Your ts ~~ = = : SSS SSS = E Se == eee eee = = me << VE SEA * a A CAWALOGUE | OF ALL THE Blecant Eurniture, - greater portion was made by Messrs. Gillows, within the last few years, together with , + the tastefully selected appendages, the Property of the late celebrated Comedian, eh CHARLES MATHEWS, ESQ. 13 At No. 102, areat Heusseli Street, BLOOMSBURY; includes a Drawing Room Suite of blue merino damask in Curtains, Grecian Sofa, nine irs, two Lounging ditto, Zebra and Mahogany Loo Tables, Rose-wond Dejeune ditto, large round ditto, Cheffioneers, beautifully carved Pier ‘Tables, Fine Plate Pier & Chimney Glasses, velye Mahogany Dining Room Chairs with leather seats, two Lounging Chairs, covered, .destal Sideboard, Cellaret, circular Mahogany extending Dining Table, four handsome oak painted Chefhioneer Bookcases, Gothic Library Chairs and Steps, Escrutoire Table, 'ABINET PIANO-FORTEby Tomkison, PEDAL HARP by Erat, ~ Green and drab moxeen Dining Room Curtains, Grecian and Sideboard Lamps, A SMALL COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGS, Presenting some of the best specimens of the following highly gifted artists— “HARLOWE,... IBBOTSON, P. NASMYTH, I. F. LEWIS, DENNER, MORLAND, PETHER, S. PROUT, &e. Fine Browse Figures and Busts, Ke. \ Bronze Copy of the Warwick Vase, Hebe Ewers, &c. an exquisite Model of an 3lephant, the Lion and Lioness, two very fine Carvings in wood, (the Rape of the Sabines,) a handsome Buhl Hall Clock, a ditto, on bracket, . DRRESOSY CHEETA OWNWAMBWILS, PLATE AND PLATED ARTICLES, China, Glass, Linen, Wine, &c. The Bed Chambers and Dressing Rooms include Mahogany Four-post. French, and Servants’ Bedsteads with hangings and excellent Bedding, Mahogany Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Dressing Tables, Rose-wood Cheflioneer, capital Walnut-tree Coffer, handsome painted pedestal Writing Table and Chest of Drawers, large Brussels Carpets, forty-five feet long, Kitchen Requisites and numerous Effects. Which will be Sold by Auction, by NEL Mr. GEO. ROBINS, EERSTE SEE ON THE PREMISES, On MONDAY, the 2ist of MARCH, 1836, And Two following Days, at Twelve o'clock. fy - - . May be Viewed on the Friday aud Saturday preceding, when Cata- logues may be had (at One Shil'ing each) on the Premises, and at Mr. GEO. ROBINS’ Offices, in Covent Garden. Alfred Robins, Typ., 29, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. PA ay es “CONDITIONS OF SALE. —efe— FIRST. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. SECOND. “3 No person to advance less than one shilling at each bidding — above two pounds, two shillings—above five pounds, five shillings, and so on in proportion. THIRD. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and (if required) pay down five shillings in the pound in part of the purchase-money, and in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. FOURTH. The lots to be absolutely removed and cleared away with all faults and errors of description at the purchaser§ own risk and expense, within one day after the expiration of the sale. FIFTH. As this auction is made on condttion of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery. LASTLY. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, ifany, _ attending ‘such re-sale, together with all charges incurred by the removal of such lot or lots from this to any other place of defaulter or defaulters at this sale. sale, and*also for warehouse rent, shall be made good by the » > A CATALOGUE, &c. &e. &c. FIRST DAY’S SALE, On MONDAY, the 2lst of MARCH, 1836, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. UPPER FLOOR. No. l. Right-hand Front Bed Room. LOT 1 An excellent 4-feet-6 beech half tester bedstead, with rod, lath and blue check furniture, valance, &c. 2 A thick hair mattrass, bordered ticken case, goose feather bolster and pillow & Three blankets and a colored counterpane 4 A capital 5-feet-6 thick hair mattrass, bordered ticken case 5 An excellent fine wool