1924 Feb.29 | NeAmB SIXTEENTH - EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE PROPERTY OF BENJAMIN BENGUIAT TOGETHER WITH ORIENTAL RUGS SIXTEENTH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY NEEDLEWORK VELVETS AND BROCADES PROPERTY OF BENGUIAT CORPORATION SOLD BY ORDER OF MAYER, EHRICH AND BLOCK, Arrorneys UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FEBRUARY 29 AND MARCH 1, 1924 2:15 P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK ONE RE ot UB ELCs VLE WwW FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Pee AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1924 CONTINUING UNTIL DATES OF SALE ORIENTAL RUGS FURNITURE AND TEXTILES TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ALT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES AFTERNOONS OF FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29 AND MARCH 1, 1924 2:15 O’CLOCK Wek US ERATED CATALOGUE RARE ENGLISH FURNITURE TUDOR-GEORGIAN PERIOD ORIENTAL RUGS CHINESE: MING, K’ANG-HSI, CH’IEN-LUNG ISPAHAN, GHIORDES, KULAH, OUSHAK, KHORASSAN BEAUTIFUL HISPANO-MORESQUE EXAMPLES NEEDLEWORK, VELVETS BROCADES ITALIAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH SIXTEENTH -SEVENTEENTH CENTURY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE fier ar AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET anp Mr. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc., MANAGERS NEW YORK 1924 ppb le THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a ecard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. : V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. 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In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots jnecluded in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. 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Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. _ XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given. but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot. and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- es a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also e given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. A Diels AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY SIALOGUE | THe AMERICAN Art AssociaATIONn, INc. Hei MANAGERS _ SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ORIENTAL RUGS, FURNITURE AND TEXTILES © mee _ Property of BENJAMIN BENGUIAT and BENGUIAT CORPORATION _ Afternoons of February 29 and March |, 1924 is - save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first . purchase. | By e §=©Purchaser’s Name re F Address in Full ai a ot : . Amount of Deposit — CSFeSes SCH PCA SPE see ewer ese essed F SF Bevse—ee_ sents e+ ¢€ FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 233, inclusive 1—Eicut Prewrer Puates Queen Anne Period Circular, with broad flanges; varying slightly in size; several have molded rims. Approximate diameter, 9 inches. 2—Four Prewrer PLates Queen Anne Period Circular with broad flange incurved; with crest. Diameter, 934 inches. Four PEwTer PLATTERS By Freeman, London; Queen Anne Period 3 Circular, with broad flanges and finely molded rims. Two with the Full Mark very finely preserved, others indistinct. Diameter, 15 inches. 4—Two Frint-Lock Pocket Pistroxs By Hickman; English, Eighteenth Century Adjustable barrel to screw into butt; the lock-plates engraved with medallion marked “Hickman” and “Trophy.” 5—Two EncusH Cavaury Fruint-tockx PIsrors Circa 1815 Heavy arched walnut stock, with curious tapering barrel. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 6—Two EncusH Marine Fuint-Lock PIistors By Sheppard, circa 1790 Long walnut stock, with brass pommel and tapering barrel. Marked Sheppard. %7—Two Furmt-tock Pistrors (a) French, circa 1812. Short arched walnut stock and taper- ing round barrel. Marked “M.R. de Culle.” (se) Holster pistol, circa 1740; enriched with repoussé brass pommel having satyr-head enrichments and scrollings. 8—Two Earty Encuisn Furmt-tocx Pistrous Late Eighteenth Century (a) Horse pistol, with arched walnut stock and octagonal taper- ing barrel. (3) British East India Company’s pistol, date 1811; arched walnut stock with brass pommel enriched with crest and date. 9—GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE Soup TuREEN In the form of a turtle, executed in repoussé, with back as hinged cover; imbricated fins and curious head in full relief. Length, 23 inches. 10—GEoRGIAN SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Finely balustered shaft, enriched with gadroonings, shell and leaf motives. On molded square base, having further similar enrich- ments and ball feet. Loose scrolled arms for lights. Height, 291, inches. 11—Cuinese FarenceE GArvEN SzEAT K’ang-hsi Period Molded square seat, with arched rectangular supports pierced with fret-motives; glazed apple-green, blue and ivory. (One corner chipped. ) Height, 191% inches; width, 12 inches. Furst Afternoon 12—Brass-Bounp Box English, Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top, bound at corners with brass and having cen- tral rosette: interior lined with cedar for cigars. Height, 41%, inches; length, 111% inches. 13 Two Framep Mezzorints English, Eighteenth Century SCHOOLMASTER WITH BAD BOY and SCHOOLMASTER WITH HIS FAVORITE GIRL PUPIL. In black and gold frames. Height, 91% inches; length, 121% inches. 14—FiLower Paintine English, Eighteenth Century A vase, standing on a table, is filled with a large bouquet of varied flowers. Framed. Height, 25 inches; width, 2314 inches. 15—RosEwoop Sewine Basket Sheraton Pertod Oblong back and arched side; fitted with shallow drawer at foot ; square loop-handles; inlaid with bandings of tulipwood. (Needs slight restoration. ) Height, 121%, inches; length, 1381/2 inches. 16—Inuain Manocany Scrap Basket Dutch, Eighteenth Century Urn-shaped, with open spindled body and flaring molded round base having ball feet; interior lined with blue floral damask; brass bail handles. Height, 17 inches. 17—Haneine Oax Boox Rack English, Eighteenth Century Open back, serpentined at crown, with curved sides, fitted with two shelves and three small drawers. Molded base. Height, 22 inches; width, 8 inches. 18—Ivory Inuaip TorroisE-sHELL SEwine Box Spanish, Seventeenth Century Domed hinged top, paneled and inlaid with vine of ivory leaves, giving access to small compartmented interior ; the front enclosed by two doors; the interior fitted with eight small drawers. (Needs restoration.) Height, 101% inches; length, 12 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 19—Watnvutr Bacxceammon Box English, Eighteenth Century Paneled oblong, hinged at center to fall over, disclosing interior inlaid for backgammon. Length, 21 inches. 20--Two LratHer Sutr’s Buckets English, circa 1800 Tapering body of heavy hide, enriched with insignia, and name of vessel; bail handles. Can be used for jardiniéres. Total height, 161% inches. Ba Ree Psa LEATHER Suip’s Buckets English, circa 1800 Similar to the preceding. 22—Iniaip Manocany Musicat Box Sheraton Pertod Upper portion with pipes and roll playing thirty tunes. The oblong top hinged, and front with oval medallion enriched with mock pipes. Molded stand, with enclosing door at end for the two rolls not in use. Supported on square tapering legs. (Needs restoration as to pipes and music rolls.) Height, 4914, inches; width, 26 imches. 23—LaAcQuERED ZITHER By Light; English, Late Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped body, with scrolled head and fluted open supports; enriched in gold and black, with borders and sprays of flowers; central open rayed motive and bandings. Signed: Light, Foley Place, London. Length, 321, inches. 24—Brass-ENRICHED LearHer Missan Venetian, 1629 Bound in russet hide, enriched with very interesting scrolled cor- ners and medallions adorned with rosettes and repoussé rayed motives. Length, 17 inches. 25—Two Revotutionary Drums American, Eighteenth Century One painted with red bands, the other particolored in black and red.. (One with both heads imperfect.) First Afternoon 26—Faience Ort Jar Spanish, Seventeenth Century Ovoidal, with three loop-handles and short spout, enriched with toothed ribbings and sacred monogram; glazed in rich brown. Fitted with loose lining for jardiniére. Height, 1814, inches. 27—Carvep Manocany JARDINIERE Dutch, Eighteenth Century Circular body, lined with metal and having small drawer at base; enriched with long sprays of hawthorn; brass side handles and escutcheons. ‘Supported on arched valance and short cabriole legs terminating in ball and claw feet. Height, 19 inches. 28—Two Tart LeatHEeR. SHELL CAsEs English, circa 1821 Circular body of heavy brown leather; banded near crown, at center and foot; bail handles. Can be used for umbrella stand. Height, 37 inches. 29—OnE TatuL LeatHer SHELL CAsE English, circa 1821 Similar to the preceding. 30—Intaiw TorToIsE-SHELL SEw1inc Box Oblong domed hinged top, giving access to interior having com- partments and original bone sewing implements; the exterior curiously paneled with oblongs and silver lines. On brass ball feet. (Needs slight restoration.) Height, 41% inches; length, 91/, inches. 31—Oxp Encuiso Brass-InLAInp Rosewoop Dressine CasE Oblong hinged top, bound in brass and finished with round cor- ners. Sides and front fitted with drawers opened by springs from the interior. Elaborately fitted with sixteen silver-mounted bottles and further utensils. The cover with loose adjustable mirror. The fittings are hall marked. Height, 814, inches; length, 14 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 382—Smartu Ivory Iyiariw Torrotse-sHELL CaBineT Spanish, Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular, paneled on all sides with bandings of ivory, studded with cuivre doré nails at top; interesting side lifting handles, and baluster drop-handles to the interior drawers; the front enclosed with hinged door. (Needs restoration. ) Height, 61%, inches; length, 11 inches. 383—Initaip Etmroot Sewince Box — English, Eighteenth Century Domed oblong hinged top, giving access to upper compartment ; front enclosed with two doors; the interior fitted with six small drawers. Exceptionally rare grained elmroot. Height, 101%, inches; width, 10 inches. 34—Miniature Beecu Castner English, Eighteenth Century Dentil-molded top, with reeded pilaster and paneled enclosing doors. Supported on bracket feet. Height, 131%, inches; length, 14 inches. 35—Manocany Mepicrne Case English, Eighteenth Century Rectangular, the hinged cover giving access to interior compart- ments, the one at back stationary and arranged below with two small drawers; the side compartments hinged to open, these and the back fitted with original medicine bottles holding various contents; the original pamphlet as companion to the medicine chest accompanies this intricate box. Height, 81% inches; width, 8 inches. 86—CarRvED Oak PANEL Tudor Period CHRIST AT THE WELL. Interesting archaic carving de- picting Our Lord at left, and three personages grouped at right, with the well at center. Framed. (Panel cracked.) Height, 81% inches; length, 1414 inches. First Afternoon ENGLISH FURNITURE OF THE JACOBEAN, QUEEN ANNE AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PERIODS 37—Decorateo LaquE ARMCHAIR Sheraton Period Open back, with scrolled medallioned splat, balustered crowning rail and molded open scrolled arms; seat cannée. Supported on tapering outcurving bamboo legs. Decorated with gilded bands and scrollings; on dark green grounds. 38-—BrocaTeLLE Manocany Wine Cuarr Chippendale Period Oblong serpentined back with shaped wings, beautifully scrolling into outcurving arms and loose seat; covered in two-toned blue brocatelle, developing vases of flowers and scrollings. Supported on stretchered square castored legs. 39—Manocany Easy Cuair Chippendale Period Oblong back, arms and seat. Supported on molded square legs exceptionally well stretchered. 40—CarRVED AND GILDED SCONCE Chippendale Period Scrolled cartouche-shaped ; supported at sides by columnar mo- tives enriched with leaf scrolls, rocaille motives and water-drip: fitted with brass arm for electricity. Height, 41 inches; width, 1614 inches. 41—Innaip Manocany WINE Cooter Sheraton Period 4 Octagonal molded lifting top and tapering body; the interior fitted with leaded compartments. Supported on molded taper- ing flaring legs terminating in brass castors. Height, 281% inches; diameter, 20 inches. 42—Inrtaip Satinwoop WINE CooLer Sheraton Period Finely banded oblong lifting top; interior lined with metal; trimmed with brass bail carrying handle. Supported on tapering square castored legs. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 43—Carved Manocany Titrinc-rop Breaxrast TAase Late Sheraton Period Oblong top, with round corners. Supported on baluster shaft and four finely reeded tapering outcurving legs, terminating in brass claw castors. Height, 29 inches; length, 48 inches. 44—Intaip Etmroor CENTER-TABLE Sheraton Period Paneled oblong top; frieze fitted with shallow drawer. Supported on tapering square legs. Unusually fine elmroot, with rich nut- brown patina, has been used throughout. Height, 28 inches; width, 19 inches. 45—Manocany BanaQuetreE English, Eighteenth Century Loose seat, covered in wine colored stellate motived rep. Sup- ported on molded square legs and H-stretcher. Height, 19 inches; length, 291, inches. 46—NEEDLEWoRK CarvepD Manocany BanquETTE English, Early Eighteenth Century Square seat, covered in fine gros-point developing large sprays of poppies in mellow colors on ivory grounds. Supported on cabriole legs having leaf knees and claw ball feet. (The needle- work needs slight restoration.) Height, 18 inches; top, 19 inches. 449—Decoratep Laaqukt CHAIR Late Sheraton Period Open back, scrolling to front of seat with flaring splat; cannée seat. Supported on tapering incurved legs. Decorated in old- green with scrollings and bandings. 48—Two Crimson Damask Oak Cnairs Henri II Style Small oblong back, and seat covered in crimson floral damask. Supported on columnar legs with molded H-stretcher. 49—Two SHarep Mirrors Georgian Period Oblong frames, with canted corners at foot, and scrolled at crown; mirror panel having gilded fillets. ene Height, 25 inches; width, 1914 inches, First Afternoon 50—Miniature Oak Wririne Bureau English, Eighteenth Century Slant-front writing fall; the front arranged with two end-on-end drawers, and two others below, trimmed with original brass knobs. Supported on molded bracket feet. Height, 14 inches; width, 131 inches. 51—Two Carvep anv GintpED Brackets Georgian Period Valanced semicircular top, supported by large S-scrolled bracket enriched with sprays of flowers and rocaille motives. Height, 17 inches. 52—Watnout Torrr Mirror English, Early Eighteenth Century Molded mirror with inset round corners, supported on slightly expanding shaft; stand with incurved front fitted with three drawers. On bracket feet. Height, 2414 inches; width, 17 inches. 53—Inxtaiw RosEwoop Drop-Lear TABLE Late Sheraton Period Oblong top, with two drop leaves paneled with diamond motives in varicolored woods; the center of top is loose and slides, giv- ing access to a compartment inlaid for backgammon. Supported on oblong shaft with outcurving legs and stretcher. (Needs slight restoration. ) Height, 27 inches; top open, 42 by 18 inches. 54—Intam Manocany Carp Tase Sheraton Period Semicircular folding top, cross-banded with kingwood, and lined with green cloth; frieze of similar contour to top. Supported on finely tapering square legs. (Needs slight restoration.) Height, 291%, inches; diameter, 36 inches. 55—Carvep Watnut HicH-sack CHair William and Mary Period Oblong back and seat cannée; back enriched with open scrolled pediment; expanding baluster supports. Curiously bracketed baluster legs with H-stretcher and frontal pierced stretcher similar to the pediment. (Seat defective.) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 56—Carvep Waunut CHair Stuart Period Open double-paneled back and seat cannée; back enriched with open scrollings and rosettes; coronetted pediment, supported by two cupidons on spirally twisted supports. Similarly spiraled H-stretcher, legs and frontal pierced coronetted and scrolled stretcher. : 57—-Carvep Watnut Wine CuHair Queen Anne Period Sloping oblong back, with wings scrolling into out-turned arms and seat covered in brown linen. Supported on bracketed cab- riole legs having pad feet. 58—LaqvE Fivre-sack SETTEE Late Sheraton Period Open backs with interesting flaring splats, the end backs scroll- ing into arms; cannée seat. Supported on square tapering legs. Decorated in gray-green with leaf and husk motives on buff grounds. Height, 3 feet; length, 6 feet 6 inches. 59—Initai Manocany Sora Taste Sheraton Period Oblong top, with two drop leaves having round corners and broad bandings of deeper toned wood; frieze fitted with two end-on-end drawers. Supported on oblong shafts having outcurved legs terminating in brass castors. Height, 2734, inches; top open, 59 inches. 