ene a fin ste setae: « ~ . § 2 : é 2 Bra anatee lca Ae aly ae, id ‘ nt TES ERE: Bean te amie 3 “, a PS oe Syeiis.= we A be LIBRARY M.Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York EH BOR re. . ¢ ee ears eg PP Dh FE TIMED ey eee Ale 4 i) | > he Ae "aap aie iv. w% ‘4, ae ewes “ , Se whee eel é pay rise Ps Nk Rh Fai ah ot inr'y kg ant lhes cine a a ananbiy Se-eipes ui) We, , Bo ‘ SEE FFP een Hg CH = fatal a ge ede hoe : ve : ee 5 bee ip CRAB i os, ak hed et Gp AE 042 a ai . : pW i TF a 7 aa Ze aes +4 ag tbe Regen te. to alma BE Phas: niet Pie > 7 e) Z ; i ‘ ; ¥ s , 4 ee : 4 - ee er oo pa ; r i v et Ant . p pak q : Re aeitibe one LAO se aade 4 ; eC sa i Gre lpr ake rete ‘ . 2 cao att s . a Be i ‘ . by Perla na he tegatana ag pie *, nn vale G ¥ Ae en (ree ahem | a APM iit gas 3 n ey f es ae ie tet a et & S fogs 3d wo Git Cae NB . : if ball of Met ce Be OS jhe ye ss Sy cack Trae ae ue 4 gps a. eA é ‘ hee s iy nee evn ry - cane paca ie 4 : Pee Merete eg ee eT : ; "Y. he Pe 5 . ere er e ; a ss z NS s ‘ 7 ae hs +A 3 ais doe Se } a “ish Lea in Fanaa ho! Se seo LO ade PNT ‘ , : cpigh : ve r, dy i ie y TO fn? Ss Soe dee Saya a ’ bi Pi me Se ; : ea os & 4 4 may +: } e = 7, x : Sai | ¢ . A) 7 ¥ - Ce ae we : a Le, 4 kg ¥ ¥ “at i sm 4 4 = pas ot 3 KAR AVL A F iy . y ae we ym t va ieee Fa Sut ea 4 $ Sk . aig rary ooh ; . . fri i : rr ‘ r 7 ’ ~ Poy eee | ‘ “ - had Al a al ow tee dy tee — RAD Ig CS apy gd . AP eee oe BP OT Dee : a & Wr, i bait Resp Sg eg Sg « PA et ee aes * ‘ ee coe ae tae 7 ? eis ‘ ¢ % ‘ y! px . Ry ® * "4 wh Pat eS et * “he: ie ipacrieg perk » ws be ee uhh % or es _Price $ 600. 4,400. 2,900. 1,100. 575. 525. OO « DEO Ls aay & Buyer M.E.Hall T.Williams Mrs.B.F.Yates W.5.Gould J.Levy Gals. Rougeron W.»5S.Gould Charles E.Moran,agt. A.A.Tilney J.¥.Clarkson Charles A.Gould Ray Hopper, agt. Mr.Rougeron EF. Albee W.W.Seaman,agt. W.S.Gould Paintings from-the collection of the late CHAR Th Lk CA 4 o c> = = BOLD at American Art Association Jan.27,1927. _Buyer Ray Hopper, E.F.,ALbee W.W.S6aman, Ray Hopper, W.W.Seaman, Thomas Nort E,F Albee Paintings from-the collection of the late CHARLES A.GOULD BOLD at American Art Association Jan.27,1927. Price Buyer 4 ice Buyer $ 600. M.E.Hall ‘ Ray Hopper, agt. 675. T.Williams ; : EF, Albee 1,025. Mrs.B.F.Yates : 00. W.W.Seaman,agt. 850. W.S.Gould ; 100. Ray Hopper,agt. weeoU. J.Levy Gals. 92. A W.W.Seaman,agt. 700. Rougeron 95. Thomas Northrup 4,400. W.S.Gould 30 E,F.Albee £,900. Charlies E.Moran,agt. 100. A.A.Tilney O75. J.¥.Clarkson DEO Charles A.Gould 2,000. Ray Hopper, agt. O25. Mr.Rougeron BLD « E.F.Albee Laon. W.W.Seaman,agt. 35°(00. W.S.Gouid FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION From Saturday, January 22 To Time of Sale Weekdays g a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Thursday Evening, January 27 at 8:15 O’Clock pals CONDUGLED BY ar, ©. ‘Bernet & Mre Fl. FH. Parke & Exhibition and Sale at the AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE - 50th TO s7tie> PREEAL NEW YORK CITY 1927 French, Dutch and American Paintings of the XILX Century and Contemporary Schools Including two important Corots and works by Diaz, Charles Emile Jacque, Van Marcke, Marie Dieterle, Rosa Bonheur, Felix Ziem, Francois Cachoud, Prits Uhaulow, -Erenrr Joseph Harpignies and Jean Georges Vibert Cfrom the Collection of the Estate of the Late ) harles A. Gould Sold by order of the executors Celia Gould -NGlne, Richard T. Greene &S Bankers Trust Company oe Under -Alanagement of the AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Incorporated Priced (a ta logues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association, The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc Designs its (atalogues and ‘Directs cAll Details of Illustration Text and Typography Conditions of Sale TAP 5 I. REJECTION oF Bips. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. THe Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. 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(In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. | 8. SHrppinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, 10. Il. afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. ([ Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Associa- tion will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. BuyInc ON Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description.. , Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association OTTO BERNET +s HIRAM Ho PARKE - sep 77e eee AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - ING Managers LOGUE oer A foal a Ze EVENING SESSION Thursday January 27, 1927 at 8:15 O'Clock Catalogue Numbers I to 100 Inclusive bee ek SV: N TN French: Contemporary PANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES In the foreground a pool of iridescent water spanned by a rustic bridge, beyond which are pastoral and wooded lands, and a shepherdess watching her flock of sheep; the sky with brilliant reddish-gold sun emerging from behind the clouds. Signed at lower right, F. pp MonrHoLoNn Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches Peek OS: J;'O U base Uae Tk French: 1815—1892 LPANTIQUAIRE Interior of a studio with an aged man seated before a table massed with smal] objects of art and vertu, the light reflected from an upper window; in the background a littered cupboard and a draped alcove. Signed at lower left, C. MULLER Height, 8 inches; width, © inches Mees Rel SL OS meee Pls French: 1815—1892 THE SCRIBE Interior scene, depicting the figure of an elderly man holding a manuscript seated by the side of a table before an open chest. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches Il A Cn EF. Se eee French: Contemporary TWO TAVERN SCENES Depicting jovial tavernistic figures playing musical instruments: [a] Seated by a barrel. [B] Seated on a low bench. Signed at upper right and upper left, F. Pureani, and dated 1883 Heights, 8% inches; width, 7 inches CHARLES EDOUAR DoD aire French: 1841—1895 COURTYARD WITH FIGURES In a brilliantly lighted courtyard a cavalry soldier with bent head walking with a commiserating priest; in the background by the open doorway a maid is seen tending his horse. Signed at lower right, C. DELorT Panel: Height, © inches; length, 9 inches P. VAN Die On Crk Dutch: Contemporary BIRDS IN LANDSCAPE Formal arrangements of pigeons feeding from pottery vessels, and two ducks in a pool of water; at the left a farmhouse before a violet-tinted sky. Signed in the foreground, VANDERONCK, and dated 1864 Panel: Height, 7 inches; length, 9% inches 12 FREDERICK HENDRIK KAEMMERER Dutch: 1839—1902 PeLIGORE WN LANDSCAPE A gaily dressed youth, wearing powdered hair and tricorn hat, playing a lute; at his side are grazing sheep. Signed at lower left, F. H. KAEMMERER Height, 10 inches; width, © inches MeeLENNE-SARMITER French: XIX Century & LES LAVEUSES Charming arrangement of colour producing delicate atmospheric effects; a winding shaded river banked by cliffs and richly wooded country; at a point in the middle distance Jes laveuses are seen, and to the right a mounted figure, before a turquoise-blue sky with violet-tinted filmy clouds. Signed twice at lower left, E. SaBATIER Panel: Height, 6 inches; length, 11 inches Note: This artist was a pupil of Gros and Decamps. Exhibited Paris Salon, 1839 Pea VAIN D Tek UN Col Dutch: Contemporary 9. SHEEP IN LANDSCAPE On a grassy slope resting sheep with lambs, on either side fowl and ducks, and a vista of far-reaching lowlands before a violet-tinted sky. Signed at back, P. VANDERONCK Panel: Height, 7 inches; length, 9% inches is V4 een I Ze HENRI TO SEP oe Ri Ne French: 1819—1916 SMALL LANDSCAPE Painted broadly small work depicting undulating landscape; in the middle distance a water-course plated with silver, in the foreground small figures under towering trees with the suggestion of movement of the foliage and blooms, before a blue-grey sky. Signed at the lower left, H. HarPIGNIEs, and dated 1902 Panel: Height, 6 inches; width, 4% inches CHARLES FRANCOIS DAU French: 1819—1878 SMALL LANDSCAPE Delicately portrayed landscape scene with view of distant water and a red- dish-gold sunset seen through moist atmosphere; in the foreground a small laboring figure and on the bank at the left towering and shadowing trees in leafage rendered with fine gradations of tones, and colours subtly empha- sized. Signed at lower right, DauBIGNyY Oval panel: Height, 7 inches; width, 5% inches JULES = Dae Re French: 1812—1889 THE FARMYARD At the left a gabled cottage with a ladder leading to the left and a seated figure at the doorway; in the foreground a pond by which children are play- ing and chickens watering; beyond are meadowlands and an infinite sky with nimbus clouds of cumulous form. Signed at lower left, J. Dupré Panel: Height, 7 inches; length, 13% inches 14 Pees. RICHARD ~-GOU BIE French: 1842—1899 13. LANDSCAPE WITH HORSES Luminaristic study of two chestnut horses whinnying by the posts and rails, and facing into the bright sunlight with glimpse of blue sky; on either side are trees in spring leafage. Signed at lower right, R. GouBIE Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches From Boussod, Valadon &S Company, New York From Goupil &§ Co., Paris [ Illustrated | 15 Tere pee 16. JACQUES RAYMOND BRASCASSAT French: 1805—1867 ANIMAL STUDY The edge of a forest with sheep in flight before the onslaught of a vicious wolf, who is seen mauling one of their number. In the foreground an affrighted ram is jumping a felled tree. Work of autumnal tonality, under a dull violet tinged sky, executed with realism. Signed at lower right, R. BrascassaT, and dated 1849 Panel: Height, 10% inches; length, 13% inches From M. le Baron Jules de Hauff, Paris LEON VICTOR sp ees French: 1816—1879 LANDSCAPE WITH CAT ELE Wooded lowlands with a thatched cottage to the right, and two streams of water by which cattle are grazing and resting, under a romantic blue sky with rolling cirrus clouds. Signed at lower right, Vicror Dupré, and dated 1870 Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches From Arthur Tooth & Son, London JAMES, Gage Uo yebere American: Contemporary MARINE Choppy sea with white crested waves and numerous sailing craft under a cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, J. G. TyLer Height, 7 inches; length, 18 inches 16 18. 19. eee oes a CO Us SV Pay ke A Sa AST French: 1828—1892 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES At the left a gabled farm building with tethered horses, and two figures standing by the bank of a stream, before a cloudy blue sky. Signed at lower left, J. VEYRAsSAT Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches fear N ALEXIS “ACHARD French: 1807—1884 LE SENTIER Richly wooded scene of subtle articulation, depicting to the right a female figure meandering by the footpath into the wooded area; at the right is a watercourse scattered with bulrushes and beyond, enveloped by a gossamer webb of chiaroscuro, rolling country. Signed at lower left, J. ACHARD Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches LO HE RK RaveANN French: Contemporary Ronee RAlT OF A LADY Bust length, facing to the right and wearing powdered hair, befeathered hat and blue and white striped bodice. Signed at upper left, Leo HERRMANN Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches 17 Ga EiGoENA German: Contemporary 20. FALCONRY SCENES Als a [a] The composition depicting two noble figures mounted upon spirited chestnut and gray chargers, the man holding aloof a falcon with outspread wings, before a turquoise-blue sky with massed formation of clouds. Signed at lower right, G. Eccena, Minchen [B] The nobleman dismounted, holding the rein of the palfrey; in the foreground lies the dead vulture, in wooded landscape with vista of a distant castle. Signed at lower right, G. Eccrna, Miinchen Panels: Height, 11% inches; widths, 9 inches EUGENE VERBORCKHO ja. Flemish: 1798—1881 LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP Grouped upon a knoll before a bushy shrub are resting lambs and sheep, the sheep to the right silhouetted before the cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN, and dated 1864 Panel: Height, 1144 inches; length, 16 inches Note of authenticity written at back by the artist GUIDO SHG RS Italian: Contemporary OD ala lisa! A party of Hussars resting within enclosed country with equipment off and arms piled; in the foreground a mounted non-commissioned officer con- versing with two stalwart troopers. Signed at lower left, Gutpo SicrisrE, and dated 1893 Panel: Height, 12% inches; width, 9% inches 18 zy: 24. 