running floral designs on ~ deep blue. (2) Size, 14 feet 2 inches x 32 wmches 16 feet 3 inches x 33 inches + ANTIQUE KULAH WOOLEN PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA Beautiful color tones. The pointed niche with a border of floral motifs and a reversed vase of flowers in the centre on deep blue. A conventionalized leaf pattern on ivory ground in the upper part. Eleven narrow borders containing a pleasing fleurette de- sign on amber, green and blue. Green brocade lining. Size, 6 feet '7 inches x 4& feet 4 inches KUBA WOOLEN RUG CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY Border with conventionalized Cufic lettering on red ground. Centre field with repeated designs of angular arabesque leaves, star rosettes, etc. on deep indigo-blue ground. Fine specimen. (Slightly worn) Size, 11 feet 5 inches x 4& feet 11 inches 54 |r Fea 4 315 316 317 318 319 320 KHILIM WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Field designed with large shaped and serrated medallions in di- verse colors on blue ground. Main border with similar smaller medallions on a shaded red. Size, 18 feet 5 inches x 5 feet 3 inches KARABAGH WOOLEN RUNNER CAUCASUS Centre field with a handsome design of foliated medallions inter- sected by leaf and flower motifs in pleasing colors of turquoise, green, pink, ivory and deep blue on a shaded amber ground. Three borders with serrated pattern. Size, 17 feet x 3 feet 1 inch HAMADAN WOOLEN RUNNER PERSIA The centre field of shaded red with an all-over design of small palmettes in turquoise, indigo and yellow. Three narrow bor- ders and a brown camel’s-hair wide outside border. Size, 12 fect 9 inches x 8 feet 9 inches ANTIQUE KULAH WOOLEN PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1800 Very fine knotting. The niche sustaining a conventionalized tree of life flanked by flower motifs on indigo-blue surrounded by an all-over design of fleurette on an ivory ground. Main border with seven stripes of small flower motifs in alternating tones of brown and white. (Slight repairs) Size, 6 feet x 4 feet KIRMAN WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Beautiful color harmony of pale green, ivory, and mulberry-red on indigo. The centre field with design of ten oval floral medal- lions upon a ground of semi-conventionalized flowers. Five borders, the main one with similar floral motifs. A rectangular panel at one end with two lions passant. Size, 4 feet 3 inches x 6 feet 9 inches LARGE KAZAK WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Three borders, the main one with inverted lily design in black and white. Centre field with hexagonal lozenges in deep blue and deep green distributed over the deep red field dotted with various rosette motifs. | Size, 8 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 7 inches 55 321 322 323 324 325 326 BELUCHISTAN WOOLEN RUG Khilim centre brocaded with conventionalized tree of life. Geo- metrical borders. (Sold as is) Size, 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 5 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN RUG PERSIA The field of deep blue with an all-over design of conventionalized leaves with serrated borders containing fleurettes in bright tones. Three narrow borders containing fleurettes, and meander stripes on amber and turquoise. Size, 7 feet x 5 feet SHIRAZ WOOLEN RUG PERSIA The field with a beautiful all-over design of small floral palmettes on a ground of deep blue. Three borders, the main one with a running design of conventionalized flowers and leaves on mulberry-red. Size, 9 feet 10 inches x 5 feet '7 inches — ANTIQUE KAZAK WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS The field of shaded brown with six large octagons containing con- ventionalized plant motifs and intersected by small rectangular medallions, fleurettes and figure motifs in striking tones of terra cotta, ivory, green, and deep blue. ‘T'wo serrated borders and one wide border with key pattern on pale amber ground. (Worn) Size, '7 feet 4 inches x 5 feet 3 inches » HAMADAN WOOLEN HEARTH RUG nortTHwESTERN PERSIA The centre field of deep blue contains a hexagonal panel which sustains a shaped pole medallion in mulberry-red outlined with turquoise upon a rose ground surrounded by arabesque flowers. Three borders with similar flower motifs. Size, 4 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 7 inches ANTIQUE GHIORDES WOOLEN PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, ABOUT 1800 Three borders of various conventionalized floral designs. 