aE a i x ; rs = i ; : < ; J 7 F te : Ll + . = ‘ 4 : 7 ea ond » ro _ ia { f > By aye a * ‘toy =o! ws 2 “Ts ad a * = ‘ a =e eer ome PLATE TAKING OF QUEBEC, 1759—No. 149 i ; : ee ¥ Poe ie : & x f rs ee = ' : “ : ROE: CAPTURE OF THE MEXICAN STEAMERS, MARCH 6, 1860—No. 153 AMERICAN PRINTS Comprising Abs. b MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS, MAPS AND VIEWS ny C SHIPPING PRINTS, HISTORICAL SCENES ‘NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS, ETC. MANY IN COLOR Mainly the Private Collection of a NEW ENGLAND GENTLEMAN ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56t# TO 57TH STREET ~ NEW YORK Telephone: PLaza 12'70 On Free Public Exhibition — Commencing Saturday, April 3, and Continuing until date of sale, Weekdays from ga. m. to 6 p. m., and Sunday, April 4, from 2 to 5 p. m. Unrestricted Public Sale— On Wednesday evening, April 7, 1926, at eight-fifteen Exhibition and Sale at-—— THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 5 6rx TO 5'7J1H STREET 7 NEW YORK Telephone: PLaza 1270 : Catalogues on request <> The sales are conducted by Mr. Orro Berner Mr. H. H. Parke and Mr. H. E. Russet, Jr. APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS Moi? eA ppRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other pur- poses. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to sup- plement this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private indi- viduals for whom the Association has made appraise- ments which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Puaza 1270 Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Deposit by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A cop oat at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. {f the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. Receipted Bills. Goods will be delivered only on presentation of a receipted bill. 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In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so purchased to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. 8. Shipping. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 9. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or im- perfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘‘as is’’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give con- sideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 10. Records. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. 11. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from Ne date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs fiom its catalogue escription. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Associa- tion, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues. Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session. thereof, will be furnished by the Associ- ation at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange conditions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ARTHUR SWANN, Director SALE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, AT 8:15 PORTRAITS Numbers 1 to 105, Inclusive 1. JOHN ADAMS. Second President of the United States of America. Painted by E. Savage in 1800. Boston, Pub., by A. Bowen, Jan. I, 1821. Bust portrait. Stipple en- graving. Small folio, with wide margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. 2. JOHN ADAMS. Second President of the United States of America. [Painted by E. Savage in 1800.] Published by N. Dearborn, Boston. Bust portrait. Stipple engraving. Small folio, with wide margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. 3. SAMUEL ADAMS. [His Excellency Samuel Adams, Esqr. L.L.D. and A.A.S. Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Pain’d by Johnston—Engra’d by Graham.] Three-quarter length portrait, seated. Mezzotint. Small folio. EXCESSIVELY RARE. ONLY Four Copiges KNown. Siauffer, No. 1161. Cut to plate, but a finer impression than the George R. Barrett copy. The original painting, by John Johnston, was destroyed by fire. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PLATE II] 4. SAMUEL ADAMS. From a Rare Mezzotint by Saml. Okey, Newport, 1775. Engraved and pub- lished by J. Percy Sabin, Printseller, 80 Nassau St., N. Y. 1904. J. Mitchell, pinxt. J. Percy Sabin, sc. Three-quarter length, standing. Mezzotint. Small folio, wide margins. 5. SIR JEFFERY AMHERST. Knight of the most honorable Order of the Bath, Governor of Virginia, Colonel of His Majesty’s 15th & 16th Regiments of Foot, Lieutenant General & Com- mander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in North America from 1758 to 1764. J. Reynolds pinxt. Three-quarter length, in armor, leaning on a chair. Mezzo- tint. Small folio, cut to plate at top and sides. 10. Il. BENEDICT ARNOLD. Colonel Arnold, who Commanded the Provincial Troops sent against Quebec, through the Wilderness of Canada, and was wounded in storming that City under General Montgomery. London, Published as the Act directs 26 March 1776 by Thos. Hart. Three-quarter length, in uniform. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter inch margins at top and sides. | BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. No creases. BENEDICT ARNOLD. Similar to preceding. Weak impression. With one-eighth of an inch margins at top and sides. LORD BALTIMORE. Effigies Illustrissimi Dfii Caecilii Calvert, Baronis Baltemore de Baltemore in Regno Hiberniae; Absoluti Dfii et Proprietarii Provinciarum Terrae Marie et Avaloniae in America etca. Abra. Blotling, sculp. Line engraving. Small folio, cut to plate on sides and at top. THE RIGHT HONORABLE ISAAC BARRE. Painted by C. G. Stuart. John Hall sculpt. engraver to his Majesty. Publish’d April 5th, 1787, as the Act Directs, by J. Hall, No. 83 Berwick Street, London. Half length, seated. Line engraving. Small folio, with large margins (soiled). Isaac Barré was at General Wolfe’s side when he fell at Quebec. He is one of the fifty- one persons credited with being the author of the letters of ‘‘Junius.” SAMUEL BARRINGTON. The Honourable Samuel Barrington, Vice Admiral of the Blue. Benjn. Wilson pinxit. R. Earlom fecit. London, Printed for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, No. 53 Fleet Street, as the Act directs 20th Septr. 1799. Half-length in uniform, facing slightly left. Mezzotint. Small folio, with half-inch margins. FINE IMPRESSION. Admiral Barrington, as Commander in Chief of the West Indies, defeated d’Estaing at St. Lucia in 1778 and later served as second in command to Earl Howe. ADMIRAL EDWARD BOSCAWEN. The Honble Edward Boscawen, Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty’s Fleet, and one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Ob Patriam Pugnando. Renolds pinxit 1748. [Engraved by Purcell.] Three-quarter length in naval uniform, with ship in background. Mezzotint. Small folio, with half-inch margins at top and sides, and an inch and three-quarters margin at bottom. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. Admiral Boscawen was at Carthagena in 1741, came to America in 1755 to harass the French; assisted at Louisburg in 1758. Not in Smith’s “‘British Mezzotinto Portraits.’’ I2. ee 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. JOHN CALVIN. Johannes Calvinus. Natus 10 July Ao. 1509, Denatus 27 May Ao. 1564. R. Houston Fecit. Printed for H. Parker & E. Bakewell in Cornhill, London. Bust portrait, oval in rectangle. Mezzotint. Quarto, with margins. KING CHARLES THE FIRST. Carolvs dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Rex. Ant. van Dyc pinxit. Adr. Lommelin sculpsit. Three-quarter length, standing, in armor. Line engraving. Small folio, with very wide margins. CAPTAIN JAMES COOK. Captn. James Cook, F.R.S. Painted at the Cape of Good Hope by G. Webber. F. Bartolozzi R.A. sculp. Publish’d . . . June 4, 1784, by J. Webber, Ox- ford Street. Bust portrait, in oval. Stipple engraving. Height, 44%; width, 334 inches. Large margins. THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN COOK. Drawn by J. Webber. The Figures engraved by F. Bartolozzi, R.A. The landscape by W. Byrne. London, Published as the Act directs 1 July 1785, by W. Byrne . . . Line engraving. Oblong folio, with large margins. Depicts the engagement in which Captain James Cook met his death. EDWARD COOPER. Edwardus Cooper. I. Vander Vaart pinx. P. Pelham fecit 1724. Half-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with one-eighth of an inch margins. Engraved in London by Peter Pelham, 1724, portrait painter and mezzotint engraver, who came to Boston in 1726 and married in 1748, as his third wife, Mrs. Mary Singleton Copley, mother of John Singleton Copley, then 10 years of age. Pelham’s portrait of Cotton Mather, engraved by him in 1728, was the first mezzotint engraved in America. MRS. PRISCILLA COOPER. M. Dahll pinx. P. Pelham fecit. Half-length portrait. Mezzotint: Small folio, with one-sixteenth of an inch margin at top and sides. ANTONIO COYPEL. Antonius Coypel, Regis Christianiss, ac Serenissimi Fratris ejus unici Pictor; et in Regia Picturae Academia Professor. Anno 1699. Aetatis Suae 38. Effigiem hanc Pinxit et sculpi: curavit T. Netcher in perpetuum amicitiae pignus, et publicam nominis ejus Comendationem. T. Netscher pinx, T. Sarrabat fec. Three-quarter length, seated, holding book on leg. Mezzotwnt. Quarto, with margins. Circa 1722 IQ. 20. Pe Za 23 24. 25. OLIVER CROMWELL. Olivier Cromwel Dissout le Parlement d’Angleterre. B. West pinx. Delaunay, ; sculp. A Paris chez Tessari et Co. Quai des Augustine, No. 25. Line engraving. Oblong small folio, one thirty-second of an inch margin at top and sides (small portion of blank left-hand corner missing; tear in right of plate repaired). WILLIAM CROUCH. N. Tucker pinx. 1725. P. Pelham fecit. Half-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with a margin of about one millimeter at top and sides; lower margin contains a six-line verse. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION AND SCARCE. JOHN THEOPHILUS DESAGULIERS. J. T. Desaguliers Legum Doctor, Regiae Societatis Londinensis Socius, Honoratissimo Duci de Chandos a Sacris. Philisophiae Naturalis Experi- mentorum ope Illustrator. H. Hysing pinx. P. Pelham fec. 1725. Sold by John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill. Half-length, seated at table. Mezzotint. Small folio, with a one millimeter margin at top and sides. FERNANDO DE SOTO. Hernando de Soto: Estremefio: uno de los descubridores y conquistadores del Perti: recorrié toda la Florida y venciéd 4 sus naturales invencibles hasta en- tonces: murié en su expedicn. el afio de 1543. 4 los 42. de su edad. O. Maca lo dibuxo. Lo grab6 N. O. Bti. Line engraving. Small folio, with untrimmed margins. With presentation inscription (in pencil), ““Henry C. Murphy from Buckingham Smith New Year 1864.”’ JEAN ARMAND DUBOURDIEU. ? Jean Armand Dubourdieu, Ministre de la Savoye, &c. D. Fermin pinx. P. Pelham fecit 1723. Sold by S. Gautier in the Piazza Covent Garden. Half- length portrait, in oval. Mezzotint. Small upright folio; cut to plate mark at top and sides. FINE IMPRESSION, a few creases ironed out. JOHN ENDICOTT. Gov. John Endicott, First Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Copied from a portrait in the possession of William P. Endicott of Salem, Ms. F. Davignon, R.I.A. delt. Lith. of G. Endicott. New York Published by, George & William Endicott 1843. Bust portrait. Lithograph on India paper. Small folio. FRANCOIS I OF FRANCE. Francois Premier, Roy de France. Le Tableau original est conservé chez le Roy. Titien Pinx. Petit Sculp. Half-length portrait. Line engraving. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins. . 26. at. 28. 29. 30. a a. 33: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. B. Franklin, L.L.D. F.R.S. Ambassador from the Congress of America to the Court of France. J. Norman Sc. Bust portrait, in oval. Line engraving. Octavo, with margins and inlaid to royal folio. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. D. Benjamin Franklin, et vita inter Americanos acta et magnis electricitatis periculis clarus. I. E. Haid sculp. A. V. 1778. Mezzotint. Octavo, with quarter-inch margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. D. Benjamin Franklin et vita inter Americanos acta et magnis electricitatis periculis clarus. I. Elias Haid sculp. 1780. Bust, in oval, within rectangle. Mezzotint. Small folio, with exceptionally large margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. D. Benjamin Fraencklin. Grand Commissaire plenipotentiare du Congres d’Amerique en France né 4 Boston 1706 en 17 Janvier. Dessiné par C. N. Cochin 1777. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Half-length, to left, holding paper.. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter inch margins. EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. B. Franklin of Philadelphia, L.L.D. F.R.S. B. Wilson pinxt. Js. McArdell fecit. Half-length, standing near a table, holding in his hand a volume labeled “Electric Expts.”’ Mezzotint. Small folio, cut to plate at top and sides. FINE IMPRESSION. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Francklin. VanLoo pinxt. P. M. Alix. sculp. A Paris chez Marie Frangois Drouhin, Editeur & Imprimeur Libraire. Half-length, facing right, in oval. Aquatint in colors. Small folio, with full margins. FINE IMPRESSION. ' FREDERICK SECOND, KING OF PRUSSIA. Fréderic II, Roi de Prusse, Electeur de Brandebourg. Pesne, p., Wille, s. Bust portrait, oval, in rectangle. Line engraving. With half inch margins. HENRICAEA MARIA DE BAUDE FRONTENAC. Henricaea Maria de Bvade Frontenac. Tibi Henrico Ludouico Haberto de Montmor vxoris amantiss effigiem. D. D. Mellan 1641. Bust portrait, in oval. Line engraving. Small folio, cut to plate and mounted. Sister of Count Frontenac, Governor of Canada. 34. 35: 36. 37: 38. 39: 40. HORATIO GATES. The Honle. Horatio Gates, Esqr. Major General in the American Army. J. Norman Sc. Bust portrait, in oval. Line engraving. Octavo, inlaid to 4to. HORATIO GATES. Horatio Gates Esqr. Major General of the American Forces. London, Pub- lished 2nd of January 1778 by John Morris. Mezzotint. Small folio, cut to plate at top and sides. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY SCARCE. HORATIO GATES. Horatio Gates Esqr. Major General of the American Forces. Se vend chez J. M. Will, Augsbourg. London, Published as the Act directs, 10 May 1778, by John Morris. Three-quarter length, with hand resting on table with ‘“‘ Articles of Convention between Genl. Gates & Genl. Burgoyne.”” Mezzotint. Small folio, with one-sixteenth of an inch margin at top and sides. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PLATE II] JACOB GIBBS. Jacobus Gibbs, Architectus. H. Hysing, pinx. P. Pelham fect. Sold by E. Cooper . . . in Bedford St. Half length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with one-sixteenth of an inch margins. FINE IMPRESSION. NATHANAEL GREENE. His Excy. Nathaniel Green Esqr. Major General of the American Army. J. Norman, sc. Bust portrait, oval, in rectangle, with battle scene below. Octavo. Nathaniel Greene. Peale, pinxit. Philadelphia. Chevillet, sculpsit. Bust portrait, in medallion. Quarto. Together, 2 pieces. Line engravings. EDMUND HALLEY. Edmundus Halleius, Astronomus Regius et Geometriae Professor Savilianus. T. Murray pinx 1712. John Faber fecit 1722. Sold by John Bowles. Bust por- trait, in oval. Mezzotint. Small folio, with a one millimeter margin; mounted. FINE IMPRESSION. Discoverer of Halley’s comet; the last civilian to be commissioned a full Captain in the Royal Navy when he came to America to demonstrate his theory of the variation of the compass in 1700. He predicted the separation of the American colonies from Great Britain in print in 1728 and gave an expert opinion on the Massachusetts-New Hampshire boundary in 1740. EDMUND HALLEY. Edmundus Halleius R.S.S. Astronomus Regius et Geometriae Professor Savilianus. Bust portrait, within oval. Line engraving. Quarto, with one- eighth of an inch margins. Al. 42. 44. 45. 46. JOHN HANCOCK. John Hancock Esqr. President of the American Congress. From an Original Picture Painted at Boston. Bust portrait, in oval. Mezzotint. Octavo, cut very close to plate. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. JOHN HANCOCK. The Honble. John Hancock of Boston in New-England; President of the Amer- ican Congress. Done from an Original Picture Painted by Littleford. London, Published as the Act directs 25 Octor. 1775 by C. Shepherd. Mezzotint. Folio, with exceptionally wide margins. A small worm hole appears on the plate, but does not effect the portrait nor does it penetrate through the paper. FINE IMPRESSION. CAPTAIN JOHN HARVEY. Captn. John Harvey, late of His Majesty’s Ship Brunswick. Drawn by J. G. Wood after a picture by Mr. Stuart, in the possession of Mrs. Harvey. En- graved by J. Murphy. London, Published Jany. 1795. Bust portrait. Mezzo- tint. Folio, with one and one-quarter inch margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. Slightly cockled. EDWARD HOLYOKE. Edvardus Holyoke, Collegii Harvardini Cantabrigiae Nov-Anglorum Praeses reverendus. Anno Aetat 60. 1749. Bust portrait, in oval. Mezzotint. Quarto, with quarter-inch margins. Fly-specked. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. Engraved in all probability by Peter Pelham; proof before names of artists were added. Only five copies are known; none, except this, in private hands; and apparently no copy has ever appeared at public sale. A careful search has been made in the Boston Newsletter, 1749-1753, diaries, etc., but no mention has been found of this print. REVEREND JAMES HONEYMAN. The Reverend James Honeyman, A.M. late Rector of Trinity Church, New- port. Gains, pinxt. S. Okey, fecit. Printed by Read & Okey, Newport, Rhode Island, Novr. 2, 1774. Three-quarter length, seated. Mezzotint. Small folio; cut to plate at top and sides. VERY SCARCE. Stauffer, 2372. ISAAC HULL. Captn. Isaac Hull of the United States, also the representation of the most interesting scene during the Action between the United States Frigate Con- stitution, and his Britannic Majesty’s Frigate Guerriére. Gilbert Stuart Esqr. Pinxit. The vignette from an original drawing under the direction of Captn. Hull. Published at Philadelphia . . . the 1st day of February 1813 by Freeman & Pierie. Bust portrait of Captain Hull, with vignette in lower por- tion of plate. Mezzotint. Folio, with margins. A poor impression. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53: 54. ADMIRAL ESEK HOPKINS. Admiral Hopkins, Commendeur en Chef, de Flotte Americaine des XIII Provinces unies. Peint par Wilckenson a Boston. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Mezzotint. Royal 8vo, with wide margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. SCARCE. INDIAN KING. Cunne Shote, the Indian Chief. A great Warrior of the Cherokee Nation. Printed for Robt. Sayer, Map & Printseller, near Serjeants Inn Fleet Street. Half-length. Mezzotint. Small folio, with margins measuring three millimeters. INDIAN KING. Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow, King of the Maquas. I. Verelst pinxt. I. Simon fecit. Printed for J. & O. Bowles, London. Full-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter inch margins. FINE IMPRESSION. INDIAN KING. Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow, King of the Maquas. I. Verelst pinx. I. Simon Fecit. Printed and sold by John King at ye Globe in ye Poultrey, London. Full-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with half inch margins. FINE IMPRESSIONS. This plate is slightly larger than the preceding one. INDIAN KING. Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperour of the Six Nations. I. Verelst pinx. I. Simon Fec. Printed & Sold by John King at ye Globe in ye Poultrey, Lon- don. Full-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with half inch margins. Goop IMPRESSION. INDIAN KING. Tomo Chachi Mico or King of Yamacraw, and Tooanahowi his Nephew, Son to the Mico of the Etchitas. Wm. Verelst Pinxit. John Faber, sculpsit. Two half-length portraits on one plate. Mezzotint. Small folio, with one-eighth inch margins on sides and at top. JOHN PAUL JONES. Capt. Paul Jones. From an original drawing taken from the Life, on board the Serapis. London, Pubd. Oct. 22, 1779 by Thos. Macklin. Oval. Line engrav- ing. Quarto. JOHN PAUL JONES. Le Fameux Commodor Paul Jones, Americain. A Paris, chez Bonnet, rue St. Jacques, au coin de celle de la Parcheminerie. Full-length portrait. Colored line engraving. Octavo, with margins. A SCARCE AND FINE PRINT. PLATE II (OIASS PAUL, WINES, LSD hake wick dh tersclero sa lS sivnlee PER DI EBRISICTES. PRES Ip WOOSTER, Eig? hike Proroial Army anced uw fe 8 3 LOE ROR A MITEL IESE. SSnicincpioncers [ No. 36] [ No. 102 ] ra 55: 56. 57: 58. 59: 60. 61. 62. JOHN PAUL JONES. Dessine d’apres nature au mois de Mai 1780 par M. Moreau le Jeune. Gravé a |’Eauforte par J. M. Moreau le je terminé au burin par J. B. Fosseyeux 1781. Bust portrait. Line engraving. Octavo, with quarter-inch margins. A SCARCE AND VERY STRIKING PORTRAIT. JOHN PAUL JONES. Capt. Iohn Paul Iones. Full-length, standing on deck of ship. Line engraving. Rectangle, octavo. JOHN PAUL JONES. Capt. Paul Jones. From an original drawing taken from the life, on board the Serapis. Oval. Line engraving. Quarto. A different plate from the other portrait taken from the same drawing, described above. JOHN PAUL JONES. Iohann Paul Jones. Befehlshaber einer Schwadron in Diensten Der 13, Ver- einigten Provinzen von Nord-Amerika, 1779. J. E. Haid sculp. Zu finden in Augsburg bey J. J. Haid u. Sohn. Three-quarter length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio; cut close to plate, and mounted. A VERY FINE, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PLATE II] JOHN PAUL JONES. Iohn Paul Iones, Commodore au Service des Etats-Unis de |’Amerique. Dessiné par C. F. Notte. Se vende chez F. M. Will. a Augsbourg. Half-length standing at rail of war vessel. Mezzotint. Small folio, with one-sixteenth of an inch margins at top and sides. In the lower margin is a three-line engraved inscription relating the action between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis. The above portrait depicts Jones during the action. GENERAL HENRY KNOX. The Honble. Henry Knox Esqr., Major General of the Artillery in the Ameri- can Army. J. Norman Sc. Bust portrait, in oval. Line engraving. Octavo, with margins. Mounted to 4to. MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE. Mr. Le Mis. de La Fayetee. Elu par Acclamation Commandant Général de la Garde Nationale Parisienne le 15 Juillet 1789. Bust portrait, in oval. Stipple engraving, colored. Duodecimo. Below is a four-line verse. MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE. Gilbert Mottier Lafayette, Député d’Auvergne aux Etats Généraux de 1789. La Vache sculp. Bust portrait, profile facing left. Circular medallion at top of an engraved sheet. Mezzotint. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE. Lafayette. Marinet pinx. Charon sculp. A Paris, chez Jean, rue St. Jean de Beauvais. Full-length, on battlefield. Agquatint. Folio, with half-inch margins. In the lower margin is a seven-line engraved inscription. ; FINE IMPRESSION. ARCHBISHOP LAUD. Van Dyke pinxit. James Watson sculpsit. John Boydell excudit. 1779. Pub- lished May Ist, 1779 by John Boydell. Three-quarter length, facing front. Mezzotint. Upright folio, with full margins of about three inches. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. CHARLES -LEE. Charles Lee, Esqr. Major General of the Continental Army in America, Thomlinsen pinx. Publishd as the Act directs 31 Octr. 1775 by C. Shepherd. London. Three-quarter length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter- inch margins. (See following number.) CHARLES LEE. Charles Lee, Esqr. Major General of the Continental Army in America. Pub- lishd as the Act directs 31 Octr. 1775 by C. Shepherd. Three-quarter length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins; mounted. This plate is 9/16 of an inch wider than the preceding, and there is a slight fold at the top of the flag which does not appear in the preceding; also it has the numeral ‘‘88”’ in lower right-hand corner. : CATHARINE MACAULAY. . Kath. Read pinxt. J. Spelsbury fecit. Bust portrait, oval, in rectangle. Mezzotint. Upright small folio, with quarter inch margins. FINE IMPRESSION. JONATHAN MAYHEW. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston, in New Eng- land, an Assertor of the Civil and Religious Liberties of his Country and Man- kind. J. B. Cipriani, MDCCLXVII. Bust portrait. Line engraving. Small folio, with margins. UNPUBLISHED. In the lower margin, in ink, is the following inscription:—‘‘This is an unpublished print executed at ye expense of the late T. Hollis, Esq.” MARQUIS DE MONTCALM. Louis-Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm. [Five lines in French referring to Quebec.] Sergent del. et sculp., 1790. Aquatint in colors. Bust portrait, in oval. Small folio, with margins. THOMAS PAINE. Thomas Paine. Romney pinxt. W. Sharp sculp. London, Published by W. Sharp . . . April 20,1791. Half length, seated. Line engraving. Small folio, with margins. 7, ee 73: 74. 75: 76. 77: SIR CHALONER OGLE. The Honble. Sr. Chaloner Ogle, Rear Admiral of the Bleu, he commanded the division which attackt & took the Forts Chamba St. Iago & St. Phillip at Carthagena. G. Hicks pinx. Rob. Tims, fecit. Three-quarter length. Mezzo- tint. Small folio, with half-inch margins. REVEREND WILLIAM PERCEY. The Reverend William Percey, Chaplain to the Right Honble. the Countess of Huntington & President of Georgia College North America. From the Original Picture painted by J. Russel. Carington Bowles excudit. R. Houston, fecit. Published . . . 5 July 1774. Three-quarter length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins. COMMODORE OLIVER H. PERRY. Comre. Oliver H. Perry, of the U.S. Navy. Engraved by Thomas Gimbrede. Published by Michl. H. Bowyer, New York. Three-quarter length portrait, in oval. Stipple engraving. Small folio, with wide margins. WILLIAM PITT. The Right Honourable William Pitt, Esqr., One of his Majesty’s Principal Secretarys of State. W. Hoare, pinxt. R. Houston, fecit. Full-length, seated. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. ISRAEL PUTNAM. Israel Putnam, Esqr. Major General of the Connecticut Forces, and Com- mander in Chief at the Engagement on Bunckers-Hill near Boston, 17 June 1775. J. Wilkinson pinxt. Published . . . by C. Shepherd, 9 Septr. 1775. Three-quarter length, with right arm resting on cannon. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins. ROBERT ROGERS. Major Robert Rogers, Commandeur en Chef des Indians dans les Habitations derrieres d’Amerique. Peint par Thomlinson a Nouvelle Yorck. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Half-length, in uniform, oval, in rectangle. Mezzotint. Quarto, with wide margins. Very FINE, with untrimmed margins. [SIR ALEXANDER SCHOMBERGI. A Sea Officer. The original painted by William Hogarth, Esqr. in possession of Sir Alexander Schomberg, Knight. Wm. Hogarth pinxit. C. Townley, sct. Published . . . by J. Flight. Half-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with three-quarter inch margins. With an inscription, in ink, in lower margin, reading:—‘‘It is the portrait of Sir Alex. Schomberg.’ Has crease caused in printing. 78. 79. 80. SI. $3; 83. 84. 85. NATHANIEL RUSSELL. Nathaniel Russell, Esqr. E. Savage, fec. & sculp. Bust portrait. Mezzotint. Quarto, with margins of about one inch. FINE IMPRESSION. RARE. WILLIAM SMITH. William Smith of South Carolina, Member of the Congress of the United States. G. Stuart, pinxt. E. Savage, sculpt. Half-length portrait. Mezzotint. Small folio, with several creases ironed out. GENERAL JOHN SULLIVAN. Iean Sullivan, Major Général d’Armee des XIII. Provinces unies en Amerique. peint par Alexander Campbel a Williambourg en Virginie. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Half-length portrait, oval, in rectangle. Mezzotint. Small folio, with very large margins. FINE IMPRESSION. SIR HENRY VANE. Sir Henry Vane, Knight of Raby Castle. Bust portrait, oval, in rectangle. Octavo, with one-eighth inch margins. This plate is similar to the one executed in mezzotinto. | Sr. Henry Vane. Grignion, sculp. Bust portrait, in oval. Duodecimo, with~ margins. Together, 2 pieces. Line engravings. SIR HENRY VANE. Sir Henry Vane, Knight of Raby Castle. Bust portrait, oval, in rectangle. Mezzotint. Royal 8vo, cut to plate at sides, small margin at top and bottom. SIR HENRY VANE. Sr. Henry Vane. P. Lely pinxt. T. Houbraken sculps. Amst. 1742. Impensis J. & P. Knapton, Londini, 1742. Bust portrait, facing right, head to front; oval, in rectangle. Line engraving. Folio, with full margins. ADMIRAL EDWARD VERNON. Admiral Vernon. T. Gainsborough, Pinxt. Js. McArdell, fecit. Three-quarter length, standing near gun. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. SIR PETER WARREN. Sr. Peter Warren, Vice Admiral of the Red Squadron of His Majesties Fleet, & Knight of the Most Honble Order of the Bath, 1751. Tho. Hudson Pinxt. J. Faber fecit. Three-quarter length portrait. Meszzotint. Small folio, with margins measuring about one millimeter. 86. B77. 88. 89. Qo. gl. 92. EARL OF WARWICK. The Right Honoble. Robert Earle of Warwick, Baron of Leeze, etc. Lord high Admiral of England, one of his Majties. most honoble. privie Councell & his Majties. Lievtenant of Norfolck & Essex, etc. W. Hollar fecit.. Sould by Peter Stent. Licensed and published by Authority. Full-length, in armor. Line engraving. Royal octavo, with margins. EARL OF WARWICK. Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick. Adml. 1642. Van Dyck pinxit. T. Houbraken sculps. Amst. 1747. Impensis J. & P. Knapton, Londini 1747. Bust portrait, oval, in rectangle. Line engraving. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins at side, and inch margins at top and bottom. | VERY FINE IMPRESSION. Warwick was member of the Council of New England, signer of the Plymouth Patents of 1621 and 1630, Admiral of the Sea; he was accused of piracy in his younger days. GEORGE WASHINGTON. George Washington. Drawn by B. Trott. Engraved by C. Gobrecht. Wm. Smith, 706 South 3rd St., Phila. Bust portrait. Stipple engraving, in colors. Quarto, with full ee VERY FINE AND BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. GEORGE WASHINGTON. George Washington, Esqr. President of the United States of America. From the original picture painted in 1790 for the Philosophical Chamber, at the University of Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Painted and engraved by E. Savage. Published Feby. 7, 1792 by E. Savage, No. 29 Charles Street, Middx. Hospital. Bust portrait facing right, oval, in rectangle. Stpple engraving. Quarto, with full margins, untrimmed. GEORGE WASHINGTON. George Washington. C. W. Peale Pinxt, 1778. Max Rosenthal, sc. 1890. Mezzotint and line. Aso, Copy of the cancelled plate; George Washington. Engraved by J. A. J. Wilcox from a painting by Charles Peale. Line engraving. Atso, Artist’s Proof of the same signed in pencil; George Washington, Com- mander in Chief of the American Army. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. Line engraving. Together, 5 pieces, folio, quarto, and octavo. GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE. The Honble. Anthony Wayne, Esqr. Major General in the American Army. J. Nor. Sc. Bust portrait, in oval. Line engraving. Octavo, with margins. Mounted to quarto. BENJAMIN WEST. Benj. West, R.A. Geo. Dance del. March 3, 1793. Wm. Daniell fecit. Pub- lished by Willm. Daniell . . . London Septr. 15, 1809. Bust portrait. Line engraving. Small folio, with full margins, 93: 94. 95- 96. 97: 98. 99. BENJAMIN WEST. Benj. West, Esqr. P.R.A. Engraved by Robert Newton, from an original miniature by W. I. Newton. Published Augt. 1, 1818, by Robert Newton. Half-length, seated. Line engraving. Small folio, full margins. BENJAMIN WEST. Benjamin West, Esqr. President of the Royal Academy. Engraved by H. Meyer from an original picture by T. Lawrence, Esqr. R.A. Published April 13, 1813. Half-length, seated. Stipple engraving. Small folio, with margins. REVEREND WILLIAM WELSTEED. The Rev. Mr. William Welsteed of Boston in New England, Et. 58, 1753. J. S. Copley pinxt. et fecit. Printed for & sold by Stepn. Whiting at ye Rose & Crown in Union Street, Boston. Half-length portrait, oval, in rectangle. Mezzotint. Small folio, cut to plate. Mounted. The only engraved work of John Singleton Copley, done when he was 15 years of age and less than two years after the death of his step-father, Peter Pelham, painter and mezzotint engraver. A careful search has been made in the Boston Newsletter, 1749-1753, diaries, etc., but no mention has been found of this print. SAMUEL WILLARD. The Reverend Mr. Saml. Willard. G. Vdr. Gucht Sculp. Half-length, seated, oval, in rectangle. Line engraving. Imperial octavo, with small margins. Samuel Willard was President of Harvard College, and author of ‘‘“A Complete Body of Divinity,’’ Boston, 1726, the first folio printed in English-speaking America. This portrait was specially engraved for it, but not all copies have it, as it was sold separately by Eliot and Henchman of Boston, who received it from London, Jan. 1, 1726/7. JOHN WILKES. John Wilkes, Esqr. Member of Parliament for the County of Middlesex. R. E. Pine pinx. W. Dickenson fecit. Publish’d according to Act of Parliamt. 1768. Three-quarter length, seated at table in the act of writing. Mezzotint. Small folio, with quarter-inch margins. Portrait of Hampden inset in lower corner. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. GENERAL JAMES WOLFE. Major General James Wolfe, Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in the Expedition against Quebec. H. Smith, Esq. pinxt. C. Spooner fecit. Printed for John Bowles, at the Black Horse in Cornhill, London. Half- length. Mezzotint. Octavo, with margins; small crease in lower right corner. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. GENERAL JAMES WOLFE. La Mort du Général Wolf 4 Quebec. B. West del. De Launay sculp. A Paris chez. Tesari et Co. Line engraving. Oblong small folio, with margins. Ioo. IOI. 102. LO, 104. 105. GENERAL JAMES WOLFE. Major General James Wolfe, Commander in Chief of his Majestys Forces on the Expedition against Quebec. From an original picture in the possession of Hery. Smith, Esqr. Richd. Houston fecit. Full-length standing figure, right hand extended. Mezzotint. Small folio, quarter-inch margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. GENERAL JAMES WOLFE. The Death of General Wolfe on the 13th Sepr. 1759, at Quebec. Painted by Edw. Penny. R. Sayer Excudit. Engrav’d by Richd. Houston. London, Printed for Robt. Sayer . . . Published as the Act directs Ist Jany. 1772. Mezzotint. Oblong folio; margins. Break at top, extending for three inches into plate, has been repaired. DAVID WOOSTER. David Wooster, Esqr. Commander in Chief of the Provincial Army against Quebec. [Joh. Martin Will, excud. Aug. Vind.] Published as the Act directs 26 March 1776 by Thos. Hart, London. Three-quarter length, left hand resting on cannon. Mezzotint. Small folio, with margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, and a proof before name of artist was added. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PLATE II] FORDRAITS. Thomas Brand Hollis, Esq. Engraved 1807 by E. Bocquet. Stipple; Caleb Strong. Winstanley pinxit. Bust portrait. Lithograph, on India paper; Most Revd. Ambrose Maréschal, Third Archbishop of Baltimore. Engraved by J. B. Longacre from a Painting by P. Tilyard. Half-length seated. Stpple and line engraving; [Henry Laurens (?)] Engraved by J. Percy Sabin. Bust portrait. Mezzotint. Signed artist’s proof. Together, 4 pieces, small folio and quarto. PORTRAITS OF AMERICANS. L’Amiral Paul Jones. Etching by Jules de Varaville, in sepia; The Honble. B. Lincoln, Esq. J. Norman, Sc. Line engraving; William Hull. From a portrait by Gilbert Stuart. Etching; Henry W. Longfellow. Engraved by Mote. Published . . . Mar. 1, 1851. Line engraving. Together, 4 pieces, folio and octavo. PORTRAITS. The Prince of Wales’s Children. [Engraved by P. Pelham.] Mezzotint; Portrait of a Man in Masonic Regalia. A. F. V. Meulen pinx. A. V. Haecken, fecit. 1738. Mezzotint; Oliverus Cromwell. R. Walker pinx. P. Pelham fecit et excudt. 1723. [Reproduction ?]; Jacobus Joannes Eliza Capitein [on the Gold Coast]. S. Van Dyk, del. P. Tanjé sculp. Line engraving. Together, 4 pieces, small folio and royal octavo. In regard to the Cromwell portrait above, published by the Odd Volume Club in 1904: —Goodspeed has the copperplate it was struck from and has had some restrikes made. Whether this is the original Pelham plate is an open question, although Pelham’s plate of Cotton Mather was found, touched up, and restrikes made from it. 106. 107. 108. 109. VIEWS Numbers 106 to 136, Inclusive BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS. Beverly, Mass. from Fort Lee (Salem). J. B. Bachelder. Lith. of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Entered ee to Act of Congress . . . 1856. Lithograph. Oblong folio. BOSTON. Park Square in 1837. From a Rare Contemporary Lithograph. Drawn on stone by Robert Sturn. Copyright 1902 by C. E. Goodspeed. Published by C. E. Goodspeed. Lithograph, on India paper. Oblong small folio. LIMITED TO 77 IMPRESSIONS, this being No. 69 signed by,—‘‘C. EL. Goodspeed.” BOSTON. State Street Fire. N. Hancock, del. S. Hill, se. Line engraving. Oblong octavo. Not in Stauffer or Fielding. BOSTON. A South East View of the Great Town of Boston in New England in America. I. Carwitham, sculp. Printed for Carington Bowles, Map & Printseller, at No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London. Line engraving, colored. Oblong folio, untrimmed margins (tear in top right corner of plate repaired). First STATE OF THIS RARE VIEW. Depicts British vessels of war in harbor, as well as British merchantmen. BOSTON. State Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier. Dated 1849. Lithograph, in colors. Oblong small folio, with margins. BOSTON. To the Hone. Jno. Hancock Esqre. President of ye Continental Congress, this map of the seat of Civil War in America, is respectfully inscribed, by his most obedient humble servant, B. Romans. Engraving. Folio, full margins. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. ONLY THREE OTHER CoPIES KNown. With an inset ‘“‘ Plan of Boston and its Environs, 1775’’; and immediately below the plate an engraving, ee View of the lines thrown upon Boston Neck by the Ministerial Army.” [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PLATE III] BOSTON. View of Boston. Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier. Dated 1848. Lithograph, in colors. Small oblong folio, with full margins. 113. 114. 115. 