25; AW 5 bE AGE LD Omni ck: French: 1833— LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE Colourful view of meadowlands with grazing cattle and scattered boulders, at the left developing into granite-like cliffs against an ivory-blue sky; in the right foreground a seated peasant child amidst a tangled mass of flowering gorse bushes. Signed at lower left, ALLONGE, and dated 1882 Height, 16 inches; length, 30% inches Mea Soe COA Bele French: Contemporary VALLEE DE LANGERIE Subjective impressionistic view, the predominant feature of the composition being the majestic oak tree in softly blurred autumn leafage with strong roots grasping the firm earth, and at the middle distance the village nestled in the vale in hazy atmosphere. Signed on the shrubbery at lower left, Louis Capig, and dated 1903 Height, 28% inches; width, 23% inches EMILE MUNIER French: 1810— THE SPANISH LADY Head and shoulders facing to the left, but looking to the spectator, wearing a black lace mantilla and in the hair a spray of vivid red carnations; hold- ing acrimson fan. Dark green background, Signed at upper left, E. Muwnrer, and dated 1892 Height, 24% inches; width, 20 inches 19 RU BiEgNS #5 oN One Italian: 1843— 26. DESERT SCENE 27s 28. In the middle distance a turbaned figure mounted upon a camel with crimson trappings fording the river, at the left a graceful water-carrier and on the bank seated figured under a tropical sky. Signed at lower right, RUBENS SANTORA Height, 15% inches; width, 11 inches UNKNOWN CON DEM POs PORT RAs] EDDY. Half-length figure of a young girl with long hair, pensive large brown eyes, and refined features modeled with broad simplicity; wearing a draped rose- crimson mantle. Blue-grey background. Height, 14% inches; width, 11% inches HENRI CHARLES ANT OINTE Se French: 1816—1885 COMEDY SCENE Delicate rendering in a leafy arbour of frolicking and gaily dressed vivacious personages, two arrayed fantastically, one as Harlequin, the other Pantaloon, around a table elaborately arranged with wines, etc., as for a banquet. Signed at lower right, H. Baron Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches 20 fem BAR THOLD JONGKIND Dutch: 1822—1891 29. SKATING SCENE A Dutch frozen by-way with animated figures skating, at the right picturesque windmills, at the left stripped trees and near by small figures conversing. Signed at lower left, JonGKIND, and dated 1857 Height, 11 inches; length, 17% inches [ Illustrated ] : 21 CHARLES Ei tiae JA GORE French: 1813—1894 20: LANDSCAPE Wit fH SHEE Under a sombre cloudy sky, through which the sun is trying to peer, an expanse of meadowlands portrayed with great depth, and in the foreground a shepherd resting under a leafy tree with his sheep by a pool of water of evanescent quality. Signed at lower right, CH. JACQUE Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches [ Illustrated | ae 7 oe oD" G. -EGGENA German: Contemporary % FALCONRY SCENE omposed within a charming landscape setting, a you ith a falcon a Composed with charming landscape setting, outh with a fal nd a maid riding spirited, gaily-caparisoned chargers, one cream-coloured. Signed at lower right, G. EGGENA Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches J. JARDINER French: Contemporary RIVERSCAPE Stretch of placid blue river widening in the foreground and strewn with waterlilies; at the right a boat with fishermen under the high banks of over- hanging trees with sturdy arms supporting their weight of branches and leaves delineated before a deep blue sky background. Signed at lower right, J. JARDINER Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches Bearers cP ih, RoR Ey gear GN “YY French: 1846—1886 MARINE Undulating coast line bathed in deep shadow with fisher-folk on the beach; at the left a stretch of blue-grey sea dotted with various sailing craft under a gold and red sky of charming tonality. Signed at lower left, Kart Dausicny Height, 20% inches; length, 32 inches 23 E.D:O.UPARD Cn BANE French: Contemporary 34. CRESSIDA 35: 36. Semi-draped, finely modeled figure of Cressida seated by a pool of water banding her hair, before a dark-toned background. Signed at lower right, Epouarp CaBang, and dated 1892 Height, 31% inches; width, 20 inches ADOLPHE ‘ALE XAN DRE ae French: Contemporary CHASSEUR Interior scene realistically portrayed, the light filtering through the latticed windows striking the rich crimson habiliment of the luxurious hunter about to drink from a goblet of wine, his ornate gun resting against him. On the covered table are various repoussé silver objects rendered with minute pre- cision. Signed at lower right, A. A. LEsrEL, and dated 1907 Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 934 inches GEORGES BA a French: 1854—1906 MARINE Green-blue sea with white crested curls of incoming breakers under angry rain clouds; in the foreground a boat manned by fisherfolk, a man, and a barelegged lass standing at the stern vigorously using an oar. Signed at lower left, G. Haquerre, and dated 1884 Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches 24 37° Peer, OS lobaVverN Ss Belgian: 1828—1906 NEIGE A LA COTE D’AZUR An expanse of greenish-blue moving depths of water under a limitless cloudy snow-flaked sky; in the foreground a steaming trawler, and graceful gulls. Signed at lower right, A. STEVENS Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches [ Illustrated | 25 Ga&EGGENA German: Contemporary 38. KNIGHT IN ARMOR In the foreground a mounted knight in armor with