Aa LIBRARY No. M. Knoedler & Co. : et 14 East 57th St. New York 5 eR AS eer sais epee - sae Adeary emia wininee " we Ayal eteseans a td hook. jee ART SALE oe Fifth Avenue Art Galleries last lea the paintings in oil and water colors ‘belonging to Mr. Horace L. Hotchkiss were sold. by auction. The attendance was only “moderate and prices were low. For seventy- “seven works $10,596 was realized. The high- est. price of the. evah ing etnewe an obtained for Gazin’ 's “A Gray Morning—Wheat Field,” Beraud’s ‘‘Au Revoir’ brought $625, and for. “Munier’s “The Kind Sister’ $475 was paid. bOERET prices were:—Jacquet’s “Sweet Six- te ni $470; J. G. Brown’s “A Little Tough,” 3550: Kowalski’ s “Winter Scene in Poland,” $3 50; Vibert’s ‘‘Resting by the “Wayside—a ‘Spanish Smusgier,” $325; Luis Alvarez’s “The Dee e Lesson,’’ $320; Zugel’s ‘‘Harly Morn- —Sheep at Pasture,” $290; Edward Moran’s ¢ elodies,’’ $270; Steinheil’s “A Welcome »? $245; Jiminez’s ‘The Violin Lesson,” nchablon’s “Small Street, Chatillon, 3e,’’ $210; Ea “Leaving. Home— g Morning,” $200: George H. McCord’s nset Near Clovelly, Devonshire Coast,’’ -G. Washington's “Right of the Way, ag Algiers,” $190. Bie eae es ‘fifth Avenue Art Galeries , 366 Fitth Avenue Wear 34th Street ae, a Ri er a | _ Aporace LL, BPs | Collections 3 a i , a cus sia rer Aa Wednesday Evening Match 4tb wey - one g Ffitth Hvenue rt Galleries 366 FIFTH AVENUE NEAR 34TH STREET ray CATALOGUE Modern Paintings ~— Oil» Udater Colors Mr. horace 2. thotchkiss TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WUlednesdayp Evening, March 4th AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. ER ROBERT SOMERVILLE ORTGIES & CO. AUCTIONEER. MANAGERS, 1896 Conditions of sale. v2 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and ifany dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. ‘The Purchasers to give their namesardaddresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots if purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remain- der of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. AlJ articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, no any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an articie purchased cannot be delivered in as goodcondition as the same may have been at the time ofits sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the under- signed are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. . Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, it he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER, By OrtTGIES & Co. Catalogue Wednesday Evening, March 4th AT EIGHT O’CLOCK t/t Y : SMETS (A.) - - Antwerp Sheep 1544 X9% 4/7 HUSTON(Wm.) = - = New York Marine 12X15 3 INSEEY C(O) 2 = New York Scene neat the thigblands, ‘hudson River 22x14 4 GEENS (Louis) - - - - Paris Zouave I2x15% 5 THOM (J. C.) 2 = - New York Early Spring 31 x 18% 6 VALERI (S.) - - - - Rome Hrab Bazaar 8 x 13 7 BRICHER (A. T.) - New York Marine 20 x IO Water Color 4 8 GRADI (N.) = 2 = : Milan thead 6% x Io 9 MUCKE (Carl) - - - Dusseldorf Pupil and Professor, Dusseldorf Academy Medal at Bensacon and Grand Medal of Portugal