'The niche, magenta-red and olive-brown with floral decoration. (Sold as is) . Size, '7 feet 5 inches x 4& feet 9 inches 56 ISTH CENTURY BERGAMA RUG [NUMBER 330 | 327 328 329 330 331 HAMADAN WOOLEN RUNNER PERSIA The centre field of camel’s hair designed with four large hexagons and detached conventionalized floral motifs in bright colors. Three borders, two with serrated design in indigo and ivory, one with double meander stripes on red ground. (Repaired) Size, 11 feet 8 inches x 8 feet 2 inches KABISTAN WOOLEN RUNNER CAUCASUS Centre field with all-over design of small octagons and hexagons intersected by fleurettes in pleasing tones of green, terra cotta and indigo on pale amber ground. Three borders, two with con- ventionalized hooked floral motifs in turquoise-blue and ivory. Size, 9 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 11 inches GHENGHIS WOOLEN RUNNER CAUCASUS The field with an all-over design of semi-conventionalized flowers in bright tones of shaded red, green, and ivory on deep blue. Five borders, one with striking ivory and red barber-pole effect; two with meander stripes intersected by flowers in rose and yellow. Size, 16 feet x 3 feet 8 inches BERGAMA WOOLEN RUG ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Triple border, the main one with rectangular cartouch motif, such as is seen on the Transylvania rugs, on rare lemon-yellow ground. The centre field with green central cartouch and corner motifs with floral designs in blue. The ground deep red with pendant motifs of very unusual design. Size, 9 feet 8 inches x 6 feet 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ANTIQUE SENNA RUG PERSIA Very handsome design of large floral medallions in beautiful colors upon a field of flower motifs connected by meander stripes. Four narrow borders sustaining similar motifs in dark tones. Very choice specimen. Dated 1268 A. H. Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 6 inches 57 332 333 3d34 305 336 337 KARABAGH WOOLEN HEARTH RUG CAUCASUS The field with a serrated and pointed panel containing an all- over fleurette design in pale green on indigo and a central ser- rated pole medallion containing arabesque flower motifs on a wine-red ground. Three borders, the main one with a linked octa- gon design containing rosettes. Size, 6 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 1 inch BOKHARA WOOLEN HEARTH RUG western TuRKESTAN Color harmony of deep blue, ivory, and turquoise-blue on rich red ground. Field designed with three rows of shaped medallions in- tersected by conventionalized flower motifs. Main border with small flower motifs. (Repaired) Size, 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 8 inches KURDISTAN WOOLEN RUG PERSIA The field with unusual design of a group of huntsmen on the right and a locomotive on the left, against a background of trees. In tones of wine-red, green and amber. Meander border alternating with naturalistic rose blossoms and animals. Size, 5 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 7 inches KARABAGH WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS The centre field mulberry-red with an all-over conventionalized flower and plant design in turquoise, indigo and shaded green. Main border with similar motifs on indigo ground. z Size, 9 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 11 inches SAMARKAND LARGE WOOLEN RUG _ cHINESE TURKESTAN The field of shaded blue with an all-over design of scrolled octa- gons in wine-red. ‘Three borders, two with flower motifs con- nected by meander stripes and Chinese fret pattern on mulberry- red ground. Fine specimen. Size, 12 feet 3 inches x 6 feet 1 inch ANTIQUE KABISTAN WOOLEN RUNNER CAUCASUS The field with a rectangular panel design containing octagons and conventionalized flowers surrounded by fleurettes and other motifs in pleasing tones of turquoise-blue, ivory and yellow upon a shaded rose ground. Four narrow borders containing similar motifs on ivory and indigo grounds. Size, 10 feet 10 inches x 8 feet 4 inches 58 338 339 340 341 342 343 SAROUK WOOLEN RUG CENTRAL PERSIA Very fine knotting. The field of shaded red with a beautiful all- over design of arabesque flowers in turquoise-blue outlined with indigo, subdivided into three rows of octagons formed by rows of arabesque leaves in ivory. Floral border. Very handsome specimen. Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 11 inches AFGHAN WOOLEN RUG The field with a striped design containing small detached flower motifs in tones of mulberry-red, shaded green, amber and ivory. Geometrical border. Size, 7 feet 6 inches x 5 feet 4 inches ANTIQUE BEKTASH GHIORDES PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA The stepped prayer niche of light red containing a central plant motif, a suspended lamp and flowers surrounded by a running border of conventionalized foliage upon a field of ivory-white. The border with a pole and ribbon design on pale green. (Worn) Size, 7 feet x 4 feet 2 inches AUBUSSON WOOLEN RUG Designed with a large central flower medallion on a field of