. — oi oe ® é i, I< Dlakelock’s “Autumn Morning,” Feature of ~ Sale, Fetches $2, 500 lB He ake y MBERICAN ae fons BM pleas y) . ind American aitiets iatcueing to the estate of the late George N. Tyner of Holyoke, Mass., brought $11,- 465, for sixty-two numbers, at the ‘American Art Galleries last evening. - ee aay oe cqpirtee be apt Were represented last night n rought ée highes Wie C) at at st me tae mae | sale, going to, Harry Bull llard for ; at §) Male bt’ Palntinge! from ‘Genelia? ‘Tdeal Head,” head and the estate of George N, Tyner, of hv tiiate of a young woman with Holyoke, Mass., at the American ¢reamy skin, jet black hair, seen in Art Galleries. For sixty-two, paint- profile and wearing a studio frock of ings dispersed by Thomas E. Kirby me ig gaia went to Seaman, agent, $11,465 was realized. r 000. A French street scene by Blakelock’s' “Autumn Morning” proved the feature of the evening. saat ‘afternoon, with the audience After spirited bidding “it was : went to Lorenz knocked down to Percy Bullard for R. Williams aid $2,500, the top price of the sale. Mcenaacave, by eon The opening bid for this picture chet. Was $500. ** Cardinals,” py Henri A. Laissement, An ideal head by Henner brough two prelates, = Cardinal’s robes, on a $1, 000 fre Ww. Seaman, agent cs waleany, went to.John Levy hy al marine by Clays was others paid $600 for a Re i; am -unusual picture ed by Prinz Bros, of Brook “The Bois in Win- Nam Mitchell for en: pald $325 for “‘ Still Life and their leaves, in a ; botia® I’. Keating paid #5 "$310 lent ‘‘ Cattle and d- ae sg Cydia ve EICA era i $600. er gales with the titles of eae of buyers and pr ph Charles Marais, a I Moutons,” “Martin Couland— +45 , with two others, and any se oc edge’ of a brook. abe Adolph Mayer. ..i..-..« 2a 190 er & Co. paid $410 for ene,’ by Prederick A. 6 women and 2 ge an by a. window. ry Robert * ee odewake: wes axtroedier & Co. for $300, and an * Sisters, o> i young peasant Od with a smaller, one in her lap, with a back~ of dark foliage, by the eer Sais i ube to H. Wil <2 aed aa eaman. aK m Piyinouth,? fc orning in u D; * SS ee Ss SALE. ; Bridgman— bert. Yan” Boskerck—M, ; “CC S26 she Din war ake ack ao aa eC te Bolton ‘Jones —H, 1am: eae 176 che ihe ‘Her * Goats,** I, 190 ring Brothers ,...+ 0. id a lotphe 6. 410 a press ape, 7 eee oeeseanc. (BL AKELOCK ‘LE A D H, Bogert—Williamy ....... sess; 2 “Willows Along the Bronx,”’ Hees a] Hf Gay—Percy Bulla rd Pe wee ims ry Od ne Morning” 4n ° “The: he. Tienihio. S Collection Brings apellag “The Bole angie 4 ‘a As has happene‘l in other picture sales, “Cardinals,” H “AL” Laissement—Jonn a Blakelock canvas led the prices in last “On th ne FES aT ad ey 87 ‘night’s dispersal of the Tyner collection —_—_ Delpy i Wa BING esse suie’s «on Cee 1 of modern art at the American Art As- A NE See tty ew eee wel ale a level's ease ‘sociation. ‘Autumn Morning,’ by this Bro Ser ad ohn er Go lartist, sold to Percy Bullard for $2,500. | land Er, Willing. % . eeee 115 | An “Ideal Head,” by Henner, No. 25, See “Arthur ’ Parton— ae sold to W. W. Seaman, agent, for $1,000. ‘pate A thorn fo en pea ie John Levy gave $370 for No. 41, “Car- |, “McDonough Galleries. . dinals,” by Henvi A. Laissement; Will- (Landscape, _ Bruce Crane—Wiiliam | | wee ‘Mitchell paid $320 for No. 44, the «Springtime. Ip eee RE “Bois: in Winter,” by Frits Thaulow, and H. neWVaila chen es 100 | ¥F. Keating gave $370 for No. ‘Watching the Sheep,’’ F. Ae ae 52, “Cattle and Landscape,” by y.eane (olan | Sheen ta now “Reon. R 100 . 6s ee ‘ | Mare Lozier & Co, bought No. 56, an Schenck—-Frederick Loeser....4..... 115 rien ital Scene,” by F, A. Bridgman, Landscape, Leon "Richet—S. R. Will- ae a a lan dase ap e by R. W. Van Bos- ia iams beets D - ee Vande is sin ite, snes irae awont to M. ‘Knoedler & Co. for |. Beraud—Miss R. H. Lorenz (agent). 200 ig hoy 2h ipa Henry Eember cent 7 for ‘the collection of sixty- Gc Faroek 3. Sea cticerat N. Tyner pad ES Modern American and Foreign a7 ere represented at a sale of a collection f paintings from the estate of the late eorge N. Tyner, of Holyoke, Mass., at the American Art Galleries, Feb. 23 last. For the 62 paintings dispersed by Mr. Thomas E. Kirby, a total of $11,465 was realized. Blakelock’s “Autumn Morning” was secured by Mr. Percy Bullard for $2,500, the top price of the sale. An ideal head by Henner brought $1,000 and was se- cured by W. W. Seaman, agent, and a typi- cal marine by Clays was purchased by Prinz Brothers, of Brooklyn, for $600. Other sales with titles of pictures, names