—_—e . pg" pst lait reflects cs cea : OCI SADSOOOOOO ES ‘i BAG LGV GY AGING AY SAYA e OG : 2 S y i Do 2c© _ 6) > ©} FO OHLO GC SOLD BY W. SWE y IVCIEN Ttp MODE Printseller Brownlow Street, HOLBORN. aon erent os | | it | Y | i 14 | | i | f i 1 i } 1: q | | if | | | A COLLECTION OF PRINTS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF ENGLISH SCENERY. From the Drawings and Sketches OF GAINSBOROUGH: In the various Collections of the Right Honorable Baronness Lucas; Viscount Palmerston; George Hibbert, Esq. Dr. Monro, and several other Gentlemen. Engraved and Published by W. F. Wexis, and J. Laporte, en Printed by Watts and Bridgewater, Queen-st, Grosyenor-sq, To GEORGE HIBBERT, Esq. This Work is most respectfully inscribed, by his most obliged and obedient Servants, W. F. WELLS, & J. LAPORTE. oe : 7. Geena borough, f Fi btishid aa the Act chircels fed 7 “ g j EE y ez EU), 2 ) F708 We hee VIA LPL LOM Of cad li ber?, (@ “Gf é é (ae / é ca i ila Prubleatil ad tfe Oe Coliveols fran 1499 02 7 Dh ee Ze Cotclor. FF Gio VEOSPISE, Cy _ Kem the C Vipe De TT nn er ceases Eee 3 6 Sriblesdide as the Reteinrecls fon + A YIP 22, Yella Slfs) TZCamaotorer 4 4) & Z aoe pe fo the folclien yy, foe. Nebborte: iy ie Q GO Cin: CUE ae eee SS a an | | | | | | CCOPL7 me ie eae » tina Whe Cnet, te Se fy, (NS TW It ahs uty a = = Z a SS wa Naha ue Sitlistid ea Wi UT L606 font IFIP Od LEME Cs . Fela i nay : Z F Dey Ly C Te Ornal ye ee, Cee Via Geo. MALberl, oh ———— = ————— Se eee ———— ———— = = as ee Se ee J. Geum hovouth, Puttesticl ta tht Ut elipechs Vis YAP IPOR. 3 Q aes : ; : a eee, a ope Wee C Degen va Wee (el teow tf We Vib (Be ; ‘ L 7 /, Gains bored hed ccd Hoe Cet tcvcols Yeoit 1092 OX, y LO0 Miter. hy i YE Z Gt’ #4 WI Hels. Jewlfa Lomthe l feytnal Ut Uf Z : tf Wat 7 Mpcltine y Ce MMibbert, oy Y/ oa) hi ee Jey) 44 | LY PID WEIR pysyyrg —— F Yenoasmprrens i | | | | | i T Gamsborough, RA del 7. Laporte Scubp, Published by J Laporte, de WF: Wells March, 2.1802 Wy ZOgLT Jou POW “Tp I 1/. iy, a) 4 wmode 4 7 YU) Wd. / oe YZ DUIOVL Wp IU, FY} vy, Ubi Ay, > Seuelp I Laporte at s Xs S x S 20RET MY STEM ST MY HOLE T 7 AY Pr 2 . OO UODfIP2) LY) Ud VuU?bEA a) Ut Ay > { Ui, : 16) fi “ W oF) Yj Ue EER 5) Si : if } nen nt AAS NTE RRL ate tented a i | Prom the niginal vn ZT. Gainsbovough RA.ddl © 71802. Los hy a Vio v 7 Of tye Meh 7 Z ae COME Led UWE Wells, Nov L002 & hye Jf Cpt Published by J Laporte 2 CSU MEL fo the freee rernrmentiaennnatutnnnmimenreritaniieti ry tan ett nn ens AcOH REINS AND thd RL RINE