4 4 : if t ‘ \ y nin { ' y ‘ } : | ry , r ‘ r , ’ i ‘ $ ee ; 7M rw TrfATcry) re ri) i al | As Ave si |b { { ) ArrmONrNYTrYrm Aik ¢ ; he ¢ i Lh bd LL Ws NY BBs hs XU |b Teg eed. y a "J ‘ be ey ne UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF ma JAA iVIiF_LR I _F j — AS. MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK D RECENTLY ADDED {TIQUARIAN OF PARIS AND NEW YORK. ' TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE EOS REGIS POO ET — nye ~aPS No. 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 $83 684 685 686 687 A.& Be 688 689 690 691 Ae& Be 692 A.& B. 693 694 Ae& Be 695 696 697 698 699 f700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 ist ws 242-0 French School 1853 contery J 18th Italian School 17th " P.Wouverman. Flemish School 15th Century Catalonian " 16th " Portuguese " Spanish De AN a Catalonian ® 15th » Garcia Ramos Baragso J.Rupalley Dutch School 17th Century Claude Joseph Vernet " French School 18th Century Nicholas Poussin Flemish School 16th Century Cervera French School 18th Century " " School of Antonio Moro Flemish School, 17th Century Dutch School, 17th Century Umbrian " 16th Century Francisco Guardi John Memling Alexander F.Desportes Francisco Goya Lucientes A andl School, 16th Century Ll 15th tJ ree of Rembrandt Italien School 15th Century Keufferman " School of Lancret Buyer. K.S.Baliazian, " Ruth Tischner N.E.Landau Miss L.Wetherell " 0.Bernet ,agt. L.Orselli §.F. Rothschild A.Jongers. L.Orselli B.Feffercorn P.Emory Dr. Buffardi L.Orselli " E.Feffercorn Miss L.Wetherell T. Howard P.Van Veen E.Feffercorn " T. Howard L-Orselli J.C.Tomlinson,Jr. E.Yeffercorn L.Orselli Dr. Buffardi T. Howard P.Van Vesn Mrs.de Bernard L.Orselli P.Van Veen Miss L.Wetherell, A. Jongers P.VYan Veen " (Two ) Francesco Zurbaran $ 190, Flemish School, 16th Henbury: 550. Adrian Isenbrandt 5,100. El Greco 1,350. Italian School, 14h contiry 850. Barasso 475. School of Boucher 500. School of Jan Van Eyck 250. Buy. er Kleinberger Gall. Mrs.Perey Straus P.Van Veen Mr. Heniot P.Van Veen A. Jongers, Mrs. F.KVanderbilt. A. Jongers. * StidvebasVi.t et seTOQdoL A “atruntaed dO fe adie alate. tbaewdnen! no kvba : 99885 LF. Pues sor .Loodee neifssI Oees ts: fe tetorom® to. fo orto8 XOyE asY ast to Loodoe EVENING SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8:30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 667 TO 715 FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 667—THE ANNUNCIATION ; see fe | - s—- , (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) % em. epi Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. eS The Virgin, wearing a golden embroidered blue mantle, seated a on a decorated throne at right, the announcing angel at left car- rying the dove; above amid the celestial choir in the clouds is the Holy Father in Majesty. FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 4 668—_THE VIRGIN MEETING ST. ANNE cag aes eee LA . ) (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) 4 56 v¢ Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. = The Holy Virgin in rich blue hooded mantle meets St. Anne in E the foreground of a hilly landscape crested with a turretted and ZZ walled castle. She is attended by St. Joseph and two angels, St. : s Anne by two young women in rich medieval costume. tet hae Third Evening FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY fy y, ' Ate ra (2D 0M 43r ar 669—THE ANNUNCIATION TO THE SHEPHERDS ( (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. -_ wl 4.5 — Shepherds andshepherdessesare grouped with their flocks of sheep and dogs on the greensward and a youth at left foreground bends down to drink at a gushing spring; at right distance are habita- tions with surrounding wattled folds.and further sheep; at cen- ter and left a castle and hilly landscape. The company salute