ewes x an, ah meena x A - us Za SSS SE SSS SS eS Sete ey OF ay Oa er tp a ESET NESE ST SST - = Sos ehgaeoe tetany piste eet = ie ES easyer arers toiete] =e = ss = - : e : : " zea : - ne - : : : a aoe > — = = - : 2= — ae = : : : ee ge an te Se an 3 * ee. sos roaster sorts seeesrres = : : = SES SS Sassen hpessap bps are Spigerae eters rts ea ee ee ee — = = -2-5-7- ereteseast-Setehael =< eget total : = - are - : : = zs - Sot < et ee xt ne : : Sao = = : = ; MR. JOSEPH T. KINSLEY ie ON Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Afternoons April 14th, 15th and 16th, 1915 Beginning promptly at half-past two o'clock AT THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES S.E. COR. FIFTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. REED H. WALMER, Manager Ai III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 7 eee All bills payable in Cash before delivery. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders the lot so in dispute, shall be immediately put up again and resold. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money, or the whole if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be abso- lutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the manager on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser; and no goods to be removed unless receipted bills are presented. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. Articles are exposed for public examination one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall belong to the managers as liquidated damages for purchaser’s failure to complete the sale. All lots unclaimed within the time aforesaid, shall be resold at public or private sale, without further notice. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the busi- ness of the cartage or packing and shipping of pur- chases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES. PAP ih Fas ne Sw EA cad tie area hel ee ee ee le San QO RE T Seap a earn ten ie ARTISTS REPRESENTED NAMES OF ARTISTS _ SUBJECTS NUMBER Pemeniach, Oswald;, .Bay of Naples. . {000.000 ... eee eases 129 Achenbach, Andreas...Scene on the Baltic Coast........... 210 esa: FM Ieee eae eer OTIS 9 ie a ag aren 185 PECMIM CIS So owen ek 3 Peesdy- reed Dalles. cass ves oes 73 Tees, ACW Py s/n 0 Mere -forves! Moon i 2.ei eres sas 132 RUC, et ee eae eae The Dutch Fisherman at Home...... 25 Baldassare, de C....... Pe IAG 5s 5, goals be wre ee = 122 Baldassare, de C.......: Bit Lite ids oder fe const eee 49 Beechy, Sir Wm........ Master diarry Lamb... Noe alg aah ee 83 Bellecour, E. B......... mitt tite ¢ Canteen. occ6 an wee ps oes 50 Beauquesne, W. C....... Scene in the Franco-Prussian War... 152 pinotie, J.-H! A.:.. 5... Pipad or at Gitlin inca As «5 126 Pilotes) ft Ase. ss. Be se Or Sth) Ati cn cv caw haa Fao 199 Blommers, B. J......... The Departure of the Fishing Boats 207 Blommrers, Bo J..... 2... Petey LteriOY 0.2 oo den cae wo heen 127 Piominers, Bb. Jiss.cse es PGE ALOR ETON shared eco eek anaes 53 Boogatdc Ws jJ....6.. 62. eae teHIO’ ea. suis Cheha eee 79 Bonfield, George R..... PMS ~ CHAU CL cee, eve e eee wos Hes 29 Bonnimeton, K.P... . Puewmoriine Chat.2 2 ccs eas c+ 0s ies 179 Pe Aig ou, cos, «ose Mofo Tear os Seewaeckevess 23 RNG Ve Ele he so eo» Summer Landscape, Woodmont, Conn. 57 BN Dio wie ns vce Biepnerd- ant Flock. 255705 0% oe 131 Brassauw, M........ meeeansiecting the “Jewelscic. i.e. vac. so0 » 94 eek W, Wickes! soe ds Pnspecting “the, Laces ni... ae ee ee 95 WOOT OA Fn sien oes 3 Afternoon on the Grand Manon,. 76 OL LAS) a aa nie ea Die Manet eat eh et eae wes 83 2 ea) 8 ae The Appreachme: Stormy... 0.02. 105 Meee Og vo os 1b The Pier at Ostend, North Sea........ 91 Brown,'Wm. M......... BU ate, Raspberries, ic... swe ss ks 52 Brown, Wm. M......<.. Sill Pie) Caches. oct eee Nn eben 125 ES Sa ar eee An Incident of the Franco-Prussian Ve Oe es ire WE oh hn Foe a Mavoval ©. dé. cc... s ess SSESUSN Ta pet ee ga etd ae ae aan ae PI eer 205 eal .ean GC. eee, BETA OIG © Fe ale ee wiee cess 198 eoresey Wri Moo sas o's Still Life, Lobster and Celery........ 58 hase, Wi M......... Stilt Life, Cod and Snapper.:......%. 