<2 te ee oo Bi ee LN ee Te eae Se Sher sie Ay ERS Re a eres OL SOE AO A CEE OOD Re Bree See eee mee comes ws he oe ae ae ts ao ® Penge Se ty HLS Pe Ae gn), a * Vie Vibe ire ot a o¢ 4 Ae tit he ain pe > a ara eae rier ee ee ee a eat dee Poult hry Spat te OE We RS ee we ne "Sa a a) eet Be Nee ges ee : Veratra Gitetia y* SRA 3 See A i eh, oon cer 7 nets”, Wuke eis ¥ © MK fi ane x ; fe, r" pt Ae G4 ‘ pam Tre! ¢ P biti BOO Raab ateg 4 y + ee - f ‘ é ‘ yak nl De As Wr . ‘ ’ Tidy Sree Se tht 4 4 , 7 F # » abe * 4 Da. t ‘ w Vtea ws fy ‘ ¥ | > ” a ‘ $ iw 4 ’ i é vy Ss . me de ¢ cw n. iy * a - 4 * * * Y ‘ 4 Sy 4 - * “ , Syn ar *. . } r oa fw * ‘ a ’ ef Me 4 A i a ’ CF ENE Ut Sf a ” ey 4 ) ¥ Me : : , ‘ d rh Pere : be! Shan I $ : « 7 ra ys 7 * * 4 4 , é 4 AY “y yr 2 m ~ : x 4 ‘ .« oy ‘ ke ¥ & ‘ "ns te an wes ’ 3 ‘ 3 ‘ ~ “ « a) ba » 4 ~ y ’ 7 v * 4) ? ‘ P ‘ ue ‘ q of “ oh welt Vim) * ‘ qh Bs A i awe 4p get walt tia " u = ’ e dle a) Ni! a ‘Sen é * : : ¥ yay A o ( - A % 4 ' nih, 20taety j Ae ‘ het ee ie dha Upp ak p ES “ ~ wed Hingin ¢ . ws “Wei ety [astaly te a. Or hie gee peg . n sas 3 20 ' “ * be ? Ps 2 é he _ 9% » ie de * a anu : ns ’ * ree a . ’ é he 45% % wat 4 ee , i - Head and shoulders of an ethereal young girl with flowing gold hair portrayed in profile, of delicate contour; before a background suggesting dense foliage. % Dive / Signed at lower left, J. J. HENNER Millboard: Height, 15 inches; width, 10 inches Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger GUY CARLETON WIGGINS, AN.A. American: 1883— 42. SAIL AND STEAM of Oe | by yt oy A number of fishing boats and a steam trawler are moored along the quay, Co while in the foreground, row boats are tied up. Along the shore a con- © ‘clomeration of buildings is hazily outlined in the sunshine of a summer day. _ Signed at lower left, Guy C. Wiccins Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Property of a Private Collector MORSTON REAM XIX Century \/43- FRUIT AND WINE Wit On a table covered with a white cloth, a silver dish of green and purple grapes, peaches, a knife and a glass of wine. Signed at lower right, Morston Ream, and dated 1883 KS: Height, 12 inches; length, 15% inches Sold to close an Account 4 HENRI JOSEPH HARPIGRae French: 1819—I1916 44. LANDSCAPE UNDER A DAWN SKY Ci Ww. Clark Rugged mountains of brown tinted grass dropping in the centre down to a O- winding stream, the rounded outline of an old tree with its heavy foliage silhouetted against the faintly lightening sky, with its scattered dark clouds - tinted yellow underneath. On the left bank in the. foreground, the figure of a man with a dog. Signed at lower left, H. Harpicnigs, and dated 1900 | , Height, 14% inches; width, 18% inches Sold to close an Account [See illustration | 28 45- $0. 46. SO. 47. bO. JOHN GEORGE BROWN, NA. American: 1831—1913 IN THE SWING Wh Is B. Wolliusg A little girl in a mauve dress, sitting in a swing facing the observer, under the shadow of atree. Behind her a dense curtain of foliage. Signed at lower right, J. G. Brown, N.A. Height, 14% inches; width, 10 inches Property of Mrs. R. C. Veit GUSTAVE WIEGAND American: 1870— LANDSCAPE mM .2. Fc Rolling grassland, with trees and low farm buildings and a vista of fields of wheat, the bright morning sunshine casting long shadows on the ground. Signed at lower left, GusraveE WiEGAND Height, 11% inches; length, 16 inches Property of a Private Collector meee OROSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. American: 1840—1896 > mand AT THE FORD =WA, I Meadow landscape, the grain tall and green and topped by trees encircling a small cottage and an old windmill. In the foreground, the