OLLECTION PAINTINGS CONSIGNED BY / IRS. C. H. CULVER OF WASHINGTON, D. C. . oa . a ee 60. 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York Bie SALE NUMBER 1429 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM APRIL TWELFTH CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS CONSIGNED BY MRS. C. H. CULVER OF WASHINGTON, D. C. AND OTHER PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 17th, 1919 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK 1919 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be per lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decisions shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which” in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 9” 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk immediately after the conclusion of the sale, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, and they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. No lot will be delivered during the sale. ~ 6. All lots will be on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, In- corporated, will not be responsible except as hereafter noted, for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty what- ever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented The Anderson Galleries, Incorpor- ated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in de- fault of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. Periodicals and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold not suject to return. 8. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Com- pany will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. / \ j / 9. Terms CasH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. 10. Brms. We make no charge for executing orders and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 11. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. ‘THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED Park AVEWUE AND FIrtTy-NINTH STREET, NEw YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN LIST OF ARTISTS PAINTING NUMBER ALDRICH. G. “Ay Fla INNESS, G. ARTZC? 56 ISABEY, E. Leas ASTI, A. 29 ISRAELS, J. AUBLET, A. 43 ITALIAN SCIIOOL RECKWELH Tey ao: fs JACQUET, Ge BEDINI, P. 42 JONES, Fag BERAUD, J. ihe KUNZEL, F. BERRY, P. V. 101 LA FARGE, J. BIERSTADT, A. 59 LANG ee: BLAKELOCK, R. A. 89 LESREL, A,ae BOUDIN, E. L. 30 MC CORD, Grae BOUGHTON, G. H. Fee MARTIN, H. D. BRISTOL, J. B. 67559 MASSANI, P. BROWN, B. 66 MATTOS, H. T. DE CANELLA, A. ee MAX Gs CASANOVA, A. i. MEISEL, 28am CHASE, W. M. 20 MEISSONIER, J. L. E. CHEVILLIARD, V. J. B. 85 METTLING, 1. V. F. COOPER, T. S. Ths MICHEL, G. CONDY, N. 15 MILLS, H. H. COURTOIS, J. 102 MOELLER, L. DELI. C; 54 MUNTHE, G. M. DOMINGO Y MARQUEZ, F. m2 PASINI, A. DOUGHERTY, P. 18 PETERS, C. R. DURAND, A. B. 96 PORTIELJE) | 9m ECHTLER, A. 14 POST, W. M. _ ELWELL, D. J. 100 POWELL, W. H. ESTABAN, F. i PREYER, J. W. FABBER, E. 1 REID, R. BARRIER it: 45 RICHARDS, W. T. FENN, H. 36 RICO, M. eR ENT. 103 ROBINSON, T. GRANER, L. 4, 47, 50 Rouse 4 GRENET, M. = re ea GRIFFIN, W. B. : 2A Rains OE ae GRUPPE, C. P. 58, 61, v4 SANCHEZ-PERRIER, E, GUILLEMINET, J. B. A. 81 SCHMIDT ITART, W. M. 46 SIGNORINI, G. HARTMAN, K. 16 SMILLIES Gae, HARTSON, W. C. 62 TWACHTMAN, J. H. HAVEN, F. DE 76 VAN LEMPUTTEN, C. ' HERTEL, C. 34 VERSTRAETE, T. HILLIARD, W. H. 99 WAUGH, F. J. HOEBER, A. 9, 38, 41, 44, 60 WEIR, J. A, HOMER, W. EAS WHITTREDGE, W. HUNTINGTON, D. 97 WIGGINS, G. C. bee fo- Sd CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS ERNESTINE FABBER GERMAN GARDEN SCENE A number of rose bushes are arranged in a bed to the right, a path on the left among shrubbery and young trees. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 18% inches. Owner, C, -H. Godfrey M. GRENET FRENCH tel SIDE A body of water in the foreground with a rocky shore on which a female figure is sitting, trees clothed in autumn foliage on the left and in the distance. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. PeeaNN WILHELM PREYER GERMAN eee ee PROUT Various kinds of fruit; grapes, peaches and plums displayed on a marble table. Panel, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. S LUIS -GRANER SPANISH CONTEMPORARY xk BOR SCENE A number of brigs, schooner and trawlers at anchor, cliffs on the right and wharves in the left distance. Canvas, oil. Signed and dated 1908 at lower right. Height, 20 inches ; po 27% inches. ; Fic fay ee M. MUNTHE DUTCH *% fey) IN THE NORTH SEA The sun emerging from a bank of clouds, throws its rays across the sky, the sea is rough, a bit of shore in the foreground. Academy board, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 20 imches; width, 16 inches. 