plumed hat and a led grey horse; to the right a mounted lackey also leading a spare horse approach- ing from the chateau partly obscured by the large tree in leafage. Rendered with animation and well toned colours. Signed at lower left, G. EGcENa Height, 14% inches; width, 11Y% inches C/H A Riggs ace ee te American: Contemporary 39. FAREWELL A youthful maiden standing midway on a stepped cliff wearing a rose- coloured gown and waving a kerchief; at the left a vista of azure sea. Signed at lower right with initials, C. A., and dated 1895 Water-colour: Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches H. HUMP Hee yee O Oe American: 1844— 40. PHE ARAB IGHIER TAIN In an architectural setting of Hispano-Moresque proportions, a dramatic characterization of an erect robed and turbaned chieftain, his bearded face posed at a disdainful angle, girdled with a sabre and holding an ornate rifle. Signed at lower left, H. Humpurey Moore Height, 30 inches; width, 17 inches 26 VMoaA-cR Le oe DDE mR b French: 1860— Ate DSCAPE WITH CATTLE Before a tree in full leafage two cows about to ford a stream of iridescent water; at the right further cattle are grazing in the pasturelands under a deep blue sky flecked with violet clouds. Signed at lower left, Marre DIETERLE From Arthur Tooth & Son, London { Illustrated | sti ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DEG French: 1803—1860 EESVOVAGEUR A picturesquely garbed male figure of dignified simplicity, seated upon a stone bench smoking his long pipe, and shadowed against the wall; at his side is a flagon of wine and at his feet a dog, while from the open doorway a small child peers. Depicted with charm and checkered by innumerable lights and shades. Signed at left, G. DeEcamps, and dated 1842 Height, 15% inches; width, 12% inches [ Illustrated | 28 43. 44. 45. lig Hers oe i xs Zee German: XIX Century INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Interior view of a kitchen; the composition depicting a bent elderly dame wearing an old-rose bodice, drab skirt and white bonnet, abusing the figure seated before a large open fire-place. In the foreground a tattered basket, stoneware jar and cabbages realistically portrayed with an accurate rendering of values. Signed at lower left, TEskE Greza, MUNCHEN, and dated 1884 Height, 3412 inches; width, 24% inches Seaview Bie RoNaLCE K French: 1823—1902 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE Expressional rendering of a wooded path flanked by towering trees flecked with sunlight; a rustic figure is advancing in rich reds and blues and wearing a white headdress, under a sky of fleecy vapory transparent textures. Signed at lower right, C. BERNIER Height, 32 inches; width, 22 inches eee Vick RaL GN German: Contemporary GRAZING CATTLE Impressionistic rendering of rich green marshy lowlands; in the left fore- ground a cow drinking from the streamlet, at the right another is approach- ing to water, disturbing the gaily plumaged ducks. Signed at lower left, E. MERLON Panel: Height, 25% inches; length, 29% inches From Boussod, Valadon {3 Company, New York 29 Fo: EReO PUR a aaaale French: Contemporary 46. COMRADES 47. 48. Over a bleak mountain pass a Cossack mounted on a shaggy pony is sup- porting a wounded comrade mounted on a skewbald pony. Signed at lower right, F. RousBaup, and dated 1883 Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12% inches L. AOSD ees le French: Contemporary BAL TEES GIN fy Standing by the edge of a cliff are grouped soldiers cavalieristically costumed, a monk, and nearby a cannon; on the distant mirrorlike sea various galleons are manoeuvring, and in the foreground are scattered odd paraphernalia of war. Signed at lower right, L. A. pu Party, and dated 1879 Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches JULES ALEXANDRE NOea French: 1815—1881 THE QUAY, TREPORT Under a slate-grey sky a colourful and animated rendering of the quay, by which are moored several fishing smacks in shimmering grey-blue water. Signed at lower right, JuLes Nogx, TREPort, and dated 1892 Height, 15% inches; length, 20% inches 30 49. 50. ONDE CG ROA’ SH aay. : German: Contemporary PHe PLAYFUL REYNARD Realistically portrayed fox upon its back playing with a butterfly, amidst ver- dure and leafage tinged with russet-brown. Signed at lower right, Orro GrasHEy, Miinchen, and dated 1883 Height, 14% inches; length, 21 inches NO RCISSE BERCHERE French: 1819[? |—1891 THE MOSQUE Rolling desert scene, portraying at the right a mosque outlined against a blue sky illumed by warm sunlight; around are various picturesque Moors, some mounted upon camels. Signed at lower right, BERCHERE Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches 31 SIs GUSTAVE PAGEL @pionan Alsatian: 1833—1883 LANDSCAPE WITH DEER Misty view of mountainous landscape; to the right on a knoll silhouetted against the sky, a herd of deer bathed in the early morning sunlight. Signed at the lower left, G. Dor& Panel: Height, 12% inches; length, 22 inches From the Collection of A. Donatis From Maison Boucard, Paris | Illustrated ] 32 52. fa eo Dad Bip ea AC NTI French: 1821I—I1911 VENETIAN SCENE Before a sky of vast grandeur reflecting golden rays from the sinking sun, a large gondola manned by turbaned figures is speeding through hmpid water; at the left are mystical ships and a distant view of Venice; to the right a sailing ship and in the left foreground sands of russet-brown shades. Signed at lower left, ZrEmM Panel: Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches [ Illustrated | ; 33 ROSA’ 5B ONE Ue French: 1822—1899 53. HIGHLAND COW Realistic rendering of the shaggy beast outlined against the blue-tinted waters of a loch, under a cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, Rosa BoNHEUuR, and bearing on back the seal of the artist Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches [ Illustrated | 34 eee ICE ROB TNS OON American: 1854—1896 54. LANDSCAPE Luminaristic work, depicting in the grassy foreground upstanding saplings and a grazing goat; in the middle distance iridescent water shadowed by the far bank, at the left a small launch and a glimpse of tinted sky. Signed at lower left, TH. Ropinson, and dated 1892 Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches [ Illustrated | 35 CHRIST OPER Hie SH ea aeee American: Contemporary 55. LANDSCAPE Panoramic view of a village; in the middle distance various tall buildings and a bridge over which oxen-drawn wagons are meandering to the narrow village street. In the foreground a waterway with detached boulders, and in the distance hills tinged with blue under a cloudy sky. Signed at lower left, C. H. SHEARER, and dated 1882 Height, 24 inches; width, 14 inches UNKNOWN CONTEMP OR r. 56. FIRST PROPOSAL Depicting a maid and a gallant in Empire costume leaning upon a rustic fence, in a field of marguerites. Height, 24% inches; width, 16% inches AN G ETGORe ot Italian: 1847—1903 57. 