116. i. 118, TI9Q. 120. BOSTON. A View of the City of Boston the Capital of New England. Line engraving. _ Oblong small folio. From the Columbian Magazine, 1775. Two creases. Not in Stauffer or Fielding. BOSTON. View of the City of Boston from Dorchester Heights. Painted and engraved by Robt. Havell. Colored by Havell & Spearing. Printed by W. Neale. Published by W. A. Coleman, 205 Broadway for Robt. Havell, Sing Sing, N. York . . . in the year 1841. Colored aquatint. Oblong folio. A VERY FINE AND SCARCE PRINT. BOSTON. View of the Town of Boston from Breed’s Hill in Charlestown. Scoles, sc. Line engraving. Oblong octavo. From the New York Magazine, 1794. BOSTON. Vue de Boston. Vue de la Rue et de la Maison de Ville a Boston. Gravé par Francois Xav. Habermann. Se vend 4 Augsbourg . . . avec Privilege de Sa Majesté Imperiale. Line engraving, in colors. Oblong folio, untrimmed margins. BOSTON. Vue du Port de Boston. Garneray del. Himely sculp. A Paris chez Hocquart ainé Succr. de Basset . . . New York Published by Bailly. Agquatint. Oblong folio, with margins (punctured). BOSTON. Vue du port de Boston en Amerique, fait par Nepveu au Depot de La Citadel. Original pen-and-ink and watercolor drawing. A very early view of Boston and the harbor, showing shipping. BOSTON. A series of three views: Vue de la Rue du Roi, vers la Porte de la Campagne a Boston; Vue de la Rue et de la Maison de Ville a Boston; Vue de la Rue grande vers l’Eglise du sud des Presbiteriennes a Boston. Gravé par Francois Xav. Habermann. Se vend 4 Augsbourg . . . avec Privilege de Sa Majesté Imperiale. Line engravings, in colors. Oblong folio, with untrimmed margins (lower right corner of two plates with stain). Together, 3 pieces. BOSTON. An East View of the New Meeting House in Hollis Street. Line; New Massa- chusetts Medical College in Grove St. W. Sharp & Co. lith. Lithograph; State House. Drawn by A. J. Davis. Lon. Pub. 1831. Line engraving, on India paper; General Hospital. Drawn by R. Goodacre. Lond. Pub. 1831. Line engraving, on India paper. Together, 4 pieces, small folio. I2I. 122. 123) 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. BOSTON. View of Boston and the south Boston Bridge. Designed by J. Milbert. Lithograph; Commercial Coffee House. Reproduction; Prospective View of part of the Commons. Copy of the canceled plate, engraved by S. L. Smith; View of the Bunker Hill Monument. Designed by S. M. Petton. E. W. Boue’s lith. Lithograph, on India paper. Hancock House. Drawn by J. Davis. Published 1831. Line engraving. Together, 5 pieces, oblong folio and oblong small folio. EMANUEL COLLEGE—CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND. Four views: Emanuel College; Front of Emanuel College; Chapel of Emanuel College; Hall of Emanuel College. F. Mackenzie, and A. Pugin, delineators. J. C. Stadler, and J. Black engravers. London, Pubd. June 1, 1814, for Acker- mann’s History of Cambridge. Colored aquatints. Together, 4 pieces, oblong quarto. GREENWICH HOSPITAL. Vue de l’Hospital Greenwich, sur la Thamise, et cet Hospital sert de retraite aus Matelots hors d’etat de servir. A Paris chez Daumont rue St. Martin. Line engraving, colored. Oblong small folio, small margins. This is where the residue of Capt. Kidd’s treasure was sent from Boston in 1700. GULF OF SAINT LAURENCE. A view of the Pierced Island, a remarkable Rock in the Gulf of St. Laurence. Two leagues to the southward of Gaspée Bay. Drawn on the spot by Capt. Hery. Smyth. Engraved by P. Canot. Line engraving. Oblong folio, cut to plate at top and sides. Depicts besides the Pierced Rock, several sailing vessels in full sail. HALIFAX. Vue de la Ville et de l’entrée de la Barye d’Halifax dana la Nouvelle-Ecosse prise de Dartmouth. Original watercolor drawing. Measures, 10 by 7 inches. HANCOCK HOUSE. Hancock House, Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Residence of the late John Hancock, First Signer of the Declaration of Independence, built 1737. J. P. Newell, del. J. H. Bufford’s lith. Lzthograph. Upright folio. LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS. West view from near High Rock. Painted by J. B. Bachelder from a da- guerreotype by C. G. Hill. Lith. of Endicott & Co. Dated 1856. Lithograph. Small oblong folio, margins lightly foxed. MARBLEHEAD, MASSACHUSETTS. [Painted by] J. B. Bachelder. Lith of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Dated 1856. Tinted lithograph. Oblong small folio. 129. 130. ele 132. ewe 134. 135; 130. MONTREAL, CANADA. . A series of four views: Great St. James Street, Montreal; North East View, Notre Dame Street, Montreal; South West View, Notre Dame Street, Montreal; Place d’Armes, Montreal. Drawn by John Murray. Bourne, Engr. Line engravings. Oblong small folio. Together, 4 pieces. NEW YORK CITY. Le Destruction de la Statue Royale a Nouvelle Yorck. A Paris chez J. Chereau. Line engraving, colored. Oblong folio, with margins (upper left corner with stain). Title in French and Dutch. Depicts the tearing down of the statue of King George III in Bowling Green, New York City. ; QUEBEC. Vue de la Basse Ville a Quebeck. Prospect von der untern Stadt in Quebec gegen St. Laurenz Fluss. Gravé par Francois Sav. Habermann. Sa vend 4 Augsbourg . . . Privilege de sa Majesté imperiale . . . Line engraving. Oblong folio, with margins. SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS. Vue de Salem. Salem, Une ville de l’Amerique Angloise dans le Comte d’Essex, elle sut battie par les Anglois en 1629, et a deux Ports, l’un pour l’été, et l’autre pour l’hyver. Gravé par Balth. Frederic Leizelt. Se vend 4 Augs- bourg . . . Privilege de Sa Majeste Imperial . . . Line engraving, colored. Oblong folio, with margins. SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS. Salem, Mass. West View. [Painted by] J. B. Bachelder. Lith. of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Dated 1856. Lithograph, in colors. Oblong small folio, with margins. SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS. Salem, Mass. South View; [Also] Salem, Mass. West View. [Painted by] J. B. Bachelder. Lith. of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Dated 1856. Tinted lithographs. Oblong small folio, with margins. Together, 2 pieces. SOUTH DANVERS, MASSACHUSETTS. From Buxton’s Hill. [Painted by] J. B. Bachelder. Lith. of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Dated 1856. Tinted lithograph. Oblong folio. SWAMPSCOTT. [Painted by B. B. Bachelder.] Lith. of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Dated 1856. Tinted lithograph. Oblong folio (small portion of lower left blank corner missing). 137. 139. 140. I4I. HISTORICAL SCENES Numbers 137 to 150, Inclusive ATTACK ON FORT PENOBSCOT, NEW ENGLAND, 1779. Attack of the Rebels upon Fort Penobscot in the Province of New England in which their Fleet was totally destroyed and their Army dispersed the 14th Augst. 1779, by an Officer present. For the Continuation (after Tindal’s) of Rapin’s History of Engd. Publish’d as ye Act directs Decr. 18th 1785. Line engraving. Oblong folio, with margins. Mounted on line. A few fox- marks, and a small break in old fold repaired. In making transfer, parts of this plan evidently were reversed, the fort and fleet being shown on the wrong side of the river. . BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. Battle of New Orleans and Death of Major General Packenham on the 8th of January 1815. West del. J. Yeager sc. Printed by Y. Saurman. Pub- lished . . . Philada. July 1817. Line engraving, in contemporary coloring. Oblong folio, with margins. BRILLIANT Copy. In'the lower margin is a vignette portrait of General Jackson. BOSTON—BRITISH OCCUPATION, 1775. A Plan of the Town of Boston, with the Intrenchments &c. of His Majestys Forces in 1775, from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty’s Corps of Engineers, and from the Plans of other Gentlemen. Engraved & Printed for Wm. Faden, Charing-Cross, as the Act directs Ist Octor. 1777. Line engraving. Folio. — ? BUNKER’S HILL BATTLE. A Plan of the Battle on Bunker’s Hill. Fought the 17th of June 1775. By an Officer on the Spot. London, Printed for R. Sayer & J. Bennett . . . 27 Novr. 1775. Measures 13/4 by 1334 inches. Below the map is printed a “Description of the Action near Boston . . . taken from a letter written by General Burgoyne to his Nephew Lord Stanley,” printed in three columns. Line engraving. Large folio, with margins. FINE Copy. ONLY THREE COPIES ARE BELIEVED TO BE KNOWN. The second map published in London showing the seat of war; the first being an inset on Sayer and Bennett’s ‘“‘Seat of War in New England,” Sept. 2nd. A small modern inkspot appears on the plate but can easily be removed. BUNKER’S HILL BATTLE. Plan of the Town of Boston with the Attack on Bunkers-Hill in the Peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775. Printed for T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. Royal octavo; mounted down. TATE Ili | No. 111 (above)—No. 191 (below) ] 137. 138. 139. 140. I4I. HISTORICAL SCENES Numbers 137 to 150, Inclusive ATTACK ON FORT PENOBSCOT, NEW ENGLAND, 177 Attack of the Rebels upon Fort Penobscot in the Province of New Englan in which their Fleet was totally destroyed and their Army dispersed the 14t Augst. 1779, by an Officer present. For the Continuation (after Tindal’; of Rapin’s History of Engd. Publish’d as ye Act directs Decr. 18th 178: Line engraving. Oblong folio, with margins. Mounted on line. A few for marks, and a small break in old fold repaired. In making transfer, parts of this plan evidently were reversed, the fort and fleet bein shown on the wrong side of the river. BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. Battle of New Orleans and Death of Major General Packenham on the 8t of January 1815. West del. J. Yeager sc. Printed by Y. Saurman. Put lished . . . Philada. July 1817. Line engraving, in contemporary colorin; Oblong folio, with margins. BRILLIANT Copy. In'the lower margin is a vignette portrait of General Jackson. BOSTON—BRITISH OCCUPATION, 1775. A Plan of the Town of Boston, with the Intrenchments &c. of His Majesty Forces in 1775, from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty’s Corp of Engineers, and from the Plans of other Gentlemen. Engraved & Printe for Wm. Faden, Charing-Cross, as the Act directs Ist Octor. 1777. 7 engraving. Folio. — . BUNKER’S HILL BATTLE. A Plan of the Battle on Bunker’s Hill. Fought the 17th of June 1775. Bi an Officer on the Spot. London, Printed for R. Sayer & J. Bennett . . . 2! Novr. 1775. Measures 13/4 by 1334 inches. Below the map is printed : “Description of the Action near Boston . . . taken from a letter writtei by General Burgoyne to his Nephew Lord Stanley,” printed in three columns Line engraving. Large folio, with margins. FINE Copy. ONLY THREE COPIES ARE BELIEVED TO BE KNOWN. The second maj published in London showing the seat of war; the first being an inset on Sayer anc Bennett’s ‘‘Seat of War in New England,’ Sept. 2nd. A small modern inkspo appears on the plate but can easily be removed. BUNKER’S HILL BATTLE. Plan of the Town of Boston with the Attack on Bunkers-Hill in the Peninsulz of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775. Printed for T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. Royal octavo; mounted down. PLATE IIl Hage * N Z BS 2 a) - CG a mm [ No. 111 (above)—No. 191 (below) |] 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. BUNKER’S HILL BATTLE. Plan of the Town of Boston, with the Attack on Bunkers-Hill, in the Penin- sula of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775. J. Norman sc. Line engraving. Royal octavo; several creases. Margins. BUNKER HILL. Sketch of the Battle of Bunker Hill By a British Officer. Published by Geo. G. Smith, Engraver, Corner of Washington & Franklin Sts. Boston, June 17, 1843. Line engraving. Oblong folio, with margins. Gives a plan of the peninsula, depicting the various redoubts, also ships in harbor; with list of references. CAPTURE OF PORTO BELLO. The Taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22d of Novr. 1739 with Six Men of War only. R. Parr, sculp. from the original painting in Vaux-Hall Garden. Publis’d by Thos. Bowles . . . October 28, 1743. Engraving. Oblong folio; collector’s stamp in margin. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR—LOUISBURG EXPEDITION. A Plan of the City and Fortifications of Louisbourg, from a Survey made by Richard Gridley, Lieut. Coll. of the Train of Artillery in 1745; [and] A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg, with the French Batteries that de- fended it and those of the English, shewing that part of Gabarus Bay, in which they landed, and the ground on which they Encamped during the Siege in 1758. Published by Thos. Jefferys, Geographer to the Prince of Wales at Charing Cross, Octobr. 9, 1758. Line engraving. Oblong folio, mounted on linen; with margins. VERY RARE, AND A FINE Copy. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR—LOUISBURG EXPEDITION, Plan de la Ville de Louisbourg en I’Isle Royale. Or1GINAL PEN-AND-INK AND WATERCOLOR PLAN. Three sheets joined and forming an oblong elephant folio sheet, folded. 