FRANCIS HALL AND MRS. ELLEN J. BANKER _ AMERICAN ART GALLERIES - MADISON SQUARE al NEW YORK LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ON FREE VIEW 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. FROM JANUARY 28TH UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE FRANCIS HALL AND fem. ELLEN J. BANKER TO BE SOLD ON THE EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3p _ BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 "O'CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK CATALOGUE OF MODERN PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS BELONGING TO THE ESTATES OF THE LATE FRANCIS HALL ELMIRA, NEW YORK AND MRS. ELLEN J. BANKER IRVINGTON, NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK: 1904 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and, therefore, in his judg- ment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, 7/ re- quired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfac- tion of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot» and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Artis not what itis represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary, failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury oc- castoned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) at- tending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the con- tract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS, THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. COLLECTION OF THE LATE FRANCIS HALL MeA TER VCOLORS E. L. S. ADAMS, United States or ps et 4—Head of a Girl ay Cine. Vee. This is the life-sized study of a head of a young lady in full face against a simple, warm gray background. Signed at the right, E. L.S. A. Height, 15 inches; width, 104 inches. GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A., United States a7 6 PAs | / 2—Misty Morning in the Marshes he a, tol Stranded in an inlet among the marshes are two fishing boats, and close by two men are wading in the shallow water with their nets. In the distance, through the mist, are seen sails and windmills, and near the horizon a gleam of sunlight. Signed at the left, G. H. McCord. Height, 114 inches; length, 174 inches. THOMAS B. CRAIG, A.N.A.,, United a Pee ee 3—A Winter Evening Ir. ahaa HV. He A snow-covered country road leads straight away to the yo distance. On the left is a large farmhouse, near a clump — of bare trees. The sunset sky is broken by large masses of clouds. Ae Signed at the right, Thos. B. Craig. Height, 9} inches ; length, 134 inches, Ny W. HAMILTON GIBSON, N.A., —_—_— United States at” 1850—1896 ANG, 4—November Evening ot a6 At In the foreground, among scattered trees and bushes, woman in black is gathering fagots. In the middle distane Ss a broad stream reflects the light of an evening sky, an beyond is suggested a line of hills and a well-wood 1 country. Signed at the right, W. Hamilton Gibson, 1884. ‘ Height, 10 inches ; length, 13 inches. yar C. Y. TURNER, N.A., United Sta ; 3 te 5—Study of a Head Man Oe. This is the head and shoul: of a young aay in 2 hat and jacket, with a bunch of flowers at her neck, egal a wine-colored background. As Height, 8 suche ; widtie bp ine A. T. BRICHER, A.N.A., United States “ied oh UF 6—Shinnecock Bay OV Pepe of alge: In the immediate foreground is a bit of sandy shore with seaweed and beach grass. Across the quiet waters of the bay, which stretches away to the extreme distance, is a line of low bluffs and the buildings of a town. A few sailing craft enliven the scene. Signed at the left, A. T. Bricher. Height, 14 inches ; length, 20 inches. _, RHODA HOLMES NICHOLLS, United States ae a tet- Clerc 7—In the Studio (- : L to A young woman in a pale green dress is seated on a skin rug in front of a carved chest. Near by is a portfolio and scattered drawings, and on the wall behind are hung sketches. Signed at the left, Rhoda Holmes Nicholls. Height, 143 inches; length, 213 inches. LOUIS C. TIFFANY, N.A., United States 7 ko Y, fi L i) 9A Study in St. Augustine eet b spe A populous dove cote perched in four high poles is the central feature of the composition. At the foot of the poles are shrubs, growing among barrels and crates, and in the background are ‘portions of two farm buildings. Signed