Collection of uable Painting: BY THE bes FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES be 546 Fifth Avenue, New York és Corner Forty-fifth Street UE ART GALLERIES LE PAINTINGS CIENT AND MODERN ed AT PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS 2 ae February, Ist and 2nd, 1912 Beginning each evening at eight o'clock THE ALEXANDER PRESS 114-116 West 27th Street New York cate? 2 VP ae yey ae b 4 ee y ™ 5 J i ae Ks ee » Te . > oe en OF ~ VALUABLE PAINTINGS | _ MODERN AND ANCIENT MR. EDWARD BRANDUS AT THE Fiery Avenue Art GALLERIES 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 1, 3, and 5 WEST 45th STREET THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. JAMES P. SILO CONDITIONS OF SALE. oi The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute 2 arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall 2 +3 immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and resold. oe 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense ue BB risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of | _ purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delive™: in default of which the undersigned will not hold himse responsible if the lots bu lost, damaged or destroyed, but ty will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whgther genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; THe Firrh AvENUE Art GALLERIES not being a responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authen- te ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. _ 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the | money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots . uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. _¥ * Names of Artists - Bompard, Maurice, ~ Bonheur, Rosa, Boucher Francois, Brown, John Lewis, 2 pg edie +§ Caille, Leon, Cazin, Jean Charles, ; Chabry, Leonce, Charlet, Franz, ~ Bs Chartran, Th., Coello, A. S., Cotes, F., ‘Dahl, Dauchez, A., ee a a re er ae ered De Keyser, Th., Delpy, C. H., LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED ~ AND THEIR WORK. Bonnington, Richard Parkes, Bouguereau, William A., Brascassat, William A., No. in Subjects ~ _ Catalogue Grand Canal, Venice ....... 130 ES tGMri pee tem area ste, Ceeeteay econ ats 107 PCCRM De oe ocak, PP ete See 88 IPAStOrale ie aie eis he aes 63 PEN ATOIN ©. ba os ne oom wens 113 CMe err. ee ty oi oon ais 53 REAEVES tat cere ce Te ats wee 80 Grandmother’s Birthday ..... 94 Houses in Construction..... 61 The “Village: Jascses 6 x'y eee 121 The Hut of Coast Watchers. .123 PAROS os vcieeees ec. wae 6 Woman Peeling Vegetables.. 30 Children: Playing sy. se nasa 34 SW Seouis bested oii alee toes 127 Peston... 2 ks cae ee 125 Infante Isabelle Claire ..... 25 Duchess of Lancaster ....... 13 POrtral tae ie we cae elo 81 October Morning ........... 55 Chestnut’ Tréest ote. ie 28 Ortrsait men re a kolneit te. ate 79 TREVOR CONE oe wis asc ates 126 No. in Names of Artists Subjects Catalogue Desa -Cruz,*Ps Portrait... >..-tan shea See 18 De Troy, J. F., Nicolas’ de Catinat > 5 epee 40 Mademoiselle de Sery....... 56 Duchesse de Nivernais....... 65 Detti, C., The -Troubadours:c. eee 102 La’ Fosca-.... .. 325 135 Diaz, de la Pena, Narciso, Smyrnote Children ......... 31 Children Fishing=s.2:he) ee 44 Forest of Fontaineblean..... 100 The Fortune Teller ........ 117 Landscape. . «2.9/0 eae ene 120 Dobson, W., Portrait \y; Aicoseee oe 77 Drouais, F., Marquise d’Imfroit ......... 92 Duplessis, J., Portraits 220 ene eee 103 Ede, F., The Stone Bridge..........: 1 The Old} Miles See 2 A : Landscapes tance 26—— Cows. snobs os5 oben ee 32 Ruins »sicieees see ee eee 72 Landscape" 3.4055 pat aes 82 Village <\. sci qian eee 91 Farm ak Ses ee ee 96 Francia, Domenico, Virgin and Chiltu3.eeeeeee 108 Gerard, Le Baron Frangois Caroline -Bonaparte.....J... 139 Graner, Luis, Brooklyn’ Bridge. -a2eaeeee 3 Street. of Peniscola, Gee 9 Starting of the Fishermen... 