of buyers and prices follow: “Pare A Moutons,’” Couland, M., Fred. Loeser aaa Perrault, L. B., H. “Williams es Parkes $310 & Shits Flock,” Van Leemputten, E., BOlp Eee og 8 SESE Se a eee eee eee woe eee eee eeereeoeerereeeseeoee & Co. 41 Landscape, Van Boskerck, R. w., Knoedler & Co. 300 Landscape, Jones, H. Bolton, Williams, in begs ad 170 Peasant Attending Goats,” Japy, L., Prinz Bros. 190 “Cattle and Landscape,” ae A. Sead MR Dis VCO idle ert Seq ae ie Si 370 “At Eventide,’ Baudoin, 73 W. W. Seaman, Ute RUMEN Grate eR TMG Se 6 Siccs GOP cis a. eiaces ale ew + © O68 325 “Morning in Autumn, Plymouth,” Bogert, G. H., YESS Ree oar 210 “Willows Along the Bronx,’? Gay, Edward, Percy eb CUM Rre um ry Ui kG kas bite bice ee ee a's 100 “The Lightship,” Moran, Edward, Prinz Bros..... 160 “The Bois in Winter,” Thaul ue i. W. Michel.. 320 “Cardinals,’’ Laissement, H. , John SOV tes. se 370 “On Banks of the River,” ghey 5 PRM Gey SR Se hs SS ee ne 120 “On the eet feeetir ey ble Pring (Bross. <. sss. 200 ‘Shepherd and Flock, ys Couland, M., H. Williams. He “Willow Brook,” Parton, A., McDermott........ ‘‘Late Afternoon,” Hart, Jas. M., McDonough (EO SUIGE ESS on od eG I ale eS 200 Landscape, Crane, Bruce, Wm. Kudenmeister... 165 Sg ta in Conn. 7 aeomiulies G, —H., ais CAE ToS 2 8 Ye SS ee tere he oa 100 ‘Watching the Sheep,” Chaigneau, F., McDonough Galleries ......---s sess nee eve enc seeesvens 100 “Sheep in Snow Storm,” Schenck, A. T., Fred. BS EES ae ee a 115 Landscape, Richet | EP Williams........... 235 “Theatre Du Vaudeville,” er Jeg Muss. Ramer Lorenz, CS ne 200. ‘Farm House,” Smith Pets FE . Keating sive: 150 “Head of Young Girl i “Harlamoff, 5 Way eile wv o's evince sells 0.436 169 ‘The First Lesson,” Witt, J. H., McDermott.... 105, =). ® ‘ Raid A se « ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1917 FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE (WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY INCLUDED) FOREIGN AND AMERICAN PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GEORGE N. TYNER OF HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK foewot had ED CATALOGUE OF MODERN PAINTINGS BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GEORGE N. TYNER OF HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, TRUSTEE ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money aS may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every. lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham- mer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Associa- tion of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authen- ticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. SALE FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 23, 1917 AT THE AMERIGAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 o’cLocK No. 1 ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1819—1905 SHEEP Me WY “nd g¢ = Height, 7%, inches; length, 91/, inches Gray, white and yellow sheep, and one black one, six in all, are pictured in a ‘close group in an open field, four lying down and two standing. Signed at the lower right: A. F. Tarr, N.A., N.Y. Now EDWARD GAY, N.A. AMERICAN, 4837— ON THE BRONX Ga. Ere Ce vay he ~ (Panel) ‘< Height, 814, inches; width, 7Y, inches The narrow Bronx river turning about a wooded point on the right, where the trees show red and brown among the green, is silvery-gray with reflec- tions of a clouded sky, and from the farther side cows have wandered into the stream from a broad green field. Signed at the lower right: Ewoarp Gay. eds No. 8 EDWARD GAY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1837— IN AUTUMN WOODS (Panel ) apie OO COV.) Pa he eae Height, 9°4 inches; width, 7 inches V An open space in a wood, carpeted with grayish- green which is all but submerged in brown, and lighted by bright notes of red, is closed in in the distance by thick dark trees, still retaining foliage, while in the middle distance on the left slender, bending trees are nearly or wholly shorn of their leaves. Signed at the lower left: Knwarp Gay. No. 4 GEORGE HARRINGTON ee Fe AMERICAN, 1833—1911 ali eetyhgeade og Ce L ean VL ' Height, 814, inches; length, 12 inches { g Under overhanging willows leaning into the pic- ture from the right a white cow and a red and white one are standing in the shallows of a pond, and two more cows are seen beyond them in open fields. Signed at the lower right: Gro. Harrincton, 1886. No. 5 I. H. KAEMMERER Dutcu, 1839—1892 PORTRAIT OF A LADY OSs Ui Ahepea et Y Height, 91, inches; width, 53, inches