CATALOGUE No. 1252 AN UNUSUAL ee OIL PORTRAITS BY EARLY AMERICAN ARTISTS AND Ten Ivory Miniatures by Hugh Bridport ALSO Colonial Furniture, Andirons, Porcelains and Silver Plate, from The LEHMAN FAMILY, of Germantown The BREINTNALL FAMILY, of Philada., and the Late Judge J. HENRY WILLIAMS, of Philadelphia TO BE SOLD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. sth, 1920 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Assistant—STAN. V. HENKELS, Jr. a LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York Washington, painted by Gilbert Stuart on a silk flag for the Lehman family. Lot No. 11 CATALOGUE No. 1252 OIL PORTRAITS AMERICAN NOTABLES By Early American Artists 10 Ivory Miniatures by Hugh Bridport AND Colonial Furniture, Silver Plate, Mirrors, Andirons, Tucker and other Porcelains from The LEHMAN FAMILY, of Germantown The BREINTNALL FAMILY, of Philadelphia, and the Late Judge J. HENRY WILLIAMS, of Philadelphia Historical Relics, Colored Patchwork Bedspreads and Counterpanes TO BE SOLD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. sth, 1920 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Assistant—STAN. V. HENKELS, Jr. ‘The only Auction House in the country where the Prints are catalogued by the person who cries the sales—an ad- wantage not to be lightly overlooked. MOT LEE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge. Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme- «diately tollowing the sale. STAN. V. HENKELS, Auction CoMMISsION MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MAURICE If. POWER, PRIN'TER 1110-16 Sansom Street Philadelphia Rt. Rev. Henry Conwell, Roman Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia. By Hugh Bridport. Lot No.1 I CATALOGUE MINIATURES ON IVORY BY BRIDPORT. Notr.—Hugh Bridport was a noted miniature painter, born im London, 1794, and who was induced by Thomas Sully to come to this. country and practise his art. He consequently settled in Philadelphia in 1816, where he obtained a great reputation asa portrait painter and miniaturist, and to him we are indebted for many beautiful specimens. of the art. He was also one of the instructors of Albert Newsam, the noted engraver of portraits on stone. The present collection comes from a member of his family, who inherited them by direct descent from his estate. Tue Ricur Rev. Henry Conwertrt, D. D. Roman Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia. Nearly half length, seated, in his clerical robes as Bishop, head to left. Size 3 12-16in, x 214-16 in. In contemporary gold bronze pendant frame, on the back of which is the artist’s card: ‘H. Bridport, Miniature Painter, 122 Chestnut St” he whole enclosed in a morocco case. SEE PLATE. This miniature 1s after a painting by John Naegle, 1826. Bishop Conwell was appotnted to the See of Philadelphia ir 1820, and was consecrated in London. Shortly after his ar- rival in Philadelphia he had difficulty with the Trustees of the Cathedral Church of St. Mary’s, who insisted on retain- ing a priest contrary to the desire of the Bishop. The resulé was a schism. Dr. Conwell and the Clergy of hts House- hold abandoned the Cathedral and retired to the Church of St. Joseph, in the neighborhood. He afterwards went te Rome, where the Papal authorities endeavored to persuade him from returning to the United States and used every effort’ to prevail on him to resign his See; but without effect. He was present at the Council of Baltimore in 1829, when the assembled bishops persuaded him to accept the Rev. Francts P. Kenrick as a coadjutor. Francis Hopkinson. Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Exquisitely painted miniature on ivory, head’ to right. Size 3in.x2in. In velvet frame. SEE PLATE 4 This portrait of the great statesman much resembles the pose and coloring of Thomas Sully. It exhibits at the same time the delicate touch and drawing which much excells the art of his friend. Francis Hopkinson, besides being one of our most ardent patriots, was, lke his brother, Thomas Hop- Rinson, the author of ‘Hail Columbia,” a poet and composer of no mean calibre. He was the author of the celebrated “Battle of the Kegs,’ and left considerable musical compost- tions which at this late date ave just beginning to be appre- ciated. MINIATURE ON Ivory. Portrait of an Old Gentleman with white hair and clean shaven face, with a buff waist coat and blue top coat, seated in a chair. Head to right. Size 3 in. xX 2 14-16 in. In gold bronze contemporary