ANCIENT AND MODERN =, PAINTINGS CLARKE’S ART ROOMS LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, j 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CATALOGUE OF ANCIENT & MODERN PAINTINGS THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE LUCIUS M. SHELDON, of Brooklyn BY ORDER OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE ALSO BY ORDER OF J. L. A. RIPLEY, ESQ., of New York City snail ihhaidilahies eoeeian ila dl AND OTHER PRIVATE ESTATES COMPRISING LANDSCAPES, PORTRAITS AND RELIGIOUS WORKS OF THE EARLY ITALIAN, DUTCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS TOGETHER WITH CHOICE PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN MASTERS TO BE.SOLD BY AUCTION At CLARKE’S ART ROOMS 5 WEST 44th STREET, N, Y. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS January 22d and 23d, 1914 Each evening at 8.15 o'clock ON VIEW FROM MONDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1914 THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR, AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE BAW | CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit of not less than one-third, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within 48 hours, and in the case of machinery and fixtures, one week from the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk; A. W. Clarke not being responsible for the correct description, genuiness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. A. W. CLARKE is in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at this sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer, 5 West 44 th Street, N. Y. City. Tel. 4029 Bryant THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 W. 27th St., N. Y. CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 22d, 1914 at 8.15 O’Clock. BY ORDER OF J. “A. RIPLEY, ESO, AND OTHER PRIVATE ESTATES 1 MILLAR (Addison T.), Dec. New York The Blue Fountain, Algiers 12 32 6 2 PERRY (E. Wood)), N.A., Dec. New York Social Chat 14 x 17 3 MOSLER (Gustave H.), Dec. New York At the Shrine IS} se 1G) 4 LAWSON (E.), N.A. New York Landscape 20 x 16 CH MIBILILE (GAs) New York Interview Pore 22 i) ONDERDONK (Julien) New York San Antonio, Texas 14 x 20 SELMYHR (Conrad) New York Marine 24 x 36 8 STIEPEVICH (G. V.) New York Idle Hour 30 x 20 HASBROOK (D. F.) New York Wood Interior 10 x 14 10 NORTON (William E.) New York Bay 16 x 28 11 FIELD (E. Loyal) Scene at Arkville 28 x 36 12 COFFIN (William E.), N.A. Evening Over the Hills 14 x 20 13 BEARD (William H.) N.A., Dec. Who’s Master? 25 x 30 14 PALMER (Walter L.), N.A. The Falls 16 x 20 New York New York New York New York New York 15 REID (Robert), N.A. New York The Paisley Shawl $10) oe 2S 16 % SONNTAG (W.L.), N.A., Dec. New York White Mountains AD se BO i7 GAUL (Gilbert), N.A. New York In the Trenches 14x 18 18 POST (W. Merritt), A.N.A. New York October Jy, SRS, 19 WITKOWSKI (Karl), Dec. New York Boy Fishing 24 x 20 20 DEWEY (Charles M.), A.N.A. Sunset 1) 52 I 74]| WIGGINS (J. Carlton), N.A. Cattle and Landscape 12 se