O°: w LIBRARY _ Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. ee Fe secs Fae, Jf Bees lORS SALE Valuable Paintings, Mrs. BENJAMIN NATHAN, AND OTHERS, NOW .ON EXHIBIFION Fieauilt Art Galleries, 817 Browdway, Cor, 12th St. THEY WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION Clinton Ball, Astov Place, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY Ioth, 1880, At Half-past Seven o'clock. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. R. Somerville, Azuctzoneer. «*, Under the direction of S. P. AVERY, 86 Fifth Avenue, who will execute orders to purchase free of charge. x*x , 7 A r . y CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part pay- ment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in de- fault of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of whichthe Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Pur- chaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more cays, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the De- faulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same, This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO, A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEBRes Names of-the Sixty-nine Artists Represented in ALVAREZ. 71 ANDREOTTI,. 5 ACHENBACH, A. 75 BOUGUEREAU. 55, 59 BAUGNIET. 49 BERANGER. 39 BRUN. 4I BOUGHTON. 31, 43, 73 BARYE. 18, I9 BRUNERI. 6 BECKER. 70 BOHM. I BRILLOUIN. 20 BARON. 34 BRICHER. 53 CLAYS. 64 CoOL. 36 CAMPRIANI. 2 CUNO. 44 CHAVET. 28 CASTAN. 27 DupRE, V. 22 DE NOTER. 29 this Collection. —____+6o DE HAAs. 66 ESCOSURA. 30 GOUBIE. 33 GOUPIL. 52 GIRARDET. 42 GUNTHER. 17 GRAY. 25, 60 GREUZE. 10 GirroRrD, S: Ro 12, 33 HELLRATH. 56 HERBSTHOFFER. 65 HUBLIN. 57 HuE. 8 HEADE. I5 JACQUET. 35 JACOMEN. 13 JALABERT. 51 JACCOVACCI. JOHNSON, F. 4 KOWALSKI. II KOEKKOEK, B, C. 72 KRONBERGER. 9 KENSETT. 62 LASCH. 54 LINTZ. 9 MEISSONIER, C. 40, 74 MERLE. 47 MEYER VON BREMEN. 26,77 MEISSNER. 58 McENTEE. 21 OEDER. 67 PI0OT.-37 Pirror PESTELLINI. 3 ROBINET. 48 ROFFIAEN. 69 STEVENS,, J. 14 STAMMEL. 23, 46 TRAYER. 45 ViRY. 68 VOLKART. 50 VERLAT. 16 WAGNER. 63 WARD, C,. Gr 32 ZAMACOIS. 76 ZUBER-BUHLER. 24 CATALOGUE end _ AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O’CLOCK. 30HM (P.) | 9 x 12. i) CAMPRIANI (A.) rd =) Kuins of Pompei. = 9x 12, a : Head of a Hungarian. TO BE SOLD ON TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4OTH, Munich. 8s- A Ce, SR eed se als i -” ro . PESTELLINI (E.) A Good Idea. 5d 8 x1I. fo, 3 4 ‘ee JOHNSON (S. Frost) | a Pupil of Ed, Frére, ~ Abst Cook’s Assistant, : & x IO, JS 2 cd Sa ~ 3 ‘ : og ae | = ANDREOTTI (F.) | ee LLe a ‘The Rose. 8 x 10, ie BRUNERI (F.) The New Bonnet. 9X12. 7 LINTZ (F. E) The Blacksmith. tox 8. 8 HUE (Chas.) Pupil of Caraud. Merchant, (18th Century.) 13. X10, Paris. x) a Munich. 3 <> o Paris. 6S” Dey KRONBERGER (C,) reer Munich, % ae A Windy Day. IO X 12.- IO GREUZE (deceased) ae Study from: items | Drawing. | 3 12516, II eee "=. KOWALSKI (A. W.) rs a ead eet Pupil of Jos. Brandt. ) = The Retreat from Moscow. — ae 20 ene 3) eae I2 GIFFORD (S.R.) N. A. New York. : 2Z22o0. Indian Summer. 15 X 9. 13 JACOMIN (A. L.) Paris. Pupil of his Father. An Armorer’s Shop. TICC 1c. Z7 c?, 14 STEVENS (Joseph) Brussels. Medals 4552, 525572 Legion of Honor, 1861. Chevalier of the Order of Léopold. 