de- tached flower and leaf motifs. Wide border with similar motifs on shaded brown ground. Size, 7 feet x 5 feet KURDISTAN WOOLEN RUG Four borders, the main one with flower-shrub motif on deep indigo-blue. Centre field plain deep indigo-blue. Size, 7 feet 8 inches x 4& feet 6 inches CAMELS’-HAIR RUNNER NORTH-WESTERN PERSIA Plain camels’ hair and three narrow borders. Centre field with Cashmere palmette design on deep red ground. Size, 13 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 9 inches 59 344 B45 346 B47 348 BERGAMA WOOLEN RUG ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Rugs of this type are ascribed to the Oushak or Bergama group. The present rug has triple border with diverse floral motifs. Centre field with yellow central cartouch and corner motifs of deep green, ornamented with the shafts of Cufic lettering. The ground of the field decorated with curious pendant motifs sug- gesting mosque lamps and with the well known ewer design. Size, 8 feet 7 inches x 4& feet 11 inches LARGE SAROUK WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Three borders, the main one with Herati design on brown. Centre field with Cashmere palmette design, large size on deep indigo- blue. Size, 15 feet 9 inches x 7 feet 3 inches KIRGHIZ FELT MOSAIC RUG Felt rugs in which a pattern is inlaid or pressed with felt of diverse colors have always been made in the Central Asiatic steppes. Felt rugs of the same technique going back to the Tang period have been preserved in the treasure house of Nara, Japan. The present rug is said to be of Kirghiz origin. It has four borders of undulated vines. The centre field shows an alterna- tion of two different types of lozenge cartouches in blue, white and red set on a background of natural camels’-hair brown in- laid with circular rosette or medallion motifs. Size, 17 feet 10 inches x 11 feet 8 mches “ARABIAN” WOOLEN RUG Five self-colored borders; centre field with diamonds of various colors in diagonal rows. Tapestry woven head and end piece suggesting Caucasian weaves. Size, 6 feet 8 inches x 4 feet 9 inches SULTANABAD RUG PERSIA An interesting weaver’s sample. Broad arabesque bands in red and white covering the deep indigo-blue field of the rug. Tree motifs in between. Size, 7 feet 1 inch x 5 feet 6 inches 60 ( LARGE SILK SAMARKAND RUG [NUMBER 349 | 349 350 351 352 LARGE SILK SAMARKAND RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN, ABOUT 1800 Very fine specimen. Three borders, two with rosette and cloud design on deep red. The centre field with vase and pomegranate design on beautiful deep blue. | | Size, 15 feet 11 inches x 7 feet 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY An historical scene, probably the baptism of Clodovech, King of the Franks. The king knecling, bending his head over the bap- tismal font. To the left a bishop with two deacons. Retainers in the background. Floral border. (Sold as is) Size, 9 feet 8 inches x 7 feet 8 inches LARGE PANEL OF SILK AND WOOL TAPESTRY FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Woven with a Roman historical subject. To the right of the composition a figure, evidently the conqueror, attended by fol- lowers, stands before a large tent while before him kneel two war- riors tendering peace offerings of olive branches; other warriors seen to the left. Magnificent border, the upper part formed as pediment hung with swags of flowers supported at the sides by round columns bound with flower festoons. Size, 14 feet x 12 feet 7 inches RARE TAPESTRY OF THE ROYAL MANUFACTURE OF FELLETIN FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND THE WIVES oF Darius, AFTER Cuarues Lesrun Charles Lebrun, the celebrated director of the manufacture of the Gobelins, made among others a series of cartoons depicting the story of Alexander the Great. The cartoons are now in the Louvre Museum in Paris; the tapestries were exe- cuted by the manufacturer of the Gobelins. This famous series was frequently copied. A Flemish copy exists at the Metro- politan Museum. The present tapestry is of a series executed by the Royal manufacture of Felletin. Felletin and Lamarche - 61 353 354 355 356 357 are small tapestry-weaving establishments which never gained the reputation of Gobelins and Beauvais in spite of royal en- couragement. ‘The present tapestry represents Alexander the Great entering the tent of the women of Darius after the battle of Issus. It has vivid and bright colors and transposes the classic pomp of Lebrun into a language of provincial naiveté not without charm. The tapestry is signed on the lower border, M. R. De Feletin, J. D., a very unusual occurrence. Size, 8 feet 6 inches x 12 feet 11 inches [SEE FRONTISPIECE | FINE LAHVER RUG PERSIA Excellent close knotting. Three borders, the main one with un- dulated vines and