ere ‘ * a3 RE 7 ~ . a chal Ps f » rend ; MG Nal raat i ; , Ti. a « in ve Pe Wea air phe ‘ vay Oe f rd 4 C2 S| k *) it, P| af ; J Fi ff 3 ‘ ; i’ . 77 : : = ’ Z » . » I ¥ - - d oe vt %. ” t —_—— . / . ‘ ? . . i ’ - i i xd a 4 “a i ’ ‘ 4 . . Hie ONS) a ty | \ hy sae } at ee M he y ; : yy 4 AVY ©, y E 1 Ai ' . ae } i y , ’ yes oN Ac aus : rat aA : ‘ Ss ey { ‘ } \ ‘ t ay Ae ‘ i vib YF t : 5 : Tk Ean ‘ i Wey \ ; . ra \ =) ‘ { ) +.\ ) 1 ’ ; nt \ y ’ t x s} ‘ent pe / ’ oy i a7 \ ( on ‘ n Tet ; i ¥ . ! ) tins hth wy ; ‘ AMERICAN ENGRAVERS UPON COPPER AND STEEL FARE 92 NEE MA TLE SIOIIN, peer armmaregncnies rast neon» baw, 20 oe Rae | : \ Zz MO Ss SS é ERE BAS AMERICAN ENGRAVERS UPON COPPER AND STEEL BY MANTLE FIELDING BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND CHECK LISTS OF ENGRAVINGS A SUPPLEMENT TO DAVID MCNEELY STAUFFER’S AMERICAN ENGRAVERS PHILADELPHIA 1917 x } . E c Te} ; + ; q os a : so a i % 5 4 _ Go - . 3 z : ae eo Ee nm = ‘ ~~ 2 ’ on 5 c : ; Oo 2D a a fab) : ’ [=] 2 _ | as | aS 3S ; fy Me; oe ial 2 ea) Le} ~ > iY Os rb) pets 7 2 ae “83 ae S. = Recs i = rae ‘i mn ay ies, vo. a of wenty Copi b Ar ILLUSTRATIONS oMMopoRE DucatuR. . . . «. . Frontispiece vs Reproduced in lithography in reduced facsimile, from the only _known impression of an original copper-plate engraving. e eee Aes, 4 ; PAGE Re e340 rk a AB MMII 8 BO _ Engraved by Gideon Fairman and restruck from the original copper- __ plate, | . tt ea i REP PP ee io A hak am Pe Rey rik Oe 9 et +) FOREWORD General interest in the history, development, and study of American engraving seems to increase as we recede from the period when this art was practised, and ap- proach the present age of reproduction by mechanical and photographic processes. Even the growing scarcity of the prints and their greatly increased cost do not seem to have deterred the collectors, but have rather added to thewr interest. In early American portraits, the hardness and crudity of our pioneer engravers are most apparent, and there is an absence of the grace and elegance about their work which characterized the Eighteenth Century engravers of Europe. To the collector, however, these possess a dis- tinct historical value which is often lacking in the more finished and artistic productions, their very crudity of design and execution seeming to create a certain fascima- tion which even their grotesqueness fails to dispel. Until the publication of the work on “American En- gravers’’ by the late David McN. Stauffer, published by the Grolier Club of New York, in 1907, nothing in the nature of a comprehensive study of the work of American engravers, or a list of their prints, existed; the earlier book on the subject by William S. Baker, being only a collection of notes for future reference, and not a complete review of the subject. Mr. Stauffer’s book was, therefore, virtually, a pioneer work in which he had endeavored to cover the field as completely as possible, and no praise is too great for the enthusiastic and paims- taking manner in which he entered upon his task. It was my good fortune to have a personal acquaintance with Mr. Stauffer, and I thoroughly enjoyed, as doubtless did many ae FOREWORD other collectors, my correspondence and discussions with him on the subject, and had he lived, he would undoubt- edly have added another volume to his original publica- tion. As it is, I have had access to many notes and memoranda made by him for such a purpose, which, to- gether with the information that I have collected since the publication of his book, have enabled me to write this sup- plementary volume on American engravings. Even now, I dare not claim completeness for my check-lists of en- gravings, as m the nature of a work of this kind there must, of necessity, be continuous new discoveries. Collectors may criticise as inconsistent the inclusion of certam engravings and the exclusion of others from the lists. The most desirable method, possibly, would have been to note every prwnt of any American engraver that came within the period covered by the book, but, on the other hand, in the case of some unimportant subject — plates, and encyclopedia illustrations, it would have in- volved such a mass of unvmportant matter that the writer has endeavored to wclude only that which he thinks will be wmportant enough to be of use. However this may be, the amount of new material added, ought to be of great wmterest to collectors using the original work, as well as those interested wm the general collection of American engravings. Wherever it 1s possible, the source of the engraving has been noted. This information will prove of use to collectors of books, and will provide a record for com- pleting publications where illustrations are missing. Unfortunately a number of the early American engrav- ings were not signed by the engravers. Collectors and authors have often ascribed such prints to engravers whose work they resembled, but as this is generally more or less guess-work, a separate list of unsigned work by American engravers has been added, noting where pos- x FOREWORD sible, the publication in which they appear, in the hope that signed copies may be in existence, or that there may be evidence to prove conclusively their authorship. - Apart from the compiler’s own engravings, the mate- rial for this work was obtained from the collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, The New York Public Library, The Ridgway Branch of the Inbrary Company of Philadelphia, and the collections of many friends who, by their help and interest, have added largely to the usefulness and completeness of the book. In de- scribing a print and transcribing the lettering, special care has been taken to follow accurately the original mscription, as to the use of capital letters and punctua- tion and also to. note any peculiar or unusual arrange- ment of the mscription. | The arrangement, descriptions, and measurements of prints are similar to the forms used by Mr. Stauffer, and the contractions of the Ins. for inscription, Vign. for vignette, Rect. for rectangle, etc., have been used as in the former work. The measurements are in inches and siateenths, rendered decimally for convenience. In this book § refers to the Stauffer book; B to William 8. Baker in his books on Washington portraits and Amer- ican engravers, and H to Hart’s Catalogue of the Por- traits of Washington, published by the Grolier Club of New York. In order that this record of American engraving may be extended and the check-lists of engravings made more complete, the writer would be deeply indebted for any further information concerning the work of the engravers noted, or for any record of new men. Mantis Freiprne. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October, 1916. AMERICAN ‘ ie ENGRAVERS | ON COPPER AND STEEL | » iz d s if uy SC STE Ais) 6 yf 72 Ge eb AMERICAN ENGRAVERS UPON COPPER AND STEEL ABERNETHIE Very little is known about this engraver, and, until re- cently the only engravings of his, catalogued, were maps and bookplates. We now find several Masonic prints en- graved in Charleston by Abernethie, one a certificate of membership being inscribed, ‘‘ Drawn & Engraved” by Br. . Abernethie, Charleston. AKIN, JAMES Several interesting plates by James Akin have recently come to light. It seems hardly possible that they have eluded the collectors and have been undescribed until this late day. Akin was a “ jack of all trades” combining with engraving and mechanical draughtsmanship the trades of druggist and restaurant keeper. In his caricature print of the “ Holy Alliance” the inscription reads, ‘“‘ Engraved & Published by James Lkin Designer and Caricaturist, Philadelphia, No. 63 Dock St.’” ANDREWS, JOSEPH This engraver ranks among the best American line en- gravers, especially in his portraits. The period of his best engraving unfortunately falls rather too late for the time limit set by this book ;, consequently there is no check-list noted of his work, although several engravers almost con- temporary with Andrews are included. 3 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS An excellent memoir of Joseph Andrews was written in 1873 by his friend, S. R. Koehler, Curator of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts: and in 1908 a check-list of his engravings was compiled by Mantle Fielding in the “Pennsylvania Magazine” published by the Historical — Society of Pennsylvania. ALLEN, LUTHER Luther Allen was born at Enfield, Conn., June 11, 1780; died at Ithaca, N. Y. Nov. 27, 1821. He was the son of Moses Allen of Enfield, Conn., a soldier in the Revolution. Luther Allen married Sally P. Abbe on Nov. 17, 1802 and soon after that date removed to Ithaca, N. Y. where he is referred to as an engraver, portrait painter, and a musician of some ability. The only engravings of Luther Allen noted, are a quarto mezzotint portrait of the Rev. Stephen Williams, D.D., a view of New Port, N. J. and a book-plate engraved by him, either for his father, Moses Allen, or for a brother by the same name. ANDRES, ANTONIO This man worked on type-metal and engraved a curi- ous symbolical frontispiece for a work printed in the City of Mexico in 1744 entitled “Ofrecimientos de la tercera parte del Santa Rosario de Nra Senora,” etc., En Mexico, .. . Ano de 1744. BACON, GEORGE An excellent music-engraver, working in the city of Philadelphia, about 1815. He was a near relative of Allyn Baker, of Bacon & Hart, dealers in pianos, sheet music, etc., at No. 11 South Fourth St., Philadelphia, their store { BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES being the resort of the musical celebrities of the day. George Bacon later became the senior member of the firm of Bacon & Raven, Piano-Makers, in the city of NEw York. BATHER, W. T. An engraver of portraits in a mixed and rather mechan- ical style, in Chicago in 1897, later residing in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was probably the son of GEorGE BATHER men- tioned in the text by Mr. Stauffer. BELAUME, J. In 1825 this name as “J. Belaume’ Sculpt, in New Orleans” is signed to a good dry-point etching, represent- ing the triumphal arch erected to commemorate the visit of Gen. Lafayette to New Orleans. It appears in “ Visit of Lafayette to Louisiana etc.” by a citizen of New Or- leans, 1825. BLYTH, BENJAMIN Born in Salem, Mass., in 1740, married in 1769, ad- mitted to Essex Lodge in 1781. The only evidence of his work, as an engraver, is found in a Mezzotint Allegorical Composition entitled ‘‘Sacred to Liberty, or an Emblem of ye Rising Glory of ye American States” and signed “Cole del. Blyth Fecit.” His name also appears “ B. Blyth del”. On the portrait of Martha Washington, engraved by John Norman. Blyth drew in pastel the portrait of Gen. John Thomas reproduced in Irving’s Life of Washington. This original is in possession of descendants of Gen. Thomas, in Yonkers, N. Y., and with the portrait is preserved the original bill, showing that it was made for the “widow Thomas” by Benjamin Blyth in 1777, for 4 4.4.0. The bill is receipted by Blyth, in Salem, June 28, 1777. 5 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS BONA PARTE. This fictitious signature is appended to a crude line por- trait of James Madison, President of the U. S. as “ Bona Del—Parte, Sc.” This portrait is printed from the plate of Benjamin Rush, engraved by James Akin—with the head of Rush erased, and that of Madison substituted for it. Close inspection of the Madison plate shows the remains of the queue of Dr. Rush, and there are accidental mis- strokes of the burin in both. As the Rush portrait appears with erasion of the long inscription and ‘‘ Wiggins” sub- stitued for Akin as engraver, the “Bona Parte” is probably only another case where Akin disclaimed his own work. Both the Rush and the Madison are atrocious pieces of portrait engraving. BOWNEH, J. C. A line engraver of this name made landscape plates for Peterson’s Magazine of Philadelphia about 1854. BROWN, J. This name as an engraver is signed to a Biblical plate published in New York about 1810. Other plates in the same work are signed by Francis Kearney. An English engraver of this name was working in London in the same period; but the name is so common, that it is difficult to identify. BUFFORD, JAMES A. Bufford engraved upon copper a few views of Boston, apparently published about 1850. Possibly a little later James A. Bufford was a lithographer, with an office at No. 313 Washington Street, Boston. 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BURGER JR. In the New York Magazine for May, 1790, a plate of well-engraved music is signed “Burger Jun. Sc.” This man may have been a son or relative of the John Burger, silversmith of New York, with whom Cornelius Tiebout served his apprenticeship about 1790. One of the plates engraved by C. Tiebout in 1790 is signed as “printed by I. Burger Jun’r.” This is probably the music engraver noted above. BURINE This name as “ Burine sc.,” is signed to a large plate of Shells engraved for S. F. Bradford’s Edition of Ree’s En- cyclopedia, of Philadelphia, 1805 to 1818. BUTLER, M. Working in Boston in 1821, he engraved in line five humorous copperplate illustrations for ‘“‘ The Songster’s New Pocket Companion etc.,” published by T. Swan, Boston, 1821. This may be the same Butler who was working in Baltimore at somewhat later date. BUTTERWORTH, A. H. Engraved the frontispiece and vignette title-page for “The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,” Silas Andrews, Hartford, N. J. about 1828. B., W. These initials as W. B. 1825 are signed to a number of caricature plates illustrating ‘‘ Pug’s Tour through Europe ” published in Baltimore about 1826. 7 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS Bape. These initials S. P. B. Sct. are signed to a vignette head- ing a policy of the “ Mutual Assurance Society against Fire in Virginia.” There is no indication of date, but the character of the work would assign it to the first quarter of the last century. | CAMMEYER, W. This man engraved ten emblematical copper-plates for «The Spiritual Mirror: or Looking-glass etc.,” by Peter Bander, Third American Edition, Newburyport, 1831. CHARON This name or fictitious signature appears as Charon del- sculp. “New York.” On a stipple quarto plate repre- senting a hussar with a goose on his back; in background, a cottage, an American flag on a pole, people dancing, etc., with six lines below. There is no indication of date. Louis Francois Charon was a French engraver in line and mezzotint, born in 1783 and working in Paris in 1815-24. He was a good engraver, but there is no evidence that he was ever in the United States or that he engraved in stipple. CHARLES, H. Eight rather crudely engraved copper plates are signed by this man in “ Original Poems calculated to improve the mind of Youth, and allure it to Virtue.” Philadelphia, 1810. As William Charles did not establish himself in Philadelphia until 1816 this engraver can hardly be con- nected with him in relationship. The family name of Charles existed in Philadelphia in the Colonial period of its existence. 8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES CHARLES, W. Caricatures generally, and especially of events connected with American history, have been so sought after, that many engravings by William Charles, hitherto unde- scribed, are now listed for the first time in these check- lists. CHIQUET Evidently a French engraver, whose stay in this country was probably short. A crudely executed plate in line and roulette work, showing “ Perry’s Victory,” is signed ‘‘ Chi- quet sc N. Y.” It wasa book illustration as indicated by the “See Page 4” over the print. The date is about 1812-14. | CLARK As “Clark Sculpt”’ this man signed three very poorly executed copper-plates of buildings in Lancaster, Pa. As indicated on one of the plates the work must have been done between 1813 and 1820. COATE, S. A stipple portrait of the Rev. John Wesley, fairly well- executed is signed “S. Coate, Sculpt. 1808.” The portrait is in an oval with flowers, with an engraved description beneath, and at the bottom isa stipple landscape. It bears evidence of early American work, but the engraver cannot be located. This name does not appear in any of the lists of foreign engravers consulted. CORAM, THOMAS This name as “'T. Coram Sc” is signed , to a plate cov- ering the whole back of a $70 bill of the State of South 9 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS Carolina dated Feb. 8, 1799. The design is well drawn and represents ‘‘ Prometheus Bound;” but the engraving is poorly executed in line. This work is evidently an attempt at engraving by Thomas Coram, who is referred to by Tuckerman in his “Book of the Artists” as a portrait- painter of Charleston, S. C. who was actively engaged there in painting in 1780. While the connection is uncer- tain it may be noted that the English philanthropist Thomas Coram (1668-1751) was prominent as a promoter of English settlements in Georgia. CONY, JOHN Born in Boston, Jan. 5, 1655: died there Aug. 20, 1722. He was the son of John Cony, cooper, of Boston, who died Dec. 24, 1690 and Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Nash. John Cony, Jr. married first, Sarah, who died April 17, 1694, 2nd. on Nov. 8, 1694 Mary Atwater, a widow. On June 11, 1680, John Cony, Jr. was appointed an En- sign in the Company of Capt. Thomas Savage. He had four sons and seven daughters; and on his death in 1722 he left an estate inventoried at £ 4,000. Cony was a prom- inent silversmith in Boston, at least as early as 1700, as on Oct. 21, 1700 we find John Chester, of Wethersfield, Conn. ordering him to make a silver service and a silver tankard marked with his arms and a cipher. The Mss. Archives of Mass. March 12, 1702-03 note the indebted- ness of the Colony—‘* To John Cony for graving three plates for Bills of Credit £ 30.0.0;” and on Nov. 26, 1706 the same records show uial (dial) to prevent counterfeiting, the plate for this bill was to be provided with‘ Eight blazons and put on by the Engravers.” The earlier Mass. bills of 1690 approach so closely in design and execution those of 1702 that there is a strong possibility that both plates 10 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES were made by the same man. If this assumption were correct, John Cony would be the first American Engraver upon copper, of whom we have any record. CUTLER, JERVIS Born at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., Sept. 19, 1768, died at Evansville, Ind., June 25, 1846. Son of the Rev. Manasseh Cutler (1742-1823) and his wife Mary Balch. Jervis Cutler married first, March 22, 1794, Philadelphia Cargill of Pomfret, Conn. 2nd. Mrs. Eliza. 8. (Frazier) Chandler of Evansville, Ind. Young Cutler was first with a Boston merchant for a time, made a short visit to Europe, and in 1788 he formed one of the band of pioneers who under Gen. Rufus Putnam settled Marietta, Ohio. In 1807 he was a Major in Col. McArthur’s Ohio regiment, and in 1809 he was a Captain with the troops taking possession of Louisiana. He lived in New Orleans until 1817. In 1812 he published in Boston “ A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory and Louisiana, etc. By a late officer of the U.S. Army.” He engraved on copper the illustrations in this book, includ- ing, probably, the earliest view of Cincinnati. In 1823 he was living in Nashville, Tenn. and there “pursued the business of engraving ” according to the Cutler Memorial, though he apparently signed a very few plates. He moved to Evansville, Ind. in 1841 and died there as stated, in 1846. CUSHMAN, THOMAS HASTINGS Born at Albany, N. Y. June 6, 1815, died there Nov. 17, 1841. At an early age he was an apprentice in the engraving establishment of A. L. Dick, in New York. He made rapid progress, and while in Dick’s employ he 11 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS was largely engaged in engraving subject-plates for Amer- ican editions of Shakespeare and Bulwer, and an edition of Bryant’s Poems. He returned to Albany and began business as a banknote engraver, and he later became interested with Prof. Hasford in the then new art of da- guerreotyping. He was a man of considerable literary ability. His early death and work upon unsigned bank notes explain why so little of his signed work is known. DAGGETT, ALFRED Born in New Haven, Conn. Sept. 30, 1799, died there Jan. 27, 1872. He was the son of Ezra and Eunice (Tut- tle) Daggett and married on Nov. 26, 1829, Laura Gilbert of New Haven. He was an excellent banknote engraver and also an engraver of portraits, and a member of various engraving firms in New Haven. In 1846-47 he was a selectman of that Town; Later Chief Engineer of the New Haven Fire Dept. and an officer in U. S. Customs. DAWKINS, HENRY The biographers of Henry Dawkins seem to have omit- ted the fact that he was quite prominent in early American Masonic circles and engraved a number of Masonic notices, summonses, and other devices. In the collection at Phila- delphia of the Grand Lodge of Penna. there is a most in- teresting summons engraved by Dawkins and inscribed ‘Brother Henry Dawkins.” Later this plate was pub- lished in the Freemasons Mag. Vol. II—1812 but as Daw- kins had been arrested and probably hanged for counter- feiting before the plate was printed in the magazine, his name on the lower step of the design was erased, though traces of it are still discernible. 12 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES DODD, SAMUEL Born at Bloomfield, N. J. April 7, 1797, died Aug. 1, 1862. Son of Samuel and Jemima Dodd. He married April 3, 1823 Eliza T. Baldwin, of Bloomfield, N. J. and had six children, two of his sons being engravers, working in Newark, N. J. The only signed plate of Samuel Dodd known to the compiler is the bust of Washington in Uni- form (H 690) signed ‘*S Dodd Sct New Ark”. This plate was really part of a trade card of the “ Washington Bleach Works” and his engraved work was probably of that description. As the peculiar spelling of Newark was unusual as early as 1820, this plate was probably en- graved before that date. DUFFIELD, EDWARD Born in Pennsylvania, April 30, 1730, died July 12, 1805. He was the son of Joseph and the grandson of Benjamin Duffield who settled in Burlington, N. J. in 1679. Edward Duffield married Catherine, the daughter of Judge Smyth, of South Carolina. He was a man of considerable scientific attainment, one of the earliest mem- bers of the American Philosophical Society, and an associ- ate of Franklin, Rittenhouse, and Kinnersley. He was a clock and watch-maker in Philadelphia and is credited with having been the first man in Pennsylvania to make a watch from raw materials. He was also a die-sinker and an engraver of medals. He engraved the silver medal presented by the Colony to Col. John Armstrong in 1756, and he made the dies for striking the medals distributed among the Indians in 1762 by the Friendly Association for the Preservation of Peace among the Indians. 13 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS EDDY, ISAAC Born in Weathersfield, Vt. Feb. 17, 1777, died J uly 25, 1847. He was a lineal descendent of John Eddy, who came from London in 1630 and settled at Watertown, Mass. — In 1812 Isaac Eddy engraved several exceedingly crude line plates for the “First Vermont Edition” of a Bible published at Windsor, Vt. by Merifield & Cochran. He signed these plates, “Isaac Eddy, Sculp’t Weathersfield, Vt.” In March 1826 Eddy removed to Troy, N. Y. and later to Waterford in the same State. He is mentioned as an engineer, or possibly as a land-surveyor. Sometime in his engraver’s career he appears to have been connected with Pendleton’s establishment, as noted on his portrait of Eliza Wharton here described in the check-list of his work, | EDDY, JAMES Born May 29, 1806, was living in Providence, R. I. in 1881. He was the son of Benjamin Eddy, a shipwright, and Sarah (James) Eddy. James Eddy was a reputable engraver of portraits in stipple and was working in Boston and New York as early as 1827, and in 1830 he was engraving upon steel for Boston publishers. He later visited Europe and became a dealer in paintings and works of art. He acquired a considerable fortune in real-estate transactions in New York City and retiring from business, he settled in Providence, R. I. EDWIN, DAVID In 1905 when I published my “ Catalogue of the En- graved Work of David Edwin,” I felt that the 263 engray- ings there described, represented about a complete list of 14 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES the work of this talented American engraver. In 1907 when Mr. Stauffer’s book was published, several hitherto undescribed engravings were added to the lists, and now in 1916 we can again include several exceedingly rare examples of his work. The collector of American engray- ings is naturally surprised that such an important print as the portrait of Thomas Pinckney after Trumbull should not have been found before. Some years ago a Philadel- phia artist in the course of his rambles in the South re- ported having seen such an engraving framed and hanging in the parlor of an old colonial mansion in Charleston, South Carolina. As years went by and no trace of the print was ever found it was thought to have been a mis- - take, until a copy appeared recently in an old scrap-book in Philadelphia. Another much belated discovery is the original engraved copper plate of a very rare Edwin portrait of Washington (Baker 391, Hart 273). For years only an unlettered impression on satin was known. Some time ago one came into my hands printed on paper with the engraver’s name only, the title being cut off; this specimen I believe was unique, and it was afterwards purchased by the late Henry Whelen, of Philadelphia. In a sale of old copper plates the original plate of Edwin’s portrait of Washington (Baker 208, Hart 359) turned up with the remains of a defaced engraving on the back of it. This had the inscription complete and with a glass the general detail of the portrait could be distinguished, so the record of the print is now fully noted. The date of the publication is February 12, 1798, and as the general drawing is bad and much below Edwin’s usual work, and this other plate (Baker 208, Hart 359) being published on May 1, 1798, the extreme rarity of the first engraving is readily explained. 15 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS ELDRIDGE A line engraving of a residence,—‘ Hickory Grove ” is: signed as,—“ Drawn by J. Collins Engraved by Eld- ridge.” It is a good work and appears in “The Misc. Writings of Samuel J. Smith, of Burlington, N. J.” Phila- delphia, 1836. EVENS, T. A. A good line map of Cincinnati published in 1838 is signed as “‘ Drawn & Engraved by T. A. Evens.” EVANS, W. G. A map designed to illustrate the Geography of the Heavens is fantastically designed by E. H. Burnett (Bur- ritt?) and is engraved by W. G. Evans. It was published at Hartford, Conn, in 1835. EVERDELL This name as “‘ Everdell Sct. 1816,” is signed to a busi- ness card, in line and script. It is an advertisement of the business of Elijah Lewis, Saddle, Harness & Trunk Maker, New York, 1816. FELTON, ROBERT This Robert Felton was one of the early American die- sinkers according to the Colonial Records of Pennsylvania. At a meeting of the Governor’s Council, held in Phila., Aug. 24, 1663, Charles Pickering and others were accused of coining silver “in imitation of Spanish pieces with too great an alloy of copper in it.” From the minutes of the trial it appears that Robert Felton testified that he “* made the Seals and the bills, viz—the Spanish Bills.” He further speaks of the “Stamping of New Bills ” and “ Strik- 16 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES ing on the Stamp”; and he says he worked several weeks in “ Cutting the Seals.” The testimony indicates that the false coin were made by striking upon the dies with a heavy hammer. Felton was adjudged “a servant” in the transaction and was sentenced to “ sit an hour in the stocks to-morrow morning.” FISHER, JOHN The Journals of the Continental Congress, under date of June 26, 1773, note,—‘that there is due to John Fisher, for re-newing two copper-plates for loan-office certificates, and making two letters in the device of the thirty dollar bills, 20 dollars”. FLAGG, JOSIAH Charles E. Goodspeed of Boston, notes the following book as containing 70 pages of copper-plate music en- graved by Josiah Flagg—“sixteen Anthems, collected from Tan’sur Williams, Knapp, Ashworth & Stephenson, ec. Engraved and printed by Josiah Flagg, and sold by him at his house near the Old North Meeting House and at his shop in Fish Street. Also by the Booksellers in Boston, New England, n. d. FRANCOSCO A plate signed—‘Francosco, sc. Mex. anno 1749,” appears on a frontispiece to a work entitled—‘‘ Opusculum Theophilosophicum de Principatu seu Antelatione Maria- nae Grate Mexico, 1750.” FREEMAN, W. H. Very little is known about this engraver or his work beyond the fact that he was a fairly good engraver of : ily AMERICAN ENGRAVERS line plates, and worked for New York and Baltimore publishers in 1815 and 1816. In Mr. Stauffer’s work he notes that he engraved a number of plates for a quarto bible that was published in New York in 1816. Freeman also engraved “The Washington Monument at Balti- more,” which was published by John Horace Pratt in 1815, in the scarce little publication giving an account of the laying of the corner- stone of the Washington Monu- ment. | G., L. : The initials of this unknown engraver, which appear upon a reversed copy of a caricature originally etched by William Charles, of Phila. and also signed as “L. G. Sculpt.” to a map of Sacketts Harbour, by Patrick May, published and sold by Patrick May in Bristol, Conn. This map is copyrighted May 1, 1815 indicating the date of the work. GETZ, PETER Peter Getz was a silver-smith and jeweler of Lancaster, Pa; in the last quarter of the 18th. century. He was “a self taught mechanic of singular ability ” says Wm. Barton in his life of David Rittenhouse. He is said to have made the dies for the Washington cents of 1791-1792 and 1793. Barton says that these dies possessed remark- able workmanship. In 1792 Getz was a candidate for the position of ( hief Coiner and Engraver to the newly organ- ized mint in Philadelphia, but the place was given to the engraver Robert Scott. GILLESPIE, W. W. Gillespie was engraving on steel in Pittsburg, Pa. 18 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES about 1845 as he made a line map of Pittsburg and vicinity “ Designating the portion destroyed by fire April 10th, 1845.” He signed as “engd. by W. Gillespie.” GLOVER, LLOYD Born in DeRuyter, Madison Co., N. Y. in July, 1825: he was living in 1859. He was the son of Daniel Glover, and the brother of D. Lloyd Glover, also an engraver. Lloyd Glover was taught to engrave under a Boston mas- ter and for several years he was the head of the New England branch of the Bank Note Engraving firm of Danforth, Wright & Co. of New York. He finally aban- doned engraving for commercial pursuits and was the New England agent and then a director in the American Guano Co. residing at Lynn. Mass. He was said to be a man of decided literary and artistic attainments. GLOVER, DEWITT CLINTON Born in DeRuyter, Madison Co., N. Y. in 1817, died there January 3, 1836. He was the son of Daniel and and Rhoda (Gage) Glover and the brother of D. Lloyd and Lloyd Glover. He early attempted engraving on wood and steel and to perfect himself in the art he entered the office of J. & W. Casilear in New York where he made rapid progress, but he died at the age of nineteen. GLOVER, D. LLOYD Born in DeRuyter, Madison Co., N. Y. the eldest son of Daniel and Rhoda (Gage, Glover. No details of his life are known other than that he was a good engraver of portraits and subject plates, working in New York in 1850-55. 19 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS GREGORY This name as ‘‘Gregory Sc” is signed to a very crude line bible print, illustrating “Zachariah’s Vision.” As this print was found loose there is no indicative of place or date, though the apparent date is within the first quarter of the last century. HANCOCK Bill heads engraved in Boston and filled out in 1806 are signed “ Hancock, Sct., Boston.” The work is fairly well done. | HARLAND, THOMAS Mr. James Terry of Hartford, Conn. in his “ Ex Libris” Leaflets No. 4 refers to Thomas Harland as a London Engraver, who was located for a time at Norwich, Conn., but gives no further particulars. HAMM, PHINEAS ELDRIDGE Born in Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1799, died there January — 31st, 1861. Hamm was probably the pupil of a Philadel- phia engraver and in 1825-27 he was in business as an engraver in that city. About 18389 he became a dealer in coal and in 1840-45 he was assistant City Treasurer of Philadelphia. While he usually worked in line, he en- graved a few good portraits in stipple. HAVELL, ROBERT JR. In 1889 the English engraver Robt. Havell Jr. arrived in America; his work was well known from ‘‘ Audubon’s Birds of America.” He settled on the Hudson soon after his arrival, and died in Tarrytown in 1878. In 1848 he 20 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES published his engraving of West Point from Fort Putnam (20.8X 27.12 inches) after a painting by himself. He also engraved a View of the City of Hartford, and a number of views of other American cities. An excellent sketch of Robert Havell and Robert Havell Jr., by Geo. A. Williams will be found in The Dene Colic sten s Quarterly Vol. 6, No. 3, (1916). HAYS, HENRY This book-plate engraver was an Englishman working in London as early as 1820 at 168 Regent Street. In this work on book-plates Fenshaw says that he was located in New York in 1830-55. American book-plates signed by him are found. HENTZ, N. M. A large and very well executed etching of an American alligator appears in Vol. 11 of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1825. This plate is signed ‘‘ N. M. Hentz Del. & Sculp.” and illustrates an article by Hentz on the American alligator presented to the society on July 21st, 1820. Mr. Hentz was elected a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila., on May 25th, 1819, but: nothing further is known about him by the Secretary of that institute. HOLYLAND, C. I. Engraved on copper in New York in 1834. The only plate known is an allegorical frontispiece to ‘“‘ A Defense of Particular Redemption—In four letters to a Baptist Minister,” New York, 1834. He signed his work “C. I. Holyland Sc.” 21 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS HOPWOOD A mixed copper-plate engraving is signed “ Hopwood Sc.” The title is ‘‘A Winter Piece”; it shows a snow scene with cottage in right background, tree im left; in the center of foreground is a man with a stick in his right hand standing by a horse with a pannier. This print was published Oct. 20th, 1803 by J. Nicholdson, Halifax. HORTON This engraver is simply mentioned in Mr. Stauffer’s volume as engraving portraits and views in 1830-39 for Philadelphia and Baltimore publishers. He probably came from Providence, R. I. He engraved a business card of the Roger Williams Hotel in that city, and the card says that this house was “formerly kept by Mr. Horton,” but whether the former innkeeper was the engraver him- self, or a relative is uncertain. Horton was certainly engraving for Providence book publishers as early as 1828. In that year he engraved ten copper-plates illustrating a complete system of Stenography, by J. Dodge. HUNTINGTON, ELEAZER Bom March 1789, and resided at Hartford, Conn., the son of Nathaniel Gilbert and Betsy (Tucker) Huntington. In 1825 he published at Hartford ‘The American Penman Etc.” written and engraved by Eleazer Huntington. In 1828 he engraved in line; maps, diagrams and a series of small American Views for a school atlas, published in New York. He engraved a fairly well executed portrait of himself. HUTTON, J. This name as an engraver is signed to copper-plates illus- 22 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES trating “ A New History of the Grecian States—Lansing- burgh, N. Y. 1794,” and J. Hamilton Moore’s Young Gentleman and Lady’s Monitor. Hudson, N. Y. 1795. Judging from the location, this Hutton was probably some connection of Isaac and George Hutton, silversmiths and die-sinkers of Albany, N. Y. in 1795. KENNEDY, S. In 1813 8. Kennedy and W. Charles advertised in Poul- son’s Advertiser of Philadelphia, ‘‘that to encourage the publication of caricatures in the U. 8S. they are induced to unite their abilities in producing original caricatures of the first style, etc.” As a result of this combination we find Kennedy’s name on some of the caricatures both as delin- eator and as publisher. It is also possible that he assisted in the etching as an oblong folio etching of “‘ 'The Conver- sion of St. Paul,” is signed “S. K. Sculpt.” a signature which may be ascribed to S. Kennedy. Edward Savage in advertising his removal from Philadelphia to New York in the ‘General Advertiser” Aug. 18th, 1801, recom- mends to his patrons, “S. Kennedy, carver, gilder, and looking glass manufacturer, 120 Chestnut St.” who will furnish them with copies of the Savage Engravings. This announcement appears to show the real business of S. Kennedy at that date. KELLOGG, JARVIS GRIGGS Born in Tolland, Conn, Oct. 5th, 1805, died at Hartford, July 24th, 1873, unmarried. Kellogg learned to engrave in Boston and he spent the greater part of his professional life in that city. He was the son of Daniel Kellogg, a goldsmith of Tolland and of Susanna (Griggs) Kellogg, married December 31st, 1794. 23 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS KELLOGG, ELISHA CHAPMAN Born in Tolland, Conn. June 13th, 1811, died in Hart- ford, Dec. 14th, 1881, brother of J. G. Kellogg. With his brother he learned to engrave and did some work, but he soon became interested in lithography and with another brother, Daniel Wright Kellogg, he established an extensive business of that character in Hartford, Conn. E. C. Kellogg became much interested in fish culture and it is claimed that he was one of the first men in this country to breed trout artificially, experimenting in this direction as early as 1855. : KENSETT, THOMAS Born at Hampton Court, Middlesex, England, Aug. 17th, 1786—died at Cheshire, Conn. June 16th, 1829. He married Elizabeth Daggett of Connecticut, and he was the father of the well-known American artist John Fred- erick Kensett. Thomas Kensett as early as 1806 is said to have pub- lished the first map of New Haven, after the Wadsworth map of 1748. In 1812 he was a member of the engray- ing and printing publishing firm of Shelton & Kensett, of Cheshire, Conn. As evidence that he was an engraver, we have a well-executed map of upper and lower Canada published in Nov. 2 1812, and signed Kensett, Sculp. Cheshire, Conn. Another large plate entitled “ Brother Jonathan’s Soliloquy on the Times” is signed ‘“ Kensett, Paint et Sculp.” KNIGHT, E. H. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. July 8th, 1853, died there Dec. 11th, 1896—son of E. H. Knight and Anna Hall, eldest daughter of H. B. Hall, Sr. His father was the 24 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES brother of Thomas and Charles Knight, both reputable English engravers. In 1867 E. H. Knight studied en- graving with H. B. Hall; was then in the employ of H. B. Hall & Sons, and was later a partner in this firm. As an engraver his individuality was last in the signed work of the firm, but his name appears on a fine portrait of Charles Dickens. LE MET, L. Quite a number of prints by Le Met have been found since the publication of Mr. Stauffer’s book, among these are the portraits of Richard Morris, and John Townsend of West Chester (1716-1803) who stated in a letter to his family as a very old man, “ that he had ridden his horse to Philadelphia to have his likeness made by Le Met.” A number of portraits of unknown men are also described, the variety of the arrangement of hair and coat buttons together with the slight differences of the inscriptions being carefully noted for the identification of the prints. LEPELLETIER In the biographical sketches of Mr. Stauffer’s book, mention is made of the name of Lepelletier; being signed to maps and plans. An advertisement or notice of a leather merchant has since been found; it was probably intended for use in America and has several lines of de- scription in Spanish. It shows a group of flags in center, with cannon and implements of war; soldiers standing at side. Ornamental border with articles made of leather suspended from a rod, along the bottom of the engraving. LESUEUR, ALEXANDER CHARLES Born at Havre de Grace, France, Jan. 1, 1778 and died 25 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS there Dec. 12th, 1846. With a natural inclination toward art he soon attained remarkable facility in the use of the pencil and brush. In 1800 he was one of the crew in a French expedition sent to explore Mauritius, Australia and New Zealand and his artistic attainments soon placed him in the scientific corps and he became the practical head of the zoological department, contributing about 1500 draw- ings and paintings to the final report of the expedition. In 1815 he came to Philadelphia on the invitation of William Maclure, the geologist, and he assisted Maclure in a study of American Zoology. He finally settled in Philadelphia and taught drawing and painting, and he became a prominent member of the American Philosophical Society and the Academy of Natural Sciences. The Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences for 1818, contains a number of plates illustrating papers upon natural history beautifully etched by Lesueur. He returned to France in 1837 and was for a time curator of the Museum of Natural History at Havre. LEWIS, J. This engraver signs his name as “J. Lewis Sculpt.” to several maps illustrating a bible published by S. Etheridge, of Charlestown, Mass. 1813. The same man probably engraved the bookplate of Dr. Peter Middleton, who died in New York in 1781. This plate bears evidence of American origin and would thus locate Lewis in New York at a considerable earlier date than that above mentioned. LOWE, R. This man was working as a commercial engraver on copper in 1851, his office being at 104 Broadway, N. Y. He engraved diplomas, ete. 26 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES McCLELLAND, D. In 1850 this name appears on a map of the City of Washington, signed as ‘‘ Eng. and pub. by D. McClelland, Washington, 1850.” MALCOM, JAMES PELLER Born in Philadelphia, Aug. 1767, died in England, April 5th, 1815; baptized at St. Peter’s Church, Phila., by the Rev. Jacob Duche. He was educated at the Friends’ School on Fourth Street below Chestnut St., Phila. and finished his education at a school in Pottstown, Pa. Malcom began to engrave in Philadelphia prior to 1786 as he designed and engraved the frontispiece to the ‘‘ Lyric Works of Horace” by John Parke, Phila. 1786. Under the patronage of the Rev. Jacob Duche, Thomas Willing and other prominent citizens of Phila. he was sent to Eng- land to study art, and he says in a memoir published in 18U5 that he attended the Royal Academy course for three years. He did considerable engraving for English maga- zines during this time. In 1792-93 he returned to Phila., but finding little en- couragement there for his art, he went back to England and resumed work for the “Gentleman’s Magazine” and other English periodicals. He became much interested in historical and antiquarian research, was a Fellow of the Antiquarian Society, and he published a number of books on these subjects illustrated with his own engravings. There is some confusion as to the spelling of his name. As an engraver and upon his earlier prints he signed his name Malcom; but as an author and upon his later prints he used the signature of “J ames Peller Malcolm F. A. 8.” AMERICAN ENGRAVERS MAVERICK, PETER RUSHTON Born in New York, April 11th, 1755, died. in Newark, N. J. Dec. 12th, 1811. He was the son of Andrew Maverick, baptized on Feb. 9th, 1728 in the New Brick Church in Boston, Mass., and married in 1754 to Sarah, daughter of Peter and Bethna Rushton. Andrew Maverick came to New York and was admitted as a freeman of that city July 17th, 1753. Andrew Maverick was a direct descendant of the Rev. John Maverick of Dorchester, who was the father of Samuel Maverick appointed in 1664, by Charles IT, as one of the four royal commissioners to settle pending difficulties with the New England Colonies, and also to reduce the Dutch at the Manhados. A grandson of this Samuel was mortally wounded at the Boston Mas- sacre of 1770. Peter Rushton Maverick was probably originally a sil- versmith and he advertised in the New York papers of the day that he was in the engraving, seal sinking, and copper- plate printing business, and also engraved the tea table ware. As an engraver on copper his work was generally poor in execution, his best work being book plates. He inher- ited the estate, as well as the name of his grandfather, Peter Rushton, who died in 1767. In 1775, Peter R. Maverick was an Ensign in the Company of Capt. M. Minthorn in Col. John Jay’s 2nd Regiment of New York Militia. In 1788 he represented the engravers of his city in the Fed- eral Procession of that year. Peter R. Maverick had three sons: Samuel, Andrew, and Peter. Samuel and Peter were also engravers and plate painters; and Andrew pub- lished prints in connection with Cornelius Tiebout. 28 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES MIDDLETON, THOMAS Born on the family estate of Fanclure, S. C., Feb. 18th, 1797, died in Charleston, 8. C., Sept. 27th, 1868. He was the third son of the Hon. Thos. Middleton of Charleston, S.C. Inthe Middleton Records he is referred to as a man of taste and knowledge in art and an amateur painter of considerable talent. He was later engaged in business as a merchant and factor. It is possible that Thomas Middleton studied art in Paris, as the compiler has found in the print shops of that city, several etchings signed “‘T. Middleton”. These are similar to the etchings once belonging to the late Robert Gilmor, of Baltimore, and among the Gilmor etchings is an effective bust portrait of Alexander Hamilton, upon which Mr. Gilmor had written, ‘“‘ Engraved by Thos. tea of Charleston, S. C.” MITCHELL, E. Fenshaw, in his work on book plates, says that this English book-plate engraver was working in the U. S. in 1790. American book plates so signed are found. MOLAND In 1889 this name as “‘ Moland Sc”’ is signed to fairly well engraved script and sheet music, published in Phila- delphia, by George Willing. MORENO, ANTONIO This name as “ Antonio Moreno, Scl.” appears on a large folding map in “ Extracts de los antos de diligencias, y re- conscimientos de los vios, lagunas.... de la capital Mex- ico, y su valle etc. Impresso en Mexico... .ano de 1748.” 29 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS This same Moreno engraved twelve full-page plates depicting religious observances for another book printed in Mexico, in 1756. MULLIKEN, JOHNATHAN Born in Newburyport, Mass., in 1746. died there June 19th, 1782, son of Samuel and Susanna Mulliken. His father was a maker of high clocks in the same town. In “The Essex Journal and Merrimac Packet,” May 25, 1774, Johnathan Mulliken advertises that he is carry- ing on the clock and watchmaking business in all its branches at his shop near the town house in Newburyport. He made a special feature of chime or musical clocks, play- ing several different tunes on twelve bells. The only known copper-plate engraved by Mulliken is a very close copy of Paul Revere’s Massacre plate, though there is no indicative of the date of production. He was probably a self-taught engraver, producing some of his own metal clock faces, an accomplishment not rare among the early clockmakers. MUMFORD, EDWARD WILLIAM Son of Thomas Howland Mumford (1789-1825) cashier of the Merchants Bank of Newport, R. I. There is no record of the birth and death of E. W. Mumford, but he married Penelope Jane Scott (1815-1853) of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1835-40 Mumford was engraving landscapes and subject plates for Philadelphia publishers. MUNSON, SAMUEL B. Born in Connecticut, May 29th, 1806, died in Cincin- nati, O., Apr. 6th, 1880. Son of Joseph Munson. Samuel 30 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES B. Munson in April, 1888, married Hannah Sellew, of Glastonbury, Conn. | In 1830-35 Munson was engraving in New Haven in conjunction with S. S. Jocelyn of that town. But about 1836 he removed to Cincinnati, O., and was a member of the banknote engraving firm of Doolittle & Munson of that City. Fora time he was associated with G. K. Stillman in engraving and publishing prints. NICHOLDSON, J. D. As “J. D. Nicholdson sc” this name is signed to line work done for some encyclopedia published by EK. Lucas, Jr., Baltimore, Md. ‘The date is about 1830. NOTHERMAN, G. A Harrison Campaign badge issued in Baltimore in 1840 is signed as ‘‘ Drawn & Eng. by G. Notherman, Jr.” The work is well done in line. The badge was published by “ Notherman & Mettee, Balt.” The first member of the firm being possibly the father; or it may be the engraver himself. OTIS, BASS Born in Bridgewater, Mass. in 1784, died in Phila. Nov. 30th, 1861. Son of Dr. Josiah and Susanna (Orr) Otis. He took his name from his grandfather, John Bass. Bass Otis was a lineal descendant of John Otis who was born in Barnstable, England, in 1581, and came to New England prior to 1635 and settled at Hingham, Mass. Bass Otis married Susan Pierie of Philadelphia, Pa. Bass Otis was apprenticed to a scythe-maker, in his early youth, but developing a taste for art he is supposed to have taught himself to draw and paint. In 1808 he had a por- 31 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS trait-painting studio in New York, but in 1812 he removed to Philadelphia and there spent the remainder of his life, becoming a reputable painter of portraits. He experimented in other branches of art, and the first lithographic prints published in the U.S. were made by Otis and appeared in the “ Analectic Magazine” for July, 1819. Previous to this date he had engraved several por- traits and subject plates in aquatint and in a peculiar stipple. In 1815 he invented a “ perspective protractor ” highly commended by Sully, Birch, Tiebout, Lawson and other Philadelphia artists. Two rare but artistically en- graved mezzotints are ascribed to Otis as one of his many ‘“ experiments.” These, though unsigned, are engraved after paintings by Otis and the manner in which the “ground ” has been prepared would indicate the work of a novice in that branch of art. PALMER, JOSEPH. Was working in Albany, New York, as early as 1820, for the New York publishers. His few signed plates usually depict bible subjects. PEALE, CHARLES WILLSON. Although no additions have been made to the check-list of Mr. Stauffer of the engravings by Peale, there have been several most interesting papers written on Charles Willson Peale by his descendants. The Pennsylvania Magazine, published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, prints in 1914 an article on “Charles Willson Peale, Artist-Sol- dier,’’ by Horace Wells Sellers; and the Popular Science Monthly, of September, 1909, contains a most interesting account of ‘“ Peale’s Museum,” written by Harold Sellers Colton. ae BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES PEASE, RICHARD H. Born in Norfolk, Conn., Feb. 19th, 1813, living in 1869. He was a brother of Joseph Ives Pease, engraver, and on Jan. 10th, 1835, he married Mary E. Dawes of Philadelphia. R. H. Pease apparently began business as a wood en- graver in Albany, N, Y., though he also engraved in a rather labored manner upon copper. He furnished many illustrations for publications of the state of New York, and he published childrens’ books under the name of “ Grand papa Pease Works.” PELTON, OLIVER Born in Portland, Conn., Aug. 31st, 1798, died at East Hartford, Conn., Aug. 15th, 1882. He was the son of William Pitt Pelton and Sarah (Davis) Pelton; he married Julia Stewart in 1827. He was first a pupil and then a partner of Abner Reed, in Hartford. In 1827 he was established in business as an engraver in Boston; and in 1836 the firm of Pelton & Terry was engraving bank notes in the same city. His son, Edward B. Pelton, was born in Boston in 1840, and was later a publisher in New York. Oliver Pelton was a fairly good line engraver of por- traits and worked at his profession to within a few years of his death. He also engraved a number of small subject plates for the annuals. PEROT, JAMES He was one of the Huguenot settlers of New Rochelle, N. Y., and he was a silversmith of that place and later of Bermuda and Phila. He was a brother-in-law of Robert Elliston of New York in 1753. He was probably the 33 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS founder of the Perot family in Phila., and the father of Elliston Perot, a prominent merchant of Phila. about 1790. A Chippendale bookplate of James Perot with a wide en- graved border is said to have been engraved by Perot him- self. PIERPONT, BENJAMIN, JR. This man was probably the son of Benjamin Pierpont, a silver and goldsmith of Boston, in 1760. The elder Ben- jamin was born in Roxbury, Mass., was married in Brattle Square Church, Boston, in 1758, and died in 1797. His silverware with engraved monograms, arms, and inscriptions is still preserved. It is a fair assumption that Benjamin Pierpont, Jr. learned to engrave in his father’s shop though the younger Pierpont employed his talent in engraving sheet music about 1778. That he was the son of the Benjamin mentioned is further proven by the signa- ture of young Pierpont to the music of ‘‘The Singing Master’s Assistant”? where he signs as “‘ Engraved by Benja. Pierpont, Jr. Roxbury, 1778.” PIGALLE Rough line engravings signed “ Pigalle ” are found along with plates evidently engraved by Scoles for the same work. The date is about 1800. POTTS, WILLIAM SB. Born in New Jersey, died in St. Louis, Mo. April, 1852. In 1824 Potts was an engraver in a New York office, work- ing with William Chapin, but he later studied for the ministry and became a prominent Presbyterian clergyman, and in 1837 he was president of the Marion College. His wife was a connection of the Hon. Thos. H. Benton of St. Louis. 34 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES REED, ABNER Born in East Windsor, Conn. Nov. 11th, 1771, died in Toledo, O., Feb. 25th, 1866. Son of Ebenezer and Mary (Fitch) Reed. Abner Reed was apprenticed to a sadler and commenced engraving by working upon the engraved metal nameplates then used on saddles. About 1793 he removed to Albany, N. Y. and for a time taught school at Lansingburgh, N. Y.; at his later place he married Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Woods Loring. On Novy. ist, 1803 he settled in Hartford, Conn. and regularly engaged in the business of engraving, plate printing and sign painting. In 1811 he returned to East Windsor and he became largely interested in banknote engraving for United States and Canadian banks. He was one of the earliest banknote engravers in this Country, having engraved the plates for the Hartford Bank of 1792. Among the apprentices in his employ at East Windsor were William Mason, later a well known wood engraver of Philadelphia. Asaph Wilson, later of New York, Oliver Pelton, Alfred Daggett, and Vistus Balch, Fred Bissell, Ebenezer F. Reed and Lewis Fairchild, wood engravers, and William Phelps, a plate printer. In 1821 Abner Reed took into partnership Samuel Stiles, a former pupil and later a son-in-law. This firm of Reed & Stiles was in business in Hartford until 1824. By this time Mr. Reed had amassed a considerable fortune, but he lost this endorsing for friends in the financial trouble of 1830-35. Abner Reed had literary aspirations at an early date. 1n 1794 he wrote and published “ Love Triumphant or Constancy Removed” and in 1800 he published “ First Steps in Learning,” a book for children illustrated by woodcuts engraved by himself. In 1847 Reed removed to New York working as an en- 35 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS graver; and in 1851 he there published “ Reed’s Guide to the Art of Penmanship” with twelve plates engraved by himself. A few years later he went to Toledo, O. to live with his daughter, Mrs. Edward Bissell, and died there as stated. When nearly 93 years of age he took a prize at a country fair in Ohio for the best example of penmanship. RETZCH, FREDERICK AUGUST MORITZ An etcher born in Dresden, Dec. 9th, 1799, died at New Dresden, N. Y., June 11th, 1857. He was an etcher and painter and an honorary member of the National Academy of New York. His reputation rests upon his designs and beautiful outline etchings illustrating the works of Goethe, Schiller, etc. These prints and his “Game of Chess”’ at- tracted much attention in New York at the time of their issue. ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD Artist, designer and etcher. Born in Monymusk, near Aberdeen, Scotland, May 8th, 1765, died in New York City, Dec. 6th, 1835. He studied art in Edinburgh and London from 1782 to 1791. In the latter year he came to the United States, bringing with him from his patron, the Earl of Buchan, and for presentation to General Washington, a box made of the oak that sheltered Sir William Wallace after the battle of Falkirk. At the request of the Earl of Buchan, Washington sat for his portrait to Robertson. From 1792 to 1821 he fol- lowed his profession in New York as a painter, largely in water colors, and as a teacher of drawing. He designed for engravers and the early lithographers of New York and drew a number of large views of New York which were engraved. 36 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES In 1802 he published his ‘Elements of the Graphic Arts” in a large quarto. In this work three pages of out- line etched designs are signed “ Arch’d Robertson fecit.” A. Robertson was one of the founders and a director of the American Academy of Art. SANDS, J. Was an engraver of music on copper, working in Balti- more about 1824. He signed his name ‘J. Sands Sc.” SMITH, WILLIAM In 1840 William Smith is referred to as a partner of David McClelland, general engravers and _ copper-plate printers, of Washington, D.C. No signed work by Will- iam Smith is known to the compiler, and it is possible that he was only the printer of the firm. SOMERBY, J. E. The only record of this man as an engraver is found in the ‘ American Coast Pilot,” by Capt. Lawrence Furlong, edited by Edmund M. Blunt, Newburyport, 1804. He engraved two or three maps in this work, the rest being engraved by A. M. Peasley. SPARROW, T. He is referred to in Mr. Stauffer’s book as working in Maryland as early as 1770, engraving plates for colonial money, frontispieces for books, and bookplates in wood and on copper. This same man was apparently employed in Boston at a possibly earlier date, judging solely from the period of the designer, after whom he engraved a somewhat curious advertisement for the music dealer, John Ashton, of 197 Washington St., Boston. 37 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS STEWART, CHARLES : In 1841 Stewart engraved a small but excellent mezzo tint portrait of Peter Stuyvesant, printed by A. King, who was the publisher of some of Durand’s plates. A pencil memorandum on the print says that it was engraved for the New York Historical Society. STILES, SAMUEL Born at East Windsor, July 15th, 1796, died in New York, April 8rd, 1861. Son of Asahel and Tryphena (Chapin) Stiles. He served his apprenticeship as an en- graver with Abner Reed at Kast Windsor, and in 1824 he removed to Utica, N. Y., and formed a partnership in the banknote and general engraving business with Vistus Balch, also a pupil of Abner Reed. In 1828 he moved to New York as a banknote engraver. He married in June, 1825, Charlotte Sophia Reed, the daughter of his old pre- ceptor, Abner Reed. Samuel Stiles was the father of Henry Reed Stiles, M. D., well known as a writer on his- tory and genealogy. © STURDEVANT, 8. An unknown American engraver, there being only one example of his work catalogued. It was published in Lex- ington, Ky., in 1822. The portrait is very crude and occurs in a privately printed volume of sermons. It is the earliest known signed portrait engraved west of the Alle- gheny Mountains. SWETT, C. A. As a copper-plate engraver, this name appears on a ‘Descent from the Cross,” a frontispiece to “ Helps to Young Christians,” published in Portland, in 1839. The 38 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES plate is signed as “engraved by C. A. Swett, Portland.” He later engraved a plan of the city of Boston, published in 1862. TEW, DAVID The Journals of the Continental Congress record that on Oct. 28th, 1788, there was due to David Tew, the sum of 213;, dollars for engraving three copper-plates for bills of exchange, and for repairing two other plates. THOMAS, ISATAH Born in Boston, Jan. 19th, 1749, died in Worcester, Mass., April 4th, 1831. After serving as an apprentice with Zachariah Fowle, in 1770, in partnership with his former master, Thomas commenced the publication of the Massa- chusetts Spy. About this time he seems to have tried en- graving on type metal. To this later well known printer and publisher are credited some very crude cuts signed a T.,” appearing in “The History of the Holy Jesus, Gi 15th edition, printed by I. Thomas for L. Fowle.” THROOP, DANIEL SCROPE Born in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., Jan. 14th, 1800; died at Elgin, Ill. Son of Major Dan Throop (1768-1824) of Norwich, Conn. D. 8S. Throop, among other plates, en- graved a good stipple portrait of Taree in 1824, evi- dently made for a Lafayette badge. This plate is signed “PD. S. Throop, Sc., Utica, N. Y.” THROOP, JOHN PETER VANNESS Born in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., April 15th, 1794. Elder brother of D. 8. Throop. The Throop Genealogy does not enter into the details of his life, but mentions him 39 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS as an engineer. He was an engraver of portraits in both line and stipple, and was working for both New York and Baltimore publishers in 1835. THROOP, ORRAMEL HINCKLEY Born in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., June 12th, 1798. As early as 1825 he was an engraver of landscapes and vignettes with an office at 172 Broadway, N. Y. — TROTT Copperplate engravings of old coins, etc., are signed “Trott sp. Boston.” The date of publication is about 1800-1820, and some of the companion plates are by Nathaniel Jocelyn as engraver. ULMAN, G. This man engraved views, landscapes, etc., in line, and was in the employ of J. M. Butler, a plate printer and print publisher of Philadelphia about 1850. Nearly all prints emanating from this establishment were signed by Butler. VALDENUIT He was associated with St. Memin in New York in 179% and some of the small portrait plates issued by S. Memin are signed “St. Memin & Valdenuit, No. 12 Fair St., N. Y.” That Valdenuit actually assisted in the engraving and was not simply a business partner, is shown by the existence of an aquatint portrait of an unknown man issued in the manner and size of St. Memin plates, and signed “Drawn by Gimaldi Engraved by Valdenuit, N. Y.,” Feb. 1797. 40 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES VANDINE, ELIZABETH The Journals of the Continental Congress for June 7th, 1776, would indicate that this woman was a counterfeiter, the first on record in the colonies. With her husband, Henry Vandine, of Morris Co,, Province of New Jersey, she was arrested for an attempt to counterfeit bills of credit emitted by Congress. She confessed that “ with privity of her said husband she counterfeited several bills of the Con- tinental Currency.” For this offense and for passing the same, she and her husband were confined in the Morris County jail. The report does not enter into detail of the manufacture of these bills. VILLAVICA, MANUEL This name as “ Manuel Villavico Sc Mxe” is signed to an armorial copperplate in ‘“Noticia de la lengua Huasteca,....da Carlos de Tapia Lenteno. Ed Mex- ico... ano de 1767.” WELSH, B. F. The American engraver William Chapin in his autobi- ography, says that in 1824 he worked in a New York office with an engraver by that name. Welsh afterward became a prominent Baptist clergyman. WILCOX, JOHN ANGEL JAMES Born in Portage, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1835, living in Boston in 1908. In 1856 Wilcox entered the office of J. C. Kel- logg, of Hartford, Conn., and there learned to engrave. In 1860 he removed to Boston and remained there ever since. Though originally taught to engrave in strict line, he works in stipple, mezzotint and etching with equal facility. His line portraits are admirable pieces of work, but he has coy- 41 AMERICAN ENGRAVERS ered the whole range of engraving in portraits, historical and subject plates, landscape and latterly book plates and title pages. He has also worked at portrait painting. WOISERI, J. L. BOUQUET As early as 1803, this man was working in New Orleans. He engraved a plan and a view of New Orleans, with well executed aquatint vignettes and views of buildings, and also a large aquatint view of Boston. In the ‘‘ General Advertiser” in Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1804, Woiseri advertises his two New Orleans plates tot $10 for both colored. He dedicates his plates ‘‘ by per- mission to President Thomas Jefferson.” He calls himself a “designer, drawer, geographer, and engineer,” and says that he has resided in New Orleans for a number of years, and has there ‘‘exercised his profession of designer and engraver.” He worked six years on the New Orleans plates. Reference is made in an old print catalogue to a view of “Baltimore in 1752, from a sketch there made by John Moale (Moale) Esq., deceased, corrected by the late Daniel Bowley (Bowley) Esq., etc.” ‘The print is described as 324x212 in., published about 1800. The engraver’s line is given as “ Engraved by T. I. Bogueta.” It is a proof, and only ten impressions are said to have been made before the plate broke. May not this also be a plate engraved by J. I. Bouquet, with due allowance made for incorrect reading of the possibly “scratched ” signature on the plate? ZAPATA A copperplate frontispiece signed ‘‘ Zapata sc” will be found in “ Promptuario Manual Mexicano. P. Ignacio De Parades. En Mexico, 1759.” 42 = a — el Aah ov tigen CHECK LIST ABERNETHIE ABERNETHIE 1 MASONIC CERTIFICATE. Line, inscription in centre in three columns, surrounded by masonic emblems. 13.8 < 11.4 Ins: (at lower right corner) Drawn & Engrav’d by B” Abernethte Charleston. / : 2 SEAL OF SCOTCH MASONIC LODGE. CHARLESTON. Line, rect frame, with circle within. ee ar Inscribed in circle, ‘‘Sublime Scotch Lodge Charleston 8° Caro- lina.’’ Ins: (under rect.) Abernethie Sculp. / 3 PAPER CURRENCY. Line, rect. 2.1 5.4 An engraved bill on the City of Charleston (8. C.) City Treasury for One Shilling And Three Pence. In lower left tobacco plant, hogshead and ornamental tablet. **Abernethie Fecit’’ 4 PAPER CURRENCY. Line, rect. 2.1 X 5.4 An engraved bill on the City of Charleston (S. C.) City Treasury for Two Shillings. At left light-house, below ornamental tablet. *“Abernethte Fecit’’ ROBERT AITKEN 5 BOSTON AND PROVINCIAL CAMP. Line, rect. 10.5 X7.7 Ins: (above) Engrav’d for the Pennsylv® Magazine. / (on panel in base) A New and Correct / Plan of the Town / of / Boston, / and / Provincial Camp. (under panel) Aitken—Sculp. / Note.—Stauffer, No. 4, incomplete. 6 SEAT OF WAR IN CANADA. On panel with Indian and Rifleman as supports. Line, rect, Map. 6.2 < 15.3 Ins: (above) for the Penn® Magazine p. 468 / A Map / of the / Present Seat of War / on the Borders / of / Canada. / Aitken Sculp. Ree ram Penna. Mag., Oct. 1775. Stauffer, No. 6. 43 7 10 11 12 13 CHECK LIST AKIN QUEBEC. | Line, rect. 4.6 X 6.15 Ins: (above) Engrav’d for the Pennsylvama Maga’—p. 563. / A Plan / of / Quebec, / Metropolis / of / Canada / in / North America. / References. / (A to R) twenty one lines / Attken Sculp. / Note-—From Penna. Mag., Dec. 1775. Stauffer, No. 9. A PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF THE SALT WORKS, ce. Line, rect. Loess Ins: Engrav’d for the Penn* Magazine. / A Perspective View of the Salt Works in Salisbury New England. / | (not signed) PLAN OF A SALT MARSH. Line, rect. 5.14 K 4.2 Ins: Aitken S. MACHINE FOR SAVING LIFE AT FIRES. Line, rect. 6.2 X 3.18 Ins: P 556—for the Pen* Magazine. / R. Attken feulp. JAMES AKIN CARICATURE. THE HOLY ALLIANCE. Seat Aquatint, rect. 13.12 K 21.13 Four-horsed mail coach halted by Quakers for carrying mail on the Sabbath. Ins: Entered according to act of Congress, the 5th day of May 1830, by James Akin of the State of Pennsylvania. —Engraved & Publushed by James Akin Designer and Caricaturist Philadel- phia / N° 63 Dock S* / The ‘‘Holy Alliance,’’ / or Satan’s Legion at Sabbath Pranks. / (Ten lines of inscription and verse) / By ther Friend and Countryman, / James Akin, Engraver. CARICATURE. AN UNEXPECTED MEETING OF OLD FRIENDS. Aquatint and Etching, rect. 9.5 Sade Ins: (in foreground) J Akin / (under rect.) An Unexpected Meeting of Old Friends / DEMONS OF NIGHT. Line, rect. 3.5 X 2.6 Two figures seated among clouds. Ins: J. Akin Sc. / (three lines) Note.—From Free-Mason’s Magazine. Vol. 1. Phil® 1811. 44 CHECK LIST AKIN 14 FRONTISPIECE. SPECTATOR. Line, oval in rect. 4.10 2.9 Figure with uplifted spade, and knight in armor. Ins. in panel under oval: Spectator / No. 879 / J. Akin fe. 15 FRONTISPIECE. Line, rect. 4.6 X 3.4 Ins: (over) Power of Solitude / (under in panel) Engrav’d by J. Akin New Buryport, / Drawn by Corné. Salem / And muse with truth mm Wisdoms sacred cell / Published by Ma- camulty. Salem. 16 SWISS HOSPITALITY. Line, rect. 44 2.12 Two men seated at table, two women serving them. Ins: (over) V. 8. / P. 23 / (below) Engraved by James Akin. / Swiss Hospitality. 17 NEPTUNE AND TIME. Line, rect. 3.13 & 5 Ins: Willards Patent Clocks: an elegant afsortment of Looking Glafses de. dc. &c. / J. Baldwin’s / Store of / Clocks, Watches, / Silver Plate & Jewelry; / Sign of the Watch / Salem / Hair- work neatly executed / Grav’d by I. Akin, from a sketch by J. Thurston. / 18 WATER SPOUT, 6.4 * 4. MAGIC CIRCLE, 6 di. Line, both on one sheet. Ins: (over) Pl. VI Vol. III Page 251 / (under) J. Akin sc. / (over circle) Magic circle of circles (below) J. Akin sc. / Note——From Benj. Franklin’s Works, Phil? 1808. 19 FOSSIL BONES. (Two plates) Etch, vig. Folio Ins: (over) Plate I. / Engraved by James Akin from Wash Drawings made by M" Titian R. Peale. / Ins: (over) Plate II. / Engraved by James Akin from Chalk Drawings made (the size of the bones) by Doct” W. 8. Jacobs. / Note——From Transactions Amer. Phil. Soc. Phil* 1791. 20 QUADRUPEDS. Line, vign. 9X 7.12 Ins: (over) Quadrupeds. / Mammalia Genus Capra. Goat / (below) J. Akin sc. / (Two lines giving names) 45 CHECK LIST ALLEN 21 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Line, 13 various sections, elev. ret. 6. X 7.6 Ins: (above) Plate XI—Vol. III. p. 430. / (under) J. Akin fe. / Note-—From Benj. Franklin’s Works, Phila., 1808. S. ALLARDICH 22 JOHN II SURRENDERING TO DENNIS DE MORBEC. 6.12 x 4.6 Line, rect. circular top with panel inscribed. Anna / 1356 / Ins: Allardice fc. / John the 2% surrendering to Dennis de Mor- bec / Philad* Publish’d by Ja’ Stewart & C° Mar. 27% 1797. 23 MONTFORT, COUNTESS OF. Line, rect. cir. top with panel inscribed. Anno / 1342 / 6.12 & 4.6 Ins: 8. Allardice Sc. / Jane, Countess of Montfort in complete Armour / encouraging the Garrison of Hennebonne — / Philad* Publish’d by Ja’ Stewart & C° Mar. 16% 1797. / JOEL ALLEN 24 NEW YORK THEATRE. Etching, rect. 4.10 x 6.14 Ins: — J. Allen fc. — Tisdale delin. et fc / A view of the New Theatre in New York. Note.—See S. 38. 29 MILITARY TACTICS. Hight folding copper-plates of evolutions. Engraved by Allen. Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the U.S. Part I. Hartford, N. D. (about 1782). 26 ANTIGONUS BEHEADED AT ANTIOCH. Line, highly ornamental rect. border. 9.10 * 6.11 Statue in centre, swordsman with uplifted sword striking off head of bound figure. Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus / (under) J. Allen sculpt / Antigonus King of the Jews Beheaded at Antioch. / 27 JERUSALEM, FALL OF. Line, ornamental rect. border. 9.12 < 6.14 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of May- nard’s / Josephus. / (under) J. Allen Sct / Jerusalem taken and burnt. / (two lines) ; 6 CHECK LIST ANDERSON 28 SOLOMON’S SACRIFICE. Line, ornamental rect. border. 9.12 « 6.14 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of May- nard’s / Josephus / (under) J. Allen Sc‘ / King Solomon’s First Sacrifice. (three lines) Published by William Durell N° 19 Queen Street. / LUTHER ALLEN 29 NEWPORT, R. I. Line, rect. 7.3 X 14.5 Ins: S. King Del—L. Allen, Sc. / A South West View of New- port. A. ANDERSON 30 WILLIAM MOULTRIE. Stip. oval, full bust in uniform, to left. Ins: A. Anderson sc / William Moultrie Esq. / 31 AESCULAPIANA SOCIETY, CERTIFICATE. | Line, oval. 4.15 X 3.6 Seated male figure with turban, landscape at back with large domed building, and serpent at top. Ins: Alex’ Robertson Del——aA. Anderson Sc. / 32 LEWIS WARRINGTON. Line, vign. 4.9 X 3.8 Bust in uniform to left. Ins: Jarvis pinz—A. Anderson Sc. Note. — The only example seen is cut close and probably lacks title. 33 ANATOMICAL PLATES I.—II.—III.— Line. Average 5.5 X 3.5 Ins: C. Bell del—A. Anderson sc. / Note.—From Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body. 3 vols. N.Y. 1822. 34 ARABS TENTS. Line, rect. 3.18 XK 6.12 Ins: (over) Pl: 4. / (under) A. Anderson Sc. / Arabs Tents in the Desert of Sahara. / Arabs at their Devotions — Women em- ploy’d in Spinning & Weaving / 47 CHECK LIST ANDERSON 30 AHAB IN NABOTH’S VINEYARD. Line, rect. Ins: Corbould del—A. Anderson Sc. / Ahab wm Naboth’s Vine- yard. / C. 21. V. 17. / I. Kings. / 36 ASSASSINATION OF AMNON. Line, ornamental border, rect. 10.4 « 6.14 Figures seated around table. Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / May- nard’s / Josephus. / (under) A. Anderson Sculp. / The Assasst- nation of Amnon by order of his / Brother Absalem. / 37 EVANGELISTS, THE FOUR. Line (four rects, on one plate). 9.4 x 6.1 Ins: (under each rect.) S' Matthew. S* Mark. S* Luke. S* John. (under) Anderson Sculp. / The Evangelists of our Saviour Jesus Christ. / Note.—Ameriean Edition of Maynard’s Josephus. 38 IMPLEMENTS OF WORSHIP. Line (four rect. on one plate). 8.10 XK 6.9 Ins: (over) N° 1 Brazen Laver. N° 2 Brazen Altar N° 3 Altar of Incense N° 4 Table of Shew Bread / (under) A. Anderson Sc. / Implements of Worship from Saurin. / Note.—American Edition of Maynard’s Josephus. 39 INDIAN ANTIQUITIES. Line, vign. (Three earthen vessels). 3.4 X 6.10 Ins: (over) Indian Antiquities / (under) A. Anderson. / Note.—Engraved for the Med. & Phil. Reg. N. York. 40 L’ALLEGRO. Line, rect. 4.2 38. Ins: — Anderson Sc. / L’Allegro. / Longworth’s Belles-Lettres Repository. / for 1808. 41 IL PENSEROSO. Line, rect. 3.14 K 2.15 Ins: Il Penseroso. / New York, Published by D. Longworth, / at the Shakspeare Gallery—Continued Annually. Note.—Not signed but so like No. 40 as to leave little doubt as to the engraver. 42 JERUSALEM. Line, rect, Bird’s-eye view of City. 13.10 K 16.9 Ins: (over) Engraved for the American Edition of Maynards— Josephus. / Jerusalem. / (under) A. Anderson Sculp. / 48 CHECK LIST ANDERSON 43 JESUS CONVERSING WITH HIS DISCIPLES. Line, rect. 8. X 6.1 Ins: A. Anderson Sc. / Jesus conversing with his Disciples after Supper. / John. C 13 V 30. 44 JEWISH CIRCUMCISION. Line, rect. 3.14 & 6.15 Ins: (over) Pl. 8 / (under) I. R. Smith del — A. Anderson Sc. / A Jewish circumcision witness’d by the Author in M agadore. / 45 JEWS, MASSACRE OF. Line, ornamental, rect. border. 10. * 6.14 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / May- nard’s / Josephus / (under) A. Anderson sculp. / Ten Thousand Jews Massacred in one Day by / the Inhabitants of Damascus.— _ Published by William Durell N° 19 Queen St. / 46 JONAH & THE GOURD. Line, rect. ; 9.15 x 6.4 Ins: Corbould del — Anderson 8. / Jonah sitting under his Gourd. / Note. — From Holy Bible, Published by William Durell, New York, 1801. 47 JOSEPHUS. Line, ornamental rect. border. 9.12 < 6.13 Figure of Josephus in center casting dice. Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / May- nard’s / Josephus. / (under) A. Anderson S. / (Four lines) 48 PETER’S REPENTANCE. Line, rect, ruled frame. 8.14 X 6.6 Peter crouching, cock crowing at back. Ins: Anderson 8. / Peter’s Repentance for having shamefully dened our / Blessed Saviour in the High Priest’s house. / Note—From American Edition of Maynard’s Josephus. 