8s 1924 March 19 NeAm Byes tae Hope iid Se he aay RYE SEUEA Jar i J Ae ae a Je “it rey ames AL Bie Fo eae e HE fa ia PEE hl L APRN fesnh a Pa de nigh oe 1g ops ee Aral $ 4 sig cn Fe ee Yad ¥ PCa Nd aa it ye) ‘ Pah AY PVRs ME eGo is: ‘ a Goh HY fay ery a> 2g : 3 fey ee nea: 3 es der? Taialhs PH Way) hae fared ss Pants Fe deg. t ~*~ 4 . WL PAINTINGS # ee tae ei © ae * J ae * 99 a , he ba : * ye vp wi AY UNREs ie Fie area BLAC SA ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. eee AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1924 CONTINUING UNTIL DATE OF SALE (INCLUDING SUNDAY, MARCH 16, FROM 2 TO 5 P. M.) ate BE Coo, IMPORTANT OIL PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1924 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK — d ; A sil = fla 1960 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE amull IMPORTANT OIL PAINTINGS NINETEENTH CENTURY ARTISTS OF AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN SCHOOLS FROM 12 rae b. Mrs "est rs. S OW McHIE THe Late CHARLES G. EMERY | Tue Late ee oy a WAKEMA AND FROM OTHER §& RCES TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC: SALE eee ei AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET anp Mr. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc., MANAGERS NEW YORK 1924 TEXT AND TYPO ae or) a CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the artiele offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. i V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted pill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. ; VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. : IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘“‘as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its Judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be -considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and Seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. : Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the Jot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- la a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also e given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE are INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY EVENING SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 101, inclusive GUIDO SIGRISTE CoNTEMPORARY a W. ( 4 of 1I—HN ROUTE PASSANT LA SENTINELLE _ (Panel) Height, 444 inches; length, 644 inches ( o, Hussars of Napoleon amble along on their bay mounts in the direction of the spectator, coming on a gray-sandy road which is bordered on the left by a line of slender trees, with fields farther at left, and shadows directed upon the autumn grass. The leader has just passed a sentinel who presents arms. Signed at the lower right, Guipo Sieriste, 1898. From the collection of the Late Cuarites G. Emery. ; W. BEAUQUESNE AMA» Coden Frencu: 1847—1913 7 ‘ag 2 TA REV OE — Sua 3S. Height, 34 inches; eee 71% mches Aw officer and his staff mounted on dark horses travel swiftly from the right, in bright sunshine, over a level plain, past infantry drawn up in close formation in the left middle distance. Over the tops of the bayo- nets one sees in the left distance an Arc de Triomphe. Signed at the lower left, W. BEAUQUESNE. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. a Ud. f U f ) AMERICAN: 1861— a 3—ON TH H LAKE SHORE (Panel) fo.) Ss. Height, 514, inches; length, 94% inches Buve waters of a lake extend between a high horizon and a golden fore- ground shore of beach sand. | UO ) g p (Panel) Height, 9 inches; length, 13 inches An eighteenth century scene at Versailles, with the facade of the Petit Trianon at left, the open space in front of it in a flood of sunshine, the woods in the background taking on autumn colors. Under a window the dogs are assembled about their keeper and women look out upon them, at the other side of the steps the coach waits, and around are members of the hunt mounted, and waiting saddle-horses for others. Signed at the lower right, W. VettTEN, MtncuHen. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. Emery. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. 22—LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP gf Height, 914 inches; length, 16 inches Hixixus wooded in the distance and supporting plenty of green brush in the open foreground decline lightly from either side to a broad defile showing patches of bare earth. In the middle distance a tree rises above the picture limits. Through the ravine a flock of sheep are moving away from the spectator. Signed at the lower left, CarkLETON WiceINs. Property of Mrs. Arice L. WakEMAN. W. VELTEN | | | German: 1847— 23—-CAV ALRY ON THE MARCH y 6 (Panel) ____Comine toward the spectator in a road across open fields partly brown and partly green, with a bunch of low trees visible in the distance on the left, is a company of cavalrymen. Their horses are bays with the exception of a white one, and their uniforms white and blue. Ahead _ of them is a peasant on foot. {Peeing 286 Height, 91% inches; length, 13 inches Signed at the lower right, W. VELTEN. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Euuny. .s ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. ie or Amegican: 18836—1892 or” : Tad fou $ ‘ Ctaift 24—LANDSCAPE | | GO. ( Board ) Height, 6 inches; length, 91/4, unches Ix autumn the foliage is in warm colors in the foreground, on the right of a lake or stream into which a line of trees projects from the left in middle distance. These and the trees bordering the water beyond them are also in autumn tints, and in the background are green hills under a gray sky with light clouds. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyant. Property of Mrs. AuicE L. WakeMan. oY HENRY MOSLER, N.A. \, WY, (2 ieee 1841— é 10 2%—THE WHITE BONNET ye dk 4A , Height, 1634, inches; width, 1024 inches Turee-auarters length standing figure of a buxom young woman in a light summer dress belted in gold. With figure slightly to right she faces the observer, head cocked over her right shoulder and lips parted in a smile. Her arms are akimbo with hands on her hips. Her waist is décolleté and she wears a large poke bonnet with fluffy white feathers, on the back of her head and loosely tied with streamers. Signed at the upper left, Henry Mosier. Property of Mrs. Arice L. WaxkEeMan. DON RAIMONDO DE MADRAZO SPANISH: 1841-—1920 Ae | ) O THE WHITE PARROT | (Panel) | 7 O. Height, 21 wmches; width, 9 inches Brrore a gray wall the tall perch of a parrot stands, its standard a vase and knob turned baluster, its base circular. From the left red | hollyhocks lean into the picture. On one of two cups atop the Pas | a white parrot stands, cocking his eye at the spectator. Signed at the lower right, R. Maprazo, | From E. F. Bonaventure. Property of Mrs. Auice L. Wakeman: ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frenco: 1838-1910 | 27—_STRIKING A LIGHT p A (Panel) Height, 15 inches; width, 101% inches A CAVALRYMAN stands on reddish-brown earth in the foreground, before a low mound of gray rocks and green herbage, where he has stopped and is in the act of lighting a cigarette. He faces the right and is seen in profile. In a plain-at the right the camp of the soldiers is seen in the distance, and smoke rises from the campfires, before brown woods. Signed at the lower left, E. Berne-BreLiLecour, 1900. Irom the collection of the Late Cuaries G. Emery. JEAN GEORGES VIBERT f Frencu: 1840—1902 E High eee 283 _THE FINISHING TOUCH (Water Color) [ 0 : Height, 15 inches; width, 1012 inches In a dressing room equipped with mirror, table and toilet articles, with an Oriental rug on the floor, a youthful cardinal fully appareled and wearing his biretta leans over the dresser, the