pink rosettes. Centre field with a repeated de- sign of a cypress tree surrounded by flower shrubs, birds, ete. Size, 10 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 10 inches SERABEND WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Four borders, the main one with Herati design on characteristic nile-green. Centre field with all-over design of Cashmere palm- ettes on beautiful deep red ground. Size, 14 feet 6 inches x 6 feet 5 inches PERSIAN KURDISH RUG Serabend design. Five borders, the main one of angular vines with rosette. Centre field with all-over Cashmere palmette design on deep red ground. Size, 9 feet x 4 feet 9 inches WOOLEN KIRMAN RUG PERSIA Three borders, the main one of undulated vines and flowers show- ing European influence on deep red ground. Centre field with all-over design of roses in the European manner on the gray ground. Size, 5 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 6 inches SENNA KHILIM RUG PERSIA Extremely fine weave. Vermilion and yellow on ivory-white background. Triple border. Main border with Cashmere palmettes on yellow. Centre field with heraldic design. Size, 6 feet x 4& feet 4 inches 62 ee se ~~ = Se Se Oe 358 ANTIQUE GHENGHIS WOOLEN RUNNER CAUCASUS 359 360 361 362 363 Centre field with pleasing design of stepped and serrated medal- lion and small floral motifs on deep blue ground. Main border with a conventionalized flower design on ivory. Fine specimen. Size, 11 feet 7 inches x 8 feet 7 inches HAMADAN WOOLEN RUG PERSIA The centre field of camel’s hair sustaining a central diamond- shaped medallion and octagonal corner motifs. Three borders, the main one with similar octagonal medallions intersected by fleurettes in pleasing tones on a dark ground. Very fine weave. Size, 5 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 6 inches BOKHARA TENT STRIP One of the well-known strips which tie the felt cover of the nomads’ yurt to the wooden frame. The background tapestry woven while the geometrical floral designs are pile knotted. Length, 42 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot OUSHAK PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY A very unusual specimen, showing the same technique as the well-known 18th century Oushak rug continuing the early Oushak designs. The present rug has two borders and a prayer niche supported by four conventionalized columns. Color har- mony, pale blue and Turkish red, with accents of yellow and ivory-white. Size, 4 feet 9 inches x 8 feet 5 inches SILEH EMBROIDERED RUG Border with flower shrub motifs on brown. Centre field with horizontal stripes of Cashmere palmettes, floral motifs, peacocks, etc. on red or deep indigo-blue ground. Size, 6 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 11 inches PAIR OF CHINESE WOOLEN RUGS Triple border, the main one floral on yellow. The centre field with corner motifs of lotus flowers and central rosette with Chinese characters. Both rugs are mounted on wooden shafts. One of them shows on one side the design of the rock emerging from the waves. (2) Total size, 6 feet 9 inches x 8 feet 6 inches 63 364 365 366 367 368 369 WOOLEN KHORASSAN RUG EASPERN PERSIA A very unusual specimen. Triple border, the main one with un- dulated vines and red flowers on deep indigo-blue ground. The centre field evidently the copy of a Louis XVI fabric showing stripes with undulated vines alternating with stripes with mani- fold barber-pole diagonal effect. Size, 6 feet x 8 feet 11 inches HAMADAN WOOLEN RUG NORTH-WESTERN PERSIA Delicate pastel shades. Three borders, tan and old rose. The centre field with flower-shrub designs on ivory-white. Size, 8 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 10 inches SILEH EMBROIDERED RUG CAUCASUS Curious border of diverse strongly conventionalized motifs; flower shrubs, peacocks, quadrupeds, human figures, etc. on deep red ground. The centre field on cerulean-blue with inner com- partment on red, all with similar designs. Size, 6 feet 2 inches x & feet 4 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Three borders of conventionalized undulated vines. The centre field with rows of Cashmere palmettes on deep indigo-blue back- ground. : Size, 7 feet 4 inches x 5 feet 1 inch SOUMAK RUG CAUCASUS Four geometrical borders with diverse latchhook, etc., motifs. The centre field with three deep blue cartouches on deep red field covered with angular flowers, vines, etc. Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 4 inches KAZAK WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Three geometrical borders, the main one with star rosettes on ivory-white. Centre field with the twice repeated “Russian eagle design”, in reality large floral motifs on deep red ground. Size, '7 feet 2 inches x 4& feet 6 inches 64 370 3871. 