60—Iniai Manocany Trrtinc-rop Breaxrast Taste Late Sheraton Period Finely banded oblong top, with round corners, of very beauti- fully veined plum-pudding mahogany. Supported on baluster shaft and four outcurving reeded legs terminating in brass castors. Height, 2814 inches; length, 601%, inches. 61—Initai Manocany Povuprevse Sheraton Period Oblong hinged and quadranted top, the interior fitted with cen- tral mirror and compartments; the front with small slide and two end-on-end drawers below compartments. Supported on square legs having incurved shelf-stretcher. Height, 32 inches; width, 23 inches. First Afternoon 62—Inuaip Watnut Hancine Casinet English, Eighteenth Century Rectangular, with canted pilasters and moldings at crown and base; front with arched glazed panel; fitted in the interior with two shelves; access given to cabinet by hinged back. Height, 22 inches; width, 19 inches. 63—Crimson Carven Manocany Easy Cuartr Chippendale Period Serpentined oblong back, armpads and seat covered in crimson damask displaying large scrollings and flowers; the arms sus- tained on rosetted incurved supports. On square tapering legs having H-stretcher. 64—Ovat NEEDLEWORK PANET, French, Seventeenth Century Displaying before a blue ground the symbols of the “Passion.” Petit-point, executed in mellow colors. Height, 101% inches. 65—GoOLD-EMBROIDERED CusHION Asia Minor, Seventeenth Century Apricot-pink satin; enriched in silver and gold threads and pastel silk with florally cruciformed medallion. Pale green border of scrolling tulip motives. 1714, inches by 16% inches. 66—VetveT BrocapE CusHion Persian, Seventeenth Century Displaying blossomed diamond motives within fine-leaved ogivals ; woven in ivory, pink and lavender cut velvet, on drap d’or yellow grounds. Finished with a border of crimson brocade displaying small sprays of flowers in colors and gold. 22 inches by 191% inches. 67—MixuE-FLEuRS BrocapEe CusHion Persian, Seventeenth Century Deep gray-blue field, woven with series of minutely infloretted palmette motives, interrupted by small jardiniéres scrolled with Herati leaves in old-red and ivory. 2114, inches by 21 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 68—Drapr p’or Ivory VELVET CusHION French, Eighteenth Century Ivory cut velvet, displaying a diamond lattice, occupied by sprays of small blossoms on drap d’or yellow ground. Finished with a border of Persian brocade, woven with blossomed circular medallions in gold, on purple grounds. 22 inches by 211% inches. 69-—Sitver BrocapE Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous sapphire-blue satin, woven in silver threads and yellow silks, with trailing vines of pomegranate and carnation motives. Interesting amber-red border, woven with sprays and stripes of small flowers in further silver threads. 271/, inches square. 7O—MitiE-FLEuRS Gotp Brocapr CusHion Persian, Seventeenth Century Rich drap-d’or field; woven in rose-red, ivory and black with minutely blossomed diamond lattice. 23 inches square. 71—Buve BrocapEe CusHion Persian, Seventeenth Century Deep gray-blue jaspé silk, woven in ivory, tan and slight pas- sages of silver threads, with infloretted palmette motives and narrow floral border. 24 inches by 221, inches. 72— SILVER BrocapE CusHIon Persian, Seventeenth Century Shot-silver gray and yellow ground, woven with palmette motives, infloretted with numerous red-pink flowers. The palmettes out- lined with deeper gray bandings. Finished with similar colored floral borders. 251%, inches by 24 inches. 73—MILLE-FLEURS GoLtpD BrocapE CusHION Persian, Seventeenth Century Displaying series of minutely blossomed palmette motives in red- pink, blue and ivory, on solid grounds of gold threads. 26 inches square. First Afternoon 74—NEEDLEWORK SCREEN Pane French, Seventeenth Century Rich resonant black field; executed in petit and gros point, with fantastic scrollings of flowers and fruit in very mellow colors. 24 inches by 21 inches. 75—Goup BrocapE Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Woven in mellow red-pink and gold threads, on blue ground, with stellated scrolled diamond lattice. Finished with silver brocade border, developing beautiful scrollings of varied flowers in pastel colors on silver-ivory grounds. 28 inches square. 76—EmBRoIvERED Linen Cusuion Mitylenian, Seventeenth Century Ivory linen, enriched in crimson and sapphire-blue, with jar- dinieres of flowers amidst which birds are perched. Finished with scalloped lace. (Stained.) 251%, inches by 25 inches. 77—Goup Brocape Cover Persian, Eighteenth Century Cerulean-blue field, woven in gold threads and ivory with floral stripes. Rose-pink striped border. 2714, inches by 25%, inches. 78—SILvVER BrocapE CusHion Louis XIV Period Ribbed pale-blue field, woven in pastel colors and crimson, with rustic sprays of fine fruit and flowers; trimmed with galloon. 271, inches by 24 inches. 79—Drap d’Or Curt-vetvet Cover’ Persian, Seventeenth Century Jade-green cut velvet, displaying floral lobed medallions within a stellated diamond lattice, on golden-yellow grounds. Border of striped brocade, having corners of mille-fleurs blue brocade. 28 inches by 26 inches. 80—Rare Biur Brocape Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Cool amber-yellow field; woven in beautiful lustrous bleu-de-ciel with very interesting scrolling stripes occasionally developing small medallioned lavender blossoms. 28 inches by 27 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 81—Drap d’Or Cur-vELvET Cover’ Persian, Seventeenth Century Woven in green cut velvet, with fine leaved diamond lattice and small blossoms in green on drap d’or and ivory ground. Fin- ished with borders of golden-yellow velvet, somewhat similar in pattern, with corners of mille-fleurs brocade. (Stained; needs restoration. ) 28 inches square. 82—Drar-pv’Or Mitie-FLteurRs Brocape Cover | Persian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous sapphire-blue satin, woven in gold threads, crimson- red, lavender, yellow and ivory, with series of finely infloretted palmette motives. 30 inches by 231% inches. 83—Go.tp BrocapE CusHIoNn Persian, Seventeenth Century Deep rich blue satin ground, woven in orange, golden-yellow and gold threads, with interesting sprays of tulip motives. 24 inches square. 84—-Gotp BrocapE Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Lavender-tan field, woven in gold threads, golden-yellow and passages of red-pink with series of infloretted palmette motives of varied sizes. Gray-green border of silver palmette devices. 31 inches by 27 inches. 85—Two EmproipereD Linen PaAnets Asia Minor, Sixteenth Century Deep ivory linen, enriched in rose-du-Barry, old-yellow and black, with central rosetted cruciform motive within a scrolled and bordered panel. Outer border of curious angular scrollings. (Need restoration.) 32 inches by 251, inches. 86—GoLtp BrocapE Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Fine apple-green satin, woven in gold threads and passages of crimson with infloretted palmette motives. Rich border of silver and blue minutely blossomed ogivals. 32 inches by 31 inches. First Afternoon 87—GoOLD-EMBRODIERED COVER Bulgarian, Seventeenth Century Wine-brown field, enriched in rose-pink, blue, yellow and ivory with curious winged and pendented medallion, archaic animals and conventionalized floral motives. 33 inches by 24 inches. 88—MIL1LE-FLEURS BrocapE CusHion Persian, Eighteenth Century Deep blue field; woven in straw-yellow and slight passage of red- pink with very curiously scrolled palmette motives minutely blossomed. 23 inches square. 88a—Printep Corron Cover English, Early Eighteenth Century Printed in crimson, aubergine, pale-blue and yellow, with a flow- ered mound from which springs a tree blossoming with many varied flowers and supporting squirrel and birds. Border of florally festooned trees, on which birds are perched. (Imperfect.) 2 yards 31 inches by 2 yards 20 inches. 89—Gotp BrocapE CovER Persian, Seventeenth Century Amber-yellow satin field; woven with series of small detached floral motives. Deep rich blue border with series of detached sprays of asters. 3114, inches by 30 inches. 90—Carvep Oak CHAIR Cromwellian Period Open oblong back, with quaintly scrolled pediment and three very unusual spooned vertical splats; molded oak seat. Supported on stretchered baluster legs. 91—Inutaip Manocany ScREEN Desk Narrow molded top. Supported on expanding ends having scrolled cross-feet and central balustered stretcher; the front fitted with hinged falling writing tablet lined with red leather on the interior, and crimson pleated silk on the exterior. Height, 451% inches; width, 211% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 92—Satinwoop IntaAip Manocany CENTER-TABLE Late Sheraton Period Oval top, broadly banded with satinwood, inlaid, in colored woods, with wreathed medallions of husk motives. Height, 29 inches; width, 29 inches. 93—Oax Reapinc Tape English, Eighteenth Century Oblong top, with book-rest at front, hinged and ratcheted at back to raise to any convenient angle. Supported on round expand- ing shaft and scrolled tripod legs. [ Height, 32 inches; width, 18 inches. 94—Smatt Manocany Tasie English, Early Eighteenth Century Oblong top, with round corners and scrolled flaring gallery; the front arranged as a cabinet with arched valance and shallow drawer. Supported on valanced cabriole legs with curious pad feet. Height, 27 inches; width, 181%, inches. 95—Manocany Tasie English, Late Eighteenth Century Oblong top, with shaped gallery having hand-holes; the front fitted with tambour slide enclosing large compartment. Sup- ported on molded square legs. Height, 301% inches; width, 1914 inches. 96—SmaLtt Watnut TasLe English, Eighteenth Century Molded oblong top of finely grained walnut. Supported on molded square shaft and scrolled tripod legs. Height, 291%, inches; width, 21 inches. 97—-Stx YEW-TREE AND CHEsTNUT Winpsor ARMCHAIRS ° English, Eighteenth Century Arched open back spindled through horseshoe arms, and having pierced double vase-shaped splat; saddle seat. Supported on H-stretchered flaring baluster legs. 98—Fivre YEW-TREE AND CHEstTNuUT Wrnpsor ARMCHAIRS English, Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding, but having finely arched stretcher with small spindles to back legs. First Afternoon 99—Inuaip RosEwoop Work ‘TAasLe By Hope, circa 1820 Oblong top, with scroll-inlay ; frieze fitted with drawer and slid- ing deep green silk bag for work. Supported on baluster legs having cross feet and central stretcher having rosette at center. Height, 29 inches; width, 22 inches. 100—Carvep Oak CHarr Queen Anne Period Double-arched open back, with vase splat; molded oak seat. Supported on well-stretchered balustered legs. 101—Iniarip Manocany Gamine Tape English, Eighteenth Century Loose sliding molded oblong top, disclosing interior inlaid as backgammon table; front fitted with two end-on-end drawers paneled to simulate three drawers and trimmed with two brass rosetted knobs. Supported on square tapering legs. Height, 31 inches; width, 22 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 102—Inxtaip Satinwoop Wraitinc TABLE Sheraton Period Molded oblong top, lined with old red-pink leather; fitted at back with open cabinet having two drawers at foot and shelf at top; enriched with cutvre doré open gallery and latticed paneled ends; the table fitted with long drawer and supported on taper- ing bamboo turned legs enriched with gadrooned canopy at crown. Height, 46 inches; width, 32 inches. 103—Manocany Drop-Lear Tas ie English, Early Eighteenth Century Triangular molded top, with one leaf forming square when open. Supported on tapering round legs having pad feet. One leg gated for folding leaf. Height, 27 inches; top open, 2514 inches square. First Afternoon 104—CarvED AND GILDED Mirror Georgian Period Oblong frame, with serpentined and arched corners; interestingly enriched with ribbon and rosette moldings at interior and ovulo moldings at exterior; the pediment adorned with rosettes and scrolled acanthus leaves; bracketed husk drops at sides; the apron with shell-scrolled device at center. (Two rosettes have been replaced and the further one is missing.) Height, 361%, inches; width, 2514 inches. 105—Carvep Gitp—ED Manocany Mirror Early Georgian Period Scrolled oblong frame, with leaf-enriched gilded interior fillet, adorned with finely scrolled and rosetted gilded pediment and fruiting vines at sides. Height, 40 inches; width, 201, inches. 106—Manocany Tamsovr Fronr Writinc Desk English, Late Eighteenth Century Small oblong top, with quarter-round tambour front slidmg mechanically; pull-slide immediately below top; interior fitted with compartments; slide lined with green leather. Curious semi- circular body fitted with two drawers having brass moldings and bail handles. Supported on open lyre-shaped scrolled legs ter- minating in carved and gilded claw feet, and medallion stretchered Bt cencer. Height, 4114 inches; width, 36 inches. 107—Crimson Damask Watnut SoFA Queen Anne Period Oblong back, with deep outscrolling arms and seat covered in contemporary crimson damask woven with large pear-shaped scrollings and leafage. Supported on cabriole legs with pad feet and balustered double H-stretcher. Height, 411%, inches; length, 56 inches. 108—Carvep Oak SETTLE Queen Anne Period Oblong molded back enriched with two arched molded panels; open scrolled arms. Supported on curious cabriole legs. (Seat lacking. ) Height, 41 inches; width, 361 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 109—Inuain Rosrewoop Tittinc-ror Tare English, circa 1820 Molded and banded hexagonal top, enriched with central fan rosette. Supported on reeded round shaft and three scrolled triped legs of walnut. Height, 2714, inches; diameter, 26 inches. 110—Oax Tasie English, Early Eighteenth Century Oval top; supported on three slightly flaring baluster legs with open triangular stretcher. Height, 281, inches; width, 27 inches. 111—Oak CENTER-TABLE English, Early Eighteenth Century Oval top. Supported on three straight legs having triangular shelf-stretcher. Height, 25 inches; length, 27 inches. 112—Carvep Oak JARDINIERE English, Eighteenth Century Gadrooned urn-shape, with fluted round base and square plinth; interior lined with metal. Height, 2314, inches; diameter, 28 inches 118—Manocany Bureau English, Eighteenth Century Molded oblong top; front fitted with two end-on-end drawers, and two long drawers below trimmed with fine original shell motives. Brass bail handles. On bracketed molded base. Height, 301, inches; length, 32 inches. 114—Oax Bureau William and Mary Period Molded oblong top; the front fitted with three drawers, each variously paneled with lozenge and cruciform motives; trimmed with brass bail handles. Supported on bulbous feet. Height, 3614, inches; length, 43, inches. 115—Carvep Manocany BAnQuETTE Chippendale Period Oblong top covered in floral crimson damask trimmed with fringe. Supported on H-stretchered square legs enriched with interesting geometric sunk-fret. Height, 1614 inches; length, 21 inches. First Afternoon 116—Carvep Manocany BanquETre English, Early Eighteenth Century Oblong top fitted with loose cushion covered in contemporary green velvet. Supported on cabriole legs having fan motives at knees, spade feet and baluster H-stretcher. Height, 171/, inches; length, 21 inches. 117—Carvep Manocany Pie-crust Tintrnc-ror Tasie Chippendale Period Scrolled molded circular sunk top. Supported on expanding round shaft enriched with sunk geometric fret and_ spiral gadrooning; scrolled tripod legs adorned with leaf cartouches at knees, and acanthus-leaf feet. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 271% inches. 118—Eumroot anp PrEaAr-trEE TittTinc-tor TABLE English, Eighteenth Century Remarkably grained circular top having raised molding at edges. Supported on pear-shaped baluster shaft and tripod scrolled legs. (Needs restoration.) Height, 29 inches; diameter, 28 inches. 119—Oax Tiutinc-ror Taste English, Early Eighteenth Century Circular top. Supported on fluted baluster and three ARNON In | the form of human beings. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 301% inches. 120—Iniaw Watnut Kwnee-Hote Desk Queen Anne Period Broadly banded and molded oblong top with inset round corners, the front fitted with long frieze drawer; double-arched central door below and pedestals of three drawers each; central recessed cabinet enclosed by doors. On bracket feet. Height, 301, inches; length, 301, inches. 121—Manocany CaBINET English, Eighteenth Century Finely molded overhanging cornice curiously bracketed toward front, and enclosed by two paneled doors; molded frieze. Sup- ported on square tapering legs. (Needs slight restoration.) Height, 5214 inches; width, 274% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 122—Watnut BurErau English, Early Eighteenth Century Molded oblong banded top, the front arranged with four grad- uated long drawers trimmed with engraved brass bail handles and escutcheons. Supported on bracket feet. Height, 37 inches; length, 40 inches. 123—Oak SIDE-TABLE Cromwellian Period Molded oblong top; frieze fitted with long paneled drawer trimmed with knobs. . Supported on ball and ring-turned legs having H-stretcher. Height, 28 inches; length, 32 inches. 