7 rat wee ‘ i Te Paty ; - Price List of o Collection of Paintings consigned by lirs.C.H.Culver, and C.H.Godfrey, sold at Anderson Gall. Apr.17, 1919. Price Buyer. No. 7 $ 110. F.A.Lewlor 26 110 2B ae 28 130. je 30 270. Durand Ruel 42 155. ¥.A.Lawlor 44 3 95. - 48 80. -” 49 120. - 58 85. F.A.Leawlor ae : 255. Arlington Gell. ne : 74 | 225. F.A.Lowlor ot R58. | : me sy lo, ome . oof ; ? is ; ; : ee | | 195. F,A.Lewlor Bg 225.6 o Oh } 235. Y.A-Bawlor vey . wy _- (Nos. out are very low priced) VET TS le GERMAN 6. WATERING THE PLANTS A young woman in white house gown and lace cap, her long hair drooping on her shoulders and bosom, is watering the plants on the window sill. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 11Y% ee inches. Owner, C. H. Godfrey ANTONIO CASANOVA SPANISH Jee EtG RIVE A rubicund friar in scarlet skull cap and jacket with a napkin under his chin is partaking of a dish of oysters off of the shell with ex- treme gusto. /) 07 Canvas, oil. Signed and dated Paris, 1891, at the upper left. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. . Owner, C. H. Godfrey Y~ US OG MARTIN RICO SPANISH 1850-1908 & BFARLY SPRING Beside a stretch of placid water a flock of ducks disport them- selves, nearby a little girl in red skirt and black scarf sits on the ground holding a duck, to the amusement of her little brother. Min Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; length, 18 VU - inches. ‘ ee is Hi, W220 f ARTHUR HOEBER, Agnes AMERICAN 1854-1915 9. EVENING CALM A view near Hyannis Port, Mass. A light blue sea is sending ridges of surf shoreward at ebb-tide, the silver disc of the moon Es is well up in the pale emerald sky. f CoS oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 mches; length, 30 imches. JOHANN WILHELM PREYER GERMAN 10. STILL. LIFE; FRUIT eo Grapes, a peach, an apricot, plums and nuts nicely arranged on a table with a white cloth. ; Canvas, oil. Signed and dated 1875 at lower right. Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches. 8 Bie aac - EDWARD ALLAN SCHMIDT GERMAN 11. THE ARMORER A muscular man with reddish hair and beard, his sleeves rolled up, is busily at work on a suit of armor; nearby a forge, and tools in orderly array on the wall. hw Panel, oil. Signed and dated 1889. Height, 10 inches; width, & inches. ; F. ESTABAN SPANISH fee DULL RING (SKETCH) A number of Picadors have rushed to the aid of the Matador who has been thrown from his horse, while a Senorita looks on from _ behind the near enclosure, with a vast audience in the background. Yow’ Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 12% wmches; length, 16% inches. JEAN BERAUD FRENCH 1849— Peete yY IN BALL COSTUME Full length figure of a pretty woman in short black skirt with pink and white adornment and black stockings. 07 Panel, oil. =e 4 MAE right. Height, 14 inches; width, 7V% Pairs. CQ, rh an od DUTT i om OO eR GERMAN 1843— 14. THE NEW SHOES A lady in yellow dress and black shawl is trying on a new pair of shoes while the cobbler in blue apron and black cap sits at his Ly Shench, his interested little boy and girl beside him. | Cradled panel, oil. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 15% inches; width, 12% inches. N= CONDY ENGLISH 1793-1857 15. GEORGE MAY, FISHERMAN TO GEORGE III. A ruddy faced man in fisherman’s garb is seated in the center of a M6é— room with a fish and a net around. Panel, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 1514 inches; width, 14 inches. Gon f rear an”, AS LRN - wf 0 16. ibe 17. 7 18. S- nO: 17 20. Xo he REA Ror VES GERMAN “AS THE OLD SUNG SO PIPE THE YOu Two apprentices of about a dozen summers, one flat on his back on a bench holding a stein of beer and puffing at a cheroot, the other sitting at his side is contemplatively drawing on his long weed. Canvas, oil. Signed. at lower right. Height, 13 inches; length, 23 mches. — + An . A/- Ch “6 KS Owner, C. H. Godfrey LOUIS V. BE. MED eee puTCH 1847-1904 THE SLEEPING WEAVER An Italian girl in picturesque costume has fallen asleep beside her spinning wheel. Canvas on cardboard, oil. Signed at lower right and dated ’69. Height, 13 inches; fii 10 inches. ia oe PAUL DOUGHER Gas AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY DLANDSCAPE A clearing in the foreground, grove of trees in the middle, cream and gray sky, evening effect. Canvas, oil. Signd at lower right. Height, 11 ie length, 13% inches. GEORGE H. McCORDA es AMERICAN 1848-1908 WINTER SCENE A snow covered bank on the left leading to a village, with a rivu- let and wood on the right, sunset after-glow. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Height, 19 inches; width, 15% inches. S f n> Owner, Mrs. C. Hi Calves ; 9 LING buy GEORGES MICHEE FRENCH: CIRCA 1763-1843 LANDSCAPE Wooded rise on the left, village in the distance and sunlit meadow in the middle ground, gray evening sky. Panel, oil. Height, 7 ee length, 9 inches. bans Perateoe > > Gn 3 ‘ Tr, Sag ieee eS 7g € Jy Le, =) wa) J0— 25. yor EPHEREODORE ROBINSON AMERICAN 1854-1896 ROCKY GORGE A rushing torrent disputes the right of way with a number oi rocky formations in midstream and on both banks; fringe of forest in the distance. Academy board, oil. Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches. Owner, Mrs. C. H- Culver Perea kRROLI: BECKWITH, N.A. AMERICAN 1853-1917 SPRING IDYLL Head and shoulders of a young lady in jauntily posed wide brimmed hat and pink bodice, showing her profile against a background of foliage and lawn. Canvas, oil. Signed at upper right. Height, 22% inches width, 19 inches. PORE RT REED, NA. AMERICAN 1862— LANDSCAPE A pale tinted expanse of green and water with a ridge in the dis- tance and a light blue sky. Panel, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 13 mches; length, 14 imches. eyeic LER B. GRIFFIN, N.A. AMERICAN CONTEM PORARY fie OLD COLONIAL CHURCH A white church with high columns and stately spire surrounded by a greensward and tall trees, with a number of figures in the fore- ground. Water color. Signed. Height, oe inches; width, 11 inches. A fab WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN 1849-1917 LANDSCAPE (SKETCH) Undulating stretch of pale grasses in the foreground with a row of trees in the distance, pale sky. os Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 17 inches; length, 19% inches. 11 EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEDY EA FRENCH 1804-1886 2G eh AL ei ae ie In his laboratory attired in scarlet cap, blue jacket, brown knee trousers and red leggings the alchemist is seen standing beside the hearth; suspended on the wall as well as on some shelves are appa- ratus and material. . Cradled panel, oil. Signed and dated ’64 at lower left. Height, 8% inches ; width, 9 inches. pee Or Omer, N.A. AMERICAN 1836- 1910 1uge ne” of rock on the left with the sea on the right and a sail e horizon. color, Signed and dated ’99 at lower left. Height, 10% hes length, 15 inches SS Oe ef Faht es JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER FRENCH 1815-1891 | MANDOLIN. PAYER = an Meetest to the Ror eneeiCn: oil. Signed at lower left. Height, oY set er) 3 iG From ute “Galerie Sedelmeyer”, Paris. 3 & 4 soe Seppe # aim 13 2 ty ANGELO ASTI rratian 1847-1903 29. FEMALE NUDE BUST A young woman with flowing chestnut hair looks at the spectator, her body turned slightly to the left, a light gauze relieving the flesh on the lower right. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower left. Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver 14 30. y07 Ske 33. AS 34. way EUGENE’ LOUIS: BOUDIN FRENCH 1825-1908 LOCK AND STREAM A number of red-tiled houses on a grassy slope on the left with a lock and bridge on the right and a body of water in the foreground. Panel, oil. Signed and inscribed “San Valery” at the lower right, Height, 14 inches; length, 21 inches. slur pitty t/ oven Ge BOWS MOELLER, NA; AMERICAN 1855— THE CONNOISSEUR Three gentlemen in scarlet coats are seated about a table littered with old volumes while a younger one in the foreground examines a parchment with a magnifying glass. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 18 inches; length 24 imches. Ew ah 9 A 4, Ah Ee KIGNZEL GERMAN INTERIOR OF A BEER RESORT A young maid in peasant costume sits at the left ogled by three peasants in quaint garb, one of whom is smoking a pipe, and another is handling a mug of beer, a student in the background looks on. Panel, oil. Signed and dated at lower wh Height, 14 inches; width, 191% inches. ft eas AY OWN U6 wner, Mrs:, C. _H. -Gulver GUISEPPE SIGNORINI ITALIAN 185/—— MOORISH MUSICIAN An Arab in picturesque costume is playing on a quaint instrument hile seated on a commodious bench, a huge-brimmed hat at his_ side; a shop-front at the back displays a copper pot Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 15 inches; length, ‘18 inches. Owner, C. H.