‘ ; , x ; : i : femenea ineske ite g y Speier ene e nen resto se: je guy’ : ee at pt ty ae ty hay SPRUE han A EN Od TY NO Uh EP (> bps ee 2 ea ee aly ans 9 ten it wean (ay Pacer Err oLt te} Sukie ERA @ Ue Leas hoe" Lasts ae easy tetlt Werecihe eta eth cece ite supp TPs Bai awh eho um Bd he ts ee 5 tigi ey ¢ on ftw SA hestl om ple Pine ist ’ aol ok ROE Dot “y* sya ane te iia uy ht ih hic ed i) ure ‘ Wiad Tie te Meu ene wee he f Marccasesie y bt ysigee ey ester : apty reer tn 1 : | cyte Pitta . Bite, Peers yd ah t Sil kiDahd te ey A PRE Be De RC ea a a a dyed ak belt + a CEL OPIe DE Tab, cy cu ate th e Eye ee is eehey ae sgt wa ny “te . a i its v act haope et gate te aot WW cbard oe a el eure a PET hence ir eH AR WADA, tent tr HA ye rh tate nact %, > Hoa; im ney i eat te eer WELL oe ey ee AL Led Saw, 2 “ +4 90H°S*V “T° 4SV Peureg nay tM’. 68 oD % Aey uewsTtTEaS'y UTE YsSuEACT* T*\V oD % Aey uemittes’y *L Z2y¥ ueuees *STTS) JteZsequtreTi OUMOL *.2/T ze fowe 4 To’ L uneld HV IS0le]] 622100 InqT tM’ Lf TTemell * af co | ING TEM’ LS “L° SY Ueurees Adem se[Tszeuo’ sal UTOZSUEMO'T AR Bait f yoo tqouy fd * M°VZV PourEd uBtised{°O°H SBeqUtO’d 12080 aekng "SST "HST “EST "2ST “IST ‘OST “671 “SPT *LYT *OPT *S7T *PyT "EhT ‘SFT “TFT “OPT *6ET "SST “LET "OCT "SET "PET "EET "SET “TET "OET “6ST “oN Wools H's FLLOAT TOV ING TEMS TIZCATTO'V *STTeD UOySuTTsy INC TM’ L *STTe) dessequte Ti Qgefi se Treyo* say ING TTM® £2 AINQTTM' f° 4h UTELSUOMOT* TV Jeol1el] es100e4 uopsuy or *V ao TT@MoN ° 271 umes” a" V "LL o3y weuees InqgT th’ Lf unelg ‘av "if ZIBYyyooTl*H yoortqoux’f*d *STTe) uoysut Tay WLOY perl Mi IeaysmMmety Mh’ o qqem* sey O° ssi =f ° BY ‘urpure ecg “If yrceyyoOT°H *I°u'zsy uemees 7 Suki orte. ee Liewent oatz motsanelL «A ~sOTDH aetere tietscewo! 2A ° 2 Sue tu LIV. ta ddew. seeiiwseid.eth rs ,elis® teqtecarel> wi ” 4 24 — a = nt r : raise oh ~ wl ada 7 —e , = ie € e - ® v . -*! lant yt Le ae f i Ly a ei at tf Vs “er * . xno * , ~ » * * ) FF ta ty OF ee ae vo Vs i. bs HH tabs Fs. *- Mow ry me ee -—_ been added examples from the JULES PORGNS Collec luable Paintings collected a « <, mie American Art Galleries, Apr.19-20, 1923. Buyer L.Berizzi H.Schultheis Arlington Galls. Herbert C.Freeman C.W. Kraushaer Leo Kaufman T.C. Dawson K.J,.Huber Welter Drew " E.J. Huber E.B.Springs Li] H.Schultheis A. Johnston E.B.Springs Arlington Galls. J.F. Feder Jos.Gerli E.B.Springs J.F. Feder T.Weiteneyer I.Polivnick DrW.. Timme M.B.Metcalf, Jr. E.J.Huber M.B.Metcalf, Jr. P.J.Knobloch M.B.Metcalf, Jr. E.H.Block F.K.Richards A.L. Lowenstein A.C.Balch E.B.Springs H.Schultheis J.F.¥eder W.H.McGrann Sam Schepps R.Clarkson E.H.Block Chas.W.Ogden Ralph P.Ross Bernet, Agt.H. E.B.Springs E.H.Block WmBienchi Louis Ralston & Son B.Voss Wm. Bianchi H.L.Williems by Mr.D.G. D: No. 51. 52. 53, 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. “tae 73. 74, 75. 76. ws 78. 79. 80. 81. 82, 83. 89. 91. Price $ 350. 220. 1,700. 400. 210. 850. 240. 550. 475. 400. 140. 340. 120. 220. 1,000. 150. 950. 2,600. 600, 2,100. 1,550, 1,550; 475, 725. 325. 80. 55. 210. Jia 110. 230, 210. 400. 110. 190. 400. tion of Paris, sold at - Buyer E.B.Springs F.F. Nicola Leo Kaufman W. Bianchi Dr.E.Cadgene E.B.Springs A.L. Lowenstein J.F.Feder Leo Kaufman W.F.Schlemmer F.K.Richards H.F. Feder, Leo Elwyn F.F.Nicola Dr.E.Cadgene Mr. Aean Jos.Gerli Louis Ralston & Sons H.Schultheis 9 E.B.Sppings Bernet, Agt.¥. #.E.Regan H.Schuitheis Bernet Agt.H. Seaman, agt. A. Johnston E.G.Block A.L. Lowenstein Seaman Agt T. E.HBlock Bernet Act.W. P.J.Knobloch A.EBraun Oscar B.Cintas M.J.Roujy Emanuel Gerli S.W.Ehrich Emanuel Gerli K. Rhoades Dr. A. Kahanowicz Seaman Agt.T. MrsPowell F. Boucher Bernet Agt.A. Mr. Newall A. Johnston E.B.Springs Bernet Act.W. M.J.Roujy Nee PU She: eel as j Se pis 4 > ee . “TF f 21—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 151% inches; length, 22 inches : = / Wa 5 ¢ Fede Low and flattened dune lands in sunshine at the édge of a white sea, which glistens in the distance, the light shimmering also on the sur- face of a stream in the middle distance emptying to the sea far out at the left. On the sands and among the grasses, a white cow and a red cow with a white face, lying down, and a black cow standing. Beyond them a boat drawn up from an inlet, and an ox cart with figures working about it. Signed at the lower right, EM. van Marcxe. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 22 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE Wr Lo st Height, 1014 mches; length, 1334 fey 4 At right in middle distance the point of a wood luminously silhouetted before a light sky, with reflections of sky and foliage in a pool before it and the suggestion of a figure in the shadows. At left a treeless grassy bank abutting the stream, and far to the distance a level stretch of land or water reaching to the horizon. The light of day- break, and in the centre of the immediate foreground a figure standing against a slender beech and with raised right hand pointing to a spot in the empyrean. Signed at lower left, Coror. At lower right the stamp, Vente Coror. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Frencu: 1814-—1875 023 TWO PENCIL DRAWINGS IN ONE FRAME 2 Height (complete) 19°4 inches; tbe inches Oxe a group of several figures, oa a COW, a study apparently for -some elaborate composition. The other a figure in a boat, with an- other tall figure appearing as walking on the water. Signed (each) at the lower leh J. F. M. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Frencu: 1814—1875 24—A YOUNG GIRL EATING AN APPLE Height, 22 inches; width, 1814, inches LOGE Se ares yp pe OP Dr ts Haxr-Lencru portrait of a young girl, entering womanhood, figure to front and head turned slightly toward her right, a peasant of fair complexion for the rough life, with pinkish cheeks, and eyes a little tired. She is seated, and leans slightly forward, resting her right elbow aud her left. hand on a chairback or ledge which comes to view at the bottom of the picture. Her right hand carries to her mouth a succulent fruit whose generous size does not tax the capacity of flexile lips, and as the juice is yielded the expression of the girl is one of placid contentment. She is wearing a coat of mottled and soft grayish-green, over a gray-black waist above which a single white spot, the tip of an under garment, shows at the throat. Light from the left illumines a part of her face and reflects softly from the breast of her | coat; the background dark. Signed at the lower right, J. F. Mitiet. (Illustrated) Ne Ea ee a CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 25—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES —! (Panel) Height, 1234 inches; length, 231 inches * 5 Mn.B. Weel AFTER-SUNSET view of a shallow and marshy stream with green banks and bordering woods, and a village at centre of the far distance en- closed by the trees and dominated by its single church with a pointed spire. The stream and its banks fill foreground and middle distance, and at the left some small boats are drawn up at a gray shed, and two figures are observed near by. The whole in the gloaming of a showery day. Signed at the lower right, DauBieny. JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1812—1889 26—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE ba (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches —. 2.) Maher In the foreground rich green coarse grasses partly in clowd shadow, -_ and in middle distance at right two cows and a single white waisted | - figure with a red cap, chine in part a slant of sunshine, before . a varied clump of trees. At left and in the distance, marshy meadows where more cattle are seen, and flat lands dotted with habitations. Signed at the lower left, J. Dupre. CHARLES LINFORD ConNTEMPORARY 27—_LANDSCAPE h Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches { ForEcrounp green meadows are threaded by a meandering brook, : a — across which a plain and low board foot bridge and an irregular path 76 lead to a white farm house in the distance, with an outbuilding oppo- site it. To right are tree stumps, and across the backgr ound are green woods whose foliage is turning to brown. Signed at the lower left, C. Linrorn ; and again on the back with the date 1888. HANS MAKART Austrian: 1840—1884 23—LEDA AND THE SWAN Height, 15 inches; length, 18 oy Wee | Lepa reclines on her draperies on the green bank’ of a lily pond, her feet dipping into the water and figure turned toward the spectator. Back of her the swan has walked ashore and approached with spread wings, which she strokes fondly. The group against a background of dense green foliage. aan Signed at the lower right, H. Maxart. BRUCE CRANH, N.A, AMERICAN: 1857— 29—_SUNSET Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches MB. Licut has faded in the foreground and herbage details are seen dimly, on the left, before a dense copse of brownish trees, and over meadows on the right, while a stream on the right brightens with subdued re- flections of clouds, whose darker sides toward the earth are gray. Beyond them the sky is luminous with rich golden light from the de- parted sun, and the cloud edges show a rich golden-orange reflection. Signed at the lower left, BRucE CRANE. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845— 30—H AILING THE FERRY Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Th , Ar left shrubbery and a green wood of slender trees Ml olate and placid river, its smooth surface a mirror of violet clouds and green banks, of bluish and gray boathouses and brown boats, and of creamy- white buildings which stand high on the farther shore. In the fore- ground a rosy cheeked maiden of the peasantry stands in a gray path leading to the water. She is seen in profile to the right, one hand raised to her mouth, and calling for a ferryman; in her other hand she holds a great brass jug. Signed at the lower left, Ripcway Knicurt, Paris. THOMAS SULLY -. American: 1783—1872 31—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN (Board) 0. Height, 231% inches; width, 1714 BS v RPthir 7) ‘ Fuut bust portrait of a young lady in a broadly décolleté and simple gown of pale olive, partly enclosed by a coat of soft rose hue which has been dropped from one shoulder. She faces the observer, with large brown eyes bent on him, her finely regular and oval features, with cheeks delicately pink, framed by her soft brown hair, which is parted and smoothly brushed down the temples while a single elongated ringlet droops to her neck back of either ear. She wears a broad and dark hat, set at an angle, and trimmed in rose with a touch of blue. Dark neutral background glowing with emerald lights. Found m Paris a generation ago. THOMAS SULLY AMERICAN: 1783—1872 32—PORTRAIT OF THE ARTISTS DAUGHTER ‘ “ROSALIE” / Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches ISS. : eae A PLEASANT-FEATURED young woman, with small mouth, and large eyes whose color almost matches the rich and soft brown of her hair, save that the hair trends toward a warm reddish hue in its deeper masses; sensitive nostrils, and creamy cheeks flushing to rose. She is observed head and shoulders, the figure to left and shoulders nude, and her face turned to the spectator, and she rests her chin on her hand. Note: Engraved. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 id Height, 1214 inches; width, 91% in se A do In the woods with a painter who loved them an seh er at- | mosphere as well as their forms and colors to his canvases and their ne admirers. A woodland way leads with easy wanderings from an open “| 75 ' foreground to a distant clearing, trunks tall and brown and gray and trunks slender on either hand; overhead for some distance the um- brageous arch is a dense and deep green with patches of autumn brown, and farther away the branches part and reveal glimpses of the sky. In the foreground a small spring pool, and in the middle distance a girl in a white cap seated on the ground. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyant, 1877. ‘From the George A. Hearn Collection, New York, 1918. 44+ 5 Go0- th 2 : ian SC CHARLES JOSHUA CHAPLIN } a) Pe ae () ; Frencu: 1825—1891 j 34—PREPARING FOR THE BATH Shs. Height, 161/, inches; width, 10%, inches € 6. Y pacomaey A In the foreground and facing the spectator, a young woman stands | nude, holding with arms crossed at her breast a gauze drapery which falls to her feet. Her head is turned slightly toward her right shoul- | der, and her lower limbs are reflected in the water of the pool into 4 which she is about to step. At either side a flower basket and an old- rose drapery; the surroundings light woods and shrubbery. Signed at the lower left, Cu. CHaprr. From the. Charles Stewart Smith Collection, New York, 1918.