Tee oe AOE NPT eT Ree ie fa Nov. 6 : IMPORTANT GATHERING OF BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE mero tORICAL CHINA THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE GEORGE KELLOGG - Amsterdam - N-Y- em eAMERICAN -4RT GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE - 567TH to 57TH STREET New York FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION Prom patuncday,, October) 31, Until time of Sale - Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, November 1, From 2 to 5 p. m. DINER Eo TRICTED PUBLIC SALE Isoday, November O,;and Saturday eiovember 7 at s2-[¢-p. in. , r y bemorde of; JOHN KEL EOGG AND ELIZABETH KELLOGG SWIFT Exhibition and Sale at the AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE : 56rTx ¢o 57TH STREET New York City ae , +) HISTORIC OLD BLUE SAMS OUSIDATAUNRSIB Twp J QEN Together With a Few Specimens of Silver & Copper Lustre & Miscellaneous Objects Ee COMEER CLLON.@ Fi THE LATE GEORGE KELLOGG Amsterdam, New York RARETAR VS OF THE STATES SERIES Including two of Connecticut NEW YORK CITY VIEWS Jnclua- ing the Battery and Castle Garden Pe LO Neb LIVE Re AN) D Dre Elranhs Clete AN DS TASES Wen W ome) UCR UN bE REST AND RARITY sales (Conducted By Mr. O. Bernet and MG. H. H. Parke AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC. MANAGERS “The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA et se - ra ~ i ' CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. THE BUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. RISK AFTER PURCHASE: ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. VY. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. RECEIPTED BILLS: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recog- nized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALLING FOR GOODS: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the pur- chaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwith- standing, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sus- tained in so doing. VIII. SHIPPING: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a busi- ness in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. GUARANTY: ‘The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genu- ineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judg- ment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. RECORDS: ‘The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. BUYING ON ORDER: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or tele- phone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing condi- tions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. OTTO BERNET MANAGERS HIRAM H. PARKE _ AUCTIONEERS NAPATPATRCIN [ihe aN Life: Pern I TED STATES AND STATE TAX Peete NCH AND OTHER PURPOSES Set eOGUPRS OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS oA pPRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to supple- ment this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Admin- istrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION 7 INC. MADISON AVENUE,» 56rx to 57TH STREET New York (ity ~ \\ mM A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE GEORGE KELLOGG KORGE KELLOGG of Amsterdam, New York, became known as a collector of Blue Historical China at the Burritt Sale which was held at the American Art Galleries, March 25th and 26th, 1903. A. Melrose Burritt of Waterbury, Connecticut, was a collector of the right sort. His theory was to get “the finest obtainable” but never to let a rare piece “get by’ him if he could afford to purchase it, even though its condition were slightly imperfect. The imperfect piece can always be replaced by a more perfect one it such a piece turns up. ‘This is the attitude of every intelligent collector. At the Burritt Sale George Kellogg was the most conspicuous buyer. He paid record prices for such pieces as “St. Paul’s Church, New York’ plate; “New York from Brooklyn Heights” piatter; “Pennsylvania Arms” platter; “Dr. Syntax’s Noble Hunting Party” platter; “Pat in the Pond”’ platter; ‘““The Harvest Home’ platter. He bought every piece he needed out of this collection regardless of prices. At subsequuent auction sales of blue china during the past twenty years George Kellogg has always been represented. ‘These sales have been com- paratively few. ‘There is only a limited number of good collections of Blue Historical China in the world. In recent years the Morse and Soper Collections have both found a permanent home in Museums. I can say without fear of contradiction that Mr. Kellogg’s Collec- tion of Blue Staffordshire Historical China is the finest collection that has ever been offered for sale at public auction. It was my privilege to be a personal friend of George Kellogg’s for many years. I watched his col- lection grow from a small beginning to what is prebably today the finest collection in existence. Mr. Kellogg’s theory in collecting was similar to that of Mr. Burritt. He knew that a perfect collection was impossible tc obtain,—that all the wealth in the world could not buy a complete collection in proof condition. Therefore he sought for “the best obtainable’ and never turned down a rare piece because it failed to have the appearance of being fresh from the kiln. He appreciated the value of fine color in blue china and on one occasion bid up the price on a “New York from Weehawk”’ platter to $1200, because of its clear impression and its beautiful shade of blue. Mr. Kellogg was a successful business man and was not handicapped by lack of means to gratify his one hobby, which was the collection of blue china. He was fond of motoring and scoured the country far and near in quest of pieces which he needed to make his collection more complete. It was a pleasure and privilege to know him. He will long be remem- bered for his sterling qualities and his fine personal character. “There never has lived a more enthusiastic lover of the “Old Blue.” ALEXANDER HUDNUT. IT * » - 7 i . sa I wae * F i a A 4 ie , ae yr Mt ‘ > 4 . be ¢ : Cd , 4 - ’ ® ” 1 be \ x = ; fe ~ J . s 8 ’ * od s ® e ° ® s ° e ° e a a s >. e e e 2 * e. a : s . b s . ° > > s e > Ld a ° 2 > ° ae . e . . ? ° . e s «¢ * hd AMERICAN Art AssociaTION, INc., ManaGegrs SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE GEORGE KELLOGG COLLECTION November 6 and 7, 1925 To save time and to prevent mistakes each purchaser will oblige the managment by filling in this slip and handing it to the record clerk or sales attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name Address in Full . Amount of Deposit — ¢. ‘ , ‘ . a ¢ ‘ « j Gyi A * Aan a Ai 1 IOS eS i IS 2 a Pe SOE ANT St I SEI H EP ORE SION ire hearer tthe Si —— FIRST SESSION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1925, AT 2:15 P. M- Catalogue Numbers 1 to 188 inclusive MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 1—Copper Lustre Satt DisH On foot. Has small crack. 2—Coprprr Lustre Muc With beading and band. Height, 3 inches. 3—Coprrer Lustre Muc With band of blue and raised flowers in color. Height, 3% inches. 4—Copprer Lustre Muc A wide pale brown band sustaining a portrait of Tyler and log cabin in black. Chipped. Height, 3% inches. 5—Pink Lustre TEaPpot Cane-color ground. Bird-head spout. Chipped. Height, 434 inches. 6—Copper Lustre PITCHER Ribbed body. Pink band with leaves in white. Cracked. Height, 434 inches. 7—CoppEeR LustTrRE PITCHER Oval panels displaying pastoral subjects on a band of yellow. Cracked. Height, 6% inches. 8—Copperr Lustre PITCHER Ribbed at top and base. ‘The center has a yellow band displaying prints in black of the “Surrender of Cornwallis” and a portrait of “Lafayette.” Height, 6% inches. 13 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 9—Pink Lustre TEA SET With flowers and leaves in red, green and blue. Comprising: Teapot, sugar-bowl, creamer, small plate, waste-bowl, seven cups and six saucers. “Teapot cracked. 10— PITCHER White glaze, with bouquets of flowers in brilliant colors. Height, 5% inches. 1I1—StLveR Lustre Cream PITCHER Compressed body with four lobed vertical panels. Slightly rubbed. Height, 4 inches. 12—SILveR Lustre Tea Ser Oval, with vertical ribbing. Invested with a solid silver lustre of great brilliancy. Comprising: Teapot, sugar-bowl and creamer. Spout and lip of teapot slightly chipped. 