ta TET TID I 0% EE nnn i REE SR TF A en te ae i A Le ce tn Serre pe me pa plac, Stausessaescer™' » \ ep ed Ai ew te meet eG ae oe Sener cass smorSeeH Peer er SEES SOE STR a Rte rt SS NNER TONLE SEB ETAS ET EHRCeST ‘CATALOGUE OF THE ART Girerc Tron FORMED BY THE LATE MRS. MARY J. MORGAN, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE BY ORDER OF THE ADMINISTRATOR WILLIAM MOIR, Esg. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS MARCH 3D, 4TH AND 5TH AT 7.30 O'CLOCK AT CHICKERING HALL CorNER 5TH AVENUE AND 18TH STREET CONTINUING MONDAY, MARCH 8ru, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES No. 6 East 23D STREET (Mapison SQUARE SouTH) WHERE THE ENTIRE COLLECTION WILL BE ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, FROM FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12TH, UNTIL DATE OF SALE (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE ABOVE ASSOCIATION WILL CONDUCT THE SALE NEW YORK: MDCCCLXXXVI 6 At twos net ae ae 8 seen esate seeESeeH CopyRIGHT, 1886, By AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, [Al rights reserved.] =r ComPILED BY PRESS OF J.J. LITTLE & CO., THOMAS E. KIRBY. ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY ORDER OF SALE. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Marcu 34, at 7.30 o'clock, at CHICKERING Hatt, corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighteenth Street, Mop- ERN PaintinGs. Catalogue Nos. 1 to 80, inclusive. TuursDAY EVENING, Marcu 4th, at 7.30 o’clock, at CHICKERING Hatt, Moprern PainTINGs. Catalogue Nos. 81 to 160, in- clusive. Fripay Eveninc, Marcu 5th, at 7.30 o’clock, at CHICKERING Hatt, concluding sale of the Gallery of MopERN PAINTINGS. Catalogue Nos. 161 to 240, inclusive. Monpay AFTERNOON, Marcu 8th, at 2.30 o'clock, at THE AMERI- can Art GALLERIES, 6 East Twenty-third Street, Madison Square south, CHINESE PoRCELAINS, OLD CLOISONNE Ewa- MELS, ANTIQUE AND MODERN JAPANESE BRONZES, JADES, AGATE, etc. Catalogue Nos. 242 to 419, inclusive. Turspay ArTEeRNoon, Marcu gth, at 2.30 o'clock, at the above mentioned Galleries, DECORATED CHINESE PORCELAINS, CABINET OBJECTS IN EGG-SHELL, PORCELAINS, GLAZES, SIL- vER, Ivory Carvincs, GoLD LAcQuER, Rock CRYSTAL, OLD Satsuma, etc., Collection of SNuFF BOoTTLEs, etc. Cata- logue Nos. 420 to 640, inclusive. WepDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Marcu toth, at 2.30 o'clock, at the above Galleries, STERLING SILVER WaRE. Catalogue Nos. 641 to 795, inclusive. Wepnespay EvENING, Marcu roth, at 8 o'clock, at the above Gal- leries, Fins ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. Catalogue Nos. 1357 to 1536, inclusive. TuursDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 11th, at 2.30 o'clock, at the above Galleries, EUROPEAN CERAMICS—Sévres, Royal Worcester, Minton, Vienna, and other Porcelains, Austrian Enamels, and carved Crystals. Catalogue Nos. 796 to 959, inclusive. TuHurspay Eveninc, Marcu ruth, at 8 o’clock, at the above Gal- leries, FINE ART AND OTHER BOOKS. Catalogue Nos. 1537 to 1717, inclusive. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Fripay AFTERNOON, MaArcH 12th, at 2.30 o'clock, at the above Gal- leries, WEBB CAMEO GLAss, PORCELAIN PLAQUES, LARGE COLLECTION OF PLATES, MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, etc. Cata- logue Nos. 960 to 1201, inclusive. SaTURDAY AFTERNOON, Marcu 13th, at 2.30 o'clock, at the above Galleries, Balance of Collection of PLaTrs, Ricn Cut Enc- LISH GLASSWARE, BRONZES, SCULPTURE IN MARBLE AND Ivory, Bric-A-BRAcC CABINETS, etc. Catalogue Nos. 1202 to 1356, inclusive. Monpay, Marcu 15th, MoRNING at 10.30, AFTERNOON at 2.30, and EVENING at 7.30. THE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS AND EtcHincs. Catalogue Nos. 1718 to 2628, inclusive. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, zf required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk on the morning following each session of the Sale between g and 12 o'clock, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. SPECIAL NOTICE, Admission to Chickering Hall on nights of Sale will be by Card only. (No Reserved Seats.) These cards will be ready for distribution Monday, February 22d. Application for them, by mail or otherwise, should be made to Miss Katharine Timpson, Secretary American Art Association, 6 East 23d Street, (Madison Square, South). ORDERS TO PURCHASE. The undersigned have volunteered to receive and attend to orders to purchase at this sale. Messrs. HERTER BrRoTuHErRs, Fifth Avenue and zoth Street. Messrs. Davis, CoLLAMORE & Co., Broadway and 21st Street. Messrs. M. KNOEDLER & Co., Fifth Avenue and 22d Street. Messrs. COTTIER & Co., No. 144 Fifth Avenue. Mr. WituiAm ScuHaus, No. 204 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. REICHARD & Co., No. 226 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. FREDERICK KEPPEL & Co., No. 23 East 16th St. Messrs. Watson & Co., Fifth Avenue and 31st Street. Messrs. SYPHER & Co., 860 Broadway, Union Square. Mr. J. O. Wricut (Book Department), Sypher & Co. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, 6 East 23d Street, Alma-Tadema. Aubert. Artz. Bargue. Baugniet. Becker (Q.) Benedicter. Béranger. Berne-Bellecour. Beyle. Blommers. Boéchm. Bouchard. Bonheur (Mile. Rosa). Bonvin. Bonnat. Bosboom. Boughton. Bouguereau. Bréton (Jules). Bridgman (F. A.) Brozik. Cabanel. Cameron. Casanova. Cederstrém. Church (F. E.) Clays. Conrad. Constable. Corot. Couture. Dagnan-Bouveret. Daubigney (C. F.) Decamps. Delacroix. Delort. De Neuville. Détaille. Deyssonhiéres. Diaz. Domingo. Dupré (Jules). Epp. Escosura. Faed. Fortuny. Frére (E.) Fromentin. Gallait. Géréme. Greiitzner. Gunther. Haguette. Harburger. Hébert. Henner. Hervier. Hoguet. Jacque. Jacquet. Jiminez. Kaemmerer. Knaus. Knight. Koekkoek (B. C.) Kowalski. Lefebvre. Leroux. Lhermitte. ° Lyman. Lofftz. Maris. Meissonier (J. L. E.) Meissonier (Chas.) Merle. Mettling. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Meyer Von Bremen. Millet. Monticelli. Neuhuys. Nicol. Pasini. Passini. Pelez. Perrault. Piot. Pokitinow. Rénouf. Rental. Richet. Robie. Rousseau. Roybet. Ryder (A. P.) Ryder (P. P.) Scheffer. Schreyer. Seitz. Seifert. Stevens. Tissot. Troyon. Valtin. Van Marcke. Vautier. Verboeckhoven. Vibert. Viry. Vollon. Voltz (F.) Willems. Worms. Zamacois. Ziem. RE ES A RS ca rn pte btn enone = emencae . . - re A a watauerzewacert® 208 AE he need $e HE 8 ERE ENT SRST HEAR EAMES PEROSR INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES . MODERN PAINTINGS ee INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED, : TOGETHER WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, LISTS OF HONORS, AND OTHER INFORMATION. ALMA-TADEMA (Lavrenz),r 4, . . London Born at Dronryn, West Friesland, Holland, 1836. First studied in the Gymnasium of Leinwarden, where he devoted much of hts time to the study of Roman and Egyptian antiquities. Entered the Academy at Antwerp in 1852, and studied under Leys. In 1870 fixed his residence in London. Medals, Paris, 1864-1867 (Exposi- tion Universelle)-7878 (Exposition Universelle). Grand Gold Medal, Berlin, 1874. Legion of Honor, 1873 Officer of the same, 1878. Order of Merit, Berlin, 1881. Knight of the Order of Leopold , of the Order of the Dutch Lion ; of the Order of St. Michael of Bava- ria; of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau; of the Kénigliche Kronen-Orden of Prussia. Member of the Royal Academy of Am- sterdam ; of the Royal Academy of Munich ; of the Royal Academy of Berlin, and of the Royal Academy of London. Member of the English Society of Painters in Water Colors. Honorary Professor. of the Royal Institute of Fine Arts, Naples, and Corresponding Member of the Academy of the Beaux Arts, France. No. 157—Roman Lady Feeding Fish, 5 ; Page 67 No. 209—Spring, . j ; : ; . . Page 79 AUBERT: -(jaan. Banust)jie <3. so odnGeeoeeo atts Born at Paris, 1824. Entered VEcole des Beaux Arts in z847, as a pupil of Paul Delaroche and Achille—Louis Martinet. Awarded I RRS? a aa EE a ae THE MORGAN COLLECTION. the Prix de Rome, 1844, after which he studied five years in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1857-18 59-18 61-1878. No. 179—Love Quenching His Thirst, . : Pare 73 PT Za CADOLEHE),. so gy eas pice oe), agus Pupil of Mollinger and Israels. No. 159—The Frugal Meal, 6 c : : Page 67 BARGUE:\(Cuass;); deceased, 2)... 46 5 4. Paris No. 164—The Sentinel, : : : 5 ; Page 69 BAUGNIET (Caarues),) ae. 4)... Sevres Born at Brussels, 181g. First known as a lithographer. In 1841 appointed draughtsman to the King of the Belgians ; 1845, Knight of the Order of Leopold. Went to England, where he painted portraits for eighteen years. Later went to Paris, where he established himself as a genre-painter. Knight of the Orders of Leopold; of La Branche Ernestine de Saxe ; of Christ of Portugal, and of Isabella the Catholic, of Spain. Pupil of Drilling and Cabat. No. 110—The Bride’s Toilet, ; : j : Page 58 BECKER (Ernst ABerr), eho aace ee Derlin (Commonly called Q. Becker.”) Born October 22, 1830, at Ber- lin. From his frequently painting cows, he came to be called Kuh- Becker ( Cow-Becker), a jest which he himself accepted by signing his pictures “ Q. Becker.” (H. A, Miiller: Kiimsthe-Lexihon.) No. 18—Head of Peasant Woman, Page 38 a a tt clit Sn Se re Sean: INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, 3 BENEDICTER (A), . ./ . 4) @'e0/ MMitinich No. 37—Mother and Child, . ; ; ; ‘ Page 42 BERANGER (AnTOINE Emite), deceased, . Paris Born at Sévres, August 30, 1814. Began life as a painter on porcelain under his father, after whom he was named. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1846-1848. Died, 1882. No. 89—Arranging Flowers; . ; : ; 5 Page 53 BERNE-BELLECOUR (Etienne Prosrer), Paris Born at Boulogne-sur-Mer. Pupil of Picot and of F. Barrias. Medals, Paris, 1869-1872-1878 (at Salon and Exposition Univer- selle), Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 96—The Last Drop, ; : A ; : Page 55 Wo. 185—The Prisoner, . : : . : reease74 BE YEE ‘(PirgracM.), 6s tock ce-nhs) yarg seg e Medal, Paris, 1884. No. 4-—Fishing for Sole, . : : : . Page 36 No. 138—Gathering Mussels, . : : . wepbage 03 BONHEUR (Mart Rosa) . . . . - . Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1822, Pupilof her father, Raymond Bonheur. Medals, 1845-1848-18 55-1867 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1865. No. 136—Calf and Cow.—Scotch Highlands, . Page 63 No. 203—Deer in Forest, . . cea Wes . Page 78 ee en ee 4 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. PEON MERS*(Be Js)... yong eT ieee No. 64—Departure of the Fisher’s Boat, . : Page 48 No. 95—Shoveling Snow, . E : F : . Page 55 BONMIN. ChRancois-SAINT), 20 tock oo ss al Paris Born at Vaugirard, Paris, 1817. Medals, Paris, 1849-1851. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 30—A Pinch of Snuff, . : : : A Page 41 BONNAT (Léon JosrepH Fiorentin), . . Paris Lorn at Bayonne, 1833. Studied under Madrazo, at Madrid, and afterward under Léon Cogniet, in Paris. He took the second grand Prixde Rome, which did not entitle him to enter the Villa Medicis, but by the aid of friends in Bayonne he was able to spend four years in study in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1861-1863-1867. Medal of Honor, 7869. Paris Legion of Honor, 1869; Officer of the same, I874 ; Commander, 1882. Knight of the Order of Leopold and Member of the Institute of France. No. 152—An Arab Chief, é ; ; ‘ : Page 66 BOUGHTON (Georce H.), n.a., and a.r.a., London Born in England, 1834. Brought to Albany, N. Y., by his parents in 1837, where, when a youth, he began the study of Art. Afterward he studied in London and Parts. Elected member of the National Academy, New Vork, 871 + Associate of the Royal Academy, England, 1879. No. 84—The Finishing Touch, : j ; . Page 52 BOUGUEREAU (Wittiam Apotrue), . . Paris Born at La Rochelle, 1825. When very young, after passing SA a at nt et ai a Soe re ee en eT gcse OEY wr. INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 5 through the College at Fons, where he showed an aptitude for drawing, Bouguereau was placed in a business house in Bordeaux. While there he attended, two hours a day, the drawing-school of M. Alaux. Treated contemptuously by his fellow students on account of his unaristocratic business connections, Bouguereau nevertheless > took the first prize at the end of the year, theaward causing such ex- citement in the school thata riot was the consequence. Bouguereau then resolved to turn his attention to art, and after he had earned sufficient money by painting portraits at Saintouge, where his uncle was a priest, he went to Paris and entered the studio of Picot, and later VEcole des Beaux Arts, where his progress was rapid. He gained the Prix de Rome in 1850, and then studied in Rome. Medals, Paris, 1855 (Exposition Universelle)-7857-2867 (Exposition Univer- selle). Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor (Expo- sition Universelle), 7878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, r88r. Grand Medal of Honor, Paris, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. No. 74—Cupid, FA : : ; . Page 50 No, 154—Nut Gatherers, : : : é E Page 66 No, 186—Italian Mother and Child, . 3 : Page 74 No. 238—Madonna, Infant Saviour, and St. John, Page 87 BOUCHARD (louis) aso ee eaten atic Pupil of Lefebvre. No. 47—The Pet Kid, . : : ¢ ; : Page 44 BOEH MM. (PAUuK jc. een «cae eto a Un On Medal, Vienna, 1882. No, 48—Wayside Fountain.—Hungary, . : Page 44 Sot Aleta net $e aga ee seeenae es: SRE AES RL RS eS tt NERS SA One NRT eS FERnERERETAiSeTaecest? THE MORGAN COLLECTION. BOSBOOM ‘(jouannes), or 2. Hague Born at the Hague, 1817. Pupil of B. F. Van Bree. Knight of the Order of the Lion of Netherland ,; of the Crown of Oak, and the ¢ Order of Leopold. Medals, At the Paris Exposition of 1855, and Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. No. 85—Church Interior, . ; - : 5 Page 53 OZ. at VACSE AY ae Vee oie sai Mae cee, ary oP atts Born at Pilsen, 1852. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts at Prague, of Piloty and Munkacsy. Medal, at the Salon, 1878. No. 49—The Falconer’s Recital, : : : Page 45 BRETON (PULSE DOUP HM \re: po oar") <4 Paris Born at Courrieres, France, 1827. Pupil of Drélling and of Devigne. Medals, London, Vienna and Brussels, and at Paris in 855-18 57-18 59-1861. Legion of Honor, r861. Medal of the First Class, and officer of the Legion of Honor (at Exposition Universelle), 1867. Medal of Honor (Salon), 1872. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Ribbon of St. Stanislaus of Russia. Corresponding Member of the Academies of Vienna, Stockholm and Madrid. No. 55—The Bird Nest, ; : : ; : Page 46 No. 158—Returning from the Fields, . : : ; 67 No. 235—Communicants, : ; : : ‘ : 85 BRIDGMAN (Frepericx A.), na, . . . Paris Born in Alabama, 1847. At an early age began his professional work as an engraver with the American Bank Note Company, New York, studying in his leisure hours in the schools of the Brooklyn Art Association, Later, studied with Fean Léon Géréme, of whom = a ee INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. ea he was a favorite pupil in Paris. Medals, Paris, 1877-1878 (Expo- sition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 109—Afternoon Hours.—Algiers, . : , Page 57 CABANEL (AtExanpre), . ... «++ ..+,¢Paris Born at Montpellier, 1823. Pupil of Picot. Prix de Rome, 1845. Medals, Paris, 1852-1855 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1863. Officer of the Le- gion of Honor, 1864. Medals of Honor, 1865-1867 (Exposition Uni- verselle), Medal of Honor, 7868 (Exposition Universelle). Professor in Ecole des Beaux Arts. No. 132—Desdemona, : : 5 , : : Page 62 CAMERON (Hucx), . Rae mem ap eal xoy volern Born in Edinburgh, October, 1835. He was educated in the Trus- tees Academy, working at his profession in that city until his re- moval to London, in 1876. Member of Royal Scottish Academy. No. 33—Carrying Little Sister, . : : ‘ Page 41 CASANOVA. (ANTONIO), 54 «ic: Sides) 1a eed) Paris Pupil of Madrazo. No. 108—The Gourmand, : 5 : : : Page 57 CEDERSTROM (Tueo),. . . . . .. Munich No. 46—A Tight Cork, . : ; ; ; : Page 44 8 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. CHURCH (Freperick Epwin), . . . New York Born at Hartford, Conn., March 14,1826. Member of National Academy of Design, New York. No. 148—‘‘ Al Ayn ’—The Fountain, . ? : Page 65 CORRS CPAUL [BAN \)ovene ere tae: Brussels Born at Bruges, Belgium, 1819. Pupil of Gudin, Paris. Medals, Paris, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878 (Exposition Universelle). Officer of the Legion of fonor, TS8I. No. 139—On the Thames, ; Z : , ; Page 63 CON WAD CAtuart) as Go Munich Born at Torgau, February, 1837. Followed at Jjirst the profes- sion of his father, who was a sculptor, but in Berlin turned his atten- tion to painting. No. 44—A Tyrolese Inn, : : : ; : Page 44 No. 78—The Old, Old Story, é : 50 CONSTABLE (Joun), dec’'d,. . . . . London Born at Bergholt, in Suffolk, Fune rr, 776. Died in London, April 2, 18 37. No. 184—English Landscape, Page 74 COROT (Jean Baptiste CaMILLE), dec’d,. . Paris Born at Paris, 7796. Studied art against the wishes of his fam- ily. Instructed first by Michallon, afterward by Victor Bertin, and INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 9 then spent several years in Italy. At first unsuccessful in obtaining recognition, Corol’s works afterward became so popular that his in- come for several years averaged over two hundred thousand francs Srom his profession alone. Medals, Paris, 18 38-18 45-18 55-1867 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1846; officer of the same, 1867. Died, 1875. Diploma to the memory of Deceased Art- ists (Exposition Universelle), 7878. No. 19—Landscape, : : : : . 4 Page 39 No. 56—Nymphs Bathing, . ; : : : : 46 No. 100—Evening on a River, : : ‘ : Pago No. 133—Landscape and Cattle, . : : : : 62 No. 143—Near Ville D’Avray, : ; : : : 64 No. 183—Landscape, : : : : : é s 74 No. 216—Lake Nemi, eae é : : : 8x No. 236—Wood Gatherers, ; . ; A E 87 COUTURE (Tuomas). Paris Born at Senlis, December 21, 1815. Studied with Gros, later with Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1844-1849-1855. Died, March 31, 1879. No. 114—Faust and Mephistopheles, . : : Page 58 No. 162—A French Republican, 1795, ‘ ; ‘ 69 DAGNAN-BOUVERET (PascaL ApoL, Jean), Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of fean Léon Géréme. Medals, Paris, 1878-1580. 5 3 EGE " sas 3 s re (pee Al aw he aed ne e848 eng cn SHS OES EAE AERP EROS NE AIEEE TORY SOLE OIC OE AS TREC EE ENE ALOE DCE OES AIL om Bie EE AMET S ‘ RE ag AES A er EAA A A AE A Rh ARNETTE INNA ne OES PETA HESwAcert™ THE MORGAN COLLECTION. No. 81—Violinist, . - Z ae : : Page 52 No, 181—An Orphan in Church, . F : ‘ ’ 8r DAUBIGNY (Cuartes Francois), dec'd,. . Paris Born at Paris, 1877. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy, Medals, 1848-18 53-18 55-18 57 -1859-1867. Legion of Honor, 15595 officer of the same, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposi- tion Universelle), 7878. No. 39—Boats on the Shore, j : : : Page 43 No. 160—A Cooper’s Shop, . : : : : F 68 No. 197—On the Seine, . : : 3 é : : | 76 No. 198—On the Marne, : : ; : ; : 17 DECAMPS (ALExanprE-GasriEL), dec’d, . Paris Born at Paris, 1803. Pupil of Abel de Pujol. Medals, Paris, 1831-18 34. Legion of Honor, 18395 officer of the same, 1851. Died, 1860. No. 163—Bazaars in Cairo, . : : : : Page 69 No. 225—The Walk to Emmeeus, . ‘ : : : 83 DELACROIX (Fern’p Victor Evcens), dec’d, Paris Born at Charenton-Saint Meurice, near Paris, April 26, 1798. Pupil of Guerin. Medals, Paris, 1824-1848. Legion of Honor, IS 31 5 officer of the same, 1846 + commander of the same, 1855. Medal of Honor (Exposition Universelle), 7855. Member of the Insti- tute of France, 1857. Died, August 13, 1863. Me. ye2—-Cleopatra. a. Ney, ee a a age eG en ccs EY INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 1G No. 126—Landscape, 4 3 : 4 ; ! Page 61 No. 188—Tiger and Serpent, 5 : : : i 15 DELORT (Cuartes Epovarp), . . . . . Paris Born at Nimes, France. Pupil of Gleyre and of Gérome. Medals, 187 5-188 2. No. 140—‘‘ My Neighbor,” . ; : : : Page 64 No. 141—‘‘ Across the Way,” . ; : 3 Eat Mey DE NEUVILLE (Atpuonse Marie), dec’d, Paris Born at Saint Omer, France, 1836. A member of a wealthy family, his parents intended him for an official career, but he was only willing to join the army, and entered the school at Lorient. Here his astonishing skill in drawing was remarked, In order to make peace with his family he went to Parts and entered the law- school, but he spent more time at the military school and in the Champs-de-Mars, sketching and becoming familiar with all the de- tails of a soldier's life. He returned home, declaring he would be a painter or nothing. His friends endeavored to discourage his deter- mination, and the artists upon whom he called in Paris advised him to go back home. Delacroix, however, became his friend, and with him De Neuville spent many hours. He studied also with Picot. De Neuville’s first pictures were not particularly remarkable, but the Franco-Prussian war gave him inspiration and subjects almost without limit, and since that time the artist has produced some of the greatest battle-pictures of any time. Medals, Paris, 1859-1861. Legion of Honor, 1873 » officer of the same, T88T. Died 188 5. No. 129—French Cuirassier, . : ‘ : ‘ Page 61 No. 215—Infantry, . A 3 ‘ . ; / 81 12 THE MORGAN COLLECTION DETAILLE (Jean Baptiste EpovarpD), . . Paris Born at Paris, 1848. Favorite pupil of Meissonier. Medals, Paris, 1869-1870-1872. Legion of Honor, 18735 officer of the same, IS8I. No. 122—A French Lancer, : é i : . Page 60 No. 176—A Flag-Officer, . ; : : : : 72 DfAZ (Narcisse VirciLe, pE LA Pena) dec. . Paris Lorn at Bordeaux, 1807. Fis parents were banished from Spain on account of political troubles, and at ten years of age Diaz was left an orphan in a strange country. At fifteen years of age he was apprenticed to a maker of porcelain, where his talent first displayed ttself. He guarreled with and left his master, and subsequently Spent several years in most bitter poverty. After his ability as a most wonderful colorist was recognized, Diaz painted and sold many pictures, working even too constantly, as if endeavoring by the ac- cumulation of a vast fortune to avenge the poverty of his youth. Medals, r844-1846-1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Died, 1876, Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), I878. No. 17—Oriental Woman, ; : : : . Page 38 No. 27—Lane near Fontainebleau, : ; : 40 No. 52—Study of the Nude, : : : : : 45 No. 62—Edge ofa "Wood: ; i : : ‘ : 47 No. 70—Moonlight Concert, . j : Z : 49 93—A Pool in the Woods, . INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 13 No. gg9—Toilet of Venus, . : ; , : ee anes No. 106—F lowers, : ‘ , , é : : 57 No. 120—L’Ile Des Amours, E Re : 60 No. 137—Children Playing with a Kid, . : : 63 No. 147—Group of Persian Women, 2 : : 65 No. 169—Repose after the Bath, : : : i 70 No. 180—Boy with Hunting Dogs, . : : d ae No. 190—Holy Family, : : : ‘ 5 Ss 75 Nos 201—Sunset after a Storm, : : ; Gal No. 210—The Bathers, : : 5 : ; é 80 No. 224—Persian Woman and Child, ; : : 82 NOMINGO (hs ee ee i | Bornin Spain. Pupil of Meissonier, Paris, and friend of the late M. Fortuny, who greatly admired his work and criticised and en- couraged him in his student days. No. 53—A Spanish Inn, . ; . : : . Page 45 No. 128—Head of a Spanish Cavalier, . E : 614 No. 167—Card Players, : x F , ‘ : 70 poh at aetna od oi eka me cH Ss ROES ELD RENAE RP EE OSE OERD RY en METS EON TE ALOR TS atte te te EAE sacra. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 14 DUPRE (FULES)) oe. 550. Ree ee BRO ge Pants Born in Nantes, 1812, As a boy he studied design in the porce- lain manufactory of his father, but soon turned his uttention to landscape painting, and made his début in the Salon of 1832. Medals, Paris, 1833. Legion of Honor, 1849. Medals (Exposition Universelle), 7867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 2870. No. 45—Stormy Weather, : : : : . Page 44 No. 87—Driving Cows to Water, . : : ; 53 No. 117—A Cloudy Day, . 3 : 2 7 5 59 No. 212—Morning, sR é 3 ¢ : 80 No. 232—A Symphony, Z 84 2 EPP (Rupotr), ia eee ton es. >) Nunich - Born at Eberbach in Baden, Fuly, 1834. No. 3—Knitting, 5 base 35 Mor. . -. Paris Pupil of E. Osabey. No. 10—Kitchen Interior, A F : 5 > PAGS 29) HOGUET (Cuartss), deceased, .°. . . . Berlin Born at Berlin in 1813. Finished his studies at Paris under Bertin and Paul Delaroche. Has painted in England, Germany, and Holland. Member of the Berlin Academy. Medal, Paris, 1848. Died, 1870, No. 35—Landscape, B A : : ; : Page 42 JACQUE (Cuartes Emire), . . . . . . Paris Born at Paris, 1873. Early in life studied with a geographical engraver , later, spent seven years in the army, and worked two years in England as an engraver on wood. Is famous for his etchings as well as his paintings. Medals, Paris, 1861-186 3-18 64- 1867. Legion of Honor, 1867. No. 94—Shepherdess and Sheep, ; . Page 54 INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 19 PACOURTICHG), ee peas Raa ip Re Reon Born at Paris, 1846. Pupil of Bouguereau, Medals, 1868-187 5- 7878 (Exposition Universelle), Legion of Honor, 1879. No. 15—Susanne, : : é : : : . Page 38 JIMINEZ (Josr-v-Aranpa), . . . . . « Paris Born at Seville, Spain. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Seville, No. 50—Interesting News, : : : : . Page 45 No. 205—Gossip, . : Sara : , 5 : 78 KAEMMERER (FReEDERIc ELpnvad ),. is nae agedyatls Born at the Hague. Pupil of Fean Léon Gérome, Paris. Medal, Paris, 7874. No. 237—Toast to the Bride, : ; ; : . Page 87 KNAUS (Proressor Lupwic),. . . . . Berlin Born at Wiesbaden, 1829. Pupil of Facobi, and the Academy of Diisseldorf under Sohn and Schadow. Afterward he allied himself with Lessing, Leutze, and Weber. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Christiana, and Knight of the Order of Merit. Medals, Paris, 1853-18 55 (Exposition Universelle)—7859. Medal of Honor, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1859 + Officer of the same, 1867. Medals, Vienna, 1882; Munich, 1883. Professor in the Academy at Berlin. Medal of L{pnor, Antwerp, 188 5. No. 36—A Farmer’s Daughter, ; : : . Page 42 No. 103—A Young Satyr, - : : : : : 56 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. No. 172—St. Martin’s Day, ; . : ; we agen No. 189—The Hunter’s Repast, . : 3 : F 75 No. 226—The Country Store, : : : . F 83 KONIGHT (DaninecRipceway), 32...) 4 > Paris Born at Philadelphia. Pupil of ’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Gleyre and Meissonier, Paris. No. 31—Noonday Repast, : 5 , 3 . Page 41 KOEK-~KOEK (Barenp-Cornetts),dec., Amsterdam Born at Middelsbourg, Holland, 1803. Pupil of Schelfont. Medals, Paris, 1840-1843, Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of Netherlands, and Leopold of Belgium. Died, 1862. No. 69—Winterin Holland, . Sates : . Page 49 KOWALSKI (Atrrep Wrervz), . . . . Paris Born at Warsaw, Poland. Pupil of Brandt. No. 40—Hunting, : : ; : : : - Page 43 LEFEBVRE (Jutes JOSEEI Agee; h ..) Paris Born at Tournau, 1836. Pupil of Léon Cogniet, Grand Prix de Rome, 7861, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. No. 79—Sappho, cata ; . Page 51 * LELERMITTE .(L.), ME I eon ee es eb. PATIS No. 21—Spinning, 6 5 ° 5 9 : . Page 39 met operneaeepatausesEsnecest™” INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 21 LELOIR (Louis Atexanpre), deceased . . Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of his father, Fean Baptiste Auguste Leloir. Medals, Paris, 1864-18 68-1870-18 78 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1876. No. 38—Three Stages of Life, . : : ; . Page 42 IE OU Xai (HECTOR) yon ).4.Ses ve. teteeaty les oe tie Paris Born at Verdun, December 29, 1829. Pupil of Picot. Medals, Paris, 1863-1864-1874. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877. Medal (Exposition Universelle), 7878. Ais best known picture, “The Vestal Tuccia,’ is in the Corcoran gallery in Washington. No: .43--Sleepine Vestal a0 = eee Pacerts \ EY WAN <(Josrrm |), 1. bie el; oe NeW eon ] Born at Ravenna, Ohio. Studied in Europe, 1864-1866, and | afterward with F. H. Dolph, A.N.A., and Samuel Colman, N.A. First exhibited, 1876, at the National Academy, New York, No. 113— Waiting for the Tide, . evi: 3 . Page 58 LORETZ (Lupwie)s., .s0 os ee een Born at Darmstadt, Fune 21,1845. Professor in the Academy of Fine Arts at Munich. No. 67—Money Changers, : ; : : . Page 48 WARIS (MattHew),. . 2. 3 yet fondon Born at the Hague, 1835. Has long lived in London. No, 26—The Trysting Place, . : : : . Page 40 No, 127—Village in Holland, : . ; : ¢ 61 5, ~ ave 7 a de ss % a askin i<~» gp , ee New York Born in Columbia, Ohio, 1854. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and of Carolus Duran, Parts. No. 14—Return of the Fishing Boats, . : 5 Pee Se MILLET (Jean Frangors), decd, . . . . Paris Born at Greville, France, 1814. Pupil of Langlois, at Cher- bourg. His progress there was so remarkable that the Municipality of Cherbourg gave him a small pension that he might go to study in Paris. In 1837 he became a pupil of Paul Delaroche and the Sriend of Corot, Theodore Rousseau, Dupréand Diaz. Medals, Paris, 18 53- 1864-1867 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1868. Died, 1875. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 878. In his whole artistic career Millet only finished about eighty oil paintings, many of which he retained in his studio for a long time, returning to them again and again, in order to satisfy himself. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. No. 29—Shepherdess and Sheep, No. 71—Gathering Apples, No. 98—The Wool Carder, No. 116—Feeding Poultry, No. 130—Dressing Flax, c No. 170—The Churner, No. 187—Gathering Beans, No. 202—Wood-Cutters, No. 211—Woman in Kitchen, No. 220—The Spaders, : : C No. 234—The Spinner, - : 2 MONEIGCH LE Bec. 25 cad Baws No. 43—A Garden Party, . , 0 No, 131—Adoration of the Magi, MEU ELUM. S: CALBERE),s. «. Born at Utrecht. No. 28—The Reading Lesson, NICOL (Erskine), 4.R.4., Lorn at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1825. fete pike ALIS Page 43 62 pao Lhetlague c : peekager{o London Was apprenticed to a house-painter in his native city, but studied artin his leisure hours in the “ Trustees’ Academy.” Afterward taught drawing in the INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 25 High School at Leith, and later in Dublin. Member of the Royal Scottish Academy and Associate Member of the Royal Academy of England. Many of his paintings, cleverly depicting Scotch or Irish character, have been engraved. Medal (Exposition Universelle), Parts, 1867. No. 63—Bachelor Life, ‘ , : : é . Page 47 No. 174—Pills for the Saxon, é : 3 : : Ape PASUNT CAGEERTO) Gs onsen uoleee Sy Pep atis Born at Busseto, Italy. Pupil of Cicerit. Medals, Paris, 18 59- 1863-1864. Grand Medal of Honor (Exposition Universelle), 7876. Legion of Honor, 1868; Officer of the same, 1878. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Knight of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin. No. 204—Court Yard in Constantinople, : . Page 78 « No. 214—Barracks at Constantinople, : ? . 80 PASSINI (Lupwic), 9%. ©. <2 2° 22 Vienna Born at Vienna, Fuly 9, 1832. Pupil of the Academy of Vienna. Medal at Paris, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 105—Young Girl of Venice, : : , 7 Pagers7 } PELEZ:(FernanbD), )°. >. 7.00 ig hede Pupil of Cabanel. Medals at Paris, 1876-1879-1880. No. 82—Without a Home, : : : : 5 PER IS” -eoet eee et gg mine semen sen ecice soo nn RRA RO ORAS a TANIA BATE ALI EE OED ES IE AR tnt EERE, 26 PERRAULT (Di6N); 0 ioe ee Paris Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Picotand Bouguereau. Medals, Paris, 1864-1865, Philadelphia, Centennial Exposition, 1876. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. No. 42—A Young Gleaner, 4 : : ‘ Pe bagens No. 218—A Flower Girl, j : : : é : 81 PAGTA(ADOLEHE ere ake tore may cients Oe ans Pupil of Cogniet. No. 66—Adoration, . : ; A : . Page 48 No, 206—The Young Wanderer, e 5 ; i 18 PORTION (te tr OS Bails No. 6—Landscape, . ; ; 2 ; A 7 Page 36 RENOUF QEiam se See wk ie he, Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of G. Boulanger, F. Lefebvre, and Carolus Duran. Medal, Paris, r88o. No. 80—Repairing the Old Boat, . 3 : 2 Pace ver Ree PVA eee eer ee... Munich Medal, Munich, 1881. No. 207—Norwegian Fisher’s Dance, . : ae haces. Pele cl ol *QUGON an hen a ao ee oe Pairs Born at Solesmes. Pupil of Diaz, of Lefebvre, and of Boulanger. No. 155—Coming from Labor, Page 67 meio netneenep atauSeTerecestt” INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 27 ROBIE (can Barrisre), 9. 4-20) 03,7408 Pams Born at Brussels, 1821. Gold Medal at Brussels, 1848. Medals at Paris, 1851-1863. Gold Medal, Hague, 1861. Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1869. No. 191—Flowers and Strawberries, : : . Page 75 ROUSSEAU (Tutovore), deceased, . . . Paris Born at Paris, 1812. Pupil of Guillon-Lethiere. First exhibited, Salon, 1834. Medals, 1834-1849-1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor (Exposition Universelle), Paris, 1867. Died, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1868. No. 57—Landscape and Cottages, . - 5 . Page 46 No. gi—A Waterfall, . ; : ¢ , : : 54 he ropeen Michael’s Mount, . : : : : 56 No. 12I—A Quiet Pool, , : : é é é 60 No. 142—Landscape, . é : : : : : 64 No. 208—A Mound, “ Jean De Paris.”,»—Autumn in the Forest of Fontainebleau, . : 79 No. 228—Twilight, : : : ; : : : 83 ROY BET (PERDINAND ye (oh aor oc eens Born at Uzes. Medal, Paris, 1866. No. 145—Return from the Chase, . E ; . Page 65 No. 192—The Connoisseurs, b : - : : 75 28 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. RADI RY GAG. Po) ng ee eas sie New Wome Lorn at New Bedford, Mass., March 20, 1847. No. €6—Landscape and Figure, : ; : Peebarers3 No. 168—The Resurrection, : : : ; : 70 BOY DE (Cepek. salem ee ee New Vion Born Brooklyn, N. VY. Began his profession by painting portraits. In 1869 became a pupil of Léon Bonnat, Paris. Also studied in Belgium and Holland. Member of the Artists’ Fund Society, Associate Member of the National Academy of Design, New Vork. No. 63—Shelling Peas, ‘ : : : : . Page 48 SCHEFFER (Ary), deceased, . . . . . Paris Born at Dordrecht in 1795. Pupil of Guérin, Grand Prize for painting at Antwerp, 1816. Medals, Paris, 1824-18 32. Legion of flonor, 1837. Died, 18 58. No. 125—Christ in the Garden, : : 3 . Page 61 SCHRE WER CApeteum) oy ..8 — . .« Paris Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828. Belonging to a distin- guished family, this artist enjoyed every advantage of travel and instruction. In 1855 he followed the regiment commanded by Prince Taxts to the Crimea, making many spirited studies. Medals, Paris, 1864-1865-1867 (Exposition Universelle) ; Brussels Exposition, 1863, and Vienna Exposition, 1873. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. In 1862 he was made Painter to the Court of the Grand Duke of Mecklenbeurg-Schwerin. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam, and Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift. én 2 edecehiigetucseinkeetes Senda cacedion INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 29 No. 60—Wallachian Post Station, . ; : . Page 47 No. 135—Arab at Fountain, . : ; : : 63 No. 217—An Arab Scout, . 5 : : : . 81 No. 222—Wallachian Pack Horses, . c é ; 82 SEITZ CAntos)y) eG ee = Minnick Born at Rotham-Sand, near Nuremberg, Fanuary 23, 1829. Pupil of Munich Academy. Professor and Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Munich. Gold Medals at Munich and Vienna, Chevalier of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael. No. 23—Mother and Infant, . ; 4 ; Lage so SEP ER Case) es len eae Munich No. 2—Head of Young Girl, . : : ‘ ease 35 STEVENS (ArrRep) 2902 88s ieee en eae Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez in Belgium, and Rogue- plan at Paris. Medals, Paris, 1853, and at Expositions Universelle of 1855-1867 and 1878. Legion of Honor, 1863; officer of same, 1867; commander, 1878. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Com- mander of the Order of St. Michael, of Bavaria. Commander of the Order of Ferdinand, of Austria. No. 194—Conversation, : ; < : ) basen 70 TEYSSONNIFRES TE) ok. Soba: No. 7—Gathering Mussels, : ; : : eave 3o TISSOT: Cl Rts) o0 2 een ieee cis Born at Nantes. Pupil of Baron Leys. Medal at Paris, 1866. No. 178—In the Louvre, . : 4 : : noe bacev. 30 THE MORGAN COLLECTION, TROYON (Constantine), deceased, . . . Paris Lorn at Sévres, r810. His parents wished him to be a painter of porcelain, but after a time spent in the manufactory at Sévres, he studied under Riocreux, and became a painter of landscapes and animals, Medals, Paris, 18 38-1840-1846-1848-1855. Legion of Flonor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Died, 1865, Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, I878. No. 11—Cattle and Horses, P 5 F F 5 LANE By) No. 72—Coast near Villiers, : : ' . . 49 No. 134—Return from the Farm, . : : : 62 No. 182—The Pasture, : 5 : 1B No. 193—Going to the Fair, s * < 5 76 No. 213—Pasturage in Normandy, . ; : : 80 No. 239—Cow Chased by a Dog, : 5 : : 87 WEBUIEMCUINE (10), ae eegniy ets Paris No. 5—Girland Parrot, . ; F ; ; . Page 36 VAN MARCKE (Emme), Nik bal MBER ER ab Fon Born at Sevres, France. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867-1869- 1870. Legion of Honor, 1872. First-class Medal (Exposition Universelle), 7878. No. No. No. No, 22—Cows Drinking, . Page 39 54—Spring Time, f ; a ; A ‘ 46 I23—-Cattle Reposing, . F ‘ ‘ gens 60 I73—Cows ina Pool, .- 5 : 2 Ps 41 INDEX*AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 31 No. 195—On the Cliffs, ; f ; F A : 76 No. 230—Going to Pasture, ae ee ay Mace ene 84 Mioyee— The NIL Kari? ice ioe Abel Eee 84 WAU TIER’ (Benjamin) 0.00.) Va aris Born at Morges, Switzerland, 1830. Pupil of Rudolphe Fordan, Diisseldorf, Member of the Academies of Berlin, Munich, Antwerf, and Amsterdam. Medals, Paris, 1865-1866, and at Exposition Universelle, 7867-71878. Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 233—Botanist at Lunch, : : F : . Page 84 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eucene J.), dec’d, Brussels Born at Warneton (West Flanders), Fuly 8, 1799. Medals at Paris, 1824-1841-18 55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Orders of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross, Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Died, 881. No. 111—Sheep Leaving the Barn, 4 : . Page 58 VIBERT (Jean Guorczs),. . . . + + . Paris Born at Paris, 18go. Pupil of Vficole des Beaux Arts, and of Barrias, Paris. Medals, Paris, 1864-1867-1868-1878 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 73—Palm Sunday, . : . c : . Page 49 No, 107—Eyes and Ears, . : : : : : 57 No. 153—The Cardinal’s Menu, : : : : 66 No. 231—The Missionary’s Story, . 3 5 ‘ 84 32 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. WeLENY (PAUL), cay an 3, oe ee ee ee Rania Born at Pocé. Pupil of Picot. No. 112—My Lady’s Page, é ; : ; mages VOELON. “CANTOINE )h<7 0) teen eo en ele Paris Born at Lyon, April 20, 1833. Pupil of the Academy at Lyons. Medals, 1865-18 68-1869. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal (Exposition Universelle), 7878. Officer’s Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 20—Study ofa Donkey, . : : : . Page 39 VOLTZ (Friepricu Jouann), . . . . . Berlin Born at Nordlingen, October 31, 1817. Pupil of the Munich Academy, Royal Bavarian Professor. Medal at Berlin. Great Wirtemberg Art Medal. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. No. 83—The Watering Place, : : “ 5 Rae WEE MS (Cr ronnyr cue 5 oie... : | Paris Gorn at Litttich, Fanuary 8, 1823. Medals at Paris, I8 44-18 46- 1855, at Brussels, 1843. Chevalier and officer of the Order of Leopold and Legion of Honor. Medal at Exposition Universelle, 7867. first-class Medal (Exposition Universelle), 7878. No. 25—The Music Lesson, . : : ‘ - Page 40 NOV SeG Orbs) vs vo a be ee ls Spas Born at Paris, 1837. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals, Paris, 1867- 1868-1869-1878 (Exposition Universelle), Legion of Honor, 1878. INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. Re No. 32—The Proposal, é F : : : . Page 41 No. 59—Spanish Market Day, . : ; ; ; 47 No. 175—Spanish Fortune Teller, . : a ‘ 72 ZAMACOIS (Epovarb), ee GM lca ea ape Paris Born at Bilboa, Spain, 1843. Pupil of Meissonier. Made his début at the Salon: of 1863. Medal, Paris, 1867. Died, 1871. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 1878. Wo. 51z—The Singing Lesson, . : : : eekacerss ZIEM (FE ix Francois, GEorcE Puiiisert),. Paris Born at Beauns (Cote d'Or), February 25, 1821. Medals at Paris, 18 51-18 52-1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 18 57. No. 65—Fishing Boats.—Bay of Venice, . Page 48 | agp et ai dets mae He Games aeRO * ; $ A * ¢ : ¢ i ’ CAT AIO ES PERS Tee NIGH bE oeSerl Er, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3D, 1886, BEGINNING AT 7.30 P.M. AU (CHIE KRE RIN GE ANI; *.* Measurements given are in inches, the first figures indicating the width of the canvas, I GEORGE HAQUETTE. 47, a The. Signal. 28 x 34.—Dated 1884. 2 AS SEIFERT. 3oo- Head of Young Girl. TD Kot Gh 3 RUDOLF EPP. Knitting. 20 X 30. NNN 9 Ten me i wes? 7 idence tet Potausesserecest™ THE MORGAN COLLECTION. A yao ete P. M. BEYLE. ' Fishing for Sole. 28 x 40. 5 E. VALTON. Girhand- Parrot. 84 x 103.—Dated 1876. 6 . a J. POKITONOW. y Landscape. . 1a. x 7h—Dated 1884. of ”) rae A Se a ae P. TEYSSONNIERES. Gathering Mussels. De) os 10% 8 EUGENE FROMENTIN (deceased). 7 Th In Pursuit. Water Color. TOna 3: ee at ls tit ae Ser. ll mene neering cee te MODERN PAINTINGS. 37 ] EUGENE FROMENTIN (deceased). Hawking, Water Color. NOL: 10 L e A. L. HERVIER. Kitchen Interior. 12 x 14.