130 1 A ae eee Ouethe Rivet Maas-.3 fs ko oe oe ees OA | SMEs BAHOTIAS 6 oe aos ss a: 9.0 bie Miountaty Streain. ese oes be 80 Goiman, samuel... .. Summer Landscape, Upper Connecti- PUP IV OO ee ue ae sh ap eve 6 215 Ta tal GoM 5 al ae aan Me VIAL Cove conn tine sans c ewes 134 “Vad Ok) Oe 5 ux Deena tg ae Pele WIE TTAOUSE © creiela udec a 0) kegs de: es 204 ores, Francis, i... 6. APEC MV INU ad cieie adegiatsia/ 00's’ vials’ 118 (oamans)Pietre.....5.. The English Army, Led by Gen. Raglan, Taking the Forts Near Inkerman, the Bay of Sebastapol Cee ne MAG cet cals vo tate ye ees 36 Constable, John........ UE id ts i ier mera Pgs Oar er 61 Crome, John (Old)..... RUG CII hs ssi SRR eee nee 89 PODSCV Ja.) Bac ches oes AMUN TMT O Lee VNR ce choah aie arse s+ «nl 66 Pamrscnrocder. ya oN. .Lutch Interior 2. ccc. cee civ da bee eees 9 TPATCOIOSS WN ore ean sss ATS tO Cat) -PLOME see eos'e's po oul ws « 191 Darley, Jane Sully..... PocOtee Hr ICCLIC Vita eaios Gere as > eres mk 8 124 rans eons as LEVI Ge. ce eo oh ian > bk EN ee a 135 Penpieny | Carls ses sees Erie OSG OT) ELT an os n.e See. be ease 186 manpiony, OC. Beis. 0. Borneo ae ENC se nek vaare cere see 195 ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued NAMES OF ARTISTS SUBJECTS NUMBER Delpyrel SOR oon eee The Rising Moon, Scene on the Seine 64 Delpy, H. Cio ee Landscape and Streit.) flee 141 Deneux, Gabriel........ The River Seine at the Art Bridge.... 143 Delica 2 eee Lia ST Os¢a oso eo 98 Desvarreux,;-R- ee Napoleon J. and his Aide de Camp, 1806, on the Morning Before the - Battle -\. 55 tote 81 De Vos, Martin........ Venus and « Satvriv... 2.05 ce eee 34 Diez, Prof Wis, es The ‘Faleonér a7. 25 Ae Diaz, NE VG Meee eee The.Woodland Nymphs... . 2... 47 DiazINstaa ego eee Turkish: Children... 35.2 26 Diaz aNe us eeetae was ore Fontaimbleau > 2.4.44. .3 a ee eee 112 Diaz, NSS ace ee Foret de Fontainbleau................ 155 Bi Diaz VNoaeeee eo eee Figures, oso Cs oy ee ee 183 be Dupray, sh yee eee Napoleon After the Battle........... 153 if Dwight, 31 homas%.. 4. The Cumberland Valley, England..... 6 Ee De Villeneuve,......... Swiss Guard Versailles, 1791......... 203 fs Ernst, Rudolphe........ Ins the Veriples 2.25.25 es eee 12 be Ernst, Rudolphe........ A. Consultations: 7\ 555 +42. one eee 163 i FRESE Ore hoe tne Fruit: ‘and: Wine, 32s ee ee 214 E Fas 8G eK ee ee Scene on the English Coast.......... 92 Es Gay; sEdward: +. :ssho ss Bandscape its. ates ee eee beets 18 et Geets, Wiis Sete ee eee Maternal - Happiness: i. 25 3205 eee 188 : Gerard, “Theos oss Ready “for oe eee 44 Hairschburg, Alice...... Ninetten. 5 ese Oe iis claw Sa ie ie 1 Hamilton, James........ On 2 sGs.c ba hse be cane ee 111 Harnett. Wai Mae Still Life, Asparacus si. ts. . 2 eae eee 144 Haseltine, Wm. S....... Morning-on the -Nohrisi.. a. . ves 88 Henner, ue G Seda ta Ideals Head 3.538. 25 2 ig eee 31 Herring, fj Boe pe Ans tee Stable “Interior i2¥ 72524 pe eae ee 42 | Harpignies, Henzri,y- Ss Landscape Near Honfleur. 5, sen 55 Tah Wass oe oe The Approaching Storms. aces ee 15 Inness, “George... 05... 5 Near Medford Valley, Massachusetts.. 68 Isabey, Eugene......... Treporte tics eit a eee 192 Israels Fosetcn 0 cane The Closé ‘of Day 4. nee eee 45 Israels; Josef). .% SA Mothér and “Child >) cs. nsie ees 174 Jaconin, WAY aay oes Blacksmith Shop Interior. uns. ee 172 Jones) H. Bolten... Autumn Landscape, South Orange.,.. 162 Jongkind. Jy sb.) aoeaees Moonlight vores ene eee 177 Knight, D., Ridgway..., Phe Homeward» Road: .-2... 5-5 114 Koek-Koek, Bs Ces Faggot) Gathererss yc peaee tee teaiee 138 Koek-Koek, B. C........ Road: -Nearothe "Rhine nie?) vs eee. ae 27. Krathke, -lisver sree A QOinet Smoke? tices ee ee 189 Langee, Georges........ The: Gleaners.. boc, oo aces Ce eee 7 Landseer, Sir. Edwin... Pets and the Manly... 2.09. .ees sete 175,; Lawrence, Sir’ Thomas:. Lady Clitaen@ sins) 2 oe eee 107 Lawrence, Sir ‘Thomas..Miss Margaret Campbell............. 158 AT nail iabin sins sage yn ee ch ltd ent Al A a a i aa RT a eR aaa I a ca PEE AER EA ee RPE ca me . wasp Sh mpt nates SF a He Be asda Re Da al RR ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued NAMES OF ARTISTS SUBJECTS NUMBER Darerses, Paul... .:.... AMOMIA EINE Oe, Sica ooke os cb cons Pazerees.. Paul ........ Pooravaiecat Rests 3. ao sak koa dedeees 85 UCD ae ae ae OR ISE ore oak ete. 2 Aten Ci, lias eat 146 Ledoux, Mile. P......... Mile. Fleury as Ste. Cecilia....... Ree LTO OS Bee: Oe eae UECEO BUELL TCS OS a lee ie a 159 ey, PF ClOr.. oboe ci Countess of Rockingham............. 