1 DEA Leila} Bust-length figure of a lady with flowing auburn hair, wearing a décolleté crimson wrap, before a dark grey-green background. Signed at the lower right, A. Asti Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches 36 PON GUSTAVE JTACOUET French: 1846—1909 feo RAT OF A LADY Bust-length, facing the observer, wearing powdered hair and _ beribboned hat, at her neck a velvet band, a wieux-rose bodice with lace fichu, and mantle of opalescent tones. Signed at lower left, G. JACQUET Height, 24% inches; width, 19 inches [ Illustrated | 37 JULES CYRILLE Oya French: 1859— 59: CHIE DRAM IDST FOLIA Half-length, curly-haired, undraped boy amidst foliage, with hands clasped and elbows resting upon a marble plinth, before a background of a vaporous blue tinted sky. Signed at lower left, J. Cave Height, 22% inches; width, 18 inches [ Illustrated | 38 60. Gf, POD Ole Fabel Rebs German: 1843—1914 SPRING A peasant woman seated before a cottage holding a lamb upon her lap; a small child stands on the seat by her side; at the left are two anxious sheep and two rams realistically portrayed. Signed at lower right, ApoLF EBERLE, Miinchen Panel: Height, 19% inches; length, 24% inches MeN OO TS CHARLES CACH OUD French: 1866— MOONLIGHT Peak-roofed white cottage brilliantly lit from the interior, bathed in bright moonlight; around are trees and saplings, and feathery foliage, before a starry sky. Signed at lower right, F. CacHoupb Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches 39 Vv 62. 745 “NW. i fh , ae 1 Vito CHARLES EMILE JAG OmaE French: 1813—1894 LE PRINTEMPS Garden scene with cottages in the middle distance partly obscured by the blossoming apple tree by which a rustic maid is standing, watching the sheep and their suckling lambs. Signed at lower left, CH. JACQUE Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 11% inches From Boussod, Valadon {& Company, New York [ Illustrated | 40 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA f : hog French: 1807—1876 Wy Ve Ul FE ts /} A f } ii VL q, 63. 4 NYMPH Lhe hay O Semi-draped figure with flowing brown hair seated upon a rock, her right foot resting across her knee; before a mysterious, elusive, leafy background in russet-brown with vista of a lapis-blue sky. Signed at lower left, N. Diaz, and dated 1860 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches [ Illustrated | 41 EMILE VAN MA RGen French: 1827—1890 64. PHEWATLEAC OVW, Rich green pasture lands at sundown with resting and grazing cows, the large white cow intent upon the approaching figure, rendered with fine atmospheric effects. Signed at lower left, Em. van MarcKE Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches [ Illustrated ] 42 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Pd French: 1807-1376 LPs ( y f J, Beet ANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE Ti ii Uf Under an angry sky a wooded landscape with a prospect of deep forest on the horizon; in the foreground with close fidelity to the hues of nature and to the effects of atmosphere and light are various boulders flecked with gold and russet-browns tinged to reds, while at the left is faintly discernible a small female figure. Signed at lower left, N. D1az, and dated 1867 Panel: Height, 12% inches; length, 17 inches [ Illustrated | ; +3 66. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE CO French: 1796—1875 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE Deep view of undulating and richly wooded country fragrantly rendered with romanticism, in dreamy masses and blurred outlines; in the middle distance a stream and a fishing boat, in the foreground a peasant woman leading a tethered black cow, and two goats catching the reflected lights from an almost cloudless sky. Signed at lower left, Corot Height, 17% inches; length, 25 inches From Boussod, Valadon {@ Company, New York | Illustrated | 44 HUN Oly H.LIM Ad VOSGNV’T ‘99 “ON 67. Fake Zea French: 1821—1911 VENETIAN SCENE Portrayed with this master’s characteristic brilliant and imaginative colour, view of Saint Mark’s bathed in sunlight with the facade of the Palace slightly in shadow. Jn the foreground gaily dressed, conversing figures, and to the left a stretch of water reflecting the varied blue tones of the gilded sky, sailing craft and gondolas. Signed at lower left, Zi=EM Panel: Height, 17% inches; length, 26% inches From Boussod, Valadon && Company, New York | Illustrated ] 46 ANAOS NVILANAA ‘Lo ‘on JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE GCG. French: 1796—1875 . LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES In the foreground a large twin-oak tree in feathery leafage possessing a subtle quality of motion, and a small figure flecked with crimson; in the middle distance a prospect of a watercourse before a blue-grey sky and fleecy clouds. Signed at lower left, Corot Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches [ Illustrated ] 48 SHUN HLIM AdVOSAGNV’T *89Q “ON JULES BRETON French: 1827—1906 69. THE GLEANERS Elegantly portrayed with freedom and energy, a virile peasant girl with banded hair, resting her weight upon a hayrake and in her right hand holding