4 G Sy Waiting. ED 1S. 15 HEADE (M. J.) New York. J Ze, Flowers. 16 x 20. 16 VERLAT (Charles) Antwerp. 9 ae Pupil of the Antwerp Academy. Medals, 1853, 55, 61. Gold Medal, Brussels, 1854. Legion of Honor, 1868. Medal Exposition Universel, 1878. Director of the School of Fine-Arts at Weimar Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Léopold. Dog's Head. Ge 10, 17 GUNTHER (Otto) Weimar. J ’ Sy Pupil of Preller. “! Medal at Berlin, 1876. Professor at Kénigsberg Academy. What's my Fortune ? Boe ed 18 BARYE (A. L.), deceased. Paris. Medal, 1831. SO, Legion of Honor, 1833. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1868. Born, 1795. Died, 1875. Study of a Bear. Water-color. 14 x IO. 19 BARYE (A. L.), deceased. Paris. Medal, 1831. ic Legion of Honor, 1833. Cian Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1868. Born, 1795. Died, 1875. Study of a ‘Tiger. Water-color. hex Oy 20 BRILLOUIN (L. G.) Paris. 7 i dais Pupil of re Medals, 1865, ’69 74. ‘The Disappointed Hunter. vena. 21 McENTEE (J.), N.A. New York, ALAS ‘The Deserted Homestead. 20 X {Z, 22 DUPRE (Victor), deceased. Paris. 2 Bo Pupil of Jules Dupré. Medal, 1849. Born, —~—. Died, 1879. Landscape. i Be ts bem Pupil of Picot. he Peach. 10 x 14, 25 New York. Born, 1819.. Died? 1677. 8S” Susanna. te ox at0: P31 Se at ae % ; 23 a | Sey STAMMEL Rii:) Dusseldorf. as . <2: en The Old Bible. ; 12x15. | F 24 , UBER-BUHLER ('.) Paris, . 26 MEYER VON BREMEN (J. G.) ae Pupil of Sohn. 3G va Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850, . 35, a : The Offering at the Shrinessaas : 6 x 8, : | 27 : 3 . CASTAN (E.) One 24K, Pupil of Drolling, The Cut Pinger 8! x ro}, een a CHAVET (Victor) Rs 7 Pupil of Roqueplan. 1 Medals, 1853, ’55, ’57. A = 3¢ Legion of Honor, 1859. ‘The Piano Lesson. | of } i Wale eat 29 DE NOTER (David) Brussels. : Listes Preparing the Feast. 16 x 12. 30 ESCOSURA (Léon) Paris: Pupil of Gérdme, Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic. G aoa Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Soldiers Playing Cards. (Room tx Haddon Hall.) Ueeel bs aI BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), N. A. London. Associate of Royal Academy. A Rainy Day. 3r0 Io x 7}. a Hie EE oa nay LN gl alt el oh o . ¥ Sa } ‘< ; = A a berg ony oC eT -s 7 - . Z * eek. ’ gt 32 3 Dee Force and Skill. f 10-X 12. Be WARD (C. C.) 33 ' ‘ L tts GOUBIE VJ. R.) Se Pupil of Géréme. : ; ‘Medal, 1874. Waiting for Master. — Pax Yo, | 34 BARON (H.) ae Medals, 1847, 48, °55. Legion of Honor, 1859. ri r Playing Bowls. ee Ls x 40, Seon af ae oe," fae . 35 me ecOuUET (J. G.) % id ee.” ; Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868, ’75. Girl’s Head. 105-13! 36 Pupil of De Keyser. _ Medal of Vienna Exposition, L873, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Checker Players. 14x 18, ia A ape] ss ae oe 37 + wy 3 PIOT ( Adclphe) The Brunette. rs. x 18. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Antwerp. 3 So A Sea ee Se eee ee iene om A ey wT ee A wy veld ae . - a Lert :: Bh, eee ae ee ~ 38 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A. Seite A Long Branch Bese i 19 X 9. 