-#/07., Po IS ke [XX ee eee FRANZ VON DEFREGGER AvusTRiAN: 1835— (35—THE LOVE LETTER AA (Panel) peau igh “14 inches: width 14 wcl i 34-0 Height, 1714 inches; width, 114% mches y ; 8 : G, STANDING in a gray informal pathway, which has just led her through a farm gate and along a steep green hillside, a blond maiden of the upper peasantry who faces the spectator on her way to the right is reading a love letter as she pauses. Its contents give her a happy expression. She wears a broad hat covering her braided hair, and she holds in her hand a heavy farm rake. A blue apron rolled up exposes her brown-gray skirt, and she wears a dark and open sacque over a red and green waist. “Signed on a rock at the right, DerrEccER. From the Peter A. Schemm Collection, 1911-#2N3 “PTS. Xb, — = FERDINAND VICTOR LEON ROYBET Frencu: 1840—1920 36—A PLEASED CAVALIER (Panel) Height, 15°84 inches; width, 1214 inches 5 / ) a 23 0, 4. Diets. ) 3 Wrrutn the entrance of a gray room with stained glass wiridows, step- | ping forward and toward the left a tall cavalier is observed, hat in hand and casually bowing, and smiling in greeting someone unseen by the observer. His face is in profile and his smile eager. He has black hair and wears a white ruff, an elaborately adorned emerald doublet, and knee skirts of dark aubergine hue; sleeves and boots gray. Signed at the lower left, F. Royser. ~ AUGUST FREDERIC ALBRECHT SCHENCK GERMAN: 1828—1900 37 _SHEPHERD AND FLOCK . IN A SNOW STORM Height, 15°4, inches; length, 1984 imches 50. W, 4, Me THE snow lies deep on level ground and on gentle slopes, whil¢/ rocks uncovered are seen outstanding at left and right. Through a broad level stretch between the rocks a shepherd leads his sheep, away from the observer and toward a golden setting sun which casts long shadows over the snow, while the wind drives drifting snow into the faces of man and animals. Signed at the lower right, ScHENCK. DIOR BERGLER Bouemian: 1759—1809 88--NYMPHS AT THE BATH | | : _ Height, 16 inches; length, 231% inches E ee Sau Skid fo ____ Ar a fountain pool in a grotto of a wooded park six nymphs have ( Vv. gathered, some seated and some standing, with feet in the pool, some busy at toilet after the bath and some idling in repose. No two are in like attitudes, and all are nude save for variously disposed draperies ____ of olive and blue, white and purple-rose. DIOR BERGLER BoueEemian: 1759—1809 39—TOILET OF VENUS I } Height, 16 inches; length, 2314 inches \ 4 Venus nude with an azure drapery thrown over knees is seated before ** a draped background, one of her maids in pale orange adjusting her ; sandals and one in pale olive dressing her hair, which is adorned with a rope of pearls. Others attend, one in mauve and one demi-nue. Distant at left, a landscape. BELA VON SPANYI Austrian: 1852— 40—IN THE WOODS (Panel) Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Ar right and left tall beeches rise at the border of a foreground pond, and a pile of brush has been gathered at the right. At the edge of the water, on the farther side, a number of cows of various colors have assembled, from a meadow in a middle distance soars which is lighted from a bright blue and white sky. Signed at the lower right Spanyi, P., 1888. Evhibited at the International Exhibition, Munich. EMILIO SANCHEZ PERRIER SpanisH: 1853—1907 41— SPRING IN ALCALA (Panel) Height, 161% inches; length, 22 imches UW. Mipway of the picture, at the centre of the middle dist ce, a slow moving river emerges from the right, between banks clothed with bushes and bushy trees whose spring foliage is in delicate notes of soft green _ and soft bluish-green. Across the background is the crown of a gently © sloping hill, its surface the soft brown of a freshly plowed field. The stream coming forward ‘placidly, reflects the hill and its own green banks. At left near the foreground a boy sits fishing. Signed at the lower left, EK. SAaNcHEZ PERRIER. - AIME PERRET Frencu: 1847— 42 GIRL WAITING FOR BOATMAN / | () Height, 18 inches; length, 2184 inches | 4 age Ge: ‘A Kat Ko ALE | aN a narrow river winding between green banks dnd sparkling with color in the reflections and refractions from a lumineus sky, an old boatman is rowing in the foreground toward the bank at the left, where a peasant girl stands at the water’s edge and near the end of a plowed field, an empty basket beside her. She is in brown and red, and heavy sabots, and already is exchanging speech with a sister in the approach- ing boat. Signed at the lower left, Aimé PERRET. ALFRED VON WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI PouisH: 1849— 43--RUSSIAN STREET SCENE AT NIGHT Height 26 inches; length, 19 inches + he / Yacur from a moon unseen, in a sky from which shower clouds are 2 an 1] V0. appearing, glistens on the surface of a broad street or road in a con- oa \A siderable but scattered village, many of whose houses are seen in the y background and others nearer by at right and left. Coming toward ‘the spectator is a carriage and four, with bright lamps beside the driver, who whips up his hastening team. To rear is a peasant’s ve- hicle with two horses, and a led horse beside it, and at hand men stand in conversation. Signed at the lower right, Aur. Wierusz-Kowatskl. From the Isaac Stern Collection, New York, 1912-#/26 2 ys O-~ b.4, Mew ee ney (ethas otros JOHANNES HUBERTUS LEONARDUS DE HAAS Beuteian: 1832—1880 44—CATTLE AT PASTURE | / [) ¢ (Panel) | ) 5 ; Height, 18 inches; length, 25 inches . ae | | 0 Y , 2B 1 } | Routure fields of flat lands in the Low Countries are gréen with lus i - and deep grass and sprinkled with patches of weeds of differing color, 1, and extend far and wide, with habitations indicated in the distance. : Under a sky laden with moisture but with the high sun casting shadows, cattle wander and graze, and in the foreground a white and : black cow and two red and white ones face the observer. | Signed at the lower right, J. H. L. pz Haas. JEAN BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: CONTEMPORARY 45—MOUNTED SOLDIER \0 : (Panel) { / Height, 2114, inches; width, 16 inches y, 10, 2K, OLLLK. Own a brown horse with black feet and white nose a soldier in blue trou- sers, red coat and bearskin cap sits facing the right, holding a musket across his saddle-bows. Green grass and sandy earth, and in the back- ground trees and a hedge and beyond them some town buildings. Signed at the lower right, Jean Berne-Beviecour, 1908. } i X JOHANN GEORG MEYER VON BREMEN GERMAN: 1813 1886 46—THE FLOWER GIRL J; | S ee Height, 2114 inches; width, 15 inches F Sh Teun ic : ian. A pLuMpP, rosy and smiling young girl who has gathered a large bas- ketful of flowers is walking toward the left m front of a dark wood, and pausing a moment directs over her left shoulder a pert and pleas- ant smile at the observer. She is in a broad but soft light against the dark background, and is depicted at three-quarters length. She wears a white underwaist with a short green bodice, and a dark skirt, with a red kerchief tied about her shoulders. Signed at the lower left, Meyer von Bremen, Bertin, 1882. GABRIEL CORNELIUS VON MAX GERMAN: 1840— os 47—-GIRL’S HEAD = + \ |): Height, 20 inches; width, 1614 egy | UU, ot ens Ken : eee Heap and shoulders perieaie of a blond young lady Pactehe F k | ! soulful brown eyes, to left, three-quarters front, her face in a full soft : i G light against a dark nebulous background. She leans forward upon her right elbow, with the right hand brought up to support her chin, and the hand and her loose and wavy blond hair share in the light that _ so softly illumines her face. She wears a black cap, with a loose flap _ overhanging on her right. - Signed at the upper right, G. Max. =a j From the Isaac Sain Collection, New York, 1912.-%, tA. fh 2S: 4 XI, tMlcey | JOHANN GEORG MEYER VON BREMEN GERMAN: 1813—1886 48—BLIND MANS BUFF | 60" yf ay A, Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches ee. "We ; / | Hire behind a round-arched heavy wooden door which opens toward i the observer, and under a table in the forward room, a young girl and | three smaller children in silence aim to elude a little girl Dn rce who enters from the rear room. She carries a doll, and “peeks” i little as she enters. On the walls are kitchen utensils and on the Hen i 3 al - H some vegetables are lying. Signed at the lower right, Mryrr von BreMEN, 1861. | From the Isaac Stern Collection, New York, 1912. -F/OK + Yio 8b, Mary MK £919, fora hh fL. tect Sarco Monten Jo BE PREX + Sold. Seanad Mewes bub 1887. BMKKK LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN: 1829—1910 49—THE AGED KNITTER AND HER PET BIRD Height, 2214 inches; width, 1814 inches Ses [AMAL bit4 SEATED on a high-backed chair upholstered in green an old woman in a brown dress and black sacque has paused at her knitting and in- terests herself in a white bird that has come out of its cage and stand- ing on her work basket has caught a strand of her working material in its beak. She is white haired and wears a black cap, and a red kerchief about her neck. Signed at the lower right, L. Knaus, 1876. JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN-CONSTANT Frencu: 1845—1902 50—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN f IN A CHARACTER PART () Height, 24 inches; width, 191% inches ; ry al 130. Nagas ) | Hieuty decorative portrait, at half-length, of a tall and queenly young woman whose red and golden hair, parted at the centre of the fore- head, falls loosely but with careful direction before and back of her shoulders, and is surmounted by a golden and jeweled crown from which elaborately mounted medallions depend at either side of her face. Décolleté waist of deep cerulean tone, with a golden and jeweled sleeve- less mantle over her shoulders. Figure to right, three-quarters front, and face turned to the front over her right shoulder. In her right hand a large clasped volume with jewels set in the binding. Signed at the lower right, Bensn. Constant. JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Frencu: 1848—1912 \ 51—-COMMANDER DIRECTING ‘ A CAVALRY CHARGE " Pe ; Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches ie 2 6, A patntine which won the award of the Grand Prix at the Salon. In the foreground a high officer in brilliant uniform and wearing his dec- orations, riding a black charger which is headed away and toward the right, turns in his saddle and looks back directly at the observer; a portrait. At his side and a little arear at left, his bugler on a white horse is sounding the charge, and at right in the distance the red coated cavalrymen are galloping ahead. Signed at the lower left, Envouarp Derariir, 1895. JOSE DOMINGO SPANISH: 1843— 52—CAVALIER DRINKING ) 4 (Panel) Height, 2544 inches; width, 18 inches Z q Nols. gs TALL man in crimson garb, with slashed sleeves, breeches coming ‘half-way below his knees, and a loose and wrinkled broad-spreading white collar stands astride a bench at an inn, a refreshing glass half emptied in his left hand and his right hand raised in happy gesture toward the observer. He rejoices and laughs in initial inebriety, hail- ing the expectation of a convivial companion. His large hat is on the floor and a pitcher of his favorite tipple on the bench. Beyond a pillar two other men are visible. Signed at the lower right, Dominco, 1881. From Alex. Blumenstiel Collection, New York, 1906.