mattrass, white Holland bordered case 6 A neat drab ground Brussels carpet, fitted to bed- stead, and neat mahogany portable bidet with japanned bath 7 A pair of neat bronzed toilet candlesticks, pair of japanned ditto rising stands, a ditto hand glass, a ditto pin box and 2 earthenware feet warmers A capital 4-feet-9 walnut-tree coffer with strong ornamented brass clamps, massive ditto handles and engraved lock and key An excellent Spanish mahogany dwarf commode with pair of folding panelled doors and shelves inside, lock and key A neat green ground pattern Brussels carpet, 5 yards by 2, & 6-feet-3 brown ground hearth rug A copper tea kettle, a small Brussels hearth rug, and 2 pieces of painted floor cloth A hand glass, satin-wood frame, and 2 cut glass toilet bottles An excellent deal painted chest of 4 drawers with cupboard over, enclosed by pair of folding panelled doors, shelves, turned knob handles, locks, &c. GROUND FLOOR. No. 5. Dining Room. A handsome 5-feet- cast iron bronzed gothic pattern fender, on paw feet, with standards, and set of polished fire irons A suite of handsome green watered moreen French rod curtains for 2 windows, bordered with gold color lace, bullion fringe valance, large brass continuation pole cornice with end ornaments, large brass rings, 2 pair of curtain holders, and pair of muslin morning curtains, lath and rods TEN CAPITAL SPANISH MAHOGANY CHAIRS, on reeded legs, scroll fan shaped cane backs and thick hair cushions, covered with green leather A pair of ditto fauteuils, on reeded legs, with circular cane back tablets, elbow rests and seats stuffed with hair and covered with green leather, en-suite AN ELEGANT SPANISH LOUNGING CHAIR, French polished mahogany frame, on brass castors, high scroll cane back and seat, 2 thick hair reclining cushions and elbow rests, covered with green leather, to correspond 8 G A VERY CAPITAL CIRCULAR MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, of superior workmanship and beautiful veined wood, with 4 drawers, occasionally for- ming an extending frame, for the 4 additional circular flaps, supported on massive carved pillar pedestal with moulded legs, in diameter 6 feet 6 7 A handsome colored stripe and ornamented table cover, 44 yards long by 2 yards wide 8 An excellent mahogany two-tier circular revolving dumb waiter, on handsome reeded pillar, sup- ported with claw feet and brass castors 9 A CAPITAL 7-FEET SPANISH MAHOGANY PEDESTAL SIDEBOARD, beautiful veined wood and of superior workmanship, elliptic front, linen drawer, pair of folding doors, with reeded pillars and feet, enclosing a nest of 4 drawers and cellaret lined with lead, panelled back with neat bronzed guard rail, with screll arms for lights, locks, &c. 10 A pair of handsome bronzed French sideboard lamps, reeded pillars, on circular plinths and ground glass shades 11 A very excellent Spanish mahogany sarcophagus cellaret, finely veined wood and workmanship, lined with lead, on massive carved paw feet, brass patent lock and key 12 A BEAUTIFUL COPY oF THE WARWICK VASE, IN BRONZE, the heads very finely chased in alto relief, scroll handles and borders, twined with grapes and vine leaves, mounted on a square pedestal, 16 inches high | 13. A NOBLE BRILLIANT PLATE CHIMNEY GLASS, 67 inches by 50, in elegant reeded gilt pillar frame 14 AN ELEGANT SKRPENTINE SHAPED PIER TABLE, formed of walnut-tree, on tripod scroll feet, reeded and moulded fraine, with finely catved festoons of flowers and lion’s heads, and hand- some variegated Italian jasper marble slab 15 Four handsome Parisian bronze busts of LA Fon- TAINE, RACINE, CORNEILLE & FENELON, On Cir- cular sienna marble pedestals, 8 inches high 16 A CAPITAL SPANISH MAHOGANY LIBRARY LOUN- GING CHAIR, on turned legs with brass roller castors, spring reclining shifting back, with steel spring seat and elbows, covered with handsome green tufted leather 17 18 19 2) 21 23 24 9 A neat Parisian mahogany circular pedestal pot cupboard, with