8 tbe ber SP) ae. $e Pew eeer enw hy Phe Seem ee $C AG iON Bia? Regt e F. : a4 CREST a] eee pear eree ar PE OO e ee tales at 6 Dorr ee eee Sertoli ey Ph Pe aa Bah BS ene AN AR hers. Seve . bodpsepyeiee ce Ty noes Sherine Safe Fle ws cA Mtete Sines bE as 2 nein doe se cme ta i siailend TER tekatet etre re . pied Serer ari the Onde 9 orn 2 kent oti nt ew oe Meter e wow, PT Bidar ogy eB ted e RM OY MOP O se ee tem Pedra é fet peter - a ~ HONE EB hey Bh nP Elan dg 4k Ee pat TS ore SES ee pe tres Cc ers - wee PRE Na SG LES als Ci a toe Bott a one a 1 ong i nea mor BAe 8 pe eS esrey nite. Saiy Ben vs tf as LADY BROUGHTON THOMAS WATSON AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS [NUMBER 9OI THE PeeOeRIC R. HALSEY COLLECTION OF PRINTS PART V ENGLISH MEZZOTINTS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TO BE SOLD MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY 5, 6, 7, 8, AND 9, 1917 AT $:15 o’cLock On Public Exhibition from January 27th THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MapiIson AVENUE AT FoRTIETH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash ‘payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4, The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending pur- chasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TERMS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Prints will be on Exhibition from January 27th. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $2.50. The Anderson Galleries Incorporated. MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEw YORK. TELEPHONE, Murray Hit, 7680 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN THE GETTY CENTE? LIBRARY PREFACE. This is the Catalogue of Part V of the Print Collection made by Mr. Frederic R. Halsey. It embraces nearly a thousand engravings in mezzotint by the most famous English artists of the eighteenth century. William Dickinson’s engravings of Diana Viscountess Cros- bie and Elizabeth Countess of Derby, both after the paint- ings by Reynolds, are justly celebrated. Earlom’s Flower Piece and Fruit Piece are exquisite specimens of the engrav- er’s art. Of the mezzotints by Edward Fisher the Lady Sarah Bunbury after Reynolds has very high rank. Valentine Green is represented by 65 engravings, many of them exceedingly desirable. The mezzotint of Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire engraved after Reynolds is perhaps the most valuable, though the engravings of the Countess of Aylesford, Lady Halliday, and the Duchess of Cumberland (after Reynolds and Gainsborough) rank very high, as do several others. Richard Houston, John Jones, James Mac- Ardell, William Pether, and William Say engraved many beautiful plates after Zaffany, Romney, Reynolds, Hoppner, Lely, Lawrence, and Harlow, and some of their finest produc- tions are in the collection. George Morland was a painter whose works were engraved by many artists in stipple and mezzotint. In this collection are thirty-two mezzotints from his paintings, of which the most important are those by William Ward, notably The First of September—Morning, The First of September—Evening, the Farmer’s Stable, and the Last Litter. Catalogued under the name of the engraver are more than forty other very desirable mezzotints by Ward, of which the most famous is the Vege-- table Market after a painting by his brother James. Pym is represented by only one print, but it is excessively rare—The Stray’d Child—and there is only one by Doughty, but this is a very fine early impression of the portrait of Dr. Samuel Johnson after the celebrated painting by his friend Reynolds. There are nearly seventy mezzotints by Charles Turner, of which the best are Louisa Countess of Dysart after Hoppner’s portrait and the Marlborough Family after Sir Joshua Reynolds. The last of the great mezzotint engravers of the English school was Samuel William Reynolds, and he is represented by nearly sixty prints, several of which are of the highest class. Too much praise cannot be given to his engraving of Hoppner’s portrait of the Duchess of Bedford. It'is one of the most valuable prints in the Collection. One of the greatest of the engravers was John Raphael Smith, and more than sixty of his prints are now offered. Of these, Mother and Child, Miss Cumberland, and the Claver- ing portraits after Romney, Lady Beaumont after Reynolds, and Amanthis, Felicia, and the Promenade at Carlisle House, after the engraver’s own designs, are remarkably fine. James Watson, also an engraver of the highest rank, is well represented. The most highly esteemed of his prints are those engraved after portraits by Reynolds, and attention should be called to the mezzotints of Elizabeth Duchess of Manches- ter, Georgiana Viscountess Spencer, and Mrs. Bunbury, and particularly to those of Mrs. Hale and Anne Duchess of Cum- berland. All of these are extremely important. Thomas Watson is another engraver whose work is of great beauty and strength. His mezzotints of Mrs. Hardinge and Warren Hastings (both after Reynolds) are esteemed very highly, and five portraits engraved after Sir Peter Lely— Frances Lady Whitmore, Henrietta Countess of Rochester, Frances Duchess of Richmond, Elizabeth Countess of North- umberland, and Amelia Countess of Ossory—will always be famous; they are masterpieces of this form of reproduction. The very highest praise must be given to the engraving by Thomas Watson of Sir Joshua Reynolds’s portrait of Lady Broughton, which is regarded by many connoisseurs as the rarest and most valuable of all the English mezzotints. Mr. Halsey’s copy is a superb proof before the title. This Catalogue was prepared by Mr. Ferdinand Meder and Mr. Maurice Sloog. ORDER OF SALES FIRST SESSION Monday Evening, February 5, 1917 ANNIS, W. T. BAILLIE, WILLIAM BARNARD, WILLIAM : BarNEY, WILLIAM WHISTON BELL, EDWARD BIRCHE, HENRY BLACKMORE, THOMAS Bock, FRIEDRICH WILHELM BocKMAN : ‘ : BOYDELL, JOSIAH BrRooKSHAW, RICHARD BurRKE, THOMAS CLINT, GEORGE CLOWES, BUTLER DAWE, GEORGE Dawe, HENRY DAWE, PHILIP DEAN, JOHN : ; DICKINSON, WILLIAM Dixon, JOHN Dovuecuty, WILLIAM DUNKARTON, ROBERT DUPONT, GAINSBOROUGH EARLOM, RICHARD Eastine, I. C. FABER, JOHN, JR. SECOND SESSION Tuesday Evening, February 6, 1917 FINLAYSON, JOHN FISHER, EDWARD . : ; FREIDHOFF, JOHANN JOSEPH FRYE, TOMAS . : GILLBANK, HENRY GRAHAM, GEORGE GREEN, BENJAMIN GREEN, VALENTINE GREENWOOD, JOHN ‘GROZER, JOSEPH Hap, JOHANN GOTTFRIED HAID, JOHANN JACOB Harp, JOHN ELIAS Harpy, THOMAS HAWARD, FRANCIS HopGEs, CHARLES HOWARD Houston, RICHARD Huck, JOHANN GERHARD HUMPHREY, WILLIAM J ACOBE, JOHN 18-19 20 21 22 23-29 30-31 32-39 40—41 42—45 46-52 53-63 64-69 70-93 94-107 108 109-118 119-121 122-163 164 165-199 200-208 209-228 229 230-237 238 239 240-242 243-307 308-309 310-312 313-315 316 317-322 323 324 325-340 341-369 370-372 373 374-381 THIRD SESSION iiscoeesataeed oe mitt 4, ea JONES, JOHN JUDKINS, ELIZABETH KEATING, GEORGE KINGSBURY, HENRY KONING, G. DE KytTE, FRANCIS LAURIE, ROBERT MacARDELL, JAMES MarcuHI, JOSEPH P, L. MECHEL, CHRISTIAN DE MoRLAND, GEORGE MurRPHY, JOHN NEGGES, JOHANN SIMON OKEY, SAMUEL PARK Pau, 8. PELHAM, PETER PETHER, WILLIAM PICHLER, JOHANN PETER POLLARD, ROBERT Pott, JOHN PURCELL, RICHARD Pym, B. FOURTH SESSION Thursday Evening, February 8, 1917 REYNOLDS, SAMUEL WILLIAM . SAUNDERS, J. Say, WILLIAM SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH, WILLIAM SPILSBURY, JONATHAN SPOONER, CHARLES TASSAERT, PHILIP J. THOMPSON, JANE TOWNLEY, CHARLES FIFTH SESSION Friday Evening, February 9, 1917 TURNER, CHARLES VAN RYMSDYK, JOHN WARD, JAMES Warp, WILLIAM Warp, WILLIAM JAMES. WATSON, JAMES WATSson, THOMAS WILLIAMS, J. . WILSON, JAMES WRIGHT, JOHN Youne, JOHN LOTS 382-407 408-409 410-412 413-414 415 416 417-424 425-478 479-486 487 488-518 519-523. 524 525 526-530: 531 532-533 534-546 547-548 549-551 552 553-566 567 568-623 624-628 629-649 650-712 713-714 "715-722 723-728 729-730: 731 732-736 737-803: 804 805-814. 815-858 859-866. 867-900. 901-926 927 928-930 931 932-943. THE FREDERIC R. HALSEY COLLECTION OF PRINTS PART V ENGLISH MEZZOTINTS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FIRST SESSION. Monday Evening, February 5, 1917, at 8:15 o'clock LOTS 1-199 NOTE—The titles of the Prints and the places and dates of publication have been quoted in this Catalogue with exactness, and the errors in spelling and punctuation have been reproduced to facilitate collectors in making comparisons. W. T. ANNIS. End of the XVIIIth and beginning of the XIXth Century. English mezzotint engraver of whom little is known. He exhibited at the Royal Academy between 1798 and 1811, and was one of the engrav- ers of Turner’s ‘‘ Liber Studiorum.’’ 1 MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT GODWIN. Painted by I. Opie. Smith No. 5. Only one state 342 — mentioned. Fine impression with the inscription in open letters. With very large margin. In 1-inch Wh L. ebony and gold frame. WILLIAM BAILLIE. 1723-1810. 2 THE PEN CUTTER. Painted by G. Dow. Very fine and brilliant impres- 6 —~ — gion with the inscription printed in dark bistre. With margin showing the plate-mark. WILLIAM BARNARD. ?-1819. An English engraver in mezzotint who started to practise his art towards the close of the XVIIIth Century, some of his works bearing the date of 1798. 3 SIR JEROME FITZPATRICK. Painted by S. Drummond. Smith No. 4. State un- FS known to Smith. Very fine open letter proof with : small margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides, $y AU: but at the bottom it is trimmed closely to it. With ; small creases and slightly rubbed; a small tear in the inscription space. 4 GEORGIANA DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. Painted by T. Gainsborough. Smith No. 6. Very fine impression, cut to 1813/16 by 15 inches. A small e EE crease in the left side of the picture carefully pressed out and retouched, otherwise the engraving is in beau- tiful condition. 0 JOHN EARL OF ST. VINCENT. 50 Painted by J. Keenan. Smith No. 14. First state. 2 2. Very fine open letter proof with margin showing the Gyaly- plate-mark. 6 JOHN SHELDON. Painted by J. Keenan. State unknown to Smith. Fine Lort open letter proof with margin trimmed to the plate- mark. A few creases, slightly rubbed and a small tear ee ; in the inscription space. 8 WILLIAM WHISTON BARNEY. End of the XVIIIth and beginning of the XIXth Century. English mezzotint engraver and pupil of S. W. Reynolds. He was the son of a flower painter, who was drawing master at the Royal Military Academy. About 1805 he bought a commission in the army and served with credit during the Peninsular war. 7 HUGH MACKAY GORDON. 4 Painted by J. Opie. Smith No. 9. Very fine open Y eae letter proof. With very large margin. The engraving is slightly rubbed. 8 LADY ST. JOHN. 50 Painted by J. Hoppner. Smith No. 12. Fine open aa letter proof, slightly retouched with the brush. With large margin. Ad 9 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. In the same state, but with margin lacking the plate- g 37 we _ mark. 10 LADY CAROLINE SPENCER. Painted by M. Cosway. Smith No. 14. W. L. with wings reclining on clouds, facing and looking to front. ake — Dressed in a loose garment she is playing the triangle. In the center of the inscription space a coat-of-arms with the motto ‘‘Dieu defend le droit.’’ R. Cosway pinxt. R. A.—Published July. 1. 1807 by Colnaghi & Co Cockspur Street—W. Whiston Barney scult.—To the Marquis and Marchioness of Blandford. This Plate of their Daughter Lady Caroline Spencer, From a Picture by R. Cosway Esqr. R. A. Is with permission respectfully dedicated by their devoted Servant W. W. Barney. H. 21; W. 16; Sub. H. 17.11; Sub. W. 14.1. VERY FINE AND BRILLIANT OPEN LETTER PROOF WITH LARGE MARGIN. SMITH HAD NEVER SEEN THE PRINT AND QUOTES IT FROM Evan’s CatTaLtogug. No. 20206. 