1757. No OTHER KNown. This is an original pen-and-ink and watercolor drawing. On the left and right of the drawing is given a key to the plan, showing the various fortifica- tions, ports, powder magazines, etc. On the verso of the plan is the following note, in ink,—‘‘ Plan de la place ou sour representés les travaux facts en 1757." FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR—LOUISBURG EXPEDITION. To the Captains other Officers & Seamen who (with a detachment of boats from the Fleet commanded by Admiral Boscawen) burnt the Prudent & took the Bienfaisant in Louisbourgh Harbour . . . the 26th July 1758—in Memory of that Singular & Brave Action. R. Paton, pinxit. P. C. Canot sculp. Publish’d by John Boydell, 14 Febry. 1771. Line engraving. Oblong folio, with half-inch margins. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. Descriptive text in margin. 148. 149. 150. I51. 152. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR—LOUISBURG EXPEDITION. A View of Louisburg in North America, taken near the Light House, when that City was besieged in 1758. Drawn on the spot by Capt. Ince of the 35th Regt. Engraved by P. Canot. London, printed for John Bowles [and others]. Line engraving. Oblong folio, with full margins. Title in English and French. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR--TAKING OF QUEBEC, 1759. A View of the Taking of Quebec September 13th, 1759. Printed for Robert Wilkinson . . . & Bowles & Carver . . . London. Line engraving, old coloring. Oblong folio, with quarter-inch margins. Shewing the manner of disembarking the English Forces & of the resolute scrambling of the light Infantry, up a woody precipice to dislodge the Captain’s post, which de- fended a small entrenched path, through which the troops were to pass. Also a view of the signal victory obtained over the French regulars, Canadians and Indians, which produced the surrender of Quebec. A VERY FINE HISTORICAL PRINT. RARE. Doughty, No. 40 (Vol. 6, p. 308) describes an imperfect copy in his possession, lacking imprint, as ‘‘ Rare.”’ [SEE FRONTISPIECE] FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR—QUEBEGC, ETC. Plan of the River St. Lawrence from the Falls of Montmorenci to Sillery, with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec; The Siege of Quebec. Engraved for Russel’s History of England. Chartres delin. Chesham sculp.; Ataque de Quebec; An Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence from Sillery to the Fall of Montmorenci, with operations of the Siege of Quebec . . . 1759; British Resentment or the French Fairly Coopt at Louisbourg. [Reproduction.] All line engravings. Together, 5 pieces, folio to octavo. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS, SHIPS, WHALING Numbers 151 to 165, Inclusive BLOWING UP OF THE FIRE SHIP “INTREPID.” Blowing up of the Fire Ship Intrepid commanded by Capt. Somers in the harbour of Tripoli on the night of the 4th Sept. 1804. Line engraving. Oblong small folio, with margins. FINE IMPRESSION. “‘ Before the Inirepid had gained her destined situation she was suddenly boarded by 100 Tripolines when the Gallant Somers and heroes of his party . observed themselves surrounded by 3 gun-boats, and no prospect of escape HE pUt ee match to train leading directly to the magazine which at once blew the whole into the air.’ CAPTURE OF THE “CHESAPEAKE” BY THE “SHANNON. The Capture of the United States Frigate Chesapeake, of forty-nine Guns, in 15 minutes, June Ist, 1813, by his Majesty’s ship Shannon, of 36 Guns, com- manded by Cap. Broke. Sold by J. Pitts, Great Saint Andrew Street Seven Dials. Colored woodcut. Oblong royal octavo. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. CAPTURE OF THE MEXICAN STEAMERS “MARQUES OF | HAVANA” AND “GENL. MIRAMON.” Admiral Marin Comdg. at Anton Lizardo, on the night of the 6th of March 1860, by the U. S. Ship Saratoga with detachments from the U. S. Ships Savannah & Preble, on board of her tow boats the American Steamers Wave and Indianola, T. Turner, U. S. Navy Commanding. From a sketch by Lieut. Peirce Crosby, U.S. N. J. H. Bufford’s lith. Boston. Lithograph, in colors. Oblong folio, with margins. An event which almost precipitated a war with Mexico. Tradition that the stone was destroyed after four prints were made seems to be borne out by the fact that neither the History Section of the Navy Department, the Library of Congress nor the Naval History Society of New York has a copy. [SEE FRONTISPIECE] JOHN PAUL JONES. Combat Memorable Entre le Pearson et Paul Iones, le 22 Fbre. 1779 le Capitaine Pearson comendant le Serapis et Paul Jones commandant le Bon Home Richart et son Escadre. Richard Paton pinxit. Gravé par Balth Frederic Laizel. Line engraving. Oblong folio, with margins. Depicts the Action between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis. Title at top of plate is reversed. PERRY'S VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE. Perry’s Victory. Aquatint. Oblong folio. PRroor, without name of painter or engraver. PERRY’S VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE, SEPTEMBER THE IOTH, 1813. Represents the position of the two Fleets, at the moment when the Niagara is pushing through the enemy’s line, pouring her thunderous fire from both broadsides, and forcing each ship in succession to surrender to the American flag. Drawn by T. T. Barralet. Engraved by B. Tanner. Entered according to Act of Congress 14th day of October 1814 by Benjamin Tanner. Line engraving. Large folio, with margins. U. S. S. “CONSTITUTION” CAPTURING THE ENGLISH FRIGATE ‘‘WARRIOR.” The English frigate Warrior, Captur’d by the American frigate Constitution. Dessiné par Montardier du Havre. Gravé par Baugean. A Paris, chez Jean, rue St. Jean de Beauvain. Line engraving. Oblong folio, with margins. Title in English and French. STEAMSHIP “ARCHIMEDES.” The Archimedes Steamer. Fitted by Mr. E. P. Smith’s Patent Screw Propeller. Built by Mr. Hy. Wimshurst of Limehouse, for the Ship Propeller Company. Off the Nore, on her trip from Gravesend to Portsmouth, which was performed [Con ‘inued [158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. STEAMSHIP “‘ARCHIMEDES’’—Continued] in 21 hours against a fresh breeze from the west—May 14, 1839. Painted by J. W. Huggins. Engraved by C. Rosenburg. London, published by Mr. Huggins, Marine painter to his late Majesty Willm. IVth. Aquatint. Folio, with margins. ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIP “BRITANNIA.” The B. & N. A. Royal Mail Steam Ship Britannia, John Hewitt, Commander, leaving her dock at East Boston on the 3d of February 1844 on her voyage to Liverpool. On stone by A. De Vaudricourt from a sketch by J. C. King, sculp. Printed by Bouvé & Sharp, Boston. Dated 1844. Lithograph. Large oblong folio, with margins (few breaks in margins). With a reduced repro- duction of the above. Together, 2 pieces. STEAM: FRIGATE: “CY CLOPS,* View of Her Majesty’s Steam Frigate Cyclops, off Spithead, under Adenia Orders. Commanded by Captn. Horatio T. Austin, R. N. Knell, pinxit. H. Papprill, sculpt. London, published March 2, 1857 by Ackermann & Compy. Aguatint, in colors. Folio, with margins. The Cyclops at the time was the largest steam-frigate in the world. MARINE STANDARDS USED BY VARIOUS NATIONS AND COMMANDERS OF VESSELS. Tableau des Pavillons ou Banniéres que la Pluspart des Nations Arborent ala Mer. Fait au Depdt des Cartes et Plan de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy par Ordre de M. de Machault Garde des Sceaux de France Ministre et Secretaire d’Etat ayant le Départment de la Marine. Par le Sr. Bellin Ingenieur de la Marine et du Depost des Plans de |’Acmie. de Marine de las Societe Royale de Londres &c. 1756. Large oblong folio, Measures 31 by 2234 inches. Circa 1756 Depicts 180 flags used by various nations, and special standards and pennants. used by Admiralty officers, PIRATES. Captain Edward Low in ye Hurriance. G. Nicholls, delin. J. Basire sculp.; [Captain George Lowther at Port Mayo.] J. Nichols del. Toms, sculp. Both line engravings. Full-length portraits. Together, 2 pieces, quarto. From Johnson’s ‘‘General History of Pirates, 1734.’’ Capt. Lowther was Low’s tutor and a fairly good pirate himself. SHIPPING, £4. A North View of Castle William in the Harbour of Boston. Engraved for the Massas. Magazine, 1789; Boston Lighthouse. Dessiné par Bodmer. Gravé par Martens; Sir George Colliers victory in Penobscot Bay 1779. Baily, sculp. Nov. 1, 1814; View of Ships, with name “ Boyer” at top of plate; Cabo de Bone Esperanse; also, four engravings designed or engraved by F. Godefroy, —Journée de Lexington, Prise de l’Isle de la Grenade; Précis de Cette Guerre, and John Malcom. Together, 9 pieces, small folio, quarto and octavo. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. VESSEL OF WAR. A Vessel of War. Colored line engraving, printed in bistre. Height, 20; length, 23/4 inches. Amsterdam vytgegen door Pieter Schenk, op de vygendam in Sansens Atlas Met Privilegie. A very fine engraving of a 96-gun war vessel. The plate is divided into two sections, the upper part containing a full view of the vessel with key numbers, and the lower part an interior view of the same vessel. In the lower margin is printed an explanatory key to both plates, in French and Dutch. The top margin and side margins contain engravings of various parts of a ship, its lifeboats, compass, sextant, etc. WHALING. A View of the Whale Fishery. Engraved for the Universal Magazine for T. Hinton at the King’s Arms in Newgate Street. Small oblong folio. Depicts a large number of whaling vessels, small boats, whales spouting, killing a bear, etc. SYMBOLIC SUBJECTS, HUMOROUS AND MISCELLANEOUS Numbers 166 to 178, Inclusive L’AMERIQUE. Dessinée par Lemore ainé Professeur de Dessin a l’Ecole Impériale Poly- technique et Gravée par Bertrand. Déposée a la Direc. Gle. de l’Imprie. et de la Librie. A Paris chez Jean, Rue St. Jean de Beauvais, No. 10. Stipple. Folio, margins. A bust portrait of a girl, symbolic of America. FREEMASONRY. ° Two plates: Free Mason’s At Work. First & Last Stone of the Jerusalem Church. Mounted down on heavy board (a few words of text deleted, owing to wear of paper); Free Masonry Crown’d. Old and New Jerusalem Building. Mounted down on heavy board. P. Lambert, R.A., Roun sculpt. P. Sublime, Impt. Together, 2 pieces, octavo. Two RARE MASONIC PRINTS. FREEMASONRY. Les Free-Masons. L. F. D. B. inv. I. F. scul. Line engraving. Oblong folio. Depicts a Masonic lodge room, on the wall a chart of the various meeting places of Lodges, with an inset bust portrait of Sr. Richard Steele. LIBERTY. In the form of the Goddess of Youth; giving support to the Bald Eagle. Painted & Engrav’d by E. Savage. Philadelphia Pubd. June 11, 1796 by E. Savage. Stipple engraving. Large folio, with margins; mounted. A RARE PRINT, 170. 171. 172: joe 174. 175. 176. MERCHANTS OF BOSTON. Private Signals of the Merchants of Boston. Respectfully dedicated to the Merchants and Underwriters of Boston. Kramer & Cos. Lith. Boston. Lithograph. Height, 36; width, 27 inches. Matted. Several breaks repaired. INTERESTING. One of these signals is still flying on the steam yacht Malay, belonging to Mrs. Charles G. Weld. SAME Gs The Repeal, or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ-Stamp. Line engraving. Oblong small folio, with full margins. In the lower margin isa full explanation of the characters in the plate. Depicts the burial of the ‘‘Stamp Act” in a vault. UNITED STATES ARMY UNIFORMS. Portrait & Uniform of an American General; A real representation of the Dress of an American Rifle-Man. Roberts, sculp. Two subjects on one plate, within a decorative framework. Line engraving. Oblong small folio, margins. THE HAPPY FAMILY. Van Herp pinxit. J. Boydell excudit, J. Greenwood fecit. Published July 1st 1768. Family saying grace before meal. Mezzotint. Upright folio, margins at top and sides about one millimeter (crease in lower left blank corner). John Greenwood (ancestor of the late Isaac J. Greenwood) was born in Boston in 1727 and died in London, 1792, where he had engraved in mezzotint from 1767. OLD AGE—THOMSON’S SEASONS. G. v. Eckhout pinxt. J. Greenwood fecit. Full-length portrait of an old man seated before a fire-place, near a window. Mezzotint. Upright folio, one millimeter margins at top and sides. Very fine subject, depicting an aged man, and below the print six lines from Thomson’s Seasons, beginning ‘‘ Behold, fond man!”’ HUMOROUS SUBJECTS. Morning, or the Man of Taste. Designed by W. H. Bunbury. Published Oct. 10, 1781; Evening, or the Man of Feeling. Designed by W. H. Bunbury. Published Oct. 10, 1781; Consolation. Published Dec. 15, 1795; The Lads of the Ocean, sung with the greatest applause by Mr. Taylor. Engraving at top. Pub. July 22, 1805; A Letter from a Great Man’s Butler. Pub. by E. Hedges . , Oct. 21, 1781; The Puritan. Drawn and engraved by H. Meyer, after E. Prentice. Published April 1, 1833. Line and stipple engravings. To- gether, 6 pieces, folio and quarto. HUMOROUS SUBJECTS. Two O’clock in the Morning. Ego, delt. H. Pyall, sculpt. Published by Thos. McLean. Aquatint; Street Politicians. Pubd. by W. Holland, May 26, 1798. Etching; Descriptions of Battles by Sea & Land. Drawn, etched & [ Continued [176. ra, 178. 