door, and variegated marble top, and 2 blue and white chambers A pair of very beautiful and highly finished bronze figures of Roussrau and VOLTAIRE, on square variegated marble pedestals with ornamental or- molu plinths, 17 and 18 inches high A pair of very fine bronze busts of SCHILLER and GOETHE, on circular plinths, 6 inches high AN UNCOMMONLY BOLD AND EXQUISITELY CARVED BASSO RELIEVO, IN A TABLEAU OF THE ENLEVE- MENT OF THE SABINES, a very spirited and elaborate specimen of sculpture, in a frame, 2 feet 53 long by 1 foot 6 wide 4 ditto tableau, of the Emperor Titus receiving the Spoils of the Lemple of Jerusalem, an equally elaborate and beautiful specimen of the art, 1 foot 11 long, 1! inches wide, in neat bronze frame A handsome mahogany brass bound liqueur chest with 6 neat cut glass square decanters and stop- pers, the inside lined with crimson velvet, lock and key A CAPITAL MAHOGANY FRAMED FOUR-LEAF FOLD- ING ROOM SCREEN, with ruled joints and brass hinges, the panels filled with handsome green watered moreen, the height 6 feet An excellent three-leaf ditto framed dwarf fire screen, with green watered moreen panels, ruled joints and brass hinges, 2 feet 10 high Two chair back screens, covered with green hara- teen, a brown drugget carpet cover, 23 yards by 24, and 7 yards of I} wide ditto drugzet A pair of fine plaister bronzed busts of Shakspeare and Garrick, on gothic ornamented brackets A handsome rose-wood framed cheval fire screen, with sliding mount, covered with green velvet, foot rest and rising reading shelf A neat rose-wood jardinier, with bronzed vine leaf and grape border, on ram’s leg tripod and plinth, tin painted lining, and brass wire cover A handsome mahogany tea poy, fitted with 3 can- isters and cut sugar basin, on pillar pedestal with claw feet and castors 30 3b 32 CONAO mW 10 A neat circular Persian hassock, covered with. leather, a framed and stuffed legrest with 2 cotton covers, a bronzed handled door weight, a ditto vase, and neat japanned and gilt chinese pattern. coal sarcophagus with cover _ . The handsome drab and brown pattern Brussels carpet, as planned to fire place, in excellent condition, 7 yards by 62 yards | A ditto pattern 6-feet-9 Brussels hearth rug, to match No.6. PLATE, at per oz. Twelve handsome four-pronged fiddle headed table forks iene Twelve ditto dessert ditto Twelve ditto table spoons Twelve ditto Five ditto Twelve ditto dessert ditto Twelve ditto tea spoons and pair of sugar tongs Four ditto sauce ladles A ditto gravy spoon and ditto salad fork A ditto gravy spoon with division A ditto fish slice A pair of ditto asparagus tongs A ditto sugar sifter, ditto cheese scoop and 4 ditto salt spoons A ditto butter knife, a king’s pattern caddy spoon and 11 decanter labels Six elegant king’s pattern dessert spoons Six ditto (with crests) A MAGNIFICENT SILVER TEA SERVICE, splendidly chased in flowers, shells and scrolls, consisting of tea pot with strainer, sugar basin and cream ewer A very elegantly chased silver coffee pot — A handsome chased silver muffineer and a ditto cayenne pepper box | A pair of elegant king’s pattern silver grape scissors A pair of plain meat skewers et her: A circular silver mustard pot with gadroon border, and pair of circular ditto’ salts ~* | Two silver cream ewers shies Twelve plain four-pronged table forks A ditto soup ladle 3 IL No. 3%. Plated Articles. A handsome plated coffee pot, with shell border A VERY ELEGANT OBLONG SOUP TUREEN AND COVER, of the best manufacture, ornamented with massive silver shell and gadroon borders, © handles and paw feet A handsome circular vegetable dish and cover, with bold silver gadroon border, triangular division and handle Four elegant pincushion shaped corner dishes and covers, with bold silver shell and gadroon bord- ers, and shifting handles to form 8 occasional dishes A handsome oblong bread basket, with rich silver gadroon border A ditto spoon tray, with silver gadroon border A PAIR OF