Three-quarter-length portrait of a young woman of blond type, seated, figure to the front and head turned to her left so that her face is in full three-quarter view. She wears a figured rose gown with low corsage edged with brown fur, a heavy white shawl or outer robe, and a small bonnet of white ribbons and bows. Signed at the lower right: F. H. Karm™ener. NOSG JEAN BERAUD Frencu, 1849— , LADY IN BLACK 1 thence (Panel) eee Height, 14 inches; width, 7°4 inches Full-length figure of a chic young French woman in outdoor costume of black and rich, dark green, walking toward the right, who pauses and turns her face toward the spectator, holding her skirts daintily in one hand and a muff in the other. Signed at the lower right: JEAN Brraup. IN'O-C7 GEORGES CROESGAERT BELGIAN, CONTEMPORARY THE BLONDE . a6 jpn) 7 juve ( Panel) “ ( Height, 12° inches; width, 91%, inches Half-length seated figure of a robust Parisienne of a nineteenth century type, with reddish-yellow hair, facing the front with eyes directed to her left. Green sleeveless bodice with low corsage, fur boa, and pearl necklace with long pendants. Signed at the lower left: Georces Croescarrt, Paris. No. 8 GEORGES CROESGAERT ye BeLGian, CONTEMPORARY ree Tn-4 VY THE BRUNETTE 7 ( Panel) Height, 13 inches; width, 914 inches Head and bust portrait of a plump Parisienne with brown-black hair, in a low cut, sleeveless evening gown of mingled soft hues, trimmed with pearls and other jewels. Signed at the lower left: Grorces Crorescarrt, Pants. No. 9 CESARE DETTI Irarian, 1848— pay IMPORTUNITY caey a . mos ee eanel a V arltterve SP — : V Height, 14 inches; width, 1014 inches A handsome blond young woman in pale golden suk richly embroidered leans back upon rose cushions in an armchair before a tapestried wall, a small, closed, red-bound volume in her hand, a lute at her side. A brilliantly garbed courtier, standing, pleads earnestly with her. Signed at the lower right: C. Derr. Wer No. 10 HERMAN N. HYNEMAN AMERICAN, 7A85 1907 Goa ? C CS f) y, Unni" THE LONELY BREWKFAST (7 te V Height, 1314, inches; width, 101% inches Seated alone at a white-covered table, with blue and white and red and white china before her, a pensive young woman in a pink gown trimmed with white lace looks across the board, full and quietly at the spectator, her head slightly tilted and large blue eyes melting. Behind her a win- dow opens to view a tree and masses of greenery. Signed at the lower right: H. N. Hyneman, 1900. No. 11 JOHN HARRISON WITT, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1840—1901 THE FIRST LESSON ( / 6 — Height, 1514 inches; width, 11% inches In the corner of a plainly decorated, quiet home room, a handsome young mother in grayish-white is giving her young daughter, a child with long blond hair, her first music lesson. Signed at the lower right: J. H. Wrrrv. No. 12 ALBERT INSLEY AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY oz Sy a ee WI LATE OCTOBER7 2 AAC Oa ee. PS a Height, 1114 inches; length, 1714 inches Broad hills, both thickly wooded and showing wide cleared fields, bound the vista beneath a pale turquoise sky filled with active clouds. Before them the land is low and flat, and a stream winding through its lush verdure is partly lined with low trees whose sparse foliage shows notes of yellow and red. Signed at the lower left: Arperr INnsLey. No. 13 G. MUSS-ARNOLT AMERICAN, CONTEMPORARY DOGS a DS GS : Cas <4 O ‘ Be. Lg UL =) J Q¢ ~—- Height, 11% inches; length, 15%, inches Two hunting dogs, pointers, are seen on slop- ing ground, one headed down toward the left and the other approaching along the edge of a clump of reeds, both keenly alert. The wild fields are gray-green and yellow, and the shrubbery has turned to a deep autumn brown. Signed at the lower left: G. Muss-Arnorv. No. 14 F. MILOL og ¢ Iranian, ConrEMPORARY y | ORIENTAL MARKET ( Height, 12%, inches; length, 16 inches In an Oriental street where turbaned figures stand, walk, ride on camel or donkey, or sit among the varied wares which merchants offer in stalls or from the ground, the sunshine beats brightly upon rich colors, and turkeys and chickens con- tribute to the heterogeneous ensemble. Signed at the lower right: F. Murrot. No. 15 JULES LE ROY 7 eee FRENCH, We 1865 ji) LIFE AND STILL LIFE Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches A brown, gray and white kitten seated on a table before a gilt clock looks with wide eyes at the spectator, an overturned covered jar at its feet. On the table is a dark green coverlet and back of