—Dated 1856. i] ~ CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased). /052 Cattle and Horses. TS! x 12) 12 A. A. E.,.HEBERT. Madonna and Child. Tix 16, 13 J. G. MEYER VON BREMEN. | OO see Walt lees! 22 x 11.—Dated 1884. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 14 was OC. FRANCIS MILLER. Return of the Fishing Boats.—North Sea, £3:x-16; 15 y, BIT CBG ACOURT Susanne. 36 x 54. 16 : ee: LOUIS METTLING. Domestic Interior. 30 x 25.—Dated 1877. We sh oe N. V. DIAZ (deceased). | Oriental Woman. II x 17.—Dated 1865. 18 | Q. BECKER. Head of Peasant Woman, Tle xqtOs MODERN PAINTINGS. 19 L000. J.B. C. COROT (deceased). Landscape. Bil Se Flin 20 A. VOLLON. SC: Study of a Donkey. TOrxeN3; PA L. LHERMITTE. Spinning. 144 x 18. 22 EMILE VAN MARCKE. Cows Drinking. 19 x 13 23 ANTOINE SEITZ. Gixe8s (p08 Repagre the Old Boat. 80 x 56.—Dated 1879. LPR ER ey 7 a tae renee ene. . » Time toreenensepetaumesrerscert®” SECOND: NEIGH T'S SALE; THURSDAY, MARCH 4TH, 1886, BEGINNING AT 7.30 P.M. Jooe 7 AT CHICKERING HALL. 8l P. A. J. DAGNAN-BOUVERET. Violinist. 8 x 10.—Dated 1884. 82 FERNAND PELEZ. Without a Home. 26 x 36.—Dated 1880. 83 FR. VOLTZ. The Watering Place. 16 x 9,—Dated 1881. 84 GEORGE H. BOUGHTON. The Finishing Touch. TXen7. ® MODERN PAINTINGS. 85 JOHANNES BOSBOOM. Church Interior. 10 x 16.—Dated 1868. rls 86 YS: A. P. RYDER. Landscape and Figure. 6 x 113.—Dated 1885. 87 Lb 0: JULES DUPRE, Driving Cows to Water. 16 x 18. 88 \/- + HUGHES MERLE (deceased). / / St. Elizabeth of Hungary. 18 x 22.—Dated 1876. 89 Bers EMILE BERANGER (deceased). Wee * Arranging Flowers. g x 12.—Dated 1880, “) Ameo patina men arate eEereeest™ THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 90 sae ne LOUIS METTLING. ( Street Sweeper at Lunch. 17 x 14: 91. THEODORE ROUSSEAU (deceased). A Waterfall. 13x 8. 92 “ «<_ @ J. G. MEYER VON BREMEN. The Lesson. 10 x 14.—Dated 1880. 93 A _ , . N,V. DIAZ (deceased). d) 00 oie A Pool in the Woods. 14 x 10.—Dated 1873. a. 94 he : & 3 © ~cuarves EMILE JACQUE. Shepherdess and Sheep. 17 x 23. —_———————— nna ner renee cae REY - — a ene eee MODERN PAINTINGS. 55 95 WEP ie B. J. BLOMMERS. Shoveling Snow. 14 x IO. 96 bss © P. BERNE-BELLECOUR. oe SAS The Last Drop. 5x6. Q7 . )— — HARBURGER: Dutch Peasant. 4X 5. 98 i / ~— JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). The Wool Carder. WAS G Tp, 99 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Toilet of Venus. 16 x 18.—Dated 1877. eer FA mR ORR e SD STRESSES ERS ST S| THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 100 ppt a J. B.C. COROT (deceased). | Evening on a River. 23 x 18. 101 LEON Y. ESCOSURA. Convalescent Prince. 24 x 19.—Dated 1872. 102 EUGENE DELACROIX (deceased). . Cleopatra. 13 x 10. 103 - LUDWIG KNAUS. A Young Satyr. Io x 8. 104 THEODORE ROUSSEAU (deceased). St. Michael's Mount. 13. x9. MODERN PAINTINGS. 105 vs if ecto L. PASSINI. Sag NOT eae : : Young Girl of Venice. Water Color. USix17: 106 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Oo Flowers. 8 x 6. 107 C J. G. VIBERT. Eyes and Ears. Up} s AKO; 108 ANTONIO CASANOVA. The Gourmand. 15 x I9.—Dated 1883. 109 FREDERICK A. BRIDGMAN. Afternoon Hours.—Algiers. 36 x 25.—Dated 1883. + oe net Swen “> Teme omnensepataumesssuecer?™ 58 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 110 Cyr CHARLES BAUGNIET. The Bride’s Toilet. ESix 27. lll EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN (deceased). Sheep Leaving the Barn. 35 x 24.—Dated 1880. U2 i PAUL VIRY. My Lady’s Page. 21 x 17.—Dated 1880. 113 JOSEPH LYMAN, JR. Vi ahinaeia iesiade 31 x 36.—Dated 1883. 4 THOMAS COUTURE (deceased). Faust and Mephistopheles. IO x 14, G t7: 7 MODERN PAINTINGS. 59 115 Ze a MARIANO FORTUNY (deceased) Italian Woman. Water Color. 6x09. 116 / JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). /f-000- Feeding Poultry. 14 x17. 117 yo aaa ae JULES DUPRE. ve A Cloudy Day. 14x 18. 118 / EUGENE FROMENTIN (deceased). x / ‘foo, Arab Horseman. 16 x 12.—Dated 1875. 19 Ay 0 J.G. MEYER VON BREMEN. é ; . oY . Decorating the Shrine. 16 x 20.—Dated 1868. pet Stace meas eee THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 120 aH Of . N.V. DIAZ (deceased). L’Ile Des Amours. 24 x 16.—Dated 1857. 12] THEODORE ROUSSEAU (deceased). 5 adage A Quiet Pool. LOEKASE From the collection of Jules Lefébvre. 122 Dp EDOUARD DETAILLE. A French Lancer. 8 x 12.—Dated 1880. 123 _ EMILE VAN MARCKE, — Cattle Reposing. 20 x 13. 124 E. GREUTZNER. The Puzzled Priest. 27 x 34.—Dated 1883. MODERN PAINTINGS. 61 125 ARY SCHEFFER (deceased), / Christ in the Garden. 12x07. ae | J© = EUGENE DELACROIX (deceased). Landscape. gy ete ( 127 | MATTHEW MARIS. | | | / Village in Holland. 13 xX 10. 128 . J. DOMINGO. } Hea of a Spanish Cavalier. 6 x 8.—Dated 1883. 129 i A. DE NEUVILLE (deceased). | b , | ).00©0,French Cuirassier. | 1g x 23 —Dated 1884. 23> Fe Oe eB RSE ESE SERS STS 62 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 130 JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). tf @ Dressing Flax. 17 x 21.—Dated 1854. 131 : MONTICELLI. » ~~ Adoration of the Magi. 25x 13. 132 ALEXANDRE CABANEL. ‘Me | Desdemona. 17 x 21.—Dated 1880. 133 J.B. C. COROT (deceased). Landscape and Cattle. 23 x 15. 134 {- j~-___ CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased). Return from the Farm. 30 x I9.—Dated 1852. From the Laurent Richard collection. MODERN PAINTINGS. 03 135 ae a ADOLPHE SCHREYER. Mi Arab at Fountain. 28 x 23. 136 % ee 4 im , 2- © O-MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR. Calf and Cow—Scotch Highlands. 32 x 25.—Dated 1876. | 137 7) AP « Ft N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Children Playing with a Kid. 18 x 22,—Dated 1860. 138 7 [a - PIERRE M. BEYLE. Gathering Mussels. 14 x 21. Pay S0o- 139 PAUL JEAN CLAYS. On the Thames. 20 x 25.—Dated 1877. err eae Ane A A RS RE ON Rta NNT TEMS N ET aie me saEeces? 64 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 140 A CHARLES E. DELORT. (g 74 J: 6“ My Neighbor.” / 8x 12: 14] CHARLES E. DELORT. “Across the Way.” Crxedos a bs, 142 . 4 | ~ THEODORE ROUSSEAU (deceased). Landscape. Tre x8, a eae 143 Se ie os oe C. COROT (deceased). Near Ville D’Avray. ( 15 x 19. 144 A ? yer S O-— LOUIS GALLAIT. A Young Mother. 8x 10.—Dated 1863. Pig a et IR iss ees Bi rico teeter. MODERN PAINTINGS. 145 (1) © OQ» FERDINAND ROYBET. Return from the Chase. 26 x 36. 146 ae oy paall g RUDOLF EPP. Saying Grace. 36 x 30. 147 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Group of Persian Women. 25 x 17.—Dated 1860. A Cpe j 148 a | FREDERICK E. CHURCH. “Al Ayn”—The Fountain. 35 x 23.—Dated 1882. 149 JEAN J. HENNER. Repose. 36 x 27. A A SE A NE A RN ANSE EET A TOTES STA PES EES ese THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 150 J UESMEISSONIER? A Standard Bearer. 10 x 14.—Dated 1857. 151 / ..CHARLES MEISSONIER. The Musician. Tec B75 152 _ » LEON’ BONNAT. An Arab Chief. 27x33. 153 Od -= JuG. VIBERT. The Cardinal’s Menu. @ 28 xs005 : 154 YW} O, W..A. BOUGUEREAU. Nut Gatherers. 52 x 34.—Dated 1882. eon neo MODERN PAINTINGS. 67 155 ‘4 / C sa 4 y renin, LEON RICHET. Coming from Labor. 32 x 24.—Dated 1882. 156 O, 0OW, JEAN LEON GEROME. The Tulip Folly. 38 x 25. ay 157 vA L. ALMA-TADEMA. Roman Lady Feeding Fish. 28 x 13 158 4 JULES BRETON. Returning from the Fields. 40 x 27.—Dated 1878. 159 ) ; ADOLPHE ARTZ. The Frugal Meal. 51 x 34. \ / (deceased). 64 x 44.—Dated 1872. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. A Cooper's Shop. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY | | THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. FRIDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1886, BEGINNING AT 7.30 P.M. AT CHICKERING HALL. 161 A THOMAS FAED. Cra } In Doubt. 21 x 31.—Dated 1869. 162 | THOMAS COUTURE (deceased). | A French Republican, 1795. 14x17. 163 » A. G. DECAMPS (deceased). Bazaars in Cairo. gx IL. 164 J & 4 © 0, CHARLES BARGUE (deceased). The Sentinel. From the collection of Mr. John W. Wilson, Paris. “ 7 } = 8 x 11.—Dated 1876. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 165 MARIANO FORTUNY (deceased). Spanish Lady with Fan. Water Color. 8} x 12, 166 J.G. MEYER VON BREMEN. Woman's Head. 6 x 9.—Dated 1880. 167 ae J.DOMINGO, oO, UU. Af/ren« Card Players. 4x 5.—Dated 1882. 168 A. P. RYDER. The Resurrection. 13 x 18.—Dated 1885. 169 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Repose after the Bath. 13x 8 Dy ~ » Aparhey MODERN PAINTINGS. 170 JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). Ca / CfA ’ he x foo) The Chutner: 4 So At From the collection of Laurent Richard. / oe. I4 x 22. 171 EDOUARD FRERE. Prayenry | a i 15 x 18.—Dated 1861. LUDWIG KNAUS. © St. Martin’s Day. | 16 x 21.—Dated 1877. 173 | ’ ' i EMILE VAN MARCKE. (/ Cows in a Pool. 24x 19. 174 COO. ERSKINE NICOL. Pills for the Saxon. 27 x 19.—Dated 1868. 1 agp et ete net Sena nae eRe STNES: % sh — gg ELS A a SR ptt LMR LOTR pe enemas ana Staueestersces®’ THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 175 ) VW JULES WORMS. (“/" Spanish Fortune Teller. 31 X 23. 176 EDOUARD DETAILLE. A. Flag-Officer. 14 x 17.—Dated 1883. SS ™ | ee JEAN J. HENNER. Fabiola. 13 x 164. — 43-/>) Fabiola, the heroine of the late Cardinal Wiseman’s story, was the daughter of Fabius, a wealthy Roman living in the fourth century of our era. Her name, ac- cording to Roman custom, was softened from that of her father into the diminutive, and, the author tells us, is to be pronounced with the accent on the second sylla- ble. up under pagan influences, and gradually brought into sympathy-with the new The story narrates the development of Fabiola’s character, born and brought principles of Christianity by the example of the converts whom she met in her own household and in the society in which she moved. Her slave Miriam first taught her the lesson of charity and forgiveness, while in her patrician friends Agnes and Cecilia she saw the new life reflected in its noblest and most heroic aspect. When the persecution was ended, in which both Agnes and Cecilia perished, Fabiola retired from the world, and after many years of charity and holiness withdrew to rest in peace by the side of her martyred friends. ~~ ian Aad MODERN PAINTINGS. 73 178 7, é sc JZMISSOUr In the Louvre. 18 x 28 179 JEAN AUBERT. ; | Love Quenching his Thirst. 28 x 40.— Dated 1875. | fi 180 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Boy with Hunting Dogs. 25 x 21.—Dated 1855. 181 i! P, A. J. DAGNAN-BOUVERET. ‘Y ere | ~ An Orphan in Church. | 21 x 17.—Dated 1880. 182 an / CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased). The Pasture. 15, x, TE. +e ped i cete aed Seng eae aEeRMNENSSHES: os? Time oven eeD St aEe ESNESe THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 183 J.B. C. COROT (deceased). Landscape. 20 x 15, 184 JOHN CONSTABLE (deceased). English Landscape. 24 x 206. 185 meee E. BERNE-BELLECOUR. 1, Keti,(Lo_ The Prisoner. 25 x 39.—Dated 1882. 186 fy 4 W. A. BOUGUEREAU. — Cee Mother and Child. | L7 x22, 187 JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). Gathering Beans. (The artist’s mother, and cottage where he was born.) 12 x 15. MODERN PAINTINGS. 75 188 EUGENE DELACROIX (deceased). Tiger and Serpent. 16 x 12.—Dated 1862. 189 ~ WV LUDWIG KNAUS. The Hunter's Repast. Ig x 24.—Dated 1867. ae 190 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Holy Family. 20 x 27.—Dated 1853. 19] JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE. VB, if Flowers and Strawbe irs. f / | AY wi 2s 20 x 28. 192 FERDINAND ROYBET. The Connoisseurs. 26 x 32.—Dated 1883. aes” ia ERE eg ttt te Sn to ip sninn Sr amnerNiNnRcemsniee nate enema nepemeeoeeparanctr=eecet 2 76 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 193 4S O — CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased). Going to the Fair. 34 x 24. 194 ALFRED STEVENS. Conversation. 20 x 29.—Dated 1881. 195 EMILE VAN MARCKE. On the Cliffs. 38 x 28. 196 /p,-~7 EUGENE FROMENTIN (deceased). : / Turkish Washer-Women. HiBy ore ato}, 197 QO, Yo CHARLES F. DAUBIGNY (deceased). On the Seine. USL Aral 23 x 13.—Dated 1873. MODERN PAINTINGS. 198 asl ory CHARLES F. DAUBIGNY (deceased). On the Marne. 7 23 X 13.—Dated 1873. 199 | }o00. MARIANO FORTUNY (deceased). 7, The Rare Vase. @ Water Color. fh From the collection of the late John W. Wilson, of Paris. 9% x 13.—Dated 1870. 200 )-O~ J, G. MEYER VON BREMEN. Evening Prayers. I5 x 20.—Dated 1883. 201 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Sunset after a Storm. 34 x 36.—Dated 1871. 202 ) 000, JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). Wood-Cutters. o5eges THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 203 *Y 7¢9— MILLE. ROSA BONHEUR. Deer in Forest. 31 x 39.—Dated 1867. 204 ALBERTO PASINI. Court Yard in Constantinople. 7 x 9.—Dated 1871. ae ~ 205 ae JIMINEZ-Y-ARANDA. Gossip. 27 x 19.—Dated 1883. 206 ADOLPHE PIOT. f The Young Wanderer. £ 34 X 51. } i MAUL 207 MAX RENTAL. Norwegian Fisher's Dance. 41 x 30. MODERN PAINTINGS. 79 tO a) 7 O-o0 — 208 : ¢ / f WA / t THEODORE ROUSSEAU (deceased), A Mound, “Jean De Paris.’-—Autumn in the Forest of Fontainebleau. 20 x 25, From the collection of Baron Crabbe, Didier, and Laurent Richard. 209 7, 9°9- 1, ALMA-TADEMA. / - Spring. 2 x 35. When Winter’s rage abates, when cheerful hours Awake the Spring and Spring awakes the flowers, On the green turf they careless limbs display, And celebrate the mighty mother’s day ; For then the hills with pleasing shades are crown’d And sleeps are sweeter on the silken ground ; With milder beams the sun securely shines, Fat are the lambs and luscious are the wines. Let every swain adore her power divine, And milk and honey mix with sparkling wine ; Let all the choir of clowns attend the show, In long procession, shouting as they go ; Invoking her to bless their yearly stores, Inviting plenty to their crowded floors. Thus in the Spring, and thus in Summer’s heat, Before the sickies touch the ripening wheat, On Ceres’ call ; and let the laboring hind With oaken wreaths his hollow temples bind ; On Ceres let him call, and Ceres praise, With uncouth dances and with country lays. (Georgics— Translated by John Dryden.) THE MORGAN COLLECTION. / 210 2 Af 94 N. V. DIAZ (deceased). The Bathers. 16 x 10. All 6N"O - JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). Woman in Kitchen. 3x 44. 2 es Z2i2 1 OS O:-—- ULES*DUPRE. : /] Morning. “ 28 x 21, he 213 CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased). Pasturage in Normandy. 33 x 24. 214 ALBERTO PASINI. Barracks at Constantinople. 31 x 25.—Dated 1882. MODERN PAINTINGS. 8I fy y 215 fe te £ ; NS rat A. DE NEUVILLE (deceased). Infantry. 16 x 20.—Dated 1884. 216 1, J.B. C. COROT (deceased). , Lake Nem. 52 x 38.—Dated 1865 217 ADOLPHE SCHREYER. An Arab Scout. 27 X 32. 218 LEON PERRAULT. WA A Flower Girl. 31 x 44.—Dated 1880, 219 OTTO GUNTHER (deceased). *hhies Pastot si/V¥ isi, 45) 32. ie la a I es? et NRE EE OT OP EB STAUS PH ESHACeSt™ 82 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 220 O ae JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). The Spaders. 38 x 30. 221 Lj- Hb JEAN LEON GEROME. Coffee-H ouse.— Cairo. Bashi-Bazouks casting balls. 265021. 222 / a oem: Peng ieee. ADOLPHE SCHREYER. Wallachian Pack Horses. 90 x25, 223 EUGENE FROMENTIN (deceased). On the Nile, near Philz. 43 x 24.—Dated 1871. 224 on tak N. V. DIAZ (deceased). Persian Woman and Child. 9 x-r2. a a Sa et i Se re + ag pet ieee met eenaonse= —— ine r ~ en LOL — = ras aan MODERN PAINTINGS. P 225 Fa a a ae A. G. DECAMPS (deceased). The Walk to Emmezus. TS x T2: 226 Va / ws 3» CfA fe Oi Ao LUDWIG KNAUS. SE The Country Store. 30 x 25.—Dated 1883. PIA JA3, O00 — J.L.E. MEISSONIER. The Vidette, 1812. 20 x 17.—Dated 1883. Cir 228 ~~ THEODORE ROUSSEAU (deceased)/, Twilight. 24 x 16. 229 D AO, 100- JEAN J. HENNER, lea. Source. 28 x 39. From the Paris Salon, 1881. esh Ae MONAT AS ST AE ES ERS ST. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. rt bhod, Ei 230: -t 0° EMILE VAN MARCKE. Going to Pasture.~ 39 x 26. From the collection of Laurent Richard. 231 . f d/ f : = ) O00 = J: G, VIBERT. jf The Missionary’s Story. 52 X 30. From Paris Triennial Exhibition, 1883. 232 s /ea@.> JULES DUPRE. A Symphony. 39 x 27. From the collection of M. Faure. 233 V 9 9 BENJAMIN VAUTIER. Botanist at Lunch. 32 x 24.—Dated 1882. eg ope JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (deceased). The Spinner. 28 x 36. a a casa betaine eke een nr eicaeen SY A MODERN PAINTINGS. ray ma « 7 ae) 235 S aeele + ~ JULES BRETON: __ 1 Communicants. \ KE pet HN") Ne 74 x 48. CAN Pees te a Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1884. yh — /\f , WO T AV rl TRANSLATION OF A POEM BY JULES BRETON, ILLUSTRATING THIS ox I Among the fresh lilacs, and the new budding leaves, In this spring-time that hums and smiles through the trees, On this bright Sabbath day, maids with heavenly brows, Marching onward to mass, beneath the young boughs: Did you take from the sky, to commune for God’s pleasure, Your robes of pure white where quivers the azure? Thus so would I think from your costumes so light That bloom with the day, like the snow and as bright ; By the vapory veil, with its misty-like flounces, By your virginal lips, and your sweet modest glances ; By your nosegays of gold, attached to your tapers, And the heavenly light that illumines your faces. How each thing around both greets you and blesses ; The mossy thatched roofs have enameled their ridges ; They curve rounding down to contours most supple ; The soft, tender grass does everywhere sparkle : Still wet by the morn, its white dew breathing odors, It unrolls to your feet its velvety borders. Your folds of gauze in the breeze make angelic pinions, Less white are the doves on the barn’s lofty crestings ; Less pure is the hawthorn, with its balmy branches ; Thus onward you go to the old chapel’s porches ; Where girdled by lindens the church bell is tolling, While the sun on the tower its corners is gilding. PAINTING. + aya ed Kideio ned See ne ERRNO SHES: 86 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. ee a a RR Sa en Senta nS And spotless you go. The portal unfolds, Your heart stronger beats, the bell louder tolls ; The aged, quite moved, at the tower’s base centre ; The door opens wide. Go, gentle maids, enter ; And then from the burning ends of your nun’s tapers, Let bright stars of love float out with its vapors. Ecstasy ! holy fear of mystical raptures When with your fingers quiver the hymnal’s pages In singing ! O sweet tender Jesus, descend ! Ah ! come, Divine Spouse, and with our soul blend. The Host seems to tremble in the hands of the priest, As seen through the whirl of the incense’s mist. Receive in his body the Lord of the earth ; Daughters, you ignore his mysterious worth ; And to him prefer, resuscitated being The beautiful crucifix, on the hill dying ; You love its fair forehead, that’s torn by the thorn, And the bleeding wound on its holy side shown. And above all, you love the child’s rosy face, Bathed, as the fair lamb, in the gold of its fleece ; Who came with its smiles, at the side of your cribs, And its little clear eyes, when you were all babes : *Tis for this that you beam, is it not, maiden, say ? And palpitate in the church aisles while you stay. Vainly all reason succeeds to dead faith, And no recollection goes forth with your breath That does not vibrate like a ray from the skies, So sing, virgins, sing! The glad summer close lies: Then autumn, whose ripe fruits will fall to the ground ; So to dying spring, let your first chant resound. eee ean Aaa ena a iene ~ MODERN PAINTINGS. 87 236 13 000 Uw, & & “+ J.B. C. COROT (deceased). Wood Gatherers. 63 x 44.—Dated 1875. Vs J LOG: 237 a F.H. KAEMMERER. Toast to the Bride. 42 x 29. / W. A. BOUGUEREAU. Madonna, Infant Saviour, and St. John: 42 x 74.—Dated 1882. , 239 rd ; CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased). (Ses Cow Chased by a Dog.Q ™® 46 x 31. Y 240 NOG ave =, fi : EMILE VAN MARCKE. x : iz Bai | | oo he Will Farm, : | —— ge 76 x 54. pas o \ i / re 2: ks Su De ah po '- gas PP a ae m = Ona. Ty CL d Jt Z ak 4 + ny pet Ae eters net AEE SE AERO TSS STROH ~ 1 ag pet seam net eee: OREN IT a on CHINESE AND JAPANESE OBJECTS j | + ag ped eawie net ena omee= SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 8, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. DECORATED IN BLUE, UNDER THE GLAZE. 242 LOTUS-SHAPED Cup, with bulb and figure inside, used by the Chinese in drinking a toast; when filled the figure rises above the surface, and disappears as the liquid diminishes. 243 SMALL VASE, bottled shaped, fluted in six compartments, painted in two shades of blue, melon vine bearing the fruit. Mark of the Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. Height 34 inches. 244 SMALL Vask, bottle shape, with slender neck, symbolical de- signs painted in a light and dark shade of blue, crackled texture. Mark of the Kea-tsing period, 1522-1567. Height 4 inches, has carved stand. 245 Tea Bowt, painted inside and out, with dark blue, band extend- ing around bowl of pierced ornaments, filled in with glaze, “ Grains of Rice” effect. Seal-mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 246 SMALL Bort Le, with lizard in relief on neck, flowers and vines painted in dark blue. 247 SMALL Coupe, soft, creamy white texture, floral and vine de- signs painted in pale blue. 248 Very SMALL BoTTLe, decorated similar to the above. Mark of the Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. 92 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 249 Tat Cup, semi-egg-shell texture, painting of landscape scene, figures, palaces, etc., in pale and dark blue. Mark of the Taou-Kwang period, 1821-1851. 250 SMALL BOTTLE, straight, octagonal shape, painted in dark blue, mandarin and other figures making offering to Deity, and clouds. Mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height 4} inches. 251 Tra Bowl, semi-egg-shell texture, outside painted: with delicate vine designs in pale blue and Arabic inscription in a darker shade. Mark of Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. 252 BoTrLe SHAPE VAsg, landscape and mountain scenery, painted in deep blue. Height 8 inches, has carved stand. 253 CYLINDRICAL JAR, painted with dark blue arabesques and flow- ers, pierced designs filled in with glaze, “ Rice Grains” effect. Height 6} inches, diameter 44 inches. 254 Larcr Bow1, fluted lotus pattern, outer surface painted with figures, garden and interior scenes, and various plants in two shades of blue, figure of philosopher inside in medallion, border of floral designs and symbols. Mark of the Ching-Hwa period, 1465-1488. 255 CYLINDRICAL JAR AND Cover, painted in dark and light blue, floral, vine and mottled designs. Show mark. Height 8 inches, diameter 6 inches. 256 SMALL Vasz, cylindrical bottle shape, with small neck, painted with fruit in dark blue, bands of flowers and arabesque designs. Height 54 inches, has carved stand. 257 SMALL GINGER Jar, painted with dark opaque blue “ hawthorn blossoms” in white reserve; has silver lid with the blossoms engraved and in relief. Height and diameter 6 x 4 inches. 258 SMALL Vasg, straight beaker shape, with swelling centre and spreading at neck, painted with floral, leaf and other designs in pale blue. Height 34 inches, has carved stand. 259 “ HAwTHORN” GINGER Jar, deep blue ground with branches of hawthorn blossoms in white reserve, running up and down the jar. Height and diameter 9} x 74 inches, has carved teak- wood stand and lid. OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. 93 260 LARGE “ HAWTHORN” JAR, tall, ovoid shape, pale blue ground, with branches of hawthorn blossoms in white reserve, run- ning up and down the jar. Ring mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height and diameter 154 x ro} inches, has carved teak-wood stand and lid. 261 VeRY LARGE VASE, flat pilgrim bottle shape, bulging in centre of each face, painted with symbolical, floral and other designs in dark-blue. Mark of the Keen-lung period,1736-1795. Height and diameter 20 x 15 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. SINGLE OR “SOLID COLOR” SPECIMENS. 262 PLATE, fluted pattern, in design of chrysanthemum flower, rose color glaze covering entire surface, except where mark appears on bottom. Mark of Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. Diameter 7 inches, has stand made of fabric. 263 PLATE, similar in shape as above, powdered blue glaze of a deep hue. Mark of the Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. Diameter 7 inches, has stand made of Chinese fabric. 264 SMALL Jar, globular shape, sang de beuf glaze, with lustrous over-glaze. Long-Yao specimen. Height and diameter 34 x 5 inches, has stand. 265 VASE, gourd shape, with two lobes and slightly spreading neck, mirror black glaze. Height 9 inches, has carved stand. 266 GOURD-SHAPED VsE, lion head and ring handles in relief at side of lower lobe, tea color glaze of alight shade. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 8} x 7 inches, has carved stand. 267 BorTLe Vass, globular body with tall slender neck, ribbed de- sign, metallic or “iron rust” glaze. Height 9 inches, diameter 5 inches, has carved stand. 268 SMALL Vase, bottle shape, light turquoise glaze with metallic spots, small crackle beneath glaze. Height 6 inches, has carved stand. 94. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 269 Ovorp BoTTLE-sHAPED VASE, spreading neck, pinkish glaze of the “peach blow” family. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 8 x 44 inches, has carved stand. 270 VAsE, shape of three gourds adhering, triple neck, celadon glaze beneath lustrous over-glaze. Height and diameter 7X4 inches, has teak stand finely carved. 271 TrEapot, graceful ovoid shape, coral red glaze of even quality. Height 6} inches, has carved stand. 272 VASE, flat ovoid shape, with slender neck of fluted design, leaf ornaments for handles, turquoise blue glaze, minute crackle beneath. Height and diameter 10 x 6 inches, has carved stand. 273 OvoID BoTTLE-sHAPED VasE, lemon yellow glaze, with surface in imitation of lemon peel. Height and diameter 74 x 5 inches. 274 Bow. anp Cover, semi-egg-shell texture, both bowl and cover covered with coral red glaze, lustrous over-glaze. Height and diameter 4 x 42 inches. 275 VASE, straight ovoid form, covered with a red glaze running into garnet and purple, edges being uncovered and showing crackle beneath over-glaze. Elephant heads and rings in relief for handles. Height and diameter 6 x 44 inches, has carved stand. 276 BorTLe VasE, cylindrical shape with small low neck, apple- green glaze, with bold crackle beneath. Height and diameter 72 x 4 inches, has carved stand. 277 Ovoip SHAPE Vass, with low neck slightly spreading at top, covered with “ peach-blow ” glaze, running into a darker shade on reverse side. Height and diameter 11$x 5 inches. 278 CYLINDRICAL VASE, slightly ovoid, sang de beuf glaze running down body and leaving neck almost devoid of the color, very lustrous over-glaze with iridescent effects. Height 63 inches, has carved stand. 279 BorrLe Vass, ovoid shape with small neck, covered with tea- color glaze of a dark-green shade. Height and diameter 8x 54 inches, has fine stand. ove? TA Oana he D STAR ESE ASST? OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. 95 280 Lonc-YAo Fire Bow1, sang de beuf glaze on outer surface, showing white splashes with crackle beneath, metallic brown glaze inside with bold crackle beneath, has carved teak-wood high stand and cover, the latter having carved white jade stone ornament for handle. Height and diameter of coupe 32 x 6 inches. From the collection of I Wang-ye, a Mandarin Prince. 281 SMALL Botte, with fluted lobe at neck, glazed with color of veal’s liver. Height 5 inches, has carved stand. 282 Ovoip BoTTLE Vass, covered with a rich garnet color beneath a lustrous over-glaze, the low neck showing a brown crackle beneath the outer or lustrous glaze. Height and diameter 6 x 34 inches, has carved stand. rs) ice) ios) Low Fat Botte, semi-globular shape, with three engraved crests in low relief, and covered with a yellow metallic glaze, showing iridescent effects. Mark of the Seuen-tih period, 1426-1436. Height and diameter 34x 43 inches, has teak-wood stand. 284 LARGE BoTrtLe Vase, globular shape body with tall slender neck slightly spreading at top, entire outer surface of vase covered with a powdered blue glaze. Height and diameter 114.x8 inches, has carved stand. iS} Co OL Vass, globular shaped bottle with tall neck, covered with souffle glaze of chicken’s blood color, very lustrous over-glaze. Height and diameter 12 x 6 inches, has carved stand. 286 Vase, with globular body and spreading neck, covered with tea-color glaze, ornamentation of scroll and other designs carved in relief and applied with gold and bronze, double ring handles at neck. Has gold seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 9 x 6 inches. From the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin from 1873 to 1885. 287 TALL Bottle Vass, ovoid shaped with low neck, imperial yellow glaze, beneath which is a profuse incised ornamentation of birds, flowers, archaic designs, etc., has iridescent lustre. Height and diameter 14 x 8 inches. * PD eRe: 96 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 288 Ovorp VasE, with slender base spreading at bottom, celadon glaze with bold crackle beneath, and beneath which is two me- dallions of floral designs incised. Height 11 inches, diameter 3 inches. 289 LARGE VasE, fluted design, globular shaped body with bold flar- ing neck and base, the entire outer and inner surface covered with turquoise blue glaze, beneath which is a minute crackle. Height and diameter 10 x 84 inches. 290 COVERED JAR, imperial yellow glaze, showing iridescent effects, ornamentation of jar and cover carved in low relief, bands of diaper, vine, trellis and other designs, griffin heads for han- dles and leaf-shaped ornaments for feet. Height and diameter 11 x 8 inches, has carved stand. 291 JAR-SHAPED Vask, of ovoid form with wide mouth, glazed with a dark mottled red color, shading into sang dé beuf. Height 11 inches, diameter 7 inches. 292 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, globular body with tall, slender neck, outer surface covered with a souffle glaze of pinkish hue of light and dark shades, running down and leaving top of neck white. Height and diameter 114 x 64 inches, has carved stand. 293 PiLcGrRim Vass, flat, circular, bottle-shaped, with handles at neck, tea-color glaze of a dark green shade. Seal mark of the Keen- lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 10} x 8} inches, has carved stand. 294 Ovoip Jar, the outer and inner surface covered with a translu- cent celadon glaze, running around the neck of jar is a boldly modeled dragon in high relief. Height 83 inches, diameter 6 inches, has carved stand. 295 JAR-SHAPED VAsE, globular body, with low, wide mouth neck, around the body carved in relief are flowers and vines, and on neck, leaf designs running upwards, entire outer and inner surface covered with turquoise blue glaze of light and dark shades. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 9 x g inches. 296 VAsE, bamboo design, celadon glaze of light translucent texture. Height 94 inches. en et i a a ea = > Se eer Sy, et a tide ~~ ~ > shane ait a . = Breve me - OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. 97 298 299 300 301 302 393 304 Lot ag pet Ete te neat eae ones enna rsnss: BOTTLE-SHAPED VAsE, globular body with tall neck spreading at top, light texture, covered with turquoise blue glaze, showing very minute crackle beneath. Height and diameter 14 x 8 inches, has carved stand. TALL CyLINDRICAL Vase, Long-Yao specimen, covered with sang de beuf glaze of exceptional quality. Height and diam- eter 18 x 7 inches, has carved teak-wood stand and cover. Botte VASE, with slender neck, gray pearl glaze with streaks of lavender, running around the neck and body of vase is a finely modeled lizard or dragon in bold relief and glazed in rose color. Height and diameter 11 x 54 inches. From the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin from 1873 to 1885. Low Far ‘Borrie, semi-globular shape, with three incised medallions or crests, verdigris green glaze with cloudings and mottles of red. Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height and diameter 4 x 5 inches, has stand. OvoID-sHAPED VASE, covered with a deep sang de beuf glaze, neck of Oriental metal work in silver and gold. Height and diameter 9 x 44 inches, including carved stand. STRAIGHT CYLINDRICAL VASE, with slightly spreading neck and head of mythological beast in relief for handles, mustard yellow glaze with fine crackle, iridescent over-glaze. Height 8 inches, diameter 34 inches, has carved stand. LarcE BoTr1e Vase, globular body with long neck gracefully spreading at mouth, outer surface covered with mirror black glaze of great depth. Ring mark of Kang-he period, 1661- 1722. Height and diameter 18 x ro inches. From the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin from 1873 to 1885. BoTTLe Vass, similar shape as above, gray pearl glaze of very even quality. Height and diameter 15 x g inches. From the collection of Count Kleczkowski of France. SMALL VASE, ovoid shape with wide mouth, metallic or iron rust glaze. Height with stand 74 inches. 7] es? ee ed - 98 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 306 BoTTLE VASE, globular form with very tall slender neck, outer e surface covered with an olive green glaze of great iridescence. Height and diameter 12} x 5 inches. : 307 LARGE VASE, ovoid shape with low flaring neck, glazed with turquoise blue, relief and incised ornamentation of figures of fish, mouse, Seal of happiness, flying bats, etc., ribs running around vase in black, pierced band around neck. Height and diameter, including carved stand, 16 x 8 inches. From the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin from 1873 to 1885. 308 GOURD-SHAPED Vase, double lobe, imperial yellow glaze, with incised ornamentation of vine in green, and the gourds in white reserve. Height and diameter 9 x 4} inches, has fine carved stand. From the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin, 309 Ovorp BortLe Vase, with low neck, and ornaments in imitation of bronze for handles, celadon glaze with bold crackle beneath. Height and diameter, with stand, 9 x 4 inches. Front the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin. 310 JAR-SHAPED VASE, basket-work pattern, with designs of coins in relief, celadon glaze. Mark of the Kea-King period, 1796- 1821. Height and diameter 44 x 7 inches. 311 Larce BoTTLe VAsE, graceful ovoid shape, with tall slender neck, covered with turquoise blue glaze, archaic floral and other designs incised and carved in low relief. Rams’ heads for handles and raised ornaments as division lines dividing the ornamentation into four panels. Height 15 inches, diameter 104 inches, has carved stand. From the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin from 1873 to 1885. 312 Vase, globular shaped body, with tall cylindrical neck, imperial yellow glaze with incised ornamentation of plum tree in blos- som, in green and purple glaze, on reverse side bamboo branches in green. Height and diameter 124 x 8 inches. + ag aot owe ead SSeS aa se emeaO SHES: CABINET OBJECTS IN CHINESE PORCELAINS. 99 CABINET OBJECTS IN CHINESE PORCELAINS. 313 TEA Bowl, semi-egg-shell texture, outer surface covered with apple green glaze. Seal mark of Kea-King period, 1796-1821. 314 SMALL CoupE, round form, outer surface covered with sang de beuf glaze, has carved stand. 315 PerrumME Burner, globular shape on three slender feet, scroll handles, covered with a gray crackle glaze, has carved teak- wood stand and cover. Height of all, 54 inches. 316 Wine Cup, with fluted corners, outer surface of engraved white glaze, figure of Deity, storks, flowers, and deer painted in colors. Seal mark. 317 SMALL BoTTLE Vass, ovoid shape, with low neck, brown glaze, with metallic or iron rust effects. Height with stand, 54 inches. 318 Cup AND SaAucER, egg-shell texture, with pink, “rose-back” glaze, ornamentation of flowers and butterfly in natural color enamels on inner surface, 319 VASE, double diamond shape, one lozenge decorated with dragon, floral, and other designs in bleu de Nankin beneath glaze, the other with similar designs in coral red applied over glaze. Height 51 inches. 320 BoTtLe Vase, globular body with long neck, apple green glaze, with faint crackle beneath at neck. Height 5 inches. 321 Winer Cup, semi-egg-shell texture, white glaze with ornamenta- tion of crests in various colors of enamels applied over glaze. Seal mark of Taou-Kwang period, 1821-1851. 322 SNUFF BOTTLE, pure white texture, cylindrical shape, with low neck, decoration of five claw dragon and clouds, painted in coral red over glaze. Mark of Ching-Hwa period, 1465-1488. 323 BorrLe Vase, semi-ovoid body with tall slender neck, outer surface covered with coral red glaze. Height 5} inches, has carved stand. 324 Ovorp Botte, with low neck, outer surface covered with lav- ender color glaze. Height 5 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 325 VASE, of turquoise blue glaze, ovoid shape with flaring neck. Height and diameter 8 x 4 inches. 326 PERFUME BURNER, Chinese porcelain, globular shape, on three legs, lion heads with rings in relief for handles, imperial yellow glaze with incised ornamentation of dragons and clouds, in green. Height, including carved teak-wood stand and cover, 64 inches. 327 TEA Bow1, outer surface painted and enameled with deities, symbols, and inscriptions in various delicate colors. Mon- golian seal mark. 328 CoupE, globular shape with wide mouth, scroll, arabesque and floral designs in gold and colors, on sea-green glaze. Keen- lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter, including carved stand, 3} x 3 inches. 329 Botte Vase, flamée glaze in reds, brown, purple, etc. Height 4 inches, exclusive of stand. 330 Wine Cup, outer surface of red glaze, with enameled ornamen- tation of branches of hawthorn blossoms, in white and other colors. Seal mark of Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. 331 BorTLE Vase with cover, white glaze with basket design in green, and text panels in black. Height 3} inches. 332 Ovorp BortLe Vass, with slender neck, outer surface of mus- tard crackle glaze. Height and diameter 64 x 3} inches. 333 GLOBULAR Jar, with indented circle at top around neck, outer surface covered with gray pearl glaze. Mark of Kang-he pe- riod, 1661-1722. Height and diameter, including stand, 4x 4 inches. 334 SMALL Vase, hexagonal shape, after the design of a Chinese garden seat, turquoise glaze with incised'and relief ornamen- tation. Height 41 inches, has carved stand. 335 STRAIGHT Vasz, with slight spreading neck, outer surface cov- ered with rose souffle glaze. Height 54 inches, has carved stand. 336 GourD-sHAPED Vass, dark blue glaze with gourd vine, gourds and flying bats carved in relief and painted in coral red, green and other colors. Height and diameter 6 x 3 inches. ita ETE EES RE TOASTS SP ESRESes he ee ate ee me aaa = - es anneal ene nr ernie EE . . : oe a ae er en SERIES OF CHINESE PORCELAINS. IOI 337 SMALL Bow1, egg-shell texture, rose color, souffle glaze on outer surface, medallion of enameled fruit inside. ‘ Rose-back” specimen. 338 DiminutTive Vase, bottle shape, chrysanthemum flowers painted in blue beneath glaze. 339 WINE Cup, semi-egg-shell texture and pure white glaze. Mark of Taou-Kwang period, 1821-1851. 340 —— Another similar, same period. SERIES OF CHINESE PORCELAINS. “PEACH BLOW” OR “CRUSHED STRAWBERRY” COLOR. 341 VASE, of graceful ovoid shape with slender neck, slightly spread- ing at top, perfection in form, color and texture. Height, ex- clusive of carved stand, 8 inches, diameter 3 inches, Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. The above from the private collection of I Wang-ye, a Mandarin Prince, has a world-wide reputation as being the finest specimen of its class in existence. 342 VASE, same shape and size as above specimen, glaze running into a darker shade. Height 8 inches, diameter 3 inches. Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722, has carved stand. Companion to No. 341, and from the same private collection. 343 Rouce Box, with cover, round flat shape, mellow glaze and clear texture. Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722, has carved teak- wood stand. Similar Box, of same shape and size, equal quality of glaze and porcelain, slight difference in diffusion of color. Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722, has carved stand. 345 BorTLe Vase, semi-globular shape with three incised medal- lions or crests, light shade of color, with dark specks. Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height and diameter 34 x 5 inches, has carved stand. from the private collection of the Mandarin Prince, I Wang-ye. é = * eS —e i say pod AE ter mae it AS A OE REAR ESN SSS SHEAE TAOS? ~ es? ~ {SR RS rae a Oe NN oe ET EE TT TA ETERS ST af THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 346 Vase, ovoid shaped body, with tall slender neck, top of which is mounted in silver and gold of Oriental design and work- manship, relief corrugated design at base of vase. Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height 84 inches, diameter 34 inches, has carved teak-wood high stand. 347 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE, with tall slender neck, dark shade of glaze | covering the outer surface, dragon in green and in bold relief | runing around lower part of neck. Height and diameter $3 x 3 | inches. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. 348 Ovorp VAsE, with tall slender neck, flaring at top, corrugated or | chrysanthemum design at base of vase, glaze of crushed straw- ) berry color of the light and dark shade. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height and diameter 8} x 3} inches, has carved stand. 349 VASE, similar shape as above, but neck made of gold and silver of Oriental design and workmanship ; dragon in solid gold encircling neck, cloudings of greenish hue visible in glaze. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height 8 inches, diameter 34 inches. 350 SMALL Vase, of amphora shape, very even quality mellow glaze. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height, exclusive of stand, 6 inches, diameter 21 inches. From the private collection of the Mandarin Prince, I Wang-ye. OLD CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS. 381 SMALL VASE, with flaring base and neck, floral designs in In- dian red, white and black enamels on blue ground, gilt-bronze dragons for handles, and carved gilt bands. Keen-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Height 74 inches. 352 Fire Vase, OR INCENSE BURNER, on tripod, floral and crest de- signs in Indian red, yellow, brown, green and white enamels on turquoise blue ground. Ming period. Height and diameter 3 x 54 inches, has carved teak stand. nmin renee nner enna ecaeen” REY OLD CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS. 103 353 GOURD-SHAPED VasE, with handles shape of sceptre of longevity, floral designs in various old colors on blue ground, over which are distributed flakes of gold. Early Ming specimen. Height and diameter 11 x 8 inches. 354 Pair oF Vases, tall ovoid shape with spreading necks, designs of flowers and fruits in red, green, blue, yellow, white and other colors of enamel on light blue ground, gilt bands top and bottom, and running around neck. Keen-lung period. Height and diameter 15 x 74 inches. 2 pieces. 355 Fire Vase, quadrangular shape, on feet, symbolic and floral designs in bright enamels in light green panels, and on tur- quoise ground, gilt divisions and engraved band at top. Keen- lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 3} x 9 inches. 356 Parr Vases, bottle shape, with fine tall slender necks, chocolate enamel ground, with vine designs running upwards, in blue, green and white enamels. Engraved mark of Ching-Hwa period, 1465-1488. Height and diameter 14 x 8 inches. 2ipleces: 357 SMALL BEAKER, archaic and floral designs in Indian red, yellow, dark green and blue, on turquoise ground, gilt-bronze orna- ments on swelling centre. Ming period. Height and diam- eter 73 x 5 inches, has carved stand. 358 BoTTLe VASE, three gilt bronze lizards in bold relief running around body of vase, flower and vine designs in red, green, yellow and white enamels, on turquoise ground. Height and diameter 84 x 7 inches, has carved stand. 359 INCENSE BURNER, with gilt elephant-head feet and handles, gilt and incrusted enamel stand and open work, and incrusted en- amel cover. Mark of Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter, including stand, 14 x 74 inches. From the collection of Count Kleczhowski, of France. 360 Watt Vase, gourd design, turquoise blue enamel ground, with inscription in black, and flowers and symbols in red, green, yellow, white and dark blue. Height 9} inches. Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 361 Ovorp Vase, with tall, slender neck and spreading base, gilt handles at neck, floral designs in old colors on a turquoise blue ground. Ming period. Height and diameter 13 x 44 inches. - a a = ~ _ 2 ee ee Lagonda, eet eee ena ating ch SoS Ht OREO SPARE SOSL OS AERO EE AMEE BALES EAL REED ITE DLE IEE A ABEND ES, TO4 THE MORGAN COLLECTION, 362 INCENSE BurNER, gilt and incrusted enamel, globular shape, with three feet and scroll handles, open work and gilt cover. Height and diameter 10 x 104 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. From the collection of Count Klecshowski, of France. 363 SMALL Vass, ovoid form with low neck, three gilt rams’ heads in relief on neck, floral designs in various colors of en- amels on a base of very heavy gold bronze. Engraved mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 54x 4 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. from the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin from 1873 to 1885. 364 BEAKER VASE, with swelling centre and gilt bronze ornaments, archaic and floral designs in dark green, blue, black, yellow and red enamels on turquoise ground. Height and diameter 12x 7 inches, has carved teak stand. 365 BuppuIsTIc COMMUNION SERVICE, tall wine tankard, and a cup and saucer, stork, water scene, crest, vine and other designs in gray enamel, gilt ornaments. 366 Pair TALL CYLINDRICAL VASES, with low spreading necks, tur- quoise enamel ground with flowers, vases and other ornaments in various colors. Height and diameter 19x 8 inches. 2 pieces. 367 LarcE INCENSE BURNER OR SACRED VESSEL, globular shape, on three feet, with cover, gilt handles and ornaments in relief, light blue enamel ground with archaic and other designs in Indian red, dark blue, black and white enamels. Ming period. Height and diameter 12x 11 inches, including teak-wood stand. 3608 Very LARGE BEAKER VASE, with swelling body and bold flar- ing neck, groundwork of turquoise blue enamel, designs of five- claw dragons in red, yellow and white enamels. Height 30 inches, diameter 12 inches. Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 369 Pair MoprERN VAsEs, Japanese clotsonné enamel on copper, tall ovoid shape with spreading necks ; on body of vase, designs of storks, chrysanthemum flowers, grasses, etc., in various enamels on turquoise blue ground, black necks with crests, vines, flowers and birdsin bright colors. Height and diameter 18 x 8 inches. 2 pieces. ANTIQUE AND MODERN BRONZES. 105 ANTIQUE AND MODERN BRONZES. CHINESE AND JAPANESE SPECIMENS. 370 Vas, old Japanese, cylindrical shape on tripod, lizard handles, four figures of Deities in bold relief. Height and diameter 84x 34 inches. 371 STATUETTE, old Japanese bronze, figure of boy on conch shell. Height 94 inches. 372 Vase, old Chinese gold bronze, ovoid bottle shape with tall neck, dragon in bold relief encircling neck. Height and diameter 134 x 6 inches. 373 Tray, oblong shape, modern Japanese specimen, vepouss¢ and incised ornamentation of leaves, flowers and butterfly, 93 x 14 inches. 374 Jar, globular shape, with lacquered cover. Old Japanese speci- men by Gorosa, vepoussé and chiseled ornamentation, turtle of longevity, water, etc., brown patine. Height and diameter 54 X 7 inches. 375 JAR AND Cover, cylindrical shape, spreading at neck. Old Jap- anese specimen, two bands running around jar, on which are the Mikado’s private crest and imperial seal, dark brown padine. Height and diameter 8 x 74 inches. 376 FLowerR Vase, globular shape, with spreading base and wide mouth, modern Japanese specimen, inlaid and ornamented in relief with gold, silver, and other metals, bold design of pine tree, aquatic bird, etc. Bronze shows interesting effect of mix- ture of lacquer with the molten metal. Height and diameter II X 12 inches. 377 JAR AND CovER, Japanese specimen, repoussé and incised de- signs of dragon, crests and archaic patterns, light brown pazzne. Height and diameter 6 x 7 inches. 378 TALL CyLiInDRICAL VASE, modern Japanese silver bronze, relief and inlaid ornamentation in gold, silver, Gorosa bronze, and enamel, in one upright panel figure of Japanese philosopher, frog dancing, etc., on reverse side aquatic birds, grasses, etc., bands of archaic designs, flowers and arabesques. Height and diameter 17 x 10 inches. | i; \ 106 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 379 BEAKER-SHAPED VAsE, modern Japanese specimen of Gorosa bronze with avanturine patine, around body of vase is bold open- work design of dragon and clouds in Shakudo. Vase orna- mented in relief with gold, silver, Shibu-ichi and Shakudo, de- signs of birds, turtles, symbols of longevity, flowers, etc. Height and diameter 224 x 10 inches, including stand, which is wrought of same material as vase. 380 PAIR VERY LARGE Vases, modern Japanese bronze, tall ovoid shape with spreading neck and bases, ornamentation of chrysan- themum and other flowers in bold relief, in gold, silver, and other metals and lacquer, Damascened designs in gold on bands running around body of vases. Height and diameter 36 xX 16 inches. 2 pieces. These vases were designed by the late Christian Herter, Esq., of Her- ter Brothers, and made in Tokio under the personals upervision of the late K. Yaye of Japan, the highest artistic skill being engaged in their production, which occupied four years. 381 Parr PepEsTALs, for above vases, carved rosewood with octagon shaped tops, which are inlaid with panels of metal work of Japanese designs. Height and diameter 42 x 15 inches. 2 pieces. Designed and made to order by Messrs. Herter Brothers. Panels of metal work by Messrs. Tiffany & Co. SPECIMENS OF JADE, AGATE, CRYSTAL, ETC. 382 Cup AND Cover, mottled white jade, with emerald green spots. Height and diameter 34 x 44 inches. 383 SMALL VaAsE OR ORNAMENT, agate of clouded white color, carved design of fungus and persimmon fruit ; has stand. 384 ORNAMENT, in white jade stone. Two mandarin ducks, eating lotus flowers; has carved stand. 3 x 3 inches. 385 SMALL CoupE, of agate, globular shape, fluted design. 2 x 2} inches. 386 Cup, of smoky brown rock crystal, two birds and branch of blossoms carved in relief. 2x 3 inches. Has carved teak- wood stand. From the collection of Count Kleczhowshi, France. o JADE, AGATE, CRYSTAL, ETC. 107 389 ooo 397 399 400 401 Snurr Botte, of smoky brown agate, flat shape. | 2 x 2 inches. Has stand. From the collection of Count Klecskowski, France. VERY SMALL ORNAMENT, in jade, frog in /eé-¢sowe?' on lotus leaf. Cup, with two handles, in white jade, outer and inner surface carved in low relief with floral designs, thin texture. Height and diameter 2 x 4 inches, has carved teak stand. SMALL Vase, of carnelian, carved bamboo design, with relief ornamentation of flowers and bamboo leaves. Height 2} inches, has stand. Box AND Cover, round, flat shape, dark green jade, with light and darker veins. 14 x 2} inches, has carved stand. Bowt, of gray jade, design of lotus leaf, with turtle in bold re- lief inside. 24 x 7 inches. ORNAMENT, in agate, pomegranate fruit. 2x t4 inches, has carved stand. Cup, of lapis-lazuli, heavy texture. 2 x 2} inches. ORNAMENT, or ancestral tablet, of milky-white jade, specimen of intricate carving, suspended in teak-wood frame. Cup, of red and white agate, designs of fungus carved in bold relief. 4 x 2 inches, has carved stand of teak wood. Saucer, of highly-polished agate. Diameter 43 inches. Kr-ten, carved in gray white jade. 3.x 3 inches, has carved teak stand. SMaLL ORNAMENT, of white and pink carnelian, fungus design, with peach fruit carved in relief, with stand. ORNAMENT, fish carved in red and white carnelian. 4X2 inches. Bow. anp Cover, on stand, all of milky-white jade stone. Bowl of carved fluted design, stand of leaf design, elaborately carved. Height and diameter of all, 6} x 43 inches. From the collection of Count Klecekowski, France. + ago ot Kocete nna Se aoe SERRRE SUSE EROe ane ‘ sn + veowcsepersined sitiitie a ———s eee i OT OTN SD STH ESSELTE ce ee Ene ern ah ene res ED . 108, THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 402 Cup, of agate, shape of Chinese peach, stem forming handle, milky-white and amber color. 2x 44 inches, has carved teak stand with plush mat. : 403 VASE, of white and red carnelian, fungus design, with fruit and other ornamentation cut in relief. 4 inches high, has carved teak-wood stand. 404 SMALL VASE, or ornamental piece, carved in red Oriental amber, of dark tone, design of flower and fruit, carved ivory and teak-wood stand. if \] From the collection of Count Klecshowski, France. 405 SMALL ORNAMENTAL Piecg, in gray-white jade. Vase with cover, stork and pine tree in relief. 44x 3 inches, with stand. 406 TaBLet, of agate, gray pearl and lavender color. 4 x 5 inches. 407 FLoweER Vast, of greenish-white jade, lotus leaf design, with bud and stem in relief. 6 x 5 inches, has carved teak stand. 408 Cup aNnD Saucer, of Oriental gold agate, delicate texture, highly polished. From the collection of Count Kleczkowski, France. 409 FRAGMENT OF JADE STONE, specimen known as Fei-tsouci or jewel green jade, has carved teak-wood stand. fivom the collection of Count Kleczkowshi, France. 410 ORNAMENTAL PIECE, specimen of lapis-lazuli, carved in strong relief, and showing various metallic veins, 43 X 3% inches, has carved teak stand. 411 VASE, of milky-white jade, flat beaker shape, archaic and other designs carved in low relief. Height and diameter 43 X 4h inches, has stand. 412 SACRIFICIAL VESSEL, of carved rhinoceros horn, square spread- ing cup-shape, on four feet, lizards in relief for handles, 3h x 54 inches. 413 COVERED Vass, of white jade, square shape, with round corners, dragon head and ring handles, dragon and dragon crests in relief on cover. 44x 4 inches, exclusive of teak stand. 414 ORNAMENTAL Pisce, in crystal, frog on green jade leaf. ol ag pet ews met Seago ee eens esHss: JADE, AGATE, CRYSTAL, ETC. 109 415 Box anpD Cover, of light green jade, circular shape, ornamenta- tion of incised and pierced designs, inside of box spray of . flowers carved in high relief. Height and diameter 2x 4 inches, has carved teak-wood and plush stand. From the collection of Count Kleczkowski, France. 416 TABLET, of serpentine or dark green jade, both sides carved in bold relief with mountain scenery, figures, rocks, water, etc., a scene from Chinese mythology. 6x 8 inches, has carved teak-wood mounting and stand. From the collection of Count Kleczkowski, France. 417 SHRINE GARNITURE, of carved Pekin or cinnabar lacquer, com- ptisés incense burner, perfume box on stand, and two vases, all on oblong pedestal of carved Pekin lacquer. 418 CHINESE SACRIFICIAL VESSEL OR VASE, rhinoceros horn, elabo- rately carved, boating scene, foliage, cloud effects, etc., in bold relief. Height 5 inches, exclusive of carved teak-wood stand. 419 VASE, of white jade stone, carved in relief with floral and vine designs, and inlaid with jewels, silver and gilt mountings, ornamented with cloisonné enamel, engraved and pierced work. Height and diameter 10 x 34 inches. ese Ie ca ee gk a Be NR RE I ete pn en SPE A rn PIRES EE RTP PLE RM TEEPS SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH og, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. OED CHINESE. PORCEVAINS. DECORATED IN COLORS, 420 JAR-SHAPED VAsE, painted with Moorish designs in Indian red, slight borders of pale green, chrysanthemum crest, arabesque and other designs in white reserve. Height and diameter 7 x 4% inches. 421 WALL Vass, gourd design, coral red glaze, with enameled orna- mentation of fruits, flowers, and insects, in natural colors. Height 74 inches. 422 VASE, flat beaker shape, figures of mandarin lady and child, landscape and mountain scenery, etc., painted in medallions in various colors, light green glaze surrounding, on rough sur- face, scroll handles. Seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1736- 1795. Height and diameter 8 x 4 inches. 423 PLaTeE, deep form, inner surface covered with yellow glaze, and ornamentation of flying birds, and plum trees in blossom, enameled floral designs on outer surface. Mark of Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Diameter 9 inches. 424 SMALL VasE, ovoid shape, with slightly flaring neck, engraved white glaze with ornamentation of sprays of flowers, seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 84 x 3 inches, has carved stand. 425 Botte Vass, low, flat form, with tall slender neck, white glaze with quail painted in coral red, and bamboo trees and rock in blue enamel over the glaze. Height and diameter g x 4 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. r a a = inst = Simin etaicliminnimearicaiantaae, Fo ne is AS HG on 48 SEARS SME Se sa e = Pre Des ae: OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. HEM 426 PIH-TING, hexagonal shape, light green glaze, with symbols, in- scriptions, and flowers, in bright enamels and gold, gold seal mark of Kea-King period, 1796-1821. Height 5 inches. 427 LARGE BEAKER, mottled red ground, over which is painted blossoms and butterflies in black, green, red, and other colors. Height and diameter 15 x 8 inches. 428 VAsE, pilgrim bottle shape, with scroll handles at neck, orna- mentation of flowers and vines in blue beneath glaze, and coral red, yellow, green, and pink applied over glaze. Seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1735-1796. Height 7 inches. 429 PLATE, semi-egg-shell texture, in medallions on inner surface are sprays of flowers and butterflies, painted in blue beneath glaze, and various colors of enamels over glaze, similar orna- mentation on outer surface, the blue and copper red being be- neath the glaze. Mark of the Yung-Ching period, 1723-1736. Diameter 8 inches. 430 WALL VAsE, gourd shape, with double lobe, between which is the representation of a ribbon as though tied around vase and forming handles, engraved sea-green glaze, with clouds in various enamels, 7 flying bats in coral red, and inscription in gold. Gold seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height 74 inches, diameter 54 inches. 431 VASE, semi-egg-shell texture, ovoid shape, spreading at neck and base, painting of floral and vine designs in blue beneath glaze, groundwork of yellow enamel, which leaves the orna- mentation in reserve. Height and diameter 10 x 5 inches. 432 BotTLe Vase, ovoid shape, with low neck, covered with deep rose-color glaze, over which is an enameled ornamentation of vine and fruit in purple and two shades of green. Height and diameter 9 x 5 inches. 433 JAR, semi-egg-shell texture, ovoid shape, with wide mouth, vine, flowers, and birds painted in luminous greens and other colors. Mark of Yung-ching period, 1723-1736. Height and diam- eter 5 x 4 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. es? ieee. 9 ARR RT Nr eR A nN te aN NE TE SEE SOT RO AR Re RS TN a TA FERRET THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 434 TEA-CANISTER, straight flat shape, with small neck, side panels ornamented with peonies, magnolias, blossoms, etc., in pink, | white, coral red, and other colors, edges decorated in imitation | cloisonné enamel to match lid, which is of that workmanship on bronze. Signed with seals and Chinese characters. 6 x 7 inches, exclusive of carved stand. 435 BotTLe Vass, globular body, with tall slender neck, outer sur- face covered with coral red glaze, over which is an ornamenta- tion of floral and vine designs in bright enamels. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 12 x 7 inches. 436 Larce Vase, ovoid shaped body with flaring neck, decorated with figure of priest, mandarin and children, pine tree, etc., painted in bright greens, red and other colors, all applied over glaze. Height and diameter 153 x 8 inches, has carved stand. 437 Vase, globular body with slender neck spreading at top, decora- tion in coral red, of five-claw dragon, phoenix, sprigs of flowers and fruit, gilt band top and bottom. Seal mark of Taou- Kwang period, 1821-1851. Height 11} inches, diameter 6 inches, has carved stand. 438 BoTtLe Vase, canteen shape, yellow iridescent glaze with paint- ing of a flowering plant in blue beneath glaze and in reserve. 7 x 6 inches, exclusive of carved teak-wood stand. 439 CYLINDRICAL VASE, hexagonal shape, with horizontal incised division lines, scolloped neck, light yellow glaze, on which is painted lotus plants in bloom, plum tree in blossom, chrysan- themum flowers, birds, etc., in low tones of violet, greens, black, etc. Height 1o inches, diameter 4 inches, has carved stand. © 440 TALL CYLINDRICAL VasE, covered with a pale blue glaze, with cloud effects in a darker shade, ornamentation of sprigs of flowers and blossoms in bright enamels. Seal mark of Keen- lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diameter 154 x 7 inches. OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. 113 441 BoTTLE Vass, low circular body with tall slender neck, around the body are four medallions in which are painted landscape views, ornaments and symbols, on neck and between medallions are arabesque and diaper designs in green, red and violet enamels, on the neck and at the base of same are 7 seal marks in violet and red, beneath body of vase on speckled green glaze are detached flowers in bright colors. Height 13 inches, diameter 3 inches. 442 BEAKER, with bell shaped base and swelling center, profuse dec- oration of chrysanthemum flowers and vine designs in blue beneath glaze and green, red and yellow applied over glaze, bands and border of archaic and other designs in various colors and gold. Height and diameter, 14 x 7 inches. 443 VASE, ovoid shape with slender neck, light yellow glaze with iridescent effects, four-claw dragon, the precious pearl and clouds painted in blue beneath glaze and in reserve, green handles, engraved silver cap to neck. Mark of Kea-tsing Period. 1522-1567. Height and diameter 103 x 4} inches. 444 COVERED Vase, globular shape with cylindrical support and spreading base, outer and inner surface covered with imperial yellow glaze, decorated with ten five-claw dragons, precious pearls, clouds, etc., in bright enamels, coral or mandarin but- ton surmounting cover. Height and diameter 11 x 6 inches, has carved stand of teak-wood. 445 Pitcrim BoTTLe Vass, sea-green glaze, with bold five-claw dragon in copper red on each face, clouds and water in blue beneath glaze, handles at neck. Seal mark of Keen-lung period. Height 12 inches, diameter ro inches. 446 JAR-SHAPED VasE, decorated with colors of famille Verte, Chinese garden scene, female figures, pine tree, etc. Height and diam- ete%,II x 7 inches. 447 CYLINDRICAL VASE, with feet and pierced body of globular shape, clouded celadon glaze with decorations of archaic and floral designs in blue and gold, handles at neck. Height and diameter 13 x 6 inches. 8 Lt new a ant Ae a SERENE MOET HERR IEOES wesw romana saa iece a ae Ge 114 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 448 Vase, of irregular shape, four panels decorated with landscape views, river scenery, etc., in colors, four with text, balance of outer surface and that of the inner, covered witha glaze in imitation of agate. Gold seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1736- 1795. Height and diameter including carved stand, 8 x 74 inches. 449 LARGE Pate, bold decoration of lotus plant and flowers and flying birds in bright green, red, yellow and violet. Mark of the “Swastika” Cross of Buddha. Diameter 13 inches. 450 CYLINDRICAL Vass, tall shape with flattened sides, on each of which are Chinese landscape and mountain scenery, figures, mythological subjects, etc., painted in various colors of enamel, balance of vase covered with a dark blue glaze and ornamented with floral and vine designs in gold applied over glaze, gilt scroll handles at neck. Seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1736- 1795. Height and diameter 18 x 8 inches. 451 Borrre Vast, ovoid shaped body with tall slender neck slightly spreading, vase decorated with boldly drawn five-claw dragon and sacred pearl in light green, blue, and coral red, bands of archaic and other designs in green, blue and red enamels. Mark of the Ching-hwa period, 1465-1488. Height and diam- eter 154 x 8 inches, has carved stand. 652 VASE, ovoid shape with spreading neck and wide mouth, semi- egg-shell texture, on body painted in bright enamels are peony, chrysanthemum and other flowers, trees in blossoms and rocks, neck and base glazed with imperial yellow and ornamented with flowers, fruits, vines and symbols in brilliant enamels, in- scriptions in gold. Seal mark of the Kea-king period, 1796— 1821. Height and diameter 12 x 74 inches. 453 GourD VaAsz, with two lobes, the upper one with tapering neck, covered with sea-green glaze and ornamented with floral de- signs, inscriptions, etc., in red, yellow, dark blue, white, pink and other enamels and gold. Height and diameter 12 x 7 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. from the collection of Count Kleczkowski, France. OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS. II5 454 JAR AND Cover, ovoid shape, glazed with deep rose-color, and ornamented with flowers, trees in blossom, butterflies, birds, symbols, and other designs in various colors of enamel applied in low relief over the glaze. Height and diameter 16 x 9 inches. 455 —— Another, similar. 456 —— Another, same. 457 Pair Breakers, glazed and decorated to match above jars. Height and diameter 14 x 7} inches. The above five pieces from a Garniture. 458 CYLINDRICAL VASE, with low, spreading neck, body decorated with minature painting of landscape, water view and mountain scenery, boating parties in boats of dragon design, mandarins and children on balcony viewing same, etc., a festive or cere- monial subject, neck and base of yellow-green ground, with floral and vine designs in yarious colors. Seal mark of the Kea-King period, 1796-1821. Height and diameter 11 x 6 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. 459 LARGE GOURD SHAPED VASE, double lobe, on which are painted in bright colors processions of Chinese childrea carrying ban- ners and symbols and playing musical instruments ; trees in blossom, garden scenes, rocks, etc. Seal mark. Height 22 inches, diameter 12 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. 460 Mancuou Vass, ovoid shape with graceful neck, gold ground with decorations of melon vine bearing the fruit, flowers, blossoms, and butterflies, all painted in enamels of the natural colors and applied over glaze, bands at neck and base of Grecian design in light and dark blue enamel. Mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height 16 inches, diameter 8 inches, has carved stand. From the collection of I Wang-ye, a Mandarin Prince. 461 LARGE BEAKER, painting of Chinese interior and garden scenes, mandarin ladies, children playing, pine and willow trees, etc., in colors of famille verte. Ring mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height and diameter 29 x 12 inches. Let ag ped tee ned Se Oe ee RRS SUsS eR SHEEN . a poor ssn? ee snipe ——— es? ERE NEE AE RT RA I RN EET NT OTN PEP STALE TERRSeSe <>, Se ‘ int is : 116 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. | and vine designs, carved in relief and painted with blue and copper red beneath glaze. Height and diameter m14 x 64 inches, has stand. 403 Larce Borris Vass, with tube handles at neck, profuse orna- mentation of lotus plants and flowers in light blue, green, red, | and pink, the blue being beneath glaze. Seal mark of the ! I | | ] 462 VASE, ovoid shape with bulb neck, celadon ground with floral Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height 214, diameter 15 inches. 464 Larce Braker, known as “Black Hawthorn,” jet black glaze with ornamentation of magnolia tree in bloom, peonies, chrysanthemum flowers, young bamboo, birds, rocks, etc., all i | painted in bright colors and left in reserve by the black glaze. H Mark of the Ching-hwa period, 1465-1488. Height and diam- 1 | ter 27 x 12 inches, has carved stand. Livom the Bing collection, Paris. Another “Black Hawthorn” Beaker, larger than the above, similar glaze but different decoration, hawthorn blos- | soms, birds, rocks and grasses, painted in white, yellow, purple, | and opaque green, Mark of the Ching-hwa period, 1465-1488. Height and diameter 30 x rz inches. | | 465 i | Lirom the collection of Count de Semalle, member of the French Lega- tion at Pekin, 1873-1885. | 466 LaRGE Ovorp SHAPED Vass, glazed and ornamented in imitation A | of bronze, archaic and Grecian designs carved and incised, ; | and decorated with gold, carved head and ring handles. Gold seal mark. Height and diameter 20 x 15 inches, has carved teak--wood stand. 467 Mancuou Garben Sgat, barrel shape with pierced medallions | and raised ornaments, decoration of flowering plants, bird, | rocks, etc., painted in natural colors over glaze. Height and diameter 19 x 16 inches. 468 LarcE Bottie Vass, globular body with tall slender neck, spreading at top, body of vase decorated with landscape and mountain scenery, groups of priests and mandarins, boating scene, etc., in various colors, neck and base of engraved rose- color glaze with floral designs, symbols, etc., in bright enamels, | H Height and diameter 26 x 16 inches. COLLECTION OF BOWLS. 17; 469 LARGE VASE, ovoid shape body with tall spreading neck, in two white ground panels are painted groups of priests, mandarins and children, pine tree and other foliage, etc., scenes from Chi- nese history and mythology, ground of vase of deep rose-color glaze, incised and ornamented with flowers and vines in natural colors, Grecian and archaic designs at base and top of neck. Seal mark of Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and diam- eter 27 x 16 inches. 470 VERY LARGE VASE, cylindrical shape body, with tall gracefully spreading neck and spreading base, around body of vase are twelve vertical panels glazed in white, green, pink, yellow, and other colors, and decorated with flowers, landscape scenes, emblems, ornaments, etc., in various colors, spaces between panels of dark blue with ornaments in gold applied over the glaze, running around neck and base are bands of rose, sea- green, chocolate, celadon and other colors, with decoration of flowers in blue beneath glaze and different enamels applied over the glaze, raised ornaments and crests and scroll handles. This Vase, an important specimen of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795, illustrates the various styles of ornamentation pe- culiar to the period it represents. Height, including deco- rated porcelain stand, 38 inches, diameter 20 inches, has an ad- ditional stand of plush. COLEECTION OR “BOWES: 471 TEA BowL AnD Cover, Chinese porcelain, engraved pink glaze outside with enameled ornamentation of floral designs, inner surface covered with robin-egg blue glaze. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 472 Rice Bowt, Chinese porcelain, outer surface covered with dark blue mottled glaze, two four-claw dragons in yellow, red and green enamels, sacred pearls and flames in red and in reserve. Mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 473 TEA Bow. Anp Cover, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, in eight round medallions on bowl and cover are painted in various colors, Mandarin figure, boating scenes, etc., intervening space covered with imperial yellow glaze and ornamented with fruit, vines, and symbols. Mark of the Kea-King period, 1796-1821. Lo ne net etme net a ea nae enema renEseROreuS : swear rome i AON SCRE SR secs Hemel tmeann nan ae REEF EN, 5 “ 4 , es? ng es 5 ES AR RR NS A a A RETESET Tate PESESSes tS THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 474 TEA BowL, CovER AND SAUCER, Japanese porcelain, egg-shell texture, outer surface decorated with landscape, river view, flowers, etc., in dark blue enamel. 475 Ric—E Bowu, Chinese porcelain’ semi-egg-shell texture, outer surface covered with coral red glaze and decorated with 30 butterflies, painted in various colors, applied over glaze. Mark of Kea-King period, 1796-1821, has teak-wood high stand. 476 Larcr Bowt, with scalloped edge, Chinese porcelain, outer surface decorated with floral designs, vines and symbolical designs in bright colors on white ground. Mark of the Kea- King period, 1796-1821. 477 TEA Bowt AND Cover, Chinese egg-shell porcelain, outer sur- face of bowl and cover decorated with four five-claw dragons and sacred pearls, in coral red and Nankin blue, the latter color being beneath glaze, inside of cover and bowl, in medallion a five-claw dragon in coral red. Mark of Yung-Ching period, 1723-1736. 478 Rick Bowt, Chinese porcelain, decorated inside with floral designs in blue beneath glaze, on outer surface four white ground medallions with delicately painted flowers, intervening space of lavender glaze, ornamented with floral and vine de- signs in various colors. Seal mark of the Kea-King period, 1796-1821. 479 BowL AND Cover, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, outer surface of bowl and cover etched and painted in India ink, red and gold, figures, mythological beasts, etc. Seal mark of the Taou-Kwang period, 1821-1851. 480 Bowt, Chinese porcelain, egg-shell texture, inner surface deco- rated with phoenix and floral crests in bright enamels. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 481 TEA Bow AnD Cover, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell text- ure, outer surface of bowl and cover decorated with branches of flowers and blossoms, painted in red, greens, and other color, on white ground. Mark of the Kea-King period, 1796— 182i. 482 LARGE Bow1, hexagonal shape, with incised horizontal divisions, inner and outer surface decorated with Chinese peach, and flying bats, in violet color. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795, has carved teak-wood tall stand. CABINET OBJECTS. 119 483 LARGE BowL AnD Cover, with gilt edges, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, outer surface of bowl and cover of celadon glaze, over ‘which is a vine design and blossoms painted in greens, red and gold. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. CABINET OBJECTS IN CHINESE PORCELAINS, GLAZES, EGG-SHELL, ETC. 484 SMALL VASE, Chinese porcelain, coral red glaze, has stand. 485 SMALL CoupE, globular shape, Chinese egg-shell porcelain, deco- rated with two five-claw dragons, water and clouds in coral red on white ground. 486 SAUCER, Chinese porcelain, imperial yellow glaze with incised ornamentation on front surface, five-claw dragons, clouds, etc. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. 487 WinE Cup, Chinese semi-egg-shell porcelain, outer surface of engraved rose-color glaze with enameled ornamentation of flowers and vines, inner surface of light green glaze. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. 488 SMALL VAsE, or snuff bottle, ovoid shape with low neck, Chinese porcelain, mirror black glaze. 489 Another, bottle shape with tall slender neck, rose souffle glaze. 490 Another, same shape as above, but smaller, turquoise blue glaze with minute crackle. 491 PeNcIL Vase, beaker shape, Chinese porcelain, outer surface of light green glaze, over which is an ornamentation of haw- thorn blossoms and leaf designs in various enamels and gold, inner surface of yellow green enamel with lemon-peel surface. Height 34 inches, has carved stand. 492 GLOBULAR Jar, Chinese porcelain, outer surface covered with lavender glaze with crackle beneath, inside of white glaze and brown crackle beneath. Height and diameter 4 x 34 inches, has carved stand. 1 ag pot Hidatsa ad Ene a aE ERO ESHES ROE “2 . - : a poets ae Zain a a HEE tre ne a eesti: ee * 120 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 493 BoTTLe Vass, ovoid shape with slender neck, Chinese porcelain, yellow glaze, with four-claw dragon, dark green, red and blue, clouds in bright enamels. Height 8 inches. 494 PERFUME BuRNER, Chinese porcelain, globular shape on three feet, and with handles, turquoise blue glaze with incised dragons and clouds beneath. Height and diameter 4 x 44 inches. 495 JAR SHAPED VAskE, Chinese porcelain, outer surface covered with iridescent yellow green glaze, bold crackle beneath and ex- tending through the porcelain. Height 44 inches, diameter 3 inches. 496 WINE Cup, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, pure white glaze, on outer surface in colored enamels mandarin lady, and sprig of blossoms. Seal mark of the Yung-ching period, 1723-17306. 497 GouRD Vass, Chinese porcelain, double lobe shape, outer sur- face covered with coral red glaze. Height and diameter 54 x 4 inches. 498 SMALL BoTTLE Vase, globular body with slender neck, Chinese porcelain, camellia green glaze, with minute crackle beneath. Height 44 inches, has carved stand. 499 BEAKER VAsE, low form, Chinese porcelain of light texture, outer surface of yellow glaze, with incised ornamentation of five- claw dragons, clouds, etc., beneath. Height and diameter 34 x 34 inches, 500 SMALL VASE, or snuff bottle, cylindrical shape, with low neck, Chinese porcelain of soft paste and crackled, surface covered with a light pink glaze, over which are plum tree in blossom, numerous birds and flowers, painted in various colors, has carved stand. 501 VASE, jar shape, with head and ring ornaments in relief for handles, Chinese porcelain, outer and inner surface covered with dark lavender color glaze, beneath which is a bold crackle. Height and diameter 54 x 44 inches. 502 Bort Le Vase, ovoid body with slender neck spreading at top, Chinese porcelain, mustard yellow crackle glaze, with irides- cent lustre. Height and diameter 54 x 3 inches, _ ee At ANT EE ARE TO PED STAR EEE wecest a fare ie en A A I A CC AOL OCLC AL A OE ian ie CABINET OBJECTS. 12] 504 59% 506 5°7 508 Joe: 510 512 + ag pod Ai mtd men ent Se aR Oe ae RRR TSHSSSROESHERES : a - sar sme. = Sew Spams sg eon ease EME OE SPRINKLER, Chinese porcelain, globular body with tapering neck, outer surface covered with lavender color glaze, Mark of Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Height 7? inches, has carved stand. VasE, ovoid shape, with low spreading neck, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, outer surface covered with brown me- tallic glaze and ornamented with flowers, magnolia tree in bloom, etc., in various enamels, applied over glaze. Height and diameter 73 x 34 inches, has carved stand. PERFUME JAR AND Cover, Chinese porcelain, decorated with flowers, vines and arabesques in red, blue, green, and other colors, the red and blue being beneath glaze. Height and diameter, exclusive of carved stand, 25 x 3 inches. BoTTLe VASE, ovoid body with slender neck, Chinese porcelain, decorated beneath glaze with four-claw dragon and symboli- cal designs in Nankin blue and brown. Mark of the Ching- hwa period, 1465-1488. Height and diameter 8 x 85 inches. PENCIL Vase, cylindrical shape, Chinese porcelain, decorated with garden and interior scenes, Mandarin figures, foliage, etc., in various colors. Height and diameter 43 x 33 inches. SMALL Coup, globular shape, Chinese porcelain, soft paste and egg-shell texture, decoration of peach tree bearing fruit in green, red and bronze enamels, has carved stand. Bow. AnD Cover, of Chinese vermilion lacquer, fluted design, in representation of chrysanthemum flower, black medallions inside with engraved text. Gold seal mark of the Keen- lung period, 1736-1795. Bow. AnD Cover, of Chinese porcelain, same size and form as the above, and glazed in imitation of same. Gold seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Parr Wine Cups, Pekin enamel on copper, outer surface of lapis blue enamel with painting of hawthorn blossoms and bamboo branches in red, green, yellow, and white, inner sur- face of robin’s-egg blue enamel. 2 pieces. Botte Vase, Chinese porcelain, ovoid shape with slender spreading neck, heavy texture, brown metallic glaze. Height and diameter, 72 x 3 inches. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 513 SMALL Bow1, Chinese porcelain, inner and outer surface covered with clatr de lune glaze with crackle beneath, has carved stand. | from the collection of Comte de Semalle, member of the French Lega- | tion at Pekin, 1873-1885. 514 VasE, Chinese porcelain, shape and design of chrysanthemum i | flower, stem and birds forming feet, /lamdé, celadon and brown : glaze. Height and diameter 3 x 5 inches, has carved stand. ! | 515 CYLINDRICAL VASE, with spreading base, Chinese stoneware, brown metallic glaze of great iridescence. Height 6% inches. 516 GourD SHapep Vase, Chinese porcelain, turquoise and violet glaze. Height and diameter 8 x 34 inches. 517 Ovorp Jar, Chinese porcelain, with pierced designs of flowers and vines filled in with the glaze, white semi-egg-shell text- ure. Height and diameter 64 x 6 inches, has carved teak- wood stand and cover. | 518 SMALL Beaker, with swelling center, Chinese porcelain, heavy texture, outer surface covered with sang de beuf glaze, neck mounted in Oriental silver work. Height and diameter, } exclusive of carved wood stand, 64 x 3 inches. | 519 CYLINDRICAL Teapot, Chinese ivory white porcelain, two | lizards in relief forming spout and handle. Height and | diameter 64 x 6 inches. iI I 520 GourD VasE, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, imperial yellow glaze with flying bats in coral red, and vine and floral } designs in bright colors, gilt bands running around neck. Seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736-1795. Height and | diameter 74 x 44 inches. } from the collection of Comte de Senalle, member of the French Legation at Pekin, 1873-1885. i i 521 VASE, ovoid bottle shape with 9 necks, Chinese pottery, clair de lune glaze. Height and diameter 54 x 4 inches, has carved stand. From the same collection as above. 522 Bowl on Stanp, Chinese porcelain, egg-shell texture, outer | surface of rose souffle glaze, “ Rose-back.” Mark of the Taou- Hl Kwang period, 1821-1851. Height and diameter 34 X 4 inches. i from the collection of I Wang-ye, a Mandarin Prince. i Fasano enn ere nn RS SS RR RR ee PRE «7 CABINET OBJECTS. 123 523 Vase, amphora shape, Chinese porcelain, peach glaze with a ver- digris green running over same, producing what is called “ Frog-skin ” effect. Mark of the Kang-he period, 1661-1722. Has gilt mounting at neck. Height 62 inches, diameter 23 inches, has carved stand. From the same collectiz2 as above. 524 BorrLe Vase, Chinese porcelain, semi-egg-shell texture, pure white glaze, entire outer surface covered with carved designs of basket work, leaf patterns running up neck, and band of Grecian design. Height and diameter 84x 5 inches, has carved teak stand. i 525 AMPHORA SHAPED VASE, Chinese porcelain, outer surface covered with glaze of the color of “ Ashes of Roses.” Height and diameter, exclusive of delicately made stand, 63 x 2 inches. From the collection of I Wang-ye, a Mandzrin Prince. 526 Pair VASES, cylindrical shape with low necks, Chinese porcelain, mottled turquoise glaze with decoration of mountain scenery, Chinese figures, etc., painted in black, mounted in gilt bronze. By Houdabine of Paris. Height and diameter 123 x 44 inches, 2 pieces. From the collection of Count Klecskowski of France. 