124—Manocany Carp Taste English, Early Eighteenth Century Curious oblong molded top, having out-set round corners, and two hinged folding leaves to rear, the first unlined, the second lined with green cloth and having guinea and tumbler pockets ; frieze of similar contour to top. Supported on slightly cab- rioled round legs tapering to pad feet. Height, 30 inches; length, top open, 321%, inches. 125—Inxuarp Oak Corner CuPppoarpn English, Early Eighteenth Century Rectangular, with canted pilasters, molded at crown and foot, and enclosed by paneled door enriched with stellate medallion and diamond motives. Height, 41 inches; width, 29 inches. 126—Manocany Bureau English, Eighteenth Century Molded oblong top, with bow-front fitted with two end-on-end drawers and two long drawers beneath; trimmed with brass rosetted ring-handles. On bracket feet. Height, 3314 inches; length, 35 inches. 127—TortTolsE-sHELL Mirror English, Eighteenth Century Deeply molded hollow oblong frame inlaid with red tortoise-shell ; finished with interior and exterior ebonized fillets. Height, 25%, inches; width, 211% inches. First Afternoon 128—Watunvur Torter Mirror Queen Anne Period Molded oblong frame, with rounded corners at crown. Sup- ported on expanding brackets having brass vase terminals; the stand arranged with three incurved drawers and bracket feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 15 inches. 129—Manocany Carp Tare Chippendale Period Finely molded serpentined folding top, lined on the interior with green velvet; the frieze of similar contour to top. Supported on square tapering legs, having open scrolled brackets at frieze. Height, 281, inches; top open, 3314, inches. 130—InTEREstTING CuEstNuT Carp Tape Chippendale Period Oblong folding top, with interior lined with green cloth; frieze fitted with drawer having loop handles. Supported on square legs bracketed under frieze. Height, 29 inches; top open, 851% by 341%, inches. 131—Manocany Drop-tear Foupine Taste Chippendale Period Narrow center with two large drop-leaves. Supported on molded square legs, two gated for support of folding leaves. Height, 28°, inches; top open, 36 by 35 inches. 132—Manocany CaBinet Late Sheraton Period Dentil-molded cornice; the front enclosed by two molded and glazed doors; the interior fitted with shelves lined with crimson velours. Stand with molded frieze. Supported on open bracketed square legs having molded toes and shelf-stretcher. Height, 521%, inches; width, 2714 inches. 183—Inuain Manocany Taste Desk English, Early Eighteenth Century Rectangular, with slant hinged top falling over to form large writing tablet; the exterior enriched with basket of flowers and scrolled sprays of flowers interrupted and banded with sunk brass strips; fitted with drawer at left side. Height, 61% inches; length, 19 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 134—Carvep Manocany Mirror Chippendale Period Scrolled oblong frame, supported by slender columnar motives, surrounded by unusual open scrollings of leaves festooned with sprays of small clustered flowers and having husk and rosette motives at intervals. Height, 4714 inches; width, 2014 inches. First Afternoon 135—Carvep AND GrLDED Mirror Chippendale Period Arched oblong scrolled frame, enriched with open cartouche pedi- ment, rocaille scrollings and sprays of flowers; easel back. Height, 2714 inches; width, 24 inches. 136—Carvrep AND GitpED Manocany Mrrror English, Early Eighteenth Century Molded oblong frame, with inset corners at crown and interior gilded-leaf fillet ; finely scrolled pediment and apron enriched with open gilded-leaf cartouches. Height, 47 inches; width, 301% inches. 137—Oaxk Wraitinc Bureau English, Early Eighteenth Century Framed oblong top, hinged at front to fall over on slides for extended writing tablet; front fitted with three long drawers trimmed with original brass ring-handles and escutcheons. On molded bracket feet. 7 Height, 281, inches; length, 35 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 138—Lagvet Foxipinc Camp BeEp English, Eighteenth Century Style Two frontal baluster posts, enriched with scrollings of leaves and flowers in delicate colors; arched folding tester. (One pin- nacle missing. ) Height, 5 feet 1 inch; length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 139—BrocatELLE Carvep anp Gitpep Brencu Venetian, Seventeenth Century Oblong seat, covered in beautiful rose-crimson floral brocatelle, with golden-yellow grounds. Supported on eight cup-balustered legs, having molded box stretchers. Height, 1 foot 7 inches; length, 6 feet 5 inches. 140—Manocany THREE-PART DINING-TABLE English, Late Eighteenth Century Center portion with oblong top and large drop leaf, supported on six molded square legs, two being gated for folding and extra leaf; end portions with bow-front, supported on similar legs. Can be used for console tables. Height, 2 feet 41% inches; top extended, 8 feet 10 inches by 8 feet 81 inches. 141—Two-part Manocany Breaxrast Tape English, Late Eighteenth Century Each part with oblong top having round frontal corners. Sup- ported on baluster shaft and four outcurved legs terminating in brass castors, these can be used for console tables. Extra leaf for center with clip and bracket supports. When joined, forms large oblong topped table. Height, 28 inches; length, fully extended, 60 inches by 411% inches. 142—Fotping Manocany Haur-rester Camp Bep English, Late Eighteenth Century Oblong back and curved sides; hinged fall-over adjustable ex- tending slats for mattress; fitted with loose baluster posts and hooded tester. Supported on castored pear-shaped balustered legs. The whole forming an oblong bench when entirely folded. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. Furst Afternoon 143—Carvep Manocany Four-posr Cuinpn’s Bep Sheraton Period Beautiful expanding reeded posts enriched at foot with varied leafage and interesting feather motives ; paneled back with arched tester, having chintz valance and curtain developing small flowers on ivory ground. Box-spring mattress, with chintz valance and loose coverlet. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 91% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 144—Larce PanELep Oax anp Watnutr Caninet William and Mary Pertod Deep overhanging molded cornice enriched with dentil motives ; the upper and lower portion with molded stiles; arranged with four similar doors, deeply paneled, with diamond medallions. Supported on molded base and stump feet. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. NEEDLEWORK, VELVETS AND BROCADES 145—NEEDLEWORK COVER French, Seventeenth Century Pale-blue field, enriched in petit-point, with rosetted medallions and oblongs. Pale-yellow borders on three sides of pear-shaped scrollings. Trimmed with fringe. 35 inches by 221, inches. 146—Hunearian Point Emproierep Cover Florentine, Early Seventeenth Century Solidly worked in varied stitches, with chevroned motives in deep amber, yellow, greens, ivories and tans. 381, by 25 inches. 147—Sitver Brocape Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Crimson satin field, richly woven with very beautiful series of small scrolled blossoms. Lavender border with similar motives in pastel colors. 38 inches by 30 inches. 148—EmMBROIDERED LINEN CoveER Italian, Sixteenth Century Sheer linen, enriched with blue border of angularly scrolled car- nation motives. Finished with small pinnacled guard. (Needs restoration. ) 40 inches by 16 inches. 149—MiILuE-FLEURS CRIMSON AND Goxtp BrocapEt Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Rich rose-crimson satin, woven in gold threads, yellows, greens and black, with innumerable series of small carnation motives. 291%, inches by 28%, inches. First Afternoon 150—Two Emproiprerep Linen Cusnions Mitylenan, Seventeenth Century Oblong ; enriched in crimson and blues, with varied floral motives. Trimmed with crochet lace. 151—Cut-vetvet CusHion Italian, Seventeenth Century Oblong; crimson velvet center panel, bordered with floral cut velvet in pale-blue and gray, on ivory ground. 152—Lavenver BrocavE Cover French, Eighteenth Century Wine-lavender field, fluctuating to lighter areas, woven, in deli- cate pastel colors, with very beautifully drawn sprays of roses and silver vines of flowers. Trimmed with silver galloon. 40 inches by 211% inches. 153—Srrieep Goutp Mintie-rieurs BrocaprE Cover Persian, Eighteenth Century Ivory and black striped field; woven in pastel colors and gold threads with innumerable scrolled small blossoms. Striped and scrolled borders in crimson and green. 44 inches by 30 inches. 154—GoLpDEN-TAUPE VELVET CovER Genoese, Sixteenth Century Unusual toned golden-taupe velvet; trimmed with gold galloon. 71 inches by 39% inches. 155—LencTH oF JARDINIERE VELVET Louis XIV Period Ecru field, woven with rose-pink flowers and green scroll motives. 441/, inches by 281, inches. 156—Empromwerep Linen Cover Asia Minor, Seventeenth Century Ivory linen, enriched with four stems of leaves, curiously worked in greens and pinks. 45 inches by 181% inches. 157—Goup MinuLE-FLEURS BrocapE CusHIon Persian, Seventeenth Century Rare drap dor field; woven in blues, crimson and black with series of minutely infloretted palmette motives. 241/, inches square. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 158—Huounearian Point ann EmBromErRED Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Displaying in the center scrolled oval medallion in greens and ivory centered with a dull-pink blossom. The field with chev- roned lozenge motives in pastel colors. Recurring golden-yellow border, displaying jardiniéres at quarters and the corners inter- rupted by birds perched on shrubs and butterflies. 46 inches by 31 inches. 159—MiriEe-FLEuRS BrocapE CusHion Persian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous crimson satin, woven in blues, greens and yellows, with varied detached floral motives amidst which birds are seen. Sim- ilar border. 22 inches by 21 4nches. 160—EmMBROIDERED Crimson SILK Cover Italian Renaissance Period Lustrous crimson velvet, enriched in appliqué green and yellow silks, with all-over strap arabesques, husk scrollings and leafage. Trimmed with fringe. Cruciform portion, forming valance over edge of table; trimmed with particolored fringe. Length, 50 inches; width, 42 inches. 161—Rare Ruopian Borver Sixteenth Century Fine ivory linen, forming pattern displaying beautiful lozenge motives, scrolled with leaves and centered with husks. Narrow pomegranate motived borders; background embroidered in rose- crimson. Length, 54 inches; depth, 614, inches. 162—GoLp-EMBROIDERED CusHION Persian, Seventeenth Century Rose-pink field; enriched in dark blue, gold-yellow and passages of gold threads with detached bouquets of flowers. Pale-blue border with palmette and floral sprays. 26 inches by 25 inches. 163—Btivur BrocapE Cover Persian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous deep sapphire-blue field; woven in pale pink, green and ivory with remarkable series of carnation sprays in each of which is a perched bird. 58 inches by 27%, inches. First Afternoon 164—MiLir-FLEuRs Gray Brocapr Cover Rare jaspé fluctuating mouse-gray satin, woven in delicate pinks, greens and ivory, with series of lovely small sprays of flowers. 5 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 414 inches. 165—EmpromweERED LineEN Cover Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Tan linen, enriched with broad border in tawny-brown having diamond medallions, flanked by angularly placed scrolled blos- soms. Finished with scalloped lace edge. (Needs restoration.) 70 inches by 281, inches. 166—Crimson BrocateLLtE Cover Italian, Siateenth Century Woven in rich crimson and ivory with large leaf-scrolled motives and smaller leaf border. (Needs restoration. ) 661, inches by 29 inches. 167—Ivory BrocapE Cover French, Seventeenth Century Rich ivory field, woven in beautiful shell pink, with elaborate bouquets of flowers, scrolled with vines. 6 feet by 1 foot 101% inches. 168—LavENDER Sik Brocape Cover Venetian, Louis XV Period Gray-lavender field, woven with bouquets of varicolored flowers interrupted by festooned ribbon motives in silver. Trimmed with silver galloon. 6 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. 169—-EmproimERED Linen Cover Rhodian, Seventeenth Century Deep ivory linen, enriched in golden-yellow, deep green and rose- crimson, with series of jardiniéres, alternating in color. 6 feet 4 inches by 1 foot 7 inches. 170—LarcEr Srrirep Brocape Cover Persian, Eighteenth Century Woven with innumerable narrow chevroned and plain stripes in old red, black, blue, green, ivory and tan. 6 feet square. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 171—EmproiwEreD Linen Cover Hindu-Perse, Seventeenth Century Deep tan-ivory linen, enriched in crimson, green and yellow with lobed floral medallion, sprays and bracket corners of flowers. Borders of floral stems and scrolled guards. 7 feet by 8 feet 81%, inches. 172—BeavtiruL Frorat Brocape Cover | Persian, Seventeenth Century Rich wine-purple field, woven in pastel colors and crimson, with exceptionally drawn sprays of roses and silver floral vines. Trimmed with silver galloon. 7 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 91% inches. 173—Gotp Brocape Cover Italian, Eighteenth Century Displaying dainty ivory floral stripes interrupted by solidly woven gold bandings. 7 feet 7 inches by 4 feet 4& inches. 174—Rare Crimson Empromerep Linen Borper Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Ivory linen, forming the pattern and developing floral cruciform motives, interrupted by arabesqued jardiniéres and having angu- lar scrolled and blossomed borders. Backgrounds embroidered solidly in crimson. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; depth, 10 inches. 175—EmMBRroiwERED LineN Cover Asia Minor, Sixteenth Century Fine ivory linen, enriched in pastel colors and crimson-red, with extremely interesting sprays of pomegranates and flowers, inter- rupted by rosettes. 6 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. 176—F iver Lace Borper Italian, Sixteenth Century Displaying series of cupidons facing fountains, surmounted by stags and interrupting scrolled cagles. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; depth, 81% inches. First Afternoon 177—Royat-BLuE BrocapE Cover Italian, Louis XIII Period Royal-blue field, woven with gray and golden rocaille motives, flowers and vines, with birds perched upon the sprays. 8 feet 7 inches by 7 feet. 178—Laree Irauian Fiver Lact Cover Seventeenth Century Finely paneled with figures and scrollings. 10 feet by 9 feet. 179—RareE InpraAn PALAMPORE Eighteenth Century Ivory field, printed in pastel colors and crimson with curious mounds at foot and crown inhabited by antelopes, fruiting and blossoming trees and central floral medallion. Very interesting borders of flowering shrub motives. (Needs restoration. ) 10 feet 5 inches by 7 feet 2 inches. 180—Leneru or Rose-crimson Empossep Urrecut VELVET French, Eighteenth Century Style Rich jaspé two-toned crimson, embossed with a leaf-lattice of diamonds, enclosing varied sprays of flowers. Length, 191%, yards; width, 23 inches. 181—Leneru oF Green Empossep Utrrecut VELVET French, Eighteenth Century Style Similar to the preceding. Mellow, two-toned jade-green. Length, 20 yards; width, 23 inches. 182—LenetH oF Brut Empossep Utrecut VELVET French, Eighteenth Century Style Similar to the preceding. Lustrous turquoise two-toned blue. Length, 19, yards; width, 23 inches. 183—LenctH oF Brack Emerossep Urrecut VELVET French, Eighteenth Century Style Similar to the preceding, except the diamonds are formed of entwined ribbon motives. Length, 191% yards; width, 23 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 184—LxrnctH oF GOLDEN-YELLOW Utrrecutr VELVET French, Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Fine two-toned jaspé golden-yellow. Length, 201, yards; width, 23 inches. 185—Leneru or Empossep LavenperR Urrecut VELVET Italian Renaissance Style Rich mellow lavender, embossed with lobed medallions, sprays of pomegranate motives and flowers. Length, 1914 yards; width, 23 inches. 186—LenetH oF Emsoss—ED CHANGEABLE STEEL-BLUE UTRECHT VELVET Italian Renaissance Style Length, 201, yards; width, 23 inches. 187—LeEncTH or EmpossEp Rico Mrettow GoLpDEN-YELLOW UTRECHT VELVET Italian Renaissance Style Similar to the preceding. ORIENTAL RUGS 188—CnuiInEsE SApPPHIRE-BLUE ANIMAL Rue Eighteenth Century Deep lustrous blue field, woven, in lighter tones and passages of ivory, with scrolling shrub motives at each end, occupied by antelopes and feng-huangs, diagonally placed. Fret border and inner guard of T-fret in two tones of blue. 4 feet by 2 feet. 189—CHINESE SAPPHIRE-BLUE ANIMAL Rue Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 3 feet 9 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. 