the announcing angel in the sky who bears a ribbon inscribed: “Gloria in Excelcis.” FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY RS: . c ee eae eee ADL 670—THE PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN IN THE TEMPLI (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) LU Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. ~ + The Blue Robed Virgin sits on a daised gilded throne in a Aes —columned annd domed temple. The rayed. dove, as the Holy i Spirit, descending upon her. Grouped round are aged doctors and other personages. FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY Wy ae, 671—THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT J: ae ere oe Pee | (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) . Height, 75% inches; width, 5 inches. U i ~ 2 The Blue Robed Virgin, carrying the Infant Saviour, rides on an ass, which St. Joseph leads at left, various personages appear just beyond and through two groups of trees a medieval chateau appears. na, ahr (Canvas) \“ree OD nd ; ye Height, 30 inches; width, 25% inches. , v Half length, turned to left writing at a small table, head facing ——~spectator, wearing gray wig, black coat with lace jabot and ruffles at wrists. Inscribed on back of canvas “Peint a Bayeux p.f.am. J. Rupalley, en 1778 Docteur medicin né a Bayeux en 1729.” =) - a ee VY Third Evening \5 DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY. /) > : ' 684—STILL LIFE ae Or ee | NY, \ AH / OA (Canvas ) / \ ee V nk Aes Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. U A table is elaborately spread with a vase of flowers, a covered silver urn, a large gold watch, an ornate vase, together with an oval miniature and a Rembrandt print in black and white placed on a crimson drapery. 4 CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET FRENCH: 1714-1789 ff 685—“LE GRAND NAUFRAGE” Zorg rea oA QC (Canvas ) Height, 22 inches; length, 31% inches. / Nop The foreground occupied by spray dashed, jagged rocks on which Oo / ——groups of half nude mariners and their passengers are struggling to rescue their companions from a vessel driven by the black storm on the coast; at left cliffs crested with an ancient castle, in the offing further vessels. Overhead a lurid sky, panoplied with dense wind-driven clouds. Engraving of same by G. 8. de Flumet. From the Collection Abadie, Bordeaux, France. / CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET FrencH: 1714-1789 686—“LA GRANDE TEMPETH” Mm NUN 2 LZ, (Canvas) , oe Height, 22 inches; Length, 31% inches. OV A similar composition to preceding. Engraving of same by G. S. de Flumet. From the Collection Abadie, Bordeaux, France. Third Evening FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY. (Se. A] VY 687— (Two) “PASTORALES” ees a (Canvas) ~ ye Height, 38 inches; width, 33 inches. Zz Pa) In a wooded glade a court beauty in Louis XVI costume is consulting her mirror, a beau discovers her from behind a tree. (B) Companion to preceding. Gallant makes his devoirs to his lady. NICHOLAS POUSSIN FRENCH: 1594-1665 688—“UNE PASTORALE” A es, | af i (Canvaa ae se Wethiiegee Height, 30 inches; length, 36 inches. vA / ( ¢* _A youthful shepherd wearing a plumed red cap and dark brown drapery thrown over his shoulder and loins rests against a tree on the left of a romantic landscape, his flock of sheep and goats : are round him and a large dun bull is partially seen at right. FLEMISH SCHOOL 167TH CENTURY 689—" DOLOROSA”’ ln (On panel) de 1, Height, 34 inches; width, 26 inches. ae Taeaw ae 4 y ) Phree-quarter length, facing toward left. The Holy Mother, bent with grief and sorrow, habited in a close fitting head dress of fine linen and a dull drapery, a red dress with ample mantle of soft blue over her shoulders. ee aes ‘Dipe aehanic karate Third Evening CERVERA SPANISH: 17TH CENTURY ‘aaa t 1 690—Four Painti Le VY oce our Paintings \y Gre Y Lok SCENES FROM CERVANTES’ NOVEL, DON QUIXOTE = yo (Canvas) } (/ Jett Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches. The panels simulate old wooden closet doors, each as with two en- gravings tacked to the panels, at the side near the foot various implements, bottles, scissors and addressed envelopes. The scenes embrace “The Knight on his Journeys Sancho Panza,” variously in landscapes and two seascapes. Painted in monochrome with the doors and implements in dull colors. FRENCH SCHOOL 18tH CENTURY 691—Two Paintings ont a al CHINESE DOMESTIC PLEASURES (Qi,.uK => bem, we mg ; (Canvas) /i/ / j ae Height, 17% inches; length, 23 inches. VV (A) Several Chinese dignitaries are seated on a palace veranda, absorbed in chess, approaching them from the wooded landscape is a group of ladies and children. (ns) In a highly decorated interior two persons are playing a game of chance, two children frolicking nearby and at a draped doorway a young Chinese enters smoking a long opium pipe. FRENCH SCHOOL 18tH CENTURY 692—“CHINESE PALACE INTERIORS” (Two) (Canvas ) an Height, 1714 inches; length, 23 inches. // ¥* (a) Group of Chinese ladies of the Court, two seated on a lounge ‘Sy and one standing, in a richly decorated apartment off the piazza of a country place. (s) A somewhat similar group, one reading to her companions. Third Evening SCHOOL OF ANTONIO MORO DutTcH OF THE 16TH pare 693PORTRAIT OF DONNA ISABEL BORB eat (Canvas) Height, 23 inches; width, 18% inches. Cree Bunt length, facing slightly to right, wearing high beribboned head dress, large Vandyke reticule, lace ruff and gold striped embroidered grey silk dress, enriched with double jewelled chain and large pendant. Inscribed at top of canvas: D. Isabel Borbon, R. Espano. FLEMISH SCHOOL 17tH CENTURY 694 “STILL LIFE.” (Two) | oe / (Canvas) 6 Height 221% inches; width, 18% inches. A va 4) +» (A) Spread over a blue velvet draped table are bunches of grapes and pears, a music score and a dish of partly pared lemons, melon and figs. (sp) A basket of flowers and red cherries with celery and peaches in the foreground. DUTCH SCHOOL. 17tH CENTURY 695—FOUR DECORATIVE PAINTINGS we vs (Canvas) 73 / ie Height, 141% inches; length, 21% im [—— Variously exhibiting groups of Dutch boors: “Playing Cards in an Old Kitchen;” “A Méle in which Three Women Interfere and Are Spectators ;” “The Return from the Méle;” “Playing Cards in Landscape with Attendant Spectators and Horsemen.” Third Evening UMBRIAN SCHOOL ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY . é pope J LON he a eg Se fertrnn Vv v 696—“ELEVATION OF THE HOST” (On wood panel) 7 nee y? Height, 1814 inches; width, 16 inches. ee A cardinal, wearing crimson dalmatic and golden and yellow cope, kneels before an altar performing his office, two attendants in yellow hold his cope, at left is an acolyte and in the rear many kneeling bishops and other clerics are seen. The scene transpires in a vaulted and columned private chapel. On the white linen covered altar are spread the sacred vessels and at rear is a cruci- fix with our Lord seated at its base. FRANCISCO GUARDI ITALIAN: 1712-1793 697—“ROMAN RUINS” ' (Canvas) L /) ed ee CY coal Height, 10% inches; width, 8 inches. Nn G 2 Tn the foreground a lake with several peasants, fishing before a columned temple, supporting a statue of Aphrodite in its frontal niche; at left a domed church; at right a flight of steps with two men in conversation on its landing. LJ JOHN MEMLING FLEMISH: 1440-1449 , ~~ 698 LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES cae [sf br (On wooden panel) ses ] / —y 6 Height, 634 inches; width, 5% inches. oo ——— 2 On a road winding from right to a wooden church in center, three packmen, two curiously mounted on giraffes, advance to a group of personages