4ENT AND MODERN vl and Water-Color PAanTINGs. Thureday and Friday Evenings, May 20.and 27, x188x. orice LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK PRIVATE COLLECTION OF (oaree = PND) We ae oon eierue ey / TY ING =a { eC Gzy ANCIENT AND MODERN, EMBRACING A NUMBER OF FINE WORKS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. Gwo SDdundred “OF aintings, AND PARIS DURING MANY YEARS. COLLECTED IN LONDON NOW ON EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE LEAVITT ART GALLERIES, 817 BROADWAY. LOWBE SOLD BV eA OCT HONG ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, BNVAB SANE A RIS) 9 HAIN ID) NI R. SomeRVILLE, Auctioneer. GEO. cA. LEAVE 7& CO, CONDITIONS: OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if re- quired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be ab- solutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction | of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which | the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. = GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS sae E.O. Jenkins’ Print, 20 North William St, New York, ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS COLLECTION. Sir EDWIN LANDSEER. JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. A. DECAMPS. J. M. W. TurRNER. Sir Davip WILKIE. ALSO WORKS BY Boddington. Canaletti. Maclise, R.A. R. P. Bonnington. MacWhirter. Barland. P. Naysmith. Van Dyck. T. Stoddard, R.A. Kneller. . J. Crome. De Brakaleer. Van Oss. H. Vernet. Mieris. Van Huysem. A. Cuyp. H. Inman, N A. W. Creme. J. Linnell. E. Nichol. Thos. Earle. B. Ommeganck. Sweeback. Sir A. Callcot. Etty, R.A. Terburgh. Sr rout. A. Van Ostade. D. Roberts, R.A. A. Brewer. Sir Thos. Lawrence. A. Waterloo. Guardabassi. Manzoni. AND MANY OTHERS. TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. Gatalogue. if HILL (J. WwW.) . : : , . London Flora. fy HILO (J. Ww.) . : : : . -iLondon The Gleaner. 5) CLINTON (Loveradge) . : . New York Early Autumn. 4 MARTYNS (J. W.) . : : . London Expectation. 5 GERARDS (.) . . - .~ London Sheep and Horses. 6 THORN G) 5, 2.2 = | ©) London On the Thames, near Ips- wich. 7 SMART (H.) . . . London At Yarmouth Beach. GEORGES (H.) . : : ; . Paris Sunset on the Marne. GEORGES (H.)! Summer in Normandy. IO CONSTABLE (J.), R. A., deceased . London Sketch—Rainbow Effect. From the Hasgritt Collection. II HOLBEIN (Hans). Martin Luther. From the Strawberry Hill Collection. eZ OMMEGANCK (Belthazar). Sheep at Rest, A fine work by the Master of Verboeckhoven. 13 PETHER (Wm.) i : - London Moonlight. 14 BARLAND (Adam) . : . London Banks of the River Lee. PROUT (S.) 2: : : : . London View at Amiens. NICHOLSON (G.) . : : . London View at Hastings. 17 NICHOLSON (G.) . : : . London armouth—Sunrise. 18 LAMBERT (L.) . : : . Paris Chickens. 19 LAMBERT . ; ; eee: «Paris Companion. 20 CROME (John), deceased . : . London Environs of Norwich. Crome has been considered the founder of the Norwich School. He was the son of a publican, and born at Norwich, 1769. He died April 22, 1821. 21 CALLCOT (J.) ee ee = London Off Scarborough. 22 LANCASTER (E.) Sherwood Forest. 23 GIRARDTS (L.) ; ; ; . London Landscape and Sheep. 24 GIRARDTS (I..) London Companion. 25 ROE (Clarence) . London Harvesting in the High- lands. 20 DE BRACKALEER. Amsterdam Exterior and Figures. i) ~J COPLEY (T.) London Mount Orguel—Jersey. London CUNALETTE (Antoine). ue Born at Venice, 1697; died, 1768. View on the Grand Canal. 