190—Pair oF SuMAK SADDLE-BAGS Eighteenth Century Each side a paneled oblong pocket, finished with tassels. The panels displaying, in crimson, blues, ivories and greens, archaic floral diamond motives. Ivory borders, enriched with S-scrollings, supported on staves, First Afternoon 191—Capistan Prayrrr Rue Eighteenth Century Old wine-red field ; woven, in lavender pink, ivory and black, with quaint mihrab enriched with arabesqued floral motives. Similar spandrils and narrow floretted fret border. (End_ borders incomplete. ) 421, inches by 380 inches. 192—CHINESE SAPPHIRE-BLUE FLorAL Rue Eighteenth Century Lustrous fluctuating deep-blue ground, woven in lighter tones and ivory, with central key-fret circular medallion, flanked by large scrollings of peonies and flying bats; bracket corners. Interesting diagonally placed fret border, with T-fret inner guard, executed in two tones of blue. 4 feet by 2 feet. 193—APPLE-GREEN FRAGMENT OF A SPANISH CARPET Late Sixteenth Century Apple-green field, woven, in deep green, with irregularly placed arabesqued floral motives. Scrolled border at crown and foot. (Has been much restored.) 4 feet by 3 feet 6 inches. 194—CHINESE SAPPHIRE-BLUE AND Ivory Antmat Rue Eighteenth Century Rich sapphire-blue field, woven, in ivory and lighter-toned blue, with tree motives rising from chevroned bracket corners and sheltering antelopes and birds. Key-fret border in ivory and deep-blue; inner guard of S-fret motives. 4 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. 195—CuinEsE SAPPHIRE-BLUE AND Ivory Anrmat Rue Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding, except that the field is of a richer blue and the inner guard of key-fret motives. 3 feet 8 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 196—Ivory SHirvan Prayer Rue Late Seventeenth Century Deep ivory mihrab, woven in old-red, blues, tawny-browns and crimson, with large mosque-shaped hanging lamp at apex and ogivals of archaic blossoms. The ogivals and blossoms recur in the spandrils. Blue-black border of geometric motives, flanked by ivory and yellow blossomed guards and old-red pinnacled banding. 4 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 1 inch. 197—Suirvan Prayer Rue Eighteenth Century Small arched mihrab; mulberry ground, woven in blue, yellow and ivory, with geometric motives, curious floral border with in- ner guards of key scrollings and chevron motives. 55 inches by 40 inches. 198—Suiraz PaneLteD Rue Eighteenth Century Field of very unusual oblong panels developing, in very varied colors, cruciformed lozenge motives. Blossomed ivory borders of diamond devices; floral scrolled guards. 5 feet 6 inches by 4 feet. 199—Suirvan Frorat Rue Eighteenth Century Beautiful field of lavender, fluctuating to rose-red; woven, in mellow blues, greens, yellows and black, with toothed floral dia- mond motives. Fine border of geometric lozenge devices with blue and rose-red carnation guards. 5 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 10 inches. 200—CuinEsrt Damasst GoLpEN-YELLow Rue Ch’ien-lung Period Rich golden-apricot field, damassé in fine golden-yellow, with scrollings emitting six sapphire-blue and ivory peony blossoms guarding a central sapphire-blue key-scrolled oval medallion. Blue bracket corners; golden-yellow border, scrolled with sap- phire-blue and ivory lotus flowers. Banded guards. 5 feet 11 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. First Afternoon 201—SERREBEND Rue Eighteenth Century Deep rich blue field, woven in rose-pinks, ivory, tan and pale greens with series of infloretted palmette motives and ivory- bracket corners. Angularly scrolled ivory border with pink floral guards. 6 feet by 5 feet 2 inches. 202—CuineEsE Rose-pEacH Rue Ch’ien-lung Period Very lustrous fluctuating rose-peach field, woven, in golden-yel- low, sapphire-blues and ivory, with floral circular medallion, pen- dented with vase of flowers and flanked by scrollings; leaf and blossom bracket corners. Recurring rose-peach border, develop- ing key scrollings in the colors of the field. Inner guard of chey- roned blossoms, banded with pearl motives; outer guard a broad band of deep sapphire-blue. 6 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 203—RosE-PEACH CHINESE Rue Chien-lung Period Velvety fluctuating rose-peach field; woven, in shades of blue and and ivory, with central and four corner floral medallions, bracket corners and sprays of flowers. Rich sapphire-blue border, dis- playing scrolled lotus blossoms in light-blue and recurring peach tones. 6 feet by 5 feet 6 inches. 204—CuINEsE MEDALLIONED Rue Ch’ien-lung Period Deep, rich shimmering pile of varied golden-yellows; woven, in sapphire-blues and ivories, with five circular floral medallions imposed on a rosetted diamond lattice. Sapphire-blue and ivory border, developing bands of key-fret and pearl motives. 6 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 1 inch. 205—Rare Kazak Rue Early Eighteenth Century Rose-crimson field; woven, in ivory, green, sapphire-blues and golden-yellow, with three latch-hooked diamond motives paneled with scrolled oblong devices. Blue geometric border having pin- nacled ivory guards. 6 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 206—SuHiRVAN SAPPHIRE-BLUE Rue Eighteenth Century Very deep rich blue field; woven, in rose-pink, crimson, pale- blue and green, with all-over fantastic floral and pomegranate motives. Blue and rose-pink borders. 6 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 207—Nomapv KurpisH DousiEt Prayer Rue Eighteenth Century Two mihrabs, at right with crimson field, woven with blue, green and ivory stem of archaic flowers; at left, with blue field, woven in similar colors with geometric motives. Ivory, golden-yellow and green borders, displaying floral and geometric motives. 6 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 208—Kazaxk Merpartztion Rue Seventeenth Century Deep rich blue field, woven, in pink, crimson, yellow, green and ivory, with four varied latch-hooked diamond medallions and curious oblongs. Green and blue latch-hooked borders. 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 8 inches. 209—Mosvur Frerecuan Rve Eighteenth Century Deep resonant black field; woven, in rose-red, green, blue and ivory, with finely arabesqued diamond latticed blossoms. An- gularly scrolled border, with rose and mulberry guards. 6 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 1 inch. 210—InTErEsTING Canistan Rue Eighteenth Century Rich blue-black field; woven, in amber-yellow, pink, crimson, ivory and pale blue, with archaic leaf scrollings and geometric motives. Unusual fluted border of golden-yellow and black. 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 10 inches. 211—Hammapan Camew’s Harr Rue Eighteenth Century Damassé latticed tan field, woven with diamond medallion and triangular corners in brilliant colors. Three angularly scrolled floral borders. 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. First Afternoon 212—FerErecHan Rue Seventeenth Century Blue-black field; woven, in red-pink, blue, green, ivory and yel- low, with blossomed diamond motives arabesqued with floral motives and fine Herati leaves. Blossomed lozenged borders with angular scrolled guards. 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. 213—SEREBEND Rue Early Nineteenth Century Rich black lozenge field; woven, in red-pink, green and ivory with series of very unusual palmette motives, floral ivory bracket cor- ners and angular scrolled blue border; scrolled crimson guards. 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. 214—Kazax Dovsite Mepatrtion Rue Eighteenth Century Rare amber-pink-tan field; woven, in green, yellow, rose-crimson, ivory, blue and tawny black, with two large floral diamond me- dallions. Scrolled stellate ivory border, with pinnacled guards. 6 feet 7 inches by 4 feet 8 inches. 215—HamnMapan Camet’s Hair Rue Eighteenth Century Latticed damassé floral tan field; woven, in rose-red, blue, ivory and black, with two pendented floral diamond medallions and side borders. Major borders of angularly placed leaves; crimson guards. 6 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. 216—SaMARCAND LAVENDER AND Ivory Ruc Late Seventeenth Century Tan-ivory field; woven, in delicate lavender, pink, yellow and tawny-black with central geometric medallion, bracket corners and very interesting detached floral motives. Border of ju’ motives in the colors of the field, with blossomed inner guard and outer bandings of lavender-pink. 6 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. 217—Besurr Rost Rve Late Seventeenth Century Blue field; woven, in fine rose-crimson, ivory, lavender and pale blue, with lozenge medallion and all-over closely placed conven- tionalized blossoms. Interesting border of quartered lozenge motives. 6 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 218—Kazax Mepatition Rue Eighteenth Century Rich fluctuating rose-red field; woven, in blue, yellow ivory and red-pink, with geometric lozenge medallion, flanked by four cruci- formed and stellated oblong motives. Angularly scrolled sap- phire blue border, with ivory pinnacled guards. 7 feet by 6 feet. 219—Rare Persian Rue Eighteenth Century Lustrous blue-black field; woven, in rose-crimson outlined with mulberry-lavender, with all-over detached blossoms. Remark- able border of angularly scrolled leaves having scrolled lavender guards. 7 feet 1 inch by 4& feet 4 imches. 220—Casistan ARABESQUED Rve Early Nineteenth Century Resonant field of deep rich black; woven, in pinks, crimson-red, tans, blues and greens, with archaic leaf scrollings, personages, animals and birds. Blossomed and flute-motived borders. 7 feet 1 inch by 4& feet 5 inches. 221—Royat PurrPLe Samarcanp Rue Eighteenth Century Field fluctuating from old-yellow to interesting green; woven, in royal purple, pale blues, tawny-tans, pinks and yellows, with closely placed oval plaquettes, developing key scrollings and in one instance floral scrollings. Border of variable golden-yellow, enriched, in the colors of the field, with oval blossoms. Purple key-scrolled guards. 7 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. 222—CuHINESE APRICOT AND SAPPHIRE-BLUE CARPET Chien-lung Period Beautiful close lustrous pile, fluctuating from apricot tones to almost golden-yellow. A damassé of diapers appears in the pile. Deep sapphire-blue border, woven, in orange-yellow, with key- fret scrollings. Inner guard of fret scrolling in canary yellow on blue; outer guard of deep blue lined with pale blue on the inner side. (Has been much restored. ) 7 feet 10 inches by 5 feet 8 inches. First Afternoon 223—CHINESE Rosk MEDALLION CARPET Chien-lung Period Lustrous golden-yellow ground, developing a rich rose-pink scrolled square medallion, having a circular motive of key-fret, in which two dragons’ heads are seen; scrolled bracket corners, in similar colors and with similar motives. The field diapered with blossomed sapphire-blue scrolled oval motives, supported on an oblong trellis. Interesting apricot-tan border, developing scrolled lotus blossoms in blues. Striped guards. 8 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 4 inches. 224 —Kazax Dovnte Mrparuion Rue Eighteenth Century Fine fluctuating rose-red field, displaying two large floral and geometric medallions in blues, black, ivory, pink and green. Stel- lated and scrolled ivory border with curious pinnacled guards. 7 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 71% inches. 225—Rose-crimson Besuir Rvuc Early Eighteenth Century Tawny-black field; woven, in rich fluctuating rose-crimson, sap- phire-blue, yellow and ivory, with large central stellated and banded lozenge-medallion, four similar smaller medallions at cor- ners and closely placed large lotus blossoms and asters. Rose- crimson border, developing stellated cruciform motives, inter- rupted by interlacements, curiously quartered lozenges bearing stellate motives; rose-crimson guards. 9 feet by 5 feet. 226—MEDALLIONED SAMARCAND Rue Seventeenth Century Rich tan field; curiously woven, in ivory, mellow turquoise, green and tawny-tan, with three medallions occupied by blossoms and bordered with angular scrollings. The field at one end with further angular scrollings and blossoms in green and ivory; at the other end, with similar motives which have been partly outlined in tawny-tan. Border similar in color to field, displaying j’wit mo- tives. Key-scrolled inner guard, banded with ivory floral; outer guard in the color of the field. 9 feet by 4& feet 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 227—FEREGHAN CARPET Late Seventeenth Century Blue-black field, fluctuating to slightly lighter tones, woven in red-pink, blue green, ivory and yellow, with floral cruciforms part- ing diamond lattice motives, from which scroll Herati leaves and minor flowers. Broad ivory border, with infloretted brackets in the gayer colors of the field, with lavender added, and angular scrollings, forming lozenge motives, occupied by Herati leaves and smaller blossoms. Triple floral guards. . 11 feet by 10 feet 9 inches. 228—So BovurtaKx Rue Eighteenth Century Field of tawny-brown, fluctuating to tawny-yellows, woven in rose-pink, sapphire-blues, ivory, green and golden-yellow; lat- ticed in rosetted diamond motives. Woven at intervals, sus- taining lotus blossoms, from which scroll small flowers and Herati leaves. Rose-crimson border with small lotus blossoms and floral guards of ivory and golden-yellow. 13 feet by 3 feet 2 inches. 229—So Bovurtak Rue Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 13 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. 230—Kuiva-BoxHara CaRrPEt Eighteenth Century Beautiful rose-red field; woven in deep blue, with series of regu- larly placed geometric lozenge motives. Very unusual borders of angularly placed cube devices, having pinnacled and scrolled guards. 15 feet 9 inches by 7 feet 9 inches. 231—Kuorassan Carpet Eighteenth Century Lustrous turquoise-green field; woven, in crimsons, lavenders, yellows and tawny-browns, with central lobed diamond-shaped floral medallion, flanked by two lobed oval floral crimson medal- lions. Similarly enriched bracket corners to oval medallions and the field semé with small diamond motives, interrupted by scrolled Herati leaves and lesser blossoms. Rose-crimson border, having regularly placed floral rosettes, narrow ivory floral guards and broad outer guard of floral sprays, interrupted by pinnacles. 16 feet 2 inches by 5 feet 2 inches. First Afternoon 232—Frorat FErEGHAN CARPET Late Seventeenth Century Resonant blue black field; woven, in rose-pink, ivory, pale green, blue and yellow, with latticed diamond motives arabesqued with innumerable flowers and Herati leaves and floral latch-hooked pale blue triangular corner. Pale blue border, developing in- floretted plaquettes and vines of flowers. Triple floral guards. 17 feet 4 inches by 12 feet 6 inches. 233—FEREGHAN CarPET Eighteenth Century Resonant black field; woven, in sapphire-blue, green, yellow, rose- red and ivory, with latticed diamond motives arabesqued with flowers, in which many Herati leaves appear. Brilliant rose-red border, displaying intricate angular interlaced scrollings, sup- porting floral plaquettes in pinks, greens and blue-black. Double series of guards. 18 feet by 12 feet 4 inches. | | SECOND AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 234 to 422, inclusive ENGLISH FURNITURE OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND KIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 234—GreEEN Vetver Corrret, Mountep 1n Gitpep Forcrep Iron Oblong, with shghtly domed lid, covered in Botticelli-green velvet of fine radiance. Mounted in gilded and pierced forged iron, with balustered handle, hooks, scrolled corners and lock plate with fine balusters. Height, 714, inches; length, 17 inches. 235—Smatut Manocany Eicut-pay Crock English, Late Eighteenth Century Molded circular body with porcelain dial. Supported on ring- turned pedestal and square base; trimmed with brass ball ter- minals and feet. Height, 10 inches. 236—Inuarp Manocany Mantet Crock English, Eighteenth Century Pointed-arch shape, with porcelain dial, and enriched with scrolled panels of lines. Supported on oblong base mounted with brass lion-head and ring-handles. Claw feet. Height, 114, inches; width, 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 237—Carvep WaLnuT CuHair Jacobean Period Open-paneled back, and seat cannée; enriched with scrolled and rosetted bandings and tulip-motived pediment; spiraled back supports, terminating in pineapple motives. Similarly spiraled H-stretcher and legs having frontal stretcher similarly carved to pediment. 238—NeEEDLEWoRK Manocany Fire Screen English, Early Eighteenth Century Oblong molded frame, finely arched at crown and supported on scrolled cross feet. The panel covered in gros-point displaying bouquets of varied English flowers, within leaf-scrollings, on tawny-black grounds. Height, 41 inches; width, 24 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 239—Carvep Oak Cuitp’s Hicn CuHair Late Tudor Period Expanding paneled back with crowning rail enriched with guilloche motive; open scrolled arms; molded oak seat. Sup- ported on slightly flaring balustered legs with box-stretcher and foot-rest. 240—Carvep Waunut HicH-spack CHair | William and Mary Period Open-paneled oblong back, and seat cannée; back surmounted by coronetted pediment; finely balustered back supports, legs and stretchers. 