179. 180. Humorous SuBJEcTS—Continued | Pub. by Dighton, March, 1801. Fiching; Two Pairs of Portraits. Etching; Lowest Life in London. Drawn & Engd. by I. R. & G. Cruikshank. May 1821; Lifein London. Drawn & Engd. by I. R. & G. Cruikshank. Feb. 1821; [and two others, not humorous;] The Promenade at Cowes. Drawn & En- graved by R. Cruikshank; Doctors Commons. Rowlandson & Pugin, delt. et sculp. ALL IN CoLors. Together, 8 pieces, quarto and octavo. ETCHINGS. Belleville on the Passaic. S. Parrish, etcher. Etching. With margins. Signed artist’s proof, signed in full,—Stephen Parrish; La Pape Formose. Jean Paul Laurens, pinx. 1870. P. Teyssonnieres sculp. 1874. Etching. A most interesting etching. Together, 2 pieces, oblong folio. MISCELLANEOUS ENGRAVINGS. [Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism.] Engraved by Hogarth. Suppressed plate. Title cut away; L’Ecuyer du Manege. P. Wouvermen’s pinxit. J. Moyreau sculpsit. Line engraving; The Celebrated Peter Garden of Aber- deenshire . . . having lived to the age of 131 years. Line engraving; Thos. Laugher, Aged 107, Jan. 1807. Dec. 5, 1807; Battle of Bunker’s Hill. Painted by Trumbull. Engraved by Gimbrede. Line engraving; Federal Hall, the Seat of Congress. Reproduction of the Doolittle engraving. Published, 1903; The Centennial—Balloon View of the Grounds. Copyright 1876. Woodcut; and another. Together, 8 pieces, folio and small folio. MAPS AND PLANS Numbers 179 to 236, Inclusive AMERICA. America Septentrionalis. Concinnata justa Observationes Dnn. Academiae Regalis Scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum et juxta annotationes recentis- simas. Per G. de L’Isle, Geographum Venalis prostat Augustae Vindelicorum apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter. Geogr. et Calcogr. Colored. Height, 18; length, 221% inches. AMERICA. -Amérique Septentrionale.. Publiée sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d’Orleans, Prémier Prince du Sang. Par le Sr. d’Anville, MDCCXLVI, Avec Privilege. A Paris, chez l’auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. Du dessein du Sr. Gravelot frére de l’Auteur. Gravé par le Sr. Major. Colored. Map in two sections, each measuring,—height, 1734; length, 3324 inches. 1746 VERY FINE. 181. 1323 183. 184. 185. 186. AMERICA. America. Noviter delineata. Auct: Henrico Hondio, 1631. Height, 1534; length, 1914 inches. With margins. Text in English on verso. Dated 1631 With views of sailing vessels, and whales. AMERICA. America Septentrionalis a Domino d’Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notis geographicis et historicis illustrata. Sumptibus Homannianorum Heredum. Noribergae, 1756. Tinted. Height, 1714; length, 20 inches. With four columns of explanatory text in lower margin. AMERICA. Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio. Per I. Danckerts. In colors. Height, 1914; length, 22 inches. Circa 1710 Contains views of sailing ships; in the lower left is an engraving of an Indian chief, and Indians at work. Contains a note as to the name America. AMERICA. A New Map of America from the latest Observations. Revis’d by I. Senex. I. Harris, fecit. Tinted. Circa 1725 With decorative cartouche depicting Indians at war, burning dead on a funeral pyre, etc. AMERICA. A new map of the North Parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississippi, Canada and New France with ye adjoyning Ter- ritories of England and Spain. The projection of this map is call’d Mercator’s and it is laid down according to the newest and most exact observations by H. Moll, 1720. Colored. Height, 24; length, 39!4 inches. Matted. Dated 1720 A VERY FINE Map. In the upper left corner is an engraving of, ‘‘The Indian Fort Sasquesahanck;”’ and insets of, ‘‘A map of ye mouth of Mississipi and Mobile Rivers, &c.’’ and ‘‘ The Harbour of Annapolis Royal.’ There are a great number of explana- tory notes in various parts of the map. AMERICA. ‘6 A new and most exact map of America. Described by N. I. Vischer and done into English Enlarged and Corrected acording to I. Blaeau and others, with the habits of ye people & ye manner of ye Chiefe sitties ye like never before. London, printed, colloured, and are to be sould by John Overton . . . 1668. Height, 1634; length, 2134 inches. 1668 VERY FINE COLORED Map. Shows both North and South America, with California as a large island. The plate is bordered at the top by views of Havana; Mexico City; Cusco, a city in Peru; Pomeiooc, a city in Virginia; Carolina, a place of refuge for ye French in Florida; portraits of Columbus and Vespucci; at the bottom by views of Isle of San Domingo, Phernambuco, a city in Brazil; Potosus, a city in Peru; Cartagena; and St. Jacobs Island; portraits of Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, Thomas Candish and Oliver a Noort; on the side borders are pictures of inhabitants, comprising, a man and woman of Virginia, a man and woman of Brazil, and a‘‘ Magellanic’’ man and woman; views of sailing vessels, spouting whales, and sea monsters. 187. 188. 189. 190. IQI. 192. BOSTON. An Accurate Map of the Country round Boston in New England from the best Authorities; [ALso] A Plan of Boston and Charlestown, from a drawing made in 1771. [Both on one plate.] Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton, Junr . . . Jan. 16, 1776. Line engraving. Oblong folio. EXCESSIVELY RARE. ONLY THREE OTHER Copies KNowNn. BOSTON. A New Plan of Boston. From Actual Surveys by Osgood Carleton. With corrections, additions & improvements. Boston, Printed and sold by W. Norman, 1800. Folio (measuring, height, 2614; width, 1814 inches). With margins. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. ONLY THREE OTHER Copies KNown. A reprint was made of this map by G. B. Foster of Boston in 1878 and P. Lee Philips in his ‘‘ List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress,’’ page 153, states, ‘‘Copy of a rare map of Boston, presumed to be the only one extant.’’ The reprint of 1878, however, only measured 17 pe inches. The above map was printed in three sections and joined together as one sheet. BOSTON. A Plan of the Town of Boston, with the Intrenchments &c. of His Majestys Forces in 1775, from the Observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty’s Corps of Engineers, and from the Plans of other Gentlemen. Engraved & Printed for Wm. Faden, Charing-Cross, as the Act directs 1st Octor. 1777. Line engraving. Folio. BOSTON. Plan de la Ville et du Port de Boston, Capitale de la Nouvelle Angleterre. a Paris chés Lattré rue S. Jacques vis-a-vis de la Parcheminerie C. P. R. [1764]. Colored engraving. Large oblong folio, with half-inch margins. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. ONLY Two OTHER COPIES KNOWN. Crease through center. With descriptive text in upper right-hand corner. BOSTON. Plan of those parts of Boston and its Vicinity, with the Waters and Flats adjacent, which are immediately or remotely connected with the contem- plated design of erecting perpetual tide-mills. Printed and coloured typo- graphically by Benjamin Dearborn, in his new constructed letter-press . Boston, February, 1814. Folio, with full margins. THE FIRST FOUR-COLOR PRINTING IN AMERICA. ONLY FIVE OTHER COPIES OF THIS STATE KNown. A printed note at the bottom of the plan reads “This plan is probably the first ever printed in a similar manner, as the common printing press cannot be thus MODE soa.” [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PLATE III] BOSTON HARBOR—1774. A New Plan of Boston Harbor. A contemporaneous manuscript copy of a map then appearing in magazines. Upright small folio. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. BOSTON. | [A view of Boston and its Harbor.] Publish’d according to Act of Parliament by J. F. W. Des Barres, Esq. August 5, 1775. Engraving, colored. Elephant oblong folio, folded. In the upper right corner is a list of references, giving the location of batteries, and number of guns, intrenchments, redouts, forts, etc., in Boston and on the various islands in the harbor. BOSTON. [A view of Boston and its Harbor.] Pub. . . .. by J. F. W. Des Barres, Esq. August 5, 1775; [ALso] [View of Boston Harbor.] Pub. . . . by J. F. W. Des Barres, Esq. Nov. 13, 1776 Two uncolored charts. Elephant oblong folio. Matted. In the first mentioned a list of references is given, locating the batteries, guns, intrench- ments, forts, etc. in Boston and on the various islands in the harbor. BOSTON. A New and Accurate Chart of the Harbour of Boston in New England. Pub- lished Nov. 30, 1782; Hafen von Boston. Gerstmayr sc. Meming. [1776]; Various Plans and Draughts of Cities, Towns, Harbours, &c. [1782]; A New Plan of Boston Harbour from an Actual Survey. Engraved for the Pennsylva. Magazine. [1774]; A New and Accurate Plan of the Town of Boston in New England [and] A New Plan of Boston Harbor from an Actual Survey. From the Universal Magazine, London, May, 1774. Together, 5 pieces, quarto. BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. New and Exact Map of the Dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye Continent of North America, containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina. According to the newest and most exact observations by Herman Moll, Geographer. Colored. Height, 41; width, 24 inches. Matted. Dated, 1715 VERY BEAUTIFUL Map, with inset maps of South Carolina, Louisiana; plans of Charles- town and small key-map; engraved view of Niagara Falls; depicts, “‘ye beavers of Canada in making dams to stop ye course of a rivulet, in order to form a great lake,”’ and describes the work of beavers; also with various notes on the map relative to fishing rights, Iroquois rights, etc. Printed and sold by Thos. Bowles. CANADA. Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c. Par N. Sanson d’Abbeville, Geographe ordinaire du Roy. A. Paris, chez Pierre Mariette . . . 1656. I. Sonier, Sculp. Uncolored. Height, 1514; length, 21 inches. Dated, 1656 CANADA. Le Canada ou Partie de la Nouvelle France, contenant la Terre de Labrador la Nouvelle France, les Isle de Terre Neuve, de Nostre Dame, &c. A Amster- dam chez Pierre Mortier. Height, 2114; length, 30 inches. 199. 200. Ol. 202. 203. 204. CANADA. Canada ou Nouvelle France. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augumentées de Nouveau. A Leide, chez Pierre Vander Aa. Height, 9; length, 111% inches. A New Map of the Most Considerable Plantations of the English in America. Dedicated to his Highness William Duke of Glocester. Sutton Nicholls, sculp. [With insets of Carolina and part of Virginia, Island of Jamaica, and others.] Height, 14; length, 18 inches. Together, 2 pieces. CANADA. Le Canada ou Partie de la Nouvelle France. Dans l’Amérique Septentrionale, Contenant la Terre de Labradore, la Nouvelle France, les Isles de Terre Neuvre de Nostre Dame, etc. a l’Usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne. Par soutres Humble et tre obeissant serviteur H. Iallot. Paris, 1696. Colored. Height, 18; length, 231% inches. Dated, 1696 CANADA. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes . . . Par Guillaume de l'Isle . . . A Paris . . . 1703. Height, 1914; length, 25144 inches. Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par Mr. Bellin . . Publié par les Heritiers de Homan en l’an 1755. Height, 1614; length, 21 inches. Together, 2 pieces. Uncolored. One with a decorative cartouche. CANADA. A New Map of the Province of Quebec according: to the Royal Proclamation of the 7th of October 1763. London, Printed for R. Sayer . . . February 16, 1776. Tinted. Height, 19; length, 26 inches. Dated, 1776 CANADA. Nouvelle Carte de la Riviére de Canada ou St. Laurens de I’Isle de Anticoste, Jusqu’a Quebec dans le Partie d’Amérique la Plus Septentrionale. Imprimie et donne au Lumierre par Gerard van Keulen . . . a’Amsterdam. Carte Nouvelle Contenant la Partie d’Amérique le plus Septentrionale ou sont exactement decrites les province Comme le Canada ou Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Ecosse l’Accadia et Isle et Banc de Terre Neuve . . . par Gerard van Ceulen . . . a’Amsterdam. Together, 2 pieces. Each measures: height, 2014; length, 2214 inches. CANADA. Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec I'Isle de Terre- Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de St. Laurence. Representé par T. Conr. Lotter. Graveur et George d’Augsbourg. Dresse par Alb. Chart Seutler, Geogr. Tob. Conr. Lotter, sc. Colored. Height, 221%; width, 181% inches. With a cartouche in upper left depicting mythological characters, etc., and a harbor scene; in the lower right are a number of sailing vessels. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. CANADA, AND NEW ENGLAND. Carte Nouvelle contenant la Partie d’Amérique la Plus Septentrionale ou sont exactement decrites les Provinces suivantes comme le Canada ou Nou- velle France, la Nouvelle Ecosse, la Nouvelle Angleterre . . . Par Nicolas Vissher. Colored. Height, 23; width, 18 inches. Pas Caert van Terra Nova. Nova Francia, Niew-Engeland en de groote River van Canada. t’Amsterdam, by Hendrick Doncker . . . Colored. Height, 19; length, 2014 inches. Together, 2 pieces. ENGLISH COLONIES. A New Map of the English Empire in America. Revis'd by Ion. Senex, 1719. I. Harris, sculp. Tinted. Height, 1914; length, 23 inches. Dated, 1719 With inset, ‘‘General Map of the Coasts & Isles of Europe, Africa, and America,”’ and plan of, ‘‘ The Harbour of Boston or Massachusetts Bay.” HALIFAX. Carte du Havre de Chibucto avec de Plan de la Ville de Halifax sur la Coste de l’Accadia ou Nova Scotia. Publié par Hautorité par Jean Rocque, Charing Cross, 1750. [With inset view of the town of Halifax.] Line engrav- ing. Upright folio, full margins (crease in center). Scarce. A chart of Chibucto harbor on the coast of a ova Scotia, with the plan of the town of Halifax. MAINE. Maine entworfen von D. G. Sotzmann. Hamburg . . . 1798. Tinted. Height, 25; width, 17 inches. Dated, 1798 MAINE. A Map of the District of Maine. Drawn from the latest Surveys and other best Authorities by Osgood Carleton. Engraved for Judge Sullivan’s History of the District of Maine . . . Boston, 1795. Uncolored. Height, 2014; width, 16 inches. Dated, 1795 Carleton was Superintendent of the State Map of Massachusetts (then including Maine), based on surveys made of all the towns in 1794 and 1795. The official map was not published until 1802, after it had practically been made over under legislative direction. There is a possibility that this is the first state of the map. NEW ENGLAND. Bowle’s New Pocket Map of the most inhabited part of New England; com- prehending the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire; with the Colonies of Connecticut & Rhode Island . . . Printed for the Proprietor Carington Bowles. [With inset plan of Boston with its Harbor and en- virons.] Height, 25; width, 2014 inches. A Map of the Most Inhabited part of New England [etc.] Same as above, but without the ‘‘ Plan of Boston,’’ and with the addition of Jeffery’s Ledge. Height, 25; width, 2014 inches. Together, 2 pieces. 212, 213; 214. 15. NEW ENGLAND. A map of the Inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island. The whole composed from Actual Surveys and its Situation adjusted by Astronomical Observations. Lotter, sculpsit. 1776. Published by Tobias Conrad Lotter, in Augsburg. Colored. Map in four sections, each measuring,—height, 20; length, 1834 inches. Matted. Dated, 1776 A FINE Map, IN Four SECTIONS, with inset plans of Boston and Boston harbor. In the lower right corner of the fourth section is an engraved view of the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. NEW ENGLAND. A map of the most Inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of, Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into Counties and Townships. The whole com- posed from Actual Surveys and its Situation Adjusted by astronomical ob- servations. November 29, 1774, published according to Act by Thos. Jefferys. Tinted. Map in two sections, each measuring,—height, 2014: length, 38 inches. Matted. Dated, 1774 A VERY FINE Map, IN Two SECTIONS, with inset plans of Boston and Boston harbor. In the lower right corner of the second section is an engraved view of the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. NEW ENGLAND. A Map of New England and New York. Sold by Tho. Basset in Fleet Street and Richard Chiswell in St. Pauls Church Yard. Uncolored. Height, 15; length, 1914 inches. Circa 1676 Pas Kaart. Vande zee Kusten inde Boght van Niew Engeland. Tusschen de Staaten Hoek en C. de Sable t’Amsterdam by Johannes van Keulen. Uncolored. Height, 20/4; length, 23 inches. Together, 2 pieces. NEW ENGLAND AND NEW NETHERLAND. Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova. Portions tinted. Height, 1514; length, 20 inches. Circa 1667 IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING Map. Lake Iroquois is placed east of the Connecticut River; New Netherland north of New England. Three sailing vessels and two canoes are shown in surrounding waters; also the various animals to be found there, and views of two Indian villages. NEW ENGLAND, AND NEW NETHERLAND. Nova Anglia Septentrionali America implantata Anglorum que coloniis florentissima Geographice exhibita a Ioh. Baptista Homann . . . Norim- berge. Colored. Height, 19; length, 22% inches. Pas Caert van Nieu Nederland Virginia et Nieu Engelant. Nieulyex uyt- geven, T’Amsterdam by Henrick Doncker . . . 1660. Colored. Height, 1714; length, 2114 inches. Together, 2 pieces. 216. 217. 218. 210. 220. owls APTOS NEW ENGLAND, NEW NETHERLAND, ETC. Nova Tabula Geographica Completens Borealiorem Americae Partem; in qua exacte delineate sun Canada sive Nova Francia, Nova Scotia, Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium, Pensylvania, Virginia, Carolina, et Terra Nova, cum Omnibus Littorium Pulvinorumque Profunditatibus. Amstlodami a Nicolao Visscher. Cum Privilegio Ordinum Generalium Foederati Belgii. Nunc Petrum Schenck, Junr. Colored. Height, 23; width, 181% inches. Circa 1717 NEW ENGLAND, NEW NETHERLAND, ETC. Pascaerte vande Vlaemsche, Soute, en Caribesche Eylanden, als mede Terra Noya, en des Custen van Nova Francia, Nova Anglia, Nieu Nederlandt, Venezuela, Neuva Andalusia, Guiana, en een gedeelte, van Brazil. Colored. Height, 1714; length, 211% inches. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New Hampshire entworfen von D. F. Sotzmann. Hamburg bey Carl Ernst Bohn, 1796. Tinted. Height, 2614; width, 171% inches. Dated, 1796 ° NEW HAMPSHIRE. Part of the Ancient Province of Main now the County of York. A True Copy, Attd. H. Wentworth, Clerk. Copy Examined. Height, 174; length, 21% inches. Circa 1750 ‘“This plan gives a general view of the Province of New Hampshire, so far as it has been laid out into Townships.”’ Another copy, submitted unsuccessfully as evidence in the Bow Controversy, Oct. 27, 1767, is reproduced in Batchellor’s State Papers, New Hampshire, Vol. XXIV, between pp. 622 and 623. NEW NETHERLAND AND NEW ENGLAND. Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova. In colors. Height, 1514; length, 20 inches. Circa 1667 AN IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING Map. Shows Lake Iroquois east of the Connecticut River, New Netherland north of New England. With three sailing vessels, and two canoes depicted; also the various animals to be found, and views of two Indian villages. NEW NETHERLAND AND NEW ENGLAND. Nova Belgica et Anglia Nc ova. Uncolored. Height, 1514; length, 20 inches. Circa 1667 NEW NETHERLAND AND NEW ENGLAND. Novi Belgii quod nunc Novi Jorck vocatur Novae q. Angliae & Partis Virginiae. Accuratissima et Novissima Delineatio. [With views of Indians ~ working]; A New Chart of the Coast of New England, Nova Scotia, New France or Canada . . . done from the original published in 1744 at Paris by Mons. N. Bellin. [With view of the Plains of Abraham, and a war vessel.] Circa 1744; A Map of the British and French Settlements 1 in N orth merce Circa 1759. Together, 3 pieces, small folio. 233 224. 225. 226, oy, 223, NEW WORLD. Terra Neuf, en de Custen van Nieu Nederland, Nieu Andalusia, Guiana en Venezuela. t’Amsterdam gedruckt by Frederick de Wit in de Kalver Straet. Colored. Height, 19; length, 221% inches. With two colored cartouches, showing Indians, explorers, etc.; also an engagement between three vessels of war. NEW WORLD. Terra Neuf, en de Custen van Nieu Nederland, Nieu Andalusia, Guiana en Venezuela. T’Amsterdam Gedruckt by R. & I. Ottens. Uncolored. Height, 19; length, 221% inches. Differs from the other map with the same title, in that there is only one cartouche, depicting Indians, explorers, etc. NORTH AMERICA. America noviter Delineata. M. Merian fecit. [With views of sea monsters and ships.] Height, 11; length, 14 inches. Circa 1688; Nieuwe Kaart van de Grootbrittanische Volkplantingen in Noord America . . . Te Amster- dam by Isaak Tirion 1755. Colored. Height, 14; length, 1714 inches; A New and Correct Chart of the Sea Coast of New England, from Cape Codd to Casco Bay. Lately Survey’d by Capt. Henry Barnsley. Height, 18; length, 45 inches. London, circa 1767. Together, 3 pieces. NORTH AMERICA. Map of North America, according to ye newest and most exact observations. By Herman Moll. B. Lens delin. G. Vertue, sculpt. Sold by H. Moll . Printed for L. Bowles. Colored. Height, 23; length, 38 inches. Matted. Circa 1715 FINE Map. On the left of the map is an engraving of the Newfoundland codfish in- dustry, and below are plans of ten harbors, including New York and Boston, based on Pound’s chart of 1691. Throughout the map are numerous interesting notes. NORTH AMERICA. North America. Corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Royal Academy at Paris. By John Senex, F.R.S. 1710. John Senex, sculp. Tinted. Height, 3714; width, 25 inches. Matted. Dated, 1710 NORTH AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. A New Map of North America, with the British, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish Dominions . . . and the West India Islands. Done from the lastest Geographers with great improvements from the Sieurs D’Anville & Robert. London, printed for Robt. Sayer. Height, 2214; length, 36 inches. Map of the West-Indies or the Islands of America . . . According to ye Newest and Most Exact Observations by Herman Moll, Geographer. Circa 1720. Height, 2214; length, 40 inches. Together, 2 pieces. Matted. 220. 230. Batt Bae. 223, 234. NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. America. Jodocus Hondius, excudit. Amsterodami. Colored. Height, 1434; length, 1934 inches. Circa 1611 A number of sailing vessels, sea serpents, whales, fish, Indians in canoes, etc. are shown. In the lower left is a view of Indian warriors eating, and their women preparing food. NOVA SCOTIA. A New Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island with the adjacent part of New England and Canada. Composed from a great number of Actual Surveys. By Thomas Jefferys. London, printed & sold by R. Sayer & J. Bennett . . . 15 June 1775. Tinted. Height, 1814; length, 24 inches. SALEM, MARBLEHEAD, BEVERLY AND MANCHESTER. Chart of the Harbours of Salem, Marblehead, Beverly and Manchester from a Survey taken in the years 1804, 5 & 6, by Nathl. Bowditch, AM.AAS. assisted by Geo. Burchmore & Wm. Ropes. Hooker & Fairman sc. Entered according to Act of Congress the 27th day of June 1806. Line engraving. Oblong large folio. First STATE; the plate in the second state is at Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts. In the lower corner is engraved a view of a dock with boat near. In pristine condition. SOUTH AMERICA. A New and Exact Map of the Coast Countries and Islands within ye Limits of ye South Sea Company . : . and from thence through ye South Sea to ye North Part of California, & . . . By Herman Moll. Height, 25; width, 19) inches. Circa 1720; South America, according to the newest and most exact observations . . . Herman Moll, Geographer. [Engraved by Vertue.] Height, 2214; length, 38 inches. Circa 1720. Together, 2 pieces. SUFFOLK COUNTY, ENGLAND. Suffolcia. Vernacule Suffolke. Colored. Height, 15; length, 20 inches. At the top of the map are the Arms of the Dukes of Clarence, Earls and Dukes of Suffolk. UNITED STATES, NEW ENGLAND, ETC. Map of the United States of America, as settled by the Peace of 1783. Pub- lished Decr. 1, 1783; Map of New England and Nova Scotia with part of New York . . . By Tho. Kitchin, Geogr. Circa 1758; Map of the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into Counties & Townships. . . By Tho. Kitchin. Printed . . . 1758; Karte von Neu England, Neu Yorck und Pensilvanien, zu der allgemeinch Historie der Reisen . . . Together, 4 pieces, quarto. Dated, 1758, 1783, etc. 235. VIRGINIA AND FLORIDA. Virginiae item et Floridae. America Provinciarum nova Descriptio. [By H. Hondius, 1630.] Jn colors. Height, 1314; length, 19 inches. Matted. Circa 1630 FINE COLORED Map, with mariner’s compass; depicts sailing vessels and canoes; an Indian man and woman of Florida; two sea monsters; in the Virginia section may be seen a turkey and deer. In the upper left of the map are two views of Indian villages. 236. VIRGINIA, FLORIDA, NEW ENGLAND, NEW NETHER- LANDS. Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis interjacentium q: reginum Nova Descriptio. [By Jan. Jansson.] Uncolored. Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova. Amstelodami Johannes Jansonius, Excudit. Together, 2 pieces. Each measures: height, 1514; length, 1914 inches. Circa 1630 With views of sailing vessels, Indians, etc, ADDITIONAL PORTRAITS, VIEWS AND MAPS Numbers 237 to 276, Inclusive aay Lt) CROCKETT. Bust portrait. Painted by S. S. Osgood. Childs & Lehman, Lithrs. Phila- delphia. 1834. Lithograph. Height, 878; width, 714 inches. The following statement appears beneath the portrait in the facsimile of Crockett’s autograph: ‘‘I am happy to acknowledge this to be the only correct likeness that has been taken of me. David Crockett.” 