-#6/ p/000- Seote rLley FRITS THAULOW Norwecisan: 1847—1906 583—COTTAGES ON THE BANK . OF THE MILL STREAM (}; Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches leg bok dus Wa Enterine the picture in the middle distance at left, about a low green point, a gray stream comes forward rapidly, broadening to occupy the ~ entire foreground, its rippling surface colored with the shadows of tree trunks and the reflections of brilliant spring blossoms, which line the farther bank in the distance and on the right. Beyond the flower- ing shrubbery and trees stand gray and creamy cottages with roofs of various colors, under a robin’s-egg sky veiled with light nebule. Signed at the lower right, Frirs THautow. LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN: 1829—1910 54—OLD MAN SEATED AT TABLE Height, 28 mches; width, 19 inches Drowstne over his humble refreshment of sausage and a glass, an old and wrinkled, clean shaven man faces the spectator as he leans back against the wall of a gray room, in a corner of which he is seated. He is in brown and red and green and white, and wears a soft black cap. He leans his head upon his left hand, with elbow resting on the wooden table at his side, where a gray cat sits quietly keeping him _— company. Signed at the lower right, L. Knaus, 1874. LEO LERCH : GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 55—REPOSE z (Oval) "\ \ 9, Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches ies : A D. Oy. ee Cad pines Recrinine after a bath, a meditative beauty of youthful years is ob- ; served at less than half-length, her body prone, her head raised against a tall white cushion and an arm thrown back over her head. Light from above illumines her soft red hair and reflects from her nude breast, while her face is thrown into transparent shadow. - Signed at the left centre, Lro Lercu. JULES WORMS / /j/ fg FrencH: 1832—1881 ( ) LAY ees 56-—SPANISH STREET SCENE™ ~ | Q. Height, 20 wches; length, 24 inches ksw., fey AN open space in a Spanish town, with white and grayish buildin with brownish roofs at either hand and forming angles with a trans- verse street in the middle distance; more buildings and a brown moun- tain in the background. In the foreground a padré on a white ass, a man and woman in gay colors contemplating a gig whose standing driver offers his services, and other figures beyond the group. Signed at the lower left, J. Worms. AIME PERRET Frencu: 1847— 57—LA TRICOTEUSE ‘ «3 Height, 284 inches; ie: we ; SEATED at the foot of a tree, one of two of somewhat sinuous trunks, a tall young peasant woman is knitting with blue yarn; she wears a dark green blouse with a tawny skirt which takes the blouse’s color reflec- tions, and a red cap. She faces the left, three-quarters front, and looking up from her work gazes into space. In the green countryside beyond her are cottages, and a shepherdess who stands guarding her sheep. Signed at the lower right, Aimé PERRET. A A i ht rt lt a aR * A oe 1 ot ALEXANDRE GEORGES HENRI REGNAULT Frencu: 1843—1871 | a | 3 58—_ALGERIAN DANCER | Height, 32 inches; width, 234% mches On a long Oriental rug of warm red, simply decorated’ in green and - “black, a tall and dark skinned girl of robust yet supple development is dancing,—caught momentarily in a pose singularly graceful, not- ably in the nude upper body; from hips to ankles she is enwrapped in a varicolored garment of lateral stripes. Jeweled bracelets and golden chains adorn arms and bust, and in the dark, bushy hair massed above her shoulders are thrust leaves of red and green. Seated on the floor at her side a younger girl, with face in shadow, plays music for her on a lute. Signed at the upper left, H R (monogram). From the Hazeltine Collection, Philadelphia, 1913. Ma oe HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 -59—LANDSCAPE e's Height, 24 inches; length, 391 inches \ A TaN ; ed +78 Ar right a clump of trees, silvery and gray, slender and stout, standing in grass between a narrow footpath and a pond, over which one of them leans far, the tops of the others rising above the picture. At left, across the pond, some pollards, with rushes rising from the water in front of them, and in the distance green rolling fields dotted with trees turning to autumnal hues. Signed at the lower right, H. Harpientes, 1882. MM. i DAVID ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ i) UT German: 1837—1890 60—KNITTING AT THE BEACH Height, 2414 inches; length, 35% inches Own a sand dune overgrown with grass of soft green hue and dotted here tests, small wildflowers of yellow and white, a young Dutch woman in a white cap and wearing a suit of tawny tone is seated, knitting. Over her lap is spread a black apron or robe, against which falls the soft. purple of her knitting. She is observed in profile to left, and further to left in the middle distance a sloop-rigged working boat has just been run upon the beach, and figures appear in the shallows about it. Signed at the lower right, Arrz. PIERRE AUGUSTE COT Frencu: 1837—1883 61—IDEAL HEAD OF A GIRL tee4 Height, 28 inches; width, 22 a D | ] Emercine from between white and greenish silken curtains after her J W Ovath, a young girl stepping from the right toward the left turns her pretty head and looks across her left shoulder toward the observer, smiling, and raising a finger to her chin; her nude shoulders appear above the curtain folds, and down her shoulders hangs her long light — brown hair. | } Signed at the lower right, P. A. Cot, 1859. From the Paul Morton and Mrs. R. G. Dun Sale. Sy lh ~ #04 Bil0- FREDERICK HENDRIK KAEMMERER Dutrcu: 1839—1902 62—SITTING FOR HER PORTRAIT | | | Height, 32 inches; width, 22 imches 4 1 \ A nicx and well lighted Old World studio, and an old artist in white 4 xf peruke on an extemporized seat at the right, painting on a large oval | 3 df) , canvas which is fixed to his easel, and studying his sitter. The artist is in a brown Court coat and knee breeches, with white stockings. His sitter, a lady of the period, wears a rose gown whose ornamentation is silver-white, waist tight and low cut; powdered and high coiffure. She is seated in a tapestried armchair with her feet on a tapestried cushion, on an improvised model stand—a packing-box called to this service. Signed at the lower left, F. H. KAEMMERER. From M. Knoedler & Co., New York. (Illustrated) FRENCH SCHOOL 68—_THE EMPRESS EUGENIE Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches Porrrair at a little more than half length, standing; in a conserva- tory, and all but embraced by the laurel-green leaves of her floral back- ground,—a bank of rich and beautiful rhododendron, a glowing crim- son bloom of which she has plucked and holds in one hand. The beau- tiful Spanish woman faces the observer with a pensive smile. She 1s clad in a simple garment of soft white, lightly pinned with gold at the arms and drooping from her shoulders, revealing her breast. Her right hand clasps the folds of a rich mantle of mauve which hangs about her arms. | pA, PROF. ELIMAR ULRICH BRUNO PIGLHEIN GERMAN: 1848—1898 64—M ADONNA AND CHILD Height, 3414 inches; width, 32 inches 144 ite Aw unusual and very modern figure, for the Madonna, a young woman standing rigidly erect and appearing at three-quarters length, and holding within her left arm an equally modern and unusual boy to be used as a type for the Child. The Mother is clad in brown, and carries a purple-rose mantle on which she holds the Child. A black veil crosses” her breast, and a golden. nimbus encircles her head, Background aerial and sombre. i ; From M. Knoedler & Company, 1890. | From the collection of Col. Henry Thomas Chapman of Brooklyn. (Tllustrated) EDWARD GRUTZNER GERMAN: 1846—1 878 65—-MONKS MAKING WINE Height, 2114 inches; length, 3414 imches Or. €. In a capacious wine cellar heavily beamed and pillared, and well high d froma high window and a portcullised archway, monks and their as- sistants, incluing young women and an old woman and a youth, are busily at work at wine making. Black grapes fill a huge vat, and a gray donkey has entered bearing a burden of white grapes in a great basket. A cardinal has called, and a , young woman offers him Bares which he is tasting. Signed at the lower left, Ep. Grurzner. = NOE RET IY IEE As AR Codgent. J j a a se . > Pe emp amen unl — Se RG Pe ps a A RT LT a a amma ame ie SR a 66—ON THE RIVER Facine the right and three-quarters front a young Dutch pl DAVID ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ Dh Feet ~GrermMan: 183'7—1890 Height, 211% inches; length, 32 inches 2 A park gray boat heavily built and propelled by heavy sweeps lies _ athwart the view, in the foreground, on a broad and placid pastoral river which takes a sylvan aspect at various points along its borders. In the boat a youth and a maiden, the boy in red jacket and the girl in a dark shawl, accompanied by an older woman well wrapped up, who is seated in the stern; they are being rowed about by a second young man. Signed at the lower right, Arrz. JOSEF ISRAELS Dutrcu: 1824—1911 67—_THE MOTHER AND HER CHILD Height, 361% inches; width, 314% mches mother is ‘seated in a low side chair in a cottage room, with light from a small window on the right falling upon her exposed breast and on the head of the white capped baby which she is suckling. She is in a gray-brown waist and dark blue skirt and wears heavy sabots; the child is frocked in reddish-brown. On a table before her, with a rush- bottomed chair beside it, are a few objects which share in the window’s meagre light, the rest of the room being sombre, the light barely de- fining the reddish tile floor. Signed at the lower right, Josr¥r IsraxEts. (Illustrated) FRANZ VON LENBACH — GrerMan: 1836—1904 jun 68—PRINCEH BISMARCK \ j0. . Height, 371% inches; width, 3414 inches \ \y i : db ads portrait, carried nearly to half-length, without the hands; facing __ the left, three-quarters front; dark background, a strong light on the face. The Iron Chancellor, rigid and with determined look, gray and — seamed, is portrayed in uniform and a great fur cloak, and wears an order on his breast and a glistening helmet. Signed at the lower right, F. Lennacu, 1896. hie . Purchased from the Wm. Schaus Galleries. z y) , i From the Loring Collection, New York, 1917-% Dio «Mle 1b, CU} eas -46500.7 D.G.de A. | a ame: agian = “a i eee Ae 4404 Le. vt Sekt BENJAMIN LOUIS arch VAUTIER | (GERMAN; 1829—1898 69—THE DILIGENCE STATION Height, 3334 inches; length, 51 mches y Ny f Ix the interior of a post station floored partly in boards, See Ine tiles, a miscellaneous company of travelers, waiting. A bearded motel ¥ reads his prayer book, a pretty girls looks pensively ata gold piece — while an admirer studies her, a gallant refreshes himself with wine and E ogles the serving-maid, hungry children cling to an humble mother — who regards wistfully a stout man regaling himself heartily with kid- — neys. An inn of age, with a pierced chair carved “1792.” The persons — appearing number fourteen. sce | Signed at lower right, B. Vautier, "78... From the John H. Converse Collection, Philadelphia. /G//- Pa LS. _ pa ; ne FrvnNt_DX BeslidD. NarkColeetixn, Nxw Nork, NON. =" " MIBALY MUNKACSY. am Huncarian: 1846—1900_ 70—THE FIRST BORN ae a (Panel) Ya a 0 Height, 4214 inches; length, 58% inches ye 2/60. d, Cth uA In an interior variously furnished and decdrated in rich ‘colon: a on | mother gowned in turquoise-blue trimmed with ‘white and black is seated in a high-backed chair on the right, gazing fondly toward the object of her greatest interest, on the left, There two of her young women friends who have called are admiring with smiling faces her — lately arrived offspring, held in the arms of the nurse, wee is also | smiling. | Signed at the lower right, Monetase 1879. WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU > Frencu: 1825—1905 T71I—THE LITTLE POUTER ra | | Height, 4914 inches; width, 34 inches As f ). = : he Z \o2 (58 b, aay) ; SEATED on a low chair near a. fireplace a barefoot little gir “. with light ja brown hair neatly done in waves and braids, rebels at “taking up her — knitting,” and with finger at lips she looks at the spectator and away — _ from an older sister, or a young mother, who seated beyond her smil- — ingly urges her to “be good.” Both figures and faces notably expres- sive; the child’s apparel depicted in notes of gray with white accents, — the elder girl’s displaying a soft red in the ornamented waist, above — a soft blue skirt; the whole against a suave background of gray with smoky shadows. On the wall, utensils of copper and brass. Signed at the lower right, W. BoucuEREAu, 1888. *s —— SAS ee pes epee — = oe eaaapeneceamman sie SS A A REL RN RA SOR Ee ee om eam WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU FRENCH: J 825—1 905 72—SONG OF THE SHELL 4 Height, 51 inches; width, 3324 inches AD yesg. dnit agra \ A FAIR-HAIRED and blue- eyed young bather of generous proportions, — nude and in a bright and soft light before the entrance of a dark grot- — to beside the sea, faces the spectator as she kneels on one knee on the © white-yellow sand. With raisd arm she holds in her right hand a shell to her ear, her head poised gracefully, and with her left hand she gestures silence, that she may hear the music from the mysterious depths of the shell. In the background, heya a, crag of the grote q a glimpse of the blue sea. | oe? ae Signed at the upper left, W. Bovcurrrav, 1885. — Purchased from E. Le Roy & Co., Paris. From the Charles Clarke Collection, New York, 1913.