241—Satinwoop Inrtaip Manocany Sora Taste Sheraton Period Oblong top, with two folding leaves having round corners and broad bands of satinwood; central sliding portions disclosing tray inlaid for backgammon; front fitted with mock drawer, and drawer below, trimmed with original ivory knobs. Supported on square tapering castored legs. Height, 281% inches; length, top open, 4314 inches. 242—Y oRKSHIRE Oak SPINDLED CHAIR Tudor Period Open heavy balustered back and arms over triangularly placed spindle; triangular oak seat. Supported on massive baluster legs, with vase motives as supports to arms. The legs have spindled stretchers. 243—Intai Harewoop Work TABLE Sheraton Period Lozenge-shaped hinged top, banded with tulipwood, giving access to interior compartments lined with crimson and yellow floral brocade. Supported on slightly flaring tapering legs, having dainty incurved open stretcher. Height, 2814, inches; width, 21 inches. 244—Iniarp Manocany ConsoLe Tape Sheraton Period Banded oblong top with bow-front fitted with long drawer hav- ing brass oval rosetted bail handles. Supported on square taper- ing legs. Height, 271, inches; length, 32 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 245—Carvep Watnut WINc-cHAIR Queen Anne Period Serpentined oblong back, with wings scrolling into arms, and loose seat covered in floral Jacquard-loom tapestry. Supported on cabriole legs having shell knees and spade feet. 246—Intaw Manocany Drov-tear Breaxrast TABLE Sheraton Period Reed-molded oblong top, with two leaves having round corners. Supported on reeded and fluted oblong shafts over incurved tapering reeded legs terminating in brass castors. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; top open, 7 feet 1 inch by 8 feet 3 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 247—Oaxk CENTER-TABLE William and Mary Period Oblong molded top; frieze fitted with drawer having brass rosetted drop-handles. Supported on very curiously fluted bal- uster legs having box-stretcher. Height, 271%, inches; length, 351/, inches. 248—Cuestnut Trestre Taser English, Seventeenth Century Oblong top, with two short folding leaves at end. Supported on H-shaped ends having outer portion of top hinged to support leaves, and long central pegged stretcher. Height, 2 feet 41%, inches; length, 7 feet 2 inch; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 249—WaALNUT SIDE-TABLE Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top, the front arranged with two deep drawers and central shallow drawer, and curiously arched valance having pierced series of medallions at crown. Supported on cabriole legs having claw and ball feet. Height, 28 inches; length, 30 inches. 250—Carvep Watnut BanaueEtre Queen Anne Period Oblong top, covered in chintz developing Oriental motives. Sup- ported on molded cabriole legs having fine balustered H-stretcher. Height, 161% inches; length, 20 inches. 251—Carvep Watnutr BAnQvuETTE Queen Anne Period Oblong top, covered in crimson floral damask. Supported on valanced cabriole legs with small spade feet. Height, 17 inches; length, 251% inches. 252—Manocany SLANT-FRONT Taste Desk English, Eighteenth Century Small oblong top; hinged back, giving access to compartments ; finely shaped and molded fall-front writing tablet, having book- rest at base, and disclosing fitted interior. Height, 1314, inches; length, 31% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 253—CarveD WaLnuT State CHair William and Mary Period Open arch paneled back and seat cannée, the back surrounded by interesting broad leaf-scrollings ; especially fine baluster sup- ports; interesting molded open-scrolled arms. On curiously scrolled legs having arched open leaf-scrolled frontal stretcher and H-baluster stretcher. (Seat slightly defective.) 254—Carvep Watnut Wine Cuair Queen Anne Period Oblong back, with wings scrolling into arms, and loose seat coy- ered in floral and fruit Jacquard-loom tapestry. Supported on cabriole legs having shell knees and spade feet. Second and Last Afternoon 255---Carvep Oak ARMCHAIR William and Mary Period Double paneled cannée back, surrounded by scrollings centered with curious coronet motives, open baluster supports, molded open arms with balusters continuing into legs having frontal stretcher, similar to pediment, at back. Spirally twisted H-stretcher. 256—Watunoutr Knere-HoLe Writinc Desk Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top, covered in old-green leather; front arranged with pedestals of three drawers each, central arched drawer and recessed cabinet with enclosing door. Supported on bracket feet with drawer trimmed with brass bail handles. Height, 29 inches; length, 3114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 257—CarvEp AND GritpED Mirror Queen Anne Period Oblong frame, with round corners at crown, enriched with strap and leaf moldings; deeply scrolled pediment, terminating in husk motives and centered with leaf cartouche; scrolled apron, having shell motives at center. Height, 43 inches; width, 21 inches. 258—CarvED AND GILDED Mirror Queen Anne Period Similar to the preceding. Height, 431% inches; width, 23 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 259—Satinwoop Intaip Manocany PEMBROKE TABLE Sheraton Period Oval top, with two drop leaves finely medallioned and bordered with satinwood, the medallion enriched with dainty floral lobe motives, the bands with vine-wreathed leaves ; shaped frieze, fitted with drawer. Supported on tapering diamond-shaped legs. (Castor and lock missing.) Height, 2714, inches; top open, 38 inches by 29 inches. 260—NerEDLEWoRK Manocany PoLe-scrEEN English, Early Eighteenth Century Long circular pole balustered toward foot, and supported on scrolled tripod legs. Large adjustable oblong molded panel, covered in fine petit-point displaying, in mellow colors, scrollings of strap motives and flowers. Height, 57 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 261—Kinewoop Inuaip Drop-LeaFr TasLe Late Sheraton Period Oblong top, with two folding leaves having round corners and fine bandings of kingwood; fitted with drawer. Supported on baluster shaft having four outcurved legs terminating in shell- motived brass castors. Height, 28 inches; top open, 47 inches by 33 inches. 262—Satinwoop InuAaip Manocany ConsoLte TABLE Sheraton Period Semicircular mahogany top, frieze of similar contour. Tapering square legs of banded satinwood; enriched with inlaid festooned panels, and vines of leaves on legs. Height, 301% inches; length, 501% inches. 263—Carvep Watnut BanauETTEe Queen Anne Period Oblong top, covered in floral brocatelle. Supported on cabriole legs having finely scrolled flat H-stretcher. Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 264—Two Neeptework Watnut Banauetres Queen Anne Pertod Oblong seat, covered in fine gros-point developing bowknotted bouquets of old-crimson flowers on tawny-brown grounds. Sup- ported on cabriole legs having fine spade feet. Height, 18 inches; length, 21 inches. 265—Initari Watnutr TasLe Queen Anne Period Broadly banded oblong top with slightly rounded corners; the front with deeply arched valance fitted with long upper drawer and two narrow drawers at sides, below. Supported on very interesting cabriole legs having Spanish feet. Height, 291%, inches; width, 29 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 266—Carvep Watnut Carp Tasie Queen Anne Period Oblong folding top, with outset round corners; the interior lined with green cloth and having guinea pockets and tumbler stands ; frieze of similar contour to top, fitted with drawer. Supported on cabriole legs having shell and husk motives at knees and spade feet. Height, 27 inches; top open, 321 inches. 267—YorKSHIRE CAarvED Oak ARMCHAIR | Late Tudor Period Oblong paneled back, enriched with elaborate circular rosetted medallion ; finely scrolled pediment, with small ear; the vertical stiles enriched with curiously rosetted spirals; open scrolied arms; molded wood seat. On short balustered legs having box- stretcher. Second and Last Afternoon 268—Satinwoop Inuai Manocany Sora Taste Sheraton Period Broadly banded oblong top, with two small drop-leaves over round corners; frieze fitted with two end-on-end drawers. Sup- ported on oblong shaft, with cross-stretcher and outcurving legs terminating in brass castors. Height, 28 inches; top open, 5014 inches by 2234 inches. 269—Carvep Oak GatE-LEG Taste English, Seventeenth Century Folding semi-octagonal top, hinged back; valanced frieze, carved with scrolls of archaic leafage. Supported on straight legs enriched with medallioned motives. Box stretcher with gated back leg. Height, 3114 inches; top open, 40 inches. 270—Iniatp Watnut CENTER-TABLE Queen Anne Period Broadly banded and molded oblong top, having center circular medallion of oyster-grain walnut. Supported on finely balustered legs having molded H-stretcher. 2 Height, 2914 inches; length, 52%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 271—CarvED AND GILDED. Manocany Mrrror Georgian Period Scrolled oblong mahogany frame, enriched with interior gilded fillet ; exterior scrollings of leafage and rocaille motives forming finely scrolled pediment centered with vase of flowers. Height, 56, inches; width, 274. inches. 272—Inutaip Waunut Wririnc Bureau Queen Anne Period Banded oblong top hinged to fall to front ; forming large writing tablet; the front arranged with four long drawers trimmed with brass bail handles and escutcheons. On molded bracketed base. Height, 3134 inches; length, 3314 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 273—Inuaiw Oax CHEST Jacobean Period Oblong molded lifting top, enriched with leaf rustications; front with four panels parted by arched leaves, stiles and pilasters ; the frieze chevroned in ebony and boxwood. Height, 30 inches; length, 611% inches. 274—Lone Oax Dresser Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top, deep frieze, fitted with three end-on-end drawers trimmed with brass bail handles and escutcheons. Sup- ported on straight legs with open brackets below fricze. Height, 2 feet 31% inches; length, 6 feet 7 inches. 275—Manocany Povuprevsk Sheraton Period Oblong top, hinged at side, the fall-over forming supplementary shelves; the interior fitted with mirror and flanking compart- ments; small pull-out slide below compartments at front. Sup- ported on square tapering legs. Height, 31 inches; width, 27 inches, 276—NEEDLEWORK InNLAID RosEwoop PoOLE-scREEN English, Early Nineteenth Century Square inlaid shaft, with curiously valanced lozenge-shaped panel covered in petit-point, with landscape, in which is a rustic maid and her dog’; finished with border of gros-point. Supported on scrolled tripod legs. Height, 56 inches. 277—NeEEDLEWoRK Carvep Manocany PoLe-scrEEN Chippendale Period Round shaft terminated in vase motives, and gadrooned baluster- ing toward foot. Supported on finely scrolled tripod legs, ter- minating in claw and ball feet. Molded oblong adjustable panel, covered on both sides with embroidery, displaying flowers and birds, in pastel colors, on pale blue grounds. Height, 57 inches. Inztai Watnot Sipe Taare Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top with round corners; frieze fitted with long drawer trimmed with original brass bail handles and escutcheons. Supported on cabriole legs with pad feet. 278 Height, 271/, inches; length, 291% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 279—Carvep Watnut Two-sack SETTEE English, Early Eighteenth Century Exceptionally broad open back, with shell motives at scrolled crown, and interlacing vase-shaped stretcher; deeply scrolled open arms; loose seat, covered in Hungarian point embroidery developing chevron motives in harmonious colors. Supported on cabriole legs having husk knees and spade feet. Height, 37 inches; length, 5514, inches. 280—Oaxk GaTE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, half-hinged, with drop-leaf. Supported on expanding baluster, with triangular stretcher and extra gated leg to sup- port folding leaf. Height, 27 inches; length, 321, inches. 281—Perar-TREE BANQUETTE Queen Anne Period Molded oblong top, with loose seat covered in mouse-brown velours. Supported on bracketed legs having spade feet. Height, 18% inches; length, 251% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 282—Carvep Oak CHEST English, Seventeenth Century Finely paneled and molded hinged top; the front arranged with sunk scrollings at frieze and four molded panels below. Sup- ported on bracketed feet. Height, 29 inches; length, 62 inches. 283—Oak Hurcu Cupsoarp Tudor Period Molded oblong top, and pilasters. Supported on scrolled feet. The front enclosed by upper and lower paneled doors having fine old S-scrolled forged iron hinges. Height, 531/, inches; width, 39 inches. 284—Carvep Manocany WINDOW-SEAT English, Eighteenth Century Serpentined oblong seat, and out-scrolled arms covered in rose- du-Barry stripe. Supported on molded cabriole legs with husk scrollings at knees. Height, 2714, inches; length, 41 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 285—Iniaip Watnut Bureau Queen Anne Period Oblong tep, inlaid with banding; frieze fitted with one long and two short flanking drawers, supported on pedestals of four drawers each, having recessed arched center arranged with three further drawers. Supported on molded bracketed feet. The drawers trimmed with brass bail cartouched handles. Height, 29 inches; length, 44 inches. 286—AsH CHEST AND STAND William and Mary Period Chest with molded cornice and rail; two end-on-end drawers and three long drawers below; stand curiously arranged with two end-on-end drawers and five frontal cup-baluster legs having shaped flat stretchers and pear-shaped feet; drawers trimmed with brass bail and drop handles. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 5 inches, 287—LarcE Oax GaTE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, with two leaves. Supported on baluster legs having box-stretcher and similarly balustered gates for leaves. Height, 2717, inches; top open, 631, inches by 58 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 288—Forcep Iron TrREAsuRE CHEST Tudor Period Oblong, with paneled lifting top, ends, front and back chiseled with chevroned motives in parts; heavy lifting side handles; very intricate spring lock. Supported on oak stand with baluster legs and box-stretcher of slightly later period. Total height, 32 inches; length, 28 inches. 289—Carvep Oak Bencu French, Gothic Period Paneled back, enriched with traceried and pinnacled arcading cen- tered with medallion bust surmounted by a winged cupidon’s head: oak seat having apron of further arcading centered with a coat-of-arms of Royal France; curiously shaped end supports enriched with vase of flowers, the front with paneled fleurs-de-lis. Painted rich nut-brown. (Has been reconstructed.) Height, 45 inches; length, 59 inches. 290—Oak AND WALNUT CENTER-TABLE Jacobean Period Molded oblong top; frieze fitted with shallow drawer trimmed with brass drop-handles. Supported on spirally twisted legs having broad scrolled H-stretcher. Height, 281, inches; length, 3014 inches. 291—-Manocany Tampour-Front WritTine Desk Sheraton Period Small oblong top with scrolled gallery; long elliptical front with raising tambour slide; the interior fitted with drawers and com- partments ; arranged with three end-on-end drawers having brass bail handles. Supported on square legs with molded feet. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; length, 4 feet. 292—Smatu Intam Watnvut Desk Queen Anne Style Small oblong top, with folding slant-front writing-fall disclosing fitted interior; shallow valanced drawer below. Supported on spirally twisted legs having box-stretcher and pear-shaped feet. Height, 38 inches; width, 20 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 293—Intaip WaLNuT SLANtT-FRONT Desk Queen Anne Period Slant fall-front writing tablet, with book-rest, lined with green leather; interior finely fitted with compartments, and back slide giving access to large compartment in frieze; front arranged with two end-on-end drawers, and two long drawers below trimmed with brass bail handles. Supported on molded and bracketed base. Rich nut-brown patina. : Height, 381% inches; width, 29 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 294—Two Carvep WaALNut CHArRs Stuart Period Open paneled oblong back and seat cannée, the back with leaf- scrolled and coronetted pediment: spirally twisted supports, terminating in acorn motives vary slightly in each chair; the frame of back and seat enriched with diamond motives. Sup- ported on spirally twisted legs having back, frontal and H-stretchers. 295—Carvep Oax GaATE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Pertod Oval top with two folding leaves. Supported on baluster legs with box-stretcher and similarly fine gates for leaves. Height, 281/, inches; top open, 47 inches. 