frame, in morocco case. SEE PLATE. MINIATURE ON Ivory. Portrait of a Gentleman, much re- sembling Jared Sparks, the biographer of Washington. With dark coat, with fur collar, seated in a chair, head to right. Size 2 14-16 in. x 2 8-16 in. In morocco case. SEE PLATE. MintaturE ON Ivory. Portrait of a Lady in low necked black dress, with necklace of amber beads. Size 2 10-16 in. X 2 4-16in. In morocco case. MiniaTURE ON Ivory. Portrait of a Young Man with ruffled collar, buff waist coat and blue top coat. Size 3 in. x 2 4-16 in. SEE PLATE. This 1s an unusually beautiful and strong portrait. MINIATURE ON Ivory. Portrait of a Man in the prime of life, with black cravat, white vest and blue top coat. Head to right. Size 2 14-16 in. x 2 6-16 in. This is also an unusually beautiful and strong portrait. MINIATURE ON Ivory. Portrait of a Gentleman, with black cravat and blue top coat, head to right. Oval. Size 2 14-16 in. X 2 6-16 in. MINIATURE ON Ivory. Portrait of a Young Lady in a red silk low-necked dress trimmed with lace; head to left. Size 3 in. x 26-16 in. SEE PLATE, MintaturE on Ivory (unfinished). Portrait of a Young Man, full face. Size 2 6 16 in. x 2 6-16 in. Very strong likeness and an interesting specinien. Lot No. 6 Lot No. 2 Lot No. 9 Il J STUART’S PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON. PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, in uniform. Bust to left, head to right. Oval. Painted in water color on silk. Size 5 4-16in. x 4in. Gilt Frame. SEE PLATE. This ts one of the most interesting portraits of Washington that has ever come under my observation, it was painted by Gilbert Stuart and has always been in the Bringhurst- Lehman family. The first owner was Samuel Bringhurst, who lived on Main Street, Germantown, Pa.; and on whose property was a barn which was used by Stuart as his studio. The arrangement being made by Mr. Bring- hurst, who, being public spirited, decided to atid Stuart im every possible way. Consequently, the barn was filted up; the upper part was used as the studio proper, and the lower floor was used for mixing paints and receiving quarters. During Gilbert Stuart's occupancy of these quarters the pa- triotic people of Germantown decided to present a flag to the militia of the commuuity, and Mr. Bring hurst requested Stuart to paint the flag, which he did much to the gratification of all those concerned. The flag, which was not of large proportions, was made of silk. The head of Washington, surrounded by a laurel wreath, appearing on one side, and on the other the Goddess of Liberty. The flag, after having served its pur- pose, was presented to Mr. Bringhurst in gratitude for the services he rendered Stuart and the town. Mary, the eldest daughter of Mr. Bringhurst, married Wn. Lehman of Ger- maniown, and later of Lebanon, Pa., and in due time the Washington portrait was presented to his daughter Mary, and in turn was inherited by her son, Bengamin Bringhurst Lehman, who left it to his son, Ambrose E. Lehman, civil engineer, who recently died in Philadelphia, The picture then came in possession of his widow, who is living on Forty- third Street South of Walnut Street, Philadelphia. The above information was obiained some years ago in Lebanon through papers in the possession of and by conversation with Sue Ash- mead Filler, now dead. She was a descendent of Samuel Bringhurst, and was born in Germantown. The Ashmead property adjoining that of the Bringhursts. Nore.—Unfortunately the flag of which this portrait of Washington was the main object has passed out of existence. In the settlement of the Lehman estate, there were so many claimants to the flag in its entirety that it was decided to partition it amongst the heirs ; conse- quently the portrait was cut fromthe flag. ‘The head going to one, 12 6 the uniform going to another member of the family, and so on. Fortunately in after years the uniform and head were brought to- gether as here presented, and it is very probable that this is the only water-color of Washington by the great artist. It will be remem- bered that it was the Barn studio on the Lehman estate where Washington sat to Stuart for the famous portrait now hanging in the Boston Anthenaeum. An affidavit as to the above facts will be given the purchaser. Ivory Miniature. Pereira Ventura, by Joaquin Ventura. Size 2 12-16 in. x 2 4-16 in. In antique gilt frame. SILHOUETTES BY CHARLES WILLSON PEALE. 