13—SILVER Lusrre CoFFEE-POT Ovoidal body with two bands of slightly scrolled ribbings. Reversed C-scroll handle. Coated with a brilliant silver lustre. Cover and spout slightly chipped. Height, 12 inches. I14—SILVER LustrE PITCHER Pear-shaped body, invested with a brilliant silver lustre. The interior glazed white. Four-quart size. Height, 8% inches. 15—Bow.L With blossom decoration in blue and brown. Brown band encircling top. A paster bears the inscription: ‘Antique bowl about one hun- dred and fifty years old, presented to George Kellogg by Mrs. James M. Aldrich, Westerly, R. I. December 16, 1918.” Diameter, 6 inches. 16—LoweEstTorr CREAMER AND Four Cups AND SAUCERS Floral decoration. Some pieces imperfect. 17—Lowestorr TEApor Cylindrical, with twisted handle. Has slight chip. 18—LiverRPooL PItcHER White glaze, with portraits of Captain Jones and Pike, in black. Im- _perfect, Height, 6 inches. i, First Session ALBANY 19— ALBANY THEATRE Maker Unknown Cup plate. Floral border. Dark blue. Small crack. Diameter, 3% inches. (Illustrated ) 20—City oF ALBANY, STATE OF New YorK Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Medium blue. Coed condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 21—CapiroL AT ALBANY Wash bowl. With medallions of Kent and Stuyvesant. Dark blue. Repaired with three rivets. Diameter, 13% inches. 22—DutcH CHurRcH AT ALBANY Maker, Stevenson Three-quart pitcher. Floral body with “View of the Late Protestant Dutch Church in the City of Albany.” Dark blue. Small crack in foot. Height, 8 inches. 23—Ciry or ALBANY Maker, Wood Vegetable dish. View of ‘Catskill Mountains and Hudson River” on outer rim. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 11 inches. 15 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 24—ALBANY FROM RENSSELAER ISLAND Maker Unknown Soup plate. Floral border. Dark blue. Proof. (Illustrated ) Diameter, to inches. ARMS OF THE STATES Maker, I. Maver 25—CoNNECTICUT Gravy tureen with cover. Arms on either side. Scroll handles. Floral border. Dark blue. In good condition. (Illustrated ) Height, 6 inches. 26—CoNNECTICUT Small tray with leaf scroll ends. Floral border. Dark blue. Proof. (Illustrated ) Length, 8% inches. 27—SoUTH CAROLINA | Small plate. Floral border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 7% inches. 28—RHopE IsLAND Plate. Floral border. Dark blue. Very slightly worn. Diameter, 8% inches. 16 26 Nos. 25 and 26—Connecticut Gravy TurEEN AND SMALL Tray 17 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 29—NeEw YorK Plate. Floral border. Medium blue. Good condition. (Illustrated ) Diameter, to inches. 30— MassaAcHUSETTS Small platter. Floral border. Dark blue. -In good condition. (Illustrated ) - Length, 10% inches. 3I—GEORGIA Small platter. Floral border. Dark blue. (Very slightly worn.) Length, 13 inches. 32—NortTH CaroLina Platter. Floral border. Rich dark blue. In good condition, aged. Length, 15 inches. 33—MaryLanpD Two-quart pitcher, with arms on either side. White rim. Scroll handle. Floral border. Dark blue. In good condition. Height, 10 inches. 34—DELAWARE Platter. Floral border. Fine clear blue. Proof with the exception of a few slight cuts. Length, 17 inches. (Illustrated) 18 34 Nos. 30 and 34—MassacHuSETTS AND DELAWARE PLATTERS 19 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 35—MaryLAND Bowl. Floral border. Dark blue. Very slightly worn. ‘The rim rejoined but no parts missing. ' Diameter, 12% inches. 30—VIRGINIA Vegetable dish with leaf scroll ends. Floral border. Rich dark blue. ‘The cover has a new finial and the edge imperfect. Length, 12% inches. 37—NeEw JERSEY Large platter. Floral border. Rich blue. Good condition. Length, 19 inches. (Illustrated) 38— PENNSYLVANIA Platter. Floral border. Rich blue. Proof with the exception of a small crack. Length, 21 inches. 39— PENNSYLVANIA Large platter. Floral border. Rich blue. Good condition. Length, 21 inches. (Illustrated ) 40—MIEDALLION ARMS PLATE Showing the arms of Virginia, North Carolina, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey, in color on a white ground. Marked, Ironstone. Slight crack. Diameter, 10% inches. ARMS OF UNITED STATES 41—UNITED STATES Maker Unknown Small plate. Eagle with spread wings, shield below. Floral border. Dark blue. Shghtly wern. Diameter, 634 inches. 42—UwITED STATES Maker Unknown Teapot with cover. Eagle with spread wings on either side. City in the background. Floral border. Dark blue. Proof. Height, 8 inches. 20 39 Nos. 37 and 39—-NeEw JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA PLATTERS 2I Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 43—UNITED STATES Maker Unknown Pitcher. Eagle with half-spread wings, holding arrows, and fifteen stars. Floral border. Rich dark blue. Slight repair at the rim. Height, 6% inches. BALTIMORE 44—BaALTIMOoRE Masonic Hay Maker Unknown One-quart pitcher. Print on either side. Dark blue. Proof. Height, 5 inches. 45—BALTIMORE EXCHANGE Maker, Ridgway Cup plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 4% inches. 46—BaLTImorE Court Howse Maker Unknown Plate. Fruit and flower border. Medium blue. Chipped. Diameter, 8% inches. 47—BALTIMORE ALMS HOUSE Maker Unknown Teapot. Dark blue. Good condition except for chip in spout. Height, 7% inches. 48—BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, ON LEVEL Maker, Wood Plate. Shell border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 9 inches. 49—BALTIMORE AND OHio RaiLroap, INCLINED PLANE Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, to inches. 50—BALTIMORE EXCHANGE Maker Unknown Plate. Flower and fruit border. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. BOSTON AND VICINITY 51—Boston STATE HousE Maker, Ridgway Cream pitcher. Medium blue. Handle rejoined, otherwise in fine condition. Height, 3% inches. 52—OctTacon CHURCH Maker, Stevenson Cup plate. Blue with white rim. Proof. Diameter, 4 inches. 22 First Session ER a a ee ee 53—Boston State House Maker, Stevenson Cup plate. Blue. Fine condition. Diameter, 4 inches. 54—Boston StatE House Maker, Ridgway Small plate. Dark blue. Proof, Diameter, 5%4 inches. 55—Boston Court House Maker, Stevenson Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 534 inches. 56—Boston State House Maker, Ridgway Pickle dish. Leaf-shaped. Dark blue with white rim. Repaired. Length, 6 inches. 57—Harvarp COLLEGE Maker, Stevenson Small plate. “Three-quarter view with two figures in the foreground. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 534 inches. 58—Boston State House Maker, Rogers Pitcher. Showing cows on Common. On the reverse, “View of New York City Hall.” Light blue. Very small chip at rim. Height, 5% inches. 59—Boston Aims House Maker, Stevenson Two-quart pitcher. On the reverse, ““The Esplanade.’ Dark blue. Lip rejoined. Height, 7% inches. 23 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 60—ATHENEUM Maker, Ridgway Small plate. Medium blue. Good condition, Diameter, 6 inches. 61—Boston State House Maker Unknown Large mug. Showing cows in the foreground and residences of dis- tinguished citizens on either side of the State House. Clear medium blue. Print in excellent condition. Height, 5% inches. 62—Boston STATE House Maker Unknown Deep saucer. Showing cows in the foreground. Eagle and stars on the back. Grapevine and floral border. Medium blue. Small chip. Diameter, 6% inches. 63—Nauant Hote, Near Boston Maker, Stubbs Large saucer. Showing life on the beach and chaise at the right. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 7 inches. (Illustrated ) 64—Boston INSANE Hospitrau Maker, Ridgway Small plate. Dark blue. (Good condition. Diameter, 7 inches. 24 First Session 65—NaHANT HotreL Near Boston Maker, Stubbs Plate. Showing life on the beach and chaise at the right. Dark blue. Slight chip. Diameter, 8 inches. 66—Boston HospPiITAL Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing chaise in the foreground and medallions of Jefferson and Lafayette and “View of Aqueduct Bridge, Little Falls’ on the border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 8% inches. 67—Boston HosPimTra. Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing chaise in the foregrounud and medailions of Jefferson and Clinton and “Entrance of Erie Canal into the Hudson at Albany”’ on border. Dark blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 8% inches. 