11 LORDS GEORGE AND CHARLES SPENCER. Painted by R. Cosway. Smith No. 15. The only state / 40 — mentioned. Fine open letter proof with good margin. Small repairs in the margin. Very rare. In 1-inch to ebony and gold frame. EDWARD BELL. A nephew of J. Bell, the publisher of the ‘‘ British Theatre.’’ He engraved from 1794 to 1807. 12 JAMES BOADEN. ay Painted by J. Opie. Smith No. 3. First state. Very” ope fine and brilliant proof with artists’ names in traced letters. With large margin. 18 HORATIO LORD VISCOUNT NELSON. i Painted by Sir W. Beechey. Smith No. 13. Only one 6 state. Very fine open letter proof with large margin. aw - i . a | ‘ ° ° : J 4 ; on . . , y . a * a. e } + J 7 1 *4 3 5 \ 273 274: QUEEN CHARLOTTE AND THE PRINCESS ROYAL. Painted by B. West. Whitman No. 67. Smith No. 24. Very fine and brilliant impression probably with the inscription. With margin at top and sides, at the bottom it is trimmed to the engraved surface and re- margined. From a collection not mentioned by Fagan. THE RIGHT HONble CHARLES, HENRY, EARL OF DALKEITH. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 68. Smith No. 33. Fine and brilliant impression with the in- scription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. WILLIAM, FRANCIS, 5th DUKE OF BEDFORD, WITH LORDS JOHN AND WILLIAM ‘RUSSELL AND MISS VERNON. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 69. Smith No. 8. Magnificent impression. With margin trimmed closely to the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom it is trimmed to the engraved surface. A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF GREEN’S ART. LADY HENRIETTA HERBERT. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 71. Smith No. 64. Very fine impression with the inscription. The margin is trimmed to the plate-mark and replaced. MISS CAMPBELL. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 72. Smith No. 19. Superb impression with the inscription. With small margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Folded and pressed out. VERY SCARCE. (See Illustration.) MISS MARTHA RAY. Painted by N. Dance. Whitman No. 74. Smith No. 106. First state. Magnificent proof with the inscrip- tion in traced letters. With margin. MISS MARTHA RAY. Painted by N. Dance. Whitman No. 75. Smith No. 107. Very fine impression with the inscription. The margin trimmed closely to the plate-mark. Inlaid to small folio. 49 275 Gor _—_ 276 Al Oe LADY ELIZABETH DELME, with two children. Painted by Sir Josh. Reynolds. Whitman No. 76. Smith No. 35. First state. Proof with the inscription in scratched letters. With small margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom only enough margin is preserved to show the inscription. Repaired and retouched. . In 314-inch Flemish oak frame with gilt ornaments. GEORGE THE IV WHEN Prince of Wales with his Brother Frederick Duke of York. Painted by B. West. Whitman No. 78. Smith No. 48. Second state. Very fine proof with the inscription in traced letters, but with the date ‘‘Noy. 4.’’ added. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. THE RIGHT HONble. LADY JANE HALLIDAY, sister to the EARL of DYSART. Painted by Sir Josh. Reynolds. Whitman No. 79. Smith No. 61. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With small margin showing the plate-mark. In 2-inch Flemish oak and gold ornament. (See Illustration.) ROSETTA. (Miss Brown later Mrs. Hanson.) Painted by P. Falconet. Whitman No. 81. Smith No. 12. First state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ names only in traced letters. With large margin. MISS HARRISON (or Miss Carpenter). Painted by J. Kettel. Whitman No. 86. Smith No. 63. First state. Magnificent proof with the artists’ names only in traced letters. ANNE THELUSSON. Painted by P. Falconet. Whitman No. 96. Smith No. 129. First state. Magnificent proof with the artists’ names only in traced letters and before the margin was cleaned. With large margin. GEORGIANA, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 102. Smith No. 37. Impression with the inscription probably. With margin at top and sides. At the bottom it is trimmed closely to the engraved surface. Torn in several places and repaired. 50 _ x 23 Pe J rs é ;: hee: 5 % 5S, J I etree 3 Paes = ty tag A, Mees / : 1525 FEEL Se rf as @ SR A ge ¢ Bee : z : $ LADY JANE HALLIDAY VALENTINE GREEN AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS NUMBER 277 he e ™ 2 v * ' ~ s - a ’ ‘ ~ ‘ Me * + 282 ANN VISCOUNTESS TOWNSHEND. yt fab 4 Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 106. Smith No. 132. Very fine impression with the inscription. With margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark and the publication-line are missing. 283 HENRY GRATTAN ESQ. ei: [4 Wed Painted by F. Wheatley. Whitman No. 115. Smith No. 52. Good impression with the inscription. With large margin. ( SO LPF] down \ 284 JOHN HUGH GRIFFITH ESQ. Ce nr After the artist’s own painting. Whitman No. 116. Smith No. 58. Very fine impression with the inscrip- ’ tion. With large margin. 285 JOHN THORNTON. oan : (eas Painted by T. Gainsborough. Whitman No. 118. Smith No. 131. Second state. Fine proof with the artists’ names in traced letters and with the coat-of-arms. With margin on the sides. At the top 114 inches of the engraved surface has been cut off and at the bottom the inscription-space has also been reduced, 286 COUNTESS OF AYLESFORD. 4 Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 120. Smith No. 4. Second state. Very fine and brilliant impres- sion with the artists’ names and the publication-line in traced letters but still with the word ‘‘London.’’ Jan- uary is spelled ‘‘Janry’’ instead of ‘“‘Jany.’’ With large margin. 287 HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, THE DUCHESS OF ee 4, of. CUMBERLAND. Painted by Gainsborough and Cosway. Whitman No. 121. Smith No. 31. First state. Very fine impression with the inscription, but before the change of the date to ‘‘Jany 1 1790.’’ With large margin. 288 LADY HUME. fe Painted by R. Cosway. Whitman No. 123. Smith No. 69. Impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the engraved surface at top and sides. At the bottom closely trimmed to the publication-line. 51 289 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ALEXANDER LORD BRIDPORT, K.B. Admiral of the White and Vice Admiral of England. Wi gue Painted by L. F. Abbott. Whitman No 136. Smith f Ay No. 11. First state. Very fine and brilliant impres- sf sion with the inscription, but with the capital P in traced letters above the coat-of-arms. With very large margin. 290 THE RIGHT HON; HORATIO BARON NELSON OF THE NILE. K.B. Vice admiral of the Blue. 7 ~~ Painted by L. F. Abbott. Whitman No. 145. Smith No. 89. Very fine impression with the inscription. Mare Printed in colors and touched up with the brush. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 291 LEMUEL FRANCIS ABBOTT. _ .. Painted by himself. Whitman No. 147. Smith No. 1. yh) Second state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof y/ but the date is changed from ‘‘1800’’ to ‘‘1805.’’ With A lov, very large margin. 292 JOHN ADOLPHUS ESQr:. E.S.A. 50, Painted by T. Walker. Whitman No. 152. Smith No. 2. Bes First state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With very large margin. 293 MARIE DE LEVIS, VICOMTESS DE SARSFIELD. After the artist’s own design. Whitman No. 162. Smith No. 119. Very fine impression with the inscrip- 4. yt, tion. With margin. 294 ELISHA RESTORES TO LIFE THE SHUNAMITE’S SON. ir Painted by B. West. Whitman No. 166. Not men- tioned by Smith. Impression with the inscription. Printed in colors, slightly touched up with the brush. With large margin. Not an early impression. 295 THE AIR PUMP. so_ Painted by W. Wright. Whitman No. 167. Smith No. L7 * 163. First state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ and the publisher’s names in traced letters. Sy {v- With margin. Small tears in the inscription space, and a crease in the left lower corner. A striking example of light and shade. 52 ‘ ek fateh Q dae cae > ‘ _ > " ~~ —_ “ = “: me rhe, ee Fe ee ne a Re ee ee ae eee ee ee ee ie ie 7 Pica’ ae OL errr se ee 296 Lees 297 pe 298 Bee 299 /9 — 300 ford _ 301 b —_— 302 jue 303 JUPITER AND LEDA. Painted by G. Willison. Whitman No. 169. Not men- tioned by Smith. First state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the inscription in traced letters. With un- trimmed margin (deckel edges). From the Robert Hoe sale. ALEXANDER AND PHILIP HIS PHISICIAN. Painted by B. West. Whitman No. 171. Not men- tioned by Smith. Impression with the inscription. With large margin. Not an early impression. A DUTCH SCHOOL. Painted by J. Steen. Whitman No. 172. Not men- tioned by Smith. First state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line in traced letters. With margin at top and sides, but lacking it at the bottom. VENUS ANADYOMENE. : Painted by J. Barry. Whitman No. 173. Smith No. 146. First state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the separate inscription-plate. With very large margin. MIRAVAN BREAKING OPEN THE TOMB OF HIS ANCESTORS. Painted by J. Wright. Whitman No. 174. Smith No. 162. First state. Very fine and brillant proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line in traced letters. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). PAMELA AND PHYLOCLEA. Painted by P. Lely. Whitman No. 204. Smith No. 155. Impression with the inscription. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). Not an early impression. FIDELIA AND SPIRANZA. Painted by B. West. Whitman No. 207. Smith No. 160. Second state. Fine impression with the inscrip- tion in traced letters, but with the date altered to ‘““Nov. 9. 1778.’’? With large margin. THE SALUTATION. Painted by F. Barocci. Whitman No. 208. Not men- tioned by Smith. Very fine and brilliant impression with the publication-line. With margin at the top and sides but lacking at the bottom. 53 A YOUTH RESCUED FROM A SHARK. Painted by J. S. Copley. Whitman No. 209. Smith No. 152. Impression with the inscription. With small margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Foxed. CLYTIE. Painted by Maria Cosway. Whitman No. 244. Not mentioned by Smith. First state. Beautiful proof with the inscription in traced letters. With small margin, trimmed to the plate-mark. A few creases. A WINTER’S TALE. Painted by J. Opie. Whitman No. 246. Smith No. 157. Impression with the inscription, colored with the brush. With margin at top and sides. At the bottom it is trimmed closely to the artists’ names. St JOHN IN THE WILDERNESS. Painted by Raffaelle. Whitman No. 268. Not men- tioned by Smith. Very fine open letter proof. With large margin. yt {/ jf a fe SEALS dh py hicife ; : MISS MONCKTON JOHN JACOBE AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS [NUMBER 377] 378 ARIADNHE AUF NAXOS. 4 Painted by H. Fuger. Andresen No. 3. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With large moe margin. 379 A MODEL POSING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY IN VIENNA. | tag Painted by M. Quadal. Andresen No. 6. Magnificent i proof with the artists’ names only in traced letters. With large margin. The inscription-space is torn in several places. Laid down. 380 THE MARQUIS DE GALLO. Painted by H. Fuger. Andresen No. 7. Magnificent 50 — proof before all letters. With large margin at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark is missing. A small part of the left margin has been torn without injuring the impression. 