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 Smnouerre of Mrs. Ann Alexander. Quaker preacher. SILHOUETTE of Mrs. Smith of Chestnut Hill. SILHOUETTE of Miss Hester Ann Dodson. Sitnouerre of Mr. Charles Miller. SILHOUETTE of Miss Kitty Miller. Now Mrs. Sharpe. SILHOUETTE of Mary Ann Dowers. These all bear the embossed stamp of Peale’s Museum, with the exception of Lot No. 17. Oil Portraits by Early American Artists. UNKNOWN. GEORGE WasHiNGToN. Full bust, head to left, after Gilbert Stuart type. Canvas. Size 31 in. x 25 in. SEE PLATE. This 1s a beautifully painted portrait, probably executed in the early part of the latter century, and was probably by one of the most noted portrait painters of the time. Unfortunately wi is unsigned, it ts however worthy the consideration of CONNOISSEUT'S. j UNKNOWN. Cora Livincston. Full bust, head to left, in the uniform of an officer of a military company, of which she was an honorary member. Canvas. Size 29 1-2 in. x 24 1-2 in. Cora Livingston was the daughter of Edward Livingston, governor of New York. It depicts her in the uniform of an Lot No. 19 21 22 23 24 26 7 officer of a militia company, of which she was an honorary member. The painting resembles very much the work of John Trumbull. BASS OTIS. Born in New England, 1784, and Died in Philadelphia, 1861. A Noted Portrait Painter. Fevicia Hemens. Canvas. Size 30 in. x 25 in. JACOB EICHOLZ. Noted Early American Portrait Painter. Miss Baker. Canvas. Size 30 in. x 25 in. Miss Baker was the daughter of a Mr. Baker, a prominent publisher of Lancaster, Pa. This artist painted the portrait of Washington for Col. Isaac Franks, and also the portraits of many of the leading citizens of Pennsylvania. GEORGE P. A. HEALY. Born in Boston, 1808. He was a Noted Portrait and History Painter, exhibited at the Paris Salon, and Honorary Member of the National Academy of New York. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Resembling Millard Fillmore. Canvas. Size 25 in. x 21 in. PorTRAIT OF ANDREW Jackson. Signed, and dated May 29,1845. Canvas. Size 24 in. x 20 in. REMBRANDT PEALE. Born in Bucks County, Pa., 1787. Died in Philadelphia, 1860. Pupil of Benjamin West and Son of Charles Willson Peale. He Painted the Portrait of Washington and many other Notables. PorTRAIT OF RICHARDSON STuART. Canvas. Size 20 ieee SEM eh EAT ES Richardson Stuart lived in Baltunore, where he was a manufacturer of nails. This portrait was painted by Rem- brandt Peale, and has been in the family ever since. It comes atrect from the descendants. CHARLES NICOLAS COCHIN. Born in 1715. Diedin 1790. An Eminent French Painter, Noted for his Portrait of Dr. Franklin. Dr. BenyjAMIN FRANKLIN. With fur cap and spectacles, head to right. Canvas. Size 24 in. x 20 in. SEE PLATE. 8 | HENRY INMAN. | Born in Utica, N. Y., in 1801, and Died in New York, 1846. Por- trait, Landscape and Genre Painter. Pupil of Jarvis. | | 27 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Said to be Mr. Schemmer- horn. Canvas. Size 29 in. x 24 in. il BASS OTIS. Born in New England, 1784, and Died in Philadelphia, 1861. A Noted Portrait Painter. 28 Porrrair oF Mr. Burk. Half length, seated, head to right. Canvas. Size 36 in. x 28 in. SEE PLATE. | WILLIAM. S MOUNT. | Born in Setauket, L. I, 1807. Died in New York, 1868. Genre | Painter. Pupil of the National Academy. Elected N. A. in 1832. i 29 Portrait oF His MorHer. Signed on the back, “ Portrait of my mother, from the original, by William S. Mount, | Sept, 1555. Caflvas.. Size 401m, x25 in, 30 Henry S. Mounr. Brother of the Artist. Signed on the | back, “ Unfinished portrait painted by William S. Mount. | 1828.” Canvas. Size 30 in. x 25 in. | 31 Porrratr oF Himsexr. Signed on the back, “ Portrait of Wm. S. Mount, N. A. Painted by Himself Sept. 185 4.’’ Canvas. Size 24 in. x 20 in. JOSEPH ALEXANDER AMES. Born in New Hampshire, 1816, and Died in New York, 1872. Elected A. N. A. in 1869 and N. A. in 1870. Noted Portrait Painter. 32 GEORGE SourHWaARD. Signed. Panel. Size 30 in. x 24 in. | JOHN NEAGLE. Born in Boston, 1799, and Died, 1865. One of the most noted of Early American Portrait Painters. 33 Portrait or A Lapy. Canvas. Size 30 in. x 25 in. 34 THE Last PENSIONER OF THE REVOLUTION. Canvas. Signed. Sizer 3 aineex 270 | This portrait was the subject of a celebrated mezzotint by | John Sartain. It was purchased at the sale of the late Mr. Trott in 1899 . Lot No. 25 35 36 37 38 5) 40 42 43 ©) SHEPHERD ALONZO MOUNT. Early American Portrait Painter. Mrs. Ruta Hawkins. Signed on the back, “ Portrait of Mrs. Ruth Hawkins, 81 years, Painter S.A. Mount. 