68—NaHAntT Hotet Near Boston Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing life on the beach but without chaise or tree. Medium blue. Slightly rubbed. Diameter, 8% inches. 69—Nauant HotreL Near Boston Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing life on the beach, with tree. Dark blue. Slightly scratched. Diameter, 8% inches. 70—Boston HospPItTa. Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing chaise and canal in the foreground. Leaf border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 71—HARVARD COLLEGE Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing horseman in the foreground. Dark blue. Slightly rubbed. Diameter, 834 inches. 72—5ST. PauL’s CHURCH Maker, Ridgway Small platter. Medium blue. Proof. Length, 9% inches. 73—LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Light blue. Proof. Diameter, to inches. 74—MiITCHELL AND FREEMAN’S WAREHOUSE Maker, Adams Plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 25 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 75—Harvarp COLLEGE Maker, Stevenson Plate. Showing figures and trees in the foreground. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, to inches. 76—OctTacon CHURCH Maker, Ridgway Soup plate. Showing chaise in the foreground. Medium blue. Good condition, Diameter, 10 inches. 77—BosTon STATE House Maker, Rogers Plate. Chaise in the foreground. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 78—Boston StaTE House Maker, Rogers Plate. Showing cows on Common. Medium blue. Cracked. Diameter, 10 inches. 79—Boston Court Houser Maker, Ridgway Small platter. Medium blue. Good condition. Length, 10% inches. (Illustrated ) 80—BaTTLE OF BUNKER HILL Maker, Stevenson Tray with perforated border. Dark blue. Small chip. Length, 11 inches. (Illustrated ) 81—BaTTLE oF BUNKER HILL Maker, Stevenson Platter. Dark blue. Aged. Length, ‘%8¥6 inches (Illustrated ) 26 First Session _ | ARR, 81 Nos. 80 and 81—BatTTLE OF BUNKER Hitt PLATTERS (Maker, Stevenson) ‘ 27 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. §2—Boston Hospira. Maker, Ridgway Small platter. Showing canal, ship and chaise in the foreground. Good condition. Length, 1234 inches. 83—Boston Atms Houses Maker, Stevenson Platter. Leaf border. Rich dark blue. Rubbed. Length, 14 inches. 84—Boston STATE HousE Maker, Rogers Platter. Showing cows on Common. Vine and flower border. Me- dium blue. Rim, slightly imperfect. Length, 17 inches. 85—Boston Atms House Maker, Ridgway Tureen with cover and ladle. Showing “Cambridge College’’ on the cover. Unidentified view on the ladle. Dark blue. Slightly im- perfect. Height, 10% inches. CATSKILL MOUNTAINS AND HUDSON RIVER VIEWS 86—CatTskILL House, Hupson Maker, Wood and Sons Small plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 6% inches. 87—Pass IN THE CATSKILL MounrtrAINS Maker, Wood Small plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 7% inches. 88—PINE OrcHarp House, Catskitt Mountains Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. S89o—View Near CaTSKILL ON THE Hupson River Maker, Stevenson Platter. Dark blue. Edge, chipped. Diameter, 12% inches. 90o—Horet Mitz, Catskitut, STATE oF NEw York Maker, Wood Platter. Dark blue. Aged. Length, 14 inches. 91—CaTSKILL Mountains, Hupson RIver Maker, Wood Gravy boat. Dark blue. Proof. Height, 5 inches. 28 First Session SSS Se ee 92—CaTskILL Mountains anp Hupson River Maker, Wood Vegetable dish. Dark blue. Imperfect. Length, 9% inches. 93—CHANCELLOoR Livincston Maker, Wood and Sons Cup and saucer. Dark blue. Good condition with exception of small crack in foot of the saucer. 94—West Point (?) Maker Unknown Small pitcher. Dark blue. Rubbed. Handle rejoined. Height, 4 inches. 95—HIGHLANDs, Hupson River, Near Newsurcu Maker, Wood and Sons Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 6% inches. 96—HicHLANpbs at West Pornt, Hupson River | Maker, Wood and Sons Small plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 6% inches. 97—Near FISHKILL Maker Unknown | Small plate. Border of large flowers. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 734 inches. 98—Troy Line (Cuier Justice MarsHatt) Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 8% inches. 99— Troy From Mount Ipa Maker, Stevenson Small platter. Dark blue. Aim, chipped. Length, 9% inches. 100—TAappAN ZEEE FROM GREENSBURG Maker, Wood and Sons Small vegetable dish. Beaded border. Dark blue. Proof. Length, 9 inches. 10I— HIGHLANDS, NortH RIvER Maker, Stubbs Plate. Showing sidewheel steamboat and fisherman in the foreground. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 102— HIGHLANDS, Hupson RIVER Maker, Wood and Sons Small platter with perforated border. Showing sidewheel steamboat in the foreground. Dark blue. Proof. Length, to inches. 29 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 103—FULTON’S STEAMBOAT (?) Maker Unknown Plate. Cows in the foreground, tower at upper right and a ship on the left. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10% inches, 104—Union Linr STEAMBOAT Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 eee 105—West Point Mitirary ACADEMY Maker, Wood and Sons Fruit dish with perforated sides. Dark blue. Good condition. Han- dles missing. Length, 10 inches. 106—JUNCTION OF THE Hupson aNp SACANDAGA RIVERS Maker, Stevenson Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. (Illustrated ) 107—HIGHLANDS, Hupson RIvER Maker, Wood and Sons Platter. Showing sidewheel steamer flying the American flag, in the foreground. Dark blue. Very slightly worn. Length, 14 inches. Diameter, 13 inches. 108—West Point Minirary ACADEMY Maker, Wood Vegetable dish with scalloped edge. The interior with river and highland views. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 10 inches. 30 First Session 109—JUNCTION OF THE Hupson AnpD Sacanpaca Rivers Maker, Stevenson Platter. Dark blue. Crack rejoined with rivets. Length, 14 inches. CONNEC DIGUA 110—WapsworTtTH ‘ToOwER Maker, Wood and Sons Cup. Depicting the tower on either side. Rich dark blue. Proof. | Height, 2% inches 111—WapsworTH ‘TOWER Maker, Wood and Sons Cup and saucer. Similar in decoration to the preceding. Dark blue. 112—WapsworTH ‘TOWER Maker, Wood and Sons Creamer. Flattened oval, with high shoulder. Dark blue. Good condition. Height, 5 inches. 113—WapswortH. Tower Maker, Wood and Sons Large teapot. Rich dark bluue. Good condition with exception of small crack in cover. Height, 8 inches. 114—WapswortH ‘TOwER Maker Unknown Large coffee-pot. Dark blue. Cover chipped, otherwise in fine condition. Height, 114 inches. 1I5—DEAF AND Dums AsyLuM, HarTForD Maker, Ridgway Platter. Dark blue floral border. Slightly rubbed. Length, 14% inches. CADMUS 116—Capmus Unpber FuLt SaIL Maker, Wood Cup plate. Showing highland in the distance. “Trefoil border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 434 inches. 117—-CapDMUS AT ANCHOR Maker, Wood Cup plate. Shell border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 434 inches. 118—Capmus Unpber FuLt SAIL Maker, Wood Cup plate. Rocks in the foreground. Shell border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 334 inches. 31 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 119—CapmMus Unper FuLt SAIL Maker Unknown Plate. Showing fishermen in the foreground and ship on the left. Floral border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 120—CapmMus AT ANCHOR Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Flying the American flag. Showing a small boat in the fore- ground. Shell border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, to inches. DELAWARE 121—GILPIN’s Mitts oN BRANDYWINE CREEK Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Dark blue: Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 122—GILPIN’S MILLS ON BRANDYWINE CREEK Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 123—GrILPiIn’s Mitts on BRANDYWINE CREEK Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 124—GILPIN’s Mitts on BRANDYWINE CREEK Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 125—GILPIN’s Mitts on BRANDYWINE CREEK Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. ERIE CANAL 126—ENTRANCE OF THE Erte CANAL INTO THE Hupson at ALBANY Maker Unknown Cup plate. Showing one boat leaving the Canal and the S. Van Rensselaer about to enter it. Dark blue. Aged. Diameter, 3%4 inches. 