G6 22 MOELLER (Louis), N.A. Good Advice 8 x 10 23 RIX (Julian), Dec. California Adobe 25 x 30 24 POTTHAST (Edward H.), N.A. Wood Nymph 20 32 15 New York New York New York New York New York 2 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), N.A. = New York . Landscape and Sheep 26 THOM (J. Crawford), Dec. New York Oh! There They Are Ze 28 27 WIGGINS (Guy) New York The Road to Saybrook 2D Exe TYLER (James G.), New York Marne 16 x 24 29 CRAIG (Thomas B.), A.N.A. New York A Mountain Brook 10 x 14 30 ROSELAND (Harry) The Fortune Teller 20a 350) WEIL (Max) Landscape 16 x 24 32 IDOIIPE! (]. lab). INA Setter and Pups 20 x 30 33 McCORD (Geo. H.), A.N.A., Dec. Moonlight 28 x 20 34 SMIEEIE. (GeorgeH), New Autumn 16 x 24 New York New York New York New York New York a5 GREEN (Frank R.), A.N.A. Nemours, France 16 x 20 36 DE HAVEN (Frank), A.N.A. Near Milford, Pa. BY 33 ee MORAN (E. Percy) East Hampton Beach 20 x 24 38 CRANE (Bruce), N.A. The Golden Sunset 2 eexaalits 39 JONES (Francis C.), N.A. From the Garden New York New York New York New York New York 40 GUS CDs) New York Marine 20 x 30 4] SUMMED WACIEL (ES We) New York Cardinal 20 x 30 a2 JOHNSON (Eastman), N.A., Dec. New York Farmyard Scene 25 x 36 43 BECKWITH (Karl), N.A. New York Ideal Head 24 x 20 44 HAMILTON (Hamilton), N.A. New York Harvesting 16 x 20 45 FOX (R. Atkins) New York Waiting for Their Master 36 x 28 46 RICHARDS (Wm.), N.A., Dec. New York Offshore Wind 9 x 16 47 MOELLER (Louis), N.A. New York Advising U2 sr NG 48 CRAIG (Thomas B.), A.N.A. New York The Edge of the Woods 18 x 26 49 CRANE (Bruce), N.A. New York Solitude 14 x 20 50 WHITTEMORE (Wm. J.), A.N.A., Wndow Seat 7 oe Zl TE WE SiR Cie Colonial Days’ Meet DDE. cn bo LEIGH (William R.) GAY (Edward), N.A. Pasture Fields 20 x 30 54 RANSOM (Fletcher C.) Rashing Days 30 x 42 New York New York New York New York New York MILLAR (Addison T.), Dec. New York Powder Play, Algiers on oO’ RIX (Julien), Dec. New York The Mill in Moonlight 42 x 32 57 BECKWITH (Karl), N.A. New York The Rose Wreath 24 x 18 58 LATHROP (William L.), N.A. New York Landscape 25 x 19 tn \o GAUL (Gilbert), N.A. New York Speak for It ZoeXaoO 60 DE HAVEN (Frank), A.N.A. New York October Evening Passing Glow 24 x 30 61 HENRY (E. L.), N.A. Colonial Days 14 x 22 62 POST (W. Merritt), A.N.A. September Afternoon 30 x 40 63 TYLER (James G.) Moonlight 30 x 24 64 CRAIG (Thomas B.), .A.N.A. Cattle in the Brook 25 x 30 New York New York New York New York 65 MOELLER (Louis), N.A. New York Around the World 18 x 24 66 PARTON (Arthur), N.A. New York Loch Lomond 24 x 36 67 ‘ALEXANDER (J. W.), Pres. N.A., New York Portrait 45 x 30 68 BRICHER (A. T.), A.N.A., Dec. New York Summertime 38 x 28 69 INNESS (George), N.A., Dec. New York Friends, Milton-on-theHudson 20 x 16 70 McCORD (George H.), A.N.A. Venice 20 x 30 71 CRANE (Bruce), N.A. Mohawk Valley 14 x 20 St DO REID (Robert), N.A. Pond Lilies SG 32 24 73 KOST (Frederick W.), N.A. Evening 18 x 24 74 BOGERT (George H.), A.N.A. Venice 36 x 56 New York New York New York New York