at the right, L. C. T. Height, 20} inches; width, 14 inches. HUGH NEWELL, United States F.4) Se ee LAS) o 9—The Love Letter te eee A young girl in plain dress with a white apron sits in a rocking-chair at a half-open window, rea a letter which she holds with both hands. Signed at the left, Hugh Newell, 1884. Height, 21 inches; width, 14 inches. W. HAMILTON GIBSON, N.A., United States a? 1850—1896 Sa: 10—Sunny Woods tA he This is the interior of a forest where trees grow scattered among groups of high boulders. The sunlight flickers on the leaves and lights up with a strong note a little pool of water in the distance. Signed at the right, W. Hamilton Gibson, 1887. Height, 13} inches; length, 21 inches. NEWTON S. WELLS, Dnited States sy Hy 3 /t 11—Work bee Two masons and a laborer are engaged in building a wall, apparently the foundations of a house. The laborer is wheel- ing a barrow load of stones up a plank to dump them on a rough staging. Signed at the right, Newton S. Wells, 1888. Height, 23 inches; width, 17 inches. ie, gv IRVING R. WILES, N.A., United States Be Aone OD ae , Io A young girl in black is seated on a stone seat, resting her head on her left hand. Beside her are several newspapers, and beyond a stone pier at the back is a suggestion of a garden. Signed at the left, Irving R. Wiles, 1888. Height, 35 inches; width, 17 inches. C. HARRY EATON, A.N.A., United States y e 1850—1901 4.7% 18—Where the Lilies Grow “ ty A great pond covered with water lilies occupies the larger part of the composition. Beyond the pond are gently rising grass fields, with trees along the fences, and over all is a soft summer sky with cumulous clouds. Signed at the left, C. Harry Eaton. Height, 23} inches; length, 354 inches. HENRY FARRAR, N.A., United States 1843—1903 v4 O 4 ~ “?44—When the Dry Leaves Strew the PD Le C2. ‘ toh Through a gently rolling country, where slender trees grow sparsely, a broad, well trodden path leads over a stream, and on the bridge is seen a woman leading a little child. In the extreme distance is a low line of blue hills. The whole land- scape is softened by the haze of autumn and the sky is veiled by high strata of gray clouds. Signed at the left, H. Farrar, 1887. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. OIL PAINTINGS we, 2) se a 15—Wine and Song A violinist in late eighteenth century costume is standing in a salon with his violin in his left hand and a glass of wine in his right. In the foreground is a stool with a confused pile of music. Signed at the left, H. Buttner, Miinchen. Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A.,, United States u ey Gat cater Afternoon A. Jp Dichie A herd of cows have come to cool themselves and to quench their thirst in a shady brook, across which flashes the sunlight from a sky full of soft clouds. A clump of trees in the middle of the composition is in strong contrast with the sky and the distant hills. Signed at the left, Arthur Parton, 1884. Height, 8} inches; length, 114 inches. / a sg LOUIS D. MELINE, sia >is a 17—The Weaver A woman in simple dress is seated in the framework of a rustic loom, engaged in weaving a piece of blue homespun. Signed at the right, Louis D. Meline. Height, 13} inches; width, 9} inches. ? C. WIRGMAN, England “ co es AO 18—Japanese Girl Ls YD 2 CuTgee ve A Japanese girl in striped kimono and red obi, holding an umbrella behind her head, is walking in full sunlight along a rough path. Signed at the right, C. Wirgman, 1873. Height, 13} inches; width, 9} inches. C. WIRGMAN, England Ss. oy 19—A Japanese Gentleman 4 ty This is a full-length figure of a man in rich silk costume of purple and yellow, with sword in his girdle, and with quaint, half-helmet hat on his head, standing in a narrow street, partly in sunlight. Signed at the left, C. Wirgman, 1873. Height, 17} inches; width, 9} inches. G. W. WATERS, * United7States . Dare CZ Prey es This is a view across a broad, shallow stream overhung here and there by trees rich in autumn foliage. In the distance are high rocky hills, and the sun is shining full in a hazy sky. fe E . 