path runs down to the stream; at the edge of the water is a man carrying a gun, accompanied by two dogs, and talking to two darkies in a cart drawn by a tandem. Signed at lower right, A. WorpswortH THompson, and dated 1876 Height, 10 inches; length, 18 inches Property of Mrs. R. C. Veit 29 Toe -EDOUARD RICHDER French: —1913 | | 48. VIOLA pars POC ; i i i Head and shoulders portrait of a dark-haired young woman, facing left, her 2 } tad head turned towards the observer. ‘The sitter is clad in a scarlet cloak and cap | | A) Ae with twin feathers. Dark green background. } i : i Signed at lower right, E. RicHTeErR, and dated 1881 f | | Height, 19Vs inches; width, 14 inches Property of Mrs. R. C. Veit | M. G. WY WTO Riser | Polish: 1861— | ; / 7 19. FISHERMAN AND BOATS — (\ Qo : | On the stones bordering the river’s edge in the cold morning light ggands the | Pg EDL: of a fisherman in white shirt and rolled up blue trousers, a basket slung | ip > ¢ over his shoulder and his back to the observer; facing him a long line of tiny a sailing boats moored along the bank. Signed at lower right, M. G, Wywiorsky, and dated 1885 Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches Property of a Private Collector WILLIAM LOUIS SONN PAG American: 1822—1900 50. NEAR FARMINGTON LAKE, MAINE Ud“AAa. At the right rockery and a tangled growth of ragged trees rising before the dark descending shadow of the mountains behind, and falling slowly to the " 0. left in a gray mist overhanging the lake. At the left, among the rocks and shoals, the figure of a fisherman. Signed at lower left, W. L. Sonnrac, N.A. Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Property of a Private Collector 30 EMILE VAN MARCKE 5 French: 1827—1890 51. CATTLE AT POOL ¢. Cw. C eolcy In the foreground, three cows standing nearly in profile to the left, the two SS: white ones with their hoofs immersed in a reedy pool of water; at the right is a fourth animal sitting in the grass. In the distance, the scattered figures of the remainder of the herd. Signed at lower left, Em. Van Marcxke Charcoal drawing: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Sold to close an Account [See illustration ] 31 52, Lo 53: 30. 54. Us Tb AS IDM AN Ores i WM uf gag Ms Century é ¢ TONAWANDA CREEK, NEAR BATAVIA, N. Y, The stream curves away from the left foreground behind a grassy bank wes a , at the left, on which cattle are pasturing beneath a group of oak trees. At the right the open ground rises, a white-walled cottage being visible in the middle distance. “The sky is of vivid turquoise. | : Signed at lower left, T. Easrman Jones, New York Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Property of a Private Collector ee Ree . a Wad’ m¢ ein se ie, Century LANDSGAPE VAT CA Ieee. Open rolling plain with trees at the right by a reed- se pool. In the right foreground are five cows. : Signed at lower right, T. Ricr % Water-color: Height, 21% inches; length, 30 inches Property of a Private Collector CHARLES C, CUR KAN Saag American: 1861— CHILDREN AT PLAY ‘MW... 4 ha A rousing game of sliding down a haystack dismantled by the wind: and the players, three small girls and a boy on a dull autumn afternoon, Signed at lower left, CHarLEs C. Curran, and dated 1896 Height, 18 inches; length, 20 inches Property of a Private Collector 32 SANFORD R. GIFFORD, N.A. American: 1823—1880 ss. LANDSCAPE —_ FL, TAL, Hanwrese fs The shore of a lake, seen to the left, sandy and fringed with trees; in the 0 , distance a broad vista of blue hills under a sunny sky flecked with clouds. Signed at lower right, S. R. Grrrorp, and dated 1871 Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Property of a Private Collector ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. American: 1836—1892 56. FOREST IN THE ADIRONDACKS Wr. oA Terry ‘The dense forest lies in a profound slumber and a stillness hovers among the trees. A russet carpet of autumn leaves covers the ground and the reigning . [ 6, semi-darkness is occasionally broken by faint patches of golden sunlight upon tree trunks and leafage. Signed at lower right, A. H. Wyant Height, 13% inches; length, 18 inches Property of a Private Collector FRANCOIS GUIGUET French: XIX Century 57. GIRL WITH DOLL Or. Ca 4 Lug Leaning over the back of a chair, the figure of a child in bMe, with wondering brown eyes, holding in her left arm a doll. / 2 ©, Signed at upper right, F. Gurcuer, and dated 1926 Height, 18% inches; width, 13 inches Property of Miss F. Hawkins, New York 33 | : WILLIAM WILD i British: 1830— —————————————————————— i/38. OLD CITY € | A river flows through the centre of the scene into the fdréground over the three arches of a stone bridge; at left and right the houses and sloping red 40 roofs of a Spanish town, with the square tower of a church at the left end of 0 the bridge. In the distance, mountains. Signed at lower left, W. Witp, and dated 1873 Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches EMILE LOUIS VERN French: 1831—1887 Sold to close an Estate 59. BLANCHISSEUSES AU BORD DE LAME Among the rocks and shoals of the broken shore the figures of four peasant women in dark clothes, washing linen. In the distance the open blue sea aed 4 +» under a cloudy sky. Signed at lower right, E. VERNIER Height, 16% inches; length, 27% inches Property of a Private Collector ETIENNE BERNE-BELLE OCG French: hea 60. ARTILLERY MANOEUVRES IN BUSY, Ata A snow-covered road leads up across the white earth to the top of a hill, on : which is perched a village; before it a battery of artillery firing to the left. 50. In the foreground, two officers in dark blue uniforms, observing. Signed at lower right, E. BERNE-BELLECOUR ‘Panel: Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches © Property of a Private Collector 34 a — 61. 2 7 e 7 62. + 60. 63. (60. An Bs “DORAN 'D French: XIX Century taNDscape IN savoy (+, @. Wwtute In the foreground, green meadows with scattered oak and beech trees and figures of brown and white cattle pasturing; a broad calm river crosses the middle distance. Behind it a wooded rise and the gray silhouettes of moun- tains against the summer sky. Signed at lower right, A. B. DuraNpD Height, 14% inches; length, 24 inches Sold to close an Account JULES WORMS French: 1832—1881 + AT THE COTE DOR WW : ¢.. Z ndla Before the casement of the inn, with its pot of flowers, is a table at which is seated a cavalry officer in green and pink uniform, his helmet and sword laid aside; the inn-keeper’s wife engaged in drawing the cork of a bottle of wine for his use. A second officer is in the doorway, with his back to the observer. Water-color: Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches Sold to close an Account GEORGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 A FRENCH VILLAGE ‘iS te Low-lying brown land, with a river crossing the foreground? behind which is a cluster of houses topped by the square white tower of a church; to the right rises a low hill divided into fields. Dark sky with storm clouds over the rise. Height, 16 inches; length, 17% inches Collection of Alexander Barrie, Esq. Sold to close an Account 35 64. JO. 65. Xo. JOHN HANSON .WALKER Contemporary PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL Bust-length; a wistful young girl