1830.” Canvas. Size 30,in. x 25 in. The artist was a brother of Wm. S. and Henry S. Mount and was an artist of considerable alility. Fis portraits take very high rank. AMERICAN SCHOOL. NATHANIEL ParKER WILLIs. Signed and dated“C.E.C., To34." Canvas, size 3h ins 24ein. Henry Cuay. Canvas. Size 27 in. x 22 in. PURVIANCE. An O tp GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Size 24 in. x 20 in. HENRY INMAN. Born in Utica, N. Y., in 1801, and Died in New York, 1846. Por- trait, Landscape and Genre Painter. Pupil of Jarvis. Joun P. Coox. Uncle of Mrs. Gideon Pope. Canvas. Size 17 in. 14 in. Epcar ALLAN Pork. Canvas. Size 7 in. x 6 in. GEORGE P. A. HEALY. PortTralr OF A CuHiLp. Canvas. Size 26 in. x 22 in. JAMES FROTHINGHAM. American Portrait Painter. CHRISTOPHER Hueues. Canvas. Size 20 in. x 17 in. BASS OTIS. Born in New England, 1784. Died in Philadelphia, 1861. A Noted Portrait Painter. PortTRAItT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Size 29 in. x 24 in. SEE PLATE. This ts one of the closest resemblances to a painting by Gilbert Stuart that has ever come under my observation. In fact, were tt attributed to Stnart there would be few to doubt it. 45 46 47 49 Io AMERICAN SCHOOL. PorTRAIT OF A FirE Carer. Panel. Size 23 in. x 19 in. F. R. SPENCER. Mrs. AnpRew Jackson. Panel. Size 28 1-2 in. x 23 1-2 in. Signed on the back, ‘Painted by F. R. Spencer, Jan., 1830.” UNKNOWN. PortTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Panel. Size 28 in. x 23 in. HENRY PETERS GRAY. He was born in New York in 1819, and Died in 1877. Was a Pupil of Huntingdon, and became President of the National Academy. Lronipas PoLtk IN CLERICAL Ropes. Size 25 in. x 16 in. SEE PLATE. Leonidas Polk was born in Raleigh, N.C.,1n 1806. Be- came a priest in the Frotestant Episcopal Church, and was made Bishop of Loustana in 1841. At the beginning of the Civil War he donned the military uniform and was appointed Major-General and afterwards Lieutenant-General of the Confederate States Army. He was killed at the Battle of Pine Mountain, Georgia, June 14, 1864. HENRY INMAN. Born in Utica, N. Y., in 1801, and Died in N. Y., 1846. Portrait, Landscape and Genre Painter. Pupil of Jarvis. PortRAIT resembling very much that of Theodoric R. Beck. Canvas. Size 28 in. x 35 in. JEAN JOSEPH VAUDECHAMP. A French artist who came to New Orleans in 1830, where he resided for six years, when he then returned to France, and was afterwards appointed Court Painter. Porrralp OF A Man, with Shell Glasses. Signed ‘‘ Vaude- champ 1832.” Canvas. Size 29 in. x 25 in. SEE PLATE. Specimens of Vaudechamp’s paintings are very rare, es pecially those he executed in this country. Lot No. 26 50 52 53 DS) 56 57 If ROBERT SULLY. Eminent Portrait Painter. MorHeEr AND CuiLp. Three-quarter length. Canvas. Size 50 in. x 38 in. This ts believed to be the portrait of Mrs. Greenhow and (her daughter) who was a Confederate and arrested in Wash- ington asa spy. The portrait is well painted and a very interesting One. UNKNOWN. PorRTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Size 24 in. x 30 in. UNKNOWN. Portrait oF A MAN witH A QuILL PEN. Canvas. Size 30 in. x 25 in. WIFE OF THE MAN witH A Quitt Pen. Canvas. Size 30 in. x 25 in. SLeePiInc Moruer with Her Cuitp. Canvas. Size 32 in. X 27 in. WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT. Born in Brattleborough, Vermont, 1824, and Died in 1879. Por- trait, Landscape and Figure Painter. Pupil of Couture and Studied under Millet. A Patuetrre Knire SkercH. Canvas, Size 8 in. x 12 in. This picture was exhibited at the Memorial Exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts; Boston, 1879. RUEL P. TOLMAN. Eminent American Painter. Instructor of Art in the Corcoran School. Menpine His Nerv. Signed. Canvas. Size 30 in. 20 in. J. R. LAMBIN. Noted American Portrait Painter. Wirtiam E. Burron. Celebrated Comedian. Canvas. Size 27 ines 2210. SAMUEL L. WALDO. Born in Wyndham, Conn., 1783, and died in New York, 1861. Hmie nent Portrait Painter, who worked under West and Copley in the 12 work. | Born in Bath, England, in 1751. Hh) Washington, painted in 1796. above. mountings. Wh held by a soldier to the left. il 18 8-16 in. Damaged. noted paintings. Royal Academy. In the early part of the last century he formed a partnership with William Jewett and painted many portraits jointly with him. He was Director of the American Academy of Fine Arts. 58 Porrrarr oF THomas