39 BERANGER (Emile) . ; 8 SO Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Z Medals, 1846, ’48. es The Rising Artist. "TO ae: | 40 ~ MEISSONIER (Charles) Pupil of his Father. = (meme Medal, 1866. ~The Armorer. 18 x 21. AI BRUN (C.) Paris. Pupil of Picot and Cabanel. , Medal, 1868. 2G Ss God Will Return it to You. Toe Lo; 42 GIRARDET (K.), deceased . Paris. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1837, "42, 755. Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. 2 Se Grand Medal of Honor of Prussia. Born, 1810. Died, 1871. Landscape. Fj ON GEN 43 BOUGHTON (Geo H.), N, A. London. Associate of Royal Academy. The Millers Daughter. 37 Ad CUNO (P.) lowers 1 Larw27. — * 7 ee ae, ee Re ol a ‘ “ P a. ‘ oan. ‘mh. ae maw a ot Reale tere > ira ’ oc 45 a TRAYER (J. B.) Pupil of his Father. Medals, 1853, *55 (E. U.) The Good Sister. | ‘ : 22 x 29. : oor, ae eat. pe v" + AO as Sees ae STAMMEL (E.) Duss C 2s” eae Money Lender. A ie aie ea ais PUSS a t 1 \ “a ws wa ~ os - ip ers ses Roce yee aS 47 MERLE (Hugues) Paris. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861, ’63. Legion of Honor, 1866. e€gion O ak I 4 oO ed. Evangeline. lp oe oye 43 ROBINET (?.) Paris. Pupil of Messionier. Medal, 1869. ~ Lake Lucerne. Se, . Seow TO. 49 BAUGNIET (Charles) Paris. Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1865; Vienna, 1873. G Bo - Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium; of Isabel the Catholic ; of Christ of Portugal, and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe. The Tired Drummer. 19,x 25. 50 VOLKART (Max.) ; Brussels, S4EO, ‘The Council of War. PN ole Gaye SI SI JALABERT (C. F.) Paris. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1847, 51, 53, 55 (E. U.) 67 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Christ Blessing Children. 30. sigh 23 a2 52 GOUPIL (Jules) Paris. Pupil of A. Scheffer, is Q¢d .; Medals, 1873, 74, ’75. Second-class Medal (E. U.) 1878, Ready for the Promenade. IQ xed, " Do BRICHER (A. T.) New York. On the Mississippi. 275~ Bo ho 23, 54 LASCH (Carl J.) Dusseldorf. Pupil of Kaulbach. Medals at Berlin, Dresden, and Vienna. Prof -in the D Idorf Acad ; rofessor in the Dusseldor cademy Ce ns Member of the St. Petersburg Academy. The Evening Song. 48 x 36. 2D BOUGUEREAU (W. A.) Paris. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Dredals 1555 (Ee. U:)1857, 67 (Ez, UU.) Z VA Legion of Honor, 1859. So, Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, Exposition Universel, 1878. Crossing the Stream. 4I x 64. Gyo id = areas id ab 8 SADA o © 3 we ta Lines meee ei ee Oe i ., ¥ ,. = % ave * : a> ve * -> Rs a : f - a yp ie hs x ive : ; : ; At : ine oo en a . 4 es ; HELLRATH (E.) eo Sie oe The Road to the Conventais 56 x 40. 3 Hees “a a HUBLIN (E. A.) a \) 9S : Pupil of Picot. Honorable Mention, 1877. Reflection. 93040. es \ 58 : : :: ts : ‘ ees MEISSNER (G.) ee. = z Medal, Dusseldorf, 1866. E Ss | C Bee. ewe, Sheep in the Snow. _ 50 x 30. 59 BOUGUEREAU (W. A.) Paris. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medals, 1855 (E. U.) 1857, ’67 (E. U.) 2 Jou, Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, Exposition Universel, 1878. Mother and Child. BOI ce G7 60 GRAY (Henry Peters), deceased New York. Born, 1819. Died, 1877. 4802, Immortality. 36 x fo. 61 PILTZ (Otto) 7 Weimar, Stripping Feathers, (Old Woman's Home at Weimar.) fe pod Sen 37 X 25. 