372 373 374 375 SENNA WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Triple border, the main one with dark blue cartouch motifs on magenta-red background. Centre field with central cartouch with ivory-white background and field with diverse rosette de- signs on deep indigo-blue ground. Size, 6 feet 8 inches x 4 feet 8 inches FIGURAL RUG KERMANSHAH, PERSIA Triple border, the main one with undulated vines on ivory-white background. The centre field with figural composition arched on one end showing two men seated in the shadow of trees on the border of a brook. Size, 6 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 4 inches GHIORDES PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Unusual color combination. Three borders of conventionalized floral motifs in blue, red, orange, tan on ivory-white. The arch of the niche with all-over floral design on blue. The field of rare nile-green. Size, 5 feet 9 inches x 4& feet 5 inches BOKHARA PRAYER RUG WESTERN TURKESTAN Magenta-red, ivory-white, and olive-brown prevailing. Three geometrical borders. Centre divided into four compartments. Size, 5 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 10 inches GHIORDES BEKTASH PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, ABOUT 1800 Ivory-white background. Border of delicate floral tendrils. The characteristic arch of the Bektash rugs in undulated red and yellow lines. Flower motif in the centre. Landscape with mosque willow. Size, 8 feet x 4 feet 6 inches KASHAN RUG PERSIA Unusual specimen. The design in pile knotting of floral shrubs, and arch motifs. The background tapestry woven with gold thread. Edge with gold overcast. Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 4 Nis 6 inches 65 376 377 378 379 380 381 WOOLEN SAMARKAND RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN Very broad main border with reciprocated lily design in blues and browns with curious abrash effect. The centre field with three circular medallions with rosette motifs and pomegranate plant on deep blue set into a plain deep red field. (Slight repairs ) Size, 11 feet x 6 feet 3 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Three borders of angular vines on red and blue. Centre field with Cashmere palmettes on deep indigo-blue. Size, 5 feet 8 inches x & feet 1 inch KULAH HEARTH RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1800 Color harmony, olive-brown and ivory-white. Four borders of diverse conventionalized floral motifs. Centre field with similar decoration. Size, 6 feet 1 inch x 4& feet KARABAGH WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Main border with roses of European design on black ground. Centre field with seven stripes of undulated vines in magenta- red, tan and mustard-yellow. Size, 6 feet 9 inches x 4& feet 2 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN RUG Five borders, the main one with barber-pole stripes. Centre field with Cashmere palmette design on deep indigo-blue background. Size, 6 feet 3 inches x 4 feet 10 inches GHIORDES PRAYER RUG Seven narrow borders framed by two main borders with con- ventionalized floral design. ‘The prayer niche in the centre with olive-green field and arch with all-over floral design. — Size, 6 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 8 inches 66 as Oe 382 383 384 385 386 387 KULAH RUG ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY A very fine specimen, unfortunately worn. The border with an- gular vines in deep red and Turkish flowers such as roses, hyacinths, carnations in red and blue on deep yellow back- ground. The centre field with three cartouches showing carna- tions and a large conventional flower on deep indigo-blue ground. Framed by arabesque branches. The background with diverse floral design on deep red background. Size, 8 feet 1 inch x 8 feet 9 inches GHIORDES PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA Very fine knotting. Three borders of conventionalized flower motifs. ‘The arch of the prayer niche with floral decoration, white on olive-brown and supported by two columns. Mosque lamp suspended in the centre. The field of the niche plain olive- green. Size, 4 feet 10 inches x 8 feet 10 inches SAMARKAND WOOLEN RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN The field of shaded mulberry-red, with a Chinese design on a. cir- cular central medallion surrounded by conventionalized shrubs and corner frets in ivory, indigo and amber. Three borders with similar fret design. Size, 8 feet 2 inches x 8 feet 10 inches SENNA KHILIM RUG Centre field of light red with an all-over design of flower motifs and a central stepped pole medallion. Three narrow borders in ivory and green containing similar motifs. Size, 6 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 9 inches CASHMERE RUG With a striped design