Moors, the Celebrated Trish Poet. Panel 30 in. x 25 in. Signed and dated on the back. This is the celebrated portrait of the great Trish Poet, painted by Waldo in conjunction with Wm. Jewett. | beautifully painted and a fine example of the artist's best i JAMES SHARPLES. Died in New York City Feb. 26, Mi 1811. Hecame to this country first in 1794, and went back to Eng- i land and returned to America in 1809. ture portrait pastels he painted, which included a profile of General He was famous for the minia- 59 Cot. RicHARD VaRicK, who was first Aide-de-Camp to General Benedict Arnold at the time of the latter’s treason il in 1780. He afterwards became Washington’s military i secretary. Full bust in brown coat, with blue-striped vest. / Nearly full face. Pastel. Size 13 8-16 in. x 11 in. ANY i 60 Wire oF Cor. RicHARD VaARIcK. Companion to the | . . . These are two very important portraits, beautifully execu- ted and ave in an excellent state of preservation. i are in their original antique black frames with brass | FRANCOIS CLOUET. } Born in Tours about 1500 and died about 1572. Jehannet. Painter to Francis I, Henry II and Charles IX. Painted many portraits of English nobility. Called Maitre 61 Marte Stuart. Panel. Size 14 in. x 10 in. This portrait ts worthy of the consideration of connoisseurs. i JOHN TRUMBULL. il 62 WASHINGTON ON THE BATTLEFIELD OF TRENTON. \| length in uniform, standing to the front of a prancing horse, Size 26 8-16 in. x This 1s a very clever rendition of one of Trumbull’s most Lot No. 28 63 64 65 66 67 13 IVORY MINIATURE. Maver ANSELM ROTHSCHILD, founder of the great banking house of Europe. Original miniature on ivory in antique frame. Size 3 14-16 in. x 3 2-16 in. Rospert R. Livineston. One of the Committee to Draft the Declaration of Independence. Drawn from life Dec., 1797, by James Peale. Original miniature portrait in oil, on tin. Full bust, head to the right. Oval. Signed on the back. Size 3 2-16 in. x 2 10-16in. In original contem- porary frame. This ts a beautifully executed portrait of one of the most noted statesmen of the Revolution, and painted by the cele- brated James Peale, the brother of Charles Willson Peale, who was noled for his miniature portraits and who executed the portraits of many persons in the latter pari of the eugh- teenth and the carly part of the nineteenth century. GILBERT STUART. Was born in Narragansett, R. I., Dec. 3, 1755, and died in Boston, July 27, 1828. One of the Most Noted of American Portrait Paint- ers, that of Washington being the Accepted Portrait. GENERAL Henry Knox, of the Revolutionary Army, Sec- retary of War under Washington and First Secretary of the Society of the Cincinnati. Three-quarter length in uni- form, head to right, the left arm resting upon a cannon. Panel. Size 8 in. x § 14-16. An exquisite little portrait portraying the touch, the color- ing and all the delicate. outlines of this great master. Tt 1s labeled on the back, in a contemporary, hand, as we have named tt. UNKNOWN. WiLtIAM SHAKESPEARE. The Chandos Portrait. One- quarter life size, on panel. Size 13 in. x 10 8-16 in. This 7s an excellent contemporary rendition of the cele- brated Chandos Portrait of the Great Bard of Avon. CAPTAIN MORIARITY. GENERAL U. S. Grant. Full bust, in uniform, head to right. Painted by Captain Moriarity before Petersburg, March, 1865. Oncard. Size gin. x 5 12-16 in. 674 68 7O 14 A very good portrait of General Grant, well executed and of considerable historical interest. ABRAHAM LincoLtn Ort Portrait. Bust half life size. This portrait is a fairly good likeness of the Martyred President, and was painted by an Amateur, as an apprecia- tion of the pardon conferred upon him by the President, of a death sentence, inflicted upon him by a Court-Martial. The Pardon was obtained through the intercession of Mrs. L. J. Dewees, of Philadelphia, who was active in the sani- tary associations during the war. The fact that the Portrait was painted by a novice as an expression of his gratitude and is very interesting. GEORGE INNESS. A Noted Landscape Painter. Born in Newburg, N. Y., 1825. Was chosen a National Academician in 1868. No painter has represented the aspects of nature in the American climate with a deeper feeling. Wooprand SkercH. Panel. Size 12 8-16 in. x g in. This has been passed upon as a genuine Inness, being a study for a larger picture. It was exhibited at the “ Grand Fine Art and Industrial Exhibition, St. James Hall, Oxford Street, Westminster, Oct. 20th,” no year. —— SALMONYS. OricinaL Water Cotor—A Wreck on a Rocky Coast at Sun Set. Size 13 8-16 in. x 20 in. This artist ts very highly praised by connoisseurs, and his works are much sought after, he being rated one of the leaa- ing water-colorists of his time. UNKNOWN. Grorce Wasuincron. Full bust. Stuart type. Canvas. Size 29 in. x 24 in. Attributed to the daughter of Gilbert Stuart. GrorGE WasHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Canvas. Size 23 8-16 in. x 1g 8-16 in. Painted tn the early part of the last century. Lot No. 43 72 N w oS Ai 15 JOHN TRUMBULL. Eminent Portrait Painter. Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, whose portrait he painted. Napo.eon Bonaparte. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Canvas. Size,17 in. x 14 in. UNKNOWN. Brrrish Sotpiers. A Study in Oil on Canvas. Size It in. x 5 14-16 in. HERMAN SIMON. Philadelphia Artist Noted for his Paintings of Dogs. Quart Sxoorine. Signed and dated 1880. Canvas. Size 17 8-16 in. x 24 in. GEORGE R. EVANS. A Noted Painter of Dogs. A Heap or A Gorpon Sgrrer. Canvas. Signed and dated. Size 20 8-16 in. x 16 8-16 in. UNKNOWN. Moruer anp Cuitp. Canvas. Size 36 in. x 29 in. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Canvas. Size 17 in. x I5 in. PorTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Size 24 I-2 in. x Zein PorTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Size 27 in. x 22 in. PortTRAIT oF A GENTLEMAN. With a blue top-coat. Can- vas. Size 27 in. by [9g in. Orr Paintine View or Girarp Cotcece, Philadelphia, by A. Kollner, 1871. Antique Furniture, &c. Antigue Brack Watnur HicH—Boy. With raised base, on cabriole legs, with web-feet, eight drawers in top and three drawers in base. SEE PLATE. 86 37 95 16 An exceptionally fine old piece of Colonial furniture, made of black walnut at a period before the introduction of mahog- any into this country. It ts in excellent condition, with all the original brass handles, but lacking one brass escutcheon. Tt has been in the possession of the Lehman family of Ger- mantown from early Colonial days up to the present time. Mawocany Dressinc Sranp. Resting on a round ped- estal, supported by a base and four carved feet, mirror back. From the Lehman family of Germantown. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY CELLARETTE or Wine Closet, with drawer on top. ANTIQUE ManoGAny DressING CASE, pedestal base sup- Q »? p 4 ported with claw feet, swinging mirror in back. AntTiQuE Mauocany Banjo Ciock, wtth brass mountings, in perfect running order. FrencH MAnrer Crock. Empire design, in frame work of mahogany; marquetrie inlaid, supported with four columns, with gold-bronze mounting, silver face, gold mounted door and pendulum. Runs eight days, strikes hours and half-hours. Manocany Arm Rocker, with upholstered velour seat. Manocany ARM Cuair. To match. Manocany Foor Sroot. To match. MAHOGANY AND Marguerrieé INLAID CENTRE TABLE. MaAnoGANy AND INLAID SERVING TABLE. MawuoGany AnD Brass HANDLE SERVING TRay. AnTIQUE ManoGcany FAmIty MeEpicinr CHEsT. Resting on a base supported by four brass feet, with brass handle and brass ornamentation on doors. Belonged to the Lehman family of Germantown. It has all the original bottles, druggist scales, mortar and pestle, and all other appurtenances complete. This is really an his- torical relic of considerable interest as it was used by the physicians tn attending the wounded after the Battle of Ger- mantown. Very Oxp Lacgurrep CHINESE Lapy’s Work TaBLe, with ivory appurtenances. Rt. Rev. Leonidas Polk, P. E. Bishop of Louisiana and Lieut.-Gen. Confederate States Army. Lot No. 47 es 100 Iot To2 104 105 106 107 108 109 17 ANTIQUE COLONIAL SPINNING WHEEL. ANTIQUE COLONIAL YARN WINDER AND CARDING Boarbs. TUCKER CHINA VASES. Pair oF TuCKER CHINA GRECIAN SHAPED VASES, with col- ored scenic decorations. Heighth 13in.; widthg 3-4 in. These are an unusually large pair of vases, made by Tucker, who manufactured the first porcelain made in the United States. They are in unusually fine condition, with the exception that some of the gilding has been worn off by age. Pair oF TucKER CHINA RoMAN SHAPED VASES, with pink and gold background with floral decorations. Damaged. ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD SILVER-PLATED ON COPPER COFFEE Urn, with heating iron. Complete. An extraordinary piece of beautiful design. SEE PLATE. ANTIQUE SoLID SILVER CANDLESTICKS. SEE PLATE. PAIR OF THREE-LIGHT REVOLVING SILVER-PLATED CANDE- LABRA. Manocany HALF-rounD FoLpInG-Tor CarD TABLE, inlaid with white holly, straight tapering legs, Hepplewhite style. MauocGany Foipinc-Top Carp TaBLe, rounded corners, straight tapering legs, inlaid with white holly. Hepple- white style. The above two tables were purchased in my sale of Oct. 6-7, 1919, by a gentleman who was unable to pay for them. They ave from the estate of Charles Carroll, of Carvolton, signer of the Declaration of Independence. A certificate of genuineness will be given the purchaser of each. DRAWING-ROOM SUIT, over-stuffed, tufted back and arms, covered with silk damask, comprising 2 sofas and 2 arm chairs. Lapies’ Manocany Escreroire, inlaid, Cabriole legs, with ball and claw feet. ANTIQUE REPOUSSE COPPER-FRAMED MIRROR. ANTIQUE SCULPTURE IN CompositioN—Bacchanalian Dance in ornamented contemporary frame. A very choice and rare piece. Ilo 121 122 123 124 125 126 127) 18 ANTIQUE SCULPTURE IN ComposiITION. A companion to the above, in ornamental contemporary frame. A very choice and rare piece. AntIQUE SET oF CHEsSMEN. Made of ivory and ebony, of unusual size, the kings and queens measuring 6 in. in heighth and the pawns measuring 2 I-2 in. This is a remarkable set and is of considerable historical interest, as it was owned and used at one time by King George IV. of Great Britain. Pair OF ANTIQUE COLONIAL Brass ANDIRONS. SEE PLATE. ANTIQUE COLONIAL Brass TONGS AND SHOVEL. Parr oF Massive ANTIQUE COLONIAL ANDIRONS. ANTIQUE COLONIAL Brass TONGS AND SHOVEL. PAIR OF CoLoniAL Brass ANDIRONS. Pair of CoLtonraL Brass TONGS AND SHOVEL. Brass TONG AND SHOVEL HOLDER. Very OLp JapANgSE Bronze INCENSE BurNER, with cover. Antique CoLoniaL GILT-FRAME LonGc Mantet Mirror, column supports, with three partitions. ANTIQUE COLONIAL GILT-FRAME Lonc Manret Mirror, column supports, with three partitions. Pair Very Orp LemocE Cuina Vases, decorated with flowers and colors. CHINESE TEAK-woop GARDEN Seat, inlaid with Mother- of-Pearl, marble top. TasourErte. Burnt-in design, decorated with Poppy flowers in colors. GENUINE Bronze Busr oF REMBRANDT, made by the celebrated sculptor and signed by H. Miller, with white marble revolving base, with heavy brass mountings. Brass Boucurr TaBLe, with Mexican onyx top. Frencu Bronze Ficure—‘ Psyche.” FrEeNcH BRONZE GROUP. Lot No. 49 129 130 137 138 139 140 14! 142 19 CarvED ManocGany PEDESTAL. Exvectrric Taste Lamp. Bronze base, with a leaded col- ored glass shade. Evecrric TaBLe Lamp. Brass base, with a colored glass shade. ANTIQUE GILT FRAME MIRROR. VerY LARGE AND Heayiry Cur Grass Puncn Bow t. PaIR OF PORCELAIN VASES, with silver-plated bases. ANTIQUE PARIAN TETE-A-TE SET, consisting of tray, tea- pot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, slop bowl, two cups and two saucers. The tray has been repaired. Very Otp BLuE AND WHITE CHINA INVALID’s Cup. Very Oip Lustre WARE CrEAM PITCHER, decorated with Chinese designs in colors. ANTIQUE WINE CABINET, consisting of six liquor flasks, two cordial flasks, all with stoppers, four tumblers, two large wine glasses and one small wine glass, in an antique oak case bound with iron, with a spring lock. All the bottles and glasses are decorated with gold. This set was formerly owned by the Breintnall Family, of Philadelphia, who were intimate triends with General Wash- ington and his family. There is a tradition connected with it to the effect that General Washington has drank from these glasses at the various times of his vistts to the Brewnt- nalls. David Breintnall, the original owner of this set, was a merchant, who built and occupied one of the first houses in Philadelphia; but being a Friend, he thought it too fine for his cloth and profession, and hired it to the Governor of Bar- bados, who came there for the recovery of his health. Anthony Benezet afterwards occupied the house. Gop Firicree Vanrty Box, beautifully enameled in tor- quoise blue and red. Lemocr Enamet Bon-BonrerE, decorated on gold with wreath of flowers in colors. Carvep Ivory Breast Pin anp Two Burrons. Deer with their fawn. SmaLt Carved Ivory Box, with mother-of-pearl counters. 