30 BODDINGTON (E.) : ‘ . London Stanridge Church, Kent. 31 VERNET (Horace). “* Born, 1789; died, 1863. An English Huzzar. 32 STODDART (Thos.), R. A., deceased. The March of Bacchus. 33 ROE (Clarence) . : , . London Autumn in the Highlands. 34 BONNINGTON (R. P.) Born, 1801 ; died, 1828. A V enetie ality In ete (a> ea $ sAIVCS. 5° MOSELEY (Wm.) . ; : . London An English Mastiff. 44 SMYTHE (1...) . ; : ; . London Going to School. 44* REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), P.R.A. Seene trom: the erry Wives of Windsor. A5 LUNCRET (Nicolus). Born at Paris, 1690; died, 1743. Pupil of Watteau. Sanridge Cin.Gardens at a1 VERNET (Horace). “= Born, 1789; died, 1863. An English Huzzar. 47 WILLIAMSON (W. H.). : . London Companion. 48 HODGSON JJ.) : : : . London The Toilet. : 49 OSTADE (Adrian Van). Born at Lubeck, Germany, 1610. Died at Amsterdam, 1685. Boers Regaling Them- selves. 50 MOSELEY (Wwm.) . : . London An English Mastiff. 51 WATERLOO (Anthony). The Old Mill. 52 BROUER (Adrien). Born at Haerlem, 1608 ; died, 1640. 53 : HILTON (Wn..), R. A. Born at Lincoln, 1786. Student of the Royal Academy’ 1800. Elected R. A., 1819. Died, 1839. Samson and Delilah. 54 WILKIE (Sir David). Born, 1785; died, 1841, Cottage Interior. An early but good work of this great master, he) METZU (Gabriel). Born at Leyden, Holland, 1615; died, 1652. Courtship, 50 YATES (W.) _. F ; ; . London Near Bath. 57 CUYH (Albert). Born at Dort, Holland, 1605; died, 1691. Cattle at Rest. (On Panel). 58 COX (David), deceased. Welsh Scenery. Water-Color, 59 TURNER (J. M. W.), R.A. Ketchum Castle. 60 GRIFFIN (D.) . ; : : . London Id Cottage at Ayles- _ bury. 61 GRIFFIN (D.) . : E : . London Companion. 62 MANZONI (P.) . p 3 : . Paris Fontainebleau. va 03 BIRD (J.), deceased ; : . Bristol Mischief. 64 YATES (W».) . : ; . London View in Cheshire. 05 YATES (Wm.) . F : : . London Companion. 66 RENTYENES (L.). ‘ 5 . Brussels ‘Tasso reciting his poems before the Grand Duke and Duchess. 67 WOUVERMANS (P.) The Halt. ROE (Clarence) . 4 . London A Rocky iene 69 RGE (Cech =. me ibonden Autumn on idee Lo- mond. 70 COOMANS (A). B2 Darecels Landscape and heey 71 ‘COCMANS Brussels Companion. 72 CALLCOT (J.). : : 2 . London Dutch Fishing Boats, 73 WIERIS (Wm.), deceased. A Lady Sleeping. 74 LANCASTER (E.). , . London Telone BD MACWHIRTER (J.) .- : . Edinburgh A Mountain Torrent. 76 CRESWICK (Thos.), R. A. The Brook. 77 ALLOT (&.) : 5 ; ; . Berlin Pupil of Hoguet. Near Naples. 78 COURBOULD (£.). : : . London Falstaff and his Recruits. iE) CIPRIANI (J.), deceased. Venus, Mars, and Cupid. 80 DUPRE (Victor) . : ; : = Leu Pupil of his father. Coming Shower. SI JAY (H.) . : : . London The Market-Girl. 82 TERBURG (Girard), deceased. Portrait of a . Young Nobleman. 83 REYNOLDS (Joshua), Girl Sitting under a Tree 84 CALLCOT (Sir A.), R.A. Born, 1779; died, 1844. View in Yorkshire. 85 HUBERT (H.) Paris Near Damascus. 86 MACARTHUR. Sunset. 87 MARTYNS. Reflections, 88 DE HOOGE (?.) Interior and Figures. 89 PHILP (jJ.), R. A. Spanish Music-Girl. 90 LANCASTER (E.) View in Surrey. gI LUTZENS (L212 6) oo I ee Flower-Girl. Q2 ROE (Clarence) . : : F . London Moonlight in the High- lands. 93 ROE (Clarence). Autumn in the Tussacks.. 94 McARTHUR (A.) : . Edinburgh The Coming Shower. os McARTHUR (A.) ; ; . Edinburgh Companion. 