41 PeOSPOh Ane oo en da ced ss Eater eR MUGCECICE a lo a bss sone nbn g's 24 besur, Meury Victor....Paris in the Time of Louis XV...... 28 Lanton,-1.- bi A:........ Re ee Pe Lingo ona ole Seb tes 43 re IW en ce ns raier iii; VWWAICENSCS--c6 face swe woe oe 17 Lorraine, Claude........ nee ert Ol< I CUN0TN ci. ce aes ok 193 qo ermuitte,- Li. e..6. 53. PICRea Cie Stain oe ere es te ai NS 209 (CSAs 2a ea seed tay Kittens 0. sp A caceevon 154 ia Paice, Jolin. .:..... Wi Teatiy MISSIONArY ..)o sg 550 de ecw es 60 Te Reux, Hector:.-..... Mega Y OStalV SIN, is pcinle leas va hee 82 BORON ity se cc's eke “oy gil ag BE, ORGS AE sg ee ge ra 5 Le AS ge Cee Stil Lite, Game: >... lines ae Ee: 77 Martin, Homer D....... Late Fall in the Adirondacks.......... 196 Maris. .Wilhem.....-..; Cows tthe: Marshes. ici. s cons ecb 164 Preis, (ako, ..:.5...2. PIGEON, 12 ts we ck nae Cane 102 Mauve, Anton.......... CEVA TG Ug hat t Cavey bu ee ae gee en a 48 Manve, Anton.......... Promoward Bound 25. koa. sive s Fae 168 Brescar eH. W..... is os Twilight at Scheveningen............. 197 Mreran: Pdward:.<..... Evening on the Holland Coast......... 51 Montesinos, M.......... W lage iy NOCWAY iia s 6 hse ob woe Oe 116 WUGOTRIANS,. Pic ein 0s te OWE TIO reo ais oe aaccn oh wie Dike 46 Piseuoison. Geo, -W.,...Landscape. and Cattle....5..6......6% 78 oT laa 4 en a DOs aC NLONKEY, «oie se ds oe 8G ws 120 Orchardson, W. Q...... COU Pe eg ua eee ek cakes 62 Peerus, Charlies foc. .... anes ortunre: | ellere fois. .b5.05060 5 ces 69 Peers. Charlies F:..... Mette Pear EIN CCK IAC fo oo oie Sas 6 was eo wks 201 Perrier, Sanchez....... el aes ier oa ne ee an wie Be 200) mecvoyre, Fr. Ee Li... Napoleon at Austerlitz, 20.5668 0088. 90 OS SESS Sone ae eer GMO ORUIOISS OUT, ole cae oy eke we 213 Portielje, Edward...... ie WEOL BET SAPASTIING ficken es oes bak os 54 Portielje, Edward...... PEP reins Heatty! 4c0s banks Cet eaten 104 ES Le, Opn eee Clam Fishing in the Bay of Naples... 173 MPR IU Gs 2c wh oa os ea 6 0' << Miadonndg and Childs, 74. osc. oe eacae 5 11 PeaGUx ACAU oer si chases PMR Cty Oak me ee a et ie Pad en Fg 171 Recco, Nic. N...........-otill Life, Collection of Fish Thrown Upon the Shores of a River...... 139 Redfield, E. W.......... Wem Villawe i -Prance.. ict. ca wa'e ows 212 Reynolds, Sir Joshua....Lady Charlotte Johnson............... 128 Reynolds, Sir Joshua....Miss Ann Esmond..................6. 180 Roybet, Ferdinand..... eee Cavallete (ye teen eo kk eo nein 96 Roybet, Ferdinand..... ROA APO AI VY IRC ea ies wane ex 6 161 Picnet, ~ LEON... ee. oe The Road from the Village........... 22 TCO NATIT Coco xs two a0 PA GINTDSECOT IV CLICO es ciacie'e wien ea cums os 190 FCC PEs e Coin shows AVCATEENOTIOTL: Se hue Rhee eae eke 4 co ae Ne 32 Peter Oe Nis os 6 ok Koos PL EIN POCION yagi eer liane SE eae dose oles oS ROpDe;: LOWS, Vissi asso. Stable Interior with Sheep and Goat.. 37 WESTIOISC. foc cwiscet ess s Night Market, Amsterdam............. 13 Ree ME TING Ee nce ia 1 ESLCIRGON GS C4 ceo ont eicisud inns Rik A erecn e's 93 POET os Lh dare vae'e esa a0 0s PSU INV Us ws ae rience aM es Ww D5 0.0 1a BOUNCE Els Colac ek ee 38 PEP Teta tera r aye tian gee de oie ve alae ste & 194 Scaglia, Geronimo...... The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine 208 meumoize CO. es one es The Smugglers in the Alps............ 182 Pe ne eS ee ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued NAMES OF ARTISTS sLoafans NUMBER Schreyer; Ads seco se Russian Horseman "es ce ee 187 Seienac; Paulye.yae ses Checriés Soe pecs een eee 87 Semenowsky, E. I....... Alsatian Gitlss ta 36a eee es Semenowsky, E. S...... The Egyptian Fruit Girls... eee 151 Senat, Prosper? L. ccs... Clearing “up Cape’ Porpoises... 7. ee . &4 Shayer; “Wins, sss 958 Noon Day Reéstiscva.0 Seana eee 86 Smithp> Santhas, 7.035045 Attack of the Merrimac on the U. S. . . Ships Congress and Cumberland, the ‘Latter Sinking.) 5, “9 ee 160 Sorvar cl SDS ee Chickens + o.siit iia) kn ee Mae aS eSorvats aos sees wtill Life Chickens.) Sc. woes ae ee 65 SOtvat. ibs ee ae Chicks a. vrs ssc spe do ee cease Simon, Herman: 3.52... Cattle“ at Pasture... ..5) pean eee 1G Strobel). AS Be cs. 2. The Batly ‘Gall'> 30s ee ee 117 Sully Paobideaer: ae Orestes rand Flyades. sone ae oie 33 Sully.) Bomas pine ee.. Dog and’ Child2. 3. Gace hes ine ee 103 Sword, James B........ Massachusetts Coast 4 2.) ..nkio ee ee 75 Signed so cer jah ea Going to the Cathedraliir 2.) eeeee 136 Thivet, Auguste........ An Unwelcomed (Sulton e+... ae 70 Thavloweel rigs sete: Greenhouses 3.0. ssi oe oe ee 35 Timmermans, E......... Dutch: Tavern Scene; on acest eee 10 Toulmonche, “A... 25.30% Maternal Affection <2 3..2.5 038 <2 eee ‘Eroyon, , Constant: ::...04 Cattle: onSKoados 0 2) nana eee 123 rotten: NE cue Barnyard. Scene is. 222. eee 169 WIBKROWT Gea oes eee re Madonna‘and Children. 3.0 =e ee 74 : WIRKNOWRS. ch avis dea ee Madontiasnd Child. 22.0... ae eee 106 a ATOR ROWT es OF ec ioe ae -ot. Chatles Borromeo, si. .5:.2 5G ee 149 ‘ Unknowtear ss sas Lndscanen. x Geahiccs ot cae Eee 216 3 Van Bree, Jacobus..... Night Market in Amsterdam. 2 Pale seein 39 © 4 Van Marcke, Emile..... Catilein: Yardios. v3 W041 2 ee eee 67 a Van Marcke, Emile..... Cattle: Seer ua teak oie se ur Rae 140° be Van Starkenborgh...... Wrestphalian-Landscape ..) 1s. san eee 108 ‘ Valerio, “lhed.cstr: tee Entrance:to; Honfleur....@aan.s BP A: 101 . Veraisse iva near eee de! Luncheon 25.4032 ee eee 38 b Verain Een tee Bouquet. ‘tor Mamma {2 ois, ease Gres bse : Verboeckhoven, .E. J....Sheep and Landscape...............0- 56 F Verboeckhoven, E.- J../-Stable Interior, Sheep. ... 224 ..000 sae 97 , Verboeckhoyen, FE. J: Cow and ‘Landscapes. :s 2... ape ene ae 119 i V elfiioPe.G., .3 esi sk Holland Street Scenes, 22. ifs eee 21 Vetachuur, Wes on. tan Awaiting the Masters i382. ese 170 f Vernon, fs a. ee Ideal Heads. 25 .SA.5¥ Valea 14 bi Von Bremen, Meyer..: An: Early Riser. 00>) 3 tee eee 184 ; Von Damme; sie. feist Cattle at Rest ito) 33. ete 156 be Von Schendel, P........ Saint Geromes 4 6. et. seen ee 40 I Von Wille, Ciara ee The *Bonecot ‘Contention: ; -. ake ee ee 178 a Webern... ot ortact vases Monk Reading. 0.5.2 s.425aee6 ea eee 145 a W dere Piao ae Bardstape ose is seh ae ae eee ee 142 ic Wehery-Garlivogsc to vee In the Heart of the Mountains........ 30 i Weber: Paul: 2yiee. eee Autumn Landscape. cs. Scr 2. eee 59 } West, Benjamin........ Allegorical “Wey Se ese cee | heme 19 } Whitman? Ce Pov ee sae Winter Scenes ceven cea tte vacates 42 Wralras; Fy sos seams Fruit and Wines’ 228s iene Sines fe . Willigttin es teen cet ar, On ‘the *Rocks,2... ao= soe sot epee 157 Williams Da ise. Wanter-Byening 35 0.5.0 225 nate tee eee oe 181 ZACM UP GMX sa ek Se oes The Entrance to the Public Gardens at Venice 2h: 2iee) 5) She nee 137 Zien, MeNxe asc eee Sunrisein Venice... s pastes ener 202 THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY . i : THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES 4 } Sete Ss. E. COR. FIFTEENTH AND Bae STS. PHILADELPHIA : UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MR. REED H. WAL MER 4 “ 4 Sts. ns - F : = 4 25 See ‘a : ' enc Haas Paths te =v Ss ae 72 AM -“. T= & = = ’ ’ y WUVSSVQIVEG OUVD AG ‘6r "ON SPpllg ‘OIFT UPS Peewee | : (ALICE HAIRSCHBURG° ssid Size, 13 inches by 954 inches Sere | As : i Repentance. | i | Size, 25 inches by 194 inches | rere Basion Willing Collecton. e y 9 Sas Lael aes Sara =oOele- N: RIEGEN yes : : er: The Wreck = Size, 10 inches by 17 a F. MUSIN ~ ~ Marine > Size, 20 inches by 30 inches " 5 _K. LE VIN Still Life, Game _ Size, 20 inches by 15% inches No. 129. OSWALD ACHENBACH Bay of Naples Beeewsowcr =i Cumberland Valley, England ‘Size, 26% inches by 2074 inches : ae er (ts a co " GEORGES LANGEE ee _ FRENCH | oe races ; | : ee _ The Gleaners | sae | ave 31% inches by 25% inches | 2 a ae 3 J. D. SORVAR | Chickens — | ! Size, 1114 inches by 1544 inches 4 | / WILLIAM HUHN: en AMERICAN | : The Approaching Storm e Sin 29 tel by 3B ete From the Peter Schem Collection. : S16 Gee : HERMAN SIMON Cattle # Pasture Size: 2194 inchs by 2602 in Here ; % H | yeas 47: | J. W. LINDLAR | Chapel in Waldenses i a _ Size, 31 inches by 43 inches ; From the Josepln Tlatrec omc alec ; E218 EDWARD GAY eee Landscape — a | Size, 1934 inches by 3534 inches i 19 BENJAMIN WEST “AMERICAN See 1738-1820 a ane ae a _ Allegorical ia nee ae (Oval) f 2 __ AUGUSTE TOULMONCHE FRENCH Maternal Affection Size, 3234 inches by 26 inches 4 4 be leg “i ry t — Holland Street Scene ae 2 oT ‘Size, d 0% inches by 8 inches = : | ~ EBON RIGHT a | FRENCH — . ae 1844-1907. The Real on the Village : Size, 10 inches by 14% tachi: G. BOSCHETTO | NAPLES A Broken Mea Size, 241% inches by 41 inches / A LESREL, - Pa FRENCH, © . | ee 6 he Flalberdir 8 ; ie a Size, 914 inches by 1% ‘inches bon re Bee A. BANDRY Ete i ANTWERP | Ste he Dutch F isherman at Home i oe iar sae Size, 24 inches by 19 inches ee 96 7 _N. DIAZ FRENCH : 1809-1876 Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Peeieet tonor’ 18510 Turkish Children Size, 1234 inches by 16 inches id ea >, rset Mh tao ak Saree RX PASS wae er Ss MR SELNS ot ere Co B.C. KOEKKOEK Road eae Rhine Size 10 uli by 13 fae os _ HENRY VICTOR LESUR i | | FRENCH | Pare in thesline of bone a Size, 21 inches by 1874 ee DO GEORGE R. BONFIELD ENGLISH _ ; English Channel Size, 914 inches by 1414 inches No. 131. DOMINCE BRANDI Shepherd and Flock —/. 