296—Watnut Mirror Queen Anne Period Oblong frame, with central round member inlaid with fine oyster- grain walnut. Height, 22 inches; width, 191% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 297—Watutnut Mirror Queen Anne Period Broadly molded oblong frame, enriched with cross-banded walnut. Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches. 298—Watutnut Mirror Queen Anne Period Similar to the preceding. (Needs slight restoration.) Height, 15 inches; width, 1234 inches. 299—Two Crimson Damask Carvep Manocany Window Seats Sheraton Pertod Serpentined oblong seat, and roll-over arms covered in crimson damask developing round floral motives; trimmed with fringe; the arm supports enriched with rosettes and husk motives. On tapering square legs. Height, 24 inches; length, 54 inches. 300—CarvED AND GILDED Mirror Queen Anne Period Oblong molded frame, with round corners, enriched with ara- . besque moldings ; flat scrolled pediment and apron, enriched with rosettes, husks and leaf scrollings; two brass arms for lights at apron. Height, 42 inches; width, 20 inches. 301—Lacever Torret Mirror Queen Anne Period Oblong frame, with inset round corners at crown, supported on brackets having vase terminals, and stepped three-tier shaped base fitted with drawer and central enclosing door; enriched in the Chinese manner with gilded scrollings and landscapes on black grounds. Height, 28 inches; width, 16 inches. 302—Watnour Mirror Queen Anne Period Molded oblong frame, with inset round corners at crown, and finely scrolled pediment. Height, 34 inches; width, 231% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 303—SEVEN Carvep Watnut HicuH-pack Cuarrs William and Mary Period Arched open back, panel and seat cannée; interesting scrolled pediment supported on open baluster having urn terminal. On baluster legs having arched stretcher similar to pediment of back. 304—CarveD AND GitpED Watnutr Mirror Queen Anne Period Molded oblong frame, scrolled at crown; enriched with gilded interior leaf moldings and shell motives in the shaped pediment. Original Vauxhall Mirror. Height, 41 inches; width, 2214 inches. 4 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 305—Six Carvep Waunut Lapper-pack CHarrs William and Mary Period Open backs, with slightly expanding round supports terminating in acorn motives and having four finely scrolled ladders in back; molded wood seat with loose pad covered in contemporary vel- vet. Supported on cup-baluster legs having scrolled double U-stretcher with central pinnacle. 306—Oax SivE Tape Jacobean Period Molded oblong top, with valanced frieze curiously fitted with two unequal sized end-on-end drawers, having brass bail handles. Supported on baluster legs and box-stretcher. Height, 271%, inches; length, 421%, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 807—Carvep Watnut CuHarr Stuart Period Open oval paneled back and seat cannée; back panel surrounded by rosetted leaf scrollings and surmounted by coronet supported by two reclining cupidons. Spirally twisted back supports, legs and stretchers. 308—Carvepd Oak CHEST Late Tudor Period Molded hinged top; front arranged with leaf-arcaded frieze and three arched panels enclosing varied shrub motives. Height, 28 inches; length, 591% inches. 309—Carvep Oak Munimment CHEstT French Gothic Period Beautifully paneled with seven linen-fold motives on the front and others on ends. ‘Two interestingly scrolled forged-iron lock plates with balusters of the period exist. (The chest has no top, back or bottom. ) | Height, 4 feet 1% inches; length, 10 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts. offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 310—Carvep Waunout CHair William and Mary Pertod Molded serpentined arch¢d paneled back, and seat cannée. Sup- ported on pear-shaped baluster legs having Spanish feet and frontal and H-stretcher. 311—Srx Carvep Watnut CnHarrs Queen Anne Period Open arched back, with central vase-shaped splat, enriched with leafage and piercings; seat covered with contemporary green velvet. Supported on cabriole legs having claw feet and scrolled H-stretchers. The knees of legs have composition cartouches of a later period. Second and Last Afternoon 312—Srix Carvep Watnur Crarrs Queen Anne Period Oven double-arched back with scrolled pediment and spooned vase-shaped splat; seat covered in contemporary jaspé purple velvet. Supported on finely valanced cabriole legs having spade feet and balustered H-stretcher. 313—Carvep Oak BAnQuEtTTE Late Tudor Period Molded oblong top; frieze enriched with medallions of circular spirals. Supported on finely double fluted baluster legs. (Needs slight restoration. ) Height, 15°, inches; length, 3314, inches. 314—Carvepn Watnut BAnauETTE Queen Anne Period Oblong top with round corners; loose seat, covered in old green velvet. Supported on finely shaped cabriole legs with small spade feet. Height, 16 inches; length, 19 inches. 315—SatTinwoop Inutai Manocany Bureau Sheraton Period Finely banded and molded serpentined top, the front similarly banded and arranged with pull-slide at top and three drawers trimmed with scrolled brass bail handles. Supported on valanced bracketed feet. Height, 33 inches; length, 43 inches. 316—Oax Dresser William and Mary Period Deeply molded oblong top; frieze fitted with two end-on-end drawers, each paneled with two cruciform motives. Supported on bracketed balustered legs. Height, 341%, inches; length, 49 inches. 317—LaceauER SLANT-FRONT BurREAU English, Early Eighteenth Century Slant-front writing fall, disclosing fitted interior having slide at back giving access to compartment in frieze; serpentined front, arranged with three drawers. On bracket feet. Enriched in gold and red, on black grounds, with Chinese landscapes, flowers and scrollings. Height, 401%, inches; length, 421% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 318—Iniaiw Manocany Srewine Tasie Late Sheraton Period Reed-molded oblong top, with broadly canted corners ; deep body, following the contour of the top, arranged with two drawers paneled with key-scrolled lines and trimmed with brass rosetted knobs. Supported on tapering square legs. (Needs slight res- toration. ) | Height, 29 inches; width, 18 inches. 319—-Intaip Manocany Cosote Taste Sheraton Period Banded oblong top, the bow-front fitted with two deep oval medallioned drawers, and arched central shallow drawer, trimmed with original brass knobs. Supported on tapering round cas- tored legs. Height, 281% inches; length, 36 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 320—Manocany SLANntT-FRoNT Desk English, Early Eighteenth Century Molded oblong slant writing fall, disclosing fitted interior; the front fitted with supplementary pull-out writing slide and large drawer trimmed with brass ring-handles and _ cartouched escutcheons. Supported on valanced cabriole legs having pad feet. Height, 38 inches; width, 221% inches. 321—Manocany Writine TABLE Sheraton Period Molded oblong top, with small gallery at side and back, and lined with green leather ; frieze fitted with two end-on-end drawers trimmed with brass bail handles. Supported on tapering fluted round legs. Height, 291, inches; length, 36 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 322—Inutaip Watnut Kneer-HoLe Desk Queen Anne Period Banded and molded oblong top; the frieze arranged with fall- front writing tablet having fitted interior. Supported on two pedestals of three drawers each; the center with small drawer under frieze and recessed enclosing door to cabinet. On bracketed feet. The drawers trimmed with stellate drop-handles and escutcheons. Rich nut-brown patina. Height, 31% inches; width, 27 inches. 323—Carvep Watnut BanaukEtTTe William and Mary Period Oblong top, covered in crimson floral damask. Supported on molded cabriole legs, having balustered H-stretcher. Height, 161% inches; length, 20 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 324—GinpED Watnutr Mirror Queen Anne Period Finely molded oblong frame, having gilded wave-motive interior fillet. Height, 281, inches; width, 24 inches. 325—Oak GaTE-LEG TABLE Jacobean Period Oval top, with two folding leaves supported on end balusters having cross feet and broad shelf-stretcher. Two molded framed gates for leaves. Height, 291/, inches; top open, 601% inches by 501% inches. 326—Carvep Manocany Tittinc-rorp Writinc Tasie Late Sheraton Period Circular top, lined with rich apple-green leather, having scrolled gilded border. Supported on leaf-enriched expanding shaft and four reeded outcurving castored legs. Height, 281, inches; diameter, 58 inches. 327—Initaip Watnut SLANtT-FRoNT Waitinc Desk Queen Anne Period Paneled oblong top and double paneled slant-front writing-fall; the interior finely fitted, and having back slide giving access to compartment in frieze; front fitted with two end-on-end drawers and two long drawers beneath. On molded and bracketed base. Height, 3814 inches; width, 281% inches. 328—WatnvuT SLANT-FRONT Writinc Desk William and Mary Period Broad slant-front writing fall, with fitted interior having draw- ers, slide and loose cover to compartment in frieze; the front arranged with two end-on-end drawers, and long drawer beneath trimmed with rosetted drop-handles and escutcheons. On loose molded stand having a valanced arcade of four balusters in front and scrolled stretcher at back. Height, 391, inches; width, 38%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 329—Iniai Watnut Siant-Front DeEsk English, Early Eighteenth Century Hinged slant-fall front disclosing finely fitted interior with com- partments; central enclosing columned door and drawers; front arranged with four graduated drawers. Supported on bracketed feet. The drawers trimmed with brass bail handles and escutch- eons. (Lock and one bail handle missing.) Height, 3834 inches; width, 371, inches. 330—Tvuuirwoop Ixntain Manocany Writine Capinet Sheraton Period Finely banded oblong top, with bow-front fitted at back with loose rectangular cabinet having open compartmented center, and flanking enclosing doors over mirror panels; the frieze fitted with long drawer having interior writing slide lined with green leather. Supported on square tapering legs terminating in brass castors. Height, 46 inches; width, 3514, inches. 331—Manocany BooxcasE Sheraton Period Upper portion, with finely molded cornice, enclosed by two glazed doors having very unusual arched lattice to lower portion, with reeded top enclosed by two paneled doors having medallioned corners and bracket feet. Height, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 10% inches. 332—Carvep Manocany BooxcasE Chippendale Period Upper portion with dentil-molded cornice and geometric sunk- fret frieze; the front arranged with two upper paneled drawers arched at crown. Lower portion with slant-front writing fall disclosing exceptionally finely fitted interior with further sunk- fret, and columned central enclosing door; fitted with four grad- uated drawers below having original fine brass bail handles. Supported on bracketed molded base. Height, 7 feet 31%, inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. Second and Last Afternoon 333—InLaip WaLtNnutr Secretary BooxcasEe Queen Anne Period Rectangular upper portion, with molded cornice and latticed and glazed door; lower portion with slant-fall writing tablet lined with green leather and disclosing well fitted interior; the front arranged with long shallow drawer, two end-on-end drawers beneath, and succeeding these are two long drawers; trimmed with brass bail handles. On bracketed molded base. Height, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 104% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 334—InLaip WaALNuT Secretary BooxkcasE Queen Anne Period Upper portion with finely arched cornice; two arched enclosing doors fitted with mirror panels, and two small candle slides at foot; lower portion with slant-fall writing tablet; fitted interior and four drawers trimmed with brass bail handles. On molded and bracketed feet. Rich golden toned patina. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 21% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 3385—Watnout Torrer Mirror Queen Anne Period Molded oblong frame, with rounded corners at crown; interior enriched with gilded leaf fillet. Supported on expanding bracket having brass vase terminals, the stand arranged with three incurved drawers and bracket fect. Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches. 306—InLAIp Waxtnut Mirror Queen Anne Period Molded oblong frame, with broad rounded central portion inlaid with extremely fine oyster-grain walnut. Height, 281%, inches; width, 241, inches. 337—SATINWoopD InLAID RosEwoop Sora TABLE Sheraton Period Oblong top, with two drop leaves having round corners, and finely banded with satinwood; frieze fitted with drawer trimmed with rosetted brass knobs. Supported on oblong shaft having in- curved and castored legs and central stretcher. Interesting grained rosewood, marked with the sap for enrichment. Height, 281, inches; length, top open, 491 inches. 338 Intaip Manocany Carp Tape Sheraton Period Folded oblong top, with canted corners ; frieze of similar contour. Supported on square tapering legs. Finely banded with king- wood and darker-toned mahogany throughout. Height, 291/, inches; top open, 35 inches square. 339—Inxiaip MAHocAany SIDE-TABLE Sheraton Period Molded oblong top; the front arranged with long shallow drawer at crown; central shallow drawer below flanked by two deeper drawers. Supported on square tapering legs. Height, 291, inches; length, 351, inches. 340—Oax Corner Cupsoarp English, Early Eighteenth Century Dentil-molded cornice, canted over pilasters; the front enclosed with paneled door; molded at foot. Height, 25 inches; length, 28 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 341—Curty Marie Writine CasBinetr English, Early Eighteenth Century Upper portion with molded oblong cornice and two enclosing doors; the interior fitted with thirteen varied sized drawers hav- ing brass drop-handles; the lower portion arranged with central writing slide lined with dark green leather ; two end-on-end draw- ers and two long drawers below trimmed with rosetted drop handles and escutcheons. Supported on molded base and de- pressed bulbous feet. Height, 4 feet 11% inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 342—CarveD Oak CABINET English, Early Eighteenth Century Molded cornice; broken over fluted pilasters; the front enclosed by arched paneled door. Height, 411%, inches; width, 29 inches. 343—Initaip Wariner Tartsoy English, Early Eighteenth Century The upper portion with molded cornice, fitted with three end- on-end drawers and three long drawers beneath, trimmed with brass bail handles and escutcheons; lower portion arranged with two end-on-end drawers, and long drawer beneath, above an arched valance. Supported on cabriole legs. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 344—Iniaip Manocany SipEBOARD English, Eighteenth Century Oblong top, bowed at front; fitted with central shallow drawer having arch below and flanking deep drawers trimmed with orig- inal brass oval bail handles. Supported on tapering square legs. (Needs slight restoration to leg.) Height, 3 feet; length, 6 feet 1 inch. 345—LacauER CABINET ON STAND Chinese, Eighteenth Century Oblong cabinet, valanced at foot and fitted with two enclosing doors and six interior drawers. Stand with arched valanced frieze arranged with drawer. Supported on cabriole legs having incurved shelf stretcher with medallioned center. Enriched in gold with chinese landscape, flowers and birds on black grounds. Height, 50 inches; width, 211% inches. 346—Manocany Tirtinc-rop Breaxrast Tape Late Sheraton Period Molded oval top. Supported on expanding round shaft and four outcurved tapering legs finished with brass castors. Height, 281% inches; length, 53 inches. 347—WetsH Oak Dresser Seventeenth Century Deeply molded cornice, enriched with interesting dentiled motives, supported on brackets and spirally twisted frontal balusters ; the back arranged with two shelves; molded table portion, fitted with four end-on-end drawers. Supported on shaped ends with molded cross feet. Height, 6 feet 914 inches; length, 8 feet 21% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 348—Laeukt Taut-cas—E CriocKk Queen Anne Period Molded oblong hood with spirally twisted supports; interesting brass face, having scrolled cupidon head at corners; annular silver dial for numerals. Signed: Daniel Lloyd, London. Long case, enclosed by door having bull’s-eye peep-hole. On small pedestal, enriched in gilt and red with pseudo-Chinese figures, landscapes and scrollings. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. (Illustrated) 349—Initaip Waxtnut Tari-casz Crock Queen Anne Period Finely molded oblong hood, with glazed hinged door; scrolled brass dial with silvered annular ring for numerals. Long case, having circular peep-hole and enriched with medallions of floral. motives in darker woods. On molded pedestal. Height, 6 feet 41, inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches. (Illustrated) oe oe a <# 4% 348 349 Nos. 348-349—Tatt-casE Crocks (Queen Anne Period) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item its offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 350—INTERESTING CaRVED Oak CABINET Jacobean Period Molded oblong top; frieze enriched with archaic animalistic heads and scrollings of tulips; the front arranged with two upper enclosing doors developing birds having sprays of cherries in their beaks ; below with two-end-on-end drawers, and long drawer at foot, enriched with diamond motives and further tulip scrollings. Height, 50 inches; width, 49 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 351—Carvep Oak Tester Bep Early Jacobean Period Elaborately paneled head-board enriched, in the various panels with half-rosettes; strap-scrolled medallions and floral sprays in a series at three foot panels; the central panels having arched architectural niche enclosing the sprays. Paneled tester, enriched with further floral medallions and having valance of embroidery of the period developing quaint sprays of brilliant colored flowers on ivory grounds. The tester has high balustered posts. The bed is finished with two side curtains and coverlet similarly embroidered to balance of tester. Box-spring and mattress. Height, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 214, inches; length, 6 feet 41, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 352—Carvep Watnout Day-Bep Stuart Period Paneled adjustable head, and seat cannée, enriched with leaf scrollings and rosettes; the back chained to spirally twisted supports. Supported on spiral legs having stretchers enriched with scrollings and further rosettes. Loose seat cushion of rich erimson velvet. Height, 3 feet 11% inches; length, 5 feet 2 inches. 353 Inxtaip Watnut Tarisoy Queen Anne Period Finely molded oblong cornice, the upper portion arranged with two end-on-end drawers and three graduated drawers below; valanced lower portion, with extra deep long drawer. Supported on cabriole legs having spade feet. The drawers trimmed with original brass bail and cartouched handles. Height, 651%, inches; width, 40 inches. 354—Initai Watnut Tatitsoy English, Early Eighteenth Century Deeply molded cornice, the front with upper portion arranged with three end-on-end drawers and three drawers below; the lower portion with three similar drawers trimmed with original brass bail handles. Supported on bracketed and molded base. Rich russet-toned patina. Height, 6614, inches; width, 41 inches. 355—InTereEstinc PEAR-TREE Court CupBoarpD Early Jacobean Period Molded overhanging frieze, having ball pendants at end; the upper portion triple paneled, the two outer hinged as doors; the lower portion enclosed by two large doors, each having three panels. Height, 5814 inches; width, 55 inches. 356—InLaip Watnut CaBInetT Queen Anne Period Upper portion with double-arched molded cornice, having vase terminals; the front fitted with two enclosing doors with interior having nine drawers; the lower portion arranged with two end- on-end drawers and three long drawers beneath; trimmed with brass bail-handles and escutcheons. Supported on bracketed base. Height, 6 feet 1 inches; width, 3 feet 11% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 357—Courious Watnut Rerectory Taste Late Sixteenth Century Oblong, top folding lengthwise; canted frieze with drawer. Sup- ported on three shaped ends having cross feet, the outside at left extending to support the folding leaf when open. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, top open, 9 feet 11 inches. 358—Manocany BooxcasEt Bureau Late Sheraton Period Upper portion with arched cornice centered with a diamond mo- tive ; enclosed by two glazed doors having pagoda-shaped lattice ; reeded extending lower portion, fitted with two end-on-end drawers, and three drawers below, trimmed with brass rosetted bail-handles. On bracket feet. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 1014 inches. 359—Carved Oak CABINET English, Seventeenth Century Curiously molded frieze and cornice; the front arranged with central upper and lower doors flanked by paneling and carved with rosetted and pomegranate motives, the stiles enriched with rusticated guilloche motives. Supported on bulbous feet. Dated on upper door, 1688. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 360—Inutai Watnut SEercerary Bookcase Queen Anne Period Rectangular upper portion with molded cornice, two enclosing doors fitted with mirror panel, and two small candle-slides at foot ; lower portion with paneled slant-front writing fali having well-fitted interior; the front arranged with four drawers trimmed with brass bail-handles. On arched and molded base. Very rich golden nut-brown patina. Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 5 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 361—Inxiaip Watnut Secretary BooxcaseE Queen Anne Period Upper portion with finely molded cornice enclosed by two doors having arched panels; lower portion with slant-front writing fall disclosing fitted interior; the front arranged with two-end-on-end drawers and three drawers beneath. Supported on molded base and bracketed feet. Very rich deep patina. The drawers fitted with brass bail-handles and cartouche escutcheons. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 7%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 362—PraR-TREE CoRNER CABINET English, Eighteenth Century Rectangular, with canted pilasters molded at crown and foot; the front arranged with upper double paneled door and single paneled enclosing door below. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 363—Inuarip Mattocany Corner Capinet English, Eighteenth Century Dentil-molded cornice, canted over pilasters; the upper front enclosed by two paneled doors having fan motives at corners; the jower portion with single similarly enriched large enclosing door. On molded base. Height, 6 feet 4% inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. IMPORTANT SIXTEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY RUGS, TAPESTRIES AND TEXTILES 364—Four Green VELVET PANELS Italian, Seventeenth Century Close-pile lustrous velvet of emerald-green toned to softer shades. Exhibiting the marks of previous embroidery. Length, 511%, inches; width, 23 inches. 365—Point St. Cyr NerepLEworK Panen English, Late Seventeenth Century Imperial Jove flies aloft over the sea, above center, bearing in his arms the robed nymph Psyche, garlanded with flowers. In the foreground at left and right, sheltered by two trees, are two garlanded figures of Flora and Pomona with flowers and wheat, attired in court costumes. Executed in rich crimsons, blues, greens, yellows and ivories in exceptionally beautiful point St. Oyr: Height, 27 inches; width, 24 inches. 366—Drapr v’Or Crimson VELVET Cover Italian, Siateenth Century Displaying in crimson cut velvet continuous trailing sprays of peonies on drap dor yellow grounds. 44 inches by 35 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 367—NEEDLEWORK SCREEN PANEL Louis XIV Period VENUS AND ADONIS. Within a scrolled ogival medallion, the goddess, in classic attire, greets Adonis, who stands toward the left, prepared for the chase, his two hounds beside him. Cupidon soars above them, surrounded by floral arabesques. Executed in mellow rich colors, in which fine crimsons and blues appear on resonant black grounds. Petit- and gros-point. Height, 291%, inches; width, 22 inches. 368—BrocapvE Cover Louis XIII Period Mouse-tan ground, woven with ivory stripes and darker tones of tan, with lacelike bands and sprays of tulip and lily motives. Trimmed with open silver lace. 3914 inches by 29 inches. 369—NeEEDLEWoRK PANEL French, Late Seventeenth Century Depicting interesting subject. Four personages wearing pseudo- Chinese costumes are engaged at a game of shuffle-board. The scene is surrounded by fantastic scrollings and sprays of flowers amid which are a quaint, seated dog and flying exotic birds. Executed in rich harmonious colors in gros- and petit-point on black ground. 28 inches by 251 inches. 370—Drav v’Or Cut-vetveT Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Crimson cut-velvet, developing diamond leaf lattice occupied by small blossoms on silver grounds. Golden-yellow brocade bor- ders; woven with floral ogivals, Persian, seventeenth century ; blue corners. 48 inches by 28 inches 371—NEEDLEWORK SCREEN PANEL French, Seventeenth Century Resonant black field; enriched in mellow colors with Chinaman seated smoking pipe before a villa amid flowering shrubs and scrollings. Executed in fine petit- and gros-point. Height, 31 inches; width, 241% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 372—AMETHYSTINE VELVET PANEL Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Rich jaspé velvet, fluctuating in the light to gemlike tones. (Pierced at one end and slightly stained.) 40 inches by 41 inches. 373—Four NEEDLEWORK Borpers Louts XIV Period Interesting golden-tan grounds, enriched, in brilliant blue, crim- son, purple, green and tan, with vases, sustaining large scrolled leaves and bouquets, alternating with medallioned husks. Length, 6 feet; width, 914 inches. 374—Four NEEDLEWORK BorpeErs Louis XIV Period Similar to the preceding. 375—JARDINIERE VELVET COVER Genoese, Eighteenth Century Ivory satin field; woven in fine greens, yellow, lavender and wine crimson with large leaf-scrolled bouquets of flowers. (Needs restoration. ) 651, inches by 231, inches, 376—NEEDLEWORK PANEL French, Late Seventeenth Century Circular medallion at center, displaying on tan ground a prelate’s coat of arms, blazoned with a heart, a fruiting tree and two crescents. The field enriched with arabesque scrollings of flowers, amid which birds are seen. Executed in rich crimson, sapphire- blues, tans and yellows, on resonant black grounds. Portions of — a valance and ribbon scrolled borders exist. Height, 26 inches; length, 281% inches. 377—LarcE AMBER-GREEN VELVET COVER Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous mouse-green velvet, fluctuating in the light to shim- mering light amber tones, impressed at center, crown and foot with the marks of previous embroidery. 8 feet 3 inches by 7 feet 5 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 378—GoLtp NEEDLE-PAINTED GoTHic VELVET CHASUBLE English, Late Fifteenth Century Orphreys on front in the form of a Crucifix; crowned by a pelican and flanked by two attendant angels. Below the cruci- fixion, within two quaint niches, are two standing figures of Saints. The orphreys on back, of slightly different embroidery, have figures of St. John and the Magdalen, within two columned and arched niches. Flanked by panels of ciselé double-pile flame- rose velvet, Genoese of a contemporary period to the embroidery, developing deeply-lobed motifs enclosing rosaces. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 379—Brussets Tapestry Pane. Seventeenth Century DUTCH BOORS DANCING. A youth and maiden are danc- ing on the sward before an old farmhouse. Two older men are at left, one seated on a wooden bench and the other standing on a barrel, playing the cornemuse. At the right is a large tree sheltering the couple dancing. Woven in very rich crimsons, blues, yellows and a very extraordinary range of ivories and tans. Framed. Height, 32% inches; width, 231% inches. o. 379--BrusseLs Tapestry PaNeL (Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 380—Twenty-EicHt Lenetus oF RoseE-crimson BrocaTELLE Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Lustrous two-toned rose-crimson, woven with large infloretted bouquets of flowers, canopied and supported by very interesting large acanthus leaves. From the Medicean Looms of Lucca. Approximate length, 97 yards; width, 211% inches. 381—EmpsriovErRED Linen Borper Rhodian, Seventeenth Century Deep ivory linen, enriched in pale jade-green and red-crimson with large central floral medallions and smaller at borders. Tapering in length. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 8 inches. 382—Two NrrpLteworkK Panets French, Early Eighteenth Century Executed in fine petit and gros-point, developing scrolled car- touche medallions occupied by biblical subjects. The cartouches bordered by winged cherubs and surmounted by vases and scroll- ings of flowers, amidst which birds are perched. In one, the sub- jects are: “The Bambino,” “St. Joseph and Mary in Adoration,” and “Moses Afloat on the River Nile”; in the others, “Christ at the Well,” “Symbolic Pearls of Price” and ‘‘Moses Striking the Rock.” Executed in rich crimsons, blues, golden-yellow, pinks, ivories and tans on mellow old-wine-red grounds. Height, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 383—Kuran Prayer Rue Eighteenth Century Blue-gray stepped mihrab, woven with long pendent stem of stellate flowers in golden-yellow and ivory, touched with sap- phire-blue and borders on three sides of sprays of hyacinths. Interesting golden-yellow spandrils, woven with angular motives in blues and browns. Crowning panel enriched with S-scrolled motives on tawny-brown grounds. Ivory borders, curiously paneled in alternating colors, displaying carnation motives. Ribbon and scroll guards. 6 feet 2 inches by 4 feet. Second and Last Afternoon 384—SAPPHIRE-BLUE Kuan Prayer Ruc Seventeenth Century Curiously stepped rich sapphire-blue mihrab, woven, in mellow yellow, ivory and old red, with closely placed jardiniére motives and sprays of stellate flowers. Paneled old-yellow floral span- drils. Blossomed tawny-tan and blue panels at crown and foot. Interesting deep-ivory border, displaying in alternating colors panels of small pomegranate motives. Yellow scrolled guards and inner band of angular scrollings. (Needs restoration.) 5 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. 385—CHINESE GOLDEN-YELLow Ruc K’ang-hsi Period Very beautiful fluctuating golden-yellow ground, woven in sap- phire-blues and ivory with a floral and key-fretted medallion, bracket corners and numerous sprays of flowers, interrupted by symbolic vases and jardiniéres. Key-fret border and inner guard in the colors of the field. 6 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 7 inches. 386—GoLDEN-BROoWN GuHiorDES Rue Seventeenth Century Fluctuating field, with golden-brown, woven in pink, green, pale- blue, yellow and ivory. Latch-hooked mihrab at both ends; span- drils of pale-blue, developing blossoms, flanked by panels, having grounds of similar color to field and further pink blossoms. Borders with recurring grounds of the field, woven with archaic Herati leaves and blossoms. Floral inner guard and_ broad outer guard of angular scrollings. (End guards incomplete.) 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 10 inches. 387—KuxiaH Prayer Rue Early Eighteenth Century Pale gray-green mihrab, woven, in mellow golden-yellow, blues, browns, tawny-tans and old-red amber, with central pendant of closely placed oval blossoms, flanked by curious oblong tent-ltke motives. Blue spandrils, occupied by small flowers, angularly placed, forming basket pattern. Ivory floral crowning panel. Striped borders, closely blossomed on ivory and a similar mellow green to the mihrab. Yellow floral guards, with an inner band- ing displaying blossomed angular scrollings. 6 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 388—Ivory anp GREEN GuHiorDES Prayer Rue Seventeenth Century Stepped ivory mihrab, woven, in mellow turquoise-green and gol- den-yellow, with series of small blossoms. Pale-green spandrils, developing closely-placed larger blossoms. Narrow green panel at foot and border panels beyond this and the spandrils, exhibiting darker green finely blossomed scrollings. Mellow pale turquoise- green borders adorned with archaic Herati leaves and pomegra- nate motives in the color of the field. Yellow scrolled guards. 6 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 11 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 389—SappHIRE-BLUE KuLAH Prayrer Rue Seventeenth Century Stepped mihrab of fine sapphire-blue, woven, in ivories, old-red and yellow, with central columnar motive of angularly placed flowers and border on three sides of carnation motives. Span- drils of golden-yellow, enriched with gray-blue leaves. Crowning panel of ivory, with floral motives in golden-yellow and old-red. Ivory borders, with paneled clusters of very archaic carnation motives. Scrolled guards. 5 feet 7 inches by 3 feet 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 390—CHINESE SAPPHIRE-BLUE CARPET Ch’ien-lung Period Rich, lustrous sapphire-blue field woven, in apricot-pink, lighter blue, ivory and golden-yellow, with floral medallion bordered with cloud scrolls, butterflies, sprays of flowers and scrolled corners. Lotus-scrolled border, banded with ivory and blues. 8 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 4 inches. 391—Crimson anp Buvet Ispanan FRAGMENT Siateenth Century Rich fluctuating ruby-crimson field; woven, in fine tones of blue, ivory, mellow-yellow and red, with long Rhodian leaf-scrollings, blossoms and chi-chi scrollings. (Has been much restored. ) 7 feet 8 inches by 2 feet 6 inches. 