Telephone Number ; : No. 119 3150 Madison Square We oe | ee Se of a Ke 2 Choice Collection of Engravings and Etchings||By 4 including examples of Meryon, || Whistler, Seymour Haden, Rajon, and others, the greater number being proofs, together with some} fine Dramatic and other Portraits, Mezzotints, etc. oa For Sale at Auction Wednesday Evening, May 28, 1902 Cc, Mi; = ro ACO nna. ie nk sf im | | es ecw) fare etl eager wurce, =a meee pene mere Sal rae wer — — =e — — = fp | Sc HU I Sale begins at 7.30 o'clock Conditions of Sale. 1—The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed a bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2—Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made ac- cordingly. 3—Deposits, in part payment of the purchase-money, must be made, if required. 4—Goods for City purchasers must be removed at their own expense, within 48 hours; those for out-of-town pur- chasers, within one week; in default of which, the Auc- tioneer will reserve the right of re-selling them, for the- — benefit of the owner. 5—Bids will be faithfully executed by the Auctioneer, with- out charge, and will be used only in competition. All un- limited bids should come through Agents. 6—Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise stated. To purchasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 7-—-Claims for errors must be made within three days of receipt of goods. 3 8—No charge is made for the Catalogues sent, nor for the send- ing. No charge for packing, but there will be a nominal one for boxes and cartage. 9—To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, customers are re quested to refrain from calling for delivery of goods dur- ing the sale. 10—Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods; when ordered from out-of-town, upon receipt of goods. JOHN ANDERSON, Jr. 20 West 30th Street, New York City. CATALOGUE i, megs THE HARVEST. Remarqué proof on parch- ment. Etched by G. Mercier, after C. Magnus. Folio. 2. AMERICAN LITERARY PorTRAITS: Lossing, Bancroft, Paine, Sigourney, Dwight, etc. (50 pieces) 3. —— Hamilton, Holmes, Field, Poe, and others. Mostly 4to. Some proofs. (20) 4. Some india proofs. . (23 pieces) 0. —— Another lot, including J. C. Calhoun, Andrew Jack- son, Lord Baltimore, James Otis, Patrick Henry, and others. 4to and 8vo. ~ (21) 6. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Battle Scenes. No duplicates. 8vo. (22) 7. AMHERST (GEN.), Gen. Wolfe, Admiral Hawke, Anne of Austria, English Kings, and other medallion vignette portraits on copper. (20) 8. ARNAUTES AU CAIRE, etching by Rajon after Gérome; Lady Beauclerk, lithograph, fine proof; Study of a Horse, etching by Veyrassat, proof on china; River Scene, etching by A. H. Bicknell, proof on china; and one other. Ato. (5) 9. AU CABARET, by Lefort, proof on Japan; Christ in the Tempest, by Delacroix, proof; Etching by Leopold Flameng, proof; Venetian Scene, proof etching; and two others. Etch- ings. 4to, (6) 10. ieee BIRTHDAYS. Etchings. India proofs. 21 pieces. 11. BACCHUS AND ARIADNE, engraved by Lempereur; Silenus and Bacchanals, by Bolswert, after Vandyck; and others. Folio, etc. (5) 12. BASTIEN-LEPAGE. Original etching by Retour des Champs. Japan proof. 4to. 13. Beer EaTer (THE), by Rajon, after Millais, proof on Japan paper; Canal Scene, by Hazeltine, proof on china paper; Sylvan Scene, by Martial, proof on china. Etchings. 4to. (8) 14. Brpa. Etchings after, by Boilvin, Hedouin, Greux, etc. India proofs. 