it a deep crimson drapery. Signed at the lower right: J. Im Roy. No. 16 ALEXIS HARLAMOFF ri he, oe Russian, 1849— o at Avs he ng rita hMere HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL Height, 181%, inches; width, 138% inches Head and shoulders portrait of a young girl, facing the left, three-quarters front. She is rosy- cheeked and brown-eyed, with a mass of rebellious reddish-brown hair, and her chest and arm are exposed by her light garment. Signed at the lower left: Hartamorr. No. 17 J. BAHIEU FrencH, CONTEMPORARY CHICKENS a e ae é LI kt nnwrteerr O 0) Height, 211% inches; width, 10 inches a ay, J In rich yellow straw, bright in warm sunshine, a red rooster and eleven hens of various colors are resting or idly pecking food, in the corner of a barnyard against a pinkish-gray wall with green and brown mottlings. Signed at the lower left: J. Bawtev. No. 18 KARL WITKOWZKI pn vo AUSTRIAN, a be ra MODESTY pln) (p eae = Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches Three-quarter-length standing figure of a small peasant girl, facing the right, three-quarters front, clad in a brown jacket and gray skirt and carrying a roll of something white under her arm. Yellow bows deck her dark hair, and she looks out with large, bright, timid eyes. Signed at the lower right: K. WirKowzx1. No. 19 DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. Dae AMERICAN, 1827-1908 > ete Ac: 4 WO a? Ve vee TAMWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIR Height, 131% inches; length, 19%4 inches Study of a bleak New England hillside, sloping slowly to the left and forward under a dull gray- ish sky, the surface gray and mahogany-hued rocks with intervals of green grass and stunted shrubbery. Signed at the lower left: D J (in monogram), 1863. And on the back: “A Study at Tamworth, N. H.; Davin Jonson.” No. 20 HENRY PEMBER SMITH J 8 Za co AMERICAN, 1854—1907 FARM HOUSE | hos ai Nantoug Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches f At the bend of a lonely road which cuts its gray sandy way through green grass, a small gray farmhouse stands on the right with a red barn in its rear, and a part of its dooryard is shut in by a white wooden fence in front and a low stone fence on the side. Signed at the lower right: Henry P. Smiru. LEON MORAN 3o — Awerican, 1863 1 1. Pradhan COLONIAL DAYS‘ ” # Yi. (Water Color) Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches Strolling proudly along the walk in front of a high, gray, garden wall, a tall cavalier in blue and buff smiles in satisfaction over the possession of a handsome young woman on his arm, while a young gallant looks with jealous resentment after them. Signed at the lower left: Leon Moran, ’97. C. A. LENOIR Frencu, CONTEMPORARY Tutte 7 "Yj () JEUNE FILLE Dan. Wee ae. dg? 7 O Height, 17% inches; width, 14°, inches Head and shoulders portrait of a young girl with warm red lips and large hazel eyes, figure turned to the right, three-quarters front, and face full to the front, with a soft light falling full upon her against a dark background. A white under garment falls away from shoulders and breast, and morning-glories deck the pale’ brown hair that falls curling down her back. Signed at the lower right: C. A. Lenore, 1901. B. KREUTZER q0 GERMAN, CONTEMPORARY /) f = ON es Qark fF Aes Height, 13% inches; length, 19°4 imches bY Newly fallen snow covers the ground and ac- cents the straggling branches of leafless trees, about a castellated lonely mansion in a German landscape. On a frozen river beside it skaters are seen in a dull sunset glow, and on the right a girl afoot comes plodding through the snow. Signed at the lower left: B. Kreurzer. GEORGES MICHEL Frencu, 1763—18438 LANDSCAPE Sates at ie ‘a GFA KA V/ at ri & é () go Height, 151 inches; length, 191/ inches Over vast reaches of rolling country a heavy black cloud-band hangs low, shadowing the land- scape, which outside the shadow lies in a softened light -reflected from light grayish clouds both above the black belt and along the horizon. pg) if | | v% a CECB VE: ( Panel) Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches Half a dozen vigorous young women of the fisher folk, in green, yellow, red and brown, and carrying nets and baskets, are coming up a red- sandy beach at sunset, in a group, from the green- blue sea on which some sail are seen offshore, and two more of their sisters are back of them at the water’s edge. Signed at the lower right: M. Rovuzéx, 1890. No. 81 FERDINAND CHAIGNEAU FRENCH, 1830— . ke WATCHING THE SHEEP Height, 