Sete oS LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK sm anOXeT 94% UO 8[39FDa *Z4T0A “a a{STWITYS Puce ZSMOTda “Tres “aD “Aq ytoquny ger tzofeaygos *y £4 “O88T TeqMeAo GQUTOd GSO wUOTISRATL de * ITQUTeSg OT Ty “y fa atOTy 34°F Lola ‘zecommoey Ld, galOTZOSL4S Ta ‘yemledg A LoLOjX &a “288 2099990 aL PL04Se Ia fenboer seTawyg Aq “S881 cequeseg wuPCoH TRepIs ‘nonbowr *p *Aq "GEBl Tequieced SiGe, ML { | | i oe el No °aA “OHHL AY GHDROd SONTS Collection of Oil Paintings No. 21 WEST 46th STREET BENJ. S. WISE, Auctioneer s Property of Hon. THEO. W. MYERS to be sold Friday Eve., May 14, 1969 at eight o’clock SPECIAL NOTICE Every painting in this collection is guaranteed by Mr. Myers personally as to its authenticity CATAHOGUE FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 14 AT HIGHT O'CLOCK BRISSAT (F.) Paris Water Color — Sheep in Pasture BROWER (A.) (After) Interior of a Tavern 2) 13] DAMSCHRODER (Z. T. M.) Brussels Teasing 4 AUGUSTE (V.) Brussels Still Life DE NOTER Brussels After the Hunt 6 EUCUS (i= Dv.) Lake In England ARTIST UNKNOWN Allegorical VAN SEVERDONCK Sheep and Lamb SCHAEP (H.) Dutch Harbor 10 ARTIST UNKNOWN Halberdier a ARTIST UNKNOWN Companion England Old Master Brussels Brussels 12 SAUVAGE (P.) Paris Feeding Chickens 13 DELAMER (P.) France His First Smoke € 5 14 ARTIST UNKNOWN Artist and His Model 15 DE SCHRYVER (Louis) Paris | Ideal Head 16 ry KAEMMERER (fF. H.) Paris The Lovers 17 WILLEMS (L.) Brussels Amusing the Baby " 13) ‘ i m Dr! af Ya a Bal TPA Fae BPE I Eat LIE EAN BINT I | i i ‘ 18 lo e) » MAYER (Constant) . America Indian Camp , 19 fi > REYNA(A,) Venice Grand Canal, Venice ral 20 i, a »} X ef BARE(E) Paris i Incroyables, Time of the Directoire 21 AS | : : | H @- DU NOUY (Le Compte) Paris Artist Sketching é LG ‘ NK 22 ") 0. SELL (Ch) Dusseldorf a The Outpost o q 23 2.) “ “ROUSSEAU (H.) Paris Arab Cheik 24 JACQUET (G.) Madelaine 25 VAN MARCKE (E,) Cow in Clover, Springtime 26 DIAZ (N.) Forrest of Fontainebleau Paris Paris % Paris 27 BONHEUR (Rosa) Paris Bull 28 KLINKENBERG (Karl) The Hague River View in Holland 29 ZIEM (Felix) Gratid Canal, Venice Paris i § 1 9 9 vourz (E. ) |e ) ( LO K ¢ ip) «) ° Ad JACQUE (Ch.) Shepherd and His Flock 31 OULMOUCHE (A.) Grandmother’s Birthday 32 Cattle on the Lake f 33 es wa i ry 1 ne Je. ital é, VON BREMEN (Meyer) Distraction 34 Italian View 35 0 0 SoNHEUR (Rosa) Sheep and Goats Paris Paris Munich Berlin Paris Paris PP... 7 ; HARPIGNIES (H.) Paris The Sentinel Trees 37 BRILLOUIN (F.) Paris At Ease 38 SAINTAIN (Emile) Paris Lovers’ Lane, West Point 39 TROYON (C.) Paris The Ferry: 40 DUPRE (Julien) Paris Landscape, Cattle and Sheep 41 HENNER (J. J.) Paris Fiametta a a A Re - ~ ss = = - = 7 — — _ = . — — a _— — RE es TE lc DD ar RE xtc SEC EA ee ROR SERB AL ALS OSI IRE SDD EN LAE I Bat eb ieeciats Br Ente SsEEinat saetaenanamtoueeniaiasennanandaanemamneiaeaaanneal e cae eee Hi a ne A i 42 SPENCER (Lillie) New York 7 ad ‘GIMBEL (G.) Shake Hands 48 Paris Water Color Fan Cupids BENJ. S. WISE Auctioneer | a i | { i | a | LLL SI Ee TC I TOE TE a ERE = EE CERES See EN 8 PTR ane sa a { 1 | ql | { \ ET AE A RE aE a i / | i | { | | | \ —— - RES eae EE Le AR SE a a EE NTT = = i eran H t | i { |