127—ERIE CANAL: AQuEDUCT aT LirrLe FaLtits; AguEpuct aT RocuH- ESTER Maker, Wood Pitcher. Dark blue. Lip repaired. Height, 6% inches. 32 First Session ee ee SSS sss Ss 128—ERigE CanaL: Aquepuct Brivce at Rocusester Maker Unknown Small plate. Flower and leaf border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 7% inches. 129—Erie Cana: Utica Inscription Maker Unknown Pitcher. Below the spout, the coat of arms of the United States, and above and below, medallions of locks and canal boats. Dark blue. Slight imperfection. Height, 7 inches. 130—Erig CANAL: VIEW OF THE AQUEDUCT BrincE at LittLe FALis Maker, Wood Plate. Flower and leaf border. Dark blue. Chipped and rubbed. Diameter, 8% inches. 13I—ENTRANCE OF THE ERIE CANAL INTO THE Hupson at ALBANY Maker, Wood Plate. Showing fishermen in the foreground and houses in the dis- tance. Dark blue. Chipped. Diameter, 101% inches. 132—Eriz CANAL: View oF Aguepuct Bripce at Littte FALts Maker, Wood Soup plate. Dark blue. Slightly scratched. Diameter, to inches. 133—-ENTRANCE OF THE ERIE CANAL INTO THE Hupson at ALBANY Maker, Wood and Sons Wash bowl. Showing fishermen in the foreground and houses in the distance. Floral border. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 12 inches. 134—Erirz CanaAL: View or AQuEpucT Brince at Lirrie Fats Maker, Wood and Sons Wash bowl. Floral border. Rich dark blue. Piece in lip, rejoined. . Diameter, 13% inches. 135—Erig CANAL: GOVERNOR CLINTON INscRIPTION Maker Unknown Plate. ‘Che center with inscription relative to the opening of the Erie Canal. ‘The border with medallions of locks and canal boats. Dark blue. Chip in edge. Diameter, 1034 inches. 136—Eriz Cana: Governor De Witt CLINTON, THE LATE GOVERNOR Maker Unknown Plate. Border, similar to the preceding. Dark blue. Slightly scratched. Diameter, 10% inches. 33 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 137—ERIE CANAL - Maker Unknown Pitcher. Depicting “Entrance of the Erie Canal into the Hudson at Albany” on one side and “‘Aqueduct at Rochester” on the other. Rich dark blue. Slight chip. Height, 9 inches. FRANKLIN 138—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FLyinc A KITE Maker, Wood Cup plate. Light blue. Good condition. Diameter, 3% inches, 139—FRANLIN’S TOMB Maker, Wood (2) Large pitcher. Rich dark blue. Good condition with exception of small chip. Height, 7 inches. 140—FRANKLIN’S TomMB Maker, Wood Pitcher. With large spout. Floral ground. Dark blue. In good condition. Height, 84 inches. I4I—FRANKLIN’S TomrR Maker, Wood (2) Coffee-pot. Floral ground. Spout repaired. Height, 11 inches. 142—FRANKLIN’S Toms Maker, Wood (?) Wash bowl. Dark blue. Imperfect. Diameter, 12 inches. FOREIGN VIEWS 143—FINSBURY CHAPEL Maker Unknown Small plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 534 inches. 144—Fa.tits oF MontTMoRENCY, QUEBEC Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. Slightly rubbed. Diameter, 814 inches. 145-——-QUEBEC Maker Unknown Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 146—JENNY LIND Maker, Ye old Hall Potteries Plate. Figures in the foreground and castle and mountains in the distance. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 34 First Session 147—ForEIGN CASTLE Plate. Slightly scratched. 148—VUE DU CHATEAU Plate. A river and bridge in the foreground. Dark blue. dition. 149—VILLA IN THE REGENT’S Park Plate. Dark blue. Fine condition. 150—VIEW OF LIVERPOOL Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. 151—Guy's CiirF, WARWICKSHIRE Soup plate. Light blue. 152—BANK OF ENGLAND Platter. Dark blue. Rubbed. 153—PISHOBURY, HERTFORDSHIRE Platter. Medium blue. 154— QUEBEC Covered vegetable dish. scenes on cover. Dark blue. 155—RICHMOND, ENGLAND (?) Faatter. foreground. Dark blue. 156—RICHMOND, ENGLAND (?) Platter. rubbed. Similar to the preceding. GEORGIA 157—UNITED STATES BANK AT SAVANNAH Marked “Exchange, Charleston.” blue and white. Good condition. Ste A fisherman and children in the foreground. Slightly rubbed. Good condition. With horseman in the foreground. Good condition. Medium blue. Small tray. Maker, Clews Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. Maker, Wood and Sons Good con- Diameter, 10 inches Maker, Adams Diameter, to inches. Maker, Wood & Sons Diameter, 10 inches. Maker, Wood & Sons Diameter, 10 inches. Maker, Wood Length, 12% inches. Maker, Adams Length, 13 inches. Maker, Wood Other Diameter, 9% inches. Maker, Stevenson In middle distance a six-arched bridge, two figures in the Slightly rubbed. Length, 13 inches. Maker, Stevenson Cracked and Length, 13 inches. Maker, Ridgway Floral border. Dark Length, 8% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. KENTUCKY 158—MarineE HospitTat, LOvuIsvILLE, KENTUCKY Maker, Wood Plate. Shell border. Dark blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 9 inches. I59— TRANSYLVANIA UNIversitTy, LEXINGTON Maker, Wood & Sons Plate. Shell border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9% inches. 160—LOUISVILLE Maker Unknown Platter. Steamer and fisherman in the foreground. Floral border. Medium blue. Good condition. Length, 12% inches. LAFAYETTE 161—LANDING or LAFAYETTE Maker Unknown Salt dish on foot. White band below picture. Dark blue. Height, 2 inches. 162—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Cup plate. Without border. Dark blue. Condition good. Diameter, 3% inches. 163—PorRTRAIT OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Cup plate. Leaf and vine border and white rim. Good condition. Diameter, 4 inches 164—PorTRAIT OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Similar to preceding but has small chip. Diameter, 4 inches. 165—-LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Pepper box. Dark blue. Slight chip. Height, 414 inches. 166—LaNDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Cup plate. Dark blue. Edge has a small crack. Diameter, 5% inches. 167—LaFAYETTE AT THE Toms or WaSHINGTON Maker Unknown Cup and saucer. Dark blue. Good condition. 168—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker Unknown Small pitcher. Dark blue. Good condition. Height, 4 inches. 36 First Session 169—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Gravy tureen. Rich dark blue. One handle and knob repaired. Height, 5% inches. 170—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Sugar bowl. Rich dark blue. Knob of cover missing. Height, 534 inches. 17I—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Gravy tureen. Rich dark blue. Proof. Height, 534 inches. 172—LAFAYETTE PORTRAIT Maker Unknown Pitcher. With medallions of “Welcome Lafayette the Nation’s Guest and Our Ccuntry’s Glory.” Dark blue. In good condition. Height, 6 inches. 173—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Bowl. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 6% inches. 174—GENERAL LAFAYETTE WELCOME TO LAND OF LIBERTY Maker, Stevenson White plate. With blue portrait and lettering. Diameter, 7 inches. 175—GENERAL LAFAYETTE : Maker Unknown “Welcome Lafayette the Nation’s Guest” and “General Lafayette Wel- come to the Land of Liberty” and various other inscriptions. Pitcher. Medium blue. Foot restored. Chip at top. Height, 7 inches. 176—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Pitcher. Rich dark blue. In fine condition with exception of lip rubbed. Height, 8 inches. 177—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Vegetable dish. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 9% inches. 178—LAFAYETTE AT Toms oF WASHINGTON Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches, 179—La GRANGE, THE RESIDENCE OF THE Marouts Larayette (Front View) Plate. Dark blue. Fine condition. Diameter, 10 inches. £9) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 180—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Plate. Rich dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 181—La GRANGE, THE RESIDENCE OF THE Marquis LAFAYETTE (East View) Maker, Wood Platter. Dark blue. Slightly blurred. Diameter, 10 inches, 182—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Tray. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Length, 10 inches. 