a pitcher; at the left a figure is kneeling and bending over a basket. In an undulating, shaded landscape, the foreground scattered with corn and if s y poppies. | <; f so Signed at lower left, JULEs BrEeton, and dated 1861 Height, 28% inches; width, 23% inches 7, f Oak h Lal: iw AA SA j {ty (hs STU, UA Nt | Illustrated | 50 ; coo ABS SS AOE vit aanenit eg! : No. 69. THE GLEANERS CHARDUES 9M © Kira French o7@ 70. DUTCH PEASANTS Before a humble dwelling a much-lined and wrinkled old man is seated on a wheelbarrow, wearing a tasseled cap and lighting a clay pipe, while the child nearby attentively watches; at the left through the open doorway the housewife is entering, bearing a cauldron of water. Signed at lower left, Cu. Moreau Height, 23% inches; length, 29 inches [ Illustrated ] KZ Ge HENS 1 Ee WoL. 4 BsRe OMe N French: 1829—1890 a1. TREVE Centring the composition a General Officer mounted upon a mottled grey charger pawing at the earth, holding aloof his sword displaying the white flag; slightly to the right a trumpeter sounding “‘cease fire’; portrayed in a mysterious landscape setting under a grey-blue sky. Signed at lower left, Joun Lewis Brown, and dated 1877 Height, 23% inches; length, 28% inches From Goupil & Company From Boussod, Valadon && Company, New York [ Illustrated ] - a) ree AD O PE. SC Rie ae German: 1828—1899 THE WOOD Oe U TT Bis Snow-clad forest scene with portrayal of a Caucasian woodcutter mounted upon a cart, laden with timber and drawn by two hardy ponies. Signed at lower right, ADOLPHE SCHREYER, and dated 1862 Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches [ Illustrated | 54 TTER THE Woop Cu 7 N CHARLES FRANCODTS DAUS Tea French: 1819—1878 73. LANDSCAPE Early work of this master, depicting a sunht view of placidly flowing 1iver with a jetty to which small boats are moored; at the right on the footpath a peasant figure; on the right bank of the river suffused with misty ght a ~ farmhouse is faintly discernible. Signed at lower right, DAUBIGNY Height, 13% inches; length, 25% inches Pens NC.) TS CHARLES CACH OVD French: 1866— 44, MOONLIGHT SCENE rae At the left and centring the composition are two white gabled cottages in a country lane; in the foreground are beech trees casting their shadows, their ._ forms outlined before the wide high starry sky of vaporous greenish-blue. ‘aWs Ay ot ypAWOW Signed at lower right, F. Cachoup Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches CHARLES WhOsheben French 1820—— 7c. LAN DSGA RE Richly wooded scene, with a pathway leading to the foreground, and to the right placid water; partly obscured by trees is a lumber hut and a vista of an ivory horizon under a cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, CH. Moreau Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches 56 |g ed Bd BS g Cre BEF 9 4": Norwegian: 1847—1906 76. LANDSCAPE Df / > + i/] (A . . . . . . - 4 A swiftly running river of shimmering gradation of tone centres the com- position, with richly wooded banks and a distant view of farm dwellings illumed by warm sunlight from a blue sky. Signed at lower right, Frrrs “THAULow Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches [Illustrated] 57 77° JULES DUPRE French: 1812—1889 PPAPPROGHE DE: L’ORAGE Centring the composition are three brilliantly high-hghted gnarled trees in autumn leafage silhouetted against an infinite sky of treacherous cloud masses, In the foreground a creek of transparent opalescent tones to which the shepherd and his flock are approaching. Signed at lower right, JuLEs Dupre, and dated 1862 Height, 25 inches; length, 32 inches From Boussod, Valadon (S Company, New York [ Illustrated ] 58 No. 77. L’ApPpRoCHE DE L’ORAGE FRANCOIS CHARLES CAG? French: 1866— LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE Brilhant moonlit scene; centring the composition are two oxen and an aged peasant outlined before a stucco farmhouse sheltered by a massive chestnut tree, the whole enveloped in a bluish-green atmospheric haze. Signed at lower right, F. CacHoupb Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches [ I1lustrated | 60 EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY French: 1804—1886 “i EIS. 79. THE JETTY In the middle distance at the foremost end of the jetty animated figures anxiously watching the sailing ships tossed by a violent sea; at the left a primitive lighthouse flying the “Tricolore”; in the foreground their women- folk, and fishing tackle. Signed at lower left, E. Isanry Height, 24% inches; length, 32 inches [ Illustrated | 61 CES AU Reals lee Italian: 1847—1915 80. BIVOUAC In a wooded scene a party of soldiery with their covered wagons; and in the foreground two picturesque mounted figures cavaherly costumed. Signed at lower right, C. Dertr Height, 29 inches; length, 36% inches [ Illustrated | 62 meen GOlTS CHARLES CACHOUD Yi French: 1866— 7 jon / 81. LANDSCAPE WITH STREAM We pp ee Oh Tagan , AGF. centring the composition a turbulent creek with massive pol- // larded willow trees; to the left a gabled wooden dwelling, a light gleaming from the upper window; before a greenish-grey sky. Moonlit scene; Signed at lower right, F. CacHoup Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches [ Illustrated ] 63 I Rigs 1 AeUs nO, Norwegian: 1847—1906 LANDSCAPE WITH STREAM Luminaristic rendering of a turbulent stream of sparkling iridescent tones, spanned by an arched stone bridge; at the right are red-roofed and thatched cottages fronted by lofty trees in autumn leafage. Signed at lower left, Frirs THAULOW Height, 32 inches; length, 39 inches From Boussod, Valadon ‘F Company, New York [ Illustrated | 64 2, | No. 82. LANDSCAPE WITH STREAM HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE French: 1841—1910 83. LANDSCAPE View of shaded water with a barge moored to the bank, and a small boat high-lighted in blue; on the far bank are gracefully arranged trees and vista of a chateau silhouetted against an ivory sky; at the left a mass of tangled foliage flecked by the yellow of the golden-rods. Signed at