standing on the sloping bank of a duck pond at left. ~ ao 4 Se ee Third Evening ALEXANDER FRANCOIS DESPORTES FRENCH: 1661-1748 : os 699—“DEER HUNTING” | Sheeran (Canvas) so Bee : ‘Height, 1214 inches; length, 1614 inches. Three variously colored hounds are up with an almost stricken a deer; rough foreground with pools of water and an old tree at ~ left, with woods beyond and hills in right distance. [ Tustrated | FRANCISCO GOYA LUCIENTES SPANISH: 1746-1828 NG - 700—PORTRAIT OF QUEEN MARIA pies OF SPAIN (Ivory miniature) Height, 83 inches; width, 6 inches. Cr oo ¢£ The mannish Queen stands on a balcony under a tree, wearing a rose in her black hair, a lace mantilla and a black velvet robe. FLEMISH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 701I—_LA JOUEUSE DE MADOLINE ~ i } SA ; ‘: o° (On wooden panel) y ym: BRAS NK —y + Height, 17% inches; width, 121% inches. See lo ~/ _A buxom young woman seen at three-quarter length, seated at a table whereon is a music score and a large golden Renaissance pinnacled vase; she wears jewelled medieval robes and hooded cap and is assiduously playing her mandolin. Through a lattice window at left a city situated on a green hillside is seen. ‘Sa MOUSSA] SIOONVUY YWAINVXATY Aq CONLINIA YWHAHC,:—669 Third Evening FLEMISH SCHOOL 15rH CENTURY 702—VIRGIN AND CHILD sh Creek, (On wooden panel) Height, 1714 inches; width, 12% inches. creat 0 — Holy Mother, of serene, slightly downcast countenance to right, seen at half length, wearing a rich embroidered deep crimson robe vested with fine linen. Her long wavy hair falling far over her shoulders. She clasps the partially white robed Infant to her open breast. Gilded illuminated nimbi and chevron and scrolled background. [ lustrated | SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT DutcH: 17TH CENTURY. Q. e J | GAY Lin. 703—PORTRAIT OF AN OLD PEASANT WOMAN (Canvas) WEE. (ewe Height, 171% inches; width, 18% inches. Bust length, facing slightly to left, wearing a white kerchief over her head, dark brown bodice and a white lawn scarf at her throat. 702—VIRGIN AND CHILD. FLEMISH Scuoou: 15TH CENTURY. Third Evening ITALIAN SCHOOL 157H OCpnrury. - 704—“VIRGIN AND CHILD” er. Yy Ze Z (On wooden panel) Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. The Holy Virgin seen at three-quarter length facing front with contemplative downcast countenance, seated in the foreground of romantic rocky landscape. She wears a dull lavender pleated vest over a cream linen robe, a veil falling over her closely coifed hair; over her left shoulder and across her lap. a rich crimson mantle with which she swathes the nude Infant Saviour, seated at her right and clasped gently to her side. | [ Wustrated ] Uae ELITE A STA es ERRORS EER RTE A PR SRE SE ee a a OTE - = He a se ene + moe — ian ~ mqumatent veneer KAUFFERMAN GERMAN: Lats 16TH CENTURY 705—ST. MARY MAGDALENE (On wooder panel) a peat et Height, 6 inches; length, 81% inches The recumbent Saint wearing a swathed and RG! pale blue mantle contemplates the crucifixion at the left foreground; with one hand she holds open the pages of a missal, a symbolic vase of ointment is before her; behind are shadowed brown rocks dis- closing at right a steeply rising roadway with personages advanc- ing to a conventual building cresting its height; beyond in the far distance is the vista of a romantic landscape. ’ i i i i A 7 704I—“VIRGIN AND CHILD” PERUGIAN ScHoou: ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Third Evening — KAUFFERMAN ; FLemisn Scuoor: 16TH Century. yooh ; rx val 706—THE CRUCIFIXION _ a Ws (On wooden panel) (¢ Yeek _ Height, 12%. inches; width, 91% inches. ——— The inscribed cross is before a dark lowering sky with the sun faintly seen in the upper left. Christ, nude save a loin cloth, sways in His agony; the sorrowful Magdalene clasps the foot of the