183—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Vegetable dish. Rich dark blue. Pierced sides. Repaired. Length, 11 inches. 184—LAFAYETTE AT WASHINGTON’S TomMB Maker, Wood Platter. The under side marked “Harris and Chauncey, 70 Wall Street New York” within a wreath. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 14% inches. 185—La GRANGE, THE RESIDENCE OF THE Marguis LaFayette (South- west View) Maker, Wood Large platter. Dark blue. Slightly rubbed. Length, 19 inches. 186—LANDING OF LAFAYETTE Maker, Clews Large platter. Exceptional fine rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 19 inches. 187—LAFAYETTE AT WASHINGTON’S [TOMB Maker, Wood Large wash bowl. Rich dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 14 inches. MICHIGAN 188—Derroit, MicHican Maker Unknown Platter. Floral border. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 18% inches. | END OF FIRST SESSION fee 38 SECOND AND LAST SESSION SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7, AT 2:15 P. M. Catalogue Numbers 18g to 401 inclusive MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS 189—UNKNOWN SUBJECT Maker Unknown Pepper box. Equestrian in the foreground, and falls in the distance. Dark blue. Good condition. Height, 4 inches. 190—UNKNoWN DESIGN Maker Unknown Pepper box. Park scene with chateau. Medium blue. Foot repaired. Height, 4% inches. I9I—UNKNOWN SUBJECT Maker Unknown Small pitcher. River, cottage and bridge. Discolored. Height, 4 inches. 192—MEDALLION PITCHER Maker, Stevenson With medallions of Jefferson, Washington, Lafayette and Clinton and views of “Aqueduct Bridge at Rochester’ and “Entrance of the Canal into the Hudson at Albany.” Medium blue. Good condition. Height, 5 inches. 193—UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker Unknown Small pickle dish, leaf-shaped. Large house and tree on right. Medium blue. Cracked. Length, 5% inches. 194—CHINESE SUBJECT Maker Unknown Pitcher. Flowing blue. Good condition. Height, 6% inches. 195—FLowER DxsIcn Maker, Adams Sugar-bowl and creamer. Dark blue. Both pieces imperfect. 196—CHINESE VIEW Maker, Wood Small plate. Dark blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 634 inches. 39 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 197—CHINESE SUBJECT Maker Unknown Tray. Blue and white. In good condition. Length, 734 inches. 198—LovEjyoy PLATE Maker Unknown With inscription, “Congress shall make no law .. .” Border of medallions. Light blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 7% inches. 199—Cupip BEHIND Bars Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 9 inches. 200—CAPTURE OF THE SERAPIS Maker, R. & M. Co. Plate. With Commander Paul Jones and others. Dated September 23,, 17700) Wark blue root, Diameter, 10 inches. 201—THE Kent AND THE East Inp1IaA Man Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 202—-CONSTITUTION AND GUERRIERE Maker, Wood Plate. Dark blue. In good condition. Diamsster pieteeeen 203—CHRIST AND THE WoMAN OF SAMARIA Maker, Wood Soup plate. Dark blue. Rubbed and repaired. Diameters 204— MILLENNIUM Maker Unknown late. Light blue. In good condition. Diameter 10 tithe 205—PEACE AND PLENTY Maker, Clews 206—UNIDENTIFIHD SUBJECT Maker, Stubbs Plate. Castle and bridge. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 207—-UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker, Unknown Hot water dish. Ruined castle, with cows in the foreground. Light blue. In good condition. Diameter weaniee 208—CHINESE SUBJECT Maker Unknown Platter. Flowing blue. Good condition. Lengit te ator 209—LawrENCE House (So called—imarked American Villa) Maker Unknown Large platter. Border of flowers and fruit. Dark blue. In good condition. Length, 19 inches. 40 Second and Last.Session 210—AMERICAN HEROES Maker Unknown Wash bowl and pitcher. Dark blue. In good condition. MACDONOUGH’S VICTORY 211—M acponoucu’s Victory Maker, Wood & Sons Half-pint pitcher. Floral border. Dark blue. Small chip. Height, 334 inches. 212—MacponouGu’s VIcToRY Maker, Wood & Sons Half-pint pitcher. A band of white around the base. Floral bor- der. Dark blue. (Small chip.) Height, 334 inches. 213—MacponouGn’s VIcToRY Maker, Wood Plate. Shell border. Dark blue. Slightly scratched. Diameter, 10 inches. 214—-M acponouGu’s VICTORY Maker Unknown Large coffee-pot. Dark blue. The cover and spout chipped, other- wise in fine condition. Height, 12 inches. INDEEAY AOA TCIM Pye 215—CasTLE GARDEN Maker, Wood & Sons Cup plate with two figures and small boat in foreground. ‘Trefoil and shell border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 334 inches. 216—CAaAsSTLE GARDEN Maker, Wood Cup plate similar to the preceding. ‘Irefoil border. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 334 inches. 217—SCUDDER’S AMERICAN MUSEUM Maker, Stevenson Cup plate. Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 4% inches. 218—Ciry Hay Maker Unknown Cup and saucer. Medium blue. In good condition. 219-—CoLUMBIA COLLEGE Maker, Stevenson Plate. Washington medallion above, and “Entrance of Erie Canal into the Hudson at Albany” below. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 6% inches. 41 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 220—Dr. Mason’s CHuRCH Maker, Stubbs Small plate. Showing buildings adjoining. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 6 inches. (Illustrated) 221—Svr. Patrick’s CATHEDRAL Maker, Stevenson Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diaméler ee @ ee 299-—ST.1 PAE Ss, CHAPEL Maker, Stevenson Plate. Governor Clinton medallion above, and ‘View of Aqueduct Bridge at Little Falls” below. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 634 inches. 223—ParK ‘THEATRE Maker, Stubbs Small plate. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 6 inches. 224—New York City Hospirar Maker, Stevenson Pitcher with “City Hall” on reverse. Dark blue. Lip rejoined. Height, 6% inches. 225—StT. Paut’s CHAPEL Maker, Stevenson Small plate with figures in foreground. Dark blue. In good con- dition. Diameter, 6% inches. 42 Second and Last Session 226—BaTTERY FLAGSTAFF Maker, Stevenson Small plate. Grape leaf border. Proof. Diameter, 7 inches. (Illustrated ) 227—Fort GANSEVOORT Maker, Stevenson Small plate with one-quarter inch white outer border. Dark blue In good condition. Diameter, 7 inches. 228—City Ha. Maker, Stubbs Small plate. “wo figures in foreground. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 7 inches. 229—COLUMBIA COLLEGE Maker, Stevenson Small plate. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 7% inches. 230—SCUDDER’S AMERICAN MusEuM Maker, Stevenson Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 7% inches. 231—ForT GANSEVOORT Maker, Stevenson Small plate. Dark blue. Slightly scratched. Diameter, 6 inches. 43 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 232—BURNING OF COENTIES SLIP - Maker Unknown Plate in brown. Border of “Great Fire City NEWY” engine and fire apparatus. In good condition. Diameter, 734 inches. 233—City Hatt, New York Maker Unknown Pitcher. With Insane Hospital, on reverse. Floral border. Rich dark blues) Proof: Height, 7 inches. 234—FULTON MARKET Maker, Stevenson Gravy tureen. Dark blue. Slightly aged. Length, 8% inches. 235—Ciry Horet, New Yorxk Maker, Stevenson Plate with medallions of ‘‘Washington and Lafayette,” above; ‘“View of Aqueduct at Little Falls,” below. Medium blue. —Good condition. Length, 8% inches. 236—View oF New York Bay Maker, Stubbs Plate with three-masted ship, side-wheel steamer and Castle Garden. Dark blue. Cracked. Diameter, 8'%4 inches. 237—CoLuMBIA COLLEGE Maker, Stevenson Small tray with two figures in foreground. Dark blue. In good condition. Length, 834 inches. 238—ParkK “THEATRE Maker, Stevenson Plate with medallions of “Jefferson, Washington, Lafayette and Clin- ton” above and “View of Aqueduct at Little Falls” below. Dark blue. Aged. Diameter, 10 inches. 239—Park THEATRE Maker, Stevenson Plate. Medium blue. In good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. (Illustrated ) 240—Park “THEATRE Maker, Stevenson Plate similar to the preceding but with “Entrance of the Canal into the Hudson at Albany” below. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. (Illustrated ) 44 240 Nos. 239 and 240—Views or THe Park THEATRE, New York (Maker, Stevenson) 45 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 241—ViEW oF GoveRNor’s IsLAND Maker, Stevenson Soup plate. Clear blue. Good condition. Diametér ene (Illustrated ) 242—Citry Hau Maker, Ridgway Plate. Three figures in foreground. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 934 inches. 243—Autms Housz, New York Maker, Stevenson Plate with cart in foreground. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 244—Atms Housst, New York Maker, Ridgway Deep dish, with large tree on the left. Medium blue. Chipped. Diameter, to inches. 245—Drxcove on Gop Coast, AFRICA Maker, Wood “New York Bay” and “Highlands at West Point” on the cover. Tureen. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, to inches. 246—Nerw York FROM Brookityn HEIGHTS Maker, Stevenson Plate. Medium blue. Fine condition. Diameter 10 46 Second and Last Session 247—BROOKLYN FERRY Maker, Stevenson Small platter. White border. Dark blue. Surface crackled. Length, 11 inches. (Illustrated ) 248—Atms Housez, New York, witH Iwo Ficures in ForEGROUND Maker, Stevenson Large pitcher. With “Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford,” on reverse. Vine leaf berder. Rich dark blue. Lip rejoined. Height, 10% inches. 249—Dr. Mason’s CHURCH Maker, Stevenson Soup plate. With buildings adjoining Murray Street. Dark blue. roof. Diameter, 10 inches. 250—Park THEATRE Maker, John Geddes Soup plate with border of oak leaves similar to Stevenson’s. “The view differing slightly. Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 251—Atms House Maker, Stevenson Large pitcher with “Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford” on the re- verse. Vine-leaf border. Rich dark blue. Lip rejoined. | Height, 10% inches. 252—THE EspLAaNADE AND CasTLE GARDEN Maker, Stevenson Platter with leaf border. Rich dark blue. In good condition. Length, 17 inches. 47 Kindly read the Conditions under which every itein is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 253—Aims Houses, New: Yorx Maker, Ridgway Platter. ‘Tree on left. Clear medium blue. Very slightly scratched. Length, 16% inches. 254—-NeEw YorK FROM BrooKLYN HEIGHTS Maker, Stevenson Platter. Medium blue. Good condition. Length, 16% inches. 255—CASTLE GARDEN AND BATTERY Maker, Wood & Sons Platter. Rich clear dark blue. In fine condition. Length, 18 inches. (Illustrated ) 250—Nerw YorK FROM WEEHAWK Maker, Stevenson Platter. Dark blue. In good condition. Lenth, 18% inches. (Illustrated ) 257—NeEw YORK FROM WEEHAWK Maker, Stevenson Large tureen Medium blue. Lip repaired. Fire crack. Diameter, 13 inches. NEW YORK STATE VIEWS 258—UTIcA iy | Maker Unknown Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 7% inches. 259—LiTrLE Fatis at LUZERNE Maker, Clews Rockwell House. Platter. Floral scroll and bird border. In mul- berry. Scratched. Length, 174 inches. 260—LitTTLE FALLS Maker Unknown Vegetable dish. Showing one of the first railroad trains coming around the curve at Little Falls. Moss border. Light blue. Cracked. Length, 10 inches. 261—Hosart Town Maker Unknown Soup plate. Dark blue. Scratched. Diameter, 9 inches. 48 255 No. 255—CastTLE GARDEN AND BATTERY No. 250—New York FROM WEEHAWK 49 P57 Pic ORI of I Le 263 No. 262—VIeEwW ON THE Roap To LAKE Gesorce, New York No. 263—LakeE Grorcet, New York Lal S, Second and Last Session 262—VIEW ON THE Roap To Lake Georcr, New York Maker, Stevenson Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. (Illustrated ) Diameter, 8% inches. 263—LakE GeEorGE, New York Maker, Wood and Sons Platter. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Length, 16% inches. (Illustrated ) NIAGARA FALLS SERIES 264—NiaAGaRA (From Canadian Side) Maker, Stevenson Plate. Floral border. Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 265—NIAGARA FALts Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. Showing Table Rock. Shell border. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, to inches. 266—NTaAGARA FALts Maker, Wood and Sons Soup plate. The subject similar to that on the preceding. Dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 267—NracarA Faris (From Canadian Side) Maker, Stevenson Plate. With portraits of Jefferson, Lafayette, Clinton and Washing- ton. “Entrance of the Canal into the Hudson at Albany” on the border. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 268—NIAGARA FALLs Maker, Stevenson Plate. View similar to the preceding. Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 269—NIAGARA FALLS Maker, Stevenson Plate. Similar to the preceding but with “View of Aqueduct Bridge at Rochester.” Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 270—NrIAGARA FALis Maker, Stevenson Similar to the preceding. Plate. Medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 27I—N1AGARA FALLS Maker, Stevenson Similar to the preceding but with “View of Aqueduct Bridge at Little Falls.” Plate. Mcdium blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 51 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 272—Nr1aGaRA FALLS Maker, Stevenson Plate. Similar to the preceding. Medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches. NraGARA FALLs Maker, Wood and Sons Deep dish. Showing Table Rock. Rich dark blue. Repaired. Diameter, 11% inches. 273 274—N1IAGARA Fats (From the American Side) Maker, Wood & Sons Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 15 inches. NEW JERSEY 275—-RESIDENCE OF THE LaTE RICHARD JORDAN Maker, Joseph Heath & Co. Plate. Medium blue. ‘Good condition. Diameter, 7 inches. 276—HoBoKEN IN New Jersey (Stevens’ House) Maker, Stubbs Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 8 inches. 277—-T RENTON FALLS Maker, Wood Plate. One man at foot of falls. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 6% inches. 278—TRENTON FALts Maker, Wood and Sons Plate. ‘Three men at top of falls. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 7% inches. 279—Passaic FALLs Maker, Wood Gravy tureen. Dark blue. Cover and foot repaired. Length, 8 inches. 280—HoBoKEN IN New Jersey (Stevens’ House) Maker, Stubbs Sheep and figures on lawn. Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 1234 inches. 281—BELLEVILLE ON THE PassaIc Maker Unknown (Marked, Hope Mill, Catskill, State of New York) Large tureen. “New York Bay” on cover. Shell border. Rich dark blue. Cover cracked. Height, 11% inches. 52 Ky Ne O cs Maret + ae meee te 283 Nos. 282 and 283—Two Views or CuHILLicorr, OuI0 (Makers Unknown) 285 No. 284—Co.Lumpus, Onto No. 285—Sanpusky, Onto (Makers Unknown) Second and Last Session OHIO 282—CHILLICOTHE Maker Unknown Small platter. Cows in the foreground. Floral border. Medium blue. In good condition. Length, 9% inches (Illustrated ) 283—CHILLICOTHE Maker Unknown Platter. ‘Three boatmen on the river in the foreground. P. & I. Cham- berlin Importers. Floral border. Dark blue. Glaze chipped. Length, 10% inches. (Illustrated ) 284—CoLUMBUS Maker Unknown Platter. Floral border. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 14% inches. (Illustrated ) 285—SANDUSKY Maker Unknown Platter. Floral border. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Length, 16% inches. (Illustrated ) PENNSYLVANIA 286—PIcKETT’S CHARGE Platter. Depicting the battle and with medallions of Generals Meade, Lee, Hancock and Longstreet. Oak leaf and acorn border. Clear medium blue. Length, 13 inches 287—WRIGHT'S FERRY ON THE SUSQUEHANNA Plate. Floral border. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9% inches. PHILADELPHIA 288—WoopLanps NEAR PHILADELPHIA Maker, Stubbs Cup plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 4 inches. 2890—MENDENHALL Ferry (Schuylkill River above Philadelphia) Maker, Stubbs Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 5% inches. 53 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 290—Masonic Hat Maker, Ridgway Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 7 inches. (Illustrated ) 291—WoopLanps Near PHILADELPHIA Maker, Stubbs Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 6% inches: 292—ViEw oF PHILADELPHIA | Maker Unknown Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 7 inches. 293—Upper Ferry Bripce (Over the Schuykill River) Maker, Stubbs Gravy tureen with cover. Dark blue. Small chip in cover. Height, 6% inches. 