4 SO pe ae oe Oe ee Te ; ; me ‘ ce ele kh See wee | ) 62 | an KENSETT (J. F.), deceased New York. | ar Born, 1818. Died, 1873. Lake Conesus, Neaya 36 X 24. mk} WAGNER (Jules) | iota The Birthday Party. ag Bh a W's CLAYS{2.4 Medal, 1867 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1875. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medal, Exposition Universel, 1878. Were of Holla _ 34 x 22. Te nef oe 2 “7 eS 7 . _ HERBSTHOFFER (Chas), deceased. patie Medal at Vienna, 1873. ; A Ko a> The Sorceress: s 20% 27; nn ; 66 | | SDE HAAS (M. F. H.), N. A. New York. : : Sunset, Isle of Wight 6 Sone 36 x 18. 3 J { 5 _ OEDER veo ; Dusseldorf, arn Landscape. Pisce i : wii G | 22 Rae 37S, Zoo, 68 VIRY (Paul) Pupil of Picot. ‘The Miniature. 24 : 20. ; aaa 69 Aes . eee ROFFIAEN (F. J.) | Edge of a Woods (near Dinant). — 17 X19, — >, BECKER (Q.) A Westphalian Peasant. eae “dite 71 ALVAREZ (Louis) Rome. Cupid and Psyche. Da bps (2x 15. v 72 KOEKKOEK (B. C.), deceased Amsterdam. Pupil of Schelfout. Medals, 1840, ’43. £60 C2, Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of Netherlands, and Leopold of Belgium. Medals at Amsterdam and the Hague. WKY R 0 pe Born, 1803. Died, 1862. Winter in Holland. 7% x 6. fie BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), N. A. London. Associate of Royal Academy. Winter Twilight. J 02 144 x gb. 74 MEISSONIER (Charles) Paris. Pupil of his Father. Medal, 1866. Sa oO. Coast of Antibes. LOX 1! 75 ACHENBACH (A.) . Dusseldorf. Pupil of Schirmer. Medals, 1839, 55, ’67. IG oO Legion of Honor, 1864. Knight of the Order of Leopold. Medals of Prussia and Belgium. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Amsterdam, and Antwerp. Moonrise—Bay of Naples. 21x De 76 ZAMACOIS (Edouard), deceased. Paris. Pupil of Meissonier. * “PS Site Medal, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universel, 1878. Born, 1842. Died, 1871. The Rivals. 12x 16. Ci ek pen , EER VON BREMEN (.G) Ss Berlin, ae Pupil of Sohn. Gold Medal of Prussia, 18 50. ai 100. | The Lesson. 125816; ! 2 = fe, ity i hes = va i ™ : a ay as Pa a i . ¢ a ~ e wr id i : ; hy 4 he is) se ‘ 7 As ¥ ib ¥ . ws 5 ;e F - » » 6” Pac “a wT co) Vit dP a heh ed re | iH Y ne ¢ orb ba as asissaie ome Ce IN 14 hale oad Oe QPS RS 5 get ‘ ey See re ee te . > i 98s pepe 4S (a ep) Pxeye he ay. 4s bohie, 414 re eh 4 op aprre yh oe be kg are oy ee $5 bw pegs 99549046 chy A) Btn sel m #obmyd byte a «64 = a" o ate 6 pad oe ese nt ed : ope, by eee Pea » wi 8) 9686 Oat Oe wept ep r sree rer ar ee esate ole Ou b+ , 4 a es ghowge oie y* \ 1 I ‘ ’ . f Pr Pee | ile: 7 " " the bots ay. 1 $(8 bay aif pees x uy here pet oe) mes is ing ; : / ‘ " La j ‘ ' Fe ta ae vgspeet ine wrerrte me esgay Oe pcegindeitheesra Shlale oi eet i ache a et htt Benen jen ho in 4 nibs pT the Rete . . : pa ees . ; i erate. } - - aad { ARIK) HL ot me 4 J é “ : a iid epee fe al j ; fe Seine tet oat ; , + . wags . T's } bs at, 4A yeah SR eee Oo) oie ; he } ; Die ; Brat ott rete é co Navan sets Y 7 : +i Y pay am gerd as Bree ays 14 AN Le MY BH apa . , sy arae oe prion heh ae ae te . vor p . Lise Sra anad r : Melons Ubhe p4sve zh iv ele $ ea ALA, E . hed pee a 2 i peewee: "eee 1 ; rede ry a oe ysdeiriniey - rb cok coe)