49 LEAF WITH CANKER WORM. Line, vign. 1.12 * 1.8 Ins: Phalena (Hortorum?) / Ang. Canker-worm / 1 Mas 2 Fem. / A. Anderson Del et Sc / Note.—From N. York Mag., 1795, Vol. VI. 00 ST. JOHN. Line, rect. 7.14 X 6.7 Ins: (over) Engraved for Collins’ Quarto Bible Second Edition sf (under) Dominichino pinxt — A. Anderson Se / S* John The Evangelist. / New York, Published by Collins, Perkins & Co 1807 49 OL D2 o3 CHECK LIST ANDERSON SCRIBE READING TO KING JOSIAH. Line, rect. 7.15 X 6.1 Ins: A. Anderson Sc. / The Scribe reading the Law to King Josiah. / II Charon XXXIV. 18. SOLOMON’S TEMPLE. Line, rect. 6.9 « 10.14 Ins: A. Anderson Sculp. / An exact representation of Solomons Temple. UNION SOCIETY CERT. Line, rect. 12. x 18.4 Flying eagle with scroll in beak: Order Is— Heaven’s First Law. / Ins: The Union Society of / Shipwrights and Caulkers / Of the City of New York, did on the day of / wm the Year Admit / as one of ther Members. / President "4 Secretary / W. P. Morgan del.—A. Anderson Sc. / 54 WRECK OF BRIG COMMERCE D9 56 oT Line, rect. 3.15 K 6.14 Ins: (over) Pl. 2. / (ander) J. R. Smith del — A. Anderson Sc. / Wreck of the Brigg Commerce on the Coast of Africa — The Authors escape from Arabs. / Note-—F rom Riley’s Narratives, 1816. CARICATURE, ETCHING, SMALL FOLIO, described as: ‘The Wheel of Fortune.’’ Time turning a wheel on the spokes of which characters are climbing, the final revolution throwing them into a pit at which a skeleton dances. One of the characters is Napoleon. ‘‘A. A. inv’t et sculp’t.”’ HUGH ANDERSON JOHN BUNYAN. ; Stipple, oval. 3. X 2.6 Bust, head to left, holding book. Ins: H. Anderson fc. / Bunyan. / NEW YORK CITY, 1827, MAP OF. Line, rect. 38.7 X 28.8 Ins: A. / Map / Of The / City Of / New York / Published by A. T. Goodrich. / Engraved by H. Anderson. / (scale) /—(Copy- right 1827) 50 CHECK LIST ANDERSON 98 INDEPENDENT BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF PHILA CERTIFICATE. — Stip. rect. 12.9 * 13.15 Ins. in scroll supported by two cupids, ‘‘The Independent Benevolent Society of Philadelphia.’’ In the center an oval with mother and children supported by full-length figures. Ins: W™ Crosier Pinz'—H. Anderson Sct / Six lines. 99 UNITED STATES, MAP OF. Line, rect, ornament & flying eagle. 16.9 « 25.4 Ins: United States / of America / corrected & Improved from the best authorities / Published by B. Warner / Philadelphia— 1820 / Engraved by H. Anderson f Note—From Atlas for Guthrie’s Geography, Phil* 1820. 60 FRONTISPIECE. Rays, with dove in centre, below Christ standing, Moses seated. Sule 2.35 Ins: (above) Frontispiece (below) H Anderson fc. / Two lines. Note.—From ‘‘An Ark for all God’s Noahs in a Gloomy Stormy Day,’’ ete., by Thomas Brooks. Phila., 1811. 61 LOUIS XVI, EXECUTION OF. Line, rect. 2:12 <4: Ins: Anderson Sc. / The barbarous execution of Louis the 16% 62 MONTAGUE (SHEEP DOG). H. Anderson Se. Ins: 3 feet 11 inches from A to B / Montague. / 2 feet 8 inches from C to D. / 18 months old. 63 PRINTING PRESS. Line. 7.10 X 5.5 Ins: (on arm of Press) Columbia Press / Invented by / George Clymer / Anno Domini. 1818. / Made in Philad* 1816 (below) Philadelphia 1813. / Drawn by W. Strickland.—Engraved by H. Anderson. / 64 WHEAT DRILL. mine. (Wig, 1, Pig. 2. Fig. 3.) 7.8 X 4.4 Ins: (above) Wheat Drill. / Plate III. / (under) W. Strickland Del_—Engraved for the Memoirs of ‘‘Philadelphia Soc. for pro- moting Agriculture’? Vol 3 1814.—H. Anderson fe. / 65 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Line (in outline). Plate 2—& 3. 6.2 X 3.12—6.4 3.4 Ins: (names of instruments) (below) H. Anderson Se. A Note—From Gibson’s Surgery. Phil* 1824, 51 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 CHECK LIST Annin & SMITH W. B. ANNIN FRANKLIN’S SEAL. Line, on page of fac-simile letter of Franklin to Strathan. Ins: Franklin’s Seal / W. B. Annin se. / Note.—From Franklin’s Works, Phil* 1808. JANE McCREA. Line, rect. 9.12 x 7.8 Indians torturing a woman. Ins: Painted by Smithe—W. B. Annin S¢ Albany. / The Tragical Death Of Miss McCrea. / in the Year 1777, near Fort Edward m Washington County. N. Y. / Note.—S. 74 may be a late state of this plate, cut to an oval. SERPENT. Line, vign. 3.4 & 28.0 Ins: J. Bigelow Del—Scoliophis Atlanticus—W. B. Annin Sc. / Pub. Report of Committee on Sea Serpent. Boston, 1817. ANNIN & SMITH BYRON. Line, rect. Half length, face to left. SAB. Bie Ins: Tho® Phillips R. A. pina’—Annin & Smith sc / Lord Byron 7. Published by Samuel Walker (Harlem Place) Washington Street Boston REVY JOHN FOSTER. Stip, rect. Full bust to left. 3.4 X 2.9 Ins: Drawn by Robinson — Annin & Smith Se. / Rev? John Foster. / Author of the Essays dc. / Note.—From The Christian Offering for 1832. Boston. MARY OF SCOTLAND. Stip. vign., bust face to left. 3.12 & 2.14 Ins: (over) The Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly. / Vol. X / The Abbot. / (below) Painted by Zuc- chera— Annin & Smith sc. / Mary of Scotland. / Boston. / Samuel H. Parker. 12 Cornhill. / 1822. / BOSTON TREMONT HOUSE. Described as a small folio. View of Tremont House. Drawn by James Kidder. Engraved by Annin & Smith. Note.—A Description of the Tremont House, Boston, 1830. o2 CHECK LIST Annin & SuirH 73 MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL COLLEGE. Line, vign. 3.8 X 6.11 Ins: J. R. Penniman del. — Annin & Smith Sc. / Massachusetts Medical College. / 74 ALLYN HOUSE—PLYMOUTH. Line, vign. 2.14 x 4.2 Ins: J. R. Penniman Del.—Annin & Smuth, Sc. / Allyn House— Plymouth. / Note.—From Tudor’s Life of James Otis. Boston, 1823. 7 THE OSGOOD FARM—ANDOVER. Line, vign. 2.14 X 7.8 Ins: J. R. Penniman, Del. — Annin & Smith, sc. / The Osgood Farm — Andover. / Published by Wells & Inlly 98 Court st. Boston. / Note.—From Tudor’s Life of James Otis, Boston, 1823. 76 SALEM CHARITABLE MECHANICS ASSOC. Line, vign. (Cert. of Membership. ) about 10 x 12 Arm with hammer and scales, view of Salem in distance. Ins: Des. & Drawn by John R. Penniman—Engraved by Annin & Smith. | 77 IVANHOE BY SCOTT (title page). Line, vign. 3.1 X 2.14 Ins: (over) The / Novels, Tales, and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly. / Vol VIII / Ivanhoe / (below) Drawn by R. West- all, R. A.—Eng* by Annin & Smith. / “Do you dispute with me slave.’’ / Boston / Samuel Parker. 12 Cornhill. / 1822, 7 78 KENILWORTH. SCOTT. (title page) Line, vign. 4.4 xX 3.8 Ins: (over) The Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly. / Vol. XI / Kenilworth / (below) Drawn by C. R. Leshe. — Eng* by Annin & Smith / “The word was passed along the line. / The Queen! The Queen! silence and stand fast. / Boston. / Samuel H. Parker. 12 Cornhill, / 1822. f 79 ROB ROY, SCOTT (title page). Line, vign. 4.5 X 3.4 Ins: (over) The / Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol. IV / Rob Roy / (ander) Drawn by William Allan.—Engraved by Annin & Smith / (4 lines) Boston / Samuel Parker, 12 Cornhill. / 1822 / 53 CHECK LIST BAKER 80 WAVERLY, SCOTT (title page). Line, vign. 4.2 X 3.10 Ins: (over) The / Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol I. / Waverly / (below) W™ Allan Del. — Annin & Smith Sc. / As Flora concluded her song, Fergus stood before them &ct. Boston / Samuel H. Parker. 12 Cornhill. / 1822 / 81 AN ESCAPE. (HORSEMAN IN STORM.) Line, rect. 2.15 x 3.14 Ins: Painted by A. Fisher — Engraved by Annin & Smith. / An Escape. / Published by 8. C. Atkinson. / BS.) by iB. 82 MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Etching. 3.L1 * 3.10 Justice with sword and scales standing on pedestal inscribed: ‘Do unto others as / you would be done / by’’ in center of com- position. At left burning building and unfinished structure with scaffolding. At right four male figures before altar inscribed: ‘‘Relief’’. In oblong oval of oak and palm leaves. Ins: S P B Sct / (and scroll inscribed) ‘‘ Mutual Assurance Soct- ety against Fire in Virginia / W. F. Ast author of—the Assur- ance Plan’’ JOHN BAKER 83 BUNKER HILL, BATTLE OF. Rect, oblong folio, etching. 11.1 & 17.2 Ins: Designed, Drawn, & Engraved by J. Baker. / Battle of Bunker’s Hill. / (June 17, 1775.) / To the Enlightened and Patriotic Citizens of the United States this Plate is Respectfully Inscribed by their Obedient Servant. / Note.—On left a list of 6 American officers, on right list of 6 British with statement of losses. 84 LEXINGTON, BATTLE OF. Rect, oblong folio, etching. 10.8 «K 16.8 Ins: Designed, Drawn, & Engraved by J. Baker. / Battle of Lex- ington. / April 19, 1775. / To the Enlightened and Patriotic Citizens of the United States this Plate is Respectfully Inscribed by their Obedient Servant. / | Note.—On the left a list of the Americans. On the right a list of British with a statement of losses. o4: CHECK LIST Baucou 85 WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE. Htching, vign, Baker 410. Hart 758. 13.9 & 12.9 Ins: Washington (Crossing the Delaware!) Published by Hum- phrey Phelps 336 Bowery & 157 Broadway N. York. Aug? 1% B33. 86 WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE. _ Etching, rect. 16 < 12.9 Ins: (Copyright by H Phelps New York) / Washington crossing the Delaware. / Note. — Baker 409—Hart 757. See Holden sale Catalogue No. 3798. 87 THE DEPARTURE. Line, rect. 11.4 * 8.13 Woman embracing man at door, coach and negro at gate to right. Ins: Drawn & Engraved by John Baker N° 350 Houston St N.Y. fi The Departure. / ! 88 THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. Line, rect. ‘ 21.6 & 28.9 Described as ‘‘Designed & Engraved by John Baker.”’ Note. — This print was pub. by Justin Pierce, N. Y. It is an ambitious and fairly well-executed plate, but the drawing is un- usual, and the two virgins gazing upon the angel at the door of the tomb appear in a very modern dress. V. BALCH 89 JOHN ADAMS. Line, vign. 3. xX 3. Bust, head to right. : Ins: Eng? by V. Balch from a Painting by G. Stuart. / John Adams / (Auto) 90 J. Q. ADAMS. Line, vign. 3.8 X 3. Bust, head to left. Ins: Eng* by V. Balch from a Painting by Durand. Aud. Q: Adams / (Auto) 91 CHARLES V. Line, oval in rect, figures &c. below. 6.5 x 4. Ins: (on scroll within rect.) Charles V Emperor Of Germany / (under rect.) Balch, Rawdon & C° fc. / Albany / Published By E. & EL. Hosford. / Note——From Robertson’s History of Charles V. Albany, 1822 (also Pub. New York in 1830). 9) CHECK LIST Bac 92 DEWITT CLINTON. Line, rect. ornamented. 8.12 K 7.6 Halt length to left, seated. Curtain and pillar in background. Canal with boat and lock below. Ins: — DeWitt Clinton / Drawn & Eng* by V. Balch — from a Portrait by E. Ames 98 CADWALLADER COLDEN. Line, oval, ruled frame. ak et Bust, head to right, crest and autograph. Ins: V Balch fc. / (crest) Cadwallader Colden / (auto) 94 FRANCIS I. Line, oval in rect, figures &c. below. 6.6 XK 41 Ins: (inside rect. below oval) Francis / I / King Of France / Balch, Rawdon & C° fc. / Albany / Published By E. & HE. Hos- ford. / : Note. — From Robertson’s History of Charles V. Albany, 1822 (also Pub. New York in 1830). 95 W. H. HARRISON. Line, vign. 3.8 X 3. Bust, head to left. Ins: Eng? by V. Balch from a Painting by Hoyt / W. H. Harri- son (Auto) 96 ANDREW JACKSON. Line, vign. 3.4 & 2.14 Bust, head to left. Ins: Eng* V. Balch from a drawing by Longacre. / Andrew Jackson (Auto) 97 THOMAS J KFFERSON. Line, vign. 3.4 X 2.8 Bust, head to right. Ins: Eng? by V. Balch from a painting by G. Stuart. / 98 JAMES MADISON. Line, vign. 3.9 X 2.12 Bust, head to right. Ins: Eng? by V. Balch from a Painting by Stuart. / James Mad- ison / (Auto) 99 JAMES MONROE. Line, vign. 3.9 X 2.12 Bust, head to right. Ins: Eng* by V. Balch from a Painting by Stuart. / James Monroe / (Auto) ; 5 CHECK LIST Batow 100 MORGAN, WM., AND MASONIC ASSASSINATION ON ONE SHEET. Line, rects. 4.2 X 3.3 and 3. x 4.12 Ins: F. R. Spencer pinat—Eng* on Steel.—V. Balch, sculpt / W™ Morgan, / From an original picture of A. Cooley’s. / (Copy- right 1829) / (Ins.:) A. Cooley p'—V. Balch sc. / The Masonic ‘ Assassination Of Akirop, By Joabert. 101 RICHMOND, REV. LEGH. Half length, in robes and bands, to front. Line, rect. 4.10 « 3.3 Ins: Slater del—V. Balch Sc. / Rev. Legh Richmond. / Pub- lished by Jon* Leavitt, New York: / and Crocker & Brewster, Boston, 1829. 102 GARRET, D. WALL. Line, vign. 3.10 X 3.12 Bust, nearly full face, hand in coat front. | Ins: Drawn by C. Fendrich — Engraved by V. Balch N. Y. / Garret D. Wall / (Auto) 103 GEO. WASHINGTON. Line, vign. 3.2 X 2.10 Bust, head to left. Ins: Eng* by V. Balch from a Painting by G. Stuart. / G° Wash- ington / (Auto) Note.—The Presidents of the United States. H. 347. 104 WASHINGTON, SCULPTURED BUST. Line, vign. 3.4 X 3.8 Bust to left, on draped pedestal, with funeral urn inscribed “G. W.”’ At right figure, landscape background. Ins: Inman del.—Balch sc. / Note.—H. 773. 105 GEO. WASHINGTON. Line. 2.3 X 3.1 Head to left, profile. Medallion with border, figure to right, landscape background. Ins: V. Balch—Cornhill / Square—Engraver / Boston / Note.—H: 825. 106 ELISHA YALE. Line, vign. 3.12 K 2.14 Half length, hand on book. Ins: Engraved by V. Balch.—Painted by H. Burr. / (in auto- graph) Yours affectionately, / Elisha Yale / 57 CHECK LIST BARBER 107 CHILDHOOD. Line, rect. 3.0 Koen Ins: Cosway Pinz. — V. Balch sculp. / Childhood. / Published by 8. G. Goodrich, Boston. / 108 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Line, vign. 5.5 X 9.8 Ins: Davis del. — V. Balch Sc. / Columbia College, New-York. / Printed by Wm D. Smith. / Drawn and Engraved expressly for the / New York Mirror. / And Ladies Literary Gazette. / 1828. 109 INFANT SAVIOUR. Line, rect. 2.12 & 4.2 Ins: Engraved by V. Balch / Infant Saviour. / from Albano / 110 MISSOLONGHI, FALL OF. Line, rect. 5.2 xX 6.2 Ins: EZ. Tisdale del. — V. Balch sculp. / See page 375 / Fall Of Missolonght. / 111 NATIVE COPPER. Line, rect. 3.20% 0.42 Plate VI. / H. R. Schoolcraft del—Balch fc. / Mass Of Natwe Copper On The Ontonagon River / Albany, Published By E. & E. Hosford 1821. J. BANNERMAN 112 THOMAS WILDEY. Stip, vig. Bust to right. , 3.2 X 2.9 Ins: Bannerman Sc. / Thomas Wildey, / P. G. 8S. / Of The / United States. / | T. As deseribed. II. Third line altered to: P. G. M. JOHN W. BARBER 113 NEW HAVEN, AND FORT HALE. Line, rect. | “We Ua Ins: Drawn & Engraved by J. W. Barber / S. View of New Haven and Fort Hale. / (one line, index of the points of view) Note.—F rom ‘‘History & Antiquities of New Haven 1831.’’ 58 CHECK LIST BaRKER 114 NEW HAVEN, VIEW OF PUBLIC SQUARE. Line, rect. Joe De Ins: Drawn & Engraved by J. W. Barber / E. View Of The Public Square Or Green, In New Haven Con. / 115 MAP OF NEW HAVEN, WITH VIEW BELOW. Map line, rect. 3.12 < 2.14. Vign. 1.8 * 2.14 Ins: (above Map) New Haven and its Vicinity / (under) Drawn & Engraved by J. W. Barber / (under vign.) View of the Light House 8. of New Haven Con. / Note.—F rom ‘‘ History & Antiquities of New Haven Conn 18317’, 116 A MINIATURE OF THE WORLD IN THE 19% CENTURY. (Allegorical) SAL 13.9 Line, rect, ruled border or frame. Ins: Invented Drawn & Engraved by J. W. Barber. / A Minia- ture of the World in the 19 Century. / (Hignt verses in four columns and vign. in center) Published by J. W. Barber En- - graver Hartford Con. 1826 WM. BARKER 117 MAP OF TENNESSEE: lately the S. W® Territory. Ins: (under) W. Barker sculp. Note.—Published in 1805. 118 MAP OF KENTUCKY. Line, rect. 5.14 X 7.11 Ins: (under) W. Barker sculp Note.—Published in 1805. 119 VIEW, ESCURIAL IN SPAIN. Line, rect. 4.2 9.4 Ins: Barker sculp. / A View of the Escurial wn Spain taken on the Spot. / Note.—From ‘‘The World Displayed,’’ vol. 7. Phila., 1795-6, in 8 vols. 120 TELEGRAPH. Line, vign. 4.5 x 3.1 Ins: (above) For the American Universal Magazine / (below) W. Barker fculp. / View of the Telegraph / on the Adnuralty London. / (No IV Jan 23. 1797 Vol. I.) 59 121 122 123 CHECK LIST BENNETT J. J. BARRALET JOHN PIERCE WHO WAS MURDERED, &ct. Rect, aquatint. 11.12 « 19 Ins: Design’d & Engrav’d by the Publisher / John Pierce who was Murderd by a Shot from the Leander a British 50 Gun Ship fourth rate / Commanded by Henry Whitby, the Cambrian of 44 Guns, & Driver of 20 Guns, within a quarter of a / mile of Sandy Hook on Friday at 5.0. Clock P. M. 28¢ of Apri 1806.— Published According to Act of Congress by John James Bar- ralet, / C. F. C. VOLNEY. Stip, circular, profile, head to right. 1.14 dia. Ins: J. J. Barralet fecit. — / Volney / Stephens Publisher 1796 — / 7 Note.—The Law of Nature. C. F. Volney. Phil® 1796. J. BELAUME TRIUMPHAL ARCH, VISIT OF LAFAYETTE TO LOUISI- ANA. Dry point etching, rect. 7.6 X 5.12 Ins. J. B. Foguardi Des’—J. Belaumé Sculpt in New-Orléans . Note.—Visit of General La Fayette to Louisiana, &...... Handsome Engraving of the Triumphal Arch Erected in ‘he of the Hero of York-Town. By a Citizen of New Orleans. 12mo. New Orleans, 1825. W. J. BENNETT 124 BALTIMORE, FROM WHETSTONE POINT. 125 Aquatint, rect. 16.4 & 24.4 Ins: Pain? & Eng*t By—W. J. Bennett. / Baltimore Taken Near Whetstone Point. / New York Pub by H I Megarey—Printed By J. Neale. / Entered according to the Act of Congress in the Year 1831 by Henry I. Megarey im the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. / BOSTON, MASS. Aquatint, rect. 16.2 K 24.12 Ins. Painted by W. J. Bennett—Eng* by W J. Bennett / Bos- ton, / From City Point near Sea Street. / New York, Published by John Levison, 341 Broadway. / 60 CHECK LIST BENNETT 126 CALAIS. Aquatint, rect. 5.6 X 8.3 Ins: F. Nash pinx’ — Bennett sculpt / Calais. / Interieur du Pont / Publie a Paris par J. F. Osterveld / Interior of the Har- bour / London, Published by Priestly & Weale N° 5 High Street Bloomsbury. / 127 FORT CHAMBLY. Aquatint, rect. 44 8. Ins: Drawn by J Bouchette Esq’ — Engrav’d by W J Ben- nett. / Fort Chambly & part of the Great Camp, 1814. 128 CHARLESTON, S. CAROLINA. Aquatint, rect. 15.10 & 24.10 Ins: Painted by G. Cooke-—Engraved by W. J. Bennett. / Pub- lished by L. P. Clover New-York. / City of Charleston S Caro- lina / Looking across Cooper’s River / Entered ..... 1838 by Pe OU LOUCY cde ss New York. / 129 CHERBOURG (SEA COAST AND SHIP). Aquatint, rect. 3.8 X 9.7 Ins: Sir John Carr del‘ — W. J. Bennett sculpt / Cherbourg. / Published Apri 19—1803 by J. Johnson St. Pauls Church Yard. / 130 DETROIT. Aquatint, rect. 15.7 X 24.8 Ins: Painted by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by Fred® Grain.— Henry I. Megarey New York—Eng! by W. J. Bennett / City of Detroit, Michigan. / Taken from the Canada shore near the Ferry. / Entered ..... 1837 by Henry I. Megarey...... New York. / 131 THE DOUBTFUL SHILLING. Aquatint, rect. 18.7 & 24.5 Ins: Drawn by W. J. Bennett. / The Doubtful Shilling / From the original Drawing of the same size in the possession of Geo. Brummell Esq’ / to whom this Plate 1s with permission respect- fully inscribed by / his most obliged & most obidient Serv* / James Holmes / London, Published. Jan 1 1820 by Colnaghi & Co 23 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross. / 182 FOREST SCENES. Described as: Four plates, engraved by W. J. Bennett, N. A., from the original paintings by George Harvey, 1841. Burmng fallen trees in a Girdled Clearing, Western Scene. 61 CHECK LIST BENNETT A road accident, a glimpse thro’ an opening of the Primitive Forest, Thornville, Ohio. Gigantic Sycamores, ... . Owl Creek, Ohio. Impeded travellers in a Pine Forest. 188 GLENMARY. Aquatint, rect. 4.12 & 7.12 Ins: Scene / near Glenmary. / Note.—The New Mirror. New York. 184 HAMPTON COURT. Aquatint, rect. Boe ee a Gs Ins: J. Shephanoff del’ — W. J. Bennett sculpt / Cartoon Cal- lery / Hampton Court. 185 HAVRE LIGHT-HOUSE. Aquatint, rect. 88x Os8 Ins: Sur John Carr del’—W. J. Bennett sculp* / Light-House at Havre / Published April 19—1803 by J. Johnson S* Pauls Church Yard. 186 DEATH OF MISS McREA. Aquatint, rect. 16.10 & 23.10 Ins: Figures by W™ Page. Landscape J. C. Ward.—Engraved by W J. Bennett. / The Death Of Miss M¢Rea, / With an accu- rate view of the place where tt occurred. / Published by Lewis P. Clover, 180 Fulton Street, New York. / Entered ... . 1834 by Lewis P. Clover ...... New York. / 187 THE MILWAUKIE. Aquatint, rect. 14.4 & 16.8 Ins: Pain? by J. C. Miller—Eng* by W. J. Bennett. / Pub* by H. J. Megarey New York. / === The Milwaukie, / Bound up Lake Erie passing the Light House at Buffalo. / entered accord- ing to Act of Congress in the year 1838 by H. J. Megarey in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. / 188 MOBILE. Aquatint, rect. LT: S28 Painted by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by Wm. Todd.—En- graved by W. J. Bennett Esq. / Henry I. Megarey—New York. / Mobile. / Taken from the Marsh opposite the City near Pinto’s residence / (Copyright 1842) 62 CHECK LIST BENNETT 1389 NATURAL BRIDGE. Aquatint, rect. 19.3 & 25.11 Painted by J. C. Ward — Engraved by W. J. Bennett. / View of the Natural Bridge, Virginia. / Published by Lewis P. Clover New York. / 140 NEW ORLEANS. Aquatint, rect. 16.12 « 25.8 Ins: Painted by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by A. Mondelli — Eng by W. J. Bennett / Henry I. Megarey, New York / New Or- leans. / Taken from the opposite side, a short distance above the middle or Picayune Ferry / Entered .. A.C... 1841 by H. I. Megary..C’sO..D.C..... New York / 141 NEW YORK BAY. BRISK GALE. Aquatint, rect. 15.12 XK 22.4 Ins: Painted G&G Engraved by—W. J. Bennett. / A Brisk wae Bay Of New York. / (Copyright 1839) 142 NEW YORK CITY. Aquatint, rect. 16.9 XK 25.3 Ins: Painted by J. G. Chapman. — Published by Henry I. Me- garey, New-York. — Engraved J. W. Bennett. / New-York. / Taken from the Bay near Bedlows Island / Entered according AP ete 29o PASO eo 6 « OC 148 NEW YORK, FULTON ST. MARKET. Aquatint, rect. 9.5 X 13.6 Ins: W™ J. Bennett Pinz' et Sculpt / Fulton St. & Market. / Henry I. Megarey New York. I. As deseribed. Stauffer No. 137. II. Before inscription. 144 NIAGARA FALLS, FROM TABLE ROCK. Aquatint, rect. 16 X 23.4 Painted & Engraved by W. J. Bennett—Entered....C A.D. 1867 by Geo. FE. Perine, .. CO ..D.C. . 8S D of New York. — / Niagara Falls from the Table Rock. / Published By Geo. E. Perine, 111 Nassau St. New York. / Note.—There is probably an earlier issue before Perine’s line. 145 NIAGARA FALLS. Aquatint, rect. 16 & 20.10 Ins: Painted & Eng? by W. J. Bennett. / Niagara Falls. / To Thomas Dixon Esq’ this View of the American Fall, taken from Goat Island, / is respectfully Inscribed by his Obedient Serv* / Henry I. Megarey. / Copy Right / 63 CHECK LIST BENNETT 146 VILLAGE OF NICOLET. | Aquatint, rect. 3.13 X 7. Ins: Drawn by J Bouchette Esq’—Engravd by W. J Bennett. / Village of Nicolet. / 147 U. 8S. SHIP PENNSYLVANIA. Aquatint, rect. 26.14 & 18. Ins: Painted by J. Pringle — Published by L. P. Clover — En- graved by W. J. Bennett. / U. 8. Ship Pennsylvama. / To the Officers, Seamen, & Marines, of the U. 8S. Navy, this Print is re- spectfully Inscribed by their fellow Citizen / Louis P. Clover. / (5 lines dimensions) / Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1839 by Lewis P. Clover in the Clerks office of the Southern District of New York. / Note.—This is 8.—148 which he noted from description. 148 QUINCY, MASS. Described as a small aquatint view of Quincy looking towards Boston. Engraved by W. J. Bennett from a drawing by Elisa 8. Quincy. Note.—Journal & Correspondence of Miss Adams. N. Y., 1841-2. 149 SOLITUDE. Aquatint, rect. 4.157 Ins: Drawn & Engraved by W. Bennett for the New Mirror / Solitude. 150 SOUTHAMPTON. Aquatint, rect. 3.8 X 5.7 Ins: Sir John Carr del' — W. J. Bennett sculpt / Southampton. / Publushed April 19—1803 by J. Johnson. S8* Pauls Church Yard. / 151 TORR ABBEY. Aquatint, rect. 3.8 X 5.7 Ins: Sir John Carr del'—W. J. Bennett sculpt / Torr Abbey / Publushed April 19. 1803 by J. Johnson St. Paul’s Church Yard. 152 TROY. Aquatint, rect. 15.9 K 25.5 Ins: W. J. Bennett. — Eng* by W. J. Bennett. / Published by Henry J. Megarey. New-York. / Troy. / Taken from the West bank of the Hudson, in front of the United States Arsenal. / Entered A. A. C. . Y 1833 by H. J. Megarey ..C0O..D.C.. S D of New York. / I. As described. II. Second line altered to: New York, Published by John Levi- son, 341 Broadway. 3 6 CHECK LIST Bircu 158 WEST POINT. Aquatint, rect. 15.12 & 22.5 Ins: Painted and Engraved by—W. J. Bennett. / West Point, From Phillipstown. / To Colonel 8. Thayer Superintendent of the U. 8. Military Academy, West Point, this Print is respect- fully wmscribed by his obedient Servant / — W. I. Bennett. ye Published by Parker & Clover, 180 Fulton street, New York. / (Copyright 1831) Note.—This plate ran through four editions, each showing slight changes in the lettering. 154 Described as: The Moment of His Majesty George IV. leaving the Royal Yacht to land in Scotland in August, 1822. Animated scene showing the various vessels, ‘Royal George,’’ ‘Royal Sovereign,’’ ete., decorated with flags, City of Edin- burgh, and mountains in background. Aquatint in color by W. Bennett after Schetky. 16. K 13.12 Proof impression with the inscription written in by the artist. WILLIAM BIRCH 155 WILLIAM DRUMMOND. Stip, oval, head slightly to right. 3.2 X 2.8 Ins: C. Jansen pinz'—W. Birch sculpt / William Drummond, / of Hawthornden. / Publishd June 1 1789, by Jeffery, Pall Mall, / 156 CONTEMPLATION (MRS. ROBINSON). Ins: Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. — Engraved by William Birch, Enamel-Painter. / Contemplation / Published Nov" 9. 1787, by William Birch, Hampstead Heath. Sold by William / Richardson, N° 174, Strand and T. Thornton, Southampton S* Cov' Garden. 7 I. As described. IT. 8. 153. 157 ALEXANDER DRAKE. Stipple, vign. 3.12 < 3.4 Full length, in character, singing. Ins: Drawn by Jos Bush Esq — Engrav’d by W. Birch. / Mr Alex® Drake. / In the Song of Love and Sausages / There I found that faithless she! / Fraying Sausages for he!!! 158 JOHN SELDEN. Stip, oval, bust head to right. 2.4 X 1.12 Ins: Sir P. Lely, Pinzt—W. Birch, sculp. / John Selden, / Born 1584. Died 1654. / Publish’d July 1, 1789 by Jeffery, Pall Mall / 65 159 160 161 162 163 CHECK LIST BowEN BOQUET FIRST CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Aquatint. Rectangle, 18.12 X 27.4 Six views of Cities, with titles on pendant ribbons, at the tops of rectangles, each 6.11 X 18.5, into which the plate is divided. Eagle with ribbon in beak at top; emblems at bottom. Ins: Philadelphia— New York / E Pluribus Unum / Jersey Shore — Brookline Long Island / Baltimore — Boston / York Road—Sooth Boston Bridge—Dorchester / Richmond—Charles- ton SC / Manchester Bridge — Bank Of Ashley River / boquet fecit Sculpsit— / A View Of the First—Cities Of The Umied States Note.—The only known perfect impression is owned by Mr. I. N. Phelps Stokes and is described and illustrated in the third volume of his ‘‘Iconography of Manhattan Island.”’ ABEL BOWEN ADAMS, JEFFERSSON. Stip, ob, oval, busts facing each other. 1x6 Ins: Bowen & Hoogland, Sculpt / Adams ...... Jefferson / Born Oct 19, 1735, Born April 2, 1743 / Died July 4, 1826. / LAFAYETTE. Mezzo, vign. 6.1 X 4.18 Nearly half-length to left, private dress. Ins: Gen! Lafayette. / Engraved by A. Bowen and W. Hoogland from a / Correct Likeness in the possession of W. H. Eloot Esq* Aug 20. 1824 / LAURENCE MEMORIAL. Line, vign. 6 XT Bust in uniform, on urn, pedestal, flags and naval emblems, weeping female to left. Ins: Sweet / Sleep The / Brave. / Jas. Laurence, / Esquire. / Died, June 4, 1813. / Aged 31 Years. / Design’d & Engrav’d by A. Bowen. / Elegy / On the Death of James Laurence, Esq. late Commander of the U. 8. Frigate Chesapeake / (fifty-six lines in double columns) / [Published According To Act Of Con- gress.| / — A. Bowen, Printer. JOHN WESLEY. Stip, oval (half length to left). 3.10 X 3.2 Ins: A. Bowen Sc. / Rev. John Wesley A. M. / [Interesting extracts from the Journals of Wesley, Boston, 1819.] 66 CHECK LIST BowrEn 164 BOSTON. S. BE. VIEW. Line, rect. 3.13 X 6.5 Ins: P. 9.— / J. Kidder del.—Entered according to Act of Con- gress by A. Bowen.—A. Bowen Sc. / South East View Of Bos- ton. / 165 BOSTON IN 1722 (MAP). Line, rect. 6.2 < 3.14 Ins: Plan / of / Boston / in / 1722 / Entered... . by A. Bowen.—A. Bowen Sc. 166 BOSTON IN 1824 (MAP). Line, rect. | 6.3 X 3.14 Ins: Plan / of / Boston / in / 1824 / Entered .... by A. Bowen.—A. Bowen Sc. 167 MAP, BOSTON AND ENVIRONS. Line, rect. 3.9 X 6.2 Ins: (Copyright by A. Bowen) A. Bowen Sc. / Boston and En- virons. / 168 BOSTON, MAP OF. Line, rect. 3.11 X 6.6 Ins: Entered according to Act of Congress by A. Bowen. — A. Bowen Sc. / Boston and Environs. e3 169 BOSTON, FANEUIL HALL MARKET. Boston (Pictures of ; Boston, 3 Ed., 1838). Line, rect. 3.14 * 6 Ins: J. Anderson del—A. Bowen Sc. East View of Faneuil Hall Market. Engraved for Bowens Picture of Boston 1829. / IT State. Relettered A. Bowen del et Sc. / and 1824 added after title. Publisher’s line erased. 170 BOSTON, HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. Line, rect. 3.10 X 6.3 Ins: P. 376 —Entered .... by A. Bowen. A. Bowen del, et Sc. / House of Industry And House of Correction. / 171 BOSTON, INSANE HOSPITAL. Line, rect. 3.15 X 5.13 Ins: (over) P. 361 (under) Entered... . by A. Bowen. A. Bowen del et Sc. / Insane Hospital. ye 67 CHECK LIST BowEN 172 BOSTON, JOHNSON HALL. Line, rect. 3.9 X 5.12 Ins: P. 87. Entered ... . by A. Bowen.—A. Bowen del, et Sc. / Johnson Hall, Couri—Square. / 173 BOSTON, MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL. Line, rect. 3.11 X 5.14 Ins: (over) P. 362 (under) J. R. Penniman del_—Entered . . . by A. Bowen A. Bowen Sc. / Massachusetts General Hospital. / 174 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 X21 Ins: Brattle Street. — Catholic / Bowdoin Street — Central Um- versal / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 175 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 < 2.10 Ins: City Hall. — Faneuil Hall. / Bethel. — Custom House. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 176 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 & 2.11 Ins: Federal St. Baptist. — West Church. — Masome Temple— Mariner’s Church. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 177 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 X 2.11 Ins: Federal Street Church. — Old South. / New South — Park Street. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 178 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 X 2.10 Ins: Hollis Street—Christ Church. / St. Paul’s Church.—Trinity Church 1830. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 179 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 X 2.11 Ins: New North.—First Methodist. / Quincy Temple. / Quincy.— First Baptist / Chelsea. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 180 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 & 2.11 Ins: Odeon — Tremont Theatre. / Athenaeum, — Washington Statue. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 68 CHECK LIST BowEn 181 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 X 2.10 Ins: Pine Street—King’s Chapel. / New Brick.—Chauncy Place. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Picture of Boston. 182 BOSTON (PUBLIC BUILDINGS). Line, four rectangles on one plate. 4.5 X 2.11 ins: Tremont House. — Norfolk House. / Bunker Hill Monu- ment—Nahant Hotel. / Drawn and Engraved for Bowen’s Pic- ture of Boston. ; 183 BOSTON STATE HOUSE AND COMMON. p Line, rect. | 2.10 X 4.5 Ins: J. Andrews Del.— A. Bowen Sc. / The State House and Boston Common. / Drawn and engraved for Bowens Picture of Boston. / 184 BOSTON, NEW STATE HOUSE. Line, rect 3.10 X 6 Ins: J. Kidder del.—Entered . . A. C, by A. Bowen.—A. Bowen Sc. / New State House. / 185 BOSTON, STATE STREET. Line, rect. » 3.138 X 6.8 Ins: (over) P. 230 / (under) J. R. Penniman Del—Entered .... by A. Bowen—A. Bowen Sc. / View of State Street & Old State House. 186 BOSTON THEATRE. ; Line, rect. oto x. 5.14 Ins: (over) P. 384 Entered ... by A. Bowen. A. Bowen del et Sc. / Boston Theatre / Federal Street. / 187 CHARLESTOWN, MASS. Line, rect. 3.13 X 6.1 Pees cover) £. 316. / Entered . . : . . . by A. Bowen — A. Bowen del et Sc. / View of Charlestown From the Dome Of The State House. / , 188 NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAP OF. Line, colored, with line vign. 11.18 < 9 Ins: (under vign.) A. Bowen Se. | [Gazetteer of the State of N. H. Concord, 1823.] 69 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 CHECK LIST BoweER NEW HAMPSHIRE MOUNTAINS. Line, rect. 3.9) Bu Mountain peaks, numbered and lettered on sides. Ins: J. F. Dana del — A. Bowen Sc Comparatwe View / of the Heights of Mountains &c in N. Hampshire. / [Gazetteer of State of N. H. Concord, 1823.] ST. HELENA. Line, rect. 3.10 & 5.14 Ins: A. Bowen Sc / The house in which the Emperor Napoleon expired after a confinement of nearly six years / BLAKE’S IMPROVED EDITION OF CONVERSATION ON PHILOSOPHY. Line, rect. = at Si 9 Chart. A Bowen Se. / BRITANNIA. Line, rect. Figure of Britannia seated on rock, lettered scroll by left arm. 3 xX 2 Ins: 7. Behan del, — A. Bowen Sculp / (two lines) WANDERER, THE. Line, rect. Man carrying figure on shoulder. 3.4 X 2.4 Ins: (above) The Wanderer / (below) Tisdale del. — A. Bowen Sc. (four lines) JOHN BOWER JOHN BUNYAN. Stip, oval. 3.1 X 2.12 Bust face nearly full, book in right hand. Ins: Bower. / Bunyan. / [Pilgrim’s Progress, Phil*, 1817. | JERUSALEM. Line, rect. 5.8 X 8 Ins: (over) Page, 273 / (under) J. Bower. Sc. / The City of Jerusalem. / 1 Kings. 8. chap: 16 Verse. / [Collins’s 4% Bible, 3™ Ed., 1814. ] THE UNIVERSAL LETTER-WRITER. Line, rect. (Minerva and two boys writing). 5.2 X 3.2 Ins: (over) The Unwersal Letter Writer. / (under) Bower Sc. / (Six lines) [Universal Letter-Writer, M. Carey, Phila., 1810.] 70 197 198 199 200 201 202 CHECK LIST Boypb GULLIVER, ILLUSTRATIONS. Line, rect. 3.12°x< 2.4 Ins: J. Bower. Sc — Phila / The troops of Lilliput marching be- tween the / Legs of Gullwer. / J. BOWES BEN HAFI RELATING TRAVELS. Line, oval. Glass 2s Ben Hafi reclining on divan, four figures before him. Ins: (above) For the American universal / Magazine. / (below) Bowes Sc. / Ben Hafi relating Travels / before the Flood / (Wo, 111, Jan: 16, 1797, Vol. 1.) FRONTISPIECE. HISTORY OF FRANCE. Stipple, rect, oval top, frame. 8.12 < 6.12 Ins: Singleton delin.—Bowes Sculp. / Frontispiece / Time break- ing the Clouds which had obscured the Genius of France who is suiting between Justice & / Mercy—On her right hand is Vigi- lance near to whom sits History—On her left is Strength— / (Pub. by J. Stewart, Phil*, 1796.) DEATH OF CARLOMAN. Stip., line frame, rect, cir. top, on oval at top. Ins: Anno / 884. / 6.14 « 4.9 Ins: H. Singleton del'—J. Bowes Sc. / The Death of Carloman / Philadelphia Publish’d J. Stuart & Co. Dec” 9 1796. / CATHERINE OF MEDICIS, &c. Stip. rect, cir. top (Ins. on oval at top) Anno / 1572 / 7.4 4.2 Ins: H. Singleton. del'—Bowes Sc. / Catherine of Medicis (Pub. by J. Stewart, Phil*, 1796.) QUEEN PHILIPPA INTERCEDING, &c. Line, rect, cir. top (Ins. on oval at top) 1347 / 7.4 X 4.12 Ins: Singleton Del—Bowes Sc. / Queen Philippa interceding for the brave / Citizens of Calais. / Philadelphia Publish’d by Ja® Stewart & Co. May 1% 1797. / JOHN BOYD 203 CHRIST IN THE GARDEN. Line, rect. (outline). 6.5 X 4.6 Ins: Painted by Carlo Dolcti—Boyd sc. / Christ in the Garden. / Pub. Port-folio, Vol. VIII, 1812. 71 CHECK LIST _ Bowp 204 CORSICANS, COSTUMES. Line, two vign. on one sheet. — (each) 2.14 & 5.8 Ins: (under upper vign.) Costume of the South of France. / (under lower vign.) J. Boyd Sc. / Corsicans / 205 THE DELUGE. Line, rect. 4.3 X 6.7 Ins: (above) Engraved for Collins’s Quarto Bible, Third Edi- tion, 1814. / (under) Poussin pinaz'—Boyd sculp* / The Deluge / Genesis Chap. VII. / 206 DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. Line, rect. (outline). 5.6 X 4.1 Ins: Painted by Rubens — Engraved by Boyd. / Descent from the Cross. / Note.—Pub. Port-folio, Vol. VIII, 1812. 207 THE DEVIL’S BRIDGE. Line, rect. CoOGas Ins: J. Boyd sc. / The Devil’s Bridge Swisserlamd. / 208 THE DOREHOLM. Line, rect. Ins: J. Boyd sc. / The Doreholm Shetland Islands. / 209 GAMBOY. Dog’s head, with collar and chain. Line, rect. 412 4 Ins: R. Crane Pinx'—J. Boyd Sculp / Gamboy, / Engraved for the Port-Folio. / 210 HABIT OF A PRIEST. Stipple, rect. 7.14 X 5.14 Ins: Boyd sc. / Habit of a common Priest, from Calmet / 211 JOSEPH INTERPRETING PHARAOH’S DREAM. Line, rect. 2 hx 6 Ins: (above) Engraved For Collins’s Quarto Bible, Third Edi- tion, 1814. / (under) Guerchino pinx'—Boyd sc / Joseph inter- preting Pharaoh’s dream. / Gen. XLI. 25. 32. 212 NORWEGIAN KILLING A BEAR. Line, rect. 6.4. K 3.15 Ins: J. Boyd Sc. / A Norwegian killing a Bear. / Pub. Pinkerton’s Voyages. 72 CHECK LIST Boyp 218 NOSS-HOLM. Line, rect. 4.7 X 6.11 Ins: J. Boyd sc. / Noss-holm. Shetland. / 214 VIEW OF PETERSBURG. Line, rect. 5.8 K 10 Ins: Boyd sc. / View of Petersburg / Engraved by permission from a drawing of M" Atkinson’s / 215 SAGACITY OF A NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. Line, vign. 6.3 X 4. Ins: Boyd fc. / Sagacity Of A Newfoundland Dog. / 216 ST. MARTIN DIVIDING CLOAK. Line, rect. (outline). 4.6 X 3.13 Ins: Van Dyck pinx'—Boyd sculpt / S' Martin dwiding Cloak with a beggar. / *[Port-folio, Vol. VIII, 1812.] 217 SATAN. Line, vign. 4.5 xX 3.4 Ins: Drawn by Fusei—Engrav’d by J. Boyd. / Satan. / Tho’ fall’n / He still retain’d traces of his former Greatness / Milton / From Lavater. / [The History of the Devil, &., 12°, Phila., 1809. ] 218 SAUL AND THE WITCH OF ENDOR. Line, rect. (outline). 5.9 XK 4.1 Ins: Salvator Rosa pinx. — Boyd sc. / Saul & the Witch of Endor. / Note.—Pub. in Portfolio Mag., Vol. 19, 1812. Outline, similar to S. No. 261 (Portfolio Mag., Vol. 18, 1812). 219 SHAKSPEARE PLAYS, FRONTISPIECE. Line, vign. mee he Ins: The / Plays / Of / Wiliam Shakspeare. / Boyd sc. / (verses by Collins) / Published by Charles Williams, / Boston & / Joseph Delaplaine / Philadelphia. / 1813. / 220 SKIN BOTTLE. Stip, rect. 4.8 x 3.5 Woman pouring from a skin bottle. Ins: (over) Fragment N° LVIII / (under) Boyd sculp* / Bottle. / 73 221 222 223 224 225 226 CHECK LIST CALLENDER STONE HENGE. Line, rect. 4.13 X 6.15 Ins: J. Boyd. fc. / Stone-henge. / H. BRIDPORT UNKNOWN MAN. Illustration to an English ballad. Stipple, rect. 4.7 X 3.14 Half length, head to left, hands in drapery. Ins: Ff. Wilkin Pinz'—H. Bridport Scu' / (cut close) B. BROWN FRONTISPIECE AND TITLE. Line, rect. Front. 3.6 X 2; Title 2.3 * 2.6 Ins: (on panel) Solitude. / (below) B. Brown Se. LV ye Title vign. Ins: (above) Solitude / By / J. G. Zimmerman (be- low) B. Brown Sc. N. Y. / New York. / Published by Evert Duyckinck / 1819. / TITLE PAGE AND FIVE ILLUS. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. Line, vign. Average 2.2 * 2.10 Ins: B. Brown del et Sc. N. Y. / Note——From, The / Book / of / Common Prayer. / Published by / W. B. Gilley. / No 92 Broadway. / New York. / 1817. BENJ. CALLENDER MAP, STATE OF VERMONT. Line, rect. 14. * 10.3 Ins: (in oval, with wreath above) A / Map / of the / State / of / Vermont / by / J. Whitelaw / 1793 / Callender Sc‘ Boston. / Note——From History of Vermont by Saml. Williams, 1794. JOSEPH CALLENDER BOOK-PLATE OF THOMAS RUSSELL. Line. 3.14 X 3.1 Ins: (above No.( ) (below) Thomas Russell / Callender 8? / 74 CHECK LIST CAMPBELL R. CAMPBELL 227 LAFAYETTE (ARY SCHEFFER TYPE). Stip, oval, tablet with title, bust to right. 2.14 XK 2.5 Ins: Lafayette / (autograph) Eng? by Rk. Campbell. / Note. — Companion print to S. No. 1282 Washington by C. P. Harrison (H. 395). II. State. Added under oval, Born Sept™ 6" 1757.— Died May 20% 1834. / 228 TRIUMPH OF MORDECAI. Line, rect. 5.10 X 7.15 Ins: Engraved by R. Campbell / Triumph of Mordeca [Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. |] 229 FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. Line, rect, with border. 9.2 < 6.10 Ins: (on panel) Flight into Egypt. / (below) Engraved by fh. Campbell, Philad® / 230 GONDAR. Line, rect. 6 < 5.2 Ins: Painted by W™ M. 8. Doyle — Engraved by Gilbert Fox / Printed by F Harrison / His Excellency / James Sullivan Esq’ / THE DISABLED SOLDIER AND HIS MISTRESS. Line, rect., border line. 4, 2.13 Ins: (above) V. 8S.—P. 194 (under) Drawn by Kirk.—Engrav’d ~ by G. Fox. / The Disabled Soldier & his Miftrefs. / CAPE PLANTER AND LION. Line, rect. Man attacked by Lion. Aub OL LD Ins: (over) V. p—P. 184 (under) Drawn by Kiurk—Engraved by Gilbert Fox / A Cape Planter attacked by a Lion. / 7 MANNER OF FISHING ON THE NILE. Line, rect., border line. 4. 2.18 Ins: (above) Vol. O. — Page 31. (under) Drawn by Kirk — En- graved by Gilbert Fox / Manner of Fishing on the Nile Nos. 496, 497, 498. From Mavor’s Celebrated Voyages. Pub. by Bradford, Phila., 1802. THE CONVENT OF THE PULLEY. Line, rect., border line. 4. 2.13 Ins: (above) V. y—Page 41 (under) Eng" by Gt Fox. / The Con- vent of the Pulley. / NATURAL HISTORY PLATES. Ins: Eng* by Gil’ Fox. From Goldsmith’s Natural History. Phila., 1804 (also published in 1817). HEROD SLAYING THE CHILDREN. Line, rect. 6.8 X 5.3 Ins: (over) Page 728. / (under) Eng* by G. Fox. / (4 lines) 115 CHECK LIST GALLAND W. H. FREEMAN 502 WASHINGTON MONUMENT, BALTIMORE. 503 Line, rect., border lines. 5.18 & 3.12 Ins: Designed by M* Mills—The drawing by H. Warren.—Pub- lished by John H. Pratt—W. H. Freeman Sc. / See page 32 / [An Authentic Account of Laying Corner-Stone of Washington Monument. Baltimore. Pub. by Pratt, Balto. 1815.] J. GALLAND CHARLES VI ACCOSTED IN THE FOREST. Stip., line frame, circular top (in oval at top) 1892 / 6.12 « 4.9 Ins: Singleton Del—Galland 8S‘ / Charles the Strath accosted m the Forrest of Mans by a Spectre. / Philadelphia Publish’d by Ja’ Stewart & C° Ap' 20 1797. / 504 INTERVIEW OF LENDEMOND, &c. 505 506 507 Line, rect., circular top, (in oval) Anno / 617 / Ins: H: Singleton Del:—J: Galland Sc. / Interview of Lende- mond Bishop of Sion / with Queen Bertrude. / Philadelphia Publish’d by A & J: G@: Henderson Oct" 17 1796 / JOAN OF ARC ADDRESSING CHARLES VII. Stip., rect. line frame, circular top. 7.8 xX 4.4 Ins: H. Singleton Del'—J. Galland Sc’ / Joan of Are addressing Charles VII by inspiration. / Philadelphia Published by A & J. G. Henderson—July 14" 1796. / LOUIS VII SINGLY REPULSING A BAND OF SARACENS. Stip., line frame, circular top, (in oval) Anno / 1148 / 6.10 x 4.8 Ins: H: Singleton Del'—J: Galland Sculp' / Lows VII Singly repulsing a band of Saracens. / Philadelphia Publish’d by A G J: G: Henderson: August 19% 1796 — / THE ROMANS CARRYING OFF BRIDE OF NOBLEMAN. Stip., line frame, circular top, (in oval) Anno / 437 / 6.8 < Ts: Ins: Painted by J. Shaw. — Engraved by J. Hill. / Lynnhaven Bay. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 647 MOUNT VERNON, WASHINGTON’S SEPULCHRE. Aquatint, rect. 10. X 13. Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. / Washington’s Sepulchre Mount Vernon. / Published by M. Carey & Son Phila- delphia. —~648 [NEW YORK] HELL GATE. Aquatint, rect. LOD aL: Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. / Hell Gate. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 649 NORFOLK; FROM GOSPORT, VIRGINIA. Aquatint, rect. 10. x 18. Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.— Engraved by J. Hill. / Norfolk; From Gosport, Virginia. / Published by M. Cary & Son Phila- delphia. 650 [NORTH POINT] VIEW OF THE SPOT WHERE GEN. ROSS FELL NEAR BALTIMORE. Aquatint, rect. LOSSES: Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.— Engraved by J. Hill. / View Of The Spot Where Gen. Ross Fell Near Baltimore. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 137 CHECK LIST Hina 651 VIEW ON THE NORTH RIVER. Aquatint, rect. 10; » 43- Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill / View On The North River. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 652 OYSTER COVE. Aquatint, rect. aD. «18: Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. / Oyster Cove. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 6538 PASSAIC FALLS, NEW JERSEY. Aquatint, rect. | 10. X 138. Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. / Passaic Falls, New Jersey. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 654 PASSAIC RIVER, BELOW THE FALLS. Aquatint, rect. 10, << 13; Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. / Passaic Rwer, » Below The Falls. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. . 655 BOLLING’S DAM, PETERSBURGH, VIRGINIA. Aquatint, rect. LO, eg) Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill / Bollang’s Dam, Petersburgh, Virginia. / Published by M. Carey & Son Phila- delphia. 656 FALLS OF ST ANTHONY ON THE MISSISSIPPI. Aquatint, rect. 10. x13: Ins: Painted by J. Shaw—Engraved by J. Hill. / Falls Of S* Anthony On The Mississippi. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 657 BURNING OF SAVANNAH. Aquatint, rect. 10. « 13. Ins: Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. / Burning Of Savannah. / Published by M. Carey & Son Philadelphia. 658 VIEW ABOVE THE FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL. Aquatint, rect. Bice Ost 8 Ins: Painted by J. Shaw—Engraved by J. Hul. / View Above The Falls Of Schuylkill. / Published by M. Carey & Son Phila- delphia. 659 VIEW NEAR THE FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL. Aquatint, rect. a A apt < 19; Ins: Painted by J. Shaw—Engraved by J. Hill / View On The Wisahiccon, Pennsylvania. / Published by M. Carey & Son Phila- delphia. 663 SHOAL OF SPERM WHALE. Aquatint, rect. 16.4 23.15 Ins: Pawnted by T. Birch of Philad* from a Sketch by C. B. Hul- sart — Engraved Printed & Coloured by J Hill / A Shoal Of Sperm Whale. / Off The Island Of Hawaii / In which the Ships Enterprise Wm. Roach Pocahontas & Hoqua / Were Engaged 16™ Dec* 1833. / (two lines) / Published by Cornelius B. Hulsart 82 Nassau S* N. York (Copyright 1838) / SAMUEL HILL 664 WILLIAM DODD. Described as a stipple portrait of Dr. Dodd. Pub. in Beauties of the Muses, ete. By D* Dodd. [Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, 1793. ] 665 GILL, MOSES, SHAT OF. Line, rect. 6, 9.8 Ins: (over) Massa Mag. N° XI Vol. IV. / (under) Engrav’d by Sam Hill, State Street, Boston. / View of the Seat of the Hon. Moses Gill Esq. at Princeton, in the County of Worcester Massa** 666 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Line, rect. 3.6 X 4.14 Bust, to left, (Houdon type) radiating circle, Masonic emblems and ‘‘M M / TH / B”’ No inscription. [Langley B.&@ F. The Builders Jewel; or the Youth’s Themicice etc ----- Printed by 8. Etheridge, For Samuel Hill, Engraver, N° 2, Cornhill, Boston. | 189 667 668 669 670 672 673 674 CHECK LIST Hin ABNER ASSASSINATED. Line, rect., frame orna®. 10. X 5.13 Ins: (over) N° XVIII / Engrav’d for Thomas Edition of the Bible. / (ander) S. Hill. / II Sam. II. 27. / Abner, Saul’s Gen- eral Assassinated / ASCENSION, THE. Line, rect., broad rect. frame orna‘. 10.10 * 5.14 Ins: (over) N° 44 / (under) Engrav’d by Sam! Hill Boston / Mark XVI. 19 / Our Blessed Saviours Ascension up to Heaven. / BASTILE. Line, circle, border line. ~ Diam. 4.3 Ins: (over) N° XI] Engraved for the Maffachufetts Magazine, Nov" 1789 [Vol. 1. / (under) S. Hill Sculp. / View of the Bas- tue. / From an Original French Engraving. / BOSTON DISPENSARY. : Line, oval. The ‘‘Good Samaritan’’; and over on scroll, ‘‘Bos- ton Dispensary’’. (Six lines of script.) Ins: Sam! Hill Scupl* 1802 BOSTON, MASS. Line, rect. 3.14 X 7.6 Ins: (over) N° VI.—Massa. Mag. Vol. III. / (under) Del. & En- graved by S. Hill. / View of the Town of Boston from Breed’s Hill, in Charlestown. / 1s* state. As described. 2°¢ state. Shows more buildings and shipping and bushes to left. ‘*City’’ substituted for ‘‘Town’’. COOK, DEATH OF CAPTAIN. Line, rect. 3.2 < 5.5 Ins: 8. Hill, Sc. / The Death. of Captain Cook. / [Pub. in Captain Cook’s Voyages, Boston, Jan., 1797. Stauffer 1368 is from same publication. | DAMON AND MUSIDORA. Line, oval. 3.10-%.0 Ins: (over) Massa. Mag. / (under) Delineated & Engraw’d by S. Hill. / Damon, and Musidora. [Massachusetts Magazine, Vol. IV, No. VIII, August, 1792.] DANCE AT ULITEA BY FEMALES. Line, rect. 3. X 4.14 Ins: Hill sc. / A Dance at Ulitea by Females. / [Pub. in Cook’s Voyages. Boston, 1797.] 140 675 676 677 678 679 680 CHECK LIST jiatauna DISTILLING SEA-WATER. Line, rect. 3.15 X 66.4 Ins: (over) Massa. Mag. 1793 / (under) 8S. H. S° / Cap‘ J. F. William’s apparatus for extracting fresh water from salt. / [Mass. Mag. for Feb. 1793, No. II, Vol. V.] HARRIOT, OR DOMESTIC RECONCILIATION. Line, rect., ornament at top. 5.4 X 3.4 Ins: (above) N° 1] Engraved for Massachusetts Mag. for Jan 1789 |Vol. 1. / (under) 8S. Hill Sculp. / Harriot, or Domestick Reconcilaation. / HOLLIS ST. MEETING. Line, rect. 4.3 X 6.6 Ins: (over) Massa. Mag. 1793. / (under) S. Hill 8° / An East View of the New Meeting House in Hollis Street, Boston. / HUMANITY: OR THE DEATH OF THE PRINCE OF BRUNSWICK. Line, rect. Man getting in boat to rescue people in flood. 4.8 6.5 Ins: Hill Sculp. / Humanity: Or the Death of the Prince of Brunswick. / [Massa. Mag., April, 1789, N° IV, Vol. 1.] LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS. Line, rect. 2.12 X 5.2 Ins: Dec, 22 / 1620. / — 8. Hill / Admt — to the / Anmversary Dinner ir memory of / the landing of the Fathers at Plymouth / Dinner on — the 22% instant / at — LAVATER. Line, oval. 1 yes Ins: Lavater Contemplating a Bust. / S. Hill, 8° / [This appears on title to Essays on Physiognomy, 16°, Boston, n. d. There are also seven group plates of portraits of which three are signed ‘‘S. Hill.’ 681 MARIA, OF MOULINES. Line, rect. Lady and Gentleman seated under tree. 4.9 X 3.6 Ins: Engrav’d by 8. Hill / Maria / Of Moulines. / {Massa. Mag., No. VIII, Vol. V, Aug. 1793. | 682 MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE. TITLEPAGE. Line, vign. 2.2 X 2.2 Four volumes with rays. (motto) Literatura / Lux Ments / Webb Scrip'—S. Hill, Sculp* [ Vol. IIJI—1792. | 141 CHECK LIST Hin 683 NATIVES OF AATNA MEETING PROF. BARTELS. Oval in rect., line. 5.1 X 3.4 Ins: (above) Massa. Mag. 1793 / (below on tablet) The Female Natives of Aetna, / meeting Professor Bartels. / Engrav’d by 8. Hill. / [No. III, Vol. V.] 684 OMAT. Line, rect., bust to left. 4.14 & 2.15 Ins: 8. Hill. / Omai, A Native of Otahette, who resided in / Eng- land under the Patronage of Government / upwards of two Years. / [Cook’s Voyages, 1792. ] 685 PHILOCLES IN THE ISLAND OF SAMOS. Line, rect. dD. X 3.3 Ins: (above) Front the Title—Vol. 1. / (under) Philocles in the Island of Samos / S. Hill, Sc. Boston. / Published by J. Nancrede, N° 49 Marlboro" Street, Boston. / 686 RHODE ISLAND AND CONNECTICUT, MAP OF. Line, rect. 19 xX 13: Ins: Published by Thomas & Andrews, Boston. / Rhode-Island / and Connecticut. / H. Harris / delinv' / Hill Sc. / 687 RHODE ISLAND, MAP OF. Line, rect. 21 X& 15.14 Ins: A / Map / of the State of / Rhode Island; / taken mostly from Surveys / By Caleb Harris. / Harding Harris / delineav' / Sam! Hill Sculp* Boston. / References / (nine lines) / Engraved for Carter & Wilkinson, Providence. 1795 / 688 ROBINSON CRUSOE. Line, rect., festoons above. 4.10 3. Full length dressed in skins, with umbrella. Ins: Hill sc. / Published by Thomas & Andrews at Boston / [The New Robinson Crusoe. Boston, 1790.] 689 SALEM MARINE SOCIETY. Line, rect. (about) 10. x 8. View of Salem, Mass., at top; below and at sides, four views of ship-building. Certificate of membership in society in seript. Ins: S. Hill Sculp' Boston. / 142 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 CHECK LIST hebans SAUL AND HIS SONS. Line, rect., broad frame orna‘. 9.12 <'5.13 Ins: (over) N° XVII / The Philistines cutting off the Heads of Saul and his / three Sons / (under) I Samuel XXXI. 9 / Enx- grav’d by Sam! Hill. / SHIP, BRIG, SCHOONER, KETCH AND SLOOP. Line, rect. (inscription inside rect.). 3.15 & 6.14 A First Rate Ship of War with Rigging &e at Anchor / Brig— Schooner / Ketch Sloop / Ins: (under) Newburyport, published by Edmund M. Blunt.— S. Hill. Sc / (on side) Face Page 1. / {The New Practical Navigator. Pub. 1800.] TONTINE CRESCENT. Line, vign. Front elevation and a plan of a building. 4.9 < 10.8 Ins: (over) Massa. Mag. 1794. / (under) S. Hill, S° / Plan & Elevation of the Tontine Crescent, now erecting ir Boston. / VIEW OF HABITATIONS IN NOOTKA SOUND. Line, rect. 3.2 X 5.8- Ins: S. Hill Sc: Boston. / A View of the Habitations in Nootka Sound. / [Cook’s Voyages, 1797. ] VIEW OF A PERFORATED ROCK. Line, rect. 2.15 & 4.14 Ins: S. Hill Sc. / View of a perforated Rock. / {Cook’s Voyages, 1797. ] PERSIAN TALE. Oval in rect. line. 5.3 & 3.3 Ins: (above) Massa. Mag. 1793 / (below on tablet) Persian Tale. / Engraved by 8. Hill. / [No. 1, Vol. 5.] VIEW OF HUAHHEINE. Line, rect. 3.2 X 9.8 Ins: 8S. Hill Sc. Boston. / A View of Huaheine. / [Cook’s Voyages, 1797. ] WAR CANOE, BREAD FRUIT. Line, rect. Oy ee Ins: A Branch of the Bread fruit / S. Hill Sc. / A War Canoe of New Zealand. / 143 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 CHECK LIST HooGLuanp JOSEPH HILLER JOHN HANCOCK. Mezzotint nearly half length to right, after Copley. Rectangle, SUR RIN AiG le Ins: Jos. Hiller fecit. — / The Hon’ John Hancock Esqt / Prefident of the Continental Congrefs. / WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Ktching, oval. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. 2.9 <' 1.14 G. Washington. / J. Hiller, Ju’ Sculp 1794. J Noga [Hart 140. ] , WASHINGTON, GEORGE. . Kitching, vign. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. 11513 G: Washington / Jos Hiller Jun Sculp. 1798 / WILLIAM HOOGLAND ABRAHAM’S SERVANT MEETING REBEKAH. Line, rect. 1.8 X62 Ins: Amiconi del. — Boston, Published by S. Walker 1824 — W. Hoogland Sculp. / Abraham’s Servant Meeting Rebekah. / [Published in Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] ALEXANDER AT PERSEPOLIS. Line, rect. Doo 14 Ins: Burney del. — Published by 8. Walker Boston 1824 — W. Hoogland Sculp' / Alexander Setting Fire to the Palace of Per- sepolis. / ALEXANDRIA. Line, rect. (oblong) Ins: W. M. Craig del. Published by S Walker Boston, 1823.—W. Hoogland Sc. / View of Alexandria as it stood in the year of Christ 175. / [Rollins’ Ancient History. Boston, 1823. | BOSTON MONTHLY MAGAZINE, TITLEPAGE. Line, vign. 2.6 <'2.10 Diana withholding Cupid’s bow and quiver. Ins: Boston / Monthly / Magazine. / Drawn by A. Dickinson.— Engraved by W. Hoogland / Vol. I. / (June 1835 ) 144 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 CHECK LIST HoocLaNnpD DEATH OF HOLOPHERNES. Line, rect. 7.0 X 5.10 Ins: Rubens del. — Boston, Published by S. Walker 1824 — W. Hoogland Sculp. / Death of Holophernes. / NEW YORK NAUTICAL INSTITUTION. Described as: New York Nautical Institution and Shipmaster’s Society certificate. 1821. Ins: Hoogland del. et sculpsit. NEW YORK, STATE PRISON. Line, rect. 3.12 X 6.1 Ins: I. R. Smith del—Hoogland sc. 1814. / South East View, New York State Prison. OSBORN, POEMS OF (FRONTISPIECE). Stip., vign. 2.6 X 2.11 Ins: Poems / By / Selleck Osborn. / Drawn by A. Dickinson.— Engraved by W. Hoogland / Boston, / I. P. Orcutt Printer; THE PEACEABLE KINGDOM. Line, rect. TGs Landscape, child with arm about lion’s neck, sheep, tiger, ete. Ins: Hoogland dwex. / The Peaceable Kingdom of the Messiah. / Isaah. Ch XI. 6 [Holy Bible, N. & J. White, N. Y., 1834.] PENITENCE. Line, rect. 3.12 & 2.14 Ins: Correggio Pinx—Hoogland Sculp / Penttence. / Published by S. G. Goodrich Boston. / PIANOFORTE. Line, vignette. 9.14 & 7.5 Lady, costume of about 1828, profile to right, seated at ‘‘ Dubois Stodart’’ pianoforte. Ins: Hoogland Sc / N. York Pub* by W. Dubois at his Piano Forte & Music Store N° 126 Broadway TALISMAN. 1830. TITLEPAGE. Line, rect. frame with urn above, ornamentations. 4.8 X 3. Ins: Talisman. / 1830 / W™ Hoogland Sc / 145 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 CHECK LIST - HooxKkER TRANSLATION OF ELIJAH, THE. Line, rect., borner lines. 6. xX 4.7 Ins: Bloemart Pinz. — Hoogland Sculp. / The Translation Of Elijah. / Publushed by Samuel Walker (Harlem Place) Washing- ton S* Boston. / | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] WILLIAM HOOKER AMERICAN MAPS. Line, rect. 5X 2.14 Series of twelve maps of northern America, from ‘‘The Northern Traveller.’’ NEW YORK, CITY PLAN. 1817. Line, rect. 11.9 X 18.3 Ins: Plan / of / the City of / New-York / Engraved By / W. Hooker. / 1817. / Engraved for Blunt’s Strangers Guide New York Oct’ 1817. / (References 1 to 98) / N® 202 Water St E M Blunt’s Chart Store / (x) M. Paff’s Gallery N° 20 Wall S* Free to Artists. There are three issues of this plan. NEW YORK CITY PLAN. 1824. This is an early issue of Stauffer 1448, which is dated 1828. There are six varying issues of this plan. NEW YORK CITY ABOUT 1828. Line, rect. Dd. X 2.14 Inszid North / D. Hooker Eng N.Y. / NEW YORK, CITY HALL. Line, rect. 2.7 X 3.13 Ins: C. A. Busby del'—W. Hooker Sc. / City Hall. / NEW YORK, STATE PRISON. Line, rect. 2.7 X' 3.14 Ins: C. A. Busby del'—W. Hooker Sculp* / State Prison. / WOLFE TAVERN: NEWBURYPORT. Line, rect. View of Tavern with coach in front. Ins: Hooker del’ et sculp* / Prince Stetson & Co / Respectfully Inform the Public / That they put in complete repair that well known / Tavern Formerly kept by M’ Davenport. / Sign Of / James Wolf Esq’ / State Street, / Newburyport. / (three lines) 146 CHECK LIST Horton DANIEL HOPKINS 720 RUDIMENTS OF MUSIC. Line. Engraved title and music. Oblong 8vo. Ins: The Rudiments of Music etc / By Andrew Law A.M. 4¢ Editwon—Cheshire: Connecticut. / Printed and Sold by William Law A. D. 1792—Daniel Hopkins Sculpt / | |The first edition was issued in 1783.] J. S. HORTON 721 REV. W. OTTERBEIN. Line and stip. vign. 3.4 XK 2.12 Bust to left, with cap, profile. | , Ins: — Horton / Rev. W. Otterbein. / (auto. under) -—s- 722. CHARLES ROLLIN. Line, oval frame surrounded with Egyptian trophies. 5.11 x 4.8 Ins: Rollin. / Horton. / Charles Rollin, / Born 1661. Died 1741. / Baltimore. Published by Geo. M*Dowell & Son. 723 PROVIDENCE, R. I., SCHOOL. Line, vign. 2. 4.4 | Ins: Horton Sc. Prov. R.I. /N.E.Y.M. B. School. Prov. R. I. / 724 ROGER WILLIAMS HOTEL. Line, vign. Business card. 1B XK 3:5 Ins: (over) Roger Williams Hotel. / (under) Horton. / N° 81 Benefit 8S’ Providence R. I. / Formerly kept by M' Horton / J. Wilder. / 725 STENOGRAPHY. A Complete System of Stenography, etc. By J. Dodge. 2"4 Bdi- tion. N.P. (Providence, R. I., 1823.) Contains copperplates signed by Horton. 726 BUSINESS CARD. Line, 4 vignettes. 2.14 <' 6.14 Ins: No. — 74 / Baltimore — Street. / Williams, Cooper & Olwwer / Drapers and Tailors. / in the City of Baltimore. / Gen- tlemen furnished — by the year. / At 60 Dollars. / Horton. / 147 127 728 729 730 731 732 733 CHECK LIST HuMPHRYS H. HOUSTON JOHN ADAMS. Stipple, oval. 5.3 X 4.6 Bust to right; cottage obscured by trees in background. Ins: John Adams Esq’ L.L.D. / President of the United States. / Publis’h? by T. Condie Book®" Philad*. / UNKNOWN MAN. Stip., oval. 3.8 X 3 Male portrait, bust slightly to right, wig, high collared waistcoat and coat. Ins: Houston Sculp* / [The only print seen was inlaid to first line. | W. HUMPHRYS W. LISLE BOWLES. Line, rect. Gone Ins: Engraved by W. Humphreys. / Rev? W. Lnsle Bowles. / (coat of arms below rectangle) HELENA FORMENT. Stip. and line, rect., border line. 4. 2.14 Ins: Painted by Rubens. — Engraved on Steel by Humphreys. / Helena Forment. / BAREHEADED AND BAREFOOT MAN LEADING PACK HORSE. Line, vign. 3. X<'3.15 Ins: J: Shaw del—_W. Humphrys Sc. / I. Shaw. / Historic Land- scape Painter / &c, &c, &c, / Philadelphia. / Booksellers fur- nished with Designs for the / Illustration of Authors. / EARLY DAYS OF WASHINGTON. Line, rect. 3.2 3.45 Ins: H. Inman.—W. Humphrys. / Early Days Of Washington. / Printed by Butler & Long. / EAGLE WITH BRANCH AMONG CLOUDS. Line, rect. 4.12 X 3.6 [Print cut close. | 148 CHECK LIST Hurp 734 HEAD OF CHRIST. Line, vign. 1.6 x 1.4 Ins: Engraved by William Humphrys Proof before all letter. I. As described. Titlepage to Book of Common Prayer. Pub. by Carey & Hart, hil®, 735 LANDING OF COLUMBUS. Line, vign. Orsi e: Os Ins: Barralet del— Humphrys sc. / Furst Landing Of Columbus In The New World. / (Two lines, from Herrera’s Life of Co- lumbus. ) 736 LOTTERY ADVERTISEMENT. Line, vign. 5.4 X 3.4 Eagle holding scales, wheel of fortune below. Ins: (over) Cohen’s (on wheel) Lottery & Exchange (under)- Office / N° 114 Market S* / Baltimore / Design’d by / Joshua Shaw / Engraved by / W. Humphreys Philad* / For the / Umted States Directory. / [Pub. 1822. ] 737 MACBEAN CREEK, GEORGIA. Line, rect. 6.8 X 5. Ins: (above) American Scenery / (below) Drawn by Joshua Shaw. — Published for the Philadelphia Album — Engraved by William Humphrys — / MacBean Creek, Georgia. / 738 NUREMBERG. Line, rect. 5. <'3.15 Ins: D. Huntington—W. Humphrys. / Nuremberg. / NATHANIEL HURD 739 GEORGE III, PITT, WOLFE. The Boston Evening Post, Dec. 27", 1762, contains the following advertisement: Engraved and Sold by Nath Hurd, a striking likeness of his Majesty King George the Third. M" Pitt and Gen- eral Wolfe, fit for a Picture, or for Gentlemen and Ladies to put am ther watches. 740 BOOKPLATE, BENJAMIN GREENE. Line, rect. border two lines. Arms, with scroll below. 3.5 XK 2.8 Ins: Benjamin Greene — / N. H. Sc? / 149 741 742 743 744 745 CHECK LIST J OCELYN THAYER ADVERTISEMENT. Line, vign. 7.6 X 5.6 Ins: Nat Hurd Sculp. / | (To left on top of a post a lion couchant with ‘‘Ziphon Thayer,’’ above a mirror and chair; fifteen lines of engraved text.) J. HUTTON THE YOUNG GENTLEMAN AND LADY’S MONITOR, HUD- SON, N. Y., 1795. Contains four copperplates illustrating J. Hamilton Moore’s Ele- ments of Gesture. These plates are signed ‘‘Hutton Seulp. Alb”’’. JACKSON CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN. Line, vign. 4.5 <'3.12 Ins: Jackson / Capt. Wilkam Morgan in the Magazine / Fort Niagara, Sept. 1826 NATHANIEL JOCELYN JAVA AND CONSTITUTION. Line, rect. 4.15 X 8.13 Ins: Design’d & Engraved by N. Jocelin. / The Capture of H. B. M. Frigate Java, Capt. Lambert, by the U. 8. Frigate Constitu- tion, Com Bainbridge. / on the 29 Dec’r 1812. Lat. 13° 6’ S. Long. 38° W. off the coast of Braz, after an engagement of 1 hour & 55 minutes. SANDWICH ISLANDS YOUTHS. Line, four ovals containing bust portraits arranged two above and two below, names under each oval / Thomas Hoopoo / George Tamoree / William Tenooe / John Honoree / 10.10 X'8 rect. Ins: (in center of plate) The profits arising from the sale / of this Print of four / Owyhean Youths / will be applied to the / Sand- wich Islands Missions / (Published by N. & 8. 8. Jocelyn) New Haven Con. / 1822 / Engraved by N. & 8. 8. Jocelyn New Haven from a painting by S. F. B. Morse. 150 q CHECK LIST Jocnten q S. 8. JOCELYN 746 WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON. Line, rect., full bust. 4.8 3.11 Ins: Painted by N. Jocelyn—Engraved by 8. S. Jocelyn. / Wil- liam Lloyd Garrison. / W™ Lloyd Garrison. (fac. s.) / (two lines) / (Copyright 1834) / 747 KUAKINI, GOVERNOR OF HAWAII. Line, rect., frame. 4.1 xX 3.8 Ins: Kuakini, / Governor of Hawa. / Engraved by 8. 8. Jocelyn, from a Sketch by Mr. Ellis. / Boston:—Published by Crocker & Brewster. New York:—John P. Haven. / 748 MRS. SARAH TAPPAN. ) Line, rect. Half-length seated in chair. 3.9 X 2.14 Ins: Stuart.—s. 8. Jocelyn sc. / Mrs. Sarah Tappan. / oa 749 THE ALBUM. Line, vign. Young man and woman in arched gateway. 3.6 x 3.9 Ins: (above) Album / (under) S. 8S. Jocelyn Del’, Sculpt / Phila- delphia; / Published B. G. W. Menly. / No. 70 Race Street If State. New Haven / Published By N. & S. S. Jocelyn / 1827. 750 CONSTANTINOPLE. Line, rect.. = 4.12 x 10.8 Ins: V. G 8S. 8. Jocelyn Sc / South Side of Constantinople. / 751 MONTMORENCI, FALLS OF. Line, rect. 3. X 4.6 Ins: D. Wadsworth Del. — 8. 8. Jocelyn Sc. / Falls Of Mont- morenct. / Pl. 7. 752 NEW YORK, WASHINGTON HALL. Line, rect. : 1.14 X 2.6 Ins: Washington Hall. — New York / E. W. Bridges Del. — N. & S. 8. Jocelyn, Sc, N. Haven / 7538 PHILIP BAPTIZING THE EUNUCH. x Line, rect. | 4.5 x 6.9 Ins: Rk. Campbell Del. —8. 8. Jocelyn Sculpt / Philip Baptizing the Hunuch. / . 954 TOWN’S BRIDGE. Line, rect., border line. 3.2 X 4.10 Ins: S. 8S. Jocelyn Sculpt / Town’s Bridge / 151 CHECK LIST JOHNSTON DAVID C. JOHNSTON 755 CERVANTES. Line, vign. in rect., bust to left. 3.4 < 2.12 Ins: D. C. Johnston Sc. / Cervantes. / 756 JAMES HUNTER. Stip., vign. nek ae Ins: D. C. Johnston Sc. / M" James Hunter / Equestrian / 757 J. WALLACK. : Stip., vign. Dd. xX 4.2 Full length in costume, stooping to pick up his hat. Ins: Sketched & Eng? by D. C. Johnston / M' J. Wallack / As Dick Dashall in the Farce of my Aunt. / ‘‘I beg your pardon Ma’am.’’ / 758 J. WILLIAMS. Line, vign., outline, full length. 9.2 X 3.12 Ins: (above) Notorious Characters, & Characters of Note. / No. 1. A Notorious Character. / (under) D. C. J sc. for the Monthly Magazme / J. Williams / Oculist to / the King of France / 709 BURNING OF MOSCOW. Kitching, rect. 6.14 << 12190" Ins: D. C. Johnston Exc. / Conflagration of Moscow Sept’r 15. 1812 / [Campaign of Napoleon Bonaparte, ete. Boston, 1835.] 760 A FOOT RACE. (CARICATURE.) Etch., rect. 6.14 & 10.1 Genl. Jackson, Henry Clay and others in a race for the ‘‘Presi- dential Chair,’’ many spectators, the Capitol, ete. Ins: Crackfardi Del’ et Sct. /_A Foot-Race. / 761 A SPLENDID PROCESSION OF FREE-MASONS. Described as: An etching oblong quarto with the above title, ‘‘Drawn and engraved by Gebolibus Crackfardi, M.D., L.L.D ete’’ 762 THE GENTLEMAN WITH GREEN GLASSES. Line, rect. 3.12 X 3. Ins: Designed & Eng? by D. C. Johnston. / The Gentleman With Green Glasses. / Published by True & Green Boston 152 763 764 765 766 167 CHECK LIST JONES THOMAS JOHNSTON HUDSON RIVER MAP. Line, rect. irom be Title inside Chippendale border dedicating map ‘‘To His Excel- leney William Shirley Esq? plans of Fort Edward and Fort Wil- liam Henry,’’ Map of ‘‘Part of Hudson’s River,’’ much engraved descriptive matter signed ‘‘By Timo Clement Haverhill Feb. 10. 1756”’ Ins: Engrav’d & Printed by Thomas Johnston Boston New Eng- land April 1756 KENNEBEC RIVER MAP. Line, rect. Smaller rectangular plan in upper left-hand corner; engraved inscriptions in three columns of many lines. Title in lower left-hand corner dedicating the Map ‘‘To his Excellency William Shirley Esq" 24. X< 36. Ins: Engrav’d Printed & Sold by Thomas Johnston Brattle Street Boston New England 1754. / GOULD ADVERTISEMENT. Line, rect. 7.8 X 5.10 Chippendale border. On a suspended signboard a crown and sceptre and ‘‘John Gould Jun™’’ (ten lines of engraved script, advertising John Gould Jun’ at the Crown and Sceptre, just be- low Mill bridge. Boston). Ins: T. Johnston. / COMMISSION, WITH ENGRAVED LETTERING. Foho. Dated 1762. Signed: 7. Johnston fe. RULES OF MUSIC. Twenty pages of music engraved by T. Johnston are found in— The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained, ete., by Thomas Walker, Boston; printed by Benjamin Mecom at the New Print- ing Office near the Town House, for Thomas Johnston in Brattle Street. [No date, about 1760-63. ] W. R. JONES REV. JAMES HERVEY. Oval, stipple, bust to left. 2.14 X 2.4 Ins: W. R. Jones Sculp. / Hervey. / Pub. by M Jones Philad* / 153 769 770 T71 772 7173 774 779 CHECK LIST KEARNY ELD. J. W. HOLMAN. Stip., vign., full bust to right. 2.14 « 8 Ins: Eld. J. W. Holman. / Painted by Holman. Engrav’d by W. Rh. Jones. / | [Holman J. W. The Faith / Once delivered To The Saints: 12° Phila 1830 | SIOUX QUEEN. Stipple, oval, border lines. 4.8 X 3.4 Ins: W. BR. Jones fc. / Sioux Queen. / [Frontispiece ‘‘Travels of Capts. Lewis & Clarke.’? Pub. Phil?, 1809. | , THE IDLER (ILLUSTRATION). Stip., rect. 4.6 & 2.12 Ins: The Idler. / (two lines) W. R. Jones fet / ABRAHAM AND ISAAC. | Line, rect. 6.3 X 5.7 Ins: (over) Page 14. / (under) Jones sc. / (four lines) SURGICAL PLATE. Stipple, vign. 6.8 x 4. Ins: (above) Page 47. — Plate 1. / Interrupted Suture. / (be- tween) Twosted or hare-lip Suture / (below) movable steel point. / J. 8. Dorsey del.—_W. R. Jones fe / [Elements of Surgery, by J.S. Dorsey. Phila., 1813.] J. JUSTICE MOSES ON MT. SINAIT. Mixed eng., rect. 9.15% 6.7 Moses standing, holding the tablets of the Law in right hand. Ins: J. J. sc’ / Moses on Mount Sinas. / [From the Holy Bible. Published by William Durell, New York, 1801. (Similar to S—1563.) ] FRANCIS KEARNY JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Stip., rect. frame orna‘. 10.2 * 8.11 Half length seated, fact to right. 3 Ins: John Quincy Adams. / Engraved by F. Kearny from a por- trait by King; from Delaplaine’s National Gallery. / Published by B. O. Tyler / Washington City. / 154 SE ee ee ee Ee a ee ene eae Oe i Se a a a ral mtceigiee 776 te 778 779 780 781 CHECK LIST KEARNY I. State. As described. S 1565. Il. State. Last two lines erased, and ‘‘President’’ added after first line. ELIAS HICKS. Stip., vign., full bust, face three-quarters right. 3.12 <'3.10 Ins: Drawn by H. Inman—Eng® by F. Kearny / Elias Hicks (auto.) / Published By John Hopper. / N° 386 Pearl St. New York / RICHARD JORDAN AND RESIDENCE. Line, rect., border line. 3.1 X 4.10 Jordan in foreground, farm background. Ins: Drawn by W. Mason.—Eng? by F. Kearny. / A view of the residence of the late / Richard Jordan / taken from Newtown Meeting House / New-Jersey. / GEO. WASHINGTON. Stipple, rect. 15.6 & 20.10 Interior of room, Washington as a Mason heading procession and leading a boy and girl. Ins: Stothard delt—-Published by F. Kearny & J. How, Philad’— Kearny Sculpt / To The Grand Lodges Of The United States / This print Representing The Distinguishing Characteristics Of Masonry,.Charity bestowed on proper objects, / ws respectfully dedicated—(1830) [This is an English plate worked over by Kearny, and Washing- ton substituted for the Prince of Wales. | AGED MENDICANT. Line, rect. 3.14 & 2.14 Ins: W. F. Witherington Pinz'—F.. Kearny S° / The Aged Men- dicant. / Publushed by S. C. Atkimson for the Casket. / ALBANO, LAKE OF. Line, rect. 4.11 & 5.19 Ins: Eng? by F. Kearny. / Lake Albano. / ANALECTIC MAGAZINH, 1816 (TITLE-PAGE). Line, rect. 6.7 < 3.13 Bust of Demosthenes, and a Cupid on cloud. Ins: (above) The Analectic Magazine / (below) Greek letters. / Philadelphia / Published by / M. Thomas / Vol. 7 / 1816 / And Naval Chronicle / (under rect.) Bridport del— Kearny Sculp* / 155 CHECK LIST KEARNY 782 ANALECTIC MAGAZINE, 1820 (TITLE-PAGB). Line, vign. Man playing lute, woman reading. 2.8.x 3 Ins: (above) Analectic Magazine. / (under) F. Kearny sc. / New Series / Vol 1. / Philadelphia / Published by J. Maxwell ¥1820../ 783 ARAB HORSEMAN. Line, vign. 5.0 x 3. Ins: From a sketch by Major Denham—Engraved by F. Kearny. / Body Guard / Of The Sheikh Of Bornou / 784 ARCADIA. Line, rect. 2.15 X 4.8 Ins: Drawn by C. R. Cockerell—Eng* on Steel by F. Kearny. / Arcadia. [Pub. by S. C. Atkinson for the Casket, 1830.] 785 CADRON SETTLEMENT. Aquatint, rect. 4.7X 7.8 Ins: (over) P. 114 / (under) Kearny Aq. / Cadron Settlement. / [Travels into Arkansas Territory, by Thos. Nuttall. Phila., 1821. ] 786 CASKET, 1838 (TITLE-PAGE). Line, vign. Woman reading, man with horn, by stream. 2.8 < 3. Ins: (above) The / Casket / Flowers Of Literature Wit & Sen- tment. / 1838 / (under) F. Kearny Sc. / Published by / Samuel C. Atkinson. / Philadelphia / 787 CAVANIEL MOUNTAIN. Aquatint, rect. 4.7 7.8 Ins: (over) P. 144 / (under) Kearny Aq. / Cavaniel Mountain. / [Travels into Arkansas Territory, by Thos. Nuttall. Phila., 1821. ] 788 CHRIST BLESSING CHILDREN. Aquatint, rect. 4. 3.2 Ins: Christ Blessing Little Children. / Luke 18. 15. 17 / Punted by B. West P. R. A—Engraved by F. Kearny. / 789 COSTUMES OF SWEDISH LADY AND GENTLEMAN. Line, vign., full lengths. 5 X' 8.10 Ins: Kearny Sc. / A Swedish Lady—A Swedish Gentleman.—A Fin Peasant. / in the Court Drefs—in the Court Dre {s.—selling Game. / 790 COTTAGE, THE. Line, rect. Ins: Painted by Westall—Eng* on Steel by F. Kearny. / The Cottage. / Published for the Ladys Book by Louis A. Godey. Philadelphia. / | 156 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 CHECK LIST KEARNY DELUGE, THE. Line, rect. 4.2 X 6.4 Ins: Poussin pinx'—F. Kearny sculpt / The Deluge. / Genesis. Chap. VII, / DUBLIN. Line, rect. 4.12 X 7. Ins: Engraved by Ff. Kearny. / Dublin from Phoenix Park. / DOWN CHARGE! Line, rect. Man loading gun, two dogs charging. chal! ed Ins: F. Kearny Sc. / Down Charge. / [American Shooters’ Manual. Phila., 1827.] EAR OF DIONYSIUS. SYRACUSE. Aqua, rect. View of mouth of cave. 10.14 & 7.15 Ins: Drawn by J. Partridge, May 1827 under the direction of an Officer of the U. 8. Navy—Aqua* by F. Kearny. / The Ear of ~ Dyonysius, / Syracuse. / [Series of Views in Modern Greece. Phila., 1827.] EMPORIUM OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (TITLE-PAGB). Line, vign. 3. X'3.8 Ins: (over) The / Emporium / of / Arts & Sciences. / Vol. 2. / (under) G. Fairman—F. Kearney Sc. / E Pluribus Unum. / [Pub. by Jos. Delaplaine, 1812.] ESKIMOS. Line, vign. o.l X 4.8 Ins: Ineu’ Hood R.A. del'—F. Kearny Sc. / Portrait of Akaitcho And His Son. / GOOD SAMARITAN, THE. Line, rect. 4.11 5.9 Ins: (over) Hngraved for Collins Quarto Bible Third Edition 1814 / (under) Rembrandt Pina — Kearny Sculp. / The Good Samaritan. / Luke x. 34. / 1s* State. As described. 24 State. Fourth Edition, 1815, substituted and engraver’s line changed to Kearny & Maverick Sculp. HESITATION. Line, rect. 3.10 & 2.11 Ins: Painted by R. Farrier — Eng on Steel by F. Kearny. / Hesitation. (From Cabinet Album, 1832.) 157 199 800 801 802 803 804 805 CHECK LIST | KEARNY ISCHIA AND PROCIDA. Line, rect. 2.10 & 4.3 Ins: Eng? by K. Kearny. / View of Ischia and Procida / From Cameldoli. / IVANHOE (SCOTT’S WORKS) ILLUSTRATED. Line, rect., border line. Bede Be Ins: Drawn by R. Westall R. A. — Engraved by F. Kearny. / Ivanhoe. / Rebecca At The Stake. / 7 JOHN THE BAPTIST. Line, rect. 410 5.4 Ins: (over) Engraved for Collins & C° Quarto Bible, Stereotype Edition / (under) Poussin—Kearny Sc. / John the Baptist. / JOHNSON’S WORKS. (ILLUSTRATIONS. ) Line, rect. Two shepherds under a tree, with goat. 3.12 & 2.8 Ins: Rk. Corbould del.—F. Kearny Sc. / [Saml. Johnson’s Works. ] LANDSCAPE. Aquatint, vign. 4.9X 7. Landscape with cottage to right, smoke coming from chimney. Ins: Pub. & Sold by T. Powers 116 Broad Way N. Y. — F. Kearny Sc. / LOTTERY ADVERTISEMENT. Line, vign. 4. 3. Fortune, standing with one foot on the earth, holding up wheel. Ins: (above) Fortunes Gifts are / in the Wheel. / (under) G. & k. Waite’s Lottery & / Designed by J. Shaw — Engraved by F. Kearny / Exchange Office. N° 54 Maiden Lane / and N° 209 Broadway. New York. / | [Pub. in Shaw’s Traveller’s Directory, 1822.] LOTTERY ADVERTISEMENT. Line, vign. 3.12 K 2.8 Fortune, seated on clouds, scroll above in hand. Ins: (above) G. & R. Watte’s / Lottery & Exchange / (under) Office / N. W. Corner of Charles & Market S** / Baltimore. / Design’d by J. Shaw Engrav’d by F. Kearny / for the U. 8. Directory. / [Pub. in 1822, Shaw’s Traveller’s Directory. ] 158 bo > ing Se chet ger 2 aig ee beast LT a ats Son, Fa CHECK LIST KEARNY 806 MAGAZIN MOUNTAIN. 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 Aquatint, rect. 4.7 X 7.8 Ins: P. 130 / (under) Kearny Aq. / Magazin Mountain. [Travels into the Arkansas Territory, by Thos. Nuttall. Phila., 1821. ] MAMELLE. Aquatint, rect. 4.7 X 7.8 Ins: (over) P. 110 / (under) Kearny Aq. / Mamelle. pe [Travels into the Arkansas Territory, by Thos. Nuttall. Phila., 1821. ] OTO ENCAMPMENT. Line, rect. Ins: S. Seymour delin.—F. Kearny sculpt / Oto Encampment. / [Companion print to 8. 1579; both engravings pub. in Long’s Narrative, Phila., 1822.] OUR SAVIOUR HEALING THE SICK IN THE TEMPLE. Aquatint, rect. 11.1 & 15.14 Ins: Painted by Benj” West P.R.A.— Pub* by J. How. Philad* 1826—A quatinted by F. Kearny / Our Saviour Healing the Sick In the Temple. / PENNA. INSTITUTE FOR DEAF AND DUMB. | Line, rect. 4.4 6.13 Ins: J. Haviland Arch' — Eng? by F. Kearny. / Pennsylvania Institution For The Deaf And Dumb. [Fifth Annual Report to the Legislature, by Lewis Weld. 87°. Phila., 1826. | PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. ILLUSTRATION. Line, rect. Ins: Westall R.A. del'—F. Kearny Sc' / The Pilgrim’s Progress. / (three lines) | Frontispiece to the Pilgrim’s Progress. By John Bunyan. Pub. in Hartford, 1837. ] PSALMS BOOK ILLUSTRATION: ‘‘PASCHAL LAMB.’’ Line, vign. 4.6 X 3.6 Ins: G. Farman del_—F. Kearny Sc. / (three lines) [Book of Psalms with Hymns. Phila. Moses Thomas. Pub. 1812.] RAIL SHOOTING ON THE DELAWARE. Line, rect. (border line). 2.13 X' 5.6 Ins: T. Birch Del'—F. Kearny Sc. / Rail Shooting on the Dal- aware. / | 159 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 CHECK LIST KEARNY REYNARD. | Line, rect. Head of Fox, ruled background. 4.12 < 3.11 Ins: (above) Engraved for the Port Folio. / (under) Cooper Pinz'—F. Kearny’ Sct / Reynard. J ST. AUGUSTINE BEFORE ETHELBERT. Line, rect. 4.10 3.6 Ins: Painted by H. Lresham—Engraved by F. Kearny. / S* Au- gustine Before Ethelbert. / Engraved for the Prize copies of the Inbrary Edition—See Hume’s England, Vol. 1 Chap. 1. / Pub- lished by E. Littell Philad? / | ST. MARY’S HALL, N. J. Line, rect. View of buildings on bank of river. 3.12 & 5.12 Ins: Drawn by W. Mason. — Eng? by F. Kearny. / S* Mary’s Hall, Green Bank, Burlington / under the supervision of the Bishop of New Jersey. / TAQUENDAMA, FALLS OF. Aquatint, rect. LX 48 Ins: Drawn by T. Birch from a sketch by W” Duane.