238. PORTRAIT OF A SEA-CAPTAIN. Full-length, seated in his cabin, with a perspective of the harbor with a sailing vessel at anchor and shore beyond. Oil painting. Height, 2714; width, 20 inches. In heavy gold frame. 238a EMINENT JURISTS. Portraits of Horace Binney, from the original picture painted by Sully for the Bar of Philadelphia; Charles Chauncey, from the painting by Sully. Engraved and printed by John Sartain 291 Race Street Philadelphia. Mezzotints. Together, 2 pieces, folio. Two rare portraits; fine examples of Sartain’s best work. 239. WILLIAM PENN. Wm. Penn’s Treaty With the Indjans.” When He Founded the Province of Pennsa. 1661. The only Treaty that never was broken. Kellogg & Thayer. No date. Lithograph. Small folio. 239a NEWSAM’S LITHOGRAPHY. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. Stephen Girard: from the Original Portrait painted by Bass Otis; drawn by A Newsam, 1832; Mrs. Wood, as ‘‘ Amina,” in the opera ‘‘La Somnambula,” from the original painting by Neagle, A. Newsam del. Philadelphia, 1836. Lithographs, latter India proof. Together, 2 pieces, large folio. Two of the finest and rarest of Newsam’s lithographs. Bass Otis, who painted the portrait of Girard, was the first to introduce lithography in America. BOSTON. Environs of Boston, from Corey’s Hill, Brookline, Mass. J. H. Bufford’s lith. Boston: Freeman, Richardson, 1864. Lithograph, proof on India paper. Height, 1834; length, 39 inches. CALIFORNIA. The Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras County. Lith. of Britton & Rey [San Francisco], 1855. Lithograph. Measures 28 by 22 inches. Large folio, with margins. ; FINE Copy, never framed. Large hotel view (A. Smith Haynes, proprietor) in center; miner’s cabin in one tree, pioneer’s in another; descriptive notes and notice of the hotel, 15 lines. CALIFORNIA. Through to the Pacific. Width (including margins), 1414 inches; height, 1014 inches. New York: Currier & Ives, 1870. Lithograph, in colors. A railroad scene: depicting a train (engine and five cars) westward bound; a back- woods town; hills; tillage; logging; railroad track; and at the terminal: San Francisco, the Golden Horn, shipping, etc. Published soon after the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad. MANSION OF LORD TIMOTHY DEXTER. A View of the Mansion of the late Lord Timothy Dexter in High Street, Newbury port. 1810. Aquatint. Height, 1034; length, 2434 inches. Small tears. Matted. | | With name beneath the plate of each statue around the mansion of ‘‘Lord’”’ Dexter. MOSCOW. Vue de la Porte (Sainte et de ses environs a Moscow); Vue de la Ville de Moscow (Prise de la gauche du Balcon du Palais Imperial). Engraved by Eichler, after the paintings by General de la Barthe. Together, 2 pieces. Engravings. Good impressions, with inscriptions. we 244a MASSACHUSETTS COAST. 245. 246; 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. North Shore. Original watercolor drawing. By Henry A. Hallet. Signed. On bristol board. NEW HAMPSHIRE. View of Keene, N. H. and valley of the Ashuelot. Taken from Beach hill. Drawn by B. Champney. J. H. Bufford & Cos. Lith. Boston. Tinted litho- graph. Height, 1314; length, 1914 inches. Matted: NEW YORK. From the steeple of St. Paul’s Church, looking East, South and West. Henry I. Megarey. Drawing by J. Hill. Engraved by Henry Papprill. Dated 1849. Lithograph, in colors. Large folio, passe partout. Glass cracked. Later impression. NEW YORK VIEW. Original watercolor painting. Unsigned. Length, 1734; width, 2034 inches. In mahogany frame (corner broken). “ View of the Battery, with Castle Garden in the water. In the East River are many boats, among which are the two side-wheelers Franklin and Ohio. NEW-YORK. Taken from the North west angle of Fort Columbus, Governor’s Island. Henry I. Megarey. From a sketch by F. Catherwood. Engraved by Henry Papprill. [1846.] Aquatint, in colors. Large folio. Framed and glazed. FINE Copy of this scarce print. Interesting and attractive view showing some side- wheel ferry boats and old sailing vessels in the harbor. NEW-YORK—BROADWAY. Shewing each Building from the Hygeian Depot corner of Canal Street to beyond Niblo’s Garden. Drawn and etched by T. Hornor. Aquatinted by J. Hill. Printed by W. Neale. Undated. Agquatint, in colors. Large folio. Framed. (Slight crease.) FINE PRINT, showing Broadway about 1825, with its wig-shop, Stanley’s book-shop, William West, the Upholsterer; Tattersalls, etc. The street is crowded with hurrying stage-coaches, merchants and shoppers. NEW YORK—CASTLE GARDEN. From the Battery. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Lithograph in colors. Small folio. Framed. FINE IMPRESSION. NEW YORK—CITY HALL PARK. North End, 1825. From an Original Drawing. Undated. Lithograph. Small folio. Framed. 252. 253. 254. 255: 256. oor NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE. For the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. Designed by Carstensen & Gildemeister. Lithography of Nagel & Weingartner. Dated 1852. Tinted lithograph. Height, 21 inches; length, 29 inches. Framed. VERY FINE VIEW, with inscription in lower margin,—‘‘ This building constructed of iron and glass is erected on Reservoir Square in the City of New York .. . The use of Reservoir Square is granted by the Municipal authorities of the City. The ground plan of the building forms an octagon, and is surmounted by a Greek Cross, with dome over the intersection . . .’’ Below are the names of the Directors. NEW YORK AND ENVIRONS, FROM WILLIAMSBURGH. Published by Williams & Stevens and Ackermann & Co. Drawn and Litho- graphed by E. W. Foreman and E. Brown Jr. Dated 1848. Lithograph, in colors. Large folio. Framed. In the margin is a key to buildings and places. NEW YORK. First Division New York State Artillery. F. J. Fritsch. [Copyright 1844.] Lithograph in colors. Large folio. Framed. In center of margin are war emblems, an American eagle and flags. The view depicts the Morris Cadets, Hussars—German, Lafayette, Montgomery, Washington and Brooklyn Horse Guards—National Guard, and Washington Greys Troop, Horse Artillery, and Lancers, in front of Castle Garden. NEW YORK FROM BROOKLYN HEIGHTS. Painted by J. W. Hill—Published by L. P. Clover, New York. Engraved by J. W. Bennett. Copyright, 1837 by Lewis P. Clover. Agquatinit. Height, 20; length, 31/4 inches. Framed. Late impression on India paper. NEW YORK FROM HEIGHTS NEAR BROOKLYN. | Engraved by Hill. Painted and Published by William G. Wall. Dated 1823. Aquatint, in colors. Large folio. Wide mahogany frame. Pleasing view of old New York across the harbor from what is now Bay Ridge, Brook- lyn. FINE IMPRESSION. This copy is inscribed to Thomas Dixon Esq. by the publisher. Also has inscription,— ‘“‘New York 23rd January 1828. Presented by her affectionate sons Robert, James, Fergus, [etc.] to their Mother,’’ written in ink, on the margin. NEW YORK FROM WEEHAWK. Engraved by I. Hill. Painted and published by William G. Wall. Dated 1823. Aquatint, in colors. Large folio. Matted. Slight marginal stains. VERY FINE IMPRESSION of this scarce print by Wall, inscribed to Thomas Dixon. NEW YORK POST OFFICE. Front View; South Interior View; North Interior View. Published by Endi- cott. C. T. Sandford, del. Lithographs. Medium folio. Uniformly framed. Together, 3 pieces. Depicting the Post Office as it was in 1845. 259. 260. 260a 261. 262. 203). 264. NEW YORK. Procession of the Worth Funeral. Nov. 25, 1857. Height, 13; length, 40 inches; Prospect Point. Residence of G. R. Jackson, Rye Neck, N. Y. Height, 9; length, 1214 inches; Residence of C. Hayward, Franklin Ave. New Rochelle, N. Y. Height, 10; length, 13 inches. Lithographs. Framed. Together, 3 pieces. NEW YORK. View of the New Dutch Church. Original watercolor drawing. Height, 17; width, 13 inches. With the inscription,—‘‘ To the Honourable Rip Van Dam, Esq. President of His Majestys Council for the Province of New York. This View of the New Dutch Church is most humbly Dedicated by your Honours most Obedient Servt. Wm. Burgis.’”’ Framed. ATTRACTIVE PAINTING OF OLD NEw York, showing the church occupying an entire block, around which is a wooden fence with a turnstile. On the cobblestone street are a coach, some horses and several groups of people. Around the Van Dam escutcheon at the lower part of the picture is a short history of the church. PHILADELPHIA. Girard College. Main Building. Now erecting near Philadelphia under the superintendence of T. U. Walter Esq. Designed by T. U. Walter. Geo. Lehman, del. Lithographed & Published by Lehman & Duval . . . Phila- delphia, 1835. Colored lithograph. Oblong small folio. VERA CROZ. Castle of San Juan D’Ulloa. Kellogg & Thayer. Nodate. Colored lithograph. Small folio. VIEW OF WILLIAMSBURGH, L. I. From Grand St. N. Y. Endicott & Co. Drawn from Nature by E. White- field. Dated 1852. Lithograph. Oblong folio. Framed. Whitefield’s Original Views of North American Cities, No. 26. FINE IMPRESSION. With a key to all the buildings. WOBURN, MASSACHUSETTS. View of Woburn, Mass. from Academy Hill in 1820. From an original sketch by Bowen Buckman. On stone by M. M. Tidd. Published by Haskins & Parker. Tinted lithograph. Height, 1334; length, 2114 inches. Matted. Accompanying the above is a key to the view. SAILING SHIPS. Four Lithographs by GORDON GRANT entitled: ‘‘'The Brig;’’ ‘‘The Ship;’”’ “The Whaler;’”’ and ‘‘The Barque.”’ Each signed in pencil by the artist. Height, 2014; length, 161% inches. Together, 4 pieces. DECORATIVE EXAMPLES of these four types of ships, by this well-known illustrator. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. oa) REGATTA OF THE NEW YORK YACHT CLUB. June Ist, 1854. Rounding the S. W. Spit. N. Currier. Dated 1854. Litho- graph, tn colors. Medium folio. Framed. THE “RHODE ISLAND.” The Rhode Island of the Providence and Stonington Lines. Currier & Ives. Painted by C. R. Parsons. No date. Lithograph, in colors. Large folio. VESSELS IN DISTRESS. Oil painting. Signed,—F. A. Faddor, 1879. Height, 28; length, 41 inches. In gold frame. Depicts four sailing vessels in a storm, near a lighthouse. One vessel flies the American flag at distress signal; another, with men in rigging furling the sails, is heading on towards the lighthouse. A remarkable scene. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENE. Wild Duck Shooting. Published and Printed by Thomas Kelly. No date. Lithograph, in colors. Folio. AMERICAN PRIZE FRUIT. Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1862. Lithograph, in colors. Large folio. | THE FOX-HUNTER. No publisher. No date. Lithograph, in colors. Small folio. THE RIVER SIDE. Currier & Ives. No date. Lithograph, in colors. Small folio. BILLERICA, MASSACHUSETTS. Map of the Town of Billerica, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Surveyed _ by order of the Town. H. F. Walling, Civil Engineer. Height, 3014; width, 2534 inches. With wooden top piece and roller. Varnished and backed with linen. Boston, 1853 Very interesting map with pictorial engravings of: Unitarian Church; Universalist Church; Baptist Church; Howe School; Orthodox Church; and the Town Hall. NEW ORLEANS. Plan of the City and Suburbs of New Orleans from an actual Survey made in 1815 by J. Tanesse, City Surveyor. Engraved map. With historiated title and vignettes of various public buildings. Published by C. Del Vecchio April 29, 1817. Height, 1814; length, 30% inches. Matted. SPLENDID MAP of New Orleans in the early part of the Nineteenth Century, giving the French names for the streets and sections. 274. 275. 276. BUDA-PESTH. City Maps of Buda and of Pesth. Each with a border of various scenes of the city. No publisher. No dates. Large folios. Together, 2 pieces. NEW YORK. Map of the Original Grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Com- pany to the Inhabitants of New-Amsterdam, (now New York) lying below the present line of Wall Street. Grants commencing A.D. 1642. Located from historical & legal records. By Henry D. Tylor. New York. 1897. Engraved and colored. Height, 1614; length, 201% inches. Framed. INTERESTING Map, giving the names of the owners of the grants, the old and new names of the streets, and indicating the marshes. NORTH AMERICA. L’Amérique Septentrionale, ou se remarquent les Etats-Unis. Par M. Brion de la Tour. A Paris, 1783. Partly in colors. Height, 20; length, 307% inches. Somewhat stained. With large engraved vignette in lower left corner, containing ships, a man unloading cargo, and to the right an Indian woman with children. The map shows in detail the American states at the close of the Revolutionary War, 1783, after the Treaty between the United States and England. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ARTHUR SWANN, DIRECTOR Hi \ ag ra 3 4 i ay \ 3 The AMERICAN ART ASSC DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES ALL DETAILS OF ILLU. DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE + NEW b| _ os THE GETTY CENTER 1926 Apr. 7 NeAm _ c.1 American /American prints. 90-P2478 OE A 3 3125 01178 3872 in 2 Wea ee ae rene te (BRI e mee , ve