24 Harbour of Barcelone....... 71 Rocks of Peniscolas.cs eee 140 Guardi, Francesco, Two Venetian Views ....... 50 Harlow, G. H., Miss O'Neill: eee 106 Harpignies, H., On the Mediteranean Shore.. 67 River Loire. s..5 2 eee 133 Leas: “Isabey, L. G. E, eee (po ordaens, i Kavel, M., - Kneller,, Sir Godfrey, Kratke, re _ Lagrenée, F., Lancret, Nicolas, Lawrence, Sir Thomas, Lely, Sir Peter, Linford, Lopez, Ve ‘Marieschi, J., Mesié, J., PieMosier, H. Natoire, Ch.,, Netscher, G., Oudry, J. B., _Palamedes, A., No. in Subjects Catalogue PeCOU us odo cee Galena hae ee 39 Pree... Sei CONE Pe 132 MOP DE peti es Sivas weeds 83 SOHe* SnMIS PIECES 6 es. 4 os 111 diatpour of Fécamp ........ 118 Shepherdess and Her Flock..131 WOODS oe eG 8 6 cine pain dee ee 22 (AUR MAL OTS ie Nes spe fons tbo 109 ePamuy Concert aise. scs aks 138 Young Lady ........ eee It POODEALAGY: cacy ches et pred s 93 Perpew. 8 <<. ee py ene Ghee ai PEnee CUATRO vice ccd ss ved aces 84 Mile de St. Aubin .......... 70 Le Galant Jardiniere ........ 116 Miss Toward sce ac cvne +s 39 Countess of Dorchester..... 43 PanGscape 0053 S50 eee vce 73 POCA eg ad ooa Shs nto ieee 36 Ducal Palace, Venice........ 122 French Village .......... i ext2 Clam: Fishing 22.0 a0. aero 78 Mother and Child........... 47 fapaiy ti ee ee ee a pee ee 68 PP AYE ea ods ted sy tos aoa 1. 48 Portrashs 4 waa Cece us 110 The Baptism ...........005- 75 Names of Artists | Perret, Aimé, Perugino, P. V., Pourbus, P., = Ramsay, A., ‘Rasenberger, R., Ribera, Don Juan Antonio, Richet, Leon, Rivas, A., Romano, J., Sanchez-Perrier, E., Santerre, J. B., Savery, R., Sidaner, H. Le, Thaulow, Fritz, Tiepolo, D., Tocqué, Louis, --Plucking Roses ........ ‘Gray Palace at Venice.......129 Teniers, David, (The Younger),The Studio of David Teniers. 38 ak -Landscape in Correze....... 57 River Dordogne 1s safle nga ane Mile de Clermont Rene Gk es 2° Field Labor... i. scene French Peasants at Home. S Virgin and Child .......... Portrait...) gene Portrait: ... 220 pene ete Portrait Lop | Farm is pee Old Man... .535 (5 a50ene Sunset on The Pool |... 50sec epuiee Virgin and Child ........4¢23 == c River Scenes.) teiee eee ee Portrait: oi. 0.(cgs aa ee Winter “Scene —. 5.0 ee ‘94. | Harbour sof St jeans... 4aeer io Church at Dieppe i.... guages River in. Brittany «a3. Windmill: ....4....5.¢e3e eee River Arcques “(5 .0eeqess see Allegory veereiin a Se Marquise de Méziéres..:.... 95 are ames of Artists —~« c Be fF ’ Tourniéres, R., yer, J. B., an Beers, J., an Loo, Carle, Ps Fan Mierevelt, M. J., Jan Mierevelt, Peter, Von Sternberg, J., Van Thulden, Th., Verspronck, Jan, _ Vestier, Antoine, Watts, F. W., 4 ae $ Weiland, Zorg, No. in Subjects Catalogue Duchess de Chartres ........ 62 Madame de Boticourt ....... 112 Feeding the Bird......... Ge LO Peace with Honor ......... 137 Beatrice de Cussange....... 12 CHIN OMIT ose co's Soa wie earl Thee Toast’) cy: ices: ee TG be> 75 a arg. ah GL eo 99 Madame de Vaudreuil....... 58 Madame de Soubise ...~....114 Madame de Vaudriéres ..... 124 Dame Cornelius Van Hooft.. 45 PORTA me ier eo. ic ne arene Ses 52 Landscape and Cattle........ 51 mriclemisn beast... si cis es cae 60 Orta as ie re ts 54 PNG GET thers ce nc cc aera av aeeie 86 Madame de Colande ........ 17 Welsh: Landscape -.:. 5 <.0.5 5» 15 GACENECOIRIVED one ly eee 115 Preparing for Market ....... 