Important Collection of || PAINTINGS , : By Modern French Artists | THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Madison Avenue at Forticth Sereet New York LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK i pt, No. 42. APPLE BLOSSOMS By Albert Lynch Important Collection of Paintings By Modern French Artists Consigned By the Executors of the Estate of Henry A. Bateman of Baltimore With a Few Additions from Other Consignors To Be Sold on Friday Evening, January 22, 1915 At 8:15 o’clock On Public Exhibition from Friday, January sth, at The Anderson Galleries Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street Metropolitan Art Association New York CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims, and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Metro- politan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or de- stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibi- tion in the Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropoli- tan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TERMSCASH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metro- politan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Associa- tion to enforce the contract with the buyer, with- out such resale. 8. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers, and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employment of car- riers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for 50 cents. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Metropolitan Art Association Mapison AVENUE AT ForTIETH STREET New York Telephone, Murray Hill 7680 ARTISTS REPRESENTED No. Balay:2 Charles 3) oe ee 44 Baudnyebauleges econ ea ee eee es 67 Berne-Bellecour, jeans. 5..-..- 35... = 37 Bedint Ri ee eee dees 3 Bonheur, dRosas 66 os 11, 14, 16, 51 Breakspeares W. Awe oe chee ee 33 Brittans Cah See ee aan ee 8 Canova, Antonio (Aten). 2... 2... 1. 10 Gassatte Mary ae a ee ee eae ae 18 Charlier GW sca nes 50 Corer eB: Ce ee ee ee 36, 62 Daubieny, C2he 25s ia os eee 35, 41, 60 DecampscA. Gi we.c ee ee atte 24 Delacroix ae eee 21, 38 Diaz NaViSet a ee ee 31 Duluard bie es sao ee ee 19 DiGppay be see i ee a 1 Dupré:sJulesa 5. ee ees 48, 56 remietet oo ee 12,15 Gatclass he es ee 29 Guillaume Rennes. sa ees ee 13 Plamultony. Jamesr see ee ee 25 Hienner sealer ee ee 54 Isabey Wuceie.... ss 5s oe 26, 57 Jacaue,2 Chatles=o 7 oe 58 No. ambinetmulecx’ > 3 oe 22 Lyneh, Albert2o s623 ee ee 42 Meissonier2]) boo ee 59, 64 Millet, [ise a ee ee 63 Peraux,Wionelis 2 ee 7 Perret; -Aimtt. 3. ee ee 28 Poetz7H Gao eae PE ec ee ne 2, Portielje, Edward. 3 4 ee 6 Rein hein fas oe ee ee ee 20 Richet,; Eugené;227 = ee ee 17, 47 Rinaldi, Go. ee ee 30 Rips Williams 2a 49 Rousseau, Theodore.................... 43, 65 Salant, As. a ee ee 5 Schreyer eAnin os ee 55, 61 Schultz sAre =e ee ee eee 32 Thaulow;- Encinas es oe eee 53 ‘Ler:Meulen; Pate 2 a ee 4 ‘royon,-Constant. 23. 22. 39, 45, 52 Unknown 3 occ se ee ee 9 Vansbeers; Janice 2 ae ee 46 Verboeckhoven, Eugene................... 34 Walker. ian ee oe ee 66 Watson, Ratan oc a ee 27 Weber, Reise ee ee 40 Wimarie Cina ee ee 23 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS No. Charles Jacque.......... Sheep at Pasture. .58 Rosa Bonheur....... Monarch of the Forest. .51 Albertdsynchi os... s. Apple Blossoms. .42 Adolf Schreyer. ..Arab Chiefsin the Desert. .61 Important Collection of Paintings By Modern French Artists Friday Evening, January 22nd, 1915 at 8.15 o'clock No. 1 ao BRYAN EDWARD DUPPA 2 Portrait of an Old Lady Pencil Drawing, signed and dated 1834. Height, 1014 inches; width, 81% inches. No. 2 f H. G. POETZ (After RUBENS) ye Bacchus and Nymphs : On Porcelain, signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 15 inches. No. 3 P. BEDINI Modern Italian Painter The Flower Girl hg Water Color, signed. Height, 16 inches; : width, 8 inches. 