SPLENDID ICE VASES, with linings, bold silver flower, shell and gadroon borders and handles A neat 10-inch circular shaped waiter A handsome oblong cheese toaster, with lining, bold silver gadroon border and handles Twelve excellent plated dessert knives and forks, with ivory handles and silver ferrules An elegant circular egg boiler, on lamp stand, with chased silver leaf borders, and 2 plated corbeille wires, occasionally to form a centre table orna- ment Two pair of handsome table candlesticks, with bold silver gadroon and shell borders . A pair of ditto snuffers.and tray, with bold gadroon - silver borders, and 3 pair of handsome ditto nut crackers AN ELEGANT GLOBULAR SHAPED TEA KETTLE, with lamp and stand, ornamented with frosted silver flower knob A handsome circular egg stand, with silver gadroon borders, 6 cups, gilt inside, and 4 spoons A neat 8-inch circular waiter, with shell and gadroon border, and a ditto waiter, with gadroon border A handsome double wine coaster on wheel carriage, with silver shell border 18 19 20 12 Two pairof neat fluted decanter stands Four pair of handsome plated nut crackers, and a ditto circular chamber candlestick with silver borders, snuffers and extinguisher A handsome plated toast rack, with silver shell and gadroon border, and a circular plated lamp stand for coflee pot A circular shaped chamber candlestick with snuf- fers and extinguisher, a neat ditto toast rack, gadroon border, a pair of ditto knife rests and 11 plated corks A CAPITAL LARGE WAINSCOT PLATE CHEST, iron clampt, and fitted with 6 sliding trays, lined with green baize, lock and key End of the First Day’s Sale. Mr. GEO. ROBENS’s SECOND DAY’S SALE, ON THE PREMISES, No.102, Great Russell Street, BLOOMSBURY, On TUESDAY, the 22nd of MARCH, 1836, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. UPPER FLOOR. No. 8. Left-hand Back Bed Room, Smal . O 1 A 4 feet-3 beech half tester bedstead, with blue check furniture, valance and lath 2 A thick hair mattrass, ticken case, and a thick mattrass, bordered ticken case 3 Anexcellent goose feather bed, bordered tick, bolster and pillow 4 Three fine blankets and a white cotton counterpane 5 An excellent 4-feet japanned bamboo pattern field beds:ead, with neat printed cotton hangings, lined with maroone calico, and bases 6 A thick hair mattrass, ticken case 7 An excellent seasoned goose feather bed, bolster and 2 pillows 8S Yur Or No. 16. LINEN. Three pair of fine large Irish sheets One and a half pair of ditto Two pair of extra large ditto Two and a half pair of ditto Five pair of fine Irish pillow cases Two pair of servants’ Russia sheets Two pair of ditto A handsome fine German damask table cloth, 4 yards long Two ditto, each 3} yards long A ditto, 3! yards long, and a ditto, 2? yards Two ditto, 23 yards, and 2 ditto, 24 vards A handsome Irish damask table cloth, 4 yards long A ditto, same size Three smaller ditto table cloths Two ditto Eighteen handsome German damask table napkins Three large ditto tray cloths and 5 foreign diaper tray napkins. Twelve handsome foreign damask d’Oyley’s, fringed Eighteen handsome damask pattern table napkins A. superfine 14-4 white Marseilles quilt A ditto 12-4 ditto A fine 15-4 white cotton counterpane and a 12-4 ditto Four fine large long cloth bed covers with deep frills Two smaller ditto bed covers and 19 diaper and muslin toilet table covers Three handsome bordered muslin French morning window curtains and 2 plain ditto A handsome muslin toilet cover, a ditto for wash stand, 2 pair of neat blue striped printed cotton window curtains, lined, and pair of blue flower ditto Four huckaback kitchen table cloths and 6 round towels Two pair of large calico sheets A handsome new maroone damask pattern table cover, 4} yards by 2 30 3l 32 26 A blue and white damask table cover, 12 yards of Scotch damask Holland stair covering and 103 yards of new ditto Two large white skin door mats, 2 small ditto rugs, a large white skin leather