with reddish-gold coiled hai to the right and wearing a filmy flowered blouse, painted before a back- ground of feathery foliage. Signed at lower left, J. Hanson WALKER, and dated 1902 Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger EDWIN .LORD WEEKS ‘American: 1849—1903 MOORISH EXTERIOR ls Sketch of the facade of a Moorish building, with a triple window surmounting a Moresque doorway with figures at the left, the right foreground occupied by a shadowed portico. Height, 22 inches; width, 18% inches Edwin Lord Weeks Collection, American Art Association, 1905 Property of Mrs. R. C. Veit MEYER VON BREQVEYN German: XIX Century YOUNG GIRL READING “WW, is ce Cottage interior, a fair-haired young girl seated at a table and reading frm a huge volume, lighted by the sunshine coming in through a window filled with plants at the upper left. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger 36 Ye Ke ") 7" 5 ‘a q 7 Mm xg YR Se Se a Si ‘ee ee W—, Tate ce ge smgol JEAN GEORGES VIBERT Fi d KINDLY CARDINAL : W. 7 67.0 440 “Elegant Louis Seize interior with the figure of a cardinal in rich crimson robes seated by a desk upon which the small child whom he fondles is stand- ing; at the left is the stalwart figure of a maid in picturesque costume. Signed at lower left, J. G. ViBERT Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger [See illustration | 37 JEAN, JACQUES HE. French: 1829—1905 68. SEATED NUDE AWA Before an evening background of brown foliage patterned against a blue sky . at the right, is seated the rounded nude figure of a girl with auburn hair, her * ei back to the observer and softly molded by the sunset light. Signed at lower left, J. J. HENNER Board: Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger [See illustration ] 38 ELE SP IS ETT IRET =< ee Meet AM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. American: 1849—191 NUDE SEATED Chy——“~nre. Seated on a green cushion, her left arm resting on a plinth covered with a green drapery, and her back to the observer, is the nude figure of a young woman with dark hair dressed high, beautifully modeled before a neutral wall. The pose is easy, the left leg being drawn in and tucked under the right. Signed at lower left, Wm. M. Cuase Pastel: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches Sold to close an Account [See illustration ] 39 Giek: po LS. - PORTRALS we WeLALY SALVATOR LASCARI Italian: Contemporary Sold to close an Account ROSA BONHEUR French: 1822—1899 TWO BUFFALOES a ey Finely drawn figures of two sturdy an as one in profile o the left, aa other facing half-left. a ee . 2 a Signed at lower right, Rosa BonHEUR aa Charcoal drawing: Height, 201% inches; length, 31 inches “$y Seal mark on back, Vente Rosa Bonheur, 1900 Sold to close an Account JAMES "GALE W. OL A AK . GENTLEMAN IN A GREEN COAT ¢&. a OD gre (i Waist-length portrait of a cavalier in black velvet, white lace collar pea green satin cloth, with long curling brown hair and moustaches; holding in his left hand a cane and gloves. A ’ | ~ Ce, CY - Height, 36% inches; width, 292 inches Signed at lower right, C. Derr Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger 47 84. WOODLAND LANDSCAPE BOS, CHARLES EMILE JACQUE French: A meadow at noon with a thicket of trees in the central foreground, in the shadow of which are sheep, a brown and a white cow and the figures of the herdsman and two peasant women, the last seated on the ground and preparing for the midday meal. “The woodland in the right background extends across, breaking at the left into a brilliant turquoise sky over a glimpse of blue water. Signed at lower left, CH. JACQUE, and dated 1866 Panel: Height, 18% inches; length, 28% inches Property of Mrs. Charles S. Haight [See illustration | 48 ower eR INAND MONCHABLON French: 1855—1903 g eo . 