containing geometrical motifs and plant and flower in bright colors. Size, 10 feet 8 inches x 4 feet ANTIQUE SENNA WOOLEN RUG The field with an all-over design of small leaf and convention- alized flower motifs in quiet tones of mulberry-red, shaded green and amber on deep blue ground. Three narrow borders, the main one with a fleurette design on rose ground. Fine condi- tion. Size, 6 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 9 inches 67 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 SERAPE WOOLEN HEARTH RUG = NORTH-WESTERN PERSIA The field of deep blue containing a double pointed stepped panel of semi-conventionalized flowers and leaves upon a rose ground surrounded by similar motifs. Three borders, the main one with a similar motif. Size, 7 feet 7 inches x 4& feet 8 inches ANATOLIAN FAMILY PRAYER RUG Eight niches surrounded by diverse floral borders. Magenta purple prevailing. Size, 14 feet 2 inches x 8 feet 11 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN HEARTH RUG The centre field of shaded rose sustaining e double pointed and serrated panel which contains three amber diamond-shaped panels with hooked borders and surrounded by small flower motifs upon a deep blue ground. Five narrow borders, two with barber-pole stripes in tones of pink, blue and ivory. Size, 7 feet 10 inches x 4& feet 5 mches BOKHARA MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Unusually fine coloring. The field divided into four rectangular sections in deep blue and magenta-red on deep purple background. Size, 5 feet 1 ineh x 4& feet 4 mches ANTIQUE KULAH PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA Three borders with geometrical floral designs. Delicate pastel shades, olive-green prevailing. The field of the niche deep blue with design of lily in vase. Size, 5 feet 11 inches x 4& feet KAZAK WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Geometrical border on ivory-white ground. Centre field with diverse stepped medallions, squares, etc., in vivid white and red on deep indigo-blue. Size, 8 feet x 4 feet 7 mches PERSIAN KURDISH RUG Three borders, the main one with geometrical motifs on ivory- white. Centre field with an all-over design of lozenges with cross motifs in pastel shades on deep red ground. ) Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 3 inches 68 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 KHORASSAN WOOLEN RUG EASTERN PERSIA Three borders, the main one of stems forming ogives with flowers in centre. Yellow, mulberry-red, and black. The centre field plain mulberry-red with corner motifs and well-designed central star medallion on ivory-white ground. (Restoration) Size, 7 feet 11 inches x 4 feet 1 inch GHIORDES PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, ABOUT 1850 Five borders of diverse floral designs. The arch of the niche pale blue with red all-over floral design. The field nile-green. Size, 6 feet 1 inch x 8 feet 4 inches SENNA KHILIM RUNNER PERSIA Border of undulated vines on pale blue. Centre field of Herati design on black. Size, 20 feet x 1 foot 10 inches KABISTAN WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Three geometric borders, the main one with latchbook motifs on ivory-white ground. Centre field with five stepped medallions on red ground. (Slightly worn) Size, 8 feet 6 inches x 8 feet 9 inches BOKHARA MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Very unusual specimen. The field divided into four equal rectan- gular compartments. Vivid blue, red and white on brownish- purple background. Size, 5 feet 4 inches x 3 feet 4 inches GHIORDES HEARTH RUG ANATOLIA, ABOUT 1800 Border with zigzag bands with latchhook motifs. Centre field with niche on either side in old rose and mauve. Centre field of olive-gray with central floral cartouch. (Slightly worn) Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 3 feet 5 inches SHIRAZ WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Six borders, the main one with conventionalized floral motifs on blue. Centre field with numerous varicolored stripes decorated with undulated vines, fleurettes, etc. Size, 6 feet 5 inches x 4 feet 11 inches 69 402 403 404 405 406 407 KIRMAN WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Five borders. Centre field with repeated design of vase with flowers in the European manner on magenta-red background. Size, 5 feet 6 inches x 5 feet ANTIQUE SHIRVAN RUG CAUCASUS Main border with conventionalized rosettes on deep red back- ground. Centre field with diagonal stripes in ivory-white and deep indigo-blue. Unusual specimen. (Slight repairs) Size, 5 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 5 inches GHIORDES PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1820 Seven narrow borders with fleurette design framed by two main borders with