381 SIR ROBERT MURRAY KEITH. sD Painted by A. Graff. Andresen No. 10. Very fine and |Z '—— priliant impression with the inscription. With large margin. 65 THIRD SESSION . Wednesday Evening, February 7, 1917, at 8:15 o'clock LOTS 382-567 JOHN JONES. 1740-1797. His works are powerful and artistic in style, but do not as a general rule show careful finish. He appears to have been highly thought of by Romney and he worked, too, after Reynolds, Jarrisboram, Raeburn and other leading painters. 382 ROBERT ADAIR ESQ'-. Painted by F. L. Abbott. Smith No. 1. Very fine and pt ; brilliant impression with the inscription. With large 4. margin. 3883 SIR JOHN AUBREY BART. ee Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 2. Undeseribed gf fo _ State. Magnificent proof before all letters. With margin. YQ From a collection marked E. H. in a circle. 3884 SIGNORA BACCELLI. _- Painted by T. Gainsborough. Smith No. 3. Impres- | he sion with the inscription. With margin. Creased and retouched with the brush. The upper corners are torn and repaired. (See Illustration.) 3885 THE HONble MRS BERESFORD. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 7. Very fine and J 7 brilliant impression with the inscription. With large margin at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark and publication-line are missing. 386 JAMES BOSWELL OF AUCHINLECK, Esq?- 1D at Painted by Sr. Josh. Reynolds. Smith No. 8. First state. Very fine proof with the name of the personage ~ »,,%: im scratched letters. With large margin. In 234-inch see ebony and gold frame with offset corners. 66 SIGNORA BACCELLI JOHN JONES AFTER T. GAINSBOROUGH [NUMBER 384] 387 THE RIGHT HONble EDMUND BURKE. — Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 11. Second state. 50 Fine impression with the inscription. With large yo. Margin. A printer’s crease reaching from the margin M- into the deep shadows on the right. In 234-inch ebony and gold frame with offset corners. 388 MISS CATLEY. 10 — Painted by J. Roberts. Smith No. 12. Impression py with the inscription. With margin. A, .* Companion to No. 392. 389 JOSEPH D’ALMEIDA. ie Painted by Wm. Lawranson. Smith No. 16. First H state. Very fine impression with the inscription, but _ before the words ‘‘Painted’’ and ‘‘Jones’’ were 4 - burnished out and re-engraved in larger letters. With large margin. 390 THE HONOURABLE THOMAS ERSKINE. sp Painted by Sir Josh. Reynolds. Smith No. 25. Inter- a) — mediate state between the first and second, with the following inscription on mezzotinted ground: ‘‘ Painted gy” by Sr. Joshua [not J.] Reynolds. Engraved by John : [not J.] Jones. The Honourable Thomas Erskine. Publish’d as the Act directs, May 13, 1786, [not 1790] by J. Jones, No. 63, Great Portland Street, Maryle- bone.’’ With the exception of the publication-line, all in script. Fine impression with small margin, show- ing the plate-mark. In 114-inch ebony and gold frame. 391 RICHARD FARMER. D.D. MASTER OF Emmanuel Z College in Cambridge. ; 5 Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 27. Impression 4 4+. with the inscription. With large margin. Not an s early impression. 392 MISS GIBBONS. Painted by R. Samuel. Smith No. 32. Undescribed 4 i—, State. Very fine and brilliant proof before all letters. With very large margin. ae Companion to No. 388. 393 FRANCIS HARGRAVE ESQr. eee Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 33. First state. A Magnificent proof before the name of the personage and before the change in the address. With margin. 67 AO + 400 — /0 401 re go> SIR EDWARD HUGHES. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 39. Undescribed state. Fine open letter proof. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. A large ink spot in the inscription space. Laid down. MRS. JORDAN in the Character of Hypo.ita. Painted by J. Hoppner. Smith No. 41. Second state. Fine impression with the inscription. The margin trimmed just at the plate-mark and cleverly re- margined. In 134-inch Flemish oak frame with offset corners and gilt ornaments. ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. Intermediate state between the first and the second. Very fine and brilliant open letter ae With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. CAROLINE DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 53. Second state. Impression with the inscription. The date is altered to ‘*1792.’’ Cut down to 23 x 141% inches and remargined. GEORGE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 54. Brilliant im- pression, with the margin trimmed to engraved surface. THOMAS ORDE. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 57. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the engraved surface at top and sides; at — the bottom trimmed to the plate-mark. Folded at the right side and pressed out. THE REV4 SAMI PARR L.L.D. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 60. Second state. Fine open letter proof with small margin showing the * plate-mark. In 234-inch ebony and gold frame with offset corners. THE RIGHT HONORABLE WILLIAM PITT, CHANCELLOR OF the Exchequer. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 63. Magdintaee impression with the inscription. With large margin. WILLIAM STRAHAN ESQr Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 70. Magnifi- cent impression with the inscription. With very large margin. 68 MRS. TOLLEMACHE JOHN JONES AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS [NUMBER 404] ‘3 ie ia) ya: - - br = in : *% . ts * 7 , bs i P re ‘ be a > P 4 5 * . - “ ‘ @, rs x na i “i i tas = - - 403 ANTHONY TODD ESQ’. ae Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 72. First state. » Magnificent proof before the name of the personage. With very large margin. 404 THE HON.ble MRS. TOLLEMACHE, in the Character of Miranda. 4 yo ~ Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 73. Very fine impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed grat to the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark and part of the inscription are missing. (See Illustration.) 405 THOMAS TYRWHITT ESQR. one Painted by B. Wilson. Smith No. 75. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With large margin. Not an early impression. 406 BLACK MONDAY OR THE DEPARTURE FOR SCHOOL. é g0~ Painted by W. R. Bigg. Not mentioned by Smith. A maenificent impression with the inscription. Printed pro! in colors and as always, touched up with the brush. With very large margin: Companion to No. 407. (See Illustration.) 407 DULCE DOMUM OR THE RETURN FROM SCHOOL. - Painted by W. R. Bigg. Not mentioned by Smith. 673 In the same state and condition as the foregoing. A most beautiful pair, which is very rarely seen in such fine state of preservation. Companion to No. 406. (See Illustration. ) ELIZABETH JUDKINS. A pupil and sister-in-law of James Watson. She engraved about 10 plates in mezzotinto. 408 MISS BEATSON. _ — Painted by C. Read. Smith No. 1. Goodwin No. 1. 13 First state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription, but before the No. ‘‘138’’ was added. With margin. 409 HARRIETT POWELL. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 4. Goodwin {/7-— No.3. Fine impression with the inscription and with ' the No. ‘‘172’’ added. With large margin. 69 GEORGE KEATING. An Irish engraver who practised in London from 1784 to 1797. He attained fair proficiency in the art. 410 THE RIGHT HONble THE EARL OF DERBY. 4 j- - Painted by T. Gainsborough. Smith No. 2. Very fine , impression with the inscription. With large margin at A, ys *. top and sides, at the bottom trimmed closely to the plate-mark. 411 MR. KEMBLE in the Character of King Richard the Third. (2 Painted by G. Stuart. Smith No. 5. Fine and bril- liant impression with the inscription. With large mar- gin, 412 BARON NELSON OF THE NILE. Painted by H. Singleton. Smith No.7. Very fine and / 7 4 brilliant impression with the inscription. Printed in colors, and, like always, touched up with the ira dr? With large margin. Laid down. HENRY KINGSBURY. An English engraver who practised as far back as 1750. He also engraved in stipple and was a painter also. 413 CHARLES LINNAEUS in his Lapland dress. Painted by M. Hoffman. Smith No. 8. Second state. E — Very fine proof with the inscription in traced letters, and before the change of date to ‘‘June lIst’’ and the publisher’s name to ‘‘Dr. Thornton.’’ With margin trimmed to plate-mark and replaced. Stretched on cardboard. 414 MISS WILLIAMS. After the artist’s own design. Smith No. 15a. Un- My ae: described state. Superb proof with ‘‘Miss Williams.— 2? 5 5 s—Pubd. 20th, July 1779, by W. Humphrey. Lon- 4 yl _ don’’ in traced letters. With large margin. G. DE KONING. An engraver of whom very little is known. Only one plate recorded. by C. Smith. 415 COUNTESS OF YARMOUTH. Painted by Van Hoogh. Smith No. 1. Impression eau with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 70 “Ws ca ee , aa YUla Aa M AALAV SANO!L NHOL AVGNOW MOVTd se FRANCIS KYTE. An English painter and engraver who was convicted in 1725 for counterfeiting a bank note. Cooper. Most of his plates were published by E.. 416 QUEEN ELIZABETH. —— (y An English engraver born in London. Lowry, Lowery, Lowrie and afterwards Lawrie and Laurie. Painted by F. Hilliard. Smith No. 1. First state. Very fine impression before the address of ‘‘F’. Cooper’’ was changed to ‘‘Backwell and Jordan.’’ With mar- gin trimmed to the plate-mark. ROBERT LAURIE. 1740-1804. He at first spelled his name His prints are both artistic and carefully finished, especially the groups. 417 DAVID GARRICK ESQ:. ELIZABETH DUCHESS OF ARGYLE. Painted by C. Read. With Smith No. 3. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. MRS. BRADDELY. Painted by J. Zoffany. Smith No. 5. Fine impression with the inscription. With very large margin. MRS. BANKS. Painted by H. Hamilton. Smith No.6. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With large " margin. CATHERINE FREDERICK. Painted by Hamilton. Smith No. 19. Undescribed state. Magnificent proof before all letters. With large margin. From the latest picture. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 21. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed closely to the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark and the publica- tion line are missing. A small tear in the inscription space. MISS HAFFEY. Painted by J. Foldson. Smith No. 27. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription and with the No. ‘'185’’ at the lower right corner. With large mar- in. & Companion to No. 423. re 423 MASTER JOHN BURGES HAFFERY. ee Painted by J. Foldson. Smith No. 28. In the same / x5 _ state and condition as the foregoing. J. Companion to No. 422. 424 SIR HORATIO NELSON. mae After a miniature. Smith No. 34. Undeseribed state. 3d x3 Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With large Ans Thar. See JAMES MacARDELL. 1729-1765. Born in Dublin, he was a pupil of John Brooks and went with him to London about 1747. Soon afterwards he began to practise on his own account and about 1754 established himself at the Golden Head, Covent Garden, where he published most of his prints. He carried on the art from the point to which it had been brought by Faber by adopting bold- ness, decision, and freedom of handling without losing either accuracy or truth. His talents were highly appreciated by the great painters of — his time, especially by Reynolds, who considered that his own fame would be preserved by MacArdell’s engravings when the pictures had faded. 