85. HAYMAKING: NOONTIDE Wore | Shr 2A A wide sweep of pale green meadow, the plait extending to low blue hills / in the distance, the horizon dropping and rising again by a green wood at the extreme right. “The long vista is dotted with beehive-shaped mounds and ragged uncut patches of grass and the figures of haymakers—men and women. LA UU, ~. PO ” in @) igned at lower right, JAN MoNCHABLON, and dated 1888 &% - ~ ~ 7 : Height, 33% inches; length, 49 inches Paris Salon, Premier Prix Property of Mrs. Charles 8. Haight [See illustration ] 49 CES A-Reb iD eltat Italian: 1847—1915 86. THE CASTLE GARDEN WW use & Se Formal Italianate garden scene with the limpid blue water of a lake flanked by lofty trees catching the fleeting reflections of the sun. In the foreground by the sedan chair are cavaliers and court ladies in gorgeous raiment and at the right a boatman conversing with a seated maid, Signed at lower left, C. Detrr1 Height, 26 inches; length, 33 inches Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger HENRI LEOPOLD Lea French: 1840—1904 87. END OF THE COMBAT hou. ii 10 Landscape, with rocks towering up at the left and the sea in the distance. In the foreground, two tribesmen; one standing with poised scimitar, his black coat flying in the wind and about to dispatch his helpless enemy, who sprawls on the ground, his sword broken, between the fallen bodies of their horses. Signed at lower left, HENr1 Levy, and dated 1870 Height, 31% inches; width, 25% inches From William Schaus, New York Sold to close an Account 50 The following ten numbers comprise a group of water-colors by Mr. F. Hopkinson Smith, with glimpses of riverside and meadow landscapes on the Thames, and views of Lucerne and Venice. F. HOPKINSON SMITH American: 1838—1915 V ss. By swirr waters, Lucerne £. ,[/f- MeClep The broad swirling river flows under the massive round pillars of the old . covered bridge with its thatched roof and pointed turrets, leading to the high U+ O, town at the right, with roofs in a turquoise sky. Signed at lower left, F. HopKrnson Smiru Water-color: Height, 24% inches; width, 14% inches Sold to close an Estate e V 80, VENICE: WASHING DAY, WITH A GLIMPSE OF THE SALUT A narrow cobbled alley with pink walls on either side on which a line of washing is hanging; beneath are the figures of women, one with baskets of &5- vegetables. At the end of the street can be discerned a section of the Grand * Canal with the dome of Santa Maria della Salute. Signed at lower left, F. HopKrnson SMITH Water-color: Height, 25 inches; width, 16 inches Sold to close an Estate V9. HARVEST TIME, PIERREFONTEYy 9 7 Yellow stubble dotted with scarlet poppies and four small sheaves; under the awe shadow of one, two women resting. Behind in the sunshine are green fields, with a row of three sturdy haystacks. Signed at lower left, F. Hopkinson SMITH Water-color: Height, 13 inches; length, 24 inches Sold to close an Estate 5! / 91. OLD BOAT HOUSE NEAKSONNING L0G In the right foreground, the riverside path running away behind an old » thatched boat-house into a mass of green trees in summer leafage, a row boat 35 ¢ with a red cushion moored by the near shore. ‘The broad river stretches smoothly away from the left middle distance to the farther bank. Signed, F. Hopkinson SMITH te. He, S . 