better to view himself in the mirror, and daintily applies a powder puff to his chin. Signed on the floor at right, J. G. VipEert. XL a Ray 0, From the Alfred Hartman Collection, Paris, 1899. “© From the collection of the Late CHartzes G. Emery. H. FISHER £ R AMERICAN: 1875— 6 29 THE TROUT STREAM (Water Color) -— q9 : Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches — O Woops in the fall are bisected by a brook which in the foreground hast- ens over a rocky bed. The trees around retain a few leaves and the sur- face growths are full of color. In the middle distance a man is fishing, and in the distance a gray haze is settling. Signed at the lower left, H. FisHer. — From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. . | pA rentca: 1848— 30—PASTURES IN HOLLAND (Panel) Height, 1014 wmches; length, 134 inches GREEN pastures in sunshine, before a grayish sky, on a hazy day. Trees on uplands at the left, and in the foreground three cows, one white and two black and white, standing, their shadows showing a sun near the meridian. Signed at the lower right, CartETON Wicerns; on the back, C. W. with the title. Property of Mrs. Arice L. Wakeman. CESARE DETTI | Irauiang 1847—1915 31I—THH HALT FOR REST (Water Color) Height, 25 inches; length, 391% mches Mepraevat soldiery with a wagon train have come to a halt at a bridge over a narrow stream and are standing or lying about on the rough ground and green herbage. Near by trees are bare of leaves, as are others in the background, which are perceived in a fog that creeps close to the motley company with their bizarre apparel of velvets, cloaks and armor. At right a resident seems to be explaining the country to a leader who holds a map. Signed at the lower right, C. Derr. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. EMEry. / =) a.’ \ o~ Frencu: 1831—1897 pg hee YH BL y 490 ¢ Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches 0 Fa CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE u nV : Ar the edge of a wood in autumn four white setters with red-brown spots are in leash attached to a tree. Two are seated and two standing, and all in bright sunshine are facing the spectator, the whip of the master lying on the ground in front of them. Signed at the lower left, Ot. Dz PENNE. Property of Mrs. Auicr L. WAKEMAN. HENRY SIDDONS MOWBRAY, N.A. ‘ | Ampricay: 1858— aig # 383—_SCHHHHRAZAD > 7 ; Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches A YOUNG woman in easy costume reclines among cushions on a couch, with peacock feathers visible near the foot. She faces the left and is observed a little more than in profile, in a bright but soft light, and she toys in leisurely manner with an orange taken from a tray beside her. Before her a girl in a rose gown is seated on the floor and posturing as she tells a story. | Signed at the lower right, H. Sippons Mowsray. From the Thomas B. Clarke Collection, American Art Association, New York, 1899.- #/6 - BRoo 8b Property of Mrs. Atick L. WaKkEMAN. H. FAREAU FRENCH: CoNTEMPORARY “84—A LONELY ROAD lp S, Height, 11 inches; length, 1614, inches On the left are a few trees bordering a gray road which comes over a sort of causeway, and in the road a covered wagon comes along toward the spectator, drawn by a gray horse at a trot. To right the country is low, with a distant mound rising before the horizon, and the sky is luminous, with strange lights and clouds. Signed at bottom, to right of centre, H. Fareav. From the collection of the Late CHaries G. EMEry. HENDRIK DIRK KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN Dutcu: 1829—1904 b. } 35—LANDSCAPE ¢ Bserwr Height, 18 inches; length, 20 inches Woops somewhat darkened on the left, under light clouds, cast their shadows forward on the smooth surface of a river which winds through the landscape, a low point of land cutting into it in the middle distance, all in sunshine. On the right, green lowlands in the foreground and woods in the distance. Signed at the lower right, K. van Evren. Property of Mrs. Avice L. Wakeman. FREDERICK S. CHURCH, N.A. ; » AMeERiIcAN: 1842—1924 S.W.trcdircebe 36—_IDEAL HEAD 50 : Height, 1414 inches; width, 124% mches Tne head and shoulders of a fair young lady with reddish hair curling over her forehead and drawn smoothly to a loose knot at the nape of her neck; her smiling face is observed in profile to the left, as she looks downward, before a light background. She is clad in a light green gown. Signed at the lower left, F. 5. Courncu, N. Y., “91; copy- RIGHT. Property of Mrs. Autcr L. Wakeman. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. i American: 1858—1916 37—_WINDY SKY (Board) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Wuire cloud billows move in a robin’s-egg sky, over a sunny landscape bordered in the background by woods, those on the left dense, at right some detached trees standing before the forest. The foreground a gray | and green stubble field; at the right corner, in the distance, two figures. Signed at the lower left, H. W. RanceEr; on back, stamp of the Ranger estate. Property of Mrs. Aticr L. WaKkeMaAn. A. F. BUNNER ° . é AMERICAN: 1841—1897 | 38—A FOGGY MORNING IN HOLLAND: | Ja‘ RIVER MAAS 120. , Height, 10 inches; length, 1414 inches Tue broad placid river fills the foreground and spreads beyond it at either side, disappearing in the distance towards the left. On the right shore are windmills, a church and houses, in sunlight, and lying in the stream with sails limp, in the foreground, is a heavy working boat with people aboard and a dinghy alongside. Other sail appear in the dis- tance. Signed at the lower right, A. F'. BuNNER; and again on the back with title. Property of Mrs. Atice L. WaKEeMAN. JULIEN DUPRE } ‘ M Blase f_Frexcu: 1851—1910 39—PITCHING HAY A r& 0: Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches Aw amiable but serious French peasant girl appears in a partly cleared hayfield, stepping to right in the foreground with a forkful of hay she is about to lift. She wears a red kerchief and is dressed in white and black and dark red, with a blue apron. At right in middle distance a man is seen standing between haymounds, and in the background other workers are discernible about a load of hay. Signed at the lower right, JutmNn Dvrre. Property of Mrs. GrorcEe R. Reap. f 2 A. SCHWICKOV 9 Bote 40—BROTHER CELLARER Pa ig ow -_ b 0 Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Sranpine figure of a mature monk in white habit, in the gray caves of a monastery, facing the right, three-quarters front. In both arms he has Chianti flasks and other wine bottles, and he carries a lantern. Signed at right on the stair, A. Scuwickov, FIrENzE. From the collection of the Late CHarLes G. EMERY. JEAN FERDINAND CHAIGNEAU ¢ Frencu: 1830—1906 210 sae ae SS AND SHEEP vO, Height, 16 inches; width, 13 mches On a gray boulder beyond a small foreground pool at the left sits a young shepherdess, in brown skirt and blue apron, and a white mantle trimmed in brown, and a pink cap, ad she leans on her staff and faces the spectator. Her dog lies curled at her feet. Near by are more pro- jecting boulders, and sheep on the grass between them, grazing in sunshine. In the background are valleys and hills. Signed at the lower left, Fp. CHataNEav. From the collection of the Late Cuarites G. Emery. ie JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. ay ? ) AMERICAN: 1848— ’ @ 42—-LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 12 inches; length, 161 inches ‘Trees on the left cause shadows in the foreground, and to right mead- ows with long and short grass extend to distant water. They are in sunlight and under cloud shadows from a mixed sky. In the foreground a red and white cow stands in the shallows of the marshes, looking to- ward the spectator, and beyond her a cow tawny and white looks off toward the distance. | Signed at the lower left, CanLETON Wiceins, 1887 From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. PAUL VERNON Me NY FrencH: CONTEMPORARY ; ; / 7 Os LANDSCAPE N A SHOWERY DAY Height, 13 inches; length, 1814, inches Tue foreground is partly in the shadow of shower clouds, as are clumps of trees in the middle distance, k yond them being a sunny field before dark distant hills. There is a glimpse of greenish-blue sky over the lighter cloud banks above the horizon, and a large pool in the fore- ground is filled with reflections. Signed at the lower left, PauL VERNON. From the collection of the Late Cuarurs G. Emery. 