SSAA RAR 8 te NNR EN WE Hells Q ES XQ S ‘ NY aN SS IN Pett \ iff Meliowet, Ibe ii t7¢- VA / Lee USM —4 = AVOG4t SF Laports r WE Wells & dy Bg WH Wells seutp T Gainsborough Del? vA Vs, 7 es / 4, YY ? J i Laperte” re WL. Wells by S NS NS Sas: S ‘% < BN N X TS S SENG WN N 7 Tublihed Wed2,1802, Bae ZALLLA j H ' ' j Ops WA, “ad)) J ¥ ITM A A Wi Vide V7.0, Wy . « mee LL A fz | sel et Ne Ree Jan. 1. 1803- Published by WH Wells & JL aperte, WE Wells scudp LGainsborough Del? QSrom The L ees PY, gett t9 lhe (2 Lec LO70 y ee Published by WE Welle b J Laporte, Tan-1, 1003, ® \ ough Del «Wells seulp. ) Fppp the Craginal” Cit LE (clealion of bee Heder Tublished by WH Wells ¥S. Laporte. Jan. 1,104 L.GainsboroughRA deb! rte MEM ell ls soul? é See Dey OL AL Sen Nee ? Lyon Wee Uvregimatl tn Une olieiton Y U0. Mik bert A? va i a Published March 11803 by WK Wells & I Laportce jesenauemiaenatpnsenrees ort nee nn owner tn ee CICA AISA SRE ESOS PCtG EE Tigh Dele 3 P WE Wells scvelp if eae of. 7 f: Dane the C7 ) tg le LI rhe olatien bi Z vi Gets Vey, J; Published March 1.1008, by WE Wells & FT. Laporte Yo UL CA Lye Hd /, oe ALO 70 Ue COCL y rygtnil Lt Yhef Wy 4 pe Le DF 7 OH ‘he 1,7208, bt WL, Wh heed Mar Oi WE ee (Oe tuba dhe ( Melon Zz Ceo Jobe C i Published May 1, 1803, by WE Wells & 7 Laportce neces povademwpetinennryaneernnecne mentite ERR HERR HMAC HINER RceancrerernraeN TPGatnsborough Del! — WE Wells scudp* x 7 , q a oe EO ae J Vii ff, 0 From tee Vregtreat ti He hdlfa Via Yio Madi igor? AN S) AA Published May, 1003 by WH Wells & IL aportee TL. é wa Lin the blecleon 7. Ce: Hibbs Zz é Sg, id = d by WP! Wells & 7 Laportee t culp! 8 RS NS Garnsborough Det? 7 f (4 is 4 FL oh / WEL Me Y, Publoshed Sper 1803, by WE: Wells & Ssapore. MON Of lew. Ye € he. / ( CVC Ze, DOGO Tut Ul re leet a ‘ L. Gainsborough Dey —— if) £ J § / JP = fi fi ws? 2 a TL Ye Cnyenal tn ae Glan g Uo: Vilbart ony : fa é owe Z Ve po Y Published Sept. 1 1803, ty WE. Wells & J. Laporte Y Can, ew 5 T. Gainsborough Del? Laporte seulp® Q poy Mb Orginal “ie he (olleclion fDi a Published, Sept! 1, 1803, by JT Laporte & WK Wells. soe atresborough Dee. pores TLaporte Si evan the Oripimal tn (wlodtion of Lac Uf ie a) Published Sait! (1803, by SLaporte & WH Wells, wegh Dele i j ' ' ‘ wodory ip LEE erenetinee ode 7 ph G00! 1 judap pousnqny ay UOFPPIA; ee UA ag a D7 PEC a LF Z a G c 7 Ye GS {2 UbnoLsogeurrs orvemnaaterciaa tnantcrmcon nnmeatsantee neta fos mmenrcesernesroaeatd, trate ae ann WA B ee Ya (ledin G a Published, Sept! |, 1803, by T Laporte ’ Wek! Wetis WE Wells scretp! 