lower right, H. C. DELpy, and dated 1905 Height, 24 inches; length, 39V inches [ Illustrated ] 66 | PuGENE VERBORCKHOVEN Flemish: 1799—1881 84. LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP Before a rocky hillock by the sea scattered with poppies and heather are resting sheep with their lambs, at the right a prospect of ocean, under a deep blue sky banked with clouds reflecting violet tones. Signed at lower right, EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN, and dated 1857 Height, 29 inches; length, 39% inches [ Illustrated ] ; 67 MARTE “DEE E Rio French: 1860— LRIVENGGAL IL & Broadly treated with impressionistic realism, a view of wooded land with rustic bridge spanning a creek, over which cows and sheep are being driven by a mounted figure, some of which have strayed to the side and are fording and drinking from the water. Signed at lower left, Marie DIETERLE Height, 40 inches; width, 31 inches Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1908 | Illustrated | 68 EN CATTLE Driv 85. O N HENRI JOSEPH “HAR Pl GNeaiie French: 1819—1916 86. LANDSCAPE Great depth of undulating country with a faintly discernible watercourse. 4 Predominating the composition are towering elm and chestnut trees with s / qA0. sturdy arms supporting gnarled branches, framed by the grandeur of a vast , grey-blue sky flecked with cirrus clouds, la Wal YT ox y(t at lower left, Harpicnigs, and dated 1897 Height, 48% inches; length, 59% inches Awarded the Médaille @ Honneur From Boussod, Valadon ‘§ Company, New York [ Illustrated | 70 AdVOSANW’]T ‘98 ‘ON L-E O NoSeRo Galea French: 1847—1907 87. LANDSCAPE WITH FiGiense Under a cloudy sky wooded marshy meadowlands; in the middle distance a peasant girl with a rich red collarette, and distant vista of hills. Signed at lower right, LEon RIcHET Height, 32 inches; length, 39 inches | Illustrated | poe ALIN DE WATERLOO Poin Go VON (ROSEN French: 1843— In the foreground under cover are grouped the chargers and orderles of Napoleon and his generals; on the mound to the right, seen shrouded in misty atmosphere, the regal figure stands reconnoitring YL Signed at lower right, G. Rosen, and dated 1897 Height, 42% inches; width, 34 inches From Boussod, Valadon &§ Company, New York | Illustrated | ‘ CES ARE CE) SP Aer Sr ae French: Contemporary 89. LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES go. In a colorful landscape setting, a group of peasant girls resting from their labours of gleaning in an avenue of pollarded trees; at the right, glimpsed through hazy blue atmosphere, is a train. Signed at lower left, CEsar E. Parrein, and dated 1907 | Height, 24 inches; length, 31% inches O'T T OWsG Re see German: Contemporary LANDSCAPE WITH ANIMALS Richly wooded undulating landscape scene; in the foreground a racing hare and a dachshund, to the right a sporting figure carrying a gun. Signed at lower left, Orro GrasHery, Miinchen, and dated 1883 Height, 22 inches; length, 34 inches 74 Wee ol VU ND} MA DRA ZO Italian: 1841—1920 mea LOILET TE Half-length figure of a lady wearing a pale blue tightly fitting bodice, seated before a dressing table gazing into a tortoise-shell mirror which she holds in her hand; neutral dark background. Signed at upper left, V. R. Maprazo Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches [ Illustrated ] 75 L.U lSe A eee Spanish: 185I—-1901 92° EE JOUR 4 9 /) Mystical figure of an undraped nymph with flowing hair; neutral back- / * V- ground. ; Signed at lower left, L. FaLEro, Paris, and dated 1883 | ; Height, 39% inches; width, 20 inches [ Illustrated ] 76 GUILLAUME SEIGNAC rN a French: Contemporary JS fe.- 93. MYSTICAL FIGURE | dowap pth) Reclining semi-draped and winged figure before a classic architectural back- ground draped with old-gold hangings; at the left are two perched doves and in the foreground scattered roses and a leopard skin. Portrayed with fine flesh tints and an accurate rendering of values. Signed at lower left, G. SEIGNac Height, 69 inches; width, 38 inches | Illustrated | ; ay 94. JEAN GEORGES 3) 10 French: -1840—I1902 PSYCHE AND ZEPHYR Seated amidst verdure under a shading tree is the laureated and bronzed Zephyr embracing Psyche robed in a chiton, and holding to her lips a lute; at the left are goats and sheep, Signed at lower right, J. G. V1IBERT, and dated 1866 Height, 4 feet 7 inches; length, 7 feet 3 inches [ Illustrated ] 78 YAHdAZT UNV AHOASG ‘V6 ‘ON 95- 96. O7- WILHELM DE GEIGER aaa Swedish: 1842— LANDSCAPE Snow-clad scene of sombre tones, depicting to the right a windmill, domestic dwellings and leafless trees; centring the composition is an icy pathway with two figures, one in a blue, the other in a red coat, under a threatening sky. Signed at lower right, W. DE GEGERFELT Height, 25 inches; length, 41% inches From Goupil & Company, Paris EUGENE SAMUEL AUGUSTE FROMENTIN-DUPEUX French: 1820—1876 OASIS Vast expanse of desert under a tropical sky; in the middle distance sheltered by palms is an encampment, and to the left resting camels. Signed at lower left, Euc. FROMENTIN Height, 29 inches; lengh, 43 inches UNKNOWN CONTEM POR BACCHANAL Mystic rendering of a laureated Pan embracing a nymph with flowing hair amidst russet-brown tinted leafage, before a turquoise-blue sky. Signed at lower left with initials, C. A. Height, 45 imches; width, 27 inches 80 98. 99- 100. cet Sea OOS res ie Balad cad Gal Be American: 1856—1914 LANDSCAPE Autumnal-tinted scene, richly wooded in feathery leafage fanned by the breeze, casting russet-brown shadows under a stormy sky; in the middle dis- tance are three cottages, in the foreground a stream. Signed at lower left, E. Royat FIELp Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches Seer ot) Le OF REMBRANDT Dutch: XVII Century Perla BEFORE PHARAOH Composed within a mediaeval setting, the turbaned Pharaoh enthroned upon a dais beneath a canopy with the kneeling draped female figure before him in an attitude of obeisance; at the right the halberdier grasps the slave Joseph; at the left is an aged Bishop, and in the foreground various altar utensils. Signed at lower right Height, 201% inches; length, 30 inches MieeP HONS E VSTEN GEEIEN French: XIX Century COUP DE SOLEIL SUR KAAGERMEER Under a golden sunlit sky slightly to the left are farm buildings, surrounded by rippling water with boats; in the distance are two windmills and a spired church. Signed at lower left, STENGELIN Height, 25 inches; length, 36 inches SI |) werk a= , are am, ' . ( , i %) . ‘ ; | i g . = . ett ‘ ‘ i - ; ; : 5 ¥ Ve re y is t » | ; : ¥ ¥ - | . 