50 G0 3 LOWELL BIRGE HARRISON ¢ ! rig ae 1854— 4—SNOW AT PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 4 ¢ b ‘ Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches A DETACHED gray house, with hip roof and a ridgepole annex, and red chimneys, stands midway on the left, on a broad street whose opposite side shows two trees on rising land. Snow is descending fast and has already obliterated all marks of sidewalk or road. It fills the air and blurs the vision, and one sees dimly an old woman and a dog, and a man and woman, plodding through it. Signed at the lower right, Brrcz Harrison. Property of Mrs. Auicre L. Wakeman. CESARE DETTI f 1 pol Irarian: 1847—1915 45—CONSOLATION SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL ' LA — ° faYs O. sty ear ay / 7s } Height, 22 ches; width, 15 ules HALFr-RECLINING on a richly upholstered carved and gilt sofa a youth- ful and blue-eyed beauty with rosy cheeks and roses in her powdered hair faces the spectator, mockingly shielding her head at one side by the fan held in her right hand. Her left hand is held out delicately to a rubicund prelate in cardinal robes, standing back of the sofa, who feels her pulse and strives to look grave as he counts it, holding his watch in his right hand. She wears a décolleté bodice of white silk and a robin’s-egg blue skirt with flounces, and a jar of flowers is at her feet. Signed at the lower right, C. Dertt. From the collection of the Late Cuartxes G. Emery. PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT oe p Jig eG" E 46—AU BORD DE LA MER — re) oe Height, 12 inches; length, 20 imches On the right the blue sea, marked as it nears the shore by irregular lines of white wavelets breaking as they roll, and overhead a veiled blue sky. On the left a headland in the distance and on this side of an intervening bay some high land where two boats are hauled up under the spreading branches of two short trees of sparse foliage, the descend- ing banks below them yellowish with gray-green grasses. Signed at the lower left, TRoUILLEBERT. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. GEORGE BURRELL WILLCOCK ‘ NGLISH: 1812—1852 SF af eg ees 47—COTTAGE LIFE +0. (Panel) Height, 161% inches; length, 20 inches On the right is a tile roof cottage with a wisp of smoke issuing from its chimney, and hollyhocks peering above a neighboring gray fence to reach the sunlight, and seated on a log in front of the fence is a young girl with a sleeping child in her lap. She is in the sunshine, and a small black and white dog is approaching. All about are trees of dense foliage, and in a neighboring field in middle distance, where is sunshine and shadow, other figures are perceived. From the collection of the Late CHar.es G. Emery. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL 5 Frencu: 1830— ( be ‘s) r] Wr Lh | ”)) 48—STANDING FIGURE F: (Panel) Y- D, Height, 22 inches; width, 141% inches In a dark interior, with a stained glass window visible in the background at left, a tall youth is portrayed in profile to the left, standing, with cavalier’s hat of many white plumes hanging in his left hand at his side. In his right hand he holds before him a tall standing cup or chalice of elaborate ornamentation. He is in rich seventeenth century costume of gray, with touches pinkish and greenish, and with a broad white collar overspreading his shoulders. Signed at the lower right, A. Lusret, 1881. From the collection of the Late CHarites G. Emery. A. BERTZIK MAN: CONTEMPORARY 49—PORTRAIT OF LADY (Panel) Height, 16 inches; width, 1184 inches Hat¥-LENGTH, seated; in profile to right, figure slightly to front. A dark haired young woman with rosy cheeks sits with arms folded; the left hand holding a flower before her right shoulder. She wears a jeweled headdress beneath a hat trimmed with ostrich feathers, her black, white and gold bodice shows many jewels, and she wears a chest- nut-red outer wrap with standing collar. Signed at the upper left, A. Berrarx. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. JAMES G. TYLER AMERICAN: 1855— 50—WHALER HURRYUING HOME a, Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Heap on to the observer and sailing a bit to left a bulky whaling ship comes rolling through a blue sea with white-capped waves, with the wind aft and on her port side. She is well heeled over to starboard and a man on the bowsprit is hauling down a headsail. Another is seen at the ratlines. A whaleboat is slung to the davits which are swung outboard, and with her tall spread of canvas she makes a pretty sight before a blue sky with active clouds. Signed at the lower right, James G. Ty er. From a Salmagundi Club summer exhibition. Property of a Private Owner. GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A. RICAN: 48—1909 4 51—_RIVER AND CITY AT SUNSET Height, 1614 inches; length, 24 inches Towarp evening the tall buildings and cathedral towers of a great city on a river are depicted before a sky still alight with the hues of sunset. Reflections from the sky light the river, at the left, and lights appear in windows. Near the foreground a tender dragging a dinghy is putting out from the shore. Signed at the lower right, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Property of Mrs. Arice L. Wakeman. CARL GOEBEL NJ yee see RMAN U 52—SPIRITUAL WELFARE ( Panel) | 60 : Height, 1584 inches; length, 2014 inches s A. 7 4 Two elderly monks in habits of white and black and wearing the skull cap are seated in a library-office, the one, fat and florid, facing the spectator with head turned to his left, listening attentively and with a quizzical smile to his comrade, who leans toward him with words of secrecy apparently not unpleasing. Open volumes are before them, and a dossier of a case. In an angle of the background, a younger monk, with an attitude not altogether detached, leans through a door- way, listening. Signed at the lower left, Cart. GorsEL, MincHen, 1892. op. X. Purchased from William Schaus. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. Emery. -G. G. MORETTI ITALIAN 583—THE GAME Ws OD ‘ Height, 271 inches; width, 1934 inches On a balcony dressed with flowers and with windows opening to a garden a buxom young woman and a young man, both in their working clothes, are having a game of cards and of life. She sits with figure to the right and face turned towards the spectator, right hand on her knee and left elbow on the card table with the cards held in her hand screening her smiling face from her opponent. He faces the spectator with cards in his hand and looks smilingly and enquiringly at her. Signed at the lower left, G. G. Morertt. From the collection of the Late CHartrs G. Emery. ETIENNE MARTIN : Lew 6% woe elie, Fuescn: 1880— oD 54-VILLE FORTIFIEE $ Height, 17 inches; length, 2514 imches Tue entrance of a fortified harbor, its blue water bright and exhibit- ing many reflections on a sunny summer day. At left and right are jetties and fortifications, at either side of a channel leading to the inner harbor. A sailing ship is being towed in, and numerous launches and small boats are seen in the fore waters; within are steamships in dock. The city circles the inner harbor, before background hills. Signed at the lower right, Er1eNNE Martin. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. 7 C {A voc € 3 HIPPOLY TE CAMILLE DELPY ; . 2 . FRENCH: 1841—1910 55—RIVER AND| REFLECTIONS ) 3 0. (Panel) Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches Une riviére of leisurely current traverses the picture between left and right, a delicate blue and white with reflections of the summer sky and greenish with reflections of a line of trees in the middle of its low farther shore. Beyond this screen of trees appear hills and houses, and the low ~ and flat hither shore is a rolling meadow of luscious green grass. Here at left a blanchisseuse is dipping linen in the stream, and near the far- ther bank is a figure in a boat. Signed at the lower left, H. C. Detry. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. Emery. TOMAS MORAGAS Q S IsH: CONTEMPORARY eB. Q eo A t A AA 56—A HALT FOR COFFE 3 6 0: Height, 201% inches; length, 2924 inches In a corner of a Moorish street of booths and shops the sunshine pours down, marking strong shadows. On the left a man seated on the ledge of his booth leans lazily on his elbow, smoking, and about a doorway next him are grouped some figures, standing or seated on the pavement. The nearest, squatting on his mat, is taking coffee, and an attendant has just brought out some coffee to a traveller who has ridden up on horseback, his horse standing athwart the picture. In the background a man stands dickering with a merchant reclining in his booth. Signed at the lower left, Tomas Moracas, 1892. Purchased from William Schaus. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. A. GLISENTI g, C 9 / ITaLian 7—WATCHING THE SPINNER 1 (0: (Panel) }{ Height, 2214 inches; length, 2914 inches Iw an Italian kitchen interior with tiled floor a young woman sits at a wheel at the left, before open doors, pausing at her work to listen in perplexity to a workman seated on the doorsill watching her as he smokes and speaks. Another watchful listener is an elderly woman standing in the shadow of an inner doorway back at the right. Signed at the lower left, A. Guisentt. Purchased from William Schaus. From the collection of the Late Cuarires G. Emery. MARIE COLLAERT Beician: ConTEMPORARY 58—UN MATIN / Height, 27 inches; width, 2924, inches [| oo, PoxzaRpds and small trees cluster about a brook pool in the foreground, the morning is grayish, but the sun is dispersing the clouds and its light illumines the grass on banksides and in meadows, glistens from the backs of cows and brightens the waters of the stream. On the nearer side, in the left foreground, are two small children, one leaning against a tree and her companion seated in the grass, watching three cows that have come to drink at the farther side of the pool. Signed at the lower left, M. CotztaErtr; and on stretcher with the tatle. Purchased from William Schaus. From the collection of the Late CuHartes G. Emery. PAUL WAGNER a in . “ t! MAN: 1852— — © 59—-CHILDHOOD v O ; Height, 2414/4, inches; width, 161% inches THREE-quarTERs length portrait of a small girl, to right, three-quarters front, standing between a chair upholstered in crimson, on which she rests her left hand, and a table on which is a pot of plants. A sleeve- less frock of several colors is protected by a white apron, and a white cap is tied over chestnut tresses. The little girl, with large enquiring eyes, looks toward the spectator, leaning her head against the chair- back and with right hand to her mouth. Signed at the lower right, Paut Wacner, MitncHEen KocHELt. Purchased from William Schaus. From the collection of the Late Cuaruies G. Emery. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842—1914 60—APPLE BLOSSOMS bo ; Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Tue ancient orchard back of a farmhouse is in sunshine under a hazy turquoise sky, the sunshine coming from the right and giving a soft glow to the grass, which is dotted with spots of rich golden-yellow, and projecting the shadows of trees toward the left. In the foreground is a sluggish brook, and along the left of it are ancient trees of short, heavy trunk, and many branches, presenting masses of blossoms. Signed at the lower left. ARTHUR Parton, N.A. From the collection of the Late CuHarutes G. Emery. AUGUSTE POINTELIN : Frencu: 1839— | ee Lk 61—LANDSCAPE (eae /E Od: Height, 23 inches; length, 32 inches Unper a light diffused and causing but little shadow, under a white sky, brown hills cross the background and decline in greenish slopes from either side to a central hollow traversed by a winding brook. The stream, silvered by the sky reflections, is bordered by dried bush, and on the higher land at right and left gray rocks appear amid herbage brown and yellow and orange. An aspect of a quiet day in fall. Signed at the lower right, Auc. PoInTELIN. From the collection of the Late CHar.tes G. Emery. H. T. L. DULUARD FRENCH OQgdy 62—THE PROMISING PUPIL (Panel) $0, Height, 29 inches; width, 2314 mches A youne lady in a décolleté gown of white satin, with a colorful stomacher and frontal skirt panel, stands at the left, facing the spec- tator, holding out in both hands at her sides her overskirt-train, and with her head tilted coyly over her right shoulder smiles pleasantly. At the right a man in seventeenth century costume, seated on the cor- ner of a carved wood table, who is playing the lute, pauses in his playing to look seriously at her. In the background an elaborately carved mantle over a great fireplace. Signed at the lower right, L. Dutvarp. From the collection of the Late CHar.tes G. Emery. HENRI DE BUEL BELGIAN On, be 683—THE SHEEPFOLD = a . e e ou Height, 22 inches; length, 3214 inches In the shelter of a sheepcote the flock with lambs is diversely occupied, some of the sheep feeding on fresh grass which is piled in the racks, one drinking at a tub; some are alert, others lie at ease. From the left shafts of sunshine enter through a partly open door and a wide arch- way, and in the background in the light an attendant is seen. Signed at the lower right, Henrt De Bust. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. EMEry. MAX GAISSER sth 0 Gohabeket G oe 64—THHE DRAUGHTSMAN ¥ 28 Height, 25 inches; length, 31¥%. inches - Wrrury a room paneled in embossed leather, with leaded glass windows looking out upon a neighboring red brick building, a man is busy at~a drawing board laid upon a turned wood table before the window. He stands over his work, facing the right and nearly three-quarters to the front, a middle aged man clad in green and wearing a fluted and drooping ruff. The play of light within the room and on the neigh- boring tiled roof building has interested the painter. Signed at the lower left, M. Gatsser. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. EMEryY. Kk. HEILMAYER § LW 4 f : ° ya 1829— 65—MOONLIGHT MARINE 70 : Height, 24 inches; length, 3134 inches Wi ‘f: | On the right is an abutment of stark cliffs, with low outlying rocks against which the sea beats restlessly. Straight before the spectator the full moon high in the sky emerges from dark gray clouds, its light illumining the tossing sea, along the line of the coast, while at the left darkness resumes its sway. Signed at the lower right, K. HrrimMayer, 1891. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT S06 , pM es ie ew 1829—1900 IS%6—GOING FISHING ON A GRAY DAY 1 x Height, 1914, inches; length, 261 inches On the right is the edge of a wood, with a sapling and two pollards outstanding, and down the gently sloping bank in front of them a man with oars on his shoulder is walking toward a couple of punts at the edge of the water. The water, at left, is a gray stream on a still, gray and hazy day. Near the punts is tied the half-sunken car in which the cap- tured denizens of the waters are kept alive. At the distant left is a farther shore with a mass of green trees seen through the haze and hazily reflected in the stream. Signed at the lower right, TrovutLtEeBERrt. From the collection of the Late CHar.Les G. EMEry. PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT 67—-HOMEWARD FROM A FISHING TRIP ” Height, 23°4 inches; length, 29 inches eee away from the spectator a man in red cap and light blouse, sabots and brown trousers, climbs in leisurely manner a high and tree-grown bank on the left which dips in the foreground to the edge of a French river. On his shoulder is his rod, and he carries a basket in one hand. In the stream which he has just left two punts are tied at the water’s edge. Toward the right in middle distance a bridge crosses the stream, which reflects the light clouds of a summer day. Signed at the lower left, TROUILLEBERT. From the collection of the Late CHarutes G. EMEry. . WATSON | OMe ge hg abo CoNTEMPORARY S 6 68—_MORNING, LOCH TAY, PERTHSHIRE . Af. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Lyrne in sunlight and shadow in the deep grass on hills bordering the loch are cows of the long horned and shaggy variety familiar in Scot- land. One is brown and one red with black patches on head and tail, and a fulvous cow is standing up. Betweeen the elders are two calves, and other cows are seen in the distance at left and right. Over dis- tant mountains are mists. Signed at the lower right, W. Watson, 1904, and on the back with title. (A pendant to No. 85) Property of Mrs. Stpmon McHir. J. LEPINE Se, \ FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY oh B/G A ‘ ; . / ; = & woe : it J ot —_ ~ SILA tw 69 VILLE SUR UNE RIVIERE Height, 161 inches; length, 20 inches OOF, A NARROW river winds through the landscape, curving from the left foreground around a point of land and disappearing in the distance to the left. Above the point appear houses of a town, with trees near them, and on the right bank are many trees between the water’s edge and a street. In the stream a small sailboat is making slow time in the middle distance, and in the foreground toward the right a man and a woman in a rowboat are interested in a woman learning to swim. Signed at the lower right, J. LEPINE. From the collection of the Late CHartes G. EMERY. FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. us AMERICAN: 184'7— 7 Wipes i= REEK GIRLS ON THE SEASHORE 18 Ob. Height, 20 inches; length, 341% inches Unver gray clouds tinted with flame hues, and white ones about an opening to a robin’s-egg sky, the broad blue sea is rolling in gentle combers to a foreground sandy shore. Here in the central foreground two young women in summer garments are coming from the left, their skirts blown by the wind, which is back of them, and against which a blonde in white and blue braces herself as she walks, her brunette com- panion in orange stooping to pick up something from the sands. Signed at the lower left, F. A. BrrpeMan. Property of Mrs. Auice L. Waxkemay. he LEON RICHET Frengu: 1847—1907 71—_LANDSCA WITH FIGURE | 4 ‘ Height, 211% inches; length, 29 inches From the foreground an informal road leads back across green fields and is lost to sight in a group of trees in the middle distance. To left of it are marsh lands threaded by a zigzag stream, and to right of it the fields extend afar. In middle distance to right a peasant woman with her arms laden stands facing the spectator. Signed at the lower right, Lton RicHet. Property of Mrs. Atice L. Wakeman. |= =a leo, FRANS RICHARD UNTERBERGER 0. AUSTRIAN: 1838— 72—PALAZZO CONTARINI, VENICE ; o) ° | ‘ yf Height, 321% inches; width, 28 inches VENETIAN palaces line both banks of a canal leading from foreground to the distance, where green gardens are seen before still other palaces, all in bright sunshine, a bit of shadow appearing on the right fore- ground. Here against the wall a vegetable merchant sits and customers visit her, and from the sidewalk people look out upon the water. Other people under an awning look out from the opposite side of the stream, and a gondola with passengers is in the foreground. Signed at the lower left, F. R. Unversercer, and again on the back, with the title. Property of Mrs. Aticr L. Wakeman. J. M. TEN KATE | P Dutcu: 1862—1896 73—-LANDING THE FISH Height, 21 inches; length, 31 inches Own a broad and flat sandy beach of Holland, with the tide out and pools of water standing in the hollows, a group of men and women are gathered together in the central foreground discussing the catch, the fish spread on the sands in frent of them. To left a man stands tending his team, brought down to haul in the boats. In the offing are boats at anchor. Signed at the lower right, J’N TEN Kate. Property of Mrs. Atice L. WakEMAN. ADAM EMORY ALBRIGHT . 74—-HOME OF THE BOBOLINKS abt , Height, 20 inches; length, 36 inches A smauu boy and a smaller girl, whom he holds by the hand, come from the left on a sunny morning, he slightly in the lead, and are walking near the edge of a stream which reflects the sunshine from a spot in the middle.distance, . At right in a bushy tree they espy the birds that inter- est them and both look upward toward them, smiling and intent. Her golden hair is tied at the neck and hangs in a heavy curl at her back. She wears a rose frock and carries a pitcher. The boy in trousers and white shirt carries a basket. , Signed at the lower right, AvamM Emory Arsricut, 1907. Property of a Private Owner. JAMES G. TYLER AMERICAN: 1855— a 4 Go THE ‘BLUE DEEP f\ | p Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches v : . Cominc on and toward the right a schooner with booms swung to port and in topsail airs is making fine time over a choppy sea, blue, spotted with white caps, on a sunny day. Several people are aboard, and those in the bow appear to be interested in something ahead not seen by the spectator. The sky is banked high with white clouds and blue is seen through rifts. Signed at the lower right, James G. TyiEr. Purchased direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Owner. GUSTAVE COURBET Frencu: 1819—1877 A ' KK) ens 76—_STORMY DAY AT SEA Kyer Height, 211% inches; length, 28°4 inches THE open sea is depicted under wind driven clouds, a little blue visible in the sky far at left, and an occasional distant sail being seen. All the rest below the flying clouds is tossing water, the great seas heaving and rolling majestically toward the right and slightly forward, the cavernous depths of the rollers dark and the white crests following one another from afar. Signed at the lower right, G. CourseEv. From the collection of the Late CHarites G. Emery. ——— ee EPWARD JOHNSON, 7. Z. ENentisH—-1825— qr sdbibmerican: {8 2i-a [Gon 77—GIRL AND FLOWERS OS (Board) Height, 29 inches; width, 184 inches In a dark room with a red carpeted floor a golden haired young girl stands at a round table watering some plants, vines and palms that grow in the pots standing on it. She wears a short mauve-gray skirt and short sleeved blue waist and her face is partly in shadow. Signed at the lower left, E. Jounson, 1879. Property of Mrs. Arice L. WAKEMAN. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. American: 1853— Height, 24°4 inches; length, 3424, anches VAI : Grass green in soft richness of spring, in a level field bordering a sandy- brown road, and well in the foreground an old apple tree of gray and twisted branches, still putting forth blossoms amid its sparse leafage. Beyond it an orchard of younger trees, blossoming, and over their tops the gables of houses, and beyond the road at left a background of woods. Signed at lower left, Kmrm Carisen. Purchased direct from the Artist. From the sale of Valuable Paintings, April 6, 1922, at Ameryan Art Galleries. tie Boo dcamaw Property of a Private Owner. “LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN ee Frexcu: 1824—1898 ) py 79—_SCHEV ENINGEN | 57 0 ‘ Height, 20 inches; length, 29% inches Ow a delightful day of summer when the sky is filled with nebulous clouds of a soft bluish-gray, floating in an ether of veiled turquoise- blue, the eye looks upon a delicate greenish sea stretching from horizon to a yellowish, flat and sandy foreground shore, with uplands on the | right. The tide is out, and on the broad and flat sandy beach are many working boats, with and without sails, distributed from the low-water rq line to the grass-covered dunes or uplands, on the right, surmounted by Ee cottages and pavilions, while a jumble of bath and fish houses are half- f disclosed in the shelter of headlands. £ Signed at the lower left, %. Bounty, *83. From the collection of the Late Cuaries G. Emery. FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 19 db, | 80—V ENICE Height, 2114 inches; length, 3534 inches Over a foreground of water the eye looks upon the Piazzetta and on to the Clock Tower; on the right the Doge’s palace and buildings beyond; on the left the Campanile, towering above intervening build- ings. In the blue water gondolas and much shipping, and the pinkish reflections of the ducal building. Near the foreground a moving gon- dola with figures. All in a soft light under a fair sky. Signed at the lower right, Ziem. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. yal ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. \/ y AMERICAN: 1836—1892 Oy 81—LANDSCAPE | * / 4 50 , Height, 134 inches; length, 20 inches Bryonp a varied foreground of low herbage the corner of a wood comes to view on the right in middle distance, green under a sky of active clouds. ‘Toward the left extends an open screen of detached trees, and there are indications of figures at the point of the wood. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyanr. Property of Mrs. Atice L. WAKEMAN. PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT | EK : 1829—19:00 q, AL RENCH LY ~ 82-LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE: : THE WATER CARRIER 530 Height, 24 inches; length, 324% inches SHort bushy trees and some slender saplings growing on a green hill- side at the right stand before a blue sky banked with creamy billows over the horizon and showing grayish clouds overhead. The hillside falls away to a central hollow, with another rise at left of it, and in the middle distance abuts upon a lake extending to the background and showing a residence on the right bank. Coming through the cen- tral hollow, which is bare of grass, is a young peasant woman carry- ing a pail that she has just filled at the stream. Signed at the lower right, 'TRoUILLEBERT. From the collection of the Late Cuaries G. Emery. at _ GEORGE INNESS, N.A. a) AMERICAN: 1825—1894 “ss ~ | a ee: US. 3—LANDSCAPE'WITH FIGURES Oo 29 Oo ; Height, 12 mches; length, 18 inches Unver a troubled sky, on a day of sunshine, broad level fields are pic- tured extending from the foreground to distant hills. Green in the foreground, and traversed by a wandering path, they are green also in the left middle distance, where some cattle are observed. The dis- tant hills are wooded, and a clump of trees stands near the centre of the composition, casting a shadow slightly forward. To right the middle distance field is a light golden-yellow in sunshine, and a figure is seen in silhouette against it. In the foreground to right are other figures. Signed at the lower left, G. InNess, 1866 (or 1876). Property of Mrs. Aticr L. WaxkEMAN. 2 ir : PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT ge Ai Frencu: 1829—1900 on —ON THE RIVER ile 5 Height, 24 inches; length, 29 imches A prarty stream of placid flow leads from the foreground to the dis- tance, passing a chateau at the distant left and vanishing under opal- escent clouds of a hazy day. In midstream in the foreground is a punt moving lazily, with two figures aboard, and on the right tall trees stand at the water’s edge, while on the left on a point of the bank a shep- herdess stands, near a pollard and partly in shadow, with taller trees growing behind her. 7 Signed at the lower left, 'TRovILLEBERT ; on the back, Vve. Mariz TRoviLLEBERrtT. From the collection of the Late CHarurs G. EMERY. W. WATSON faye 7 SS ar GOL 85—EV ENING, LOCH L, ARGY LESHIRE ye) : Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches In the Scotch mountains, with mists settling over their tops, sur- rounding the loch, a ram and ewes of the horned sheep are seen in the foreground, standing or lying down on the grassy hummocks. Sun- shine from the left in almost horizontal rays lights their thick wool and glints from the backs of a ewe and lamb whose bodies are already in transparent shadow at the left. Two other lambs are lying down and a third is standing, and on a distant point at left another flock is seen. Signed at the lower right, W. Watson, 1904, and on the back with title. : Property of Mrs. Stpmon McHie. (A pendant to No. 68) ie BRUCE CRANE, N.A. 4 ‘s MERICAN: 1857— 86—GRAY NOVEMBER DAYS . ws 975 / Height, 18 inches; length, 24 imches A Haze of late autumn hangs over the landscape, with a diffused light, under a light grayish sky. At left are fields of rough land with here and there brush, and now and again a wild flower. At right is the edge of a wood, brown and bare, with bushes and a couple of young birches detached and outstanding, the larger one with leaves clinging to its branch tips. : Signed at the lower left, Bruck Crane. From the Edward G. O'Reilly Collection. / 917 -/ 48 $500 - OF iomeh, “4k Inscribed on the stretcher: “My dear O’Reilly, This is one of my very best canvases. Bruce Crane.” Property of Mrs. Aticre L. Wakeman. J. FRANCIS MURPHY 853—1921 ge g7)_ LANDSCAPE 54 p-0. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 imches On the left trees, with foliage green and trending to colors of early autumn, and before them green grass, extending to and around the > head of a brook, which reflects light from a partly overcast sky. To right beyond is rising land, brownish and observed through a haze, and at its farther terminal are more autumn trees. In the distance vague hills. ee ee ee ee te ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ae ee Oe ee Signed at the lower left, J. Francis Mourpuy, °98; and on the back is the monogram, JEM. Property of Mrs. AticE L. WAKEMAN. (hydinyy siouvag *¢ hg) AdVOSGNVJ—L8 ‘ON ‘ XS ADOLPHE SCHREYER GERMAN: 1828—1899 88_4N ARAB RECONNOITRING PARTY 4 ea e Height, 33 inches; width, 224 mches ‘TuroucH a defile in desert mountains three Arabs come toward the ~ spectator, following one another and all armed, the leader on a black mount, the second man on a gray, and the third riding a brown horse whose head only is visible. They are in white with red sashes and the leader wears a golden-cream burnoose and holds his gun ready as he peers to his left. The horses are all alert as they ee high over the rough ground. Signed at the lower right, xe cae a Property of Mrs. Grorcz R. Reap. RTY A 88—An AraB REcCONNoITRING P (By Adolphe Schreyer) O N JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE —— ie Frencu: : 1796—1875 WwW ie 6 O 89 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES ee ye a) ; | Height, 26 inches; mr Pi. 1814 inches Aw open forest is pictured, with the end of a lake coming to view near the centre of the composition, and a light sky visible between the trees | at left and high on the right. Trunks of near-by trees are in shadow, and the lesser trees of the distance diffuse the sunlight by their massed leafage. On the right near the foreground appear the ae of three women, grouped in conversation. < aN Sunn at the lower left Conor. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. ITH Figures CAPE W —Lanps 89 No ot) e Cor ll Jean Baptiste Cami J (B NoLIsH: 1769—1 830 9 0 90—LADY IRWIN O TEMPLE MEWSOM, ad ris Height, 30 inches; width, OY, i Pe ches. SS a 3 aS Haur-Lenctu portrait of a handsome woman in young middle life, | : seated and facing the observer, turned slightly to the left. She is clad i in white, décolleté, and wears a narrow ribbon about her throat with Ms , : a cross pendant before her waist. Her dark hair is formally done Th, eS curls which project over her forehead and temples. ‘She has rosy ; cheeks and pale hazel eyes and is of serious expression. (Blush back- ground, darkening back of her head. > 2S eee Purchased from Durand-Ruel. Property of Mr. Hamirron Happon. aS 4 No. 90—Lapy Irwin or TempLte Mewsom, Marcuioness or Hertrorp (By Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A.) . LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE A Q) Nev) s5y 1844— ; O OQ }9 ‘ 91—-THE HARVESTERS _ ( v bf ; Height, 38 inches; length, 521, inches Fiexps of France with high hills bounding them in the distance extend before the eye on both sides of a river which bisects them irregularly, winding into view in the central middle distance and disappearing under a bank in the right foreground. Here a few trees are growing, their tops above the picture limits. Within their transparent shadow laborers are at work mowing, and to left in yellow-green fields in sunshine are other laborers near harvest piles. Beyond, trees are in masses on the left of the river, the hillsides are in haze, and the light ‘from a high sun glints on the river at a bend. Signed at the lower left, L. Lurrmirre, 1906. From the Salon Exhibition. Purchased from Scott & Fowles. Property of Mrs. Sipmon McHie. (agprmwoy'T uysnbnp uoayT hg) SHALSHIAUVET FHT—16 ‘on ee cays roadside with her two children, one an infant in arms, one an older girl ATES LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE ny i erro 1844— r) r hf 3 f 92—THHE WAY FARERS LS » = U - .— 7 es a) : SSAA ETRE BST LS aarti ef 3 ee | al See eae abie 0}15 =f « Height, 39 inches; length, 57 inches Broap hillsides given to agriculture, their summits bare of trees, lie in midday sunshine under a sky of light clouds, the horizon high on the canvas, and the sea at the distant left. The slope is toward the spectator, whose point of view is sufficiently high to look upon the sea. Near the water is a coastal town, with woods at left of it and others lining a middle distance valley in which lies a hamlet of red roofed houses. In the foreground a field of golden grain, rich and ripe, occu- , pies the left. On the right, close to the spectator, a wayfarer pauses © a in a winding road to look back toward the sea. He carries a pack and a staff, and has paused before a peasant woman who sits by the a eg oe ji who has fallen asleep on the thick grass. Stgned at the lower left, L. Lurrmitts, 1909. From the Salon of 1909.-# 77% - Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Property of Mrs. Sipmon McHie. J/E94 4 OCs Ace Juludial tote he osx fey TOE 7 bot 6.0, Leiden LY qeg oP AEARX % og VL K-t 01 coracgpermo 7 ss Lol hiddes Phas: IFO a ; lizex PA SKXX - bita. b. Te bce De / a. 2 4 ' 7 a y % Gwoweow (aqjumsay'T uysnbnp uoaT hg) SUAUVAAVAA AH] —Z6 'ON LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE . brnd ?. Eek yee 93—-WASHERWOMEN ON a MARNE: | END OF DAY, 1910 0 J bot. G ( ¢ > Height, 391% inches; length, 5644 inches — SunsHine makes brilliant the hills and fields and the rejuvenating river of a rich but quiet countryside of France, with only transparent shadows and with reflections of the trees on the water. The river traverses the land from left to right, passing a narrow foreground where half a dozen laundresses are busy with their linen, two putting _ it to bleach on the grass, the others still dipping it in the stream. Across the river are golden fields with the grain stacked, and occasional — farm homes, and on the distant uplands are green woods broken by more open fields. Signed at the lower left, L. Luermirre. Purchased direct from the Artist nm Paris. Property of Mrs. Sipmon McHiz. (hee 4b oe fr Halle « , bow Kan aly 84/90 MMS Sou - SIMeehna AG 7 ae _ SAIXKK s : (ajpmsayT uysnbnp uoaT hg) OI6I ‘avd JO GNY :GNUVJY AHL NO NAWOMUAHSV A, ADOLPHE SCHREYER> n Op, WM RaeLban 94— ARABS AT A GALLOP af Oa. | Wo, Height, 2344 inches; length, 38Y2 inches Nad . a Towarp the end of day Arab horsemen come galloping ae the observer, headed slightly to right, and keenly attentive as if in some fear, glancing back toward the left as they ride. The leader is on a white horse, followed by men on gray and sorrel horses, and among those in the rear one rides a black. Sunlight still shines from the left, though a high bank at right is partly darkened, and the warm light tints the clouds with rose and brings out the rose in the horsemen’ s apparel. Signed at the lower right, Av. Scurever. Property of a Private cater Be at Meat gl ae) 1 Soleo Wiboboclt Jel! /70b- 9. poboo -¢% Shula (sahasyogy aydjopp hg) dOTIVD) V LV SaVUY—T6 “ON ¢ ; } ie aera y 7 > JAN V. CHELMINSKI CoNTEMPORARY : fA IM U Ie 6 q Co ° e | % 95—RECONNOITRING ON THE MOUNTAINS aso : Height, 2714 inches; length, 42 inches Snow covered mountains line both banks of a blue river which winds through the landscape, the peaks bare on the left and in the distance, a near-by flank on the right supporting trees bare of branches and covered with snow. Along this flank a road winds, with rocks at the river’s edge in the foreground, and in the roadway, standing or in motion, are members of a reconnoitring squad on horseback, a leader conversing with a sentinel who stands at the bend of the road. a Signed at the lower left, Jan V. CHELMINSKI. | Purchased direct from the Artist in Paris. Salad 1910 _VMES- Property of Mrs. Sipmon McHir. A389. Mesbih pores Htah dita -b fre tw tug 19) qy0 _ BMX te PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT i Cea TES 1829—1900 , ’ 96—THE OVERHANGING TREE Gf fo Ul ae 5 ame Height, 214% wmches; length, 3214 inches Own the left from a mass of Corotesque trees, brush and herbage, a single erratic tree leans out far over the agitated water of a greenish- blue stream, and instead of drooping projects at its tip a fresh mass of foliage whose top is above the picture limits. Under it is seen on a point of high land a group of buildings before a sky of white and grayish clouds, and off the point is a sailboat in motion, while in the foreground a rowboat is moored close to the shore. Signed at the lower left, 'TROUVILLEBERT. From the collection of the Late CuHarues G. Emery. oe DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT \y aS \ Wea 1845—1924 97 JULIA BY THE RIVER: TWILIGHT I ) U —: Height, 461 inches; width, 3514 inches A youne woman of regular features and rather graceful carriage pauses in the descent of some broad stairs in the foreground, leading _to a river. Figure to left and slightly toward the front, she turns her head to look in the spectator’s direction but downward, bringing her face into full view, in the departing light of the day. She carries in her left hand a capacious brass water-jug, and her right hand rests’ on the stair rail, over which red roses are climbing and a mass of greenery is seen. To left is a lake or river, and over distant hills the full moon is rising. Signed at the lower right, Ripeway Kwyicurt, Paris. - : Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Property of Mrs. Stomon McHte. 