mat, a neat fringed urn rug, a quantity of ditto fringe, bell and curtain ropes, &ce. A el green India rubber water-proof hammer cloth GROUND FLOOR. No. I%. The Library. A neat cast iron gothic fender, on feet, set of fire irons, and a Brussels hearth rug Anelegant drab watered moreen French rod window curtain, with valavce, trimmed with bullion fringe, brass pole with end ornaments and large rings, and pair of brass holders A capital gothic pattern winged cheffioneer bookcase, painted in imitation of oak, the upper divisions fitted with 6 shifting and 5 fixed shelves and centre recess ; the lower part enclosed by gothic panels, with folding doors, shelves, &c. 14 feet 9 long and 8 feet high A DITTO WINGED BOOKCASE, WITH ADDITIONAL RETURN WING, the upper division fitted with 18 shifting shelves, the lower part in compartments of gothic panels, with 4 folding & 1 sliding doors and 4 shelves, the centre occupied with a secre- taire drawer, fitted with letter holes, the centre 11 feet and return 6 feet 6 long and 8 feet high An excellent ditto chefioneer bookcase to correspond, the lower part enclosed by folding doors, with antique gothic panels, 4 shelves over with door, fitted with imitation books 6 feet 6 in length and 8 feet high A CAPITAL MASSIVE CARVED GOTHIC PATTERN ELBOW LIBRARY CHAIR, painted in imitation of oak, with hair squab and elbow tablets, covered with drab watered moreen; this chair is so con- structed as to fold over and form a flight of 4 library steps, covered with Brussels carpet 10 AL 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ay ae A DITTO LIBRARY CHAIR, forming steps, covered with drab ground carpeting and RSRONS: to correspond A PAIX OF DITTO CARVED AND PAINTED LIBRARY CHAIRS, with thick hair squabs and elbow rests, covered with drab watered moreen, en-suite A handsome carved gothic octagon library table, painted to match, with 4 square and 4 corner drawers, supported on gothic shaped legs, the tip covered with blue leather A neat gothic pattern painted oak chair, to match, wiih hair squab, covered with drab moreen, and a pair of diito carved gothic foot stools, covered with carpet A handsome oblong ebonized inkstand with drawer, bronze handie and 2 massive cut glasses and stoppers A neat bronze match pot, 2 Jarge marble paper weights, small bronzed bust of Byron, with scroll bracket, and a japanned double object shade A pair of fine bronze busts of BOILEAU AND LA Fon- TAINE, On circular vein marble pedestals, 10 inches high A fine bronze bust of Napoleon, & inches high, and a ditto circular medallion with bust of ditto A pair of uncommonly fine Parisian bronze busts, CHSAR AND SCYLLA, on square sienna marble pedestals, 11 inches high A pair of ditto, CICERO AND - , on ditto pedestals A pair of ditto, HypocRATES AND AUSCULAPIUS, on ditto pedestals An excellent mahogany framed cheval fire screen with 3. slides, covered with neat striped printed cotton, mounted on square pedestal with scroll feet and castors The handsome brown and drab pattern Brussels carpet, in excellent condition, as planned to fire place, 74 yards by 43 20 An excellent Spanish mahogany oval breakfast or R. dining table, on circular pillar pedestal with claw fect and brass castors F Ps i 22 23 24 iN) 10 23 A new red mixture drugget carpet cover, 3 yards by 3, and a black folding camp stool A handsome pattern Turkey carpet, in excellent condition, 34 yards by 3} The handsome maroone ground drugget covering, for a large picture gallery, planned, nearly new, about 13 yards by 73 yards A red mixture carpet cover, 3 yards by 3, 3 pieces of ditto and a green painted elliptic fender with brass bead No. 18. Hall and Staircase. An excellent eight-day spring table clock, with days of the month, by Evans, in handsome rose-wood case with chased brass borders, ornaments, and paw feet, on bronzed shell bracket A handsome walnut-tree carved pier table, style of Louis XIV. with scroll leet and shaped marble top A neat