96 BORLAND (A.) ; : : . London On the Trent. 97 HUBERT (1)... =, Pas Environs of Cairo. 98 DUPRE (V.) - ; ; : : == Pans View in Normandy, 09 GRAY (L.) 3 ; 5 2 . London The Lass of Richmond Hitt. Io0o HU BERT : : : : e=; Panis Near Cairo. SECOND EVENING’S SALE. IOI CALLOCOT (J.) . : : ; . London Scarborough. 102 CALLCOT (J.) . : < . London St. Michael's Mone 103 McARTHUR (J.) ; : . Edinburgh Winter. 104 ROE (Clarence) . : : . London Loch iene 105 ROE (Clarence) . 3 : : . London Companion. . 106 NAITORE (P.)_. : : : .' Paris Undine and the Knight. Miniature on Ivory. 107 CROME (Wm)... Norwich Moonlight on the Med- way. 108 BARBER (3) 10) 1 ey ee Mendon Autumn— Westmoreland. 109 BARBER (J.) . : : : . London Companion. IIo COX (David), deceased. Coming Shower. III GEORGET (L.) . : ; : = Paris Near Tours. I1I* EARLE (Thos.) : ; : . Tondon Dogs. I1i2 VANDYKE (Sir Anthony). The Duke of Bucking- ham and his Trotter. An original work—Demidoff Sale. eee VANDYKE (Sir Anthony). Lords Falkland and Den- bigh. Demidoff Sale. II4 STELL (L.) . : ; : . London River Dee. II5 STELL (1.) : ; » London Near Abbotsford. 116 HUBERT (H.)_ . : ; bop Pains The Halt in the Desert. 117 CRESWICK (Thos.), R. A., deceased. View near Surrey Oaks. II8 LANGLIN (V. Codina) 3 3 ea ATS In Mischief. IIg STANFIELD (Clarkson), R. A. View at Rotterdam. 120 COX (David), deceased. Landscape. I2I STARK (J.) . : 20h: a Norwich View near Norwich. 122 STARK (J.). : ; f . Norwich Honslow Heath. 123 MANZONI (P.) . . . «4 Paris Springtime near Amiens. 124 FRANKS (Joseph). Solomon and Queen Sheba. 125 YATES (Wm.) . : : : . London Harvesting in Kent. 126 CROME (John). : : ; . Norwich Known as Old Crome, founder of the Norwich School. Died, 1821. Old Cottage near Nor- wich. ANIDOC (L.) ; : ; : =e ane ‘Winter. 128 WEACLISE (Dan’l), R. A. Prince Albert Reviewing the ‘Troops at Windsor. 129 NEY SMITH (Patrick). A View near Epsom. A magnificent cabinet gem of one of England’s great- est Landscapists. 130 ETTY (Wm.), R. A. The Bather. A remarkably fine work. MARTIN (John). Belshazzar’s Feast. T32 INMAN (Henry), N. A., deceased. Interior and Figures. 133 HULME (W.) . : : : . London Entrance to Shernook F or- est. 134 HULK (Wm.) : ; ; . Amsterdam Pupil of De Haas. Landscape and Cattle. Ci 13 FERREREG (Cecile) : : ; seebans Taking a Nap. 136 DAWSON (H.) . ; . Nottingham On the Coast near Fal- mouth. 137 LIGHERS (C.), deceased . ; . Antwerp Director of the Academy of Antwerp. Gustavus Adolphus going to the Battle of Lutzen. 138 VAN O88 (J.) Died, 18to. Group of Flowers. Demidoff Collection. 139 DECAMPS (Alex. Gabriel). Born at Paris, 1803. Studied under Bouchet and Abel de Pugol. Painted much in Turkey, The Levant, and Egypt. Medals of 1831, 34. Legion of Honor, 1839. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1850. Died at Fontainebleau, 1860. The Sultan Returning from the Mosque. 140 ROTHSTADE (1.) Died, 1639. A Jewel Case and Ob- jects of Art. IAT SWEEBACH (J.) The Halt at the Village Inn. A remarkable work. 142 HARVEY (S.), R.S. A. An Alarm during the days of Cromwell. 143 CARANZA (A. De). Flowers and Objects of TE 144 NEYSMITH (Alex.) Landscape. 145 TURNER (J. M. W.), R. A. The Grotto and Nymphs. An undoubted work by this artist, and one of the strongest features in regard to this work is that its condition is precisely like all his works painted at that period now in the National Gallery of London. 