294—Uprer Ferry Bripce (Over the River Schuylkill) Maker, Stubbs Small tray. Medium blue. Proof. Length, 7% inches. 295—LipraRy, PHILADELPHIA Maker, Ridgway Plate. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 8% inches. 296—STAUGHTON’S CHURCH Maker, Ridgway Small soup plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 8% inches. 54 Second and Last Session 297—THE Dam anp Water Works, PHILADELPHIA (Sidewheel Boat) Maker Unknown Plate. Flower and fruit border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, to inches. 298—PHILADELPHIA WaTER Works (Team and Wagon in Foreground) Maker, Stevenson Plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 299—UNITED STATES HoTeEL, PHILADELPHIA Maker, Adams Soup plate. Dark blue. Small chip. Diameter, 10 inches. 300—FAIRMOUNT Park Near PHILADELPHIA Maker, Stubbs Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, to inches. 301—T HE Dam anp Water Works, PHILADELPHIA (Sternwheel Boat) Maker Unknown Plate. Flower and fruit border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 302—BaNkK OF THE UNITED STATES, PHILADELPHIA Maker, Stubbs Plate. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10% inches. , 10% 303—View Near PHILADELPHIA Maker Unknown Plate. Scalloped edge. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10% inches. 304—WoopLanps NEAR PHILADELPHIA Maker, Stubbs Small platter. Dark blue. Rubbed. Length, 10% inches. 305—MENDENHALL Ferry (Schuylkill River, Above Philadelphia) Maker Unknown Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 16% inches. 306—PENNSYLVANIA HosPITAL Maker, Ridgway Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 18% inches. 307—Upper Ferry Brince (Over the Schuylkill River) Maker, Stubbs Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 19 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 308—FAIRMOUNT ParK Near PHILADELPHIA Maker, Stubbs Platter. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 20% inches, 309—Upper Ferry Bripce (Over the Schuylkill River) Maker, Stubbs Wash bowl and pitcher. Dark blue. Proof. PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 310—WINTER VIEW, PITTSFIELD, MaAssACHUSETTS Maker, Clews Cup plate. Without figure in foreground. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 4% inches. 31I—WINTER View, PirrsFietp, MassacHUSETTS Maker, Clews Plate. With figure in foreground. Dark blue. Slightly scratched. Diameter, 8% inches. 312—WiInTER View, PITTSFIELD, MassaAcHUSETTS Maker, Clews Plate. With figure in foreground. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10% inches. 313—WInTER ViEw, PittTsFieLpD, MassacHUSETTS Maker, Clews Platter. Figure in the foreground. Dark blue. Gvod condition. Length, 12% inches. 314—WINTER VIEW, PITTSFIELD, MAssacHUSETTS Maker, Clews Platter. With figure in the foreground. Border of medallions depict- ing similar subjects. Rich brilliant dark blue. Slightly rubbed. Length, 19 inches. SOUTH CAROLINA 315—CHARLESTON EXCHANGE Maker, Ridgway Marked Insane Hospital, Boston. Small tray. Floral border. Medium blue. Proof. Length, 6% inches. 316—CHARLESTON EXCHANGE Maker, Ridgway Reverse with United States Bank at Savannah. Cover with Insane Hospital. Gravy tureen. Dark blue. Imperfect. Height, 6% inches. 317—-CHARLESTON EXCHANGE Maker, Stevenson Vegetable dish. “Esplanade” on cover. Floral border. Rich dark blue. Rim of dish, repaired. Diameter, 11 inches. 56 Second and Last Session 318—-CHARLESTON EXCHANGE Maker, Ridgway ‘The reverse, Bank of Savannah. Insane Hospital on cover. Gravy tureen with ladle. Dark blue. Proof. Height, 7 inches. STATES SERIES Maker, CLEws 319—STATES Cup PLATE Showing a three story building with addition on the left. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 3% inches. 320—STATES PLATE Showing a three-story building and one-story wing, deer on the lawn. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10% inches. 32I—STATES PITCHER English castle, water and sailing vessel on either side. Eight-pointed star border. Rich dark blue. Proof. Height, 9% inches. 322—STATES VEGETABLE DiIsH The interior showing a university building of six wings; sheep on the lawn. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 734 inches. 323—STATES VEGETABLE DIsH The interior showing an English castle, water and sailing vessel. “The exterior with a two-story building and curved driveway on the lawn. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 11 inches. 324—STATES PLATTER Showing three-story building and curved driveway on the lawn. In the foreground, a pool, swan and two figures. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 17 inches. 325—STATES PLATTER Showing Custom House, water and shipping. Rich dark blue. Very slightly scratched. Length, 18% inches. 57 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. DON QUIXOTE 326—Tue Meetinc or Don QUIXOTE AND SANCHO PANZA Maker, Clews Small plate. With floral and bird border. Dark blue. Good con- dition. Diameter, 6% inches, 327—SANCHO PANZA AT THE Boar Hunt Maker, Clews Soup plate. Rich dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 934 inches. DR. SYNTAX SERIES Maker, CLEews 328—Dr. SYNTAX SKETCHING THE LAKE Small cup plate. Without border. Good condition. Diameter, 3% inches, 329—Dr. SYNTAX AND THE GYPSIES Small cup plate. Without border. Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 4% inches. 330—THE GarpEn TRIO Small plate. Flower and scroll border. Medium blue. Good con- dition. Diameter, 6 inches. 331—Dr. SYNTAX AND A BLUE STOCKING BEAUTY Small plate. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. In good con- dition. Diameter, 7 inches. 332—Dr. SYNTAX PRESENTING A FLORAL OFFERING Small plate. Floral and scroll border. Medium blue. Cracked and rejoined. Diameter, 7 inches. 333—Dr. Syntrax TurNED Nurse Small plate. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. In good con- dition. Diameter, 7% inches. 334—Dr. Syntax STaR GAZING Plate. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. In good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 335—Dr. Syntax Reapinc His Tour | Piate. Floral and scroll border. Rich blue. In good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 58 Second and Last Session 336—Dr. Syntax RETURNED FROM His Tour Plate. Floral and scroll border. Brilliant dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 9 inches. 337—DeEaTtTH oF PUNCH Small tray. Brilliant blue. Proof. Length, 934 inches. 338—Dr. Syntax SUBJECTS Dr. Syntax Drawing from Nature. Dr. Syntax Bound to a Tree. Dr. Syntax Held up by a Highwayman. Dr. Syntax Pursued by a Bull. Gravy tureen. Floral and scroll border. Brilliant blue. Proof. Length, 8 inches. 339—Dr. Syntax Mistakes A GENTLEMAN’S House FoR AN INN Soup plate. Floral and scroll border. Clear medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 340—Dr. Syntax Disputinc His BILL with THE LANDLADY Plate. Floral and scroll border. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches, 341—Dr. Syntax Takes Posszession oF His Livinc Plate. Floral and scroll border. Rich blue. In good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 342—Dr. SynTAX PAINTING A PorTRAIT Plate. Floral and scroll border. Rich blue. In good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 343—Dr. SYNTAX AND THE BEES Plate. Floral and scroll border. Medium blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 10 inches. 344—Dr. SyNTAX SELLS GRIZZLE Vegetable dish. Floral and scroll border. Rich blue. In good con- dition. Length, 10% inches. 345—Dr. Syntax SETTING Out on His Tour Vegetable dish. Floral and scroll border. Dark blue. Slightly . rubbed. Length, 12 inches. 59 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 346—Dr. SynTAX ENTERTAINED AT COLLEGE | Vegetable dish. Incorrectly marked Dr. Syntax and the Gypsies. Rich blue. Slightly rubbed. Diameter, 10 inches. 347—Dr. SYNTAX AND THE GyPSIES On inside “Advertising for a Wife.” Vegetable dish. With pierced sides. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. Proof. Length, 11 inches. 348—Dr. SYNTAX ADVERTISING FOR A WIFE Platter. Floral and scroll border. Dark blue. Very slightly rubbed. Length, 1§ inches. 