87 Dutch edntertone sr. as. os Stee 40 FREDERICK EDE - Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Robert ‘Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at the Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Uni- _ versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. THE STONE BRIDGE = Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches ay ¥ FREDERIC EDE Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Robert Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at the Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Uni- versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. 9 THE OLD MILL Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches ‘LUIS GRANER Barcelona BROOKLYN BRIDGE Height, 30 inches; width, 38 inches ROLAND SAVERY ( 1576-1639 WINTER SCENE > ~ width, 29 hes inc . ? Height, 18 inches v 1646-1723 ent on Wht dey eed ace ee: ee ee elle wth Se eek ay LORD ARTHUR CECIL HAMILTON LEONCE CHABRY Born at Bordeaux, 1832 LANDSCAPE rr} Height, 23 inches ; width, 29 inches i } y - UNKNOWN ite. Sixteenth Century ELIZABETH ANN MANNERING | ‘Height, 19 inches ; width, 16% inches PETER POURBUS 1510-1583 PORTRAIT OF ETH © COURT LADY OF QUEEN ELIZAB inches width, 29 , Height, 40 inches le LUIS GRANER Barcelona STREET OF PENISCOLA width, 24 inches Height, 38 inches . ? LOUIS TOCQUE SN Paris 1696-1772 10 /ADEMOIS Eee ee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches MARTIN KAVEL Paris YOUNG LADY Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches LEN wey O | ee: . a : e ee > al Cie a7 ae. a] a i PA 3} A : Be ere : < ae E 2 20 a Te jaa) 2 z a4 a Mies 0 ) ies. 4 j - England 1726-1770 PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESS OF LANCASTER Height, 3536 inches; width, 271% inches A. RIVAS Rome — 14 TURKISH SCENE ‘\ mt e Height, 26 inches; width, 39 inches fA FREDERICK W. WATTS “ 1800-1862 * WELSH LANDSCAPE inches width, 50 ° > Height, 40 inches C. VAN DER LAMEN Antwerp 1615-1651 - 16. THE TOAST. Height, 19 inches: width, 27 inches 90 1740-1824 MADAME De COLANDE Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches | ie ee PANTOJA DE LA CRUZ 1551-1609 18 DONA MENDOZA DE LA CERA~ ~~ f ~ Height, 50 inches; width, 38 inches AIME PERRET Paris : Metals Salon 1877, 1888, 1889 — Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours THE FERRY MAN Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches a ee i “sa SPANISH SCHOOL XVI. Century 90 VIRGIN AND CHILD Height, 17 inches; width, 1234 inches War. ALLEGORY Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches ? Collection of Baron Lazzaroni, Rome Qe MAURICE JACQUET Paris 22 THE PET PIGEONS Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches 1499-1546 “VIRGIN AND CHILD - width, 3134 inches Height, 4114 inches LUIS GRANER Barcelona 94 STARTING OF THE FISHERMEN — Height, 25 inches; width, 32 inches ee ee x ga * (ALONZO SANCHEZ) _ g Spain 1625-1690 INFANTE ISABELLE CLAIRE Height, 80 inches; width, 44 inches ” sr 5 FREDERICK EDE Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Robert Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at the Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Uni versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. te 96 _—~*LANDSCAPE AND RIVER | Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Height, 33 inches; width, 22 inches AIME PERRET Paris Medals Salon 1877, 1888, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1893 His Salon picture of 1879 was bought by the French — Government and placed in the Musee du Luxembourg. — Other works by Aime Perret, purchased by the French Government are in the Museums of Carcarsonne, Cha- _ lons-sur-Marne, Morlais and Nantes, and the city of — Paris acquired his painting, “L’Aieule.”