20—On the Chemung Height, 18} inches; width, 9} inches. y rz HOWARD RUSSELL le i 21—Street Scene, Morelia, ny This is a study of a street in a typical Mexican town. un the right are the bare walls of houses, on the left is a mass of trees rising above a garden wall against which are relieved the great disks of mat umbrellas which shelter the vendors of fruit and drinkables. In the distance rise the roof and the dome of a great church. Signed at the right, Howard Russell Butler, 1884. Height, 9} inches; length, 13} inches. HENRIETTA RONNER Franc ley See be 22—The Blue Ribbon A fluffy yellow-and-white kitten has found a length of pale blue ribbon and is playing with it on a piece of lace, while her playmate crowds into the game with her stumpy paws. Signed at the upper left, Henrietta Ronner, °93. Height, 9 inches; length, 11} inches. J. H. DOLPH, N.A., United States 1835—1903 R “f S- See Cottage Window (ha Cae A white and gray cat is lying on a piece of blue-striped drapery on a window-sill near a flower-pot with geraniums, above which flutters a white butterfly. Signed at the right, J. H. Dolph. Height, 10} inches; width, 104 inches. W. L. SONTAG, N.A., United States OS, id 1861—1900 94—The Edge of a Pond, Bo J ey /S ips A small, quiet pond, surrounded by a scraggy growth of small trees, with here and there a boulder, reflects the tones of a cloudy sky. In the foreground are two figures at the edge of the water. Signed at the right, W. L. Sontag, N. A. Height, 9} inches; length, 12 inches. 4 UNKNOWN. Md i %5—Mater Dolorosa Pie - Pato tome This is the Beaied head of the Virgin, with rays of a nimbus radiating from behind it, the eyes cast down and turned slightly to the left. Height, 13 inches; width, 11} inches. FREDERICK W. FREER, A.N.A United States as the Bouquet Zz, JF CS poe A young girl in poke bonnet and short-waisted, white- figured muslin dress is seated in a large wooden chair, holding in her lap a bunch of roses. Signed at the right, F. W. Freer, 1883. Height, 13} inches; width, 10 inches. ; ARTHUR PARTON, N.A., United States la Uk ad a 297—Sunset in Ramapo Valley C/ W Fe A quiet pool occupies the foreground. On the left a few slender trees rise against the sky. In the distance is a line of low trees, and above is a wild sunset sky with strong gleams of light touching the edges of heavy clouds near the horizon. Signed at the left, Arthur Parton. Height, 8} inches; length, 12 inches. rf y ad GEORGE W. MAYNARD, N.A., United States yA / ; | 28—Grandfatherly ies of, Seated at a table in front of a window, throu hich i seen the roofs of many houses, is a lad who looks up wit interest at an old gentleman who, standing with both hands resting upon an open paper lying on the table, leans slightly forward and looks down to the boy. Signed near the middle, Maynard, ’85. Height, 11} inches; length, 18} inches. GEORGE H. SMILLIE, N.A., United States Feat | [fo 29—Late Autumn As LY, ee Across a rough country leads a deeply-rutted road, wind- ing, in the middle distance, around a clump”of trees, beside which stands a low house. A gleam of light breaks through the cloudy sky near the horizon. Signed at the left, Geo. H. Smillie, N. Y., 1884. Height, 83 inches; length, 153 inches. a BRUCE CRANE, N.A., United States Ao & ape . do , —yoummer 7 4 PEP enurvt4h A placid stream lies between lush meadows where willows grow on the edge of the water and lily-pads break the sur- face, which reflects the summer sky. In the distance is a flat, fertile country. Signed at the right, Bruce Crane. Height, 113 inches; length, 154 inches. WILLIAM MORGAN, A.N.A., United States 1862—1900 g6 31—At the Spring a, ae ee A young girl with kerchief on head and in sleeveless chemise and coarse petticoat leans on a glazed jug which rests on the edge of a half barrel into which water is trickling from a wooden spout. Signed at the left, W. Morgan, 1881. Height, 17} inches; width, 123 inches. 