Reig FEU Ces Cm TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF AN ANTIQUARIAN THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND OTHER ARTISTIC PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE WIDELY KNOWN ANTIQUARIAN, THE LATE HENRY KOOPMAN SENIOR MEMBER OF THE FIRM OF H. KOOPMAN & SON WHOSE BUSINESS WAS ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED IN NEW YORK IN 1883 TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK LIBRARY ani No. | MKNOEDLER & ¢o, "| 556-8 Fifth Ave, | ace. New York | i ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING THURSDAY, MAY 5rTu, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9a.m. UNTIL 6 P.M. THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF THE WIDELY KNOWN ANTIQUARIAN THE LATE HENRY KOOPMAN SENIOR MEMBER OF THE FIRM OF H. KOOPMAN & SON OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE AFTERNOONS OF MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MAY 9tn, 10TH, 11TH AND 121TH BEGINNING AT 2.15 O’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK IELUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE AND OTHER ARTISTIC PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE WIDELY KNOWN ANTIQUARIAN HENRY KOOPMAN SENIOR MEMBER OF THE FIRM OF H. KOOPMAN & SON WHOSE BUSINESS WAS ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED IN NEW YORK IN 1883 CO) Bis; SOI AW WINIRIESWTIRIC III) PW BILIC SAILS ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS MAY 9TH, 10TH, 11TH AND 12TH AT THE AMERIGAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIs ASSISTANTS, Mr. Otro Berner AND Mr. H. H. Parke, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION SAP ANID) IAP OGI LAU OBO Third Afternoon OIL PAINTINGS CHINESE SCHOOL FIGHTEENTH CENTURY , fe / f thi cfoe a. 4 “ bed t 4 665—VERRE EGLOMISE PAINTING Height, 131% inches; width, 1784 inches 1o- Domestic Chinese interior with a young woman and attendant approaching a seated young man and child. In carved and gilded frame. FRENCH SCHOOL Tf } Esaty NINETEENTH CENTURY / C = ‘ a, * 4 4 666—THE MOSQUE si wt (Oval Verre Eglomisé Panel) ). a ' : ay 2 Mes ae Height, 211% inches; width, 17%4 inches A mosque rises at right amid date palms near the edge of the desert. Sultry blue sky. G. DURAND 7 Frencu: ConrEMPORARY lj), 4 7 ge “A La 667 —FLOW ERS Chin) Height,’36 inches; width, 281 inches LE Da — Basxet filled with a high bouquet of flowers,—peonies, lilac, wei- gelia and vines. (Canvas repaired at left.) Signed at lower right, “G. Durann, 1856.” Third Afternoon ENGLISH SCHOOL 4 : SEVENTEENTH CENTURY a lf LEA: LU on Sh 1a ty 668—FLOWERS / ~7£ Me Height, 3314, inches; length, 45°34 inches gS -- A pottery vase of flowers appears toward right before a balcony, a parrot is amid the flowers which trail over toward left. DUTCH SCHOOL Eapty EicoTrenta CEentury y, ry, Od Ox tt10n/ KG 669—FLOWERS AND BRUIT 4h. — Height, 44 inches; length, 59 inches Aw ornate scrolled vase stands about center on a stone slab, a basket of flowers toward left; the vase partially filled by fruit. (Companion to the two following) DUTCH SCHOOL / Eariy EIGHTEENTH CENTURY rk 4 p vy RE od Ce 670 —F ROI” 48D FEOWERS ae Height, 45 inches; length, 5914 inches Co) “Srnar in composition to the preceding. DUTCH SCHOOL ae . Harty EicHTEENTH CENTURY if } 4 , LWA VY re 671—FRUIT AND FLOWERS are Height, 45 iichess length, 501% inches Smuiar in composition to the preceding. Third Afternoon JUAN VANDERHAMEN DutcH: 1596—1632 ) , Http, WA -[Gat-corele 672—FLOWERS °~ [reco obe) - Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches we, b A srititant bouquet of tulips, carnations and red tiger lilies fills a gadrooned vase standing before a dark background. MATHILDE LAGACHE FrRENcH: CONTEMPORARY sock and gray beard. HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1743 of y? 680—MADAME SEVERIGNY (Oval) Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches _ Bust length of a pretty woman, wearing a red ribbon in her hair, and a blue robe with lace edging at bust. In original carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Princess Mathilde Bonaparte. Third Afternoon D. CALISH - American: Circa 1830 > pal GP i ee a a Oe a 681—PORTRAIT OF AN GOLD MAN ve Height, 31 inches; width, 27 inches /- Hatr length of an intelligent old man with gray hair, red tie and brown coat; facing to left. JEAN BAPTISTE MONOYER f Frencu: 