9 #7 7} @ ®. TER MEULEN al oe pf) Contemporary Belgian Painter” .) VU . The Wood Gatherers Water Color, signed. Height, 121% inches; width, 19 inches. No. 5 A. SALANTI | Modern Italian Painter / / é Gathering Wild Flowers Water Color, signed. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches. No. 6 EDWARD PORTIELJE = Contemporary Belgian Painter 94 40 Cottage Interior with Figures Water Color, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 17 inches. No. 7 LIONEL PERAUX Modern French Painter Paris Street Scene in Time of the / /, “9 Empire ae Water Color, signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 10 inches. 10 No. 8 CHARLES E. BRITTAN pA Contemporary English Painter fe Walkhampton Common Water Color, signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 16 inches. No. 9 PORTRAIT MEDALLION Marie Louise, Wife of Napoleon I vy «« @ In Gilt Bronze Frame. Diameter, 7144 inches. No. 10 ANTONIO CANOVA (After) Italian, 1757-1822 Bronze Bust of Napoleon // A Reduction from the Famous Head by ° oe Canova. With Base of Verd Antique Marble. Height, 61% inches. No. 11 ROSA BONHEUR French Painter, 1822-1899 Bronze Figure of a Bull Signed. Ebony Base. Length, 12 inches; height, 9 inches. it tf &@ No. 12 EMMANUEL FREMIET Pee French Sculptor, 1824-1910 i, 2 L280 Moliere: Bronze Standing Figure Signed. Ebony Base. Height, 17 inches No. 13 ap oo ee RENE GUILLAUME Pd, Modern French Sculptor The Fisher Boy: Bronze Seated Figure Ebony Base. Height, 19 inches. No. 14 5 ROSA BONHEUR Brn Te French, 1822-1899 ees Bronze Figure of a Cow Reclining Signed. Ebony Base. (Chipped.) Length, 13 inches; height, 8 inches. No. 15 EMMANUEL FREMIET French Sculptor, 1824-1910.) ) “? 4° O The Crusader: Bronze Standing Figure Signed. Ebony Base. Height, 17 inches. 12 No. 16 ROSA BONHEUR French, 1822-1899 Bronze Figure of a Sheep Signed. Ebony Base. Length, 10 inches; height, 8 inches. No. 17 LEON RICHET French Painter, 1847-1907 Landscape Canvas, signed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 16 inches. No. 18 MARY CASSATT Contemporary American Painter Head of a Girl Pastel. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the Cyrus J. Lawrence Collection. No. 19 L. DULUARD Modern French Painter A Courtier Panel, signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 11 inches. 13 se No. 20 EMMERICH REIN oe Norwegian Painter PS A Norwegian Fjord in Summer Canvas, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches. No. 21 EUGENE DELACROIX French Painter, 1810-1865 N/ Tiger Watching for His Prey iy Canvas, signed.’ Height, 18 inches; width, *“ — 13 inches. Formerly in the Collection of M. Etienne Allaire, Paris. No. 22 EMILE LAMBINET French Painter, 1815-1878 Ay 2% / Landscape in France / _@ Panel signed and dated 77. Height, 13 inches; width, 18 inches. No. 23 CARL WIMAR Munich Painter i 4 A Buffalo at Rest on the Plains / /.~ Panel. Height, 914 inches; width, 134% inches. 14 : 4 inches. No. 24 ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS French Painter, 1803-1860 Old Farm House in France The scene is a courtyard of a French farm- house walled in from the world outside, 2: with a glimpse of tree tops against the, \ “4 deep blue of the sky beyond. Some,\ ‘ chickens are feeding in the foreground, and beside a doorway stands a tub, with a stairway beside it leading to an upper floor. Canvas, signed. Height, 2814 inches; width, 20 inches. No. 25 JAMES HAMILTON American Painter, 1819-1878 A Gentleman of the Old School Panel, signed. Height, 7 inches; width, No. 26 EUGENE ISABEY French Painter, 1804-1886 The Cavalier Seated on a white horse, a young cavalier is drawn up below an open window at which a young woman appears holding aside a red curtain. He has removed his hat, which rests on his knee, and his dog sits on the ground below. 15 j } of | | | | i | | — sak E De IE rene meer sees Panel, signed and dated ’67. Height, 10 inches; width, 714 inches. From the Collection of Charles Yerkes, New York. No. 27 R. WATSON Contemporary English Painter 1 Id ve Sheep in the Highlands Canvas, signed and dated 1908. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. No. 28 AIME PERRET Contemporary French Painter gre Peasant Women in the Fieldsat ‘7 \ ‘ Sunset Canvas, signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 36 inches. Bought from the Artist. No. 29 FEDERICO GARCIA DEL CORRAL 2 Modern Spanish Painter { “TA } A Spanish Garden 7 Canvas, signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. 16 ———E No. 30 CLAUDIO RINALDI Modern Italian Painter A Good Story Canvas, signed and dated 1889. Height, 24 inches; width, 171% inches. No. 31 NARCISSE V. DIAZ DE LA PENA French Artist, 1807-1876 Landscape Across a stretch of country, brown with autumnal tints, an unused road reaches out from the foreground, until lost in the distance; at the right is a fenced-in field, toward which a peasant woman is advanc- ing. At the right rises a clump of trees, and single trees are at the left, with a ridge of blue hills on the distant horizon. Panel, signed. Height, 13 inches; width, 161% inches. No. 32 ADRIEN SCHULTZ Modern French Painter In the Forest of Fontainebleau Canvas, ‘signed. Height, 23 inches; width, 28 inches. Bought from the Artist. 17 222 aia Ee FO EO ROS. ea ITT Ten ee BRL I) No. 33 WILLIAM A. BREAKSPEARE Contemporary English Painter The Toast Panel, @pned Height, 10 inches, width 1 © 7 inches. No. 34 EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN Belgian Painter, 1798-1881 Landscape with Sheep and Chickens Panel, signed and dated 1875. Height, 6 inches; width, 814 inches. Guaranty, signed by the Artist, inscribed on the back. No. 35 CHARLES FRANCOISE DAUBIGNY French Painter, 1796-1875 Anvers on the Oise Nestling in a valley, a cluster of roofs are seen, and a highway is indicated by the row of poplar trees stretching across the picture; at the left a few trees rise singly here and there, and the horizon is hemmed by a ridge of distant hills; the sky shows a deep summer blue, with masses of white clouds. Panel, signed and dated 68. Height, 13 inches; width, 231% inches. Bought from the Collection of M. Bernard Franck, Paris. 18 No. 36 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT French Painter, 1796-1875 Landscape at Ville D’Avray At the right the roofs of a small hamlet areseen gathered in a valley and sheltered by a cluster of trees; a meadow stretches down to the foreground, across which a man in a white blouse is passing. At the left, a few pollard willows rise to mark the * border of a stream, while nearer rise the tall, feathery trees which Corot loved and which he so often introduces into his pic- tures. Canvas, signed. Height, 1414 inches; width, 18 inches. Formerly in the Collection of M. Phillippe Georges D’Ay. Bought at the Georges Petit Gallery, Paris, 1891. Sealed and certified on the back. No. 37 JEAN BERNE-BELLECOUR Modern French Painter / ta S. The Day Before Marengo Panel, signed and dated 1910. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. 19 ein oF prea aa — No. 38 NARCISSE V. DIAZ DE LA PENA French Painter, 1807-1876 Scenein the Forest of Fontainebleau Through an opening in the dense part of 4 49 <" —— \, 9 the forest, the light breaking through a —/ ey] ae “brilliant mass of clouds falls across a fallen tree and the surrounding underbrush, pro- ducing a crisp and brilliant effect. Inthe foreground a pool lies in shadow. Canvas, signed. Height, 814 inches; width, 111% inches. No. 39 CONSTANT TROYON French Painter, 1810-1865 4 A Bull at Liberty “@y Across a field, brown with autumnal tints, ®) a young bull capers to vent his exuberant A" A” we" “) Spirits, kicking up the dust as he goes; the «/ “+ sky is charged with dark clouds, foretelling a coming storm. | | | i] Canvas, signed with initials, relined. In- scribed to his friend Scheppers. Height, 14 inches; width, 1614 inches. No. 40 ALFRED WEBER Modern French Painter foes fp Cardinal Taking His Ease Panel, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 101% inches. 