2114 inches; width, 17°, inches After sunset, in the early evening glow, a shepherdess has brought her flock to a drinking pool in the foreground, and stands leaning against ‘a rock, watching them, her dog lying at her feet. Signed at the lower left: Fd Craicneav. oe No. 82 JULES FREDERIC BALLAVOINE FRENCH, CONTEMPORARY foc | ) CE THE oN nea SR Height, 2114 inches; width, 18 inches A blond young woman in warm pink, with a dark red jacket and jaunty cap, is seated on a rock near green trees and a reddish-yellow bush, a shotgun resting across her knees as she scans the fields ahead. Signed at the lower left: J. Batiavornr. No. 33 E. J. DRESSLER “Uo 06 AMERICAN ile LANDSCAPE Lh) Negev Height, 1714 inches; length, 231/, inches V Fresh green meadow grass surrounding a small silvery-gray foreground pool is touched with yel- low and dotted with clumps of brownish herbage. To left is the edge of a low wild wood, and in the distance are varied roofs of low buildings, under an active sky. Signed at the lower right: E. J. Dresster, *97. No. 34 BRUCE CRANE, N.A. “Tg Us AMERICAN, 1857— ; lie LANDSCAPE ©" Height, 15% inches; length, 24 inches Sunshine falls upon green and yellow fields in the distance, and brightens the sides of low farm- houses and barns. In the foreground a green field encircling a small pool is dark in transparent shadow, as are bushes and scraggly trees within the field and tall brown haystacks at its edges. Signed at the lower left: Bruce Craneg, N. Y. No. 35 GEORGE H. SMILLIE, N.A. ee (eed AMERICAN, 1840— F JT ¢ Mr oN 0 ae v CA ‘ A_A SPRINGTIME IN CONNECTICUT ‘Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Fresh green fields slope lightly from either side to a small brook that wanders away to the dis- tant Sound, which is seen as a white streak against a low horizon shore. Scattered apple trees are afluff with soft masses of pink and white blos- soms, and beyond a freshly plowed field a farm- house and a church appear among tall green trees. Signed at the lower left: Gro. H. Smiriim, N.A., 1902. . Non s6yoq. | Tree 0 up A Xtathw JAMES McDOUGAL HART, N.A. American, 1828—1901 LATE AFTERNOON Height, 1714 inches; length, 251, inches Red and white cows are coming lazily down-a road on the right, accompanied by a calf, and one has turned aside to drink at a crossing brook. In fields on the left farmers are loading hay, and beyond the fields rises the steeple of a village church. Signed at the lower right: James M. Harr. No. 37 ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. U AMERICAN, 1842—1914 Vy r : WILLOW Brook J? Wee is ves en Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches A black cow and a red cow with a white face have wandered into a shallow brook to drink. On the lush banks tall grass and shrubbery and fluffy willows are growing, and in the foreground where the brook broadens into a pond, lily pads dot the water. Signed at the lower right: Arruur Parton. No. 38 ADOLPHE CHARLES MARAIS Frencu, CoNTEMPORARY Fo oc f Lf, COWS IN PASTURE (Vedi pyagh BZbhhy Height, 21 inches; width, 17°4 inches Three red and white cows, with all-white or red and white faces, stand looking straight at the spectator, one in the foreground in a flag-bordered pool near a pollard willow, and two a little back on the flower-dotted meadow. At the far end of the field other cows are grazing. Signed at the lower left: Av. Marats. No. 39 VICTOR HENRY LESUR Frencu, CONTEMPORARY ON THE QUAI—NOTRE DAME IN THE DISTANCE ten ony: GU_ 1g deh Ms eho Height, 23%, inchee: width, A91%, inches A gallant in golden-brown Me. and long blue coat turns from the desultory perusal of old volumes at the stall of a bouquiniste on the quai, for a glance toward handsomely-gowned women making purchases from a _ daintily garbed marchande de fleurs in the foreground. In the background are lines of gray and yellow Paris buildings with red roofs, over which appear the gray towers of Notre Dame. Signed at the lower left: V. Henry Lesvr. No. 40 MARTIN COULAUD Frencu, ConTEMPORARY —wv 6 : SHEPHERD AND FLOCK Height, 251, inches; width, 21 inches A flock of gray sheep with three brown ones among them move slowly toward the spectator, just in front of the edge of a wood, the foremost ranks already dipping their noses into a fore- ground pool. The shepherd in green-blue stands behind them at the base of a great oak. Signed at the lower right: M. Covuraup, 1901. { 7, , ib A , ; my Fi ‘4 g ee er ¢ : y | a A ee | AASV A v . ead JAA g No. 41 HENRI A. LAISSEMENT FrEeNcH, CONTEMPORARY , 37 0° Ot “es CARDINALS