—F.. Kearny Aqt. / Falls of Taquendama. / TITLE-PAGE, BIOGRAPHY OF THE SIGNERS. Line, vign. 3. X 3.4 Standing figure of Liberty with drawn sword. Ins: (above) Biography / Of The / Signers / To The / Declara- tion of Independence / (vign.) (under) Drawn by T. Under- wood—Eng* by F. Kearny / Philadelphia / Published by R. W. Pomeroy / J. Maxwell Printer. V 1694.7 TITLE-PAGE, AMERICAN NATURAL HISTORY, by John D. Godman, M.D., Phila. Line, vign. (Landscape with Stag). 3.4 & 3.12 Ins: Drawn by J. Peale Jr—Engraved by F. Kearny. / Philadel- phia / H. C. Carey & I. Lea. Chestnut Street. / [Kearny also engraved 23 Natural History plates for this work.] TITLE-PAGE, SCOTT’S NOVELS. Line, vign. 4X 3.12 Ins: (above) The / Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol. XII / (below) T. Sully Del. Phil\—F Kearny Sc. / (three lines) Boston. / Samuel H, Parker. 12 Cornhill. / 1823, 7 160 non I Oe i ng StS ate Pe, es CHECK LIST KEARNY 821 TITLE-PAGE, SCOTT’S NOVELS. Line, vign. 4.3 X 3.10 Ins: (above) The / Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol. XIII / The Fortunes of Nigel. / (below) T. Sully Del. Phil—F Kearny Sc. / (two lines) Boston. / Samuel H, Parker. 12 Cornhill. / 1822. / 822 TITLE-PAGEH, SCOTT’S NOVELS. Line, vign. 3.10 X 3.2 Ins: (above) The / Novels, Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol. IX / The Monastery. / (below) Westall Del.— Kearny Sc. / (four lines) Boston. / Samuel H, Parker. 12 Corn- hill. / 1822. / 823 TITLE-PAGE, SCOTT’S NOVELS. Line, vign. | 3.14 X 3.2 Ins: (above) The / Novels Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol. III / The Antiquary. / (below) W” Allan Del. Edin’—F Kearny Sc. Phila / (three lines) Boston. / Samuel H, Parker. 12 Cornhill. / 1820. / 824 TITLE-PAGE, SCOTT’S NOVELS. Line, vign. ie eo ‘Ins: (above) The / Novels, Tales and Romances / of / The Author of Waverly / Vol. II / Guy Mannering. / (under) R Westall Del. Lon"—F Kearny Sc. Phil / (three lines) Boston. / Samuel H. Parker, 12 Cornhill. / 1822. / 825 TITLE-PAGEH, SCOTT’S NOVELS. Line, vign. 22 < 2:10 Ins: (above) Select / Reviews of Literature / and Spirit of / Foreign Magazines. / Selecting From all their choicest Love / (below) G. Fairman F.S.A. del'(—F Kearny A.A. sculpt / Ex- terno robore crescit — Claud. / Published by / J. F. Watson / Phil? / 826 SHAKSPEARH’S PLAYS. TITLE-PAGE. Vol. 1. 1813. Line, vign. Shakspeare seated at table writing. 1.5 X 2.4 Ins: (above) The / Fairman scr. Plays Vallance Sc. / Of / Wil- liam Shakspeare. / Volume The First / (under vign.) Kearny Sc. / The Poet’s eye in a fine frenzy rolling. / Published by Charles Wiliams, / Boston & / Eastburn, Kirk & Co New York / 1813. / 161 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 CHECK LIST KELLY SHAKSPEARE’S PLAYS. TITLE-PAGE. Vol. 4. 1813. Line, vign. Father Time, with scythe, clouds, ete. Leh 2D Ins: (above) The / Fairman scr. Plays Vallance Sc. / Of / Wil- liam Shakspeare. / Volume The Fourth / (under vign.) Kearny Se / (two lines) Published by Charles Williams. / Boston & / Joseph Delaplaine. / Philadelphia. / 1818. / SHAKSPEARE’S PLAYS. TITLE-PAGE. Vol. IV. 1823. Line, vign. Three female figures, in bower. 2.4 X'2. Ins: (above) The / Plays / Of / William Shakspeare. / In Eight Volumes / Vol IV. / (under vign.) T. Uwins del. — F. Kearny Sc. / (two lines) Philadelphia. / H. C. Carey & I. Lead McCarty & Davis / 1823. / SHAKSPEARE’S PLAYS. TITLE-PAGE. Vol. IV.: 1823. Line, rect. Falstaf seated by standing figure. 3.3 X 2.3 Ins: (two lines on tablet below rect.) Uwins del—F. Kerny Sc. i TOHO. Line, rect. A sportsman and two dogs. 3.0 X 5.5 Ins: F. Kearny Sc. / Toho. / [American Shooters’ Manual. Phila., 1827.] BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS AND SUBJECT PRINTS. Illus. to Byron’s Works. 3 Illus. to Moore’s Works (Irish Melodies). Illus. to Cooper’s Works. Title-page. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. Vol. II. The Mother’s Grave, by Westall. The Shipwreck. From Cabinet Album, 1832. Ticonderoga. From ‘‘The Talisman,’’ 1830. The Father’s Pride. ‘‘The Pearl,’’ 1830. The Little Foreigners. ‘‘The Pearl,’’ 1830. Three Score and Ten. ‘‘ Atlantic Souvenir,’’ 1831. Encyclopedia Plate, ‘‘ Ornithology.’ THOMAS KELLY COOK, CAPTAIN. Stip., vign., border line rect. 2.4 1.12 Ins: 7. Kelly Sc. / Capt" Cook. / GREY, LADY JANE. Line, rect. 3. X' 3.12 Ins: Painted by C. R. Leslie R. A—Engraved by Tho® Kelly. 7 Lady Jane Grey. / [Atlantic Souvenir of 1831.] 162 ee » ee ees > - ee ar Pee eo ee ee poe ? oe See re. oa ee ie ee ee CHECK LIST KELLY 834 WASHINGTON, AT TRENTON, 1789. Line, rect. ep and Washington on white horse, under canopy, with officers in back- ground, women and children in foreground. Above, inscription, “The Hero Who Defended The Mothers Will Protect The Daugh- ters.’’ / (in center below star, ‘‘Decem 26 1776”’ Ins: Engraved by T. Kelley / Washington’s reception on the Bridge at Trenton in 1789 on his way to be Inaugurated 18* Prest of the U. 8. / 835 ALLYN HOUSE.—FULLER CRADLE. Line, vign. (two eng. on one plate). 4 be Gea 8 Bt Ins: Eng. at J. Andrews by T. Kelly. / Allyn House. / Fuller Cradle. / 836 ATHENS. ; Line, vign. 0.7 X 7.14 Ins: W. M. Craig del.—Published by S. Walker Boston 1823.— - LT. Kelly Sc. / South View of Athens, showing The Temple of Minerva. / 837 BOONE, DANIEL, AT GREAT OSAGE LAKH, KY. Line, rect. 2.12 * 4.5 Ins: Painted by T. Cole. — Engraved by Tho® Kelly. / Col. D. Boone. On The Banks Of The Great Osage L. Ken' / Published by 8S. G. Goodrich Boston. / 888 BOSTON, VIEW OF. Line, rect. | 9.8 X 7.14 Ins: Drawn by J. R. Smith—T. Kelly Sc. View of Boston from Roxbury. / [Similar to 1633. ] 839 ITALIAN BOULEVARD. Line, rect. 2.12 * 4.4 Ins: Drawn by J. Van M arcke.—Engraved by Tho* Kelly. / Ttal- van Boulevard. / Published by 8. G. Goodrich 3 Boston.—Printed by Pendleton / 840 PETERSBURG. Line, rect. . 5) Ins: Boston Published by Samuel Walker. 1828—T. Kelly Petersburg. / 841 RATSCHEN HILL. Line, rect. 3.3 X 6.6 Ins: T. Kelly Sc. / The Ratschen Hill / Published by True G Greene. / 163 CHECK LIST KELLY 842 ROLLIN’S HISTORY TITLE-PAGE. VOL. I. Line, rect. View of Pyramids at base. 8.12 x 7.9 Ins: The / Ancient History / of the / Egyptians Carthagemans, 843 844 845 846 847 848 etc (two lines) by C. Rollin. / In Two Volumes / Vol. 1 / Vign / (under) L. Mayer del—tTop of the First Pyramid of Gizah—T?. Kelly Sc. / Printed & Published by Samuel Walker N° 29 Har- lem Place Newbury Street. / 1823. / ROLLIN’S HISTORY TITLE-PAGEH. VOL. I. Line, rect. Vignette at base. 8.14 & 7.10 Ins: The / Ancient History / (three lines) By C. Rolln / In Two Volumes. / Vol II / (vig) (ander) L. Mayer del.—A Colos- sal Sarcophagus in Caramania.—T. Kelly Sc. / Printed & Pub- lished by Samuel Walker N° 29 Harlem Place Newbury Street Boston / 1824 / SYRACUSE. Line, rect. 8. X 6.5 Ins: (over) Rollins History. / Title—Plan / Of the Crty of Syra- cuse / Besieged by the Athenians / T. Kelly Sc. / (under rect.) Published by S. Walker Boston 1823. / [Rollin’s History. Boston, 1824. ] TEMPLE OF EGINA, THE. Line, rect. 3.x 49 Ins: Painted by J. M. W. Turner R. A — Engraved on Steel by Tho Kelly / The Temple Of Eguwna. / ASSASSINATION OF CAESAR. Line, rect. sei hy Gay fos © | Ins: W. M. Craig del_—Published by 8S. Walker Boston 1824. T. Kelly Sc. / The Assassination of Julius Caesar. / [Rollins’ History. Boston, 1824. ] ALEXANDER AND DIOGENES. Line, rect. aaa ty ey Pew Ins: Published by S. Walker Boston 1824. T. Kelly del’ & Sculpt / Alexander visits Diogenes. / [Rollins’ History. Boston, 1824. ] AHASUERUS AND ESTHER. Line, rect. 5.14 & 7.10 Ins: 7. Kelly Sc. Boston. / Ahasuerus & Esther. / [Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] 164 CHECK LIST KELLY 849 CHARON’S INTEGRITY. Line, rect. 5.6 <' 7.12 Ins: W. M. Craig Del—Published by S. Walker Boston 1821— LP. Kelly Sc. / Charon presenting his Son to Pelopidas as a Host- age for his Integrity. / 850 DAVID AND GOLIATH. Line, rect., orna® frame. a Ee cape Ins: David’s Victory Over Goliath. / Carbould pinzt / T. Kelly Sculp' Boston. / | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] 801 FAMINE AT JERUSALEM. Line, rect., ornamental border. HS Reread Ins: Famine At Jerusalem. / Kelly Sc. / | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] 852 JOSEPH SOLD. Line, rect., orna’ frame. PME pad fo? Ins: Joseph Sold To / The Ishmaelities / Marillicr, pinat — T. Kelly Sculp' Boston. | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] 853 JOSEPHUS IN THE CAVE. Line, rect., ornamental border. Melee Ins: Josephus In The Cave. / T. Kelly Sc. / | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] 854 JOSHUA COMMANDS THE SUN TO STAND STILL. Line, rect. 2.12 <' 43 Ins: Painted by John Martin—Engraved by Tho® Kelly. / Joshua Commands The Sun To Stand Still. / Published by 8. G. Good- rich Boston. / G. Neale Printer. / [‘‘The Token,’’ 1829. ] 855 SENDING BACK THE ARK. Line, rect. Do. X' 7.13 Ins: W. M. Craig—T. Kelly Sc. Boston. / The Philistines sending back the Ark. / | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston. ] 856 SIEGE OF JOTAPATA. Line, rect., ornamental frame. 9.14 7 Ins: Siege Of Jotapata. / T. Kelly Sc. Boston. / | Works of Josephus, 2 vols., Boston.] 165 CHECK LIST KENNEDY 857 SUBJECT PRINTS. The Hour of Rest. (Atlantic Souvenir, 1831.) The Twins. Infancy. (Atlantic Souvenir, 1831.) Italian Peasants. The Young Mother. . The School-Mistress. (Cabinet Album, 1832.) The Tight Shoe. The Cottage Door. Emily and her Kitten. (The Pearl, 1830.) Rome. JAMES KENNEDY 858 EDWARD BRIGHT. Line, rect. 6.7 XK 4.3 Ins: (above) Engraved for the American Magazine of Wonders. / (below) J. Kennedy Sc / Edward Bright / Who Weigh’d 616 Pounds / Published by D. Fraser. N. York 1809 859 ROBERT EMMETT. Stip., oval. 3.6 G44 Profile to left, emblems above, festoons at upper sides. Ins: Petrie Del. Dublin —J. Kennedy Sct N. York. / ‘‘When my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then, let my epitaph be written.’’ / May the awful fiat of Heaven sanctify and grant this last expiring wish of a Noble Minded Patriot. / Robert Emmett Esq" / 860 POMPEY’S FUNERAL. Line, rect. Two men weeping over body on pyre. Ole be od Ins: (over) Frontispiece. / (under) Drawn by J. Burnet—Eng@ by J. Kennedy. / The Funeral of Pompey / see page 132 / Pub- lished by Evert Duyckinck / New York. / 861 PUTNAM’S RIDE. Described as a copperplate representing Genl. Putnam’s daring ride. Ins: J. Kennedy Sculpt N. York / . [Life of Genl. Putnam, by Col. David Humphreys. N. Y., 1810.] 862 THE FABULOUS PANTHEON. Line, rect. 4.14 & 2.15 Group, Jove and the Gods before two columns supporting drap- ery ; inscribed, ‘‘The Fabulous / Pantheon’’ Ins: (over) Frontispiece / (under) J. Kennedy Sc* / [The Pantheon. By A. Tooke. N. Y., 1810.] 166 w ' aa in if ‘an a a Fr! Bi x * sey CHECK LIST KING 863 WILLIAM BAKEWELL. (BUSINESS CARD.) 864 865 866 867 Line, rect. oll 4.5 Hope supporting oval, square and compass at top. Large tree trunk and ships at sea in background. Ins: Orders Recewed / William Bakewell, / Sail Maker, / At His Fire Proof Sail Loft, / Corner of —Burling Slip / 88 / South— Street / New-York. / & Punctually Attended To / & Whites Wharf North River. / J. Kennedy Sct S. KENNEDY THE CONVERSION OF St PAUL. Etching, rect. 8.8 < 13.4 Ins: 8. K. sculpt / The Conversion of S* Paul. / THOMAS KENSETT NEW HAVEN, CONN. Line, rect. 26.10 «19.7 Ins: A Plan Of The Town, / of / New Haven / With all the Bualdings in 1748 / taken by the Hon. Gen. Wadsworth of Dur- ham / To Which Are Added The Names And Professions / of the Inhabitants at that period—also the / Location of Lots to many of the first / Grantees. / Respectfully Inscribed to the Connec- ticut Academy of / Arts And Sciences, By their most Obedient S’ / Jan” 1806—W™ Lyon. / Rods / (Scale) / Published by— T. Kensett Engraver / G. B. KING CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. : Line, rect. | Tosh Lee Neptune, and chained Pluto, firemen’s emblems and Fireman’s Hall, figure of Hope, &c. Ins: Fire Department—Incorporated 20'* March 1798. / This Certifies / (six lines) / Drawn by—Morgan, & Engraved by G. B. King, from the Designs of T. Scott, W. Nexsen, & P. W. Engs. NEW YORK CITY, MAP, 1817. Line, rect. 19.1 * 18.15 Ins: This / Actual Map / And Comparative Plans / Showing 88 years growth of the City of / New York, / Is inscribed to the / Citizens, / G. B. King. sc. N. Y. 1817. / By The Proprietor / David Longworth / Published by David Longworth 11 Park 1817 —Engraved by Ja’ D. Stout. Inset vignettes: ‘‘Morgan Del et Set’’ There are four varying issues. 167 868 869 870 871 872 873 874. CHECK LIST KNEASS NEW YORK, BATTERY. Line, vign. 2.7 X 3.8 Ins: New-York Battery. 1820. / C Burton del.—G@. B. King sc. I. As described. II. Added: ‘‘ Engraved for the Waking Dreams of a Foreigner.’’ WILLIAM KNEASS OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Stip., oval, bust to right. 2.10 K 2.4 Ins: W. Kneass Sc. / Goldsmith. / Philad. Pub. by T. Thackara N° 56 8° Second St. / | : [Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Phila., 1802. With two other illustrations by Kneass. | MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. Line, rect. 19.4 x 18.. Ins: Drawn by William Strickland Architect—Engraved by Wil- liam Kneass / Masonic Hall / Philadelphia / Entered according to Act of Congress 28 day of October 1813. / ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ART. (Frontispiece. ) Line, rect. 44x 3.2 Ins: (above) The Grove of The Muses. / (under) Kneass sc. / six lines) {Philad®, 1814. ] BOMBARDMENT OF FORT M°HENRY. Line, rect. 2.4 KAS Ins: Bombardment Of Fort M°Henry. / Kneass Sc. / And this be our motto, m God rs our trust / And the star spangled banner wm triumph shall wave, / Oer the land of the free, & the home of the brave. [The American Star. Patriotic and Other Songs. Richmond, 1817. ] CERTIFICATE, SOCIETAS CLIOSOPHICA. Line, vign. 6.8 X 9.10: Landscape, figures in foreground with hands clasped. Ins: Birch del—W. Kneass Sc. / Societas Cliuosophica / In col- legio Cleo Caesarienst / Omnibus has literas lecturis / [Only example seen cut down. | ALLEGORICAL SUBJECT. Line, rect. 5.8 X 4.8 Four women and two children, seated by side of water, center figure holding cross with right hand on book ‘‘Biblia’’. 168 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 CHECK LIST KNEASS Ins: Krimmel Pina — Edit. delin. — Kneass Sc. / (six lines in German ) AMUSEMENT ON THE ICE. Aqua, rect. View of city and people on the ice. 4.3 X 6.1 Ins: P. Svenin del.—Kneass sc. / Amusements on the Ice. y: [Sketch of Moscow and St. Petersburgh. By P. Svenin. Phila., 1813. | BEDFORD’S STATUE, DUKE OF. Line, vign. 7.15 X 5—also 2 rects. 2.15 «3 Pedestal Statue inscribed ‘‘Francis / Duke of Bedford / Erected ’) MDCCCIx / inscribed over Basso Relievo on the pedestal of the Duke / of Bedford’s Statue. (under one rect.) East Side. (under other rect.) West Side. Ins: Kneass sc. / [Mirror of Taste. Phila. Vol. I. 1810.] CEREMONY OF THE EXPIATION. Line, rect. 7.0 X 4.9 Ins: W. Kneass Sc. Philad. / Ceremonies of the Solemn Expia- tron. / (cut close to last line) COSSACK, THE. Aqua, rect. Man on horseback facing right. 6.3 X 4.3 Ins: P. Svenin del—Kneass sc. / Cozak of the Don. / [Sketch of Moscow and St. Petersburgh. By P. Svenin. Phila., 1813. ] CRUCIFYING. Line (two rects. on one plate). 3.1 & 4.1—3.2 « 4.1 Ins: W. Kneass sc. Philad. / Several Ways of Crucifying. / Pub. by Zadok Cramer Pittsburgh. / EMPORIUM OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. TITLE-PAGE. Line, vign. 3. X 3.14 Ins: (over) The / Emporium / Of / Arts & Sciences / Vol. 3. / (five lines) / (under) Strickland.—K neass. / Philadelphia. / Pub- lished by Kimber & Richardson. / FASHIONS, FOUR LADIES PLAYING A GAME. Line, vign. 2.15 x 4.3 Ins: W. Kneass sc. / {Print cut close. | 169 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 CHECK LIST KNEASS FLYERS. : Line, rect. 4.2.13 Ins: (above) Pl. XXVIII. / (under) W. Kneass Sc. / Flyers. / [The Wonders of Nature and Art, Phila., 1806-7, in 14 vols. ] FRONTISPIECE BUILDING & SEVEN DETAIL PLATES. Line, vign. (frontispiece). 4X 5.13 Ins: Strickland del.—Kneass Sc. [Constitution of Society of House Carpenters. Phila., 1812. ] FUNERAL OF THE JEWS. 4 Line, rect. | 4.2 6.3 Ins: W. Kneass sc. Philad / Funeral of the Jews. / Pub. by Zadok Cramer Pittsburgh. / HOLY OF HOUIES. Line, rect. (circular top). 6.8 x 4.. Ins: W. Kneass sc. Philad. / Holy of Holes / Pub. by Zadok Cramer. Pittsburgh. / INSURANCE CERTIFICATE. Line, oblong oval. ax 9 Showing a fire, with Phila. water-works in background. Ins: (over oval) Insurance against fire only / (below) Engraved by W. Kneass. / KITCHEN STOVE. Line, rect. 2. X' 3.8 Ins: A. Traquar del—W. Kneass Sc / [Memoirs, Phila. Soc. for Promotion of Agriculture. Phila., 1808. | ‘““KNICKERBOCKER.”’ Line, rect., full length to left. 5.9 X 3.8 Ins: Strickland del—kKneass. sc. / Knickerbocker / KREMLIN, THE. Aqua, rect. 4.6 X 7.6 Ins: P. Svenin del. Kneass sc. / The Kremlin. [Sketch of Moscow and St. Petersburgh. By P. Svenin. Phila., 1813. | INDIAN PEACE MEDAL. Line, circular medal. Diam. 2.8 Ins: (over) Indian Medal / Page 79 / (under) Kneass Sc. / [Memoir of Anthony Beneset. R. Vaux. Phila., 1817.] 170 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 CHECK LIST KNzEASS JERUSALEM, TEMPLE OF. Line, rect. (four lines inscribed). Ins: Temple of Jerusalem according to Villapandus. / Pub. by Zadok Cramer Pittsburgh. / JEWISH PUNISHMENTS. Line (two rects. on one plate). 2.14 K 4.2—3. x' 4.2 Ins: W. Kneass sc Philad / Jewish Punishments / Pub. by Zadok Cramer Pittsburgh. MINSTRELS AT VAUX-HALL. Rect., outline. 5.38 X' 8.12 Ins: (over) Plate VI. / Instruments of Music. / Pandean Min- strels in Performance at Vaux-Hall / (under) E. Burney del._— W.. Kneass Sc. / [Bradford’s Phila. Ed. of Reese’s Encly. | MONUMENTAL CHURCH, RICHMOND, VA. Aquatint, rect. 18.4 X 30.1 Ins: Perspective & Drawing by W™ Strickland F. 8. A. Archi- tect Philad’—Designed & Erected by Rob‘ Mills, F. 8S. A. P. A. Architect Philadelphia.—Aquatinted by William Kneass. / To the Citizens of Virgina this Plate representing the Monumental Church / at Richmond is most respectfully — inscribed by the Publisher W. Kneass. MANSION OF GENERAL PASHKOFF. Aqua, rect. 4.6 X 7.5 Ins: P. Svenin del. — Kneass sc. / Mansion of Gen' Pashkoff m the City of Moscow. / [Sketch of Moscow and St. Petersburgh. By P. Svenin. Phila., 1818.] PAST MASTER’S JEWEL. Oval, in rect. 4.5 X 3.1 Woman leaning against pedestal, in right hand jewel. Ins: Chipprihanney—Kneass. / Past Master’s Jewel. / {[Free-Mason’s Magazine. Phila., 1811.] PETER THE GREAT. Aqua, rect. 44x 7.3 Ins: P. Svenin del—Kneass sc. / Monument of Peter the Great St. Petersburgh. / [Sketch of Moscow and St. Petersburgh. By P. Svenin. Phila., 1813. | 171 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 CHECK LIST Kvwyaass, Youne & Co. PORTFOLIO MAG. 18138. VOL. 2. (TITLE-PAGE.) Line, vign. 2.10 x 4.6 Woman reclining in boat, over her on scroll, ‘‘Third Series.’’ Ins: (over) The / Port Folio / Vol. 2. / (ander) Fairman del.— Kneass sc. / Philadelphia / Published by Bradford & Inskeep / and / Inskeep & Bradford New York / 1813 / PORTFOLIO MAG. 1814. VOL. III. (TITLE-PAGE.) Line, vign. Bust above emblems of the Fine Arts. 4.x 4.6 Ins: The / Portfolio / Vol. III. / Third Series / (inscribed on painters) C. L. Leslie desig—kKneass sc / (under vigen.) Phila- delphia / Published by Bradford & Inskeep / and Inskeep & Bradford New York / 1814 / 3 PORTFOLIO MAG. 1815. VOL. 6. (TITLE-PAGE.) Line, vign. 3. xX 8.14 Bust of Homer, with volume of Portfolio wreath; lyre, &e., in background. Ins: (above) The / Port Folio / Volume / 6 / Third Series TES Strickland del—Kneass Sc. / Philadelphia / Published by Tho. Desilver. / 1815 / SANHEDRIN, THE. Line, rect. 7.0 X 4.9 Ins: W. Kneass Sc. Philad* / The Sanhedrin or Great Council of the Jews. / Pub. by Zodak Cramer Pittsburgh. / WOMAN OF NOOAHEERVAN. Stip. rect. line. 0.7 X 4.5 Ins: Drawn by Capt Porter — Kneass Sc. / Woman of Nooa- heevan. / SUBJECT PRINTS, AND BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS. The Traveller. By Goldsmith. Phila., 1802. The Hermit. By Goldsmith. Phila., 1802. Dorsey’s Elements of Surgery. Phila., 1813. Natural History Plates. Encyclopedia Plates. Rees. Phila. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. KNEASS, YOUNG & CO. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Line, rect. 2.0 * 8.13 Ins: (above) Elements / Of / Surgery / For / The Use of Stu- dents / with Plates / By / John Syng Dorsey, M. D. / &ct. second edition, vol. 11 (under) Kneass, Young & Co Se. / Pennsylvania Hospital / Philadelphia. / Published by E & R. Parker & Ben- jamm Warner. / 172 906 907 908 909 910 911 CHECK LIST LAwson 905 BATTLE OF CHARLESTON. Line, rect. Map with References at left. 13.5 19.01 Ins: Sketch Of The Action On The / Heights Of Charlestown / June 17 1775, between his Majesty’s Troops, under the / com- mand, of Major Gen' Howe, and a large body of / American Rebels / Copied, by I. A. Chapman, from an Original sketch, taken by Henry De Bermere / of the 14" Regiment, of Infantry, now m the hands of J. Cist Esq. / Engraved by Kneass, Young & Co. for the Analectic Magazine Publushed by M. Thomas, Philad* BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS. Line, rects. 3.4 XX 2.8 Thompson’s Seasons. Moore’s Lalla Rooke. G. S. LANG DANTE. Line, rect. (ins. on panel). 3.13 X 2.6 Eagle with boy in talons. Ins: Dante. / And Snatch’d me upward even to the fire / Canto 9 / Drawn by T. Underwood—Engraved by G. 8S. Lang [The Vision—of Dante. By H. F. Carey. Phila., 1822.] R. LAVIGNE JOHN BUNYAN. Stip., rect., half length to left, with prison interior. 3.7 X 2.13 Ins: — Lavigne Sc. / John Bunyan. / II. State, without engraver’s name. CARL JOHAN OCH EUGENIE BERNARDINE DESIREE. Stip., oval, in frame, two busts. 7.12 X 6.8 Ins: &. Lavigne / Carl Johan och Eugenie Bernandine Désirée / Kron-Prins och Kron-Princessa of Sverige / Arf-Prinsen / Oscar / BERNARD OVERBERG. Stip., oval, full bust, nearly full face to right. 4.4 X 8.10 Ins: Hase del_—Lavigne sc. / Bernard Overberg / ALEXANDER LAWSON ABRAHAM AND LOT. Line, rect. a LEX 6.9 Ins: (over) N° 7 (under) A. Rider del. — A. Lawson sculp. / Abraham and Lot dwiding their flocks. / 173 912 913 CHECK LIST Lawson AFRICAN BRIDGE. ) Line, rect. 2 K'3.12 Ins: Lawson sc. / African Bridge of a singular construction. / AFRICAN VILLAGE, VIEW OF. Line, rect. 2.9 X 3.12 Ins: Lawson sc. / View of an African Village. / 914 ANCIENT PAGODAS OF DEOGAR. 915 916 917 918 919 920 Line, rect. 2.9 X 3.12 Ins: Lawson sc. / Ancient Pagodas of Deogar. / AUDREY AND TOUCHSTONE. . Line, rect. 3. X 4.6 Ins: Painted by C. R. Leslie — Engraved by Alex. Lawson f Audrey and Touchstone. / . BLUCHER, FIELD-MARSHAL. S. 1682 notes as David Hume an unlettered proof in ‘‘Lawson Collection,’? Penna. Acad. Fine Arts. A lettered impression. Ins: Field-Martial Blucher / Secured the Liberty of Europe by defeating Bonaparte 1814 / [Probably not the portrait of either Hume or Blucher. Similar proof in Lawson Collection, Acad. Natural Sciences, Phila., has engraved coat of arms under, in center, and is noted ‘‘Van Braum,’’ in pencil. ] BOTANY, FUNGI. Line, 10 vign. 9. X 6.6 Ins: Botany / Lynn Syst. Plate 1. / Fungi. / [ Rees’ Encyclopedia. | BURNS AND NANSE TINNOCK. Line, rect. 5.2 X 3.15 Ins: Engraved by A. Lawson. / Robt Burns & Nanse Tinnock the Hostess at Mauchline. / (five lines) CHRIST AT THE MARRIAGE OF CANA OF GALILEE. Line, rect. Christ seated at table, under canopy. 3.11 X 6.3 Ins: (over) N°? 4. / (under) Alex’ Rider. del.—Alex™ Lawson sc. i Christ at the marriage in Cana of Galilee / — DELAPLAINE’S REPOSITORY, 1815. (TITLE-PAGE.) Line, vign. 6.3 X 6. America with shield standing reciting to History, seated to left; in right background a row of busts of Washington, Franklin, Hamilton and Jefferson 6.3 x 6. 174 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 CHECK LIST LAwson Ins: Birch Del'—Engraved by Lawson. / For Delaplaine’s Re- posttory. / Roger & Exter Printers. / DICK DAVIS (SCHOOL). Line, rect. 2.10 X'3.2 Ins: Webster—A. Lawson. / Dick Davis. / Printed by Butler, Long. / EXPERIENCE DIRECTING YOUTH, &c. Line, rect. 4.10 3.6 Ins: Lawson sc. / Experience directing Youth, to the contempla- tion of the works of Nature. / FREDERICK AND ELLEN. Line, rect. 2.15 & 4.7 Ins: Painted by J. L. Krimmel—Engraved a Alex" Lawson. / Frederick and Ellen. / Published by Key & Biddle Philadel- pha. / Rogers Printer. [Religious Souvenir, 1835. | FRONTISPIECE, AENHIS. Line, rect., border line. FEL BAe pe Ins: (on ruled panel below) Lull’d in her lap, amidst a train of Loves, / She gently bears him to her blussful groves; / Aineis Book 1 / Lawson sc* / HAPPY FAMILY, THE. Line, rect. Market cart before village store. 3. xX 4.8 Ins: Pawnted by J. L. Krimmel—Engraved by Alex Lawson. / The Happy Family. / Published by Key and Biddle Philadel- phia. / Printed by B. Rogers. / [Religious Souvenir, 1834. | MACPHERSON’S BLUE. Line, vign. 6.6 < 7:2 Ins: St. Paul’s Conversion. / Palmer 8° ji 1172 DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. Line, vign. 8.10 X 6. Ins: J. Palmer 8° / Taking Christ From The Cross. 1173 SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN. Line, rect. 5.8 X 8.1 Ins: Craig del. — J. Palmer S¢ / (three lines) / Matthew 19% Chap. 14 Ver. / Published by S. Walker, 148 Cherry 8* N. York Jan” 22, 1821. / 1174 CHRIST’S TEMPTATION. . Line, vign. 8.8 X 6.8 Ins: Craig del.—J. Palmer S¢ / Christ’s Temptation. / J. W. PARADISE 1175 NATHAN BANGS. Line, rect. 4.15 X 4. Half-length, seated, pen in hand, face 34 to left. Ins: Painted by Paradise—Eng by J. W. Paradise / The Rev. Nathan Bangs D. D. / [This plate was engraved by Durand and is noted as No. 554. The name of Durand was erased and Paradise substituted for a publication in 1832.] 1176 GENERAL SAMUEL HOUSTON. Line, rect., bust in uniform. 44 3.9 Ins: Painted by N. W. Wheeler—Engr* by Casilear & Para- dise. / Gen' Samuel Houston. / President of Texas. / 1177 JOSEPH LOUIS LAGRANGE. Line, circular medalion, profile left. 2.15 dia. Ins: Joseph Louis Lagrange, / Author of the Mécanique Ana- lytique de. / Engraved for the Mathematical Diary, from a Medal in possession of D™ Bowditch by J. W. Paradise. / 1178 JEREMY TAYLOR. Line, rect., 34 length in chair at table, face nearly full. Ins: Eng. by J. W. Paradise. / Jeremy Taylor. / Hartford,— Published by F. J. Huntington, — 1832 / Printed by Ilman & Compt. / [Life of Taylor, Hartford, 1832.] 210 CHECK LIST PEASLEY 1179 CHIEF OF ETA. Line, vign. ; 4.12 4.6 Ins: Drawn by A. T. Agate — J. W. Paradise Sc. / Chief of Eta. / Drummond’s Island. / 1180 THE RUINED FAMILY. Line, rect. 3. 4.9 Ins: Rippingille.—Paradise & Ralph. / The Ruined Family. 1181 J. FENIMORE COOPER, ILLUS. TO WORKS OF. Line, vign. (average size about 4. x 4. from the designs of F. QO. C. Darley). M. M. PEABODY 1182 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Stip., rect., in frame, name on scroll inside frame. 10.4 <' 8.7 Ins: John Quincy Adams. / Engraved by M. Peabody from a Portrait by King; from Delaplaines National Gallery. Prest- dent of the United States. / 1183 UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. Described as A view of the University of Vermont, at Burling- ton, engraved on copper by M. M. Peabody for a Gazetteer of the State of Vermont. Montpelier 1824. / 1184 INFANT JESUS. Stip., rect. Virgin with infant, background of ruins. 13.7 x 10 Ins: M. M. Peabody Sc. / Infant Jesus. / A. M. PEASLEY 1185 CORN-SHELLER. Line, vign. Man operating a machine. 3.1 X 6.4 Ins: Patent Corn-Sheller. / A. M. Peasley sc. / 1186 PLAN OF EXETER. Line, rect. 18.2 & 11.10 Ins: A / Plan / of the Town of / Exeter, / At The Head Of The Southerly Branch Of / Piscataqua River. / By P. Merril. / 1802. A. Peafley sc. / 1187 JACQUES SAURIN. Mixed, oval, frame lined. 4.8 X 3.8 Ins: (on frame) Saurin. / (under) Peasley sculp. / 211 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 CHECK LIST PELHAM. M. PEKENINO NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. : Stip., rect., frame of two lines with projecting squares at the four corners. Bust in uniform, face 34 left. 4.5 X 3.1 Ins: David P.—Pekenino 8. / (print cut close ) FRANCIS BROWN. | Stip., bust in clerical dress. 7.8 X 6.6: Ins: 8. F. B. Morse, Pine.—M" Pekenmo, Sculp. / Proof. / Rev.. Francis Brown D. D. / Late President of Dartmouth College. / TITLE-PAGE OF JUNIUS. Stipple, vign. 2.10 XK 2.2 Rock against which leans staff with cap on top; clouds in back- ground; on ground a shield and sword. ' Ins: (above) The Letters of Junius. / Vol. II. / (under) R. W. del.—M. P. sc. / New York Published by H enry Durell 1821 / | ALEXANDER POPE. Stip., rect. 3.14 & 2.3. Bust, at table left elbow on book, (ins.) Essay / on / Man. / face to right. Ins: M’* Pekenino inc. N. York Am* 1821. / L’art des vers est © dans Pope utile au genre humain / Voltaire au Roi de Prusse. / WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. Stip., in rect. line, frame suspended, bust to right, 2.8 X 2.2: Ins: Shakspeare. / Engraved, by M. Pekenino. / RAPHAEL’S SPOZALIZIO. Stip., rect. 9.15 & 6.14 Ins: Raffaello Sanzio dip—M" Pekenino incise. 4 JAMES THOMPSON. Stip., rect., frame suspended, bust to left with cap. 2.10 * 2.5: Ins: James Thompson. / M' Pekenino sc. Filadelfia. / New York Published by R. & W. A. Bartow 1821. / PETER PELHAM EDWARD HOLYOKE. Mez. oval frame in rect. 8.7 X 7.4 Full bust, face front, wig and gown. Ins: Edward Holyoke / Collegy Harvardini Cantabrigiae Nov— anglorum Praeses reverendus / Anno Atat 1749. / 212 CHECK LIST PELTON O. PELTON 1196 E. H. BANCROFT. Mixed, vign., full bust. 4X 3.10 Ins: O. Pelton Sc / E. H. Bancroft. / (auto. ) 1197 ROBERT BURNS. Mixed, vign., oval frame. 5.2 X 4 Ins: O. Pelton Sc. / Robert Burns—Poet (auto) / [Burns’ Complete Works. Boston. ] 1198 THOMAS CAMPBELL. Mixed, rect. with circular top, 34 length at table. 4X 2.15 Ins: O. Pelton Sc. / T. Campbell. / (auto.) 1199 LORD DUFFERIN. Mixed, full bust to right. 6.1 X 4.5 Ins: Engraved for the Eclectic by O. Pelton / Lord Dufferin. / 1200 ERASMUS. Line, oval in rect. 4.8 X 3.4 Ins: (above) Erasmus. / (12 lines) / H. Holbein Pinx'—O. Pel- ton Sc. / Engraved for Dillaway’s Erasmus. / 1201 C. P. FLANDERS. Mixed, vign., bust full face. 3.10 X 3.4 Ins: O. Pelton Sculpt / C. P. Flanders. / (auto.) 1202 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Stip., rect. Bust to left (Duplessis type). 4.5 X 3.10 Ins: O. Pelton Sculpt / Benjamin Franklin. I. As described. II. Before first line. 1203 MARY JANE GRAHAM. | Stip., rect., half length. 4.5 X 3.4 Ins: O. Pelton Sc. / Miss Mary Jane Graham. / Boston, Crocker & Brewster 1834. / 1204 U. 8S. GRANT. Mixed, vign., bust in uniform. 3.8 X 3.8 Ins: Eng’ by O. Pelton / U. S. Grant / (auto.) Lieut. Gen. U. 8. Grant. / 213 CHECK LIST PELTON 1205 MASSILLON. | Line, vign., bust in clericals. 30 Ke Ins: Eng’ by O. Pelton. / Massillon. / Engraved for the Amer- wan Quarterly Review. / 1206 H. L. KELSEY. Mixed, vign. 3.14 & 3.12 Bust, nearly full face, machine background. Ins: O. Pelton Sc. / H. L. Kelsey / (auto.) 1207 H. MARTYN. Line, rect., border lines, vign. 3.0 X 2.18 Ins: From a Picture in the possession of the Rev. C. Simeon.— Engraved by O. Pelton. / H Martyn (auto.) / Published by Perkins & Marvin; Boston, 1831 / 1208 JOHN MILTON. Line, and stip. oval in rect. 4.5 X 3.8 Ins: Engraved by O. Pelton / John Milton. / From a Miniature of the same size by Faithorne Anno 1667, / in the possession of Wilkam Falconer Esq. / Boston Published by Hillard © Gray & Co. / II State. Publication line erased. 1209 F. C. MORSE. Mixed, vign., bust full. 3.4 XK 3.4 Ins: O. Pelton Sculpt. / F. C. Morse / (auto.) 1210 SIR WALTER SCOTT. Line, rect., round top, border line. 3.14 & 2.15 Ins: C. R. Leslie R. A—O. Pelton. / Sir Walter Scott. / 1211 ANDREW THOMSON, D. D. Line, vign. 3.8 X 3.14 Ins: Engraved by O. Pelton. — / Andrew Thomson (auto.) / D. D. / From a Picture by G. Watson P. 8. A. / 1212 WASHINGTON STATUE. Stipple. 45X18 Standing figure by F. Chantrey. No inscription. [Published in the ‘‘Token’’ for 1829 and noted as engraved by Pelton. | 1218 FIVE ENGLISH PORTRAITS. Line, stip., ornamented ovals with names over ports. 4.2 < 2.12 Ins: Dean Swift / Bamfylde Moore Carew / John Elwes, Esq. / Lord Rokeby / Charles Price / Engraved by O. Pelton. / 214 CHECK LIST Piatt 1214 UNIVERSAL BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 Published in New York in 1825. Contains plate of twenty small stipple portraits engraved on copper by O. Pelton, ineluding Washington, Hart 636. THE LUTE. Line, rect. 2.14 4. Ins: Painted by R. F. Bonington — Engraved by O. Pelton. / The Lute. / Published by 8. C. Atkinson. / SUBJECT PRINTS. Academie Grove, by Williams (The Token, 1829). Asking a Blessing, by Fraser (Religious Souvenir, 1845). Christ Preaching, by Melville (Religious Souvenir, 1845). Flower Girl (Religious Souvenir, 1845). The Young Highlander (Religious Souvenir). Innocenee, after Westall. The Snow Shoe, after Hood. The Peasant Boy, after Cristall. Treatise on Mechanics (title-page). ROBERT PIGGOT WILLIAM B. TAPPAN. Stip., rect., bust to left. 2.60115 Ins: Engraved & Presented by his friend Robert Piggot from a painting by John Neagle. / William B. Tappan. / THOMAS SNOWDEN, ESQ. Stip., rect., border line. 4.15 & 4. Ins: Tho* Snowden Esq. / Engraved by Rev. Robert Piggot Pro- fessor of Graphics and the Fine Arts in / Newton Unwersity Baltimore from a Daguerriotype by King. / Flo BAD SAMUEL THOMSON. Stip., oval with bead border. 2.4 1.13 Ins: H. Platt. — / Sam! Thomson—Botanist. / His System and practice originating with himself. / Born Feb! 9% 1769. / [From: New / Guide to Health; / or / Botanic Family Physi- cian. / By Samuel Thomson / Boston / 1832.] 215 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 CHECK LIST PouPaRD JACOB J. PLOCHER THE WISE MEN’S OFFERING. Line, rect. dD. x 6.10 Ins: Bassano. / — Plocher Sc. / The Wise Men’s Offering / Matt. 11. 11. | POPE. ILLUS. TO POEMS. Line, rect. 3.14 * 2.6 Ins: (on tablet) Pope. / (two lines)) / Drawn by R. Westall. hk. A.—Eng* by Jacob J. Plocher. / : , ENCYCLOPEDIA PLATES. Plocher engraved a number of plates of birds for Bradford’s Edition of the Encyclopedia, Philadelphia. JAMES POUPARD ARMINE AND ELVIRA. Line, oval. 3.9 XD: To right, woman fainting in arms of man at foot of tree ; to left, man with upraised spear in right hand. Ins: (over) Arm. & Elv. fol. 27. / (under) James Poupard Sculpt / [Search after Happiness and Armine and Elvira. Phila., 1774.], CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. Line, rect. 5.138 X 3.6 Interior of library, man reading to eight men. Ins: (over bookcase) The Christian Inbrary. / (under) Ja*® Poupard Del. & Scul' / — To this Your Hearts incline, / This Way will Lead You to Life Devine. / [The Christian Cabinet; or, Treasury of Divine Knowledge, ete. Printed by David Brown, Phila., 1802.] SURVEYING. Line. 12 plates on surveying. Average, 6.8 & 4.8. Ins: Jas. Powpard Sculp* / [A Treatise of Practical Surveying. Phila., 17 85. | 216 CHECK LIST PRuD’ HOMME J. F. E. PRUD’HOMME 1226 JAMES A. POWELL. Stip., rect., half length to right. 4.1 xX 3.7 Ins: T. S. Cummings P'—J. F. E. Prud’homme Se / James A. Powell (auto.) / [Hull A. Gerald—A Tribute to the Memory of James A. Powell eo a ae delivered . . . July 23, 1829. Not Published. ] 1227 MRS. COLT. Line, vign. 4.8 xX 3.8 Half length, low-necked dress, with flowers in hair. Ins: Engrav’d by J. F. E. Prud’homme, from a Daguerreotype. / |Description from a proof without title.] 1228 PHILANDER CHASE. Stip., rect., corners off. BAO TT Bust, cap on head and glasses. Ins: Painted By James Bogle. 1840.— Engraved By J. F. E. Prud’homme. / Phil’ Chase (auto.) / The Avails Of This En- graving Wil Be Applied For The Benefit of Jubilee College, Illanois. / 1st State. As described. 2n¢ State. Last line erased. 1229 NEW YORK, CITY HALL. Line, rect. View of City Hall, with fireworks on roof. 5.2 « 7.12 Ins: (over) A view of the Magnificent and Extraordinary Fire Works / Exhibited on the N. Y. City Hall, on the Evening of / the Celebration of the Grand Canal, November 4 1825 / By Rich? Wilcox Esquier, &c / (under) R. Wilcox Invt & del. Prud’homme Sc. / Explanation / (seven lines) 1st State. As described. II" State. Inscription re-engraved: Rich Wilcox del. Prud’- homme. / Fireworks at City Hall, New York. Grand Canal cele- bration Nov. 4. 1825 / 1230 NEW YORK, ST. PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL. Described as: View of St. Patrick’s Cathedral Mott St. New York: designed and engraved by J. F. E. Prudhomme Copy- right 1844. An advertisement for the Douay Bible. 1231 ANTIOCH. Line, rect. Landscape. 5. xX 7.4 Ins: W. H. Bartletti—Prudhomme sc. Antioch on the approach from Suadeah / Engraved Expressly for the Columbian Maga- zune. / zie 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 CHECK LIST PRuD’ HOMME FRONTISPIECE AND TITLE-PAGE TO PALEY’S SER- MONS. Line; frontispiece rect., 3 X 2; title-page vign. Ins: (frontispiece) W. Kidd del — Prud’homme / two lines. (title-page) over ‘‘Posthwmous Sermons.’’ / and / Su Ser- mons / on / Public Ocasions. / By W. Paley. D. D. / New York / Published by S. King. / WEST POINT. Line, rect. 7.14 X 4.11 Ins: West-Point. / 1830 / T. B. Brown, del. W. P.— E. Prud’- homme Sc. N. Y. / — 8. Valente Printr / SNIPE. Line, vign. Snipe; standing, wings partly spread. 44X48 — Ins: J. W. Hill del_—J. F. EH. Prudhomme Sc. / {Described from an India-proof before title. | THE DISGUISE (FRIAR PUCK). Line, rect. 3.8 XK 2.14 Ins: Painted by J. G. Chapman.—Engraved by J. F. EH. Prud- homme. / The Disguise. / THE VELVET HAT. Stipple, vign. Young girl, to left, wearing large hat. 2.8 2.2 Ins: Ja’ Inskipp del—J. F. E. Prudhomme / 1839 / The VewWwet Hat. / R. Andrews Print. / THE WIDOW’S HOPE. Line, rect. Bx B10 4 Ins: T. M. Joy Pinz'—J. F. E. Prudhomme Sc. / The Widow’s Hope. / SUBJECT PRINTS. A Portrait. La Berretta, from Cabinet Album, 1832. Title-page, from Cabinet Album, 1832. Statesmen of England, by Forster (frontispiece). 218 CHECK LIST RaLPH HENRY D. PURSELL 1239 MAP OF KENTUCKY. Line. 1919 V1) Ins: This Map / of / Kentucke, / Drawn from actual Observa- tions, / is inscribed with the most perfect respect, / to the Hon- orable the Congress of the / United States of America; and / to his Excell” George Washington / late Commander in chief of their / Army. By their / Humble Servant, / John Filson. / (nine lines). / While this Work shall live, / (nine lines) / Philad* Engrav’d by Henry D Pursell, & Printed by T. Rook, for the Author 1784. / C. RADCLIFFE 1240 SERINGAPATAM, STORMING OF. Line, rect. | Ins: J. R. Cruikshank del_—Radcliffe sc. / Storming of Serwng- apatam. / W. RALPH 1241 MRS. VILLERS. Deseribed as a portrait of Mrs. Villers engraved on copper by W. Ralph, for ‘‘The Bracelets.’