527 CYLINDRICAL VASE, Chinese pottery, gray crackle glaze with splashes of metallic brown and green. Height and diameter 9 x 4 inches. ' 528 Ovorp VAsE, with flat sides and low neck, Chinese porcelain, tur- quoise blue glaze, with ornamentation of symbols, clouds and other designs carved in low relief and gilt lizard handles at neck. Engraved seal mark of the Keen-lung period, 1736- 179s. Height and diameter 94 x 54 inches, has carved stand. 529 Ovorp Vase, Chinese porcelain, egg-shell texture, rose pink souffle glaze of the “ Rose-back” family. Height and diameter 8 x 34 inches, which has carved stand. From the collection of Prince I Wang-ye, a Mandarin Prince. 530 VASE, ovoid shape with spreading neck, Chinese porcelain, outer and inner surface covered with brown metallic glaze, bold crackle beneath. Height and diameter, including carved ivory stand, 94 x 4% inches. From the collection of Count Klecekowski of France. 1 ag ped eae net Seem ae EMRE TSS eROESHER seiaies vowiesersined ie ipaiscdostetietenses 124 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 531 Parr Mancuou Vasss, bottle shape, Chinese porcelain, semi- egg-shell texture, perfection of decoration, magnolia tree in blossom, peonies and other flowers, rich plumaged birds, etc., painted in natural colors, inscription and seals in black and red. Height and diameter 84 x 44 inches, have carved teak-wood stands of lotus design. 2 pieces. Lrom the collection of Count Kleczkowshi of France. 532 Parr Manparin Lanterns, Chinese porcelain, egg-shell text- ure, tall hexagonal shape with pierced band of Grecian de- sign around the tops, panels painted in colors of Samille Verte, Chinese historical and domestic scenes, interior views, mandarin figures, etc. Height and diameter tr} x 7 inches, have carved wood and plush stands made by Messrs. Herter Brothers, 2 pieces, From the Bing collection, Paris. 533 VASE, ovoid body with tall neck, Chinese glaze of canary yellow color, ornamentation carved in relief, in various glazes in imi- tation of lapis lazuli, green jade and tortoise shell, designs of bamboo tree, flowers and flying bird. Height 93 inches, diameter 44 inches, has carved teak-wood and plush stand. From the collection of Count Kleczkowski of France. 534 VASE, of turquoise blue glaze, globular body with tall neck spreading at top. Engraved mark of Kea-King period, 1796-1821. Height and diameter 104 x 6 inches, 535 BottTie Vase, globular body with tall slender neck, Chinese glaze of canary yellowcolor. Engraved mark of Kea-King period, 1796-1821. Height 83 inches, diameter 44 inches, 536 Larce BorrLe Vasz, Chinese porcelain, egg-shell texture, pure white glaze, with ornamentation carved in low relief, on body of vase floral and vine designs, and at neck leaves running up- _ward. Height and diameter 124 x 9 inches, has carved stand. 537 Vase, Chinese Pekin lacquer, ovoid shaped body with high neck spreading at top, entire outer surface ornamented with floral, vine, and other designs carved in relief, handle at neck, shape of sceptre of longevity. Height and diameter 11y x 8 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. oes? Fm oan ae State tHE SRSSeT ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS. 125 ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIMENS. 538 Botte Vase, ovoid shape with low neck, Chinese porcelain, wavy red ground with four five-claw dragons engraved in low relief. Mark of Yung-ching period, 1721-1736. Height and diameter 14 x 10 inches. 539 VASE, similar shape to above, Chinese soft paste, pure white glaze with profuse ornamentation, symbols, fruit, flying bats and in- scriptions carved in relief. Height and diameter 13 x 8 inches, has carved stand. : 540 LARGE BEAKER, with swelling center and wide mouth, Chinese porcelain, outer surface covered with flamdbé glaze, showing sang de beuf, celadon, brown, purple and other colors, band of gold lacquer around neck. Mark of the Ching-Hwa period, 1465-1488, Height and diameter 154 x 73 inches, has carved teak-wood stand. 541 Borrie Vase, globular shaped body with low wide neck, around body two ribs and four ornaments of heads and rings in relief and glazed with celadon, outer surface of vase covered with celadon glaze, beneath which is a crackle, overlaid with flambé glaze of sang de beuf and violet. Height and diame- ter 11 x g inches. 542 Disu, circular, deep form, Chinese porcelain, outer and inner surface covered with a mottled purple glaze. Diameter 11 inches. 543 LARGE Pate, Chinese porcelain, circular, deep form, with pierced border, front and reverse side covered with a deep rose color soufie glaze. Seal mark of the Kea-King period, 1796- 1821. Diameter 16 inches, has finely carved teak-wood stand. 544 SMALL Disu, scalloped edge, Chinese porcelain of heavy texture, covered with flambé glaze, colors purple and gray. Impressed seal mark, has carved teak stand of lotus design. er ee ee > 5 - ne vowieoosiee = ini ee eee 3 ES A A heb cinh Ueneoret tera: aes” RON Te PETALS EES HEcestY 126 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. JAPANESE OBJECTS. 546 SMALL Vass, old Imari porcelain, jar on rock with flowers and plants in relief, decorated in colors. 547 JAR SHAPED VASE, Hirado or Shirato porcelain, pure white glaze and texture, decoration of bamboo branches in blue. Height and diameter 74 x 6 inches. 548 Box anp Cover, of bamboo, ornamented in relief with pearl, ivory and metals, grape vine, grapes, and ants. 549 BowL STAND, Japanese white metal, engraved ornamentation of vine designs and Tycoon’s crests. i 550 CYLINDRICAL VASE, outer surface of Soochow or cinnabar lac- quer, carved in bold relief, with figures, foliage, mountain scenery, etc. Height and diameter 5 x 54 inches. 551 INCENSE BURNER, of Japanese bronze gilt, shape of temple drum } on pedestal, chicken cock surmounting cover, engraved orna- iI mentation of crests, birds, diaper patterns, flowers, etc. Height 93 inches. 552 ORNAMENTAL Pircz, Dog Foo, of Shirato porcelain, pure white texture. Height and diameter 9 x a1 inches. 553 INCENSE BURNER, with cover, modern Satsuma ware, square shape with scroll handles, supported by figures of three Japanese boys, cover surmounted by Dog Foo, decoration of figures of { Japanese warriors, vase of flowers, etc., painted in colors, groundwork of crests, lattice designs, etc., in various enamels and gold. Height and diameter 84 x 6 inches. | 554 PLAQuE, circular shape, black lacquer, ornamentation of branch ; of chestnut tree and burrs. Seal of artist in gold. Diameter | 12 inches. 1 | i | | 555 Box anp Cover, of ivory, tall ovoid shape, outer surface orna- | mented with flowers, birds, and insects in gold lacquer, pearl, coral and ivory. Height and diameter 54 x 34 inches. 556 TEA Jar, Japanese earthenware, outer surface of “ Raindrops” glaze. Height and diameter 43 x 44 inches. CABINET OBJECTS. qe2y7, 557 Fire Bowt, Sedji ware, circular shape, on three feet, ornamen- tation of vine design carved in relief beneath celadon glaze, openwork cover of silver, design of chrysanthemum flowers, Mikado’s private crest, etc. Height and diameter 5y X 53 inches, 558 Bow. Sranp, black and avanturine lacquer, with ornamentation of flowers and vines in green, red and gold lacquer. 559 PERFUME BuRNER, Japanese white metal, globular shape with en- graved designs of vines and flowers, pierced or openwork cover. Height and diameter 35 x 34 inches. 560 TEA Jar, with cover, Satsuma ware, of creamy white texture, in two medallionsare figures of Daimio lady and children, vase of flowers, etc., intervening space covered with diaper ara- besques and other designs embossed in various colors and gold. Height and diameter 4 x 34 inches. 561 PerruME BurNeErR, of Awata ware, in medallions are painted over one hundred minute figures of Japanese children playing games, etc., enamel fish beneath embossed net work, other por- tions ornamented with embossed designs. Height and diameter 4 X 3y inches. ; 562 PERFUME JAR AND CoVER, modern Satsuma ware, ovoid shape, outer surface ornamented with figures of Japanese children at play, painted in colors and gold in various shaped panels, arabesques, diaper and floral designs embossed in gold and enamels, gilt Dog Foo surmounting cover. Height and diam- eter 5 x 3 inches. CABINET OBJECIS IN JAPANESE SILVER, GOLD LACQUER, OLD SATSUMA AND ROCK CRYSTAL. 563 Box anp Cover, oblong shape, Japanese old lacquer, outer and inner surface of avanturine lacquer, on outside ornamentation of cherry trees in blossom and pine tree in gold lacquer and in relief. Height and diameter 3} x 5 inches. 564 PERFUME Box, made of an egg-shell, outer surface ornamented with chrysanthemum flowers and grasses in gold lacquer, lin- ing of gold lac. (p08 i awte eat se gon ae amenmrsnssussy a RE eg 5 RHE eer ener ne eth sar eeensaen = THE MORGAN COLLECTION. . =. 565 Box and Cover, of solid silver, square shape with feet at corners and scroll handles, profusely ornamented on the outer surface with hand-chased designs of chrysanthemum flowers, on cover sprig of same flowers in relief, modern Japanese specimen, signed by artist. 41 x 64 inches. 566 BotrTLEe Vasez, globular shaped body of fluted design, with long neck, old Satsuma ware of exceedingly fine creamy white tex- ture, on body of vase painted in green, red, dark blue and gold, three Japanese hats, around top of neck neat band in blue enamel, gold and crimson. Height and diameter 7# x 44 inches, has stand of hard wood, which bears the crest of the Prince of Kaga. From the collection of the Prince of Kaga, presented by the Prince to a Japanese naval officer about 1820, from whose family it was ob- tained by Mr. R. Austin Robertson, of the American Art Associa- tion. 567 CRAYFISH, in Japanese bronze, exact reproduction, with mov- able joints, etc., has plush stand. 568 Box, of gold lacquer, made in shape of Japanese hut, the cover forming roof, box has two compartments, outer surface is of pure gold lacquer and ornamented with mountain scenery, coo- lies cultivating rice, birds, foliage, huts, etc., in low relief ; in- side of lid in round medallion figure of Japanese children formed in a ring, inner surface of avanturine lacquer, an old specimen. Height and width 55 x 5} inches. 569 Rock CrysTAL BALL AND SILVER STAND, ball of exceeding purity 4$ inches in diameter, silver stand of diamond shape on four slender legs with base. Cup or holder for ball, represents clouds through which is penetrating a gold dragon, stand engraved and ornamented in relief with the private or palace seal of the Mikado and other designs. Height and diameter of stand 12 x g inches, gold seal of maker beneath. 570 DruM SHAPED Box, of pure gold lacquer, cover surmounted with chicken cock of same material, the shell of drum decorated in imitation of the veins of the wood, on each end dragon crests in low relief, box lined with silver. Height and diameter 9 x 54 inches. a UN A tne et? ‘ —— ‘ “ deceit ek ad tne mea rer em OTR RO RCC ACEI ALCO A CO A CEL CLR LAE EDO i GPT CABINET OBJECTS. 129 571 ie SiS 576 Sil 578 579 PERFUME JAR, of solid gold, silver and Shibu-ichi, on side panels in relief in gold, silver and Shakudo, figure of Japanese with sack into which mice with coin in their mouths are running, the subject a Japanese fable; on ends etched designs of birds, vines, etc., borders of diaper patterns and arabesques inlaid, on bottom of jar seal of maker, and floral designs inlaid in gold and silver on Shibu-ichi. Height and diameter 43 x 23 inches. SaucER, Japanese egg-shell porcelain, decorated with colored enamels, pine tree, flowering plants, birds, etc., has carved teak- wood stand. PERFUME HoLpeER, button shape, avanturine lacquer with bust of Buddhist priest in low relief. PrerFruME Box, of gold and avanturine lacquer, shape of but- terfly. Bowt, old Satsuma ware, light brown crackled texture, outer surface covered with an ornamentation of chrysanthemum flowers, painted in red, dark blue, and light green enamels and gold, has metal rim. Height and diameter 3 x 43 inches. PERFUME Box, of old avanturine lacquer, horse-shoe shape on three slender feet, lattice work ornamentation over which is cherry tree in blossom, in gold and silver lacquer. Height 25 inches, has three compartments. BuTTerr_y Box, old gold and avanturine lacquer, lid delicately penciled. Height and diameter 13 x 4 inches. Gourp VAsE, old Satsuma ware, creamy white crackled texture, double lobe ornamented with chrysanthemum flowers, vines, and the Mikado’s private crests in red, green, dark blue and gold. Height and diameter 7$ x 5 inches, has carved teak- wood stand. SouarE Box AND Cover, old avanturine lacquer, outer surface covered with butterflies, arabesques and other designs in gold and other lacquer in low relief. Height and diameter 35 x 3} inches. Topacco Poucu, made in design of a mask carved in ivory, netsuke of same material, a grotesque mask, and a group of ivory masks for slide, cash pouch of Japanese chintz attached. 9 i THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 581 Bowt, old Satsuma ware, soft creamy white texture, on outer surface in three panels dogs Foo in gold, intervening space of crimson glaze, with ornamentation of flowers and vines in light blue, green and gold, Grecian border around top in same colors. Height and diameter 32 x 4 inches. 582 MINIATURE CABINET, of irregular shape, black lacquer with gold crest and vine decoration, silver mountings. 583 PrrFruMe Box, old avanturine lacquer, lid ornamented with owl on rock, flowers, etc. 584 Cup anp Saucer, old Chinese porcelain, decorated with blue beneath glaze, cup has outside covering of pierced work in white, border of saucer also pierced. 585 CYLINDRICAL VASE, of carved soapstone, in two panels, are Chinese landscape, mountain and water scenesin relief, dragon handles. Height and diameter g x 6 inches. 586 SMALL VASE, Chinese glaze, red with yellow streaks and clouds, ovoid shape. Height and diameter 6 x 4 inches. 587 WINE or O11 VESSEL, old Persian bronze, repoussé and carved ornamentation of floral designs, animals, etc., silver lizard forming handle. 588 Pair FLower Ports, Chinese porcelain, bamboo design, and celadon glaze, band running around with inscription in blue beneath glaze. Height and diameter 8 x 10 inches. 2 pieces. " JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS. 589 Group oF THREE FicureEs, the central one being a female deity, on the right a Mandarin in an imperial robe seated on a treasure chest, to the left a man servant in kneeling posture holding a turtle with tail of long hair, the Japanese symbol of longevity, each figure being carved from the solid piece and showing high order of workmanship, the group is sold with a stand of Japanese hard wood, carved and ornamented with gold lacquer, the several sizes of figures are 9 x 4, 6 x 4 and 4 x at inches. eee (Ame t Oven Races atauereraecer?™ ON ee a JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS. 131 590 SACRED ELEPHANT, surrounded by group of five children playing on musical instruments, all ornamented with gold lacquer, and inlaid with mother of pearl, coral, malachite and various metals. Height @ inches, width 43 inches. 591 Group oF THREE Ficures, Mandarin lady, child, and priest, the latter kneeling and performing ceremonies over a skull in the foreground. A Japanese historical subject, mounted on black lacquer stand, ornamented with gold, outside meas- urement of all 7 x 7 x 4 inches. ANOTHER GROUP, companion to the above, figures of Jap- anese children making offering of fruit to female deity, out- side measure of stand and figures 7 x 7 x 4 inches. 992 593 Group or Two Ficures, Japanese wood-cutter with load of fagots on his back, child presenting him with a peach. Height 7 inches, width 35 inches. 594 MINIATURE SHINTO SHRINE, with silver and gold figure of the happy rice merchant. Japanese Symbol of Prosperity. Height and diameter 5 x 2} inches. 595 Group or Monkeys. Height and width 4 x 4 inches. 596 CovERED VAsE, cylindrical shape, being section of atusk. On vase is carved in relief a Japanese mythological subject, figure of priests burning incense, through the clouds of smoke arising is seen a golden dragon, on other portions of vase pine tree, rocks, etc., surmounting cover, figure of Buddhist priest with scroll and incense burner, mounting of carved wood. Height and diameter of all 9 x 4 inches. 597 Group, five Japanese warriors in armor and armed with spears, lances, swords, and battle axe. Height and diameter 54 x 4 inches. 598 VASE, made from section of tusk, ornamented in relief with gold lacquer, pearl and ivory, figure of Daimio lady, plants, flowers and insects, mounted in carved wood. Height and diameter, 8 x 4 inches. 599 LarcE Group of five figures, Japanese mythological subject, robbers attempting to steal a golden shrine or temple piece frightened by goblins. Heightand diameter 6 x 44 inches. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 600 Group, three figures, the long-legged and long-armed fishermen with devil fish. Height 4 inches. 601 SMALL Group, three skeletons quarreling, “the fight of death.” Height 3 inches. 602 ——— Another, Japanese playing with monkey. Height 2 inches. 603 —— Another, witch and temple bell. Height 2 inches.. 604. ——- Another, witch fighting a demon. 605 —— Another, two puppies. 606 —— Another, larger, equestrian figure crossing bridge, Japanese presenting an offering, serpent, etc., a Japanese historical sub- ject. Height 3 inches. 607 —— Another, equestrian figure. 608 LARGE CARVING, Japanese with sack on his back made of a large lotus leaf and loaded with live toads of various sizes. Height 5 inches. 609 ORNAMENT OR VASE STAND, carved in relief and with pierced designs. 610 SMALL CaRVING, small monkey carrying large peach. 611 SMALL VASE, or ornament, ornamented in relief with pearl lac- quer, etc. 612 Sma. CarvInG, designs of lotus plant and gourd vines inter- twined, inside a gourd shaped ornament, which when opened shows intricately carved landscape views, figures, etc. Height and diameter 2} x 14 inches. 613 NETSUKE, two quail on an old bamboo hat. 614 —— Another, puppy playing with shell. 615 —— Another, mask, face of Japanese girl. 616 —— Another, group of masks and heads. : 617 —— Another, priest punishing demon. 618 —— Another, cat stung by a dragon-fly. 619 —— Another, group of horses. 620 Another, group of masks. 621 —— Another, demons being stoned. a a a a nS Ee a = s a i a i ranean ie Lot ng oot ieee eet See nee aeeneo ens: Whew ee a ER geen” PO EBY wr CARVINGS IN WOOD. 133 622 Another, Japanese boy with mask. 623 Another, Japanese children teasing a mouse. 624 Another, sacred elephant, inlaid ornamentation of pearl, coral, and metals. 625 ——— Another, mask. 626 —~ Another, dog Foo. 627 —— Another, chicken cock and hen. 628 —— Anoth Lae + og pet Aiea nn ad HE aS a aE RRNA HE SERS ESHENE ETO: ON eo MINTON FAIENCE. 159 898 Pair VAsEs, same shape as above, but larger, olive green glaze, with ornamentation in white pdte sur pate by L. Solon, subject “The Building and Collapse of Cupid’s Temple,” necks, handles and bases decorated in subdued colors and gold. Height and diameter 16 x 9} inches. 2 pieces. 899 Pair TALL VAsEs, on pedestals, ovoid shape, with handles ex- tending over and into necks, blue glaze with pdte sur pdte ornamentation in white by L. Solon, subject, “The Imprison- ment and Escape of Cupids.” Height and diameter 22 x 8} inches, 2 pieces. goo Pair LARGE CYLINDRICAL VASES, on pedestals, ornamentation of moorish designs in pdte sur pate in low tone of colors re- lieved by gold, artist C. Toft, ring and elephant head handles in gold gilt. Height and diameter 22 x 9 inches. 2 pieces. gor VERY LARGE Vase, amphora shape, supported by four silver gilt Cupids, vase of celadon glaze with band of lapis blue run- ning around center on which are Cupids and floral designs in white pde sur pdte, on other portions, festoons of flowers, vines and relief patterns in péte sur pate, gold, platina, and enamels, a very important example by L. Solon. Height and diameter 38 x 174 inches. 902 PEDESTAL, for above, made of cherry finely carved and ebon- ized, mosiac marble revolving top, made by order of Messrs. Herter Brothers. . 903 Pair VERY Larce Vases, Etruscan design, dark olive green glaze with pdte sur pdte ornamentation in white, by L. Solon, “on one vase group of female figures, nymphs with Cupids being put through the drill, forming step, etc., on reverse side Cupids in order of battle, other armed groups in the distance. Companion Vase shows the improvement and aptitude of the scholars, so that they outrun their teachers; on reverse, Cupids in a shower of arrows,” other decoration of relief, floral and other designs in gold, silver, and neutral colors. Height and diameter 28 x 154 inches. 2 pieces. The above are masterpieces of the celebrated artist L. Solon. 904 Pair Prepesrats, for the above, of carved onyx with gold gilt mountings. 2 pieces. ee een ne SE RA eT OTA i acne ORES «F 160 reo SO et nN TaN eae sr aces’? ™ THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 9°7 908 609 gio ROYAL VIENNA PORCELAIN. TEA CANISTER, gold ground with figures painted on sides, jeweled borders and penciled ends. Parr CovERED Urns, with pedestals, in four panels are minia- ture paintings of the following subjects, ‘“ Lady Ashton and her daughter,” “‘ Diana and Endymion,” “ Orpheus in Hades ”’ and “The Duchess of Devonshire and the Viscountess Dun- cannon,” by Hiedner, other portion of vases, pedestal, and covers decorated with penciled gold and colored enamels, over crimson and pink glaze, gold gilt handles. Height and dia- meter 144 x g inches. 2 pieces. SQUARE TRAY, Subject of decoration “Diana”? by Burgman, rose pink border with vines and arabesques in gold. Height and diameter ro} x 10} inches. Pair ANTIQUE VASES, with pedestals, urn shapes, around body of vases painting of “The Wedding Feast,” and “The Sacri- fice,” on four sides of pedestals “Gymnastic Games,” “ The Hunt,” “The Vintage,” etc., floral vine and other designs in gold matte on crimson glaze. Height and diameter 15 x 10 inches, 2 pieces. Ova Dtsu, in centre medallion painting by J. Zasche, border of gold ornaments on dark blue glaze. Height and diameter 144 X 10 inches. Parr VERY LARGE VASES, graceful ovoid shape with covers and pedestals, in four oval shape medallions, are painted by Richter of Vienna, the following subjects, “Bacchus and Ariadne,” “Venus and Vulcan at the Smithy,” “ Offering of Iphegenia Bacchus, Ceres, and Cybele” other portions of vase and covers of crimson glaze, decorated with vine designs, floral bands, etc., in gold and delicate colors, handlesand mountings of covers and bases, of gold gilt bronze finely wrought. Height and diameter 37 x 154 inches. 2 pieces, gir Parr or PrEpEsTats, for the above upholstered in crimson plush. 2 pieces. . reg ee eee eee ne RS A ES CT COL LODGE GAIT er en rn a er 2 i oo EUROPEAN PORCELAINS AND FAIENCE. 161 gi2 OS 914 DUS 916 917 Duy) 920 Q21 922 928 EUROPEAN PORCELAIN AND FAIENCE. MISCELLANEOUS. Pair SMALL Jucs, Chinese figure, by Copeland. 2 pieces. ParIR GROUPS, peasant women and children. Berlin porcelain. 2 pieces. Groups, Pastoral subject, Chelsea. Height and diameter 9} x 94 inches, VERY SMALL VASE, Doulton ware, etched and relief ornamen- tation. Pair Ovoip VASES, with handles, canary yellow glaze with Japanese designs in gold “Crown Derby.” Height and diameter 54 x 4 inches. 2 pieces. Vases, tall ovoid form with spreading base, silver ground, with painting of butterflies, flowers, etc., in natural colors, French porcelain. Height and diameter 10 x 34 inches. 2 pieces. TEA Jar, French porcelain, ornamentation of Japanese design, rich plumaged birds, etc., in imitation of cloisonné enamel. Pair AMPHORA VASES, with spreading bases, sea green glaze, with cameo medallions and gold ornamentation. Height and diameter 17 x 74 inches, French porcelain. 2 pieces. VasE, shape of stump of tree, peacock in relief, all decorated in colors. Height and diameter 114 x 74 inches. Pair SMALL VASES, canteen shape, French porcelain, “rain- drop” glaze on sides, with floral designs in péte sur pate. 2 pieces. SMALL Ovorp Vass, with handles, turquoise blue glaze, with Japanese designs in gold, “ Crown Derby.” Botte Vass, globular body with slender neck, Bennett faience, floral designs on mottled olive ground. Height and diameter 9g x 54 inches. Il THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 925 926 927 928 20 939 932 932 933 Parr Larcr Vases, French porcelain, cylindrical shape on feet, gilt ring handles, silyer ground, with decoration of rich plumaged birds, flowers, plants, etc., in bright colors, ap- plied over-glaze. Height and diameter 15 x 7 inches. | 2 pieces From Paris Exposition, 1878. Pair Vases, Copeland faience, Egyptian design, with relief and painted ornamentation, scroll handles. Height and diameter 15 x 84 inches. 2 pieces. Pair’ SmMaLty Pitcrim Botryies, Moorish figures and floral designs, painted in side medallions, French porcelain. 2 pieces. Larce Vases, French porcelain, ovoid shape with spreading neck, turquoise glaze, with floral designs painted in natural colors, by Hiirten, gilt lizard handles. Height and diameter 204 x11 inches. Pair LARGE VASES, royal Berlin, Etruscan shape, on pedestals decoration of figures of Cherubs, cloud effects, water, etc., in neutral colors. Height and diameter 24 x10 inches. Marked Ke P.M: 2 pieces. Pitcrim Botte, Longwy faience, Hispano-Moresque design, ornamented with enamels and gold. Height rr inches. PaIR SMALL Jars, with cover, “Crown Derby,” canary yellow glaze, with applied gold ornamentation. 2 pieces. FLOWER TRAY AND HOLDER, of majolica, design of gloved hand holding lace handkerchief and fan, open work and painted decoration. Pair MANTEL Jars, with covers, French porcelain, tall, ovoid shape on spreading base, silver ground, with painting of rich plumaged birds, flowers, cactus plant, etc., gold gilt bands penciled. Height and diameter 164 x 64 inches. 2 pieces. LarcE VasE, by Deck of Paris, globular body with bold flaring neck, decoration of Persian designs in dark green and tur- quoise blue, lion’s head in relief for handles. Height and diam- eter 15 x 12 inches. ae ee EUROPEAN PORCELAINS AND FAIENCE, 163 Sa O85) 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 Pair Vases, French porcelain, straight ovoid shape, on two sides are painted in colors birds, flowers, grasses, etc., on in- cised gold ground, other portion of vase butterflies, birds and blossoms in relief, and painted in bright colors on dark green ground. Height and diameter 17 x 5} inches. 2 pieces. FLoweEr Boat, French faience, cream color glaze, decoration of sprigs of flowers in colors and gold, silver and gold gilt bronze mounting. SMALL Jar, with cover, “Crown Derby,” canary yellow glaze, with ornamentation of floral and other designs in, dark blue and gold. Parr Ovoip Vases, with wide mouths, French porcelain, orna- mented with rich plumaged birds, flowers, etc., painted in nat- ural colors on silver ground, penciled gold bands. Height and diameter 124 x 6 inches. PENicces: Parr Vases, “ Copeland,” octagonal shape with spreading necks, decoration of flowers, ornaments and other designs in various enamels, gold gilt and jeweled butterflies in relief at neck for handles. Height and diameter 15 x 8 inches. 2 pieces. CENTRE Prece, modern “Capo di Monti,” swan shape, with figures of Neptune, mermaids, etc., in relief, and decorated in colors. 174x144 inches. Parr VASES, straight. ovoid shape, with handles and on feet, celadon glaze, with floral designs, butterflies, etc., carved in relief, and painted in natural colors. Height and diameter 144.x 6 inches. 2 pieces. LarcE Vase, by Copeland, cylindrical shape, profusely deco- rated with pastoral and other subjects, by L. Besche, 1872. Height and diameter 203 x 10} inches. JARDINIERE, French porcelain, Chinese design, ornamentation of birds, blossoms, etc., on crimson ground, in imitation of cloi- sonné enamel, open work panels, three peacocks forming sup- port, which together with base and mountings are of gold and silver gilt bronze, finely wrought. Height and diameter 15 x 134 inches. Parr CoverRED Jars, “ Capo di Monti,” relief ornamentation of Bacchanalian subjects, painted in various gay colors. Height and diameter 1634 x 104 inches, 2 pieces. 164 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 944 Parr Vases, French porcelain, Chinese design, straight ovoid shape with spreading base and necks, decorated with flowers, arabesques, etc., in bright colors in imitation of cloisonné en- amel, band running around body of vase in imitation of bronze, ring handles, Height and diameter 19x 7 inches. 2 pieces. ‘945 Pair DiaMonD SHAPE VASES, Japanese design, French porce- lain, with pierced panels, and ornamented with flowers, birds, blossoms, etc., in bright colors on turquoise ground, in imitation of inlaid work, mountings and stands of gold and silver gilt bronze. Height and diameter 13 x 8 inches, BEplecea: 946 LARGE PITCHER Vase, “ Davenport,” richly ornamented with jeweled and penciled decoration, Persian designs, flying drag- on in bold relief forming handle, gold gilt and jeweled. Height and diameter 15 x g inches, 947 VAsE, “Crown Derby,” Persian bottle shape, canary yellow glaze, ornamented with floral and other designs in gold and dark blue, scroll handles of pierced designs. Height and diameter 19 x 9} inches. 948 Pair LARGE VASES, with covers, “ Crown Derby,” ovoid shape, bodies with spreading necks and bases, in four salmon color panels, are jeweled, and painted designs of crests, etc., the other portions of vases ornamented with incised and relief patterns in crimson and gold, handles of pierced work. Height and diameter 25 x 11 inches. 2 pieces. SPH CIMENS, OF VAUSTRUAN CAKVADAGR Ys AIS AND ENAMELS. REPRODUCTIONS OF IMPORTANT EXAMPLES IN EUROPEAN MUSEUMS AND NOTED PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. 949 SMALL Coups, oblong shape, enameled inside, and outside with pastoral scenes, etc., bronze and jeweled handles. 950 PAIR CANDLESTICKS, tall form, mythological subjects in medal- lions, carved bronze mountings. 2 pieces. g51 COVERED JAR, ornamented with mythological subjects in me- dallions, gilt bronze handles and figures surmounting cover. Height and diameter 54x 44 inches. Fh eer eR EN RO RA SC CC LO aS AUSTRIAN CARVED CRYSTALS AND ENAMELS. 165 952 TAZZA, OR JEWEL STAND, carved crystal and enamel, support in formof stork wrought in bronze, enameled and jeweled. Height and diameter 74 x 8 inches. 953 LARGE ORNAMENTAL PIECE, Nautilus shell on high support, figure of Neptune on sea-horse surmounting shell, and figure of mermaid supporting same, both of wrought bronze, or- namentation of mythological and other subjects in enamels, and jeweled. Height and diameter 20 x g inches. 954 JEWEL STAND, carved crystal and enamel, wrought bronze and enameled figures for support. Height and diameter 54 x 44 inches. 955 Pair CANDLESTICKS, high form, enameled and ornamented in relief, with wrought bronze and gilt figures, and other designs. Height 74 inches. 2 pieces. 956 JEWEL STAND, carved crystal swan, with enameled and jeweled mountings, and ornamentation. Height 6 inches. 957 Tazza, oval shape, outer and inner surface of enamel, support of dolphin designs wrought in bronze and gilt, base also en- ameled, on outer surface Roman landscape, on inner surface mythological subjects. Height and diameter 42 x 84 inches. 958 JEWEL STAND, shell design of carved crystal, with wrought bronze mountings of open work patterns, enameled and jeweled ornamentation. Height and diameter 10 x 8 inches. 959 TREASURE Sup, of carved crystal, with mountings and orna- mentation in enamels and jewels, figure of Neptune for sup- port, wrought in bronze and enameled, base of carved crystal with enameled and jeweled ornaments, top lifts off and shows figure in hold of vessel guarding treasure. Height and diam- eter 16x94 inches, has morocco, plush-lined case. ee ee tia ae 4 WEBB CAMEO GLASS PORGELAIN PLAQUES LARGE COLLECTION 2OF FEEATES BRONZES, SCULPTURE AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS {owt Ai dete meat Se ae orb ae aeRMNEN TENTS SRO TSHETER * os Se rs 1 coecnenwuane = cl RCT os intent tan ETRE Ks agape ieee et RE A ETO AIC ODO OCCT CECI ETO SED SEALED DEOL AL EA ILA Te — ae ty - SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 12. 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. WEBB CAMEO GLASS. SmaLL BoTTie, gourd shape, turquoise blue with ferns and chrysanthemum flowers in relief in white. Another, similar shape as above, amber color with lilies and butterflies in white. Pitcrm Borttte, rose pink color with Cupids, floral and other designs in white. Height and diameter 6} x 54 inches. CoveRED Jar, globular form on four feet, amber color with Cupids, vines and medallions in white. Height and diameter 72 x 6 inches. Vase, ovoid shape with spreading neck, rose pink, with flowers. and ferns in white. Height and diameter 7? x 4} inches. GLOBULAR VASE, on four feet, turquoise blue color, with flow- ers and leaves in white. Height and diameter 6 x 6 inches. BorTTLE VAsE, turquoise blue body with floral designs in two layers of glass, green and white, deep cut. Height and dia- meter g x 5 inches. Ovorp Vase, with graceful spreading neck, rose pink body with chrysanthemum flowers, grasses and birds in white. Height and diameter 12 x 7 inches. Botte Vase, with tall slender neck, light amber color, with birds, flowers and fruit in white. Height and diameter 18} x 7 inches. SmaLL PLATE, ruby color, fruits and blossoms in creamy white. Diameter 74 inches ] i 170 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 970 SMALL Jar, globular shape, rose pink with amber clouding, moss rose, chrysanthemum and other flowers in white. Height and diameter 54 x 54 inches, 971 Reapinc Lamp, tall ovoid shape on spreading base, amber body with figure of “night,” clouds, etc. in white, globe of amber color with floral designs in white, silver plated fittings. 972 BoTTLe Vase, Chinese design, rose pink color, floral, crest and other designs in white. Height and diameter ro x 6 inches. 973 BEAKER Vass, light amber color, with floral designs in white. Height and diameter 15 x 64 inches. 974 LARGE BoTTLE VASE, ovoid shape body with tall slender neck, heavy texture, blue ground with floral and other designs in two layers of glass, white and pink, copy of an antique Chi- nese vase. Height and diameter 20 x 93 inches, 975 SMALL JAR, low bottle shape, blue ground with morning glory vine in bloom extending around jar, in white. Height and diameter 3? x 54 inches. 976 LARGE VAsE, Chinese design, white jade ground with floral and vine designs in ruby color, texture in imitation of jade. Height and diameter 103 x 84 inches. 977 PatR COLOGNE BoTTLEs, turquoise blue, with ornamentation of floral designs in white. 2 pieces. 978 JARDINIERE, globular shape with wide mouth, ivory black ground with floral designs in white. Height and diameter 6 x 11 inches. 979 FINGER Bow Ls, with plates to match, turquoise blue, ornamented with floral and other designs in white. 12 pieces, The only set in this country, made to order from original designs. g80 CovERED VasE, known as “The Dennis Vase,” of lapis blue color with ornamentation in white, subject “ Pegasus.” Height and diametor 23 x 13 inches. The above vase reputed to be the finest and most important example of cameo glass in existence, was first exhibited in an unfinished state at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878. was completed in 1882, and sent direct to Messrs. Tiffany & Co. from whom the late Mrs. M F. Morgan procured it. Five years were consumed in its pro- duction. 981 PEDESTAL, for the above, finely wrought bronze with gold gilt finish, made to order from special designs. Race enero en ree Se SS A COT OA TSAO COOOL CLO AS CA OLE LS OL A LE Te WEBB CAMEO GLASS. 17! 982 Pair VassEs, ovoid shape, with wide mouths, amber color, with ornamentation of grapes, berries, plums, and other fruits and branches in darker shade of amber, gold gilt. Height and diameter 10 x 64 inches. 2 pieces. 983 Pair Ovorp VASES, canary yellow color, with branches of cherries and peaches in natural colors, and gold and silver gilt. Height and diameter 9} x 54 inches. 2 pieces. 984 WeBB GLAss PUNCH Bow1, low circular form on feet, painted and embossed gold decoration, relief designs, very heavy text- ure. Height and diameter, 54 x 14 inches. 985 Pair Botte Vases, by Webb, ruby color, ornamented with floral and other designs in applied gold and platina. Height and diameter 9} x 4} inches. 2 pieces. 986 Pair Giass VAsEs, by Baccarat, heavy, clear texture, intaglio ornamentation of birds, flowers, etc., decorated in gold matte and colors. Height and diameter to? x 6 inches. 2 pieces. 987 Pair SMALL Vases, Baccarat glass, heavy texture, decorated with Japanese designs in gold and colors. Height and diam- eter 73 x 3} inches. 2 pieces. 988 Vase, goblet shape, Bohemian glass, white, with overlaying of deep blue, intaglio ornamentation of deer, foliage, etc., old specimen. 989 VAsE, similar to above, intaglio ornamentation of grape-vine, cameo medallion of horse in blue. 990 FRENCH Gass VASE, Persian design, enameled ornamentation in bright colors and gold. Height and diameter 9} x 6} inches. 991 VENETIAN GLass Vase, ovoid body with slender neck and base, flying dragons for handles, serpent in relief coiling around neck. Height and diameter 154 x 9} inches. 992 BoaT-sHAPE ORNAMENT, Venetian glass, amber color, orna- mented in relief with medallions and other designs. Height and diameter 164 x 11 inches. 993 CoverED Box, shape of turtle, Baccarat glass, iridescent text- ure. — ce ee 172 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 994 PuncH GLAssEs, by Webb, embossed ornamentation in gold and enamels. 12 pieces. 9944 INTAGLIO GLASS PLAQUE, subject of ornamentation, “Sea Nymph Racing with Cupid,” Diameter 13 inches, CAMEO FEINT (GLASS SERVICE, MADE TO ORDER BY WEBB OF LONDON, FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS FURNISHED BY MESSRS. TIFFANY & CO., BEING THE ONLY SERVICE OF THIS DESCRIPTION IN EXISTENCE. 995 996 997 998 999 I000 IOOL 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 IoIo Will be sold as follows: OvaL DIsuHeEs. Rounp DIsHEs. Quart DECANTERS. CLARET DECANTERS, LiquEuR DECANTERS. Pint DECANTERS, SHERRIES, CLARETS, GOBLETS, LIQUEURS. Port GLassEs, CHAMPAGNES. LEMONADE GLASSES, TUMBLERS, Fincrer Bowts. Ice-Cream PLATEs, Io1t SWEET-MEAT TRays, WITH HANDLES. 8 pieces. 2 pieces. 4 pieces. 4 pieces. 4 pieces. 4 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces, 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. 18 pieces. + ng ped Aided eked SSR nee ERENT SUS Se ROTSHE ape SE OE LE OOO OC TTI COT I CAE ELS COO renee errr nines EY i LIMOGES AND OTHER ENAMELS. Ls LIMOGES AND OTHER ENAMELS. ror2 Puate, by E. Sieffert, Marionettes Gros-René. Diameter 8} inches. 1013 JEWEL Casket, carved wood, ebonized, with enameled panels, and gilt bronze mountings and ornaments, satin lined. 1014 Pate, “Sea Nymph.” Diameter 9 inches. 1015 BONBONNIERE, round form, Venus, chariot and Cupids in me- dallion on cover, other surface of dark blue enamel, with vine designs in white and gold, bronze gilt mountings, and satin lined. Height and diameter 34 x 8 inches. ror6 Parr Puates, “Henry Il. of France” and “Catherine dé Medicis.” Diameter 9 inches. Frame in plush. 2 pieces. 1017 BONBONNIERE, round form, ornamented in white and gold en- amel on black ground, gold gilt bronze mountings, and satin lined. Height and diameter 34 x 7 inches. 1018 OvaL Prague, “ Toilet of Venus,” by Paul Soyer, 1875, ebon- ized and gilt frame. 1019 Parr PLates, head of “ Henry II. of France ” and “ Catherine dé Medicis.” Diameter 9 inches. Framed in ebonized, gilt, and plush frames. 2 pieces. DECORATED PLAQUES. MOUNTED IN PLUSH AND GILT FRAMES. 1020 OvaL Pxague, Berlin porcelain, Dresden decoration. “ Ideal Head,” carved and gilt frame. to2t Rounp PLaQueE, royal Vienna, subject of decoration “ Rem- brandt and his Wife,” rich penciled gold border. Diameter exclusive of plush frame, ro inches. 1022 OvAL PLagueE, royal Vienna, subject of decoration, “ Alexander the Great cuts the Gordian Knot,’ maroon ground, border with embossed gold ornamentation. 11 x 84 inches, has plush frame. 174 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. Larce Piagug, round form, French porcelain, silver ground, with rich plumaged birds, butterflies, flowering plants, etc., painted by N. Vivien. Diameter 14 inches, mounted in plush frame. Another, companion to above, decorated by the same artist, FRENCH FAIENCE PLAQUE, olive glaze with pdte sur pdte deco- ration by G. T., “Cupids.” Diameter 11 inches, ebonized gilt and plush frame. Larce PLaque, “Crown Derby,” decorated with classical subjects. Diameter 17 inches, has plush frame. —— Another, companion to the above. FRENCH PoRCELAIN PLAQuE, Ideal Head by G. Siever, 1879, gold ground. Diameter 18 inches, mounted in plush. Pair MINTON PLAQUES, round form, fish, shells, and marine plants, painted on dark green ground, by Mussillé. Diameter 17 inches, mounted in plush, 2 pieces. RoyaL VIENNA PLagus, oval form, subject of decoration, ‘““Meleager and Atalanta,” by Herber. 16 x 13 inches, has plush frame. Pair OBLonc PLaQueEs, French porcelain, King’s blue glaze with decoration of figure of “Asia and Africa,’ mounted in ebonized and gilt frames with plush mats, 2 pieces. SQUARE PLAguE, “ Dresden,” decorated by Fy Will. 10 x 74 inches, has plush frame. OvaL PLague, Dresden, “Girl of Constantinople,” mounted in plush easel frame. 10} x 84 inches, Round P.aguE, Royal Vienna, decorated by Vogster, “ Juno and Aeolus,” dark blue border with rich ornamentation in applied gold. Diameter 12 inches, has deep plush frame. Pair FarrncE Piagues, oblong shape, pdéte sur pdte decora- tion on olive green ground, “Venus and Cupids,”’ by F. Rhead. 11 x 74 inches each, have ebonized and plush frames. 