4to. (19 pieces) 15. BLANCHARD (signed), Boucher, Coutry, Lepage. Etchings and engravings by and after. Mostly 4to. (25 pieces) 16. BoLSwERrtT (8S. A.) Satyr and Nymphs, after Van Dyck; and two others. (8 pieces) 17. BoRDEAUX, from the River. Fine etching by Leo Droyon, 1867. Folio. Proof. 18. BRACQUEMOND. The Goose Pasture, and Le Menage. By Legros. Fine. (2 pieces) 19. —— Etchings by. The Reign of Terror. Presentation proof signed to G. Mercier. Fine. Folio. 20. —— Etching of Man with a Hoe, after Millet. Early state. Presentation proof to Mercier, signed, Folio, 21. BROOKSIDE MEADOWS. Original Water-Color Draw i By C. Volkmar. Folio. T bipes 22. BRUNET-DEBAINES. Water Gate near Notre Dame, P Fine proof etching on india paper. Folio. ae 23. BuHoT (FELIX), Rainy Day; S. Gravesende, Old. and another. Japan proofs. 4to. (3 pie 24. BuRNS (ROBERT). Etching, remarqué proof, se marqué being a portrait of Rubinstein (the musician). — Japan vellum paper. 8vo. is 25. Byron (LORD). Portrait after Phillips. Line. graver’s proof. Folio. . 26. (JARICATURES (Frevew). Gavarni, Vernet, Raffet, Charlet, Victor Hugo. (About 112 as 28 pieces) | 27, —— French. By Michalet, etc. (40 as 20 pieces) — 28. —— The Divorce Court, Petit Coblintz, by Isabey; e Colored. (13 piec 29. —— French, some in colors, including some ‘by Car d’ Ache. (50 piec 30. CARLYLE (T.) Set of 6 india proofs to illustrate Carlyle, — portrait of Carlyle, Mrs. Carlyle, and homes of. (6 pieces) _ 31. CARMEN AND TOREADOR. Etched by J. Fagan. Sign: proofs on Japan paper. Printed in red. 4to. (2 piec 32. Casanova (A.) Original etchings by. Teaching t Bird to Sing, and Fin Gourmet. Japan proofs. 4to. (2 piec Pits CHAUVEL, BuHoT, ETC. Etchings by. Japan proo 0. mons, after Frith. Proof before letters. Narrow margins. 35. CLASSIC Engravings and Etchings. Many india proo 36. CocuINn, Ch. Jacque, Lalauze. Etchings by. (22 piec 37. Cock FIGHT (THE), etching; and La Bonne Mére. En.- graved by De Launay, after Fragonard. Both eee by hand. 8vo. 38. COLBERT (MICHAEL). Portrait. Engraved by vit Se pen, 1680, after Le Febure. Brilliant impression. Bee. Ge gins cut close). 39. CONGREVE (WmM.) Dramatist. Mezzotint, by a = 1710, after Sir Godfrey Kneller. Folio. 40. Corot (J. M. B.) Original etching by. Envir Rome. Japan proof. ws 41. —— Original etching by. Souvenir d'Italie. Ato. | | 42. COUSINS (SAML., R.A.) The Countess Spencer. — Indi ia proof, with script title, after Reynolds. le all 43, CRUIKSHANK (G.) The Attic Beau. Colored etehi ng, with verse beneath. 8vo. | 44. —— Wellington and La France. Colored etch Cruikshank. 8vo. ai 45. Cupa. Atlas of Ports, Cities, and Localities. — by the War Department. 69 maps. Boe Be Wash. 1898, 3 46. | Laie (CHaAs.) Portrait of... Etched by G. Mer- cier, after W. W. Ouless. Folio. Fine impression. 47. Dawk (G.) Henry, Lord Viscount Melville. After painting by Raeburn. Mezzotint. Folio (margins cut). 48. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, engraved by Kimber- ley; and two engraved by Buttre. All different. Folio. ‘ (3 pieces) 49. DESCHAMPS (A.) The First Autopsy (Andre Vaselius). Remarqué proof on parchment. Folio. 50. DETAILLE (EDOUARD), original etching by—Un Uhlan. Proof on parchment. 4to. 51. Dierricy, Portrait of, engraved by Schmutzen; and The Satyr in the Cottage, etched by Dietricy. (2 pieces) 52. Doré&’s Ancient Mariner. - (20 pieces) 538. DRAMATIC Portraits. Lester Wallack as Benedick; Ben de Bar as Falstaff; MacCullough as Richard III. Engrav- ings on india paper. 4to. Fine impressions on Large Paper. (3) 54. Fanny Davenport as Rosalind, Lawrence Barrett as Cassius; Edwin Booth as Hamlet. Engravings. On india paper. 