20 No. 41 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY French Artist, 1817-1878 Twilight on the Seine The study of evening light over Paris is | one of dramatic contrast, showing the ° roofs and towers of the city in black sil- houette against a sky streaked with orange and gray at the horizon with patches of blue above, against which rises a black tree trunk, with reflections in the pool of water in the foreground. Panel, signed and having the seal of the Artist on the back. Height, 934 inches; width, 16 inches. No. 42 ALBERT LYNCH Contemporary French Painter / i ra ude F al Wid yp Apple Blossoms Panel, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 9 inches. (See Frontispiece) No. 43 THEODORE ROUSSEAU } French Painter, 1812-1867 fe hte The Bend in the River iy" Crossing the foreground the river curves about a projecting point of land, from 21 which a group of trees lift their branches against a gray sky. At the right a man in a boat is making his way to the bank, across which a path leads up to a farm- house seen in the distance. Canvas, signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 14 inches. No. 44 CHARLES BALAY z Modern French Painter g La A Soldier of Louis XV Canvas, signed. aa 16 inches; width, 12 inches. No. 45 CONSTANT TROYON = French Painter, 1810-1865 ako / wh if Sheep at Rest Two sheep, one white and one black, are seen in an open pasture lot, the black one reclining, the other standing, as though at command of the Artist. Canvas, signed. Height, 914 inches; width, 12 inches. An inscription on the back informs one that the picture was acquired by G. Car- mer, formerly a dealer of New York, in 1889. 22 No. 46 JAN VAN BEERS Modern Belgian Painter /) The Fan i a Panel, signed. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. No. 47 LEON RICHET French Painter, 1847-1907 The Farm /f 4 - Canvas, signed. Height, 17 inches; width, | 25 inches. No. 48 JULES DUPRE French Painter, 1812-1889 Sunset on the Shore In the foreground the shoreline is broken # | by rocky ledges covered with seaweed and , Le shallow pools of water, in one of which an ob fg tb old boat is drawn up and abandoned; near by stands a contemplative stork, while beyond stretches the limitless sea under a sky splashed with deep red and orange. Panel, signed. Height, 1114 inches; width, 151% inches. No. 49 WILLIAM RIP ae eS Contemporary Dutch Painter Sey rae eS Landscape with Windmills Panel, signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. 23 SITET ernie Tapes No. 50 G. W. CHARLIER Ve es Contemporary Belgian Painter J ids Sheep in a Stable Canvas, signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 131% inches. No. 51 ROSA BONHEUR ae French Painter, 1822-1899 n~4y Lae Monarch of the Forest a fw In the foreground of the woodland clear- y* ing stands alert and challenging a noble specimen of deerhood for our admiration ; ‘at either hand and circling away in the background are the walls of the forest in autumn dress. _ Canvas, signed. Height, 25 inches; width, 22 inches. Bought from Mme. Delaroche, Paris, to whom it was presented by the Artist. (See Illustration) No. 52 CONSTANT TROYON French Painter, 1810-1865 pi Landscape with Cattle JIU In the peaceful valley of Normandy a group of cattle and a few sheep are gath- ered in the foreground, watched over by a peasant girl; other cattle are grazing in the distance. On the left a few thin trees rise against the green wall of a distant forest, and above arches the summer sky flecked with clouds. 