425 JAMES MacARDELL. Painted by himself and engraved by R. Earlom. Smith No. 28. First state. Very fine proof with the publi- A Ve Proof with the inscription in traced letters. With good 4 id margin. Harshly treated, principally in the lower part of the engraving and in the inscription-space. 527 MRS. JORDAN in the Character of the Comic Muse. Painted by J. Hoppner. Smith No.5. First state. Not 7 mentioned by Smith. Open letter proof. With margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom 4 yt the plate-mark is missing. Some tears and repairs in the inscription space. 528 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. = Impression trimmed to the engraved surface. Re- [6 x4 . Margined at the bottom and the title cleverly replaced and the print retouched. | 529 THE HONBle LINCOLN STANHOPE. 50, Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 7. Second state. ie Proof with the artists’ names and the publication is The margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 5380 ELLA. Painted by L. G. Huck. Not mentioned by Smith. oles Splendid open letter proof with margin showing the f . plate-mark. 86 S. PAUL. An English engraver of the latter part of the XVIIIth century of whom very little is known. 531 CAROLINA LADY SCARSDALE and her son, The jo Honourable John Curzon. /7 —. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 5. Superb cA - * impression with the inscription. With large margin. PETER PELHAM. 1684-1738. An English engraver who emigrated to America and resided in Boston, where he executed many of his plates. 532 MRS. SUSANNA CENTLIVRE. ia ge Painted by B. Firmin. Smith No. 6. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription. The ad- 4, pt - dress burnished out and the mispelling in ‘‘Livere’’ ; corrected to ‘‘Livre.’’ With margin. 533 Mrs. PRISCILLA COOPER. ss Painted by M. Dahll. Smith No. 10. Second state. Impression with the inscription, but after the altera- gf tion of the hat. The margin trimmed to the plate-mark. WILLIAM PETHER. 1731-1795. Born at Carlisle. In 1756 he received a premium from the Society of Arts, and was a member of the Free Society of Artists. He painted portraits both in oil and miniature, studied mezzotinto engraving with, and became partner of, Thomas Frye and attained great excellency, especially in his pieces after Rembrandt and Wright.—CuH. SMITH. The richness of Pether’s portrait plates alone would have been suffi- cient to establish his reputation . .. but his fame was created, and he is chiefly known to present-day collectors by his wonderful translations of the pictures of Rembrandt and Wright of Derby.—A. WHITMAN. 5384 WILLIAM PETHER. Engraver. 50 After his own drawing. Smith No. 26. First state. } 3 ~~ Superb proof before all letters and before the plate was cleaned. With margin showing the plate-mark. The inscription is written in ink. VERY SCARCE. 87 535 ft La 536 6S DOL se WEL 538 ts ete 539 1 540 / pe a $41 Y Se 542 ee er 543 50 ott JOHN ELLIS. Painted by T. Frye. Smith No. 11. Second state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. HELENA FORMAN (Rubens’s second wife). Painted by P. Rubens. Smith No. 13. First state. Magnificent proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line in traced letters. With large margin. The inscription space has been folded and pressed out. GEORGE III. Painted by T. Frye. Smith No. 17. First state. Magnificent proof before all letters. With large margin. GEORGE III.. Painted by Th. Frye. Smith No. 19. Magnificent proof before all letters. With very large margin. THE THREE SMITHS; Brothers and Painters. After the artist’s own painting. Smith No. 32. Second state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With large margin. CHARLES TESSARINI DA RIMINI. Painted by J. Palthe. Smith No. 33. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With margin showing the plate-mark. THE CONTINENCE OF THE CHEVALIER BAYARD. Painted by E. Penny. Smith No. 37. First state. Very fine proof with the artists’ names and the publi- cation-line in traced letters. With margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom the plate- mark and part of the inscription-space are missing. THE DRAWING ACADEMY. Painted by J. Wright. Smith No. 46. First state. Magnificent proof before the engraved inscription; ‘*Published by Wm. Pether Feby 25th 1772’’ written in ink. With large margin. Two small printer’s creases on the right side. THE ORRERY. Painted by J. Wright. Smith No. 48. Second state. . Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced letters, and the coat-of-arms with the motto. With margin showing the plate-mark. 88 544 THE FARRIER’S SHOP. 50 Painted by J. Wright. Smith No. 49. Superb impres- fs acl sion with the inscription; with large margin. A small stain in the lower right corner. 545 MAN SMOKING. Painted by Metzu. Smith page 995. Very fine impres- 12 or sion with the inscription. The margin trimmed to the pd plate-mark. 4, at: From the A. A. Weston collection. 546 THE FARMYARD. Painted by G. Garrard. Not mentioned by Smith. 26 — Impression with the inscription. The margin trimmed to the plate-mark at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark is missing. | JOHANN PETER PICHLER. 1765-1800. Celebrated German engraver, born in Botzen. He worked mostly in mezzotint. His plates are strong, powerful, and well treated and his scale of colors was always carefully studied to bring out the most striking effects. 547 DER HEILIGE JOHANNES IN DER WUSTE (St. JOHN IN THE DESERT). ab - Painted by P. Battoni. Andresen No. 5. Magnificent 4 a impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed ~~ to the plate-mark. Small repairs in the lower corners. 548 STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS D. G. REX POLONIAE. Painted by J. B. Lampi. Not mentioned by Andresen. ih Soe Magnificent impression with the inscription. With large margin. From the Collection ‘‘K. S.’’ not mentioned by Fagan. ROBERT POLLARD. 1755-1838. An English engraver who worked in almost every method of engrav- ing and was the last surviving member of the Incorporated Society of Artists. 549 BOYS PLAYING AT MARBLES. Painted by R. Paye. Aquatinted by Jukes. Fine ¢ — impression with the inscription. With large margin. 89 5590 NYMPHS BATHING. oat Painted by Wheatley. Aquatinted by: Jukes. Very /0 fine impression with the inscription. Printed in bistre. With margin showing the plate-mark. 551 THE TRIAL OF WARREN HASTINGS. Painted by E. Dayes. London Published by R. Pollard LCP Sage Engraver No 15 Braynes Row Spa Fields Jany 3 1789. f Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ names 4 WH _ and the publication-lne in traced letters. With margin. PAS aA The plate has been folded and is mounted. JOHN POTT. An English engraver of whom very little is known. 52 LADY CHARLES SPENCER. ee Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 1. Fine im- 60 pression with the inscription. The margin trimmed ake to the plate-mark. RICHARD PURCELL. An Irish engraver who in 1755 went to London. His talents would ‘have opened an honorable career, but he was of dissipated habits, and his London prints, for the most part, only show what he might have been. 5538 LADY ALMIRIA CARPENTER. 4 tei Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 12. First state. Impression with the inscription, but showing only two drops in the earring. The margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Inlaid to quarto. 554 MRS. CHAMBERS. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 14. Second KD ti state. Very fine and brilliant impression. With the inscription. Oval frame and panels added. Very large margin. 555 MADAME FAVART (Spilletta). Painted by Vanloo. Smith No. 27. Second state. ay a. ¢ u £ vA ., j iv 1 & is A BACHANTE (LADY HAMILTON) JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH AFTER J. REYNOLDS NUMBER 679 669 ERASMUS DARWIN, M.D. & F.BS. Painted by J. Wright. Frankau No. 108. First state. [5 ~ Open letter proof and before ““May Ist.’’ was changed to ‘May 7th.’? A most superb impression with un- trimmed margin (deckel edges). 670 WILLIAM DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. <4 Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Frankau No. 112. Very | es fine and brilliant impression. The margin trimmed to the engraved surface, 671 THE Rt. HONble. JOHN LORD ELDON. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Frankau No. 125. Second if State. A most superb impression with the inscription, % but before ‘‘Decr. 1. 1800.’’ was changed to ‘‘Sepr 1, 1804.’’ With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). At lars the bottom ‘‘Jne. Holland Esqr. with the engravers compts,’’ written in ink by the engraver. 672 ELOISA. een After the artist’s own painting. Frankau No. 126. y Second state. With the inscription. Very fine and brilliant impression. With very large margin. 673 FELICIA (Miss Lefevre). —- After the artist’s own painting. Frankau No. 137. [0 Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription, gx“. printed in colors. With very large margin. 674 SIR JOHN FIELDING. Painted by N. Hone. Frankau No. 138. Second state. 7 — Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription, but before the address was changed to that of Carey and Watson. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 675 MRS. FITZ-WILLIAM. After the artist’s own painting. Frankau No. 143. Second state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription before the plate was reduced in size removing the address. With margin trimmed to the engraved surface at the top and sides, at the bottom, to the plate-mark only. large margin. 727 MISS LEWIS. Painted by J. Liotard. Smith No. 27. Only one state. Hf — Impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark and inlaid to quarto. 728 GEORGE the THIRD KING, OF GREAT BRITAIN. Painted by H. Morland. Unknown to Smith. Print’d Y Oa for Jno. Smith at Hogarth Head. facg. Wood Street Cheapside, May 1th. 1761. Very fine and brilliant im- pression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. PHILIP J. TASSAERT. ?-1803. Belgian engraver born in Antwerp. He went to London at an early age. He was assistant to Hudson, and a member of the Incorporated Society in 1769, becoming its president in 1775. He died in London. 729 RUBENS’S THREE CHILDREN. oy 7 a Painted by P. Rubens. Smith No. 3. First state. S i Superb proof before all letters. With large margin. 730 SILENUS. Painted by N. Poussin. Not mentioned by Smith. {0 — Superb proof with the artists’ names and publication- line in traced letters. With very large margin. JANE THOMPSON. She was the daughter of the Rev. John Bourne and learned the art of mezzotinto from J. R. Smith. 731 MISS THOMPSON. Painted by J. R. Smith. Smith No. 2. Only one state. me, a Superb impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 4 pf ce CHARLES TOWNLEY. 1746-1778. An English engraver who first practised as a miniature painter. He went to Italy and returned to London, where he resided for a few years, and then went to Berlin. 732 HOGARTH. bg. Painted by Weldon and Hogarth. Smith No. 10. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With the margin trimmed to the plate mark. 733 SIR HYDE PARKER BART. Vice Admiral of the Chak 734. SIR THOS. PASLEY BARt. Vice Admiral of the iar? 5 Cah WWI ' Blue. Painted by G. Romney. Smith No. 17. Only one state. Fine impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed closely to the engraved surface at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and the publication- line are lacking. Inlaid to folio. White. Painted by Sir W. Beechey. Smith No. 18. First state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With margin showing the plate-mark. 735 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. fo = After the painter’s own portrait. Smith No. 24. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 736 BR. J. H. von MORLLENDORF. py } & rv, . Painted by E. F. Cunningham. Unknown to Smith or Andresen. Very fine impression printed with a blind so as to imitate a proof before letter. With large mar- gin at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark is lacking. 116 ori BAe NS gh = aa 0% of cm ar Be ee Pe en FIFTH SESSION Friday Evening, February 9, 1917, at 8:15 o’clock LOTS 737-943 CHARLES TURNER. 1773-1857. Turner, one of the most eminent English engravers, was born at Woodstock. He entered the Academy in 1795 and at first worked for Boydell in Bartolozzi’s style. Afterwards he turned his attention to mezzotint and aquatint with a partial use of the point and produced many masterpieces, 737 HENRY CHARLES SOMERSET, DUKE OF BEAU- FORT. ‘a af Painted by T. Phillips. Whitman No. 29: Second trial e proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line, but before the title. Superb proof with untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 738 MARK ISAMBARD BRUNEL ESQ" F.R.S. Painted by J. Northcote. Whitman No. 77. Second state. Very fine brilliant open letter proof with the | ] ~ . 44 verses below the title but before the line inside of the y/\ A skeleton letters. With very large margin. 739 SIR THOMAS CHARLES BUNBURY BAR¢t. Painted by S. Lane. Whitman No. 81. Second state. uv 2 Very fine and brilliant impression with the lettering of the title strengthened. With very large margin. 740 LORD BYRON. ¢& Painted by R. Westall. Whitman No. 87, Trial proof. = yy _7 Superb proof before all letters. With untrimmed 7 Wid margin (deckel edges). fA 741 COLONEL JOHN CAMERON. aos After the artist’s own design. Whitman No. 90. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. ' y,.. With very large margin. 4 aw yd 742 smd 4 743 744: sf ra et _ 745 oe Sef y 746 \ J oe T47 748 THE RIGHT HONble GEORGE CANNING, M.P. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No.95. Fourth state. Very fine impression with the inscription and the name of the printer ‘‘J. Lahee’’ to ‘‘W. Chatfield.’’ With large margin. HARVEY CHRISTIAN COMBE ESQ™: M. P. Painted by J. Opie. Whitman No. 135. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With large margin at top and sides, at the bottom it is trimmed to the plate-mark. MRS. COTTON. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No. 143, First trial proof. Superb proof before all letters. In pencil by the engraver’s hand ‘‘First proof. C. T.’’ With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Unique. From the Freeman Collection. THE DILLETTANTI SOCIETY. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 159. First state. Very fine proof on India paper with the names of the personages. With large margin. Also key. (2) MISS DUNCAN. Painted by G. H. Harlow. Whitman No. 165. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription; the mispelling ‘‘Newbort’’ is corrected to ‘‘Newport.’’ With the margin trimmed to the plate-mark. LORD AND LADY DUNDAS AND THEIR SON. ‘Painted by C. W. Pegler. Whitman No. 166. First trial proof. Very fine proof before all letters. With large margin. A water stain on the right side of the engraving. GEORGE O’BRIEN WYNDHAM, EARL OF EGRE- MONT. ~° Painted by W. Derby. Whitman No. 177. First state. Superb proof with the artists’ names and the publica- — tion line. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 749 ROBERT WILLIAM ELLISTON. Painted by G. H. Harlow. Whitman No. 179. Superb impression possibly with the inscription, printed in colors. Trimmed to the engraved-border. 118 ’ ., fp F ) ie ¢ by | ” i f i # gq rd ied 4 1 PTs ae reas ” et ae vf V x 00 THE HONble MARGARET MERCER ELPHIN- STONE. Painted by G. Sanders. Whitman No. 180. First State. Superb open letter proof. With large margin. 751 MR. EMERY AS TYKE. : 152 Painted by De Wilde. Whitman No. 183. First state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscrip- tion in script letters but before the letters were strengthened. With margin showing the plate-mark. GEORGE EARL OF ESSEX. Painted by J. Hoppner. Whitman No. 187. First state. Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced letters, but before the name of the personage and be- fore the coat-of-arms. With large margin at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and the publication- line are lacking. 703 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EDWARD LORD 754 “ys ‘: a ¢ ¥ /) ‘ a f oe” VISCOUNT EXMOUTH. Painted by Sir W. Beechey. Whitman No. 189. First state. Impression before the inscription was burnished out and engraved in script and before the reduction of the plate. With large margin. THE LADY GEORGIANA FANE. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No. 192. Third state. Very fine impression with the inscription, but before the border was added. The margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 755 M. FARADAY. After the artist’s own drawing. Whitman No. 193. Second state. Superb proof with the artist’s name and the publication-line in traced letters. With un- trimmed margin (deckel edges). 756 MR. FLETCHER. * Pad : LY i? 157 Painted by C. Ambrose. Whitman No. 200. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the in- scription. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). CHARLES JAMES FOX. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 204. First trial proof. Fine impression with the engraver ’s name and the publication-line only in traced letters. With _Imargin showing the plate-mark. Slightly foxed. » a NY 119 758 THE REV4 Dr JOHN GARNETT. Painted by J. Hals. Whitman No. 213. Second state. we : Very fine impression with the inscription, the lettering jis strengthened and the word ‘‘proof’’ is burnished out. With large margin. 759 GEORGE IV. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No. 218. Second state. Superb proof with the changes in the inscription and with the coat-of-arms, ‘‘Hsqr’’ after Turner’s name has been burnished out and a laurel wreath enclosing the date ‘‘1823’’ has been added just above the arms. With margin showing the plate-mark. 760 JAMES GILLRAY. “V. \ Painted by himself. Whitman No. 224. Second state. “< . Superb impression with the inscription printed in «YS eolors. With large margin. 761 THE Rt- HONble HENRY GRATTAN, MP. Painted by J. Ramsay. Whitman No. 232. Only one pen state. Fine impression with the inscription. With a we Nid large margin at top and sides, at the bottom it is NV" trimmed to the plate-mark. 762 FRANCIS EARL OF GUILFORD. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No. 240. Only one state. Superb impression with the inscription in (A traced letters. With very large margin. 763 SIR GEORGE HARRISON. . 90 Painted by T. Barber. Whitman No. 252. Second AU 7 state. Very fine impression with the inscription in traced letters. With large margin. 764 JOHN HOPPNER ESQ: R.A. Painted by J. Hoppner. Whitman No. 267. Second state. Impression with the inscription ; the lettering is strengthened. With margin showing the plate-mark. Not an early impression. 765 HENRY HOWARD ESQ": Painted by J. A. Olivier. Whitman No. 268. First trial proof. Superb proof before all letters. With large margin. \ — 120 766 EDMUND KEAN in the character of Richard the III. Painted by J. Hals. Whitman No. 284. State cannot y, J v- be ascertained. Impression with the inscription. With A | aes wt margin at top and sides showing the plate-mark, at the : ,. pt bottom the plate-mark and the inscription, with the fds exception of the artists’ names are missing. 767 SIR RICHARD KING. Bart. Vice Admiral of the Red. D4) we" Painted by Saunders. at 4 ri - £ co ee Whitman No. 291. First state. Superb proof with the artists’ names and publication- line in traced letters. With large margin. 768 N. KNOWLYS, ESQR. / Painted by A. Robertson. Whitman No. 296. Second I gt 4 el yy We State. Very fine open letter proof with the border lines. With large margin. 769 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. if og A Ja fy / mark. After the artist’s own painting. Whitman No. 304. First state. Very fine proof with the publication-line in traced letters. With margin trimmed to the plate- 770 SIR JOHN McMAHON. le @ pA 5 boa vievy Lares A R LAA “Y and the publication-line only. Whitman No. 338. Very fine proof with the artists’ names With large margin. Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Second state. “1 GEORGE VISCOUNT MALDEN & LADY ELIZ CAPEL. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 344. First state. Superb proof with the inscription in traced letters. With margin showing the plate-mark. 772 MME. MALIBRAN. 1y/) Ht YA) nA ii _ Painted by H. Decaisne. “. “Role de Desdemona (Othello).’’ Whitman No. 345. Second Fine impression with the additional inscription With very large state. margin. 73 LOUISA COUNTESS OF DYSART. Painted by J. Hoppner. Whitman No. 347. Superb impression printed in colors, with margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom it is trimmed to the engraved surface and skilfully replaced to make it appear to be a proof. 121 174 779 776 178 779 780 781 THE MARLBOROUGH FAMILY. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 352. Second state. Very fine, brilliant open letter proof. With margin trimmed to the engraved surface at top and sides, at the bottom trimmed only to the plate- mark. A few slight scratches in the inscription space. ANN DOROTHY MARTINEAU. Painted by G. Clint. Whitman No. 359. First trial proof. Very fine proof before all letters. With large margin. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTT. (sic). Painted by Jean. Similar to Whitman No. 360. En- graved from an Original Picture in the collection of Lieut. Genl. Thornton.—London, pubd. Sepr. 1. 1826, by C. Turner 59. Warren Street, Fitzroy Square & Mr. R. Finlay Glasgow. Very fine, brilliant open letter proof. With large margin. ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. Very fine and brilliant proof before all letters. With margin showing the plate-mark. MISS MELLON. Painted by Sir W. Beechey. Whitman No. 366. Second state. Very fine, brilliant impression with the inscription and with ‘‘ Portrait painter to the Queen”’ added after the name of the painter; printed in colors. | , - With the margin trimmed to the engraved border at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and part of the inscription below the name of the personage is lost. MISS MELVILLE. Painted by T. Phillips. Whitman No. 370. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription in shaded letters. With large margin. Mrs. MOLYNEUX AND CHILD. Painted by ©. Osborne. Whitman No. 375. First trial proof. Very fine, brilliant proof before all letters. With large margin. : LIEUT. GENERAL SIR JOHN MOORE. K.B., ete. Painted by J. Hals. Whitman No. 382. Third state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 122 782 EDWARD MILLER MUNDY. -t- Painted by J. Hoppner. Whitman No. 393. First 4) 4 -_-State. Superb proof with the artists’ names and the Yo ee /publication-line in traced letters, With very large LLY } “margin. Pit 783° WILLIAM PEARCE, D.D. F.R.S. . fy, Painted by T. Kerrich. Whitman No. 418. Only one ad Oe, : . : . }~ #47 state. Very fine impression. With large margin. 784 WILLIAM PLUMER ESQ? ” Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No. 436. First }4, “4 trial proof. Superb proof before all letters, before pnd the inscription space was cleaned and before the letter- ing on the two books. With very large margin. 