146 MIERIS (Wm, Van). Born at Leyden, in Holland, 1662. Studied under his father, Francis Mieris. Died, 1747. A Lady Fainting, her Maid holding a piece of scented paper to her nose. 147 CONSTABLE (John), R. A. Was born June 11th, 1776, at East Bergholt, in Suffolk, where his father was a miller. Became a student of the Royal Academy, 1799. Elected an Associate, 1819, and an Academician, 1829. He died suddenly in London, 1837. The English claim John Constable to be the founder of the modern Impressment School. View near East Bergholk, in Suffolk. 148 LANDSEER (Sir Edwin), R. A. A Group of Dogs. A genuine work by perhaps the greatest animal painter that ever lived. 149 COQUES (Gonzalez). A. Family Group. Demidoff Collection. 150 GUARDABASSI (Guerro) . : komme Guess what I have for you ? I51 MANZONI (P.) . : : 3 2 Pans Fontainebleau. 152 CANALETTI (Antoine). Venice——Grand Canal. 153 MACLAREN (Wigney) . : . London Morning on the River Ouise. T54 DMIACLAREN (Wigney) . : . London The» Birth = Place — of Southey. T55 KNELLER (Sir Godfrey). The Elector Palatine Frederick. 156 KNELGER (Sir Godfrey). Princess Sophia. 157 ROE (Clarence) . ; : : . London Loch Lomond. 158 ROE (Clarence). Moonlight. 159 VANDYKE (Sir Anthony). Charles |. 160 WHISTLER (J.)_.. : : . London Portrait of Irving in the Courier of Lyons. IOI COOK (E£.) R.A. Lucretia. 162 GEORGET (C.) . : : > Paris Spring in Norman ae 163 ROE (Clarence) . : : : . London Autumn in the Tussacks. ey ROE (Clarence) . . London Moonlight on pe e2 one 165 VAN HUYSEM (J.) Born at Amsterdam, 1682. Died, 1744. Vase of Flowers. 166 BROOME (J.), deceased . : . London Grapes and Apples. 167 BROOME (J.) Apples and Fruit. 168 SCHEBFONT (A.)_. : . Amsterdam | Winter near the Hague. 169 LINNELG (J.), Sr... : , . London Landscape. 170 FIELDING (Copley), deceased . London Off Dover. Water-color. 171 FRAGONARD (Honore). Born at Nice, 1733. Died, 1806. Landscape and Figures. A remarkably fine work, pure, and in the artist’s best manner. 172 WATTS (J.) . : : . London Pupil of Constable. Warwick Castle. 173 STEWART (Gilbert) Portraitof Opie, the Ar tist. 174 ROE (Clarence) . : : ; . London Early Autumn in_ the Highlands. 175 ROE (Clarence) . : ¢ . London Companion. 176 REGNAULT (Henn). After Salome. As LAURENCE (Sir Thos.), deceased. Crayon Portrait. 178 HEEM (Jan David). Flowers in a Vase. 179 HUBERT (J.) : ; : SAGs Near Cairo. 180 WILLIAMSON (J.W.) . . London Marine—Off Ramsgate. 182 WILLIAMSON (J. W.) . : . London Near Dieppe. 183 BOYLE J.) : : : : . London Sherwood Forest. 184 STILL (J.) . ; : i . Manchester On Windemere. 185 STILL (J.) . : ’ , Manchester Rydal raiee 186 ROBE (Clarence) . : : : a ondon Ben Lomond. 187 WILLIAMSON (J. W.) . . London Marine—Off H astings. 183 WILLIAMSON (J. W.) . > . London Marine—Off Dieppe. 1&9 MACLAREN (Wigney) . . Scarborough Old Lane in Surrey. 190 MEVER (Heinrich). Died, 1744. Destruction of Pharaoh's Army. ae ROE (C.) A Rocky Glen. 192 JONES (J. Bye). : London London Sie en with Lamb. 193 JONES (J. Byrne). The Musician. 194 CROME (John) Died, 1821. Norwich The Edge of the Wood. 195 HUBERT (E£.) Eastern Scene. Paris HAMILTON (jJ.) : : . Philadelphia Coast near Lake Clear. 197 GRAY (H. P.) : ; ; . New York Ideal Head. 198 POWELL (L.) Windsor Castle. 199 NICHOLSON (J.)_ . : : . London Marine—Sunset on the ‘Thames. 200 MURSCHAMP : 3 . London Lake Conniston.