31 _ J. J. HENNER FRENCH ey Ideal Head Size, 16 inches by | aches | 7 32 PIO RICCI cane. Temptation Size, 1114 inches by 714 inches ae eonae- sas THOMAS SULLY — ‘AMERICAN 1783-1872 Orestes and Plyades _ Size, 57 inches by 49 ihehes Pe - MARTIN DE VOS_ ) AMSTERDAM Venus and Satyr Size, 1814, inches by 24y, inches ~ 35 FRITZ THAULOW — NORWAY. Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Officer Legion of Honor, 1901. ; Greenhouses Size, 22 inches by 29 inches “Bay. of eisapel t to the right. Size, 5] 1% inches by 21% inches LOUIS ROBBE BRUSSELS Set ainicion with Sheen and Coat : | Bee Taher by 2397 inches | From the J. R. Barton Willing Collection. oe E. VERAIS | Guar See ; ; The Tenchecn | are Size, 934 inches by 7 inches Cel dics edie: = JACOBUS VAN BREE | DUTCH | 1786-1871 | Night Market in Amsterdam Size, 30 inches by 2334 inches 4050 ee P. VON SCHENDEL BRUSSELS Saint Gerome Size, 14% inches by 12 inches From the J. R. Barton Willing Chlencd 41 PETER LELY ENGLISH 1618-1680 Countess of Rockingham Size, 50 inches by 40 inches io C.F. WHITMAN ree a ic. : e : ‘ i =e) Winter Scene 2a Size, 36 inches by 504 inches io oo iy ¢ op ~ . : Sas : ee From the Lawrence McCormack Collection. FRANK B. A. LINTON Be Caley | | cee See 14 inches by 1934 inches 44. DIRK HALS DUTCH cae oe 1600-1656 Fete Ghamnpettcs Size, 16 inches by 25 inches 4 ae ; "ee “as ~~ XN = 4 - a JOSEF ISRAELS 2 See He HARDE 1824-1911 | The Glo oh D.y a Se aie 8 ae _ P. MOORMANS DUTCH ay The New Doll Size, 914 inches by 7 inches | 4 N. V. DIAZ FRENCH - | The Woodland Nymphs Size, 1214 inches by 9 inches eS SLRS Te : si a. , oe : DUTCH wae Stable and Sheep — Size, 14 inches by 1294 inches i oe Pele CLAYS “BELGIAN ee Bi-1900— ae . gg ee On the River Maas Le ee 2554 inches by 36Y4 inches Be From the Potts Collection. a ~ 4 p eae oe OO | E. BERNE BELLECOUR . ; FRENCH ee cE illing the Canteen Size, 1334 inches by 934 inches A ade r ¥ , 3 ee OO TSS BEA! BONS TE NS EDWARD MORAN — sf a: ses ue 5 Evening on the Holland Coast Size, 28 inches by 2534 inches wt ‘WILLIAM M. BROWN ae “AMERICAN Sul Ile Remi Size, 1954 inches'by 1504 cher ie Met Pash B. J. BLOMMERS | DUTCH : Dutch Interior Size, 15 inches by 19 inches a —_—" - i a i i i i a aa ir ii a No. 139. NIC. N. RECCO Collection of Fish Thrown Upon the Shores YARD PORTIELJE A Mother's Pastime : Size, 30 inches by 24 inches | 2 sy ue £ ps mh la ni > -HENRI HARPIGNIES Be s FRENCH : ee 1819. Legion of Honor, 1878. Bote: econ of Honor, 1878: . Landscape near Honfleur Size, 22 inches by. 32 badtey (BB EUGENE J. VERBOECKHOVEN | Piss BRUSSELS Sheep and Landscape Size, 35 inches by 43 inches 4 Gee r |_| JOSEPH'3. BOSTON am . | | oe Sena | eS : } Summer Landseape: Woodione (aa | | Sie 11 inches by 1534 ne : - WILLIAM M. CHASE os 7 RS : | “y CoSHIV Efe: Inches anaes Size, 1614 inches by 1334 inches 59 ots te PAUL WEBER Aaa Landscape , | Size, 2314 inches by 331% inches See AMERICAN: _ An Early Missionary emerenett Le JOHN CONSTABLE n yc eee ENGLISH 3 | ee 5 eS 1776-1837 | The Lock Size, 40 inches by 50 inches Gee es G2 | W. Q. ORCHARDSON ENGLISH Gea Advice Smeet YA inches by 9 inches hee PAUL LAZERGES enor > | : Algerian Spring | Be ee From the Dundas ‘Lippincott Collection. ie ot H. C. DELPY FRENCH The Rising Moon, ~ Scene on the Seine id Size, 12% inches by 23% inches : — «65 | J. D. SORVAR ; Sull Life, Chickens ? Size, 117% inches by 1674 inches j SE ae | a F. CROPSEY ‘ | z - CESAR ge eee a Phe ‘Spirit of War Size, Be A i inches by 66 b, aie EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH (1827-1891 “Medals: Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878. | oe al Legion of Honor, 1872. i {ae Cattle in Yard he Sea | aie 28 meee by 36 inches ~ dhe 7 ee | : | 68 GEORGE INNES AMERICAN | Near Medford Valley, Massachusetts 4 | Size, 16 inches by 20 inches SN 6A ARI aie ae Purchased from the artist. j 4 * f i” NT GIs a a EE i CHARLES FRANCOIS PECRUS Scaag Baas So SRRENCHS o5. 