81K - Bevegbh por tlek fay (909 «he UKXX — SA - 3 Ite Hace. Afert 7/1410 _ EM UXX - TWILIGHT ht) wh lL Ridgway Kn (Ta 97—JULIA BY THE RIVER (By Dan No P. MARCIUS-SIMONS NM AMERICAN: 1867—1909 98—THE REALM OF LIGHT 390 Height, 35% inches; length, 572 inches A pazzutnec phantasy of lands and seas of the vivid, brilliant and pic- turesque imagination—summits at right and left crowned by cathedral domes and towers, a city in the valley of the central middle distance, in a stream or an arm of the sea in the foreground a splendid barge with crimson sail, with numerous oarsmen, with figureheads proclaim- ing splendor and trumpeting victory: the whole under a blazing sun- burst of golden lights and glory, relieved by colorful shadows. Signed at the lower left, P. Marcius-Simons. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. BALDOMERO GALOFRE $4. Brum ein 99—-HER BOUQUET A. L440 , | Height, 41 mches; width, 27 inches Hicx in the mountains are villas overlooking a distant city and har- bor far below. From an embowered balcony at left a dark haired beauty, smiling, leans to toss a flower to a gallant sefior who rides up on a black charger and holds out his cap to catch it. He wears bril- liant colors and his horse is richly caparisoned. Signed at the lower right, B. Gatorre, 792. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. H. GUINIER C f oO 4 LL Frencu: 1867— 100—_THE YOKE IN HOLLAND g b, Height, 25 inches; length, 374 inches Mauve, cream and gray-blue the sky over a Dutch landscape of town and country, of cottages and windmills, of green meadows and low hillsides. On the border of a winding stream near the foreground a Dutch maid comes, carrying two full pails suspended from a neckyoke. Her reddish-blond hair is mainly under a dark cap, she wears a blue waist and a skirt of pink and black, and sabots. On the stream is a rowboat, and reflections of cottages and a windmill which stand on the farther bank at the left, and to right in the distance is a hamlet. Signed at the lower right, H. Guinier, VoLENDAM. From the collection of the Late Cuartes G. Emery. ATTRIBUTED TO JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. f Enecuisu: 1775—1851 j | /, V 101I—BRIDGES AND CATHEDRAL HEIGHTS © / b a) : Height, 30%4 inches; length, 50 inches A srrEAM traversing the picture between right and left; at right, in warm shadow before buildings and a darkened shore, various shipping, and near the foreground a barge in motion. At left in the foreground — blasted trees at the entrance of a bridge, and a figure at their foot watching the barge. The bridge, over which figures are passing, leads to a cathedral and tall heights in the middle distance, sail and masts are visible to left of it, and in the distance at left is another bridge. From the collection of the Late CHarites G. Emery. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., MANAGERS. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. t ~ kTISTS REPRESENTED D THEIR WORKS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ACHARD, JEAN ALEXIS Landscape with Sheep and Shepherd ALBRIGHT, Apam Emory Home of the Bobolinks ATALAYA, Jost The Prestidigitateur BEAUQUESNE, W. La Revue BERNE-BELLECOUR, Evrenne Prosper Striking a Light BERTZIK, A. Portrait of a Lady BOUDIN, LOUIS EUGENE Scheveningen BRIDGMAN, Freperic A., N.A. Greek Girls on the Seashore BUEL, HeEnrI DE The Sheepfold BUNNER, A. F. A Foggy Morning in Holland: River Maas CARLSEN, Emu, N.A. Apple Orchard CATALOGUE NUMBER 8 74 19 49 79 70 63 38 78 CHAIGNEAU, JEAN FERDINAND Shepherdess and Sheep CHELMINSKI, Jan V. Reconnoitring on the Mountains CHURCH, Frepericx S., N.A. Ideal Head COLASEI, A. The Cobbler Reads COLLAERT, Marte Un Matin COURBET, GustTAvE Stormy Day at Sea COROT, Jaren Baptiste CAMILLE Landscape with Figures CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Gray November Days CURRAN, Guinan CourtTnEy, N.A. On the Lake Shore A Garden DELPY, Htirrotyte CAMILLE River and Reflections DETTI, Crsare The Halt for Rest Consolation Spiritual and Physical DECOR D HRs The Promising Pupil CATALOGUE Al 95 36 10 58 76 86 55 CATALOGUE , NUMBER DUPRE, JutLes Cattle and Pool 18 DUPRE, Jvuuiren Pitching Hay 39 FAREAU, H. A Lonely Road 34 FISHER, H. The Trout Stream 29 GAISSER, Max The Draughtsman 3 64. GALOFRE, Batpomerro Her Bouquet 99 GLISENTI, A. Watching the Spinner 57 GOEBEL, Cart Spiritual Welfare 52 GUINIER, H. The Yoke in Holland 100 HARRISON, Lowexii Bircr Snow at Plymouth, Massachusetts 44 HEILMAYER, K. Moonlight Marine 65 INNESS, Gxorcr, N.A. Landscape with Figures 83 CATALOGUE — NUMBER INNOCENTI, J. Cavalier’s Head , 16 JOHNSON, Epwarp | Girl and Flowers a K. H. a An Agreeable Sip . 1 Is There Another Drop? 15 KNIGHT, Dante, Ringway <4 Julia by the River: ‘Twilight , 97 KRONBERGER, C. Pleasures of Age 9 LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, P.R.A. Lady Irwin of Temple Mewsom, Marchioness of Hertford 90 LEPINE, J. Ville sur une Riviére 69 LESREL, ApoLpHE ALEXANDRE Standing Figure 48 LHERMITTE, Lton Avcustin . The Harvesters | 91 The Wayfarers 92 Washerwomen on the Marne: End of Day, 1910 93 MADRAZO, Don Ratmonpo DE The White Parrot 26 MARCIUS-SIMONS, P. The Realm of Light 98 CATALOGUE NUMBER MARTIN, ETIENNE Ville fortifiée 5A McCORD, Gerorcet H., A.N.A. River and City at Sunset : aot MOELLER, LOUIS, N.A. The Sneeze A MORAGAS, Tomas A Halt for Coffee 56 MORETTI, G. G. The Game 53 MOSLER, Henry, N.A. | The White Bonnet 25 Apple Blossoms i Scheherazade 33 MURPHY, J. FRANcIs Landscape 12 A Sunny Morning in October 20 Landscape 87 | | MOWBRAY, Henry Sippons, N.A. | PARTON, Arruur, N.A. Apple Blossoms 60 PENNE, CuHaries OLIVIER DE Dogs 32 POINTELIN, AvcustE Landscape 61 : CATALOGUE NUMBER RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. | Windy Sky ! 37 RICHET, Lron Landscape with Figure fal SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Eminio | At the Wheelbarrow 17 SCHMITZ, Ernst ; Portrait of an Old Lady o Head of an Old Man 6 SCHREY ER, ApoLtrHE An Arab Reconnoitring Party 88 Arabs at a Gallop 94 SCHWICKOYV, A. Brother Cellarer : 4.0 SIGRISTE, Guipo En Route passant la Sentinelle 1 TEN KATE, J. M. Landing the Fish 73 TROUILLEBERT, Paut Désiré: Au Bord de la Mer 46 Going Fishing on a Gray Day 66 Homeward from a Fishing ‘Trip 67 Landscape with Figure: The Water Carrier 82 On the River 84 The Overhanging Tree 96 CATALOGUE NUMBER TURNER, Josrpu Mattorp Witu1aM, R.A. (Attributed to) Bridges and Cathedral Heights 101 SrY LER, JAMES G. Whaler Hurrying Home 50 On the Blue Deep 75 UNTERBERGER, Frans Ricuarp Palazzo Contarini, Venice (fs VAN ELTEN, Henprik Dirk Kruseman Landscape 35 VELTEN, W. Off for the Hunt 21 Cavalry on the March 23 VERBOECKHOVEN, Evcrne Josreru | Sheep and Chickens 11 VERNON, PAUL Landscape on a Showery Day 43 VIBERT, JEAN GEORGES The Finishing ‘Touch 28 WAGNER, Pau Childhood 59 - WATSON, W. Morning, Loch ‘Tay, Perthshire 68 Evening, Loch Goil, Argyleshire 85 WIGGINS, Joun Careton, N.A. Landscape and Sheep 22 Pastures in Holland 30 Landscape and Cattle 42 ~ A ‘si La eee ty pe a iraty, WILLCOCK, GEORGE > ae : Cottage Life WYANT, ALEXANDER H., N. A. Landscape Landscape - ZIEM, FEvix Venice COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY i ee, Lee eA ere SN A A eh cece I » i; é p a ~ 4 a Vy . 7 ve o —_ vie p «>< ie ? a be Fm ’ ‘9 ‘ . s 4 4 I ti f 4 ® - ™m 14 . x ~ rot a = ; i : 2°56 $ ‘ . ” > 4 a > ? - sf * g a ; / : - { : ; ‘ ‘ 4 ; ' 7 if i “f 4 } " | -_