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 I51 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 20 OLp CHINESE Ivory CARVING. GOLD AND MoruEr-OF-PEARL EXTENSION PENCIL. ELEVEN PIECES OF PoLISHED CORNELIAN AGATE. ANTIQUE EMBROIDERED SAMPLER, made by Louisa L. Grant, 183-. Op EneiisH Lacguerep Tray, beautifully decorated. ANTIQUE COLONIAL Brass TONGS AND SHOVEL. Antique CoLonraL Brass Toncs AND POKER. Waite Merar Five Light CHANDELIER. Four ORNAMENTED BEER STEINS. Fience Two HANDLED Juc. LarGe ANTIQUE CHINA Meat PLatTer. Blue fluted border. STAFFORDSHIRE WARE Meat PLatTEr, with a view of the Capitol at Washington. VERY OLD JAPANESE LACQUERED TRAY. AnTIQUE WHITE COUNTERPANE OR QUILT, ornamented with French Knots. Size 78 in. x 92 in. This Colonial Counterpane was made by Kathryn James wn 1710, and inhertted by the Lehman family of Germantown, - by wham it was sold. Tt ts very elaborately ornamented in French Knots. CoLoniAL WHITE COUNTERPANE OR BED-SPREAD. Size 8 feet x 8 feet. Bordered with heavy fringe. The making of this counterpane was commenced in 1780 by Susanne Bringhurst, one of the early settlers of German- town, and finished by her daughter Mary in 1800. Tt has embrowdered in red tn one corner the following inscription : “Made by Susanna Bringhurst and Daughter Mary 1800, Germantown, Pa.” A fine old piece. Navajo Grass Basket, beautifully woven with different colors in antique design. A fine piece. GourpD, artistically etched with hunting scenes. Vienna Grass Vass, with cover, decoration in high relief. Guass Vasg, enclosed in rattan basket work. Royat DreEspEN SMALL VASE, with cover, decorated with painted medallion, Buhl mountings. Colonial Highboy, from the Lehman family, of Germantown. Lot No. 82 SA EF nr aeanemaenenseteere" 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 21 Royat WorcESTER VasgE, decorated with flowers in colors. JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMELED Vasz, on silver. Fancy PorceLain Cracker Box. LACQUERED Bon—gon Box, WHITE PORCELAIN JARDINIERE, Pompeian design. CoLoRED PRINT, VIRGIN AND CHILD, ornamental brass frame. Cotor Print—Pavut anp VIRGINIA, in ornamental brass. Oak JEweL Cass, metal mountings. Oax Humipore, ENGRAVED ALE Grass AND CHINA SHAVING CUP. CoLorED Print. The Holy Family. Brass frame. BLUE AND WHITE CHINA JARDINIERE. ORNAMENTED Merat Marcu Sarr. 5 Gitass Flower Hotpers. 2 Merat anD Mauocany Book Rests. Sick Sun UmsreE ra, with elegantly carved ivory handle. GOLD-HEADED CANE. 2 CANES. ANTIQUE SILVER—PLATED CASTER, with 4 cut-glass bottles. Ivory Carvine of Five Ducks crossing over a bridge (the bridge is made of teak wood). CarveD Ivory Ficures of a Rabbit drawing a cart. Op STaFFORD PITCHER AND Basin. Blue decoration. ANTIQUE Brass Door KNockERr, from the Marsteller Man- sion in Virginia. Marsteller was a friend of Gen. Washington, and per- formed the functions of the Auctioneer in the settlements of Estate of George Washington and Martha Washington. CuILp’s Crepe Cap, worn by Edith Weatherby Sterling, who was born in 1789. SMALL CLOISONNE, ENAMELED ON SILVER VASE. 2 Fine Brass Since BepsTEeAps, with springs, cotton mattresses and bolsters—never been used. 200 201 202 203 204 205 22 Sitver Mepatetre. Le Nid, by Daniel Dupuis. Very fine and old. Sitver. In commemoration of the presentation of the Bartholdi Monument to Liberty in New York Harbor. ANTIQUE PERSIAN DAGGER. GoLpD PEN-HOLDER. PLATED CANDLE SNUFFERS. Maeniryinc Gass, Pin Tray, SNurFF Box anp Compass. 6 Oxzp Loncport IRonstonzE CHINA DINNER PLATES. Blue decoration. 2 Cups AND 2 SAUCERS TO Matcu. DECORATED FRENCH CHINA Cup AND SAUCER. Genuine Oxp Paistey SHawe. Fern leaf pattern, with red center. Very jine. Genuine Ovp Paistey SHawt. Fern leaf pattern in light blue white center. A very rare design. Antique PatcHwork Bepspreab. Made of hundreds of pieces of varied colored chintz. Never been used. Size 84 in, x 76 in. Antique Parcuwork Bepspreap. Made of hundreds of pieces of varied colored chintz. Never been used. Size 84 in. x 84 in. Antique ParcHworK Bepspreap. Made of pieces of varied colored calico. Size 84 in. x I10 in. AntiouE PatcHworK BerpspreaD. Made of pieces of varied colored calico. Size 144 in. x 174 in. Antiguz Patcawork Bepspreap. Not sewed together, consisting of ten medallions made of hundreds of pieces of varied colored chintz. This can be easily joined together, The colors are very brilliant, the designs being many-pointed stars. ANTIQUE EMBROIDERED LINEN SPLASHER. Antique GincHAM CHILD’s Dress. Lot No. 112 Lot No. 101 Lot No. 100 Lot No. 101 Lot No. 112 23 207 ANTIQUE ENGLISH PEWTER PLATTER. '16% inches in diameter. This ts a very fine and rare old piece of English Pewter, with Hall Mark dating about 1750. 208 PEWTER LapLE. Made by Dixon & Son. 209 ANTIQUE SILK PuRsE, beautifully embroidered with Steel Beads, ————— oon cnn a a