—Princess Ma- a thilde purchased Perret’s Salon picture of 1876, “A & Christening in Bourgogne.” ; I8 ~BARBIZON INTERIOR Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches | FRANZ POURBUS > ; | Antwerp ; Pee 1570-1622 MARIE DE GONZAGUE _ Height, 52 inches; width, 42 inches Poo FRANZ CHARLET 80) WOMAN PEELING VEGETABLES a Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches —= Se — '. an, a > Paris 1808-1876 ' Medals Paris Salon 1844, 1846, 1848 OO, Legion of Honor 1851 SMYRNOTE CHILDREN "Height, 9 inches; width, 1134 inches FREDERICK EDE Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Re : Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the U versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. a x 39 COWS CROSSING A STREAM Height, 24 inches; width, 29 jaches. meee SFE SP og RR 2” are ge — P = ‘ ar ES aap ep en: 2 ETM POO ee ee ee a ae at _ PERUGINO (Pietro Vannuci) 1446-1524 * _ VIRGIN AND CHILD 34 CHILDREN PLAYING IN THE SURF ~ neheal? Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches 1769-1830. MISS HOWARD Height, 38 inches; width, 28 inches VICENTE LOPEZ 1772-1850 2e THE GARLAND OF FLOWERS _ Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches 23 Born in Norway, 1847. Died in Paris, 1906. Gold _ Medal Paris Exposition, 1900. Officer of the Legion _ of Honor, 1901. me te as, THE CHURCH OF DIEPPE NI in FD A Ne A A A Ne tT NN Se - oe 2 “to al 1 * Lal a a : / ® *. 1. j i. “Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches ‘i . f 3 , Antwerp 1610-1690 38 TH STUDIO OF DAVID TENIERS ~~ =< : Collection Comte Nesselrode, Mascow Height, 32 inches: width, 25 inches J. J. HENNER Paris 1829-1908 HEAD width, 20 inches Height, 24 inches . ’ Paris 1679-1752 ‘ AO . NICOLAS DE CATINAT Marechal de France Height, 231%4 inches; width, 30 inches ~ _ JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE | Paris 1658-1717 ; PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 36 inches ; width, 30 inches i ae 1567-1641 _ DAME CORNELIUS VVAN HOOFT \ Height, 46 inches; width, 40 inches oe ZORG AG DUTCH INTERIOR > a Height, 21 inches; SEEN 30 inches ‘ + HENRY MOSLER MOTHER AND CHILD aE ae | n Vv G inc width, 22 . ? Height, 28 inches GASPARD NETSCHER > 1639-1684 48 PORTRAIT OF. A LADY —— Height, 45 inches; width, 33 inches R. RASENBERGER a ON THE FARM ft er | FRANCESCO GUARDI ~ Venice 1712-1793 eel 50 TWO. VENETIAN VIEWS s Height, 714 inches; width, 11 inches _ J. VAN STERNBERG gia 1767-1814 See LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 2314 inches; width, 314 inches y PETER VAN MIEREVI Li Delft : 1595-1633 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN ; Height, 45 inches; width, 33 HS : a : an J. R. BRACASSAT - France ' } } 1805-1867 First Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1837 P een, Legion of Honor, 1827 CATTLE | a Height, 22 inches; width, 32 inches a JAN VERSPRONCK ~ | Holland 1597-1662 Pupil - Franz Hals. Master of Haarlem Guild, 1632 : 54 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches 7. = A. DAUCHEZ SC ae ss OCTOBER MORNING es Height, 23 inches; width, 29 inches ca 02 0 FRANCOIS DE TROY Paris 1654-1730 . 56 MADEMOISELLE DE SERY Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches _ FRITZ THAULOW Born - Norway, 1847 Died in Paris, 1906 Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901. LANDSCAPE IN CORREZE Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches CARLE VAN LOO Paris 1705-1765 Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches - AIME PERRET Paris _ Medals: Salon, 1877, 1888, 1889 f ioral Legion of Honor, 1893 sis Salon picture of 1879 was bought by the French Government and placed in the Musee du Luxembourg. Other works by Aime Perret, purchased by the French Government, are in the Museums of Carcarsonne, Cha- —lons-sur-Marne, Morlais and Nantes, and the city of Paris acquired his painting, “L’Aieule.”—Princess Ma- thilde purchased Perret’s Salon picture of 1876. FIELD LABOR . Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches TH. VAN THULDEN Born in Antwerp 1606-1676 Pupil of Rubens. His works resemble those of his. master more than those of any other pupil of Rubens. __ eps A FLEMISH FEAST Height, 48 inches; width, 62 inches p , = rg. 7 f 3 A> Ky t 4 I iy he $ * eee CHARLES CAZIN Paris : ah sate Salon, 1880 tg. ae of Honor, 1882 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1889 HOUSES IN CONSTRUCTION Height, 30 inches; width, 26 inches a ROBERT TOURNIERES Paris 1668-1752 : 62 DUCHESSE DE CHARTRES Height, 44 inches; width, 33 inches Slew ‘FRANCOIS BOUCHER i Pride LD ty De Se wine el ta te Reta ea In he 1703-1770 PASTORALE hes imc ; width, 3114 Height, 2914 inches 64 HENRI E. LE SIDANER Born at Port Louis Mauritius, in 1862. Member of. y the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts. Paintings by, 7" Le Sidaner are in the Luxembourg Museum and the Petit Palais, Paris. Medal, Paris Salon, 1891. Uni- versal Exhibition, 1900. Medal, Second Class, Camaay Institute, Pittsburgh, 1906. oe i HARBOR OF ST. JEAN a Height, 2914 inches; width, 37 inches ‘FRANCOIS DE TROY : ees | eer ) is ‘Paris: . yoo. «1654-1730 : DUCHESSE DE NIVERNAIS 4 Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches LEON RICHET Paris 1839-1907. Pupil of Thee 66 . SUNSET Height, 22 inches; width, 32 inches oy we a HENRI HARPIGNIES| | France ee 1819- RT pte er ge ti ne ee " ai we \ ae ¥ a nit ae 4 = st ' Eerosrs” a = te” ory ily % > Ny CHARLES NATOIRE Page 1700-1777 68 MADAME DE JULIENNE Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches 7, n Soe <8 a & > = < te) & 220 4 a Ree ee 3 & Oo = ; \ ay on 3 Pees G5 4 = ea g << a Zz, om 4 2 ae : < am Risies ; O oa a | = : ‘Oo + . a a : . a aaborirt cima Bp wo oe Bll Se elas " r ae cele am a base cients FRANCOIS LAGRENEE> Paris 1724-1805 re 70 | MADAME DE ST. AUBIN _ Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches ae FEBRUARY 24, 1912 _ Beginning at 80 papel LUIS GRANER | ae Barcelona an ag er} Rene STE ED Te REY ee £ _ n ey ee & P HARBOR OF BARCELONA Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches SES: SRLS Fee, 02 FREDERICK EDE Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Robert a | Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at the Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Uni- ae versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. AREY, a9 RUINS . vi Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches ia London LANDSCAPE Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches AIME PERRET Paris Medals: Salon, 1877, 1888, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1893 His Salon picture of 1879 was bought by the French = Government and placed in the Musee du Luxembourg. = Other works by Aime Perret, purchased by the French ' Government, are in the Museums of Carcarsonne, Cha- lons-sur-Marne, Morlais and Nantes, and the city of Paris acquired his painting, “L’Aieule.”—Princess Ma- thilde purchased Perret’s Salon beni: of 1876, 7.4 Christening in Bourgogne.” “4 FRENCH PEASANTS AT HOME Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches S _ ANTHONIS PALAMEDES t er (surnamed Stevaerts) ie : ‘Delft ~ . 1601-1674 ‘THE BAPTISM i: ee Height, 32 inches; width, 45 inches JEAN BAPTISTE TRAYER- Born in Paris, 1836 Pupil of his father and of Lequien. Medals: 1853, 1855, 1889. His works are in the la Rochelle Museum _ and “The Fruit Dealer at Quimperle” in the Luxem- |] yourg. = 76 FEEDING THE BIRD Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches ‘WILLIAM DOBSON TS gop London Oh te oie al ne PORTRAIT OF A GIRL Height, 29 inches; width, 25 inches ; Rite hier th ees, san onc en ena, Reale TE ae ae J. MESLE ease Paris wea Died 1910 Legion of Honor 48 CLAM FISHING . Height, 28 inches; width, 34 inches _ THOMAS DE KEYSER { Amsterdam 1596-1679 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEWOMAN Height, 34 inches; width, 26 inches JOHN LEWIS BROWN Born at Bordeaux, 1829. Medals