New York 75 RIX (Julian), Dec. New York The Waterfall 54 x 36 76 SMIEREVICHT(G. Ve) New York Grandpa, Old Remembrance 30 x 20 di TW ANCISUMIMUAUS| (|) Iil.)), IDYee. New York Emerald Pool, Arizona S025 78 IRIESCIBUBIL, (ON). AINA New York Dordrecht, Holland 20 x 24 79 SHEPPARD (Warren) New York Twilight 20 x 30 80 SMILLIE (Geo. H.), N.A. New England Home 20 x 30 81 WIGGINS (J. Carlton), N.A. November 28 x 36 82 EATON (Charles Warren) Pine Trees 20 x 24 83 HOEBER (Arthur), A.N.A Back from the Beach 20 x 30 84 IBIRIES OIL, (fa 18. )}5 Nilo, IDG: Evening 18 x 30 New York New York New York New York New York 85 MARTIN (Homer D.), N.A., Dec. Woodland 12 x 00 86 MURPHY (J. Francis), N.A. In Early June 12 x 16 87 GRUPPE (Charles P.), N. A. Landscape and Cattle 14 x 20 88 MORAN (Leon) The First Step 18 x 00 89 GREEN (Frank R.), A,N.A. Market Day 16 x 20 New York New York New York New York New York 90: WIEGAND (Gustave) Woodland x26 91 IDS, JRUAVENS) (Ulm 1, tel), INJAN, Marine 14 x 23 New York New York SECOND EVENING’S SALE FINDAY, JANUARY 23d, at 8.15 O’Clock BY ORDER OF VARIOUS PRIVATE OWNERS 92 CAMPBELL (Phillips J.) New York The Babbling Brook 8 x 6 8) MULLER (C.) ; New York In the Wooded Path WO sz iz 94 WEIGAND (Gustave) New York Windmill Sian) 95 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) New York Landscape 5% x 10 96 WIEGAND (Gustave) Landscape Cras 97 GAUL (Gilbert) The Farm House 6x 9% 98 MULLER (C.) : Story Telling 8x lly 99 GAUL (Gilbert) The Market Garden 11% x 15 100 MULEERERT(@>) September Afternoon 9xll New York New York New York New York New York f 101 WEBBER (J. A.) New York Near Port il sx LS) 102 UNKNOWN Landscape 9) 5x Ie 103 MULLER (C.) New York Evening at Lake Hopatcong 8x 12 104 SATTERLEE (Walter) New York Blossom Grotto, Switzerland 12 x 14% 105 DE LUCE. (Percival) New York In the Garden 10 x 12 106 PHILLIPS (J. Campbell) New York Distant Hills 12 x 16 107 DE LUCE (Percival), A.N.A New York A British Captive 14x 9 108 ROWNEY (GEORGE) New York Sunset 9x12 109 CHICHESTER (Cecil) New York Early Autumn 18 x 24 110 STORY (G. H.) New York Pleasant Reflections UW) oe AIP 111 STANNARD (E.) Munich Pinch of Snuff PE xedsS 112 UNSIGNED A Dutch Mother and Child 14% x 11 113 SHIRLAW (W.) New York In the Kitchen 18 x 13 114 CHICHESTER (Cecil) New York Waning Summer 16 x 20 115 SCHERMINI (B.) Rome The Bashful Maiden 48 x 35 116 SIGNED C. W. The Favorite Charger 8x9 Wal DE HAAS (M. F. EAS) Sunset Marine 10 x 18 118 HART (James M.) 3 Cattle Drinking 14 x 24 119 BIERSTADT (Albert) Scene on the Hudson 12 x 20 120 SCHWENINGER (E.) Courtship 25 x 18 New York New York New York Paris 121 CHICHESTER (Cecil) New York Majestic Winter 2 35 Sil 122 WER (W.) Munich The Fox Hunt 46 x 67 123 ENGLISH SCHOOL Interior with Figures 124 ENGLISH SCHOOL Companion to the preceding 125 ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady with a Bag (Unframed) 285x028 126 ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Duchess (Unframed) 30 x 24 UNSIGNED Portrait of a Lady in Black SO) sx XO 