785 TYRONE POWER. Painted by J. Simpson. Whitman No. 478. State LY a unknown to Whitman. Superb proof before all letters. wee, With large margin. dome Celebrated American actor who died in the wreck of the ‘* President. ’? 786 MR. RAE in the character of Hamlet. hn Painted by J. Pocock. Whitman No. 485. Only one / 0) * State. Superb impression with the inscription. With 4 A Kk ie large margin. 787 THE LATE JAMES GRANT RAYMOND ESQ. Painted by W. H. Bate. Whitman No. 490. Only one 4 Sh if -“state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With Pic ovs/t’” large margin. 788 SIR WALTER SCOTT. 4, Painted by H. Raeburn. Whitman No. 014. Only one 2-70 ~- state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the in- y) Phage # scription. The margin trimmed to the engraved sur- face at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and the publication-line are lacking. Laid down. 789 GRANVILLE SHARP ESQ. Painted by L. Abbott. Whitman No. 520. First state. at _- Superb impression with the inscription, but before the Nl Bari writing on the paper to the left hand was changed to “Tracts against slavery.’’ With large margin. 123 790 (OE 7192 793 7194. 795 SOA YWith very a , Pra F Fh ‘ Superb proof before all letters. 4] if 4 Ath LAVINIA COUNTESS SPENCER. | Painted by M. A. Shee. Whitman No. 538. First State. Very fine and brilliant impression with the __/ inscription, but before the lettering was strengthened. With margin trimmed to plate-mark and mounted to imitate an India paper proof. ELIZABETH, MARCHIONESS OF STAFFORD. Painted by T. Phillips. Whitman No. 539. Very fine and brilliant impression, printed in colors. Trimmed to the engraved border. Laid down. JOHN STEWART ESQ. Painted by J. Northcote. Whitman No. 544. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. large margin. THE RIGHT HONble. WILLIAM LORD STOWELL. Painted by T. Phillips. Whitman No. 545. First state. With very large margin. : MR. TOMKINS. _-~. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 561. Third state. Superb impression with the inscription. With large margin. THE MOST NOBLE GEORGE MARQUIS OF TOWN- SHEND. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Whitman No. 567. Only ||; one state. Superb open letter proof. With untrimmed 796 ~“mnargin (deckel edges). |. After the artist’s own design. Vi“ Third state. Superb proof before all letters; the in- Slightly foxed. In 1-inch ebony and gold frame. ANNA MARIA TREE. Painted by G. F. Joseph. Whitman No. 568. First y * \_, trial proof. Very fine proof before all letters, colored ' with the brush. With large margin. Slightly foxed. J. M. W. TURNER. Whitman No. 573. Seription space is cleaned. With very large margin. DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Painted by Bauzit. Whitman No. 600. Only one state. Superb proof with the artists’ names and the publica- tion-line only; printed in colors. With large margin. \ 124 = i 799 CHARLES VISCOUNT WHITWORTH. _,», Painted by Sir T. Lawrence. Whitman No. 607. First .) vy“. state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the inscrip- / ~ tion in traced letters. With margin trimmed to plate- ‘, #f) mark. pt 800 CHARLES MAYNE YOUNG. Painted by G. H. Harlow. Whitman No. 635. State Yer cannot be ascertained. Very fine impression printed / Y >,» im colors. With margin trimmed to the engraved “7 47) border. 801 THE FRUIT GIRL. on Painted by A. E. Chalon. Whitman No. 691. Only i. .- one state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the aed inscription, printed in colors. With margin trimmed * Loos to the plate-mark. 802 THE MILK MAID. Painted by W. Pearce. Whitman No. 808. Second ia VV state. Impression with the inscription, printed in Pr __-eolors. With margin trimmed to plate-mark at top 7 ; P ie and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and the publi- oa cation-line are lacking. Not an early impression. La 803 THE RETURN FROM MILKING. we, 4 Painted by F. Wheatley. Whitman No. 899. Second eT state. Fine impression with the inscription. With margin showing the plate-mark. JOHN VAN RYMSDYK. (John Remsdyke.) Practised in the second half of the XVIIIth Century. A native of Holland who lived in Bristol for some time and painted portraits. His chief employment was in drawing natural history and anatomy. He prepared anatomical drawings for Dr. Hunter, published in 1774. 804. THE CONCERT. *) yo Ov Painted by J. Jordaens. Unknown to all authorities. a. |. Superb impression with the inscription, printed in (“79 | 125 » ,eolors. With large margin. / i; f {/ ? Y fj fou , Y JAMES WARD. 1769-1859. Born in Thames Street, London, he became at an early age a pupil of his elder brother and of John Raphael Smith and showed great skill in mezzotint engraving. He afterwards chiefly devoted himself to paint- ing, and was appointed painter and engraver to the Prince of Wales in 1794. 805 WM. HENRY WEST BETTY. _ Painted by J. Northcote. Frankau_No. 7. Second state. Superb open letter proof. With very large margin. 3 806 MRS. BILLINGTON. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Frankau No. 8. Second state. Superb open letter proof. With margin _,, trimmed to the plate-mark. In 2-inch Flemish oak “ frame with gilt ornaments. 807 RICHARD BURKE. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Frankau No. 12. Third state. Superb impression with the inscription, but before the date was changed to July 5 1800. With. large margin. 808 GENERAL SIR WILLM. FAWCETT, K.B. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Frankau No. 39. Third state. Superb impression with the inscription. With very large margin. 809 HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY GEORGE THE ee EL Lee Painted by Sir W. Beechey. Frankau No. 39. Only _ one state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin showing the plate-mark. 810 GEORGE HIBBERT. Painted by J. Hoppner. Frankau No. 45. Second state. Wery fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ “4 J names only. With very large margin. ‘The lower left “ . eorner torn off and replaced. 811 LIEUTt. GEN SIR ROBERT LAURIE BAR*. Painted by W. Orme. Frankau No. 49. Second state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. { With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 126 [Seg uaawon] GuvM SAWVl UdLIV GUVM WVITIIM | IVAULAU S NAZILIO AHL : 9 812 STUDIES FROM NATURE. »A. After the artist’s own drawing. Frankau No. 76. Only 3 a one state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. yw With large margin. 813 JOSEPH WRIGHT. of & d Painted by himself. ‘Frankau’ No. 82. State cannot PP Saas be ascertained. Very fine impression, trimmed into Y < Y Ky the engraved surface and inlaid. 814 THE FARMER’S BOY attending his duty as Bird Watcher. Painted by himself. Unknown to Frankau. [Ten / = verses from Bloomfield’s Farmer’s boy.| Published lod Jany. Ist. 1810. by Thos Palser. Surry Side West- minster Bridge. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin showing the plate- yf {Ast f mark at the top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark. ? is lacking. WILLIAM WARD. 1766-1826. James Ward’s elder brother and the most distinguished pupil of J. R. Smith. He lived in a world of art, his nearest connections being artists also, for he married the sister of George Morland, who in 1786 had married his sister. The portraits of these ladies, who were distinguished for personal charms, frequently appear in his subject pieces. He was appointed mezzotint engraver to the Duke of York, and afterwards to the Prince of Wales. 815 WM. ADDINGTON ESQ. ~ <7) Painted by M. Shee. Frankau No. 2. Second state. (= Very fine open letter proof. With margin trimmed to / Ap ilethe plate-mark. Laid down. 816 MRS. BENWELL. Painted by J. Hoppner. Frankau No. 24. Third state. me — Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription ; {> J -the date is changed from 1783 to 1785. With margin lacking the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom ih U/it is trimmed closely to it. 817 SIR THOMAS BERNARD BARt. L.D.D. Painted by J. Opie. Frankau No. 25. Third state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. 7; ¢VWith large margin. / —DO 127 ~ i / if? f ye - j { if Tf PUD Af f eer ati Sd SU fs # Ma 818 MRS. BRADDYLL. | Painted by Braddyll. Frankau No. 36. Second state. ys eta te Superb proof with the inscription in traced letters and /)... with the word ‘‘proof’’ on the lower right corner. .“<- “With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 819 BROOK BRIDGES ESQ: , After the artist’s own painting. Frankau No. 38. / , Impression with the inscription. With margin show- | — O-} ing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom it is ' trimmed closely to it. , 820 SIR FRANCIS BURDETT. As. Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 42. First state. \/ 24 «4 Superb impression with the inscription and with the | ¢ AL*/* words ‘‘First Fifty’’ with large margin. ) 821 THE RIGHT HONble G. CANNING, M.P. ne Painted by Stewardson. Frankau No. 48. Second 4) “yp WY state. Fine impression with the inscription. With Fat the margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 822 THE RIGHT HONORABLE EARL OF CARNAR- VON. canes Ts Painted by Gainsborough and Stuart. Frankau No. 49. a! () “<< Third state. Very fine and brilliant impression with . |oyx, the inscription and with the publication-line changed BR akc to July 10 1800 ete. ete. With margin showing the plate-mark. | 823 ANTHONY CHAMIER ESQ. M.P.F.R.S. ' | 00 Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Frankau No. 54. Third / A” oe state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With iis large margin. 824 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. 60 ¢,9., Second state. Very fine open letter proof. With jf ~ i“ large margin. 825 THE CITIZEN’S RETREAT. 4 Painted by J. Ward. Frankau No. 63. Third state. af Very fine impression with the inscription printed in a colors. With margin showing the plate-mark at top 4 Y BOF Fling and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and most of te a the inscription~is_missing, leaving only the artists’ sat | names. (Like always>the impression is slightly touched RON up with the brush. (See Illustration.) 128 [vrg UAaWON] GuvM SaAWV{! UALAV GUVM WVITIIM SLIAGHVUA ONITTAS sg OO PPO a ve 7 * a Y - f St J é f / é } i J . r f ° we 826 WILLIAM COBBETT. Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 66. Inter- } a: Z mediate state between the first and the second. Superb G (J open letter proof. With large margin. 827 EDWARD COPLEY (formerly Wolley). Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 73. First state, -7 SU unknown to Frankau. Very fine and brilliant proof “__—— With the artists’ names, the publication-line and in the lower left corner ‘‘Proof 1st 50.’? A trial proof with the artist’s retouches. With very large margin. 828 THE DISASTER. Painted by F. Wheatley. Frankau No. 90. First state. 7. —— Unknown to Frankau. Superb open letter proof. O a f eWith margin showing the plate-mark. pear 829 MORNING, THE FISHERMAN’S DEPARTURE. Painted by R. Corbould. Frankau No. 119. . Third ~~ state. Superb impression with the inscription, printed LO y in colors, but, dike always slightly touched up with the ,.,Abrush. With large margin. fr r@) rt _ Companion to No. 830. 830 EVENING. THE FISHERMAN’S RETURN. ,, Painted by R. Corbould. Frankau No. 120. Third { f + _ State. Superb impression with the inscription, printed 4. ean colors, but, (like always;slightly touched up with the —— atregehomnes f brush. With large margin. Companion to No. 829. 