os Peete Sah aheninhcaa See te ere scott . beedt Jat ees a ese Seana. Lo i ie i 09 tes Bs dine 0 Holland Galleries ) As Ae Healy — 32 Morris of London ee 7? " John A, Philbrick ng ai Mrse Be Arkell ee wOe 11%~ 390.00 Jom A. Bhilbrick We VYalters Otto Bernet (Arent) dames Rice Jr. Holland Gallerics We Galters C. H. Brill John Lovey Be Ha Clark Be Ge O'Reilly Only prices of © 25.00 and upwards given. Sale of Old and Modern 011 Painting “ater Colors (Estates of B. R. Redman and Daniel O'Day) Jamary 15-16, 1914. American Art Gallerios. ; Ro. Prices 5e 2 100,00 re Rosedale 86. 120.00 ~ Ade 47.50 I. Priedenheit 37, 200.00 ie, 00 Sie 88. 130.00 15. 82050 John Levdy ee Cea : 69. $10.00 16. 85.00 ’ 90. 175.00 176 49.00 91. 25.00 18. 50.00 e. 92-6 210.400 S857) Se. 93. 155.00 Duyer e Be G.O)Reilly Mre Rosedale John Levy My. Rosedale Hr. MeElroy John Ae Philbratk mrss Bartlett Arvell doh A, Philbrick ' Mrs» Barlett Arkell VY. Deessers Ye Walter Bi] Ctto Bernet (Arent) oF ye a a, dames Rice Jr. Holland Gallerics We Yalters Cc. H. Brill Jom Lovey Be Use Clark ‘Ee Ge O*Reilly i. Frenkel a 7 bad Hane Frey e pe imericé : Be : f : * "itt. Ooh ceca + £130.00 ge! i pera | 87.6 eae r Jon m Le 886 eS 20 OE &. Bobineon o%= 920.00 z. s, nati 92. 210.00 . ‘aon 9%. 156.90 fF Je ; 94. 100.00 Knoedler & COs 5. 295.90 ‘ a deataamepe ai IG. 130.00 He alter 23. 220200 .Hoonan _ 99. 65400 Hyrse Se Ge O*RS 1117; 05, 90.00 Hans Prey 101. 55.00 Holdand Art Gauteng, olen Pe ggg 103. 185.00 = Oa Yen’ Ande 104. 65.00 Re Us. Clark . 105 200.00 Holland Art Galleryzy.° “19-99 Aa Ne Goléenham == 457° 475.00 egg 108. 650.00 5 aes ; 209. 310.00 Hans d 110. 340.200 — 3 B 7 G iii. 2300.00 ae De ia arlieles,. A780 M. Knoedler 4 Co. ae 0). - i i 390.00 (Retates of Be R. Redman and Daniel o*Dag) Jamary 15-16, 1914 ; Tricen Art Gallerie Mre Rosedale John Levy Mr. Rosedsailoc Mitte Boklroy John A. Philbratk mrs. Bartlett Arell John A, Philbrick Ure. Barlett Arkell Ae i.Henry 4 ft Es J Pe Nery 5 Fnoedler & Co. Clark Brown Hr. Me Glroy de d, Campbell Mre,. B. Arkell John A. Philbrick Holland Gallerics 3 ci | Morris of London Jon A, Philbrick Jonmm Ae BPhilbrick weak 676 68. 69. Tis: 37.50 105.00 27200 65.00 60.00 100.00 25.00 55.00 80.00 72.59 25-00 85.00 42.50 32.50 47.50 45.00 55.00 55.00 45.00 30.90 7” Buyer. Mr. Rosedale "% I. Friedenheit 86. ” " . 87. John Levey ry EB. Ke Robinson yes Benj. Natkins on I, Friedenheit 92. Benje Natkins 94. Knoedler & Co. On. I. FPriedenheit eae vi a 96. N. Walter te J.Noonan 99. Mrs. HE. G. O'Reilly tan Hans Prey 101. eR Es - RATER BES POTTS 102. o. Be Yan Anda 105. E. i. Clark 1046 oF by | ign and American Artists. _ {Hetates of B. R. Redman and Daniel O'Day) American Art Galleries. Holland Art Gallery ony A. He. Goldenhan John Levy LOv. Mr. Rosedale 108. Hans Frey 110. Urs. Be vs Carlisle t41- Mu. eaeedier & CO. ile. " ed Live V. Dessers We Walters Otto Bernet (Agent) ## ee 5h James Rice Jr. Holland Galleries W. Walters c C. He Brill John Levey EB. M. Clark Es G. O*Reilly Be Frenkel Ww t Hans Frey Price. “130.00 200.00 730.00 810.00 175.00 25.00 210.00 155.00 100.00 235.00 130.00 125.00 220.00 65.00 $0.00 55.00 ; 40.00 185.00 200.00 70.00 476.00 650.00 010.00 340.00 200.00 576.00 290.00 Buyer. Re Frenkel Ee G.0)Reilly Mr. Rosedale John Levy Mr. Rosedale Mrs MeBlroy & John A. Philbriek mrss Bartlett Arkell John A, Philbrick Mrs. Barlett Arkell As U.Henry Mery Knoedler & Clark Brown ir. He Elroy Je ds Campbell Mre. B,. Arkell John A. Philbrick Holland Galleries * be J Co. A. M. Henry As As Healy ss of London ae A. Philbrick Mrse B. Arkell John A. Bhilbrick ie he ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. — AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY 10TH, UNTIL THE MORNING of THE DATE OF SALE OLD AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS | TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JANUARY 15TH AND 16th, 1914 BEGINNING EACH EVENING AT 8 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE 4¢*% )/¢ y. OF OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR or THE ESTATE or B. R. REDMAN DECEASED, AND THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL O’DAY, DECEASED RSE ATMEL MET P ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1914 _ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—be- tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as cata- logued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, how- ever, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunder- standing. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a de- posit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable. charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. Lae eS, Vie r¢ POGUE. am FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1914 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 o’cLocK E PERCIVAL DE LUCE, A.N.A. F 7 ay fo AMERICAN: 1847— 1—THE POKE BONNET be a, but Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches A fair young girl with pink cheeks and large dark eyes, and light brown hair verging upon chestnut-red, is depicted head and shoulders, facing front, with her head turned somewhat toward the left. She wears a pale yellow straw bonnet tied about her ears and under her chin with white ribbons. Signed at the lower left, Percivat Dre Luce. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. JAMES G. TYLER AMERICAN: 1855— 2—HEADING FOR PORT SAGOPA, Te ee “12 _ Height, 5% inches; length, 12 inches A fisherman in a heavy single-sticker is combing head-on through a choppy, gray-green sea with foaming crests. He is in “oilers” _ and sou’wester and looks aloft, and gulls are accompanying him landward. The day is gray and rainy, and back in the mist are discernible another fisherman and a three-master. Signed at the lower left, J. G. Tyuer. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. raga DOES (ae H. C. FARNUM ConTEMPORARY 8—LANDSCAPE | OA ae Jy Lae Height, 5% inches; length, 914 inches A line of dark green trees crosses the picture transversely, Be tween a low, broad hill outlining the horizon and a flat green field in the foreground, where hay has been cut and raked into small piles. A single laborer is at work in it. Signed at the lower left, H. C. Farnum, Paris. Owner, Estate of Dantex O'Day, deceased. HENRY MOSLER AMERICAN: 1841— 4—STUDY FOR A SALON PICTURE (Panel) Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches Passing along a brown road and moving away from the spectator is a procession of French peasant women in their white head- dresses, with dark skirts, pictured as turning off into a green wood. Sunshine picks out their white caps and sends some of — their shadows to the foreground. Signed at the lower left, H. Mostmr. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK AMERICAN: 1847— 5—LANDSCAPE (Panel) 1). aes Height, 6 inches; length, 834 inches Beyond a water foreground colored by reflections of woods and sky, a landscape of hills and fields slopes to ‘the water’s edge: On the left are groups of thick trees, and on the right dense woods, while between them a mossy-green, gentle incline reflects a softened light before approaching dusk. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BrakenocK. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. WARREN C. BRIGGS AMERICAN: 1867—1903 6—HOMEWARD BOUND _ The sun has gone down red behind a distant hill and the horizon is aflame with his glory. The crimson effulgence is deflected from the foreground by a screen of green trees projected from the right. Here, walking slowly away from the spectator, down a gentle slope, a single red and white cow is plodding home- ward, followed by a bent-shouldered man in brown. Signed at the lower left: “W. H. Repman; with kind regards of Warren C. Briggs, June 15, ’96.” Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. W. H. SNYDER ConTEMPORARY 7I—YOUNG BULL lia Height, 714% inches; ae ee hee: A young bull, red with white patches, is lying on the straw- strewn ground of an open pen, in partial shadow. He is back to the spectator, with his head raised and turned and seen in profile. Through an open door beyond him one sees a field of green grass. at Signed at the lower left, W. H. Snyper. Exhibited at the Boston Art Club. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. Height, 7 inches; length, 9 ae - SARE he: MARY THERESA HART AMERICAN: 1872— (Daughter of the late James M. Hart, N.A.) 8—DAME A LA TETE ROUGE oT ee pea Height, 9°4, inches; ie 8 inchie A young lady with shoulders nude, in a gray-olive gown adorned with a huge blue bow, is portrayed head and shoulders, looking directly at the observer. Her head is poised slightly toward her left shoulder. She has large blue eyes and pink cheeks and a wonderful wealth of red hair, massed about her head and exhibiting various lights. The canvas had been signed, but the signature was destroyed in cutting to fit an oval frame. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. L. VERA CoNTEMPORARY 9—A SPANISH STREET (Panel) oe on Height, 11 Bie width, 5% ws A man in white shirt, eee trousers and neckerchief and dark red sash is leading a sorry-looking donkey up a narrow, crooked street, between walls that take varied colorings in vivid sunshine and transparent shadow. White clouds float in a brilliant azure sky. Signed at the lower left, L. Vera. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. / a WARREN C. BRIGGS AMERICAN: 1867—1903 10—AUTUMN AFTERNOON a 66 Height, 9 inches; lengt inches A large oak tree turning from brown f¢ red stands in dignified isloation in a green field whose grass i’/ yellowing. In the midst of the field, in a brown path leading from the foreground, a woman in red skirt and blue waist, wearing a white cap, is making her way toward a group of houses as the afternoon shadows lengthen. Signed at the lower right, W. C. Bricas. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 11—GOLDEN SUNSET st Height, 9 inches; ee inches — A placid river opens before the vision in the red, yellow, brown and golden effulgence of a brilliant sunset. Water and sky and numerous sailing boats share in the rich chromatic diversity, and on shore at the left a single green house comes into view. Signed at the lower left, G. H. McCorp. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. JOHN WILLARD RAUGHT AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 12—BY THE SEA dhe Height, 9 inches; lengthy) Makes EO. In bright sunshine a yellow sandy reach is shown, threaded by a winding channel of blue water, and bounded on the right by rolling, grass-capped dunes which cast blue shadows on the sands. Beyond them toward the left are thickly-clustered low white houses with red tile roofs, characteristic of some seashore settle- ments, Signed at the lower right, J. W. Ravueut. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. M. FONTAINE Con TEMPORARY 13—WOODS IN SPRING uA a — Height, 12 inches; st sd | A freely painted record of an impression of the//spring woods, when the greens are tender and fresh, the gras§ lush and the streams full. Gray slender trunks rise about a limpid pool which reflects their pictures, and their light green leafage sway- ing in a breeze seems to be at one in chromatic fellowship with the fresh luxuriant grasses at their feet. Signed at the lower left, Fonvraine. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 14—INTERESTED go Height, 10 inches; widthn8 inchgs ) A white-haired man of large features, Short and stout and wear- ing a short brown mustache, is portrayed at three-quarter length — seated with his back to an unseen window on the left, reading with avidity a large “blanket-sheet” newspaper. He leans forward in his interest and a rugged hand is brought into the high light. Behind him is a gray wall, and a table with a white cloth on which a teacup rests. Signed at the lower right, Lours Mor.er. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. CARLE J. BLENNER AMERICAN: 1864— 15—THE RED SHAWL (Panel) ; bo 3 “s Height, 12 inches; Head and bust portrait of a buxor décolleté gown, with a bright car her shoulders. She faces the left and is seen in profile with the ‘suggestion of a smile, and her abundant long hair has been let down and drawn over her right shoulder, adorned with red flowers and green leaves. Signed at the lower right, Carte J. BLENNER. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. F. DEL CAMPO Tratian: CoNTEMPORARY 16—VENICE (Panel) ear. Height, 12%4 inches; ee? eee 1 A junction of two of the water-streets of Venice is pictured, a : canal from the left flowing into one which leads back from the : foreground and is lost in its curves between encroaching build- ings. In the angle between the two streams are characteristic gray buildings with green shutters, and citizens of humble type are seen at the corner. Just at hand is a man in a sandola. Signed at the lower left, F. ppt Campo, Venetia, 1896. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 17—DOWNS IN THE ISLE OF WIGHT way, Ties, Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches ms e athens Green velvety hillsides slope forwar@fin partial shadow, their crests illumined by the light from glowing yellow clouds in a blue-green late-afternoon sky. At the left, on a rise near the foreground, is a gray cottage with a red chimney and a roof of rich brown thatch, and in front of it are two figures with notes of red and blue in their apparel. In the foreground a field road approaching the cottage crosses a ditch. Signed at the lower left, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 18—LANDSCAPE SKETCH (Panel) O (Gites Height, 10 inches; ne vi inches ; by TURE Straight ahead the grass is green and a gray brooklet runs between lush banks, while on the right a patch of long growth leans over, a greenish-yellow, like ripening grain in a breeze. In the background are houses and tall trees in the shadow of a high hill over whose top comes a brilliant glow of sunset. Signed at the lower left, Carterton Wicerns. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. WILLIAM MERRITT POST, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 19—LANDSCAPE o 0 Height, 10 inches; igs ae, Under a sky filled with gray-white clouds a low, broad hillside bordered by marshlands is enveloped in a between-seasons haze, while leafless trees and a few with light green foliage rise over a land where fresh green herbage is seen amongst brown and yellow flags. Signed at the lower right, W. Merrirr Posr. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. WILLIAM LOUIS SONNTAG, N.A. AMERICAN: 1822—1900 20—OLD MILL if x 14 $t Height, 10 inches; ha 12 inches Beside a still and limpid pool, in a wooded/fountry gone back to wildness, is the gray wreck of an old frgme building, stand- ing near a bunch of tall trees. In front of it are several figures, crouching at its base. The central mass of the composition is in shadow, the light striking down to the wild green fields which lie beyond the mill. In the sky are light gray and dark clouds, seen against patches of blue. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Sonnvac, N.A. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. UNKNOWN 21—STILE. LIFE to Height, 10 inches; lengt % inches + On a light brown table two small Yeather-bound volumes and a pewter candlestick are seen against a dark red-brown wall. One of the books is open and a half-burned candle is in the stick. ; Owner, Estate of Danret O’Day, deceased. F. A. ALDRICH Con TEMPORARY 22—GOLDEN TRESSES—STUDY OF A HEAD 7 5O__ Height, 133, inches; width, Le Re / a) A fair young lady with golden hair, and roses in her cheeks, is seen head and shoulders, in profile to the left. The sunlight — brings out the gold in her locks and touches her nude shoulder, while her neck is in transparent shadow. Studied against a composite background suggestive of foliage. Signed at the lower left, —— A.pricH. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. JOSEPH M. DE SILVA AMERICAN 23—HILLSIDE LANDSCAPE og Yormnanne Height, 11 inches; length, 15 /ukehes” In a brilliant atmosphere on a summer day a green hillside is presented, its surface undulatory and exhibiting varied notes of green, brown and yellow in the short grass and shrubs. On its crest are many trees, tall and of dense foliage, standing out against a sky of pale, delicate blue. Signed at the lower left, Jos. M. pe Sinva. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. HENRY R. POORE, A.N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1858— 24-HOUND’S HEAD YX. Vitae en Height, 1534 inches; width, 12 inches A solemn-looking hound, with tawny coat, and white breasted, is seated on his haunches looking steadily and magisterially forward, his head and breast only visible. Indefinite background of green, yellow and brown, suggesting grassy ground before a wood. : Signed at the lower right, H. R. P. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. i MORSTON REAM AMERICAN: DECEASED Q5—STILL LIFE fad! ee ; eo Height, 12 inches; ato 16 /i Luscious grapes of wine-color (Malagas), a pear and a broken peach are assembled on a salver lying on a table with a red, blue and yellow cloth. A knife and a wine-glass are beside them. The light strikes down upon the foremost of them while the rearmost recede into darkness. Signed at the lower left, Morston Ream. Owner, Estate of B. R. RepMan, deceased. L. MULBERRY ConTEMPORARY 26—MARINE Ja ie Height, 101% inches; i/o 18 inches Vig Lig. On a warm day when there is but a light breeze and the distant water is under a haze, a sloop with reddish-yellow sail and sev- eral passengers is moving gently away on a rippled bay. Astern of her a sailor and a young woman are out in a dory, and ahead is a gray steamer with a black smoke-stack. Signed at the lower left, L. Mutpenry. Owner, Estate of Daniet O'Day, deceased. UNKNOWN 27-SHEEP AND SHEPHERDESS ce, me Height, 734 inches; ee inches Vi nthe From low, treeless hills extending across the fr a flock of sheep have come down to drink at a spring, anwW their shepherdess has seated herself on the ground. Her white waist is arranged for coolness and she wears a purplish-plaid full skirt. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. UNKNOWN 28—HEAD OF A SAINT See ae Height, 16 nee 11 inche Nps aS a Head and shoulders portrait of a holy man, with a beam of glory falling upon his upturned face. He is of dark complexion with thin black beard and mustache, and faces the left, three-quarters front. A jeweled cross hangs at his breast and he is garbed in black. With wide, steady eyes of spiritual hunger he looks upward in the direction of the light. At the bottom: “Vera Erricies S. P. N. Aveusrrni Epi er D. osc; Miauen pe Herrera Fr, Mezco, 1755.” Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. JAMES CRAWFORD THOM AMERICAN: 1835—1898 29—_GATHERING FLOWERS ge Height, 16%, inches; width, 1314 inches | _ > a J : sere A small girl, with a mass of light brown hair boyfd about her round head, is seated on a green and brown bank, I¢aning against a tree and making into a bouquet some bright blossoms she has plucked. She is dressed in blue and white and brown, and the sunlight illumines her intent little face. The light on the back- ground of green woods is kept subdued. Signed at the lower right, J. C. T. (in monogram). — Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON AMERICAN: 1867— 30—AUTUMN WOODS 4 7 & Height, 12 inches; oy Sa i'w, : At right and left the woods are brown about a f/reground pool '- at the edge of which a girl in a green dress and red bonnet is walking through the drying grass. At the left the trees are a ; dark reddish brown, at the right they are of younger growth “and lighter foliage. Beyond the pool a distant flat field wears the season’s red and brown. Signed at the lower left, Bens. Eccrsron, Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. L. BECHI ITALIAN 31—A SHEPHERD AND A SHEEP [| / se (Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches VY A clergyman in skull-cap and short-clothes and long black coat, shading himself with a pale red umbrella, is standing in a green field near a house, intently watching a sheared sheep that is graz- ing in front of him. In one hand dropped at his side he retains the book he has been reading, a finger betwixt the leaves. Signed at the lower right, L. Becut. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. EDWIN LORD WEEKS AMERICAN: 1849—1903 32—STUDY OF A MAN eee Ae Height, inches; width, 12 inches ey ete Rare 69; FAS A tall man of Spanish type is standing in the sunshine, facing the right, engaged in shearing some small animal or trimming its claws. He has a full black beard, but his face is largely hidden by a large black hat with deep-curling brim. His blue- green breeches fit into his brown laced boots and he wears a buff and gray jerkin, a leather belt and a light yellow sash. Stamp of the Epwin Lorn Weexs sale, March, 1905, on the back. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, AN.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 383—EARLY OCTOBER : y) ve Height, 12 inches; ats 18 iyches A white birch tree in the nearer middle distance catches on its silvery trunk the full light of the sun, and is reflected in a fore- ground stream which mirrors also the blue sky. Beyond the birch are cattle in the sunlight, the foreground being in partial shadow, and all about are trees just turning yellow, while beside the foreground water a stunted tree has its full dress of autumn red, Signed at the lower right, G. H. McCorp. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON AMERICAN: 1867— 34—WO00D NYMPHS bf 3D Height, 16 inches; length, ae . « Three nude maidens are splashing in a rushing woodland stream _- that comes tumbling into the foreground about a bend at the foot of a stout and leaning tree, on the right. One, seated at ‘ the base of the tree, is in partial transparent shadow, and is ~ seen in profile to the left. A companion in front of her, half- immersed in the brook, is back to the spectator ; while a third girl, with blond hair falling over her shoulders, is about to enter the water, and stands facing the spectator, grasping slender branches of a neighboring tree. Signed at the lower right, Bunsamin Ecatrsron, 1902. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. R. CHRETIEN Frencu 385—STILL LIFE ot fe Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Cotter oe Wi A, : Two bottles of old wine, well sealed and cobwebbed, stand on a deal table beside a platter of rich, large chestnuts, roasted and with shells slit. A bottle of “white” wine is golden-yellow, its companion is amber-brown. Signed at the lower right, R. Curitren. Owner, Estate of Dantet O’Day, deceased. JOHN WILLARD RAUGHT AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY 36—FIRST COMMUNION 4 ee Height, 18 inches; width, inches LPC a A young maiden all in white, wearing her Communion head- dress and cape, her yellow-brown hair just showing above her forehead, is seen at three-quarter length in the immediate fore- ground, and facing primly full-front. She stands in a smooth and narrow road which is sandy-yellow in bright sunshine, and behind her rise a huge stone church and a garden wall. Signed at the lower left, Joan Wittarp Raveut, 1896. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. ADDISON T. MILLAR AMERICAN: 1868—1913 37—NIGHT FISHING BOATS COMING ane THROUGH SURF—KATWYK [9 — ALA Viathiee Close inshore in the foreground one of thé heavy Dutch fishing boats is coming on through the surf, which tosses high about her, her sails flying and men seen aboard her in the glare of her light. The water is dark, greenish-blue, and the sky is heavy with clouds, through which the moonlight is breaking. In the dim distance other fishing boats are discerned. Signed at the lower left, Avpison T. Mrxzar. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. ERNEST LAWSON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 38—MOONLIGHT Me e Height, 1434, inches; News 7s, Lo / Ve tne Across a field of thick green grass a farm road winds from the foreground back to a white farmhouse with brown roof, nestling in the shelter of a bushy tree—pale moonlight illumining all. A The sky is bright with stars, and in the ground story of the house a single window is alight. Signed at the lower left, E. Lawson. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. ALESSANDRO AGRICOLA Trarian: ConTEMPORARY 39—MOS4IC STILL LIFE oe Diameter, 19 inches. A my Vr’ Ve Allert A transparent glass bowl on a foot, resting in an ornamental glass basin, contains golden yellow and rosy fruit, heaped high, with luscious bunches of white grapes and a cut lemon. Seen under a strorig top-light on a green and yellow table against a dark brown background or wall, the whole effected in mosaic. Signed on the back, AtessanpRo Acricona, FECE, 1879. Owner, Estate of DANTEL O’Day, deceased. EDWIN LORD WEEKS — AMERICAN: 1849—1903 40—THE MOOR—A STUDY ie Height, 20 inches; width, 1 Meee =, = A lithe yet stout-limbed, dark-skinned man of Northern Africa is seated facing the right, turned three-quarters from the spec- tator. He wears a long, pale-yellow brocaded cloak of checked pattern, gray-white trousers, and an elaborate head-covering of combined fez and turban form in gray, white, black and orange- red. His pose is one of. lassitude, with hands resting on knees. On the back the stamp of the Evwin Lorp Weeks sale, 1905. Owner, Estate of B. R. RepmMan, deceased. ADDISON T. MILLAR American: 1868—1913 41—IN LAREN > j ea Height, 18 inches; wid BOs Wb . In a homely gray interior, with oliv es in the walls.and a red tile floor and dark ceiling, a yowhg and buxom matron in a tight-fitting white headdress is seated at a table by a window, her yellow-haired small daughter opposite her and a tall teapot and cup in evidence. She wears gray and red and blue-green, and her child an ancient pink, and on the floor a gray-white cat laps pabulum from a malachite bowl. Light filtering through lace curtains from a green garden glints from bright brasses on a humble red-brown sideboard. Signed at the lower left, Avpison T. Mrruar, Laren. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. WILL LARYMORE SMEDLEY AMERICAN: 1871 42—AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Bie é _ Height, 16 inches; leng eT), epee Dark green meadows encompass a sniall pool in the foreground, its surface gray in reflection of a thickly clouded, somber sky whose moving vaporous masses take notes of yellow, mauve and é purple. On the right are woods, green, yellow and brown, and on the left on a gentle slope some detached trees, their foliage in the sere. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Smep ey. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. - FRANK DE HAVEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 43—LANDSCAPE Oo tM bv Height, 16 inches; YD 20 Vigan — & (9 Foreground and left of the “ed are in shadow, and contrast sharply with the sunlit middle distance and sky on the right. Under the shadows, the low rolling slopes are a dark green, the vegetation along a narrow brook is flourishing, full and _ rich, and distant hills are a deep purple-blue, while the sky is a mingled mass of gray, slate and starchy blues. On the right is the sun, low hillsides are a warm yellow and green, and the sky over them is bright blue and white. On a farm bridge near the foreground a load of hay drawn by white oxen, attended by a man in blue, is about to emerge from the shadow. Signed at the lower left, F. De Haven, 1896. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. EDWARD LOYAL FIELD _AMERICAN: 1856— 44—AFTER SUNSET pe Nips Lass Height, 16 inches; pid 20 inch Thick trees and bushes are dark on ee es Rend windgw lights gummer in a house amidst them. Winding around it(/from the foreground is a brown earthen road, passing through grassy fields. The sky, with many clouds, is dimly alight with a fading sun- set glow, and against the dark, shadowed background the glint ot its light defines a lone church steeple. Signed at the lower left, E. Loyau Frexp. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GERARD L. STEENKS ConTEMPORARY 45—STILL LIFE one Wn. g Z ane jp Na Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches On a dull brown table some half-dozen raw onions, whose coats are peeling off, are lying next a wholesome-looking squash of - rich color, in front of a copper tea-kettle and a brass pan. The whole in bright lighting against a dark green wall. Signed at the lower right, Grrarv L. SreenxKs. Owner, Estate of B. R. RepmMan, deceased. GRANVILLE PERKINS ConTEMPORARY £ 46—MARINE (Water Color) hee ee Height, 15 inches; (idugth, 22 inks » Cherri On the gently rippling, mottled-gray watérs of a broad river or — harbor, freight-carrying sloops and schodners are seen in a hazy distance, and in the foreground is a laden craft with two men aboard, a third man in a heavy small boat holding to the side. Signed at the lower left, Granvitte Prrxtys, 1893. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. V. PROT ConTEMPORARY 47—4 LADY OF SMILES Jj)#. : gee ero clliad Oy Gallina A brown-haired young lady of plastic features appears in head and shoulders, her face in profile to the left. She wears a loosely ~ draped, filmy, low-necked white gown, and holds her hands lightly clasped beneath her chin, as she glances upward, with parted lips, in a somewhat equivocal smile. Brilliant red background. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. HAL ROBINSON AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 48—HIGHLANDS AND RIVER > pao ww Height, 16 inches; length, 20 ot, of Vr- Blue water with lavender, olive and yellow-white notes, flows / between a high bank with steep, purplish faces and green slopes on the right, and a low point or breakwater with a lighthouse terminating it on the left. The stream may be the Hudson. Coming up are tugs, puffing white steam and black smoke, out in mid-stream. “ Bushy trees growing in the middle distance, between a tall bluff on the left and a winding road on the right, obscure a village in the mountains whose red and brown buildings are seen at — either side of the treetops. The foliage and neighboring herbage is in many tones of green. The sky is blue with white and pink clouds. ; ; Signed at the lower left, Watrrr GriFFin. Owner, Estate of Danie O'Day, deceased. KARL TERMOHLEN CoNTEMPORARY 65—GOLDEN AUTUMN ] w Height, 25 Von Cae Nearby on the left and farther off on the right, more or less open woods are reddening in the flush of autumn, and interven- ing is a green meadow brightened with yellow. Beyond yellowed hills of the distance, cloud banks in a pale sky are aglow in pale yellow and deep orange. Signed. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. ig ie mee Height, 26% aes 3434, inches WILLIAM RITSCHEL, A.N.A. American: 1864— 66—FISHING FLEET AT THORE, HOLLAND ——“Ge Height, 25 inches; len Night is closing in over the sea, vy expansive cloudy/ shut- ting out too early the glow from the sunset sky. Their curtain is not yet fully drawn, and from low along the horizon deep reddish-yellow notes come over the water, in the gloaming, while through broad rifts aloft) the fading light is reflected upon the foreground beach and shallows. The tide is out and here bulky fishing boats with a few sails up are resting on the sand in a few inches of water, with various figures wading out to them. Signed at the lower left, W. Rivscuet. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. -G. B. CORRIGLIA Iratian: ConTEMPORARY 67—_THE HAPPY FAMILY 7 4 AnL NV i fh A grandmother in bright and cheery colors, holding in hand some spun flax, has turned to give some instruetions/t0 a small girl beside her who. is learning to knit. In front/ of them a plump young woman in white, blue and pink is winding a ball of blue yarn from a skein held by a boy who stands in a window embrasure, and back of her an old man whose nose and chin have begun to approach is seated in a rush chair feeding doves. On the walls are pictures of the Madonna and Child and a praying saint. ‘ Signed at the lower left, G. B. Corrierta. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. ERNEST LAWSON, | A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— 68—MOONLIGHT SYMPHONY f 0 eaten Height, ern Ce Aes : A rambling and picturesque pile of buildings extends irregularly about a court in which there is a single tree, its trunk bifurcating up near the roof-tops but no leaves or branches being visible.’ The gray and weather-stained walls and colored tile roofs of Old World architecture are filled with elusive and illusory chro- matic variations in the brilliant moonlight, all held harmonious in its subtle fluidity. : Signed at the lower left, K. Lawson. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. UNKNOWN 69—MADONNA AND CHILD qe mean 29 = ihe) a , The Madonna, young and sweet- Ag: with frank, fearless dark- blue eyes, is here pictured looking directly and intently at the spectator, while she clasps the Child to her breast. She is seated facing the right and looks over her right shoulder. She is clad in rich garments of blue, coral-red and green, and wears a gold-embroidered white mantilla about her head. The Child, who nestles lovingly against her and looks in the observer’s direction but not at him, is enwrapped in white and golden- yellow, and behind him is St. John in worshipful adoration. Owner, Estate of Dante O'Day, deceased. GERARD L. STEENKS CoNTEMPORARY 70—THE STUDENT a Height, 214%, inches; toh th, 2 POA inches et Tine e, é “sf re A thoughtful man in black gown Vg aoa white collar is seated at a table with a figured red coverlet, studiously ponder- ing a heavy opened volume. He faces the observer, turned slightly toward the right and has raised his right hand to his brow to shield his eyes from a strong light which enters from above on the left. Dark green background. ' Signed at the lower right, G. L. Srrenxs. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. S. MEIPEN SpanisuH: ConTEMPORARY 41—A SPANISH GARDEN 2 /47 Height, 30% inches; width, He Oe Late The spectator looks at the corner of a arden in brilliant sun- shine, a building with white, blue and pink wall on the left, a house white, blue and gray at the back. In front of this grow tall trees with orange and golden fruit. Signed at the lower right, S. Mrrren. Owner, Estate of Danitet O'Day, deceased. CARLE J. BLENNER AMERICAN: 1864— —AFTER THE BALL (Pastel) —pee a tats Height, 28 inches; ufidth, 22 fiches . 5 ——— A dark-haired, voluptuous young woman, seen head and _ bust, is resting luxuriously, leaning back upon soft silken cushions of pale yellow, mauve and blue. Her pink décolleté gown shows a blue edging and she holds against her breast pink roses. She faces toward the left, with head turned front, and is lost in a dreamy, reminiscent smile. Signed at the upper left, Carte J. Brennen. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased, Le ee $o Height, 23%, inches; wee 36 inches +n) ner ak. PETER E. RUDELL AMERICAN: 1854—1899 73—THE STORM o¢ Height, 22 inches; length, 3334 inches y vy eed ; Over a landscape of bold rocky hills encircling a flat plain a black storm is passing, the clouds seeming to drag the hilltops. They are ominous-looking throughout, a rift showing one patch of gray-white and permitting a shaft of light to whiten the edge ot a rocky cliff. The landscape in its partial and moist ob- scurity shows rich tones of green, brown and yellow. Signed at the lower left, Ruprtu. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. MICHEL SIMONIDY HuNGARIAN 74—_HARMONIE DU SOIR Two young women, pensive and languorous, are seated the ground with their backs against a tree, at the border of a river. Both wear décolleté gowns, one, a brunette, a gray-blue; her com- panion, a yellow blonde, a gown which matches her hair. The shadows of evening are falling, but the clouds are still bril- liant and dapple the water with colorful reflections which blend with the landscape and with the colors in the group at the big tree. The blonde is idly strumming a mandolin. In front of her a lean hound points his nose skyward. Signed at the lower right, M. Stmoniwy, 1901. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. FRANK RUSSELL GREEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 75—THE FAGOT GATHERER Jee ow Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inchesy A Ua VOtrnLL Uginre In the interior of an open wood where the trees grow tall be- /( fore branching, an old woman walking with a staff and with a | bundle of sticks on her shoulder is seen making her way home- ward. The gray tree trunks and the red-brown, leaf-carpeted ground are dappled with sunlight, entering through interstices of the foliage. Signed at the lower left, Frank Russert Green, A.N.A. (with seal prefixed). Uwner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. JENNIE BROWNSCOMB AMERICAN: 1850— 76—THE ROCK-A-BYE LADY FROM HUSH-A- BYE STREET 7 a a Height, 301%, inches; width, 224% inches. Q * Qanirte (ere VY Tall, supple, and plump withal, and clad in filmy gray, a brown-haired young woman with red poppies in her hair and arms comes treading a winding yellow-brown path through a field of the drowsy blossoms—both lady and environment screened by a misty veil. The field of the picture has a decorative border of cherubic heads within appropriate scrolling foliations, and the canvas is in an architectural frame. Signed at the lower right, JENNIE Brownscoms. (Copyricur.), Owner, Estate of