- Godfrey Ed no hog) a RB GERMAN Meee SCHIOOL The schoolmaster holding his chin, enters the room at the farther door to find commotion reigning among several dozen urchins seated or standing at their desks. ; Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches. 4 A awly Owner, C. H. Godfrey 15 ah (0 36. Wo 38. Jats GYAN US EAD JAN ITALIAN THE CONNOISSEUR A gentleman in powdered wig and green embroidered coat has just partaken of a cup of coffee and is offering a small greyhound at his feet a morsel of sugar; various books, prints and works of art on the table and on the floor. Water color. Signed at the upper left. Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, C. H. Godfrey HARRY FENN, A VWeG AMERICAN ON THE COAST OF IRELAND Formidable brown cliffs of fantastic shape strewn with fishing boats and lobster pots form a barrier to a turbulent sea. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. J. B. BRISTOL, N.A. AMERICAN . HAYING TIME Stacks of hay are being bundled onto the oxen-drawn wagons in the foreground, a wooded distance on the right and gray hill on the left, cloudy gray sky with touches of blue. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 13 mches; length, 16 inches. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1854-1915 MARINE Sketch near Hyannis Port, Mass., showing the surf dashing against a rocky shore, pale blue sky. Canvas, oil. ‘Signed at lower right. | ies 14 inches; length, 22 uk inches. (MW HD J... Bo BRISEOT aye AMERICAN SUMMER AFTERNOON Expanse of meadow with chickens, a farmhouse nestling among a grove of trees on the right, the ripe grain being gathered in the © middle ground and a village in the distance, pale “blue sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Height, 17 incheee length, 23 inches. 16 Ka eA jy o/ 40. 41. 42. EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY FRENCH 1804-1886 NORMANDY COAST SCENE A fishing village near the coast, a number of trawlers beached and various high pitched roof houses, a bit of the ocean and an abrupt chalk cliff in the distance. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 9% inches; length, 13 inches. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1854-1915 MARSHLAND A swamp partly covered with salt hay in the foreground, slight ridges at the horizon, sunset effect over a slightly clouded sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. Pee BEEN | ITALIAN eee HOURS In a sumptuous Louis XIII. interior a young woman in white silk damask stands embroidering as she leans against a table, while a young cavalier with long sheathed sword, bending his whip and holding a plumed hat, whispers pleasantries; the mother seated at the left stops at her needlework to reprimand the kitten which is i lying on its back toying with her ball of cotton. fo) - con) Ed 43. 17 44. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left., Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches. w= BY AG abe Owner, C. H. Godfrey eee bik TL FRENCH Pe otLALRCASE AT BLOIS A noblman in Henry IV. costume of pale blue and deep blue vel- vet cape and white ruffle collar is being obsequiously saluted at a doorway by a nobleman in crimson costume and black cap; they are about to descend the spiral stone staircase of the famous chateau. Panel, oil. Signed at lowey left. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. Ca WWW . Owner, C. H. Godfrey ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N-A. AMERICAN 1854-1915 MOONLIGHT IN THE HARBOR A square-rigged brig is anchored at the right, a couple of yachts are on the left and the distant shore sparkles with the lights of G (— Hyannis Port, Mass.; high up in the pale green sky is the disc of the moon. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. Tf 45. YA, WW “_— 46. 48, AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY THE VILLAGE POND Evening effect over a flat expanse of country, with the pond on the right and dwelling on the left bank and in the distance. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 17 inches; jena 25 inches. | WILLIAM M. HART; N.A, AMERICAN 1823-1894 AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Group of stately trees on the left bank of a placid lake, mountains on the right, figure of a man on the left, light flaky clouds. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Mrs. C Hie Calver LUIS GRANER SPANISH CONTEMPORARY 7. THE GAME OF CARDS A number of sombre-looking men are seated about a table in the corner of a dimly lit room at a game of cards, while the individual on the right lights his pipe. The illumination casts a ghostly shadow on the wall. | Canvas, oil. Signed at aude left. Height, 21 mches; length, 27 inches. *) () A pw tyy Owner, Mrs. C. He Culver WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. AMERICAN 1836-1910 VIEW IN BERMUDA The facade of a stately structure on the right with a huge palm — tree rising from the garden in the center. Water color. Signed at the lower left. Height, 19 inches; width, 13% inches. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. AMERICAN 1836-1897 AUTUMN LANDSCAPE A number of sloping ridges in autumn colors to the right and left, gray distant hills and pale evening sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 7% imches; ieee 11 inches. 18 OF So— ey. D7 DD: Peeve RR OATW.C.S EBUIS GRANER SPANISH CONTEMPORARY NEW YORK (VIEW FROM HOBOKEN) A glimpse of the lower end of ‘New York city at night, showing the Woolworth tower and other buildings illuminated. Canvas, oil. Signed _at lower left. Height, 22Anches; length, 29% inches. TA SN ae Pehle tl. BOUGHTON,'N.A., R.A. AMERICAN 1834-1905 THE MILLER’S DAUGHTER In dainty pink gown with apron and beribboned cap the maiden stands next to a couple of bulging sacks of flour in the mill-yard. Water color. Signed ee rygnt. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches. aw COL. FRANCIS DOMINGO Y MARQUEZ SPANISH SCHOOL - A SAVANT A gray-haired man in gown of blue silk over a yellow jacket sits at an open window deeply interested in a book. A large dog is sleeping on the floor and books, a globe and a chair are seen about. Cradled panel, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 6 inches; width, 414 inches. [nh Oe al Bg bed Gl oe © ITALIAN Peay ALIER VIOLINIST Seated near an open window a cavalier is playing a violin amid surroundings of taste and refinement. Panel, oil. Signed. Height, 14 wa widthy 104 AU f eee ENE! ITALIAN 1847— THE PAINFUL MOMENT A gentleman clad in gorgeous stuffs is awaiting anxiously the re- moval of a tooth which the dentist standing over him is about to extract, while a youth assists with water. Panel, oil. Signed and dated ’72, Roma. Height, 9% inches; width, 9 inches. / GN Towler 56. h- oz ee PS EANG GERMAN CONTEMPORARY . NOONDAY REST A team of horses attached to a plow are resting while the plowman stands by, another team and plowman are seen in the middle back- ground and a church is visible in the distance. Panel oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 3 inches; width, ¥% in hes. Wa CONSTANEAAR LZ DUTCH CONTEMPORARY THE OLD MILL The mill stands at the edge of a wide stream, its arms reach well over the sky, grassy banks on both sides of the water and a lone fisherman on the left in a boat. Panel, oil. -Signed at lower right. Height 9 imches; length, 14 inches. . WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N.A. AMERICAN 1820-1910 AUTUMN: LANDSCAPE (SKETCH) Expanse of grassy field with a number of fruit trees on the right and a glimpse of cottages emerging from a grove in the middle ground, blue sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches. 3 Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver 20 58. oe CA Rober Crk Gere AMERICAN 1860— THE BROOK The brook courses swiftly to the right, both banks lined with trees: which retain a few leaves of late autumn; a meadow in the middle ground shows a couple of animals grazing, blue sky with light fleecy clouds. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches. y A | : oo: /,7V 61. oo bd- ALBERT BLERSTADT, Nee AMERICAN 1830-1902 INC THE CY ROLESE AES A corner of the Alps showing several snow-covered peaks on the left with steeply sloping pine ridges dotted with rocks and traversed by a torrent. Academy board, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; Pi; 13 inches. tA ras 7 LY, Za ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1854-1915 THE LINGERING GLOW = Autumn effect near Nutley, N. J., showing brown fields and distant hills in blue gray with the warm coloring from the departed sun cast over a cloudy sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Heme 13 inches; engue 16 inches. 4 | CHARLES P. GRUPPE AMERICAN 1860— . DUTCH GOAST SCENE | A big trawler is beached on the sand about which numerous ahem folk in quaint costume are gathered, while a derelict hull is partly seen on the left. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 27 inches; oe oS: inches. WALTER C TAR ISG AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY CLOSE OF DAY A few sparse trees on the right with a clearing in the distance, a man and woman gathering wood in the middle ground, sun near the horizon, bleak autumn effect. . Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 23% inches; length, 2914 inches. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver JOHN LA FARGE, N.A AMERICAN 1835-1910 REPENTANT EVE (DECORATIVE STUDY) A nude woman with long flowing auburn hair is perched on a limb of an apple tree. Blue and yellow background. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; length, 15¥2 inches. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver 64. uy? 65. J 10 66. W- 67. 1A fa ug- J. H. TWACHTMAN AMERICAN 1853-1902 A GARDEN CORNER A row of pinks in pots arranged in frames, foliage background and wall on the right. Canvas, otl. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; length, 15 mches. QGwner. irs .C.° H. Culver Weve R BGRIPPIN, N.A. AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY THE WASH-HOUSE In the right foreground a typical wash-house characteristic of pro- vincial France is seen with a number of women busy at their linen, road to the left with grassy banks and a group of geese, cottage in the distance. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 21 inches; length, 284 inches. BOLTON BROWN AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY HILLSIDE A grassy foreground with a few slender trees and a rolling blue hill dotted with cottages in the distance, blue sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower left. Height, 4914 inches; length, 23% inches. as RX FRENCH SCHOOL CALTLE A group of cattle are seen in the foreground entering a stream, while the shepherdess is crossing a small wooden bridge on the right. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower Ieft. Height, 20 ches; length, 29 mches. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver Pe LIAM TROST RICHARDS AMERICAN 1833-1905 MOONLIGHT MARINE The sea is tranquilly rolling in on a sandy beach, the tide being at ebb, while the full moon is rising near the horizon only slightly obscured by a formation of cumulus clouds. | Cardboard, oil. Signed at the left. Height, 10 inches; length, 22 inches. Oaner.. Mrs? CC. He Culver bs 7% ad EMILIO SANCHEZ-PER Ria SPANISH 1853-1907 69 EAN DSCARE A river bends from the front toward the right; a man has rowed his boat to the right bank where a woman in brown shawl and blue apron stands holding a baby. VIC" Panel, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 7 “a length, 1234 inches. Uoling ULe/ if fe — Hallas aes WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS meee AMERICAN 1833-1905 “MOONLIGHT MARINE _ Emerging from a bank of clouds, the moon at full, lights up the quietly incoming waves of the sea at ebb, gently invading a sandy beach on the left; a few gulls about. ranvas, oil. Signed at the left. Height, 12 inches; length, 22 nches. G. AMES ALDRICH AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY SNOW SCENE | n old brick house lit up by the late afternoon sun is reflected in __ the limpid waters of the mill pond in the foreground; the banks and field are white with snow with a few frees scattered about. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 30 inches; length, 4G WILLIAM MERRITT POST AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY 7 TE AUTUMN LANDSCAPE A stream winds its zigzag way emerging as a wide body in the ae ght foreground, the banks alternating in brown shrubbery and _ green beds of grass with slender trees bereft of foliage silhouetted against a gray cloud flecked sky. anvas, oil. Signed at the left. Height, 14 Anches; length, 22 CO bin Yicve- r) ash (CpH. Calver _ ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. ae AMERICAN 1847-1916 .NDSCAPE te evening effect with the pale rising moon near the horizon, a ly of water in the right distance, a cliff on the left with a cottage ~ a couple of cows in the foreground. nvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Height, 74 inches; length, imches. : Owner, Mrs..C. H. Culver 74, We GUY: C]WiIGGINe AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY PIFTH AVENUE SCENE The artist has pictured Fifth Avenue looking south from Forty- second Street, showing the Public Library on the right during a snowstorm, while a street cleaning squad and numerous figures are struggling against the overwhelming fall of snow. Many flags and banners add to the picturesque effect. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 inches, length, 24 mches. 