wate ie anel) (/ Height, 2514 inches; width, 21 inches On a gray stone balcony at the corner of a brick mansion with a climbing pink rose running up its wall, are two prelates in cardinal robes, one doffing his biretta in pleasant salutation to someone below, the other looking over his shoulder with a smile of sympathetic enjoyment. Signed at the lower left: H. Lartssemenr. No. 42 Pelee Omy Pi CAMILLE DELPY Frencu, 1841—1910 ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER Po OU Hh hall, Height, 171, fomeee length, 27° inches At the fall of evening when a yellow afterglow lingers over the horizon, glimpsed beyond a screen of tall dark green trees, some peasant women are finishing up their laundering at the grassy edge of a placid river winding through a French country- side. Back of them a house is seen. Ducks are aswim near at hand, and across the stream a boat lies against the farther bank. Signed at the lower right: H. C. Derry, 799. No. 43 PAUL JEAN CLAYS Bexcian, 1819—1900 ~ i | | - [% Sal Height, 20% inches; length, ge inches Massive Dutch working boats, heavy of line and bulk, with soft, weathered colors of hull, and creamy-white, pinkish, brown and gray sails, are grouped in a broad fairway and a rowboat is ap- proaching them over ruffled water. To left a brigantine lies near a point of land where red- roofed houses are dominated by a tall gray wind- mill. Signed at the lower right: P. J. Crays. No. 44 FRITS THAULOW 4h NORWEGIAN, Me Cae YA THE BOIS IN WINTER Height, 20 inches; length, 281, inches An unusual picture of a broad avenue through the famous Wood,—roadway, walks and trees un- -der a thick mantle of snow, the air grayish with the finely driven fleece, the sky tinged with sunset colors, and people out for a walk in the snow. Signed at the lower right: Frits THautow. No. 45 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. Ray AMERICAN, 1847—f~y rey —_——_) di UV bags ; % pty Sar Lira AUTUMN MORNING Pa Height, 16 inches; ae 24 inches Just over the horizon, straight ahead, the pres-. ence of the early sun is felt rather than seen, in an intensity of the light in a dense, vaporous white mist that screens the lower sky—a purplish- pink stratum feathering off to the right. Aloft the sky is a light blue, and grayish cloud patches float in the ether. The visible earth is flat—a broad foreground field of green grass tinged with yellow, and marked by clumps of low herbage, and a middleground irregularly bounded by shrubbery and detached trees, the trees showing brown and silvery trunks and retaining a few brilliant red leaves. Signed at the lower right: R. A. BLaKetocx. No. 46 EDWARD MORAN fe Uo ee 1829—_1901 a) ‘ : ‘ THE LIGHTSHIP ieee Height, 27 inches; width, 21%, inches In a tossing blue-sea, with white-caps and spin- drift illuminated by moonrays shining down from between dark clouds, a heavy brown lightship is rolling in a stiff wind, her warning lights bright yellow flares, and in the dark distance is a sailing ship passing into the night. Signed at the lower left: Epw. Moran. No. 47 EDWARD GAY, N.A. aS a (y any ihe RPL N\A ALa / ILLOWS ALONG THE. BRO x RIVER. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches The modest Bronx enters into view in the mid- dle distance, between high banks grass-grown and broken with sandy-yellow patches, and passes out in the foreground as a mottled mirror of a cloudy blue sky. From the left trees lean over it, and on the right green fields are spotted with distant cows grazing. Signed at the lower left: Enwarp Gay. No. 48 FRANK DE HAVEN, A.N.A. AmERICAN, 1856— Height, 2214 inches; lengtl, 27% inchdd f "pee eee o LANDSCAPE Autumn has come and the trees are turning yellow and brown. In transparent shadow, in the gathering dusk of after-sunset, an aged figure stands near some tall brown oaks on the left, an attentive dog looking up alert and sympathetic; in the distance the glow from the sky lightens the yellowish foliage along the edge of a thick wood. Signed at the lower left: F. De Haven, 1898. Shown at the St. Louis Exposition, 1898. No. 49 GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 18$4—, _ D y | 7 She, MORNING IN AUTUMN, PLYMOUTH ‘ d Qe Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Dark brown trees relieved by red and yellowish saplings mass at the left against a lightening sky of soft cumuli in greenish-blue depths. Across a brook or inlet on the right is a rocky mound with a small tree and low shrubbery, and in the far distance are low blue-green hills. | Signed at the lower left: Grorce