? By Maria Edgeworth. Phila- delphia, 1804. 1242 MAP, CAMPAIGN ON THE MEUSH, 1792. Line, rect. 10. * 12 Ins: (above) A Map of General Dumourier’s Campaign on the Meuse, / in 1792 / (under rect.) Engraved for Berry, Rogers, & Berry’s Edition—Ralph fc' N. York [Pub. in Phila., 1797. | 1243 BOOK OF TRADES. Line, rect. All about 3.9 X 2.6 Sixty-seven illustrations of various trades. Ins: WR fe. 1244 NEWTONIAN SYSTEM. ‘“The Newtonian System of Philosophy, etc.’’ By Robert Pat- terson, Phila. 1808.—Contains copperplates by Ralph. 1245 JAPANESE MARRIAGE. Line, rect. 9.15°>< 5.1 Ins: (over) Manners & Customs of Natwes. / (under) W. R. Sc. / The Ceremony of a Japanese Marriage. / 219 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 - 1252 1253 1254 CHECK LIST Rawpbon LITTLE ISLANDERS. ‘‘The Little Islanders, or the Blessings of Industry.’’ Phil? 1809.’’—contains four plates by Ralph. YOUTHFUL AMUSEMENTS. ‘*Youthful Amusements, ete.’’ Phil? 1810 — contains eighteen copper plates by Ralph. VIEWS IN ITALY. ‘CA View of Italy, Naples, Venice, ete.’? By Rev. J. Goldsmith. Phil? 1810.—contains copper plates by Ralph. THE TWO BOYS. ““The Two Boys; or the Reward of Virtue.’’ Phil? 1810.—con- tains four copper plates by Ralph. FAMILIAR LESSONS. 7 ‘Familiar Lessons for Children.’’ Phila. 1816.—contains cop- per plates by Ralph. VIEW OF THE EARTH. Contains copper plates by Ralph. FUNERAL PROCESSION ON THE CONGO. Line, rect. 3.2 < 4.14 Ins: (over) Manners & Customs of Nations / (under) W R. fc. / The Funeral Procession of a distinguished Person of Congo. / [Similar to 8. 2633 and from same publication. | BUSINESS CARD OF W. RALPH. Line, oval in rect. 3.7 X 2.11 A cupid standing to left on cloud holding a scroll inscribed, ‘*Engraving / in the / Various / Branches’’ / Under the left arm an oval inscribed, ‘‘Ralph / Engraver / From / Birming- ham’’ / ; Ins: W. Ralph Sculp / RALPH RAWDON CERTIFICATE OF AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Line, vign. LOS. Eagle and shield at top of certificate; below an allegorical agri- cultural scene with decorated oval enclosing figure of Washing- ton leaning on plow. Ins: Published & Sold by Ralph Rawdon Engraver, Albany, Price $10.—pr. 100. / 220 CHECK LIST Rawpon, Wricut & Co. [Pub. in History of Western Canals of New York, by Elkanah Watson. Albany, 1820. S. 2640 is from the same publication. | 1255 THE SHEPHERD’S CARE. Line, rectangles. 5.13 & 4.7 Ins: The Shepherds’ Care. Palemon—Lavinia. / (under each) R. Rawdon Sc. / Published by Shelton & Kensett Cheshire Con. March 1° 1814 RAWDON, CLARK & CO, 1256 VIEW ON THE HUDSON. Described as engraved title to Simeon Dewitt’s Atlas of the State of New York, 1829. Vignette, 6 X 8, inscribed: View On The Hudson Near Fishkill / (three lines) / Engrav® by Rawdon Clark & C° Albany, & Rawdon Wright & C° New York. 4257 PAVILION, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. Line, rect. 2.7 X 4.8 Ins: (over) Pavilion. Saratoga Springs. / (under) Rawdon, Clark & Co Albany. / By John C. Dillon. / [The Fashionable Tour: A Guide to Travellers. Saratoga . Springs, 1830.] 4258 NEW YORK, NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN. Line, rect. 2.2 44 Ins: A. J. Stansbury del—Rawdon, Clark & C?° fe. / Navy Yard / Eng? for A. T. Goodrich N. York 1259 NEW YORK, INSANE ASYLUM. Line, vign. 2.14 5.12 Ins: Eng? for A. T. Goodrich N. York by Rawdon, Clark & C° / Asylum for the Insane / RAWDON, WRIGHT & CO. 1260 CONGRESS-HALL, N. Y. Line, rect. 2.8 X 4. Ins: N. Walton del.—Rawdon, Wright & Co Sc. / Congress- Hall. Saratoga Springs. 221 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 CHECK LIST REED: NEW YORK, BOWERY THEATRE. Line, vign. 6.5 X 7.6 Ins: Sera Arch’ / A. J. Davis del.—Rawdon, Wright & C° S¢ N. York. / Bowery Theatre, New-York. / Drawn and Engraved expressly for the / New-York Mirror, / And Ladies’ Interary Gazette. / 1828. I. As described. If. Added in center of second line: W. Hooker Printer NEW YORK, ADELPHI HOTEL. Line, vign. 2.0 X 3.6 Ins: Davis Del. Mercht® Exch. — Rawdon, Wright & C° Se Merch"* Exch. N. York. / Adelphi Hotel, / N® 10 Broadway Fronting the Battery, / New-York. NEW YORK, ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH. Line, rect. 7.4 X' 8.15 Ins: Drawn by A. J. Davis — Rawdon, Wright & Ce ee 8 Thomas’ Church Broad-Way, / Drawn and Engraved for the New York Mirror 1829. I. As described. Il. Commas added after ‘‘Church’’ and ‘‘Mirror’’, ‘‘Broad- Way,’’ altered to ‘‘Broadway.’’ ‘‘1829.’’ erased and added below. ‘‘Printed by G. & J. Neale.’’ added at right. III. Printers’ line erased. BROWNWOOD FEMALE INSTITUTE. Line, rect. 3.10 X 5.14 Ins: Drawn by J. Smilie from a sketch by T. Addison Richards. —Grahams Magazine 1844 — Engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Smilie. ABNER REED NAVAL TEMPLE (TITLE-PAGE). Line, vign. 4.x 4. Female figures with a wreath standing by large columns, with water in foreground. Ins: (above) The / Naval Temple. / (under) E. Tisdale inv et del.—Reed. / Boston. / Published by Barber Badger. / 1816. / FRONTISPIECE. Line, rect., border line, festoon at bottom. Landscape with girl seated by stream. Ins: Frontispiece. / Abner Reed inv. et sct / 222 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 CHECK LIST REVERE LOVE TRIUMPHANT. Line, oval. Girl under tree watching ship. fee koe Ins: Love Triumphant, / or / Constancy Rewarded: / ma/ Series of Familiar Letters, / for the / Amusement & Instruc- tion / of Youth. / In Language suited to thea Capacities. / To which is Added, a / Poetical Appendia / By a Friend to Youth. / A. Reed fcript et feulpt / Troy: / Printed by Luther Pratt & Co. / 1797. / Copy-Right Secured. / MAP OF EUROPE. Line, rect. 10.12 & 12.15 Ins: A Map Of / Europe. / In which are delineated, / The rout of the French Army, to & from / Moscow, / in the Campaign of 1812 — / that of the Campaign of 1813; / and also, / that of Ld. Wellington’s Army / im Spain. / Published by A. Reed & Co. E. Windsor Con. Mar. 1814. [Additional inscription in upper left corner. | EDUCATIONAL CHART. Line, in two sheets, rect. 18. x .44 Ins: English Grammar / Simplified / by the assistance of a / Chart. / By Josiah Wilbur & Wm. Livingston. / Copy-kight secured according to Act of Congress, July 26 1814. / En- graved by Abner Reed, E. W. Con. F. REICHE DER STAATSMAN. Described as a copper plate engraving of “‘Der Staatsman’’ signed I’. Reiche sc. Philad. [In Des Johann Lassenius Politische Geheimniss, ete. Balti- more, 1795. | PAUL REVERE JONATHAN MAYHEW, D. D. Line, oval, bust in wig and bands with surplice, over tablet with title in rect. 5.11 x 4 Ins: P Revere fculp / The Rev’ Jonathan Mayhew. D. Des Paftor of the Weft Church. Boston. N. E. / OB*t July. 9 1766. Zit 46 / 223 1272 1278 1274 1275 CHECK LIST RoBERTS PLAN OF A HEMP MILL. Line, rect. 4.6 & 4.15 Ins: Plan Of A Hemp Mill to go by Water / G. Flag Inv'—P. Revere Sculp / [Quincy, Edmund. fe cerning tee Ts CHECK LIST TIEBOUT 1622 DAUGHTER OF ELEAZAR. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.138 X 6.12 Figures surrounding table, babe on platter. Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) Trebout sc / The Daughter of Eleazar during the Siege and Famine at Jerusalem. / (&c) 1623 DEJANIRA AND NESSUS. Line, rect., outline. Om OL Ins: Painted by Guido Reni—Engraved by Tiebout / Dejanira & Nessus. / (Portfolio, Vol. VIII, 1812.] 1624 DELILAH AND SAMSON. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.18 X' 6.12 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (ander) Tiebout Sc. / Delilah after cutting off Samson’s Har treacherously be- / traying him into the hands of the Philistines / 1625 DESPAIR. Line, oval. Woman, hands clasped, plunging into river. Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (under) Trebout Del. & Sculp. / Despmr./ . [N. Y. Mag., Vol. 1791. ] 1626 DOGE MARRYING ADRIATIC. Stip., rect. 4. 2.13 Ins: (over) V. 6.—P. 6. / (under) Kirk del.—Trebout Sc. / The Doge of Venice marrying the Adriatic. / 1627 DRESSES OF WOMEN, ISLE OF NIO. Line, rect. Three women, one with spinning-wheel. 5.4 3.10 Ins: (above) New York Mag. / Tiebout Scul* / Dresses of the Women in the Isle of Nio, one of the Grecian Archipelago. / [N. Y. Mag., Vol. 1791.] 1628 EDWIN AND ANGELINA. Line, oval in rect. 5.3 X 3.4 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (on tablet, under oval) Edwin & Angelina / Tiebout Sculp. / (four lines) [N. York Mag., 1793, Vol. IV (page 250).] 275 1629 CHECK LIST TIEBOUT EGYPTIAN MIDWIVES. | Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.12 & 6.10 Women on river bank, casting children into stream; pyramid - and mountain in distance. 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) Trebout Sculp. / The Egyp- tian Midwwes / (d&c.) ELIJAH AND ELISHA. Line, rect., frame orna‘’ on base. 10.12 X 6.10 Ins: (over) Engraved for the American Edition of Brown’s Family Bible. / (ander) (five lines) Trebout Sculp* / ELIZABETH. Stip., oval, bust to left. 3.4 X 2.8 Ins: C. Tiebout sc. / Elizabeth. / [‘‘ Elizabeth. / or, the / Exiles Of Siberia:’’ / Phil* 1809. | EROS AND DIONE. 5.8 X 3.14 Stip., rect. Two figures embracing; Cupid riding dolphin. Ins: Trebout Sc. / Eros & Dione. / ESQUIMAUX INDIANS OF HUDSON BAY. Line, rect. 3.10 X' 6.6 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (under) H. Lwingston Del—Tie- bout Sculp. / Esqumaux Indians of Hudson Bay. / [N. Y. Mag., Vol. ITI, 1792.] FLORA. Line, rect. 5.8 X 3.8 Ins: C. Tiebout Sc' / Flora at play with Cupid. GIDEON’S SACRIFICE. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.138 X 6.12 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) C. Trebout Sculp N York / sc / Gideon’s Sacrifice / (&c.) HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.12 * 6.10 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) Engraved by C. Tiebout N. York. / Hagar in the Wilderness having laid her Son Ishmael under a Tree, / (that she might not see him perish thro want) providentially visited. / Published by William Durell N° 19 Queen Street. / 276 CHECK LIST a TIEBOUT 1637 HEROD AND ANTIPATER. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.12 <' 6.10 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / Amerwan Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) Trebout Sculp. / King Herod rejecting the treacherous Embrace of his Son Antipater, / who ae formed a Conspiracy against his Life im order to Usurp his rone. 1688 HEROD AND MARIAMNE. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.13°x% 6.12 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / Amerwan Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) Tiebout Sculp / Herod re- proached by Mariamne for his Cruelty, / whom he throws from his Arms with scorn and indignation. / 1689 HILKIAH AND SHAPAN BEFORE KING JOSIAH. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.18 &' 6.12 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) C. Trebout Sculpt / Hilkiah & Shapan presenting to King Josiah the Book / of the Law of Moses which had been found in the Temple. / 1640 HOLY FAMILY. Line, circle of three lines. Diam. 4.1 Ins: Raphael pinz'—Tiebout F 8S A Sculp' / The Holy Family / [Portfolio, Vol. VII, 1812. ] 1641 ISATAH. | Line, ornamental oval. 3.12 « 2.12 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (on panel) Isatah / (under) Tie- bout Sculp / Hark! a glad Voice the lonely Desert cheers; / Prepare the Way! a God, a God, appears! / [N. Y. Mag., Vol. III, 1792. ] 1642 JESUS AND CENTURION. Line, rect. 5.61.13 Ins: (over) Page 6 / (under) C. Tiebout / (two lines) En- graved for M Carey Philad* / 16438 JESUS AND THE CHILDREN OF ZEBEDEE. Stip., rect. 14.6 «'11.8 Ins: C. Tiebout Sc. / Jesus and the Children of Zebedee / (two lines) Published By W™ Smith 702 S. 3% s' Philad* / ; 277 CHECK LIST TIEBOUT 1644 JEZEBEL. 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 Line, rect. | 5.8 xX 7.14 Ins: (over) P xx / (under) C. Tiebout / (three lines) Engraved for M. Carey’s Family Bible. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Line, rect. 5.8 X 7.14 Ins: (over) Engraved for M. Carey Phiad* 1805 — Page 2. / (under) (one line) / Matt. Ch 3 V. 12 / JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN. Line, reet. pts sd foe Ins: (over) Engraved for M. Carey’s Family Bible 1805.—Page 38 (under) Tiebout Sc. / (two lines) Gen. Ch. 45 Ver. 3. / JOSEPHUS RECORDING THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Line, rect., ornamental border. 11.3 X 7.8 Ins: (above) Frontispiece / To the American Edition of May- nard’s / Josephus. / (under) C. Tiebout Sculpt / Josephus re- cording Gc. ' JUDAS ISCARIOT. | Stip., rect. 5.6 X 7.14 Ins: (over) Engraved for M. Carey’s Family Bible 1805. Page 858 / (under) Trebout Sc. / (three lines) KNOX’S ESSAYS (TITLE-PAGE). Line, vign. 3. wD Ins: (above) Essays / Moral And Interary / By / Vicesimus Knox, M. A. / (five lines, below two lines) New-York: / Printed by T. Allen Bookseller and Stationer / No. 12, Queen-Street. / uw Wh! or LAST SUPPER. Stip., rect. 5.7 X' 7.15 Ins: (over) Plate 20—Page 858 / (under) Tiebout Sc* / (two lines) Matt’ Chap. XXVI. V. 20-21 / [Holy Bible. M. Carey. Phila., 1803.] LION & HORSE. Stip., rect. 3.9 & 5.2 Ins: G. Stubs pina'—Tiebout {ct / The Inion & Horse, From Stubs. / [Pub. by S. C. Atkinson for the Casket, 1830.] 278 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 CHECK LIST _ Tmpour MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHARINE. Line, rect., outline. 4.X 5.8 Ins: Pietrode Castona pmax! C. Tiebout F. S. A. Sculp' / Mar- riage of S* Catharine. [Portfolio, Vol. VIII, 1812. | MECHANICAL INVENTION. Line, vign. Method of mending shrouds. 4.X 2.8 Ins: (right upper corner) N. York Mag. / CNS y Mag. Vol. II, 1791. | MEN OF MASSADA. Line, rect., ornamental border. 9.12 < 6.10 Ins: (above) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus. / (ander) Tiebout Sculp’ / The Men of Massada (previous to destroying themselves) / Murdering their Wwes and Children to prevent ther / falling into the hands of the Romans. / MR. MILLBRAY’S LAST VIEW OF THE HAPPY VALE. Line, rect. 3.13 XX 6.3 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (under) H. L. Del—Tiebout 8. / M’ Millbray taking a last View of the Happy Vale. / [N. Y. Mag., Vol. ITI, 1792. ] MOSES. Line, rect., frame orna‘ on base. 9.9: 6:1 Ins: (over) Engraved for the American Edition of Brown’s Family Bible. / (ander) (one line) Exo. Ch. III V 6 / (four lines) C. Tiebout sculp* 1790 / Printed by I. Burger J™™- MOSES BEFORE THE BURNING BUSH. Line; rectangle draped on sides, top and bottom; above a ped- estal. 7.14 X 4.2 Ins: Moses, / before the Henne 4 bush. / Exo. Ch. II. V. 6. / (on pedestal front, four lines) C. Tiebout Sculp* 1790. / NEW YORK, CITY HALL. Line, rect. (S. No. 32238). 14.4 « 20.10 In center, Arms, Supp Cnet by Liberty and Justice, with motto, “Bxcelsior”’ Ins: C. Tiebout Deluneate &é Sculpstt. / A Perspectiwwe View of - the City Hall—in New York taken from Wall Street. / 279 CHECK LIST TIEBOUT 1659 OCTAVIA, PORTIA AND ARRIA. Line, oval, decoration at top and tablet below. 5. xX 3. Ins: (over) N. York Mag. / (on tablet, under oval) Octavia, Portia & Arria / Tiebout 8. / [N. York Mag., 17938, June, Vol. IV.] 1660 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. Line, rect., outline. : 0.3 X 4.1 Ins: Paul Veronese pinx'—C. Tiebout F. 8. A sculp* / Perseus & Andromeda. / [Portfolio, Vol. VII, 1812.] 1661 RENSSELAERVILLE MANUFACTORY. Line, rect. 6.8 X 11.3 Ins :—Tiebout Sculp, 1792 / A View of Rensselaerville Manu- factory / The property of M" James Caldwell, of the City of / : Albany, Merchant, with a distant Prospect of Hudsons River / and the Seat of Stephen Van Rensselaer Esquire. / 1662 REPRESENTATION OF CURBS. Line, rect. 6.6 X 3.10 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (under) Tiebout S. / Representa- tion of Curbs dc. used in Experiments for procuring Wells of Fresh Water. / ; [N. Y. Mag., Vol. III, 1792.] 1663 ST. JOHN. Line, rect. 5.6 X 7.14 Ins: (over) Page 75. / (under) Tiebout / The Evangelist 8. John / Engraved for M. Carey Philadelphia / 1664 ST. JOHN IN PRISON. . Stip., rect. 5.10 X 8. Ins: (over) Plate 17—Page 355 / (under) Tiebout Sc* / (two lines) Luke Chap. VII V 19. / [Holy Bible. M. Carey. Phila., 1803.] 1665 ST. PAUL. | Line, rect. 7.14 & 5.11 Ins: (over) Engraved for Collins Quarto Bible Fourth Edition / Trebout & Maverick 8. / S* Paul. / I. With ‘‘Second Edition’”’ / instead of Fourth, and ‘‘Tiebout Sculp*”’, and after last line: New York Published by Collins Perkins & C° 1807. 280 Se ne ae ee a en ees 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 CHECK LIST TIEBOUT ST. LUKE. Stip., rect. 5.4 XX 7.14 Ins: (over) Page 44 / (under) Tiebout / The Evangelist 8. Luke. / Engraved for M. Carey Philadelphia / ST. MARK. Line, rect. 5.9 X 7.18 Ins: (over) Page 28 / (under) Tiebout / The Evangelist S. Mark. / Engraved for M. Carey Philadelphia. ST. MATTHEW. Line, rect. 5.5 X 7.18 Ins: (over) Page 835 / (under) Tiebout / The Evangelist St. Mathew. / Engraved for M. Carey. Philadelphia. SAMSON KILLING THE LION. Rect., ornamental border on pedestal. 7.14 X 4 Ins: Samson / Killing the Lion / Judges Ch 14. V 3-6 / And he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing an his hand. / Tiebout, Sculpt 1790 / SCIPIO, THE CONTINENCE OF. Line, rect. 4.8 xX 3. Ins: N. York Mag. / (under) Tiebout. / The Continence of Scipio. / [N. York Mag., 1793, July, Vol. IV.] SEE YOU NOT THESE THINGS. Stip., rect. SPY be Geet et Bs Ins: (over) Page 856 / (under) C. Tiebout / (two lines) SV. Matt Ch 24. V 2. / Engraved for M. Carey’s Family Bible / SILVER AND GOLD HAVE I NONE. Line, rect. 5.6 X 8. Ins: (over) Page 98 / (under) C. Tiebout. / (two lines) Acts Ch 3. V 6. / Engraved for M. Carey Philadelphia. STORM, THE. Line, ornamental rect. 6.2 X 3.7 Ins: (above) N. York. Mag. / (under) (on tablet) Storm. / C. Tiebout, Sculp. / [N. Y. Mag., Vol. IJ, 1791.] 281 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 CHECK LIST TIEBOUT STRONG, SELAH, RESIDENCE OF. | Line, oval. 3.0 X'D.11 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (under) Tiebout Sculp. / A View of the Seat of the Hon. Selah Strong Esq’ St George’s Manor. Suffolk County, Long Island. [N. Y. Mag., Vol. III, 1792.] SURGICAL PLATES. 7 Stip. Average, 5 X 3.12 [The Institutes and Practice of Surgery: being outlines of a course of Lectures by William Gibson, M. D. Phila., 1824. ] TAMING OF THE SHREW. Line, rect., border line. 4.9 & 2.14 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. / (under) Tiebout 8S. / Tamug of the Shrew. / | [N. Y. Mag., Vol. III, 1792.] TITLE-PAGE, COLUMBIAN LIBRARY. Line, horizonta oval, orna‘, 2.0 2, Ins: (over) The Columbian Library / containing a / Classical Selection / of / British Literature. / Vol 1. / Milns scrupsit.— — W. Harrison Sc / (within oval) The Well Bred Scholar. / (below) Ttsdale del—cC. Tiebout sculp. / New York. / Pronted & Published by W. Milns No 29 Gold St. 1797. / TRIUMPH OF CHRISTIANITY. Stipple, rect. 13.14 & 11.0 Ins: EH. Tisdale Delin—C. Tiebout Sculp. / Triumph of Chris- tranity. TYRO AND HEROD. Line, rect., frame orna‘. 10. X 6.18 Ins: (over) Engraved / for the / American Edition Pe0T of Maynard’s / Josephus. / (under) Tiebout / Tyro vindicating the Innocence of Herod’s two Sons (ete., two lines) / UNFORTUNATE MISTAKE, THE. Line, rect. 5.2 X B.8 Man reclining on grave, dog at foot of mound, church in back- ground. . Ins: (above) N® 2] Engraved for the New York Magazine Feb 1790 [Vol.1 / (under) Tiebout Sct / The Unfortunate Mistake j [N. Y. Mag., Vol. I, 1790.] 282 CHECK LIST TIEBOUT 1681 UNPROFITABLE SERVANT, THE. Stip., rect. 5.8: 7.12 Ins: (over) Page 857 / (under) Trebout / (two lines) Matt Ch 25 Ver 30. / Engraved for M. Carey’s Family Bible. / 1682 VESUVIUS, MOUNT. Line, rect. 6.9 X 8.12 Ins: (above) Natural History. Plate V. / (under) From an original sketch made in the year 1797. by k. Duppa Esq’ — C. Tiebout Sc. / Mount Vesuvius. / as seen from the Bay of Naples. / 1683 VESUVIUS, CRATER OF. Line, rect. 6.9 X 8.18 Ins: (above) Natural History—Plate IV. / (under) C. Trebout Sct / The Crater Of Mount Vesuvwus. / 1684 CELEBRATED VOYAGES, HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF. Line, rect. 4. 2.12 Historical Account of Celebrated Voyages. By William Mavor. Pub. by Samuel Bradford, Phila., 1802. Contains illustrations by Tiebout of the following plates: Singular instance of the attachment of a Hottentot to his native habits. Captain Rogers attacked by a Seal. The Confiscation of Roggeweins Ships Announced to him on - landing at Batavia. Captain Wattis’s Visit to Oberea, Queen of Otaheite. Patagonians alarmed at the discharge of Musketry. The Inside of a Hippah, in New Zeland. De Gama relating the purport of his voyage to the Zamorin. Death of Capt" Cook at Owhyhee. Mr. Brydone paying a lying-in visit to the Princess of Paterno. Mutinous Conduct of the Bountys Crew. Launch of the Oroolong. M. De Brisson’s Interview with the Emperor of Morocco. The Georgian Lovers. Chinese Jugglers. A Lapland Wizard bargaining for Wind. Turkish Amusements. The Nile Pirate escaping from the Pacha. Northern Indian Conjurers with a Sick Man. The death of Captain Walter Raleigh. A Laadi exhibiting his art in Sonnini’s apartments. Singular instance of Intrepid Philanthropy. Capt® Cook’s Visit to the Chief of Middeburg Island. Ceremony on entering an Abyssinian Church. Humanity of an Indian to his Ass. Bristow alarmed by Tigers. CHECK LIST TILLER 1685 WASHINGTON, PLAN OF CITY OF... Line, vign. 8. X 8.12 Ins: (above) N. York Mag. — / (oval in right corner)—Plan / of the City of / Washington. / — Tiebout. v4 [N. Y. Mag., Vol. III, 1792.] 1686 WISE MEN, THE. Line, rect. 5.6 X 7.10 Ins: (over) Page 836 / (under) Tiebout Se. / (three lines) En- graved for M. Carey’s Family Bible 1804 / ROBERT TILLER 1687 RICHARD BAXTER. Line, rect. 4 tad Ins: Tiller Sc. / Baxter / [The Saints Rest. Phila., 1835. Also engraved title signed, ‘Tiller Se’’.] 1688 LAFAYETTE. Line, rect. Full length (Scheffer type). Bik xX 2.0 Ins: Tiller Sc. / La Fayette / Ne — ya 1689 CARD OF THOS. BIRCH. Line, rect. Landscape, large rock in center, inscribed. 1.12 2.9 Ins: Tho® Birch / Landscape Painter / N° 14 Filbert Street / above Hight / Philad* / Tiller Sr. rm 1690 BUSINESS CARD. Line, vign. Indian with bow and arrow ; dog and beaver. 3 3 Ins: (above) A—B. / Water-Proof / (under) John W. Keirle & Son, / Hat Manufacturers / N° 145 / Baltwmore Street / Baltimore. / Tiller sc. Phil* / C—D / 1691 BUSINESS CARD. Line, vign. 3 xX 5.8 Ins: (on scroll) William Penn / Treaty / 1681 / Ins: (above) John Page / Hat / Manufacture / 40 / Market Street / Philadelphia / (under) Engraved by R. Tiller Jr Philad* / 1692 BUSINESS CARD. Line, vign. (three ploughshares, horse-head erest). 4.8 X 3.12 Ins: Tucker & Howell / Hat / M. anufacturers / 8. W. corner of Green & Market Streets / Trenton, / New Jersey. / R. Tiller J* Sc. Philt / 284 CHECK LIST TISDALE ROBERT TILLER, Jr. 1693 SECOND AND RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Line, rect., border lines. Soi EL Ins: G. Strickland del—R. Tiller J" Sc. / North East Corner of Second & Race Streets, Philadelphia. / HK. TISDALE 1694 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Line, circle in rect. Bust to right (Houdon type). 3.7 x 4.14 Ins: Peter Burtsell / Book Binder / N° — Street / (advertise- ment; four lines) / Tisdale sc. 1695 MASONIC PLATE. Line, oval, suspended from ring. 4.8 X 3.10 Described on title-page as ‘‘A Beautiful Frontispiece of the Regalia, Jewels, and Emblematic Ornaments belonging to Ma- sonary; &¢’’. / Ins: Vide Aude Tace. / 5776 / Tisdale Sculp / [Jachin and Boaz: / Or, An / Authentic Key / To The Door of / Free-Masonary / Ancient And Modern &. 8°, N. Y., 1802.] 1696 FALL OF JERICHO. Line, highly ornamental rect., border. Walls of city falling on inhabitants. Ins: (over) Engraved / for the / American Edition / of / Maynard’s / Josephus / (under) Tisdale Sc / The falling of the Walls of Jericho burmmng the City / and destruction of the In- habitants by the Israelites. 1697 PETER IN PRISON. Line, broad rect. frame, orna‘. 9.9 X 6.6 Ins: Tisdale sc. / An Angel delivering Peter out of Prison (three lines) / 1698 THE PRODIGAL SON. Line, broad rect., frame orna*. 10.2 X 6.9 Ins: Tisdale Sculp. / (two lines) / Published by Burdsall and Menut New York. / 1699 ELKS. Line, vign. Three Elks. 4.x 6. Ins: (over) Elks. / (under) Tisdale Sc. / [Medical Repository. N. Y., 1799.] 285 CHECK LIST TRENCHARD 1700 BURNING OF CRANMER. Line, broad rect., frame orna‘. 8.9 X 6.9 Ins: The manner of Burning / Arch. Bishop Cranmer, at Ox- ford / (one line) E. Tisdale Sc. if CHAS. C. TORREY 1701 ANDREW JACKSON, | Stip., rect., frame. Bust to front, head to left. 15.15 «K 14.2 Ins: Andrew Jackson. / Engraved by Cha* C. Torrey, from an original Picture by R. E. W. Earl, in the possesion of H. M. Rutledge. Esq° / Nashville, Tennessee: Published June 18 1826. KH. C. TRENCHARD 1702 THE PORCELAIN TOWER AT NANKIN. | Line, rect. 4.3 xX 2.8 Ins: E. T. se. / The Porcelain Tower at Nankin. / [The World Displayed. Phila., 1795-6, in 8 vols.] 1703 TRAJAN’S PILLARS, ETC. Line, rect. 4.2 2.8 Ins: E, Trenchard, fc. / Trajans Pillar and. Titus’s / Amphi- theatre at Rome. / [The World Displayed. Vol. 7. Phila., 1795-6, in 8 vols.] 1704 BILL-HEAD. Line, vign. 1.10 * 2.14 America, with liberty cap on pole seated on rock; ship to left, casks, ete. Ins: EL. C. Trenchard Sc. / [The bill-head of John Brooks, Boston, 1802. | JAMES TRENCHARD 1705 CAPE, COAST, CASTLE, ETC. Line, rect. 2.6 X 4.7 Ins: J Trenchard. / A View Of Cape coast Castle. W* part Of the Negro Town. / [The World Displayed. Phila., 17 95-6, in 8 vols. ] 1706 CANAAN, CONNECTICUT. Line, rect. Similar title to 3292, but different view. 3.14 « 7.1 Ins: (over) Columb: Mag: / (under) A View in Canaan, be- tween The Green Woods and Salisbury, Connecticut. ‘4 286 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 CHECK LIST | TUCKER JUSTICE AND PEACE. Line, rect. 5.7 X 3.14 To left temple inscribed, ‘‘Sacred to Liberty Justice and Peace”’. In front Cupid with scroll; two figures. Ins: (six lines) Trenchard sculp. / [Columbian Magazine, Vol. II, 1788.] MT. ETNA. Line, two rects. on one plate, with distant and near view of Mt. Etna. 4. X'6.6—3.15 X 6.6 Ins: (over) Plate CLXXXIV. / Eina. / Fig. 1. / Fig. 2. / (under) J. Trenchard Sculp. / RUBY-CROWNED WREN. Line, rect. 6.3°< 3,12 Ins: Columb. Mag. / (under) I T / The Ruby Crowned Wren of America / [Columbian Mag., Feb. 1787.] STATE HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. Line, rect. 4.10 a 2 Ins: (over) Architecture—Plate A. / (under) T. Underwood / Eastern Portico of the Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens. J. VALLANCE 1723 STATE-HOUSE AT ANNAPOLIS, MD. Line, rect. 3.11 X 6.10 Ins: Vallance Sc. / A Front View of the State-House dc. at Annapolis the Capital of Maryland. / 1724 FORT ERIE, SIEGE AND DEFENCE OF. Line, rect. (S. 3342). 8.4 & 14.4 Ins: Drawn by D. B. Douglass U. 8. Engmeer.—Engrav’d by J. Vallance. / Siege G Defence Of Fort Erie / 1725 BOSTON, N. E. Line, rect., map (S. 3340). 8.12 X 18. Ins: (over) Pate J—Engraved for Washington’s Life / Boston / with its Environs / Eng* by J. Vallance. / (under rect.) Philad* Published by C. P. Wayne 1806. / 1726 CERTIFICATE OF PHILADELPHIA DISPENSARY. Line, vign. 4.3 X 6. Ins: Drawn & Engrav’d by J. Vallance / (Inscribed scroll below and a blank form certificate of six lines) 289 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 CHECK LIST WESTON VALDENUIT UNKNOWN MAN. Aquatint, circular. Bust profile left. Diam. 2 Ins: Drawn by Grinaldi & Engraved by Valdenwit N. York. Feb. 1797. / WILLIAM WAGNER BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Line, circle. Diam. 12 Bust, to right (Martin type), on satin badge. | Ins: Lancaster Beneficial / Association / W Wagner sc York Pa REV. JACOB GOERING. Stipple and line. 39 X'S. Bust, profile to right with hand in breast of coat. Ins: Fisher Pinx.—Wagner sc. York Pa. / Rev’ Jacob Goering / — [Only copy seen was cut close to title and may have had a pub- lication line. | BUSINESS CARD (ENGRAVER). Stipple, rect. 7.18 X 6.5 Oval portraits of Franklin, Washington, ete. Ins: William Wagner / — J’espére d’ avoir Succés / Engr— aver / And Copper-Plate Printer / Portraits, Maps, / Hat Bills / Watch Papers, Cards, Views &c. / Neatly Engraved & Printed / York Pa. / J. G. WARNICKE ISABELLA. Stip., oval, bust head to left. 3.12 <:4; Ins: Warrall del‘ / View of the Presbyterian Meeting House, formerly / standing in Federal Street, Boston. 7, 1792 BOYER, JOHN PETER, PRESIDENT OF HAYTI. Line, rect., with frame. 49x 341 Profile of negro, to left, in uniform. Ins: John Peter Boyer President Of Haytt. / Born at Port au Prince Feb” 2"4 1776. / 1793 BUFFALO, ON LAKE ERIE. Line, rect., border line. 4. 6.14 Ins: A view of the Port of Buffaloe on Lake Erie. ye 1794 BURLINGTON BAY ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Aquatint, rect. 3.10 X 5.14 Ins: (above) From Burlington Bay on Lake Champlain. — [Portfolio, Vol. 6, 1811.] 300 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 UNKNOWN AND UNSIGNED ENGRAVINGS BURTON, REV. ASA. Line and stip., vign. Bust, head to right. 3.12 X 3.2 Ins: 7. Moore dirextt. Boston. / Rev. Asa Burton. D. D. / Pub- lished for the American Quarterly Register. / BUSINESS OR ADVERTISING CARD. Line. 8.2 X 6.8 Chippendale design, suggesting S. 463. Rectangle 3 X 5 at top; two gentlemen fishing on bank of stream. Ins: (in ornamental border) Edward Pole / Fishing-Tackle- Maker / In Market Street near Court-House / Philadelphia / eight lines) / (on scroll at bottom) Carolina Reeds for Reed Makers or Fishing Rods by the thousand or single one. / [The print here described had a signed receipt for fishing- tackle dated 1794 on back. It is probably the work of Henry Dawkins, and is similar in style to S. 463. | CARICATURE. 10.12 & 14.14 Line, rect. Numerous figures with scrolls and legends. Ins: A Caucus held at Albany on Sunday evening April 11™ 1824 by the N. Y. city members. CARVER, JAMES. Line, vign. 4.3 >'3.15 Mr. Carver’s Writing Position, / A—a Peg to keep the right arm im place. B—a Slide to rest the left arm. [A New and Easy Introduction to the Art of Analytical Pen- manship, by James Carver. 4°. Phila., 1809.] © CASKET, THE. (TITLE-PAGH, 1829.) Line, vign. Group of five female figures. 3.8 X' 4.4 Ins: The Casket, / Flowers / Of / Interature Wit & Sentiment / For 1829 / (under vign) Philadelphia. / Published by Sam’ C. Atkinson, N° 112 Chesnut S* / 1800 COLUMBUS, CASTLE OF CHRISTOPHER. Aquatint, rect. 4.4 X 6,2 Ins; View of the ruins of the Castle of Christopher Columbus, wn St Domingo. / [Probably engraved by Drayton. Pub. in Mirror of Taste, 1810. ] 1801 CENTRE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. Line, rect. 4.4 X 6.7 Ins: Centre Square Philad* / [Portfolio for 1812, fronting page 30.] 301 UNKNOWN AND UNSIGNED ENGRAVINGS 1802 CLERMONT SEMINARY, PHILADELPHIA. 1803 1804 1805 1806 Line, rect. 44 74 Ins: Clermont Seminary, near Philadelphia. / [Portfolio for 1810, fronting page 492. | CONGRESSIONAL PUGILISTS. Etching, rect. (caricature). 5.14 X 8.9 Ins: Congresional Pugilists. / He m a trice struck Lyon thrice — / Upon his head, enrag’d sir — / — Who seiz’d the tongs to ease his wrongs, / And Griswold thus engag’d, sir. / — Congress Hall, / — in Philad* Feb. 15. 1798. I State. As described. ; II State. Marginal references: ‘‘1 Jon® Drayton, speaker. 2 Jon* W. Condy, Clerk. 3 Rev. Ashbel Green, Chaplain,’’ serial number ‘‘17’’; and at lower right: ‘‘S. E. Cor. 6% & Chestnut Ste [The pugilists are Mathew Lyon, of Vermont, and Roger Gris- wold, of Connecticut. ] CONSTITUTION AND GUERRIERE. Line, rect. 3.2 X 5.10 Ins: Constitution & Guerriere. if [History of American War. Phila., 1816.] CONSTITUTION AND GUERRIERE. Mezzotint, rect. 15.12 & 238.10 Ins: Freeman excudit—Engraved from Original Drawings fur- nished. by Capt I. Hull. / This representation of the engage- ment between the United States Frigate Constitution, and his Britannic Majesty’s Frigate Guerriere 3 which / ifsued in the Capture and destruction of the Guerriere, on the 19% of August 1812, 1s respectfully dedicated to the President of the United States, by the publishers / — Freeman and Pierie. / Published at Philadelphia & Entered according to Act of Congrefs, the 8t day of March—1813, by Freeman & Pierie of the State of Penn- sylvania. [At left of last line four lines of references. ] DECATUR, STEPHEN, MEMORIAL. Stip., rect. 11.2 « 15.9 An urn with medallion portrait ; background of flame and wil- low; eagle, crossed pistols, etc., on pedestal with wreathed oval containing first seven lines. At left, Death pointing to sixth commandment; man-of-war, woman with babe, and Cupid. At right, Minerva grieving, Cupid inscribing, and tree. Below, moral and military emblems. 302 UNKNOWN AND UNSIGNED ENGRAVINGS Ins: Sacred / to the / Memory / of / Com Steph” Decatur / Late Of The / U S Navy / To the Citizens of the United States this Print 1s most / respectfully Inscribed by their humble Ser- vant Joseph How / 1807 EDMUND. Unknown portrait. 3. X 2.10 Bust, head to right, hair in curls, low collar with bow tie. Line, vign., cut to oval at bottom of portrait. Ins: Edmund / 1808 ELECTION MEDLEY. Line, rect. 7.14 x 14.4 The old Court House on Second Street, Philadelphia, with fig- ures standing on balcony and steps. (This portion of the plate evidently a copy of engraving by Dawkins of the Paxton Expe- dition; §. No. 467—F. No. 335.) Ins: The Election A Medley, Humbly Inscribed to Squire Lnlli- put Professor of Scurridlity. / (under rect.) thirty-four verses in four columns. 1809 ELECTION MEDLEY ? Line, rect. 8.7 &K 14. Court House and figures similar to No. 1808, but the figures in foreground are larger; a winged angel with trumpet, scroll ‘ 1231 Kearny 5 ss bea ee eeu 783 ANGETEON Juin k ee eee 34 Coné. inten eee 316 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST MIR did cl avs gb specs cus Gookerell. .).. 0. -KOGINY -o.cbeecwwasiccds 784 URS siete dai v'yiv'a is «e040 «5 PRE acd @ emo 0) CRUCE Cae ae sien cence 274 eR MMINMS UIVOT (MAD) foc ce ee tees e ee DONG the aia ccinty senile 1533 ETIETIG 40° LULVITR. else nie e's ce wees ess Rictsbats sree BOUDAIA®, Gastar es aoe 1223 OS! Ce ATL Nisa Gale wae a dw pet 1444 EE SUUVIOP oss es bcc civ scese Netison..,..... CHT R aerule stone Wig et sin tin 5 275 Ash Furnace, for lead ....... BOROOLCTOT 6) 4 6 SEOUL ered w cin hslags ones 1518 Ashton, J. (advertisement) ...Dighton....... DET OU airatalavasaie pelaieth im & 1490 RARER EERE Aa) a se es vse bine sel peccece BOUARGONOT CAs cede s oss 1282 Astronomical Chart .......... BUrdeSs isccs ss BN OE TEIG) Uiesh eves a aicighilie tater 1142 FOROS Ss EOE 9 a CTR ewes os 2 Poets rs ia ate oe Wary 836 Audrey and Touchstone ...... ERAGE s oialk's Ge DOU SON PG Nog bis 9 Ka oA ea y's 915 Aurora Village, N. Y......... Thomas ....... EGET rade sade snd eat e-s 1760 Babes in the Wood .......... ieee Oe wlcicics F POO OU 6 ai ale oe o.020's0 1610 Babylon, Great Wall ......... GTOAG ocd cieh ws OT LOUS oot aiviete, aa v6. a's 297 eMC, DOOVe de ote s sss PUTT cs wala’e's..« FV TIGER nas Bate gis Sve a 1754 MIN IMMIE TET Ou cleo eins ste sa sivctsscccves EAGUOUEED oa cicley a ais o 5/8 1611 Baker’s Walls ....:.........+.: PGE site i's wea BLP eee alg ek Seo? aT eee 626 CT I Bowman ...... Goodman g& Piggot .... 522 Balloon, Ascent of .......... Boston Mag. ...Norman. ..ccccevensens 1145 reseent Of Se. 6. cass PERE OMI GOs ase INOTINGM <5. aca e'eaik ss 1146 LS Vl ee We OMGUR Od. << IVOVTMEAN, Sec sc occ cine os 1154 ee Ste Gra Nahas a's wie wisn o6 6 os.bémeeoes DIOGO D Giga Cos 4 u's, < aoe: € 1584 PeeIENOTO, MG. 6 os. ic sce ot BOVE. ais ose 9's IV GOGLED Sei 4. Hsien sive & ws 1094 Bennett ...... RONG G ioe are ed 40 #5, bu 124 Beneficial Soe. EMC rat 5 Sie Alba 6 s\ea © UNMHONEE Hiei oe ce ea 1780 MONE nny won ae we kee se ts VECHONE aia vite was ns 8 ee 1019 Masonic Hall..Small......... Strickland .o.cececsees 1521 Washington Monument. .Warren........ PT COMING Ge Oia nia ahareis & « 501 EE ONS SS een ar EON reals Sis Se nkave veins 1196 Bangs, Nathan ........... 1 « FP OVAMISE ...0.. Paradise ...... (aan acne 1175 POMPE GCM OL ee vy ae bos ee ys peceeees RA oper e CHET CR Ys ite es elaca wk elec s 269 Barnes, Rev. Albert .......... SMM. ccesces SMG wisn ca paw neces 1452 BES GES 0 FIL oe oe waa ante ea tare : 669 Ray) Gt ee ORM ONEE Bie oS Pas e ees 1781 Nhe ee 5 ee se tees cs aseveece SCOes vedven dus ean yt .« 1379-1380 St Norn Pot. ....6-- Meee eons s eae a ONMANEE Socio Ween nos 1782 PORT PICUAIC ) 5c es nec c cece aes Ewe 6 #9 6 DAUOT igen 8 Usistel kage Alas (6 1687 Peea rete PINS TINS: o 0. oe cece cee eens SOU soy « seen sha. a> 1395 PORT OT MOPTINGE PH. 4. ke ee einen fan UNSIONCE! wu dous bua hes 1784 PMCNG, DURG OL: oe veer ede ceedaes FENCOSS iinet ena © os 876 RRM Sal a ww oid) sa u's 0 6 4 «0 TAP SOE a oa 5 oie WEOITEE cis Co ECR Oe ne « 1095 Ben Hafi, relating Travels ..........ceeeeee, OWS re tae wa yun sin 198 INDEX BIBLE PLATES ITM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST ABTOR NS od oy dee Nee he Ok Vues VO Ee ee SCOlES. . ss sis kaa ee 1347 Abner assassinated. ...)5/5% ia melee be aie tie ETGll is |, ee elena eae 667 Abraham and Wot iste cisardas MOT ce 4 bak as LAWSON: ,°:'s eae aes 911 TSABO iS Pau artribars ae anit ern JONES , s\n '« via soietsibea rene 772 Abraham’s Servant Meeting Rebekah | Nii vee Sir aan cnes eet meena vars chp te Hoogland i); ca enews 701 Achar, confessing before being BEOMO Gee ea ae ey etee TCE Ree SUI Cagle eae Tteboub: Viens xe stein 1602 Adad}) Death fof peru r i aaa whee ss eee DOUGH E os) canine ee ene 372 ACTOR ie pa oue eer ane Seymour....... SCyMOUl /.. i) wae eee 1407 Adam BS Bve rl roe ved eek see eek kote Shaqus igs ecko eee 1438 D4 DOUE a ainn be he eee 1603 (Erontispiece) i, wise eel saa Scotes ss 2y:c3 0008 weelere res .. 1833 Ahab, slain in Chariot ............ fs 4 fesce abate ate Doolittle. sss he eee 373 Ahab, in the Vineyard ....... Corbould ...... ANGAELSOM | so dalle ee alten 35 | Ahasuverus: & i Esther s,s os seis dese dee ualaeeae Kelly ace kee (isda le eat 848 Amalekites, defeated by Joshua.............. DOT > 6. sans 5 saan 374 Amnon, Assassination of ..........2+eseceees ANGETSON 0.50555 oe 36 A VNTAMCRAEION | 0'4!aietare cc sa fiel ne grits Hp mak vee TiebOUl: «va seely base 1607 DOCUAT O58. shinee de 375 Westall ....... Tanner: Gf COe ivy cy ce 1566 Antigonus, beheaded at Antioch............ ‘on AUER) ix pee ee pe 26 Aristobulus,, Death of. oi... ak eww acer bled LCR OE oxo es tab eee 1609 Ark, Sending back the ....... GTOAG se0ecs He vo LECH Yo 5's re hiss een ee 855 Artaxerxed, (Time cid. Gee pan cdi ier hs al gree BOWNSON oc gscecacces 1301 ABCONBION, KUNG Cahors: ah oe th ictack tenn Gane HAR. OFS ieee ee 668 Baal, Destruction of the Temple ............. LOMMET sis\ slam ange ieee 1542 Babel, Building ‘Tower of 15.0505) sealers +» Doolitile Tis taa wee 376 Balek and Princess of Moab ..........+ciece Scoles (cn teeta eee 1348 Belshazzar’s Feast .......... WGSE | oti eraeiintas N eagle oii nates 1115 Benhadad Stifled ............ M GbR 5 ox Baier Seymour acs en cee eee 1409 Broad is the: Way, @te.c2 0). a) «anew dae EL OrrisOm oka eee 582 Gain “& ‘Abel vies Oi ones 6 ene ae Wate) sy shale Soles |; liane. bad aed >». 1849 Charon’s Integrity .........4) CRAAG woe nals we Kenly nese eee 849 Cherubims, Vision ‘of the . 39.0 suwee ee as Lollingom:) 35 41% Veet 1312 Carsten ae aN Whittock...... Big outer o's SR ee 455 SColeS ce binin'e alee ne 1350 Humphrys 924 A eee 734 LAaner Cas hse eee 1552 OT ZOO os a o's Cay Cert Bae Gs ede te « Doolittle, 5) satan sere 377 WOLTER Men's cea be ee etm ana tre od Pepe Tiebaut, 55 Aa eee 1612 and (Bartimeus:) {sc vena Bee cen Oy S6YMNOUN ) b-sices be lee 1409 Doolittle: sa ci aieink shone 378 INDEX ITHM ARTIST Christ at Bethesda bearing Cross before the Doctors blessing little children. . ere eee ees oe ee eo ee ee ee ee ve eer eee ere ee ese eo eeeree ve eoeesrere er ee ee eee ee eeeeecee crowned with thorns suffer little children.... UT aC a a nS aie and Lazarus washing feet Seourging of Storm at Sea and his Disciples and the Leper Resurrection of e@eeceve es eo tAIWIVUT «eee eee ee in the Garden Temptation Marriage of Cana of Galilee Infant Saviour Christianity, Triumph of Creation, The Crucifixion, The eeeere eee ohVUVUUUYe oe eevee ese eee ee eee ve oVIWWlUYe«ercreece cece eevee eee ea se ce hAbUWUL scare eeet oe eevee eeee ere seer er ees eee eeee 0 Lh WOUAMIY eee ee oe eeeeoeeoveeeneeeseveee sees ee ee tere Crucifying, Ways of Cyrus consulting Daniel Dagon, Idol falling before Ark of God Daniel’s Vision Daniel in the Lion’s Den eevee eer ee eecee ee ee ee ee @ ceorcereeee ees eevee eee ts eee eeeecvreeee ee eevie eeeoeeeo ee ee eee rt ee ee ceeereevreev ere ee oeeseevreee eevee ese and the Angels David, King coeeveeeeceee ee ee eer ee eee evleeeeeeeee eevee ee evneereeoeeo ee eo @ and Bath-Sheba and Goliath eeeveec cia eVUYI UUW «ee eve David’s Triumph Sepulchre ove eseeeeeee ee ee eevee eee et Gee eee eeeer eevee eceoeeeeee ese ee ENGRAVER CHECK LIST EU OUG: O Oe ac cen w aes 1614 NEROIE A ea ou sure wy Bees 1116 WN GAUQTE SS site ay ea talcs ae 1117 Mavertele ees irieee e 1037 FOGOIUY Rar las ag vate ec ae 788 COLOR SOU gre SG Teh er 1353 TEEN ec eres a ea ae 1173 TN CELE ee heaic eas elas aterk 1133 OGIO a Maa vid weiss elalegs 1767 PULRETG Boas ule wae ens 1712 Fe PUTTER ole al ptislal aa as opel fe 809 DICUDUAIY ek be ke trae ate 1617 TEUOUL A a sec Vics oe eae 1615 TACOOUR, cet cs etn ws ee 1618 LOPE Re toe ahaa 1557 PRESTON ee cre anh 6 egerai ale 1732 MODERN Gg Suck « nielaens 1351 TL OUTIBOT tarda yie ca 581 DEOOOMBT aa tie Saisie ys 0 2 1616 GORE Corte aes ae ee 88 THATriBOR coca mee 583 BOYUG roe Ces we esi ad 203 GUI OTe oo siaiaw attra eet 1174 LOUOBOR os ean yes oh 919 BUCS ti wh een tee 109 TABUOUL” cciele cade Cea at 1678 DOOVTE§ Sane. Caen 379 DOGG + Nie vie ole i oy 380 BOYMOUP or ae dercacaee 1410 TE ROUGE OS Fic, Cocaine vices 879 ROWMSON be Os ceswdaex 1285 DOOUR GL rsa ee char ees 381 WOOdtufy < easie Caep ens 1752 Doovtile io cié soa ce ote’ 383 TIGU OU Dia wanaeeeincd 1621 TACD OUG? tan do es ea 1620 Doolittle (shes aaa nse 386 SCOl6S 222 ase eee: 1360 DOCUATTA aaa Pikac ears 382 FCG oa ay atadia ks’ 5 850 Bootes) (Gree tens ote 1354 DIOOUEC LG Ur ete tie a a 392 BOUNEOW scar cae ono wee 1302 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST DeAtG HOTA Deli ogists Vins tlh Govan haw aap eneits eaeelg Chapin ohn eee ee 241 Dalila b wand sansa iis sg oa: cie mcm emuecciers ier eters Tiebout 2.03. ene eee 1624 Deluge The ico ktalsieetosielt ss POUSSUN «cic sess Boyd... .s'.. Mvealp eer 205 POUSSIN 3 veins Kearny 2 Sen eee 791 Descent: from :the Cross Gop se eclais ese sine ciate 3 Seymour 0 ee ee ae 1412 Patlirer’ 0. "nesisiwtae Sete 1172 EUbens. ic s2s% Boyd i. on ae ate ee eee 206 Hey pty UNG INTO CA oaks clas wieteuela Bieteie & nines © Campbells Wn assis sorte 229 Doolitile ....... ey. 384 BEoyptian Midwives isc. i\nues owe es > ieateiaecatete Ltd OWE. 6s scyeti eae ee 1629 sleazer se Dan rhtery i). sivis ssa sie Wieser asine see DCB OUE sie hae ee mai one 1622 Hlijab vend eoan acc av since aie Liness ael tee Ltedout isin wieteene eee 1630 Translation) of }\ 0... 04". Bloemart...... Hoagland. oust eee 713 Bnd | Watowva On Pic We ee SeymMoar oO. eee .. 1414 mounting to Heaven ...Stothard ...... Seymour > OSS. ae eae ae 1413 PONG Oe WIDE NOE | aos 5 nie oth eka Wegh ysis hang Neagle’ .'\. bau 25 sees 1435 _ POSED GT, UOOM 1 0 %9 foivalisi ws 0 ee ata oie lalel backs’ y wie euaiele Rollinson. 2a wie see 1309. Hvangeliste, The Four |. isi psidieis aie nies aie weitere ANGETSON 3 a uinienwte eee 37 GIGEOR NS, DBACTIRCE 5 ioay ote aiciaie mimela slit oe aan Tiebout sc stow span 1635 Hisil Storm te oy se ou ex nicins bla Giants LLQrTisOn ! wieaea ee e 586 Fara, 12 WALeTMeSA, |i.) ee. bn cca cieivinn se meets Ltevoud - cs elcure anes 1636 and the Angel ........ Swanevelt ..... TEA sie «le aia aie ie a eee 623 Harrisot-s oor aa ae 585 Herod, in search of Treasure..........+.--6. Rollinson” 21.4 o ees 1303 rejects embrace of Son ............0. Tite OU) Sven nie & Sees 1637 SLAVIN MIU TEMER piven, Pia siohiwele ene eect POG! erate eee ee 501 and | Marla mine sik civ stress wn kaveisi neces Liebout te ae Wee eee 1638 Hilkiah and Book of the Law ............... Lieboul 0 ou he ae 1639 Holy; Mamily: oye eee Murillo ....... (Otis D.C eee ee 1169 Guierchuno ....Palmer ....... Mery e 1170 Baphael ....%. Liebout 35.05. yaa ees 1640 HGY | ious ei ene 412 Reynolds ...... Smith tS eee eee 1473 Impotent Man Healed | .../-')s). ateisiniete se ieee Rollinson: 2.00. Ns ohn 1304 Isaad, blessing Jacob: \, . 3. \ sles tsesiniges sees sa Harrison) 0% o na a ees 587 Teaiahy 2)... d(x in lalla’ AAR cot va he Oh GeO ee ta CNT Liebout | cee ae 1641 israel, Children ‘of. 25.ueaeanaiemie eee scale xe SOLES... Schintbiaty eee 1357 Children of (Map of J OULHGY) (als wane BN ih PA Th a a A LEWis' AS aa eee 994 said it is enough ..... Armstrong..... LONGOQCTE “s hiadn vase 1005 Jacob blessing sons of Joseph. .Rembrandt ....Fairman ...........+- 483 Jae) Rilleth isera, | el Sh Werwncte eee sie siete ben Campbell. si see ee 231 J OTICDOL MEANT Loc 5's aha reer iabatmiale cake tale tual aie Lisdale divaslpe latent 1696 Terusalemn- 25s Oe ye pi s/siee tg ieeeete einielsl sin eee Bower Centos ae 195 Crag oe A Haines’, '. Ue 540 ITEM SireeMA OT! Soc ce edie ci cc eee 8's 6 ULE Orie 6 sles ees BREE ae ons e's WONG Coa es cece ENE a a ae and his Disciples ...... Be PANTIAUS ey ek eee eee and Children of Zebedee and Centurion ........ Baptism by John ...... TON Sak ties wie cs sco PC OPOHOld) so. ss ee ess Jews, Massacre of .......... DEEN Ss diidia = sce cs 0s 00 JOD.ciSs« Sy AALS A G At IO TTP AVINUTOSS Sec is ccc. ee John, The Baptist .......... Jonah and the Gourd ........ TG OE See ee SS ae re cast into the pit...... and Pharaoh’s Dream Josephus recording, etc. ..... WOR CAYO 26sec sce Joshua commanding the Sun .. Josiah, King and scribe ..... Jotapata, Siege of .......... MR AOCOTIOU . ce cs ieee es POE ak S572) a Levites receiving treasure ... Lot and Abraham, Parting of Maceabaeus defeats Samarians Manasseh in Chains ......... released ........-- INDEX ARTIST ENGRAVER eae ire ae eee ANAETSONM ..ccees fs EL OITVTEON Oo cues GEA heintatakels serecaid TrE00UE cn caess Ea TaMe atetahe Zeke PICOOU WETS Does Sf EE IS Pie RE Goorecht 6s Cone 6S Pi tet at ata alatalavena"s Peabody .icicss EP Ae iuee late to's teeta COLES OL IRS Os Sie haley sete te "swe" ANGETION ..0cs0 SLT ae Ee PSCOOWE 6 ihe dN Dee? ay enon ee eae HLGLrisON e.ecees Ae ar wee WS COLOR Y ¥ s'eia vie ed es FM iatetclehetghe tal ais’s TVED OWE He 6 03 os KOOTNY? Fo has 68's Corbould ...... ANGETSON .occees Rollinson 2.62. aetesetdi sagt t & o's TreGOUt BN wi ves Marilher ....3- PORES 2. at ged ies «e's CUGIG sin telavahs'aie NAGE RE ya ahs Guerchino ..... OMI ee ein whe Ber ENS ore sha x $i areth CODOUL bed a's 38s Re Dee etol sais ete! e ANGETSON .. cesses MLCUAIA cis ooo ate 3 1 UU eae ie Unies ek ainihls 34 4c POCLLIEM ai. jaca ene ee aie se es a's CORT aise oie ele TR EHOWS se ation os WE GUE Na aes" 6 FLODONE Sie ns Gels, OE SC: oilers seas SNR ay a kha tio Leonardo...... COG Ss ein wince Leonardo...... Neagle . co eceecccvese 1418 Malte aKa a ee ec ks NEU ORE cet ics aes oe OOO OUT thal evaterese lee. alesis LEO OME ors toe cee oe LOGE Ah A tale 8 SE tees ARCO OME. Y ta ie esl ten > oe OOO PP ah ladle Ee oa TEU OUG toa eee ks kOe Van Dyck ....% Je fiat Se eR Rp Ra ip 216 Sh Ai teh Re el a Sh GO HEG A glue ee varaie Gg got Le POO hiatal clits wimeies 1926 CEUY ia wan ease OU OU es G1 sk od a do gees 1419 ECA iM’ 6: aly SAO RCOOUG A pide Fok eae a LOU Bloemart ..... POU TAO a are ofc oceania 1420 erataln ins ih ewieicra PCCUNOO Ea x gra'ethin Save 6.¢et SOOL PLEIN GE Re atch emits Brown, Francis .......------ Morse......- Brownwood Female Institute ..Smilie....... Bryan, Michael ............- PORE sae a ees Bry dae, ©. He... eos ee tees eee ects Buffaloe, Killing a .......... Seymour .... Buffaloe, Port of .......---eeseeeeeceeers Bunker’s Hill, Battle of ...... PORO’ << siere.>'s Bunyan, John .....-...eeeeee ee ceceeecees Burgoyne, Surrender of ...... Morton ..... Burlington Bay, Lake Champlain.........-.- | Pirie, 0b. 26.) 0.6 se ee ee BP ole sinha = and Nanse Tinnock........--.. Monument ...... Strickland... (title-page) ...-.seeeeeeeeeees 331 ENGRAVER CHECK LIST BOwenR swan owe eee 184 BOW Pirie ae sa a araiel 185 BOWORG 2 Be tiie isl sia lakere’s 186 FEA Ce OES ethane a tare s 692 Annin & Smith ........ 72 Annin & Smith.......- 73 BOWE ea ie lg acid Wita ia a 173 BOWER ii ce Lees ee ees 169 FS Oe ian aa no say gegen 174-182 Hoggland: . x x sss so 5% 704 TAGUSOU i reacts na oe witie shes 917 BOUG cs iad alt Wendl visies «0 220 Humphrys ...csveceees 1792 UNSigned ..cecsecseees 1792 EGLO Gas Sisco oe ee bo 1249 PAULA Shih hth aia onste ease es 454 TGP Sante td ae eos 697 INECEL Ue cia tetany sia aks nus ee 1496 DOE els ao ieteis nid ss 973 Kennedy ....--+eeeee. 858 BOW era musisies se 9 eo 192 TRVOOD <0. sceyersecree 1583 TENS for fae ees) es I ae Ce 440 DAIUSON dwar viene et, 944 LONGACTE ,...eceeeeees 997-998 LONGACTE yen cn ses eo 1008 Trenchard ....-seses0% 1704 PEMCNMNO ccvcccoccsces 1189 Rawdon §& Wright ..... 1264 HANES. vec ha cie dees 541 Veager svacceeys jee8o = 1756 Pie re ee ees ee 606 Unsigned ...++++se0e-s 1793 DURES. . cals eps i ee 83 LQvigne ...+.esseeeeee 908 Rowers (oe Ui asmax uae: 194 ANGETSON sveccereseess 57 EULESS iavacg wiht waits erat aha wero 432 Unsigned ....eseeeeees 1794 Pelt otter ene sles ianeys 1197 LOMSOT Shida ay ees 918 REI ER ata sina lena ee «o's 9 yen S€YMOUr «2... cece eeees 1394 aut aoa alk is state > 1517 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Burpon, WReV,\/ASA ossicles o4 bs ogee ae eee Unsigned... 35 pene 1795 BghIFG NS, keke bik ols Gok g cate spe Ee RR EOS aE Strickland 0: Vaan 1523 Business Card (Shaw Directory) ............. Steel... So ae ee 1504 Hamm 3.0. eee 562 Gipini® Oot elas wets ee Hamm |. ee 563 Tueker ¢ Howell) cows. ese Tiller. vas eee 1689 JOUUSW, Keres re) te: Tiller 3 eee eee 1691 Pelix Jonkimaeeeuycuur tc tik Sands v.50, be eee 1316 Chas. Oakford & NDTIS S Sry ta o Aierrh nah ery Steel niger 1506 JOLNNPAVG foe planet tk ces » Diller i. ice es ee ae PE MaVOTICk ob ncet en cen Mawerich iy ae 1033 SO UMaVeriCk int aly ene ee Maverick ..2 55 hae 1067 ol, VX OBROY ie ui nl, ann Cee pane Yeager 25555 eee ene WCW OTIET 5 tenner teceny Bars Wagner. ou eee 1730 Nathaniel B. Hinton .......... Maverick) Vee 1035 Benjamin Randolph ..... hie 5 ane Smither ©/2\ ous eee 1483 Hdwerd ‘Pole. | oe ee eee Unsigned ciate eee 1796 Os, Webb. 00 meri cinias cea Revere, oe ee 1273 Nolen ® Gortis an steele: Harris. ot eee 569 We Ralph” oso anes ee aed Ralph ss saree pele 1253 Williams, Cooper bOliver occa eee ees Horton 325, chee eee 726 Thorburn, & Sono. os i eee Mawerieh So . ee 1057 Thos, Birch. ete ea anaes Tiller) ye ce eee 1690 COD Aue st wine ere nee ee Hamlin. sh oe 553 Bbjah Lewis esas pe eee Everdeli. 2.0 469 William Bakewell ............. Kennedy |) Ucn ae 863 Jamies .Goule- av i. 3, ole ne ee Rollinson ... ....ceccce 1299 Co JS elaerole yi a ase Roe Steel... ove eee 1505 Thomas Ash oo Uiacynet 2 ees ee Mawerick & Durand .... 1061 A, Dickinson joe. cae Ue Lawman |, cick eee 481 ol, Warren Sou Na Laer Rollinson 0a eee 1296 Jacob Schieffelin ............. Mavertek. 24.45 (ene 1036 ROgete, sinc cinta oe Rollinson vo. eis seve ee 1298 Isherwood & Creig ............. Rollinson .........000 1297 Spanish Leather Merchant"). cnipca trace cbse Lepetletier: csu.e eee 990 Andrew, Rankin (\: oon teas Mawertek., iS no. on ee 1034 BYPOO GTO is sin oat ee Phillips ....... Annin & Smith ........ 69 Phillis .i 0... Ellis. .4.00 2 Eee eee 433 Cabinet of Natural History | i (title-page) ei). oS Se Doughty....... Lucker. ae 1718 Cadron ‘Settlement. 20. yg See LAN baw eas Kearny oe eee 785 Caesar, Assassination of ..... LBs PR Re alia Kelly’... ig 846 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Meerer. Death: OF vais es UTE Y Tacs 6.50%, GHIGLEU Toe yc calaares eters 535 OM ligt 0 efera wcdiys ee en % 8 EU so nte wee INGO GUGT tena Ly ane «a tare 1096 DENOW 0.0 ss POO OUEST. einen te Cadets tie's 1613 SURE a ahc wish aisle '<[onic se e+ RMA st e's odio so. BOWRETE on vin a te wis we a ste 126 Stell, CUATICN ok ete cece eens FEUER TI it tame wep oa ts atte x 418 Rs Wg a alves alse ees s SORA beh MEN en PR OOCTUR Sic ahe eats. 3?e's 1746 NI ide ales p< cise otis wo ee ae e's ROO Mette cask Ka ase » 1198 MEMEO OUN Nes cies evra rade velaneee cece DPERCNOTES iis die d4s tee « 1706 Memitia, moat OL War... .. cree eee see eee nees NCO aes sn «cals Neos 6 Canahes, Martyrdom of Mrs. ............-+.- POOR at a alge < ais ai aiela s 1331 OS a a ea Anderson...... ATMIOTEON fo teas cies oa 49 Cape Planter and Lion ...... Bit alk A ae REP AS tote cals Geis oe 497 Coast Castille, cbc. ....... see es ener ceee PP GRCRON Es aie re nen as, <9 1705 EI es cc versa eeseeewes TINSETR OCU ryt os a 9 ce 1797 SUN ge ir eha'h cis ge tin's S85 oo es ees wlan DAUTTNG —ordsivite ks €a cm os 909 Carloman, Death of ......... Singleton...... BOWOG ti Ciao ond es v8 > 200 Oarrier-Maison-Pinard .........ceeeseseccees UENO a alee aide dips to 1480 Carson, Murder of Capt. ..... Charlés....+++- CHOVIECP Ee Sane ecient s+ 5.2 253 RRO lice = a pein hee tes Og TA ChOTLEY Cee he cece asses 298 Carver’s Writing-Book ...........-.eseeeee ONSIGRED occ evecstvens 1798 Casket, The (title-page), 1838 ...........---- i CACHUa Taal e ets as «0's 786 Be al uinie'ns cc5 5 UUStONCE 2350.5 css eos 1799 Catskill Mountain House ..... STAID no ale woes TERR ey tie si eek fe eb 6:5 1455 Winter Scene ........ A ee eee WOOUTUT Cl aids secs ass 1751 1 TTI i ea eee er Doughty. ....+. TUR fac ee nee ves 25 445 AOE ME ALOT ogc tice cove cecvccessessves’s UNS OMEN SOU e's shea 40's 1797 Pavel MOMENT Fou i cc ce ce ccc ce cece ene TOAD oe es = he oes 787 Certificates (engraved blanks and forms) Aesculapiana Soc...Robertson ..... ANGETSON ....0cveeeees 31 Agricultural Soc. .......2.2.--e- TGAUUON 5 cisisw's cnn eee 1254 TAMTABOE Gp yes vive cae e res sve scene en Fgelmann 2... ..ceccees 428-429 Boston Housewrights Raignerd..... FIGHTS, Vn iaca a tw sin «on lnin 566 Catch Club of Phila- Gerpnia ..4.+- ss Barralet ...... S€YMOUL oe ccceecsvees 1398 Cincinnati Society Graham....... Grahaie Wiis s Gels sree eas 528 PPR ALION desc sey cee te ce see's TARKET (ilvclelo das dae 1535 Dispensary of Phila- delphia. .......-. Patlance....... VQUanee cs seen at © 1726 Fire Insurance .........-ceseeeee FENGISS Leena on 4 886 Godwin Agedacesadke CFVR eee 5 i sPucp ie hike am oi 5 276 Cleopatra’s Needle ......... esse ee ereeeecees SEYMOUP 2c cece ceccges 1423 Clermont Seminary .......---. ee eee ceeereces UNGHGNED Sacies siindee e's 1802 Cleveland, Ohio ..........--- Whelpley.....- CSU OU Go ato divx rene ® 1166 Clinton, De Witt ..........-- ATOR ie cs o> s,s sf VR A GR iy ene rena 92 Memorial ...Harrison .....- LSI whdeal suicidal ears 8 * 600 COOTER iaahe soins we a Wright ......+- RED OMe i dey son aren & 68 1592 Wort West Point ....... .cccecencees Unsigned .....+erseee> 1812 Coffin, Robert S. ......- eee cere eee e ee eececs Maverick .....cceeeeee 1063 Colden, Cadwallader ........ Ee ages chau eie ies LOTR ere es Givin te 9 90 6h 93 Columbus, ete. (frontispiece) .....-+-seeeeee PRECHETES falc a6 x50 0 == 9 1574 at San Salvador .......-.+--seeee TRACKOTG .00e seen sesss 1575 Castle, St. Domingo ......--+-+-+- Unsigned ...ceereseess 1800 defeats Indians .........-sseeeees ISCO EG ae sesh hike eke 3's 1379 Landing of .......Chapman...... Danforth ...cceeeceees 327 Barralet ...... Humphrys ...e..eeeees 735 Columbia College ........+..-- PURI ee 46, As PGICRO wig sd hcwiny wie wees 108 BL es ws +> = Harrison ....--: Mawerick ....ceeeeeees 1038 Re Si aiila bes Cela eevee sed Maverick ......eeeee-- 1039 Columbian Anacreontic Soc. .....---se eee eeee Rollinson .....+e+2e2- 1283 Library (title- page) .....--+6- Tisdale... ++. TiC DOU, Coin siste visiitew ess 1677 POM ERe awe rawness ote ws ssc cect erere Prud’hommeé ...++e+++ 1227 Commerce, Wreck of Brig ....Smith......-+- ANGEVSOM co eescerences 54 Commercial Bank Check ........----+eeeeces GROTIES iat nae ee eee 269 Commissariat, N. Y. & N. J. ...------ sees , Maverick ....-+++-- --- 1040 (OMIIAIBPIOTL cs cc ces we te ewe c cece eeses FORNSEON occ scecevesss 766 Condescension of the Monarchs ........---+-- SCYMOUL oo. ee eeeeeeres 1397 Congressional Pugilists ...... (Caricature) ...Unsigned ....++++++++- 1803 Connecticut, Map of ......- se ee cece eee eres Doolittle. oo psle bee nes >: 353 PARRA NE (dia slsvele vis.cia ye we cn aieoe vee se TrenChard .vcecssesees 1706 Magazine .....--seeseeeeeeeees Doouttle ac wav. nates) 350 Connoisseurs, The (caricature) Rowlandson ... Charles svevsicpeaerssie 265 (title-page) ....-s.eseeeree Haines ....eeeereeeees 547 Constantinople ......-..eeesee ence rece eeees FOCEIYNM wevccveceerees 750 INDEX ITHM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Constitution, Frigate ......................, Thackara \. vats saan 1571 and Guerriete: sy ieee more oral: Charles. °\) isis Cee 268 Carnee ....... Smith ..\)< 50 epee 1456-1458 Lanner... cue 1544 Gimbrede ....... Gimbréde’.| eh ae 513 Unsigned. Sy eee 1804-1805 Contemplation (Mrs. Robin- BOT) oie) 1G Sak ee Creme aaa Reynolds ...... Birch 1. eae 156 Contented Captive ........... Corbould ...... Eblig ». ss sy ake ta eee 456 Convent of the Pulley inc ta nine o sm FOG iss sss wae eee 499 Cook, Oaptirsatiarn ta eac magnon foe hen Kelly. 22 Aaa ieee eee Denote pv oD, Gee Hill 5. ieieg aie mnie 672 | WOyvOSOB OC erie cn aae ct le cg ane Rollinson. .ca os eee 1284 . Cooper’s Works, Illus. ....... Darley os Nie Paradise’) ac ceee eae 1181 . Copybook (tiblespage) 2) oni ae ee EBgelman ' caves 430 . Uoriolemns to eee reno ts 7 sai LUMO ns ae Leneys Si ee 970 Comm Sipe is 28 on ay vac week ange a Peasley' ssi ek ee 1185 Cortes Sandoval | o's +. s's5 cee a eee Longaere si), omeuhe oe ee 999 COMACE TRG geet fe eto othe Svenin ss oe Keds |. .304 Je sivas 878 Costumes, Corgicans ........5.0ccceee-00.. Boyd ete 204 WeUISR ie Lin ies Se cle eee Kearny ov ev eee 878 1813 four plates). ee LORY | sewn ea ee 971 Cobtape ti Rach. Oe. lio) Westall. .25 03%, Kearny son kt Ge pee 790 Country Cider Mill .......... Barratet he Tieb out Ou Vas ee 1619 Clerpyman 0 oo West oe Field... 3a eee 491 Court of Dover in Session (eari- : catara)”) Pie eecis. eeu bute Charles ....... Charles. 0 eee 254 Cowper ’s Poems, Illus. ......, Stothard...... \Tonner.... eee «+ 1539 title-page ...Westall........ Goodman §& Piggot .... 527 Cranmer, ‘Bishop 0s) 5 uaa ee Scoles . i403 as poe 1332 burning. hot weet eee ee Lisdale tg ee 1700 Cruikshank, (Geo. ¢.)))acugh a eee Y C096r aie ae 1757 Cromwell; Oliver). cio eee Smirke, sie. S EMS: .\.. glee ee 434 Suppressing Mutiny Smirke........ UNS |. vic dee ee 435 Croton Aqueduct ............ TOMO ays os Hill on oe a ea ee 599 Cumberland Packet, Wreck of ............... LANNE |. ee dhe gee eee 1561 Curious Ceremony at La Ciotat Kirk.......... SCymow) jes aean tees . 1432 Currency, American... 7-40 she eee ene ole Abernethie vu eee 3-4 ; Custis, Gen. We. oo Savage........ Savage, >:, 32.0 2 eee 1320 Damon and Musidora ........ US G ah Vs eas Ht occ teas eee 673 Dance at Vlitea 4... 0.9 ene ee Le oe AL cs sSsany ee 674 Dante ieee or 0) Underwood .:..Lang “7.49, ae 907 Dartmouth College .......... Dunham....... Ail. be 675 Dashiell, Rev, iGeorge, .. sa eene ae. Ltt Hawits | os Ayn eee 419 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Pees CAD, ANG NALIVES ©. ec cc eee ceees SRGWUB oi Ata 6 a celu¥. cla es 1437 Dick (at School) ...... Webster ....... EMAUBON aay wie Riva a: ate tnd - 921 Decatur, Stephen .......... LT, eS Goodman & Piggot .... 523 ETUCKONE © 0's cACUNE 5 ahd aves aon cata 991 CO TE CAE I URStONEE ea tad cb ee de 1806 Dejanira and Nessus ........ NE OTE gastos’ pwn sai e ECO GUE try siete winie nine 1623 - Delaplaine’s Repository, 1815..Birch ......... EORIOR = Sie On asc hs nie 920 VOU 4 vc ya's. as tae 477 Delaware Water Gap ........ Doughty. ...... EGG ishicnte Goniesa ek le yen dea 446 OS i ee eh a ota, bse PURO a.d)e ak DN TMROLG Pretec tats ice ihe bh int LOO. Wemons of Night .......... Ses Ae Tray Pa ARAN okie aia diye ead cee 13 Deogar, Ancient i oa oR SB ie ee er ge PAMOSOM DGS isis news erate ice 914 PME TTGURUOT . cgieg cs c's vb acacssvecsesces WAagGntman .vsicecscdans 1736 MPOIOLERIO, ENO 5). esis cise ose des PROM ET Via cin mites AOL Sol an Ve ehale seek 87 for Boarding School Krimmel ...... Goodman & Piggot .... 525 BRU VELIRIO c is vinlp cs coe cece sewevcces DOLCOMG ean e baie end we 1015 Deairoe, Carl @& Mugenic ... 2.2... cvcccnsess LOIQNEA ie iN dale dees ies ce UUs MAOREEN I ice pila ors yess vs es « Tiebout ....5.. LIOO ORE Vaicts wince o/s.x.a ao" 1625 PUI gr ae 'g wenn AAU Se Se ckcricle s sNa'aa xs 1083 PROPOR 6 Gals & ond oe ays aietcace t EET CES APS ate BORNE cp eesae cease ies 130 ESOC firs cio g < chnie sok Eo se co sie wes bas POCO tata Kiln ihe ae wales x 207 Disabled Soldier and Mistress Kirk.......... SOM ee Taig 54.58, aca sagnie a8 496 Disguise, The «2. ecsesecgeess Chapman ...... Prud’homme .......00- 1235, Ree MCE OWN BLOT 8 oy can eis oc ce nee eenne PTAs ence Conia lad a0 afer age. Glo A ee Sado ke Web at dee ses sé a cles PIU hea cae thse ae 674 Dog, Sagacity of N aoe eadand Dee wib a onlaake Ate SOUT fered wg Wo wate aia ed A 215 Doge Marrying Adriatic ...... RAVE so uraidie Ae DRED OWE cacaa s 0 :4 Faia o ales 1626 Don Quixote, Illus. .......... Stothard ...... DEES datals ck sais sie 5 «0. 1543 Doubtful Shilling, The ....... Bennett ....... IECRGOEL al ciole's a ateig akTy and 131 Domestic Happiness (frontis- cite aiasiain cn ¥ 460i cn eee ese es ees DOO eos on ween wae 351 PU TOM ais cee eae e severe c ee eenes BOUT Sacicais Marie erases 208 Dorsey (book-plate) ......... POF ROUS. 2 ice aid DOTHEY ptucat unre ares . 396 POURRA CT OME is cc es ws ccc ces cece scecens OMIM iain sie ist oe Beenie 1914 MUG WIOTCDEO sions ese ne dens Munson ....... WG Av ieid aad cee ven 1739 nO eet 2 eerie EL COENGS 70 ttn Be edeace 793 PaO IOMATNCOD 6... ce ce vse ene see rece es BITON i oN aaa mes yw 1578 ET NESOOR eee ets eo vcs c sewn seaneeases ENOEKONG: Cee cain saa 1578 HA) aerial aiewe aad s 601 Charles ison oo ater 272 Dress of High Priest .......... enh sahereceieceN FLAS ISOM ola vase sieicia Se 8 584 Drummond, William ......... SANSOM ove sales Birely ov dsawccensann ¢ 155 RMU Stee Giin se 'k sess ds ee oem ecesiseedes Kearny ....... es ee cece 792 EOE isc thao DV CAGLE So y atmrata ata a) eat ere 6% 1098 MUPORIE LIOEG. ci as eves vec secades Peon ss ave cen conan es 1199 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Hoge. 11) ClOUWds 22 Wa Ke Winia (ute ape eeretRn nn ete ane Humphrys) occ ok «sees 733 Ear of Dionysius, Syracuse....Partridge ..... Kearny) oo. i ee eee 794 JGR ri Div LOW Gk is shee cle Pe pan eed te olan nine Ei, Ralph soso Se a0 ete eee 1251 Fast Indies mode of travel .............000-. Unsigned) \ onsen wen ee an 1904 Hdgeworth 6 Novels oS. se wueles bie anes Prud’homme .......... 1915 POGUE sated a lel nel elem bdelkee aI ARTE RENT ee can ee Prud’homme .......... 1807 Bed ward, (ore elias rile all WG ue sees HU 32s pie abe at ete eee .. 629 Edwards, Rev. Jonathan: oo... sslesce ce cbece LONQQCTE: a nleame ie eee 995 EQWwan, Ad Angelina Oni eee week to cit ween Trebout\ $0 a. Gas see 1628 LeOney 2 lis sae Oa ae 972 Egyptian Barber soy vance. wei DEROW. 0 SERS Gridley .\-4 siemens wane 536 LBP os with won ate Denon... en eis Gridley i. 54% oe eee 537 Bilbequiier Cain wise: «teers ot ay Crake See Tiebout.: 23. 5he Op eeees 1613 Blection ‘Medley ei ver ess ax aise comin sie skp ates Unsigned 3 .3ciciieks .« 1808-1809 Electrical Machine .......... deans Pie 2 AAT 03 6 Smather 248%. yes Cae 1485 Elegant Extracts (title-pages), ; Vols GL LV. V, Ves eae eee ee eee Neagle ss. et teretees 1099-1103 WLOVELOT, DOCU) | aie > ss ols weim 2 6 gistee le Wea enters Smither os so eses teams 1479 PPRUUZEDBEI AN aaa ie's bp S Se hier oedema nies pea Bee Sahu BOGS) ak Sw alen cme 1322 Trebout’: hist eaeee 1631 Elsworth, Oliver’............. Trumbull ...... Maverick: ~ 0's. s sae 1025 FEL Wes, SPOR Soi ce kel as ale: sess wise cia at ere em ere Unsigned. 0.34 ee veene 1810 BOLI i Mea etal Wak tesa © were gl atace he wien eeaee etmek eee Tisdale severe cneees ees 1699 Bly, Bara Stee oe oe. se ys Oar nea k tise. Steel. sweet gob pew ee 1492 Firm blemishes th esse ss alk ries Graham ....... GrARDIh ao Wee seis eee 528 Emmett, Robert ............ Perret) ts etaes Kennedy oor aes Peek e: 859 Memorial .......... DBArrales oes vs S€YMOUL ...cee0e ea fete 1426 Emporium, Arts and Science (tithe-page)) ois ee ase ets Fairman, ....6. Kearny 62 2.0.5 ee wens 795 Strickland ..... Kea DVASa aes eee 880 EENCYCLOPOdIA PIMLES, > sein stra ee craine aul e hie eee LQwson 300s 's wie bs 917-936-949 Drayton. o.5 4 an Cee 399 DUT and (25 cao ae ees ~- 404 EGU0US cave ecese nina) ee Plocher ss. ci tad tea anes 1222 ho, hs aqver Ss sn ee 1563 Engagement of Spaniards .........%....-00:. SCOP: s%a inlaid *eiatay pst Re 1380 Hinglish Authors’ :.'. i Giege ote eee ere eee BUG oe Ov icige a Gee 440-441 LONGOCTE aca ene eee POTtTAIUS |, 's.s:0 eters ettaptate rennet atele sin: kia ie Pelton ouisle an eee 1213 DD PVNSR yh ee ee te eee eS eee Hamm wrist ees eae 558 INOS) in bi mw ee OME eT a aes Bs |. dig ban exe eee 442-443 Ship, Barning sola ate emai s careers sues SCYMOUT \W vinnn le teens 1399: Erasmus ........ Natashi hes 4, Holbein ....... Pelton oss Vien alee eee 1200 Erie Canal, Traveling on..... LRMAN dives nee Maverick) .\0. sss sane 1058 INDEX ITEM ARTIST PNGRAVER CHECK LIST Pirie, Port, Defence of .........2..sesceseens VOMONCE SiN ae ys ues 1724 MECN GIMG Eo etnies c'ely s nls.ce sia oe ewe sey DRE OUT eR od inik A hace oh; 1632 TN oc fn ale a3 os $0 oes POURHOT dass slo sais Annin & Smath ovcccces 81 Ey PIII ses 6s len os ccc cece seers B33 ify nC colar Wee yh oat re 419 Esop Fables (frontispiece) ...........0..+0 A) STAT esas ei tag SS Ree koe Media sla c's s wie x) ss <= oles ola we ee es WET U aac sstate “ates shralpea ae wes 1383 TLOOUE ae le oe FUER Lge staid cl cle aiehe a ea 796 Hudson Bay ...... TAVINGSEON 0. 2. LICDOUE) iin ven pear ces 1633 UMMM a Win ct Lin's. a 0 \o (> o> !a's,0 0 2 'e sane es DVCN ONE is 5 ol hacia adais 1708 taal sai pin'y 4 0 cx = «n'a ip 00 ge’ o'e «9 TY TGV OR sie aiitare sina eet es 1741 PVE sia ws 46a 0 sae = = 5 Cummings ..... EL WOOF a wihcs, achive oisre eet Lt Le ings sino e's cc 4 > 0 'o,'0 b'e 9 0 © ss ARGETSOW ovine ss 6 sare Reo Or RRMMEME THAT COT iy 0% + oes WM ETTUL nie ete at PP CUSLEUT Ns. Gd cia Ne wa hi sed om 1186 Experience directing Youth .............---. TURON GT Tc ites as wie h a 922 Expiation, Ceremony of the ............-e.05 TERCASS tyr to rt ds ae ee 877 (NA 2 SPA A ee NVeOe s BLAU ia eS UOISR? tak to's a ak ates 1336 Faithful Shepherd ........... Boston Mag... NOrMan 6 eae ee ce ee’ 1156 Fallen Pillar of the Kirk (cari- ME a oN 2'oia + 6 ome) o's +s Charles oo... es CHOICE Vn ches ecko ee 263 TR OWMOL cic ss tae siee cs tees ones es DV OUI Slee Bites niente 1141 Familiar Lessons, Children’s ........ Cane ae Ralph ...... Cae a ee 1250 a ke a A ee See A I POWERS ne IG ae ante’ los sis 881 Tannerg C60. iis oss o> Fayetteville, Moonlight near ..Shaw.......... PLANE wa ge eh, Ne oe aa 644 Feast after the Ancients (cari- Carey. Poked. 5, LAA RS eaee ee eae CHETIEE rin, cE ane 252 Female (frontispiece) ....... Puselts 6.504% DP AURET Oaks ose Fo gfe ens 1548 Fishing on the Nile .......... ATK pvc eae bs EOGien al eiae te ste 498 Ree rien wisi s COCRIN 6 sis es es Maverick §& Co, .....+6 1062 COCTAM Gk ea se ONStONER wean nneunnnly 1815 Duplessis ...... Durand & CO... cesaeve 406 Duplessis. ..... Pelton. ©. «sista 1202 Houdon 2.665 TONNES cass pee eee 1530 Houdon ......- Tisdale 2.2.00. isalala o's 1694 Houdon ......- P. Mavericle 22... seus <' 1026 Houdon .....+. S. Maverick .....cess0s 1064 Martin cercsoess S. Maverick .....seceee 1065 Martin . cals cass Wagner <.cnais am wae .. 1728 (Title-pages) ....ccccesesececwces Unsigned ...ss00 ery: 1816 (Sealyiie ws se cwc bute mes peer eles apes ANN - 505 ginal bee gee 66 (Rebus) ) pp ace sce aeees sae e cesses Dearborn» s.06ssesese es 338 Frederick, Justice of 0.5... esde sews esas oe Norman 4. ecucunnes Pe Shs and Ellen ........ Krimmel .... oo LAWSON) i vans bs ee 923 Free-Masons Procession ...... Crackfardt..... Johnston ..c0.00% ‘slaceanls 761 — Friendship put to the Test ........--seeeeees Scoles.:\ a: Bal ple wscl sie vate vines 1252 Fyers, Upper Fall ..........eeeeeeecees goes cLLQrriSON chin nerve eepes 574 GATIONS oink siatiies Uiveue. spree OF ONE: 6 6 sis 3 wis Boyd. ni eevee wae 209 Garrison, Wm. Lloyd ........ JOCEYN. Gist J OCELYNM: -, 5 «3's wanna aeee 746 Gems, Engraved .......+2ceeeesceecceereres Soles. . oats paielac a te 1373 Gentlemen with Green Glasses. .Johnston ...... TORNSTON 20's vn oe se 5 om 762 George, Fort, Capture of .......-seeeeeeeeee Mawerich |. .c sions 1068 Onsigned’ .aviae aviauaene 1813 George III, Pitt, Wolfe .......... eve hs oes Hurd 3. .osoisna oh eee 739 IV (Prince of Wales) ........--++-0+ Tiebout oi. 4acae eons 1593 Landing in Scotland..........-.. Bennett ©... aisle ys aee ee 154 Gibson, William ........4.... TMINGN 6 6 yee Durand ..csevecesvene 401 Gill, Moses, Seat of ........eeeee reece ee eres Dr 2k Benes ap afi eN Ee , 665 ed ee INDEX ITHDM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHHCK LIST Gilpin Paper Mill, Brandywine Fox........... LAYDTORI Pe Le cea eral dla 1010 See IOMBG, Alc ccc cca ces Boston Mag. it NOVMOAW voile 4 adn wie bole 1151 A a er rae Be 5 ne eee be Pie PR ee 133 REPUTE CIR sb leis ue ey 0s 0.0 Wal. os a vusce TIM. senie vinidaa's Pale teats 632 ag CS RAEN Scary we s'e « PE Ser aate ays Bet cetacle « 457 RM ilo ss ese cc wa se ees pees AON IN lataty A isntancotere'eca*e 1758 Goering, Rev. Jacob ......... PEGhOr. coe eews © TROUOE Vice wali ieee os 1729 MURA TIUWOP I 29s ica ce tee g nc ece dees FETED andes fate aiaie ¢ koh arn 869 Goletta, Fortress of ......... 0g Toe ee ee Oy erat, haat se wae aisle n ae 408 PR tire iy hehe eso ses 5 OPOAG Shed bes COMmpuUell.<« Win scree vices 230 Gould, John (Advertisement) ............6.. Johnston ...... cee Oe 765 ie eal cy oe t's ce per ee ve wes TEORMRSOILS sone owns Wi doaka 1286 BPR IIOE YT VONG 66 fo cw he cee sc es erees ERE BEO TE Seca rtat a such yle Os 4 tae 1203 ES ge ee POLS OF Giliesa ceip ee twialaaia as ale 1204 Greene, Benj. (book-plate) ............-2.05 TURE Ae shige aera ho nana 740 RPRPORIOMOGTS 6 hai css tees s Pe ee wns Get Hawksworth .......... 592 Grey, Lady, and Children ..... LGWIENCE 6 os sos AMORA taseelacdicte ak oteasibes 436 SRI MNN Eas lu vay aonaw saw. 6 TORAG ao ie eee GLAD se athrce gig eet a ders 833 I Ne aieversins se ess DOD OTR eso OS ATUL AROS idee dais) Selene al 402 Guerriere and Constitution ....Barralet ...... AANA ON Oe kee tae ooo aac 8's 1545 Guesclin, Bertrand de ........ eee 7 Siete aotas SOUTRGUE sine ats csks yh ms 1396 Gulliver, Illus. ........ Mee erin ais cons ¢ NRT as Ut Sa 1059 DING aie nines 5 inte Siaiaieinle 197 Mradiey a Valle 2.25. ...0.500. 1 1 eee Pe FG Smtthe ie canes 633-634 UTM ie ws tvs lee e ew ever wsae PAGO OU die nin wets wet ss 1594 Hamet and Raschid ........ Pelghie Wee eae BOE OA Bro Ne a idaey-n, ore aime nn 1337 Hamilton, Memorial ......... Barralet ....++. PHCUCUE Ne tiae s duets «9 <8 1595 PERI COM: COUEL © .)..0-0 0-0 ws sleees DOWint nn cies Ep OUGL SS hoe Ee arae e 278 Stepnanofl ...%.. Bennett wocccvsscscese 134 Honcock, John ............:. Copley inc cawes HGEIWt Sia tele anr es 698 CURRANOG ES Ca ies 1817 Hannibal Crossing the Alps ...Craig ......... IE ORIEN iia aals stig pee eit 1120 Happiness, Search after (fron- Ae Stothard....... PLORNET Ts cate Gass hn preee 1547 TR PAT sy ccs eee eae ETRE ocis so LAU BOT I oa, laine 4 i a.48ie 925 GS a ae 0) 7 (rs DORE EE a Salle 975 Ute ic cy vis cr cc er sv ee ecencass TA Bie ives asad tive syeee 676 OMEN SEE bos tv waco ca cs ce ces slocicees DEAD ONM ik a sa ale adies 339-340 OS irae ws 36 iainlanes eG ys a wioaine + fs' 552 ECU ate selene a'+ 3 Balik s hvac veg ster 6 95 Strickland .3.4....06.-. 1519 BALIN pattie eis die ae eo a) 1446 SUM M cy e eee te victor diesates WAUGKE Eas oar ais bye ss 1740 Convention (carica- EMR Ge ROR SMe dare e Aids os UNSIQREG) este ane deel es 1818 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER: CHECK LIST Heating’ and: Ventilation: 2). 2\ie:d aiersiere oie -puarets AMR oi tyeen eee 21 Hell) Gate Shree ye ev neaiees SRD oles'es 63 Hill. 05 Sache ae 648 Henlopen Light-House® 60s. 26 Peas arondewns Unsigned. | ..«i6 aedanae 1820 Henry, Alexander v6. 0:0) i300 cin by Ua celthee bible bplelexndy Mavericls' 2. cneewenneee 1027 Ty Chearleton (sje acetate wl veibdedouarebete vies Unsigned....... Vissidcunaaies 1486 and. ANNO i505 Re shi ace als ANGETSON o.0-0.00:6 Tiebout\vn.cau Catone eee 1596 Her Sense had Fled ......... WAKO Mag ise. Soles |. sce wee ee aes 1338 Hero and Leander ........... Piedale.s) icsccietes LONnOY >. sin Dae ean 976 Herschell’s Telescope ........cccecncccccves SRANUG % s asian eee ee 1440 Hervey,: James soit teil a's abil nin otw le wn ecenebaireetorecontl EUAS | 6. «swan commen ee - 437 JONES) uvat'ndas sade se 768 Hesitation... ovis svailes suse PATTI oot wi saver ove Kearny > ssevsnnwanaae 798 Hewlett, as Richard III ...... PUOPEBOT, \sisise sta nis Scolés i<.Ciiveaeua eke 1323 Hicks, Mliag) 53 iis picdb ene Ve He INMAN,. «0:6; 0/0 00 KeCWay. \s'5 ca vawanene 776 Hiram and Solomon ......... Eckhout ......+. Neagle. ;. ctienaneceneee 1121 Hobart, john; Ho. Jee. sso e8 PF CRD CTE inahocs een, 9 Main’)... ss meee ne eee 1012 Hogan, Rev. Wi. 5.0506. «> POG ja: ictins oo LL OLTIGON | scene seam Wate 570 Holman, Hld,: Ji Wai seein ss Holman... 000. FOWMES sis atin boo cada 769 Holophernes, Death of ....... Rubens ........ Hoogland, aac saneces 705 Holy Alliance, The (caricature)..........-.+.- Akin 0c. Wav skgae tana 11 Holies ‘of Holies tics cccnds ses v ses ose alee wes ENCO8S. Coy: she tienes ware 883 Holy Resignation ........... Coregio «1... Chorley 302 Holyoke, Ow. oder e a oe vere 0 om wwe ch mecoreapoinersiane Pelhatt, 55 ton ea eee eae 1195 MOTI FF oleae dink ove te wind a tdnaeiecalgcoetnraye TLRPOG 0a aca nics ania 1585 Homer (Bust), title-page ........cceeenccens PUCK?) 5 5 \nb sone 1714 Horned) Viper vad tig tty cel its smiebe a tetanermeeielatanaye Norman... 5 sao > saddente 1158 Horsemanship, Lessons in ....Bunbury ...... Charles <0 sissies wehe eres 270 FOTSER | SS Ie) AEG ok lipk ti tie pth oe op ait hap eae ae Tanner. oii. Nees eee ee 1550 Houston, Genl. Saml. ........ FY RGCTET oie sp eisie Paradise; \i5 sso eee 1176 Wheeler veicn- Unsigned: Vannes dati ante 1822 Howitt, Mary and William ............-e+0-- Sb CCL... sinqiu, alpiiety oiaenmainae 1493 Huaheine, View of .....ssccccecccencnenne ne Hilb. |: sid et ee eee 696 Hudsga ss cid ee es Wes kee FY GE veahiciien. soaade Fal! .caisteoe sabe eee 635 View near ....ubeess Wet aha as AU, | os pinlewine eee teen 636 River (Map) 6.62. cs cecwsimemonmesniss SONNE 25. enon cenene 763 from West Point ....Catln ......... Hill. an Gel arene 603 near Fishkill ...... hegeptep i 2 EE Rawdon, Clark ........ 1256 Unsigned) ata4s aug bate 1823 Humanity, or Death of Prince of Braunswick: 2 isis 6 eicdlds tolled ss oes see's tlt ian ele eee 678 Humphreys Dei. is.5 4a'n ooo eth ee the relat sane chain wer Unsigned. uss = 5 aus 1824 Hunter,’ James (0. is 2% = wine biaa e Pie = ¥ > 8 = len TORNStON. wae ccasseneee T06 Fdler, The (Tugs) 6 s.c cc oc edit die tee le tae rei ms mins nie TONER! vcicaun qaesaeeees TL | Haines 5:02 sac ean 546 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST DR MIRTEM OW wesc cn cece cess ele aicsaieee cue FLOUTABOM dis haa ieie BS Be 571 Oe ee cee igs os ee ele Se asec ees ANALG SON 5 erat a3 wicinty baie = 41 Implements of Worship .........00e.eeeeees ANGETROW io gr eianto ss 38 India, Burning a Widow im ...............-. CROTLAY Io tslaicbat ataturane stetet 301 TMGiast ANCIGUities-. 2... we ce eee eee 2+ -ANAETSON 2... eee eeenee 39 MTP OUL So Wie vids Wass Siew cie'elel ale! ohare! aie ore OMEIOR IDK Sire wily aiwtieae mole 323-324 PE yeaa aha te 6. < o's POMS Licdatiiviee's VOW Si narod te aims tenes LURE BU ce slate yeis vals! aiehWalaier vets CRM ERS 35) fi aia a math onn bie 1766 War Dance ..... SeCyMour ... 00 ak CEN SAC QM eee bo Deca ead te 279 MENS ein teig) a 'a's a'e ea oe - Seymour .....+. EERE abe eens saved oo fl ol he 604 PROTUTHNES: ek ct eee Seymour .....