4 4 G. W. WATERS, United States 32—Chapel Brook, Adirondacks’ hy Va LIK In the heart of the forest a small rivulet tumbles o a rocky bed into a cool and shallow basin at the foot of a/high ledge which is covered with moss and crowned by a dense growth of small trees. In the distance is a mass of foliage in full sunlight. Height, 17} inches; width, 11} 1ncnen. BENONI IRWIN, N.A., United Gtatean’ 1840—1896 | a eee ra aie ay Meditation A young girl in a mob cap and with a white kerchief around her neck is seated in a simple chair, holding a blue book in her right hand and raising her left hand to ais cheek. A cage with a canary bird hangs near. Signed at the right, Benoni Irwin, N. Y., 1884. Height, 19} inches; width, 15} inches. _ P. P. RYDER, A.N.A., United States 1821—1896 g: ve a Vi 34—Washing Day f A negro woman with bright bandana kerchiefs on her: head and around her shoulders stands in front of a rude — fireplace, where she is engaged in boiling clothes in a large — iron kettle. On the right is a tub on a bench, and on the 1s left a basket of clothes. (ARE Signed at the left, P. P. Ryder. DAMAGE Height, 15} inches; length, 19$ inches. ; : ' E, RITCHIE HARRISON, United States o es 35—Salt Marshes Te TH). ee Xe. Leo The shallow branch of a deep inlet among the minal leads from the foreground to the middle distance betwe r low banks covered with dry sedge and grasses. On the rig are three posts, and in the middle is a sailboat aground. — Signed at the left, E. Ritchie Harrison. Height, 13} inches; length, 16} inches. x q moot. WAY, United States $a." 7 36—Flame Tokay Grapes oye L A huge bunch of rich purple grapes, with a few leaves and part of the vine, is hanging in full sunlight against a bit of rough wall. Signed at the left, A. J. H. Way. Height, 174 inches; width, 114 inches. LEONARD OCHTMAN, A.N.A., United States oo : $7—An Autumn Thought Chae Across a flat meadow, which stretches away to a sunlit expanse of water, a narrow path twists and winds. A clump of trees with autumn foliage rises in the foreground against the hazy sky. Signed at the right, L. Ochtman, 1884. Height, 114 inches; length, 15} inches. FREDERICK W. FREER, A.N.A., United States ay | 38—Behind the Fan eg A young lady in a figured gray dress Ae te gray Te holds a fan to her face to screen off the strong light. her left hand she holds a few roses. Signed at the left, Frederick W. Freer, 1884. Height, 174 inches; width, 134 inches. G. W. WATERS, on United States _ Re oO a 39—November illumines a narrow passage in the middle distance. In the foreground are the shattered remains of a fallen tree; on the left is a clump of trees with sparse autumn foliage, and in the distance is a line of low hills. Signed at the right, G. W. Waters, 1881. Height, 174 inches; width, 114 inches. JASPER F. CROPSEY, N.A., United States 1851—1900 car iad : 40—A Bend in the River / Zs b From a rough, thickly-wooded hillside, over which wanders a small flock of sheep, there is a vista across a populous valley, with a broad river winding between the hills. The season is early autumn and the sky is partly covered ei feetg Ba? clouds. Signed at the right, J. F. Cropsey, 1884. Height, 183 inches; length, 21 inches. _ ye DOUGLAS VOLK, N.A., United Stati L/ gee #1 Kept In Bee sits beside an open window through which is seen a pleat landscape. In the background a small boy sits at one of th desks, burying his face in his arms. Signed at the right, Douglas Volk. : i Height, 15 inches; length, 19} inches, MARY THERESA ann JAMES M. HART, N.A., If a) United States Zi, Best. eft the Bars Down node Paes i, Ta b PAC The bars of a post and rail fence have been taken down and carelessly left lying on the grass. Two timid calves, full of curiosity, are wandering through the opening to seek a fresh pasture, or at least to taste the joys of freedom. Signed in the middle, Mary Theresa and James M. Hart, 1876, 1882. Height, 13} inches; length, 214 inches. DENNIS M. BUNKER, United States 1861—1890 ay ad | 43—A Brittany Town ie oS DOAN Across the middle distance a long line of houses, domi- nated by the sturdy spire of the village church, is in strong contrast with a simple luminous sky. In the foreground is a stretch of waste land or pasture, with the figure of a woman spreading clothes to dry on the grass. Signed at the left, Dennis M. Bunker, Larmor, 1884. Height, 13 inches; length, 214 inches. C. WIRGMAN, England 2 f. v0 44—Sunset in Japan Va He In the distance is the great peak of Fuji, glowing in the sunset light, with purple clouds drifting across it. In the foreground a single figure is walking along a rough road bordered by semi-tropical growth and a bamboo paling. Signed at the right, C. Wirgman. Height, 12 inches; length, 22 inches. C. WIRGMAN, ke England es x 45—Sunrise, Japan es woe biwe A curved line of breakers on