13 gy ote el Ne Fortune Teller : Size, 154 inches by 211% inches i= Ss ‘AUGUSTE THIVET FRENCH oy An Unwelcomed Suitor Size, 22 inches by 15 inches : PROF. WILHEM DIEZ : 3 | The Falconer ‘| s Size, 21 inches by 38 inches , | age a re oot EF, WILMS Fruit and Wine Size, 13 inches by 15 inches ! . d SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1915 At 2.30 o’clock 3 A. ACHINI PARIS Ready for the Ball Size, 20 inches by 1214 inches (Water Color) C4 UNKNOWN Madonna and Children Size, 10 inches by 734 inches From the J. R. Barton Willing Collection. _ JAMES B. SWORD _ 4 AMERICAN: = | i Massachusetts Coast A. T. BRICHER , ee. (Afterioon anette Grand Manon, : : . : | och Coast of Maine 33 7 . , = ‘ . Size, 1734 inches by 353, inches" ~ | | K, LE VIN: | Still Life, Game Size, | 64 inche by 11% inches Gees ete 007 EOS ef oe fia sage be No. 149. UNKNOWN St. Charles, Borromeo 3EO. W. NICHOLSON “Landscape and Cattle - 7 Size, 24¥4 inches by 197 inches mee 9 _ W. J. BOOGARD- ; Stable Interior ‘Size, 10 inches by 13 inches ye t | 80 THOMAS COLE, N.A. : AMERICAN 1801-1848 eh fo The Mountain Stream Size, 1814 inches by 24 inches . * R. DESVARREUX FRENCH Napoleon Toasts Aide de Camp, 1806, « on se a the Morning Before the Battle 8 Size, 15% inches by 1234 aches 825 — HECTOR LE REUX FRENCH The Vestal Virgin Size, 3344 inches by 1914 inches _ : 83 oo. SIR WM. BEECHY ENGLISH 1753-1839 Master Harry Lamb Size, 46 inches by 32 inches 84. PROSPER L. SENAT FRENCH Clearing up Cape Porpoise Size, 1734 inches by 2944 inches SD PAUL LAZERGES FRENCH Caravans at Rest Size, 26 inches by 31% inches 86 WILLIAM SHAYER ENGLAND 1788-1879 Noon Day Rest Sree Mia AiincKes by 350% inches From the Mathias Baldwin Collection. PAUL SEIGNAC: "aay FRENCH =e | = ‘Chere - Size, 2734 ‘inches by 23 inches . ~~ Seems ‘ WILLIAM S. HASELTINE ; f Morning on the Nohr : Size, 3014 inches by 48 inches 89 | JOHN (OLD) CROME | ENGLISH 7 1769-1821 Norwich 5 30 inches by 25 inches 91 F. D. BRISCOE a eke Pier at Ostend, North ee Size, 33% fore by 5514 anes Oe QD | C. KUVASSEG FILS AUSTRIAN | | : Scene on the English Coast “aee Size, 1234 inches by 9 inches - tse P. F. ROTHERMEL Desdemona : Size, 10¥4 inches by 834 inches From the F rancis T. Sully Darley Collection. > he M. BRASSAUW 766 Inspecting the Jewels Size, 13% inches by 11 inches a) M. BRASSAUW | —— -1766- Inspecting the ee Size, 1314 inches by 11 inches 96 FERDINAND ROYBET FRENCH Medals: Paris Salon, 1866. Grade Medals of Honor, 1893. Legion of Honor, 1892. Officer Legion of Honor, 1900. The Red Cavalier Size, 36 inches by 28 inches 97 E. J. VERBOECKHOVEN DUTCH Stable Interior, Sheep Be 07 aches By 8 inches From the C. J. Harrah Collection. 98 Oop Dad Bae FRENCH La Tosca Size, 493 inches by 37¥4 inches oe er Rirkipe re sega FEE CL ete ie ~ Core i ee a OK ae PS a TS "Size, 264 inches by 21 inches ee - PAULGROLLERON FRENCH a he Barricade od ates | Size, 21 Gaenes by 144 inches one 101. 7 THEODORE VALERIO — Entrance to Honfleur Size, 934 inches by 1334 inches ELS, Se RE Sk Cecilia Fleury as Ste Mile. ya = ° Q = & = ie im & hot ial Leal x fy @ v cr ee gene gman, % Sets at A ‘ wee : Lhe - PRR inte ny Ee! ee : Sette: 2 . = 2 { Vins i n rae tN! 1 1 , ‘ ‘ ; : 4 , t * - - | i . . . ; SD ‘ 5 » ( j t ay 4 - ‘ rk} , ’ . " \ ? qi 7 _@ — * © tio inches eo inches we sh Beauty hes by 9 . - * is T. Sully Darley Collec ridg Size, 27 Y, inches" by 36 inches d Child ie 1 Inc AS ese ane i a 5 “ 4 Ae 5 pes & ~ . aca ae é tele) Paes Q THOMAS SULLY : AMERICAN | Size, EDWARD PORTIELJE. From the Franc iaes j 4 F.D. BRISCOE The Approaching Storm 5: Size, 1034 inches by 1334 inches : ; 106. UNKNOWN ITALIAN SCHOOL Madonna and Child Size 36 meheabeen yes From the J R. Barton Willing Collection. 107 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE ENGLISH 1769-1830 Lady Clifden Size, 25 inches by 30 inches 108 J. N. F. VAN STARKENBORGH DUTCH Westphalian Landscape Size, 43 inches by 62 inches 109 LUIS GIMENEZ SPAIN The Radish Pickers Size, 1714 inches by 2314 inches From the Potts Collection. 