<#/4A4 Stoo. 40, Gk i ‘ ' \ We AK wa Ane Alaa pe/ ” te) ' QIRA Rae OBS Ftle ve ‘ JULES ADOLPHE BRETON | Frencu: 1827—1906 73—THE HARVESTER Paks y sa : 45- G61 Futr-renctu figure of a robust French peasant girl, barefoot and bare-armed, standing and facing the observer, with sheaves of wheat burdening her shouler. She wears a light waist and dark skirt, and has paused on her homeward way across the fields, the sturdy, grace- ful figure and its rich harvest burden appearing in the sombre light of gloaming before a darkening sunset sky. is Height, 68 inches; width, 3484 inches a ee SS IC ep. ree uneecae pre amaninesnommenrncmemmremneryes com ecosseso cae — Signed at the lower left, Jutes Bunton, er £9) fe 5 She’d come again, and with a greedy ear. f BENJAMIN LOUIS MARC VAUTIER _ GERMAN: 1829—1898 74—ALSATIAN WEDDING ; | v6 Pe Height, 35 inches; length, 58 “a ry More than two score men and women, girls and children, are assembled in a spacious high-paneled room with a ceiling of heavy beams. On a platform are Rechooricne musicians. Most of the maidens are lined up against a wall and facing the observer, their peasant costumes of | brilliant colors, and the bridegroom is offerig them wine. . Signed at the lower right, B. VauTier. : JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN-CONSTANT Frencu: 1845—1902 75—-OTHELLO AND DESDEMONA Height, 3334 inches; Tees 5114 mches Othello: Her father loved me; oft invited me, Still question’d me the story of my life, From year to year; the battles, sieges, fortunes That I have pass’d. These Sava to hear Would Desdemona seriously incline: a Devour up my discourse. Act I, scene III. In a gondola richly furnished, propelled across the blue-green water q of the foreground, the aged Brabantio and his fair daughter are lis- — tening to the story of the Moor, who faces them. Desdamona leans forward, right elbow on the gunwale of the gondola and hand sup- : porting her chin. Her venerable father at her side with an arm ex- — tended behind her wears a gold and white cap and robes of cardinal — and ermine. Othello also richly appareled holds in his hands a scroll. In the background are sails, the Ducal Palace, the Campanile, St. Mark’s and other buildings. Signed at the lower left, BENat-ConsTAnrtT. q From the Mrs. Adelaide Yerkes Collection, New York, 1912. $01 Xs SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 20, ae IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 76 to 155, inclusive ‘ NOTICE: The pictures described in this Catalogue under Nos. 1 to 145 (inclusive) were collected by Mr. D. G. Derry, of Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, and are to be sold by order of Grorce A. Post, Joun P. Macurre ann JosEPH M. Pros- KAUER, as Receivers of the D. G. Derry Corporation. Rounpbs, ScHURMAN AND Dwicut, Attorneys. 76—RUSSIAN ICON Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches 5 -Parrep and enameled, with rectilinear plate and frame; set in a sha- dow box. The Christ, facing the observer squarely and directly, His right hand in the posture of blessing, and holding up in His left hand the open scriptures. JOHANN ROTTENHAMMER German: 1564-1625 77—ADORATION OF THE MAGI (On copper) Height, 12 mches; width, 9 inches e- Q. Tux Virgin standing with Joseph at her back presents the nude Child to the visiting kings, who kneel and bow in devotion as they offer their gifts. They are in richly colored robes, as are their followers, who appear in numbers. Altogether nearly a score of figures are de- picted. Architectural and landscape background. ATTRIBUTED TO ADRIAAN VAN OSTADE Dutcu: 1610—1685 78—THE ARGUMENT (Panel) * gy} q), Height, 11 wches; width, 9 "oe Rit yvh. : | ‘ : ~ Ar a plain wooden table in a plain room two plain people are in warm conversation, a middle-aged woman and a man of her own age. The woman seems to be doing most of the talking, and the man is listen- ing with mouth open in a smile that seems not to be altogether one of enjoyment. She is in green, with a white cap, he is in reddish-brown. Signature at lower left, with date 16...., not easily de- cipherable. 240 =} w AEN ee Reng A a J 3 r | 4 3 ii oa | Height, 26 inches; width, 20 ye f 3 Le. BARTOLOMMEO CAPORALI Trantan: 1444—1492 79—VIRGIN AND CHILD (Panel) ‘ . THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH standing figure of the Virgin, a very youth- ful maiden with sandy-blond hair neatly parted and drawn down toward _ her shoulders under a light scarf which enfolds her head. Figure to front, her face, of small features, bent slightly downward and to her left, upon the nude Child she holds in both arms. He holds in His left hand a globe surmounted by a cross, and raises His right hand in blessmg. The Virgin is clad in rose and green, with gold ornamenta- tion on the green mantle. -Gold background. ALBRECHT DURER GERMAN: 14'71—1528 80—ECCE HOMO (Panel) Height, 14 inches; wedth, 101% inches Busr of the Christ with hands crossed upon His breast and wearing the Crown of Thorns, from which blood trickles down His brow and cheeks. He faces the observer, with head leaning slightly over His left shoulder and hair falling to both shoulders, and He is clad in a red mantle. ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE Frencu: 1725—1805 s1—_SAVING GRACE o rn lek i Height, 181% inches; width, 1514 mmches wy ‘ Aw humble cottage interior, in a mellow light; at an angle a plump young mother in a short blue bodice and dark purple-red skirt, en- wrapped in the voluminous folds of a white outer garment and her head encased in a loose white cap. She is portrayed at full length, seated and facing the spectator, and while she holds a spoon and jug in either hand, waiting, she looks down at two small children at her side who with hands in posture of prayer give thanks for what they are about to receive, From the Salvador de Mendonca Collection, New York, 1916.99 1c PIOO +4 *. = a My pire nd Sk ree SCHOOL OF FRANCOIS BOUCHER Frencu: 1703—1770 | 82-SLEEPING NYMPHS | SURPRISED BY SATYRS Ly 0. ioe ere ay TW. | Height, 1714, inches; width, 14 inches | In a secluded spot at the edge of a wood, and within the confines of an abandoned park, as indicated by a sculptured urn at one side, four _ garlanded bacchantes nude or with scant draperies are lying in various postures asleep in a familiar group. From the right in the back- . ground two satyrs have come upon them, and halt with difficulty. ; i From the collection of N. Riabouchinski, New York, 1916.4, P7004 XV, $. Meri PETER PAUL RUBENS Friemisu: 1577—1640 AND JAN (VELVET) BREUGHEL FLEMISH : “ap > aa Y beh led yy Mo) F (On Copper) Height, 151% inches; width, 121% inches In an oval medallion the Madonna in sitting posture at three-quarters length, holding the Child on her lap and offering Him suckle. The Mother in rose and dark.green, a young woman of animated expression, with golden-red hair; the Child nude. Surroynding the medallion a wreath of brillant flowers. Dark background. From the Kletnberger Galleries. From the Ferdinand Herman Collection, New York, 1918- - $50- oe | AFTER PETER PAUL RUBENS Fremisu: 1577—1640 84-HOLY FAMILY | if p eo Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches h- a Pea ic. | _ Mary, a young woman ie oval ees rosy cheeks and keen eyes, is _ seated, portrayed at full-length and facing the left, with eyes directed | across her left shoulder; leaning to her right, she places an arm around ~ the neck of the infant Christ, nude, who half stands, half sits, at her side. She wears a décolleté gown of red and a deep blue mantle. Be- hind her at right Joseph looks across her left shoulder. Architectural and landscape background, with an eagle perched on the molding of a column at the left; reaching with its beak the branch of a Bea DONINE ha tree. a by ALONZO CANO SpantsoH: 1601—1667 85 MADONNA AND CHILD Cth OZen ae, 7 0 Height, 29 inches; width, 221 inches ) Tue Madonna, a sweet faced young woman with benign expression, faces the spectator and is portrayed at three-quarters length, seated, holding in her lap the nude Child, who slumbers against her right arm and clasps a cross to His breast. The Mother is in rose and brown and wears a blue mantle, and a scarf is wound about her head. At the upper left, two cherubim. JAN VAN SCOREL Doren : 1495—1562 86-—MADONNA AND CHILD ae Shy Ghee oe aaa | ) roe + ho ‘ rs _ Height, 191% inches; width, 1816 inches.V - _ be Brrore a receding landscape background of mountains and valleys, trees and a river, and fortified palaces, in a cool bluish light, the — Mother and Child are boldly painted in the large in the foreground, in a light which is warm and soft. The Mother stands back of a balus- — trade and faces the spectator and the right, appearing at three-quar- ters length, her right hand opening the pages of a prayer book which lies on the railing. In her left arm she holds the Child, nude, who slumbers, with His hand still clasping a breast at which He has suckled. The youthful Mother is in blue, with a crimson mantle. . FRANCIA LUGIO ALBERTINELLI ITALIAN: 1474—1575 | 87—HOLY FAMILY (Panel) Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches | 4p. , | é Ix a soft light of gloaming, under a sky which shows only a horizon z : line of light above greenish-blue mountain tops in the distance, Mary, Joseph, the Christ and St. John appear in a group in the foreground. | Mary, a fair young woman with golden hair, and faint pink rose in her | cheeks, is in sitting posture and appears at three-quarters length, in a décolleté waist of deep rose and a green skirt and mantle. Joseph, a © dark bearded man in a rose-yellow mantle, looks over her left shoulder. ; On her lap the Child is seated, nude, turning affectionately to the infant St. John, who stands at the Mother’s rive and approaches the Christ — in devoted attitude. = Piisct from T. J. Blakeslee Galleries. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, New York, 1916 #2044 (¢ A RS RE QHARR GORE, ARRAYS eee vA “MASTER OF THE DEATH OF THE VIRGIN” — Atloor 1525 88_-MADONNA AND CHILD (Eanes | Height. 2616 inches ; width, 20 “ | 13 } Tue Virgin, seated and facing the left, three-quarters front, is por- 1 trayed at three-quarters length, clasping the Child in her right arm, q her left elbow rested on an ornamented ledge upon which ripe cherries are lying. She is in crimson, green and gold, with a dark green cap — which does not conceal her Titian hair, whose color the Child’s hair — shares. Dark interior background with green drapery, and through a window at left an Italian landscape with castles, under a blue and ~ white sky. Formerly in the collection of Claude A. C. Ponsonby, by whom it was — exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1907.(No. ase with an attri- — bution to Mabuse. Since correctly assigned to the “Master of the Death of Mary,” who 4q takes his rather cumbrous appellation from the pictures of the “Death of the Virgin” in the Cologne and Munich Galleries. He ts now usually identified with Joos van Cleve the Elder (1485?— — 1540?). From the Ferdinand Herman Collection, New York, 1918. Hep boo /b00- Purchased from the Ehrich Galleries, New York. UNIQUE GOTHIC WALL PANEL FIrTEENTH CENTURY Go GAY. AND CHILD Height ( DERETET): 141% inches; width, 9Y inches ‘Height (complete) 22% inches; width, 18 inches. AAT, A sincutar work of primitive art, painting and deeply carved frame i "i forming a single piece. The picture portrays the Virgin at three- quarters length, standing, a sweet-faced young woman after the man- ner of the primitives with head affectionately inclined toward the Child, whom she holds in her left arm, her right hand brought to her breast. ‘The Child is depicted in distinctly feminine aspect and as of youthful years, and raises the right hand in blessing. Both figures are — haloed in gold and apparelled in gold and rich colors, against a neutral — greenish background which bears at zeny and left undeciphered in- scriptions. Te inclosing frame is all in a single piece of wood, carved in relief. | and in undercutting two inches deep, the designs including crudely carved angels supporting a crown over a dove, at the top, and at the sides and bottom birds and quadrupeds and foliage, and retaining | vestiges of gilding and polychrome painting. Painting of the picture given to the Fifteenth Century, though the carving suggests possibly the Twelfth Century. gee ZIBINI Irauian: FirreentH CENTURY 90—MADONNA AND CHILD Y5D ‘ . 