bronze standard patent lamp, with ground glass shade and tube A CAPITAL UPRIGHT BUHL HALL CLOCK, excellent movement, with seconds hand, strikes the hour and half hour, in elegant ebony case, style of Louis XIV. richly inlaid in colored bubl flowers, mas- sivechased scroli and toliage borders & ornaments A handsone brass pole umbrella and hat stand, with 6 branches, ona painted iron tray plinth An excellent wheel barometer and thermometer, by Somalvico, in neat mahogany inlaid frame A handsome brass mounted York passage lamp with glass shade, brass burner, balauce weights and chains The neat painted floor cluth fitted to hall, 24 yards by 2, and 5 yards of yard-wide ditto to passage An excellent mahogany hall chair, on turned and reeded legs, a japanned umbrella stand, piece of blue painted floor cloth to first floor landing, 2 yards by 2 yards, and 5 rope door mats Thirty-three yards of drab & blue ground Brussels stair carpeting to second floor and 43 brass wires 11 cmon nN DD & 29 Fourteen yards of drab ground ditto carpeting to attic stairs and 16 brass wires No. 19. China and Glass. A handsome table set of Devonport stone china, rich enamelled India flower pattern, in soup tureen, cover and stand, hash dish, cover and lining, 4 vegetable dishes and 3 covers, 4 cir- cular casserole dishes & covers, 2 sauce tureens, covers and stands, salad bow], cheese stand, fish plate, 6 dishes in sizes, 2 gravy ditto, 4 oval dessert ditto, 3 oblong ditto, 2 shell ditto, baking dish, 18 soup plates, 20 table ditto and 3 pie ditto A neat Dresden pattern dessert set, painted flowers with green border, in centre dish, 7 compotiers, 2 tureens, covers and stands, and 12 plates A handsome china tea set, painted flower pattern, richly gilt, in 6 tea cups and saucers, 6 coffee cups and saucers, basin and 2 plates A plain French white china ewer and dish, 6 ditto plates, 2 white Dresden bordered dessert dishes and 6 plates, 2 brown fruit plates, a grotesque head inkstand and enamelled cream jug A pair of handsome reeded cut quart claret de- canters and stoppers An elegant reeded cut water ewer and 2 ditto cut tumblers A ditto cut pedestal sugar basin and 6 ditto cut wine glasses A very elegant diamond cut celery vase A pair of neat cut globular shaped quart decanters and stoppers and a ditto claret decanter and stopper to match Nine handsome flat cut ring neck water carafes and 8 ditto cut tumblers Eleven neat engraved vine leaf claret glasses, 6 plain spider stem ditto and 5 liqueur ditto Three pair of elegant diamond cut pine salts and plated stands, with bold silver shell and gadroon borders, gilt insides Co 30 A handsome ring cut oval sweetmeat basket and pair of 7-inch oval diamond cut ditto dishes Twelve neat cut champagne glasses, 6 ditto cut custard cups and 7 cut wine glasses A pair of handsome 9-inch circular frosted glass ice dishes, on pedestals, and a 10-inch centre ditto Eleven frosted glass ice plates A pair of frosted glass decanters and stoppers, with wreaths of vine leaves and grapes Twelve plain finger glasses and ? ditto wine coolers A pair of handsome green glass hock decanters and stoppers, and 6 ditto hock glasses A neat green glass hock decanter and stopper, and 10 ditto hock glasses Six green finger glasses, 5 ditto hyacinth glasses, 2 plain water carafes and an incorporator Twelve excellent white octagon balance handled table knives, with silver ferrules, 12 ditto dessert knives, pair of carvers, and pair of game ditto A butler’s excellent mahogany dinner tray and a capital mahogany folding camp table Two butlers’ mahogany trays and a ditto folding stand A neat bronzed tea urn with plated clock A handsome 30-inch oblong japanned & gilt paper tea tray Three japanned and gilt tea trays, ditto waiter, circular ditto, bread basket, wicker knife basket and 2 square ’japanned tea canisters BASEMENT. No. 20. Kitchen. A stout return iron fender with polished sliding bar, poker, pair of tongs, long handled