831 THE GLEANERS RETURN. a Painted by J. Ward. Frankau No. 137. State cannot oi be ascertained. Superb impression trimmed to the en- f ! : ‘ » oa ff 4 f 4 Wa graved surface. Cap. hh F¥L / } 832 STEPHEN HEMSTED ESQre. nD) Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 153. First 4 ~).) “_» state. Superb open letter proof. With margin show- «., / ing the plate-mark. A 833 PHEBE HOPPNER (The Salad Girl). Painted by J. Hoppner. Frankau No. 161. Very fine and brilliant impression, most likely with the inscrip- ] ee tion. The margin trimmed almost to the engraved S border, leaving only 3% of an inch at the bottom, show- / ry ly }“ ing the names of the artists only. AS 129 A : if P s ? i ; ~ € Tr iXe * fife py SPE £4 , ¥ i a FA \ 7 lt ‘ee on 834 INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY. Painted by H. Singleton. Frankau No. 166. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription, / /)\n— (printed in colors, but, like always, slightly touched up 835 841 nA tt PONG » with the brush. With large margin. MR. JOHNSTONE. Painted by M. A. Shee. Frankau No. 172. Inter- mediate state between the first and the second. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With large margin. ‘ ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. Third state. Impression with the inscription and with the words ‘‘Republished by John P. Thompson.’’ Late impression ; the margin trimmed nearly to the engraved border. | ; . SIR THEOPHILUS METCALFE, Bart. MP. Painted by J. Hoppner. Frankau No. 196. Second state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With margin showing the plate-mark. 3 THE MOUSE’S PETITION. Painted by J. Ward. Frankau No. 206. Only one state. Superb impression printed in colors and, like always, slightly touched up with the brush. With margin trimmed to the engraved surface and inlaid. HENRY MOYES, M.D. AND MR. NICOLL. Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 207. Only one state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With very large margin. ARTHUR MURPHY ESQr Painted by N. Dance. Frankau No. 208. Second state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With large margin. THE PLEDGE OF LOVE. Painted by G. Morland. Frankau No. 222. Only one state. Very fine impression. The margin trimmed to the engraved surface. In 34-inch rococo gold frame. REAPING. Painted by J. Ward. Frankau No. 238. Superb im- . pression, trimmed to the engraved surface. Cray KS 7SQ YAdNON OOId “UY “M UALAV GCUVM WVITIIM SINVOUL AHL 843. THE ROMPS. Painted by W. R. Bigg. Frankau No. 244. Only one ae state. Superb impression with the inscription printed A-l) 0 Bd in colors and, like always, slightly touched up with the vu Uf 1) brush. In 3-inch mahogany frame with bronze orna- IN. ments. 844 SELLING RABBITS. Painted by J. Ward. Frankau No. 254. Third state. VERY FINE IMPRESSION with the inscription, printed in 4) J colors and, like always, slightly touched up with the “brush. With margin showing the plate-mark at top , and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark is lacking and the inscription is cut off, leaving only the artists’ names. (See Illustration. ) 845 SHAKESPEARE’S SONG. Painted by R. Westall. Frankau No. 258. Only one state. Impression with the inscription. With margin _— showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom Ut the plate-mark is missing and of the inscription the verses and the publication-line are cut off. Creases and tears in the lower part of the engraved surface. 846 ROBT. SHAW ESQR. Painted by Stewart. Frankau No. 259. First state. LL ee Proof before all letters. Superb impression, with f Jj ¢ofmargin showing the plate-mark. An inscription in / yates ink is probably by the engraver himself. 847 SLEEPING NYMPH. Painted by J. Hoppner. Frankau No. 264. First state. 41 \ of Unknown to Frankau. Very fine open letter proof. U U With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Laid down. 848 NICHOLAS SMITH, ESQUIRE. 9, Painted by W. Owen. Frankau No. 266. Intermediate VY — state between the first and the second. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With very large margin. 849 WILLIAM SMITH ESQ. fa Painted by J. Jackson. Frankau No. 267. Inter- */) mediate state between the first and the second. Very WY cy fine and brilliant open letter proof. With large margin. 131 i } de i / 1 Me a fi ff if lr oo j Spey F ¥ P / j ¢ or A A | ff j L 4 V, ZS, 4 —_ i” 850 THE SNAKE IN THE GRASS. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Frankau No. 268. First state. Superb proof with the inscription in traced - letters. With margin showing the plate-mark. 851 JOHN HORNE TOOKE. “LAU GA YIAAA f é Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 297.. First ‘ state.’ Very fine proof before all letters. With large ‘a margin. hi 852 THE TRUANTS. Painted by W. R. Bigg. Frankau No. 299. Only one state. Superb impression with the inscription, printed _ _in colors and, like always, very slightly touched up with i+“ the brush. With large margin. (See Illustration.) 853 A VEGETABLE MARKET. Painted by J. Ward. Frankau No. 303. Only one state. Superb impression with the inscription, printed in colors and, like always, very slightly touched up with the rush. With large margin. Wi (See Illustration.) 354 A VISIT TO THE GRANDFATHER. Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 310. Second _ state, unknown to Frankau. Magnificent open letter iia proof. With large margin. 855 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. Fine impression with the inscription, printed in colors, : “and, as always, touched up with the brush. With small i, margin trimmed nearly to the plate-mark at top and Vy) (jhSides, at the bottom the plate-mark is lacking and the -““ inseription is cut off just below the artists’ names. Laid down. 856 THE WIDOW’S TALE. Painted by J. R. Smith. Frankau No. 322. Second state. Impression with the inscription, delicately colored with the brush. With margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom it is cut just below the artists’ names. A large space on the back of the print has been skinned and is covered with thin paper. In 83-inch mahogany frame with gilt orna- ments. 132 [¢Sg udaWonN] GUvM SAaWV! YWALAV GUVM WVITTIM LAAUVAN ATAVLIAOXA V ~~ Ww 857 Lo Wf tm 858 ie |S / f fae 7» Fa . fi? ‘ts £e# ff 4 CASO rae / / LA EE ere WILLIAM H. WOLLASTON. Painted by J. Jackson. Frankau No. 330. Second state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ names only, printed on India paper. With large margin. THE FARM YARD. Painted by G. Morland. Unknown to Frankau. Superb proof before all letters. With margin trimmed to the 4. plate-mark. [pe WILLIAM JAMES WARD. About 1800-1840. He was the son of the preceding and studied art under his father’s tuition. At the age of twelve he obtained the silver medal of the Society of Arts as a mezzotint engraver. His style is robust and more adapted to the translation of Reynolds and Jackson than of Lawrence. 859 a0 860 gr 861 a5 Sea THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Painted by J. Lucas. Superb proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line only. With very large margin. DAVID GARRICK IN THE GREEN ROOM. Painted by W. Hogarth. Andresen No. 5. Superb proof before letters but with the artists’ names, not inked to imitate a proof before all letters. Signed by the artist in ink. With untrimmed margin. BOYS FISHING. Painted by Francis Collins. Published April 1820, by Francis Collins. 11 New Cavendish St. Portland Place. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With large margin. THE RIGHT HONORABLE FREDERICK HOWARD. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Published June 21st 1823, by the engraver, 46 London Street Fitzroy Square. Very fine open letter proof. With large margin. In l-inch ebony and gold frame. THE GOLD FISH. Painted by J. Jackson. Proof before all letters. A magnificent impression, only thirteen of which were printed. With untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 133 LO) - tion in traced letters. With small margin lacking the __»,? Plate-mark. hiae ae), Le 864 CHARLES PHILIP YORKE. EARL OF HARD- WICKE. After the artist’s own design. Superb proof before all letters. With large margin. 865 JULIANA, LADY St AUBYN. Painted by W. Opie. Superb proof with the inserip- JAMES WATSON. 1740-1790. Born in Ireland. He learned the art of mezzotint engraving from MacArdell when he went to London. His style is excellently finished and delicate and he seems to have been in the habit when not completely satisfied with a plate of working an entirely new one, instead of re- touching and altering, as would be done by a less careful artist. 866 JOHN MANNERS MARQUES OF GRANBY. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 1. Second state. Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ _,¢,4 Names in traced letters. With the margin trimmed to the plate-mark. In 1-inch ebony and gold frame. 867 AUGUSTUS HENRY DUKE OF GRAFTON. Painted by P. Batoni. Goodwin No. 21. Only one y state. Fine impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 868 HON. ROBERT DRUMMOND. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 29. Second state. Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced letters and the plate-margin partly cleaned. With the margin trimmed to the plate-mark. f) 869 MISS NELLY O’BRIEN. (7 Casta W tte Painted by Sir J. Reynolds./ ! Goodwin No. 382. hid state. Superb impression with the inscription, but the publication-line is burnished out. With margin show- ing the plate-mark. 870 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. Naa /], ili Second state. Superb impression with the ins ption, but before the publication4line was burnish¢d'out. /) — With margin showing the plate-mark. 134 MRS. HALE JAMES WATSON AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS NUMBER 872 ” ay A if F fog § sf #43 y 4 J 4 i BS ta r Ae a we 4 "rr £3 Ld 871 MISS ANNA SWAN. a Painted by W. Thompson. Goodwin No. 41. First | ao ae state. Very fine impression with the inscription, but / Y iY) before the changes on the dress and in the background. With large margin. 872 MRS HALE. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 44. First ? state. Superb proof before all letters. With large 4 oer ¢ ‘margin showing the plate-mark. Laid down. (7 Wh Li) (See Illustration.) 873 ELIZABETH DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER AND HER SON. -.«- Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 45. Second yA as state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the names of the artists in the engraved surface. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 874 MISS JONES (POLLY KENNEDY). Painted by C. Reed. Goodwin No. 49. First. state. : SV Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced letters. 4 ‘og ' With large margin. In 2-inch rose-wood frame with yy id ‘yf Af gilt ornaments. 875 JAMES PAINE AND HIS SON. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 52. Second State. Magnificent proof with the artists’ names in | ) 4) ~_/ traced letters, but before the lettering on the scroll. OY oy With large margin at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and the publication-line are lacking. 876 LADY STANHOPE. }y/f /eezazr Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 53. Second state. Magnificent proof before all letters, the work | Le around the head has been lightened up. With margin / nip showing the plate-mark. In 2-inch Flemish oak frame ~~ with gilt ornaments. 877 MISS BEATSON. VAL 4 Painted by C. Reed. Goodwin No. 55. Only one state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With the js om margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom trimmed closely to it. Inlaid to quarto. 