Consolation 8% x 10% Io KLUYVER - - - Amsterdam Landscape, Ulinter 10x6% II KLUYVER - - - Amsterdam Landscape, Summer 10x 6% I2 MARIE - - - - Antwerp flemish tnterior II x II 5 t3 CROUGE(G;) = - New York Owasco Walley 35 X 23 14 CLARIS (G.) - - - - Paris Russian Prisoners Iox8 Water Color 15 VERWEE (Louis) - - - Paris Making Lemonade Tex 17, 16 BUNERI - - - - Venice Venice 10% x 13% 7 SANI (A.) - - - - Rome H Glass of Wine I2 x 16 6 18 HERPFER (Carl) - - - Munich Pupil of Munich Academy A Gerinan Girl I4 x 22 19 SMILLIE (Geo. H.), N. A. - New York Ol fort at St. Augustine, florida 32% x 17% 20 CERVI (G.) - - - - Rome Che Cavalier II x15 21 “ INSLEY (A.) - - - New York Che Od (Dill 22X14 22 JULIANO (J.) - = = Rome Monks Feeding the Poor 20 x 16 7 23 SCOTTI (Rossi) - - : Rome Asking: the Way 22% X15 24 BRISSO T(E 5.) - - - Paris Pupil of Cogniet Medal, 1882 fSbeep 21% x 16 25 RE BELE (Pe) - = New York Landscape 18 x9 Water Color 26 PEE FERS (&) - - - Antwerp The Music Wesson V7 x12 27 RIGHET (ye =e Pc Pupil of Diaz, Lefebvre and Boulanger Zandscape Io x 8 8 28 RICCI (Pio) - - - Florence The Double Game 23 x 16 29. BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. - ~~ New York “eke Dunmore—Vermont 30K 30 See weno SANI (A.) - - - - Rome Music and Wine 16 x 12 31 DE PENNE, (CG: O)-— == --= = Paris Pupil of Jacque Medals, Paris, 1875-83 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Dogs 114 x17 Water Color 32 CORRADINI - - - Florence A Polite Httention 9X 15% 9 33 SIMONI (AS) 2255 22 Cattle 22x13 - Rome 34 BAZZINI (Lae 2 fre ea ee: Pompeian Anterior eee x a Rome 35 BEY EE (PM) - - - Paris Medals, Paris, 1881-87-89 Ott for an Ercursion 25 x 19 36 CASANOVA (A.) - - - Paris Pupil of Madrazo Che Gift 13 x IO Water Color a7 SCHLESSINGER (F.) - = =~ Munich Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy and Jordan Bop and Dog I5x II Io 38 SPIRIDON : - - Two friends 7x10 39 GOUPIL (Jules) - - - Medals, Paris, 1873-74-75-78 Legion of Honor ‘Ibead 5% x 6% 40 GABANI 3 (a ot ee ee Scene on Campagnia 42 x 30 4I Paris Paris Rome JOORS (Eugene) : - Amsterdam Cherrics are Ikipe 16 x 20 42 PARTON (A.), N. A. 2 New York The Coming Storm 24x14 It 43 GELLI (E.) - - - = 3. Florence Italian Cafe 18% x 13 44 DE LONGPRE (P.), fils - - Paris fH Bunch of Lilacs 21% x 27 Water Color 45 BROWN (J. G.), N. A. - New York Ht Little Tough 1634. X 24 46 SANTORO (R.) - - - Seville Pupil of Fortuny Scene in Wenice Irx18 47 MESGRIGNY (F. de), dec’d - Paris Pupil of Jules Worms The River Seine 22x14 12 : x ce ~ ANDRIG SEE Les) - - Florence , The Smoker Io x 12 49 PERRIER (E. Sanchez) - - Seville 4 A / Pupil of Cano gh/ f Mention Honorable, 1886 Medal, 1889, at Exposition Universelle Hee: Old Spanish Castle 21% x 13% 50 ’ { oh { ‘SEIFERT (A.) - - - Munich 4 bead 9% x 13 : =, 1 VOLTZ (Fr.), decd - - Munich Pupil of Munich Academy Member of Munich, Berlin and Vienna Academies Gold Medals, Berlin, 1856-61 Member of the Orders of Red Eagle and St. Michael Born, 1817. Died, 1886 f Cattle and Landscape 16x9 13 52 JAZET (P.) - - - - Paris Pupil of Barrias Che Cavalier 6x9 oo) ADAM (Emile) - - - = Pais Pupil of Picot and Cabanel