Bocerr No. 50 BRUNET NEUVILLE FRENCH CONTE i STILL LIFE—FR Lips | / () Height, 20°, inches; oe 251%, inches A large brown basket of luscious peaches, one of them split in the fulness of its mature develop- ment, their warm red and yellow relieved by occa- sional cool green leaves, lies in the light on a table, against a dark background. On the table is more fruit. , Signed at the lower left: BRuNET NEUVILLE. No. 51 JEAN BAUDOIN Frencu, 1851— ie Yui J, (ery oe | AT EVENTIDE YT GRommaM “AGhrrl | Height, 2814 inches; width, 2314 inches \ A tall, pensive, restrained young woman, gowned and hooded in dark red, with a severe collar in white and black pendent from the wide, loose neck, approaches slowly toward the spectator through an open path at the edge of a wood, between bushes of luxuriantly blooming white chrysanthe- mums or similar flowers. Behind her, beyond a stream, rays of the setting sun turn a distant wood to yellow, red and purple. Signed at the lower right: Jean Bavnorn, 1901. No. 52 ADOLPHE CHARLES MARAIS ee ae EMPORARY ¢ ecm ES bye rina CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE Height, 311% inches; width, 26°, inches A fine alert white cow with glossy coat, warm- ing to a pinkish tinge near the shoulder in the sunlight, and appearing a cool gray in the con- trasting shadows, stands facing the spectator be- tween a red cow lying down and a red cow with a white face that is drinking in an adjacent stream. In the background are thick trees near at hand, and in the distance sunlit meadows, Signed at the lower right: Ap. Marats. No. 58 LOUIS JAPY : VRencH(h000s< a (A z jae i—_— Sp 3 rine. PEASANT ATTENDING HER “iy ik Height, 25°/, inches; length, 32 inches In an open forest of France, where the thicker trees are partly green and partly tinged with color, a straggling line of picturesque birches sparse of foliage crosses the view, and on a low stone wall at their foot a peasant girl is seated, while three browsing goats stand momentarily idle near by. Signed at the lower right: Japy, 1901. No. 54 ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1854-—1915 WINDY WEATHER /, : EY Se / ae oe ba! et tao hi bd ¢¢ Height, 26 inches; leng Heavy clouds of pale gray, yellowish-white and gray-black are driven across a greenish-blue sky, almost wholly obscuring it, over a plain with much yellow, brown and red amongst its green herbage, a mass of low, bushy trees toward the right and a blue pool touched with white reflections in the left foreground. Signed at the lower right: Arruur Hoeser. And on the back: “Arthur Hoeber, Nutley, N. J.; Windy Weather.” No. 55 H. BOLTON JONES, N.A. AmERICAN, 1848— ( ) 0 LANDSCAPE 74 Wels, Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Low and bushy willows, their foliage a chang- ing green as the slanting sunlight touches the branch-tips or throws the masses into transparent shadow, line the bank of a brook crossing the landscape and broadening in the right fore- ground. ‘To the left of it the green bank is low, flat and wild, and spotted with tree shadows; to right are green meadows touched with yellow. Signed at the lower left: H. Botron Jones. No. 56 FREDERICK A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. Ss Maem ie ‘ Ody oe ae : he ee ORIENTAL SCENEY PAGAL AALy Height, 231%, inches; length, 3614 inches In the indolent lassitude of the Orient a lady in filmy white leans back on a divan at an arched window opening, a cigarette idly held in her fin- gers. At her side a young girl in red holds a baby boy, and a companion on the divan is embroider- ing on blue silk. Signed at the lower right: F. A. Brmeman. No. 57 ROBERT W. VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AMERICAN, 1855— yal Cee, 7 0 7 LANDSCAPE Mn vi Yi A Height, 82 inches; length, 3914, inches c In the middleground stands a group of trees, aged and sturdy, with ragged branches and some blasted limbs, under a sky of heavy gray and white clouds with rifts of brilliant blue. In the background is a wood of saplings, blue and yel- lowish-green. The foreground is flat, its low herb- age green and pink, and is cut by a brook. Signed at the lower right: R. W. Van BosKercx. No. 58 CHARLES WARREN EATON, N.A. AMERICAN, 1857— MOONRISE ha Gd 1 ae weds VY Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Creeping up in a pale greenish sky is the full golden moon, just emerging into view over the crest of a broad, low hill, the full orb not yet above the ground line. On the nearer slope of the hill low trees are beginning to define themselves in the