5 " ‘ { | W ater-color: Height, 121% inches; length, 23 inches Sold to close an Estate _ FRUIT MARKET, VENICE S. a. | / oe hing ached ith Clowes ‘The open market beneath the blazing sun, with tented booths of fruit and vegetables, vendors under black umbrellas, and passers-by on the edge of a g 0 ‘ tumbledown barn-lke building. In the left foreground an empty carriage with shafts in the air. Signed at lower left, F. Hopkinson SmiruH Water-color: Height, 17% inches; length, 25% inches Sold to close an Estate / 93. OLD BRIDGE, LUCERNE Usrnrw A view of the swiftly flowing river at greater distance, the old covered bridge with its timbered roof and pointed turrets crossing to a white square tower at the left. Blue summer sky above. 3 « » * Signed at lower left, F. Hopkinson SmiTH Water-color: Height, 25 inches; width, 16 inches Sold to close an Estate wee LATE HOURS N Ta f A Venetian canal disappears away from the left foreground under a bridge between lines of low houses, bending sharply in the right foreground. On the quay, before an old house, are piles of beached gondolas. A monotone of black and white. Signed at lower left, F. HopKinson SmitrH Pastel-monotone: Height, 181% inches; length, 27% inches Sold to close an Estate Ys. SONNING MEAvows (Joy. On the right broad rich pasture land meeting trees at the horizon; a line 5S of brown willows fringes the calm mirror of the river in the middle fore- 6 Pak ground, with its pale reflection of the clouded blue sky. Signed at lower left, F. HopKrnson SMIrH Water-color: Height, 21% inches; length, 29 inches Sold to close an Estate on see tH. tt. ba Clea ©. The foreground is occupied by the smooth waters of the ‘Vhames, which disappear away in the left centre between masses of green foliage. In the right foreground, before a bank piled with bushes and undergrowth, is the figure of a fisherman in a punt. [4o6. A BEND IN THE RIVER Signed at lower left, F. HopKrnson SMITH Water-color: Height, 21% inches; length, 292 inches Sold to close an Estate \/ 97. STILL WATER, SONNING lbs, US , CL 35. The broad placid sheet of river fills the foreground, a tangled mass of bushes jutting in at the left. ‘The farther shore runs diagonally away and is crowned behind with a belt of trees enclosing a grass meadow and kitchen garden. ree Signed at lower left, F. HopKINson SMITH Water-color: Height, 21% inches; length, 29% inches Sold to close an Estate JULES (FER Ray French: 1844— \DEERVATOA SEREAM dy Ha nn Group of a brown antlered deer and two\Vfawns, nibbling at the green branches of a low spreading tree and with their fetlocks in the swiftly run- ning water of a shallow stream. Signed at lower right, JuLEs Ferry, Parts Height, 38% inches; width, 27% inches Collection Henri Bulla, Parts | Sold to close an Account SIR GODFREY KNELEDER “(scaccaes British: 1646—1723 THE DUCHESS OF RUTLAND We wow Graceful figure in a red gown with white sleeves, with a bluish-green cloak draped from the right shoulder, painted at three-quarter length, seated and facing the spectator. Landscape background with dark trees. Height, 48 inches; width, 3734 inches Sold to close an Estate 54 HENRY MOSLER, N.A. American: 1841— 100. JUST AWAKE pre-e ¢ Co ‘ Before a roughly plastered white wall, pierced by a wooden barn door, a D. child in a blue frock is seated on a bench holding in her arms a doll in a _ pink dress, her fair-haired little sister in white standing beside her. i a oe : Signed at upper right, Henry Moster, and dated 1889 Height, 42 inches; width, 18 inches Collection of J. N. Batis, New York Property of a Private Collector KARL VAN ARBAER German: XIX Century meter Viwhsuee + os. BO y AND GIRL On the rocks by a brook, amid luxuriant tropical foliage, is a gypsy boy; and seated at the left a fair-haired girl dressed in white, holding up