a beach dotted with moving figures leads away to a rocky headland, off the point of which is a wooded island. In the distance gleams in the rising sun the cone of Fuji. Signed at the right, C. Wirgman. Height, 12 inches; length, 22 inches. M. F. H. pe HAAS, N.A., United States alo. 1832—1895 rs 46—Coming Squall, Isle Of Shoals ( In the middle distance is a lighthouse o eminence, and further away are fishing boats lying at ‘the wharf. In the foreground a dory with two fishermen is tossing on the water which is roughened by the first puffs of a squall. The sky is heavily covered with a-great mass of clouds threatening wind and rain. Stamped on the right, M. F. H. de Haas, N. A. Height, 12} inches; length, 214 inches. J. D. WOODWARD, United States ae we aeteoe the Sand DPT pp sabe A wagon road with ruts deeply scored in the soft sand leads from the foreground to the middle distance, where it is lost in the rough ground. On the right is a broken sandy bank with a clump of trees above it. The sky is covered with a thin veil of vapor and strong sunlight floods the landscape. Signed at the left, J. D. Woodward, 1882. Height, 163 inches; length, 28} inches. a Pa ps ee eA ; RRS Pees a c 7 Tr ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A., United States 1839—1886 yee /p ¥ AiO 48—On the Sands, Cohasset OY Ape “> EET A fishing sloop is left by the tide high and dry on the flat sands. In the foreground is a man turning over a skiff, and in the distance at the left, near a line of breakers on the shore, is another fisherman, and on the right are two fishing sloops lying on the beach. Signed at the right, A. Quartley, 1882. Height, 143 inches; length, 26 inches. IDA J. BURGESS, United States gg ‘ae : 49—Waiting for the Train An old woman in cap and shawl is seated on her painted trunk, holding in one hand her umbrella and in the other a bundle done up in a colored handkerchief. There are various advertisements on the wall in the background. Signed at the right, Ida J. Burgess, 1881. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. J. G. BROWN, N.A., y) United States 2 V0 hae Circe “ 50—Where Did I See that Bird’s Nést : A small boy in shirt and trousers and wearing a ragged straw hat stands, holding the index finger of his right hand to his chin, and looks up with a puzzled look on his face. The background is a mass of foliage. Signed at the right, J. G. Brown. Height, 234 inches; width, 143 inches. la ah f OHA / 51—A Summer Afternoon (fA THOMAS MORAN, N.A., Wyse States ates In the foreground is a placid pool, in which a large flock of tame ducks are disporting themselves. Beyond is a great group of trees, half in light, half in shadow; on the left in the distance is a farmyard, and beyond is the spire of the village church. The sky is full of summer clouds, threaten- ing showers. Signed at the right, T. Moran, 1884. Height, 21} inches; width, 174 inches. oo ND Rta 52—Neighbors’ Childrens’ se / y; =e A maiden has climbed up a ladder to the top of a walled terrace of a chateau garden, and perched on the top round meets the warm embrace of a juvenile lover. The costumes are of the Watteau period. In the background is a glimpse of a sunlit park. Signed at the left, H. Arnold, 1877. Height, 24} inches; width, 153 inches. THEODORE ROBINSON, United States 1852—1896 44 BOF. Standing in front of a brick wall agains vines and hollyhocks is a little girl in pink sun-bonnet, holding a couple of small puppies. PY : 538—The Twins which grow ess and green Signed at the left, T. Robinson, 1881. Height, 20 inches ; width, 11 inches, et TURNER, N.A., United States aie NP aS 54—Ruth Huckaback 4 A life-sized head of a young girl in white lace cap and with a thin white shawl over her shoulders. Her hair shades her forehead, and a heavy braid of it falls down her back. Signed at the right, 3, 1884. Height, 20 inches; width, 164 inches. ig sun R. W. VAN BOSKERCK, A.N.A., United States 55—The Old Orchard Sage , a home Near the foreground is a wide-spreading apple tree, under which a few barnyard fowls are feeding. Further away are scattered fruit trees, and a meadow with low trees beyond. Signed at the right, R. W. Van Boskerck, 1881. Height, 14} inches ; length, 22 inches. H. H. DU BOIS, United States @ is od fee —South Side Road, Long