3 cPene’) | en Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches THe Madonna, a sweet faced young woman in a crimson gown, appears” nearly at full- ‘length, seated facing the spectator and the left, on a_ low garden coping before a varied landscape background. She wears — a dark mantle lined in golden-yellow, which is carried over her head, and she inclines her head toward the Child who in a single garment of dark green is seated on her knee. | | | y 324, ras r. Kahane GIORGIO VASARI FLORENTINE: . 151 1— 1574 91—THE CHRIST, VIRGIN AND ST. JOHN (Panel) Height, 31 eo width, 24 inches Tue Infant, nude, sits on His Mother’s left knee, with one leg across her other knee and left hand raised to her breast where she meets it with her right hand. At her right elbow stands the child St. John, holding a cross. The Mother is in red and green and rose-gray. Elab- orately painted green and moutainous landscape background in sun-— shine. From the Godebski Collection, Warsaw. ITALIAN SCHOOL 92-MADONNA AND CHILD Height, 31 inches; width, 16 inches ; Wuuite cherubim look down from high on the left, the Madonna, seated, and depicted at three-quarters length, offers her bulging breast to the Infant Christ whom she holds in her arms. She wears a purple-rose gown and has a blue mantle. The Child has a garment of white. ANDREA DEL SARTO Itatian: 1487—1531 93—MADONNA AND CHILD AND ST. JOHN (Panel) Writ Poortll Yb bf ‘ Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches , la THe Mother stands at the centre of the picture, appearing at three- quarters length, with left arm embracing the Child, who is seated on a light olive-green drapery which covers a table at the Mother’s side: her right hand rests lovingly on the shoulder of St. John, who stands at her right side. The infants are nude, the Mother is portrayed in a crimson gown and a dark green mantle, a mauve scarf over her golden-red hair; and she looks downward meditatively in the direc- tion of the Child, her lips slightly parted. From the Catholina Lambert Collection, New York, 1916. CORREGGIO (Antonio ALLEGRI DA) Iranian: 1494—1534 94—M A DONNA, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Height, 36 inches: width, 29 inches ¢ ; +E 0. 41 Tue Madonna clad in golden-orange and wrapping about herself a dark green mantle holds the Child, who wears a single white garment, in her left arm, and she looks down at her right where the infant John stands looking up at her. The group in a soft, subdued light from forward on the right. Dark landscape background, with light only in a mild glow of yellow at the horizon. From the collection of the late Admiral George Stanley Bosanquet, | Bitchet Wood, Sevenoaks, Kent, England. From the John Anderson, Jr., Collection, New York, 16 alah 2806 : ATTRIBUTED TO HONORAT HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1743 95—PORTRAIT OF A LADY (Oval) 150, Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches Berne 7 Haxr-LencTH, bust to left, face to the front; brown eyes and warm complexion ; powdered hair done high and interwound with a red ribbon to which a jeweled pin is attached. Blue gown trimmed with gold and moderately low at the neck. Back of her the folds of a mantle of delicate grayish-olive. SCHOOL OF FRANCOIS DE TROY Frencu: 1654—1730 Tate -96—MADEMOISELLE DE SERY fv a > _ - Height, 28 inches; width, 24 inches IW Aurel} _ Harr-tenctu portrait of a lady in young maturity, standing and _ facing the spectator. Powdered hair in natural dress with short curls _ about the head and a single longer one brought over the left shoulder. Flowered dress cut low and edged with lace, and across the bodice at _ the corsage a rope of pearls supported by large jewels. Over shoulders and arms a blue mantle ermine lined. » - ie | ‘ AFTER CHARLES ANDRE (CARLE) VANLOO Frencu: 1705—1765 97_-MADAME DE SOUBISE ”n Jahren j \ ‘ / 4p, Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Sratep in a carved gilt armchair upholstered in blue, before a neutral background light grayish and dark brown, a pretty young matron with round face, pink cheeks and brown eyes is portrayed nearly at three-quarters length, facing the spectator and the right. Her décol- leté gown of gray-white silk is trimmed with lace at the corsage and the flowing short sleeves, and with rose ribbons on the front of the waist and on the sleeves. Right hand brought to the side of her cheek, with the head lightly inclined toward it, and in her left hand a book of music. ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE ROMNEY EncusH: 1734—1802 98—LADY HAMILTON ae Height, 2614 inches; width, 20 inches a A) vd (), a ee “ Busr portrait, figure to right and smiling face turned to the spectator. The fair sitter, with luxuriant hair dene in highly elaborated curls, | both framing her face and brought down one at her back and one over | her left shoulder and breast, wears a white frock of soft material and : cut low, and a rich violet mantle; also a cap of cream-white pinned with a ruby, and crowned in the hue of the mantle. At her back a leaning tree and a bank of foliage, and in the distant background at right a landscape and afternoon sky. FRANCOIS HUBERT DROUAIS Frencu: 1727—1775 99-MADEMOISELLE HELV ETIUS COMTESSE DE MUN (1727-1775) (Oval) ILS, Vertical diameter, 25 inches; horizontal, 2034 inches THREE-QUARTER length portrait of a small and lovely child, standing, with figure to left and smilingly expressive face turned almost full upon the observer. She wears a white frock of light material, which has dropped from the left shoulder, exposing the young breast, and her curly golden hair is adorned with a small bouquet under her tilted Leghorn hat. Within the folds of a white drapery she holds in front of her with both small hands a gathering of bunches of white grapes with incidental pluckings of the stems and green leaves of the vine. (Painted in an oval on a rectilinear canvas. ) —— ee es ~ ——— = | ta mg tela me EARLY GERMAN SCHOOL 100-—-PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY (Panel) Height, 15 inches; width, 12 eee (Re jbo. Facine the left, three-quarters front, a fair maiden with hght blone a hair set in a headdress of golden network, a gold band about her neck _ and chains of gold adorning her shoulders and supporting a pendant. She is clad in maroon-red trimmed in black, with white lace at her _ wrists, and her jeweled fingers are clasped before her waist. Three- quarters length, against a dark background. ; Inscribed at upper right: SUSANNA PRANDIN VON” AIBLING; and at upper left: JER, ALLTR. IM- XXIII. 7 MARIE ANNA ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A. Swiss: 1741—1807 101—THE BATHERS Height, 11 inches; length, 13814 inches In the central foreground a pool, its surroundings flowering reeds and bushes, and a thicket of short trees which partly seclude it from open fields in the colors of harvest time. Here are assembled four nymphs whose draperies are for the most part cast aside in readiness for the bath. Two have their feet in the water and two look back in alarm at some sound of surprise. ‘ 2 “z Signed at bottom centre, ANGELICA KauFFMANN, Pinx, Roma 1796 (?) (*Third figure in date indistinct.) From the Senhor Salvador de Mendonca Collection, 1916. “ft/Sb fiwo-B V' ; . SCHOOL OF HARMENSZ REMBRANDT VAN RYN Dutcu: 1606—1669 102—PORTRAIT OF A MAN CDS fap ge fr : E pe Height, 20 inches; width, 1414 inches Heap and shoulders of an aged man with white hair and a full white beard, both hair and beard somewhat scraggly; the beard slightly parted and overhung by the drooping white moustache. He is a thick chested man, and is portrayed with figure to left, three-quarters front, - and face turned toward the right to regard the observer, which he does critically and with his head cocked toward his right shoulder. He wears a purple-lilac or dark mauve-gray cap with white plumes, the fitting-band of which has the semblance of a coronet, and rich and dark apparel. Light concentrated on the strong if senile face; background dark. ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE ROMNEY Enewuisuo: 1734—1802 MEDITATION Vecvene 103 QM, Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Hatr-Lenctu seated figure of a lovely young girl of ripening develop- ment, on a bench before some trees, facing the observer and the right; and with head raised bringing her face into full, strong light, gazing upward with pensive eyes and parted lips. Her rich chestnut-red tresses lightly brushed in curling waves above her forehead fall at either side of her shoulders to her waist line. Over her reddish-brown skirt her arms bared to the elbows are lightly crossed on her lap, and her soft white waist, of loose folds, is fashioned low, bringing her white breast to share the broad light that falls upon her face. Sombre land- scape background. B AFTER JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. EncusH: 1758—1810 104—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 331% inches; width, 27 inches A/D. Vira. Chas. lrt hi STANDING figure, at a little more than half-length, of a young lady with large eyes and rosy cheeks, her powdered hair done in puffs and curls and ringlets and bound with a blue and white ribbon. She faces the left, three-quarters front, her right arm resting on a green-covered balustrade on which stands a sculptured urn holding flowers. She wears a grayish-white gown of light material, décolleté, with filmy drapery showing mauve and amber notes about her shoulders and waist. FRANCIS COTES EneusH: 1725—1770 105—_THE HON. MRS. DAMER Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches Avr a little more than half-length, standing and facing the observer, her _ head turned slightly toward her left shoulder. A young lady with — dark hair dressed high, with knots appearing beside her slender neck _ at the tops of her steeply sloping shoulders. Décolleté gown of light material with white lace at the corsage, and about her shoulders and arms a light blue mantle adorned with designs in gold. She wears a light necklace supporting a medallion pendant at her breast, to which _ she brings her right hand. | FRENCH SCHOOL 106—M A DEMOISELLE DE LA SALLE Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches m.W. | wi Harr-Lenctu, to right, three-quarters front; dark landscape back- ground, A tall and fair young woman, with light hair powdered and curled and adorned with many flowers, with more flowers garlanding her shoulders and posed at her low corsage. Gowned in fawn and gray, with golden and jeweled trimmings; dark purple mantle. (60. FRENCH SCHOOL 107—-LA MARQUISE DE LIANCOURT Height, 32 inches; width, 26 mches / 0, HaAtr-Lenetu standing figure, to front and slightly to right ; extreme. ly small waist; head poised lightly toward right shoulder. A hand- some woman, with affability expressed in the softly smiling features and the large and deep brown eyes. Rich and elaborate apparel, with a heavily embroidered bodice of golden-brown enclosing a white waist, with lace at the low corsage, and a skirt of rich deep yellow, and about her arms and shoulders a blue mantle. Deep brownish-crimson drapery background. _ ScHOOL oF ALBRECHT DURER- Gurwen 1471—1528 108—HANS IMHOFF | Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches 7° ay. Heap and shoulders portrait of an aggressive man, clean shaven and a with knit brows, facing the left, three-quarters front, with eyes intently fixed on something distant directly before him. Reddish hair worn loose and long and concealing his ears. He wears a huge, broad and curling hat, tilted, a white tunic with lace edge, and a dark cloak with lining and broad collar of reddish fur. In his left hand, brought up _ before his breast, he holds a scroll. ie ) | ee ee ee EL FR ee TES ee at eT ee ee (oR RS SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. — ScotcH: 1756—1823 Aloe es , i a 109—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Ab (1 ANAS Sa Hegtht, 30 inches; width, 25 inches - Heap and shoulders of a large man with prominent nose and deep set q brown eyes, gray-white hair brushed smoothly back from his forehead _ and allowed to grow long over his ears, and warm, almost swarthy © ‘complexion ; smooth shaven save for short lines of curling side whiskers. _ He faces the left, three-quarters front. Black coat with rolling collar y and black waistcoat; white stock. Dark backeteat x; From the sale of “Valuable Ben tings of. ‘terling Artistic Moceiencel . E New York, April, 1917.