a blue scarf and looking up at a small brilliantly plumaged bird. Signed at lower left, Kart VAN ARBAER, and dated 1872 Height, 44% inches; width, 32% inches Sold to close an Account 55 102. | 0. / 102: PoRAN Re Me 1B OG Gre American: 1855— CANAL Al TAARFLEGR E r) At left and right the shops and houses of the town with old halfMimbered supports, and the walls of the canal converging sharply towards the single arch of a low bridge; behind it, from above the pointed gables rises the crocketed Gothic spire of a church. On the water in the left foreground four sailing boats. Signed at lower left, Boccs, Harfleur Height, 24 inches; length, 42 inches Property of Mrs. Charles 8. Haight E.. A SU ae English: Contemporary PORTRAIT OF 4 LADY Wy, Orrcob atu, Three-quarter length facing half-left, in eighteenth century costume of blue striped dress edged with pale blue, long gray curls and black feathered hat; before a dark red drapery. ‘The right arm rests on a fur wrap over the arm of a chair. Signed at lower right, E. H. SuPLEE, and dated Lonpon, 1903 Height, 50 inches; width, 40% inches Sold to close an Estate HECTOR LOUls DE. French: 1829—1900 HERCULANEUM, 4.D. 79 {4 6 In the foreground, a group of young girls in white robes rocky eminence, two grouped about the figure of a patrician lady reclining in a chair; around them are objects hastily saved from the city. In the middle, below, the walls of Herculaneum, and behind, the towering mass of Vesuvius, emitting flames and dense smoke. Signed below, Hecror Leroux, and dated 1880 Height, 34 inches; length, 54 inches Property of a Private Collector 56 W. E. WEBSTER Contemporary "105. THE MASQUERADE Wn. ( A marble portico open to the sky and hung with curtains. The stone floor is crowded with a group of revelers in masquerade costume, pressing in ' through the door from the garden with torches. A gallant is kissing the hand of a shepherdess while Harlequin bends his staff above him. Signed at lower right, W. E. WEBsTER a 2 Height, 50% inches; width, 39% inches —~ = . - ae Lies - ~a ” Bronze medal, Paris Salon, 1914 = Z ~ _ Property of the late George C. Heimerdinger WILHELM FREY German: eet thts F 606: CATTLE IN THE HIGHLANDS S Brown, white and fulvous cattle in the foreground, with a huddled group Vg _ of sheep, in the rough pasture. Behind are sheer masses of rugged rocks & D towering into the sky. . Signed at lower right, WitH. Frey, MUNCHEN Height, 43 inches; length, 59 inches Sold toclose an Account ENGLISH SCHOOL 107. PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN A BROWN COAT, WITH DOG Full-length seated figure facing half-right and clad in brown coat, scarlet waistcoat and black knee-breeches, his head turned towards the observer. (SO. He is caressing with his left foot a brown and white sheep dog, seated at the right and looking up at him. Height, 63% inches; width, 54% inches Property of a Private Collector 57 i. p* ee oe =i Dee Ist OF “ARTISTS ae "AND AND THEIR WORKS ca of ath é i > - ne oly ce ee | : ad. ti Fas ée =. F —) > el ae * So % Z i i | coe » > uw a te ’ Ego: ¢ Georce, N.A. the Swing E trait of a Young Lady . E, Wiiuiam Merritt, N.A. Nude Seated 61 CATALOGUE NUMBER Il 102 71 45 10 69 CATALOGUE. NUMBER CHIALIVA, Luica1 Church Interior Sr CHURCH, Freperick Epwin, N.d4. Volcano at Sunset } 9 CLAYS, PauL JEAN Dutch Fishing Boat | 2904 j COROT, Jean BaprisrE CAMILLE Cattle Pasturing 27) | CURRAN, Cuartes C., N.A. Children at Play 54 | DETAILLE, Epovarp Dragoon Resting 20 Bi DIC Ie eCEsARE Gentleman in a Green Coat : 83 The Castle Garden 86 POE WAN ACE Reno: Coast Scene . ; Qo DOMINGO, S. Summer Gallantries ee DUPRE, Juxes