128 SCHOOL OF FRAGONARD A Floral Offering ih xe 2 129 ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady with Pet Lamb 36 x 29 130 TWO LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS (On porcelain) 131 CARRIERE (R.) Dreden Portrait of a Lady in Blue 3414 x 26% 1S, KNELLER (Sir G.) Portrait of a Lady WG Sx AS 133 GUES (A.) Paris Lady in Hunting Costume 30 x 17% 134 ENGLISH SCHOOL (Unsigned) Portrait of a Man 25 x 19 135 ENGLISH SCHOOL (Unsigned) Portrait of a Lady a) xe 7 136 HOLBERTON (W.) Still Life 14 x 22 137 FRENCH SCHOOL (Unsigned) Portrait of a Man (Pastel 25 x 20 138 AFTER GAINSBOROUGH Portrait of a Lady 47 x 39 139 EARLY DUTCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Young Lady ol Se 3 140 HUNT (Charles), 1803-1827) London On the Way to Donnybrook 22 x 36 141 ITALIAN SCHOOL Portrait of a Doge 24 x 19% 142 GRUEZE Portrait of a Young Girl 19 x 16% 143 EARLY DUTCH SCHOOL (Unsigned) Landscape, Figures and Cattle 27 x 46 / 144 AFTER ROSA BONHEUR A Tiger 16% x 26 145 AFTER HOLBEIN Portrait of a Burgomaster (Pastel) 16 x 13% BY ORDER OF The Representatives of the Etate of the late LUCIUS M. SHELDON 146 MARCHAND (Pierre) Paris Marine xe UZ 147 MARCHAND (Pierre) Paris Companion to the preceding oexlZ 148 LEWEND Interior with Figures OMe, ox ile) 149 OVAL PAINTING ON PANEL (Unsigned) Boy with Cherries (In richly carved Florentine frame) lil s< 9) 150 DUTCH SCHOOL (Unsigned) Interior with Figures 15) ox WOH: 151 EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL St. Joseph with the Infant Christ iS} sz 0) ILS SIGNED M. F. H. River Scene and Birds (Double Panel Painting) 38 x 8 158 GHERARDI (Guiseppe) Florence View of the Island of Elba 20 x 29% 154 GHERARDI (Guiseppe) Florence Copanion to the preceding 20 x 29% 155 RIEGEN (N.) Antwerp Fishing Boats, River Scheldt 251% x 39 156 DURAND (A. B.), 1864 Paris Landscape with Cattle 14 x 19 y/ FLEMISH SCHOOL (Unsigned) The Village Festival 19 x 24 158 SIMON (H.), 1875 London The Hunter and His Dog 20 x 00 159 FRATELLO ~ Florence Neapolitan Fishing Boats 144% x 22% 160 FRATELLO Florence Companion to the preceding 1414 x 22% 161 MORLAND (George) London Milking Time 16 x 21 162 GUAZZANI (E.), 1835 Rome The Street Venders 163 SCHOOL OF SALVATOR ROSA Landscape with Figures and Cattle 25% x 39 164 EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL Samson and Delilah 43 x 60 165 ITALIAN SCHOOL Beatrice Cenci 50% x 38 166 ITALIAN SCHOOL St. John Bios of 167 LEGA (G.) Rome Landscape with Figures WD se 8 168 LEGA (G.) Rome Companion to the preecding 2 se 1183 169 ITALIAN SCHOOL Sheep Resting 36 x 48 170 AFTER PAUL POTTER Landscape with Cattle 16 x 14% ss 171 AFTER MURILLO Abraham’s Sacrifice 66 x 44% Vi) AFTER MURILLO Madonna and Child 62 x 44 173 AFTER RAPHAEL Madonna of the Chair 29% x 31 174 ITALIAN SCHOOL St. Mary 29 x 231% 175 SPANISH SCHOOL A Saint 30% x 24Y% 176 : UNKNOWN \ A Prize Shorthorn ZEEE SS 177 SULLY (Thomas) New York Portrait of Judge Daniel Grose, of Harrisburg, Pa. 8 x 14 INUIGUIS I (ANRIKIS, Auctioneer.