IE LEA he pire. i ge A sandy road, on which is seen the figure of a woman, leads from the right foreground to the distance between a straggling growth of trees and bushes. The sky is partly covered by thin clouds, and the landscape is in full sunlight. Signed at the right, H. H. Du Bois. Height, 174 inches; length, 233 inches. S. HARPER ST. JOHN, United States Be acces £ CAL b Lae A bunch of pink, yellow and white roses is half falling out of a newspaper which has enfolded them. The back- ground is a rough wall. Signed at the left, 8. H. St. John, ’83. Height, 193 iuches; length, 23} inches. FRANK WALLER, United States eo 58—Near Alexandria, Eg On a high sandy bank on the shores of the Meditefranean two boats are drawn up and two natives gossip in the sun- light near by. Below and at the right are the tumbling waters of the sea, and in the distance the low point of Alexandria. Signed at the right, Frank Waller, ’84. Height, 15 inches; length, 29} inches. W. S. MACY, N.A., United States a 59—A Gleam of Sunshine J L ee The snow lies deep over the whole landscape, and in the edge of the forest a sportsman walks with his two dogs, both pointing game. In the middle distance the expanse of snow and the slender trees are touched by a broad gleam of sun- shine. BS Gd + Signed at the right, W. S. Macy. Height, 20 inches; length, 25} inches. J. C. NICOLL, N.A., United States vies 60—Twilight at Water Mill, L. 1”) Coe On the left a steep, rough bank crowned with a snake fence is in strong contrast against an evening sky. On the right is a shallow expanse of water, part of the inlet which stretches across the middle distance, and beyond the water is a line of low hills and trees. Height, 174 inches; length, 293 inches. LOUIS LORTET, France vf a: Be itor Blanc sie ye 7 plo From the summit of a mountain, where a tarn among the rocks reflects the sky in its chill waters, the group of peaks amongst which Mont Blanc is prominent is seen against a morning sky. Signed at the right, Lortet. Height, 17 inches; length, 29 inches. 4 r2 C. WIRGMAN, England 62—Inosinaa Bay, Japan fr r A heavy surf is tumbling on a curved sandy beach, where many peasants struggle along in the heavy wind. A wooded island rises from the blue waters, and beyond and to the right is the snow-capped summit of Fuji, rising above a range of mountains. Signed at the left, C. Wirgman, 1876. Height, 17} inches; length, 29 inches. tp J. B. BRISTOL, N.A., ee United-States. A O-°% “en Che 4) Ce 63—The White Mountains from Fryeburg, Maine A fertile valley, gently sloping from either side toward a broad stream and dotted with frequent farmhouses, leads the eye to the distance, where great mountain forms rise against the sky softened by a summer haze. In the foreground is a bit of road with a girl and a small child, the former wearing a blue blouse. Signed at the left, J. B. Bristol. Height, 174 inches; length, 293 inches. - WALTER L. PALMER, N.A., United States SLL.“ : 64—The Upper Hudson ea Py A broad reach of the river in a flat country under the broad sunlight of a summer afternoon. In the foreground on the left is a boat tied to a rude landing stage, and on the right is a portion of the bank. A Single sailboat drifts on the quiet river, and in the far distance is seen a range of low hills. Signed at the left, W. L. Palmer, 84. Height, 294 inches; length, 37 inches. C. HARRY EATON, N.A., United States 1 10 1850—1901 65—Autumn Days Cotat re. A quiet reach of a sluggish stream stretches from the foreground to the middle distance, where it receives a brilliant reflection from a low light in the gray autumnal sky. The surface of the water is strewn with fallen leaves. On the right is a grassy hillock with a clump of trees half bare of foliage, and on the left is a man in a green boat, and be- yond a vista across a flat country. Signed at the right, C. Harry Eaton. ; Height, 234 inches; length, 35} inches. g.00 CHR. RUMMELHOFF, Norway a 66—After the Rain pity Laos UL This is a view in one of the characteristic fjords of Nor- way, with a line of snow-capped hills rising abruptly from the quiet water on the right, and on the left are two fishing boats anchored near the rough beach, which is strewn with great boulders. Beyond the boats is a point with rude hovels, patches of