1634—1699 682—FLOWERS ~~ 7*v /fo Height, 26144 inches; width, 22 inches / e -—— A. scULPTURED vase stands on a stone table and is filled with a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, carnations and freesias. JEAN BAPTISTE MONOYER Bes Frencu: 1634—1699 7 VL. b6itt Shitty 683—FLOWERS 7 ja eesield v, 6 WACO Height, 31 inches; width, 2114 inches ee ee “ An ornate vase filled with a bouquet of varied beautiful flowers stands before a deep, rich background. PAUL VAN SOMER i Fremiso: 1576—1621 fe LOA EH Ltd lon 684— PORTRAIT OF 4 BURGHER’S WIFE Ife 4 Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches Busr length, facing slightly to left; wearing bow-knotted pearl fillet over her dark curling locks and black dress with deep lawn and lace collar over shoulders. Third Afternoon JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE f ek 1650—1717 is MEY 685 —PORTEUT OF EX ACTRESS Vem = Height, 33 inches; width, 26 inches Harr length, standing facing slightly to right holding a black domino in her right hand. The charming actress wears a small plumed hat, curled gray hair, pearl-drop earrings, lace ruff at throat and a black velvet dress slashed with pink silk. From the Calvé Collection, Paris. SPANISH SCHOOL We ) >Harry SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 66 LsiGN OR: San (N APBE GIOVANNI BATTISTA CODI ‘ 75 Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches Sranpine toward right, her right hand resting on the shoulder of her little daughter; she wears a coronet and flowers in her black hair, embroidered crimson robe, purple mantle and overskirt. The daughter in gold-enriched black robe with lace edged ruff. (Companion to the following) SPANISH SCHOOL ) oA ieee SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 687A ENIGHT OF MAET A Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches ba ” standing near a “Monstenor Canalde Giovanni Battista Codi, crimson draped table at right, on which rests the knight’s plumed helm; he wears long, curling black hair, corselet decorated with several jeweled orders, embroidered yellow coat, crimson hose, and holds a document in left hand and a plumed hat in right hand. (Companion to the preceding) Third Afternoon FRENCH SCHOOL WA a E1guTEENTH Few {7 WZ h C14 tom % = pe 688—_F LOW ee AND FRUIT “om J O-— Height, 5 feet; width, 8 feet 314 inches é Aw ornate pedestal vase of rare flowers stands in the foreground of a wooded landscape; before the vase and towards right are peaches, a cut melon and clusters of grapes. Third Afternoon DUTCH SCHOOL é ; SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ty 7 S 7. Or Ortiz 689—OVERDOOR * Sis Height, 23 inches; length, 583 inches pe — “Srac Huntine.” A stag at bay about center, before a large tree; a number of hounds are ruthlessly attacking the stricken animal. In scroll-molded ivory lacqué frame. L. PERONET Frencu: Ercureentn Century Ys <7 Lay. Ytttrhatee, 690—LITHR ATURE o C “Lo (Canvas mounted on panel) Height, 44 inches; length, 54 inches Aw allegorical nymph, robed in blue, is seated near an elaborately carved table at right, writing upon a manuscript held by a cupidon standing toward left. Architectural background draped with a dull crimson curtain. In shaped gray lacqué frame. Signed about lower left, L. PERronev. (Companion to the following) L. PERONET Frencu: EicHTEENTH CENTURY Le LY] Le. Mite Chey 691 THE ARTS "© PKY (Canvas mounted on panel) Height, 44 inches; length, 54 inches A SIMILAR composition to that of “Literature”; with the alle- gorical nymph painting at an easel at left. (Companion to the preceding) Third Afternoon PIAT JOSEPH SAUVAGE FRencu: 1744—1818 Dy, Vy 7. A Ul - Te U/L. 692—CUPIDS TF SPORT. ye Height, 471 inches; length, 67 inches An oval medallion, finely beribboned and festooned with laurel wreaths, is occupied by three cupids playing “Soap Bubbles.” Executed in gray grisaille. (Companion to the following) Vy Pete baa AS f 693—CUPIDS. AT SPORT pie Le Height, 491, ‘inches; length, 60 inches TureeE cupids playing with a captive bird. (Companion to the preceding) INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR WNILED STATES AND SPATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES ‘OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EPFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY THE HENRY KOOPMAN COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION NEW YORK