at Paris Salon: 1855, 1866, 1867 80 HARVEST Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches re MICHAEL DAHL 1656-1743 81° ~— PORTRAIT OF R. BOTTELIER, ESQ. ¥ Height, 28 inches; width, 24 inches - FREDERICK EDE Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Unie versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. > ae 7 82 LANDSCAPE AND RIVER Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches hes inc 3 width, 1534 hes 4 1nc : I. B. HUET Paris 1745-1811 PASTORALE , 213 ht €1 H ee ee ~ i yet ihe LOUIS KRATKE Paris 84. ‘THE CHARGE Height, 2434 inches; width, 20 inches PEE Ss a AIME PERRET Paris | { Received several medals at the Paris Salon. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Hors Concours. __. The French Governmnet acquired a number of his works for the Musee du Luxembourg and for other museums in France. ee a ee ee ee ee ~eerermmeuees a wisnaenes , * € or + iS ‘ 85 PLUCKING ROSES é Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches . 86 JAN VERSPRONCK Haarlem 1597-1662 Pupil of Franz Hals; Master of Haarlem Guild in 1632. His works are represented in the Amsterdam and — Berlin Museums, the Old Pinakothek, Munich and the Hemitage, St. Petersburg. Spent some time in France, where he painted portraits and enjoyed a great reputa- tion. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Height, 4314 inches; width, 3034 inches hes width, 22 inc The Hague f ip ! WEILAND PREPARING FOR MARKET Height, 16 inches 7 “Ns asl a Oye Oe ee ee ane ris, ie ern sap: ot 1 ak Aes ; oe a ¥ o . [00° > RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON 1801-1828 88 PORT OF FECAMP Height, 3334 inches; width, 44 inches __-E, SANCHEZ-PERRIER Paris. RIVER SCENE Height, 10 inches; width, 16 inches LEON RICHET Paris 1839-1907 Pupil of Diaz a 90 THE POOL Height, 22 inches; width, 32 inches ve ~ _ FREDERICK EDE SE i 0 Yad { Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Robert _ Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at the 2, _ Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Uni- versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. VILLAGE IN NORMANDY Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches FRANCOIS DROUAIS Paris 1727-1775 92 . MARQUISE D’°IMFROIT Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches is i :: | MARTIN KAVEL \ Paris YOUNG LADY Height, 29 inches; width, 2334 inches i LEON CAILLE Paris 94 | GRANDMOTHER'S BIRTHDAY Exhibited in Paris Salon Height, 24 inches; width, 32 inches CQUE width, 24 inches . ? ‘ LOUIS TO Paris 1696-1772 i QUISE DE MEZIERES ht, 30 inches Heig Sry at Nae : Sig ean RATAN. aS NSA Sry ee a FREDERICK EDE Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Tony Robert Fleury and Bouguereau. Received First Prize at the Exposition in Montreal, 1891. Gold Medal at the Uni- versal Exhibition in Chicago, 1893. vce Fs 96 FARM HOUSE ON THE RIVER Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches Tee 2 ORR en! On a he ee by lee ee ee . Pas % er Co eee inches JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE width, 26%4 . ? 1658-1717 inch PORTRAIT OF A LADY es Height, 33 is: Meg ae a Ges é a. BR ~~ a » Sea oes ae ae CP MN or Oe eae ee a ee ; : ti i AN yg lent nal aS, inde dks ; Di tae eh hae ; ‘a ae a Wee eA Pat ae =) De — 1 i —— =o a Fa Sc a ote = - - - ; ~ ae a ~ “eee eee FRITZ THAULOW Born in Norway, 1847. Died in Paris, 1906. Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Officer of the Legion © of Honor, 1901. ar i 98 RIVER LAITA IN BRITTANY Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches VAN DER LAMEN 1651-1651 CAVALIERS inches width, 27 . , Height, 19 inches *, NARCISCO DIAZ DE LA PENA | es 1808-1876 Medals: Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 100. FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches “Oe ofrak CORNELIS JANSEN VANCEULEN 7 i i Holland . 