-# KM ~ K/oa+ Acc Bae hsq . sg anes eager eee a —— owe SS ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCOIS HUBERT DROUAIS Frencw: 1727—1775 110—MARQUISE DE POYANNE Height, 3134 inches; width, 2514 a hes ao oS i" rahe éug v4. tNCNES Ly ane ih ‘s Q 116—PORTRAIT OF A NOBLE LADY (Oval) Height, 32 inches; width, 25% inch ils ie cet byt Hatr-tencrn portrait of an affable young French dy of the Seite a ity in a gorgeous toilette, a gown of azure velvet edged in gold ‘and <3 draped with pearls and sparkling’ gems, the sleeves caught up and exposing flounces of purple-rose overhanging undersleeves of white silk ; white lace cuffs, and white lace at the low corsage. She is stand- ing, facing very slightly toward the left. Her dark hair is dressed high _ and adorned with a ribbon and a pearl, and a single long ringlet curls down over her left shoulder. At left a coronetted coat-of-arms. Inscribed at right: JaquETTE pD’OpET dE Sarnt Hiprowre, ComTEssE DE VALON. ~— CHARLES ANDRE VANLOO Frencu: 1705—1765 117—QUEEN MARIE LESCZINSKA (1708-1768) Height, 3244 inches; width, 251 inches Tue Queen of Louis XV of France is presented asa young and affable __ woman of warm color, with hazel eyes and powdered hair, which is dressed in curls, one of them brought forward over her left shoulder, _ the fashion of the time. Her golden gown, heavily embroidered and further embellished with jewels, is partly hidden by her ermine-lined _ blue mantle, which carries the fleur-de-lis of France in gold. Her ; bodice is tight, and very moderately décolleté, with white lace at the — breast. She is standing, with figure to front and head turned slightly to her left. 3 From the Galerie Sedelmeyer, Paris. From H. C. Hoskier Collection, New York, 1914-¥#4K&+P l100 ~ OF wee JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE Frencu: 1658—1717 118—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 38 inches; width, 281, a ) Ve TureeE-quarTers length, standing and facing the spectator from be- neath a canopy of draperies, from which at the right is to be seen a landscape of buildings and sea. A tall and slender young lady with steeply sloping shoulders, pink cheeks and blue eyes and reddish-brown’ hair. Her hair is dressed high and topped by a turquoise and blue cap set at a rakish angle. She wears a low-cut waist of rich colors, which continue in the borders of her turquoise cape and skirt. In her right hand, brought to her waist, she carries a black ball-mask ; her left hand rests upon a balustrade. ITALIAN SCHOOL 119—MADONN4A, CHILD AND ST. JOHN Height, 30 inches; length, 36 imches bse, Mur. Wel Acatinst a dark conventional background off /landscape and clouds, with a single gleam of light in the sky far at the left, the figure group is depicted in a soft, mellow hight at the centre of the foreground, the Madonna at three-quarters length, seated, St. John standing beside her left knee. ‘The small saint reaches up and embraces the Child, held against the Mother’s breast, who turns and returns the embrace. The Child is nude, the infant saint wears a sheepskin. ‘The Madonna, of round face and rosy cheeks and golden hair, wears a soft rose-red gown and the Child rests on a green-blue cushion on her knees, ITALIAN SCHOOL 120_VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH SAINTS 4 5d. Height, 30 inches; length, 38 inches 9 Pare. : fe _ Ar left the Virgin in crimson, before a crimson drapery, the color | = broken and relieved by her mantle and hood, and at her right elbow the i infant St. John who looks up at the Christ who is held in the Mother’s _ arms. The Christ, nude, turns to place His hand in that of St. Cath- ermine, who clad in a sav gown stands looking lovingly at Him from the right. FRENCH SCHOOL : _ -21-LA MARQUISE D°IMFROIT Height, 39 inches; width, 32 ee f | | Ar three-quarters length, standing and facing the observer, her head | turned a bit to her right. She stands in a corner of a room, her left hand on a coffret on a table at her side, and her right hand holding | a fold of her ermine mantle, which drapes her shoulders. Décolleté | gown of gray silk with bold ornamentation of flowers in purple-rose | and green, and with edging and cuffs of white lace. LOUIS TOCQUE ee FRENCH: -1696—1772 and aire aienle to ete, a lady is ebeered playing a musical instru- | ment, sheets of her music lying disregarded on a marble table at her | a side. She wears a gown of rich brown, with soft lights, the bodice — tight and the skirt voluminous, the whole trimmed with green-blue and golden-brown bows, and the short sleeves and low corsage edged with — white lace. About her closely dressed powdered hair, a lightly crap black lace scarf, which is caught in a loose bow at her throat. A EN A ye ee a ey ane Teese sanIR Si aie a ht Me —— o< = = a -BARTHOLOMEUS VAN DER HELST ~ ~ DurcH: 1612—1670 | ee 123—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Height, 39 inches; width, 281% inches a. ri TureEE- QUARTERS length standing figure of a handsome young maiden — merrily demure, facing the spectator, turned slightly toward the left. Over her rich black velvet brocade waist with large sleeves, a long white collar comes down nearly the full length of her sloping shoulders, _ and its points extend nearly to the belt line. The long stomacher is: 4 adorned with bows of plaid in the shape of crosses, and she wears a skirt of deep scarlet with DO lace adornment. Her hands are dis- — posed gracefully, one at arm’s length touching the folds of her skirt, q the other guarding some bit of jewelry on a table at her seen ATTRIBUTED TO ANTOINE VESTIER Frencu: 1740—1824 124 _MADEMOISELLE FOUGY £90. Fair in her regal beauty, with rose cheeks and brilliant brown eyes, a eyes and Cupid’s-bow lips and sensitive nostrils ready to smile, a tall and developed young woman seated in an outdoor environment regards — the observer with composure mingled with interest. She is portrayed _ at three-quarters length, right elbow poised on a sawn tree stump of age and large proportions, and holding in her upraised right hand a — carnation with a bud. Coiffure poudrée, ringlets at temples and — crown, and long curls brought forward over the shoulders, beside the moderately exposed breast which is partly sheltered by loose folds of — diaphanous white. Loose silken gown of old-gold with a golden cham girdle, and a pink-rose mantle lined in white. Height, 39 inches; width, 311% inches >» a 2 FRENCH SCHOOL ~ 125—PORTRAIT OF MADAME DE CROZAT Height, 3914 wmches; width, 32 ieheee - SEATED and Hepie ae at three-quarters length, a bande young Rae woman with red cheeks and dark eyes, and powdered hair puffed and | decked with a nosegay. She faces the left, three-quarters front, with eyes on the observer, and is pictured allegorically as representing the . harvest, a sickle held in her right hand and resting on her knee, while under her left arm is a large sheaf of ripe wheat on which some blos- soms are lying. She wears a white tunic whose lace corsage in rolling lines’ exposes her breast, partly enfolded in a mauve drapery, and about her lower body a turquoise mantle, which also overhangs the wheat, pels background. | ATTRIBUTED TO ROBERT L. TOURNIERES Frencu: 1668—1752 oe ; an : | ‘an 126-MADAME CHATEAUROUX Height, 3914 inches; width, 32 inches . . 360. — THREE-auARTERS length portrait of a smiling beauty of youthful — exuberance, standirig- and facing the left, three-quarters front, her a right hand on a lyre which rests on a library table by her side, and — holding casually a sheet of music in her left hand, which she has allowed _ to drop below her hip. She has rosy cheeks and large hazel eyes, and her powdered hair most precisely dréssed is decked with pink and white roses. She wears a décolleté gown of brilliant greenish-blue, and a ; rigid stomacher adorned with golden scrolls on a silvery ground. Wall e and warm drapery make up the background. 7 * AMET wee ee She is peated out- sedate ao aes arm a ting on holding a pink rose; the left elbow is also at rest, on. port, while the hand. is brought lightly to a- ribbon which encircles her waist. On her lap a; her hair. She wears a silver-gray gown‘ embr emerald with a floral design, and displaying white low corsage ; about itis green blue mantle. | Nebulous .. bat "ood Br, z ] > rie eee wea of a small girl with blue es and reddish- peeeGa hair which jails in sae ne clasped in tee lap. She faces the left, wearing a white frock, décolleté and ioe deep PE ee sash. | EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL 129—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 46 inches; width, 3434 inches 550. | a year, b¢ A CHARMING young lady of the fair English type with roses in hel - cheeks and large blue eyes, her abundant reddish-chestnut hair loosely - . arranged and lightly bound by a white kerchief. She is seated on a heavy green, outdoor bench at the foot of a gnarled and leafless oe and is portrayed at three-quarters length with figure slightly to left — and face turned to the observer. Her white frock is crossed low over 4 the breast and girdled in white, and she is draped in a mantle of old- — golden hue. Within her hands, clasped over her lap, are roses and — smaller flowers. Warm brownish conventional atmospheric back- — ground. | q —_ (Illustrated) ATTRIBUTED TO | JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. = Ewetisn 1775 eet 130—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Height, 40 inches; length, 50 inches sin Me: A BrRoaD, rolling and broken landscape, reaching afar and of vague details and colors in the distance, with classical ruins apparent here and there. In the foreground, more definite detail, and warmer color, the composition depicting numerous figures in colorful costumes in gar- dens and among short fruit trees and taller ornamental trees. NICHOLAS MAES DutcH: 16382—1693 131—PORTRAIT OF A CAVALIER | Height, 48 inches; width, 3724 inches Factne the spectator and portrayed nearly at full length, ee a before a balustrade on an angle of which he rests his right hand, his _ left hand lightly supporting folds of the dark mantle which partly envelops him. A young gentleman of aristocratic bearing and affable 4 expression, wearing the briefest, lightly upcurling moustache, his abun- dant dark locks or wig delicately curled. Rich black velvet coat, and — @ white lace neck-cloth falling in broad folds well down his. chest, its = white tassels hanging below it. : a Painted about 1670, a date which ys. the best ey of te painter. Formerly in the collection of the lst M arques of Dufferin (died 1902), ’ < and sold at Christie’s, January 28, 1905, No. 93, as ee “Por : trait of a Gentleman.” q Exhibited at the Hudson-Fulton Ewhabition, Metropolitan Museum of 4 Art, New York, 1909, No. 61. Hofstede de Groot’s Edition of Smath’ s “Catalogue owones 1916, q Vol. VI, No. 399A. & - From the Thatcher M. Adams Collection, New York, 920 Mage Hlo CL . ee | (Z ! C 4S ee JOHANN HEINRICH TISCHBEIN> GERMAN: 1722—1789 132—EMPRESS MARIA THERESA Height, 41 inches; width, a) es Tue famous Austrian Empress is portrayed at F quateme lenge standing and facing the right, three-quarters front, before the drawn _ up folds of a rich crimson portiére. A stout lady, with her heavily lace-trimmed blue gown broadly décolleté, and over her shoulders an — ermine mantle. Her left hand rests upon the crown, placed upon a a table at her side. Landscape background visible at the righ a - JEAN RAOUX Frencu: 1677—1734 1383—_CATHERIN E DE SOUDEILLE Height, 49 inches; width, 35 inches wee (ee erin THREE-QUARTERS length portrait of a young lady with pleasing and smiling face and fair complexion, and bright hazel eyes, seated at a corner of a crimson-upholstered sofa, with her left arm resting on the sofa’s arm and her right hand in her lap where it holds a white scarf or veil or bit of soft drapery. She faces the front, with figure very slightly turned to the right. She wears a rich gown of brownish-black, — of soft and deep material, the sleeves and skirt loose, the bodice tight _ and deeply décolleté, a small white ruff or fluffy collarette at her ~ throat, and a rope of large pearls in three strands and supporting a _ pendant. Her hair is curled and powdered, and she wears a toque — to match her gown, surmounted by a single white and