135 - ea £ s Learns oe fy Yt Mhlom 878 B. CHARLES/BUNBURY. ease Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 58. Third ae state. Superb impression with the inscription. With Ahly margin showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at Viv AY { the bottom it is lacking. (} f f ce Py ag oe / 879 LADY MOLINEUX. Spateqd ~/f MOA ») Painted by T. Kettle. Goodwin No. 61. First state. 2o~ Lyon fi Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced letters. “ <—With margin showing the plate-mark. 880 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. Second state. Fine impression with the artists’ names /, (A_. im engraved letters. With large margin. 881 MRS. ABINGTON. full /eusih : Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 62. Third / AT) ¥ 7 state. Very fine impression with the inscription. With ‘/¥ ~.9 margin trimmed to the plate-mark. In 2-inch Flemish °° oak frame with gilt ornaments. | 882 GEORGIANA VISCOUNTESS SPENCER AND HER L DAUGHTER. | D4 Fey Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 67. Inter- () Ne mediate state between the first and the second. Magnificent proof with the artists’ names in traced letters. With large margin. 888 EDMUND BURKE ESQ". , » .. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 69. First / Ov “uy state. Very fine and brilliant proof before the name Py of the personage. With large margin. ‘ee a 884. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. ear ada Painted by himself. Goodwin No. 71. Third state. ae, Fine impression with the inscription. With margin Joa) showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom . " \ it is lost. In 2-inch Flemish oak frame with gilt orna- ments. 885 MISS PRICE. Yitie Ar Lh 14 Ae Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. odwin No. ‘75. Third state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the in- scription, but before the address was changed to that of Bretherton. With large margin. 886 JEMINA COUNTESS CORNWALLIS. 3y fouph Leaked PU {se ft —o Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 78. ‘ Third yee ‘state. Superb impression with the inscription. With J § , margin trimmed to the plate-mark. fo >) 136 ANNE DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND AMES WATSON AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS NUMBER 892 denn, 4) ee é } , ¢, i sy ‘4 gf 4 Pi, he ij / sot Lup OE Si 4h LAV é AN op / 887 MRS.STURT/AND HER SON. 7/2 (2¢ /00 0 Painted by C. Read. Goodwin No. 79. First state. Y gp, Magnificent proof before the name of the personage. / With large margin. 888 NANCY PARSONS. Ail/ Gyhfh heute 47) ae state. Superb proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line in traced letters. With margin show- ing the plate-mark. | 889 LUCINDA (MISS MOORE). lie C. pha Painted by P. E. Falconet. Goodwin No. 85. Second os _ » State. Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced .» letters. With large margin. In -2-inch rose-wood pre Va fe frame with gilt ornaments. egy, y 890 THE MISSES CARPENTER. {Y2¢_ /, Ac bao tiene / Painted by P. Lion. Goodwin No. 86./ First state. ra CI an Superb proof with the artists’ names and the publica- {ie tion-line in traced letters, and with the coat-of-arms. With margin showing the plate--mark at top and sides; at the bottom it is trimmed closely to it. 891 WILLIAM V PRINCE OF ORANGE. After the artist’s own painting. Goodwin No. 87. Z _ Third state. Very fine impression with ‘‘Guillaume V.”’ With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 892 ANNE DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND. 2/4 + Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 96. First Uf, , state. Superb proof with the publication-line in the Wi 0 Yj hye engraved surface. With margin showing the plate- mark. | (See Illustration.) 8924 THE Rt. HONble LADY SUSAN O’BRIEN. Painted by F. Cotes. Goodwin No. 88. Third state. Superb impression with the inscription, but before the 212. date was changed to ‘‘1t. April 1776.’’ With large ’ Ate margin. In 2-inch Flemish oak frame with gilt orna- Vi ments. 893 MRS. BUNBURY. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 114. Third ye state. Superb impression with the name of the per- / ; sonage. With margin showing the plate-mark at top / sal j and sides, at the bottom it is trimmed closely to it. a UL (See Illustration. ) 137 Painted by G. Willison, ‘Gudiain No. 81. tes one | 894 895 pr & J & 4 % 896 900 JOHN HELY HUTCHINSON. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 116. Second state. Superb proof with the artists’ names and the _ publication-line in traced letters; the plate-margin is “only partly cleaned. With large margin showing the plate-mark. CHARLES DUKE OF RICHMOND, ete. 1778. Painted by G. Romney. Goodwin No. 119. First state. Very fine proof with the artists’ names, the name of the personage and the publication-line in traced letters. Very fine proof with large margin. , Ais i} ” % f { My , et Uf << r/4 pp MISS ELLIOTT. PL’ (, UU fOOLY uti bof. Painted by T. Kettle. Goodwin No. 142. First state. Magnificent proof with the names of the artists in engraved letters, but before the plate-margin was cleaned. With large margin. Mm pP- fs f ‘ MISS NANCY PARSONS. Jawguam? Jf. Painted by R. Renold. Goodwin No. 142. Third state of Watson’s plate ‘‘Miss Elliott.’’ The plate has been reduced in size, the head changed and the inscription reengraved. Very fine impression with margin show- ing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom it is trimmed closely to it. MISS LASCELLES. ¢¢/¢& f Awe Painted by F. Cotes. Goodwin No. 155. Second state. =I mpression with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Mr. O’BRIEN. Painted by F. Cotes. Goodwin No. 159. Second state. Very fine impression, but with the alteration in the address and the price ‘‘3s.’’ changed to ‘‘2s.”’ With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. THE PARTING OF HECTOR AND ANDROMACHE. Painted by A. Kauffman. Goodwin No. 177. Inter- mediate state between the first and the second. Very fine and brilliant proof with the artists’ names and the publication-line in traced letters and before the date ‘‘Sepr 20 1771’’ was changed to ‘‘1st Jany 1772.”’ With margin trimmed to the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark is missing and part of the inscription space is cut off. 138 al Pav a é re 3 eis ; ‘ ; se aint Pur « Uh fovtiiors BEL OPPME Se : . LRA EES 2 ‘ . ‘ é zg - Se sees deed fg * S. ; es Mbp ppecdie SS se Zbeer . ze & é oe “> “ 923 F. BARTOLOZZI. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 46. Second 5 _— state. Superb proof with the artists’ names in heavy, scratched letters. With the margin trimmed to the plate-mark. 924 CAROLINE DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH WITH " CAROLINE SPENCER HER DAUGHTER. ? SU Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Goodwin No. 56. First “ai state. Superb proof with the artists’ names in traced letters and before the inscription-space was cleaned. With large margin. (See Illustration.) 141 9244 THE CONFIDANTS or Le Billet Doux. _ .. Painted by E. Martin. Goodwin No. 61. Second state. “/)ie—Superb impression with the inscription, delicately colored with the brush. With very large margin. 925 ANOTHER IMPRESSION OF THE SAME. ~~~" Superb impression with the inscription. With large APTN AT OTN, | 926 MISS KITTY DRESSING. Painted by J. Wright. Goodwin No. 65. Second state. Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed closely to the plate-mark. J. WILLIAMS. This name appears only on one print and may be a fictitious one, or it may be that of the painter John Michael Williams, who is said to have been a pupil of Richardson. 927 PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD STUART, (The vat _ young Pretender. ) 7 ») 4“ After the artist’s own design. Smith No. 1. The only ix oF ae plate described. Only one state. Very good impres- 3 “he hy Lf fy ag, sion with the inscription. With margin trimmed to the #LA“~ plate-mark. In 134-inch rose-wood frame with bronze ornaments. JAMES WILSON. About 1735-about 1780. An English engraver, whose works are chiefly copies, some being fairly — well done. 928 MISS ABINGTON. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds. Smith No. 1. First state. ; ; BD lancet Fine impression with the inscription, but before the number ‘‘133’’ was added. With margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Inlaid to small folio. 929 LORD NEWBATTEL AND SISTER. Painted by K. Read. Smith No. 10. First state un- known to Smith. Proof before all letters. Very fine and brilliant impression with margin showing the plate- mark at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark and a part of the inscription space have been cut off. 930 MARY LADY BOYNTON. Painted by F. Coats. Unknown to Smith. Very fine impression with the inscription. ‘With large margin. CAROLINE DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH THOMAS WATSON AFTER JOSHUA REYNOLDS NUMBER 924 JOHN WRIGHT. About 1740-? An English engraver whose engravings are dated from 1769 to 1779. They are executed in a powerful style. 931 MISS RUSSELL. Painted by J. Russell. Smith No. 4. Only one state. Votes Very fine impression with the inscription. With margin 2, Showing the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom / it is missing. JOHN YOUNG. 1755-1825. An English mezzotint engraver. A pupil of J. R. Smith, who pro- duced many fine specimens of the art. 932 JOHN DALE ESQre. ee Painted by H. Ashby. Smith No. 15. First state. Very fine and brilliant open letter proof. With large margin. 933 CHARLES DIBDIN ESaqr. € Painted by T. Phillips. Smith No. 17. First state. » © Superb impression with the inscription but with the oe re “¥ word ‘‘proof’’ below the frame. With large untrimmed margin (deckel edges). 934 THOMAS DIBDIN. Painted by W. Owen. Smith No. 18. Only one state. L0 ~—— Superb impression with the inscription. With margin showing the plate-mark. 935 FRANCIS DRAKE ESQr. Y ae 4 “., Painted by Sir W. Beechey. Smith No. 19. First state. aa / AA Very fine open letter proof. With large margin. 936 MRS. ORBY HUNTER. (i Ke hd oh Aled. & Painted by J. Hoppner. Smith No. 41. Second state. ~ Very fine and brilliant impression with the inscription § v and after the word ‘‘Proof’’ was burnished out. With margin trimmed closely to the engraved surface at top and sides, at the bottom the plate-mark is lacking. 937 THOMAS KING. . Painted by J. Zoffany. Smith No. 45. First state. "4, Very fine open letter proof. With margin trimmed , closely to the plate-mark. 4 O7 143 Ne 938 THE GIPSY FORTUNE TELLER. Painted by W. Beechey. Smith No. 72. Second state. \/iag Very fine impression with the inscription. With 941 margin trimmed to the plate-mark. THE FLOWER GIRL. Painted by J. Zoffany. Smith No. 79. Only one state. / Very fine open letter proof. With large margin. THE BOY DISAPPOINTED OF HIS\TREASURE. ».., Painted by R. Paye. Not mentioned by Smith. Superb ’ impression with the inscription. With margin trimmed closely to the plate-mark. THE SAILOR’S HORNPIPE. Painted by Stothart. Not mentioned by Smith, Very fine proof. before all letters. With margin trimmed closely to the plate-mark at top and sides, at the bottom the inscription space is cut to 14-inch from the en- sraved surface. . GS THE BROKEN PITCHER. Painted by R. Paye. Not mentioned by Smith. Superb Ae rng 3 proof with the inscription in traced letters. With 943 ‘ margin trimmed to the plate-mark. THE WATERCRESS GIRL. Painted by J. Zoffany. Not mentioned by Smith. Open letter proof. With large margin trimmed to the plate-mark. . ra a * Nine eb NeAnit a ako ae ic R. Halsey coll nn