LIBRARY ayia M. KNOEDLER & CO. | 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK am fo FROM THE COLLECTION OF MADAME A. pp NEUVILLE, CATALOGUE OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS AND DRAWINGS ook> Yee A. De NHUVILLE A unique Copy of l’Armee Francaise, with aspecial water color painted for Madame de Neuville, by E. Detaille. A fine Sevres cup, presented to Mr. de Neuville, as a member of the Jury (Exposition des Beaux Arts 1875) Artistic Publications, Gifts, etc., etc. TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALH ON SATURDAY, APRIL 12x, SORE IPE NH EPL PEI CELA MAIR HRA Bk Dag eet BEGINNING AT 8 O’CLOCK, AT . THER KIMTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON EXHIBITION MONDAY APRIL 771s, UNTIL TIME OF SALRE. JAS. P. SILO, - - - - - AUCTIONEER. CONDITIONS. 1, The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- ute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in ispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, 7/ reguired, in default of which the lot or ee so purchased to be immediately put up again and esold. 3. The lotsto be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remaint der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or atherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any” account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 14-16 Astor Place, N.Y. ALL ARTICLES IN THIS SALE ARE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED AS TO THEIR DESCRIPTION AND ORIGIN. CATALOGUE WATER COLORS AND DRAWINGS, A. de NEUVILLE, all signed. 1 CORBEILLE DE FLEURS. Water color. Signed A. de Neuville on the right 2 CARQUOIS ET FLECHES. Water color. Signed A. de Neuville on the right 3 THER DISPATCH BEARER. Original pen and ink drawing 4 STUDY OF NUDES. Three original drawings on one sheet 5 CAVALIERS AU REPOS. Signed and dated at the left. Paris, December, 1878. Fine original pen and ink drawing 6 AN UHLAN SMOKING THE PIPE. (1870.) The following 19 numbers are original Drawings, executed 16 17 by De Neuville for Guizot’s History of France, and have been engraved Portraits of Duc de Guise and Cardinal Ximenes. ‘Two portraits on one sheet Portrait of De Montmorency Portrait of Gaspard de Coligny. Two on one sheet Portrait of Leo X. Portrait of Francis I. Portrait of Marie de Medicis Portrait of Catherine de Medicis, at different ages Portrait of Marguerite de France, first wife of Henry IV. Bayard et les Jeuncs Filles de Briscia Portrait d’Anne de Beaujeu Portraits of two Court ladies, period Anne of Britanny 18 “19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Another pair The Crusaders St. Louis giving Alms Portrait of Clement Marot, 3 different ones, at different ages on one sheet Portrait of Duc de Bourbon, Constable de reales per erait of Carolus, Duc de Bourgogne Collection of 10 original drawings in 4to album Another set of 14 in similar album MILITARY PEN AND INK SKETCHES in fac-simile, retouched by A. De NEUVILLE. 26 Old Time Politeness 27 Rest During the Manceuvres 28 Turco Returning From Wissembourg 1870 wR ! re g it PAINTINGS BY A. De NEUVILLE. 29 LE BOURGET. Original painting, taken at the spot for his large canvass ‘‘ La Bourget,’’ which is now at the Luxembourg. Signed and dated at the right, Au Bourget, 1878, also with the following autograph inscription on back of panel: A. de Neuville, Janvier, 1878, ‘‘Souvenir de mon tableau Le Bourget.’’ 94 x5% 30 FEMME COUSANT DANS UN VERGER A YPORT. Signed and dated at the right, Yport, 1873. 20 x 14 31 FEMMES ASSISES SOUS BOIS. Signed and dated at the right, Juillet, 1873. 11 x9 32 PLAGE D’YPORT. Signed’and dated at the left. Souvenirs d’Yport, 1872. 9x11 7 33 JIP, CHIEN GRIFFON (Portrait of his Dog). 1914 x 25% 34 CAVALIER OF THE CRUSADES. Signed both right and left. Water Color LT a 35 BOURGOIN. De Neuville Dans Son Atelier. Water Color Signed at the top of the right. Specially painted for Monsieur de Neuville. 21x 14% 36 BOURGOIN. Paysannes Sous Bois. Water Color Signed at the left. At the right corner is the sig- nature: A. de N.- 21x14% & 3? MOREL, CHAS. Chasseur et Zouave de la Garde. Water Color 20% x15% 38 Design for a Ceiling (Napoleon III.) in the centre design N. and Eagles. On the right the Arms of France, on the leftthe Arms of Italy, with allegorical borders of the different armies of Europe. A superb composition Water Color ‘* 39 Diplome Commemoratif of the Universal Exposition of 1889, given to Madame Veuve Alphonse de Neuville, pour sa participation a l’Exposition Centenniale de V Art Francais, 1789-1889 40 Sevres Coupe (card receiver) in blue, decorated with gold, presented to Mr. A. de Neuville as ‘‘Membre du Jury, Section de Peinture, Exposition des Beaux Arts, 1875.’’ See inscription on Coupe. Diameter, 135in. Ay MADAME A. de NEUVILLE’S COPY OF L’ARMEE FRANCAISE Types et Uniformes de VVARMEE FRANCAISE par EDOUARD DETAILLE texte par JULES RICHARD. Hdition de grand luxe, only 100 printed, illustrated with 390 engravings after E, Detaille, all in proof state, many in colors, in facsimile of the originals Two volumes, folio, in 16 parts, published at 2400 francs. In addition there is an extra set of the 390 engravings in proof state, which forms an independent collection from the 2 volumes above, also in 16 parts, together 32 portfolios. Paris, Boussod, Valadon & Co., 1885-1889. This unique work has further an original water color, specially painted for Madame de Neuville, with the following dedication: ‘‘ Cet exemplaire a ete imprime pour MADAME DE NEUVILLE (and inthe handwriting of Detaille) et le Sapeur executes pecialement pour elle, par son ami, KDOUARD DETAILLE 10 42 GIACOMELLI H. RAFFET. Son cuvre lithograph- ique, et ses eaux-fortes suivi de la Bibliographie complete des ouvrages illustres de Vignettes d’apres ses dessins, orne d’eaux-fortes inedites par Raffet, et de son portrait par Bracquemond. $8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1862. Dedication copy by the author to Alphonse de Neuville 43 LES ARTISTES MODERNES, PEINTRES MILIT- AIRES. A. de Neuville. Reproductions in photo- gravure of a selection of his works; 2 vols, 8vo, full : morocco 44 Complete set of LE LIVRE D’OR. Le Livre d’Or du Salon de Peinture et Sculpture. Catalogue descriptif des ceuvres recompensees et des principales ceuvres hors concours, par G. Lafenestre. Eaux-fortes gravees sous la direction d’ Ed. Hedouin. 12 vols, large 8vo, half red morocco, top gilt, uncut. Paris, 1879. Large Whatman paper copy, published at $10.00 a volume without the binding, illustrated with over 150 etchings by the best French artists. Only 25 copies so printed, and complete sets as above are now very rare 45 46 47 48 49 il CONCERT AT AN OUTPOST. ‘Trial proof, retouched by de Neuville in imitation of the original drawing and dedicated to Madame de Neuville as follows: ‘(A ma petite Mimie’’ A. de Neuville; also the fol- lowing autograph inscription: ‘‘ Priere de ne pas abimer cette epreuve et de me la rendre.’’ Folio. In the right corner the stamp of Goupil & Co., Annieres, 20 Janv., 1883 CONCERT AT AN OUTPOST. The same as above. India proof. Signed by A. de Neuville. Folio DEPARTURE OF THE BATAILLON. Rare trial proof, retouched by De Neuville, with an inscription: ‘‘Epreuve retouchee par Monsieur de Neuville,’’ and signed by him at the right corner. Folio BATAILLE DE REICHSHOFFEN. The celebrated charge by the French Cuirassiers, ordered by Mar- shal MacMahon in the War of 1870. Exquisite India proof before all letters. Dedication copy to Madame A. de Neuville, with the autograph inscrip- tion: ‘© A Mimi’? A.deN. 1879 THE ASSAULT. - Remarque artist proof on India. Signed by A. de Neuville 50 dl 54 ay) 56 57 58 09 13 IN THE TRENCHES. Original etching by De Neu- ville A GUN IN DANGER. Fine artillery scene. Artist proof. Signed A. de Neuville RETURN OF A RECONNOITRING PARTY. India open letter proof RETURN OF A RECONNOITRING PARTY. Pho- tograph, signed A. de Neuville, 1880 FIGHT IN A CHURCH. India proof before all letters DEFENCE OF LONGBOYAU. India proof before letters. Signed by A. de Neuville THE CEMETERY OF ST. PRIVAT. Signed A. de Neuville DEFENSE OF A CHATEAU, NEAR METZ. India artist proof. Signed A. de Neuville THE DESERTER, WAR 1870. India proof before letters ATTACK AT CHENEBIER. India proof before letters 60 61 63 64 65 66 13 THE SEARCH OF A FORD. Open letter proof on India | UN PORTEUR DE DEPECHES, METZ 1870. Open letter India proof THE STANDARD BEARER. Etched by Varin. India artist proof. Signed by the painter and the etcher, with the following dedication: A. de Neu- ville, cordials souvenirs de Geo. Bertrand, 1881 DETAILLE EDOUARD. Vive l’Empereur. Japan artist proof, with the following dedication: ‘‘A ma chere amie, Madame de Neuville.’’ Ed. Detaille. BATTLE OF CHAMPIGNY. By Ed. Detaille. Open letter proof on India. UN COUP DE CANON. By Berne-Bellecour, dedicated to A. de Neuville QUATRE BRAS, 1815 (Waterloo). Printed by E. Thompson, presentation proof, with the following dedication: ‘‘’T’o Monsieur A. de Neuville,’’ with the Fine Art Society’s compliments 67 68 69 70 rg 74 14 THE INDIAN CONTINGENT, ENGAGED WITH THE BRITISH FORCES IN THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN, 1882 THE ROLL CALL, CRIMEAN WAR, 1854, 1855. Painted by E. Thompson, with the following dedi- cation: ‘‘To Monsieur A. de Neuville, with the Fine Arts Society’s compliments.’’ THE CHARGE. After R. C. Woodville. Remark India artist proof, stamped by the print sellers association , SCOTLAND FOR EVER. Painted by A. Butler. Open letter proof HER MAJESTY’S BUCK-HOUNDS. Painted by Hopkins BATTLE AT NATAL, 1880. India proof folio BATTLE AT NATAL. Photograph. Signed by A. de Neuville, with the inscription: Souvenirs de 1880 AN ASSAULT BY THE HIGHLANDERS. Remark artists proof on India. Signed by A. de Neuville, with the stamps of the print sellers association. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer Pu (hahaa Yin