curling ostrich plume. On back: “Catherine de Soudeille, fille de Gabriel de Soudeille et de { Magdeleine d’Aubusson Laffeuilade; mariée & Jean de Valon du Boucheron.” Also on back, a card: “No. 5552. Haro, Pewntre-expert du Ministére des Travaux-Public et du Palais des Tuileries.” ATTRIBUTED TO LOUIS M. VANLOO Frencu: 1707—1771 184—LA COMTESSE DE BEAUFORT a6 Height, 41 inches; width, 32 ie 0 asa jot, ORLY. Le : PoRTRAYED at Pe ea aerters length, standing and ee the observer, : her head turned slightly toward her left. A young lady of rosy com- -plexion, with powdered hair curled laterally at the sides of the head and over it a brownish veil held by a jewel at the top of the forehead V, and falling well down her shoulders. Her sloping shoulders bare, she : : is encased in a tight bodice and wears a huge skirt spread by broad hoops, the material of the gown a delicate olive-gray embroidered with floral sprays in red and green. In her right hand, with elbow resting on a crimson drapery, she holds the miniature portrait of a bewigged gentleman who wears an order on his breast. Dark background. From the Armand Fréret Collection. | ie ! FRENCH SCHOOL 135—LA MARQUISE DE DREUX-BREZE 1 | ; WY q . . “a i i| | — Height, 51 inches; width, 40 imches . ii Turer-evuarrers length standing figure of a noble young lady with high and powdered coiffure, and long curl over one shoulder, figure slightly to left and face to the observer. She stands with right fore- arm rested upon the’pedestal of a stone vase, in a formal park. Décol- leté gown of rich and brilliant golden silk, the tight bodice with revers crossed low and revealing white lace at the corsage; white lace frills at the full and short, caught-up sleeves. Soft rose mantle spread in ample folds. FRANS POURBUS (Tue YouncrEr) Fremisu: 1570—1 622 136-—PORTRAIT DUN 7 Ee ee ‘i SEIGNEUR DE RIPPERDA ~ W/; ® (Panes | 150 , 7 Height, 4544 inches; width, 33 inches - THREE-QUARTERS length, standing, directly. facing the front, with light — al from in front and the left; a man of high forehead and clear-cut _ features, with sandy moustache lightly twirled and very little beard, and darker hair carefully parted and dressed. Black velvet full breeches, white satin doublet, dotted, and brilliantly polished corselet — dotted in accord, over which hangs the golden chain and medallion of an order. Left hand on the sling of his sword, right hand clasping his gauntlets. At upper right an escutcheon and below it “Aetatis suae 40; ano. 1609.” (A pendant to the succeeding panel) Included in the sale of the collection of H. I. A. Raedt van Oldenbarne- velt, of The Hague, at Amsterdam, November 6, 1900, when it was accompanied by the companion Portrait of Aysma van Lauta. _ FRANS POURBUS (Tun Youncer) | Fremisu: 1570—1622 — 137—PORTRAIT OF BAe VAN LAUTA (Panel) ! H U J ote a Ss Heights 451, inches; width, 33 inches } Wil f a Turee-euarters length, standing and facing one the: Kind very 7m slightly turned to the left and in a full, broad light; a young woman with sensitive lips and nostrils, and dark eyes inclined to smile, her a dark hair carefully dressed in full puffs and adorned with jewels. ‘She wears a deep stellate ruff, a rich gown of black velvet brocade with . 4 flowing and open sleeves exposing waist sleeves of rose-pink silk, white lace cuffs and gold bracelets, and a heavy gold chain with pendant medallion. At upper left an escutcheon and. beneath it “Aetatis suae 17; ano. 1597.” (A pendant to ‘tie preceding panel) Included i in the sale of the collection of H. I. A. Raedt van Oldenbarne- velt, of The Hague, at Amsterdam, November 6, 1900, when it — was accompanied by the companion Portrait of a Seigneur de Ripperda of about ee same style. FRENCH SCHOOL 138—QUEEN OF NAPLES eee ae (Caroline Marie of Bonaparte, 1782-18 Height, 66 ich width, AS! tnohes a Porrrayep at full length, seated, figure slightly to PES oe and fa turned to the observer. White satin Empire gown, trimmed with Ww lace and embroidered with flowers. Jeweled coronet, necklace girdle. In her left hand and resting on her knee a small volume; rig arm resting on a table at her side; one white slippered | foot. on 8 crimson footstool. Dark background at left, with a mountainous land- scape viewed at sunset at the right. == SS SS BARTHOLOMEUS | VAN : Doren: 161216 c ‘Height, 46 inches; width, 33 and twinkling eye, oy chedtiate ine worn Eis: his showldersscH his moustache ‘trimmed to a fen above the eae From Sedelmeyer, Paris. ALONZO. SANCHEZ C F 140—-SPAN ISH PRI N CESS” Height, oF snihieee width, 30 n So. Turer-auarrers length standing figure, to left beautiful young lady, with large and beats at an object back of the spectator’s right. Oy complexion, with lightly rouged cheeks, and wich adorned with a lily spray and with gold and sap upstanding ruff of soft vermilion hue, stiffly fri its straight base squared with the lady’s shoulde: arch mounting above the back of her head. Abo ing down her stomacher, ropes of pearls. Her . crossed by meander stripes of a delicate red, alter decorated with conventional designs of. floral deri brown. One hand on a book, the other holding a, Sane M1—MADAME RECAMIER 35%. Porrrair of the famously beautiful lady in and facing the left, three-quarters front. quarters length. She is sitting in a carved mounts, before a large column, on a balcony her extended right arm, while her left hand rest a plan white silk Empire gown. embroidered Bick short sleeved. Falling loosely about her i is a ¢ in her dark hair i is a red ribbon. 7 . Height, 52 inches : pidthe: LO 6 Signed at the right, above th a oy with fone to. ight and face niet teeta wears rich silken apparel of delicate bronze hue a white lace fichu plentifully plaited, and holds’ carved fan. In her hair a rosette of rose ribbon a of her, on a pedestal, an Oriental vase. ae ee orrtiatest eens ence t < BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO — Spaniso: 1617—1682 143—LA VIERGE AU ROSAIRE YR Born Mother and Child are depicted as very eat human been ied out attempt at idealization, and both regard the observer intently and na inquiringly, and with affable expressions approaching a sympathetic 4 smile. The Virgin, portrayed at full length, is seated facing the right, — three-quarters front; a dark-haired and large-eyed young woman with assertive nose and small mouth, a light brown veil over her head and draping her shoulders. She is clad in crimson, with a flowing mantle of deep green, and holds on her knee the Infant, who wears a garment of soft rose. He holds a cross against her breast and each has a — hand on the TOBArY suppor eng. it. Nebulous background with cheru- . bim on high. Height, 651 eH width, A inches é Murillo painted a number of pictures known as “Our Lady of the Aosary? the: more important examples being in the Prado, Louvre and Dulwich Galleries, and in the Northbrook Collection. They all differ in details, and are described by C. B. Curtiss in “Velasques & Murillo,” 1883. From Durand-Ruel. From the Catholina Lambert CoienEere Sib h353.fbl00 sy th 3a : Height, 411% inches; width, eye. f | ine , “MASTER OF FRANKFORT” Earzty SIXTEENTH CENTURY 144—TRIPTY CH: VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH ST. CATHERINE AND ST, BARBARA (Panels) Height, 30 inches; width, (centre) 23 inches, (wings) 11 inches (each Tue Virgin in a dark green gown and rich red mantle, both adorned _ with gold, is seated in a niche, and holds standing on her lap the nude Child, who reaches toward an aged man in a monk’s cowl who stands at the right holding a glass of wine above a basket of fruit. At left an angel plays a lute. In the background, landscape and architecture. In the wings, respectively, St. Catherine with sword and wheel, and - x St. Barbara reading. From the Kleinberger Galleries Collection, New York, 1918. yn (Illustrated) SALVATOR ROSA Irauian: 1615—1678 145--DIOGENES LOOKING FOR AN HONEST MAN At centre the sceptical philosopher, standing and facing the spect holding out his lantern in his left hand, his right hand raised before him, palm outward. At his either side three other figures, two men and a woman, smiling in mild derision at his eccentricity. ‘The figures at three-quarters length. Diogenes is pictured as an aged man with white hair and beard, wearing a yellow cloak and red mantle. In the back- ground tall buildings. From the collection of Edward Knight, Esq. Engraved by W. Sharpe, 1780, when the painting was in the possession of Edward Knight, Esq. i i | f and came from the famous — JULES PORGES COLLECTION - OF PARIS | GABRIEL METSU Dee 1630—1667, 146—LE MARCHAND DE VOLAILLE — (Panel) : : Height, 91% inches; width. T inches” 050. hie whe STANDING faa back of a stall railing, in a hoa doorway or inde * arched by overhanging green grapevines, a middle-aged man faces the spectator and is observed a little more than half- ‘length. © His dark | brown hair is worn long and in heavy curls which fall upon his shoul- o ders, and he is garbed in a soft and rich red, with a broad white lace 4 collar that with the top of his coat is left open at the throat. Before him on the railing are two of the birds which he sells, but his imme- diate interest, as is emphasized by his slightly too convivial smile, is — in a tall green wine glass he holds out lightly as to a customer, while the silver or brilliant pewter jug for replenishing it stands at one side. Collection Jules Porgeés, Paris. iC a rT are DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNG ER EF LEMISH : 1610—1 694 147 LE PORTE-ETENDARD Height, 29 inches; width, 5 a tern Se overhead and the corner of a high Bie: -om: view at the left, a standard of colors—red, green, white and. olc canted over drums and saddles, helmets and body armor i nately thrown down, and from the left a page approaches someone’s large cloak. In the background, in the recesses of t way, men crowd about a canteen window, smoking aed dunlnes Signed at the right, on the boars of a Bele: Dr ( gram) the T within the D. . Collection Jules Porges, Paris. —_ ee JAN VERSPRONCK | Durcn: 1597—1662 148—PORTRAIT OF-A LADY ; (Panel) Height, 291% inches; width, 2345 inches HALF-LENGTH aes of a young lady, seated and facing the left, . three- quarters front. She has deep blue eyes and a warm compleciael and ; her Cupid’s-bow mouth is inclined to smile, Her dark hair falls in long ringlets down her shoulders, and shows a fringe of curls arching - her forehead, while back of this it is brushed smoothly and encased in a headdress of pearls and gold. She wears a necklace of pearls which appears at her throat, and a deep and double shoulder collar 4 of white lawn edged with white lace, which in front is decked with — a small black bow at her breast. Her rich black gown shows a tight bodice with large, full sleeves. Neutral olive-brown Paes s4000 78 with — a coat-of-arms in colors at the upper left. Collection Jules Porges, Paris. AELBERT CUYP Dutrcu: 1605—1691 149—CAVALIER DANS UN PAYSAGE Height, 35 inches; width, 29 sone io Pigs ArwHad Arms of a river or the sea enter the landscape fro! rs the foreground at left, in the ate of trees and a “bluff, one RR intra his rider with back to the spectator, the other rider r the spectator at the extreme left. On the bank a dog barks at 1e drinking horse. On the stretch of land beyond the first water, in sul ate shine, flocks and herds and a shepherdess are seen, and a man 1 wh 10 comes to the water after cows which have entered to re ida bridge, where a house is seen on the iidelprotat shore. Signed at the lower left, A. Cure, FECIT Collection Jules Porgés, Paris. PIETER DE HOOGHE Dusen : -1632—1681 errs NTERI OR WI TH FIGURES _ -Height, 3834 inches; length, 44h, ne : e ei In a large and elaborate bit race dim interior Mts! lien Ings; a group of richly dressed people appear before a high 1 piece, in a soft light. A fair-haired young man who has doffed u with a sweeping gesture raises a tall conical glass” of red wi honor of a tall and fair lady in silvery silk trimmed with gold, faces him and is observed in profile to the left. In hastening to ee: she has overturned her chair. Raising one hand to the youth 4 salutes her, she extends the other to an older man, who holds her fing lightly and remains seated. He wears high boots and velvet breec a long-skirted coat of old golden yellow, and a brightly polished co let belted -with a crimson sash, and he holds the bottle from which ‘wine glass has been filled. He turns his head away from the standin