grass among the ledges of rock and a hedge of birch trees against the sky. Signed at the left, Chr. Rummelhoff, °75, Norway. Height, 24 inches; length, 37 inches. + M. GRIMELUND, France YG e BP eiramer Morning in a Birch Forest “ y A path crosses, on a rustic bridge, a quiet stream and winds through the edge of a grove of fine white birch trees, meeting another path, which sweeps to the left and disappears over a grassy knoll among the trees. On the bridge is a peasant woman in a bright red bodice, a blue overskirt and black petticoat. In the distance in the sunlight is a lake, and beyond it a farmhouse among the trees. Signed at the left, I. M. Grimelund, Paris, 1876. Height, 253 inches; length, 363 inches. Wi rg CAR. RUMMELHOFYF, Norway (24 Out of a gorge between rounded mountain summits rushes a torrent of green water which tumbles over a great ledge into a pool in the foreground. On the right is a saw-mill, and on the left grist mills and a few houses scattered among the trees on a rocky declivity. In the extreme distance is the ribbon of a waterfall on the flank of one of the moun- tains. Signed at the right, N. B. Méller, ’74. Height, 54 inches; width, 37 inches. So: f@ XAVIER STOKER, Austria 74—Overwhelmed with Grief Wy Beside the bier of her dead child a grief-stricken mother sits in an attitude of despair, with one arm thrown over the edge of the coffin. Above the head of the child is a silver crucifix, and near by are three large silver candlesticks, two of them with lighted candles. There is a profusion of flowers around the bier and a plant at the foot of the silver candle- stick, which is a prominent object in the foreground. Signed at the right, Xavier Stoker, 1874. Height, 24 inches; width, 40 inches. ANTONY SEITZ, Germany UB LLG oD 75—Dividing the Inheritance eam os ye C1111 An interior of a well-to-do German peasant’s house, with a lawyer and his clerk apparently engaged in settling the question of the distribution of small household effects among a large family A weeping figure in the background in- dicates the motive of the picture. é Signed at the right, Ant. Seitz pt. Height, 8} inches; length, 10} inches. FIRMIN-GIRARD, | France Pg ae 4 vA 76—Summer Reading Ca Two young ladies are seated in a wood, 0is-a-#is, one of them engaged in sewing and the other reading a popular paper-covered novel The one nearer the spectator is dressed in a pale pink dress and her companion in light gray. Signed at the left, Firmin-Girard, 1874. Height, 18} inches; width, 9 inches. R. S. ZIMMERMANN, Germany od Se To 77—Testing ee Ly A rustic interior in the wine region of Ge y, with a merchant and his clerk engaged in buying wine“from samples which he is testing with a glass bulb. A peasant and his wife near by are much interested in the operation, but par- ticularly in the expected payment. Signed at the right, R. S. Zimmermann. Height, 123 inches; length, 17} inches. \ 5 ee oe SCHMALZIGANG, Germany 78—Sheep and Landscape Lar Dole Two white ewes and a lamb lying down and a black ram standing guard over them form the chief feature of the picture. A black sheep-dog lies near by, and a village is seen in the distance. Signed at the right, E. Schmalzigang, Miinchen. Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches, afi. ALFRED VON a ee Va -79—On the Steppes ; LAVA A. low, rude sledge with two peasants, one of whom carries his gun across his arm, is drawn by three horses at dashing speed across a snow-covered plain. In the distance is a line of low trees, and in the murky sky is the great disk of the setting sun. Signed at the left, A. Wierusz-Kowalski. Height, 12} inches; length, 214 inches. Y aS eg@SDOLF EBERLE, Germany SO—A Pastoral won (2 He Pete Four sheep and a lamb have found their way into a cot- tage where a peasant woman is seated on a bench peeling apples. Near by lies an alert sheep-dog, ready to resent the intrusion, while a small child feeds from her apron a ewe and her lamb. Signed at the right, Adolf Eberle, Miinchen. Height, 18} inches; length, 214 inches. HUGO CHARLEMONT, France i 2 sae Life D1 - (9 Le A table with elaborately embroidered tablecloth stands under an ornate mirror, which is partly hidden by a curtain of rich green and gold brocade. On the table are flowers, : fruit and various