4to. Fine impressions on Large Paper. (3) 55. —— M. Brizard. As King Lear. Brilliant line engrav- ing by J. J. Avril. Folio. 56. —— In Memoriam. Large folio lithograph, giving 28 portraits of actors, arid including John Drew, Laura Keene, _ Julia Dean, Edwin Forrest, Tyrone Power, Dan Marble, W. E. Burton, Charlotte Cushman. N. Y. 1878. Stone destroyed. 57. A ere OF PETERBOROUGH, engraved by Hou- braken, after Kneller, fine impression; Henry Gol- tius, engraved by himself. (2) 58. EARLOM (R.) Head of Greyhound. Proof before letters, with the Arms. 59. EDELINCK (G.) Portrait of Ch. Faure; and two others. (3 pieces) 60. ENGLISH LITERARY PORTRAITS. Scott, More, Stanley, and others. 8vo. (17 pieces) 61. —— Carlyle, Addison, Charlotte Bronte, Lady Burton, etc. Some india proofs. (26 pieces) 62. ENGLISH RoyaLty. Portraits. Engraved by Vertue, Hall, White, etc. 8vo and 4to. (32 pieces) 63. —— Charles II., Cromwell, Richard III. Engraved by Vertue, Ravenet, Harding, etc. © (47 pieces) 64. —— Engravings on copper. 4to. (12) «65. Engravings on copper. 4to. (12) 66. ENGLISH PorTRAITS: Nelson, Buckingham, Peg Woffing- ton, Garrick, etc. (389 pieces) 67. ENGRAVINGS by Du Pont, Boucher, etc. (6 pieces) 68. —— Mostly French—to La Fontaine, etc. (19) 69. —— Various. (50 pieces) 4 70. ENLEVEMENT DE Psycuf, and others. Phot vure Ato. Z Some J. apan proofs. 73. —— by Lalauze, Braquemond, Leforte, Didier, Some proofs. (20 Pp 74, —— by Twachtman, Bicknell, Parrish, etc. proofs. Ato. (10 75. —— by Appian, Jacquemart, Chauvel, etc. Jap proofs. 4to. (10 piec 76. —— by Wise, Richeton, Le Rat, etc. rs 77. —— by Chauvel, Los Rios, Gaucherel, Lancon. ay pe 78. —— after Millet, Fortuny, etc. Japan proofs. 4to 79. —— after Le Gros, Veyrassat, Vernet, etc. proofs. Ato. 80. —— Millet, Henner, Descamps. India proofs. OP pie 81. —— Detaille, Fortuny, Meissonier, Vibert, etc. — proofs. 4to. 82. ETCHING AND ENGRAVINGS. Various. 88. JAUSSOULLIER (Fr.) Knights in Combat. ‘Sign 1G presentation proof to Mercier. Folio. : heesie 84. FLAMENG, Chattuck, Gaucherel, etc. Etchings : photogravures. | ils Columbus, etc. paaps etc. ) 86, FORREST (EDWIN). Portrait, engraved by H. ae . Proof before all letters, on india paper. 4to. : _ 87. Forster (F.) Portrait of Raphael. Boon sem 7 engraving. Folio. wes 88. FORSTER, Blanchard (signed), Lorichon. Plates engra for Grand Prix. Folio. ‘| 89. FRAGONARD. Le Contrat. Engraved by M. Blot. Fine. am 90. FRANKLIN (BENJ.) Half length, engraved by T * after Martin. Colored by hand. Large 8vo. 91. —— Portraits. Various. 92. FRENCH engravings by Moreau le pea Cochin B etc. (10 pi 93. FRENCH PHOTOGRAVURES. 24 pieces. 94. FRENCH PorTRAITS: Beaumarchais, Diderot, : oe ee Lafontaine, Racine, etc. Engravings photogravures, — 8vo. ae (25 pie 95. —— Montesquieu, Corneille, de Musset, Thies Some india proofs. 8vo. (25 pi 96. —— Louis XIV. to XVL., ete. Engravings, etch etc. 8vo. (2 97, —— Grammont, Gounod, Vidal, etc. Ato and 8 ? tr ce | 5 98. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Illustrations to. Some rare. (23 pieces) 99. FRENCH THEATRICAL portraits and scenes. Photo- gravures. Ato. (15 pieces) 100. FRENCH VIGNETTES, by Cousins, Lefevre, etc.; vign- ettes, by Corbould and others. . (57 pieces) 101. So seopengees (DavIpD). Engraved by Wm. Skelton, after Pine. 1818. Folio. 