Ghiordes flowers. Centre field with prayer niche, the arch striped olive-green and nile-green with fleurette design. The field of the niche indigo-blue. Size, 6 feet 7 inches x 5 feet 7 inches KABISTAN WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Very interesting specimen. Georgian border in blue and white. The inner main border with conventionalized Cufic writing on red ground. ‘The centre field with three times repeated motif of conventionalized flower shrub showing almost European in- fluence, encircled by a flower wreath of European aspect on black ground, dotted with small floral motif. A delightful and unusual specimen. Size, 9 feet 10 inches x 38 feet 6 inches “RHODIAN KULAH” RUG ANATOLIA This type of rug has also been ascribed to Konia. Three borders, the main one with angular vines in red with Turkish flowers attached on deep blue background. Centre field with corner designs of strongly conventionalized floral motifs on nile-green. The centre field with flower vases on similar floral decoration on black ground. Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 6 inches FERAGHAN WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Very unusual border, copied from a Ghiordes rug: seven narrow strips with small flower decoration, framed by two larger borders with Ghiordes foliage. The centre field with the usual Herati design of excellent quality. (Slightly worn) Size, 9 feet 8 inches x 4 fect 11 inches 70 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 DAGHESTAN WOOLEN RUG : CAUCASUS Triple border, the main one with latchhook motifs on ivor y-white ground. Centre field with varicolored barber-pole stripes dotted with small rosettes. Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 8 feet 8 inches KULAH CEMETERY RUG ASIA MINOR, ABOUT 1800 Color harmony, pale blue, nile-green, mustard-yellow, ivory-white and black. Seven borders with diverse floral designs. The centre field with repeated cemetery motifs with two domed turbehs, cypress trees, etc. Size, 6 feet 9 inches x 4 feet '7 inches SAMARKAND WOOLEN RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN Three borders, the main one with fretwork on mulberry-red. Centre field with flower-shrub design and pomegranates on deep yellow background. Fine specimen. Size, 7 feet 8 inches x 8 feet 10 inches BOKHARA WOOLEN RUG WESTERN TURKESTAN Sumak weave. Very pleasing all-over geometrical design in ivory, turquoise and deep blue on terra cotta ground. Wide plain borders at the ends. Size, 8 feet 8 inches x 5 feet 10 inches HERAT WOOLEN RUNNER PERSIA Very fine specimen. The field with a beautiful all-over Herat design on deep blue. Three borders sustaining conventionalized flower motifs connected by meander stripes on wine-red and green. Fine condition. Size, 15 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 6 inches ARABIAN WOOLEN RUG Loose fleecy pile. The field designed with three diamond-shaped medallions in pale green outlined with light red upon an amber ground. Seven narrow borders in ivory, turquoise, indigo, and pale amber. Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 2 inches HERAT WOOLEN HEARTH RUG EASTERN PERSIA Designed with a central rectangular panel of conventionalized flowers in pleasing colors upon a deep blue ground, surrounded by larger octagons and flower motifs connected by meander lines upon a rose ground. Three narrow borders of fleurettes. Size, 7 feet 6 inches x 4& feet 1 inch ca! 415 416 417 418 ANTIQUE LADIK PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA Three geometrical borders, the main one on mustard-yellow. Arch of the prayer niche green, the field red. Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 5 feet 3 inches SHIRVAN WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Delicate pastel shades of lavender, pale blue, ivory-white and brown. ‘Three geometrical borders, two central lozenges with all-over octagon design. (Slightly worn) Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 4& feet 4 inches KURDISH KHILIM WOOLEN RUG With a striped design of three rows of diamond-shaped panels sustaining hooked floral motifs, intersected by rows of similar motifs in diverse colors of blue and mulberry-red. Size, 10 feet x 5 feet 7 inches BAKU WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Four borders, the main one with barber-pole stripes. Centre field with corner motifs and stepped central lozenge with all-over fleurette design. The field with the typical angular Cashmere palmettes on deep brown ground. Delicate pastel shades. (Slight repair ) Size, 5 feet 6 inches x 8 feet 4 mches 72 Ni = i" ‘alah Snieie: uty iat yy , + ae: ~ ee ie ty / 5 aL ae tai * i AE : > . ‘ } rt i 1 J ihe "e ® f + J r j oe e \e Mes s \ This catalogue designed by The Anderson ( Nesta and Press-work x ae 1