24 No. 51. MONARCH OF THE FOREST By Rosa Bonheur ~< Canvas, signed. Height, 24 inches; width, 33 inches. From the Collection of Mr. Robert Davis, London. omit No. 53 i FRITZ THAULOW i Norwegian Painter, 1847-1906 * A River in Brittany “center of the picture, flowing past a row of red-roofed houses in the distance and the low shelter on the left, where the washerwomen of the town gather for their work. At the right a peasant woman is seen pushing along the river bank a wheel- barrow, loaded with linen, making her way to the wash-house. The trees on either hand show the brown leaves of autumn, or bare branches. Canvas, signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 33 inches. Bought from I. Montaignac, Paris. No. 54 JEAN JACQUES HENNER French Painter, 1829-1905 _ Revery A young girl, with her luxuriant red hair falling about her shoulders and down to her waist, stands in amysterious landscape under a deep blue sky, lost in revery and questioning wonder. She wears a red dress which has slipped from her shoulders as she raises her right arm to her hair. 25 2 5 FE RR Canvas, signed. Height, 40 inches; width, 26 inches. Bought from Thomas McLean, London. No. 55 ADOLF SCHREYER German Painter, 1828-1899 Arab Horsemen Reconnoitering > ‘ In the foreground a group of Arabs, mounted on their wiry ponies, are drawn up, watching the horizon and waiting the return of a scout seen in the distance. Canvas, signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 33 inches. No. 56 JULES DUPRE French Painter, 1812-1889 The Cottage * A roadway crosses the foreground from the left, running between a red-tiled cot- tage seen at the left and a thatched farm- AANA house at the right, with tall trees rising J t/ to protect them, spreading their branches against a blue sky flecked with white clouds. Along the roadway a figure of a woman is seen. Canvas, signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Bought from I. Montaignac, Paris. 26 Noosa) SHEE PeAD se ASmUiiE By Charles Jacque aR SEE zr a No. 57 LOUIS GABRIEL EUGENE ISABEY French Painter, 1804-1886 Scene of Saint Bartholomew’s Day A number of women are seen huddled ig together in fright in the street at the wee “4 approach of guardsmenadvancing throughs) © 3 the narrow passage beyond; at the right ("| some horsemen are stationed and other , : guardsmen are entering the house at the 4 . + left. Tall houses fill the background, — between which a glimpse of sky is seen. Canvas, signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, 26 inches. Bought at the Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. No. 58 CHARLES JACQUE French Painter, 1813-1894 Sheep at Pasture /. In the foreground a flock of sheep is seen 4 "4 grazing peacefully, and beyond onaslight \ 4 % | rise two noble trees spread their broad \ i branches against a blue summer sky that reddens toward the horizon. Fate Canvas, signed. Height, 2514 inches; pee width, 22 inches. Bought from Thomas McLean, Haymar- ket, London. (See Illustration) 27 No. 59 JEAN LOUIS MEISSONIER French Painter, 1815-1891 Market Scene in Constantinople f In a broad, open space some itinerant merchants have spread their wares to catch the attention of passers-by. At the right rises a strange mass of turret, arch and dome characteristic of the East, cast- ing their dark shadows on the sunlit square; beyond stretch the blue waters of the Golden Horn on whose farther shore rise the white domes and minarets of the Eastern city against the deep blue sky. For his own enjoyment, Meissonier loved to render the brilliancy of high noon, the quiet of dawn and the silvery light of | evening and never lost an opportunity of recording these passing phases of nature. Panel, signed with monogram and dated | 84. Height, 1214 inches; width, 16 j inches. No. 60 CHARLES FRANCOISE DAUBIGNY ' French Painter, 1817-1878 ] In Springtime | 4, Beneath the branches of a sparse group of trees, many of them leafless, some bear- ” ing spring blossoms, several figures are 3 “seen gathering flowers or working in the soil. Beyond rise the roofs and gables of farm buildings. Throughout is the deli- cate atmosphere which always marks the work of this artist. 