couple, toward the spectator, and smiles quizzically, while a sea‘ c : man and woman back of him at the left regard neg the drinkin episode. At right a maid enters with fruit. bs iy rl Sine above the open door at the right, P. De Hoocnr, F. Collection Jules Porgés, Paris. Durer: 16061669 151—LE BON SAMARITAIN p c Height, 381% inches; length, 5034 inches oe : : oe the ire of the ono an old white saddle ieee facih from the sue and tied to a tert tree. To right of th ce ground, resting on one alow and keenly obser rane of the aay a be administered to him be the mies Samaritan. The mek Painted about 1650. Bureneged from Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris. Dr. Wilhelm Bode, orn Wee of Rembrandt,” Vol. v, page” re No. 380. ae Exhibited at ie Rembrandt Exhibition, Amsterdam, ee the e- — | hibitor, M onsteur Jules Porges, of Paris. re Collection Jules Porgeés, Paris. ‘PETER PAUL RUBENS | Freansi: 15771640 — i 4 152—PORTRAI T D'UN CARDIN AL aS f ies - Height, 4, » HVA width, aig inchg hes pee. : THREE- -QUARTERS ena nae figure, to left, eee Biss ; A man of high color with short: gray beard and moustache, ards S dark eyes upon the spectator. He is in black brocade, with eS fold-over collar and short white turned-back cuffs, and. over his oe he wears a purple cape. He wears a tall biretta, its color the cape. His right arm rests lightly on the back of. a Cé before him, and in his left hand he holds his’ gloves. _ ‘Bac cardinal drapery, and on this at the upper mene an -elaborat of- arms, with scroll more “Adrianus Baec ag ‘More Maio m. Collection J ules Parga! Paris. CORNELIS DE VOS — DutcuH: 1585—1651 153—PORTRAIT. OF A LAD Height, 47% inches; Bib: 3046 inches STANDING on a balcony, with a column and drapery visible in the’ : erOUnG at right, and at left the trees of a park | seen bey a bi the observer and her glance decal slightly Lowa ne left shou She is in rich dark velvet brocade apparel, with cuffs and a deep of fine white lace. Her sole a hair 1 is adorned with across her phasis ieee left hand, eae easily at her sia > a feather fan. Collection Jules Porgés, Paris. : ie ti $6 Fes) ee NOTE: The two following described Painiegn (Cat e logue Numbers 154 and 155) are to be sold by order of . Frida Lowy, Ewecutriv of the Estate of the late Emil M. Lomi § : EARLY FRENCH SCHOOL i 154 HERO. AND LEANDER 2 Height, 44 inches; longi 611% inche ‘ Le he By > ne 2 Se 0. (A companion to “Perseus and Andromeda’) a ‘ GREEN-BLUE waters of the Hellespont, and far at left and in the dis-_ : | tance the rocky Asian shore. In the foreground the form of Leander, F The lonely hope of Sestos’ daughter, borne on a white drapery by sea nymphs waist deep in the water, while 4 pee break their bows aloft and Hymen’s torches are plunged into the sea, Fa He struggles—he sinks— “Sweet Hero, I die for thee!’ At right, in sombre mid- distance, rises the gray pile of “Sestos’ rocky 4 tower,” from: which. Hero flings herself to perish in the waters that | have taken away her lover, EARLY FRENCH SCHOOL 155—PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA Height, 44 inches; length, 6114 inches Z | (4 companion to “Hero and “QO ¢ g. Neel (3820 4a | i | Ar left in the foreground the virgin daughter of Cepheus is scent, on the fateful rock, a white mantle concealing little of her rounded figure, whose pliant flesh glows mildly in a softened light. One foot touches | the waves, a shackle shows on her right wrist, and her left arm is raised | in a gesture which directs attention to the approaching Perseus above, | while her gaze is fixed upon the sea monster in front of her to right. ) At right in the middle distance, in a cove of a mountainous shore, the parents and people of the rescued maiden raise their arms in shouts to the re-echoing hills. | On the hills a shout | Of joy, and on the rocks the ring of mail; | And while the hungry serpent’s gloating eyes | Were fixed on me, a knight in casque of gold And blazing shield, who with his flashing blade lt Fell on the monster. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. | THOMAS E. KIRBY, | AUCTIONEER. > ARTISTS REPRESENTED ND THEIR WORKS i | ; ’ LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ALBERTINELLI, Francia Lucio Holy Family ARTZ, Davin ApoLPHE CONSTANT Knitting at the Beach On the River BENJAMIN-CONSTANT, Jean Joseru Portrait of a Young Woman in a Character Part Othello and Desdemona BERGLER, Dior Nymphs at the Bath Toilet of Venus BERNE-BELLECOUR, JrAn Mounted Soldier BLAAS, EvucENE DE A Blonde The Brunette BOUCHER, Francors (School of) Sleeping Nymphs Surprised by Satyrs BOUGUEREAU, WuutaAm ADOLPHE The Little Pouter Song of the Shell CATALOGUE NUMBER 87 60 - CATALOGUE NUMBER BRETON, JuLes ADOLPHE a The Harvester : anes 3 BREUGHEL, Jan (VELVET) | 4 Madonna and Child Surrounded by Flowers — 83 CANO, ALONZO . Madonna and Child 85 CAPORALI, BarroLomMEo ae Virgin and Child | | ae 4 CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES 3 Landscape with Buildings | 17 & CHAPLIN, Cuartes JosHua . = Preparing for the Bath | 34° COELLO, Atonzo SancHEZ | . | : Spanish Princess — 140 COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE Landscape with Figure i) to CORREGGIO (Antonio ALLEGRI DA) | Madonna, Child and St. John | : Oo COSWAY, Ricuarp, R.A. s Miss Maria Copley, Daughter of Sir Joseph . | Copley 128 COT, Pierre AUGUSTE A Ideal Head of a Girl 6m COTES, Francis | The Hon. Mrs. Damer 105 CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Sunset CUYP, AELBERT Cavalier dans un Paysage DAUBIGNY, Cuartes FrRANcoIs Landscape with Figures DAVID, Jacaurs Lovis Madame Elisabeth, Sister of King Louis XVI ~ DEFREGGER, Franz von The Love J.etter DETAILLE, Juan Barrtisre Enovarp Commander Directing a Cavalry Charge DOMINGO, José Cavalier Drinking DROUAIS, Francor Huserr Mademoiselle Helvetius, Comtesse de Mun (1727-1775) DROUAIS, Francois Huserr (Attributed to) Marquise de Poyanne ‘DUPRE, J ULES Landscape and Cattle DURER, ArprecHutT Eece Homo DURER, Arsrecut (School of) Hans Imhoff CATALOGUE NUMBER 29 149 142 30 oF 110 80 108 caraloeaa NUMBER 4 EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL a Portrait of a Lady ) 129 EARLY FRENCH SCHOOL . ~ Hero and Leander | 154 Perseus and Andromeda 155 8 EARLY GERMAN SCHOOL | a Portrait of a Young Lady : 100 FRENCH SCHOOL 4 The Empress Eugenie | «68 - : Mademoiselle de La Salle 106 | La Marquise de Liancourt | 107 |= Madame de Montargis 113° . Mademoiselle de Clermont 114. i 4 Madame de Boticourt © 115, = Portrait of a Noble Lady 116 La Marquise d’imfroit 121 Portrait of Madame de Crozat 125." La Duchesse de Chartres | ee La Marquise de Dreux-Brézé 135 Queen of Naples (Caroline Marie A. Bona- parte, 1782-1839) 138 GERARD, Francois Pascan Smr0n : Madame Récamier 141 | GREUZE, Jean Baptiste (Attributed to) Saying Grace 81 GRUTZNER, Epwarp — Monks Making Wine 65 GRUTZNER, N. A. Jolly Confab HAAS, Jowannrs Hupertrus LEonarDUS DE Cattle at Pasture HARPIGNIES, Henri Landscape HENNER, JEAN Jacaurs Ideal Head Andromeda Chained to the Rock HOOGHE, Pirerer pr Interior with Figures HOPPNER, Joun, R.A. (Afier) Portrait of a Lady ISRAELS, Josrer The Mother and Her Child ITALIAN SCHOOL Madonna-and Child Madonna, Child and St. John Virgin and Child with Saints KAEMMERER, Freprrtck Henprikx Sitting for Her Portrait KAUFFMANN, Marre Anna Ancetica, R.A. The Bathers KNAUS, Lupwic The Poppies The Aged Knitter and Her Pet Bird Old Man Seated at ‘Table CATALOGUE NUMBER AA, 59 104 67 101 CATALOGUE NUMBER KNIGHT, Dantet Rincway | Hailing the Ferry | 30 LELOIR, Louis ALEXANDRE Standing Figure of a Girl 9 LENBACH, Franz von Prince Bismarck 68 LERCH, Lro Repose OU oH LINFORD, CuHartes Landscape pae MAES, Nicwonas Portrait of a Cavalier 131 MAKART, Hans Leda and the Swan en 28 “MASTER OF FRANKFORT” Triptych: Virgin and Child, with St. Cathe- rine and St. Barbara 144 “MASTER OF THE DEATH OF THE VIRGIN” Madonna and Child 88 MAX, GapriEL CoRNELIUS VON Girl’s Head AT MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest Sleeping Cavalier 4 METSU, Gaprien Le Marchand de Volaille MEYER VON BREMEN, Jowann Gerore Girl Reading The Hour of Rest The Flower Girl Blind Man’s Buff- MILLET, Jean Francois Two Pencil Drawings in One Frame A Young Girl Eating: an Apple MUNKACSY, Mruary The First Born MURILLO, Barrotomt Estrsan La Vierge au Rosaire NEUVILLE, ALpHonseE DE Artillery Moving to Action PASINI, ALBErtTo Earnest Conversation in Algeria PERRET, Aime Girl Waiting for Boatman La 'Tricoteuse PIGLHEIN, Pror. E1imar Urricu Bruno Madonna and Child POURBUS, Frans (THE YOUNGER) Portrait d’un Seigneur de Ripperda Portrait of Aysma Van Lauta CATALOGUE NUMBER 146 13 20 46 48 Ww oe 70 145 18 1 64 136 137 ‘ CATE iz NUMBER RAEBURN, Sir Henry, R.A. ; oN Portrait of a Man | " 109 3 RAOUX, JEAN Se Catherine de Soudeille . - 138988 REGNAULT, ALExanpRE Grorces Henri : Algerian Dancer | 3 5S REMBRANDT VAN RYN, HARMENSZ of Le Bon Samaritain Bis, 9 1513 a REMBRANDT VAN RYN, Harmensz (School of) | Portrait of a Man 102 RICO, Marrim A Corner of Venice Sie RIGAUD, Honorar Hyacintur (Attributed to) Portrait of a Lady . 95 RIGAUD, Honorar HyactntHe | Mademoiselle de Noailles : 112. ROMNEY, Grorcrt (Attributed to) oe Lady Hamilton | 98:3 Meditation an 108 ROSA, SatvatTor Diogenes Looking for an Honest Man 145 ROTTENHAMMER, Jonann Adoration of the Magi Th ROY BET, FERDINAND Victor Lron A Pleased Cavalier 36 RUBENS, Perer Pavur Madonna and Child Surrounded by Flowers Portrait dun Cardinal RUBENS, Prerrr Paunt (After) Holy Family RUSSIAN ICON SANCHEZ PERRIER, Emizio Spring in Alcala SANTERRE, Jean Baptiste Portrait of a Lady SARTO, ANDREA DEL Madonna and Child and St. John SCHENCK, Aveustr FREDERIC ALBRECHT Shepherd and Flock in a Snow Storm SCHREYER, Anorr A Hard Tug SPANYI, Beta von In the Woods SULLY, Tuomas Portrait of a Young Woman Girl’s Head TENIERS THE YOUNGER, Davin Le Porte-Etendard THAULOW, Frits Cottages on the Bank of the Mill Stream CATALOGUE NUMBER Ay 118 93 37 10 40 147 TISCHBEIN, Jowann HEINRICH Empress Maria Theresa TOCQUE, Lous - Lady Playing a Musical Instrument TOURNIERES, Rosertr L. (Attributed to) Madame Chateauroux TROY, Francois pE (School of) Mademoiselle de Sery | TURNER, JoserpH Matitorp WiiiaAM, R.A. (Attributed to) Landscape and Figures UNIQUE GOTHIC WALL PANEL Virgin and Child VAN BEERS, Jan Indolence VAN DER HELST. Banraocomeee Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Gentleman VANLOO, CuHartes ANDRE Queen Marie Lesczinska (1703-1768) VANLOO, CuHartes ANDRE (CARLE) (After) Madame de Soubise VANLOO, Louis M. (Attributed to) La Comtesse de Beaufort =f e's 7 CATALOGUE NUMBER 967% 130 39 117 97 134 VAN MARCKE, Emu Landscape and Cattle VAN OSTADHE, Apriaan (Attributed to) The Argument VAN SCOREL, Jan Madonna and Child VASARI, Gtoreio ~— The Christ, Virgin and St. John VAUTIER, Brengamin Louis Marc The Diligence Station Alsatian Wedding VERSPRONCK, Jan Portrait of a Lady VESTIER, Antoine (Attributed to) La Marquise de Baglion Mademoiselle Fougy VIBERT, JEAN GEORGES A. Cavalier The Oratorical Cardinal VOLTZ, Frieprico JoHANN Landscape with Herder and Cattle VOS, CornNELIS DE Portrait of a Lady WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI, Arrrep von Russian Street Scene at Night CATALOGUE NUMBER 78 86 91 69 74 148 111 124 bo 153 43 Ss panish Street Seene WYANT, ham Tak, N A ; Wood Interior. Repeats s e ZIBINI | . ae Madonna and Child — } Ee ea | i Venice ; aie | ~ COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY TT ; 5 ' ‘ i { pete } . i 5 ‘ h 5 bape iy ; $8 : ‘ \ ‘ : fl x 5 OPE sey ye nea ‘ r Rak Ron on Deter met o se Na ytetR ee . : rary rgeus aes F ar PE RFOSAS Arty -e as AEM RYT yee ‘ ir ie ‘ iat ats A A pPenSs VOUT er ATT EE ae Sheaziedasingn soot " ‘ . Bera Sed 8 te Caras . an . i Pecercrriey . : rar omar . R Boyes ay ; : 3 Re aray ¥ oa ‘ eHeeMrgS Foe! . ‘ ave iwaieweeebes Mee eae i eee eiracinieneacae Poe UT CIE a oF . “ id aoc soit be be ian ee eae : BAYT eh eM ie suryegs ot Wdeaty ‘ PWPIESE MELT WP Gey tbs Onda y ’ pOMe eee oe tue ay: a” ‘ i ‘ WD ere Taree ee fing PME HENGE EN ge em gH ga 4 Decent ier an Pak att a Me ee Ch nna Bs Dy on ‘ GSS E MES NAL | ; SEAR SEES TORU MI Hig { ck pohbe cers ! 2 vray’ A lier GReer; Weare ; hse ie air ite seme pe dev ate ‘ eet ay He Cea POH EFF ae | Ala OE Be Wusce ua FY are i ¢ : 2 ' Sire Peseta Pie Suwa nde gedien fa sas cr ycie : Bt ttt ‘ tS ‘ € Tig ; wae nyt ye yale spt iene ry rf ihe bees bf x ‘ ee ‘ a A ti “Aad Ge : ‘cay ee ye 3 crew ai hy tat ees ReRS of . : : gee) may ‘