B. R. RepmMan, deceased. CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1872— TiI—YELLOW AND RED f. Prcan Height, 30 oe width, 24 Bie: An affable young woman with dark eyebrows and a mass of biack hair, red cheeks and very red lips, is sitting in a high- backed green armchair, facing the spectator and smiling, with eyes directed toward the floor. She wears a white gown which has slipped below her shoulders, and around her is thrown a brilliant yellow drapery, while in her black hair is a rich red rose. Dark neutral background. Signed at the lower right, C. W. Hawrnorne. Owner, Estate of B. R. Revpman, deceased. ALOYSIUS O*KELLY AMERICAN: 1850— 78—THE DEVOUT Height, 36 inches; width, 251% inches Meow 9 | y) 7 Vine A gray interior of a cathedral, and brilliant colors of the stained glass religious pictures in the high window over an altar. In the foreground, at the side of the altar steps, an aged peasant in gray trousers and faded plum-colored coat, standing in his sabots, hat off and leaning on a stick. By his side a blond girl in an old-green skirt, wearing a white cap and broad white collar, kneeling on the stone floor reciting a prayer. Signed at the lower right, Atoystus O’Ketty, 1905. Shown at the Comparative Exhibition of American Painting, in the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, 1907. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. ae ee 1 3 2.9% Height, 36 inches; width, 2 ae _A Brittany interior with figures. In a corner of a room a mo with the white peasant headdress is spinning flax, with two i] ees Height, 37 inches; wid ALOYSIUS O’KELLY AMERICAN: 1850— 19 THE SPINNING WHEEL small girls beside her, one of them wearing sabots and a white cap. Sunlight enters by a) window looking out upon a harbor, where various sailing craft are seen. On the window-sill is a green jar and on the floor a red earthenware jug. Signed at the lower left, Atoystus O’Ketry. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. ALOYSIUS O’KELLY AMERICAN: 1850— 80—SECRETS f) ee ae Aven a Two small peasant girls of Brittarfy/ face the spectator, 1 walnut-paneled room. Both are in ted but of different tres, and the frock of one has brown sleeves with stripes and she wears a rose-pink apron. Both have red-blond hair, and one wears a yellow cap with embroidery of mingled hues. She turns to her left, her hands folded in front of her, and looks down- ward very seriously, while her sympathetic companion gently embraces her. - Signed at the lower right, Avoysius O’Ketry. a Owner, Estate of B. R. Revman, deceased. KARL TERMOHLEN ConTEMPORARY 81—SUMMER west Height, 35 inches.) Upits epg The sky is blue and banks of light gray and white cumuli ee 5 a along the horizon. In the distance a gray-blue river is seen, through a vista between stout old trees of luxuriant foliage, a wide path or road leading down between them to the water. — The bright sunlight accentuates the rich green leafage and mottles — the ground with transparent shadows. Signed at the lower right, Karu x Bile See Owner, Estate of B. R. RepmMan, deceased. SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1914 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 o’cLocK FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1871— 82—ROSE PINK (Panel) hs ae at Height, 10 inches; ered, = A) ry A Under a wide-spreading apple-tree laden with fruit a Titiary haired young lady in a low-necked, pale-canary waist and rose pink skirt—pale green, diaphanous drapery floating decorativély about her—is standing facing the observer, her arms full of the red and golden fruit she has plucked. To left there is a glimpse of a-pale blue sky. Signed at the lower left, Frep’k Batitarp WixttaMs, '99. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK AMERICAN: 1847— 83—GLORIES OF AUTUMN 65 Height, 9 inches; “Oy styten t Thick woods close in from either side about an open space of the foreground, which is filled with brush of low growth. A rift in the woods opens a vista of indefinite “distance” to the far sky. Woods and underbrush are rich, lustrous and gem- like in the glory of their autumn coloring. Mahogany-browns and rich yellows, touched by glints of ruby-red, transfigure trees and herbage, and here and there the ground is disclosed trans- formed to malachite. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BuaKetocK. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. FREDERICK W. KOST, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— 84—GRAY BRIDGE a Prep a faa Height, 10 inches; length, 1334 inches A narrow river or canal meanders through a level country and in the middle distance is crossed by a gray bridge. Here a group of figures are noted on the bank at the left, and on the right is a more or less ramshackle pile of dark brown frame buildings—with notes of color in household articles hanging on a line in relief against the somber walls. The foreground is in partial shadow, beyond the bridge the green fields are in sun- light, and the wandering stream is “intricately mottled with multiple reflections of a turbulent sky. Signed at the lower left, Kost. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— ~85—IN THE FIELDS a may (Panel) a OO oe Height, 10 inches; Pee 14 inches A level tract of field land, with a few scattering young Artées, is partly enclosed, on the left by a dense wood and on the far side by a green hill which extends across the background. In the field, which in the foreground is in a cloud-shadow and in the middle distance is sunny, two men are at work. Signed at the lower left, Geo. H. Bocerr, ’89. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— -86—SUNDOWN 5) 0 te Height, 1134 inches; ae ha ¢ Thick growths of brown trees, almost leafless, are dark on the right, against a darkening sky of pale greenish-yellow. At the left is a dark brown cottage with a single light in a window, and distant hills along the horizon are faint bluish-green. In the foreground a stream reflecting the lights of the sky runs between brown and green banks. Signed at the lower right, Bruce Crane. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 87—NOCTURNE—MONTMARTRE DE fos) a6 Height, 161%, inches; “eo a? gn In the immediate foreground night is well nigh as bright as day. on “The Hill” of gay Paris, and a white-hatted cabby turn from a paper he has been reading, in the friendly light of the café whose tables line the terrasse, to regard the nearest passer- by. She approaches in a pale purplish-blue. Beyond her the sidewalk is filled with people, and brilliant illuminations flash through what nature meant for gloom over their heads. Signed at the lower right, Cuitp—E Hassam. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GEORGES MICHEL Frencu: 1763—1843 88—LANDSCAPE <3 0 oe Height, 13%, inches; length, 16 inch YVR A broad valley sweeps across the picture, bounded on the farther side by an even line of low hills, with what seems to be a light- house rising above the crest. Along the center of the valley is a settlement, with thatch-roofed houses and windmills. A part of the plain is in yellow sunshine, much of the whole landscape under shadow of dark, angry clouds. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS DutrcHu: 1845— 89—BLEACHING DAY (Panel) es } vy 0 ee Height, 13 inches; length,\192/inches f In the distance the low red roofs ofa village, dominated byfits church, under a light sky filled with e¢fouds and tinged with color. Before it a hollow in grass-grown dunes, with a sprinkling of wild flowers, and peasant women spreading linen to bleach. In the foreground a white-capped, blue-aproned young woman is “assisted” by a golden-haired toddler to carry her empty basket homeward. Signed at the lower right, Buommers. Owner, Estate of Danmi O'Day, deceased. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 90—RAINY EVENING v iS aby Height, 14 inches; ges 18 ee) YUL: Ute Sidewalks and pavement of a busy city street are slippery in the wet, and iridescent with reflections of many lights in houses and street cars. The night is dark and the heavens are thickly overcast, but above the housetops beyond a church on the farther side of the way come brilliant bursts of flaming red and yellow, as from a huge building on fire, streaking broad stretches of the dark sky. In the street are numerous pedestrians with um- brellas, and all unconcerned, as though ’twere a féte. Signed at the lower left, Cruirpe Hassam. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. lye Es ETS Ae ee, ee FREDERICK J. BOSTON AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 91—_THE FLAME Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches pase A decorative panel boldly executed figuring a young womanAn a purple waist, delicately ornamented in gold, with marvelous red — hair of flame hue decoratively swirling about her pale face. Her pink lips and blue eyes fix a quizzical smile, and she is seen in head and shoulders against a river landscape of vivid green, with distant notes of deep blue. Signed at the lower right, F. J. Boston. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK AMERICAN: 1847— 92—GOLDEN SKY o-/ ‘4 ne Height, 15 inches} th, 20 eis (WY J ff It is sunset, and the spectatoy/looks at two scraggly trees of limited foliage, in silhouette against a warm and luminous sky. About and beyond them are other low trees or bushes, scattered in a wild place, the uneven ground dimly defined in low tones of green and brown, while the whole visible expanse of the sky, overlain by fleecy clouds, glows in a subdued, persistent golden-yellow light with deeper notes of golden brown. _ Signed at the lower right, R. A. Braxerocx. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. e BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 93—A COUNTRY ROAD f° Tos Height, 16 inches; length, 20 Simo te , j Qrterll The road is narrow and soca Ae and coming into view around the corner of a brown farmhouse on the left, runs forward be- tween low green grass-banks. On the right, bordering the road, are all but leafless trees, and the whole landscape is seen in the half-light of dusk against a pale greenish-yellow sky. Signed at. the lower right, Bruce Crane. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. JOSEPH RIBERA SpanisH: 1588—1656 Oe Meh full- bearded man, against a 94—PORTRAIT HEAD / OU) oe Height, 2034 inches} width Head and shoulders portrait of dark neutral background. His ¢gmplexion is of warm color, and whiskers and eyes are brown. e faces front, his head turned slightly to his left and thrown somewhat back, and his brows are wrinkled in a concentrated gaze. His costume, open at the throat, is of rich stuffs, dark red and black with gold embroidery. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. an Pow Height, 21 inches; width, inches RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK | AMERICAN: 1847— 95—TANGLEWOOD YY + At the left the edge of a wood comes into view, the branches reaching over to join those of an outpost tree-group on the right, and under these arboreal arches a tangled undergrowth grows high and thick. ‘The foliage is dark green and topaz, pale yellow and brown, rich and oleaginous in hue and surface. Afar a yellowish- white sky is seen across a green field. Signed at the lower left, R. A. Birakerock. Owner, Estate of B. R. RepmMan, deceased. GEORGE HENRY SMILUIK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840— 96—APPLE BLOSSOMS i ve Height, 15 ae length, 24 ir . of the road on the bend is a bright green field in which ‘several flourishing and wide-spreading apple trees are in the full glory of floreation, white and pink in a blaze of sunlight. In the distance are blue hills. : Signed at the lower left, Geo. H. Smitum, N.A Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI Iratian: 1857— 97—HILLSIDE FARMS Y) ai oe Height, 16 inches; length, 25 ine > VA: See Vetlawish-pray farmhouses whose menpted and wavering tile 7oots are a purplish-brown are grouped amongst hills which slépe to the left. Around them are trees of varied form and differing tones of green, and on a broad grassy incline of the foreground cattle are grazing and chickens peck. Signed at the lower left, G. Stanorrnt. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, ‘deceased. JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BASTIDA SpanisH: 1855— 98—SPANISH GIRL - /) #4 _ Height, 211% inches; length, 241% inches ray Dark with lustrous eyes and warm complexion, a smiling ea@uty of Spanish type is pictured head and bust against a wa fully decorated in sundry colors and designs. Bright light from above brilliantly illuminates her white and black waist and gay red and white mantle, while her genial face, tilted slightly forward, is just screened and thrown in delicate shadow under her ebony tresses, which are brightened by pink and red blos- soms. Signed at the lower left, J. Sorotta y Basrrpa, 1907. Owner, Estate of Daniet O'Day, deceased. L. KOWALSKY HunNGARIAN _99—READING AND MEDITA TION ; a8 a6 Height, 251% inches; way 300 mee Uo, oa A young woman with dark brown hair and a lighter brown dress has come out into the open to read and indulge her thoughts. She is sitting on a gray rock under a fir tree, with a blue cloak about her shoulders, and has stopped in her reading to look out over a rolling landscape of woods and clearings. She faces the right, head turned so far to her left that her face is seen a little less than in profile. Signed at the lower right, L. Kowatsxy. Owner, Estate of Daniri O'Day, deceased. C. Y. TURNER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1860— 100—GOSSIP IN THE LANE Fo oe Height, 20 wad aii q PDN" In a narrow, winding country lane, where chickens peck by the roadside and brown leaves sprinkle the green grass, three women are talking at a gate on the left, their gaze directed up the lane. A tall man and a short one who are sauntering that way seem to be the subject of the gossip. On both sides are gray frame buildings, and the light is soft and diffused. Signed at the lower right, Copyricur, C. Y. Turner, 1891. Owner, Estate of Dantex O'Day, deceased. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON AMERICAN: 1867— 101—IDEAL HEAD Wiese 6 Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches oS Bie Mel seen in profile to the left, against a neutral background of da olive note. She is wrapped in a robe of orange-brown, which falls away loosely, exposing shoulder and breast, being held lightly by one hand which appears in part in the picture. A restricted light falls on face and bosom. Her hair is wreathed in oak leaves. A young woman ‘with large blue eyes and dark brown hair ie Signed at the lower right, Bensamin Eeccteston, 1907. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. Z. WITKOWSKI HunNGARIAN 102—THE FIGHT ; "A as Height, 22 inches» length, 8 ar 7 ‘ . On a narrow walk before a bfoken-down picket fence ffwo boys are having a fight over possession of a small pocketbo Both are ragged and one is barefoot. The latter has his comrade down and is reaching for the purse which has been flung to the ground. Signed at the lower right, Z. WirKowsk1, 1885. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. Height, 23 inches; length, ine 7s Yn oe Coming forward through a field road along the inner border of FRANK DE HAVEN A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 103—RETURN FROM THE PASTURE a ridge of dunes or low hills is a flock of gray sheep, accom- panied by the shepherd. The group has just entered a shadow which covers the foreground, the light of departing day still il- lumining the pale green ridge and a sky active with clouds. Signed at the lower left, F. De Haven, 1897. Owner, Estate of B. R. RepMan, deceased. FRANCIS C. JONES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 104Q—THE LILY POND et A tall, golden- -haired young fyoman with rosy features comes for- ward at the foot of marble Stairs leading to a garden pool, and glances admiringly downward at the brilliant reflections in the water. Her gown is filmy, of lavender-gray notes, and lightly girdled in delicate green. Draped from her head and spread by her bare arms a diaphanous mantle frames her figure, against a background of the green and flowering garden. Her sandal is held to her bare foot by a baby-blue ribbon. Signed at the lower right, Francis C. Jones. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. PO ee eee Height, 26 infhes; whdth, Oh Uruk iil aE a oe Nal O ° 1 ae ee ee ee ee ey TN E CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— eS §6J05—SUMMER BREEZE = 3 ae Height, 25 inches; Sey al inche GY j Ot “th OM ol ahha wed On a green sofa before a window a yellow-haired young lady in white is seated playing the violin. She faces the spectator, the filmy green and white curtains of the open window behind her blown inward by a gentle summer breeze and touching her shoulder, and the filtered light playing interestingly on her hair, face and gown, the violin and the sofa. At the right a slender gray vase holds tall, dark ‘red flowers. Signed at the lower right, Cutty Hassam. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. HENRY R. POORE, A.N.A. AMERICAN: I858— 106—CLOSE OF A BUSY DAY 7 d ve Height, 24 inches; length, 3(4/, inghe The scene is laid along a French quai, with the harbor shipping in view beyond an iron railing. Heavy two-wheeled carts—the driver of one characteristically walking at his horse’s head—cabs and equestrians, are passing in the paved roadway, and various men, women and children are on the sidewalks. In the fore- ground is a one-legged newsboy on crutches, offering a paper. Signed at the lower left, H. R. Poors. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1854— 107—4 FROSTY MORNING Lf con ve Height, 24 inches; length, 36/inches rca acer mM: Frost sparkles in the air and whitens the surfaces of ne and stones and roofs, in a broken landscape, with the sun rjsing in a white and pale-yellow haze over a far hill. On the right are woods, all but leafless, and on the left some buildings, while through the center of the middle distance and the foreground runs a grassy plain or hollow. Signed at the lower left, Lnonarp OcHTman, 1894. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BASTIDA SpanisH: 1855— 108—LANDSCAPE mn 57 Height, 24 inches; | Wee. In the foreground the edge of a stream with lightly ruffle@-str- face is mottled with deep green reflections of the shor mingled with gray notes of the sky and the red of tile-roofed buildings. The shore mounts in a steep hill with many undula- tions, largely wooded and almost as largely cleared, and white # houses with red roofs cluster thickly in hollows of the broad flank and at the shore. Signed at the lower left, J. Sorotta ¥ Bastia, 1904. Owner, Estate of Dantet, O’Day, deceased. 3 PINCKNEY MARCIUS-SIMONS AMERICAN: 1867—1909 109—LA NOTTE DEL GIORNO DEL GROLLO g 0 Height, 314, inches; length, 43%, inches The Piazza is aswarm with the multitudinous pigeoms, both flutcer- ing over the pavement and flying through the ajif, and its pre- cinets are darkening in violet tones through whicl the lamplights gleam, while the upper portions of wonderful San Marco glow in golden effulgence as they catch the last bright rays from a sunset sky. Over the church, to the left, swirling clouds coming in from the lagoon are tinged in many hues; on the right an upper corner of the ducal palace is still a brilliant orange; and the approaches to the palace entrance are a mystical mass of subtle color, Signed at the lower left, P. Marcius-Srmons. Owner, Estate of Dantet O'Day, deceased. PINCKNEY MARCIUS-SIMONS AMERICAN: 1867—1909 110—4 ROMAN FETE Tyre wh ee TU 0 oa Height, 31 inches; length, 44 inches A broad canal leading straightway down the center of the composition is brilliant with a chromatic confusion of reflections, from a yellow-flaming, fantastic sunset sky. On either bank majestic piles of palatial buildings, colorful in themselves, are made resplendent by gilded ornament and pomp and sumptuous apparel, while fanciful barges with crimson and golden-yellow sails and banners contribute further to the gorgeous prismatic effusion. : ' Signed at the lower left, PINKY Marctus-Simons. Owner, Estate of Daniet O’Day, deceased. G. S. TRUESDELL AMERICAN: 1850-—1899 111—CALVES AT REST cE Vote ex Height, 31¥%, : ngth, Cot e A gray river flows across/ fhe landscape between lush green Va meadows. It is a gray day.in Holland, and under the soft light a group of Holstein calves are seen close at hand in the fore- ground, in the deep grass. Two of the black and white creatures are lying down, near a cow, and a red and white calf is between ~ them. A fifth stands gazing over the river, on the farther bank — of which is a _ group of buildings among trees, and Heaney a windmill. ; Signed at the lower left, G. S. Trurspert, Parts, 1893. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repwan, deceased. JULIAN RIX AMERICAN: 1851—1903 112—GREEN VALES AND BLUE HILLS 3 Tine Height, 30 en tea Le On the left a steep, rocky slope, gray, brown and dark green, falls away to a gentle ridge in the central middle distance, which is yellowish-green in sunshine and where low white houses nestle among dense trees. Far away across a valley a line of distant hills are a deep purple-blue, under a sky running from robin’s- egg blue to a deep azure and filled with gray and brown masses of billowing cumulus clouds. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. EDWIN LORD WEEKS AMERICAN: 1849—1903 118—TRAVELING HORSEMEN he Aligtance, sandy and hot nearer r Rolling hills, blue and misty in t by, are the background for a group of picturesque horsemen in distinctive peasant costume are travelling with heavy loads. They have approached from the left. and paused to let their beasts drink in a shallow blue stream. Accompanying the four riders and their heavily loaded mounts are two pack horses whose backs are piled high with goods. On the back the stamp of the Evwin Lorp Werks sale, 1905. At the International Exhibition, Venice, 1901. Owner, Estate of B. R. Repman, deceased. NOTICE A NUMBER OF OLD AND MODERN PAINTINGS, MOSTLY PORTRAITS AND WATER COLORS, REMOVED FROM AN OLD COLONIAL MANSION IN THE VICINITY OF NEW YORK CITY, AND DESCRIBED IN A SEPARATE CATALOGUE, WILL BE SOLD BY ORDER OF AN AD- MINISTRATOR AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALE OF PAINTING No. 113 OF THIS CATALOGUE. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. eee] Tai gees ied ios ved © LS: GETTY RESEARCH INST ITUTE © WEE P e4 | BTiS ae alt Wea es et SEES, Aes, Ses!