349—A RoyaLt HuntTING Party Platter. Flcral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Length, 17 inches. (Illustrated ) 350—Dr. SYNTAX SUBJECTS Dr. Syntax and the Gypsies. Dr. Syntax Bound to a Tree. Dr. Syntax Drawing from Nature. Underneath, ‘Bound to a Tree” and ‘Drawing from Nature.” Large cheese dish. Fleur de lis border. Medium blue. Good con- dition. Length, 15% inches. (Illustrated ) 351—Dr. SynNTAX AMUSED AT PaT IN THE POND Large platter. Floral and scroll border. Fine medium blue. Good condition. Length, 19 inches. (Illustrated ) 352—T He Harvest Home Large platter. Floral and scrol! border. Rich dark blue. In good condition with the exception of a crack in one side. Length, 21% inches. (Illustrated) 60 349 350 No. 349—A Royat Huntinc Party No. 350—Dr. Syntax SUBJECTS a SRAARAAARASRERARREN AST LEE RAR ARES E B Ra fff 351 No. 351-—Dr. Syntax AMUSED AT PaT IN THE PonD No. 352—TlTHeE Harvest Home = > | AS 3 * +o a ’ 5 , i : " yy" j : 7 Y ene : 7 Od 1 ' ‘ -* r : : BY < x | : ‘ : a ” : ; b i = - P . +2 \ 4 * . ae ~- “ * s ¥ . ag es! » A } ‘ { / —— a oA * ; * . 4 r e 5 Second and Last Session UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECTS 353—UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker Unknown Bowl. Showing an early steam engine and one coach on one side, and three men felling a tree on the other. Floral border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 4% inches. 354—UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker, Clews Cup plate. Two market women on horseback. Medium blue. Good condition. Diameter, 334 inches. 355—UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker, Wood and Sons Cup plate. Depicting a cottage and two figures in the foreground. Trefoil border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 334 inches. 356—UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker, Wood and Sons Cup plate. Showing a stone bridge and stream. “Iwo figures in the foreground. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 334 inches. 357—UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker Unknown Cup plate. Showing a building, lake and fishermen. Medium blue. Proof. Diameter, 334 inches. 358— UNIDENTIFIED SUBJECT Maker, Adams Cup plate. Showing a two story building with two wings. In the fore- ground, water. Floral and chain border. Dark blue. Good con- dition. Diameter, 4 inches. GEORGE WASHINGTON 359—WASHINGTON AND Toms (Holding Scroll) Maker, Wood Cup and saucer. Dark blue. Good condition. 360—WASHINGTON AND Joms (Holding Scroll) Maker, Wood Small pitcher. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Height, 434 inches. 361—WASHINGTON AND [Toms (Holding Scroll) Maker, Wood Sugar bowl. Dark blue. Lip chipped. Height, 7. inches. 61 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 362—WASHINGTON AND LAFAYETTE MEDALLIONS Makers, Stevenson and JWilliams Plate. The center with portrait medallion of Washington, and July 4, 1776, underneath; and Lafayette medallion with “Welcome La- fayette the Nation’s Guest, Aug. 6, 1826.” Scroll and vase border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 10 inches. 363—WaASHINGTON AND Tomes (Holding Scroll) Maker, Wood Teapot. Dark blue. Repaired. Height, 9 inches. WASHINGTON, D. C. 364—Mount VERNON Maker Unknown Cup and saucer. The master standing near a servant holding a horse. Slight imperfection. 365—Mount VERNON: WASHINGTON’S SEAT Maker Unknown Pitcher. Dark blue. Slight chip. Height, 534 inches. 366—WuttrEe House (Cows in the foreground) Maker, Wood and Sons Small plate. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 6 inches. 367—Mount Vrranon: WASHINGTON’S SEAT Maker Unknown Pitcher. Dark blue. Proof. Height, 634 inches. 368—Mount VERNON Maker, Wood and Sons Small plate. Showing figures in the foreground. Dark blue. Rubbed. Diameter, 6% inches. 369—OLp Capiro, aT WasHIGTON (Destroyed by the British in 1814) Maker, Wood and Sons Diameter, 7% inches. Small plate. Dark blue. Rubbed. 370—CaPITOL AT WASHINGTON Maker Unknown Coffee-pot. [wo figures in the foreground. Many columned build- ings. Medium blue. Fair condition. HAght seaeies 371 —WASHINGTON (City) Maker Unknown Small plate. Depicting horseman in the foreground. Good condition. Proof. Diameter, 7% inches. 62 Second and Last Session 372—CapITOL AT WASHINGTON Maker, Stevenson Plate. With portrait medallions of Jefferson and Lafayette at top and “View of Aqueduct Bridge at Little Falls’ at bottom. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 373—CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON Maker, Stevenson Soup plate. Showing lady and gentleman, in the foreground. Dark blue with white rim. Good condition. Diameter, 10 inches. 374—-CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON Maker, Ridgway Large platter. Showing a lady and gentleman on horseback, in the foreground. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 20% inches. 375—MountT VERNON Near WasHINGTON Maker, Ridgway Vegetable dish and cover. Showing horseman at a pool and vessel under full sail at the left. The cover with similar subjects. Dark blue. Good condition. Length, 11 inches. 376—CapiroL at WasHINGTON Maker Unknown Wash bowl. Showing figures in the foreground. Floral border. Dark blue. Cracked and riveted. Diameter, 13 inches. WILKIE DESIGNS Maker, CLews 377—L1 HE LETTER oF INTRODUCTION Cup plate. Floral border. Dark blue. Proof. Diameter, 4% inches. 378—CurRISTMAS EVE Plate. Floral and scroll border. Dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, 9 inches. 379— THE RaBBIT ON THE WALL Small platter. Rich dark blue. Floral border. Proof. Length, 10 inches. 380—PLAYING AT DRAUGHTS Soup plate. Floral and scroll border. Good condition. Diameter, to inches. 63 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 381— THE Erranp Boy Large platter. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. Good con- dition. Length, 19 inches. (Illustrated ) 382—THE VALENTINE Plate. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Diameter, to inches. 383—LeETTER OF !NTRODUCTION Vegetable dish. Floral border. Dark blue. Imperfect. Length, 11 inches. 384—TuHe Letrer or INTRODUCTION Platter. Floral and scroll border. Rich dark blue. Good condition. Length, 12 inches. 385—EscaPE oF THE Mouse Plate. Floral and scroll border. Dark blue. Very slightly rubbed. Diameter, to inches. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 386—Bust or WASHINGTON In blue coat and flowered yellow vest. Marbled base. Height, 8 inches. 64 Second and Last Session 387—BENNINGTON CREAMER In the form of a cow. Cracked. Height, 5% inches. 388—STAFFORDSHIRE losy Seated figure holding a mug. Brilliant coloring. Height, 5% inches. 389—STAFFORDSHIRE SUGAR BowL AND SAUCER The former, white with blue flowers; the latter, with flowers in me- dium blue. 390—STAFFORDSHIRE PLATE Maker. E B and JEL Copy of the Chinese willow ware. Diameter, 734 inches. 39I—SHEFFIELD PORRINGER Marked with bell and cross. 392— Two Curtain Kwnops Brass, with silvered centers. 393—CoMPOSITION SNUFF Box Circular, with portrait of Lafayette on the lid. 394— Two ComposiITION SNUFF Boxes One rectangular, and the other, round. Inlaid with silver. 395—Four Sitver Lustre Curtain Knoss In fine condition. Diameter, 3% inches. 396—Four Sitver Lustre CurRTAIN Kwnoes In fine condition. Diameter, 2% inches. 397—SEVEN Opat Giass CurTAIN Knops In the form of a six-pointed star. 398—Five WINE GLASSES Cut and pressed. One red. 65 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 399—PAINTING ON GLASS Portrait of Lafayette. ; TTeight, 9% inches; width, 7 inches. 400—SHEFFIELD TRAY With pair of silver snuffers. 401—PairR OF SHEFFIELD PLATED CANDLESTICKS With repoussé scroll ornamentation. Height, 10 inches. ~q END OF SECOND AND LAST SESSION f$ee- 66 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY x : ‘ . ' - ‘ . . ; * * —— } mh ~ e *% ® - . - o . « . ¥ Fi '. “ a s Es $ 4 , 2 - % aa? ~ - , an ¢ Zt. “ - -! d . 7 i e ‘ $ r t * eases ‘ * * ~~ r ra . - . s . . 4 - y . : ? ‘ . ’ : = 3 - a ‘ « @ = 1 ? ‘ +. ' z e r * » t ; » 1 . j ° 4 \ * ‘ | : ‘ | . ’ - yoo 7 » | y . a ; | re tl » ¥ —_ i ‘ g s ! 4 - ‘Th ‘ > ad . — 1 [IRPARY ne 1925 Nov. 6 NeAm c.1 GecliY CeNTER qnetcan ee old blue Sta ‘i TD en icaat ties 4, ‘ ; \ ; }» ‘ » ‘ ‘ ha My , 3 a \ j i t ips i 4 ? x MA . i Af % 4) 5h Sa a ol Lo et a he