cross, before her a skull and cross bones; at left stands the Holy Mother robed in dull crimson and green. St. Joseph of — Arimathea stands at right. cay aa From the Collection Goyena Seville, Spain. [Ilustrated ] IXION 4 I 7 oR 1D) H 706—T BY MATTHIAS GRUNI WALD Pal 4 4 Third Evening / SCHOOL OF LANCRET | Prencu: 18TH - CENTURY 707—“THE MUSIC LESSON” — at \ * a ay iieweee . (Canvas) . / a; g eed Height, 14 inches; width, 13% inches. _ A young court beauty is seated, in pink and cream sa on a balcony, turning the pages of a music score; be ii gallant in pink and blue is tuning a mandolin. On’ tablea 1m d présent de Cour.” | es From the De Goncourt Collection. SSON 1D) L 07—THE MUSIC BY 7 Third Evening FRANCESCO ZURBARAN — i SPANISH : 1598- 1662 708—PORTRATT. or A PRIEST — SK Sar: (On candi fey 4 ( es : Height, 19% inches ; width, 13% seco Bust length of an ascetic; ‘the head slightly inclined aaa ard to right; a clean shaven, vigorous, middle aged 1 man aosck dark gray habit. > Signed at lower chit F. Zurbaran. ee [Ulostrated | is re TO8—PORTRAIT OF A PRIEST BY FRANCESCO ZURBARAN Third Evening FLEMISH SCHOOL 16TH C CENTURY. 709—PORTRAIT OF A YOUTH rae Ga ' (On wooden panel) or <; as oe Height, 11% inches; width, 8% inches. Bust length, facing front, head slightly turned to left, wearing a crimson bandeau round his chestnut hair, an oval pleated linen ruff at neck and black quilted jacket. A clear complexioned, _ open eyed serious lad. | 7 Boe. a - =m [ Tllustrated ] v8 Genreacmuiori igi ema ; i : 6 OUTH. FAY 709—PORTRAIT O Y Lius Dr \ B 7OS. NE Cor Third Evening 710—THE VIRGIN AND CHILD \P. vues S/IJ ~— ADRIAN ISENBRANDT FLEemMIsH: Cirea 1490-1551 (On wooden arched panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 9% inches. The beautiful Virgin is seated on a slight eminence in the fore- ground under an olive tree. She wears a linen vested blue robe and wondrous crimson mantle falling from the shoulders with ample folds over her lap and feet. She holds the nude Infant on a linen drapery to her open breast. A winding pathway is in the middle distance, occupied by personages advancing to two noble habitations; beyond is a walled domain and ranges of distant blue hills. Warm sunlight suffuses the landscape. This painting is of the same admirable technique, elowing qual- ity and of exactly the same provenance as a pendant painting bought at the same time and place by the present- owner, of which herewith is an extract from the sales catalogue, wherein — it was illustrated. The collection of Mons. M. Marezell de Wavies dé Budapest Paris, 1913. “Provient du Convent des Carmélites de Salamanque auquel il avait été offert en 1630 par Maria Van Mol, d’Anvers, veuve du secretaire principal du Statthalber de Flandre, Almancicidor ; plus tard Maria Van Mol devint nonne dans le dit convent. Ex- posé a Dusseldorf, au Musée de Ja Ville 1912 Catalogue No. 23.” From the Convento de Carmelites, Salamanca, Spain. [ Illustrated ] gi calm ND CHILD 710—THE VIRGIN Y B Is ANT AN ENBRé ADRI Third Evening TII—“ST. VERONICA’S VEIL” / 325 i EL GRECO (DOMINICO THEOLOCOPULT)~ Cretan Circa: 1545-1614 (On canvas) , — Be Height, 1934 inches; length, 25°34 inches. The sublime head of our Saviour wearing dark, long ak oe and beard and a crown of cruel thorns, facing front, is presented on the creamy white veil of the illustrious Saint; the veil is bor- dered with bands of blue and yellow and is suspended by nails — against a green-black background. Executed in monochrome dur- ing El Greco’s best period. Signed at lower right: OAMHNIK OrOPKONXAO YEQOK [ Iustrated ] ( ‘TINdOOOTOMHY, OOINIINO(,) OODUY) TH ye MAA S.VOINOUHA STL Third Ecce ITALIAN SCHOOL 14rn Century. 