110 G. S. HAANEN MUNICH Reading the Story Size, 23 inches by 181% inches WILLIAM x Still Life hes by 534 inc Size, 8 Y hes Inc ak ip rhc pera bo Pin FRENCH | 1809-1876 Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. F ontainbleau Size, 29 inches by 36 inches 113 E. VERAIS PARIS Bouquet for Mamma inches inches by 7 Va 9 S 1Ze, 114 D. RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN The Homeward Road Size, 20% inches by 17 inches 115 ARTHUR GUIES PARIS The Falconer Size, 1414 inches by 181% inches 116 M. MONTESINOS Village in Norway Size, 10 inches by 21 inches From the Schemm Collection. LA.B.STROBEL 3 AMSTERDAM =e The Early Call | AOIZe, 1334 inches by 1 inches _ s aoe SO ib - FRANCIS COTES. RX ia ENGLISH a 1726-1770 Jane Wright ie oe Sze, 50 whe by 40 inches 119 e . EUGENE J. VERBOECKHOVEN DUTCH Cow and Landscape Size, 33 inches by 43 inches 120 L. NOTERMAN PARIS Dogs and Monkey Size, 14 inches by 18 inches 121 DE CARO BALDASSARE NAPLES 1720- Stull Life, Birds Size, 30 inches by 51 inches 122 DE CARO BALDASSARE NAPLES 1720- Still Life, Birds (Companion to the preceding) Size, 30 inches by 51 inches Medals 9 Jon Cattle on cad eas 40 inches ras. yor 1 50 1Ze, 8 TP RAG om ahiencals SEE) 124° NE SULLY DARLEY SEC GE Ping AMERICAN ro SO RiaNe Ne ricy From Diet eke be 7 Sully hes nc 3534 ize, S 9 SRS Collection. : ik 1S From the Franc BELT SESS RS eae ETE si > i — a 5 BROW Pea \% inches by 15 H ches ife, ill L St 19 hes inc ° om Ya Size, No. 193. CLAUDE LORRAINE The Port of I s.eghorn R.A P inches | > hes re inches Johnson inc Ss s\e0) A 6 nc.) is is i “gS NN i 2D et 7 = a : ih n oe yon ad eles 3) ‘DUTCH Dutch In ENGLISH inches b 23° ae SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Lady Charlotte inches by 28 1723 (Oval Canvas) x 36 ae BLOMMERS = l 5% 1Ze, ize, ce 3 s a OSWALD ACHENBACH GERMAN) So Sao “Bay of Naples Size, 381% inches by RBs inches 7 ee 180 : WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN _ | Still Life, Cod and Snapper Size, 2914 inches by 36 inches : From the American-Roman Exposition. 131 DOMINCE BRANDI NAPLES 1683-1736 Shepherd and F lock Size, 5814 inches by 6414 inches From the King of Naples Collection. ee 132 DEWEY BATES The Harvest Moon Be 444 inches by 2034 inches 133 H. RONNER Busy Day Size, 101% inches by 8% inches 154 Hb. COROT FRENCH 1796-1875 Medals: Paris Salon, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer Legion of Honor, 1867. Ville D’Avray Size, 18 inches by 24 inches 135 C. F. DAUBIGNY FRENCH 1817-1878 Villerville Size, 9 inches by 1614 inches 136 SIGNED “M” Going to the Cathedral Size, 51% inches by 8 inches 13¢ FELIX ZIEM FRENCH Medals: Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer Legion of Honor, 1878. The Entrance to the Public Gardens at Venice Size, 19 inches by 3114 inches From the Michener Collection. Ne. 198. JEAN C. CAZIN The Hayfield 138 C. B. KOEK-KOEK DUTCH Faggot Gatherers Size, 12% inches by 15% inches Be 139 NIC. N. RECCO NAPLES 1650- Still Life, Collection of Fish Thrown Upon — the Shores of a River Size, 29 inches by 39 inches 140 EMILE VAN MARCKE PARIS 1827-1891 Medals: Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1872. Cattle Size, 26 inches by 32 inches FRENCH ~ = Landscape and Stream | z Size, 9 inches by 1414 inches 142 C. “PHILIP: WEBER= 3 Landscape Size, 934 inches by 1634 inches — 143 GABRIEL DENEUX FRENCH P The River Seine at the Art Bridge Size, 9 inches by 12 inches 144 WILLIAM M. HARNETT Sull Life, Asparagus Size, 17 inches by 14 inches x Ws WEBER © x Ss : 2 : i Monk Reading | = Es ol ce Size, 1234 inches by 834 inches | : ee oe ~ (Water Color) -- §6. 146 fe PLAZERGES © Se j | | Peter : ee | (GA | } e30e cichs by [2 uches | on i : ches . mn GER by 32 . ach i inches | Charles 3 Borromeo 40 1ze, St . HEODOR S iar gk Here n see i eT ad atch sun mtes 2 ra LEON pAlb elt No. 206. RECO CAVERE GIEUSEPPE Still Life, Meat, Ete. ai} 2 ye Sy 8 Oye ag vee eo x Se a, - Z ‘ Ve 7 = . 