1593-1664 ete PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL ee Wee e- Height, 26 inches ; width, 21 inches pe | ; CESARE DETTI Born in Rome a Pupil at the Academy of San Luca, Rome; studio in Paris. He is represented in many famous Privat collections in this country. 102 THE TROUBADOUR Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches S@egOsePH DUPLESSIS = = 1725-1802 | 2 ‘ne PORTRAIT DE MR. DUCIS Secretaire du Comte de Provence Height, 46 inches; width, 38 inches ~~ F FRITZ THAULOW Born in Norway, 1847 Died in Paris, 1906 Legion of Honor, 1901. 104 WINDMILL GEORGE HENRY HARLOW Born 1787 in London. Died 1819 | Pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Royal Academy * 106 MISS O’NEILL Celebrated Actress at Covent Garden Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches 107 ROSA BONHEUR Paris 1822-1894 Medals: Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer, 1894 LION Height, 18 inches; width, 21 inches No. 456 in Catalogue of Rosa Bonheur Sale ae Tf Ben ee DOMENICO FRANCIA Bologna _ 1702-1758 108 VIRGIN AND CHILD Height, 51 inches; width, 3934 inches Collection Baron Lazzaroni, Rome Pine J. B. JONGKIND a - < ; Stee Paris x nme CN oe ONE ot > oo 1819-1901 Ree : ee Ba . i Born at Latrop, Holland. He went to France while ee oe _ very young and settled in Paris. oe Res: a pis: “Pupil of M. E. Isabey \ (eee Medal, Paris Salon, 1852 $9400 «29 THE SKATERS 5 | ae . Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches ; JEAN BAPTISTE OUDRY Paris 1686-1755 _ Pupil of Largillieré Director of the Royal Manufactory of Tapestries a Beauvais. Professor at the Academy of St. Luc. 110 PORTRAIT OF THE COUNT DE TESSIN Height, 48 inches; width, 38 inches LOUIS, GABRIEL, EUGENE ISABEY u ra ee 4 re Cae 3 Pe ope Paris 1804-1886 . THE SMUGGLERS Height, 15 inches; width, 18 inches Lae ROBERT TOURNIER Paris 1668-1752 112 MADAME DE BOTICOURT Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches _ WILLIAM A. BOUGUEREAU ae 2: ~~ 1825-1905 Prix de Rome, 1850. Received Medals in 1855, 1857 and 1867 - th in fe, : + bees i Legion of Honor, 1859 _ Member of the Institute of France, 1876 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876 ae Medal of Honor, 1878, 1885 , Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885 e143 THE VIRGIN Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches ey, Paris 1705-1765 114 dth, 20 i ight, 24 inches; wi He ON THE RIVER Height, 40 inches inches: width, 50 > ——— NICOLAS LANCRET Paris Serta 1690-1743 BE ca LE 116 LE GALANT JARDINIER ye Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches DIAZ DE LA PENA | ‘Paris 1808-1876 Medals: Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 THE FORTUNE TELLER | —s Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches LOUIS, GABRIEL, EUGENE S Paris : <= ie . * 1804-1886 Pupil of his father, - Baptiste abe : : : Medals: Paris Salon, 1824, 1827, 1855 : ‘ Legion of Honor, 1832 Officer, 1852. 5 ; 118 THE HARBOR OF FECAMP Height, 35 inches; width, 50 inches TFs 22 a, FRITZ THAULOW Born in Norway, 1847 Died in Paris, 1906 Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Officer of the Legion of Honor 1901 119 RIVER DORDOGNE Height, 28 inches; width, 34 inches (120 NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA , Paris | 1808-1876 LANDSCAPE Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches wm = (3) S oo“ (=) be | oe + Me) 3 . > 1840-1900 CHARLES CAZIN THE VILLAGE JEAN Height, 16 inches st a. a Readies Ares ie tn. Vee MDE ik ts 7 22 = Yy dth, 36 inches _ 1711-1794 26 inches; wi ’ Height <- EAN CHARLES CAZIN I ot 1840-1900 _ THE HUT OF COAST WATCHERS width, 25 inches . > Height, 22 inches Paris 1705-1765 124 MADAME DE VAUDRIERES ay ; Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches { OD Do aa r ; a Collection De Paul Mersch ; Me Bi 7 er ee eee Rea i ny) ee ae aR _ THEOBALD CHARTRAN _ Born in France, 1849 Z See pe of Cabanel : aa ; Grand Prix de Rome, 1877 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1890 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1902 Commander St. Gregoire-le-Grand DESDEMONA =e) Vika eae cit ee ere 8 1 ee Ge Bo ea Os é Seale # ¢ Ay 4 : fe n Be ne ee Ba 8 ie A ee s is pee Bes 7) 7 aa x S un) an < B 0 Uv) 126 SWANS hes width, 37 inc . 