712—“MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE” \) ~ \oes a . aes vo (On pointed arched wooden panel) ‘ve “i oar ae: _ Height, 49 inches; width, 2714 inches. The Holy Virgin seated and wearing a crimson robe and a gold embroidered bordered mantle of green, fitting closely over her head and falling over her lap to feet, holds the Infant Saviour robed in greenish cream on her right knee. St. Catherine, crowned and robed in green with a brilliant red mantle from shoulders to feet, stands at right proffering her right hand to the Infant Saviour, who holds out a ring. At left and right foot are pairs of angels of the celestial choir, variously robed and playing differ- ent ancient stringed instruments. The Nimbi of all the figures — are illuminated with gold. Background of brown, red and gold pomegranate patterned drapery. — From the collection of the Comte de Chaves, Madrid. SENSE cessation ns + 4 NI 4 ERI CATH Aw S EK OF G —MARRIA ”) 7 BY Di NUZIo. Third Evening 718—BARASSO G) Lg, ae. CATALONIAN: 15TH CENTUR x “¢ fi 3 Pay , (Altar frontal within original illuminated carved Gothic ame) i” AL aS Height, 29 inches; length, 45 inches. eee Left panel discloses in the foreground two monks lowering the “@ , body of St. Peter Nolasco to his tomb, beyond is a rocky land- scape giving a vista of a Tournament before a Palace, «Right . panel depicts the interior of a crypt, with the rail enclosed shrine aaa of the worthy Saint at right, the halt, the sick and the maimed approach from left to pray for relief. SCHOOL OF BOUCHER FreNcH: 18TH CENTURY 714—“CUPIDS AT SPORT” (Two) n tthe (Canvas) Height, 44 inches; width, 32 inches. omy — Grane of three winged cupids variously reclining and half flying ; in one, toying with a basket of grapes; in the other playing with doves. Painted in blue monochrome. In carved shaped and scrolled frames, with leaf and shell pediments; finished in cream laequé. | Bought from the ancient “Atelier of Roneher 4 [ Iustrated ] eae gs + Frencyu 18rH CEentu SCHOOL OF BOUCHER Ss a i ene Third Evening SCHOOL OF JAN VAN EYCK FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTRRY “THE ENTOMBMENT” (Attar Fron (Illuminated Tempera. On wood Height 6 feet 6 inches; length, 1 foot 6 inches. ks Os Cane — Composed of five panels; in the center our Lord seen a length rising from the tomb, St. John holds his right hi St. Mary his left. The flanking panels are occupied a richly vested figures of St. John and St. Catherine ot a at left by the probable donors, the Duke of Burgundy : Duchess. The robes of the figures are mostly of crimson enri is) riched with illuminated gilding, the background of bluish gray below with gilding above. ANTIQUARIAN OF PARIS AND NE an ED PUBLIC UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF SOLD AT UNRESTRICT TO BE MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK = i . - * a * é oy Ro Noy oe - } . = OPT sg v ha an Cate? ‘ wf PAG HA by aes cA es i hes se Kus Sor eS, Vis : if ee ie ie = ea 4 i we. yy de ea Sa ETA est ; < Dae =) es Y 7 > g _. =X é > i ox: <3 gy ee - $e ee Stee PRS APT, F . a oa ret é tts f aN lay sae cs le ape aire, ¥ a ee Pra | <4 d ae , ae ' f ; | J Cates f, isn ae MGT ij t } x 5 RE RR ale aoa maou Ad” 4 PY ih 2B ae) Oi wie Vi ‘ a / y v4 if tr we : 4. Oe ) Rech UT saiatee Uk ¥ [Nt Mae ee fe r.. yo Os oh se hat N “we GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE [ee / aw Mo Re ve. ¥ ZIONS Ny iii af acy Pats vad Aca Maar er on ~. nee AR ) ola ci shart of ree As Peay prabhla a i A) ey iN ak ¥ or v) ‘ 3 3125 01663 1653 Ses eel ) Asti ete eek ata as +h =<" . C \y % Vv Pee eye \ ' ‘ BAKE Ng BS 5 . re "| haar Ee ae aay < 7 a. SARS “s Le ae Be aes 1 Moy Nyse Pp: es wit gan “at hi J-- a? | 2 ee Ch Lydd OA irik ing adinedey Qaree seth & Uw ycoaie’ 2 IAS Re EIS © Ry enw iG eH AL Cm SH T4 ee Wieh INb Aid Se Sy inh eee LEY See See qe ie ‘ . i » ty th tS) erase r ., niet Past Mee m > : wa be i ‘ >’ . 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