2 pieces. 1036 VERY LarcEe PLaguss, Royal Vienna, round form, subject of decoration, “ Aurora,” by R. P., very rich crimson and gold border. Diameter 20 inches, mounted in plush frame. DECORATED PLAQUES. i75 Another, same make, subject of decoration, “ The Woman taken in adultery,” from the original painting, by A. Beer, em- bossed gold ornamentation on borders of deep blue, and panels of copper red. Diameter 19 inches, has plush frame. 1037 1038 Parr LARGE PLagues, French porcelain, painting of peacock, golden pheasant, flowers, blossoms, etc., on silver ground, by N. Vivien. Diameter 20 inches, mounted in plush frames. 2 pieces. 1039 DRESDEN PLAQUE, oblong form, decorated by E. Echardt, “ The new Toy Book.” 10 x 124 inches, mounted in plush easel frame. 1040 RovaL VienNA PLague, oval shape, subject of decoration, “Vulcan gives Thetis the Arms of Achilles,” by Jos. Zasche, crimson and white border with embossed gold ornamentation. 12 x 17 inches, has plush frame. 1041 FRENCH PORCELAIN PLAQUE, decorated with Eastern scene after Géréme, border painted in blue and red on gold and sil- ver ground. Diameter 174 inches, has plush frame. 1042 —— Another, companion to above, subject of decoration, “Eastern Dancing Girl,” after Giraud, mounted in plush frame to match above. 1043 Pair Piagues, Royal Vienna, round shape, decorated by Joseph Zasche, subject, “The Meeting on the Lake” and “Lesson in Geography.” Diameter 10 inches, mounted in plush frames. 2 pieces. 1044 FRENCH FAIENCE PLAQUE, péte sur pdte decoration, “ Egyp- tian Dancing Girl,’ by F. Rhead. Diameter 18 inches, has plush frame. 1045 LARGE PLAQUE, royal Vienna, subject of decoration, “ Mer- cury with Horse,” copied by A. Beers from the original paint- ing in the Belvedere, Vienna, rich ornamentation on borders. Diameter 18 inches, mounted in maroon plush frame, 1046 LARGE Minton PLagugE, decorated by H. W. Foster, “ Ideal Head,” gold back ground. Diameter 19 inches, has plush frame. 1047 DRESDEN PLaQuE, decorated by Frank Till, subject, “The Vigil,’ after the original painting by Angelica Kauffmann 12 Xx 10 inches, mounted in maroon plush easel frame. Oo ago od AEaa ts mine SESS Oe sk SERRE SSS SEROECHESES pees nr same Sed CRON tere Seine eee - Semaine atte, Se THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1049 1050 IO51 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 . Pair PoRCELAIN PLAQuEs, oblong shape, dark green glaze, with ornamentation in pdze sur pate, “ He loves me, He loves me not,” by F. Rhead. 13 x 6 inches each, ebonized and gilt frames. : 2 pieces. 2 Very LARGE PLagueE, by “ Minton,’ round form, decorated by H. W. Foster, subject, “The Pet Kitten,” gold back ground. Diameter 23 inches, mounted in maroon plush frame. FRENCH PORCELAIN PLAQUE, diameter 22 inches, decorated by T. LeRoy, “ Young Lady of the XVI. Century,” has plush frame. OvaL PLaQuE, royal Vienna, decorated by Gestner, subject, “Samson and Delilah,” copied from the original painting in the Belvedere, richly ornamented border. 15 x 19 inches (slightly defective), has plush frame. DRESDEN PLAQUE, oblong form, subject of decoration, ‘“ Moses in the Bulrushes,” copied from the original painting, by P. De- laroche. 20 x 14 inches, mounted in carved gilt frame, plush mat, Pair PLaqugs, French porcelain, decorated by J. Pascault. “Girls of the XVI. Century.” Diameter 9 inches, have maroon plush frames. 2 pieces. —— Another pair, larger, “Ideal Heads,” painted on rough gold ground. Diameter 12 inches, plush frames. 2 pieces. LarGE PLAQUE, royal Vienna. Diameter 1g inches, subject of decoration, “ Jesus and the Woman of Samaria,” copied by A. Beers from the original painting by Annebarle Caracci, borders richly ornamented in gold and colors, has maroon plush frame. RoyaL VIENNA PLAQUE, same size as above, decorated with “Portrait of Rembrandt in his 45th year,” mounted in plush frame. Pair PLaQgues, by Deck, round shape, decorated by R. Jan- vier, 1867, “ Nymphs and Cupids.” Diameter of each 11 inches, have carved ebonized frames. 2 pieces. SMALL DRESDEN PLAQuegE, decorated by F. Till, after G. Hom, subject, “ Good Night.” 9 x 6 inches, mounted in plush frame. LARGE PLaQuE, Dresden, decorated by A. L. Eckardt, copy of painting by Franz Deffregger, “Off for the Hunt.” 19 x 15 inches, has carved gilt frame. Lot ag pet Aidetd iat Seng amesaeeemenTsusS WN eee ee MISCELLANEOUS SMALL OBJECTS. 177 1060 RovaL VIENNA PLAQUE, diameter 14 inches, subject of decora- tion, “ Abraham and Hagar,” after P. Van Dyke, border richly ornamented with embossed gold and enamels, has plush frame. IO61 Another, same size as above, subject of decoration, “ The- tis brings his Armor to Achilles,” maroon plush frame. 1062 LARGE PLAQUE, French porcelain, decorated by Boulliniére, after Lefebvre, subject, “Mignon, Regretting her Country.” Diameter 22 inches, mounted in plush frame. 1063 RoyaL VIENNA PLAQUE, diameter 12 inches, subject of dec- oration, “ The Rape of Dejanira,” has ebonized, gilt and plush frame. 1064 Another, larger, subject of decoration, “ Diana,” richly ornamented border. Diameter 14 inches, has plush frame. 1065 ——— Another, companion to the above, subject of decoration, “Venus and Adonis,” mounted in plush frame. 1066 VERY LARGE PLaque, Dresden, oblong form, a subject of decorative “Art and Liberty,” after the original painting by Gailait. 26 x 20 inches, has gold leaf frame. 1067 FRENCH PORCELAIN PLaAQukE, “Ideal Head,” painted on gold ground. Diameter 94 inches, has plush frame. 1068 DRESDEN PLAQUE, oblong form, decorated by C. Meinnelt, subject, ‘“‘ Marguerite.” 16 x g inches, has gold leaf frame. 1069 RoyaL VIENNA PLAQUE, decorated by A. Beer, subject, “ Ari- adne Waking,” richly ornamented border in gold and colors. Diameter 11 inches, has plush frame. MISCELLANEOUS SMALL OBJECTS. IN ENAMEL, SILVER, BRONZE, ETC. 1070 MINIATURE, in enamel, neatly framed. 1071 PapER WEIGHT, nickel, with enameled frog in relief. 1072 BRoNzE KITTENS, enameled. 3 pieces. 1073 PoRTABLE INKSTAND, sterling silver, hammered, finished Ja- panese designs in applied metals. SS 178 THE MORGAN COLLECTION, 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 TOgo 1091 1092 1093 wey 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 Matcu Box, French cloisonné, enamel. JeweL Tray, lapis-lazuli. Bronze Doc, enameled. MINIATURE ARM CHAIR, in sterling silver. MatcuH StTanp, bronze boot, figures of mice in relief, Scent BOTTLE, cameo glass, by Webb. MinuTE Birps, in bronze and enamel. 2 pieces. CacuHov Box, French enamel ornamentation, gold lined. BRONZE TRAY, rvepoussé ornamentation. : THERMOMETERS, Silver plated. 2 pieces. JeEweL TRAy, cornelian, finely polished. PAPER KNIFE AND TRAy, bronze, carved ornamentation gold and oxidized finish. 2 pieces. ScENT Bort es, design of parrot, crystal glass body with gold gilt bronze mountings, MATCH STAND, silver dog, with hat. OpjecT GLass, bronze and gilt, claw handle. BRONZE ORNAMENTS, Cat with violoncello and boy on chair. 2 pieces, BRONZE Piece, reclining bear. Cacuovu Box, enameled ornamentation, gold lined. Pair TALL CANDLESTICKS, sterling silver, repoussé ornamenta- tion, oxidized finish. SMALL Vasg, cylindrical shape, French cloisonné in imitation of Chinese, PostaGEe STAMP Box, gold gilt, and jeweled ornamentation. MATCH STAND AND TRay, bronze and enamel owl’s head. Pocket Matcu Box, sterling silver, “ Here’s the last.” PERFUME SPRINKLER, Sterling silver, shape of watering pot. Box AND Cover, old satsuma ware, black glaze with crests in white reserve. Matcu Box, sterling silver, shape of dog house. We eee ee ee: MINIATURE OBJECTS IN SILVER. 179 1100 IIOI 1102 I103 II04 IIO5 I106 1107 1108 110g IIIO EEL. IIi2 IIl3 I1I4 I1TI5 116 = GALLERY GLASS, mounted in platina. — Another, mounted in German silver, ebonized handle. — Another, larger, similar mounting. —— Another, larger, gold plated mounting, ivory handles. —— Another, same size, mahogany mounting. —— Another, larger, similar mounting. ANTIQUE Ivory TANKARD, battle scene in bold relief, repoussé and chased silver mountings, gold finished, figures in relief on cover. Height and diameter 11 x 7 inches. Bronze CAT, enameled ornamentation. Height 73 inches. + Another, similar. BRONZE AND ENAMELED KiTTEN. Height 43 inches. Ink STAND, silver bronze fox. Height 7 inches. NicHt Lamp, silver bronze cat, with gold gilt base. Height 9 inches. SILVER BAS-RELIEF, Pope Pius IX., by Sinédo, mounted on black polished marble. VASE, satsuma ware, hexagonal shape, decorated with Japanese figures in medallions, in gold and colors, embossed diaper, ara- besque and other designs surrounding. Height and diameter 65 X 4 inches. Op GREEK GLass AMPULLA, in fine state of preservation, has morocco case, BOTTLE WITH LONG NECK, old Greek glass, finely preserved, iridescent luster. ANTIQUE CHOCOLATE Pot, “ Hochst,” decorated in gold and colors. MINPATURE OBJECTS UN: SIEVER: OLDE DULCH SONS: 1117 SET FURNITURE, sofa, chairs, tables, etc. 9 pieces. 1118 LANTERN, tall cone shape. T119 CENTRE TABLE, filigree work. eepieces: 1120 COFFEE URN AND TEA Pot. 2 pieces. I140 1141 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. TEA SET AND TRAYS. 2 pieces. WINDMILLs, specimens of old Dutch and filigree work. Pair CANDLE BRANCHES. STATE CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH. GONDOLA. CANDLESTICK, filigree work. REVOLVING STARs, figures in relief. CoFFEE URN anp TEA Pot, filigree work. ORNAMENTS. WHEEL OF FORTUNE. SPINNING WHEEL. CANDLE STAND AND CANDLESTICK. KITCHEN UTENSILS. PERFUME BoxEs. BELLOWS AND TEA CANISTER. TREASURE CHEST, etc., filigree work. Pair CANDLESTICKS, FIGURES AND SET MINUTE SPOONS. Doc Houss, ETc. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. Io pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 2 pieces. 3 pieces. GaLLery Gtass, gold plated mounting, ivory handle. —— Another, german silver mounting, ebonized handle. LAKGE- COLLECTION OF PEATES, MANY OF UNIQUE DESIGNS, MADE AND DECORATED TO ORDER, AND NEVER DUPLICATED. 1142 Royat Vienna Piates, deep form, painting, of Biblical sub- jects, rich borders of applied gold on dark blue and maroon ground. Diameter 1o inches, 2 pieces. Weinert ee: LARGE COLLECTION OF PLATES. 181 1143 RovaL VienNA PLaTeEs, subject of decoration, “ Spring” and “ Summer,” jeweled, and gold ornamented borders. 2 pieces. Others, decorated with mythological subjects, borders of various designs in gold and colors. 12 pieces. 1144 Others, decorated with portraits of the “ Queens of Eng- land.” 12 pieces. 1145 1146 Others, decorated with portraits of Peter 1st of Russia, and Gustave Adolph rst of Sweden, painted by Schrébel, bor- ders ornamented in gold and fine colors. Diameter 9} inches. 2 pieces. Others, portraits of Frederick the Great, and Carl VL, painted by A. Beer, rich borders. 2 pieces. 1147 1148 Others, portraits of Sigismund of Sweden, and Carl rst, painted by A. Beer and Berger, floral and. other designs on borders in gold and delicate colors. | 2 pieces. 1149 —— Others, portraits of Louis XIV., by A. Beer, and Louis XVI., by Schrébel, borders of very rich design in gold and colors. Diameter 9} inches. 2 pieces. II50 Others, portraits of King Ferdinand ist, and Carl the Great, by A. Drest, and Gustave 1st of Sweden, by Griiner, borders ornamented with rich designs in applied gold over del- icate colors. Diameter ro inches. 3 pieces. 1151 —— Others, decorated with mythological subjects by Joseph Zache, and others, “The Judgment of Paris,” “ Doedalus und Icarus,” and “Offerings of Venus,” borders richly orna- mented. 3 pieces. 1152 Others, decorated by Mannish, “ Venus and Aineas,” and ““ School of Love,” richly ornamented borders of designs in gold on King’s blue ground. 2 pieces. Others, mythological and other subjects, “The Choice of Hercules,” “ Angelica and Medora,” “ The Departure of Hec- tor,” “Death of Achilles,” and “ Saul as King,” borders richly ornamented in various designs. Diameter ro inches. 6 pieces. 1153 Others, decorated with mythological and other subjects, borders of rich designs in gold and colors. Diameter 10 inches. 8 pieces. 1154 ee ence A ES SNe EERO aR cies ORO 182 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1155 RoyaL Vienna Puates, “ Cupid sharpening his Arrows,” etc. borders of designs in gold on King’s blue ground. Diameter to inches, 2 pieces. 1156 Others, portrait of Henry VIII. of England, by Werner, and “Springtime,” after Raphael, borders of very rich de- signs in embossed gold and colors. Diameter 94 inches. 2 pieces. 1157 Others, “ Venus and Troja,” and “ Hippolytus and Phe- dra,” borders of applied gold and colors. Diameter 94 inches. 2 pieces. 1158 —— Others, subject of decoration “ Rebecca at the Well” and . “Muse of Painting,” richly ornamented borders. 2 pieces. 1159 Others, ‘Thetis brings his Armor to Achilles,” “ Thetis bathing Achilles in the Styx,” “ Pluto carrying off Proser- pine,” “ Achilles disguised as a Woman,” and “ Boreas carry- ing off Orythia.’’ Diameter 94 inches. 5 pieces. 1160 SkvRES PLATES, péze tendre, mark of the factory, 1768, and of Chulot decorator, in medallions are painted portraits of Court beauties : Duchesse de Bourgoyne, Duchesse de Pompadour, Diane de Poitiers, Marie Stuart, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Madame de Montesson, Anne d’Angleterre, Comtesse de Grignan, Ma- dame Elizabeth, Marie de Médicis, Madame de Lamballe, Madame Dubarry. Rich jeweled borders with flowers painted in medallions. 12 pieces. II61 Others, same marks, hard paste, painted with portraits of Duchesse du Maine, Madame de Mailly, Madame de Longueville, Madame de Genlis, Madame de Parabére, Ma- dame de Sévigné, jeweled and decorated borders to match above. : 6 pieces. 1162 MINTON PLATES, open work borders, decorated with floral de- signs, various roses, painted in natural colors. Diameter 9 inches, 18 pieces. 1163 Others, same pattern and size, decorated with figures of Cupids, flowers, etc., by A. Boullemier. 18 pieces. 1164 —— Others, pierced border of Grecian pattern, rose pink glaze. with floral designs and butterflies painted in white, 18 pieces. LARGE COLLECTION OF PLATES. 183 1165 Minron Puiates, for game, lattice design borders, various dogs, horses, birds, deer, etc., painted in medallions, on which is a band of turquoise glaze. ; 12 pieces. 1166 —— Others, of similar design and decoration, pink band around medallions. 12 pieces. 1167 Others, lattice and turquoise blue borders, domestic scenes painted in medallions. Diameter 9} inches. 24 pieces. Others, cream glaze, with ornamentation in applied gold and platina, turquoise jeweled bands, and medallions. Diam- eter ro inches. 18 pieces. 1168 Others, white centre, with border of sea green, richly or- namented with floral and other designs in applied gold and white enamel, same shape and size as above. 18 pieces. 1169 Others, open work borders of Grecian design, band of turquoise glaze, Cupids and floral designs in medallions, painted by A. Boullemier. Diameter 9} inches. 18 pieces. II70 Others, gold embossed borders, decorated with various rare orchids in bloom, painted by W. Mussillé. Diameter 94 inches. 18 pieces. I171 Others, cream color glaze, with various birds and plants, painted in natural colors. Diameter 94 inches. 12 pieces. 1172 Others, open work borders, with turquoise and gold orna- ments, decorated by A. Boullemier with pastoral and other subjects in medallions. Diameter 9 inches. 12 pieces. 1173 Others, same pattern and size, decorated by same artist, scenes from childhood, etc. 12 pieces. 1174 Others, panels decorated with marine views and land- scapes in sepia, by J. Evans, canary yellow glaze, with gold or- namentation, Diameter 9} inches. 18 pieces. T1175 1176 Others, rich embossed gold enameled borders, roses and other flowers painted in centre by C. F. Hiirtin. Diameter 9} inches, 18 pieces. Others, larger, King’s blue border, with floral designs in applied gold and turquoise, white centre with star medallions. Diameter 10 inches. 18 pieces. 1177 184 THE MORGAN COLLECTION, 1178 MINTON PLaTEs, pierced panels and cameo medallions on bor- ders, with turquoise blue and gold ornamentation, pastoral and other‘subjects, painted in medallions by A. Boullemier. Diameter ro inches, 18 pieces. Others, cameo medallion on borders, with floral design painted in colors, and vine design in gold on turquoise raised panels, in centre medallions, emblematical designs, band of turquoise blue surrounding, Diameter ro inches, 18 pieces, 1179 1180 Others, open work borders of Grecian pattern, gold orna- mentation, decorated by A. Boullemier. Diameter 9% inches. 18 pieces. II81 Others, same pattern borders as above, turquoise blue centres, with cameo medallions and gold and silver ornamen- tation of vine and floral designs, bands of cream color, with festoons in gold. Diameter 94 inches. 18 pieces, Ir82 Others, turquoise blue borders, with bands of blossoms, white centre medallions, decorated with Chinese and Japanese vases and ornaments, plants, etc., in colors and gold. Diam- eter 9} inches, 18 pieces, 1183 Others, ivory finish, with embossed gold ornamentation, and pdte sur pate medallions of various designs, shapes and colors. Diameter 94 inches, I5 pieces, 1184 —— Others, deep form, borders of floral designs with cameo medallions, centre of turquoise blue, with letter M in flowers on white ground, Diameter ro inches, 24 pieces, 118 Others, ivory finish, with ornamentation of various rare ? ? orchids in bloom, insects, etc., in gold, platina and enamels. Diameter 94 inches. 22 pieces, 1186 Others, embossed gold borders, painted in medallions, Cupids, and nude figure, surrounding which a band of tur- quoise blue, with floral and other designs in white pdéte sur péte. Diameter 94 inches, 24 pieces. 1187 Others, for game, sunk panels, decorated with various do- mestic and wild animals, ground of turquoise blue, with floral ornamentation in imitation of Chinese cloisonné enamel. Diameter 94 inches, 18 pieces, Temes ener ne ——————— ———— oz LARGE COLLECTION OF PLATES. 185 1188 MinToN PLATES, turquoise blue medallions, with Japanese ornaments and other designs, painted in colors and gold, cream color band and turquoise borders, rich enameled orna- ments. Diameter 9} inches. 22 pieces. 1189 RoyaL WorcESTER PLATES, ivory finish centres, with em- bossed medallions, centre decorated with four peacocks in penciled gold and colors, very rich borders in gold and tur- quoise enamel. Diameter ro inches. 18 pieces. 1190 ——— Others, same make, rich embossed borders of jeweled and other designs, white centres with floral designs, painted in nat- ural colors. Diameter 9 inches. 18 pieces. TIQI Others, larger, ivory finish, Japanese style of decoration, storks, plants, etc., in gold matte and platina. Diameter 10 inches. 22 pieces. 1192 —— Others, similar to above, smaller. Diameter 94 inches. Io pieces. 1193 Others, smaller, similar in design to above. Diameter 9 inches. 12 pieces. 1194 DRESDEN PLATES, open work borders, decorated with penciled gold over King’s blue glaze, various heads painted in medal- lions, ‘‘ Neapolitan Boy,” etc. Diameter 93 inches. 12 pieces. 1195 ——— Others, same shape and size as above, decorated ‘with various subjects, copied from paintings by Gerard Douw and other famous painters. II pieces. Others, same shape as above, pastoral scenes painted in centre medallions. 2 pieces. 1196 Others, pierced borders with blue and gold ornamen- tation, painted with subjects after paintings by Caspar Netscher and others, Diameter 9 inches. 3 pieces. 1197 Others, open work borders and scalloped edges, penciled gold ornamentation, centre panels painted with “ The Goddess of Fairy Tales,” etc. Diameter 9 inches. 2 pieces. 1198 1199 SEvres PLATES, pdte tendre, mark of 1769, decorated with floral wreaths around borders, gold ground centre with decora- tion in blue. Diameter 9} inches. 18 pieces. ss 186 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1200 Sivres PLates, mark of 1753, and Le Gay decorator, medal- lion portraits of court beauties and celebrated women of France, jeweled and painted ornamentation, turquoise blue and white ground, scalloped edges. Diameter 1o inches. 18 pieces. Others, smaller, mark of 1883, decorated by E. Sieffert, ‘¢ Marionettes.” Diameter g inches. 18 pieces. 1201 1g pk aed ea at SONS SEERA SUE Ss SROTTHE We ee SALE SoA LURDAY AP TLERNOON, MARCH 12, BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. LAURE, (CONLIS(CIUMIKOUN Ole” IPILACTN SS). r202 “Crown Dersy” Puiates, white centres with birds and flowers painted in natural colors, borders of various colors, and orna- mented with floral panels, crests and other designs in gold and delicate colors, scalloped edges. Diameter 95 inches. 18 pieces. 1203 BERLIN PLATES, centre medallion. decorated with ideal female heads, green and gold borders. Diameter 94 inches. 18 pieces. 1204 MINTON PLATES, richly ornamented with embossed gold and pate sur pate on turquoise and dark blue, white centre with gold crest. Diameter 1o inches. 18 pieces. 1205 PuaTE, “Brownfield’s china,” decorated with domestic and other scenes, by Boullemier, and Hartmann, subjects of deco- ration inscribed on back of plates. Diameter g inches. 1g inches. Others, same make, ornamented with figure of Cupids in pate sur péte, vine and other designs in gold, dark blue and pink ground. Diameter 9 inches. 18 pieces 1206 1207 Puates, of French porcelain, decorated with “ Peasant Boys,” by Jean and Georges Poitevin. Diameter g inches. I2 pieces. 1208 FAIENCE PLATES, same as above, decorated by Georges Poitevin, “ Peasant Children.” . 9 pieces. 18a” THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1209 CoPELAND PLATEs, scalloped edges, with embossed gold orna- mentation, white centres with floral designs painted nye, 18 Hiirstin. Diameter 8 inches. 12 pieces. 1210 Others, same make, similar shape, applied gold orna- mentation, female heads in centre medallions. Diameter 8 inches, 12 pieces, T211 Others, similer shape as above, turquoise border, deli- cate pink ground centre, rich jeweled and gold ornamentation. Diameter 8 inches. 12 pieces. 1212 PLates, “ Brownsfield China,” open work borders with gold ornaments, decorated by Hartmann, domestic, pastoral, and other subjects, title inscribed on back of each plate. Diameter 9x inches, 18 pieces. 1213 MiInToN PiatTeEs, pink and gold ornamented borders, orchids. in bloom painted in centre on white ground. . Diameter 9x inches. 22 pieces. 1214 RovaL WorcEsTER Puates, Persian borders, white centres, with various flowers and butterflies painted in natural colors. Diameter 9 inches, 18 pieces, 1215 Others, lotus leaf design, ivory texture, decorated with Japanese and other designs in applied metals and colored enamels, Diameter g inches. 18 pieces. 1216 MINTON PLATES, very intricate pierced borders, of floral and lattice designs, with gold ornamentation, decorated with sub- jects after Angelica Kauffmann by A. Boullemier. Diameter to inches, 18 pieces. ‘Finest and most expensive Plates ever produced by Minton, T2077 Others, white sougfé borders with gold bands, mono- gram on turquoise medallion. Diameter 9 inches. 18 pieces. 1218 Others, lemon yellow and gold borders, white centre, monogram in dark blue panels. Diameter 9 inches. 18 pieces 1219 Others, same shape and size as above, turquoise and gold gilt border, monogram on gold ground panel. 18 pieces. 1220 Others, same shape and size as above, crimson and gold borders, monogram on gold ground panel. 18 pieces. Fe en ER RE A RL A LC LO LEE LL ane er rer nena cage” REY ~~ LARGE COLLECTION OF PLATES. 189 221 MINTON PLATES, rich crimson and gold borders, monogram - in centre. Diameter ro inches. 25 pieces. 1222 Others, same size and shape as above, rich blue and gold borders, monogram in white ground centre. 25 pieces. 1223 ——— Others, same as above, turquoise and blue borders, with monogram in centre. 25 pieces. 1224 Others, very richly ornamented borders of dark blue, with decoration in gold and crimson. Diameter ro inches. 25 pieces. 1225 Others, same shape and size as above, celadon borders with gold ornamentation. 25 pieces. 1226 —— Others, turquoise borders with gold band, monogram in centre. Diameter ro inches. 25 pieces. eer Others, gilt band around edges, decorated with various Oriental vases, ornaments and flowers painted in natural colors. Diameter 94 inches. 12 pieces. 1228 —— Others, similar to above. 25 pieces. 1229 —— Others, lapis-lazuli borders, jeweled ornamentation, ‘‘ Cu- pid” subjects, painted in centre medallions, Diameter 93 inches. 22 pieces. 1230 Others, turquoise blue and gold borders, with pierced me- dallions and pdte sur pdte testoons, white centre, ornamented with flowers, grasses, and insects in applied gold and silver. Diameter 94 inches. 22 pieces. 1231 Others, open work borders, turquoise blue band, with fruits, blossoms and crests, in bright enamels, penciled gold medallions. Diameter 94 inches. 22 pieces. TORS: Others, same shape as above, white soug#¢é band, children’s heads painted in medallions. . 18 pieces. Others, similar shape and size, floral designs, painted in medallions. 18 pieces. 1233 1234 —— Others, same shape and size as above, turquoise blue glaze, with ornamentation of birds, flowering plants, etc., in white pate sur pate. 22 pieces. 1235 —— Others, gilt edges, white ground, with decoration of female heads. Diameter g} inches. 18 pieces. Lot ng pk AE tas ed Se a Oe a SRE TSN SS ROL THERE ATER SERIES 1 coat ceed ns Breet Ee _ 190 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1236 MINTON PLATES, turquoise rough glaze, with enameled birds, grasses, etc., in natural colors. 22 pieces. Others, for fish, same shape and size as above, decorated by W. Mussillé, with various species of fish, marine plants, etc. 25 pieces. 1237 1238 Others, smaller, decorated by H. Mitchell, various fish painted in natural colors. Diameter 9 inches. 18 pieces. 1239 —— Others, for game, same size as above, decorated by H. Mitchell, with various birds, deer, and other game, painted in natural colors, Ig pieces.. 1240 Crown Dersy GAME PtLatTes, penciled and embossed bor- ders in crimson and gold, centre panels painted with various domestic and wild birds, foliage, etc., in natural colors. Diam- eter 9} inches, 25 pieces. 1241 PATE TENDRE PLATES, Sévres style of decoration, pastoral and other subjects painted in centre medallions, turquoise borders, with birds and flowers, in panels, gold ornamentation. Diam- eter 9 inches, 18 pieces. 1242 MINTON PLATES, pierced design on borders filled in with glaze, Chinese rice grain effect, painting of floral designs in centre panels, gold edge. Diameter 9} inches, 22 pieces. Others, same size as above, similar design borders, Cupids painted in centres, penciled gold edges. 22 pieces. 1243 1244 —— Others, open work borders with gold ornaments, decorated with female heads in medallion, turquoise band surrounding. Diameter 9g inches. 18 pieces. 1245 Others, larger, gold ground borders, with water and fly- ing storks in Nankin blue, monogram in centre. Diameter 10 inches. 25 pieces. MISCELLANEOUS. 1246 RoyaL VIENNA DessERT SERVICE, decorated by K. Wildner and others, with subjects from famous paintings, very rich blue and gold borders, comprises 2 high compotes, 6 plates, and 6 after dinner coffee mugs and saucers, 20 pieces. MISCELLANEOUS. IgI 1247 BowL AND SAucER, Sévres porcelain, decorated with flowers and butterflies, painted in natural colors. egg-shell texture, richly decorated with Persian and other patterns, in crimson and gold. 12 pieces. 1249 BouiLLon Cups anD Saucers, to match above. 13 pieces. 1250 RoyAL VIENNA DesseRT SERVICE, decorated by Berger with mythological and other subjects, many after celebrated paint- ings, very rich borders in crimson and gold, vine designs in panels in delicate colors, comprises 4 low compotes, 12 plates, and 12 after-dinner mugs and saucers, mugs gold lined. 4o pieces. 1251 Parr Minton Compores, tall form, with Cupids for support, i | i 1248 AFTER-DINNER CorrEE Cups AND SAUCERS, “ Minton,” semi- turquoise blue glaze, with gold and jeweled ornaments, Cu- pids painted in medallions. 2 pieces. I Lage Another pair, similar shape as above, crimson glaze, with Hh Cupids in medallions. 2 pieces. | 1253 —— Same. 2 pieces. | 1254 AFTER DINNER CoFFEE Cups AND Saucers, “ Minton,” cela- Hl don band, with floral and other designs in applied gold and | white enamels. 17 pieces. il 1255 ——— Others, same make, rich gold and enameled decoration with cameo medallions. 12 pieces. 1256 —— Others, egg-shell texture, same make as above, “ Min- Ht ton,” gold embossed ornamentation with painted floral band. Watteau subjects in medallions. 13 pieces. 1257 —— Others, “Copeland” square shape with incised corners, rich jeweled and gold ornamentation on crimson glaze. 6 pieces. Others, same make and shape, similar style of ornamenta- tion on King’s blue glaze. 6 pieces. Mi} 1258 1259 TEA Cups AND Saucers, “Minton,” decorated with fan shape medallions in turquoise blue, flowers, birds, and other designs in natural colors and gold. 12 pieces. 1260 —— Others, same make, King’s blue glaze with jeweled and i} gold ornamentation, Cupids painted in medallions, semi-egg- shell texture. Coo a pk AE ar na it Se Ot a RESO SHES SAO ETHER TORE I EEE STAAL OS SELLA EL AE EAE HAE: ara Saino Herel emann oan 20 ETAT 1261 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. Minton TEA Cups AND SAUCERS, same make, bowl shape, gold ground, band with flying storks in nankin blue and white enamel. 12 pieces. AFTER DINNER Cups AND Saucers, “ Crown Derby,” egg- shell texture, rich jeweled and embossed decoration over rose pink and canary yellow glaze. 12 pieces. Trea Cups AND Saucers, “Minton,” pierced designs filled in with glaze, Chinese rice grain effect, butterflies and blos- soms in gold and silver. 12 pieces. a Others, same make, turquoise floral glaze, with flying storks, bamboo branches and other designs painted in natural color enamels, CHOCOLATE Mucs anp Saucers, decorated medallions, tur- quoise band, embossed gold ornamentation. 12 pieces. Royat WorcrstTerR Tray, leaf shape, decorated with flying storks, bamboo branches, etc., in gold and platina. SALAD PxaTeEs, “ Minton,” ornamented with floral and other designs in bright colors, in imitation of Chinese cloisonné en- amel. 24 pieces. PorcELAIN Menu StTanps, decorated with game subjects. 35 pieces. —— Others, similar. 12 pieces. —— Others, decorated with heads. 34 pieces. —— Others, same shape, decorated with scenes from childhood. 12 pieces. RICH CUT ENGLISH GLASSWARE. LarcE Fruit Bowt, high form, heavy texture, bold diamond pattern, Pair Fruit Bow .s, to match, low form. Pair PRESERVE DIsHEs, to match, oval shape. 2 pieces. IczE Cream Disu, oval shape, scalloped edge, fine diamond pattern. 16 x 114 inches. Fruit BaskET, antique pattern, oval shape, diamond design. RICH CUT ENGLISH GLASSWARE. 193 1277 ROUND PRESERVE Disu, heavy texture, bold cut. Diameter 10 inches. 1278 PAIR PRESERVE DIsHEs, tomatch. Diameter 9g inches. 2 pieces. 1279 —— Another pair, smaller. Diameter 8 inches. 2 pieces. 1280 IczE Cream Disu, flat oval shape, scalloped edge, diamond and star pattern. 134 x g4 inches. 1281 Pair Hicu Fruir Bowts, fine diamond pattern. 2 pieces. 1282 CHEESE DISH AND Cover, to match. 1283 PRESERVE TRaAy, to match, shell shape. Another, oval shape, with handles at ends, heavy texture. 14 x 8 inches. 1285 Ick Cream TRay, oblong form with handles at ends, heavy texture. 14 x 8 inches. 1286 PRESERVE Disu, oval shape, bold diamond pattern. 1287 PAIR JELLY DISHES, oval shape, heavy texture, bold cut. 2 pieces. 1288 Berry Disu, round shape with indented sides, heavy texture, bold cut. 124 x 10 inches, 1289 PAIR PRESERVE DISHES, to match. 2 pieces. 1290 Ic—E Cream TRay, oval shape, with handles at ends, antique pattern. 14 x 8 inches. 1291 Fruir Tray, to match, oval shape. 12 x 7 inches. 1292 PAIR JELLY TRAys, to match. 2 pieces. 1293 ——— Another pair, smaller. 2 pieces. 1294 SALAD Bowl, antique shape, diamond pattern. 1295 Ick CrEAM Tray, to match, oblong shape, with shell shape handles at ends. 134 x 74 inches. 1296 Pair JELLY TRays, to match, diamond shape. 2 pieces. 1297 Parr RounpD TRays, to match. 2 pieces. 1298 OvaL TRAy, to match, with rim. 11 x 9 inches. 1299 PAIR SHELL-SHAPE TRAys, to match. 2 pieces. 13 ‘ TEES nye vee a2 a 7 Tae Lot ag pnt i deianeied See eee meee ens : . COLLECTION. THE MORGAN OsLonc TRAY, with rim, to match. 11 x 5 inches. Pair PRESERVE DIsHEs, to match, oval, deep form. 2 pieces. Fruit BASKET AND TRAY, antique shape, diamond pattern, heavy texture. 11 x 64 inches. Pair PRESERVE TRAYS, to match, round, deep form. Diam- eter 10 inches. 2 pieces. Pair Fruit Baskets, with trays, to match above, diamond shape. 2 pieces, Pair LarcEe Trays, leaf shape, diamond pattern. 2 pieces. Jetty Tray, oblong, deep form, boldly cut. 11 x 7 inches. PRESERVE TRAY, oval shape, with scalloped edge, diamond pat- tern. 11 x 8 inches. Another, similar shape and size, but different pattern, heavy texture. RELISH TRAys, antique shape, diamond pattern. 4 pieces. Pair JELLY Trays, deep diamond shape, cut in squares. 9 x 44 inches. 2 pieces. LarGE Fruit STAND ON PEDESTAL, elaborate antique design, heavy texture. Height and diameter rz x 94 inches, can be used with or without pedestal. SMALL FRUIT STAND, heavy texture, diamond pattern. Pair CLARET FLacons, heavy texture, bold diamond pattern. 2 pieces. Pair Quart DECANTERS, to match. 2 pieces. GOBLETs, to match. 36 pieces. CHAMPAGNE BOowLs, to match. 34 pieces. Hock GLassgEs, to match. 34 pieces. CLARET GLASSES, to match. 36 pieces. SHERRY GLASSES, to match. 36 pieces. LIQUEUR GLASSES, to match. 35 pieces. ALE PITCHERS, to match. 12 pieces. FINGER BOWLs AND PLATES, to match. 35 pieces. Pair Pint Decanters, bold cut. 2 pieces. reer USE 1344 + ag pet Aiwa ent Sag aE ERRMTTH SSUES SHOES: ne ea nee nn a gssgnee REY BRONZES, SCULPTURE, CABINETS, ETC. 195 ENGRAVED GLass ALE PITCHERS. 12 pieces. ALE GLASSES, to match. 10 pieces. TUMBLERS, to match. 6 pieces. CHAMPAGNE GLASSES, to match. 12 pieces. IRON /AIES, SXCUILIPINUNRIS,, (CAUBIONIS IS, 1B,1NC- BAS-RELIEF, in Bronze, “ Le Christ au Tombeau,” by Jean Goujon, F. Barbedienne, Hondeur. Height 74 inches, width 184 inches, mounted in crimson plush frame. Bronze Ficurg, “ North Wind,” by Moreau. Height 36 inches. PEDESTAL for same. Bronze Ficure, “Summer,” by Gregoire. Height 27 inches. PEDESTAL for same. Bronze Bust, ‘A Chief of Timbuctoo.” by A. Stralzer, 1880, marble base. Height 24 inches. TALL PEepEsTAL for above, carved and polished brass. LirE-SIZE FiGuRE, in Carrara marble, “ Reproof,” by E. R. Thaxter, deceased. Height 36 inches. PEDESTAL for same, Verte antique marble. Lire-sizzE Bust, in Carrara marble and bronze, “ Othello,” by Calvi, of Milan. PEDESTAL for same, carved onyx, with gold gilt ornaments and mountings. Bronze Ficure, “Eastern Dancing Girl.” Height 28 inches. Companion to the above, “ Eastern Dancing Boy.” Pair Tat Pepestats for the above, rose antique marble, with gold gilt mountings and ornaments. 2 pieces. Bronze Ficure, “ The Fisher Girl,” by B. Carpeaux. Height 28 inches, has black marble base. FIGURE IN Bronze, “Psyche,” by L. Gregoire. Height 38 inches. PEDESTAL for same, carved cherry, ebonized. 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. SCULPTURE IN Ivory, figure of “ Fortune,” by A. Moreau-Vau- thier. Height of figure including Egyptian marble pedestal 33 inches, sold with hexagonal shape beveled glass case, with silver mountings, made to order by Tiffany & Co. Ficure of “ Andromeda,” sculptured in ivory, by A. Moreau- Vauthier. Height, including Egyptian marble pedestal, 29 inches, has beveled glass case, with gold gilt mountings. Miniature Bust, in ivory, “Il Lazzarone,”’ carved by A. Moreau-Vauthier. Pedestal of carved and polished agate, has silver and gold gilt stand, with glass shade. Bust, in Carrara marble, “ Daisy,” by C. Calverly. Height 15 inches. LARGE Bronze, “ Roman Boy Catching Crabs,” by F. Mora- tilla, Rome. Height 52 inches, width at base 28 inches. PEDESTAL for same, carved cherry, ebonized, with black marble top. Bric-A-BRAC Cass, beveled plate glass, with gold gilt bronze mountings, has movable shelf. Outside measurement height 28 inches, width 28 inches, depth 17 inches, made to order by Messrs, Herter Brothers. TABLE for the above, carved rosewood, with gold gilt mount- ings and ornaments, and shelf beneath, made to order by Messrs. Herter Brothers. Bric-A-BRAC CAsE, with side shelves, beveled plate glass, mounted in gold gilt bronze. Outside measurement 18 x 31 x 20 inches, made by Messrs. Herter Brothers. CARVED RosEWooD TABLE, for the above case, made to order by Messrs. Herter Brothers. ELABORATE CARVED Oak LiprARY TABLE, with numerous drawers for etchings and engravings, made from original design by Messrs. Herter Brothers. Extreme outside measurement, 78 inches long, 48 inches wide, 30 inches high. ENGRAVING CasE, of carved oak, made to order by Messrs. Herter Brothers. oT ne pet Aiea net SO eee eUE SE FINE ART AND OTHER BOOKS ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS ot ng ped tata ad See oma enna SAES: SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, BEGINNING AT 8 0’CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 1357 ADVENTURES OF SAPPHO, PorTEss OF MITYLENE: the text in Italian, with English translation facing each page. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1789. Scarce and curious. 1358 AINswoRTH (W. H.). Novets. Best edition, with numerous engravings by Cruikshank, H. K. Browne, Tony Johannot, ete. 16 vols. 8vo, half mor. extra. London, n. d. Uniform library edition. 1359 ALCOCK (Sir R.), CAPITAL OF THE TYCOON; a narrative of a three years’ residence in Japan. Maps, and numerous tlustra- tions on wood and in chromo-lithography. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1863. 1360 ALDRICH (T.B.). Poems. [/lustrated by the Paint and Clay Club, with the floral decorations in colors. Portrait, 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1882. A fine specimen of American typography. 1361 ALG&. Two hundred fine specimens, carefully mounted and arranged in an album. Oblong 4to, mor., gilt edges and clasp. 1362 ALISON (ARCHIBALD). History or Europe. Both series com- plete, with Atlas. Large type, library edition. 24 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound, calf extra, marbled edges, by Grieve. Edinburgh, 1860. Fine copy. 1363 ALIsoN (Sir A.). Essays, political, historical, and miscellaneous, 3 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra, by Grzeve. London, 1850. Uniformly bound with the preceding and following ttems. nee ree ren gn RR SE RTO CTE i acsene EEE 3 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1364 ALISON (Sir A.), PRINCIPLES OF POPULATION, and their con- nection with human happiness. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra, by Grieve. London, 1840. 3365 AMERICAN CycLopepia. A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, the ANNUALS to 1883 and INDEx. New edition, entirely re- vised and corrected. Profusely illustrated. 25 thick vols. roy. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges, by Mathews. New York, Appleton, 1873. 1366 AMERICAN HisTroricaAL AND LITERARY CURIOSITIES. Con- taining Fgc-similes of some Plates, etc., relating to Columbus, and Original Documents of the Revolution, etc., etc. Edited and arranged by John Jay Smith and J. F. Watson. First series. Roy. ato, half mor. Philadelphia, 1852. 1367 AMERICAN HisToRICAL AND LITERARY CURIOSITIES, etc., etc. with a Variety of Reliques, Antiquities, and Autographs. Sec- ond series complete, 64 plates. Roy. 4to, half mor. New York, 1860. 1368 AMERICAN PaINnTERS. By G. W. Sheldon. W7th 83 examples of their work engraved on wood. to, mor., gilt edges. New York, 1879. 1369 ANTHON (CHARLES). CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, containing an account of the principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors. Thick roy. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1881. 1370 ARABIAN NiGHTs’ ENTERTAINMENTS, Knight’s pictorial Edition, translated, with copious notes by E. W. Lane. J//us- trated with several hundred woodcuts by ffarvey. 3 vols. roy. 8vo, brown crushed levant mor., gilt edges, by Mathews. London, 1841. 1371 ARGYLL (DUKE oF), THE REIGN or Law. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1879. 1372 ARMENGAUD (J.C. D.). THe Pustic GALLERIES oF Rome. Several hundred woodcuts, illustrating the notable Galleries of Lome, with their treasures of art and antiquity. With numer- ous vignettes, culs-de-lampe, etc., etc. Small folio, half red mor., gilt, Paris, 1859. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 201 1373 Artistic Houses, being a series of Interior Views of the most Beautiful and Celebrated Homes in the United States, with a description of the Art Treasures contained therein. Over 200 jine photographs. 4 vols. imp. folio, superbly bound in alli- gator skin, gilt edges, with velvet case. New York, 1883-84. Only 500 copies printed. No. 738. 1374 ARTIsTs AT Homr. 25 ine portrait scenes in photo-engraving. Edited by F. G. Stephens. Folio, cloth. New York (London), 1884. Comprises Millais, Alna-Tadema, Gilbert, Leighton, Redgrave, Web- ster, Cousins, Gladstone, etc. 1375 ART JOURNAL, complete from 1849 to 1883 inclusive. 35 vols. 4to, half red levant mor., extra, gilt edges. London, 1849-83. Uniform set, with an innumerable quantity of steel engravings and woodcuts—after the most celebrated modern painters. It includes all the plates contained in the Wilkie, Turner, Vernon, and Royal Galleries. 1376 ArT TREASURES OF AMERICA, being the choicest works of art in the Public and Private Collections of North America. W2th 93 plates and many woodcut illustrations, Edited by Edward Strahan [Earl Shinn]. 12 large portfolios. Philadelphia, 1879. Ldition de luxe, with proof impressions of the plates. No. 713. 1377 ATLAS.] CoLtTon’s AtiLas. Colored maps. Imp. 4to, half mor. New York, 1878. 