9 - Height, 30 inches ANDRE DAUCHEZ Born in Paris. Member of the Societe Nationale des — Beaux Arts. Bronze Medal, Carnegie Institute, 1899. — Gold Medal, Cornegie Institute, 1900. Silver Medal, — Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900. Paintings in the Luxembourg Museum, Paris, and the Cornegie Institute Pittsburgh. Legion of Honor, 1911. 128 CHESTNUT TREES Height, 32 inches; width, 41 inches Exhibited Paris Salon, 1911, No. 360 LE SIDANER _ GRAY PALACE AT VENICE o Height, 36 inches; width, 48 inches = a | : | MAURICE BOMPARD | . Paris ve 130 GRAND CANAL AT VENICE Height, 37 inches; width, 58 inches Paris — 1813-1894 | Medals: Paris Salon, 1861 1863, 1864 Legion of Honor, 1867 4 oe ~SHEPHERDESS AND HER FLOCK _ =) ~_-— Z igs ; Height, 29 inches; width, 40 inches = % J. J. HENNER Paris 132 3 HEAD . Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches ,’ HENRI HARPIGNIES a > , o ma ee : ig es ak : : France ; ca ee 1819" - pio nome FRITZ THAULOW Paris Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901 | 134 RIVER ARCQUES Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches Foo 0 CESARE DETTI Born in Rome Pupil at the Academy of San Luca, Rome. Studio in Paris. He is represented in many famous private collections in this country. 135 LA TOSCA Height, 50 inches; width, 38 inches 136 AIME PERRET _ e: | Be | . : : Medals: Salon, oe 1888, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours ‘THE SHEPHERDESS Height, 32 inches; width, 2534 inches | JAN VAN BEERS Born at Lierre, Belgium, March 27, 1852. Pupil of Academy at Antwerp. Lives in Paris, where his studio is celebrated for its uniqueness and artistic decorations. “The Smile,’ exhibited at the exhibition of the Royal Academy in London, 1890, brought him personal recog- nition from the Princess of Wales and the Directors of the Academy. 137 PEACE WITH HONOR Height, 60 inches; width, 56 inches _ J. JORDAENS 1594-1678 oa 138 THE FAMILY CONCERT Height, 6% feet; width, 4% feet Collection Burgomaster van Thielen, Belgium — * “ ne LE BARON FRANCOIS. GERARD 1770-1837 139 PORTRAIT OF CAROLINE BONAPARTE Queen of Naples With her two children Height, 714 feet; width, 5 feet From the Collection of Comte de Ganay LUIS GRANER Barcelona 140 ROCKS OF PENISCOLA Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches Spoke . youn an a Ee a = 7: RESEARCH INSTITUTE © zx | Srna é Slt airideas Awe Salaries r ate tei iira lms y ‘tne ees iced retegyi eft en x ROUT athe em ich te e etn coer biked « , eas reaeyooe be: acal a eae s oe, Ag . fr AA Feu reais A Neots ree et vce yh ey isciSbowin SG Berens potest STARE YS i Lah ete teen oe aes % OO OV Ae kre A eed beet ah TSG AE Wen Whe Se ity bes, ‘ " . ola SEED reas ge Fe eho phy * ri os pa ed i wOyeNys: Vahey a © branch) ratite ao Lh tat eldest ‘ eats j AF evbremnaeeeectupy ao ‘Ry a pieces beset pe vet eure L, As inte ; ab Sh RT ates vest tet Argo avi ih: Darren ; vEetn ecntt Ag ee net ve Hearn att ee si Sptbnle ‘ . : cheat eae Ree CIM, mia yah UR sie ‘uns Toes neve G4 ad Rt ale et snd Puree bay * R ‘ Pater Laugh MAA Pah ERM A Aven hs Sak Pacis ttn tite ce i Aya tre FAS ; e eS DES Cat Pie a centaly Dace th A ft ay i Tey MINE cm Raa ts ae the ? 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