26 Pe i fou i THOMAS SIDNEY COOPER, N.A. ENGLISH 1803-1902 75. CATTLE AND SHEEP Bs : ee f, A number of sheep and a speckled cow are lazily reclining on the Mi greensward in the center, a brown cow and a sheep toward the ; [ “i aaa right, flat country stretching far out to the horizon with a village Be on the left, creamy cloud effect with an expanse of blue sky. BY Canvas, oil. Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches. > Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver Ly : ’ - : 2 7 70. / Almas bo- "a FRANK DE HAVEN, A.NaeS AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE A brook zigzags its way through a wooded country of tall trees in the golden foliage of autumn. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches. ; FRANCIS C. JONES AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY . THE FISHERMAN An old fisherman and a youth are pulling in a net from a small boat anchored in deep water and examining the catch; tranquil water and pale blue sky effect. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; length, 32 imches. J. ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY STILL LIFE; GAME A brace of pheasants and a grouse placed on a large pewter platter. Panel, oil. Signed with wmitials “J. A. W.’89” at upper eft. Herght, 18 inches; length, 30 inches GEORGE HH. SMILE AMERICAN . A SONG OF SUMMER A row of pollard willows and poplars border a small brook which traverses the countryside, while ducks are seen in the foreground and distance and birds in the air; blue and cream flaky sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches. CHARLES ROULLO PEI AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY SNOW: SCENE A tranquil stream in the foreground mirroring the barn and farm- house on its bank with a few pollard trees, sunset sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 16% inches; length, 21 inches. 28 .N BAPTISTE ANTOINE GUILLEMINET ane FRENCH CONTEMPORARY 31. IN THE HENNERY | ltt the corner of a farmyard a hen is surrounded by her brood, the cock and peacock, as well as hens, ducks and doves, add to the general interest. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. ALBERTO PASINI ITALIAN 1826-1899 OUNCIL OF CHIEFS | efore a cluster of date palms three men in oriental garb, mounted _ and armed, are being addressed by an armed man afoot; a tall palm mong a group of huts in the background. Panel, oil. Signed and dated “’71” at lower right, Height, 11 ee : width, 9 inches. aa ta ay ee os P. MASSANI ITALIAN SCHOOL HE MUSICIAN bright attire, with a violin under his arm, a musician is smil- ly scanning the score on a stand; a table and books at the right. Canvas, oil. Signed at upper right. Height, 1114 inches; "Dt GUSTAVE JEAN JACQUET (OA | FRENCH 1846-1909 D OF A GIRL ad and shoulders of an attractive young girl at three-quarters, rer head a black velvet toque, a spray of diamonds in her ashen e hair. l, oil. Signed at middle left. Height, 1234 inches; width, ? ICENT JEAN BAPTISTE CHEVILLIARD Aves FRENCH 1841-1905 > RECTORY BARBER n old priest is sitting at his study table holding the shaving basin. r his chin while the barber standing behind is preparing to mmence operations; shaving utensils on the table as well as ks and objects of art breathe an air of comfort. oard, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; width, 29 Lad Zz 86. 87. 88. yyo- 89. Heke Mies AMERICAN DUTGH VILLAGE SCI In the rear of the old church flanked by a thatched barn, a brook traverses a green frequented by a flock of geese who prepare to cross the old wooden bridge at the approach of a peasant woman carrying two vessels; gray sky with touches of blue. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Height, 32 inches; width, 22 mches. JEAN FRANCOIS PORTE BELGIAN 1816-1895 FLEMISH BELLE Head and shoulders of a dark-haired young woman in gold em- broidered red velvet cap and pearl gray satin gown with ornaments. Panel, oil. Signed at upper left. Height, 10% mches; width, 9 inches. JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH 1824-1911 HOMEWARD A peasant woman and little girl are plodding wearily along a coun- try lane while a couple of low thatched cottages appear on the left; evening effect. | Panel, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; length, 15% inches. R. “Ay BLAKE LOGS AMERICAN 1847— INDIAN ENCAMPMENT . Afternoon effect with a border of trees in the middle ground, on the left in high relief a number of tents, Indians and a horse; pale blue and cream sky against which the trees are silhouetted in a lacy design. : Panel, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 17 inches; length, 29 inches. Owner, Mrs. C.” Hie Calves 30 H. TEXEIRA DE MATTOS DUTCH CONTEMPORARY INTERIOR WITH FIGURE An old lady in peasant costume is peeling potatoes in the corner of a quaint Dutch kitchen with red-tiled floor while various culi- nary utensils are on a table at the left. 2 Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 17V% inches. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Culver aNd cals FREDERIC J. WAUGH AMERICAN 1861— MARINE ; A choppy sea is sending breakers dashing against a rocky shore throwing their drift high up and then eddying hither and thither for a final resting place; purple gray and lemon tinted sky. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 mches; length, 26 inches. eae Owner, Mrs. C. “i aiven eee oe w5. 94. / 2S. ed Sh ~ GEORGE INNESS AMERICAN 1825-1894 . VIEW IN ROME AT SUNSET st. Peter’s dome is seen in the distance with the Castle of St. Angelo at the right and a bridge crossing the Tiber in the fore- ground. Canvas, oil. Signed at the left. Height, 30 inches; Jength, 40 inches. “ - PF pe fi, Cathy Ga THEODORE VERSTRAETE AND C. VAN LEEMPUTTEN BELGIAN SCHOOL POREBST SCHNE WITH SHEPHERD AND SHEEP A number of sheep are scattered about browsing on the heavy green moss amongst giant trees while the shepherd and his dog stand sentinel in the left middle ground. Canvas, oil. Signed at the lower right. Height, 21 inches: length, 31 inches. Declaration of authorship on the back of’canvas. . A 0K WV PAARL ES Pe GRUPPE AMERICAN 1860— BEHIND THE SCENES A ballet dancer in pink costume is demurely leaning against a scene at the right while a couple of dancers are in the background. Water color. Signed at the left. Height, 23 inches; width, 171% mches, Sn f Yb C ( ) GABRIEL MAX GERMAN 1840— HEAD OF A GIRL Head and shoulders of a fair young woman in plain black dress with deep collar, a touch of white undergarment at the throat and a rose at her bosom. Canvas, oil. Signed at lower left. Height, 19 inches: width, 15% inches, / y | ath me Ode SSHER SB DURAND, N-Ay. (Ff) AMERICAN 1796-1886 UP THE HUDSON RIVER A broad expanse of country dotted with villages, the river is just visible in the middle ground and a couple of figures are seen on the ridge in the foreground. ; ae, a / Canvas, oil. Height, 21 inches; length, 28 inches. Pes yy FT OATRAL bd 47 33 — ™ ve 4o~ 98. o9 7 100. “WAN DSOCABE DANIEL HUNTINGTON, P.N. 4. AMERICAN 1816— PORTRAIT STUDY OF A LADY A young woman at three-quarters figure, life size, se bodice with gilt braid ornaments at the shoulders a girdle at the waist is intently reading a letter; garde Canvas, oil. Signed and dated at left 1885. Heig width, 29 inches. » FREDERIC ]> WAU Ges AMERICAN 1861— NOVEMBER MOON & A broad expanse of stubble with a few leafless irecead i brush take up the foreground while a row of pine tr from the left to the middle distance; the rising moo full near the horizon in a hazy gray sky. Canvas, oil. Signed and dated Philadelphia 1885” at lower ight. Height, 36 inches; length, 66 inches. = : WILLIAM HENRY HILEARS a AMERICAN 1836— : SADDLE, BACK MOUM TAG A stream passes through the center of sharp sloping g hills in autumn coloring at both sides with Saddle Ba looming up in the distance; quiet blue sky with fleecy Canvas, otl. Signed at lower right. Height, 24 inche inches. | [BE JEROME ELWHEE AUTUMN LANDSCAPE ; Cradled panel, oil. Signed and inscribed 10, ’76. Height, 1 lenght, 21 wches. . < Bayo Bie A stream in the foreground, cattle on a road beyond; also ; a farn house and tree groups. Coes: oil. ROHp ee Height, 10 hee ene 14 in = a ra % TACOUES <6 Oia i aL BORGOGNONE) FRENCH, 1621- 1676 BATTLE SCENE | ms The white charger characteristic of this master’s work ian t lacking Canvas, oil. Height, 12 inches; length, 21 mches. ; 34 GIRGENTI z {TALIAN SCHOOL INNOCENCE figures representing the winged Cupid at the side who holds a dove to her bosom; landscape background: l. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches Wet ROW EEL eer A GIRL half length portrait of a girl with heavy, dark hair, hanging the shoulders. , oil. Signed and inscribed 1860 at the lower right inches; width, 22 inches. PiATIAN SCHOOL mr LADY portrait of a noble lady, in low bodice, with a cape g her right shoulder, wearing several decorations. . Height, 31% inches; width, 26 inches ~- aa a i guatey iia: i) le 914-196