102. GAUCHEREL (LEON). Etchings by. (10 pieces) 103. G&ROME, Pasini, Aublat, etc. French photogravures. (25 pieces) 104. GHIBERTI. Three Panels from the Door of the Bap- tistry at Florence. Large photographs, on card. (3) 105. GOING TO MARKET, by Millet, wood engraving; Terburg, A Glass of Lemonade; and Architectural Plans (3) for the Cathedral of St. John, N. Y. (5) 106. GRaNT(U. 8.) Photograph from Life. Three-quarter length, seated, with cigar in hand. Large size and original, by Gurney. Folio, on card. 107. GREEK SCULPTURES. Photographs of, from the Acro- polis, etc. Mounted on card. Large 8vo. (14) 108. GRASSINI (MADAME), in the character of Zaira. Mezzo- tint by S. W. Reynolds, after Madame Le Brun. Very bril- liant open letter proof, with Pe margins untouched. Large folio. Lond. 1806. 109. | = Gacan (SEYMOUR). Etching by Twickenham. 110. — Dry Point. The Twins, Ann and Sarah Haden. Proof Pators. letters. Fine and rare. Ato. 111. —— Etching. The Two Asses. 8vo. 112. —— Etching by. Fulham on the Thames. 4to. 118. —— Cowdray, 1882. Etching. Folio. 114. Hate (A. H.) Original etchings by. Old German Mill; an Old Hanse Town. 4to. Fine pair. (2 pieces) 115. Hart (WM.) Etchings by. Showery Day; and an- other. Japan proofs. (2 pieces) These are the only etchings made by Wm. Hart. 116. HARVEST FIELDS, by Wickenden, presentation proof; Christopher Sly, by Lumb Stocks, india proof and other art- ists’ proofs. 4to. (5 pieces) 117. HenneER, Moreau, Colin, Henriot, etc. Photogravures after. (27 pieces) 118. HOLE (W.) Etchings, after Diaz (?), Monticelli and Jacque. 4to. (4) 119. HOTEL DE VILLE, ARRAS, engraved by Leon Gau- ~ Cherel, 1858; Wilkie’s The Letter of Introduction, etched state of the plate; The Continence of Scipio, line engraving by Legat, after Poussin, folio. (3) 120. HoUBRAKEN. Fine engraved portraits of Cardinal Wolsey, 1738; and of Sir Fransis Walsingham. 4to. (2) 6 121. TLLUSTRATIONS. Various. 0 pi j 122. — to English History. Engravings on ‘cop to. 123. —— to Life of Washington, and others. No dupl (20 124, JACQUEMART (J.) Etchings by. Souvenirs de V« age, and L’Ecureil et la Mouche. A most ch acteristic pair of Jacquemart’s etchings. Folio. ‘ 125. JEFFERSON (THOS.) Engraved by Naegle, after pai ing by Otis. Scarce. (2 piec 126. —— Engraved by St. Mémin, Millot, Forrest, e Some rare. e Ls 127. K EMBLE (J.) as Hamlet. aS letter preane graved by Jas Egan, after Lewrness ca Fine impression. . * ag a 128. ABOURER IN THE VINEYARD, by. 7 Washerwoman, by Martial; and two of Proofs on china and japan paper. 4to. proofs. 130. LAMBALLE, Tallien, etc. Portraits, engraved by reau, Massard, etc. 4 pi 131. LANDING PLacE (THE). Original water-color drawing, by C. Valkmar. Folio. ay : Mei es. 182. LanpscapE. Le Coup de Soliel. Engraved by - bigny, after Ruisdael. Fine impression. Folio | 133. LrEFORT (HENRI), scene from Don Quixote, proof. s Country Road, by Daubeil, proof; Shoeing the Horee Leleux, proof; and two others Hichings.” 400.7) ae 134. L’INcoNNu, Goose and a Tortoise, etching by B aoe mond; caricature, by Grandville, lithograph Ato. pe 185. LITERARY AMERICAN PORTRAITS. De Peyster, . J Brown, Irving, Willis, Isaiah Thomas, etc. 136. LITERARY PorTRAITS: Walpole, Fielding, Walton, J son, etc. Some india proofs. (30 187. Louris XIV. anp Mo.ibre, etched by G. Mercier second, and third states (signed); and photograph. (4 Pp 138. Louis XVIIL., fine engraving, by Audouin; Lo Prussia, by Richter, etching, proof; figures after Cipr Karlom, proof; and two others. Be 130. JYPANET pw.) Original etchings bya Dancer, and Les Gitanos. 4t0. (2 140. Maps. Nova Scotia, with parts of New Eng ni Folio. Lond.: J. Murray, 1785. 