392—CHINFSE SAPPHIRE-BLUE CARPET Ch’ten-lung Period Close pile of pale-blue, fluctuating to dove-gray; woven, in deep sapphire-blue and passages of orange, with oval key-fret medal- lion, bracket corners and semé with varied sprays of flowers. Rich golden-tan and deep-blue border, developing scrollings of lotus blossoms. Finished with broad band of deep blue. 11 feet by 6 feet. 3938—Ruopian Pirtarep Prayer Rue Swrteenth Century Wine-ruby mihrab, supported by two blue-green pillars, en- riched with ruby, ivory and carnation motives and bordered on three sides with pinnacles. Panel at crown with two cartouches having ivory inscriptions. Tan border, woven in sapphire-blues, wine-crimson, tawny-tan, pale-green and lavender, with very beautiful meandering vine of large and small flowers. Angularly scrolled blue guards. (Has been much restored.) 3 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 1 inch. 394—CrruLEAN Buivue Guiorprs Prarver Rue Seventeenth Century Fluctuating light cerulean-blue mihrab; angular border, with old- red and ivory carnations. Tan spandrils, developing closely placed blue and rose-crimson carnation blossoms; blue crowning panel of S-scrollings. Ivory border, woven with columned bou- quets of hyacinths and tulips in crimson and pale-blue. Two blossomed guards. 5 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 3 inches, Second and Last Afternoon 395—Kuxian Prayer Rue Seventeenth Century Gray-tan stepped mihrab, woven, in sapphire-blue, crimson, gol- den-yellow and tawny-black, with central columnar motive of dainty varied flowers, flanked by curious columned motives, hav- ing a hanging bell and border of angularly placed flowers. Blue spandrils, developing lily sprays. S-scrolled crowning and foot panels. Finished with nine floral striped borders variously of gol- den-yellow, gray-ivory, ivory and mellow green. 6 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 396-—CHINESE SAPPHIRE-BLUE MEDALLIONED CARPET Early Ch’ien-lung Period Two-toned lustrous golden-yellow field, damassé with scroll- ings occasionally bearing blue flowers. Sapphire-blue intricately key-scrolled circular medallion and bracket corners. Broad golden-yellow border with deep-blue key-scrollings and _half- blossomed inner guard. 10 feet by 7 feet. 397—Ivory FrerecHan Carpet Late Seventeenth Century Ivory tan field, woven in glowing rose-pink, deep blue, lavender, sapphire-blues, with fine interlocking cruciformed diamonds bearing rare tulip and other floral motives. Rich resonant black border, occupied by large formal oval blossoms interrupted by arabesqued minor flowers. Double floral guards. 17 feet 10 inches by 15 feet 5 inches. 398—Buivur FEREGHAN CaRrPET Late Seventeenth Century Resonant deep blue field; woven, in pale greens, blue, crimson, pink and ivory, with intricate oblong lattice panels, interrupted by diamond motives and emitting scrollings of asters and Herati leaves. Rose-crimson border of interlacing, angular scrollings and small blossoms, interrupted by infloretted pomegranate mo- tives. Double floral guards. 17 feet 5 inches by 14 feet. 399—Herez Carrer Seventeenth Century Rich tan field; woven, in turquoise-green, wine-crimson, golden- yellow, pink and tan, with series of curiously stemmed tulip mo- tives, alternating with shrub devices. Rose-crimson border, dis- playing fine rosettes, interrupted by large angular leaf motives; finished with blossomed blue, rose and tan guards, having an outer border of somber golden-yellow. 15 feet 4 inches by 18 feet. 400—FEREGHAN CARPET Eighteenth Century Resonant blue-black field; woven, in light blues, greens, ivories, yellows, pinks and crimsons, with diamond arabesqued motives, in which Herati leaves and lotus blossoms appear. Lustrous rose-red fluctuating border, displaying in the colors of the field infloretted plaquettes, supported by angular scrollings, which also bear smaller blossoms. Double floral guards. 18 feet 2 inches by 14 feet 11 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 401—SAPpPHIRE-BLUE FEREGHAN CARPET Eighteenth Century Interesting fluctuating light sapphire-blue field, woven in crimson- red, golden-yellow, ivory, black and green, with recurring ro- setted diamond motives angularly arabesqued with tulips, asters and other small blossoms. Variable rose-du-Barry border, en- riched, in the colors of the field, with angular scrollings support- ing small blossoms and large infloretted lotus flowers. Triple floral guards. 24 feet 5 inches by 14 feet 9 inches. 402—BoxuHara Carpet Late Seventeenth Century Interestingly paneled with interlacing diamond-motived bands of wine color and old-red, forming oblongs, occupied by latch- hooked diamond motives of old-red, surrounded by varied band- ings of green, blue-black and ivory. The diamond bandings, somewhat modified at ends, continue around the entire carpet and form outer borders. Paneled at crown and foot with varicolored squares, occupied by differing diamond motives. 30 feet by 11 feet. 403—PanELED Kuorassan Carpet Early Eighteenth Century Deep rich black field; woven, in crimson pink, ivory, lavender, pale blue and green, with small latticed diamond regularly placed and interrupted by arabesqued closely placed blossoms and square plaquettes of flowers. Paneled with innumerable borders and guard, the two major of crimson displaying angular scroll- ings, lotus blossoms and rosetted diamond motives in pale blue; the two minor somewhat similar with blue grounds. T'welve floral guards. 19 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 11 inches. 404—Frorat Kuorassan Carpet Early Eighteenth Century Rich resonant black field; woven, in rose-du-Barry, crimson, ivory and yellow, with chi-chi-like scrollings, ramifying the field and emitting innumerable asters and smaller blossoms. Rose- crimson border, developing Saracenic angular scrollings and vines of small flowers, finished on each side with four floral and an elaborate ivory guard of unusually fine pinnacle motives. 20 feet by 13 feet 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 405—CuHinEsE ANIMAL CarPET Ming Period Very mellow golden-yellow field ; woven,in tawny-brown, with S-like motives to resemble tiger-skin and central lobed oblong medallion of golden-yellow, occupied by two Fu-lions in varied tones of sap- phire-blue and playing with a brocaded ball. Fine broad dia- mond fret border in the colors of the medallion. Finished with tawny-tan guards. 14 feet 8 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. 406—CuiInEsE MiItte-FLEuRS Carpet Ming Period Golden-yellow field; damassé with blossoms and woven, in deep amber and dark blue, with scrolled oblong medallion bearing cir- cular floral motives, the field with blossomed closely placed lo- zenge devices. Rich amber and yellow border of key-fret ; inner guard of sapphire-blue scrolling in ivory ground. Striped outer guards. 13 feet 5 inches by 12 feet 3 inches. 407—CuHInEsE Fu-ti0on MeEpaLtuion Carpet Ch’ien-lung Period Lustrous golden-tan field; woven, in old-pink, sapphire-blue, golden-yellow and deep tan, with central medallion of Fu-lion and cubs. ‘T'wo smaller Fu-lion medallions at opposite corners and two floral scrolled medallions in facing corners. ‘The field semé with sprays of flowers, in which a rare spray of hyacinths and butterflies is seen. Sapphire-blue and ivory key-fret border, with inner blue scrolled apricot guard; outer guard of deep sap- phire-blue. 12 feet 5 inches by 6 feet 11 inches. 408—CuiInEsE Fu-tion Merpartitionep Rue K’ang-hst Period Rich fluctuating tan field, woven in sapphire-blues, golden-yel- lows, red-pink, tans and ivory, with circular central medallions displyaing a Fu-lion and cubs, bordered by cloud scrollings. Four varied floral geometric medallions toward ends. The field semé with emblems of the Hundred Antiques and key-scrolled bracket corners. Deep blue border, displaying interlaced key- fret pattern in varied alternating colors. Apricot-pink inner guard of floral scrollings; outer guard of deep blue. 12 feet 3 inches by 6 feet 5 inches. ~~ Second and Last Afternoon 409—CuinEsE RosE-rED CARPET Kang-hsi Period Fine rose-red field, fluctuating to lighter rose-color. Woven, in sapphire-blues, rich tans and tawny browns, with circular medal- lions at center, corners and quarters, the center and corner medal- lions, each occupied by two Fu-lions sporting with brocade ball, the others with intricate floral motives, the field with all-over scrolling sprays of flowers. Ivory-tan border, developing, in the colors of the field, finely scrolled peony-blossoms, inner T-fret scroll band and outer band of deep rich blue. 19 feet 8 inches by 15 feet 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 410—-GuiorpEs PALE JADE-GREEN Prayer Ruc Seventeenth Century Fluctuating stepped mihrab of pale-green, bordered with angu- larly placed small crimson carnations. Ivory spandrils of closely placed paneled floral motives in pale colors. Blue and old-red crowning and foot panels, developing S-scrollings. Pale-blue bor- der, with paneled carnation motives, alternately in blue, light-tan and crimson. Guards with cruciform crimson floral motives. 6 feet by 4 feet 3 inches. 411—Larcr FEerecHan Carpet Eighteenth Century Deep resonant blue field; woven, in old-red, pink, ivory, green, yellow and blue, with geometric and floral arabesques, developing innumerable varied flowers. Fine golden-yellow border, display- ing plaquettes in ight tones. Supported on angular scrollings of strap and vine motives. ‘Three inner and two outer floral guards. 19 feet 8 inches by 14 feet 5 inches. 412—CHINESE GOLDEN-YELLOW CARPET K’ang-hst Period Remarkable golden-yellow field of fine texture, fluctuating to deeper and lighter tones. Deep sapphire-blue border, woven in deep ivory and lighter blue with T-scrollings toward field. 21 feet by 18 feet. 413—CuInEsE Sympouic CARPET: Ming Period Mellow lustrous golden-yellow field, fluctuating to almost apricot tones. Woven, in sapphire-blues, old red, deeper yellows and ivory, with “Symbols of the Hundred Antiques” semé on the field. Borders of rich sapphire-blue, ivory tan and yellow, devel- oping inner T-fret scrollings, key-scrolled border and broad outer bands of tawny tans. 16 feet 2 inches by 14 feet 2 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 414—SappHIRE-BLUE AND GOLDEN-YELLOW CARPET Hispano-Moresque, Seventeenth Century Very rich golden-yellow field ; woven, in fine sapphire-blues, greens, ivory and passages of crimson, with large leaf-scrolled banded rustic ogivals, having crowns at intersections and occupied vari- ously by cruciformed scrollings and large bouquets of pome- granate motives. Similar border in the colors of the field. 13 feet 8 inches by 7 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 415—CuHINEsE EMBLEMATIC CARPET Ming Period Lustrous fluctuating golden-yellow ground, woven, in sapphire- blues, dull old-pinks and ivories and deeper golden-yellow, with closely placed and extremely varied symbols of the Hundred An- tiques and occasional animals irregularly placed. Very unusual border of golden-yellow, developing scrolled pink chevrons, occu- pied by sapphire-blue husk-motives. Finished with banding of deep sapphire-blue. 13 feet by 6 feet 6 inches. (powsg bury) Ladduvg OMLVWATHWY ASENIHD—CIP “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 416—Drrp Rosr-crimson Ispanan Rue | Sixteenth Century Lustrous rich deep crimson; field, woven, in an exceptional range of pale and deep greens, golden-yellows, ivory and passages of sapphire-blue, with central cruciform motive, composed of two lotus blossoms and chi-chi scrollings. These arabesqued with further blossoms and scrollings, which ramify the entire field. Deep resonant fluctuating green border, bearing beautiful lotus plaquettes, interestingly scrolled with Herati leaves. Inner blossomed golden-yellow guard; outer guard of scrolled crimson. 6 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 7 inches. ) bs entur iwteenth C IspaHAN Rua (S CRIMSON SE- 416—Derr Ro No Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 417—BuvuE AnD RosE-rep Carper Hispano-Moresque, Seventeenth Century Rich deep blue field; woven, in old rose-red, yellow, pale green and ivory, with very unusual infloretted pear-shaped motives, interrupted by staves bearing large lily blossoms. Rose-red borders, developing most interesting angular scrollings centered with fleur-de-lis motives, finished on both sides with small pin- nacle devices. 19 feet 3 inches by 12 feet. Second and Last Afternoon 418—ARraABESQUE MEpDALLIONED CARPET Oushak, Seventeenth Century Brilliant rose-red field, damassé in sapphire-blue with close trail- ing vines ; woven, in golden-yellow, greens, pale-blue and lavender- ivory, with pinnacled ogival-shaped medallion cruciformed at center. Broad deep jade-green border, developing oval floral plaquettes. Floral crimson guards. 21 feet 4 inches by 11 feet 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 419—WInE-cRIMSON AND BivuE Carpet Ispahan, Early Siateenth Century Rich fluctuating rose-wine-crimson field; woven, in mulberry, pink, very mellow yellows, ivory and passages of sapphire-blue, with three-lobed circular medallions bearing very unusual pome- granate motives and connected by vari-colored chi-chi scroilings, amid which are very charming lotus flowers, borne on arabesqued scrollings. Broad paneled border, alternately of pink and pale- blue, occupied by blossoms and interrupted by more formal and larger blossoms. Inner ivory floral guard; outer guard curiously pinnacled in crimson on ivory. 13 feet 9 inches by 5 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) AND Biure CARPET CRIMSON 419—WINE O N ) y teenth Centur (7h y S l Ea (Ispahan, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 420—AvBusson TAPESTRY Eighteenth Century “L’Escarpolette et la Marchande.” In the foreground at the left a peddler is seated, displaying her merchandise before an inter- ested group of spectators, consisting of a young man and a young woman holding a child on her arms, while another child is peep- ing curiously into the peddler’s basket. Cattle are grazing in the immediate vicinity. A large old archway and a few cottages form the background at the extreme left, while more toward the center, the hazy outlines of a large chateau are dimly visible amidst the woods, bathed in blazing sunlight. On the foreground at the right a charming scene delights the eye. At the border of a dense forest, a swing is suspended from the trees, on which sits a young marquise, while two young chevaliers stand on either side of her, holding a rope, eagerly awaiting the sign to start her off. Narrow border of abundant flower design with leaf scrollings in the four corners. This tapestry was executed after a cartoon by Huet and appeals instantly by its natural and exquisite design and its abundant variety of color so harmoniously blended. Height, 8 feet 11 inches; width, 13 feet 7 inches. (hanquay yquaaiybiy) AULSAdV], NossadAy—OZF “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 421—Avpusson ‘TAPESTRY Eighteenth Century “Te Jeu du Cheval fondu.” In the foreground at the right a lively group of four boys, three of whom are playing horse. One boy sits on the back of the other, while a third boy holds the head of the latter. A fourth boy turns away to welcome a friend who comes running from the left. A large fountain with a water spouting mask, partly enclosed by heavy trees, forms the background. At the extreme right a seated woman playing with a child, and intently watching the merrymakers. At the left, the front of a small house, while a bridge and part of a watermill are seen in the middle distance. Narrow border of richly col- ored floral design, with leaf scrolls in the four corners. Fine texture, woven in rich blue, crimson, ivory and green, forming a delightful ensemble. This fine tapestry was executed after a cartoon by Huet. Height, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 11 feet 1 inch. Second and Last Afternoon 422—ImrportTanr DrEep-BLUE FereGHan Carpet Seventeenth Century Very unusual fine velvety pile; rich deep-blue field, woven in rose-red, ivory, light-blue, green and yellow. Woven with floral diamond motives and interesting rosettes which appear at inter- vals and are S-scrolled with Herati leaves. Rich old-red border, fluctuating to slightly deeper tones, woven, in blues and in the colors of the field, with hexagonal angular scrollings, sustaining varied fine blossoms. Triple guards. 24 feet 10 inches by 17 feet 11 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., MANAGERS. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK | rote AND BINDING BY # ¢ ¥ oe ae ~ ae tee at é we i eee a a a ‘ - a i e ¢ - _-* vis 1 * : - ¥ : - x ——T A = : i gris if = 7 -DIL005 a4 ORIENTAL RUGS | FURNITURE AND TEX] idle i ag ie ee ma, pod < ; oe ie i ine r aN ; wy a : 2 ‘ t 4 ; ’ zm oe * 4 ‘ TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBL FEBRUARY 29 AND MARCH 1, 1 AT THE AMERICAN ART GA MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 577TH STR ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57ru STREET _ NEW YORK! © (yu