7 y Onginal en Hie Lublished Sept! 1 1003, by Wo Wells ¥ TL aporte NN Meee ¢ 7) FO ON 7 gee Kile Ci , DL Gainsborough Del* ) Yom Vee Onginal vn Mee (cliclirr LZ se Pullished, Sept! 1, 1003, by I Laporte & WR Wells, I ‘ } Z nae 2 VA : Lf ae 0 E 2 tron ie Cngenal tH he y Coes con Of Yer Alitterl CC f / O i, Published Dee! l. 1803, by WKH Wells & Sve aporte. a, ‘apeodw TL 4779M. Sf? LLOTE- uw %2 ‘e091 « YY HW ve PPUSMINT WL i A FE y, PULV-P 4: ip a 2H 2 yer Yo neLogsure-y O | | | | /) i 4707 Ge Cneguneal vie Me ip y Published Dec? , 1803, by We ee Zp q Yeo. E Wells & I Laporte. Ma Mey LOCH | V4 Dv ssjepatesennsinichraninhopinnint renee ast insborough dele ie ai 5 ) C th By Be Gen ‘ aA es 4 Of © Wal , Fg LHE Loe tHe te (Pious oh JE. WTEC Hip = 4 Liublished. Nov? 1604, by WE Wells 21 Laporte. O trom Oi. Ti D 7 Cy. ce the /' J fd, AOD A » » . NAN Ne AN aN SS ZZ ue 49 lA Cptsiitt fe CC eC DD ed Nou! 1804,by WE Wells ES. Laporte, Publish TL Gainsborough del? . : re ; : fret se ee soa ee 3 WE Sania a x / fee Ze Z ty TF r0m Whe Z ginal tn Mhefilation Gatliinteg ; Published Nov 00h by WE Wells ! IS. Laporte C ait nantes tnesegntn denn OeAe tnsvorough Del © REE rl Healt chat ba i pt Vf E A Bins y! fe ; 2 CKiagpgjAE TE MI CGE Se Gf YOO ¢ 7) Vie A Published Mar! 1, 1804, by WK Wells & LL aperte +c ERNE EUS ATOVE st Joeman terete re rennet spraneaetncomct scent mica ainsborough del? . . . 2 . ‘ Sram bs 2 ye yp Lo fie J 0m Mee Ona Mt Me folen “ite. Of LE Moo 5 S y Published March t-1804,by TLaporle BW Well apcod PT P22 SUPEA LM 4 VORLT {LOR P2UDINE ) Gi S = Ul: aT uy “ > 2Y) LP UPVII Loy Ui WWUPD Lj) DY) Ul? ( wy C4 Va4 ify en a : J ie LH. LTE Te C LRIIS STEM TM. ) Zz psn nica. anna ncn st Hint nna so a a tara corte! Gamsborough de. Nr re . Zi 5 Vi ie C Laginal ETE (edi PL: Nore y ae Published March 1, 1004, by S Laporte & WE Wells see WE Wells scalp. : T Catnsborough Del. pf / fl ? / meetin fine wae oe oe Di Lh Fe is Aigenill- tH Yee feueclin Of GEOIPUWVETE: vA = 5 a Published Mart 204 by WHE Wells TLaporte. T Gatnsbe ) Sone the / yy oe yp j Ji, ait ; pegtnil tie We follec Ube C7 Y \ 2D Published March 1, 100h,by ILaporte & WF / ’ Wells. S S \ 2 Laff four AMAOM0O€ San. 1, 1808 by WA Wells & SLhaporte: Published Gainsborough del’ / it ie ye ‘ y 4 ey le P Lo DZ he Dregne va Wee Ve 7a, a (ee wed San, 11808, & UGainsborough det. ee Verne le C Geena CHE tte [heclan J “be fin. “Bz COWMCLE Zen aed, Z 7 ee e e f Published Jan, t 008, Cy MEW els ETL porte,