141. —— Map of the Island of St. John, by Cape : 1775; Exact Chart of the River St. Lawrence from Fo tenac to the Island of Anticosti, ee T. J oneal TUR 7 142. MARAIS (MauRICE). Colored Humorous Caricatures. Scenes in Parisian Life, etc. Large 8vo. (6) 143. —— Another lot. (8) 144. —— Another lot. (9) 145. Marc ANTONIO. The Cartoons of Raphael. (32 pieces) 146. MARCHETTI, ETC. Military Scenes. Photogravures. (22 pieces) ee MARSHALL (W. E.) Portrait of Geo. Washington. olio. 148. —— Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Folio. 149. —— Portrait of General Grant. Folio. 150. MARTIAL, Chauvel, Aveline, etc. Etchings by. Mostly Ato. (12 pieces) 151. MEIssoNIER. Le Philosophe, etched by Le Rat. Fine impression. 4to. 152. —— The Card Players, and another. Fine proof etch- ings on Japan vellum paper. 4to. (2) 1538. MERCIER (G.) Etched portrait of Tennyson, Japan proof, signed before the remarqué and before ‘‘ Rajon” was etched in the background. Probably unique in this state. Folio. 154. —— Etching after Prudhon; Woman with a Hat, 1st and 2d state; also portrait of Prudhon, presentation proof to Mercier, by Rebel. (Signed.) Interesting lot. (3 pieces) . . 1st, 2d and 3d states. (Signed. ) (3 pieces) 156. —— Etching of a Woman, after Rajon. 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th states. (4 pieces) 157. —— Etching by. The Toast; after Franz Hals. Ist, 2d and 3d states. (Signed.) China paper proofs. 4to. (8 pieces) 158. —— In Arcadia. Etching after Colin. 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th states. (Signed.) Large 8vo. (4 pieces) 159. —— Etching, The Potato Gatherer, by Bastien Le Page. 6 states, before and after plate was cut down, all different proofs, etc. Large 8vo. (6 pieces) 160. MERYON (CHARLES). Portrait of Casmir Le Comte. Proof on parchment. W. No. 86. 4to. 161. —— Etching by. Abside de Notre Dame. 4to. 162. —— Etching by. La Rue des Toiles, Bruges. W. No. 86. Scarce. Large 8vo. 163. —— Frame for portrait of printer, B. No. 72, and etched cover for Paris. (2 pieces) 164. MEYER (HENRY). Portrait of the Hon. Charles Francis Greville, after Romney. Mezzotint. Folio. 1810. 165. Minuet (F. D.) Jules Breton, Colin, Franz Hals, Ter- burg, etc. Photographs from the original paintings. 4to. (20) 166. MILLET, Lynch, Berteaux. Photogravures after. (24 pieces) 167. MiLtu-WHEEL, by C. de Gravesande; Venetian Fishing Boats, by A. H. Bicknell; Pont de Notre Dame, Paris, by Soffrey. Etchings. Proofs on china paper. 4to. (3) 8 168. Mivarn, etching by, Birth of Venus; and Toilet of Venus, etched by Rajon. 4to. . (2 pieces) 169. MISCELLANEOUS ENGRAVINGS, mostly French, illustrat- ing La Fontaine etc. 12mo and 8vo. (60) 170. Monzigs, Le Rat, Jacquemart, etc. Etchings by. . (22 pieces) 171. MOREAU LE JEUNE, three engravings to Voltaire’s La Henriade; two engravings to La Fontaine’s Contes, by Frago- nard; and one other. 4to. (6) 172. MORGHEN (RAPHAEL). Parce somnum Rumpere, after Titian. Folio. 173. Munkacsy. Christ before Pilate, etched by Barry. Folio. Proof. 174. Musicians. Bust portrait of Gounod, by Mercier, proof; Berlioz, bust portrait, proof on Japan paper. Etchings. Fine impressions. the arms), 1656. Folio. . 1678. 177, NAPOLEON I., 1796. Full length on horseback, original lithograph by Charlet. 1845. 4to. Rare. The last design of this famous artist, finished the evening before his death. 178): Engraving by 8S. A. Edwards. Proofs, with 6 re- marqués on margin showing plate-mark only. Folio. 179. —— Various portraits of. (14 pieces) 180. NAPOLEON III., 1852, full length, engraved by Joubert; Earl of Beaconsfield, mezzotint by J: L. Atkinson, 1878. Folio. Fine impressions. (2) 181. NEw YorRK. Geological Map of the State, by W. J. McGee and James Hall. In 6 divisions. Folio. 