28 } Lisa ; Foe yh ARAB CHIEFS IN THE DESERT No. 61. By Adolf Schreyer as op EE Se eee The present example is an unusual dem- onstration of his talent and belongs to a period before his art had reached com- mercialization. Canvas, signed. Height, 2314 inches; width, 281% inches. No. 61 ADOLF SCHREYER German Painter, 1828-1899 J f Die Arab Chiefs in the Desert ce An Arab Sheik in his gay trappings, car- rying his long-barrelled gun at his side, one appears in the center of the picture, riding ©) 40” a white horse and followed by his attend- ants. They are mounting a slight eleva- tion, and a high hill is seen in the distance behind them. Across the brown grass of the desert are seen three other horsemen advancing not far away. A keen lover of horses, Schreyer knew his animals from close study in all lands. Canvas, signed. Height, 3314 inches; width, 441% inches. (See Illustration) No. 62 J. B. C. COROT French Painter, 1795-1875 A French Village \ 4, A roadway stretches out from the fore-% ground, passing between a cluster of red- —_y” roofed houses, sheltered by trees which »,/ “4 lift their tops against a gray sky. Down ] ’ 29 the roadway a single figure of a woman advances. Canvas, relined. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 18 inches. Inscribed on the back to Sensierby Corot. No. 63 . JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Af fi a French Painter, 1814-1875 I Shepherdess and Sheep Under the shadow of a great tree, the shepherdess sits lost in contemplation, her work resting on her lap and her hat fallen to her feet. At the left, two sheep are seen grazing near by while others are seen in the wide-reaching meadow beyond. i Canvas, signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 151% inches. q No. 64 | JEAN LOUIS MEISSONIER 5 ; French Painter, 1815-1891 ae ao Street Scene in Algiers eas } This unusual example of the great French painter presents him in a less familiar | and quite different vein from the highly | finished interiors with their reading or i smoking or chess-playing figures. Here we have his impression of a sunny street | scene set down with exact observation and without the usual over-elaboration of detail. At one time Meissonier de- voted himself to landscape art, producing many charming views of Venice, Antibes, 30 Evian and Poissy. For a long time he delighted in the scenery of Switzerland. These scenes were always rendered with great freedom but with the careful obser- vation which marked everything he did. Panel, signed with monogram and dated ’83. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. No. 65 THEODORE ROUSSEAU French Painter, 1812-1867 The Forest of Fontainebleau Through the forest runs a roadway rising from the foreground to a slight elevation shaded by great trees; at the left is a high bank of rock and earth and above the tree ™ tops the clouds are touched with light. The Forest of Fountainebleau furnished Rousseau with many subjects and it is difficult now to realize that his work was excluded from the Salon for many years because of his naturalism. Canvas, signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. No. 66 FREDERICK WALKER English Painter, 1840-1875 The Love Letter Though this much regretted English artist died young, he left a definite and wide- reaching influence on modern British art. The types he chose to portray show his rare skill in combining rusticity and grace. 31 Many of his themes were chosen from the literature of his time and he is distin- guished by his association with DuMau- rier, who portrayed him in the character of “ Little Billee’’ in the novelof‘‘ Trilby.”’ His ‘‘ Harbor of Refuge” in the Tate Gal- lery of British Art has made him widely known. Canvas, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. No. 67 PAUL BAUDRY French Painter, 1828-1880 The Nativity The young Mother, clothed in white, with a white veil over her head, carries the Infant Christ on her left arm and in her extended right hand a staff of lilies; she bends her head, looking down at the evil figure over which she lightly treads. Great rugged trees stand in the back- ground, between whose parted branches descends the symbolical form of the dove, shedding its radiance about her head. Canvas, signed. Height, 46 inches; width, 28 inches. KENDRICK-ODELL PRESS, N. Y. : the SOR ee SAE AMES