Medals, Paris 1875-82 At the jfrountain I4 x Io Water Color 54 ese COFFA (Prof.) - - - Palermo A iRoad in sicilp De Sz 13 55 VERNET (Horace), dec’d - Soe ais Pupil of Vincent Director of French Academy at Rome Member of the Institute of France Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor Wapoleon Htter the Battle 13) x14 14 56 DE THOREN (Otto), dec’d - Paris Medals, Paris, 1865; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1882 Chevalier of the Order Francis Joseph Russian Order of Vladimir Member of the Vienna and St. Petersburg Academies Born, 1828. Died, 1889 Despatch Bearer 7X 21 57 PORTIERDJIE(G) 4 = Antwerp fsn’'t it a Beauty 29 X 37 58 M4 MORAN (Edward), A.N. A. - New York Sea Melodies 43 X 25 GABRINI - - - - Rome The Two Hodmirers 25x 1S Water Color T5 SH 60 KOWALSKI] (We A) = Pas Pupil of Brandt Medals, Paris, 1878-83 Winter Scene in Poland 48 x 24 61 HOLMBERG (A.) - - - Munich The Rose 19% x 26 62 CHELMINSKI (Jan Von) - London Return from the are Hunt 21x 15% 63 LOUSTANNAU (L. G. A.) - Paris Pupil of Vibert, Barrias and Géréme French Soldier 7% X 10% 64 HAWKINS (L. Welden) - - Paris Leaving Dome, Spring Morning 48% X 24 16 65 HAGBORG (August) - - Paris Pupil of Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm and Palmaroli Medal, Paris, 1879 On the Seashore—Solitude 28 x 21 Gs Nr 66 (IACOUET G-G) 2 2 = — Paris Pupil of Bouguereau Medals, 1868-75-78 Legion of Honor, 1879 Sweet Sirteen 9x 12% 67 VIBERT (J. G.) - - - Paris Pupil of Barrias Medals, 1864-67-68-78 Legion of Honor, 1870 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 A P/] Ss Vv“ ‘Resting by the Wayside, H Spanish Smuggler 742 %9 17 68 STEINHEIL (A.) “ - = Paris Pupil of Decaisne Medals, Paris, 1847-48 Legion of Honor, 1860 H Welcome Guest 1234 x 16 69 MCCORD (Geo. H.), A. N. A. - New York Sunset near Clovelly, Devonshire Coast 43 & 2334 70 ALVAREZ (Luis) - - - Rome Pupil of Madrazo Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 The Dancing Lesson 14% x 18 71 ZUGEL “(Hii 0 Pe Munich Born at Munhardt, 1850 Pupil of the Stuttgart Art School Early Morning, Sbeep at Pasture 48 x 284% 18 72 _ BERAUD (Jean) = : - Paris es Pupil of Bonnat Soe Medals, 1882-83 Legion of Honor, 1887 Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Hu Revoir OT xainty | 73 WASHINGTON (G.) eae eS Paris eel Pupil of Picot G0) Medal, 1893 ai Rigbt of the Way, near Algiers 32 X 23% ; 74 = .SIMINEZ ( Pristo) 5 429s ek es The Violin Lesson 15% x 21 | 79 | MONCHABLON (Jan) - - Paris Born in Chatillon—-sur—Saone, Vosges Pupil of Cabanel and Laurens Mention Honorable, 1885 L/ U Medal, Paris, 1889 (E. U.) aad H.C | Small Street, Chatillon, France 934 X 1334 I | 9 76 MUNIER (Emile) = = - Paris L/ Say Pupil of Bouguereau __ a Honorable Mention, 1882 The kind Sister 2I x 29 ed n CAZIN (Jean Charles) - - Paris mh dj LAM Medals, 1880-82-89 / Legion of Honor, 1882 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889 H Gray Morning—Wheattteld 184% x15 é : “Oy f £ ¢ Af £2 ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & Co., AUCTIONEER, MANAGERS. AM, LITHO. CO. PRINT, N. Y. = Oat age gate Asien 5 i TASES > ign ere elie bier