shovel, “toot man, and oval iron boiling pot and cover Two stout spits and a ditto cradle ditto Three flat irons, 1 stand, 2 box irons with heaters, hanging iron, 2 toasting — cookhold, pair of sugar nippers, chopper, 2 cheese knives and sugar chopper | GNA Os 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 31 Five oval web wire meat covers Five ditto round ditto A copper warming pan and a ditto coal scuttle Seven excellent copper French stewpans & covers A large oval copper boiling pot and cover, ditto tea kettle and a ditto preserving pan An excellent copper helmet coal scuttle A pair of brass candlesticks, ditto flat ditto, brass skillet, 2 ditto hanging footmen and an oval pew- ter water dish A large oval tin fish kettle, plate and cover, large tin saucepan and steamer, and tin dripping pan with well and iron stand Seven oblong block tin dish covers in sizes and a round toast ditto An oval tin fish kettle, plate and cover, 7 tin jelly moulds, dredger, 2 deep candlesticks, coffee pot, 4 baking tins, 2 sets of cutters, sundry tin patties, funnel, and candle box A deal painted salt box, chocolate mull, wooden spoon, 3 sieves, flour tub, paste board, rolling pin, 2 spice boxes, marble mortar and pestle, and 3 large wire meat covers A deal painted compass meat screen, with door and shelf, lined with tin A stout deal 2-flap dining table, 4 yew-tree Wind- sor chairs, and painted table with drawer An excellent 8-day dial, by Mawley, in black japan- ned and gilt case An excellent deal painted wainscot color press, with pair of folding panelled doors, 2 shelves, and 2 drawers, 6 feet high and 3 feet wide A drab ground Brussels carpet, planned to fire place, 5 by 4 yards A stone water barrel with brass cock, brown bread pan and cover, 4 ditto jars and covers, stone pitcher, 11 ditto pickling jars, a red dish, 4 white plates, 2 jugs and 24 white preserving pots An excellent six-gallon patent filter, by Robins, with patent tap, and square deal painted pedestal stand with door and 2 shelves 22 Ct = me Fi me se pe ae ~4 < 32 A large deal painted meat safe with pair Sat folding canvass doors and shelf, and a beating horse No. 21. Footman’s Pantry. oo. A pierced elliptic fender, 2 frying pans, gridicons _ wire fire guard, iron standard with beam & scale, 4 large iron weights,-2 oil cans and filler | A wainscot napkin) press. with drawer, on deal framed stand A 2-feet-10 deal painted: chest of 4 drawers with — locks, &e. A deal table with arate si ‘get of deal rneiss ar oneen bowl, iron bound pail, three-leaf clothes horse, coal shovel, board for an inscription and os roller for blind - 4 ae A quantity of enamelled Dutch dairy tiles and diter empty wine bottles About 14 ton of coals, more or less - oe quantity of fire wood in front and. back wants No. 22. Garden. Two neat 3-feet-2 iron railed garden seit a, An excellent 15-inch iron garden roller with balance A pair of neat green stone garden seats, 2 iron — framed scrapers, large tin watering pot and 2 flower boxes with wire tops | Three large iron bound tubs with plants, 2 railed foot stands, 4 mignionette boxes, 2 smaller ditto, — a deal circular table and aun amply? ‘eetea pots — . 2 f on o &> Lee ‘a THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 4836 Mar 21 LoROM © on Ro ie Lele egant furniture. ‘ing ii +] Hb — eh Naa Oe e = Ss aes — + Ly co a 7 i ae ‘ My Hl CaN ot AO, ; a = att Se —— ie => 4 t ii —— Se — s+ eS SE ee ——— a oe oe et py A es i oy ) lin re a Oe A rf i qi ia AR aera at A} ui ee ie = SS —— ie ae AnD os aN ihn ach he Pet i . oD eerie — =a eat ie es a rk. 7 fag cal 4 uN iy i Fler ein cate ae tintet Hints | i MIEN ; aa aie i ten ee vi : oe an ve Peat Nan i miUWAnee in a a - o Ms Hane ; ‘ pi iM ta ny , Ma) : ' is oka) co i i te y ‘i Sa ao ; ie ms Ay art) in a t A) Ha Feit Ae AY oS raed We ay uaa a } a ee ue aa: Ll dat ean a Gigi SEO aed) erage a i: hi oi dint es a hye eh ce ie ett r, Sta ESHA. 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