7 ag - 7 . a) ‘ : Pa i] . zs M1 ‘ zh ets ie ’ hb a iM = A ‘ ‘ ats aes - + * ‘ad 5 rss , : > aly aa * 3 me b oa ‘ + = 4 J ' _ « oF ~ x ~ n Sn as or - ps ¥- r ¢ vl ' * t os a aa) ‘ : % ‘ x - (a . ~ : - / , * y “ ; - e Ree ar Saas The Egyptian F ruit Girl — SRS oes ‘ a, ; Size, 2134 inches by 12% inches ~ bee oy A 2 y ; ‘athe iw teae Hyerter ef Te a , EE Tae ee covet aa Hn, “haat _ W.C. BEAUQUESNE oo geste hy 5.4 Re ERENCH: > : nl z t Scene in the Franco-Prussian War ~ pees ahi ore oat Bt anv vem 232 a Size, 32% inches by 5114 inches | 4 rece’ oe eos rt Ms f . WET Re eee SER a . as : at TENSE CRC Ces Le i aS TE x3 - . y = > a ‘. “ * PaleeZs m9 Fed Ls ree e ' t ) Napoleon After the Bale Size, 3134 inches by 2574 inches ot see 154 “LEROY 3 , FRENCH > The Playful Kittens Size, 20%, inches by 1734 inches 155 | N. DIAZ FRENCH > 1809-1876 Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Foret de Fontainbleu Size, 20 inches by 24 inches ‘ 156 E. VON DAMME BRUSSELS Pupil of Verboeckhoven Caitle at Rest Size, 9 inches by 61% inches 157¢ P. WILLIOTT On the Rocks Size, 291% inches by 4434 inches 158 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE ENGLISH 1769-1830 Miss Margaret Campbell Size, 31 inches by 25 inches 159 A. LEMMI ROME Inquisitiveness Size, 36 inches by 27 inches 160 XANTHUS SMITH AMERICAN Attack of the Merrimac on the U. S. Ships Congress and Cumberland, the Latter Sinking Size, 36 inches by 66 inches From the Joseph Harrison Collection. 161 1 FERDINAND ROYBET PARIS Medals: Paris Salon, 1866. Grade Medals of Honor, 1893. Legion of Hon- or, 1892. Officer Legion of Honor, 1900. | Cavalier in White Size, 36 inches by 28 inches 162 H. BOLTON JONES | AMERICAN | 1880- Autumn Landscape, South Orange Size, 35% inches by 53 inches 163 RUDOLPHE ERNST A. Consultation Size, 3114 inches by 25 inches From the Paris Salon in 1903. Catalogue No. 695 164. WILHEM MARIS DUTCH Cows in the Marshes Size, 26 inches by 32 inches = e : ; tie oe Sn) ag P) ° 2 E > we SMO L. , —s = ‘ - « : : if * i i > es : — - +e oO a bY ; = 65 eno Saree : s +4 ‘ . me ye - ie" -t5m “ ena 5 Se Se ees MARTIN RICO he 21% inches inch SPANISH i ™ A Quiet Smoke | 16 15% A Glimpse of Venice c : : te Ze, ize, < S . J r "yy 7 ¥ ' + a 4 : ‘ 2 ropes Car. ’ a4% i i Ce a “a < a — roa . From the ex-Governor Bunn Collection. DAREGLOS W Anx EET ious to Go Home 10 a inches Y% inches by 8 Size, sae i ey ga if ory Transat ptr oe FRENCH: er The Port of Leghorn Size, 44 inches by 6534 inches S194 H. RONNER : Friends © gait 14 inches ea le ie en eel ai I lip! ewe alana Rey iu DA an Beni Cl ee ree ee eee = Aa BIN fey A, Sh Mey al ck ngen inches. n . rf & Lee i 4 1ro e Mit a Ad e Ss MESDA ¥ Tae at Schever by 17 n i 1 AMERICAN, THE HAG 4 in W ight thy ES: re ie 4 CRS Late 5 BOR OIE AC ee SS e maps hr ener py ensue gst Aes SNORE MEI Da oE, . No. 209. L. WDHERMITTE The Toilers 198 JEAN C. CAZIN FRENCH 1870-1891 Riles Pais Salon, 1880 Pf Honor, 1882. te elon of Honor, 1889. The Hayfield Size, 21 inches by 26 inches. 199 J. H. A. BILLOTTE ROME Head of a Girl (Oval Canvas) Size, 10 inches by 8 inches 200 SANCHEZ PERRIER SPAIN The Lake Size, 11 inches by 14 inches 201 CHARLES FRANCOIS PECRUS FRENCH The Pearl Necklace Size, 13% inches by 10% inches 202 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH Medals: Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer Legion of Honor, 1872. Sunrise in Venice Size, 22 inches by 32 inches 203 DE VILLENEUVE FRENCH Swiss Guard at Versailles, 1791 Size, 8 inches by 10! inches 204 J. B. C. COROT PARIS 1796-1875 Medals: Paris Salon, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer Legion of Honor, 1867. Fields with House Size, 14 inches by 23 inches 205 C. DE CAYOVAL Gallantry Size, 21 inches by 15 inches 206 RECO CAVERE GIEUSEPPE NAPLES 1634-1695 Sull Life, Meat, Fruit and Wine Size, 2914 inches by 3914 inches ree er ae Bile BONS “DUTCH. _ The Departure of the F dae Boats at Scheveningen : (Received gold medal at Amsterdam) Size, 29 14 inches by 49 inches wee :—The photograph and signed eatin of the above painting will be delivered to the pur- chaser. 3 Byer lioke a GERONIMO SCAGLIA ITALY 1657- The Mystic Marriage of St. Catharine Size, 86 inches by 62 inches 209 L. L'HERMITTE ‘FRENCH The Toilers Size, 25 inches by 33 inches 210 | ANDREAS ACHENBACH GERMAN Scene on the Baltic Coast Size, 181% inches by 26% inches 211 J. F. HERRING Stable Interior Size, 16 inches by 221% inches 212 E. W. REDFIELD A Village in France Size, 17% inches by 21 inches 213 A. PIOT FRENCH The Connoisseur Size, 1314 inches by 10% inhces 215 - SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. AMERICAN Summer Landscape, Upper Connecticut River - Size, 8 inches i 14 inches 5 Cs Bas wv Z. oo) -BARBIZON SCHOOL Landscape inches by 2014 inches Y 15 ize, 5 ratte stitatgtgtatitileracuses : = = Rearerrenr errr et tee Se st ~ aaa ag gw SEE Seg eg ee RT : : = 7 eee eee < = Se ee ee Pe ee oe tg Te eee