increasing light. Signed at the lower left: Cas. Warren Eaton, 1892. No. 59 EK. VAN LEEMPUTTEN Bexucian, 1850— THE COMING FLOCK i Atl/ acer q /9 J Height, 23%/, inches; length, 31 ie (/ Out of a green wood and along the edge of it on the left are coming a flock of fat gray sheep, followed by a tall shepherdess prim of aspect, with yellow hair, black waist and blue skirt. To right are rough fields and low woods. Signed at the lower left. No. 60 JULES FREDERIC BALLAVOINE ag he, FRENCH, CoNTEMPORARY eet Nye Y fi LOVE’S WHISPERS Height, 32 inches; width, 21 inches Three-quarter-length figure of a fair young woman with golden-blond hair, gowned in white with corsage passing under her arms, standing amidst blossoming field flowers before a mass of greenery. She carries pink roses, and cupids whisper at either shoulder to receptive ears. Signed at the upper left: J. BaLtavorne No. 61 MARTIN COULAUD FRENCH, CONTEMPORARY & 5 / 20 G* Height, 28Yp inches; length, 39%. inches PARC A MOUTONS _. A goodly flock of sheep have been driven to an open fold in the foreground, and in the dim light of a crescent moon the shepherd is setting up the sectional fencing about them. Beyond him a tall haystack rises dark against low-lying clouds of a crisp autumn sky, Signed at the lower right: M. Couravp, 1901. From the Salon of 1901. - No. 62 LEON BAZILE PERRAULT FrencuH, 18382— SISTERS cas pe Le ih Kile) 3 Ps "4 si Height, 45%, inches; width, 311% inches. A dark-haired young peasant woman, bare- armed and bare-footed, in a white waist and blue skirt, is seated in the cool shadows of a grove, clasping on her lap in affectionate embrace her small bright-eyed sister, whose arms enfold the elder’s neck. Dense dark green foliage is massed behind them, and a softened light modulates the healthy flesh tones. Signed at the lower left: I. Perrauir, 1899. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THomas E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. te _ LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER BAHIEU, J. Chickens 17 BALLAVOINE, Juxes Freépéric The Huntress 32 Love’s Whisperings 60 BAUDOIN, Jean At Eventide ; 51 BERAUD, Jean Lady in Black and Green 6 Théatre du Vaudeville 27 BLAKELOCK, Raren Axserr, A.N.A. Autumn Morning 45 BOGERT, Gerorct H., A.N.A. Morning in Autumn, Plymouth 49 BRIDGMAN, Frepericx A., N.A. Oriental Scene 56 CHAIGNEAU, Fererpinanp Watching the Sheep 31 CLAYS, Pavut JEean Marine 43 COULAUD, MarrTin Shepherd and Flock Parc a Moutons CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Landscape CROESGAERT, GerorcEs The Blonde The Brunette DE HAVEN, Frank, A.N.A. Landscape DELPY, Hrerotyre CAMILLE On the Banks of the River DETTI, CrEsare Importunity DRESSLER, E. J. Landscape EATON, CHartes Warren, N.A. Moonrise GAY, Epwarp, N.A. On the Bronx In Autumn Woods CATALOGUE NUMBER 40) 61 34 48 42 33 58 Willows Along the Bronx River, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 48 HARLAMOFY, Atexis Head of a Young Girl HARRINGTON, GeEorGE Study of Cows HART, James McDoveat, N.A. Late Afternoon HENNER, Jean JAcQuEs Ideal Head HOEBER, Artuur, A.N.A. Windy Weather HYNEMAN, Herman N. The Lonely Breakfast INSLEY, ALBERT Late October JAPY, Louis Peasant Attending Her Goats JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. Tamworth, New Hampshire JONES, H. Bourton, N.A. Landscape CATALOGUE NUMBER 16 36 25 54 10 12 53 19 55 KAEMMERER, F. H. Portrait of a Lady KREUTZER, B. Winter LAISSEMENT, Henri A. Cardinals LEEMPUTTEN, E. van The Coming Flock LENOIR, C. A. Jeune Fille LE ROY, JurEs Life and Still Life LESUR, Vicror Henry CATALOGUE NUMBER 5 41 59 15 On the Quai—Notre Dame in the Distance MARAIS, ApvoteHe CHar es Cows in Pasture Cattle and Landscape MICHEL, Georges Landscape 39 38 52 24 MILOI, F. Oriental Market MORAN, Epwarp The Lightship MORAN, Lron Colonial Days MUNTHE, Lupwic The Midnight Sun MUSS-ARNOLT, G. Dogs NEUVILLE, Bruner Still Life—Fruit PARTON, Arruur, N.A. Willow Brook PERRAULT, Lton Bazirz Sisters RICHET, Lton Landscape ROUZEE, M. Dieppe Fisher Girls CATALOGUE NUMBER 14 46 26 13 50 37 62 28 30 CATALOGUE NUMBER SCHENCK, A. F. A. Sheep in Snow Storm | 29 SMILLIE, Georce H., N.A. Springtime in Connecticut 35 SMITH, Henry PEMBER Farm House 20 TAIT, Arruur F., N.A. Sheep 1 THAULOW, Frits The Bois in Winter 44, VAN BOSKERCK, Rosert W., N.A. Landscape 57 WITKOWZKYI, Kari Modesty 18 WITT, Joun Harrison, A.N.A. The First Lesson 11 FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY a ? ” AND BINDING BY S COMPOSITION, & A \e, \ r i Eh 7 \ v4 ' . |