Pool in ‘Twilight 8 DURAND, A. B. : Landscape in Savoy 61 ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Man in a Brown Coat, with a Dog 107 FAULKNER, HeErspertr W. Piazza di San Marco rs 62 1 geo ay : 1 { i | | q -NRI JOSEPH P in nder a Dawn Sky oe ; 5 ANS i. Dutch Interior with Two Figures . nd EAN Jacques Young Girl with a Book ; ‘ogi aaaaes n “ee eked IFMAN, A. : _ Two Farmyard Scenes = 63° 4 Artuur, 4.N.4. eS ar . g of the Wood "hia Tts 106 t7 12 44 CATALOGUE | NUMBER JACQUE, CuHar_es EMILE an Le Cochon ; 23 Sheep in Barn ~ 80 Woodland Landscape with Sheep $4 JONES, T. Eastman Tonawanda Creek, near Batavia, N. Y. 52 KENSE ISIS eat Autumn Landscape 6 KNELLER, Sir GopFrey [ScHooL oF] The Duchess of Rutland 99 KNIGHT, L. Astron ; Old Abbey at Saint Sauveur 26 LASCARI, Satvator | Portrait of a Lady | : 70 LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, P.R.A. [? ] | Portrait of a Young Girl 25 LEROUX, Hector Louis | | Herculaneum, A.D. 79 | 104 ) LEVY, Henri LEOPOLD | End of the Combat 87 , | MEISSONIER, Ernesr ) The Meeting 14 | | The Bivouac 18 . MICHEL, GEorGEs . A French Village 63 | MINOR, Ropertr CRANNELL, N.A. Adirondacks 23 MONCHABLON, Jan Ferpinanp Haymaking: Noontide 85 64 - “NUMBER 100 21 32 34 43 53 48 74 31 y Swift Waters, Lucerne | : Washing Day, with a Glimpse of the Salute 89 ean sst Time, Pierrefonte 90 Be Jid Boat House near Sonning Rock 91 Fruit Market, Venice 92 ae Old Bridge, Lucerne 93. 65 CATALOGUE NUMBER SMITH, F. Hopxinson—Continued | 2 . a Late Hours ; 94 — Sonning Meadows | = 95= A Bend in the River 90.9 Still Water, Sonning 97 4 SUPLEE SoH. 7H. gaa Portrait of a Lady “103m TAMBURINI, A. Dominican Father 24 THOMPSON, A. Worpswortu, N.A. At the Ford 47 TIMMERMANS, L. Fishing Vessels 3 40 TYLER, James GALE i Sunday in Port 72\q VAN ARBAER, Kart | Boy and Girl IOI VAN HUYSUM, Jan Still Life 25 VAN MARCKE, EMILE j Cattle at Pool Son VERNIER, Emit Louis Blanchisseuses au Bord de la Mer 59 VIBERT, JEAN GEORGES Portrait of a Cardinal Reading 27 A Kindly Cardinal 67 VON BREMEN, Meyer Young Girl Reading 66 66 fea CATALOGUE : NUMBER 64 105 65 46 78 58 62 he Die cridacis 56 ,M. G. 1 and Boats & 49 IS, esis 0 Water-colors 16 67 ie ee ae Rte a ~rere wes to a eae ent ke a es aire ode sae pa: vo ‘> APPRAISALS FOR Seri OLALTES & STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES Cet eeweawES OF PRIVATE SOpLECTIONS CLAP ™,_s HE American Art -Association, Inc. will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vate libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the cAssociation. GQ Upon request the Association Will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC -Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK b nS COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY rhe Rey, 20 cain SSL ie eres ere aya Liens PP Seat) cag Cana \ . ‘ Alig’ ' : . ‘ ‘ ) \ # wt rn i ¥ é ; ‘ a . s ass hme & ‘ i fies > aitsin es j £ 1. ‘ yah Ve A aR #8 RESEARCH INSTITUTE HANMNO NUNN 3 3125 01663 > : aT Fitet Ss aby - +. eres . aries 34? tse 3 4 ate Sse apnea ory a) ee tie BEERS S sf ofspeeca ses TA Peers Bras 4: tors FSars arate glee pede meme aie a ts * thes i ne abe Geen Spee Spe «. ts recite} terse tite ss sie: Pate. = it tres Sart als eatatar tees sass aly if nie potar ats ieihe tet) : ae arte Ee bf i i) ieee He sestet tf xf 385! iat iat pets ? Bs i oe ieee ‘ i {3 ret Ba peerery staqiesetar tte 4 PERC Peat tht OEMS hese Heateutittgeir dee ite ane oe Teele uannett tirieiis ; pele ty ~ foes ences Ser eote: ware, Stay ese ate Cotarst Bett i nie ssa = ns oe sie 3 ig tht se ic 44 Tier, . 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