1378 ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES, by T. G. Bradford. Colored maps. Roy. 4to. half mor. Boston, 1838. 1379 Baure (M. W.). Memorr or, by C. L. Kenney. Portrazt. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1875. 1380 BARBER (J. W.). Connecticut HIsToRICAL COLLECTIONS. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, sheep. New Haven, 1836. 1381 BarHAM. THE INGoLsBy LEGENDs; or, Mirth and Marvels, by Thos. Ingoldsby (Rev. R. H. Barham), Edited, with Notes, Introductory and Illustrative, by R. H. D. Barham. Printed on heavy toned paper, with frontispiece and the celebrated series of plates by Cruikshank and Leech, 2 vols. thick 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges. London, Bentley, 1876. Lot ng ed AE td mn gt SO aS OHS SRO SHES SASS THERE RTROSS EFI SE ARE IT LEEDS SILL SLIT AC AT ER AIS ee ene te ee eee THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1382 BARON MUNCHAUSEN, ADVENTURES OF. With 18 colored plates by Bichard. Folio, boards, London, n. d. 1383 BARTLETT (J. R.). FamItiaR QuoTATIONS: being at Attempt to Trace their Source. Passages and Phrases in Common Use. 12mo, mor. ant., gilt edges, Boston, 1875. 1384 BeEnNTON (THomas H.). ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF ConGREss, 1789, vols. 1 and 2. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857. 1385 BERANGER (J. P. DE). Ciuvres ET BIOGRAPHIE. CHANSONS. 4 vols. 1865. DERNIERES CHANSONS. 1 vol. ia, Gl MusiQguE. 1 vol. 1865. Ma BioGRAPHIE. 1 vol. 1859. UNIQUE SET, having in addition to the plates by Tony Johannot, etc. (proofs on India paper), over 275 inserted plates, many proof impressions, and some woodcuts. 7 vols. roy. 8vo, dark blue crushed levant mor. gilt backs, sides, and edges, and em- blematic tooling, by Marius Michel. Paris, 1859. An exceedingly fine set of books bound by the presiding bibliopegic genius, 1386 Berry (Miss). EXTRACTS OF THE JOURNALS AND CoRRE- SPONDENCE OF, from the year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. Portraits, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, extra. London, 1865. 1387 Birp (I. L.). Six MontTuHs In THE SanpwicH IsLanps. J//us- trated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1876. 1388 BisHops OF AMERICA. Album of Photographs. 4to, mor., gilt clasps. 1389 Book or Beauty: complete from 1838 to 1849 inclusive : over 200 steel engravings. 12 vols. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1838-49. 1390 Book oF Gems; or, the Poets and Artists of Great Britain. Edited by S. C. Hall. Original Edition. Printed on thick paper, and idlustrated with 150 Engravings on Steel, from draw- ings by Mulready, Cooper, Eastlake, Prout, Stanfield, Collins, Stothard, David Cox, J. W. M. Turner, and other eminent artists. 3 vols. 8vo, red mor. extra, gilt leaves. London, 1844, etc. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 203 1391 Bric-A-Brac Series. Greville Memoirs, Anecdote Biogra- phies of Dickens and Thackeray, Personal Reminiscences of Lamb, Hazlitt, Moore, Constable, Raikes, O’Keeffe, Kelly, Jerdan, etc., etc. 10 vols. 16mo, half calf extra. New York, 1876, etc. 1392 BritisH Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographi- cal, by A. Chalmers. Portraits on India paper. 38 vols. 12mo, half red mor., extra gilt tops, uncut edges. Boston, 1866. Large paper, 100 copies printed. No. 36. Comprises the Te atler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, World, Connoisseur, Idler, Mirror, Lounger, Observer, Looker-On, etc. ett., with index. 1393 BrivTisH Ports. GILFILLAN’s LIBRARY EDITION, with Lives, Critical Dissertations and Notes. Printed in large type with portraits. 48 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Edinburgh, 1868, etc. Comprises Akenside, Addison, Armstrong, Beattie, Blair, Bowles, Burns, Butler, Churchill, Collins, Cowper, Crashaw, Chaucer, Denham, Dryden, Dyer, Faulkner, Gay, Goldsmith, Graham, Gray, Greene, Herbert, Johnson, Kirke White, Milton, Parnell, Percy's Reliques, Prior, Pope, Quarles, Scott, Shakespeare, Som- evville, Shenstone, Smollett, Spenser, Surrey, Thompson, Waller, Warton, Wyatt, Young, and less-known poets. 1394 BREweER (E.C.). ReapEr’s HANDBOOK. 8vo, half mor. Philadelphia, 1880. 1395 BROGNIART ET Riocreux. Description du Musée Céramique, de la manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de Sevres. With over 100 colored plates. 2 vols. roy. 4to, half red mor., gilt tops, uncut edges. Paris, 1845. 1396 BRonTé (Misses). Lire AND Works. Jilustrated by numerous woodcuts. 7 vols, crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1875. Includes: Jane Eyre, Shirley, Professor, Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey, Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Life. ° 1397 BRonTE (CHARLOTTE). PoEMs. 16mo, mor., gilt edges. New York, 1882. 1398 BronTé. SHIRLEY, AND VILETTE. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 399 Brown (DR. JOHN). SPARE Hours. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf extra. Boston, 1877. Lot pepe Aides need Sena odes ae meNsn Seuss moeCaE ETERS RIES “ vonieswsinet MRS Ra ROE A SII Swi See mn asia 204 THE MORGAN COLLECTION, 1400 BRUYERE (JEAN DE LA). THE CHARACTERS OF, newly ren- dered into English, with an Introduction, Biographical Me- moir, and copious notes, by Henri Van Laun. With 7 etched portraits by Damman, and 17 vignettes, etched by Foulguier and printed on China paper. 8vo, half parchment, gilt top, uncut. London, 1885. Only 500 copies printed, each of which is numbered. No. 45. 1401 BryAN (MICHAEL). BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL DICTION- ARY OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. Revised by Stanley. Portrait and Monograms. Imp. 8vo, Russia. London, 1849. 1402 Bryant (W.C.). Poems. Portrait and over 100 illustrations, 8vo, mor. antique, gilt edges. New York, 1876. 1403 Buist (R.), AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1858. 1404 Butwer-Lytron. Novets anp Tates. Frontispieces. 23 vols. 16mo, half calf extra, contents lettered. Philadelphia, 1871. Contents: My Novel, 2 vols.; What will he do with it, 2 vols. 5 Pilgrims of the Rhine and Lelia, Alice, Godolphin, Harold, Eugene Aram, Pompeii, Rienzi, Caxtons, Pelham, Disowned, Paul Chfford, Lu- cretia, Strange Story, Maltravers, Night and Morning, Last of the Barons, Devereux, Zanoni. 1405 BUNYAN (JOHN). PiLGRim’s Procress. With 100 dlustrations on Japan paper, by Fred. Barnard, etc. 4to, half vellum, un- cut. London, 1880. Only 500 printed. No. 226. 1406 BuNYAN’s PILGRim’s Procress, Holy War, etc. Colored plates. 4to, mor. ant., gilt edges. London, n. d. 1497 BURBIDGE (F. W.). THE GARDENS OF THE SuN. J//ustrated. 8vo, cloth, London, 1880. 1408 BuRTON (Captain R. F.), Tur Lake REGIONS oF CENTRAL Arrica. Map and plates. Roy. 8vo, half calf extra. ’ New York, 1860. 1409 Byron (LorpD). PorticaL Works. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, red mor. extra, gilt edges. London, Murray, 1855. 1410 Byron (LorD). Works, Lirz, AND ConTEMPORARY REMINIS- CENCES, as follows: I. Byron’s PorticaL Works. Finden’s plates. 6 vols. 8vo. 1855. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 205 II. Byron (Lorp). LetTers AND JouRNALS OF LorD Byron, with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore. 3d edition, with a series of 44 engravings by Finden. 3 vols. 8vo. 1833. III. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LirE oF LorD Byrovn, from 1808 to 1814, by R. C. Dallas. ac-similes. 1824. TV. CONVERSATIONS ON RELIGION WITH LORD BYRON AND Oruers, by J. Kennedy. /ac-semile. 1830, V. NARRATIVE OF Byron’s Last JOURNEY TO GREECE, by Count Gamba. 1825. VI. ConveRSATIONS OF Lorp Byron, noted during a Res- idence with his lordship at Pisa, 1821-22. By T. Med- win, Fac-simile. 1824. VII. My Reco.iections or Lorp Byron, by the Count- ess Guiccioli, Portrait. 2 vols. 1869. VIII. GREECE IN 1823-24. with Reminiscences of Lord Byron, by Col. Stanhope. Portrait, etc. 1824. IX. NARRATIVE OF A SECOND VIsIT TO GREECE, by E. Blacquiere. 1825. X. LETTERS ON THE CHARACTER AND POETICAL GENIUS or Byron, by Sir Egerton Brydges. 1824. XI. Last Days or Byron, by Wm. Parry. 1825. XII. HisroricaL ILLUSTRATIONS. OF THE FOURTH CANTO oF CHILDE Haro.p, by J. Hobhouse. 1818. XIII. Byron anpd SOME OF HIS CONTEMPORARIES, by ‘Leigh Hunt. Portratts. 2 vols. 1828, e Together 22 vols. 8vo, crimson calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1818-69. UNIQUE SET, with over 250 inserted plates. No. LX is an autograph presentation copy from the author.—BLACQUIER. 1411 Byron.] Moore (Tuomas). LETTERS AND JOURNALS OF Lorp Byron, with Notices of his Life. “xe portrait. 4 vols. 4to., red mor. extra, gilt edges, by Revere. London, AZurray, 1830. Original edition. UNIQUE COPY, with over 350 plates added, including a set of the Finden illustrations on India paper, and very many vare portraits in fine condition, mostly proofs and on India paper Oo pep ek Aiea dat Se ag aa aco eens mere eNO ONES . ——— sacs Snivimietaaincesies 206 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1412 CALEDONIA, described by Scott, Burns, and Ramsay. //us- trated by John Macwhirter. 4to, cloth. London, 1878. 1413 CAMPBELL (THoMAS). PorTicaL Works. Printed on thick paper, and ilustrated with 20 engravings from designs by Turner, Square 8vo, blue mor. extra, gilt leaves, by Chatelin. London, AZoxon, 1837. 1414 CARLYLE (THOMAS). ComPLETE Works. Large type, li- brary edition, comprising: MiscELLANEOUs Essays, 6 vols. FRENCH REVOLUTION, 3 vols. Lire oF SCHILLER, 1 vol. SARTOR Resartus, 1 yol. Lectures oN Heroes, 1 vol. PasT AND PRESENT, 1 vol. CROMWELL’s LETTERS AND SPEECHES, portraits, 5 vols. LATTER-DAY PAMPHLETS, 1 vol. LiFE OF JOHN STERLING, portrait, 1 vol. History or FRED- ERICK THE SECOND, Io vols. GERMAN TRANSLATIONS, 3 vols. GENERAL INDEX to the Set, 1 vol. Together, 34 vols, 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1869, etc. Lest edition. 1415 CATS AND Faire. Morat EmBens, including Aphorisms, Adages, and Proverbs of all Nations. W2th 60 illustrations on wood, etc., by Leighton. 4to, mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1865. 1416 CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). Don QuixoTE DE LA MAnNcna. Cadell’s beautiful large type edition, printed by Bulmer. Translated from the Spanish (by Mary Smirke). J0/ustrated with the series of engravings and vignettes from pictures painted by Robert Smirke, 4 vols. 8vo, crimped mor. extra, gilt edges. London, Cadell & Davies, 1818. 1417 CHESTERFIELD (LorD). LETTERS WRITTEN To His Son. Ed- ited by C.S.Carey. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1872. 1418 CHOLMONDELEY-PENNELL (H.). FRom Grave To Gay. Poems. Portrait, 16mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1884. 1419 CHuRcH (A, J.). Srorres FROM VIRGIL. 24 illustrations. Post $vo, tree calf extra. London, 1879. 1420 CLAYTON (ELLEN C,). ENGLISH FEMALE ARTISTS. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1876. 1421 CLEMENT AND HutTTon. ARTISTS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1880. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 207 1422 COLERIDGE (SARA). MeEMmoIR AND Letters. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1873. 1423 COMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHY. AFRICA, AND CENTRAL AND Soutu America. Colored maps, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1878. 1424 ConpDé.] HISTOIRE DES PRINCES DE CONDE, PAR LE Duc D’AuMALE. /ortratt, z vols. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1863 (?) 1425 Cooper (J. FENtMorE). Works. Jilustrated Library Edition printed in large type. Engravings from designs by F. O. C. Darley, woodcuts, etc. With a Biographical Essay by William Cullen Bryant. 32 vols. 12mo, half calf extra. New York, 1872. 1426 COSTELLO (Loutsa). PILGRIMAGE TO AUVERGNE, FROM Picarpy To Le VeLay. Tinted plates, 2 vols. 8vo, 1842. BEARN AND THE PYRENEES, a Legendary Tour to the Country of Henry IV. TZvnted plates. 2 vols. 1844. SUMMER AMONG THE BoCAGES AND VINES. /rontispteces. 2 vols, 8vo. 1840. Tour TO AND FROM VENICE, BY THE VAUDOIS AND THE Tyrou. TZinted plates. 8vo. 1846. Memoirs OF Mary or BurcuNpDy. Post 8vo. 1853. Memoirs oF ANNE OF BRITTANY. Post 8vo. | 1853. Jacques Ca@ur, THE FRENCH ArGonauT. Portraits, 8vo. 1847. Together ro vols. half calf extra. London, 1840-53. 1427 CosTUMES OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, ETC. I. Tue Costume or Austria, displayed in 50 colored en- gravings ; with Descriptions and Introduction by M. Bertrand de Moleville. Translated by R. C. Dallas. 1804. Il. Tue Costume or Cuina. illustrated by 60 colored en- gravings, with Explanations in French and English. By George Henry Mason. 1804. III. THe PunisHMeNTS oF Cuina. Jilustrated by 22 en- gravings (colored), with explanations in English and French. 1801. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. IV. Tue CostuME OF GREAT BRITAIN. 60 colored plates, designed, engraved and written by W. H. Pyne. 1804. V. THE CosTUME OF THE RussiIAN EMPIRE. Jllustrated by a series of 73 engravings (colored), with descriptions in English. 1803. VI. Tue Costume or Turkey. J/lustrated by a series of 60 engravings (colored), and descriptions in English and French, 1804. VII. Tue Mitirary CostuMeE or Turkey. Jlustrated by a series of 31 engravings (colored ), from drawings made on the spot. 1818. Together 7 vols. roy. 4to, mor. extra. 1428 CowPeR (Wm.). THE Task. Illustrated by Birket Foster. 8vo, cloth. New York, London, 1778. 1429 CRABBE (GEO.). PoETICAL WorKS, with his Letters, Journals, and Life, by his Son. Vignette tllustrations by Finden. 8 vols. foolscap 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1834. 1430 CRABB (GEO.) ENGLISH SYNONYMS. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1848. 1431 Crospy (S. S.). Earty Coins or America; and the Laws governing their Issue. d/any hundred illustrations. to, half mor. Boston, 1878, 1432 CROWE AND CAVALCASELLE. HisToRY OF PAINTING IN Iraty, from the Second to the Fourteenth Century ; drawn from fresh materials after recent researches in the archives of Italy. Several hundred engravings on wood. 3 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, Murray, 1864-6. ““ The Works of Messrs. Crowe and Cavalcaselle are by far the richest mine of information upon Italian Painting that has been opened to us for many a long day. Ina judicious, philosophical way it associates picture with picture, artist with artist, and school with school, illustrating and drawing illustration from all, by showing their general connection with the general history and the social and political tendencies of their own times.” —EXAMINER. ewes ernerons FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 209 1433 CUNNINGHAM (PETER). STORY OF NELL GWYNNE AND THE SAYINGS OF CHARLES THE SECOND, Post 8vo. ExTrA ILLUSTRATED. The text carefully inlaid to 4to, and neatly ruled throughout. Over 200 jine and rare engravings inserted, comprising Portraits of Nell Gwynne and other celebrities, including the Portraits of Oliver Cromwell's Porter, Doctor Busby, Oldys, Betterton, Nell Gwynne by Bartolozzi, etc., Davenant, Sedley, Oughtred, Killegrew, Wm. Cartwright, Joe Harris, Mrs. Brace- girdle, Miss Fenton, Mrs. Behn, Tom D Urfey, Mrs. Larry, Col. Blood, Chiffinch, Bp. Ken, Mohun, Jane Shore, Sir Wm. Temple, Cave Underhill, Sir Robt. Vyner, and many others, also a choice series of Views, etc. One thick vol. 4to, elegantly bound in full crimson levant mor., crushed and polished, full gilt back, inside borders, gilt top, uncut edges, by JZathews. London, Bradbury & Evans, 1352. 1434 DANTE (ALIGHIERI). DivinE CoMEpy. ‘Translated by H. W. Longfellow. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, half calf extra. Boston, 1873. 1435 D’ArpLAyY (MapAmeE). [Fanny Burney.] Diary anp Let- TERS complete, including the period of her residence at the Court of Queen Charlotte. Portraits. 7 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1842. Best Edition. 1436 Darwin (CHas.). MOvEMENTS AND HABITS OF CLIMBING Puants. Jllustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. 1437 Darwin (C.). Insectivorous Piants. ilustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1875. 1438 D’AvILLIER (BARON Cu.), Spain. [A Picturesque Tour. ] Printed on heavy paper and ilustrated by 240 engravings on wood by the best artists, after drawings by Gustave Dore. Text translated by J. Thompson. Imp. 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges. New York, London, 1876. 1439 DiepIn (T. F.). BiBL1oGRAPHICAL ANTIQUARIAN AND Pict- URESQUE TOUR IN FRANCE AND GERMANY. Second Edi- tion. Portrait and plates. 3 vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, AZajor, 1829. 14 eee ee nen SR CE i scene REY wr THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 DicKENS (CHARLES). Works, Complete. The new and Ele- gantly printed StanpARD EpiITIon in large type, on heavy paper, and most profusely illustrated with engravings on steel and wood. 30 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, Chapman & Hall, 1873, etc. DigvuLaFaiT (L.). DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES. 126 woodcuts, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1876. D'IsraELI, BenyaMIN (Zarl of Beaconsfield). Collected Works. New edition. Portrait, etc. 10 thick vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. Comprising « Henrietta Temple, Tancred, Young Duke, Coningsby, Vivian Grey, Ixion, Lothair, Alroy, Stbyl, Venetia, Contarini Fleming. Dixon (W. H.). FREE Russia. With colored illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1870. Doran (Dr.). Works. Portraits. 10 vols. post 8vo, calf extra. London, 1855-60. Comprises: Lives of the Queens of England, 2 vols. ; Monarchs retired from Business, 2 vols. ; Table Traits ; Habits and Men ; Knights and their Days ; Princes of Wales ; New Pictures in Old Panels ; and Court Fools, All very scarce, Doré (Gustave). LA FONTAINE FABLES DE, avec un notice sur la Vie de Jean La Fontaine, par Geruzez. J/lustrated with upwards of 300 large engravings and vignettes from designs by Doré. 2 vols. roy. folio, half red levant mor. extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1867. Prefaced with India proof impression of the portrait of La Fontaine, engraved on steel by Delonnoy, Doré (GUSTAVE). La SAINTE Bite. With jine impressions of the 230 engravings from the celebrated designs by Doré. 2 vols. roy. folio, half red levant mor. extra, gilt edges. Tours, 1866. Dorf. THe Raven, by E. A. Poe. Lllustrated by Gustave Doré. Atlas 4to, cloth extra. New York, 1884. DRAKE (J. R.). THe Curprit Fay. J/ustrated. Small 4to, tree calf extra, New York, 1879. Drury (VicTor). History or Rome. Translated by W. J. Clarke, edited by J. P. Mahaffy. Profusely illustrated. 5 vols. imp. 8vo, half red mor., gilt tops. Boston, 1884. Edition de Grand Luxe. No. 159. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 211 1450 Du CuHaILiu (PAuL B.). JouRNEY TO ASHANGO-LaAND ; and further penetration into Equatorial Africa. Map and illustra- tions. 8vo, half calf extra, New York, 1867. 1451 Dumas (ALEx.). Le ComTE DE MontTe-Cristo. Plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo, half mor. Paris, 1846. 1452 Duncan (Pror. P. M.). TRANSFORMATIONS (or Metamor- phoses) or InsEcTs, second edition : wth very numerous plates. Roy. 8vo, half calf extra, London, n. d. 1453 EDGEWoRTH (Miss). TALES AND NoveELs, Complete. /ronizs- pieces and vignettes. 18 vols. foolscap 8vo, mor., gilt tops. uncut edges. London, 1832. Best edition. Including Moral Tales, Popular Tales, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, Irish Bulls, Self-Justification, Tales of Fashionable Life, Patronage, Ormond, etc. 1454 EDwarps (C.). History AND Portry or FINGER RINGS. Woodcuts, 1a2mo, cloth. New York, 1880. 1455 Evior Grorce (Marian C, Evans, Mrs. G. H. Lewes.) Works: viz., Adam Bede, 2 vols.; Mill on the Floss, 2 vols.; Scenes of Clerical Life, 2 vols.; Felix Holt, 2 vols.; Romola, 2 vols.; Silas Marner, 1 vol.; Middlemarch, 3 vols. ; Daniel Derondo, 4 vols. Spanish Gipsy, and poems. Together 19 vols. post 8vo, uniformly bound in half blue mor., gilt top, un- cut edges. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1878, etc. 1456 Exuiott (C. W.). POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. 165 sllustrations. 4to mor. antique, gilt edges. New York, 1878. 1457 EMERSON (G. B.). REPORT ON THE TREES AND SHRUBS OF Massacuusetts. Vumerous colored plates and other illustra- tions. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. . Boston, 1875. 1458 EZEKIEL AND OTHER Porms, by B. M. 16mo, russia extra, gilt edges. 1459 FALKE (J. von). ART IN THE House. Translated and edited by C. C. Perkins. Profusely illustrated, some plates in colors. Imp. 8vo. cloth, gilt. ° Boston, 1879. 1460 FfneLon. ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHUS. 100 dlustrations, 8vo, half calf extra. New York, n. d. Lo ng ped WE date net Sena ond ae amma SSNS Se mS ESHER ROS FEI AEO LAGOS DAL I ETA ICED A ATONE SEAL SEO REED Est one nit EAEE ED, ence eee NE NS RT CD EN i OT on eee et THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 FERGUSSON (JAMES). HisToRY of ARCHITECTURE in all Coun- tries, from the earliest times to the present day ; also, His- TORY OF THE MODERN STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE AND INDIAN AND EASTERN ARCHITECTURE. Upwards of 1,500 engravings on wood. 4 vols. 8vo, half mor., gilt tops, uncut. London, Murray, 1841. FiGUIER (Louis). Tur Insect WorLD; being a popular ac- count of the Orders of Insects, the Habits and Economy of some of the most interesting species. Profusely idlustrated, upwards of 579 engravings on wood. t2mo, half calf extra. New York, n. d. FiicuT (E. G.). St. DUNSTAN AND THE DEvIL. Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1871. FONVIELLE (W. DE). ADVENTURES IN THE AIR. J/lustrated. Post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1877. Forp (Joun). Dramatic Works, with Notes by William Gif- ford. Additions, etc., by Alex. Dyce. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half mor, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1869. Best edition, Forest (J. B. DE), SHORT History or ART. Jilustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1881. FREER (Miss Martua W.). HistoricaL NoveELs: compris- ing : Henry III., 3 vols.; History of Henry IV. of Navarre, 3 plates, 6 vols.; Life of Jeanne D’Albret, Queen of Navarre, 2 vols. ; Elizabeth of Valois, Queen of Spain, 2 vols. ; Mar- guerite D’Angouléme, Queen of Navarre, 2 vols. Mumerous portraits. Together, 15 vols. post 8vo, uniformly bound in half calf extra. , London, 1854. FRIENDSHIP’S OFFERING FOR 1846 AND 1849, and the Girt. 1843. Jllustrated. 3 vols, 12mo, roan. Boston, 1843-49. FROISSART (SIR JOHN). CHRONICLES of England, France, Spain, etc., from Edward II. to Henry IV. Translated by Johnes. MWumerous illustrations, and the illuminated plates se- lected from the MS. in the British Museum, by H. N. Hum- Pphreys. 36 colored plates. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, half mor., gilt edges. London, 1874. eee nr ee ern nr RA RL EN OE ST ES en rere cae” REY FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 213 1470 FROMENTIN (EUGENE). PAINTER AND WRITER. By Louis Gonse. Tianslated by Mary C. Robbins. Small 4to, cloth. Boston, 1883. 1471 FRoubE (J. A.). History or Encianp, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols. 8vo, tree marbled calf extra, by Azvzére. London, 1875. Best edition. 1472 Fry (W. H.). ArtiriciaL Fish Breepinc. Woodcuts. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1866: 1473 FULLER (Dr.- THos.). Works, comprising the Worthies of England, Church History of Britain, History of Cambridge University and Waltham Abbey, and the Holy and Profane State ; BEST EDITIONS, edited by Nichols and Nuttall. Por- traits and engravings. 8 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1837-40. 1474 GALERIE DURAND-RUEL. 300 etchings. Preface par Armand Silvestre. 3 vols. 4to, half red mor., gilt tops. Paris, 1873. Only a small edition printed on Holland paper. 1475 GARDEN (THE). An illustrated weekly Journal. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts and colored plates, 18 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1872-80. Complete from the commencement to 1880 inclusive, with some addition- al numbers, and 2 duplicate vols. 1476 Gay (J.). Fasies, with Lire. Stockdale’s fine Edition, printed in large type. 70 plates by Blake, Audinet, Wilson, etc. 2 vols. in one, imp. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1793. Fine tall copy. 1477 GIRAULT DuvivieR. Grammaire des Grammaires. 2 vols. 8vo, half mor. Paris, 1859. 1478 GorTHE. Works. Comprising Autobiography, 2 vols. ; Nov- els and Tales, 1 vol.; Poems, 1 vol.; Dramatic Works, 1 vol.; Conversations, 1 vol.; Wilhelm Meister, 1 vol. ; Translated from the German. Portraits, etc. 7 vols. foolscap 8vo, half calf extra, marbled edges. London, 1874. The only uniform English Edition. 1479 GOETHE. Faust: a Tragedy. Translated, in the Original Metres, by Bayard Taylor. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, half mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Smith. Boston, 1871. 214 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1480 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). CompLeTE Works. Library Edition, Edited by Peter Cunningham. /vontispiece. 4 vols. 8vo, red calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Murray, 1854. Best edition. 1481 GOLDSMITH (O.). PorTicaL Works, with Life and Notes by Bolton Corney. Profusely t/lustrated by wood engravings after Cope, Creswick, Horsley, Redgrave, and Tayler. Sq. 8vo, mor. extra, gilt leaves, by AZathews. London, 1845. 1482 GOLDSMITH. THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. With 32 ilustra- tions by William Mulready, R.A. 8vo, red mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1843. Very Scarce. 1483 GooDALE (ELAINE AND Dora READ). Apple BLossoms, and In BERKSHIRE WITH THE WILD FLOWERS. ///ustrated. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. New York, 1878-80. 1484 GREAT Artists (THE). BIOGRAPHIES, by eminent writers. Lllustrated. 33 vols. small 8vo, cloth. London, 1880, ete. Includes: Tintoretto, Correggio, Murillo, Raphael, Giotto, Da Vinci, Masaccio, Fra Angelico, Michael Angelo, Titian, Romney, Law- rence, Wilkie, Hogarth, Turner, Gainsborough, Constable, Land- seer, Reynolds, Del Sarto, Rubens, Meissonier, Watteau, Velas- quez, Rembrandt, Hals, Diirer, Vandyke, Vernet, Delaroche, Llolbein, etc., ete. 1485 GREAT Musicians. Edited by F. Hueffner. 12 vols. r2mo, cloth. New York (London), 1883, etc. Includes: Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Bach, Weber, Wagner, Rossini, Schubert, Purcell, and Lnglish Church Composers. 1486 GREENWOOD GeEms: 28 photographs of cheerful tomb-stones, and graveyard scenes, with interesting details relative to cost of erection, etc., oblong 4to, cloth. New York, 1868. 1487 GROTE (GEORGE). History or Greece. From the Earliest Period to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great. Portradt, maps, and a complete Index. 12 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1851, etc. est edition. 1488 Guizor (F.) PopuLtar History or France, from the Ear- liest Times. ‘Translated by R. Black, with 300 illustrations by A. de Neuville. 5 vols. roy. 8vo, half red mor., gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1872-76. Wee ne: ee eee NA EO CGR OO CLL LA TLD SO II FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 215 1489 Hartwic (G.). THe AERIAL WorLD 8 tinted plates, map and numerous woodcuts. 8vo, half calf extra. 1490 HaverGAaL (F. R.). Porms. 3 vols. 32mo, calf extra. 1491 HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). COMPLETE WORKS. Elegantly printed, and illustrated with portraits and etchings. 12 vols. roy. 8vo, cloth uncut. Boston, 1883. 1492 HawTHORNE (NATHANIEL). WorKS. Little Classic Edition. 23 vols. 16mo, half mor. extra. Boston, 1876. 1493 Hazuitt (W. C.). ENGLISH PROVERBS AND PROVERBIAL Purases. 8vo, half mor. extra. London, 1869. 1494 HERCULANEUM AND POMPEII. 151 beautiful outline tlustra- tions of paintings etc. in the Museo Nazionale. 4to, boards. 1495 Hrpperp (S.). AMATEUR’S GREENHOUSE AND CONSERVATORY, also the Rosz Boox. Colored plates and woodcuts. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1873-74. 1496 Hisroric GALLERY OF PoRTRAITS AND PAINTINGS, with Lives, Notes, etc., and a large number of outline engravings. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 1497 HoLE AND WHEELER. BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1866. 1498 Homer. Iniap anp OpyssEy. Translated into English verse by W. Sotheby. Jiustrated by 73 designs by Plaxman, engraved in outline by Moses, fine original impressions. 4 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. 1499 Hoop (Tuomas), Works. Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse. With all the original illustrations and portrait. 10 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1869. New York (London), 1875. New York (London), 1879. Edition deluxe. Only 500 copies printed, No. 120. Napoli, 1863. London, 1834. Sotheby's translation is equally remarkable for its poetic feeling and fidelity. Only a small edition was printed, at the expense of the translator. Best library edition of the works of this inimitable writer. Be Ct ng pk Ae ee week rt SSS OSE SERRE SUT S SROETHERERTEOSS PF = o “ seiner einer. =F eae? Soe 3 Bs ca arcaapiagiants. - cies - = seme Nee Se ERE GHATS, 216 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1500 HOOKER AND Baker. SyNopsis OF ALL Known FERNS, Col- ored plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874. 1501 HornBy (ADMIRAL). CRUISE ROUND THE WoRLD IN THE FLYING SQUADRON 1869-70. Japs and colored plates. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1871. 1502 Howirr (W.). Works. Visits TO REMARKABLE PLAcEs; Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illustrative of striking passages in English History and Poetry, BOTH SERIES, with numerous wood engravings. 2 vols, 1840-42. Rurat Lire or Encianp. With woodcuts by Bewick and Williams, 2 vols. 1844. Homes anp Haunts of the most eminent BriTIsH Ports. With 41 engravings of famous houses, localities, etc. 2 vols, 1847. RurRAL anpD Domestic Lire IN GERManNy, 50 woodcuts. 1842. NORTHERN HeiGuts or Lonpon. Profusely illustrated. 1869. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1840-69. Fine uniform set. 1503 Hurrrer (F.). Tur Trousapours. A History of Proven- cal Life and Literature in the Middle Ages. 8vo, half calf extra, ; London, 1878. 1504 Huco (Victor). Notre Dame. Jilustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 1505 HuMBERT (A.). JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE. _ Illustrated. Translated by Mrs. Hoey, and edited by H. W. Bates. Z//us- trated by nearly 200 exquisite woodcuts. 4to. half mor. extra gilt edges, New York (London), 1874. 1506 Hume (D,). History or EncLanp. Woodcuts. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1863. 1507 IRvinc (WASHINGTON). COMPLETE Works, with Life and Letters. Portraits and other engravings. 28 vols, r2mo, half calf extra. Philadelphia, 1871. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 217 1508 ITALY FROM THE ALPS To Mount Etna. Translated by F. E. Trollope, edited by T. A. Trollope. With upwards of 100 full-page engravings, and 300 woodcuts from designs by Keller, Closs, Bauenfeind, Hetlbuth, etc. Roy. 4to, half mor. extra gilt edges. New York (London), 1877. 1509 JAMES (G. P. R.). Novers. Best edition, with frontispieces. 21 vols. roy. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1844-49. Includes: Gipsy, Mary of Burgundy, Huguenot, One in a Thousand, Philip Augustus, Henry of Guise, Morley Ernstein, Robber, Darnley, Brigand, King’s Highway, Gentleman of the Old School, Henry Masterton, Forest Days, Little Ball o Fire, De- lorme, Gowrie, Thirty Years Since, Arabella Stuart, Agincourt, and Castleneau. 1510 JAMESON (Mrs.). ART Works. LEGENDS OF THE MADONNA. With 55 drawings by the author and 152 woodcuts, LEGENDS oF THE Monastic ORDERS. Wuth 11 etchings by the author and 88 woodcuts, SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. Jllustrated with 16 etchings and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols, EASTLAKE’S History oF Our Lorp, 31 etchings and 281 wood engravings of Paintings, Mosaics, Ancient Ivory Carvings, Byzantine and other Miniatures, 2 vols. Together, 6 vols. square 8vo, blue mor, extra, gilt edges, by Azvére, London, 1865-72. 1511 JAMESON (Mrs.). Works. I. CHARACTERISTICS OF WoMEN, Moral, Poetical, and His- torical. With 50 vignette etchings. 2 vols. 1858. II. Visits anpD SKETCHES AT Home AND ABROAD, with Tales and Miscellanies now first collected [Papers on Art and Literature, etc.], and a new edition of the Diary of an Ennuyée. Zitchings by the authoress. 4 vols. 1840. III. Memoirs or CELEBRATED FEMALE SOVEREIGNS. 2 vols. 184o. Comprising + Memorials of Semiramis, Cleopatra, Zenobia, Joanna I. and II., Isabella of Castile, Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Eliza- beth, Queen Christina, Queen Anne, Maria Theresa, Empress of Germany, and Catherine LI, IV. CoMPANION TO THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GALLERIES in London. Frontispiece. 3 vols. 1842-44. Includes: Her Majesty's, the Bridgewater, Sutherland, Grosvenor, Lansdowne, Sir R. Peel’s, and S. Rogers’ Galleries. —— ee —— ————— ——— THE MORGAN COLLECTION. Jameson (Mrs.), Works. (Continued.) V. ComMonPLAcE Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies. With tllustrations. 1854. : VI. Lives oF THE PoETs. JS yvontispiece. 2 vols. 1829. VII. SocraL LirE In GERMANY. 2 vols. 1840. Together 16 vols. small 8vo, half blue calf extra. London, 1829-54. 1512 JAMESON (MRs.). CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN. 12 /ine plates. Roy. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1847. i 1513 JARDINE (Sir W.). NaTURALIST’s LipRARY Complete, con- i taining valuable works on every branch of Animated Nature, by the most eminent naturalists. With upwards of 1200 colored i) plates. 42 vols. foolscap. 8vo, half red mor. London, n. d. In the preparation of this valuable series, Sir Wm. Jardine was as- sisted by Swainson, Waterhouse, Magillivary, Bushnan, Selby, i Schomburgh, Col. Hamilton Smith, Dr. Hamilton, and others. 1514 JENNINGS (S.). Orcuips and how to Grow them in India and other Tropical Climates. 48 colored plates, 4to, half mor. London, 1875. 1515 JESSE (J. H.). Lonpon: 1rs CELEBRATED CHARACTERS AND REMARKABLE PLACES. J vontispiece. 3 vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1871. Very rare. 1516 JouHNsoN (G. W.). THE GARDENER’S DicTIONARY. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. 1517 Jones (WmM.). Fincrer-Rinc Lore. Mumerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1877. 1518 Kane (Dr. E.), Arctic EXPLORATIONS OF 1853-55, in search of Sir John Franklin, wth portrait, maps, and upwards of 300 graphic illustrations on steel and wood from sketches by the author, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 1519 Keats (JOHN). PoreticaL Works, with a Memoir by Lord Houghton, and 120 woodcuts. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth, scarce. London, AZoxon, 1866. 1520 Keats (J.) Portican Works. //lustrated. Post 8vo, half calf, extra. London, n. d. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 219 is21 KesLie, THE CurisTian YEAR. Post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1873. 1522 Kine (C. W.). ANTIQUE GEMS AND RINGs. Lilustrated by 66 plates, containing representations of several hundred gems, and by numerous woodcuts in the text, 2 vols. roy. 8vo, half mor. gilt edges. London, 1872. 1523 Kir-Kat Cus. Memoirs of the Celebrated Persons compos- ing the . . . With 48 fine portraits from the original paint- ings by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Folio, red mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1821. Includes portraits of Facob Tonson, Congreve, Buckhurst-Dorset, Steele, ete. 1524 Knicut (Chas.). Hatr-Hours WITH THE Best AUTHORS. 52 wlustrations. 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, n. d. 1525 Lacroix (PauL). ArT Works; on the Manners, Customs, Costumes, Military Life, Arts, Dress, Religious Life, Science, and Literature of the Middle Ages, Period of the Renais- sance, and the Eighteenth Century in France. /dustrated. with 90 plates in gold, silver and colors, and over 2,000 wood- cuts. 5 vols. imperial 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges, by Mathews. London, 1870-76. “ These books have no equal in the annals of Art and Literature.” 1526 Lamp (Cuas.). Lire, Lerrers, AND Writincs. Edited with Notes and Illustrations by Percy Fitzgerald. Portraits. 6 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1876. 1527 LAMB (CHAS.). COMPLETE CORRESPONDENCE AND Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by T. Purnell. Por- traits. 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, JZoxon, n. d. 1528 LANDSEER’S GREAT ANIMAL PAINTINGS. Pictures by Sir Ed- ward Landseer, R.A., a New Series, with Descriptions by W. Cosmo Monkhouse. 17 steel plates. 4to, new cloth, bevelled sides, gilt edges. London, Virtue, n. d. 1529 LANDSEER (Sir E.). Pictures. 20 steel engravings, with De- scriptions, etc., by J. Dufforne. Royal 4to, cloth. London, n. d. 1530 LANDSEER (SIR E.), STUDIES OF. 116 illustrations from the Collection of Queen Victoria, etc., with a History of his Art Life, by Monkhouse. Royal 4to, cloth. London, n. d. Co ng pet ti ah inet Sea SE SERRE SSMS SEROTTHERES ee = “s rioeceieersineT Miah Ms ised eee ae Ear OST ET IRE OIC OAC COCOA LILLE CES GE Ne nen rrr nn ies ccgeenen aE ‘wh THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1531 Lanpon (L. E.). CompteTe Works, Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856. 1532 LaTHan (D.). GENERAL History or Birps, being the Natu- ral History and Description of all the Birds (above four thousand) hitherto known or described by Naturalists. With Index, and upwards of 200 colored plates. 10 vols. 4to, blue mor. extra. London, 1781-1802. Line subscription copy. “‘ This ts undoubtedly the most useful and valuable work of its class that has yet appeared, as it contains ex- act scientific descriptions of every bird known at the time.”— NEVILLE Woop. 1533 LEAFLETS OF MEMORY FOR MDCCCXLVIL. MWumerous plates. 8vo, mor. Philadelphia, 1847. 1534 Le Maout, Decaisnz, AND Hooker. GENERAL SYSTEM OF Botany. Many hundred woodcuts. to, cloth. London, 1873. 1535 Lennox (Lorp WitiiaM). CELEBRITIES I HAVE Known, with Episodes, Political, Social, Sporting, and Theatrical. 2d sertes. 2 vols, 8vo, half red mor. extra. London, 1877. 1536 Le Sacre. ADVENTURES OF GIL BLas of Santillane, translated by Smollett. Vumerous plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1819. + gp et Ai dete wnat Sea Om aE ER ROTI TSNS Se ROeSHEUES WN tee SALE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 11, BEGINNING AT 8 0’CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. 1537 LEVER (CHARLES). Works. New and Revised Edition. With upwards of 1530 humorous etchings from designs by Phiz. 26 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra, marbled edges. London, n. d. Complete Edition. Comprising: Dodd Family, Charles O Malley, Harry Lorrequer, The O’ Donoghue, Knight of Gwynne, Daltons, Roland Cashel, Jack Hinton, Martins of Cro Martin, Fortunes of Glencore, One of Them, Davenport Dunn, Barrington, Tom Burke, Luttrel of Arran, etc., etc. 1538 Le Vert (Map. Oct. W.). Souvenirs oF TRAVEL. 2 vols. 12mo, Cloth. New York, 1859. 1539 LINDLEY AND Moorr. TREASURY OF Botany. Jilustrated. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1873. 1g40 LivincsToNE (D. AND C.). EXPEDITION TO THE ZAMBESI. Map and illustrations. 8vo, half calf extra. New York, 1866. 1541 Luoyp (L.). GAME BIRDS AND Witp Fowl OF SWEDEN AND Norway. Colored and other illustrations. Roy. 8vo, half mor. extra. London, 1867. 1542 Lopce (E.). Portrraits or ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 240 portraits of authentic pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility and in Public Collections. With Bio- graphical and Historical Memoirs. 10 vols. imp. 8vo, half mor., gilt edges. London, 1840. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1543 Lonpon (OLD anp New), a Narrative of its History, People, and Places, by Walter Thornbury and the Rev. E. Walford. With 1200 illustrations and maps, from the most authentic sources. 6 vols, imp. 8vo, half mor., gilt, London, n. d. 1544 LONGFELLOW (H. W).. Portican Works. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, red mor. extra gilt edges, by Mathews. Boston, 1866. 1545 LoncreLiow (H. W.). Prosz Works. 3 vols. 1z2mo, red mor, extra gilt edges, by Mathews. Boston, 1866. Uniform with the above, 1546 LoncrELLow (H. W.). MicHart ANGELO, a Dramatic Poem. Illustrated. to, cloth extra. Boston, 1884. 1547 LONGFELLow. Poems. Song of Hiawatha, Masque of Pan- dora, In the Harbor, Ultima Thule, Keramos, and Aftermath. 6 vols. 16mo, cloth. Boston, v. y. 1548 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Hancine or THE Orange. J/ustrated. 8vo, mor. ant., gilt edges. Boston, 1874. 1549 Loruian (R.). DANTE AND BEATRICE, from 1282 to 1290. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1876. 1550 Loupon. ENCcycLopmpia or PLANTS. Many hundred illus- trations. ‘Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1866. 1551 Lowe (E. J.). Brautirut LrEaveD PLANTS. 60 colored plates. Royal 8vo, half mor, extra, gilt edges. London, 1872. 1552 Lowe (E. J.). Natura History or New AND Rare FERNS. 72 colored plates, Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1871. 1553 Lower (M. A.). Essay on Famity NoMENCLATURE. 2 vols, post 8vo, half red mor. extra. London, 1875. 1554 Lupke’s History or Art, translated from the German and Edited by Clarence Cook. Profusely illustrated with engrav- ings on wood. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, brown levant mor., gilt tops, uncut edges. New York, 1878. Best Edition. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 223 1555 LUXEMBOURG GALLERY. LEs CHEFS D’CEUVRE D’ART AU LUXEMBOURG, Publiées sous la direction de M. Eugéne Mon- trosier, avec le concours littéraire de MM. Allard, Champ- fleury, Claretie, F. Coppée, Daudet, T. Gautier, Houssaye, Janin, Mistral, G. Sand, etc., etc. 41 large Photogravures by the Goupil Process, of the most notable examples of Modern French Art, now in the Luxembourg Gallery ; also 50 Vign- ettes, Portraits of the Artists, Views, Ornamental Letters, ete. etc., in the Text, mostly from designs specially made for this work, with Text, descriptive, critical, and historical. Folio, cloth, gilt, uncut edges. Paris, 1880-81. Gives a selection of gr of the most notable examples by Bouguereau, Chaplin, Fromentin, Victor Giraud, J. P. Laurens, Gérome F. Bertrand, Guillemet, Lehman, Salmson, Cabanel, Carrier-Bel- leuse, Lévy, Rosa Bonheur, Meissonier, Corote, Hagborg, Mar- chal, Zeim, Pils, Coubert, Muller, Corot, Duval, Tissot, Ribot, Signol, Bida, etc, etc, etc. These pictures have all been purchased by the French Government from the yearly exhibitions of the Salon, and may be considered as representative of the best qualities of each artist. 1556 McCase (J. D.). Paris By SUNLIGHT AND GASLIGHT. 150 woodcuts, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1369. 1557 Macautay (T. B.). CoLLtectep Works, comprising History of England, 4 vols.; Essays and Biographies, 3 vols. ; Speeches and Poems, 1 vol., with Life, etc. Portrait, etc. To- gether, 8 vols. thick 8vo, half calf extra, marbled edges. New York, 1875. 1558 MacauLay. Lir—E AND Letrers. Edited by his Nephew George Otto Trevelyan. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. New York, 1878. 1559 MAaHony (FATHER). ReELIQUES OF FATHER PROUT, late P. P. of Watergraphill. Collected and arranged by Oliver Yorke. Profusely illustrated by Maclise. Post 8vo, half calf extra, London, 1878. 1560 Mark TwalIn: [SAM’L CLEMENS]. INNOCENTS ABROAD ; OT, The Pilgrim’s Progress. With 234 illustrations on wood. Thick 8vo. half mor. Hartford, 1869. 1561 MATHEWS (J. M.). THE BIBLE AND MEN oF LEARNING. 8vo, cloth. * New York, 1855. 224 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1562 MAUNDER. TREASURY OF BIBLE KNOWLEDGE. Vumerous woodcuts. Thick post 8vo, half calf. London, 1872. 1563 Menarp (R.). La MyTHoLocir DANS L’ART ANCIEN ET MODERNE. 823 woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, half mor., gilt tops. Paris, 1878. 1564 MEN or ProGrRess. Sketches by J. Parton, B. Taylor, A. Kendall, and others. Mumerous steel portraits. Roy. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870-71. 1565 MEN or Procress. Another copy, cloth. 1566 MICHELET’s “Love” anp “Woman.” Translated. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1567 Mittet (J. F.). La Vie ev t’Giuvre dE... par Alfred Sensier. Mumerous illustrations. Small folio, crushed levant mor. extra, inside panels of red mor., gilt tops, uncut edges, by Chatelin, Paris, 1881, 1568 MittetT. Another Copy, uncut. Paris, 1881. 1569 MILLET (JEAN FRANCOIS). PEASANT AND PAINTER. Trans- lated by Helena de Kay from the French of Alfred Sensier. 4to, cloth. Boston, 1881. 1570 MINIATURE PAINTINGS ON VELLUM. 23 exgudsite portraits of the BARTH Famity, from George in 1494 to Joseph 1760. Painted on vellum, with coats-of-arms and inscriptions. Small 8vo, mor. Silver rims, clasps, and shields. A curious and interesting relic of the Barths. The portraits are most delicately finished. 1571 Mirrorp (Mary R.). Our ViLLacE. Litching and numerous woodcuts. 4to, uncut. London, 1879. 1572 Mouikre (J. B. P.). Dramatic Works. Rendered into Eng- lish by Henry Van Laun; with a Prefatory Memoir, Intro- ductory Notices, Appendices, and Notes. Portrait, 6 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Edinburgh, 1878. 1573 Moore (Tom). Poretican Works. Portrait and plates. Roy. 8vo, mor. ant., gilt edges. New York, 1875. svt? nn one a ent ine SINAN NES ect nr wena ee ri cen te OR NRO OAC SO A A AS LEA GLA LOE EOD BOP | a FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 225 1574 Moore (Tom). Latua Rooxu; an Oriental Romance. WVu- merous engravings on wood from drawings by Tenntel, etc. Sq. 8vo, red mor. extra, gold borders and gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1868. 1575 More (HANNAH). CompLETE Works. Portrait and vignettes. rr vols. small 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1830. 1576 Morcan (LADY SYDNEY OweENson). FRancE [Sketches of Parisian Society, Manners, etc.]. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1817. 1577 Morcan (Lapy). FRANCE IN 1829-30. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1381. 1578 Morcan (Lapy). PassaGEs FROM My AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1859. 1579 Morey (JoHN). Rousseau. 2 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1872. Unique copy, with 50 portraits and views inserted. 1580 Motiey (Jonn LatHrop). Works. History of the United Netherlands, 2 vols, ; and Rise of the*Dutch Republic, 3 vols. Portraits, maps, etc. § vols. 8vo, half calf antique. New York, 1861-62. 1581 Mounsey (A. H.). JoURNEY THROUGH THE CAUCASUS AND THE INTERIOR OF Persia. Map. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1872. 1582 Mowatt (Anna C.). AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN ACTRESS ; OF, Eight Years on the Stage.. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1854. 1583 Murray (ALEX S.). Manuat or MyTHOLocy. Greek, Ro- man, Norse, Old-German, Hindoo, and Egyptian. 45 plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. 1584 NapoLeonic Memoirs, etc., as follows : I. Napo.eon’s Own HisroricaL Memoirs, dictated by him at St. Helena to Counts Montholon, Gourgaud, etc., and published from the Original Manuscripts, corrected by himself, With maps, plans, and fac-similes. Complete in 7 vols. 1823. 15 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. NapoLeonic Memoirs, etc. II. LavaLLetTe (Count). Memoirs or, by Himself, with a biographical sketch, 2 vols. 1831. III. Ney (MarsHat). Memoirs or, published by his Family. /Wustrated with portrait, map, and plans. 2 vols. 1833. IV. LaravetTte, Louis PuHiLiper, AND THE REVOLUTION oF 1830, By B. Sarrans, Jr. Portrait. 2 vols. 1832. V. LAMBALLE (PRINCESS). SECRET MEMOIRS OF THE RoyaL FAMILY OF FRANCE DURING THE REVOLUTION. Portraits and plates. 2 vols. 1826. VI. Cavita (CoMTESSE DE). PRiIvATE MEMOIRS OF THE Court or Louts XVIII. 2 vols. 1830. VII. CHarites X, anp Louis PHrILippE; the Secret His- tory of the Revolution of July, 1830. 1839. Together 18 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. ‘ London, 1826-39. Unique SET, wth over 200 extra portraits and views inserted. 1585 NApoLeon ForsytH (W.). History OF THE CAPTIVITY OF NaApoLeon at St. HELENA ; from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. Portrait and map. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1853. Containing a large number of curious facts relating to Napoleon, hitherto unknown, 1586 NapoLEON. Memoirs oF NApoLeon, his Court and Family, by the Duchess D’Abrantes (Madame Junot). Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra. New York, 1873. 1587 NATIONAL PoRTRAIT GALLERY OF EMINENT AMERICANS, with Biographical and Historical Narratives. By Evert A. Duyck- inck. Steel engravings from the full-length portraits by Alonzo Chappel. 2 vols. 4to, mor. antique, gilt edges. New York, n. d. 1588 New DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. ene aes eR AL ROC EL CS re te nr rei eeaeen RY ra —_ 1589 New TesTAMENT of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ///us- trated with Borders, Ornaments, and Initial Letters, copied from Italian MSS. of the 15th and 16th Centuries, and by numerous other engravings on wood from the Old Masters ; viz. Fra Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, Fra Bartolomeo, Albertinelli, Titian, Raphael, Fra ii Sebastiano del Piombo, Andrea del Sarto, Paolo Veronese, Bas- sano, Annibale Carracci, Guido Reni, Poussin, Van Dyck. Small 4to, morocco antique, gilt leaves, by AZatthews. | London, Longman’s, 1865. | FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 227 In addition to the large subjects, which are numerous, each page is HH) decorated with borders, ornaments, initial letters, copied from the Italian Manuscripts of the fifleenth and sixteenth centuries, and numerous Medallions ave introduced in the margins. The work was produced under the general superintendence of Mr. Henry Shaw.” 1590 OGILVIE (JoHN). IMPERIAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH Lancuace. Edited by Geo. Annandale. 3,000 woodcuts. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, half mor. London, 1883. 1sgt Otp CastLEs AND ApBeys. The History and Legends of. Profusely illustrated, to, cloth, gilt. London, n.d. — 1592 OLIPHANT (Mrs.). THE MAKERSOF FLORENCE. Dante, Giotto, i Savonarola, and their City. Portrait of Savonarola, and illus- i trations by Delamotte. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London, 1876-81. \| 1593 OtmsTEAD (F. L.). JoURNEYS AND EXPLORATIONS IN THE Corron Kincpom. Jap. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half red mor., | extra, gilt tops. London, 1861. i 1594 Opin (AMELIA). Works. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep, Philadelphia, n. d. 1s98 “OurpA” (Louise DE LA Ramé). NoveELs. Comprising : Hi Chandos, Strathmore, Held in Bondage, Cecil Castlemaine’s Gage, A Dog of Flanders, Tricotrin, Idalia, Puck, Under Two Flags, Pascarel, Wooden-Shoes, and Folle-Farme. 12 vols., it post 8vo, half vellum extra. London, Chatéo, v. d. 1596 OxrorD Encuisa Ciassics. Complete set of these valuable and finely printed editions, comprising : : | Lo ng pak te aie wat Se Got aE aR SHES RSE SHERE RTOS! ae ae i erat sibilisied Rok RM Ta Ses. se car cacigiints, voaieons » Saisie ims Spica, 228 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. Oxrorp ENGLIsH CLassics.—( Continued.) HuMeE AND SmoLLET’s HisToRY OF ENGLAND, with Lives. Fine series of portraits of the Kings by Worthington. +3 vols, Gipson’s DECLINE AND FALL OF THE RomMAN EmpPIRE. Portrait. 8 vols. Jounson’s WoRKS, WITH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. II vols. BoswE.’s Lire or Dr. JOHNSON. 4 vols. Rogertson’s (Dr.) Historica Works, complete, with Life. Portrait, 8 vols. Together 44 vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Oxford, Talboys, 1825, etc. Some of the volumes have been ‘* stilted” in binding to secure uniform Size 1597 PALGRAVE (W.G.). YEAR's JOURNEY THROUGH CENTRAL AND EASTERN ARABIA (1862-63). Portrait, map, and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1865. 1598 PaRDOE (JuLiA). BiocrapuicaL Works, comprising Louis XIVth and the Court oF FRANCE, 3 vols. Lire or Martz DE MEDIcIs, Queen of France, 3 vols) CouRT AND REIGN OF Francis I., 2 vols. All profusely illustrated with portraits and engravings on steel. ‘Together 8 vols. 8vo, half blue calf extra, marbled edges. London, 1847-52. Fine uniform set, Very scarce. 1599 Paris: 26 jine steel-plate views of. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1600 Paxton (Sir J.). Macazine or Botany aND FLOWERING PLANTS, with 700 colored plates of the most beautiful Flowers, and an immense number of woodcuts. 16 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1834-49. A fine complete set. 1601 Paxton. Boranican Dictionary. Revised and corrected by S. Hereman. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1868. ates pce erence reer reser en A RN RE OR AC RS ECD EON sO FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 229 Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by J. Ball and E. S. Kennedy. Jiustrated by numerous plates and maps, some colored. 3 vols. 8vo, half mor. extra. London, 1859-62. Both series complete. Scarce | | | 1602 PEAKS, Passes, AND GLACIERS: a Series of Excursions by | | | 1603 Percy ANECDOTES, ‘original and select, by Sholto and Reuben | Percy, Brothers of the Benedictine Monastery, Mont Benger | [Thomas Byerley, of “ Mont Benger,” in Scotland, editor of Ze Star newspaper, and_J. C. Robertson, editor of Zhe Mechanics’ il Magazine|, with 40 portraits. 20 vols. r8mo, half calf extra. i | | London, 1823. 1604 PETRARCH. SONNETS, TRIUMPHS, AND OTHER Poems, ‘Trans- lated, with Life by T. Campbell. 16 lates. Post 8vo, half mor. extra. London, 1875. 1605 PicrortaL SunDAY Boox. Edited by John Kitto. Many hun- dred illustrations. Folio, mor. gilt. London, n. d. i) 1606 PLUNKETT (FRED.). HERE AND THERE AMONG THE ALPS. | Post 8vo, half red mor. extra. . London, 1876. ‘| 1607 PuurarcH. Lives. The Translation called Dryden’s, cor- rected from the Greek, and revised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols. | 8vo, half red mor. extra. Boston, 1875. 1608 PLurarcH. Morats. Translated from the Greek by several hands, corrected and revised by W. W. Goodwin, with Intro- iW duction by Emerson. 5 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra. i Boston, 1874. i | 1609 Por (EDGAR ALLAN). Works. With Biographical Sketch by ti] J. R. Lowell. 4 vols. foolscap 8vo, half calf extra. I; H New York, 1876. 1610 PorET AND PAINTER; or, Gems of Art and Song. JVumerous steel portraits and views. Imperial 8vo, mor. antique, gilt leaves. New York, 1878. 1611 Ports or America. Edited by John Keese [Auctioneer]. Lllustrated. 2 vols. 16mo, half mor. New York, 1840-2. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1612 PorTRAITS. GALLERY OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN PoRTRAITS (Kyicut’s), with Memoirs by distinguished Biographers. 168 portratts, engraved on steel. Original impressions. 7 vols. im- perial 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt edges. | London, 1833-38. An unusually fine copy, bound from the numbers; the impressions are unexceptionable. The memoirs to this very interesting series were written by Arthur Malkin, Arthur Hallam, De Quincey, and other distinguished authors. 1613 PRaED (W. MackwortH). Poems; with a Memoir by the Rev. Derwent Coleridge ; new edition. 2 vols. foolscap 8vo, half mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1869. 1614 Prescorr (W. H.). HrsroricaL Works, complete. Large type, with Zortratts. 15 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Philadelphia, 18609. Comprises: Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols. Conguest of Peru, 2 vols. ; keign of Philip Il, King of Spain, 3 vols.; Charles V., 3 vols.; and Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. £615 Prime (S.I.). Travers In Europe anp THE East. Wood- cuts. 2 vols. 18mo, cloth. New York, 1856, 1616 Puncw. A Compete Set of this famous Journal, from its commencement in 1841, to December, 1878, inclusive. Many thousand humorous engravings by Leech, Doyle, etc. 75 vols. in 38, 4to, half mor., gilt. London, 1841-78, 1617 Ranp (E. S.). Orcuips; a Complete Manual of Orchid Cult- ure, and description of the varieties grown near Boston, etc., etc. 1r2mo, cloth. New York, 1876. 1618 ReicHenBacn (H. G.). XEnta OrcHIDACEA. 200 plates, some partly colored. 2 vols. 4to, mor. (vol. 1), unbound (vol. 2). Leipzig, 1858. 1619 ReLicious DENOMINATIONS IN THE UNITED States, Por- traits, 8vo, roan. Harrisburg, 1849. 1620 REMBRANDT. L’Ciuvre DE REMBRANDT. Commenté et décrit par Charles Blanc. Printed on Holland paper, and illustrated with 75 etchings in fac-simile of the original examples by Rem- brandt (including the Hundred. Guilder Print). 2 vols. imp. 4to, red levant mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Mathews. Paris, 1873. Large paper, limited to 50 copies. FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 2 w I “<< The illustrations etched by M. Flameng for M. Chas. Blanc's Cata. logue of the Works of Rembrandt, have long been familiar to the students of art ; and we have know: for years that M. Flameng could copy Rembrandt with a degree of life and: truth which left little to be desired. Still it is probable that the élite of the general art public will not be quite prepared for the greut technical triumph which M. Flameng has just achieved. He has produced a copy of one of Rembrandt's most difficult and complicated etchings—a copy, which, if we balance one quality against another, certainly exceeds the most perfect photography in accuracy, while at the same time it possesses, as a piece of execution in etching, all those technical merits for which Rembrandt was famous. . « - In a@ certain sense, and for some peculiar reasons which will be given in support of the assertion, it may be boldly affirmed that, as a technical per- formance merely, such a copy as this is even move wonderful than the original plate itself.” —HLAMERTON. 1621 REMBRANDT. CATALOGUE Ratsonné de toutes les Estampes qui forment I’CEuvre de, par A. Bartsch. Portrait. 2 vols. in r, small 8vo, half calf. ' Vienne, 1797. Very scarce. 1622 Revnotps (Sir JosHua). Lirz anp TIMEs, with Notices of some of his Contemporaries, by C. R. Leslie and Tom Taylor. Portraits and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. _ London, 1865. 1623 RHINE (THE), FROM ITS SOURCE TO THE Sea. Translated by G. C. T. Bartley. With 425 dlustrations. “Royal 4to, cloth. Philadelphia (London), 1878. 1624 Ricu (A.). DicTIONARY OF GREEK AND Roman ANTIQUITIES. 2,000 woodcut illustrations. 8vo, half mor., extra.” New York, 1874. 1625 RICHARDSON (SamuEL). Works, with Life, by Mangin. /or- trait. 19 vols. post 8vo, half blue mor. extra. London, 1811. Includes : Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe, and Sir Charles Grandison. 1626 RICHARDSON (SAMUEL), THE CoRRESPONDENCE OF. Portrait. 6 vols. post 8vo, half blue mor. extra. London, 1804. Uniformly bound with the Works. 232 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1627 RocERs (S.). Iraty AND Poems. The beautiful illustrated edi- tions, wth 128 exquisitely finished emgravings by Finden and others from Drawings by Turner and Stothard. 2 vols. crown 8vo, red levant mor. extra, gilt edges, by Chatelin. London, 1834-36. The enormous wealth of the author enabled him to command the best talents of the best artists of his time, and it is stated that he spent 410,000 in the illustration of his “Italy” alone. J. M. W. Tur- ner, Prout, and Thos. Stothard rivalled themselves, and the genius of design was in turn rivalled by marvellously skilled engravers. 1628 Rocet (P. M.). Tursaurus of English Words and Phrases. Revised by B. Sears, rzmo, cloth. New York, 1878, 1629 RoLin (Cuas.). Ancient History of the Egyptians, Cartha- ginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Mace- donians and Grecians. Portrait and maps. 4 vols. 8vo, half mor. extra, gilt top. New York, 1885. 1630 Romance or History, ENGLAND, FRANCE Inpia, ITALY anp SPAIN. Mumerous illustrations. + 5 vols. r2mo, half mor. ex- tra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1832-36, Sets as the above are exceedingly scarce. 1631 Ruskin’s MopERN PaINTERS, Vol. I. Modern Principles and Truth. 1873. II. Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties, III. Of Many Things. 17 plates. IV. Mountain Beauty. 34 plates. V. Leaf and Cloud Beauty, and Ideas of Relation. 34 plates. —— STONEs oF VENICE. Vol. I. The Foundations, 21 plates. 1874. II. The Sea Stories. 20 plates. III. The Fall. 12 plates. —— Seven Lamps oF ARCHITECTURE. 14 plates. Second edi- tion, 1855. Together 9 vols. royal 8vo, red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, London, 1855-74. A superb set. " wes Se eto ine ai ge ils heck dhs ch ci Sl ain cincinnati peso ere mene ren arrest OE CCS arene eer rennin” PREY 7 ies | a FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 233 Printed on heavy ld paper, with India proof impression of the etched frontispiece. Royal 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges, by Mathews. New York, 1882. } i | 1632 RusKIN (JouNn.) Poems. Reprinted from Various Sources. | LARGE PAPER COPY, ovly 50 printed. No. 33. | | i 1633 SALON CATALOGUE FOR 1884. 300 @lustrations. 8vo, cloth. Paris, Baschet, 1884. 1634 SALON OF 1884. 100 fine plates in photogravure. ‘Texte par A. Dayot. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1884. Only 533 copies printed. 1635 SARATOGA IN 1901, By Eli Perkins. 200 clustrations. Sq. | r12mo, cloth. New York, 1872. 1636 SCHILLER (FREDERICK). Works. Comprising Poems, 1 vol. ; Historical, 1 vol.; Histories and Dramas, 2 vols.; Early Dramas, 1 vol,; Essays, 1 vol. Portraits, etc. ‘Together, 6 vols. foolscap 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1877. The only uniform English Edition. | 1637 SCHWEINFURTH.] THE Heart or Arrica, Three Years’ Travel in Unexplored Central Africa, 1868-71, by Dr. G. Schweinfurth, translated by Ellen E. Frewer, and Introduc- tion by Winwood Reade. Maps and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, i half calf extra. London, 1873. | 1638 Scort (SR WALTER). CompLeTE Works. ‘The SPLENDID ABBOTSFORD EDITION, comprising the WAvERLEY NovVELs, 12 vols.; PorricaL Works, 1 vol.; Lire or NAPOLEON, 1 WOll, 8 Hi TALES OF A GRANDFATHER, 1 vol., and BioGRAPHICAL ME- i morrs, 1 vol. Upwards of 200 engravings on steel and 2,000 beautifully executed woodcuts. Together, 16 vols. thick roy. | 8vo, blue calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Fine early copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates and cuts ; also i} the Cruikshank, Turner, and other illustrations added. 1639 Scott (Sir W.). WaverLey NovELs. With 96 steel engravings i I | and several hundred woodcuts. 48 vols. fcap 8vo, calf extra. Edinburgh, 1865. This favorile edition is easiest identified by the rubricated litle-pages. | Edinburgh, 1842-52. i 234 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1640 SEGUIN (L. G.) PicturEsguE Tour IN Picturesque Lanps. With upwards of 160 fine illustrations, proofs on Japan paper. Folio, original vellum binding, inlaid sides, gilt top. London, 1881. Ldition de Luxe. Only 600 copies printed. No. 1. 1641 SHAKESPEARE’S DRAMATIC WORKS. BoYDELL’s SPLENDID Epition. Printed in large type by Bulmer, with the series of 100 highly finished engravings by the best artists, from paintings by STOTHARD, WESTALL, SMIRKE, OpiE, NORTHCOTE, Etc. 9 vols. folio, half dark-red levant mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Mathews. London, Bulmer, 1802. Scarce in uncut condition. This edition ts one of the most finely printed books ever produced in any country, 1642 SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS AND PoEMs. With Copious Notes and Illustrations, Notes of the Plays ascribed to Shakespeare, Biog- raphy, etc., by Charles Knight (“Imperial Edition.”) With portrat and 46 steel engravings after pictures by Cope, Frith, Les- lie, Maclise, Ward, Clint, etc. 2 \arge and thick vols. folio, half Russia, gilt edges, London, 1875. 1643 SHAKESPEARE (Wm.). Worxs. Edited by Charles and. Mary Cowden Clarke. Wath 66 illustrations from the Boydell Gallery. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1876. 1644 SHAKESPEARE SCENES AND CHARACTERS. Comprising 36 en- gravings on steel by Bankel, Bauer, Goldberg, etc, from drawings by Adams, Hofman, Pecht, Spiers, and other German artists. With explanatory text, selected and arranged by Professor Dowden. 4to, half mor. extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Mathews. New York (London), 1876. 1645 SHAKESPEARE.| CLARKE (Mrs. Cowden). CoNncoRDANCE. to Shakespeare ; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. Thick roy. 8vo, half calf extra. Boston, 1877. 1646 SHAKESPEARE.] TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE, by Charles and Mary Lamb. 12 plates from the Boydell Gallery, 8vo, red mor. extra, London, 1876. = on ne ce name ane irre ne ena Ss Remmemninamenicinees ee, FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 235 1647 SHELLEY (P. B.). Porrican Works. Edited with Prefaces and Notes, by H. B. Forman, with etched portraits and other plates. 4 vols. 8vo, mor. antique, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Hammond. London, 1876. 1648 SHERIDAN (RICHARD BrINsLEy). _Works. With Memoir by J. P. Browne. Containing extracts from the Life of Thomas Moore. Portrait. Best edition. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1873. | 1649 SipNEY (Str P.). Works, complete, in Verse and Prose, with | Life. Jiustrations by Van der Gucht, and others. Portrait by | Vertue. 3 vols. crown 8vo, sprinkled calf extra, yellow edges. | Scarce. London, 1725. | 1650 SiR RoGer DE Coveriey. Jilustrated by C.O. Murray. 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. Ni 1651 SkeaT (Rev. W. W.). EtyMmoLocicaL DICTIONARY OF THE | EncuisH LaNnGcuaGE. 4to, half Russia, red edges. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1882. 16s2 SmitH (Joun). Hisrorra Finicum. An Exposition of the Nature, Number, and Organography of Ferns. 3o lithographic plates. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1875. 1653 SmirH’s DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND RoMAN BIOGRAPHY AND Mytuo.ocy. Several hundred woodcut illustrations 3 vols. i very thick 8vo, half calf, gilt. Boston (London), 1854. 1654 SmitH (SYDNEY), Memoir or, by his daughter, Lady Holland. 2 vols, r2mo, cloth. New York, 1856. 1655 SmyTH (PRor. Wm.). LECTURES ON Mopern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolution. Best edition. 2 vols. 8vo, polished ii! calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, W. Pickering, 1840. i} 1656 SouUTHEY (ROBERT). COMMON-PLACE Book, containing Choice Passages from English Authors, translations of interesting ex- tracts from Portuguese and Spanish Authors, Analytical Read- ings, Original Memoranda, etc., edited by J. W. Warter. Lor- trait, 4 vols. thick 8vo, calf extra. London, 1850. Ce pad peek AP i ne id A a ER ON SHE SS ROE HES RO RS DASE SE PRE EES SEL ORR EERE TREE A TONEN SEALE RO REE Oi mi caaacaine. THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1657 SPEKE (J. H.). Journat or THE DiscovERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE Nite. Japs and plates. 8vo, half calf extra. New York, 1868. 1658 SPENCE (REV. Jos.). ANECDOTES, OBSERVATIONS, AND CHAR- ACTERS OF Books AND MEn, collected from the Observations of Mr. Pope and other eminent persons of his time. Edited, with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Sam’l Weller Singer. Lilustrated by the insertion of over two hundred and twenty-five portraits, views, etc., all fine impressions. 2 vols. thick folio, red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1820. Largest paper; few printed. Includes: Autograph memoranda of Pope, signed March 19, 1721, and rare portraits of Hovace Walpole, Sir Wm. Davenant, Dodsley, Bp. Corbet, John Dennis, Farquhar, Drayton, Faber’s Mezzo of George I., Dr. Newton, Sir Wm. Temple, Martha Blount, Sedley, Penn, Ld. Hervey, Arabella Fermor, Prince of Wales, etc., etc., and Pope’s Will, 1659 SPIERS AND SURENNE. FRENCH AND ENGLISH PRONOUNCING Dictionary. Enlarged by G. P. Quackenbos: Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1856. 1660 STanLey (H. M.). TuroucH THE Dark CONTINENT. 10 maps and 150 woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878. 1661 STERNE (LAURENCE). CompLETE Works. With Life. Edited by James P. Browne. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt. London, 1873. Best edition of this standard work. 1662 STODDARD (C. W.). SumMER CRUISING IN THE SOUTH SEAS. Lilustrated by Mackay. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, n. d. 1663 STOTHARD (THOMAS). Lire or, with Personal Reminiscenses by Mrs. Bray. Extra illustrated copy, having nearly 100 en- gravings from the works of the artist, comprising many of his chotcest designs, all in fine condition and neatly arranged. Very thick small 4to, elegantly bound in green crushed levant mor., super-extra, gilt leaves. London, 185t. Unique copy, including many of the illustrations to the Pilgrim’s Progress, Fairy Queen, Shakespeare's Plays, the Novels of Scott, Smollett, etc., etc. neces eer eee cee ncaa cn pe RN OL NOON i gsr EES wr FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 237 1664 STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND, | from the Norman Conquest. Large type, library edition. Wath portraits of every Queen. 8 vols. 8vo, beautifully bound in red polished calf extra, marbled leaves, by JZansed/, London, 1851. Best edition, very scarce. 1665 STRICKLAND, Lives OF THE QUEENS oF SCOTLAND and En- glish Princesses connected with Regal Succession of Britain, complete. Portraits. 8 vols. post 8vo, tree calf extra, by Grieve. Edinburgh, 1850. | 1666 STRUTT (J.). SPORTS AND PASTIMES OF THE PEOPLE oF ENG- | LAND, including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May ; Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pomp- ous Spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time, new edition, by W. Hone. With 140 woodcuts from ancient paintings. Super-roy. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1845. Large paper. 1667 Swirt (DEAN). Works, containing additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto published ; with Notes and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait. 19 vols. 8vo, pol- ished calf extra, yellow edges, by Aiviere. Edinburgh, 1824. 1 The rare Second Edition. “‘ No author in the British language has enjoyed the extensive popu- larity of the celebrated Dean of St. Patrick's. Neither the local and temporary nature of the subjects on which his pen was fre- quently engaged, nor other objections of a more positive nature, have affected the brilliancy of his reputation.” —Scort. 1668 SWITZERLAND, its Mountains and Valleys, described by W. Raden. With 418 wood engravings (many full page) by eminent * artists, Roy. 4to, half mor., gilt edges. New York (London), 1879. ib 1669 SWITZERLAND AND THE Swiss. Sketches of the Country and its Famous Men. 24 2lustrations. Post 8vo, half red mor. extra, London, 1877. 1670 SynTAx (Dr.). THREE Tours IN SEARCH OF THE PICTUR- ESQUE, in search of CONSOLATION, and in search of a Wire (in Hudibrastic verse, by William Combe). J/lustrated with 81 humorous colored engravings by Rowlandson. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1851. — . —— ee 238 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 167% Taine (H. A.). Hisrory or EnciisH Lirerature. ‘Trans- lated by Van Laun. 4 vols. 8vo, half red mor., gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1877. 1672 Taine (H. A.). Tour THroucH THE Pyreners. /Wustrated by Doré. to, red mor., extra gilt edges, by Swdth. New York, 1875, 1673 Tasso (T.). Jerusatem DeLiverepD, Translated by Hoole, 8vo, half mor., gilt. London, 1811, 1674 TENNYSON (ALFRED). Works or, Portrait, 7 vols. post 8vo, cloth extra, uncut edges. London, 1884. Macmillan’s charming edition, which will probably remain the best. 1675 TENNYSON (ALFRED). Works. Portrait. 7 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1877. 1676 THACKERAY (W. M.). Works. New Library edition. Printed on heavy paper, and profusely illustrated, including all of the author's original designs. 22 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. ° London, Swith & Elder, 1874. 1677 THACKERAY (Miss). Novets. Vignettes. 8 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra, London, 1879. Includes « Old Kensington, Vi illage on the Cliff, Five Old Friends, To Esther, Bluebeard’s Keys, Elizabeth, Toilers and Spinsters, Miss Angel, etc., etc, 1678 THOMAS AND BALDWIN. CoMPLETE PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER. Roy. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1874, 1679 THORNBURY (WALTER). Works. LirE IN Spain, Past and Present. 8 tinted plates. 2 vols. 1859. ART AND Naturg, at Home and Abroad. 2 vols. 1856. A Tour Rounp ENcLanp. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 1870. British Artists, from Hogarth to Turner. 2 vols. 186z. Together, 8 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1856-61. 1680 THORNWELL (J. H.). Lire anp LeTrers oF, by B. M. Palmer. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 187s. We eee ee ee FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 239 1681 Times (Joun). ANECDOTE Lives of Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Fuseli, Lawrence, and Turner. Post 8vo, half calf extra. . » London, 1872. 1682 Tourcer’s Novets. Fool’s Errand, Royal Gentleman, Figs and Thistles (2), John Eax, Bricks without Straw, and Hot Plowshares. 7 vols. r2mo, cloth. 1683 TUCKERMAN (H. T.). Book or THE ARTISTS. American Artist Life, comprising Biographical and Critical Sketches of Ameri- can Artists. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half calf extra. New York, 1870. 1684 TupreR (M. F.). ProversiaL Puitosopry. //lustrated. Small 4to, mor., gilt edges. London, 1867. 1685 TURNER (J. M. W.) Lire or. Founded on Letters and Papers furnished by his Friends and Fellow Academicians, by Walter Thornbury. ne portrait and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Scarce. London, 1862. Contains a complete Catalogue of all Turner's Engraved Works, and of his Paintings exhibited at the Royal Academy and British Insti- tution, etc. 1686 TURNER GALLERY. A series of 120 large line engravings from the most famous paintings of J. M. W. Turner, by Willmore and other celebrated engravers, with a Memoir and Descriptions by W. C. Monkhouse. 2 vols. folio, red mor., gilt edges. New York, n. d. 1687 TReNcH (R.C.). Encuiss, Past anD PrEsENT. Study of Words and Select Glossary. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1873-78. 1688 Tronson (J. M.). PrERsoNAL NARRATIVE OF A VOYAGE TO Japan... and various parts of China, Japs, charts, and views. 8vo, half mor., gilt. London, 1859. 1689 Vampery (A.). TRAVELS IN CENTRAL Asta, Jiustrated. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1864. 1690 VeNiseE. Hisrorre, ART, InDUsTRIE, LA VILLE, La VIE, par C. Yriarte. 525 beautiful illustrations. Folio, half mor. extra. Paris, 1878, a er ran tN RR RON accent EH wr eg sane pn EASE, 240 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1691 WaLrorD (Epwarp). PLEAsanT Days IN PLEASANT PLACES, Lllustrated. 8yvo, cloth. London, 1879. 1692 Watiace (D. M.). Russia. Jilustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1878, 1693 WALPOLE’s CORRESPONDENCE AND Works, as follows: I. Watpote. Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scot- land, and Ireland, with Lists of their Works, enlarged and continued by T. Park. 150 portraits, original impression, 5 vols. 1806, II, ANECDOTES of Painting in England, with some account of the Principal Artists ; also a Catalogue of Engravers by Virtue ; with additions by Dallaway ; revised by Wornum. Numerous portraits. 3 vols. 1862, III. Memorrs of the Reign of George II. Edited by Lord Holland. Portraits. 3 vols. 1846. IV. Memoirs of the Reign of George III. Edited by Sir D. Le Marchant. Portraits. 4 vols. 1851. V. Last Journats of the Reign of George III. Edited by Dr. Doran. 2 vols. 1859: VI. Waxpo.e. Letters to the Countess of Ossory, from 1769 to 1797. Edited with Notes by the Right Hon. R. Vernon Smith. Portraits. 2 vols. 1848. VII. Memorrs of Horace Walpole and his Contemporaries, ete. Edited by Eliot Warburton. Portrait. 2 vols. 1852. Very scarce. VIII. Lerrers to Sir Horace Mann. 4 vols. 1843-4. IX. Lire of Lord Herbert. 1826. Together 26 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1806-59. 1694 WaLTon (Isaac). Lives or Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert, and Robert San- derson. Portraits and plates. Post 8vo, full mor. extra, Scarce. London, 1825. A ee er rn re A RA A TO RC I CO Ee nine ener omen iare caen REY FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 241 1695 WARNER (RosT.). SELECT ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS, with Notes on Culture, by B. S. Williams. 80 colored plates. 2 vols. roy. folio, cloth, and 3 extra numbers. London, 1862-75. 1696 WARREN (CHAS:). UNDERGROUND JERUSALEM. WVumerous Illustrations. Imperial 8vo, half mor. extra. London, 1876. LancuaGe. The Entire Corrections and Improvements. Re- vised by Chauncey A. Goodrich. Péctorial illustrations and portrait. 4to, mor., gilt edges. Springfield, 1877. 1698 WeLis (W. V.). ExpLORATIONS AND ADVENTURES IN HonDU- RAs, aps and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. | 1697 WeBSTER (NoAH). AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH | New York, 1857. 1699 Weis. Another copy, half calf extra. New York, 1857. 1700 WHARTON (GRACE AND PuiLip). WORKS. QUEENS OF SOCIETY. 2 vols. WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETY. 2 vols. Together 6 vols. crown 8vo. Jllustrated by Doyle, ete. Tree calf extra, gilt leaves. London, Hagg, ¢etc., 1862, etc. ' r7or WHARTON (GRACE AND Purp). QUEENS, AND WITS AND Beaux or Society. Vumerous illustrations, 2. vols. 8vo, half red mor. extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, n. d. LITERATURE OF SOCIETY. 2 vols. 1702 WHEELER (W. A.). Norep Names oF Fiction. 16mo, cloth. | Boston, 1866, 1703 WHITE (JAMES) EIGHTEEN CHRISTIAN CENTURIES. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1879. | 1704 WuirtTieR Brrrupay-Book ; arranged by Elizabeth S. Owen. 16mo, mor. Boston, 1883. | 1705 WiiiiaMs (B. S.). CHorck STOVE AND GREENHOUSE FLOWER- inG PLants, Select Ferns and Lycopods, and Orchid Grower’s Manual. Colored and other illustrations. 5 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1870-77. 16 i} } \ i | + ii i} 242 a 6 ee s avs? THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1706 WiLson (JoHn W.). CaATALoGuE of a CoLLEcTION of PictT- 1707 1708 1709 1710 I7II 1712 1713 1714 4715 URES, etc. Exposée dans la Galerie du Cercle Artistique et Littéraire de Bruxelles, au profit des pauvres de cette Ville. Troisiéme édition. Printed on heavy paper, and illustrated with a sertes of 68 large etchings, from the most remarkable’ pictures in this celebrated collection. Roy. 4to, cloth. Bruxelles, 1873. This charming Catalogue was gotten up at the expense of the gener- ous owner of the collection, and the money received from tts sale donated to the fund for the relief of the poor of the city. The edition consisted of 1,0v0 copies. No. 324. WisTER’s (Mrs.) TRANSLATIONS. Hulda, Second Wife, Only a Girl, and Countess Gisela. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. Woop (Rev. J. G.). Homes wirnour Hawnps, being a de- scription of the Habitations of Animals, classed according to their principle of construction. Profusely illustrated. Roy. 8vo, half calf extra. New York, 1874. Woop (J. G.). Brptr ANIMALS: a description of every living creature mentioned in the Scriptures. 24 full-page engravings, and 60 woodcuts 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1860. Woop (Rev. J. C.). Insects at Home. A Popular Account of Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. Over 700 tlustrations. 8vo, half calf extra. New York, 1872. WORCESTER (J. C.). DicTionary oF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Unabridged edition. MVumerous woodcuts. Thick 4to, sheep. Boston, 1867. Women or New York. Written and illustrated by Marte L. Hankins, 12mo, cloth. . New York, 1861. YoncGE (CHARLOTTE M.). History or CHRISTIAN NAMES. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half red mor. extra. London, 1863. Yonce (Miss). Camros From EncuisH History. 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1880. Younc (EpwarpD). CompLaint, or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality. Post 8vo, mor., gilt. London, 1853. FN eet a ae A CR CCL TLD ESE GE LT CEC LI aren nl pe cegcene a f ) Vit I} | | FINE ART AND STANDARD BOOKS. 243 | | 1716 YOUNG (JENNIE), CERAMIC ART, a compendium of the His- tory and Manufacture of Pottery and Porcelain. 404 zllustra- | tions. to, cloth. New York, 1879. * i717 ZinckE (F. B.). [SwirzerLtanp.] Walk in the Grisons and | Swiss Allmends. J/Wustrated. 2 vols. post 8vo, half red mor. | extra, London, 1874. | | | | Hi | || i i {I i) iI | Wh i f 1 ng pedi ahd wed See eee aE SSH Ss eROTCHEIEN say ees os ee ations eae} ———— sain ettinannoaidiasncicmesamtame. COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. NOTES BY MR. FREDERICK KEPPEL. Tuts collection has been made with the view of illustrating the whole history of the art, extending over a period of about four centuries. The best examples of the greatest artists in engraving and etching are here in- cluded, in so far as it has been possible to procure them; and several of the prints are undoubtedly unique in America, being the only examples which have ever come here. The great masterpieces of the old faznters are now absolutely unprocurable. They are treasured in the public galleries of Europe, whence they will never come out ; but such masters of painting as Albert Diirer, Rembrandt, and Claude Lor- raine have engraved their own designs, either with the etching needle or the graver, and fine original impressions, printed from such plates, are just as original, just as personal to these artists as are the paintings themselves. Thus there are in this collection precious relics of the infancy of art, which were not only engraved, but printed also by the hands of such masters as Israel von Mecken, Martin Schongauer, and Andrea Mantegna; and these identical sheets of paper having been religiously treasured by generation after generation of sincere art-lovers, have come down to the present day, and now take their.place in the pres- ent collection. And the wonder is—not that these early prints are costly—but that they are pro- curable at any cost. It is not, however, every o/d print which is valuable, or even a work of art in the proper sense at all. It is only those which have genuine artistic merit to recommend them as well as antiquity—only the works of the true artists. The relative value of each print is determined by its merit avd its rarity; the best are usually, but not always, the dearest. In May, 1883, an impression of Rem- brandt’s etching, ‘known as the ‘‘ Advocate Tolling,” was sold at auction in London for the enormons sum of £1,510 sterling ($7,500.00), and yet Rembrandt has etched better portraits than this, but, for some reason, very few impressions of it exist. In Charles Blanc’s admirable book on Rembrandt there is a most dramatic account of an auction sale at which the Chevalier Claussin made incredible sacrifices to obtain this same print, and how he failed to get it. Quite recently Mare Antonio’s print of the poet Aretino was sold for £780 ($3,- 900.00), and Rembrandt’s ‘‘ Hundred Guilders Print” for 41,180 ($5,900.00) ; and these are not imaginary values, for the same prints would bring as much or more at auction to-day, for their value has steadily increased for the past two hundred years. The high value of choice prints has caused many of them to be counterfeited. There are as many as four and five different counterfeits of some of Diirer’s plates, mostly produced during the artist’s own lifetime, or very shortly after his death, The same is true of the works of Marc Antonio, Lucas van Leyden and Rembrandt, Many of these counterfeits are very deceiving, and, were it not that we have in book ———— = . 