1894. 182. Gregory; Brooklyn Bridge, by C, A. Platt. Proof etchings on china paper. 4to. (3) 183. (LD GERMAN WOOD ENGRAVINGS. (26 pieces) 184, Pees (Mrs. HowarpD) and Mrs. Emma G. Bostwick. Portraits, limited, reproductions. Large 8vo. (2) 185. PERRET (L.) The Flower Girl. Etching after Chaplin. Artist’s proof on Japan. Signed. Folio. 186. PHOTOGRAPHS of paintings, some presentation, with autograph of artists. ; (15 pieces) 187. PHoTOGRAPHS: Architectural, Antiquities, from pict- ures; Maijolica, etc. Cabinet and carte-de visite sizes, on card. ; (48) 188. PHOTOGRAVURES. Portraits, Scenes. 4to. (82 pieces) 189. PicarT (B.) Zephire and Flora. Engraved after Coy- pel, 1701. Fine impression. Folio. . 190. PrquetT (R.) Original dry-points by. Suson and Suzetti. _ A pretty pair. Folio, (2 pieces) (2) 175. No Portrait of Cardinal Mazarin (with 176. —— Portrait of Peter Poncet. Fine impression. Folio. Trinity Church; Madison Square, by F. M. ee a ee ee ee een eee ree a 191. PopE(ALEX.) Poet. Fine engraved portrait by Hou- braken. Brilliant impression. 4to. 1747. 192. PorTRAITS. Lincoln, Fulton, Greeley, Barnum. India proofs. Ato. (15 pieces) 193. —— Miss Bowles. India proof. With script title, after Reynolds. Fine. 194. — Nell Gwyn, Duchess of Portsmouth, Miss Stewart, Miss Temple, etc. 8vo. (24 pieces) 195. —— Mead, Grant, Burnside, Hooker, Calhoun, Mc- a, Proofs on india paper. Engraved by Hall. Large vo. (6) 196. —— Sir Richard Grenville, old copper-plate; Sebastian Cabot, by Rawle, 1824; Drake, by W. Holl. 8vo. (3) 197. —— Colonel Campbell (captured at Boston), by Kay; General Elliott, two different, 1782, etc.; William Blakeney, Governor of Minorca, two different, 1756, etc. (5) 198. —— Francisco Claviger, lithograph; Ferdinand of Ara- gon, old copper-plate; General Guadalupe Victoria, President of Mexico; Nathaniel Greene, and others. 8vo. (12) 199. —— Rouget de Lisle (composer of the Marseillaise), medallion portrait; A. Tardieu; Louis XVIIL., by Forssell; Due d’Artois, by Francois. 4to. (4) 200. —— Belle Isle, Clairant, Henault, etc. (5 pieces) 201. —— Franklin, Moncrif, Falconet, etc. Portraits. (5 pcs) 202. —— Mrs, Siddons, Blanche Somerset, india proofs; and others. (6 pieces) 203. —— Bartolozzi (india proof), St. Aubin, Eisen, etc. (4 pieces) 204. —— Gen. Butler, Adm. Porter, Grant, Sherman, etc. India proofs. Photogravures. (11 pieces) 205. Du Barry, Charlotte Corday, Marie Antoinette, etc. Mostly india proofs. (15 pieces) 206. —— De Stael, Roland, Sand, Josephine, Valliere, etc. (18 pieces) 207. —— Cardinal Newman, proof etching on Japan; por- traits of Byron, Goldsmith, Coleridge, Burns, Bunyan, by Paradise; and others. Some proofs. 8vos. (25) 208. —— Lafayette, Marat, Augereau, Cardinal de Retz. La Rochefoucauld and others, Engravings, photogravures, etc. 8vo. (27 pieces) 209. —— R. L. Stevenson, De Quincey, Charles Dickens, John Ruskin, Tennyson, Camden and others. (80) 210. —— Washington, Clay, Lowell, Jackson, Cooper, etc. 8vo. (45 pieces) 211. PORTRAITS OF ARTISTS: Stothard, West, Hogarth, etc. ; (14 pieces) 212. PorTRratts, india proofs: Hawthorne, Holmes, Motley, Prescott, Bancroft, etc. No duplicates. 4to. _ (15 pieces) 213. -—— French: Napoleon II. and III., Louis XVI., Lam- _ balle, etc. Engravings. (18 pieces) 214. —— (French Women): Sévigné, Lamballe, Maintenon, Diana de Poitiers, Gabrielle d’Estrées. 8vo. (20 pieces) 10 215. PORTRAIT, by Milius, after Goya; The Hare, by Leon Gaucherel; and other etchings. 4to. (5) 216. UEBEC.