precious objects in metal and glass. Signed at the right, Hugo Charlemont, 1881. Height, 274 inches; width, 15 inches. Ss HUGO CHARLEMONT, France / 7% 99-Still Life 4 4g A table with a richly embroidered silk cover stands in front of a stained-glass window, the upper part of which is partly concealed by a red curtain which hangs to the floor. Musical instruments, music-books, a copper vessel with a large plant, a vase of roses, a jewel cabinet and several other articles litter the table and the floor. Signed at the right, Hugo Charlemont, 1886. Height, 27}; inches; width, 15 inches. ADOLF EBERLE, 5 eee - cd 83— Temptation Sine A peasant interior, with three small German childten at a table about to eat their Supper of bread and milk. The eldest boy is pushing the bowl temptingly near the nose of a dachshund, who has ventured to put his paws upon the table, while a black and white hound stands near, eagerly watching. Signed at the right, Adolf Eberle, Miinchen. - Height, 183 inches; length, 21} inches. FREDERICK VOLTZ, Germany re 1817—188 ah 6 1 - 84—A Summer Morning as SS, oat A pleasant village in Germany, with thatched cottages nestling under great trees, and a herd of cows on their way to pasture pausing at a stream to drink and to welcome other cattle just leaving their barn. Peasant folk, sheep director and fowl add to the life of the scene. Signed at the right, Fr. Voltz, 1882. Height, 153 inches; length, 36 inches. A. GABL, Germany | 1845—1893 BO ss m O6, 85—Preparing for the Bath Us ara lk A peasant interior, where two women are preparing a bath in a small wooden tub, while a naked child, waving aloft a sponge, is held by his mother on the back of his brother, who crawls along the floor on all fours. Signed at the left, A. Gabl, Miinchen. Height, 323 inches; length, 48 inches. ERNST ZIMMERMANN, Germany rd BM eisimite and child ian Laver Seated behind a table on which are several fish, an old woman, holding a large pike in her right hand, is explain- ing the beauties of the fish to a flaxen-haired youngster, who has crawled upon the table The figures are of the size of life. Signed at the upper right, Ernst Zimmermann, Minchen, 1880. Height, 39 inches; length, 574 inches. EUGENE J. VERBOECKHOVEN, Germany vie syn 1799—1881 67—Sheep L). 6: Ga A flock of sheep with two lambs are awaiting the shepherd at a closed gate. A short distance away is a goat and two more sheep, and in the far distance is a village church on a low elevation. The sky is full of summer clouds. Signed at left, Eugene Verboeckhoven, 1877. Height, 393 inches; length, 44 inches. gee KRAY a 88—Lorelei mg ie 4/ A life-sized figure of a maiden with a diaphanous mantle across her knees is seated on a rocky pinnacle leaning on a small harp. In the background is suggested a line of hills, illuminated by the setting sun. Germany Signed at the lower right, W. Kray. Height, 553 inches; width, 413 inches. Seen M. LEBLING, ws y oo Germany 89—Sheep in the Village An Alpine village, with a flock of sheep herded in the street by a black sheep-dog. The animals rush here and there wildly, but a few assemble to the sound of the old shepherd’s horn, who stands, spud in hand, holding a new-born lamb on his arm. Signed at left, Max Lebling, 1880. Height, 40} inches; length, 62 inches. PSA Sr et, ag se a 7 ee eS A. SCHOENN, | Germany 260. Yee 90—Italian Street Scene Two cobblers are busy at work in the shadow under a great archway in a stone facade. The wives and numerous children gather around, and a group of street urchins and a peasant girl with her donkey, in the street at the foot of the steps leading to the archway, complete the composition. Signed at right, A. Schoenn. Height, 64 inches; width, 49 inches. a, /TIMOLEON LOBRICHON, France 91—Peasant Girl and Infant Kes be Nante A full-length, life-sized figure of a peasant girl in red bodice and short blue petticoat, with bare feet and ankles, wading across a shallow stream and carrying a naked infant in a basket. Strong sunlight flickers on the drapery and flesh and lights up the distant rural landscape. Signed at the right, Lobrichon. Height, 78} inches; width, 50 inches. LEELA TT a, j23lo” AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS, THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. " ‘erre