2es? — ———— je a a nw = wesesces? 246 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. form the researches of skilled connoisseurs to guide us, collectors of the present day would have good reason to fear that some of their treasures were in reality spurious. | But each important print has been positively authenticated, and the slight differences | between the originals and the copies have been accurately shown. | Among these critical books of reference one work is pre-eminent. It is ‘Le | Peintre-Graveur,” in 21 volumes, by Adam Bartsch, who was the curator of the public collection at Vienna, where he was born in 1756. This work is a monument of crit- ical research. It gives a detailed and systematic list of the works of each of the Painter-Engravers, telling how the various ‘‘ states” of each plate are known, and minutely describing all the dangerous counterfeits of these plates. The different ‘‘ states” of a plate are somewhat like the different editions of a book, and it must always be borne in mind that as each impression taken wears the plate a little, the earliest impressions are usually the best, and a late impression from a worn-out plate is never good. The first state of a plate is not a/ways the best, though it is nearly always the dearest. In the etchings of Rembrandt espe- cially the first state is often very much unfinished, and of course presents an incom- plete picture. In a recent book, Sir William Drake’s catalogue of the etchings of Seymour Haden, the excellent plan has been adopted of calling the unfinished and experi- mental proofs, ‘‘¢riaZ proofs,” numbering them a, b, c, etc., and afterwards count- ing the “‘ first state” from the actual completion of the plate. But Bartsch, Robert Dumesnil, and the other authorities designate these unfinished trial proofs as “states.” The “states” of the older plates correspond to the different “‘ proof” states of the later engravings. In the latér engravings the “‘artists’ proofs” are a limited number of the first taken from the fizished plate. They are printed with great care, and before any inscription whatever has been put into the lower margin of the plate. . Within the last thirty years it has become a custom for the engtaver to examine each one of these artists’ proofs, and to affix his signature to those that he finds perfect and un- exceptionable ; such a signature is, therefore, an endorsement or guarantee of the proof which bears it. After the artists’ proofs comes a second printing of ‘‘ proofs before letters,” which by a contradiction of terms are ot before letters—since they usually bear the name of the painter, engraver, and publisher—but they are ‘‘ before letters” in the sense that they are before the Zé¢/e, which does not appear till the next later state. After the ‘‘ proofs before letters” come the “open letter” proofs. These are im- pressions with the final title of print added—but sketched in outline only. Last of all come the ‘‘lettered prints,” in which the title is completed. These lettered prints are issued until the metal plate wears out from use, and are unlimited in number. In addition to these various proof states of a plate, an extra modern refinement has created the ‘‘ Greuves de rémargue.” These are the choicest and finest of all: they are very few in number, and are issued from the finished plate defore the artists’ proofs. They are:so named from the “‘ rémargue” or little special sketch which the artist adds in the lower margin of the plate, and which is again burnished out of the plate before the printing of the regular edition of the artists’ proofs begins. “States” of etchings are not always indicated by the lettering in the lower mar- COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. ‘247 gin, as is the case with line engravings and mezzotints, because very often there zs no blank margin to an etching, the etched work filling up the entire space of the copper. In such cases the ‘‘states” are indicated by something added to or taken from the etched work itself. For example: in Rembrandt’s renowned plate of Christ before Pilate, known as the ‘‘ Great Ecce Homo,” the various states are de- scribed by Charles Blanc thus: /%rst state, only the figures of Pilate and of five Jews appear, the greater portion of the composition has not yet been even com- menced. Only two impressions of this state are known to exist; both are in the British Museum. Second state: The plate is now finished, except that in the subse- quent state Rembrandt has added some diagonal lines to the face of one of the Jews. “© 71 est extrémement rare” (Blanc). This second state shows the plate in all its glory—(and a superb impression of it is in the present collection). Third state» With the aforesaid diagonal lines added to the face of one of the Jews. ourth state; The name of the publisher Malbouse is added in the lower margin. Rembrandt’s plates, and also those of Claude, present a variety of ‘‘ states ; while in the line engravings of Martin Schongauer, Albert Diirer, and Lucas van Leyden, ‘‘states” are almost unknown, and the value is altogether determined by the quality of the impression—a very fine early one being worth twenty times more than a late and worn one. The following extract from an article in Harper's Magazine gives some practi- cal hints on this subject : ‘A word of suggestion as to the selection of engravings. It is not essential that they must be ‘proofs,’ though proofs, being the very earliest impressions taken from the plate, are natu- rally the finest. But a bad or worn impression should not be tolerated, no matter how cheap it is. Such a print is known by its general effect of weakness and paleness; the figures have lost their rotundity, and the perspective is almost gone. Especially among old engravings are bad impressions to be avoided. “‘ Modern impressions taken from such old plates as still exist are also worthless. A print, to be as it should be, must have been printed at the time it was engraved. Modern impressions’ are readily known by the paper on which they are printed. ““ Another necessary warning is against ‘retouched’ impressions ;, many plates, have been thus ruined, when, after they have begun to wear out from use, they have been re-cut in the worn parts by incompetent hands. The effect of a retouched impression is dull, heavy, and dis- agreeable ; all the harmony and beauty of the plate are gone. It is only fine original impres- sions in good condition that worthily represent the great engravers.” While the works of the early ‘‘ Painter-Engravers” and ‘‘ Painter-Etchers ” are the most valuable, still no collection would be complete without the best works of the later engravers, who have reproduced the masterpieces of painting, translating them—so to say—into black and white. Thus Raphael never engraved or etched his Sistine Madonna; but Miiller engraved it for him three centuries later. Rembrandt never etched his Night Watch; but Flameng has etched it for him in our own day. Turner did not engrave his Calais Pier ; but Seymour Haden etched Turner's painting in a most masterly manner. No doubt Raphael, Rembrandt, and Turner could have engraved these three paintings respectively—deut they did not do so ; and meanwhile the most satisfac- tory copies of them are the three plates just named. Injudicious partisans of the beautiful art of etching have gone so far as to dis- parage all reproductive engraving as not being “‘ original.” But they forget that os¥s? 248 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. we do not want originality ina translation or a reproduction. What we want is fidelity. In Miiller’s plate of the Sistine Madonna it is Raphael who furnishes us with the originality, and his translator Miiller has no business to be “original.” And while the painting is far away in Dresden, this satisfactory copy of translation of it may adorn an American home. The great value then of these engravings after the paintings of other men is, that they are the most available and most satisfactory presentations of those paint- ings which are the recognized masterpieces of art. It is an interesting fact that those masters, such as Diirer, Rembrandt, and Claude, seldom or never engraved the same designs which they painted, or painted those that they had previously engraved, so that their prints do not duplicate their i paintings—and this is one reason more for admitting good reproductive engravings into a collection. NOTE ON COLLECTORS’ STAMPS AND MARKS. For centuries it has been the custom of some eminent collectors to put a dis- tinctive mark on the backs of such prints as have been found worthy to make part of their several collections. When the mark of some renowned collector is found on a print it is always recognized as a certificate of high quality. In the older prints the highest possible endorsement is to find the name of ‘‘ P. Mariette” written, with the date, ranging i from 1660 to 710. Mariette sometimes even wrote his name on the face of a print —but so great was his judgment of quality that even this disfigurement adds value to it, A book is now being compiled by Mr. Thibaudeau, of London, which will be devoted to explaining these collectors’ marks. In the best modern collections it is usual to stamp the initials of the owner | neatly in small letters on the back of the print. ENGRAVERS, AND SPECIAL WORKS BY THEM, IN THIS COLLECTION. OLD SCHOOL. MARTIN SCHONGAUER, painter, engraver, and goldsmith, was born at Ulm, in 1420, and died at Colmar on the 2d of February, 1488. He was one of the earliest and one of the best painter-engravers whose names have been preserved. The art of etching was not yet known in his lifetime—the discovery of it being ascribed to Albert Ditrer, who was born in 147I—5I years later. Although the works of all the early German masters seem stiff and ‘‘ gothic’ to modern eyes, yet there is real taste and beauty in the engravings of Schongauer. Perhaps the finest of his prints is the Saint Anthony tormented by Demons. Vasari records that Michael Angelo in his youth took the pains to color an impres- sion of this print. This collection is very rich in the works of this master. Among the finest speci- mens in it are the “‘ Coronation of the Virgin” (Bartsch No. 71); “ Peasants going to Market” (Bartsch No. 88); and the Elephant (Bartsch 92). This last is of extreme rarity. ISRAEL VON MECKEN (or Meckenen), born at Bocholt, according to Byran, ‘‘ about ” the year 1424. Died the 15th of March, 1503. Like others of the earliest engravers, he was a goldsmith—the separate profes- sion of a painter being unknown at that period. The “Dance of Herodias” is considered his masterpiece (see Andreson). The present impression is superb, and it is most probably the only example of this very rare print that exists in America. The costumes in it are most interesting. ANDREA MANTEGNA, born at Padua in 1431. Died on the 15th of September, 1506. This famous artist was not a goldsmith, like some of the early Germans, but was only known as a historical painter and engraver, and both his paintings and his prints display a bold and masterly style which is very different from the stiff and laborious work of the early Northern school. Fine impressions of his works are exceedingly scarce and are highly valued. “‘La Sépulture” (Bartsch, Vol. 13, pp. 229, 230)—cette estampe, dont Vasari fait mention, est une des plus parfaites de Y’ceuvre, tant pour le dessein que pour expression de la gravure.” It is very rare. “La Flagellation ” (Bartsch No. 1). Fine original impression. There is an old ii counterfeit of this print, in which the pavement is somewhat different in design from the original. 250 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. ALBERT DURER.—This great master was born on the 20th of May, 1471, and died in his native town of Nurenberg on the 18th of April, 1528. The books which have been written upon his works would form a small library in themselves, and the artist himself—like Leonardo da Vinci—is also a writer of books. The greatest museums of the world compete in perfecting their collections of Diirer’s engravings. The present collection is especially rich in them, and many of the examples are absolutely zwzsurpassed as to quality. “Adam and Eve” (Bartsch No. 1). The artist’s masterpiece, ‘‘ Saint Hubert,” Diirer’s largest plate. ‘‘St. Jerome in his Cell” (Bartsch No. 60), very fine. The “Melancholia ”—a perfect impression of this celebrated print. Norte.—Diirer has put into this plate a curious tablet of numbers which, when added up in a line, give the total of 34. This tablet gives the same total (34) when added in ten different ways, viz.: perpendicularly, diagonally, or horizontally. Of Ditrer’s plate of ‘St. Hubert,” Bartsch records that the original copper-plate came into the possession of the Emperor Rudolph, who caused the engraved lines to be filled with gold, and in this condition the plate was put into the Emperor’s museum. After this filling up of the lines, of course no more impressions could be taken. This collection now contains no fewer than ¢hirty-cight engravings by Diirer. MARC ANTONIO (Raimondi).—This most celebrated of the Italian engravers was born at Bologna, in 1487. He was not a ‘‘ painter-engraver” in that he did not engrave his own designs, but inasmuch as his career was intimately associated with that of Raphael—the “prince of painters,” and that Raphael never engraved or etched, Marc Antonio’s prints take rank with those of Diirer and Rembrandt, as the choicest gems in the realm of engraving. In early life this engraver executed several plates in which he counterfeited the works of Ditrer—even to the adding of Ditrer’s monogram to them. But going to Rome he attracted the attention of Raphael, and thereafter his great achievements were his plates from Raphael’s works. An interesting fact is that in many cases these engravings differ in certain de- tails from the master’s well-known paintings, and from this circumstance it is con: cluded that Raphael furnished his engraver with drawings from which to engrave his plates. And so truly “ Raphaelesque” are those prints that connoisseurs are of opinion that Raphael himself must have aided Mare Antonio in his work. “*Saint Paul preaching at Athens” (Bartsch No. 44). Brilliant impression’ of one of Marc Antonio’s finest prints. ‘‘ Mary Magdalen washing the Feet of Christ,” (Bartsch 23). ‘‘ La Vierge au Berceau” (Bartsch No. 63). The above, among several others in this collection, may be cited as examples of Marc Antonio’s beautiful and artistic work. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN.—Born at Leyden, Holland, in 1494. Died in 1533. Eminent painter and line engraver ; contemporary and friend of Diirer. eave? RA SR RL - ae a ee einen ENGRAVERS, AND SPECIAL WORKS BY THEM. 251 Fine impressions of this engraver’s work are even scarcer than those of Diirer, because his plates were so delicately engraved that they yielded only very few good proofs before they began to wear out. His print of Mary Magdalen enjoying the pleasures of the World, called “ La Dance de la Madeleine,” is his most admired work, and ranks as one of the master- pieces of engraving. | PARMIGIANO.—Born at Parma, in 1503. Died in 1540. The family name of this eminent painter was Mazzuoli. The collection contains a fine proof in the “first state” of his etching, ‘‘ The Entombment.” CLAUDE LORRAINE.—This great master of landscape painting and etch- ing was born in France in the year 1600, and died in Rome in 1682. His family name was Gélée. The parents of Claude were very poor and he was apprenticed to a pastry-cook. He afterwards became valet and cook to the Roman painter Tassi, and from this poor beginning he rose to be, perhaps, the greatest master of landscape. In Smith’s “Catalogue Raisonné of Claude,” the writer says: “Upwards of two centuries have elapsed since the birth of this enchanting painter, and during this long period no successful rival has appeared. He therefore stands alone, pre- eminent in excellence.” The etchings of Claude are as highly esteemed as his paintings. The standard authority on the former is the work of Robert Dumesnil, ‘‘ Le Peintre-Graveur Francais.” REMBRANDT.—Paul Rembrandt van Ryn, the supreme master of etching, was born on the 15th of July, 1606, and died in 1665. Rembrandt’s etchings are the choicest treasures in the portfolios of amateurs throughout the world. Their value has steadily increased during two and a half cen- turies. In May, 1883, the highest price ever paid for an etching was given at auc- tion in London for Rembrandt’s portrait of the ‘‘ Advocate Tolling.” The price was £1510 sterling, or about $7,500.00. The purchaser was Monsieur Dutuit of Rouen. The auction sale took place at Christie & Manson’s. In the important revival of true painter-etching, which began about the year 1860 with Meryon, Jacque, Seymour Haden, Whistler, etc., and which has continued with such splendid results to the present day, it is a fact that all the best etched is frankly modeled after the methods of Rembrandt, and that ‘‘ inspired Dutchman’ seems to have known and practiced all the processes which are now used. The great diversity of the money value of this master’s etchings is partly due to their comparative quality, but partly also to their comparative rarity, so that the ? costliest print is not always the finest work of art. His acknowledged chef d’euure is the ‘‘ Christ healing the Sick,” known by { the sobriquet of the ‘‘ Hundred Guilders Print.” It isso called because Rembrandt | himself used to sell it for that price (about $60.00). This was at that time a price unprecedentedly high. Diirer sold his finest prints at about twenty-five cents each. The present impression of the “ Hundred Guilders Print” is especially fine. A few years ago Mr. Palmer of London paid $5,900.00 for the first state of this print. i “The Three Trees.” This is perhaps the most celebrated, as it is the most 252 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. SS a ee Eee Od ee at en ee ee valuable of all Rembrandt’s landscapes. There are several counterfeits of this plate, but none of them approach the original in quality. The “‘Great Ecce Homo.” Magnificent proof in the first finished state (2d state according to the books of reference). The present impression is described on page 8. There is probably not a finer example of it in the world. Only one other proof in this second state exists in America. The collection now contains no fewer than 109 of Rembrandt’s etchings ; all are fine, and many are of such extreme rarity that it would be impossible to find any others in this country. Portrait of the ‘‘ Burgomaster Jan Six.” This is admittedly the finest of Rembrandt’s etched portraits. It is of great rarity and value in any state, but the present impression is of such beauty that it would be almost impossible to duplicate it. , While Rembrandt was still poor and obscure one of his first patrons was Jan Six, member of an old Amsterdam family, and who afterwards became Burgomaster of his native city. When the great Jan Six first patronized the poor and unknown Rembrandt he little thought that Rembrandt’s work would immortalize his own name, but so it has proved. This portrait was etched in 1647, when Six was 29 years old. After more than two centuries the Six family reside in the same plain and comfortable old house, and the house is full of precious works of art. CORNELIUS VISSCHER.—This interesting artist was born in Holland in 1629, and died at the early age of 28. His print of the Pancake Woman is celebrated. A curious point in it is that there are ¢wo children eating pancakes, while any one would assert that there js only one. The second child can be found in the very middle of the print, near the woman’s elbow. The portrait of De Ryck is a masterpiece and very rare. ANTOINE MASSON.—An eminent line engraver. Born at Orleans in 1636. Died in Paris, 1700. His portrait of Brisacier, known as the “ Gray-Haired Man,” is considered one of the four finest portraits in line engraving. The other three being the Pompone de Belliévre of Nauteuil, Philippe de Champaigne by Edelinck, and Bossuet by Drevet. The present impression of the ‘‘ Gray-Haired Man” is in a rare early state, in which there are two errors in the spelling of the inscription round the oval. GERARD EDELINCK.—This greatest of portrait line-engravers was born at Antwerp in 1627, but his whole artistic career was in Paris, ROBERT NAUTEUIL.—Born at Rheims, 1630. Died in Paris, 1678. One of the great portrait engravers. His portrait of Pompone de Belli¢vre is con- sidered to be the finest ever executed. His works are minutely described in the catalogue of M. Robert Dumesnil. PIERRE DREVET.—Born at Lyons, 1664. Died in Paris, 1739. One of the great portrait engravers. His large full-length portrait of Louis XIV, is considered his finest work. A fine impression of it is in the collection. ENGRAVERS, AND SPECIAL WORKS BY THEM. 253 PIERRE IMBERT DREVET.-—Son of Pierre. Born at Paris, 1697. Died there in 1739. The younger Drevet has never been surpassed and has hardly been equaled as a portrait engraver. His portraits of Bishop Bossuet and of Adrienne Lecouvreur are his most esteemed works. This eminent engraver died insane at the age of 42. G. B. PIRANESI.—This artist was by profession an architect, and this aided him in the branch of art to which he devoted himself and in which he was unequaled. His complete etched works comprise a great number of volumes, but it is only a election of his most pictorial subjects which are sought by print collectors. JOHN GEORGE WILLE.—Enminent master of line-engraving, born 1715. Died 1808. A superb proof of the “‘ Satin Gown ” is one of the gems of the collection. SIR ROBERT STRANGE.—Born in Scotland, in 1721. Died in London, 1792. One of the very finest gems in the collection is the artist’s proof of Strange’s portrait of King Charles I. It bears an autograph dedication to a fellow artist. WILLIAM WOOLLETT.—Born in England, 1735. Died in 1785. Proofs of Woollett’s prints are of great rarity. One such brought 470 sterling at auction in London recently. There are several proofs of his finest works in the collection. WILLIAM SHARP.—Born in England, 1746. Died in 1824. A fine proof of the ‘ Doctors of the Church” is one of the important plates in the collection. The original painting was offered to the British Government, but while they delayed to secure it, Catharine the Great, of Russia, bought it along with other masterpieces. GIUSEPPE LONGHI.—Born 1766. Died 1831. A proof of the Reclining Magdalen is one of the loveliest things in engraving. It is very rare, RAPHAEL MORGHEN.—Born near Naples, 1758. Died at Florence, 1833. In the collection are the portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, and a proof of the small Madonna of the Chair, which Morghen engraved at the age of 72 years. PAOLO TOSCHI.—Born at Parma in 1788. Died there in 1854. This artist’s two best plates are represented in the collection by unique proofs, both from his own collection. ‘These plates are the Madonna della Scala, and the ** Incoronata.” ‘ 1 a¢ont reese onto Heng aa aemensco ronson ecaR eRe 254 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. FRIEDRICH MULLER.—Bom 1783. Died 1816. A fine old impression of the great engraving of the Sistine Madonna also enriches the collection. The plate is still in existence but very much retouched, and only the original im- pressions do justice to this masterpiece. Other famous line-engravers are Porporati, Mandel, Calamatta, Schavoni,’Rich- omme, Perfetti, Francois, Van Dalen, Bartolozzi, etc., all of whom, and several others, are well represented in the collection. MODERN ETCHERS. FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN.—This renowned etcher is not even an artist by profession, but has spent his life as a surgeon in London. He is one of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons, and his etched work was only done as a recreation, and originally without any view to publication. But yet no professional etcher of the 19th century ranks so high as Haden. Mr. Hamerton’s book, Ziching and Etchers, devotes a very interesting chapter to this artist. All his etchings are from his own designs, except one family portrait and the great plate of the Calais Pier, which is after Turner’s painting. The two large plates of Greenwich and Windsor are from his own designs. All three of these plates are destroyed and the proofs are very valuable. Seymour Haden was born in 1818, CHARLES MERYVON.—Bom at Paris in 1821. Died insane at Charenton, 1868. Mr, Hamerton, in Ziching and Etchers, eloquently tells the pathetic story of this wonderful artist’s life. ‘ Though he died so recently, his etchings to-day sell at nearly as high a price as those of Rembrandt ; but he was driven insane by hunger, misery, and neglect, and in a paroxysm of madness he destroyed his precious copper-plates, so that his works are much scarcer than they otherwise would have been. The collection is very rich in Méryon’s prints. CHARLES JACQUE.—Born in Paris the 23d of May, 1813. This famous painter was one of the first to start the modern revival of true etch- ing. His great plate, ‘‘ La Grande Bergerie,” is an acknowledged masterpiece. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET.—This great artist was born at Gréville in 1814, and his etchings are as thoroughly characteristic of him as his paintings them- selves. It is stated that during the whole of his life Millet finished only about eighty oil paintings, many of which he retained in his studio for a long time, returning to work on them again and again in order to satisfy himself. What a pity it is that he did not receive, during his life, the zenth part of the present value of any ove of these paintings, in addition to the pittance that he sold them for! Such a sum would have made a rich man of him. ENGRAVERS, AND SPECIAL WORKS BY THEM. 255 Millet sometimes repeated the subjects of his paintings in his etchings. The collection contains several of his finest, notably ‘‘ La Cardeuse,”’ and a unique proof of ‘‘ La Bergére,” the latter being probably the only signed proof of it in the world. DE GRAVESANDE.—This eminent etcher is the son of the late President of the Senate of Holland. He went through the law course at the University of Leyden, but his overpow- ering bent toward art resulted in his adopting the profession of an artist. Mr. Hamerton devotes a highly laudatory chapter to him in the second edition of his Etching and Etchers, the first edition having appeared before his first etchings were published. De Gravesande’s etchings are highly esteemed in England and France. He now lives in Brussels. AMERICAN ETCHERS. Some of the very best and truest etchers of the present day are Americans. The critics say that the practical divectness of the American character is condu- cive to this result. In general these works are specially decorative and pictorial, and are well adapted to framing purposes. Perhaps the most popular—and justly so—of American etchers, is STEPHEN. PARRISH.—He was born in Philadelphia, in 1846, and be- longs to one of the old Quaker families there. Mr. Hamerton writes of him in the London Portfolio - “Mr. Parrish is one of the most sincere and straightforward of living etchers.” The collection includes a set of his works, which is almost complete, and as many of the earlier plates are destroyed, many of those are rare. PETER MORAN.—This celebrated painter of animals, etc., is President of the Philadelphia Painter-Etchers’ Society. He was one of the first to practice the art in this country, and he has been eminently successful as a teacher. Peter Moran is brother of Thomas and of Edward, the well-known New York painters, and is uncle of Percy and Leon Moran. JOSEPH PENNELL.—Borm in Philadelphia. A pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. There is probably no living etcher who has achieved as high a reputation in so short a time as Mr. Pennell. He is now about twenty-five years old, but he has won the cordial approval of such masters as Haden, Whistler, and De Gravesande. OTTO H. BACHER.—A native of Cleveland, Ohio. Studied art in Munich and Venice. Of his set of twelve views of Venice, Seymour Haden writes : ‘“‘ The whole set, accessories and all, evinces a strong artistic feeling. Bold and painter-like treatment characterizes it throughout.” Mr. Bacher is not yet thirty years old. ne pak ai ara and See ae aeRO IE SOS HE LE REORDER ORS REPRE Sats imei tie EM HES, eT ee ees ng ped Ae tate nad He ae oe aE RRR SNS Se SRST THERE RTOS PE SALE MONDAY MORNING, AFTERNOON, AND EVENING, MARCH 15. BEGINNING AT 10.30 A.M., 2.30, AND 7.30 O’CLOCK P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. PART I. ALDEGREVER. 1718 Portrait of himself. Bartsch 189. 1719 Se “ Albert van der Halle. See TSO: ALTDORFER. 1720 Bible Scenes. 40 illustrations. ANDERLONI. 1721 Mater Dolorosa. BARTOLOZZI. 1722 Young Bacchus, after Franceschini. 1723 Mary Queen of Scots, after Zuccheri. BEAUVARLET. 1724 Telemachus.in the Island of Calypso. 1725 Le Comte d’Artois and Mlle. Clotilde. 17 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. BEGA. 1726 Dutch Peasants. BEHAM. 1727 Vignette. Bartsch 228, 1728 The Well at Samaria. BEISSON. 1729 St. Cecilia, after Raphael. BERGHEM. 1730 Landscape, Pastoral. re ze Watering the Flock. 1732 Ag Evening. Returning from Work. 1733 Musicians. 1734 Flageolet Player. BERTINOT (G.). 1735 Marguerite, after Merle. BERVIC (C.). 1736 Louis XVL., after Callet. 1737 Le Repos. 1738 The Laocoon. BETTILINI (P.). 1739 Matei Amabilis, after Allori. en ee ee ee en en eee nes : s - P ee aes GN Me ee eee eR RN A A ENC I RE TS a nen et ans cage” PREY ~ ‘ ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 259 BIOT (G.). 1740 Aglae, after Cabanel. BLANCHARD. 1741 Isabella and the Pot of Basil, after Holman’ Hunt. 1742 Eve of St. Agnes, “ “ “« BOL (F.). 1743 Philosopher. BOLSWERT. 1744 The Holy Family, after Vandyke. BOUILLARDT (J.). 1745 Comtesse de Provence. 1746 The Holy Family, after A. Caracci. BURT (CHAS,). 1747 Portrait of Longfellow. CALMATTA. 1748 Madonna della Sedia. 1749 Vow of Louis XIII. 1750 Portrait of George Sand. CAMPAGNOLA (G.). 1751 St. John the Baptist. B Los) 1752 Woman of Samaria. 1753 Assumption of the Virgin (D.). oot? THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1754 LYS) 1756 Tou 1758 LISS) 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 CARON (A). Duchess de Berri and her Children, after Gérard, CHAILLOUX. Madonna of the Fish. CHAMBERS (THOS.). Saint Martin, after Rubens. CHATILLON. Genevieve of Brabant. CLAESSENS (L. A.). Descent from the Cross, after Rubens. Night Watch, after Rembrandt. CLAUDE. Flock Drinking. Crossing the Brook. Dance by the Water-side. Mercury and Argus. Shipwreck. The Four Goats. Campo Vaccino, The Three Goats. Rape of Europa. Seaport. (13 rt ER RS A LN RLY CS I OE SE IE TE ren renee enn pesca REY eo ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 261 1771 Le Temps Appollon, etc. 1772 _ 1773 Goatherd. 1774 Wooden Bridge. 1775 Le Dessinateur. 1776 Le Troupeau au Marche. 1777 Le Depart pour les Champs. 1778 Berger et Bergére. 1779 Flight into Egypt. 1780 The Apparition. COUSINS (S.). 1781 Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare. DANIELL (J.). 1782 Samuel and Eli (Mezzotint), after Copley. DE FREY. 1783 Supper at Emmaus, after Rembrandt. DENON (BARON). 1784 L’Abbe Zani. DESNOYERS. 1785 Belisarius, after Gérard. 1786 Napoleon, in his Coronation Robes (with the mask), after Gérard. 262 THE MORGAN ‘COLLECTION. ° 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 LOS 1794 LASS 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 DESSON. Rheims Cathedral. DREVET (PIERRE). Louis the Great, Louis Alexander de Bourbon, Bossuet, Philip d’Anjou (Philip V. of Spain), Adrienne le Couvreur, after Coybel. DURER. Adam and Eve. The Man of Sorrow. Crown of Thorns. after Rigaud. Bartsch “ “ce The Face of Christ carried by an Angel. Engraved on Iron. The Prodigal Son. Madonna and Child. Virgin and Infant Christ. &“ ‘ & ry Virgin crowned by an Angel. Madonna and Child. Virgin crowned by two Angels. Madonna by the Wall. Madonna of the Pear. Conversion of St. Hubert. St. Anthony. St. Jerome in his Cell. St. Jerome. Apollo and Diana. I. 20, 25. 20. 28. 35. 36. 36. 37- ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 263 y811 L’Enlévement d’Amynone. Bartsch 71. 1812 Effects of Jealousy. ag. 1813 Melancholy. Le ah. 1814 Four Nude Women. as wine 1815 The Idler. ea Oe 1816 The Little Fortune. RTC as 1817 Justice. ba 07 1818 Lady on Horseback. ar a 1819 Peasant and Wife. S97) at 1820 Hostess and Cook. too BH 1821 Three Peasants. Si ewios 1822 The Ensign. . ete 1823 Warriors. CU Ss 1824 The Madman, See: 1825 Portrait of Melancthon. ‘o 105. 1826 Portrait of Erasmus. TOT: 1827 Knight and Lady. 1828 St. Jerome, woodcut. Sh arate. 1829 Portrait of Diirer, woodcut (1527). 1830 La Madonna dans Bethlehem. EARLOM. MEZZOTINTS. 1831 Newfoundland Dog Saving a Child from Drowning, after Eckstein. 1832 Companion to above, after Eckstein. 1833 The Forge, after Jno. Wright. 1834 Rembrandt’s Portrait of himself. 1835 Concert of Birds, after Marie di Fiori. 1836 Flowers, after Van Huysom. it 837 Fruit, 13 “ “ Opt pak Ae aes at Sag NE MEME TSS ERO nee i a aoe x Voweiepersined — SE ee ae THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 EICHEUS (E.). Frederick the Great and his Sister as Children, after Pesne. EDELINCK, Holy Family, after Raphael. Louise de la Valliére, after Lebrun. Paul de Lionne. J. B. Santeuil. Nath. Dilgerus. J. H. Mansard, after Rigaud. Phillippe de Champagne. The Fight for the Standard, after Da Vinci. (@=" See also NANTEUIL. FELSING. Poetry and Love, after Kaulbach. The Lorellei. FICQUET. Madame Maintenon, after Mignard. FLEISCHMAN, St. Paul in Prison, after Rembrandt. FORSTER (F.). Dido and Afneas, after Guérin. The Three Graces, “ Raphael. Albert Diirer, after Diirer. + ped ai data ead Sag onasseeemscrsuss! ee ene ern rR AN OE LENT CY AS rite eer renee sagen” REY 4 ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 265 FRANCOIS (A.). 1854 Mother and Child. ’ 1855 Portrait of Titian. 1856 cS “ Raphael d’ Urbino. 1857 Marie Antoinette going to the Guillotine, after P. Delaroche. FRYE (THOS). 1858 Portrait of himself, mezzotint. 1859 & a in Turban, mezzotint. GANDOLFI (M.). 1860 Cupid Sleeping, after Raphael. GARAVAGLIA. 1861 Jacob Meeting Rachel and Leah, after Appiani. 1862 The Madonna. GHISI (GIORGIO). 1863 Dream of Raphael. GOLTZIUS. 1864 Portrait of Theodore Coernhert. 1865 Christ before Pilate. GREATBACH (W.). 1866 The Winder, after Gerard Dow. 1867 The Reader, “ us Ss THE MORGAN COLLECTION, HESS (C.). 1868 “Suffer Little Children to come unto Me,” after Rembrandt. HOLLAR. 1869 The Dead Hare. 1870 Cup, after Andrea Mantegna. 1872 Cathedral (Antwerp). 1873 Study of Heads, after Da Vinci. HUNTER. 1874 Hide and Seek, after Henrietta Ronner, 1875 A Fascinating Tale, “ ee KARL DU JARDIN. 1876 Landscape, Mules. Bartsch 27. 1877 ss Peasant Crossing Stream. # 2 1878 a Mules. s 29. JACQUET (JULES). 1879 Madame Récamier, after David. 1880 The Sacrifice, peeele cron, 1881 The Invocation, s ss JOSEY (RICHARD). 1882 Whistler’s Portrait of his Mother. . 1883 a a : ee autograph copy. 1884 The Captain of the “ Eleven.” 1885 Artist’s Child, after Greuze. + pg pk aE eee nt SSE SSE ORES TASS SRST SHERERTEOSS PE - “ ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 267 JOUANIN. 1886 Fortune Teller, after Becker. JOUBERT. 1887 Il Penseroso, after Winterhalter. 1888 Nina, eGreses ’ KELLER. 1889 Holy Family, after Ittenbach. KELLERHOVEN. 1890 An Oriental, after Rembrandt. KNOLLE. 1891 Madonna and Christ, after Correggio. 1892 Christ and the Tribute Money. LA CASAS. 1893 Baccio Bandinelli. LECOMTE. 1894 Last Supper, after Da Vinci. LEFEVRE 1895 Holy Night, after Correggio. 268 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. LEQUAY. 1896 Rabelais. 1897 Paul de Kock. LEVY (G.). 1898 Anne of Austria. 1899 Cardinal de Retz. ‘ 1900 Pascal. 1901 Damocles in Prison, after Couture. LIGNON (F.). 1902 Talma, after Pici. 1903 Mlle. Mars, after Gérard. 1904 St. Cecilia, after Domenichino. LONGHI (GUISEPPE). 1905 Eugene Napoleon, after Gérard. 1906 The Holy Family, after Raphael. 1907 Magdalen, after Correggio. 1908 Lady Burgesch and Child, after Lawrence. 1909 Genius of Music burning Cupid’s Arrows. LOWENSTEIN. 1910 In Confidence, after Alma Tadema. LUCAS (A.). 1911 English Setters, after Hardy. ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 269 LUDY (F.). rgi2 Congratulations, after Knaus. MANDEL (E.). 1913 La Vedova, after L. Robert. 1914 Madonna of the Stars, after Carlo Dolci. rors La Bella di Tiziano. ANDREA MANTEGNA. 1916 Triumph of Scipio. 1917 Entombment of Christ. 1918 Flagellation of Christ. MARCUCCI (J.). 1919 Madonna of the Goldfinch, after P. Agricola. MARI (GUISEPPE). 1920 St. John, after Carraci. MARTINET (A.). 1921 Nativity, after Murillo. 1922 Charles I., after Paul Delaroche. 1923 Rembrandt, after himself. MASSARD (JULES). 1924 Hippocrates refusing the Bribes of Artaxerxes, after Girodet. 1925 Burial of Atala. 1926 Homer. {peek ai tae wt RO ne oan a RRS SS So MOE TNE RTO R SERIES ides Secession are) ae aa 270 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. 1927 Madame Le Brun and her Daughter. 1928 St. Cecilia, after Raphael. 1929 Study of Pointers, after Desporte. MASSON. 1930 Portrait of Guilliaume de Brisacier. “The Gray-headed Man.” 1931 Guido Patin. 1932 Henri de Lorraine, Comte D’Harcourt. MELLAN (CLAUDE). 1933 St. Peter Nolasque, borne by Angels. 1934 Face of Christ. MELLINI (C. D.). 1935 Savoyards. MERCURI (P.). 1936 St. Amelia, after Paul Delaroche. 1937 Madame de Maintenon, after Petitot. MEUNIER (J. B.). 1938 The Mouse Hunt, after Madon. MICHELS, 1939 Peter the Great, studying Naval Architecture, after Wappers. MILLER (J. D.). 1940 Friends now, Pussy ! 1941 Modern Italy, after Turner. FN ee eee: ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. Bujak RAPHAEL MORGHEN. 1942 Duke of Moncada, after Vandyke. 1943 Lorenzo di Medici, after Vasari. 1944 La Fornarina, after Raphael. 1945 Madonna della Seglia, after Raphael. 1946 Boccaccio, after Gozzini. 1947 Tasso, after Ermini. 1948 Horace, after Tenderini. 1949 Christ, after Da Vinci. 1950 Leonardo da Vinci, after Da Vinci. 1951 Raphael Morghen. . 1952 Duchess of Alba. MORIN (J.). 1953 Cardinal Bentivoglio, after Vandyke. MOTTRAM. 1954 Pride and Humility, after Geo. Cole. MULLER (FRED’R). | 1955 Madonna San Sisto, after Raphael. 1956 St. John, after Domenichino. MUNNICKHUYSEN. 1957 Henri Spiegel. at pee dah na gt AS HG Se aE RATS TSNS SERS PSHE THE MORGAN COLLECTION. NANTEUIL (ROBT.). 1958 Duc D’Espernon. 1959 Edouard Mole. “ 1960 Pompone de Bellievre. 1961 Van Steenberghen. NANTEUIL & EDELINCK, 1962 Moses, after Philippe de Champagne. NAUURENS (J.). 1963 The Rain has Ceased, after Verheyden, PANNIER. 1964 Portrait of Malherbe. 1965 Portrait of Thiers. PARKES (R. B.). 1966 A Cup of Coffee (Mezzotint), after Madrazzo. 1967 Viola (Mezzotint), after Gordon. 1968 A Winter Walk (Mezzotint), after Gordon. PARMEGIANO. 1969 Entombment of Christ. PENZ (GEO). 1970 Duke of Saxony. WN sewer ee 1971 197% 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 pet ti dws eat Se ae eee mane TSNE ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. PERFETTI (A,). Esperanza (Ellena Zanoni), after Carlo Dolci. Maria Carolina of Tuscany. Cavaliere de Onis. Raphael’s Madonna Granduca. Cosmo di Medici. PETERSEN. Children in the Wood, after Embde. PIOTTI (CATRINA). Semiramis. PIRANESI. Temple of Peace. Temple of Concord. > uanus, OP SsAmolloy Interior of the Colosseum. & ‘“ &“ Exterior “ ss Island of the Tiber. St. Paul’s, Outside the Walls. Arch of Septimus Severus. ee okitas « “ Constantine. ee enevento: Hadrian’s Villa. “ 6c Ms ae hemple; 18 THE MORGAN COLLECTION. POILLY (F.). 1995 The Virgin ot the Cradle, after Raphael. POLANZONI. 1996 Piranesi. PORPORATI. 1997 Garde 4a vous, after Angelica Kauffman. 1998 Venus et l’Amour. OMUINSIN, (PAOIE). 1999 Cattle Scene. Cows. Bartsch 14. 2000 ‘ is Sheep. Seas PREVOST (Z.). 2002 Venus de Milo, PRIOR (T. A.). 2003 Heidelberg, after Turner. MARC ANTONIO RAIMONDI. 2004 The Last Supper. 2005 St. Paul, 2006 The Sybil. 2007 Martyrdom of St. Lawrence. 2008 Notre Dame 1’Escalier. —————aEEeEeEeE—GeE eG_ ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS, 275 2009 Chasse aux Lions. zo10 Massacre of the Innocents. Bartsch 18. 2zo11 Martyrdom of St. Felicité. «“ II7. 2012 La Vendage. tC © 366. 2013 Jurisprudence. “ 381. 2014 Young Man with Lantern. “ 384. 2015 Woman with Long Hair. OG 2016 Virgin with Cradle. 2017 Grimpours. 2018 Triumph of Galatea. 201g Christ at the Table of Simon. REMBRANDT. 2020 Portrait of himself. Mustachios. Bartsch 2. 2021 is ss in rich cloak.