+. He Rae het ae demise « 605 Me Pee Gg ayo oi ce, 5 ares wlan wal whole w eiet sists PEAT COGE? 1a 'n aiog, Ss wie sad Sok 890 Indostan Letters (title-page)............+-6. ROWMSON > con acvne te wes 1287 (frontispiece)... ......26-6- ROUNSON oe cee eee oe oe 1288 PUR WIOW, TNO 6 cio eee lew cwe rece eens DV OPIN, Py ain a's folie ovals eee 1152 Invasion, Thoughts om ......... se eeee enone PNET LER) (sw Noi a! eavl, were wes 260 Invention, Mechanical ............. sees eeees PGR brik Lig Oks ew k we ke 1653 NM MIE FUE bie ccs 0 eo oe wher arete eles aioe WOPTACKE «caddie iwsinaes 1731 Mec Od Procida: 2... 6. ee ccc rein es ewees PEOUTTAR | cote etdieparstn er eae 3 799 Italian Boulevard ........... PAO IM OSCE RIL CULY odelds gldweids iesies 839 Thaly, View Of . 2... sc cc cece ee ce cree cece wees Bat pb sisisiha se bs ves elawie 1248 RAINE 05 6005 ose dec nee eee e cee eeeses FE ORO De ciel Nigh steed aes ue a 550 Ivanhoe (Scotti Illus.) ....... Weestall, 0.60060: TROY Fasc crite jel alaveia 800 (title-page) ......... Wet Glo cc nce we Annin & Smith .......- ek Jackson, Andrew ..)......+..-. PORES a. it ons (ES SEE 420 LONGACTe ences PARES (SL den 97 ee A Oo Bey 96 EESOOUT A, Oa . ss eva eee 747 Lace Cap, The syc% saw eee OUY Ay cee a pe Dodson: .5% enmeenenaens 345 Ladies Mag., 1792 (frontispiece) ...........++. Thackara & Vallance ... 1579 Lady and Merlin’ 3.200205 Newton. sss. es LONGaCre: 5 sss 4 ska « 1001 TiFayeute VG vse ekeaie See rae SORCT CR aisic wie» Campbell. vienke wane 227 Scheffer sis. ss» Litler asa eee 1688, BOREPOT a sis s s'e:0 Throop ,.. Asean pee 1589: Bowen & Hoogland .... 161 Unsigned... ..seaoeee 1831 Landing of \.40') ees sens Bollingon }seaen Calne 1289 Triumphal Arch of segs aos on hs oie a Belawmé sinc Vewew vine 123 Liaagrange, * al OBL .tpisis cic bicee bay ee eee mls Paradise” vi Scans baeee 1177 La, Grange Bleneats. 06 //l5. ie eee sie ee woe een Mavertoh ..3)\'s vb see ete 1071 Lake: Seane s)s 4 hid vs cee Doughty ....... EUS) ss sls Kine eae 447 Lancaster, Pa., Lutheran Church ............. Clarit >, (sy sinivls okie 304 St. Mary’s Churchyy.....s see Clark... ies xa 305 Washington Hotel ........./5... Clarks... 3s sas «epee eee 306 INDEX ITHM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST UMMM Rigas tise sacs ci seve seessecessecce Ve CAGOT Nita setaiediare 6. 1759 SRI gee arising sk ices ce ssacce ts cw ceca To CORR OY ie circ as aie 803 Langhans, Tomb of Madame ................ AV GYINOAME: alge aw aha leatel als 1150 Dapland Traveling ...........-sceeseseesens PROD CRS athe thence tiers eros 1386 Laurel Sprigs (Naval Ports). .Strickland ..... StTtCKland 0. ce cee wns 1522 Teawrence Memorial .......0. 6 cc cece eer e ees TOU C TS) sie ola discs, © 8cle lake 162 Os Ee Waren tid of 2 5 xe TURD is Seow s ae ain ttl BR Sn & 680 Ey Ta Giclsle pcs ecg cw aed tes sene ves oe PIOIOTEP OIG: shea. so «duties. tue 352 Lebeid, Arabian Poet ........ WOT aed sig. Sal = os BONOU GG AG eeid a she eho a + 8 965 Le Bon Genre (caricature) cece. UIRIUIGST Sv atedinie melo sate & 6 246 PRO OMTIGS eg oc et re ve cicc ese sds seecduves PRGGNOE enc 3 steals 1832 UE Sree, Nelle sls gained sc vd vase ac LOUOUOTE cnn i siston' 00.8 1007 Lehigh Water Gap ......-ce ee eccreerccccece TUBIGNODS oa.o% < eeine aes 1833 Lendemond, Interview ....... Singleton ...... CERIN a els as xm heres 504 Letters of Junius ........... a cic tib5t ean PEIN aio. 5 cate ote wala 6 1190 ES Sai eee ieee CASON spies tniees wie as 1834 Lexington, Battle of ......... BOMET ER Gy 20 5 8 a3 BORORT Es Sas citinene c= 84 (frontispiece) ...........-.. VOTH oe LG ess ase 1162 Liberty, Justice and Peace .........-+.+s008- DY CHEROIO ios Wak oa oe 1707 Deore tne OChrigiian -.......... Ph ha ae tk aa TOT ae wale ooh dials 4 1224 (title-page) ...2....ceeees POUGION I nese vies’ a «5 1281 Lighthouse at Havre ........ Mitts de ee xs IDEANOR at ey aiaiki se as 2 6 aoe 135 Pare tPeMIODEN eis c hos oe ees RM GREE TT ons eis: am ed 820 TO OT an ete ce cer ere ees ese aes POMBE ear tht als 9 toes sts als 1453 BOW ANG TOTO wee eee eo es BURRS oc ve ewe Tier Oban oad ons sla aac 1651 Little girl, youth, old man .......6.+..05-05- CHGS 5 sida cae iw set oes 294 EO ae sc ec ce se Bes scnteeras WOVOGA Sin cis adele ees 1321 OER She. yw's spins Seted acess ida eats fr TL Nae re alae We ree Re 1246 Livingston, Rev. John H. ........-+eseeeeees EF RBIG NOG 5 oli ai shd a dies nies 1835 Lockport Erie Canal ...... OOM gs ihc ow bs BGM OF os sis gee oe eee 1076 TOGUB, APTICA 2... ce ete eet c ec evene EO CT eR ere 1836 PI OWN 5 ob cs oc oe cc wa tie ce esc eeees WROLESS Ss. Sea's p oo 09 aimcermials 1339 eae ivcwiae vices ceeee Shepherd ...... B77; | CSP Rae Me ey eer 1105 Long-tailed Scarlet Lory ...........++.-. baci UN OP INO xg ele acniace p elee Fe 1163 Long’s Expedition (Map)....Long...... Pe Le OMT Ce COE ee Gaal 1772 Louis VII, Repulsing pe rasena hee aoe COUGAR ached brite Gamers 506 eV Ay PERGCUUION . oo gs ie eee eee ARECTRON: ayaa stale nee = 61 meyer. cumbing Mat ...0.. 6c. cee ees Charles .6<<0s cake i eee 249 RAYON eu a e's sek ocd cee eccescceescs UNSIGhEG g.00 ow ad ees 1837 Tpuwiatia (Map) ............ Dawkins ...... DAWIARE eon cea ele onan 330 PNEOEI ee ee ect cmeeemene Sade aaatie rela pie a sie a 610 Lottery Advertisement ....... BROW Us sice s&s SE DN COOLO acs a attend dig voles 1106 RAW oa e ce ha KCI: 5 tne Gaekae aes 805 HMI, Gis wns laine eck 561 BGADS. Sitwis ostas FLUNONTYS 6 inieia 2:9 4 ck 2 736 Benjamin Tyler’s .......+ssseseeees SL ONBST 7 nw sie ita ste hs 1508 INDEX ITBM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Love Asloepy ose cise eee waw.e bus Newton ....0. FOS Co 4 es ee 458 Lugo, Town and Lake ....... COME se mene Chapin scrape 239 Daaibe, They ayy eS SA eae a aia ale Bonington ..... Pelton . 00% 3 eeemeelet 1215 Eater, Carb ar aey e a Clu et alae NEC Lraeay Unstgned vs seee ema 1838 ‘before Diet of Worms Ramberg ...... Maweriell i. ciee sem unie 1042 Luzerne, Little Falls ...... de WET ATE AE vi vise nicl wuete FUL ook wensees meine es LAGoa Lynnhaverm, Bay. viele ne us san TU ces a raise ath ein eigen 646 Liysivwates, Monument as 8 4 ntieicaia te, ok obese nileta\ shane SEE a8. eee eee 1502 Machine for saving life at fires .............. ALON: 9 'o\g cies um tetohetaas 10 PODNOVIN EFA PUM jittery sieya ese; ein aieiniene DOOWUTE , as waste ive wie 361 IMO TROT YI iS sis ta se OG ao ine talokekebe wi egsveih aisle weuerebe Ne eM TS Ce Macpherson | Ble Al cas tori ie tiok siege sisieiade einen Lawson ...... releis i wale 926 TRAD AOAVE OU) ye ccs tvialieie elie Lawson ...... i. lhe eines 927 Madison, WFames he. Su/aeteeminatai woietn eae ie! « URS1 ONG seca eee . 1839 MS CULLTD sab ale lpieiake BO CH 06 ova a's e chetne ood sy Cae Madisonville ...... ale pane lee Orla she ane Strickland .viiivne ge see 1525 Magazin. Mountain (6 os osisie's dia Sus le vepie elcbade ee KCOny §.\.55 se See 806 Maldivians, Dine oo. .:d.g avis tetareate Mists ouais ioser ea seae Scot |. sven ititedl oon Paw 1385 WArOLIG Hi crccistersic wisi aor giahews beteial ave latpud La etanieia tn vie KCATMY cichies'ceiee oben 807 Mamelukes, Arms of the ..... DENN: cise aise Gridley ds iss ewe eee 534 Manides ping trom clin } i) aieisis wesc nities oe telbleei SCOlES Staal ewe eae 1366 and Boy leading horses...Shaw..... a He: HWmpnrys . cicenae'e seed 731 Mapes. Raritan, Biver, ete.) \v\.tes 6 amas a earmettiace SCYMNOUM «cinta s wise whee 1400 (northern (America). .'chs5/>sivteiaeinieds eee ind Hooker: sisiata aes ee 714 (POL vhuryer 9 ROS eMart SUNG S Mba GETS Be 3 Reed... cain Ge ag 1268 Mareel. Btemien Sic belles mbes Bis ne vaan eames ELOUMMNSON ihe nis Wieland 1290 Maria Maddalena, S. ........ DOE... sie ob ov MQW 5s Avon ee 1013 OF: Mantnlimesh aco.) aicie eit anaeiaie tale inais jo ow LL GAL. «50 ig la pu tlar mr tae ee 681 Marea 2) S CN a enn. eee Riaiet ge Minis oanoeneie SCOlES 0's.) 5 ease ees 1361 Marlborough Mill, Md. ...... Von Bion ...... Hill: oi eee - 614 Martin, ‘Tarther 2). Wea oa a ene tte ae Onsigned:: 2. ae 1838 Marty, | Eiscgeaies ais kat eae eee ie ste ate Pelton. Gee Saal oe hee 1207 Mary Magdalene ............ WO MEEIEN eee id As ie si SCYMOUL. wis 'ah Cig pee ome 1417 Queen of Scots. 3.0.05 ZLucchera....... Annin & Smtth sssics wes 71 BYONUEY oe Na eso EWS: Re tniie eeke eee 438 SCOlES sacs Heed eee 1326 Maryland and Delaware (Maps).............. Martin (ino id eedieecw ase 1016 and Penna: (Mapa ise cu ek. story SMthEYr 35:2 sins 4a Re 1476 Masenie shone heres ibe ea 6 eee HOURETH Sted ae Gridley sol. ie eae 538 Reralias ebaes Semen Ss ae Tisdale .4)\ Vy Gea ee BOMTIBPIECS |. 1) i Seeley ok aha SeyMowl VG din wien eae 1401 COPE T TG BGG | 6b shel tne Mla oes a oe fu Gos aca a als ROWINSON a). 5 ses cae oe 1291-1293 Abernethie..... A DEY NECENE ) ie ha Ol hp woe 1 Robinson is Sah sah eee 1276 OT ats — el INDEX ITHM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Masonic Certificate .........cs ecco e cere ecees DOQuihleis cap uies wai 2 356-358 Chevalier ...... OY 9) ae ES 1043 Past Master’s Jewel (frontispiece) .....-.seeeee neces EC MGUS8 ER, 2548.5 5 Seed 896 UAE's ht caw ainy oes ees wee br DOOULEIE Biles oho wa veils 359 Free-Mason’s Mag- EIDE eins wo ose Sve Fairman.....-+. BOM as wie eww 8 80 60 478 PUNIAR AEECUIES Gy Ava:s wc wales bow evs svt oe 96 DAES ee salnsainaans toners’ 331-334 RIL iain im! uae wt + #18 op ele" ADOGTNEtRAE 0. hav yien ss 2 Massachusetts Magazine (title- PO) 1702, gcc ct stent ewe cnet ees NS E11 Meena ae) ees eB ge EPS a 682 URC ee tay Sap seine ncue veeeraccccaus PUL ON Ns v0.08 91 Bieta 1205 Maternal Affection .........eceeererrecrcces DOPING Ags pisin's + ein Ree 3 1153 TD OROUS aes iaicow inn ese e 977 Mathematical Theorem ...........-eeeeeeeee UNStONED S65 sees ascent 1840 Mauch Chunk ...........-+.-. Underwood ....Steel .....eeeeceeceees 1498 Mayhew, Jonathan ...........--- yee ieatgs ROVEve , 326 as hw cular a 1271 MeBear Creek, Georgia....... ET a Hwumphry8 .....202005+ 737 McChord, Rev. Jas. cee cee reece ceees Sturdevant 1529 McCrea, Death of Miss Jane. .Smirke ........ PATA acc Ri iely wie 0. aia 67 BRA na. win nes 1487 Vela 1S ae are 136 McHenry, Bombardment of Fort...........--- GED OUR a chee R dnc fo,'9 ts 1597 McKean, Thomas ........-++--eeeeeeecceces SCE ES Se a ES ae ore 872 McLean, Neil .:.........---- OAS free Forex oes DUC lang cia} died at 2 8 966 Mecea, Temple at ........-.- eee ere eect reece SOG esse is oh oink nts my 0% 1387 Medical College, S. C. 2... . eee eee rece cence ROOD each cals ee vole we 1745 Medicis, Catherine of ........ Singleton ...... OWES We Soteliycie in te ph retoum or 0c 201 I OURUATIOD, fi win mene nce eee Pradele:.. «<0 TE CEES Sahota ayo 459 Medley and Groom .......... TGC O CS Sealy 2 9:8 Childs & Tucker ....... 280 Memnon, Temple and Statue of...........+.- LOAawsO oe a eae = 928 Meuse, Map of .........e eee e cece cece ccees ROU oe nips nes eyes eet 1242 I SPPOUONT oo oss se ee evn IPURG Cue. ss pases PAGE ats ae es aie abeereiar 613 Middleton, Sir Henry’s Escape.........-++--- SRGUMS NE as sora inolieca te eden 1435 Midsummer Night’s Dream .........++++-e5- TGONOY os pp is Paryctni Srv oe 978 Military Tactics ......... 2. cece seen cece eces VATION, “is Wala waist dele note we 25 Mill) Hemp .............+.. TOGO. ois'n's «site's ROUGTG vine sod eee 1272 Millbray, Mr.,and Happy Vale H.L........... PLEDOBE coir chs anes 1655 Miller, Fort ...... astn tem thas GH ogi ae a's) « FEST ape erat eee ae 630 Milton, John ............--- Faithorne...... Pell ONG n a a Ae x ast hin wy 3 1208 Sattler re Ci ees alge wee 1466 (dictating Para- dise Lost)....Barralet ....... TGA eh aris ke ean ope eos hs 421 Milwaukie, The ............- Meh oa 5 5 wy ss PROWHOLEIR I Ane a one a dere is 137 Mineralogy .....ceee cece cece ceeee ee eecees LL OAREORE A aie Ses We otek 930 INDEX ITHM ARTIST PNGRAVER CHECK LIS? Minerva, Columbus, ete... Lh pata eae ee Unsigned... 5. eee 1841 Miniature of the World in the TOCHMentury: ose y clon bee A Barber... 0..:. Barber oy on es ae 116 E Wiinisimke NT vo Jere nicer Rime eR RTP oe bata Scoles .., .): AV eee 1363 a Minstrel, ‘The Vso. san Geen Leslie...... sey US oe ose Piya. 8S, Minstrels at Vaux Hall ...... PUTNEY Oo eg Sh ENEGSS iss Nae he 893 Mirena Sergi: oe Pe) eee ae heeee PUY Cen walaieee Vs Dodson .\. . ee eae 346 Mirror, The: ss usta eee ree Reema oes ook Haines ~..,'sa ys cae 549 Mississippi, Maiden’s Rock ..Seymour....... Ail os econ ee eee 612 Missolonghi, Fall of ........ Tisdale ...... [- + BALCH >. sid), wie ne 110 Missouri Antelope. hol sega, is eae en ee Cutler. sic Sees hogureh slice wel ane Mnemonika o) 07 i005 dee te es DES isin ne Fairman.. .. 4 esamuee 484 Molibe: Vi. F Ae ciae an eis hci DOGG he ee Bennett. v0.0 eee 138 Monkey se 22 Saag FU OS: PDS hp hehe Nn Norman: .vncea aoe ~ 1159 Monroe, James o.oo. 8) 68 SPUATE scsi anys Baleh oc ana eee 99 Unsigned... a ee 1843 Montague “(Sheep Dog): 2.05 a3 noi woes ANGENSOM ohn ewe nd eR 62 : Montezuma P0325 ee fet patent ie a LAWSON. aie nce 929 Montfort, Jane, Countess 1D GUESIE EDS Re hy AN Allardice....03.40% wate 23 Montgomery: OTE Eo vhs eae e PRI orth ne 1 ALU, 08 6 aoe er 631 Montgomery; SaAmes G5. ss dc cbkere eaten Scoles... Acoainy iano 1327 Richard, Monument ............ Unsigned 4ivcse basen 1844 Montmorenci, Falls of ....... Wadsworth..... Jocelyn G4 in eee 751 Montreal (View) ........... SPTOUE insets LOney a ovo nats ae 979-984 Moonlightine naiodety 4 u cies ae AIRE ORL... ouistab en Ellis (ou. De iia 448 Moore: Gir conn cole mush bo onetime Unsigned... 222.25 cee 1845 Morgan, Wey... tne. a. Pts viclkt Beate BAGH (ove Ce ine 100 at Wort Niagara oso... sctees JACKSON. 0.0 sas eee 743 Moroced os.) cde Gea a ee eee ere Urdig «acne ee Chorley. (seek en ae 299 Morris; Richard spa 101k oe ire ue eae Le Met oj. adeaeeee 955 Thomas, Gant, 323 (0. sear eigen Unsigned .i:.iuseaenes 1846 Morristown, View of Road to ............... Unsigned... 0 ase eee 1847 Morae, TFS CO, .io a i ne An eae Pelton: (5 a Beane 1209 Moscow, Burning of ...... ly FSi wied dotatoutes Gals heals Johnston os. sue 759 Mother, The .3 i. ya ee LOWTONCE oc. Eilts 30a sitet 436 Bd MORU A is cio seu ae BUChe ete ol cise occ Osborn... ccva ees eee 1167 Motte, Rebecca si oy sai en a Unsigned \...% vse 1848 Moul Geisial G8: snc 22 cole ee +s felt! sta tots fetebe Aliya co:ne Tanner & C0. cine eee 1564 Moultrie, SW 0 oie sous ae eR kee Unsigned. ssce us a ae 1849 Andergon iad ee 30 Mount St. Mary’s Seminary ................ Neagle: . ec iae ae 1107 Mouthful of Bread (caricature).............. Charles... .425 teem baeen 255 Moveable Lodges ............ MDE eas 0,5 YOUNY. \ 0S Sin Seta aie 1971 Minste item cour itis Ne) hal be i UR reebal Ey ise vibrant Sanford (iia Pare gris 1319 Bales OGL tiie Vs sees coke ee alee ie JORNStON .accecccccace 767 ITHM ARTIST PNGRAVER CHHCK LIST Music, Rudiments of .......-. +e ee cece eens HODIANS secede scan 42 720 Musical Sodality .........0cccesscccececcere Tamla Ws bev Pans edie sles’ 554 My Father, Illus. to Poems .......-.-.+eeeees CROAVIGR Se wa wile agin teenie «3 271 Nankin, The Porcelain Tower of...........+-- Trencnard ...svwvseces 1702 Napoleon, see Bonaparte. Napoleon, Battles of ............ RE Baas ete 5 SGRPOVES < Adteais sis ins ately 1317-1818 Naples, Bay of .....-.....-- Fielding ....... COTAES Ais won ven ie nae 281 Native Copper .........-...- Schoolcroft ....Balch .....+.seeeeeees 111 Natives and Prof. Bartels ..........-2+++e++. POR aes ere tea a eee nhs 683 Natural Bridge, Va. ........- WOLD: idicecds ss TOTLELE CGN a chis aia aie « wetate 139 URSIONED oo ovens ce eee 1850 Barralet ......: PAUROTIN Cod, ede: oein sak ms 933 BOvEeTts . ex 2's's ROEM Sales sis arr Ryan to 28 1014 Natural History Plates .........-.++seeeeees OT OF ule coc een as a 500 PWONEN ook waa es «5s a (ay BUS wey ens ep ae OO 467 Naval Combat—Constitution- ROPE EE cas cc cics sac e see cena eee SeyMour ...ceeeeeeees 1428 Engagements .........-sseeeeeeeeeree SCYMOUL ...eeeeeeeees 1402-1403 Heroes, of 1812 .......-. eee eeeeeeees DOOWENG oa) «isi: = is 0's i 360 Temple (title-page) ...Tisdale ........ Nr Sat re eee ea 1265 NE eae aig ewe wesc ne eee eeees URHONED Fuse ca Coe ce 1851 Nazareth, Penna. ..........- RAtehere . cess Mumford ....--+2ese 1077 Negro Duel .......-.e.e-ee- CHA Hn ssd sa EF A CNA teaver ta sees sp es 309 Nelson, Horatio ......... eee eeeereeceeeces AGU beteian nc us wa selon 490 Neptune and Time .......... Thurston.....-. DR eae aid coca d nies Fe 17 Newburg .....-.-seeeeeeeees Wall .....: EEL BEE Ala sine. bee 3 Ate 638 Newburyport, Wolfe Tavern. .Hooker......... TIOOKON Vals sisisoa seen nies 719 New England Glass Works ...Curtis.........- CHa akc were eke See eae 282 Hampshire (Map) ....-.+-essseeeereeee BOW Oivn ss cen Pe aes 188 (Mountains) Dana .......-.. BoweM :> ales ucla 142 WATCH Sacha esurs Se te Seymour >.) sve eye 1427 Unsigned. . vasa sean 1853 Plan ABS ik cheat ad eee tke a) clea Morin toe ee ta tga 1074 LOD RAs WARREN tie ae ie HOOK? os Sea ene 715-716 ISOS vib isk Mei asd paste oucknnee LORE oleae eee 1555 DB OZN OB hie Caan cueiar, Vien atu keedug ens Mavericl’. ian 1045 (About A78O) Ie es on i Maverick <) 345565 esmen 1047 Aiidip CESOT Mies tee ise lies duce, 2 ane Maverich., icwa's owas 1044 AP Ue ie Otte Chars Chey Sian aan aeh eas Anderson i Use Sees) | PBAD sts iy itica land aiegicy ap tee eae Maverick ..:. ese 1046 BOLO Nr ers aka Morgan...... KUNG |o.0 swale Sa 867 from «Brooklyn .uvaswikeaad sn oe EPAU ot cl alee ee 615 from Weehawken ............e000- Ah, tee Pe qehas ht 616 Adelphi Hotel ..... PRES. We Rawdon & Wright ..... 1262 American Hotel ....Davis ....... LRPOOD © scale ieee 1586 POITIS s\n Mavertth, ica vet eee 1069 PaLOT yy We scan Burton. 06% BANG. ol SU 868 Davis .. 5. Hddy' (i... 35 eae eee 414 Bay, A Brisk Gale..Bennett ..... Bewnett | gaint va seme 141 Belyedere House...) 00. da bee Onsigned | so ee oe eae 1854 Anderson .:.\.'.... SCOR). lac anita 1340 Bowery Theatre ....Davis ....... Rawdon & Wright ..... 1261 CACY SUBIR ee Neen aie Wiloow ...... Prud’homme .......... 1229 LieDOus |e eiso eee ee 1658 USO Yc aalelt ae HOOwEr. 555i. cy Calne oe ee Harman. So ban eee 485 Mason: oi oe ee 1022 WGI tary ee ae HU, ona 5 ene oie 617 Cummings... . Steel... dn. eee ee 1499 Columbia) Poundry Sing eee ice Mawertel ii vn wie 1070 Cooke’s Tomb, St. Paulis\ ie awe SMR vis sss Smith... eee 1462 Custom Houses. 2 oem epee ate na Kollingon sys os eee 1295 Fulton St. Market ..Bennett ..... Bennett | oy sei de cae eee 143 Government House. .Scoles....... Scoles.” sc ieaeneneee 1341 Governor’s Island ..Wall........ LU od Ee ee 639 High School ....... SM veces M QUCvtC ing s\n cheese ween 1049 Howards ‘Hotel. esueen Lye Smith | Joya ee ee 1467 Ingane Asylum iit ine ives tt cist Rawdon & Co. ........ 1259 Island, Map of ....Lewis ....... Seymour 707 Unsigned ...svereseees 1856 St. Thomas’sChurch Davis .....-++- Rawdon & Wright...... 1263 GMAIL ne 6's,’ veins MUS rs on nate TELA Uy oniiel as ants Care iaue ds 416 St. Patrick’s Cathedral ...........- Prud’homme .....+++6- 1230 Trinity Church ..... PPLE Sais soo cg Ss HAG ead dn he odin 0 417 Washington Hall ...Bridges........ PJOCEIYW 508 Noble Virginians, etc. .......+.++++- er oe Unsigned .....eseereeee 1905-1906 Nootka Sound, View .......-.+ssseeeeees RGA 2 7 | MEMO aren ry LW rs Yr 693 Norfolk, Va., Orphan Asylum. .Crawley ......- OUAUGS 6 vs eiem nainlenin eo 5 283 from Gosport, Va. ...Shaw ...-.+++- FGI ioc nies went es 649 Norman’s Kill Falls ........... cece cceees Unsigned ....seeeeenee 1859 North River, View on ........ BRIO Sp on ek a's TR aetn Sae pv ee enn 651 Norway Fowling .......seesseeee rece ceerees Smither vvia'e awed ele ae 1489 Norwegian Killing a Bear .........++-+eeees Boyd» va swewscctn cee’ 212 TU MCT IOEL hac. cicinc so ec cate scwemsceecctes ees BOUd =. cian p eee sie a 213 PERRIN as . 2. eee 708 Osgood Farm (Andover) ..... Penniman ..... Annin §& Smith ........ 75 Ossian, Illus. for poems of ..............0005 Scoles: ....e. ane 1367 . (title-page) ..Singleton...... Maverick |... eee 1053 Oswego, Fort: and Harbor)... 0.4360 owe ee Unsigned.) sews 1861 Otaheite Women, Costumes of the............. SOOt iss Sete ee 1382 Oto Encampment ............ Seymour ...... Kearny "olan eee eee 808 Otterbein,) Rev; Wi avin gehen cn ou cians Horton: ese eaee “ye oO i Overberg, Bernard .......... S180 NO ae Lavigne cca ee 910 Owyhean Youths ............ MOMNGLG LU eae J OCELYN. sin ee ey ea 745 Oyster Coventeccrienls moti Seen ae Hill... 3 eee ee eee 652 Painter’s Study, The ..:...%. Mouth. occ. sels LAWSON Dea oes ekee eae 934 Palidanlens semis tent cle a WOH yur ee Be ES SPM fhe i), 640 Pelais Royal). 07 5.5. 6 Ae sah Hil. eee eee 625 Paley, Rev. Wm. (title-page)..Kidd.......... Prudhomme valde hie eee Scot... Sneek Wace 1390 Palmyra psy ieets.« «sh Cre ee eee S1ither oc eeeneue kee 1484 Pandean Minstrels .......... DUTREe vans co EK nea8s 5 oa cette Meee 893 Pantheon, The Fabulous ../5...\0.5 cee teen Kennedy: caiteroa ee 862 Panther Shooting ties hi). ee eee Unsigned a ae eee 1863 Paradise Regained... 2.6.4. 60500 neue, ‘a s'o'e LL GUTES Sa isa ay es et ee 568 Parthenon's sic Labs peu Vcc ed ek Lee Underwood. 2 sk. vs even 1722 j Parting Hour, The .......... Corbould ...... LONner, Pol tae an ee 461 Pashkoff, Mansion of Gen.....Svenin ........ KNOG88” 3 Cpe eae ee 895 Passaic Falls. gece. ook Doughty ....... EUS sis ea kee eee 450 New Jersey ....Shaw ......... eth: 7 CG a ae 653 River below falls ....Shaw ......... UW: oon oy ne ee 654 Patrick, Ste). Jen's stave agen Wee RIE eae Sands , ..schs wane aes 1315 Patterson ‘Falla 02, Behan & Lyman Leney ..........00000. 985 Paxton, Maxpedition s/s. ce. eae ee Dawkins oa ee 335 DOoye ©. inp Pos bees eM eee Unsigned .)icuun cannes 1864-1865 Peace Crowned by Victory .......... Hele ate tn tes Norman 3.53.55 se eee 1160 Peaceable Kingdom, The -....5....cceesees Hoogland: 7... 5 dfivae ee 709 Pedlar and his Pack (caricature).............. Charles (sa ae bee 251 Pekin, Scenes*in:) /00,..+ seer eee ee Le Seymour... ia. n40 eee 1424 Penifeneenss aici von toute Correggto ...... Hoogtand 22 ee 710 Penmanship, Guide'to 50. yea ee eee ie Wightman’ cee. pee 1738 Penn Statue ss fescue WT RL, Unsigned 0 nda 1867 Willian oF Py cee Pace pee mans ares es Unsigned open een 1866 Pennsylvania, U.S. Ship ..... ig ta) Chobe die Bennett. iwicva it ae 147 INDEX ITHM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHHCK LIST Pennsylvania Penitentiary ...............06. CHAIR gaa ois ale ae i at ee 284 ale oe ies ss cele weiss se te oes HAL Swan ole eae eee 694 MRL IMTS U NG pide kv ya's eek oes ness sances Strickland oisicc ses oe 1520 SE Ie x Givi b's bla dels yee 6 va le GIAGUERIE Wie hapa eines > 295 CNSTINEE Uae Cs bas Tus 1869 EME ESUINIS OLN eos cc cs csc eet censes BIUSV OUR ya ie v Satne ete oa 1078 Perseus and Andromeda ...... Veronese. ....+. DIGD OUT she vatgls @ si0'd voce 1660 UT SLES ailg Wiss p Sn cy eck es ccvecgesdeves PEA s te orece ad eal Fis ehacs 3 695 Peter, The Great (Monument) Svenin ........ POTCUBE 6 shies igs ss Kae a's 897 es oO d enn goss yaw as ed Ree ee LOOM aera kien ue ot xlace 840 Atkinson’...... FOU ited Sigile a alee ef oi) 214 Va., Bolling’s Dam Shaw ......... TUM s ott Wiss -2 bie viet ks 4a 655 PHILADELPHIA VIEWS ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Philadelphia, (2d & Race Sts.) Strickland ..... DICE rolcrasd eta 31% via 1693 Berle ii .\werge sei va eens 1314 Rail Shooting ...... Vegans BAT Cy ss we as se Kearny 50 cease spas . 813 Raphael’s Spozalizio ........ BAPhGEL asso e Pekenino ..... eas ee 1193 Rapp Residence, Indiana .............++ese0- UNSigned susevarvivcsss 1885 Raleigh, Sir Walter... 2.205 24s alee esenames Neagle 29s scenes 1129 Ratachen {Ea hc Siswi> bic eis b exe bie ake Kelly: oss sees 841 Reaping, New Method .......... Leis ap ace eae Unsigned 55.4509 was 1886 Red Riding Hood............ Lawrence....... LOUgacre i. 04 bisn oe vie 1002 Register, for tides ...... ba aw inaeie bom Funimah eto Re Dawkins po ccieee ih eee 336 Religious Denominations (fron- Pig PlOCe) ); .:.'.:.:5.ghs bleiw slo dee wlan eb iny eyole eee ince Tanner 6.455 sistbee ees 1546 Rensselaerville Mam tarboee Rein Beate saounin win star Tiebout . 0. ssen sauna 1661 Representation of Curbs .......ceesecccerecs Tteboud 6.5 on pk eee tee 1662 Reynard. )) ss sic see mee eet ea hee Copper .ssscees Kearny So ec.2 » pate wane 814 Rhode Island and Conn. (Map ; OL). peer HOTTUB. 0 i005 3 FTill suas «sane ek (Map of) 50% <3 OIG sia eo 24 Hills cass om vam eee 687 Smithers. .050unee 1475 Shores of ...... ETORER con o's es Childs ..... ui Uae fee eee 286 Riee Bunting, The ... ls is. sn eye enn ree vases LAWSON sy sige ain sa oe Oe 950 Richard lst in Palestine . De Te Merbiaird LONG waa 0 sm ws he Richards, Julia .. .iecivsle scree DOTSEY | 5 o> 6b 0's . Dorsey. s=xelsa seen eee 395 Richmond, Rev. Legh ........Slater .........Balch ..... sane Saar 101 Richmond, Va., Monumental Onyreh es ciesinelae DUB sock wala wip tele EN€088 2s. sa Sees 240 3 Onsigned «5 s 0 si0 0s POU AS Peeve Cdl oe ie 842-843 Romans carry off bride of a ge a's 'h sn lace 4 « wieiecies« POUANAY Fide da diene 05 4's hs 507 MUNG TROON csie ka os 6c oo ss CORP UNIN: See's 8 LOROY 6 ok Poke Se eG Cae c 968 Gen. (view where he fell) Shaw ....... ET ew een acs yl ed bs 650 NRE re Seip An niesea hp! oi 0's oa Wale his She 1393 Knea88 \.).3 eee see eae 871 ANIMA. 6 Sin's'a ta nn Oat ee 68 Tiebout.. iv viele eeu 1670 Pelton vieenueueas fe sete 1210 Steels pcan aa ena one 1495 Ellis. sine tee 4389. Charles .sicuesavsdacae 2 u2ad Unsigned vevesiesinay vee 1924 RPE Napa st: 942, 943, 1275, 1750, 1923 Charles éoeecaeves tire ek eed Bireh .:. <0 as veh ene ten 158 Sanford’ .s.s«cvlees vues 1319 Bollinson 0eme 1240 ADR a vos Bieta nee 68 Pekenind > wacivieuveceas 1192 Neagle.” occ:nvia biv's oan 1084 Smith iso vcdvante eee 1469-1470 Billie. cas eaeeeeee 462 Boyd | vtvvaeens Vereen 219 Kearny: sos esa eecaeen 826-829 Childs... sists pees 290 Shalad iced heute eee 1439 Unsigned. ....0sadeuwns 1897 Rollinson. xu. eaten aoe 1288 Humphrys a. ox oy ee Oe 730 Maverick seer 1055 TANner: .3244 esa eee 1534 Rawdon... d.4nee eee 1255 OsdO?I oso donde aemieead 1165 Hamm =... sees ae See 560 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST hip, Tull Figged ..... ccc. sens ee env scenvcens TORR pints deg A elem shale 1549 Of Wer, Brig, ete. ..... 2... ec ccecescee EE ooo ace weior als 691 aT asians o'p kg of vnin 9 8 o°¥ie snl ec ANGY Ce Sleter are evtaial cca lel ds 1274 OO Pe ee ee ee IGT Sit tate hw oncpe a eins 308 Shippen, Wm. .............sStuart ........ FILANES pecs cpoiaina oc olese 543 2 ON ee eee Sa MOVOTICW: Gases tidimn 6's 1072 Siddons, Mrs., as Matilda ....Hamilion...... PIBWCU ous uaddd Sashes sie» 969 PMU Wns gsm wecc cane re dsceteess Wishaw gL OBEIIRCEE ih latinos aie Kip e300 2 1898 DMMB ial kw 6 wna; 0 Doughty ....+.. DUSISG ESE aca do Gis ele Kose 452 ESI RICK. ot eet eee we cre rete TONNE? a's asic akos'ss eres 1558 I TUICOM una cen ee ace ete cee eer eanres Cer edtVOS. Cite dy creed, vege pe 770 0 pne e oro TREO NEMS sc cescitien dom, ous 1899 Skeleton of Quadruped ..........0-+eeeerees UNSIGNED. os) sak eae = n> 1900 Smithson, James .........-. es ee ee vcccecence PAT GUGE® Nora syn' ss sins Dae et 1927 Os ee Chapman ...... LGUSON As or a ae aus 939 Sneyd, Honora .......-. cess ee ee cencceecces BEYMOUT ow de a seinen ss 1431 IME sictacieles sinew de sn c's 0's LYLE Sa ce a'te'p om > Prud’hommeé ....-++4+. 1234 Snowden, Thos. .........2.eeeecceccccevcees PEI0Ob tots a tes one 1218 Social Library Co. (book label).............. Dogiettle jie ohne + < csle 0s 370 Soliciting a Vote ...........- TTALBR Seg wis'o' 9 wi" PULA eet tate as ap aes 463 OS en Bennett ....... HORNED ans cc sent ae 149 (frontispiece) ......ceceereevsecces WIGAN Dee nicli'g naw > o's: 3 308 223 TRACKORG ccc avcssssaes 1577 Southampton ............0-- A Oa Pe WERNELE TS. ache sie el A skis 150 Southern States, Map ......--.eceseeeercene WRAUUE Wt nas ante dys acres 2 1443 South Mountain Pass ........ Bedwell inves ss PTL ayer ot aches aas 1570 Spearing a Bull ............ TEODCTS ono xn vs TABOO LS | olaja sin avis 5 940 Spectator (frontispiece) ........++.++++: tele ELI oy alors ale one neha s 559 AUN esas afc 8s Be pcendieeiss 14 Spirt Creek, near Augusta, Ga. Shaw ......... Dae oie Gk wh 34s ie seh 660 Splendid Victoried ....... 0... ee ee eeee eres Doolittle .....s+-225%: 360 Sports at Harewood .......... eee dns s gis aly ate 6/57 Ped RACE 320 Spy, The (title-page) ........ TOA es aa9 356! CORES) crs eee ee 291 Brammemian, Der... 02.6... eeess Le pina kite Reheat ois oe 4 te a 1270 Staffa, Cavern of .......... eee ese woe reo aves Od CY ae eRe eae ge rare 243 Statues, Colossal ...... ay) 8 a 2 ap ae ene ee BOGE ea, rae se ter 1392 Steinhauer, Rev. Hy. ........--e+eeeceeceees Unsigned .....ccceeees 1901 Stenography ............ OS ee pen reer ere FL OPEOR scala a site 8 Si ort ms 725 St. Anthony Falls ........... RAW As aie ac - Lee ee toe tate « 656 St. Augustine before Ethelbert Tresham....... TC CONWY ouiin os ax ofan ed = 815 TAI 25 ain bin sis aiela's op oem vie t's wre r ee eno'es BOWEN Vicstdes mis aim can ae 190 St. Mary’s Hall, N. I. Giga cet Sas aL eS a CAP RP iil shelssigials ae Fs 816 St. Peter’s and the Vatican ..Abbott...... AN OCUIEN gun oid oe Rin te = 1112 Sterne, Lawrence ...... PER asanate © plein vis ober 1, UNSIGNED os see vecseuns 1902 Sterret, Capt., in Enterprise ............---- UNGINED C05 dail Cade sen 1903 Stone Henge .........ceccvecsencsccen Bee ESOC On cpten cea ind pVeinis alma 221 INDEX ITHM ARTIST ENGRAVER Storm, Theses c2y tty f cea weenie minted Prebvout 5. se see Story, Sorace O.00) Sian wi enc teem Gumbredeé oi. css Birony, Caleb: iiyge ents ea us DONG ss eub hare »Smtth ica. eee Selah, Residence of ..........0..000. Tiebout >. eerdeu Suleila ay ake ee Rie er ee N.Y. Mag... . si 8c0les) (cee Sullivan, James, Gs ..6) se neko DOUG cok tac te POG) os eee Tt as Se Summerfield, Rev. John ...... DOWEL sos os an Longacre ....... Superior Lake, North Shore...Seymour....... Hits Sateen Supper, Boney’s Last (carica- fave’) i hang aout ee Charles ....... Charles) o 0 oc bbe INDOG L's hx bob Back poke eee Piet pene ie ee Graham one since Surgical ‘Instrumente, i. 4 4.5 ve eee Anderson ..257.% Plabea vs Per ante whet ome nes Mawerick ....... Tteb0ut pide en DIOVSOY Fae te we J ONES awe ee eae oe Surveying, (illustrations) +o)... use) oavk ee, Poupard ....cse Susquehanna River ics... oe eee aes Yeager. Ge sduaee Swedes Church, Wilmington, Del............... Otis See Swedish Merchant Ship ...............0.c00- Thackara ....... wilt (aos) ) Betg ck ileus ieee Mortimer ...... Gimbrede ....... Singleton . 0.0. Neagle Aino Swiss Hospitality (frontispiece).............. AKAN aa ieee Switzerland, Liberty of ...... Boston Mag....Norman ........ Syntax. Dr Tourof ino. ..k ee Rowlandson....Charles ......... SYTHCWIE Ls Let epee sb ena nite ee ee eee Kelly tio eee Talisman (title-page), 1830 ..... ialp hagh oe + Hoogland ....... Taming of the Shrew ....... N. Y.-Mag..'...Tiebout eae ee Tappan, Mrs. Sarah ......... Bivart us ees Jocelyn .scseuse Wim. Buta yea. Weaglesierie ees Piggot: ova Taquendama, Falls of ....... Birch we iave ae Kearny. sii sane Taylor, Jeremy 35 Oy .0 320 0a Ween ee eee Paradise) os Telegraph ‘23.54 Lica hn so ene eee Barbers owiuaeee Templeof Apollinapolis 270 2720.0. 92 4 oes Scoles ive oeewe of Heliopolis ........ ABN baa uaa vs Haines nue eaee AsO IGA a Campbell. DEL MESINA bites ke tee LUERON Oe et Kelly Se ees Temple of Nature ........... Puselcs. Ox isos TAMNET. Sena ee Tannesseo, ‘Map of 1.7.5 252) sees ee Barker. viahaeen Tent of the Bedouins .:...ou5c. es seen ee ee Lawson eg That’s Right! (caricature) ..............0.% Charles: ia ches we Thayer, Advertisement ......00.0,..0.0055- Hurd istey ene Thomson’s Poems (Seasons) DEY ce sees Corbould ...... Lawson .....6.. Hoberts Svein 360 CHECK LIST odie fe 1673 oe esate 1086 = . a Wee 942-943 og ae 1275 ans INDEX _ ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Tnomeon’s Poems, Illus. 0.5... . cs ssveesccess WO0dru, 06sec es cotase ATED (frontispiece) Westall ....... pe fQ Ol Pe eee IER TER ia ge 1345 (title-page) ...Schoyer...... Ee EY OOGEUEY ga ctere'w' a shiv 6s 5 1750 CEIBEONED is bn win tiaincd we 1923 Thomson, Andrew ..........; FV USOT a oe ee PLEO vali is staharvis or4'0 1211 SOMES 5.2. s ba vscies GeeteetaseeLeKEninod ..i.ccectatacs 1194 WATHUC] Fine ct betes ee beree. PIG eb ee wees oP ERRNY 1219 Thorburn, G. (bill-head) ....:....... wee evess Maweriche ...siesrveries 1057 Thoughts on Invasion .........04. destasevesCharles ....; EN UEETeees 260 Threats from Boney’s old Friend POMPICALUIG) wee keke e Eee ad ess CRANES ove cease CH Bic vieliel 259 Three Sisters, The .......... Lawrence ...... LONGGOTE oct eet acces 1004 anresning Instrument ss. sce cc eewes RISE NON gl dino lca’ aveta ap oh: whe 1481 oe ne eee Di REOOUT cin valesieic tos lea 1587 A ae Rew | fice 2 ke tbe sues NOVMGN wisi srrsstecee 1155 TER yk sn 'eha'd vi ¥'aks'w eo 0 ¥ Peue LEE SEES es be KCGINY WEN a Wwe wvecce 830 ae a vioib x do pn cin ccssvee'sccee Ellis ia. PR GEE aR E DS 464 OEP GAUNCY sec oes cece ee we CATT servesrecs BORRELE tereeceseve 206.9% 00 151 OWOr, TOMATGS 50224 4 eh es te erat eerises Scoles srevis.ri Vasa Lae 1339 DOWNS BTIGSO 2. eee ae ea ete be eeee Jocelyn ..stesaresrer. 754 Townsend, John ............. Lemet svisevers Lemet oe cstiiceee caus 956 EU OE WOOK OL . 6... cece ce csees Balph .iew ee isieseses 1243 Ps Se a) ee ee ee oe ee ie DYVORCNOTTN coats 6 sos slo 36 1703 Trapper’s Return, The ...... Wilson civarvast Murray cicccccsctrect 1080 0 Stothard ...... Seymour si55a%2%5% oese 1422 Traveler’s Dictionary, 1802 ...... eee vee Shallug ...... howe setts 1441 PPevere LARS 15. i sss ecs sees Seymour ...... BU is die e 5 bv va’ we dies +. 609 Trenton, Battle at ....... SEER ELOSE EER Unsigned .....0ss.sie0 1783 Falls .......«..2+1 Doughty... uA Siw fe POWIS gure sink te 8 bectessr 483 Tribunal of the Inquisition ...Johns ...... be OWS gc 5 EES Be A ote 010 945 Triumph of Christianity .......... WEN Sushi Tiebout ..... eR ea ba « 1678 OGY se 04645 Peeb da aiea ses PANDAS ANN EAS Mc SMUth cocecescsentssss 1460 Bennett ....... BENNel ec ais aid a. cei nes 152 Traxtoii’s Victory .......s.s% RAD BVI Ee Nee 85 Unsigned ..siveserits 1925 ee ne ee Se ee oe es BLUE 6 ahve d hh ee save 611 Turkish Quarrel, Streets of ODO orc cone isc ie 8 TK awe ne rns is DALE OT wear niecsitia'n «eet » 947 Ores crc . ee beans SA EOTOOTI icc s'e wane ae ¢ » 341 OE rs ee ee. Tiebout 1679 Ulysses and Telemachus .......... tale loe » Clarke ...users owe andi 307 Uncle Toby and the Widow...Leslie ......%.. PGA SOD e ahs a50 5,3 On alone 932 Unexpected Meeting of old : friends (caricature) ..........06. AIAN Soret ds Wanetavas 2B EON NEINO 8S als srd ONY Cin lelecak Bee sm lere NOPMGN ovis cass ccbinat 1164 Unfortunate Mistake, The ............ Han Tievout ..seccae ie ema 1680 INDEX ITHM ARTIST ENGRAVER CHECK LIST Unknown Man sociicaset eee Willen, weaves Bridport, ..0s as een eee 222 Smith: 5.00 vw evseneee 1472 Le: Met. aiaceaaies ‘avallanata 957-963 Valdenwit ...5¢ ese esue 1727 HOuUston 0 saan ae eele 728 Womaniai< esctetten ee pet eaceele: Gimbredé ...+-06: be ate ae 517 Unwelcome Guest ........... Boaden.....+.. ENG | 6 oie alee oon eee 465 United States Capitol ....... Bullfinch....... Childs. x, sine pn a ennvien 287 History pease c yalechy bede wineie alae eee eae piuln'hiaiele © aetenune 1919 Military Commission .......... Draper sii et ite eae 397 Niintwneeatuuns Strickland ..... Hay so soeaeie tae 594 (Map it ied eo ap a os nene 6 cement ANGETSON c's iniva ess eae 59 Fitch Pieaewe eae ‘ail sa 492 DOOM os) cadena en 355 ‘ Wiret ‘Cities of). 0.4.0 vntans been Boquet: “vane wecewn Seeks 159 & Macedonian ..Barralet....... SeyMow: vecsae ee daeee 1430 Universal Biog. Dictionary Por- i traits.) uo. i. ee Sieg ea eee Pelton )scislassed ieee 1214 Columbian Magazine Peale.......... Thackara § Vallance ... 1580 Lotter-writer /.4. 09s ersseoh euenrary Bower ses censawe ye ene 196 Van Ess, Rev. Leander, D. D. ....,.....2500> Cone ....- assis opele eee 313 Van Rensselaer, Maj. Gen. 1 Staphen, anes i vecors oe O Hentrd i) ou Gimbrede ...,...4-. cane ble eee Velvet Hat, The i....00005 5 Enshinn sc cecicen Prud’homme ...eccssee 1236 Venables attacks and takes t JAMAICA bs abn e's =e oss "a sae Saate iS harsh hie nee eae Shatitg (ys vs ii Sa eeeee 1436 VORICE % uliieleG sb idee hole OPOAG vn v0 40 ee WN G0Q16 5 4.0. cacuscueee ee 1113 Venus, Transit of (1760) 0) Santis Gua woes ee bee DGWhING 5 age le ek ee 337 Vermont, State (Map) .....scccvesece a> ve COMECRAE? 5. oon sae ele 225 PVIGOR ju sips NUE ae a len eee TDL © sign in atin ain 411 University ats. awake oa ss ewes ee PCODORY Neil nh as eae 1183 Vesnvius, Mount 00 wanes Opa 409 Wheat Drill) ire say aise Strickland ..... Anderson’... +. aaa 64 Wheel of Fortune (caricature) ............6. ANAETSOW , v's slacelye sheen 55. Whim Wham, The (caricature) Joy .........-. Prud’homme ......... . 1237 Widow ’s Hope, The su... ie wees Ne CO ta ies Charles: sisaska cue ee 266 Wildey, Pho. oi. tee eh es Pele AUMC Ty io ratte unite Bannerman .....cceeees 112 Willard ’s Patent Clocks ....:............. “9 SAR Va ae ce sale baleen Walliaa eA arise eae es yEe bis Uae TORNBEOW vic iscccccauss 758 Williams, Roger, Hotel, Providence, Re Li .i..54%%ies se eth e ee cae eet Horton s\ ua eyo eee 724 Willoughby, Death of ......... Carbould..... os PANNE? 5 SUNT Se es 1541 Willshire, Mr., first interview. .Smith .........Tanner ....... BE WaeS .. 1556 INDEX ITEM ARTIST ENGRAVDE CHECK LIST Winchester, Elhanan ........ RE os re ia Ragu. a ae Hee cas 410 Winnepeck River, Slave Falls. .Seymouwr....... p21 er et sade Hivlats Sieh 619 Upper Falls .Seymour....... UE Se eae ene ewee 620 Wissahickon, View on the, a ROADS cinlnak aie’ « TUES ay uteiatice Os baie a 662 0 OTOL MADRS sisitle nek: k ace e's 1482 IG g sia v's ig vines os ucceucusiae ye TOUR ie 5s dee 8 9 ea 6 ee 988 PEPIN OT NAO. nase ace wet erece se PCO OME vim aie ne aimee sale 1627 Peemine on Rocks ........00ceccesses FT ne -a eae e 427 of the Nooaheevan ...Porter ........ PE NCOSS ; a | = ~ m " i a * ; = ie . ¥ < fn ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ - i % rf ma . = é. : i = z ~ 3 ‘ * « ‘ ‘ 1 zi ot ¥ . < ~ . . ia . , iS : age + re ee ~ x = s « . i ; y : ‘5 J 5 4 " Po . , ‘ 3 \ y i i : awe - : r Fé cf 4 3 = > é 7 7 % ‘ ¥ ‘ . A 3 y- = t, aa sy > 's bard bs A ~ ‘ t 2 g E as is ) ¥ - ‘ ; f : ; 4 ~. ae + j 4 ' ‘ e = : F . % y ‘a & ie ~ F ; : x : . 7 Saas wea eA