44 y : ; f ; : | ‘i » . i eye | ” * : ’ a a2 _ - ; | - a2 Fe - Ne | ‘* = . | | : 4, =< t : : | @ ‘ 7 | 3 1 é es ‘ : a ; oem 7 \ J n, E S | . . 4 » ‘ 2 2 . 4 ‘ . 5 ‘ ia . fe : | | - ; | a7 : x » ; ) 7 i cel | : ts a Bick ‘ fig? 5 | | p ae 5 pier, : S. } Y 1 i‘ * b ik. Lee, fee : ms, + A a it na : a 2 Te a). a (x) = | Zi ee. ea Sp) A ed ; : ix ae =e = : ae o¢ : | s 4 AND THEIR WORKS Pee el DOE'S Co) LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ACHARD, Jean ALExIs Le Sentier ALLONGE, AucusTE Landscape with Figure ARTER, CuHar.es Farewell ASTI, ANGELO Ideal Head BARON, Henri CHarLes ANTOINE Comedy Scene BERCHERE, NarcissE The Mosque BERNIER, CamiILie Landscape with Figure BONHEUR, Rosa Highland Cow BRASCASSAT, Jacques RaymMonpD Animal Study BRETON, JuLes The Gleaners BROWN, Joun Lewis ‘Tréve CABANE, Epouarp Cressida 85 CATALOGUE NUMBER 18 23 39 sf 28 50 44 53 14 69 Ped 34 CABIE, Louls Vallée de Langerie CACHOUD, Francois CHARLES Moonlight Moonlight Scene Landscape with Cattle Landscape with Stream CAVE, JuLEs CyYRILLE Child Amidst Foliage COROT, Jean BaprisrE CAMILLE Landscape with Figure Landscape with Figures DAUBIGNY, Cuar.es FRANcOIs Small Landscape Landscape DAUBIGNY, Kart PIERRE Marine DECAMPS, ALExANDRE GABRIEL Le Voyageur DELORT, Cuaries Epouarp Courtyard with Figures DELPY, Hipecrvre: CAMILLE Landscape DETTI, CErsARE Bivouac DIAZ DE LA PENA, NarcissE ViRGILE A Nymph Landscape with Figure CATALOGUE NUMBER 24 a 33 42 83 So CATALOGUE é d NUMBER DIETERLE, Marte Landscape with Cattle AI Driven Cattle 85 DORE, GusTAvVE PAcEL Landscape with Deer 51 Pere ALY, L. A. Battle Scene 47 DUPRE, Jutezs The Farmyard 12 L?Approche de |’Orage a DUPRE, Lton VIcToR Landscape with Cattle 15 EBERLE, Apbo.Fr Spring 60 EGGENA, G. Falconry Scenes 20 Falconry Scene 31 Knight in Armor 38 FALERO, Luts Le Jour 92 FIELD, E. Roya. Landscape | 98 FROMENTIN-DUPEUX, EuGENE SAMUEL AUGUSTE Oasis 96 GEGERFELT, WILHELM DE Landscape es 95 GEBA, TEskE | Interior with Figures | 43 87 GOUBIE, Jean RicHarp Landscape with Horses GRASHEY, Orro The Playful Reynard Landscape with Animals HAQUETTE, GEorGEs Marine HARPIGNIES, Henri JosEPH Small Landscape Landscape HERRMANN, Leo Portrait of a Lady ISABEY, Eucene Louis GasrRiEL The Jetty JACQUE, CuHarves EMILE Landscape with Sheep Le Printemps JACQUET, Jean Gustave Portrait of a Lady JARDINER, J. Riverscape JONGKIND, JoHann BarTHo.Lp Skating Scene KAEMMERER, FREpERIcK HENDRIK Figure in Landscape LESREL, ApoLpHE ALEXANDRE Chasseur 88 CATALOGUE NUMBER 13 49 eTe) 36 Ze) 86 i 79 30 62 58 32 29 35 CATALOGUE NUMBER MADRAZO, V. Rarmunpbo La Toilette g1 MERLON, E. Grazing Cattle 45 MONTHOLON, F. bE Landscape with Figures 1 MOORE, H. Humpury ‘The Arab Chieftain 40 MOREAU, Cuartes Dutch Peasants 70 Landscape ne MULLER, CuHar.es Louts L’ Antiquaire The Scribe MUNIER, Emir The Spanish Lady 25 NOEL, JuLtes ALEXANDRE The Quay, Tréport 48 PATTEIN, César E. Landscape and Figures 89 PorlraANI. . Two ‘Tavern Scenes 4 REMBRANDT VAN RIJN [Scuoot oF] Joseph before Pharaoh 99 Landscape with Figure 87 ROBINSON, ‘THEODORE Landscape 54 89 ROSEN, GEoRG VON Le Matin de Waterloo ROUBAUD, -¥. Comrades SABATIER, ETIENNE Les Laveuses SANTORA, RUBENS Desert Scene SCHREYER, ApDoLPHE The Wood Cutter SEIGNAC, GUILLAUME Mythical Figure SHEARER, CurisToPpHER H. Landscape SIGRISTE, Guipo A Halt STENGELIN, ALPHONSE Coup de Soleil sur Kaagermeer STEVENS, ALFRED Neige 4 la Cote d’Azur THAULOW, Frits Landscape Landscape with Stream TYLER, James GALE Marine CATALOGUE NUMBER 88 46 26 72 he: a 2a 100 cy 76 82 16 gO CATALOGUE NUMBER UNKNOWN CONTEMPORARY Portrait Study ay First Proposal 56 Bacchanal 97 vVeNUERONCK, P. Birds in Landscape 6 Sheep in Landscape 9 VAN MARCKE, EmiLe The White Cow 64 VERBOECKHOVEN, EucENE Landscape with Sheep a Landscape with Sheep 84 VEYRASSAT, JuLEs Jacques Landscape with Figures 17 VIBERT, JEAN GEorRGEs Psyche and Zephyr 94 ZIEM, FE.ix Venetian Scene 52 Venetian Scene 67 gI ~, Mp AlS ALS b.O RK Pea STATES & STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES SxrpALOGUES OF PRIVATE SOE CUO NS Ce Fe ™_» HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and luterary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vate libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the cAssociation. @QUpon request the eAssociation will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appratsements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission and others in interest. MAE CAN ART ASSOCIATION = INC Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ar Naya ait » ri Sh uaa \ cee AS Mee dpe Eta a SS 3 Te ae ea te AR A AE gale 3a y ee 2. Se Yo oof = a OH Nera Rik ya Mt ar fs be del 5} fe Be Pee caer sh. ee ren rege Pere rs * oer ee b Fi at’ ee Tale. ab Fa Arey idiahkan. See alee hs | at rice oe Lew (pia ote ey Vv : ts ony PEG? wth ele : be iy eset a rena ioteib gh tart she ty peripheries net, aban mR Fak, 0) ha aie ‘athe Py WE aed ” ae q 4 fd a - sth a ¥ : ee ; ee Seta Mt tlc z f . : ae : x Muay es r >t tage & oA _ ee tags a : oe : Vie ae re fe 7 Se Caray rere ine ; : 1 a BOA Sa ee : a ” as aS i m : Watters ; op ae tie . ate ats es vw Bes ae t= c F SS fe 3 ioe Yo 8 : j ae HS a ots fs, ‘ : ; rai anf z ar E nae b= Are, Fake ot = Aue a . it Rs. g ae ts e : ee ee Fee re CEG EA ? ; ee ; J es iy ee id ae s: 3 Os Pret fp Mae) sey aos ae : ; : é ae hee . Nich Dei Balt Pn er LE eS Pie 5 Whe mat: walang oS ceccalls asSearng ot eiecmate are carpe grea eens ‘ a Teter sts Pte itera vise a etiteite tse Mat yt le af) alee ue sot ee gg a ee ae ete ee are ee :